Samuel Hugh Hawkins diary, January-July 1877

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Monday January 1st. 1877
This being a legal holiday the Bank was closed But it being the day for Directors meeting, it was held. A Dividend of 4% for past six months was declared Weather extremely cold.

Tuesday Jany [January] 2nd
At 11.o'c. [o'clock] am attended meeting of Agricultural Society held in Court House. Capt [Captain] Cobb the president being absent I occupied his position This has been a busy day in Bank, Weather Continues cold. This being the eve of the election for County officers there is some stir on the part of those interested,

Wednesday Jany [January] 3rd
Very many people in town & much ado on part of aspirants & their friends, it being election day for County Officers. Have been fully occupied in Bank during the day. Went to Bank after tea, wrote many letters, among them one to S.C. Tennis West Baines of Minnesota, to incourage [encourage] immigration to this section.

Thursday Jany [January] 4
The price of Cotton having advanced some, much was put in the market & sold & a lively business transacted Lively demand for money on part of planters. Had an interview & understanding with Mr M Callaway in reference to the purchase of a part of T.M. Furlow farm, After tea attended prayer meeting, but few out. the weather being very inclement. Dr Cooper gave short but impressive talk on the scripture "our bodies the temple of the living God" see Corinthians VI.19 . & other references on same subject. The Election on 3rd resulted as follows.
For ordinary G.A. Brown rec'd [received] 1594 votes R.S. Windsor 581. JG Wallen 353
" [For] Sheriff J.W. Mize 1298 " [votes] JC Joiner 1245
" [For] Clk Sup'r [Clerk Superior] Court J.H. Allen 1667 " [votes] JL Price 873
" [For] Tax Receiver J.A. Daniel 2301 " [votes] AB Raiford 215
"" [For Tax] Collector A.C. Speer 1541 " [votes] S.E [C]. Glover 1002
" [For] Co [County] Treasurer HJ Williams 1558 " [votes] Jno [John] H Wynn 981
" [For] Co. [County] Surveyor N. Scarborough 2067 " [votes] For Coroner WW Guerry 2047

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Friday Jany [January] 5th
Weather Cloudy & Cold. Filed bill on Nussbaum & Dannonbergh of Macon Ga. [Georgia] who claimed to have purchased and had moved out the stock of my tenant L.B. Frank, during last night. F. being my tenant & in arrears I filed bill & procured Injunction of Judge Clark to restrain the moving of the stock of goods, which were then on Car & about ready to move By this action I secured a favorable Compromise The tendency in the price of Cotton being upwards gives impetus to business.

Cousin Dolly Fletcher being down on visit & desiring to leave for her home in Monroe. I attended her to train about 12 o'clock at night.

Saturday Jany [January] 6th
Procured names of number of persons to petition asking legislature to enact that County Treasurer pay James W. Furlow $1000 for valuable [added text: extra] Services rendered County as Commissioner during 1873 1874 1875 & 1876,

Cotton being buoyant business is brisk. It advanced from 1/2 to 3/4 cent to-day [today] this owing to large decrease in receipts & information favorable to the early adjustment of the Eastern war question between Russia & Turkey

An Election for Justice of the Peace & Constable was held to-day [today]. On 7th Nov. [November] last an election for President was held: in Decr [December] one for Mayor, on 3rd inst. [instant] one for Co [County] officers, These elections have been warmly Contested, The demoralizing effects of these are perceptible in morals labor & business & therefore it is gratifying that they are over for the present. Cloudy Misty & Cold.

Sunday Jany [January] 7th
Attended Sunday School. Rev [Reverend] MB Wharton preached an excellent new Year's Sermon Ephesians V.15 & 16 verses . This sermon was highly interesting & instructive. It was the first I have heard Mr W. preach Attended church & heard sermon by Dr Cooper at night Weather

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Monday Jany [January] 8.
Weather Continues inclement Rev [Reverend] MB. Wharton spends the night with us. At his request I give my notes for $80.00 [deleted text: 0] [deleted text: more] to [deleted text: Mercer University] [added text: Greenway Seminary], having paid him $20 in cash This was a donation.

Tuesday Jany [January] 9th
Weather Cold & Cloudy, At Stock-holders [Stockholders] meeting of first National Bank for the election of Directors, the names of R.T. Byrd & several other leading Directors were left off, This change gives the presidency of the Bank to A.C. Bell & causes quite a sensation

Wednesday Jany [January] 10th.
This morning the frost was almost like a snow, We have had a long protracted time of severely Cold weather the Coldest known in this latitude in 30 yrs [years] Was reminded by Mrs H & children on my return to-night [tonight] that this is the anniversary of my birth & that I am 4[deleted text: 1] [added text: 2] yrs [years] old. How swiftly time flies & how age creeps on a person.

Thursday Jany [January] 11th.
Nothing of interest transpiring Attended prayer meeting at night

Friday Jany [January] 12.
Nothing of interest transpired

Saturday " [January]
"""" [Nothing of interest transpired]

Sunday Jany [January] 14th.
Attended Sunday School & preaching afterwards Weather very inclement, Conference adopted resolution of Committee in reference to Rev [Reverend] AB Campbell, Visited Mr JW Furlow & W.W. Willet this p.m. & attended preaching to-night [tonight]

Monday Jany [January] 15th.
Nothing of interest transpired, Had understanding with M. Callaway to visit T. M. Furlow's place to-morrow [tomorrow]

Tuesday Jany [January] 16th.
In Company with M. Callaway went to Maj [Major] Furlow's 14 miles rode over farm, returned to dinner at 3 pm left for home at 4 & reached home at 8 pm

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Wednesday Jany [January] 17th.
Met Mr Callaway & agreed with him upon terms of purchase of part of Maj [Major] Furlow's place. viz [vis--vis] some 1000 to 1300 acres at $4 m [thousand] as follows $1500 cash to be paid JW Wheatley & Co [Company] $2500 to be paid SWRR'd [Rail Road] Co [Company] 1 Jany [January] 1878 & Int [interest] 7% thereon for 12 months in advance

Thursday Jany [January] 18th.
Met M Callaway & S. C Elam attorney for JW Wheatley & Co [Company] & the S.W.R.Rd [Rail Road] Co. [Company] received transfer of Mortgage [unclear text: fifa] Wheatley & Co [Company] vs Furlow & paid them for same $1500 Took R.R. [Rail Road] obligation to accept $2500 for same by Jany [January] 1st 1878 & paid them $175. it being interest on $2500 for 12 mos. [months] After this made written contract with P.A. Jackson to farm with him the present year on this place, Weather very inclement did not attend prayer meeting

Friday Jany [January]
Attended to usual business in office. Demand for money good. Nothing of interest transpiring

Saturday Jany [January] 20th.
Business very engaging during the day

Sunday Jany [January] 21.
Attended Sunday School at usual hour & preaching by Dr Cooper also at usual hour. Morning inclement evening rainy no service at night

Monday Jany [January] 22.
Rain falls freely during the day

Tuesday Jany [January] 23.
Rain Continues during most of the day

Wednesday Jany [January] 24.
Weather Clear this very acceptable after weeks of cloudy & rainy weather. News reached us of the re-appointment [reappointment] of Judge Clark to be Judge of S.W. Circuit

Thursday Jany [January] 25.
Mr S [deleted text: J] [added text: T.] Jenkins spends night with us attended prayer meeting

Friday Jany [January] 26.
Attended to business in office am. Went to Shackleford

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place with M Callaway & Mr S.T. Jenkins returned near night. Mr J. spends night with us.

Saturday Jany [January] 27.
Quite busily engaged in office, In my absence yesterday news came of the election of B.H. Hill to U.S. Senate & also of the passage of the election Counting bill by the House of Representatives of the U.S. Mr Jenkins left to-day [today] for Albany.

Sunday Jany [January] 28th.
Attended Sunday School, preaching & Conference Elected. James B. Durin Clerk, H.T. Davenport Treasurer for the next month. Attended preaching this evening Jno [John] L. Matthews spent portion of evening with me. Visited Dr WW Barlow this evening

Monday Jany [January] 29.
Left home at 8.o.c [o'clock] am, Mrs Hawkins accompanying me to JL Matthews place reached JH Pope place in Lee at 12 O'C.m. [o'clock midnight] Judge Stokes whom I was to meet here at 10 O'C [o'clock] had just left but a short time Looked over Pope place returned by night. Jno [John] LM & Y.A. Herndon having been to see the place owned by Bank & known as Adams place, spent night with us

Tuesday Jany [January] 30th.
Mr AL Rees book-keeper [bookkeeper] in Bank being sick & I having to fill his place am very busy

Wednesday Jany [January]
Business in Bank engages my attention closely. Judge Stokes Leesburgh spend night with me

Thursday Feby [February] 1.
Mr Rees book-keeper [bookkeeper] in Bank Continues sick. In his absence the press of business is unusually great

Friday Feby [February] 2nd.
Closely engaged in Bank. Mrs GF Cooper was thought to be dying during the evening

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Saturday Feby [February] 3.
Closely engaged in business during whole day. Mrs Cooper a little improved.

Sunday Feby [February] 4.
The morning was very inclement. so much so that few people attended Sunday School & not enough to have preaching. At night Rev [Reverend] J.H. Corley preached a fine sermon & spent night with us.

Monday Feby [February] 5th.
Mr Rees Continuing sick I secured the services of Mr Charley T. Furlow to take his place gave orders for stationery. Mr JW. Furlow spent an hour or two with me after supper.

Tuesday Feby [February] 6.
Day spent in attending to usual business about Bank.

Wednesday Feby [February] 7.
Have been Closely engaged in Bank during the day

Thursday Feby [February] 8.
Attended to usual business during the day.

Friday Feby [February] 9.
Mr N. Scarborough went with me to Adams place, some 13. mls [miles] returned at 7 o'clock pm

Saturday Feby [February] 10.
Business in Bank occupied my time fully during the day, Received news that the grand election Commission had counted Fla [Florida] for R.B Hayes.

Sunday Feby [February] 11
Attended Sabbath School. Rev [Reverend] Mr Corley preached us a good sermon Mr & Mrs. Herndon dined & spent evening with us. Visited Dr W.W. Barlow this p.m.

Monday Feby [February] 12
Mr Rees Continues too unwell to attend to his duties in The Bank. Much disappointment

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is manifested at the partisan action of the supreme Court judges on the grand Commission to Count the electoral vote.

Tuesday Feby [February] 13. 77.
Had Irish potatoes planted yesterday, Covering of Hot-house [Hothouse] (cloth) abstracted last night Weather for many days having been pleasant vegetation exhibits signs of life. Some few peach blooms may be seen. It is the general impression that the grand commission will Count Hay's in, however dishonest it may be to do so.

Wednesday Feby [February] 14.
There is much speculation as to what will be the final decision of the grand commission at Washington, the general impression being that the judgment will give Louisiana to Hays, which will give him the Presidency by the forms of law but in total disregard of the majority of the votes polled.

Weather very Cold & rainy. Jno [John] L. Matthews spends night with us.

Thursday Feby [February] 15.
Mrs Dr G.F. Cooper died last night after a long & painful illness of Consumption. She was a most excellent christian lady & will be greatly missed both by family & friends. Weather Continues Cold & rainy

Friday Feby [February] 16.
At 10 1/2 [10:30] a.m. attended funeral services of Mrs Cooper at Baptist church by Rev [Reverend] JH. Corley. His theme was the resurrection & he handled it beautifully, At the grave Rev [Reverend] T.T. Christian of the Methodist church made some appropriate remarks & closed with prayer

Weather Cold & Cloudy. business brisk in our line

Saturday Feby [February] 17.
Attended to usual business in & about Bank. JL Matthews passed returning home. Some 350 Colored people having left this section during the past & present month with emigrant agents seek here from

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the west for them, it has become a matter of deep interest to the people of this section that this should be stopped. Mr WB Harrald & I have indeavored [endeavored] to devise means to stop this exodus. The papers of to-day [today] bear the news that the grand Commission at Washington by a vote of 8 to 7, being strickly [strictly] a party vote, have decided that the vote of La. [Louisiana] should be counted for Hayes. Many of our people had hope to the last, that, Tilden would be Counted in. So thoroughly are our people impressed with the idea, that Mr Tilden is the first patriot & Statesman in the Country, that, they take his wrongful & unjustifiable defeat hard.

Sunday Feby [February] 18.
Attended Sunday School this a.m. & preaching thereafter, hearing a fine sermon from Rev [Reverend] J.H.Corley of Dawson in Scripture 2 Peter 3. Ch 1 to 12 v. inclusive , At night he preached another good sermon from [added text: 1st] Timothy IC. 15 V . "This is a faithful saying & worthy of all acceptation, that christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners: of whom I am chief." This scripture should Commend itself to all.

Monday Feby [February] 19.
Adjourned Term of Superior Court sat to-day [today], Emmigrant [Emigrant] agents from West having enticed away some 400 of the Colored people of this section & many of these under Contracts to labor here for the year, some of the planters & people are interesting themselves to stop these agents, & well they may be doing this. for if not impeded the Country very soon will be exceeding scarce of labor

[deleted text: Friday] [added text: Tuesday] Feby [February] 20.
Spent a.m. in Bank & at usual business. Visited Mr Herndon's p.m. in Company with Mrs H.

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Wednesday Feby [February] 21.
Papers report the Count by the Commission to have reached Nevada. The Count of states has been made in Alphabetical order, When the Count of La. [Louisiana] was made for Hayes it was considered as Conclusive of the result.

I informed Dr Cooper that we had nearly made up his salary to $1500. to serve the church the present year & that we thought it could be made up & thereupon he accepted the call of the church.

Our little Willie 9 yrs [years] old spoke to me about joining the church, this is incouraging [encouraging] He has recently been much in Company with little George Cooper who is a member of the church & Willie had probably received incouragement [encouragement] from him.

Thursday Feby [February] 22.
The Grand Commission is Considering the counting of the vote of Oregon & seem determined to Count in Hayes, Attended prayer meeting to-night [tonight]. weather inclement

Friday Feby [February] 23.
Rain last night clear this a.m but raining again at night. Some anxiety manifested to ascertain the vote of the grand Commission in Oregon; but generally believed they will vote as they have done in the past, as a partisan band

Saturday Feby [February] 24.
Business occupied my time during the day. Nothing of peculiar interest transpired

Sunday Feby [February] 25.
Attended Sunday School at 9.a.m & church at 11. a.m. & 7 pm hearing Dr. Cooper preach: Conference after preaching a.m.

Monday Feby [February] 26.
Spent day at usual business in office

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Tuesday Feby [February] 27.
Attended to usual business in office

Wednesday Feby [February] 28.
Spent day in office

Thursday March 1.
Shocked at the intelegence [intelligence] this morning of the sudden death of Mrs Ezekiel [Ezekial] Taylor, which occurred last night, On yesterday the news reached town that Mrs T.M Merritt had died suddenly. She was buried at 2 pm quite a heavy rain falling at the time, She left two babes & some fine children this makes her loss irreperable

Friday Mch [March] 2nd.
At 9. a.m. the funeral services of Mrs E. Taylor came off. they were largely attended, Attended in office.

Saturday March 3.rd
Am quite closely engaged during the day

Sunday Mch [March] 4.
Attended Sunday School at 9. am & preaching at 11. Dr Cooper preaching & again at night Visited Wm [William] Hooks & Dr W.W. Barlow this p.m.

Monday Mch [March] 5.
Attended to usual business in morning & until 4 pm, when in Company with W.A Wilson, A.A. Adams & J.H. Black I take train to attend agricultural Convention at Milledgeville, which sits there on 6th. having been appointed as delegates by the agricultural society of Sumter Co. Spend night at Brown Hotel Macon, Ga. [Georgia]

Tuesday March 6.
Leave Macon at 730 in Central R.R'd [Rail Road] take branch at Gordon, arrive at Millegeville [Milledgeville]

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at 9.30 & repair in Company with Adams Wilson & Capt [Captain] Morely to Dr W.A. Jarrett's being assigned to stop with him during the sitting of the Convention. Soon we went to Capital Building where the Convention was called to order at 10. o'clock by Gov [Governor] A.H. Colquitt its retiring president
Col. Wm [Colonel William] McKinley gave the Convention a hearty welcome in appropriate remarks. Just back of the Speakers Chair in Representative Hall was the motto in prominent letters "Welcome to the Hall your fathers built"

Col. Thos. [Colonel Thomas] Hardeman Jr the newly elected President of the Convention was soon installed into office & made a very appropriate & forcible speech & so did Gov [Governor] Colquitt on retiring.

Wednesday March 7.
Had fine essays from Dr J.S. Stevens of Leesburgh yesterday, Dr WL Jones of Athens & Mr Bircksman of Augusta & others to-day [today]. The report from experimental farm yesterday by Prof [Professor] E.M. Pendleton was quite interesting, Col [Colonel] Samuel Barnett gave an interesting address to-day [today], subject, "Does farming in Ga [Georgia] pay" Essay read to-day [today] by J.N. Montgomery on "Improved agricultural implements & farm machinery" I omitted to state that on yesterday we had a very interesting article from Prof [Professor] White on "Forms of Phosphoric acid available as plant food." Experience meeting to-night [tonight] was quite interesting.

I presented to the Convention this evening an invitation from the mayor & city Council of Americus, to hold next Convention here, but finally withdrew the application with the tacit understanding that the next February session of the Convention shall be held here.

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Thursday March 8.
Convention met at usual hour 9 am & transacted some important business, Adjorned [Adjourned] about 11 1/2 o.clock [o'clock] Col [Colonel] Hardeman delivering a fine parting address. Returning to Dr Jarretts I took dinner & thence taking my leave of our Host by whom we had been so hospitably entertained, I repaired to Depot. The good people of Millegeville [Milledgeville] vied with each other in extending voluntary Hospitalities to the Delegates of this Convention. At 330 pm our train left for Macon. We spent night at Macon. Considerable rain & quite a storm came during the night

Friday March 9.
Left Macon at 830 for Americus reached home at noon found all well spent evening in Bank.

Saturday March 10.
Considerable ice this morning. we fear Young fruit is entirely killed. Have had several white frosts this week

Sunday March 11.
Attended Sunday School at 9. preaching at 11. am & preaching again at 7 1/2 pm by Dr Cooper

Monday March 12th.
Attended to usual business

Tuesday March 13.
Attended to business in Bank until 10. a.m & then attended meeting of Agricultural society, & immediately thereafter a meeting of Horticultural Society

Wednesday March 14.
Attended to usual business in Bank Rec'd [Received] to-day [today] 5. Le Count Pear rootletts [rootlets] some 4 or 5

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feet in length from H.H. Sanford Thomasville Ga [Georgia], three of which have planted in blue grass plat at right of Dwelling front, other two given to W.A. Wilson & A.A. Adams. Have also planted this winter some 86 apple graftings in lot north of Dwelling & some 336 peaches & 10 each Scuppernong, Thomas & Flowers grape in lot back of my garden

Thursday March 15
Mrs H. had chill in am & fever during evening sent for but failed to get Dr Cooper, Later Mrs H. became quieter,

Had near a grit of anvil or iron dust & table spoon ful [tablespoonful] of sulphur [sulfur] powders placed about roots of fruit trees to destroy borers & curculeoes [curculios].

Friday March 16
Called to see Dr. C. in reference to Mrs H's condition, she being much improved, rec'd [received] his prescription, Rev. [Reverend] Mr Jno [John] P. Duncan spends night with us.

Saturday March 17.
At 10. o'clock am attended meeting of Ex. Com [Executive Committee] of Agricultural society & to usual office business in afternoon

Sunday March 18.
Attended Sunday School in am & preaching, also preaching in evening. Dr Cooper preaching on both occasions

Monday March 19.
Attended to usual business during day

Tuesday March 20.
Engaged in Bank during day. Nothing of interest transpiring,

Wednesday Mch [March] 21.
Left early for Preston Court, Reached there in rain at 11. o'clock am, Went home & spent night with Alexr [Alexander] Chappell

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Thursday March 22
Attended Court at Preston, tried case Bank of Americus vs W.C. Stalling's prin [principle] W.F. Spann endorser, verdicts rendered for plff [plaintiff]. Returned home this evening & found family well

Friday Mch [March] 23rd
Attended to usual business in Bank, nothing of unusual interest transpiring

Saturday Mch [March] 24
My time was occupied in Bank during the day. Shepperd a colored Emigrant agent having returned to get up labor for La. [Louisiana] Mr Harrold & I gave some consideration to plans by which we should get rid of him

Sunday Mch [March] 25.
Willie & I went out to attend Sunday School, but the rain had been incessant & no other person Came out. The rain was Constant through the day. so that there was no church service

Monday Mch [March] 26.
Attended to usual business, Mr H & I sent out notices of meeting of Citizens to-morrow [tomorrow] to adopt means to stop emigrant agents from tampering illegally with the labor of the Country

Tuesday Mch [March] 27.
Quite a large attendance of citizens met at Court House at 11. o'c. [o'clock] am & clearly manifested a determination to stop emigrant agents from operating in this Country, A Committee of seven were appointed to wait on Sheppard & they did so & reported allowing him some 2 days to get off with 15 persons who had already been recruited. It was with Considerable dificulty [difficulty] we could get this report adopted

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Wednesday Mch [March] 28.
Attended to usual business in Bank. At noon Hon S.S. Cox of N.Y. [New York] arrived. His attendance to deliver lecture to-night [tonight] for benefit of wide awake Fire Co. [Company] had been arranged for in advance, At 8 1/2 pm. Mr Will Hawks introduced the Hon gentleman in a very appropriate speech, The speaker enchained his auditory for near two hours on the subject. "Irish humor"

The Hon Mr Cox for 14 yrs [years] in the Congress of the United States, having maintained Constitutional principles, the people here very naturally manifested much admiration of him

Thursday Mar [March] 29.
Quite a number of our Citizens were at Depot to-day [today] to see Mr Cox take his leave.

Mrs H. left this am with her bro [brother] JLM, to spend week in Marion Co. Attended prayer meeting this evening

Friday Mch [March] 30th.
Attended to usual business at Bank Col [Colonel] Cutts & J.H. Black waited on me to request that I should be a Candidate for the Constitutional Convention Called by a late act of the legislature; which of course I could not Consent to do.

Saturday Mch. [March] 31.
Went with Mr Loyless to examine his lands on Muckalee Creek near Americus, Attended to usual business during the day

Sunday April 1
Attended Sunday School & afterwards preaching, Dr Cooper gave a fine discourse Visited at Mr Herndon's with children & spent evening, Attended preaching to-night [tonight]. The little child Annie daughter of J.B. Felder died to-day [today], This bereavement is the sadder, it being the third child lost within 18 months

Monday April 2.
Attended to usual business in Bank

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Finance Com [Committee] of Church met at J.A. Kendricks House & transacted some business of importance, present Wheatley. Callaway. Davenport. Windson & myself.

Tuesday April 3rd.
Attended to usual business in Bank a.m. At 1 pm Mr H. & Mr Brit Davis arrive from Marion Co. [County] Mrs H. having been there on visit several days. The children attended Easter pic-nic [picnic] to-day [today], at 130 pm the Agricultural society of the Co. [County] met in Court House I presiding in the absence of J.A. Cobb president. The sission [session] lasted some 2 or 3 hours. Mr A.A. Adams read an article on Farm Stock raising, Mr R.J. Hill had prepared & had one read on same subject. Dr W.J. Reese one in Fruit Culture Many practical addresses were delivered, this was regarded as the most interesting meeting the society has had

Wednesday April 4
The papers to-day [today] Contained order from President Hayes to Gen'l [General] Ruger at Columbia S.C. [South Carolina] ordering U.S. [United States] troops from State House, where they had previously been stationed by President Grant. This leaves Gov [Governor] Wade Hampton master of the situation This news is joyful beyond measure to the people of S.C. [South Carolina] & the whole South highly appreciate it. Mrs JL Matthews & B.W. Davis dined with us

Thursday April 5.
Attended to usual business during the day. Our prayer meeting this evening was unusually well attended & interesting

Friday April 6.
Attended to usual business until 4. p.m.

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Attended to usual business this p.m. In Company with Jeff Black & others went to Capt [Captain] Adderton's to witness a tist [test] of the Bell Cultivater. was rather favorably impressed with proper management am inclined to think the plan can be made a success.

Saturday April 7.
Attended to usual business in Bank to-day [today]. Buchanan & Bro [Brothers] & I purchased the patent right to make & rend Bell's Cultivator for the Counties of Schley Macon. Dooly, Sumter & Lee.

Executive Committees of Democratic party of Schley Macon & Sumter met at Americus to-day [today] to confer on questions relating to the candidates for the Constitutional Convention from this district.

Sunday April 8.
Rain fall last night 1 65/100 inches. Considerable wind, Quite a number of water fowls thought by some to be sea fowls are to be found they were brought by storm last night. There was also quite a shower of grass-hoppers [grashhoppers] last night, This phenomenon is much commented on by our people ~ their speculations are various as to the cause producing them. Not a few apprehend a plague from these visitors, Attended Sunday school & afterwards preaching by Dr Cooper,

At 1 O'C [o'clock] pm we had another storm of rain accompanied by hail the heaviest hail I ever saw. Attended a lecture at 8 p.m. by Rev [Reverend]. Coneson Memphis Tenn [Tennessee]

Monday April 9.
Called on Rev [Reverend] Coneson & paid him for new revision of new testament & Genesis Attended to usual business in Bank. Late in evening prepared petition to Grand Jury

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asking them to recommend to County Commissioners to pay J.W. Furlow $400. for extra services as Co. Com. [County Commissioner]

Tuesday April 10th.
Attended to usual business in Bank Carried round petition prepared yesterday & procured large number of names thereto, Our Graham [added text: offers] the Avery Walking Cultivator for sale the first time it was offered in Americus

Wednesday April 11.
Attended to usual business in Bank. After leave of the grand Jury I appeared before them, read a petition numerously signed & in the spirit of the petition argued that the Jury should recommend the Co. Com. [County Commission] to pay JW. Furlow $400. for his extra services per annum

Thursday April 12.
Accepted proposition of J.H. James to sell Bank of Americus $14 m Smith's Ga. 7% bonds having 15 to 19 yrs [years] to run at 108 1/2 July & January Coupons

Attended to usual business in Bank The [deleted text: morning] [added text: evening] being quite rainy I did not attend prayer meeting

Friday April 13.
Attended to usual business in Bank, The day is unusually cold for this season, Weather so cold that fears are entertained that vegetation will suffer to-night [tonight]

Saturday April 14.
Weather somewhat moderated. Clouds gradually passed off & the day comparatively pleasant. Grand Jury in general presentments approve Co. Com [County Commission] in employing J.W. Furlow & express willing

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to abide their discretion in the [unclear text: premises]

Sunday April 15.
Beautiful day, attended Sunday school also preaching by Dr Cooper sermon on missions made up from Congregation $37. besides special subscriptions from members these funds to be sent to Ga. state convention to convene at Gainesville in 19th inst [instant]

Attended church preaching by Dr Cooper at 8 pm, S.K. Taylor spent several hours with me this evening

Monday April 16.
Attended to usual business in Bank Heard this evening that Mr James Carraway's wife of this Co. [County] was killed this am by a negro

Tuesday April 17.
Attended to usual business in Bank At 12 O.C. m. [o'clock midnight] the negro that killed Mrs Carraway was brought in & put in Jail. Great must have been the forbearance of the neighbors of Mr Carraway that they permitted this negro to be brought to Jail alive. When he was brought into town an effort to take his life was made on the part of indignant citizens which was defeated, The circumstances of the murder of Mrs C. were most agravating [aggravating], Procured to-day [today] from the Judge of the Superior Court order, chartering the Fair association of Americus

Wednesday April 18
Mr Herndon, Mr Clay, who lives on & has charge of the Huguenon [Huguenin] places in my Company left for Furlow place; reaching there at 11 o'c. [o'clock] a.m we rode over the farm before dinner, After dinner Mr C left for home & Mr H & I for the Phil West place in the River in Lee Co

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After looking over it we went for our farm, looked over it & spent the night there.

Thursday April 19.
Left for home via Phil West home place Gardiner places & thence up the Muckalee Creek Took dinner with Ike Wiggins on JL Matthews place, Reached home before night found all well, Learned that Mrs Carraway did not die until yesterday at 4 O'C [o'clock] pm & that preparations are made for the trial of the murderer to-morrow [tomorrow]

Friday April 20th.
Attended to usual business in Bank, This being the day set for the trial of Charles Tommy who murdered Mrs Carraway on 16th inst [instant], W.A. Hawkins N.A. Smith & Guerry & Son were assigned him as Council, The Jury was selected, the evidence received, the trial gone through with, verdict of guilty. rendered & sentence that deft [defendant] should be hanged on Friday 18th May next. This is speedy execution of the law.

Saturday April 21.
Spent day at ordinary business in Bank.

Sunday April 22
Attended Sunday School at 9.a.m. After service our Committee on pic-nic [picnic] (I chairman) reported that excursion to Macon would be had 11th May & that on same day if disuable [disusable] pic-nic [picnic] would be had at Magnolia Dell, Attended preaching at Methodist Church Dr Cooper being absent attending Ga State Convention,

Monday April 23rd.
Expected to go to Dooly this a.m. but when about to get off, some of the parties whom I wished to go over to see arrived in town, so that my trip was deferred until to-morrow [tomorrow].

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Tuesday April 24.
Left home early for Dooly Co. Crossed Flint river looked at certain lands, purchased by Bank from Mrs Lewis stopped a while with Mr Joiner then went to CC Clark; where I spent the night

Wednesday April 25.
Left Clark's early went to AG. Morgan's thence to pleasant's & Bar G. Morgans & thence back to AGM's where I dined, attended to certain business with him for Bank & left at 3. p.m. Stopped a short time at Drayton thence returned across river, stopped at our farm looking over it with Mr Brown went home & spent night with him

Thursday April 26.
Mr B & I went to river & fished large number of set hooks caught only three fish soon there after I left for home, reaching there at 1 pm I dined & thence went up town to Bank, At 25 minutes to 4 pm attended at Methodist Church & heard memorial address by Dr Hinkle. He acquitted himself very creditably

Friday April 27.
Attended to usual business in Bank. At 8 o'clock pm some dozen merchants & business men met & organized a protective association, by which they hope to keep informed of the Circumstances of their Customers.

Saturday April 28.
An acceptable [added text: & timely] rain fell this a.m. Quite a liberal demand for money to-day [today]

Sunday April 29.
Rain fell during night & continued to 9 a.m. Sunday school thinly attended Dr C. preached at usual hour morning & evening

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Monday April 30.
Attended to usual business in Bank, Held meeting of finance Com [Committee] of church this evening

Tuesday May. 1.
Attended to ordinary business in Bank. It being sale day there were a goodly number of people in town, Quite Cool [deleted text: though] [added text: but] no frost, though the Almanac speaks of frost as probable. Miss Babe Matthews & a Mr Fletcher were married to-day [today]. Mrs H & children attended.

Wednesday May 2.
Attended in Bank to ordinary duties

Thursday May 3.
Mr S.M Garrah Capt [Captain] Felder & I go early to Capt [Captain] F's farm to try Bell Cultivator It proves a success in plowing both sides of Young Cotton at [added text: same] [deleted text: a] time

Attended to business in Bank in evening & prayer meeting at night.

Mrs WD Haynes who was taken extremely ill last Sunday & had not been rational since, died at 8 o'clock this evening. This dispensation of Providence is terribly afflicting to the family; but they have the profound sympathy of the public

Friday May 4.
Went to W.W. Barlow's place to witness a test of Avery & Bell's Cultivators, Attended to usual business afterwards Rain Commenced falling at 12 o'clock & continued during the evening & until 9.o'c [o'clock] p.m. The funeral of Mrs H. sch [scheduled] for this evening was postponed until 9 am to-morrow [tomorrow].

Saturday May 5.
Attended to business in Bank until near

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9, a.m. thence went to Mr Haynes residence & from thence to the cemetary [cemetery], where Dr Cooper officiated in appropriate funeral services
A convention of the citizens of this militia District was held in Court House to-day [today] to elect delegates to Co. [County] Convention to be held here in 19th inst. [instant] the duty of which is to elect 12 delegates to a senatorial convention to be held here at later period. As I was informed after the meeting adjorned [adjourned], the following delegates were elected. viz [vis--vis] J.A. Ansley. JW Jordan Jr JL Adderton U.S. Lockett & myself.

Sunday May 6.
Attended Sunday school, the school voted unanimously in favor of going to Macon on Friday 11th inst [instant] with the Sunday school excursion pic nic [picnic] train, Dr Cooper preached a good sermon, This being the day for it we had communion, At night a blind man preached for us.

Monday May 7.
Attended to ordinary duties in Bank. At 5 p.m. attended a meeting of merchants, after tea went to call on Dr. Cooper, He being absent returning I called & spent an hour with Mr Hancock.

Tuesday May 8.
Agricultural society met in C.H. [Court House] at 10. o'c. [o'clock] a.m. W.A. Wilson V.P. [Vice President] presided. Cobb President not being present. Mr Wilson & JH Black read essays on rotation of Crops, The meeting was interesting.

Wednesday May 9.
Attended to ordinary duties of office. Received notice that Supreme Court of the U.S. had decided Case Stewart vs Root et al in favor of Stewart. The people here much gratified at this result

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Thursday May 10.
Attended to ordinary duties in Bank Preperations [Preparations] are making for Sunday school excursion to Macon to-morrow [tomorrow]

Friday May 11.
Went to Depot at 5 1/2 am in Company with Sallie Matthews Freddie Brooks Cora & Frank Herndon Maggie Swan Willie Hawkins & others to Macon bound The 7 coaches leaving here & 3 from Smithville were all crowded to utmost capacity. I remained at home being the only one in charge of the Bank, Attended funeral of Capt [Captain] Pursley's babe at 4 pm. Dr Cooper preached funeral, At 8 o'clock the time appointed for the arrival of the excursion train I was at depot, but the train was delayed & did not arrive until 11. pm

Saturday May 12.
Attended to usual duties in Bank. Genl [General] Cook in favor & Jno [John] R Worrill against Constitutional Convention. spoke to-day [today]

Sunday May 13.
Attended Sunday School & preaching, P.M. Mrs H. I & the children went to Mr Herndon's Mrs Herndon had an infant daughter born in 10th inst. [instant] Attended preaching at night

Monday May 14.
Attended to usual duties in Bank. A Chappell wife & three children came in & spent night with us.

Tuesday May 15.
Attended to usual business of Bank. At 2 O'Clock pm the Conservators of the Americus Fair association met to organize temporarily, which was done by electing me president AC Bell Secty. [Secretary] A.J Buchanan Treas. [Treasurer]

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Wednesday May 16.
Having rec'd [received] an invitation to attend Barbecue at Saddler's mill in Lee Co. I left at 7 o'clock in Company with Jno [John] W. Jordan Jr & Mr McCleskey & reached the store at 1020 [10:20], found quite a large number in attendance It proved a most pleasant occasion & was exceedingly Creditable to the neighborhood, In evening we returned by T.M. Furlow place & reached home at 8 p.m.

[deleted text: Thursday] [added text: Thursday] May 17.
Had meeting of Directors to consider request of GM Stokes for more aid, Attended to usual business in Bank

Friday May 18.
Attended to ordinary business in Bank

Saturday May 19.
Attended to business in Bank until 10. a.m. & then met in Court House Delegates from the various militia Dists [Districts] in the Co. [County] to appoint [deleted text: ed to m] Delegates (twelve in number) to meet Dist [District] Convention here on 26th to nominate Candidates to Constitutional Convention, The meeting elected 12 delegates & recommended the nomination of Dr G F Cooper T.M. Furlow & Jos [Joseph] B. Scott.

Sunday May 20.
Attended Sunday school & heard BF Tharp preach, Attended & heard Dr Tharp preach at night

Monday May 21.
Attended to usual business in Bank

Tuesday May 22.
Attended to business in Bank Purchased 2 berkshire pigs of Cozart of E. Tenn [Tennessee]

Wednesday May 23.
Attended to business in Bank until 11 am & then left with Sallie Matthews Freddie Brooks Jno [John] W. Jordan Jr Samuel Heys for Thomasville Fair to be held to-morrow [tomorrow]. Reached Thomasville at 6 pm, After tea visited Library association where have been accumulated some 1600 vols. [volumes] small museum. is attached, We stopped at Mitchell House

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Thursday May 24.
After breakfast went to Fair Ground. met Mr Joe Thomas & family. Dr Douglas & family. Mr Norris & family. Mr JB Buchanan & family formerly of this place, Met Capt [Captain] Davis President of the The Fair Mr McLendon the Secty. [Secretary] Col [Colonel] McIntyre Judge Alexander Judge [unclear text: Howell] Col [Colonel] Wright Judge Hopkins son-in-law of Col [Colonel] Jas [James] Seward Judge RH Hardaway, H.H. Sanford nurseryman, L.L. Varnudoe many other citizens of Thomasville, Welch. Tom Willingham Capt [Captain] Weston & others of Albany. The exhibition of Flowers was most beautiful that of vegetables & fruits far beyond my expectation cabbage weighing from 20 to 25 lbs [pounds] turnips from 10 to 12 lbs [pounds], beets 6 to 8 lbs [pounds] full grown squashes cucumbers & onions of large size ripe apples plums figs & cherries were among the articles put in exhibition, All went away apparently well pleased.

Friday May 25.
Left Thomasville early for home, intending to take breakfast at Camilla, but our crowd being large but few could get breakfast, so that most of us improvised a breakfast on crackers & sardines from a store. Arrived at Americus at noon, Spent evening in Bank, Attended ladies festival at Furlow's Lawn at night, Mr Jordan & I having brought with us from Thomasville Fair, a large number of fine vegetables of various kinds, we put them on exhibition to-night [tonight]. Large numbers were attracted to see them.

Saturday May 26.
Attended to business in Bank Nothing of interest transpired.

Sunday May 27.
Attended Sunday School. preaching by Dr Coopir [Cooper]. [sic] & Conference afterwards.

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Monday May 28.
Attended to usual business, Weather continues cool & dry

Tuesday May 29.
Attended to usual business in Bank. Weather continues Cool & dry.

Wednesday May 30.
Attended to usual business, Weather same,

Thursday May 31.
Attended to usual business, Schumpert Jordan & I Confer as to mode of getting up stock in Americus Fair association charter for which association was procured by me at the late session of the Superior Court of Sumter Co. [County]

Friday June 1st.
Attended to usual business in Bank, Had meeting of Ex. Com [Executive Committee] of Fair association & adopted a circular to be printed & circulated

Saturday June 2nd.
Attended to usual business in Bank Weather Cool & dry.

Sunday June 3.rd.
Attended Sunday School & preaching. P.m. read somewhat extensively in White's Statistics of Ga.

Monday June 4th.
Attended to usual business in Bank.

Tuesday June 5th.
Members of City Council, a number of citizens & I visited the Furlow Lawn & various other places supposed to be suitable for a Park & Fair ground This was done with a view to selecting a place which would be suitable for both a Park & Fair Ground. On this occasion Mess [Messieurs] Schumpert & Jordan & the members of the Council (of which however Mr Schumpert was a member) were a unit in favor of purchasing Furlow's lawn the City Council [deleted text: purchasing & paying] to pay a certain amount & the Americus Fair association to pay a certain amount & the property to be used for a Park & Fair Ground. Now it seemed as if there might be comparative unanimity in selecting the Lawn.

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Wednesday June
Went to U.B. Harrold's to witness the running of a patent reaper & was well pleased. Quite a number of citizens were out to witness this operation.

Thursday June
Attended to usual business in Bank to-day [today] & attended prayer meeting at night.

Friday June 8th.
JB Felder & I visited the Well. ground in front of Col. [Colonel] Davenport's & land on town creek belonging to Judge H.K. McCay in search of suitable Park or Fair Ground, having been appointed by City Council to make report on these places. Mrs Hawkins gave birth to a son at 11 1/2 o'clock p.m. Dr Cooper being in attendance.

Saturday June
Attended to usual business. I plucked some fine apples in garden of fine size.

Sunday June 10th.
A slow rain was falling this a.m. which continued through the fore noon & most of the after noon. so much so that Sunday school & church were not attended.

Monday June 11th.
Attended to business in Bank. At 8. o'clock a.m. we met at Council chamber. Harrold Felder & I reported on the various places which had been spoken of for Fair Ground & Park. Though the City Council had previously resolved to furnish suitable grounds to the Americus Fair association for all the purposes of a Fair, finally to-day [today] resolved not to do so, Soon as advice of this reached us, JW. Jordan Jr Barney [unclear text: Parker] AK Schumpert & I commenced taking subscription notes or stock notes to the Americus Fair association payable Oct 1st next. & though much interrupted during the day took notes to the amount of $870.

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Tuesday June 12th.
Attended to business in Bank & went around with Jordan & Schumpert to get up subscription notes to the stock of the Fair took notes to the amount of some $400.

Wednesday June 13.
Mr Callaway & I left early & went to T. M. Furlow's to breakfast at 8.o'clock a.m. After breakfast we rode over his farm & plantation with a view to trading for it. We continued looking over the lands until near 4 o'clock p.m. when we returned took dinner & left for home. We rode some time in rain looking over the lands. We reached home at 7 o'clock p.m.

Thursday June 14th.
Attended to business in Bank, Attended [deleted text: to] Agricultural meeting in Court House at [deleted text: at] 10 o'clock a.m. & meeting of Ex. Com [Executive Committee] of Fair at 2 o'clock p.m. Found on adding up the stock that some $3200. worth had been taken

Friday June 15.
Attended to usual business in Bank. Sent out many circulars pertaining to the Fair. Find ripe peaches in garden of Hale's early.

Saturday June 16th.
Ascertained from Mr N.A. Smith who has a large claim against T.M. Furlow which is pressing him to sell the place, that if I bought it, he would allow me out of the money I would have to pay him $100. on my rent [unclear text: %] against him Afterwards went to M. Callaway & Closed the trade for the Furlow place some 2400 acres.

Sunday June 16th.
Attended Sunday school & preaching Congregation at Baptist church large. Dr Cooper preached a fine sermon Visited Judge Clark & Dr W.W. Barlow this evening The Judge appeared much improved & cheerful.

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Monday June
Sent some apples to Judge Clark from our garden, he having told me yesterday evening he thought he would relish them. About 8 or 9 o'clock he took rigor or chill after which he was not rational Quite a number of the members of the bar & citizens sat up with him to-night [tonight], I being of the number

Tuesday June 18th.
Judge Clark died at 4.30 this a.m Mrs Clark requesting it last night I attended to purchasing Coffin & other things. Members of bar held meeting at 10. o'clock, appointed pall bearers & made other arrangements for his burial. I spoke to Dr Cooper to get him preach his funeral at 8. a.m. to-morrow [tomorrow].

Wednesday June
Went to Mrs C's early quite a full attendance at house. procession to grave pall bearers, members of bar, relatives & citizens Funeral services good. A number of the members of the bar left for Atlanta to secure the Appointment of Judge, The contest was between C.F. Crisp, B.P. Hollis & J.A. Ansley.

Thursday June 20.
I wrote a letter to Gov [Governor] Colquitt asking him to consider favorably the application of B.P. Hollis for the Judgeship, Attended to ordinary business in Bank.

Friday June 21st.
Attended to usual business in Bank For some weeks past have been much engaged getting subscriptions to stock in the Americus Fair association. Mess [Messieurs] Jno [John] W. Jordan Jr A.K. Schumpert & some other citizens have spent much time with me in working up this enterprise

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Saturday June 22.nd.
Telegram received early, saying C.F. Crisp appointed judge This is generally satisfactory to our people, Even those favoring Mr Hollis are generally satisfied

Sunday June 23.rd.
Attended Sunday school thence to Methodist Church & heard commencement sermon by Rev [Reverend] C.A. Evans formerly a lawyer at Lumpkin Ga. [Georgia] & later a Brig Gen'l [Brigadier General] in the Confederate Army. His sermon on this occasion was very fine

Monday June 24th.
Attended to planting millet. thence went up town & attended to usual business in Bank. In evening took some stock for Fair association

Tuesday June 25th.
Attended to usual business at Bank. Exercises at College are going on

Wednesday June 26th.
Attended to ordinary duties in Bank. Exercises at College continue, Drew land papers with Furlow & Callaway for the purchase or swap for the Furlow place.

Thursday June 27th
Exercises at College continue, Address by JH Seal, which I heard Attended to my usual business, Devoted some time to getting up stock to the Fair

Friday June 28th.
Attended to usual business in Bank [deleted text: Attended]

Saturday June
Attended to usual duties, Attended a meeting of bar & citizens at Baptist Church in memory of Judge James M. Clark, Resolutions were adopted at same. yesterday

[deleted text: Sunday ] [deleted text: June 30th.]
Very closely ingaged [engaged], next monday being Directors meeting & Dividend day.

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Sunday June 30.
Attended Sunday School & preaching afterwards We had communion Service.

Monday July 1st.
Directors meeting at 10. o'c. [o'clock] am. General dividend of 4% besides special one declared At 2. o'clock p.m. stock holders of Americus Fair association met in Court House to elect Directors, Vice Presidents etc. which was done. In the evening a quorum of the Directors met & elected President. Secty [Secretary] & Treasurer.

Tuesday July 2nd
Attended to heavy duties during the day for the Bank.

