Upper Ocmulgee River Soil & Water Conservation District fiscal year 2013 annual report

9. The district participated in the Environmental Quality Incentive Program by adopting priorities and by reviewing and making recommendations on final approval of applications for funds. The Natural Resources Conservation Service provided the district with technical assistance under this program and other programs.
10. The district continued the strong working relationship it has enjoyed with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Georgia Soil & Water Conservation Commission, and the UGA Cooperative Extension Service. Designated representatives gave monthly progress reports concerning their agencies' activities in the district.
11. The district continues to offer, at its Covington Office, a Soils Data Access Information Center where local landowners can access soils information for Newton County. Fliers were posted in county offices so that landowners could be made aware of the services provided by the Center. The District also furnished Newton County and Jasper County with digital soils maps so that the county could determine the conservation use exemption for local landowners.
12. The district supported the Natural Resources Conservation Workshop held at ABAC in Tifton in June 2013 by sponsoring student to attend the workshop.
13. One supervisor attended the GACDS Annual Meeting on February 1 2, 2013, in Atlanta.
14. Five supervisors attend the GACDS Group III Meeting held on July 23, 2012 at the EMC Training Facility in Smarr.

Soil & Water Conservation District
Phillip Standard, Chairman Newton County Bill Whitten, Vice Chairman Jasper County Charlie Lane, Secretary/Treasurer Jasper County
David Hays, Member Newton County Preston Wynens, Member Jasper County

The Upper Ocmulgee River Soil and Water Conservation District strives to improve and enhance the soil and water resources in Newton and Jasper Counties. The following is a compilation of the Fiscal Year 2013 Accomplishments.

4. District supervisors continued to support the Conservation Commission's Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program, the Upper Ocmulgee River RC&D's Stream Buffer Initiative Program and various other Farm Bill Programs.
5. The district, in conjunction with the Upper Ocmulgee River RC&D Council, promoted and publicized the use of the no-till drill, mulcher, and bermuda grass sprigger. The District sponsored equipment was used to control erosion on erodible soil. In order to promote its no-till equipment, the district distributed numerous conservation equipment brochures and placed an advertisement in the Shady Dale Rodeo program and also for a tractor pull.

1. The district assisted local governments in complying with their local erosion & sediment control ordinances. Erosion control plans were reviewed in Newton County and routine visits made to ensure that best management practices are installed on construction sites.
2. The District reviewed and ratified actions taken on Erosion and Sediment Control Plans.
3. The district honored Dominique Ford of Jasper County as Conservationist of the Year on October 25, 2012. Ford was awarded a plaque for conservation efforts and provided a farm tour for the district

6. Supervisors continued to maintain district boundary signs to aid in promoting the roles and mission of the Soil and Water Conservation District.
7. The district and its partners continued work throughout the year to promote the RC&D's Better Back-Roads Program. The program is to help reduce erosion on county dirt roads.
8. On October 25th, a Horse Pasture Field Day was held in Jasper County with approximately 40 people in attendance. Attendees learned about various topics including equine nutrition, forage systems for horses, weed control in pastures, and farm bill cost share programs.
