The State Soil and Water Conservation District, Fulton County, FY 2014 annual work plan and budget

Approved by the District Board of Supervisors: ______________________________
The State Soil and Water Conservation District - Fulton County Board of Supervisors
Alan O. Toney, Chairman John M. Spotts, Vice Chairman
Preston Mason Walter S. Rekuc, Jr.
Sally Mills

FY 2014 Annual Work Plan
Our District encompasses 14 local governments, 1 million citizens, the central economic engine for the Southeastern United States, as well as the headwaters of three major river systems that provide the primary source of fresh water to 10 million people, in three States. We are Stewards of Waters shared by citizens, industry, agriculture, and natural areas including the estuaries at Mobile Bay, Apalachicola, Florida, and Darien Georgia who are all known for their highly productive seafood harvest.
Objective 1
Operations Conduct the day-to-day operations of the District with Supervisors working closely with the local units of government, developers, builders and conservation entities to fully implement the Erosion and Sediment Control Act and all other regulations that protect natural resources as well as watershed flood control dams.
Action: 1. Periodically review the Memorandum of Agreement for each Local Issuing Authority (LIA).
2. Work with EPD to assist LIAs which face possible decertification to make improvements in how they review plans, inspect projects and enforce erosion and storm water regulations as well as how they make state waters determinations.
3. Support the state certified education requirements in whatever ways are deemed most appropriate to help local governments and the development community to do a better job of erosion control and pollution prevention.
4. Determine the adequacy of compliance with E&S plans, take appropriate measures such as District Assessment Team reviews and tours of construction sites. Involve the LIA staff and inspectors. Pursue limitations or withdrawal of the District's Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) where unacceptable performance warrants; request EPD to decertify where evidence justifies.
5. Assist the LIAs in improving the local E&S program in the areas of record keeping, plan reviews, inspections / compliance and staff training. Work with the LIA to identify and to deal strongly with developers who have received three or more citations.
6. Review monthly reports from the county and those municipalities that have an executed MOA. Review plans from local municipalities in accordance with the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Act. Maintain a file of photos and written documentation concerning E&S issues within any municipality in the District.
7. In cooperation with NRCS, GSWCC, and EPD Safe Dams, inspect the watershed dams in the District, receive reports of maintenance deficiencies, and follow up with responsible parties to ensure compliance.
8. Continue to obtain maintenance agreements signed by property owners or local governments, using the Office of the Attorney General documents for watershed dams. Seek to transfer easement ownership to property owners using OAG quit claim documents.

9. Support a revised Safe Dams Program in Georgia and seek greater financial support of maintenance of the watershed dams at the state / federal levels. Continue to be a leader in advocacy of Watershed Dams being included in local Emergency Action Plans.
10. At the District Board Meeting in June of each year, approve an Annual Work Plan and Budget that clearly establishes objectives and actions connected to a line item budget.
11. By the August Board Meeting, approve an Annual Report of the District to distribute publicly.
Objective 2
Education Present a broad range of educational opportunities and resources to influence better natural resources protection and management.
1. Advance erosion, storm water management, state waters/stream buffers, pollution prevention and watershed dam education and training with local governments and with the development community in order to improve the development practices that protect natural resources.
2. Subject to the availability of District funds or outside funding sources, sponsor one or more student(s) to attend the annual Natural Resources Conservation Workshop.
3. Purchase and distribute NACD Stewardship Week materials to inform the public of the need to manage and protect soil and water resources.
4. Develop the Board's knowledge and skills in dealing with soil, water, and air problems. Encourage new board members to attend available E&S training offered through the GSWCC and others. Seek leadership development and other courses to improve Supervisor skills that can be used in advancing conservation in more effective or new ways.
Objective 3
Legislative Help develop a social and political climate that supports conservation and wise use of soil, water and other natural resources.
1. Stay informed of local, regional, and statewide issues and make contacts with state and federal elected officials to make them aware of the District's work relative to the issues.
2. Serve on local, state and federal committees that further District's mission and goals of conservation of natural resources.
3. Create opportunities to keep state and federal legislators educated about key issues.

4. Build understanding among elected officials that urban and rural areas have common issues.
Objective 4
Partnerships Encourage the involvement of Local, State and Federal agencies or divisions as well as other conservation organizations to facilitate support for mutually beneficial resource conservation goals.
1. Invite District partners to monthly meetings and to special meetings to explore needs and concerns facing Fulton County and Georgia.
2. Maintain membership in professional organizations and associations that have goals that are similar to those of the District. Serve on committees that do the same.
3. As a means of better resource management, support environmental protection efforts similar to the District mission by cities, counties as well as those of public and private organizations.
4. Continue to support positive relationships with all LIAs in the District and invite their representatives to District monthly meetings to introduce their field staff and to give comprehensive reports that include how the District can be of help to them.
5. Annually review the Memorandum and Supplemental Memorandum of Understanding between the District, NRCS, GSWCC, and other agencies. Revise agreements where appropriate.
6. Assist LIAs in creating local ordinances and development policies that will strengthen resource management and protection.
7. Actively participate in GACDS and NACD.
8. Form a District "Conservation Ambassadors" group to utilize the skills and expertise of interested retiring District Board Supervisors to further the goals and objectives of the District and to engage other community volunteers. The duties of such a group may be as follows:
a. Is a person who acts in the interests of the District at the Board's direction. b. Interacts with the various sectors of the community to educate about the District's
work and to build appropriate volunteer bases to help achieve that work. c. Develops opportunities for District sponsorship of public education programs that
support the Board's mission.


General District Budget for 2014
Efficiently and productively manage District financial and material resources as prescribed by State guidelines in order to meet District goals.

Youth Projects NACD, GACDS, RC&D Dues Soil Stewardship Material Postage Stationery Supervisor Expenses for Non-Local

District Funds
300.00 375.00 0 0 0
500.00 _________ $1175.00

100.00 0 200.00 50.00 50.00
0 ________ $400.00
