Journal of the Senate of the State of Georgia regular session at Atlanta Wednesday, June 23, 1920

At Atlanta, Wednesday, June 23, 1920


wednesday, June 23, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to law, this day at 10 o'clock A. l\I., and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.
Prayer was offered b)~ the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, walter L. Blasingame, Josiah
Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H-

Flynt, J. J.

Pittman, Claude C.

Fmvler, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J. P.

Reece, W. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D.

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, M. M.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.
LeSueur, R. c.

Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

Maynard, J. D.

Watson, S. M.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wood, A. J.

Olive, J. T.

::\fr. President

The following resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution instructing the Secretary of the
Senate to inform the House of Representatives that
the Senate has convened in regular session.



The following resolution was read and adopted:

By :Mr. Barrett-
A resolution proYiding for a joint committee of two from the Senate and three from the House of Representatives to wait upon his Excellenc~', the Governor, and inform him that the General Assembly has convened in regular session, and is ready for the transaction of business.
The committee on part of the Senate under the above resolution arc l\Iessrs. Barrett and Pittman.
The following- communication was received from the Governor:

Tnne 23rd, 1920.
To the Senate: I beg to advise that since ~our last session, the
election of the following new members to your Body has been certified to this office by the SecretaD- of State:
.JI. .M. Kendall, of the Count~ of Colquitt, to be a member of the Senate from the 47th Senatorial District, to succeed Ron. T. H. Parker, deceased.
Respectfull~- submitted, HUGH ~I. DORSEY,

WEDNESDAY, JuNE 23, 1920.


The following message was received from the House through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Jtlr. President:
I am directed by the House to inform the Senate that the House has met in regular session and is ready for the transaction of business. -
The following message was received from the House through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

lllr. President:
The House has concurred in the following resolution of the Senate:
A resolution providing for a joint committee of two (2) from the Senate and three (3) from the House of Representatives to wait upon his Excellency, the Governor, and inform him that the General Assembly has convened in regular session.
The Speaker has appointed the following members on the part of the House:
1\fr. Tankersly of Irwin.
Mr. Cochran of Bibb.
1\fr. Ficklin of "\Vilkes.
Mr. Barrett of the 31st, Chairman of the Committee on the part of the Senate to notify the Governor that the General Assembly had convened and was ready for the transaction of business reported that the Committee had discharged its duty, and that the Governor advises that he would communicate in writing not later than Monday next.



The following resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr. Bowden-
A resolution providing that the Senate connne at 10 o'clock A. ~1. Central time, and adjourn at one o'clock P. ~I., Central time.
A committee of two, ~Iessrs. watson ,of 8th and Rabun of 9th, was appointed by the President to wait on Senator-elect ~I. ~I. Kendall of the 47th, who succeeds Senator T. H. Parker, deceased, and escort him to his desk.
Senator-elect l\L 1\I. Kendall presented himself at the Secretary's desk and took the prescribed oath of office, the same being administered by Hon. William H. Fish, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
The President appointed Senator M. M. Kendall of 47th to the following committees:
Constitutional Amendments.
Counties and County Matters.
Public Roads.
School for the Deaf.
Western and Atlantic.
The President appointed Mr. Ennis of 20th, Chairman of Committee on Public Roads, to succeed Senator T. H. Parker, deceased.



By unanimous consent Mr. Ennis of 20th was relieved of the chairmanship of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor at his request.
The President appointed Mr. Kendall of 47th, Chairman of Committee on Privileges of the Floor.
Leave of absence was granted l\Ir. Bowden of 5th District.
l\Ir. Ennis of 20th moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned till tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, Central Time.




Thursda~T' June 24, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment at 10 o'clock A. 11., and was called to order b~T the President, Ron. Sam L. OliYe.

Pra:er was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators
answered to their mtmes:

Aclams, Clarence E. Allen, han E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B.
Cureton, Walter w.
Dixon, James A.
Dorris, \V. H. Duncan, J. T. El<lers, H- H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Pittlllan, Claude C.

Fowler, Ben J.

Pruett, ,J. F.

Wenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

Rags,lale, S. W.

Hogg, ,J. P.

Reece, W. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolus, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D-

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, ~1'. M.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steel, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

Veazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R- C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

Maynard, J. D.

Watson, S.M.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wood, A. J.

Oli,e, J. T.

Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on .Journals, reported that the Journal of the predous day had been examined and found correct.

B.'T unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of yesterday's session was dispensed with.

By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

TH"C"RSDAY, JuNE 24, 1920.


By l\Ir. EnnisA Bill tn amend sections 419, 420, and 421 of
Y olume I of the Code of Hll 0. Referred to Committee on Public Roads.
By ~Ir. AyersA Bill to make the senral ordinaries of this
State ex-ofj'iciu clerks of the Secretary of State. Referred to Committee on General Judiciary
Xo. 2.
By .Jir. wallaceA Bill to amend Sections 2 and 4 of an Act to
establish the City Court of .Jiadison. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
B~, 1\Ir. \Vallace-
A Bill to amend <m Act creating a board of count:' commissioners for the county of .Jiorgan.
Rderred to Committee on Counties and Count;: l\Iatters.
By ~Ir. Fmder-
A Bill to create an additional Judge of the Superior Court of the .Jiacon Circuit.
Referred to Committee on Special .Jndician.
By .Jir. EldersA Bill to require all railway companies to fur-
nish protection to employees in the ~-ards of said compames.



Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor.

By Messrs. Dorris, Barrett and Steed-
A Bill to fix the salaries of the shorthand writers of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.
By Mr. LeSueurA Bill to amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article
11, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia so as to create the new county of Lamar.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
By Mr. Barrett-
A Bill to amend Section 1138 of the Penal Code of Georgia to fix the per diem of Jury Commissioners at $4.00 per day.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Mr. Kea-
A bill to provide a board to censor motion picture films and to prescribe the duties and powers thereof.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.
By Mr. Allen-
A Bill to authorize the Governor to acquire a sufficient number of sets of the permanent supple-

THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1920.


ment of Park's Annotated Code of 1914 to supply the same to all officers, courts and institutions who now recein the Reports of the Supreme Court.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.
The foJlo,ving Senate bill and resolution were read the third time and put upon their passage, towit:

By Mr. Allen-
A Bill to define group insurance and prescribe the proYisions and conditions under which it may be issued.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0.
The bill haYing receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed. By :Jiessrs. Kaigler and Be1l-
A resolution making X onmber 11th a national holiday in Georgia.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agTeed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 35, Kays 0.
The resolution having received the constitutional majority was passed.
The following Senate bills 'vere taken up for



a third reading and postponed till }[onday, June 28, 1~:20:
By l\Ir. Barrett-
A Bill to amend Article 2, Section 1, ParagTaph 2, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.

By }[r. BarrettA bill to amend Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph
2, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.
The following Senate bill was taken up for a third reading and postponed till Tuesday, June 29, 1920:
By }[essrs. Parker and Shingler-
A bill to authorize an issue of bonds of the State of Georgia for use in constructing roads..
The follo\ving resolutions were read and adopted:

By .Mr. Olin-
A resolution extending the priYileges of the floor to Ron. Yictor DaYiclson of \Vilkinson County.

By .l'.Ir. Duncan of 36th, Blasingame of :2/th, P1uitt of 3:2ncl and Barrett of 31st-
A resolution prmiding for a joint committee of two from the Senate and three from the House of Represeutati,es to meet and confer \Vith the sheriffs of the State.
ATLAXTA, GA., .June 24, 1920.
The following message was receiYed from His

THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1920.


Excellency, the Gonrnor, through his Clerk, l\Ir. Cobb:

Mr. President:
I am directed by His Excellency, the Governor,
to deliYer to the Senate a sealed communication in
writing, for which he ref}uests your consideration in executiYe session.
At 11 o'clock A. l\I., on the motion of ~Ir. Pittman of the 42ncl, the Senate went into executive sessiOn.
At 11:20 A. ~I. the executin session was dissolved.
Leave of absence was granted Senator Steed of the 37th.
Mr. Flynt of the 26th monel that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned till tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central Time.




Friday, June 25, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment at 10 o'clock A. ::\I., Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

.Adams, Clarence E. .Allen, I Yan E. ~-\yers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, IV. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J.

Fm,-Jer, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F .

Glenn, George G.

Habun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P.

Ragsdale, S. W.
Reece, w. K.

Kaigler, H. ~1.

RPynolds, IV. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D.

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, ~1. ~1.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

Yeazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, .J. R.

IYallace, IV. P.

~faynmcl, J. D.

IVatson, S. ~1.

:\ei,llinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

:\ix, Oscar A. Olin', J. T.

\Voo,J, A. J.
Sir. President

Pittman, C!aU<le C.

~Ir. Lunsford of the ~5th, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the journal of the preyious clay had heen examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of _.,~esterdny 's session \\Tas dispensed with.

By unanimous consent the following- bills were introduced, read the first time, and referred to committees: to-wit:

FRIDAY, JuNE 25, 1920.


By Mr. Dorris-
A bill to amend Section 1538 of the Code of Georgia so as to provide the same commissions for the Tax Receivers of Georgia out of the school funds as Tax Collectors receive.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. Wilkinson and Harbin-
A bill to provide for fifty-one fertilizer inspectors in this State; to fix their duties and compensation.
Referred to Committee on Agriculture.
By Mr. Wilkinson-
A bill to provide that banks of certain rivers and creeks be made pasture fence lines.
Referred to Committee on Drainage.
By Mr. Kaigler-
A bill to amend section 79 of the School Code of Georgia so as to provide compensation for members of the County Board of Education.
Referred to Committee on Education.
By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to amend Section 4212 of the Code of Georgia, and for other purposes.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No. 1.
The following message was received from the House through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:



Jb. President:

The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following resolution of the House, to-wit:

H. R. 61. A resolution to pay 11rs. Ellen Ribson pension of ninet: ($90.00) dollars for the year 1918.

The following bills and resolution were introduced, read the first time and referred to committees, to-wit:

By :Mr. \Vallace-

A bill to amend Section 1 of an Act entitled ''An Act to fix salary of Treasurer of 1Iorgan County.''

Referred to Committee on Counties and Count: matters.

By .:\Ir. Kea-

A Bill to amend Section 2, Paragraph 1, Article 2 of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.

Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

By 1Iessrs. Smith and Rabun-

A bill to abolish the fee system now existing in the Superior Courts of the Alban: Judicial Circuit.

Heferrell to Committee on Special J udiciar,\.

By 2\Ir. Allen-

A bill to regulate sale, registration and inspec-

tion of automobiles.

FRIDAY, JuNE 25, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Appropriations.
By ::\Ir. Allen-
A bill to giYe additional powers and authority to the local Board of Trustees of the Georgia School of Technology.
Referred to Committee on l~niversity of Georgia.
By ~Ir. \Vilkinson-
A resolution fixing Senate bills Ko. 155 and 156 as special and continuing order for \Yednesday, June 30th, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.
The following House resolution was read the first time and referred to committee:
By l\Ir. BurkhalterA resolution to pay ::\Irs. Ellen Ribson pension
of ninety ($90.00) for the year 1918.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.
The follo\Ying Senate bill was taken up for a third reading and postponed till \~rednesday, June 30, 1920;
By Mr. DorrisA bill regulating marriage and marriage li-
censes; defining the essential elements of a marriage, and for other purposes.
The following Senate bill was taken up for a third reading and postponed till l\Ionday, June 28, 1920:



By Mr. Smith-
A bill to amend the law in regard to warehouse receipts, adopting in regard thereto the Uniform Warehouse Receipt Act.
The President added Senator Rabun of the 9th to the Committee on Public Roads.
Mr. Glenn of 43rd moved that the Senate do now adjourn till Monday morning at 11 o'clock, Central Time, and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned till Monday morning at 11 o'clock, Central Time.

MoNDAY, JuNE 28, 1920.


:Monday, June 28, 1920. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 11 o'clock A. }!., Central Time, and "as called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Oliw.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

rpon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, han E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, \'\alter W. Dion, James A. Dorris, \V. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H .

Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H.
Kirkland, Z. w.
Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. .\Iaynard, J. D. X ei,1Jinger, Leonorian Xix, Oscar A. OliYe. J. T. Kendall, M. C.

Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T.
Ragsdale, s. W.
Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Riee, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, ,J. Q. Steed, E. T. \'eazey, P. G. Yickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. .\I. Wilkinson, H. B. \Vood, A .J. .\fr. President

.}Ir. Cureton of the 44th, acting Chairman of Committee on Journals, 'reported that the .Journal of the preYious dn~ had been examined and found correct.

B: unanimous consent the reading of the .Journal of the preYious session "as dispensed with.

By unanimous cons(fnt the follo'wing bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to committees:



By }Ir. BarrettA bill to fix the compensation of members of the
County Board of Education.
Referred to Committee on Education.
By }Iessrs. Dorris and Barrett-
A bill to proYide compensation for the senices of the Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.2.
By :Mr. Dorris-
A bill to regulate the installation and the sale of lightning rods in this State.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1. By ::\Ir. Kirkland-
A bill to regulate the drilling of oil and gas wells and to provide for the preservation of the logs and other data of oil ai1d gas wells.
Referred to Committee on ::\Ianufactures.
By .Messrs. Dorris and Kea-
A bill to regulate the sale of securities in Georgia; to create the office of Securities Commissioner, to fix the salary and define the duties thereof.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 1. By ::\Ir. Kaigler-
A bill to authorize Board of Roads and Rev-

MoNDAY, JuNE 28, 1920.


enues of Quitman County to pay certain county and court officials their _fees in certain misdemeanor cases.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County l\Ia tters.
By unanimous consent the following resolution was introduced, read the first time and referred to committee:
By }.lr. Fowler-
A resolution to amend the Constitution of Georgia to provide for the appointment of Judges of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Superior, City and Municipal Courts of the State by the Governor.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
At the request of }.fr. Fowler of the 22nd, Senate bill Ko. 29 was withdrawn from the Committee on General Judiciary Ko. 1 and recommitted to the Committee on General Judiciary :No. 2.
At the request of Mr. Steed of the 37th, Senate
bill No. 125 was withdrawn from the consideration of the Senate.
The following message was receind from the House through ~Ir. Moore, the Clerk thereof:
Mr. President:
The House has adopted the following resolution and ask the concurrence of the Senate:
H. R. 132. A resolution providing for a com-



mittee from House and Senate and others to Investigate the financial status of the State.
The House has concurred in the following resolution of the Senate.
S. R. 60. A resolution to appoint a joint committee from Senate and House to confer with the sheriffs of the State.
The Speaker has appointed the following mem-
bers on the part of the House:
::\Ir. Smith of Fulton.
:Mr. Stovall of ::\IcDuffie.
:Mr. Duncan of Hall.
The following message was received from the House through ::\Ir. ::\Ioore, the Clerk thereof:

Jlr. Presicle11f:
The House has passed b~ the requisite constitutional majority the following resolutions of the House, to-wit:
H. R. 70. A resolution to pay the pension of ::\Irs. S. C. Faulkner.
H. R. 73. A resolution providing for payment of pension to ::\Irs. Frances Shores.
The following House resolutions were read the first time and referred to committees, to-wit:

By :Messrs. Ball, Hamilton and Copeland of FloydA resolution prodding for the payment of pen-

MoNDAY, JuNE 28, 1920.


sion to Mrs. Frances Shores, widow of ex-Confederate soldier, A. A. Shores, deceased.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Tankersley of Irwin-
A resolution to pay Mrs. D. W. Pope, which was to have been paid to Mrs. S. C. Faulkner.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.
The following House resolution was read the first time, to-wit:

By Mr. Moye of Randolph-
A resolution providing for a joint committee from the House and Senate and certain other officials of the State to investigate the financial status of the State.
The resolution was laid over one day.
The following bill was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to amend Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 4, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.
Mr. Flynt of 26th moved to table the bill and the the motion was lost.
On the question of agreeing to the report of the committee, which was unfavorable to the passage of the bill, Mr. Fowler of 22nd called for the ayes and nays, and the call was sustained.



The votl;) was as follows:

Those voting- in the affirmative were :Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Ayers, J. S. Bowden, .T. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, .Jas. B. Dixon, James A. Flynt, J. J.

Fowler, Ben J.
Harbin, c. J.
Hogg, J.P. Kea, Fred
"Keene, J. H.
Kenlall, :u. ~L
Kirkland, Z. W. LE'Sueur, R. C.

Lunsford, J. R. X Pidlinger, Leonorian Oli,e, J. T. Rabun, Z. T. Reece, W. K. Veazey, P. G. Wilkinson, H. B. wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were ~Iessrs.:

Allen, han E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, .Josiah Curpton, walter W. Dorris, \V. H. Ehlers, H. H.

Glenn, GE'orge G. Kaigler, H. ~I. Xix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Ragslale, S. W. Reynolrls, \V. H.

Rice, W. D. StPetl, E. T. Vickery, .Jesse W. \Vallaee, W. P. Wat~on, S. M.

Those not voting- were 1\Iessrs. :

Brooks, B. B. Duncan, .T. T.

Larkins, .T. K. ~Iaynanl, J. D.

ShinglN, ,J. S. Smith, J. Q.

Ayes 24, Kays l~l.

The adverse report of the committee was agreed to and the bill was lost.

J nne 25th, 1920.

The following message was received from His Excellenc.v, the Governor, throug-h his Secretary, Mr. West:

.:Jfr. Prrside11t:
I am directed h~ His Excellenc~, the Governor, to deliver to the Sc'nate two communications in writing, to which he respectfully inYites your attention.

MoNDAY, JuNE 28, 1920.


The following Senate bill was read the third time:

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to amend Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.
The hour of adjournment having arrived the President declared the Senate adjourned till tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock Central Time.



Tuesday, June 29, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. :M., and was called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, han E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Pittman, Claude C.

Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G.

Pruett, J. F.
Rabun, z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J.P.

Reece, W. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D.

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, M. M'.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C.

Veazey, P. G.
Vickery, Jesse w.

Lunsford, J. R. Maynard, J. D.

Wallace, W. P.
Watson, s. M.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Xix, Oscar A.

Wood, A. J.

OliYe, J. T.

:Mr. President

The following message was received from the House, through 1.Ir. :Moore, the Clerk thereof:

1lilr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House, to wit:
H. B. 643. A bill to amend an act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


Richmond County, relative to giving Board pnnlege to employ Clerk.
H. B. 644. A bill to empower the Treasurer of Richmond County to employ a Clerk.
H. B. 645. A Bill to amend an Act relating to the salary of the Judge of the City Court of Richmond County.
H. B. 646. A bill to regulate the compensation of official stenographic reporters in ce~tain counties.
H. B. 680. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners for Dougherty County, relative to salary of said Commissioners.
H. B. 681. A bill to amend an Act creating City Court of Albany, granting the Judge of said Court an increase in Salary.
H. B. 687. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the city of Adel, so as to empower said city to improve its streets and sidewalks.
H. B. 688. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Adel, relative to levying a special tax for school purposes.
H. R. 83. A resolution to pay pension to Mrs. Mary Tucker.
H. R. 92. A resolution to appropriate eighty ($80.00) dollars to pay pension to Elizabeth Trowell for the year 1918.
Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.



~fr. Barrett, of the 31st District, gave notice that at the proper time he would move to reconsider the action of the Senate in agreeing to the adverse report of the Committee on Senate Bill Xo. 24.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of yesterda~ 's session was dispensed with.

~Ir. Barrett, of'the 31st District, moved that the Senate reconsider its action in agreeing to the adverse report of the Committee on Senate Bill K o. 24.

~Ir. Fl~11t, of the 26th District, called for the A~es and Xays and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarenc~ E. Allen, han E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, waiter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bussey, J. B. Cureton, 'Valter W.

Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. El<lers, H. H. Glenn, George G. Kaigler, H. :M. Xix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C.

Rabun, Z. T. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Steed, E. T. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. ::VI.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Ayers, J. S. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, James A. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J.

Hogg, J. P. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, :\I. M. Kirkland, Z. W. LeSueur, H. C. Lunsford, J. R. :\[aynard, J. D.

X eidlinger, Leonorian OliYe, J. T. Pruett, J. F. Reece, W. K. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Enni~, J. H. Harbin, C. J.

Larkins, J. K. Rags<lale, S. W.

Smith, J. Q.

Ayes 21; nays 24.

The motion was lost.

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


ATLANTA, GA., June 29th, 1920.
The follmYing message was receiYed from His Excellenc~, the GoYernor, through his Clerk, ~Ir. Cobb:

111r. President:
I am directed by His Excellency, the Gonrnor, to deliver to the Senate a sealed communication in writing for \Yhich he requests your considerati?n in executive session.
~Ir. Barrett, of the 31st District,. monel that the Senate go into executive session and the motion preYailed.
The Senate went into executiYe session at 12 :40 o'clock, Central Time.
The executive session was dissolved at 12:45 o'clock, Central Time.
The following Senate bills were introdueed, read the first time and referred to committees:

By :Jir. KendallA bill to amend the charter of the Cit~- of
Moultrie, Georgia.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By .Mr. Bowden-
A bill to amend Section 416 of the Penal Code, by adding certain provisos.
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor.



By 1Ir. DixonA bill to amend Section 5056 of the CiYil Code
of Georgia, 1911. Referred to Committee on General .Tucliciary
By :Mr. Dixon et al-
A bill to amend Paragraph 1 of Section 13 of Article 6 . of the Constitution of the State of GeoPgia.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
By Mr. Xix-
A bill to relieYe counties, etc., issuing bonds in cases where Yalidation has been sought as provided by law and failure to file proper proceedings and hear the same has resulted without fault on the part of the issuing authority.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.
By :Messrs. Kea, Elders and Kendall-
A bill to authorize the formation of co-operative marketing associations and define their powers.
Referred to Committee on General Agriculture.
By :Messrs. Dorris and Clements-
A bill to fix the time of holding the Superior Courts in the various counties composing the Cordele Circuit.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

TuEsDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


By Mr. DuncanA bill to amend an Act to regulate banking in
Georgia and to create the Department of Banking.
Referred to Committee on Banks and Banking.

By l\Iessrs. Pruett and KeaA bill to levy a tax on all cash surrender values
and paid up life insurance policies in this State.
Referred to Committee on Finance.

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to provide for an increase of salary of the Treasurer of Fulton County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By l\Ir. Allen-
A bill to provide for "non parn value stock.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No. 1.
By }Ir. Dorris-
A bill to amend Sections 445 and 446 of the Code of Georgia, 1910, with reference to the valiclaton of municipal bonds.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No. 1.



By ~Ir. Rabun-
A hill to amend Section 1249 of Yolume 1 of the Code of Georgia proYidi11g for the selection of State depositories.
Referred to Committee on Banks and Banking.

By Mr. wallace-
A bill to abolish the fee s~stem now existing in the Superior Courts of the Ocmulgee .Judicial Circuit.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
The follo\\ing House bills were read the first time and referred to committees:
By ~Ir. Burt of Dougherty-
X o. 680. A bill to create a new Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Doughert~r County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By l\Ir. Burt of Dougherty-
X o. 681. A bill to amend an Act creating City Court of Albany, granting the Judge of said Court an increase in salary.
Referred to Committee on Special .Jucliciary.
By ~Ir. Parrish of Cook?\o. 687. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate
the City of Aclel.

TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By ~Ir. Parrish of Cook-
Xo. 688. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the Citr of Adel relatin to leYying a special tax for school purposes.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By ~Iessrs. l\IcDonald, ReYille and Pilcher of Richmond-
Xo. 645. A bill to amend an Act relating to the salary of the Judge of the City Court of Richmond County.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By ~Iessrs. McDonald, ReYille and Pilcher of Richmond-
A bill to regulate the compensation of official stenographic reporters in certain counties.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By Messrs. ).lcDonald, ReYille and Pilcher of Richmond-
A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of Commlsswners of Roads and ReYenues of Richmond County.
Referred to Committee on Special J udiciar:-.

By l\Iessrs. ~IcDonald, ReYille and Pilcher of Rich-


A bill to empower the 'freasurer of Richmond



County to employ a clerk and provide for his compensation.
Referred to Committee on Special .Judiciary.
The following House resolutions were read the first time and referred to committees:

By Mr. Adams of Walton. .Ko. 83. A resolution to pay pension to Mrs. Mary Tucker and for other purposes.
Refe~red to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
No. 92. A resolution to appropriate eighty dollars to pay pension of Elizabeth Trowell for year 1918.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.
Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, asked unanimous consent that the following bill be read a second time and the consent was granted.
No. 17. A bill to make it a misdemeanor for a man to wilfully and without cause desert his wife and for other purposes.
And the bill was read a second time.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. \Vallace-
A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of Com-_ missioners for the County of Morgan.

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


By Mr. Barrqtt-
A bill to amend Section 1138 of the Penal Code of Georgia so as to make the per diem of ,Jury Commissioners $tOO.

By ~lr. Kaigler-
A bill to authorize Board of Roads and Revenues of Quitman County to pay certain county and court officials their fees in certain misdemeanor cases .
Mr. Reece, of 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County ~ratters, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Counties and County Matters have had under consideration Senate Bills numbers 214, 222 and 237, and han instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
W. K. REECE, Chairman.
The follo,ving communication was read for the information of the Senate:
Atlanta, Ga., June 28th, 1920. Ron. Sam L. Olive, President of the Senate,
State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga.
My dear Mr. President:
I wish to extend to you, and through you to every member of the Senate, an earnest and cordial invitation to be at the Auditorium in the City of



Atlanta at S o'clock P. ).1., ou Thursday, .July 1st,
At that time and place a mass meeting- will be held, with delegations and speakers from Yarious sections of the State to discuss and protest against the merciless treatment thousands of tenants are suffering, and will continue to suffer at the hands of a larg-e number of heartless, oppressiYe and profiteering landlords and their agents, who are charging and demanding unreasonable, unjust and outrageously high rentals for homes. Thousands of patriotic citizens will attend this meeting to register their protest against such conduct. ~Ian:, illustrations will be giYen showing how little some of these landlords value the houses they have for rent when the:, give them in f~r taxes, and what an enormous \'alue they place upon this same property when offered for rent, knowing full well that the tenant has to pay it or be without a home. This doesn't apply to all landlords but does apply to a larg-e number of them.

\Ve want you, and the distinguished body of Georgians over whom you ha\'e the honor to preside, to be present and get this information first-hand. By honoring this occasion with :,our presence, I am certain that you will be convinced that there is a necessity for the immediate enactment of legislation to protect the oppressed tenant, and .at the same time allow the landlord a fair and reasonable income on his investment in home renting property.

The State of Xew York, and other States, have recently passed such legislation. The time is ripe. and there is an urgent demand and necessity, for such

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


legislation in Georgia. Thousands of patriotic Georgians will attend this meeting. I again appeal to you to honor this occasion with your presence.
Respectfully .
Georgia Fair Price Commissioner.

The following communication was read for the information of the Senate:
General Offices, \Yalton Building,
J nne 29, 1920.
Subject: Personnel of Highway Department.
To the Committees of Highways and Public Roads
of the House and Senate,
State Capitol, City.
In order that you may become informed of the workings of the State Highway Department and the organization that has been created, a most cordial invitation is extended to the members of your committees and all the members of the General Assem-
bly to visit the headquarters office, on Tuesday and vVednesday aftemoon, from 2 :30 to 4 :00, and at any
other time during the session. The offices are located in the walton Building, on walton Street, one block west of the United States Post Office.



The Chairman will be present at the time above named and at all times members of the staff will be most happy to explain in detail the plans and active operation of the department.
. Looking forward to the pleasure of seeing you and hoping that I will be here when you call, I am,
Yours very truly,
Chairman, State Highway Board.
The Senate adopted a resolution by Mr. Fowler, of the 22nd District, extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. H. Mills, the Senator-elect from the 26th District.

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


The following communication was received from His Excellency, the Governor, through his Secretary, Mr. West:


June 25th, 1920.
To the General Assembly of Georgia:
I hand you herewi_th report, as required by the Constitution of the State, showing all clemency matters-reprieves, removals of disabilities, probations, paroles, commutations and pardons granted since my last report submitted June 26th, 1919.
Respectfully submitted,
HuGH M. DoRSEY, Governor.



TOM STEELE: Thomas County; murder. Respited from July 11th, 1919, to August 15th, 1919, and again from August 15th, 1919, to September 5th, 1919, in order to allow time for the Prison Commission and the Governor to review application for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment.
JIM HILL: Crisp County; murder. Respited from July 16th, 1919, to August 27th, 1919, again from August 27th, 1919, to September 24th, 1919, and again from September 24th, 1919, to October 1st, 1919, in order to allow time for the Prison Commission and the Governor to review application of death sentence to life imprisonment.
JOE WEBB: Floyd County; murder. Respited from September 1st, 1919, to October 1st, 1919, in order to allow time for Governor to review application for commutation of death sentence to life im prisonment.
\Vl\L \V. ODOM: Bacon County; seduction; 5 years. Respited from October 29th, 1919, to De. cember 3rd, 1919, in order to allow time for filing of application for clemency with the Prison Commission. This respite was granted because of the extraordinary facts set forth in papers presented to the Prison Commission, and upon recommendation of the Prison Commission.
Wl\L DANIELS, ALIAS SMOKEY JOE: Pulaski County; murder. Respited from October 31st, 1919, to December 1st, 1919, and again from Decem. ber 1st, 1919, to January 2nd, 1920, in order to al-

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


low time for the Prison Commission and the Governor to review application for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment.
HOLLIS LANDERS: Jackson County; murder Respited from January 2nd, 1920, to February 6th, 1920, again from February 6th, 1920, to February 27th, 1920, again from February 27th, 1920, to :March 26th, 1920, again from March 26th, 1920, to April 2nd, 1920, and again from April 2nd, 1920, to May 7th, 1920. Respites granted in order to allow time for the Prison Commission and the Governor to review application for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment, and in order to allow time for filing and hearing of extraordinary motion for new trial, and in order to allow time for filing and hearing on petition for writ of mandamus to compel the signature of the trial Judge to bill of exceptions, and in order to allow time for a rehearing of the application for commutation of sentence by the Prison Commission and the Governor.
DINK TOvVLER: Gwinnett County; assault with intent to rape; 12 years_ Respites from Au gust 28th, 1919, to September 2nd, 1919, in order to allow time for filing of extraordinary motion for new trial during term time, the extraordinary motion being based upon ne-..vly discovered evidence_ The Prison Commission recommendorl that the respite be granted.
JOE JAMES: Twiggs County; murder_ Respited from April 21st, 1920, to June 2nd, 1920, and again from June 2nd, 1920, to June 16th, 1920, and again from June 16th, 1920, to August 18th, 1920, in



order to allow time for Prison Commission to review application for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment.

FRED SHELTON: Bartow County; murder. Respited from April 30th, 1920, to May 28th, 1920, in order to allow time for Prison Commission to review application for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment.

ULYSSES GOOLSBY: Early County; murder. Respited from May 7th, 1920, to June 4th, 1920, again from June 4th, 1920, to June 25th, 1920, and again from June 25th, 1920, to July 23rd, 1920, in order to allow time for Prison Commission and the Governor to review application for commutation of death sentence to life imprisonment.

J. J. GORDON: Jones County; violating prohibition Jaw; 1 year. Respited from June 14th, 1920, to June 28th, 1920, in order to allow time for Governor to review application for respite until next term of Superior Court of Jones County for the purpose of filing extraordinary motion for new trial during term time. This respite was recommended by the Prison Commission.

JA~IES A. BEAVERS: Coweta Superior Court, :March term 1919; receiving stolen goods; $150.00 fine. Applicant paid the fine of $150.00. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission,

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


trial Judge, Solicitor-General, and others, disabilities removed and restored to full rights of citizenship, May 7th, 1920.
EDWARD HAWKINS: Chatham Superior Court, December term 1911; bigamy; 3 years. Applicant served out his sentence several years ago, and it is shown that his conduct has been good since his release. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission and a number of citizens of the community in which applicant has resided for the past six years, disabilities removed and restored to full rights of citizenship, May 27th, 1920.

H. R. DUBBERLY: City Court of Reidsville, selling liquor; 12 months Upon recommendatior of the trial Judge and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved July 25th, 1919.
RAIDER ALMON: City Court of Carrollton; July term 1919; carrying concealed weapons and carrying weapons without license; 6 months or $60.00. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of hie sentence on probation, upon payment of fine of $60.00. Approved July 31st, 1919.
REUBEN HARDY: City Court of Thomasville September term 1918; selling liquor; 10 and lC months. Upon recommendation of the Prison Com mission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of hiE sentence on probation. Approved August 9th, 1919, to become effective September 30th, 1919.



R. R. CLAHK: liarri~ buperior Court, Apri: term 1919; violating prohibition law; 8 months 01 4 months and $500.00 fine. Upon recommendatior of the Prison Commission, trial Judge and Solicitor-General, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of fine of $100.00. Approved August 9th, 1919, to become ef fective August 21st, 1919.
F. A. RO\VLA:-JD: Laurens Superior Court, April term 1919; fornication; 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs. Approved August 22nd, 1919, to become effective November 7th, 1919.
FLETCHER BRA\V:-JER: Harris Superior Court, April term 1919; violating prohibition law; 8 months or 4 months and $500.00. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs. Approved August 26th, 1919.
\VILLIA.M PALMER: Decatur Superior Court, Fall term 1918; fornication; 12 months and 6 months in jail. Upon recommendation of the jurors, trial Judge and Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of hi:: sentence on probation, upon payment of $141.61. Ap proved September 30th, 1919.
WALTER REVELS, ADDIE REVELS, JOHN McDUFFY AND WEST McLEMORE: September term 1919, Wilcox Superior Court; larceny; 12

TuESDAY, Jmm 29, 1920.


months and 6 months or $75.00. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge and the Prison Commission,
applicants allowed to serve remainder of their sen-
tences on probation, upon payment of a fine of $75.00 each. Approved NoYembcr 11th, 1919.
\V. 1V. ODUM: Bacon Superior Court, :March term 1917; seduction; 5 years. Upon recommendation of the prosecutrix, trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant's sentence -..vas
commuted so as to allow him to serve 12 months on
probation, upon payment of a fine of $200.00. Approved Xovember 25th, 1919.
JOE T. JONES: Troup Superior Court, July term 1919; larceny from house; 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved December 2nd, 1919.
E. S. PURCELL: Franklin Superior Court, September term 1919; violating prohibition law; 3 months in jail and $500.00 fine. L"pon recommendation of the trial Judge and the Prison Commission, applicant released after he had served one-third of his sentence and allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation upon payment of fine of $500.00. Approved December 5th, 1919.
W. J. HUCKABY: Cobb Superior Court, March term 1919; fornication; 12 months. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs. Approved December 19, 1919, to become effective December 21st, 1919.



C. E. CORLEY: Taylor Superior Court and Crawford Superior Court, Spring term 1919, violating prohibition law; 12 months in each county. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all court costs in the two cases. Approved December 20th, 1919.
HENRY RICHARDS: Morgan Superior Court, September term 1917; violating prohibition law; 6-61~ and 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder o:f his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs in any one case. Approved December 23rd, 1919.
CRA\VFORD BRIDGES: Harris Superior Court, August term 1919; manufacturing liquor; 12 months or 5 months and $2150.00. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to se1Te remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of the fine of $250.00 imposed by the Court, after he had served 5 months. Approved Januury 2nd, 1920.
HAROLD GAUSE: Chatham Superior Court; October term 1919; larceny; 12 months. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved January 6th, 1920.
FELTOK ADAMS: Haralson Superior Court, October term 1917; larceny; 12 months and $250.00 fine or 6 months in jail. Upon recommendation of

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved January 9th, 1920.
L. L. THOMAS: Bibb Superior Court, April term 1919; violating prohibition law; 12 months and $250.00 fine. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of fine of $250.00. Approved January 16th, 1920.
E. H. HUMPHRIES: Warren Superior Court, January term 1919; violating prohibition law; 12 months and 6 months in jail. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allow-ed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of a fine of $1,000.00. Approved February 5th, 1920, to become effective March 15th, 1920.
ERNEST CORNELL: Clay Superior Court, Spring term 1919; misdemeanor (2 cases) ; 12 months and 5 months. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved February 9th, 1920.
TOM HALL: City Court of Dublin, December term 1918; carrying concealed weapon; 12 months or $200.00 fine. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved February 9th, 1920, to become effective February 16th, 1920.
MRS. NORA ETTER: "\Valker Superior Court, February term 1919.; assault to murder; 12 months.



Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of her sentence on probation. Approved February 9th, 1920, to become effective :May 28th, 1920.

ANDREW TAYLOR: Clayton Superior Court, August term 1919; larceny; 12 months. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs. Approved February 9th, 1920.
CHARLIE HATTA-wAY: Glascock Superior Court, August term 1918 ;, manufacturing liquor; 12 months and 6 months in jail. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge and the Prison Commission, applicant allo-wed to serYe remainder of his 12 months sentence on probation and to pay fine of $500.00 (imposed by Court) in lieu of jail sentence. Appro\ed February 9th, 1920, to become effectiYe February 2-l:th, 1920.
CHARLIE BURKE: City Court of Albany, XO\'ember term 1917; violating prohibition law; 12 months and $1,000.00 fine or 6 months in jail. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remaind~r of his jail sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs for the six months jail sentence only. Approved February 14th, 1920.
:MRS. PATTIE PARKER: City Court of \Yaycross, October term 1919; misdemeanor; 6 months. l~pon recomnmedation of the trial Judge and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve re-

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


mainder of her sentence on probation. Approved February 14, 1920, to become effective February 25th, 1920.

OLIVER WILLIAMS: Putnam Superior C~urt,

Spring term 1919; attempting to manufacture liquor;

12 months. Upon recommendation of the Prison

Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of

his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs.

Approved February 14th, 1920, to become effective

March 4th, 1920.


JIM JESTER: Butts Superior Court, October term 1919; violating prohibition law; 9 months. "Cpon recommendation of the trial Judge, SolicitorGeneral and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs. Approved March 1st, 1920, to become effective ~larch 6th, 1920.

-WILLIAM HALL: \Yilkinson Superior Court, October term 1919; violating prohibition lmv; 12 months. "Cpon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs. Approved ~larch 15th, 1920.
J. R. NEAL: Glascock Superior Court, August term 1918; manufacturing liquor;, 12 months and 6 months in jail or $1,000.00. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of fine of $1,000.00 and all costs. Approved ::\larch 31st, 1920, to become effective April 7th, 1920.



JOHN T. HENDERSON: Pierce Superior March 31st, 1920, to become effective April 7th, 1920. 12 months or 6 months and $250.00 fine. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant having paid the $2150.00 fine, he was allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs. Approved April lOth, 1920.
EDGAR GILBERT: Clayton Superior Court, August term 1919; assault and carrying pistol; 12 months or $150.00 and 10 months or $100.00. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of fine of $150.00. Approved April lOth, 1920.
CHARLEY EASTERWOOD: City Court of Carrollton, September term 1919; violating prohibition law; $50.00 or 30 days in jail and 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation upon payment of fine of $50.00. Approved April 13th, 1920.
ROMAN MINSEY: Berrien Superior Court, August term 1919; larceny; 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved April 13th, 1920.
JOHN ALEXANDER: Butts Superior Court, August term 1919; violating prohibition law; gaming and carrying concealed weapon; 9-5 and 2 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, .1920.


and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serYe remainder of his sentence, upon payment of costs in any one case, on probation. Approved April 28th, 1920.
CAPE MANESS: Spalding Superior Courtr January term 1919; violating prohibition law; 12 anq 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved April 22nd, 1920.
EDD FAMBROUGH: City Court of Griffin, Fall term 1918; misdemeanor (4 cases) ; 9 months in each case. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentences on probation. Approved May 3rd, 1920.
SON THOMPSON: Campbell Superior Court, August term 1919; making liquor; 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to ser-Ve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs. Approved May lOth, 1920.
ELBERT DENSLEY: Baldwin Superior Court, July term 1918; manslaughter; 1 year. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General, jurors and the Prison Commission, applicant's sentence commuted to 12 months and allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all cost.s. Approved May 18th, 1920.
EDD DOOD: City Court of Newnan, July term 1919; gambling and larceny after trust; $75.00



or 9 months and $150.00 or 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serye remainder of his sentences on probation, upon payment of the costs, $92.70. Approved May 18th, 1920.

wiLLIE HEXRY: Clayton Superior Court, February term 1920; larceny; 6 months. upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of all costs. Approved May 18th, 1920.
MAX LOCKRIDGE A~D CLAUDE NELSON: \"Thitfield Superior Court, January term 1920; larceny; 6 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge and Prison Commission, applicants '-allowed to serve remainder of their sentences on probation. Approved May ,18th, 1920.

CARL THOMPSOK: Fulton Superior Court, May term 1919; cow stealing; 2 years. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the, Prison Commission, applicant's sentence commuted to 12 months and he was allowed to serve remainder of his sentence of 12 months on probation. Approved May 21st, 1920.
AYELS CAPEL: Muscogee Superior Court, January term 1920; violating prohibition law; 12 months or 5 months and $250.00. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder d his sentence on probation, upon payment of fine of $250.00. Approved May 25th, 1920, to become effective June 6th, 1920.

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


J. T. BRITT: Muscogee Superior Court, November term 1917; violating prohibition hnv; 6 months in jail or $1,000.00 fine and 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve one-half of his sentence on probation, he having paid the $1,000.00 fine. Approved May 25th, 1920.
TOM \V. BARLOW: \Vheeler Superior Court, March term 1920; violating prohibition law; 9 months or $100.00 and 6 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General, Jury and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, upon payment of fine of $100.00; Approved June 11th, 1920, to become effective June 15th, 1920.
IVEY LITTLE: Cobb Superior Court, November term 1919; horse stealing; 12 months. Applicant has served over half of his sentence, and upon recommendation of the Solicitor-General and the Prison Commission, allowed to serve the remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved June 18, 1920.
WILLIE JONES: Laurens Superior Court, February term 1920; simple larceny; 12 months. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, SolicitorGeneral, prosecutor and the Prison Commission, applicant allowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation. Approved June 19th, 1920.
FRANCIS SHEPPARD: Emanuel Superior Court; cow stealing; 12 months. Upon recommendation of the Prison Commission and in view of applicant's physical condition and the fact that he has only about 3 months remaining of his sentence, al-

lowed to serve remainder of his sentence on probation, so that he may enter a hospital at Government's expense on account of his service in the Army. Approved June 19th, 1920.
Following paroles approved on representation made as to character of applicants previous to conviction, circumstances attending commission of crimes and prison deportment.
Every application for parole approved was recommended by every member of the Prison Commisswn.
JACKSON WILLIAMS: Burke Superior Court, October term 1903; murder; life; approved July 11th, 1919.
G. "\V. ELLER: Cherokee Superior Court, February term 1918; manufacturing liquor; 2 years; approved July 22nd, 1919.
PAT KNICK: :Murray Superior Court, August term 1914; manslaughter; 10 years; approved July 24th, 1919.
W. H ..TAYLOR: Bibb Superior Court, April term 1916; assault to murder; 6 years; approved July 28th, 1919.
JULIUS WILLIAMS: Jenkins Superior Court, March term 1917; assault to murder; 3 years; approved July 28th, 1919.

TUEsDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


JOE L. BROWN: Turner Superior Court, August term 1914; bigamy; 10 years; approved August 2nd, 1919.
WILLIE HIERS: Colquitt Superior Court, January term 1916; manslaughter; 115 years; approved August 9th, 1919, to become effective Octo- r ber 25th, 1919.
GEORGE PETERSON: Calhoun Superior Court, June term 1908; murder; life; approved August 9th, 1919.
EUGENE ORR: Fulton Superior Court, May term 1918; larceny after trust; 3 years; approved August 13th, 1919, to become effective November 7th, 1919.
J. F. MULLIGAN: Polk Superior Court, February ferm 1916; manslaughter; 10 years; approved August 14th, 1919, to become effective August 17th, 1919.
KNOT HOLLAND: Laurens Superior Court, October term 1917; voluntary manslaughter; 3 years; approved August 20th, 1919.
EBB GLENN: Clay Superior Court, September term 1916; larceny; 3 years; approved August 20th, 1919.
JUDGE MAHONE: Talbot Superior Court, September term 1903; murder; life; approved August 20th, 1919.
JIM JENKINS: Burke Superior Court, April term 1904; murder; life; approved August 22nd, 1919.



JOHN WASHINGTON: Chatham Superior Court, October term 1915; assault to murder; 5 years; approved August 22nd, 1919.
WILLIAM FORD: Chatham Superior Court, April term 1906; burglary; 20 years; approved August 22nd, 1919.
LONNIE COLLIER: Richmond Superior Court, April term 1917; burglary; 5 years; approved August 22nd, 1919.
BOSE BEXTLEY: Fpson Superior Court, May term 1918; manufacturing liquor; 3 years; approved August 22nd, 1919.
LUKE :MURPHY: Spalding Superior Court, January term 1909; murder; life; approved August 27th, 1919.
ISAIAH FARLEY: Fulton Superior Court. September term 1915; rape; 20 years; approved September 1st, 1919.
ASA HEMBREE: Hart Superior Court, August term 1914; seduction; 7 years; approved September 6th, 1919, to become effectin ~Iay 7th, 1920.
EUGE::.JE FINXEY: Bald~win Superior Court, January term 1917; burglary; 10 years; approved September lOth, 1919.
,J. S. A~IERSO::.J: Xewton Superior Court, January term 1916; larceny; 4. years; approved September 15th, 1919.
GUS CAESAR: T\viggs Superior Court, October term, 1906; murder; life; approved September 15th, 1919.

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


CLEAVE EASON: Pike Superior Court, April term, 1909; murder; life; approved September 17th, 1919.
JOHN UMBERHANT: Habersham Superior Court, August term, 1915; murder; life; approved September 17th, 1919, to become effective December 9th, 1920.
W.M. B. NORTON: Jones Superior Court, October term 1919; murder; life; approved September 17th, 1919.
MILFORD MOORE: 1\Iuscogee Superior Court, March term 1901; murder; life; approved September 18th, 1919.
MARTIN OWEN: Spalding Superior Court, January term 1916; larceny; 3 and 3 years; approved September 18th, 1919.
-WILLIAM WAlTERS: Chatham Superior Court, October term 1903; burglary; 20 and 20 years; approved September 18th, 1919.
HENRY RAMEY: Fulton Superior Court, September term 1917; burglary; 8 years; approved September 19th, 1919.
AYED ESA: Bibb Superior Court, January term 1916; manslaughter; 15 years; approved Sep-
tember 19th, 1919, to become effective December 9th,
FLOYD JOHNSON: Sumter Superior Court, November term 1905; murder; life; approved September 19th, 1919, to become effective January 14th, 1920.



WILL HAMPTON: Warren . Superior Court, April term 19lJ5; manslaughter; 9 years; approved September 19th, 1919, to become effective February 25th, 1920.
ED WARD: Upson Superior Court, November term 1911; manslaughter; 15 years; approved September 22nd, 1919, to become effective November 19th, 1919.
TOM GIBSON: Habersham Superior Court, January term 1916; manslaughter; 10 years; approved September 24th, 1919.
BIRD MILLER: Whitfield Superior Court, April term 1916; arson; 3 years; approved September 25th, 1919.
LETHIA HIGDON: Laurens Superior Court, July term 1910; murder; life; approved September 25tli, 1919.
WILL RICHARDSON: Walton Superior Court, February term 1909; murder; life; approved September 30th, 1919.
KELLY MINCY: Emanuel Superior Court, October term 1908; murder; life; approved September 30th, 1919.
OLIVER SMITH: Lee Superior Court, November term 1912; murder; life; ,approved October 1st, 1919.
JOE TROUP: Wheeler Superior Court, September term 1915; assault with intent to murder; 10 years; approved October 2nd, 1919.

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


\VALT GLASS: . Fayette Superior Court, March term 1915; manslaughter; 9 years; approved October 3rd, 1919.
MACK D. MIDDLETON: Dougherty Superior Court, April term 1916; manslaughter; 10 years; approved October 3rd, 1919.
CHARLES EVANS : Richmond Superior Court, January term 1917; robbery; 5 years; approved October 13th, 1919.
MOSE PETERSON: Clay Superior Court, September term 1908; murder; life; approved October 29th, 1919.
ALEC TOMBERLIN: Coffee Superior Court, September term 1913; murder; life; approved October 28th, 1919.
NELSON MARSHALL: Thomas Superior Court, October term 1906; murder; life; approved November 14th, 1919.
DAVID BUNDY: Fulton Superior Court, August term 1918; larceny; 4 years; approved November 17th, 1919.
MILES HUNTER: Washington Superior Court, March term 1909; murder; life; approved November 17th, 1919.
SAM REED : Fulton Superior Court, December term 1914; robbery; 20 years; approved November 17th, 1919.
JOHN COOK: Bulloch Superior Court, November term 1911; manslaughter; 12 years; approved November 20th, 1919.



LE:ll-1 GREER: Spalding Superior Court, August term 1905; murder; life; approved November 20th, 1919.
0. C. SPENCE: Grady Superior Court, September term 1915; wrecking bank; 6 years; approved November 24th, 1919.
:MATTIE SHORTER, ALIAS POWERS: Stewart Superior Court, Fall term 1905; murder; life; approved November 25th, 1919.
JESS :F'ORTSON: Elbert Superior Court, October term 1916; manslaughter; 15 years; approved November 25th, 1919.
CHARLIE TALMADGE: Butts Superior . Court, August term 1909; murder; life; approved
N'ovember 25th, 1919.
JEFF MOORE: Dooly Superior Court, June term 1911; murder; life; approved November 28th, 1919.
RILEY FEARS : Morgan Superior Court, September term 1913; manslaughter; 10 years; approved November 28th, 1919.
JOHN McNALLEY: Gordon Superior Court, September term 1918; burglary; 2 years; approved .November 26th, 1919.
BEN CUYLER: Tattnall Superior Court, October term 1914; murder; life; approved November 25th, 1919.
\VILL RHODES: Greene Superior Court, August term 1909; murder; life; approved November 25th, 1919.

TuESDAY, Jmm 29, 1920.


BOSSIE BRO\VN: Glascock Superior Court, August term 1911; manslaughter; 15 years; approved November 26th, 1919.
MARTHA HARRIS: \Vilkes Superior Court, Kovember term 1914; murder; life; approved December 1st, 1919.
ELIJAH NEAL: Baker Superior Court, March term 1910; manslaughter; 18 years; approved December 1st, 1919.
JOHN McCLARY: Thomas Superior Court, October term 1899; murder; life; approved December 3rd, 1919.
GEORGE N. McPHERSON: Floyd Superior Court, July term 1916; manslaughter; 15 years; approved December 3rd, 1919.
CHARLES ALLEN: Emanuel Superior Court, October term 1909; murder; life; approved December 18th, 1919.
ABE MADDOX: Butts Superior Court, August term 1912; murder; life; approved December 20th, 1919.
\VILLIE SEWELL and LOUIS BUSH: Muscogee Superior Court, June term 1918; burglary; 5 years; approved December 23rd, 1919.
wiLLIAM: COBB AND SAM GRANADE: Fulton Superior Court, November term 1911; manslaughter; 16 years; approved November 23rd, 1919.
SAM DREW: Chattooga Superior Court, September term 1911; murder; life; approved December 23rd, 1919.



WILL SATTERFIELD: Polk Superior Court, August term 1917; burglary; 4 years; approved December 29th, 1919.

JOHN DYE : Whitfield Superior Court, April term 1906; rape; 20 years; approved December 29th, 1919.

-WILLIAM McMILLAN: 'Wilcox Superior Court, October term 1890; murder; life; approved December 31st, 1919.

GEORGE PROPES: Fulton Superior Court, May term 1918; manslaughter; 5 years; approved December 31st, 1919.

F. W. JEFFERS: Douglas Superior Court, April term 1916; rape; 17 years; approved January 2nd, 1920, to become effective April 29th, 1921.

JIM RICHARDSON: Fulton Superior Court, June term 1908; murder; life; approved January 8th, 1920.

JESS BARNES : Henry Superior Court, October term 1912; manslaughter; 12 years; approved January 8th, 1920.

GERTRUDE TANKSLEY: Richmond Sup-erior Court, December term 1915; murder; life; approved January 8th, 1920.

J. J. MIMBS, JR.: Colquitt Superior Court,

July term 1915; manslaughter; 15 years; approved

January 8th, 1920.

LEWIS FORTSON: Wilkes Superior Court, August term 1915; manslaughter; 15 years; approved January 8, 1920.

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


MAT RUCKER: Walker Superior Court, August term 1914; manslaughter; 10 years; approved January 8th, 1920.
LONNIE HICKMAN: Franklin Superior Court, March term 1915; attempt to rape; 10 years; approved February 9th, 1920.
HENRY SMITH: Clarke Superior Court, April term 1915; robbery; 15 years; approved February 9th, 1920, to become eff~ctive May 17th, 1920.

BILL SMITH: Mitchell Superior Court, October term 1909; murder; life; approved February 9th, 1920.
JIM F. HILLIARD: Dodge Superior Court, May term 1918; rape; 15 years; approved February 9th, 1920, to become effective June 5th, 1920.
SEYMORE BARNES: Rockdale Superior Court, Fall term 1913; manslaughter; 10 years; approved February 9th, 1920, to become effective February 26th, 1920.

PRINCE ALLEN: Bibb Superior Court, November term 1900; murder; life; approved February 9th, 1920.

JORDAN WARE: Carroll Superior Court, December term 1911; murder; life; approved February 9th, 1920.

HENRY KING: Fulton Superior Court, December term 1902; murder; life; approved February 9th, 1920.



HENRY BERRY: Pierce Superior Court, November term 1916; attempt to murder; 5 years; apprond :F'ebruary 9th, 1920.
VAX THO.MAS: .Mitchell Superior Court, October term 1913; murder; life; approved February 9th, 1920.
DAK -WHIPPlE: Pulaski Superior Court, Spring term 1905; murder; life; approved February 9th, 1920.
ROBERT -WILLIAMS: Lowndes Superior Court, May term 1896; murder; life; approved February 14th, 1920.
CALVIN RUSSELL: Laurens Superior Court, July term 1914; burglary; 7 years; approved February 14th, 1920.
LENA BELLE \VARREN: Hancock Superior Court, March term 1913; murder; life; approved February 17th, 1920.
OLIE GODDARD: Whitfield Superior Court, February term 1919; shooting at another; 2 years; approved February 18th, 1920, to become effective February 23rd, 1920.
ED GOODRUM: Butts Superior Court, September term 1912; murder; life; approved February 18th, 1920.
BANKS AND CHARLEY \VEAVER: Bibb Superior Court, February term 1919; burglary; 2 years; approved February 18th, 1920.
JIM FLOURNOY: Jefferson Superior Court, .July term 1907; murder; life; approved February 19th, 1920, to become effective July 19th, 1920.

TcESDAY, JuxE 29, 1920.


ALPHONZO COPPAGE: Cobb Superior Court, August term 1908; larceny; 5 years; approved l\Iarch 1st, 1920.
JOE CHAMPION: Gordon Superior Court, February term 1918; seduction; 3 years; approved March 1st, 1920.
PIXK HE1:.'\VOOD: Banks Superior Court, March term 1914; manslaughter; 10 years; approved March 2nd, 1920.
FLORENCE BURTON: Richmond Superior Court, April term 1915; burglary; 7 years; approved :March 2nd, 1920.
FRANK WHITEHEAD: .Newton Superior Court, January term 1918; burglary; 3 years; apprond March 2nd, 1920.
TON"Y MITCHELL: Dougherty Superior Court, April term 1908; murder; life; approved March 15th, 1920.
JACK MOORE: Jasper Superior Court, August term 1909; murder; life; approved March 15th, 1920.
GREEN MERIWEATHER: Calhoun Superior Court, December term 1909; murder; life; approved March 15th, 1920.
GEORGE NAPIER: Upson Superior Court, K oYember term 1905; murder; life; approved March 15th, 1920.
SEABORN MORRIS: Pike Superior Court, April term 1908; murder; life; approved March 15th, 1920.



CHARLES SMITH: Chattooga Superior Court, September term 1911; murder; life; approved :Jiarch 15th, 1920.
R. B. FLOYD: Laurens Superior Court, December term 1912; murder; life; approved :Jiarch 16th, 1920.
DUDLEY NELMS: Thomas Superior Court, April term 1907; murder; life; approved .March 2th, 1920.
RICHARD "\VARD: Dougherty Superior Court, October term 1902; murder; life; approved March 24th, 1920.
LONNIE SCOTT: Hart Superior Court, April term 1910; murder; life; approved :March 24th, 1920.
FRANK W ASHINGTO~: "\Vorth Superior Court, December term 1902; murder; life; approved March 24th, 1920.
HAYS FRAXKLIX: Twiggs Superior Court, April term 1914; manslaughter; 12 years; approved :March 24th, 1920.
AR..\OLD "\VHITEHEAD: Harris Superior Court, April term 1909; murder; life; approved April 9th, 1920, to become effective April 29th, 1920.
ARTHUR MOSELEY: Early Superior Court, April term 1915; manslaughter; 115 years; approved April 9th, 1920, to become effective May lOth, 1920.
HENRY DURHAM: Greene Superior Court, December term 1912; murder; life; approved April 9th, 1920, to become effective December 5th, 1920.

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


SPENCER WRIGHT: Spalding Superior Court, September term 1912; murder; life; approved April 9th, 1920.
ALPHOXZO LUCKIE: Greene Superior Court, August term 1916; manslaughter; 5 years; approved April 9th, 1920.
l\IARGUS BOSTICK: Lowndes Superior Court, NoYember term 1916; forgery; 7 years; approved April 9th, 1920, to become effective June 5th, 1920.
MUFF BOYCE: Walton Superior Court, March term 1918; attempt to murder; 3 years; approved April 8th, 1920.
JEFF SMITH: Tattnall Superior Court, April term 1904; murder; life; approved April 8th, 1920, to become effective July 12th, 1920.
wiLL SMITH: Bibb Superior Court, February term 1908; murder; life; approved April 8th, 1920.
BEATRICE HORNE: Crisp Superior Court, March term 1915; manslaughter; 12 years; approved April 8th, 1920, to become effective September 9th, 1920.
HORACE WIMS: Calhoun Superior Court, December term 1906; murder; life; approved April 8th, 1920.
LE\VIS JONES: Clarke Superior Court, January term 1916; attempt to murder; 10 years; approved April 13th, 1920.
BUBBER LUNDY: Bibb Superior Court, March term 1914; attempt to murder; 8 years; approved April 13th, 1920.



COMER JO~ES: Sumter Superior Court, May term 1916; sodomy; life; approved April 13th, 1920.
ARTH"CR TURXER: Pike Superior Court, October term 1916; assault to murder; 4 years; approved April 21st, 1920.
E. R. GARRETT: \Vorth Superior Court, April term 1918; hog stealing; 3 years; approved April 28th, 1920.
MIKE BAILEY: Bibb Superior Court, February term 1907; murder; life; approved April 29th, 1920, to become effective February 26th, 1921.
GEORGE LEONARD: \Vorth Superior Court, October term 1908; murder; life; approved April 29th, 1920.
JOHK FORMBY: Polk Superior Court, September term 1903; murder; life; approved April 29th, 1920.
THEODORE STEPHENSON: Meriwether Superior Court, August term 1908; murder; life; approved April 29th, 1920.
BARNETT BOOKER: Fulton Superior Court, April term 1908; murder; life; approved April 29th, 1920, to become effective October 27th, 1920.
JIM DEAD"WYLER: :Madison Superior Court, Kovember term 1911; rape; 20 years ; approved April 29th, 1920.
PLEAS WILLIAMSON: Taylor Superior Court, March term 1915; murder; life; approved April 29th, 1920.

T-uESDAY, J-cxE 29, 1920.


WILLIAM MITCHELL: Chatham Superior Court, November term 1912; murder; life; approved April 29th, 1920.

JOHK SANDERS: Warren Superior Court, October term 1906; murder; life; approved April 29th, 1920.

BUSTER SIMS: Walton Superior Court, February term 1909; rape; 20 years; approved April 29th, 1920.
JACK DAVIS: Fulton Superior Court, August term 1918; burglary; 3 years; approved May 1st, 1920.

ADDIE BINNS: Wilkes Superior Court, February term 1916; murder; life; approved May 3rd, 1920.
BEN SNOW: Harris Superior Court, October term 1908; murder; life; approved May 3rd, 1920.

GREELY THURMAN: Jones Superior Court, May term 1918; manslaughter; 5 years; approved May 3rd, 1920, to become effective November 13th, 1920.
G. S. LEMMING: Walton Superior Court, September term 1915; robbery; 15 years; approved May 3rd, 1920.
GEORGE BALL: Habersham Superior Court, September term 1911; robbery; 20 years; approved May 3rd, 1920.
R. F. (COOT) WILSON: Early Superior



Court, October term 1916; manslaughter; 5 years; approved May 3rd, 1920, to become effective August 1st, 1920.
C. E. JERNESS, ALIAS CHAS, EDWARDS: Liberty Superior Court, February term 1917; bigamy; 4 years; approved May 5th, 1920, to become effective May 15th, 1920,
wiLL JOHNSON: Clinch Superior Court, April term 1906; murder; life; approved May lOth, 1920.
TYBEE TUGGLE: Greene Superior Court, February term 1915; burglary; 10 years; approved May 10, 1920.
RICH OWENS: Upson Superior Court, December term 1909; murder; life; approved May lOth, 1920.
"\VM. J. HUDSON: Fulton Superior Court, December term 191J5; burglary; 7 years; approved May lOth, 1920.
DEN~'"IS CARR: DeKalb Superior Court, March term 1913; manslaughter; 15 years; approved May 18th, 1920.
JOHN H. HINES: Coweta Superior Court, March term 1910; murder; life; approved May 18th, 1920.

RICHARD D. JACKSON: Clarke Superior Court, November term 1916; manslaughter; 8 years; approved May 20th, 1920, to become effective November 13th, 1920.

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


OSCAR HARGROVE: Jefferson Superior Court, May term 1906; murder; life; approved May 20th, 1920.

G. C. CARSON: Fulton Superior Court, January term 1918; larceny; 5 years; approved May 27th, 1920.

DOOLEY FARRAR: Jones Superior Court, October. term 1915; manslaughter; 10 years; approved June 1st, 1920.
JIM RIM : Burke Superior Court, May term 1915; murder; life; approved June 1st, 1920.
JOE JACKSON: Decatur Superior Court, May term 1910; murder; life; approved June 1st, 1920.
TIM HAINES: "'Wilkes Superior Court, August term 1917; assault to murder; 4 years; approved June 1st, 1920.
-WILL BIGBY: Fulton Superior Court, March term 1904; burglary; 20 years ; approved June 11th, 1920.
CHARLOTTE WALKER: Bibb Superior Court, May term 1915; murder; life; approved June 15th, 1920.
HILLIARD CONLEY: Meriwether Superior Court, May term 1895; murder; life; approved June 16th, 1920.
SOL LEWIS: Terrell Superior Court, November term 1910; murder; life; approved June 16th, 1920.



T. N. MIZE: :Milton Superior Court, April term 1911; murder; life; approved. June 16th, 1920.
\VALTER TRICE: Thomas Superior Court, October term 1917; manslaughter; 6 years; approved June 16th, 1920, to become effectin October 30th, 1920.
\VILL HUGHES: Thomas Superior Court, October term 1917; manslaughter; 6 years; approved June 16, 1920, to become effective October 30, 1920.
J. L. \VILSO~: Fulton Superior Court, July term 1917; dynamiting street car; 10 years; approved June 18th, 1920, to become effective Octooer 22nd, 1920.
HO)JEYWELL JONES: Early Superior Court, October term 1904; murder; life; approved June 19th, 1920.
JOE KING: Berrien Superior Court, March term 1918; larceny; 3 years; approved June 19th, 1920.
BOB SIMMONS: Calhoun Superior Court, August term 1910; murder; life; approved June 19th, 1920.
DUFFIE RAGAN: Dooly Superior Court, November term 1909; murder; life; approved June 19th, 1920.
BEN SHARP: Richmond Superior Court, April term 1919 ; burglary; 3 years; approved June 19th, 1920.
\VALTER EASTRIDGE: Troup Superior Court, May term 1917; murder; life; approved June 21st, 1920.

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


J. T. PETERMAN: Taylor Superior Court, December term 1912; murder; life; approved June 21st, l 920~ to become effective December 15th, 1920.

The following cases in which commutations were granted were recommended by the Prison CommiSSIOn:
Jll\1 HEAR~: Harris Superior Court, October term 1917; assault to murder; 2 years. Upon recommendation of the prosecutor, trial Judge, Solicitor-General, and a large number of citizens, sentence commuted to payment of a fine of $300.00 July 11th, 1919.
J. C. THO~IAS: Fulton Superior Court, January term 1917; burglary; 2 and 1 years. Sentence commuted to present service July 12th, 1919, upon recommendation of the trial Judge, and because of the mental condition of applicant.
JOHX SHELNUT, :B'RAKK GUERRIN AND ED CRISTY: Oglethorpe Superior Court, December term 1917; violating prohibition la\v; 1 year and 12 months. Because of the destitute condition of the families of applicants and upon recommendation of the trial Judge, Solicitor-General and a large number of citizens, sentences commuted to present service August 20th, 1919.
TOM HANNAH: Douglas Superior Court, September 1917; burglary; 10 years. Upon recommendation of the prosecutor, trial Judge and Solicitor-



General, and in view of the circumstances under under which applicant entered plea, sentence commuted to present service August 28th, 1919.
LEAMON SMITH: City Court of Sandersville, July term 1919; violating prohibition law; 12 months or $200.00 and costs, and 3 months or costs. Sentence commuted to payment of a fine of $200.00 and costs in both cases, September 3rd, 1919.
JIM HILL : Crisp Superior Court, June Special term 1918; murder; death sentence. Sentence commuted to life imprisonment September 25th, 1919, because of applicant's very low order of mentality, newly discovered evidence, and strong recommendations by the trial Judge and ten of the jury.
JOE WEBB: Floyd Superior Court, July term 1918; murder; death sentence. Sentence commuted to life imprisonment September 29th, 1919, because of newly discovered evidence and strong recommendations by the trial Judge, all twelve of the jurors, and a large number of citizens.
GUY BIRD: Madison Superior Court, December term 1913; horse stealing; 10 years. It appears that this offense was committed while applicant was under the influence of whiskey. The property stolen was returned to the owner and he suffered no loss except some injury to the horse. Applicant has served nearly six years of a ten-year sentence. In view of these facts, sentence commuted to present service October 16th, 1919.
HERMAN L. SCHWALBE: Fulton Superior Court, November term 1917; forgery; 5 years. Upon

TuEsDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


recommendation of the prosecutor, trial Judge and Solicitor-General, applicant granted a conditional pardon because he had not served long enough to be eligible for parole, and sentence commuted so as to allow him to serve the remainder,of his sentence outside the confines of the penitentiary November 4th, 1919.
TIVUS PARSONS: Taliaferro Superior Court, August term 1918; assault to murder; 2 years and 12 months. In view of disclosures set out in the record, not known to the Court and jury at trial, the statement of the Solicitor-General that "there was a miscarriage of justice in the case,'' sentences commuted to present service November 17th, 1919.

FLORA HAMILTON: Fulton Superior Court, November term 1917; burglary; 7 years. Upon recommendation of the trial Judge, who stated that by mistake the Clerk gave seven years when the Court intended only two, sentence commuted to present service November 20th, 1919.

JIM SMITH : Harris Superior Court, April term 1914; murder; life. In view of statement made by defendant''s attorney, now Solicitor-General, that he prevailed on the defendant, over his protest, to enter a plea of guilty, and in view of the facts as disclosed by affida\'its in this file, sentence commuted to present service November 25th, 1919.

W. D. SMITH: Bibb Superior Court, November term 1899; mayhem; life. In view of newly discovered evidence, sentence commuted to present service December 1st, 1919.



E1BfA GREEN: Fulton Superior Court, November term 1917; burglary; I year;:;. ln vie;v of affidavit of trial Judge that by mistake the Clerk gave seYen years when the Court intended only two, sentence commuted to present service December 18th, 1919.
L. L. HORN: Harris Superior Court, April term 1919; manufacturing liquor; 15 months. In view of affidavit as to statement of co-defendant, letters of Judge and Solicitor-General, sentence commuted to present senice December 29th, 1919.
F. 0. MYERS: Polk Superior Court, Spring
term 1915; embezzlement; 5 years. In view of the fact that applicant would have completed his sentence except for his escapes, his good behavior since being recaptured, sentence commuted to present service December 29th, 1919.
JEFF GUN: .N"ewton Superior Court, September term 1919; manufacturing liquor; 1 to 2 years. In view of the circumstances under which applicant entered plea of guilty and the recommendation of the trial Judge, sentence commuted to four months service and a fine of $150.00, January 9th, 1920.
FATE l\IAYO: City Court of Camilla, ~ovem ber term 1919; carrying pistol without license; 12 months or $715.00. Sentence commuted to paylllent of fine of $62.50 February 7th, 1920, which was the pro rata part of fine, then due, giving applicant credit for time served.
J. L. MALLARD: \Vorth Superior Court, January term 1915; perjury; 4 years. Since appli-

TLTESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


cant was convicted, a civil law suit involving the genuineness of the deed about which he testified and for which testimony he was convicted of perjury, has been upheld by another jury. In view of this, and the fact that he has made a splendid record as a convict, sentence commuted to present service February 19th, 1920.
WILL WOOD: Upson Superior Court, July term 1918; bigamy; 2 years. In view of statement of the trial Judge, sentence commuted to present service March 2nd, 1920.
B. F. NEWMAN: Muscogee Superior Court, February term 1918; violating prohibition law; 8 months. Applicant was convicted about 3 years ago and his sentence suspended during good behavior. It is shown that his behavior has been good since sentence was imposed. Sentence commuted to present service on payment of all court costs March 15th, 1920.
CLAUDE C. GRAY: Fulton Superior Court, May term 1919; car breaking; 3 to 5 years. In view of this man's good record previous to this trouble, the direction given by the court to cases in which pleas for similar offenses were entered, the condition of his wife, the attitude of the Judge and Solicitor-General, sentence commuted to payment of a fine of $130.00 April lOth, 1920.
l\HLAND DAVIS: Jasper Superior Court, August term 1919; manufacturing liquor; 2 years. In view of doubts entertained by the trial Judge and Solicitor-General as to applicant's guilt, sentenoe commuted to present service April 13th, 1920.



CLEVE BRIDGES: Fayette Superior Court, September term 1919; manufacturing liquor; 8 months. In view of the statement of the trial Judge that he intended and thought that he had sentenced applicant to a term of 6 months, applicant having cqmpleted more than a six months sentence, sentence commuted to present service April 16th, 1920.
CHARLIE w. HARGETT: Harris Superior
Court, October term 1918; manufacturing liquor; 15 months. In view of affidavits as to statement of codefendant and recommendation of trial Judge, Solicitor-General and a large number of citizens, sentence commuted to present service April 29th, 1920.
RAT PERRY: Laurens Superior Court, January term 1917; assault to murder; 10 years. In view of recommendations of trial Judge and Solicitor-General, and especially because of newly discovered evidence indicating that the offense was probably an assault only, sentence commuted to present service May 3rd, 1920.
LEWIS CROW: Clayton Superior Court, February term 1916; murder; life. In view of statement and recommendation of the trial Judge, in which the Solicitor-General concurs, and after a careful reading of the evidence adduced at the trial, sentence commuted to present service May 25th, 1920.
W. D. 0 'HALLARAN: Muscogee Superior Court, February term 1918; violating prohibition law; 12 months and 6 months in jail or $1,000.00 fine. The trial Judge suspended the 12 months sentence upon payment of the $1,000.00 fine. In view of applicant's deportment since sentence was im-

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


posed, the payment of the fine, and recommendation of the trial Judge, sentence commuted to present service June 15th, 1920.
J. P. LEVENS: City Court of Carrollton, March term 1919; assault and battery; 12 months or fine of $150.00. Applicant was given ten days in which to pay the fine. He filed a motion for new trial and allowed the ten days to lapse. Sentence commuted to payment of fine of $150.00 June 21st, 1920.

JIM JENKINS: Glynn Superior Court, December term 1912; assault to murder; 10 years. Pardoned November 25th, 1919, because of showing made as to statements and character of prosecutor. Clemency recommended by the Prison Commission.
CHARLIE HILL: Decatur Superior Court, May term 1918; cow stealing; 4 years. Pardoned April 8th, 1920, because of newly discovered evidence showing that applicant was not guilty of the crime for which he was convicted. Clemency was recommended by the prosecutor, trial Judge, Solicitor-General and Prison Commission.
UNO SAVOLINEN, ALIAS J. P. EDWARDS: City Court of Cairo, February term 1920; vagrancy; 6 months or $75.00 fine. Pardoned April 9th, 1920, because of newly discovered evidence showing that applicant was not guilty of the crime of vagrancy. Clemency was recommended by the trial Judge, Solicitor and Prison Commission.



G. C. CARSON: Fulton Superior Court, January term 1918; robbery; 15 years. Pardoned 1Iay 24th, 1920, because of newly discovered evidence which abundantly establishes this man's innocence of this charge. Clemency was recommended by the trial Judge, Solicitor-General, Jury and Prison Commission.

The following message from His Excellency the Governor was read : STATE OF GEORGIA,
Atlanta, June 28, 1920.
To the General Assembly of Georgia:
Attached hereto are : (1) Letter of the Budget and Iunstigating
Commission transmitting the report of that Commission to the Governer; and re-
questing that the same be submitted to you.
(2) The report of the Commission.
HuGn M. DoRSEY, Governor.

TUESDAY, Jmm 29, 1920.



June 28, 1920.
To His Excellency, The Governor of Georgia.
DEAR SIR: \Ve have the honor to transmit, through you, to
the General Assembly, this report of the State Budget and Investigating Commission.
Very truly yours,
HuGH M. DoRSEY, Governor and Chairman.
R. A. DE:N:NY, Attorney General.
M. L. BRITTAIX' State School Commissioner.
IvAx E. ALLE:N, Chairman, Appropriations
Committee of the Senate.
GEo. H. CARSWELL, Chairman, Appropriations
Committee of the House.




June 28, 1920.

To the General Assembly of Georgia:
In accordance with the provisions of House Bill No. 327, as shown on page 155, of the Georgia Laws of 1918, the Commission appointed to examine the State appropriations and to make recommendation to the Legislature in reference thereto, has held meetings at various times since the last session of your Honorable Body. The members, composed of the Governor, the Attorney General, the State School Commissioner, the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee of the House, submit the following report:
Section 3 of the Law makes it the duty of the Commission to examine into the appropriations of previous Legislatures, the necessity for the same and to prepare for the General Assembly the General Appropriation Bill. This was done at your previous session last summer and the unusual system and accurate classification presented attracted favorable comment from the House and Senate and the press and people generally. It was the nearest approach to a carefully planned budget that the State has .ever had and we hope that it will lead to the complete establishment of the Budget System

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


with a State Auditor for this commonwealth. It enabled the House of Representatives to pass the Appropriations Bill at an earlier date and to transmit it to the Senate with more thorough knowledge of the facts and with more certainty and accuracy as to the funds required than ever before. If this same good fortune had attended the Bill in the Senate and throughout the closing days of the session, the finances of the State would be in much better condition today.
The opening of the Legislative session of 1920 finds the State Treasury without funds. The Governor has exhausted his borrowing limit of half a million dollars. On the date this report is written there is in the Treasury cash to the amount of $29,485.17. \Varrants have been presented to the Treasurer for payment to the amount of $129,566.07. These are the more pressing of the bills due; in addition, warrants have been requested for nearly this much more and represent debts due in accordance with appropriations made by the General Assembly last year. It is not entirely just, however, to state that the large appropriations made in 1919 form the sole cause of our financial troubles. A more correct statement would be to say that they are the result of our system \vhich collects the major part of our taxes late in the fall of the year to pay for the expenses of departments and institutions which necessarily begin on January first. It is true, however, that we are farther behind than usual owing to the fact that appropriations have exceeded the estimate of income for several years past:



The possibility of more financial trouble has recently arisen in legal proceedings by the Texas Oil Company to prevent the collecting of inspection fees. 'l'hese in amount were nearly four hundred thousand dollars last year and, of course, if the State should lose the suit would cause a lessening of our annual income by that amount.

These facts and the worthy appeals to be shown in detail later, coming with justice from the State's institutions show the necessity for prompt action on the part of the General Assembly to meet the financial situation. The suggestion has been made that the remedy could be found by removing the limit of fin mills on the rate of taxation. There would, undoubtedly, be help in this by reason of the fact that the members of the Legislature would be cautious about voting appropriations that would require a levy of six or seven mills instead of five. \Ve believL, however, that this is unnecessary and that the end desired could be secured, and with impartial justice to all, by changes in our tax system to reach intangible or hidden property.

According to the tax digests, only sixty-six million do1lars were given in for taxation last year in the shape of funds on deposit by the people of Georgia. :More than this amount, according to newspaper reports, were to be found in Atlanta alone on one clay of last year and it is safe to assume that over

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


four hundred million dollars were in existence in the entire State. The State should legally and properly be just as much entitled to revenue from this source as from the tax payers' farm or home. In this respect, therefore, Georgia might perhaps claim equal credit with the Tax Commissioners of Mississippi who reported the system of that State as almost ideal for the evasion of taxes. From this source alone, therefore, we could secure nearly half as much resources as are now derived from our ad valorem taxes.

To date from automobile taxes, highway fund, the State has collected $1,798,039.56. Since the beginning of its operations the State Highway Commission has used $199,247.83. This money is paid into the Treasury at the very time in the spring of the year when it is depleted after payment of pensions to Confederate Veterans. It does not seem businesslike for the State to borrow funds, or to be unable to pay its just debts, when it has on hand a large amount of money waiting until it is needed by the Highway Commission. The recommendation is made, therefore, that measures be introduced allowing the use temporarily of this money until needed for the purpose for which it was secured. We recommend legislation, therefore, authorizing the employment of the highway funds each year for the general business of the State until they are needed by that department.



The Department of Public Printing needs your attention at this session. It was created last year and yet no provision was made for the salary of Superintendent or office help. Mr. C. M. Methvin was appointed and served until May lOth, with abil-
ity and credit to himself and the State. On receipt of
his resignation, Mr. P. T. :McCutcheon was appointed
by the Governor to succeed him and has attended to
the duties of his office with efficiency, in spite of the conflicts caused by different rulings as to the law concerning the duties and responsibilities of the department. We recommend, therefore, that suitable salary and maintenance fund for the Superintendent of Public Printing be provided, and the enactment of laws that will enable the department to function without friction.

RAILROAD Cmnnsswx.
Salaries of the Railroad Commissioners were increased by law at the last session and no legal pro,ision was made for paying these increases. We recommend, therefore, that legislation be provided by the General .Assembly at this session.

The State Library Commission was created to encourage the creation of libraries throughout the
State and to maintain traveling libraries where
needed. There are only twenty-eight in Georgia supported by public funds, though there are several other libraries established by clubs or associations. we commend the purpose and work of this Commis-

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.


sion and hope it will be extended until there is a county library in every county in Georgia. We rec- . ommend that a State Censor or Board be created and given the right to censor and supervise the motion pictures shown in this State. "\Ve believe that the fees received would be sufficient, after paying the expenses of the Commission, to provide funds for the promotion of the work of the Georgia Library Commission, as well as to give needed protection to the youth of the State with regard to the kind and character of motion pictures presented.

The State Librarian, Mrs. Maud B. Cobb, reports $209.00 deposited in the State Treasury from State at Large certifications. During 1919 the Librarian issued commissions to 762 individuals as Notaries Public. The fees received in accordance with Section 3 of the law as found on page 137 of the Acts of 1916, were in amount $1,524.00. This, under the Act, is applied as a supplement to the salary of the State Librarian. This with the regular salary of the office is not too much to be paid to the excellent official at present holding this position. The Commission does believe, however, that it is wrong in principle for the salary of a public office to be dependent upon the fluctuations of fees paid in this way. Furthermore, it is easily seen that with the possible increase in number from year to year in time the salary would be out of proportion to the work required or to that received by other officials. Consequently, we recommend the substitution of salary for fee paid in whole or part as salary for this and all public offices of the State.



The salaries for the State Geologist and his assistant were fixed years ago and it is now quite impossible to secure the trained help needed in this department for the former sums paid. These amounts should be revised and increased.

The Public \Velfare Board was created last year and an appropriation of $15,000 was made in order that it might investigate and supervise the management of orphanages, asylums and other public institutions into which abuses have gained admittance. A notable instance was that shown in the public press as having been maintained for some years in Cobb County. \Ve have examined the work of this new Commission and find its officers diligently engaged in the performance of their duties. They have undoubtedly rendered good service to the State and desire increased maintenance fund. \Ve would recommend favorable action if we felt that the condition of the Treasury justified this.
\Ve regard it as most fortunate that the Common School appropriation has been definitely settled at 50% of the State's income. As Georgia increases in wealth this amount will become larger each year and this affords a firm and fixed basis for the training of our youth in the elementary grades. The Constitution has-been amended until the authority for State maintenance of high school is practically settled and will be assured beyond question after the passage of

T-uESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


an amendment which is before the General Assembly at this session. The Commission is inclined to belie,e that it would be just as wise for the Legislature to fix a definite percentage of its income for the maintenance of all its eleemosynary, educational, corrective and charitable work as for the public schools.
\Ve call the attention of the General Assembly to the passage of an Act by Congress which was apprond by the President June 5th, 1920, providing for the Vocational Rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry. This Federal law provides a sum of money for each State to be expended under the direction of the Vocational Board of the State. The Legislature, however, must pass an Act accepting the fund providing that the State Treasurer shall be its custodian and meet the amount appropriated by Congress dollar for dollar in order to receive the aid. Other countries as well as this are providing means in order to train to be self-supporting those persons who are injured so that they are unable to make a living and we recommend, of course, that you pass the Act required by the Federal Government and shall prepare a Bill to present to you for this purpose.
It is neither right nor just to refuse aid for the proper training of our negro population and we recommend the establishment of an additional A. and M. Agricultural High School for colored youth to be located near the center of the State.

In conclusion we submit two statistical tables



marked "A" and "B." The first gives the amount of the appropriations to each of the State's departments and institutions for the year 19:20 in the first column; in the second you will find .the amount paid to date; in the third there is shown the balance to be paid as soon as the condition of the Treasury will permit. Table "B" will show you the present appropriations received by the State's departments and institutions and the amounts asked for. Beside those which you have been supporting Bowden appears for the first time with the request that you support that school as a college or normal school and provide $50,000 for a building and $20,000 for maintenance fund. Of course, if the State had sufficient funds, it would be helpful to han a new institution in that section of Georgia. Xecessity demands that you make increased appropriations to some of our present institutions. \Vith the higher prices demanded for labor and supplies of all kinds it is absolutely impossible, for instance, for the State Sanitarium to carry on its work without large increase to its maintenance funds. The same thing is true with regard to the University and its various branches. Our youth are aroused as never before to the necessity for an education and the State cannot lag behind in the provision for this need. New buildings must be provided and the diminished value of the dollar must be made good in the salaries of the instructors. The School of Technology is crowded to its doors, the South Georgia Normal at Valdosta finds itself unable to complete its new building at the previous estimate, the G. N. & I. C., at Milledgeville, is filled to its doors, the N. G. & A. C., at Dah-

TUESDAY! JuxE 29, 1920.


lonega, wishes additional help, and the parent institution at Athens, with no dormitories built for years, is especially insistent that one be provided for the young women.
Among these worthy claimants to which we call your attention for needs that are proper and, in many cases, necessitous, should be mentioned our Training School for Girls and the Industrial School for Boys. The Committee has been impressed by the improvement and good work done at these two institutions and recommends additional help and facilities which can be secured only through increased maintenance and support.
Very truly yours,

HuGH M. DoRSEY, Governor and Chairman.

R. A. DE:N:NY, Attorney General.

M. L. BRITTAIN' State School Commissioner.

IVAN E. ALLEN, Chairman Appropriations
Committee of the Senate.

Chairman Appropriations Committee of the House.




Appropriations Amount Pd. Balance to

and Estimates to June 23 be paid of


1920 Apprn. 1920 Apprn.

Academy for Blind -------$ Agricultural Schools _____ _
Albany Xormal School (col.) Binding Codes (estimate)_ Binding Journals (estimate) Board of Health ---------Civil Establishment (estm.) Clerk's Cost Court Appeals
(estimate) --------College for Colored ______ .
Contingent Fund _-------Contingent Fund-R. R.
Commission _______ _
Contingent Fund-Supreme
Court -------------Contingent Fund C. & L, __ Contingent Fund-Court
of Appeals ___ -----Department of Agriculture:
(a) Maintenance ----(b) Pure Food ______ _ (c) Chemicals _______ _
(d) Contagious Diseases (e) Hog Cholera Serum (f) Inspectors Salary,
etc. (estimate) ____ _
(g) Tick Eradication (h) Veterinarian
Expense (estimate) _ Dept. Agr. Warrants (estm.) Dept. Archives and History Dept. Commerce and Labor Experiment Station _____ _ Game Protection Fund __ _ Geological Fund ----- ____ _ Georgia Medical College- __ Ga. Xormal and Ind. College Highway Commission ( ~) __ HorticultUTal Fund ------

40,000.00 $ 180,000.00
7,500.00 750.00 550.00
75,590.00 356,990.28
1,000.00 35,000.00 25,000.00
3,000.00 1,800.00
18,000.00 10,000.00 22,000.00
5,000.00 20,000.00
36,824.09 25,000.00
1,409.92 43,169.94
7,200.00 8,100.00 8,800.00 3,600.00 16,500.00 35,000.00 100,000.00 199,242.89 63.000.00

13,333.32 $ 56,250.00
29,500.00 177,743.40
28,360.00 12,831.77
6,000.00 2,500.00 4,999.99
18,507.57 10,00.0.00
562.18 30,963.65
2,339.21 2,025.00 6,634.25
900.00 4,691.85 18,360.00 37,500.00 199,242.89 29,945.00

2:6,666.68 123,750.00
7,500.00 750.00 550.00
45.990.00 179,246.88
1,000.00 6,640.00 1S',l68.23
3,000.00 1,200.00
12,000.00 7,500.00
17,000.01 5,000.00
18,316.52 15,000.00
847.74 12,206.29 4,830.79 6,075.00 2,165.75 S',700.00 11,808.15 16,640.00 62,500.00

TuESDAY, JUNE 29, 1920.


Incid. Exp. Gen. Assembly Ind. House and Sen. J 'nal Indian Springs Fund ___ --Inspec. of Oils (estimate) Ins. Pub. Buildings, etc._ Ins. Dept. Fund (estimate) Land Script Fund Interest Legislative Pay Roll _____ _
Library Fund -----------Library Fund Ref. Bureau Market Bureau ________ - -Library Fund Sup. Court_

225.00 150.000
105.00 4,056.43 5,000.00 10,400.00 6,314.14 111,441.10 4,250.00 1,600.00 38,000.00 4,000.00

2,192.43 3,784.06 2,979.03 3,157.07

Ga. Xormal and Ind. Col lege Extension Work 12,500.00

Coastal Plains Exp. Sta, __ Board of Health, Ven. Dis. Library Commission ____ _

25,000.00 15,000.00

3,000.00 2,804.00

Special AppropriationThird Dist. SchooL_



Special AppropriationFourth Dist. SchooL_



Special AppropriationXinth Dist. School --



Special AppropriationFifth Dist. School

12,000.00 12,000.00

Special AppropriationSixth Dist. School



Special :<\ppropriationSennth Dist. School



Special AppropriationTwelfth Dist. SchooL 10,000.00

Agr. Ind. and K. Col. (col.) Georgia Milita.r~ College __ N. Ga. A. and M. College __

5,000.00 5,000.00 30,000.00


Overpayment Taxes Refunded (estimate)



Pension Fund (estimate) __ 1,266,365.00 1,266,365.00

Printing Fund ----------- 50,000.00 22,866.94

Printing Fund-R. R.

Commission --------


Prison Fund ------------- 120,000.00

76.31 58,281.76

162.68 150.00 105.00 1,964.00 1,215.94 7,420.97 3,15101 111,441.10 3,130.69 1,600.00 21,959.70 4,000.00
12,500.00 25,000.00
10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
1,923.00 61,718.24



Public Bldgs. and Grounds 50,000.0'0

Publishing Records (Col. and Con.) Estimate __


Publishing Georgia Reports 10,000.00

Public Debt:

(a) Interest ---------- 237,687.50 (b) Sinking Fund ---- 100,000.00

Reward Fund ------- ___ _ 3,000.00

Roster Fund ----------- _-- 5,000.00

School for the Deaf ----- 60,000.00

School Fund ------------- 4,000,000.00 School of Technology _____ 125,000.00

Soldiers' Home ---------Solicitors Generals' Fees


(estimate) --------So. Ga. A. & M. Col. (Val.)

7,925.00 72,500.00

Special Appropriations-

Miscellaneous (est.)_ 16,000.00

Special AppropriationsLegis. Com. (est.) __ _


State Xor. School, Special 74,000.00

State Sanitarium --------State Univ. Support Fund_State Univ. for Agri. CoJ. __

891,334.00 108,000.00 132,500.00

State Univ. for Smith-Lever 54,485.08

State Univ. for Sum. School 7,500.00

Training School for Girls-- 35,000.00

Tuberculosis Sanitarium __ Vocational Education ___ _

39,750.00 39,000.00

State Med. Col. for Hygiene

and Pub. Health-___ 20,000.00

Summer School for Colored

Teachers ----------Training School, Boys

2,500.00 30,00'0.00

Public Welfare Board - __ _ 15,000.00

26,934.86 23,065.14


2,359.19 7,683.34

86,866.95 150,820.55 81,000.00 19,000.00




25,243.29 34,656.71

5,343.13 3,994,656.87

41,800.00 83,200.00

17,367.00 32,633.00

2,975.00 14,980.00

4,950.00 57,520.00

707.05 15,Z92.95

3,338.42 23,190.00 385,666.98 44,800.00 55,225.00 45,500.00
14,000.00 24,750.00 17,305.87

1,861.44 50,810.00 505,667.02 63,200.00 77,275.00
8,985.00 7,500.00 21,000.00 15,000.00 21,694.13

15,500.00 5,056.25

14,500.00 9,943.75

Totals _____________$9,350,674.42 $3,084,980.51 $6,265,693.81

TuESDAY, JuNE 29, 1920.



The following comparative statement will show the present appropriations to the eleemosynary, educational and correctional institutions of the State and the increased amounts requested.

Present Appropriations Academy for Blind----------------$ 40,000'.00 Albany Normal School (Colored)____ 7,500.00 Ga. Ind. Col. for Colored Youths___ 35,000.00 Georgia Medical College ___ ------.- 55,000.00 Georgia Normal and Ind. College __ 100,000.00 Ga. Norm. and Ind. CoL-Ext. Work 12,500.00 North Georgia Agricultural College 30,000.00

Georgia School for Deaf _____ ----- _ 60,000.00 Georgia School of Technology _____ 125,000.00 South Georgia J'\ormal College______ 72,500.00

State ,J'\ormal School


State Sanitarium ___ ---- ____ ---- __ 891,334.00 State College of Agriculture_------ 132,500.00

State University


State University (Smith-Lever) ____ 109,085.08 State University Summer SchooL__ 7,500.00 Bowdon College-------------------
Training School for Girls---------- 35,000.00
Training School for Boys _______ --- 30,00'0.00 Tuberculosis Sanitarium ---------- 39,750.00 12th District A. & M. Schools ______ 180,000.00

Increased Appropriations
$ 10,000.00
80,000.00 5,000.00 Main. 50,000.00 Build. Increase. 125,000.00 5,000.00 Main. 75,000.00 Build. 30,000'.00 Main. 100,000.00 Build. Increase. 20,000.00 Main. 100,000.00 Build. 25,000.00 Main. 325,000.00 Build. 4,500.00 Ins.
20,000.00 Main. 50,000.00' Build.
5,000.00 5,000.00 Def. Increased Appro. Increase. 120,000.00 10,000.00 each

:\fr. Barrett, of the 31st District, moved that the Senate do rww adjourn and the motion prevailed.

The President declared the Senate adjourned till tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central Time.



\Y eclnesclay, June :30, 1920.

The ~enate met pursuant to adjournment this da~, at 10 o'clock A. :JI., Central Time, and was called to order b~- the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered hy the Chaplain.

rpon the call of the roll the follm,,ing Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, han E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, \\alter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, J as. B. Cureton, \Yalter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, II. H. Dunean, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Fl~nt, J . .J. Fo,Yler, Ben .J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. }f. Kea, Fred Keene, .J. H. Kendall, }I. M. Kirklan<l, Z. W. Larkins, .T. K. Lt>Sueur. R. C. Lunsford, J. R Maynanl, .T. D. ::'-reidlinger, Leonorian Nix, Oscar A. OliYe, ,J. T.

Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Rags<lale, S. W. Reece, \Y. K. Reynol<ls, IV. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Yeazey, P. G. Yiekery, Jesse W.
Wallae;>, w. P.
\Vatson, S. }f. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. ~Ir. President

~Ir. Allen, of the 35th District, acting Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the .Journal of ~'estercla~, 's session had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the re>acling of the Journal of the previous clay \vas dispensed with.

Leave of absence was granted to Senator Veazey, of the 19th District, on account of sickness in his family.

WEDNESDAY, JuNE 30, 1920.


At the request of .Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, Senate Bill No. 227 was withdrawn from the Committee on Special Judiciary and recommitted to the Committee on General Judiciary No. 1.
At the request of ::\Ir. Elders, of the 2nd District, Senate Bill Xo. 49 \Vas postponed till July ~' 1920.
At the request of Mr. Flynt, of the 26th District, Senate Bills Nos. 82, 83, 84 and 85 were withdrawn from the consideration of the Senate.
At the request of l\Ir. Xeidlinger, of the 1st District, Senate Bill ~o. 170 was \vithdrawn from the consideration of the Senate.
At the request of .Mr. Pittman, of the 42nd District, Senate Bill ~o. 207 was withdrawn from the Committee on General Judiciary No. 2 and recommitted to the Committ~ on State of Republic.
The following message was receive<l from the House, through .Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.
illr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, to wit:
House Bill 119. A bill to amend Section 582 of the Civil Code so as to provide that county warrants not paid when due shall bear interest at the legal rate.
House Bill 653. A bill to amend the Act establishing City Court of Fort Gaines so as to increase salary of the Judge thereof.



House Bill 658. A bill to increase salary of Judge of City Court of Camilla in County of Mitchell.
House Bill G73. A bill to amend the Act creating City Court of Elberton, relative to appointment of Solicitor thereof.
The House has adopted the following resolution and requests the concurrence of the Senate, to wit:
House Resolution 139. A resolution to require all political bodies holding meetings in the House or Senate Chamber to obtain consent to do so from all members of the Committees on Public Properties of both of said houses.
By unanimous consent the following Senate bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:
By ~Ir. Kea-
A bill to amend an Act creating the Departmet of Commerce and Labor.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Labor.

By :Mr. Ayers-
A bill to require all deeds connying real estate to show the source of grantor's title.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary ~0. 2.
By ~Ir. Kea-
A bill to amend Section 632 of the Penal Code of l 910, by defining who is an emigrant agent.

WEDNESDAY, JuNE 30, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor.

By Mr. Pruett-
A bill to amend Section 147 of the School Code of Georgia so as to provide for the election of County Superintendent of Schools by the Board of Education.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Brooks-
A bill to amend an Act fixing the compensation of the Treasurer of Macon County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. BowdenA bill to amend Section 3354 of the Code of
1910 relating to mechanic's lien on personalty.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.
By Mr. Adams-
A bill to amend Sections 4985 and 4986 of the Code of 1910 providing for compensation of court stenographers.
Referred to Committee on General .Judiciary No.1.
The following resolution was introduced, read the first time and referred to committee:



By Mr. -Wilkinson-
A resolution to make Senate Bills Nos. 155 and 156 a special and continuing order for Thursday, J ul~' 8, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.
The follo\\'ing resolution was introduced, read the first time and laid oYer for one day:

By Messrs. ~agsdale and Duncan-
A resolution "pledging the loyalty of the Democrats of the SoYereign State of Georgia to the cause of Democracy in the coming election.''
The following joint resolution of the Senate and House was read and adopted:

By l\fr. Barrett:
A resolution proYiding that when the General Assembly adjourn on Frida~, July 2, 1920, that it shall stand adjourned until 11 o'clock, Central 'rime, Tuesday morning, July 6, 1920.
The following House Bill was read the first time and referred to Committee:

B.'-' Mr. Mundy of Polk-
House Bill 119. A bill to amend Section 1582 of the CiYil Code of Georgia relatiYe to proYicling that county warrants not paid when due shall bear interest at the legal rate.
Referred to Committee on General J udicinry ~0. 2.

WEDNESDAY, JuNE 30, 1920.


The following joint resolution of the Senate and House was introduced, read the first time and referred to committee:
By M~. Glenn-
A resolution to discharge the \Vestern & Atlantic R. R. Commission from further duties as to the lease or other disposition of the Western & Atlantic Railroad.
Referred to Committee on \V. & A. R. R.
Mr. Bowden, of 5th District, Chairman of the Committee on Commerce and Labor, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Commerce and Labor have had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted,
J. E. BowDEN, Chairman.

By Mr. Bowden-
A Bill to amend Section 416 of the Penal C<nle by adding certain provisos.
Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 2, submitted the following report:
Mr. President: Your Committee on General Judie~ No. 2 r: . :\i lj I ,,,' ~



have had under consideration the following: Senate Bills Nos. 202 and 236, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
AYERs, Chairman.
Mr. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report :

Mr. President:

Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

X o. 250. A bill to fix the time of holding Superior Court in the variou11 counties composing the Cordele Judicial Circuit.

X o. 230. An Act to abolish the fee system of the Albany Circuit, and place the Solicitor General on a salary.

No. 249. An Act to abolish the fee system of the Ocmulgee Judicial Circuit and place the Solicitor on a salary.

Following bills of Senate recommended do not pass:

No. 201. An Act to amend Section 4968 of Code of 1911.

No. 28. An Act to create Ogeechee .Judicial


DoRRis, Chairman.



Mr. Vickery, of the 4th District, Chairman of the Committee on Drainage, submitted the following report:

1l1r. President :
Your Committee on Drainage have had under consideration the following bill, and have instru,cted me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass as amended:
A bill to be entitled an Act to provide that banks of rivers and creeks be made pasture fence lines, and for other purposes.
VICKERY, Chairman.
:Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had ununder consideration the following bill of the Senate, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill No. 245. To amend the Charter of the City of Moultrie, to provide for the election of Clerk, Marshal and Recorder, etc.
CLARE~CE E. ADAMs, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:



llf.r. President:
Your Committee on Corperations have had under consideration the following bills of the House, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill 687. Amending Charter of City of Adel, empowering city to improve its streets and sidewalks.
House Bill 688. Amending Charter of the City of Adel, giving power to levy special tax for school purposes.
CLAREXCE E. ADA::\IS, Chairman.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :
By Messrs. Dorris and Barrett-
A bill to provide compensation for the services of the Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court.

By Mr. Wilkinson-
A bill to provide that banks of certain nvers and creeks be made pasture fence lines.

By Messrs. Eabun and Smith-
A bill to abolish the fte syfltem now existing in the Superior Court of the Albany Judicial Circuit.

By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to 'amend Section 416 of the Penal Code by adding certain provisos.

WEDNESDAY, JuNE 30, 1920.


By Messrs. Davis and Clements-
A bill to fix the time of holding the Superior Courts in the various counties composing the Cordele Circuit.

By 1\fr. Wallace-
A bill to abolish the fee system now existing in the Superior Courts of the Ocmulgee Judicial District.

By Mr. Ayers-
A bill to amend the Act approved August 18, 1916, so as to provide that the larceny of motor Yehicles shall be punished from one to twenty years in the penitentiary.

By ~Ir. Kendall-
A bill to amend the charter of the Cit~~ of ~Ioul trie to prmide for certain elections.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By ~Ir. Parrish of Cook--
A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Adel relative to the imprm~emcnt of streets.

By ~Ir. Pm rish of Cook-
A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the city of Adel relative to leY~ing a special school tax.
L"nder the head of Unfinished Business the following Senate bill was taken up for consideration:



By .1Ir. Barrett-

A lJ:Jl to ~mL'lld ..:""nide :2, bedion 1, Paragraph 2, of the Constitution of Georgia so as to strike from said paragraph the word "male."

:Jh. Barrett, of the ~nst District, called for the A~es and Xays on the question of agreeing to the report of the Committee, which was unfavorable to the po:1ssage of the bill, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follo\YS:

Those Yoting in the affirmative were :J[essrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Ayers, J. S. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, James A. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J.

Hogg, J. P. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, :M. ::\1. Kirkland, Z. W. LeSueur, R.. C. Maynard. J. D. X eitlling<lr, Leonorian Olhe, J. T.

Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Reece, W. K. Yeazey, P. G. Vickery, .Jesse W. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were :Messrs.:

Allen, I van E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bussey, J. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, \V. H.

Duncan, J. T. Ehlers, H. H. Harbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. :M. :'i!ix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C.
Ragsdale, S. w.

Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Wallace W. P. Watson, S. ~I.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Ennis, J. H. Glenn, George G.

Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R.

Ayes 25, nays 20.

Shingler, J. S.

The adverse report of the Committee was agreed to and the bill was lost.

WEDNESDAY, JuNE 30, 1920.


Under the head of Special Orders and Orders for the day the follo,ving Senate bills were taken up for a third reading and put upon their passage:
By :Mr. Smith-
A bill to declare the law in regard to warehouse receipts adopting in regard thereto the Uniform \Varehouse Receipt Act.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 36, Xays 1.
The bill having receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Iessrs. Blasingame and \V allace-
A hill to make im'alid a public warehouse receipt giYen for the storage of property on and after two years from the elate of issue mHl to provide for renewal of same.
The report of the Committee, \Vhich was fcnorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed 1o as amended.
On the passage of the bill the A:es \\ere _).'__),,
Xays 10.
The hill haYing failed to recein the constitutional majority was lost.
L"ncler the head of Special Orders and Orders of the Da~' Senate Bill X o. 59 was taken up for consideration.



The Committe(' offered the following substitute:
A bill to be entitled an Act to amend the laws relating to issuing marriage licenses and to marriaboes bY amendinob Section ~~36 of the Georob ia Code of 1910 to require issuance of license to nonresident females by ordinary of county in which ceremony is to be performed; to require return of license and certificate by officiating person to ordinary within thirty days after ceremony; by amending Section 2938 of the Georgia Code of 1910 to require filing of applications for marriage licenses fiye days ahead of issuance of licenses; to require posting of said applications by ordinaries for this period of fiye days; to provide a penalty for violation of these provisions; and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assemby the same, that Section 2936 of the Georgia Code of by the same, that Section 2936 of the Georgia Code 1910 be amended by adding after word ''State'' the following clause: "provded, that if she be a nonresident of this State, then by the ordinary of the county in which the ceremony is to be performed''; by adding the word ''marriage'' in the seventh line of said Section the words "within thirty days after the date of said marriage''; so that, when thus amenrled, it shall react as follows: "Marriage licenses slw 11 be granted by the ordinaries, or their deputies, of the several counties where the female to be marriect resides, if resident in this State; proYided, that if she be a non-resirlent of this State, thrn b~" the orrlinar~' of the county in which the ceremony is to be performed; directed to any judge,

"\VEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1920.


justice of the peace, or minister of the gospel, authorizing the marriage of the persons therein named, and requiring such judge, justice or minister to return the said license to the ordinary, with his certificate thereon as to the fact and elate of the marriage, within thirty days after the date of said marriage, which license, with the return thereon, shall be recorded by the ordinary, in a book kept by him for this purpose.''
Section 2. That Section 2938 of the Georgia Code of 1910 be amended by adding as a prefix the following: "Immediately upon receiving application for a license, the ordinary or his deputy shall post in the ordinary's office a notice giving the names and residences of the parties applying therefor, and the date of the application. Xo license shall be issued earlier than five days following the date of application for such license, within which period of five days objections to the proposed marriage may be entered"; by adding after the \\'ord "deputy" in the sennth line of said Section the following: "shall fail to post in his office facts pertaining to the application, or who shall issue a lice>nse in violation of the time provision," so that, when thus amended, it shall read as follows: ''immediately upon receiving application for a license, the ordinary or his deputy shall post in the ordinary's office a notice, gi,ing the names and residences of the parties applying therefor, and the elate of the application. l\o license shall be issued earlier than fi\e days following the date of application for such license, within which period of five clays objections to the proposed marriage ma~v he entered. It shall be the duty of the ordinar~ and his deputy to in-



quire as to the ages of all persons for whom marriage licenses are asked, and if there be any grounds of suspicion that the female is a minor, under the age of eighteen years, such ordinary and his deputy shall refuse to grant the license until the >\Titten consent of the parents or guardians, if any, controlling such minor, shall be produced and filed in his office; and any ordinary who, by himself or deputy, shall fail to post in his office facts pertaining to the application, or who shall issue a license in violation of the time provision, shall knowingly grant such license without such consent, or without proper precaution in inquiring into the fact of minorit~, or for the marriage of a female to his knowledge domiciled in another county, shall forfeit the sum of $;)00 for eyery such act, to be recoYered at the suit
of the clerk of the Supe>rior Court, and ndded- to the
educational fund of the county."
Section 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict here"ith are hereb~ repealed.
~Ir.- Kaigler, of the 1:2th District, offered the following amendment:
B~ striking the words "posted in the ordinar~'s office,'' >YhereYer they occur in the substitute and inserting in lieu thereof the words, "posted at the Court House door."
The amendment \n1s adopted.
The Committee substitute was adopted as amended.
The bill \Yent oYer as unfinished busin0ss.
The following communication was read for the information of the Senate:

WEDNESDAY, JuNE 30, 1920.


214-215 Southern Banking Bldg.,
21 \V. Peachtree St., Atlanta.
June 29th, 19::W.
Hon. Sam L. Olive,
President of the Georgia Senate,
Senate Chamber, Atlanta, Georgia.
My dear Mr. Olive:.
As President of the Georgia Automotive Dealers Association, I desire to invite you and every member of the Senate to review the parade of the motor transport convoy from the Capital City Club, \Veclnesday, June 30th, at 2:00 P. }.!.
Cars will be ready to transport every member who desires to join in the parade, which will encl at Camp Jessup, where Col. Edy will conduct the entire party through the government shops.
Yours very truly,
The hour of adjournment having arrived the President declared the Senate adjourned till tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock Central Time.




Thursday, July 1, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this dav at 10 o'clock, Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer_ was offered by the Chaplain.

1\Ir. Pruett, of the 32nd District, asked unanimous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.

Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, objected:

'l'he Secretary proceeded with the call of the
roll and the following Senators ans,vered to their

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, han E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, .Josiah Bowden, .T. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas B.
Cnreton, walter w.
Dorris, W. H. Duncan, .T. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Pittman, Claude C.

Fowler, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn. George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J. P.

Ret>ce, W. K.

Kaigler, H. ::\[.

Riee, \V. D.

Kea, Fred
Keene, .r. H.

Shingler, .T. S. Smith, J. Q.

Kendall, M. M.

Stec<1, E. T.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Vickery, Jesse W.

LeSueur, R. C.

wallace, '\V. P.

Lunsford, .T. R.

Watson, S. ::\[.

:\Iaynarc1, .T. D.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Xeiolinger, Leonorian ::\fr. Presiflent

Nix, Oscar A.

Olin, J. T.

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of
the Committee on .Journals, reported that the .Journal of the pre,ious da~- had been examined and found correct.



Mr. Blasingame, of the 27th District, gave notice that at the proper time he would move that the Senate reconsider its action in defeating Senate Bill No. 96.
By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
Mr. Blasingame, of the 27th District, moved that the Senate reconsider its action in defeating Senate Bill No. 96 and the motion prevailed.
The bill took its regula'r place on the calendar. By unanimous consent the following bills were taken up for a third reading and put upon their passage.

By Messrs. Smith and Rabun-
A bill to abolish the fee S~'stem now existing in the Superior Courts of the Albany Judicial Circuit.
The report of the Committee, which \Yas favorable to the passage of the bill, \Yas agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Xays 0.
The bill haYing receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Iessrs. Dorris and Clements-
A Bill to fix the time of holding the Superior Courts in the various counties composing the Cordele Circuit of this State.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 37, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was pased.

By .:\Ir. \Vallace-
A bill to amend an Act creating the Board of Commissioners of the County of }forgan.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having recei...-ed the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Ir. Kaigler-
A bill to authorize Board of Roads and Revenues of Quitman County to pay certain officials their fees in certain misdemeanor cases.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes \Yere 31, N"ays 0.
The bill having receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Wa1lace-
A bill to abolish the fee system now existing in the Superior Courts of the Ocmulgee .Judicial Circuit.

THURSDAY, JuLY 1, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Hogg-
A bill to prohibit the use of steel traps and devices on lands without consent of owner.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Kays 0.
The bill haYing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The following House bills were read the third time nnd put upon their passage:

By Mr. Parrish of Cook-
A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City
of Adel so as to empower said City to improve its
streets, sidewalks, etc.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 36, Xays 0.
The bill having receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By l\Ir. Parrish of Cook-
A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Adel, relative to leYying a special tax for school purposes.
The report of the Committee, ~which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were :39, Nays 0.
The bill haYing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The follmYing Senate bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to committees:

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to amend Section 1205 of the Code relating to female felony convicts placed on the State Farm.
Referred to Committee on Penitentiary.
By ~Ir. Kaigler-
A bill to amend Section 77 of the School Code of Georgia, so as to provide for the election of members of the County Boards of Education by the people.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By .i\Ir. Barrett-
A bill to define certain aeronautical terms and proYide for the registration of airships.
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor.

THURSDAY, JuLY 1, 1920.


The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill of the House, to-wit:
House Bill No. 613. A bill to fix the salary of the Treasurer of Gwinnett County.
The House has also passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill of the Senate as amended, to-wit:
Senate Bill 81. A bill to provide for creation of a new county to be kno"=n as Seminole County.
The House has concurred in the following resolution of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Resolution 65. A resolution causing the Senate and House to adjourn Friday, July 2nd, 1920, to Tuesday, July 6th, 1920.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to committees:
By Mr. Arnold of Clay-
House Bill 653. A bill to amend the Act establishing the City Court of J1~ort Gaines relatin to increasing the salary of the Judge.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
:By Mr. Green of GwinnettA bill to fix the salary of the Treasurer of the
County of G'vinnett.



Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By ..Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 658. A bill to increase the salary of the Judge of the City Court of Camilla.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By .Messrs. Rogers and Swift-
A bill to amend the ..Act creating the City Court of Elberton relative to the appointment of the Solicitor.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
The following bill of the Senate was taken up for the purpose of concurring in the following House amendments to said bill.
A bill to amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11 of the Constitution, to proYide for the creation of a new county to be known as Seminole, and for other purposes.
The House offered to amend Senate Bill X o. 81 providing for the creation of Seminole County, be amended in the following particulars, to-wit:
1. By striking from section one of said bill the following words, to-wit: ''Thence north along the west line of Miller County to the southeast corner of lot of land number one hundred and thirty-four (134) in the 26th land district of Early County; thence west along land line to the northwest corner of fractional lot of land number four hundred and three (403) in said 26th district, and"-

THURSDAY, JuLY 1, 1920.


And by substituting in lieu of the words so stricken, the following words, to-wit: ''Thence west along the south line of Early County."
2. By striking from section one of said bill the word, to-wit: "Albany."
And by substituting for the word so stricken, the word "Pataula;"
So that the said new county will be placed in the Pataula instead of the Albany judicial circuit.
The House offered to amend Senate Bill No. 81 rn the following particulars, to-wit:
1. By striking from Sec. 1 the language as follows:
''Thence northward up the eastern bank of Spring Creek through Decatur County to the line of Miller County;'' and substituting in lieu thereof the following: ''Thence northward up the western bank of Spring Creek to land lot (No. 131) number one hundred and thirty-one in the 21st district of Decatur County at a point opposite a public road known as Rhodes Ferry road, and thence west to a point one-half mile distant from the west bank of Spring Creek, and thence northward along a line parallel with, and one-half mile distant from the west bank of Spring Creek to the south line of :Miller County.''
Upon the motion to concur in the House amendments the roll was called and the vote was as follows:



Those voting in the affirmative were:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T.

Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. M. Kendall, M. M. J\ Pa, .J<'red Keene, J. H. Kirkland, Z. W. LeSeur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Nix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T.
Vickery, Jesse w.
Watson, S. M.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Maynard, J. D. OliYe, J. T.

Rice, W. D. \Vallace, W. P.

'Wilkinson, H. B.

Ayes 41. And the amendments were concurred in.

Br. Barrett, of 31st District, Yice-Chairman of the Committee on Rules, submitted the following report:

Jlr. President:
Your Committee on Rules have had under consideration the follo\ving resolution of the Senate and han instructPd me as Vice-Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

By .:\Ir. \YilkinsonA resolution to make Senate Bills Nos. 15:5 and



156 a special and continuing order for Thursday, July 8, 1920.
Respectfully submitted, FERl\WR BARRETT, Vice-Chairman.

The report of the Rules Committee was adopted. The resolution was adopted.
:Mr. \Vallace, of 28th District, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Agriculture have had under consideration the following bills and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do not pass.
Senate Bill No. 64.
Senate Bill No. 34.
W. P. WALLACE, Chairman.
.Jir. Elders, of 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate, and have instructed me, as Chairman, t~ report the same back to the Senate with the recommendattion that the same do pass.



Senate Bill No. 229.

"\Ve recommend that Senate Bill No. 235 do not pass.
H. H. ELDERs, Chairman.

ATLANTA, GA., July 1, 1920.

The following message was received from His Excellency, the Governor, through his Clerk, Mr. Cobb:

M 1. President:

I am directed by His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver to your Honorable Body a communication in writing, to which he respectfully invites your attention.

Under the head of Unfinished Business Senate Bill Xo. 59 was taken up for consideration.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage by substitute as amended, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill by substitute as amended, Mr. Elders, of the 2nd District, called for the Ayes and Xays and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bussey, J. B. Clements, J as. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A.

Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Kaigler, H. M'. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R.

M"aynard, J. D. Nix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C. Ragsdale, S. W. Reynolds, W. H. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S.M.



Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Duncan, J. T. Harbin, C. J.

Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. LeSueur, R. C.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Olive, J. T. Rice, W. D. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bowden, J. E. T. Hogg, J.P. Pruett, J. F.

Rabun, Z. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W.

Wood, A. J.

Ayes 30, nays 12.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, by substitute, as amended.
The following House resolutions were read and adopted:

By Mr. Anderson of Jenkins-

A resolution to require all political bodies holding meetings in the House or Senate Chamber during recess of Legislature to get the consent of all members on the Committee on Public Buildings.

By Mr. Moye of Randolph-

A resolution providing for a joint committee from House and Senate and certain other officials of the State to investigate the financial status of the State.
The following Senate bill, favorablT :Leported, was read the second time:

By Mr. KaiglerA bill to amend Section 79 of the School Code of



Georgia so as to provide for the compensation of the members of the County Board of Education.
At the rPquest of ~Ir. Barrett, of the 31st District, SenatP Bill No. 235 was recommitted to Committee on Education.
On the motion of Mr. Elders, of the 2nd District, Senate Bills Nos. 49, 52 and 60 were indefinitely postponed.
On the motion of Mr. Duncan, of the 36th District, Senate Bill No. 65 was laid on the table.
On the motion of l\Ir. Bowden, of the 5th District, Senate Bill No. 243 was laid on the table.
Under the regular order of business the following Senate bill was taken up for a third reading and put upon its passage:
By Mr. AllenA bill to make it a misdemeanor for a man to
wilfully and without cause desert his wife.
The committee offered the following amendment:
To amend Senate Bill Xo. 17 by adding at the end of Section 2 the following words: '' ProYided that there shall be no conviction under this Act upon the unsupported testimony of the wife alone."
The amendment was adopted.
::\Ir. Smith, of the 7th District, submitted the following amendment:
"Provided also; A married woman who wilfully ai~d \vithout just cause abandons her husband, they

THURSDAY, JuLY 1, 1920.


having a child under the age of ten, shall likewise be guilty of a misdemeanor.

''No conviction shall be had under this Act upon the uncorroborated testimony of the husbancl.''

The amendment was adopted. ~fr. Smith, of the 7th District, submitted the following amendment:

To amend the caption as follows:

By inserting in the caption before the words ''and for other purposes,'' the following words :

''To make it a misdemeanor for a married woman to wilfully and without cause abandon her husband, they having a child under the age of ten."

The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended, was agreed to.

Upon the passage of the bill l\Ir. Elders, of the 2nd District, called for the Ayes and )Jays, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Clements, Jas. B. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Ennis, J. H. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. ::\L LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Xix, Oscar A. Pittn:an, CThude C. Pruett, J. F.

Rabun, Z. T.
Ragsdale, S. w.
!Wynolds, W. H. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B.



Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Cureton, Walter W.

Flynt, J. J. Hogg, J.P. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M.

Kirkland, Z. W. Neidlinger, Leonorian Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Dixon, James A. Larkins, J. K. Maynard, J. D.

Olive, J. T. Rice, W. D. Veazey, P. G.

Wallace, W .P. Wood, A. J.

Ayes 29, nays 13.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority, was passed as amended.

Leave of absence was granted to 1\Ir. Fowler, of the 22nd District, on account of pressing business.

Leave of absence was granted Mr. Keene, of the 6th District, on account of pressing business.

Mr. Glenn, of the 43rd District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.

The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central Time.

FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920.


Friday, July 2, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock, Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

2\Ir. Pratt, of the 32nd District, asked unammous consent to dispense with the roll call.

Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of the roll and the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Pittman, Claude C.

Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G.

Pruett, J. F.
Rabun, z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J.P.

Reece, W. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D.

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, M. M.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

Veazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

Maynard, J.D.

Watson, S. ~f.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wood, A. J.

Olive, J. T.

Mr. President

::\Ir. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.



By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
At the request of -:\Ir. Dorris, of the 48th District, Senate Bill Xo. 217 \Vas withdrawn from the Committee on Appropriations and recommitted to the Committee on General Judiciary No.1.
At the request of .Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, Senate Bill Ko. 243 was taken from the table and restored to its regular place on the Senate calendar.
At the request of -:\Ir. Glenn, of the 43rd District, Senate Resolution Xo. 64 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of -:\Ir. Adams, of the 30th District, Senate Bill No. 261 was \vithdrawn from the consideration of the Senate.
At the request of Mr. Steed, of the 37th District, Senate Bill No. 203 was withdrawn from the consideration of the Senate.
At the request of ~Ir. Ayers, of the 33rd District, House Bill X o. 460 was taken up for the purpose of insisting on Senate amendment.
Mr. Ayers, of the :-33rc1 District, mond that the Senate insist on its amendment to House Bill Xo. 460 and t~e motion prevailed.
By unanimous consent the following Senate bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to committees.

By Mr. BowdenA bill to prohibit the sale of any new animal

FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920.


drawn device other than standard tread after Jan. 1, 1921.
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor.

By Mr. Ragsdale-
A bill to repeal an Act establishing a system of public schools for the To\\11 of Dallas.
Referred to Committee on Education.
The following resolution was introduced, read the first time and referred to committees:

By Mr. Ragsdale-
A resolution placing Senate Resolution No. 66 on the calendar.
Referred to Committee on Rules.
11r. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report :

lllr. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following House Bills and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
H. B. 653. A bill to amend the Act creating the City Court of Fort Gaines.
H. B. 658. A bill to increase the salary of the Judge of the City Court of Camilla.



H. B. 681. A bill increasing the salary of the .Judge of the City Court of Alhany.
H. B. 673. A bill to amend the Act creating the City Court of Elberton relatiYe to appointment of Solicitor.
DoRms, Chainnan.
.l\Ir. Steed, of 37th District, Chainnan of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 1, submitted the following report:

Jlr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary Ko. 1 haye had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and haYe instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A bill to amend Section 4212 of the Code relating to the admissibility in eYidence of copies of registered deeds.
Recommend Senate Bill K o. 238 do pass as amended.
Respectfully submitted,
STEED, Chairman.
1Ir. Steed, of the 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary Xo.1, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 1 han had under consideration the following bills of

FRIDAY, JuLY 2, 1920.


the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
S. B. 241. A bill to relieve counties, etc., issuing bonds in cases where validation has been sought as provided by law and failure to file proper proceedings.
Also S. B. 246, \vith reference to the validation of municipal and county bonds "do pass" as amended.
Respectfully submitted:
STEED, Chairman.
_ .l\Ir. Bowden, of 5th District, Chairman of the Committee on Commerce and Labor, submitted the following report:

J.lir. President:
Your Committee on Commerce and Labor have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
By ~Ir. Kea-
A bill to amend Section 632 of Penal Code of 1920 by defining who is an emigrant agent, and for other purposes.

By .Mr. Kea-
A bill to amend Section 2 of Act of General Assembly approved August 21st, 1911, creating the



Department of Commerce and Labor and the Acts amendatory thereof, etc.
Respectfully submitted, J. E. T. BowDEN, Chairman.

The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time:

By ~Ir. Barrett-
A bill to amend Section 212 of the Code relating to admissibility in evidence of copies of registered deeds.
By :Mr. Dorris-
A bill to regulate the installation and sale of lightning rods in this State.
By Mr. Nix-
A bill to relien counties issuing bonds in cases where validation has been sought as prodded by law.

By Mr. Dorris-
A bill to amend Sections 45 and 46 of the Code with reference to the validation of municipal and county bonds.

By Mr. Kea-
A bill to amend Section 632 of the Code of 1910 by defining who is an emigrant agent.

FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920.


By Mr. Kea-
A bill to amend Section 2 of an Act creating the Department of Commerce and Labor.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
A bill to amend an Act creating the City Court of Albany, to increase the salary of the Judge.

By Mr. Arnold of Clay- ,
A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Fort Gaines, to increase the salary of the Judge.

By Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
A bill to increase the salary of the ~Tudge of the City Court of Camilla, in ~1itchell County.

By Messrs. Rogers and Swift of Elbert-
A bill to amend the Act creating the City Court of Elberton, relative to the appointment of the Solicitor.
Under the regular order of business the following House bill was taken up for a third reading and put upon its passage:

By Mr. Neil of Muscogee-
A bill to require the tax collectors of the several counties to open ''Discharged Soldiers and Sailors List."



The report of the committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, moved to postpone the consideration of the bill till Tuesday, July 8, 1920, and the motion prevailed.

Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in postponing House Bill No. 296 and the motion prevailed.
House Bill No. 296 was taken up and put upon its passage.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28 and the Nays were 0.
This bill having received the requisite constitutional majority, was passerl.

Under the regular order of business the following House Bill was read the third time:

By Messrs. Sibley of Green and Lindsay of DeKalbA bill to regulate the sale and distribution of
manufactured milk.

Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, moved to postpone the bill and the motion prevailed.

Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in postponing House Bill X o. 356 and the motion prevailed.

The bill took its regular place on the Senate



FRIDAY, JuLY 2, 1920.


Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, moved tl1at the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
Under a previously adopted resolution the Senate adjourned till Tuesday morning, July 6, 1920, at 11 o'clock, Central time.
The President declared the Senate adjourned till Tuesday morning, July 6, 1920, at 11 o'clock Central Time.




Tuesday, July 6, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 11 o'clock, Central Time, and was cal1ed to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

'rhe Secretary called the roll and the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Jostah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, T. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, .fss B. Curetol\, Walter W. Di:1<on, J:~n,es A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Ennis, J. H.

Pittman, Claude C.

Flynt, J. J.

Pruett, J. F.

Fowler, Ben J.

Rabun, Z. T.

Glenn, George G.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Harbin, C. J.

Reece, W. K.

Hogg, J.P.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kaigler, H. M.

Rice, W. D.

Kea, Fred

Shingler, J. S.

Keene, J. H.

Smith, J. Q.

Kendall, M. M.

Steed, E. T.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Veazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunqfcrd, J. ~.

V.allace, W. P.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Watson, S. M.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Olin~. J. T.

Wood, A. J.

Mr. Al1en, of the 35th Dictrict, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journa1 of the previous day was dispensed with.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

TuESDAY, JuLY 6, 1920.


Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:
H. B. 66. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Forsyth County.
H. B. 669. A bill to amend charter of Town of Washington relathe to increase of tax for school purposes.
H. B. 674. A bill to abolish office of County Treasurer of Clayton County.
H. B. 686. A bill to amend Act creating town of Guyton relatin to tax leYy.
H. B. 639. A bill to amend an Act creating Board of Commissioners of Hoads and ReYenues of Cook Count~.
H. B. 695. A bill to amend charter of town of
Apalachee relatiYe to tax ley~.
H. B. 696. A bill to amend Act establishing J>Ublic s::-hool s~stcm for Cit~ of Thomaston.
H. B. 697. A bill to amend Act to incorporate City of Thomaston relati,e to grading nm1 imlH'OYing streets.
H. B. 6~h). A bill to abolish office of County 'rreasurer of Cook Count~.
H. B. 705. A bill to authorize County Board of
Education of Richmond County to issue $500,0()0 of bonds for erecting and eljuipping school hon"es.



H. B. 709. A bill to amend charter of City of Griffin relative to tax le\ry.
H. B. 742. A bill to establish Board of Commissioners of Roads and ReYenues for Barrow County.
H. R. 126. A resolution to relieve sureties on bond of Alonzo Golson and Sophie Meyers.
H. B. 655. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Pelham so as to provide for election of one wuncilman from each fire ward in said city and one from city at large.
H. B. 656. A bill to amend charter of City of Pelham so as to provide for election of Chief of Police by people.
H. B. 657. A bill to amend an Act to provide for payment of salary to Treasurer of :Mitchell County.
H. B. 702. A bill to fix salaries of Judges of City Courts in counties ha\'ing therein city of not less than 200,000 population.
H. B. 74-4. A bill to fix fees of clerks of Superior Courts in counties having less than :50,000 population.
H. B. 751. A bill to increase salary of Judge of Criminal Court of Atlanta.
Mr. Barrett, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Rules, submitted the follmving report:
Mr. President:
You Committee on Rules have had under eon-

TuESDAY, JULY 6, 1920.


sideration the following resolution and recommend same do pass :
A resolution to place Senate Resolution No. 66 on the calendar.
Respectfully submitted,
FER::\IOR BARRETT, Vice-Chairman.
The following resolution was placed upon its passage:
A resolution to place Senate Resolution No. 66 on the calendar.
The report of the Rules Committee was adopted.
The resolution was adopted.
At the request of ~Ir. \Vatson, of the 8th District, Senate Bill ~ o. 251 was read the second time and recommitted.
}[r. Dorris, of the 48th District, requested that all local Senate and House bills he taken up for a first reading, and the request was granted.
The following Senate Bills were taken up for first reading and referred to committees:
By 1Ir. AyP-rsA bill to amend }111 Act to Incorporate the Cit~r
of Commerce in the County of .Jackson, and for other purposes.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By }Ir. PruettA bill to amend Section 5554 of the CiYil Code



of 1910 proYicling for se1Tice by publication in certain cases.
Refe:Ted to Cmmuitt2e on G211eral Judiciary No.1.
The following House Bills were taken up for first reading and referred to committees :

By }Ir. }IcDaniel of Fors:dh-
H. B. 664. A bill to abolish the office of Treasurer of Fors~'th County.
Referred to Committee on County and County Matters.

By }!essrs. Ficklen and Lindsay of wilkes-
H. B. 669. A bill to increase the tax for school purposes in the City of washington.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By }Ir. Blalock of Clayton-
H. B. 67-:!. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer in Clayton County.
Referred to Committee on County and County Matters.

By }Ir. Reiser of Effingham-
H. B. 686. A bill to amend an Act creating the Town of Gu~'ton relative to tax levy.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

TuESDAY, JULY 6, 1920.


By :Messrs. Smith, :\Ioore and Hendrix of Fulton-
H. B. 702. A bill to fix the salaries of Judges of City Courts in Counties containing a city of not less than 200,000 population.
Referred to Committee on Special ,Judiciary. By Messrs. Duncan of Hall, Owen of Paulding, Har-
din of Banks, et al-
H. B. 744. A bill to fix the fees of Clerks of Superior Courts of State in Counties having less than fifty thousand population.
Referred to Comittee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Messrs. Smith, l\Ioore and Hendrix of FultonH. B. 751. A bill to increase the salary of the
Judge of the Criminal Court of Atlanta. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By :\Ir. Kicholls of SpaldingH. B. 709. A bill to amend the charter of Griffin
relative to the levy of annual taxes. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Bush of :\Iitchell-
H. B. 656. A bill to provide for election of Chief of Police of Pelham by people.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By l\Ir. Bush of MitchellH. B. 657. A bill to provide a salary for the



Treasurer of :\Iitchell County instead of fees as now provided.
Referred to Committee on County and County }fatters.

By,:\fr. Bush of Mitchell-
H. B. 655. A bill to provide for the election of one councilman from each fire ward and one from town at large in Pelham.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By .Mr. McKenney of Upson-
H. B. 697. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Thomaston relating to grading the streets, etc.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By :\Iessrs. ::\[acDaniel, ReYille and Pilcher of Richmond-
H. B. /0,). A hill to authorize the Board of Education of Richmond County to erect and equip school houses.
Referred to Committee on County and Count~r :\Iatters.

By ::\Ir. J olms of Barrow-
H. B. 7-t-:2. A bill to establish a Board of Commissioners of Hoads m1d ReYenues for the Count~ of Barrow.
Referred to Committee on County and County l\Iatters.

TuESDAY, JULY 6, 1920.


By :Mr. Parrish of Cook-
H. B. 699. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Cook County.
Referred to Committee on Count~~ and County l\fatters.

By Mr. Parrish of Cook-
H. B. 689. A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues oi Cook County.
Referred to Committee on County and County Matters.

By ).Ir. Lambert of ~[organH. B. 695. A bill to amend the charter of Apa-
lachee in the County of Morgan.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By ).Ir. l\IcKcnney of Upson-
H. B. 696. A bill to amend an Act establishing public school system for City of Thomaston.
Referred to Committee on Corporations. The following House Resolution was taken up for a first reading and referred to Committee:
By l\fessrs. ~IcDonald, ReYille and Pilcher of RichmondH. R. 126. A resolution to relieve the securities
on hand of Alonzo Golson and Sophie l\Ieyers.
Referred to Committee on Special .Judiciary.



The following House Bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Arnold of Clay-
A bill to amend the Act establishing the City Court of Fort Gaines, relativ11 to increasing the salary of the Judge of said Court.
The report of the Committee, \vhich was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes \vere 36, Xays 0.
The bill having receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. Burt of Dougherty-
A bill to amend an Act creating the City Court of Albany, granting the J uclge of said Court an increase in salary.
The report of the Committee, which was fayorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the hill the Ayes were 38, Xays 0.
The bill haYing receind the requisite constitutional majority, was passed.
On the motion of ~Ir. 'Yatson, of the 8th District, Honse Bill X o. 638 was laid on the table.
~Ir. Hagsdale, of the 38th District, rose to a question of personal pri,ilege on Senate Resolution No. 66.

TuESDAY, JuLY 6, 1920.


July 7, 1920.
The following message was received from His Excellency, the Governor, through his Clerk, :Mr. Cobb:
J.11r. President:
I am directed by His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver to the Senate, a communication in writing, to which he respectfully requests your consideration.

The following Senate Bill was read the third time and placed upon its passage:
By :Mr. Dorris-
A bill to amend Sections 45 and 446 of the Code of 1910 with reference to validation of municipal and county bonds and for other purposes.
The committee offered the following amendment:
Amend by striking out "four years" wherever it occurs and substituting in lieu thereof "two years.''
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill as amended the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill haYing receiYed the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
~Ir. J\I. ::\I. Kendall, of the 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on PriYileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:



Mr. President:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor han had under consideration the following resolution of the Senate, and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

Resolnd, that the priYileges of the floor be extended l\Irs. "\V. H. Felton for two days.

:\I. l\L KEXDALL, Chairman.

The report of the committee was agreed to. The following resolution was read and adopted: By :J[r. Pittman-

A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Mrs. "\V. H. Felton for a period of two days.

The following message, received from His Excellency, the Governor, was read:

Atlanta, J nne 6, 1920.
To the General Assembly of Georgia:

For more than sixty days prior to your comening, the treasury of the State has been unable to

TuESDAY, JULY 6, 1920.


honor requisitions of those authorized to draw appropriations made by your honorable body at the 1919 session, for the conduct of the State's business and the support of its institutions. Our educational institutions-the university; the several agricultural schools, and its other branches; our educational and eleemosynary institutions-the Academy for the Blind, the School for the Deaf; our educational and corrective institutions-the Training School for Girls; the Training School for Boys, our Soldiers Home, our State Board of Health, to which appropriations for the Tuberculosis Hospital is made, our Sanitarium for the Insane, our Prison Commission, our Department of Agriculture, and other departments at the Capitol-these and others have been forced to go without funds, which are necessary if these institutions are to continue functioning.

Those familiar with the finances of the State haYe anticipated that this condition which now confronts us was ultimatel:' ineYitablc-the only clement of uncertainty being the date of culminatiOn. Except for :our prompt compliance with m~ request,
at your 1919 session, to deferthe distribution of the
State Road Funds to the counties until September 10th of that" year, it is probable that the embarrassment which is now existent would then have arisen. (Georgia Law, page 1440, Resolution Xo. 16.)

The situation as it has been developing, and as it was at the beginning of this year, can readily be seen from this statement:



Jan. 1, 1913-----Jan. 1, 1914-----Jan. 1. 1915 _____ _ Jan. 1, 1916_____ _
Jan. 1, 1911-----Jan. 1, 1918-----Jan. 1, 1919-----Jan. 1, 1920------

$2,09~, 794.79 1,607,431.30 1,901,702.07 2,259,361.73 2,627,641.43 2,812,640.43 2.926,671.06 2,997,368.91

$1,113,517.31 739,625.75 787,455.88 842,799.09
1,386,135.42 1.459,331.18
813,139.66 909,625.64

$ 979,277.48 867,805.64
1,114,246.19 1,414,562.42 1,241,496.01 1,353,309.25 2,113,531.40 2,087,743.27

The State, it is seen, therefore, began the year 1920 in need of $2,087,743.27 with which to balance its account.

In addition to the ordinary expenses of our civil
establishment and the usual maintenance expenses of
our institutions, there were two obligations-one created by contract under the School "\Varrant Law
of 1915; the other, the payment of pensions due our
Confederate Yeterans, which the State had to meet
during the :first of the year. These two items are the largest in the State's budget, and for some yearsalthough the treasur~- funds haYe been supplemented b~- temporar~- loans-which the Go...-ernor is author-
ized to make-their prompt payment has not been
met without some apprehension of a possible failure.
A detailed statement of the plan of payments for this year ma~- be profitably set forth:

TuESDAY, JULY 6,1920.


Although under the law pensions to Confederate Veterans are not necessarily payable until May 1st each year, still it has been found advisable to pay as soon after the beginning of the year as possible the pensioners in one-half of the counties-those given priority one year being postponed the nextand this has been the unbroken custom since the law allowing annual payments to pensioners was enacted.
On February 10, 1920, therefore, a warrant for $632,820.00 was paid by the Treasurer for one half of the pensions for 1920. This payment was made without securing a loan.
On March 1, 1920, a warrant for $1,979,617.75 was paid to redeem discounted school warrants issued to finance the public schools during 1919, and in anticipation of the taxes for that year. It was necessary to use the Governor's borrowing power up to $150,000.00 in order to meet this obligation. This loan was paid March 23, 1920.
On April 21, 1920-some few days earlier than commanded by law-a warrant for $627,775.00 was drawn on the Treasurer for the second installment of pensions for 1920. But to make this pa~Tment it was necessary to again use the borrowing power of the Governor-and perhaps for the first time in the history of the State for the full amount authorized, viz: $500,000.00-certainly for the first time since the limit has been increased to the present sum.
The loan of $500,000.00, while obtainecl of the Highway Funds, exhausts the borrowing power of the Governor; as this fund, though heretofore avail-



able temporarily for general purposes until its distribution to the counties (which ordinarily is done annually about the first of June), under the terms of the re-organization statute passed at your last session, is now controlled and disbursed under the provisions of that Act only, and hence must necessarily be kept separate and apart from other funds and held until the occasion arises for its use in carrying out the road building program.
Although the revenues of the State have undoubtedly substantially increased from year to year, and though probably the increases for ] 919 and 1920 will fully equal those of other years,-still the greatly increased appropriations to almost every department and institution,-and especially the large increases to pensioners and the public schools; the withdrawal of funds heretofore temporarily employed to tide the State over ''the lean'' months, coupled with the depreciated purchasing power of the dollar and the unusual "high cost of living"which has necessitated larger drafts, or more frequent calls, than heretofore have heen made during the first half of our fiscal ~ear-have at last necessitated the suspension of pa~ments on appropriations, because the State rieither has the money that can he used, nor the power to horrow more.
Onl; a small per cent, or about 13.17 per cent, of 1920's anticipated revenues have been paid thus far. The greatest portion of the 86.27 per cent remaining will not he collected until to\Yard the close of the year; but, in the meantime, half of the fiscal ~rear has alread~ passed, and within that period the necessities of the departments and institutions, as might

TuEsDAY, JULY 6, 1920.


reasonably be expected, have demanded such a proportion of appropriations as exceed the revenues realized.
The appropriations already made for 1921 exceed those for the current year by about $700,000.00 and the indications now are that probably earlier next year than this the treasury will again be empty and those who have been so greatly inconvenienced this spring must again suffer.
Teachers, the employees of the Sanitarium for the Insane, and others employed at the various institutions of the State-most of whom realize little enough for their labors-should neither be denied prompt payment of their meager stipends, nor made apprehensive and uncertain as to their livelihood.
And above all, the State should consider its helpless wards-the mentally sick-the infirm confined in our State institutions-and should not deny them the use of money which otherwise would lie idle in our State depositories.
Therefore, I unhesitatingly suggest legislation. permitting the use, temporarily, of such portions of the highway funds as may be needed; provided, of course, that such use shall not interfere, hinder, or delay in any respect the State's road building program.
This, so far as I am able to see, is the only way by which immediate relief can be assured. Under no circumstances should these funds be diverted from the purpose for which they were originally intended, and their use should be permitted only for

] 52


such period as is absolutely necessary and to such an amount as can be certainly repaid out of the bulk of the State's revenues which will be collected in the fall.
There is little reason in holding this highway money idle in banks when the State's institutions need it and its agents and employees are forced to go without pay unless they borrow money of these same banks and at a very high rate as compared with what the banks pay the State for its use, or unless the officials of the departments or institutions they serve voluntarily and personally do so for them.
There are two ways, and only two, whereby, in my" opinion, the State can insure against a similar situation in 1921. One is to permit the use of high\Yay funds; the other is to increase the borrowing power of the Governor.
Prior to 1912, the Govemor was authorized to
borrow $200,000.00. A Constitutional Amendment passed that year increased the borrowing power to $500,000.00.
Appropriations for 1912, when the borrowing power was $200,000.00, were $5,625,R25.00. The borrowing power, therefore, was approximately 3.55 per cent of the appropriations.
The 1913 appropriations \Yere $5,90-4:,567.00, and the borrowing po\\er of the Gmemor for that year '"as $500,000.00. or 8.46 per cent of the appropriations.
The borrowing power ot the Governor now is onl~- 5.41 per cent of the 1920 appropriations.

TuESDAY, JULY 6, 1920.


It might be advisable to amend the Constitution authorizing the Governor to borrow not more than 10 per cent of the appropriations made by the General Assembly for the fiscal year in which the
loan is negotiated; or, if not that, then to increase
the borrowing power to three-quarters of a million, or a million dollars.
The adoption of the foregoing suggestions, in all probability, would serve temporarily-and certainly if the increase in revenues for 1920 as suggested by the Comptroller-General should be realized, and provided no other appropriations are made.

But the State is greatly in need of revenue beyond any increase that can be expected by the most sanguine adherents of the present plan of taxation.
The Comptroller-General, in his report for the year ending December 31, 1919, on page 12, lists appropriations for 1920 at a total of $9,074,616.50. The correct total is probably more, or $9,083,586.72.
This official also, in the same report, on page 13, expresses the hope that the net revenues for 1920 will be increased to $1,092,750.00, basing his expectations on the hoped for increase of assessed valuations of the State for this year as given by the 'L'ax Commissioner, though the Comptroller accredits that official with expressing the hope that the values will increase ten million more than the Tax Commissioner in his report, at page 9, estimates will be the case.



But, conceding the figures given by the Comptroller-General to be correct, and also the opinion which he expresses that all the 1920 appropriations as made can be paid by revenues to be realized this year, including the approximately $500,000.00 increase needed to pay pensions to our Confederate Yeterans, authorized under an Act passed at your last session, and the more than one million dollars asked by the department and institutions, as set out in the Budget and Investigating Committee's report just filed,-still, even if these items are included and covered in the statement of the Comptroller-General as referred to, Georgia, when you consider its needs, is not receiving adequate revenues, and will not until its tax methods are, in my opinion, "recreated.''
I cannot see that there is any just ground for complaint as to appropriations, because I feel that they are aU-possibly without a single exception, certainly as to those which are in amount consequential-abundantly deserved and advantageously used. But there must be a change. \Ye cannot continue to increase our appropriations thirty-seyen per cent when our revenues only increase twenty-two per cent, as has occurred during the five-year period from 1915 to 1919, inclusive.
The Tax Commission in its report submitted to ~ou at ~'our first session, gives a thorough and exhaustin stud~' of the intricate and complex question of taxation.
Xine out of the ten members of this Commission-one of whom is the Tax Commissioner of the State-concurred in the "Majority Report. This re-

TuESDAY, JULY 6,1920.


port shows that other states have failed also to raise adequate revenues under the ad valorem system of taxation, and because of the impossibility of devising under that system any kind of tax machinery that would succeed in realizing revenues from intangible property.
I have seen no valid objection to the majority plan. The suggestion that its adoption would result in a division of our people into classes, I regard as not based upon facts or reason. Such has not been the case in those progressive states where it has been of force and where, if such a result were possible, sufficient time has intervened since its adoption to have produced this unfortunate result. On the other hand, the uniform ad valorem clause results in an uneven distribution of the burdens of taxation and here and elsewhere has already, if you please, didded people into classes----<those who (pay and those who evade; those who pay some and those who pay less; those who pay on a fair valuation and those who pay on an inadequate valuation; a class that cannot evade because its property is in the open, and a class that evades and circumvents, and will inevitably, under the law as it now is, continue this practice.
The new law will classify property for the purpose of taxation, and scientifically, according to its nature, its characteristics and its earnmg capacity.
The present law divides our people into classes fully as much as any new system could possibly do -one of which-the owners of real estate-pay taxes on 35 per cent of the actual value of their propert~;

while another-some of the public service corporations-pay as lo\v as 22 per eent of the actual value of their holdings-while from the standpoint of relative burden imposed, real estate furnishes 53 per cent of the revenue of the State as against 6 per cent which is furnished by those who pay on money and credits.
At page 495 of the Georgia Senate Journal of 1919, a table will be found showing that the percentvalue of property in Georgia has been steadily deage of intangible property to the total assessed creasing, having dropped from 141j2 per cent in 1875 to 6 l/14 per cent in 1918-and also that the percentage of personal property to the total assessed value of property has decreased from 4221:~ per cent in 1875 to 32% per cent in 1918.
To more clearly indicate the above, the table is herewith set out:

1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1918

$261,755,844 261,424,651 321,69.5,616 415,828,945 410,692,093 433,323,691 577,840,282 766,787,139 951,763,472

$37,138,943 29,333,736 33,796,735 38,933,258 31,056,175 34,730,595 41,172,177 48,242,841 53,559,002 65,613,596

1475% $111,056,490 11%% 99,276,876 10lh% 119,200,739
9%% 152,311,869 7%% 133,555,811 8 % 150,606,530 7lh% 203,979,464 61j7 253,156,250 5%% 276,794,323 61j14 349,588,021

42%% 39lh% 37 % 36%% 32lh% 34%,% 35lh% 33 % 291j7 32%%

TuESDAY, JuLY 6, 1920.


The report of the Tax Commission says:
"The remarkable situation shown by the above table is not unique for Georgia, but has been found to exist in many other States where the ad Yalorcm general property tax was still used in personal property.''
In the State of New York, as shown by the report of the State Board of Tax Commissioners of that 8tate for 1914, page 49, it appears that the percentage of personal property to total assessment in that State has decreased from 18.9 per cent in 1840
----to 10.04 per cent in 1905. The Minnesota Tax Commission report for 1910 says:
"Under the existing system, personal property tends to form a constantly decreasing proportion of the total property assessed for taxation. It is generally admitted that under modern conditions, the amount of personal property in existence always equals, and frequently exceeds, the amount of real property. In a State like :Massachusetts or Kew York, some would have it that the amount of personal property is two or three times as much as the amount of real property; whatever the exact proportion may be, it is certain that it cannot be less than, and probably greatly exceeds, the amount of real property. During the Nineteenth Century, it is certain that the increase of personal property was particularly rapid; yet the statistics covering this period show that this class of property has usually offered a decreasing proportion of the total assessments.''



This condition, which .seems to exist in all states where the ad valorem plan obtains, inevitably results in placing an increased burden on real estate. That is the situation in Georgia.
It should be borne in mind that the suggestion with reference to the division of our people into classes, as urged by the opponents of this measure, presupposes that the General Assembly of Georgia, to whom would be intrusted the matter of classification, would prostitute their high office to an unfair and indefensible imposition of taxes upon one class at the expense of another. I shall neYer believe that the General Assembly of Georgia will be composed of a membership which will so far forget its duties to the whole people and lend its vote to any such program.
It should always be kept in mind in the consideration of this proposed change in our tax system that under no circumstances could any burden be imposed upon any propert~T in excess of the five mill limitation prescribed b.v our Constitution, and which all property now theoretically is supposed to pay.
If the people of Georgia are willing that your successors in the positions of trust which you now occupy should use their judgment-after a full investigation as to the advisability of classificationyou should be willing to submit to them for ratification the Constitutional Amendment giving them this power; because, after the adoption of this proposed amendment, the same rule of uniform and ad valorem taxation as it now exists, if deemed wise, could be applied.

TuESDAY, JuLY 6, 1920.


If the tax machinery adopted in Virginia-as the opponents of this new law have suggested-and not the inherent merits of the new system, are to be credited with the splendid success brought about in that State (in which it took six years to persuade the people that it was wise )-is it not a remarkable coincidence that such success was only accomplished contemporaneously with the adoption of this new principle of taxation? Is it not a noteworthy coincidence that, without an exception, success in raising adequate revenues has accompanied a change from the old ad valorem to the classification system, and that this additional revenue has, in every instance, come chiefly from the classes of property which usually escaped taxation under the ad valorem plan?
Under the law of averages, as shown by the experience of other states, the chances are against Georgia ever being able, under any kind of machinery, to accomplish under the Constitutional provision of 1877, what is being accomplished in the nineteen States referred to on page 30 of the Report of the Tax Commission, and in the States of ~fon tana, New Jersey and Vermont, which were not included in this enumeration.
I cannot belie,e, in Yiew of the universal failure of the uniform ad valorem principle of taxation, that Georgia can ever do under this principle that which other countries and States of the Union have failed to do, the reason for which failure can be summed up in the statement that it is inherently and fundamentally unfair.
H on. H. J. Fullbright, in his annual report to the Comptroller-General, on page 4, with reference to this report, sa~s:



''The recommendations contained in the majority report are in keeping with the thought of many of the ablest authorities on the subject of taxation, and in line with the laws of all the more progressive States of the Union. I heartily join in that report, believing that the adoption of the recommendations therein made would greatly improve our tax laws."
It is agreed, not only by the majority of the Tax Commission, but by the Hon. Seaborn "'Wright, who alone dissented from the report of the majority, and who filed a minority report which was submitted to your l)ody; and by the Comptroller-General of the State of Georgia, Hon. Wm. A. Wright, that changes should be made in our tax laws.
While the Comptroller-General, in his report for 1919, at page 21, disagrees with the majority report submitted by the Tax Commission, still he says that he has given much thought and study to the legislation proposed by the bill introduced at the last session, and that he is more strongly convinced than ever before that were the machinery recommended by this Commission for the new system applied to the existing system of taxation, it would accomplish better results without the destruction of the system, which, in his opinion, has been successfully in operation since the adoption of the Constitution in 1877.
Therefore, I am suggesting that in view of the fact that all who have studied the subject agree that somethitlp should be done, that you adopt the plan recommended in the report of the majority of the Tax Commission; or that suggested in the Minority Report; or the plan ach'ocatecl by the Hon. \Vm. A.

TuEsDAY, JuLY 6, 1920.


\Vright, Comptroller-General of the State, who has had long experience in the practical administration of the taxing laws of this State.
lf it is the policy of the State to continue the old ad valorem system of taxation, amendatory laws to perfect the machinery along the lines indicated in the report of the ~Iinority Committee of the Tax Commission, or as sugested by the Comptroller General, should be immediately adopted.
I strongly advise that something be done-raise the constitutional limit; re-Yalue the property now on the tax books; perfect-if it can be done-the machinery under the Constitution as it now is, or amend-and this I think to be wise-the Constitution, as suggested in the report of the majority of the Tax Commissim1. You should do something without delay. You are in possession of as much information as an~ General Assembly can possibly have, and in view of the great needs of the State, and also in ,-ie\\- of the fact that all who han given the tax methods of the State any thought, are of the opinion that something should be done, there can he little rxcuse for your failure to act.

BrDGET Cmnnssrox.
I unqualifiedly recommend the creation of a Constitutional Budget Comission, and im-ite your serious consideration to the hill suggested by the Budget and Im-estigating Commission in its 19HJ report, "B~xhibit I." This bill prO\ides that after this Commission has cleYoted the time necessan to an intelligent understanding of the needs of the State's agencies, departments and institutions, and



has recommemled an a}Jportioimwllt of the State's reYenues for these purposes, while items so recommenJed may be decreased or omi ttecl under the usual rules of the GenNa] Assembly, the amount of no item may lw increased except upon a two-thirds ,ote of the membership of each House of the General Assembl~ present and Yoting, prO\idecl that such two-thirds shall constitute a majority of such memberships.
This proYision is Yery similar to one in the Constitution of the Confederate States of America.
It is a necessar~- provision to gin the work of
this Commission before ~our body that stanrling to \vhich it is entitled. This proYision is also in the interest of protecting :our membership against the solicitations and importunities of those who seek appropriations, and tends to en;1ble such matters to be settled upon merit alone.
This JWOYision is not a limitation on the authorit~ of the General Assembly in the matter of appropriating the State's funds. It is simpl~ a sensible, reasonable and lmsincsslike regulation of the procedure by which appropriations arc to be made. It must be rccallrd that the General Assembly has no unlimited power in this respect, as the Gonrnor, by the exercise of the Yrto powrr, can oYerrule the wishes, \Yith reference to matters of legislation, of any number of RepresentatiYes in the Lower House less than 128 and an: number of Senators, less than ::l-t-. so th~1t under the proYision of the Constitutional Amendment proYiding for the creation of the Budget Commission :our body will he placed under no further limitations than now.

TuESDAY, JuLY 6,1920.


Members of your body would have the balance of po\ver on the Commission, while the minimum membership authorized to increase any item recommended, 97 in the House and 27 in the Senate, as now constituted, would suffice.
This provision would give to Georgia one of the essential requisites of a business budget system. It has been written into the laws of other States, and, after trial, has been found satisfactory. It is hoped you can approve this plan for submission to the judgment and 'Yisclom of the people of this State, whose representatives :von are, and who can well be trusted to say wlwther or not this is a wise and expedi~nt regulation to safeguard State expenditures and insure their wise use.
I desire also to endotse that provision of this suggested Constitutional Amendment which requires that no other appropriation bill shall be considered until the General Apropi'iation Bill has been finally acted upon. During my tenure of office, the General Appropriation Bills han always been deferred and finally put through in the last minutes of the session, and hence have come to the Executive Department for consideration and action only after the adjournment of your body, and "hen to withhold approYal of any item of consequence therein, would necessarily entail upon the taxpayers of the State the expense of an Extraordinary Session. To delay the passage of the General Appropriation Bill until special appropriation bills haYe all been passed upon, must inevitably result always in the passage of special bills without any regard whatsoeYer to the State's ability
to pa~. It is unbusinesslike and uns~stematic..




The benefits that will accrue from the adoption of the plan lmbodictl in the Budg-et Bill submitted, ~will he so apparent-if it is once 1mt in Yogue-as to cause ns to ,,oncln that the old lllan \\as enr permitted to exist.
Further, let me con11nend that prons 1011 in the last paragra1Jll of the suggested Budgl't Bill \\hich says that no special appropriation bill shall be enacted, should the amount therein carried cause the total appropriations for any year or yenrs in which the same is to be paid to exceld tlw total reYenue as estimated in the report of the Budget and Innstignting Committee, unless such speeial approprintion bill shall proYide the rc\enue nece:"sary to pny the appropriation therein. The adoption of this will ineYitahly result in focusing tlw mind of the General Assemhl~- on the amount of the State's renmH' and the source from \Yhich it is dt>1ind, instcaJ of permitting it in making appropriations-as hns ht>retofore het>n the case-to think onl~- of the great needs of the State and its institutions.
H this Budv,et Bill should he adopted. Georgia would He\er again he confronted \Yith the situation \Yhich md ~-ou at tlw threshold of ~-our deliberations at this session.

You are to he congratulated on the Higlnn1~ legislation passed at your last session, and it is earnestly hoped that with such minor amcndnwnts as may be suggested hy your wisdom and as the operation of the State s~~stem ~which you haYe inaugurated may haYe deYcloped arc necessar~-, the pro-

TuESDAY, JvLY 6, 1920.


gram as outlined in the report of the ~Iajority Committee, as submitted to you at your last session can be put through.

Your body, at its 1919 session, undoubtedly passed as much progressive legislation as any General Assembly in the history of the State at its first session. Your creation of the State Board of Public welfare; your establishment of the State Banking Department; the State Printing Department; your revision of the educational laws, and your highway legislation, constitute in themselves a splendid catalogue of accomplishments. If at this session you can succeed in the enactment of proper tax legislation; take the initial step for the establishment of a Constitutional Budget and Innstigating Commission; take additional steps as indicated for the establishment of a State System of Highways, you cannot be denied the honor of having enacted more legislation in the interest of the people of our State than an~- General Assembly heretofore has eYer done. It is a great opportunit~- and one which it is sincerel~- hoped you will embrace.
Respectfully submitted,
:Jir. Glenn, of the 3rd District, mon~d that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion pren1iled.
The President declared the Senate adjoumed until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central Time.




w~ednesday, July 7, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A.M., Central Time, and -..vas called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L. Olive.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.
}Ir. \Vallace, of the 28th District, asked unanimous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.
:Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of the roll and the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A.
Dorris, w. H.
Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Pittman, Claude C.

Fowler, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. :M.

Reece, W. K.
Reynolds, w. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D..

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, M. M.
Kirkland, z. W.

Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

Veazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

Maynard, J. D.

Watson, S. M:.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Nix, Ocsar A.

Wood, A. J.

Olive, J. T.

Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on' Journals, reported that the Jonmal of the previous da~r had been examined and found correct.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


By unanimous consent the reading of the .Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
By unanimous consent the following Senate bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to committees:

By Mr. \VilkinsonA bil1 to amend an Act regulating the sale of
cotton seed meal. Referred to Committee on General Agriculture.

By ~Ir. Harbin-
A bill to amend an Act creating the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Cherokee County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County :Jiatters.
By :Jir. Flynt, by requestA bill to amend an Act to authorize the Gover-
nor to lease the Indian Springs Resene.
Referred to Committee on Public Property.

By Mr. Kencla11-
A bill ta amend Paragraph 1, Section 4, Article 3 of the Constitution by reducing the constitutional limit of sessions of the General Assembly to thirty clays.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.



By Mr. \VatsonA bill to prennt the introduction into this State
of contagious diseases of honey bees. Referred to Committee on Agriculture.
By .Mr. Bowden-
A bill to anwnd <m Act creating a Bond Commission for \Vare County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By ~Ir. MaynardA bill to amend Section 1484 of the Criminal
Code of 1911, Vol. II, b~ adding after word" injur~" in the lHth line, the following, ''or such record as may haYe been made of the applicant's se1Tice. ''
Referred to Commitee on General Judician" No.1.
By Mr. RagsdaleA bill to amend an Act creating a new charter
for the Town of Dallas, Georgia. Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Messrs. Pittman, Rabun, Dorris, Duncan, Olin, Elders and Smith-
A bill to amend Section 7 of Article 7 of the Constitution of Georgia to authorize any county to exceed the limitation of 7 per cent on debts, for the purpose of maintaining public utilities.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


BY ::\Icssrs. Pittman, Rabun, Blasingame, Dorris, et al-
A bill to amend Section 3 of Article 7 of the Constitution of Georgia to authorize the General Assembly to create a Hydro Electric Power Commission with authoritY bY and with the approval of the Governor.
Hefcrred to Committee on Constitutiomil AmtBdments.

By ::\Ir. Biders-
A bill to amend Section l.J-5 of the School Code so as to remoYe the mills limitHtion as to le\~~~ing
taxes to pa~, the principal and interest of districts a11d count~~ school building bonds.
Refenecl to Committee on Education.
::\Ir. Elders. of :2nd District, Yice-Chairmnn of the Committee on Pri\'ileges of the Floor, submitted the t'ollmYing report:

Jlr. Preside11f:
Your Committee on Pri,~ilegcs of the Floor hcwe had uil(lcr consideration the follo,Ying resolutions of the Sc11ate a11cl han illstructc<l me, as Clwinnm, to repnd the same had~ to the Senate with the rPconmleBclatioll that the sanlf' do pass:

By ::\Ir. Bowde11-
A resolution extending- the privilege of the !loor
to I-Ion ..r. L. \Yalker, of \Y<~;~cross, Ga.



By .Jir. Kendall-
A resolution extending the pri\ilege of the floor to Dr. Hendrix, of 'l'ifton, Ga.
Hespectfully submitted, H. H. ELDERs, \'ice-Chairman.
The following resolutions, fayorahly reported, were read and adopted:

By }lr. Bowden-
A resolution extending the priYilege of the floor to Hou. J. L. \Yalker, of \Vaycross, Ga.

By .Mr. Kendall-
A resolution extending the priYilege of the floor to Dr. Hendrix, of Tifton, Ga.
Mr. Reece, of -l:lst District, Chairman of Committee on Counties and County ~Iatters, submitted the following report:

1ll r. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County :Jiatters haYe had under consideration the follo"ing: Senate Bill 260 and House Bill 664, and han instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
REECE, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


JJ r. Presideut:
Your Committee on Corporations haYe had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate, with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill 267. Amending Charter of City of Commerce, conferring authority on council to improve streets.
CLAREXCE E. AD.nrs, Chairman.
::\Ir. Steed, of ;)7th District, Chairman of the Committee on General .Tudiciar;' Xo. 1, submitted the following report:
Jlr. PrPsideuf:
Your Committee on General Judiciary X o. 1 han' had under consideration the following House and Senate hills and haYe instructed me, as Chailman, to report the smne hack to the Senate with the ncommendation that the same do pass:
H. B. /H. To fix the feps of Clerks of Superior Courts.
S. B. :!G::-1. To :mwm1 Sectirm ;)55+ of the Ciyil Colle of 1010.
S. B. :217. To f1:~ the salaries of slwrt~~,;nc1 \\Titers in Supreme Court.
S. B. :2:2;). To authorize the Gm'ernor to acquire sets of Park's Code.
S. B. 2-!0. To regulate the sale of securities in Georgia.

] 7~


Also tht followin,~ ~;L'lW'tv ];ill..; and recommend that the same ''do not pass.''
S. B. :3~). To prO\ide that one year non-support of husband of his wife is ground for diYorce.
S. B. ~1 ~. To prohibit "pimping" b~ hotel and boarding-house sernmts.
S. B. 1S5. To repeal Section 1068 of the Penal Code of 1~n 0.
Respectfull~; submitted,
STEED, Chairman.
.Jir. Donis, of +Sth District, Chairman of the Connnittec on Special .T tuliciar~, submittrd tlw following report:

Jlr. PrPside11t:
Your Committrt on Special .Judiciary haYe ha<l under con~iduration tlw following bills of the Housr all<l han instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate ~with the reconmwmlation that the sarm do pass.
H. B. 70~. A bill to fix tlw salarirs of .Judges of the Cit~ Courts in Countirs haYing a cit~- therein of not less than ~00,000 population.
H. B. 751. A bill to increase the salar~- of .Judges of the Criminal Court of Atlanta.
DoRRis, Chairman.
l\Ir. Calhoun, of 15th District, Chairman of the Committee on Public Property, submitted the following rrport :



.Jlr. Preside11f:
. Your Committee on Public Property haYe had under consideration the following resolution of the Senate and haYe instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, to-wit:
S. R. 42. To proYide for carrying into effect reeominendations contained in the GoYernor's message relatin to the Capitol and ::\Iansion.
llespectfull~ submitted,
J. C. CALHOL"x, Chairman.
::\Ir. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:
Jir. President:
Your Committee on Corporations ha,e had mlder consideration the following bills of the House and lune instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
H. B. 66~J. Amending Charter of City of \Yashington, increasing taxes for school purposes.
H. B. 69i5. Amending Charter of Town of Appalachee.
H. B. 709. Amending Charter of City of Grirlin, relati,e to leYy of annual tax.
H. B. 656. Amending Charter of City of Pelham, providing for election of Chief of Police by the people.



H. B. 655. Amending Charter of City of Pelham, regulating- the election of Councilmen.
H. B. 697. Amending Charter of Cit~ of Thomaston, rela t iYe to graLl ing of streets.
H. B. 696. Amending Charter of City of Thom-
aston, establi::;lting public school system.
H. B. 686. Amending Charter of Cit~ of Gu~
ton, rclatin~ to tax lcYy.
CLARE::\CE E. ADAi\Is, Chairman.
~Ir. Bell, of the 51st District, Chairman of the Committee on l<~nro llnwnt, suhmi tted the following report:

Jlr. Presidc11t:
Yom Cnmmittec 011 Enrollment report as dul~ enrolled awl nady for the signature of the PresiLlent of the S!'ll<ltL' <lllll SllLaker nf the House, the fo1lowing Act, to-wit:
An .Act to amPJJcl the (\mstitnti(lJl of tlw State of Georgia, so as to c1pate the new Count~ of Seminole,
HPspectfull~ suhmittcd,
BELL, Chairman.
The follm\ing ~('lWte hill,-, fa,nrahl:- npo~tc>!l, Wel'l' l'C'<lll t Jtl' ''('('OlH} tillll':

A hill to authoriZL' tlll' Gonnwr to acqnirP a sufricio1t wnnlwr of sl'ts of the l1Cl'll1RJH'llt Sl1l1}llPment of P<lrk's ..'umotated CoLle of 1914 to supply the same to all officer,.:, courts a1Hl iustitutions \Yho now

..WEDNESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


receiYe the reports of the Supreme Court, and to giYe in exchange therefor publications of the State.

By }lessrs. Dorris and Kea-
A bill to rPgulate the sale of securities in Georgia, to create the office of Securities Comiuisswner.

By Messrs. Dorris, Steed and Barrett-
A bill to fix the salaries of the shorthand writers of the Supreme Court and of the Court of Appeals and for other purposes.

By Mr. Brooks-
A bill to amend an Act fixing the compensation of tlw Treasurer of :l\Iacon Count~-.

B~- .:\Ir. Ayers-
A bill to amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the City of Commerce in the Count~ of Jack-

By Mr. Pruett-
A bill to amend Section 555-! of the CiYil Code of 1910 providing for scrYice by publication in certain cases so as to authorize alimony to a wife and support and education to minor children out of property located in this State belonging to non-resident husband and father on sernce by publication, and for other purposes.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :



By ::\Ir. ::\IcDanicl of Forsyth-
A bill to abolish the office of Count~ Treasurer of Forsyth Count;;, and for otlwr purposes.

By ::\Iessrs. Duncan of Hart, Owen of Paulding, Harden of Banks-
A hill to fix the fees of the Clerks of Ruperior Courts of State in Comities lul\ing less than fifty thousand population.

By ::\lessrs. Smith, ::\foore and Hewlrix of Fulton-
A bill to fix the salaries of Judges of City Courts in Counties hming a eit.' therein of not less than 200,000 population.

B.' ::\lessrs. Smith, ::\1 oore and Hendrix of Fulton-
A hill to increase the salCilY of tlw .Judge of the Criminal Court of Atlanta.
The followiug message was nceind from the House, through ::\I r. ::\Ioon, the Clerk tlwnof:

Jfr. President:
The Jl()U;,l' lws puss~d h.' the l'l'qnistte constitutioual 111<1,iorit.\ tlH follm\ing l)rlls aw1 J'Csnlntions of the House:
JI. H. 12t'. A resolution to appropriate $2.),000
conriug n shortagc rn J~l'nsion fund for 1~l20.
lf. H. 12!!. A nsolntion to approprintp :f+i."i.OOO to pa.' the ap]nond pensions under tl11 cmJstitutimwl amcn<JmcIJt for 1~11.-.:, for 1!!20.



H. B. 615. A bill to amend an Act creating a new Charter for the Cit~, of .Jiacon, relatiYe to members of Hospital Board.
H. B. 650. A bill to proYicle for secret ballot and elections, in all elections held in .J[itchell County.
H. B. 670. A bill to permit the Solicitor General of the Brunswick .Judicial Circuit to engage in the ciYil practice of la \\".
H. B. 7:2!1. A bill to incorporate the town of Blythe, in the counties of Richmond and Burke.
H. B. 76:-L A hill to repeal an Act to incorporate the town of The Hock.
H. B. 76-t. A hill to he entitled an Act to mcorporate the town of The Rock.
H. B. t-':3:.~. A hill to incorporate the city of Thomson. in lieu of the town of Thomson.
H. B. s:~:L ~-\. ])ill to amend the charter of the
cit~, of Stateshoro, relati\e to issuing homls for school purposes.

F>._:J:Ct"TI\"1-: lh:P.-\.H"L\IEXT-ATLX~--L\ .
.Jul~ 1st, l 9:20.
To the Geneml ~-lssenddy I)(Geur.oil/:
Attached hl>J'eto are: 1. Letter of the Chairman of the \Vestern and ~-\.tlantic Railroad Connnission transmitting to the Gm,ernor the Ammal Repmt of this Commission



and requesting that ,;aid Report lw submitted to ~on.
2. The Fifth Auuual Report of tlw \Vestern and Atlantic Hailroad Commission, in which is full~ set forth the status of the ~work of this Commission, as required by tlw Act creating it, and to which ~our attention is imitetl.
Hespectfull~ submith'<l,
Hnnr ~M. DoRSEY,

Office of the
Hon. Hugh ~r. Dorse~,
Governor, State of Georgia,
Atlanta, Ga.
I have the honor to transmit herewith, in behalf of the \Vestern & Atlantic Railroad Commission, its Fifth Annual Heport to the General Assembly, as required by law, the snme being for the year ending this day.
The Commission will thank you to transmit this report to the General Assembly at your earl~ convenience.
Very respectfully,



June 30th, 1920.
To the General Assembly:
l;nder the provisions of the Lease Act of 1915, it is made the duty of the \Yestem & Atlantic Railroad Commission to submit annual reports of its work, until it shall have completed its duties under the Act, or shall have been discharged by joint resolution of the General Assembly. Annual reports in accordance with this provision have been submitted, the last being for the year ending J nne ;.10th, 1919. This report is for the year ending June 30th, 1920, and with this and the four alread~' submitted, the General Assembl~, will han complete report of all the ,,,ork accomplished b~' the Commission.
The report made to the General Assembl~' at its 1917 session containecl a full histm~, of the negotiations resulting in the execution of a contr<lct with the XashYille, Chattanooga aucl St. Louis Railway for a new le;lse of the railroad and properties located at the tcrmini and at intermediate points deemed a<1Yisahle to he kept as a part of the railroad proper, and a cop; of this contract of lease, effectin Deceml1er 27th, Hl19, for a term of fifty
Pmsuant to the terms and lno,isions of this contract, t1w road and the nroperties going therewith \n>rP formall~ recei,ed from the Lessee under the 1800 hasc contract, and \Yith the exceptions here-



inafter mentioned dl'liYen'tl to the ne\\ Lessee, and formal receipt takL'Il therefor, a complete inYentory of all propc'rt~- included luning been pn'\iously made by the Commission and neceptecl h~- the LL'ssee.
There was induded in the 1~!JO lease a lot of old tools, shop materials, office supplies and machiner~-, yaluecl at the hegiuning of the -lease at $:n,ml3.60.
Such of the machim'ry as remained in existence was merely junk, the tools had been worn out and the materials and supplies consumed. The Hl11 agreement pro\ided that the Yalue above mentioned, $33,093.60, shoul<l he paid to the Statt in cash and on December ~lth last the agree<l payment into the State Trensur_,- was nuule.
ln the old lease there were also incluued certain old rolling stock anu equipment ndued by the State at the beginning of the lease at $361,0-t-1.00. .Jluch of this is now antiquated and poorly adapted to present day use. Some of it has entirely disappeared. The 1S!JO lessee n1lued all of it at $260,000. By reference' to the 1911 report and thL' new lease contract printed therewith it will be recalled that this old e<IUipnwnt has been included in the new lease, 'rith the agTL'ement howeYer by the Lessee to
account to tlw State at the end of the new lease, at
the full ,-alue of the same, as fixed b: the State, towit, $361,0+1.00.
On December :27th, 1~ll9, the Lessee deposited with the Stat(' Treasurer $600,000.00 par ,-alue rnited States l't'gistL'l'ed bonds as Sl'Cnrit: for faithful compliance 011 its part with the terms of the contract. The State, as ~-ou will recall, is the owner of

WEDXESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


hvo parcels of commercial property in Chattanooga, kno>vn as the Southern Express Compan~ building and the Eastern Hotel building.
These properties had been included in the 1890 lease along with the railroad properties, perhaps without any material return to the State.
This Commission did not deem them essential or necessary to the railroad properties, and did not include them in the properties leased under the contract, but reseiTed them for separate disposition, under which their rental ,alue could be obtained.
On ~ovember 6th, HlHl, a lease contract covering the rental of these two properties to J. B. Pound, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, for a term of fifty years from December 27th, 191 H, running concmTentl~ with the lease of the railroad properties, was executed.
A copy of the rental contract is attached to this report as an exhibit, and the Lessee took possession thereunder on December 27th last.
The rental is on an ascending scale and averages $12,000 net per annum for the entire period of the lease. The Lessee agrees to expend not less than $35,000 in improvements and to pay all taxes, assessments and governmental charges of every character. United States registered bonds for the amount of annual rental, as secmit~- for faithful compliance with the lease contract, haw been deposited with the State Treasurer.
The litigation with the Southern Railway m



reference to use by it of the State's right of way at
Dalton and Atlanta, mention of which was made in our last report, is still pending. During the period of Federal possession and control of this road, only terminated ~larch 1st last, it was not deemed wise to press these cases to trial. There is no reason now why early trial should not be pressed.

ExPEXSES oF THE Col\nnssw~.
Attached hereto as a11 exhibit is a statement of expenditures by the Commission since its last report. There is a balance of the last appropriation made b~- the General Assembl~-, undrawn and in the Treasury of $8:32.0+.


Csing a dual figures where speciii.ccl and estimates ~where the actual arc not named, the Commission submits the following as the total minimum net consideration to be rcceiYcd h~- the State under the leases now in effect for the tift.\ ~-em term of rental, to-wit:

Road rentals to be paid in cash___________________ $27,000,000.00

Contractural cash minimum to be expended on permanent roac,l improvements_____________________


Cash rental for Southern Express Co. and Eastern

Hotel buildings -------------------------------Contractural cash minimum to be expended on per-


manent improvements on abov.e mentioned buildings


Estimated minimum taxes in Tennessee on the State's

properties to be paid by lessees for the term of lease 1,500,000.00

Total considcmtion of leases.----------------- $32,135,000.00
In addition to the abo\e, we estimate that durmg the period of the road lease tax accruals m

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


Georgia on rolling stock and equipment O\Yned by the Lessee, as }H'o,ided under the terms of the new lease, but not taxed under the old lease expiring on December 27th, last, will aggregate not less than $500,000.
In this connection it is interesting to refer to the estimated reproduction cost new of the road as of July, 1916, printed in the Commission's 1817 Report, made by its J<Jngineer, J. Houston .Johnston.
Including lands this estimate was $15,508,867.
Mr. .Jolmston Yalued lands at $7,187,000. Excluding lands his estimate was $8,321,867. In this last he included $260,000 as the value of old rolling stock and equipment included in the old lease. The Bureau of Valuation, Interstate Commerce Commission, has recentl~- submitted its tentatiYe engineering report, in which the estimated reproduction cost new, excluding lands, is placed at $8,060,372. This estimate includes $95,705 for the old rolling stock and equipment fig'Ured in Mr. .Johnston's estimate at $260,000. under the terms of the ne\V lease, at the expiration thereof, the Lessee has contracted to account to the State for the sum of $361,041 as its value.
We think the small difference in the estimates of reproduction cost by the Bureau of Engineering and by Mr. Johnston is greatly to the latter's credit.
Tentative land values by the Valuation Bureau have not yet been given.
Mr. Johnston, representing the Commission, has been keeping informed as to the progress of the work



of Yaluation by the Interstate Commerce Commission under the Federal Yaluation Act. In our opinion proYision for his continued employment in this Yaluation work should be made, directing him to report to the Railroad Commission in the future. As his duties would not he heaYy only a moderate compensation and expenses would be necessar:.
Except as to the t\YO litigated encroachments abon~ mentiomd, and a few other minor encroachments along tlw right of \Yay, the work of this Commission seems to haYe been completed.
After the lease of the road and its properties, 11ow full: completed, the Act of 1m5 requires the Hailroad Commission to exercise superYision onr the properties leased. lt allJWars to us as now wholly unnecl'ssar: to continue this Commission in existence for the purpose of looking after the two casl'S mentimw(l alHl the minor encroachments rema 1nmg.
\Yc thenfore respectfully reconnmml that the matter of eneroaelmwn t mHl tlw litigation in connection there\\ith he place Ull(ler the future superYi,.,ion and direetio11 of the RHilroarl Commission, with instructions to Counsc1 to the western & Atbntic Railroad Commission, \V. A. -Wimbish appointed h.' the General ~-\.ssemhl.' to report to the Railroa(l Commission and act undPr its directions.
The Commission has accumulated immensPl.' Yaluahle maps, records nncl data as to the road and its prop0rties, at cons iderahlc exJlense to the State.
These shonl(l lw carefnll.' preserYecl.

WED~ESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


It is recommended, therefore, that they be placed in the custod~' and care of the Railroad Com-
Its duties completed, the Commission earnestly requests the passage of a joint resolution at this session, discharging it from further responsihilit~' and duties under the Lease Act of E)15 creating it.
Respect full~' submittecl,
C. .JI. CAXDLER, Chairman
Hl'GH .JI. DORSE~Y, Go,'ernor
G. GuXBY .JORDAX, Commissioner
C. R. ASHLEY, Commissioner

July 1st, 1919 to June 30th, 1920, both inclusiw. J. G. Cohen, sect'y, salary to Aug. 15th, 1919 (resigned) __ J. G. Cohen, sec'ty, expenses on road nork _____________ _ G. Gunby Jordan, Commissioner, expenses attending session C. R. Ashley, Commissioner, expenses attending session __ J. Houston Johnston, Engineer_ ______________________ _ Miss Ruth :\foore, stenographer and typist_ ____________ _ Atlanta and Chattanooga papers, adnrtising for pro-
posals for rental bids -----------------------------Office expenses and stJnplies _______ -------------------

$225.00 19.68 75.68 97.38
499.98 75.00
145.30 10.75

Total _______ - --- _--- _-------------------------- $1,148.77



Petty ca8h July 1st, 1919_____________ Balance appropriation unclrmyn, July 1st,
1919 ----------------------------Balance appropriation, nnclrawn June
30th, 1920 _______ ------------------

$ 66.00 1,914.81


832.04 $1,980.81

County of Fulton
\VHEREAs, by au Act of the Ueueral Assembly of Georgia, entitled ''Au Act to proYiclc for the leasing or other disposition of the \Yestern & Atlantic Railroad and its properties; for the creation of a Commission to effectuate such purpose, and to define its powers and duties; making an appropriation for the cost of the work re<1nired, and for other purposes,'' approYed X oYemher :10th, 1915, and the Acts <mlelHlaton thereof and supplementnl thereto aPlnoncl August 4th, 191G. and August 19th, 1~l16, respectinl~, there was created a Commission to be kno\Yn as the \Yestem & ~-\.tlantic Railroad Commission, "hich Commission was by the prmisions of said Acts authorized :-mel empowered to lease and contract fo1 tlw leasing of the railroad properties known as the \Yestern & Atlantic Railroad, including the terminals thenof, and its propprt~' otlwr than its railroa<1 pro1wrt~, not connected with either of its tenninals; and was further authorized and em-

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


powered to fix and determine all the terms and conditions upon which said properties should be leased, except as limited by the proYisions of said Acts, and was further authorized and empowered to agree upon all the terms and details of a formal lease contract, which upon being prepared and certified to the Governor by the said Commission should be executed b~' him in behalf of the State of Georgia:
Axn WHEREAs, The said Commission, organized in pursuance of the provision of said Acts, has, in regular meeting assembled, by a unanimous resolution, agreed to lease the two commercial properties and buildings, known as the Southern Express Company building and the Eastern Hotel building, in the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee, the said properties and buildings having been excluded by this Commission from the lease of the railroad properties of the Western & Atlantic Railroad, as properties other than its railroad property, not connected with either of its terminals, to J. B. Pound, of Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, under the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, \Vhich resolution, together with all the terms and details of this lease contract, has been certified to the Gonrnor of the State of Georgia by the said Commission:
Axn wHEREAs, It is further provided in said Acts that when said lease contract shall have been so prepared and certified to the Governor, the same shall be executed by him: m behalf of the State of Georgia:
Now THEREFORE, This Indenture made and entered into on this the sixth <lay of Xovember in the



year of our Lonl One Thou:o;aml Xinc Hundred and Xineteen, h~' and hetwLen the said State of Georgia, as rerncsruted h~, Hugh .:\I. Dorse:', GoYernor of the State, for and in behalf of the snid State, as party of the first part, awl thr said .T. B. Poun<1, of Chattanooga, Hamilton Count:', TemHsser, as party of the second part :

Fms:r. 'l'he said party of the first part, under :md by authority of tlw said .Act appron~d Xo\emher ::30th, 1~Jl5, and the Acts amendatory thereof and supplenwntal therdo, ap]nond August -+th, 1916, and August 1~)th, 1~ll (), nspectiYel~', and in pursuance thereof, and of the said nsolution of the said \\y(stern & Atlantic Hailroad Commission, in con:-;idPratiou of the Jll'Pmises and of tlw conditions, CO\'Cmmts all(1 stipulations herein set forth, does hereby lease, for a term of fift~' (;)0) :nms beg-inning- from and immediate!~, upon thP expiration of the lease contrad nm\' txisting ,,ith tlH' Xaslnille, Chattancoga & St. Louis Railwa:, (which is on December :21th, Hll~)). Hll(1 0nding on Dec(mher 21th, 1%0, tothe said part: of the seeon(l part, .T. B. Poum1, of Hamilton Count\, TemJesseP, his Heirs, Executors, ~-\dministnltors alH1 Assigns. the follQwing h\'O tracts or lots, and tlw hnil<1in.~s no\\ therPon, and heing in thr Cih of Chattanoog-n, Hamilton County, 'renmss~'P, partienl;ql~~ d0scrihNl as follows, to-wit:
1. That had or lot of lalJ(l houn<l(d b:~ ~[arket Stnet, Georgia AYeJme an<l 'fcnth Street, upon \\hich there is situated at this tinw a four-story hrick huilding- known as tlw Sontlwm Express Company hui1(1ing, thr said lot lJm~ing a fl'ontage of our hun-

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


thwl ancl sixty-fiye (165) feet on ~Iarket Street; one hundred and tw0nt;-eight (1 ~8) feet on Georgia AYenue, and ninety-three (~);)) feet on Tenth Rtrc>d:

2. That tract or lot of land situated at the corner of .:\Iarket and EleYenth Streets, upon \Yhich is situated at this time a four-stor; brick building kno\nl as the Eastern Hotel, the said lot hming a frontage of sixty-one (61) feet on l\Iarkd Street and extending l1ack along EleYenth Street one hun<1red and sixt:-senn (] 67) feet:
The said two lots being the properi.'> of the State of Georgia, and which the said Acts of the General Assembly of Georgia hereinbefore mentioned authorized the \Vestern & Atlantic Railroad Commission by resolution, to lease, and which further em}10\\ered and authorized the Gonrnor of ,;;aid StatP, \Yhen such resolution \Yas certified to him, to exerut0 the lease eontract on behalf of the State of Georgia:

SEcoxD. Subject to and iu accordance with the terms, limitations and proYisions of this contract and of the sCYcral Acts of the Gcneral Assemhlr authorizing the same, the part: of the first part co,cnants the quiet and peaceable possession and of the JH"OlWrt~ herein leased to the pnrh of tlw second part, as against m1~ acts that ma: he done lJ,- or under the authnrit.'' of the State of G0orgia.
Tumn. It is stipulated and agreed that said lease is made to said part~ of the second part, \\ith all the rights. po\\crs and priYilcges conferred 011 him as lessee h~- said Act approYed X on'mher ROth, J 915, and the Acts amendator: thereof and supple-



mental thereto alJIJl'OYed August -Hh, 1916, and August 19th, l!H6, respecti...-ely, and subject to all the requirements, obligations and duties thereb~- required of him, all of which pro...-isions the said party of the second part hereby agrees faithfull~- to perform.
FoeRTH. The said p11rty of tlw second part agrees and binds himself, his Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns to pa~- into the Treasur~ of the State of Georgia, in lawful money of the rnited States, the following sums, in manner and form and at the times stated, to-wit:
(11) During the first ten year period of this lease beginning on December 27th, 1919, each year, the sum of eighty-three hundred and forty ($8,340) dollars, in equal monthl~ installments of six hundred and ninet~-fiye ($695) dollars, on the first da~v of each month, in adnu1ce:
(h) During the second ten year period beginning December 27th, 1929, each year, the sum of ninet~-fin hundred and forty ($9,5-!0) dollars, in equal monthl~- installments of se,en hundred and ninet~-fin ($795) dollars, on the first da~- of -each month, in achance:
(c) During the third ten year period beginning Def'?mher 27th, l9:i!1, each ~-car, the sum of eleYen thvusam1, three hundred and forty ($11,:3-!0) dollars, in equal monthl~- installments of nine hundred and fort_\-fi,-e ($!1-!5) dollnrs, on the first day of each month, in aclYance:
(d) During thP fourth ten-year perio(1 heginning Decemlwr 27th, 19-!9. each year, the sum of



fourteen thousand, six hundreu aml forty ($1-!,640) dollars, in equal monthly installme11ts of twelYe hundred and twenty ($1,:220) dollars, on the first day of each month, in advance, and
(e) During the fifth ten year period beginning December 27th, 1959, and ending December 27th, 1969, when this lease terminates, each year; the sum of sixteen thousand, one hundred a11d forty ($16,140) dollars, in equal monthly installments of thirteen hundred and forty-fin ($1,345) dollars, on the first day of each month, in ad;-ance.
FIFTH. The said party of the second part hereby agrees and binds himself, his Heirs, I~xecu tors, Administrators and Assigns, on or before December 27th, 1919, to deposit with the Treasurer of the State of Georgia, recognized Yalid bonds of the State of GemgiH, or of the Lnited States, of the par \'alue in amount equal to at least one )ear's rental, which for the first ten year period of this lease is $8,340, which deposit shall he increased at the beginning of each subsequent ten-year period, to at least the amount of one ~ear's rental during each of said rwrio(1s, which deposits of honds shall be subject to the requirements and proYisions of Section nine (9) and ten (10) of the said Act approwcl Xonmher 30th, 191:1. The said part~r of the second part, himself or through \an~r person authorized b~- him, shall have access to said bonds for the purpose of clipping the coupons thereon in order to collect the interest on snid bonds.
SixTH. Part~- of second pnrt agrees and binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns to expend in cash within three years from



this date not less than thirty-fin thousand ($:35,000) dollars, in repairs and impro\emcnts in and on the huildings HO\Y on these lots, and to keep tlw sanw in good condition and repair at all times, at his or their expeww and without claim, offset or charge of an:'' kilHl against the State of Georgia. He and they, \\ith tlw beginning of this lease, shall insure said buildings aga iust loss or damage h~- fire in the sum of not less than twenty-fhe thousand dollars ('ach, loss if an: pa:ahle to the State of Georgia, as its interest ma.'' appea1.
All: and all impronmeuts, additions and hettenneHts madl' to, in or upon said propNties, and au.'' ne\\' structures, attachments or buildings erecteel upon said properties, during the period of t!1is lease, shall he at the expense of the lessee, without charge, claim or set off against the State of Georgia, and upon the expiration of this lease shall be and hecome the propert: of the State of Georgia.

SEYEXTH. Party of the second }HUt agrees and binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns to assume and pay as and when due all taxes, assessments aJHl goyernmental charges of e\er~ character, on and against sai<l properties h: \\hate;-er authorit: legally made, during tlw term of this lease.

Ewnn1. Party of the second part slwll ha;-e the right to sublet the huil<li11gs on thesL' properties, or au~ part thereof for husimss purposes and uses, subject to the tcrms, con<litions, ol~ligations aHcl requirenwnts of the sai<l Act,; of the General AssPmhl~ of Georg-ia awl of thi,; contract of lease, hut

"WEDXESDAY, ,Jt:LY 7, 1920.
shall not assign or transfer this contract of lease, without the approval ,in writing of the Governor of the State of Georgia.
~ o such iettmg made hereunder shall extenJ beyond the term of this lease, whether by expiration of time, forfeiture or other cause, nor shall any such sublease confer upon the tenant or sub-lessee any greater or other right to u~e the property than the party of the second part would have under this contract; nor shall it give rise to any privity of contract as between the sub-lessee and the State of Georgia; nor introduce a new party to this contract, nor relien the party of the second part of any duty, obligation or requirement imposed upon him by law or by this contract of lease.
NINTH. Should, during the term of this lease, any building or other structure upon the lots, or either of them, herein leased, be damaged or destroyed by fire, storms or other casualt~-, party of the second part hereby agrees and binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns to restore such building or buildings or other structures, within a reasonable time, in substantially as good condition as previous to said damage or destruction, and no such damage or destruction shall suspend, abate or release the payment of the rental herein contracted to be paid monthly by party of the second part nor impose upon the State of Georgia an~- duty or obligation to restore or rebuild said building or buildings, or other structures.
TENTH. In case party of the second part, lessee hereunder, shall fail or refuse to pay the mOiithlv rental in the nmount and at the time herein

.JorR::\AL oF THE Sr:::\ATE
stipulated to be paid, and such default shall continue for twenty days, then and in such eYent, the part~" of the second part shall forfeit to the State of Georgia six (6) months rental as liquidated damages to he collected out of the bonds deposited as hereinbefore provided.
For a failure or refusal to pa~ said monthl~ rentals, as am] when they become due, or for a failure to otherwise comply' with this lease contract on the part of the part~- of the second part, or for breach of any of the co\enants or conditions of this lease contract hy the lessee, the Governor of the State of Georgia, at his option may declare this lease forfeited and take immediatel.v possession of the properties herein leased, with or without legal process, the party of the second part hereh~- coYenanting that upon such declaration of forfeiture he "ill surrender quiet and pPaceahle possession of said properties upon demand therefor. Such seiziue upon default shall he cumulatin~ of the leg11l remedies for the recover~- of an~- damage caused to the State of Georgia hv rea"on of an~ breach or forfeiturr under this contract.
ELEYEXTH. It is express]~ agn.ed that should any of the terms or conditions of this contract of lease he found to he inconsistent with an~ of the terms or proYisions of the aforementioned Acts of the General Assembly of Georgia authorizing the making of the same, in such eYent the terms and provisions of the said Acts shall gonrn and control.
Tx \YrrxEss \YHEREOF, Thr said Hugh M. Dorse:v, as Gmernor of the State of Georgia, has hereunto attached his official signature and caused to be

"\YEDXESDAY, JULY 7, 1920.


affixed the great Seal of the State of Georgia in behalf of said State, in duplicate, and the said J. B. Pound, party of the second part, likewise signs and seals this contract, in duplif'ate, on the da~ and ~ear aforesaid.
Gonrnor of the State of
Georgia, in behalf of the
State of Georgia.

Executed in duplicate in the presence of S. G. McLendon, Secretar~ of State.
The following House bills, fayorabl~ reported, were read the second time:
A bill to amend the Chart('r of the City of "\Yashington relative to increase of school tax.
By Mr. Lambert of ~{organ-
A bill to amend the Charter of the Town of Apalachee in Morgan Count~.

By Mr. ~IcKenney of Fpson-
A bill to amend the Act establishing public school system for City of Thomaston.

By ~fr. McKenney of upson-
A bill to amend the Act incorporating the Cit~ of Thomaston relating to the grading of streets.


By ::\Ir. Bush of .Mitchell-
A bill to amend the Charter of the City of Pelham so as to provide for election of councilmen.

By ::\Ir. Bush of ::\litchell-
A bill to flmend the Charter of the City of Pelham so as to provide for election of Chief of Police.

By Mr. Reiser of Effingham-
A bill to amend an Act amending the Charter of the Town of Guyton relative to tax levy.

By ::\Ir. Xichols of Spalding-
A bill to amend the Charter of the City of Griffin relative to the levy of annual taxes.
Under the head of "C"nfinished Business the following House bill was taken up for consideration:

By :Messrs. Sibley of Green and Lindsay of DeKalb-

A bill to regulate the sale and distribution of manufactured milk.

::\Ir. Kea, of the 16th District, called for the Ayes and Xays on the question of agreeing to the report of the Committee, "hich was favorable to the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were ::\Iessrs.:

Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Fowler, Ben J. Hogg, J. P.

Kea, Fred Kirkland, Z. W.
~ix, Oscar A.
Shingler, J. s.

Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Wilkinson, H. B.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 7, 1920.


Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C.
Clements, Jas. It
Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A.

Dorris, W. H.

Pruett, J. F.

Duncan, J. T.

Rabun, Z. T.

Elders, H. H.

Reece, W. K.

Flynt, J. J.

Reynolds, W. H.

Glenn, George G.

Rictl, W.D.

Harbin, C. J.

Smith, J. Q.

Kendall, M. M.

Vickery, Jesse W.

LeSueur, R. C.

Wallace, W. P.

~faynard, J. D.

Watson, S. M'.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wood, A. J.

Olive, J. T.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Ennis, J. H. Kaigler, H. M.

Keene, J. H. Lunsford, J. R.

Pittman, Claude C. Ragsdale, S. W.

Ayes 11, nays 32.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was disagreed to, and the bill was lost.

The following resolution was read and adopted: By ~Iessrs. Fowler and Lunsford-

A resolution to extend the privilege of the floor to Ron. S. H. Dunson, Mayor of LaGrange, and Hon. \V. A. Smith, of Harris County, for a period of two days:
The following Senate bill was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By ~Ir. Kendall-
A bill to amend the charter of the City of :Moultrie so as to provide for the election of certain officials.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ares were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the reqGisite constitutional majority, "as passed.
Under the regular order of business Senate Resolution Xo. .f~ was taken up for consideration.
Mr. Dixon, of the 17th District, offered the following substitute:
W HEREM;, His Excellency, Governor Hugh :JL Dorsey has, in a message to the General Assembly, directed attention to the fact that "the business of the State is fast outgrowing the quarters afforded by the present Capitol building," and that "it hah become necessary to rent two buildings on Capitol Square for the Military Department and the State Board of Health,'' and in the same message is transmitted a report by architects who, after examination, express the opinion that ''there are certain State Departments which should be removed entirely from the Capitol building and structures erected for them elsewhere,'' and
WHEREAS, certain of the other departments of the State Government are now located in other buildings, upon which notice has been given those departments of large incre~se in the rental being paid, and
\VHEREAS, Governor Dorse~, iu his message above referred to, says: ''Your attention is further called to that portion of the report of the Keeper of

"\VEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1920.


Public Buildings and Grounds dealing with the condition of the Executive Mansion,'' and

"\VHEREAS, there has long been a desire on the part of many peopl in the State to pass upon question of future disposition of or improvement to these properties of the State, and that this desire has become a recognized issue which should be brought to a determination; fg.erefore

BE IT RE::>OLVED, By the Senate of Georgia, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Democratic Executive Committee of the State of Georgia be requested to have printed 011 the official ballot to be used in the white primary to be held in September, this year, the following:
(a) :B'or removal of the State Capital to Macon and accepting the tender made by the City of Macon and the County of Bibb of the gift of $3,000,000 and the site known as Tattnall Square (16 or more ftcres valued at $1,000,000) for Capitol and ~Iansion purposes.
(b) For retaining the Capitol and Mansion in the City of Atlanta and maki11g the necessary repairs, purchasing necessary land, erecting suitable annexes, and acquiring a new Governor's Mansion; aml directing the General Assembl~, at its next session to appropriate such sum of money as may be nec<:'ssar~' expenses incident thereto as may be incurred.
R~<:soLvEn FuRTHER, That the next session of the Georgia General Assembly be requested to enact such legislation as will carry into effect with the



greatest possible expedition the expressed desire of the voters of the State, in accordance with the results ascertained upon counting the ballots as above provided for.
REsOLVED .B'vRTHER, That, upon adoption of this Resolution, the Democratic Executive Comm~ttee of Georgia be, and is, hereby requested to at once take such steps as are necessary to put into effect the provisions of this Resolution.
l\Ir. Fowler, of the :22nd District, asked unanimous consent to extend the session of the Senate until Senate Resolution Xo. 42 could be acted upon.
l\fr. Nix, of the 34th District, objected.
The hour of adjournment having arri\ed, the President declared the Senate adjourned till tomorrow mornin~ at 10 o'clock, Central Time.

THURSDAY, JuLY 8, 1920.


Thursday, July 8, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Curefon, \\"alter W. Dixon, .James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, .J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. :M. Kea, Fted Keene, J. H. Kendall, 11. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. ( . Luusford, J. R. .\la~nard, J.D. ':Pidlinger, Lconorian Xix, Oscar A. OliH, ,J. T.

Pittman, Claude < Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Riee, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vic:Kery, Jesse W. \\'allace, W. P . Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. .\fr. Pre~i<lent.

By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first. time and referred to Committees:

By ~Iessrs. Elders, Dorris, Clements, etc.-
A bill to repeal an Act to authorize the Chairman of Board of Trustees to appoint certain members from said Board upon each of the- Boards of the branch colleges of the University of Georgia.



Referred to Committee on University of Georgia.

By Messrs. Dorris and Flynt-
A bill to amend the Act creating the Department of Commerce and Labor so as to fix the salaries of certain officials.
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor.

By Mr. Pittman-
A bill to repeal an Act to regulate the work ~nd control of convicts by county and municipal authorities.
Referred to Committee on Penitentiary.
By Messrs. Clements, Flynt and Bowden-
A bill to authorize the appointment of two agents of the Department of Commerce and Labor.
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor.
Mr. Lunsford of the 25th, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correcr.
By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
At the request of Mr. Elders of the 2nd Senate Bill No. 279 was read the second time and reco~n mitted to the Committee on Education.
At the request of Mr. Barrett of the 31st Senate Bill No. 225 was recommitted to Committee on General Judiciary No. 1.

THURSDAY, JuLY 8, 1920.


By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to amend an Act conferring additional authority upon the Board of Public Welfare.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By .Mr. Adams-
A bill to amend Sections 4985 and 4986, Volume 1, of the Code of 1910, providing for compensation o stenographers in civil cases.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.
The following resolution was introduced, read the first time and referred to Committee:

By Mr. LeSueur-
A resolution making Senate Bill )Jo. 224 a special and continuous order for Friday, July 9, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.
:Mr. -watson, of the 8th District, Chairman of the Committee on Banks and Banking, submitted the following report:

Jlr. President:
Your Committee on Banks and Banking have had under consideration the following Senate bill, No. 247, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:



Senate Bill No. 247. Adding the Town of Morgan in the County of Calhoun to the list of ~ities and towns in which State depositories are located.
Respectfully submitted,
WATSON, Chairman.

Mr. Glenn, of the 43rd District, Chairman of the Committee on Western & Atlantic Railroad Company, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Western & Atlantic Railroad Company, have had under consideration the following resolution, No. 64, of the Senate, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, being a resoluion to discharge the Western & Atlantic Railroad Commission from further duties or responsibilities as to the lease or other disposition of theW. & A. R. R. and its property.
Respectfully submitted,
GLENN, Chairman.

Mr. Dixon of the 17th D,istrict, Chairman of the
Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, sub-
mitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chair-

THURSDAY, JuLY 8, 1920.


man, to report the same back to the Senate with th~ recommendation that the same do pass:
No. 224, by Mr. LeSueur of 23rd, relating to creation of Lamar CQunty.
No. 242, by Mr. Dixon of 17th, relating to salaries of Justices of Supreme Court, Judges of Court of Appeals and Superior Court.
Respectfully submitted, DIXON, Chairman.
Mr. Fowler, of the 23rd District, Chairman of the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted tht' following report:

JYlr. President:
Your Committee on Military Affairs have had under consideration the following Senate bill, ~o. 35, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Being a bill to amend an Act approved August 26, 1916, reorganizing the military forces of the State.
Respectfully submitted, FqwLER, Chairman.
Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, Chairman of the Committee on Commerce and Labor, submitted the following report:

JYir. President :
Your Committee on Commerce and Labor have had under consideration the following bills of the



Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bills Nos. 225 and 257. Respectfully submitted, BowDEN, Chairman.

Mr. Reece, of the 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County "Jfatters, submitted the following report:

Jh. Prl:'sidellf:
Your Committee on Counties and County l.Iatters have had under consideration the following Senate bills, :Xos. 270 and 274, and House bills, :Xos. 680, 657, 742 and 674, have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the sanw hack to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
REECE, Chairman.

::\Ir. Elders, of the 2nd District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:

.lir. Preside11f:
Your Committee on PriYileges of the Floor ha,e had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and ha,e instructed me, as Vice-Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the . floor to ::\Iiss Louise Steed for the day.

THURSDAY, JuLY 8, 1920.


A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Will E. Spinks of Paulding for the day.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Chas. H. Garrett, Solicitor-General of the Macon Circuit, for a period of two days.
Respectfully submitted, H. H. ELDERs, Vice-Chairman.
The following resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted:
A resolutiQn extending the privileges of the floor to l\Iiss Louise Steed for the day.

By Messrs. Ragsdale and LeSueur-
A resolution extending the pri,ileges of the
floor to Hon. wm E. Spinks of Paulding County for
the day.

By Mr. Lunsford-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Chas. H. Garrett, Solicitor-General of the f~Iacon Circuit, for a period of two days.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 635. A bill to amend an Act incorporating Town of Lincolnton.



House Bill 683. A bill to fix time of holding meetings of Board of Commissioners of Stewart County.
House Bill 690. A bill to create City Court of Adel in County of Cook.
House Bill 711. A bill to authorize Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Spalding County to deed property.
House BiH 712. A bill to fix salaries of Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Spalding County.
House Bill 724. A bill to increase salary of Treasurer of ::\[organ County.
House Bill 752. A bill to fix salary of Treasurer of Fulton County.
House Bill 758. A bill to repeal an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revl'nues for County of Bryan.
House Bill 773. A bill to repeal an Act to create a Board of Education for City of ::\Ionticello.
House Resolution 146. A resolution providing for investigation of office of State Veterinarian.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By ~Ir. LeSueur-
A bil1 to propose to the qualified voters of this State an amendment to Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11, of the Constitution of the Statf- of Georgia

THuRSDAY, JuLY 8, 1920.


as amended by the ratfication of the several Acts relative thereto.

By Mr. Dixon-
A bill to amend Paragraph 1, of Section 13, of Article 6 of the Constitution relating to salaries of Judges of the Court of Appeals, of the Superior Courts and Justices of the Supreme Court.

By :Mr. Rabun-
A bill to amend Section 1249 of Volume 1 of the Code of 1910 providing for the selection by the Governor of certain banks as State depositories.

By "Mr. Harbin-
A bill to amend an Act creating the Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Cherokee County.

By ~Ir. Bowden-
A bill to amend an Act creating a Bond Commission for 'Vare County.
The following House bills, favorably reported. were read the second time:

By Mr. Bush-
A b1ll to amend an Act to provide for payment
of salary to Treasurer of Mitchell County.

By Mr. Blalock-
A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Clayton C0unty.



By Mr. Burt-
A bill to amend an Act creating a new Boar<l of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Dougherty County:

By Mr. Johns-
A bill to establish a Board of Roads and Rennues for the County of Barrow.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk threeof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill of the House, towit:
House Bill 671. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Unadilla.
The following House bill was read the first time and referred to Committee:

By Mr. Lasseter of Dooly-
1\o. 671. A bill to amend an Act creating a charter for the Town of Unadilla.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
lJnder the head of Unfinished Business the substitute to Senate Resolution Ko. 42, by l\Ir. Dixon, of the 17th, was taken up for consideration.
Mr. Barrett of the 31st asked unanimous consent to extend the session until Senate Resolution

THuRSDAY, JuLY 8, 1920.


Xo. 42 could be disposed of and the request was granted.

:Mr. Shingler, of the lOth, asked unanimous consent to be allowed to cast his vote on the pending resolution and substitute at th'e present time, on account of urgent business.

The request was granted.

Senator Shingler then cast his vote, aye, on the substitute and aye on the passage of the original resolution by substitute, and the Secretary was directed to so record the votes.

}fr. Fowler, of the 22nd, called for the Ayes and Xays on the adoption of the substitute offered by :Mr. Dixon, of the 17th, and the call was sustained.

The Yote was as follows:

Those Yoting in the affirmative were Messrs..:

Bowden. J. E. T. Brooks. B. B. ('alhoun. J. C. (']pmcnts, Jas. B. Dixon, .James A. Dorris. W. H. EJ,]ers, H. H. F:nniss, J. H. Flynt, J. J.

rowlrr, Ben J. Hogg. J.P. Kea. Fred h:irklan<l. Z. W. Lmkin,. J. K. LeSueur. R. < . l.. iln~fot ,1, .J. h. :\ f'i~lling-er. Lf'nnoria n Olin, J. T.

Rhingler, J. S. Rmith, J. Q. Veaze~, P. G. Viekery, Jesse \V. 'Va llace, \\'. l'. Watson. 8. ~I. 'Vilkinson, II. B. Wood, A. .J.

Those voting in the negative were ::\Iessrs.:

Ad~ms, Cl~rt'n<e E. Allen, IYan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrptt, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Busse~, J. B. Cureton, walter W.

]);mean, .J. T. Glenn. George G. Harbin, l . J. Keene, J. H. ~!a~na r<l, .T. D. '\ix. 0>!'ar .\. Pittman, Claude C.

Prut>tt, J. F. Rahun, Z. T. Rag-sdale, S. \\'. Reece, \V. K. Ke~nolds, W. H. Ri<c, W. D. Rteed, E. T.



Those not voting were Messrs. :

Kaigler, H. :..

KPtHlall. ).1. ~1.

Ayes 26, Kays 22.

And the substitute was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution by substitute, was agreed to.

On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 26 and the Nays 21, and the resolution was adopted by substitute.

Mr. Fowler, of the 22nd, asked unanimous consent to immediately transmit the resolution to the House, and the request was granted.

Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Blasingame of the 27th on account of important business.

The hour of adjournment having arrived, the President declared the Senate adjourned till tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central Time.

FRIDAY, JuLY 9, 1920.


SENATE CHAMBER, ATLANTA, GA. Friday, July 9, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the President Pro Tern, Hon. J. H. Ennis, of the 20th District.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Mr. LeSueur of the 23rd asked unanimous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.

Mr. Kea of the 16th objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of the roll and the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Ennis, J. H. }'owler, Ben J. Glenn, Gl'orge G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. \\'. Larkins, J. K. LeSnt:'ur, R. ('. Lunsford, J. R. Maynard, ,J. D. Xeidlinger, Leonorian Olive, J. T.

Pittman, Claude l'. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Smith, J. Q. Veaze~, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. 1. atson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. Mr. President.

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.



By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
By unanimous consent the following Senate bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. FowlerA bill to further regulate casualty and liability
insurance companies.
Referred to Committee on Insurance.

By ~Ir. Ennis-
A bill to amend an Act to establish a Normal and Industrial College as a branch of the University of Georgia.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Pruett-
A bill to fix the time in which a widow of an exConfederate soldier on the pension roll at his death shall apply for the pension in her own right.
Referred to Committee on Pensions.

By ~Ir. Reynolds-
A bill to authorize Trustees of University of Georgia to sell or transfer any money obligations, etc., held by them as assets of Univesrity.
Referred to Committee on University of Georgia.

By Mr. ReynoldsA bill to allow any white female student, prop-

FRIDAY, JuLY 9, 1920.


erly qualified, to enter any department of Franklin College.
Referred to Commtitee on University of Georgia.
The following House bills and resolutions were read the first time and referred to ommittees :

By Mr. Bussey of LincolnHouse Bill 635. A bill to amend an Act incor-
porating Town of Lincolnton. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Boyett of Stewart-
House Bill 683. A bill to fix time of holding meetings of Board of Commissioners of Stewart County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Parrish of CookHouse Bill 690. A bill to create the City Court
of Adel. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Nichols of Spalding-
House Bill 711. A bill to authorize Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Spalding County to deed property.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.



By Mr. Nichols of Spalding-
House Bill 712. A bill to fix salaries of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Spalding County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Lambert of Morgan-
House Bill 724. A bill to increase the salary of Treasurer of Morgan County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Messrs. Smith, Moore and Hendrix of Fulton-
House Bill752. A bill to fix the salary of Treasurer of Fulton County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By l\h. Rimes of Bryan-
House Bill 758. A bill to repeal an Act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads for Bryan County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County :Matters.

By .Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 773. A bill to repeal an Act creating a Board of Education for the City of Monticello.
Referred to Committee on Education.

FRIDAY, JuLY 9, 1920.


By Messrs. Strozier and Cochran of Bibb-
House Bill615. A bill to amend an Act creating a new charter for the City of Macon.
Referred to Commjttee on Corporations.
By Mr. Bush of MitchellHouse Bill 650. A bill to provide for secret
ballot at all elections in Mitchell County. Referred to Committee on Counties and County
By Mr. Atkinson of Camden County-,House Bill 670. A bill to provide that the So-
licitor-General of Brunswick Circuit engage in c,ivil practice.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By Messrs. Reville, Pilcher and McDonald of RichmondHouse ~ill 729. A bill to incorporate the Town
of Blythe, Richmond County, Ga. Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. McKenney of UpsonHouse Bill 763. A bill to repeal an Act incor-
porating the Town of The Rock, in Upson County. Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. McKenney of UpsonHouse Bill 764. A bill to incorporate the Town
of The Rock. Referred to Committee on Corporations.



By ~Ir. Stovall of McDuffie-
Honse Bill 832. A bill to incorporate the City of Thomson in lieu of Town of Thomson.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By ~Ir. Williams of Bulloch-
Honse Bill 833. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Statesboro so as to authorize a bond issue for school purposes.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Sweat of Ware-
House Resolution 128. A resolution to appropriate $25,000.00 to cover shortage in pension fund for 1920.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By ~Ir. Carswell of -Wilkinson-
House Resolution 129. A bill to appropriate $475,000 to pay the approved pensions for 1920.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations. The following House resolution was read the first time and laid over one day :

By )fr. \Villiams of \Vorth-
House Resolution 146. A resolution providing for an investigation of State Veterinarian office.
The fololwing Senate resolution was read and adopted:

FRIDAY, JuLY 9, 1920.


By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution providing that when the Senate adjourns today it stand adjourned until Monday morning, July 12, 1920, at 11 o'clock, Central Time.
The following resolut~on was read and adopted:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. R. C. King and Dr. J. H. Green, for this day.
By unanimous consent the following resolution was introduced:

By Mr. Fowler-
A resolution relating to the status of the Southern Express Company in Georgia.
At the request of Mr. Fowler of the 22nd, the resolution was taken up immediately for consideration.
The resolution was adopted.
Mr. Dixon, of the 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass as amended:



Senate Bill No. 167, by Mr. Ayers of 33rd District, to be entitled an Act to amend Section 6, Article 7 of Constitution of Georgia relative to hospitals.
Respectfully submitted, JAMES A. DixoN, Chairman.
Mr. Watson, of the 8th District, Chairman of the Committee on Banks and Banking, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Banks and Banking have had under consideration the following Senate bill, No. 251, and have instructed me, as Chairman toreport the same baGk to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass as amended:
Senate Bill No. 251. Amending Act approved August 16, 1919, creating Department of Banking of the State of Georgia.
Respectfully submitted, \VATSON, Chairman.
Mr. Steed, of t_he 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 1, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 1 have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the' same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

FRIDAY, JuLY 9, 1920.


Senate Bill No. 225, as amended, to amend Section 4212 of the Code of Georgia.
Senate Bill No. 285. To amend Sections 4985 and 4986, Volume 1, and Section 1007, Volume 2, Code of Georgia.
Senate Bill No. 193. To define and fix notice of pending litigation affecting land titles.
Senate Bill No. 284. To confer additional authority upon the Board of Public Welfare.
Also Senate Bill No. 259, and recommend that the same do not pass.
STEED, Chairman.
Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, Chairman of the Committee on Commerce and Labor, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Commerce and Labor has had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, to-wit:
216, 281, 264, 283, and that Bill No. 213 do pass hy substitute as amended.
BownE~, Chairman.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Ayers-
A bill to amend Section 6, Article 7 of the Constitution relative to hospitals.



By Mr. Ayers-
A bill to define and fix notice of pending litigation affecting title to land where suit is brought in one county and land lies in another.

By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to prevent industrial accidents; to provide medical care for injured employees.

By Mr. EldersA bill to require all railway companies to fur-
nish protection to employees.
-By ~lr. Barrett-
A bill to define certain aeronautical terms and provide for registration of airships.
By ~Iessrs. Dorris and Flynt-
'A bill to amend an Act creating the Depart-
ment of Commerce and Labor fixing the salaries of certain officials.

By Messrs. Clements, :B'lynt and BowdenA bill to authorize the appointment of two
agents of Department of Commerce and Labor to assist in the distribution of labor.
By ~Ir. BowdenA bill to amend an Act by conferring additional
authority on the Public "\Yelfare Board.

By Mr. AdamsA bill to amend Sections 986 and 98G, Volume

FRIDAY, JuLY 9, 19:20.
1 of the Code of 1910 providing for compensation of stenographers in civil cases.
The following House bills, favorably reported, was read the second time:
By ::\Ir. ::\Iundy of Polk-
House Bill 119. A bill to amend Section 58:2 of the Civil Code of Georgia relative to providing that_ county warrants not paid when due shall bear interest at the legal rate.
Under the regular order of business the following House bills W('re taken up for a third r('ading and put upon their passage:
By Mr. Bush of :\IitchellA bill to amend the charter of the City of Pel-
ham so as to provide for the election of Councilmen.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, :Xays 0.
The hill having received the requisite constitu tional majority was passed.
By :Mr. Bush of MitchellHouse Bill 656. A bill to amend the charter of
the City of Pelham so as to provide for the election of Chief of Police.
The report of the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31), Xays 0.
The bill h:;!ving received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 657. A bill to amend an Act to provide for the salary of Treasurer of Mitchell County, instead of fees as now prevails.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 42, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. McDaniel of Forsyth-
House Bill 664. A bill to abolish the office of Treasurer of Forsyth County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 2~, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Ficklen and Lindsey of Wilkes-
House Bill 669. A bW to amend the charter of the Town of Washington relative to an increase of school tax.

FRIDAY, JrJ..Y 9, 1920.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 4-!, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. Rogers and Swift of ElbertHouse Bill 673. A bill to amend the Act creat-
ing the City Court of Elberton relative to appointment of Solicitor.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Blalock of ClaytonHouse Bill 674. A bill to abolish the office of
County Treasurer of Clayton County. The report of the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to. On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41,
Nays 0. The bill having received the requisite constitu-
tional majority was passed.
By Mr. Burt of DoughertyHouse Bill 680. A bill to amend an Act creat-



ing a new Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Dougherty County relative to salaries.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. Reiser of Effingham-
House Bill 686. A bill to amend an Act amending the charter of the Town of Guyton relative to tax levy.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. Lambert of Morgan-
House Bill 695. A bill to amend the charter of the Town of Apalachee.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

E'RIDAY, Jt:"LY 9, 1920.


By Mr. McKenney of Upson-
House Bill 696. A bill to amend an Act establishing a public school system for Thomaston.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. McKenney of Upson-
House Bill 697. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Thomaston relating to grading the streets.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 39, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Smith, Moore and Hendrix of Fulton-
House Bill 70Z. A bill to fix the salaries of Judges of City Courts in counties having a city therein of not less than 200,000 population.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 49, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By ~Ir. Xichols of Spalding-
House Bill 709. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Griffin relatiYe to levy of annual taxes.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Johns of Barrow~ House Bill 742. A bill to establish a Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Barrow County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. Smith, l\Ioore and Hendrix of FultonHouse Bill 751. A bill to increase the salary of
the Judge of the Criminal Court of Atlanta. The report of the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

FRIDAY, JuLY 9, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 48, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Iessrs. Duncan of Hall, Owen of Paulding, Harden of Banks, etc.-
House Bill 744. A bill to fix the fees of the Clerks of Superior Courts in counties having less than fifty thousand population.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Under the regular order of business the following Senate bills were taken up for a third reading and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Harbin-
A bill to be entitled an Act to amend an Act creating the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Cherokee County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to be entitled an Act to amend an Act creating a Bond Commission for Ware County, Ga.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 36, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Ayers-
A bill to amend an Act entitled an Act to mcorporate the City of Commerce in the County of Jackson.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to amend Section 416 of the Penal Code by adding certain p~ovisos and for other purposes.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 4.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

FRIDAY, JuLY 9, 1920.


By Mr. Rabun-
A bill to amend Section 1249 of Volume 1 of the Code of Georgia of 1910 providing for the selection by the Governor of banks as State depositories.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Brooks-
A bill to amend an Act fixing the compensation of the Treasurer of Macon County and for other purposes.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to be entitled an Act to authorize the Governor to acquire a sufficient number of sets of the Park's Annotated Code of 1914, and for other purposes.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Leave of absence was granted Mr. Barrett of the 31st, for Monday and Tuesday, on account of urgent business.
Mr. Duncan, of the 36th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
Under a previously adopted resolution the Senate stood adjourned until Monday morning, July 12, 1920, at 11 o'clock, Central Time.
The President Pro Tern declared the Senate adjourned until Monday morning, July 12, 1920, at 11 o'clock, Central Time.

~Ioxn.u, JuLY 12, 1920.


Monday, July 12, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 11 o'clock A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.
Prayer was offered by Senator Veazey, of the 19th District.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators

answered to their names:

.\dam~, Clarence E. Allen, han E. .-\yers, J. S. Bell, Walter L. 1-: I~ Hingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. <'alhoun, .J. C'. <'lenwnts, Jas. B. <nrpton, \Valter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. llun<"an, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Fl~nt, J. J.

Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. llarhin. ('. J . Ilogg, J. 1'. Kaigler, H. ~I. Kea, Fred Keene, J. II. 1\:.:'ndall, )1. ~1. l:irklanol, 'Z. W. Larkins, .J. K. LeRueur, R. C. Lunsforol, J. R. ::Vlavnard, ,J. D. :\ eidling~r. Leonorian :\'ix, Osear A. Olive, .J. T. Pittman. <'laud!.' C.

Pmett, J. F. Rahun, Z. T. RagsdalE>, S. \\'. RPPte, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. }{iee, W. D. :-:hingler, .J. S. Rmith, .J. Q. Ntped, E. T. Ye~zP.v, P. G. \"i,kPry, Jesse W. Wal:aee, W. P. Watson, S. ~L \1 ilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. :VIr. PrPsident

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous session had been examined aud ' found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous session was dispensed with.
Mr. Duncan, of the 36th District, Chairman of the Committee on Manufactories, submitted the following report:



Mr. President:
Your Committee on Manufactories have had under consideration the following bill, ~o. 63, by Senator Kea, of the 16th District, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass by substitute.
DuNCAN, Chairman.
Mr. Dixon, of the 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill No. 272, entitled an Act to amend Paragraph 1, Section 4, Article 3 of the Constitution.
Respectfully submitted, DIXON, Chairman.
Mr. Smith, of the 7th District, moved to recommit Senate Bill No. 272 to the Committee on Constitutional Amendments, and the motion prevailed.
The following Senate bill was read the first time and referred to Committee:

By Mr. LunsfordA bill to amend Paragraph 1, Section 1, Article

:MONDAY, JULY 12, 1920.


7, of the Constitution, relative to payment of pensions to ex-Confederate soldiers.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
Under the head of Special Orders and Orders of the Day the following Senate bills were taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Wilkinson-
A bill to make criminal the sale or manufacture of any commercial fertilizer containing dead-weight which is worthless as fertilizer.
At the request of the author this bill was postponed and set as a special and continuing order for Tuesday, July 13, 1920.

By ~Ir. wilkinson-
A bill to amend Section 1775 of the Civil Code of Georgia so as to prescribe a higher standard for ''high grade'' fertilizers.
At the request of the author this bill was postponed and set as a special and continuing order for Tuesday, July 13, 1920.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:



House Bill 197. A bill to amend Section 3852 of Code of 1910 relative to executors dispensing with inventory.
House Bill 694. A bill to prohibit hunting, trapping and killing of foxes in Floyd County.
House Bill 740. A bill to amend an Act to establish City Court of Wrightsville so as to increase salary of Judge thereof.
House Bill 769. A bill to amend an Act to provide for holding four terms yearly of Superior Court of Barrow County.
House Bill 775. A bill to amend Act incorporating City of Monticello relative to public schools therein.
House Bill 781. A bill to relieve counties and other divisions issuing bonds in cases where validation has been sought.
House Bill 788. A bill to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Grady County.
House Bill 789. A bill to repeal an Act to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Grady County.
House Bill 810. A bill to amend Act establishing charter for City of Claxton relative to election and terms of office of Mayor and Councilmen.
House Bill 816. A bill to incorporate Town of Pocataligo in County of Madison.
House Bill817. A bill to amend Act incorporating City of Rome relative to water rates outside city limits of said city.

MoNDAY, JuLY 12, 1920.


House Bill 868. A bill to amend an Act establishing new charter for Town of Acworth relative to time of holding elections for Mayor and Aldermen of said town.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:
illr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 640. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Winder, so as to authorize the Mayor and Council to extend water mains.
House Bill 660. A bill to amend an Act creating a City Court of Atlanta.
House Bill 725. A bill to provide for the holding of two additional terms of the Superior Court of Bryan County.
House Bill 726. A bill to repeal an Act creating a County Court of Bryan County.
House Bill 776. A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Macon, for the County of Bibb.
House Bill 809. A bill to authorize the l\Iayor and Council to call an election, to determine whether they shall issue bonds.
House Bill 849. A bill to amend an Act creating the City Court of Washington.
House Bill 852. A bill to repeal an Act creating City Court of Darien in and for the County of l\fcintosh.

House Bill 863. A bill to fix the maxuuum amount of bonds to be issued in the City of LaGrange.
House Bill 865. A bill to amend an Act creating the charter for the City of Cuthbert.
House Bill 866. A bill to amend the Acts amending the Acts creating the charter of the Town of Shellman.
House Bill 871. A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Americus.
House Bill /06. A bill to create the office of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for the County of l<'annin.
House Bill 755. A bill to create the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for the County of Gordon.
House Bill 759. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for the County of Bryan.
House Bill 131. A bill to empower TreasurPr of Chatham County to employ a clerk, to fix his salary, etc.
House Bill 779. A bill to amend an Act providing for a system of public schools for Albany, Ga.
House Bill 806. A bill to amend an Act creating charter for the Town of Symrna, relative to fixing, paving streets, etc.
House Bill 774. A bill to abolish office of Treasurer of Columbia County.

MoNDAY, JuLY 12, 1920.


House Bill 831. A bill to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Jeff Da\'i:; County.
Housfil Bill 677. A bill. to create new charter for Town of Linwood.
Senate Bill 237. A bill to authorize Board of Roads and Revenues for Quitman County to pay certain officers of the County Court of Quitman County and Superior Court of Quitman County all their costs in certain misdemeanor cases.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Rogers of Elbert-
A bill to amend Section 3852 of the 1910 Code of Georgia providing for a testator by will to dispense with the necessity of his executor making inventory or. returns.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No. 1.

By Mr. Johns of Barrow-
640. A bill to amend the charter of Winder so as to authorize the Mayor and Council to extend water mains.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By ~Iessrs. Hendrix and Moore of Fulton660. A bill to amend an Act establishing a mu-
nicipal court of Atlanta. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By ::\Ir. :McFarland of vValker-
677. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Linwood in \Valker County.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. Hamilton of Floyd694. A bill to prohibit the killing of foxes in
Floyd County except in certain seasons and penalty provided for violation.
Referred to Committee on Fish and Game.
By ::\Ir. Woody of Fannin706. A bill to create a Commissioner of Roads
and ReYenues of Fannin County. Referred to Committee on General .Judiciary
~0. 2.
By }lr. Rimes of Bryan725. A bill to provide for the holding of two
additional terms of the Superior Court of Bryan County.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By ::\Ir. Rimes of Bryan726. A bill to repeal an Act establishing ,l
County Court for Bryan County. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By ::\[essrs. Lawrence, En and Falligant of Chatham741. A bill to amend an Act relative to Treas-
unr of Chatham County and his compensation.

:MO:NDAY, JuLY 12, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Sumner of Johnson-
740. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Wrightsville in Johnson County.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By ~lr. Owen of Gordon-
755. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues in Gordon County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County

By ~Iessrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
806. A bill to amend an Act of the Town of Smyrna, to provide for streets, avenues, etc.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By ::\lessrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
809. A bill to authorize the ::\layor and Council of Smyrna to order election.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By ::\lr. Rimes of Bryan-
789. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Bryan County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.



By Mr. Johns of Barrow-
769. A bill to amend an Act to provide for holding four terms a year of Superior Court of Barrow County.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Mr. Ramsey of Columbia-
774. A bill to abolish office of County Treasurer in Columbia County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
775. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Monticello.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Barnes and Strozier of Bibb-
776. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Macon.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
779. A bill to amend an Act to provide for a system of public schools in Albany.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
788. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Grady County.

~fONDAY, JeLY 1:2, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By l\Ir. Pope of Grady789. A bill to repeal an Act establishing a Board
of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Grady County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County 1\Iatters.
By l\Ir. DeLoach of Evans810. A bill to amend the Act establishing a char-
ter for the City of Claxton in Evans County. Referred to Committee on.Corporations.
By }lr. Thompson of Madison816. A bill to incorporate the Town of Poca-
taligo in the County of ~fadison. Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By ~Icssrs. Copeland, Davis and Hamilton of Floyd817. A bill to amend an Act incorporating City
of Rome relative to water rates outside city limits of Rome.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By ~Ir. Stone of Jeff Davis831. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners
of Roads and Revenues for the County of Jeff Davis.



Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Messrs. J<'icklen and Lindsey of Wilkes849. A bill to amend an Act to establish a City
Court of Washington, Wilkes County.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. Guess and Lindsay of DeKalb-
781. A bill to relieve counties, etc., issuing bonds in cases where validation has been sought as provided by law.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Mr. Clarke of Mclntosh-
852. A bill to repeal an Act establishing the City Court of Darien and defining its jurisdiction and powers.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
863. A bill to fix the maximum amount of bonds to be issued by LaGrange, Troup County, Ga.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Moye of Randolph-
865. A bill to amend an Act creating and mcorporating the City of Cuthbert.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

MoNDAY, JuLY 12, 1920.


By Messrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb868. A bill to amend an Act establishing a new
charter for the Town of Acworth.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Moye of Randolph866. A bill to amend the Acts amending . the
charter of Town of Shellman. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Pace of Sumter-
871. A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Americus.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage :

By Mr. Glenn-

A bill to amend an Act reorganizing the military forces of the State.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes and Nays were called.

The vote was as follows :

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Allen, Ivan E. Blasingame, Josiah Bussp~, J. B. Calhoun, J. C.

Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, Jamps A. Dorris, W. H. Dnnran, .T. T.

Elders, H. H. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J.



Hogg, J.P. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkin, J. K.

LeSueur, R. C. Lun>fonl, .J R. .\ eHllingeJ", Leonorian Olin', J. T. Pittman, Claude C. l'ruett, j, 1-'.

Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, :,;, W . Reece, W. K.
Smith, J. Q.
Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse \\'.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Adams, ( 'larcncc E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor BeII, ~\Valter L. Bo,Y<len, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Cureton, Walter W. Ennis, J. H.

1-'lynt, .J.J. Kaigln, H. :M. Le~mur, H. ( . ~la.nwrd, J. D. :'\ix, Oscar ~\. lleynol<ls, \\'. H. Hie, W. D.

S mngler, J. S. Veazey, P. G. \Vallacc, \V. 1'. Watson, S. ~I. Wilkinson, H. B. \Vood, A. J. .Mr. President

Ayes :29, ~ays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :Messrs. Dorris and Barrett-
A bill to provide compensation for the services of the Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
Mr. Elders, of the 2nd District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.
Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, moved to table the bill and the motion prevailed.
The following joint resolution of the Senate and House was read the third time and placed upon its passage:
By ~Ir. GlennA resolution to discharge the Western & At-

TuESDAY, JuLY 13, 1920.


lantic Railroad Commission from further duties as to the lease or other disposition of theW. & A. R. R.
Mr. Olive, of the 18th District, moved to amend by adding the words :
''Provided the said railroad commission of Georgia shall have no power to sell any of said property or otherwise dispose of same.''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.
The following resolutions were read and adopted:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. L. R. Akin.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. R. J. Edenfield of Augusta.
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following Senate bill was taken up for consideration and read the third time :
By Mr. WoodA bill to prohibit marriage of any person in-
fected with venereal diseases. The hour of adjournment having arrived, tlH~
President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o 'dock, Central Time.



Tuesday, July 13, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

~Ir. Pruett, of the 32nd District, asked unanimous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.

~Ir. Kea, of the 16th District, objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of the roll and the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, ( 'Iarenee E. .-\lkn, I van E. -\~er~, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bdl. walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Bouoks, B. B. Bussey, .T. B. Calhoun, J. L'. <:ements, Jas. B. Cureton, \Valter W. Dixon, .James A. Dorris, W. H. Dun('an, J. T. Elders, H. H. F:nnis, ,J. H.

Fl.vnt, J. J. Fu\\'ler, Ben J. l:lt>nn~ Ut'orge G . llarhin, C. J. lingg..J. P. Kaigler, H. :\1. !~ea, Fred K~cn<. J. H. K t'n<lall. ~I: ~I. . Lir:dand, Z. \V. l.;:rkin, .1. K. LeSurur, H. < Lun~f,.n], ,;, H. C.I:t~nanl, ,J. D. ~ f'illl inger. Leonorian :\'ix. Oscar .-\. OliH. ,J. T.

Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F . Rabun, Z. T. Hag~dale, S. \Y. Rre('e, \V. K. He~nolds, \V. H. i:il'e, W. D. :--:hingh}r, -.T. S. ~mith, J. Q. ~:cv<l, E. T . \' <azey. P. G. \' i< ker,v. Jesse \Y.
\\'alla,P, w. P.
\ratson, S. ~1. 11 ilkinson, II. B. Wood, A. ,J. ~lr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

TcEsDAY, Jn.Y 13, 19:.W.


By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
At the request of Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, Senate Bill Xo. 236 was taken from the table and placed in its regular order on the calendar.
At the request of Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District, Senate Bill No. 276 was withdrawn from the Committee on Corporations, read the second tim, and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Nix, of the 34th District, House Bill No. 613 was withdrawn from the Committee on Counties and County Matters, read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District, Senate Bill No. 266 was withdrawn from the Committee on Education, read the second time and recommitted.
By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Fowler-
A bill to place manufacturers of ice for sale under the supervision of the Railroad Commission.
Referred to Committee on Manufactures.

By Mr. Nix-
A bill to amend Section 147 of the Penal Code of 1910 defining the punishment for crime of burglary.



Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Mr. EldersA bill to increase the salary of the State Chem-
ist, to be paid from funds derived from sale of inspection tax stamps.
Referred to Committee on Agriculture.

By Messrs. Elders, Dorris, Pittman, etc.-
A bill to enable women to vote in State primary election when 19th amendment to Federal Constitution is ratified.
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections.

By eMssrs. Elders, Dorris, Pittman, et aL-
A bill to enable women to vote in the regular elections in Georgia when 19th amendment to Federal Constitution is ratified.
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:
House Bill 672. ~~ bill to create a new charter for City of McCaysville.

TuESDAY, JuLY 13, 1920.


House Bill 718. A bill to amend an Act to authorize Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of various counties to open, change or discontinue the public roads.
House Bill 821. A bill to establish the City Court of Metter.
House Bill 841.. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Buena Vista.
House Bill 864. A bill to amend an Act to create a new charter for City of LaGrange.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Woody of Fannin-
House Bill 672. A bill to create a new charter for the City of McCaysville.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Hamilton of Floyd and McFarland of Walker-
House Bill 718. A bill to amend an Act giving the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues certain powers in laying out roads.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Smith of Candler-
House Bill 821. A bill to establish the City Court of Metter.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.



By Mr. Boyett of MarionHouse Bill 841. A bill to create a new charter
for the Town of Buena Vista. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 864. A bill to amend an Act to create a new charter for the City of LaGrange.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
The following resolutions were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. PittmanA resolution placing House Resolution )Jo. 146
upon the calendar for passage.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

By Mr. Pittman-
A resolution making House Resolution No. 146 a special and continuing order immediately after the period of Unanimous Consents wednesday morning, July 14, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

By Mr. LeSueur-
A resolution making Senate Bill No. 224 a special and continuing order immediately after the period of Unanimous Consents \Vednesday morning, July 14th, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

TL'"ESDAY, JuLY 13, 1920.


The following resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr. Pace-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Col. S. J. Underwood for a period of two days.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the fol lowing report :

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the- same do pass:
House Bill Ko. 864. Amending charter of City of LaGrange.
.Mr. Reece, of the 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submitted the following report:

"ll r. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County ~rat ters have had under consideration the following House bills and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:



Kos. 788, 789, 755, 689, 712, 711, 699, 831, 758, 759, 731, 683, 752, 650 and 613.
"\Ve recommend that Senate Bill.Ko. 254 do pass. REECE, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

J.llr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, to-wit:
House Bill 810. Amending charter of City of Claxton.
House Bill 833. Amending charter of City of Statesboro, authorizing issuance of school bonds.
House Bill 865. Amending charter of City of Cuthbert.
House Bill 816. Incorporating Town of Pocataligo, in Madison County.
House Bill 863. Fi..'{ing maximum amount of bonds to be issued by City of LaGrange.
House Bill 866. Amending charter of City of Shellman.
House Bill 868. Amending charter of Town of Acworth.
House Bill 806. Amending charter of City of Smyrna, providing for streets, avenues, etc.

TUESDAY' J L'Ly 13, 1920.


House Bill 809. .Authorizing Mayor and Council of Town of Smyrna to order election, etc.
House Bill 775. Incorporating the City of Monticello.
House Bill 640. .Amending charter of City of winder, authorizing putting in of water mains.
House Bill 817. .Amending charter of City of Rome, negotiating notes.
House Bill 729. Incorporating Town of Blythe. Cu.REXCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.
:Mr. Steed, of the 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary N"o. 1, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 1 have had under consideration the following Senate and House bills and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill Xo. 248. To provide for non-par value stock.
Senate Bill Xo. 275. To amend Section 1484 of the Criminal Code of 1911.
House Bill Ko. J97. To amend Section 3852 of Code of 1910.
House Bill )Jo. 781. To provide relief to counties with reference to the validation of bonds in certain cases.
Respectfully submitted, STEED, Chairman.



Mr. Reynolds, of the 50th District, Chairman of the Committee on University of Georgia, submitted the following report:

J.Vlr. President:
Your Committee on University of Georgia han had under consideration the following Senate bill, Ko. 234, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, REYNOLDS, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 690, creating City Court of Adel. CLARENCE E. ADAMS, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House

TuESDAY, JuLY 13, 1920.


and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 677, creating a charter for City of McCaysville.
CLARENCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.
Mr. Wallace, of the 28th District, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the following report :
Mr. President:
Your Committee on Agriculture have had under consideration the following Senate bill, 253, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
WALLACE, Chairman.
Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Temperance, submitted the follownig report:
Mr. President: Your Committee on Temperance have had un-
der consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill No. 58. An Act to amend the Prohibition Act, approved November 17, 1915, by omitting the manufacture of wines for sacramental purposes.
Respectfully submitted, DoRRis, Vice-Chairman.



Mr. Adams of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendatiou that the same do pass:
House 'Bill X o. 841. Creating a new charter for the Town of Buena Vista.
Mr. Adams of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

J1 r. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 832. Incorporating the City of Thompson.
House Bill 635. Amending charter of Town of Lincolnton.
CLAREXCE E. ADAl\1S, Chairman.
Mr. Ayers, of the 33rd District, Chairman of the Committee on General .Judiciary ~o. 2, submitted the following report :

TuESDAY, .JuLY 13, 1920.


Mr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 2 have had under consideration the following Senate bill, No. 29, and have instructed me, as Chairman, tt) report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, J. S. AYERS, Chairman.
Mr. Adams of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:
Mr. P1esident:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass as amended:
House Bill ~o. 615. Amending charter of City of Macon.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Fowler-
A bill to create a lien on moving apparel brought into hotels, boarding houses, etc.

By Mr. Wilkinson-
A bill to amend the Prohibition Act by providing that there shall be no inhibition against liquors for sacramental purposes.



By Mr. Kea-
A bill to require all persons, firms or corporations who manufacture or sell in this State any paints or compounds, to label same showing its chemical analysis.

By Messrs. Kea, Elders, etc.-
A bill to authorize the formation of co-operative marketing associations and define their powers.

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to amend an Act to give additional authority to the local Board of Trustees of the Georgia School of Technology.

By Mr. AllenA bill to provide for "non-par" value stock.
By Mr. AllenA bill to provide for an mcrease of salary of
Treasurer of Fulton County.

By Mr. Maynard-
A bill to amend Section 1484 of the Criminal Code of Georgia, Volume 2, so as to add after the word ''injury'' in the 18th line of said section.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time:

By Mr. Rimes of BryanHouse Bill 758. A bill to repeal an Act to create

TuEsDAY, JuLY 13, 1920.


a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Bryan County.

By Mr. Rogers of Elbert-
House Bill 197. A bill to amend Section 3852 of Code of 1910 providing for a testator by will to dispense with the necessity of his executor making inventory.
By Messrs. Strozier and Cochran of Bibb-
House Bill 615. A bill to amend an Act creating a new charter for the City of Macon.

By Mr. Johns of Barrow-
House Bill 640. A bill to amend the charter of winder so as to authorize the Mayor and Council to extend water mains.
By Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 650. A bill to provide for secret ballot at all elections held in :Mitchell County.
By Mr. Boyett of Ste,vartHouse Bill 68:3. A bill to fix the time of hold-
ing meetings of the Board of Commissioners of - Stewart County.

By Mr. Parrish of Cook-
House Bill 689. A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Cook County.



By Mr. Parrish of Cook-
House Bill 699. A bill to abolish the officp of County Treasurer of Cook County.

By Mr. Nichols of Spalding-
House Bill 711. A bill to authorize the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Spalding County to deed property.

By Mr. Kichols of Spalding-
House Bill 712. A bill to fix the salaries of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Spalding County.

By Messrs. Reville, Pilcher and McDonald of Richmond-
House Bill 729. A bill to incorporate the Town of Blythe in the Counties of Richmond and Burh.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 731. A bill to empower Treasurer
of Chatham County to employ a Clerk and to fix his

By .Jlessrs. Smith, .:\Ioore awl Hendrix of Fulton-
House Bill 752. A bill to fix the salary of the Treasurer of Fulton_ County.

By Mr. Owen of GordonHouse Bill 755. A bill to create a Board of

TuESDAY, JuLY 13, 1920.


Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for the Gordon.

By Mr. Rimes of Bryan-
House Bill 759. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Bryan County.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 775. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Monticello.

By Messrs. Guess and Lindsay of DeKalb-
House Bill 781. A bill to relieve counties lSsuing bonds in cases where validation has been sought.

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 788. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Grady County.

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 789. A bill to repeal an Act establishing a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Grady County approved August 14, 1916.
By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 806. A bill to amend an Act of the Town of Smyrna providing for streets, avenues, etc.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of CobbHouse Bill 809. A bill to authorize the "Ylayor
and Council to order election in the Town of Smyrna.
By Mr. DeLoach of EvansHouse Bill 810. A bill to amend an Act estab-
lishing a charter for the City of Claxton in Evans County.
By Mr. Thompson of MadisonHouse Bill No. 816. A bill to incorporate the
Town of Pocataligo in the County of .l\Iadison.
By Messrs. Copeland, Davis and Hamilton of FloydHouse Bill 817. A bill to amend an Act incor-
porating City of Rome relative to water rates outside of city limits of Rome.
By Mr. Stone of Jeff DavisHouse Bill 831. A bill to create a Board uf
Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for .Jcff Davis County.
By Mr. Stovall of McDuffieHonse Bill 832. A bill to incorporate the City
of Thomson in lieu of Town of Thomson.
By Mr. Williams of BullochHonse Bill 833. A bill to amend the charter of
City of Statesboro so as to authorize Mayor and Council to issue bonds for school purposes.

TuESDAY, JuLY 13, 1920.


By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 863. A bill to fix the maximum amount of bonds to be issued by LaGrange, Troup County.

By Mr. Moye of Randolph-
House l3ill 865. A bill to amend an Act to create and incorporate City of Cuthbert.

By Mr. Moye of Randolph-
House Bill 866. A bill to amend the Acts amending the charter of the Town of Shellman, Randolph County.

By Messrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 868. A bill to amend an Act establishing a new charter for the Town of Acworth.

By Mr. Bussey of Lincoln-
House Bill 635. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the Town of Lincolnton, in Lincoln County.

By Mr. Parrish of Cook-
House Bill 690. A bill to create the City Court of Adel.
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following Senate bill was taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Wood-
A bill to prohibit marriage of any person mfected with venereal diseases.



Mr. Pittman, of the 42nd District, offered the following amendment:

Providing after the word "affidavit" in line four of Paragraph Two the following words ''procured within 30 days from the date of said application.''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.
Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill and the call was sustained.
The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Allen, Ivan E.
Bell, Walter L.
Bussey, J. B.
Dorris, w. H.
Dunean, J. T. Elders, H. H.
Ennis, .r. H.

Glenn, George G. Kaigler, II. M. !-arkins, J. K.
Xix, Osea1 A. Pittman. C1a ud<~ 1'.
Rabun. Z. T.
HagsdalP, s. w.

Re~nolds, \V. H. Rhingler, J. R. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Wallace, W. P. \\"atson, S. ~f. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs. :

Adams, Clarente E. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, .Jas. B. Dixon, JamC's A. Plynt, J. J.

Fowler, Ben .r.
Harbin, C. T. Hogg, J.P. Kea, Frt>d Keene, J. H. Kendall, ~f. :\f. Kirkland, Z. W.

LeSueur, R. C. Xeidlinger, Leonorian Olive, J. T. Pruett, J. F. Reece, W. K. Veazey, P. G. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Ayers, J. S. Barrett, J<'ermor Brooks, B. B.

Lunsford, J. R. :Maynard, J. D. Rice, W. D.

Vickery, Jesse W. ~1r. President

TuESDAY, JuLY 13, 1920.


Ayes :n, Nays 21.

The bill having failed to receive the requisite constitutional majority was lost.

Under the head of Special Orders and Orders of the Day the following bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Wilkinson-

A bill to make criminal the sale or manufacture of any commercial fertilizer containing deadweight worthless as a fertilizer.

The report of the Committee, which was favor-

able to the passage of the bill as amended, was dis-

agreed to and the bill was lost.

Mr. Wilkinson, of the 49th District, gave notice

that at the proper time he would move that the

Senate reconsider its action in failing to agree with

the report of the Committee, which was favorable

to the passage of the bill as amended.

By Mr. Wilkinson-
A bill to amend Section 1775 of the Civil Code of Georgia so as to provide a higher standard for ''high grade'' and ''standard'' fertilizers.
Th.e bill went over as unfinished business.
The hour of adjournment having arrived the President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning a! 10 o'clock.



wednesday, July 14, 19:20.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock, Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L. Olive.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, asked unanimous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.

Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of the

roll and the following Senators answered to their

,\damo, ('Jan:nee E. ,\]]en, lYan E. .\ye1;s, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Be!l, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Busse~. J. B. Calhoun, .T. C. <'lements, Jas. B. <'ureton, \\'alter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, Vv. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Fl,ntt, .f. .J. l'owler, Ben .T. Glenn, George G. 1larbin, C. J. llogg, J. l' Kaigler, II. ~I. 1-i:ta, Fred 1-i:l'l'llC, .J. II. 1-i:tIHlall. ~I. ~r. 1\.irldanrl. Z. \Y. Larkins, .J. K. Ll'~htt'ur, H. l'. Lunsfonl, J. R. ~la.ntard, J. D. X eiillinger, Lconorian Xix. Ostar A. Olin, J. T.

Pittman, <'laude C Pruett, J. .I<'.
Rabun, Z. 'r.
Ragsdale, S. W. Heeec, \V. K. Reynolds, \\'. H. Rice, W. D. SltinglPr, .J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, K T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse \\'. Wallace, IV. P. Watson, S. ~L Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A . T.

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.



Mr. Glenn, of the 43rd District, gave notice that at the proper time he would move to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill No. 69.
By unanimous consent the reading of the ,Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 114. A bill to authorize the admission of women in School of Commerce of Georgia School of Technology which is not located on the campus.
House Bill 707. A bill to abolish office of County Treasurer of Fannin County.
House Bill 770. A bill to amend charter of City of Atlanta so as to allow payment of taxes in installments.
House Bill 802. A bill to regulate salaries of jailers, deputy jailers and others in certain coun- ties.
House Bill 803. A bill to regulate salaries of deputy sheriff sand bailiffs in certain counties.
House Bill 857. A bill to amend an Act authorizing City of Bainbridge to levy taxes for school purposes.


JorR::->AL OF THE SE::->ATE,

House Bill 858. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Ocilla.
House Bill 861. A bill to amend an Act to establish system of public graded schools in City of Dawson.
House Bill 868. A bill to amend an Act to authorize Mayor and Commissioners of Town of Acworth to establish and maintain public school system in said town.
House Bill 872. A bill to amend an Act to fix the salary of Treasurer of Houston County.
House Bill 881. A bill to fix compensation ol' deputy clerks of Superior Courts in certain counties.
House Bill 891. A bill to amend school laws of the City of Moultrie relative to levy of taxes .t'or school purposes.
House Bill 899. A bill to amend Act to incorporate City of LaFayette so as to abolish public school system of said city.
House Bill 901. A bill to authorize and empower Mayor and Council of City of Quitman to levy tax on property in said city.
House Bill 926. A bill to amend an Act incorj:wrating City of Maysville.
House Resolution 1-14. A resolution to authorize and instruct State Librarian to furnish Park's Code of Georgia to Georgia State Sanitarium at Milledgeville.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

\VEDXERDAY, JFLY 14, 1920.


Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill of the House, towit:
House Bill No. 884. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Alpharetta.
By unanimous consent the following Senate bills were introduced, read the first time and referred t0 Committees:

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to amend Section 27 of the Act creating Juvenile Courts.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Mr. Elders-
A bill to provide for the enclosing of the front and back of street cars.
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labm.

By Messrs. Larkin, Vickery, Kirkland, Bowden, El~ ders, et aL-
A bill to propose an amendment to Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11 of Constitution providing f(;r
a new county of Brantley.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:



By Mr. Smith of Fulton-
House Bill 114. A bill to authorize admission of women in School of Commerce of Georgia School of Technology.
Referred to Committee on University of Georgia.

By Mr. Woody of Fannin-
House Bill 707. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Fannin County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Messrs. Hendrix, Smith and Moore of Fulton-
House Bill 770. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Atlanta.
Referred to Committee- on Corporations.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 802. A bill to regulate salaries of jailers, guards, etc.
Referred to Committee on Gemn.L J udic1ary No.1.
By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 802. A bill to regulate salaries of deputy sheriffs and bailiffs in counties having population of not less than 80,000, not more than 130,000.

wEDKESDAY, JULY 14, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill857. A bill to amend an Act authorizing the corporation of the City of Bainbridge.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Tankersley of Irwin-
House Bill 858. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Ocilla.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Crawford of Terrell-
House Bill 861. A bill to amend an Act establishing public graded schools in Dawson, Ga.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Messrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 867. A bill to amend an Act authorizing the Mayor and Commissioners of Acworth to establish and maintain a public school system.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Richardson of Houston-
House Bill 872. A bill to amend an Act fixing salary of the Treasurer of Houston County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.


Jm:R::\AL oF THE Sr:xATE,

By Messrs. Smith, Moore and Hendrix of Fulton-
House Bill 881. A bill to fix the compensation of deputy clerks of Superior Courts in counties having a population of 225,000.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Mr. Covington of Colquitt-
. House Bill891. A bill to amend the school law.:> of Moultrie to levy and collect an ad valorem tax.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. McFarland of Walker-
House Bill 899. A bill to amend an Act incorporating City of LaFayette so as to abolish public school system of that city.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By :\lessrs. Ramsey and Watson of BrooksHouse Bill 901. A bill to require Mayor and
Council of Quitman to provide an ad valorem tax. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Harden of Banks, DeLaPerriere and Holder of Jackson-
House Bill 926. A bill to amend an Act incorporating Maysville of Counties of Banks and Jackson.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Manning of Milton-
House Bill 884. A bill to incorporate the Town of Alpharetta.



Referred to Committee on Corporations.
The following House resolution was read the first time and referred to Committee:

By 1\fr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Resolution 144. A resolution to authorize and instruct State Librarian to furnish a copy of Park's Annotated Code to Georgia State Sanitarium.
Referred to Committee on Public Library.
The following Senate resolution was read the first time and referred to Committee:

By Mr. Flynt-
A resolution making House Resolution No. 20 a special and continuing order for Tuesday, July 20, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.
The following Senate resolutions were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Elders-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill ~o. :287 be made a special and continuing order after the period of Unanimous Consents on Thursday, July 15, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

By Mr. DixonA resolution requesting that Senate Bill ~o.
242 be made a special and continuing order imme-



diately after confirmation of the J ournaJ on Thursday, July 15, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 763. Repealing the Act incorjorating Town of The Rock.
House Bill No. 764. Incorporating the Town of The Rock.
Mr. Hogg, of the 24th District, Chairman of the Committee on Insurance, submitted the following report:
JI r. President:
Your Committee on Insurance have had under consideration the following bill and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill No. 286. A bill to further regulate casualty and liability insurance companies.
J. P. Hooo, Chairman.

\\'EDXESDAY, ,JcLY 1-!, 1920.


Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 769. An Act to provide for holding of the Superior Court of Barrow County.
House Bill No. 725. An Act to provide for two additional terms of Superior Court, Bryan County.
House Bill No. 726. An Act repealing the Couuty Court of Bryan County.
House Bill No. 740. An Act to amend an Act establishing City Court of Wrightsville.
House Bill No. 776. An Act to amend Act establishing the City Court of Macon.
House Bill No. 660. An Act to amend an Act creating the Municipal Court of Atlanta.
House Bill Xo. 670. .An Act to provide for the " Solicitor-General of Brunswick Circuit to engage in the civil practice.
House Bill No. 852. An Act to repeal the City Court of Darieu.
House Bill No. 821. An Act to establish the City Court of Metter.



House Bill l\ o. 871. An Act to increase the salary of the Judge of City Court of Alllericus.
Respectfully submitted,
DoRRis, Chairman.
Mr. Shingler, of the lOth District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report:

J.ll r. President:
Your Committee on Pensions have had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me, as Vice-Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
~o. 288. A bill to fix the time in which a widow of an ex-Confederate soldier can be placed on the pension roll.
SHINGLER, Chairman.
Mr. W allacc, of the 28th District, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the following report:

Mr. President: Your Committee on Agriculture have had un-
der consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill No. 273 do pass.
WALLACE, Chairman.

\VEDXESDAY, JULY 1-i, _1920.


Mr. Elders, of the 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, to-wit:
Nos. 287, 279, 263 and 258.
We recommend that House Bills Kos. 779 and 773 do pass.
We recommend that Senate Bill No. 235 do not pass.
ELDERS, Chairman.
Mr. Barrett, of the 31st District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Rules, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Rules have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Resolutions Nos. 69, 70, 71 and 72.
Respectfully submitted,
BARRETT, Vice-Chairman.



The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Woody of Fannin-
House Bill 672. A bill to create a new charter for the City of McCaysville.

By Mr. McKenney of Upson-
House Bill 763. A bill to repeal the Act incorporating the Town of The Rock in Upson County.

By Mr. McKenney of Upson-
House Bill 764. A bill to incorporate the Town of The Rock.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 773. A bill to repeal an Act creating a Board of Education for the City of Monticello.

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
House Bill 779. A bill to amend an Act providing for system of public schools, etc., in Albany.

By Mr. Boyett of Marion-
House Bill 841. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Buena Vista.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 864. A bill to amend an Act creating a new charter for the City of LaGrange.

\VImXESD.\Y, JuLY 14, 1920.


By Messrs. Hendrix and Moore of Fulton-
House Bill 668. A bill to amend an Act establishing a Municipal Court of Atlanta.

By Mr. Atkinson of Camden-
Hou~e Bill 670. A bill to provide the SolicitorGeneral of the Brunswick Circuit to engage in the civil practice.

By :Mr. Rimes of Bryan-
House Bill 725. A bill to provide for the holding of two additional terms of the Superior Court of Bryan County.
By Mr. Rimes of BryanHouse Bill 726. A bill to repeal an Act estab-
lishing a County Court in Bryan County.

By Mr. Sumner of .Johnson-
House Bill 740. A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of wrightsville.

By Mr. Johns of Barrow-
House Bill 769. A bill to amend an Act providing for holding four terms a year of the Superior Court of Barrow County.

By Messrs. Barnes and Strozier of Bibb-
House Bill 776. A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Macon.



By Mr. Smith of Candler-
House Bill 821. A bill to establish the City
Court of Metter.

By Mr. Clarke of :Mcintosh-
House Bill 852. A bill to repeal an Act estab-
lishing the City Court of Darien.

By Mr. Pace of Sumter-
House Bill 871. A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Americus.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By l\fr. Pruett-
A bill to amend Section 147 of the School Code
so as to provide for election of County Superintend-
ent of Schools by the County Board of Education.

By l\fr. Kaigler-
A bill to amend Section 77 of the School Code so as to provide for the election of members of the County Boards of Education.

By Mr. Watson-
A bill to prevent the introduction into Georgia
infectious diseases of honey bees.
By ~1r. EnnisA bill to amend an Act to establish a Normal

\YEDXESDAY, JULY 14, 1920.


and Industrial College as a branch of the State University.

By Mr. FowlerA bill to further regulate casualty and liability
By Mr. PruettA bill to fix the time in which a wido\v of an
ex-Confederate soldier on the pensioi1 roll may, at his death, apply for the pension.
The following Senate resolutions were read the second time and adopted :
By Mr. PittmanA resolution requestii1g that House Resolution
No. 146 be placed upon the calendar.

By Mr. LeSueur-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill Xo. 224 be made a special and continuing order for \Vednesday, July 14, 1920.

By Mr. Pittman-
A resolution requesting that House Resolution No. 146 be made a special and continuing order for wednesday, July 14, 1920.
By Mr. Bowden-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 213 be made a special and continuing order for Thurs-



day, July 15, 1920, immediately after confirmation of the Journal.
The following House resolution was read the second time and adopted:

By Mr. -Williams of vVorth-
House Resolution 146. A resolution providing for an inYestigation of the State Veterinarian's office.

Under the regular order of business the following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By :Mr. Bussey of LincolnHouse Bill 635. A bill to amend an Act mcor-
porating the Town of Lincoln.
The report of the Committe, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the -passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Kays 0.
The bill haYing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Johnson of Barrow-
House Bill 640. A bill to amend the charter of the City of vVinder.
The report of the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes wert' 38, Kays 0.

, \YEDNESDAY, JuLY 14, 1920.


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Strozier and Cochran of Bibb-
House Bill615. A bill to amend an Act to create a new charter for the City of Macon.
The Committee offered the following amendment:
Add at the end of line 15 of Section 1, at end of word ''county'' and before word ''so,'' the following words: ''Provided, however, that the present Chairman of the Finance Committee of Council shall continue to serve as an ex-officio member of said hospital commission until the expiration of his present term of office.''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Mundy of Polk-
House Bill 119. A bill to amend Section 582 of the Civil Code relative to county warrants not paid when due shall bear interest at the legal rate.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 650. A bill to provide for secret ballot at all elections in Mitchell County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 42, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Boyett of Stewart-
House Bill GH;). A bill to fix the time of holding meetings of the Board of Commissioners of Stewart County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. Parrish of Cook-
House Bill 689. A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Reveuues for Cook County.

\VED~ESDAY, JULY 14, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Parrish of Cook-
House Bill 690. A bill to create the City Court of Adel.
The report of the Committee, which \Vas favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Parrish of Cook-
House Bill 699. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Cook County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. ~ichols of SpaldingHouse Bill 711. A bill to authorize the Com-



missioners of Roads and Revenues of Spalding County to deed property.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Nichols of Spalding-
House Bill 712. A bill to fix the salaries of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Spalding County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, ~ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Reville, Pilcher and McDonald of Richmond-
House Bill 729. A bill to incorporate the ToWll of Blythe.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 50, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 14, 1920.


By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 731. A bill to empower Treasurer of Chatham County to employ a clerk.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 39, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Smith, Moore and Hendrix of Fulton-
House Bill 752. A bill to fix the salary of the Treasurer of Fulton County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Ir. Olive of Gordon-
House Bill 755. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Gordon County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By .Mr. Rimes of Bryan-
House Bill 758. A bill to repeal an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Bryan County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 48, )Jays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ..Mr. Rimes of Bryan-
House Bill 759. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Bryan County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorahie to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the hill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr..Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 775. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of 3Ionticello.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

\VEDXESD.H, JuLY 14, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Guess and Lindsay of DeKalb -
House Bill 781. A bill to relieve counties lSsuing bonds in cases where validation has been sought as provided by law.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :Jir. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 788. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Grady County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 42, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutionai majority was passed.

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 789. A bill to repeal an Act establishing a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Rev.. enues for Grady County.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By .Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of CobbHouse Bill 806. A bill to amend an Act creat-
ing the Town of Smyrna relative to streets, etc.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of CobbHouse Bill 809. A bill authorizing Mayor and
Council of Smyrna to order elections.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. DeLoach of Evans-
House Bill 810. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Claxton.

"\VEDXESDAY, JeLY 14, Hl20.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Thompson of Madison-


House Bill Pocataligo.


A bill to incorporate the Town

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Xays 0.

By :Messrs. Copeland, Davis and Hamilton of Floyd-
House Bill 817. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Rome rdative to water rates.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
()n the passage of the bill the Ayes were 48, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :\fr. Stovall of :JicDuffie-
Housc Bill 832. A bill to incorporate the City of Thomson in lieu of Town of Thomson.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
()n the passage of the bill the Ayes werl' :)tl, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :Jfr. \Yilliams of Bulloch-
House Bill tl:t~. A hill to amend the charter of the City of Statesboro.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the hill the Ayes were :-~R, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By 2\lessrs. Longley and -wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 8G:). A bill to fix the maximum amount of bonds to be issued by LaGrange.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
Uu the passage of the bill the Ayes were ~~J, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. }\foye of Randolph-
House Bill 865. A bill to amend au Act incorporating the City of Cuthbert.

\VEDXESDAY, JrLY 14, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. 1Ioye of Randolph-

House Bill 866. A bill to amend the Acts amending the charter of the Town of Shellman.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31,

:Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Iessrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 868. A bill to amend an Act estab lishing a new charter for the Town of Acworth.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Under the head of rnfinished Business the following Senate bill was taken up for consideration:



By .Jir. \Vilkiuson-
A bill to amend Section 1775 of the Civil Code so as to provide a higher standard for ''standard fertilizers.''
On the question of agreeing to the report of tlw Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended, "Yir. \Vilkinson, of tlw 49th District, call<:d for the Ayes and Xays.
The call was not sustained.
.Jir. -Wilkinson, of the 49th District, moved to table the bill and the motion \\os lost.
}\[r. \Yilkinson, of the 49th District, asked unanimons com0nt to withdraw the bill and the requPst "as granted.
lJnder the head of Special Orders and Orders of the Da: the following Senate bill was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By -:\Iessrs. LeSueur, Glenn and Elders-

To he entitled an Act to propose to the qualified ,oters of this State an am.endment to Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, as amended by the ratification of the qualified voters of this State of the several Acts, al)prm{>d, respPcti nly on July 1D. 1!}0-l-, July 31, 1906, July 30, 1912, August 14, 1912, July 7, 1914-, July 27, 1914, August 11, 1914, August 15, 1917, August 21, 1917, and July 30, Hl18, and for other purposes.

\VEDKESDAY, J"C"LY 14, 1920.


Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby. enacted by authority of the same, That the following amendment is hereby proposed to Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, as amended by the ratification of the qualified voters of said State, of the several Acts
approved, respectively, on July 19, 1904, July :n,
1906, July 30, 1912, August 14, 1912, July 7, 1914, July 27, 1914, August 11, 1914, August 18, 1917, August 21, 1917, and July :10, 1918, to-wit:
By adding to said paragraph the following lan_guage:
ProYided, howenr, that in addition to the counties now provided for by this Constitution there shall be a ne'v county laid out and created from the territory now comprising the counties of Pike and Monroe, to be made up and composed of all of that part of the territory of the Counties of Pike and Monroe described alHl contained within the boundaries as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of land lot 185 adjoining Spalding and Pike Counties lines in the 2nd District of Pike County and running along said land lot southward to northwest corner of land lot 75 in the 8th District, Pike County, thence west along land lot line between land lot 86 and 87 to the northwest corner of land lot 80; thence south along line-between land lots 86 and 107 to northwest eorner of land lot 85, then west along lines between land lots 107 and 108 to northwest corner land lot 108; thence south along land lot line to Upson



County lines at southwest corner land lot 112 in 8th District, Pil(e County, Ga.; thence east along land lot lines between Pike and Upson to Pike and :Monroe Counties lines at southeast corner land lot 11:3 in Pike County, Ga.; thence south along line between Upson and Monroe County to southwest corner of land lot 130 in 11th land district of Monroe County; thence east along land lot line to southeast corner of land lot 28 in 11th District, Monroe County, and then north along land lot line to northeast, corner land lot 29; thence east along land lot lines to south conwr of land lot to Monroe County, Ga., 11th District, and thence north along lines between land districts 11 and 12, 7 and 6 and 3 and 4 to Butts County line at northeast corner of land line 247 in 3rd District of Monroe County, Ga.; thence west from northeast corner of land line 138, Monroe County, Ga., said land lot being in 3rd District, Monroe County; then southward along present county lines between counties of Monroe and Spalding to present Pike County line, thence west along county line between Counties of Spalding and Pike to beginning point, or northwest corner of lot of land 185 in the 2nd District of Pike County, Ga., the present county lines between Monroe and Butts; Monroe and Spalding; Pike and Spalding being the northern boundary line of the proposed County of Lamar.
''That the said new county shall be known as the County of Lamar, and the City of Barnesville shall be the county site of the same.
''That irrespective of other provisions of this Constitution, said County of Lamar shall, upon its creation, be entitled to one Representative in the

\YEDXESDAY, JeLY 14, 1920.


House of Representatives of this State, and said County of Lamar shall be entitled to one Representative in the House of Representatives of Georgia until the app9intment shall be changed by law, in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.
''That the said County of Lamar shall be attached to the same Congressional District, and to the same Judicial Circuit, and to the same State Senatorial District as those to which the County of Pike is attached at the date of the ratification of this amendment.
''That all legal voters residing in the County of Lamar entitled to vote for members of the General As-sembly under the laws of Georgia, shall, on the first \Y ednesday in .January following the ratification of this proposed amendment, elect a Representative in the House of Representatives of this State, and au Ordinary, a Clerk of the Superior Court, a Slwriff, a Coroner, a Tax Collector, a Tax Receiver, a County 'rreasurer and a County Surveyor. Said special election shall be held at the several ekctiou precincts existing within the limits of said Lamar County at the time of the adoption of this amendment; and the Ordinary of Pike County shall uppoint election managers for such election precincts as may be located in Pike County at the time of the adoption of this proposed amendment; and the Ordinary of :.\fonroe County shall appoint election managers for such precincts as may be located in Monroe County at the time of the adoption of this proposed amendment. On the day succeeding the holding of said election the election man-



agers shall meet at the Council Chamber of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Barnesville aud consolidate the vote for the officers named; and the general laws of this State now in force as to elections, consolidation of votes, the return of the election and the commission of officers shall be applicable to the officers elected at the election herein provided for. The officers elected at said election and the Representative in the House of Representati...-es shall hold their offices until the next General Election for such officers throughout the State, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The General Assembly is hereby given power to create any additional statutory offices in said county or statutory courts therein, and to provide for filling said offices. Any vacancies that may occur before the next General Election after the election, as herein provided may be filled in the same manner as such ...-acancies arc now filled under the law. The J usticcs of the Peace and the Constables residing in the territory included withip. the limits of said County of Lamar shall exercise the duties and powers of their offices until new militia districts are laid out in said County of Lamar as now provided by law, and the Justices of the Peace and the Constables elected therefor.
''That the Superior Courts of said Lamar County shall be held on the first Monday in March and the first Monday in September of each year.
''That the Congressional and Senatorial Districts the Judicial Circuit to which the said Lamar County is attached, the times of holding the terms of the Superior Court and the limits of the County shall be as designated above until changed by law.



''Provided, That the laws applicable to the organization of new counties as found in Sections 829 to 848, inclusive, of the Code of 1910 of Georgia, and any other Acts or Sections having applicability, are hereby made applicable to said County of Lamar, whenever the same may be created by the proposed amendment to the Constitution, and that said new county when created, shall become a statutory county and shall be subject to all laws applicabl! to all other counties of the State.
''That the property of all tax payers included within the limits of the said Lamar County as hereinbefore designated is hereby made ratably chargeable with any debt that may have been incurred by either of the counties from which the territory included in the new County of Lamar is taken by the legally instituted authorities of the counties for the purpose of raising revenues for the benefit of either of said counties, whether the said debt is a bonded debt or one which has been incurred for the benefit in any way for either of said counties. The value of the taxable property included within the limits of the said County of Lamar at the time of the adoptiol} of this amendment to the Constitution in proportion to the value of the property in the counties from which the said County of Lamar is taken shall determine the proportionate amount of the indebtedness which shall be borne by the property of the tax payers located within the limits of said proposed new county.
''Authority is hereby given to the Ordinary of the said County of Lamar and to the officers of the counties from which said territory is taken who are



charged with the management of the business of said counties to settle and agree upon an amount of the said indebtedness that shall be assessed against and paid by the said County of Lamar; and it is hereby made the duty of the Ordinary of the said County of Lamar, when the amount of indebtedness with which the said County of Lamar is chargeable is so ascertained to cause a tax to be levied upon
all of q1e property within the limits of the said Coun-
ty of Lamar sufficient to pay off and discharge the proportionate part of the indebtedness due by tlw said Lamar County.
''In the event of the failure or refusal of the Ordinary of Lamar County to levy such tax, it shall be the duty of the Judge of the Superior Courts of the Circuit to which said County of Lamar is attached to compel the Ordinary of the said County of Lamar to perform the duty herein required of him. In the ennt of the failure of the authorities of the counties from which the said Lamar County is created and the Ordinary of said Lamar County to ascertain and agree upon the amount of said indebtedness, then either of said counties may bring a suit against the said County of Lamar in the Superior Court of said County of Lamar for the purpose of having the proportion of said debt so assumed by the said County of Lamar ascertained; and the said Superior Court is hereby given power to enforce whatever judgment may be had as the result of such trial by compelling the Ordinary of said Lamar County to levy a tax sufficient for the payment of the indebtedness found to be due by the County of Lamar; cause the same to be collected

WEDXESDAY, ,JULY 14, 1920.


and paid to the constituted authorities of the county or counties from which said Lamar County is created entitled to receive the same.
."It is specially provided that all ad valorem and all other special taxes and all other revenues realized for the year in which this amendment is adopted or ratified by the qualified voters of this State shall be applied to any indebtedness, excepted bonded indebtedness, due and mving by either of the said counties from which the said Lamar County is created; it being the purpose of this provision to fix the basis of settlement between the counties involved upon their financial condition on the 31st day of December next following the ratification of this amendment."
Section 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That whenever the above proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be agreed upon by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly, and the same has been entered on their Journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon, the Governor shall be, and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the above proposed amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each Congressional District of this State, for the period of two months next preceding the time of holding the next general election, and the Governor is further authorized and directed to provide for the submission of the amendment proposed for ratification or rejection to the electors of this State at the next general election to be held after such publication, at which election every per-



son shall be qualified to vote who is entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the said proposed amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, ''For amendment to the Constitution creating the County of Lamar;" and all persons voting at said election against the adoption of the said proposed amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words ''Against the amendment to the Constitution creating the County of Lamar."
If a majority of the electors qualified to yote for members of the General Assembly voting thereon shall vote for the ratification of said proposed amendment, then the Governor shall, when he ascertains the same from the Secretary of the State, to whom the returns of said election shall be referred in the manner as in cases of elections for members of the General Assembly to count and ascertain results, issue his proclamation for one insertion in one daily paper of this State, announcing such results, and declaring the amendment ratified.
Section 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this .Act be, and the same are, hereby repealed.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended, was agreed to.
This bill involving a constitutional amendment the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

\VEDXESDAY, J"C"LY 14, 1920.


Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Aiien, Ivan E. Ayers, J S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, James A. Dorris, \\'. H. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. :\I. Kea, Fred Keene, ,J. H. Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. l'. Lensford, J. R. ::\'ix, Os<"ar A. Olin, .J. T.

Pruett, J. F. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Shingler, ,J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Yeazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, \Y. P. watson, S. M. \Viikinson, F. B.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Brooks, B. B.
Calhoun. J. C.
Kirkland, z. W.

::\'eidlinger, Leonorian Smith, J. Q. Pittman, Claude C. Wood, A. J. Rabun, Z. T.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Duncan, J. T. ::\fr. President

Hogg, J. P.

::\faynard, " D.

Ayes 37, Nays 8.

This bill having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote was passed as amended.

At the request of Mr. Fowler, of the 22nd District, the bill was immediately transmitted to the House.

Under the regular order of business the following Senate bill was read the third time and put upon its passage :
By Mr. Allen-
A bill to increase the salary of Treasurer of Fulton County.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, .Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Under the regular order of business the following bill was read the third time :

By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to prevent accidents; to provide medical care for injured employees; to establish rates of compensation for injured employees, and for other purposes .
.Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, moved to make
-w the bill a special and continuing order for ednes-
day, July 21, 1920, and the motion prevailed.
Mr. Barrett, of the 31st District, moved to print 300 copies of the substitute to the bill for distribution, and the motion prevailed.
At the request of Mr. Kea of the 16th District, Senate Bill :Xo. 210 was withdrawn from the consideration of the Senate.
Mr. Ragsdale, of the :~8th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central Time.

TuuRsv.u, JuLY 15, 1920



Thursday, July 15, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock, Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Mr. Bowden, of the 5th, asked unanimous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.

I\Ir. Kea, of the 16th District, objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of the roll and the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarpnce E. AliPn, IYan E. Barrett. Fermor Bell, Walter L. BowdPn, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Busse_,., .T. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dorris, \\'. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J.

h 1cJgg, .J. P. Kaigler, H. :\1. Kea, Fred KlenP . .T. H. KPn<lall, :\f. :\f. Kirkland. Z. W. Larkins, .T. K. LP~UPUI', R. ( '. Lunsforrl, J. R. :\la~nard, J. D. :\eidlinger, Leonorinn
Olin, J. r.
Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T.

Ragsdale, S. W. Reeee, W. K. Reynolds, "\V. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, ,J. Q. Steed, E. T. YLaze~. P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. \\' allace, IV. P. \Vatson, S. M. Wiikinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. :\fr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.



At the request of Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, Senate Bill No. 265 was withdrawn from fmther consideration of the Senate.
At the request of Mr. Wallace, of the 28th District, Senate Bill Xo. 231 was withdrawn from further consideration of the Senate.
At the request of Mr. Larkins, of the 46th District, Senate Bill No. 299 was withdrawn from the Committee on Constitutional Amendments, read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Kirkland, of the 3rd District, House Bill No. 831 was recommitted to the Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. BowdenA bill to provide for a branding law for the
identification of live stock.
Referred to Committee on Agriculture.

By Mr. BarrettA bill to amend an Act known as ''Georgia
Motor Vchicle Law.''
Referred to Committee on Public Roads.

By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to amend Section 720 of the Penal Code relative to wrongful sale of property on which there is a lien.

THURSDAY, .JuLY 15, 1920


Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No. 1.

By Mr. Rabun-
A bill to amend an Act creating the City Court of Morgan.
Heferred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to provide for the domestication of foreign corporations.
Referred to. Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Mr. BarrettA bill to fix the terms of the Superior Court of
Stephens County. Heferred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By .Mr. Shingler-
A bill to designate streets and towns to be parts of public road system.
Referred to Committee on Public Roads.

By .Mr. Barrett-
A bill to provide a stenographer for clerk of the Court of Appeals.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary :N0. 1.

;)] 0


The following Senate resolutions were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By l\fr. Adams-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill Xo. 285 be made a special and continuing order for Thursday, July 15, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

B~, Mr. Kendall-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill 1\o. :272 be made a special and continuing OTder for \Y ednesclay, .July_ 21st, 1~)20.
Refe>rred to Committee on Rules.
::\Ir. Barrett, of the :nst District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee 011 Rules, submitted the follo"wing report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee ou Rules haYe had under consideration the follo,ving resolutions of the Senate and ha\'C instructed me, as Vice-Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Resolutions Kos. 75, 78, 80, 81.
Respectfully submitted,
BARRETT, Vice-Chairman.
::\Ir. Bussey, of the 11th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, submitted the follo,ving report:



Mr. President:
Your Committee on Privileges and Election;,; have had under consideration the following Senate bills, 1\os. 295 and 296, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
J. B. BussEY, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :

Mr. President:
. Your Committee on Corporations have had ,under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 884. Chartering Town of Alpharetta and repealing present charter.
House Bill No. 867. Amending charter of Town of Acworth, authorizing maintenance of public school system.
House Bill No. 901. Amending charter of City of Quitman, authorizing levy of ad valorem tax.
House Bill No. 899. Amending charter of City of LaFayette, establishing school system.
House Bill .No. 677. Creating new charter for Town of Linwood.
House Bill No. 857. Amending charter of City of Bainbridge.

. :31 :2


House Bill ~o. 9:26. Annulling amendment to charter of City of Maysville.
CLARENCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of the .30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill No. B5B. Amending charter of City of Ocilla, authorizing improvement of sidewalks.
CLAREXCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

J1 r. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 770. Amending charter of City of Atlanta, so as to allow payment of taxes in installments.

TH1."RSDAY, J1.TY 15, 1920


1\Ir. \Vilkinson, of the 49th District, Chairman of the Committee on Fish and Game, submitted the following report:
Mr. President: Your Committee on Game and Fish have had
under consideration the following House bill, Xo. 69-!:, and haYe instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
To he entitled an Act to prohibit the hunting, follm,ing hounds in pursuit of, trapping, killing or destroying in any manner fox in the County of Floyd, State of Georgia, except certain seasons of the year, and to provide a penalty for violatio11 thereof, and for other purposes. \YILKixsox, Chairman.
~Ir. Xewlinger, 9f the 1st District, Chairman of the Committee on Public Library, submitted the following report:
11'!r. President:
Your Committee on Public Library have had under consideration the following resolution of the House and haYe instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Xo. 1-!:4. A resolution to authorize and instruct the State Librarian to furnish a copy of Park's Code to Georgia State Sanitarium at Milledgeville.
Respectfully submitted, NEL\\'INGER, Chairman.



The following message was received from the House, through l\fr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 542. A bill to provide for compensation of Treasurer of ~Ieriwether County.
House Bill 846. A bill tQ repeal an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Paulding County.
House Bill 886. A bill to amend an Act to establish City Court of Pelham.
House Bill 889. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Camilla.
House Bill 898. A bill to provide for holding three terms yearly of Superior Court of Hart County.
House Bill 910. A bill to amend au Act to create City Court of Dublin.
House Bill 923. A bill to amend an Act to provide for system of public schools in City of Lyons.
House Bill 939. A bill to amend an Act to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Jenkins County.
House Bill 9-1. A bill to provide compensation for Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Floyd County.

TH L'HS!JA y' .J l.LY 15, 1920


House Bill 956. A bill to repeal an Act to create Board of Commissioners for Bulloch County.
House Bill 957. A bill to create Board of Commissioners for Bulloch County.
Senate Bill 2o7. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate City of Commerce.
Senate Bill 270. A bill to amend an Act creat ing Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Cherokee County.
The House has adopted the following resolution of the House, to-wit:
House Resolution 162. A resolution to invite ~Ir. S. L. Strivings, Vice-President of the American Farm Bureau Federation, to address the General Assembly.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By ~Ir. .Justis of ::\feriwethN-
House Bill 542. A bill to change the compensation of Treasurer of :Meriwether County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By :Mr. Owen of Paulding-
House Bill 846. A bill to repeal an Act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Reve nues of Paulding County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County ::\Iatters.

By Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 886. A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Pelham.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Mr. Bush of l\!itchellHouse Bill 889. A bill to amend an Act estab-
lishing the City Court of Camilla. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By ~Ir. .Mason of HartHouse Bill 898. A bill to provide for holding
three terms a year of the Superior Court of Hart County.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By .Messrs. Rogers and Stubbs of LaurensHouse Bill 910. A bill to amend &n Act to
create the City Court of Dublin. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By Mr. Lankford of ToombsHonse Bill 923. A bill to amend an Act estab-
lishing a public school system in the City of Lyons. Referred to Committee on Education.
By Mr. Anderson of JenkinsHouse Bill 939. A bill to amend an Act estab-
lishing a Board of Roads and Revenues for Jenkins County.

THuRSDAY, JuLY 15, 1920


Referred to Committee on Counties and County ..Matters.

By Mr. Hamilton of Floyd-
House Bill 941. A bill to provide compensation for Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Floyd County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Messrs. Williams and Brannen of Bulloch-
Honse Bill No. 956. A bill to repeal an Act providing for a Board of County Commissioners of Bulloch.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Messrs. "Williams and Brannen of Bulloch-
Honse Bill 957. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners for the County of Bulloch.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County }[atters.
' The following res?lutioo.s, favorably reported, were read and adopted:

By Mr. Dixon-
A resolution requesting that Senate bill No. 242 be made a special and continuing order after confirmation of the Journal on Thursday, July 15, 1920.



By .:\Ir. Kea-
A resolution requesting that Senate bills Xos. 63, :255 and 257 be made a special and continuing order after Unanimous Consents on Tuesday, July _20, 1920.
By Mr. Dorris-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill Xo. 12~1 be made a special and continuing order for 'ruesday, July 20, 1920.

By .:\Ir. Duncan-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill Xo. 251 be made a special and continuing order for Tuesday, July 20, 1920.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported~ were read the second time :

By ~fessrs. Elders, Dorris, Pittman and Glenn-
A bill to enable women to vote in State primary elections when 19th amendment to the Federal Constitution is ratified.
By Messrs. Elders, Dorris, Pittman and Glenn-
A bill to enable women to vote in the regular elections in this State \vhen 19th amendment to the Federal Constitution is ratified.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By :Mr. Hamilton of Floyd-
House Bill 694. A bill to prohibit the hunting of fox in Floyd County and to provide penalty.

THURSDAY, JeLY 15, 1920


By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 857. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Bainbridge.

By Messrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 867. A bill to establish a system of public schools for the Town of Acworth.

By Mr. McFarland of Walker-
. House Bill 677. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Linwood.

By Mr. Manning of Milton-
House Bill 884. A bill to incorporate the Town of Alpharetta.

By .Mr. McFarland of "'\Valker-
House Bill 899. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of LaFayette.
By Messrs. Ramsey and \Vatson of BrooksHouse Bill 901. A bill to authorize ~layor and
Council of (~uitman to provide for ad valorem tax.

By Messrs. Hardin of Banks, DeLaPerriere and Holder of Jackson-
House Bill 926. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Maysville.
By Messrs. Hendrix, Smith and ~Ioore of FultonHouse Bill 770. A bill to amend an Act incor-
porating the City of Atlanta.



By ~Ir. Tankersley of Irwin-
House Bill 858. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Ocilla.
The following joint resolution of the House and Senate was read and adopted:

By .Jlr..Johnson of Bartow-
House Resolution 162. A resolution to allow ~Ir .S. L. Strivings to address the General Assembly at a date fixed by the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.
The President appointed as a Committee on the part of the Senate under House Resolution No. 146 Senators Barrett, of the 31st District; Veazey, of the 19th District, and Clements, of the 45th District.
The following House resolution, favorably reported, was read the second time :

By 1Ir. Alfriend 'of Baldwin-
House Resolution 144. A resolution authorizing and instructing State Librarian to furnish a copy of Park's Code to Georgia State Sanitarium.
lTnder the regular order of business the following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By :Mr. KeaA bill to amend an Act establishing the Depart-
ment of Commerce and Labor.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

THURSDAY, Jl:LY 15, 1920


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 33, ~ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutoinal majority was passed.

By ~Iessrs. Dorris, Steed and BarrettA bill to fix the salaries of the shorthand writ-
ers of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Nays 4.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. DorrisA bill to provide compensation for the services
of the deputy clerk of the Supreme Court.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Kea-
A bill to amend Section 632 of the Penal Code by defining who is an emigrant agent.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to..



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 33, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to amend an Act conferring additional powers on Local Board of Trustees of Georgia School of Technology.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :\Ir. Ennis-
A bill to amend an Act establishing a ~ormal and Industrial College for white girls.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitu tional majority was passed.
At the rPquest of the author the bill was immediately transmitted to the House.

THliRSDAY, J-uLY 15, 1920



By .Mr. Dixon-


To be entitled an Act to amend Paragraph 1 of Sec-

tion 13 of Article 6 of the Constitution of Georgia

in so far as the same relates to salaries of Jus-

tices of the Supreme Court, and of Judges of the

Court of Appeals, and of Judges of the Superior

Courts, so as to increase the salaries of the Jus-

tices of the Supreme Court, the Judges of the

Court of Appeals, the Judges of the Superior

Courts, and for other purposes.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that Paragraph 1 of Section 13, of Article 6 of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, relating to salaries of the Justices of the Snpreme Court, and of the Judges of the Court of Appeals, and of the ,Judges of the Superior Courts, be and the same is hereby amended so as to provide that the Justices of the Supreme Court each shall have out of the Treasury of the State salaries of $8,000.00 per annum; the Judges of the Court of Appeals each shall have out of the Treasury of the State salaries of $8,000.00 per annum; the Judges of the Superior Courts each shall have out of the Treasury of the State salaries of $6,000.00 per annum; Provided that the County of Chatham shall from its Treasury pay to the Judge of the Superior Court of the Eastern Circuit $3,000.00 per annum; said payment is hereby declared to be a part of the court expenses of said county, and shall be made to thi:'



Judge now in office, as well as his successors. Provided, further, That the Board of County Commissioners of Fulton County, or such other Board or person as may from time to time exercise the administrative powers of Fulton County, slwll hav,., power and authority to pay the Judges of the Superior Court of Fulton County such sums, iu addition to the salaries paid by the State, as said atlministrative authority or authorities may deem advisable and the amounts so paid arc declared to be a part of the court expenses of said county. The provisions of this amendment shall take effect and the salaries herein IH"ovidcd for shall begin from the ratification of this amendment, as proYided in the second section hereof, and shall apply to the in-cumlwnts in the several offices, as well as their successors.

Section 2. Be it further enacted, That if this amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the memlwrs of the General Assembly of each House, the same shall he entered on their Journals, with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and the Governor shall cause the amendment to be published in one or more of the newspapers in each Congressional District for at least two months immediately preceding the nPxt g-eneral election, and all persons voting at said elPction in favor of adopting the proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have written or printed in their ballots the words: "For ratification of amendment to Paragraph 1, of Section 13, of Article 6, of the Constitution fixing the salaries of the .Justices of the Supremc> Court, and of the Judges
of the Superior Courts,'' and all persons opposed to

TnrRSDAY, .JPLY 15, 1920


the adoption oJ said amendment shall have written
or printed on their ballots the words: "Against ratification of amendment to Paragraph 1, of Section 13, of Article 6, of the Constitution fixing the salaries of the Justices of the Supreme Court, and of the Judges of the Court of Appeals, and of the Judges of the Superior Courts;" and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for the members of n~xt General Assembly voting, shall vote in favor of the ratification as shown by the consolidation and by the returns made as no\v provided by la\v in elections for members of the General Assembly, then said amendment shall become a part of Paragraph 1, of Section 13, of Article G, of the Constitution of this State, and the GoYernor shall make proclamation thereof.

R('ction 3. Be it further enacted that all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith a're repealed.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

ThE' hill involving a constitutional amendment, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those Yoting in the affirmative were :Messrs.:

Adams, Clanncc E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell. Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brook~, B. B. Busse~, J. B. f'alhoun, .J. ('. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, .James A. Dorris. W. H. Dunean, J. T.

1::rh...,, H. H. Ennis, ,J. H. Fl~nt, J'. J. Fo>":ler. Ben ;; . Glt>nn, G(orge G. Harbin, ( .T. E:ea, Fred Kendall, :'11. :'II. L1rkin,, .T. K. LeStiPnr. R. C. Lunsforr1 . T. R. ,~ Pi<l1in~~f'!, LPOT!Orinn '\ix, O>('ar A.

Oli,e, ,J. T. Pittman, ('laude C. Prnett, .J. F. H~gsda lt>, S. vV. HPcce. \\. K. Hevnolrts, Vv. H. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vicker_,., Jesse vV. WnJiacP, \Y. P. Watson. R. ~L Wilkinson, H. B.



Those Yoting in the negative were ~lessrs.:

Kaigh'r, H. ~f. Ke!'nt>. J. H.

Kirklmul, Z. W.
Rabun, z. T.

Hiee, \\.. D. Yeazc>y, P. G.

Those not Yoting were Messrs. :

Blasi11ganH', ~T o~ia h Cureton. walter"'

Ilogg, .]. P. ~fi:tynanl, J. D.

Ayes 39, Kays 6.

Wood. A. J. ~fr. l'rcsiflt'nt

The bill having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote was passed.

At the request of ~lr. Dorris, of the 48th District, the bill was immediately transmitted to the House.

By Mr. wilkinson-
A bill to amend the Prohibition Act permitting the manufacture> of \\ines for sacramental purpo:'les.
~[r. Dorris, of the 48th District, moved to table the bill and the motion was lost.

On the question of agreeing to the report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the hill, -:\Ir. "\Vilkinson, of the -+9th District, called for the ayes and nays.

The call was sustained and the Yote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Bowden, J. E. T. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, JamPs A. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, .J. J.

Fowler, Ben .T. Glenn, G!'org<> G. Hogg, J. P. Kea, FrPrl Keene, .T. H. Kentlall, }I. ~1. LeSueur, R. C.

Oliv<', ,J. T. Rice, W. D. Yickery, Jcs'e W. Walla<'e, W. P. Watson, S. }f. Wilkinson, II. B.

THURSDAY, J1Ly 15, 1920


Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

-\dcms, ( 'laren~e E.
Barrett, Fermor Bell, waiter L. Brooks, B. B. Busse.v, J. B. Dorris, \V. H. Dun(an, J. T.

Harbin, l'. J. Kaigler, H. ~ Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. X eidlinger. Leonorian Xix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C". Rabun, Z. T.

Ragsdale, f'. W . R0ece, W. K. Reynolds, \\'. H. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Yeaze:v, P. G.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah ('ureton, Walter \\'. Kirkland, Z. W.

~ia_vnard . .J. D. Pruett, J. F'.

wood, A. J. ~tr. President

Ayes 20, ?\ays 23.

The favorable report of the Committee was disagreed to and the bill was lost.

By ~fr. Barrett-
A bill to amend Section 4212 of the Code relative to the admissibility in evidence of copies of registered deeds.
The Committee offered the following amendment :
By adding at the end of Section 1 the following: "Provided that this Act shall not apply to pending litigation.''
The amendmrnt was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favora blr to the passage of the bill as amended was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 32, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By J[r. Fowler-
A bill to create a licn on furniture or other mo\'ing apparel brought into hotels, boarding housrs, etc., for the protection of said hotels, etc., in tlwir charges.
The Committee offered the following substitute:

A bill to define the rights, duties and liabilities of inkeepers and guests in regard to property brought into inns by guests; to create a lien on furniture, baggage, wearing apparel and other propLrty brought into hotels, inns, hoarding houses, lodging houses and eating houses, for the protection of such hotels, inss, boarding houses, lodging houses and eating houses in their charges; to proYide for the enforcement of such liens; to amrnd Section 3510 of the Code of Georgia of 1fJ1 0 by adding a pro,ision requiring inkeepers to giYe and gu<sts to receiYe receipts for valuable articles; to amend Section 3511 of the Code of Georgia of 1910 by adding thereto provisions limiting the liability of inkeepers for injury to or loss of property of guests; and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby cnactecl by autlwrity of the same, that from and after the passage of this Act the keeper of every hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house and eating house in the State

THFH8DAY, JFLY 15, 1920


of Georgia, whether licensed or not, shall have a lien on all furniture, baggage, wearing apparel and other property brought into any such hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house or eating house by any guest or patron of the same who has title to such property, or who has legally acquired possession of such property for the purpose of dealing therewith for the benefit of the owner and in and about the business of the owner, to secure the payment by such guest or patron of all sums due for food, lodging or other accommodation. Such lien shall attach in all cases where a liability has been created without rcgard to the time of furnishing such food, lodging or other accommodation, and such lieu shall be superior to other liens, except liens for taxes, special liens of landlords for rent, liens, liens of laborers and all general liens of which the keeper of such hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house or eating house has actual notice before the propert~' claimed to be subject was brought into such hotel, inn, hoarding house, lodging house or eating house, to which excepted liens it shall be mf\'rior.
SL'ctiou :2. Bl' it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that for the enforcement of such lien created by Section 1 of this Act the keeper of such hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house or eating house claiming the lien may retain possession of the property against which the lien is claimed, and, at any time after thirty (30) days after the person creating such debt or obligation has left such hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house or eating house, and the debt or obligation being still due and un-



paid, may sell, at public auction at the office of the hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house or eating house where such lien is claimed, to the highest bidder for cash, and all property left at such hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house or eating house subject to such lien, without any process at law or equity, and the proceeds of such sale shall be applied, first to the payment of the expense of such sale, which shall not exceed ten per cent of the proceeds of such sale, second, to the reduction or discharge of the debt or obligation due to such hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house or eating house, and any surplus remaining shall be paid to the Ordinary of the county in which such hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house or eating house is located, or to such other treasurer of the educational funds, subject to a right of the person creating such debt or obligation, to reclaim said surplus at any time within three years of the date of deposit with the Ordinary or other treasurer of the educational funds of such county; provided that such sale shall be advertised by written or printed posters at the office of such hotel, inn, hoarding house, lodging house or eating house and at the door of the courthouse, of the county in which such hotel, inn, boarding house, lodging house or eating house is located, for at least ten (10) days before such sale, and such advertisement shall specify the time and place of sale; and, provided further, that this remedy shall be cumulative to the remedies now existing by law for enforcement of liens to satisfy obligations due for board and lodging.
Section 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that Section 3510 of the Code of Geor-

THl:'RsDAY, .reLY 15, 1920


gia of 1910 be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following:
''For all Yaluable articles placed by guests with inkeepers for safe keeping the inkeeper shall give the guest a receipt therefor to evidence the fact of such deposit. No guest shall recover of the inkeeper more than three hundred dollars for loss of valuable articles deposited with the inkeeper for sale keeping unless such guest has in his possession the receipt of the inkeeper for the valuable articles claimed to luwe been lost;" so that said section as amended shall read as follows:
''Section ;)510. The inkeeper may provide an iron safe, or other place of deposit for valuable articles, and, by posting a notice thereof, may require hi::.; guests to place such valuable articles therein, or he will be relie\eu from responsibility for them. For all Yaluablc articles placed by guests with innkeepers for safe keeping the innkeeper shall give the guest a rPceipt therefor to evidence the fact of such deposit. Xo guest shall recover of the inkeeper more than three hundred dollars for loss of Yaluable articles deposited with the inkeeper for safe keeping unless such guest has in his possession the receipt of the inkeeper for the valuable articles claimed to han' been lost."
Section -i. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that Section 3511 of the Code of Georgia of 1910 be and the same is hereby amended by striking the words ''the inkeeper cannot limit his liability by a public notice" and in lieu of said words by adding the following words:

''The liability of the inkeeper for loss of or injury to personal property placed by any guest under his care, other than valuable articles which have been delivered to the inkeeper by any guest to be deposited in an iron safe or other place of deposit, shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for each trunk and its contents, fifty dollars for each valise and its contents, and ten dollars for each box, bundle and package and contents, so placed under his care, and for all other miscellaneous effects, including wearing apparel and personal belongings, fifty dollars, unless the inkeeper shall have cons~nted in writing with such guest to assume a greater liability; provided, however, the inkeeper posts a copy of this section printed in distinct type in not less than five conspicuous place~ in said hotel, inn, boarding house or eating house;" so that said section as amended shall read as follows:
Section 3511. In case of loss, the presumption is want of proper diligence in the landlord. Xegligence or default by the guest himself, of which the loss is a consequence, is a sufficient defense. The liability of the inkeeper for loss of or injury to personal property placed by any guest under his care, other than valuable articles which have been delivered to the inkeeper by any guest to be deposited in an iron safe or other place of deposit, shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for each trunk and its contents, fifty dollars for each valise and its contents, and ten dollars for each box, bundle and package and contents, so placed under his care, and for all other miscellaneous effects including wearing apparel and personal belongings,

THuRSDAY, .JuLY 15, 1920


fifty dollars, unless the inkeeper shall have consented in writing with such guest, to assume a greater liability; provided, however, the inkeeper posts a copy of this section printed in distinct type in not less than five conspicuous places in said hotel, inn, boarding house or eating house; he may adopt reasonable regulations for his own protection, and the publication of such to his guests binds them to comply therewith.''
Section 5. Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act b(' and the same are hereby repealed.
The substitute was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill by substitute, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, the Xays were 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed by substitute.
At the request of the author the bill was immediately transmitted to the House.

By Mr. KeaA bill to require the labelling of all paints or
compounds sold or manufactured in this State.
The Committee offered the following substitute:

To be entitled an Act to prevent deception in the sale of paints and oils; to provide for true labels



for the same when offered for sale; for the enforcement of this Act by the Pure Food and Drug Inspector of said State; for penalties for the violation of the same.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this Act,
Section 1. -Whoever shall expose for sale, or sell within this State, any paint which is labeled or marked in any manner so as to tend to deceive the purchaser as to its nature, or composition, or which is not accurately labeled as hereinafter required, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and for each offense shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding sixJy days.
Section 2. Be it further enacted by authorit) of same, the label required by this Act shall clearly and distinctly state the name and residence of the manufacturer of the paint, or the distributor thereof, or of the party for whom the same is manufactured. Said label to clearly state, in addition to the beforementioned matter, tlw quantity contained in the package; this in the case of liquid or mixed paints, , to be designated in United States standard gallons or fraction thereof, and in the case of paint or semipaste paints, such as commonly sold by weight, to be shown by weight avoirdupois. Said label shall be printed in the English language in plain, legible type.

THURSDAY, JL'"LY 15, 1920


Section 3. Be it further enacted by authority aforesaid, the term "paint" as used in this Act shall include white lead basic, carbonate or sublimed, in any kind of oil or any compound intended for the same use, paste or semi-paste, any liquid or mixed paint ready for use.

Section 4. Be it further enacted, That no person, firm or corporation, or agent or employee of any person, firm or corporation, shall manufacture for sale, or offer or expose for sale in this State, any flaxseed or linseed oil unless the same answers all the chemical tests for purity recognized in the United States Pharmacopoeia, or any flaxseed or linseed oil as '' boield -linseed oil,'' unless the same shall have been put in its manufacture to a temperature of two hundred and twenty-five degrees Fahrenheit.

Section 5. Be it further enacted that no person, firm or corporation, or agent or employee of any person, firm or corporation, shall sell, expose or offer for sale any flaxseed or linseed oil unless it is done under its true name, and each tank car, tank, barrel, keg or any vessel of such oil has distinctly and durably painted, stamped, stenciled or labeled thereon the true name of such oil and in ordinary boldface capital letters the words ''Pure Linseed Oil Raw," or "Pure Linseed Oil Boiled," and the name and address of the manufacturer thereof, or of the party for whom the same is manufactured and sold only under the brand of such manufacturer or party for whom the same is manufactured.



Section 6. Be it further enacted that the having in possession by any person or persons, firm or corporation, or agent or employee of any person or persons, firm or corporation dealing in said articles, any article hereinbefore described and not properly labeled, as provided in this Act, shall be considered prima facie evidence that the same is kept by such person, firm or corporation, in violation of the provisions of this Act and punishable under it. This Act shall become effective January 1, 1921.
Section /. The State Pure Food and Drug Inspector is charged with the proper enforcement of all the provisions of this Act, and empowered to formulate and promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary in carrying out the purposes of this Act.
Section 8. Be it further enacted that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act he and tlw same are hereby repealed.
The substitute was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill by substitute, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, the Xays were 1.
The bill having receiv<>d the requisite constitutional majority was passed by substitute.
r nder the regular order of business the follow-
ing Honse bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

THFRSDAY, JL"LY 15, 1920


By Messrs. Hendrix and Moore of Ji'ulton-
660. A bill to amend an Act establishing a Municipal Court of Atlanta.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, ~ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By .Mr. Atkinson-
670. A bill to provide for the Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Circuit to engage in civil practice.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~f r. \Yoody of Fannin-
672. A bill to create a new charter for the City of .:\fcCaysville.
'l'he report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
Tile bi.1l having receind the requisite constituti('nal mn.iority was passed.



By Mr. Rimes of Bryan-
725. A bill to provide for the holding of two additional terms of the Superior Court of Bryan County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, ~ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By .Mr. Rimes of Bryan-
726. A bill to repeal an Act establishing a County Court of Bryan County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, ?\ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Sumner of Johnson740. A bill to amend an Act establishing the
City Court of Wrightsville.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.

TH"C"RSDAY, J"C"LY 15, 1920.


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. McKenney of Upson-
763. A bill to repeal the Act incorporating the Town of The Rock.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~lr. McKenney of Upson-
764. A bill to incorporate the Town of The Rock.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Johns of Barrow-
769. A bill to amend an Act providing for holding four terms a year of Superior Court of Barrow County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were Jl, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Ir. Jordan of Jasper-
773. A bill to repeal an Act creating a Board of Education for the City of Monticello.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, 1'ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By ~Iessrs. Barnes and Strozier of Bibb-
776. A bill amending an Act establishing the City Court of Macon.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill fwving received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By ~Ir. Burt of Dougherty-
779. A bill amending an Act providing for system of public schools in and for Dougherty County.

THL"RSDAY, JuLY 15, 1920.


The Feport of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :Mr. Smith of Candler-
821. A bill to establish the City Court of Metter.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Boyett of Marion-
841. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Buena Vista.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Ir. Clarke of Mclntosh852. A bill to repeal an Act establishing the City
Court of Darien.



The report of the Committee, whichwas favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
864. A bill to amend an Act creating a new charter for City of LaGrange.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority \vas passed.

By .:\Ir. Pace of Sumter-
871. A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Americus.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By ~lr. Harvin of Calhoun:-
86. A bill to amend Section 3992 of the Code relative to annual returns of executors, administrators, etc.

Tn-vRSDAY, JuLY 15, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The following privilege resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr. Glenn-
A resolution providing that when the Senate adjourns Friday, July 16, 1920, it stand adjourned until Monday morning, July 19, 1920, at 11 o'clock, Central Time.
Mr. Smith, of the 7th District, moved that the Senate do now go into Executive Session and the motion prevailed.
The Senate went into Executive Session at 12:40 A.M.
The Executive Session was dissolved at 12 :50 A.M.
Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central Time.



Friday, July 16, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. 1\L, Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.
l\lr .Glenn, of the 43rd District, asked unanimous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.

)Ir. Kea, of tlw 16th District, objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of the roll and the following Senators ans,vered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. 8. Barrett, Fcrmor Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. calhoun, J. C. Uements, Jas. B. Cureton ,Walter W. D0rris, \Y. H. Luncan, J. T. Flders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

T: ;_ynt, J. J., G~r.rge G. Harbin, C. ,J. Hu~g, .J. i'. Kaigler, H. M. 1\:ea, Fred l\..t:~1ln ._1. II. I\:pndall. H. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. \faynard, J. D. Xeidlinger, L. Xix, Oscar A.

Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F.
Rabun, z. T.
Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Heynolds, \\'. H. Shingler, J. S. l"mith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse \V. \Vallaee, W. P. \Vilkinson, H. B. Mr. President.

l\lr. Lunsford, of the ~5th District, Chairman of the Committee on .Journals, reported that the Journal of the pre,ious day had been examined and found correct.

l\Ir. \Yilkinson, of the 4~)th District, gaye notice that at the proper time he would move to reconsider

FRIDAY, .JcLY 16, i920.

the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill )\_o. 58.

By unanimous consent the reading of the .Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

}[r. ~Wilkinson, of the ~lth District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill Xo. 58.

}Ir. Yeazey, of the 19th District, called for the Ayes and Xays on the above motion and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those votin@: in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Bussey, J. B.
Calhoun, J. C.
Elders, H. H. Fl.vnt, J. J.

Glenn, George G. Kea, Fred Keene, J. II. Pruett, J. F.

Rt>ynolds, \\. H. Riee, W. D. Vickery, Jesse "\V. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those voting in the negative were ~Iessrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. AllPn, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fern1or Brooks, B. B. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T.

Fowler, Bt>n J.
Harbin, C. .J.
Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. M.
Kendall, :.r. ~I.
Kirkland, Z. W. Lunsford, .J. R.

:X eidlingt>r, L.
Rabun, z. T. Ragsdale, S. w. Tieeet>, w. K.
Steed, E. T.
Yeazt>y, P. G.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bell, \\"alter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Clements, J as. B. Cureton, "\Valter W. Dixon, Jam<>s A. Ennis, J. H.

Larkins, J. K. lf'Sueur, R C.
:Ofaynard, J. n.
Xix, Oscar A. OlivE>, J. T. Pittman, Claude C.

Shingler, ,J. R. Smith, J. Q. ~Wallace, W. P. "\Yatson, S. M. 'vV ood, A. ,J. Mr ~ President

And the motion was lost.



The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 823. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Brunswick so as to create new form of municipal governnwnt for said cit~r.
Senate Bill 245. A bill to amend charter of City of Moultrie so as to provide for election of certain officers of said city.
Senate Bill 260. A bill to amend an Act fixing compensation of Treasurer of l\Iacon County.
House Bill 859. A bill to amend charter of City of Jackson.
House Bill 499. A bill to proYide who shall act in absence or illness of county surveyor.
House Bill 459. A bill to protect fur bearing animals of the State.
By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

By }[r. wilkinsonA bill to regulate the sale of commercial fer-
tilizers. Referred to Committee on Agriculture.

FRIDAY, JrLY 1G, 1920.


By l\fr. Brooks-
A bill to authorize ~Iayor and Council of Ideal to levy an additional ad valorem tax.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By }Ir. Brook~-
A bill to amend an Act incorporating the Town of }Iontezuma.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. BrooksA bill to amend an Act incorporating the Town
of Ideal. Referred to Committee on Counties and County
By Mr. DixonA bill to authorize common carriers to sell ar-
ticles of freight which cannot be delivered under terms agreed to.
Referred to Committee on Railroads.

By Messrs. Duncan and Pittman-
A bill to provide for construction of overhead bridges and underground passages at railroad crossmgs.
Referred to Committee on Railroads.

By Mr. Pittman-
A bill to amend the charter of the City of Cartersville so as to provide for collection of city taxes semi-annually.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By l\Ir. PittmanA bill to amend the charter of the City of Car-
ters,ille proYiding for a system of public schools. Referred to Committee on Corporations. At the request of .i\Ir. Reece, of the 41st Dis-
trict, House Bill Xo. /06 was withdrawn from the Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 2 and read the second time and recommitted to the Committee on Counties and County Matters.
At the request of l\Ir. Pruett, of the 32nd District, Senate Bill Xo. 306 was withdra"\vn from the Committee on Public J_,ihran read, the second tinw and recommitted.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees :
B~ ~rr. Penland of GilmerHouse Bill 459. A bill to protect the fur-bearing
auima1s of this State.
Referred to Committee on Fish and Game.
By l\Ir. Harvin of Calhoun-
House Bill 499. A bill to amend Section 605 of CiYil Code relating to county surveyors.

FRIDAY, JuLY 16, 1920.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.2.
By 1\Ir. ~fann of Glynn-
House Bill 823. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Brunswick.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. Moore of Butts-
House Bill 859. A hili to amend the charter of the City of .Tackson.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
~Ir. Dorris, of the 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report:
1'1-1r. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the House and Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill Ko. 305. To fix the terms of holding Superior Court of Stephens County.
Senate Bill Ko. 303. An Act to amend the Act creating the City Court of 1\Iorgan.
House Bill Ko. 910. An Act to amend the Act creating the City Court of Dublin .


.TocR:->AL oF THE SE:->ATE.

House Bill :Xo. 898. An Act to provide for holding three terms a year of the Superior Court of Hart County.
House Bill Xo. 612. Amend an Act creating the City Court of Xashville.
Respectfully submitted,
DoRRIS, Chairman.
l\lr. Steed, of the 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 1, submitted the following report : '

ivlr. President :
Your Committee on General Judiciary :Ko. 1 have had under consideration the following bills of the House and Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 802.
Senate Bills :Xos. 293 and 304.
Respectfully submitted,
STEED, Chairman.
l\Ir. Elders, of the 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:

Mr. P,resident:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same

FRIDAY, JuLY 16, 1920.


back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
Senate Bill No. 266.
We recommend that House Bills Nos. 861 and 891 do pass.
ELDERs, Chairman.
:Mr. Reece, of the 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County Mat. ters have had under consideration the follo~wing bills
of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bills Xos. 707, 803 and 872.
'We recommend that House Bill Ko. 831 be passed as amended.
Respectfully submitted,
REECE, Chairman.
::\Ir. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :

J1 r. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the

same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Xo. 276. Amending charter of Town of Doller, striking out certain property exemption from taxation, and fixing maximum vote of ad valorem tax.
CLAREXCE E. Aru.::us, Chairman.
Mr. Duncan, of the 36th District, Chairman of the Committee on ~Ianufactures, submitted the following report :
Jfr. President: Your Committee on ~Ianufactures have had un-
der consideration the fo1lowing bill of the Senate, Xo. 2:1~), and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same hack to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
DuxcAx, Chairman.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time:
By ~Ir. Knight of BerrienHouse Bill 612. A bill to amend an Act creat-
ing the City Court of Xashville.
By ~Ir. \Voody of Fannin-
House Bill 707. A hill to abolish the office of
County Treasurer of Fannin County.
By ~Icssrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 802. A bill to regulate salaries of jailers, guards, etc.

FRIDAY; .JuLY 16, 1920.


By 1Iessrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 803. A bill to regulate salaries of sheriffs, bailiffs in counties of not less than 80,000 or more than 130,000 population.

By ~Ir. Crawford of Terrell-
House Bill 861. A bill to amend an Act establishing public graded schools for Dawson.

By Mr. Richardson of Houston-
House Bill 872. A bill to amend an Act fixing the salary of Treasurer of Houston County.

By Mr. Covington of Colquitt-
House Bill 891. A bi1l to amend the school laws of the City of Moultrie.

By Mr. 1Iason of Hart-
House Bill 898. A bill providing for three terms a year of the Superior Court of Hart County.

By Messrs. Rogers and Stubbs of Laurens-
House Bill 910. A bill to amend an Act creating the City Court of Dublin.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Kirkland-
A bill regulating the drilling of oil and gas wells.



By Mr. Dix-
A bill to amend Section 147 of the Penal Code by providing felony punishment for burglary.

By Mr. Rabun-
A bill to amend an Act creating the City Court of Morgan.

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to provide for domestication of foreign corporations.
By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to fix the terms of the Superior Court of Stephens County.
Under the regular order of business the following Senate bills \vere read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Barrett-

A bill to authorize the Ordinaries to accept bonds of guardians, trustees or other agent acting in any fiduciary capacity, executed by a solvent fidelity and bonding company.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26,

:Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

FRIDAY, JuLY 16, 1920.


By :Mr. Barrett-
No. 214. A bill to amend Section 1138 of the Penal Code relative to per diem of Jury Commissioners and the Clerks thereof.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By 2\Ir. Ragsdale-X o. 266. A bill to repeal an Act establishing a
Public School System for the Town of Dallas.
The report of the Committee, which was favor- able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 50, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Pruett-
Ko. 288 A bil1 to fix the time in which a widow of an ex-Confederate Soldier on the Pension Roll, at his death, may apply to the revision in her own right.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Ragsdale-
Ko. 276. A bill to amend an Act creating a new charter for the Town of Dallas.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 50, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Under the regular order of business the follow. ing House bills and resolution were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By ~Ir. Manning of Milton-
884. A bill to incorporate the Town of Alpharetta.
The report of the Committee, which was f{lvorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, . Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. Ramsey and Watson of Brooks901. A bill to authorize Mayor and Council of
Quitman to provide ad valorem tax.

t~RIDAY, JLTLY 16, 1920.
of The report the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Griffin of Decatur857. A bill to amend an Act authorizing the
corporation of the City of Bainbridge.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
. B.v Mr. Tankerslev of Irwin-
858. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Ocilla.
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of ihe hill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were ____ , Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By :Messrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb867. A bill to amend an Act authorizing the
Mayor and Commissioners of the Town of Acwortl:



to establish and maintain a system of public schools.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the Bill the Ayes were Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Hendrix, Smith and Moore of Fulton-
770. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Atlanta.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By ::\lr. Hamilton of Floyd694. A bill to prohibit the destroying of fox in
Floyd County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

FRIDAY, JuLY 16, 1920.


By "Mr. McFarland of Walker-
677. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Linwood.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 37, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Stone of Jeff Davis-
831. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and ReYenues for Jeff Davis County.
Mr. Kirkland, of the 3rd District, offered the following amendment:
Amend Section :3 of House Bill ~o. 831, ''An Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for the County of Jeff Davis'' from striking from said section all the words after the word "he" in the fourth line thereof through the word "state" in thP fifth line, and inserting in lieu thereof the words ''I. H. Weatherby from Road District X o. 1, Gideon Yann from Second Road District, G. T. Ad:~ms from Third Road District."
Amend further Section 7 of said bill by striking from said section the word ''two'' in the third line thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the word ''one.''
Amend further by striking the word ''August'' in the 13th line of Section 3, and inserting the word


.JonRX_\L OF THE Sr:x.HF:.

"Septemher' 1 in lieu thereof, and by t->triking the

figures '' l 9:23'' in the 14th line of Section 3, and in-

serting the figures '' 1925'' in lieu thereof, and amend

further by adding at the end of said Section 3 the

follmYing words : ''Said Commissioners shall lw

elected by the people at the next General Election in


The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the rassage of the hi-11, was agreed to as amended.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.

The hill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By :Messrs. Hardin of Banks, DeLaPerriere and Holder of Jackson-

926. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the Town of l\Iaysville.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were :27, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitu-

tional majority was passed.

... _

By l\fr. McFarland of Walker-
8H9. A hill to amend an Act incorporating the City of LaFayette.

FRIDAY, JrLY 16, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :\Ir. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Resolution 14+. A resolution authoriz-
ing State Librarian to furnish a copy of Park's Code to the Georgia State Sanitorium.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the rsolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 26, Xays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majortiy was passed.
The following Senate bills were read the third time and taken up for consideration:

By :Mr. Maynard-
A bill to amend Section 1484 of the Criminal Code of 1910 by adding after the word "injury" in the 18th line of said section.
:Mr. Barrett, of the ~nst District, moved to postpone further consideration of the bill until Tuesday, July 20, 1920, and the motion prevailed.

By Mr. KaiglerA bill to amend Section 79 of the School Code



so as to provide for compensation of members of County Board of Education.
Mr. Olive, of the 18th District, offered the following amendment.
Provided that this bill shall not apply to the Counties of Richmond, Bibb, Fulton, Muscogee and Chatham.
The amendment was adopted.
Mr. Hogg, of the 24th District, to postpone further consideration of the bill until Tuesday, July 20, 1920, and the motion prevailed.
Leave of absence was granted to Senator Bussey, of the 11th District, for next Monday, July 19, 1920.
Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
Under a previously adopted resolution the Senate stood adjourned until Monday morning at 11 o'clock, Central Time.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until Monday morning at 11 o'clock, Central Time.

MoNDAY, JuLY 19, 1920.



Monday, July 19, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 11 o 'clo~k A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the Preisdent, Hon. Sam L. Olive,
Prayer was offered by Senator Veazey, of the 19th District.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence K Allen, han E. Ayers, .J. S. BarrPtt, Fermnr Hell, Walter L. Blasingam~. J os;ah Bowden, J. K T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun. J. C. Clements, .J as. B. ( nreton, \Vatler \Y. Dixon, Jame< A.
Dorris, vV. H.
Dunran, .L T Elclers, H. H. Ennb, .J. H. Flynt, J. J.

Fowler, Ben J.

Pruett, 'J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

"Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J. P.

Reece, W. K.

Kaigler, H. l\1.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D.

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, M. M.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

\~eazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

\l'allace, W. P.

:Maynard, J. D.

Watson, S. M.

Xeidlinger, L.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Xix, Oscar A.

Wood, A. J.

Olive, J. T.

Mr. President

Pittman, Claude C.

:Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

At the request of the author Senate Bill No. 99 was withdrawn from further consideration of the Senate.



By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Com-
By Mr. Brooks-
A bill to provide for an annual increase of pensions paid in this State.
Referred to Committee on Pensions.
By Mr. PikeA bil~ to regulate the return and assessment of
property for taxation in this State. Referred to Committee on Finance. The following resolution was read the first time
and referred to Committee:
By Mr. BowdenA resolution requesting that Senate Bill No.
299 be made a special and continuing order for Wednesday, July 21, 1920, immediately after Unanimous Consents.
Referred to Committee on Rules. The following resolutions were read and adopted:
By Mr. CuretonA resolution extending t~e privileges of the
floor to Col. S. J. Hale for the day, July 19.
By Mr. KeaA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to Ron. D. Stephens, Ron. E. H. Callaway and Ron. J ..T. Williams for a period of two days.

Mo~DAY, JuLY 19, 1920.


The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 443. A bill to make the beds of the salt waters, rivers and other water courses and waters overlying same within this State the prop erty of the State.
House Bill 659. A bill to amend Constitution of the State so as to provide for additional Judge for Superior Courts of the ~{aeon Judicial Circuit.
House Bill 760. A bill to amend an Act to establish the Georgia Normal and Industrial College.
House Bill 874. A bill to amend charter of City of :B~i tzgerald.
House Bill 904. A bill to amend an Act to establish school tax for City of Gainesville.
House Bill 905. A bill to amend charter of City of \Vhite Plains.
House Bill 925. A bill to amend an Act to establish a public school system in City of Richland.
House Bill 932. A bill to repeal an Act incorporating Town of Powder Springs.
House Bill 934. A bill to amend an Act to establish system of public schools in Town of Roswell.



House Bill 938. A bill to repeal an Act incorporating the Town of Resaca.
House Bill 951. A bill to repeal an Act incorporating the Town of Kicholls.
House Bill 958. A bill to create a Board of CommiSSIOners of Roads and Revenues for County of Dawson.
House Bill 961. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Rev-
enues for County of' "\Vebster.
House Bill 963. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for County of Terrell.
House Bill 967. A bill to divide County of Upson into three commissioner districts.
House Bill 970. A bill to amend an Act to es-
tablish system of public schools in Town of Bartow.
House Bill 971. A bill to abolish an Act to es-
tablish a system of public schools in Town of Bartow.
House Bill 972. A bill to abolish local school system in City of Louisville.
House Bill 97:1. A bill to authorize Trustees of Louisville Academy to sell lands of said academy.
House Bill 992. A bill to abolish office of County Treasurer of Toombs County.
House Resolution 131. A resolution to authorize and instruct State Librarian to furnish certain books to Pniversity at Athens.

MoNDAY, JuLY 19, 1920.


House Resolution 150. A resolution to pay pension to Eli Stafford, deceased, for year 1919.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. Presidetnt:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:
House Bill 840. A bill to amend an Act to amend Section 696 of Code of 1910 relative to tax levy in certain counties.
House Bill 988. A bill to amend Act to create new County of Lanier so as to better define the lines of said county when created.
Atlanta, Ga., July 19th, 1920.
The following message was received from His Excellency, the Governor, through his Clerk, Mr. Cobb:

Mr. President:
I am directed by His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver to the Senate a sealed communication in writing, for which he request~ your consideration in executive session.
The following House bills and resolutions were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Messrs. Clarke of Mcintosh and ]'alligant of Chatham-
House Bill 443. A bill to make beds of rivers,



bays, etc., not already conveyed by grant or contract, the property of the State of Georgia.
Referred to Committee on F'ish and Game.
By :Jiessrs. Barnes, Cochran and Stozier of BibbHouse Bill 659. A bill to carry into effect an
amendment to the Constitution of Georgia, authorizing legislature to add one more Judge of the Superior Court for any Judicial Circuit for the ~lacon Circuit, etc.
Referred to CommittC'e on GenC'ral Judiciary Ko. 2.
By Mr. Thurmond of Ben HillHouse Bill 874. A bill to amend the charter of
the City of Fitzgerald.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Messrs. Palmour and Duncan of HallHouse Bill 904. A hill to amend an Act Pstah-
lishing school tax for the City of Gainesville. Referred to Committee on Education.
By .Mr. Sibley of GreenHouse Bill 905. A bill to amend the charter of
the City of White 'Plains. Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. Boyett of StewartHouse Bill 924. A bill to amend an Act estab-
lishing the public school system of Richland. Referred to Committee on Education.

::\Io~DAY, JULY 19, 1920.


By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of CobbHouse Bill 932. A bill to repeal an Act incor-
porating the Town of Powder Springs. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 934. A bill to amend an Act establishing a public school system for Roswell.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By :Mr. Owen of Gordon-
House Bill 938. A bill to repeal an Act incorporating the Town of Resaca.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. Quincey of CoffeeHouse Bill 951. A bill to repeal an Act creating
tlw Town of Nichols. Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By ~lr. Duncan of DawsonHouse Bill 958. A bill to create a Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Dawson County.
Referred to CommittC>e on Counties and County Matters.

By -:\fr. Thompson of Madison-
House Bill 760. A bill to amend the Act establishing the Georgia and ~ormal Industrial College.
Referred to Committee on University of Georgia.



By Mr. Rees of Webster-
House Bill 961. A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues
for vVebster County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Mr. Cranford of Terrell-
House Bill 963. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Terrell County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Mr. McKenney of Upson-
House Bill 967. A bill to divide the County of Upson into three commissioner districts.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Mr. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 970. A bill to amend an Act establishing a public school system in the Town of Bartow.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 971. A bill to Jlbolish an Act to establish a public school system in the Town of Bartow.
Referred to Committee on Education.

Mo~DAY, .JuLY 19, 1920.


By l\fr. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 972. A bill to abolish school system of Louisville, Ga.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 973. A bill to authorize Trustees of the Louisville Academy to sell or dispose of all property of Louisville Academy.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Lankford of Toombs-
Honse Bill 992. A bill to abolish the office of Treamrer of Toombs County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Messrs. DuBose and Brown of Clarke-
House Resolution 131. A resolution to authorize and instruct State Librarian to furnish certain books to University of Athens.
Referred to Committee on University of Georgia.
. B.v Messrs. Smilev of Libert.v and Purcell of Tatt-
House Resolution 150. A resolution to pay pension to Eli Stafford, deceased, for the year 1919.
Referred to Committee on Pensions.

By Messrs. Anderson of Chattooga, Hamilton of Floyd, et al. House Bill 840. A bill to amend an Act amend-
ing Section 696 of the Code of 1910 by adding certain provisos.
Referred to Committee on Public Roads.
By _Messrs. Knight of Berrien and Burkhalter of Clinch-
House Bill 988. A bill to amend an Act creating the new County of Lanier.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
Under the regular order of businses the following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage
By Mr. Knight of BerrienHouse B~ll 612. A bill to amend an Act CI'eat-
ing the City Court of Nashville.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Woody of FanninHouse Bill 707. A bill to abolish the office of
Treasurer of Fannin County.

:JfoNDAY, JULY 19, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 802. A bill to regulate salaries of jailers, guards, etc.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chat-
House Bill 803. A bill to regulate the salaries of deputy sheriffs and bailiffs in certain counties.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Cranford of Terrell-
House Bill 861. A bill to amend an Act establishing the public graded schools of Dawson.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. Richardson of Houston-
House Bill 872. A bill to amend an Act fixing the salary of Treasurer of Houston.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31. Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitu. tional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. Covington of Qolquitt-
House Bill 891. A bill to amend the school laws of the City of Moultrie.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having recei-\ed the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

MoNDAY, JuLY 19, 1920.


By Mr. Mason of Hart-

House Bill 898. A bill to provide for holding three terms a year of the Superior Court of Hart.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Rogers and Stubbs of Laurens-
House Bill 910. A bill to amend an Act creating the City Court of Dublin.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Under the regular order of business the following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill fixing terms of the Superior Court of Stephens County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Rabun-
A bill to amend an Act creating the City Court of Morgan.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Fowler-
A bill to further regulate liability and casualty insurance.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Rice-
A bill to repeal Section 3296 of the Civil Code of 1910 relative to Notary Public notifying the mortgagor of the proceedings to foreclose mortgage.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

~fOXDAY, .JrLY 19, ]9:20.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Kays 0.
The bill ha,ing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By 1Ir. Dorris-
A bill to regulate the installation and sale of lightning rods in this State.
The Committee offered the following amendments:
By striking Section III and numbering the following sections accordingly.
By striking Section IV and substituting in lieu thereof the. following:
Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that any person, firm or corporation, failing to pay the license fees as provided in Section II of this Act shaH be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished as prescribed in Section 1063 of the Penal Code of Georgia.
The amendments were adopted.
'rhe report ~f the Committee, which was favororable to the passage of the ,bill as amended, was agreed to.
On the passage of the hill the Ayes were 28, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Adams-
A bill to amend Sections 4985 and 4986, Volume 1 of the Code of 1910 relative to compensation for stenographers in civil cases.
l\Ir. Dorris, of the 48th District, offered the following amendment:
By striking "fifteen" where it appears and substituting in lieu thereof "twelve."
The amendment was adopted.
Mr. Glenn, of the 43rd District, offered the fo). olwing amendment:
That the Court Reporters or Stenographers b required to take down and report all misdemean01 cases when demand is made in writing either by thE Solicitor-General or Attorney for the defendant and approYed by the presiding judge.
The amendment was adopted.
~Ir. Olive, of the 18th District, offered the following amendment :
By adding the \Yords, '' Prmided that this Act shall not apply to counties having a population of more than 45,000, by census of 1910," as Section 2.
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, ~ays 1.

~IOXDAY, JL"LY 19, 19~0.


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.
The following communication was read for the information of the Senate:
July 19, 1920. Hou. Samuel Olin~., President of Senate,
State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga.
Dear Sir:
I would like to ask permission to make a photograph of the members of the Senate in a group on the steps of the Capitol, at the adjournment of the session at noon Tuesday, (July ~Oth.)
As this picture is for publication I would like to have full attendance.
Trusting that this will meet your approval, and thanking you, I am,
Sincerely yours, '\V. M. EDWARDS, Photographer.
'l'he Senate went into executive session at 12:15 P.M.
The executive session was dissolved at 12:25 P.M.
Leave of absence was granted Senator Pittman of the 42nd District, for two days, on account of urgent business.
Leave of absence was granted Senator Steed, of the 37th District, for two days, on account of urgent business.



Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
The President Pro Tern, Hon. J. H. Ennis, of the 20th District, declared the Senate adjourned until Tuesday morning, July 20, 1920, 10 o'clock Central time.

TuESDAY, JuLY 20, 1920.


Tuesday, July 20, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central Time, and was called

to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J C. Clen,ents, Jas. B. Cn~rton, Walter W. DixoL, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Enni~, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. :F'owler, Bt>n J. Gleun, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. .l:~uigler, H. M. Kea, }'red Keene, J. H. Kendall, ).1. M. Kirkland, Z. W. La~kins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. .\faynard, J. D. Xei(tlinger, L. XiY, 0Ecar A.

Olive, J. T. Truett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W., K . Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. >Shingler, J. S. Smi';h, J. Q. Vrazey, P .G. Vickuy, Jesse W I\ allace, W. P. Wai~on, S. M. "WilklnHon ,H. B. \V,)c-3., A. J. 1\fr. he<o1dent.

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

Mr. Wallace, of the 28th District, Chairman of

the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the following report:
1lh. President: Your Committee on Agriculture have had under
consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
Senate Bill No. 269, do pass.
Senate Bill .No. 294, do pass as amended by Committee.
WALLACE, Chairman.
Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report:
Mr. President:
Your Committee on Appropriations have had under consideration the following and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Resolution Xo. 128. To appropriate $25,000.00 to cowr shortage in pension fund for 1920.
House Resolution No. 129. To appropriate $475,000 to pay the approved pension under constitutional amendment of 1918 for 1920.
I VAN ALLEN, Chairman.
Mr. Reece, of the 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County ::\Iatters, submitted the following report:

TuESDAY, JuLY 20, 1920.


Mr. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County Matters have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Nos. 311 and 309.
We recommend that House Bills Nos. 961, 958 and 992, 724 and 963 do pass.
REECE, Chairman.
Mr. Ennis, of the :20th District, Chairman of the Committee on Public Roads, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Public Roads have had under consideration the following Senate bill, No. 219, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted,
J. H. ENxis, Chairman.
Mr. Dixon, of the 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

Jfr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chair-



man, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
X o. 272. Entitled an Act to amend Paragraph 1, Section 4, Article 3 of Constitution, introduced by Kendall, of the 47th District.
Xo. 2!-m. Entitled an Act to amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11 of Constitution creating Brantley County.
Respectfully submitted,
Dewx, Chairman.
.:\Ir. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the follo\ving report:

JJ r. President:

Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the snme do pass:

House Bill ~o. 905. Amending charter of City

of white Plains.

House Bill ~J:--l2. Repealing charter of Town of Powder Springs.

House Bill ~o. 874. Amending charter of City of Fitzgerald.

House Bill Xo. 951. Amending charter of Town of Xicholls.

HousP Bill Xo. 859. Amending charter of City of .Tackson.

Tl:ESDAY, JL"LY 20, 1920.


Housr Bill Xo. ~):18. Incorporating Town of Resaca.
House Bill No. 823. Amending charter of City of Brunswick.
C:u_REXCE !<~. An.urs, Chairman.
::\Ir. Brooks, of the 13th District, Chairman of the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report:
Your Committee on Pensions have had under consideration the following and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Resolution Xo. 150. To pay pension to Eli Stafford, deceased, for ~vear 1919.
Senate Bill Xo. 316. To provide for an annual increase paid to the Confederate soldiers.
BRooKs, Chairman.
::\Ir. Kendall, of the 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:

Mr. P1esident:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Judge H. B. Smith and Orrin Smith for one day.



A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Mrs. 0. A. .Nix and Mr. 0. A. Nix, Jr., for one day.
Respectfully submitted,
M. M. KENDALL, Chairman.

Mr. Dixon, of the 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Amendments, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Constitutional Amendments havC> had under consideration the following bill of the House and haYe instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 988. A bill to amend an Act of the Constitution of Georgia so as to create the new County of Lanier.
Respectfully submitted,
.JAME~ A. Dixox, Chairman.

Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report:

.i11r. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following Senate bill and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass as amended:

T"C"ESDAY, JuLY 20, 1920.


Ko. 221. A bill entitled an Act to fix the salaries of the Judge and Solicitor of the City Court of Madison.
Respectfully submitted,
DoRRis, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :

J.lfr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations ha,e had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill ?\o. 310. Amending charter of City of Montezuma extending corporate limits.
Senate Bill No. 315. Amending charter of City of Cartersville increasing rate of taxation for public schools.
Senate Bill No. 314. Amending charter of City of Cartersville providing for semi-annual collection of taxes and fixing payment of officers.
CLAREXCE E. AoA:>.is, Chairman.

Mr. Blasingame, of the 27th District, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, submitted the following report:

Mr. President: Your Committee on Finance have had under



consideration tbe fo1!owing bill of the Senate, Bill 252 by substitute, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do not pass.
Senate Bill 210 was formally withdrawn by its author and is herewith handed back to the Senate.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. .:\ioore, the Clerk thereof:

1l1 r. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:
House Bill 258. A bill to amend Section 3276 of Cod~ of 1910 as to service of foreclosure proceedings on real estate.
House Bill 263. A bill to require officers of corporations in execution of conveyances to print beneath signatures of said officers the names of said officers.
The House has adopted the following resolution of the House, to-wit:
House Resolution 174. A resolution providing for joint session of General Assembly for purpose of having presented to State a Georgia Flag by the Daughters of the Confederacy.
The following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

TuESDAY, JuLY :W, 1920.


By ),fr. WilkinsonA bill to provide for the character and personal
protection of girls between ages of 13 and 16 years. Referred to Committee on General Judiciary
By Mr. VickeryA bill to establish the City Court of Folkston. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By }lessrs. Flynt, Elders, Dorris and FowlerA bill to provide that in addition to the salary
allowed the sheriff of the Court of Appeals, he shall receive a maximum sum of six hundred dollars per annum.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary ~0. 1.
By }lr. \VilkinsonA bill to prohibit sexes from bathing together
in this State in any resort.
Referred to Committee on Hygiene and Sanitation.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :
By }lr. \VilkinsonA bill to regulate the sale of cottonseed meal.
By 1Ir. Elders-
A lJil1 to i11crease the salary of State Chemist.

A hill to authorize an additlUnal ad valorem tax for the Town of Tdeal.
By :\fr. BrooksA bill to amend an Act amending an Act incor-
poratnig the Town of :Montezuma.
B~' }fr. BrooksA hill to mn('lld an Act incorporating the Town
of Ideal.
By Mr. PittmanA bill to amend the charter of the Town of Car-
tersville relative to collection of city taxes semi-
By 1Ir. PittmanA bill to amend the charter of the Town of Car-
ters,ille relatin to providing for a public school system.
By Mr. Brooks-
A bill to provide for an annual increase of the
pensions paid to ex-Confederate soldiers.
By 3Ir. \VallaceA bill to amend Sections 2 and 4 of an Act es-
tablishing the City Court of Madison.
By Mr. EnnisA hill to nmend Sections -1- HI, 430 and 4~1 of

TuESDAY, JuLY 20, 1920.


Volume 1 of the Code of 1910 relative to building or repairing bridges over watercourses dividing one or more counties.
By Mr. Kendall-
A bill to amend Paragraph 1, Section 4 of Article 3 of the Constitution reducing the sessions of the General Assembly to thirty days.
The following House bills and resolutions, favorably reported, were read the second time:
By :\Ir. Lambert of .MorganHouse Bill 724. A bill to increase the salary of
the Tresaurer of Morgan County.
By 1\fr. Duncan of DawsonHouse Bill 958. A bill to create a Board of Com-
nusswners of Roads and Revenues for Dawson County.
By Mr. Rees of \VebsterHouse Bill 961. A bill to amend an Act to create
Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for \Yebster County.
B~ ~rr. Cranford of Terrell-
House Bil1 %3. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Terrell County.
By 2\fessrs. Knight of Berrien and Burkhalter of ClinchHouse Bill 988. A bill to amend an Act creat-
ing the new County of Lanier.



By ~Ir. Lankford of Toombs-
House Bill 992. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Toombs County.

By }Ir. Sweat of \Yare-
House Resolution 128. A resolution to appropriate $25,000,00 to covrr shortage in pension fund of 1920.

By }!r. Carinvell of \Vilkinson-
House Resolution l 29. A resolution to appropriate $-75,000 to pay apprond pensions for 1920.

By }[essrs. Smiley of Liberty and Purcell of Tattnall-
House Resolution 150. A resolution to pay pension to Eli Stafford, deceased, for 1919.

By }Ir. }!ann of Glynn-
House Bill 823. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Brunswick.

By Mr. Sibley of Green-
House Bill 905. A bill to amend the charter of the City of \Vhite Plains.

By }Ir. Owen of Gordon-
House Bill 938. A bill to repeal an Act mcorporating the Town of Resaca.

By ~Iessrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 932. A bill to repeal an Act mcorporating the Town of Powder Springs.

By .Mr. :Jfoore of ButtsHouse Bill 859. A bill to amend the charter of
the City of Jackson.
By Mr. Thurmond of Ben Hill-
House Bill 874. A bill to amend the Acts amending the charter of the City of Fitzgerald.
By :Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bill 951. A bill to repeal an Act creatillg the Town of Xichols.
The following House resolution was read and adopted:
By ~lr. Roger:,; of Elbert-
House Resolution 17-1:. A resolution providing for a joint session of Senate and House at 11 o'clock on .July 28 next for the purpose of having presented to the State of Georgia a Flag by the Daughters of Confederacy.
The following privilege resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted:
By 2\fr. PruettA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to JudgC' H. B. Smith and his son, Orrin Smith, for one day.
By ~Ir. BellA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to ~Irs. 0. A. Kix and l\Ir. 0. A. Nix, Jr., for one day.



The following resolutions were introduced read
the first time and referred to Committee: '

By Mr. Clements-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 280 be made a special and continuing order for Thursday, July 22, 1920, immediately after unanimous consents.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

By "J1essrs. Kendall, Elders, et aL-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 253 be made a special order and put immediately upon the calendar as a special and continuing business until disposed of.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

By Mr. Nix-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 293 be made a special and continuing order for Wednesday, July 21, 1920, immediately after the confirmation of the Journal.
Referred to Committee on Rules.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
House Bill 258. A bill to amend SBction 3276 of the Code of 1910, Volume 1, relative to the service of foreclosure proceedings on real estate.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 1.

TUESDAY, JT:LY 20, 1920.


By Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bill 263. A bill to require officers of corporations in the execution of conveyances effecting the title to real estate to print legibly the names of officers signing the deed.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary )Jo. 2.
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following Senate bills were taken up for consideration:

By ~Ir. Kaigler-
A bill to amend Section 79 of the School Code so as to provide for compensation of members of County Boards of Education.
At the request of ~[r. Olive, of the 18th District, the following amendment, adopted July 16, 1920, was withdrawn:
Provided that this bill shall not apply to the Counties of Richmond, Bibb, Fulton, Muscogee and Chatham.
Mr. Olive, of the 18th District, offered the following amendment:
Provided that this bill shall not apply to counties having school systems established before the Constitution of 1877.
The amendment was adopted.
The bill was read the third time July 16, 1920.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Dorris-
A bill to establish a Board of Boiler Rules of the State of Georgia.
The bill was read the third time.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was disagreed to and the bill was lost.

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to provide for "non-par value stock." The bill was read the third time.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Ayers-
A bill to amend Section 119, Volume 1 of the Code of 1910 relative to the election of constables.
The bill was read the third time. The report of the C~immittee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.

TuESDAY, JuLY 20, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Kea-
A bill to provide discrimination between functions of the educational authorities and the health authorities in matters of health in the public schools of the State.
Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, moved to postpone the bill until Tuesday, July 27, 1920, and the motion prevailed.

By Mr. Flynt-
A bill to insure the protection of State records by establishing a Department of Archives.
Mr. Flynt, of the 26th District, moved to postpone the bill until Friday, July 23, 1920, and the motion prevailed.
Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn.
The motion was lost.
Under the regular order of business the following Senate bills were taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Duncan-
A bill to amend an Act to regulate banking in Georgia; to create the Department of Banking of the State of Georgia.



Mr. wilkinson, of the 49th District, moved to table the bill and the motion was lost.
Mr.- Barrett, of the 31st District, moved to postpone the bill until Wednesday, July 21, 1920.
As a substitute to that motion, Mr. Flynt, of the 26th District, moved to postpone the bill until Thursday, July 22, 1920, and the motion prevailed.
Mr. Flynt, of the 26th District, moved that 300 copies of the amendments to the bill be printed for the information of the House and Senate.
The motion prevailed and it was so ordered.

By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to amend an Act by conferring additional authority on the Board of Public Welfare.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26. Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Leave of absence was granted Senator Bell, of the 51st District, on account of urgent business.
Leave of absence was granted Senator Olive, of the 18th District, on account of urgent business.
Mr. Barrett, of the 31st District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning, 10 o'clock, Central time.



Wednesday, July 21, 1920.
The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the President Pro Tern, Hon. J. H. Ennis, of the 20th District.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter J... Blasingame, Josi'l "l Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Hnssey, J. B. Calhoun, J. ~ Clements, Jaa. B. ('ureton, "'alter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. IT.
Duncan, J. r.
El.Jers, II. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. llogg, J. P. K1o.igler, H. M. Ke!l, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, 1.1:. M. Kirklanrl, Z. W. Larkin::., J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford. J. R. Maynard, J. D. Neidlinger, L. Nix. O~car A. Olive, J. T.

I-ittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Ratuv, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee o:p. Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, gave notice that at the proper time he would move to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill No. 129.



By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
Mr. Dorris ,of the 48th District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill Xo. 129.
The motion prevailed and the bill took its regular place on the calendar.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:
Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:
House Bill 900. A bill to create new charter for City of .Marietta.
House Bill 964. A bill to incorporate City of Stockbridge.
House Bill 966. A bill to amend Act and amendatory Act to establish City Court of waycross relative to salary of Judge thereof.
House Bill 993. A bill to amend an Act to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Banks County.
House Bill 888. A bill to amend charter of City of ~lacon so as to abolish Civil Service Commission of said city.
The House has adopted an amendment to the Senate amendment to the following bill of the House, to-wit:

\VED~ESDAY, JULY 21, 1920.


House Bill 460. A bill to amend Act creating City Court of Jefferson in Jackson County.
At the request of Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, House Bill Xo. 988 was recommitted to the Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
By unanimous consent Senate Bill No. 121 was tabled.
~fr. Kea, of the 16th District, Chairman of the Committee on the State of the Republic, submitted the following report:

Jlr. President:
Your Committee on the State of the Republic have had under consideration the following Senate bill, Xo:207, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill ~o. 207. To provide a Board of State Censorship of moving pictures in this State.
FRED KEA, Chairman.
::\Ir. \Vilkinson, of the 49th District, Chairman of the Committee on Game and Fish, submitted the following report:

Jl r. President:
Your Committee on Game and Fish have had under consideration the following House bill, Xo. 459, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:



House Bill :\o. 549. To protect the fur bearing animals of the State of Georgia, etc.
H. B. WILKINSON, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :
J.vl r. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill No. 671. Amending charter of Town of Unadilla and for other purposes.
Mr. Barrett, of the 31st District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Rules, submitted the following report:
ill r. President:
Your Committee on Rules have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me, as Vice-Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Resolutions Nos. 82, 84, 85 and 88.
These resolutions do not take precedence over Senate Bill No. 251 set as a special order for Thursday, July 22, 1920.
Respectfully submitted, BARRETT, Vice-Chairman.

\VED);ESDAY, JuLY~], 1920.


Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report :

1'Jilr. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, as amended:
Senate Bill No. 218. An Act to create an additional Judge of Superior Court of the Macon Circuit.
Senate Blil Xo. 319. An Act to establish the City Court of Folkston, do pass.
DoRRis, Chairman.
By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Allen__:_
A bill to provide for another State depository in Atlanta.
Referred to Committee on Banks and Banking.

By Mr. Blasingame-
A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Monroe.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.



By l\Ir. BlasingameA bill to amend an Act establishing a Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Walton County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County .Matters.
By ~Ir. Larkins-
A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Blackshear.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By :Mr. Fowler-
A bill to regulate the salaries of stenographic reporters of all Judicial Circuits of this State.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
The following resolution was read the first time and referred to Committee:

By 2\fr. Barrett-
A resolution authorizing the Supreme Court Reporter and the Governor of the State of Georgia to cancel the contract with the Index Printing Company.
Referred to Committee on Public LibraTy.
The following resolution was read and adopted:
By 2\Ir. Dorris-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. H. S. Bussey for a period of two days.

'VED~ESDAY, JULY 21, 1920.


The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

1Yl r. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:
House Bill 998. A bill to amend Act creating Board of County Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Douglas County so as to provide for laying out county into road districts.
House Bill 962. A bill to amend an Act to create new charter for City of Cedartown so as to extend and retlefine corporate limits of said city.
House Bill 950. A bill to create new charter for Town of Palmetto.
The following resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted:

By -:\Ir. Bowden-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill Xo. 299 be made a special and continuing order for Wednesday, July 21, 1920.

By Messrs. Kendall, Kea and EldersA resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 253
be made a special order and put immediately upon the calendar as a continuing order until disposed of.
By Mr. NixA resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 293



be maue a special and continuing order for Wednesday, July 21, 1920.
The following amendment was offered: Amend by striking "wednesday, July :21, 1920," and inserting "Tuesday, July 27, 1920." The amendment was adopted.

By Mr. Kendall-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 272 be made a special and continuing order for Thursday, July 22, 1920.
The follo,ving amendment was offered:
Amend by striking "Thursday, 'July 22, 1920" and inserting "Tuesday, July 227, 1920."
The amendment was adopted: The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Penland of Gilmer-
House Bill 1\o. 459. A bill to protect the fur bearing animals of this State.

By Mr. Lasseter of Dooly-
House Bill 671. A bill to amend the charter of the Town of Unadilla.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Reynolds-
A bill to provide for State censorship of moving picture films displayed in Georgia.



By Mr. Fowler-
A bill to create an additional Judge of the Superior Courts of the "Macon Circuit.
By Mr. Vickery-
A bill to establish the City Court of Folkston. The following Senate bills were taken up for consideration:
By l.Ir. Parker-
A bill to amend an Act relative to the condemnation of vehicles transporting liquors.
The bill was read the third time. Mr. Flynt, of the 26th District, moved to table the bill and the motion prevailed.

By Mr. Maynard-
A bill to amend Section 1484 of the Criminal Code of 191 0, Volume 2, so as to add after the word ''injury'' in the 18th line of said section.
The bill was read the third time July 16, 1920.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, the bill was tabled.
Under the regular order of business the following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By 11r. Lambert of Morgan-
House Bill 724. A bill to increase the salary of the Treasurer of Morgan County.



. The report of the Committee, which was fayorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Mann of Glynn-
House Bill 823. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Brunswick.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were -1:0, Xays 0.
The bill ha\ing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :Jfr. -:\Ioore of Butts-
A bill to amend the charter of the City of Jackson.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, \Vas agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Kays 0.
The bill haYing recei\ed the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By ~Ir. Thurmond of Ben Hill-
House Bill 874. A bill to amend the Act amend-
ing the charter of the City of Fitzgerald.

\\"EDXESIJAY, ,J"l'LY 21, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the hill the Ayes w;ere 40, Xays 0.
The bill having receiYed the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By ~Ir. Sibley of GreenHouse Bill 905. A bill to amend the charter of
the City of \Vhi te Plains.
The report of the Committee, which was fayorahle to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By -:\Iessrs. Dobbs and Gann of CobbHouse Bill 932. A bill to repeal an Act incor-
porating the Town of Powder Springs.
The report of the Committee, which was fayorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Xays 0.
The bill haviug received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By ~lr. Owen of GordonHouse Bill 938. A bill to repeal an Act incor-
porating the Town of Resaca.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40 Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~fr. Quincey of CoffeeHouse Bill 951. A bill to repeal an Act incor-
porating the Town of Xichols.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were ..J:O, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

B~' .Mr. Duncan of Dawson- .
House Bill 958. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Dawson County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were ..J:O, Xays 0.
The bill having receiYed the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :Mr. Rees of 'vVebsterHouse Bill 96]. A bill to amend an Act to create

"\VEDXESD.W, JULY 21, 1920.


a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for "\Vebster County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, .Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :\lr. Cranford of Terrell-
House Bill 963. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Terrell County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, :Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Lankford of Toombs-
Hause Bill 992. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Toombs County.
The report of the Committee, whi-ch was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



Under the regular order of business the following Senate bills were read the third time and placed upon their passage

By Mr. Brooks-
A bill to authorize the l\Iayor and Council of the Town of Ideal to levy an additional ad valorem tax.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Brooks-
A bill to amend an Act so as to extend a corporate limit of Town of Montezuma.
The report of the Committee, which \vas favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority \vas passed.

By ~Ir. Pittman-
A bill to amend an Act to amend the charter of the City of Cartersville.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

.WEDNESDAY, JuLY 21, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 3S, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Pittman-
A bill to amend the charter of Cartersville.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, .Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By .Mr. Brooks-
A bill to amend an Act incorporating the Town of Ideal.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Larkin, Vickery, Kirkland and Others-
A BILL. Entitled an Act to propose an amendment to Para-
graph Two (2), Section One (1), Article Eleven (11), of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.



The General Assembly of the State of Georgia hereby proposes to the qualified voters of said State an amendment to Paragraph Two (2), Section One (1), Article Eleven (11), of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, as heretofore amended, so as to provide for the creation of a new county to be known as Brantley, and for other purposes.
Section 1. In addition to the counties now pro-
vided for by the Constitution of Georgia, as amended, there shall be organized by this further
amendment to Paragraph Two (2), Section One (1),
Article Eleven (11), another new county to be known as Brantley, the same to be laid out from the Counties of Pierce, Charlton and vVayne, and shall include all of the territory embraced within boundaries as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the County of Pierce, thence running eastwards along the county line between Pierce and Charlton to the southeast corner of land lot three hundred (300) in the 9th district of Pierce County; thence north by east along the line between Pierce and Charlton Counties to the southwest corner of land lot number (12) twelve in the 2nd district of Charlton County; thence east by south along land lot line to the southeast corner of land lot number one hundred and seventeen (117) in said 2nd district of Charlton County; and thence north on the east lines and east on the south lines of land lots numbers one hundred seventeen (117), one hundred forty-one (141), one hundred seventy-nine (179), two hundred and seven (207), and two hundred and forty-one (241), all in the 2nd district of Charlton
County, to the northeast corner of land lot number

\VEDNESDAY, JuLY 21, 1920.


two hundred and forty-one (241) aforesaid; thence northward to where Buffalo Creek crosses the east line of fractional lot number two hundred and fifty
in the 2nd district of "-Tayne County; thence along
the line between the Counties of Wayne and Charlton to the Camden County line; thence northwards along the lines between the Counties of Wayne and Camden to the Glynn County line; thenc northward along the line between the Counties of Wayne and Glynn to a point on said county line one thousand (1000) feet north of where the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway main line crosses said county line; thence westwards along a line parallel with, and distant one thousand (1000) feet from said main line of the aforesaid railroad to the west line of land lot number two hundred and forty-four (244) in tho.) 3rd land district of \Vayne County; thence southwards along the west line of land lots two hundred forty-four (244), two hundred forty-fiYe (:2+5), hYo hundred forty-six (246), two hundred forty-senn (247), two hundred and forty-eight (248) in said 3rd district of \Vayne County, to the channel of the Big Satilla River; thence westwards along and up the channel of said Big Satilla River to the line between the Counties of Pierce and Ware; thence southwards along the line between said Counties of Pierce and Ware to the southwest corner of Pierce County, the point of beginning.

The county site of said new county, Brantley, shall be the Town of Hoboken, Georgia.

Said county shall be attached to the Eleventh Congressional District; to the Waycross Judicial



Circuit, and to the Third Senatorial District, until changed by the General Assembly of Georgia.
Terms of Superior Court shall be two in number, held ou the first ::\Ionda.v in .Jmw, and on the Fourth ::\Ionday in Xovember, in each year, until the number of said terms and time of holding the same s1_tal1 be changed by the General Assembly.
Justices of the Peace and Constables cut off into the new county shall continue to exercise the duties and powers of their respective offices until new militia districts are laid off in said new county, and until their successors are elected and qualified.
The voters of said new county qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, under the laws of Georgia, shall on the second \Vednesday in December, 1920, elect an Ordinary, Clerk of the Superior Court, Sheriff, Coroner, Tax Collector, Ta~ Receiver, County Treasurer, County Surveyor, County School Superintendent and RepresentativE in the General Assembly, who shall hold office until thr nrxt general eclction for county officers shall he in thr State of Georgia, and until their successors arc elected and qualified and said officers shal1 qualify, giYe bond and take oath as prescribed by law. Said election shall be held at the schoolhouse at Hoboken, the county seat of said county, by managers appointed by the Ordinary of Pierce County for said purpose, or by three freeholders in event the managers so appointed fail or refuse to hold said election; and said election shall he held under the hrws now of force relating to the manner of holding elections for county officers. The officers elected

WED:NESDAY, JuLY 21, 1920.


at said election shall enter upon the discharge oi their respective duties on the 1st day of January, 1921. The Ordinaries of the counties from which said new county is laid out shall furnish the managers of said election with a list of the legal voters registered in their respective counties who reside within the territory included in said new county.
Section 2. The provisions of Sections 829 to 848, inclusive, of the Code are hereby made applicable to said new county; and said new county, when created, shall be a "statutory county," and subject to all general laws of this State applicable to the counties thereof.
Section :i. Tlw county authorities of said new county shall have the right to create a debt for and on behalf of said county to defray the public expenses thereof for the first year, without submitting the same to a vote of the qualified voters thereof.
Section 4. Said new county when created shall be entitled to one Representative in the lower House of the General Assembly of Georgia, and the membership of said House shall be increased by one, so as to admit of representation therein for said new county.
Section 5. The General Assembly is authorized to correct any mistak~ or mistakes, or inaccuracies, in reference to the boundaries of said new county.
Section 6. Whenever the constitutional amendment hereby proposed shall be agreed to by twothirds of the members of the two Houses of the General Assembly, and the same entered on their Journal with the "yeas" and "nays" taken thereon, the



Governor shall cause said proposed amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each congressional district in this State for a period of two months next preceding the next general election; and the Governor shall provide for the submission of this proposed amendment to the elector's of the State at the next general election to be held therein, for their ratification or rejection. All persons voting in said election in favor of said proposed amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, ''For the amendment to the Constitution creating the new County of Brantley;" and those opposed thereto shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, ''Against the amendment to the Constitution creating the new County ofBrantley. '' The returns of said election shall be made to the Secretnry of State, who shall certify the result thereof to the Governor, and if said proposed amendment lw ratified hy a ma.iorit~- of the ;oters voting in said general election, the Governor shall issue his proclamation to said effect.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
The hill involving a constitutional amendment, the roll caH was ordered and the Yote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, ClarencP E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, FPrmor Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C.

Clements. Jas. B. Dorris, \\'. H. liuncan, J. T. El(]ers, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. ,J. Fowler, Ben J. GlPnn, George G.

Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. M. KPa, Fred KeenP, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. \\'.

\VEDXESD.W, JULY 21, 1920.


Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Nix, Oscar A. Clive, J. T.
Pruett, J. F.

Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, \V. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. ~mith, J. Q.

v~az~y, P. G.
Vickery, Jesse W. ..Va!lace, \\". P. \V"1'on, S. M. W1lKmson, If. B. W.Jod, A.T.

Those voting in the negative were :Messrs.:

Brocks, B. B.

Those not voting were .Messrs. :

Bt>ii, Walter L. Cmeton, Walter \V. Maynard, J. D.

~,,idlingcr, L. Pittman, Claude C.

~teed, E. T. Mr. l'r<'sident

Ayes 42, Nays 1.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote was passed.
~Ir. Bowden, of the 5th District, moved to extend the session of the Senate until Senate Bill No. 253 could be disposed of and the motion prevailed.
Under the head of Special Orders and Orders of the Day, the following bill was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By Messrs. Kea, Elders and Kendall A bill to authorize the formation of Co-operative
Marketing Associations.
l\Ir. Nix, of the 34th District, offered the following amendment:
Amend Section 1 by adding the following proviso thereto: ''Provided that any agricultural or dairy business incorporated hereby shall have the right to manufacture and deal in any article necessary to the conduct of their respective business.''
The amendment was adopted.



1\ir. Ayers, of the 33rd District, offered the fol-

lowing amendment:


By adding before the words ''The title'' in the 9th line of Section 1 the words: "Provided that the provisions of this Act shall only apply only to those persons engaged in agricultural pursuits, dairy business, nut growers and fruit growers."

The amendment was adopted.

Mr. Ayers, of the 33rd District, offered the following amendment:
In the third line of Section 3 between the words ''and'' and ''issue,'' add the following words : ''in his discretion.''
The amendment was adopted.

Mr. Flynt, of the 26th District, o!fered the following amendment:
To amend by adding in the 8th. line after the words "with or without capital stock" in said line the following words: "but when the organization is organized or conducted for profit it must have capital stock, and "hen the purpose of the members is for mutual help only, no capital stock shall be required.''
The amendment was adopted.
The previous question was called for and the main question ordered.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 21, 1920.


.Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, called for the ayes and nays on the passage of the bill and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows :

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

.Ayms, J. s.
Bowden, J. E. T.
Brooks, B. B.
Bussey, J. B.
Calhoun, J. c.
Clements, Jas. B.
Dorris, w. H.
Duncan, J. T.
Elders, H. H.
Ennis, J. H.

}'lynt, J. J.
Glenn, George G.
Harbin, c. J.
Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred
KPene, J. H. Kendall, M. M.
Kirkland, Z. w.
Larkins, J. K.
Xix, Oscar .A.

Pruett, J. F.
Rabun, z. T.
Smith, J. Q.
Yeazey, P. G.
Vickery, Jesse w.
watson, S. M.
Wilkinson, H. B.
\\" ood, .A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. ~\]len, Ivan E. Barrett, Fermor Blasingame, Josiah

Cureton, Walter W. Ilogg, J. P. Lunsford, J. R. Olive, J. T.

Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. W~1iaee, W. P.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

BLll, Walter L. Di~on, James A. Fo11'ler, Ben .J. LC'Sneur, R. C.

:Mu;vnard, J. D. Pittman, Claudl' C. Ragsdale, S. W. l~teec>, W. K.

S~;mgler, J. S Steed, E. T. ?11 r. President

Ayes 28, 1\ays 11.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

Leave of absence was granted Senator Veazey, of the 19th District, on account of urgent business.

Leave of absence was granted Senator Calhoun, of the 15th District, on account of urgent business.



The hour of adjournment having arrived, the President Pro Tern declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central Time.

THVRSDAY, Jns 22, ]920.


Thursday, July 22, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the President Pro Tern, Hon. J. H. Ennis, of the 20th District.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.
~Ir. Reynolds, of tlw :lOth District, asked unanimous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.
1Ir. Kea, of the 16th District, objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of the roll and the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Aller., han E. Aycrc..). S. Barrett, Fermor Hrll, Walt<:c : . F :asingr.m:. .] osiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, .J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter \V. Dixon ,James A. Dorris. W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. L~nis ,J. H.

Fln~t, J. J. -?,;\\ler, Ben J Glenn, George G. I';arbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. }J 1\.ca, FreJ KC'ene, J. H. J;.Pndall, 'vl. M. Kirklanrl, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. LC'Snenr. R. <'. Lunsford, J. R. }fa~nard, J. D. X eidlinger, L. Xix, Oscar A. Olin, J. T.

Pittman, Claude C. l'ruett, J. F. 'Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Heeee, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, \\". D. Rhin~er, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Yeaze.v, P. G. Yirkery, Jesse W. \Yatson, S. M. \Vilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. }[r. President

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.



By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
At the request of Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, House Bill ~o. 292 was read the second time and placed on the calendar for the purpose of disagreeing to the report of the Committee.
l\Ir. Bell, of the 51st District, Chairman of the Committee on Enrollment, submitted the followingreport:

Mr. President: Your Committee on Enrollment report as duly
enrolled and ready for the signature of the President of the Senate and Speaker of tlw House of Representatives the following Act, to-wit:
An Act to amend an Act incorporating the City of Commerce, in Jackson County.
Respectfully submitted,
BELL, Chairman.
.Jlr. Reece, of the 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submitted the following report:

1llr. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County Matters have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Xos. 325 and 326.

THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920.


\Ve recommend that House Bills Nos. ,886 and 939 do pass.
REECE, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :

JJr,. President :
Your Committee ou Corporations haYe had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill Xo. 962. Amending charter of City of Cedartown.
House Bill Xo. 964. Incorporating City of Stockridge.
House Bill Xo. 950. Creating new charter for Town of Palmetto.
CLARENCE E. AnAMs, Chairman.
:Mr. Reynolds, of the 50th District, Chairman of the Committee on University of Georgia, submitted the following report:

Jir. President :
Your Committee on University of Georgia have had under consideration the following bills and resolutions of the House and Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:



Senate Bill Xo. 290.
Senate Bill No. 289.
House Resolution ~o. 1:n.
House Bill No. 760.
Respectfully submitted,
REYNOLDS, Chairman.
Mr. Wood, of the 21st District, Chairman of the Committee on Hygiene and Sanitation, submitted the following report:
1ll1'. President:
Your Committee on Hygiene and Sanitation have had under consideration the following Senate bill, No. 321, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recomme.ndation that the same do pass:
A bill to prohibit sexes from bathing together in public or private or otherwise, etc.
A. J. \Voocl, Chairman.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:
1"}!r. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:
House Bill 983. A bill to amend an Act to abolish fee system in Chattahoochee Circuit re1ative to salary of Solicitor-General thereof.

THT:RSDAY, JrLY 22, 1920.


House Bill 995. A bill to amend an Act known as Banks County Commutation Road Tax.
The House has adopted the following resolution of the House, to-wit:
House Resolution 185. A resolution inviting Governor James M. Cox and Ron. Franklin Roosevelt to speak in Georgia.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. :Moore, the Clerk thereof:

JI r. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the Senate, towit:
Senate Bill 222. A bill to amend Act creating Board of Commissioners for "Morgan County.
Senate Bill 25. A bill to provide for increase iu salary of Treasurer of Fulton County.
By unanimous consent the follo\ving bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. BrooksA bill to amend the charter of the City of Amer-
icus. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Allen and SteedA bill to amend an Act creating the office of
Superintendent of Public Printing. Referred to Committee on Public Printing.



By Mr. Steed-
A bill to abolish the office of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues in Carroll County and create a new Board.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Mr. EldersA bill to amend Section 84 of the School Code
so as to provide for a State Superintendent of Schoolhouses.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. EnnisA bill to fix the salaries of the Superintendent,
Warden, Physician and Bookkeeper at the State Farm.
Referred to Committee on Penitentiary.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. BellahHause Bill 964. A bill to incorporate City of
Stockbridge. Referred to Committee on Corporaitons.
By Mr. Sweat of WareHouse Bill 966. A bill to amend an amendatory
Act to establish City Court of Waycross relative to salary of Judge thereof.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

TJ:!:URSDAY, JULY 22, 1920.


By Mr. Hardin of Banks-
House Bill 993. A bill to amend an Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Banks County.
Referred tp Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Messrs. Strozier, Barnes and Cochran of Bibb-
House Bill 888. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Macon so as to abolish the Civil Srevice Commission.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.2.
By Mr. Willoughby of Douglas-
House Bill 998. A bill to amend an Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Douglas County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Mr. Tatum of Campbell-
House Bill 950. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Palmetto.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. Mundy of Polk-
House Bill 962. A bill to amend an Act to create a new charter for the City of Cedartown to extend the corporate limits.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.



By .Mr. Hardin of Banks-
House Bill 995. A bill to amend an Act entitled "Banks County Commutation Road Tax, manner of collecting same.''
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By :Mr. Keill of Muscogee-
House Bill 983. A bill to abolish the fee system in Chattahoochee Circuit.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
Atlanta, July 22nd, 1920.
The following message was received from His Excellency, the Governor, through his Clerk, Mr. Cobb:
Jlr. President:
I am directed by His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver to the Senate a sealed communication in writing for which he requests your consideration in executive session.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time:
By Mr. ReynoldsA bill to authorize Trustees of the University
of Georgia to dispose of any money obligations held by them as assets of the University of Georgia.

THURSDAY, JuLY 22, 1920.


By Mr. Reynolds-
A bill to give any white female student the right to enter any department of Franklin College.

By Mr. Wilkinson-'--
A bill prohibiting sexes from bathing together in this State at any resort either private or public.

By Mr. Blasingame-
A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Monroe.

By .:\Ir. Blasingamc-
A bill to amend an Act to establish a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Walton County.
The following House bills and r:esolution, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Thompson of Madison-
House Bill 760. ~ bill to amend an Act establishing the Georgia and Normal Industrial College.

By Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 886. A bill to amend an Act establishing the City Court of Pelham.

By Mr. Anderson of Jenkins-
House Bill 939. A bill to amend an Act to establish a Board of Roads and Revenues for Jenkins County.



By .Messrs. DuBose and Brown of Clarke-
House Resolution 131. A resolution authorizing and instructing State Librarian to furnish certain books to the Gninrsity of Athens.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon its passage:

By Mr. Lasseter of Dooly-
671. A bill to amend an Act creating a charter for the Town of Unadilla.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage qf the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to prevent industrial accidents, to pro vide surgical care for injured employees.
The Committee offered the following substitute:

To be entitled an Act to prevent industrial accidents; to provide medical and surgical care for injured employees; to establish rates of compensation for personal injuries or deaths sustained

THU&>DAY, JuLY 22, 1920.


by employees in the course of employment; to provide methods for insuring the payment of such compensation; to create an Industrial Commission for the administration of this Act, and to prescribe the powers and duties of such Commission, and for other purposes.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General As-
sembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby
enacted by the authority of the same, that this Act
shall be known as The Georgia Vvorkmen 's Com-
pensation Act.

Section 2. Be it further enacted, That in this

Act, unless the context otherwise requires:

(A) "Employees" shall include the State, any

:Municipal Corporation within the State, and any

political division thereof, and any individual, firm,

association or corporation engaged in any business

for gain or profit, except as hereinafter excepted,

and the receiver or trustee of the same, and the legal

representative of a deceased employer, using the

service of another for pay. If the employer is in-

sured, it shall include his insurer so far as applica-


(B) "Employee" shall include every person, including a minor, in the service of another under any contract of h~re or apprenticeship, written or implied, except one whose employment is not in the usual course of the trade, business, occupation or profession of the employer and, except as hereinafter set out. Minors are included even though working in violation of any child labor law or other similar statute, provided that nothing herein contained shall



be construed as repealing or altering any such law or statute. Any reference to an employee who has been injured shall, when the employee is dead, include also his legal representatives, dependents and other persons to whom compensation may be payable, pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
(C) The basis for computing the compensation provided for in this Act, shall be as follows:
(1) The compensation shall be computed on the basis of the annual earnings which the injured person received as salary, wages or earnings if in the employment of the same employer continuously during the year next preceding the injury.
(2) Employment by the same employer shall be taken to mean employment by the same -em ployer in the grade in which the employee was emplayed at the time of the accident, uninterrupted by absence from work due to illness or any other unavoidable cause.
(3) If the injured person has not been engaged in the employment of the same employer for the full year immediately preceding the accident, the compensation shall be computed according to the annual earnings which persons of the same class in the same employment and same location, (or if that be impracticable, of neighboring employments of the sanw kind) han ea rmd during such period.
(4) As to employees in employments in which it is the custom to operate throughout the working days of the year, the annual earnings, if not otherwise determinable, shall be regarded as 300 times the average daily earnings in such computation.

THURSDAY, JuLY 22, 1920.
(5) As to employees in employments in which it is the custom to operate for a part of the whole number of working days in each year, such number, if the annual earnings are not otherwise determinable, shall be used instead of 300 as a basis for computing the annual earnings: provided, the minimum number of days which shall be so used for the basis of the year's work shall not be less than 200.
(6) In the case of iujured employees who earn either no wage or less than the earnings of adult day laborers in the same line of employment in that locality, the yearly wage shall be reckoned according to the average annual earning of adults of the same class in the same (or if that is impracticable then of neighboring) employments.
(7) Earnings, for the purpose of this section, shall be based on the earnings for the number of hours commonly regarded as a day's work for that employment, and shall exclude overtime earnings. The earnings shall not include any sum which the C'mployer has been accustonwd to pay the employe<'
to cover any special expense entailed on him by the
nature of his employment.
(8) To determine the amount of compensation for each installment period, the amount per annum shall he ascertained pursuant hereto, and such amount divided by the number of installment periods per annum.
(D) "Injury" and "personal injury" shall mean only injury by accident arising out of and in the course of the employment, and shall not include a disease in any form, except where it results nat-



urally and unavoidably from the accident, nor shall ''injury'' and ''personal injury'' include injury caused by the wilful act of a third person directed against an employee for reasons personal to such employee or because of his employment.
(E) In all claims for compensation for hernia resulting from injury by accident arising out of and in the course of the employee's employment, it must be definitely proven to the satisfaction of the Industrial Commission: l<'irst, that there was an injury resulting in hernia; second, that the hernia appeared suddenly; third, that it was accompanied by pain; fourth, that the hernia immediately followed an accident; fifth, that the hemia did not exist prior to the accident for which compensation is claimed. All hernia, inguinal, femoral or otherwise, so proven to be the result of an injury by accident arising out of and in course of the employment, shall get treated in a surgical manner by radical operation. If death result from such operation, the death shall be con.sidered as a result of the injury, and compen,sation paid. in accordance with the provisions of section thirt~'-eight. In non-fatal cases, time loss only shall be paid, unless it is shown by special examination, as provided in section twenty-eight, that the injured employee has a permanent partial disability re.sulting after the operation. If so, compensation shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of section thirty-eight with reference to partial disability. In case the injured employee refuses to undergo the radical operation for the cure of said hernia, no compensation will be allowed. during the time such refusal continues. If, however, it is shown that the

THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920.
employee has some chronic disease, or is otherwise in such physical condition that the Commission considers it unsafe for the employee to undergo said operation, the employee shall be paid as provided in section thirty-one.
Section 3. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of this Act shall not effect pending litigation.
Section 4. Be it further enacted, That from and after the taking effect of this Act, every employer and employee, except as herein stated, shall be presumed to have accepted the provisions of this Act respectively to pay and accept compensation for personal injury or death by accident arising out of and in the course of the employment, and shall be bound thereby, unless prior to any accident resulting in injury or death, notice to the contrary shall have been given in the manner herein provided, and in substantially the following form, to-wit:


To the employees of the undersigned, and the Industrial Commission of Georgia.

You and each of you are hereby notified that

the undersigned rejects the terms, conditions and

provisions to provide, secure and pay compensation

to employees of the undersigned for injuries received

as provided in that Act of the General Assembly of

Georgia, known as the Georgia Workmen's Compen-

sation Act, and elects to pay damages for personal

injuries received by such employees under the com-



mon law and statutes of this State, as modified by the provisions of said Workmen's Compensation Law.
(Signed) ----------------------------------STATE OF GEORGIA, County of_________________ _
The undersigned being first duly sworn deposes and says that a true, correct and verbatim copy of the foregoing notice was, on the ________ day of _______________19___ , posted at______________ _
(State fully place where posted) Sworn to and subscribed before me this ________ day of _______________ 19__ -----------------------

Notary Public.
E~IPLOYEI<~'S KOTICE TO REJECT. To ___________________________,
(Xame of employer) and the Industrial Commission of Georgia. You and each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned hereby elects to reject the terms, conditions and provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of Georgia for the payment of compensation known as The Georgia Workmen's Compensation Act, and elects to rely upon the common law, as modified by the statutes of this State and by the provisions of said Act, for the right to recov0r for any personal injury which I may receive growing out of and arising from said employment while in the line of duty for my employer above named. Dated this _____ day of _______________19___ _
(Signed) ----------------------------------

THVRSDAY, JuLY 22, 1920.
County of -------------The undersigned being first duly sworn de-
poses and says that the above and foregoing writ-. ten notice was on the ______ day of_ _____________ _ 19____ , served on the within named employer of the undersigned by delivering to ___________________ _
(State name of person served) a true, correct and verbatim copy thereof.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ______ day of _______________19___ _
Notary Public. Section 5. Be it further enacted, That either an employer or an employee, who has exempated himself, by prope>r notice, from the operation of this Act, may at any time waive such exemption and thereby accept the provisions of this Act by giving notice as herein proYided, which notice of waiYe>r of such exemption shall be substantially in the following form, to-wit:
To the employees of the undersigned, and the Industrial Commission of Georgia:
You and each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned hereby waives exemption from the operation and effect of that Act of the General Assembl:- of Georgia, known as The "\Vorkmeu's Compensation Act, which exemption was heretofore accomplished through notice to reject said Act, giYen



as provided by said Act, on the ______ day of_ _____ _ ____________ 19____ and accepts the terms, conditions and provisions to provide, secure and pay compensation to employees of the undersigned for injuries received as provided in said Act.
(Signed) -----------------------------------
STATE OJ1~ GEORGIA, County of _____________ _

The undersigned being first duly sworn de-
poses and says that a true, correct and verbatim copy of the foregoing notice was, on the ______ day of _____________________ 19____ , posted at _______ _

(State fully place where posted)
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ______ day of___________19____ .

Notary Public.
(Name of employer)
and the Industrial Commission of Georgia.
You and each of you are hereby notified that the undersigned hereby waives his exemption from the operation and effect of that Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, know nas The Georgia 'Workmen 's Compensation Act, which exemption was accomplished through notice as provided in said Act, given on the ______ day of_________________19____,

THeRsiuY, .T n,Y ~2, 19~0.
and accepts the provisions of said Act for the payment of compensation to employees for personal injury growing out of and arising from the employnwnt while in line of duty for my employer above named.
Dated this ______ day of_ ______________ l9 ___ _
(Signed) -----------------------------------
STATE OF GEORGIA, County of __________ :._ __ _
The undersigned being first duly sworn deposes and says that the above and foregoing notice was on the ______ day of___________________ l9____ , served on the within named employer of the undersigned by delivering to _________________________ _
(Narne person served) a true, correct and verbatim copy thereof.
(Signed) -----------------------------------Sworn to and subscribed before me,
this ______ day of___________ l9 ____ .
"Kotary Public.
The notice to exempt from the operation and effect of said Act, and the notice of waiver of such exemption and of acceptance of said Act, in Section 4 and in this section respectively referred to, shall be given, in order to be effective with respect to a particular accident resulting in injury or death, thirty days prior to such accident, provided that if any such accident occurred less than thirty days after the date of employment, notice of such exemption or waiver thereof and acceptance given at the tinw of employment, shall be sufficient notice there-

of. Any such notice shall be in writing or printed and in substantially the appropriate form heretofore set out. Any such notice referred to in this or the preceding section of this Act shall be given by the employer by posting the same in a conspicuous place in the shop, plant, office, room or place where the employee is employed, or by serving it personally upon him; and shall be given by the employee by sending the same in registered letter, addressed to the employer at his last known residence or place of business, or by giving it personally to the employer or any of his agents upon whom a summons in ciYil action may be serYed under the 1Rws of this Stat<'. A copy of any such notice, in prescribed form, whether giYen by the employer or employee, shall h<' fil!'d with the Industrial Commission, and unl!'ss so filed within ten days from the time when an~~ such notic<' is s<'rved, due and proper notice shall he dt'<'mPd not to lun~e hePn gi,~en.
Soction G. Be it further enacted, That e\~er~ contract of se1Tice between any employer and ('lllployee coYerPcl by this Act, writt('n or imp:iNl. no\\ in operation or made or impliPd prior to the taking effect of this Act, shall, after the Act has taken effect, he presumed to continue subject to the proYisions of this Act: and e\~ery such contract mncle subsequent to the taking effect of this Act shall he prpsnmecl to hm~e been made subject to the proYisions of this Act, unles~ either party shall gin notice in the manner provided in section fi,e hereof, to tlw other party to such contract, that the pro,~i sions of this Act, other than sections sixteen, seventeen and eighteen, are not intended to apply. A like

THrRSDAY, .JrLY 22, 1920.
presumuption shall exist equally in the case of all minors, unless notice of the same character be given by or to the parent or guardian of the minor, or, in cases where such minor has no parent or guardian, then by or to the next of kin of said minor, sui juris.
Section 7. Be it further enacted, That no contract or agreement, written or implied, no rule, regulation or other device, shall in any manner operate to relieve any employer in whole or in part of any obligation created. by this Act, except as herein otherwise expressly provided.
Section 8. Be it further enacted, That neither the State, nor any municipal corporation within the State, nor any political subdivision thereof, nor any employee of the State or of any such corporation or subdi ,-ision shall have the right to reject the provisions of this Act relative to payment and acceptance of compensation; and the provisions of sections fi,e, six, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen shall not apply to them.
Section 9. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall not apply to any connuon carriPr hy railroad engaging in commerce between any of the several States or Territories, or bebveen the District of Columbia and any of the States or Territories and any foreign nation or nations, nor to any person suffering injury or death while he is employed by such carrier in such conmwrcC', nor shall this Act be construed to lessen the liability of such common carrier or to diminish or take away in any respect any right that any person so employed or to the personal representative or kindred or relation or



dependent of such person may have under the Act of Congress relating to the liability of common carriers by railroads to their employees in certain cases, approved April 22, 1908.
Section 10. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of this Act shall not apply to injuries or death, nor to accidents which occurred prior to the taking effect of this Act.
Section 11. Be it further enacted, That every employer who accepts the compensation provisions of this Act shall insure the payment of compensation to his employees in the manner hereinafter proYided, and while such insurance remains in force he or those conducting his business shall only be liable to any employee for personal injury or death by accident to the extent and in the manner herein specified.
Section 1:2. Be it further enacted, That the rights and remedies herein granted to an employee \Yhere he and his employer haYe accepted the proYisions of this Act respectiwly to pay and accept compensation on account of personal injury or death hy accident shall exclude all other rights and remedies of such employee, his personal representatin, parents, dependents or next of kin, at common la\V or otherwise OJl account of such injury, loss of serYice or death.
Section 13. Be it further enacted, That nothing in this State shall be construed to relieve any employer or employee from penalty for failure or neglect to perform any statutory duty.

THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920.
Section 14. Be it further enacted, That no compensation shall be allowed for any injury or death due to the employee's wilful misconduct, including intentional self-inflicted injury, or growing out of his attmept to injure another, or due to intoxication or wilful failure or refusal to use a safety appliance or perform a duty required by statute, or the wilful breach of any rule or regulation adopted by the employer and approved by the Industrial Commission, and brought prior to the accident to the knowledge of the employee. The burden of proof shall be upon him who claims an exemption or forfeiture under this section.
Section 15. Be it furthe1 enacted, That this Act shall not apply to common carriers, engaged in intrastate trade commerce, the motive power of which is steam, nor shall this Act be construed to lessen the liability of such common carriers or to take away or diminish any right that any employee, or in case of his death, the personal representative of such employee, of such common carrier may have, under the laws of this State; nor to casual employees, farm laborers or domestic servants, nor to employees of institutions maintained and operated as public charities, nor to employers of such pe1~sons, nor to any persons, firm or private corporations; including any public service corporation, that has regularly in service less than five employees in the same business within this State; unless such employees and their employers voluntarily elect to be bound by this Act.
Section 16. Be it further enacted, That an employer who elects not to operate under this Act,



lllJury or death brought against an employer accepting the compensation provisions of this Act, proceed at common law, and the employer may avail himself of the defenses of contributory negligence, negligence of a feHow sernmt and assumption of risk, as such defenses exist at common law.
Section 18. Be it further enacted, That when both the employer and employee elect not to operate under this Act, the liability of the employer the same as though he alone rejected the terms of this Act, and in any suit brought against him by such employee the employer shall not be permitted to aYail himself of any of the common law defenses cited in section sixteen.
Section 19. Be it further enacted, That nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to prevent settlements made by and between the employee and employer, but rather to encourage them, so long as shall not in any suit at law instituted by an employee, subject to this Act, to recover damages for personal injury or death by accident, be permitted to defend any such suit at law upon any or all of the following grounds:
(a) That the employee was negligent.
(b) That the injury was caused by the negligence of a fellow employee.
(c) That the employee had assumed the risk of the injury.
Section 17. Be it further enacted, That an employee who elects not to operate under this Act shall, in any action to recover damages for personal

THrRSDAY, JuLY 22, 192.0.


the amount of compensation and the time and manner of payment are in accordance with the prov~ sions of this Act. A copy of such settlement agreement shall be filed, by the employer, with the Commission and no such settlement shall be binding until approved by the Commission.
Section 20. Be it further enacted, That a principal, intermediate or sub-contractor shall be liable for compensation to any employee injured while in the employ of any of his sub-contractors and engaged upon the subject matter of the cor tract to the same extent as the immediate employer.
Any principal, intermediate or sub-contractor who shall pay compensation under the foregoing provisions may recover the amount paid, from any person who, independently of this section, would have been liable to pay compensation to the insured employee, or from any intermediate contractor.
Every claim for compensation under this section shall be in the first instance presented to and instituted against the immediate employer, but such proceedings shall not constitute a waiver of the em-
ployee's rights to reco\er compensation under this
Act from the principal or intermediate contractor, provided that the collection of full compensation from one employer shall bar recovery by the employee against any others, nor shall he collect from all a total compensation in excess of the amount for which any of the said contractors is liable.
This section shall apply only in cases where the mJury occurred on, in or about the premises on



which the principal contractor has undertaken to execute work of which are otherwise under his control or management.
Section 21. Be it further enacted, That all rights of compensation granted by this Act shall han the same preference or priority for the whole thereof against the assets of the employer as is allowed by law for any unpaid wages for labor.
Section 22. Be it further enacted, That no claim for compensation under this Act shall be assignable, and all compensation and claims therefor shall be exempt from all claims of creditors.

Section 23. Be it further enacted, That every injured employee or his representative shall immediately on the occurrence of any accident or as soon thereafter as practicable, give or cause to be given to the employer a written notice of the accident, and the emriloyee shall not be entitled to physician's fees nor to any compensation which may have accrued under the terms of this Act, prior to the giving of such notice; unless it can be shown that the employer, his agent or representative had knowledge of the accident, or that the party required to giYe such notice had been prevented from doing so by reason of physical or mental incapacity or by fraud or deceit; but no compensation shall be payable llllless such written notice is given within thirty days after the occurrence of the accident and if death results from the accident also within thirty days after death, unless reasonable excuse is made to the satisfaction of the Industrial Commission for not giving

such notice, and it is reasonably proved to the satisfaction of the Commission that the employer has not been prejudiced thereby.
Section 24. Be it further enacted, 'rhat the notice provided in the foregoing section shall state in ordinary language the name and address of the employee, the time, place, nature and cause of the accident and of the resulting injury or death, and shall be signed by the employee or by a person on his behalf, or in the event of his death by any one or more of his dependents or by a person in their behalf. Xo defect or inaccuracy in the notice shall be a bar tv compensation unless the employer shall prove that his interest was prejudi-ced thereby, and then only to such extent as the prejudice. Said notice shall be given personally to the employer or any of his agents upon whom a summons in civil action may be served under the laws of the State, or may be sent by registered letter addressed to the employer at his last known residence or place of business.
Section 25. Be it further enacted, That the right to compensation under this Act shall be forever barred, unless a claim be filed with the Industrial Commission within one year after the accident, and, if death results from the accident, unless a claim therefor is filed with the Commission within one year thereafter.
Section 26. Be it further enacted, That for a period of not exceeding 30 days after an accident the employer shall furnish or cause to be furnished, free of charge to the injured employee, and the employee shall accept such necessary medical attention



as the nature of the accident may require. The industrial Commission may at any time, for good cause shown or in its discretion, order a change in such medical attention so furnished by the employer. Provided, however, that the total liability of the employer for necessary medical attention shall not exceed $100.00. During the whole or any part of the remainder of disability resulting from the injury, the employer may, at his own option, continue to furnish or cause to be furnished, free of charge to the employee, and the employee shall accept, an attending physician, unless otherwise ordered by the Industrial Commission, and in addition such surgical and hospital service and supplies as may be deemed necessary by said attending physician o'r the Industrial Commission. The refusal of the employee to accept any medical, hospital or surgical service when provided by the employer, or ordered by the Industrial Commission, shall bar said employee from further compensation until such refusal ceases, and no compensation shall at any time be paid for the period of suspension unless in th~ opinion of the Industrial Commission the circumstances justified the refusal, in which case the Industrial Commission may order a change in the medcial or hospital service. If in an emergency on account of the employer's failure to provide the medical care during the first thirty days, as herein specified, a pyhsician other than provided by the employer is called to treat the injured employee, during the first thirty days, the reasonable cost of such service, not to exceed $100.00 as above set out, shall be paid by the employer if ordered so to do by the Industrial Commission.

THrRSDAY, JL"LY 22, 1920,


Section 27. Be it further enacted, That the pecuniary liability of the employer for medical, surgical and hospital service herein required when ordered by the Commission shall be limited to such charges as prevail in the same community for similar treatment of injured persons of a like standard of living when such treatment is paid for by the injured persons, and shall not, in any event, exceed the aggregate of $100.00 in amount. The employer shall not be liable in damages for malpractice by a physician or surgeon furnished by him pursuant to the provisions of this section, but the consequences of any such malpractice shall be deemed part of the injury from the accident and shall be compensated for as such.
Section 28. Be it furthe renacted, That after an injury and so long as he claims compensation, the employee, if so requested by his employer, shall submit himself to examination, at reasonable times and places, by a duly qualified physician or surgeon designated and paid by the employer or the Industrial Commission, The employee shall have the right to have present at such examination any duly qualified physician or surgeon provided and paid by him. Xo fact communicated to, or otherwise learned by any physician or surgeon who may have attended or examined the employee, or who may have been present at any examination, shall be privileged, either in hearings provided for by this Act, or in any action at law brought to recover damages against any employer who may have accepted the compensation provisions of this Act. If the employee refuses to submit himself to or in any



way obstructs such examination requested by and provided for by the employer, his right to compensation and his right to take or prosecute any proceedings under this Act shall be suspended until ~uch refusal or cbjectiou ceases, and no compensation shall at any time be payable for the period of suspension unless in the opinion of the Industrial Commission the circumstances justify the refusal or obstruction. The employer, or the Industrial Commission, shall have the right in any case of death to require an autopsy at the expense of the party requesting the same. Xo compensation shall be payable for the death or disability of an employee if his death be caused by or insofar as his disability may he aggran1ted, cause>d or continued by an unreasonable refusal or neglect to submit to or follow :my competent or re>asonable surgical treatment.
Section 29. Be it further en.acted, That no compensation shall be allo~wecl for the first fourteen calendar clays of incapacity resulting from an iujur~ except the benefits provided for in section twentysix; but if incapacity e>xte>nds beyond that pe>riocl, compensation shall commence ~with the fifteenth day of disability; prcniclecl that if incapacity extends beyond a period of four weeks from the elate of the injury, then compensation is to be paid from the date of the injury, subject to the other provisions of this Act.
Section 30. Be it furthe>r l'llacted, That wlwn the incapacity for work resulting from the injury is total, the employer shall pay, or cause to be paid, as hereinafter provided, to the injured employee> during such total incapacity a \Veekly compensation

THURSDAY, Jn.Y 22, 1920.
equal to one-half his average wages, but not more than twelve dollars, nor less than six dollars a week ; and in no case shall the period covered by such compensation be greater than three hundred and fifty weeks, nor shall the total amount of all compensation exceed four thousand dollars.
Section 31. Be it further enacted, That except as otherwise provided in the next section hereafter, where the incapacity for work resulting from the injury is partial, the employer shall pay, or cause to be paid, as hereinafter provided, to the injured employee during such incapacity, a weekly compensation equal to one-half the difference between his a\'erage weekly \Yages before the injury and the average weekly wages which he is able to earn thereafter, but not more than twelve dollars a week, and in no case shall the period covered by such comJWnsation be greater than three hundred weeks from the date of the injury. In case the partial incapacity lwgins after a period of total incapacity, the latter period shall he deducted from the maximum period herein allowed for partial incapacity.
Section ~2. Be it further enacted, That in cases included by the following schedule, the incapacity in each case shall he deemed to continue for the period specified, and the compensation so paid for such injury shall he as specified therein, and shall be in lieu of all other compensation, to-wit:
(a) For the loss of a thumb, fifty per centum of the average weekly wages during sixty weeks.
(h) For the loss of a first finger, commonly

called the index finger, fifty per centum of the average weekly wages during thirty-five weeks.
(c) For the loss of a second finger, fifty per centum of average weekly wages during thirty weeks.
(d) For the loss of a third finger, fifty per centum of average weekly wages during twenty weeks.
(e) For the loss of a fourth finger, commonly called the little finger, fifty per centum of average weekly wages during fifteen weeks.
(f) The loss of the first phalange of the thumb. or any finger shall be considered to be equal to thP loss of one-half of such thumb or finger, and tlw compensation shall be for one-half of the periodP of time above specified.
(g) The loss of more than one phalange shall be considered the loss of the entire finger or thumb; provided, that in no case shall the amount received for more than one finger exceed the amount pro \'ided in this schedule for the loss of a hand.
(h) For the loss of a great toe, fifty per centum of the average weekly wages during thirty weeks.
(i) For the loss of one of the toes other than a great toe, fifty per centum of average w~ekly wages during ten weeks.
(j) The loss of the first phalange of any toe shall be considered to be equal to the loss of onehalf of such toe, and the compensation shall be for one-half of the periods of time above specified.

THURSDAY, J1_TLY 22, 1920.


(k) The loss of more than one phalange shall be considered as the loss of the entire toe.
(l) For the loss of a hand, fifty per centum of the average weekly wages during one hundred and fifty weeks.
(m) For the loss of an arm, fifty per centum of average weekly wages during two hundred weeks.
(n) For the loss of a foot, fifty per centum of average weekly wages during one hundred and twenty-five weeks.
(o) For the loss of a leg, fifty per centum of average weekly wages during one hundred and seventy-five weeks.
(p) For the loss of an eye, fifty per centum of the average weekly wages during one hundred weeks.
(q) For the complete loss of hearing in both ears, fifty per centum of average weekly wages during one hundred and fifty weeks.
(r) Total loss of use of a memher or loss of vision of an eye, shall be considered as equivalent to the loss of such member or eye. The compensation for partial loss of or for partial loss of use of a member or for partial loss of ,ision of an e~e shall be such proportion of the payments above provided for total loss as such partial loss bears to total loss. Loss of both arms, hands, legs or feet, or of any two of these members, the permanent total loss of vision in both eyes, shall be deemed permanent total incapacity and shall be compensated under section 30.


.TornxAL or THE Sr:xATE.

The weekly compensation payments referred h m this section shall be subject to the same limitations as to maximum and minimum as set out in section thirty.
Section 3:j. Be it further enacted, That if an injured employee refuses employment procured for him suitable to his capacity, he shall not be entitled to any compensation at any time during the continuance of such refusal, unless in the opinion of the Industrial Commission such refusal was justified.
Section :3-!. Be it further enacted, That if an employL'C >Ylw suffers an injury in his employment has a permanent disability or has sustained a permanent injury, such as specified in section thirtytwo, suffered elsewhere, he shall be entitled to compensation only for the degree of incapacity >vhich would have resulted from the later accident if the earlier disability or injury had not existed.
Section 35. Be it further enacted, That if an employee receives au injury for which compensation is payable, while he is still receiving or entitled to compensation for a previous injury in the same employment, he shall not at the same time be entitled to compensation for both injuries, unless the later injury be a permanent injury, such as specified in section thirty-two; but he shall be entitled to compensation for that injury and from the time of that injury which will cover the longest period and the largest amount payable under this Act.
Section 36. Be it further enacted, That if an employee receives a permanent injury as specified in section thirty-two, after having sustained an-

THL"RSDAY, .Jcu :2:2, 19:20.
other permanent injury in the same employment, he shall be entitled to compensation for both injuries, but the total compensation shall be paid by extending the period and not by increasing the amount of weekly compensation, and in no case exceeding three hundred and fifty 'veeks. \Vhen the preYious and subsequent permanent injuries received in the same employment result in total disability, compensation shall be payable for permanent total disability, but payments made for the previous injury shall be deducted from the total payment of compensation due.
Section 37. Be it further enacted, That (a) where an accident happens while the employee is employed elsewhere than in this State, which would Pntitle him or his dependents to compensation if it had happened in this State, the employee or his dependents shall be entitled to compensation, if th0 contract of employment was made .in this State, and if the employer's place of business is in this State, or if the residence of the employee is in this State; provided his contract of employment was uot expressly for service exclusively outside of the State. (b) Pro,ided, howenr, if an employee shall receive compensation or damages under the laws of any other State, nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to permit a total compensation for the same injury greater than is provided for in this Act.
Section 38. Be it further enacted, That when an employee is entitled to compensation under this Act for an injury received, and death ensues from any cause not resulting from the injur~ for which

he was entitled to the compensation, payments of the unpaid balance for such injury shall cease and all liability therefor shall terminate.
If during the period of disability caused by an accident arising out of and in the course of the employment, death r.esults proximately therefrom, the compensation under this Act shall be as follows:
(a) The employer shall, in addition to any other compensation, pay the reasonable expenses of the employee's last silckness, and burial expenses not to exceed $100.00. If the employee leaves n0 dependents, this shall be the only compensation.
(b) The employer shall pay the dependents of the employee wholly dependent upon his earnings for support at the time of the injury, a weekly payment equal to one-half of his average weekly wages, but not more than ten dollars nor less than five dollars, for a period of three hundred weeks from the date of the injury.
(c) If the employee leaves only dependents partly dependent upon his earnings for support at the time of the injury, the weekly compensation to be paid as aforesaid, shall be equal to the same proportion of the weekly payments for the benefit of persons wholly dependent as the amount contributed by the employee to such partial dependents bears to total dependency at the time of the lllJUry.
(d) When weekly payments have been made to an injured employee before his death, the compensation to dependents shall begin on the date of

THURSDAY, JFLY :22, 1920.


the last of such payments, but shall not continue more than three hundred weeks from the date of the injury, nor except during dependency. The total compensation to be paid to all dependents of a deceased employee shall not exceed in the aggregate ten dollars per week.
(e) If the employee does not leave dependents, citizens of or residing at the time of the accident in the United States or the Dominion of Canada, the amount of compensation shall not in any case exceed '1,000.00.
Section 39. Be it further enacted, That the compensation provided for in section thirty-eight shall be payable only to dependents and only during dependency. The following persons shall be conclusively presumed to be the next of kin wholly dependent for support upon the deceased employee:
(a) A wife upon a husband whom she had not voluntarily deserted or abandoned at time oi the accident.
(b) A husband upon a wife with whom he lived at the time of her accident if he is then incapable of self-support and actually dependent upon her.
(c) A boy under the age of eighteen, or a girl under the age of eighteen, upon a parent. If a child is over the ages specified above but physically or mentally incapacitated from earning a livelihood, he or she shall be presumed to be totally dependent.
As used in this section, the term "boy," "girl" or .''child'' shall include stepchild, legally adopted children, posthumous children, acknowledged ille-



gitimate children, but shall not include married children; the term "parent" shall include step-parents and parents by adoption.
If a deceased employee leaves dependent surviving spouse, as above described, and no dependent child or children, the full compensation shall be paid to such spouse; if the deceased employee leaves dependent surviving spouse, as above described, and also a dependent child or children, then the full compensation shall be paid to such spouse for his or her use and that of such child or children, the Commission, however, to have the power in proper cases, in its discretion, to apportion the compensation; if the dependent surviving spouse die::; before payment is made in full, the balance remaining shall be paid to the person or persons wholly dependent, if any, share and share alike. If there be no person or persons wholly dependent, then pay ment shall h0 made to partial dependents.
In all other cases, questions of dependency, in whole or in part, shall be determined in accordance with the facts as the facts may be at the time of the accident, but no allowance shall be made for any payment made in lieu of board and lodging or services, and no compensation shall be allowed, unless the dependency existed for a period of three months or more prior to the accident; and in such other cases if there is more than one person wholly dependent, the death benefit shall be divided among them, and persons partially dependent, if any, shall receive no part thereof; if there is no one who1ly dependent and more than one person partially de-

THURSDAY, JG.LY 22, 1920.


pendent, the death benefit shall be divided among them according to the relative extent of their de pendency.
For the purpose of this Act, the dependence of a widow or widower of a deceased employee shall terminate with remarriage. The dependence of a child, except a child physically or mentally incapacitated from earning a livelihood, shall terminate with the attainment of eighteen years of age. In all cases, except such as are hereinbefore specifically provided for, where there are both total and partial dependents and the total dependents die, remarry or cease to be dependents the partial dependents shall be entitled to the balance of compensation, if any.
Section 40. Be it further enacted, That the total compensation payable under this Act shall in no case exceed four thousand dollars.
Section 41. Be it further enacted, That any payments made by the employer to the injured employee during the period of his disability, or to hi~ dependents, which by the terms of this Act were not due and payable when made, may, subject to the approval of the Industrial Commission, be' deducted from the amount to be paid as compensation; provided, that in the case of disability such deductions shall be made by shortening the period during which compensation must be paid and not by reducing tht amount of the weekly payments.
Section 42. Be it further enacted, That the Industrial Commission, upon application of either party, may, in its discretion, having regard to the



welfare of the employee and the convenience of the employer, authorize compensation to be paid monthly or quarterly instead af weekly.
Section 43. Be it further enacted, That whenever any weekly payment has been continued for not less than twenty-six weeks, the liability therefor may, where the parties agree and the Industrial Commission deems it to be to the best interests of the employee or his dependents, or where it will prevent undue hardships on the employer, or his insurance carrier, without prejudicing the interests of the employee or his dependents, be redeemed, in whole or in part, by the payment, by the employer, of a lump sum which shall be fixed by the Commission, but in no case to exceed the commutable value of the future installments which may be due under this Act; provided that the lump sum to be paid shall be fixed at an amount which will equal the total sum of the probable future payments, capitalized at their present value upon the basis of interest calculated at five per centum per annum.
Section 44. Be it further enacted, That whenever the Industrial Commission deems it expedient, any lump sum, subject to the provisions of the foregoing sectior~, shall be paid by the employer to some suitable person or corporation appointed by the Superior Court of the county wherein the accident occurred, or the original hearing was held, as trustee, to administer the same for the benefit of the person or persons entitled thereto in the manncr provided by the Commission. The receipt of such trustee for the amount as paid shall discharge the employer or any one else who is liable therefor.

THl}RSDAY, JuLY 22, 1920.


Section 45. Be it further enacted, That upon its own motion before judicial detennination or upon the application of any party in interest on the ground of a change in condition, the Industrial Commission may at any time review any award or any settlement made between the parties and filed with the Commission and, on such review, may make an award ending, diminishing or increasing the compensation previously awarded or agreed upon, subject to the maximum or minimum provided in this Act, and shall immediately send to the parties a copy of the award. No such review shall effect such award as regards any monies paid.
Section 46. Be it further enacted, That (a) wheneYer payment of compensation, in accordance with the terms of this Act, is made to a widow 01 widower for her or his use or for her or his use and the use of the child or children, the written receipt thereof of such widow or widower shall acquit the employer; (b). whenever payment in accordance with the terms of this Act is made to any minor employee eighteen years of age or over, the written receipt of such person shall acquit the employer. In cases where an infant or minor under the age of eighteen years shall be entitled to receive a sum or sums amounting in the aggregate to not more than three hundred dollars as compensation for injuries, or as a distributive share by virtue of this Act, the father, mother, natural guardian or legally appointed guardian of such infant or minor shall be authorized and empowered to receive such monies for the use and benefit of said minor and to receipt therefor; and the release or discharge of such father, mother,



natural guardian or legally appointed guardian shall be in full and complete discharge of all claims or demands of such infant or minor thereunder; (c) whenever payment of over three hundred dollars, in accordance with the terms of this Act, is made to a minor under eighteen years of age, or to a minor child over eighteen physically or mentally incapable of earning, the same shall be made to his duly and legally appointed guardian or to some suitable person or corporation appointed by the Superior Court as hereinbefore provided, as a trustee, and the receipt of such guardian or such trustee shall acquit the employer; (d) payment of death benefit> by an employer in good faith to a dependent subsequent in right to another or other dependents shall protect and discharge the employer unless such dependent or dependents prior in right shall ha,,e ginn notice of his or their claim. In case the employer is in doubt as to the respective rights of rival claimants, he may apply to the Industrial Commission to decide between them.
Section 47. Be it further enacted, That if an injured employee is mentally incompetent or is under eighteen years of age at the time when any right or privilege accrues to him under this Act, his guardian, or trustee, may in his behalf claim and exercise such right or privilege.
Section 48. Be it further enacted, That no limitation of time provided in this Act for the giving of notice or making claim under this Act shall rm1 against any person who is mentally incompetent, or a minor dependent, so long as he has no guardiall or trustee.

THURSDAY, JuLY ~2, 1920.


Section 49. Be it further enacted, That whenever any employee for whose injury or death compensation is payable under this Act shall at the time of the injury be in the joint service of two or more employers subject to this Act, such employers shall contribute to the payment of such compensa-
tion in proportion to their wage liability to such
employee; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prevent any reasonable arrangement between such employers for a different distributiou as between themselves of the ultimate burden of compensation.
Section 50. Be it further enacted, That there is hereby created a Commission to be known as the Industrial Commission, consisting of the Conunissioner of Commerce and Labor, who shall be exofficio chairman, of the Attorney-General, and two members to be appointed by the Governor. One of the members of this Commission to be appointed by the Governor shall serve for two years, and another for the term of four years; and thereafter each member shall be appointed for a term of four years; no more than one member of said Commission appointed by the Governor shall be a person who on account of his previous vocation, employment or affiliation, shall be classified as a representative of employers, and not more than one of such appointees shall be a person who, on account of his previom; vocation, employment or affiliation shall be classed as a representative of employees. Each of the appointees by the Governor on said Commission shall devote his entire time to the duties of his office, and shall not hold any position of trust or profit, or he



engaged in any occupation or business interfering or inconsistent with his duties as such member.
Section 51. Be it further enacted, That (a) the salary of each member of the Commission appointed by the Governor shall be four tho-asand dollars a year, payable in the same manner as the salaries of other State officers are paid. The Commission may appoint a Secretary at a salary of not more than two thousand dollars a year, and may remove him; (b) the Commission may also, subject to the approval of the Governor, employ such clerical or other assistants as it may deem necessary, and fix the compensation of all persons so employed; (c) the members of the Commission and its assistants shan be entitled to receive from the State their actual and necessary expenses while traveling on the business of the Commission, but such expenses shall be sworn to by the persons who incurred the same and shall be approved by the Chairman of the Commission before payment is made; (d) all salarie:,; .and expenses of the Commission shall be audited and paid out of the State Treasury in the manner prescribed for similar expenses in other departments or branches of the State service.
Section 52. Be it further enacted, That (a) the Commission shall be provided with adequate offices in the CapitoJ or some other suitable building in the City of Atlanta, in which the records shall be kept and its official business transacted during regular business hours; it shall also be provided with necessary office furniture, stationery and other supplies; (b) The Commission may appoint deputies

THURSDAY, JuLY 2:2, 1920.


from time to time, as required, to serve only, as and when needed, without permanent positions, who shall have the power to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths, and who may take testimony in such cases as the Commission may deem proper. Such testimony shall be transmitted in writing to the Commission and the Commission sha}l fi:4 the compensation of such deputies. (c) The Commission or any member thereof may hold sessions at any place within the State as may be deemed necessary by the Commission, subject to the other provisions of this Act.
Section 53. Be it further enacted, That (a) the Commission may make rules, not inconsistent with this Act, for carrying out the provisions of this Act. Processes and procedure under this Act shall be as summary and simple as reasonably may be. The Commission or any member thereof or any person deputized by it shall have the power for the purpose of this Act to subpoena witnesses, administer or cause' to have administered oaths, and to examine or cause to be examined such parts of the books and records of the parties to a proceeding as relate to questions in dispute. (b) Th(~ sheriffs of this State within their respective jurisdictions, and their respective deputies, shall serve all subpoenas of the Commission or its deputies and shall receive the same fees as are now provided by law for like civil actions; each witness who appears in obedience to such subpoena of the Commission shall receive for attendance the fees prescribed by law for witnesses in civil cases in courts. The Superior Courts shall, on application of tbe Co~mis-



sion or any member or d~puty thereof, enforce by proper proceedings the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production and examination of books, papers and records. (c) Any three members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business or the rendition of any decision herein provided to be made by the full Commission.

Section 54. Be it further enacted, That the Commission shall prepare and cause to be printed, and upon request furnish free of charge to any employee or employer such blank forms and literature as it shall deem requisite to facilitate or promote the efficient administration of thi~ Act. The Commission shall tabulate the accident reports received from employers in accordance with section sixtyfive, and shall publish the same in the annual report of the Commission and as often as it may deem adYisable, in such detailed or aggregate form as it may deem best. The name of the emplyoer or employee shall not appear in such publications aiH1 the employers reports themselves shall be private records of the Commission, and sha}l not be open for public inspection except for the inspection of the parties directly involved, and only to the extent of such interest. These reports shall not be used as evidence against any employer in any suit at law brought hy any employee for the reconry of damages, or in any proceeding under this Act.

Section 55. Be it further enacted, That if after fourteen days from the date of the injury or at any time in case of death, the employer and the injured employee or his dependents reach an agreement in

TKcRSDAY, JcLY 22, 1920.


regard to compensation under this Act, a memorandum of the agreement in the form prescribed by the Commission shall be filed with the Commission for approval as herein provided; otherwise such agreement shall be voidable by the employee or his dependents. If approved by the Commission, thereupon the memorandum shall for all purposes be enforced by decree or judgment of the Superior Court, as herein specified.
Section 56. Be it further enacted, That if the employer and the injured employee or his dependents fail to reach an 'agreement in regard to compensation under this Act, or if they have reached such an agreement which has been signed and filed with the Commission and compensation has been paid or is due in accordance therewith, and the parties thereto then disagree as to the continuance of any weekly payment under such agreement, either party may make application to the Commission for a hearing in regard to the matters at issue and for a ruling thereon. Immediately after such application has been received the Commission shall set a date for a hearing, which shall be held as soon as practicable, and shall notify the parties at issue of the time and place of such hearing. The hearing shall be held in the county where the injury occurred, if the same occurred in this State, unless otherwise agreed to between the parties and authorized by the Commission. If the injury occurred without the State of Georgia, and is one for which compensation is payable under this Act, then the hearing above referred to may be held in the county of the employer's residence or place of business, or



in any other county of the State which will, in the discretion of the Commission, be the most convenient for a hearing.
Section 57. Be it farther enacted, That the Commission or any of its members shall hear the parties at issue and their representatives and witnesses and shall determine the dispute in_ a summary manner. The ruNard, together with a statement of the findings of fact and other matters pertinent to the questions at issue shall be filed with the record of the proceedings, and a copy of the mvarcl shall immediately be sent to the parties at dispute. The parties may be heard by a deputy, in '''hich eyent he shaH swear or cause the witnesses to be sworn and shall transmit all testimony to tlw Commission for its determination and award.
Section 58.. Be it further enacted, That if an application for reYiew is made to the Commission within seyen days from the date of notice of the award, the full Commission shall review the eYidence, or, if deemed advisable, as soon as practicable, hear the parties at issue, their representatives and witnesses, and shall make an award and file the same in like manner as specified in the foregoing section, together with its rulings of law in the premises. A copy of the award so made on review shall immediately be sent to the parties at dispute.
Section 59. Be it further enacted, That any award of the Commission, provided for in section fifty-seYen, with respect to which no application for a reYiew thereof be filed in due time, or an award of the Commission upon such review as provided in

THURSDAY, JuLY 22, 1920.


section fifty-eight shall, in either event, as the case may be, and subject to the other provisions of this Act, be a final award and shall be conclusive and binding as to all questions of fact; but either party to the dispute may, within thirty days from the date of any such final award, or within thirty days from the date of any other final order or judgment of said Commission, but not thereafter, appeal from the decision in such final award or from any other final decision of said Commission to the Superior Court of the county in which the injury occurred, or if the injury occurred without the State, then to the Superior Court of the county in which the original hearing was had, in the manner hereinafter outlined, and upon the following grounds, viz : The party conceiving himself to be aggrieved may file an application in writing with the Commission asking for an appeal from any such order or decree, stating generally the grounds upon which such appeal is sought. In the event such appeal is filed as hereinbefore provided, the Commission shall, wihtin thirty days from the filingof the same, cause certified copies of all documents and papers then on file in its office in the matter, and a transcript of all testimony taken therein, to be transmitted with its findings and order or decree to the Clerk of the Superior Court to which the case is appealable, as hereinbefore set out. The cause so appealed may thereupon be brought on for a hearing in either term time or vacation before said Superior Court upon such record by either party on ten days written notice to the other; subject, however, to an assign-



ment of the same for hearing by the Court. The findings of fact made by the Commission \Vjthin its power shall, in the absence of fraud, be conclusive, but upon such hearing the Court shall set aside said order or decree of the Industrial Commission if it be found:
(1) That the Industrial Commission acted without or in excess of its powers.
(2) That the order or decree was procurell hy fraud.
(3) That the facts found by the Industrial Commission do not support the order or decree.
() That there is not sufficient competent evidence in the record to warrant the Industrial Commission in making thP order or decree complained of, or
(5) That the decree is contrary to law.
.Xo order or decree of the Industrial Commission ;,;hall be set aside by the Court upon any ground other than one or more of the grounds above stated. If not set aside upon onp or more of :,;uch :-;tatc'd grounds, the Court shall affirm the order, judgment, decree or decision of the Commission so appealed from. l~pon the setting aside of any such order, cll'cree or decision of the Commission, the Court may recommit the controYersy to the Commission for further hearing or procPedings m conformity with the judgment and opinion of the Court, or such Court may enter the proper judgment upon the findings, as the nature of the case may demand. Such decree of the Court shall haYe the same effect

~md all proceedings in relation thereto shall, subject to the other proYisions of this Act, thereafter be the same as though rendered in a suit heard and determined by said Court. The Court of Appeals of Georgia shall, within thirty days after this Act takes effect, prescribe such rules of procedure, not inconsistent with the above and foregoing, as may be necessary or proper to fix the details of the form and manner of such appeaL
The Commission of its own motion may certify questions of law to the Court of Appeals of Georgia for decision and determination by the said Court. Any party in interest who is aggrieved by a judgment entered by the Superior Court upon an appeal from an order or decree of the Commission to the Superior Court, may appeal therefrom to tlw Court of Appeals of Georgia by writ of error and hill of exceptions within the time and in the manner proYided by law for appeals by fast bill of exceptions from other orders, judgments and decrees of the Superior Court made by law reviewable upon fast hills of exceptions. In case of an appeal from the decision of the Commission, or of a certification by said Commission of questions of law to the Court of Appeals, said appeal or certification shall operate as a supersedeas, if the employer has complied with the provisions of this Act respecting insurance, and no such employer shall be required tn make payment of the award involved in the questions made in the case so appealed or certified until such questions at issue therein shall have been fully determine in accordance with the provisions of this Act.



Section 60. Be it further enacted, That any party in interest may file in the Superior Court of the county in which the injury occurred, or if the injury occurred without the State of Georgia, then in the county in which the original hearing was had, a certified copy of a memorandum of agreement approved by the Commission, or of a final order or decision of the Commission, or of an award of the Commission unappealed from, or of an award of the Commission affirmed upon appeal, whereupon said Court shall render judgment in accordance therewith and notify the parties. Such judgment shall haYe the same effect, and all proceedings in relation thereto shall thereafter be the same, as though said judgment had been rendered in a suit duly heard and determined by said Court. Provided, however, that where the payment of compensation is insured or provided for in accordance with the provisions of this Act, no such judgment shall be entered nor e>xecution thereon issued, except upon application to the Court and for good cause shown. "Cpon presentation to the Court of a certified copy of a decision of the Commission ending, diminishing or increasing a weekly payment under the provisions of this Act, particularly of section forty-five thereof, the Court shall revoke or modify the order or decree to conform to such decision of the Commission. upon their passage:
Section 61. Be it further enacted, That if the Commission or any Court before whom any porceedings are brought under this Act shall determine that such proceedings have been brought, prosecuted or defended without reasonable ground. it.

may assess the whole cost of the proceedings upon the party who has brought or defended them.
Section 62. Be it further enacted, That the Commission or any member thereof may, upon the application of either party or upon its own motion, appoint a disinterested and duly qualified physician or surgeon to make any necessary medical 0xaminatim1 of the employee and to testify in respect thereto. Said physician or surgeon shall he aHo\ved tra\'eling expenses and a reasonable fee to be fixed hy the Commission, not exceeding ten dollars for each cxamination and report, hut the Commission may allow additional reasonable amounts in extraordinary cases The fees and expenses of such physician or surg~on shall be paid by the State.
Section 63. Be it further enacted, That fees of attomeys and physicians and charges of hospitals for se1Tices under this Act shall he reasonabie and measured according to the emp~oyee 's station and shall be subject to the approval of the Commission.
Section 64. Be it further enacted, That all questions arising under this Act, if not settled by agreements of the parties interested therein, with the appronll of the Commission, shaH be determined by the Commission, except as otherwise herein pro\'ided.
Section 65. Be it further enacted, That (a) every ('mplo~'er who accepts the provisions of this Act relative to the payment of compensation, shall hereafter keep a record of all injuries, fatal or otherwise, receiwd by his employees in the course of their employm~nt, on blanks approved by the Commission. ,\Vithin ten days after the occurrence and knowledge



thereof, as proYided in section twenty-three, of an in_ jury to an employee requiring medical or surgical treatment, or causing his absence from work for more than fourteen days, a report thereof shaH lw made in writing and mailed to the Commission 011 blanks to be procured from the Commission for this purpose. (b) The records of the commission, insofar as they refer to accidents, injuries and settlements, shall not be open to the public, but only to the parties satisfying the Commission of their interest in such records and the right to inspect them. (c) rpon the termination of the disability of the injured employee, the employer shaH make a supplementary report to the Commission on blanks to he procured from the Commission for the purpose. (c1) The said report shall contain the name, nature and location of the business of the employer, and. name, age, sex and wages and occupation of the injured employeL, and shall state the elate and hour of the accident c;msi11g thP injury, the natun and cause of the injm~- alltl such other information as may be required by th~ Commission. (e) Any such employer who refus(s or wilfully neglects to make the report required h~ this spction shall he liablL for a }Wnalt~ of not mon than twenty-fiYe dollars for each nfusal or wilful neglect, to be recoYl'l'able in any Court of competPnt jurisdiction in a suit hy the Commission.
Section G6. Be it further enacted, That cYery Pmployer who accepts the provisions of this Act rdatin to the payment of compensation shall fully insure and keep fully insured, unless otherwise ordered or permitted by the Commission, his liability tlHreunder in some corporation, association or or-

THuRsD;\.Y, JuLY 22, 1920.


ganization, licensed as provided by law, to transact the business of \Vorkmen 's Compensation Insurance in this State, or in some mutual insurance association formed by a group of employers so licensed, or shall furnish to the Commission satisfactory proof of his financial ability to pay direct the compensation in the amount and manner and when due as provided for in this Act. In the latter case the Commission may in its discretion require the deposit of an acceptable security, indemnity or bond to secure the payment of compensation liabilities as they are incurred. Provided that it shall he satisfactory proof of the employer's financial ahili ty to pay eli rect the compensation in the amount and manner when due, as provided for in this Act, and acceptable security, indemnity or bond to secure the payment of compensation liabilities as they are incurred, if the employer shall show to the Commission that he is a member of a mutual insurance company, duly licensed to do business in this State by the Insurance Commissioner, as provided by the laws of this Statt, or of an association or group of employers, so licensed, and as such is exclumging contracts of insurance with the employers of this and otlwr Statt>s, throug-h a medium as specified and located in thLir agreements between each other, but this proviso shall in no wise restrict or qualif.v the right of self insurance as hereinbefore authorized. Xothing herein shall he construed to require nn employer to place his entire insurance in a single insurance carrier.
Section 67. Be it further enacted, That (a) every employer accepting the compensation provisions of this Act shall within thirty days after this



Act takes effect file with the Commission in form prescribed by it, and thereafter annually, or as often as the Commission, in its discretion, may deem necessary, e\'idence satisfactory to the Commission of his compliance with the provisions of section sixty-six and all others relating thereto. (b) If such employer refuses or wilfully neglects to comply with these prO\'isions he shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00 and after such conviction shall be subject to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each day of such refusal or neglect, and m~til he shall comply with such provision, and also such employer shall bt> liable during continuance of such refusal or neglect to an employee, at the option of the employee, either for compensation under this Act or at law in the same manner as provided in section sixteen.
Section 68. Be it further enacted, That whenenr an employer has complied with the provisions of section sixty-six, relating to self-insurance, tht> Commission shall issue to such employer a certificate which shall remain in force for a period fixed by the Commission, but the Commission may upon at least sixty clays' notice and hearing to the employer revoke the certificate upon satisfactory evidence for such revocation having been presented. At any time after such revocation the Commission may grant a new certificate to the employer upon his petition.
Section 69. Be it further enacted, That (8.) subject to the approval of the Commission, any employer may enter into or continue any agreement

THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920.


with his employees to provide a system of compensation, benefit or insurance in lieu of the compensation and insurance provided by this Act. Xo such substitute system shall be apporved unless it con.fers benefits upon injured employees at least equivalent to the benefits in addition to those provided by this Act, nor if it requires contribution from the employees unless it confers benefits in ad dition to those provided under this Act at least commensurate with such contribution. (b) Such substitute system may be terminated by the Commission on reasonable notice and hearing to the interested parties if it shaH appear that the same is not fairly administered or if its operation shall disclose defects threatening its solvency, or if for any substantial reason it fails to accomplish the purpose of this Act; and in this case the Commission shall determine upon the proper distribution of all remaining assets, if any, subject to the right of any party at interest to take an appeal to the Superior Court of the County 'vherein the principal office or chief place of buisness of the employer is located.
Section 70. Be it further enacted, .That all policies insuring the payment of compensation under this Act, including all contracts of mutual, reciprocal or inter-insurance, must contain a clause to the effect that as between the employer and the insurer or insurers the notice to or knowledge of the occurrence of the injury on the part of the insured employer shall be deemed notice or knowledge, as the case may be, on the part of the insurer or insurers; that jurisdiction of the insured for the purpose of this Act shall be jurisdiction of the insurer



or insurers; and that the insurer or insurers shall in all things he hound hy and subjt>ct to the awards, judgments or d<_crees rendered against such insured pmployer.
Section 71. Be it furtht>r enacted, That no policy w contract of insurancp agaim;t liability arising under this Act shall he issued unless it contains the agTelmPnt of the insurer or insurC'rs that it will promptly pay to thP person entitled to same all bencfits conferred by this Act, and all installments of thu compensation that may be awarded or agreed upon, and that th<_ obligation shall not he affected hy any default of the insured after the injury or by any default in gi,ing notice required by such policy, or otherwise. Such agrc>ement shall be construed to lw a direct promisc> by the insurer or insurers to the person entitled to compensation enforceable in his namP.
Section 7:2. Be it further enacted, That (a) e\ery policy for tlw insurance of the compensation herein provic~ed, or against liability therefor, including all contracts of mutual, reciprocal inter-insurance, shall he deemed to he made subject to the' provisions of this Act. Xo corporation, association or organization, and no mutual, rC'ciprocal or interinsurers shall entf'r into or make any such policy or contract of insurance' unless its form shall have beC'n appro\ed by thP Commission. (b) This Act shall not apply to policies of insurance against loss from C'xplosion of boilers or fly wheels or other similar catastrophe hazanls.
Section 73. Be it further enacted, That (a) the rate's charged by all carriers of insurance, including

TKGRSDAY, .JULY 22, 1920.


the parties to any mutual, reciprocal, or other plan or scheme, writing insurance against the liability for compensation under this Act, shall be fair, reasonable and adequate, with due allowance for merit rating, and all risks of the same kind and degree of hazard, shall be written at the same rate by the same carrier. The basic rates for policies or contracts of insurance against liability for compensation under this Act shall be filed with the Insurance Commissioner for his approval, and no policy of insurance against such liab~lity shall be valid until the basic rate thereof has been filed with, approval and not subsequently disapproved, by the Insurance Commissioner. Any plan or scheme for modification of such basic rates by physical inspection or experience or merit rating shall likewise be filed with the Insurance Commissioner and by him approved, and no carrier of insurance shall write any such policy or contract until after filing and approval of a basic rate therefor and a schedule or plan to be employed in producing individual rates for risks. (b) Each such insurance carrier, including the partics to any mutual, reciprocal or other plan or scheme writing insurance against the liability for compensation under this Act, shall report to the Insurance Commissioner as provided by law, and in accordance with such reasonable rules as the Insurance Commissioner may at any time prescribe for tl1e purpose of determining the solvency of the carrier, and the adequacy or reasonableness of its rates and reserYcs; for such phrpose the Insurance Commissioner may inspect all books and records of such insurance carrier and of its agent or agents, and examine its agents, officers and directors under oath.



Section 74. Be it further enacted, That if any section of the provisions of this Act be decided by the Courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Act as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so dPcided to be unconstitutional or invalid.
Section 75. Be it further Pnacted, That this Act, except as prescribed in section fifty, shall become effective March 1, 1921, and section fifty shall become effective October l, H)20.
Section 76. Be it further enacted, That for 'the of $5,000.00 shall be allowed for the incidental and contingent expenses of said commission, including compensation for deputies, clerical assistance, officP supplies and the actual traveling expenses of thP Commission and such deputies while traYeling for any of the purposes of said commission as providPd in this Act.
Section 77. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws inconsistent with any provision 11f this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed.
The Committee offerPd the following amendments:
Committee Amendments to Substitute for Senate Bill 213.
Section 76. Be it further Pn<tcted, That for the purpose of paying the expenses of this Commissiou, there shall be collected from the insurance carriers writing this class of insurance in Georgia, a tax of one per cent of the gross earned premiums, this to be in addition to the tax collected by the Insurance

THuRsDAY, JuLY 22, 1920.


Department under the General Tax Act. This one per cent commission shall be collected by the Secretary-Treasurer in the same manner said tax is now collected by the Insurance Department After all of the expenses, including salaries and traveling expenses of the Commission and such deputies as may be authorized, have been paid the remainder of the money collected by the Secretary-Treasurer shall be turned into the State Treasury in the manner prescribed by law.
Section 51. Be it further enacted, That (a) the salary of each member of the Commission appointed by the Governor shall be $4,000.00 per year. The Commission may appoint a Secretary-Treasurer at a salary of not more than $2,000.00 a year, who shall give bond in a sum prescribed by the Commission, and who may be removed by the Commission; (b) the Commission may also, subject to the approval of the Governor, employ such clerical or other assistance as may be deemed necessary and fix the compensation of all persons so employed; (c) the members of this Commission and its assistants shall be entitled to receive the actual necessary expenses while traveling on business of the Commission, but such expenses shall be sworn to by the persons who incurred the same and shall be approved by the Chairman of the Commission before payment is made; (d) all salaries and expenses of the Commission shall be audited and paid out of the funds in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer according to rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission.
The amendments were adopted.



Mr. Barrett, of the 31st, offered the following amendments to the substitute:
By striking from section 2, subdivision A, tlw words ''the State.''
The amendment was adopted.
By striking the words, "the State," in the first line of section 8.
By striking the words, ''any employee of the State or of,'' in section 8.
The amendment was adopted.
By striking from S<_ction 15 the word, "fiYe," and inserting in lieu thereof the word, ''ten.''
The amendment was adopted.
The Committee substitute was adopted as amended.
The report of the Committee which was fannable to the passage of the bill hy substitute as amended as agreed to.
On the passage of the hill the Ayes were 2G, Xays 0.
The hill haYing receind the requisite constitutional majority \Yas passed by substitute.

By :Jir. Duncan-
A bill to amend an Act to regulate banks and banking in this State.
The Committee offered the fololwing amendments:

THuRsDAY, JuLY 22, 1920.


The Committee proposes to amend Section 2, so that the same shaH read as follows :
2. Amendment to Section 12, Article 2. By striking near the end of Section 12 of Article 2 the words and figures "Thirty Six Hundred ($3,600.00) Dollars'' and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures "Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars".
The amendment was adopted.
The Committee proposes to amend the bill by adding the following additional amendment:
Amendment to Section :3 Article 1. By inserting in the third line of paragraph four, Section 3, Article 1, after the word ''Capital'' and before the word "as" the words "or surplus". By adding and inserting at the end of paragraph four of Section 3, Article 1 the words "Nor shall the parent bank by such assignment of a portion of its surp:ns reduce the surplus account to an amount less tlun twenty (20) per cent. of its capital". So that ]'<11'agraph four of said section wlwn so amemhd t:hal~ read ''At the time of establislmwnt of an~ hiaw:J the Board of Directors of the parent hank sha1l ' ?t aside for .the exclusin~ use of said branch such proportion of its capital, or surplus, as may he required by tlw Superintendent of Banks; ia no ennt less than is required for the organization of a hank in th(_ city, town or village in which the branch shall h(_ located. Provided, that the parent hank shall not by such assignment of a portion of its capital reduce the capital to an amount less than is required for the organization of a bank in the city, tmvn or village, in which said parent bank is located; nor



shall the parent bank by such assignment of a portion of its surplus reduce the surplus account to au amount less than twenty (20) per cent. of it:'l capital''
The amendment was adopted.
The Committee amends paragraph 5, by adding at the end of said paragraph the following: "Except where such copies are called for on behalf of the State".
The Committee amends paragraph 15 by inserting in the last lim thereof after the word ''officer' and before the "ord "thereof" the words "or bonded employee''.
The amendment was adopted.
The Committee amends the bill by adding the following additional amendments to the said Act of 1919, to-wit: By inserting in the first line of Section 11 of Article 19 between the words "officer" and "agent" the word "director", so that the section as so anwndecl shall read: ''Xo officer, director, agent or employee of any bank shall use or borrow directly or indirectly for himsc-lf or for any firm or partnership of which he is a member", etc., to the end of the section.
The amendment "as adopted.
The CommittPe amends the titlP of the hill so as to rend as follows:
A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend an Act apprond Auguf'lt 16th, 1919, entitled ''An Act to regulate banking in the State of Georgia; to ere-

TRcRsDAY, JrLY 2:2, 19:20.


ate the Department of Banking of the State of Georgia; to provide for the incorporation of banks, and the amendments, rene\val and surrender of charters; to provide penalties for the violation of la-ws with reference to banking and the banking business; and for other purposes", so as
io provide for and regulate the equipment, cleri-
cal and office expenses of the Departme:qt of Banking; to provide for additional fees for the examination of banks; to anthorize the Superintendent of Banks to communi~ate certain information obtained by the examination of banks; to provide when reports of banks shall be transmitted; to authorize banks to acquire the powers of trust company; to require the bonding of employees; to regulate loans by banks; to provide how certificl cates of deposit shall be signed; to authorize tlw imestment of the resene required against savings and time deposits; to pro\ide for the pflyment of checks when presented by hanks or trust companies, either in currency or in exchange, and fixing the rate of such l'Xchange; to authorize i:lJe payment of increased capital stock in imtallments; to permit banks to discount parwr at 8 }WI' cent.; to provide for the establishment of brunch hanks out of tlw surplus fund of the parent bank; and for other purposes.
The amendment was adopted..
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the hill, as amended was agreed to.
At the request of 1Ir. Kea, of the 16th District,



Mr. Ayers, of the 33rd District, was allowed to of fer two amendments.
The amendments were lost.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Nays 4.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The Senate concurred in the following Housl' amendment to Senate amendment to House Bill Xo. 460, to-wit:
Amend by striking the words, ''January 1st, 1920, '' and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures, "October 1st, 1920 "
The following resolution was read and adopted:
A resolution extending the privileges of thl' floor to Hon. .T. R. Thomas for a period of two days.
The following message was r~ceived from thl' House, through l\Ir. ~Ioore, the Clerk thereof.

lvlr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, to-\vit:
House Bill 95+. A bill to incorporate the Town of Talmo in Connty of .Jackson.
House Bill 95:). A bill to amend act abolishing fee system in Blue Ridge Circuit so as to increase salary of Solicitor-General.

TH"LRSDAY, JLTLY 22, 1920.


House Bill 994. A bill to provide additional compensation for jurors in Justice Courts of Banks County.
The following Senate resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution regarding the imestigation of the conduct of the office of State Veterinarian.
The Senate went into executive session at 12 :GO A.M.
The executive s<.>sston was dissolved at 12 :55 A.M
Lt>aYe of absence was granted Senator Keene, of the 6th District, on account of urgent business.
Leave of absence was granted Senator Larkins, of the 46th District.
.:\Ir. Dorri,s of the 48th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
The Presidt>nt Pro Tem declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.




Friday, July 23, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock, A. 11., Central time, and was called to order by the President Pro Tern, Hon. J. H.

Ennis, of the 20th District.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

:Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District asked unani~ mous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.

Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of the roll and the following Senators answered to their names.

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, han E. Ayers, .T. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, .T. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.
Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J ..J.

Pruett, J. F.

~Fowler, Ben .J. Glenn, George G.

Rabun Z. T.
' Ragsdale, S. W.

Harbin, C. J.

Reece, W. K.

Hogg, J. P.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kaigler, H. :\L

Rice, W. D.

Kea, F'red

!:ihingler, J. S.

Kendall, :\I. M.

Smith, .J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

LeSueur, R. C.

Veazey, P. G.

Lunsford, J. R.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Maynard, .T. D.

Wallace, W. P.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Watson, S. 1\I.

Xix, Oscar A.

Wilkinson, H. B.

OliYe, .J. T.

Wood, A. J.

Pittman, Claude

:\Ir. President

Mr Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of

Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found


FRIDA-Y, JuLY 23, 1920.


By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
At the request of Mr. \Yilkinson, of the 49th District, Senate Bill Xo. 232 was withdrawn from further consideration of the Senate.
By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time, and referred to Committees:
By .Mr. Kea-
A bill to amend Section 2G of the CoJe of 1910 hy striking certain words relatiYr to the Statr 's civil and criminal jurisdiction.
Referred to Committee on General .Judiciary Xo. 1.

B~- ~Ir. Wilkinson-
A bill to proYicle for fifty-om fertilizer inspectors in this State.
Referred to Committee on Agriculture. The following House bills were read the first time and referr('cl to Committees:
By ::\Iessrs. Dobbs and Ganu of CobbHouse Bill 900. A bill to create a IWW charter
for the City of ~farietta. Referred to Committee' on Corporations.
By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of CobbHouse Bill 953. A bill to amend an Act abolish-
ing the fee system in Blue Ridge .Juclicial Circuit. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary



By Messrs DeLaPerriere and Holder of JacksonHouse Bill 95. A bill to incorporate the Town
of Talmo.
Referred to Commitee on Corporations.

By :Jir. Harden of Banks-

House Bill 994. A bill to provide additional

compensation for jurors in Justice Courts of Banks



Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By l\lessrs. Xeill, Hollis and \Vohlwender of :JluscogeeA bi11 to amend an Act establishing Municipal
Court of Columbus. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By Messrs. Adams and \Villiams of WaltonA bill to amend the charter of Social Cirole,
Georgia. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Whitaker and Jones of LowndesA bill to amend an Act creating City Court of
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Mr Arnold of Clay-
A bill to amend the Act creating City of Fort Gaines.

FRIDAY, JuLY 23, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By :Messrs. Keill, Hollis and W ohlwender of 1Iuscogee-
A bill to amend an Act providing for extension of corporate limits of City of Columbus.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Mason of HartA bill to amend an Act incorporating the City
of Hartwell. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Hardin of Banks-
A bill to provide additional compensation for members of Board of Education of Banks County.
Referred to Committee on Education.
J\Ir. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report :
J1 r. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me as Chirman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
House Bill Ko. 881. Senate Bill Xo. 323. Senate Bill No 324.
Respectfully submitted, DoRRis, Chairman.



:Jir. Reece, of 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County :Jiatters, submitted the following report:

Jlr. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County :Jlatters have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill .l\o. 998.
Respectfully submitted,
REECE, Chaiman.
~lr. Reynolds, Chairman of the Committee on University of Georgia, submitted the following report:

JIr. President:
Your Committee on rni,ersity of Georgia have had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, as amended:
House Bill X o. 280
Respectfully submitted,
R~:yxoLns, Chairman,
:Jlr. Le Sueur, of the :23rd District, Chairman of the Committee on Public Printing, submitted the following report:

FRIDAY, JuLY 23, 1920.


J!fr. President:
Your Committee on Public Printing have had under consideration the following Senate Bill Ko. 328 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
~Ir. Ennis, of the 20th District, Chairman of the Committee on Pubilc Roads, submitted the following report:
ivlr. President:
Your Committee on Public Roads have had under consideration the following Senate Bill 306 and do pass as amended, House Bill 840 do pass, and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted,
E~xis, Chairman.
~Ir. Steed, of 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary ~o. 1, submitted the following report:
Mr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary Ko 1 haw had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill Ko. 320.
Respectfully submitted,
STEED, Chairman.



Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporation, submitted the fol1owing report:

Jlr. President:
Your Committee on Corporation have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill i\o. 954. Incorporating Town of Talmo.
Respectfully submitted,
CLARENCE E. AnA~rs, Chairman.
Mr. Xix, of the 34th District, Chairman of the Committee on Penitentiary, submitted the following report:
.~1 r. President :
Your Committee on Penitentiary have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass as amended, to-\vit:
Senate Bi11 331, authorizing the Prison Commission to fix the salaries of the officers and employees of the State Farm.
Respectfully submitted,
NIX, Chairman.
l\Ir. -watson, of the 8th District, Chairman of the Committee on Banks and Banking, submitted the following report :

FRIDAY, ,JULY 23, 1920.


1111". President:
Your Committee on Banks and Banking haYe had under consideration the following Senate Bill
Xo. 322 and have instructed me as Chairman. to re-
port the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill Xo. 322, an Act providing for anotiwr State Depository in the City of Atlanta.
Respectfully submitted,
\YATsox, Chairman.
?IIr. Dixon, of 17th District, G'1lairman of the Committee on Constitutional Amendments, submitted the following report:

JJ~r. President:
Your Committee on Constitutional Amendments have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recom-
. mendati9n that the same do pass as amended: Senate Bill No. 988 A bill to amnd the Act creating the new County of Lanier.
Respectfully submitted,
D1xox, Chairman.
~Ir. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporation, submitted the following report:

Mr. President: Your Committee on Corporation have had m1-



der consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill Xo. 3:27. Amending charter of City of Americus.
Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Allen, of 35th District, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriatioi1s, submitted the follo\\'ing report:

ill r. President :
Your Committee on Appropriations have had under consideration the following bill and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
Senate Bill ~o. 228. With Committee's amendment regulating sale, registration an inspection of automobiles.
Respectfully submitted,
ALLEN, Chairman.
The fo1lowing message was received from the House, through 1\Ir. l\Ioore, the Clerk thereof:

.l'Ir. President: The House adopted the following resolution of
the House, to-wit:
House Resolution 173. A resolution directing

FRIDAY, JvLY :23, 1920.


Secretary of State to transmit to Senate and House lists of persons registered as lobbyists.
The House has agreed to the Senate an~eml ments to the following bill of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 831. A bill to create Board of ComInissioners of Roads and Revenues for County of Jeff Davis.
The following message was received from the House, through l\Ir 3Ioore, the Clerk thereof.
Jlr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite consti tutional majority the following bills of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 1001. A bill to provide for additional compensation for members of Board of Edu cation of Banks County.
House Bill 1012. A bill to amend an act incorporating Town of Hartwell.
House Bill 1025. A bill to amend an Act providing for extension of corporate limits of City of Columbus. .
House Bill 943. A bill to amend Act to create City Court of Fort Gaines.
House Bill 927. A bin to amend an Act creating City Court of Valdosta.
House Bill 1017. A bill to amend charter of City of Social Circle.
House Bill 1024. A bill to amend Act establish-
ing :Municipal Court of Columbus.



The following resolutions were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By ~Ir. Clements-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill Xo. 280 be made a special and continuing order for Tuesday, July 27, 1920.
RefJ')rred to Committee on Rules.

By .Mr. Dorris-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill ~o 2-Hl be made a special and continuing order for \Vednesday, July 28, 1920.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time:
By ::\lessrs. Anderson of Chattooga, Hamilton of Floyd, et al.-
House Bill 8-iO. A bill to amend an amendatory Act to amend Section 696 of the Code of 1910 by adding thereto.

By :Messrs. Smith, Moore and Hendrix\of Fulton-
House Bill 881. A bill to fix the compensation of Deputy Clerk of Superior Courts in counties having a population of 225,000.

By ::\Ir. \Yilloughby of Douglas-
House Bill 998. A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of County Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Douglas County.

FRIDAY, JuLY 23, 1920.


By Mr. ~fundy of Polk. House Bill H6:2. A bill to amend an Act incor-
porating the City of Cedartown.
By :Mr. Tatum of Campbell-
House Bill H50. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Palmetto.
By Mr. Bellah of Henry-
House Bill 964. A bill to incorporate the City of Stockbridge.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Messrs. F.Jynt and EldersA bill providing additional compensation for
the sheriff of the Court of Appeals.
By Mr. Allen-
A bill providing for another State Depository in Atlanta.
By :Mr. LarkinsA bill to amend an Act to establish the City
Court of Blackshear.
By ~Ir. FowlerA bill to reguh.tte the salaries of stenographic
reporters of all Judicial Circuits.
By Messrs. Allen and SteedA bill to amend an Act creating the office of
Superintendent of Puhlic Printing.



By ~Ir. Ennis-
A bill to fix the salaries of the Superintendent, \Varden, Physician and Bookkeeper at the State Farm.

By ~Iessrs. Elders, Clements, Dorris , Bowden, Flynt, et aL-
A bill authorizing Chairman of Board of Trustees to appoint not exceeding three members from said board upon each of the boards of the branch college of UniYersity of Georgia.

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to regulate sale and registration of n utomo biles.
By Mr. Brooks, by requestA bill to amend the charter of the City of
Americus. Atlanta, .July 2:3rd, 1920.
The following message was receiYed from His Excellency, The Governor, through his Clerk, ~Ir. Cobb:

JIr. President:
I am directed by His Excellency, the Governor. to deliver to the Senate a sealed communication in writing, for which he requests your consideration in executive session.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1920.


By ~Iessrs. Knight of Berrien and Barkhalter of Clinch-

House Bill 988. A bill to amend an Act creatmg the new County of Lanier.

The Committee offered the following amendment:

By striking from said bill on page 3, beginning "ith the word "where" on line six down to and including the figures "510" on line 18 on page 3, and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"The south line of land lot 458, thence east along the south lines of lots 458, 463, 504, 509, in the 11th District, to the southeast corner of said lot ::iml, Clinch County; thence north along the east lines of lots.''

'l'he amendments were adopted.

The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended ''~'<B agreed to.

The bill involving a constitutional amendment, the roll call was ordered and the vote WPS af' follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were l\lesBn;!,:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell Walter L. Bals~ngame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B.

Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P.

Kaigler, H. M. Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. LeSueur, R. C. Neidlinger, Leonorian Lunsford J. R.
' Olive, J. T.
Rabun, Z. T. . Ragsdale, S. W.



Heeee, \\". K. Reynol<ls, \Y. H. R'ee, \\'. D.

~mith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vi<-kery, Jesse \V.

Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. :\1. Wilkinson, II. B.

Those not voting were Jlessrs.:

Brooks, B. B.
Calhoun, .r. C.

"~Pene, J. H. Larkins, .J. K.

l 'ureton, \Valter \V. ?>faynard, J. D.

Dnman, J. T.

:\ix, Osear A.

Kea Fred

Pittman, Claude C.

Ayes 36, nays 0.

Pruett, .1. F. Shing!Pr, J. S. \ eazey, P. G. Wood, A. J. .11 r. President

The bill having received the requisitt Cmstitutional two-thirds vote was passed.

By Mr. Anderson of Jenkins-
House Bill 939 A bill to amend an Act to establish a Board of Roads and Revenues for Jenkins County.
The report of the committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority \Vas passed.

By Br. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 886. A bill to amend the Act establishing the City Court of Pelham.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the hill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.

FRIDAY, JcLY 23, 1920.


The bill having received the constitutional majority was passed.

By ?\Ir. Thompson of Madison-
House Bill 760. A bill to amend an Act to establish a Georgia and Xormal Industrial College.

Mr. Ayers, of the :~3rd District, offered the following amendment:

By adding at the end of Section 1 the follo\viug: ''Provided, That when said institution is unable to admit all who apply, preference shall be given to those applicants, fitness and other qualifications being considered, who arc poor and less able to pay for an eudcation.''

.Mr. Ayers, of the 33rd District, called for the

Aves and Xaves on the adontiou of the amendment,




and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were ~Iessrs.:

.\lien, han E. Ayers, .) . 8. Bell, WaltPr L.
Blasingame, .rosiah
Bowden, .J. E. T. Brooks, B. R. Dorris, W. H.

Jlunean, J. 'f.
Elders H. H.
f'lynt, ' .J. J.
(;lenn, George G.
Harbin, C. .f.
Kea, Fred K<:>IHlall, ~f. ~I.

LeSueur, R. C. Rabun, Z. T. Hagsdale, S. W. !:Ieece. \V. K. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those voting in the negative were ~Iessrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Barrett, Ferrnor Bussey, J. B. Clem,nts, .J as. B. 1lixon, .J anws A. Ennis, J. H. Fowle~. Ben .T.

1-!ogg, .J. P. Kaigler, H. ~I. Kirkland, Z. VI'. Lunsfor<l, J. R. Xeicllinger, Leonorian Olin, .I. T. l:leynolls, \Y. H.

Rice, W. D. Smith, .J. Q. Stee<l, K T.
Vickery, .Je'Se "' Wallace, \V. P. Watsnn, S. yf.



Those not voting were Messrs:

Calhoun, J. C. Cureton, Walter W. Keene, J. H. Larkins, .T. ,K.

~layuard, J. D. Xix, Oscar A. Pittn!an, Clat11k C. Pruett, J. F.

Shing!Pr, .J. R \'caz<:>y, P. G. \\'ood, A. J. ~fr. Pr<:>si<lPnt

Ayes 19, Xays 20.

'fhe amendment was lost.

The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the hill the Ayes were 27, Xays 0.

The hill having receiYed the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
l'nder the regular order of business the following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By :\lr. \Vallace-
A bill to anwnd an Act to establish tht City Court of ~Iadison.
~Ir. Wallace, of the 28th District, offered the following amendment:
By striking tlw words ''Two Thousand'' in Section 1 and 2 and substituting therefor the words ''Eighteen Hundred''.
By striking the \Yords "Twenty-four Hundred" in Sections ;) and 4 and substituting in lieu thereof "Eighteen Hundred".
The amendment was adopted.

FRIDAY, JuLY 23, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favor-

able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as



On the passa-ge of the bill the Ayes were 28, Xays 0.

The hill haYing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, as amended.

By l\Ir. Blasingame-

A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of ~Ionroe.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

( )n the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Xays 0

The bill haYing recein~d the constitutional majori t~ \Yas passed.

By }Ir. Blasingame-
A bill to amend an Act to establish a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Ren~nues for \Valton County.

The report of the Committee, which was fa,orablf' tn the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Xays 0.

The hill lul\ing receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\fr. MaynardA bill to amend Section 1484 of the Criminal



Code of 1910, Y olume 2, so as to add after the word ''injury'' in the 18th line thereof.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the hill, was agieed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Xays 0.
The bill having received the constitutional majority was passed.

:Jir. Kaigler-
A bill to authorize a judge in sentencing any person c:onvicted of larceny to pay a fine which shall apply first to costs and second to the 0\Yner of the stolen property.
iiir. Kaigler, of the 12th District, offered the following substitute:
Substitute for Senate Bill Xo. 1-:1:7.
'l'o he entitled an Act to authorize and empower the Court, wheneYer any person has been convicted of the offense of larceny of any kind or degree, or of receiYing stolen goods, whether principal, accessory or accomplice in any such cases and where said comict pays into Court a fine as required b~ his sentence, from said fine "here the legal costs of all officers of court han' first been paid, to order the balance of said fine remaining, or any part thereof in thl' discretion of said court to he paid to the owner of said stolen property, not to exceed the actual ,alue of said propert~; to define tlw meaning of the words '' mnwr'' and larcency, '' and for other purposes.

FRIDAY, Jur,y 23, 1920.


Section J. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same that from and after the passage of this Act, the court shall be authorized and empowered, whenever any person has been comicted of the offense of larceny of any kind or degree, or of receiYing stolen property, whether principal, accessory or accomplice in such case or cases and where said convict is sentenced to pay a fine or to confinement in jail or at labor on the chaingang or other public works, and where said sentence contains a provision for the discharge of said convict upon the payment of a fine and said fine is paid, and "\Vhere said con- Yict, prior to his sentence has not made restitution by a return of the stolen property nor by paying the owner thereof the actual value of said property, to include in the order of court distributing said fund, a proviso that after an legal costs of the officers of Court shall have been first paid from said fund, that from the balance of the same remaining in Court the owner of said stolen property shall be paid all or any part of the actual value of said property as said Court sha11 determine, and where there is au issue of fact as to value such issue shall be determined by a jury as in ciYil cases; proYided, howeYer, that no person by authority of this Act shall ever be sentenced to jail or imprisonment as a punishment for failing or refusing to pay the owner the "\alue of stolen property, but in an cases of juclg ment proYicling for the payment to the owner of the Yalue of the stolen property shall haYe reference only to a distribution of the unpaid balance of any

.JoL"RXAr,. oF THE SExAn:.
fine which has been paid as a part of the sentence for the crime of 'vhich has been paid as a part of thr sentence for the crime of which such person has been convicted.
Section 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the word ''owner,'' for the purposes of this Act shall be held by all Courts in this State to mean any person lawfully in the custody and control of such stolen property.
Section 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the word "larceny," for the purposes of this Act, shall be held by all Courts in this State to mean all offenses as prescribed and defined in penal code (1910), sections one hundred fortyeight to one hundred ninety~four inclusive.
SPction -. Be it further ena~ted by the author
ity aforesaid that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.
The substitute was adopted.
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the hill was agreed to by substi tltte.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Xays 0.
The bill hming received the requisite constitutional majority was passed by substitute.
The following House resolution was read and concurred in by substitute:
By ::\Ir. Alfriend of BaldwinHouse Bill 185. A resolution inviting Governor

FRIDAY, JuLY 23, 1920.


Cox and Hon. Franklin Roosevelt to speak in Georgia.
Mr. Elders, of the 2nd, offered the following substitute:
A Resolution. Resolved by the Senate, tlw House concurring, that the General Assembly of Georgia hereby invites Governor James l\I. Cox, Democratic candidate for President, and Hon. Franklin D Roosevelt, Democratic candidate for Vice-President, to address the General Assembly and the people of Georgia in Atlanta at an early date, and that a Committee of two from the Senate and three from the House be appointed to arrange the time and place for said addresses, and that the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House wire a copy of this resolution to Governor Cox and Mr. Roosevelt at once.
The substitute was adopted.
The Senate \Vent into executive session at 12:15 P. :JI.
The executive sesswn \vas dissolved at 1:2::25 P. :JI.
The following resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution providing that when the Senate adjourns today it stand adjourned until :Jionday morning at 11 o'clock, Central time.
Lean) of absence was granted Senator Adams of the 30th District.



Leave of absence was granted Senator Glenn, of the 43rd District.
:Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prP,ailed.
The President Pro Tern declared the Senate adjomned until 3Ionday morning at 11 o'clock, Central time.

MoNDAY, JuLY 26, 1920.


Monday, July 26, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day atll o'clock A.M., Central time, and was called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L Olive.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett Fermor
' Bell, Walter L.
Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter l. Dixon, .James A. Dorirs, W. H. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

l<'lynt, J. J. liarbm, C. J. Hogg, J. P. 'Kaigler, H . .\1. Kea, Fred h.endall. M. M. Kirkland Z. W Larkins, 'J. h. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsforrl, J. R. .\Iaynard, J. D. ~eidlinger, Leonorian Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F.

Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. \V. Reece, V.'. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. ~hingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. '1'. Wallace, W. P. Wilkinson H. B
Woo<!. A. 'r.
.\fr. Pr('sid('nt

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:



By ~Ir. Ayers-
A bill to prohibit the granting of leave of absence to members of the General Assembly except for providential cause.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 1.

By ~Ir. Larkins-
A bill to incorporate the City of Hoboken. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By 1Ir. Allen-
A bill to amend Section 191:3, Volume 1, of the Code of Georgia as to the salaries of the State Geologists and assistants.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Pittman-

A bill to amend an Act to establish the Citv

Court in the County of Bnrtow.

Referred to Committee on Special .Judiciary.
Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.

-:\foXDAY, JuLY 26, 1920.


By :Mr. Kendall-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Dr. Hendrix, of Tifton.

By Mr. Pruett-
A resolution extending the privileges of the to Hon. J. \Y. Twiggs, for one day.
Respectfully submitted,
l\L M. KExDALL, Chairman.
J\Ir. Elders, of 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:

Jfr. President:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same hack to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bills Xos. 92-1:, 934, 970, 971, 972, 973, !-l23 and 90-t
Respectfully submitted,
ELDERS, Chairman.
The following resolution was introduced, read the first time and referred to Committee:
By ~Ir. Dorris-
A resolution requesting that House Bill X o. 292 he made a special order for the purpose of disagreeing to the adverse report of the Committee.



Referred to Committee on Rules.
The following resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted :

By :Mr. KendallA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to Dr. Hendrix, of Tifton, Georgia

By Mr. Pruett-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. "\V. Twiggs for one day.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time:

By Mr. Lankford of Toombs-
Honse Bill 923. A bill to amend an Act to provide for a public school system in Lyons.
By Mr. Bogett of Stewart-
House Bill 924. A bill to amend an Act to provide for a public school system in Richland.

By ~Iessrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobh-
House Bill 934. A bill to amend an Act to provide for a public school system in Roswell.

By Mr. King of Jefferson-
House BiH 970. A bill to amend an Act to provide for a public school system in Bartow.

MoNDAY, JuLY 26, 1920.


By Mr King of Jefferson-
House Bill 971. A bill to repeal an Act to provide for a pub~ic school system in Bartow.

By Mr. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 972. A bill to abolish the school system of Louisville.
By Mr. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 973. A bill to authorize the trustees of the Louisville Academy to dispose of all lands of Louisville Academy.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Jlr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, to-wit:
House Bi11 248. A bill to amend Section 5628 of Code of 1910, relative to sufficiency of petitions and pleas.
House Bill 441. A bill to provide. who shall act as processioners on land in militia districts.
House Bill 642. A bill to amend an Act providing for maintenance of one or more consolidated public schools in each county of State.
House Bill 666. A bill to amend an Act known as Inheritance Tax Act of 1919.



House Bill 679. A bill to give additional powers to Board of Trustees of Georgia Military College.
House Bill 719. A bill to amend Act creating City Court of Ji'loyd County.
House Bill 733. A bill to amend Sections 419, 420 and 421 of Code of 1910, relative to bridges over watercourses dividing one or more counties.
House Bill 749. A bill to authorize county authorities in their discretion to provide for carrying on o{ schools for adult illiterates.
House Bill 762. A bill to repeal an Act fixing standard of time in Georgia.
House Bill 766. A bill to amend Seetion 1249 of Code of 1910 so as to add City of willacoochee to list of towns and cities containing State depositories.
House Bill 761. A bill to amend Section 1249 of Code of 1910 so as to add City of Pearson to list of towns and cities containing State depositories.
House Bill 786. A bill to provide for construction of fishways over power dams in this State.
House Bill 808. A bill to amend Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for County of Jasper.
House Bill 902. A bill to amend Section 599 of Code of 1910, relative to county surveyors keeping book containing plats of land.
House BiH 920. A bill to amend Act creating

MoNDAY, JuLY 26, 1920.


new charter for City of Buford, relative to paving streets.

House Bill 949. A bill to incorporate City of Powder Springs.

House Bill 978. A bill to amend act to establish City Court of Sylvester.

House Bill 984. A bi11 to create River and Levee Commission for City of West Point.

House Bill 985. A bill to authorize City of West Point to acquire property outside city limits for pro tection of said city from floods.

House Bill 987. A bill to authorize City of West

Point to acquire property by condemnation or other-

wise within said city for protection of said city from


House BiU 986. A bill to authorize City of West Point to increase bonded debt for flood protection.

House Bill 1010. A bill to amend an Act to establish school system in City of Hartwell

House Bill 1014. A bill to amend Act to incorporate Village of East Thomaston.

House Bill 1020. A bill to authorize County Boards of Tax Assessors in certain counties to hold yearly meetings for examining returns of property.
House Bill 1029. A bill to amend Act to create public school system for City of Marietta.
House Bill 1031. A bill to amend Act create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Tift County.



House Bill 1034. A bill to repeal Act to incorporate City of Graymont.
House Bill 1035. A bill to repeal Act to incorporate Town of Summit.
House Bill 1038. A bill to amend Act creating o-ffice of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues for Oglethorpe County.
House Bill1042. A bill to amend Act to provide for system of public schools for Town of Douglas.
House Bill 1044 A bill to amend Act to abolish office of County Treasurer of County of Oconee.
House Bill 1046. A bill to amend Act to incorporate City of Valdosta.
Hous~ Bill 1051. A bill to amend charter of Town of Richland.
House BiH 1052. A bill to amend Act to extend corporate limits of City of Columbus.
House Bill 1059. A bill to amend Act authorizing Mayor and Council of Dalton to levy tax for school purposes.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

1Jfr. President :
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 908. A bill to abolish office of CommiSSIOner of Roads and Revenues for Carroll County.

MoNDAY, JuLY 26, 1920.


House Bill 1027. A bill to amend Act creating Municipal Court of Atlanta.
House BiU 1067. A bill to amend charter of City of Atlanta so as to create City Planning Commission.
House Bill 836 A bill to prescribe manner of holding primary elections in Grady County.
Senate Bill266. A bill to repeal Act to establish public school system in Town of Dallas.
Senate Bill 276. A bill to amend an act to create new charter for Town of Da.Uas.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 248. A bill to amend Section 5628 of Volume 1 which provides for the Determination of the sufficiency of petitions.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 1.

By Mr. Harvin of Ca,lhoun- Bill 441. A bill to provide who shall act as processioners of land in militia districts.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary ~0. 2.

By Mr. Pace of Sumter-
House Bill 642. A bill to amend an Act to establish a public school system in each county of this State.



Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Moore of Butts-
House Bill 666. A bill to amend an Act known as the ''Inheritance Tax Act''.
Referred to Committee on Finance.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Bill 679. A bill to give additional powers to Local Board of Trustees of the Georgia Military College.
Referred to Committee on University of Georgia.
By Messrs. Davis, Copeland and Hamilton of Floyd-
House Bill 719. A bill to amend an Act creating the City Court of Floyd County.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Mr. Wall of Putman-
House Bill 733. A bill to amend Sections 419, 420 and 421 of V0olume 1 of Code of 1910, relative to building and repairing bridges.
Referred to Committee on Public Roads
By Messrs. Stozier and Barnes of Bibb-
House Bill 749. A bill to authorize county authorities to provide for schools for adult illiterates in the elementary branches of English.
Referred to Committee on Education.

MoNDAY, JuLY 26, 1920.


By Mr. Barnes of Bibb-.
House Bill 762. A bin to repeal an Act fixing and adopting a standard of time for this State.
Referred to Committee on State of Republic.

By Mr. Stewart of Atkinson-
House Bill 766. A bill to amend Section 1249 of Volume 1 of the Code of 1910 providing for selection by Governor of Banks as State depositories.
Referred to Committee on Banks and Banking.

By Mr. Stewart of Atkinson-

House Bill 767. A bill to amend Section 1249 of

Volume 1 of Code of 1910 so as to add the City of

Pearson to the list of towns eligible for a State de-



Referred to Committee on Banks and Banking.

By Messrs. Clifton of Lee and Burt of Dougherty-
House Bill 786 A bill to provide for the construction of fishways over all power dams.
Referred to Committee on Game and Fish.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper~
House Bill 808. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Jasper County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.



By Messrs. Kirby and Cole of CowetaHouse Bill 902. A bill to duties of County Sur-
veyors as respects the keeping of books. Referred to Committee on General Judiciary
By Messrs. Green and Kelley of GwinnettHouse Bill 920. A bill to amend an Act to
create a new charter for the Cit yof Buford. Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of CobbHouse Bill 949. A bill to incorporate the City of
Powder Springs. Referred to Committee on Corporations

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 836. A bill to prescribe the manner of holding primary elections in Grady County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Mr. Smith of CarrollHouse Bill 908. A bill to abolish the office of
Commissioner of Roads and Revenues.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.
By Mr. Williams of Worth-
House Bill 978. A bill tq amend an Act to establish a City Court in Sylvester.

MoNDAY, JuLY 26, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By :Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 984. A bill to create a River and Levee Commission for the protection of tlw City of \Vest Point.
Referred to CommitteP on Constitutional Amendments.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troop-
. House Bill 985. A bill to authorize City of \Vest Point to acquire lands for constructing levees.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troop-
House Bill 986. A bill to amend Paragraph 1, Section 7 of Article 7 of the Constitution of this State to allow West Point to increase its bonded indebtedness.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troop--
House Bill 987. A bill to authorize West Point to acquire property for the purpose of protecting said city from floods.
Referred to Committee on Constitutionnl Amendments.



By Mr. Mason of Hart-
House Bill 1010. A bill to amend an Act to establish schools in the City of Hartwell.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By ::\lr. ::\IcKt>Jmcy of rpson-
House BiB 1014. A bill to amend an Act to ineorporate the Village of East Thomaston.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1020. A bill to authorize C~unty Boards of Tax Assessors in counties having ~city oi 80,000 population to meet and examine retum.,; of real and personal property of each tax payers in s: id county.
Referred to Committee on Counties and Com:ty Matters.

By ::\Iessrs. Hendrix. ::\Ioore and Smith of FultonHouse Bill 1027. A bill to amend an Act creat-
ing the Municipal Court of Atlanta. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciar.v.
By ::\Iessrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 1029. A bill to amend an A(',~ to establish a public school system for .l\Iarictta.
Referred to Committee on Education.

~!OXDAY, JL'LY 26, 1920.


By :\Ir Bowen of Tift-
House Bill 1031. A bill to amend an Act tv create a Board of Commissioners of Road<; and He\' enues for Tift ~ounty.
Referred to Committee on Counties and Count:;
By Messrs. Brinson and "\Voods of Emanuel--
House Bill 1034. A bill to repeal an Act to in corporate the City of Graymont.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Brinson and "\Voods of EmanuelHouse Bill 1035. A bill to repeal an ~\.ct to in-
corporate the Town of Summit. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Davis of Oglethorpe-
House Bill 1038. A bill to amend an Act to create the Commissioner of Roads and Rw.renuC's for Oglethorpe.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr Quincy of CoffeeHouse Bill 1042. A bill to amend an Act to pro-
vide a public school system for Douglas. Referred to Committee on Educati.m.
By Mr. Haynie of OconeeHouse Bill 1044. A bill to amend an Act to



abolish the office of County Treasurer for Oconee County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By ::\Ir. Jones of LowndesHouse Bill 1046. A bill to amend an Act to in-
corporate the City of Valdosta.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Boyett of StewartHouse Bill 1051. A bill to amend the charter
for the Town of Richland.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs Neill, Hollis and \Vohlwender of Muscogee-
House Bill 1052. A bill to amend an Act to extend the corporate limits of the City of Columbus.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Bradford of Whitfield-
House Bill 1059. A bill to amend an Act authorizing the Mayor and Council of Dalton to levy tax.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Hendrix, Moore and Smith of Fulton-
House Bill1067. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Atlanta.

~{OXDAY, JVLY 26, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Corporations.
At the request of Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, the following uncontested House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Tatum of CampbeHHouse Bill 950. A bill to create a new charter
for the Town of Palmetto.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed
By l\Ir. Mundy of Polk-
House BiU 962. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Cedartown.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to th0 passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On tho passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, :Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Bellah of Henry-
House Bill 964. A bill to incorporate the City of Stockbridge.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, ~ays 0.
The bill haYing received tne requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. willoughby of Douglas-
House Bill 998. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and ReYenues for Douglas County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the biU, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Xays 0.
'rhe bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed
By unanimous consent the following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:
By ~Ir. Alien-
A bill providing for another State Depository in Atlanta.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 32, .Nays 0.
'rhe bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

MoNDAY, JULY 26, 1920.


By )fr. Larkins-
A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Blackshear.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 36, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. SmithA bill to require a report by sheriffs and other
officers of intoxicating liquors seized by such officers.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 13, Xays 14.
The bill having failed to receive the requisite constitutional majority was lost.
The following Senate bill was read the third time and taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Elders-
A bill to amend Section 145 of the School Code so as to remove the mills limitation as to levying taxes for school purposes.
l\fr. Olive, of the 18th District, offered the following amendment:
By adding to the bill the following:



''Provided this bill shall in no wise change the existing law regarding county school systems established before the Constitution of 1877."
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to, as amended
The hour of adjournment having arrived the President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.

TuESDAY, JuLY 27, 1920.



Tuesday, July 27, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this
day at 10 o 'olock A. M., Central time, and was called
to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to the names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J.-S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun J. C.
Cureton,' Walter W.
Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Rabun, Z. T.

Fowler, Ben J.

Reece, W. K.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J.P.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kaigler, H. ?vi.

Rice, W. D.

Kea, FreG.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, M. M.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland Z. W.
' Larkins, J. K.

Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

Maynard, J. D.

Watson, S. M.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

~u:, Oscar A.

>.ood, A. J.

Pittman, Claude C. )fr. President

Pruett, J. F.

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the J of the previous day had been examined and found correct.
By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time, and referred to Committees:



By -:\Ir. BarrettA bill to amend an Act authorizing a system of
public schools in Lavonia.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By -:\Ir. Barrett-
A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Lavonia.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By ~h. Kendall-
A bill to provide for the taking and filling of bills of sales of cattle.
Referred to Committee on Agriculture.
Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporation, submitted the following report:
Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporation have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 1034. Repealing charter of City of Graymont.
House Bill No. 1035. Repealing charter of City of Summit.

TuESDAY, JuLY 27, 1920.


House Bill No. 920. Amending charter of City of Buford so as to levy taxes for street improvement.
House Bill Xo. 943. Amending charter of City of Fort Gaines.
House Bill No. 1012. Amending charter of City of Hartwell.
House Bill No. 1014. Amending charter of Village of East Thomaston, extending incorporate limits.
House Bill No. 1017. Amending charter of City of Social Circle.
House Bill No. 1067. Amending charter of City of Atlanta.
House Bill No. 1025. Amending charter of City of Columbus, extending incorporate limits.
House Bill No. 1052. Amending charter of City of Columbus, extending incorporate limits.
House Bill No. 949. Incorporating City of Powder Springs.
~espectfully submitted, ADAMS, Chairman.
Mr. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report :

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the House

and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 953. House Bill No. 983. House Bill No. 1024. House Bill No. 978. Senate Bill No. 337. House Bill No. 719. House Bill No 1027. House Bill No. 927. House Bill No. 994. House Bill No 889.
Respectfully submitted,
DoRRis, Chairman. Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:
Mr. President :
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. M. T. Riner, of Johnson County, and Judge H. W. Hopkins, of Thomas County, for a period of two days.

MoNDAY, JuLY 26, 1920.


A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. Joe J. Baltt and Ron. Howard Ashburn, of ~foultrie, Georgia, for a period of two days.
Respectfully submitted,
M. M. KENDALL, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporation, submitted the following report:

Mr. Presideut:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill Xo. 335. Incorporating City of Hoboken.
Respectfully submitted,
Mr. Barrett, of 31st District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Rules, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Rules have had under consideration the following resolut~ons of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Resolution Xo. 89.



Senate Resolution i\o. 91. Senate Resolution i\o. 92.
Respectfully submitted, THoMAs BARRETT, Vice-Chairman.

The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time.

By :Messrs. Green and Kelley of Gwinnett-
House Bill 920. A bill amending the Act creating a new charter for City of Buford.

By -:\Ir.Arnold of Clay-
House Bill 943. A bill to amend the Act creating the City of Fort Gaines.

By l\Iessrs. Brinson and \Voods of Emanuel-
House Bill 1034. A bill to repeal an Act to incorporate the City of Graymont.

By l\Iessrs. Brinson and \Voods of Emanuel-
House Bill 1035. A bill to repeal an Act to mcorporate the City of Summit.
By -:\Iessrs. i\eill, Hollis and \Vholwender of l\Iuscogee-
Roues Bill 1052. A bill to amend an Act to extend the corporate limits of Columbus.
By Messrs. Hendrix, Moore and Smith of FultonHouse Bill 1067. A bill to amend the charter of
the City of Atlanta.

TlTESDAY, JrLY 27, 1920.


By :Messrs. Davis, Copeland and Hamilton of Floyd-
House Bill 719. A bill to amend the Act to create the City Court of Floyd County.

By Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 889. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Camilla.

By Messrs. Whitaker and Jones of LowndesHouse Bill 927. A bill to amend an Act to create
the City Court of Valdosta.

By ::\Iessrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 949. A bill to incorporate the City of Powder Springs.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 953. A bill to amend an Act to abolish the fee system in the Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit.

By ::\Iessrs. DeLaperriere and Holder of Jackson-
House Bill 954. A bill to incorporate the City of Talmo.
By Mr. \Villiams of vVorth-
House Bill 978. A bill to amend the Act to establish a City Court in Sylvester.
By Mr. Xeill of MuscogeeHouse Bill 983. A bill to abolish fee system in
the Chattahoochee Circuit.



By Mr. Harden of Banks-
House Bill 994. A bill to provide additional compensation for jurors in Justice Courts of Banks County.

By Mr. Mason of Hart-
House Bill 1012. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Hartwell.

By Mr. McKenney of Upson-
House Bill 1014. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Village of East Thomaston

By Messrs. Adams and Williams of Walton.
House Bill 1017. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Social Circle.

By Messrs. Neill, Hobbs and Wohlwender of Muscogee-
House Bill 1024. A bill to amend the Act establishing the .Municipal Court of Columbus.

By Messrs. ~eill, Hobbs and Wohlwender of Muscogee-
House Bill 1025. A bill to amend an Act to extend the corporate limits of Columbus.

By :Messrs. Hendrix, Moore and Smith of Fulton-
House Bill 1027. A bill to amend an Act to create the Municipal Court of Atlanta.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

TuESDAY, JuLY 27, 1920.


By Mr. Larkins-
A bill to incorporate the City of Hoboken.
By Mr. PittmanA bill to amend an Act to establish a City Court
in Bartow County. The following message was received from the
House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

JJ r. President:
The House has passed the requisite constitul tional majority the following bills of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 819. A bill to provide for payment of per diem for jurors in Justice Courts
House Bill 980. A bill to amend laws relating to City Court of Savannah.
House Bill1043. A bill to amend charter of City of Douglas.
House Bill 1060. A bill to amend Act establishing City Court of Bainbridge.
Senate Bill 305. A bill to fix terms of Superior Courts of Stephens Gounty.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

lvlr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House. to-wit:

. 542


House Bi1l1003. A bill to amend Act creating charter for Town of Pinehurst.
House Bill 1008. A bill to amend Art incorporating City of Crawford.
House Bill 1009. A bill to amend Act creflting Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Hall County.
House Bill 1028. A bill to authorize ~Iayor and Council of Town of Austell to hold bond election for acquiring electric light system for said town.
House Bill 1037. A bill to create new charter for City of Adrian
The House has also passed as amended by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 250. A bill to fix time of holding Superior Courts in various counties of Cordele .Tudicial Circuit.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:
By ~Ir. Stone of Jeff Davis-
House Bill 819. A bill to abolish Section 4747 of the Civil Code and to provide for payment of per diem for jurors in Justice Court.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 1. By Messrs. Lawrence, Falligant and Eve of
House Bill 980. A bill to amend and revise the several laws relating to the City Court of Savannah.

TuESDAY, JuLY 27, 19"2'0.


Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By 1ir. Lasseter of Dooly-
House Bill 1003. A bill to amend an Act creating a charter for the Town of Pinehurst.
Referred to Committee on tJorporations.

By 11r. Davis of OglethorpeHouse Bill 1008. A bill to amend an Act m-
corporating the City of Crawford.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By ~Iessrs. Duncan and Palmour of Hall-
House Bill 1009. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Hall County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County :Matters.

By l\Iessrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 1028. A bill to authorize Mayor and , Council of Austell to hold an election to determine a bond issue.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Brinson and \Voods of Emanuel-
House Bill 1037. A bill to create a new charter for the City of Adrian.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.



By ~Ir. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bill 1043. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Douglas so as to provide for commutation street tax.
. Referred to Committee on Counties and Count.v
By ~Ir. Griffen of Decatur-
House Bill 1060. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Bainbridge
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
The following resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted :

By Mr. Kea-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. M. T. River, of Johnson County, and Judge H .. X. Hopkins, of Thomas County, for a period of two days.

By Mr. Kendall-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Joe J. Baltt and Hon. Howard Ashburn, of Moultrie, Ga., for a period of two days.
Under the head of Special Orders and Orders of the Day the following House bill was taken up for consideration:

By ::\Ir. Clifton of Lee-
House Bill 292. A bill to designate all PilSt roads as P,Ublic roads

TuESDAY, JuLY 27, 1920.


The bill was read the third time.
The report of the Committee which was unfavorable to the passage of the bill was disagreed to.
Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, moved to postpone the bill until next Tuesday, August 3, 1920, and the motion prevailed.
The following resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted :

By Mr. Clements-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 280 be made a special and continuing order for Tuesday, July 27, 1920.

By Mr. Dorris-
A resolution requesting that House Bill No. 292 be made a special order for the purpose of disagreeing to the report of the Committee.

By Mr. Shingler-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 306 be made a special and continuing order for Wednesday, July 28, 1920.
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following bill was taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Elders-
A bill to amend Section 145 of the School Code so as to remove the mills limitation as to levying taxes for school purposes.



The bill was read the third time July 26, 1920, and the report of the Committee '''as agreed to.
By unanimous consent, :Mr. Olive of the 18th District, offered the following amendment:
By adding the following words: ''Provided this bill shall in no will change the existing Iaw regarding county school systems established before the Constitution of 1877."
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended
.Mr. Elders, of the 2nd, moved to table the bill and the motion prevailed.
Under the head of Special Orders and Orders of the Day the following Senate bill was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By :Messrs. Elders, Clements, Dorris, Bowden and others-
A bill to authorize the Chairman of Board of Trustees to appoint, not exceeding three members, on the boards of the branch colleges of the University of Georgia.

:Mr. Steed, of 37th District, offered the followmg amendments:
By adding to the caption of the bill as follows: By inserting in the caption of the bi.U before. the words ''and for other purposes'' the following: ''In so far as the same applies to the Georgia Normal

TuESDAY, JuLY 27, 1920.


and Industrial College at Milledgeville, but such repeal shall not affect or apply to any other branch college, but said Act of 1910 shall remain of force as to them. ' '
The amendment was adopted.
By adding at the end of the first section the following words to-wit: "In so far as the same affects the Georgia Normal and Industrial College at Milledgeville, but such repeal shall not affect or apply to any other Branch College and the said Act shall apply to and stand of force as to all other Branch Colleges and the same shall not be repealed as to them.''
The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 33, Nays 0.
This bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
At the request of Mr. Ennis, of the 2nd, the bill was immediately transmitted to the House.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Lankford of Toombs-
Honse Bill 923. A bill to amend an Act providing for a public school system in Lyons.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed

By 1fr. Boyett of Stewart-
House Bill 924. A bill to amend an -Act to establish a public school system in Richland.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 934. A bill to amend an Act to establish a public school system for Roswell.
The report of the Committee, which wag favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed L~).
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were :2C, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 972. A bill to abolish the school sy!';tem of Louisville.

TuESDAY, JuLY 27, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes wer~ 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the co:r:Istitutional ~ jority was passed.
By Mr. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 970. A bill to ru;nend an Act to establish a public school system in Bartow.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. King of Jefferson_:_
House Bill 971. A bill to abolish an Act to establish a public school system for Bartow.
The report of the Committee, which was favmable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the constitutional rna~ jority was passed.

By Mr. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 973. A bill to authorize Trustees of Louisville Academy to dispose of alllands of Louisville Academy.



_The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the. passage of the bill the Ayes wer:c 2G, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Smith, Moore and Hendrix of Fulton-
. House Bill 881. A bill to fix the compensation of Deputy Clerk of Superior Court in counties having population of 225,000.
The report of the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 20, Niys '0.'
The bill having received the constitutional majority was passed.
The hour of 11 o'clock A. M. having arrived, the Senate repaired to the hall of the House of Representatives for the purpose of receiving a Georgia flag, presented by the United Daughters of the Confederacy..
The joint session was called to order by the Pr~si<.lent of the Senate.
The Secretary of the Senate read the resolution convening the General Assembly in joint session.
The flag was presented.
. At the conclusion of the exercises joint session was, upon motion, dissolved.

TuESDAY; JuLY 27, 1920.


The Senate returned to its chamber and was called to order by the President.
The following House bill was read the third time and was taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Penland of Gilmer-



House Bill 459. A bill to protect the fur. bear-

ing animals of this State.


The bill was tabled.

The following Senate bill was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By Mr. Allen-

A bill regulating sale, registration and inspec-

tion of automobiles.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 3.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

Leave of absence was granted Mr. Olive, of 18th District.

Mr. Flynt, of 26th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed..

The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.




Wednesday, July 28, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central time, and was called to order by the President Pro Tern, Hon. J. H. Ennis, of the _20th District.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Ad1Ull8, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. 0. Clemeftts, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter .W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Uuncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Jo'owler, Ben J. l.tenn, George G.

Pruett J . .1''.
Rabun,' Z. T.

Harbin C. J.
' Hogg, J.P.

Ragsdale, 8. W. .lteece, W. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Heynolds, W. H.

. Kea, J<'red

Rice, W. D.

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, .T. ~.

Kendall, M. M.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

Veazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

;Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

Maynard, J. D.

Watson S..l'lf.

' Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wood, A. J.

Oilve, J. T.

:\fr. President

Pittman, Claude C.

Mr. L"Q.nsford, of 25th District, Chairman of the

Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal

of the previous day had been examined and found


By unanimous consent the reading of the
Journal of the previous day was dispensed with. At the reqrie~t of Mr. Reece, of 41st District,
House Bill No. 459 was taken from the table and placed on the calendar.



At the request of Mr. Watson, of the 8th Dis-

trict, House Bi.U No. 658 was taken from the table

and placed on the calendar.

At the request of Mr. Elders, of the 2nd Dis:. trict, Senate Bill No. 279 was taken .from the table
the and restored to its proper place on calendar.

At the request of Mr. Elders, of the 2nd District, Senate Bill No. 306 was recommitted to the Committee on Public Roads.

By unanimous consent the .following Senate

bills were introduced, read the first.. time, and re-

ferred to Committees:

By Mr. Vickery-
A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Charlton County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and Gounty Matters.

By Mr. Vickery-
A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Charlton County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Reynolds-
A bill to amend an. Act .t!) establish the City Court of Lexington.
Referred to Committee o:ti Speci~l' Judiciary.



By Mr. Vickery-
. A bill to repeal an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Charlton County.
. Referred to Committee on Counties and Count.v

By Mr. Pittman-
A bill to amend an Act to abolish the City Court of Bartow County.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
The following resolutions were introduced, read the first time, and referred to Committees:
By Mr. ReynoldsA res()It.ition requesting that Senate Bill No. 207
be put on the calendar as a special and continuing order until disposed of.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

By Mr. Bowden-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill No. 216 be made a special order for Thursday, July 29, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution requesting that Senate Resolution No. 86 be made a special and continuing order for Thursday, July 29, 1920.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 28, 1920.


The following resolution was read the fi:rst time and laid over one day:

By Mr. Shingler-
A resolution requesting the Federal Reserve Board to reconsider its action as to the financing .o the purchase of automobiles and motor trucks. .
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:

The House has passed by the requisite constitu~ tional majority the following bins of the House, to-wit:

House Bill 412. A bill to provide bail for persons charged with offense of misdemeanor.
; !
House Bill 649. A bill to amend Act relating to. taxing professions.

House Bill 796. A bill to amend Acts relative to Confederate Soldiers' Home of Georgia. . : :.

House Bill 827. A bill to amend Act .creating County of Lanier so as to place said :county: wh.eri created in Alapaha Judicial Circuit. : :! :. : :_, --.

House Bill 850. A bill to amend Section 4028 of

Code of 1910, relative to place of administrators'


: :: ~: !

House Bill 912. A bill to create new ch!u'tet for Town of Patterson.

House Bill1004. A bill to create new tilharter for

City of Tifton.

' : :: ; .~



House Bill 1005. A bill to amend Act to establish City Court of Millen.
House Bill1048. A bill to amend Act to create City Court of Blakely.
Hous.e :lm1.1062. A bill to amend charter of
City of Broxton.
House Bill 1065. A bill to amend Act to create City Court 'of 'Blackshear.
House Bill 1066. A bill to regulate compensation of stenographic reporters in certain Judicial Circuits.
The House has also passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the Senate to-wit:
Senate Bill 310. A bill to amend Acts incorporating Town of Montezuma, relative to corporate limits thereof.
Senate Bill 314. A bill to amend charter of City of Cartersville, relative to collection of taxes semiannually.
Senate Bin 315. A bill to amend Act to amend charter of City of Cartersville, relative to rate of taxation for school purposes.
The House has also passed as amended by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 299. A bill to amend Constitution of State so as to create new county known as Brantley.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

.\VEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1920.


.By Mr. Bradford of Whitfield-
House Bill 796. A bill to amend and revise the Acts maintaining the Confederate Soldiers' Home of Georgia.
Referred to Committee on Pensions.
By Messrs. Burkhalter, Parrish, Stewart and Knight-
House Bill 827. A bill to amend a constitutional amendment creating the County of Lanier, to place it in the Alapaha Judicial Circuit.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
By Mr. Palmour of Hall-
House Bill 850. A bill to amend Section 4028 of Code of 1910, relative to place of administrators' sales.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Mr. Sweat of PierceHouse Bill 912 A bill to create a new charter
for Town of Patterson. Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. Anderson of JenkinsHouse Bill 1005. A bill to amend an Act to es-
tablish the City Court of Millen. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.



By ).lr. Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 412. A bill to provide for appearance of persons charged with misdemeanor and for appearance of witnesses in the State Courts.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 1.
By Mr. -Whitaker of Lowndes-
House Bill 647. A bill to tax the professions, and for other purposes.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 1.

By Mr. Bowen of TiftHouse Bill 1004. A bill to repeal the present
charter of the City of Tifton. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By 1fr. Middleton of Early-
House Bill 1048. A bill to amend an Act to create City Court of Blakely.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By ).Ir. Quincey of CoffeeHouse Bill 1062. A bill to amend the charter of
City of Broxton. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Sweat of Pierce-
House Bill 1065. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Blackshear.

\VEDXESDAY, JULY 28, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. Strozier and Cochran of Bibb-
House Bill 1066. A bill to regulate compensation of stenographic reporters.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Ko. 2.
Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileg~s of the Floor, submitted the following report :

jvJr. President:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

By Mr. Kea-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. N. L. Gillis, Jr., and Ron. -Will Stallings for a period of two days.

By l\Ir. Barrett-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Mrs. Ernest Allen, of Dalton, and Mrs. I van E. Allen, of Atlanta, for a period of two days.
Respectfully submitted, M. M. KENDALL, Chairman.

Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:



Mr. President:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

By Mr. Wilkinson-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. D. G White, of Statesboro, for a period of two days.

By Mr. Kendall-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Mr. T. J. Young for a period of two days.

By Mr. Clements-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Wiley Williams for a period of two days.
Respectfully submitted, M. M. KENDALL, Chairman.

Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following Senate Bill No. 338 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 28, 1920.


back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill No. 338 do pass, Jtily 28, 1920. Respectfully submitted, H. H. ELDERS, Chairman.

Mr. Blasingame, of 27th District, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Finance have had under consideration the following House Bill 666 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.

Mr. Ennis, of 20th District, Chairman of the Committee on Public Roads, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Public Roads have had under consideration the following House Bill 733 and Senate Bill 301 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
ENNis, Chairman.

Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report:



Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instrp.cted me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bills Nos. 966, 980 and 1060. Respectfully submitted, DoRRis, Chairman.

:\Ir. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :

JI r. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had mlder consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill Xo. 1028. Amending charter of Town of Austell, authorizing bond election.
House Bill Xo. 10-!G. Amending charter of City of Valdosta.
House Bill X o. 1051. Amending charter of Town of Richland, defining powers.
House Bill Ko. 1008. Incorporating City of Crawford, authorizing acquiring of realty, and for other purposes.
House Bill No. 100:3. Amending charter of Town of Pinehurst, amending school system.
CLARENCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.

WED!-<ESDAY, Ju:LY 28, 1920.


Mr Steed, of the 37th District, Chainnan of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 1, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 1 have had under consideration the following bills of the House and Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bills Nos. 248, 258, 985 and 819.
Senate Bills Nos. 297, 307 and 333. Respectfully submitted, STEED, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chainnan of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

1vlr. President:
Y~mr Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chainnan1 to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill No. 339. Amending charter of City of Lavonia.
Mr. Reece, of the 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submitted .the fol~1owing report:



J.ll r. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County Matters have had under consideration the following House bills and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Nos. 993, 1044, 956, 1031, 995, 957, 941, 1020, 718, 613, 808, 967 and 836.
REECE, Chairman.

Mr. Neidlinger, of 1st District, Chairman of the Committee on Public Library, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Public Library have had under consideration the ilollowing resolution .of the Senate am1. have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
No. 86. A resolution authorizing the Superior and Supreme Court Reporter to cancel a contract in part with Index Printing Company.

Mr W allance, of the 28th District, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the following report :

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Agriculture have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 28, 1920.


and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill No. 332, do pass.
Senate Bill No. 340, do pass. WALLACE, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass as amended:
House Bill No. 1037. Creating new charter for for City of Adrian.
CLARENCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.

The following resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted:

By Mr. Wilkinson-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. D. C. White of Statesboro for a period of two days.

By Mr. Kendall-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Mr. T. J. Young for a period of two days.



By Mr. Clements-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron :wiley Williams for a period of two days.

A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. K L. Gillis, Jr., and Ron. Will Stallings for a period of two days.

By ~fr. Barrett-
A resolution extending the privileges' of the floor to Mrs. Ernest Allen of Dalton and Mrs. Ivan E. Allen of Atlanta for a period of two days.

The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 248. A bill to amend Section 5628 of Volume 1 of Code of 1910 providing for determination of the sufficiency of petitions, pleas, etc.

By :Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
House Bill 258. A bill to amend Section 3276 of the Code of 1910 as to the service of foreclosure proceedings.
By l\fr Moore of ButtsHouse Bill 666. A bill to amend an Act known
as the Inheritance Tax Act.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 28, 1920.


By Messrs. Hamilton of Floyd and Williams of 'Walker-
House Bill 718. A bill to amend an Act to give Commisioners of Roads and Revenues the authority to lay out roads, etc.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1020. A bill to authorize County Boards of Tax Tax Assessors in counties having a City of 80,000 population to hold meetings to examine the returns of both real and personal property of each tax payer.

By Messrs. Gann and Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill1028. A bill to authorize Mayor and Council to determine a bond election for electrir lights, etc.

By Mr. Bowen of Tift-
House Bil 11031. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Tift County.
By Messrs. Brinson and Woods of EmanuelHouse Bill 1037. A bill to create a new charter
for the City of Adrian.
By Mr. Haynie of OconeeHouse Bill1044. A bill to amend an Act to abol-
ish the office of County Treasurer of Oconee County.



By Messrs. Williams and Brannen of Bulloch-
Honse Bill 956. A bill to repeal an Act to provide for creation of a Board of County Commissioners of Bulloch County.

By Messrs. Williams and Brannen of Bulloch-
Honse Bill 957. A bill to create a Board of County Commissioners of Bulloch County.

By Mr. Sweat of Ware-
House Bill 966. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Waycross.

By Mr. McKenney of Upson-
House Bill 967. A bill to divide the County of Upson into three Commission Districts.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Falligant and Eve of Chatham-
House Bill 980. A bill to amend the several Acts relating to the City Court of Savannah.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 985. A bill to authorize City of West Point to acquire lands for constructing levees.
By Mr. Harden of Banks-
House Bill 993 A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Banks County.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 28, 1920.


By Mr. Harden of Banks-
House Bill 995. A bill to amend the Banks Commutation Road Tax.

By Mr. Lasseter of Dooly-
House Bill 1003. A bill to amend an Act creating a charter for Town of Pinehurst.

By Mr. Davis of OglethorpeHouse Bill1008. A bill to amend an Act incor-
porating the City of Crawford.
By Mr. Wall of PutnamHouse Bill 733. A bill to amend Sections 419,
420 and 421 of Volume 1 of Code of 1910 relative to building and repairing of bridges.
By Mr. Jordan of JasperHouse Bill 808. A bill to amend an Act creat-
ing a Board of Commissioners of Jasper County.
By Mr. Stone of Jeff DavisHouse Bill 819. A bill to abolish Section 4747
of the Civil Code to provide for payment of per. diem for jurors in Justice Courts.
By Mr. Pope of GradyHouse Bill 836. A bill to prescribe the manner
of holding primary elections in Grady County.
By Mr. Hamilton of FloydHouse Bill 941. A bill to provide compensation
for Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Floyd County.



By Mr. Jones of Lowndes-
House Bill 1046. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Valdosta.

By ~Ir. Boyett of Stewart-
House Bill 1051. A bill to amend the charter for the Town of Richland.

By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 1060. A bill to amend the ,Act establishing the City Court of Bainbridge.
The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to amend Sectio14 27 of an Act creating Juvenile Courts.

By ).lr. BarrettA bill to amend the Georgia Motor Vehicle Law.

By Mr. ~arrett-
A bill to provide a stenographer for the clerk of Court of Appeals.

By Mr. Wilkinson-
A bill to provide for fifty-one fertilizer inspectors in this State.

By Mr. KeaA bill to amend Section 26 of the Code of 1910

.WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1920.


relative to State jurisdiction over per"'sons in ceded territory.

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to amend an Act establishing a public school system for Lavonia.

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Lavonia.

By Mr. Kendall-
A bill to provide for the taking and filing of bills of sales of cattle.
The following Senate resolution, favorably reported, was read the second time:

By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution authorizing the Supreme Court Reporter and the Governor to cancel the contract with the Index Printing Company.
By unanimous consent the following uncontested local bills were read the third time and put upon their passage :

By Messrs. Davis, Copeland and Hamilton of Floyd-
House Bill 719. A bill to amend an Act to ~reate the City Court of Floyd County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 889. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Camilla.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Green and Kelley of GwinnettHouse Bill 920. A bill to amend an Act to
create a new charter for Buford.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of th~ bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, .Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Whitaker and Jones of Lowndes-
House Bill 927. A bill to amend an Act to create a City Court ofValdosta.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 28, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were i11, ~ays 0.
The bill.having received the requisite constitu-; tional majority was passed.

By Mr. Arnold of Clay-
House Bill 943. A bill to amend the Act creating the City of Fort Gaines.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes werf! :n,
Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb--
House Bill 953. A bill to amend an Act abol- . ishing fee system in Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit.
The report of the Committee, which was favor able to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were :-: t. Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Williams of Worth- .
House Bill 978. A bill to amend an Act to establish a City Court for Sylvester.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the pa~sage of the bill was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By "Messrs. Hendrix, Moore and Smith of Fulton-
House Bill 1027. A bill to amend an Act creating a Municipal Court of Atlanta.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were ;n,
Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :Mr. Hardin of Banks-
House Bill 994. A bill to provide additional compensation for jurors in Justice Courts of Banks County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes vn~rc ~n,
Nays o.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 949. A bill to incorporate the Town of Powder Springs.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 28, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. DeLaPerriere and Holder of Jackson-
House Bill 954. A bill to incorporate the Town of Talmo.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were i'1, ~ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Ir. Neill of :Muscogee-
House Bill 983. A bill to abolish the fee system in Chattahoochee Circuit.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By .Mr. Mason of Hart-
House Bill 1012. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the City of Hartwell.
The report of the Committee, which was favor able to the passage of the bill was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. McKenney of Upson-
House Bill 1014. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of East Thomaston.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Adams and williams of Walton-
House Bill 1017. A bill to amend the charter of Social Circle.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, .Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Neill, Hobbs and "\Vohlwender of Mus~ cogee-
House Bill 1024. A bill to amend an Act establishing the Municipal Court of ColumbuE&.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Neill, Hollis and \Vohlwender of Muscogee-
House Bill 1025. A bill to extend the corporate limits of Columbus.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes 'vere 31~ Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisit~ constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Brinson and \Voods of Emanuel-
House Bill 1034. A bill to repeal an Act to incorporate the City of Graymont.
The report of the Committee, which was fa-' able to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Brinson and \Voods of Emanuel-
House Bill 1035. A bill to repeal an Act to incorporate the Town of Summit.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. Neill, Hollis and Wohlwender of Muscogee-
House Bill 1052. A bill to amend an Act to extend the corporate limits of Columbus.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Hendrix, Moore and Smith of FultonHouse Bill 1067. A bill to amend the charter of
the City of Atlanta..
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was pass~d.
By Messrs. Palmour and Duncan of Hall-
House Bill 904. A bill to amend an Act to establish school tax for City of Gainesville.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Green of Gwinnett-
House Bill 613. A bill to fix the salary of the T~easurer of Gwinnett County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 50, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Also the following general bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Penland of Gilmer-
House Bill 459. A bill to protect the fur bearing animals in this State.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The bill ha~ing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Messrs. Anderson, Hamilton and McFarland-
House Bill 840. A bill to amend and Act to amend Section 696 of the Code of 1910 by adding thereto a certain proviso.
The report of the Committee, which was faYorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Kays 0.
The bill haYing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Pittman-

A bill to amend an Act to establish a City Court in the County of Bartow.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On tfw passage of the bill the Ayes were 31,

Nays 0.


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. \Vatson-
A bill to prevent the introduction of diseased bees and provide for eradication of bee diseases in this State.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 32, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Ennis-
A bill to fix the salaries of the Superintendent, Warden, Physician and Bookkeeper of the State Farm.
The Cbmmittee offered the following am~nd ment:
Amend Section 1 by adding the word "physician'' after the word Superintendent in the 5th line and by striking the words ''the physician'' in the 6th line, and the word ''each'' in the 7th line, so that said section when so amended will read as follows:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that the Prison Commission of Georgia are authorized to pay salaries as follows to the officers and employees at the State Farm: Superintendent, Physician and Warden $1,800 per year each, and Bookkeeper $1,500 per year.''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended wasagreed to.
- On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 32, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



The following Senate bill was read the third time and taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Kendall-
A bill to amend the Constitution of this state by providing that no session of the General Assembly shall continue longer than thirty days.
Mr. Elders, of the 2nd District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the question of agreeing to the report of the Committee, which was fa.vorable to the passage of the bill.
The call was sustained and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affinnative were Messrs.:

Ayers, J. &.Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B.
Duncan, J. 1'. Elders, H. H.
Harbin, c, _J.
Hogg, J.P.

Kaigler, Ii. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H Kendall, M. M. Kirkland Z. W.
Larkins, J. K. .Lunsford, J. R.

Ragsdale, S. W. Shingler, J. S. Vickery, Jesse W. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. BliLBingame, Josiah HW186y, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, lu. B. Cureton, Walter W.

Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Ennis, J. H. . Ma711&rd, J. D. Neidlinger, Leonorian Nix, Osea.r A. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. 1''.

Rabun, Z. T. Reece, W. R.. Heynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Steed, E. T. Wallace, W. P. Veazey, P. G. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Flynt, l. 1. Fowler, Bea S.

t.1enn, George G. LeSueur, R. C'.

Smith, .J. Q. Mr. Presirlent

Ayes 19, Nays 26.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was disagre.ed to and the bill was lost.
The fpllowing House resolution was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By Messrs. Smiley of Liberty and Purcell of Tattnall-

House Resolution 150. A resolution to pay pension to Eli Stafford, deceased, for the year 1919.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.

The resolution involving an appropriation the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs."

Adams, Clarenee E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. ::5. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dixon, Jame.. A. Dorris, W. H. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Harbin, U. J. Kea, Fred Kendall, M'. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins', J. K. Lel::lueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Neidlinger, Leonorian Xi:x, Oscar A. Olive, J. T. Pruett, J. F. Powler, Ben J.

Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. J&iee, W. D. Shiagler, J. B.. Smit}., J. Q. Steed, E. '1'.
Vickery, Jesse w.
Wallaee, W. P. Watson, B. M. WilkinsoB, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were :Mesars. :

Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Duncan, J. T.

Flynt, J. J. Olenn, George G. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler. H. lil. Keene, J. H.

Mapa:rd, J. D. Pittma, Claude (;. Raban, ~.T. Veauy, J>. G. M:r. ProJSidot

Ayes 36, Nays 0.



The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The following message from His Excellency, the Governor, was read for the information of the Senate:
The Committee appointed under resolution of date July, 1920, composed of the Speaker of the , House, President of the Senate, Chairmen and ViceChairmen of the Appropriations and of the Ways and Means Committees of the House and Senate, the Governor of Georgia, the Comptroller-General, the Treasurer, and the Secretary of State of the State, submits the following report:

Your Committee, charged \Vith the duty of making immediate investigation of the financial status of the State for the purpose of ascertaining whether there exists a casual deficiency in revenue, finds that. beginning about :March 1, 1920, it was necessary for the Governor to borrow $150,00000 in order to pay the first installment due pensioners, and honor other necessary warrants drawn for appropriations.
On April 21, 1920, on payment of the second installment to pensioners, it was necessary for the Governor to exhaust his borrowing power. Since said date, the State Treasury, due to lack of funds, has not been able to honor all requisitions made; but, on the other hand, for thirty or forty days prior to the convening of the General Assembly of Georgia, the Treasury of the State was practically exhausted.



On July 22, 1920, when your Committee met, there were warrants awaiting the signature of the Governor for the sum of $86,277.83-$74,277.83 of this amount was for the support of the Sanitarium, and $12,000.00 were requests from different State. institutions and agencies.
When requisitions already made are honl.:>red, if no other funds are received by the Treasurer, there would be left about $12,418.06, as the Treasurer reported a balance of only $98,695.89 on July 22nd. It is very probable that other requeststhose incident to the present session of the General Assembly if no others-would easily consume the $12,000 referred to, and all other funds that can be anticipated would, before that date, come into the Treasury, and thus it seems highly probable that the Treasury on the first of the month, would be completely drained.
Your Committee finds that the total appropriations for 1920, including those listed on Page 7 of the 1919 report of the Comptroller General and the $500,000.00 appropriated since the General Assembly convened for the increase of pensions to Confederate Veterans, and the $300,000.00 deficiency appropriation to the State Sanitarium, amount to $9,874,616.50. The total revenues, including known available revenues and anticipated revenues~the revenues anticipated being most liberally estimated, and indeed, placed at a sum which many of the members of your Committee confidently feel is double what the revenues will really be-will give the State only $9,828,791.97, thus leaving an excess :of $45,824.63 of appropriations over the revenues wiil



be. realized this year, although the revenues, as above stated, are placed at the most liberal figures which even the most sanguine members of the Committee feel could be expected.
It is thus seen that the General Assembly cau not make any appropriations beyond those above set forth, unless it shall also make provision to provide the necessary revenues to pay the same.
Your Committee being of the opinion that appropriations asked for in many instances arc most worthy and should be made, therefore recommends to the Geenral Assembly that it pass Substitute for House Bill providing for an amendment to the Constitution in order to admit of taxation of incomes, inheritances and occupations.
Respectfully submitted, HuGH l\L DoRSEY, Gov. JoHN N. HoLDER I VAN E. ALLEN GEo. H. CARSWELL Committee.

,The following communication was read for the information of the Senate :

Hon. Ivan E. Allen, The Senate, The Capitol.

July 28, 1920.

Dear Mr. Allen:
., I respectfully invite you, and through you the Se~ate, to atte,nd the address to be given at the Baptist Tabernacle on Thursday night, 8 o'clock, of

WEDNESDAY, JuLY 28, 1!)~0.


this week, July 29, by Mr. William E. (Pussyfoot) Johnson.

Mr. Johnson was for many years Chief Special

Agent in the Government Indian Service, where his

courage and efficiency won him the nickna~e ''Pus-


Mr. Johnson w:as invited to England by British Temperance Associations to tell what American prohibition is; and what prohibition 'has done in America.

He was mobbed by "wet" hoodlums and in the struggle lost an eye. His sportsmanship captured the British love of fair sport and he became the most talkeo of man in England.

The subject of his address is: ''What I Can See Through My Glass Eye."

Admission is free.

I am sure the presence of the Senate will add to the dignity and interest of the occasion and assist in molding sentiment for enforcement of law.
With best wishes, yours sincerely, CHAS. 0. JON:ms,
State Superintendent Georgia Anti-Saloon League.

The invitation was accepted.

The following Senate bill was read the third time and taken up for consideration

By Mr. ;BrooksA bill to provide for an annual increase of pen-



sions paid to ex-Confederate soldiers and their widows.
Mr. Allen of the 35th moved to indefinitely postpone the bill.
Pending discussion of the above motion the bill went over as unfinished business.
Leave of absence was granted Senator Kaigler, of the 12th District, on account of important business.
'L'he hour of adjournment having arrived the Persident Pro Tern declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.

THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920.


Thursday, July 29, 1920.

The Senate met pursant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. :M., Central time and was called to order by the President Pro Tern, Hon. J. H. Ennis.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasin~rame, .Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Hussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T.

Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J Hogg, J. l'. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. KPndall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D. X eidlinger, Lconorian Nix, Oscar A.

Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Reyonlds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. :\1. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. ~lr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, gave notice that at the proper time he would move to reconsider the action of the Senate in passing House Bill No. 1067.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.



Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in passing House Bill No 106i, and the motion prevailed.
The bill was taken up for consideration and Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, offered the following amendment: .
By adding two new sections as follows :
Section 10. That the charter of said city, as codified in Section 449 of the City Code of 1910, and as amended by act of the General Assembly, approved August 14, 191i, be amended by stricking from said section the words "biennially" and inserting the words "every four years," and by striking the words ''to serve for a term of four years,'' and to add to said section the following: ''This provision shall apply to and govern the term of office beginning the first Monday in January, 1921, and to the official elected to serve a term beginning on that date, so that said section when so amended, shall read as follows:
''Section 449. There shall be elected by the Mayor and General Council every four years, at the first regular meeting in June, a Clerk of Council whose term of office shall begin on the first Monday in January following, and who shall be elected to serve for a term of four years, unless sooner removed for cause to be adjudged by the Mayor and General Council, this provision shall apply to and govern the term of office beginning the first Monday in January, 1921, and to the official elected to serve term beginning 'on that date so that the next election for Clerk shall be on the first Monday in

THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920.


June, 1924, and the next term after first M9nday in January, 1921, shall begin first Monday in January, 1925.
''Section 11. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, as amended.
At the request of Mr. Duncan, of the 36th District, Senate Bill Xo. 65 was taken from the table and placed on the calendar.
At the request of Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, House Bill No. 846 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Fowler, of the 22nd, House Bill No. 1066 was read the second time and recommitted.
By unanimous consent the following bill was introduced, read the first time, and referred to Committees:

By Mr. ReynoldsA bill to establish a system of public schools in
Washington, Georgia. Referred to Committee on Education.



The following resolutions were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. wilkinson-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bills Nos. 332 and 233 be made a special and continuing order until disposed of.
Refel.Ted to Committee on Rules.

By Messrs. Kea and Dorris-
A resolution requesting that Senate Bill .No. 281 be made a special and continuing order until disposed of.
Referred to Committee on Rules.
The follo\ving message was received from the House, through ~Ir. i\Ioore, the Clerk theerof.

Jlr. Presideut:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:
House Bill 804. A bill to confirm title of Standard Fuel Supply Company and assigns.
House Bill 1047. A bill to authorize Mayor and Council of City of Bainbridge to change grade of streets and sidewalks in said city.
House Bill 1061. A bill to amend charter of Town of Camak.
House Bill 1074. A bill to amend Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Haralson County.

THURSDAY, JuLY 29, 1920.


House Bill 1078. A bill to amend Act fixing salary of County Treasurer of Banks County.
House Bill 1089. A bill to amend Act incorporating Town of Hahira.
The following message was received from the House, through 1\Ir. l\Ioore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President :

The House has passed by the requisite constitu-

tional majority the following bills and resolutions of

the House, to-wit:

House Bill 18. A bill to amend Constitution of State relatin to levy of taxes.

House Bill 916. A bill to amend General Tax Act of 1918, relative to automobiles.

House Resolution 130. A resolution to appropriate funds now in State Treasury derived from sale of motor vehicle tags to Highway Commission for distribution.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. l\Ioore, the Clerk thereof.

Jfr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 667. A bill to amend Section 2554 of Code of 1910, relative to bonds of county officers.
House Bill 917. A bill to amend Act relative to disposition of dead bodies.



House Bill 952. A bill to create new charter for City of Nicholls.
House Bill 1015. A bill to amend Acts incorporating City of Forsyth.
House Bill 1045. A bill to establish City Court of Jeffersonville.
House Bill 1081. A bill to amend Act vesting title of City Commons of Columbus in Commissioners.
House Bill 1088. A bill to amend Act to incorporate City of Monticello.
Senate Bill 311. A bill to amend Act to incorporate Town of Ideal.
The House has agreed to the Senate substitute to the following resolution of the House, to-wit:
House Resolution 185. A resolution inviting Governor Cox and Hon. Franklin Roosevelt to speak in Georgia.
The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Arnold of Clay- .
House Bill 18. A bill to amend the Constitution of Georgia so as to classify property for taxation and to adopt rates, and for other purposes.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

By Mr. Reid of WilcoxHouse Bill 667 A bill to amend Section 2554 of

THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920.


Civil Code, relative to county officers gtvmg sureties.
Referred to Committee on Genearl Judiciary No.1.

By Mr. Sweat of Pierce-
House Bill 916. A bill to amend the General Tax Act relating to automobiles.
Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin. House Bill 917. A bill to amend an Act for the
disposition of dead bodieEi. Referred to Committee on State Sanitarium.

By Mr. Quincey of CoffeeHouse Bill 952. A bill to create a new charter
for the City of Marietta. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Holmes of Monroe-
House Bill 1015. A bill to amend an Act to consolidate the several Acts incorporating the City of Forsyth
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Shannon of TwiggsHonse Bill 1045. A bill to establish the City
Court of Jeffersonville. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.



By Messrs. Neill, \Vohlwender and Hollis of l\Iuscogee-
House Bill 1081. A bill to amend an Act vesting title in fee simple to the Commons of Columbus Commissioners.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 1088. A bill to incorporate the City of Monticello.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By l\Ir. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 1047. A bill to authorize and empower City of Bainbridge to establish and change the grade of sidewalks, etc.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
The following House resolution was read the first time and referred to Committees:

By l\Ir. Knight of Berrien-
House Resolution 130. A resolution to appropriate funds in State Treasury, derived from Motor Vehicle Tags, brought into said Treasury from the sale of said tags
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

Mr. Bell, of the 51st District, Chairman of the Committee on Enrollment, submitted the following report:

THURSDAY, JuLY 29, 1920.


Mr. President :
Your Committee on Enrollment report as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House the following Acts, to-wit:
An Act to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of the County of Morgan.
An Act to amend the charter of the City of Moultrie.
An Act to create the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Cherokee County.
An Act to amend an Act fixing the compensation of the Treasurer of Macon County.
An Act to authorize Board of Roads and Revenues of Quitman County to pay certain officials their fees in misdemeanor cases.
Respectfully submitted, BELL, Chairman.

Mr. Reese, of 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on County and County Matters submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on County and County Matters have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the rec-. ommendation that the same do pass:
House Bills No.774, 1038 and 706. REESE, Chairman.



Mr. Reese, of 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on County and County Matters, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on County and County Matters have had under consideration the following House Bill No. 1009 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, f:lS amended.
REESE, Chairman.

Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that tlw same do pass :
House Bill No. 642 do pass.
House Bill No. 749 do pass.
House Bill No. 1001 do pass.
House Bill No. 1010 do pass.
House Bill No. 1029 do pass. House Bill No. 1042 do pass.
H. H. ELDERS, Chairman.

THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920.


Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had un der consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recorrm1endation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 1062 Amending charter of City of Broxton.
House Bill No. 1059. Amending char~er of City of Dalton, authorizing tax levy.
House Bill No. 912. Creating new charter !\w Town of Patterson.
House Bill No. 1004. Repealing charte!" vf Tifton and creating new charter.

Mr. Brooks, of 13th District, Chairman of the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report:

M1. President :
Your Committee on Pensions have had under consideration the following House Bill 796 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.



By Mr. Bradford of Whitfield-
House Bill 796. To amend the several Acts rt> lating to the government of the Confederate Soldiers' Home of Georgia.
Respectfully submitted, BRooKs, Chairman

Mr. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of th:Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the fol lowing report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the Hous0 and have instructed me as Chairn1an, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
Senate Bill No. 342.
House Bill No. 849, as amended.
House Bill No. 1048.
Mr. Wilkinson, of 49th District, Chairman of the Committee on Game and Fish, submitted the following report:

Jfr. President:
Your Committee on Game and Fish have had under consideration the following House Bill 443 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:


THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920.


House Bill 443. A bill to make the beds of salt waters, etc., the property of State of Georgia.
Respectfully submitted, H. B. WILKINSON, Chairman.

Mr. Pruett, Chairman of the Committee on Railroads, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Railroads have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
No. 313. To require builidng of underpasses, etc., along public roads do pass by substitute.
No. 313. To authorize railroads to sell unclaimed freight, etc., after sixty days.
J. F. PRUETT, Chairman.

Mr. Steed, of 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General ,Judiciary No. 1, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:

Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 1 have had under consideration the following bills of the House and Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 850.

Senate Bill No. 302.

Respectfully submitted,

STEAD, Chairman.



The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to amend Section 720 of the Penal Code, relative to wrongful sale of property upon which there is a lien.

By Mr. DixonA bill to authorize common carriers in this State
to sell articles which cannot be delivered under the terms agreed upon.
By Messrs. Duncan and PittmanA bill to provide for construction of overhead
bridges or underground passways at railway crossings.
By Mr. ReynoldsA bill to amend an Act to create the City Court
of Lexington.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time:

By Messrs. Clark of McJntosh and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 443. A bill to make the beds of salt waters within the State, not already conveyed by special grant, the property of the State of Georgia.
By Mr. Pace of SumterHouse Bill 642. .A bill to amend an Act to es-
tabilsh public schools in each county of the State.

THuRSDAY, JuLY 29, B20.


By Messrs. Strozier and Barnes of Bibb-
House Bill 749. A bill to authorize the conduction of schools for adult illiterates in the elementary branches of English.

By Mr. Ramsey of Columbia-
House Bill 774. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Columbia County.
By 1\fr. Bradford of whitfield-
House Bill 796. A bill to amend an Act to maintain the Confederate Soldier's Home of Georgia.

By Messrs. Ficklen and Lindsey of Wilkes -
House Bill 849. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of W alisington, Georgia.

By Mr. Palmour of Hall-
House Bill 850. A bill to amend Section 4028 of Code of 1910, relative to palce of administrators' sales.

By Mr. Sweat of Pierce-
House Bill 912. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Patterson.

By Mr. Harden of Banks-
House Bill 1001. A bill to provide additional compensation for members of Board of Education of Banks County.



By Mr. Bowen of Tift-
House Bill 1004. A bill to repeal the charter of the City of Tifton.

By ~Iessrs. Duncan and Palmour of Hall-
House Bill 1009. A bill to amend au Act tv create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and R.eYenues of Hall County.

By :Mr. Mason of Hart-
House Bill 1010. A bill to amend an Act to es tablish schools in Hartwell.

By Messrs. Gann and Dobbs of CobbHouse Bill 1029. A bill to amend an Act to es-
tablish a public school system for Marietta.
By :}fr. Davis of OglethorpeHouse Bill 1038. A bill to amend an Act to
create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Oglethorpe County.

Bv Mr. Quincey of CoffeeHouse Bill 1042. A bill to amend an Act to pro-
vide a public school system for Douglas.
By Mr. Middleton of Early-
House Bill 1048. A bill to amend an Act to create the City Court of Blakely.
..Bv Mr. Bradford of Whitfield-
House Bill 1059. A bill to authorize Mayor and Council of Dalton to levy a tax.

THURSDAY, J-lLY 29, 1920.


By Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bill 1062. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Broxton.

Atlanta, Georgia, :July 29, 1920.
The following message was received from His Excellency, the Governor, through his Clerk, Mr. Cobb:

.llr. President:
I am directed by His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver to the Senate a sealed communication in writing for which he requests your consideration in executive session.
The Senate went into executive session at 10:45 A.M.
The executive session was dissolved at 10:55 A.M.

The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill808. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners for Jasper County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Stone of Jeff Davis-
House Bill819. A bill to abolish Section 4747 of Civil Code, relative to per diem of jurors in Justice Courts.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 836. A bill to prescribe manner of holding primary election in Grady County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was' passed.

By Mr. Hamilton of Floyd-
House Bill 941. A bill to provide compensation for the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Floyd County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes weer 40, Nays 0.

THL:"RSDAY, JuLY 29, 1920.


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was pass~~d.

By Messrs. Williams and Brannen of Bulloch-

Honse Bill 957. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners for Bulloch County.

Mr. Wilkinson, of the 49th District, offered the following amendments:

By striking from the caption of the bill th0 word "appointment" and substituting in lieu thereof the word ''election.''

By striking from Section 1 the words ''nomination," "appointment" an dsubstituting in lieu thereof the word ''election.''

The amendment was adopted.

By striking all of Section 2 and substituting in lieu thereof the following which shall be number Section 2.

"Be it further enacted by the authority afore-

said, That the term of office of said Commissioner

shall be for four years and until his successor is

elected and qualified, provided however that the

term of office of the first Commissioner who is

hereinafter designated shall be as hereinafter pro-


By striking '' $5,000'' in Section 3 and substituting "$20,000."
The amendment was adopted.

By adding the following at the end of Section 3:



''If a vacancy occurs on account of the death or resignation of said R. J. Kennedy, before the expiration of his term of office, the vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as other vacancies are now filled in county offices, and pending the election to fill said vacancy the Ordinary of Bulloch County is hereby authorized and empowered to perform the duties of said County Commissioner until his successor is elected and qualified.''
The amendment was adopted.
By striking all of Section 4 and substituting the following in lieu thereof:
''That the term of office of such successor shall begin on January 1, 1923, and shall be for a term 0f four years and until his successor is elected and qualified, and said Commissioner shall be elected by the duly qualified voters of said Bulloch County in the same manner as other county officers of said county are elected. Upon the election of the said Commissioner as aforesaid, he shall give bond as is herein provided for, and before entering upon the discharge of the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe to an oath to faithfully perform the duties of said office to the best of his ability and knowledge.''
The amendment was adopted.
By striking ''Tuesday!.' in Section 10, and placing in lieu thereof the word '' vVednesday.''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to, as amended.

THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0.
The bill haYing receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed, as amended.

By Messrs. \Villiams and Brannen of Bulloch-
Honse Bill 956. A bill to repeal an Act to create a Board of County Commissiontrs of Bulloch.
The report of the Committee, which was favorablt to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0.
Tht bill haYing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Ir. Sweat of \Yare-
House Bill 966. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of \Yaycross.
The report of the Ccmmittee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill haYing receiYed the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. }fcKenney of Upson-
House Bill 967. A bill to divide Upson County into three Commission Districts.
The report of the Committee, which wa.;; favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bi1l the .Ayes were 29, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of CIJ:uham-
House Bill 980. A bill to amend the Acts relating to City Court of Savannah.
The report of the Committee, which was favmable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On tht passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Longley and wyatt of Troup--
House Bill 985. A bill to authorize the City of \Vest Point to acquire lands for constructing levees.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite com:titutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Harden of Banks-
Rouse Bill 993. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Banks County.

THURSDAY, JuLY 29, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favurable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having re'ceived the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Harden of Banks-
House Bill 995. A bill to amend an Act entitled "Banks Commutation Road Tax Act."
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes wert 25, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Lasseter of Dooly-
House Bill 1003. A bill to amend an Act to create a charter for the Town of Pinehurst.
The report of the Committee, which was favorablt to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Davis of Oglethorpe-
House Bill 1008. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Crawford.



'rhe report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 4-0, Xays 0.
The bill having receivedthe requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Iessrs. Lawrc>nce, l<~ve and F'alligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1020. A bill to authorize County Boards of Tax Assessors in counties having a city of 80,000, to meet each year to examine the returns of both real and personal property of each tax payer.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Iessrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bi1ll028. A bill to authorize an election
for bonds in the Town of Austell.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

THuRSDAY, .JuLY 29, 1920


By Messrs. Brinson and Woods of Emanuel-
House Bill 1037. A bill to cerate a new charter for the City of Adrian.
Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, offered the following amendment:
By striking all of Section 1, after the words ''The City of Adrian'' in the sixth line of said Section 1 of said Act.
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to, as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Haynie of Oconee--
House Bill 1044. A bill to amend an Act to
abolish the office of County Treasurer of Oconee County.
The report of. the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite com;;titutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Jones of Lowndes-
House. Bill 1046. A bill to amend an Act to in. corporate the City of Valdosta.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Boyett of Stewart-
House Bill 1051. A bill to amend the charter of the Town of Richland.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 1060. A bill to amend the Act to establish the City Court of Bainbridge.
The report of the Committee; which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

THURSDAY, JuLY 29, 1920.


By Mr. Bowen of Tift-
House Bill 1031. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Tift County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

The following resolution was read:
By Mr. Smith-
Be it resolved by the Senate of Georgia that on Sunday, August 1, 1920, this Honorable Body do assemble at the Senate Chamber at 11 o'clock A. M., Central time, for the purpose of divine worship.
Be it further resolved, That the Hon. P. G. Veazey, of the 19th District, and Hon. H. B. Wilkinson, of the 49th District, be invited to conduct said divine service.
Be it further resolved, That the public be invited to attend said service.
At the request of Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District, the ruels of the Senate were suspended and action on the resolution was taken immediately.
The resolution was adopted.
The following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:



By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to amend an Act to establish a system of public schools in La"\ronia.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Lavonia.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0..
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to provide for the domestication of Foreign Corporations.
The report of the Committee, which was fa,orable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 37, Nays l.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1920.


The following Senate bill was read the third time and taken up for consideration:

By Messrs. Dorris and Kea-

A bill to regulate the sale of securities in Georgia to create a Securities' Commission.

At the request of Mr. Dorris, of the 48th Dis-

trict, the bill was postponed until next Monday, Au-

gust 2, 1920.

At the request of Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, 300 copies of the substitute were ordered to be printed for the information of the House and Senate.
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following bill was taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Brooks-

A bill to increase the pensions paid to ex-Con-

federate Soldiers and their widows annually in this



The bill was read the third time July 28, 1920.

By unanimous consent Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, withdrew his motion to table the bill.

The previous question was called and the main question ordered.

By unanimous consent Mr. Elders, of the 2nd District, was allowed to offer the following amendment:
By adding at th~ end of Section l the following: ''Provided this annual increase :shall continue for a period of only four years.''



The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as amended.

Mr. Brooks, of the 13th District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows :

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clementa, Jas. B. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J.

J<'owler, Ben J. Ulenn, George G. Harbin, C. .J. Kea, Frerl Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. Le&leur, R. C. Maynard, J. D. Neidlinger, Leonorian .Ill ix, Oscar -A. Pittman, Claude C. Pru.ett, J. F.

Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, 8. W. Reece, W. K. l:(eynolds, W. H. l:tice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. 'J'. yeazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, 8. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Bell, Walter L.

Hogg, J. P.

Olive, J. T.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Barrett, Fermor Cureton, Walter W.

Kaigler, H. M. Lunsford, .T. R..

Mr. President

Ayes 42, Nays 4.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

TuuRsnAY, JuLY 29, 1920.


At the request of the author the bill was immediately transmitted to the House.
Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District, rose to a question of personal privilege.
The following resolution was read and adopted~

By Mr. Kendell-
A resolution extending the. privileges of the floor to Mrs. T. J. Poiterent and Mrs. H. H. Hill, of Pelham, Ga., for a period of two days.
The following resolution was taken up for consideartion ~

By Mr. Shingler-
A resolution requesting Federal Reserve Board to re~onsider its action as to the financing of the purchase of automobiles and motor vehicles.
Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, mo"ed to extend the session until the above resolution could be disposed of, and the motion prevailed.
Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District, moved to table the resolution.
Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District; asked unanimous consent to withdraw his motion to table.
Mr. Flynt, of the 26th District, objected. Mr. Elders, of the 2nd District, moved that Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District, be allowed to withdraw his motion to table, and the motio-n prevailed. The previous question was called and .the main question ordered.



On the passage of the resolution, Mr. Fowler, of the 22nd District, called for the Ayes and Nays and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Dorris, W. H.
Duncan, J. T.
Elders, H. H.
Ennis, J. H.

Fowler, Ben J. Kea, Pred Kirkland, Z. W. l';ix, Oscar A.

Shingler, J. S. Wilkinson, H. B. \\ oods, A .J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarenc6 E. Allen, Ivan E.
Ayers, J. s.
Bowden, J. E. T.
Brooks, B. B. Blasingame, Josiah Barrett, Fermor
Calhoun, J. C.

Dixon, James A. l<'lynt. J. .J. Glenn, George G.
Harbin, c. J.
Hogg, J. P. Keene, J. H. Kendall, :Vf. :\1.
Neidlinger, Leonorian

Olive, .J. T.
Pittman, Clnnd~ .~
Rabun, z. T.
Ragsdalt', S. W.
Smith, J. ~-
Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G.
Vickery, Jesse \\

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bell, Walter L. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Waiter v\. Kaigler, H. M. Larkins, J. K.

LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Maynard, J. D. Reece. W. K. Reynolds. W. H.

Rice, \V. D. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Mr. President

Ayes 11, Nays 25.

The resolution was lost.

Leave of absence was granted Senator Nix, of 34th District, until next Tuesday, on account of important business.

The hour of adjournment having arrived, the President Pro Tern declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Centarl time.

FRIDAY, JuLY 30, 1920


Friday, July 30, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. "M., Central time, and was called to order by the President. Pro Tem, Hon. J. H. Ennis.

Prayer was offered by the Chapalin.

l'pon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E.
Allen, han E.
.\yers, J. S.
Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, ,Josiah Hussey, J. B. Calhoun, .J. C. t 'lements, J as. B. Cureton, \Valier \\". Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Dunean, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flyut, J . .J.

Pruett, J. F.

Ftnrler, Ben .J .

Hal>nn, Z. T.

(; lenn, George G.

l:lagsdale, S. \Y.

Harb"n, C. J. Hogg, .J. P. Kea, Fred Keene, .J. H. Kendall, M. ~!. Larkins, .J. K. LeSueur, H. C. Lnnsfonl, .J. H. ::\Iaynanl, .f. D. X eidlinger, Leonorian Pittman. ('laude C..

Reece, W. K. Reynolds, \\'. H. Smith, .J. Q. breed, E. T. ,. eazey, P. G. Vickery, J e'se W. \\.al:aee, \V. P. Watson, S. ~1. Wilkinson, H. B. \Vood, A. J. ~h. Presi<lent

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the .Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

Mr. Veazey, of the 19th District rose to a question of personal privilege.



Mr. Ragsdale, of 38th District, moved that the Senate reconsider its action in adopting Senate Resolution No. 100, and the motion prevailed.

Mr. Dixon, of 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
By Messrs. Longley and wyatt of Troup-
No. 986. To be entitled an Act to amend Paragraph 1, Section 7 of Article 7 of the Constitution, so as to provide for allowing City of west Point to increase its bonded debt.
By Messrs. Longley and wyatt of Troup-
No. 984. To be entitled an Act to create a River and Levee Commission for protection of City of West Point and for other purposes.
By :Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
No. 987. To be entitled an Act to authorize City of west Point to acquire property city and county from floods.
Respectfully submitted, J. A. D1xox, Chairman.

FRIDAY, JuLY 30, 1920.


Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:

1Ur. President:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
Senate Bill :Xo. 346 do pass. Respectfully submitted, H. H. ELDERS, Chairman.

1\lr. Reece, of 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on County and County "Matters, submitted the following report:

.Mr. President:
Your Committee on County and County Matters have had under consideration the following bills and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill No. 1043 and Senate Bills Nos. 329, 341, 343 and 344, also House Bill No. 908, with recommendation that same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, REECE, Chairman.

Mr. Wallace, of 28th District, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the following report:



Jir. President:
Your Committee on Agriculture have had under consideration the following Senate Bill 300 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
WALLACE, Chairman.
~fr. Reece, of 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submitted the following report:

Ji r. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County Matters have had under consideration the following House Bill Ko. 846 and han' instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
REECE, Chairman.

~Ir. Reynolds, of 50th District, Chairman of the Committee on lJni\'ersity of Georgia, submitted the following report: House Bill 114. Admission of women to the School of Commerce of the Georgia School of Technology:

JJr. President :
Your Committee on Lninrsity of Georgia have had under consideration the above bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, REYXOLns, Chairman.

FRIDAY, JuLY 30, 1920.


Mr. Kea, of 16th District, Chairman of the Committee on The State of The Republic, submitted the following report:

1}1 r. President:
Your Committee on The State of The Republic have had under consideration the following House Bill No. 726 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Same being House Bill No. 762, to repeal an Act fixing a standard time for the State of Georgia.
Respectfully submitted, KEA, Chairman.

Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 2, submitted the following report:

JI r. President:
Your Committee on General .Judiciary Xo. :2 have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, as amended.
House Bill Xo. 888. To amend the charter of the City of Macon.
House Bill No. 1066. To regulate compensation of stenographers, etc. Do pass.
Respectfully submitted, AYERs, Chairman.



Mr. Reynolds, of 50th District, Chairman of the Committee on University of Georgia, submitt~d the following report:

M 1. President:

Your Committee on University of Georgia have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

House Bill No. 679.

REYNOLDS, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporation, submitted the following report:
Jlr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 1088. Incorporating City of Monticello.
House Bill No.l081. Amending charter of City of Columbus.
House Bill No. 1047. Amending charter of City of Bainbridge.
House Bill No. 900. Creating new charter for City of Marietta.

FRIDAY, JeLY 30, 1920.


House Bill No. 1015. Amending charter of City of Forsyth.
House Bill ~o. 952. Creating charter of City of Nicholls.
Respectfully submitted, CLARE~CE E. ADAMs, Chairman.

Mr. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report :

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No.1005.
House Bill No. 1065.
House Bill No.1045. Respectfully submitted, DoRRis, Chairman.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

1v1r. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 754. A bill to make Walker County Bank at LaFayette a State Depository.



House Bill 783. A bill to add City of Greensboro to list of towns and cities containing State Depositories.
House Bill 890. A bill to add Town of Glenwood to list of towns and cities containing State Depositories.
House Bill1032. A bill to amend charter of City of College Park.
House Bill 1036. A bill to incorporate City of Twin City.
House Bill 1073. A bill to abolish office of County Treasurer of Hancock County.
House Bill 1077. A bill to amend Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Coffee County.
House Bill 1079. A bill to amend Act to create new charter for City of Sylvester, relative to taxes for paving and imporving streets of said city.
House Bill 1090. A bill to amend Act establishing public school system in City of Jefferson.
House Resolution 179. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson of bond.
House Resolution 180. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson, W. E. DeLoach and F. M. Ridley as sureties on bond.
House Resolution 181. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson as surety on bond.
House Resolution 182. A resolution to reli:wn Lc'nnie Haralson as surety on bond.

FRIDAY, JuLY 30, 1920.


House Resolution 183. A resolution to relieve .J. H. Hardy as surety on bond.
Senate Bill 309. A bill to authorize Mayor aud Council of Tmvn of Ideal to levy taxes for support of public schools of said town.
The following message was recived from the House, through Yr. ~loore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill to-wit:
House Bill 648. A bill to make appropriation to pay deficiency in salary of members of the Railroad Commission.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Smith of Fulton-
House Bill 114. A bill to authorize the admission of women into the Georgia School of Technology in the School of Commerce, which is not located on the campus.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Bill 679. A bill to give additional powers to the Local Board of Trustees of the Georgia Military College.

By Mr. Barnes of Bibb-
House Bill 762. A bill to repeal an Act adopting a standard of time for the State.



By Messrs. Strozier, Cochran and Barnes of Bibb-
House Bill 888. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Macon.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 900. A bill to create a new charter for the City or Marietta.

By Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bill 952. A bill to create a new charter for the City of Nicholls.

By Mr. Holmes of MonroeHouse Bill 1015. A bill to amend an Act to con-
solidate the laws incorporating the City of Forsyth.
By Mr. Quincey of CoffeeHouse Bill 1043. A bill to amend a new charter
for the City of Douglas.

By Mr. Shannon of Twiggs-
Honse Bill 1045. A bill to establish the City of Jeffersonville.

By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 1047. A bill to authorize the City of Bainbridge to establish and grade streets, alleys, sidewalks, et3.

By Messrs. Neill, W ohlwender and Hollis of Muscogee-
House Bill 1081. A bill to amend an Act vesting

FRIDAY, JuLY 30, 1920.


title in fee simple to the Commons of the City of Columbus in Commons Commissioners.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 1088. A bill to incorporate the City of Monticello.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 984. A bill to create a River and Levee Commission for the protection of West Point.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 986. A bill to amend the Constitution of this State to allow West Point to incerase its bonded indebtedness.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of TroupHouse Bill 987. A bill to authorize City of West
Point to acquire property to protect city from floods.
By Mr. Anderson of JenkinsHouse Bill 1005. A bill to amend an Act to es-
tablish the City Court of Millen.
By Mr. Sweat of PierceHouse Bill 1065. A bill to amend an Act to es-
tablish the City Court of Blackshear. The following Senate bills, favorably reported,
were read the second time :



By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to provide for a Branding Law for identification of live stock.

By Mr. Steed-
A bill to abolish the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues for Carroll County.

By Mr. Vickery-
A bill to repeal an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Charlton.

By Mr. Vickery-
A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Charlton County.

By l\Ir. Vickery-
A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Charlton County.

By Mr. ReynoldsA bill to establish a system of public schools in
\Vashington, Georgia. The following Senate bill was taken up for the
purpose of concurring in the House amendment:
By }Iessrs. Dorris and ClementsA bill to fix the time of holding the Superior
Courts in the Cordele Circuit. The House offered the following amendment:

FRIDAY, ,JULY 30, 1920.


By 1Ir. Palmer of Crisp-
By striking all of Section 1 of said bill from and after the first paragraph thereof.
By inserting in lieu of the provisions thereof so stricken, a new provision as follows, to-wit:
''For the County of Ben Hill, the second and third Mondays in January, April, July and October.
For the County of Dooly the second and third l\Iondays in February, .June, September and December.
For the County of Crisp, the fourth Monday and the 'Monday following in February, May, September and November.
For the County of wilcox the fourth Monday and the Monday following in .January, March, .June and October.
Section 2. Be it enacted further by the authority aforesaid, That this Act shall become effective on and from .Januar~- 1, 1921.
The amendment was concurred in.
The following Senate bill and resolution were taken up for consideration:

By ~Ir. Wilkinson-
A bill to prohibit sexes from bathing together at any public of private resort.
At the request of the author the bill was postponed until next wednesday, August 4, 1920.



By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution authorizing the cancellation of contract with Index Printing Company.
At the request of the author the resolution was postponed until next Tuesday, August 3, 1920.
The following House bill was read the third time and taken up for consideration:

By Mr. \Vall of Putman-
Honse Bill 733. A bill to amend Sections 419, 420 and 421 of Volume 1 of the Code of 1910, relative to building bridges over waterways dividing counties.
Mr. Flynt, of the 26th District, moved to post-
pone the bill until next Tuesday, August 3, 1920, and the motion prevailed.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Bush of Mitchell-
House Bill 65t!. A bill to increase the salary of the Judge of the City Court of Camilla.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

:H'RIDAY, JuLY :30, US,~.


By Messrs. Hamilton of !<,loyd and McFarland of Walker-
House Bill 718. A bill to amend an Act giving Commissioners of Roads and Revenues power to lay o:ut streets, etc.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Br. Sweat of Pierce-
House Bill 9l2. A bill to create a new charter for the Town of Patterson.
The report' of the Committee, whi~h was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Harden of Banks-
House Bill 1001. A bill to provide additional compensation for members of the Board of Education of Banks County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Bowen of Tift-
House Bill 1004. A bill to repeal the charter of Tifton and create a new charter.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, :Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ::\Ir. Mason of Hart-
House Bill 1010. A bill to amend an Act to establish schools in Hartwell.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, \Vas agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, ~ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ..Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 1029. A bill to amend an Act to create a public school system for Marietta.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.

FRIDAY, .Jns ~~0, 1'1'


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Davis of Oglethorpe-
House Bill 1038. A bill to amend an Act to create office of Commissilmers of Roads and Re,enues for Oglethorpe.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the pa~age of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes weer 40, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bi111042. A bill to amend an Act to provide for public schools in Douglas.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. ~Iiddleton of Early-
House Bill 1048. A bill to amend an Act to create the City Court of Blakely.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Bradford of Whitfield-
House Bill 1059. A bill to amend an Act authorizing Mayor and Council to levy taxes.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, 1'\ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bill 1062. A bill to amend the charter of City of Broxton.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, \Vas agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Kays 0.
The bill havinr, received the requisite constitu. tional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Strozier, Cochran and Barnes of Bibb-
House Bill 1066. A bill to regulate compensation of stenographic reporters in counties.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Owen of Paulding-
House Bill 846. A bill to repeal an Act to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Paulding and give their powers to the Ordinary.
Mr. Ragsdale, of the 38th District, offered the following substitute:
To be entitled an Act to repeal an Act entitled "An Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of the County of Paulding, approved August 16, 1915,'' to provide for the Ordinary of said county to take charge of the Roads and Revenues of said county on January 1, 1921; to require said Ordinary to employ a competent Road Superintendent, fix his compensation, to prescribe his qualifications and duties; to require the Grand Jury of said county to inquire into the official conduct and acts of said Ordinary and Superintendent of Roads, with the right to have said Superintendent of Roads discharged upon a recommendation of two-thirds of said Grand Jury sitting at the regular February and August terms of Paulding Superior Court; to provide that this Act shall become operative and go into effect on ,Janua:ry 1, 1921, and for other purposeR.



Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That an Act entitled ''An Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of the County of Paulding, to define their duties and powers, fix their compensation, and for other purposes approved August 16, 1915,'' be and the same is hereby repealed.
Section 2. Be it further enacted by the ~uthor ity aforesaid, That all unfinished business pending before the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Rennues of said Paulding County on .January 1, 1921, together with all papers, records, and all other road and county property of said county, shall be by the present Board of Commissioners of said county turned over to the Ordinary of said county.
Section 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the first day of January 1921, the Ordinary of said Paulding County is hereby authorized and empowered to take charge of all the public roads, bridges and other public works together with all the property then owned or controlled by Paulding County, and to perform such duties as has heretofore been performed by the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of said county.
Section 4. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Ordinary of said Pauldi11g County shall be required to employ a competent Road Superintendent at an annual salary not to e~~ ceed $2,400.00 per annum, payable monthly. The said Superintendent of roads shall be directly under

FRIDAY, JuLY 30, 1920.


the supervision of said Ordinary and shall be responsible to him for all his acts and doings.
Section 5. Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That said Superintendent of roads shall devote his entire time to the roads, bridges and other public works of said cpun.ty, subject only to the supervision of the Ordinary of said county who shall have the right to discharge the said Superintendent of Roads at any time for malfeasance, inefficiency, or for any other cause \vhen the said Ordinary deems it to the best interest of the county.
Section 6. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the Grand Jury, sitting at the regular February and August terms of the Superior Court of said county in each year to inquire into the official conduct and acts of said Ordinary and Superintendent of Roads, shall make presentment of their findings to the Court which shall be spread upon the minutes. If any Grand Jury shall find by a two-thirds vote, that the management of the Superintendent of Roads has been wasteful, inefficient or that his supervision of the roads has not been to the best interest of the county, said Grana Jury may by two-thirds vote recommend the discharge of said Superintendent of Roads, and the ordinary shall forthwith discharge said Superintendent of Roads; provided, however, that the said Ordinary shall give said Superintendent of roads notice of the recommendation of said Grand Jury for his discharge ten days prior to discharging said Superintendent of Roads.
Section 7. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the provisions of this Act, shall



become operative and go into effect on January 1, 1921.
Section 8. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed.
The substitute was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, by substitute.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, by substitute.

By l\Ir. Ramsey of Columbia-
House Bill 774. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Columbia County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Iessrs. Ficklen and Lindsey of wilkes-
House Bill 849. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of \Vashington.
Mr. Reynolds, of the 50th Distr~ct, offered the following amendment:

FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1920.


By adding a new section to be known as Section 2, as follows :
''Section 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall not become operative until the same has been ratified by a majority of the votes cast in said county at the next general election for county officers. Those in charge of the next general election in said county shall present by proper ballot the question as to whether or not this Act shall be ratified by the qualified voters of said county at said time by placing on the official ballot of said county the following language:
"For denying defendants the right to demand indictment by grand jury in City Court of Washington, \Vilkes County, Georgia.''
''Against denying defendants the right to demand indictment by Grand Jury in City Court of Washington, wilkes County, Georgia.''
After the said general election, and at the time the result of said election is declared for county officers, the restult of the said election on this Act shall be declared by those in charge of declaring such results. If a majority of the votes cast in said election are in favor of denying defendants the right to demand indictment by Grand Jury in City
Court of vVashington~ Georgia, this Act shall then
become the law."
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.
The following Senate bills were reacl the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Elders-
A bill to increase the salary of State chemist.
The report of the committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Reynolds-
A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Lexington.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to amend an Act creating Juvenile Courts.

FrunAY, JULY 30, 1920.
The report of the Committee, which was fav~ orable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Kea-
A bill to amend an Act creating the Departrelative to State jurisdiction over ceded territory.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The bill, having received the requisite const
tutional majority, was passed.
By Messrs. Dorris and Flynt-
A bill to amend an Act creating the Department of Commerce and Labor.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill, having received the constitutional majority, was passed.
By Mr. BarrettA bill to provide for a stenographer for Clerk
of the City Court of Appeals.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Kea-
A bill to provide a basis of discrimination between functions of educational authorities and health authorities in the public schools.
The Committee offered the following substitute.

By Mr. Kea-
A bill to be entitled an Act to provide physical education and training for pupils in the common, graded, and State Normal, and all other public schools of Georgia, supported wholly or in part by the State, atid to insure better co-operation between the educational authorities and the health authorities of this State, and prescribing the methods of carrying the same into effect.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That the Georgia State Board of Education shall prescribe a course of study in physical education for all common schools of the State, and shall fix the time when said .courses shall go into effect. This course shall occupy periods totaling not less than thirty minutes

FrunAY, JULY 30, 1920.


each school day which shall be devoted to instruction in health and safety, to physical exercises and to recess play under proper supervision.
A manual setting out the details of said course of study shall be prepared by the State Superintendent of Schools in co-operaion with the State .Board of Health and State Board of Education of Georgia, and such expert advisors as they may choose.
Said manual when published shall be sent by said State Board of Education to the teachers of the common schools in the State of Georgia.
Section 2. The curriculum of all State Normal Schools of Georgia and of all other institutions in the State supported wholly or in part by public funds having special courses adopted for the preparation of teachers, shall contain one or more courses in physical education and after the first day of July, 1921, each person graduating from a teacher's course in any of these institutions shall have completed one or more courses in physical education.
Section 3. County Boards of Education of cities and of graded common school districts may have supervisors and special teachers of physical education in the same manner as other teachers are employed, provided they possess such qualifications as the State Board of Education may prescribe. Board of Education of two or more school districts, city, graded school, or county, may jointly employ a supervisor or special teacher of physical education. Board of Education may allow the use of school buildings and school grounds after the reg-



ular school hours and during vacation as community centers for the promotion of play and other healthful forms of recreation, under such rules and regulations as to them seem proper.
Section 4. All laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.
The substituJe was atiopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill by substitute, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill, having received the requisite constitutional majority, was passed by substitute.
The following resolutions were read and adopted:

By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution providing that when the Senate adjourns today it stand adjourned till Monday morning at 11 o'clock, Central Time.

By Mr. Clements-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. M. J. Panen of Irwin County.
Leave of absence was granted Senator Neidlinger of the 1st.
Mr. Dorris of the 48th moved that the Senate do now adjourn, and the motion prevailed.

FruDAY, JULY 30, 1920.


Under a previously adopted resolution the Senate stood adjourned till Monday morning at 11 o'clock, Centr~l Time.
The President, Pro-Tem, declared the Senate adjourned till Monday morning at 11 o'clock, Central Time.



Monday, August 2, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 11 o'clock, A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E.
Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fcrmor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Flynt, J. J.
Fowler, Ben J. Ulenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. :\f. Kea, Fred Keene. J. H. h.endall, i\I. M. Kirkland, <:. W. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Mayanrd, J. D. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C.

Pruett, J. F.
Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Heynolds, W. H. J:<icc, W. D. Shingler, .J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed. E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. :\I. \Vood, A. J. Wilkinson, H. B. :\lr. President

Mr. Lunsford of the 25th, chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time and referred to Committees:

MoNDAY, AuGuST 2, 1920.


By Mr. Kea-

A bill to incorporate the City of Soperton. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By M1. Kea-
.,~ l to repeal an Act incorporating the Tr of Soperton.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. AyersA bill to repeal an Act to regulate the return
and assessment of property in this State.
Referred to Committee on Finance.

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to authorize the Railroad Commission to employ an additional stenographer.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Messrs. Elders, Shingler, Smith, Bowden, Larkin, Harbin, etc.
A bill to propose an amendment to the Constitution so as to create the new County of Long.
Referred to Committee on Constituional Amendments.

Mr. Steed of the 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 1 sumitted the following report:



Mt. President:
Your committee on General Judiciary No. 1 have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill, No. 667. Respectfully submitted, STEED, Chairman.

tMr. Bowden of the 5th District, Chairman of the Committee on Commerce and Labor, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Commerce and Labor have had under consideration the fo.llowing bill of the House and have instructed me as chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
House Bill 916. A bill to amend the General Tax Act relating to automobiles.
BowDEN, Chairman.

Mr. Larkins, of the 46th District, Chairman of the Committee on State Sanitation, submitted the following report :

Mr. President:
Your Committee on State Sanitation have had under consideration the following House bill and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same

MoNDAY, AuousT 2, 1920.


back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill 917. A bill to amend an Act in reference to disposition of dead bodies.
LARKIN, Chairman.

The following House bills favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Reid, of Wilcox-
House Bill Xo. 667. A bill to amend Section 2554 of the Civil Code relative to county officers giving sureties.

By Mr. Sweat of Pierce-
House Bill 916. A bill to amend the General Tax Act relating to automobiles.

By Mr. Alfriend, of Baldwin-
House Bill 917. A bill to amend an Act for the disposition of dead bodies.

The following message was received from the House, through l\Ir. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President :
The House has passed by the requisite constitututional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 385. A bill to amend Section 4357 of Code of 1910 relative to entires on GenPral Execution Dockets.



House Bill 572. A bill to permit mutual fire insurance companies to sell surplus or guarantee fund certificates.
House Bill 720. A bill to require clerks of Superior Courts to certify in certain cases whether defendant in criminal cases is ccmfined in jail or out on bond.
House Bill 730. A bill to make official cotton standards of United States the official cotton standard in Georgia.
House Bill 738. A bill to appropriate money to supply deficit in salary of Deputy Clerk of Supreme Court.
House Bill 765. A bill to appropriate money to pay increase in salary of general oil inspector.
House Bill 887. A bill to amend Act to provide for establihsment of Agricultural Industrial and Normal School in this State.
House Bill 945. A bill to amend Act to create \Varehouse Department in this State.
House Bill 1013. A bill to amend Act establishing charter for City of Americus.
House Bill 1021. A bill to provide for transfer of certain criminal cases from City to Superior Courts of State.
House Bill 1033. A bill to incorporate Town of Farrar.
House Bill 1057. A bill to amend Act to abolish fee system in Augusta Judicial Circuit.

MoNDAY, AuausT 2, 1920.


House Bill 1071. A bill to abolish Board of Roads and Revenues for County of Catoosa.
House Bill 1076. A bill to amend Act fixing salary of Treasurer of Cobb County.
House Bill 1086. A bill to .1mend Act to establish school system in City of Ocilla.
House Bill 1092. A bill to amend Act fixing salary of Treausrer of Pulaski County.
House Bill 1093. A bill to amend Act to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and ReYcnues for Twiggs County.
House Bill 1096. A bill to amend Act to incorporate Town of Molena.
House Bill 1098. A bill to amend Act to provide for working public roads of Evans County.
House Bill 1099. A bill to amend Act to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Evans County.
House Bill 1103. A bill to vest in Floyd County complete title to bridge spanning Oostanaula River.
House Bill 1108. A bill to create office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues for Pickens County.
House Bill 1109. A bill to amend Act to establish system of schools in City of Lavonia.
House Bill 1114. A bill to amend charter of City of Columbus.



House Bill 1115. A bill to amend charter of City of Columbus relative to pensions to widows and orphan children of members of police and fire departments in certain cases.
House Bill 1116. A bill to amend charter of City of Tennille.
House Resolution No. 58. A resolution declaring portion of Flint River to be non-navigable.
House Resolution 170. A resolution to appropriate money to pay expenses and per diem of members of Legislative Committees visiting State institutions.
Senate Bill 303. A bill to amend Acts creating City Court of Morgan.
The House has agreed to the Senate Amendment to the following bill of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 988. A bill to amend Act creating new County of Lanier.
The following House bills were read the first time and refererd to Committees:
By Mr. McDonald, of Richmond-
House Bill 835. A bill to amend Section 4357 of Park's Code of Georgia by adding in the 8th line of said section
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.
By Mr. Lawrence, of Chatham-
House Bill 572. A bill to permit mutual fire insurance companies to issue and sell surplus fund or guarantee fund certificates.

MoNDAY, AuousT 2, 1920.


Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

By Messrs. Sibley of Greene and Jackson of Jones-
House Bill 720. A bill to require clerks of Superit>r Courts to certify facts pertaining to defendants confined in jail.
Heferred to Committee O!l Gem~ral ;Judiciary No.2.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 730. A bill to make the official cotton standards of the United States, the official standards for Georgia.
Referred to Committee on Agriculture.

By Messrs. Pace of Sumter and Neill of Muscogee-
House Bill 738. A bill to make appropriations for the payment of deficiencies in the salary of Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. McFarland of Walker-
House Bill 754. A bill to make the Walker County Bank in LaFayette, Georgia, a State Depository.
Referred to Committee on Banks and Banking.

By Mr. Stewart of AtkinsonHouse Bill 765. A bill to appropriate $2,850 to



pay increase of salary of the General Oil Inspector of the State.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 804. A bill to confirm the title of Standard Fuel Supply Company and its assigns.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
House Bill 887. A bill to amend an Act to provide for the establishment of an Agricultural Industrial and Normal School.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Jordan of JasperHouse Bill 945. A bill to create a warehouse
Department for Georgia. Referred to Committee on Agriculture.

By Mr. Pace of SumterHouse Bill 1013. A bill to amend the Act es-
tablishing the city charter of Americus. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Lewis of Hancock-
House Bill 1021. A bill to provide for the transfer of certain criminal cases from the City Courts to the Superior Courts.

MoNDAY, AuGUST 2, 1920.


Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.2.

By Messrs. Moore, Hendrix and Smith of FultonHouse Bill 1032. A bill to amend the charter of
the Town of College Park. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Jordan of JasperHouse Bill 1033. A bill to incorporate the Town
of Farrar. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Brinson and Woods of EmanuelHouse Bill 1036. A bill to incorporate the City
of Twin City. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Stovall of McDuffieHonse Bill 1057. A bill to amend an Act to
abolish the fee system in the Augusta Judicial Circuit relative to Solicitor General.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By Mr. Ware of warrenHouse Bill 1061. A bill to amend the charter of
the Town of Camak. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Hullender of Catoosa-
House Bill 1071. A bill to abolish the Board of Roads and Revenues for Catoosa County.



Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Lewis of Hancock-
House Bill 1073. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Hancock and provide for handling county funds.
Referred to .Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Smith of Haralson-
House Bill 1074. A bill to amend an Act to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and ReYenues for Haralson County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 1076. A bill to amend Section 1 of an Act to fix the salary of Treasurer of Cobb County, to increase the same.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bill 1077. A bill to amend an Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Coffee County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

MoNDAY, AuGUST 2, 1920.


By Mr. Harden of Banks-
House Bill 1078. A bill to amend an Act fixing the salary of Treasurer of Banks County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Williams of Worth-
House Bill 1079. A bill to amend an Act to create a new charter for the City of Sylvester.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Tankersley of Irwin-
House Bill 1086. A bill to amend an Act to establish a public school system in the City of Ocilla.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Whitaker of Lowndes-
House Bill 1089. A bill to amend an Act incorporating the Town of Hahira.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Messrs. DeLaPierrere and Holder of JacksonHouse Bill 1090. A bill to amend an Act to es-
tablish a public shcool system in the City of Jefferson.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Coates of Pulaski-
House Bill 1092. A bill to amend an Act to fix the salary of the Treasurer of Pulaski County.



Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Shannon of Twiggs-
Hause Bill 1093. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Twiggs County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Barrett of Pike-
House Bill 1096. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of Molena.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. DeLoach of Evans-
House Bill 1098. A bill to provide for public roads in Evans County, to appoint a Superintendent.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. DeLoach of Evans-
House Bill 1099. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Evans County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Messrs. Hamilton, Davis and Copeland of Floyd-
House Bill 1103. A bill to vest full jurisdiction

MoNDAY, AuousT 2, 1920.


and title of the bridge over the Oostunaula River, in Floyd County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Richards of Pickens-
House Bill 1108. A bill to create the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues for Pickens County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Gunnels of FranklinHouse Bill 1109. A bill to amend an Act to au-
thorize a system of public schools for Lavonia.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Messrs. Neill, Wohlwender and H;ollis of Muscogee-
House Bill1114. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Columbus, relative to levy of taxes for current expenses.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Neill, Wohlwender and Hollis of Muscogee-
House Bill 1115. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Columbus, relative to paying pensions to widows of members of Police Force or Fire Department.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.



By Messrs. Hodges and Swint of Washington-
House Bill 1116. A bill to amend the charter of Tennille.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Stubbs of Laurens-
House Bill 648. A bill to make appropriations to pay deficits in salary of Railroad Commissioners.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Jordan of Wheeler-
House Bill 890. A bill to amend Section 1249 of Code of 1910 providing for selection of State Depositories.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

The following House resolutions were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 179. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson of a bond.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 180. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson, W. E. DeLoach and F. M. Ridley as surety on a bond.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

MoNDAY, AuausT 2, 1920.


By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of TroupHouse Resolution 181. A resolution to relieve
Lonnie Haralson as surety on a bond.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 182. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson as surety on a bond.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. Longley and wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 183. A resolution to relieve J. H. Hardy as surety on a bond.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Mr. Burt of DoughertyHouse Resolution 58. A resolution to declare a
portion of the Flynt River to be navigable.
Referred to Committee on Manufactures.

By Messrs. Carswell of Wilkinson and Stubbs of Laurens-
House Resolution 170. A resolution to appropriate $5,000.00 for paying expenses and per diem of Legislative Committees who visited institutions in this State.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

The following House bill, adversely reported, was taken up for consideration:



By Messrs. McDonald, Reville and Pilcher of Richmond-
House Bill247. A bill to amend an Act to amend the charter of the City of Augusta, providing for the pensioning of members of the Police and Fire Departments.
The adverse r~port of the Committee was disagreed to.
And the bill was read a second time.
By unanimous consent the following local St"late bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By :Mr. Steed-
A bill to abolish the office of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Carroll County and to create a new board.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, ~ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Vickery-
A bill to repeal an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Charlton County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

MoNDAY, AuGLST 2, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Vickery-
A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Charlton County, to name the County Depositor.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Vickery-
A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Charlton County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

The following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By l\Iessrs. Flynt, Elders, Dorris and Fowler-
A bill to provide additional compensation for the Sheriff of the Court of Appeals.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional -majority was passed.

By Mr. Reynolds-
A bill to establish a public school system in Washington, Georgia.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage :

By Mr. Smith of Fulton-
A bill to authorize the admission of women in the School of Commerce at Georgia School of Technology.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

MoNDAY, AuarsT 2, 1920.


By Mr. Palmour of Hall-
House Bill 850. A bill to amend Section 4028 of Code of 1910, relative to place of administrators' sales.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of fhe bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Barnes of Bibb-

House Bill 762. A bill to repeal an Act fixing and adopting a standard of time for the State.
was The report of the Committee which favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill no quorum was voting.

The roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

T~ose voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E.
Ayers, J: S.
Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame. Josiah Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H.

Duncan, J. T. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Kea, Fred Kendall, M. M. Larkins', J. K. Lunsford, J. R. Neidlinger, Leonorian

Pittman, Claude C. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson. 8. M.



Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Clements, .Tas. B. Cureton, Walter \\'. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Rogg, J. P.

Kaigler, H. ~L Keene, J. H. Kirkland, Z. \V. LeSueur, R. C. ~faynard. J. D. :\'ix, Oscar A. OliYe, J. T.

Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T.
Hagsuale, 8. w.
8hingler, .J. 8. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.
Mr. President

Ayes 30, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

The following Senate bills were taken up for consideration:

By :Mr. Duncan-
A bill to accept certain grants of land, buildings, etc., for the Trustees of the University of Georgia to establish the "Northwest Georgia Normal and Industrial College.''
At the request of the author the bill was postponed until Tuesday, August 3, 1920.

By :Messrs. Dorris and Kea
A bill to regulate the sale of securities, to create the Securities Commission.
Mr. Glenn, of 43rd District, moved to postpone the bill until tomorrow, and the motion prevailed.

By Mr. Kendall-
A bill to provide for the taking and filing of bills of sales of cattle.
At the request of the author the bill was postponed until Wednesday, August 4, 1920.

MmmAY, AcG"GST ~. 19:20.


The following House bill was taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Alfriend of BaldwinHouse Bill 679. A bill to give additional powers
to the local Board of Trustees of the Georgia Military College.
Mr. Bowden, of 5th District, moved to postpone the bill until Thursday, August 5, 1920.
The following resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr. Blasingame-
A reoslution requesting the House to return House Bill No. 1044 to the Senate for a needed amendment.

The following resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted:

By Mr. Kendall-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Cal Ellis, of Griffin, Georgia, for a period of two days.

A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. W. J. Taylor, of Laurens County, for a period of two days.

By Mr. KendallA resolution extending the privileges of the



floor to Mr. J. L. D. Powell, of Moultrie, Georgia, for a period of two days.

By Mr. Lunsford-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. E. G. Harrell, of Stewart County, for a ~eriod of two days.
Mr. Barrett, of 31st District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn, and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.

TuESDAY, A--cGL'ST :i, 1C1'


Tuesday, August 3, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock, A. M., Central time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen. han E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, .J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon. James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Fo\\'ler. Ben J. lilenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. :i\L Kea. Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, 1\f'. :!\!. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, .J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. }faynard, J. D. Nix. Oscar A. Olive, .J. T.

Pittman, Claude C. Hatmn, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, ,V, K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith. J. Q. Steed, E. T. \'eazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. 'Vatson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

At the request of Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, Senate Bill No. 351 was withdrawn from the Com-



mittee on Constitutional Amendments, read the second time and recommitted.

At the request of Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, all local uncontested House and Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage.

The House bills are as follows :
By Mr. Quincey of CoffeeHouse Bill 952. A bill to create a new charter
for the City of Nicholls. The report of the Committee which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 984. A bill to create a River and Levee Commission for protection of the City of West Point.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage 9f the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 50, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

TuESDAY, AuGL"ST 3, Hl:20.


By Mr. Anderson of Jenkins-
House Bill 1005. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Millen.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Holmes of Monroe-
House Bill 1015. A bill to amend an Act con. solidating the Acts incorporating the City of
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bill 1043. A bill to amend the charter of. the City of Douglas.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Shannon of Twiggs-
Honse Bill 1045. A bill to establish the City Court of Jeffersonville.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Longley and wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 937. A bill to authorize the City of \Vest Point to acquire property to protect the city from floods.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 1047. A bill to authorize City of Bainbridge to establish and change streets, sidewalks, alleys, etc.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

TuESDAY, AuausT 3, 192(}.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Sweat of Pierce-
House Bill 1065. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City of Blackshear.
The report of the Committee, which was favor able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Neill, Wohlwender and Hollis of Muscogee-
House Bill1081. A bill to amend an Act resting title in fee simple to the Commons of Columbus in the Oommons Commissioners..
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Longley and wyatt of Troup-
House Bill 986. A bill to amend Paragraph 1, Sec. 7 , Article 7, of the Constitution of Georgia so



as to allow West Point to increase its bonded indebtedness.

An Act to amend paragraph 1 of Section 7 of Article 7 .of the Constitution of this State, as now amended, so as to provide for allowing the City of West Point to increase its bonded indebtedness, in addition to and separate from the amount of debts heretofore allowed in this paragraph, under certain circumstances, for the purpose of flood protection.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That paragraph one (1) of Section seven (7) of Article seven (7) of the Constitution of this State as now amended, is hereby amended by adding at the end of said paragraph the following: "Except that the City of West Point,
froll! time to time as necessary for the purpose of
protection against floods, may incur a bonded indebtedness in and addition to and separate from the amount of debts hereinbefore in this paragraph a.llowed to be' incurred, to an amount in the aggregate not exceeding the sum of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) and such indebtedness not to be incurred except with the assent of two-thirds of the qualified voters of such city at an election or elections to be held as may be now or may hereafter prescribed by law for the incurring of new debts by said City of West Point so that said paragraph of the Constitution when amended shall read as follows:

TuESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1920.


Paragraph 1. The debt hereafter incurred by any county, municipal corporation or political division of this State, except as in this Constitution provided for, shall not exceed seven per centum of the assessed value of all the taxable property therein, and no such county, municipality or division shall incur any new debt, except for temporary loan or loans to supply casual deficiencies of revenue, not to exceed one-fifth of one per centum of the assessed value of taxable property therein, without the assent of two-thirds of the qualified voters thereof at an election for that purpose, to be held as may be prescribed by law; but any city, the debt of which does not exceed seven per centum of the assessed value of the taxabe property at the time of the adoption of this Constitution may be authorized by law to increase, at any time, the amount of said debt, three per centum upon such assessed valuation; except that the City of Augusta, from time to time, as necessary, for the purpose of protection against flood, may incur a bonded indebtedness upon it power producing canal and municipal waterworks, in addition to the debts hereinbefore in this paragraph allowed to be incurred, to an amount in the aggregate not exceeding fifty per centum of the combined value of such properties, the valuation of such properties to be fixed as may be prescribed by law, but said valuation not to exceed a figure five per cent on which shall represent the new revenue per annum produced by the two such properties together as the time of .said valuation, and such indebtedness not to be incurred except with the assent of two-thirds of the qualified voters of said



city at an election or elections for that purpose to be held as may be now or may hereafter prescribed by law for the incurring of' new debts by said City Council of Augusta; except that the City of "\Vest Point from time to time, as may be necessary for the purpose of protection against floods may incur a bonded indebtedness in addition to and separate from the amount of debts hereinbefore in this paragraph allowed to be incurred, to an amount in the aggregate not exceeding the sum of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and such indebtedness not to be incurred except with the assent of twothirds of the qualified voters of such city, at an election or elections to be held as may be now or hereafter prescribed by law for the incurring of new debts by said City of "\Vest Point.
Section 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever the above proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly, and the same has been entered on their Journals, with the Ayes and Nays taken thereon, the Governor shall, and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause said amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each Congressional District in this State for a period of two months next preceding the time of holding the next general election.
Section 3. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the above proposed amendment shall be submitted for ratification or rejection to the electors of this State at the next general election to be held after publication as provided

TuEsDAY, AcausT 3, 1920.


for in the second section of this Act, in the several election districts of this State, at which e1ection every person shall be qualified to vote, who is now entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly. All persons voting at such election in favor of adopting the proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots: "For amendment allowing City of West Point to increase its bonded indebtedness for flood protection," and all persons opposed to the adoption of the amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: ''Against the amendment allowing City of West Point to increase its bonded indebtedness for flood protection.''
Section 4. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to provide for the submission of the amendment proposed in the first section of this Act to a vote of the people as required by the Constitution of this State in Paragraph 1 of Section 1 of Article 13, and by this Act, and if ratified, the Governor, shall when he ascetrains such ratification from the Secretary of State, to whom the returns shall be referred in the manner as in cases of election for members of the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the results, issue his proclamation for one insertion in one of the daily papers of this State, announcing such results and declaring the amendment ratified.
Section 5. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act, be and the same are hereby repealed.



The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.

The bill involving a constitutional amendment the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams. Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, ~'ermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. .Brooks, B. B. .Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dixon. James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M . LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D. Nix, Oscar A. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Calude C. Pruett, J. F.

Rabun, Z. T. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. \'Vallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Ennis, J. H. Kaigler, H. M.

Kirkland, Z~ W.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Larkins, J. K.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford. J. R.

:\fr. President

Neidlinger, Leononan

Ayes 40, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote was passed.

By Messrs. Storzier, Cochran and Barnes of Bibb-
House Bill 888. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Macon; to abolish the Civil Service Commission.
The Committee offered the following amendment:

Tu:EsDAY, AuausT 3, 1920.


Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the
Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman; to report the same back to the Senate with the recom:.. mendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Cal Ellis, of Griffin, Georgia, for a period of two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. W. T. Taylor, of Laurens County, for two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to J. L. D. Powell, of Moultrie, Georgia, ror two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of ihe floor to Ron. E. G. Harrell, of Stewart County, fot two days.
Respectfully submitted, M. M. KENDALL, Chairman.

No. 888.
(1) By adding after the word utherefor''inSec: 7, of Article 4, the words: "Except for a violation of the provisions of Section 31 of this Act.',.
(2) by inserting between the wo~d '~employee"
and the word ''shall'' in the 2nd line of Section 7,



Article 11, the words '' (except for a violation of the provision of Section 31). ''
(3) By adding after the word "appeal" in the 11th line of Section 18 the words: ''but nothing in this Act shall be construed to permit of an appeal by application for the writ of certiorari aforesaid from the decision, judgment, or order of the said Mayor and Board of Aldermen discharging any employee for a violation of the provisions of Section 31 of this Act.''
(3) By adding after the word "appeal" in the 31 the words ''Police and Fire Committees'' and inserting in lieu thereof the words : ''Mayor and Board of Aldermen.''
(5) By striking from the 13th, or last line of Section 31 the words ''hereinafter provided for discharges'' and inserting in lieu thereof the words ''hereinafter provided in Section 32 of this Act.''
(6) By adding a new and additional Section to said bill to be denominated ''Section 32'' as follows, to-wit:
"Section 32. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding, it shall be the duty of the Mayor of said city immediately upon the passage of this Act to proceed, in any manner or by any means he sees fit, to inquire into the status of both the Police and Fire Departments and the employees thereon to determine whether or not either of said departments, or any employee or employees thereon, are violating the provisions of Section 31, and, if he shall determine that said Section 31 is being vio-

TuESDAY, AuausT 3, 1920.


lated, it shall be his duty to report such fact to the next meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen together with a list of the names of any and all employees so violating as aforesaid, whereupon it shall be the instant duty of the said Mayor and Board of Aldermen to immediately discharge such employee, or employees, from the service by resolution, and such discharge shall be final in all respects and from which there shall be no appeal.''
(7) By striking the words "Section 32" in said bill and inserting in lieu thereof the words ''Section 33. ''
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 1088. A bill to incorporate the City of Monticello.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



Also the following general House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage :

By Mr. "\Vall of Putman-
Hause Bill 733. A bill to amend Sections 419, 420 and 421 of Volume 1 of Code of 1910, relating to building bridges over water courses separating counties.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Sweat of Pierce-
House Bill 916. A bill to amend the General Tax Act relating to automobiles.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Clifton of Lee-
House Bill 292. A bill to designate all past roads as public roads.
The report of the Committee, which was unfavorable to the passage of the bill, was disagreed to July 27, 1920.

TuESDAY, AuausT 3, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Nays 3.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

1"Ylr. President:

The House has passed by the requisite constih... tional majority the following bills of the House and Senate, to-wit:

House Bill 845. A bill to provide amount of deposit to be made by Life Insurance Companies not now authorized to do business in this State.

House Bill 873. A bill to create new charter for City of Cave Spring.

House Bill 1082. A bill to amend and revise charter of City of Thomasville.

House Bill 1084. A bill to incorporate the City

of Manassas.


House Bill 1094. A bill to incorporate the Town of Cusseta.

Senate Bill 221. A bill to amend Act to establish City Court of Madison.

Senate Bill 323. A bill to amend Act to establish City Court of Blackshear.

Atlanta, Ga., August 2, 1920. The following message was received from His Excellency, the Governor, through his Clerk, Mr. Cobb:



Mr. President:
I am directed by His Excellency, the Governor, to deliver to the Senate a communication in writing to which he respectfully invites your attention.
The following communication from the Governor was read for the information of the Senate:
Atlanta, August 2, 1920.
State of Georgia, Executive Department,
To The General Assembly of Georgia:
On the 7th day of July, 1920, a message transmitting a report of the ''Commission on the Release of the \Vestern & Atlantic Railroad,'' was sent your honorable body. In this report said Commission requested that it be discharged, and suggested that the Railroad Commission be hereafter charged with such further duties as arise in connection with said railroad and its properties.
You are respectfully urged to pass at this session a resolution in accordance with this request.
It is proper, I think, to invite your attention to the splendid work done by this Commission in negotiating and consummating the renewal lease under which the State is receiving this year $548,340.00 in cash, and other valuable considerations.
The Commission has rendered a service to the people of Georgia equal to that of Hon. \Vm. H. Felton, deceased, who, as a member of the General Assembly of Georgia, chiefly directed and shaped the necessary legislation in connection with the lease beginning December 27, 1890 and expiring December 27, 1919.

TuESDAY, AuGusT 3, UJ:W.


The Commission making the lease was composed of Ron. C. M. Candler, Chairman; Messrs. G. Gunby Jordan, E. A. Copeland, St. Elmo Massengale, and Ron. N. E. Harris, Governor Ex-Officio. The work of the Commission, as regards the lease of the railroad, had been fully accomplished before my induction into office. Not having been a member of the Commission when the present lease of the railroad was made, I feel no hesitancy in suggesting the propriety of your passing also a resolution of thanks to the Commission. It richly deserves such recognition at your hands.
I further respectfully submit that the work done by the Chairman of the Commission is deserving of especial recognition. He has served without compensation beyond what has been paid him for his duties as Chairman of the Railroad Commission of the State. It would be quite appropriate, if, in addition to the resolution suggested, some substantial consideration should be awarded him. I submit this for your consideration without any suggestion whatever from him and without his knowledge or consent, and solely because I consider it should be the policy of the State to reward faithful and efficient service.
Respectfully submitted,
HuGH M. DoRSEY, Governor.

Mr. Bell, of 51st District, Chairman of the Committee on Enrollment, submitted the following report:



Mr. President:
Your Committee on Enrollment report as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House, the following Acts, to-wit:
An Act to repeal an Act to establish a system of public schools in and for the Town of Dallas.
An Act to amend the charter of the City of
Cartersville, to provide for a public school system.
An Act to fix the terms of the Superior Courts of Stephens County.
An Act to amend the charter of the City of Cartersville, to provide for collection of taxes semi-annually.
An Act to increase the salary of Treasurer of Fulton County.
An Act to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of Montezuma, to extend the corporate limits.
Respectfully submitted, WALTER BELL, Chairman.

Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 2, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 2 have had under consideration the following House Bill 499 and 263 and Senate Bill 256 and 211 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.

TuESDAY, AuuusT 3, 1920.


Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the followin greport:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following Resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. E. F. Wimberly and J. W. West of Twiggs County, for a period of two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. J. M. Hackney, of Fannin County, for a period of two days.

Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the follow ing report :

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 1094. Incorporating Town of Cusseta.
House Bill No. 1082. Amending charter of City of Thomasville.



House Bill No. 1084. Incorporating City of Manassas.
House Bill No. 873. Creating new charter for Cave Springs.
Respectfully submitted, CLAREXCE E. AnA:~-Is, Chairman.

Mr. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report:

Mr. President: Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had
under consideration the following resolutions and bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Resolution No. 180. House Resolution No. 182.
House Resolution No. 181.
House Resolution No. 183.
House Resolution No. 179.
House Bill No. 1057. Respectfully submitted, DoRRis, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

TuESDAY, AuGUST 3, 1920.


Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill No. 1116. Amending charter of City of Tennille.
Respectfully submitted, CLARENCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
Senate Bill No. 347. Incorporating the City of Soperton.
Senate Bill No. 348. Repealing Acts incorporating City of Soperton.
CLARENCE E. AnAMS, Chairman.
Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:



Mr. President :
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 1036. Incorporating the City of Twin City.
House Bill No. 1032. Amending charter of Town of College Park.
House Bill No. 1033. Incorporating Town of Farrar.
House Bill No. 1115. Amending charter of City of Columbus.
House Bill No. 1114. Amending charter of City of Columbus.
House Bill No. 1061. Amending charter of Town of Camak.
House Bill No. 1096. Amending charter of Town of Molena.
House Bill No. 1089. Amending charter of Town of Hahira.
House Bill No. 1013. Amending charter of City of Americus.
Respectfully submitted, CLARENCE E. ADAMS, Chairman.

Mr. Duncan, of 36th District, Chairman of the Committee on Manufactories, submitted the following report:

TuESDAY, AuousT 3, 1920.


Mr. President:
Your Committee on Manufactories have had under consideration the following House resolution No. 58 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, DuNCAN, Chairman.

Mr. Allen, of 35th District, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Appropriations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 648. A bill to make appropriations to pay increase in salary of members of Railroad Commission.
Respectfully submitted, ALLEN, Chairman.
By unanimous consent the following bills Wl're introduced, read the first time and referred to Com mittees:

By Mr. AllenA bill to require the teaching of thrift in th~
public schools of Georgia.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.



By Mr. EldersA bill to amend the charter ofthe City Court of
Reidsville relating to jurors.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. Keene and Kea-
A bill to provide for passes for all ordained ministers in attendance on one or more churches when going to and from said churches.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.2.
Also the following resolution was read and referred:

By Mr. EldersA resolution to relieve J. F. Easterling from
paying a bond in a criminal case.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

111 r. Pres~dent:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:
House Bill149. A bill to amend Section 1280 to 1288 of Code relative to harboring escapes.
House Bill 466. A bill to amend Section 1613 of Code relative to furloughs from Georgia State Sanitarium.

rl'UESDAY, AuGUST 3, 10~0.


House Bill 693. A bill to amend Section 2817 of Code relative to corporate powers of trust companies.
House Bill 753. A bill to amend Act creating Georgia State Reformatory by limiting those required to enter into bond.
House Bill 879. A bill to amend Section 424 of Code relative to bridges connecting border counties with adjacent States.
House Bill 915. A bill to amend Section 389 of Code relative to bonds of contractors.
House Bill 1064. A bill to amend Act establish ing system for reclaiming swamp lands of State.
House Bill 1069. A bill to amend Act creating City Court of Louisville.
House Bill 1095. A bill to abolish office of County Treasurer of Bulloch County.
House Bill 1100. A bill to amend Act incorporating town of DeSoto.
House Bill 1101. A bill to amend Act creating City Court of Hinesville.
House Bill 1107. A bill to amend Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Jackson County.
House Bill 1110. A bill to amend Act to incorporate City of Lavonia.
House Bill 1122. A bill to amend Act incorporating Town of Vanna.



House Bill 1123. A bill to amend Act establishing public school system in Town of Bowersville.
House Bill 1140. A bill to amend Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Elbert County.
House Bill 1143. A bill to amend Act to establish public school system in City of Washington.
House Resolution 151. A resolution to pay W. W. Crawford money refunded by him to State Treasury by oversight.
House Bill 1068. A bill to create office of City Recorder for City of LaGrange.
House Bill 1080. A bill to amend Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Polk County.
House Bill 1119. A bill to amend Act creating City Court of Soperton.

The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:
By Messrs. Dobbs of Cobb and Wohlwender of MuscogeeHouse Bill 845. A bill to provide the amount of
deposit made by Life Insurance Companies not now authorized to do business in this State.
Referred to Committee on Insurance.
By Messrs. Hamilton and Davis of FloydHouse Bill 873. A bill to create a new charter
for Cave Springs. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

TuESDAY, At:G"GsT 3, 1920.


By Messrs. Jones and Mcintyre of Thomas-
House Bill 1082. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Thomasville.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Purcell. of Tattnall-
House Bill 1084. A bill to incorporate the City of Manassas.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Johnson of Chattahoochee-
House Bill1094. A bill to incorporate the Town of Cusseta.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Lawrence of Chatham-
House Bifl 149. A bill to amend Sections 1280 to 1288 of Parks Penal Code of 1915 by prohibiting the harboring of escapes.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.
By Messrs. Alfriend of Baldwin and Rogers and Swift of Elbert-
House Bill 466. A bill to amend Sectiol'l 1613 of Code of 1910, relative to furloughs from Georgia State Sanitarium.
Referred to Committee on State Sanitarium.



By Mr. Hamilton of Floyd-
House Bill 693. A bill to amend :::;ection 2817 of the Civil Code relative to incorporate powers of Trust Companies.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary
;:r o. 1.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Bill753. A bill to amend an Act to create a State Reformatory to change name to Georgia Training School for Boys.
Referred to Committee on Penitentiary.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 879. A bill to amend Section 424 of Code of Georgia by striking from last line of said section.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Mr. Anderson of Jenkins-
House Bill 915. A bill to amend Section 389 of Code of 1910 by adding certain proviso.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No. 1.

By Mr. Bellah of HenryHouse Bi1l1064. A hill to amend an Act to pro-

TuESDAY, AuausT 3, 1921.


vide for a system of drainage, authorize a higher bond rate for drainage purposes.
Referred to Committee on Drainage.

By Messrs. Wyatt and Longley of TroupHouse Bill 1068. A bill to create the office of
City Recorder of LaGrange. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Mr. King of JeffersonHouse Bill 1069. A bill to amend an Act to
create the City Court of Louisville. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By Mr. :Mundy of PolkHouse Bill 1080. A bill to amend an Act creat-
ing a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Polk County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mssrs. Brannen and Williams of Bulloch-
Hause Bill 1095. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Bulloch County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Pace of SumterHouse Bill 1100. A bill to amend an Act to in-
corporate the Town of DeSota. Referred to Committee on Corporations.



By Mr. Smiley of LibertyHouse Bill1101. A bill to amend an Act creating
the City Court of Hinesville. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. DeLaPerriere and Holder of Jackson-
House Bill 1107. A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Jackson County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Gunnels of FranklinHouse Bill 1110. A bill to amend an Act incor-
porating the City of Lavonia. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Barwick of TreutlenHouse Bill 1119. A bill to amend an Act creat-
ing the City Court ofSoperton. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By Mr. Mason of HartHouse Bill 1122. A bill to amend an Act incor-
porating the Town of Vanna. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Mason of Hart-
House Bill 1123. A bill to amend an Act to establish a public school system for Bowersville.
Referred to Committee on Education.

TuESDAY, AuGusT 3, 1920.


By Messrs. Swift and Rogers of Elbert-
House Bill 1140. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners for Elbert County.
Referred to Committee on counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Ficklen of WilkesHouse Bill 1143. A bill to establish a public
school system in \Vashington, Georgia.
Referred to Committee on Education.

Also the following resolution:

By Mr. Mundy of Polk-
House Resolution 151. A bill to pay \V. \V. Crawford Ninety Dollars refunded by him to the State Treasury.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Sibley of Greene-
House Bill 783. A bill to name Greensboro as a State Depository.
Referred to Committee on Banks and Banking. The following resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted :

By Mr. Reece-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. W. Hackney, of Fannin County, for a period of two days.



By Messrs. Wood and Kea-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. E. F. Wimberly and J. W. West, of Twiggs County, for a period of two days.

The following House bills and resolutions, favorably reported, were read the second time:

By :Mr. Quincey of Coffee-
House Bill 263. A bill to require officers of corporations in the execution of conveyances, titles, et al., effecting the title to real estate, to print legibly th~ names of officers signing the deed or instrument.

By "l'~Ir. Harbin of Calhoun-
House Bill 499. A bill to amend Section 605 of the Civil Code to provide who shall act as surveyor where County Surveyor is unable to act.

By "l'~Ir. Pace of Sumter-
House Bill 1013. A bill to amend the Acts establishing the city charter of Americus.

By Messrs. Moore, Hendrix and Smith of Fulton-
House Bill 1032. A bill to amend the charter of the Town of College Park.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 1033. A bill to incorporatethe Town of Farrar.

TUESDAY, AuousT 3, 1920.


By Mr. Stovall of McDuffie-
Hause Bill 1057. A bill to amend an Act to abolish the fee system in the Augusta Judicial Circuit.

By Mr. "\Vare of "\Varren-
House Bill 1061. A bill fo amend the charter of the Town of Camak.

By Mr. Whitaker of Lowndes-
House Bill 1089. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of Hahira.

By Mr. Barrett of Pike-
House Bill 1096. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of Molena.

By Messrs. Neill, Hollis and "\Vholwender of Muscogee-
House Bill1114. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Columbus, relative to levying taxes.

By Messrs. Xeill, Hollis and "\Vholwender of Muscogee-
House Bill 1115. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Columbus.

By Messrs. Hodges and Swint of "\Vashington-
House Bill 1116. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Tennille.



By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
House Resolution 58. A resolution to declare a portion of the Flynt River to be navigable.

By Messrs. Longley and wyatt of TroupHouse Resolution 179. A resolution to relieve
Lonnie Haralson as surety on a bond.
By Messrs. Longley and wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 180. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson, \V. E. DeLoach and F. M. Ridley as surety on a bond.

By Messrs. Longley and \Vyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 181. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson as surety on a bond.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 182. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson as surety on a bond.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 183. A resolution to relieve J. H. Hardy as surety on a bond.

By Messrs. Brinson and Woods of EmanuelHouse Bill 1036. A bill to incorporate the City
of Twin City.
By Mr. Stubbs of LaurensHouse Bill 648. A bill to make appropriations

TuESDAY, AuousT 3, 1920.


to pay increase in salary of members of Railroad Commission.

The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Ayers-
A bill to authorize search warrants to issue upon cause supported by oath.

By Mr. KeaA bill to incorporate the City of Soperton.
By Mr. KeaA bill to repeal an Act to incorporate the Town
of Soperton.

By Mr. AyersA bill to require all deeds conveying real estate
to show the source of grantorls title.
The following Senate bill and resolution were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Duncan-
A bill to establish the "Northwest Georgia Normal and Industrial College.''
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 4.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution to cancel the contract with the Index Printing Company.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following Senate bill was taken up for consideration:

By Messrs. Dorris and Kea-
A bill to regulate the sale of securities in Georgia; to create the Securities' Commission.
The Committee offered the following substitute:
To Be Entitled An Act to create and establish the Securities Commission, to provide the membership of said Commission, and define the duties and powers thereof, to define and classify securities, and regulate the sale thereof, to provide for the license of dealers in securities and their agents, to fix fees therefor, to provide a penalty for violations of this Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia.

TuESDAY, AuausT 3, 1920.


and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, as follows:
Section 1. That this Act shall be known as'' The Georgia Securities Law,'' and that it shall repeal and supersede the Act approved August 19, 1913, known as the "Georgia Blue Sky Law."
Section 2. There shall be, and there is hereby created and, established a Securities Commission which shall be composed of the Secretary of State, who shall be Chairman of said Commission, the Attorney General, and the Commissioner of Commerce and Labor, all of whom shall serve upon and perform the duties of said Commission without additional compensation; provided, that should any of the above-named members of said Commission be or become, directly or indirectly interested in any firm or corporation which is a dealer in securities coming within the supervision of said Commission, then the Governor shall name and appoint either the Comptroller-General, the Tax Commissioner, or the Commissioner of Agriculture to take the place of the member or members of said Commission so interested, and thereby disqualified, and such appointee shall serve on said Commission so long as such qualification shall last.
Section 3. The Commission shall have authority to employ a Chief Examiner at a salary of not to exceed three hundred ($300.00) dollars per month, and such other examiners, clerks, stenographers and other employees as the administration of its office and affairs may require, whose salaries shall be fixed by said Commission, and paid out of the fees col-



lected as herein provided. The office supplies, printing, and equipment. and other expenses, and traveling expenses of the Commission and its examiners, shall be defrayed out of said fees, which are hereby allocated to defray the expenses of the Commission.
Section 4. The Commission shall keep and maintain its office in the office of the Secretary of State.
Section 5. The words and phrases used herein shall, unless the context otherwise indicates, have the following meaning:
The word ''Securities'' shall include stocks, bonds, debentures, notes, certificates of participation, certificates of shares of interest, pre-organization certificates, and subscriptions, certificates evi.dencing shares in trust-estates, or associations, and profit-sharing certificates.
The word ''issuer'' shall include every person and every company, trust, partnership or association incorporated or unincorporated heretofore or hereafter formed for any lawful purpose and organized under the laws of this State or any foreign ~tate or country which shall have issued any security sold or offered for sale to any person or persons in this State.
The term or word '' dealer'' shall be deemed to include any person, company, trust, partnership or llSsociation, incorporated or unincorporated, except National Banks, selling or disposing or offering to sell or dispose of any such securities through agents or otherwise, or engage in the marketing or quota-

TuESDAY, AuausT 3, 1920.


tion of its own securities either directly or indirectly or through agents or underwriters or any stock-promotion scheme whatsoever.

The word "file" or "filing," within the meaning of this Act, shall mean the endorsement thereof by the Chairman of the Securities Commission Qf the word "filed," followed by the month, day and year, and name of the Chairman for the purpose of showing that, in his opinion, the issuer, solicitor, agent, broker, dealer, or owner has complied' with the provisions of this Act.

Section 6. Except as otherwise provided in this

Act, no dealer shall, within this State, dispose or of-

fer to dispose of any stocks, bonds, debentures; cer-

tificates of participation, or other similar instru-

ment (all hereinafter termed "securities"), eviden-

cing title to or interest in property issued or

executed by any private or quasi-public corporation,

co-partnetship, or association (except corporations

not for profit), without first being licensed so to do

as hereinafter provided.

Section 7. For the purposes of this Act, securities are divided into four classes, as follows:
(1) Securities, the inherent qualities of which assure their sale and disposition without the perpetration of fraud, which shall be known as securities in Class "A";
(2) Securities, the inherent qualities of which, or in the nature of one or of both parties to the sale thereof, assure their sale and disposition without the perpetration of fraud, which shall be known as securities in Class '' B '';



(3) Securities based on established incomes, which shall be known as securities in Class ''D.''
(4) Securities based on prospective incomes, which shall be known as securities in Class "D".
Section 8. Securities in Class "A" shall comprise:
(1) Those issued by a government or governmental agency, or by any body having power of taxation or assessment;
(2) Those issued by any National or State bank or trust company, building and loan association of this State, or insurance company operating under the supervision <;~f the Insurance Commissioner.
(3) Those issued by any corporation operating under the supervision of the State Railroad Commissioner.
(4) Those appearing in any list of securities dealt in on the New York, Chicago, or Philadelphia ijlock Exchange, or other stock exchanges of like standing, pursuant to official authorization by such exchanges, and securities senior to any securities so appearing, whereof the current prices shall have been quoted from time to time for not less than one year next preceding the offering for sale thereof in tabulated market reports published as news, and not as advertisements, in a daily newspaper of general circulation in this State.
(5) Those issued by any corporation organized not for pecuniary profit and organized exclusively for educational, benevolent, fraternal, charitable, or reformatory purposes.

TuESDAY, AuousT 3, 1920.


(6) Notes or bonds secured by mortgage lien upon real estate or leasehold in this State, or notes secured by first mortgage upon tangible or physical property in any State or territory of the United States, when such mortgage is assigned with such securities to the purchaser.
(7) Evidences of indebtedness due under any contract made in pursuance to the provision of" any statute of any State of the United States providing for the acquisition of personal property under conditional sale contract..
(8) Negotiable promissory notes given for full value and for the sole purpose of evidencing or extending the time of payment for the price of goods, wares, or merchandise purchased by the issuer of such notes in the ordinary course of business, and commercial paper or other evidence of indebtedness running not more than twelve months from the date of issue.
(9) Subscriptions to the capital stock of any company incorporated or to be incorporated under the laws of this State where no commission or other remuneration is paid for disposition of such securities.
Securities in Class ''A'' and the sale thereof shall not be subject to the provisions of this Act.
Section 9. Securities in Class "B" shall comprise:
(1) Those sold by the owner for the owner's account exclusively, when not made in the course of continued and repeated transactions of a similar nature.



(2) Increased capital stock of a corporation sold or distributed by it among its stockholders without the payment of any commission or expense to solicitors, agents, or brokers in connection with the distribution thereof.
(3) Those sold by or to any bank, trust company or insurance company or association of this State or of the United States, doing business in this State under the supervision of the State Bank Superintendent or Insurance Commissioner; or by or to any building and loan association organized and doing business under the laws of this State, or any public sinking fund trustees; or to any corporation or any dealer or broker in securities.
(4) Those sold or offered for sale at any judicial, executor's or administrator's sale, or at any sale by a receiver or trustee in insolvency or bankruptcy, or at a puHic sale or auction held at an advertised time and place.
Securities in Class "B," when disposed of by the persons and in the manner provided by this section, shall not be subject to the provisions of this Act.
Section 10. Securities in Class '' C'' shall comprise:
Those issued by a person, corporation, firm, trust, partnership, or association owning a property, business or industry, which has been in continuous operation not less than two years and which has shown net profits, exclusive of all prior charges, as followa:

TUESDAY, AuausT 3, 1920.


(1) In the case of interest-bearing securities not less than one and one-half times the annual interest charge upon all outstanding interest-bearing obligations;
(2) In the case of preferred stock not less than one and one-half times the annual dividend on sooh preferred stock;
(3) In the case of common stock not less than three per cent. per annum upon such common stock.
Section 11. Securities in Class "C" may be dis~ posed of, sold, or offered for sale upon compliance with the following conditions, and not otherwise:
A statement shall be filed in the office of the Securities Commission:
(1) Describing the evidence of indebtedness, preferred stock or common stock intended to be offered or sold;
(2) Stating the law under which and the time when the issuer was organized;
(3) Giving a detailed statement of the assets and liabilities of such issuer, and in come or profit and loss statement, and giving an analysis of surplus account;
(4) Giving the names and addresses of its principal officers, and of its directors or trustees;
(5) Giving pertinent and necessary facts and data and information establishing that the securities to be offered are securities in Class "C.')



Such statement shall be accompanied by a filing fee of five ($5.00) dollars, and shall be verified by the oath of not less than two credible persons having knowledge of the facts.

Section 12. All securities other than those falling within Classes ''A,'' '' B'' and '' C,'' respectively, shall be known as securities in Class "D."
Section 13. No securities in Class "D" shall be sold or offered for sale until there shall have been filed in the office of the Commission, statements and documents as follows:
(1) A description and amount of the securities intended to be offered for sale;
(2) If the issuer is a corporation, a certified copy of the charter or articles of incorporation and by-laws;
(3) If the issuer is a firm, trust, partnership, or unincorporated association, a copy of the articles of partnershi~, association or trust agreement;
(4) The names, addresses and prior occupations during a period of not less than eight years prior to filing such statement (giving details as to time, place and address of employer and reasons for discontinuance of employment) of the officers, directors, or trustees of the issuer, if it be a corporation, or of the persons composing the issuer, if the issuer be a non-incorporated association, together with the names and addresses of all agents or salesmen designated to represent the issuer in this State.

TuESDAY, AuousT 3, 1920.


(5) Location of the issuer's principal office and of his principal office in this State, if any;

(6) A description of the nature of the industry engaged in or intend to .:ngage in and the approximate time when such industry was or will be established;

(7) An inventory and appraisement of the assets of the issuer;

(8) A statement in detail of the gross incomes of the issuer and the source of sources thereof and of its operating and other expenses for a period of twelve (12) months prior to the date of filing such issuer if less than two (2) years prior to the date of issuer if less than two (2) years prior to the date of filing;

(9) A copy of the most recent balance sheet of the issuer, showing the financial conaition of the issuer at a date not more than thirty (30) days prior to the date of filing, and giving an analysis of surplus account from inception of such issuer;

(10) A copy of the mortgage, trust deed, indenture or writing securing these securities, or whereunder the same are issued, if any such instruments there be;

(11) A copy of the form of the securities intended to be offered;

(12) A copy of any and all subscription blanks

to be used in the sale thereof.

(13) A statement as to the manner in which the securities are to be offered and sold;



(14) If the securities be intended to be offered and sold by the issuer through solicitors, agents, or brokers, an irrevocable contract executed by each such solicitor, agent, or broker authorized to offer or sell such securities by or on behalf of the issuer to the effect that the issuer will receive in cash not less than seventy-five (75) per cent. of the proceeds of each sale of the securities without deduction for any commission or expenses, directly or indirectly, and without liability to pay any sum whatsoever as commission or expenses for any services in and about such sales;
(15) If the securities shall have been or be intended to be sold to any dealer, solicitor, agent or broker and intend to be by such dealer, solicitor, agent or broker, sold to the public for their own account, a statement verified under oath, establishing that the price paid to the issuer was or will be without any fixed securities or contingent right in the issuer to demand or receive any additional sum on account of such securities or the sale thereof;
(16) Such other facts relative to such securities and the sale thereof as the Commission shall prescribe.
Such statements and documents shall be accompanied by a filing fee of five ($5.00) dollars, and shall be verified by the oath. of not less than two of the officers of the issuer, if the issuer be a corporation, or by not less than two members of a firm, trust, partnership or association, if the issuer be not incorporated. The Commission may require further and additional verification under the oaths of other persons.

TuESDAY, AuGUST 3, 1920.


Section 14. The applicant, if not a resident of or was not organized under the laws of this State, shall at the same time, and before any license shall issue, file with the Commission a duly executed written instrument, irrevocable, consenting that any action brought against such applicant, arising out of and founded upon sale or disposal of such securities by him or his agents may be brought in any county in the State where such securities were sold; and shall at the same time, when the applicant is not a resident of or was not organized under the laws of this State, file with said Commission a written instrument as power of attorney, duly signed and sealed, appointing and authorizing some person, who shall be a resident of this State, to acknowledge or receive service of process, and upon whom process may be served, for and in behalf of such applicant, in all proceedings that may be instituted against such applicant in any Court of this State, or any Court of the United States in this State, and consenting that service of process upon any agent or attorney appointed under the provisions of this section shall be taken and held to be as valid as if served upon the applicant, and such instrument shall further provide 'that the authority of such attorney shall continue until revocation of his appointment is made by such applicant by filing a similar instrument with said Commission, whereby another person shall be appointed as such attorney.

If any attorney so appointed shall absent himself from this State, or his usual place of business or abode, as designated by the applicant, or shall secrete himself, so that process may not be served upon



him, or shall have become disqualified from any cause whatever, or shall die, the Commission shall immediately appoint an attorney for service for such applicant or licensee, of which appointment notice in writing shall be immediately given by the Commission to such appointee, and also be sent to the applicant or licensee by registered mail, or to its general agent or manager, which appointment shall be as valid as if made by the applicant or licensee, and shall continue in force until such absent agent or agent or attorney shall return and give notice thereof, or until the applicant or licensee shall have made another appointment in the manner above prescribed.
Service of process as aforesaid, issued by any such Court as aforesaid, upon any such attorney appointed by the applicant or licensee, or by the Commission, shall be valid and binding, and be deemed personal service upon such applicant or licensee so long as it shall have any obligations or liabilities outstanding in this State, although such applicant or licensee may have withdrawn, been excluded from, or ceased to do business in this State. If any applicant shall fail, neglect or refuse to appoint and maintain within this State such attorney or agent, it shall forfeit the right to do or continue business in this State.
Section 15. If the Commission be satisfied of the good repute in business of such applicant and named ~gents, he shall upon the payment of an annual fee of fifty ($50.00) dollars, and an additional fee of five ($5.00) dollars for each agent named in the application, register the applicant as a licensed

dealer in such securities, and issue to him a license containing the name of the applicant and all such agents, renewable annually upon payment of such annual fee, unless revoked as herein provided. Pending a final disposition of such application the Commission may grant temporary permission to such applicant to transact business as a dealer under this Act. All such renewals shall be made as of the first day of January of each calendar year, upon proper application therefor, filed not less than twenty (20) nor more than sixty (60) days next preceding such date.
Section 16. Such license shall be taken out at the beginning of each calendar year, but it may be issued at any time for the remainder of such year, and in such case the annual fee shall be reduced four dollars for each expired month but in no case shall it be less than ten ($10.00) dollars. Upon the payment of a fee of five ($5.00) dollars for each specified agent not named in such license the same may, at any time, be amended or supplemented to include such agent. Upon the written request of such applicant, accompanied by a fee of two ($2.00) dollars, such license shall be revoked as to any agent or agents of such applicant, and an amended license
shall thereupon be issued to such applicant and his
remaining agents; and thereafter the applicant shall not be bound by the acts of the agent whose license has been revoked.
Section 17. The printed license, on a form to be prepared and furnished by the Securities Commission, shall bear at the top in bpld-face type the expression: "License for the Sale of Securities in



Class 'C' (or Class 'D,' as the case may be) under the Georgia Securities Law. Neither the State of Georgia nor the Securities Commission nor any officer of the State of Georgia nor the Securities Commission nor any official of the State assumes any responsibility for any statement contained herein, nor recommends the securities described below.''
Said license shall also contain:
(1) A full and complete description of the securities authorized to be sold thereby;
(2) The names and addresses of each and every dealer, broker, solicitor, agent or other person authorized to sell or offer for sale the securities therein described;
(3) Such information taken from the statements and documents filed with the Commission by the licensee, as will fully and clearly show the nature and character of the securities therein described;
(4) Such other and further statements and information as may be considered necessary or proper by the Commisssion.
Section 18. The Commission may at any time revoke any license granted by it or refuse to reneVI the same, upon ascertaining that the licensee:
(1) Is of bad repute;
(2) Has violated any provision of this Act; or,
(3) Has engaged in or is about to engage in, under favor of such license, illegitimate business or fradulent transactions.

TuESDAY, AuausT 3, 1920.


No dealer whose license has been revoked shall be relicensed within six months (6) from the date of such revocation.
The Commission shall at once lay before the Solicitor-General of the proper county any evidence which shall come to its knowledge of the violation of the provisions of this Act, and it shall be the duty of such Solicitor-General to prosecute diligently any person or persons named in the information furnished by the Commission.
Section 19. At least five (5) days before revoking or refusing to grant or renew a license, the Commission shall send by registered mail to the licensee or applicant, at the address named in the application, written notice of its intention so to do, specifying therein the reason for such revocation or refusal and giving such applicant an opportunity to be heard in his or its own behalf.
Section 20. Anyone whose license shall be refused or revoked, or to whom a renewal of license may be denied, may file, within thirty (30) days thereafter, in the Superior Court of Fulton County~ a petition against the Commission officially, as defendant, alleging therein, in detail, the petitioner's qualifications to be licensed and praying for a reversal of the official action complained of. Upon service of summons said Commission, returnable within ten (10) days from its date, but otherwise made as in civil actions, it shall file an answer in which it shall allege by ways of defense the grounds previously assigned in its notice to such applicant or licensee, and such other grounds as shall, in the



meantime, accrue or be discovered. All allegations of the answer shall be deemed to stand denied without further pleadings, and, upon application of either party, the cause shall be advanced and heard without delay. The Court's decision shall consult only the rights of the plaintiff and the protection of the public, and the Commission shall prosecute no proceedings to obtain a reversal, modification or vacation of the judgment rendered in favor of the plaintiff and in such event shall forwith issue the license applied for. A judgment sustaining the refusal of the Commission to grant or renew a license shall not bar after sixty (60) days, a new application by plaintiff for a license, nor shall a judgment in favor of the plaintiff prevent the Commission from thereafter revoking such license for any proper cause which may thereafter accrue or be discovered. The Commission shall in such Court proceedings be represented by the Attorney-General.
Section 21. If the applicant's statement as to securities in Class "D" shall disclose that any of such securities shall have been or shall be intended to be issued, for any patent right, copyright, trade mark, process or good will, or for promotion fees or expenses, o rfor other intangible assets, the amount and nature thereof, shall be fully set forth, and securities , issued in payment of such patent rights, copyrights, trade mark, process or good will, or for promotion fees or expenses or for other intangible assets, shall be delivered in escrow to such bank or trust company as shall be designated by the Commission under an escrow agreement that the owners of suclr securities shall in case of dissolution or insolvency not

TuEsDAY, AuGusT 3, 1920.


participate in the assets of the corporation until after the owners of all other securities have been paid in full. Such escrow agreements shall remain in full force until the securities of the issuer thereof are qualified under Clas's '' C'' hereof.
Section 22. So long as any security is sold or offered for sale under t4e provisions of this Act, such persons, the issuer, either solicitor or broker, shall on or before the expiration of each six (6) month period from the date of filing the original statements and documents, and oftener if required by the Commission, file new or supplemental statements disclosing :
(1) The amount of securities sold, the names and addresses of the parties to whom the same were sold, the sale price thereof and the amount of cash proceeds received therefor by the issuer;
(2) All changes in the financial condition of the issuer or in its management or property, accompanied by a copy of the most recent balance sheet of the issuer showing the financial condition of thEissuer at a date not more than thirty (30) days pnor to the date of such filing, and such other facts as the Commission may require.
Such supplemental statement shall be verified in the same mam1,er as the original statement; and upon failure or refusal to file such statement the Commission may revoke the license issued by it.
Section 23. Each financial statement, prospectus, advertisement, circular and document circulated, published, exhibited or distributed for the



purpose of effecting sales of securities in Class "D" shall contain the words in bold-face type, "Securities in Class 'D' under Georgia Securities Law. These are speculative securities.'' But it shall be unlawful to make any other reference in any such matter to the fact that the issuer, solicitor, agent or broker has complied with the provisions of this Act. All such statements, prospectuses, advertisements, circulars and documents shall also contain a statement of the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the issuer, the law under which the issuer was incorporated or organized, and the names and ad dresses of all officers, directors, or trustees of the issuer or of the owner of the property constituting the basis of the issue of such securities. A copy of each such financial statement, prospectus, advertisement, circular, and document so circulated, published, exhibited, or distributed shall be filed in the office of the Commission within five (5) days after the first circulation, publication, exhibition, or dis tribution thereof.
Section 24. No person or company, unless licensed in the manner and under the conditions applicable thereto, heretofore provided for dealers in securities, coming within the provisions of this Act, shall within this State deal in any interest in real es tate not located in Georgia, less than a freehold in terest.
This section shall apply where the title to such property is held in the name of a trustee for any corporation or for any such described person or company, but it shall not be deemed to prohibit the disposal by any owner of his own property in good



faith and not for the purpose of avoiding the provisions of this Act, where the transaction is not one of repeated transactions of a similar nature performed as part of the business of dealing in real estate leases.
Section 25. The Commission shall have power to make or cause to be made, such examinations of the issuer of securities within the provisions of this Act, or of the property named in the next preceding section, at any time, both before and after the issuance of a dealer's license, as it may deem advisable. "\Vhen in the discretion of the Commission all or any part of the expense of such examination should be paid by the applicant, such applicant shall deposit with the Commission such sum of money as the Commission may order, out of which said sum the Commission shall pay such portions of the expense of such examination as it determines said applicant should pay. The Commission shall render to the applicant an itemized statement of the expenditure and a proper record thereof shall be kept.
Section 26. In addition to the liability now imposed by law, any person, company, association, copartnership or corporation that by written or printed letter, circular, prospectus, statement, advertisement or document of any kind, shall offer for subscription or purchase any security, or receive the profit accruing from the disposal of security, or receive the profit accruing from the disposal of securities so advertised, shall be liable to any person who, on the faith of such letter, circular, prospectus, statement, advertisement or document, acquires such security, for the loss or damage sustained by



him by reason of any untrue statement contained therein, unless such person, company, association, copartnership, or corporation shall establish that he or it has no knowledge or notice of the publication of such advertisement prior to the transaction complained of, or had just and reasonable grounds to believe the statement thereof to be true. wherever any corporation shall be so liable, the directors thereof shall be so liable, the directors thereof shall also be, under like limitations, jointly and severely liable. Any such director, upon the payment of a judgment, so obtained against him, shall be subrogated to the rights of the plaintiff against such corporation and shall have the right of contribution for the payment of such judgment under like limitations against any of his fellow directors. Lack of reasonable diligence to ascetrain the facts of such publications or the falsity of any statement therein contained, shall be deemed to be knowledge of such publication and of the falsity of any untrue statement thereof. Any action based upon the liability hereby imposed, shall be brought within two (2) years after the acquisition of the security by any person so damaged or after payment of the judgment for which contribution i'J sougllt.
Section 27. The Securities Commission shall, either by one of its members, or by such person or persons as it may appoint for the purpose, at least once a year, and oftener if it deems advisable, investigate the business and affairs of every licensee, and for that purpose shall have free access to the vaults, books and papers thereof, and other sources of information with regard to the business of such

TuESDAY, AuausT 3, 1920.


licensees and whether it has been transacted in accordance with this Act. Said Commission, each member thereof, and every examiner appointed by it, shall have authority to examine, under oath or affirmation, any person whose testimony may relate to the business of any such licensee or alleged violator herein.
Section 28. The Securities Commission shall have an official seal, upon which shall be engraved the words : ''Securities Commission of Georgia,'' and in addition thereto such design as the Commission may prescribe. The Commission may prescribe and furnish forms for all statements and documents and summaries required by this Act to be filed in its Qffice and such statements, documents and summaries shall follow substantially the forms so prescribed. All statements and documents and all other matters filed in the office of the Commission under the provisions of this Act shall at all proper hours be available for public inspection.
The Commission shall, on or before the first day of June of each year and as often in addition thereto as it may be required, furnish the Governor a complete report of the administration of its office, giving a detailed account of the number of applicants licensed and rejected, of all fees collected by it, together with a sworn itemized statement of the expenditures of the Commission.
Section 29. Any dealer, solicitor, agent of a dealer, or other person who shall sell, offer for sale, invite offers for inquiries about securities coming within Classes "C" and "D" as defined by this Act,



or who shall file with the Commission any false or misleading statements in reference to such classes of securities, with an intent to defraud, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished in accordance with Section 1065 of the Penal Code of Georgia, 1910. Every sale or contract of sale made by a dealer or his agent, or other person, coming within the provisions of this Act, who has not first secured a license from the Securities Commission, or whose license has been revoked or has expired, shall be void and may be rescinded by the purchaser within one year, but not there-
Section 30. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to relieve corporations from making the annual registration now required by law to be made to the Secretary of State, or paying the fee required for the filing of such report. This Act shall not be construed to repeal any law now in force regulating the organization of corpora!ions in this State or the admission of any foreign corporation, but the provisions of this Act shall be construed to be additional to any provision regualting the organization of a corporation under the laws of Georgia, or the admission of a foreign corporation to do business in this State.
Section 31. That for each copy of license issued by said Commission, other than the original, said Commission shall be paid the sum of five ($5.00) dollars by the applicant therefor, and each such copy shall be certified as such by the Chairman of said Commission.

TuESDAY, AuausT 3, 1920.


Section 32. That each and every dealer, broker, solicitor, agent, or other person selling or offering . for sale any of the securities, coming within the provisions of this Act shall, before selling or offering for sale any such securities, obtain a certified copy of the license issued by the Commission authorizing the sale of such securities, which certified copy shall contain the name and address of such dealer, broker, solicitor, agent, or other person. And such dealer, broker, solicitor, agent, or other person shall before selling or offering for sale any such securities, produce and exhibit to any and every prospective purchaser such certified copy of license.
Section 33. Any person who shall knowingly make any false statement of fact or matter of information required by this Act to be filed with the Commission, or in any advertisement, prospectus, letter, circular, or other document, containing an offer to dispose of or solicitation to purchase, or commendatory matter concerning such securities or real estate, or any interest therein with intent to aid in the disposal of the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefor, shall be punished as prescribed by Section 1065 of the Penal Code 1910 of Georgia. Proof that any such false statement was made or published shall be prima facie proof that the same was knowingly made.
Section 34. It shall be unlawful for any agent; broker, solicitor, officer, director, or other person to sell or offer for sale any securities in Class "D," as described in this Act, in any other manner or form than as specifically set forth in this Act, and any offer or sale upon any other terms or conditions



other than as set forth in this Act shall be prima facie evidence that such agent, broker, solicitor, officer, director, or other person offered or sold such securities for the purpose of defrauding the purchaser to whom such securities were offered or sold.
Section 35. Every sale and contract of sale made in violation of any of the provisions of this Act shall be void at the instance of the purchaser at any time within twelve (12) months from the date of such purchase, or contract of purchase; and the seller of the securities so sold in violation of any of the provisions of this Act, and each and every solicitor, agent or broker, of or for such seller, who shall have knowingly performed any at or in any way furthered such sale, shall be jointly and severally liably, upon tender to the seller or in court of the securities s?ld, to the purchaser for the amount paid, together with his reasonable attorney's fees in any action brought to recover such amount.
Section 36. Any issuer, dealer, broker, solicitor, agent, or other person who shall sell or offer for sale any securities coming within Classes "C" and "D" as defined in this Act, without having first obtained a license so to do, in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction therefor, shall be punished as prescribed by Section 1065 of the Penal Code of Georgia 1910.
Section 37. Any issuer, dealer, broker, solicitor, agent, or other person who shall sell, or offer for sale any securities coming within Classes "C" and '' D '' as defined in this Act, after its or his license



so to do has been revoked or not renewed, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction therefor, shall be punished as prescribed by Section 1065 of the Penal Code of Georgia of 1910.
Section 38. Should any Court of this State declare any section or clause of this Act unconstitutional or invalid for any cause or reason, then such decision shall affect only the section or clause so declared to be unconstitutional, or invalid, and shall not affect any other section, clause or part of this Act.
Section 39. This Act shall be il'l force and effect from and after its passage and approval, and the Secretary of State shall be required and is hereby directed to deliver to the Securities Commission, as soon as it shall have been formally organized, all fees collected by him and held in his office under the provision of the Act approved August 19, 1913, known as the "Georgia Blue Sky Law."
All receipts given by him or his predecessors in office to dealers in securities under provision of the aforesaid Act shall expire on and not until January 1, 1921; and all dealers in securities under classes '' C'' and '' D '' must qualify and be licensed under the provisions of this Act.
Section 40. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That aU laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed.
Mr. Allen, of 35th District, proposes amendment to Senate Bill No. 240, House Bill No. n4. Aclrl to Section 29 after the last sentence therf'in, as follows:



''This Act shall not apply to those corporations which have, in good faith, qualified and are now engaged in the sale of its securities under existing law until the full amount of its securities it was authorized to sell under its original permit from the Secretary of State are sold, Provided, said corporations file with said Securities Commission on or before January 1, 1921, a written statement that it intends to avail itself of this provision and pays the fees as provided in this Act. Said Commission shall thereupon issue to said corporation a license or permit in the terms of its original permit issued by the Secretary of State. No corporation which received its original permit more than two years prior to Januar:v 1, 1921, shall be exempted from the operation of this Act.''

The amendment was adopted.
The substitute was adopted, as amended.
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill by substitute as amended was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Kays 5.
The bill having received the requisite constituronal majority was passed, by substitute.
Mr. Smith, of 7th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 4, 1920.


\Vednesday, August 4, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A.M., Central time, and was.called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J.

Fowler, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Hogg, J.P.

Ragsdale, S. \\'.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reece, W. K.

Kea, Fred

Reynolds, W. H.

Keene, J. H.

Rice, W. D.

Kendall, M. M.

Shingler, J. S.

Kirkland, 'Z. W.

Smith, J. Q.

Larkins, J. K.

Steed, E. T.

LeSueur, R. C.

Veazey, P. G.

Lunsford, J. R.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Maynard, J. D.

Wallace, W. P.

X eidlinger, Leonorian Watson, S. M.

Nix, Oscar A.

\V ilkinson, H. B.

Ohve, J. T.

Wood, A.. J.

Pittman, Claude C. Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.
By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

At the request of Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, Senate Bill No. 334 was withdrawn from the Com-



mittee on General Judiciary Ko. 1, read the second time, and recommitted to the Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 2.
. Mr. Kea, of 16th District, moved to recommit Senate Bill Xo. 356 to the Committee on Constitutional Amendments, and the motion prevailed.
By unanimou!) consent House Resolution No. 130 was withdrawn from the Committee, read the second time and recommitted.
:Mr. Barrett, of 31st District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Rules, submitted the following report:
Resolved, That Senate Bill Xo. 216 be placed on calendar for passage immediately after period of unanimous consents.
Resolved, That regular order be followed, except that uncontested local bills for first, second and third reading be in twder at any time.
Bills postponed on motion until today shall be in order for passage.
The report of the Rules Committee was adopted.

11r. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Pri-.:ileges of the Floor, submitted the following report :

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor, ha-.:e had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chair-



man, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Dr. M. M. Staple, for one day.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. T. V\7hite, for two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Prof. T. M. Hunter, of Forsyth, and Col. B. P. Gilyard, for two days.
Respectfully submitted, KENDALL, Chairman.
Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:
Mr. President: Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor
have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Mrs. E. E. Ballenger and Mrs. Fermor Barrett.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Mike Edwards, of Claxton, and Hon. C. M. Rusburn, of Claxton, for two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor be extended to Col. Robert Roadenberry, of Moultrie, Georgia.
Respectfully submitted, KENDALL, Chairman.



Mr. Hogg, of 24th District, Chairman of the Committee on Insurance, submitted the following report:

.J1 r. President:
Your Committee on Insurance have had under consideration the follo\ving bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill 845. A bill to proYide the amount of deposit to be made by life insurance companies not now authorized to do business in this State, et al., recommended that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, HoGG, Chairman.

l\Ir. Steed, of 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary ~ o. 1, submitted the following report:

J.lfr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 1 have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bills Kos. 693, 804, 879, 915, 149, 385, 412 and 647.
Respectfully submitted, STEED, Chairman.

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 4, 1920.


Mr. Dixon, of 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee-on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bill of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to rep9rt the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

By Messrs. Elders, Shingler, Smith, Bowden, Larkin, Harbin, Xeidlinger and Vickery.
To be entitled an Act to amend Constitution Par. 2, Sec. 1, Art. 11, to provide for the creation of a new county to be kno,vn as ''Long'' and for other purposes.
Respectfully submitted, DrxoN, Chairman.

Mr. Reece, of the 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submitted the following report:

111r. President: Your Committee on County and County Matters
have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill1099. House Bill1073.
House Bill 542. House Bill1076.



House Bill1078. House Bill1093.
House Bill1077. House Bill1103.
House Bill1074. House Bi1l1098. House Bill1092. House Bil11071.
Respectfully submitted, REECE, Chairman.

1Ir. -Wilkinson, of 49th District, Chairman of the Committee on Game and Fish, submitted the following report:

1vlr. President :
Your Committee on Game and Fish have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, as amended:
House Bill 786. Respectfully submitted, \VILKINSON, Chairman.

Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 4, 1920.


House Bill 1086 do pass. House Bill 1090 do pass. House Bill 1109 do pass. House Bill 1123 do pass. House--Bill1143 do pass.
Respectfully submitted, H. H. ELDERs, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have bad under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 1100. Amending charter of Town of DeSoto.
House Bill 1110. Amending charter of City of Louisville.
House Bill 1122. Incorporating Town of Vanna.
House Bill 1079. Creating new charter for City of Sylvester.
House Bill 890. To include Glenwood in the list of State Depositories.
Respectfully submitted, CLARENCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.



Mr. Wallace, of 28th District, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Agri~ulture have had under consideration the following House Bill 730 and House Bill945 and have instructed me as Chairman; to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, WALLACE, Chairman.

Mr. Larkins, of 46th District, Chairman of th~ Committee on State Sanitarium, submitted the following report :

Mr. President:
Your Committee on State Sanitarium have had under consideration the following bill of the House 466 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, LARKINS, Chairman.

Mr. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report :

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills and resolu-

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 4, 1920.


tions of the 'House and Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill 353 Senate Resolution 102.
House Bill 1101.
House Bill 1119.
House Bill1068.
House Bill 1069. Respectfully submitted, DoRRis, Chairman.

Mr. Blasingame, of 27th District, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on :B,inance have had under consideration the following Senate Bill 349 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, . BLASI"NGAME, Chairman.

Mr. Watson, of 8th District, Chairman of the Committee on Banks and Banking, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Banks and Banking have had under consideration the following House Bill



754 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same .do pass:
House Bill 754. A bill to make the Walker County Bank a State Depository.
Respectfully submitted, WATSON, Chairman.

The folfowing House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Messrs. Moore, Hendrix and Smith of FultonHouse Bill 1032. A bill to amend the charter of
the Town of College Park.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill1033. A bill to incorporate the Town of Farrar.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 4, 1920.


By Mr. Ware of Warren-
House Bill 1061. A bill to amend the charter of the Town of Camak.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Whitaker of Lowndes-
House Bill1089. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of Hahira.
The report of the Committee, wliich was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Barrett of Pike-
House Bill 1096. A bill to amend an Act to in~ corporate the Town of Molena.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Messrs. Neill, Hollis and Wholwender of MuscogeeHouse Bill 1114. A bill to amend the charter of
the City of Columbus relative to levying taxes.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0. .
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Neill, Wohlwendcr and Hollis of Muscogee-
House Bill 1115. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Columbus.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Hodges and Swint of Washington-
House Bill 1116. A bill to amend the charter of the Town of Tennille.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.

WEDNESDAY, Auous'I' 4, 1920.


The bill having received the requisite constitu~ tional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Brinson and Woods of Emanuel- .. ~
House Bill 1036. A bill to incorporate the City of Twin City.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 34,
Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitu~
tional majority was passed.

By unanimous consent the following bills were introduced, read the first time, and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Pittman-
A bill to amend an Act to abolish the fee system now existing in the Superior Courts of tl:ie Cherokee Judicial Circuit.
Referred to Committee on General Judichuj No.2.

By Mr. Blasingame_,

A bill to amend an Act to abolish the office of

Treasurer of Oconee County.


Referred to Committee on Countiesand County Matters.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof. ..



Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:
House Bill 245. A bill to amend Constitution of State relative to pensions of ex-Confederate soldiers.
House Bill 316. A bill to provide for guardians of persons non compos mentis.
House Bill 921. A bill to make appropriation for salary of Superintendent of Public Printing.
House Bill 1102. A bill to amend Act to create office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues for Telfair County.
House Bill 1117. A bill to amend Act to provide for County Commissioners for Wheeler County.
House Bill 1124. A bill to fix primary laws for Chattahoochee County.
House Bill 1131. A bill to authorize Mayor and Aldennen of City of Savannah to fix rates charged by baggage and cab companies in said city.
House Bill 1132. A bill to amend Act to establish Municipal Wharf for City of Savannah.
House Bill 1136. A bill to amend Act incorporating Town of Grayson.
House Bill 1137. A bill to amend Act creating public school system for City of Conyers.
The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 4, 1920.


By Mr. Lawrence of Chatham-
House Bill 149. A bill to amend Sections 1280 to 1288, both inclusive by prohibiting the harboring of escapes.

By Mr. McDonald of Richmond-
House Bill 385. A bill to amend Section 4357 of the Park's Code by adding to said setcion.

By Mr. Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 412. A bill to provide for appearance of persons charged with misdemeanor in the Courts of this State.

By Messrs. Alfriend of Baldwin and Rogers and Swift of Elbert-
House Bill 466. A bill to amend Section 1613 of Code of 1910 relating to furloughs from Georgia State Sanitarium.

By Mr. Justis of Meriwether-
Honse Bill 542. A bill to change the compensation of Treasurer of Meriwether County.

By Mr. Whitaker of LowndesHouse Bill 647. A bill to tax the professions.
By Mr. Hamilton of FloydHouse Bill 693. A bill to amend Section 2817
of the Civil Code relative to corporate powers of Trust Companies.



By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 730. A bill to make the official standards of cotton of the United States, official for the State of Georgia.

By Messrs. Clifton of Lee, Burt of Dougherty, et al.-
House Bill 786. A bill to provide for the construction of Fishways over all power dams in Georgia.

By Mr. McFarland of WalkerHouse Bill 754. A bill to make Walker County
Bank of LaFayette, a State Depository.
By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of ChathamHouse Bill 804. A bill confirming the title of
Standard Fuel Supply Company.
By Messrs. Hamilton and Davis of FloydHouse Bill 873. A bill to create a new charter
for Cave Springs.
By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 879. A bill to amend Section 424 of the Code of Georgia by striking from last line of section.

By Mr. Anderson of Jenkins-
House Bill 915. A bill to amend Section 389 of the Civil Code, by adding a certain proviso.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 4, 1920.


By Mr. Jordan of JasperHouse Bill 945. A bill to create a "'~Narehouse
Department for this State.

By Messrs. Wyatt and Longley of Troup-
House Bill 1068. A bill to create the office of City Recorder of LaGrange.

By )Ir. King of Jefferson-
House Bill 1069. A bill to amend an Act to create the City Court of Louisville.

By Mr. Hullender of Catoosa-
House Bill 1071. A bill to abolish the Board of Roads and Revenues for Catoosa County.

By Mr. Lewis of Hancock-
House Bill 1073. A bill to abolish the office of Treasurer of Hancock County.

By Mr. Smith of Haralson-
House Bill 1074. A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Haralson County.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 1076. A bill to amend Section 1 of an Act to fix the salary of Treasurer of Cobb County.

By Mr. Quincey of CoffeeHouse Bill1077. A bill to amend an Act to ere-



ate a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Coffee County.

By Mr. Harden of Banks-
House Bill 1078. A bill to amend an Act to fix the salary of Treasurer of Banks County.

By Mr. williams of Worth-
House Bill 1079. A bill to amend an Act to create a new charter for City of Sylvester.

By Messrs. Jones and Mcintyre of Thomas-
House Bill 1082. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Thomasville.

By Mr. Purcell of TattnallHouse Bill 1084. A bill to incorporate the City
of Mannassas.
~y Mr. Tankersley of IrwinHouse Bill 1086. A bill to amend an Act to es-
tablish a public school system in Ocilla.
By Messrs. DeLaPierre and Holder of JacksonRouse Bill 1090. A bill to amend an Act to es-
tablish a public school system in Jefferson.
By Mr. Coates of PulaskiHouse Bill 1092. A bill to amend an Act fix-
ing the salary of Treasurer of Pulaski.

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 4, 1920.


By Mr. Shannon of Twiggs-
Hoose Bill 1093. A bill to amend the Twiggs County Board of Commissioners.

By Mr. Johnson of Chattahoochee-
House Bill1094. A bill to incorporate the Town of Cusseta.

By Mr. DeLoach of Evans-
House Bill 109'8. A bill to provide for public roads in Evans County, to appoint a Superintendent.

By Mr. DeLoach of Evans-
House Bill 1099. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Evans County.

By Mr. Smiley of Liberty-
House Bill 1101. A bill to amend an Act to create the City Court of Hinesville.
By Messrs. Hamilton, Davis and Copeland of FloydHouse Bill 1103. A bill to vest full jurisdiction
and control of the bridge over the Oostanaula River in Floyd County.
By Mr. Pace of SumterHouse Bill 1100. A bill to amend an Act to in-
corporate the Town of DeSota.



By Mr. Gunnels of Franklin-
House Bill 1109. A bill to amend an Act to establish a public school system in Lavonia.

By Mr. Gunnels of Franklin-
House Bill 1110. A bill to amend an Act mco~porating the City of Lavonia.

By Mr. Barwick of Trentlen-
House Bill1119. A bill to amend an Act to create the City Court of Soperton.

By ~Ir. :Mason of Hart-
House Bill 1122. A bill to amend an Act to create the Town of Vanna.

By Mr. Mason of Hart-
House Bill 1123. A bill to amend an Act to establish a public school system in Bowersville.

By Mr. Ficklen of Wilkes-
House Bill 1143. A bill to establish a public
school system in Vvashington, Georgia.

. By Messrs. Dobbs of Cobb and Wohlwender of Muscogee-
House Bill 845. A bill to provide the amount of deposit to be made by Life Insurance Companies not now doing business in this State.

By Mr. Jordan of WheelerHouse Bill 890. A bill to amend Section 1249

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 4, 1920.


of Code of 1910 providing for the selection of State Depositories so as to include Town of Glenwood in wheeler County.

The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr.. Ayers-
A bill to repeal an Act to regulate the return and assessment of property in this State.

By Mr. Elders-
A bill to amend the charter of the City Court of Reidsville.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of 35th District, Senate Bill 352 was withdrawn from the Committee on Appropriations, read the second time, andre-. committed.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President :
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, towit:
House Bill 1155. A bill to amend Act to provide compensation for stenographic reporters in certain cities.
House Bill 1041. A bill to create City Court of Thomson in McDuffie County.



The House has read and adopted the following resolution of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Resolution 103. A resolution extending the time of hearing invesfigation of State Veterinarian's office.

The following House bills were read tbe first time and referred to Committees:

By Messrs. Holtzclaw and Richardson of Houston-
House Bill 1155. A bill to amend an Act to provide for compensation of stenographic reporters in certain Judicial Circuits.
Refened to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By ~fr. Stovall of McDuffieHonse Bill1041. A bill to create the City Court
of Thomson. Rderred to Committee on Corporations.

The following resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution to extend the time for investigation of State Veterinarian's office.
At the request of the author the resolution was
immediately transmitted to the House.
The following resolutions, favorably reported, were read and adopted :

WEDNESDAY, AuGUsT 4, 1920.


By Mr. Wilkinson-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. Mike Edwards and Ron. C. M. Rushun, of Claxton, for two days.

By Mr. BarrettA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to Mrs. E. E. Ballenger and Mrs. Fennor Barrett, for two days.
By Mr. KendallA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to Col. Robert Roddenberry for two days.
By Mr. PruettA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to Prof. F. M. Hunter, of Forsyth, and Col. B. P. Gilyard, for two days.
By Mr. RiceA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to Ron. J. T. White, for two days.
By Mr. FowlerA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to Dr. M. M. Staple, for one day.
The following House bill was taken up for consideration:
By Mr. Pace of SumterHouse Bill 1013. A bill to amend the Act es-
tablishing the City Court of Americus. On motion the bill was tabled.



Under the head of Special Orders and Orders of the Day th efollowing Senate bill was read the third time and taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Elders-
A bill to require all railway companies to furnish protection to employees engaged in the yards and shops of said companies.
Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the question of agreeing to the report of the Committee, which was favorable to the pa~ sage of the bill, and the call was sustained.
The vote was as follows :

Those voting in the affirma1ive were Messrs.:

Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Clements, Jas. B. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T.

Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Kaigler, H. M.

Kea, Fred Larkin, J. K. Neidlinger, Leonorian Xix, Oscar A.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Cureton, Walter W. DixOJI, James A. Glenn, George G.

Hogg, J.P. Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W.

Reece, W. K. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Harbin, C. J. Lunsford, J. R.

Reynolds, W. H.

Mr. President

Ayes 14, Nays 33.

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 4, 1920.


The report of the Committee was disagreed to and the bill was lost.

The following House bill was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By ~h. Woody of Fannin-

House Bill 706. A bill to create the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues for Fannin County.

The previous question was called and the main question ordered.

Mr. Ragsdale, of' 38th District, called for the Ayes and Xays on the question of agreeing to the report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T.

Ennis, J. H.

Nix, Oscar A.

Flynt, J. J.

Olive, J. T.

Fowler, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Reynolds, W. H.

Hogg, J.P.

Rice, W. D.

Kaigler, H. M.

Shingler, J. S.

Kea, Fred

Smith, J. Q.

Keene, J. H.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Kendall, M. ~L

Wallace, W. P.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Wood, A. J.

Larkins, J. K.

Neidlinger, Leonorian

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Bell, Walter L. Bussey, J. B. Dixon, James A. Elders, H. H.

LeSueur, R. C. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K.

Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Watson, S.M. Wilkinson, H. B.



Those not voting were Messrs. :

Harbin, C. J. Lunsford, J. R.

Maynard, J. D.

Mr. President

Pittman, Claude C.

Ayes 35, Nays 7.

And the report of the Committee was agreed to.

Mr. Bowden, of 5th Districf, moved to extend the session until the bill could be disposed of, and the motion prevailed.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 8.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

The hour of adjournment having arrived the President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.

THuRSDAY, AuGusT 5, 1920.



Thursday, August 5, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A.M., Central time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Oli':e.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

rpon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Pittman, Claude C.

Fowler, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsadle, S. W.

Hogg, J.P.

Reece, W. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D.

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, M. M.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Ste~d, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

Veazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

:\Iaynard, J. D.

Watson, S. M.

X eidlinger, Leol\orian Wilkinson, H. B.

Xix, Oscar A.

Wood, A. J.

Olive, J. T.

Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.
At the request of Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, House Bill 1108 was read the second time and recommitted.



At the request of Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, House Bill 1064 was read the second time and recommitted.
By unanimous consent House Bill 572 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Fowler, of 22nd District, House Bill 659 was withdrawn from the Committee on General .Judiciary No. 2, read the second time and recommitted to the Committee on Special Judiciary.
At the request of Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, House Bill 902 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Blasingame, of 27th District, Senate Bill 357 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Larkins, of 46th District, the following Seante bill was taken up for the purpose of concurring in the House amendment.

By Messrs. Larkin, Vickery, Kirkland, Bowden, Elders, Harbin, Sbingler and Smith-
A bill to amend Par. 2, Sec. 1 of Art. 11 of the Constitution so as to create the new County of Brantley.

The House offered the following amendment:
By :Mr. Nichols of 1VayneBy striking all of Section 1 of said bill which
describes the boundaries of the proposed new county and

THURSDAY, Auausr 5, 1920.


By substituting in lieu of the description of boundaries so stricken, a new description as follows, to-wit:
"Beginning at the Southeast corner of Pierce County, at the Southeast corner of lot of land No. three hundred (300) in the Ninth District of Pierce County, and thence Northwards along the line between Pierce and Charlton Counties to the Southwest corner of land lot No. thirteen (13), in the Second District of Charlton County; thence Eastwards along the South line of land lots Nos. thirteen (13), fifty-hvo (52), seventy-seven (77), one hundred and sixteen (116), one hundred and forty-one (141), one hundred and eighty (180), two hundred and five (205), and fractional lot two hundred and fractional lot two hundred and forty-four (244), and thence continuing in a straight line to Buffalo Creek, and thence Eastwards along the line between Counties of Charlton and Wayne to the Big S"atilla River and the \Vestern line of Camden County; thence Xorthwards along the line between "\Vayne and Camden Counties to the Glynn County line; thence further Northwards along the line between the Counties of \Vayne and Glynn to a point on said county line one mile North of the main line of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railway; thence Westwards along a line one mile North of and parallel with the aforesaid main line of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railway to the Little Satilla River, and the line between the Counties of 1Nayne and Pierce; thence Southeast along the channel of the Little Satilla River to the Southwest corner of land lot No. one (1) in the Third District



of Wayne County; thence Southwards along the West line of land lots Nos. thirty-two (32) and thirty-one (31), in the Second District of Pierce County, to the channel of the Big Satilla River; thence \Vestwards up the channel -of the Big Satilla River, through Pierce County to the county line between Pierce and Ware Counties; and thence South and Southeast along the county line between Pierce and Ware Counties to the Charlton County line; and thence Eastward along the county line between Pierce and Charlton to the Southeast corner of Pierce County, the point of beginning aforesaid.''

The roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

J.'lynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. M. Keene, .J. H. Ken<lall, M. ~f. Kirkland, Z. \V. Larkins, ,J. K. LeSueur, R. C. ~Iaynard, J. D. Nix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claurle C.

Pruett, ,J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Shingelr, J. S. Smith, .T. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Ayers, J. S. Blasingame, Josiah Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Duncan, J. T.

Fowler, Ben J. Hogg, J. P. Kea, Fred Lunsford, J. R. Xeidlinger, Leonorian

Olhe, J. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Rice, W. D. \Vood, A. J. ~I r. President

Ayes 36, Nays 0.

And the House amendment was concurred in.


THURSDAY, AuGusT 5, 1920.


Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:

Jillt. President:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Joe Collins for two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Hiram Seart for one day.
Respectfully submitted,
KENDALL, Chairman.

Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 2, submitted the following report:

Jillr. President :
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 2 have had under consideration the following Senate Bill 306 and House Bills 1021, 720 and 441, as amended and have instructed me as Cahirman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
RespectfuTiy submitted,
AYERs, Chairman.



Mr. Reece, of 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County Matters have had under consideration the following bills and have ini"ltructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill 357.
House Bills 1095, 1140, 1107. Respectfully submitted, REECE, Chairman.

Mr. Dixon, of 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

11lr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bill and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

By Messrs. Elders and Others-
Senate Bill 351 to amend Par. 2, Sec. Art. 11 of Constitution to provide for creatior1 of new county to be known as Long and for other purposes.
Respectfully submitted, J AS. A. DIXON, Chairman.



Mr. Allen, of 35th District, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report:

Mr. Ptesident:
Your Committee on Appropriations have had under consideration the following Senate Bill 352 and House Resolution 170, teaching of Thrift in Schools, and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted,
I VAN E. ALLEN, Chairman.

Mr. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report :

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report tho same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 1155. Respectfully submitted, DoRms, Chairman.

Mr. Nix, of 34th District, Chairman of the Com-
mittee on Penitentiary, submitted the following report:



Mr. President:
Your Committee on Penitentiary have had under consideration the following bill of the Hou:;;e and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, to-wit:
House Bill 753. A bill to amend the Act creating the Georgia Training School for Boys.
Respectfully submitted, NIX, Chairman.

:\Ir. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of tl1e Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

111r. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have lwu under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the smutback to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill 1041. Creating City Cour; of Thomson.
Respectfully submitted,

The following resolution was read the first time and referred to Committee:

By Mr. Cureton-
A resolution requesting that the Knight resolution be placed on the calendar for passage imme-



diately after the House Acts on the b-.nd issue bill.
Referred to Committee on Rul~t;.
'rhe following joint oi t!te Senat3 and House was read and adopted:

By Mr. Bowden-
A resolution relating to claims of Georgia School of Technology for Non-Metallic Experiment Station.

The following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage :

By Mr. Kea-
A bill to incorporate the City of Soperton.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By 1\Ir. Kea-
A bill to repeal an Act to incoroporate the Town of Soperton.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority _was passed.

By Mr. Elders-
A bill to amend the charter of the City Court of Reidsville.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the psasage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. -Wilkinson-
A bill to provide for 51 fertilizer inspectors m this State.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to. .
iOn the passage of the bill the Ayes were 36, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~fessrs. Allen and Steed-
A bill to create flie office of Superintendent of Public Printing.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
Mr. Steed, of the 37th District called for the Ayes and Xays on the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.



The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Barreft, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W.

Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Hogg, J. P. Kea, Fred Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K.

Lunsford, J. R.
Nu, Oscar A.
Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Ragsdale, S. W. Reynolds, W. H. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Wallace, W. P. Wilkinson,' H. B.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Ayers, J. S. Blasingame, Josiah Flynt, J. J. Harbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. M.

Keene, J. H.

Rabun, Z. T.

LeSueur, R. C.

Smith, J. Q.

:\Iaynartl, J. D.

Watson, S. M:.

Xeidlinger, Leonor:an Wood, A. J.

UJi,e, J. '!".

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Dixon, Jas. A. Kirkland, Z. W.

Reece, W. K. Rice, W. D.

Shingler, J. S. Mr. President

Ayes 30, Nays 14.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Elders, Shingler, Smith, Bowden, Larkin, Harbin, Neidlinger and Vickery-
The General Assembly of the State of Georgia hereby proposes to the qualified electors of said State an amendment to paragraph two (2) section one (1) Article eleven (11), of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, as heretofore amended,



to provide for the creation of a new county to be known as Long, and for other purposes.
Section 1. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia proposes to the people of Georgia an amendment to Paragraph Two (2), Section One (1), Article Eleven (11), of the Constitution of this state as heretofore amended, as follows, to-wit: That in addition to the counties now provided for by the Constitution, as heretofore amended, there shall be a new county known as Long, laid out from the County of Liberty, bounded as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the Altamaha River where the same is intersected by the county line between Liberty and Mcintosh Counties:
Thence north-east and north along the aforesaid. county line between Mcintosh and Liberty to intersection thereof with south Newport River and to the north-west corner of Mcintosh County, at the point where said Liberty and Mcintosh line is nearest the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad's main line.
Thence a straight line northwestward to the main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad at a point one-half mile north-east of said railroad's depot at Lambert, Georgia, (Post Office), and W althourville Station:
Thence in a North-westward direction a straight line to a big bend in the "\Valthourville public road at a point about one-half mile north of said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Depot at Lambert, Georgia:
Thence north-westward a straight line to a point in the Ludowici and Hinesville public road

THURSDAY, AuausT fi, 1920.


three hundred (300) yards north of the residence of W. H. Devereaux in the 1756th G. M. District of Liberty County:
Thence north-westward a straight line to a point on the Roderick and Hinesville public road where same is intersected by the Walthourv!lle public road from the south-east:
Thence west along the center of said Roderick and Hinesville public road a short distance to where the Walthourville public road leaves same towards the north-west:
Thence northwards along the center of said said Walthourville public road past the Gum Branch post office, old site, to intersection thereof, with the Savannah public road or Beard's Bluff public road about one and one-eighth (1-1-8) miles east of Cross Roads School House :
Thence west along the center of said Savannah public road or Beard's Bluff public road to where said Walthourville public road leaves same going north-west:
Thence along the center of said Walthourville public road to intersection of same with the Moody's Bridge public road:
Thence northwards along the center of said Moody's Bridge public road to the point where same crosses the Savannah and Southern Railroad main line east of Strain on said railroad:
Thence on northwards along center of said Moody's Bridge public road to the first bend therein



about three thousand one hundred (3,100) feet north-west of the railroad crossing aforesaid:
Thence a straight 'line to a point on the county line between Liberty and Tattnall Counties two and one-half (2 1-2) miles southwest of the intersection therewith of the south line of Evans County:
'Thence southwestwards and south along the county line between Liberty and Tattnell, to the Atlamaha River and to the line between Liberty and Wayne Counties:
Thence southeast along the channel of said Altamaha River and along the county line between Liberty and 1Nayne to point of beginning.
The county site of said county shall be the twon of Ludowici, Georgia.
Said county shall be attached to the 1st Congressional District, to the Atlantic Judicial Circuit and to the second senatorial district, until changed by the General Assembly of Georgia.
Terms of Superior Court in said county shall be held on the first Mondays in March and September, in each year, until changed by the General Assembly.
Justices of the Peace and Constables cut off into the new county shall exercise the duties and powers of their offices until new militia districts are laid out in said new county as provided by law, and until their sucessors are elected and qualified.
The voters of said new county qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, under the

THuRSDAY, AuausT 5, 1920.


laws of Georgia, shall, on the first Wednesday in


December, 1920, elect an Ordinary, Clerk of Su-

perior Court, Sheriff, Coroner, Tax Collector, Tax

Receiver ,County Surveyor, County Treasurer, Rep-

resentative, and County School Superintendent, who

shall hold office until the next general election for

county officers, shall be held in the State of Georgia,

and until their successors are elected and qualified;

said election shall be held at the usual voting places

heretofore established, within the territory of said

new county, and shall be conducted in the manner

now prescribed by law for holding elections for

county officer's; and the officers elected therein

shall qualify, give bond and take oath as prescribed

by law, and enter upon the discharge of their respec-

tive duties on the first day of January, 1921.

Section 2. The provisions of Section 829 to 848, inclusive of the Code are hereby mad eapplicable to said new county; and said county, when created, shall be a "statutory county," and subject to all' general laws applicable to counties of this State.

Section 3. The county authorities of said new county shall have the right to create a debt for and on behalf of said county to defray the public expenses thereof for the first year, without submitting the same to a vote of the qualified voters thereof.

Section 4. Said new county, when created, shall be entitled to one representative in the lower House of the General Assembly of Georgia, and the membership of the said House shall be increased by



one, so as to admit of representation therein for said new county.
Section 5. Whenever the constitutional hereby proposed shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members of the two Houses of the General Assembly and the same entered on their Journals, with the "yeas" and the "nays" taken thereon, the Governor shall cause said proposed amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each Congressional District in this State, for a period of two months next preceding the next general election; and the Governor shall provide for the submission of this proposed amendment to the electors of this State at the next general election to be held therein, for their ratification or rejection, All persons voting in said election in favor of said proposed amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, ''For the amendment to the Constitution creating the County of Long," a:nd those opposed thereto shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, ''Against the amendment to the Constitution creating -the County of Long..'' The returns of said election shall be made to the Secretary of State, who shall certify the result thereof to the Governor, and if said proposed amendment be ratified by a majority of the voters voting in said general election the Governor shall issue his proclamation to said effect.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
The bill involving a constitutional amendment the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

THUESD.AY, AuousT 5, 1920.


Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Ayers, J. S. Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. eements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Eldl3rs, H. H. Ennis, J. H. l<'lynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J.

Glenn, George lt. Pruett, J. F.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Kaigler, H. 1

Reece, W. K.

Kea, Fred

Reynolds, W. H.

Keene, J. H.

Rice, W. D.

Kendall, M. M.

Shingler, J. S.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Smith, J. Q.

Larkins, J. K.

Steed, E. T.

LeSueur, R. C.

Veazey, P. G.

Lunsford, J. R.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Maynard, J. D.

Wallace, W. P.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Watson, S. M.

Nix, Oscar A.
. Olive, J. T.

Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Calhoun, J. C.

Rabun, Z. T.

Allen, van E.

Pittman, Claude C.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Barrett, Fermor Brooks, B. B .

Hogg, J. P.

Mr. President

.Ayes 42, Nays 5.

The bill, having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote, was passed.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President :
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, to-wit:
House Bill205. A bill to amend Constitution of State relative to street improvement bonds in certain counties.



House Bill 241. A bill to amend Constitution of State relative to appropriation for educational purposes.
House Bill 825. A bill to provide for co-operation on part of State with Act of Congress relative to promotion of Vocational Rehabilitation.
House Bill 250. A bill to amend Section 6066 of Code of 1910 relative to rates allowed publishers for legal advertisements.
House Bill 948. A bill to provide for increase in salary of Deputy Insurance Commissioner.
House Bill 959. A bill to regulate fees of Ordinaries in various counties of State.
House Bill1106. A bill to amend Act to abolish fee system in Augusta Judicial Circuit.
House Bill 1113. A bill to prohibit hunting of foxes in Greene County except in certain seasons of year.
House Bill 1118. A bill to fix salary of Treasurer of Wheeler County.
House Bill 1127. A bill to amend Act establishing school system in Town of Doerun.
House Bill 1129. A bill to extend corporate limits of City of Athens.
House Bill 1130. A bill to fix primary laws of DeKalb County.
House Bill 1133. A bill to amend Act creating Commissioners of Chatham County.

THURSDAY, AuGusT 5 1920.


House Bill 1144. A bill to amend charter of City of Cor;nelia relative to levy of school taxes.
House Bill 1145. A bill to amend charter of City of Madison.
House Bill 1147. A bill to authorize City of Cochran to sell certain property in said city.
House Bill 1156. A bill to allow Board of Commissioners of Berrien County to employ a clerk.
House Bill 1138. A bill to create County Depository for Atkinson County.

Atlanta, Ga., August 4, 1920.
The following message was received from His Excellency, the Governor, through his Clerk, Mr. Cobb:
Mr. President: I am directed by His Excellency, the Governor,
to deliver to the Senate a sealed communication in writing, for which he requests your consideration in executive session.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.
Mr. President: The House has passed by the requisite consti-
tutional majority the following bill of the House, towit:



House Bill 631. A bill to provide for publication of reports of Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.
The House has agreed to the Senate amendments to the following bills of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 849. A bill to amend Act to establish City Court of Washington.
House Bill 888. A bill to amend charter of City of Macon.

The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Messrs. Manning and Smith-
House Bill 245. A bill to amend Paragraph 1, Section 1, Article 7 of the Constitution so as to omit the word ''now'' in the second line and ninth line.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

By Mr. Daniel-
House Bill 316. A bill to provide for guardians of persons non compos mentis to make titles in bond for titles executed by such persons when same to holders of said bonds.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.
By Mr. Perryman-
House Bill 921. A bill to appropriate money for salary of Superintendent of Public Printing.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.



By Mr. Kimsey-
Honse Bill 959. A bill to regulate the fees of Ordinaries in the counties of this State.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Smith-
House Bill 1102. A bill to amend an Act to create the office of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Telfair County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Jordan-
House Bill 117. A bill to amend an Act to provide for County Commissioners in Wheeler County.
Referred to Comittee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Johnson-
House Bill 1124. A bill to fix primary laws for Chattahoochee County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Messrs. Brown and DuBoseHonse Bill 1129. A bill to extend the corporate
limits of the City of Athens.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.



By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant-

House Bill 1131. A bill to authorize Mayor and Aldermen of Savannah to fix the rates charged by baggage and cab companies in said city.

Referred to Committee on Rai1roads.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant-
House Bill 1132. A bill to amend An Act to authorize and ~mpower Mayor and Aldermen of Savannah to acquire property for a municipal wharf.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant-
House Bill 1133. A bill to amend an Act creating the Commissioners of Chatham County and ex-Officio Judges.
Referred to. Committ~e on Special Judiciary.

By Messrs. Green and KellyHouse Bill 1136. A bill to amend an Act to in-
corporate the Town of Grayson. Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By Mr. whitaker-
House Bill 1137. A bill to amend an Act to create a public school system for Conyers.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

TnuRSDAY, AuGUST 5, 1920.


By Mr. McDaniel-
House Bill 250. A bill to amend Paragraph 6066 of the Code fixing the rates to be allowed to publishers for publishing legal advertisements.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary No.1.

By Messrs. Neill, Strozier, Smith, Anderson, Lindsay, et al.-
House Bill 631. A bill to provide for the publication of the reports of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.
Referred to Committee on Public Printing.

By Mr. Carswell-
House Bill 241. A bill to propose an amendment to the Constitution of Georgia relating to appropriations by the General Assembly.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

By Mr. Johnson-
House Bill 825. A bill to provide for co-operation with the Act of Congress providing for the promotion of Vocational Rehabitation.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Law by request_:_ House Bill 948. A bill to allow increase m
salary of Deputy Insurance Commissioner. Referred to Committee on Insurance.



By Mr. Sibley-
House Bill 1113. A bill to prohibit the killing of fox in Greene County.
Referred to Committee on Fish and Game.

By Mr. Jordan-
House Bill 1118. A bill to provide for a salary for the Treasurer of Wheeler County in lieu of fees heretofore.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Covington-
House Bill 1127. A bill to amend the Act to establish a public school system for Doerun relative to levy of a tax.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Guess-
House Bill 1130. A bill to require all political parties in DeKalb County to nominate for County officers by primary elections.
Referred to Committee on Privileges and Elections.

By Mr. Stewart-
House Bill 1138. A bill to create a county depository for Atkinson County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.



By Mr. Grant-
House Bill 1144. A bill to amend the charter of Cornelia so as to levy an additional school tax.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Lambert-
House Bill 1145. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Madison so as to increase the salary of Mayor and Aldermen.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Wynne-
House Bill 1147. A bill to authorize the City of Cochran to sell, close and convey certain property in said city.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Knight-
House Bill 1156. A bill to allow Board of Commissioners of Berrien to employ a clerk.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By unanimous consent the following bill was introduced, read the first time and referred to committees:

By Mr. Kirkland-
No. 358. A bill to provide for the salary of the Solicitor General of the Brunswick Circuit in quarterly allotments.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.



The following resolutions were read and adopted:

By Mr. PruettA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to Ron. Joe Collins for two days.
By Mr. SmithA resolution extending the privileges of the
floor to Ron. Hiram Seart for one day.
The following resolution, favorably reported, was read the second time:

By Mr. Elders-
A resolution to relieve J. F. Easterling from paying a bond in a criminal case.

The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Alfriend-
House Bill 753. A bill to amend an Act to establish a State Reformatory, so as to change the name to ''Georgia Training School for Boys.''

By Messrs. Holtzclaw and Richardson-
House Bill 1155. A bill to provide compensation of stenographic reporters in certain Judicial Circuits.

By Mr. Harvin-
Honse Bill 441. A bill to provide who shall act as precessioners of land in militia districts.

THURSDAY, AuausT 5, 1920.


By Messrs. Sibley and Jackson-
House Bill 720. A bill to require clerks of Superior Courts to certify facts pertaining to defendants confined in jail.

By Mr. Lewis-
House Bill 1021. A bill to transfer certain criminal cases from City Courts of this State to the Superior Courts in the same circuit.

By Messrs. De La Perriere and Holder-
House Bill 1107. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Jackson County.

By Messrs. Swift and Rogers-
House Bill 1140. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners for Elbert County.

By Messrs Brannen and Williams-
House Bill 1095. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Bulloch County.

By Mr. StovallHouse Bill1041. A bill to create the City Court
of Thomson.
The following House resolution, favorably reported, was read the second time :

By Messrs. Carswell and Stubbs-
Hause Resolution 170. A resolution to appropriate $5,000.00 for paying expenses and per diem of mem-



bers of Legislative Committees visiting States institutions.

The following Senate bill, favorably reported, was read the second time :

By Mr. Pittman-
No. 356. A bill to amend an Act to abolish the fee system in the Superior Courts of the Cherokee Judicial Circuit.

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to provide for an additional stenographer for Railroad Commissioner.

The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Justis-
Honse Bill 542. A bill to change the compensation of Treasurer of Meriwether County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Mc.Farland-
House Bill 754. A bill to make the Walker County Bank of LaFayette, a State depository.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant-
Itouse Bill 804. A bill to confirm the title of Standard Fuel Supply Company.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Wyatt and Longley-
Honse Bill 1068. A bill to create the office of City Recorder of LaGrange.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage fo the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. King-
House Bill 1069. A bill to amend an Act to create the City Court of Louisville.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Lewis-

House Bill 1073. A bill to abolish the ofiice of County Treasurer of Hancock County.









able to the passage of the b1ll, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Smith -
House Bill 1074. A bill to amend the Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Haralson County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann-
House Bill 1076. A bill to amend an Act to fix the salary of Treasurer of Cobb County.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Quincey-


House Bill 1077. A bill to amend an Act to

create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Rev-

enues of Coffee County.

The report of the Commtitee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Harden-
House Bill 1078. A bill to amend an Act to fix the salary of Treasurer of Banks County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Purcell-
House Bill 1084. A bill to incorporate the City of Manassass.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Tankersley-
Hause Bill 1086. A bill to amend an Act to create a public school system for Ocilla.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs De La Pierrere and Holder-
House Bill 1090. A bill to amend an Act to estabilish a public school system in Jefferson.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr.,CoatesHouse Bill 1092. A bill to amend an Act to

THURSDAY, AuGusT 5, 1920.


fix the salary of County Treasurer of Pulaski County.
The report of the committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Shannon of Twiggs-
Hause Bill 1093. A bill to amend an Act to create Board of Commissioners for Twiggs County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. DeLoach of Evans-
House Bill 1098. A bill to provide for public roads in Evans County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. DeLoach of Evans-
House Bill 1099. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Evans.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Pace of Sumter-
House Bill 1100. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of DeSota.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Smiley of Liberty-
House Bill 1101. A bill to amend an Act to create the City Court of Hinesville.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

THURSDAY, AuausT 5, 1920.


By Messrs. Hamilton, Davis and Copeland of Floyd-
House Bill 1103. A bill to fest fall jurisdiction of the Oostananla Bridge in Floyd County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes wsre 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Gunnels of Franklin-
House Bill 1109. A bill to amend an Act to establish a public school system in Lavonia.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Gunnels of Franklin-
House Bill 1110. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Lavonia.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Barwick of Treutlen-
House Bill 1119. A bill to amend an Act to create the City Court of Soperton.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Mason of Hart-
House Bill 1122. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of Vanna.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Mason of Hart___,
House Bill 1123. A bill to amend an Act to establish a public school system in Bowersville.
The report of the committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 34, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

THuRSDAY, AuausT 5, 1920.


By Mr. Ficklen of Wilkes-
House Bill 1143. A bill to establish a public school system in Washington.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Davis, Hamilton and Copeland of Floyd-
House Bill 873. A bill to create a new charter for Cave Springs.
The report of the Committee, which was favor~ ablP to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Jones and Mcintyre of Thomas-
House Bill 1082. A bill to amend the Charter of_ the City of Thomasville.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.



The bill having received the constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Johnson of Chattahoochee-
House Bill 1094. A bill to incorporate the Town of Cusseta.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Moore of ButtsHouse Bill 666. A bill to amend an Act known
as the "Inheritance Tax Act."
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Hollender of Catoosa-
House Bill 1071. A bill to abolish the Board of Roads and Revenues for Catoosa County.
Mr. Cureton of the 44th offered the following amendment:

THURSDAY, AuausT 5, 1920.


By adding at the end of Section 4 the following: "where salary shall be fixed by the grand jury of said county."
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Messrs. Dunca:n and Palmour of Hall-
House Bill 1009. A bill to amend an Act creating a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Hall County.
The Committee offered the following amendment:
By striking from said bill all of Section 3 and sub-Section 9 (a) of Section 4, and by making "Section 4" read "Section 3" and by making sub-Section "9 (b)" read "9 (a)" and sub-Section "9 (c)" read '' 9 (.b) '' and by making ''Section 5 '' read "Section 4."
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill as amended, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Messrs. Dobbs and Gann of Cobb-
House Bill 900. A bill to create a .New Charter for the City of Marietta.
Mr. Elders of the second offered the following amendment:
Amend Section Sixty of the bill by striking the word "immediately" appearing after the word "become" in the fourth to the last line of said section, and by adding after the word ''effect'' appearing in the third to the last line of said section, the following words : ''on and after the first Monday in January, 1920,'' so that the last sentence of said Section Sixty, when so amended, shall read as follows:
"If a majority of those voting at said election shall cast their ballots "for new charter," then this Act, upon the result being, by resolution of the Mayor and Council of said City, spread upon the minutes, so declared, shall become operative and of force and effect on and after the fir!'t Monday in January, 1922; but if a majority of said voters should not vote for said new charter, then the same shall be void. ''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Jordan of Wheeler-
House Bill 890. A bill to amend Section 1249 of Volume 1, of Code of 1910 so as to include Glen wood in the list of State Depositories.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. McDonald, Reville and Pilcher of Richmond-
House Bill 247. A bill to amend an Act to amend the charter of the City of Augusta providing for pensioning members of the Police and Fire Departments of said City.
Mr. Olive of the 18th offered the following substitute:
To be entitled an Act to amend an Act entitled ''An Act to amend the Charter of the City of Augusta in said State, so as to provide a way by which may be retired from active service on part pay certain members of. the Police and Fire De-



partments of the City of Augusta'' approved August 22, 1905 by adding immediately after the word '' continously'' in the sixth line of Section 1 of said Act the words ''or who has not been out of service for longer than six months continuously at any one time," and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that the Act to amend the Charter of the City of Augusta, approved August 22, 1905 be and the same is hereby amended as follows : by adding in the sixth line of Section 1 of said Act immediately after the word "continuously'' the words ''or has not been out of service for longer than six months contin~ously at any one time, so that said clause in said Section 1 shall read as follows:
''That whenever any officer or private member of the Fire or Police Departments of the City of Augusta shall have served continuously or has not been out of service for longer than six months continuously at any one time in either of said departments, or both together, for twenty-five (25) years he shall be permitted to retire from active service of this department, on his own motion upon one-half of the pay of the rank or position he may be holding at the time of said retiring under the following terms:
Section 2. The remainder of the Act of August 22, 1905, is unchanged.
Section 3. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.

THURSDAY, AuGusT 5.1920.


The substitute was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was unfav-
orable to the passage of the bill, was disagreed to
on August 2, 1920.
On the passage of the bill by substitute the Ayes were 48, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed by substitute.

The following House bill was taken from the table, read the third time and put upon its passage:

By Mr. Pace of Sumter-
House Bill 1013. A bill to amend the Act and Acts amendatory thereof establishing the city charter of Americus.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 34, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

The following Senate bill was read the third time and taken up for consideration :

By .Mr. Nix-
A bill to amend Section 147 of the Penal Code by providing felony punishment for burglary in certain cases.
The bill went over as unfinished business.



Mr. Fowler, of the 22nd District, moved to extend the session of the Senate until certain local mat ters could be disposed of, and the motion prevailed.
The Senate went into Executive Session at 1:15 P.M.
The Executive Session was dissolved at
The hour of adjournment having arrived the President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o' o'clock, Central Time.

F,RIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1920.



Friday, August 6, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen. I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah
Bowden, J. E. T.
Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon. James A. Dorris, W. H.
Dunean, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Ulenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Rbgg, J.P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea. Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M'. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Luns'ford, J. R. Maynard, J. D. Nix. Osear A. Olive, J. T.

Pittman, Claude (;. Ratmn, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reeee, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S.
Smith, J. Q Steed, E. T.
Veazey, P. G. Viekery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

By unanimous consent the reading of the J oul'nal of the previous day was dispensed with.
Mr. Bell, of the 51st District, Chairman of the Committee on Enrollment, submitted the following report:



Your Committee on Enrollment report as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives the following Acts, to-wit:
An Act to authorize the Mayor and Council of Town of Ideal to levy a school tax.
An Act to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of Ideal.
Respectfully submitted , BELL, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :

Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill No. 1144. Amending charter of City of Cornelia.
CLARENCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

FRIDAY, AuausT 6, 1920.


House Bill1136 incorporating Town of Grayson.

House Bill 1137 amending charter of City of




Mr. Watson of 8th District, Chairman of the Comimttee on Banks and Banking, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Banks and Banking have had under consideration the following House Bill 783 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 783. A bill to be entitled an Act to add the City of Greensboro in the County of Greene to the list of cities and towns for State depository.
WATSON, Chairman.
Mr. Hogg, of the 24th District, Chairman of the Committee on Insurance, submitted the following report:
Mr. President:
Your Committee on Insurance have had under consideration the following House Bill 948 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the sanie back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill 948. To allow increase in salary of Deputy Insurance Commissioner and to allow the e-ru-ployment of a stenographer.
Hoaa, Chairman.



Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report :

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Appropriations have had under consideration the following House Bills 887 and 738 and of the providing for establishment of agricultural and industrial school, and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
ALLEN, Chairman.

Mr. Kendall, of the 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolution of the Senate and have insturcted me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Ron. H. W. Smiley and James R. Brumby, for one day.
KENDALL, Chairman.

Mr. LeSueur, of the 23rd District, Chairman of the Committee on Public Printing, submitted the following report:

FRIDAY, AuGusT 6, 1920.


Mr. President:
Your Committee on Public Printing have had under consideration the following bill of the House, Bill 631, and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
LESEUER, Chairman.

Mr. Watson, of the 8th District, Chairman of the Committee on Banks and Banking, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Banks and Banking have had under consideration the following House bills, 766 and 767, and have instructed me as Chaiiman,
to report the same back to the Senate With the rec-
ommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 766. A bill to amend an Act providing for selection by Governor of banks in certain cities and towns as State depository.
House Bill 767. A bill to amend an Act providing for selection by Governor of banks in certain cities as State depository.
WATSON, Chairman.

Mr. Reece, of the 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, sub..: mitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Counties and County Matters have had under consideration the following



bills and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill 357.
House Bill 1080.
House Bills 1117 and 959 as amended by Committee.
REECE, Chairman.

Mr. wilkinson, of the 49th District, Chairman of the Committee on Game and Fish, submitted the following report:

M1. President:
Your Committee on Game and Fish have had
under consideration the following House Bill 1113
and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill 1113. To prohibit the killing of fox in Greene County during certain seasons.

Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Appropriations have had under consideration the following Senate Bill 336, and of the State Geologist salary and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the

FRIDAY, AuGUST 6, 1920.


Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.

.ALLEN, Chairman.

Mr. Adams of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House, and have instructed me, as Chairman, to reportthe same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 1132. Amending Charter of City of Savannah.
House Bill 1147. Amending Charter of City of Cochran.
House Bill1145. Amending Charter of City of Madison.
House Bill 1129. Amending charter of City of Athens.
CLARENCE E. AnAMs, Chairman.

Mr. Dixon, of the 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following



bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

By Messrs. Manning and Smith-
House Bill 245. To be entitled an Act to amend Paragraph 1, Section 1, Article 7, of the Constitution of this State to omit the word "now" and for other purposes.
DIXON, Chairman.

Mr. Dorris of the 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report:
Mr. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 659.
House Bill 1133.
Senate Bill 358.
DoRRis, Chairman.

Mr. Steed of the 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 1, submitted the following report:

FRIDAY, AuousT .6, 1920.


Mr. President :
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 1 have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bills 316 and 250. STEED, Chairman.

Mr. Ayers of the 33rd District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 2, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 2 have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill 334. To prohibit granting leave of absence to members of General Assembly.
Senate Bill 355. To provide passes for ministers do pass by substitute.
AYERs, Chairman.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr: President : The House has passed by the requisite constitu-
tional majority the following bills and resdlutions of the House, to-wit:



House Bill 221. A bill to appropriate money for support of District Agricultural and Mechanical Schools.
House Bill 732. A bill to amend Section 1249 of Code of 1910 relative to State depositories in certain towns and cities.
House Bill 757. A bill to appropriatemoney to Georgia State Board of Entomology for experimental work.
House Bill 797. A bill to appropriate money fo~ support of Georgia State Sanitarium at Milledgeville.
House Bill 799. A bill to appropriate money to Xorth Georgia Agricultural College for additional maintPnance and for other purposes.
House Bill 814. A bill to appropriate money tc supply deficit in appropriation for Georgia State Sanitorium for Tuberculosis Patients.
House Bill 979. A bill to appropriate money to Georgia Training School for Boys for additional support.
House Bill 1135. A bill to amend Act creating charter for City of Dublin relative to levy of taxes for school purposes.
House Bill 1139. A bill to authorize Commons Commission of City of Columus to execute deed to certain church in said city.
House Resolution 153. A resolution to appropriate money for support and maintenance of Georgia Tarining School for Girls.

FRIDAY, AuausT 6, 1920.


The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By :Messrs. Hendrix and Moore of Fulton-
House Bill 206. A bill to amend Paragraph 1, Section 7, Article 7 of the Constitution relative to street improvement bonds.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

By Messrs. Brown of Clarke, and 1Nohlwender of Muscogee-
House Bill 732. A bill to amend Section 1249 of the Code, providing for selection of cetrain banks as State depositories so as to provide three banks in cities of 15,000 or more, population.
Referred to Committee on Banks and Banking.

The following resolution, favorably reported, was read and adopted:

By Mr. Harbin-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. H. "\V. Smiley and James R. Brumby for one day.

The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Allen-
8eante Bill 336. A bill to amend Section 1973, Volume 1, of the Code of 1910, as to salaries of the State Geologist and assistants.



By Messrs. Keene and Kea-
Senate Bill 55. A bill to provide passes for ordained ministers who are in attendance on one or more churches, when going to and from said churches.

By Mr. Kirkland-
Senate Bill 358. A bill to provide for quarterly payments of the salary of the Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Circuit.

The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :
By Mr. McDaniel of ForsythHouse Bill 250. A bill to amend Paragraph
6066 of the Code of Georgia fixing legal advertisement rates.
By Mr. Daniel of HeardHouse Bill 316. A bill to provide for guardians
of persons non compos mentis.

By .Messrs. Neill, Strozier, Smith, Anderson, et al.-
House Bill 631. A bill to provide for the publication of the reports of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.

By MeE)srs. Pace of Sumter, and 1\eill of Muscogee-
House Bill 738. A bill to make appropriations for deficiencies in salary of Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court.

FRIDAY, AuousT 6, 1920.


By Mr. Stewart of Atkinson-
House Bill 766. A bill to amend section providing for selection of certain banks as State depositories so as to add Wilacoochee to the list of cities eligible.

By Mr. Stewart of Atkinson-
House Bill 767. A bill to amend Section 1249 of Code providing for selection of certain banks as State depositories so as to add the City of Pearson to the list.

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
House Bill 887. A bill to amend an Act providing for an Agricultural, Industrial and Normal School.

By Mr. Kimsey of White-
House Bill 959. A bill to regulate the fees of Ordinaries in this State.

By Mr. Mundy of PolkHouse Bill 1080. A bill to amend an Act to
create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Polk County.
~y Mr. Sibley of GreeneHouse Bill113. A bill to prohibit the killing of
fox in Greene County during certain seasons.

By Mr. Jordan of wheeler-
House Bill 1117. A bill to amend an Act to create County Commissioners in Wheeler County.



By Messrs. Brown and DuBose of Clarke-
House Bill1129. A bill to extend the corporate limits of Athens.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1132. A bill to amend an Act to authorize Mayor and Aldermen of Savannah to acquire property for establishment of a Municipal wharf.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Ch~t ham-
House Bill 1133. A bill to amend an Act to create the Commissioners of Chatham County.

By ~Iessrs. Greene and Kelly of Gwinnett-
House Bill 1136. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of Grayson.

By Mr. Whitaker of Rockdale-
House Bill 1137. A bill to amend an Act to create a public school system for the City of Conyers.

By Mr. Lambert of Morgan-
House Bill 1145. A bill to amend the Charter of the City of Madison so as to increase salary of the Mayor and Aldermen.

By Mr. wynne of Bleckley-
House Bill 1147. A bill to authorize the City of Cochran to sell, close and convey certain property.

FRIDAY, AuausT 6, 1920.


By l\fr. Grant of Habersham-
House Bill 1144. A bill to amend the charter of Cornelia, so as to authorize an additional school tax.

By Mr. Law of Burke-
House Bill 948. A bill to allow increase m salary of Deputy Insurance Commission and to allow the employment of a stenographer.

By Mr. Sibley of Greene-
. House Bill 783. A bill to name Greensboro as a State depository.

By Messrs. Manning of Milton and Smith of Haralson-
House Bill 245. A bill to amend Paragraph 1, Section 1, Article 7 of the Constitution of Georgia so as to omit from said paragraph the word "now" in the second and ninth lines.

The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:
By Messrs. De La Perriere and Holder of Jackson-
House Bill 1107. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commisisoners of Roads and Revenues for .Jackson County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Stovall of McDuffie-
Honse Bil11041. A bill to create the City Court of Thomson.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite consti'tutional majority was passed.

By Mr. williams of Worth-
House Bill 1079. A bill to amend an Act to create a new charter of Sylvester.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 41, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Brannen and \Villiams of Bulloch-
Honse Bill 1095. A bill to abolish the office of County Treasurer of Bulloch County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.

FRIDAY, AuGUST 6, 1920.


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Barnes, Cochran and Strozier of Bibb-

House Bill 659. A bill to carry into effect an amendment to the Constitution authorizing one or more additional Juages of the Superior Court, for any judicial circuit so as to provide an additional Judge for the Superior Court of the Macon Circuit.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
The roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. i:i. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, J amtlb A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T.

Elders, H. H. Enn:s, J. H. Flynt, J. J. .l<'owler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. Le8ueur, R. C. Neidlinger, Leonorlan Nix, Oscar A.

Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T . Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. 'l'. Veazey, P. G. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bussey, J. B. Kaigler. H. M. Kendall, M. M.

Lunsford, J. R. Maynard, J. D. Reynolds, W. H.

Rice, W. D. Vickery, Jesse W. Mr. President

Ayes 42, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutiona~ majority was passed.

By :Messrs. Swift and Rogers of Elbert-
House Bill 1140. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners for Elbert County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the pasage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

The following House resolutions were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Messrs. DuBose and Brown of Clarke-
House Resolution 131. A resolution authorizing State Librarian to furnish certain books to the University at Athens.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 48, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
House Resolution 58. A resolution declaring a portion of the Flint River to be non-navigable.

FRillAY, AuGUST 6, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was fayorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution tne Ayes were 33, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

The following resolution was read and adopted:

By Messrs. Moye of Randolph, and Culpepper of LaFayette-
House Bill173. A resolution to require the reg-
istration of lobbists and to require the Secretary of State to submit a list of such persons so registering.

The following Semite bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Pittman-
- 356. A bill to abolish the fee system in the Cherokee Judicial Circuit.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Blassingame-
357. A bill to amend an Act to abolish the office of Treasurer of Oconee County.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Elder-
279. A bill to amend Section 145 of the School Code so as to remove the mills limitation as to levying taxes to pay principal and interest of school bonds.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill was agreed to, as amended on July 26, 1920.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 5.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.
Under the head of Unfinished Business the following Senate bill was taken up for consideration:
By Mr. Nix-
293. A bill to amend Section 147 of the Penal Code by providing felony punishment for burglary in certain cases.
Mr. Nix of the 34th offered the following substitute:
To be entitled an Act to amend Section 147 of the Penal Code of the State of Georgia of 1910, defin-

FRIDAY, AuausT 6, 1920.


ing the punishment for the crime of burglary, by providing that the punishment for the crime of burglary, where the burglary is committed by the breaking and entering in the night time by a person of twenty-one years of age or more of any
occupied dwelling house, room, or other place
used for living or sleeping purposes shall be death, or life imprisonment upon the recommendation of the jury, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That Section 147 of the Penal Code of the State of Georgia of 1910, defining the punishment for the crime of burglary, shall be amended by adding thereto the following: ''Provided, however, that where the burglary is committed by the bn~aking and entering in the night time by a person of twenty-one years of age or more, of any occupied dwelling house, room, or other place used for living or sleeping purposes, the punishment therefor shall be death, or life imprisonment upon the recommendation of the jury," so that said section when so amended shall read as follows:
"Burglary shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one year, nor longer than twenty years, provided, however, that where the burglary is committed by the breaking and entering in the night time by a person of twentyone years of age or more, of any occupied dwelling house, room, or other place used for living or sleeping purposes, the punishment therefor shall be death, or life imprisonment upon the recommendation of the jury.''



Section 2. Be it further enacted by the au-
thority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws
in conflict herewith, be, and the same are, hereby repealed.
The substitute was adopted.
Mr. Nix of the 34th called for the Ayes and Nays on the question of agreeing to the report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, by substitute, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Allen, han E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Hell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun. J. C. Duncan, J. T.

Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Kaigler, H. M. Rea, Fred Kirkland, Z. W. Larkius, J. K.

Nix, Oscar A. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Shingler, J. S. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Clements, J as. B. Cureton, \Vatler W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J.

Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D. Neidlinger, L. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C.

Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Rice, W. D. Smith, J. Q. Veazey, P. G. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Hogg, J. P. Lunsford, J. R.

Reynolds, W. H.

Mr. President

Ayes 25, Nays 21.

The roll call was verified and the report of the Committee was agreed to.

FRIDAY, AuausT 6, 1920.


Mr. Kix, of the 4th, called for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill by substitute, and the call was sustained.
The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Tosi'l"l Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. R. Calhoun, J. ,;
I'uncan, J. r.

El1ers, II. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. K~:.ig!er, H. M. Ke:t, Fred Kirkland, Z. W. Larkin~, J. K.

Nix, O~ear A. Pruett, J. F. Rat.uu, Z. T. Shingler, J. S. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M.

Those voting in the negati-ve were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. TI. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P.

Keene, .T. H. Kendall, i.. M. Le~Sueu:r, R. C. Maynard, J. D. Neidlinger, L. Olive, J. T. I-ittman, Claude C.

Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Rice, W. D. Smith, J. Q. Veazey, P. G. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bussey, J. B. Lunsford. J. R.

Reynolds, W. H.

Mr. President

Ayes 25, Nays 22.

The roll call was verified.
The bill having failed to receive the requisite constitutional majority was lost.
Mr. Nix, of the 34th, gave notice that at the
proper time he would move to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate bill 293.



Mr. Cureton, of the 44th, moved that when the Senate adjourn today it adjourn to meet again this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the motion prevailed.
Mr. Kaigler of the 12th, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
Leave of absence until Monday was granted Mr. Reece of the 41st.
Leave of absence was granted Mr. LeSeuer of the 23rd until Monday.
The President declared the Senate adjourned till this afternoon at 3 o'clock, Central time.



SENATE CHAMBER, 3 o'clock P.M.

The Senate met again at this hour and was called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L: Olive.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams. Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. 8. Barrett, }'ermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon. James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Flynt, J. J.

Fowler, Ben J.

Rabun, Z. T.

Glenn, George G.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Harbin, C. J.

Reece, W. K.

Hogg, J.P.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kaigler, H. M.

Rice, W. D.

Kea, Fred

Shingler, J. S.

Keene, J. H.

Smith; J. Q.

Kendall, M. M'.

Steed, E. T.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Veazey, P. G.

Maynard, J. D.

Vickery, Jess., W.

Neidlinger, Leononan Wallace, W. P.

N i.x, Oscar A.

Watson, S.M.

Olive, J. T.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Pittman, Calude C. Wood, A. J.

Pruett, J. F.

Mr. President

The following Senate bill was introduced, read the first time, and referred to Committee:

By Mr. Allen-
259. A bill to amend Article 2, Section 2, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution relative to oath of allegiance.
Referred to Committee on State of the Republic.

Mr. Pruett, Chairman of the Committee on Railroads, submitted the following report:



Mr. President:
Your CommittC'e on Railroads have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House Bill 1131. To authorize the Mayor and Aldermen of Savannah to fix rates for baggage and cab companies, etc.
PRUETT, Chairman.

l\Ir. Adams of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporation have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 1139, amending Charter of City of Columbus.
House Bill 1135, amending Chatrer of City of Dublin.
CLARENCE E. ADAMs, Chairman.

The following House bill, favorably reported, was read the second time :

By :Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1131. A bill to authorize the Mayor

FRIDAJ:", AuousT 6, 1920.


and Aldermen of Savannah to regulate baggage and cab rates.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 856. A bill to appropriate money to University of Georgia for repairs to State Institutions.
House Bill 1121. A bill to allow Sheriffs in certain counties to collect mileage for bringing prisoners to jail.
House Bill 1146. A bill to relieve certain property of City of Milledgeville from State and County taxes.
House Bill1153. A bill to amend Act establishing new charter for City of Lithonia.
Ho~se Bill 1157. A bill to amend Act to establish City Court of Eastman.
House Bill 1159. A bill to amend Act to create new charter for town of Decatur.
House Bill 1160. A bill to provide compensation for town Councilmen of Town of Decatur.
House Bill 1165. A bill to amend Act to establish school system for City of Vidalia.
Senate Bill 322. A bill to provide for another State depository in City of Atlanta.



Senate Bill 335. A bill to incorporate City of Hoboken.
The House has agreed to Senate Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5 and has agreed to as amended Senate Amendment No. 4, to the following bill of 'the House, to-wit:
House Bill 957. A bill to provide for bond commission for Bulloch County.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 805. A bill to amend Act to provide for public service corporation clerk.
The following House bills and resolution were read the first time and referred to Committees:
By Messrs. Bale, Holder, Pace, Grant, Hardin, Lambert, et al.-
House Bill 221. A bill to appropriate annually $25,000 for support of each District Agricultural and Mechanical Schools.
Referred to Committee on Apprpriations.
By Mr. Pope of GradyHouse Bill 757. A bill to appropriate $20,000 to

FRIDAY, AuGUST 6, 1920.


Georgia State Board of Entomology, to be used in experimental work.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Bill 797. A bill to appropriate $300,000 to Trustees of Georgia State Sanitarium at Milledgeville.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Brown of Clarke- __
House Bill 799. A bill to make an appropriation to Trustees of University of Georgia for additional maintenance purposes.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By l\fr. Arnold of Clay-
House Bill 814. A bill to appropriate $20,000 for 1920 and $20,000 for 1921 to supply a deficit in appropriation for State Sanitorium for Tuberculosis Patients.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Bill 979. A bill to appropriate $30,000 to Georgia State Training School for Boys, for additional maintenance.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Stubbs of LaurensHouse Bill 1135. A bill to amend an Act to



amend the charter of City of Dublin for school purposes.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Wohlwender, Hollis and Neill of Muscogee-
House Bill 1139. A bill to authorize the Common Commissioners of Columbus to execute a deed without restrictions in Simpson Chapel Methodist Church.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Messrs. Smith, Moore and Hendrix of Fulton-
House Resolution 153. A resolution to appropriate $10,000 for support of Georgia Training School for Girls.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Smith of Candler-
House Bill 856. A hill to appropriate money to the Trustees of University of Georgia to repair buildings.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 1121. A bill to allow Sheriffs in counties of not less than 18,450 or more than 18,500, census of 1910, to collect mileage in addition to other fees.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

FRIDAY, AuGusT 6, 1920.


By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Bill 1146. A bill to relieve City of Milledgeville of taxes on property bought since J auuary 1, 1920.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Guess of DeKalbHouse Bill 1153. A bill to amend an Act to
establish a new Charter for the City of Lithonia.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Milner of Dodge-
House Bill 1157. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Eastman.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By Mr. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1159. A bill to amend an Act to intersect the corporate limits of Decatur.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Guess of DeKalbHouse Bill 1160. A bill to provide compensa-
tion for members of Town Council of Decatur. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

B~ Mr. Lankford of Toombs-
Honse Bill 1165. A bill to amend an Act to provide a public school system in City of Vidalia.
Referred to Committee on Education.



By Mr. Ware of Warren-
House Bill 805. A bill to amend an Act to provide for a Public Service Corporation Tax Clerk.
Referred to Committee on Special .Judiciary.

By Mr. Stovall of McDuffie-
Honse Bill 1106. A bill to amend an Act to abolish the fee system in the Augusta Judicial Circuit.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
Under the order of business fixed by the Rules Committee the following bills and resolutions were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Messrs. Carswell of Wilkinson, and Stubbs of Laurens-
House Resolution 170. A resolution to pay expenses and per diem of members of Legislative Committee who have visited the State Institutions.
Mr. Barrett, of the 31st, offered the following amendment:
By adding at the end of resolution the following: ''And the further sum of $7500.00 or so much as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Committee appointd under joint resolution to investigate the charges against the State Veterinarian and the Governor is authorized to draw his warrant on any of the funds in the Treasury for said appropriation.''
The amendment was adopted.

FRIDAY, AuGUST 6, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to as amended.

The resolution involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. AHen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Pruett, J. F.

Gle:im, George G. Harbin, C. J.

Rabun, Z. T.
Hagsdale, S. w.

Kaigler, H. M.

Rice, W. D.

Kea, Fred

Sllingler, J. S.

Keene, J. H.

Smith, .J. Q.

Kendall, M. M.

Steed, E. T.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Veazey, P. G.

Maynard, J. D.

Wallace, W. P.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, II. B.

Olive, J. T.

Wood, A,J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bell, Walter L. Blasingame. Josiah Bussey, J. B. Dixon, James A. Ennis, J. H. Fowler, Ben J.

Hogg, J.P. LarkillB', J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Nix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C.

Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Vickery, Jesse W. Watson. S. M. Mr. President

Ayes 34, Nays 0.
The resoluti(}n having received the requisite constitutional majority vote was passed as amended.

By Messrs. Dobbs of Cobb and Wohlwender of Muscogee-
House Bill 845. A bill to provide the amount of deposit made by Life Insurance Companies not authorized to do business.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 1.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Holtzclaw and Richardson of Houston-
House Bill 1155. A bill to provide compensation for stenographic reporters in certain judicial circuits.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Lawrence of Chatham-
House Bill 149. A bill to amend Sections 1280 to 1288 both inclusive of Parks Code of 1915 by prohibiting the harboring of escapes.
Mr. Neidlinger of the 1st, offered the following amendment:
By adding after the words 1288 in the title the words : ''and who shall aid the escape of such persons.''
The amendment was adopted.

FRIDAY, AuousT 6, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutuional majority was passed, as amended.

By Mr. Elders-
House Resolution 102. A resolution to relieve J. F. Easterling from paying a bond in a criminal case.
The report of the Committee, which was favorahle to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Swift of Laurens-

House Bill 648. A bill to make appropriations for payment of increase in salary due the members of the Railroad Commission.

The report of the Committe,e which was favor able to the passage of the bill, was agrede to.

The bill involving an appropriation the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows :

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor

Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun J. C.
' Clements, Jas. B.

Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T.



Elders, H. H. Flynt, J. J. lrlenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H.

Kendall, M. M.

Shingler, J. S.

Maynard, J.D.

Steed, E. T.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Veazey, P. G.

Olive, J. T.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Pruett, J. F.

Wallace, W. P.

Rabun, Z..T.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bell, Walter L.

Larkins, J. K.

Blasingame, Josiah LeSue_ur, R. C.

Bussey, .J. B.

Lunsford, J. R.

Ennis, J. H.

Nix, Oscar A.

Fowler, Ben J.

Pittman, Claude C.

Kirkland Z. W.

Reece, W. K.


Ayes 4, Nays 0.

Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Smith, J. Q. Watson, S. M. Mr. President

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority vote was pased.

By Mr. Kirkland-

A bill to regulate the drilling of oil and gas wells in this State.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
Mr. Flynt, of the 26th District, called .for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows :

Those voting in the affirmative were M~ssrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B.

Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jaa. B. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Elders, H. H. Harbin, C. J.

Kaigler, H. M. Kea, ~'red Keene, J. H. Kirkland, Z. W. Neidlinger, Leonorian Oilve, J. T.

FRIDAY, AuGUST 6, 1920.


Pittman, Claude C. Pruett J . .1!'.
Rabun,' Z. T.
Ragsdale, S. W.

Shingler, J. S. Smith,. J. Q. Steed, E. T.

Veazey, P. G. Wallace, W. P. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Cureton, Walter W. Flynt, J. J. &1enn, George G.

Hogg, J.P. Nix, Oscar A. Rice, W. D.

Yiekerj, Jesse W. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bell, Walter L. Blasingame Josiah
Bussey, J. B.
Duncan, J. T. Ennis, J. H.

Fowler, Ben ,J. Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. ;Lunsford, J. H.

Maynard, J. D. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Watson S. M.
~ r. Pr~sident

Ayes 28, Nays 8.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to provide for a branding law for the identification of live stock.
Mr. Glenn, of the 43rd District, offered the following amendment:
''Provided, That the provisions of this Act shall not apply to counties that have adopted the no-fence or no-stock law."
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.
On the passage of the bill Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, called for the Ayes and Nays and the call was sustained.



Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District moved to table the bill and the motion prevailed.
At the request of the author Senate Bill No. 302 was laid on the table.
Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central Time.




Saturday, August 7, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central Time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offered by Senator Veazey, of the 19th District.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarenee E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Dunean, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Pittman, Claude

Fowler, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P.

Ragsdale, S. W.
Reece, w. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D.

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, M. M.

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

\leazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Viekery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

Maynard, J. D.

Watson, S. M.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Nix, Osear A.

Wood, A. J.

Olive, J. T.

Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.

Mr: Adams, of the 30th District, gave notice that at the proper time he would move to reconsider the action of the Senate in passing House Bill No. 1140.



By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in passing House Bill No. 1140 and the motion prevailed.

Mr. Nix, of the 34th District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill No. 293.

Mr. Nix, of the 34th District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the above motion, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. .l:lrooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dorris, W. H.

Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Harbin, C. J . Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Kirkland, Z. W.

Larkins, J. K. .Maynard, J. D. Nix, Oscar A. Pruett, J. F. Steed, E. T. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Glenn, George G. Hogg, J. P.

Keene, J. H.

Smith, J. Q.

Kendall, M. M.

Veazey, P. G.

Neidlinger, Vickery, Jesse W.

Olive, J. T.
Rabun, z. T.

Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Rice, W. D.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, J osi.ah Bowden, J. E. T. Ennis, J. H.

LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Ragsdale, S. W.

Reece, W. K. Shingler, J. S. Mr. President

And the motion prevailed.

SATURDAY, AuousT 7, 1920.


At the request of Mr. Rabun, of the 9th, Senate Bill No. 277 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Rabun, of the 9th District, Senate Bill No. 277 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Ayers of the 333rd District, House Bill No. 378 was taken from the table and restored to its proper place on the calendar.
At the request of .Mr. Olive, of the 18th District, House Bill No. 1106 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Bill No. 221 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Bill No. 757 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, Honse Bill No. 765 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr: Allen, of the 35th District, House Bill No. 797 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th DisHouse Bill No. 799 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, Honse Bill No. 814 was read the second time and recommitted.



At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Bill No. 856 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Bill No. 921 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Bill No. 979 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Bill No. 1146 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Resolution No. 151 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Resolution No. 153 was read the second time and recommitted.
Mr. Vickery of the 4th District, Vice Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submitted the following report:
Mr. President : Your Committee on Counties and County Mat-
ters have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
House Bill 1108. A bill to create the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues of Pickens County.
VrcKERY, Vice-Chairman.



Mr. Watson, of the 8th District, Chairman of the Committee on Banks and Banking, submitted the follo,ving report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Banks and Banking have had under consideration the following House Bill No. 732 and have instructed me as Chairman, to 1eport the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 732. To provide for the appointment by the Governor of not more than three banks as State depositories in cities having puplation of 15,000 or more.
WATSON, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporations, submitted the following report :
Mr. President:
Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 1153, amending Charter of Lithonia.
House Bill 1160, amending Charter of Decatur.
House Bill 1160, amending Charter of Town of Decatur.



Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:

Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

House Bill 1157.

House Bill 805.

House Bill 1106.

DoRRis, Chairman.

Mr. Vickery, of the 4th District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Counties and County Matters have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 1124.
House Bill 1156.
House Bill 1118.
House Bill 1102.
House Bill 1138. VICKERY. Vice-Chairman.



Mr. Kendall, of the 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following Resolution of the Senate and haye instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. H. H. Smith for two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Mrs. A. T. Collins of Macon for one day.
KENDALL Chairman. 1

Mr. Elders, of the 2nd District, Chairman of

the Committee on Education, submitted the follow-

ing report :

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :
House 'Bill 825 do pass.
House Bill .1127 do pass.
. House Bill1165 do pass. H. H. ELDERS, Chairman.



'l'he following message was received from th3 House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 337. A bill to amend Act to establish City Court in County of Bartow.
Senate Bill 341. A bill to amend Act establishing Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Charlton County.
Senate Bill 343. A bill to abolish office of Treasurer of Charlton County.
The House has agreed to the Senate amend~ ments to the following bills of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 1171. A bill to abolish Board of Roads and Revenues for Catoosa County.
House Bill 1009. A bill to amend Act creating Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Hall County.
The House has agreed to the Senate substitute to the following bill of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 247. A bill to amend Act to amend Charter of City of Augusta relative to pensining members of police and fire departments.
The House has disagreed to the Senate amendment to the following bill of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 900. A bill to create new Charter for City of Marietta.

SATURDAY, AuausT 7, 1920.


The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

J!r. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 1163. A bill to amend Charter of City of Macon relative to auditorium tax and auditorium commission.
House Bill1167. A bill to amend Acts creating Board of Commissioners of Roads anq Revenues for Decatur County.
House Bill 1170. A bill to amend Charter of City of Macon relative to corporate limits of said city.
The following House Bill, previous reconsidered, was taken up for consideration:

By Messrs. Swift and Rogers of Elbert-
House Bill 1140. A bill to amend an Act to provide for a Board of Commissioners for Elbert County.
Mr. Adams, of the 30th District, offered the following amendment:
Section 11. Be it further enacted that the said Commissioner shall receive as full compensation for his services, the sum of ($1800.00) Eighteen Hundred Dollars per annum.
Strike out the words ''and shall devote his whole time to the duties of his office having such



supervision to lay out, build and improve the public roads and bridges of Elbert County.''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

The following House bills were :r:ead the first time and referred to Committees:

By Messrs. Barnes, Cochran and Strozier of Bibb-
House Bill 1163. A bill to amend the Charter of the City of Macon to provide for an auditorium tax and auditorium commission.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Griffin of Decatur -
House Bill 1167. A bill to amend an Act consolidating the Acts establishing the Boal,'d of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Decatur County.
Ref~rred to Committee on Counties and County M.atters.

By Messrs. Barnes, Cochran and Strozier of BibbHouse Billll70. A bill to amend the Charter of



the City of Macon by extending the corporate limits.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

The following bill was introduced, read the first time, and referred to Committee:

By Messrs. Flynt and Dixon-
360. A bill to amend the Constitution of Georgia so as to authorize bonds for supplying deficiencies in the revenues, not to exceed $5,000,000.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Messrs. Brown of Clarke and W ohlwender of Muscogee-
Ho~se Bill 732. A bill to amend Section 1249 of Code of 1910 so as to provide for as many as three chartered banks as Statedepositories in cities of 15,000 or more.

By Mr. Ware of Warren-
House Bill 805. A bill to amend an Act to provide for a Public Service Corporation Tax Clerk.

By Mr. Johnson of Bartow-
House Bill 825. A bill to co-operate with the Act of Congress to provide for promotion of Voca:tional Rehabitation.



By Mr. Smith of Telfair-
Hause Bill 1102. A bill to amend an Act to create the office of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Telfair County.

By Mr. Jordan of Wheeler-
House Bill 1118. A bill to provide a salary for Treasurer of Wheeler County in lieu of fees.

By Mr. Johnson of Chattahoochee-
House Bill 1124. A bill to fix the primary laws for Chattahoochee County.

By Mr. Covington of Colquitt-
House Bill 1127. A bill to establish a public schools system for Doerun relative to tax levy.

By Mr. Stewart of Atkinson-
House Bill 1138. A bill to create a County depository for Atkinson County.

By Mr. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill1153. A bill to create a new Charter for Lithonia.

By Mr. Knight of Berrien-
House Bill1156. A bill to allow Board of Commissioners of Berrien County to employ a clerk.

By Mr. Milner of Dodge-
House Bill 1157. A bill to amend an Act to establish City Court of Eastman.

SATURDAY, AuausT 7, 1920.


By Mr. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1159. A bill to amend an Act to extend the corporate limits of Decatur.

By Mr. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1160. A bill to provide compensation for members of Town Council of Decatur.

By Mr. Lanksford of Toombs-
Honse Bill 1165. A bill to provide a public school system for Widalia.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Richards of Pickens-

House Bill 1108. A bill to create the office of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Pickens County.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28,

Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1132. A bill to authorize Mayor and Aldermen of Savannah to acquire property for establishment of a Municipal Wharf.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was a&"reed to.,

On the passage of thtJ bill the Ayes were 40, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

The following Senate bills were read the third time a:n'd taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Allen-
, A bill to amend. Section 1973 of Code of 1910 a'S to salaries of the State Geologist and Assistants.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was disagreed to, and the bill was lost.

By Mr. Barrett-
A bill to provide an additional stenographer for the Railroad Commission.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was disagreed to, and the bill was lost.
The following resolutions were read. and adopted:

By Mr. Fowler-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Mrs. A. T.. Collins, of Macon, for one day.

SATURDAY, AuGusT 7, 1920.


By Mr. Kea-

A resolution extending the privileges of the

floor to Ron. H. H. Smith, of Laurens County, for

two days.

The following Senate bill was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By Messrs. Duncan and Pittman-
A bill to provide for the construction of overhead bridges and underground passages at railroad crossings.

The Committee offered the following substitute:
To Be Entitled an Act to provide for the abolishment of grade crossings of highways over railways; to provide for the construction of overhead bridges and underpasses at crossings; and for the maintenance of the same, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same that jurisdiction and authority is hereby granted to the Railroad Commission of Georgia over the subject of the abolishment of grade crossings of public highways over railroads in this State, the construction and maintenance of overhead bridges and underpasses at such crossings, the re-location of the highways so as to



facilitate the elimination of grade crossings and to provide for such overhead bridges or unclerpasse3 being the more conveniently or economically established and built, and to make and enforce regulations on the subject; all of which jurisdiction and authority said commission is to exercise subject to the further provisions of this Act.
Section 2. whenever the county authorities in any county or municipalities in this State shall determine that any grade crossing in said county of any public highway, with any railroad should be abolished, and an overhead bridge or underpass should be erected, they shall by petition present the matter to the Railroad Commission. The Railroad Commission shall thereupon set the matter down for a hearing, giving notice of the time and place thereof to the county authorities in question and to the railroad company involved. Hearings may be had either at the office of the commission or in the county where the crossing in question is situated. After hearing the parties at interest, or after giving them opportunity to be heard, the commission shall have the authority to pass upon the matter; a:nd may grant or refuse the application or may grant it upon such conditions as shall seem just and proper in the premises, making an apportionment between the railroad and county or municipality as to the expense therefor. If the commission favorably entertains the application, it shall cause the parties to submit plans and specifications and estimates of cost and shall require the applicants to show that they have made adequate provision for the funds necessary to pay the county's part of the

SATURDAY, AuausT 7, 1920.


expense. It shall thereupon have authority to pass an order requiring the railroad company to erect an overhead bridge or underpass as the case may be, together with such approaches and abutments thereto as shall be within the limits of the company's right of way, according to plans and specifications approved by the co:qnnission and within such time as the commission may allow.
Section 3. The commission shall have power to relocate the highways and to abolish existing crossings and to establish new crossings; and the portions of the highway discontinued by the abolishment or relocation of the crossing shall cease to .be a public highway and the relocated highway shall be substituted therefor and the commission shall have power by their orders to provide how these things shall be accomplished.
Section 4. In determining whether an existing grade crossing shall be abolished or whether an overhead crossing or an underpass shall be built, the commission shall take into consideration the amount of travel at such crossing, the location, the surrounding topography, objects and circumstances, the distance trains c&n be seen from such crossing, the existence of other crossings, the frequency of the passage of trains, and the ability of the railroad t~ompany and the county in question to pay the expense required. It shall also take into consideration the amount expended or required to be expended by the railroad company in question in the elimination of other grade crossings and the erection of over.head bridges and underpasses, so as not to put any



undue burden on the railroad company at any particular period.
Section 4. Wherever a crossing is used by a street railway company or interurban railway company it shall also be a party to the proceedings before the commission and shall be required to pay under the order of th(! commission, such portion of the expense as shall by the commission be deemed to be jw'>t; and if it shall not voluntarily pay the portion of the expense assessed against it by the commission, it shall be compelled to do so; and the Railroad Commission shall have the power to issue execution therefor, which shall have the same force and effect as other executions based upon judgments of Courts of competent jurisdiction and may be enforced in the same manner and shall bear interest from the date of the order of said commisSion.
Section 5. When the work required by the commission in the erection of the overhead crossing or underpass, as the case may be, shall have been completed by the railroad company, the railroad company shall submit to the commission a statement of the amounts expended by it in the doing of the work, and the coplmission, after giving notice to the county and to the street railway company or interurban company, if any involved, shall after assessing the portion to. be paid by such street railway or interurban railway company, pass an order requiring the county in question to pay one-half of the remainder and the county in question shall pay the same. If the county authorities fail voluntarily to pay the same, the Courts shall have the power, by manda-

SATURDAY, AuGusT 7, 1920.


mus or other appropriate remedy, to compel them to do so. The commission is also authorized to issue to the railroad company a certificate or certificates, either in a lump sum or divided into such portions as the railroad company may request, showing the amount due to it by said county and such certificates shall be received by the tax-collector of said county at face value toward the payment of any taxes clue by said railroad company to said county.
Section 6. If a railroad company fails or refuses to build an overhead bridge, or underpass under an order passed in pursuance of the provisions of this Act, the commission shall, on application of the county authorities of the county involved, have power to pass an order allowing said county authorities to proceed to build the same; and upon the completion of the same the county authorities shall present a statement of the cost of the same to the Railroad Commission and the commission, after giving notice to the railroad company, shall pass an order that the company shall pay said county one-half of the costs of building said overhead bridge or underpass (after deducting any sum assessed against any street railway or interurban railway company under the provisions of this Act). If said railroad company shall fail voluntarily to pay within thirty days after the passage of such order the amount so assessed against it by said Railroad Commission, the county authorities of the county in question shall have jurisdiction and power to issue an execution against said railroad company by the order of said Railroad Commission, and said execution shall have the same force and effect tis other executions based



upon judgments of Courts of competent jurisdiction in this State and may be enforced in the same manner as now provided for by law, and shall bear interest from the date of the co'mpletion of the work.
Section 7. After an overhead crossing is built, the duty of maintaining the same and the approaches thereto, so far as located upon the rigiit of way of said railroad company, shall be UlJOn the railroad company, and they may be compelled to maintain the same in good order by orders of the Railroad Commission. In the case of underpasses, the railroad company shall have the duty of maintaniing the overhead structure on which its tracks arc located and the abutments and supports thereof, and the county authorities shall have the duty of maintaining the highway underneath and the drainage connected therewith.
Section 8. In case that the tracks of two or more independent railroad companies cross at grade the same highway at or near the same point, application may be made against both railroad companies jointly and simultaneously, and the procedure thereupon shall be in general conformity, as far as may be, to the procedure in case that a single railroad company is involved, and in that event the commission shall have jurisdiction to decide and to order what portion of that half of the cost which would be assessed against the single railroad company in the event a single railroad company were involved, shall be divided between the two or more railroad companies involved.
Section 9. The provisions of this Act shall apply to highways and stree'ts located within the limits

SATURDAY, AuGusT 7, 1920.


of municipal corporations, except that in the event of highways and streets located within municipal corporations, either the county or the municipal authrities may make the application to the commission, and in the event the municipal authorities alone apply, then wherever the word "county" or the phrase "county authorities" is used in this Act, it shall be held and construed to mean the municipality involved and its governing authorities.
Section 10. The county authorities of the various counties of this State and the municipal authorities of the various municipal corporations of this State are given power and authority to enter into voluntary contracts and agreements with the railroad companies, including interurban and street railway companies, for the abolishment of existing grade crossings and for the creation of overhead bridges and underpasses and for a voluntary division among themselves of the costs of the .same, and upon such terms and conditions as shall be voluntarily agreed on among themselves. The costs incurred by the railroads and counties in and by virtue of such voluntary agreements may be taken into consideration by the Railroad Commission in passing on applications made for the establishment of other crossings or for the building of other overhead passages or underpasses.
Section 11. This bill shall be effective October 1, 1920.
Section 12. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are repealed.
NOTE-There are tu;o Sections numbered 4 in the original bill.



The substitute was adopted.
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill by substitute, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, by substitute, the Ayes were 26, Nays 6.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed by substitute.

The following Senate bill was taken up for consideration:

By Messrs. Clements, Flynt and Bowden-
A bill to authorize the appointment of two agents of the Department of Commerce and Labor to assist in distribution of labor.
Mr. Barrett, of the 31st District, moved to postpone the bill until August 9, 1920, and the motion prevailed.
Mr. Dorris, of the 48th District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn, and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until Monday morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.

MoNDAY, AuGusT 9, 1920.


Monday, August 9, 1920.
The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.
:Mr. Ennis, of the 20th District, asked unanimous consent to dispense with the call of the roll.

Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, objected.

The Secretary proceeded with the call of. the roll and the following Senators answered to their names:

A<lams, Clarence E. Allen, I Yan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, .T. B. Calhoun .T. C. Clements, J as. B. Cureton, \\'alter \V. Dixon, J as. A. Dorris, \V. H. Duncan, .T. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, ,). .T.

Pittman, Claude C.

Fowler, Ben .T.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J: I-.

Reece, \V. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Rire, W. D.

Keene, J. H.

Shingler, J. S.

Kendall, ~I. ~1.

Smith, .T. Q.

Kirklan,l, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

Larkins, .T. K.

Veazey, P. G.

LeSueur, R. C.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

~la:vnard, .1. D.

Watson, S. M.

Xeidlinge..-, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Xix, Oscar A.

Woo<!, A. J.

Uliw, J. T.

Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of the 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.



Mr. Barrett, of the 31st District, gave notice that at the proper time he would move to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill No. 350.

Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, gave notice that at the proper time he would move to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill No. 336.

By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

Mr. Barrett, of the 31st District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill No. 350, and the motion prevailed.

Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in defeating Senate Bill No. 336, and the motion prevailed.

At the request of Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, Senate Bill No. 300 was taken from the table.
At the request of Mr. Bowden, of the 5th District, Senate Bill No. 302 was taken from the table.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Resolution No. 61 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Resolution No. 70 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Resolution No. 73 was read the second time and recommitted.

MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.


At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, Hous.e Resolution No. 83 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen, of the 35th District, House Resolution No. 92 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Olive, of the 18th District, House Bill No. 643 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Olive, of the 18th District, House Bill No. 644 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Olive, of the 18th District, House Bill No. 645 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Olive, of the 18th District, House Bill No. 646 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Olive, of the 18th District, House Bill No. 705 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Kea, of the 16th District, House Bill No. 113:5 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Hogg, of the 24th District, House Bill No. 1139 was read the second time and recommitted.

'l'he following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.



Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following biils and resolutions of the House and Senate, to-wit:
House Bill 772. A bill to amend Section 4884 of Code of 1910 relative to appointment of clerks of Superior Courts.
House Bill 853. A bill to appropriate money to supply deficiency in appropriation for Georgia School for Deaf.
House Bill 936. A bill to fix salary of clerkbookkeeper in Pension Office.
House Bill 1083. A bill to amend Section 5243 of Code of 1910 relative to condemnation of land for public road purposes by counties of State.
House Bill1112. A bill to amend Acts creating Mayor and Aldermen of City of Savannah relative to penalties for violation of ordinances. assessing street tax in said city.
House Bill11:52. A bill to amend Act establishing public school system for Town of Alamo.
House Bill 1158. A bill to abolish office of Treasurer of Dodge County.
House Resolution 160. A resolution to appropriate money for making repairs to buildings of Confederate Soldiers' Home near Atlanta.
Senate Bill 344. A bill to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Charlton County.

MoNDAY, AuausT 9, 1920.


The House has adopted the following resolutions of the House, to-wit:
House Resolution 208. A resolution to create commission to receive funds from school children of State for honor to Admiral William S. Benson, U.S.N.
House Resolution 211. A resolution endorsing the Advertise Georgia Enterprise.
House Resolution 212. A resolution to instruct State Librarian to furnish certain books to Court House of Calhoun County.
House Resolution 213. A resolution providing for installation of sounding board for hall of House of Representatives.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

111r. President :
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 684. A bill to appropriate money to supply deficiency in appropriation for support of Georgia School of Technology.
House Bill 824. A bill to authorize payment of pensions to ex-Confederate soldiers in certain cases.
House Bill 835. A bill to fix time of office of Commissioner of Pensions.
House Bill903. A bill to establish Frances Willard Day in public schools of State.



House Bill 909. A bill to amend Act to provide for assurance, registration and transfer of land titles.
House Bill 969. A bill to make appropriation for State Negro School of Albany.
House Bill 977. A bill to amend Act to establish Municipal Court of Savannah.
House Bill 1063. A bill to appropriate money to Georgia Training School for Mental Defectives.
House Bill 1085. A bill to abolish office of County Treasurer of Ware County.
House Bill 1120. A bill to appropriate money to pay salary of assistant in Department of Public Printing.
House Bill 1169. A bill to amend Act to create new charter for City of Eatonton.
House Bill1173. A bill to amend Act to abolish office of County Treasurer of Oconee County.
House Bill 1176. A bill to amend Act to incorporate City of Collins.
House Bill1177. A bill to amend Act to incorporate City of Cobbtown.
House Bill 1178. A bill to amend Act creating road law for Tattnall County.
House Bill 1180. A bill to establish City Court of Millen.
House Bill 1181. A bill to amend Act creating City Court of Griffin.

MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.


House Bill 1183. A bill to amend Act creating new charter for City of East Point relative to sales of property for payment of taxes and for other debts to said city.
House Bill 1184. A bill to amend charter of Town of Dudley.
House Resolution 204. A resolution to authorize sale of certain lands in Bulloch County.
House Resolution to pay pensions to certain parties.

The following message w::ts received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House to-
House Bill 893. A bill to '1mend laws of State providing for inspection of illuminating oils.
House Bill1039. A bill to regulate registration, branding sale and analysis of calcium arsenate.
House Bill 1154. A bill to create new charter for Town of Kirkwood.
House Bill 1161. A bill to amend Acts incor porating Town of Decatur.
House Bill1182. A bill to amend Act creating new charttr for City of EMt Point relative to levy of taxes for school purposes.



House Bill 1166. A bill to create new charter for City of ~fetter.
The House has adopted the following resolution of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Resolution 105. A resolution to request certain Federal officials ~o give consideration tv claims of Georgia School of Technology for establishment of certain school at said instiLutwn.

Mr. Vickery, of 4th District, Chairman of the Committee on Drainage, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Drainage have had under consideration the following House Bill No. 1064 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, by substitute:
House Bill No. 1064. Respectfully submitted, VrcKERY, Chairman.
Mr. Bussey of 11th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges and Elections, submitted the following report:
Mr. President:
Your Committee on Privileges and Elections have had under consideration the following House Bill 1130 and have instructed me as Chairman, to

MoNDAY, AuausT 9, 1920.


report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, BussEY, Chairman.

~Ir. Vickery, of 4th District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on County and County Matters, sub- mitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on County and County Matters have had under consideration the following House Bills 1121 and 1167 and have instructed me as Vice-Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass: House Bills 1121, 1167.
Respectfully submitted, VIcKERY, Vice-Chairman.

~Ir. Kea, of 16th District, Chairman of the Committee on The State of the Republic, submitted the following report:

J1 r. President:
Your Committee on the State of the Republic have had under consideration the following Senate bill and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill 359. A bill to amend Art. 2, Sec. 2, Par. 1, of the Constitution to require before entering upon any public duty whatever to take oath of



allegiance to the United States of America, etc. Respectfully submitted, FRED KEA, Chairman.

Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 2, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 2 have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass as amended:
House Bill No. 902. Relating to duties of County Surveyors et. al.
Respectfully submitted, AYERS, Chairman.

Atlanta, Ga., August 7, 1920. The following message was received from His Excellency, the Governor, through his Clerk, Mr. Cobb:

Mr. President:
I am directed by his Excellency, the Governr, to deliver to the Senate a sealed communication in writing, for which he requests your consideration in executive session.
Mr. Adam, of 30th District, Chairman of the Committee on Corporation, submitted the following report:

MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.


Mr. President :
Your Committee on .Corporation ha:ve had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 1170. Amending charter of Macon, extending corporate limits of said city.
House Bill 1163. Amending charter of City of Macon, providing for the building of an auditorium.
Respectfully submitted, CLARENCE E. AnAMs, Chairman.

Mr. Ennis, of 20th District, Chairman of the Committee on Public Roads, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Public Roads have had under consideration the following Senate Bill No. 306 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, as amended.
Respectfully submitted, ENNis, Chairman.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President :
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:



House Bill 1179. A bill to prohibit use of nets over thirty feet in length in fishing in salt waters of State in certain cases.
House Resolution 199. A resolution to relieve C. J. Harp as surety on bond.
House Bill 1164. A bill to amend charter of City of Macon relative to operation of waterworks plant in said city.

The following message \Vas received from the House, through Mr. I\1oore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills and resolutions oi' the House, to-wit:
House Bill 429. A bill to revise dental laws of State.
House Bill 663. A bill to authorize sale of lands by executors, administrators and others in certain cases.
House Resolution 203. A resolution to amend Constitution of State relatin to representation of new counties.
The following House resolutions were read the first time and referred to Committees: By ~Iessrs. Sweat of \Yare, Bradford of \Vhiifield,
et. al.House Resolution 160. A resolution to appropriate $5,000 to make repairs on Confederate Soldiers' Home. Referred to CommittCL' on Appropriations.

MoNDAY, AuausT 9, 1920.


By l\Ir. Gallaher of MaconHouse Resolution 199. A resolution to reim-
burse C. J. Harp for payment of a bond.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By ::\Iessrs. \Villiams and Brannen of Bullocl1-
House Resolution 204. A resolution to authorize the sale of thirteen acres of land now possessed by the State of Georgia.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By ::\Ir. Cannon of RabunHouse Resolution 206. A resolution t(j) pay pen-
. sions to certain parties. Referred to Committee on Pensions.

By ::\Iessrs. Strozier, Barnes and Cochran of Bibb-
House Resolution 208. A resolution to receive funds from the school children of Georgia to provide for honor to Admiral William S. Benson.
Referred to Committee on Education.

B~ ::\lr. Knight of Berrien-
House Resolution 203. A resolution to amend the Constitution so as to provide for representation of ne\v counties of Lanier, Semino~e and Brantley.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional A m e n elm en ts.

The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:



By ~fr. Carswell of Wilkinson-
House Bill 893. A bill to amend the laws providing for inspection of illuminating oils.
Referred to Committee 'on State of the Republic.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chat ham-
House Bill 977. A bill to carry into effect in Savannah the amendment to Paragraph 1, Section 7 of Article 6 of the Constitution.
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.

By Mr. Law of Burke--
House Bill 1039. A bill to regulate the branding, sale and analysis of calcium arsenate, insecticides and fungicides.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Messrs. Pilcher, Reville and McDonald of Richmond-
House Bill 1063. A bill to appropriate $30,000 to Georgia Training School for Mental Defectives.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1112. A bill to amend the Acts incorporating the Mayor and Aldermen of Savannah.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

MoNDAY, AuousT 9, 1920.


By Mr. Perryman of Talbot-
House Bill 1120. Abill to appropriate $675.00 for balance of 1920 and $1800.00 for 1921 to pay 'lalary of Assistant Public Printing, etc.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

By Mr. Milner of Dodge -
House Bill 1158. A bill to abolish the office of Treasurer of Dodge County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County Matters.

By Mr. Guess of DeKalbHouse Bill 1161. A bill to amend the Acts in-
corporating the Town of Decatur. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Purcell of Tattnall-
House Bill 1178. A bill to amend 8:n Act to
create a new road law for Tattnall County.
Referred to Committee on Education.

By Mr. Anderson of JenkinsHouse Bill 1180. A bill to establish the City
Court of Millen. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.
By Mr. Nichols of SpaldingHouse Bill 1181. A bill to amend the Charter
of the City Court of Griffin. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.



By 1Iessrs. Hendrix, Moore and Smith of FultonHouse Bill 1183. A bill to amend an Act cre-
ating a new charter for East Point.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By :Jir. Sweat of ware-
House Bill 909. A bill to provide for assurance. registration and transfer of land titles to provide an increase of salary for Examiners.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary Xo. 2.

By l\lr. Jordan of "\VheelerHouse Bill 11;52. A bill to amend an Act to
establish public school system for Town of Alamo. Referred to Committee on Education.

By :Jir. "\Vall of PutnamHouse Bill 1169. A bill to amend an Act to
create a new charter for Eatonton. Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By .:\Ir. Purcell of TattnallHouse Bill 1177. A bill to amend an Act to
incorporate the City of Cobbtown. Referred to Committee on Education.
B~ :Jlpssrs. Hendrix, :Jloore ,and Smith of FultonHouse Bill 1H\2. A bill to amf'nd an Act to
create a new charter for l<~ast Point. Refenecl to Committee on Corporations.

"Mo~DAY, AuausT 9, 1920.


By l\Iessrs. Lind~ay and Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1154. A bill to amend the Acts incorporating the City of Kirkwood so as to create a new charter.
Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By ::\Iessrs. Strozier, Barnes and Cochran of Bibb-
House Bill1164. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Macon.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
By ::\Ir. Smith of CandlerHouse Bill 1166. A bill to create a new charter
for the City of ~letter.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.
B~ ::\Iessrs. 1Ioore and Smith of Fulton-
House Bill 684. A bill to increase the maintenance fund of 1921 for the Georgia School of Technology.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.
By ::\Iessrs..J olmson and Trippe of Bartow~
House Bill t'24. A bill to authorize payment of annual pensions of soldiers eligible for military ser,ice \dlO enlisted in C. S. A. and under other certain coneli tions.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.



By Mr. Holtzclaw of HoustonHouse Bill 835. A bill to fix the time of office
of Commissioner of Pensions. Referred to Committee on Pensions.

By Messrs. Sibley of Greene and Covington of ColquittHouse Bill 903. A bill to establish Frances
Willard Day in public schools of this State. Referred to Committee on Education.
By Messrs. Kent, Clifton and StovallHouse Bill 936. A bill to fix the salary of Clerk
and Bookkeeper of the Pension Office. Referred to Committee on Appropriations.
By Messrs. Jones and Mcintyre of ThomasHouse Bill 1083. A bill to amend Section 5243
of Code of 1910 to authorize County authorities to condemn land.
Referred to Committee on Public Roads.
By Mr. Sweat of WareHouse Bill 1085. A bill to abolish the office of
Treasurer of Ware County. Referred to Committee on Counties and County
By Mr. Purcell of TattnallHouse Bill1176. Abill to amend an Act to in-
corporate the City of Collins. Referred to Committee -on Education.

MoNDAY, AuGusT 9, 1920.


By Mr. Atkinson of Camden-
House Bll 429. A bill to revise the Dental Laws of Georgia to establish a Board of Dental Exammers.
Referred to Committee on General Judiciary ~0. 1.

By Mr. Haynee of Oconee-
House Bill 1173. A bill to amend an Act to abolish office of County Treasurer of Oconee 1 County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County l\fatters.

By Mr. Lawrence of Chatham-
House Bill 1179. A bill to prohibit the use of nets over 30 feet in length in the salt waters of Georgia in certain cases.
Referred to Committee on Fish and Game.

By Mr. Stubbs of Laurens-
House Bill 1184. A bill to amend the charte1 of the Town of Dudley.
Referred to Committee on Corporations.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper -

House Bill 772. A bill to amend Section 4884

of Code of 1910 relative to appointment of Clerks

of the Superior Court.

Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.



By ::\Ir. Burt of Dougherty-
House Bill 969. A bill to provide for improvements an appropriation for State Negro School at Albany.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

by l\Ir. \Vhitaker of LowudesHo-qse Bill 663. A bill to provide for sale of
land by Executors, Administrators and Trustees. Referred to Committee on Special Judiciary.

By ::\Ir. ::\Iundy of Polk-
House Bill 853. A bill to appropriate $15000.00 to supply a deficiency in fund to the School for the Deaf.
Referred to Committee on Appropriations.

The following Senate resolution was read the first time and referred to Committee:

B~ ::\Ir. ]Jlders-

A resolution requesting that House Bill ] 8 be read the second time and recommitted to Committee on Constitutional Amendments.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

The following House resolutions were read anJ laid oYer for one day:

B~ ::\1 r. Hanin of CalhounHouse Resolution 212. A resolution requesting

MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.


State Librarian to furnish eertain books to the Courts of Calhoun County.

By Mr. Clarke of Mcintosh-
House Resolution 211. A resolution endorsing the Georgia Advertisement Enterprise.

The following House resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr...Williams of BullochHonse Resolution 213. A resolution providing
for the installation of sound boards in Hall of House of Representatives.

The following House bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 1121. A bill to allow Sheriffs of Counties of not less than 18,450 or more than 18,500,
census of uno, to collect mileage in addition to
other fees now allowed by law.

By Mr. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1130. A bill to require all political parties in DeKalb County to nominate their candidate for County offices by primary elections.

By .Jiessrs. Barnes, Strozier and Cochran of Bibb-
House Bill 1163. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Macon and to provide for an auditorium tax and auditorium commission.



By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 1167. A bill to amend an Act revising, consolidating and amending an Act establishing the Board of Commisioners of Roads and Revenues of Decatur County approved August 15, 1904, as amended and approved August 20, 1906.

By Messrs. Cochran, Barnes and Strozier of Bibb-
House Bill 1170. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Macon by extending the corporate limits.

The following Senate bills, favorably reported, were read the second time :

By Mr. Allen-
A bill to amend the Constitution of Georgia at the end of Article 2, Section 2, Paragraph 1, relative to oaths of allegiance.
The following Senate bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Ayers-
A bill to amend an Act by providing that larceny of motor vehicles shall be punished from one to twenty years in the penitentiary.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 34, Nays 6.

:MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Kirkland-
A bill to provide for quarterly payments of salary of Solicitor-General of the Brunswick Circuit.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Kendall
A bill to provide for the taking and filing of bills of sales of cattle.
Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, offered the following amendment :
It is provided that this law shall not apply in any county having stock law.
Also this law does not apply to any dressed beef shipped to or from any packing house.
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as amended.
Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.



The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Ulenn, George G. J:tarbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. :'II. Kea, Fred Keene. J. H. h.endall, :'II. M. Larkins, J. K.
="'ix, Oscar A.

Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed. E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. Watson, S. :'II. wilkinson, H. B. Wood, .\. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Ayers, J. s.
Barrett, Fermor 13lasingame, Josiah Cureton, Walter W.
Dixon, .James A.

Hogg, J.P.
LeSueur, R. c.
Mayanrd, J. D.
OliYe, J. T.
Pittman, Claude c.

Pruett, J. F.
Reece, W. K.
rleynolcls, W. H. Hiee, w. D.
Veazey, P. G.

Those not voting were ~Iessrs.:

Allen, Ivan E. .bussey, J. B. Clc;nents, Jas. B.

Fowler, Ben J. Kirkland, t:. W. Lunsford, J. R.

Xeidlinger, Leonorian Wallace, \V. P. :\lr. President

Ayes 27, Xa~s 15.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, as amended.

Constitutional amendment.

By ~Ir. Ayers-
A BILL To Be Entitled An Act to amend Section 6, of Ar-
ticle 7, of the Constitution.
The following amendment to the Constitution of the State of GL'Orgia is lwrehy proposed by the

MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.


House of Representatives of General Assembly of said State.
That Article seven (7), Section six (6), of the Constitution of said State be amended as follows, to-wit:
By adding to Paragrph two (2) of said section
and article, the following words, to-wit: "To build and maintain hospitals."
That when the above and foregoing amend-
ment has been agreed to by two-thirds of the mem-
bers of each House of the present General Assembly, it shall be the duty of the Governor, and he is hereby directed to cause the same to be nublished in one or more newspapers in each Congressional District in this State, two months before the next general election; and the Governor of this State is further required and directed, after having said amendment so published as aforesaid, to submit the same to the people at said next general election for their ratification or rejection. The form of such submission shall be as follows, to-wit:
"For ratification of amendment to Article 7, Section 6, of the Constitution.''
"Against ratification of amendment to Art. 7, Sec. 6, of the Constitution.
The Committee offered the following amendment:
By striking the words ''House of Representatives of'' in the second line after the caption.
The amendment was adopted.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as amended.
The bill involving a Constitutional amendment,
the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative w~re Messrs.:

Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fennor Hell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. '1'. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Ulenn, George G.

Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. M. Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. Le8ueur, R. C. .l'laynard, J. D. Neidlinger, Leonorian ~ ix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F.

Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Hice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Steed, E. ~. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Cureton, Walter W.

Flynt, J. J. Lunsford, J. R.

Heynolds, W. H. Smith, J. Q.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, James A.

J<'owler, Ben J. Kea, Fred

Ayes 38, Nays 6.

Olive, J. '1'. Mr. President

The bill having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote was passed, as amended.

Under the order of business fixed by the Rules Committee the following bills were taken up for consideration:

MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.


By Mr. Nix-

A bill to amend Section 147 of the Penal Code by providing felony punishment for burglary in tain cases.

Mr. Pittman, of 42nd District, moved to table the bill.

Mr. Nix, of 34th Distirct, called for the Ayes and Nays on the above motion, and the call was sustained.

The vote was a's follows: Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Keene, J. H.

Kendall, ::\L M.

Rice, W. D.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Smith, J. Q.

LeSueur, R. C.

Veazey, P. G.

Maynard, J. D.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Watson, S. M.

Olive, J. T.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Pittman, Claude C. Wood, A. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Reece, W. K.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B.

Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, j_ J. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Larkins, J. K.

Lunsford, J. R. Nix, Oscar A. Pruett, J. F. Re~nolds, W. H. Shingler, J. S. Steed, E. T. Wallace, W. P.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Bussey, J. B. Dorris, W. H.

Fowler, Ben J.
Rabun, Z. T.

Mr. President

Ayes 25, Nays 21.

And the bill was tabled.



By Mr. Barrett-

A bill to amend the Georgia Motor Vehicle Law.

The report of the Committee, which was favor-

able to the passage of the bill, was disagreed to and

the bill was lost.


By l\lr. Bowden-
A bill to amend Section 720 of the Penal Code relative to wrongful sale of property upon which there is a lien.
:Mr. Bowden, of 5th District, offered the following substitute:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem bly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same.
If any person, after having made a deed or bill of sale to secure debt to cattle, hogs, sheep or goats for the purpose of financing the raising or feeding of the same, shall sell, mortgage, conceal or otherwise dispose of, or 'Nilfull~' neglect the care of such liYe stock, or cause the same to be removed beyond the limits of this State before the payment of the debt, without the consent of, and with the intent to defraud, the mortgages, Yendee or grantee, and losses are thereby sustained by the holder of said evidence of debt, the same shhll be a felony, and if convicted, the offender shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than five years.

Mor-a1AY, AuGusT 9, 1920.


Section 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, It shall be the duty of any vendor or grantor, who, having executed a deed to secure debt or bill of sale to any c&ttle, hogs, sheep or g-oats for the purpose of financing the raising or feeding of such live stock, to report in fifteen davs the death, theft or estray of said live stock, and upon his failure to give said notice, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Section 3. Be it further enacted,. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

::\Ir. Ayers, of 33rd District, offered the followmg amendment to the substitute:

By striking the words, "by imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than five years,'' and insert in lieu thereof the word ''misdemeanor.''

The amendment was adopted.

The substitute was adopted, as amended.

Mr. Barrett, of 31st District, moved to table the bill.

::\Ir. Bowden, of 5th District, called for the Ayes and Xays on the abovc motion and the call was sustained.

The vote -..vas as follows: Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, .Tosiah

Brooks, B. B.
<uretpn, Walter Vv.
Dorris, W. H. Duncan, .J. T. Ennis .J. H.

Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. .J. Hogg, .J. P. Kaigler, H. :\I. Keene, .T. H.



~ eidlinge;, Leonorian Reece, W. K.

Pruett, J. F.

H1ce, W. D.

Smith, J. Q.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Ayers, J. S. Bowden, J. E. T. B~ssey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, Jas. A. Elders, H. H. Flynt, J. J.

Kea, Fred Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. l\ ix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Shingler, J. S.

Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. ;\L Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs:

Fowler, Ben J. Kendall, l\1. M. Kirkland, Z. W.

LeSueur, R. C.
::\faynard, J. D.
or,e, J. T.

Reynolds, W. H. Mr. President

Ayes 20, ~ays 23.

And the motion was lost.

Mr. Bowden, of 5th District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the question of agreeing to the report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Ayers, J. S. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Clements, .Jas. B. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Kea, Fred Kendall, M. :\I. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, .J. K. Lunsford, J. R. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C.

Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Rice, W. D. Steed, E. T. Vickery, .Jesse W. \\ ilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L.

Blasingame, Josiah Bus,ey, J. B. Cnreton, Walter W. Glenn, George G.

Harbin, C. J Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. M. Keene, J. H.

MONDAY, AuGusT 9, 1920.


Maynard, J. D.

~eece, W. K.

Xeidlinger, L!lonorian Reynolds, W. H.

Nix, Oscar A.

Shingler, J. S

Smith, J. Q. Veazey, P. G. Wallace, W. P.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

l<'owler, Ben J. LeSueur, R. C.

Pruett, J. F.

Watson, S.M.

Ayes 24, Nays 21.

And the report of the Committee was disagreed to.

Mr. Bowden, of 5th District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs. :

Ayers, J. S. Bell, Walter L.
Bowden, J. E. T.
Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. Pixon, James A. "Elders, H. H. Flynt, J. J.

Kea, Fred Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C.
Lunsford, J. R. Olive, J. T.
Pittman, Claude C.

Rabun, Z. T.
Ragsdale, S. W.
Shingler, J. s.
Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W.
Wilkinson, H. B. ,\"ood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs. :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Barrett, Fermor Hlasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H.

Ennis, J. H. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. M. Keene, J. H. Maynard, J.D.

~ eidlingel) L. Nix, Oscar A. Pruett, J. F. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. \Vallace, W. P.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Duncan, J. T. Fowler, Ben J.

Veazey, P. G. Watson, S. M.

Mr. President

Ayes 24, Nays 22.



'I'he bill having failed to receive the requisite constitutional majority was lost.

By Mr. Bowden-
A bill to proYide for a branding la-..v for the identification of live stock.
The Committee offered the following substitute:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That any person, persons, or corporation may apply to the Commissioner of Agriculture for a brand and after the same has been issued by the said official and recorded in compliance with this Act it shall become the perso:r:al property of the person or persons applying for the same. The applicant shall submit one or more brands to the Commissioner of Agriculture stating the position of the brand on the animal and the class of animals on which it is to be used. If the brand has not been previously assigned to another live stock owner in the State, and if the brand has not been certified to by the Ordinm~- of any County, to the Commissioner of Agriculture, as having been recorded in said Ordinan's County, prior to April 1, 1921, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Agriculture, on the receipt of a fee of two dollars ($2.00) to issue the applicant a certificate of registration, which shall be a true copy of the record.

MoNDAY, AuausT 9, 1920.


Section 2. Be it further enacted, That the Commissioner of Agriculture shall obtain from the Ordinary of each county in the State a certified. copy of the record of brands recorded prior to April 1, 1921, in each of said counties; and shall keep a bound book for the reccrrcling of all brands, said record shall contain the exact brand made with red ink, a fac-simile of the brand and stating the location of the brand on the animal. The book shall be subject to public inspection.
Section 3. Be it further enacted. That the certificate herein and above provided for, may be recorded, on payment of fifty cents ($.50) in the office of the Ordinary of each county. in which it is proposed to keep any live stock bearing the brands covered by the certificate, in the manner and form now provided in Parks Code , Sections 2016-2020, Statutes of Georgia.
Section 4. Be it further enacted, That in all suits of law and in all criminal proceedings, when the title to any live stock is involved. the brand on any animal shall be prima facie evidence of o"''llership, of the person whose brand it may be, if such brand has been duly recorded by law. Proof of the right of any person to use brand shall be made by the presentation of a certificate of registration, said certificate shall bear the seal of the Commissioner of Agriculture.
Section 5. Be it further enacted, That the owner of any brand recorded in any county of the State prior to April 1st, 1921, shall have the right to make application for, as herein provided, and



shall be entitled to the registration of such brand, provided that where two or more such brands conflict, only the one first presented shall be so recorded and registered.
Section 6. Be it further enacted, That all fees arising from this Act shall be kept in the office collecting same for carrying out the provisions of this Act.
Section 7. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. It is specifically understood that it is not the intention of this Act to annul the law as set forth in Park's Code 2016-2020, Statutes of Georgia, pertaining to registration of marks and brands in counties.

By ~Ir. Glenn-
"Provided, That the provisions of this Act shall not apply to counties that have adopted the no-fense or stock law.''
The amendment was adopted.
To Be Entitled An Act to amend an Act approved August 19, 1911, providing for a system of reclaiming the wet, swamp, and overflowed lands, by providing an amendment to Section 2 of the Act approved August 21, 1917, which was an amendment to Section 1 of the Act approved Au-

:MmmAY, AuausT 9, 1920.


gust 16, 1913, by striking the words "fifty thousand'' and inserting in lieu thereof the words ''one hundred thousand'' wherever found in said Section 2, and for other purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the. authority of same, That Section 2 of the Act approved August 21, 1917, amending the Act approwd August 19, 1911, providing a system for the reclaiming the wet, swamp and overflowed lands of the State, which Act of 1917 amended the Act approved August 16, 1913, by striking the words "fifty thousand" in said Section 2 and inserting in lieu thereof the words ''one hundred thousand" wherever found in said Section 2, so that said section, when so amended, will cause Sec~ tion 1 of said Act approved August 16, 1913, to read as follows:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That an Act providing the reclaiming the wet, swamp and overflowed lands of the State, approved J\ugust 19, 1911, be so amended that when bonds heretofore and hereafter issued thereunder do not, in any case, exceed the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, that the rate of interest thereof may be fixed by the Board of Drainage Commissioners at not more than eight per cent per annum.
Section 2. Be it further enacted by ~he authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed.



The substitute was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill by substitute was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, by substitute.

The following bill, previously reconsidered, was taken up for consideration:

By ~Ir. Allen-
A bill to amend Section 1973 of Code of 1910 relatiYe to salaries of State Geologist and assistants.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the hill the Ayes were 14, Nays 18.
The bill haYing failed to receive the requisite constitutional majority was lost.

The follmving House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:
By ~Ir. Milner of Dodge-
House Bill 1158. A bill to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Eastman.

MoNDAY, AuousT 9, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Stewart of Atkinson-
House Bill 766. A bill to amend an Act providing for selection of banks as State depositories so as to add the City of Willacoochee to the list of such cities.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the .Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Stewart of Atkinson-
House Bill 767. A bill to add the City of Pearson to list of cities eligible as State depositories
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Mundy of Polk-
House Bill 1080. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roa'ds and Revenues for Polk County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of t.he bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The. bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Smith of Telfair-
Hause Bill 1102. A bill to amend an Act to create the office of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Telfair County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Sibley of Greene-
House Bill 1112. A bill to prohibit the killing of fox in Greene County in certain seasons.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.

MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Jordan of wheeler-
House Bill 1118. A bill to provide for a salary of Treasurer of Wheeler County in lieu of fees.
The report of the Committee, which wa:s favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having receiYed the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Ir. Johnson of Chattahoochee-
House Bill 1124. A bill to fix the pnmary laws of Chattahoochee County.
The report of the Committee, which was favor-. able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By :Mr. Covington of Colquitt-
House Bill1127. A bill to amend an Act toestablish a public school system for Doerun.
The report of the Committee, which was favor~ able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.



The bill having receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Brown and DuBose of Clarke -
House Bill 1129. A bill to extend the corporate limits of Athens.
The report of the Committee, which wa'S favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were :n,
Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1131. A bill to authorize Mayor and Aldermen of Sa,annah to fix the bag:2"age rates in said city.
The report of the Committee, which was favor_ able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1133. A bill to amend an Act to
create Commissioners of Chatham County.

MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

Messrs. Greene and Kelley of Gwinnett-
House Bill 1136. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the Town of Grayon.
The report of the Committee, which was favor.. able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By J\Ir. \Vhitaker of Rockdale-
House Bill 1137. A bill to amend an Act to provide for public school system in Conyers.
The report of the Committee, which wa:s favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Stewart of Atkinson-
House Bill 1138. A bill to create a State depository for Atkinson County.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Grant of Habersham-
House Bill 1144. A bill to amend the charter of Cornelia so as to authorize a school tax.
The report of the Committee, which w~is favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite conshtutional majority was passed.

By :Mr. Lambert of Morgan-
House Bill 1145. A bill to amend- the charter of the City of Madison.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31,Xays 0.
The bill haYing received the requisite f'onstitutional majority was passed.

B~ Mr. \Vynne of Bleckley-
House Bill 1147. A hill to authorize the City of Cochran to sell certain property of said city.

:MoNDAY, AuGusT 9, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By 1fr. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1153. A bill to amend an Act to create a new charter for Lithonia.
. The report of the Committee, which w~:is favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Knight of Berrien -
House Bill1156. A bill to allow Board of Commissioners of Berrien County to employ a Clerk.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1159. A bill to amend an Act to extend the corporate limits of Decatur.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By :Mr. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1160. A bill to provide for compensation of members of Town Council of Decatur.
The report of the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Kays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Lunsford of ToombsHonse Bill 1165. A bill to provide a public
school system of Vidalia. The report of the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to. On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31,
Xa~'s 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
B: ~Ir. Jordan of wheeler-
House Bill 1117. A bill to amend an Act to create the County Commissioners of Wheeler County.

MoNDAY, AuausT 9, 1920.


The Committee offered the following amendment
By adding a new section to said bill which shall read as follows: ''Before this Act shall go into effect it shall be submitted to the qualified voters of wheeler County at primary election on September 8, 1920, and if a majority of said voters shall be in favor of said Act then the same to become the law, but should it fail to secure a majority of the votes cast in said election, then it shall not become the law.''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favOI~ able to the passage of the bill, as amended, was ag'reed to.
On the passage of the. bill the Ayes were 31, ~ays 0.
The bill h<n-ing receind the rcquisit<> coHstimtiona'l majority was passed, as amended.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-

House Bill 67~). A bill to give additional powers to local Board of Trustees of Grorgia ~[ilitar~ College .

.Mr. F~nnis, of :20th District, offrrerl the following amendment:

B, striking from Section 1 the words "to con-



fer all degrees and certificates appropriate to the

courses of stwly i.n the name of said college.''



The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, wT1ich was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Xays 2.
The bill having receind the requisite constitutional majority was passed, as amended.

By ~:Ir. Stovall of :J:IcDuffie-
House Bill 1106. A bill to amend :m Act to abolish the fee system in the August Judicial Circuit.
:Jir. Olin, of 29th District. offered the following amendment:
By striking the \vords and figures : ''Seven thousand one hundred dollars per annum," as appears in lines 21 and 22 of Section 1 of the written bill and substituting in lieu thereof the words and figures: '' Senu thousand eight hundred dollars per annum.''
And further amend said bill by adding between the words "annum" and "in addition" in line 23, Section 1, the following, to-wit: "Until January 1st, 192:)_. ''
And amend Section 2 of said bill by striking all of the section after the words, "payable," in line 8 and in lieu thereof adding the following: ''Upon passage of this Act.''
The amendment was aclorJted.

MoNDAY, AuGusT 9, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Xays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, as amended.
By unanimous consent the session was extended until pending matters could be disposed of.
The Senate went into executive session at 1 :10 o'clock P. 1\I., Central time.
The executive session was dissolved at 1 :15 o'clock P. M., Central time.
Mr. Olive, of 18th District, moved that when the Senate adjourn today it stand adjourned until 3 o'clock this afternoon, Central time, and the motion prevailed.
The hour of adjournment having arrived the President declared the Senate adjourned until this afternoon at 3 o'clock, Central time.

3 0 'clock P. "M.
The Senate met again nt this hour and "as called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L. Olive.
Upon the call of the roll the following Senators
answered to their names:



Adams, Clarence E. Flynt, J. J.

Allen, Ivan E.

FO\Yler, Ben J.

Ayers, J. S.

Glenn, George G.

Barrett, Fermor

Harbin, C. J.

Boll, Walter L.

Hogg, J.P.

Blasingame, Josiah Kaigler, H. M.

Bowden, J. E. T.

Kea, Fred

Lrooks, B. B.

Keene, J. H.

Dnssey, J. B.

Kendall, M. :\1.

Calhoun, J. C.

Kirkland, Z. "\V.

Clements, Jas. B.

Larkins, J. K.

( ureton, Walter "\V. '"f:Sueur, R. C.

DLwn, James A.

r unsford, J. R.

Dorris, "\V. H.

~aynard, J.D.

Duncan, J. T.

X eidliJlger~ L.

Ehlers, H. H.

:'\ix, Oscar A.

Ennis, J. H.

Olive, J. T.

Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. }'. Rabun, Z. T. Kagsdale, S. W. Reece, "\V. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. \'pazey, P. G. Yickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watscon, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. "\ir. President

::\Ir. Kea, of 16th District, Chairman of the Committee on The State of the Republic, submitted the following report:

Jlr. President:
Your Committee on The State of the Republic han had under consideration the following bill of the House and haw instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill 893. To amend the laws of the State pertaining to and proYiding for the mspection of illuminating oils, gasoline, ct. al.
Respectfull;- submitted, KEA, Chairman.
:.r r. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of the
Committer on Corporation:-, submitted the following report:

MoNDAY, AuGusT 9, 1920.


Mr. President:

Your Committee on Corporations have had under consideration the following bills of the House
and have instructed me as Chairm.a'D., to report the
same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:

House Bill No. 1166. Creating new charter for City of Metter.

House Bill No. 1112. Amending charter of City of Savannah.

House Bill No. 1161. Amending charter of

City of Decatur.

House Bill ~o. 1184. Amending charter of

Town of Dudley.

House Bill X o. 1169. Amending charter of

City of Eatonton.

House Bill No. 1182. Amending charter of

City of East Point.

House Bill ~o. 1183. Amending charter of

City of East Point.

House Bill Ko. 1164. Amending charter of

City of ~fetter.

Respectfully submitted,

CLAREXCE E. AnAMs, Chairman.

~Ir. \Yilkinson, of 49th District, Chairman of the Committee on Game and Fish, submitted the following report:

Jlr. President:
Your Committee on Game and Fish have had under consideration the following House Bill 1179



and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, "\VrLKrxsox, Chairman.

Mr. Cureton, of 44th District, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report:

M1. President:
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have have had under consideration the following House bill and resolution of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the sa:me back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill Xo. 1181. To amend the charter of the City Court of Griffin.
House Bill No. 772. An Act to amend the 4884 Section of the Code of 1910.
House Bill X o. 1180. To establish the City Court of l\Iillen.
House Bill .No. 663. An Act to provide for and authorize sale of lancl by executors, et. al.
House Resolution No. 199. A resolution.
House Resolution No. 204. A resolution.
House Bill 1154. To amend an Act to mcorporate the Town of Kirkwood.
Respectfull~, submitted, CuRETON, Vice-Chairman.

MoNDAY, AuausT 9, 1920.


Mr. Dixon, of 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

1"l'lr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me, as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill 277. To amend Sec. 7 of Constitution of Georgia.
Senate Bill 278. To amend Section 3, Article 7 of Constitution of Georgia.
Respectfully submitted, DixoN, Chairman.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. :Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Jlr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 1171. A bill to establish Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for new County of Seminole.
House Bill 1175. A bill to provide for payment of premiums on bonds of County Treasurers in certain cases.
The House has adopted the following resolution of the House, to-wit:



House Resolution 215. A resolution to authorize the Governor to appoint commission to solicit funds for erection of certain monument in Hall of Fame at washington, D. C.

The following House bills were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. Griffin of DecaturHouse Bill 1171. A bill to establish a Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Seminole County.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County l\Iatters.

By Mr. Barnes of Bibb-
House Bill 1175. A bill to provide for payment of premium on official bonds of County Treasurer.
Referred to Committee on Counties and County ~Iatters.

The following House bill was taken up for the purpose of considering the House amendment to Senate Amendment No. 4:
By ~Iessrs. -Williams and Brannen of Bulloch-
Hause Bill 957. A bill to create a Board of Commissioners for Bulloch County.
The House offered the following amendment:
Amend Senate Amendment No. 4 by striking out of said amendment the figures "1923" and inserting in lieu thereof the figures '' 1925. ''

MoNDAY, AuousT 9, 1920.


The amendment was concurred in.

The following joint resolution of the House and Senate was read and adopted:

By Mr. Bird of Taliaferro-
Honse Resolution 215. A resolution authorizing the Governor to appoint a Commission of five to secure funds for the erection of a monument to the Ron. A. H. Stephens and Crawford \V. Long in the Hall of Fame.

The following House resolution was read the second time :

By Messrs. McDonald, Reville and Pilcher of Richmond-
House Resolution 126. A resolution to relie;e the sureties on bonds of Alonzo Galson and Sopl1ie Meyers.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Messrs. Brown of Clark and \Vohlwewler of
House Bill 732. A bill to authorize as many as three solYent banks in cities of 15,000 popul:tion as State depositories.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
. On the passage of the bill the Ares were 26, Xays 0.



The bill having reecived the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 879. A bill to amend Section 424 of Code of 1910 by striking from last line of said section.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having reecived the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~Ir. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 945. A bill to create a Warehouse Department for the State of Georgia.
The report of the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 34, 1\ays 0.
The bill haYing reecind the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Kimsey of White-
House Bill 959. A bill to regulate the fees of
ordinaries in this State.
The Committee offered the following amendment:

MoNDAY, AuGUST 9, 1920.'


By striking "50,000" wherever it occurs and substituting in lieu thereof, '' 40,000. ''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.
Mr. Kea, of 16th District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.
The vo'te was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. ~-\lien, lmn E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Waiter v\. Duncan, J. T.

Elders H. H.
' Ennis, J. H.
Fowler. Ben J. Glenn, George G. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. :\I. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Larkins. J. K. Neidlinger, Leonorian '\ix, Oscar A.

Olive, .1. T. Pruett, J. P. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, \V. K. Shingler, J. S. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse \\'. 1\'allare, W. P. \\' oorls, A . T.

Those voting in the negative were JYressrs.:

Flynt, J. J. Hmbin, C. J.

Kendall, M. :\I. J\irkland, Z. W.

Rabun, Z. T.

Those not voting were :Messrs.:

Ayers, J. S. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Brooks, B. B. LeSueur, R. C.

r>unsford, J. R. :\1a;vnard, J. D. Pittman, Cl:wlA ~ Heynohls, \Y. II. Rice, W. D.

tlmith, .J. Q. \\'a tson, S. 1!. Wilkinson, H. B. :\Ir. President

Ayes 32, Nays 5.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, as amended.

The following House resolution was read the third time and put upon its passage:

By Mr. Sweat of Ware-

House Resolution 128. A resolution to appropriate $25,000 to cover shortage in the pension fund for 1920.

The resolution involving an appropriation the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were X:lessrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A.

Duncan, J. T.

Olive, J. T.

Elders, H. H.

Pittman, Claude C.

~:nnis, J. H.

Rabun, Z. T.

Ji'owler, Ben J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Glenn, George G.

Shingler, J. S.

Harbin, C. J.

Smith, J. Q.

Kaigler, H. )L

Meed, E. T.

Kea, Fre<l

Vickery, Jesse W.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Wilkinson, H. B.

X eidlinger, Leonorian \\'ood, A.T.

Xix, Oscar A.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Calhoun, J. c.
Clements, .Jas. B.
Dorris, w. H.
.Flynt. J. .J.
lfogg, J. P.
Keene, J. H.

Krndall, ~f. M.
L~ukins, J. K.
LeSueur, H. c.
L~msford, J . R. }1aynarcl, J. D. Pruett, J. F.

r.eece, W. K.
Reyonlds, W. H.
Rice, w. D.
\'eazey, P. G.
W'>liace, w. P.
)Jr. President

Ayes 32, ~ays 0.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority vote was passed.

The following- Senate bills were read the third time and taken up for consideration:

MoNDAY, AuausT 9, 1920.


By Messrs. Clements, Flynt and Bowden-
A bill to authorize the appointment of two agents of the Department of Commerce and Labor to assist in the distribution of labor.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was disagreed to, and the bill was lost.

By Messrs. Pittman, Rabun, Dorris, Duncan, et. aL-

A bill to amend the Constitution of the State of Georgia so as to authorize any county, municipal corporation or political division to exceed the limitation of 7 per cent on debts to maintain public utilities.

Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, called for Ayes and Na:ys on the question of agreeing to the report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs. :

Brooks, B. B. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Flynt, J. J. Harbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. M.

Kea, Fred Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. Pittman, Claude C Rabun, Z. T.

Ragsdale, S. W. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Wallace, W. P. Wood, A. J.

Thqse voting in the negative were Messrs. :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L.

Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, .J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C.

Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter "\V. Dixon, James A. Ennis, J. H.



Glenn, George G.

,~ix, Oscar A.

Hogg, J. P.

Clive, J. T.

Keene, J. H.

Pruett, J. F.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Reeec, W. K.

Maynard, J. D.

Reynolds, W. H.

X eidlinger, Leonorian

R1ce, W. D. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G.
Vickery, Jesse '" Wilkinson, H. B.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Ayers, J. S. Dorris, W. H. Fowler, Ben J.

LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford J. R.

Watson, S. M. Mr. President

Ayes 16, Nays 27.

The report of the Committee was disagreed to and the bill was lost.

By Messrs. Pittman, Rabun, Blasingame, Dorris, et. aL-
A bill to amend the Constitution of this State so as to create a Hydro-Electric Commission.
~Ir. Rabun, of 9th District, moved to table the bill, and the motion prevailed.
:Mr. Barrett, of 31st District, moved that the Senate do no\V adjourn, and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.

TuESDAY, AuGusT 10, 1920.


SENATE CHAMBER, ATLANTA, GA. Tuesday, August 10, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'clock A. M., Central time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.
Prayer was offered by the Chaplain.
Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, .Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J.

l'owler, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C..T.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J. P.

Reece, W. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Smith, J. Q.

Keene, J. H.

Stee<l, E. T.

Kendall, M. M.

Veazey, P. G.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Larkins, J. K.

Wallace, W. P.

LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R.

Watson, S. ::\I.
Wilkinson, H. n.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Mr. President

Nix, Oscar A.

Wood, A. J.

Pittman, Claude C. Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford, of 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.
By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

At the request of Mr. Steed, of 37th District, House Bill No. 429 was read the second time and recommitted.



At the request of Mr. Olive, of 29th District, House Bill :No. 1 was taken from the ta:ble.
At the request of .Mr. Allen of 35th District, House Bill No. 684 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen of 35th District, House Bill No. 824 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen of 35th District, House Bill No. 853 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of .Mr. Allen of 315th District, House Bill No. 936 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen of 3l5th District, House Bill No. 969 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of :Mr. Allen of 315th District, House Bill No. 1120 was read the second time a:nd recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen of 315th District, House Bill No. 1039 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen of 35th District, House Bill No. 1063 was read the second time and recommitted.
At the request of Mr. Allen of 3i5th District, House Resolution 160 was read the second time and recommitted.

TuESDAY, AuGUST 10, 1920.


Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:

Mr. P1esident:
Your Committee on Privileges of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Ben. Edw3;rds, Hon. M. E. Smith and Dr. Smith, of Claxton, Ga., for two days.
A resloution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. H. Walker, for two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. A. Bowen, for two days.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. H. Dodgen, for one day.
Respectfully submitted, KENDALL, Chairman

Mr. Ennis, of 20th District, Chairman of the Committee on Public Roads, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Public Roads have had under consideration the following House Bill 1083 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the



same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted, ENNis, Chairman.

Mr. Dixon, of 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bills of the House and Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do not pass :

By Mr. Arnold of Clay-
House Bill Xo. 18. Entitlea an Act to amend Par. 1, Sec. 2, Art. 7, of the Constitution so as to authorize the classification of property for taxation and for other purposes.

By l\Ir. Lawrence of Chatham-
House Bill No. 572. To permit fire insurance companies to issue and sell surplus fund or guarantee fund certificates.
By Mr. Dixon-
To amend Par. 1, Sec. 12, Art. 7, of Constitution authorizing issuance of bonds to supply de-

TuESDAY, AuGusT 10, 1920.


ficiencies in revenues of the State and for other purposes.
Respectfully submitted, DixoN, Chairman.

::\Ir. Elders, of 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:
Mr. President: Your Committee on Education have had un-
der consideration the following bills and resolution and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Resoll].tion No. 208 do pass.
House Bill No. 903 do pass.
House Bill No. 1152 do pass. House Bill No. 1176 do pass.
House Bill No. 1177 do pass.
House Bill NG. 1178 do pass. Respectfully submitted, H. H. ELDERs, Chairman.
::\Ir. Brooks, of 13th District, Chairman of the Committee on Pensions, submitted the following report:

J.l1r. President:
Your Committee on Pensions have had under consideration the following bill and resolution and have instructed me as Chairman, to report t~1e



same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Resolution No. 206.
House Bill No. 835. Respectfully submitted, BRooKs, Chairman.

Mr. Adams, of 30th District, Chairman of ihe Committee on Corporations, submitted the follow ing report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Corporations havl3 had under consideration the following bills of the House, some having been recommitted and hav.: instructed me as Chairman, to report th~ same back to the Senate with the recommendB.tion thht the same do pass :
House Bill No. 1135. Amending charter of City of Dublin.
House Bill No. 1139. Authorizmg commission
of City of Columbus to execute dcr~d. CLARENCE E. ADAJ\-I~, Chairman.

Mr. Reece, of 41st District, Chairman of the Committee on Cmmties and Cuunty J\'[atters, submitted the following report.
Mr. President: Your Committee on Countie~ and County Mat-
ters have had under considerat;on the following

TuESDAY, AvausT 10, 1920.


bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bills Nos. 1171, 1158 and 705.
House Bill No. 1085 as amended by Committees.
Respectfully submitted, REEcE, Chairman.

Mr. Dixon, of 17th District, Chairman of the Committee on Amendments to the Constitution, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Amendments to the Constitution have had under consideration the following bills and resolutions of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass :

By Messrs. Burkhalter, Parish, Stewart and Knight-
To be entitled an Act approved August 11, 1919, proposing to amend Par. 2, Sec. 1, Art. 3, of Constitution creating Lanier County, so as to place said county in Alapaha Circuit instead of Southern Circuit.

By Mt. Carswell-
To be entitled an Act to propose an amendment to Art. 7, Sec. 6, Par. 1, of the Constitution.



By Messrs. Lawrence, Falligant and EveTo be entitled an Act to carry into effect in
City of Savannah amendment to Par. 1, Sec. 7, Art. 6, of Constittuion of this State.
By Mr. Knight -
To amend Art. 3, Sec. 3, Par. 1, of Constitution to give representation to new Counties of Lanier, Seminole and Brantley.

By Messrs. Hendricks and Moore of Fulton-
To amend Par. 1, Sec. 7, Art. 7, of the Constitution.
Respectfully submitted, DixoN, Chairman.

Mr. Dorris, of 48th District, Chairman of the Committee on Special Judiciary, submitted the following report :

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Special Judiciary have had under consideration the following bills of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to erport the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
House Bill No. 643.
House Bill No. 644.
House Bill No. 645.
House Bill No. 646. Respectfully submitted, DoRRis, Chairman.

TuESDAY, AuGusT 10, 1920.


Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 2, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 2 have had under consideration the following House Bill 909 and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass.
Respectfully submitted,
AYERS, Chairman.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr.. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 63. A bill to require persons selling paints and oils to label containers to show per cent. of mineral constituents.
Senate Bill 117: A bill to provide a basis of discrimination between function of Educational Authorities and Health Authorities in public schools of State.
Senate Bill 173. A bill to amend Section 5358 of Code of 1910 relative to sales of land in certain cases.



Senate Bill 234. A bill to amend Act to give additional powers to local Board of Trustees of Georgia School of Technology.

Senate Bill 240. A bill to regulate sale of securities in Georgia.
Senate Bill 247. A bill to amend Section 1249 of Code of 1910 so as to add Town of Morgan to list of towns and cities having therein State Depositories.
Senate Bill 253. A bill to legalize word co-operative and define. how Co-operative Marketing Association may be organized.
Senate Bill 304. A bill to provide for demostication of foreign corporations.

The House has also passed, as amended, by the requisite constitutional majority, the following bills of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 95. A bill to license and regulate the business of making loans in certain sums in this State.
Senate Bill 230. A bill to amend Act to abolish fee system in Superior Courts of Albany Circuit.
Senate Bill 246. A bill to amend Section 445 and 446 of Code of 1910 relative to validation of Municipal and County Bonds.

Senate Bill 273. A bill to prevent introduction into and dissemination 'vithin this State contagious diseases of honey bees.

TuESDAY, AuousT 10, 1920.


The House has agreed to the Senate amendments to the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 149. A bill to amend Sections 1280 to 1288 of Code of 1910 relative to harboring escapes.
House Bill 1140. A bill to amend Act to provide Board of Commissioners for County of Elbert.
House Resolution 170. A resolution to appropriate money to pay expenses of certain Legislative Committees.

The following resolutions were read and adopted:

By Mr. Wilkinson-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. Ben Edwards, Hon. M. E. Smith and Dr. Smith of Claxton, Ga., for two days.

By Mr. Larkins-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Mr. J. H. Walker, of Ware County, for two days.

By Mr. Kendall-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. A. Bowen for two days.

By Mr. Fowler-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. H. Dodgen for one day.



The following House bills and resolutions, favorably reported were read the second time:

By Messrs. Hendrix and Moore of Fulton-
House Bill 206. A bill to amend Paragraph 1, Section 7, of Article 7 of the Constitution relative to street improvement bonds.

By Mr. Carswell of Wilkinson-
House Bill 241. A bill to propose an amendment to Article 8, Section 6, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution relative to appropriations for educational purposes.

By Mr. Whitaker of Lowndes-
House Bill 663. A bill to authorize sale of land by Executors, Administrators and Trustees.

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 772. A bill to amend Section 4884 of Code of 1910 relative to appointment of Clerki of Superior Courts.

By Messrs. Burkhalter, Parrish, Stewart and Knight-
House Bill 827. A bill to amend the Constitu tional Amendment creating the new County of La nier so as to place said county in the Alapaha Ju. dicial Circuit.

By Mr. Holtzclaw of Houston-
House Bill 835. A bill to fix the time of office of Commissioner of Pensions.

TuESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


By Messrs. Sibley of Greene and Covington of Colquitt-
House Bill 903. A bill to establish Frances Willard Day in the public schools in Georgia.

By Mr. Sweat of Ware-
House Bill 909. A bill to provide for assurance, registration and transfer of lands titles.

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 977. A bill to amend an Act to carry into effect in Savannah the provision of amendment to Par. 1, Section 7, of Art. 6, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.

By Messrs. Jones and Mcintyre of Thomas-
House Bill 1083. A bill to amend Section 5243 of the Code of 1910 to authorize county authorities to condemn land.

By Mr. Sweat of Ware-
House Bill 1085. A bill to abolish the office of Tr~asurer of Ware County.
The above bill was recommitted to Committee on Commerce and Labor.
By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 1112. A bill to amend the several Acts to incorporate. the Mayor and Aldermen of Savannah.



By Mr. Jordan of Wheeler-

House Bill 1152. A bill to amend an Act es tablishing public school system for Town of Adams.

By Messrs. Lindsay and Guess of DeKal~
House Bill 11154. A bill to amend the Acts in corporating the Town of Kirkwood.

By Mr. Milner of Dodge-
House Bill 1158. A bill to abolish the office of Treasurer of Dodge County.

By Mr. Carswell of Wilkinson-
House Bill 893. A bill to amend the laws providing for inspection of illuminating oils. By Messrs. Barnes, Strozier and Cochran of Bib~
House Bill 1164. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Macon.

By Mr. Guess of DeKal~
House Bill 1161. A bill to amend the Acts incorporating the City of Decatur.

By Mr. Smith of Candler-
House Bill 1166. A bill to create a new charter for the City of Metter.

By Mr. Wall of Putnam-
House Bill1169. A bill to amend an Act to ere. ate a new charter for the City of Eatonton.

TuESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 1171. A bill to establish a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Seminole County.

By Mr. Purcell of 'rattnall-
House Bill1176. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Collins.

By Mr. Purcell of Tattnall-
House Bill1177. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Collins.

.By Mr. Purcell of Tattnall-
House Bill 1178. A bill to amend an Act to create a new road law for Tattnall County.

By Mr. Lawrence of Chatham-

House Bill 1179. A bill to prohibit the use of

nets over thirty feet in length in the salt waters of

Georgia, in certain cases.


By Mr. Anderson of Jenkins-
House Bill 1180. A bill to establish the City Court of Millen-

By Mr. Nichols of Spalding-
House Bill 1181. A bill to amend the charter of the City Court of Griffin. By Messrs. Hendrix, Smith and Moore of Fulton-

House Bill 1182. A bill to amend the Act amending the charter of East Point.



By Messrs. Hendrix, Smith and Moore of Fulton-
House Bill 1183. A bill to amend an Act to create a new charter for East Point.

By Mr. Stubbs of LaurensHouse Bill 1184. A bill to amend the charter
of the Town of Dudley.
By Mr. Gallaher of MaconHouse Resolution 199.. A resolution to author-
ize the authorities of Macon County to pay C. J. Harp one hundred and sixty-two dollars and thirtyfive cents ($162.35).
By Mr. Knight of Berrien-
House Resolution 203. A resolution to amend Art. 3, Sec. 3, Par. 1, of the Constitution.

By Messrs. Williams and Brannen of BullochHause Resolution 204. A resolution author-
izing the sale of thirteen acres of land in Bulloch County by State of Georgia.
By Mr. Cannon of RabunHouse Resolution 206. A resolution to pay
pensions to the parties included in this resolution.
By Bibb Delegation-
House Resolution 208. A resolution to create a commission to receive funds from the school children of Georgia.

TuESDAY, AuousT 10, 1920.


The following resolutions were read the first time and referred to Committees:

By Mr. FlyntA resolution relating to the creation of the Of-
fice of Statistician.
Referred to Committee on Rules.

By Mr. PittmanA resolution to vacate the office of State Vef..
Referred to Committee on Rules.
The following House bill, adverse1y reported, was taken up for consideration:

By Mr. Arnold of Clay-

House Bill 18. A bill to amend the Constitu-
tion of Georgia so as to classify property for tax-

Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, moved to disagree to the adverse report of the Committee.

On the above motion, Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, called for the Ayes and Nays, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs. :

Adams, Clarenc~ E. Ayers, J. S. Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B.

Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Kaigler, H. M.



Keene, J. H. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. :CI'la.ynard, J. D.

Pittman, Claude C. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W.

Reece, W. K. Steed, E. T. Watson, S. M.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Allen, Ivan E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, J as. B. Dixon, James A. Fowler, Ben J. Harbin. C. J.

Hogg, J.P.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Rice, W. D.

Kendall, M. M.

Shingler, J. S.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Smith, J. Q.

Larkins, J. K.

Veazey, P. G-.

Neidlinger, Leonoria.n Vickery, Jesse W

Nix, Oscar A.

Wallace, W. P.

Olive, J. T.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Pruett, J. F.

Wood, A. J.

Ayes 22, "Nays 28.

The motion to disagree was lost, and the bill was lost.

The Senate offered the following substitute to its original amendment to House Bill No. 900:

By Mr. Allen-
Amend Sec. 60, Art. 6, by striking after the words ''shall at any time within twelve months after the approval of this Act order" and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ''on September 22nd, 1920, have.''
Amend Par. 2 of Sec. 10, Art. 1, by striking same and substituting the following paragraph:
''The Mayor and Council now in office shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. On the fourth Thursday in October, 1920, a Mayor and six Councilmen shall be elected, the

TuESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


Mayor for a term of two years, two Councilmen for a term of two years, two Councilmen for a terin of four years and two Councilmen for a term of six years. At said election the candidates for Council shall designate for what term of office they desire to be elected and from which ward and it shall be so printed on the ballot. Biennially thereafter a Mayor and two Councilmen shall be elected the Mayor for a term of two years and two Councilmen shall each be elected for a term of six years. The terms of office of Mayor and Councilmen shall begin on the first 1\Ionday night in November, 1920, and biennially thereafter.''
The Senate adopted the substitute to the original amendment.
The following communication was read for the information of the Senate:
State of Georgia, Office of Secretary of State.
I, ~- G. McLendon, Secretary of State of the State of Georgia, do hereby certify, That the two pages of typewritten matter next attached contain true copies of legislative agent registrations with this office for the sessions of 1919 and 1920 as required by an Act of the General Assembly of Georgia, approved August 19, 1911.
I further certify that the total amount of fees collected under the Tax Act of 1918 and 1919 for the above registrations is $525.00 for 1919 and $375.00 for 1920, making a total of $900.00, as the same appear of record in this office.



This certificate is furnished as per joint resolution No. 173 adopted in the House July 2, 1920, and in the Senate August 6, 1920, and received by me this day.
In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office, at the Capitol, in the City of Atlanta, this Tenth day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty and of the Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred and Forty-fifth.
S. G. McLENDON, Secretary of State.

July 8. Arthur G. Powell, Atlanta, Ga., Tenn. Copper Co. & Dir. Gen. R. R., Contract between Tenn. Copper Co. & State of Ga. affecting R. R. ...................... $ 25.00
July 8. Walter G. Park, Blakely, Ga., Proposed Co. Seminole, Creation County of Seminole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
July 8. A. S. Bussey, Cordele, Ga., J. L. Dickerson & others, movements for said new County. Creation County of Seminole . . . . 25.00
July 8. W. A. Dodson, Americus, Ga., Committee of City of Atlanta. Capitol Removal 25.00
July 8. Wm. Butt, Blue Ridge, Ga., Ducktown Sulphur, Copper and Iron Co., Contract between State of Ga. and Tenn. Copper Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00

TuESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


July 2. H. N. Randolph, Atlanta, Ga., Director, General R. R., Affecting Railroads. . 25.00

July 2. R. S. Parker, Atlanta, Ga., Director, -General R. R., Affecting Railroads . . . . . . . . 25.00

June 25. Edw. A. Kimbell, Atlanta, Ga., Ga. Mfg. Assn., Affecting Mfg., Labor, etc.. . . . 25.00

June 25. W. H. Burwell, Sparta, Ga., Members of Reciprocal Insurance in Georgia, Insurance and Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00

July 10. W. A. Higgins, Atlanta, Ga., Southeastern Retail Hdwe. Dealers' Assotion, Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00

July 3. R. C. Woodward, Adel, Ga., Lamar County Committee, Lama:r County Proposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00

July 14. F. A. Hooper, Atlanta, Ga., Wholesale Druggist Assn., Make uniform sale of Alcohol i~ Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00

July 9. Jos.. H. Hall, Macon, Ga., City of Macon and people embraced in proposed Seminole County, Moving Capitol to Macon and opposing creation of Seminole County.


July 15. Candler, Thoma:s & Hirsch, Atlanta, Ga., Ga. Bottlers' Assn., Coca-Cola Co., Standard Ins. Co. & Central Bank & Trust Corp., Caffeine, Banking or Taxation. . . . . .


July 17. Marion M. Jackson, Atlanta, Ga.,

Municipal League of Georgia, Public Util-

ities & Favoring Municipal ownership




July 17. Lee M. Jordan, Atlanta, Ga., Ga. Manufacturers'' Assn., Any legislation affecting Mfg. Interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
July 31. John A. Sibley, Atlanta, Ga., Gilbert, Barker Mfg. Co., Design, Installation & Use Gasoline Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
July 31. Jas. L. Mayson, Atlanta, Ga., City of Atlanta, Any legislation affecting Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
July 31. Frank Harper, Atlanta, Ga., E. L. Bowser, Senate Bill 101 Regulating Oil Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00
August 5. R. H. Jones, Jr., Atlanta, Ga., Milk Dealers of Atlanta, Regulation of powdered or manufactured milk, et. al. . . . . . . . . 25.00
August 12. T. G. Hudson, Americus, Ga., Amer. Agricul. Chern. Co., Opposing legislation in reference to filler in Fertilizer . . . . 25.00

Total ............................... $525.00

June 24. Owens Johnson, Atlanta, Ga., Georgia State Medical Assn., Practice of :Medicine, Public Health, Hygiene, et. al. ... $ 25.00
.Tunc 24-. Harold P. Janisch. 4-12 Gay Bldg.. Madison, wis., Nat'L Assn. of Mutual Casualty Cos., Xat'L Assn. of :Mutual Ins.

TuESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


Cos. Federation of Mutual Fire Ins. Cos., Favoring or opposing any legislation in reference to Insurance ................ 25.00

June 24. Erwin A. Meyers, 208 La Salle St., S. Chicago, Ill., Nat'l. Assn. of Mutual Casualty Cos. Nat'l. Assn. of Mutual Ins. Cos., Federation of Mutual Fire Ins. Cos., :Favoring or opposing any legislation in reference to Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


June 25. Dorsey, Shelton & Dorsey, Atlanta, Ga., The Harrison Co. of Atlanta, Ga., Acquiring Parks' Code Supplement for County & State officers and favoring bill providing plans for printing Supreme Court & Court of Appeals Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


July 6. L. Z. Fortz, Mari:etta, Ga., Citizens of Fannin County, Opposition to Bill 709 . . . 25.00

July 7. Jos. H. Hall, Macon, Ga., Against taking off debt limit in Counties and Cities, W. R. Cox Against creation of Lamar County, Interests against creation of the county.


July 8. John W. Yopp, Atlanta, Ga., Ga. Manufacturers' Assn., Manufacturing Interests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00

July 9. T. G. Hudson, Americus, Ga., Ainer. Agricultural Chemical Corp. Fertilizer Bills opposed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00

July 12. Grover Middlebrooks, Atlanta, Ga., Georgia Hotel Men's Association, Hotels, Inns & Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00



July 12. A. S. Bussey, Cordele, Ga., J. K. Larkin and other citizens of the new county proposed, Creation of new county to be known as Brantley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


July 15. L. Z. Rosser, Atlanta, Ga., Atlanta Real Estate Board, Opposing Rent . . . . . . . . 25.00

June 215. R. C. Woodard, Adel, Ga., People of Barnesville, Creating new county of Lamar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00

July 20. George C. Grogan, Elberton, Ga., The Anthony Shoals Power Co., Elbert Co. & J os. J. Fretwell, Creating Hydro-Electric Commission for State of Georgia . . . . . . . . .


July 21. James S. Edson, 825 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., Montgomery, Ala., American Reciprocal Insurance Assn., Jnsurance . . . . . . . . 25.00

Aug. 2. A. S. Bussey, Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga., T. L. Howard and others, Creation of County of "Long" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00

Total ............................... $375.00
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:
By Mr. Sibley of GreeneHouse Bill 783. A bill to name Greensboro a
State Depository.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.

TuESDAY, AuGusT 10, 1920.


The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. W ohlwender, Hollis and Neill of MuscogeEl--'-
House Bill 1139. A bill to authorize the Common Commissioners of Columbus to execute a deed without restrictions in the Simpson Chapel Methodist Church.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 1121. A bill to allow Sheriffs in counties of not less than 18,450 or more than 18,500 population, mileage in addition to their fees.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 1167. A bill to amend an Act consolidating the Acts establishing the Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Decatur County.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 49, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1130. A bill to require all political parties in DeKalb County to nominate by primary elections.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was I?assed.
By Messrs. Strozier, Barnes and Cochran of BibbHouse Bill 1163. A bill to amend the charter
of the City of Macon to provide for an Auditorium Tax and Auditorium Commission.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Mr. Stubbs of LaurensHouse Bill 1135. A bill to amend an Act to

TuESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


amend the charter of the City of Dublin for school purposes.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. Cochran, Barnes and Strozier of BibbHouse Bill 1170. A bill to amend the chart~r
of the City of Macon by extending the corporate limits.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By ~Ir. McDonald of Richmond-
House Bill 385. A bill to amend Section 4357 of Parks' Code relative to record of entry made on General Execution Docket.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constituiional majority was passed.



Mr. Rabun, of 9th District, moved that when the Senate adjourn today it stand adjourned until this afternoon at 3 o'clock, Central time, and the motion prevailed.
The following communication was read for the information of the Senate:

Session of 1920.
Under and by virtue of Joint House Resolution 146, directing an investigation of the office of the State Veterinarian, your Committee begs to submit the following report:
That the State Veterinarian paid on his private sales of commercial serum, virus, and syringes, from the funds of the State, without authority of law, express charges in the sum of $1,864.76, in receiving and disbursing serum, virus and syringes from J anuary 1, 1917 to August 1, 1920.
Under the law the whole time of the Veterinarian is required, and one of his duties, by himself and his office force, is to distribute hog cholera serum and virus. It appears from the evidence that the sales of commercial articles named, from January 1, 1917, to August 1, 1920, amounted to:
State College serum and virus ........ $ 34,185.02 Commercial serum and virus .......... 372,157.03

Total ........................... $406,342.05

TuESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


It also appears from the evidence of Dr. Bahnsen, State Veterinarian, that his profit on these articles was about $6,000.00 net. There was other evidence to show that the profit was much larger. The distribution of the articles named was handled by the office force of the State Veterinarian.
For lack of records in the office of the State Veterinarian we are unable to determine the exact amount of profit made in the handling of serum and virus. Tickets showing sales made for the years 1917 to August 1, 1920, are as above stated.
There are no books of account, no files or invoices, no records of checks showing amounts paid for serum and virus.
Under the law the State Veterinarian is not authorized to engage in the private purchase of serum and virus.
Except as herein specified, we find the services of the State Veterinarian to the people of the state have been capable and efficient.
We recommend the appropriation by the Legislature of the sum of $10,000.00 to be used by the Department of Agriculture as a revolving fund for the purchase and distribution of serum and virus to the people of the State at actual cost.
We recommend that the law creating the office of State Veterinarian be amended so as to have the State Veterinarian appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture for a term of four years.
It being a physical impossibility for the stenographer, at the present time, to transcribe the evi-



dence submitted to the Committee, we beg to ask
that he, Mr. S. N. Titlebaum, be permitted to attach the evidence to the findings in the matter as soon as it may be completed by him.
We recommend that witnesses subpoenaed to appear before the Committee be paid actual railway fare and two dollars per day while in actual
attendance upon the Committee, the bills to be ap-
proved, when sworn to, by the Secretary of this Committee, the Ron. J. B. Clements.
By authority of the Committee.
FERMOR BARRETT, Chairman Senate Committee.

GREEX B. \, Chairman House Committee.
The following House bill was read the third time and Pl!t upon its passage:
House Bill 245. Constitutional amendment.
By :Messrs. :Manning of Milton and Smith of Haralson-
To Be Entitled An Act to amend Par. 1, Sec. 1, Art.
7, of the Constitution of this State so as to strike from said paragraph the word "now" in the second and ninth line of said paragraph a:nd for other purposes.
Secti-on 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That on and after the passage of this Act, that Pa:r. 1, Sec. 1, Art. 7, of the Constitution of this State, as amended

TuESDAY, AuGUST 10, 1920.


by the Act approYed July 20, 1918, be amended by striking from the second and ninth line of said paragraph the word "now" so that said paragraph -\vhen amended by this Act will read as follows:
To make provision for the payment of pensions to any ex-Confederate Soldier, residing in this State January 1, 1920, who enlisted in the military service of the Confederate States during the Civil War between the States of the United States, and who performed actual military service in the armies of the Confederate States or of the organized militia of this State and was honorably discharged therefrom; and to widows now residents of this State, of ex-Confederate Soldiers 'vho enlisted in the military service of the Confederate States and who performed actual service in the armies of the Confederate States or of the organized militia of this State who died in said military service, or was honorably discharged therefrom, who was married prior to January 1, 1881. ~o widow of a soldier killed during the war shall be deprived of her pension by rason of having subsequently married another veteran who is dead, unless she is receiving a pension on account of being the widow of such second husband.
Section 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this Constitutional amendment shall be agreed to by a two-thirds vote of the members of the General Assembly of ea:ch House, the same shall be entered on each Journal with the Ayes and Nays taken thereon, and the Governor shall cause the amendment to be published in one or more



of the newspapers in each Congressional District for two months immediately preceding the next General Election and the voters tliereat shall have written or printed on their ticket, "For the ratification of the amendment to Par. 1, Sec. 1, Art. 7, of the Constitutional amendment which strikes the word ''now'' in second and ninth line of said paragraph," or "Against ratification of the amendment of Par. 1, Sec. 1, Art. 7, of the Constitution, which strikes out the word "now" in second and ninth line of said paargraph" as they may choose, and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the next General Assembly voting shall vote in favor of said ratification, then said amendment shall become a part of Paragraph 1, Section 1, Article 7, of the Constitution of this State, and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof.

Section 3. Any soldier doing service in the Confederate Army whether he belonged to the Confederate Army or whether he belonged to the militia of any Confederate State and served with the Confederate Army shall be eligible to draw a penSion.

The report of the Committee, which was favor able to the passage of the bill was agreed to.
The bill involving a Constitutional amendment, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

TuESDAY, AuGusT 10, 1920.


Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J.

Powler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. IIogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. 11. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lurisford, J. R. Maynard, J. D. "'\eidlinger, L. Nix, Oscar A.

Pruett, J. F. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W, Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Elders, H. H.

Olive, J. T.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, Jas. A.

Kirkland, Z. W. }'ittman, Claude C. Habun, Z. T.

J{agsdale, S. W. Veazey, P. G. Mr. Presi<lent

Ayes 40, Nays 2.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote, wa:s passed.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill of the Senate, towit:
'Senate Bill 224. A bill to amend Constitution of State so as to create new county of Lamar.



The HQuse has also pa:ssed as amended by the requisite constitutional majority the following bill of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 351. A bill to amend Constitution of State so as to create new County of Long.
Senate Bill No. 351 was taken up for the purpose of concurring in the following amendment of the House, to-wit:

By Mr. Smiley of Liberty-
Mr. Smiley of Liberty moves to amend Section 1 of Senate Bill No. 351, providing for the creation of Long County, in the following particulars, towit:
1. By striking from Paragraph "c" of said section, the word "north-east," and substituting in lieu thereof the word "south-west."
2. By striking Paragraph "d" of said section, and inserting in lieu thereof the following language : ''Thence due north a straight line to the Walthourville and Smiley public road, north of Lambert, Georgia:. n
3. By striking from Paragraph "k" of said section the words ''main line east of Strain on said railroad;'' and substituting in lieu thereof, the words "right-of-way at Strain on said railroad; and to the north line of said right-of-way."
4. By striking all of Paragraph '' i'' of said section and substituting in lieu thereof the follow-

TuESDAY, AuGusT 10, 1920.


ing: ''thence westward along the north line of the Savannah and Southern Railroad right-of-way to the first public road crossing at Lida depot on said railroad. ' '
5. By striking all of Paragraph "m" of this section and substituting in lieu thereof the following: ''Thence westward along center of public road from Lida past Bear Branch School House to forks of said public road; and thence along the center of the northwest fork thereof, in a northwesterly direction to where said pubic road crosses the Liberty and Tattnall County line nearby and east of Hampton School House.''

Mr. Bowden, of 5th District, moved to concu ,. in the House amendment.

The roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

.Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, .Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, J as. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C.J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. :ll. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, ~L M. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. :\'eidlingelr, Leonorian :\'ix, Oscar A.

Olive, J. T. Pittman, Clau<le C. Pruett, .T. J?. Rabun, Z. T. Reece~ W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Bice, \'\. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q. ~teed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. \\'allace, W. P. Watson, S. ~I. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.



Those not voting were Messrs. :

Djxon, J as. A. Kjrkland, Z. W.

Maynard, J. D. Ragsdale, S. W.

Yickery, Jesse W. l\Ir. Presjdent

Ayes 44, Nays 0.

And the amendment wa:s concurred in.

The hour of adjournment having arrived the President declared the Senate adjourned until 3 o'clock this afternoon.

3 O'clock P.M.

The Senate met again at this hour and was called to order by the President, Ron. Sam L. Olive.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, J as. A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Ptttman, Claude C.

Fowler, Ben J.

Pruett, J. F.

Glenn, George G.

Rabun, Z. T.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Hogg, J. P.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kaigler, H. ,;]',

Rice, W. D.

Kea, Fred

Shingler, J. S.

Keene, J. H.

Smith, J. Q.

Kendall, M. M.

Steed, E. T.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Veazey, P. G.

Larkins, J. K.

VicKery, Jesse W.

LeSueur, R. C.

Wallace, W. P.

Lunsford, J. R.

Watson, S. M.

Maynard, J. D.

Wilkinson, H. B.

N eidling$', Leonorian Wood, A. J.

Dixon, J as. A.

Mr. Presjdent

Olive, J. T.

The following resolution was read and adopted:

TuESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


By Mr. Bell-
A resolution authorizing certain officials and employees of the General Assembly to remain at the Capitol five days after adjournment for certain purposes.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constituitonal majority the following to-wit:
Senate Bill 217. A bill to be entitled an Act ra:ising salary of shorthand writers of the Supreme Court.
Mr. Glenn, of 43rd District, moved that the Senate take a recess, subject to the call of the chair, and the motion prevailed.
The Senate reconvened at this hour and was coiled to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.
The following House bills and resolutions were read the third time and put upon their passage.

By Mr. Daniel of Heard-
House Brill 316. A bill to provide for guardians of persons non compos mentis.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Neill, Strozier, Smith, Anderson, Lindsay, Arnold-
House Bill 631. A bill to provide for the publication of the reports of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Pace of Sumter-
House Bill 642. A bill to amend an Act to maintain one or more public schools in each county of the State.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed. By Mr. Reid of Wilcox.:_
House Bill 667. A bill to amend Section 2554 of the Civil C9de relating to county officers giving sureties upon recommendation of the Grand Jury.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The bill haVing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Strozier and Barnes of Bibb-
House Bill 749. A bill to authorize county authorities to provide for schools for adult illiterates in the elementary branches of English.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0.
The bill haVing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-

House Bill 917. A bill to amend an Act provid-

ing for the disopsition of dead bodies.

The report of.the Committee, which was favor-

able to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the Passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Nays 0.

The bill haVing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 179. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson of a bond.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 180. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson, W. E. DeLoach and F. M. Ridley as surety on a bond.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 181. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson as surety on a bond.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 38, Nr.ys 0.

TuESDAY, AuGuT 10, 1920.


The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 182. A resolution to relieve Lonnie Haralson as surety on a bond.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 32, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Longley and Wyatt of Troup-
House Resolution 183. A resolution to relieve J. H. Hardy as surety on a bond.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. Bale, Hamilton and Copeland of Floyd-
House Resolution 73. A resolution providing for the payment of pension to Mrs. Francis Shores, widow of ex-Confederate Soldier.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passa"ge of the resolution, was agreed to.



The resolution involving an appropriation the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Clements, J as. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, J as. A. Duncan, J. T. ~'lynt, J. J.

Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. .tiogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. N elidlinger, Leonorian Nix, Oscar A. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude U.

Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K . Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. ~teed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs. :

Elders, H. H.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bowden J. E. T. Calhoun, J. C. Dorris, W. H. Ennis, J. H.

h.eene, J. H. Kirkland, Z. W. LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D.

Smith, J. Q. Watson, S. M. Mr. President

Ayes 39, Nays 1.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Quincey of Coffee-

House Resolution 92. A resolution to pay pension to Elizabeth Trowell for the year 1918.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution was agreed to.

The resolution involving an appropriation the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows :

TuESDAY, AuGusT 10, 1920.


Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs. :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Duncan, J. T. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G.

Harbin, C. J.

Pruett, ;r. F.

Hogg, J.P.

Rabun, Z. T.

Kaigler, H. M.

Ragsadle, S. W.

Kea, Fred

Reece, W. K.

Keene, J. H.

Rejnolds, W. H.

Kendall, M. M.

Rice, W. D.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Shingler, J. S.

Larkins, J. K.

Steed, E. T.

Lunsford, J. R.

Veazey, P. G.

Neidlinger, Leonorian VIckery, Jesse W.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wallace, W. P.

Olive, J. T.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Pittman, Claude C. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs. :
Elders, H. H.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Ayers, J. S. Bowden, J. E. T. Clements, Jas. B. Dorris, W. H.

Ennis, J. H. LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J.D.

Smith, J. Q. Watson, S. M. M'r. President

Ayes 40, Nays 1.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Mundy of Polk-
House Resolution 151. A resolution to pay W.
W. Crawford $90.00 refunded by him to the State
The report of the Committee, which was favor-
able to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.
The resolution involving an appropriation the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:



Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

AdaiiJ8', Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bussey, J. B. Clements, J as. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Duncan, J. T. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J.

liogg, J. P.

Pruett, J. F.

Kaigler, H. M.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Kea, Fred

Reece, W. K.

Keene, J. H.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kendall, M. M.

Rice, W. D.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Shingelr, J. 8.

Larkins, J. K.

Steed, E. T.

Lunsford, J. R.

Veazey, P. G.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Vickery, Jesse W.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wallace, W. P.

Olive, J. T.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Pittman, Clli:Ude C. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs. :

Elders, H. H.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Bowden J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dorris, W. H.

Ennis, J. H. Fowler, Ben J. LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D.

Rabun, Z. T. Smith, J. Q. Watson, S. M. Mr. President

Ayes 38, Nays 1.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Pace of Sumter and Neill of Muscogee-

House Bill 738. A bill to make appropriations for the payment of deficiencies in the salary of Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered, and the vote was as follows:

TuESDAY, AuousT 10, 1920.


Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. .Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Duncan, J. T. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J.

Glenn, George G. !Iarbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kmdall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. ~eidlinger. L. :\ ix, Oscar A. Oli,e, J. T. Pittman, Claude C.

J!abun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs. :
Elders, H. H.
Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bowden, J. E. T. Calhoun, J. C. f:lements, Jas. B. L'0rris, W. H.

F.nnis, J. H. Hogg, J. P. LeSueur, R. C. :Maynard, J. D.

Ayes 38, Nays 1.

Pruett, J. F. Smith, J. Q. Watson, S. M. Mr. President

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The following House resolutions were read and adopted:

By Mr. Clarke of McintoshHouse Resolution 211. A resolution endorsing
the Advertisement Georgia Enterprise.

By Mr. Harvin of Calhoun-
House Resolution 212. A resolution requesting State Librarian to furnish certain books to the Court House of Calhoun County.



The following House bill was taken up for consideration:

By Messrs. Clarke of Mcintosh and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 443. A bill to make beds of salt waters, bays, rivers, etc., in this State, not already conveyed as property of this State, the property of the State of Georgia.
The bill was tabled.
The following Senate bill was taken up for the purpose of concurring in the House amendment:

By Mr. Brooks-
A bill to amend the charter of the City of Americus.
The House offered the following amendments : By Mr. Pace of Sumter-
By striking from the third line of Section three the word "June" and substitute in lieu thereof the word "January."
The amendment was concurred in.
By striking the whole of Section 2 and insert in lieu thereof the following:
Section 2. That the fiscal year of and for said City of Americus, and the Mayor and City Council of Americus shall be from the first day of January to the thirty-first day of December of each year, that is the same as the calendar year.
The amendment was concurred in.

TUESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


By striking Section 9 in its entirety and substitute in lieu thereof the following:
Section 9. That this Act shall not go into effect until the thirty-first day of December, 1920, on and after which time shall be of full force and effect.
Section 10. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed.
The amendment was concurred in.
By striking the whole of Section 4 and inserting in lieu thereof the following.
Section 4. That from and after the going into effect of this Act all expenditures and appropriations of money by the Mayor and City Council of Americus shall be by ordinance, and the same shall not be valid until approval by the Mayor; Provided, however, should the Mayor disapprove of any such ordinance, or scale or reduce any appropriation or appropriations carried therein, the Council may override such disapproval or change by a twothirds vote of the membership thereof, unless by overriding such disapproval or change such appropriation or appropriations would cause the aggregate appropriations for any fiscal year to exceed the anticipated and estimated revenue for such year, in which event the power of the Council to override such disapproval or change by the Mayor shall extend only to the aggregate of the anticipated and estimated revenue for any fiscal year as set forth in the budget. In the event any such or-



dinance or any appropriation or appropriations carried therein is disapproved, or scaled or reduced, as aforesaid, by the Mayor, the same shall be returned to the Council by the Mayor not later than the next regular meeting of the Mayor and Council, and upon his failure so to do such ordinance shall stand as if approved; except that no ordinance shall be of any force or effect whatsoever which causes the aggregate appropriations for any fiscal year to exceed the anticipated and estimated revenue as contained in the budget.
The amendment was concurred in.
By striking from the fourteenth or last line of Section 15 by striking the word "June" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "January."
The amendment was concurred in.
The following Senate bill was taken up for the purpose of concurring to the House amendment:

By Mr. Pittman-
A bill to license and regulate the business of making loans in sums of $300 or less.
The House offered the following amendment: By Mr. Sweat of Ware-
Amend by a:dding another section to be numbered 20, which reads as follows:
''Before any notice of assignment or purchase of wages or salaries shall be binding upon any individual, firm or corporation to whom said notice is directed, said notice shall be accompanied by a

TuESDAY, AuausT 10, 1920.


copy .of the sale or assignment verified by the as-
signee, to be a true and correct copy thereof; Provided that the assignee shall file said notice within five days from the time of the execution of the assignment and provided that the contract of assignment shall be made in duplicate, one copy to be .retained by the assignor and the other by the assignee. Upon receipt of the notice and verified copy contract aforesaid, the individual, firm or corporation to whom same is delivered if it or they shall be due the assignor the amount of wages or salary so sold, or assigned, shall be authorized to hold said wages or salary in its or their possession for the benefit of the assignee and thereafter within a reasonable time after the notice aforesaid pay over to the assignee the amount so assigned upon surrender of the original assignment. Any money earned by the assignor or seller in excess of any assignment or sale of wages shall be paid to said assignor when due.''
Amend further by numbering the repealing clause No. 21.
The House amendment was concurred in.
Mr.Barrett, of 31st District, moved that the Senate do now adjourn a:nd the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock, Central time.



SENATE CHAMBER, A~ G.&. Wednesday, August 11, 1920.

The Senate met pursuant to adjournment this day at 10 o'cock A. M., Central time, and was called to order by the President, Hon. Sam L. Olive.

Prayer was offerd by the Chaplain.

Upon the call of the roll the following Senators answered to their names :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bl'asingame, J osi.all Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J. Glenn, George G. liarbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Maynard. J. D. Neidlinger, Leonorian Nix, Oscar A. Olive, J. T.

Pittman, Claude 0. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T.
l<agsdale, S. w.
H.eece, '\1\ K. Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Smith, .J. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M:. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J. Mr. President

Mr. Lunsford of 25th District, Chairman of the Committee on Journals, reported that the Journal of the previous day had been examined and found correct.
Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, gave notice that at the proper time he would move to reconsider the action of the Senate in refusing to disagree to the adverse report of the Committee on House Bill No. 18.



By unanimous consent the reading of the Journal of the previous day was dispensed with.

Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in refusing to disagree to the adverse report of the Committee on House Bill No. 18.

The previous question was called and the main question ordered.

Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the motion to reconsider and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Ayers, J. S. Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H.

Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Kaigler, H. M. Keene, J. H.

LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Sttled, E. T. Watson, S.M.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Barrett, Fermor Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, James A. Fowler, Ben J. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P.

K.ea, Fred

Rice, W. D.

Kendall, M. M.

Shingler, J. S.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Smith, J. Q.

Larkins, J. K.

Veazey, P. G.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Vickery, Jesse W.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wallace, W. P.

Olive, J. T.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Pruett, J. F.

Wood, A. J.

Reynolds, W. H.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Allen, Ivan E. Lunsford, J. R.

Pittman, Claude Mr. President

Ayes 21, Nays 26.



The roll call was verified.
And the motion was lost.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.
Mr. President: The House has passed by the requisite consti-
tutional majority the following bills of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 223. A bill to authorize the Governor to acquire permanent supplements to Parks' Annotated Code of 1914 for distribution to State officers, Courts and institutions.
Senate Bill 2'55. A bill to amend Section 632 of Code of 1910 by defining who is emigrant agent.
Senate Bill 257. A bill to amend Act relating to emigrant agents.
Senate Bill 275. A bill to amend Section 1484 of Code of 1910 relative to compensation for injured soldiers.
Senate Bill 280. A bill to repeal Act relative to appointment of trustees for branch colleges of University of Georgia.
Senate Bill 331. A bill to fix salaries of certain officials at State Farm.
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following resolution of the Senate, to-wit: -



Senate Resolution 64. A resolution to relieve Western and Atlantic Railroad Commission from certain responsibilities.
The House has agreed to the Senate amendments to the folowing bills of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 679. A bill to give additional powers to local Board of Trustees of Georgia Military College.
House Bill 900. A bill to create new charter of City of Marietta.
House Bill 1106. A bill to amend Act to abolish fee system in Augtista Judicial Circuit.
House Bill 1117. A bill to amend Act to create County Commissioners for Wheeler C.ounty.
The House has passed, as amended, by the requisite constitutional majority, the following Bill of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 172. A bill to amend charter of City of Americus.
Mr. Fowler, of 22nd District, offered the following amendment to the order of business set by the Rules Committee:
By adding House Resolution No. 208 to the calendar.
Mr. Fowler, of 22nd District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the above amendments, and the call was sustained.
The vote was as follows:



Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs. :

Duncan, J. T. Fowler, Ben J.

LeSueur, R. C. Ragsdale, S. W.

Watson S. M.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun J. C.
Clements', Jas. B.
Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Elders, H. H. Flynt, J. J.

Gienn, George G.

Reece, W. K.

Harbin, 0. J.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kaigler, H. M.

Rice, W. D.

Kea, .!!'red

Shingler, J. S.

Keene, J. H.

Smith, J. Q.

Kendall, M. M.

Steed, E. T.

;Lunsford, J. H.

Veazey, P. G.

Maynard, J. D.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wallace, W. P.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Oilve, J. T.

Wood, A. J.

Pruett J. 1!'.
Rabun,' Z. T.

~ r. President

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Allen, Ivan E. Bowden, J. E. T. Dorris, W. H.

Ennis, J. H. Hogg, J.P. Kirkland, Z. W.

Larkins, J. K. Pittman, Claude (;.

Ayes 4, Nays 38.

And the amendment was lost.

The following resolution was rea'd and adopted:

By Mr. Barrett-
Resolved, That the session of today continue until12 o'clock tonight unless adjournment be sooner taken and that by a majority vote the Senate may recess for such time as it sees fit.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


Mr. Kendall, of 47th District, Chairman of the Committee on Privileges of the Floor, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Privileg~ of the Floor have had under consideration the following resolutions of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass:
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. George W. Cureton and Hon. Ben T. Brock.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. D. Mitchell, Hon. C. V. Stanton, Hon. B. W. Woodland, Hon. W. D. Reed, Hon W. E. Steedley and Hon. C. W. Garrett.
A resolution extending the privileges of .the floor to Hon. L: J. Steele, Hon. J. H. Green and Hon. W. D. Little and also Hon. Young Burton.
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon .J. T. Hammack.
Respectfully submitted, KENDALL, Chairman.

The following resolutions were read and adopted:

By Mr. Cureton-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. George W. Cureton and Hon. Ben T. Brock.



By Mr. Bowden-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. J. Dj Mitchell, Hon. C. V. Stanton, Hon. B. W. Woodland, Hon. H. D. Reed, Hon. W. E. Steedley and Hon. C. W. Ganett.

By Mr. Nix-
A resolution extending the privileges of the floor to Hon. L. J. Steele, Hon. J. H. Green and Hon. W. D. Little and Hon. Young Burton.

By Mr Kendall-
A resolution extending the privileges of' the floor to ,Hon. J. T. Hamm.ock.
The followiRg resolution was read and unanimously adopted by a rising vote:

Inasmuch as Constitutional limitations brings to a conclusion at midnight of this date the official service, and, therefore, the close association in that capacity which has been enjoyed through the period of 100 days during the life of the term of the Gener&:l Assembly now ending;
Be it resolved, by the Georgia State Senate, that the thanks of this body be expressed to Major Devereaux Fore McClatchey, our efficient and tireless Secretary, for his personal and official courtesies to the members of this body, and for his highly efficient attention to and care for the business of the State Senate.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


Be it further resolved, That the Georgia Senate commend Major McClatchey to our friends and his, and to our successors in office as a highly efficient Secretary, a lovable companion and ''a prince of good fellows."
Mr. Steed, of 37th District, Chairman of the Committee on General Judiciary No. 1, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on General Judiciary No. 1 have had under consideration the following bill of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass, as amended:
House Bill No. 429. Respectfully submitted, STEED, Chairman.

Mr. Reece, Chairman of the Committee on Counties and County Matters, submits the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Counties and County Matters have had under consideration House Bill No. 1175 and have instructed me as its Chairman, toreport the same back to the, Senate with the recommendation that it do pass, as amended.
Respectfully submitted, REECE, Chairman.



Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, Chairman of the Committee on Education, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Education have had under consideration the following bills of the Senate and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with th~ recommendation that the same do pass:
Senate Bill No. 330 do pass.
Senate Bill No. 189 do pass.
Respectfully submitted, H. H. ELDERs, Chairman.

Mr. Bell, of 51 District, Chairman of the Committee on Enrollment, submitted the following report:

Mr. President:
Your Committee on Enrollment report as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, the following Acts, to-wit:
An Act to require all persons, firms or corporations who manufacture or sell any paints, white lead compounds or mixed paints to label sa'me with its true chemical analysis.
An Act to give additional powers to the Local Board of Trustees of the Georgia School of Technology.

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 11, 1920.


.A:n Act to fix the time of holding the Superior Courts in the Cordele Circuit of Georgia.
An Act to amend the Act establishing the City Court of Bartow County.
An Act to provide for another State depository in Atlanta.
An Act to fix the salaries of shorthand writers of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.
Respectfully submitted, BELL, Chairman.

The following resolution was read and unanimously adopted by a rising vote :

Out of honor in which we hold our esteemed President, we pass this resolution.
Be it resolved by the Senate, that the thanks of the Senate are hereby extended to the President, the Honorable Sam L. Olive, for the very able, efficient and impartial manner in which he has presided over the deliberation of the Senate.
Be it further resolved, That the Senate on this the closing day of the session, desire to express their full confidence and esteem in its President, Sam L. Olive, by a rising vote of thanks.
The following Senate bills favora:bly reported, were read the second time :



By Mr. Elders-
A bill to amend Section 84 of the School Code to provide for a State Superintendent of School Houses.

By Mr. Ayers~
A bill to require teachers in public schools to ascertain certain physical defections in a child.
The following House bill, favorably reported, was read the second time :

By Mr. Barnes of Bibb-
House Bill 1175. A bill to provide for payment of premium on official bonds of County Treasurer.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
House Bill 977. A bill to carry into effect in Savannah an amendment to Par. 1, Sec. 7, of Art. 6, of the Constitution.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the .4-yes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


By Messrs. Lawrence, Eve and Falligant of Chatham-
. House Bill 1112. A bill to amend the Acts incorporating the Mayor and Aldermen of Savannah.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passa:ge of the bill, was agreed to.
On the pa:ssage of the bill, the Ayes were 49, Nays.O.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Jordan of Wheeler-
House Bill 1152. A bill to amend ari. Act to establish a public school system in the Town of Alamo.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the pa:ssage of the bill, the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill ha:ving received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Lindsay and Guess of DeKa:lb--
House Bill 11J54. A bill to amend the Acts incorporating the Town of Kirkwood.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passa:ge of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 3L Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Milner of Dodge-
House Bill1158. A bill to abolish the office of Treasurer of Dodge County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, N"ays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Guess of DeKalb-
House Bill 1161. A bill to amend the Acts incorporating the Town of Decatur.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were ;n,
Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Smith of Candler-
House Bill1166. A bill to create a new chartef for the City of Metter.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


On the p&:ssage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Wall of Putnam-
House Bill 1169. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Eatonton.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Griffin of Decatur-
House Bill 1171. A bill to establish a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Semi- nole County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Purcell of Tattnall-
House Bill 1176. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Collins.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 3 L, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Purcell of Tattnall-
House Bill1177. A bill to amend an Act to incorporate the City of Cobbtown.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill ha:ving received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Purcell of Tattnall-
House Bill 1178. A bill to amend an Act to create a new Road Law for Tattnall County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were :38, Nays 0.
The bill ha:ving received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Anderson of Jenkins-
House Bill 1180. A bill to establish the City Court of Millen.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the p&:ssage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Nichols of SpaldingHouse Bill 1181. A bill to amend the charter
of the City Court of Griffin.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Hendrix, Smith and Moore of Fulton-
House Bill 1182. A bill to amend an Act amending the charter of the City of East Point.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Hendrix, Smith and Moore of Fulton-
House Bill 1183. A bill to amend an Act creating a new charter for East Point.



The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Stubbs of Laurens-
House Bill 1184. A bill to amend the charter of the Town of Dudley.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

Biy Mr. Anderson of Jenkins-
House Bill 915. A bill to amend Section 389 of the Civil Code of 1910 relative to working of chaingangs.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the. bill the Ayes were 34, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Carswell of Wilkinson-
House Bill 893. A bill to amend the laws providing for inspection of illuminating oils.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. McDaniel of Forsyth-
House Bill 250. A bill to amend Section 6066 of Code of 1910 relative to legal advertisement rates, by increasing the same.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. McDonald, Reville and Pilcher of Richmond-
House Bill 643. A bill to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Richmond County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, :Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. McDonald, Reville and Pilcher of Richmond-
House Bill 705. A bill to authorize $500,000 bonds for school purposes in Richmond County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the pa!!sage of the bill, waB agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. McDonald, Reville and Pilcher of Richmo;nd-
House Bill 645. A bill to amend an Act relating to salary of the Judge of the City Court of Richmond.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passa:ge of the bill, was agreed. to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
By Messrs. McDonald, Reville and Pilcher of Richmond-

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


House Bill 644. A bill to empower the Treasurer of Richmond County to employ a clerk.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Bill 753. A bill to amend the Act to create a State Reformatory to change the name to Georgia Training School for boys.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28 Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Hamilton of Floyd-
House Bill 693. A bill to amend Section 2817 of the Civil Code relative to corporate powers of Trust Companies.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Lawrence of Chatham-
House Bill 1179. A bill to prohibit tlie use of nets over thirty feet in length for catching fish in salt waters of this State.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Bill 1146. A bill to relieve City of Milledgeville of taxes on property bought since January 1, 1920.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill, the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Strozier, Barnes and Cochran. of Bibb-
House Bill 1164. A bill to amend the charter of the City of Macon.
Mr. Fowler, of 22nd District, offered the following amendment:

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


1. By striking therefrom all of Paragraph "c" in Section VI down to the words ''and any street railroad company'' in line eleven of said paragraph and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
(c) Upon petition in writing addressed to the Mayor so Council of the City of Ma:con requesting the pavement of any street, or portion thereof, not less than one block in length, within the corporate limits of said city, and which street or the portion thereof aforesaid, is not and has never been paved, and which directly connects with or to a main thoroughfare or street, or is in itself a main thoroughfare or street, it sha:ll be the duty of the said Mayor and Council to proceed at once to the pavement of such street, or portion thereof, described in said petition, provided that such petition shall be signed by such a number of the property owners of sixty per cent (60 per cent) a man of the property abutting such street, or portion thereof, and which said petition shall also state that such signers thereof willing to pay, a:nd have their property assessed with, their and its just proportion of eighty-five (85) per cent of the total cost of such pavement aforesaid including the grading and drains therefor; whereupon the said City of Macon is hereby given free right to assess eighty-five (85) per cent of the total cost of such pavement including the grading and drains therefor, against the abutting property on .said street, or the portion thereof, paved in such proportions as each piece or lot of property bears in frontage to the total cost of such pavement.
2. By adding after the word "hereby" in the



last line of said Paragraph '' c'' of Section VI a:ll of that part of Paragraph ("k") of said Section VI beginning with the words ''Provided, further, that when streets'' in line eleven and ending with the words ''or other railroad company so elects'' in the last line of said Paragraph ("k").
3. By striking all of Paragraph "k" after the amendment in the second provision of this amendment is made.
4. By striking from Paragraph ''II'' of Section VI all of said paragraph beginning with the words "It shall be wholly discretionary, et. al," in the tenth line of said paragraph.
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, as amended.

By Mr. Atkinson of Camden-
House Bill 429. A bill to revise the Dental Laws, to create a Board of Dental Examiners.
Mr. Brooks, of 13th District, offered the fol lowing amendments:
Amend Section 16 by substituting the word "appeal" for the word "certioriari" in the eleventh line of said section.

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


The amendment was adopted.
Amend Section 22 by substituting the word. "five" for the word "twenty" in line seven of said section.
The amendment was adopted.
Amend Section 26 by striking all of said section after the word" State" in line six of said section.
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Carswell of WilkinsonHouse Bill 241. Constitutional Amendment.

To Be Entitled An Act to propose to the people of Georgia, for their ratification or rejection, an amendment to Article VIII, Section VI, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia.
The following amendment is hereby proposed to the people by the General Assembly to Article 8,



Section 6, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of Georgia, by striking from said Paragraph 1 of said article and section the following words, to-wit:
''May from time to time make such donations thereto as the conditio:p. of the Treasury authorize; and the General Assembly may also from time to time make such appropriations of money as the condition of the Treasury authorize to any college or university, not exceeding one in number, now established, or hereafter to be established, in this State for the education of persons of color"; and insert in said Paragraph 1 of said Article 8, Section 6, in lieu of said words, the following words: ''Shall from time to time make such appropriations to the university and high schools, as the condition of the Treasury authorize."
The Governor of the State is hereby directed and required to cause the above and foregoing amendment to be published in one newspaper in each Congressional District for two months previous to the time of holding the next General Election, and he shall also provide for the submission of said amendment to the people at such general election for their ratification or rejection. The form rn which said amendment shall be submitted shall be as follows: ''For ratification of amendment of Paragraph 1, of Article 8, Section 6, of the Constitution which strikes from the Constitution the words : ''May from time to time make such donations thereto as the condition of the Treasury authorize; and the General Assembly may also from time to time make such appropriations of money as the condition of the Treasury authorize to any col-

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 11, 1920.


lege or university, not exceeding one in number, now established, or hereafter to be established in this State for the education of persons of color." And, ''Against ratification of amendment of Paragra:ph 1, of Article 8, Section 6, of the Constitution which strikes from the Constitution the words: ''May from time to time make such donations thereto as the condition of the Treasury authorize; and the General Assembly may also from time to time make such appropriations of money as the condition of the Trea:sury authorize to any college or university not exceeding one in number, now established, or hereafter to be established in this State for the education of persons of color."

The Governor shall cause the returns of said election to be made to the Secretary of State, who shall consolidate the vote and certify the same to the Governor, and if it should appear that a majority of the qualified voters voting at said election voted in favor of the ratification of this amend. ment, then the Governor by his proclamation shall declare it a part of the Constitution of this State.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passa:ge of the bill, was agreed to.

The bill involving a Constitutional amendment, the roll call was ordered, and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirma:tive were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor

Bell, Walter L. Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B.

Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W.



Duncan, J T. Elders, H. H. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K.

LeSueur, R. C.

Reynolds, W. H.

Lunsford, J. R.

Shingler, J. S.

Maynard, J. D.

Smith, J. Q.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Steed, E. T.

Nix, Oscar A.

Veazey, P. G.

Ohve, J. T.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Pittman, Claude C. Wallace, W. P.

Pruett, J. F.

Watson, S. M.

Rabun, Z. T.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Wood, K. J.

Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Dixon, James A. Dorris, W. H. Ennis, J. H.

Fowler, Ben J. Kendall, M. M.

Rice, W. D. Mr. President

Ayes 44, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote, was passed.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Whitaker of Lowndes-
House Bill 647. A bill to tax the professions.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, Nays 6.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Kent of Glascock, Clifton of Lee, Stovall of McDuffie-

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


House Bill 936. A bill to fix the salary of Clerk and Bookkeeper of the Pension Office.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, moved that the Senate take a recess of five minutes in memory of Senator T. H. Parker, deceased.
The motion prevailed and the Senate went into recess at 11:10 o'clock.

11:15 0 'clock.
The Senate re-convened at this hour and was called to order by the President.
Mr. Elders, of 2nd District, moved that the President appoint a Committee of three to draft a suitable resolution to the memory of Senator T. H. Parker, deceased, and the motion prevailed.
The President appointed as a Committee under the above motion, Senators Elders of 31st District, Bowden, of 5th District, and Glenn, of 43rd District.
Mr. Smith, of 7th District, moved that the President appoint a Committee of three to draft a suitable resolution to the memory of Assistant Secretary of the Senate, Judge Charles P. Hansell, deceased, and the motion prevailed.



The President appointed as a Committee under the above motion, Senators, Smith, of 7th District, Brooks, of 13th District, and Dixon, of 17th District
The following House bills were taken up for consideration :

By Messrs. Clifton of Lee Pace of Sumter, Burt of Doughterty-
House Bill 786. A bill to provide for the construction of fishways over all water power dams.
The Committee offered the following amendment:
By striking Sections 5 and 6 of this Act and numbering accordingly.
The amendment was adopted.
Mr. Reece, of the 41st District, offered the following amendment:
By adding the following proviso:
''Provided this Act shall not become effective in any county until recommended by the Grand Jury of the county.
The amendment was adopted.
Mr. Kea, of 16th District, moved to reconsider the action of the Senate in adopting the above amendment and the motion prevailed.
The amendment was again adopted.

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 11, 1920.


The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 18, Nays 16.
The bill having failed to receive the requisite constitutional majority was lost.
By Mr. Dobbs of Cobb-
House Bill 412. A bill to provide for appearance of persons charged with misdemeanor in the Courts of this State.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was disagreed to and the bill was lost.
Mr. Pittman, of 42nd District, moved that the Senate do now take a recess until 3 o'clock this afternoon and the motion prevailed.
The President declared the Senate in recess until 3 o'clock this afternoon.

3 O'clock. The Senate reconvened at this hour and was called to order by the President.
The following resolution was read and una:nimously adopted by a rising vote :

By Messrs. Elders, Bowden and GlennA RESOLUTION.
Whereas, Since the adjournment of the 1919



session of the Senate,and just before the meeting of the 1920 session, this Body was deprived of one of its ablest and most progressive members in the death of Ron. T. H. Parker, Senator from the 47th District,

Therefore Be It Resolved, That we recognize in our fellow member a gentleman of the highest type;
a: man of fine physique; a highly cultured gentle-
man, well versed in literature; a profound lawyer; a ready debater; an eloquent speaker. On account of his splendid attainments he was appointed Chairman of the Committee on Public Roads, and
a: member of all the leading and important Commit-
tees of the Senate. In his service he was a leader; his advice and counsels were sought and followed; his work for good roads was continuous and untiring, and the legislation upon that subject bears the imprint of his genius.

Whilst attending a meeting of the State Democratic Executive Committee in Atlanta, of which he was a commanding and leading member, he contracted illness which resulted in his untimely death, and his spirit has drifted out into the bosom of that great and shadowy ocean, whose bosom heaves and swells with resistless sweep, out into the shoreless sea of time, for into the night go one and all, but God is every, every where, and we are convinced by Holy Writ that in the way of righteousness there is life and in the pathway thereof there is no death, and we have every reason and hope to believe, and sublime faith teaches us that the Senate will again be called to order; that the curtain will rise again,



and that we will answer to our names; that we will be reunited before the great, white throne of God.
Therefore Be It Resolved, That in the death of Senator Parker, we lost our leading member; the State and community, an able and untiring citizen; that public highways, schools and higher education, . and all civic improvements a noble, great, tenderhearted and worthy leader.
Be It Further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the Journal of the Senate, and that the Secretary of this Body be instructed and directed to send a certified copy of these resolutions to the family of our deceased borther.

The Committee appointed by the President to draft a suitable resolution on the death of Charles P. Hansell, Assistant Secretary of the Senate, submittee the following resolution for the consideration of the Senate:

Whereas, Our Heavenly Father, m His great goodness, has called from our midst into Eternal Life, our dearly beloved brother, Charles P. Hansell, and,
Whereas, we bow our heads in humble acknowledgement of His infinite wisdom and justice in so doing, and,



Whereas, we treasure most highly the tender memory of our affectionate association with our departed brother as Assistant Secretary of the Georgia: Senate, and,

Whereas, in that capacity his ability and worth were amply exemplified, and,

Whereas, his tender nature and genial person4 ality a:nd good fellowship with all men were greatly admired by each and every one of us.
Therefore, Be It Resolved, That we do herewith express our deep love and devotion to our departed friend and that we give humble thanks unto Almighty God for bestowing upon us the great privilege of knowing, admiring and loving one of the noblest and sweetest characters that ever graced the Legislature Ha:lls of this State, Charles P. Hansell, Assistant Secretary of the Senate of Georgia.
Resolved Further, That the Secretary be required to furnish a copy of this resolution to the family of our deceased brother.
The resolution was unanimously adopted by a rising vote.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the Senate, to-wit:

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920. '


Senate Bill 348. A bill to repeal Act to incorporate Town of Soperton.

Senate Bill 347. A bill to incorporate City of Soperton.

Senate Bill 286. A bill to further regulate casualty and liability insurance companies.

The House has also passed, as amended, by the requisite constitutional majority, the following bills of the Senate, to-wit

Senate Bill 251. A bill to amend Act to regulate banking in this State.

Senote Bill 326. A bill to amend Act to estabish Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Walton County.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:

Mr. Lewis of Hancock-
House Bill 1021. A bill to provide for the transfer of criminal cases from the City Courts to the Superior Courts of the same circuit.
The report of th~ Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Sibley of Greene.
House Bill 720. A bill to require Clerks of Superior Courts to certify facts pertaining to defendants confined in jail.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitntional majority was passed.

By Mr. Stewart of Atkinson-

House Billl. A bill to regulate the practice of chiropractic in this State.

The previous question was called and the main question ordered.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, wa:s agreed to, as amended.

Mr. Lunsford, of 25th District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.
The vote was as follows: .

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Bowden, J. E. T.
Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B.
Dixon, James A.

Duncan, J. T.
Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. J<'lynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J.

Glenn, George G.
Harbin, c. J.
Keene, J. H.
Larkins, J. K.
.\ix. U3ear A.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


Olive, J. T. Ragsdale, S. W.

Reece, W. K. Shingler, J. S.

Wallace, W. P.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Calhoun, J. C. Cureton, Walter W. Kaigler, H. H. Kea, Fred

Kendall, M. ::\f. Kirkland, Z. W. Lunsford, J. R. Maynard, J. D. Neidlinger, Leonorian Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Reynolds, W. H.

Rice, W. D. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wats'on, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Blasingame, Josiah Dorris, W. H.

Hogg, J. P. LeSueur, R. C.

Mr. President

Ayes 20, Nays 26.

The bill having failed to receive the requisite constitutional majority was lost.

By Messrs. Hodges a:nd Swint of Washington-
House Bill 378. A bill to require forthcoming bond for property levied on in all cases where levy IS made under a distress warrant.
Amendment to House Bill No. 378, by Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District.
Amend by adding new sections after Section 1 as follows:
Section 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if the tenant should file a counter affidavit to said distress warrant requiring the giving of a replevy bond as now provided by law, it shall be iawful for the levying officer to occept the



same security on both bonds, and on the trial of the case, the plaintiff shall elect whether he will take a money verdict or whether he will proceed against the property so levied upon, and the Judge sha:ll instruct the Jury to render a verdict in accordance with the election of the plaintiff, if the Jury should find the plaintiff is entitled to recover.
Change Section No. 2 to Section 3.
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, a:s amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 27, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. whitaker of Lowndes-
House Bill 663. A bill to authorize the sale of land by Executors, Administrators and Trustees.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof:

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


Mr. President :
The House has passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills aiid resolutions of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Hill 123. A bill relative to barber shops in this State.
Senate Bill 285. A bill to amend Sections 4985 and 4986 of Code of 1910 relative to compensation of stenographers in civil cases.
, Senate Bill 316. A bill to provide for annual increase of pensions paid to ex-Confederate soldiers and widows.
Senate Bill 358. A bill to provide for payment uf salary of Solicitor-General of Brunswick Circuit.
Senate Resolution 27. A resolution relative to clean currency for this State.
Senate Resolution 86. A resolution to authorize Governor and Supreme Court Reporter to cancel certain contract with Index Printing Company.
The House has passed, as amended, by the requisite constitutional majority, the following bill of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 242. A bill to amend Constitution of State relative to salaries of Judges of Supreme Court and Court of Appeals.
The House has agreed to tl:!ilil Sena:te amendment to the following bill of t:f =)USe, to-wit:



House Bill 959. A bill to regulate fees of ordinaries in various counties of State.
The House has concurred in the following re:~ olution of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Resolution 109. A resolution to allow officers and certain other attaches of House and Senate to remain over five days after session to bring up unfinished business.
The following resolutions were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Burkhalter of Clinch-

House Resolution 61. A resolution to pay Mri'l. Ellen Ri~son $90.00 pension for the year 1918.

The Committee offered the following amendment:

By striking the figures "1918" wherever they occur and substituting in lieu thereof the figures "1919."

The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, as amended, was agreed to.

The resolution involving an appropriation the roll call was ordered, and the vote was as follows :

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Bell, Walter L.

Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B.

Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Flynt, J. J. Fowler, Ben J.



Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, B. ~f. Keene, J. H. Kirkland Z. W.
Kendall, M. ~I.
"Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R.

Maynard, J. D.

Reynolds, W. H.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Smith, J. Q.

Xix, Oscar A.

Steed, E. T.

Olive, J. T.

Veazey, P. G.

Pittman, Claude C. Vickery, Jesse W.

Pruett, J. F.

Watson, S. M.

Rabun, Z. T.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Wood, A. J.

Reece, \V. R.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:
Elders, H. H.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Barrett, Fermor Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Dorris, W. H.

Duncan, J. T. Ennis, J. H. Kea, Fred LeSueur, R. C.

Rice, W. D. Wallace, W. P. Shingler, J. S. Mr. President

Ayes 38, Nays 1.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By ~ir. Cannon of Rabun-

House Resolution 206. A resolution to pay pension to certain parties.

The report of the Committee, -..vhich was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.

The resolution involving an appropriation the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs. :

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I \an E. Ayers, J. S. Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B.

Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Elders, H. H. Flynt, J. J.

Fowler, Ben J. G-lenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred



Keene, J. H. Kirkland, Z. W. Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. Maynard, J. D. Neidlinger, Leonorian Nix, Oscar A.

Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Heece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Smith, J. Q.

Steed, E. T. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Barrett, Fermor Blasingame. Josiah Bussey, J. B. Dorris, "\'\', H.

Duncan, J. T. Ennis, J. H. LeSueur, R. C. Rice, W. D.

Shingler, J. S. Wallace, W. P. Mr. President

Ayes 40, Nays 0.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. McDonald, Reville and Pilcher of Richmond-
House Resolution 126. A resolution to relieve the sureties on bonds of Alonzo Golson and Sophie Myers.
Mr. Olive, of 18th District, offered the following amendment:
By striking in its entirety the first paragraph of said resolution.
By striking the word bonds between the words "the and upon" and the word "were" between the words security and forfeiture and the word ''bonds'' between the words ''said and being" and by striking all the words beginning with $300.00, and ending with "respectively" in

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


Paragraph 3, of said resolution and substituting respectfully therefor the words "bond, was bond, $200.00.''
By striking from Paragraph 4, the words "the said Alonzo Golson'' and by striking the word "there" and substituting therefor the word "here" and by striking the word ''sureties'' and substituting therefor the word "surety."
By striking from Paragraph 5, the words "in both cases'' and subtsituting therefor the words ''in said case. ''
Amend the last paragraph of said resolution by striking the word "bonds" between the words ''said and were'' and substituting therefor the word "bond" and by striking the words "executions, judgments or forfeitures'' wherever. they appear in said paragraph and substituting therefor the words "execution, judgment or forfeiture," and by striking the word ''cases'' between the words "said and to" and substituting therefor the word ''case,'' so that said resolution when so amended shall read as follows:
Whereas, Sophie Myers was set at liberty upon a bond signed by J. W. McDonald, security, the same being for the appearance of said Sophie Myers to answer to the July term 1918, of Richmond Superior Court and,
Whereas, the bond upon which J. W. McDonald was security was forfeited, said bond being for the sum of $200.00, and,
whereas, the said J. W. McDonald, security,



captured and delivered to the Sheriff of Richmond County the said Sophie Myers who procured her release by procuring other security and,
Whereas, judgment was given against the said J. W. McDonald in said case and execution has issued thereon.
Therefore, Be it Resolved by the House, the Senate concurring that in as much as the purposes for which said bond was given has been fully accomplished that the said J. W. ~[cDonald be relieved of all liability of said execution issued on said forfeiture and judgment on the bond of Sophie Myers for $200.00 and costs, and the Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond County, is hereby authorized and directed upon the payment of the costs that have accrued in said case, to make said execution satisfied and cancel same of record."
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to, as amended.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.
The resolution, having received the requisite constitutional majority, was passed, as amended.
House Resolution No. 203. Amendment to Constitution.

By Mr. Knight of BerrienA RESOLUTION.
The following amendment is hereby proposed to the Constitution of the State:

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 11, 1920.


Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That Article 3, Section 3, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia be amended by striking out all of said article of said section and paragraph, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following:
Paragraph 1. The House of Representatives shall consist of not more than 196 representatives, apportioned among the several counties as follows, to-wit: To the six counties having the largest population, viz., Fulton, Chatham, Richmond, Bibb. Floyd and Muscogee, three representatives each; to the twenty-six counties having the next largest population, viz., Laurens, Carroll, Jackson, Sumter. Thomas, DeKalb, Decatur, Coweta, Cobb, 'Washington, Burke, Bulloch, Troup, Hall, Walton, Bartow, Meriwether, Emanuel, Lowndes, Elbert, Brooks, Ware, Houston, Wilkes, Clarke and Gwinnett, two representatives each; and the remaining counties, one representative each. In the event of the ratification of this amendment to the Constitution and in the event of the ratification of the amendments to the Constitution creating the Counties of Lanier, Seminole and Brantley, or either of them, the said counties so created shall also be entitled to representation in the General Assembly. In the event of a ratification of the amendments creating the counties of Lanier, Seminole and Brantley or either of them, an election shall be held in such county or tluunties on the first Tuesday in January 1921, under the laws now govering similar elections for members of the General Assembly, for the election



of a member of the General Assembly from said county or counties, for the session of 1921 and 1922. ''
Section 2. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That when said proposed amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each House of the General Assembly, it shall be entered upon the Journal of ea'ch House with the Ayes and Nays, thereon, and published in one or more newspapers in each Congressional District in said State for two months previous to the time for holding the next general election in said State, and shall at said next general election be submitted to the people for ratification in the following form to-wit: "For ratification of an amendment to Paragraph 1, Section 3, Article' 3, of the Constitution, providing for representation in the House of Representatives for counties not now represented,'' or ''Against ratification of an amendment to Paragraph 1, Section 3, of Article 3, of the Constitution, providing for representation in the House of Representatives for counties not now represented." If the majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, voting thereon shall vote for ratification, having written or printed on their ballots, the preceding forms, which votes cast at said election shall be consolidated as now requi~ed by law in elections for members of the General Assembly, and return thereof made to the Governor, then he shall declare said amendment adopted and make proclamation thereof in the manner now provided by law.



By Mr. Glenn-

Moves to amend House Resolution No. 203 by striking from Paragraph 1, of Setcion 1, beginning with the word "the" in the first line of said paragraph and extending through the word "each" in the seventeenth line, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ''The House of Representatives shall consist of representatives apportioned among the several counties of the State as such counties are now marked and defined and as the same may be hereafter created as follows: To the eight counties having the largest population three representatives each; to the thirty counties having the next largest population two representatives each; .and to the remaining counties one representative each," including the new Counties of Lanier, Seminole, Brantley, Long and Lamar."

And also by striking from lines twenty-one and twenty-two and from lines twenty-six and twentyseven of Paragraph 1 of Section 2 the words "For counties not now represented.''

The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favor-

able to the passage of the resolution was agreed to,

as amended.

The resolution involving a constitutional amendment, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:



Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. B~J.rrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Dowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, James A. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

.Fowler Glenn,


. G.

Reece, W. K . Reynolds, W. H.

Harbin, C. J.

Shingler, J. S..

Kaigler, H. }f.

Smith, J. Q.

Kea, Fred

Steed, E. T.

Keene, J. H.

Veazey, P. G.

Larkins, J. K.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wallace, W. P.

l\ eidlingea-, Leonorian Watson, S. M.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wilkinson H. B

Olive, J. T.

Wood. A.':t.

Pittman, Claude C.

Pruett, J. F.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Blasingame, Josiah Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H. Hogg, J. P.

Kendall, M. }f.
Rukland, Z. W. LeSueur, R. C.
:.raynard, J. D.

Rabun, Z. T. Rice, W.. D. }fr. President

Ayes 40, Nays 0.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote was passed, as amended.

The following House bills were rea'd the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Jordan of Jasper-
House Bill 730. A bill to make the U. S. Cotton Standards the stanaards for the State of Georgia.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 2'Y, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Ware of Warren-
House Bill 805. A bill to amend the Public Service Corporation Tax Act to provide for a Clerk.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 13.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
The following House bills and resolutions were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Bradford of Whitfield-
House Bill 796. A bill to amend the Acts for the maintenance of the Confederate Soldiers' Home.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 38, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Messrs. Williams and Brannen of Bulloch-
Honse Resolution 204. A resolution to authorize the sale and transfer of thirteen acres of land in Bulloch County.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 27, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.
House Bill 206. Constitutional amendment.

By Messrs. Hendrix and Moore-
To amend Paragraph 1, Section 7, Article 7, of the Constitution of the State by a:dding thereto the following proviso:
Provided, any municipality having a population of 150,000 or more can issue and sell ''street improvement bonds,'' without the said assent of two-thirds of the qualified voters at an election called thereon, but upon a two-thirds vote of the members of its governing body, with these limitations : First, the terms of such bonds shall in no case exceed ten years ; second, the amount, of each issue, shall be limited to the amount assessed by such municipality upon each improvement; third, these bonds shall be issued only for the grading and paving or re-paving of streets or portions of streets; fourth, the interest thereon shall not ex-

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


ceed six per centum per annum; fifth, these bonds can be issued without regard to the amount of other outstanding debts or bonds of such municipality, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same as follows:
Section 1. That Paragraph 1, Section 7, Article 7, of the Constitution of this State be amended by adding thereto the following proviso:
Provided, any municipality having a popula-
tion of 150,000 or more can issue and sell ''street improvement bonds,'' without the said assent of two-thirds of the qualified voters at an election called thereon, but upon a two-thirds vote of the members of its' governing body, with these limitations; first, the term of such bonds shall in no case exceed ten years ; second, the amount, of each issue, shall be limited to the amount assessed by such municipality upon each improvement; third, these bonds shall be issued only for the grading and paving or re-paving of streets or portions of streets; fourth, the interest thereon shall not exceed six per centum per annum; fifth, these bonds can be issued without regard to the amount of other outstanding debts or bonds of such municipality, so that said paragraph when so amended shall read as follows:
Paragraph 1. The debt hereafter incurred by any county, municipal corporation or political division of this State, except as in this Constitution provided for, shall not exceed seven per centum of



the assessed value of all the taxable property therein, and no such county, municipality or division shall incur any new debt, except for a temporary loan or loans to supply casual deficiencies of revenue, not exceeding one-fifth of one per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property therein, without the assent of two-thirds of the qualified voters thereof voting at an election for that purpose, to be held as prescribed by law, provided said two-thirds so voting shall be a majority of the registered voters, and provided further that all laws, charter provisions and ordinances heretofore passed or enacted providing special registration of the voters of the counties, municipal corporations and other political divisions of this State to pass upon the issuance of bonds by such counties, municipal corporations and other political divisions are hereby declared to be null and void; and the General Assembly shall hereafter have no power to pass or enact any law providing for such special registration, but the validity of any and all bond issues by such counties, municipal corporations or other political divisions made prior to January 1, 1918, shall not be affected hereby, but any city the debt of which does not exceed seven per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property at the time of the adoption of this Constitution may be authorized by law to increase at any time the amount of said debt three per centum upon such assessed valuation, Provided, any municipality having a population of 150,000 or more can issue and sell ''street improvement bonds,'' without the said assent of two-thirds of the qualified voters at an



election called thereon, but upon a two-thirds vote of the members of its governing body, with these limitations; first, the term of such bonds shall in no case exceed ten years; second, the amount, of each issue, shall be limited to the amount assessed by such municipality upon each improvement; third, these bonds shall be issued only for the grading and paving or re-paving of streets or portions of streets; fourth, the interest thereon shall not exceed six per centum per annum; fifth, these bonds can be issued without regard to the amount of other outstanding debts or bonds of such municipality.
Section 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That whenever the above proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have been agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to the two Houses of the General Assembly, and the same has been entered on their Journals, with the Ayes and Nays taken thereon, the Governor shall cause said amendment to be published in at least two newspapers in each Congressional District in this State for a period of two months next preceding the time of holding the next general election.
Section 3. ~e it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the above proposed ame.ndment shall be submitted for ratification to the electors of this State at the next general election to be held after the publication, as provided in the second section of this Act, in the several election districts of this State, at which every person shall be qualified to vote who is entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the said proposed amend-



ment of the Constitution shall have written or printed upon their ballots the words: "For ratification of amendment to Paragraph 1, Section 7, Article 7, of the Constitution so as to authorize any municipality having a population of 150,000 or more to issue ''street improvement bonds'' upon a two-thirds vote of the members of its governing body provided such bonds shall not run for exceeding ten years and shall be limited to the amount assessed by such municipality upon each improvement and shall be issued only for the grading and paving or re-paving of streets or portions of streets and the interest thereon shall not exceed six per centum per annum, furthermore these bonds to be issued without regard to the amount of other outstanding bonds of such municipality,'' and all persons opposed to the adoption of said amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words ''Against ratification of amendment to Paragraph 1, Section 7, Article 7, of the Constitution so as to authorize any municipality having a population of 150,000 or more to issue ''street improvement bonds" upon a two-thirds vote of the members of its governing body provided such bonds shall not run for exceeding ten years and shall be limited to the amount assessed by such municipality upon each improvement and shall be issued only for the grading and paving or re-paving of streets or portions of streets and the interest thereon shall not exceed six per centum per annum, furthermore these bonds to be issued without regard to the amount of other outstanding bonds of such municipality,'' and if a majority of the electors qual-

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


ified to vote for members of the General Assembly voting thereon shall vote for ratification thereof, when the returns shall be consolidated as now required by law in elections for members of the General Assembly, and return thereof made to the Governor, then he shall declare said amendment adopted, and make proclamation of the result by publications of the result of said election by one insertion in one of the daily papers of this State declaring the amendment ratified.
Section 4. Be it further enacted by the author- ity aforesaid, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

By Mr. Hendrix of Fulton-
Moves to amend House Bill No. 206 by adding to caption preceeding the words "and for other purposes,'' the following:
'' 6. These bonds not to be issued except in case such pavement or re-pavement has been petitioned for in writing by the owners of more than fifty per cent. of the property abutting on the street or portion of street paved or repaved.''
Furthermore, by adding to Section 1, the same limguage in the last line of sa:id section, between the words "municipality" and "so that," to-wit:
'' 6. These bonds not to be issued except in case such pavement or repavement has been petitioned for in writing by the owners of more than fifty per cent. of the property abutting on the street or portion of street paved or repaved.''



Furthermore, by adding to the proposed constitutional amendment, set up in paragraph, following the last line of paragraph, the same words, to-wit:
'' 6. These bonds not to be issued except in case such pavement or re-pavement has been petitioned for in writing by the owners of more than fifty per cent. of the property abutting on the street or portion of street paved or re-paved.''
The above amendment was adopted m the House on August 3, 1920.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

The bill involving a constitutional amendment, the roll call was ordered, and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun J. C.
' Clements, Jas. B.
Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Duncan, J. T.

Elders, H. H.

Olive, J. T.

Ennis, J. H.

Pittman, Claude C.

Flynt, J. J.

Pruett, J. F.

Fowler, Ben J.

Rabun, Z. T.

Glenn, George G.

Reece, W. K.

Harbin, C. J.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kaigler, H. Jl.l..

Shingler, J. S.

Kt:'!n" ;!. H.
Kendall, :\f. M.

Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

Vickery, Jesse W.

}faynard, J. D.

Wallace, W. P.

X eidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wood, A.).

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Dorris, W. H. Hogg, J.P. Kea, Fret.

Kirklanfl Z. W.
' LeSueur, R. C.
Lunsford, J. R.
Ragsdale, S. W.

Rice, W. D. Veazey, P. G. watson, S. M. }Jr. President

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


Ayes 39, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional two-thirds vote, was passed.

By Mr. Law of Burke-

House Bill 948. A bill to allow increase m salary of Deputy Insurance Commission, to employ a stenographer.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

Mr. Kea, of 16th District, called for the Ayes and Nays on the passage of the bill, and the call was sustained.

The vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Allen, I van E. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Waltq, L. Blasingame, Josiah

Bowden, J. E. T. Bussey, J. B. L!!nis ,J. H. Hogg, J. P.

Kca, Freu Ragsdale, S. W. Steed, E. T.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Ayers, J. S. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J.

Kaigler, H. M Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. Maynard, J. D. Neidlinger, L. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T.

Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Smith, J. Q. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Brooks, B. B. Dixon ,James A. Dorris, W. H. Flnyt, J. J. }\;wier, Ben J.

Keene, J. H. KPndall, M. M. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Nix, Oscar A.

Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Watson, S. M. Mr. President

Ayes 11, Nays 26.



The bill having failed to receive the requisite constitutional majority was lost.
Mr. Barrett, of 31st District, moved that the Senate do now take a recess until 8:30 o'clock, tonight, and the motion prevailed.

The President declared the Senate in recess until 8 :30 o'clock, tonight.

The Senate reconvened at this hour and was called to order by the President Pro Tern, Ron. J. H. Ennis.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House has agreed to the Senate amendments to the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 378. A bill to require forthcoming bond in certain cases.
House Bill 429. A bill to revise Dental Laws of State of Georgia.
House Bill 1164. A bill to amend charter of City of Macon.
House Resolution 61. A resolution to pay pension to Mrs. Ellen Ribson for year 1918.

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


The House agreed to the Senate substitute to the following bill of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 1064. A bill to amend Act providing for reclaiming swamp lands of State.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House ha:s passed by the requisite constitutional majority the following bills of the Senate, to-wit:
Senate Bill 213. A bill to create an Industrial Commission and for other purposes.
Senate Bill 279. A bill to amend Section 145 of School Code of Georgia.
Mr. Bell, of 51st District, Chairman of the Committee on Enrollment, submitted the following report:

Mr. President :
Your Committee on Enrollment report as duly enrolled and ready for the signature of the President of the Senate and Spea:ker of the House of Representatives, the following Acts and resolutions, to-wit:
An Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Charlton County.
An Act to amend Section 204 of an Act to establish the City Court of Madison.



An Act to abolish the office of Treasurer of Charlton County.
An Act to amend the Act creating the City Court of Morgan.
An Act to amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, of Article 11, of the Constitution so as to create the new County of Long.
An Act to amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, of Article 11, of the Constitution so as to create the new County of Brantley.
An Act to amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, of Article 11, of the Constitution so as to create the new County of Lamar.
An Act to repeal an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Charlton County.
An Act to amend an Act to regulate banking in Georgia; to create the Department of Banking of the State of Georgia.
An Act to incorporate the City of Hoboken.
An Act to authorize the formation of Co-operative Marketing Associations.
An Act to amend Section 1484 ot 'Criminal Code of 1910 by adding after the word ''injury'' in the eighteenth line of said section.
An Act to repeal an Act to authorize the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Georgia to appoint certain members of said board on each of the boards of the Branch Colleges.

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 11, 1920.


An Act to repeal an Act to incorporate the Town of Soperton.
An Act to amend Section 5358 of the Code of 1910 relative to application for partition of single tracts of land a portion of which is situated in two counties.
An Act to amend Sections 4985 and 4986 of the Code of 1910 providing for compensation of stenographers in civil cases.
An Act to provide a: basis of discrimination be-
tween the functions of the educational authorities and the health authorities in the public schools.
An Act to further regulate casualty and liability insurance companies.
An Act to fix the salary of Superintendent and certain other attachees of the State Farm.
An Act to create a new charter for the Town of Dallas.
An Act to amend Section 1249 of the Code of 1910 relative to selection of State depositories.
An Act to amend an Act to establish the City Court of Blackshear.
An Act to provide for the domestication of foreign corporations.
An Act to provide for the salary of the Solicitor General of the Brunswick Circuit to be paid quarterly.
An Act to provide an annual increase of pensions for ex-Confederate Soldiers.



An Act to prevention the introduction and dissemination of contagious diseases of honey bees in the State of Georgia.

An Act to amend Sections 445 and 446 of the Code of 1910 relative to validation of county and municipal bonds.
An Act to authorize the Governor to acquire sufficient ,number of sets of permanent supplement of Parks' Annotated Code of 1914.

An Act to amend Section 632 of the Penal Code of 1910 so as to define who is an ''emigrant agent."
An Act to amend an Act to provide for the registration and regulation of the barber practice in Georgia.

A resolution to relieve the Index Printing Company of a contract with the State of Georgia.

A resolution providing for the exchange of old currency for new by the State of Georgia.
A resolution to discharge the Western and Atlantic Railroad Commission from further responsibilities.
A resolution providing for certain officials and attachees of the General Assembly to remain fiye days after the close of the session so as to bring up the unfinished business.
A resolution relating to the Georgia School of Technology.



An Act to regulate the sale of securities in Georgia to create the office of Securities Commis swner.
An Act to license and regulate the business of making loans in sums of $300 or less.
An Act to amend an Act to create a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for WaTton County.
An Act to create an Industrial Commission.
An Act to abolish the fee system in the Superior Courts of the Albany Judicial Circuit, as applies to the office of Solicitor General.
An Act to amend the School Code so as to remove the mills limitation as to levying taxes for school purposes.
An Act to amend Paragraph 1, of Section 13, of Article 6, of the Constitution relating to salaries of Justices of the Supreme Court, Judges of the Court of Appeals and Judges of the Superior Court.
An Act to amend the charter of the City of Americus.
An Act to amend an Act to create the Department of Commerce and Labor.
An Act to incorporate the City of Soperton. Respectfully submitted, BELL, Chairman..

Mr. Allen, of 35th District, Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, submitted the following report:



Mr. President:
Your Committee on Appropriations have had under consideration the following bills and resolutions of the House and have instructed me as Chairman, to report the same back to the Senate with the recommendation that the same do pass as amended.
House Bills Nos. 969, 799, 757, 856, 684, 797, 979, 853, 221, 1063, and House Resolutions 1153, 160. And the following House Bills with the recommendation that they do pass, to-wit:
House Bills Nos. 1039, 1146, 814, 824, 765, 921. And the following resolution of the House with the recommendation that the same do not pass, to-wit:
House Resolution No. 130.
Respectfuly submitted, ALLEN, Chairman.

The following Senate bills were taken up for the purpose of concurring to the House amendments:

By Messrs. Smith and RabunA bill to abolish the fee system in the Superior
Courts of the Albany Judicial Circuit. The House offered the following amendment:

By Mr. Harvin of Calhoun-
. By striking the words and figures '' $4,000'' and substituting in lieu thereof "$5000" wherever same occurs in said bill.
The amendment was concurred in.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


By Mr. Dorris-
House Bill No. 246. A bill to amend Sections 445 and 446 of Code of 1910 relative to validation of municipal and county bonds.
The House offered the following amendment:
By striking ''two years'' wherever it occurs and insert ''six months.''
The amendment was concurred in.

Bry Mr. Duncan-
A bill to amend ~:in Act to regulate banking and create the Department of banking of the State of Georgia.
The House offered the following amendment:
By striking Section 14, and numbering the succeeding sections accordingly.
By striking Section 13, and numbering the remaining sections accordingly.
The amendment was concurred in.

By Mr. Blasingame-
A bill to amend an Act to establish a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Walton County.
The House offered the following amendment:
By adding another section as fonows:
"Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that this bill shall not become effective un-



less same shall receive a majority of those voting in the State Primary to be held in Walton County on Sep~ember 8, 1920, thos~ voting in said election to be the qualified voters of said county.''
The amendment was concurred in.

By Mr. Watson-
A bill to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases of honey bees.
The House offered the following amendment:

By Mr. Rogers of Elbert-
By striking out of line four of Section 2 the word ''Parks'' and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures ''the 1910. ''
The amendment was concurred in.

By Mr. Dixon-
A bill to amend the Constitution, Paragraph 1, of Section 13, of Article 6, in so far a:s the same relates to the salary of Justices of the Supteme Court, Judges of the Court of Appeals and Judges of the Superior Courts.
The House offered the following amendments:
Your Committee on Constitutional Amendments beg leave to report Senate Bill No. 242 being a bill entitled an Act to amend Paragraph 1, of Section 13, of Article 6, of the Constitution of Georgia in so far as the same relates to salaries of the Justices of the Supreme Court, and the Judges of the



Court of Appeals and of the Judges of the Superior Courts, with the recommendation that it do pass, as amended. The Committee recommends the following amendments :
Amend Section 1 by striking the figures $8,000 wherever the same occur as providing salaries of the Justices of the Supreme Court, and of the Judges of the Court of Appeals, and substituting in lieu thereof the figures $7,000.00; and by striking the figures $6,000.00 wherever the same occur as providing salaries for the Judges of the Superior Courts and substituting in lieu thereof the figures $5,000.00; and by adding immediately a:fter the twenty-fifth line of said section the following:
Provided further, That the Board of County Commissioners of the Counties of Clarke, Floyd, Sumter, Muscogee, Bibb and Richmond, or such other board or person as may from time to time exercise the administrative powers of said several counties shall supplement from their respective county treasuries the salaries of the Judges of the circuits of which they are a part by such sum as will be necessary to make a salary of $6,000.00 each per annum of such Judges; and such payments are
a declared to be part of the Court expenses of said
counties, and such payments shall be made to the Judges now in office as well as to their successors. Provided further, that the County of Fulton shall supplement the salary of the Judge of the Stone Mountain Circuit or the Judge of such other circuit as may be hereafter required to regularly preside therein for additional service rendered in the Superior Court of said county such sums as will, with



the salary paid such Judge from the Sta:te Treasury, make a salary of $6,000.00 per annum, said payments are declared to be a part of the Court expenses of Fulton County; such payments to be made to the Judge now in office as well as to his successors.
The following amendments to the above amendment were offered:

Mr. Neill of Muscogee-
Moves to amend Committee amendment to Senate Bill No. 242 by striking the word "Muscogee" wherever it occurs in said Committee amendment.

Mr. Pace of Sumter-

Moves to amend substitute for Senate Bill No. 242 by striking the word ''shall'' before the word "supplement" wherever it appears in said substitute and insert in lieu thereof the word "may."

The roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, James A.

Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. .i''onler, Ben J. lilenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. :M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Larkins, J. K.

Lunsford, J. R. :Neidlinger, Leonorian .:\ ix, Oscar A. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, V.r. K. Heynolds, W. H. Shingler, J. S. Smith, J. Q.

'VEDNESDAY, AuGUST 11, 1920.


Steed, E. '1'. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W.

Wallace, W. P. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B.

Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Cureton, Walter W. Dorris, W. H. Hogg, J. P.

Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Le::lueur, R. C. ~~laynard, J. D.

Rabun, Z. T. !{ice, W. D. Mr. President

Ayes 40, Na:ys 0.

And the amendments were concurred in.

The following resolution was read and adopted:

By Mr. Barrett-
A resolution providing for compensation of certain attaches of the General Assembly.
The following resolution was read and unanimously adopted:

By Mr. Glenn-
Whereas, This Senate learns with deep regret and pain of the illness of our fellow Senator, Hon.
,V. H. Dorris, of 48th District, who is confined to
his room, therefore not being able to be with us on this the last meeting of the Senate.
Therefore, be it resolved, That we deeply regret his condition, that we waft to him our love, honor and respect, and trust that he will be speedily restored to heatlh.
The following resolution was read and adopted:



By Mr. Flynt-
Endorsing the creation of the Office of Statistician, suggesting that the same should respond to calls by all the Departments of the State for statistical and cognate information and collect statistics as to water powers and timber lands in this State, etc.;
Whereas, under the provisions of Paragraph Eleven (11), Section 2068 of the Code of Georgia 1910, which requires the Commissioner of Agriculture annually to collect accurate statistics relative to agriculture, in all of its branches, in this State, the said Commissioner appointed a Statistician January 1, 1919; and,
Whereas, The exceeding value of that office has been fully demonstrated; and,
Whereas, It has accomplished, and is destined to accomplish, great good for the entire State; therefore be it
Resolved, That the creation of the Office of Statistician is hereby approved and confirmed.
Resolved, further, That it is the sense of the General Assembly that the Statistician, in addition to his duties in connection with the Department of Agriculture, should respond to calls, that may be made by the several-Departments of this State, for statistical and cognate information-it being understood and provided that the Office of Statistician shall not be in conflict with the Department

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


of Commerce and Labor in the matter of the prescribed class of statistics said Department is required to collect, and shall not enter the particular field in which said Department is to operate and has been operating since its organization, but may take up the work of collecting statistics and other desirable information as to water powers and timber lands in this State.
The following House bills and resolutions were read the third time and put upon their passage:

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
House Bill 258. A bill to amend Section 3276 of Code of 1910 relative to service of foreclosure proceedings.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 28, Nays 2.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By l\Iessrs. Burkhalter, Parrish, Stewart, Knight-
House Bill 827. A bill to amend the constitutional amendment creating the County of Lanier to place said county in the Alapaha Judicial Circuit.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 31, Nays 0.



The bill having received the requisite constitu tional majority was passed.

By Mr. Gallaher of Macon-
House Resolution 199. A resolution to relieve C. J. Harp as security on a bond.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of. the resolution, was agreed to.
On the passage of the resolution the Ayes were 28, Nays 0.
The resolution having received the req~isite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Alfriend of Baldwin and Rogers and Swift of Ellis-
House Bill 466. A bill to amend an Act relating to furloughs from the Georgia State Sanitarium.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 29, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Holtzclaw of Houston-
House Bill 835. A bill to fix the time of the Office of Commissioner of Pensions.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 11, 1920.


On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 30, . Nays 1.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Perryman of Talbot-
House Bill 1120. A bill to appropriate $675.00 for 1920 and $1,800 for 1921 to pay salary of Assistant in Department of Public Printing.

The report of the Committee, which was favorabe to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter J,. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. (; Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A.
Duncan, J. r.
Elders, H. H.

Ennis, J. H.

Olive, J. T.

Flynt, J. J.

Pittman, Claude C.

Glenn, George G.

Pruett, J. F.

Harbin, C. J.

Reece, W. K.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Ke:t, Fred

Shingler, J. S.

Keene, J. H.

Smith, J. Q.

Kendall, M:. M.

Steed, E. T.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Veazey, P. G.

Larkin~, J. K.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Maynard, J. D.

Wallace, W. P.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Nix, O~car A.

Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:
Rabun, Z. T.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, .Josiot:J. Bussey, J. B. Dorris, W. II. Fowler, Ben J.

Hogg, J.P. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Ragsdale, S. W.

Rice, W. D. Watson, S. M. Mr. President



Ayes 39, Nays 1.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-

House Bill 887. A bill to provide for an Agricultural, Industrial and Normal School.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E.
Barrett, Fermor
Bell, Walter L.
Brooks, B. B.
Busoey, J. B.
Cureton ,W!!lter w.
Dixon, Jas. A. Duncan, J. T.
Ennis, J. H.

l!jynt, J. J.
G.1~nn, G6orge G. Hu~,g, J. :e.
Kaigler, H. M.
Kea, Fred
Keene, J. H.
Kirkland, z. w.
Larkins, J. K.
Neidlinger, L.
Nix, Oscar A.

Pruett, J. F.
Rabun, Z. T.
Reynolds, w. H. Smith, J. Q.
Steed, E. T.
Veazey, P. G.
Vickery, Jesse w. Wallace, w. P.
Watson, S. M.
Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Ayers, J. S. Calhoun, J. C. Elders, H. H. Harbin, C. .J.

Kendall, H. M. LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D. Olive, J. T.

Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bbsiugame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Clements, Jas. B. DPrris, W. H.

Fowler, Ben J. Lunsford, J. R. Pittman, Claude C. Rice, W. D.

Shingler, J. S. Mr. President.

Ayes 30, Nays 11.



The bill ha:ving received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Johnson of Bartow-
House Bill 825. A bill to provide co-operation with Federal Government for the promotion of Vocational Rehabilitation.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered a:nd the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor BE>il, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. C;meton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Barbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. M. K~>a, Fred Kendall, M. M.
Kirkland, Z. 'il/.
Larkins, J. K. Maynard, J. D. "'eidlinger, L. Nix, Oscar A.

Clive, J. T. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. :=::mith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. V::azfly, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W '\Vateon, S. M. W1lkiL.son, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. Dorris, W. H. Ennis, J. H.

Fowler, Ben J. Keene, J. H. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Pittman, Claude C.

Reynolds, W. H. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Wallace, W. P. Mr. President

Ayes 36, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Mr. Carswell of Wilkinson-
House Resolution 129. A resolution to appropriate $475,000.00 to pay the approven pensions for l920.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, was agreed to.

The resolution involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was a~ follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J C. Cur,ton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Duncan, J. T. Ennio, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. .K;dgler, H. M. Kea, Fred KfJene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Neidlinger, L.

Nix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C. Fruett, J. F. Ragsdale, S. W. Reynolds, W. H . Smi';h, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W ""allace, W. P. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Elders, H. H. Maynard, J. D.

Olive, J. T. Rabun, Z. T.

Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Blasingame, Josiah Clements, Jas. B. Dorris, W. H.

Fowler, Ben J. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S.

Vt>azey, P .G. Wat~on, S. M. Mr. President

Ayes 37, Nays 5.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.



By Messrs. Bale, Holder, Pace, Grant, Hardin, et. al.-
House Bill 221. A bill to appropriate $25,000 to the University of Georgia to maintain the District Agricultural and Mechanical Schools.

The Committee offered the following amendment:

By striking therefrom where the figures $' '25,000.00" appear and inserting in lieu of same the figures '' 22,500.00''
The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.
The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, I van E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun. J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Dixon, James A.

Duncan, J. T. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. Neidlinger, L.

Nix, Oscar A. I-ittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Ragsdale, S. W. Reynolds, W. H. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Cureton, Walter W. Elders, H. H. Harbin, C. J.

I,PSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Maynard, J. D.

Olive, J. T. Rabun, Z. T. Reece, W. K.



Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josia~ Dorris, W. H. Fowler, Ben J. Kirkland, Z. W.

Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Veazey, P. G. Watson, S. M.

Wood, A. J. Mr. President

Ayes 32, Nays 9.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Perryman of Talbot-

House Bill 921. A bill to appropriate salary of Superintendent of Public Printing.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Elders, H. H.

Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R. Maynard, J. D.

S eidlinger, L. Nix, Oscar A. Olive, J: T. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Rabun, Z. T. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Rmith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Wilkinson, H. B.

Thoes not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Fowler, Ben J.

Kirkland, Z. W. Ragsdale, S. W. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S.

Yeazey, P. G. Watson. S. l\f. '.V ood, A. J. Mr. President



Ayes 39, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Johnson and Trippe of Bartow-
House Bill 824. A bill to authorize the annual payment of pensions to soldiers who became eligible for military service and enlisted in the C. S. A. and did not perform six months' service before close of the war.
Mr. Pittman, .of 42nd District, offered the following amendment:
By striking the figures '' 1965 '' at the end of Section 1 and inserting the figures '' 1865. ''
The amendment was adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as amended.
On the passage of the bill the Ayes were 26, Nays 0.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed, as amended.

B'y Mr. Arnold of Clay-
House Bill 814. A bill to appropriate $20,000 for 1920, $20,000 for 1921, to supply a deficit in maintenance of State Sanitorium.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.



The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, han E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett Fermor
' Bell, Walter L.
Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Dixon, James A. Duncan, J. T. Elders, H. H.

Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R.

Neidlinger, L. Nix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Ragsdale, S. W. Reynolds, W. H. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, .Tesse W. wallace, W. P. Wilkinson, H. B.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Olive, J. T.

Rabun, Z. T.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Blasingame, Josiah Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Watler W. porris, W. H. Fowler, Ben J.

Kirkland, Z. W. Maynard, J. D. Reece, \\'. K. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S.

Veazey, P. G. Watson, S.M. Wood, A. J. Mr. President

Ayes 35, Nays 2.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Sweat of ware, Bradford of Whitfield, et. al.-
House Resolution 160. A resolution to appropriate $5,000 to make repairs on buildings of Confederate Soldiers' Home.
The Committee offered the following amendment:

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


By striking therefrom the figures $5,000,000 appear and inserting in lieu of same the figures $1,000,000.
The amendment w~s adopted.
Mr. Ennis, of 20th District, offered the following amendment:
By adding a new section to be known as Section 3, and the following sections to be numbered accordingly.
"Section 3. Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That there is hereby appropriated the sum of eight hundred and thirty dollars, for the purpose of paying the increase in the salary of the Clerk and Bookkeeper of the Pension Office for the remainder of the year 1920 and all of the year 1921 as authorized by an Act approved August 11, 1920."
By adding in the caption of said bill after the end of the caption the following:
''To appropriate the sum of eight hundred and thirty dollars, for the purpose of paying the increase in the salary of the Clerk and Bookkeeper of the Pension Office for the remainder of the year 1920 and all of the year 1921, as authorized by an Act approved August 11, 1920. ''
The amendment was adopted.
Mr. Dorris, of 48th District, offered the following amendment:
B!y adding a new section to be known as Section 2, and the following sections to be numbered accordingly.



''Section 2. Be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That there is hereby appropriated the sum of sixteen thousand six hundred and thirtythree dolla:rs for the purpose of paying the increase in salaries of the shorthand writers of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals for the remainder of the year 1920 and all of the year 1921, as authorized by an Act approved August 11, 1920.''

By adding to the caption of said bill, &:fter the end of said caption, the following:

"To appropriate the sum of sixteen thousand six hundred and thirty-three dollars for the purpose of paying the increase in salary of the shorthand writers of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals for the remainder of the year 1910 and all of the year 1921, as authorized by an Act approved August 11, 1920. ''

The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee which was favorable to the passage of the resolution, wa:s agreed to, as amended.

The resolution involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered, and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, walter W. Dixon, James A.

Ennis, J. H.

Pittman, Claude C.

Glenn, George G.

Pruett, J. F.

Hogg, J. P.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Kaigler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Smith, J. Q.

Larkins, J. K.

Steed, E. T,

Maynard, J. D.

Wallace, W. P.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wilkinson, H. B.

Nix, Oscar A.

Wood, A. J.

Olive, J. T.

"\VED~ESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


Those voting in the negative were Messrs. :

Elders, H. H. Harbin, C. J.

Kirkland, Z. W. Rabun, Z. T.

Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Calhoun, J. C. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Flynt, J'. J.

Fowler, Ben J.
l'.eene, J. T. Kendall, M'. M. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford. J. R. Hice, W. D.

Shingler, J. S. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. 'Vatson, S. M. Mr. President

Ayes 29, Nays 5.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Burt of Dougherty-
House Bill 969. A bill to appropriate money for the State Negro School, for certain improvements.
The Committee offered the f9llowing amendment:
By striking therefrom where the figures "$5,000" appear for equipment and inserting in lieu of same the figures $2,500. n
By striking therefrom where the figures "$10,000" for heating and water, and insertmg in lieu of same the figures '' $5,000. ''
The amendment wa:s adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the. passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.



The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Cureton, Walter W.

Dixon, James A.

~ ix, Oscar A.

Glenn, George G.

Pruett, J. F.

Harbin, C. J.

Ragsdale, S. W.

Kr.igler, H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Kea, Fred

Smith, J. Q.

Kirkland, Z. W.

Steed, E. T.

Larkins, J. K.

Wallace, W. P.

Lunsford, J. R.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Neidlinger, Leonorian Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Clements, Jas. B. Elders, H. H.

?~Iaynard, J. D. Olhe, J. T.

Rabun, Z. T. Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs.:

Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J.

Fowler, Ben J. Hogg, J.P. Keene, J. H. Kendall. M. M. LeSueur, R. C. Pittman, Claude C.

Riee, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Veazey, P. G. Vickery, Jesse W. Watson, S. :\I. Mr. President

Ayes 27, Na:ys 6.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Pope of Grady-
House Bill 757. A bill to appropriate $20,000 to State Board of Entomology for experimental work.
Mr. Glenn, of 43rd District, offered the following amendments:

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


And the further sum of twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for the maintenance of the Capitol and grounds and the Governor's MansiOn.

The amendment was adopted.

By adding to the caption ''and for maintenance of the Capitol and Mansion.''

The amendment was adopted.
The Committee offered the following amendment:

By striking therefrom where the figures "$20,000'' appear and inserting in lieu of same the figures "$1:5,000."
The amendment was adopt'ed.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to, as amended.

The bill involving an appropriation, the roll caU was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bror~ks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A.

Duncan, J. T. Folders, H. H. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. l{uigler, H. M. Kea, Fred
Kirkland, z. W.
Larkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. l\iaynard, J. D. ~eidlinger, L.

~ix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F. Ragsdale, S. W. Reynolds, W. H. Smith, J. Q. ~teed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. 'Vallace, W. P. Wilkinson, H. B. wood, A. J.



Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Olive, J. T. I{abun, Z. T.

Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Bowden, J. E. T. Dorris, W. H. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J.

Fowlei', Ben J. IIogg, J. P. Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M. LeSueur, R. C.

Rice, W. D. 1:-hingler, J. S. Veazey, P. G. Watson, S. M. ~ir. President

Ayes 33, Nays 3.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Brown of Clarke-
House Bill 799. A bill. to appropriate money to the University 'of Georgia for certain purposes.
The Committee offered the following amendment:
By striking therefrom where the figures $5,000 appear for the maintenance of the North Georgia Agricultural College, and inserting in lieu of same the figures $10,000.
By striking therefrom where the figures $20,000 appear for the maintenance of the College of Agriculture, and inserting in lieu of same the figures $15,000.
By striking therefrom where the figures $25,000 appear for the maintenance of the State Normal College, and inserting in lieu of same the figures $24,000.

WEDNESDAY, AuausT 11, 1920.


By striking therefrom where the figures $20,000 appear for .the Georgia Normal and Industrial College, and inserting in lieu of same the figures $16,000.

By striking therefrom where the figures $25,000 appear for fire protection at Bowd-en College, and inserting in lieu of same the figures $5,000.

The amendment wa:s adopted.
The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.
The bill involving an appropriation, the roll ca:ll was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E.
Allen, Ivan E. .AJ ers, J. 8. :Barrett, Fermor
Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B.
Cureton, Walter w.
Dixon, James A.
Flynt, J. J.

Glenn, George G.
Harbin, c. J.
Hogg, J.P.
Kaigler, H. M.
Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, M. M.
Kirkland, z. w.
Lunsford, J. R.
~eidlinger, L.
Nix, Oscar A.

rittman, Claude C.
Pruett, J . F.
Ragsdale, s. w. Reece, w. K.
Reynolds, W. H.
Smith, J. Q.
Steed, E. T.
'\'ickery, Jesse w. Wallace, w. P.
Wilkinson, H. B.
Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Clements, Jas. B. Elders, H. H.

Olive, J. T. Rabun, Z. T.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Basingame, Josiah Calhoun, J. C. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Ennis, J. H.

Fowler, Ben J. Larkins, J. K. LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D. Rice, W. D.

Shingler, J. S. Veazey, P. G. Watson, S. M. Mr. President



Ayes 33, Nays 4.
The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Messrs. Moore and Smith of Fulton-
House Bill 684. A bill to appropriate money for maintenance of the Georgia School of Technology.

The Committee offered the following amendment:

By striking therefrom where the figures. "$125,000" appear and inserting in lieu of same the figures "$100,000."

The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.

The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered, and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

adams, Clarence E. Al!rn, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor B<Jll, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Calhoun, J. C. 0nreton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Duncan, J. T.

rnnis, J. H. Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J. P. Eaigler, H. M. J<ea, Fred Kendall, M. M. L:ukins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. Xeidlinger, L. Nix, Oscar A.

J: r'iitman1 Claude C.
Pruett, F. Ragsdale, S. W. Reynolds, W. H. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. 1'. wilkinson, H. B. Ylood, A. J.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Clements, Jas. B. Elders, H. H.

:Maynard, J. D. Olive, J. T.

Habun, Z. T. !ieece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah norris, W. H. Fowler, Ben J. Keene, J. H.

Kirkland, Z. W. LrSueur, R. C. Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S.

Y ~azey, P. G.
s. w~tson, :M.
:\fr. President '

Ayes 34, Na:ys 6.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-

House Bill 797. A bill to appropriate $300,000 to Trustees of Georgia State Sanitorium for maintenance.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to.

The bill involving an appropriation the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. \!len, Ivan E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. <"nreton, Walter W. D~on, James A. Elders, H. H. F.::mis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Glenn, George G. "Carbin, C. J. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred KPene, J. H. E:Pndall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. "Larkins, J. K. Maynard, J. D. ::'{eidlinger, L. Xix, Oscar A. Olive, J. T.

I!ttman, Claude C. Pruett, J. F . Rabun, Z. T. Ragsdale, S. W. Reynolds, W. H. ::Omith, J. Q. Stfcd, E. T. Virkery, Jesse W. Wallace, \Y. P. \Vilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.



Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Hcece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Bl:J oingarr.c, .Tosiah Calhoun, J. C. Tlorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Fowler, Ben J.

Hogg, J. P. LeSueur, R. C. Lunsford, J. R., W. D. Shingler, J. S.

V,!azey, P. G. \Vatson, S. M. :Mr. President

Ayes 38, Nays 1.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Messrs. Smith, Moore and Hendrix of Fulton-

House Bill 153. A resolution to appropriate $10,000 for support of Georgia Training School for girls.

The Committee offered the following amendment:

By striking therefrom where the figures '' $10,000'' appear and inserting in lieu of same the figures "$8,000."

The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.

The resolution involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered, and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

.\.dams, Clarence E. Barrett, Fermor

!-Hen, Ivan E.

Bdl. Walter L.

Ayers, J. S.

Bowden, J. E. T.

Brooks, B. Bu~sey, J. B. Cmeton, Walter W.

WEDNESDAY, AuousT 11, 1920.


Dixon, James A.
Ennis, J. H. Flynt, J. J.
Glenn, GPorge G.
Harbin, C. J.
Kaigler, H. M.
Kf.'a, Fred
Keene, J. H.

]~endall, M. M. JJarkins, J. K.
Lunsford, J. R. ~eidlinger, L. ?';ix, Oscar A.
l'ittman, Claude c.
Pruett, J. F.
Ragsdale, s. W.

Rt>ynolds, w. H. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse w.
Wallace, \V. P.
. Wilkinson, H. B.
\Yood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

F.lders, H. H.

Olive, J. T.

Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Biasingame, Josiah Calhoun, J. C. ClPments, Jas. B. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Fowler, Ben J.

!-fogg, J. P. l~1rkland, Z. W. I;eSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D. Rabun, Z. T. Hlce, W. D.

!',hingler, J. S. '.eazey, P. G. Watson, S. M. l\ir President

Ayes 32, Nays 3.

The resolution having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Mr. Smith of Candler-
House Bill 856. A bill to appropriate money to the University of Georgia for the purpose of re-
pairs. ,
The Committee offered the following amendment:
By striking therefrom where the figures $25,000 appear for general repairs, and inserting in lieu of same the figures $12,500.
By striking therefrom where the figures $4,500 appear for fire insurance and inserting in lieu of same the figures $2,500.



By striking the figures $15,000 for laundry.

The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.

The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, Ivan E. A~ers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bussey, J. B. C\neton, walter \V. Dixon, James A. Ennis, J. H. Flynt, .J. J.

Glenn, George G. HalLin, C. J. T(ea, Fred Keene, J. H. Kendall, ~f. )of. Larkins, J. K. I-unsford, J. R. :\eidlinger, L. :'\ix, Oscar A. Pittman, Claude C.

Hagsdale, S. W Hcynolds, \V. H. Smith, J. Q. Hccd, E. T. Vicker~, Jesse IY. \",'allaeP, \V. P. Wilkinson, II. E. Wood, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Elti.ers, II. H.

Olive, J. T.

Ueece, W. K.

Those not Yoting were :Messrs.:

l11asing::une, Josiah :r~owden, J. E. T. Erooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. Clements, .Tas. B. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T.

J;owler, Ben J. Ilcgg, J. P. Kaigler, H. ).L Eukland, Z. W. L Pucur, H. C. =1laynard, J. D. . PnJCtt, J. F.

Habun, Z. T. Rice, \V. D.
ShingiP'- J. S.
Vraze~, r. G.
\Vatson, S. M. :ll r. Prcsidcnt

Ayes 28, Nays 3.

The bill haYing received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

The following message was received from the House, through :Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.



Mr. President:
The House has agreed to the Senate amendments to the following bills and resolutions of the House, to-wit:

House Bill 824. A bill to authorize payment of annual pensions to certain ex-Confederate soldiers and widows.

House Resolution 203. A resolution to give representation to certain new counties in State.

House Resolution 126. A resolution to relieve sureties on bond of Alonzo Golson and Sophie ::VI eyers.

The following bills and resolutions of the House with Senate amendments were tabled:

House Bill 221. A bill to appropriate money for support of District Agricultural and Mecha:nical Schools.

House Bill 757. A bill to appropriate money to State Board of Entomology for experimental work.

House Bill 969. A bill to appropriate money for State Kegro School at Albany.
House Resolution 160. A resolution to appropriate money for repairs to buildings of Confederate Soldiers' Home near Atlanta, Georgia.
The following House bills were read the third time and put upon their passage:



By Mr. Alfriend of Baldwin-
House Bill 979. A bill to appropriate money to the Georgia Training School for Boys.

The Committee offered the following amendment:

By striking therefrom where the figures $30,000 appear, and inserting in lieu of same the figures $20,000.

The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.

The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Ennis, J. H.

Allen, Ivan E.

Flynt, J. J.

Ayers, J. S.

Glenn, George G.

Barrett, Fermor

Harbin, C. J.

Bell, Walter L.

Kea, Fred

Bowden, J. E. T. Keene, J. H.

Bussey, J. B.

Kendall, M. M.

Clements, Jas B. Larkins, J. K.

Cureton, Walter W. Lunsford, J. R.

Dixon, James A.

Neidlinger, L.

Nix, Oscar A. Pruett, J. P. R<'ynolds, W. H. Smith, J. Q. flteed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. wallace, \V. P. Wilkinson, H. B. \i'cod, A. J.

Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Elders, H. H. Olive, J. T.

Rabun, Z. T. Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Brooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C.

Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. Fowler, Ben J.

Hogg, J .. P. Kaigler, H. M. Kirkland, Z. W.



LeSueur, R. C. :Maynard, J. D. Pittman, Claude C.

Ragsdale, S. W. J:ice, W. D. Shingler, J. S.

Ayes 29, Nays 4.

'."eazey, P. G. Watson, S. M. :,Ir. President

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

By Messrs. Pilcher, Reville and McDonald of Richmond-

House Bill 1063. A bill to appropriate money to the Georgia Training School for Mental Defectives.

The Committee offered the following amendment:

By striking therefrom the figures $30,000 and inserting in lieu of same the figures $20.000.

The amendment was adopted.

The report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, as amended, was agreed to.

The bill involving an appropriation, the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs. :

Adams, Clarence E. Glenn, George G.

Alien, Ivan E.

Harbin, C. J.

Pruett, J. 1<'. Rag~dale, S. W.

Ayers, J. S.

Kaigler. H. M.

Reynolds, W. H.

Barrett, Fermor

Kea, Fred

Smith, J. Q.

Bell, Walter L.

Keene, J. H.

fteed, E. T.

Bowden, J. E. T. Kendall, M. M.

Vickery, Jesse W.

Hussey, J. B.

Larkins, J. K.

""allace, W. P.

Cureton, Walter W. Lunsford, J. R.

Wilkinson, H. B.

Dixon, James A.

Neidlinger, Leonoria.n Viiood, A. J.

Ennis, J. H.

Nix, Oscar A.

Flynt, J. J.

Pittman, Calude C.



Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Elders, H. H.

Rabun, Z. T.

Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were :Messrs. :

Plasingame, Josiah Erooks, B. B. Calhoun, J. C. ('lements, Jas. B. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T.

Fowler, Ben J. Hogg, J. P. Kirkland, Z. W. Lt.>Sueur, R. C. :\faynard, J. D. Olin, J. T.

Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Veazey, P. G. Watson, S. M. ~Ir. Pr('sident.

Ayes 31, Nays 3.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amendea.

By Mr. Law of Burke-

House Bill 1039. A bill to regulate branding of calcium arsenate.

The Ayes and Nays were called for and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Adams, Clarence E. Allen, h-an E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, .Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Dixon, James A. Elders, H. H. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, J. J. Ulenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hogg, J.P. Kaigler, H. M. Kea, Fred Keene, J. H. I.:ukins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. Neidlinger, Leononan Xix, Oscar A. Olive, J. T. Pittman, Claude C.

Pruett, J. F. Habun, Z. '1'. Hagsdale, S. W. Reece, W. K. Reynolds, W. H. Smith, J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jess" W.
v\ allace, W. P.
Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. B. Wood, A. J.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Calhoun, J. C.

Dorris, \V. H.
Duncan, J. r.

Fowler, Ben J. Kendall, :\I. M.

WEDNESDAY, AuGusT 11, 1920.


Kirkland, Z. W. LeSueur, R. C. Maynard, J. D.

Rice, W. D. Shingler, J. S. Veazey, P. G.

:\Jr. President

Ayes 38, Nays 0.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed.

By Mr. Mundy of Polk-

House Bill 853. A bill to appropriate $15,000 to supply a deficiency in the fund to the School for the Deaf.

The Committee offered the following amendment:
By striking therefrom where the figures '' $15,000" appear, and inserting in lieu of same the figures '' $12,500. ''
The amendment was adopted.

'rhe report of the Committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, was agreed to as amended.

The bill im-oh-ing an appropriation the roll call was ordered and the vote was as follows:

Those voting in the affirmative were Messrs.:

Aclams, Clarence B. Allen. han E. Ayers, J. S. Barrett, Fermor Bell, Walter L. Bowden, .J. E. T. Brooks, B. B. Bussey, J. B. Clements, Jas. B. Cureton, Walter W. Ennis, J. H.

Flynt, .f. .f. Wenn, George G. Harbin, C. J. Hi1gg, J.P. Kaigler, H. Thl. Kea. Freel Keene, J. H. 1,arkins, J. K. Lunsford, J. R. Neidlinger, Leonorlan Kix. Oscar A.

Pittnw.n, Claude ' Pruett, J. F. Hagsdale, S. W. Reynolds, W. H. Smith. J. Q. Steed, E. T. Vickery, Jesse W. Wallace, W. P. Wood, A . .f.



Those voting in the negative were Messrs.:

Elders, H. H.

Haoun, Z. '1'.

Reece, W. K.

Those not voting were Messrs. :

Blasingame, Josiah Calhoun, J. C. Dixon. James A. Dorris, W. H. Duncan, J. T. J<'owlcr, Ben J.

Kendall, M. M. Kirkland, Z. W. LeSueur, R. C. ~faynard, J. D. Olive, J. T. Rice,"\\'. D.

Shingler, J. S. \'eazey, P. G. Watson, S. M. Wilkinson, H. H. Mr. Presidt>nt

Ayes 31, Nays 3.

The bill having received the requisite constitutional majority was passed as amended.

The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
'l'he House has failed to act favorably upon the following bills and resolutions of the Senate, towit:
Senate Bill 17. A bill to make it misdemeanor for a man to desert his wife or for wife to desert husband, they having a child under the age of ten.
Senate Bill 27. A bill to require labeling na:me, quality and kind of agricultural seed for planting on packages containing same.
Senate Bill 29. A bill to create lien on furniture and baggage brought onto hotels and inns for
. protection of said hotels and inns. Senate Bill 35. A bill to amend Act to amend Act re-organizing military forces of State.



Senate Bill 41. A bill to regulate mode of ginning in this State.
Senate Resolution 42. A resolution providing for carrying into effect recommendation contained in Governor's message.
Senate Resolution 51. A resolution urging Congress and President to prevent foreign powers from intercepting cable messages to Germany.
Benate Bill 65. A bill to accept certain gifts of land for Trustees of University of Georgia.
Senate Bill 68. A bill to regulate practice of occupation of automobile mechanics.
Senate Bill 72. A bill to amend Section 583 of Code of 1910.
Senate Bill 100. A bill to amend Act to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Quitman County.
Senate Bill 101. A bill to amend Section 4747 of Code of 1910 relative to compensation of jurors in Justice Courts.
Senate Bill 152. A bill relative to loading, shipment and sale of watermelons.
Senate Bill 163. A bill to repeal Act to create Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues for Dade County.
Senate Bill 186. A bill to amend Section 2623 of Code of 1910 relative to Rate Expert.
Senate Bill187. A bill to amend Section 119 of Code of 1910 relative to election of constables.



Senate Bill 225. A bill to amend Section 4212 of Code of 1910 relative to copies of registered cl0eds in evidence.
Senate Bill 229. A bill to amend Section 79 of School Code of Georgia.
Senate Bill 236. A bill to fix compensation of Deputy Clerk of Supreme Court.
Senate Bill 239. A bill to regulate drilling of oil and gas wells in this State.
Senate Bill 249. A bill to abolish fee system in Superior Courts of Ocmulgee Circuit.
Senate Bill 274. A bill to amend Act creating Bond Commission for Ware County.
Senate Bill 281. A bill to amend Act creating Department of Commerce.
Senate Bill 307. A bill to provide for stenographer for Clerk of Court of Appeals.
Senate Bill 313. A bill to provide for construction of overhead bridges and underground passes nt grade crossings.
Senate Bill 320. A bill to provide for additional compensation for Sheriff of Court of Appeals.
Senate Bill 328. A bill to amend Act creating office of Superintendent of Public Printing.
Senate Bill 340. A bill to provide for taking and filing of bills of sale of cattle.
Senate Bill 357. A bill to abolish office of Treasurer of Oconee County.



The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

111r. President :
The House has disagreed to the Senate amendment to the following bill of the House, to-wit:
House Bill 853. A bill to appropriate money to Georgia School for Deaf for year 1920.
The following bill of the House and Senate amendment was tabled:
House Bill 1063. A bill to appropriate money to Georgia Training School for Mental Defectives.
Mr. Ayers, of 33rd District, moved that the Senate insist on its amendment to the following House bill:

By Mr. Mundy of Polk-
House Bill 853. A bill to appropriate $15,000 to supply a deficiency in the fund to the School for the Deaf.
The motion prevailed and the Senate insisted on its amendment.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:
The House recedes from its disagreement to the Senate amendment to the following bill of the House, to-wit:



House Bill 853. A bill to appropriate money to Georgia School for Deaf for year 1920.
The following message was received from the House, through Mr. Moore, the Clerk thereof.

Mr. President:

The House has adopted the following resolutions of the House, to-wit:

House Resolution 220. A resolution inquiring of Senate whether or not it has any other business to transact with the House.

House Resolution 321. A resolution proYiding for a Joint Committee to inform the Governor that the General Assembly now stands ready to adjourn sine die.

House Resolution 222. A resolution that the 1920 session of the General Assembly adjourn sine die.

The Speaker has appointed as the Committee on part of the House under House Resolution No. 221, Messrs. Pace of Sumter, Neill of Muscogee and Lankford of Toombs.

The Senate concurred in the following resolution of the House, to-wit:

House Resolution 221. A resolution providing

for a Joint Committtee to inform the Governor that

the Ge~eral Assembly now stands ready to adjourn

sine die.

The President pro tern. appointed as the Com-



mittee on part of the Senate under the aboYe resolution, Senators Bowden, of 15th District, and Nix, of 34th District.
Mr. Bowden, of 5th District, reported, on part of the Committee appointed to notify the Governor that the General Assembly now stands ready to adjourn sine die, that the Governor had no further communication to make.
The Senate concurred in the following resolution of the House, to-wit: '
A resolution that the 1920 session of the General Assembly adjourn sine die.
The President pro tern. declared the Senate adjourned sine die.

YRAR 1920





A DJ OCR!\~IEXTSenatc adjourned ~ne die__________________________


To regulate sale, registration and inspection of auto-
mobiles --------------------------------------17 ;)02 551 To provide that larceny of motor vehicles shall be
punished by from 1 to 20 years in penitentiary __ 105 886 To amend Motor VPhicle Law __________________ 308 570 892

BANKS AND BAXKIKGTo amend Act to regulate banking __________ 31 397 484 1035 To provide another State depository in Atlanta_-403 501 530
BLUE SKY LAWTo regulate sale of securities, etc. ________ 20 17:> tll 7 670 708



To amend Sections 419, 420 and 42L_______________ 9 390

To amend Section 1138 of Penal Code ______________ tO 3:) 3;);;

To amend Sectiori 1538____________________________


To amend Section 4212 ________________________ 15 132 327

To amend Section 416 of Penal ('ode ____________ 29 104 230

To amend Section 5056----------------------------


To amend Sections 443 and 446 ______________ 31 132 145 1034

To amend Section 1249 ________________________ 32 209 231

To amend Section 632 of Penal l'ode ____________ 98 132 321

To amend Section 3354____________________________


To amend Sections 4985 and 4986__________________


To amend Section :::936 ____________________________ 108 12~

To amend Section 1203----------------------------


To amend Section 5534---------------------------- 139 1/ii

To amend Section 1484 of Penal Code.-168 ~60 361 407 507

To amend Sections 4985 and 4986 ______________ 203 222 378

To amend Section 1775.. ------~---------------235 267 296

To amend Section 147 of Penal Code ____ S'4!l ;~.)4 803 824 891

To amend Section 720 of Pena!'l'odc .... ________ 308 602 892

To repeal Section 3296__________________________


To amend Section ll!L_________________________


To amend Section 26------------------------------ 491 ii70 To amend SPction 1973 ______________________ 514 815 8:)6 900




Agriculture -------------------121 237 278 382 564 62:3 H::! "\ppropriations _______________ :l82 498 G9:3 767 808 810 103:~

Banks and Banking____________ 203 220 496 743 807 809 847

CommerrP and Labor __________________ 101 131 205 221 652

Constitutional ame!Hlm<>n ts _____ 204 219 234 :l83 386 497 62::
739 luG 811 915 926 929
Corporations -- ___________ 103 170 173 253 254 256 258 25fl 276 311 31:3' 351 384 387 402 42.) 4f!G -t97 ;)34 537 562 563 565 599 62(\ (i91 tl92 G93 741 768 806 811 8:30 847 874 912 928
Count.' and l'ounty ~ratters _____ :33 170 206 253 351 38S' 424
494 563 597 598 623 624 739 766 809 846 848 873 9S8 979

Draiitftge ----------------------------------------- 103 872 EduraBon ________________ 121 2/9 350 515 560 598 623 740

849 927 980

Enrollment -------------------114 -t::4 596 689 805 980 1029

Finance ---------------------------------------387 561 742 Game and Fish ____________________ 313 401 600 740' 810 913

General Judiciary Xo. ]_ ___ 1::o I i'l 220 255 350 493 495 563

601 651 /38 812 979 General .Ttali<iary No. 2 ____ 101 :!.)8 625 690 765 813 874 931

Hygiene and Sanitation _________ ------------------


Insurance ----------------------- -------------276 738 807

~fanufactures ________ ------------------------233 352 69-t

~Iilitary Affairs __________________________ .... _____ _


Penite~tiary -------------------Pensions ------------------------

____ 2/8


496 599


PriYi~cgcs and Elections ___________ ---------------- 310 87~

l'riYihgcs of thP Floor. ____ ]4.:i H\9 20(i 385 514 536 559 68:l

691 736 737 765 808 849 925 977 Public Library ____________________________________ 313 56-t

Publir Printing ___________________________________ 494 808

Public Prop<'rty ___________ ------------------------


Public Roads---------------------------38:3 495 561 875 92.> Railroads ---------------------------------------- 601 82~1 Rules _________________________ 120 138 S79 310 402 537 73ti
Spcr-ial .Tudiciary______________ 102 129 172 277 349 386 40:l

~H5 561 HOO 627 692 742 767

8U 848 914 930

State of the Rcpnhli<-------------- ______ 401 fi2:3 873 912

State Sanit-arium ________ -----



State Sanitation__________________________________


Tcmpcranec ---------------------------------------


UniYersitv of Gcorgia __________________ 2."ili -t2.3 494 624 621i

\\'estern '& Atlantie Haihoa(] ____________ ----------



;{~ ~7 111 379 586 941 950




To amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11, so as to create new County of Lamar_ _______________ 10 208 296

To amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 2________


To amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 2- -------1:: 25 106

To amend Paragraph 1, Section 2, Article 2--------


To amend Constitution so as to provide for appoint-

ment of judges by Governor--------------------


To amend Paragraph 4, Section 1, Article 2 _____ ---


To amend Paragraph 1, Section 13, Article 6- _30 209 323 1036

To amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11, so as

to provide for new County of Seminole ___ ---------


To amend Paragraph 1, Section 4, Article 3, so as

to limit legislative sessions to 30 days ________167 391 582

To amend Section 7, Article 7_ ___________________ 168 921

To amend Section 3, Article 1--------------------- 169 922

To amend Section 6, Article 1----------------------


To amend Paragraph 1, Section 1, Article 1--------


To amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11, so as

to provide for new County of BrantleY--------271 413 762

To amend Paragraph 2, Section 1, Article 11, so as

to provide for new County of Long__________ 651 772 956

To amend Paragraph 1, Section 2, Article 2________ 829 886

To amend Constitution so as to authorize bonds for

supplying deficiency in revenues________________


CORPORATIONSTo provide for "non-par" value stock __________ 31 260 396
To provide for domestication of foreign corpora-
tions ---------------------------------------309 354 616 To require officers of corporations executing convey-
ances to land to print names ____________________ 395 704

COL'~TY COMMISSIONERSTo' amend Act creating Board of County Commis-
sioners for Morgan CountY----------------------9 34 114 To authorize Board of Commissioners, etc., of Quit-
man County to pay certain officials their fees in
misdemeanor cases------------------------------20 35 114 To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners,
etc., of Cherokee CountY----------------------167 209 2::.9 To amend Act establishing Board of Commission-
C'rs, etc., for Walton County___________ -404 431 507 1035
To create Board of Commissioners for Charlton
County --------------------------------------553 632 667 To repeal Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Charlton CountY-------------------------554 632 666 To abolish office of Commissioner, etc., for Carroll
Count}~ C'tC-------------------------------------- 632 666
COr:'\TY AXD COUNTY MATTERSTo reliPn counties, etc., issuing bonds where validation haR bepn sought _____ ----------------------- 30 132 To amend Act creating Bond Commission of Ware ('ounty -------------------------------------168 209 23~



To authorize- Ordinaries to accept bonds of guard

ians, etc., executed by bonding company__________


To require reports by sheriffs and other officers of

liquor seized____________________________________


To prescribe manner of holding primar~- elections in Grady County ________________________________ 524 369 60H


ToofmSaktaeteO__r_d_i_n_a_ri_e_s___ex__-o_f_f_ic_i_o___c_le_r_k_s___o_f __S_e_e_r_e_t_a_r:v


To amend Act fixing salary of Treasurer of ~for

gan CountY--------------------------------------


To increase salary of Treasurer of Fulton ('ounty __ 31 260 30.)

To amend Act fixing compensation of Treasurer of

:Macon CountY---------------------------------99 175 231

To abolish office of Treasurer of ('!tarlton Countv _;)53 (i32 661

To amend Act abolishing office of Treasure~ of

Oconee County ____________________________ _


To amend Sections :: and 4 of Act establishing <'ity Court of :Madison ______________________________ g 390 ~Oii
To amend Section 27 of Act creating Juvenile Courts ------------------------------~-------271 570 "644
To amend Act creating City Court of ::\lorgan ____ 309 354 376 To establish Citv Court of Jackson _______________ _ 389 40i To amend Act ~stablishing Cit.v Court of "Ion-
roe -----------------------------------------403 431 iiOi
To amend Act establishing City Court of Blackshear ---------------------------------------404 ;;oi ;);11 To amend Act establishing City Court in Bartow
Countv ---------------------------------------- .)14 ,)4] To ame;Hl Aet establishing City Court of Lexing-
ton -------------------------------------------- ;)33 tiO:! To amend Ad establishing City Court of Bartow
Countv -------------------------------------354 ,)80 64~ To ame1;d charter of Cit:. Court of Reidsvil:e ___ .696 75;) 'jj(l

To create additional judge of Superim Court for .Macon circuit___________________________________

9 40i

To fix salaries of stenographns of Supreme Court aiHI Court of Appeals __________________________ JO 175 :l::!l

To abolish fee s~stem in Superior <'ourts of Albany

cirruit ----------------------------------16 104 11a 1034 To provide for compensation for deputy clerk of Su-
premf' Court. ___________________________ .20 104 246 :l21

To fix time of holding Superior Courts in Cordele cireuit ___________________________________ :10 10;> 113 ();):2

To abolish fee systpm in Supr'rior Courts in Oemul-
gee c~euit------------------------------------32 105 114 To fix terms of SnpPrior Court of Stephens
County --------------------------------------309 3~! ~~~ To provide a stenographer for clf'rk of ( 'ourt of Ap-
peals ----------------------------------------309 ~iO 64~



To increase salary of sheriff of Court of Appeals- -389 501 667 To_ re_g~late _sal~ries of stenographic reporters in all
JUdiCial CirCUitS--------------------------------- 404 501 To abolish fee system in Superior Courts in Citero
kee circuiL---------------------------------747 788 823 To provide for payment of salary of Solil'itor-Gen-
eral of Brunswick cireuit quarterly __________ 785 816 887

To enable women to vote in State primary election on 19th amendment to Federal Constitution ______ 250 318
To enable women to vote in regular election on 19th amendment to Federal Constitution ______________ 250 318


13 29 343 379 489 511 605 804 911



Relating to group insurance__________________


To further regulate casualty and liability insuranee

companies -----------------------------------214 283 37(i

To permit mutual fire insurance companies to issue

and sell certificates______________________________




Providing that when General Assembly adjourns on

July 2d, it stand adjourned until 11:00 a. m. July

6th --------------------------------------------


To discharge \\". & A. R. R. Commission ___________ _ 101 24(i

Relating to claims of Georgia School of Technolog~

for non-metallic experiment station _____________ _


Authorizing Governor to appoint Commission to S<'-

cure funds for eredion of monument to lion. A.

H. Stephens and Crawford \V. Long in Hall of

Fame -----------------------------------------Joint sessions-------------------------------------

917 :;;;o



4 12 24 29 39 80 t>> 145 146 177 367 430 502 384
605 687 779 874




5 13 21 22 26 97 117 137 17G 207 210 235 237 250 ~'69 270 314 346 365 367 388 400 403 426 427 488 498 499 517 520 5-!1 555 592 593 6!:'7 629 653 687 696 747 755 777 779 813 831 832 850 851 867 869 871 875 876 915 931 9.)3 9-59 97-! 100-! 1008 1028 1029
10(i2 1068 1071 1072


To proYide board to censor moving picture films ___ _ 10 406. To authorize Governor to supply Park's Annotated

Code to officers, courts, etc., now reeeiYing Supreme Court Reports __________________________ lO' 174 231

To authorize issue of bonds of State for constructing

roads ------------------------------------------


To provide for 51 fertilizer inspecto1s _____________ _


To pro,ide that banks of certain ri,ers and creeks

be made pasture ft>nce lines __________ _________ _ l;) 104

To regulate marriage and marriage licenses, etc ... 17 J OS 122

To adopt l:niform \Varchouse Receipt AeL ________ _ 18 107

To regulate installation and sale of lightning

rods -----------------------------------------20 1:12 3/7

To regulat<' drilling of oil and gas wells. ct<- ___ 20 :l33 840

To authorize formation of co-opcratin marketing associations _________________________________ .30 2ii0 4Hl

To make it a misdcnwanor for a man to desert his

T ow iaf eme~- -d-



---------------------l'rcating Department

------------of Commerce

:l4 1~4

and Labor ____________________________________ 98 B:l :l~O

To rl'gulate all eonve~ances of real estate to show

sour<c of grantor's title------------------------ 98 707

To make invalir1 publie warehouse rl'ceipt two ~-cars

aftPr issue, etc.. ______ --------------____________


To prohibit usc of steel traps and deYices on lands

'1\'ithout consent of o\\ner_______________________


To pro,ide for ngistration of air-ships------------ 116 222

To prohibit sale of an:- new animal drawn device

other than standard tread after January 1, 192L_


To amend Act regulating sale of cotton-seed meaL_ 167 389

To amend Act authorizing Governor to lease Indian

Springs ----------------------------------------


To prevent introduction into State of contagious <lis-

eases of bces ___________________________ l68 28S' 580 10:Hi

To fix salaries of eertain offic-ials in Department of Commerce and Labor_ ____ --- _______________ .202 222 64-i

To repeal Act regulating work and control of con-

victs --------p---------------------------------


To authorize appointment of t"o agents of Depart-

ment of Commerce and La hor ___________ .202 ~22 81i~ 9::1



To amend Act conferring additional authority on Board of Welfare ____________________________ 203 222 398

To define and fix notice of pending litigation affect ing title to lands in another county _____________ _

To make criminal the sale or manufacture of com-

mercial fertili;,er containing dead-weight, de. ___ _ 235 ::67

To amend Act reorganizing military forces of State_


To prohibit marriage of any person infected with venereal disease ________________________________ _ 247 2G5
To inerf'asc salary of State Chemist_ ___________250 389 644
To create lien on apparel brought into hotels, etc. __ 2;)9 328 To amend Prohibition Act_ ______________________ _ 259 326 To require labeling of paints, etc. _________________ _ 2()0 333

To provide for enclosing front and back of street

cars -------------------------------------------


To provide for branding law for lin-stock- _308 632 8-1 89()

To designate streets and to;vns to be part of puhli"

road svstem___________________________________ _


To regul;te sale of commercial fertilizers _________ _


To authorize common carriers to Sl'll articles of freight _______________________ -- _---- ____ ---- -- 3-1 602

To provide for protection of girls between B and

lil years of age _______________________________ _


To prohibit sexes bathing together at any resort_ _38!1 -31 633

To establish Board of Boiler Ru'es_______________ _


To establish Department of Archives_____________ _


To amend Aet relative to condemnation of vehicles

transporting liquor- ____________________________ _


To amend Act creating office of State Superintend-

ent of Printing-------------------------------27 001 770 To fix salaries of Superintendent, etc., at State

Farn1 ----------------------------------------28 502 581 To pro\ide for 51 fertilizer inspectors __________ .f91 570 770

To authorize fines in larceny eases whieh shall appJ~-

to costs and to owner of stolpn propl'rt~ _________ _


To prohibit granting leave of absence to nH'mlwrs

of General Assembly except for providential eausf'_


To proddc for taking and filing of bills of sale for

cattle -----------------------------------53-t 571 il/0 887

Topoaurttehdorbizye oseaathrc_h__"__a_r_ra_n__ts__t_o__is_s_u_e__u_p_o_n__c_a_u_s_e__s_u_p_-


To lic0nse and regulate business of making loans of

$300 or !ess------------e-----------------------


To anH'IHl eharter of ::\foultrie-------------------~9 103 197 To amend r-harter of Commerce ________________ ]:l!J ] /;) 230 To amend eharter of Dallas______________________ _ 1 liS 356 To authorize ::\Ia~or, etc., of Ideal to lev~' additional
ad ,-alorem tax----------------------------~--:147 :>90 -13 To amend charter of Montezuma ________________ :i-7 :1HO -12 To amend 'harter of IdeaL _____________________ :l-!7 :}90 412



To amend eharter of Cartersville so as to provide for collection of taxes semi-annually _______ ---- __ 348 390 412
To amend charter of Americus-~----------------427 502 968 To incorporate City of Hoboken ____________________ 514 541 To amend charter of Lavonia __________________534 571 616 To incorporate City of Soperton ________________ 651 707 769
To repPal charter of Town of Soperton __________ 651 707 769

To fix time in which widow of ex-Confederate soldier can apply for p'ension __________________ 214 283 35;j
To provide for annual increase of pensions_ -364 390 587 617 To authorize payment of annual pensions of soldiers
who enlisted in (', S. A., etc. ____________________881 1049
To fix time of office of Commissioner of pen~ons --------------------------------------882 934 104~
To fix salary of elerks in Pension Office ____________ 882 99!1


To plar<' manufacturers of ice undLr Railroad Com-

Iltisf::liUil ----------------------------------------


To authorize Railroad Commission to employ additional stPnographer ___________________________ 651 788 83fi


To require railroads to furni'h protection to employees in yards-------------------------------9 2~2 738
To provide for o\erhead bridgLs, l'tl'., at railroad crossings ____________________________________ 347 602 837
To provide for passes for ministers going to and from ~hurches ________________ ------------------ 696 81(i



To amPnd Section 79 oof School Code- _______ Hi 123 362 ;)H.>

To give additional powers to Trustpes of Georgia School of Technology ____________________________ 1i 260 3~''

To fix <ompensation of County Board of Education __


To amPnd Settion 147 of S<"hool Code _____________ _ 99 282

To amend Section i i of School Code _____________ _ 116 28~

To repl'al Act establishing systl'm of publil' schools for Town of Dallas ___________________________ _ 129 3;).)
To anH'nd Section 14;) of S<"hool ('ode ______ l(i9 531 54;'i 82-t

To rPpt>al Act authorizing Board of Trustees to ap-

point certain members from Board upon Boards of braneh eolleges of L'niver~ity of Gcorgia ______ 201 5(}2 ;)41i

To amend Act establishing Normal and Industrial ( oII ege ______ - ___________ - _______ - __ - - - -- ___ 214 282 3:

To authorize Trustees of l:niversity of Georgia to sell or transfer an~' monl'y obligations, etc, _____ _ 214 430

To allow any qualified whitr female student to eutl'r any department of Franklin Colll'ge _________ _ :21-t 4:~ 1



To provide system of public schools for Car!t'rs

ville ------------------------------------------- :H8 :)90 To provide for discrimination between functions of

school authorities and health authorities in pnh lie schools_____________________________________ _ 39i 646 To amend Section 84 of School Code _______________ _ 428 982

To amend Act authorizing system of public srlwols

for Lavonia----------------------------------534 571 616 To establish system of schools for Washington .. 591 632 668

To accept certain grants of land, etc., for Trustees

of University of Georgia, etc. ___________________ _ 670 707

To require teaching of thrift in public schools. ____ _


To require teachers in public scnools to ascertain cer

tain physical defects in child ___________________ _




To Jp\y tax on cash surrender valup of life insurance

policies ----------------------------------------


To r<>gnlate return and assessment of property for

taxation ---------------------------------------


To repeal Act to regulate return and assessm<>nt of

property ____ ------.- ______________ ----------- ___ 651 755



~22 306 432:



Instructing Secretary of Senate to notify House

that Senate has convened________________________


Providing for joint committee from Senate and

House to notify Governor that General Assembly

has convened___________________________________


Providing that Senate conv<>ne at 10:00 a. m. and

adjourn at 1:00 p. m.----------------------------


To make November 11th national holiday in Georgia


Providing for joint committee of Senate and House to meet and confer with sheriffs ________________ 12 22 60

Pledging loyalty of democrats of Georgia to cause

of democracy in coming election________________


To submit at Democratic Primary question of re-

moval of capitol to Macon ___ -------------- .. ___ 198 210

That when Senate adjourns today it stand adjourned

until Jtily 12th----------------------------------




Relating to status of Southern Express Company in

Georgia ----------------------------------------


That when Senate adjourns July 16th, it stand ad-

journed until July 19th_________________________ _


Authorizing cancellation of contract with Index Printing Company________________________ 404 571 634 708

Regarding investigation of conduct of office of State

Veterinarian ________ --------- _________________ _


That when Senate adjourns today, it stand ad-

journed until July 26th _________________________ _


Requesting that Federal Reserve Bank reconsider

action as to financing purchase of automobiles and

trucks------------------------------------------ 555 619

That Senate assemble at Senate Chamber August

1st for divine \VOrship, etc ______________________ _


That when Senate adjourns today, it stand ad-

journed until August 2d_______________________ _


Requesting House to return H. B. 1044 for needed

amPndment ___________________________________ _


To ~el~ase J. F. Easterlin from gidng bond in a cr1m1nal case___________________________________ 696 786

To extend time for investigation of State Veterin-

arian's office-----------------------------------


Requesting that H. B. 18 be read second time and

re-committed ______ ----------____________________


Relating to creation of office of Statistician ________939 1040

To vacate office of State Veterinarian______________


Authorizing certain officials and employees of Gen-

eral Assembly to remain at Capitol ;) clays after ad-

journment --------------------------------------


That session of today remain until midnight_ ______ _


Extending thanks to Major D. F. McClatche!, Sec-

retary of Senate _______________________________ _


Extending thanks to Han. Sam L. Olive, President of

OnSedneaatteh o-f--H-a-n-.--T-.-H--.-P--a-rk-e-r-_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-_--_

981 1001

On death of Chas. P. HanselL __________ ----------_ 1003

Providing for compensation of certain attaches of General Assembly___ ---- _______________________ _


On illness of Han. W. H. Dorris-------------------- 1039

Fixing Senate Bills 155 and 156 as special order for

June 30----------------------------------------


To make Senate Bills 155 and 156 special order for

July 8------------------------------------------


Placing Senate Resolution 66 on calendar __________ 129 139

To make Senate Bill 224 special order for July 9- _


Placing House Resolution 146 on calendar for pas-

sage ------------------------------------------- 252 283 To make Senate Bill 224 special order for July 14_ __ 252 283

To make House Resolution ~-o special order for July

20 ---------------~----------------------------


Requesting that Senate Bill 287 be made special or-

der after unanimous consent on July 15th________




Requesting that Senate Bill 242 be made special or der after confirmation of Journal Julv 15 ________ 275 317
Requesting that Senate Bill 213 be madespecial order

for July 15------------------------------------


Requesting that Senate Bill 285 be made special or

der for July 15----------------------------------


Requesting that Senate Bill S"72 be made special order for July 2L _____________________________ 310 406

Requesting that Senate Bills 63, 255 and 257 be

made special order on July 20------------------


Requesting that Senate Bill 129 be made special order

for July 20-------------------------------------


Requesting that Senate Bill 251 be made special or

der for Julv 20_________________________________


Requesting that Senate Bill 299 be made special order for July 2L _____________________________ 364 40::i

Requesting that Senate Bill 280 be made special

order for Julv 22-------------------------------


Requesting that Senate Bill 253 be made special

order and put on calendar immediately__________ 394 405

Requesting that Senate Bill 293 hl' made special order for July 2L _____________________________ 394 405

Requesting that Senate Bill 280 be made special

order for July 28------------------------------ 500 545

Requesting that, House Bill 292 be made special or

der for purpose of disagreeing to adverse report

of Committee---------------------------------- 515 545

Requesting that Senate Bill 207 be put on calendar__


Requesting that Senate Bill 216 be made special

order for July 29--------------------------------


Requesting that Senate Resolution 86 be made spe

cia! order for July 29--------------------------


Requesting that Senate Bills 33!::' and 233 be made

special order, etC.---.----------------------------


Requesting that Senate Bill 281 be made special

orde~ etc--------------------------------------


Requesting that Knight Resolution be placed on

calendar ---------------------------------------


Extending prhileges of floor_ _______ 12 38 146 170 197 Z07


219 247 !2'53 364 393 404 488

516 619 648 671 672 703 704

757 768 786 815 856 857 933

977 978




To make appropriation for payment of deficiency

in salary of Deputy Clerk of Supreme CourL-657 816 967

To appropriate $2850 to pay increase in salary of Gen

era! Oil Inspector_______________________________




To make appropriation to pay deficit in salaries of Railroad Commissioners______________________ 664 706 839

To appropriate money for salary of Superintendent

of Public Printing------------------------------780 1048

To appropriate $25,000 annually for support of Agri-

cultural & Mechanical Schools____________________


To appropriatP $20,000 to Georgia State Board of Entomology _______________ ---- _________________ 833 1054

To appropriate $300,000 to Trustees of State Sanitarium ___________ ------ _____ --------- _____ ; ____ --833 1059

To make appropriation to Trustees of University of Georgia for additional maintenance purposes __ .833 1056
To appropriate $20,000 for 1920 and $20,000 for 1921 for State Sanitarium for Tuberculosis patients----833 1049
To appropriate $30,000 to Georgia State Training
School for Boys--------------------------------833 1064 To appropriate money to Trustees of University of
Georgia to repair buildings----------------------834 1061 To appropriate $30,000 to Georgia Training School
for n1ental defectives____________________________ 878 1065

To appropriate $675 for balance of 1920 and $1800 for 192-1 to pay salary of Assistant Superintendent
of Public Printing, etc.--------------------------879 1043 To incr<>asP maintenance fund of 1921 for Georgia
School of TechnologY----------------------------881 1058 To provide for appropriation to State negro school
at AlbaJlY------------------------ ____________884 1053
To appropriate $15,000 to supply deficiency in fund for School for the Deaf_ ___________________884 1067 1071

To appropriate $25,000 to University of Georgia to maintain District Agricultural and :Mechanical

Schools ---------------------------------------To appropriate $10,000 for Georgia Training School
for Girls_______________________________ ---------

1047 1060



To create county depository for Atkinson County _784 854 905 To make Walker County Bank State depository .. 657 750 788 To name Greensboro as State depository ________ 703 819 946

To authorize as many as three solvent banks in cer

tain cities as Stat~ depositories__________________




To amend Section 582 __________________________ 100 223 285

To amend Section 3852 ____________________________ 239 261

To amend Section 3992.-------------- _~ ---- __ -----


To amend Section 605----------------------------- 348 704 To amend Seetion 696 __________________________ 372 500 580



To amend Section 3276 _______________________ 394, 566, 1041

To amend Section 5648----------------------------521, 566 To amend Sections 419, 4l:'O and 42L ______ 522, 569, 634, 686

To amend Section 1249------------------------523, 811, 901

To amend Section 599-----------------------------


To repeal Section 4741------------------------542, 569, 606 To amend Section 4028________________________557, 603, 669

To amend Section 2554 _______ ------- __________594, 653, 960

To amend Section 435'------------------------656, 749, 949 To amend Section 1249------------------------664, 754, 801 To amend Sections 1280-1288-------------------699, 749, 838
To amend Section 1613----------------------------699, 749 To amend Section 2817.------ __ --------------.700, /49, 991 To amend Section 424.. _______________________ /00, 750, 918 To amend Section 389 _________________________ /00, 750, 988

To amend Section 6066------------------------783, 816, 989 To amend Section 12:49. ____ ---------------- ______ .815, 853
To amend Section 5243-----------------------------882, 935 To amend Section 4884_ _______ ---- __ --------------.883, 934


To amend Paragraph 1, Section 7, Article 7, to allow City of West Point to increase bonded indebted-

ness -------------------------------------------525, 678

To amend Constitution so as to classify property

for taxation, etc .. ____ ---------------- .594, 631, 939, 973

To amend Paragraph 1, Section 1, Article L----780, 819, 952

To amend Constitution relating to appropriations____


To amend Paragraph 1, Section 7, Article 7, relative to street improvement bonds________________ 815, 934, 1020

To amend Section 6, Article 1----------------------- 888 To amend Paragraph 1, Section 6, Article 8---------- 995

To provide for secret ballot at election in Mitchell
County ------------------------------------217, 261, 286 To relieve counties, etc., issuing bonds where valida-
tion has been sought, etc--------------------244, 263, 291 To regulate salaries of jailers, guards, etc.. ------272, 35~:, 373 To regulate salaries of deputy sheriffs and bailiffs in
certain counties ___ -------------- ___________ 272, 353, 373
To amend Act creating Laurens CountY---------372, 391, 503 To provide who shall be processioners of land in
militia districts ____ --- _-------------------------521, 786 To provide for public roads in Evans County, etc._662, 753, 793 To vest full title and. jurisdiction of bridge over
Oostunaula River in Floyd CountY------------662, 753, 795 To fix primary laws for Chattahoochee County__ /81, 854, 903
To prohibit killing of fox in Greene CountY----784, 817, 902 To require all political parties in DeKalb County to
nominate for county officers by primary elec-
tions ---------------------------------------784, 884, 948 To create new road law for Tattnall County ___ ._879, 937, 986



To provide for assurance, registration, etc., of land tilles -------------------------------------------880, 935
To prohibit killing of foxes in :Floyd County except in certain scasons---------------------------240, 318, 358
To create new Board of Commissioners, etc., for Dougherty County_-------_--------------- ____ 32, 210, 22'5
To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc., for Richmond County------- ___ -----------------_ 33, 989
To establish Board of Commissioners, etc., for Barrow County -------------------------------------142, 210, 228
To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc., for Cook County _______ --------------- ______ 143, 261, 286
To fix time for holding meeting of Commissioners of Stewart County------------------------- ____ 215, 261, 286
To authorize Commissioners of Spalding County to deed property ____ --------_--- _______________ l:;'15, 262, 288
To fix salaries of Commissioners of Spalding
County ------------------------------------216, 262, 287 To repeal Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Bryan CountY---------------------------216, 260, 290 To ereate Board of Commissioners, etc., for :Fannin
County -----------------------------------------240, 759 To create Board of Commissioners, etc., for Gordon
County ------------------------------------241, 26Z', 289 To create Board of Commissioners, etc., for Bryan
County ------------------------------------241, 263, 290 To create Board of Commissioners, etc., for Grady
County ------------------------------------242, 263, 291 To repeal Act establishing Board of Commissioners,
etc., for Grady CountY----------------------243, 263, 291 To create Board of County Commissioners, etc., for
Jeff Davis County_---------------_--- _______ 243, 1:;'64, 359 To amend Act giving Commissioners, etc., certain
powers in laying out roads-------------------251, 567, 635 To repeal Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Paulding CountY-----------------------------315, 63Q To amend Act establishing Board of Commissioners,
etc., for Jenkins CountY--------------------316, 431, 504 To amend Act establishing Board of Commissioners
of :Floyd County____________________________ 317, 569, 606
To repeal Act providing for Board of Commissioners of Bulloch CountY---------------------------317, 568, 609
To create Board of Commissioners for County of Bulloch --------------------------------317, 568, 607, 916
To create Board of Commissioners, etc., for Dawson
County ------------------------------------369, 391, 410 To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Webster Coounty________________________ 370, 391, 410
To create Board of Commissioners, etc., for Terrell County ------------------------------------370, 391, 410
To divide Upson County into three Coommissionef dis-
tricts --------------------------------- _--- -370, 568, 609



To abolish Board of Commissioners, etc., of Carroll County and establish new Board _______ ---- __ ----- 428
To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc., for Banks CountY---------------------------429, 568, 610
To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc., for Douglas, County __________________________ 429, 500, 530
To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc., for Jasper CountY---------------------------523, 569, 605
To abolish office of Commissioners, etc., for Carroll
County ----------------------------------------- 524 To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Tift CountY-----------------------------527, 567, 615 To amend Act creating Commissioners, etc., for Ogle
thorpe County _______________________________ 5:l7, 604, 637
To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc., for Hall CountY-----------------------------543, 604, 799
To abolish Board of Commissioners, etc., for Catoosa
County ------------------------------------659, 751, 798 To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Haralson CountY------------------------660, 751, 790 To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Coffee County ___ ------ __ --------- _______ 660, 751, 791 To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
of Twiggs CountY---------------------------662, 753, 793 To create Board of Commissioners, etc., of Evans
County -------------------------------------662, 753, 794 To create office of Commissioner, etc., for Pickens
County -----------------------------------------663, 855 To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Polk CountY----------------------------701, 817, 902 To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Jackson CountY-------------------------702, 787, 819 To amend Act creating Board of Commissioners, etc.,
for Elbert County ___ ------------ _______ 703, 787, 8S'2, 851
To amend Act creating office of Commissioner, etc., for Telfair CountY--------------------------781, 854, 902
To amend Act providing for County Commissioners
in Wheeler CountY--------------------------782, 818, 904 To allow Commissioners of Berrien County to employ
clerk --------------------------------------785, 854, 907 To amend Acts relating to Board of Commissioners,
etc., for Decatur County------------------ ___ 852, 886, 947 To establish Board of Commiss;ioners, etc., for Semi
nole County-------------------- __ --- _______ 916, 937, 985


To empower Treasurer of Richmond County to em ploy clerk_______________________________________



To fix salary of Treasurer of Gwinnett 'County ______ 117, 579
To abolish office of Treasurer of Forsyth C.ounty_140, 176, 224 To abolish office of Treasurer of Clayton County _140, 209, 225 To provide salary for Treasurer of Mitchell County
instead of fees------------------------------142, 209, 2'4 To abolish office of Treasurer of Cook County ___ 143, 262, 287



To increase salary of Treasurer of Morgan

County ------------------------------------216, 391, 407 To fix salary of Treasurer of Fulton C::ounty ____ 216, 262, 289
To amend Act relative to Treasurer of Chatham County and his compensation_________ ------------ 240

To abolish offic6 of Treasurer of Columbia

County -------------------------------------242, 603, 642 To empower Treasurer of Chatham County to employ
clerk ---------------------------- ____ ---- _______ 262, 289 To abolish office of Treasurer of Fannin County __ ;:12, 352, 372
To amend Act fixing salary of Treasurer of Houston

County ------------------------------------273, 353, 374 To change compensation of Treasurer of ~Ieriwether

County -------------------------------------315, 749, 788 To abolish office of Treasurer of Toombs County _371, 392, 411
To amend Act establishing office of Treasurer of Oconee County_________________________528, 567, 613, 823

To abolish office of Treasurer of Hancock County,

etc. --------------- _- ---------------------- _660, 751, 790 To increase salary of Treasurer of Cobb County__ 660, 751, 790
To amend Act fixing salary of Treasurer of Banks County ------------- __ -------------- _______ 661, 752, 791
To amend Act fixing salary of Treasurer of Pulaski

County -------------------------------------661, 75S', 792 To abolish office of Treasurer of Bulloch County_701, 787, 820 To regulate fees of Ordinaries__________________ 781, 817, 918

To provide for salary of Treasurer of 'Vheeler

County ------------------------------------784, 854, 903 To allow Sheriffs in certain counties to collect

mileage ------------------------------------834, 885, 947 To abolish office of Treasurer of Dodge County ___ 879, 936, 984

To abolish oflice of Treasurer of Ware CountY--------882, 935

To amend Act to abolish Treasurer of Oconee County


To provide for payment of premium on bonds of

county treasurer ---------------------------------916, 982

To increase salary of Judge of City Court of Fort G(<lines ---------- -----'---------------- _____ 117, 133, 144
To increase salary of Judge of City Court of .Camilla ------------------------------------118, 133, 63-1
To amend Act creating City Court of Elberton rela tive to appointment of Solicitor ______________ ll8, 133, 225
To amend Act establishing M'unicipal Court of Atlanta _____ ------------------------------ ___ 239, 281, 337
To amend Act creating City Court of Albany, granting Judge increase of salary_--------- ________ 32, 133, 144
To amend Act relating to salary of Judge of City Court of Richmond County_______________________ 33, 990
To fix salaries of Judges of City Courts in certain counties _______ --------- __ ----- _------ ______ 141, 176, 227
To increase salary of Judge of Criminal Court of
Atlanta ------------------------------------141, 176, 228 To create City Court of AdeL ______ ------------215, S'65, 287



To repeal Act establishing County Court of Bryan County --- __ ------------------------ _______ 240, 281, 338
To amend Act establishing City Court of Wrights ville ------------------------------ _________ 241, 281, 338
To amend Act establishing City Court of Macon_242, 281, 340 To amend Act establishing City Court of Washing
ton ----------------------------------------244, 603, 642 To repeal Act establishing City Court of Darien_244, 28!:::', 341. To :;tmend Act establishing City Court of Ameri-
cus -----------------------------------245, 282, 342, 757 To establish City Court of Metter_ _____________ 251, 282, 341
To amend Act establishing City Court of Pelham-316, 431, 504 To amend Act establishing City Court of Camilla_316, 539, 572 To amend Act creating City Court of Dublin ____ 316, 353, 375 To amend Act creating City Court of Xashville ______ 352, 372 To amend Act relative to salary of Judge of City
Court of Wayrross--------------------------4!:::'8, 568, 609 To provide additional compensation for jurors in
Justice Court of Banks County _______________492, 540, 574
To amend Act establishing Municipal Court of Colum-
bus ----------------------------------------492, 540, 576 To amend Act creating City Court of Valdosta.-492, 539, 572 To amend Act creating City Court of Floyd
Count~ __________ --------------- ___________ .522, 539, 571
To amend Act establishing City Court of Sylves-
ter ----------------------------------------524, 539, 573 To amend Act creating Municipal Court of At
lanta --------------------------------------526, 540, 574 To amend and revise several laws relating to City
Court of Savannah -------------------------154~, 568, 610 To amend Act establishing City Court of Bain
bridge -------------------------------------544, 570, 614 To amend Act establishing City Court of Millen-557, 631, 675 To amend Act creating City Court of Blakely.. 558, 604, 637 To amend Act establishing City Court of Black
shear --------------------------------------559, 631, 677 To establish City Court of Jeffersonville ________ 595, 630, 676 To amend Act creating City Court of Louisville __ 701, 751, 789 To amend Act creating City Court of Hinesville .. 702, 753, 794 To amend Act creating City Court of Soperton __ 70!2', 754, 796 To create City Court of Thomson _______________ 756, 787, 820
To amend Act establishing City Court of East-
man ---------------------------------------835, 855, 900 To establish City Court of Millen______________ 879, 937, 986
To amend charter of City Court of Griffin _______ 879, 937, 987

To fix fees of Clerks of Superior Courts in certain counties -----------------------------------141, 176, 229
To provide that Solicitor-General of Brunswick Circuit may engage in civil practice____________ 217, 281, 337
To provide for holding two additional terms of Super ior Court of Bryan CountY-------------------240, 281, 338



To amend Act pro,iding for holding four terms a
year of SupPrior Court of Barrow County ____ 242, 281, 339
To fix compensation of deputy clerks of Superior Courts in certain counties ____________________ 274, 500, 550
To provide for holding three terms a year of Superior Court of Hart Count.v-----------------------:316, 353, 370
To earrv into effect amendment to Constitution authorizing additional Judge of Superior Court for Macon Cirru~ ------------------------------------------368 821
To place Lanier County in Alapahl:l, Judicial Cir-
cuit --------------------------------------507, 934, 1041 To require clerks of Superior ('ourts to certif,v facts
pertaining to defendants confined in jaiL ___ (i57, 787, 1006
To providt for transfer of <ertain criminal eases from ( 'ity ( 'onrts to Snpl'rior ( 'ourts ________ ti08, 787, 100;)
To aholish fc>e system in Bltw Ridge CircuiL _____ 491, 539, 573
To abolish fee system in Chattahoochee Circuit- .. 430, 539, 575 To abolish fee sy~tem in Augusta Circuit as to Solici-
tor-General __________________ ---- _____ ----- ______ 659, 700
To amend Ad to provide for compensation of stenographie reportl'rs in certain judicial circuits- _756, 786, 838
To provide for publication of reports of Supreme C'ourt and of Court of Appeals _______________ /83, 816, 960
To aml'nd Act to abolish fee system in Augusta Judirial ( 'ircuit_ _____ ---------------- ___ -------- _____ 836, 910
To. regula~l' eompt:nsation' of stenographic reporters Ill ccrtam counties_________________________________ 33
To regu!ntl' <ompPnsation of stl'HOgraphic reportPrs __ 039, ()38

I J:\"Sl'RA:\"( 'E-
To pro,i,]P amotmt of deposit mn<le h: life insurance rompaniPs not no\\ authorized to <lo busin<'ss __ ()98, 15-!, 837
To regu!atP sale anti distribution of manufaetured milk ____ -- _-- ___ -- _____ -- ______________________ 134, 196
To protect fur !waring animals of state ____ 348, 40(i, 551, 579 To make heds of rinrs, ete., property of state________ 368 To rl'p<'a l Ad fixing stan dan! of tinw of Geor-
gia -----------------------------------------32:>, 6S9, 662 To pro\'i<le for construction of fislnvays o\'er powpr
dnms -------------------------------------523, 730, 100'0 To drsignate all post roads as publil roads-----------544, 686 To amt'IH] Acts maintaining Confederate Soldiers
Home ______ ----------------------- _______ .557, 603, 1019 To pro\'idL' for appraran"e of persons eharged with
misdemeanors, etc. _________________________ 558, 749, 1001 To amend Act for disposition of dead bodies ____ 593, 653, 961



To make beds of salt waters in state not already eon
veyed, property of state--------------------------602, 968 To make U. S. cotton standards official standards
of Georgia. ________ ----------------- __ ---- -657, 750, 1018 To confirm title of Standard Fuel Supply Co. ____ 658, 750, 789 To create Warehouse Departmeut_ _____________ti58, 751, 918
To amend Act to provide for drainage system, etc.--- 700 To provide for guardians of persons non compos men
tis to make title----------------------------780, 816, 959 To prodde for co-operation with Act of Congress pro-
viding for promotion of Vocational Rehabilita-
tion ---------------------------------------783, 853, 1045 To increase salary of Deputy Insurance Commis-
sioner ----------------------~-------------783, 819, 1027 To amend laws providing for inspection of illuminat-
ing oils ----------.------------------------.878, 936, 989 To carry into effect in Savannah Paragraph 1, Section
7, Article 6, of Constitution ____ .. _____ ---- ___ 878, 935, 982
To regulate branding, etc., of calcium arsenate, insec-
ticides and fungicides---------------------------878, 1066 To establish Board of Dental Examiners------------883, 995 To prohibit use of nets over 30 feet long in salt
waters _________ ----------------------------883, 937,- 992 To provide for sale of land by executors, etc. ___ 884, 934, 1008 To regulate practice of chiropractic_________________ 1006
To require forthcoming bond in certain cases_------- 1007 To amend Act relating to furloughs from State Sani-
tarium ----------------------------------------- 1042

To amend charter of AdeL---------------------32, 105, 115 To amend charter of Adel relative to levy of spe-
cial school tax_ _____________________________ 33, 105, 116
To amend charter of Guyton relative to tax levy.140, 196, 226 To amend charter of Griffin relati\e to levy of an-
nual taxes----------------------------------141, 196, 228 To provide for election of Chief of Police of Pel-
ham by the people ___ ----------. ____________141, 196, 223
To provide for election of Councilmen in Pel-
ham ---------------------------------------142, 196, 223 To amend charter of Thomaston relating to grading
of streets, etc.------------------------------14~, 195, 227 To amend charter of Apalachee __ ---- --- _______ 143, 195, 226 To ammcl charter of Unadi1Ja ________________210, 406, 432 To amend charter of Lincolnton ______________ 2l5, 265, 284
To amend charter of ).lacon.--------- _________ 217, 261, 284 To incorporate Town of Blythe________________ 217, 262, 288
To repeal charter of Town of The Rock ________ 217, 280, 339 To incorporate To"n of The Rock.----._---- ___ 217, 280, 339 To incorporate City of Thom8on in lieu of Town of
Thomson -----------------------------------218, 264, 293 To amend charter of City of Statesboro.----- __ 218, 264, 294 To amend charter of \Vinder __________________ 239, 261, 284



To create new charter for Linwood ___ -- _______ 240, 319, 359

To amend charter of Smyrna------------------241, 263, 292 To authorize Mayor, etc., of Smyrna to order elec
tion ---------------------------------------2;41, 264, 292 To amend charter of 1fonticello ________________ 242, 263, 290

To amend charter of Claxton------------------243, 264, 292 To incorporate To"n of Pocotaligo ____________ 243, 264, 29:;
To amPnd charter of Rome--------------------243, 264, ~'9:~
To fix maximum amount of bonds to be issued bv LaGrange __________________________________ ::l44: 265, 29!

To amend charter of C'uthberL _______________ 244, 265, 29+ To amend charter of Acworth __________________ 245, 2G5, 29.) To amend charter of Shellman __________________ 24;), 2G5, S'9.)
To create new chart('r for McCaysville __________ 2;)l, 2SO, :'137 To create new ehart('r for Buena Vista __________ :!;)2, 280, :~41 To amend charter of LaGrang(' _______________ .2;)2, 280, :l4~
To amend charter of Atlanta------------------~:::, 319, :'15S To amend charter of Bainbridge ________________ 27:3, 319, ;),)7 To amend charter of Ocilla ____________________ :::~, 320, 337

To require Mayor, etc., of Quitman to provide acr Yalorem tax ________________________________ :!/4, 319, :J;)(i

To amend eharter of ~fays,ilJe ________________ 27+, 319, 360

To incorporate Town of Alpharetta ____________ 274, 319, 33(i

To am('!Hl charter of LaFa.ntte. ___________________ 319, 360

To amen<! charter of Brunswick ________________ ;).!!), 392, 40S

To amend charter of J aekson _____ - ------ ______ 3+9, 39::, -!OR
To amend eharter of Fitzgerald ________________ :ws, 39:i, 40S

To amentl rhartt>r of White Plains ______________ :i!i8, 39~. 409

To repeal charter of Powder Springs __________ :lfi9, :i92, 40P

To repeal charter of Resaca __________________ :Hi9, 392, 409

To repeal charter of XiehoJs ____________________ :Hi9, 39:1. 409

To incorporate Town of Stockbridge ____________ 428, 500, 3:.:'fl

To abolish Ci,il S('nice ('ommission of ~fa con .. 429, G:JO, ti8:?

To crt>at(' new charter for Town of Palm('tto ____ 429, ;)(1(}. ;)2!1

To extend corporate limits of Cedartown ________ -!29, 300, ;)~9

To create new chart('r for City of ~Iaridta----------


To incorporate Town of Tahno ________________ -!92, 539, ;)/;)

To amend chartn of Social Cirl'l(' ______________ 4fl2, 540, 376

To extend corporate limits of Columbus ________ 493, .)-10, 577

To amend charter of Fort Gaincs ______________ ..t-92, 53S, 57:3

To amend chartc>r of HartwelL ____ -----------~~)3. 5-10, 37) To amenLi charter of BnfonL _________________ ,);!-1, ;)3\l, ;)7~

To illl'orporat(' Cit_,. of Powder Springs __________ 52-l, .J3H, 57-1

To create River all(l LeVL'C Commission for protection of West Point_ _______________________ G::5, G31, Gil

To authorize \\'Lst Point to acquire lands for
leveps -------------------------------------525, 568, GlO To authorize \Vest Point to acquire property to pro-
tect it from ftoods--------------------------52;), ()31, G/li To amend chart('r of East Thomaston __________ 521i, 5-10, 5/!i

To repeal charter of GraynwnL----------------527, 338, .)/7

To repeal charter of SummiL-----------------527, ;)38, 517 To am('!ll] ehartn of Valdosta __________________ 528, 570, 61-1



To amend charter of Richland------------------328, 570, 614 To amend Act extending eorporate limits of Colum-
bus ----------------------------------------528, 538, 578 To amend charter of Atlanta ______________528, 538, 578, 590 To amend charter of Pinehurst_ _______________ 543, 569, 611
To amend charter of Crawford----------------543, 569, 611 To authorize Mayor, etc., of Austell to hold bond
election ------------------------------------543, ;)67, 612 To create new charter for City of Adrian ________ 543, 567, 61:l To amend charter of Douglas _________________ -544, 630, 67:)
To create new charter for Town of Patterson ____ 557, 603, 635 To repeal charter of Tifton ____________________ ;)58, 604, ti36 To amend charter of Broxton __________________ 559, ti05, 638 To create new charter for City of Marietta ____ ;)95, fi30; 800 To amend charter of Forsyth __________________ 39:;, 630, fi7:i
To amend Act vesting title in fee simple to the Com-
mons of Columbus Commissioners ____________ ;;9(i, fi:-w, fi77
To incorporate City of ~Ionticello ______________ 596, fi:W, 68i)
To authorize Bainbridge to establish and change grade of sidewalks, etc.--------------------"96, li30, fii(i
To create new charter for City of ~ichols __________ 630, ti74 To amend charter of Ameri(us ________________ (i38, 704, 80:~ To amend charter of College Park ______________ ti59, 704, 744 To incorporate Town of Farrar ____ ____________ ()59, 70-!, 744
To incorporate City of Twin Cit.Y--------------639, 706, 747 To amend charter of Camak __________________ (j,59, 703, 745 To amend charter of Sylvester_ _______________ fifil, 7:32, 820 To amend charter of Hahira ___________ ------ _fi61, 705, 74;) To amend charter of ~{olena __________________ 662, 703, 74-i
To amend charter of Columbus relative to levv of taxes --------------------------------------663, 705, 74ti
To amend charter of ( 'olumbus rPlativc to payment of pensions, etc----------------------------66:!, 703, 746
To amend charter of Tcnnillc ________________ 664, 705, 746
To amend charter of Augusta relati've to pensions, etc. ____________________________________________ 666, 801
'To create new charter for Cave Springs ________ (i98, 730, 797 To amend charter of Thomasville ______________ 699, 75~:, 797 To ineorporate City of Manassas ______________ 699, 752, 791
To incorporate Town of Cusseta----------------699, 733, 798 To create office of City Recorder of LaGrange __ 701, 751, 789 To amend charter of DeSoto __________________ 701, 753, 794 To amend charter of Lavonia.________________ 702, 754, 793 To amend charter of Vanna ____________________ 702, 754, 796
To extend corporate limits of Athens------------781, 818, 904 To authorize Mayor., etc., of Savannah to fix rates of
baggage and cab companies ___________ -- ___ 782, 830, 904
To authorize Mayor, etc., of Savannah to acquire property for municip~l wharf_ __________ -- ___ 782, 818, 855
To amend charter of Grayson __________ ----- ---782, 818, 905
To amend charter of Cornelia------------------785, 819, 906 To amend charter of Madison ________________ 785, 818, 901i
To authorize ('oehran to sell certain property--- -785, 818, 901i



To authorize Commons Commissioners of Columbus to execute deed to Simpson Chapel Methodist
church ----------------------------------------834, 947 To relieve Milledgeville of taxes on certain prop-
erty -------------------------------------------835, 992 To amend charter of Lithonia------------------835, 854, 907 To amend Act to intersect corporate limits of De-
catur --------------------------------------835, 855, 907 To amend c.harter of Macon relative to Audito-
rium --------------------------------------852, 885, 948 To extend corporate limits of Macon ____________852, 886, 949
To amend charter of Savaimah----------------878, 935, 983 To amend charter of Decatur_ ________________ .879, 936, 984 To amend charter of East Point_ ___________ ..880, 938, 987 To amend charter of Eatonton ________________880, 936, 985
To amend charter of Cobbtown_____________ ------- 880, 986
To amend charter of East Point--------------880, 937, 987 To create new charter for City of Kirkwood. ___ 881, 936, 983
To amend charter of Macon--------------------881, 936, 992 To create new charter for City of Metter ______ 881, 936, 984 To amend charter of Collins__________________ 882, 937, 985
To amend charter of Dudley__________________ 883, 938, 988



To increase school tax in City of Washington ..140, 195, 224

To authorize Board of E'ducation of Richmond Countv

to erect and equip schools ______________________


To amend Act establishing public school system for City of Thomaston----------------------143, 193, 227
To repeal Act creating Board of Education for City of ::\fonticello. ______________________________ 216, 280, 340

ToinamAenlbdanAyc_t_p__ro_v__id_i_n_g__f_o_r__s_y_s_te_m___o_f__p_u_b_l_i_c_s_c_h2o4o2l,s 280, 340

To authorize admission of women in School of Commerce of Georgia School of Technology ______ 272, 629, 668
To amend Act establishing public graded schools
in Dawson----------------------------------273, 353, 374 To amend Act authorizing Mayor, etc., of Acworth
to establish public schools. _________________ 273, 319, 357
To amend school laws of Moultrie to leYy ad valorem tax.---------------------- _____________:;;4, 353, 374
To abolish publie school system of City of LaFay-

ette -------------------------------------------


To amend Act establishing public school system in

City of Lyons______________________________ 316, 516, 547

To amend Act establishing school tax for Gaines-
Yille ------------------------------------------368, 578 To amend Ad establishing public school system of
Richland ----------------------------------368, 516, 548 To amend Act establishing public school system for
Roswell ------------------------------------369, 516, 548



To amend Act establishing Georgia Normal ani Industrial College_________ ---------- __________369, 431, 505

To amend Act establishing public school system in

Town of Bartow4---------------------------370, 516, 549 To abolish Act establishing public school system in
Town of Bartow---------------------- ______ 370, 517, 549 To abolish school system of Louisville. _________371, 517, 548

To authorize Trustees of Louisville Academy to sell

all its property_____ ------------------- __ ---371, 517, 549

To provide additional compensation for members of Board of Education of Banks County___ .-493, 603, 635

To amend Act establishing public school system in

each countY--------------------------------521, 602, 960 To give additional powers to Local Board of Trus-

tees of G. M. C.----------------------522, 629, 671, 908
To authorize county authorities to provide for schools for adult illiterates, etc. ____________________ 522, 603, 961

To amend Act establishing schools in HartwelL.526, 604, 636

To amend Act establishing public school system for

Marietta ----------------------------------526, 604, 636 To amend Act providing public school system for
Douglas ___________________ --------- ______ .527, 604, 637

To amend Act establishing Agricultural, Industrial and Normal SchooL ___________________ 658, 811, 1044

To amend Act establishing public school system in

Ocilla -------------------------------------661, 752, 792 To amend Act establishing public school system in
Jefferson ----------------------------------661, 75~~ 792 To amend Act authorizing publie~ schools for La-

vonia -------------------------------------663, 754, 795 To thange name of State Reformatory to Geor-
gia Training School for Boys ________________ /00, 186, 991

To amend Act establishing public school system for

BowersYille --------------------------------102, 75-1, 796 To-establish public school system in \\"ashington_703, 754, 797

To amend Act creating public school system for

Conyers ------------------------------------182, 818, 905 To amend Act establishing public school system for

Doerun ------------------------------------184, 854, 903 To amend Act providing schools for Dublin_________ 833, 948

To amend Act providing public school system for

Vidalia ------------------------------------835, 855, 908 To amend Act establishing public school system for

Alamo -------------------------------------880, 936, 983 To establish Frances Willard Day in public schools.. 882, 935

To authorize $500,000 bonds for school purposes in

Richmond County ___ -------------_------_-------




To require tax collectors to open ''Discharged Sol-

diers and Sailors List"--------------------------




To amend Act relating to Banks County commutation tax ---------------------------------------_430, 569, 611
To amend Inheritance Tax Act- _______________522, 566, 798

To authorize Tax Assessors in certain counties to meet and examine returns __________________526, 567, 612

To amend Act authorizing levy of tax in Dalton __ 528, 604, 631!
To tax the professions, ctc--------------------558, 749, 998 To amend General Tax Act relating to automo-
biles _____________ -------------------- _____595, 653, 686

To amend Act to provid<' for Public Seniee Corpo-

ration Tax ('!erk---------------------------836, 853, 1019 To pay ~Irs. Ellen Ribson pension of $90 for 1918 __ 17, 1010

To pay pension to ~Irs. Frances Shores ____________ 22, 963

To pay pension to Mrs. D. W. Pope, which was to have

been paid ~Irs. S. ('. Faulknrr__________________


}'or joint eommittcP to investigate financial status of State .. ______________________________________ 23, 123

To pa~ pension to }frs. 1fary Tucker_------------To appropriate $80 to pay ptnsion of Elizabeth Tro-
well for 1918---------------------------------To require all political bodies holding meetings in House or Senate chambers during recess of Legis-
lattue to get consent of all members of Committee on Public Buildings____________________________

34 :14, 964

To relien' securiti<'S on hontl of Alonzo Golson and Sophie ~!eyers _____________________________ 143, 917, 101:.!

To appropriate $~';),000 to tonr shortage in pension

fund ------------------------------------------


To appropriate $4/ii,OOO to pay approved pensions

of 1920____________________________________ 218, 392, 104fi

Provi<l ing for in vpsti~-,.-u tion of State Y eterinarian 's

oflk2 ------------------------------------------218, 284 To authorize ~tate Librarian to furnish copy of Park's

Annotated Code to Gl'orgia State Sanitarium_ .275, 320, 361

To allow S. L. Stri,ings to address General Assem-

hlv --------------------------------------------


To ~uthorize State Librarian to furnish eertain books

to rni\ersitY-------------------------------371, -;;:.:, 8"'

To pay pension of Eli Stafford, dt'ceased, for

1919---------------------------------------371, 392, 38:1 To appropriate :!<~5,000 to coYer shortagt' in pension
fund ___________________________________________ 392, 920

To proYide for joint session of Senate and House on

.July 28 to han' presented to State a flag by Daugh-

ters of {'onfederan------------------------------


In,iting Gon'rnor c'ox and Ron. Franklin D. Roose

Yelt to speak in Georgia_________________________


To appropriate funds in State Treasury dPriYed from

sale of motor Yehide tags________________________


To relieve Lonnie Haralson of a bond __________ 664, 706, 962 To relieYe Lonnie Haralson and others as suretv on
a hond------------------------------------~664, 706, 962 To relieYe Lonnie Haralson as surety on a bond_665, 70(i, 96~



To relieve Lonnie Haralson as surety on a bond_665, 706, 963

To relieve J. H. Hardy as surety on a bond----665, 706, 963

To declare portion ofj Flynt River to be naviga

ble ----------------------------------------665, 706, 823 To pay W. \\. Crawford $90 ______________________ 703, 965

To appropriate $5,000 to pay expenses as per diem of

Legislative Committee who visited State Institutions _____________________ ------------. _... 665, 787, 836

To require registration of lobbyists _____ .. ---------


To appropriate $10,000 for support of Georgia Train-

ing School for Girls____ .-------- __ -------------


To appropriate $5,000 to make repairs on Confeder-

ate Soldiers Home------------------------------876, 1050 To reimburse C. J. Harp for payment of a bond_877, 938, 1042

To authorize sale of thirteen acres of land now possessed by State ____________________________ 87i, 938, 1020

To pay pensions to certain parties____________8i/, 938, 1011

To receive funds from school children to provide for honor to Admiral William S. Benson ____________ 87i, 938

To amend Constitution so as to provide for represen-

tation of new counties of Lanier, Seminole and

Brantley ----------------------------------877, 938, 1015 Requesting State Librarian to furnish certain books to
courts of Calhoun County________________________ 884, 967

Endorsing Georgia Advertisement Enterprise. _______ 88,5, 967

Providing for sound boards in hall of House _______ _


Providing for joint committee to inform Governor ready to adjourn ________________________________ _
To amend Act 3, Sec. 3, Par. 1 of Constitution_____ _

107::: 938

To create commission to receive funds from school

children of Georgia------------------------------

