Report of the adjutant and inspector-general of the state of Georgia, 1886

.A1 1886

H' 01
01-' rllR
NOVEMBER 3, t 86.
CT 7 1939
{,EO. W. HARRISON, T-\TE PRl:>TER 1 6.

011' THE
NOVEMBER q, 1886.


STATE OF GEORGIA, ATLA~'l'A, Noyember 3d, 1886.

His Excellency Hem'y D. McDaniel, Governor, etc. :

m-I have the honor of ubmitting to you, as required

by law, my an'nual report of the tran action of this depart-

ment for the last twelve month~.

An Act of the Legislature, approved Oct0ber 13th, 1 85,

provided for limiting the number of white companies in this

State to fifty infantry, seven cavalry and three artillery com-

panie , and the colored commands to twenty infantry, one

artillery and one cavalry company, It al 0 provided that

the Governor should as sQon a pos. ible in hi di,cretion

proceed to organize the volunteer force' afore aid by de ig-

nating what commands then exi ting hould form part of

the same, and hould di band all comman:l in this State

not made a part of aid force, b' general orders, providing,

however, that any command which exi ted prior to the 16th

O~tober, 1 0, which might elect to maintain it elf, if not

made part of said force and should otherwi e conform to the

laws of this State in thi regard, should remain intact in

addition to aid volunteer force thereby organized, but

..hould be under the same regulation as aid volunteer forces

a independent command!; respecti v ly.

In compliance with this provision of law, an order was

i sued from thi office on the 26th day of Januaary, 1886,

designating the following named cor,npanies as t~e volunteer

forces of thi tate, to-wit:


InfantlY.- avannah Cadets, Republican Blue, Oglethorpe Light Infantry, Iri h Ja per Green, German Volunteers, ( avannah). Clark Light Infantry, Clinch Rifles, (Augusta).

Macon Volunteer Floyd Rifle, (Macon). Putnam Rifle", (Eatonton). onthem adet (lacon)). Hancock Van Guards, (parta). Baldwin Blues, (Milledgeville). Companic A, B and of the' Third Battalion Georgia \ olunteer " (avannah). paldinO" Gray, (Griffin). Quitman Guard. , (For yth). Griffin Light Guards, (Griffin). olumbus Guard, City Light Guards ( olumbu). LaGrang Light Guard (LaGrange). outhern Rifle, (Talbotton). Albany Guard, (Albany). Lewi Light Infantry, (Montezuma). Fort Gainl? Guards, (Fort Gaine). Brun 'wick Rifl men, (Brun willk). on titutional Guard (Taylor 'reek). Daw on Guard, (Dawson). Rome Light Guard (Rome). Tattnall Guard, (Matlock). Walton Guards, (Uouroe). Gate ity Guards, (Atlanta). Hill ity adet, (Rome). Thorn. on Guard, (Thorn on). Milledgevill Light Infantry, (l\IilledO"evillc). Wiley Guard, (Griswold ville). DuBiO"non Volunteers, (lilledgeville). Crawford Guard, (Knoxville). Blount' olunteer" pJilledgeville).
Artillery.-Chatham Artillery, (::iavannah). Jack on Light Artillery, (Albany).
Cavaby.-GeorgiaHu ars ( avallnah). Effingham TrooI " (pringfield). Governor Hor e Guard (Atlanta). Liberty Ind pendent Troop, pfcInto h). IcInLo h Light Dragoon', (Darien). RichmondHussar' (Augusta). Libert.y Guards, (John. on tation).
II. It ie' further order d, That the followinO" named ompanie ball con titute the G orgia Volunteer, colored to-wit:
Infantry.- nion Lincoln Guard, Loan tar Cadet avannab LiO'ht Infantry, olquitt Blue, For t ity Light Infantry, Chatham Light Infantry, (avannah). Augusta Light Infantry, DouO"I Light Infantry, AuO"u ta 'adet, Georgia Infantry, (Augu ta). olquitt Guard, (Albany). Lincoln Guards, (lacon). Georgia Cadet. , Fulton Guard' Govemor's 'olunteer., (Atlanta). Columbu Volunteer, (Columbus). Rome tar Guard, (Rome). Bibb ount~ Blue" entral ity Light Infantry ( lacon).
Artillery.-Georgia Artillery, ( avannah). Cavalry.- avanllah Hu~ ar , ( avannah).

At the time of the issueinO' of this order, the Tolbert Light Infantry, (color d), was virtually disbanded, and I have ince substituted in its place in the Georgia \ olunteers, ~colored), the Attocks Infantry, of Augu tao The companies constituting the independent volunteer forces of the State are the following, to-wit:
creven Troop, of Screven COl1nty, the Eureka Cavalry, of umter county, both cavalry companies,
Atlanta Washington Guards, (Atlanta). Atlanta Light Infantry, (Atlanta).
In compliance with the provision of aid Act, an order ,ra issued disbanding all other military organizations in the 'tate and calling in the arms and accoutrements belonging to the tate. p to the 20th of October, 1886, I have received the arms and accoutrement of the following disbanded and independent companies;
We t Point Guards, Americu . Light Infantry, South. Western Cadets, Hampton Guards, nion Blues, Washington Dragoon, Warren Light Infantry, Marietta Light Infantry,. (Ind.,) Atlada Light Infantry, (Ind.), Atlanta ,\ ashington (~uard ,(Ind.)
The Act referred to provided for thq e tabli hment of 1Il military ad vi ory board for the purpo e therein named. Within the time designated by law an order was i sued appointing the following named officer as member thereof: Lieut. Col. Peter Reily, of the 1 t Vol. Reg.; Lieut. Col. C. 1. Wiley, of the 2nd Batt. Ga. Vol.; Lieut. Col. W. SO'
heppard of the 6th Batt.; Lieut. Col. John C. Printup, of. the 8th Batt. ; apt W. W. Gordon, of the Georgia Hussars; Capt. J. W. Clark, of the Richmond Hus aI'S; Capt. J. C. '. immon , of the Hancock Van Guard ; Capt. T. . W 001folk of the Albany Guard.
Capt. Gordon having declined to accept said position, Capt. G. M apier, of the Walton Guards, was appointed in his place. The first and only meeting of thi board was helel at the Capitol on the 19th day of August, 1886.

I herewith tran mit a copy ofit . proceedings. In conformity with it. llgO'e tion a to the in pection of the variou military orO'anizatioll order w re i ued for thi purpo e. The result being hown by. the reports of in pe ting officer hereto attach d. Wher no report i!S mad of the in pection of a company I have attached the annual rep rt made of the condition etc., of the company on the 1 t day of :May last, which gives much f the information contain d in the in pection report.
ince the organization of the military board they have advi ed the organization of fiv infantry companie and one artillery company, a will be een by reference to their minut s. Previou to thi meeting they had authorized the or, ganization of the Green Rifle. of Greene county, and the Gaine ville Volunteer of Hall count), making in all even cOI:lpanie of infantry and one of artillery. one of the aboye companie have yet perfected their organization. The following companie have elected captain and a I am informed, h[\,\'e ordered their uniform, to-wit:
The Gaine ville Volunteer, 'reene Rifle, Atlanta Rifle' Atlanta Artillery Fulton county, Gem .Ity Guard, Cobb county, Wayne bol'O Guard, Burke county.
By an Act of the LeO'i.lature approved, Oct. 13th, 1 the Adjutant-General wa direet<::d to make a complete 1'0 ter of all pel ons who entcr d the ervic ofthe ConfE-dcrate tate in the late war from thi State, giving name, rank, letter of company, number of regiment, and such other information as he might think would be of intere t to the people An appropriation of onp. thousand dollars, or so much thereof a might be necei:iSary, wa made to carry out the provi ion of thi Act.
I found that there wa but one ource from which th nee ~sary information ould be obtained, and that is from th 'onfederate arQhives which are in the cu tody of the \Var department at Wa hington D.
Inquiry wa made at the War department a to whether the archive of the onfe:lerate Government contained nch informatioll, and whether or not it could be obtained. Th
ecretary of War replied that it could b obtained, but that

the work would be an arduous one, and, in my opinion, the expen e of obtaining it would largely exceed the appropriation. I learned afterward that the work could be accomplished in a much horter time than ~tated by the ecretary, and probably coming within the appropriation, and for thi purpo e lr. J o. eph E. J ohn~on, of Wa hington, D. ., ha been employed at one hundred dollars per month. Mr.
Johnson, r understand, ha b en engaged in imilar work
for other partie, and i familiar with the Confederate archive. The \Var department, in permitting these record. to be copied reserved the right of de igna~ng the per on permitted to have acce s to them. Mr. John on inform me that he expects to have copie of these records completed within nine month from thi date.
r would call your attention to the fact that the tate ha
on hand orne two or three hundred gun. and ammunition which are not ervicible by rea on of their being supplante!l by arms of more recent patent, and they are therefore of no u e, as military companie do not want them. There i al 0 a lot of old' tyle accoutrements, and orne di po ition ought to be made of them. They are utterly w<:>rthle to the State in their pre ent condition. I have had from dealer in uc~ articl frequent inquirie as to whether th tate had an uch for ale.
rt might be that they could be old and the fund arising therefrom appropriited in orne manner for the benefit of the military. Legislation would, of cour ,be nece ary to authorize their ale or exchange.
one of the mea ures looking toward the dicipline and efficien y of the troop , I would uggest a provi ion for the annual encampment of the Georgia fore for at lea t ix day in each year. The encampment hould be made permanent.
By an Act of Congre s the government furnishe each maritime State which provide for an annual encampment of at I a t ix day in the year, with five thousand dollar worth of heavy ordnance. The obje t of thi provi ion i to educate the troop nearet our sea-coa t defen e in the use of eige gun, etc. If annual encampment were provided for


we could ecure the benefit of this appropriation. The

chief advantages, however to be derived from an encamp-

ment of this, ort i that it will be a school for hoth men

and officer .

It will bring them from all parts of the State together

and incite a oldierly spirit of rivalry. A week thu spent

in the school of tactic and general military knowledge would

I.e nearly, if not quite, equal to an education acquired at a

military in titute in these branches.

In behalf of the military of Georgia, I commend them to

your favorable consideration and fo tering care of the State

and a. k for them a careful inquiry into their wants and

nece sities. I would call attention to the fact that the State

doe not appropriate anything for the support and main-

tenance of her military organization. They ha"e to rely

solely upon them elves and upon a small annual

appropriation made by ongre which is utterly

inadequate to meet their requirements. This appro-

priation amount to a little over fifty-five hundred

dollars. It wa mad under an Act which was pas ed dur-

ing the admini tration ofPre,identJefier on. At that time

it was deemed that this amount was sufficient to properly

equip Georgia's militia. ince tben the tate ha quad-

TUpled ber population, and the amount utterly fails to do

more than to partially equip a limited number of compa-

nie. It i needles to empha ize the importance of a

well-equipped and disciplined militia to a government.

While there may be no dangers menacing u , other sect-ion

of the country are appr aching the solution of very grave

problems which may re ult in most disa trou conflicts, and
there i no foreca ting the perils which may await u in the
near future and wi dom lie in the maxim "semper paratus." The ure t way to con erve the peace is to be prepared for it

breach. The tate, when occa ion demand it, has no he i-
tancy in calling upon her military organizations to quell riot or to aid the civil authoritie in executing the law, and

it does eem that a a mea ure of ju tice the correlative ob-

liga.tion would not leave them to the Federal Government

and them elve for their upport and maintenance.

Re pectfully,


Adjutant and In pector-Gel1eral.

The Advisory Board met in the enate Chamber with the following member in attendance:
Col. C. H. Olm tead, Q. M. G. Col. M. Wiley, 01. J. C Priutup, Capt. J. immons, Capt. T. . Woolfolk, Capt. G. M. apier, Leiut. Col John K ely.
Col. John . tephen, hairman of the Board, called the Board to order. apt. T. . \Voolfolk was elected ecretary.
~ection$ under which this Board was .organized and the dutie thereof were read.
After orne di cu ion it wa recommended that the Adjutant-General order at oace an inspection of all the military of the. tate, both white aLd colored, each command to be in pected by orne officer outside of its own organization r gardle of rank-said officer to O"ive information on the following points:
1st Name of company, date of organization, and location. 2nd. Name of commi ioned officers, number of non-commi ioned officer and private. 3rd. umber of unifol'ffis, uumbel' of drills and parades and average attendance on drill and parade for one year previou to aiu in pection. 4th. umber of guns, condition and de cription. 5th umber of equipment belonging to the tate. It was recommended that the following companie be organized upon their application: One Infantry Company at Greenville, Ga. One Artillery Company at Atlanta.


One Infantry at Iarietta. One Infantry in Burke county. One Infantry company Atlanta. One company in Thomas county. It WaJ recommended that the Thorn on Guards be re-intated upon their complyina with the law governing the military of the tate. It wa al recommended that the Adjutant-General call in all arms of all companie that are not made a part of the military of the State by General Order o. 16, and by action of the Military Board of thi date.
n wa 0.1 0 recommended that the Adjutant-General i sue
to the in pecting officers suitable blank. for embodying the above information in a uniform manner, all inspection reports to be made direct to the Adjutant-General and to be tabulated by him in one general report.


Lieutenant-Colonel A. A. Winl1 Lieutenant- olonel Wm. H. Ro Li utenant- olonel 'liff. B. Grimes Lieutenant- olonel Wilberfor e DanieL Lieutenant-Colonel John Keely Li utenant- olonel Richard Hobbs Lieutenant-Colonel Robert A. Anderson Lieutenant-Colonel P. M. B. Young LieutenantColonel J. H. E till Lieutenant-Colon 1 John D. Harrcll

avannab. beon
Columbus Augusta. Atlanta. Albany. Atlanta.
Cartersvilie. avannah.

Ro~ter of Volunteer Organizations.



(,olouel-(vacant.) Lt. Col. Peter Reiley Major, John chwarz .\djutant, John W. Wilson (!'rtcr i\Ia ter, B. H. Richardson Commi. sary, E. . Gleason

Savannah avannah avannah
Savannah avannah

Feb. Feb. Nov. May Feb.

2, 1 2 2, 1 82 9, 1 s;~ 26, ]8 0 7, 1. 110

Captain, H. M. Branch Fir t Lt., Jordan. F. Brooks ~econdLt.,Robt . . M 1l

Mch 17, 18 Z Apr. 30, 111 Jan. 17,1,0

aptain, Geo. A. Mercer Fi'r t Lt., Wm. D. Dixon ~econd Lt., W G. ):Iorrell :,econd Lt., Juliu l\laccaw

April 27, ] Jan. 16, 1 Mch. 16, 1 July 25,]


Captain, R bert Falligant


",ept. ]6, 1 72

First Lt., Fleming G. duBignon

Jan. ,1 5

~econd Lt., Wm. B. M: 11 ........................................Mch. ,1 2

econd Lt., L. W. Land rshein 16, 1


('aptain, John Flannery ........................................May

I"ir't Lt., James McGrath

. May

i'econd Lt., Edward J. Kenn dy


6, 1 '72 6, 1 72 6, 1 72

('aptain, John Derst Firat Lt., J. H. H lmken
e ond Lt., Henry Kolshorn

rov. 24, 1 ~
Aug. 27, 1 i)
Aug. 27, 1 ij



Com'nder, Lt. Col. C. M. Wiley Macon Major, N. M. Hodgkins First Lt. and Adjutant, E. D. Hugunin. l!uarter Master, Walter Paine. Commissary, E. . Wilson. Pay l\faster, W. W . 'Vrigly. ,'urgeon, . G. Gervinner. Chaplain, J. O. A. Cook.

Dec. 13, 11;il"i June 21, 1<.:: 7 ~


Captain, W. W. Carnes


First Lt., G. C. Conller


,'econd Lt., J. E. Wells


3, ] iG 3, 1 76
3, ] 7H

Captain, John L. Hardeman. First Lt., Wiley N. Arnold Hecond Lt., Durham G. mith ~econd Lt., Thomas . Drew.................. .

Oct. ]8, 1 7f) . ..

Captain,!. H. Adams Fir tLt., C. l\f. Davis ~ccond Lt., C. F. imonton

April 25, I '8-* April 25,1, '.J. May 18, 11<8.J.

Captain, Roff Sims Virst Lt., O. T. Kenan Hecond Lt., John C. Flynn Recond Lt., T. E. Artope


Feb. July Feb. July

4, 1 ti 27, 1 8li
4, 1 86 27, 18 (i


Captain, J. C. ~immons First Lt., A. E. Brown.................. , econd Lt., Thomas H. Little

Aug. 14, 1 3


ept. 10, 1888

:.. April 11, ]88.J.


Uaptain, George W. Caraker Fir t Lt., John J. Wootten ,econd Lt., harles W. Ennis

.. , ..
1\Iay 23,] . .j.



Com'nder, Lt. 10 1. Wm. Garrard avannah .\.c1jutant, Wm. W. William on Surgeon, J. P. . Hon ton Quarter 31a ter, . P. Rossignal.. Commissary, John ~I. Bryan Pay 1\1a ter, R. R. Richards

Dec. 23, 1 :? Feb. 21, 1 :{ Jan. 9, 1 4 April 30, I () May 7, 1 f) Oct. 1, 18S()

OM!'A:"\" A-SA\A~NAH.

Captain, R. H. Footmall l"1econd Lt., J. W. Fretwell S rond Lt., vacant

'avannah 'annnah

July 10, 1 ':~ July 10, 1 :~ .

'O~(J'ANY B.

Captain, John L. Hammond First Lt., R. R. Richards :-:('c-ond Lt., Jame A. Cronk

avannah Havannah Ravllllllah..

July 2, 1 8:{ July 3, 1 ~
ov. 20, 1 7

'O)\PA:"Y C.

Captain, H. C. Cunningham First Lt., John Reily iolecond Lt., vacant Second Lt., vacant

avannah avannah

Dec. Dec. .. .

27, 1 7fi
27, 1 '.1



First Lt., '. P. J: ewton econd Lt., J. T. 'tephen on ~econd Lt., J. J. Gaillard

Griffin Griffin Griffin

Aug. 27, 1 Aug. 27, 1 l:i Aug. 27, 18. ()


Captain, J. M:. Ponder First Lt., J. T. )IcGinty

Forsyth For yth

July 2, 1 2 July 2, 1 :!


'econd Lt., A. . Murray


Apr. 1, 1 '4


C m n'r, Lt. ('01. W. . 'hepherd..Columbus

.\.djutant H. R. Goetchius


Surgeon, F. 1\1. Ridley


July 2, 18 3 Oct. 25, 1 Oct. 25, 1 3


ommissary, M. V. Cook


Quarter Master, B. A. Richards Columbus

Oct. 25, 1 8H Oct. 25, 1 83


Oaptain, G. B. Whiteside First Lt., L. H. Chappell.. Second Lt., S. P. Gilbed : ,'econd Lt., T. Newman

Columbus Columbus Columbus Colum1:?us

Apr. 23, 18 G Apr. 23, 1 (; Apr. 23, 1886 Apr. 23, 188(\


Oaptain, G. E. Thomas, jr First Lt., J. J. Joines
econd Lt., L. E. White

Columbus Columbus Columbus

Apr. 16, 1 5 Apr. 16, 1885 July 23, 1885


Captain, J. H. Pitman Second Lt., E. B. Clarke Second Lt., W. S. Cox

LaGrange LaGrange LaGrange

. J uly 12, 18 6 l\'I'ch 11, 1884


Captain, Jesse J. Bull First Lt., John M. Heath econd Lt., E. L. Kimbrough ,'econd Lt., J. T. Mc roney

Talbotton Talbotton Talbotton Talbotton

fay 21, 1 85 Oct. 8, 1885 Oct. 8, 1 85 June 3, 1 ()



Captain, T. J. Wloofolk First Lt., N. F. Tift Second Lt., F. L. Wilder econd Lt., S. B. Lewis

Albany Albany Albal1Y Albany

Oct. 25, 1881 . June 12, 1 83 May 13, 1 84


Captain, U. Dart Fir t Lt., W. E. Kay econd Lt., P. S. Morris econd Lt., C. L. Schlatter, jr

Brunswick Brunswick Brunswick Brunswick

July 21, 1 3 April 9, 1885 April 9, 1885 April 9, 18 5



aptain, I rael L. Bird First Lt., H. R. looney Second Lt., E. B. Daniel..
econd Lt., Jeme R. Hendry

Taylor's reek ,Taylor's reek Taylor' reek Taylor's reek

May 16 1 3 July 5, 1 6 lay 15, 1 6 ..


Captain, P. T. Ennis First Lt., J. W. Champion
cond Lt., E. ~. Ennis econd Lt., A. J. Brown

Black pring Black pring Black pring Black pring

May 24, 1 84 April 2], 186 May 31, 1 84 lay 31, 1 4

Captain, I. C. Levy........................
Fir t Lt., W. C. Fry , cond Lt., V. J. Don , cond Lt., H. C. Hall

ov. 18, 18 4 Dec. 9, 18 4 Dec. 9, 1 84 Dec. 9, 1884

DAW 0_- G ARD .
Captain, J. A. Llling First Lt., F. 'V. Clark..........................
econd Lt., J. G. Dean

pt. 13, 1 -1 ov. 2-1, 1 4 July 20, 1886


Captain, J. Lindsey Johnson First Lt., George Raimey
cond Lt., M. M. Peppen

Rome Rome Rome

Aug. 26, 18 -1 June 17, 188-1 April 3, 1 -

TATTNALL G ARD . First Lt., B. F. Jenkins

Nov. 22, 1884


Captain, George M. apier First Lt., J. O. Lawrence , cond Lt. W. M. Michael..
econd Lt., J. H. Felker

Mouroe Monroe i\Ionroe i\Ionroe....... .

Aug. June June Aug.


Captain, J. F. Burke


'econd Lt., W. M. Camp......... Atlanta

July 23, 1886 Feb. 3, 1885


Captain, John Jay COhen

Oct. 21, 1884


First Lt., ,Yo H. tome

econd Lt., II. K. Lowry


Second Lt., P. O. lark

ov. 25, 1 Nov. 25, 1 4 Nov. 25, 1 4


Captain, T. J. "Morris.. First Lt., A. P. In<Yraham 'econd Lt., E. A. Graham
econd Lt., G. R. utlive.........

pt. :Nov.
ov. ov.

10, 1 4, 1 4, 1 4, 1


Captain, harles R. othran First Lt., H. Hamilton

Rome Rome

De. 30, 1 -l April 3, 1 5


Captain, J. L Barnes First Lt., B. I Gro
econd Lt., J. . Boyd

Thomson Thom on Thomson

Aug. 27, 1885 Jan. 12, 1886 Jan. 12, 1 6


Captain, W. E. Haygood First Lt., C. B. Goetchius
econti Lt., Georg Haug econd Lt., J. H. ims

Milledgeville )Iilledgeville lIilledge\ille

Jun . .. ..

7, 1 -l


Captain, vacant First Lt. J. H. Je up
econd Lt., W. H. Donnan econd Lt., John hance

Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill

.. oV. 15, 1 -l
Xov. 15, 1 4 Nov. 15, 1


Captain, W. R. Tyler Fir t Lt., W. A. Torance Second Lt., A. R. Bloodworth
econd Lt., Wm. Rice

M:i1ledgeville M:illedgeville MilJedgeville

Aug. .. .. .

1, 1 -l


Captain, 'Vm. H. Rarri on, r First Lt., Elijah B. Lewis
econd Lt., John H. Robinson Second Lt., W. O. Hill

Montezuma "Montezuma Montezuma Montezuma

April 7, 1 8 April 17, 1 ;) April 17, 1 3 April 1, 1 4



l'aptain, Wm. J. Dent. Fir t Lt., Thoma W. Jack. on ~econd Lt., John . andeford

Knoxville Knoxville Knoxdlle


ept. 12, 1 84 Jan. 2, 1886 Jan. 2, 1 6


Captain, Joho F. Wheaton ...........avannah

First Lt., R. F. Harmon


S conel Lt., . P. Walker


8 cond Lt., G. B. lark


May July July July

14, 1 72 9,1877 9, 1 77 9, 1 77


aptain, Ed. L. Wright First Lt., W. W. Bacon .'econd Lt., J. A. C.. olana 8ecolld Lt., N. J. rugor

Albany Albany Albany Albally

April April April April

12, 1 24, 1 24, 1 24, 1



A J "AH.

'aptain, Wm. W. Gordon


First Lt., G. Barnard Pritchard a\'annah

econd Lt., Joseph B. Dnckworth .. avannah

ccond Lt., Peter W. Meldrim avannah

)I'ch 17, 1 Jao. 14, 1 Jan. 14, 1 Jan. 14, 1


Captain, T. F tubb

~ pringfield

First Lt., J. Bin!..


Se oDd Lt., R. H. Brewer............ priD<>field

Aug. 7, 1 6 June 26, 1 7 July 4, 1 3


Captain, E. P. IiIler First Lt., J. L. Flemin<> Second Lt., J. B. Fra er Se 'ond Lt., W. J. Way

Walthourville Walthourville Walthourville Walthourville

Feb. 22, 1884 Feb. 22, 1
fay 2, 1 82 April 3, 1 fi


Captain, John Milledge First Lt., A. W. Hill..

Atlanta Atlanta

M'ch. 31, 1883 ept. 2, 8815


,econd Lt., E. F. 1ay................ Atlanta

, econd Lt., C. W. mith


ept. 2, 1885 May 31, 1 6

1\'1 INTo.'rr LIGHT DRAG OK .

First Lt., J. M. Atwood cond Lt., Jo eph W. O'neil. ,e ond Lt., T. F. Healy

Dari B

Aug. 10, 1 .2 .. ..

RI IDlOND H Alli .

Captain, John \V. lark .F)rst Lt., James P. yerdery cond Lt., Bl'yll.n umming ,'econd Lt., W. H. "urnberger


ov. 20, 1 76

Augu ta

Pch. 23, 1 -

Augu ta


Augu ta................ ov. 9, 1 5


Captaiu, Wm. Hugbes Fir t Lt., J. J. Martin econd Lt., J. M. Darsey .'econd Lt., J. W. Hughes

Johnston' tation J uly Jobn ton's tation July Jobn ton's tation July Johnston's tation June


'om'nder, Lt. 01. J. H. Deveaux...,avannah

.djutant, A. K. Dc verney


First Lt. aud Q'm'ster, A. Brown.oavannah

Fir t Lt. <I< P'm' tel', T. T. andel's avannah

TEERS, (COl,,)
Feb. 2, 1 Aug. 1, 1 Aug. 1. 1 Aug. 1, 1


Captain, MOl'l'i J. Cummings Fir t Lt., J. H. Hammond econd Lt., Robert immon Recond Lt., "icholas Jones



avannah............. ov.





14, 1 77 14, 1 73 30, 18 2 1, 1884


'aptain, Prince A. D. Lloyd


Fir t Lt., Lymus A. Washington avannah

econd Lt., John ..,. Quarterman.. avannah

Recond Lt., William Hayne.

Dec. 3, 1 7 ov. 8, 1877'
Dec. 3, 1 7


Captain, William H. Royall Fh-st Lt., D. D. Walthour
cond Lt., harle Jackson

avannah avannah avannah

ept. 13, 1 77 May 11, 1883 Sept. 13, 1 77


.' . ond Lt., B. J. William


May 11, 1 3


Captain, J. H. Carter Fir, t Lt., L. C. Edwards ~e 'ond Lt., Edward Jack on ~ cond Lt., 0 car Cole.......

Savannah 'avannah "'avannah avannah

ept. 2, 1 2 ept. 2, 1 2 ept. 2, 1882 ept. 2, 1 2


('aptain, (vacant)


Fir-t Lt., \Ym. II. Artren


f'etond Lt., Edward A. Williams avannah

.. Aug. .

8, ]87


('aptain, J uliu Maxwell Hecond Lt., John H. William 'econd Lt., Edward Goldin

Savannah avannah avannah

J une 30, 1886 Jan. 15, 1880 June 4, 1882


('om'n'r, Lt. Col. H. R. Johnson Augu ta lid Lt. and Adj., 1. Blocker Augu ta 1",4 Lt. and Qr.-Mr., H. L. Walker Augu ta

June 30, 1 Sept. 9, 1885
ept. 9, 1 f)


Captain, John Lark First Lt., Franci F. Pierce ~econd Lt., David Thomas '<'cond Lt., George Tillman

Augu ta Augu ta Augu ta........ Augu ta..

July 25, 1 fi ov. 30, 1 ov. 30, 1885 ov. 19, 1 4

Captain, nsel F. Golphin First Lt., Philip W. McIntosh .' 'c nd Lt., Jerry Jones 'econd Lt., Pornell Pitt

Augu ta Augusta Augu t.a Augu ta


Uaptain, Wm. H. Clark.



Fir t Lt., 'l'homas Z. Tolbert


Hecond Lt., Wily Elberts


'('('ond Lt., Jam L. Blair

Augu ta

A'l'TOX LI HT Ir-F TRY. aptain, R. G. Cummings........... ugu ta

Oct. ,1884 Dec. 17, 1 . ApriI18, 1 8~
Sept. 21, 18 5 Sept. 21, 188.'> Sept. 21, 1 fi
Dec. 27, 1


First Lt., Robert Washington H oud Lt., Jerry Griffin Hecond Lt., Nelson Butler

Augu ta Augu ta Augu ta

June 29, 1 8.5 June 29, 1885 June 29, 1 I)


(Japtain, Thomas G. 'Valker First Lt., James D. Johnson
cond Lt., John H. Bakcr .' cond Lt., Lawrence umming

Augusta Augusta Augusta Augu ta

! Jan. 2, 1 84)I'ch 11, 1 75 . .



('apt<'lin, Henry Bird First Lt., Hanibal Pace H cond Lt., :reI on Bragg



Albany................... pt.

Albany.................... pt.

, 1 84, ]884


aptain, Frank Disroon .F'irst Lt., Augu tu R. Dickey H cond Lt., andy A. Lockhart .'econd Lt., Jerry Benn tt

Iacon M'acon 1a on Ma on


Captain, 1. H. Bently Fir t Lt., W. B. Patter on ' cond Lt., E. ward ",mall . oud Lt., A. J. "'are

Atlanm Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta

Aug. 14, 1 2 July 16, 188H . No\'. 7, 1 73
1'ch ]2, 1 79 . . .


Captain, Andrew Hill


First Lt., (vacant.)

~cond Lt., Thoma F. FI ming Atlanta

\..priI27, 1 :$ ApriI27, 3


Captain, Jackson 1\IcHenry First Lt., R. H. Jones econd Lt., R. B. Ferrel.. . ond Lt., Jame pellcer

A.tlanta Atlanta Atlanta AtJanta

June 29, 1 79 F b. 18. 1 6 Feb. 18, 1 6 Feb. 18, 1 86



Captain. J. R. Davis :First Lt., John Garrett .' cond Lt., Frank P. IIeywood Hecond Lt., 'athan Humphreys

olumbus Columbu
olumbu Columbus

April 10, 1 7!:J April10, ] 79 . .

Rmrn TAR G ARD..

Captain, 1'. B. Higgenbotham Rome


Fi.r t Lt., G. A. Roger



H con I Lt., :\1. E. Butler



Second Lt., B. F. Murphy




'aptain, pencer Mosely First Lt., 'ed l\IcWhorter
coad Lt., Arthur Thweatt ~ ond Lt., I aac Wehb

Uacon l\'Iacon l\'Iacon Macon 0

Sept. 25, 1 74 ept. 25, 1 7-1 ept. 25, 1 74 July 9, 1 77


Capt.ll,in K.itt Harri Fir t Lt., Pre ton Day cond Lt., Frederick Weathers

. 1\I'ch 4, 1 79 July 9, 1 77



aptain, John immon econd Lt., Demeres immon

avannah avannah



Captain, Woo. R. BelL Fir t Lt., Franklin F. Jone 'econd Lt., Adam Ferribee
ond Lt., Peter Dennegal..

'avannah avannah avannah avannah

April 27, 1 1 l\lay 9, 1 1
Feb. 10, 1 :~ July 24, 1 77 Dec. 14, 1 77 l\'Iay 16, 188~




Captain, W. A. a1es First Lt., W. P. Page econd Lt., W. L. Fowler : Second Lt., W. A. Poole

Americus Americus Americu Americu

July . . ..

5, V .j,


'aptain, E. J. 'heppard Fir t Lt., W. ]',f. B1itch Recond Lt., W. II. Poythr 'econd Lt., R M. 01 oon

Hal yondalc Halcyondale Hal yonda1c Ila1cyonda1

ov. 20, ] '77 Junc 4, 1 1 M'ch 31, 1,,:t .



'apt<', Thornton Turner Fir t Lt., Ed. Brooks 'econd Lt., Raleigh Farrow

Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta

May 19, 1 77 .. ..


aptain, James . imonton Fir t Lt., Millard Chri tian Second Lt., Larkin Daniel..

Atlanta Atl<'1nta Atlanta

1\Iay June Jun

21, 1 ,a
7, 1, 6 7 1, (,

Made by Lieut. Col Wm. Garrard, (Savh. Vol Guards) of the Savannah Cadets, on the sixteenth day of September, 1886, at Savannah. Ga. Date of organization of command inspected, May 17th, 1861.
Number or non commissioned officers 8, number of privates 42' number or uniforms 54, number of drills and parades in past twelve
months 78. average attendance during same time on drill 29 ft. condi-
tion of uniforms good,number of arm 70.kind of arms Springfield rifles with gun-straps, calebre, 50 of 45 calebre 20 of 50 calebre, condition and de cription of arms good, number of equipments or accoutrements 50 bayonet scabbards, 50 cartrid~e boxe received in bad order 50 belts and buckles old style, drill and discipline excellent.
This company spent eight and a half days in camp, with daily average of 35 men. The parade and drills occurring during said period are not included in the number in this report. This company has provided at its own ex pen e full set of knap-sacks and blankets, wbich I inspected and found in excellent condition. The command is finely officered, and in every respect up to the standard.
Signed by inspecting officer William Garrard, Lt. Col. Made by Lt. Col. Wm. Garrard, of the Republican Blues, on the 21st day of September, 1886, at Savannah, Ga. Date of organization of command IDspected May 1st, 1808. Number of non commissioned officers I I, number of privates 70, number of uniforms 85. number of drills and parades in past twelve months 70, average attendance during same time on dri1l21, conditiclD of uniforms good, number of arms 70, kind of arms Springfield rifles, calibre, 50 of 45 calibre, and 20 of 50 calibre, condition and descrip. tion of arms good condition, number of equipments or accoutrements 7C! sets, all private property of members, drill and discipline good. Guns are insured. This company needs full set equipments and twenty rifles of 45 calibre in place of the twenty of 50 cal, The 1st Regiment needs several thousand ball cartridges. Signed by inspecting officer William Garrard. Lt. Col. Made by Lt. Col. Wm. Garrard, (Sav. Vol. Guard) of the Oglethorpe Light Infantry, on the ixteenth day of September, J886, at Savannah, t;a. Date of organization of COOlman inspeated January 8th, 18 56 . Number of noncommis,>ioned officers 5, number of privates

50. Dumber of uniforms 58, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 67. average attendance during same time on drill 20, condition of uniforms good. number of arms 60 and bayonets. kind of arms Springfield rifles. calibre. fifty, 45 calibre. ten 50 calibre, condition and description of arms good, number or equipments or accoutrements 50 sets. equipments and accoutrements private property of members. drill and discipline good.
This command needs gun-straps. and ten rifles 45 calebre in place of ten of 50 calibre, and complete set of accoutrements-the present set of cartridge-boxes are poor. This company is full of spirit, and steadily improving.
Signed by inspecting officer William Garrard. Lt. Col. Made by Lt. Col. Wm. Garrard (Savannah Volunteer Guard), of the Irish Jasper Greens on the 21st day of September. 1886. at Savannah. Date of organization of command inspected. Dec. 12th, 18.p. Number of non-commissioned officers 9. number of privates of all classes 87, number of Uniforms 6o, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 20. average attendance during same time on drill 2I. condition of uniforms good, number of arms 55 rifles and bayonets. kind of arms Springfield rifles. calibre, 45 calibre, condition and description of arms good number of equipments or accoutrements 40 each of cartridge boxes belts and bayonet-sheaths and 40 gun-slin,l1;s. all property of members, drill and discipline good. This command needs full set of accoutrements. Signed by inspecting officer William Garrard. Lt. Col. Made by Lieut. Col. Wm. Garrard, (Savannah Vdunteer Guard). of the German Volunteers on the 21st day of September, 1886, at Savannah, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected 1845. Number of non-commissioned officers 9, number of privates 57, number of uniforms 69, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 30. average attendance 30. condition of uniforms good, number of arms 50, kind of arms Springfield rifles and bayonets. calibre 45. condition and description of arms good. number of equipments or accoutrements 50 sets, property of members. no State accoutrements. drill and discipline good. This command needs full set of accoutrements. Signed by Inspecting Officer. William Garrard. Lieut. Col.
Made by Captain J. L. Hardeman, (Floyd Rifles, Macon. Ga.) of the
Macon Volunteers, on the 21st day of October, 1886. at Macon, date of organization of command inspected, April 23d, 1825.
Number of non-commissioned officers 10, number of privates 51. number of uniforms 63. number of drills and parades in past twelve months 55, average attendance during same time on drill 16 to 28,

condition of uniforms good. number of arms 110. kind of arms 50 are 2 click bronze. 40 are 3 click bronze and 20 bright barrel, calibre. 90 are 45 and 20 are 50. condition and description of arms bronze all good, old bright ones fair, number of equipments or accoutrements 74 belts, cartridge-boxes and bayonet scabbards. drill and discipline good.
The company is in a most excellent condition in every re pect, having a membership of fine men and a mo t magnificent armory. In the new guns I found one with raised-sight broken off and firin~-pin broken. Otherwise everything in best of condition.
Signed by Inspecting Officer Capt. John L. Hardeman. Made by Capt. W. W. Carnes. of Macon Volunteers, of the Floyd Rifles on the 20th day of October, 1886, at Macon. date of organization of command inspected. May 184 I. Number of non-commissioned officers 9. number of privates 29. number of uniforms 38. number of drills and parades in past twelve months 45. average attendance during same time on drill 20, condition of uniforms good. number of arms 33.45 calibre and 24 50 calibre, kind of arms Springfield breech-loading rifles. calibre 33 new guns of 45 calibre, 24 old of 50 calibre. condition and description of arms new guns in good order. old guns not. number of equipments or accoutrements 33 bayonet scabbards from State only, other portions being company property. drill and discipline fair. Capt. Hardeman states that 35 of his old 50 calibre guns were taken by Col. Wiley's com!}1'd of 2nd Ga. Batt, and turned over to the Wiley Guards, Col. W. supposing at the time that they belonged to a stand of arms fOl merly held by a disbanded company. Signed by Inspecting Officer W. W. Carnes, Capt. M. V. Made by Capt. W. E. Hay~ood (Milledgeville Light Infantry), of the Putnam Rifles on the 27th day of September, 1886, at Eatonton, date of organization of command inspected Sept. IS, 1855. Number of non-commIssioned officers 9. number of privates 30, number of uniforms 37. number of drills and parades in past twelve months =5. average attendance during same time on drill 28, condition of uniforms good, number of arms 30, kind of arms Springfield B. L. rifles, calibre 45, condition and description of arms first-class, number of equipments or accoutrements 37, drill and discipline good. This command is truly an honor to our State Signed by Inspecting officer W. E. Haygood. Capt. M. L. G, Made by Capt. W. W. Carnes (of Macon Volunteers) of the Southern Cadets on the 15th day of October, 1886. at Macon, Ga. Date 01 organization ofcCJmmand inspected, May 13th, 1882. Number of non commissioned officers 7. number of privates 43. number of uniforms 50 dress,45 fatigue, number of drills and parades

in past twelve months average [ a week. average attendan ce during same time on drill about 25, condition of uniforms. dress uniforms now in hands of tailor, fatigue uniforms in good condition. number of arms 45. kind of arms Springfield breech loaders, calebre 45 calibrfl (twO notch tumblers to lock). condition and description of arms, good, number of acquipments 35 canridge-boxes. slings and bayonet-scabbards. drill and discipline good.
This company was inspected in fatigue uniform. their dress uniforms not having been returned by house to which they were sent for overhauling and renewing.
Signed by inspecting officer W. W. Carnes. Capt. M. V. Made by Capt. W. E. Haygood (Milledgeville Light Infantry). of the Hancock Van Guards on the 2[st day of September. [886, at Sparta. Ga. Date of orgainzation of command inspected July [st. 1847 Number of noncommissioned officers 9. number of privates 33. number of uniforms 31, number of dri:Is and parades in last twelve months 12. average attendance during same time on drill 24. condition of uniforms excellent. number of arms 36, kind of arms Springfield rifles. If guns calibre of same 45, condition and description of arms old war guns, number of equipments or accoutrements thorough', equipped. drill and discipline very superior. Signed by inspecting officer Capt. W. E. Haygood.
Made by Capt. W. E. Haygood (Milledgeville Light Infantry). of the Baldwin Blues on the 20th day of September, 1886. at Milledgeville. Ga. Date of organization of command inspected May 6th. [8+6.
Number of non-commissioned officers 9, number of privates 39. number of uniforms 46, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 12, average attendance dur'ng same time on drill 24, condition of uniforms in fair condition, number of arms 49. kind )f arms Springfield rifles. calibre of same 50. condition and description of arms fair condition (Springfield), number of equipments or accoutrements none from the State. drill and discipline good.
This is one of the ,finest military organizations in the State and is commanded by a gallant ex-Confederate soldier.
Signed by inspecting officer W. E. Haygood, Capt. Comdg. M. Ld. Made by Peter Reilley, Lieut. Colonel, (1st Volunteer Regiment). of Company "A." 3d Battalion on the [7th day of September. 1886. Sa-
vannah, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected May 1St, 1808.
Number of non-commissioned officers 9. number of privates 90. 38 uniformed 52 not uniformed. pay exempt and honorary. Number of uniforms 50, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 47,

average attendance during same time on drill 2I. condition of uniforms very good. private property. number of arms 67, kind of arms Springfield breech-loading rifles and bayonets, guns calibre of same. 45, condition of arms excellent. number of equipments or accoutrements 34 bayonet sheaths for 50 calibre. 50 cartridge boxes for 50 calibre 30 waist belts in bad order. useless 50 gun slings, drill and discipline very fair.
The corps is fully equipped with dress accoutrements purchased at their own expense. but are greatly in need of service accoutrements. viz: black regulation belts, McKeev~r cartridge boxes, and bayonet sheaths. Their present sc::rvice accoutrements are useless. Guns are insured against nre and are kept in locked racks in armory. Need ammunition, especially ball cartidges,to be in an effective condition.
Signed by inspecting officer Peter Reilly, Lt. Col. and A. f.
Made by Peter Reilly, Lt. Colonel. (1st Regiment Geor~ia Volunteers.) of Company "B." 3d Battalion, on the 17th day of September. 1886. at Savannah, Ga. Date of organi'lation of command inspected May 1st, 1808.
Number of noncommissioned officers 9. number of privates 104. 57 uniformed, 47 not uniformed-pay exempt and honor.ary, number of uniforms 69. number of drills and parades in past twelve months 55, average attendance during same time on drill 27, condition of uniforms, very good, private property. number of ar.ns, 67. kind of arms Spricgfidd br~ech loading rifles and bayonets. calibre of same 45, condition of arms excellent, number of accoutrements 35 bayonet sheaths for 50 calibre. 50 cartridge boxes for 50 calibre. 30 waist belts in bad order, useless, 50 gun slings, drill and di cipline very fair.
The corps is fully equipped with dress accoutrements purchased at their own expense. but are greatly in need of service accoutrements. viz: black regulation belts, McKeever cartridge-boxes and bayonet sheaths. Their present service accoutrements are useless. Guns are insured against fire and are kept in locked racks in armory. Need ammunition, especially ball cartridges to be in an effective condition.
Signed by in pecting Officer Peter Reilly. Lt. Col. and A. I. Made by Peter Reilly, LIeut. Colonel. (1st Volunteer Regiment).
of Company" c." 3d Battalion, on the 17th day of September. 1886,
at Savannah, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected, May 1st. 1808.
Number of non commissioned officers 5, number of privates 92. 36 uniformed, 56 not uniformed pay. exempt and honorary. number of uniforms 43. number of drills and parades in past twelve months 46. averae:e a:Lendance during same time on drill 20, condition of uniforms very good-private property, number of arms 66. kind of

arms Springfield breech loading rifles and bayonets, calibre of same 45, ccndition of arms excellent, number of equipments or accoutrements 34 bayonet sheaths for 50 calibre, 50 catridge boxes for 50 calebre, 35 waIst belts and 50 gun slings-in bad order useless, drill and discipline very fair.
The corps is fully equipped with dress accoutrements purchased at their own expense. but are greatly in need of service accoutrements, viz.: black regulation belts, McKeever catridge boxes and bayonet sheaths. Their present service accoutrements are useless. Guns are insured against fire and are kept in locked racks in Armory. Need ammunition, especially ball catridges, to be in an effective condition.
Signed by inspecting officer Peter Reilly, Lieut. Col. 1st Vol. Regiment of Ga.
Made by E. D. Huegenin, 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant of 2d Battalion, of the Quitman Guards, on the 17th day of September, 1886. at Forsyth. Ga. Date of organization of command inspected, 1st day of May, 1858.
Number of non commissioned officers 8, number of privates 21, number of uniforms 32, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 45, average attendance during same time on drill 16 privates, condition of uniforms good, number of arms 36. kind of arms, Springfieid breech loading rifles, calibre of same 45. condition and description of arms good, number of equipments or accoutrements 36, drill good.
I report the Quitman Guards in every respect fully coming up to all the requirements of a volunteer company.
Signed by inspecting officer E. D. Huegenin, 1st. L't and Adjutant 2d Ga. B, ttalion.
Made by G. E. Thomas, Jr., Captain of City Light Guards, of "Columbus Guards," on the 1nh day of October, 1886, at Columbus, Ga., Date of organization of command inspected, A. D. 1834.
Number of non commissioned officers 1, number of private:; 21, number ,f uniforms 6o, dress 30, fatigue 30, number of drills and parades in past twelve months, parades 4, weekly drills, average attendance during same time on drill 7, condition of uniforms good, Dumber of arms 6o, kind of arms, Springfield breech loading, nfles, calibre of same 45 and 50, condition and description of arms, good condition, number of equipments or accoutrements, bayonets 67. bayonet scabbards 53. cartridge boxes 44. waist belts 42, gun slings 53. drill and discipline very good.
This company has a history bright with noble achievements in the Mexican war and the war between the States. Owing to the want of

appreciation bOlh by the State and the city, her numbers are very much reduced.
Signed by inspecting officer Grigsby E. Thomas, Capt. City Light Guards.
Made by Grigsby E. Thomas. Jr. Captain of the City Light Guards. " Columbus Guards," on the 16:h day of September, 1886, at Talbotton. Ga. Date of organization of command inspected. July 4th, 1859.
Number of nun-commis ioned officers 9. number of privates 28. number of uniforms 37. funds on hand for seven additional uniforms when the guns required are received. number of drills and parades in past twelve month 24. average attendance during same time on drill 21, condition of uniforms good, number of arms 30, required 12 of improved Springfie d. kind of arms 25 improved Springfield, 5 old Springfield, calibre of same, both binds, calibre 45 and bronzed. condition and description of at ms good, number of equipments or accoutrements, 30 cartridge boxes, 30 bayonet scabbards, drill and discipline good, officers thoroughly competent.
This company has belts and gun slings of their own, but they are private property. and I recommend tbat the State furnisb them with gun-straps, (or slings). belts and knapsacks, also 500 rounds of additional ammunition, a they have on hand only 300 rounds at present. The esprit du corps is splendid, and the State may well be proud of the Southern Rifles in the present and for tbe future as in the pa t.
Signed by inspecting officer Grigsby E. Thomas, Jr., Captain City Light Guards.
Made by 1st Lieut. O. T. Kenan, Co. F, 2d Ga. Bat, of the Lewis Light Infantry. on the 13th day of September, 1886, at Montc:zuma, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected, March, 1883.
Number of non-commissioned officers 6, number of privates 24, number of uniforms 30 coats and 30 bats. no pants, number of drills and parades in past I welve months 3, average attendance during same time on drill 12 to 16, condition of uniforms, could not make intelligent report, as they only produced one full uniform, and that was in bad condition, number of allllS furnished by State 47, on band 46, kind vf arms. Springfield breech loaders. calibre of same, 18 of 45, 28 of 50. condition and description of arms, very dirty, but in working order. only 25 lJayonets for 50 cabibre. none for 45. number of equipment,; or accoutrements. 45 old belts and boxes for muzzle loaders and no use on earr h. drill and discipline gross in the extreme.
I scarcCily know what to say in regard to my report above given. Only one commissioned and one non-commissioned officer and six privates were presented for my inspection. and they in citizens clotbing. The accoutrements in possession of tbe company are useless.

The roll of the company showed a total of 30 bona fide members. While the section of country needs a good military company. I am forced to say that not one provi ion of the law has been complied with by this one. save in the po sp.s ion of the rifles furnished.
S;gned by inspecting officer O. T. Kenan, [st Lieut. A. A. G. Made by J. A. Laing, of the Dawson Guards, of the Fort Gaines Guards, on the [2th day of October, 1886. at Furt Gaines, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected. - - Number of non-commi sioned officers 9. number of privates 28, number of uniforms 27 (jackets only), number of drills and parades in past twelve months 25. average attendance during same time on drill 20, condition 01 uniforms good. number of arms 35. kind of arms Springfield rifles, calibre of same 50. condition and description of arms, moderately good condition, good breech loading rifles, number of equipments or accoutrements 30. dri I and discipline, not very good as to drilling, but discipline is good. A majority of the members live out in the country. which rna kes it difficult to get a good attendance, or the drilling would be better. Dy a recent donation to the company of $200 by the county, and from the proceeds of a fair, the company has about $700 in the treasury, which will go a good ways toward buying a uniform for the members. They now have nothing but a jacket as a unifom. Signed by inspecting officer J. A. Laing, captain commanding Dawson Guards. Made by Captain John L. Hardeman, (Floyd Rifles, Macon) of the Brunswick Riflemen, on the [st day of October. [886, at Brunswick. Ga. Date of organization of command inspected (originally Oct 20. [860) February 1st, [883. Number of non-commissioned officers 9. number of privates 25 active, number of uniforms 40. number of drills and parades in the past twelve months, 4 regular parades, 40 dress. average attendance during same time on drill about '7, condition of uniforms good. '!lumber of arms, inspected 26 new guns. 32 old guns, total 58, kind of arms, 26 bronze. 32 bright barrel. all Springfield b. I., guns calibre of same 26 of 45, 32 of 50, condition and description of arms, good order, of new guns, 2 firing pins broken and one slide off of sight. number of equipments and accoutrements, 23 belts. cartridge boxes and bayonet scabbard~, 22 bayonets. [ bayonet reported as burned up in fire. there are also 32 old bayonets for 50 calibre guns. drill and discipline good. I gave thorough inspection. there being present 28. Of the absentees the following report being then made: out of the State [, pilot out on duty [, sick [, country members too far to be notified 2. out of the city on duty that could not be put aside 4, unaccounted forr. I

found the company in good condition, a fine body of men, with much enthu iasm. especially among the old men. Eight guns were rt~ported as being in the hands of those absent, but in good order. Two years ago their armory was burned, and one gun destroyed, so several members have been allowed to keep guns out.
Signed by inspecting officer John L. Hardeman. Capt. Floyd Rifles, Made by John C. Printup, Col. 8th Bdttalion, of the Rome Light Guards. on the loth day of September, 1886, a Rome, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected, 1870. Number of non -commi sioned officers, 4 sergeants, 4 corporals, Dumber of privates 15. number of uniforms 20, number of drills and parades in pa t twelve months, none, condition of uniforms good, number of arms 39, kind of arms, Springfield 1873, guns calibre of same, 50, condition and description of arms good, 2 broken, number of equipments and accoutrements 24 complete. While the company has kept up its organization, they have had no drills during past year. I find the company quarters in good cond:tion, and its membership of young men who are in business and travelling salesmen. I recommend that they be allowed to ~emain as they are. Signed by inspecting officer John C. Printup, Col. 8th Bat. Ga. Vol. Made by John A.Stephens, Adjt. and Inspector General, of the Walton Guards, on the 22nd day of October, 1886, at Monroe, Date of Ofganization of command inspected, April, I 88-l. Number of non-commissioned officers 7, number of privates 23, number of uniforms 31, number of drills and parades in past t \ elve months 40, :lverage attendance 20, condition of uniforms good, number of arms 28, kind of arms, Springfield Rifles, calibre 50, cond ition and description of arms very good, number of equipments and accoutrements 28, drill and discipline good. This company is composed of fine young men and under the command of an efficient and zealous officer, G. M. Napier. ~igned by Inspecting Officer John A. Stephens, Adj't. and Inspector General. Made by Capt. John Milledge, of Governor's Horse Guards, of the Gate City Guards, on the 20th day of September, 1886, at Atlanta. Date of organization of command inspected 1855. Number of non-commissioned officers 9. number of privates 61, number of uniforms 60 fine dress, 70 fatigue, number of parades aIid drills in past twelve months, 3 parades and 90 drills, average attend- ance during same time on drill 20, condition of uniforms gObd, numbl!r of arms eighty, kind of arms Springfield breech-loading rifles, calibre of same 45, condition and description of arms---, number of equipments or accoutrements 40, drill and discipline good,

I consider the command in fine condition and ready for any service to which the Governor of the State should think it necessary to call them.
Signed by Inspecting Officer Jno. Milledge, Capt. G. H. G.
Made by John C. Printup, Col. 8th Batt. Ga. Vol., of the Hill City Cadets on the 14th day of SeptemDer. 1886. at Rome. Date of organization of command inspected June 6th. 1876.
Number of noncommissioned officers 4 sergeants 3, corporals I. quarter-master sergeant, number of privates 26, number'of uniforms 23. number of drills and parades in past twelve months, weekly meetinR"s. average attendance during same time on drill 12, condition of uniforms good. number of arms 34. kind of arms Springfield (breechloaders 1873.) calibre of same 45. condition alld description of arms good, 7 needles gone. I stock broken, number of equipments or accoutrements 32, drill and discipline good.
This company is in very good condition and on an increase, well drilled and discipline good. Co:nposed of young men, ages 16 to 20.
Signed by Inspecting Officer John C. Printup, Col. 8th Batt. Ga. Vol.
Made by 1. C. Levy, Capt. Clinch Rifles. of the Thomson Guards. on the 1st day of October, 1886, at Thomson. date of organization of command inspected June 1st, 1885.
Number of non-commissioned officers 9, number of privates 27, number of uniforms 37. number of drills and parades in past twelve months 24. average attendance during same time on drill 23. condition of uniforms gOt d, number of arms, 30, kind of arms Springfield breech-loaders, calibre of same 50. condition and description of arms, clean but out of repairs, number of equipments or accoutrements 30, drill and discipline very fair.
The guns were received in bad order by this company and many are out of repair. Would respectfully suggest that the new 45 calibre be given them.
Signed by Inspecting officer 1. C. Levy.
Made by G. W. Caraker, Capt. Baldwin Blues, of MiIledgville Light Infantry on the 20th day of September, 1886, at Milledgville, date of organization of command inspected 30th of May. 1884.
Number of non commissioned officers 9. number of privates 34, number of uniforms 39. number of drills and parades in past twelve months 12. average attendance during same time on drill 24. condition of uniforms good-new, number of arms 35, kinds of arms, different kinds (breech-loaders>. calibre of same--, condition and description of arms, bad condition, being old guns, as good now as

when received, number of equipments or accoutrements, fully equipped but none from State, drill and discipline good.
Thi cc,mpany is well up in the manual and field movements, Capt. Haygood being a superior drill officer and disciplinarian.
Signed by Inspecting officer G. W. 'Caraker, Capt. Com. of Baldwin Blues.
Made by 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant E. D. Huegenin of 2d Battalion, of the Wiley Guards.
I have made frequent attempts to get Captain J, H. Jessup, Comd'g. Wiley Guards, to appoint some day for inspection of his company. October 18th, he was in our city (Macon) and failed to either call to see me or leave any communication for me. I learn his company is in a very bad condition in every respect, and that he did not want an i~specting officer to see them. Awaiting your further orders. I am respectf ully, etc.
Sigr:ed by inspecting officer E. D. Huegenin, 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 2d Georgia Battalion.
Made by Captain W. E. Haygood. of Milledgeville Light Infantry, of the DuBignot) Volunteers, on the 29th day of September, 1886, at Mi!ledgeville. Date of organization of command inspected August J, 1884
umber of non-commissioned officers 9, number of privates 30, number of drills and pdrades in past twelve months 12, number of uniforms 52, average attendance during same time on drill 26, condition of uniforms good, number of arms 30, kind of arms Springfield B. L. rifles, if guns calibre of same So, condition and description of arms good, number of equipments or accoutrements, no equipments from State, drill and discipline good.
I find this young company prog~essing rapidly in the drill, well officered with fine material in the ranks.
Signed by inspecting officer W. E. Haygofld, Captain of MIlledgeville Light Infantry.
Made by Captain Geo. W. Coraker, of the Baldwin Blues, of the Blount Volunteers on the I Ith day of September, 1886, at Milledgeville. Date of organization of command inspected January 7th, 1884.
Number of non-commissioned officers 9, number of privates 32, number of uniforms 39, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 24, average attendance during same time on drill 30, condition of uniforms fair condition, number of arms 32, kind of arms Springfield breech loaders So calibre, condition and description of arms very good condition, number of equipments or accoutrements, 3z bayonets, no scabbards received from State, drill and discipline very
good. S

This company is composed entirely of farmer. and i~ a fine body of men. and they are weI! up in the manual and field move men s.
Si 'ned by inspecting officer G. W. Coraker, Captain Baldwin Blues. Made by Major John Schwarz. of 1st Volunteer Regiment of Georgia. of the Cbatham Artil!ery on the 8th day of October, 1886. at Swannah. Date of organizaiton of command inspected May 1st. 1786. Number of non-comissioned officers I z, number of privates 53. number of uniforms 69. number of drills and parades in past twelve months 35 drill. 4 parades. average attendance during the same time on drill 40, condition of uniforms good. two 3 inch rifles. one 45 calibre gatling, condition and description of arms, goodc ondition, number of equipments or accoutremc:nts, complete except harness, drill and discipline good. This battery has two pieces and caissons entirely without harness, requisition for same was made last April, but up to this time mone have been received. Signed by inspecting officer John Schwarz. Major and T. A. Made by Lt. Col. Wm. Garrard. of Third Battalion Ga. Vol., of the Georgia Hu sars. on the 23d day of September. 1~6. at Savannah. Date of olganization of command inspected 1815. Number of non commissioned officers I I. number of privates 85, musician I, number of uniforms 101, number of drills and parades in past tweive months, dismounted drill once a week from 1st October to 1st May. se'len mounted parades. average attendance during same time on dnll di mounted 18. attendance during same time on drill in mounted parades 50. condition of uniforms very good, number. of arms 65 sabres private property. about 40 owned by members, 83 Colts army revolvers, private property, 50 Springfield carbines and slin~s. State property, calibre 45. condition and description of arms very good. number of equipments or accoutrements 50 saddles, 50 bridles, drill and discipline excellent. General remarks: This company is in a very flourishing condition, its espirit de corps is great and its general state of efficiency merits especial commendation. Signed by inspecting officer William Garrard, Lt. Col. Made by Capt. A. C. Snead, of the Atlanta Rifles, of the Governor's Hor~e Guards. on the 25th day of October, 1886. at Atlanta. Date of organization of commar.d inspected March 3 I, 1883. Ensign. Zack Castleberry. Number of non commissioned officers I I, I surgeon. I quartermaster, Jno. A. Miller, number of privates 40. buglers 2. number of uniforms 60. number of drills and parades in past twelve months 12. average attendance during same time on drill 28. condition of uniforms good,

number of arms 60 sabres, pistol 49. kind of arms, sabres and pistols, conditition and description of arms good. number of equipments or accoutrements, bridles and saddles 59. drill and discipline good.
The Governor's Horse Guards is composed of a set of excellent gentlemen and I c:nsider the company in an cxcellent condition.
Signed by inspecting officer A. C. Sneed, Captain Atlanta Rifles.
Made by Peter Reilley, Lt. Col. I~t regiment Ga. Vol. of the Union Lincoln Guards on the 5th day of October, 1886. at Savannah. Date of organization of command inspected March 30. 1872.
Number of non-commissioned officers 9, number of privates 50, number of uniforms 45, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 90, average attendance during same time on drill 25. condition of uniforms fair, private property. number of arms 40. kind of arms, Springfield breech loading rifles. calibre 50, condition and description of arms very good, number of equipments or accoutrements 45. private property, drill 'and discipline exceedingly good.
This company has never received any State accoutrements. I would respectfully urge that they be supplied with them at the very earliest opportunity.
Signed by inspecting officer Peter Reilly. Lt. Col. and I. O. Made by Peter Reilly. Lieut. Colonel 1st vol. Regt. of the Lone Star Cadets on the 5th day of October 1886 at Savannah. Date of organization of command inspected April 13. 1875.
umber of non-commissioned officers II. number of priv-:tes 41. number of uniforms 40. private property. number of drills and parades in past tw ~lve months. 60, average attendance during same time on drill 20, conditi'm of uniforms good, number of arms 25. without gun straps, kind of arms, Springfield breech loading rifles, calibre 50. condition and description of arms very good. number of equipments or accoutrements 40. private property, drill and discipline exceedingly good.
This company has never received any State accoutrements. I would respectfully urge that they be supplied with them at the very earliest opportunity.
Signed by inspecting officer. Peter Rielly, Lieut. Col. and I. O. Made by Peter Rielly. Lieut. Colonel I Vol. Regt. of the Savannah Light Infantry. on the 5th day of October 1886 at Savannah, Ga.. date of organization of command inspected June 1873. Number of non-commissioned officers 7, number of privates 44. number of uniforms 29.very good. "new," number of drills and parades in past twelve months 57, average attendance during same time on drill 20. condition of uniforms very good, "new," private property. number of arms 25, without gun straps, kind of arms Springfield

breech-loading rifles. calibre 50, condition and description of .arms very good, number of equipments or accoutrements 44. private property, drill and discipline excellent.
This command has never received any accoutrements from the State. I would urge respectfully that they be supplied with them at the very earliest opportunity.
Signed by inspecting officer. Peter Rielly, Lieut. Col. and I. O.
Made by Lt. Col. William Garrard. 3rd Batt. Ga. Vol. of the Colquitt Blues on the 22nd day of September, 1886 at Savannah, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected June 9th, 1878.
Number of non-commissioned officers 10, number of privates 30, number of uniforms 35. number of drills and parades' in past twelve months 57, average attendance during same time on drill 15. condi tion of uniforms fair, number of arms 20. muskets, kind of arms mixed, old smooth bore, as bad cl lot as I ever saw, calibre mixed, can't tell, condition and description of arms guns clean, but poor condition, number of equipments or accoutrements, 20, bayonet sheaths and 20 cartridge boxes, property of men, condition poor, drill a~d discipline fair.
This company should have forty rifles, 50 calibre, like other companies in this Battalion. Lt. Col. DeVeaux is bringing his battalion up, but he can't do much with such guns as this company has, as men are discouraged. The company should also have sufficiency of accoutrements.
Signed by inspecting officer, William Garrard. Lieut. Col.
Made by Lieu!. Col. William Garrard, 3d Battalion Ga. Vol. of the Forest City Light Infantry, on the 22d day of September, 1886, at Savannah. Date of orgaDlzation of command inspected April 2nd, 1872
Number of non commissioned officers 10. number of privates 40, number of uniforms 44, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 52, average attendance durin",- same time on drill 20, condition of uniforms good (private property of members), number and kind of arms 75. of which 35 are Springfield rifles, 50 calibre, and 40 are old muskets, (which latter are almost worthless) calebre 50 calibre for said 35. condition and description of arms fine condition, number of equipments or accoutrements. 40 old sets accoutrements (State property). 35 cartridge boxes and 35 bayonet sheaths belonging to men, drill and discipline good.
This company should have 25 rifles more of 50 calibre and full set accoutrements. The command since resignation of its Captain is


rapidly improving; is composed of fine ma'erial and wiII shortlye!ect

a Captain and fill up its ranks.


Signed by inspecting officer William Garrard, Lieut. Col.

Made by Lieut. Col. William Garrard, 3d Battalion Ga. Vol., of the

Chatham Light Infantry, on the 22d day of September. 1886, at Sa-

vannah. Date of organization of command inspected April 23d, 1872.

Nunber of non-commissioned officers I I, number of privates 70,

number of unifo:ms 80, number of drills and parades in past twelve

months 61, average attendance during same time on drill 25, condition

of uniforms good, number of arms 50 rifles (with gun straps and bay-

onets), kinds of arms Springfield rifles, calebre, 50 calibre, condition

and description of arms good condition, number of equipments and

accoutrements 40 sheaths for bayonets, 40 cartridge boxes and 40

belts from State, old and useless. Also, full set cartridge boxes,

sheaths and equipments, private property of members, drill and disci-

pine very good.

This company needs 25 more rifles, 50 calibre. Need full set ac-

coutrements. This is a good company and hi\s always maintained

good discipline.

Signed by inspecting officer William Garrard, Lieut. Col.

Made by John Jay Cohen (of the Clark Light Infantry), of the Au-

gusta Light Infantry, on the 17th day of Septe:nber, 1886, at Augusta.

Date of organization of command inspected December 27, 1880.

Number of noncommissioned officers 9, number of privates 34,

number of uniforms 23, number of drills and parades in past twelve

months, parades 4, drills once a week, average attendance during same

time on drill 16, condition of uniforms new, number of arms 33, kin.d

of arms muzzle loaders, condition and description of arms bld, but

claimed to have been received that way from Douglass, number of

equippments or accou.rements 33, drill and di~cipline drill poor, disci-

pline not first-class.


I find the above company not up to standard; they claim they have

just reorganized with a new commander, and say they will be second

to none in the course of time.

Signed by inspecting officer John Jay Cohen, Capt. Commanding

Clark Light Infantry.

Made by Capt. Jno. Jay Cohen, of Clark Lig-bt Infantry, of the

Douglas Light Infantry, on the 22d day of September, 1886. at Augus-

ta. Date of organization of command inspected August 5, 1873.

Number of non-commissioned officers 9, number of privates 25,

number of uniforms 34. number of parades and drills in past twelve

months, parades 4, dril!s every Wednesday night, average attendance

during same time on drill 18 to 20, condition of uniforms new and

well kept, number of arms 35. kind.of arms. breech loaders. 50 calibre. condition and description of arms. guns kept in excellent conditIOn, number of equipments or accoutrements 35, drill and discipline excellent.
I consider the Douglas Light Infantry en~itled to special notice; their drilling would attract attention anywhere, their discipline strict and character of men good.
Signed by inspecting officer Jno. Jay Cohen, Captain Com. Clarke Light Infantry.
Made by 1. C. Levy. Captain Clinch Rifles. of the Augusta Cadets, on the 14th day of September, 1886, at Augusta. Date of organization of command inspected July 16, 1878.
Number of non-commissioned officers 9. number of privates 31, number of uniforms 25. number of dlills and parades in past twelve months 62, average attendance during same time on drill 20. condition of uniforms good. number of arms 25. kind of arms breech loaders, calibre 50. condition and description of arms, Springfield, good order, number of equipments or accoutrements 35, drill and discipline only faIr.
Guns and accoutrements government property. Signed by inspecting officer 1. C. Levy.
Made by I. C. Levy. Captain Clinch Rifles, of the Georgia Infantry, on the 10th day of September, 1886, at Augusta. Date of organization of command inspected January 6, 1874.
Number of non-commissioned officers 9. number of privates 28. numnumber of uniforms 45, average attendance during same on drills 25, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 52, condition of uniforms good, number of arms 45. kind of arms, breech loaders, calibre So, condition and description of arms, Springfield, good order, '!lumber of equipments or accoutrements 4-5, drill and discipline very good.
Guns, accoutrements, etc., of the Georgia Infantry are the property of that company. They have no State property.
Signed by inspecting officer, 1. C. Levy.
Made by 1. C. Levy, Capt. Clinch Rifles, of the Attucks Infantry, on the 14th day of September, 1886, at Augusta. Date of organization of command inspected June 1st, 11185.
Number of non-commissioned officers, 9, number of privates 25, number of uniforms 22, number of drills and parades in past twelve months 109. average attendance during same time on drill 20, condition of uniforms, good, number of arms 25, kind of arms, 14 breech loaders, 11 muzzle loaders, calibre So. condition and description of

arms, good, number of equipments or accoutrements 25, drill and discipline good.
The Attucks Infantry own all their property, guns, etc. Signed by inspecting officer, I. C. Levy.
Made by C. M. Wiley, Lt. Col. Com'g 2nd Georgia Batt. of the Lincoln Guards, on the 15th day of September, 1886, at Maeon, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected May 15th: 1870.
Number of non-commissioned officers 9, number of privates 36, number of uniforms 31, number of drills and parades in past twelve months, 4 parade!', drill every 2 weeks, average attendance during same time on drill 25, condition of uniforms very good, number of arms 49, kind of arms Springfield muzzle loaders, calibre 50, condition and description of arm, good a~ old army gun could be kept, number of equipments or accoutrements 49, dnll and discipline medium.
This company deserves good guns and I hope 50 guns of the latest pattern will be given them.
Signed by inspecting officer C. M. Wiley, Lieuteant Colonel 2d
Georgia Battalion.
Made by J. F. Burke (Captain Gate City Guard) of the Georgia
Cadets, 01'\ the 20th day of September, 1886, at Atlanta. Date of organization of command inspected February 22, 1879.
Number of non-commissioned officers 9, number of privates 34 reo porttd on roll, number of uniforms 35, number of drills and parades in past twelve months, 7 parades, 2 drills weekly, avaage attendance during same time on drill, from 20 to 30, conditiqn of uniforms very much worn, number of arms 34, kind of arms nealy all mU1.zle loading, others breach loading, calibre 50 and 45, condition and description of arms nearly all in bad condition, number of equipments or accoutrements 34, drill and discipline faIr.
Sixteen men and one commissioned officer were present at inspection. In order to make this company effective, it will be necessary to require a fuller attendance at drills and parades and arm them uniform-
ly. Signed by inspecting officer J. F. Burke. Made by J. F. Burke, Capt. Gate City Guard, of the Fulton Guard,
on the 20th day of September, 1886, at Atlanta, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected June II, 1880.
Number of non-commissioned officers ljI, number of privates 33, number of un:forms 35, number of drills and parades in past twelve months. 3 parades, 2 drills weekly, average attendance during same time on drill irom 18 to 21. condition of uniforms worn, number of arms 37, kind of arms Springfield B. L., 45 calibre, calibre 45, condi-


tion and de5cription of arms in good condition. but careles ly kept, number of equipments or accoutrements 24, drill and discipline fair.
Twenty men in ranks at in5pection; company could be made effective if their arms and accoutrements were kept in better condition by cleaning. Uniforms need repairing.
Signed by IOspecting officer J. F. Burke.
Made by J. F. Burke (Capt. Gate City Guard). of the Governor's Volunteen. on the 20th day of September, 1886. at Atlanta. Date of organization of command inspected June 9. 1879.
umber of non- commi sioned officers 9. number of privates 35 to 42, number of uniforms 35. number of drills and parades in past twelve months. 4 parades. 2 drills weekly, average attt:ndance dUring same time on drill 18. condition of uniforms worn, could be made ser-
viceable by repair. number of arms 40, kind of arms Springfield 13. L.. calibre 50. condition and description of arms vel y good, number of equipments accoutrements 40, drill and discipline fair,
This company appears to be in fair condition for service. Twenty men in ranks at inspection.
Signed by impecting officer J. F. Burke.
Made by George B. Whiteside, Capt Columbus Guard., of tbe Colum bus Volunteers, (col.) on the 6th day of October, 1 6, at Coluwbus, Georgia. Date of organization of command inspected JU'le, 1 i4.
umb!'r of ooncommi sioued onicer~ 10 Dumber of private 22 OHmber of unif,'rms 25, nomber of drills and parade in past twelve month, drills semi-weekly, irregular, 3 rarades, average attendance during ame time 011 drill 3 to 4 fours. condi'ion of uniforms below a<erllge. number of arn 40 kind of arms rifles. condition and description of arms a"l"erage, 1~62-63 and 6-t rifles, number of equiprnents or accoutrements 40 et, drill aud di cipline a erage.
Lieut. commandlDg as erts they are now corresponding with view of getting new uniforms. ') hey have no armory at present. Each I ewber keeps his uniform, arms and equilments at his home.
gned by inspecting officer George B. Whiteside.
Made by John C. Printup, Lt. Colonel th BaUalion G. Vol., of the Rome Star Guards, ou the 10th day of September, 1 6, at Rome, Georgia Da'e of organization of command inspected not exa~tly known.
Number of noncommissioned officers 5 sergeants and 4 corporals, number "f privates 3 . number of uniforms 35. number rf or'll snd para1es in past twelve months once a week, average attendance during same timp. on drill 20. condition of uniforms good, number of arlllS 30 kind of arms muzzle loaders Springfield of 1863, condition and de cription of ~rmil good. lock~ out of order 4 sights off 8, ban'ells heavy carved 2, number of equipments or accoutrements 20 full sets, drill and discipline god.
Ninety-one ball cartridges, no blank cartridges. Composed of the best

colored men in city. Well disciplined. Would suggl'st c.,lling in the 'e guns and i:sue breech loader if they can be spured from tate.
:iigned by in pectirg officer John C. Printup, Col. 8th Bat. Ga Vol. Malle by C. M. Wiley, Lieut. Col. Commanding 2nd Ga. Batt., of the Bibb County Blue, on the 15th day of eptember, 1 '(J, at Macon. Date of organization of command inspected 1 t 'eptember,
Xumbcr of non-commi ioned officers 9, number of privates 41. number of uniform -15, nnmber of drill and parades in pa t t\\'e1\-e months, 3 parades, drill e\'ery two week, average attendance during arne time on drill 2 , condition of uniforms very good, number of arm 32, kind of arm muzzle loader chauged to breech loader , calibre 50, condition and de cription of arms poor, but they belong to the company, number of equipments or accoutrements 32, th Y belong to company, (Irill and di cipline medium.
This company has a band composed of 10 pieces; they play well and add a great deal to the company's parade. I would like to get 50 guns of the late t pattern for them. They have never re 'eived a:Jylhin<> from the late.
Signed by in pecting officer, C. ~f. Wiley, Lieut. Col. 2nd Ga. Batt.
Made by Lieutenant Gearge B. Clark of Chatham Artillery, of the Georgia Artillery, on tbe twentr-niuth day of September, 1 6, at armory, 'avannah, Ga. Date of organization of command inspected 1 77, officer~ commis ioned 1 1.
Nnmber of non-commissioned officers ix, number of privates e\'enteen, number of uniforms twenty-five, number of drills and parades in past twelve months fifty, average attendance during same time on drill thirteen, condition of uniforms very good, number of arms twenty sabres, kind of arms two teel rifle cannon with limbers, cali, br~ three inch, condition and description of arms excellent, number of equipments or accoutrements thumb-stalls, pouches etc., drill and di cipline,good.
This is a fine body of colored tro ps, de el'\'ing much credit for the intere t taken b)~ them in military matter . igned by inspecting officer George B. Clark.


Of the Annual Reports made by tlu Company Comma1zders Oil the ISt day of Nlay, I886, of No. of the commissioned officers, nOll-commissioned officers, privates umformed and not umformed, of arms, etc., recezved from tlu State and on Izand. Many companies Izave furnislud tluir own arms and accoutrements in 'whole or in part. Tlzey do not ap-
pear 011 tillS report.


NA~{E o~' Co~,pA.NY.

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g c:i'OO c:i 8 c:i 3 c:i -0;::; c:i.::l c:i..<:i c:i

-- -- -:za -- Z Z




Eo< -


-Z -


Savannah Canets.................. 3 13 40 69

70 70

III Republican Blues.................. 4

57 64

70 70

Oglethorpe Light Infantry......

Iri h Jasper Greens.




48 55


50 5505 50



German Volunteers............... 3 10 50 80

50 EO 50

Macon Volunteers................. 3 10 57

110 110 110

Floyd Rifles.......

4 10 23

93 5

Putnam Rifles...................... 3 10 27

30 30 30

Southern Cadets.........

3 9 47

35 35 35

Hancock Van Guards.....

3 8 22

36 36

Baldwin Blues.

3 9 30

47 50 42

Co. A, 3rd Bat.......

3 10 39

103 }

Co. B, ~rd Bat.

3 10 60

11 197 197

Co. C, 3rd Hat...................... 2 6 36


palding Greys.

4 11 20

36 40 40 31

Quitman Guards..........

3 10 20

30 46 46 39

Griffin Light Guard


Columbus Guard City Light Guard

. 4 4 23 . 4 10 25

60 60 90 90

LaGrange Light Guards

. 3 S 16

Southern Rifle

: . 3 10 22

27 27 30 30

Albany Guards



30 30

Brunswick Riflemen Constitutional Guards

.. 4 10 22 .13

106 106 40 40 40

Blount Volunteers Clinch Rifles

. 4 9 26 . 4 10 2.~

30 30 49 49

Dawson Guards Rome Light Guards

. 3 9 32 . 3 7 26'

41 41 41 30 30

Tattllall Guard


Walton Gnards

.. 4 8 17 3

39 28 27

Gate City Guard

. 3 10 47

0 80 40

Clark Light Infantry

. 4 9 30

35 35

Fort Gaines Guards Lewis Light Infantry Hill City adet Thom on Guard

.. 4 10 27 14

'* .

8 20

I .

.. 3' 9 25 6

35 35 30 47 47 47 34 34 35 30 30

Iillidgeville Light Infantry .. 4 1 0 2 6 2

35 35

Wiley Guards

. 4 9 30


Dutlignon Volunteers

. 4 9 23 4

30 30

Crawford Guards
Tot./} I................

.. -3-82-8 - - -3-6-2-52-5- ' -
124 330 1152 552 2034 1 85 1 01 645



10 '" NA.l!E OF CO:l1PAKY.
-"-"-":1--I I77\-71Z'C . -1.50150 Georgia llUR -a-r-..-..-..-.

1"6 ';'6 .::.c .:: :: 2-cl .i: fIE and 5'C. 5 Cl>

re. ~ c.:

c: ~ ~i:


killcl ~ ~

. of armR rec'd - Cl>

'0 o5 S o,~to: c ~l..IQ) H""~ ':J

@ from State.

. cr-


Ql= :,... (5

z b': - en g-0
<5. .....


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::. 0





:<. Z Z E-<


gj .::

~ -0


.D C

e :;; 0 Cl>
<) IZ

4 1i

95 -

Effingham Troop.............. 3 11 20 1 32 40 30


4ul Governor's Horse Guarus\ 4 11 40

'51 60 40

Liberty Inclpend't Troop.. 4 10 27 3 40 40


Mclnto h Lt. Ural'loons.... 3 11 21

Richmond HII aI's

4 12 46

5132 43 '13



Liberty Guards............... 4 9 22 5 36 22 18

Tota!............................. 26 751 253 16 344 205 180 90 144


Screven Troop..........

4 II 141 201 45 401 401 1- 30

Eureka Cavalry

~~ _,~ ~~~



1 '221 H 62 9 j 75 olD 1 30


Jackson Light Artillery.... 4 Chatham Artillery........... 4
Total ........................... -8


10 13


(j4 -

23 1031 126


- -".3 . 7



I Ie rb


i=. 0



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0 ap:

0: C)

0 E P ci ~ ~;.::; 0';;

0 SCI>

Z Z ;z. Z E-< Z :G Z

- - - - - - - - - - - ----I~- - - - - -

Union Lincoln Guards...... ...... 4 9 50 IV 69 4(1 40

Lone ,'tar adels................... 4 12 22 12 46 2,) 25

Savannah Lil!htlnfantry......... 4 91 161 .'l3 58 2' 25

Colquitt Blue

4 10 44,1 2u 74 .p 44

Fore t City Lil!ht Infantry...... 3 11 2 10 ,IV 91) 0 30

41 CbalhamLightlnfantry ......... 3 10 (j~12~1 nil 5~) 50

Augu 'ta Llgl.t Infantry...........

9 I 21 43 33 33 15

Doul!las Inlantry

4 10 35 5 50 35 321 34

91.43 Augu ta adet

4 10 80 12 52 3':> 35 23

Georgia I~lfantry..................... 4

7 59 35 40

Tolbert Llgllt Infantry ..: .

ColQuitt buards.........

4 10 30 15 55 4.' 44 30

Lincoln Guanl~_..................... 4 10 31 10 51 ..9 491 49

Georgia Cadets..

4 9 30 14 59 30 30

'1 Fulton Guard

3 10 17 1111 3 2(J 20

Governor' Volunteers............ 4 7 30 2 62 3'i 351

Coluwbu Volunteers


Rome 'tar Guard Bibb onnly Blues
entral City Light Infantry

-'::1 _ 4 10 34
"* 11 45

6 50 30 30 20 7 03

_ _3

25 _81~


I 6 1771 5

612 25:!.1012 632



Georgia Artillery

1 21 61 15; 16\ 371 I I


avannah Hussars

/ 4\10: 301 4: 441-301 *30]

, r
