Annual report of the Commissioner of Commerce and Labor, State of Georgia, Dept. of Commerce and Labor, 1915 December 31


Fiscal Year Ending December 3 1, 191 5
H. M. STANLEY. Commissioner ]. T. DERRY, Assistant Commissioner W. E. CHRISTIE. Chief Clerk
ATLA TA, GA. bas. P. ByTd, 'tate Printer
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ATLANTA, GA., January 1, 1916.
To His Excellency HON. . E. RABBIS, Governor.
SIR: In accordance with law, I have the honor and pleasure of respectfully submitting to you the fourth annual report of the Department of Commerce and La-bor for the term ending December 31, 1915.
The report embrace a re ume of the progress Georgia has made industrially from the early history of the
tate to the pre ent time; an article upon the natural resources of the State, including the forest timbers and the minerals. The latter relate especially to the Department of Geology, but I have thouO"ht proper to include a li t of the mineral in order to o-ive greater publicity to Georgia' na tural re ourc and to show in a conci e form just what this tate po se es in the way of raw material. In addition to the above can be found statistics showing the amount and value of tbe raw material used during tb year 1915 by the manufacture of the State, tbe amount paid wage earner , the value of the manufactured articles, the number of wao-e earners and other valuable information. The concluding paO"es are devoted to the publication of a list of the various in lustrie , properly cla sified for ready reference.
On the 12th day of eptember last a fire occurred in the quarters 0 cupied by this department. The fire did considerable damage to the walls, ceiling, woodwork and the furniture. 0 records were de troyed, but a consid-

Cl'ahle quantity of blank and other printin o' ",Tn burned. The 10 to the furniture and [L-xtur wa placed at $519.-

65. By authority of th General As embly this money wa exp nded by me under your direction an 1 a report

made, which i of file in the Executive Department.

A mea ure i pen ling before the General embly to

i"e to thi d partment a factory inspector. Til original

bill provided for two in pector , but the 'ommitt on

ommer e and Labor in the two house reduced the num-

ber to one an 1 favorably reporte 1 the hill. J tru t that the memb 1'8 of tIle General A . embly,in their wi 10m, will nact thi measure into law at th coming es ion.

In my . econc1 annual report I alle 1 attention to tIl fact that G orO'ia i badly in nc cl of a vocational chool.

Thi uhject i. now nO'ao'ing the be. t th uoht of the

ducational worll and I tru t that th time i not far li -

tant when our law-maker will. e the wi dom of mnking orne provi. ion for our laro'e army of in 1U trial work r.

that they may be put in a position to O'reatly in rae th ir earning capacity.

In my third annual report I trongJy tr s cd th nu-

l ortanee of a compul ory educational law. By all m an the ... tate boull enact. uch a ill a ure. It would not onl)7 he th mean of giving an education to children who ar

now 0TowinO' up in iO'norance, but would in a "\ ery large

mea. ur olve th child labor problem.

nurinO' my incumhen y of the offic of Commi ioner

f Commerce and Labor I have songht in very way to

conservatively an 1 conomically perform the dutie c1ele-

o'ated to me by tbe Act. In that onnection it i with a

great deal of parrlonahJe pride that I point to the report

on thi department for the year 1914 and 19]5 hy the

...-\udit Compan~' of tbe , outh.

Permit me to take tbi

. 0 ca. 1 n .t xpre m


.. ..........~........-..:.-.

~ .....


ciatioll for the man acL f kindne and con ic1el'ation h wn me I y your Ex ell HCy and th official of til Exutive Department c1ul'in<Y the. past year.
R p ctfull ubmitted, IT. L TA LEY, omml loner.

Eli Whitney' invention of the cotton gin in 1793 on a GeorO'ia plantation and at the ugO'e tion of a Georo-ia woman, gave O'reat impetu to the growth of cotton and th n beO"an a period of great pro perity in Georgia which lasted until the present time except wIlen there was a perio 1 of depres ion due to wars. Th war of 1 12 affect d every industry then in Georgia an 1 the ivil War bankrupted almost every citizen of the tate. The recovery from the deva tatinO' ffect of the latter war wa rapid, owino- to Georgia' ex ellent climate, fertile oil, natural re our e ,healthful urroundinO', energetic p 0pIe and th int Ilia' nt direction of affair.
A early a 17 7 William Lon o' treet a re ident of Augu ta, ha 1 begun experimenting on a boat that sboulc] b prop lled by team. \. communication wa at that time diffi uIt betwe n the ta te as far apart a Georgia and Penn ylvania, Long treet probably knew notbina' of John Fitch' t amboat built and operated in 17 6, and of other boat of Fitch' that ran on the Delaware in 17 7-]7 ,wh n the company failed.
If he did know any thin0' of Fitch' work, it only con . vinced him that he might ucceed where Fitch had failed.. Without financial bach-ina' he had at last got his boat ready and with a few friend who w re willino' to ri k a ride upon this new craft, he took his teamhoat on a trial trip in] 06 everal mile down th avannah River and ha k to ugu ta, landinO' amid tbe cheer of tho who had ridiculed hi nterpri e. Robert Fulton, back d

by the money and influence of prominent men, had been also experim nting and in 1807 made a successful voy~ge in his steam'boat, the Cl rmont, to Albany and back to New York City, thus proving the complete feasi,bility of navigation by steam. The new of this came to Longstreet, just as his friends were tarting to Washingion to get a patent for his invention. He is at least entitled to be classed with tho e who made successful experiments in steamboat navigation.
The opinion was prevalent that only on quiet water could steam be thus used. But William Scarborough, an enterprisino' merchant of Savannah and a planter of large means, had a steamship built for him in ew York and sent to him at avannah. SecUI'in<r a crew for hi. steamship, which he had named the Savannah, Scarborough sent it forth from Savannah in 1819. This vessel visited Liverpool, Copenhagen and St. Peter bur0', exciting everywhere wonder and admiration.
In 1811 the first cotton factory in Georgia was built on Upton Creek, nine miles southeast of Washington, in Wilkes County. It had two stories, basement and attic and was built of stone quanied in the neighborhood. The hinges, hooks and nails were made in a neighboring blacksmith shop. Soon came the war of 1812 and circumtances were not favorable to new enterprises. So after a struggle to keep going the factory was closed. Later the machinery was purchased by Thomas Talbot, who tarted a small factory on his plantation to furnish clothing for his own slaves and those of his neighbors.
Early in Georgia the best plantations and the best farms had their blacksmith and carpenter shops and also a room equipped with one or more spinning wheels and others provided with one or more looms. From these varied domestic little manufactories various useful

arti Ie were turned out. ntl m n and In lie were fr qu uti well vel' d in th u c f the pinnino' wb 1 and loom worked by hand, and rvant w re train <1 by tb m to do this kind of work. Thus coal' e cloth was made at home and styled hom pun. ] rom this homepun clothing was made for u e on the plantation. The black mith and arp nter hop kept up th nee 1 <1 rcpair. Ther wcre many n ighborl1ooc.1 mill for O"rin ling com or wh at; al 0 many mill to upply ucb Jumb I' a wa n cde 1 on the plantation.
UteI' the Indian mov d we t thc b t tract. of the re k and berokee land weI' rapidly settled, immiOTant pouring in from neiO"hborin o' tates on tbe ast and ,en from th far north rn States. At th . ame tim immigrants pa ed a ros Georgia to the we tern outh rn tate, and G oro'ia her elf furni hed her proportion to thi mov m nt.
Two fa tor in Georo-ia' growth had by thi time b n fairly laun hed UI on a career in wbi h t1Jey have illiO"htil aided in 1 velopino- a tron o', viO'orou and ent rpri ing tate. The c factor were the texti] industry and the railroad, who e forward marcll not even the o-reat war b twccn the tat could lono' imp cleo It was in 1 27 tbatAuo-u tu . Clayton, r:rboma Moor, A bury Hull, J arne .John on and W. arr b gan th rection of th fir t u ful cotton mill in Georgia, and, it i. v n ('1aim el, .'outh of th Potoma. It wa and till i. 10 at c1 at Whit hall n ar thens an 1 wa in Of{ orate 1 as The Georo'ia Factory in] 2 . John -White h cam uperintendent and his de cendant to thi da own the mill, which is still doing busin s at the old stand under tllc name of the Georoia fanufacturino' ompan.v. Tb Bolton Jill in 1 11 had fail d but thi 11ad b n a ompl te
u c and 11 n de erve t be rank d a. tIle pione l' of G oro'ia' textil indu try.

\' h n GeorO'c ; teph n 'on in England ha 1 on :::; ptembel' ..,7, 1 25, 'yon hi crownino- uee 's and proved to the atisfa tion of ven tIle 10ubter that a locornoti, e could afel draw a train on rail at the rate of fift n mil an 11 ur, thcrc was a profound ensation over tb civilized "-01'1 L TIl(' ['cat Erie Canal in T w ") ork ha 1 been re-
cently completed, Thc. pirit of progre on both
ide of th tlanti wa infection., n De ember 24, 1 25, an .... t of the Geonria Leooi:lature wa aI I roved by the Governor, oorantinO' a charter for the con tru hon
f a entral canal or railroad tartinoo at the avannah Riv r. year 'bcfore Ebenezer .Ten ks had b n empow red to con truct a canal from avannah to the Oo-eerhe River. The ct of 1 25 charter d th avannah, OO'eechee and Itamaha anal and provi 1 d for th buildinoo of a railroad,
The Brun wick anal o. wa chartered on D cemh r _6, 1 26, for the purpo e of conn ctin ,the ltamaha and Turtl River., hort rajlroad beooan to be operat I in varion parts of the nit d tat s. The outh arolina from ha1'l ton to Hamhuroo, oppo it uoou ta, Ga., a distanc of 134 miles, beo'an to he opera ted 0 far a r n tructed in 1 31 and the 10 om tiv ,"B t F1'iend," huilt for that road wa the mo t u ce ful on yet built in merica. "When th outh Carolina Railroad wa completed in 1 3 it "a. the fir t lOTIO' eli tan railroad in the world.
Although G orcia had made a tart as ha been en in 1 25, yet no railroad had been built. A charter wa o-ranted D c mber 27, 1 1, for the Georgia Railroad from U!rU ta we tward. Thi charter wa altered an I approved D cember 31, 1 33. A charter wa o'!'anted Dec mber 27, 1 33, for the buildinoo of tb entral Railroad from avannah to Ma on and on December 23rd of

the arne y ar a charter wa granted for the Monroe Railroad from Macon to For yth.
Geor<Yia now took the I ad in railroad construction and bel' activity on that line and in the con truction of textile mills soon won for her the title of the "Empire
tate of the outh." Tbe State itself took a hand in railroad buildino', and on December 21, 1 36, charterecl the W tern & Atlantic Railroad, the outhwestern tel' minus of which wa located 1837 near where the Union Pa engel' Depot of Atlanta now tand. Here were to meet the Georgia Railroad from ugusta, extended through Madison, the Central from avannah via Macon and For yth, from which latter town the Monroe Railroad wa to be extended northward to the elected meetinO" point, wbich until 1 43 had no other name than Terminus. Other roads were soon begun to Athens, MilledO" ville and Columbu .
The name Terminu wa changed in 1 43 to Marthasville as a compliment to the daughter of ex-Governor Lumpkin, one of Georgia' most zealous railroad promotel'. By thi time Georgia had rapidly approached th completion of a railroad system, wbich for convenience was surpas ed by none and equaled by few' in any of the other State. When 1arthasville bad reached ::t population of 500, the Georgia Legi lature, believinO" in it future greatness, incorporated it as the City of tlanta, December 29, 1 47. Its new name had been ugge ted by J. EdO'ar Thomson, chief engineer of the Georo'ia Railroa], in a letter written in 1 4 to Richard Peter~, an eno'ineer on tbe same road.
In thr e y ar from the incorporation of the ity of Atlanta, its population bad increa ed from 500 to 2,572. Sin e it wa the gat way by rail from the orthw st to the outh Atlantic eaboard, it wa also .. alled the" Gate

ity." By 1 6D Atlanta had rea hed a population little holt of 10,000, tanding third among Georgia cities. Railroads and manufactur w I' the cau e of thi growth.
Flouri hing towns were growing up all along the line of the tate road. Rome, situated where the junction of the Etowah and 00 tanaula River form the Coosa and connected by a branch road with the We tern & Atlantic,
was rapidly growing. The railroad weI' begwnino' as early as 1 50 to carry
to Savam1ah uch a volume of trade, that with only 16,000 inhabitant, it wa ount d among th mo t impOl'tant commercially of merican citi sand wa already threatening the upremacy of harle ton among th
outh At~antic port. Manufacture , too, were doino- a great work in Geor-
gia. They were almost a varied as they are today. Th re were foundri ,rna hine shop , planing mill , lour and grist mill , bl'ick )7ard , tannerie , vehicle manufa t rie , iron works, railroad repair shops, sbo manufactorie, etc.
The textil mill from the first u ce . ful one in 182 grew teadily in numb 1', iz and valu of product. The hand employed in the mill have alway been white people from the' beginning of this industry in Georo'ia until now. Negro help has be n employ d for cleanino' up an 1 draying, but not at the. pindl or th loom.
There weTe twenty textile mills in Georgia in 1840, thirty-eigbt in 1 50 and forty-four in 1 60. During the decade inclu ling the war pe.riod the t xtile mill increa eel to eighty. There was a smaller number in 18 0, being s v nty-two, but tbe capital had incr ased fifty p r cent., the number of pindle and loom 11a 1 doubled, tb 0 t of mateTial used had incl'ea ed ixty pel' ent. and tbe

value of pro lucts SL"\'ty-two p I' cent. Again in 1 90 the

textile mills numbered s v nty-oue, one Ie. s numerically

than in 1 0, but some had been so much enlarged that

the capital invested lacked but little of being three times

as much as in 1880, the number of looms and pinelle

had more than doubled, the cost of materials had increa -

ed from $4,184,738 to $7,99 ,926, and the value of prod-

ucts from $6,721,284 to $12,375,724.

In 1900 there were ninety-eight textile mills, the car i-

tal had increa ed from $18,0 4,708 to $25,006,170, the

munber of spindles from 444,964 to 828,353, tIle number

of looms from 10,578 to ] 9,901. The cost of m'ateri als

wa. $] 2,207,4-25, and the value of product $20,666,7]~.

In 1910 ther were 145 textile mills, with a combined

capital of $3'3,163,000. The spindles numbered 1,794,111

and th loom 4-0, 50. The cost of material wa ,'34-,364,-

000, and the value of the products wa $52,141,000.

Dec mber 31, 1915, the numher of textile mill in

7G3e. orTghiae

was 166, number

with a combin of spindle wa

d capital of $4-8, ".1:9,23_.2,24 ,310, and of loom ,

43, 64. There were al 0 3,966 knitting machines and 457

ewing machines. The co t of material was ahove $.4,-

917,576.4 , an 1 the value of product $70,241,926. 1. The

total' for Georgia's manufactur s in 1860 weI' 1, 90 es-

tabli bments, with a combined capital of $10 90, 75. ']'11e

co t of material $9,9 6,53'2. The hands employed w re

9,5]] males and 2,064 females, a total of 11,575. The

annual cost of labor was $2,925,564.

Of tIle $10890, 75 inve tecl in all the manufacture ,

$2,. 6 ,603 w re inve ted in t xtile mills, which paid $],-

726, 50 for material and turned out products worth $2"


Ther were in addition to tll a,1 ove mention d manu-

factures, articles of common use manufa tured on the


farm to the value or $1,431,+13. The arti Ie manufa-
tur el at hom in Georgia and in 'everal other, onth 1'n
Stat largely exc eel 1 in valu tho' report d in the O'l'eat manufacturing tat of the orth. In Georgia the eonntie that had manufa turin 0' stabli hment.' howed the mall t value for artie I made at bornf'. In the eitie , town and vjJJao'e the ound of hamm l' and saw and trowel wielded by white men wa heard, a now, and white labor wa mainl tbe kind employed in foun. chi , rna hine an 1 repair hop , planing' mill and textile mill.
Labor wa nowhere more highly re peeted than in the Routh, and the d or of opportunity toocl a wide open
for the poor man a in any part of th Union. The be t
proof of the truth of thi :tntem nt i. found in th numb l' of poor boy who hecam ] ad l' in cllUrch an I State, in every kind of bu ine and in ih larned 11'0f s ion .
'Ih 1 opulation of Georoia 11a 1 steadily incr a d. In 20 th total population wa 340,9 5, in ludin o' 149,6:-6 D 0'1'0 lave. In 1 30 tb total wa. 516 :..., ineludino217,531 negro lav ; in 1 40 total 691392, ineludinO' 2 0,944: n !!TO lave' in 1 50 total 906,1 -, in lu hng 3 1,6 2 negro lave ; in 1 60 total 1,057,2 6 inclu ling 462,19 neOTO slav . The number of free neOToe wa' never above 3,500. Of Georgia' white inhabitant on l~r 41,0 4 were lav owner. If we tim ate ea h of these lave own l' a the b ad of a family an 1 take fiv a th l avera o' numb l' of per on to a family " will bavt205,420 whi te p r on illtere t 1 in lavery and 386,1 0 white person in G oro'ia baving no monetary onn ctiOll with that institution.
But of the 4],0 4 lave own r 6713 own c1 hut one ea 11, 43-5 owne 1 two, 3,4 2 owned thr e, 29 4 own d

four, 2,543 owned five, 2,213 owned six, 1,839 owned seven, -1,647 owned eight, 1,415 owned nine. Thus 27,191 owned from one to nine slaves. We find 4,707 owned between ten and fourteen, 2,823 between fifteen and nineteen, diminishing in the number of slaves owned until we find only 181 that had from one hundred to one hundred and ninety-nine slaves. Only seven owned 300 and under 500 and only one owned 500 and under 1,000. Thus we see that a large proportion of the slave owners had but a small pecuniary interest in slavery, while others were very wealthy in that kind of property. The small slave owners were not all planters, but represented every kind of business.
The forty-four textile mills of 1860 have increased to 166 in 1915, the 86,666 spindles to 2,248,310 and the 2,061 looms to 43,864. The knitting mills, of which there were none in 1860, have now 457 sewing machines and 3,966 knitting machines.
The cost of material used in textile mills in 1860 was $1,726,850 and in 1915 it was $34,917,639.48. The value of manufactured products of textile mills in 1860 was $2,835,627, and in 1915 it is $70,241,926.
The number of all Georgia's manufacturing plants in 1860 was 1,890 and the value of their products was $16,925,564.
In 1912 the number of establishments had increased to 5,175 (omitting small manufactories), and the value of products had increased to $239,378,649.
T-he 11,575 people employed in all manufactorie in 1860 had increased to 118,000 in 1910, and probably 145,000 in 1915.
Georgia reported no cotton oil mills nor fertilizer factories in 1860. But in 1915 she had 180 cotton oil mi~ls with capital and investment of $14,120,000, and

manufactured products to the value of $28,149,598; also

260 fertilizer plants with capital and investment of $41,-

200,000, and manufactured products to the value of $20,-


The capital invested in all Georgia manufactures in

1860 was $10,890,875, as compared with $202,778,000 in

1910. Today the capital thus invested closely approxi-

mates $250,000,000.

The 735,000 Georgians engaged in agriculture, the

145,000 devoting their attention to manufactures and



tries, t.he

46,000 employed commerce and

in transportatrade and the

212,000 engaged in pU'blic, professional, domestic and

personal service make a grand aggregate of 1,200,000, or

nearly half of our 2,700,000 inhabitants, engaged in use-

ful occupations.

Our schools, colleges and universities, steadily im-

proving in numbers and equipment, provide for the intel-

lectual training of our young people, and the thriving

churches of every denomination minister to our spiritual

wants. With all this, our 8,000 miles of railroads, steam

and electric, our navigable rivers providing steamboat

navigation, our miles of seacoast promoting a great coa t-

wise and foreign trade, our good roads for traffic of all

kinds, OUT telegraph and telephone lines with more than

100,000 miles of wire supplementing our postal routes

and rural free deliveries, our banks so helpful in the

transactions of every kind of business, all combine to

give Georgians every advantage possessed by the most

highly favored people of the most highly favored lands

of the earth.



E 1 60.

In th introclu tion t tll TInite 1. ~ tat c n uo' \ olume for manufactures in 1 60 there is the followin o' tatem nt:
"Of the outhem tat. G orO"ia wa the la J''e t, manufacturer of otton good, baving tbirty-thr e tahIi hment, with a capital amountinO" to ._,126]03, and mountino' 5,1 6 pin 11 . and 2,041 loom ." These concern employed 2, 13 hand, the product of who e labor was $....,371,207,.an increa of 69.97 per cent. upon the I' tUl'll of 1 50. Only tllr other State " Viroinia, orth Carolina and labama, exc (' 1. 1. on million in til value of cotton good , the ratio of increa in the fir t tw heino' mall (two or thr e IeI' ent.), and in the latter qual to 160.96 IeI' c nt. In that arne year G anna wa credited with eleven wo len mill , with],4 0 pindIe , 20 loom and 3'0 ets of ards, with capital amounting to $242,500 and havin ' a total of 3 3 hand. emI loy d, the pro 1.uct of who e lahor wa valued at. '464,420.
orne of the other 1 a ling manufactorie of Geor ia in 1 60 were: Of arriaO"e 11 establi hment. with capital of . 370,035, employinO' 691 hand , tbe product of who e labor wa $595,331; of wagons and cart, 93 tabIi hment with capital of $76,707, employing 223 hand with products valu d at $13'9,797; of flour and oTi t mill 37 e tabli hments with capital of, $1,599,515, employinO" 620 hands and with produ ts worth $4550,007; of leather 137 establishments, with cal ital of $329,04 , employinO' 337 hand with products worth $442,451.
Th Ii. t of iron manufactures was di tributed as fol10\\ : Bar and railroad iron, 2 tablisbments, with capital of '102,200, with 104 hand and product worth $139 -


6' 0; iron ca tings,6 e tabli hments, with capital of $102,-

100, with 74 hand' and pro luct worth $139,6-0; pig iron, ~ est1:1Jbli. bments, with capital of $30,000, with 60 hands

and products worth $31,500; total, t n establi hment ,

with capital of $234,300, with 238 hand and product

worth $310,780. There wa. one copper smelting estab-

lishrn nt with capital of $300,000, employino- 60 band and

products worth $42,000. There were 24 tabJi hments

making tin, opper and slle t iron ware, with capital of

$66,200, employing 108 hands, with products worth $] 26,-


There were 12 establishments making cotton o"ins

with capital of $8 ,000, emlloyino- 171 hands and with

produ t wortl) $263,710. There were 22 establishments

making steam engines with capital of $1,213,400, employ-

ing 661 hand, with products worth $735,053. There was

one mill making rice flour, with a capital of $115,000, em-

plo3~ing 96 hands, and with products worth $772,200;

there were 410 mills sawing lumber with a capital of $],-

639,217, employing 1 871 hand and with products worth

$2,412,096. Forty-one furniture establishment with cap-

ita1 of $158,616, employing 307 hands, turned out prod-

uct worth $32 ,421. Thirty-five addlery and harness

establishments with a capital of $59,110, emlloyed 101

hand and turned out products worth $116,818, whil

eight sa h, door and blind factoTies having a capital of

$91,450, employed 97 band, whose labor turned out prod-

ucts worth $132,400. Twenty-one newspaper and job

] rinting stabli bments with a capital of $181,250 em-

ployed 1 6 hands with products worth $267,974. Four

mills for making printing pap I' had a capital of $171,000,

employed 7 hands and turned out material worth $164,-

300. There were many oth l' manufactories of useful





The total number of manufacturinO' tablishments in GeorO'ia in 1 60 was 1, 90, with capital of $10,890, 75, employing 11,575 hands and turning out products worth $16,925,564. In addition to the e manufa tures there was on the farms and plantation of Georgi.a, as in the other outhern State, a more O'eneral ] revalence of hOll hold manufactures and of family looms than in the manufacturing States of the orth and .r orthwe t.
early every planter had a man carpenter and blackmifh hop on hi place and in the family was woven the cloth worn by master and slaves for every day use. The value of all domestic or homemade manufacture ill Georgia was $1,431,413, making a total of all manufactured material to the value of $18,356,977.
There were on December 31, 1915, 166 textile mill in Georgia having a capital tock of $4 , 49,232. The value of raw material used in 1915 wa $34,917,576.4, and the combined value of products was $70,241,926. 1. There were on December 31, 1915, in these textile mills 2,248,310 pindle of which 2,217,494 were active at that date. Of these spindles 11,610 consumed cotton mixed with oth l' fibres. There were no knitting mills used in 1860, but of knitting mills in 1915 there were 24-, with 3,966 knitting machines and 391 sewing machine. There were also in the cotton mill 66 ewing machine .
There are in the cotton and woolen mills 43,864 loom The number of employees in the cotton, woolen and knitting mills i above 37,000. An the spinners and weavers have always been white.
Two of Georcia's great manufacturing industries are of post-bellum date, viz.: the cotton oil mills and fertilizer factories. There was one cotton oil mill in Georgia
in 18 0. AccordinO' to the reports to December 31, 1915,
they number 1 establi hments with capital and invest-

ment of $14,120,000, and turn out manufactured products worth $2 ,149,59. Employee number 3, 00. The fertilizer factories and mixing plant on the same date numbered 260 e tablishments with capital and investment of $41,200,000, and products to the value of $20,950,680. The employees number 7,500.
The foundry, machine and general repair shop in Georgia for the year ending December 31, 1915, and including work in iron, teel, brass, copper and tin, were 1 5 establi bment with capital of $10,410,4 , value of raw material to the amount of $3,0 3,000, and turning out manufactured products worth $6,203,106. The employees number 5,000, of whom 56 per cent. are white. In 1860 there were 69 such e tabli hments with combined capital of $1,901,900 and product valued at $1,478,182.
The establi bment that manufacture brick, tile, sewer piping and clay number 130 with capital of $3,951,891, . and manufactured product. worth $1,571,700. The employees number approximately 2,650.
Tb marble and granite quarri and marble yard number 105 tablishment with capital of $3,150,000, total expen e of $2,0 5,944 and manufactured products worth $2,380,000. The employ number 3,000, of whom more than 50 per cent. are wbite.
The establj hments turning out buggies, carriage and wagon reporting in 1915 were 60, witb capital of $3,000,000, u inO' raw material to the value of $1,346,000, with fini bed product valued at ,'2,200,000.
In the United tates cen us reports for 1860 there were 211 uch e tabli hment with capital of $446,742, and finished products worth $776,128. Here there is shown for 1915 as compared with 1860 a great falling off in the number of e tabli hment but a large increase in the apital illY sted and tbe value of products.

There were in Georgia in 1915 of tanner. and d aIel's ill leatlJer goods 37 e tabJisluTIellt with 'apital of $2,565,000 and product valuod at $2,500,000, as ODl]l:ll'CL1 ,,\lith 137 establishment in 1 60 having a 301 ital of $329,04 and turning out product worth $422,451. Thus in ] 915 establishments barely one-third in number of tho:e in 1860 have a capital even times as large with a value "f product nearly six fold that of 1 60.
The flour and grist mills reported in 1860 weI' 37 with capital of $1,599,155 and pro luets valued at $-l-,j;")I),007. The census of 1910 reported 105 such e tabli hments with capital of $2,749,465, and products valued at $7,999,912. In 1915 the mel' hant and neighborhood milL' numbered 195 with capital of $2,900,000 and produ ts worth $ ,350,000.
The 21 new paper and job printing e tablishments of 1860 with capital of $1 ] ,~50, anu products valued at $267,974, had incr ased by 1912 to 450 e tabli. hments, with apital of $4, 17,000 and products worth $ ,445,572. As compared with 1, 90 establishment , with capital of $10,890,875, employing 11,575 hands and turning out products worth $16,925,564 in 1 60, increa d by a:dding home manufactures to $1 ,3'56,977, the Georo'ia of 1915 ould how 4,800 e tablisbment with capital or above $230,000,000, with employe numbering 145,000 and ni hed products worth $235,000,000.
Y t by a careful perusal of this article it will be seen that Georgia ha 1, with the exception of lat .1' ll1\'C'lJti. liN, nearly very variety of manufactur in 1860 a in 19r. In a few in tances the number of establi. hments in certain lines wa greater in 1860 than in 19] 5, but in ach of these cases there ha. be n a great increa e in capital inv sted, ancl the number of hands employe 1.



nd l' the abov heading in bulletin 131 i u 1 p-

tember 21 ]915; by the nited ~tat . D partment of

~ommerce, are found orne very intere ting fact. Let

it be noted that the Unit d tate census ay nothing

of twi tel's, al 0 known as twister pindle. It mention

only ring an I mule spindle , which are th producino-

pindIe. The term 'cotton pindle" doe not includ

tho e which con ume a mixture of cotton and other fibr ,

In th total number of 'cotton pindles 1assachu ett x eed any other tate bavino' 10,914,0 7. outh aro-

lina rank cond with 4,710, 26; orth arolina rank.

third with 3915, 42; Rbode Islan I fourth witb 2 507,64-/.;

Georgia fifth with 2,17 ,573. New Ramp hire come

. ixth, Conne ticut ventb, Maine eiO'hth and . labama

ninth. 0 otber State reported a many a a million

pindle, 'rh active cotton pinell in the five tat.

leading in the textile indu try are: In Ma' a llusetts 10,-

635,001; in South arolina 4,6 3,57 ; in orth ar'olina

, 23',29 . in Rhoel I land 2,473,132, and in Georo'ia 2,-

]4 ,133.

Th tate bowino' the large tnt o'ain in the number

of pindl during tb y ar were North Carolina, outh

Carolina, Alabama, Georgia and VirO'inia in the order


In the con umption of cotton Ma achu ett lead

] with 1,2 2,937 ba1

ext comes orth Carolina with

9] 54 hale 'tllen outll arohna with 11,564 hales an 1

G or!ri.a with 659, 3 bale. It i om what remarkabl

that Rhode I land with 2,473 ]32 active pindl con-

umed only 24 ,242 bales, while Georoia with 2,14 ,133

actIv pjndle con umed 659, 53 bales,

The larO'e t a tllal increa in th annual on umption

of otton fr m ] 911 to 1915 i in th cotton-oTowing


States. The con umption luring that period increased a follow : In orth Carolina 31.4 per cent.; in South
al'olina, 32.1 per cent.; in Georgia, 3 .9 per ent. Georgia ha , be ide her cotton pindl s, 11,610 pindles consuming cotton mixed with other fibre; orth Carolina .7,484; South Carolina 1,980 and Rhode Island 1,440.
"The History of Georgia from its Earliest Settlement to the Pre ent Time," written by T. S. Arthur and W. H.
arpenter, was publi hed in 1 52. t that time gold was considered one of Georgia's important assets and agriculture wa even more than now regarded a the chief' employment of it people. On paoo s 3:.9 and 330 of thi little volume we find these tatement :
"But the future prosperity of Georgia i not so much a ured by the production of her gold-bearing region , or the operation of her indu triou agriculturi t , a by her wise and well-reooulated sy tern of railroad, and th admirable provi ion by which she ha of late years encouraged manufactur s ooenerally, and in an especial manner tho e for the fabrication of otton cloth , a branch of bu ine for whi h the tate is admirably adapted, from her immen e facilitie in the way of waterpower. Alrea ly there are railroads .stretching frO'ill Savannah to the Tenn ee line with branch road, either
fini hed or in contemplation, to uoou ta, Athen , Atlanta,
Macon and Columbus; and in various po ition of the State admittinoo of such a purpose, cotton mill have been for a long time in ucces ful operation. Th se facilities for the transportation of taple production joined to th creation of a home market, will ooradually tend more and more to develop the latent re ources of Georgia, and plac tbe industrial position of the State upon a nrm and indestructible basis. "
Georooia stood then at the bead of the outb in rail-

road building, as she does till, and was far ahead in textile manufactures, in fact, wa in these the pioneer of the outh. The only rea on that two outhern tates, .orth and South Carolina have passed her in the textile industries is, that a very mu h larO" I' proportion of Georgia ':, capital has been turned to fertilizer factories and cotton oil mills than in the State named.
These two great industrie are important adjuncts of the cotton busines and are a e ential to the busine s of Georgia as are the textile mills.

'rhe {ore't timbers in Georgia are "arietl and valuabl, In Xorthwe t Georgia the Ii t embrace' ,ix ,'arieti of oak "iz,: Red, whit mountain, black, water and po ti se"eral varieties of pine, whit, spruce 'hol't leaf and long leaf, the latter differing from the long leaf of outh Georgia; many other vari ties of timbor, ueh a poplar, n<tk, beech, elm chestnut, hickory, maple (including the sugar maple), walnut, ironwood, ugar-berry "camore, weet-gum, dog-wood, per imillon, a afrll, , wild cherry, cedar, etc, iliany of the 'e are found in large enongh quantitie to be useful for furniture and hardwood finish for building, The walnut and cherry are especially 'ought after for furniture. There are comparatively few cedar tree left, but there are mall quantities of them in every ection of Georgia.
In Torthwest and Middle Georgia there are found pani h, white and po t-oak', hickory, che'tnut, dog-wood, per immon and sa afra and in the lowlands of some of the countie hort leaf pine, poplar, a h, walnut, cherry, with more hickory aud les pino than in outh Georgia. With th se wood black-jack i freely inter persed,
In riddle and outh Georgia the prevailing timber are pines, both long and hort leaf. Inter per ed with these can be found black-jack, oak, weet-gnm and dog-wood.
There is a large section between the avannah and the Flillt Ri"ers, in which the timber arc oak, hic)wry, long leaf pine, short leaf pine and dog-wood among the red hill', with beech, maple and poplar in th lowland, Thronghout the yellow loam region are oak, hickory and long leaf pines.
fn outh Georgia what i known a the long leaf pine region ha b en a great ource of wealth to the tate. As fa t as the timber lands were clear d, they were put under cultivation. This process is still going 011 and for year it ha been demonstrated that the pine barren of Georgia were a myth, for on tho e very lands are now ome of the roo t productive farm and market gardens of the tate, which give upport to rapidly growing town and a th;-ifty Tnral population. Georgia which before the tripping of this ection of its magnificent fore t of loug leaf pine ranked first in the prOduction of lumber and naval stores, ha enough left to rank as second in the e re ources, while va tly increa ing her wealth in pro perou farms.
The pine and palmetto flats aronnd kefinol,ee wamp fnrni h large quantitie of long leaf pine, cypr and aw palmetto. The e are found also along the creek bottom and hammock land, together with black gum, tupelo, titi and maple all over South Georgia, Throughout the coa t region are found magnificent live oak, red cedar hickory, assaras, cabbage palmetto and blue palmetto.
Georgia i didd d into three main geological area, the Palaeozoic, the rystalline and the Coastal Plain region. The Palaeozoic divi ion, in which are repre ented Cambrian, ilurian, Devonian and Carboniferoll formations, embrac the cOllnti S of Dade, Walker, atoo a, Whitfield, C'hattooga, Floyd 3l1d the larger rortiolls of 1furray, Gordon, Bartow and Polk, In thi region of parallel mountain ridges and Yalley are found

valnable deposits of coal, iron, manganese, roofing slate and bauxite, while ,sandstone, lim stone, quartzites and cherts abound.
'L'he Crystalline area embl'ac tho e parts of the State not in the Palaeozoic area that were north of a line drawn northea t to southwest through Augusta, Milledgeville, Macon and 'olnmbus. In this area are found granites, gnei e, and schists, while on the border of the Palaeozoic and 'rystalline areas are found the marbles for which Georgia is famou throughont the Union, 'fhis marble belt traverses Eannin, Gilmer, Pickens and Cherokee 'ounties, Marble in smaller qnantitie i found in other counties not in this main belt. In this same Crystalli ne area granite and gnei's aboun 1 and in several pOI,tions cOl'lllldulll is found in con iderable quantities.
'fhel'e are also in this ection four gold belts. Th first1'llns through Rabnn, llabersham, White, Lumpkin, Daw'on, 1'orsyth, 'heroke, Cobb, Bartow, Paulding and liaralson Counties, '1'he ecoud belt traver es .Rabuu, Habersham, Hall, Gwinnett, For yth, Miltou, DeKalb and Fulton Counties. The third gold belt ruus through Lincoln, 'olumbia, McDuffie and Warren Counties, in the southwest part of the 'rystalline area. 'fhere are al 0 'ome scattering deposit of gold in 'fowns, Union, Gilmer, Fannin and Meriwether Countie .
The coal fields of Georgia are mostly in Dade and Walker Counties in the Palaeozoic area. Coal is found in other counties of North Georgia, 'rbe iI'on ores are aloin the Palaeozoic area, The brown ore are found in Bartow, Polk and Floyd Counties and the red ores in \\ alker and 'hattooga Counties. There are large quantitie of bauxite 01' alumiuulll in Georgia. The most exten i,'e are in Floyd and Bartow 'ounties, bnt this mineral is also fonnd ill Polk, Wall'er, 'hattooga and in some Middle and South Georgia countie ,
Depo it of coruudnm occur in Rabun, '1'owns, Union, Habersham, Carroll and Heard 'onuties. Ncar the Caroliua line in Rabun County on Laurel 'reek is the largest corundnm mine in Geol'gia, and one of the most noted in the United States.
Graphite abollllds near the town of Bmer on in Bal,tow ounty, and is found in other counties, Of other mineral' pyrite is found in Lnlllpkin 'ounty; copper ,in Mun-ay ane1 .E'allllinj talc in Murray, Fannin and 'herokee; mica in nion and Fannin aml barite in Bartow. Mica in small and 'cattering quantities is found in other 'ounties.
cveral varieties of pI'ecious stones are found in Georgia, viz.: Amethyst, in Rabun 'ounty, a few diamond' in Hall; moonstones in Upson 'ounty and In the llol'thea t part of the 'rystaJline area have been found rubie and apphire of small size, Limestone for cal'iminillg is found not only in the P.alaeozoic and rystalline area of northeast and nOJ,thwe t Georgia, but also in localities in the Coastal Plain region phosphates abound, Limeston for buildillg pnrposes is found in beds throughout the counties of the Pala ozoic area al.ld in JIall aud ITabersham 'ou11ties of the Cry talline ar a, Throughont all that part of Georgia north of what is called the fall line, which rU11 from Augusta through Milledgeville and Macon to olumbu are found clay: ,uitable for the manufacture of common brick and the coal' 'er grades of earthenware. Immediately below thi fall line in a narrow belt running acros the tate are found clay suitable for the manufacture of porcelain, enameled brick, chinaware, terra cotta, sewer pipe, etc. '1'he total value of all Georgia's minerals at this time apFoximates $7,000,000.
The numerous tream of Georgia furnish water power in varying qnantities from the little ca cade that runs the small mill to the great shoals and fall of 40,000 und 1110re hor~e power, that ru11 cotton factorie alld flour and gri t mill, or transmit electric force for one hundr d miles or mOl'e to mo,-e the machinery of many manufactnring plant 01' l'un electric tar on city streets and interurban lin With

the exception of a few notable ca es the largest water power of Geor gia ar on or ju t above the outhern fall line running from northea t to outhwe t throngh Augusta, 1i1ledgeville, 1acon and 'olumbu, where the tream pa over from the hard rock of the ry talline area to the oftel' formation of the 'oa tal Plain, or on the northwe tern fall line formed by the contact of the Palaeozoic and Crystalline areas pa . ing through Polk, Bartow, Gordon and Murray ountie. Other mall water power are found on many tr am at various point throughout the tate.
Below will be found some of the leading fore t timbers and minerals of Georgia by counties:
Appling-Forest timbers: hiefly long leaf pine, cypre s, orne crub black jack and oak, li\'e oak, red and water oak. Mineral: MarIe.
Bacon-Forest timber: Long leaf pine, black jack and oak, live oak, cypres. Minerals: MarIe.
Baker-Forest timbers: Long leaf pine, red and live oaks, maple and cypre in the swamps. Minerals: Marie on the southea tern border.
Baldwin-Forest timbers: loplar, hickory, pine, maple, ash, walnnt, locu t, oak, chestnut, and poplar. Minerals: Granite in the northwe t, kaolin and pottery clay in the southwe t.
Banks-Fore t timbers: Poplar, hickory, white pine, maple, ash, walnut, locust, white, post and monntain oak, persimmon, dogwood. Minerals: Granite.
Barrow-Fore t timbers: Hickory, walnut, maple, poplar, persimmon, white oak, water oak, beech, dogwood, ash, weet gum, cherry and pine. Mi nerals: Granite.
Bartow-Forest timbers: Poplar, hickory, maple, ash, walnut, cherry, oak, chestnut, pine (white and common). :Minerals: Iron, manganese, bauxite (or aluminum), barite, gold, limestone, graphite.
Ben Hill-Forest timber: Yellow pine, white oak, water oak, a h, tulip, juniper, cypre s, black gum, cedar, red oak and hickory. Mineral : 'lay.
Berrien-Forest timbers: Yellow or long leaf pine, cypre' , white oak, red oak, water oak, poplar. Mineral: MarIe.
Bibb-Forest timber: Oak, hickory, cherry, walnut, yellow or long leaf pine, cypre sand hort leaf pine. Minerals: Granite, lime tone, an abundance of pottery clay.
Bleckley-Fore t timber: Long leaf pine, cypres , oak, poplar, gum and hickory. Mineral: MarIe.
Brooks-Fore t timbers: Yellow or long leaf pine, oak, hickory, poplar, gum, beech, cypres. Minerals: MarIe.
Bryan-Fore t timbers: LOllg leaf pine, cypre ,live oak, water oak; al 0 bamboo brakes and palmetto. Minerals: MarIe.
Bulloch-Forest timbers: Long leaf pine, cypress, white oak, livt' oak and water oak. Minerals: MarIe.
Burke-Fore t timbers: Long leaf and common pine, oak, hickory, cypr ss, poplar, chestD'ut and walnut. Mineral: Limestone, buhrstone and marIe.
Butts-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, gum, walnut, Clherry, long and short leaf pine and cypres .
Calhoun-Forest timber: Long leaf pine, oak, gum, walnut, poplar lind cedar. Minerals: MarIe and limestone.
Camden-Forest timber: Long leaf pine cypres, sycamore, live oak, water oak, magnolia. There is al 0 found bamboo brake. Mineral: MarIe and limestone.

Campbell-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, chestnut, walnut, cherry and pine. Minerals: Granite and pyrite.
Candler-Forest timbers: Long leaf pine, cypre s, live oak, water oal" magnolia, bay, cedar. Minerals: Made and lime tone.
Carroll-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, ash, maple, walnut, cedar, cherry, gum and short leaf pine. Mineral: Gold, pyrite, quartz and granite.
Catoosa.--Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, poplar, white pine, short leaf pine, walnut, maple. Minerals: Sand tone, lime tone, iron and gold.
Charlton-Fore t timbers: Long leaf pine, cypres , live oak, water oak, and saw palmetto. Minerals: MarIe and limestone.
Chatham-Forest timbers: Long leaf pille, cypress, live oak, water oak. There is also an excellent bamboo grove, abundance of palmetto and cabbage palmetto. Minerals: MarIe.
Chattahoochee-Forest timber: Yellow pine, cypress, oak walnut, hickory, maple, ash, poplar and cherry. ~'1jnerals: MarIe and lIwe tone.
.Chattooga.--Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, maple ash, ehestnut, gum, walnut, cherry, poplar, white and common pine. Mineral: oal, iron, bauxite, clay, manganese, limestone, sandstone, chert.
Cherokee-Forest timbers: Hickory, oak, white and common pine, poplar, beech, a h, walnut, cllerry, cedar. Minerals: Gold, iron, copper, mica, talc, marble.
Clarke-Fore t timbers: Pine, oak, poplar, hickory, birch, maple, cherry, ash, walnut, chestnut. Mineral: Granite, graphite, galena.
Clay-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, che tnut, poplar, long leaf pine, cypress. Mineral: MarIe and limestone.
Clayton-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, cherry, walnnt, maple, ash, piuc. Minerals: Asbestos.
Clinch-Forest timbers: Long leaf pine, cypress, live oak and water oak and saw palmetto. Minerals: J\!!:arle and limestone.
Cobb-Fore t timbers: Yellow and white pine, hickory, po t oal" red oak, maple, walnut, ash. Minerals: Gold, pyrite, copper, ochre.
Coffee-Fore t timber': All varieties of a h, hickory, gum, yellow pine, cypres. Mineral: MarIe, lime tone.
Colquitt-Forest timbers: Long leaf pille, cypress, Hve oak, water oak, cedar, poplar. Mineral: Limestone.
Columbia.--Forcst timber: Red and whi.te oak, hickory, maple, walnut, poplar ash and pine. Mineral: Gold and clay.
Coweta.--Forest timbers: Rcd, white and post oak, hickory, gum, walnut, maple, cherry, poplar, ash and pine. Minerals: Gold and granite.
Crawford-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, bay, gum and pine. M.inerals: Clay.
Crisp-Fore t timbers: Long leaf pine, oak, cypres , bay and poplar. Minerals: MarIe.
Dade-Forest timbers: Red. white and mountain oak, hickory,. chest nut, walnut, maple, cherry, ash, poplar, pine, locust, birch and white pine. Minerals: oal and iron.
Dawson-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, cedar, poplar, chestnut, walnut, locu t, gum, birch and short leaf pine. Minerals: Gold.
Decatur-Forest timbers: Yellow pine, cypre s, li'-e oak, water oak. gum and palmetto. Minerals: MarIe.

DeKalb-Fore t timbers: Oak, he tnut, hickory, walnut, poplar aud pine. Mineral: Granite and gnei' .
Dodge-Fore t timber: Yellow pine, c 'pre oak, hickory and poplar. Mineral: Marie and limestone.
Dooly-Fore t timber: Yellow pine, cypre ,1' d oak, Ih'e oak, wat l' oak, poplar and gum. Mineral: !Tarle.
Dougherty-Fore t timber: Yellow pine, cYI res, red oak, water oak and li'7e oak, a h and poplar. Mineral: MarIe and limestone.
Dougla-s-Fore t timbers: Red, white and post oak, hickory chestnut, gum birch, ash, walnut, pine. :M:ineral: Pyrite.
Early-Forest timber: Yellow pine, cypre , saw palmetto water oak, live oak. :Minerals: MarIe.
Echols-Fore t timber: Yellow pine, eypre , saw palmetto, water oak, li\"e oak. fineral: Marie.
Effingham-For st timber: Yellow pine, cypre water oak li,-e oak, palmetto and bamboo. Mineral: ~farle and lime tone.
Elbert-Forest timbers: Red and white oak bickory che tnut, poplar, ch TrY, walnnt alld pine. Minerals: Granite an~ graphite.
Emanuel-Fore:t timber: Yellow pine, cYI ress, water oak, !i"e oal, and cedaL finerals: Marie.
Evans-Fore. t timber': Yellow pine, cypre s, live oak water oak, poplar and cedar. Mineral: Marie and limestone.
Fannin-Fore t timb 1': \\ hite oak, po t oak, hickory, ash poplar, maple, walnut, pine (white and common). ~finerals: Copper marble anI talc.
Fayette-Forest timher: Oak, hickory, walunt, maple, chestnut, pine, gum and poplar. Minerals: Granite.
Floyd-Fore t timber: Red and white oak, hickory, waluut, maple, poplar, I!um, che tnut, elm and pine (white and ommon). Minerals: Brown and red iron ore, mang-anese bauxite marble (yarief(ated and hlacl,), slate, limestone for building, cement rock, lithographic tone brown tone, l,aolin, ochre, clay, iron pyrite, gold, ih'er and leall.
Forsyth-Fore t timbers: econd g-rowth pine, h.ickor'y, che tnut, ,-arieties of oak (red, white mountain black, water and post). Minerai': Gold and small amount of ilver and copper.
Franklin-Fore t timbers: Varietie' of oak, hickory, maple, a h, bircb, gum, walnut, poplar elm and pine. Mineral: Granite.
Fulton-Forest timber: Oak walnut, hickory, chestnut elm nnll pine. )1ineral: Cla.v for making brick and terra cotta, ome copper, iron pyrites a be to and gold.
Gilmer-Fore t timbers: Chief!' oak and poplar, some pine, birch and ash. )fineral: Gold, white and Yarief(ated marble lime. tone, andstone mica, late and granite.
Glascock-Fore. t timbers: Red, wllit(' and black jack, oak, walnut pine, che tnut hickory, maple, elm and gum. Minerals: Clay.
Glynn-Fore t timber: Yellow pine cypre s, weet f(llln, beech gum, white oak, liye oak, palmetto. A good county for growing bamI 00. ?lfin rals: MarIe.
Gordon-Forest timber Oak, walnut, poplar, ash, elm, bickory, ch('stnut pin (white and common). Mineral: Iron, lime tone, bauxite, black ancl Yariegated marble.
Grady-Forest timhers: Yollow pine, eypre s, water oak, live oal\, p plar and walnut. Mineral: Marie.

Greene-Fore t timber~: Oak, hickory, gum, maplo, chen)', walnut and pine. Minerals: Granite.

Gwinnett-Fore t timber: Oak, hickory, walnut, maple, poplar, gum and pine. Mineral: Granite, iron quartz, buhr tone ana ome gold.

Habersham-Fore t timbers: 'Yhite and po t oak, poplar, walnut, mapl , hickory, beech, cedar and pine (white and common). Minerals: Tron, graphite, a be to , gold, copper, ochre, mangane e, marble, slate, talc and sandstone.

Hall-Foret timber: White and post oak, poplar, mountain oak, hickory, elm, maple, ash, walnut, locust and pine. Minerals: Gold, granite, limestone, clay and some iron, lead and ilver.

Hancock-For st tinlbers: Pine, oak, weet gum, maple, hickory, elm and walnut. :Mineral: A be to plumbago kaolin and agate.

Haralson-Fore t timber Oak hickory, walnut, gum, pine, 111301 Ie, elm and poplar. Mineral: Gold.

Harris--Foret timber: ak, poplar, walnut, hickory elm, maplC', cberry, pine and gum. Minerals: Granite.

Hart-Forest timber: Oak, poplar, hickory, elm, walnut, cherry, ash, gum and pine. l1inerlil-: Granito and graphite.

Heard-Foro:t timbl'J's: Oak, hickoTy, maple, elm poplar, walnut, pine and gnm. Minerals: Granito.

Henry-Fore. t timbers: ak, walnut, chestnut, olm, poplar, maple, cherry, pine, a hand g'lIm. 1i11Orals: Granite.

Houston-Fore t timbers: Oak, poplar walnut, che tnut, maple, yellow pi no, cypres , chC'rry and gum. fincrals: lay.

Irwin-Forest timber': Y llow pille, cypre s, juniper, tulip, black

gum, white oak, water 0301<, live oak, rcd oak cedar, a h and hickory.

:\finerals: Clay and I ho phates.


Jackson-Fore t timber.: 'White and common pine, red oak po t oak,

water oak white oak, hickory, poplar beech elm, dog,wood, birch and

a h. :Minoral: Granite, qnartz, soapstone, a besto, tourmaline and

ome iron ore.


Jasper-Fore t timber: Pine, oak, poplar, elm, hickory, walnut, maple, cherry and gum. ~fineral: lay.

Jeff Davis-Forest timhers: Yellow pine, c,Ypre ,live oak, water oak, cedar walnut and hickory. Mineral: MarIe and phosphates.

Jefferson-Forest timlJOl's: Yollow (long leaf) pine, oak, elm, hick,
or.", poplar, walnut, cberry and mal Ie. Mineral: Buhr tone, lime tone, marIe.

Jenkins--Forest timbers: Yellow pine, c~'pre ., live oak water oak, hickory, maple elm and cedar. :Minerals: Lime tone, buhr tone and marIe.

Johnson-Fore t timb('rs: Yellow pine, ]j,e oak water oak, elm, cy' pI' S , hickory, poplar and cedar. Mineral: Limestone marIe.

Jones-Forest timbers: rine, oak, hiclcory, walnut, poplar, asb and codal'. fineral: Kaolin.

Laurens-Fore t timber Yellow pine, cypress, water oak, live oak,
pOllar, walnut che tnut, cherry, elm, pruce and white pine. Mineral:

Lee-Fore t timbers: Yellow pine, cypre s, wbite oak live oak, hicl<or.y poplar and spruco pine. Mineral: MarIe.

Liberty-I~orcst tilllh rs: Yell 0\\' pine, sprnce pin, cypress, gum,

p:Jlmctto, maple, hickory anc1 magnolia.

good county for bamboo.

:\lil1 rals: ~I:.1rle.


Lincoln-Forest timber: 'White oak, red oak, black jack hickory, poplar, maple, dog-wood, cedar, elm and pine. Mineral: Gold and granite.
Lowndes-Forest timbers: Yellow pine, cypress, water oak, live oak, palmetto, walnnt, cedar, elm and hickory. Minerals: MarIe.
Lumpkin-Forest timbers: White oak, red oak, mountain oak, hickory, ash, poplar, maple, beech, birch, walnut, gum and pine (white and common). Minerals: Gold.
McDuffie-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, poplar, dog-wood, black jack, walnut, elm, poplar, ash, birch and pine. Minerals: Gold and clay.
McIntosh-Forest timbers: Yellow pine, cypress, live oak, water oak, white oak, asb, bickory, palmetto, with good lands for bamboo. Milleral: MarIe.
Macon-Forest timber: Long leaf pine, cypres , oak, hickory, poplar, elm, maple and walnut. Minerals: lay.
Madison-Fore t timber: Oaks of varioll l{ind, walnut, maple, hickory, cedar and pine (white and common). Mineral: Graphite.
Marion-Forest timbers: Yellow pine, cypre s, water oak, live oak, elm, juniper, cedar, hickor. Mineral: lay.
Meriwether-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, poplar, maple, walnut, gum and pine. Mineral: Gold, iron, a bestos and granite.
Miller-Forest timber: Yellow pine, cypre ,red oak, poplar, walnut, and live oak. Minerals: MarIe.
Milton-Forest timbers: Oak, walnut, hicl{Ory, maple, poplar, birch and pine. Minerals: Mica and granite.
Mitchell-Forest timbers: Yellow pine, cypre ,water oak, live oak and hickory. Minerals: MarIe.
Monroe-Fore t timbers: Oak, hickory, walnut, poplar, maple, elm, cherry, cedar and pine. Minerals: Mica.
Montgomery-Forest timbers: Yellow pine, cypress, white oak, Jive oak, water oak, hickory, elm and ash. Mineral: MarIe.
Morgan-Forest timbers: Oak, chestnut, walnut, hi kory, elm, ash, poplar, maple, cherry and second growth pine. Minerals: Some mica.
Murray-Forest timbers: White oak, red oak, mountain oak, laurel, ash, beech, bir h. chestnut, hi kory, walnut, mal Ie, gum and pine (white and common). {ineral: Gold, talc, lilTlestone an 1 marble.
Muscogee-Forest timbers: Onk. hickory, walnut, poplar, ash, cherry, maple, elm, dog-wood and pine. Minerals: Granite.
Newton-Forest timber: Oak, hickory, elm, chestnut, walnut, maple, poplar, ash, birch and pine. 1inerals: Granite.
Oconee-Forest timbers: Oak, bickory, elm, ehe tnut, walnut, maple, poplar, ash, birch and pine. Minerals: Mica, feldspar, hornblende and gnei s.
Oglethorpe-Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, pine, poplar, birch, ash, maple, elm, sweet gum, black gum, dog-wood and cedar. Minerals: Gold, granite, graphite and ochre.
Paulding-Fore t timbers: Oak, hickory, gum, pine, maple, walnut, chestuut and birch. Minerals: Pyrite, gold and hales.
Pickens-Forest timbers: Red, white, LTIol111taiu, bla k, water and post oaks, ash, poplar, hickory, walnut, maple and short leaf pine. Minerals: Marble, iron ore and limestone.
Pierce-Fore t timber: Live oak, water oak, hickory, black gum, poplar, walnut, maple, elm, cherry, gum and short leaf pine. Minerals: Mica.

Polk-Fore t timbers: Oaks (of the varieties named in Pickens ounty), poplar, waluut, a h, beech, birch, bickol'y, maple, che tnut and short leaf pine. Minerals: Tron and slate.
Pulaski-Forest timber: Oak, poplar, gum, hickory, cypress and long leaf pine. MinaI'als: Clay and limestone.
Putnam-]o~ore t timbet: White oak, red oak, chestnut, elm, hickory, walnut, poplar, cherry, cedar, ash, weet gum and pine. Mineral: Granite, brick clay and a little mica.
Quitman-Forest timbers: White, water and live oak, hickory, che tnut, beech, gum, walnut, poplar, yellow pine and cypres. Minerals: MarIe and phosphates.
Rabun-Fore t timbers: panish, white and post oaks, hickory, che tnut, walnut, poplar, ash and cherry. Minerals: Gold, a bestos, mica, corundum, copper, sandstone, iI'on, carbonate of iron and alum.
Randolph-Fore t timbers: Oak, ash, poplar, maple, elm and pine. Minerals: MarIe.
Richmond-Forest timbers: Oak, black jack, walnut, cherry, sweet gum, poplar, maple, elm [wd piue. Minerals: Saudstone, kaolin, brick and pottery clay.
Rockdale-Forest timber Oak, hickory, walnut, elm, sweet gum, poplar, maple, ash and pine. Minerals: Granite.
Schley-Forest timbers: White oak, live oak, water oak, hickory, ash, maple, yellow pine and cypre's. Minerals: MarIe and phosphate.
Screven-Forest timbers: White oak, bickory, live oak, water oak, ash, maple, long leaf (yellow) pine, cypress. Minerals: MarIe, buhrstone and clay.
Spalding-Forest timbers: Oak, asb, maple, poplar, elm, walnut and pine. Minerals: Granite.
Stephens-Forest timbers: White oak, post oak, water oak, red oak, poplar, ash, beech, elm che tnut, hickory, maple, including the sugar maple, walnut, sycamore, cherry and cedar. Minerals: Grauite, asbestos, talc and sandstone.
Stewart-Forest timbers: Long leaf pine, cypress, live oak, water oak, poplar, hickory, walnut and cedar. Minerals: MarIe.
Sumter-Forc t timbers: Yellow pine, cypre s, live oak, water oak, cedar and hickory. Mineral: MarIe.
Talbot--Forest timbers: White oak, hickory, poplar, elm, walnut, cheny and pine. Minerals: Clay.
Taliaferro--Forest timbers: Oak, hickory, maple, elm, poplar, walnut and pine. 1inerals: Brick clay.
Tattnall-Forest timbers: Water oak, live oak, cedar, poplar, yellow pine, cypress. Minerals: MarIe.
Taylor-Fore t timbers: Oak, be tnut, elm, walnut, poplar, cherry, yellow pine, cypress and lanrel. Minerals: Clay.
Telfair-Forest timbers: """-ater oak, live oak, cypress and yellow pine, walnut, chestnut and elm. Minerals: MarIe.
Thomas-Forest timbers: White oak, live oak, water oak, hickory, poplar, yellow pine and cypre s. Minerals: MarIe and limestone.
Tift-Forest timbers: Live oak, water oak, hickory, cedar, poplar, yellow pine and cypress. Mi1Ierals: MarIe and limestone.
Toombs-Forest timbers: Live oak, water oak, hickory, poplar, cedar, yellow pine and cypre s. Minerals: MarIe and lime tone.
Towns-Forest timber: White oak, red oak, mountain oak, bickory, poplar, walnnt, cherry, elm, birch, mar Ie, asb, locust and pine. Minerals:

Granite, gnei s, serpentine, gold, iron, chrome, magnetite mangane e, a be to , talc, ochr , yellow and red plumbago, buhr tone, corundum and some gems.

Troup-Fore t timber: White oak, red oak, walnut, hickory, maple, poplar, elm, weet gum, ash, cherry and pine. J\{ineral: Granite.

Turner-Fore t timbers: Live oak, water oak, sycamore, pOllar, yellow pine and cypre s. Mineral: farle and lime tone.

Twiggs-Fore, t timbers: Live oak, water oak, hickory, mapl , walnut, sweet gum, poplar, a'h and cherry. Mineral: Pottery clay and blue tone.

Union-Forest timber~: White oak, mouDtai11 oak, red oak, :: h, poplar cherry, maple (including sugar maple), white and pruce plUe, walnut, black locu t, laur 1 and birrh. Minerals: Iron ore, alulll, ulphate of iron aDd granite quartz, mill tone mid variegated marble.

Upson-Fore t timber: Oak hi kory, elm, walnut, poplar, cherry and pine. ~inerals: Arica aDd ome clay.

Walker-Forest timbers: Red whitc, mountain, bla"k, water and po t oaks, a h, walnut, hickory, elm, poplar, cherry, maple (including .ugar maple) IV et um, white pine and other pine. Minerals: Iron, cal, ranite, marble and lime tone.

Walton-:E ore. t timber: Live oak, water oak, poplar, gum, yellow pine, cypre and cedar. Mineral: MarIe an ~ limestone.

Warren-Forest timbers: ,Yhite oak, red on.k, black jack, post oak, hickory, walnut, cherr~', mapl , elm poplar, . weet gum, a h, dog-wood, bay, laurel, che tnut and pine. MineraL: Brick clay.

Washington-Fore. t timber: "'hite oak, chc. tnut walnut, poplar, elm, black jack, 'wect gum, cedar and pine. Min ral: Pottery clay, and tone and buhr tone.

Wayne-Forest timb rs: Water oak, li,-e oak poplar, cedar, yellow pine and cypre s. Minerals: MarIe.

Webster-For t hubers: Li.. oak, water oak, red oak, white and palli h oak, black jack, poplar a h birch, sweet gnm, black gUill, tupelo, yellow pine and cypre s. Miuerals: Marie, lime tone.

Wheeler-Forest timber.: "\\ hite, live and water oaks, hickory, a h, yellow pine and cypres. Minerals: farle.

White-Forest timber: White, red, pani h a11<1 post oaks, white pine, che tnut, walnut, hickor.v, cherry, maple (including ug:ll' maple), a. h, l:jirch and laurel. Mineral: Gold and asb to.

Whitfield-Fore t timbers: White, red, mountain, pani h, post oak, walnut, hicl,ory, cherry, poplar, maple (including sugar ma,1 ), be ch, birch, white and common pin. Minerals: Tron manganese, bauxite, silicn., marbl , sand. tone, limestone and clay.

Wilcox-Forest timber: "White, water, live and po t oak, ash, pop-

lar, bU)' laurel, gum black jacl, y llow pin and cypr

. rineral :


Wilkes-Fore t timbers: White and red oak, black jack, walnut, hickory, elm, a h, poplar, chclTY, maple, ceelar, weet gum aull pine. Mineral: ,ranite, quartz, SOIll iron, gold aUfl soapstone.

Wilkinson-Forest timbers: White, live and water oaks, hickory, gUill, yea more, yellow pine anel cypress. M ir1'eral: Clay and rotten tone.

Worth-Forest timber: Red, while, water an 1 live oak, bla k jack, hickory gum, cypre s and long leaf yellow pine. Mineral: lay, limestone, and tone.


The bamboo, like the common reed, corn or sugar cane, is a member of the grass family. In fact the bamboo is a giant gra s. It reaches its greatest perfection of growth in tropical and ub-tropical regions . and is found in both the eastern and western hemispheres, at elevations ranging from sealevel to 12,000 feet above in the Himalayas and 15,000 feet above in the Andes. In the lowlands of the tropics it grow to a height of 70 and sometimes 100 feet and its trunk is a foot in diameter and in rare cases three feet. The common bamboo of the West Indies is supposed to have been introduced from the East Indies. The extensive canebrakes of the southern tates, close kin -to the bamboo, are native to that section. In the coast counties of Georgia there occur species of the real bamboo, not-ably a bamboo grove in hatham County not far from Savannah. In England and the United tates some species of the bamboo are used in landscape gardening.
The bamboo of the Georgia coast could be made a source of wealth. The stems are jointed like those of other gras es and are very hard, more so than the common reed or cane. The external covering of the stem is so bard, that it strikes fire when truck with a hatchet. The stems, though hard, are light and ela tic and are hollow, containing a light, spongy pith, except at the joint or nodes, where they are divided by strong partitions. When theseepartition aTe hollowed out, the large stems or trunks can be used as water pipes. In the Ea t Indies they are u ed for building houses and bridges. If the stems or trunks are cut into sections leaving one partition in each section intact, these sections can be made into water buckets. Split bamboo is exten ively used for weaving into nets, hats and umbrellas, and al 0 made into fishing rods. Some of the smaller stems are made into walking sticks and some into flutes and clarinets. The stems of the different varietie vary much in the thicknes of the woody part and in their adaptation to different purposes.
In China the leaf sheaths and some portion of the stems are used for making paper. The Chinese use the leaves of orne pecies for making thatch for the roofs of houses and from the long tems or trunks boards can be made for ceilings and sides of house. From the leaves hats are also made. From the nodes or joints i sue a accharine juice called by the ancient Greeks Indian honey. The same name was doubtless given to the juice of the sugar cane. Young shoots of some specie of the bamboo are eaten like a paragus or are pickled in vinegar, and the seed of some are used as rice and for making a kind of beer.
Enterprising parties are engaged in building at t. Marys on the Georgia coast a mill for the manufacture of paper from the marsh grass so common all through that section of the. State and from the fiber of the banan'll stalks growing in that section. The banana which is planted fOT its fiber produces seed, differing in this respect from the fruitproducing banana, which is seedless. Paper of excellent quality has already been manufactured from the marsh grass and banana fiber. There is abundance of the raw material for enterprises of thi.s sort to be had all along the lower part of the Georgia coast. When every kind of raw JrIaterial found in Georgia has been put to the use for which it is adapted, it will be found that the" Empire State of the South" is one of the greatest wealth-producing States of our great Republic.


The following report on the Department of Co=erce and Labor wa made to Governor . E. Harris by the Audit Company of the outh under a resolution passed by the General Assembly in 1915, authorizingan audit of the books of the various tate departments:
"Thi department appears to be well and economically managed. 'I\" e note that during 1912, 1913 and 1914 part of its appropriation formaintenance reverted to the tate; also that mileage is used for travel."

ea h on hand beginning of year Treasurer

1914. 291.65 600.00

1915. 295.50'



Extra 'lerical Help


Office Expense






Stationery and Printing


Telephone and Teleg-raph


Freight and Express


Pre Clippings


Furniture and Fixtures


Exhibit Boards


91.65 $ 1,295.50.

12.50 26.30 315.7 141.07 16.75 1.40
.5 31.50 50.00

26.00116.29 367.56 15 .94
61.02' 1.
.24 31.50 252.5 16.5 :

Total a h on Hand End of Year

$ 596.15 . 295.50

$ 91.65 $ 1,295.5)


TABLE No. 1. Textile Mills in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Classes of Mills Number Capital Raw Material Used Value of Same Manufactured Products


Cotton __________ Silk___________ ._

136 $45,900,448.42 351,108,362

Pounds of Cotton



Pounds of Yarn

$31,599,752.58 551 ,866,407 Yards of Cloth $64,028,499.93 83,523,133 Pounds of Yarn
333,472.44 5,605,720 Pounds of Twine, Rope, Ball Thread Etc.
35,496,175 Pounds of Duck, Drills, Etc.

Woolen _________

5 $ 508,000.00

1,456 333

is 131,069.97 3 ,054,096 Yards of Mixed $ 897,561.01

Pounds of Cotton

Woolen and Cotton Goods

20,998 Pounds of Wool


Knitting Mills ___
Mills that Spin and Knit

17 $ 891,584.31 7 $ 1,549,200.00

13 843,019 $ 1,667,162.28 2,360, 712 Dozens of Hose $ 2,275,925.63

Pounds of Yarn

608,308 Dozens of Knit Under-




Pounds of Cotton


Pounds of Yarn

866,792.97 5,928,444 Pounds of Yarn $ 3,039,940.24 2,433, 326 Dozens of Hose
314,349.72 65,000 Dozens of Knit Garments

TotaL ________ 166 $48,849,232.73 362,195,728

$34,917, 639 .48 554,920,503 Yards of Duck, $70,241,926.81

Pounds of Cotton 19,241,537

Drills, Sheeting and Fabrics 135,496, 175 Pounds of Duck

Pounds of Yarn

Sheeting, Drills, Fabrics

20,998 Pounds of Wool

89,451,577 Pounds of Yarn

5,605,720 Pounds of Twine,

Cord, Rope, Etc.

4,794,038 Dozens of Hose

Th products of the textile mills are of g

.. ,

.. ,.

673,308 Dozens of Knit Goods

I' , .



L _1




...1. __ "-

~ coverlets, crashes, corduroys, etc.

TABLli No.2. Textile Mills in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Producing Spindles

Number of Looms

Classes oC Mills




Twister Spindles




Cotton & Silk Active Spindles _ Woolen Active Spindles ______ Mills that Spin and Knit
Active Spindles ___________ 0..:> Total Active Spindles and C> Looms and other Machinery
Idle Spindles and Looms ____ Toatnadl ALcotiovme sa_n_d__Id_l_e__S__p_in_d_l_e_s

2,111,898 5,000
30, ~24 2,147,022

36,822 2,148,720



240,694 380

24,374 116

18,398 526

42,772 642



1,000 ------------ ------------ ------------

70,472 11,200

2,217,494 30,816




------------ ------------ ------------

43,414 450

81,672 2,248,310

242,074 ------------ ------------ 43,864

TABLE No.2-Continued. Textile Mills in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Other IGuds of Machinery

Power Used

Number of Mills that

Classes of Mills


Sewing Ma-

Knitting Ma-


Ribbing Ma-



chines chines chines chines

Cotton & Silk _______________


66 -------- -------- --------



Woolen ____________________ ------------ ---- .. --- -------- -------- --------



Knitting Mills ______________ ------------ 307

2,226 239

389 ---_._--- 13

w Mills that Spin and Knit



1,740 303

605 --------


" Total Other Machinery _____



3,966 542


26 110

Elec- Bleach Dye Finish tririty
46 5 14 14 2122
1 -- -
6 9 10 10 6344
1 -- -
60 16 30 30

In the woolen -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ ------ -----mills there

are 63 sets of



TABLE No.3. Textile Mills in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of Operatives Reported

Classes of Mills



12 to 14}1 14}1 to 16 All over 16 12 to 14}1 14}1 to 16 All over 16





Years Years

Cotton and Silk Mills ____


Woolen Mills ___________ ----------

Knitting Mills __________



00 Mills that Spin and Knit_


Totaffl _______________


1,837 41 134 152

17,935 339 499 652


1,450 10,674








184 1,022


1,921 12,906

Total Males
20,216 380 638 829

Total Grand Females Total

12,503 240
1,264 1,235 15,242

32,719 620
1,902 2,064 37,305

TABLE No.4. Wages of tbe Employee. and otber Expenses of tho Textile Mills of Georgia for tbo Ye"r Ending December 3 lot. 1915.

Highe.t Wcokll. Highest Weeklr. Lowost Woeklr. Lowest Weeklr. I mportant Items of Annual Expense


- - - - - - F- Wage. of Ma e. Wage. of Fema 08 Wage. of Ma es Wages of Fema e



Age. ,

12 to 14 ~ Over 12 to 14~ Over 12 to 14~ Over 12 to 14~ Over Salaries of 14~ to 16 16 14~ to 16 16 14~ to 16 16 14~ to 16 16 Offieers

Amount Paid to Wage

Amount Paid for R~airs and ew

Total Amount of the Fere-
going Items of Expense

yra. -yr-.. ,yr-. -yr.-. 'yr-.. yr. yrs. yr.. yr. yr.. yr.. yr. and Clerke Earner.


....'1' 52.40 $4.50 57.50 52.405 3.5055.50 52.0052.5053.00 $2.0052.7553.00

53.00 $5.00 and and

59.00 and and




to to and $4.00$6.00$4.00

to to to $4 .0056.0057 .50

"'l' . Cotton




14.00 to

56.00 to

510:-00 51t8o:~




5 ~00

57.00 510.00 125.00

and 59..505

and 12..00

and S30.-OC


5 a9n.d00005s1aa5n.0.d000

to $5.00 and 57.00

5 903,60UU,065,478.1951,662,733.76 513,631,817.95

C>O <0







56 00

518. OC




51t2o.00 515.00


52t.o40 $4to.50 $4.0057.50


52.40 $4 .50

to $4.0





7,498.60 5 221,492.47


$4.50 $5.00

510.!X $4.005 4.50



58.00 and

53.0052.5C to

53.00 to

53. 00 5;~50153t~00

56.00 512:-OC




Knitting Milla _______

and 57t.o00


59.00 521.

and and

to to 510.00 512.00
and 514.00 515.00 and



~-- - - - - - 515.00 532".00
Mill. that Spin & Knit ----- ------ ------ ----- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 5

56,60E 5 33,2305

489,568.465 610,579.8815

31,718.79 5 577,895.25 "-
94,671.25 5 738,481.13

51,017,176512,355,888.4015 1,796,622.40 515,169,686.8e

The weekly pay of Superintendente range. from 517.00 and 518.00 in .ome of the .maller mills to 572.00 and 596.00 ill .ome of the larger.

The weekly pay of Foremen range. in like manner from 511.00, 512.00 and 515.00 in some of the .maller mill. to 536.00 and $42.00 in .ome of the larger.

i~: ;::~: g:: ~lEr-::t~f~f~:~~= :=::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:~ :g :it:~:

The weekly pay of Engineer.

56.00 and 57.00 to 525.00 and 530.00.

*According to experience and .1ciJ1.


TABLE No.5. Clothing, including Pants, Overalls, Shirts and Garments for Women and Children; also Awnings, Tents, Mattresses, Etc., for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of Estab- Capital Iishments

Total Expenses

Value of Products

Wage Earners
under 16 Years of Age

Wage Earners Total Wage Number

over 16 Years



of Age



S 1,6&0,157 5 1,849,187 $ 2,175,884





The power used in running the machinery is in most cases electricity. Some of the work is by hand.



l oj>.

( 59.00, $10.00 { $6.00,$7.00,58.00 The highest weekly wages for employees over 16 years of age vary for different $15.00, $20.00 $12.00, $13.00, $15.00

establishments as follows

$25.00 and $40.00

and 518.00

N.: $3.00, $4.00, 55.00 (53.50, $4.00, $.'5.00

establis~~e~t;e:; h;il~~;_ ~~~ _f~~ _~~~~~:~~~ ~~~~ _1_~ :~~~~ ~~_~~~ _~~r~ !~~ _~i~~e~~~~ _ [ 56~~,

56.00 and S8. 00

The average monthly wages for employees over 16 years of age are: for Males, $10.75; for Females, 57.00.

TABLE No.6. Cotton Compresses in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of Establishments


Number of Employees

Ncgr~cs I White

., Total

Highest Capacity Lowest Capacity Average Capacity

of Presses

of Presses

of Presses



250 1,500 1,751130 bales an hour 50 bales an hour 92 bales an hour

Superintendents receive from $13.00 to $4.8.00 a weekj Foremen, from $9.00 to $25.00; Bookkeepers, from $15.00 to 525.00j Engineers, from $12.50 to 531.00; Weighers, from $15.00 to 520 .00j Firemen, from $7.00 to $l().OOj ordinary laborers, from $6.00 to $10.00.

TABLE No.7. Fertilizer Factories and Mixing Plants in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

of Establishments

aCn 1it1anl vestment

Raw Materials Used in Manufacturing, and Value of the Same



Spent Tons of Tons of Tons Tons Tons Tons of TOll~ Total

for Re- Phos- Cotton of Fish of of Sul- of Tons of Value

pairs and phate Seed Scrap Blood Kainit phuric Potash RawMa-









Tons of Manu-
factured Pro-

Total Value

260 $41 200 000 $224 605 379 115 61,043 5364 21 492 26 364 122 200 30 625 646 203 $13,973 000 738 962 $20,950 680

The average number employed in all the Fertilizer Plants of every kind is about 2,500 whites and 5,000 negroes. Not all

of these are employed all the time.

The weekly wages are as follows:


Superintendents, from $12.50 to $57.50; Foremen, from $7.00 to $35.00; Engineers, from$15.oo to $21.00; Firemen, from $9.00 to $14.00; Machinists and Electricians, from $13.00 to $35.00; Watchmen, from $6.00 to $15.00; Time-keepers, from

$9.00 to $22.25.


The average pay of ordinary laborers is $6.00.

There are paid out to officers and clerks about $900,000 and to wage earners $1,000,000.

The oroduction this veal' is about 42 oer cent. less than that of last year.

TABLE No.8. Cotton Oil Mills in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of Mills

Capital and Investment

Raw Materials Used, and Value

Manufactured Products and Value







I Spent for Repairs Tons of Tons of

'rons of Tons of

Gallons of Total Value

and New Cotton Fertilizer Value Cotton Cotton Bales of Cotton of all Manu-

Machinery Seed Materials

Seed Seed Linters Seed Oil factured


Meal Hulls


180 1$ 14,120,000[$ 496,6061471,5401 89,3571$12,221,1371134,017*1 169,1581 98,0561 23,147,864/$ 28,149,598

Average Cost of Seed perl Average Price of Cottonl Average Price of Hulls Average Price of Cotton Average Price of Linters


Seed Meal per Ton

per Ton

Seed Oil per Gallon

per Bale







45 cents




'rhe capacity of the plants varies from 12 to 60 tons of seed used in a day of twenty-four hours.

The majority of plants have two presses. Others have three or five.

The amounts paId out weekly are as follows:

Superintendents, from $15.00 to $46.00; Engineers, from $6.00 to $33.00; Electricians, $15.00; Foremen, from $7.50 to

$13.00; ordinary laborers from $6.00 to $10.00.

There are about 700 white employees and 2,500 negroes from the opening to the end of the season.

The total amounts paid to officers and clerks are about $780,000 and to wage earners approximately $1,115,786.

*The production for this year is a little below 10 per cent. less than that of last year.

TABLE No.9. Brick, Tile, Sewer Piping, Clay Products, Etc., for Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of

Value of Raw Amount Paid Amount Paid

Total Expenses

Establishments Capital Stock Materials Officers and Wage Earners Other Expenses Including Raw



Value of Products

130 5 3,951,891 $ 50,000 5 92,400 5 550,000 5 170,000 5

862,400 5 1,571,700

The chief raw materials used were clay, stone, sand, shale and cement. The employees numbered about 550 whites and 2,100 negroes. The amounts paid weekly were as follows: Superintendents, from $12.00 to $50.00; Foremen, from 56.50 to 525.00; Engineers, from $7.50 to $25.00; Machinists or Electricians, from $10.50 to $25.00; Firemen, from 56.00 to 510.00. The average weekly pay of common laborers is from 56.00 to 59.00 a week.
...... TABLE No. 10. Foundry, Machine and General Repair Shops in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of Capital Establishments

Amount Spent Raw for R~airs and Materials New achinery Used


Paid to Officers and Clerks

Paid to Wage

Value of Number of Manufactured
Employees Products


5 10,410,488$ 473,978

503,199 5 3,083,0005 572,555 51,550,777

5,000 5 6,203,106

Amounts paid in weekly wages: Superintendents, from 522.00 to 553.00; Foremen, from 517.00 to 530.00; Engineers, from 515.00 to 535.00; Machinists, from 510.00 to 525.00; Electricians, from 515.00 to 521.00; Pattern Makers, from $21.00 to 527.00; Metal Workers, from $12.00 to $27.00; Firemen, from $7.50 to $14.00; Painters, from $9.00 to $21.00; Pit Men, from 58.00 to $19.00; Apprentices, from 57.00 and $8.00 to $15.00. Of the 5,000 wage earners, about 56 per cent. are white.

TABLE No. 11. Marble and Granite Quarries and Marble Yards for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Amount Spent

Paid to

Number of Capital and for New Value of Raw Officers

Plants Investment Machinery and Materials and Clerks


Paid to Wage

Other Expenses


Value of

Expenses 1n- Manufactured

eluding Raw Products


105 $3,150,000 $

20,944 $ 591,500 $ 136,500 $1,160,000 IS 177,000 $ 2,085,944 $ 2,380,000

Amount of weekly payments: Superintendents, from $15.00 to 537.00; Foremen, from 510.00 to $33.00; Engineers, from $11.00 to $18.00; Machinists, from 512.00 to $25.00; Electricians, $22.00; Firemen, from $7.00 to $12.00; Drillers, from $9.00 to $15.00; Truckers, from $7.25 to S10. 50; Stone Cutters, from $12.50 to $22.00; Blacksmiths, from $12.00 to $22.00; Polishers, from 54.50 to $9.00. The average number of wage llarners is about 3,000, more than half of whom are white.
TABLE No. 12. Bottlers and Manufacturers of Soft Drinks in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of Plants


Amount Spent on

New Machinery Value of Raw

and Repairs


Amount Paid
to Officers and Clerks

Amount Paid
to Wage Earners

Value of Manufactured


$ 4,108,495 $

57,000 $

731,500 $

237,500 $

470,000 $ 2,800,000

The average number of employees is 824 white and 390 negroes, the total being 1,214.

The amounts paid weekly are as follows:


Superintendents, from $10.00 to $6.00 to $12.00; Bottle Washers, from

$40.00; $6.00 to


Foremen, Flalesmen,

from from

$15.00 $10.00 to

to $40.00; $25.00.


TABLE No. 13. Electric Power and Light Plants in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of Establishments



Ca~ital and urplus
- ---



Amount Paid to Officers and Clerks

Amount Paid to Wage Earners

Number of Places Number of Places

Served by Electric

Lighted by



62 Places including


500,000 $

2,000,000 Cities, Towns, Villages


and Rural Retreats



Monthly Pay of Officials and Wage Earners.

a">'" Managers from
$110.00 to $250.00

dents from $100.00
to $183.00

Foremen from $47.00 to $105.00

from $40.00 to $200.00

Bookkeepers Salesmen from $55.00 from $50.00 to $150.00 to $95.00

Clerks from $35.00 to $125.00

Stenographers Engineers from $30.00 from $50.00
to $65.00 to $100.00

Machinists from Electricians $60.00 to $150.00 from $60.00
to $80.00
Janitor $26.00 Linemen from $65.00 to $90.00

Firemen rom $32.00 to $50.00
Truckmen $35.00

Conductors from $60.00
to $80.00

Motormen Car Hou~e Power House from $60.00 Men $47.50 Men $52.00
to $75.00

Sub-Station Men from $65.00 to 590.00

TABLE No. 14. Gas Plants in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of Plants


Value of Materials Used

Amount Paid Officers and Clerks

Amount Paid Wage Earners

Value of Products


$ 9,145,216.15 $ 463,857.09 $

140,000 $

250,000 $


The monthly payments were: Managers, from $60.00 to $300.00; Superintendents, from $85.00 to $150.00; Foremen, from $60.00 to $125.00; Secretary and Treasurer, $100.00; Salesmen, from $40.00 to $125.00; Bookkeepers, from $50.00 to $75.00; Stenographers, $60.00; Clerks, from $25.00 to $120.00 .
TABLE No. 15. Ice Factories in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.


Number of Establishments

Cs:ital and urplus

Value of Materials Used

Amount Paid
Officers and Clerks

Amount Paid Other Expenses Wage Earners

Value of Products


$ 9,750,000 $

215,000 $

205,000 $

300,000 $

275,000 $ 1,978,811


Average weekly payments: Superintendents, from $15.00 to $45.00; Foremen, from $10.50 to $25.00; Engineers, from $12.00 to $25.00; Machinists, from $10.50 to $25.00; Firemen, from $6.00 to $12.25; other laborers, from $6.00 to $12.50 .


TABLE No. 16. BUll;gies, Carriages, Wagons, Etc., in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st, 1915.

Number of Establishments


Value of Materials Used

Amount Paid Officers
and Clerks

Amount Paid Wage Earners

Other Expenses

Value of Products


S 3,000,000 $ 1.346,000 $

115,000 5

455,000 $

75,000 $ 2 ,200 , 000

The weekly payments were: Superintendents, from S16.00 to 535.00; Foremen, from $15.00 to 521.00; Engineers, 510.00; Machinists, $21.00; Firemen, from 56.00 to $8.00: Bookkeepers, from $8.00 to 515.00; Painters, $16.00; Wood-workmen, $16.00; Trimmers, $13.00;
... Blacksmiths, $11.00 .


0 TY

Jumber of 1ills

1lu'cogcc ----------


Troup _______________


Richmond ___________

Fulton ________ _____

Floyd _______________


palding ____________


, ..alkcr _____________


B i b b ________________


lIal L _______________


Coweta _____________


larke ______________

'haltooga__ - -- -- --


Polk. _______________


:m'oIL_ - ---------


\Ya1lon _____________


Cobb ________________


Statistics of Textile Mills in Counties which have Three or more Establishments of a given class.

umber of Ring

umber of Mul Spindle


umber umber

of Looms

of of ewing

Knitting IVlachines




umber Employees

Amount of Raw Amount and Kind of Manufactured Value of IanJ

Amount Paid

Material U ed


fa tured Undcr 160ver 16 Wage Earners


Yc::u Y m.

of Age of Age

2 2,432

3 4 . 5,445



11,129,572 pound" of yarn

pounds of yarn

1,707,07 dozen ho e

36 Muscogee _______ 47,434,97

43,933,562 yar I denims duck, sh eting, 1$ 9,664,99 .53

pounds of cotlon

drills, ticking, 0 naburg, etc.

9, 0, 14 pounds of fabrics, rope,

thread, cord, ticking, towel, etc.

725 4,919 $ 2,072,743.75

11 ,288 ---------201,396 ----------


pound. of cotton

1,601 ---------- ---------- Troup ___________


pounds of yarn

5,761 ----------

6 Richmond _______ 27,4.23,729 pound of cotton

19,4.34,373 yards duck, osnaburg, sheeting, drill, etc.
6,233,101 I ound of duck, 0 naburg, [$ 5,327,549.54 sh eting, drill , etc.
7,159,141 pound of yarn
3,7 7, 154 yar~s heeling, drill : tick- S 4,535,329.02 mg, etc.

2 7 1,6 3$ 7 1,659.22 207 2,149$ 802,60 .15





120, 40 ----------




11 ,590 ----------

3, 14- _________


,695,983 pounds of yarn and cordage

pound of cotton 2,334,292 pound of duck, sheeting,

14 Fulton __________

and wool

drills, etc.

$ 5,756,660.95


75,519,390 yards sheeling, duck, fabrics

pounds of yarn



24,750,901 52,737, 33 yards duck, heeting, os-

Floyd ___________ pound of cotton

naburg, drill, etc.

8 4,950,395. 5


9,939,745 3,953,72 pounds of rope, bag goods,

pound of yarn

duck, etc.


13,771,797 14 Spalding ________ pounds of cotton

26,945,093 bards . heeting, drills,

fa ricto,weetlc.

$ 3,059,469.93

4.17 2,5 6 $ 1,16 ,509. 15
2'23l 2 2 05,47 .31 101 1,85i;:' 667,54.16

51,032 11,250



Walker _________

6,34.2,379 pounds of cotton


and wool


pound of yarn

19,539,495 yard shcetings, drills,

bag good , etc. 1,441,425 pound of yarn

$ 3,535,4.3 .32


159 1,657:8 566,227.15

5 ,176 ----------




B i b b ____________

1 ,606,207 pound of otton


pounds of yarn

14, 04, 97 pounds of yarn
duck, etc. ho e and knit goods

[$ 3,032,4 5.73

248 1,340ls 513,035.93

102,356 ----------

2,9 5



HalL ___________

16,022,394 pounds of cotton

4 ,104,917 yard sheeting, naburg

prints, os8 2,100,202.08


ho e

pound of yarn

209 1,02S 359,420.00

77 ,996 ---------- ----------


54,388 10,470



66,664 ----------

1,624 ----------

9,103,963 8 Coweta. ________ pound of cotton
640 156

7, 05,263 pound of yarn ho e

1$ 2,377, 5. 5


02$ 332,615.16

pound of yarn


,371, yard sheeting fabric, etc.


pound of colton

Clarke _________


42,242 pounds of cord, braid, rope,

back band braid, etc.

S 1,626,079.88


930:8 314,758.10

pound of yarn

2,643,922 pound of yarn

and ilk



C h a t t o o g a _______

9,407,467 pound of cotton

25,6 0,66

yards sheeting, duck, os-

naburg, etc.

S 1,440,063.39


603S 240,796.01

1, 580 , 000 I ounds of yarn

29,7-18 25,728

312 ----------


Polk. ___________

11,4 9, 36 pound of cotton

4,657 lb . of ya.rn

5,259,951 yard duck, heeting 6,639,737 pounds of ya.rn

etc. $ 1,905,1 0.04


767$ 299,492.34

40 624 ---------35,776 ----------



5,662,454 1 CarrolL ________ pounds of coltoIl
0,000 pounds of yarn

4,625,27 pound of yarn ho

Is 74, 17.85


339S 150, 46.3

9 5 ---------- ---------- Walton __________

3, 7 ,647 6,514,776 yard drill , sheeting, sateen18 733,453.54

pound of co ton

pillow ticking, etc.


4.27 $ 153,969.55





175 ---------- CObb ____________ pound of cotton


pounds of yarn

1,123,509 pounds of yarn hose

Is 4 6,505.38


268Is 97,31\1.12

Less than three in the County. o information is therefore published.

TABLE No. 17. Miseell'meoUB Manuf:tOtures nnd Utilities in Georgia for the Year Ending December 31st. 1915.


o~~ I-~-_-o~~ -"'-&-~-I--~- ! r~;~ I~Negroe~ ~I?~S_"_" Negr,'~_:_ ~



-. .



Hil;hest Weekly Wages

Lowest Weekly Wages


tO d



'''~'''''''''+''"T ",,,l . . ':~d"'+'1' '1'+.+---. ESTABLISHMENTS


Bakeries, Candies and Ieel







6~ ~





I :~;
















rates_ 36 S 625,000S 3-14,4438 22.\)')1)'8120,000S 35,000 $ 800,000 525518.00


8 6.001

8 5.001


- - - - - - - - - - 18 8 112. 550lS 944358 6.-500$ 30,ooo

IStiS-:JOO'----uJQ818.ooSI0.OO'810.,JOS 7.50S 6.008 5.005 5.00\S5.00


58 8 130.000S 14.2.0008 21.0008185,00084.5.000 5 5i5,000' 425822.00



1'=] _ 26 8


190,0005 12,0001$ 50,0008


315,000,1,500812.00810.50 1


1 -I-----.Is S2 ,900,00086, 950 ,OOO'S160 ,000 5100 ,000'S100 ,000 58,350,0001 450525.00

== 1== 56 82,198,0008 360,0005145,000$500,000$135,000 82,1::;0,000 1,200$20.00

5 7.50




; 1
8.00 --- __ .1

8 7.50


1. _ --- ------

Leather Coods and Tan-


. ' I I I.,~ J 1--11--'--1--1--1--


37 82,565,0001$2,000, JOOl;140 ,000rS335 ,OOOS194 ,000 S2,5OO,~ 8oo'~==~~

IS 7.501.:..:.:..:.:..:.8 i.50.:..:.:.:.:..:.


46 5 561,000:S lOO,OOOS 35,0005375,0008 45,000 S 700,000' 756S16.00SLO.ooS 0.00;13 7.508 7.50

185.00 __

I . I , I SasWh,orDksoo_r___and V__ariety 76 81.610,00051 ,900,l)00SI40, OO'lS2f,O,000IS105 .000 $~ ,000 ,,000, 2,1001325.00





'S 7.00


Di trict of olumbia- nited tates Bureau of Labor tatistics, Royal Meel,er, \\'a bington.
Arkan a -Bureau of Labor and tati tics, J. . Clary, Little Rock. 'alifornia-Bureau of Labor tati tic, Jno. P. )IcLaugbJin, an Fran-
cisco. 'olorado-Bureau of Labor tati tic -E. V. Brake, Den\-er. onnecticut~Department of Labor and Fa tory In pection, Patrick H.
onnolly, Hartford. Georgia-Department of Commerce and Labor, H.}'!:. tanl y, Atlanta. Hawaii-Department of Immigration, Labor and tati tic, R. A. Kearn ,
Honolulu. Idabo-Bureau of Immigration, Labor and tatistics, amuel J. Ricb,
Boise. TIlinois-Bureau of Labor Statistics, L. D.' Me oy, pringfield. Indiana-Bureau of tati tics, 'I.'. \". Brolle , Indianapolis. Iowa-Bureau of Labor tatistie, A. L. rich, D s foine. Kansa -Departm nt of Labor and Jndu try, P. J. IcBride, Topel,a. Kentucky-Bureau of Agri., Labor and tatistics, J. W. Newman, Frank-
fort. Louisiana-Bureau of Labor and Industrial tatistics, "'m. McGilvray,
rew Orleans. -Lain -Dept. of Labor ani! Industry, R. A. Eddy, Augusta. :'-faryland-Bureau of tatistie and Information, Frank A. White, Bal-
timore. fas aebusetts-Board of Labor and Industries, A. W. Donovan, Boston. -"[iehio-an-Department of Labor J. Y. Cunningham, Lan lng. Minnesota-Dept. of Labor and 1ndustries, W. F. Houk, t. Paul. :Mis ouri-Bureau of Labor taListics, J. T. Fitzpatrick, Jefferson City. Montana-Dept. of Labor and Indu try, W. J. windlehurst, Helena. 'ebra ka~Bllr au of Labor and Industrial Statistics, harles W. Pool,
Liucoln. Ne\-ada-Bureau of Labor, W. E. Wallace, Carson ity. New Hampshire-Bureau of Labor, J. . B. Dade, Concord. 'ew .Tersey-Department of Labor, Lewis'!'. Bryant, Trenton.
ew York~Indu trial Olllmission, John litchell, Albany.

orth Caroliua-DepaItment of Labor and Printing, M. L. hipman, Raleigh.
orth Dakota-Dept. of Agriculture and Labor, W. C. Gilbreath, Fargo. Ohio-Iudu tIial 'ommis ion, '\". D. Yaple, Columbus. Oklahoma-Dept. of Labor, harle L. Daugherty Guthrie. Oregon-Bureau of Labor tati tic and Inspect. Factory\\'ork hops, P.
H. Hoff, alem. Penn ylvania-Dept. of Labor aud Iudu tries, J. P. Jack on, Rarri burg. Porto Rico-Bureau of Labor, J. lark Bill, Sau Juan. Rhode Island-Bureau of Industrial tatistics George H. Webb Prov-
idence. South Carolina-Dept. of Agriculture, Commerce and Judu try E. J.
Watson, Columbia. Texas-Bureau of Labor Stati tics,. W. Woodman, A.u tin. Utah~Bureau of Immigration, Labor and tatistics, R. T. Raine, alt
Lake City. Virginia-Bureau of Labor aud Iudustrial Statistics, James B. Doherty,
Richmond. Washington-Bureau of Labor, E. W. Olson Olympia. West Virginia-Bureau of Labor, Jack H. Nightingale, Wheeling. Wisconsin-Industrial Commission, C. R. rownhart, Madisou.

City or Town. Albany Amer'lcus Arlington Ashburn Atlanta Athens Augusta





CJt l'O

Blakely Bowden




Calr'o Calhoun Carrollton Camilla Cartersville
edartown hatsworth Clarl<esvllle Clayton Columbus College Park Colquitt Commerce Conyers Cordele Cornelia Crawfordville Cumming Cuthbert


President-Chas. J. lIaden, Atlanta. Secretary-E. Y. Clarke, Atlanta.


County. Dougherty Sumter Calhoun Tu,ner .. , Fulton ('la1'l<e Richmond

Organization. Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commer'ce Chamber of Commerce Chamber' of Commerce Chamber of Commerce M. & M. ,\ssociallon

President. .I';. H. Kalmon Carl' Glover J. S. Cowart. J. L. Evans Y. H. Kriegshaber C. D. Flanigen J. Ler'oy Hankinson

necatur Pike Brooks Appling Early Canoll Elbert

Board of Trade

S. T. Carter

Chamber of Commerce J. M. Cochran

Boosters Club

'1'. :\1. :\Inssey

Chamber of Comrllerce D. D. Gilmore

Chamber ot' Commer(e

Chamber of Commerce

Board of Trade

'1'. A. Hall


Board of Traue

E. C. Butts

Chamber of .Commerce


Board of Trade


Bofu'd of Trade


Chamber' of Commerce


Boar'd of Trade


Board of Tm.c1e


Chamber of Commerce


Chamber of Commerce


Board of Trade

Rabun .................. Chamber of Commerce


Chamber of Commerce


Board of Trade


Chamber of Commerce

Jacl<son .. , \

Board of Trade


Board of Trade


Chamber' of Commerce

Habersham .............Chamber of Commerce

Talia ferro

Board of Trade


Chamber of Commerce


Chamber of Commerce

.los. Higdon

.I{. G. Montgomery

R. F. Hyatt

F. W.

Sn. .PeFrireyld

Gus young

S. M. Barnett

W. S. Ir'win

Dr. J. C. Dover

John T. Davis

G. F. Longino

Dr. P. E. Wilkins

P. W. Sheppard

VI' G. Flake

C. D. Bercaw

Wm. Eberhart

J. A. Beazley

C. L. H.arrls

T. F. Moody


John H. Mock.

E. H. H)man.

B. S. Askew.



W. G. Cooper.

V. D. Heidler.

F. Lombard Br'inson.

Eugene Southwicl<. Dr. J. P. Thurman.
. . 0. L. Jones. J. ]J. BarTOW. R. Dozier' 11anls. A. 1If. Smith. J. A. Hendrix.

B. M. Johnson John Garlington.
. . J. H. \Vhltaker. E. B. Russell. T. E. Mlllmore. . R. H. Parls. L. J. Henderson. D. S. Howle. D. M. JOIdan. W. G. Cartledge. L. C. Summers.
'V. H. Dorris.
J. L. Roper. Ha wes Cloud. J. F. Echols. S. D. Zuber, Jr.

City or Town,





Chamber of Commerce



Chambe, of Commerce



Boald of Trade



Chamber of Commerce



Board of Trade

Doel'un ................. Colqultt

Chambe, of Commerce



Chamber of Commerce


Douglas .. , ............. Commerclal Club



Chamber of Commerce

Eastman Elberton

Dodge Elbelt

Chambe,' of Commerce Chamber of Commerce

President. G. W. Helms B. A. Tyler
M. J. yeomans A. R. Allmon J. Luke Adams J. C. Brewer J. T. Duncan S. M. Kellam W. L. Jessup 'l'. A. Tabor

Secretary. H. L. TUIner. Walter Jones. Fred E. Decker.
. George Jones. 0. H. McLendon. Robert A. Smith. T. J. "Vlnn. N. G. Bartlett.
,v. L. Glessner.
Boozel' Payne.

Fitzgerald Folkston Ft. Gaines Ft,lVaIJey

Ben HlIl Charlton Clay Houston

Chamber of Commerce Chambe,' of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Board of Trade

Lon Dickey T. W. Wrench M. C. Gay A. C. Riley

1. GeIdel'S. .
II. L. ]\fobley. J. D. Hendrlcl,s.

Gainesvllle GreenvllJe Griffin





Chamber of Commerce B. S. Barker

C'hamIJer of Commerce W. S. Howell.

Board of 'l'1ade


J. F. Carte,'. C. C. Hay. "'. B. Hoyste,.

"""" Hartwell Hawkinsville Hazlehul'st





"" Jeff Davis

Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Comme,'ce Chambel of Commerce

'1'. H. Kimbrough '1'. S. Harper W. V. Bell. Geo. L. Hinson

C. K. Stout. J. C. Wright. F. B. Waterman. D,. R. P. :\lIddleton.

Jacl,son Jefferson .Jesup Jonesbol'o

Butts Jackson .. , :Wayne Clayton

(,hambel' of Commerce F. S. Eth'ldge

Board of Trade

J. C. Bennett.

Board of Trade

R. '1'. Pickens

, Commerclal Club

0. J. Coogler

J. n. Jones.
C. T. Stoley. J. H. \Vllklns. A. J. l\lundy.



, Chamber of Commerce H. C. Burr











Lawl'encevi11e .......... Gwlnnelt

Leesburg '


Lithonia .. ,

, . [)eKalb



: .......... Chamber of Commerce D. W. Herndon .......... J. C, Knox.

Chambel of Commerce W. A. Reevps

0. E. Wl1son.

Bnard of Trade

Rush Burton

D. T. Davis.

Board of Trade

J. C. Houston

N. S. RobInson.


Chambe, of Commerce Jno. M. Hines

F. T. Long.

Board of Trade

J. K. Davidson

A. G. 'Nl1son.

Board of Trade

, Alton B. Cowart. Agt


l\TcDonough J\lacon Madison Manchester Madetta :\letter


Board of Trade




Chamber of Commerce 'V. E. Dunwocl)'

Wm. Jl. C. Johnson.


Chamber of Commerce C. L. C. Thomas I C. 1\1:. FUIlow.


Commerclal Club

p. G. Awtr)

I. N . .Johnson.


.'rhe Progressive League.. J. W. Hancoclc

T. 1... Wallace.

Candler ................. Chambe, of Commerce A. J. Bird

F. H. SlIJs.

City or Town. MJ1ltown Monroe Moultr'Ie

County. BerrIen Walton Colquitt

Organization. Chamber of Commerce Board of Trade Chamber of Commerce

President. G. C. Dougherty A. B. Mobley W. C. Vereen

Secretary. W. M. Connor. J. R. Nunnally. Joh.n E. Howell.

NashvJ1le ............... Berrlen



Chamber of Commerce J. B. Luke ...............R. H. Wheeless.

Board of Trade

R.. D. Cole

'1'. B. McRitchIe.

cllla ...................Irwln

Chamber of Commerce J. P. COx

R. L. Shertleld.



Board of 'l'rade

F. M. Houser

George C. Nunn.



Brooks Co. Indus. Club WlIber Oglesby



Raymond Rome Royston

Coweta Floyd Franklin

CommercIal Club

Chamber of Commerce Judge Moses Wrlght

Board of Trade

W. D. Rogers

E. J. Balley. H. A. \Vheellng. S. B. Swllllng.

Sale City




Social CIrcle


t1l oj>.





Mitch ell

Board of Trade


Board of Trade

Washington ........... Chamber' of Commerce


Board of Trade


Chamber of Commerce


Board of Trade


Board of Trade

Emanuel ................Chamber of Commerce


OptimIst Club


Board of Trade

A. T. Jones

C. K. Norton.

J. W. Motte ............. Thomas Purse.

Nelson Shipp.

J. M. Brawner

P. J. Voss..

J. L. Newton

C. E. Gresham.

A. B. Klerter


R. F. Donalson

Tho. D. Van Osteen.

A S. Bradley

R. S. Colson.

J. S. Langston

J. C. Holllngsworth.

:1'. C. Jertords

Dr. W. K. Stewart.



Chamber of Commerce C. E. Brown



Board of Trade

S. Y. Trultt.


Thomas ................. Commerclal Association .. C. W. Cooper



Board of Trade

J. T. Neal



Chamber' of Commerce G. A. Taylor

Tignall ................. WlIkes

Buslness Men's Club



: Board of Trade

D. E. Hogsed

.. W. E. Adams. Lester C. Busch.
. Chas. Striplin.
. Robert Carter.

UnIon City .............Campbell

Board of Trade

E. R. Estes

Walter Cowart.



Chamber of Commerce T. J. Newnan

Vienna ................Dooly ................... Dooly Co. Chamber Com



Board of Trade

A. J. Shell.

J. M. Ashley. .
J. Q. Adams.

Washington Waycross \VllIacoochee Winder Woodbury

WlIkes Ware Cortee Barrow Merlwether

Chamber of Commerce, ..W. T. Johnson

Waycross & Ware Co.

Chamber of Commerce.H. J. Benton

Chamber of Commerce G. F. McCranie

Barrow Co. Booster' Club

Board of Trade

J. M. Strother

George ]\f. DuBose. Martln V. Calvin. E. R. Smith. H. M. Hathaway. Chas. S. Reid.



Hanneman, J., Atlanta.

Aaron, Isaac, ordele.

Hart, Fred, avannah.

Alexander, Alex, Macon.

Hayes Bakery, Gaine ville.

American Bakeries 'orp., Atlanta. Heeth, R. S., ThomasriUe.

Americus Bakery, Americus.

Home Bakery, Conyers.

Arnold & Abney, Athens.

Howard, T. M., Blackshear.

Atlanta Baking 0., Atlanta. Bak r, The Baker, Albany.

Horan (,eo. W., Dalton. Ideal Baking Co., Griffin.

Ball, George, Savannab.

Jacobs, J. J., Augusta.

Bart, Cbas. A., Sa\annah.

Jubilee Bakery, Douglasville.

Bartel, George, Savannah.

Keeling, W. J., Atlanta.

Bal er, . R., Wayero .

Kessel, J. E., Augu tao

Brickles Model Bakery, Elberton. Krauss, George, Brunswick.

Boston Bakery, Atben .

Kratzer, George, Fitzgerald.

Boston Confectionery Co., Augusta. Knopp s Bakery, Fitzgerald.

Buschaum, A., a\'llnnah.

Laffity, T. J., Milledge\ille.

Butler, Monie, Angusta.

Maul, B. P., tatesboro.

apitol Ave. Bak ry, Atlanta. Cartersville Bakery, artersville. City Bakery, LaGrange. City Bakery, Blakely.

Ie obb, G. T. Douglas. ~rau, George, Atlanta. Marks, T. L., Atlanta.
Merkel, H., Macon.

City Bakery, Hawkinsville. City Bakery, Washington. City Bakery & Bottling Works,

Martin's Bakery, Valdosta. Moog, Henry, Augn tao Taegles Bakery, Eastman. New South Bakery, Atlanta.

Claussen, H. H. Co., Angnsta. Craig's Bakery, olnmbus. DawS"on Bak ry Dawson. Dalton Bakery, Dalton.

ewnan Baking Co., Macon. Tugent, Thos., a\'annah. Otto, Geo. W., Augusta. Oconee Bakery, Dublin.

Dres el J. F., Augu tao

Paulk Mrs. Tellie, Douglas.

Derst, John, Savannah.

Quitman Bakery, Quitman.

E\'eridge' Bakery, olumbus.

Rawson, C. W., Albany.

European Bakery, Atlanta. Fabel'S Bakery, Brunswick.

Ramos Angle, Camilla. Rei, Louis, ochran.

Fisher, Chas., Millen.

Roger, Joseph & 0., Atlanta.

Gary, J. G., Sa'l'annah.

Rome Steam Bakery, Rome.

Ge on, P., Savannah.

chneiders Bakery, Thomson.

Gunther, C. W. F., Gaines'l'ille.

Schl singer- feyer Baking Co.,

Hall, Mrs. Barney, Americns.



Schurr, Eugene, Atlanta. ears Sanitary Baking Co., Macon.
Simpson, J. H., tate boro. hrop hire, . N., LaFayette. loan, G. L., Cedartown. mith, F. :M., IIawkin ,ilJe. chwartz, Fred, a,-annah. tone, 1'. O. Baking '0., Atlanta.

Williams Barrel & Head Factory, Cataula.
Acme Brewing '0., :Macon.
tlanta Brewing - Ice 0., tlanta.
Augusta Brewing 0., Angusta. avannah Brewing Co., Savannah.

cott, L. W., Valdosta.

Stanford Bro ., Cartersville.

pitz., L. J., Wa hington.

parks, G. W., Thomasville.

Teitlebaum, N., Atlanta.


., Savannah.

Vo s, J. 1., arronton.

Wag 1', W. T., Vidalia.

\\~at on If. E., Dahlonega.

\\'arueke, W. H., ~a vannah.

Webb E. B., Jesup.

Whiteway Bakery, Griffin.

West End Dakery, Atlanta.

Zakas, D., Atlanta.



Alma Bottling Work, Alma.

Athens Bottling "Works, Athens.

Ashburn Bottliug Works, Ashburn.


., Newnan.

Baldow ki, G. H., Augu tao

Barne \""iJle Bottling Works,


Bibb Bottling Works Macon.

Black hear Bottling Work,


Blount & Williams, noia.

B. "B. Bottling Works, ochran.

l3ludwine Bottling '0., Athens.

Bludwine Bottling '0., Thomas.

rmuchio 'oopel'age Co., Rome. Brun ,vick Banel Factory,

ville. Bludwine Bottliug '0. West Point. Bludwine Bottling '0., ugu tao

Cannon 0., airo.

apital City Bottling Works,

Cannon Co. Quitman.
'olquitt ounty Cooperage 0.,

Atlanta. amilla Bottling Vi orks, amilla. Cartel'sville Bottling WorKS,

olquitt oop rage 0., Geneva.

aItel ,iJle.

Downing Barrel Factory, Bl'unswick.Cairo Bottling WOl'ks, Cairo.

International Barrel Co., Sa\"annah. 'ason,. D. B., '\ ienna.

Kelly & Sparks, Dublin.

arola Carbonating 0., ?\ronroe.

Logan, J. A. & Rons, avannab. :\lacon 'ooperage 0., Macon. Moore & '0. (lnc.), Atlanta. Oak ity 'ooperage 0., Bain..

Celery ola Co., Atlanta. Ceylona Bottling Co., Cedartown.
heroCola Bottling 'Works, Alhany. hero. ola Bottling Works,



Raymond Coop rage '0., Raymond. hOI'O" ola Bottling Works. Athens.

Rome ooperage Co., Rome.

hero..Cola Bottling Works, Au-

chuler & Moon Jesup.

gu tao

tan lard ooperage Co., ummel'- 'hero . Cola Bottling Works, Bain-

ville. Quitman '00 perage 0., Quitman.

bridge. hero. ola Bottling Works Blakely.

Valdosta 'ooperage '0., Valdosta. hero-Cola Bottling Works, airo.


hero- ola Bottling Works, Ca1'l'01l- hero- ola Bottling Works, yl-


"ani a.

hero-Cola Bottling Works Cordell'. 'hero- 'ola Bottling Works, Sparta.

Chel'o- 'ola Bottling Works, 'olum- 'hero- 'ola Bottling Works, Tal-

bus. h 1'0- ola Bottling Works, o\"-

botton. hero- ola Bottling Works, Thomson. 'hero- ola BottUng Works, Tennj]]e.

hero-Cola Bottling WOl'ks, Cuth- 'hero- 'ola Bottling Works, Valdosta.


'hero- 'ola Bottling Works, Vidalia.

bero- 'ola BottUng Works, Daw on. hero- ola Bottling Works', Wa h-

hero- ola Bottling Works, Dalton.


Obero-Cola Bottling Works', DOllglas. Chero- 'ola Bottling Works, Way-

bero-Cola Bottling Works, Donal-



'hero- ola Bottling Work, West

Chero-Cola Bottling Works, Dublin.


bero-Cola Bottling Works, El- ('hero-Cola Bottling Work, Winder.


lima:\: Bottling Works, Columbu .

Chero-Cola Bottling Works, Eaton- '0 a- ola Bottling Works Atlanta.


'oca-Cola Co., Atlanta.

hero-Cola Bottling Works, l!'itz- Coca-Cola Bottling Wor!l.s, Albany.


Coca- ola Bottling Works, Alma.

'hel'o- ola Bottling Works, Fort oca- ola Bottling Works, Americus.


ocaCola Bottling Works, Atben.

Chero-Cola Bottling Works, Franklin. oca- ola Bottling Co., Augusta.

'hero-Cola Bottlillg Works, Gaines- Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Bainbridge.


CocaCola Bottling Works, Blakely.

hero- 'ola Bottling Works, Griffin. oca-Cola Bottling 0., Ball Ground.

hero ola BottUng Works, Haw- oca-Cola Bottling Co., Brun wick.


Coca-Cola Bottling WOl'ks', arters-

hero-Cola Bottling Works, Hazle-



Coca- 'ola Bottling Work, Carroll-

Chero-Cola Bottling Works, Jackson.


hero-Cola Bottling Works, La- Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Chipley.


Coca- ola rlottling Works, Columbus.

Chero-Cola Bottling Work, Louis- 'oca- ola Bottling Works, Cordele.


oca- ola Bottling Works, Conyers.

Oh 1'0- ola Bottling Work, Lumpkin. ocaCola Bottling Works, Cornl'lia. 'hero- ola Bottling orks, ;\Iacon. 'oca- ola Bottling Works, Daltoll.

'hero ola Bottling Works, Millen. Coca-Oola Bottling Works, Cuthbert.

'bero- ola Bottling Works, Newnan. 'oca- ola Bottling Works, Dawsou.

'hero- ola Bottling Works, Rome. 'oca- 'ola Bottling Works, Dublin.

OheroCola Bottling Works, Sa-

oca- ola Bottling Works, Douglas.


oca-Cola Bottling Work, Eastman.

'hero- ola Bottling Works, till-

oca-Cola Bottling Work, Elberton.


'oca-Cola Bottling Works, Fitz-

h ro-Cola Bottling Works, ,yl-


y tel'.

Coca- 'ola Bottling 0., GaineJ :ville.


'oca- ola Bottling Works, Griffin. Davis, C. H. & Sons, Meigs.

oca-Cola Bottling Works, Greens- Davis, W. B., Bottling Works, Bn-



Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Hawkins- DeLoach, Oliver, Brunswick.


Deep Rock Ginger Ale 0., Athens.

oca-Cola Bottling Works, Helena. Etowah Bottling Co., 'artersville.

oca- 'ola Bottling Works, Jackson. Edwards Bottling Works, Milledge-

o a-Cola Bottling Works, Jesnp.


'oca-Cola Bottling Works, LaFay- Fitzgerald Bottling Works, Fitz-



oca ola Bottling Works, La-

Folkston Bottling Works, Folkston.


For yth Bottling Works, Forsyth.

oca-Cola Bottling Co., Lincolnton. Fort Gaines Bottling Works, Ft.

oca-Cola Bottling Co., Macon.


Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Monti- Gammon, J. A., Carr011ton.


Gay-ala Bottling Works, Dallas.

Coca- ola Bottling Works, Monroe. Garrett, G. J., Toccoa.

oca-Cola Bottling \\'ol'l,s, Milledge- Georgia Bottling Works, Waycross.


Gramling Blndwine 0., Waycross.

oca- ola Bottling Works, Jewllan. Hatcher Bot~ling Work, Wayne:!-

Coca-Cola Bottling Work, RicWand.


oca-Cola Bottling Works, Rome. Hartwell Bottling Works, Hartwell.

, ca- ola Bottling \Vorks", Royston. Hawe, W. R., Ocilla.

oca- ola Bottling Works, avannah. Hagan Bottling Works, Hagan.

'oca-Cola Bottling Works, Sanders- Homerville Bottling Works, Homer-



'oca-Cola Bottling Works, Swains- Jesnp Bottling Works, Je np_


J"ewell Bottling Works, Jackson.

oca-Cola Bottling Works, Sylvania. Johnson, S. H., West Point.

Coca- ola Bottling Works, Thomson. LaFayette Bottling Works, La-

Coca- ola Bottling Works, 'fifton.


oca-Cola Bottling Works, Vidalia. Lavonia Bottling Works, Lavonia.

Coca-C01'\ Bottling Works, Vienna. Lawrenceville Bottling Works, Law-

oca-Cola Bottling Works, Valdosta. renceville.

Coca-Cola Bottling Works, Wash- Limeola Bottling Work, Milledge-



oca-Cola Bottling Work, Waycro s.Lincolnton Bottling Works, Lincoln-

oca-Cola Bottling Works, \V ayne - ton."


Lowe, J. D., Jacksonville.

oca- ola Bottling Work, Wood- Lumber City Bottling Works", Lum-


ber ity.

olql1itt Bottling Works, Colquitt. Lanchester Bottling Works, Man-

rown Bottling Works, Crawford-



Mid\,ille Bottling Works, Midville.

rown Bottling Works, Valdosta. Milliron Bottling Works, Macon.

'rown Bottling Works, Nichols.

titcham, A. B., Hampton.

Dauiels, J. L., Americus.

McCola Bottling Co., Macon.

Darien Bottling Works, Darien. Modern Bottling Works, Wadley.



North Gwrgia Bottling Works, Dalton.

Wrightsville Bottling Work, Wrightsville.

Ocilla Bottling Works, Ocilla.

Woodcock, G. S., Glennville.

Offerman Bottling Works, Offerman.

o eal, S. W., Columbus.


Parfay Bottling Works, Thomasville.


Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. Savannah.

Pep i-Cola Bottling Co., Brunswick. Albany Brick fig. Co. Albany.

Pelham Bottling Works, Pelham. Albany Pressed Stone Co., Albany.

Pin-Ap-Ola Co., Savannah.

Alto Face Brick Co., Rome.

Pin-Ap-Ola Co., Atlanta.

Arnold, Adam, Thomasville.

Quitman Ice & Bottling Works, Atlanta Terra. otta Co., Ea t



Ray's Jame & on, avannah. Rainbow Co., Atlanta.

Atlanta Tile Co., Atlanta. Atlanta Clay and Product 0., Un-

Rochelle Bottling WQrks, Ro helle.

ion City.

R ckmart Bottling Works, Rock- Acme Well Top Co., Tallapoosa.


Bainbridge Brick 0., Bainbridge.

Royal Bottling Works Co., RQme. Bartow Brick Co., Cartersville.

Rye-OJa Bottling Works, Atlanta. Bartow Tile Co., Cartersville.

Red Rock Co., Atlanta.

Bethlehem Concrete Co., Bethlehem.

Rye-Ola Bottling Works, LaGrange. Berry, Geo. 0., Columbus.

ardis Bottling Works, Sardis.

Bishop, A. J., Meansville.

avannah Consolidated Bottling Co., Bourne Brick Co., Pooler.


Burke J. H., Fitzgerald.

app, H. W. & G. M. Dougla. Bull Creek Sand & Gravel Co.,

operton Bottling Works, Sopertou. Columbus.

rnith Albert Senoia.

Byrum & Co., Ayersville.

'lllllmen-ille BottUng Works, SUIll- Calhoun Brick Co. Calhoun.

merville. Taylor, B. W. Baxley.

Camp, JJ. H., Savannah. Cartersville Brick Co., Cartersville.

Te!lel & Black, ylvania.

Cartledge & Murphy, Lincolnton.

Thorn on Bottling Work, Thomson. Catoosa Lime & Stone Product Co.,

Thoma dlle Bottling Works, Thorn-


asville. Tifton Bottling Work Tifton.

Cement Stone & Tile Co. Decatur. Chattahoochee Brick o. Atlanta.

Union Point Bottling Works, Uu- Chattahoochee Brick Co., Lumpkin.

ion Point.

Chatsworth Brick Co., Chatsworth.

Valdo ta BottUng Work, Valdosta. Chattanooga ewer Pipe & Fire

Vidalia Bottling Works, VidaUa.

Brick Co., Flintstone.

illa Rica Bottling Works, Villa Crawford, J. D. Hartwell.


Columbus Fire Brick Co. Columbus.

Waycro Bottling Works, Waycross. Columbu Se\\'er Pipe Co., Columbu .

White A. W., Butler.

Connor Mfg. o. Macon.

V\ ineco Bottling Work Qttitman. ooper John T. thens.

Willacoochee Bottling Work, WiJ- urtis, A. H. & Son, Thomson.


rucial Fire Brick o. Rome.


Dallas Cement Block & Tile Co., Rome Brick 0., Rome.


hepard Bro., Columbu.

Dixie Tile & Cement Work, Atlanta. ikes, C. M., Dnblin.

Dorsey, H. L., Clel'eland.

mall, A. T. Brick Co., Macon.

Dnnbar, B. S., Angnsta.

outhern Tile & tone Co., At-

Dnblin Brick 0., Dublin.


Dykema System, Atlanta.

nowden, T. II., Hawkinsville.

Elberton Brick Co. Elberton.

outhern Brick Co., Athens.

Electric City Brick Co., Augusta. Southern Brick & Tena Cotta

Ethridge, E. S. Cement Plant,

Co., Columbus.


Southern Cement & 'tone Co.,

East Point Tile 0., East Point.


Fitzgerald Grantoid Co., Fitzgerald. tandard Brick Co., Augu tao

Fitzgerald Artificial Stone Works, tandard Brick 0., Athens.'


Standard e\\,er Works, Rome.

Franklin J. W., 1"arietta.

tel'en , H. & Sons, Macon.

Flint Ril'er Brick Co., Albany.

t vcn , H. SOUB', 'teven Pottery.

Foreman Jng Co., Stockton.

Tift Sili a Brick & tone Co., AI

Fulton County Supply Co., Atlanta.


Fnller, Geo., ewnan.

Trimble Brick Co., Trimble.

Garrard, H. A., leveland.

To coa Ro~k ru 'bing 0.. Toccoa.

Gate City Tile Co.. Atlanta.

Wheeler, G. R., Gain ville.

Georgia Brick Co., Adairsville.

Wl'il!htsvilJo oncrete Works,

Georgia Cement & Burial Vault


Co., Newnan.

Ziegl r oHins Brick 0 .. Pooler.

Georgia,Carolina Brick Co.,

Catoosa Lime & tone Prodnct 0.,



Georgia Vitrified Brick & lay Co. Piedmont Portland Cement Co., t



Georgia Red Brick Co. Pooler.

outhem tates Portland emcnt

Georgia Clay Product Co., Athens.

Co., Rockmart.

Georjria Paving & on truction

Hamilton Burial Vault Co., Ross-

0., Columbus.


Geor ia Ca t Stone Co., Dnblin. Hawthorn. W. R.. Whigham.

Gre ham Tile orks, fomoe.

Howard, H. 1"., Colnmbll .

Griffin Brick Co. Griffin.

110mI' Brick & Fnel Co.. Savannah.

Hall R. L. & W. H. Newton.

Hudson, ]\'f. D., Jr.. Gaine'ville.

Hall Brick 0., MiJledgel;]]e.

,lakin Brick Co., Jakin.

Hankin on & Hagler Brick Co., Au Laclrl Lime & Stone 0., aTters-



HaJJ, J. F., Hazlehul' t.

Le/rg Brick 0., Calhoun.

lIarbi onWalker Refining Co. Gib J,udowi~i Celanrlon Co., Lnrlowi~i.


Lumber "lty Brick Co., J~llmh('r

Hard, Peter & ons, Macon.


RatweU Bl"ick !\ffg. 0., Pooler. Lumber City Saud & Concrete

Ril'erside Bl'ick 0., Broxton.

0., Lumber City.

Ro kmart Brick & ~ate 0., Rock- Lyou, J. R., Jackson.


facon Brick \ orks, Macon.


Macon County Brick 0., Oglethorpe.


Mahoney Dan, Fitzgerald. Ierry Bros., Augu tao

Americus Canning Co., Americus.

Milledgeville Brick Works, :Mil- Appalachian Orchard Co., Tallulah



Millen Cement & Tile Co., Millen. Askew,:J. S., Conyers.

,Mitchell, :J. G., Statesboro.

Ball Ground Canning 0., Ball

Mullen, W. H., St. Mary 'so McKenzie Brick Co., Augusta.

Ground. Brunswick Canning Co., Ltd., Brun

McMillian, G. W., Acworth.


Ic oy Bri k e Tile Co., Augusta. Dowling :James, Savannah.

Iational Cement & Tile Co., Atlanta. Evans Canning Co., Ft. Valley.

Ie bit C. P., Roswell.

Goodyear Packing Co., Brunswick.

Oakland Tile o. Atlanta.
o Ie a Brick Co., Gareli.

Glynn Canning Co., Brunswick. Klondyke Canning Co., Gainesville.

Oconee Brick & Tile Co., Milledge- Loudon, Geo. W. Canning 0., Eat-



Oconee Brick Co., Mt. Vernon.

London, Goo. W. Canning Co., Sa-

Ogeechee Brick 0., Union Point.


Ogeechee R,iver Brick Co. Rocky Lumber City Canning Co., Lumber



Oli,'er, A. :J., Alpharetta.

ethery W. B., Elberton.

Peffer,Mr . P., Gainesville.

Oemler Augustus, Savannah.

Poe Concrete 0., Lawrenceville. Oak Dale Canning Co., Ft. Valley_

Ragland Brick Co., Milledgeville. Sea Food Co., Brunswick. Southern Canning Co., Ft. Valley.

Atlanta Variety Works 0., At-
lanta. Anti eptic Broom Co., Savannah.

Spalding Canning Co., Griffin. Strong, Fred :J., Americn . Varn & Platt Co., Savannall. Weyman & Reigel, Griffin. Woods, R. N., Towns.

Augu ta Broom Co., Augusta.

Baugh, :J. A., Atlanta.


Columbus Broom Factory, olumbus.

Dalton Broom 'Vork , Dalton.

Bazanas, '. Tbomson.

Demorest Broom Works, Demore t. Block, F. E., Atlanta.

Felton, D. D. Bru h 0., Atlanta. Brandon, T. H., Savannah. Georgia Association for the Blind, Brower Candy Co., Atlanta.

Atlanta. Griffin Broom Work, Griffin.

onida Chocolate Mfg. 0." avannab.

Hodge Broom Works, Atlanta.

Garrow, G., Atlanta.

O. K. Broom Work, Macon. Paris Broom Mfg. Co. Atlanta.

George, :Jorry, Savannah. Hetterich, has., 'avannah.

Phoenix Duster 1\1 fg. Co., tlanta. Hollingsworth Candy Co., Augusta.

outhern Broom Mfg. 0., Atlanta. Schwartz Fred ., a\'annah. Ward, :J. P., Sa"annah. William, :John, Marietta.

Hunt, D. D., Athens. Lewis, T. S. & 0., AtlaLlta. Mathew andy Co., Macon.
Iosa Camly Mfg. 0., Americus.


orris, Inc., A.tlanta.

filler, J. E. & '0., Columbus.

uanally Co., A.tlanta.

Murphy Tim (est.), Augu tao

Piedmont Candy 0., Atlanta.

Moultrie Carriage & Ifg. Co. Moul-

Schlesinger, H. L., Atlanta.


Verdery Clarke Candy Co., Augusta. McGirt, Jas. & O. yl\-e tel'.

'IVa hington andy Kitchen, Augusta.McComon-Har ling Buggy 0., For-

Wa 'cross Candy Co., Waycross.


McGhee, J. T., Waycr


WAG- orman Buggy Co. Griffin.


Norman, C. P., AlphaI' tta.

Ogburn Buggy 0., Dublin.

All'7Usta 'Vagon Co., ugusta.

Patat, H. E., Winder.

rmontrout Bros., Fitzgerald.

Peebles, J. T., Spread.

Auld J. F. C' Sons, Elberton.

Rome Buggy 0., Rome.

Bartlett, D. D., Columbus.

Reed Bros., Gaine ville.

Bagwell Mfg. Co., Gaine ville.

'anders, Jno. D., Waynesboro.

Blunt arriage & Buggy Co., East Sloan & Harris, Columbu .


Smitb Buggy Co., foultrie.

Bradley, T. A., Cartersville.

Smith, J. G. & Sons, Barnesville.

Brunswick Carriage Works, Bruns' mumers Bug y Co., Barnesville.


South Georgia Buggy O. Val do tao

~rmichael Buggy '0., Jack on.

Taylor & Barton, Franklin.

beatham C. E. Alpharetta.

Teuber, Frank, ordele.

Darsey J. W. Wagon Work, Macon. Thompson W. C., Madi on.

Dublin Buggy Co., Dublin.

Tifton Bnggy Works, Tifton.

Dozier, R. A., rawfordviJle.

lmer Wagon Work, Valilo tao

Empire Buggy 0., Jack on.

White Hickory Wagon 0., Ea t

Etowah arriagc 0., Rome.


Elder, A. ., WatkinS\'ille.

White Hickory Mfg. 0., Hawkins-

Franklin Buggy 0., Barnc ville.


Gre ham Mfg. O. Griffin.

Williams Wagon Work. i\Tacon.

Griffin Buggy Co. Griffin.

Williams {f~.


Golden Eagle Buggy O. \ tlanta. Watkin, W. W. & Son , Marietta.

Gower Wagon Co. Gaines\illc.

Hardwood rug. & Supply '0., Dublin.


Heal'll Rufus, Franklin.

Alderman & 0., Valdo tao

Hlill Vehicle Mfg. Co., avannah. Anderson H. P. igar Factory,

Holly Wagon '0., Augusta.


Irwin Bros., Louisville.

Barnes Bros., Atlanta.

Karswisch, J. M. Wagon Works, Bradford, W. E., LaGraoge.


BrUDswick igar Factory, avaunab.

Klassing, H. J., Rome. Klein & Martin, AthenS'.

Brunswick Sinoker Mfg. Co., Bruns . wick.

Kelly L L., Thomaston. LowTey Wagon Work, Augusta.

hatham Cigar Co., Sa\annab.
lark, J. 1. 'igar 0., Je up.

Maddox &, Williams, Atlaota. iliUer, A. . & Co., Atlanta.

olumbus uba igar 0., olurnbus. ortez Cigar 0., a~annah.


ox, J. B., Marietta.


handler, J. H., Jewnan.

. & R 'igar Co., Atlanta.


0., Americus.

Dublin 'igar '0., Dublin.


0" Albany.

Egypto Cigar Factory, Cairo.


Edward 'igar Factory, Bainbridge. Atlantic

'0., Atlanta.

Everett, W. H., avannah.


0., Augu tao

E. E. M. Tobacco Co., Atlanta.


0., Columbu .

}'alkenburg '0., MouJtrie.


Co., Dawson.

Fretwell igar 0., Griffin.


Co., Fitzgerald.

Georgiadis, . J., Atlanta.

Atlantic Compre s '0., Macon.

Hardigree Bro., Jewnan.

Atlantic Compres '0., Millen.

Ha elgrove, Oscar, Thomasville.

Atlantic Compres's Co., Toccoa.

Hineman Bros., Atlanta.

Camilla ompre' '0., Camilla.

lIunter, J. '1'., Atlanta.

Cordele 'ompress Co., No.1, Cordele.

hey, J'. D. C., Fitzgerald.

Cordele Compress Co., No.2, Cordele.

Jacobs, W. E. C., Carrollton.

Cuthb lt Compress Co., uthbert.

Johnson, C. A., Fitzgerald.

Doughty Compress Co., Augn tao

Josey, Henry B. & Co., Dublin.

Elberton Compress Co., Elberton.

LaGrange Cigar Co., LaGrange.

Ea. tman ompress Co., Eastman.

LUUI) kiu igar Factory, Rome.

.Eugli h Press, Macon.

J\lmcon Gigar Co., Macon.

Fitzgerald Compre s Co., Fitzgerald.

~Iyers, Lee Roy Co., Savannah.

Georgia Wareh.ouse & 'mpress '0.,

McLaue, B. ., Bowersville.


McKibben igar 0., Griffin.

Gordon Compress 0., Samnnah.

Oglethorpe igar Co., Hawkin ville. Hawkinsville otton Compress Co.,

Owens Bros., Macon.


Picart, Eli, Athens.

Inman Pre s Co., Augusta.

Pitman Cigar Co., Waycro s.

I land Pre s, Savannah..

Pitman, '. W., Waycro s.

Lower Press, a\annah.

Posado Cigar 0., Columbus.

Montezuma Compr s Go., Monte-

Quitmau igar ., Quitman.



0., avannah.

MouJtrie Compre '0., Moultrie.

Ree e, B. A., Newnan.

OciUa Compress Co., Ocilla.

Reese, . B., Atlanta. LIll , l!'. R., ,Vaycros . mith, A. R., Atlanta. 'mith, W. E., AttapuJgus. 'ognier, Jo eph, avannah.

){lch]and Compress Co., Rich.laud.
Rome Compress 0., Rome. Southern Ry. Compress 0., 'roccoa.
Tifton Compre so., Tifton.

uarez Cigar 0., Thomasville.

Thoma viUe Compress 0., Thoma .

'r. O. L. 'igar 0., Macon. 'rhemelis, George, Atlanta. valdes, S., Atlanta. Waters, 'rhos., Rome. Weinberg Cigar Co., Columbus.

ville. Tumer, N. S., Covington. Union Warehouse & ompress 10 .,

Watkins, W. A. igar Mfg. 0., Al- Vidalia om press & Power Co., Vi-




OTTO , WOOLE , 'ILK & Elberton Mfg. Co., Elberton.


Elm ity Cotton Mills, LaGrange. Ensign tton Mills, Forsyth.

Acworth otton Mfg. 0., Acworth. Enterpri e Hg. '0., Augusta.

Albany 'ottou Mills, Albauy.

Expo ition 'otton Mills, Atlanta.

Aldora Mills, Barnesville.

Fitzgemld otton Mills, Fitzgerald.

S1mcrican 'fextile '0., Atco.

Floyd Cotton Mills, Rome.

Anchor Duck Mills, Rome.

Fort Valley Cotton Mills, Fort Valley.

a.Tagon Mills, Aragon.

Fort Valley Knitting Mills, .Fort

Atlanta Hosiery Mills, Atlanta.


Atlanta Woolen Mills, Atlanta.

Forsyth Cotton Mills, Forsyth.

Atnen lIlfg. Co., Athens.

Fuller Hosiery Mills, Villa Rica.

Augusta l!'actory, Augusta.

Fulton Bag & 'otton Mills, Atlanta.

Barrow Uounty Cotton Mills, Winder Gate City Cotton Mill , Atlanta.

Berryton Cottou Mills, Berryton.
Bibb Mfg. 0., No.1, Macon.

Gainesville Cotton Mills, Gainesville. Georgia Cordage Mills, Ingleside.

Bibb Mfg. 0., No.2, Macon.

Georgia Mfg. '0., Athens.

Bibb Mfg. Co. Knitting Mills, Macon. Georgia Mfg. Co., Columbus.

Bibb Mfg. 0., Colnmbus.

Georgia Mfg. Co., Gainesville.

Bibb Mfg. 0., Porteldale.

lreorgia Cotton Mills, No.1, Griffin.

Bibb ~1fg. 0., Reynolds.

Georgia Cotton Mills, 1 o. 2, Griffin.

Bowen Jewell '0., Jewell.

Georgia Cotton Mills, r o. 3, Griffin.

Capps Cotton Mill , Toccoa.

Globe Cotton Mills, Augusta.

Canton 'otton Mills, 'anton.

Griffin Mfg. Co., Griffin.

Cedartown Cotton & Export Co., Grantville Hosiery Mills, Gmntville.

No.1, 'edartown.

Grantville Yarn Mills, Grantville.

Cedartown Cotton & Export Co., llabersham Mills, Habersham.

No.2, Cedartown.

Hamburger Cotton Mills, Colnmbus.

'herokee Hosiery Mills, Rome.

Hampton Cotton Mills, Hampton.

Climax Ho iery Mills, Athens.

Harmony Grove Cotton Mills, Com

ochran Cotton Mills, Cochran.


Columbus Mfg. Co., Columbus.

Hartwell Cotton Mills, Hartwell.

Collier Mfg. 0., Barne ville.

Henderson Mfg. Co., Hampton.

Concord Mfg. Co., wyrna.

High Shoals Mfg. Co., High Shoals.

ovington Mills, 'ovington.

Hillside Cotton Mills, LaGrange.

rown 'otton Mills, No.1, Dalton. Hogansville Mfg. \.)0., Hogansville.

Crown 'otton Mill , No.2, Dalton. Hutcheson Mfg. Co., Banning.

Cry tal prings Bleachery, Chicka- Imperial Cotton Mills, Eatonton.


International Cotton Mills, LaGrange.

Dallas Hosiery Mills, Dallas.

Jefferson Cotton Mills, Jeffer on.

Dixie 'otton Mills, LaGmnge.

Juliette Milling Co., Glover.

Dougla Knitting Mills, Dougla ville. King, John P. Mfg. Co., Augu tao

Dun on Mills, LaGrange.

Kincaid Mfg. Co., No.1, Griffin.

Eastman Cotton Mills, Eastman. Kincaid Mfg. Co., No.2, Griffin.

Eagle & Pheni.x Mill , Columbus. LaFayette otton Mills, LaFayette.

Echota OttOI1 Mill, alhOlln.

Laurel Mills' Mfg. Co., Roswell.

Edward Mills, 'rawfonl.

Lawrenceville Mfg. 0., Lawrence-

Elk Cotton Mills, Dalton.



Lavonia Cotton Mills, Layonia. Little River Mills, WOO(~stock.

ibley Mfg. Co., Augu tao Singletou SIlk Mfg. Co., Augusta.

Loi Cotton Mills, Douglasville.

Smith, Jno. E. Mfg. Co., Thorn on.

McIntosh Mill , Newnan.

ocial Circle Cotton Mills, Social

]l;lallison Braided Cord 0., Athens.


Mandeville Mills, Carrollton.

Southland Knitting Mills, Macon.

Manchester Mfg. Co., Manchester. Sutherland Mfg. Co., Augusta.

Manche tel' Mfg. Co., Macon.

Southern Mfg. Co., Athen .

Martel Mfg. Co., Egan.

Southern Cotton Mills, Hawkins-

Marietta Knitting 0., Marietta.


Mary Leila Cotton Mill , Greensboro. Standard Cotton fill Cedartown.

Massachusetts' Mills in Ga., Lindale. 'tar Thread l\ffg. Co. Athens.

Massey Hosiery Mill, Columbus. Strickland Cotton Mills, Valdosta.

Meritas Mills, olumbus.

Summerville Cotton Mill, um-

Merck Hetrick Mfg. Co., Gaiues\-ille. merville.

i\Iillen Mills, Millen.

wift Mfg. Co., Columbus.

Milstead Mfg. Co., onyers.

Swift Spinning 1ill, olum bu

Montezuma Knitting Mill ,Monte- Tallapoosa Mills, Tallapoosa.


Tennille Yarn 'tills, Tennille.

Monroe Cotton Mills, )1onroe.

Tifton otton Mills, Tifton.

Moultrie Cotton Mills, Moultrie.

Tilton, G. H. & Son, avannah.

Muscogee Mfg. Co., Columbus.

Thomaston Cotton Mills, Thoma ton.

Newnan otton Mill , ~o. 1, Newnan. Toccoa Cotton l\fi]]s, Toccoa.

Newnan Cotton Mills, No.2, Newnan. The Trion Co., Trion.

J uon Mfg. 0., Augusta.

Unity Cotton Mills LaGrange.

Pacolet Mfg. Co., New Holland.

nity Spinning Mills, LaGrange.

Palmetto Cotton Mill , Palmetto.

nion otton Mills, LaFayette.

Paulding County Mfg. 0., Dalla. Union Mfg. Co., Union Point.

Park otton Mill , LaGrange.

Villa Rica Cotton Oil O. Villa Rica.

Park Woolen Mills, Rossville.

Wahoo Mfg. Co., argeut.

Payne Cotton Mill , Macon.

Walton Cotton Mills, Monroe.

Pelham Mfg. Co., Pelham.

Walker County Hosiery )1ill , La-

Pearl Cotton Mill , Elberton.


Penfield Hosiery Mills, Penfiell. Whitehall Yarn Mills Whitehall.

Pepperton Cotton Mills Jackson.

White ity Mfg. Co., Athen .

Perkin Hosiery Mill olumbus. Whittier Mills Co., Chattahoochee.

Peerle s Woolen Mills, Rossville. Willingham otton Mills, Macon.

Piedmont Cotton Mill , Atlanta.

Poulan Cotton Mills, Poulan.


Princeton Mfg. Co. Athens.


Putnam:Mill - Power ('0., Eatonton

Quitmau l\Jfg. Co., Quitman.

B. & A. Mfg. Co., Atlanta.

R,ichmond Ho iery Mills, Rossyille. Enterprise Ug. Co., Atlanta.

Rome Hosiel'y 1ilI, Rome.

L. & L. Mfg. Co., Atlanta.

Ro well Mfg. Co., Ro well.

Mitchell Mfg. Co., Atlanta.

Ru hton otton Mills, Griffin.

nited l\Ifg. 0., Atlanta.

cottdale mIs, Scottdale.

Ready-to-Wear l\Ug. 0., Atlanta.


Fri bie, Coon & Co., Atlanta. Hill, Peter & Co., Atlanta. Jewell Shirt Co., Atlanta. Lewis, R L. Shirt Co., Athens. PhilJips, lem hirt Co., Atlanta. Quality kirt Co., Savannah. Robinson kirt Co., Atlanta. Progressive kirt Co., avannah.

tatesboro TO\'elty Work, State boro.
Shippen Bro ., EHijay. tribbling Mfg. 0., Turnerville.
Southern Box & Lumber Co., avannab.
Union Box & Lumber o. Atlanta.



Abbevme Electric & Municipal Power Plant, Abbeville.
Adrian Ligbt & Power Co., Adrian.

Atlanta Tent & Awning 0., Atlanta. Adel Electric Co. Adel.

Chandler, F. & Sons, avannah.

Albany Power Mfg. Co., Albany.

E tes, J. H. & 0., n..ion City.

meri us Public Service Co., Amer-

eorgia Boller overing Co., Griffin. icus.

Griffin Back Band Co., Griffin.

Appalachian Electric Power Co. Toc-

'avannah Awning & Tent Co., Sa-



Atbens Ry. & Electric Co. Atben..

mith, M. D. & H. L., 'fent & Awn- Augu ta-Aik~n Ry. & Elec. Light

ing Co., Atlanta.

Corp_ Augu tao

Floyd Bagging Mills, Dvannah. Byromville Mfg. Co. Byromville.

Friedlander, Juliu, olumbu.

Carrollton Electric Co. Carrollton.

Redwine Bro., FayettedJJe.

cntml of Ga. Power Co., Jackson.

Columbu Boller Covering Co., olum- ity of Blue Ridge Mfg. Co. Blue

bus. Riverside Mfg. Co. Augu tao

Ridge. City of Bainbridge, Bainbridge.

Southern Bleachery Co., Rome.

Clayton Light & Power 0., Clayton.

Climax Ligbt & Power Co., Climax. CRA'l'ES, BOXES & BASKETS. Cocbran Electric Co. Cochran.

Atlanta Box Factory, Atlanta.

Columbus Power Co. Columbus.

Cedartown Basket & 'l'ray Co., Cedar- ordele Electric Co., Cordele.


Darien Mfg. Co., Darien.

Elberta Crate Work, Bainbridge. Dallas Ligbt & Power Co.. Dallas.

Georgia rate & Basket Co., Thom- Dalton Electric Light & Power 0.,



Georgia Veneer & Package Co., Donalsonville Electric Ligbt & Power


Co., Donalsonville.

Georgia Fruit & Package Mfg. Co., Douglasville Electric & Power 0.,

Ft. VaHey.


Hightower Box & Tank Co., Atlanta. Dean, E. W., Hiram.

Hill Planing Co., larke ville.

Dublin Light & Water Co., Dublin.

Menlo Fruit Packing 0., Menlo. Eastman Electric Light Co., Ea tman.

Pierpont Mfg. Co., D\'annah.

Franklin Ligbt & Power Co. IIart-

amnuah Box & Lumber Co. 'a-



Ga.-Carolina Power Co. Augusta.


Georgia Ry. Power '0., Tallulah O. L. Agnew, Canon.


Albany Wal'ehouse Co., Albany.

eorgia Power 0., Gaine ville.

Altamaha Fert. 0., Vidalia.

Harlem Ele tri Plant, Harlem.

Am rican Agricultural 'hemical

IIawkin v.ilJe Electric Co., Hawkins-

0., avannah.


American Fert. 0., Savannah.

Hazelhurst Light & Power 0., Americus Home Mixture Guano 0.,



Lumber ity Electric Power Co., Apalachee Fert. Co., ApaJachee.

Lumber City.

Arhngton Mfg. Co., Arlington.

Macon Ry. & Light Co., Macon.

ArmonI' Fert. Works, Atlanta.

Municipal Light & Water Plant. Armour Fert. Works, Blakely.


Armour Fert. Works, Augu tao

McCrary, J. B. & Co., Atlanta.

Baker :Fert. '0., T mple.

Mutual Light & Water '0., Bruns- Baldwin onnty}~ rt. '0., Milledge-



ashville Eleetric 0., ashville. Bartow Investment '0., Bartow.

Oconee River Mill, MiJledgeville. Ben Hill Co., Fitzgerald.

Panola Light & Power 0., Lithonia. Benson, J. W., Jenkin burg.

Paulding ounty Power Co., Dallas. Benton Supply '0., Mouticello.

Quitman, Valdo ta & Thoma ville Biggers, W. E. Guano 0., Ringgold.

El C. 0., Quitman.

Blanchard Humber '., Columbus.

Roehelle Ete trie Co., Rochelle.

Bowen-Ray, Bowman.

Rome Ry. & Electrie 0., Rome.

Howersville uion Warehou e '0.,

'a~annah Electri 0.. (ll'nuu"h.


'avannah Lighting Co., avaunah. Boyd, Douglas 0., Gtiffin.

enoia Electrie Light O. enoia. Bradley, W. '. & Co., olumbu.

Sparks Eleetric Light '0., Sparks. Brannon, W. A. '0., Moreland.

tillmore Electric 0., tillmore. Braselton Bros., BI'a elton.

wainsbol'o Eleetl'ie Light 0.,

Bl'lghtweJI, A. T. & on, Maxey.

wain boro.

Brown Guano (;0., Albany.

'foceoa Falls Light & Power Co., Broxton Fert. '0., Broxton.


Bnena Vi ta IIome rh:tnre Guano

Towaliga Falls Power 0., riffin.

Co., Bnena Vi tao

'Vaycross Light & Power Co., Way- BullochviJle Home fixture uano


'0., Bullochville.

'Wofford hoal Light - Power 0., Butler Fert. ('0., Butler.


Buttrill Guano '., Jackson.

Vahlosta Lightiug Co., Valdosta. 'ad well Fert. '0., adwell.

Villa Rica Eldric Liaht '0., Villa airo Guano Co., 'airo.


Cannon, Oscar, Abbe,iUe.

Canton Fert. 0., anton.

FERTILIZER FACTORlE ' AND Carmiehael Guano '0., Jackson.


CartersviJIe Fert. 0., Cartersvi \le. atoo a Fert. 0., Ringgold.

Abbott Fertilizer Co., ~fid,ille.

Central Fert. 0., MidvjJ1e.

A. D. Adair & :Mc arty Bl'os., At- Central Georgia Guano Co. Milledge-




bauncey Warebouse & Mfg. Co., Farmers Union Warehonse & torage


0., 'onyers.

'ham bel's Grocery '0., Cbipley. Fal mer UnionWarehou e Co., ~Ion

hatswolth Guauo 0., Spring Place.


'herokee Fert. Co., Macon.

l'ayetteville Fertilizer '0., Fay-

'obb ounty Chern. Mining Co.,


Coleman Guano 0., Edison.

.Finch, W. H., ornelia. Fletcher Guano 0., Colnmbus.

'omb', A. G., Locust Grove.

Fort Gain Fert. Co., Fort Gaines.

Comer Mercantile Co., Comer.

J:'owler Bros., Inc., Covington.

'ommerce Fert. Co., Commerce.

Purman Parm & Implement Co., At

Consolidated Mfg. 0., Camilla.


Consolidated Pho phate Co., Dublin. Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta.

'ontinental Eert. 0., Atlanta.

Georgia- arolina Pert. 0., avan-

oweta :J!~ert. 0., Newnan.


t.:rawfor h'ille Gin & Fert. Co., raw- Georgia Belle Guano 0., Newnan.


Georgia :J!'ert. & Mfg. Co., Cairo.

Cumberland Fert. '0., 'artersviJle. Georgia Pert. Works, Sandersville.

'uUoden Ginning & Eert. Co., 'nl- Georgia Pbosphate '0., Athen.


Wnn, I. L. & Co., Bowman.

Dauce Guano Co., 'l'occoa.

Grayson Home Mixture Co., Graysou.

Daniel ons & Palmer, ~Wlen.

-,riggs Pert. 0., Doerun.

Dayi arebou e Co., olumbus.

Greensboro Fert. Co., Glen b<llo.

Davisbol'o Fert. Co., Davisboro.

Gulf Guano '0., Bainbl'ldge.

Da\1 on, C. J. & '0., Woodville.

Gos ett, A. P. OG on, GriITin.

DeLaperriere, W. P., Hoschton. Hall, R. L. & W. H., .r'ewton.

DeVaughn, M. ., Montezuma.

Hampton Pert. Co., Hampton.

Dixie l' ert, Co., Dublin.

hand Trading Uo., l'eJham.

Dodge Fert. '0., Ea tman.

Harrison Fert. Co., Harri ou.

Doerun Fert. Co., DoerUl\.

H well, T. J. Jr., Dewey Rose.

Dooly Fert. Co., Vieuna.

Hightower, M. H. Mercantile Co.,

Edmonson & ons, Meda.

Hogan ville.

8lbert Fert. '0., Elbertou.

Home Mixture Guano Co., WaJI y.

81luville luano 0., Ellaville.

HOOle Mixture Guano Uo., Reynolds.

Empire 'tate Guano 0., Americus. Home Mixture Guano Co., Dawson.

Empire State 'helllical Co., Athens. Improved Guano '0., Eastman.

Ezell-GrIffin 0., Eatouton.

Interstate Chemical 'rp., Macon.

Ennis, .J. H., Milledgeville.

1nternational Agricultural Olp.,

Farmer Fert. & Warehou e Co.,

East Point.


Intemational Agl'icultural 'orp.,

Farmers Fert. Works, Milan.


Farmers Fert. 0., Byromville.

International AgricuJtnral 'orp.,

Farmer Fert. & Pho phate Co.,



International ,~grJcultural COIp.,

Farmer Produ to., We t Point.


Farmer' Gnano, Dillard.

Jackson upply Co., Baconton.

Farmers nion Warehou e Co.,

Jelks', W. A. 0., Hawkinsville.

Bowel'S\' ille.

Jewell Fert. Co., Gainesville.


Kelly, J. . . ons, Mitchell.

Pavo Fert. Co., Pam.

Kelly, '1'. '., McDonough.

PeITY, F. A., Sale Uity.

K ystone Guano Uo., 'ylvester.

Pelham Phosphate '0., Pelham.

Lal'ayetle 1"ert. '0., LaFayette.

Piedmont .E'ert. '0., Atlanta.

L'lll len'e"ille P rt. '0., Lawrence- Phosphate Mining Co., avannah.


Pioneer Guano Uo., Albany.

Leard & lassey, lIartwell.

Pittard, J. '1'. & '0., Winterville.

Lowe, '1'. J. Mfg. Uo., Mablcton. Pitts, 1. H. & ons Co., Waverly Hall.

Lumpkin llome Mb.:ture Guano Co., Planters Fert. '0., Flowery Branch.


Planters Fert. Co., Tellllille.

:Hadd n, J. P. & ::;ons, Uoncord.

Plilllters Fert. & Live Stock Co.,

~lad.ison Fert. Co., Maw on.

Buena Vista.

"Iallet & Nut, Jack on.

Planters Warehouse '0., llazelhurst.

.\lande"iIJe Mills, 'arrollton.

PlanterS Wal'ehou e Uo., Reynolds.

Manget Brannon '0., lownan.

Planters "Val'ehou e & Loan Uo.,

!\Jano, Joseph, btockbridge.


Mal' hall, J. D., Uro,ania.

Planters Warehouse Co., McDonough.

"larietta Pert. Uo., Atlanta.

Planters Supply '0., Gongh.

May ville Guano Uo., !\Jaysvill

Plant l' GUltDO Co., Lilly .

.\1 a 'on, W. U., La,onia.

Porter Pelt. Co., Atlanta.

\laxeys .l!'ert. Uo., Maxeys.

Putnam Eert. '0., Eatontou.

~Ieth"in, T. U., Dublin.

Putney ~'ert. '0., Putney.

"letter .Io'ert. '0., ietter.

Ramsey, Boyd & Cowan, .Porterdale.

Middle Georgia Jo'ert. '0., Dublin. Redwine Bros., .FayettedIJe.

\1 idLlleton nion Warehouse Co., Mid- Reeves, '1'. J., Thomaston.


Reed Fert. Works, COI'dele.

,\liller, '1'. '. Co., Lula.

Reliance 1<'ert. Co., Savannah .

. IiUen .l!~ert. Co., Millen.
.Ioato, J. "1., Devereux.

lCichland Home Mixture Uuuno 0., RichlaoLl.

"Iontezuma 10'0 t. Co., Montezuma. R<lme Chemical '0., Rome.

.Morris Fert. Co., Atlanta.

R<lyston Guano & Warehouse '0.,

~Ioultrie Fert & AUg. '0., 110ultrie.


"I utual Fert. '0., a":lIlnah.

Royster Guano '0., olumbns.

~Ic lure'1'aylor Co., Duluth.

Rooney, J. M. V. &


"lcDonald & Wea"er, 'uthbert.

Rowe, W. A. & '0., 'orner.

.\f(Knight, '. '. . Bro., enoia.

avannah Chemical '0., avannah .

.\fcPhanl J. G., Poulan.

avannah uano '0., :aavunnah.

I Iy, R. '. '0., Wayne boro.

ealy & Rambo, Edison.

:\Tei lor Fmit & Lnnd 0., Reynolds. eacoast1' ert. Co., Savannah.

:\Tolth G orgia otton 0., Royston. outhern Fert. & 'hemical (;0., a-

abel', >. &; ons '0., a,-anuah.


Ocmulgce Guano '0., Hawkinsville. ~lol'e, W. A., Baldwin.

Ogoechee Fert. Work, Mayfield.

mith, V. R, Douglasville.

Old Dominion Guano Co., En t Point.. mith Bro. & '0., Bartow.

Orr A. J. WashinO'ton. On, W. . co Co., Athens.

mithsonia .nano 0., mith onia.
cial ircle Fert. 0., Social ir Ie.

Parker, P. N., Gaine \'illc.

cial ir Ie ifg. Co., Social Circle.


'operton Pert. 0., operton.

Virginia-Carolina Chemical '0., 0-

outhel'U States Phosphate & Fert.

cial Uircle.

Co., Augusta.

Virginia-Carolina hemical Co.,

Southern Fert. & Chemical Co.,



\ Idalia Chemical 0., Vidalia.

outhern tates Phosphate & Fert. Warren County Fert. Co., Warrenton.

Co., Savannah.

Watkins, B. F. Co., Jackson.

outh Georgia Fert. Co., McRae. West Point Home Mixture Guano Co.,

landaI'd Fert. 0., Meigs.

West Point.

Stephens-Martin, Carlton.

White Plains Ginning & Fert. '0.,

tilesboro Warehouse 0., tilesboro. White Plain .

tockbridge Fert. Co., Stockbridge. Williford Burn & Rice, Inc., Com-

trickland, A. J. Mfg. Co., Valdosta. merce.

Stl'ickJand, R. P. & Co, Concord. Williams Guano Co., Buford.

tubbs, R. D., Linch burg. 'wainsboro :F ert. 0., Swainsboro.

Woodville Pert. Co., Woodville. Zebulon Ginning & Fert. Co., ~ebu-

wilt Pert. Works, Atlanta.


Swift Fert. Work, Albany. Swift 1"ert. WOI'ks, Savannah.


Tabor, T. O. & ons, Elberton.

Adams, J. B., Lumpkin.

Tennessee bemical Co., Atlanta. Albany liJling Co., Albany.

'fenne see Cbemical Co., Americus. Alston, E. L., Richland.

'fennessee Chemical Co., Albany. Andrew,. F., Boykin.

'fbe Troup Co., LaGrange.

Andrews, H. G., Norwood.

'fboma ville :F ert. 0., 'l'homasville. Atlanta M'illing Co., Atlanta.

'fifton Guano Co., 'fifton.

Babb, Luther, Dalton.

Tiller-Glenn, arlton.

Babcock Grist Mills, Babcock.

'fuscarora Pert. 0., Atlanta.

Barker,. E. Mrs., Lithia prings.

Tyrone Mercantile Ca., Washingtou. Barrett-Denton & Lynn, Dalton.

nadilla fert. Co., Unadilla.

Barrett, Dennis, Dalton.

Union Felt. & Warebou e Co., Mid- Bell, G. M. Milling Co., Jasper.


Bray, '. T., Wrigbtsville.

nion Chemical 0., Union 'ity. BO$twicks Mill, Louisville.

Union on olidate<t Co., Dewery Rose. Brown, M. A., Alpharetta.

uion Fert. 0., Warl'enton.

Brooks, J. A. Milling 0., Iilledge-

Upsbaw Bro., Douglasville.


Virgiuia-Carolina Cll mical '0., Burge Bro., Alpharetta.


Calhoun Water Mill, Calhoun.

VirginiaCarolina bemical 0., AI- :alhoun Roller Mills, Calhoun.


andler 1\1illiug 0., Metter.

V'irgiuia- arolina hemical '0., Carmichael & ons, Cauton.

Amf;ricu .

artersville Milling Co., arter ville.

Virginia-Carolina Chemical 0., Co- Carnes', amuel, G1adesville.


Carne ville Milling Co., Carne ville.

VirginiaCarolina Chemical 0., Rome. hambers Gri t Mill, Chambers.
VirginiaCarolina Chemical 0., 1\Ia- Chappell Grist Mill Dublin.


City Mills Co., olumbus.


Clarke Milling Co., Augusta.

Harris, Dorsey, CommeTc~.

Clarke Milling Co., Mineral Bluff. Harrison, Robert, HazAlhurst.

Clarke Milling Co., Louisville.

Hassler, Sam, Dalton.

lay, H. B., Marietta.

Hawe , J. H., Orange.

Conyers Milling Co., Conyers.

Haygood, Thompson Co., Alpharetta.

Cook, G. W. & Bro., Colquitt.

Henderson & Waldrop, Winston.

Cook, J. S., Monticello.

Herrington, J. L., Hazelhurst.

Cook, J. E., Cochran.

hey, Johnnie, COlquitt.

Crabapple Milling Co., Alpharetta. Jackson Milling Co., Jackson.

Credille, W. T., Ft. Gaines.

Jackson, W. S., Commerce

Cureton, G. W. & ODS, Rising Fawn. Jester, W. R, Jonesboro.

Dames Ferry Milling Co., Dames Jonesboro MJlling Co. Jonf'sboro.


Jones, N. S., Metter.

Dallas Flour Mi.lls', Dallas.

Jones, Z. D., Fort Gaines.

Davis, J. H. & Son, Perry.

Johnson L. W., Graham.

DeBeaugrime, W. W., Warrenton. Juliette Milling Co., Juliette.

DeLoach, O. R, Claxton.

Kavanaugh, R E.M'eal Co., Colum

Dixie Grist Milling Co. LaFayette.


DOWDS, L. D., Wrightsville.

King, O. P., Wrens.

Dyer, M. L., Young Harris.

Killingsworth, H. T., Ft. Gaines.

Eatonton Milling & Grocery Co., LaFayette Roller :MiIls, LaFayette.


Lavonia Milling Co., Lavonia.

Edwards & Bowdon, Griffin.

J.ewis & Lewis, Thomaston.

Ella Dale Est., Dawson.

Lee, W. J., Forest Park.

Elder, S. J., Turin.

Lee & Gordon Mills Co., Chickamauga.

Ellis, T., Griffin.

Live, S. W., Richland.

Empire Mills Co. Columbus.

. Longe & Getz"r, Pendergrast.

Emanuel Farm Co., Blundale.

'Marks, 1. H., 10nticello.

Estes Mfg. Co., Rex.

Martin Bros., Alpbaretta.

Farrar Milling Co., Farrar.

Maynard, R B., Tilton.

Fairmount Milling Co., Fairmolmt. McBride Grain & Feed Co., ewnan.

Fernalers, A. F., Villa Rica.

McCard's Mill, Jackson.

Finch, H. N., Dallas.

McClure, J. N., Duluth.

Flanagan, M. A. Mrs., Jeffers'on. Mc aves Mill, Spread.

.Hint River Milling Co., Bainbridge. McWhorter & Bartlett, McWhorter.

Fortner, Obb, Wrightsville.

Milners' Old Mill, Jonesboro.

... udge, F. E., Colquitt.

Milner, W. S., Eastman.

Garonto, J. W., Wrightsville.

Milledgeville Milling Co., Milledge-

Gainesville Roller Mill , Gainesville.


Georgia Milling Co., Fort Valley. Minge, O. D., Rome.

Gordy, L. M., Thomaston.

Mirns, H. H., Colquitt.

Gregory's Mill, Cisco.

"Moore, W. O. Douglasville.

Griffin Mill & Power Co. Eatonton. Moore & harpe Bros., Waleska.

Gushing & Rickerston, Norwood. Morgan, Dan D., Commerce.

Hamby Milling Co., Clayton.

Morton, M. M., Alpharetta.

Hartwell R{)ller Mill , Hflrt.wcll. Morrow's Mill, Morrow.

Harg1'll\'I', P. L., Eashf':In

Murphy, T. W. & Sons, Talmo.

Harris, J. W., Bluffton,

Murray County Milling Co., Eaton.


leal Mill, Dearing.

nion ity :~1"tIIiug 0., nion ity.

Oconee Biver IlUs, MilIedge,'ilJc. pshaw Bros., Douglasville.

Omaha Mills, Omaha.

Valdo ta Gri t rill, Valdosta.

Oothcaloga fill, Calhoun.

Veach, J. M. Adairsville.

,'erby, H. 0., Bichland.

Walker, W. P., Griffin.

Par on, C. M., Duluth.

Warren, G. W., Louisville.

Peak, J. L., ommerce.

Warrenton filling Co., Warrentou.

Pendergrass J. B., Jefferson.

Watson, J. F., Thomson.

Perkerson, J. D., Austell.

Waynesboro Flour Mills, Waynes

Pel fry, J. H., Chamblee.


Plott, Judge, Young Harris.

Webb, J. J., Alpharetta.

Pool's Mill, Winston.

Weatherby, T. H., Lumpkin.

PI'ater, W. H., Varnell .

Wheeler, D. W., Warrenton.

Pope J. T. Dublin.

White, Bobert, Alpharetta.

Pre 'ley, J. P., Eatonton.

White's Mill, Dublin.

Price, Loyd, Wrightsville.

White, J. W., Bainbridge.

Printup, B., Thomson.

Wilson, Henry, Richland.

Purity Feed Mill, Fort Valley. Wilkie, G. W. Ball Ground.

Rawls Bros., Colquitt.

Wilmot, G. W., Culloden.

Bee e, G. A., Thorn on. .

Winston Mill, Winston.

Bhode, Jno. C., Birmingham.

Worley's Mill, Bamhur t.

Bichardson & ons, J. W., Jefferson. Woodruff, J. W. 'orwood.

Boland, J. H., Wright ville. Boss, Homer, Yatesville.

Woods, Thos. & Co., Hiawassee.

Bo er, Ed., Thomaston. Roswell Flour [ill, Boswell.


Rozier A. B., Cochran.

Arlington Art Glass Co., Atlanta.

'andersville Enterprise Co., an Atlanta Table Co., Atlanta.


Atlanta Furniture Mfg. Co. Atlanta.

Sewell, J. C., 'ewnan.

Atlanta Art Glas Co., Atlanta.

heffield, Geo., Alpharetta.

Atlanta Show Case Co., Atlanta.

imms Grist Jill Pembroke.

Augusta Spring Bed & Mattress

Smith, S. B., Dalton.

Co., Augusta.

te\"ens & Cates, Jonesboro.

Austell Swing & Ladder Co., Austell.

te,-ens, W. W., Mayfield.

Bombayreed Mfg. & Importing Co.,

'tewart, Deal, Woodstock.


umner, W. D., Spann.

Bonner, O. P., Crawfordville.

Thorn on Investment Co., Thomson. Brice, Joseph R., Gainesville.

Thomson Ginning Co. Thomsen. Brumby Chair Co., Marietta.

Thomps'on, J. B., Douglasville.

Brumby Chair Co., filledgeville.

Ti on, J. T. & Sons, Doughl dUe. Burnett & Klapper Furniture o.

Towns ouuty Milling CI)., Hia\\"u .



Capital City Chair Co., Atlanta.

'l'owusend T. C.. Young Ranis.

Carter Furniture 0., rawford.

Towaliga Milling Co., Griffin.

hattahoochee Furniture 0., Flow-

Trammell Rink, Alpharetta.

ery Branch.

Turner, Byrum Jonesboro.

ity abinet Co., Dalla '.

uadilla Milling 0., Unadilla.

Columbus Show ase Co., olumblls.


ooper Lumber o. olumbus.

Griffin Ga , Ice & old Storage o.

Duane Chair 0., Dalton.


Estes Mfg. Co., Rex.

Macon Ga . 0., Macon.

Fairhope Mfg. Co., Thirhope. Garner, . R., Atlanta.

Mutual Light &, Water o. Brun wick.

Gardner, .J. L. . 0., Lo u t ,rO\-e. Rome Municipal Ga Co., R me.

Georgia hair '0., Flowery Branch. Pint ch 'ompressing '0. tlanta.

Georgia FurnitUl'e Co., Toccoa.

a"annah Gas 0., avanllah.

inn Mfg. Co., Carne \-i11e.

'earchlight Gas 0., Atlanta.

Hil' ch & 'pitz Mfg. Co., Atlanta. Val]o ta Ga Co. Valdo tao

Jones, J. J. . Co., Geneva.

\\ aycro Ga Co., Waycro.

Kram Lace Cabinet Co., Douglasville.

Krengel' Mfg. 0., Atlanta. Ledbetter, D. ., Savannah.


Macon abinet Work, Macon.

Aimar, W. W. & 0., Savannah.

Marietta Chair Co., Marietta.

Atlantic Ice & oal orp., Atlanta.

i\leaders & Roger, Atlanta.

Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp., Augusta.

Muller, Geo. W. Bank Fixtures Co., Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp., Dublin.


Atlautic Ice & Coal orp., MAcon.

fuecke c' Sou, Macon.

Atlantic Ice c' Coal Corp., Athcn .

National Show Case Co., Columbus. Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp. Albany.

1 iall Herring & Co., Atlanta.

Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp., Elberton.

Pike Bros. Lumber Co., LaGrange. Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp., Rome.

Rome Flll:niture Mfg. Co., Rome.

tlantic Ice & Coal Corp., Fort

outhem pring Bed Co., Atlanta.


outhem Fl1l'niture Co., Atlanta. Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp., Covington.

outhern fixture & Cabinet Co. At- Atlantic Ice & Coal ('01'1'., ('oillmhu


Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp., onlele.

outhern o\'elty Work, Demorest. Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp. Americu .

"pratt Chair Co., Atlanta.

Athens Ice Co., Athen .

'tandard hool Desk Co., Columbu . Bainbridge Ice Co., Ine. Bainbridge.

immons Furniture Co., Toccoa.

aroilla Ice & Cold torage '0.

Simmons, G. W. <' Sons, Atlanta.


hannen Refrigerator & Butcher

arrollton Ice & Bo tling 0., ar-

upply Co. Atlanta.


'loccoa Furniture 0., Toccoa.

artersville upply Co., Carter ville.

Whittier Mfg. 0., Atlanta.

edartown Ice Co., edartown.

Willingham :i\Ifg. Co., Macon.

'la.."'{ton Ice Co., Claxton.


Consumer Ice Co., Atlanta.

Albany Gas Co., Albany.

uthbert Ice Co., utbbert.

Americu Gas & Electric Light Co., ornelia Ice Factory, Cornelia.


Dalton Ice Co., Dalton.

Atlanta Gas Co., Atlanta.

Dallas Ice & Cold torage Co., Dallas.

thens Gas & Fuel Co., Athons. Darien Mfo-. Co. Darien.

arterS\'ille Gas 0., Carterville. Da\\'son Ice Co., Daw on.

olumbus Gas & Light Co., Columbus. Dougla Ice &, Fuol 0, Doughl.

Dalton Ga Co., Dalton.

:Ea t tlanta Ice Co., Atlanta.

Gas Li ht o. of Augu ta Au <Tusta, Ea tman Ice Co., Eastman.


Elberton lee 0., Elberton.

Southern lee Co., Augusta.

Ellis Coal & lee Co., Augusta.

Southern lee Co., Atlanta.

Enterpri e lee Co., Millen.

Southern lee 0., Columbus.

Fairburn lee & Coal Corp., Fairburn. tocks Coal & lee 0., Atlanta.

Fitzgerald lee Works, Fitzgerald. South Atlantic Packing & Provis-

Fulton lee & Coal Co., Atlanta.

ion Co., Savannah.

Fort Gaines lee Co., Ft. Gaines'. Swainsboro lee Plant, Swainsboro.

Fowler, . P. C., Tallapoo a.

Stillmore lee Plant, tillmore.

Freidman, amuel, Savannah.

Tallapoosa lee & Coal Co., Talla-

Gainsville lee 0., Gainesville.


Glynn lee Co., Brunswick.

Thomas Mfg. Co., Madison.

Green lee Co., State boro.

Thomasville lee Mfg. Co., Thomas-

Griffin Gas, Ice & Cold Storage Co.,



Thomaston Ice 0., Thomaston.

Harlem Ice Plant, Harlem.

Tifton Ice & Power 0., Tifton.

HawkinsvilJe lee & oal Co., Haw- Toe oa lee & oal Co., Toccoa.


Valdosta Lighting Co., Valdo tao

Helena Ice Works, Helna.

Vidalia Ice Factory, Vidalia.

Hygeia lee & Storage Co., Savannah. Villa Rica Ele tric Light & Power

Independent Ice Co., Atlanta.

Co., Villa Rica.

Kinnett lee & Coal Co., Macon. Ware COUllty Light & Power Co.,

Kirkwood I e & Coal Co., Kirkwood. Waycros .

Knickerbocker Ice & Storage Co., Waycross Ice & Cold Storage Co.,


Waycro s.

LaGrange lee & Fuel Co., .LaGrange. Water Ice & Light Dept., Blakely.

Lela Ice Plant, Lela.

West Point Ice Co. West Point.

Lunsford & French, l'tichland.

Williams, J. P. A., Waynesboro.

Marietta lee Co., Marietta.

Myers lee Co., Barnesville.


Milledgeville lee Works, Milledge-


Atlanta lee Cream Co., Atlanta.

Moultrie Ice Co., Moultrie.

Albany Ice ream Co., Alhany.

Municipal Ice Works, Donalsonville. Better lee ream Co., Augusta.

Murphy, F. E. & Co., Jesup.

Benjamin <r.lburn Co., Atlanta.

Muscogee Ice Co., Columbus.

Bowen, W. D., Athens.

N ashville Ice .Mfg. Co., Nashville. Boyce Bros., Columbus.

ewnan Ice & Fuel Co., ewnan. Carlisle & Ward, Griffin.

ew Ice Co., Carrollton.

Clover lee ream Co. Atlanta.

Jorman, . J., St. George.

Hamilton lee Cream Co., Savannah.

Peoples Ice Co., Griffin.

Jesup & Antrim, Atlanta.

Peoples Ice Co., Gaine ville.

Moore, George, Atlanta.

Pope Mfg. Co., Washington.

Odum Ice Cream Co., Macon.

Ponce DeLeon lee Mfg. Co., Atlanta. Muscogee Ice Cream Co., Columbus'.

Quitman Ice - Bottling Co., Quitman. Mossa, E. A., Atlanta.

Rivers, R. O. Ice Co., Atlanta.

Lucile lee Cream Co. Atlanta.

Savannah Ice Co., Savannah.

Pure Food Ice Cream Co., Columbus.

'ander ville Ice Co., Sandersville. Purity Ice Cream Co., Rome.

Southern lee & Coal Co., Macon. Rome lee Cream 0., Rome.


Roundfield, E. C., Angusta.

tarr Laundry, Valdosta.

hurman, L., Atlanta.

toddard Dry Cleaning '0., Atlanta.

outhern Ice Cream Mfg. Co., Con Tallapoosa Laundry '0., 'l'allapoo a.


Thomasville team Laundry, Thom

pillerBeall Co., Atlanta.


Tifton Ice Cream 0., Tifton.

Trio team Laundry, Atlanta.

enos Bros., Valdosta.

Troy Laundry, Macon.

Waycross Ice Creanl Co., Waycross. Troy Steam Laundry, Atlanta.


Troy Laundry, Atlanta. Val]o ta team Laundry, Valdosta.

Acme Steam Lauudry olumbus. Albany Laundry Co., Albany. Bell Laundry Co., Atlanta.

White wan Laundry Co., Macon. White Swan Laundry Co., Fitzgerald. Wilson Steam Laundry, Waycross.

Brunswick Steam Laundry, Bruns

wick. Capital ity Lauudry, Atlanta.


Carter, W. C., Americus.

Allen, Bona, Inc., Buford.

edartown Steam Laundry Cedar Allen Mfg. Co., Lawrenceville.


Atlanta Trunk l!~actory, Atlanta.

arrollton Laundry 0., Carrollton. Augusta Trunk Factory, Augusta.

Cliff Laundry Co., Waycross.

Ayers, S. M. Leather Mfg. 0.,

olumbus team Laundry, Columbus. Carue ville.

'ooley Laundry 0., avannah.

Bailey, Mell, Alpharetta.

re cent Laundry Co., Macon.

Bernd, G., :M:acon.

Dawson Steam Laundry, Dawson. Butler, Harry, Dahlouega.

Douglas Steam Laundry, Douglas. Burpee, T. G. & G. T., Newnan.

Dublin Steam Laundry, Dublin.

Callahan, J. E., Winder.

Eagle Laundry, Atlanta.

rane, E. D. & Co., Atlanta.

E. & W. Laundry Co., avannah.

'ordele ~ather Co., ordele.

Empire Lanndry, Athen .

'ornochan & Co., Rome.

Empire Lanndry Co., Augusta.

Couch Bros. Mfg. Co., East Point.

Excelsior Laundry, Atlanta.

hatham Trunk Factory, Savannah.

Georgia Laundry Co., Atlanta.

Davis, E. E., Franklin.

Griffin team Laundry 0., Griffin. Eady, H. P., Griffin.

Guthman Lanndry, Atlanta.

Foote Trnnk & Bag Factory, Atlanta.

Hulse team Laundry, Augusta. Frank, Leo, Savannah.

Lee' Laundl'y 0., Americus.

Gainesville Harness 0., Gainesville.

McGbee, J. T., Waycross.

Gresham, J. L., Macon.

Model Laundry Co., .Augusta.

Golden's Harnes-s Factory, Atlanta.

M!oultrie team Laundry, Ioultrie. Heaton & Senft Co., Waco.

Myers Steam Laundry, Atlanta.

Holt, W. H., Fayette\7ille.

ewnan Steam Laundry, Tewnan. Hubert, Max, Atben .

Piedmont Laundry Co., Atlanta.

Ingram Harness 0., Valdosta.

Phillips Hand Laundry, Atlanta. Juhan, O. R., Lawrenceville.

Prager Laundry Co., Savannah.

Johnson Ezra Noyelty Co., r ewuan.

Rome team Laundry, Rome.
Savannah, Georgia Laundry 0.,

Logan & Everitt, AClVorth. Manley, L. ., Griffin.


Manley Bros., Cartersville.


Moyers, J. G., wl1Iu6r"ille.

Bo trum Brady [Ig. Co., Atlanta.

;\Ioyl , E., 'avanuah. ?lfoody Bros., Canton.

Bremen Machine Works Bremen.
Briggs Hadware 0., Valdosta.

;\[cC'ul'I'y & Inman, l"airlnl'l1.

Bowie 'to\'e 0., Romc.

filler, Walter, }'ranklin.

Brunswick Copper Works, Bmn wick.

'Kamler, E. T., 'a\annah.

'amp Machine Co., Atlanta.

Red eal hoe '0" Atlanta.

aracicola, Edward & Co., aVilnuah.

Rountree 'frnuk & Bag Fa tory, At- entral of Georgia l'ty. Co. Shop',



Rome llarne s Co., Rome.

Central of Geol'gia Ry. Co. hops,

Rome 'rannery, Rome.


hadburn Bro ., Bnford.

Central of eorgia Hy. Uo. hops,

outhern Oak & Lather 0., Norcross. Atlanta.

Winder Webbing e Harness 0., 'entral of Gcorgia Ry. Co. hop,



Clary Machine Work, Lincolnton.


'om bing ..lachine & Gin 0., H{J sville.
olnmbus Truck & Suppl)' '0., '0-

A. B. , A. Ry. Shops, Fitzgerald.


A. B. & A. Ry. hops, Manchester. olumbmr Ry. o. 'ar Shops, olum-

Allbright Ignition Co., olnmbus.


J\mericu Machine hop, Americu. Cox Foundry & Machine Work

Ameri 'au 'an '0., tlanta.


American Can '0., Sa\'annalJ.

apital Bras \'lorks, Atlanta.

Ander on Bro., tlauta.

edartowll Foundry & Machine o.

Authorne, T. M. Bros., Ft. Valley.


Arlllstrong, R. . & Bro., Atlanta. Athens Founury & Machin~ Co.,

edartown Iron o. Cedartown. ole, R. D. Mfg. 0., Kewnan.


'olumbus Iron Work Co., 'olum-

Atlanta M.fg. & upply Co., Atlanta.


Atlanti' teel Uo., Atlanta.

'ontjnental Gin Co., Atlanta.

Atlanta Wood, Iron & NO\'elty 0., rescent ity Blow Pipe Work, a-



Atlanta ;\letal Bell 0" Atlanta.

Davis Foundry & Machine Work,

Atlanta 'to\'e Works, Atlanta.


Atlanta Plow and Vehichl 0., At- Decatur Car '\Theel '0., of G orgia,



Atlanta Car Wheel Co., Atlanta.

Demorest Foundry & Machine Co.,

Atlanta AgI'icultural Works, Atlanta.

Demore t.

Atlanta tility Works, Ea t Point. DeLoach Mfg. Co., Atlanta.

Atlantic 'oast Line hops, Waycross. Dixie Cuhert & Metal Co., East

Atlantic 'oru t Line hop, avan-


Augusta Machine 0., Augu tao

Dixie Pattern & Mfg. Co., Atlanta. Douglas Foundry & Machine 'hop.,

Autogenou 'Vehling 0., Atlanta. Bailey, J. S., Vvaycro .

Douglas. Dublin [achine Shop, Dublin.

Beutou lfg. 0., Monticello.

Eberhart Machine Works, Ft. Va.lIey.


Elberton Machine Shops, Elberton. Lummns otton Gin Co., Columbu .

Fairbanks & Co., Rome.

Lynch, E. J. & Co., Atlanta.

Fitzgerald Jr II Work, J)'itzgeralu. i\[allary & Taylor Machine Works,

Finley . on, D-alton.


}'ield Bros. Mfg. Co., Dalton.

~Ia sey Gin & ,Machine Works, ~lacon.

Finnegan, J. J. & Co., Atlanta.

Manley Jail WOl'ks', Dalton.

forest ity Machine Co., Savannab. Meny Steel 'l'ruck Uo., 'olumbns.

Gainesville Iron Works, Gaine ville. Milner Bros., Bowel' viii .

Gantt Mfg. Co., Macon.

Metal Glazing Strip Co., Pelham.

General Pipe Foundry & Co., At- ;\lingledorff & Co., aYannah.


Mingledorff, W. L. & Son, Savannah.

Georgia Car & Locomotive '0., Moncrief Furnace '0., Atlanta.


Moultrie Machine & Iron Works,

Ueorgia hon Works, Augusta.


Georgia Car . Locomotive Work , Moncrief, R. L., Griffin.


Mobley, G. W. :Machine Co., Wayne3-

Georgia Agricultural Works, Fort



Murray Gin Co., Atlanta.

Gillon Machine '0., Waycross.

Murphy & Goodyear, i\La on.

Gibbs Bros., Commerce.

MIc 'allister, I. L., ],'t. Gain .

Glover Machine Works, Marietta.

Ie odie, U. D., avannuh.

GoldenS' Foundry & lachine '0., McDonough, J. J., avannah.


I cal, Jones, Rome.

oodyear Long Machinery Uo., Ma Ocilla Foundry & Machine Uo.,



Gresham Machine Pillmbing '0., Pmtt Engineering & Machine Co.,



Green, J. ., Griffin.

Parker Hensell Engineel'ing 0.,

riffin Machine & Supply Co., Grif-



Pre ley, W. H., Valdosta.

Griffin Foundry & Machine Co" Rome. P kor Iron WOl'ks, Columbus.

;I'een, M. A., Tallapoo a.

Pelham Machine Works, Pelham.

Gullett Gil} '0., Atlanta.

Quitman Foundry & Machine Co.,


}'. Ry. hops, Douglas.


G. .1<'. A. Ry. ~}OpS, Bainbridge. R ds 1\lachille hop, 'hatsworth.

G. . W. & '. R. R. 'hops, Albany. R.iddell Bro ., Atlanta.

liank tove Foundry, Rome.

Rick, L. C., Macon.

Haire & Uro ker, Bainbridge.

Rome .Machinery Co., Rome.

Hernuon R{)lIer Co\'er Uo., LaGrange. Rome ales Mfg. '0., Rome.

liowell Bros., 'IVasbington.

Rouke's Iron Work, avannah.

.International Mfg. 0., Union ity. andel'S & Hembree Atlanta.

Kehoe Iron 'Works, avannah.

Saw)'er, W. H. Sons, Americu

King, T. G. 0., Union City.

SavaDllah tron Works, Savannah.

LaGrange Fonndry & Machine Co., avannah Wire & Tron Works, Sa



Lombard Iron Works & upply 0., avannah Blow Pipe & Exhaust 0.,




ea Island <...otton Gin Co., Vidalia. Valtlosta Gin R.oller 0., Valdo tao

Seaboard Air Line Ry. hops, Sa- Van Winkle Motor Truck 0., At-



aboard Air Line Ry. hops, At Van Winkle Gin Co., Atlanta.


Warlick Sheet Metal Co., Atlanta.

eaboard Air Line Ry. Shops, Amer- West Point Iron Works, West Point.


West Point Roller Cover Co.,

Schneck Bros., Atlanta.

West Point.

cott Machinery Co., Atlanta.

Withers Foundry Co., Atlanta.

'chroter Bros., Atlanta.

Wood, A. A. & on, Atlanta.

Schofield, J. S. & on, Macon.

Woodrnff Machine 0., Winder.

hearer Machine Co., Atlanta.

Wrinkle-~Uller Foundry & Ma-

ikes Mfg. Co., Ocilla.

chine Co., Dalton.

mith, J. R., McDonough.

mith, H. W., ;lvannah.


Southern Ry. Car hop, Atlanta.

outh m Ry. Car ShopS', Columbus. Albany Marble 'Works, Albany.

Southern Machinery Co., Alhany. Al obrook, G. ., Blue Ridge.

Southern aw & Machine Works, A micolola Marble Co., Ball GJollDd.

East Point.

Ander on, C. H., Macon.

outhern Wire & Iron Works, At- Art ,Mlarble '0., White tone.


Arabic Mountain Granite 0., Li-

outhem Fitting Iron Works, Savannab.
'outhem o-Operative Foundry 0., Rome.

thonia. Athens Marble & Granite Co., Athens. Ball Ground ~:[arble Uo., Ball Ground. Bennett [arble o. Canton.

outhern Welding Co., Augusta.

Bell Btos. Marble Co., Athens.

outh Atlantic Blow Pipe & heet Bls on & 'ons, Athens.

,Metal Co., avannah.

Blue Ridge Marble Co., :relson.

Southern Cal' Wheel Co., Savannah. Brantley MaI'ble & Gmnite Co.,

palding Found)'y Co., Atlanta. Stafford, I. S., Canton.

Lithouia. Brand & eWllIeyer Gmnite 0.,

tory, 1. B., Atlanta.


utherland Foundry & Machine 0., Brantley & Doby, Lithonia.


Bri coc Marble & Grallite Co., 01'-

Tallapoosa Foundry & lachine ,0.,



Broa~ River Granite Co. Elberton.

Thompson Boiler Works, Bainbridge. BTUn wick Marble . Granite 0.,

Thomasville Iron Works, Thoma



Bryan & Co., Sparta.

Tifton Foundry & Machine Co., Til Calhoun Marble Works, alhoun.


Carrollton Marble WOl'ks, Carrollton.

Tomlin Harris Machine Co., Cordele. Cedartown Marble & Tran fer 0.,

Towers Sullivan Mfg. Co., Rome.


Trogdon Foundry & Machine Co., ity Marble Co., Moultrie.


las ic ity Granite Co., Athens.

Valdosta Iron Works, Valdosta.

larke Monumental Works, Americus.

Val do ta Machinery Co., Valdosta. oggin Marble 0., Canton.


Combs Granite Co., Lithonia.

Macken, W. T. Granite Works, parta.

onsumers Monument 0., Ball McGahee, J. W., Lithonia.


McGahee, A. J., Lithonia.

Con olidated Marble & Milling Co., Mc'eel .Marble 0., Marietta.


ewnan Marble & Granite Co., 'ew,

on olidated :rarble & Granite Co.,



Nichols, A. H. & Bro., Augusta.

ordele Granite & ll:rarble Co., Cor orth Georgia Marble Co., Wood



reole .Marble Co., Canton.

Oglethorpe Marble & Granite Co.,

ros ley, J. W. & Co., Lithonia.


Davids'on Granite Co. Lithonia.

Page Marble Co., Canton.

Detroit Marble Co., Whitestone. Patterson & William, Lithonia.

Dublin Marble Works, Dublin.

Pine Mountain Granite Co., Lithonia.

Ea t & West Marble 0., Fairburn. Powell & Wright, Lithonia.

Eaton & offey Marble Co., Dalton. Quitman Marble Works', Quitman.

Elledge & orman Columbus.

Reagan & Medlock, Lithonia.

Elberton Granite Work, Elberton. Richard on Marble Co., Marietta.

Empire Marble Co., Canton.

Roberts :rarble Co. Ball Ground.

Etowah Marble Co., Ball Ground. Rochc Stone Works, Savannah.

Evans, W. P. & 0., Lithonia.

Rusk W. H., Decatur.

Fontana, A., Augusta.

chnider Monumental Works, Amer

Gaines Marble Works, Carlers,'ille.


Gennett, T: A. & Co. Barnesrule. ickles, Geo. B., Marble Co., Tate.

Georgia Granite & Marble Work, Southern Marble Co., :rarble Hill.


tanley . rarble Co., Acworth.

Georgia Marble Finishing Works, Stone Mountain Granite Co., Stone



Georgia Quincy Granite Co. Sparta. Superior Monument Co., Ball Ground.

Georgia Marble Co., Tate.

Talking Rock Mfg. 0., Talking Rock.

Georgia Quincy Granite 0., Macon. Tifton Marble Works, Tifton.

Haygood . huff, LithoIiia.

Turnip eed, W. H., Jonesboro.

HIll Bros. Marble Co., Dalton.

nion ity '[arble & GranHe Co.,

Independent Marble Co., Ball Ground. Union City.

Jack on Marble Co., Jackson. Jone Marble Works, Rome.

Valdosta lIfarble Work, Valdosta.
Veal & 0., Stone Mountain.

Jones Marble & Granite Co., Gaines Venable Brothers, tone fountain.


Vidalia Marble Work, Vidalia.

Jones Marble Co., Griffin.

Walz, John, Savannah.

Johuson Granite Co., Lithonia.

Waycro Marble Co., Waycro s.

Kholruss & Co., Augusta.

Watson, W. R., Lithonia.

Kenne aw Marble Co., Marietta. Well Granite Co., Redan.

Kinney Granite Co., Lithonia.

Whitestone Marble Co., Whitestone.

Kelly, . R. & Co., Augusta.

Williams & Hester M.arble 0.,

Laurens Marble Works, Dublin.

Ball Ground.

Lithonia Marble & Granite Quar Wilson & Chapman Granite Co.,

rie , Lithonia.




Bryson Cotton Oil Co., Harlem.

Atlanta Mattre Co. Atlanta.

Calhoun Oil & Fert. Co. CalholID.

Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co., Camilla Cotton Oil Co., Camilla.


Canon Oil & Fert. Co. Canon.

Augu ta Bedding Co., Augu tao ooper Mattress Co., olmnbus.
Dooner, J. R. avannah.

Cochran Oil Co., ochran. omer Oil Mills, Comer.
Comer E. T. & Co., Millbaven.

Dublin Mattress Work " Dublin.

Cornella Cotton Oil Co., Cornelia.

Douglas Mattres Co. Douglas. Georgia Mattres Co., Athens.

otton States Feed & Fert. Co., Macon.

Georgia Mattre s Fa tory, Albany. Cotton Seed Oil Co. Augusta. Gholstin Cunningham Mattress & Coweta Cotton Oil 0., Newnan.

Spring Bed Co., Atlanta.

Cumming Oil Co., umming.

IIutchens lfattre .Mfg. 0., Augus- Cuthbert Oil Co., Cuthbert.


Dallas Oil & Fert. Co., Dallas.

Jackson-Orr Co., Atlanta.

Daws'on Oil Mill Co., Daw on.

Macon Mattress Co., Macon.

Donalsonville Oil Mill, Donalson\"ille.

Meaclers & Rogers, Atlanta.

Doerun Oil Mill Co., Doerun.

fetzger Co., Atlanta.

Douglas Oil & Fert. Co. Dougla.

Pine Grove Mattress Co. Pine Ea tman Oil Mills, Eastman.


Eatonton Oil & Fert. Co. Eatonton.

River ide ,Mattre s Co., ?10ultrie. Elberton Oil Mills, Elberton.

Rome Mattress Works Rome.

Empire Cotton Oil Co., Atlanta.

avannah Mattress Co. Savannah. Empire Cotton Oil Co., Blakely.

Star Bed Pillow Co. Gainesville.

Empire Cotton Oil Co., Cordele.

Trouton !\fattress Co., Atlanta.

Empire Cotton Oil Co. Dublin.

Valdo ta Mattress 0., Valdosta. Empire Cotton Oil Co., Vienna.

Empire Cotton Oil Co., radison.


Empire Cotton Oil Co. M'Onticello.

Abbott Mfg. Co., Louis\"ille. Acworth Mfg. o. Acworth.

Empire Cotton Oil Co., fcRa. Empire Cotton Oil Co., Quitman.

Americus Cotton Oil fill Americus. Empire Cotton Oil Co., Rome.
Arlington otton Oil Co.,' Arlington. Emp~re Cotton Oi! Co., Val?Ol t~.

Ashburn Oil Mills, Ashburn.

Empue Cotton 011 Co., BambrJdge.

Atlanta Refining & Mfg. Co., Atlanta.

E\"ans County Oil Mill & Giu Co., Hagan.

Ball Ground Oil & Fert. Co., Ball Farmers Oil Mill, Commerce.


Farmers Oil Mill, Royston.

Blackshear Mfg. 0., Blackshear. Boston Oil & Guano Co. Bo ton. Bowdon Oil Mill , Bowdon.

Farmers Cotton Oil Co., Americus. Farmers Cotton Oil Co., LaGrange. Farmers Cotton Seed Oil Mill, Martin.

Buford Oil fills, Buford.

Farmer Cotton Oil & Fert Co.,

Buckeye Cotton Oil 0., Atlanta. Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., Macon.

Toccoa. Farmers' Oil & Fert. Co., Lavonia.

Buckeye Cotton Oil Co., Augusta. Farmers Oil & Fert. Co., ylvania.

Burke ounty Oil & Fert. Co.,

Farmington Oil Mills, Farmington.


Fairburn Oil & Fert. 0., Fairburn.


Fayetteville Oil Co., Fayetteville. Monroe Oil & Fert. '0., Monroe.

Eitzgerald Ginning 0., Fitzgerald. ~Iorton Oil Mill, Millen .

.E itzgerald otton Oil '0., Fitzgerald.Monroe Oil & Fert. '0., 'ampton.

.b'lowery Branch Gin & Oil Co., Moultrie il & .Ji ert. Co., Moultrie.

1'1011' ry Branch.

Montezuma Mfg. Co., Montezuma.

Port Valley Oil Mills, Fort Valley. Mutual Cotton Oil Co., Hogansville.

Garfield Oil Mill, Garfield.

M'llilcogee Oil Co., 'olumbus.

Georgia Cotton Oil '0., Albany.

ew Lacy Cotton Oil Co., New Lacy.

Georgia 'otton Oil Co., Augusta.

Newton County Oil Mills, Coviugton.

Georgia 'otton Oil Co., Macon.

Oglethorpe Oil & Fert. Co., 'rawford.

Georgia 'otton Oil Co., Atlanta. Ocilla Oil & Fert. Co., Ocilla.

Georgia Cotton Oil Co., Columbus. Patrick Cotton Oil Co., Gonyer.

Georgia Cotton Oil Co., Rome.

Pelham Oil & Fert. Go., Pelham.

Georgia Fert. & Oil Mill, Valdosta. Pitts Oil & Fert. Co., Pitts.

Georgia Refining Co., Atlanta.

Planters Cotton Oil Co., Tifton.

Gough Oil & Pert. Co., Gough.

Planters Oil Go., Albany.

Grantville Oil Mill, Grantville.

Planters Gin & Mill Co., Albany.

Grovania Gotton Oil Co., Grovania. Planters Cotton Oil Co., Augusta.

Greenville Cotton Oil Mfg. Co., Planters Oil & Fert. 0., Davisboro.


Planters Oil Mill, Gaiuesville.

Griffin Oil Co., Griffin.

Pope Mfg. Co., Washington.

Harper, Marion Cotton Oil Mill, Proctor Gamble 0., Macon.

East Point.

Raymond Oil Millo., Raymond.

Harlem Oil & Fert. Co., Harlem. mchJand Cotton Oil Co., Richland.

Hartwell Oil Mills, Hartwell.

Rogers, J. H., Manassas.

Hazelhul'st Cotton Oil Co., Hazelhurst. R{)me Oil Fert. Co., Rome.

lieard County Oil & Fert. Co.,

Rutledge Oil Co., Rutledge.


Sandersville Oil Mill, Sandersville.

llome Mixture Guano Co., Col unIbus. hellman Oil Mill Co., Shellman.

Home 'otton Oil Co., Lawrenceville. odal Circle Oil Co., Social Gil'cle.

Hodg on Oil Refiniug Co., Athens. outhern Cotton Oil Co., Atlanta.

flo chton Cotton Oil 0., Hoschton. 'outhern Gotton Oil Co., Athens.

Hoskins Cotton Oil Co., Eatonton. Southern Cotton Oil Co., Augusta.

Interstate Cotton Oil Co., Augusta. Southern Cotton Oil Co., Carters-

Jersey Oil Mill, J el'sey.


Kiug LWllber & Oil Co., Unadilla. 'outhern Cotton Oil Co., Cedartown.

Kelley Cotton Oil Co., Byromville. Southern Cotton Oil Co., Columbus.

Lee, J. M. Est., Alma.

Sonthem Cotton Oil Co., Commerce.

Lilly Oil ,M'ill Co., Lilly.

outhern Cotton Oil 0., ordele.

Locust Grove Oil i\lill, Locust Grove. Southern otton Oil Co., Dublin.

Mandeville Mills, Bremen. Mandeville Mills, Carrollton.

outhern otton Oil Co., Ft. Gaine .
Southern Cotton Oil 0., Daw on.

Maysville Oil Mill, l\Iaysville.

'outhem Cotton Oil '0., For yth.

~rcDuffie Oil & Fert. Co., Thom on. outhern Cotton Oil 0., Greensbol'o.

;\Ic air-YI()Ung Co., Wren.

Southern otton Oil 0., Jackson.

Milledgeville Oil Mill, Milledg ,il1e. Southel'll otton Oil Co., Lavonia.

:\Iolll'oe Oil & Fert. Co., Bo twick. Southern Cotton Oil Co., Macon.


outhern tton Oil 0., Newnan. Nunnally & Mc rea, Atlanta.

Southel'n otton Oil Co., Fairburn. Oxbow Falls M'fg. Co., Roswell.

Southern Cotton Oil '0., Savaunah. Peacock, J. G. Clothing Co., olum-

outhern otton Oil 0., 'falbotton.


'outhern 'otton Oil '0., Warrenton. Rome Mfg. 0., Rome.

outhern otton Oil Co., Washing- outhern O"eralJ Co., Columbus.


nion Mfg. Co., Rome.

uthern Cotton Oil '0., Waynes-



Staple Cotton Oil Co., Sparta.


Statesboro Cotton Oil Co., tatesboro.

ummerville otton Oil Co., urn- Athens Oxygenerator Co., Athens.


Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta.

wainsboro Oil Mills, Swainsboro. Brown Chemical Co., Atlanta.

Swift & 0., East Point.

herokee Medicine Co., Atlanta.

Sylve tel' Oil & Fert. Co., Sylvester. Daniels, John B., Inc., Atlanta.

Temple Cotton Oil Co., Temple.

Exelento Medicine Co., Atlanta.

Thomson Oil Mills Co., 'l'homson. Hitchcock Medicine Co., Atlanta.

'fhompson Oil Mill Co., Hawkinsville. Human Ease Medicine Co., Atlauta.

Toccoa Oil & Fert. Co., Toccoa.

La."adura Chemical 0., . vannah.

Troup ounty Mfg. Co., We t Point. Lewis .Mfg. Co., Moultrie.

Union Cotton Oil Co., Fitzgemld. Mozley Lemon Elixir Co., Atlanta.

Up 'on County Oil Mills, 'fhomast.on. Pratt, . K. Laboratory, Atlanta.

Valdosta Oil '0., Valdosta.

hufford Medicine Co., Atlanta.

Vidalia 'otton Oil Co., Vidalia.

The Walker 0., Atlanta.

Villa Rica Cotton Oil Co., Villa Rica.

Walcott Remedy Co., Atlanta. Williams, G. B. 0., Qnitman.

Walker Bros., o. 1, Griffin.

American ales Co., Rome.

Walker Bros., .r o. 2, Griffin.

The Blosser Co., Atlanta.

Wade, J. '1'., Hersham.

Rainey Medicine Co., Atlanta.

Washington ounty Oil Co., Tennille. Canthol Co., Savannah.

West Point Oil Mills, West Point. Cotton Belt Drug Co., Quitman.

Winder Oil Mills, Winder.

Georgia Medicine Co., Wrightsville.

WoodvilJe Oil Mill, Woodville.

Lipman, F. V. & Co., avannab.

Woodbury Oil ,Mills, Woodbury.

Owl Drug 0., Albany.

Woodstock Oil & Fert. Co., Wood tock. laton Medicine Co., Jackson. R. & K. peciaJty 0., Atlanta.


Swift Specific Co., AtlaJlta. outhern hemical Product Co.,

Abelson, ., Atlanta.
American Mfg. 0., Savannah.

Thornton, H. E., Hartwell. Atlanta.

Armuchie Mfg. Co., Rome.

Bell Overall Co., Winder. arhart, Hamilton, Atlanta.
Happ Bros., Macon. Head & McHan, Athens. Loeb, l\Iarcus & Co., Atlanta. Meade Mfg. Co., Waycro .



Acme Lumber 0., Rome.
Albany Sash, Door & Lumber Co., Albany.
Alma .r ovelty Works, Alma.


Altamaha Wood Working Co.,

Jordan Mfg. Co., fonticello.


Juniper Cas-ket Co., Juniper.

Atlanta Casket Co., Atlanta.

Kaylor & Moon, Carrollton.

Atlanta Wood & Iron ovelty Works, Langs Variety Works, Sander ville.


McCalllster Mfg. Co., Colnmbus.

Americu onstruction Co. Americus. Maxeys Variety Works, Maxey.

Askew, W. S. Newnan.

:Meigs Variety Works, Meigs.

Augusta Lumber Co., Augu tao

futual Coffin Mfg. Co., LaGrnnge.

Atlanta Hardwood Co., Atlanta.

Murray, W. H., Hawkinsvj))e.

Bowman, W. W. Folkston.

foultrie Excelsior Factory, Monltr;e.

Buchanan upply Co. Buchanan.

ew, D. F., Carrollton.

Butts Lumber Co. Columbus.

0 'Neil1>ffg. Co., Rome.

Cadwell Lumber Co., Columbus.

Outler, J. D. & Son. Wrightsville.

Camp E. r. & Son, Moreland.

Orr, J. T., Toomsboro.

airo Variety Works Cairo.

Patent Door & Blind Co.. Rome.

Carmichael H. B., McDonough.

Perkins Sash & Door Co., Augusta.

hapman, James, Garfield.

Reynold Lumber & Variety Work

. hickamauga Excelsior Works, Chick-

Co., Reynolds.


Rhyne Bros. Lumber Co., Carter -

Clarke, Walter L. Varnish Works



Savannah Excelsior & Planing fill,

Cordele Sash, Door & Lumber Co.,



Shields Geise Lumber Co., Dawson.

Columbu Casket Co., Columbu .

Shiver, John W., Americu .

risp County Lumber Co. Cordele. Smith, G. P., Brunswick.

rockett & Carter, Atlanta.

Talking Rock Hg. Co., Talking

Dalton Excelsior Works, Dalton.


Darien Handle Co., Darien.

'Pyler Mfl!. Co., Lincolnton.

Daw on Variety Work Dawson. Valdo ta Variety Works. Valdosta.

DudJey Sash, Door & Lumber O. Wllshin!!ton Hg. Co.. Washington.


Willinl!ham Mfg. Co., lacon.

Dupree ffg. Co., Atlanta.

Winder Lumber Co., Wind r.

Empire rovelty Works, Douglas.

Wil on. C. T. & Sons, Angusta.

Fender Lumber Co. Valdosta.

Woodland Excelsior Works, Wood-

Flowery Branch Handle Co., Flowery



Woodward Lumber Co., Augusta.

Fort Hill Lumber Co., Milledgeville. Yellow Pine Variety Works Co.,

Georgia Veneer & LUI1!ber Co. Dublin. Valdosta.

Geneva Casket Co. Geneva.

Gilmore A. F., Jackson.


Han'ey, W. T. & Sons Co., Columbus.

Hunt, J. H. Gainesville.

Acme Specialty Co., Atlanta.

Huber Lumber Co., Moultrie.

Adams, J. F., Savannah.

Jun tion Ci y Ug. Co., Junction 11 Star Mfg. Co., Atlanta.


merican Box Files fig. Co., At

Jenkins Lumber Co., Vidalia.


.Ie ter, T. W., Bainbridge.

American Hat Mfg. 0., Atlanta.


Atlanta Auto Top & Trimming Co., Goodrich Mfg. & Operating Co.,



Atlanta Box Factory, Atlallta.

Hamilton Burial Vault Co., Ross'-

Atlanta Paper Co., Atlanta.


Atlanta Envelope Co., Atlanta.

Hardawa.y-Cargill Co., Columbus.

Atlanta Rubber Stamp & Stencil Harwell Rubber Stamp Co., Atlulltn.

Works, Atlanta.

Hanger, J. E., Atlanta.

Augusta Cream Sizing Co., Augusta. Hammock, H. H. & Co. Sylvester.

Agricultural Lime Co., Brunswick. Hutcheson C. H., Jonesboro.

Berry, O. r ., Savannah.

Johnson Packing Co. Griffin.

Bennett Rnbber Stamp & Seal Co., Kennesaw Paper Work Marietta.


Kildust Co., Rome.

Bingham amuel & Son, Atlanta. Knight, J. T. & Sons, Columbus.

Bivi L. L., Franklin.

Kuster Mfg. Co., Cedartown.

Burdett Lommis Corp., St. Mary's. Lee, Wm. A., Augusta.

Bruuswick Creosoting Plant, Bruns Mal'shall, P. T., Atlanta.


McElroy, W. A. & Co., Atlanta.

Cannon Screen Co., Americus'.

l\1onarcli Mfg. o. Atlanta.

Claxtou Ice Cream Cone Co., Claxton. Mos Mfg. Co., Athens.

olumbus Bagging- & Tire Uo., Co- Montag Bro ., Atlanta.


'foooy, B. S., States'boro.

olumbus offee Co., Columbus.

Moorehouse Mfg. Co. avannah.

otton tates Fruit & Product 0., Miller Mfg. Co., Bainbridge.


rational Drinking up Co. Atlanta.

Dixie tamp Works, Atlanta.

rational :traw Hat Co., Atlanta.

Dodge, E. W., Savannah.

rational Paper Co. Atlanta.

Eagle Stamp Works, Atlanta.

rational Pencil Co. Atlanta.

Eatonton 'o-Operative rea-mery, ovelty Hat Mfg. Co., Atlanta.


roble Mfg. Co. Cedartown.

Empire Printing & Box 0., Atlanta. 0 Connor Scheer Paint Co., ugusta.

Elmgrem B. F., avannah.

Paragon Box ('I), Atlnnta.

Empire Sausage Co., Atlanta.

Paper Product Co., Atlanta.

Enterpri e 'au age Factory Atlanta. Perfection anopy 0., Atlanta.

Fickett Mfg. Co., Atlanta.

Piedmont Graphite Co., Atlanta.

FloI', Edward, Demore t.

Rinker Dease Mfg. Co., Augu tao

Frederick Di infeetant Co., At- 'al fountain Asbestos Co., Gaines-



Frienauder, Julius & Sons, Columbu auder Mfg. Co., Rome.

Fuller, George, rewnan.

hields Coffee Co., Columbus.

Garner Blakely Co. Atlanta.

outhern Belting Co., ColumhuA.

Georgia Mfg. Co., Rome.

Southern Oil & Ink Co., &'l.vallnah.

Georgia Cane Product 0., Colutl1- Southern States Screen & abinet


Co., ollege Park.

Georgia Cement & Burial Vault Co. Southern. :toke Yoke Co., Dallas.


. outhern tock FooCl Co., Atlanta.

Gibson Printing Co. Albany.

South Georgia Syrup Co., Cairo.


outbern Tire & Rubber 0., ,\ugu tao Tifton l!~arm & Tool 0., Tifton.

pirclla or et Co., Atlanta.

Tidwell, Geo. W. Jr. Augusta.

outhcrn Printers RoUer Co., At-
tautlJaanrtda.'l'ag 0., Augu tao wift c' Co.' oap Works, Atlanta.

Toole, W. B., Augusta.
Wi.lder, D. K ~lfg. Co., Cairo.
Wilder, D. R. Mfg. 0., Atlanta .

. a\1lunah fila 'aroni Work, ",a\-aunah."\ alker talk Cutter 0., Lumber

Tailor Made Corset Co., Atlanta.


'raj'lor mbreUa Mfg. Co., Atlanta. World Mfg. Co., Atlanta.


