Information on "Who is a qualifying officer?" : and how to report in the QOERS

Are you a Qualifying Officer?
O.C.G.A. 21-5-3 (23) "Qualifying officer" means a person who qualifies a candidate for an election.
Did you file a PIN Application?
The first step to filing information in the QOERS is to obtain a Personal Identification Number (PIN) and Password. You can do this by submitting a Qualifying Officer Electronic Filing Access Code Application. Commission/2011Forms/22/FOPIN2011.pdf
Once you obtain a PIN/Password, you use that same information from year to year.
What are the duties of a Qualifying Officer?
O.C.G.A. 21-5-36 (2) A Qualifying Officer shall notify the Commission of the names and addresses of all candidates and offices sought in any election within ten days of the close of the qualification period.
How do I perform my duties?
By using the Qualifying Officer Electronic Reporting System (QOERS).

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And How To Report In The QOERS
This brochure is intended only as a summary to aid in understanding of the Act. For the law's complete requirements, consult the Act itself, codified at Title 21 Chapter 5 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated.

What is Q.O.E.R.S.?
The Qualifying Officer Electronic Reporting System (QOERS) was created by the Commission to conform to the requirements of the ACT as it applies to a Qualifying Officer.
The first step to accessing the system is applying for and receiving a pin/password. The log in information you may have received as a filing officer for your location is not the same as what you need as the Qualifying Officer. You must submit a new application to receive the necessary pin/ password to access the QOERS.
You will access your account and select the option to "Add Qualification Activity".
This will display a screen in which you enter the Election Year, Election Type, and Election Date. Click "Submit" to display the next screen in which you add information on the candidates who qualified.
This will display the screen for you to add information on the candidates who qualified. Enter one candidate's information at a time until you have entered all the candidates who have qualified for the election. Click "Submit".
Remember: No government resources can be used in the candidate information (i.e. phone number, address, email, etc.) O.C.G.A. 21-5-30.2 (b)

You will access your account and select the option to "Edit Qualification Activity".
This will display the screen for "Recent Qualification Activity". Select the "Election Period" you want to add the results of the election to.
This will display the screen for "Election Qualification Periods". Click-on the appropriate "Edit Qualifications" tab.
This will display the screen for "Edit Qualification Period". Confirm the information on the screen is accurate then click on the "Submit" tab or the "Cancel" tab, whichever is appropriate.
If you clicked on the "Submit" tab then the screen will provide you with an opportunity to click on "Edit Candidates".
This will display "Candidate Qualification" information (each candidate's name/office/date submitted) the View Outcome link will be visible. Click on the "View Outcome" link. Contact if the "View Outcome" link is not displayed.
When you arrive at the "Qualification Outcome" screen you will "Modify" the data by indicating "Won" or "Lost".
When you have completed the data entry you will click on "Done Adding/Editing Candidates" and the application will return you to the Qualifying Officer Main Menu screen. You may now log off.

A Qualifying Officer has different filing responsibilities than the Local Filing Entity.
A County Election Superintendent may be the Qualifying Officer for all the cities within that county. The Election Superintendent must submit a separate PIN application for each city location in addition to the county.
If a political party holds qualifying for a location it is the responsibility of the Election Superintendent to comply with the requirements of the Campaign Finance Act as it applies to a Qualifying Officer.
Under O.C.G.A. 21-5-30.2(b), it is prohibited for a government employee to assist in a candidate's campaign. However, a Qualifying Officer can provide educational information to their candidates.
If a candidate is disqualified or withdraws from an election, it is the responsibility of the Qualifying Officer to report this information in the QOERS under the "Election Outcome" section.
The log in information obtained as Filing Officer prior to 2011 cannot be used to access the QOERS.
The requirements of the Secretary of State Elections Division are separate from the requirements of the Campaign Finance Act.
