Aquatic nuisance species : what are they and how can we prevent them?

Aquatic Nuisance Species:
What are They and
How Can We Prevent Them?

Chris Lukhaup


Florida FWCC

Northern Snakehead

Red Swamp Crayfish

Zebra Mussels

Flathead Catfish

Mystery Snail

Giant Salvinia Alabama/Spotted Bass


Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) are non-native or invasive organisms that have been introduced into a new area. They often threaten the diversity and abundance of native species and can threaten human health. ANS can have severe negative ecological and economic impacts to the ecosystems they invade. They may be introduced into an area by natural events like hurricanes or by human actions like aquarium releases or hitching a ride on boat trailers. Because they often spread rapidly in new locations, they can be very difficult to control or eradicate once established.

How Can I Help Prevent ANS?
NEVER release aquarium species (fish or plants) into Georgia waters. Instead, contact the pet store you purchased them from and ask about returning the animal, or contact your local DNR office for disposal help.
After fishing, ALWAYS properly dispose of bait and DON'T release live bait back into waters from which it did not come. NEVER MOVE FISH/PLANTS OUTSIDE THEIR NATIVE RANGE
Prior to launching your boat, check key points above and make sure it is clean and free of mud, plants, mussels, or other animals. CLEAN all watercraft, trailer, motor, and gear thoroughly; DRAIN water from gear, boat, bilge, motor and livewell by removing the drain plug and opening all water draining devices away from the boat ramp; DRY everything thoroughly with a towel before going to other waters and landings.
By taking these simple actions, you can help protect our aquatic resources for future generations!
