Loving, caring, and sharing

<olH K Soo.PS

Wanting the best for your children is not enough
Love means caring enough to act in their best interest
T 118 Office of Infant and CI,i1d Health Services focuses on pl'Ollloling quality Ileallh care and IlealU1Y lifestyles fol' cllildr'en f!'Olll bil'lh to age 21.
Addr'essing a wide range of infant
and Cllild heallh issues, OUl' compl'ellensive J)l'ogl'arns amI
services prevent. detect, diagnose,
t!'eat. educate, collabOl'ate, advocate amI 8I11po\>\el'.
We offel' families IIle confidence Ihal comes with knowing tlley have access to the kind of Ileallh care that enables their Cllildl'en to I'each IIleir
full potential.
The Office

At Your Service
Major Programs and Focus Areas

D Children 1st
Pl'Oper nUI'[uring, good Ilealll1, and slimulaling experiences early in a child's life can dramatically affect how well a child develops and functions in sellOo!. Cilildr'en 1sl identifies children and families for !'isks lilal can conlr'ibute [0 poor' outcomes. We then help families access apPI'opr'iate Ileal 111 and community services. We also pr'ovide infommlion on how to creale a llealthful, nUl'luring 110Ille erwil'onmenl. Our' goal is [0 enslII'e lhal all childr'en at'e Ileallhy and I'eady fot' school.
l i t Unj\lersal Newborn g Hearing Screening
Because [he sighls and soumis in a baby'S world can affectille way the bmin gl'Owsincill(ling the development of language skills-your newborn baby's hear'ing should be lested as ear'iy as possible. This Il&11'ing screening pl'Ogram pl'Omotes eariy deleclioll of hear'ing loss and apPI'opr'i ate trealrllell1.

1:1 Sensory/Communicative I:iI Disorder Screening Program
This pmgram pr'ovides hear'ing. vision, and developmental scr'eening of preschool and school aged children, whicl] promotes ear'ly c1eleclion and inlervenlion and makes trealment I'eferrals for childl'ell whose tests SllOW abnol'lnal resulls. Successfully diagnosing and Ir'ealing hearing, vision and speech language disorder's is crilical [0 yow' Cllild's oplimal develollment am] success in school. Because Ilearing loss can occllr any lime in a child's life and can be caused by eal' infeclion and high fevel'. you should have your clli[(]'s hearing checked r'egularly.
I I Newborn Metabolic and Sickle Cell Screening Newborn Screenings include a variety of tesls, required b~' Georgia law, to

detect ser'ious. life threatening, often I'UPidly-pl'Ogr'cssing diseases, including seven inherited melabolic diseases and sickle cell disordel'S. Identifying i11ese diseases at birth and beginning early treatmelll can reduce symptoms and complications and increase yow' baby's chance for' a normal life.
a Comprehensi\le
1:.1 School Health
Tllis initialive pl'Ovides educalion and developmel1l programs fOI' ScllOOl h&1l1h personnel thl'oughoLlt GeOl'gia. These programs promOle high Qualily heallh care. heal1h educalion and olher' services which Ilelp ensur'e the heallh of chilelren in lhe schoo! envil'Onmenl. Ask your'local school administration about school heallh programs available in youl' school ami comnlunily.
mHealth Check (Earty I Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatmenl-EPSDT) For Cllildl'en, birth to 21 year's old, who are ell rolled in Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids, Heal1l1 Check provides ear'ly and frequenl heallh screenings Wilich can pl'evenl, diagnose, am] lead to lrealmell1 of heallh problems. Ser'vices are pl'Ovidecl by public alld private heallh car'e practilionel'S.

n SID8 and Other Infant Death
U Information & Counseling
Program Sudden Infanl Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the numbel' one cause of death in infants between one week am] one year of age. This program provides new parenls and infant carelakers wilh cl'itical heallh information aboul ways to ree]uce the risk of SIOS. It also offers bcreavement SUPllOl't 10 families who have expelienced an infanl death,
CJ Heallhy Child Care Georgia
An increasing number of children are cared for, whilc their parcnls work, in oUI-of-home
child carc sCUings, fromliccnsed child care centel'S 10 informal, unregulated facilllies. Heallily Child care Georgia - a partnership among publiC and pri\'ale health and chilel care agcncies - seeks to assure Ihe heallh and safety of all children who use these facilities. The collaboralive aClivilies of HCe-GA Ilromotc Quali1~' education, training, information sharing and rcgulalions for all child care Ilr'O\'iders.


We Need You
All of us share llle responsibilil~' of ellsw'ing the heallh and \\cll being of Georgia's children.
Your par'1iCipation and suppol'l help us develop and COn1inlJousl~' impr'O\c lhe quality of 0111' infan] and chil(l lleallil j)mgr'ams and sCl'\ices. We belic\'c lhal heallhy, \\cllc(luCUled children and families are the keys 10 oplimal iruli\,j(lual growth and developmenl essential 10 maintaining safe <lnd s1rong communities. Ther'efar'C \\e arc cOlllllli1led 10 prornoling lhe phySical. mOlllal, spirilual. and social wellbeing of children and families lIH'ough suslained p,U'lnCl'shi!) \\'ill1 conmllmilies.
Detailed infol'lllation on eaell of our progr'ams is al'ailable, along with technical assistance. (r'(Iining, amI \~dc()t(lpes. Please contac1:
Loving, Caring, and Sharing
DHR GEOlIGlA OEPI\ll".,ENT Of' ........... RlSOlnlClS
Division of Public Health Family Health Branch
Office of Infant and Child Health Services
Two Pear,luree Street NW 11th Floor AtlilIlla, GeOl'gia 303033142
(404) 657-4143. Fax (40'1) 463-6729
Website: http://h6l:llth.state.ga.us/programs/chlld/lndex.shtml
