Back is best


I I ~,~ealblYa baby dies quickly withoul warning, usually dUl'ing sleep, and flO olle knows why, the


has died of Sude/col"fanl Dealh Syndrome, or SIOS (sometimes calfed "crib death")

SIDS strikes over 100 babies in Georgia every year. SIDS can llappen to any family, no mailer what 'heir race, how lIIuo/J money Ihey make, how much education they have, Dr where they live.

We still don', know what causes SIDS, bul we do know somelhing yOll can do to make your baby safer.


Babies Sleep Safest On Their Backs

or years, parell1s were lold to place their babies on lheir slomadl to sleep. However, studies have shown Ihal heallhy babies \..'110 always sleep on their backs are less likely 10 die of SIOS. Because of these findings, this is now the recommended sleep position for all babies.
For the past few yeal's, 1ll000C paronts, granclparenls, child car'c IlI'oviders, al1cl other peoplc who carc fot' babies have put 1I1ern to sleep 011 theil' backs. Since lhen, thou-

sands fewer babies have died of SIDS every year in tile United Stales. and fewer babies are dying
of SIDS in Georgia. However, 110t as many people
here have this new inronnation, so the improvement has nOI been as great.
For a few years, parents were also laId Ihal pUlling babies on their Side to sleep could help reduce lhe risk of SIDS.
Now we know lhat sleeping on tile lJack is much safel'.
Tell (lnyonc who keeps your baby 01' baby-sits for you, to always put your baby on Ilis 01' her back to

aCheck With Your Doctor Or Nurse

few babies !lave health conditions thai


might make sleeping on 11m tummy bet-

IeI' for them. If your baby was bam nilh

a birth derect, often Sllils UI) after eating, or has a

breathing, lung, or hearl problem, I)e sure 10 talk to

a doclor or nurse about which sleep position to use.

Some mOlhers worry Ihm babies sleeping 011 Iheir backs may choke on Sllil-up or vomil during sleep. There is no cvi(lence that sleeping on Ihe back GlUses choking. Millions of babies around the world now
sleep on their' back ami doctors h,we not found more
choking aI' olher problems.

While your baby Is awake and being watched, it's a good i(lea to put tim baby in ITli:my different posi-
lions - Incluc!ing 011 11m tummy - to 11CIp Ihe baby'S
muscles develop. Talk 10 your doelor or nurse if you
have lIucslions.

Other Things You Can Do To Reduce The Risk Of SIDS
Firm bedding. "our baby stlOulli sleep on a firm, ligtlt-fitling nmHress in a crib that rner.ts safety standards. Do not pul y01l1' haby to sleep on a GOuch, walerl)eu, pillOw, sofl mallrcss, or oiller solt surface. Rernovp, soft things like pil lows, Quilts, comforters, stlecpskins, loam pads, or stulled toys from your' baby's crib.
Make sure your baby's head is uncovered during sleep. If you use a blanket, pUI the baby's feel at Itle foot of !tIC crill. Tuck a thin blankcl arouml the crib mflllr(>A~s. only as far as the baby's chest. Also, consider lIsing a baby sleeper wittl no otllel' covel'lng, instead of a IJlanket.
No smoking. No one shoul{1 smoke anylhing around your bally. SIDS is more Gammon among 1110se babies who are exposed to smoke. TIley also get sick Illore orten. Do n01 silloke Wl~1hing while you are pregnan1. The risk of SlDS is greater for babiM whose mothers smoked during preg nancy.
Keep the baby warm. but not hot. Babies should not be allowed 10 gel 100 hot. If Ihe room temperature is riglll for you, il will be right for your' baby, Dl'ess Ihe baby wi1h 1he smue amount of cloliling IIml you wear to be comfortable,
Breast milk is best. Breaslleed your baby, il possible. Breast milk helps pr01ecl your baby from some inlec1ions and helps keep your baby healthy.
Prenatal care. Early and regular prenatal care can help reduce Ihe risk of SIDS. Do not lise tobacco. alcohol or (lrugs while yOll are pregnant. TIleY lIlay h,mll yow' baby be!ol'e he or she is even born.
Regular checkups and shots. Make sure your baby gels rouline exams. Make sure your baby gels all 01 his or her shots on time. If youl' baby seems sick, call your doctor or clinic righl away.

Enjoy Your Baby!
Remember, most babies am born healthy and SId)' that way. Don'l lei the fear of SIDS spoil your enjoyment of having a new baby.
If you have l-my Questions, call the Powerline:
Loving, Caring, and Sharing
...0..~"."G.'.'''.O'.''.'''G>''O'I-."0"0c.. Division of Public Health
Family Health Branch Office of Infant
and Child Health Services
Two PC<Jchtree Street NW l11h Floor
Atlal11a, Georgia 303033142 (404) 657-4143 Fax (404) 463-6729 Website: Form 3219 DPHOO.36HW
