Does your partner ever..

Domestic violence, or battering, is a pattern of abusive behaviors that some individuals use to control their intimate partners. Battering can include physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and other controlling behavior. The following questions may help you decide whether you are being abused.
Does your partner ever...
Hit, kick, shove or injure you? Use weapons or other objects against you or threaten to? Force or coerce you to engage in unwanted sexual acts? Threaten to hurt you or others, have you deported or to disclose your sexual orientation or other personal information? Control what you do and whom you see in a way that interferes with your work, education or other activities? Steal or destroy your belongings? Constantly criticize you, call you names or put you down? Make you feel afraid? Deny your basic needs such as food, housing, clothing, or medical and physical assistance?
If you answered "YES" to any of the above, it may be time to think about your safety.
Contact the shelter in your community 1-800-33-HAVEN
Help is available 24 hours a day
lbis safety card is sponsored by the Georgia Coalition on Family Violence, Inc., and the Georgia Department of Human Resources.
