Commercial feeding stuffs inspected and analyzed in the state of Georgia from June 1, 1909 to June, 1911 [1911]

Pf-,1., ...
Bulletin Georgia Department of Agriculture
Published Quarterly
IISPECTID liD &lllYZED, II TU STATE OF 8EOR81l, FlO. JUIE 1, 1101 TO JUIE 1, 1811
T. G. HUDSON Co~ami..ioaor of A1ricalture ol S.e State ol Goorfie

Department of Agriculture

T. G. HunsoN, Commi ssioner of Agriculture.
R. F. WRIGHT, Assistant Commissioner. R. E. STALLINGS, State Chemist.


ssistant State Chemists.

Miss DAISY OXFORD, Clerk. P. . METHVIN, Inspector.


Entered in Atlanta, Ga., as econd-clas matter, Oct. 7, 1900, under act of June 6, 1900.



The Bulletin and Reports will be sent free of charge to all

citizens of Georgia on application to the Commissioner of

Agriculture, Atlanta, Ga.

The following extracts from the Food and Drugs Act of Georgia, approved Augu t 21, 1906, contain provisions of the Act concerning the sale or di. tribution of concentrated commercial feeding-Stuff:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
SEc. 12. Be it enacted, That every lot or parcel of concentrated, commercial feeding- tuff and condimental feed used for feeding dome~tic animals or poultry, old, offered or exposed for sale within thi tate, shall be registered annually with the Commissioner of Agriculture, and hall have affixed thereto, or printed on the bag or other package, in a conspicuous place, on the out ide thereof, a legible and plainly printed statement, clearly and truly certifying the number of net pounds of feeding- tuffs contained therein; provided, that all concentrated commercial feeiling- tuff hall be in tandard 'veight bags or packages of fifty eventy-five, one hundred, one hundred and twenty-five, one hundred and fifty, one hundred and seventyfive or two hundred pounds each, also the name, brand, or trade-mark under which the aTticle i old the name and addre of the manufacturer, importer, or jobber, and a tatement of
the maximum percentage it contain of crude fibre, and the
minimum percentage it ontain of crude fat and crude protein, allowing one per cent. of nitrogen to equal ix and one-quarter per cent. of protein; both con<:tituent to be determined by the method in use at the time by the o::ociation of gricultural Chemi t~ of the nited tate~ .
EC. 13. Be it enacted The term "concentrated commercial feedin o-- tuff," as used h erein , sh all include cotton eed-meal, lin eed-meal, corn- and cob-meal cocoanut-meal, glu ten feeds, glu ten-meal, germ feeds, corn feed tarch feeds ugar feeds dr brewer' grain malt prouts dried distiller's grain, dried beet refuse, hominy feed, cerealine feed rice-meal rice-bran , rice-polish, peanut-meal, oat fe d ' corn and oat feeds, cornbran wheat-bran, wheat-middlinw , ,vheat- hort ground beef or fi~b crap mixed feed., clover-meal alfalfa-meal and feeds,

peaviue-meal, cottou eed-meal feed , whole -eed aud brrain and meal~, mixed or unmixed made from uch seeds or grain , and all other materials of a similar nature.
~ Be. 1-!. Be it enacted, That each and every manufacturer, importer or jobber, agent or ..eller, before elling, offering or exposing for -ale iu this tate, any concentrated commercial feeding- tuffs, as defiued in ection 13 of thi- Act, hall for each and every feeding-stuff bearing a distinct name or trade-mark, file with the Commissioner of gricultnre a copy of the statement named in action 12 of this ct, and accompany said tatement, when o requested by the Commis-ioner of Agriculture, by a sealed glass jar or bottle containing at least one pound of the feeding-stuff to be old, expo,ed or offered for ale, which ample ~ball corre pond within reasonable limits to the feedingstuff which it repre ents in the percentage of protein, fat and fiber which it contains.
That the Commissioner of Agriculture shall cau e at least one sample of each distinct brand of feeding- tuff old in this State to be analyzed annually by or under the direction of the State Chemi t. Said analy i -hall include determination- of crude fat and of crude protein, and uch other determination as may at any time be deemed advi able by the State Chemist.
'Ec. 15. Be it enacted, That each and every manufacturer, importer, jobber, agent, or eller of any concentrated commercial feeding- tuffs, as defined in er.tion 13 of this Act, ,ball pay to the Commissioner of Agriculture an in paction ta.x of twenty cents per ton for each ton of uoh concentrated feeding-~tuff old, offered or expo ed for ale in this State, and shall afli'< to each car shipped in bulk and to each bag, barrel or other package of uch concentrated feeding- tuff a 'tamp to be furni-hed by aid Commis ioner of ..\.griculture, indicating that all charges had been paid; provided that the in paction tax of twenty cents per ton hall not apply to cotton-eed-hulls, hay and -traw , whole -eed and grain and pure meals made from whole grain and eed ; not mixed with other -ub tance" but old separately as di tinct articles of commerce. houJd any of the.~e materials otherwi-e exempt be mixed or p.dulterated with any ub;;tance for the purpo e of . ale, the package which contains H, or in which it i' offered for -ale mu t baNe plainly marked or indicated thereon the hue compo,ition of the mixture, or the character of the adulteration. Ta.'< -tamp ball be in denominations

~LS follows: one-half cent, three-quarters cent, one ceu t, one and one-quarter cents, one and one-half cents, one and three-quarter cents, two cent' , or multiples thereof. The Commis.Sioner of Agriculture may prescribe the form of such tax stamps. Whenevet: a manufacturer, importer, or jobber of a concentrated feeding-stuff hall have filed the statement named in section 12 of this Act and paid th~ in pection tax, no agent or seller of said manufacturer, importer or jobber shall be required to file uch sta.tement or pay such tax.
SEc. 16. Be it enacted, That the CtJmmissioner of Agriculture hall have the power to refuse the registration of any feeding- tuffs under a name which would be misleading as to the material of which it is made, or when the percentage of crude fiber is above, or the percentage of fat and protein are below, the standard adopted under section 21. Should uch material as referred to above be registered, and it is afterwards di covered that they are in violation of the above provision, the Comrni S'ioner of Agriculture shall have the power t.o cancel the registration. When the special inspector provided for in thi Act i unable to cover the territory ~ufficienlly, the Commi ioner of Agriculture may utilize the oil and fertilizer inspectors in taking sample of drug", feed-stuffs or food prodnct., without other compen ~ation than that now received.
SEc. 17. Be it enacted, That the sale of mouldy and damaged fe,eding- tuff i. prohibited a-; feeds, except on full notice in writing to the purcha~er of !he nature and extent of the damaO'e. Any manufacturer importer. jobber, agent, or seller who shall sell, offer or expo e for. ale or distribution in thi State any concentrated commercial feeding- tuff as defined in thif' Act, without complying with the requirement. of the preceding section of thi Act, or who . ball .~ell offer or expo-e for . ale or di tribution any concentrated omtnercial feeding-stuff which contains
nbstantially a mailer percentage of con t.ituent.; than are cer~ified to be contained, 'or . who ,hall adulterate any fePdingstuff with foreign , mineral or other imilar substance or ~nb stances, ucb a- rice hull.., or chaff, peanut-shel1. . corncob, oatbulls, or other imilar material of little or no feeding valnt>. or " i<t.h substance~ injnriou. to the h ealth of dome tie anin1al~, ~h:tll be guilty of a violation of the provision~ of thi~ ACit,. and the lot of feeding-stuff in question .~hall be "uh5AI2t to eizure. condemnation and <>nlr or de;:;trnc!cion by th(' Commi:'-;ioner of

Agricultur~, and it hall be the duty of t.he sheriffs of the counties of thi State to seize and sell by public sale each and every bag, package or lot of commercial cencentrated feeding.-:stuffs sold, or offered for ale, or for distribution in this State which hall not have securely attached the stamp mentioned in ~ection 15; p1ovided, that hould the owner or agent show to the atisfaction of the sheriff that ~uch stamp~ had been attached and the arne had become detached, the sheriff hall release the -arne without co~t to the owner or agent. All moneys or proceeds derived from the eizure and ale of concentrated commercial feeding- tuff ~hall be covered into the State treasury.
EC. 1 . Be it enacted, rrhat the Commi -ioner of griculture i hereby authorized to have colleoled a ample, not exceedina two pound in weight, for analy is, fr'Om any lot, parcel or package of concentrated feeding-sluff as defined in ection 13 of this ot, which may be in the pos e.ssion of any manufacturer, importer, agent or dealer; but said "ample hall be taken from not 1 than ten per cent. of the whole lot in pected.
SEc. 19. Be it fuvther enaoted, 'l'bat all manufacturer.' and manipulators, imp rter- and jobber', or agent representing them, who have regi tered their feeding-stuff in compliance with ection 12 of this Act, ball forward to the Commi sioner of
griculture a request for tax stamps, tating that aid tamp. are to be used upon brands of feeding tuff regi tered in accordance with thi Act, and -aid request ball be accompanied with the urn of twenty cent per ton as an inspection tax, except in case of cottonseed-meal, where the present tax of ten cents per ton mu t be paid, whereupon it shall be the duty of the Commis~ioner of griculture to i ~ue s!Jamps to the party applying, who shall attach a ' tamp to each bag, barrel ur package thereof, which when attached to ~aid packn.CYe, shall be prima facie evid nee that the -eller has complied with the requirement of thi ' .\ct. Any tamps left in the po--easion of the manufacturer, manipulator, importer, jobber or agent, may be used another eason.
SEc. 20. Be it enacted, 1'Lat any manuf<acturer, dealer or other per~on who ball impede ob.-,truot, binder or otberwi e prevent or attempt to prevent any in pector or other person in the performa.Dce of his dut in collecting -ampl or otberwi. c in connection with ct . ball be guilt) of ami -demeanor, and ball, upon conviction be fin ed not les.~ th an ten dollars nor

more than fifty dollars, and any violation of the provision, of the sections of this Act relating to feeding- tuff for domestic animals shall be puni bed by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or imprisonment not ex<Oeeding thirty day, or both, in the discretion of t.he court.
SEc. 21. Be H enacted, Tha,t it hall be the duty of the Commi ioner of Agriculture and the State Chemi t to fix standard of purity for food products where the same are not fixed by thi Act, in accordance with those promulgated by the Secretary of griculture, the ecretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor of the United States, when such tandards have been publi bed; and when not yet published, the Commi"Sioner of griculture and the tat~ Chemi t hall fi..x ~uch tandardw.
Whenever the tate Chemist may find by analy.-i , that adult~rated, mi brand d or imitation drugs liquors or food products have been mannfaotured for sale or put on :>ale in tbi::
tate, he shall forthwith furnish a certificate of analysi~ to that effect to the CommiMioner of Agriculture who hall tmnsmit the same to the tate licitor in the county where the ~aid adulterated, mi branded. or rmitation drug~ liqur:.- or food product was found. It hall be the duty of the tate olicitor to pro ecute all persons violating any provi ions of tbi ct as -oon as be receive the evidenoe tran-mitted b r the Commisioner of Agriculture.
SE . 25. Be it enacted, That till A-ct hall be in forre and effect from and after the fir.-t day of . .ugu~t, 1907.
SY rop I OF 'rHE LAW.
1. The la''" require, that all ommercial feecling-~tuff be r gi ter d annually wit.b the Contmi.~:::ioner of \ griculturc.
2. The following ingredient mu~ t be regi tered : Protein Fat and Fiber together \vith the ingr dien - of which the feed is composed.
3. Where tandarru are establish ed the feeds mu t m et these tandard-.
4. All commercial feeding- hlif mu;;t hav the requ i itc nurnher of stamp attached.
5. No feed can be adulterated with -ub. tances of little or no feeding value, uch a;; corncob-, peanut-bell:3 oat-hull:; an d chaff and rice-bulls.

6. Where no standard is established, the manufacturer aay make his own guarantee but is required to live up to his guarantee.
The following Rules and Regulations have been prescribed by the Commissioner of Agriculture, and which are designed to explain and facilitate the execution of the various sections of the Aat relating to feed- tuffs:
FmsT.-All manufacturers, agents or dealers who propose to sell or offer for sale any feed-stuffs in this State must apply to the Commissioner of Agriculture for blank forms on which they will be required to register the name or brand of the efeding-stuff which they propose to sell, their own names and addresses, and also the place where their good are manufactured; provided a person desiring to so register is not the actual manufacturer, he may be permitted to register and guarantee the product using the words, "manufactured for and guaranteed by." They must also giV'e the guaranteed analysis of their goods, stBiting the minimum percentage of protein and fat which they contain, and the maximum percentage of crude fiber. They must al~o register the various ingredients of which their feeding-stuffs are composed.
SECOND.-All feeding-stuffs must be offered for sale in ~acks or packages of uniform capacity as prescribed in section 12 of the Act; tha11 is, bags or packages must contain 50, 75, 100. 125, 150 175 or 200 pounds each. Manufacturers or dealer:: will be required to furnish tags, which must be attached to these packages. On these tags must be clearly printed all the es ential information given in the registration above, as illustrated below.
Guarantee tags must be printed in plain type with black ink. Rubber stamps will not be recognized on guarantee tags.



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Fihr~ ....... . ............... ... ..

P~r Cent l t :dl
. ~ II(J v.:-A'

Ing r edients : Oat., Corn. Dried Jlr~w~rs Craius, A lfolfa

TillRD.-Three guarantees are required on our registrat ion beet, V'iz.: the minimum percentage of fat and protein, and th e ma~imun1 percentage of fiber; in other word , the fat and protein in a manufacturer' goods mu t not be les than his guarantee and the fiber must not be above hi guarantee.
FouR'l'R.-In the case of pure wheat-bran, pure wheat-middlings, or bran and middlings mixed; rice-bran rice-polish, rice-m eal, corn and oat feed ; tton eed-meal, lin~ ed-meal a11d molasses and ugar feed, th is Department fLxe the minimnr)J
guarantee or standard of pui'ity for protein and fat, and the maximum guarantee for fiber a given under the head of t-alldards of purity. In all other feeds or mi.xtures of feeds the manufacturer i permitted to make hi own minimum guarantee of protein and fat, and hi max.imnm guarantee of fiber, provided that no feeds or mixture of feed will be accepted for regi tration or allowed to be offered for sale in thjs State that contain less than ten per cent. crude protein or until t.andards are fixed by thi Department for the feeds o~ered for regi tra:tion, and he is then expected to live up to his guarantee.
FrF'rH.-Provided a manufacturer wisbe to guarant e hi~ wheat-bran at tandards lower than fixed by thi Department. but not les than : crude protein-13.5 per cent. crude fat3.50 per cent.; fiber- not more than 10 per cent. he is permitted to do o but mu~t u e the word "second class" in that even t before the "-ords "wheat-brn.n" and in letters as large a any on
the tag. SL~'l'H.-It i optional with the m{lnufactnrer or sellers
whether the sack bo branded, although that i de ired alwa~s: but the requir d items mttSt always he printed on the t11g in

black-colored ink, but not printE)d with a rubber stamp. The tag stamp mu t be affixed to the rag preferably along ide the printed matter, but in case of neces3ity may be attached to the back of the tag.
EVENTH.-Feeds may be hipped in bulk from a foreign manufacturer direct to a ma.nuiiacturer, who expects to ~ubse quently ack and tag the arne, but in tbi~ case the hipper in con idera.tion of this permission, must notify thi Department at the time of bipment of the name of the consignee, and the tonnage hipped, otberwi the whole bipment will be ubject to eizure as being untagged and un tamp d.
ErGHTH.-Tbe principal adulterant emplo) ed in the feedtuff trade are oat-bull, barley-hull , rice-chaff corncob , peac mrl- bells and creening~. orne of the above may be found legitimatel~r in a feed con equent to the grinding of the whole eed but wb n u ed out of proper proportion , or in xces of the amount obtained in grinding the whole eed, or when foreign to the pr'Odurt or if injurious to health of domest~c animals, would be considered an adulterotion.
Nr TH.-Any manufacturer, jobber deal r or manipulator may hip into tbi tate any leaal feeding-stuff without the in pection tamp attached, provided it is to be u ed for mixing with some other ingr dient-- in making a concentrated commercial feeding-~tuff wbi b ,ball be regi tered with the Department of .\griculture, when a guarantee analy i tag i attached if aid ~hipper giv ' notice in writina toO the Department of Agriolture of the tonnage. name and addr - of con: gnee, when .~hipped ,...-ith a. t~atem nt that it i to be u ed for manipulating and not old a~ a straight article of feed.
TE::-<TH.-Wh n wheat-bran and . creenings are mixed, the mixture hall be branded 'Wheat-bran and creenings" and th word ' creening,..; ::hall appear in the arne ,ize type a: the 11ord: '\\heat-Bran.
Er,EYENTH.- Th i'lalc of poultry and attle food which contain- po0isonous we d --eeds in a.ppreciable quantities, uch a;; corn cockle and jimson weed (Jam town weed) are forbidd n.
TwELJ.'TB .- When corn-bran i ' mix d with wheat-bran , th mixture hall not be branded 'Bran,' bui hall be branded

"Mixed Bran,' or uuder a trade name, and 80 regi.:.4:ered with the Department of Agriculture.
THIRTEENTH.-\Vhen wheat-bran i mixed with corn-bran, and wheat-middlings, the mixture shall not be branded " Bran and Middlings," or ' :Bran and Middling Mixed," but shall be branded "Mixed I1eed," or " FeP-d," or under orne tmde name and o regi,tered with the Department of griculture.
FouRTEENTH.-When corn-bran is mixed with wheatrmiddling the mixture shall not be branded "Middlings," or " Middlings and Bran," but ::~hall be branded "Mixed Feed," or "Feed," or under orne trade name, and o regi tered with the Department of Agriculture.
FmTEEN'rH. - o feeds ~hall be regi tered or allowed on ale in this State under a name that is misleading as to its quality.
SrxTEENTH.-The Commi ioner of Agriculture shall have the power to require regi tration~ annually of any or all conceatrated feed-stuffs old, offered or el\"{)o,ed for ale in thi
tate. EVENTEENTH.- ntil further notice manufacturer of
poultry and condimental feed , who h ave been accustomed to the use of 10-, 20-, 40-, and 80-pound packag , will be permitted to put ten 10-pound, or five 20-pound packag in a 100pound sack or package, the large package bearing the usual tag and stamp tax of one cent, together with the guaranteed anal i8 and name and addre of the manufacturer. A legend hould be printed on each mall packnge contained in the ack, giving the guaranteed analy i and noting the fact that it i 1-10 or 1-5 a the ca e may be, of the larger package on which tax ha.~ been paid.
EroH'l'EENTH.- The Commissioner of griculture :lhall have the power to refu e or allow any manufacturer import r, jobber, broker, ag nt, dealer or any person or peron to lower the regi tratioo , or guaranteed anal :::is of hi:l or their product during the calendar year unl ~ ti factory r a on~ are preen ted for making -uoh change or changes.
Nr <ETEE TH.- All cotmoru eed-meal les. than 3 .62 per cent. protein hall be -old a~ cotton eed feed meal.
TwENTTETH.-Brown 'horL i imply a trade name, being gener,ally reground wheatJbran. It i liable to eizure if for in-tance it hould contain corn bran becau ewe would con ider i:t a<~ being 'Old under a mi leading nam e. Corncoh m al c,tn

not be old either separate or mixed with other feeds; it i simply ground-up corncobs; neither can oat-hulls, rice-chaff or peanut shell be sold eparately or mixed. Ship- tuff does not imply a feed or mixture of ,any definite composition; it mu t not contain oat-hulls corncobs, peanut-shells, rice-chaff, or oth er adulterants. It i generally a wheat product, being largely reground wheat-bran. If it is a mixture i:t must be branded and eold as a mi.'{ed feed; if a pure wheat ,product, it. may b old under flhe same conditions as wheat bran.
TwE 'TY-FIRST.-If any manufacturer or dealer baU hip into or within this State feeding- tuff , within the meaning of this Act, un acked or in bulk, the cars containing sueh feedingstuff~ must have the requisite number of inspection st-amp attached or affixed and in such manner as t<> be ecur from removal by rain .
IIL''l'IE OF SifERIJi'J<' .
nder section 17 of the f<>od and drugs Act, it ii made the duty of the ~heriffs of thi Sbate to eize and ell at public sale any feed- tuff which they may find or have pointed out to them which has not attached to the package containing it the inspection stamp required by law unl atisfactory evidence i SU'bmitted bowing that the arne has been attached. The attention of h eriff i. called to thi duty and its faithful performance i urged fur the protection of the citizen. of their counties from fraudulent and adulterated feed-, tuff .
TwE)i'TY-SECO D.-Corn-chop when ;;old. e~po. ed or offered f<>r ale in thi State i. ubject to the requirement. of concentrated commercial feeding--<tuffs under ection 12 of the food and drug Act of Georgia. Cracked-corn \\'hen o branded or marked and made of the whole grain and no pa1t extracted, may be old expo ed or offered for sale in tbi tate without the annual regi trati<>n, guar antee analy. i, tag and tax tamp.
TwENTY-THIRD.- If any ubs1:an , . uch as chaff creeningl damaged faulty or unlike eeru or grain or foreign material be mL'{ed with or added to eed"' or grain as an adulterant and the per cent. of ncb mixture not plainly marked on the package containing it or in which it i. offered for ale, bowing thr trne compoqition of the mixture or the character of the adultemiion, it will be con,:idercd fl violation of the food and drug.;l Act of Georp:ia.
TwE ' TY-FOr R'l'li.- Tf an~ eE>Ai.. or grains be bl ached by

chemical process for the purpose of sale in this State and the package containing it or in which it i offered for sale not plainly marked showing the ame, it will be con idered a violation of the food and drugs Act of Georgia.
TwENTY-FIFTH.-Sacked Corn and Oat.s when sold, offered or exposed for sale in thi State as feeding- tuff must be in tandard weight bag or packages as follo : 50 lbs., 75 lb ., 100 lbs., 125 lbs., 150 lb~., 175lbs., and 200 lbs. each, EXCEPT: COrn may be old in 112 lbs., (2 Bu.) and 140 lbs., (2Yz Bu.) and Oat in 144 lbs., (4Yz Bu.) and 160 lbs., (5 Bu.) bags. .
TwENTY-SIXTH.-After Jianuary 1st, 1912, all the ingredients of which a feeding-stuff is composed must be shown on the tag or ack in addition to the guaranteed analysis.


Under the authority given and the duty imposed upon the Oommi ~ioner of griculture and the State Chemi t by action

21 of the law, the following standard of purity have been

adopted by those officers :


Protein. Fat. Crude Fiber.

For pure wheat bran .. . .... ... . .. 14.50



For pure wheat middlings ......... 15.00



For wheat bran a.nd middlings

mixed ........ .. . . .. . ..... 14.50 4.00


For rice bran ................... 12.50 Fir rice meal .. . . . ..... .. ... .. .. 11.50

10.00 8.00

10.00 8.30

For rice polish ..... .. . ..... . ... .11.50 Mixed corn and oat feed .. . . ....... 10.00 Linseed meal ........ .. .... . ... .30.00 Cotton eed-meal ................ .3 .62 Molasse feeds or ugar feed ....... 10.00





3.00 10.00

4.00 12.00

3.25 12.00

Standards for other feed will be adopted as soon as we are able to accumulate ufficient information and analysi to justify us in fi:..dng tandards fah to both manufacturer and con umer.


BRANProtein (minimum) ....... . . . ......... 14.50 per cent.

Fat (minimwn) . . . .. . .._, ............. 4.00 per cent. Crude Fiber (maximum) ............... 11.00 per cent.
MIDDLINGSProtein (minimum) .................... 15.00 per cent. Fat (minimum) .. .. ................... 4.00 per cent. Crude Fiber (maximum) .............. 8.00 per cent.
The fullowing grades of grain adopted b the Grain Dealers' National Association at the 12th Annual Convention, October 15 190 are accepted and used by thi Department in the inspection of grain under the food lav; of thi tate:
No. 1. hall be pure soft red winter wheat, of both dark and ligth colors, -ound, weet, plump and "\\ell cleaned, and weigh not le than 60 pound to the mea ured bu bel.
No. 2. Shall be oft red winter wheat of both light and dark colors, ound, weet and dean, hall not contain more than 5 per cent. of white winter wheat, and weigh not I ~ than 5 pounds to the measured bu bel.
No.3. ball be ound, oft red winter wheat and not cleau or plump enough for No. 2 hall not contain more than 8 per cent. of Jo. 3 white winter wheat and weigh not l ~ than 55 pounds to the mea ured bu bel.
WHITE OATS. No. 1. hall be white, dry weet, ound bright, clean and free from other grain, and weigh not 1 ' than 32 pound' to the measured bu bel.
ro. 2. hall be 95 per cent. white dry weet" hall not contain more than 1 per cent. each of dirt or foreign matter and weigh not le s than 29 pounds to the mea ured bu bel.
o. 3. hall be weet, 90 per cent. white; hall not contain fl\Ore than S per cent. of dirt and 5 per cent. of other grain , and weigh not le s than 24 pounds to the mea ured bu hal.
MIXED OATS. No. 1. Shall be oats of various colors, dry -weet, ound, bright clean, free from other grain and weigh not le than 32 pounds to the measured bushel.
No. 2. Shall be oat of vw-iou colors, dry weet, and ~ball

not contain more than 2 per cent. of dirt or foreign matter and weigh not less than 28 pounds to the measured bu bel.
No. 3. .Shall be sweet oats of various colors, and shall not contain more than 3 per cent. of dirt and 5 per cent. of other grain, and weigh not less than 24 pounds to the measured bushel.
o. 1. Shall be pure red, sound, bright, sweet, clean and free from other grain and weigh not les than 32 pound to the measured bushel.
No. 2. Shall be seven~eights red, sweet, dry, and shall not contain more than 2 per cent. dirt or foreign matter, and weigh 30 pounds to the measured bushel.
o. 3. Shall be sweet, seven-eights red, hall not contain more than 5 per cent. dirt or foreign matter and weigh n<>t less than 24 pounds t<> the measured bushel.
WHITE CLIPPED 0A'rs.-No. 1. Shall be white, clean, dry, sweet, sound, bright, free from other grain, and weigh not less than 35 pound~ to the mea.<;ured bushel.
No. 2. Shall be 95 per cent. white, dry, weet; hall not contain more than 2 per cent. of dirt or foreign matter and weigh not le than 32 pound to the measured bu bel.
~o. 3. Shall be 90 per cent. white; shall not contain more than 5 per cent. of dirt or foreign matter, and weigh not le~s than 30 pounds to the measured bu bel.
MIXED CLIPPED OATS. o. 1. Shall be of various colors, dry, sweet, sound, bright clean, free from other grain, and weigh not les than 35 pound to the measured bu bel.
No. 2. Shall be oats of various colors, dry, sweet; shall not contain more than 2 per cent. of dirt or foreign matter, and weigh not less than 32 pounds to the mea ured bu~hel.
o. 3. Shall be sweet oats of various colors; hall not contain more than 5 per cent. of dirt or foreign matter, and weigh not less than 30 pounds to the measured bushel.

WHITE CoRN. o. 1. hall b 99 per ent. white and weet. ~o. 2. hall be 95 per cent. white and weet.
o. 3. hall be 92 per cent. white and weet. YELLOW CoRN. o. 1. Shall be 99 per ent. yellow and
sweet. No. 2. hall be 95 per cent. yellow and sweet. No. 3. hall be 92 per cent. yellow and sweet. MIXED CoR . o. 1. hall be of variou colors and sweet.
o. 2. Shall be of various colors and sweet. o. 3. Shall be of variou colors and weet.
All grades of grain lower than th_e above, mu t have plainly marked on the packages containing it or in which it is offered a true tatement of the character of the mixture and the per cent. of foreign matter it contain~.
\\HEAT BRA .-Shall consH of the coare outer skin of the wheat berry eparated from the finer offal.
BROWN MIDDLINGS.- hall con d of the fine particles of the outer bran a well as the inner, or "bee-wing" bran, when separated from the Wheat Bran and Wheat Middlings.
'' RITE 1IDDLINGS.- hall con i t of that part of the offal from wheat left after separating it from the Bran and Brown Middling~ .
HIP STUFF. hall be compo ed of the Brown Middlings. and the White ~liddling of wheat when run together.
WHE T OFF L.- Shall be composed of the Bran, the Brown fiddlin g- and the \Vbite Middling- of wheat when run together.
1. It show if any particular brand of feed is of inferior or superior quality, as compared with other of the same class. 2. It bow' whether the guarantee of the manufacturer i being met. 3. It bows if the material is adulterated with any of those materials that are prohibited by law, ucb a rice bulls,

oat hulls, peanut hulls, corncobs or other substances having little or no feeding value. 4. I t furnishes, also, data for the compounding of rations for farm animals.
'l'he term commercial feeding-stuff is applied to substance!! which are usually by-products of other industrieE. It is applied a} o to the substances mentioned in section 13 of the law. In the manufacture of flour, for example, certain by-products, as bran, shorts and middlings, are used for stock feeds. Cottonseed-meal is a by-product in the manufacture of cottonseed oil.
BRAN.-This is the course outer part or skin of the kernel to 1\ hich more or less starchy material is attached. It is a valuable feed because of its protAin and fat content, though somewhat high in indige tible fiber. It is rich in mineral matter and, therefore, a good bone-making ~ood. Bran rs something of an aid to digestion and is a mild laxative.
SHORTS AND MIDDLIKGS.-Thi is the part of the wheat kernel between the starchy portion and outer coatings. It con-
tains less fiber and mineral matter than bran, and its protein content differs only slightly from that of bran.
WHEAT GERM.-This consists of the embryo of the wheat grain. It is rich in protein and fat.
CoRN BRAN.- Tbis is the outer husk or coating of the corn grain. It is high in crude fiber, containing practically all the fiber from the grain. It is low in feeding value.
GLUTTEN MEAL.-Thi is the more nitrogenous portion of the corn grain which lies below the hu k. It does not contain either the hull qr germ, and is very rich in fat and protein.
GERM MEAL OR CAKE is the nitrogenous material left after pressing out the oil. It is rich in fat and protein.
CoR T CoBs consist largely of crude fiber and are very low in feeding value. Before ripening the cob is more nitritious, as it is not so hard and woody. Cobs, when ground with the grain

belonging to it are not objectionable, but rather improves the feed for cattle and horses. -
CoRN AND CoB MEAL.-Corn, together with the cob which bears it, are ground together. 'fhe resulting product being called oorn and cob meal. It is a good feed when ground ufficiently fine. It has been suggested that the cob, when associated with the meal, causes the mass to lie loose in the stomach in condition for easy digestive action. An excess of cob over that mentioned above is prohibited.
RICE MEAL OR BRAN con ists of the outside of the rice grain and more or less of the germ. It is rich in protein and fat and high in percentage of ash or mineral matter.
RICE PoLISH is a fine du t like powder and is rich in nutritive elements. Rice polish is the du t derived from polishing the grain.
Oats are employed whole or crushed as a feeding-stuff. In the preparation of oatmeal for human food, the oat hull or husk is the principal by-product, whi-ch i~ practically worthless, being mainly woody fiber. Oat hulls being produced in large quantities at the oatmeal mills are used by unscrupulous feed dealers for mixing with corn meal and other feeding-stuff, the mixture being represented to the pro pective purchaser as containing ground oats, in evidence of which are numerous hull . In purchasing ground feeds, where an admixture of oats i claimed, it is always well to remember this possible source of fraud and inspect the feed to ascertain if the oat kernels are pr -ent in proper proportion with the hulls.
MALT SPROUTs.-Malt is produced from barley by allowing it to germinate, these tiny sprouts are broken off and separated from the grains by sieving. They accumulate in large quantitie . They are rich in protein and mineral matter.
DRIED BREWERS GRAINS.-In the manufacture of beer the brewers extract from the malt the oluble dextrin and sugar. Near the breweries they are employed largely as feeds. They contain too much water to be shipped but when dried are a

valuable feed, and are sold under the name of dried brewers' grains.
CoTTONSEED MEAL is the ground residue from the extraction of cottonseed oil from the cottonseed kernels. The standard grade in this State must contain 6.18 per cent. nitrogen, which is equal to 38.62 per cent. protein. Cottonseed meal, when of good quality is one of the best and cheapest feeds on the market.
PEANUT CAKE OR MEAL is the re idue from the extraction of oil from the peanut kernel. Thi is a good feed. This product, as well as other concentrated feeds, is often adulterated with ground peanut shells.
An analysis gives the percentage amounts of water, ash, protein, fiber, nitrogen-free extract, and fat.
PERCENTAGE AMOUNT is the amount in 100. If the protein in a feed is 14 per cent., every 100 pounds of that feed contains 14 pounds of protein and since a ton is twenty hundred pound, a bon of the feed will contain twenty times 14, or 280 pounds of protein.
WATER.-However dry a feeding-stuff appears to be, it always contains a considerable and variable quantity of water which can not be seen or felt, but which can be driven out by heat. The amount of water thus present in feeding-stuff is con tantly changing with the temperature and moisture content of the air about them and accordingly no very close comparison of different feeds i pos ib"le unles the proportions of water they contain are known and comparison is made on perfectly dry or water-free substance.
PRO'l'EIN includes all the nitrogenous compounds of the feed regardless of their nature. Materials which re emble protein sub tances with which we are familiar are white of the egg, curd of milk, lean meat, casein, gelatine, etc. The animal uses protein to make these important substances, and to make muscle and flesh. Protein is the most necessary ingredient for the farmer to purchase, and by far the most important nutrient

in feeds, and so il is the most expensive. We determine the nitrogen and multiply this by 6.25; thus, if a feeding- tuff oontain 2 per cent. of nitrogen we say that it contain 12.5 per cent. proteiu.
THE FaT repre'ents th e ubsta.nces which are extracted froPJ the dry feeding- tuff by treating with ether. It con ists chiefly of fat and oils. It produce heat and energy for the animal.
CRUDE FIBER is t-he cell-walls and the woody portions of plants. It i- usually the mo t indigestible portion of the feed. It is largely made up of a ub tance we call cellulo e. A familiar example i the line cotton. It i determined by treating the feeding-stuff" with weak acid and alkali, which dis-olve all other con tituent-.
AsH is the mineral matter of plant , and i the re-idue left after burning. Thi .furnishes the material for the bony structure of the animal.
'IHE f I1'ROGEN-l~REE-EXTRA.CT, OR CARBOHYDRATE , is the term applied to the non-nitrogenou con tit1;tent of the feedingstuff , which are repre ented by ugar tarche', dextrin and gum . Thi i found bv difference,- that i", adding water, ash protein fat and crude fiber and ~ubtracting from 100.
Regarding the u e of the above-named parts of feeds:
Wate1 and ash need not be con-idered for, while indipensa.ble to tock both are abun dantly supplied in other way than in commercial feeds.
Protein is an e' ential ingredient of the food of every animal because from no other ub tance can the ''"aste of muscle", tendon and the working tis ue~ and membrane be renewed nor can the ca ein of mille, the albumin and other con tituent of the egg, nor new body ubstance of any ort be obtained by the animal from any other -ource than protein. The nece ary element from which the animal organi-m con truct the e ubt.ance are yielded in available form only by protein. Without protein the animal can live but a hort time.
Fat and Carbohydrates form th e animal fat and produce h eat for the animal bod . :F"af is more valuable than the carbohydrate-, one pound of fat is equivalent to 2.25 pound of carbohydrates in the production of heat.
Cntde fiber con titute the tough woody part. of plants, With the exception of water it is the least valuable constituent

of a plant, becauue it. i largely indigestible. What crude fiber of the plant can be dige~ted i uppo ed to have practically the same effect as carbohydrate and equal them in value.
Atlanta Geor~ia June 1, 1911.
Hon. T. G. Hudson, Comrni iener of Agriculture, Atlanta Georgia.
Dear ir :-
I hand you here"ith my third report on the examination of concentrated commercial feeding- tuff~. con i ting of the analy-
i of more than 49 1 sample: . The in5JH'Cti 111 :-t n d an:~iv sl'
cover a period of two year~, from Jun 1909. to June 1911. The in pection of feeding--tuff hili! been very thorough and from the aualyse- appearing elsewhere in thi bulletin it will be een that the manufacturer' of stock-feed are complying with the law. It i only in rare case that the analysis found in tbi laboratory falls below that guaranteed by the manufacturer. No mi.'\:ed feed is allowed to go to ale that contain, les." than 10 per cent. protein.
Before tbi law went into effeyt, a common form of adulteration was the mixing of rice-bull~ to hen.pen feed . Thi~ was a mo~t flagrant and perniciom adulteration, as rice-bull:o were injuriou to tock. Thi1-1 form of adulteration ha" practically ceased owing to the activity in uppre' :-ing uch practice.
Two year' ago much trouble was bad 'rith dealer and manipulator~ hipping into thi tate oat;: thai were fldulterated with barley. A large number ofanaly;:e;: of oat was made in thi department and in orne cases oats. that were . old as No. 2 Oats. con isted of 60 per cent. hflrley. Th "e findinw were ub. equently publi. bed in Bulletin Jo. 4 . fino ;;inre that time we have had no trouble along thi line.
During the :-prin g of 1910, much damaged corn was hipped into thi1-1 ~ta tr. Corn of thi;; rharacter bru been aid by ;;orne authMilie" to hi" thP rau;:e of p llagra- and it will rau e ;;icknes.; and death when fed to tock. We inaugurated a vigorous campaign against the sale and sbipment of such corn and eized and forbade the sale wherever four:.d. The result. of this work were publi bed in Bulletin No. 51. As a consequence. we

have had little complaint during this spring and very little damaged (!Orn has been shipped in Georgia this year.
In carrying out thi work we have received th r -opPratim of all manufacturers and dealers, and there has been an effort on their part to comply with all rulings and regulations of the DepartmenI t.
I de~ire to comJ:J?end my co-workers in the laboratory, whose co-operation has been loyal and freely given at all times. lu conclusion, I wish to thank you and your assistants for the great aid o-iven me in thi work.
Re-pectfully ubmitted.
R. E., T.\LLI <t.'.
State Chelll il.

Atlanta, Georgia, June 1st, 1911 .

Bon. T. G. Hudson, Commissioner,

Deat Sir:-

Atlanta, Georgia.

I beg to submit herewith report on feeding-stuff inspection work for the year 1910:
I have visited practically every manufacturer, manipulator and distributor of con<Jentrated commercial feeding- tuff in the State and have taken samples of every brand of feed I have been able to find and sent them in to the State Chemist for analysis. I have looked well into the branding and tagging of feed sold in the State and find that in mo t instance the requirements of the law are being met in this particular. I find the grade of grain shipped into the State is 50 per cent. better than that of last year and the grade of feed-stuff is being kept up to the standard you require. I find the policy outlined by you in enforcing the requirements of the feeding-stuff law has met with the approval of the manufacturer, dealer and consumer and we are receiving their hearty co-operation in this work. I find the general feed-stuff conditions teadily improving and believe that our State is receiving the best to be had in feeds.
Respectfully submitted,

P. A. METHVIN, Inspector.



In the following pages will be found both the chemical and microscopic examinations of the samples of stock feeds collected by the inspector of this Department. All in terested in this subject should note carefully these analyses.

Two hundred and eight amples of miscellaneous feeds were analyzed. These consist of rice feeds, and mixed feeds composed of different ingredients. orne thirty-four fell below the guarantee in protein, but most of these were only slightly deficient, and in many of these cases were above the guarantee in fat and below in fibre. On ly in a very fe w ca e were found rice hull , corncob or oat hulls. By a careful survey of the analysi it will be een that most of these feeds are compounded of good materials and are what the manufacturers claim for them.

BRA n.

\YJlt,;HE Jo'O l ' :'\0.

IN .R EOll'i TS.

332 'dfariue

Alfalfa Mfg. Co ., Hobart, Okla

Dan Josepll .Co.,

Claimed 13.75 :j. &9 54.28 15. 46 C'om. alfnltn.

Columbus, Ga... . ... Found 12.14 2.90 63.22 .9.89,

333 "lice Shorts .. ... . . . . . . H . da Ponte & o .. T'ou Bros. Co. ,

Claimed 13.00 10.00

5. 00 ll lce product.

N w Orleans. L:L . . .Columbus, Ga...... Found 12.01 10.81 55.96 5.19

334 F ancy F eed ... . .. . ... Bmpire 'Mills Co . ,

Empire Mills Co.,

Claimed 13.00

!Columbus, Ga ..... . Columbus, Ga. . .... Found 14.69

338 Choice Feed ......... ~m pire Mills Co. .

Empire Mill Co. ,

Columbus, Ga....... Columbus , Ga.

Claim d 13. 00 Found 118.87

3. {)0 4.34
2 .~0

62.28 52.27

4.00 l'orn, wbent and screen4.63 logs.
I 10.00 Wheat brnn, smnll nmonnt 10.10 !'Orn. ~c1eenlngs.

343 1ood Lurk F ee ...... . G<>od Luck Mills.

Murphy & Co. ,

Claimed I 10.00 3.80

1.1. 90 f 'om, nlfnlrn, onts D. D. . grnlns, tlnx screenings.

St. Louis, Me ..... . Augusta, Ga .. .. .. . . Found 112.10 4.07 58.65 12 01

344 ann er FeeEl . . .. . .. .. Quaker Oats Co., Chicago, Ill

Augusta Grocery Co ., !aimed ' O.OQ
I Augusta, Ga. . ..... Found 11.50

~ cbumacber's
Special Hor ~ r JCcrrl .. Quaker Oats Co . .

Augusta Grocery Co., !aimed o.oo

Chicago, 111. ... . . . Augusta. Ga . . . .... Found 1 10 . 00

4. 00 3.05 64 .80
4.00 3.26 56.55

9. 00 'om, onts, ont bulls, cot 8.23 ton seed men!. wbent.


'M n, outs, ont bulls, bnr1".1", smnll amount seed

7 . 84 1 <otton seed men!.

346 "1'111 FrE'd . .. . . . . ... . tlanta Mfg . Co .. Atlanta, 0 .1.

Augusta Grocery Co ., Claimed '3.00 4 . 00

9.50 ;,,.at nnd corn product.

Augusta. Ga. . ..... Found 112.50 4.01 64.07 4.93




ca .



MAN UJ;'A< "l'lJ R Ell.

.. WUElRE F'OU:-1 0 .


r;:, p..

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~~ ~

t:jii P..

.t;0; P0.>.


I 350 Rice Brau . ....... . ... H da Ponte & Co ., IF. P . H. Akers,

!Claimed 12. 50 10 . (}0

10. 00 Rice btan .

I New Orleans, La. . . . Atlanta, Ga. . ..... . Found 12.61 12.66 , 44.69 11.02

351 Rice Polish ....... .. . H. da !Ponte & Co. , F . P. H . Akers,

Claimed 11 .50 7. 0.0

6. 3{) Ri ce Pl'odUet:.

N e w Orlean6, La . . . At lanta , Ga . . . . . ... Found 10 . 62 9.14 64.03 1.36

352 Mixed F e d . .... ..... ~ew port Mill Co., 'Lon<lon , Tenn.

F. P . H . .Aikers ,

Claimed l3. 00 4 . 00

8 . 00 t 'o1n and wheat bran,

Atl-<lnta, 11.,. . .. .. . Found

13.12 4.00 63.51 5 99 ma.July screenln~:~.

354 Mixed Bran . .. . .. . .. . F . P . H. Ake rs,

F. ;p. H . 'Ju.ers,

1Claimed 13.50 4.00

9 . 50 Ol'U und wheat bra n .

Atlanta, Ga . . .... . . <Atlanta , Ga . .... . .. Found 13.62 3. 98 59.85 7.75

355 !\. Mixed Fe~d .. . . .. .. JJ'. P. H . Aker s,

. P. H . Akers ,

Claim e d

Atlanta, Ga . . . .. . . ~tlanta , Ga . . . . . . . . r ound

354 Sucrene D:J.iry F d .. !Unerlcan Mlg. Co ., Mu rphy & Co . ,

Claime d

Chicago, Ill .

Augusta, Ga ....... Found

365 Chamberlain's

Pre mium F e d ..... W. F . Ohamberlain

F, Co., St. Louis :\1erritt & Co. ,


Mo . . . .. ..... ..... . Macon , Ga . . . . .. ... Found

I 366 Craker Mule F eed .. . Quak e r Oats Co. ,

J . A . Flournoy ,


Chlcago, Ill . . . . . . . Macon, Ga . . ....... Found

15.00 14.50
Hi. 50 18.37
10. O(} 11.25
10 . 00 11.31

4 . Ol

9. 00 !lice a nd wlleat pr oduct.

8.50 156.70 4.77

3. 5 1

12 .00

'olton seed meal, malt sprout s, oat!., molasses.

5.14 47 . 78 12 . 51 screenln11.

3 .50 3.13 71 .2\1

oats. harlev.

3 . 50

12. 0.0 ~orn. oa.ts, altaita, oat

3.39 61.32 12.10 hulls.

:),67 Mill F eed ompound . . tlauta Mtg. Co.,

:3. 0. Hawes & Co. , Claimed 13 00 I L OO 58 .62

Atlanta , Ga. . . .... . !Elberton, G11 . .. . . .. ' Found 12.69 4.29 62 . 94

oro and wheat product.

368 Prem. Stock Feed .... J. D. Frazier & Co .. r hornton & !Black, !Claimed

Atlanta , Ga. . .. . .. . !Elberton, Ga . .... .. !round

!''19 Schumacher


Special Horse F1eed . . Quaker Oats Co. ,

Producers Naval Stor : Claimed

!Chicago, Ill. .. .. . . Co., Savannah, Ga . . Found

6111 Chamberlain 's Premium Feed
313 T enn . :-.latural F ed .. .

Chamberlin F. 11osenhotr Feed Co. , 1 !aimed St. Louis, Mo. 'Savannlllh, Ga . ... . .. 'Found
nlon City G. & F. Co. Wingfield Grocery Co . , Claimed
Union City, T enn . . Athens , Ga . ... .. .. . ( ound

10 .00 13.31
10 0 00 13 . 12
10 . ~0
10.00 9.75

5 . 00 8.63 55.21
4 0 00 4.05 63.67
3 .50 4.02 70 t?
3.50 3 .33 66.38

nod rice product.
OI'D, oats, barley, cotton se<XI meal, oat hulls.
6. 00 C<ll'D, wbent, oats, seeds. 3.55
OI'D, on t s, nl!al!a.

514 Germo

rust Milling Co . ,

A. C. Woolley & Co. , !aimed 9.00

ashville, T enn . . . . A tlanta, Ga . . . ... . . l.=ound


516 Mixed Feed . . . . . . . . . . P . Morgan Grain Co. , Atlanta , Ga. . .

Claimed 15.00 Found 114.38

3. 75 4.D7 74.70
4.00 6.10 64.16

2.(}0 ' I'll lll'oUU Ct.
5. 00 Wheat . rice.
2.95 1

517 Dried Beet Pulp

Ge r man Amer. Sugar r 0 T 0 Wballey Co .' I...,Jaim d
Co., Paulding, 0 . . Columbus, Ga . . . . . . 1:=-ound

8 . 00
8. 06

0 50 60 0 001 2>0 . OoO Beet pulp. .81 59.53 19.00i

519 'IDxce ls.ion F ed ... .. .. 'Jreat W est ern Cereal f . T. Whalley Co . ,

!aimed LO . 00

Co., Chicago , Ill .. . . Columbua, Ga .. . .. . . i",ound


522 Moedlum Mill F ed . ... '1 . W. Davis & Co., Atlanta, Ga . .. ... .

1 jClalmed I 12.50 J:=ound 12.08

4 0 00 60 .00 4.28 67.22
8.55 6 . 62 64.70

9.00 on nnd oats. 1
B 00 Hl<e. l'lorn . wheat. 4.60


NEO FEEDS.- (Oontin ued.)


MA:-.' FA 1' 11IDR.


' - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . : . _ __ _ _ _ __

_ ___.!._._

_ _ _1 0..0..

I -:.C::.)

I >-=
cb.:..;C>"".t'rd.4~ :".).



V r ebert FeeJ ...... . Sykes Milling Co. , ,n.. J. Ragan,

~ Claimed 14.50


I Cleveland, Tenn . . . , Rome, Ga .... ... . . . . Found 1 17.06 4.57 !)7.53

6.50 Wheat brnn, shorts, tnld 7 . 62 rllullgnsg.s, corn, brno. S<'rern-

I I 533







a Mo.

o .

., ...

!Allen & . Augu

Baxley, ta, Ga...



Claimed Found

20.00 18.75

3.5<0 5.47

+8.00 :6 .84

16.00 0otton seed meal, D. B. 15.50 g1nlns. com, alfalfa. Ou.

~ 534 <\!falfa Hor (.> Ji'e d . . . . mlth Bros. ,


Augusta, Ga.

546 Choi ce Feed 0 City Mllls Co. , Columbus , Ga.

Castleberry & Wilcox, Claimed Augusta, Ga ..... . . Found

/ arn & Burnett , Valdosta, Ga.

Claimed Found

13.50 14.50
13.(}{} 14.25

3.50 o2.06 17 . 60 Alfnlfn menI, cracked

3 . 19 '55.22 13 02

rom, bran, tine teed, cot ton seed m al.


10 .<00 'orn noel wheat.

3 .42 62.13 7.35

549 Dried Beet Pulp .... .. Michigan Sugar Co., W. D. Simpkin s & Co. Claimed I 8.<00 Bay CitY, Mich ..... !Savannah, Ga . ... ... Found 8.38

556 Premium Dairy F C'nl. . R. B. Young o ..

R. B. Young Co .,


SavannaJh, Ga. .. .. Savannah, Ga . . .. . . Found

557 .June Pasture

. . Dairy,


. .

. . . . . . M. C. P ters Mill o . . T ietjen Grocery Co., Claimed
Omaha, Nebr ...... . Swvannab, Ga ...... . Found

20.90 17 . 19
10.00 12.62

.so I

20.00 Rcet pulp.

.68 62.30 18.77

.27 I '53.02


Cotton corn.

see<'I sn i t .





. 50

26.00 Altn lfn, molasses.

1.90 '56.31 16.27

~58 Ma1zefalfa Feed

Great WE"stern ereal t. of M. J. Doyle , Claim d J JO.OO 4. 00

11. 00 Crncked coro, hominy feet1.

o .. hicago. T11 ... 1 Savann81h, Ga . . . . . . Found 11.50 4 . 43 61 . 75 10 . 40 ~":nl. mldrlllngs. altalrn

561 !3-tar Feed ... ......... Illinois Feed Mills, J . C. Slater,


St. Louis, Mo.... .. Savannah, Ga . . .. .. ,Found

562 Georgia Mule Feed .. .. Ralston-Purina Co., H. F . Tillman ,


St. Louis, Mo . . . .. Valdosta, Ga ...... . Found

373 Stafollfe :Feed .......... Lawrence & Hamilton


Feed Co . , New Or- R. J. Ragan,

Cl a i m e d

Leans, La. . . . . . . . . !Rome, Ga.......... Found

374 Tenn. Natur al Feed ... Union City G. & F. Rome Mercantile Co ., Claimed

Union rCity, Tenn... Rome, Ga . . . ....... . Found

12.0(} 1 13.25

3. 89 4 . 65

59 .97

9. 70 Com, o:LtS, D. n. gmins.
11 . 72 p~~d.nd alfalfa, hominy

I 10.(}0 3. 80

11. 90 C'orn, oats, D. B. grains.


4 70 61 . 78 12 37

nlfnlfn, flax. grountl grain screenings.

111. 00 9.75

6. 00

12. 75 rorn, nlfn lfn, r1ce, bran,

5 . 62 53 . 21 11 95

molns es, salt, C.S. maul, D. 8 . grains.

10.00 3.&0

12.00 'orn, onts, ulfnlfa.

12.19 ! 2.88 58.19 13.00

::;75 B'lne Feed or Feed Meal ......... Mountain City Mill


co. , Chattanooga, Rome Mercantile Co. , Claimed

Tenn ........ .... . . Rome, Ga ........ .. Found

13.0(). 14.06

5 .0
5. 79 61.77

7 . 00 Col'll. wheat. screenings. 5.51

382 B-aney Feed . . . . . . . . . . v ity Mills Co. , 1 Columbus, Ga

Haroen & Rourk,

!aimed 13.50 3. (}0

4. 00 Corn nod wheat.

Savannah, Ga. .... Found 10.88 3. 04 65.70 6.92

384 H. & R. Prepared 1

Cow Feed .... .. .... JHarden & Rourk,

Harden & Rourk,


rSavannah, Ga ..... . rSavannah, Ga. . .... Found

18.00 25.00


12.00 Com hrnu, wlleut bran, nl

6.15 44.74 9 . 03 fnlfn. cotton seed men!.

386 Manna Alfalfa


Horse & Mule F ed .. J. B. Edgar Grain Co., Brannan Bros . ,


Memphis , T enn . . .. Savannah. Ga .. ... .. Fo und

13.00 4 .00

\1.50 om, wh ut. outs, nlfulfn.

13.01 1 3.67 58.07 9.11 r snit.

. . meul.

387 Purina Feed ..... . .. . Ralston -Purina Co., H. Traub & Son, St . Louis, Mo..... . Savannah, Ga.

I Claimed 12.&0 4.00
Found 12.55 4.40 58 . 81


9 .79

orn. oat, altRlto., D. B . grains.


z 0







I 388 Act ion Horse Feed . . .. Commonwealth F. M. BelCord & Co . ,


C o., St. Louis, Mo . Savannah, Ga . . .... Found

389 Dried Beef _ulp . . . . . . ~arrowe Milling Co., Chatham MILls,


Detroit, Mich ...... ! 'Savannah, Ga . ... . . . Found

11.50 11.55
8 . (X, 9 .06


I 4. .20


19 .50 Corn, onts, alfalfa, p a 18 .44 nnt meal and bulls.


. 5()

20. ()Q Reet pulp.

.76 59.3l 18.99

390 Dadsy Cow F eed ..... . W. D . Simpkins & Co . W . D . Simpkins & Co. Claimed 13.00 4 .Q(J

9 .QO C. 8. meal, corn and wheat


Savannah, Ga ...... . I Sa-vannah, Ga ...... . Found 15.88 5.72 li3.8l 10.81 product.


394 Choice Feed . . . . . . . . . City Mills Co ..

W. D. Simp'kins & Co. Claimed

'Columbus, Ga....... I Savannalh, Ga. . .. . Found


I 396 'Peck's Mule Feed . .... minois F eed !Mills.

W . D . Simpkins & Co. Claimed

Cbl<:ago, 111 .. .... .. .S-a.vannah, Ga..... . . t ound

13. 01> 11.69
1{) ,{)\,

2. &<.

10. 00 Corn, wheat bran.

3.08 60.711 10.36

3 . 81>

11.90 Corn, oau, alfalfa, D. B .

3 . 79 56 _4b 13 _89 grnlos, flax, acreeologs.

M. C . Peters M. Co., TietJen Grocery <:o.. ,Claimed 3~9 Arab Hors<:~ Feed . . . . . Omaha , INebr .. .. . . . Savannah, Ga . ... .. Found
4')0 Gem Cow Feed ...... . Tietjen Grocery Co. , Tietjen 'Grocery Co. Claime d Savannah, Ga.... . . . 'Savannah, Ga . ... .. Found

L0 .()L 11 . 87
19 .0b 24.31

2. 0~

15. 00 Corn, alfalfa, oats, mo

2 . 67 58.27 10.97 la.ssea.


9. 00 Wheat, C. S. meal, a lf alfa,

5.06 43.71 9. 75 corn.

4.01 A.llafat Hor-se F'eed . ... Just Mfg. & F . Co ., Rosen hoff Fee d Co. , Claimed 12.0L 3. 7b

10 .50 Alfalfa, corn, oats.

Nashville , Tenn. .... Savannah, Ga ..... .. Found 11 .25 3.41 60.6a 10.25

4~ Sunshine Horse &

Mule Feed .... .. . . . J. H. Wilkes &Co., Rosenbotf Feed Co., Claimed Hl.50 3. 5()

12.{)O Corn, alfalfa, oats.

Nashville, Tenn. ... . Savannah, Ga... ... . Found 11.25 3.48 56.9fl 13.20

40>3 '>rofalfa ... ... ... .. . .. Shawnee Milling Co., Rosen-hoff Feed Co ., Claimed 11.00 2.50

17. 50 Ufal! a , wheat, short~.

Shawnee, Okla..... . 1Savannah, Ga . . .. .. . Found 13.57 3.35 54.2~ 12.3.8 corn.

40.6 'tar Feed .. . ..... ' J Illinois Feed Mills,

J. C. !Slater,

Claimed 12.00 3.80

9 . 70 orn. 011.ts, !llfalfa, D. B.

St. Louis, Mo . .. . .. . Savan.nah, Ga....... Found 13.38 4.38 57.11 11.65 gra ins.

4<07 Perfection Horse Feed . Omaha IA.Ifal!a Mig. Co. R. B. Young Co., Claimed ll.IJ.O 2,{)(j

15.{)0 orn, oats, alfalfa. mo

umah .1, Nebr . . . . . . 1Savannah, Ga ...... . Found 11.50 2 . 67 60.26 10.90 lasses.

411J2 Dandy Middlings

Washhurn-Crosby M. W . S. 'Duncan & Co . , Claimed ' 15 . 00 Co. , Loulsvllle, Ky. Atlanta, Ga . .. .. . . . Found 17.31

4.00 3.27 62.40

6 00 2.50




413 Georgia Fee d . . . ...... f;V. S . Duncan & Co . , W. S. Duncan & Co. , Claimed 13 .{)0 5 .oiJ.O

7 0 !}0 let>. wheat.

Atlanta, Ga... . .. . . Atlanta, Ga. .... .. . Found 13.00 5.84 61.76 4.00

417 Peerless F 2ed ... ... . . Ralston -Purina Co . , W. S . Duncan & Co. . Claimed 10.00 St. Louis, Mo ..... . .Atlanta, Ga.. . .. .. . Found 12.88

422 Peerless Fee d . . . . . .. . .T. Allen Smltb,

R. W. Davis & Co., Claimed 15 .{)0

Knoxville, Tenn.. . .. Atlanta, Ga. ... .... . Found 15 .07 I

423 Medium Mill Feed . .. . R. W. Davis & Co. , R.. W. Davis & Co., Claimed 12.5{) .Atlanta, Ga......... , Atlanta, Ga....... . Found 14.06

U}O 3.84

56.30 59.89

11.90 orn, alf11lfa, oats. D .'B. 13.98 grai n~ . sm a ll grnln8.
gron nd.
7. 00 Wheat, corn, screenings. 6.36

8. 5ti

8 . 00 Wheat, corn and rice

7.57 58.11 6.05 prodnct.

427 Klngfalfa Horse Feed. Klngfal!a Mills,

\. P. Morgan Grain Claimed

j Nebraska City, Nebr . Co ., Atlanta, Ga ... Found


10 . 00 12.25

2. 5(>

14.00 Molasses, corn, oats. al-

2.63 56.23 11.22 fn l! ll.



OF MI CELL NEO FEED .- (Continued.)




lNGRlllD IE:-<'L'S.

42 Kin~a:lfa Horse Feed. Kingfalfa Mills.

A. P. Morgan Grain Claimed

ebraskaCity, Nebr. Co., Atlanta, Ga .. . Found

430 Kornfalfa :!'eed ....... Cornfalfa F. & M. Co., B. Berohardt,


Kansas City, Mo. . . . Brunswick, Ga ...... Found

10.50 11.81
11.00 11.38


11 . 50 ' on1, oats, ttlfnlfu.

2.70 60.25 10.15


4. (}0

12.00 'oi'U, outs, alfnlfn.

3.12 60 .50 10.37 1

Ci-:) 434 Durham Feed . ....... . Great Western Cereal J. M. Hoodenpy-le,



Co., Chicago, Ill.. .. Brunswick , Ga... . .. Found

10.(}0 10 .00

4.00 3.38 65 .61

9. 00 'orn, oats, C. S. meal, oat 7 _92 bulls.

435 Ceralfa Stock Feed ... J. B. Edgar Grain Co., Downing Co.,

Claimed 13.00 4 ,{)0

11.50 'orn, oats, alfalfa, C. S.

!Memphis, Tenn...... Brunswick, Ga. . ... Found 13.25 2.89 54.23 13.12 meal, salt'

-t :O Acme Feed .. . ..... ... Valley Milling <Co., Lott, Lewis Company, Claimed 1St. Louis, Mo ..... . Brunswick, Ga . .. ... Found

10 . (}0 10.63

3.00 2. 94


15. 00 2. 25

'om , on ts, burley. wlleat, smqll seed, K. corn.

4~ t Cooked Cow Feed American Steam F . Co . J. M. Burnett ,


Nashville, Tenn . ... Brunswick, Ga.. ...... Found I

444 Nutrillne Feed ...... . . Nutrillne 'Feed Co . , w. s. Duncan & Co., Claimed

Crowley, La. 0




14 5 Sucrene Horse &


Mule Feed . ..... .. . . American 1Milllng Co. , Arrington & Bro. ,


'Chicago, Ill ........ . . Augusta, Ga. . ..... Found

26.00 24.25
12 .'0{) 12.75
10.00 10.75

7. 50

10 . 00 )!nit spouts. corn, oats,

5 _42 i 1 . 00 10 _12 ba rley, salt C. S. meal.

3. &0

10. (}O

7.30 55.78 7.45

ozn, c. s. meal. oats,
alfalfa. dee bran. moIus es.

3.50 3.15

50 .00 12.00 59.18 10.15

orn. onts, barley, molusscs. wheat screenings.

.. .. 446 Rich Middlings



Model !Mill Co .. Johnson City,

T enn . .

Arrington & Bro . ,
Augusta, Ga . . ..


Claimed Found

448 ~lne Feed . . .. ........ Burum & Co.,
Augusta, Ga.

.aurum & Co., Augusta, Ga.

... ... Found

15.021 15.75
8.00 13.87

4. 40 &7 .40 4 . !>0 Wheat and rice product.

4.65 56.65 7.30



1.7 . 86 Corn, wheat, oats, rice.

7.42 54.50 7.05 1


Ground Feed

Burum & Co.,

Augusta, Ga.

:Burum & Co.,

Claimed 9. 318 4.14

3 97 Corn, oats.

Augu.sta, Ga. .. .. .. Found 10.37 4.07 69.57 4.52 1

.. 456



Feed .

G. E. Patterson & Co. , Memphis, Tenn.

N. L. Willett Seed Co.
Augusta, Ga . . . ..

Claimed Found

11.&5 14.06

3.&0 3.47

64.0(). 51.63

11 13

.04 70

Corn, oats, aiCn!Ca,
j meal, molasses.



4!>7 Da~iry Feed .... . ...... Burum & Co.,
Augusta, Ga.

Burum & Co., Augusta, Ga.

I "'" "" m"' Claimed 11.38 3.{}8

17.59 om. whent bran, rice

Found 15.12 7.67 51.49 9.30

C. S.

"""" 461 Red MiH Horse and

.Mule Feed

... Natl.

Hay, Grain Co. , Macon,

& Ga .

Wingfield Cash Co ., Athens,

Gro. Claimed Ga .... Found

12.00 13.44

4 ,{}0 4.12 62.58

78..8275 1

orn. ontR. 11rnlns. C. bran.

nltnlrn. S. meal,

n . n.




!Feed .... ~.

Just Milllng & F . Co. , ' Nashville , Tenn .....

r . H . Brooke &
Atlanta, Ga.

Co . ,
. . . . ..

Claimed Found




.. . .. ... J.D. Fra~! er & Co., J.D. Frazier &Co . , Claimed
Atlanta, Ga......... Atlanta, Ga ........... Found

18.65 18.50
12.0{) 14.56


10.001 orn. onts, whPnt hrnn,

4.39 51.74 11.05

n!Cnlfn, mnlt Rprouts. C. R. meal, barley, screen-



12 ..00 Coon. oats, n!Cnltn, c. s.

5.00 43.33 11 00 men!, wheat brnn.

469 ~Ice Pollsh .......... Lawrence Bros . Co., J. D . Frazier & Co., Claimed 11.50 7 .00

6 . 30 Ri ce product.

Crowley, La. ........ Atlanta, Ga ........ Found 12.50 10 . 27 64.79 1 .22

475 Nolean Feed ......... Lawrence & Hamilton Barfield & Brown,


Feed Co., N. Orleans. Macon, Ga.. . ... .. . Found

11.00 11.25



5.89 56.74 10.32

orn. ont. nltnlfn. rl<'f', hrnn. molaRses. rice hulls, C. S. meul.


z 0
BRA ' D.


Wll iDRE FO! ' ND.

Universal Horse &

-1 --

Mule Feed ........ . . Universal Stock F . Co . Hughey , N oCullough !Claimed

Lebanon, T enn. . . . . Co . , West Point, Ga . Found

482 Three Kings Horse

Feed . . .. . . . ..... . .. J. B . Edgar Grain Co. , Callahan Gro. Co. , Claimed

Memphis , Tenn .... . . Bainbridge, Ga.


11 : 50 11.75
11 .50 12.13




lioll< - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4 . 7-5

16.76 Corn, oats. al1altn..

3.75 '57.03 14.37

4. 00

11.00 Corn, oats, nlfnlfn, snit.

l 715 '\4. 65 13. 75

~ 487 W. D. Bran .. . . . .. . .. Cassels Mllls,

~1 . Ra nc'l,

Claimed 14 ..()0 3 . 00

3. 00 Wheat ant! corn product.


Gadsden, Ala .

Daw.son , Ga. ... ... Found 14.50 3.40 li3.33 4.95

4!Xl Manna Alfalfa

Dairy Feed . ........ Edgar-1Morgan Co., Sent in by Memphis, Tenn. . . . . Manufactur rs

Cla imed 18 .00 5.00

16.00 Alfalfa, corn hrnn, whent

Found 18.50 6.40 ~3.55 17.75 bran, salt, C. S. men!.

495 Tenn. Dairy Feed ... .. Union City G. & F. Co . M. Ableman,

1c Jaim ed 10. 00 3 , 50

15. 00 Corn, whent, alfalfn, C. S.

Union City, T enn .. .. Atlanta , Ga. . . ..... Found 13.75 3.85 53.18 15.40 meal

497 8oss Feed . ... ........ Great Western .Cer eal M. Ableman,

!Claim ed t O. O{) 4 . 00

9 . 00 Corn, oats, oat bulls.

Co., Chicago , Ill.... Atlanta, Ga . . . . . . .. ( ound 9 . 87 4 . 10 66 . 94 8. 89

499 Bee! Scraps ..... . . . .. Darling & Co .,

H . G . Hastings & Co . , Claimed

Chicago, Ill . . .... .. . Atlanta, Ga......... Found



505 Peck's Mule Feed ... . . Illinois Feed MiiJs,

Lott , Lewis & Co .. Claimed

St. Louis, Mo .. ... . Bruns wick , Ga . . . . . Found

55 . 00 10 .00 56.37 11.85

2 . 50 ~f ~at product 3.45

10 0 00 12.81

3 . 8{)

11 . 90 f'orn, ont~. nltnl!n, nnx.

4 62

55 56

14 05

men!, D.


g l'll lu ~.

508 Banner Feed 0 0 Quaker Oats Co. ,

'Downing Co .,


Chicago, Ill . .. . ..... Brunswick , Ga . . . . . Found

410 Brown Shorts ..... . .. Atlanta Milling Co . ,
Atlanta, Ga..... ....

Claimed Found

10 .{)0 10.69
15.00 14.84

4.00 4.12 63.!9
4.00 3.96 60.25

9. 00 Corn, onts, oat hulls, snit. 9. 72 C. . meal, tlour. 6.00 Brnn atH1 shorts. 5.17

415 Pure Wheat Bran

Liberty Mills,

W. 1S. Duncan &. Co., Claimed

Nashv!lle, T enn ..... Atlanta, Ga . ..... ... Found

14 .50 15 . 50

4.00 4.20 ,6.77

9.50 Wheat bran, screenings. 8.10

474 Pure Wheat Bran

and Shorts 0 Liberty Mills,

J. L. Bran.non &. Co. , Claimed

Nashv!lle, Tenn ..... Rome, Ga. . . . . . . . . . Found

14.5(} 16.25

4 . 00 4.07 S7.93

9. &0 7.95

Wheat brnn, of shorto.




564 Duke" Mb:tura . ...... . Ralston -Purina Co., A. H. Dukes,

Claim ed

St. Louis, Mo . ...... Valdosta, Ga . . . . . . . Found

01 126 Banner Feed Quaker Oats 0 0. Co. ,

A. C. Woolley & Co . , Claimed

C hicago, Ill ......... Atlanta , Ga ..... .. .. Found

10 ..oo
10 . 00 10 .1fJ


11.90 Corn, oats, tlnx, D. B.

4.57 58.74 12 . 32

gmln", lugs .

nlfnl fa,



9.00 Corn, onts, wheat, oat

3.10 65 .89 8 . 85 hnlls, cotton seed meal.

304 Dried Brewers' Grains. Acme Br e wing Co. , Acme Bre wing Co ., Claimed 22.86 6.31

17 .19 Barley, malt.

Macon, Ga .... ...... 'Ma-con, Ga .. . . ... ... Found 24 .1 9 7.32 41.36 13.69

306 Dairy Feed .. .. ... .... ~ixon Milling Co.,
Augusta, Ga...... . .

ixon Milling Co ., Claimed Augusta, Ga......... Found

12. 60 3. 46

l3. 80 Whent, corn offal, c. s.

17 . 93 4.74 ,4.13 7.73 meal, rice, salt.

307 Horse Feed :-lixon 0 Milling Co.,

:'llixon Milling Co. ,

Claimed 8.65 3.34

5.45 Oats, corn, rice, salt.

Augusta, Ga ....... . Augusta, Ga .. . . . ... Found 9 .25 4.46 69 . 74 2.69

245 Sweet Potato PeelIngs an'll. .Corn . . .... Coas t Canning Co., Darien, Ga.



9 . 19 3.80 73 . 52 3.14 Corn, potato peelln.~rs. Oil!.'!!.



MA:"I l'A<"I' I RJO:H.

- WrrEH. JO: [i'Q ND.

o"':""u' o,.,~.,


"" ., ., ". ~ ...;

., ".(.)




I 2.77 Mixed Middlings .. .. . . Nixon MHllng Co. ,

Star Gro. Co. ,


Augusta, Ga ....... J Augusta, Ga ......... Found!


I 29J M ixed Bran. . . . . . . . . . . F. P. H. Akers,

F. P. H. Akers,


Atlanta, Ga. . . . . . . . Atlanta, Ga.. . . . .... Found

11.79 11.63
14.5(). 13.68


6.50 Wheat and corn product,

3.80 <;9.70 9.46 tlce, sn it.



10.00 Wheat nod corn.

4.17 60.13 8.16

co 30.5 Pure Mixed 'Bran . . .... Clark Milling Co. , A. B. Saxon & Bro. , Claimed 13.69 3.2'7

8. 40 Wbent and corn.


Augusta, Ga ...... 1 Augusta, Ga......... Found 15.31 3.42 S6.51 8.60

254 Peerless Mixed Feed .. Hopkinsv1lle M. Co. , Harden & Rourk,


1 Hopkinsville, Ky. . . Savannah, Ga: .... . . Found

255 Pea Meal ..... . .... .. . Harden & Rourk,

Harden & Rourk,


Savannah, Ga. . . . . 1 Savannah, Ga . .. . . . . Found

256 Beer Scraps ....... ... Baug h & Sons Co., Harden & Rourk,


I IBaltimore, Md. . . . . Savannah, Ga....... Found

14.13 9. 50 15.63 4.71 57.95
19 . 94 2. 94 59 . 72
64.56 17.28 48 . 99

4. 58 Wheat nod corn prodtH't. 7.45
4 52 Corn and peaa.
1 . 56 Beef scrnps.

257 li'ancy Feed . .... ..... City Mills Co..

Harden & Rourk,


j Columbus, Ga. . . . . . Savannah, Ga . ...... Found

co 258 I)an Feed .. .. ... ... Dahnke- W-alker M. Co. W. D . Simkins & Co., Claimed
Unior "'tv Tenn.. . Savannah, Ga.. .. ... Found

13.50 14.19
4.00 10.63

3.00 3. 72 62.59
!!.50 7.46 62.48

4. 00 'oro and wheat produ<'t. 6.23
9. 00 Cont product. 7.35

265 ~lfa!ta Meal .......... Capttal G. & M. Co., P. Ro nhoff,

Clai:n d p.OO 1.50

ashville, T enn. . . . Savannah, Ga....... Found 13.44 2.00 35.99

267 utrillne .......... ... :-<utriilne Mig. Co., Crowley, La.
268 ~!fa!fa Horse Feed .. , . Smith Bros., Augusta , Ga.

Me aine Bros.,

Claim d

LaGrange , Ga....... Found

Smith Bros.,

Cla im ed

Augusta, Ga.. . .. .. . Found

12.00 11.50
13. 50 15.19


10 00 C'~orn rice, alfalfa. t'otton seed meal, molasses.

7.82 56.39 6.80

3.50 3.47 52.94

orn, alfalfa, when t brntt.

2'70 o\rkoma Feed ......... 1Blair Mig. Co. , Atchison, Kans .

~. L. Willett eed Co., Claimed 12.51 3 . 2-5 51.14 19 47 .\lfnlfn, corn nnd when1 Augusta, Ga........ Found 16.00 2.26 46.50 19:82 product.

271 Katl-Eat Dairy Feed .. Interstate Mig. Co., :. L. Will tt Se cf Co., Claimed 14.20 4 .15 59. 00 10 00 CoSr.nm, aealfln. l!n, molasses, C.
Memphis, Tenn .... Augusta, Ga......... Found 15.88 3 .74 49.56 13.56

c.:1 2-81 Mill Feed ............. Riverside M. & P. Co. Lyons & Sample Co., Claimed 12.3 4.32 65.39


Cart rsvllle, Ga. . . . Augusta, Ga....... . Found 12.87 3.47 63.33

oro and wheat screening .

I 282 Walker's 1Mixed Feed .. Walker & Jon es,

Lyons & Sample Co., Claimed

Ashwood, Tenn.... . Augu ta, Ga........ Found

283 1\.11\a.lfa Feed . .. .. .. ... Nixon Mig. Co.,

A. G. Hackett,


Augusta, Ga. . . . . . . ugusta, Ga .. .... .. . Found

14 .00 14.98
10.94 13.38

3.50 4.43 58.36

"orn and when t screening.

2. 80

] 1 . 7i "orn, on ts, alta lfn, cotton

3.82 54.05 11.27 sed meal.

290 A.ction Horse Feed .. .. Commonwealth F. I. Slm , McK nzie Co., Claimed Co., St. l,ouls , Mo.. tlanta, <Ga .. .... . .. Found

11.50 14 . 00

4. 20

] 9. 50 \l!nlfn, corn, oats. peanut

2. 86 46. 34 ~5. 92 meal, salt.

298 Georgia Feed ... . ... .. W . S. Duncan & Co . , \V. S . Duncan & Co., Claimed Altlanta, Ga ..... .. . , Atlanta, Ga . ........ ,Found

303 Rex Dairy Feed ...... : Nat!. H., G. & S. Co. at!. Hay, Grain & S. Claimed


Macon, Ga.. ...... . 1 Co., Macon, Ga.... Found

13.00 15.12
14.50 13.69


7 . 00 Wheat and rice.

5.73 61.06 3.46



orn. on ts, alfnlfn. D. B. grnlns. C. S. meal. salt.

4. 36 55. 98 13. 71


ELLANEO FEED . -(Contiuued. )






MAl'\[ l'A ( " IT in:n.

WllliltFJ 11'1){":\'D.

35 5;ucrene Horse and

Mule Feed . .... ... .. American M. Co. ,

Br nnan Bros.,


:Chicago. Ill........ . Savannah, Ga.. . .... Found

-'"" - " ~u
10 ..()0 10.69

...; ~
..... ,_

. ...;


., ~ ::::
'b t~


. . .a ~...., ~a


""r.,;:>., ~ .OP.. ~ Po<



13 . 50 Corn, oats, screenln&"s. m

4.15 68.36 10 . 30 lasses.

2 Sucrene Dairy Feed .... Amer ican M. Co.,

)1errirtt & .eo.,


Chlcago, Ill. . . . . . . . . Macon, Ga ... . . . . . .. Found

94 o\.lfacorn Feed. .. .. .... .

J apltal G. & M. Co., P . Rosenh-off,


Nashvm e, Tenn

Savannah , Ga .. . ... . Found

16.>50 17.25
12. 00 11.25


3 . 5:(}

12. 00 Cotton seed wea l, oats, oa t

"1'.85 42.64


hulls, gm lns,

molasses, D. screen tugs.


3 . 50

12. 00 Alfnlfu. orn nod cob.

3.02 58.72 14.18

6 Corno Horse and

C:orno M.llls Co.,

T. A. Flournoy,

Cla imed 10.00 3.. 50

12 . 00 ( ' 0 1"11, oa ts, oa t hulls, cot

Mule Feed .. . . . . .. . . St. Louis, Mo...... . Macon, Ga .. .. ; . .. .. Found 10.88 4.66 59.16 12.31 tou seed meal, alfal!a.

91 "I!Jl Dorado Altalta. . . . . . ~1 Dorado M . Co. ,

W . D. Brigham & Son , Claime d 14 .2-7 ]. 52


El Dorado, Kans .... Augusta, Ga ....... . . Found 18.69 4.54 ':19 .74 21 . 42 Alfal!a.

18 o\.lfamo Horse Feed . ... Alfalfa Meal Co.,

Tifton Gro. Co.,

Clai med

Council Bluff, l<l'Wa . . Tifton, Ga . .. ...... Found

H.OO 11.31

oo 2 . 50
2 .80

60 .82

1100 .. 8 5

Ol'U, oats, lasses.



3 Alfamo Horse Feed .... A.lfalta Meal Co.,

Me rritt & Co. ,

Claimed 11 . 0(} 3. 00

tO OO I<'orn, oats, alfnl!n, UIOln8

!Council Bluff, Iowa . . Macon, Ga . ... . . . .. Found 10.28 4.45 64.46 6.94 S M.

8!1 Dairy Feed ... ... . . . .. W . B . Bri gham & Son, W . B. Brlgh::trn & Son , Claimed !U3 4 .8'7

8 . 38 Al!nl!n , wheat brnn, shorts

Augusta , Ga. . . . . . . . Augusta, Ga . .. .. .. . Found 19.34 3.97 47.51 1~. 55 ~~~;:t bran, cotton seell



Horse Feed .. . . W . B. Brigham & Son , W , B. Brigha m & tSon , Cla im d

Augusta, Ga.

Augus ta, Ga . ."...... Found

116 Globe Horse and Mule Feed .. . ...... , Bussey Bros. , Cedartown , Ga .

Bussey Bros . ,


<Cedarto.wn , Ga ...... Found

17.65 15.16
.00 9.70

4.04 2.74


13 .4:! 13.50

Corn, wheat cotton eed

b ra n, meal.

atrat ra,


6.00 Oatts, corn and cob.

4.07 69.93 4.85

........ 87 Fine Feed

Burum Bros . Co, ,

T. W. Loyless,

Claim d

Augusta, Ga. 0 0 0 Augusta , Ga . . .. , .. . Found

8 . 00 11 .81

2.54 3.49 45.52

Wheatbro n, corn, rice, oats o"lllt, rlce hulls.

84 Ground Feed .. ........ eurum Bros . Co . ,

Burum Bros. Co .,

Cla im e d

Augusta, Ga . . ... . . . Augusta, Ga .. . ... . . Found

9 . 3 4 .14

orn and oats.

9.88 4.49 68.68 5.39

66 A.ltarine , . ... . ...... Alfalfa Milling Co., Chatham Mills ,

Claim d 13 .00 3.00

20. 01 Alfalfa , corn and oats.

Hobart, Okla. . . . . . . S avanna:h, Ga...... . Found 14.25 3.56 48.10 18.96

99 Fancy Feed . . ........ Empire Mills Co.,

H. Traub & Sons , Claime d 13. 50 3.00

4. 00 Wheat, corn.

Columbus, Ga. . . . . . Savannah, Ga . ...... Found 14 . 25 2 . 95 65.19 2.82

68 Manna Alfalfa.

Dairy Feed .......... J . B. Edgar Gran Co . , W. T. B e lford ,

.Cla imed

Me m1)bis, T enn. . . . . 'Sa vannah, Ga . . . . .. . Found

16.50 16.63

6.30 3.92


16 .00 15.76

Alfalfa, corn cotton seed clippings.

brnn, corn, meal, Ollt

46 Qeralfa Stock Feed . .. . J. B. Edgar Grain Co ., W. D. Simkin s & Co., Claime d Memphis, T enn . ... ,. Savanua:h , Ga . . .. , .. Found

14.00 14.08

4.50 4.45


11 ..50 8 . 91

Wbent bran, cotton seed

co rn , meul.

nlfnlfn ,

l!l 8 E'ralfa Fe d

J. B . Edgar G~atn Co., Consolidated Gro. Co., Cla im d M~ mphis, Tenn ... . . . Fitzger a ld, Ga ..... . 1Found

37 l\olanna Alfalfa


Horse and Mule Feed. J. B . Edgar Grain Co., Brennan Bros. ,

Cl a i m e d

Memphis , Tenn .. .... Savannah, Ga . . ..... Found

14 .00 16.00
14. 00 15.00

4.50 4.64

55.00 53 . 35

11.50 Corn, oats, alfnlfu, c tton 11 .46 seed men!, wbent bran.


4.50 5.05

54 . 55

11.50 Corn, alfalrn, Rn lt, <'Otton

8 80

~ed men!, whent hran, D. B. grains.

LY, 1 OF MI CELL NEOU FEED .- (Continued.)






i\IA FA ' lli<J.R .


Excelsjo~ I 151

Chop Feed ... 1Great Western Cereal T. H. Brooke & Co . , Claimed

Co., Chicago, Ill.... Atlanta, Ga ......... Found

108 Premium Stock Feed . . J.D . Frazier & Co., Robin-son & Oakes, Claimed Atlanta, Ga. . . . . . . . Lawrenceville, Ga. . . Found

10 .00 12.00

4. 25 5.45 'i3.55
5.00 6 .04 54. 14

.. .".C)




S.OO JCorn, oats and oat hulls. 8.30
9 . OO WheM, corn, rice. 9.09

24 Good Luck Feed . . . .. . . . Good Luck M!lls,

R yals Gro. Co . ,

Claimed 1-0. 00 3. 0 57.00 11 90 Corn, nl!al! a, oats, D. B.

St. Louis, Mo . . .. .. . Cordele, Ga . . . .. . . . Found 11. 37 3. 54 69.25 12:90 grains.

28 B. & R . Cow Feed .... Harden & Rourk, Savannah, Ga.

Harden & Rourk,


Savannah, Ga..... . Found

52 Star Feed ............ Illinois Feed Co.,

J. C. Slate r,


St. Louis, Mo.. . .... Savannah, Ga...... Found

18.00 22 . 69
12.00 11 . 44

5. 00

12.00 Corn bran, wh~nt hrau,

6 . 23 44 . 84 12 . 15 cotton seed mea l, al!al!n.

3. 80

9 70

Corn, altaJta. oats.




4 . 16 60 .82 8 .98

8 ')ugaratlon Stock Feed. Interstate Mig. Co . , Mams Gro. Co . ,


Me mph is, T enn .. ... . Macon, Ga ... . ...... Found

11.65 11 . 69

3 . 60

] 0. 00 Corn, oats, hny, cotton

3 . 72 59 . 64 10 . 00 S!' d w eal, molu~ses.

102 Korn fa lfa Feed ........ Kornflllfl'l li''""rl M . Co. , Browder & Haymes, Claimed 12 . 00 4. 00

] 0. 00 Corn, oats, nl!nlfn.

Kan-sas l:Jty, 1\io . . .. Savannah, Ga . .. .... 'Foun d 12 . 81 2 . 67 !;8. 48 11 . 85

30 ~ion eer Alfalfa Meal. . Kornfalfa Feed M . Co .. Harden & Rour.k,

Claimed 15.00 2.00

22.00 Al fnlfn.

Kansas City, Mo.... Savann a h, Ga ....... Found 13. 45 3 . 42 36 . 34 30.00

202 Fine Feed or Feed Meal Mountain City Mills, W. L . & W. M. Fain, Claimed ! 'Chattanooga, T eun .. Atlanta, Ga . . ... . ... Found
205 !3upreme Feed ........ Sou. F. & G. Co. , Farmer s' Exchange, Claimed Atlanta, Ga........ . Atlanta, Ga......... Found

12.50 15.31
12.00 11.38


8. 50 Wheat nne! corn prodnet.

4. 70 59.19 5.46

3. 50

11. 00 orn, oats, alfalfa.

3.41 52.83 18.83

210 Star Mixed Feed . . . . . . City G. & F. Co.,

P. W . B<>uner,


J Columbia, Tenn ... . . Tallapoosa, Ga . .... . Found 10.62 2.96 54.37 17.63 U b~~~~ corn cob and wheat

216 Georgia Mule Feed .... Ralston-Purina Co. , H. F. Tillman,

Claimed 10.00 3 . 80

11.90 'orn. onts, altatrn, D. B.

St. Louis, Mo ..... . Valdosta, Ga ........ Found 11.00 5.35 54.49 15.05 grain .

217 <\mer. Cooked Cow

F eed ........... . .... Amer. Steam Feed Co., A. H. Dukes,


:-lashville, 'Tenn ..... Valdosta, Ga..... .. Found

26.00 25.00


JO.OO 'ott()n seed meal , h ominy

6. 67 i 1 . 68 '0. 23

feed, barley sprouts, D. B. grain~.

218 Steamed Cooked

Cow Feed .... ... .. .

ashville ~ d Co., Yarn & Burnett,


Nashville, T enn ..... Valdosta, Ga ... .. .. Found

26.00 25.88

7.50 7.34

i1 . 23

10.00 10.17

otton s d meal, llomln.v reod. hnrley s prouts. D. B. grnlns.

220 Banner Feed . ...... .. . Quaker Oats o.,

M. Curry,


Chicago, Ill.... .... . Valdosta, .Ga ........ Found

221 Duke's Mixture

Ralston -Purina Co.,

A. H . Dukes,


St. Louis, Mo . . . .. . Valdosta, Ga ........ Found


! Steinmesob Mixed Fee<l l t imesch F.



r. !R.ounsavll1e




co . , St. Louis, Mo. Rome, Ga ........... Found

10.00 10.94
10.00 10.44
11.00 10.94

4.00 3. 72 65.17

9. 00 " om. wb!'nt produ ct. oats. 6 _96 oat hulls, C. S. mcnl.

3 .80

11.90 'Tomln.v f eed. ont~. corn.

3.27 65.90 15.67 nl!nl!a, D. B. gtnls.

3.00 3.27 60.10

6. 00 Whent. corn. K. ('orn. bnr-

3 20

lr,-. onts, flax, smn ll SI'Cd. grit.

224 Vere-Best Feed ....... Syke-s Milling Co. ,

R<>me Mercantile Co ., Claim ed 14 .50 4.~0

6.50 Wheat corn prorluct.

1 Cl veland , Tenn .... Rome, Ga .. .. . ..... . Found 16 . 44 4.52 57.64 7.01

RE UL'rS OF A ,\ LY I Oli' MI CELL NEOU. I1EED .-(Continued.)



Wlll~lU~ lt'OlJ ND.

229 Cracker Mule Feed.... Quaker Oats Co.,

W. R. Holt tCo. ,


Chlcngo , Ill........ . . . Macon, Ga .. . .... . . . Found


3. 50

58. 16

~~ \ r=..... _

...!.....__ _.....:..,......:.__ _

12.00 ('ont, burley, oats, ont
12. 33 bulls, n l!o lfn, C. S. menI.

230 Quaker Dairy and

Molasses Feed . ..... Qualcer Oats Co . ,

W. R. Holt Co.,


Chicago, Ill. . ...... . Macon, Ga.... .. .. .. Found

~ 231 Rice 'Bran ........... . H. da Ponte & Co. , Burum Bros. & Co., Claim d ~ew Orleans, La .. Augusta, Ga ... . .... Found

16.00 3. 50

12.00 ! 'oro, out , out bulls. mo


3.96 52 .92 13.51

lasses, screeo lojls, meal.

. lS.

13 . 00 13 . 41 45 . 30 9. 57 1:1ce product.

234 Allalta Meal .. . . .. .. . . Amer. Alfalfa F. Co. , Pringle & V , edore , Claimed Wichita, Kans . . . .. Thomasville, Ga . .. . Found 13.19 1 . 97 34.84 35. 61 Alfalfa.

237 Red Mill Horse

and Mule Feed .. .... Nat!. H ., G. & S . Co. Macon Gro. Co.,


Macon, Ga.... ...... Macon , Ga . . ....... Fo und

239 Maza Feed .. . . ..... ... Great Western Cereal Rrandon Gro. Co. , lc iaimed

Co., Chicago, Ill... Thomasville, Ga . .. . Found


4. 00

. 25

I lfaltn, ooro. !{rains.


0. fl.

5.01 62 .27 8.96


11 . 00 Corn. oats, ont bulls. Rl

3.38 57.77 12 . 70 fnlfn.

244 Badger Alralfa Horse
and Mule Feed .... . . Chas. A. Krouse M. Co., Milwaukee, Thomasv ille Ice Mfg. Claimed
I \Vis. .. ...... . .. .. . Co . , Thomasville, Ga . Found



60 . 69


oro, oats, nlf nlfn, D. H. gt'lllns, malt ' sprout~. scr enlogs, molasses.

249 ffi;ergr een Feed ...... Alfalfa F. Mllls,

Tenn. Mlll Co.,


Nashville, Tenn ..... Savannah, Ga ...... Found

j . i
252 ~Jconomy Mixture ... .. Am er-Alfalfa F . Co., :>lorton Gro. Co. ,


Wichita, Kans .. .. . Savannah, Ga ..... .. Found

Ia!: j


57 PurP Alra1fa Meal ...... Lamont AJ.faifa M. Co. Tietjen Gro. Co.,


Lamont . Okla .

Savannah, Ga...... . Found

l 4 t11 lc

13- !3tafolite . ..... . ..... . . Lawrence & Hamilton, Tift & Peed,


:'\ ew Orleans, La .... Al-bany, Ga ... ..... . Found

231 Rice Bran . ... ........ H. da Pol1't.e & Co., Burum Bros. & Co. , Claimed :\ew Orlean.s, La... Augusta, Ga ........ Found

~2.50 3. 50

12.50 Elar corn, oats, nlfalra.

11.75 3 . 30 38 . 83 12 . 17

11.00 3. 25

t0 . 00 Corn, alfalfa.

11 . 31 4.19 63.48 8.71

14 . 00 3. 25

28.00 Al!alrn.

14.25 2. 98 37.86 '27. 81

11.00 6 . 00


11 . 81

5 50

53 05

15 90

Corn, D. B. molasses,

grains, alfalrn, rice hulls, rice

bran, cotton seed men!.

13.00 13.41

9. 57 Rice product.

4 Ara:b Feed. . . . . . M. C. Peters M. Co. , H. D. Adams Co. ,

Claimed 12.00 4. 00

] 2. 00 Corn, oats, alfalfa, molas-

Omaha, Neb .. .. .. . Macon, Ga .......... Found 11.00 4.37 57.33 11.10 ses.

95 A.lfalta Meal. .......... M. C. Peters M. Co., P. Rosenhoff ,

Claimed 11 . 00 . 50

2 '~ . 00 Al!alta.

Omaha, Ne'b . . . . . . . Savannah, Ga ....... Found 13.44 2. 11 32. 65 37. 60

64 Dried Sugar Beet Pulp. :\I:chigan Sugar Co., Tietjen Gro. Co.,

Claimed 11. ~8 1. 64

19. 33 Beer pulp.

Bay City, Mdch .... . Savannah, Ga ....... Found 9.13 1.23 60.34 18.07

314 Fine Feed or Feed Meal Mountain City M. Co., T. H. Willdams,


Chattanooga, Tenn. . . Villa Rica, Ga ...... Found

315 Fine Feed or Feed Meal Mom1tain City M. Co., W. B. Burnett,


Chiltt::t.nnne-<~. . Tenn. VH!a 'Rica, Ga ....... Found

14!1 Stafolife Feed ......... Lawrence & Hamilton, W. M. Terry,


New Orleans, La.... Atlanta, Ga ......... Found

12.50 16.00
] 2. 50 13.19
11 . 00 12.81

5 . 50 60.00 8. 50 'Vheat, whent screening, 4.64 58.93 5. 21 corn.

5.50 60.50 8.31 '30 47

8. 50 Wheat, wheat screenings. 8 _25 corn.

6. 00

1? 75 Corn, nlrnlrn, rice, C. S.

5. 84 49.24 14:52 ~~:~s. D. B. grains, mo-










.:.. l'l
._cg~. u"'

..; c


22 -\.merican Alfalfa Food . JAmer . AlfaHa F. Co. , Peoples Gro. Co. , Claimed

Wichita, Kans.

Cordele , Ga ... ....... Found

I 48 Cooked Cow Feed . . .. .. Sou. Cooked F. Co., Cassels Co.,


Nashvllle, Tenn.... Savannah, Ga... .... Found

26.00 21.75

4.65 50.93 16.771Corn, al!alfa, oats, wheat bt'llU, oil cake.

7. 80

10.60 D. B. groins, bnrley, small



5 46 41 34

14 _36

amount corn, C. S. men!.

53 Protena Dairy Feed ... . Ralston-Purina Co.. J . C. lSIalter,

Claimed 20.0.(} 3 .W

16 .00 Corn. nlfnl!u, D .'B. grains,

St. Louis, Mo...... Savannah, Ga ....... Found 21.50 5.07 40.34 16.35 C. S. meal.

86 Milk Albumen ........ Altxar:der Seed Co., Alexander Seed Co . Claimed 50 . 00 15. 00

Augusta, Ga.

Augusta, Ga... .. .. . Found 39.63 12.71

140 Universal Dairy Feed .. Tiniver sal Stock Food W. M. T errr,

Claim d

C<l., Lebanon, Tenn . Atlanta, Ga......... Found


Malzefalfa Feed


Great Western Cereal Chas. Zimmerman, Co . , Chicago, Ill. . . 1 Atlanta, Ga ......

. ..

Claim Found


142 Quake r Dairy F eed .... Quaker Oats Co . .

IE. D. Davis c~..


Chicago, Ill ... ... .. . Atlanta, Ga .. .. . .. .. Found

22.50 17.38
10.00 11.56
12. 00 15.50

5. 25

12. 95 Alfnl!n, corn, oats.

3 . 22 41 . 43 23 . 70

4 00

11. 00

Corn, oats, faltn.




4. 10 56 . 64 14. 62

3 . OO


~ t.


Corn, wbent, C. S. meal.




3.45 52.47 14.87

IJ. lf3 <\.lfalfa Meal .......... 13el0ltAlfalfa M. Co . , D. Frazier & Co., Claimed 15. 0(} 1. 50


Beloit, Kans. . . . . . . Atlanta, Ga ......... Found 16.06 2.60 33.80 30.86

173 l:lice Meal 0 0 0

J. D. Frasier & Co., Claimed Atlanta, Ga... . ..... Found


Standard ft'eed

Riverside Mlll Co. ,

Wingfield Cash Gro. Claimed

Shelbyvdlle, Tenn ... Co., Athen.s, Ga.... Found

12.88 16. 04 49.03
14.31 5 . 2-3 14.37 4.97 58.79

5.02 Rice product.


Wheat logs,

hran and corn bran.


8 . 09

177 l:llce Bran 0

J. D. Frazie r & Co., ClalmEid' Atlanta, Ga .. . .... . . Found 13.25 14.82 43.82 10.31 Rice . product.

187 Rice Polish .. ... ...... H. Ida Ponte & Co., F. P. H. Akers,

Claimed 11. 5(} 7 . 0.0

6 . 30 Rice product.

New Orleans, La.... Atlanta, Ga... .... . . Found 10.25 7.08 66.97 .80

188 Rice Bran . . ..... . ... . H da Ponte & 'Co.,

F. P. H . Akers,


New Orleans, La.

Atlanta, Ga..... .. .. Found

*"'~ 195 Mill Feed 0 Atlanta M:llllng Co.,

Atlanta Milllng Co. ,


Atlanta, Ga....... . . .Aitlanta, Ga ... ...... Found

12.!)0 10.00

tO . OO Rice product.

13.00 11.68 48.16 8.39

13.00 4.0(}

9.50 Wheat and corn product.

14.69 4.16 60.66 5.67

I 197 Dairy and Stock Feed . Atlanta Milling Co., Atlanta 'Milling Co. , Claimed 21.00 4. 00

9 . 50 Wheat and C. S. meal.

Atlanta , Ga...... . .. Atlanta, Ga .... . .... Found '<3 .12 5.00 51.72 7.64

198 1\fc,iac Horse Feed . . .. . Qu.aker Oats Co ., - <Chicago, Ill. . . . . . . .

Claimed Found'

10 . 00 10.62

3.25 3.37


10 . 50 10.59

Al!al!a, hulls,

corn, barley,

oats, ont molasses.

199 Grainfalfa Feed .. . ... . 1Great We~ tern Cereal IW. L. & W. 1L Fain, Claimed 10.00 4.00

tl.OO Reground seeds, corn.

Co., Chicago, Ill . . . Atlanta, Ga . .. . .. ... Found 10 56 5.20 63.59 8 .66

:'00 \fill Feed .. ........... W. 1. . Rz W . \1. Fain. W. L. &W. M. Fain, Claimed 14.00 4.50

7.00 Wheat and rice.

Atlanta, Ga . .. ...... , Atlanta, Ga . ....... . Found 15 . 06 6.79 58.47 4.25

Olj AN \LY I OF MISCELLA EO FbEDS.- ( OJ tlinu d.)


)IAN F'A "l' U HI<lH .

\\'1111RI) Jr011ND.


....:.":"...;' c"..'c".'

= .6~c.~(..."1'

.. ..c.,, .{..I


9 Victor Oa~ ........... Quaker Oats Co. ,

W. R. Holt,

Iclaimed 10.00 4.00

9. 00 t;Orn, wheat, onts, ont

Chicago, Ill ........ . Macon, Ga .......... Found 10.58 3.45 64 . 88 8.45 hulls, C. S. meal.

49 Otto Weiss Alfalfa

Stock Feed .. ........ Otto Weiss Alfatfa S . The Cassels Co.,


F. Co., Wichita, Kan. Savannah, Ga ....... Found

12.00 11.38

3 50

15 00 Corn, nlfnlfa, wheat brnu.

3.47 65.47 5.16 llns~ men!.

~ 70 Otto Weiss AiraUa

Oat Food ........... Otto Weiss Alf.aJ.fa S. Willett Seed Co.,

Claimed 12.00 3.50 53.(}(} 15.00 orn, oats, nlfnlfn, wheat,

F. Co., Wichita, Kan . Augusta, Ga ......... Found 12.04 3.92 55 . 05 15 . 19 linseed men!.

166 Alfalfa Lass

Alfalfa Products Co., Holbrook & Smith, Claim d 18 . 00 1. (}0

20. 00 \lfnlf-n, molasses.

Fremont, Nebr. . . . . Atlanta, Ga . ........ Found 13.75 2.30 59.46 14.60

61 Gem Cow Feed ........ Tietjen Grocery Co. , Tletjen Gro. Co . ,

Claimed 19.60 5 . 00

9. 00 \tral!a, c. s. men!. wheat

Savannah, Ga.. . ... .Savannah, Ga ....... Found 15 .94 4.48 50.45 14.30 hrnn, coru.

63 Keystone Feed ........ Tietjen Grocery Co., Tiet.'en Gro. ~o.

Claimed 10 . 00 2. 50

\2.00 Corn, wheat ol!nl, nlfalfn .

Savannah, Ga .

SavannaL, Ga....... Found 11.25 3.97 61.20 9.40

75 ~lfalfa Dairy Feed ... . Smith Bros.,

Castleberry & Wilcox, Claimed 19. 20, 4. 60

14.10 Alfnl!a, cotton seed menI.

Augusta, Ga........ Augusta, Ga ........ Found 20.19 4.26 37.47 ~0.98 wheat bran.

168 1\fedium Mill Feed . . .... R . W . Davis & Co ., .1. W . Davis & Co. , Claimed 12 . 50 .55

8. 00 Rice, nod wheat product.

Atlanta, Ga........ . Altlanta, Ga ... . ..... Found 14 . 06 7.27 60.84 4.27

11 Supreme Feed ....... . Sou. F. & G. Co., Jas. McKinnon,

Claimed 12 . 00 3.50

11.00lcoro, oats, nl f nlfn, screen

Atlanta, Ga.. . ...... Thomasville, Ga .. .. Found 13.75 7.17 49.06 14.82 logs.

45 Daisy Cow F eed .. . ... W. D. Simkins & Co., W. D. Simkins & Co., Claimed 13.00 4. 00

9. 00 \\'heu t bran, co1n lun n,

1Savannah, Ga... . . . Savannah, Ga .. ... . . Found 17.63 6.40 51.55 8 . 42 t-ottou ~ced menI. rice.

169 White Mill Feed .... .. R. W. Davis & Co., 1.. W. Davis & Co., Claimed 12.50 6 .75

6. 00 ltlce and wheat product.

Atlanta, Ga ..... ... . Atlanta, Ga .... . .... Found 14.06 7.47 58.58 5 .1 4

103 Al!al!a Meal ... .. . .... ShaJWnee Mig. Co .. \1oore & Co. ,

J laimetd 13. 75 1 . :J6

32.7 Alfalfa.

Shawnee, Okla ..... .Savanna h , Ga .. .. . .. Found 18.31 2 . 85 33 . 55 27 . 62

130 Peerless Feed ....... . J . Allen Srnlth & Co. , \. . P. Morgan G. Co., Claim d 15.00 4. 00

7. 00 W'h ent and com.

Knoxvllle, Tenn . ... . Atlanta, Ga .... .... . Found 16.06 4.69 1)8.90 6.80

98 Purina Feed ....... . . . Ralston - Purina Co., L{. 'Traub & Son,

Claimed 12. 50 4 . 00

8. !)I) oro. oa t s, nlfnlfn. 0 . H.

St. Louis, Mo ..... . Savannah, Ga ...... . Found 14.69 4. 00 56 . 40 11 . 46 groins.

21 P eerless Feed . . .. . ... Ralston-Purina Co., )tovall-Jones Gro. Co. Clai:11ed 10.00 3. 80 59.20 11 . 9f: Coi'D, nlfnlfa. onts. D. n. St. Louis, Mo ..... . Fitzger ald, Ga ....... Found 12.44 3 . 75 49 . 81 19 . 85 grnlns, flux brnn.

5 Vim Horse F eed ....... Quaker Oats Co. ,

T. A. Flournoy,

Ciaimed 10.00 3.75

10.50 Corn. onts, oat hulls. nl

Chicago, Ill ...... . . . .Macon, Ga ...... . ... Found

11 . 12

4.23 60.20 10 28

fnlfn. burl y. cotton ec<l m eul, mota ses.

7 Banner F-eed

Quaker Oats Co. ,

A.dams Gro . Co . ,

Claim d 10 . 00 4. 00

9. 00 Corn, oats. oat hu11s. whoot

Chicago, Ill ...... .. . Macon, Ga . ... ...... '"o und 10 o~ 3 . 65 r,5. 39 8 11 rntton ~eed mrnl.

RE L'l' OF' AN \LY I OF ~H ELL NEOU., FEl<,D .-( ntinn d.)


WllEfil'l FOUND,

I 10 Schumacher Special


I Feed .. ....... Quaker Oats Co . ,

J ones Gro. Oo . ,


C hicago, Ill .... . .... , Macon, Ga.......... ( ound



h c
6~0 -Ef~


r;..c. c:Jo;P..

10.00 4.00 '0.03 :3.68 ~7.71





9.00 Jcorn, oats, oat hulls, bar7.44 I y, cotton seed meal.

I 20 Blue Ribbon Feed . ..... Qua ker Oats Co . ,

!Stovall-Jones Gr o. Co., Claimed 10.00 4.00

9. 00 J;ol'll, oats, oat hulls, whent



C hicago, III. . ... .. .. F!tzgerald ,Ga. . . . . .. ,Found

10.07 3.75 66.21 7 . 90 cotton se d meaI.

oo 56 Schumacher 's

I Horse Feed ......... Quaker Oats Co . , Chicago, Ill ...

Jno. R. Young Co. , Claimed Savannah , Ga. ...... (ound

1{) .00 10.24

4.00 3.37 ~6.85

8 .00 6.62

Com, seed

oa ts. meal,

bnrley, cotton ont hulls.

WHE T PR DU T .. ( )ne hundred and thirty-fiv ample of wheat products were ;>.nal)zed. They c n i t f wheat bran . middling and hiptuff. The protein content ranged fr m r2. rg per cent. to -'0.43 per cent. ery few f th e pr duct failed in meeting t w r o-uarantee.

TIE, t'L1\' OV .\0: .\1 /f~l . OFI\'f!E.\'1' PTIOl 'CT'.




IW. 42 Pure Wheat Bran ...... The Dunl?P M. Co.,

D. S.lmkins Co., Claim d 14.60 4.06

9. 49 lVI\eat bran, screentn~r

Clarksville, Tenn.... Savannah, Ga ....... Found 14.69 4.82 ~5.90 8.90

104 Wheat Bran .......... Dun lop Mills. Richmond, Va.

Alexander Gro. Co . . Claim d 14.50 4. 00

9. 50 IVbeat bran.

Savannah, Ga .. . .... Found 15.25 4.50 ~6.06 8.75

l llJ Pure Wheat .Bran ..... . Decherd Mills Co., Matthews & Keever, 15.63 4.4

.12 Wbent bran.


Dech rd, Tenn ...... CartersVille, Ga .. ; .. ,Found 15.75 4.52 '53.71 9.52

9 Pure Wheat Bran .... .. Cumberland Mills,

Dick & Holmes,

Claimed 14.50 4. 00 50.00 9. 50 Wbcnt {)ran.

Nashville, Tenn .... I Augusta, Ga........ Found 14.82 4.52 ?4.80 9.82

4i! Pure Wheat Bran ...... Cumberland Mills,

W. D. Simkins & Co., Claimed 16 . 00 4.0(}

6 . 00 Wheat Dl'odnct.

Nashville, T enn ..... Savannah, Ga. ...... Found 16.01 4.61 li0.86 5.35

51 Pure Wheat Bran .. .. .. Cumberland Mills,

J . C. Slater,

Claimed 14.50 4.00

9.50 Wheat brnn.

Nashville, Tenn ..... Savannah, Ga ....... Found 15.25 4 . 44 '34.69 8.30

119 w. D . Bran .. ..... .. . Cassels Mills,
Gadsden, Ala.

R . .J. Ragan,

Claimed 14.00 4.00


Rome, Ga ........... jFound 14.38 4.06 63.66 5.42

- ....

18!{ Shorts . ............. .. Morris Bros . ,

:\forris Bros.,

Claim Pd 1!1.00 4 . 00

6. 00 Whlnt product.

Atlanta, Ga 0 0 Atlanta, Ga. ... . .... Found 17.38 5.32 57.67 5.14

J 70 "fixed Bran ........... Marshall & Manry M.

Co. , HardJson Mills,

; T nn ........... .... Candler Warehouse Co. Claimed 13.17 4.62

7. 76 Whcnt prorlu t.


Atlanta, Ga. : ...... . Found 17.00 4.61 '?7.52 7.49

1 r Standard Feed .. ... ... I~1adlsonville Flouring

Mills, Madisonville, F. P. H . Akers,

Claimed 15.40 4. 65

3.1 O'Wb('nt produrt.

T enn. ......... ..... Atlanta, Ga ...... ... Found 16.31 4.13 "i9.43 4.84

Ballard's Shipstuff ..... Ballard & Balla rd Co., Chas. Zimme rman , Ciaimcld 17. ~'i 4. 41

5. 3 Wheat rwodurt.

Louisville, Ky. .. .. . Atlanta, Ga ......... Found 17.63 2.86 "i7. 80 5.00

19f Red Dog .... .. ...... .. Kelly Milling Co . ,

\V. S. Duncan & Co. , Claimed 13.00 1. 50

2. 00 Wbent produ!'t.

Kansas City, Mo .... Atlanta, Ga .. .... . .. Found 16.06 3.35 G6.48 1.65

.0...1.. 23F Mixed F eed

A.kln -Er!'ltine Mig . Co. A. B. Small & Co., Claimed 16.72 4.01

. 20 When t produ ct.

1 Evansville, Tnd . . . . . Macon, Ga. . ... .. .. Found 16.56 3. 90 "i6 . 86 8.46

273 Star Middlings

tar & Cr seen t Mig. D . P. 0 Conrnor & Co. , Claimed 16.00 4.00

. 00 IVbcnt prorlu!'l.

Co., Chicago, Ill ... . Augu.sta, Ga........ Found 18.12 5.01 li6.37 5.52

300 Monarch Shorts ........r. D. Frazier & Co .
Atlanta , Ga.
311 Bran and Shorts ... , . . . A . .T. Houser, F't. Valley, Ga ......

P. Daniel & Son, S noia, Ga.

Claimed 1~.00 4 .00

6.00 Whea l produrt.

Found 17.50 4.15 'i9.81 5.91

Claimed 14.50 4. 0(}

R. 00 IVbC'nt produ!'t.

Found 14.56 3.95 S8.2G 8.43

54 Tnvinclbl e Fe d 117 Wh at Bran

Hop kins,ille ;\fig. Co., .Tno. R. Youn g Co., Claim d

Hopkinsville, Ky .

Savannah . Ga .... .. Found

rlu ssy Bro~. , Cedartown . Ga. Mercantile Co., Claimed Rome, Ga . . . .. .... Found

Hi.OI 15 . 50
14.50 14.75

4.30 4.22
4.00 4.82 55.31

. 00 \Vb nt PI'OIIII r l . 6.62
9 . 50 Wheot llrnn. 9.45

RE ULrr' OF A \.L 'SlS OF WHEAT PROD CT .-(Continued.)








WUlllltE FO o.

313 \11xed Feed ...... ..... Cape Coun.ty Mig. Co., tf ndrlcks Gro. Co., Claimed Jac~son, Mo. .. .. .. 1Columbus, Ga . .. .. . Found


] "

"' ...,.



... .. I ~ ~ ("".J''

.0 . o. o~u
.2o...... ...,,

l oj "' C),ap.,


16. oo, 5.M
16.38 4.16 '55.69



lNGlt.IDDll!JN ' 8 .

7. 44 Wheat product. 7.06

143 Valier's Bran . . . . . . . . . Valier & Spies Mlg . E . D. DaviS Co.,

Claimed 17.00 5. 00

tO.OO Wheat product.

Co . Marine, Ill .... Atlanta, Ga. .... .... Found 16.81 3.80 53.45 11.20

296 Ship IStul'r .. . .. . .. . .... Atlanta Milling Co. , Atlanta Mlllling Co . , Claimed 13.00 4.00

9.50 Wheat.



Atlanta, Ga. 0 Atlanta, Ga ...... . .. Found 16.63 4.46 56.30 5.70


::>hip Stul'r

The Duij!Op M!lls,
0 0 0 0 0

Richmond, Va.

Castleberr y & Wilcox, Claimed 14.50 4.00

7.00 Wheat.

Augusta, Ga. . . .. .. . Found 15.29 4.28 56.29 7.50


Ba l l ar d ' s


Ballard & Ballard Co. ,

P. Ro.senboff,

Claim ell

Louisville , Ky. .....

Savannah, Ga.

0 .

78 Pure Winter Wheat

Fancy Shor ts 0 0 . Akin-Erskine Mig.

A . B. Saxon Tiro. , Claimed

Co., Evansville, Jnd. Augusta, Ga . ........ Found

15 .25 15.94
16 .3o6 16.02

4. 43 5.27 53 .45
4.50 62.66 4.24 57.64

8.40 Wheat bran. 9.32
3.90 6.25 Wheat product.

80 Brown Shorts . . . . . . . . . Allanta Milling Co . , Arrington Br os. ,

Clain rl

Atlanta, Ga. ... ..... 1 Augusta, Ga ........ , Found

76 Pure Wbeat Shorts .... so,~th P ~n Mill$, . ashville, Tenn.

Allen & Baxley,


Augusta, Ga. . .... .. . Found

15.00 15 . 62
16.00 16.57

4.00 60.83 4.41 57. 97
4. 00 48.00 4.81 56 . 75

6.00 Wheat bran and shorts. 6.04

6.00 Wheat bran and short,, 5.91

5;; PurP Wheat Brnn . ..... T enn ssee l\1ill Co., Jno. R. Y oung Co ., :::Iaim d llsLi 11 ~ prin gs, Tenn . Savannah, Ga ..... . =ound

11 0 Pure vVh eat Bran .... . . )1 . \'each ' '1 .. Adairsv ille , Ga .

J. C . H enr y & on, Cartersville, Ga.

Jl a l m erl .=ound

I 14.50 5.or
14 .94 4.1 5 <;4.71 I
14.:)0 t .Oil 16.1 2 4. 60 <;5.3!:

9. 50 Whent bran. 8.56

9.50 8.67

1Vh e n t logs.




12 Pure Shorts .......... Washburn-Cro by Co., Jas. McKinnon.

v laim eld 14.50 4.0

i.OOWheat product.

Loulsvi lie. Ky.

Thomasvilie, Ga ... .

16.12 5 . 54 55.91 8.00

13? Pure Wheat Middlings. Hopkinsville Mig . Co., A . P. /Mor gan G. Co . , v lai 'Yled Hopkin sville, K y... . Atlanta, Ga ....... . Found

16.00 17.31

4.2fi l
4.47 58.93

6.00 6.25

:shorts bran

containing SOWP nurl cr enlor:R.

54 Invin cible F'eed .. .... . IHopldnsville :V11g . Co., Jno. R. Young Co . , 8 1almed 1!\. 04 4.~0

.or Wheat ptoduct.

Hopkinsvill , K y .. . . Savaooab , Ga .. ... . Found 15.50 4 . 32 '56.51 6.52

~ 112 Pure Wiheat Shorts .... . Lib rty Mills .

Bussey- Bros. ,

~as hville. T en n . .. .. . Ceda rtown. Ga.

Claim ed

~ . 00 18 .57

4 .0Q 5.3E 54 . 47

6.00 6.60

Wbent shorts. sCleen l n g s.



113 ?nre ~ThPat Bran ...... Liberty Mills ,

flu SPY Bros. ,


Nashville. T enn ..... C'e>dartown, Ga . .. .. . Found

147 Pure \\Thellt Middlings. T. H . Rrook p & Co .. Atlanta . Ga . . .... . . .

Clai rerl Found

14.:'\0 14 59

4 . 0~

56 . 11

9.50 10.50

Wheat brnn and lnr~:e nmount of S<'reenlngs.

~ ~ 1)0 1.0.11

6.00 Whea.t.

15.04 3. 37 68 . 07 2.77

139 li'ancy horts;

W. R . Duncan & Co., W . . Duncan &Co., Claim ed AtlAnta. Ga ........ . Atl anta. Ga .... ..... Found

1~6 Pure Wh :1t nran ...... Columbia ~f. & Fl. Co. , Morris Bros.


Columbilt, 1' nn ... .. Atlanta. Ga ...... ... Found

147 Pure Wh f <lt :\!flddlings .. T. Tl. nrooke & o. , . i\Torri s Bros ..

Claim rl

Atl an ta , Ga ....... . Atlanta , Ga ..... .... Found

lf\.00 16 .63
11. :;o
15 . 63
l!i . OO 15 . 04

4 . 0(\ 4 . 22 61.38
-1.75 1
I4.60 ';6 . 26
4 . oo
3.37 68.07

6 . 00 Wheat 4.75
9.50 Wheat hran. 9.19
6.00 Wheat. 2.77

HE ' L'l'l::l Oli A ALY ' 1 I Oli' v\' 111-D t 'l PHOD . "1' '.-( 101ltiuue<l.)






:\!.AN l'A ''J'l)H'"H.

WJlhlHJo: I'IH' ~D.



I -g~9-!wi.-0".:-.. \ 5~~

.c.J a.>

I~GR.IW I I!J:-I'l'S.

1!50 Pure Wheat Bran ...... Aem M . & E. Co,

W. S. Dunca11 & Co. Claimed L6 .1}9 4.68

7. 49 Wbeal brau.

Hopkinsv!ll , Ky .... Atlanta , Ga . ..... ... Found 16 .50 5. 20 56.34 8.08

~06 P ure Wheat Bran . ..... Cedar City Mills, Lebanon Tenn .

MandevilJe M!lls,

Claimed 14 .50 4.00

9.50 1\'h a t bran.

Tallapoosa, Ga. .... ( ound 16.44 4.85 54.96 8.04

2U7 Pure Wheat Shorts .... Bunch Roller Mills, Mandeville Mills,


'=.I t

Col umbia, Tenn ..... Talapoosa, Ga ....... Found 12.19 1. 87 72.63 .80

~(). Wheat Shorts .... .... edar City Mills,

B. c. Reynolds,


Leba;non, Tenn ...... Tallapoosa, Ga. .. . . Found 16.81 4.90 60.00 4.02 :beuL product.

209 Pure Bran . ..... ... ... Washburn-Crosby Mig. P. \<\ . Bomier,

Claimed 14.50 4.00

9 50 \\'beat brnu.

Co . , Louisville, K y. r n.llapoosa. Ga. . ... ,Found 16.50 4.61 53.75 9 . 09

212 r.amation Shorts ...... Kemp r M. & E. Co ., J. T. What! y Co . , !Claimed Kansas City, Mo .. . . Columbus, Ga. . ... , Found
107 Pure Wheat Bran... , .. J. A. & 0 . L . Jones M . & E. Co . , Nashv!lle, Tenn. . ..... ... .... Robin ou & Oak s. Claimed Lawrf nc ril~. Ga ... 1Found

16.00 19.37
16. 3 15 . 19

4.30 5.27 62.94
4.06 4 .42 66 . 76

6.0C ,\' bent l)roduct.
~I 6.67
7.6F Vbent bran. 7.62

32 >ure Wheat .Bran . . . ... The Ha r t r Mig. Co.. llarJE n & Rourk ,

ClaimCid 1 14.50 4.00

9. 50 \\' h eat prudll ct.

T ol do . ObJo.. . ... . . Savannah, Ga . ... . .. i=ound '15 .62 4.59 ~3 . 90 9.32

J 01 Choice Bran .. . . ... ... H ck er-Jones -Jewell Hecker-Jones -Jewell Claime d
;-,r. Co . , New York .. .M. Co., Savannah, Ga . F ound

-1.95 15. 06

5. 35 5 . 37 65.18

9 . 50 Wherut Drau and small 9 . 70 amount scteen1ngs.

I 120 Brown Shorts ... ...... F' tteville M. Co . . Ro ne Mercantile ~o ., C'laim d Fayetteville , Tenn .. . Rome, Ga . ... . .. . .. Found
117 F'aultless tStock an d Cattle Food ........ IF'ayetteville M. Co., iRome Mercantile Co .. Claim d Fayette ville, T enn . . . Rome , Ga .. ........ . Found

I 93 Wheat Bran .. . .. . .... . Star :\1!lling Co. ,

Bussey & Caswell,


<Ch icago, Ill . .. .. .. .. Augusta, Ga ........ Found

.:- 1~2 Shorts . ... ... . ... ... . . ,Riv rs ide ~1. &P . Co., .Mays Gro. Co . ,

Oln.i med


~carters ville, Ga . . . . . Cartersville , G.a . . . .. Found

l 21 Pure Wheat Bran .. .... ftou n.s aville Bros .. IOhambe rs. Ga.

Rounsaville Bros., Claimed Chamber , Ga .. .. . .. Found

' 5 .00 18 . 06

4 . 00 5 .30 57. 34

6. 00 When.t snorts contn.lnlng 5 . 07 some bran.

14 .50 1 L OO

9 . 50 Wbent bran.

14 . 75 4 . 82 55 . 31 9.45

I:}. 15 3.55

9 . 11 Wh eat IHHn.

15 . 94 4 .95 ~3 .12 10.78

14.00 15. 81
14.50 15 68

a.79 3. 62 61 . 85
4.00 4 .40 56.80

4 .4 ~ Wheat tlrtHi uLot . 4.20
9. 50 Wheat urun. 9.02

118 Pure Wheat Bran ... ... "'ride Milling Co. , <Cartersville, Ga.


Claimed 14.50 I .00

9. 50 Wheat htun.

Carte rsville , Ga ..... Found '5 .06 4.45 55.99 9.42

100 Pure Wb at Bran . . . . . . \tfountain City M. Co . . Cunsolidated Naval S. Clai111 e d 14 . 50 4.00

9. 50 Wheat bran.

Chattanooga, Tenn .. Co., Savannah, Ga .. Found 14.94 4.42 55.27 9 . 40

133 Pure Wheat :\1iddl iugs. \ . P. Mo rgan G. Co . , A. P. Mor gan G. Co., Claimed L5. 00 4.00

6 . 00 Wheat produ ct.

Atlanta , Ga. . . . . . . . . Atl an ta. Ga ......... Found 15.68 3.62 131.01 5 . 87

134 fi'eed Bran . ..... . .. .. . ' todle Milling Co. .

A. P . Morganti . Co ., !Claimed 16.12 4.76

6. 20 ~ran antl creenl nl!<.

:\1:cKen zie. T en n..... Atla'Dta , Ga . . . . .... . lF ou n d 16.75 4 .25 58 . 69 6.70 1



'I 189 Pure Wheat Shorts .... Akin-Erskine M. Co., 1A. P. Morgan G. Co., Claimed Evansville, Ind ..... Atlanta, Ga..... .... round

193 Pure Wheat Middlings. Bennett-1Craft -Kauff- W. .S. Duncan & Co. , Claimed man, St. Louis, Mo.. Atlanta, Ga ...... .. Found


0\ 194 Pure Wheat Shorts . . . . Home M. & G. Co .. V. S. Duncan & 'o., Clai med


Mt. Vernon, Ind .. .. Atl ~11W , lla ......... Fo und


196 Bran and Shorts .... .. . . tlanta Milling Co., .tlanta i\H! I!ng Co.. Claimrd

Atlanta, Ga ..... . , . Atlanla, Ga . . . . .... . Found

20J Wheat Bran .......... Belfast Mill Co.,

. L. \\'. :\1. Fain !Claim ed

Belfast, T enn .. . ... . Atlanta, Ga ..... .. . Found

2<03 '3ran and Shorts ..... !Barrett, Denton & Lynn 'veeks Bros. ,


Co., Dalton, Ga.. . Decatur . Ga ...... .. i"o und

204 Blair Shorts . . . . . . . . . . ~lair Milling Co. , Atchinson, Kans.
165 Wheat Middlln~s . . .. .. Holbrook & Smi;.h, 1 Atlanta, Ga .. . ..... . R:o lbrook & Smith, Atl11ntn . r., ..

f' a im ed lfi.OO ~ . 00

fi 00 Wbent product.

Found 19.00 4.88 65.38 5.48

Iaim d ~ ; no 4 .0 0 f'c:nrl I 1~ :o I 4 .77

5. 00 Wbeat products. 4.76

17J urc Wheat Whit r

-- ~

- -- -- - - -

borts .. ... . .. . . ... . .I . D. Frazier & Co . . Atlanta, Ga .... .... . r. D . Frazier & Co., Claimed 15.00 4 .00

I 6. 00 \'hcnt products.

176 Wh Fat Dran . . .. ... . . Calhoun Roller Mills ,

Atlanta, Ga. ........ Found

I Calhoun , Ga .. .. . . .. Calhoun RoJJer Mills , Clalt11t ~ <Calhoun, 'Ga ......... Foun d

16 . 40 16.25

3.63 62.39 1 3.30

4 . 00

9. 50 1\'h f'n t lll'nn (tllrty) .

5.08 ')6 . 99 6.87

179 Wheat Shorts . . ... . . . . A. J. Hollingswor th,
Calhoun , Ga. . . . . . .. . . J . Hollingsworth, Claim u 15.00 4.00

6 . 00 I1\'b~n t . hons.

Calhoun, Ga. . . . . Found 15.37 2.74 70.51 1.26

1110 Pure Wheat Shorts .. . . Tnn. Mill Co. ,

Estili ,Sprin gs , T enn . Roach Brs..

Claimcld 16. 00 1 4.00

6. 00 \\'11(0 t 1Jtror1uct .

<Calhoun, Gn .... ..... Found 16.94 4.98 ?7.64 6.05

181 Fancy Short

Ph0enix Flour :Will. EvansviiJ , Ind.

03 1 . P. Morgan G. Co., Claimed
Atlanta , Ga . .... . . .. Found

J176.. oo

4.31 4. 50 'i7 . 60

7. 35 , \Vb rnt PI'N)U('l. 5.60

18 ~ Pure Wheat )[iddlings. Leavenworth :Wig . C'n . ,

L avenworth, Knn F. . D. Dav!F Cn.,

Claimed 16.00 1 4.00

6.00 Wb (':l' nrortu rt.

Atlanta, Ga ......... Found 19 .37 4.89 64.62 5.99

185 Wh eat Rran ...... .. .. Home M .~ G. Co ..

'Mt. Vern on . Tnil . .. . Chas Zimmerman.

Cla imed 15.54 / 4. 03

9. 44 Wit 'fl l hrn n.

Atlanta, Ga ......... Foun d 15 gg 4 . 42 '56. 02 8.01

292 WhE.>at Bran .. . . .. .. .. F. P. H.. Aker~ . Atlan ta. Ga .

F. P . H . AkerB.

Claim d

Atlanta. Gn . . . ... . .. Found

. 293 Wh at Shorts . . . .. .. . F. P. H. Akrrs.

F. P . H. Akers .


Atlanta, Ga. . . ... . . tlan ta. Ga .. . ...... Found

14.50 17.25
fi 00 16.38

4 .00 3.66 52.33
4.00 4.40 <;6.2(1

9 . 50 Wlw:lt prod <let. 9 . 54
6. 00 '>\'h cn t PI oduct . 6.39

29 4 Whit.? Shor s . . . . .. . . . Atlanta ~'fillln ~ Co . , Atlanta Milling Co ..

laimf'il 16.05 5.48

4.. 65 \Yiw;t IJI'f'(111C'T.

Atlanta , Ga. ....... Atlanta. Ga .... . . ... Fou nd 15 .00 3 .21 63 .50 3.72

LE ' (; L'l'.' O.F A 1\ LY 'J ' OF \\'I LE.\ '1' PHOD T '.-( u11Liuu 'd.)


~LA;Iil ' t;'.\( " l ' l ' lU: H..

W lll~lll: lo'O I":\' I 1.

<!99 Hrown Whea t Sh{)rts ... v. !:i. o..mcan & Co. ' \V. IS . Duncan & Co.. Claimed
Atlanta, Ga. . . . . . . . Atlanta, Ga . . .. ... . ( ound
152 Pur e Wheat Middlings. H. L. Halliday M . Co .. T. H . .Brooke & Co., Claimed Cruiro Ill . . . . . . . . . . AtlMJta, Ga .. . ... . .. Found

14 .50 18.68
16.00 16.09

4.00 4 .67 53.88
3 . -o
3.00 68.77

- - - - ~--
.00 6 . 12 Wheat produet.
1. 50 . 91 Whent middlings.

154 Pure Wheat Middlings. r . H . Brooke Co.,


Atlanta, Ga .

'l' . H . Brooke & Co., Claimed Atlanta, Ga . . . ... ... r ound

160 ~-'urlty Pure Wheat


Shorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l . D . Frazie r & o. . J . D . Frazie r & co . , Claimed

J'tlanta, 1Ga. . . . . . . . . Atlanta , Ga ... ...... Found

I:i. UIJ 16.94
15 .00 16. 25

4 . 0U 4.31 61.75
4 .0 0 4 .30 60 . 26

6.00 3. 86 \\'beat mlddlln!l'ij.
6 . 00 5 .06 Wbeat products.

162 <\.lbatross Middlings .. . I . F . Meyer & Son s M . J. D . FrazJl:lr & Co . , Claim d
Co .. St. Loui.s, .Mo . I Atlanta, Ga .... ..... Found

214 Pure Wheat Bran ...... Shelton Mills ,

! . T . Whastley Co., Claimed

'Chattanooga . T enn. . Columbus, Ga . . ..... Found

14.00 17 . 44 IIi . 50 16.63

4.00 4 .69 62.38 4 .50 4 .41 53.49

3.50 3.14 WheAL products. 8.50 7.42 \\'heat bran.

222 P ure Wheat Prot.! net . . . Rounsaville & Bro . , Chambers, Ga.

Rotm SIINilie & Bro . . Claim d Rome, Ga. ..... . ... Found

22 \Vh at Bran a nd Shorts. Prlde Mig. o ..

i ~rr r,itt & Co . ,



Cartersville, Ga . . . . . \1 aeon, Ga . . . . . . . . Fou nd

14.ii0 4 .00 15.50 4. 05 <;6.74
14.50 4.00
15 .88- 3 .-69 -57 .88

9.50 8. 56 \\'heat prod uct.
9.50 1 7. 09 \\'beat Pl'OUUCt.

" tl \\'heat Bran .......... Ak!ln-IDrskine Mlg. Co .. C. W . Cooper Co., Claime.o 16.661 3. 17

l0.1 2 1\Vb eo t brnu.

1 Iilvan sville , In d...... Thomasville, Ga .... Found 17 . 25 3 ' 54 'i5 ' 88 8 ' 86

2-53 Wheat Bran .... . ..... Dahnk - Wall!r :vi..

V\. D. Simkin & o., Claim d 14.00 4.00

10. 00 ,1\'hea t bran and SCI'CCII

Co., l nl on it1r , T enn !Savll!llnah, Ga ...... . Found 14.25 1 3 '96 55.91 10.06 lngs.

259 Pure W heat Bran .... . . .south rn Mill ~ .

W . D . Simkin &Co., ICJaimed 14.50 4 .00

9. 50 Wh ~at IJI'OU.

Nashville, T enn ...... . Sa vannah , Ga ..... .. Found 16.25 3.81 53' 54 9.19

i 264 Pure Wh at Bran ..... . Capital G. & .\1. Co . , ,P, l~o enhoff, Nashville , TU!ll .... .S avann aJh, Ga.

Claimed Found

269 ure Wlheat Shorts .... Star Mills ,

A . B. Saxon & Rro .. Claimed

Nashville, T enn . .... ~ Augusta, Ga ....... . Found

14 .50 16 .63
I (i. 00 18.63

3.50 4.08 53.27
4.001 4 .00 5.37 53.65

9, 50 \VIll'llt bi'OU . 9.18
(j ,00 ll'hP11 I prodtH:t . 6.02

.:J\ 272 Wheat Bran

Atanta Milling Co. , Murphy & Co. ,

Claimed 14.50 4.00 66.62 !! . 50 Wlll'nt Poduct.

Atanta , Ga . ... .. .. . Augusta , Ga . ........ Found 15 . 63 4. 10 55.20 8.96

289 Pure Wh at Middlings . Dun lop Milling Co. , W. 1. . & \V. 1\1. Fain, Claimed Clarkesville. T nn ... Atlanta. Ga ......... Found
He ~'ancy Shorts ......... 1W. S. Duncan & Co., W. S. Dun can & Co. , Claim d Atlanta , Ga....... . Atlm1ta, Ga. . .... Found

15.00 18.06
15.00 16.50

4.00 5.19 56.58
4.00 3.66 63.23

6.00 \\'IJ<n t pl'o<luct . 6.07
6. 00 Wh Ill. 3.25

-118 l'ancy 1Shorts

Phoenix Flour Mill,

W. &1. Duncau & . Co., Claimed 16. Q;{ 4. :i I 7.35 1 6.00 Bt .l il, ', OJ'I S .

Ev<tnsvllle, Ind .... ,. Atlanta, Ga ........ . Found 16.00 4.44 61.60 5.05

419 l''anCY Shorts ...... . Akln-E,rskln!.' M . C<l., W. ' Duncan & Co., Clalmctl 16.36 4 .50

3. 90 WhCft t product .

Evansville, Ind.. .... Atlanta, Ga ......... Found 16.38 4.80 70.17 4.50

~20 Pure Wh at Shorts .... R. W . Davi & Co. , R . W . Davis & Co.,

Iaimul 15.00 4.00

6 . 00 "hent product.

1 Atlanta, Ga ......... , tlanta, Ga ......... Found 15.57 2.50 70.49 .47

R I ~S n/ i 'S OF , \~.\ LY 'T OF \ 1nv, \T T'T\ 01){ T S - ( C' n tin11 11.)




ni-tA D.


) fA :" I ' ll' .\ I'Tl ' H RH .

w 1r,.;u r: I"Ol":" D .

Q ..

.. ..c"".''
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!'ro C..


,; .5~


424 Pure W hent .\I :dd lings . . A. P . Morgan G. Co. , A . P . JY! or .:::an Grain Clnlmed 15. 00 4. 0{}

6 .00 WllP:ot product.

A tlanta, Ga. .... . . . . Co ., Atlan t a, Ga . . . Found 17 . 81 3 .37 62.22 3.32

426 Pur Wh eat Dr an . ... . J . M . V each Co.,

P . Mo r ~an Gr ain Cl aim ed

Adairs ville, Ga .. . . . . Co . . A tlanta, Ga . . . Found

. 112 l3r an & Sh orts . . . . . . . B arrett, Den ton & L ynn .J. :.t . Bu rn ett,


Co. , Dal ton , Ga . ... . Brun swi ck , Ga.

143 Red Dog (Wh eat

. Middlin g.~) . . . . . . . . Star & Cr ~cent M . Co . H . Tra ub & SOilJS,

C hicago, Tll ........ . avannah , Ga .

Cl a i m ed Found
Iai med

11.50 14 . 56

~. 00 4 . 06 59 .48
4.50 3 .82 60 . 42
4.00 3 .83 59 .44

9 . f>O Wbent bran, screenln~s . 6.93
7.65 Brnn, llsol'lts. 5.32
7 . 00 Wheat Pl' OdUCt. 2.80

44 7 Pure Wh at Rra n 0 SoutJhe r n M ills,

Russy & Cas" pJ I .

. ash \' I II .' T enn .... Augu st a, G::~.

. . 449 Pu r e W heat Hrnn . . . .., tar M ill ~.

A . B. axon & R I'O . ,

1\lashville, 'l'enn ... .. August a, Ga .

!ai m ed r-o und
C' l a l m e d Found

14 .fi0 13.37

4 . 00 50.00 9. 50 Whea t bran. scre!'nlng".

3. 86 54 .81 9 .82


4.00 50 . 00 9.50 Brnn, screenings. 4 . 44 54 . 50 10 . 45

450 Winter Middling~ .. .. . H unter - Robin son Mills , Allen & Baxley ,
St . Louis, Mo . . . .. . Augusta, Ga .

452 Pure Wh eat Br nn . . . . umb rlan d Mills.

Lyon , M erri tt 0 . .

N ash vill e T enn . ... . A ugusta , Ga .

Clai med 'fi . OO -!. 00 &0. 00 6.00 Wl!ent bran. Found 18 . 13 4. 06 1)3.58 8 . 67
Chtl m ed '4. :;n 4. 110 iiO.OO !l .:iOWheat brnn, chniT. Fou nd 14 .38 4 . 00 55 . 43 10 .02

.54 Pure S horts 0 0 Washb urn-1Crosby M. Allen & Baxley,


Co., isvllle, Ky. Augusta, Ga . . ..... ' Found

460 Gllrt E dge F eed


Cleveland Milling !Co. , Epps, Wilkes Co . ,


Cleveland Tenn . .. . .. Athens, Ga. ........ Found

14.50 17 . 63
14 . 5{) 16.69

4.00 50 . 00 4.27 55.93
4 .50 4.47 57.00

7 . 00 !':horts and hmu (rcgoouu<\J 7.00
7 . 77 Wheat bran, small amount 6.67 or shorts, screen ings.

464 Monarch Shorts ...... J. D. Frazier & Co . . r. D . Frazier & Co., Claimed 15 . 00 4.00

6 .00 Whea t product.

Atlanta, Ga ......... Atlanta, Ga . 0. Found 16.62 4.62 63.05 3 . 47

466 Creole Mixed Feed 0 J. D . Frazier & Co. , .r. D. Frazier & Co., Claimed
Atlanta, Ga: .... . . .. Atlanta, Ga. . .. . . . !Found

16.50 16.50

4 '50
4.25 58.86

8.50 7.37

Wheat lugs.


short s,


5.18 P ure Wheat Middlings. Domestic Flour Mig. J . T. Whalley Co., Claimed 1'5.00 4.00 56.00 7. 00 Wheat. Co., Kansas City, Mo. Columbus, Ga. ..... Found 19.44 5 . 65 55.39 6 .12

(;1:) 521 Wheat Short s 0 0 R. W . Davis & co . , R . W . Davis & Co.,


Atlanta, Ga.

Atlanta, Ga.

Claimed 15.00 4.00

6.00 Wheat.

Found 15.88 2 .47 72.22 .32


Wheat Bran









M . & E Co., Nash- A. P. Morgan Grain Claimed

Ville, Tenn 0 Co., Atlanta, Ga. .. Found

15.50. 15.49

4 .00 3.55 61.32

8.00 "'heat . 7.07


Purl! Wheat Br an

Acme Mill & Ele. Co . , J. L . Brannen & Co. , Claimed
0 Hopkinsville, Ky ... Rome, Ga. ......... Found

14.57 15.63

4.6 5 . 17 57.65

7. 49 Wl> ~a t. 7.75

528 Pure Wheat Middlings . City Mill & Grain Co. , Simpson Gro. Co., Claimed 16 . 00 4.75

6 . 00 Wbent.

Columbia, Tenn .... Found Rome, Ga. 0 15 . 37 4 . 67 63.63 4.25

529 Carnation Gr ay

Middlings . . . . . . . . . . Kemper M . & E. Co., Simpson Gro. Co .. Claimed 16. 00 4. 30

6.00 Wheat.

Ka.nsa,s City, Mo .... Rome, Ga . 0. 0 Found 19.75 5 .75 55.71 5.87

~ ~- " - -BRA:-.'0.

RF. {lLT. OF .-\ ,\LY. IS Or' WITE:Nf PJWIW 'TS.-( on!iuu d.)

\\'III~ IU; ll'!lNI1 .

1\' III)H.J] Jr Ot' :-\fl.

537 :..nchor Bran

K em per M. & E. Co., :VIurphy & Co., Kansas City, Mo.. .. Augusta, Ga.

!aimed Found

538 Pure Winter Wheat Bran .. .. ... ..... . .. Akin-Erskine M . Co., A. B. Saxon & Bro., Claimed

tEvansvll1e, Ind.. .... Augusta, Ga ........ Found

II. GO 16.94
15 .66 15.50

4. 00< 53. 50 9. 50 Wheat. 3 . 95 54.09 9.67
3.17 56 .84 10 . 12 "h~nt. 4.02 57.40 8.85

~ 543 Pure Wheat Middlings . H. L. Halllday i\1. Co., Copeland Gr-o. Co . , Claimed 16.00 3.50 65. 00 1.50 Wbent.


'Cairo, Ill . . . . . . . . . . . Elberton, Ga . ... ... Found 13.50 2.45 74.42 .68

&~5 Pure Wheat Bran ..... T enn . Mlll Co.,

Producers Naval Stor s Claimed 14. 50 5. (}(}

9. 50 Wh l'nt ,,oduN.

Estill ,Springs T enn. ICo., Savannah, Ga. Found 14.49 3.85 57.36 10.17

559 Choic Bran .......... Hecker-Jones-JewE'II W. D . Simkins & Co., Claim d 14 . !)5 5.1)5

9 .50 1\'hr nt JJI'O(Inr

Mlg. Co., New York. Savannah, Ga. . .. . Found 16.00 4. 40 58.11 9.47

560 Dandy Middlings ... .. Washburn - Crosby M. W . D. Simkin s & Co., Claimed 15.00 1. 00

6.00 \\' bent.

Co. , Louisville, Ky. Savannah, Ga . . . . . . Found 16.93 4.10 67.12 2.85

565 Pure Wheat Shorts .... John Wade & Sons, Brannan & Co ., Memphis, T enn ..... Savannah, Ga.

Claim ed 10 00 3 &0

12. 00 Whent.

Found 17.37 4. 82 64.50 10 . 64

336 Pur Wheat Middlings. Dun lop Milling Co. , J . T. Whalley Co. ,

!aimed 15.00 4.00

6. 00 Whcut produ t .

Clarkesv ille, T enn. . olumbus, Ga . ..... Found 17.81 4.95 58 . 40 5.85

I 339 Shelton Mill Bran .... Shelton 'Mills,

J. T. Whalley Co . ,

Chattanooga, Tenn. . Columbus, Ga .

Claimed 16.50 4. -o

. 50 Wbent brnn-;5borts. scr!'n


15.94 4.30 57 . 87 7. 62 logs.

340 PIIJ.sbury's Bran

!Usbury Flour Ml.lls, Murphy & Co., "Minneapolis, Minn.. Augusta, Ga.

Claimed 14.50 4. 00

9. 50 When t btnn.

Found 16.06 4.93 52.28 10.80

341 Feed Bran .......... . Modle Mills 'Co.,

.YI:urphy & Co. ,

McKenzie, Tenn . ... Augusta, Ga.

348 Wih at Feed .. ........ Atlanta Mii'ling Co., C. u. Carr & I.A.


Augusta., a;.. . . . . . . .

15. 81 15.94
15.00 15.25

4.00 58 .59
4.00 4.08 60.64

6. 6i ,l'htul hJ'H il Sf'l't't 1 tlfiiJ!~. 6.60
. 00 1n1ent product. 5.64

349 Pu ~~e Wheat Middlings . Hopkinsville rMJg. Co. F. P. H. Ak r s, Hopkinsville, Ky . . : .Atlanta, Ga.

lalmed 16.00 4.25

G.OO ll'h<'Rt Jli'Od u ct.

Found 16.02 4.12 60.62 5.33

~ 353 Hard Wheat Shorts ... . outhwestern M. Co .. F. P. H. Akers,

Claimed 15.00 4.50

6.25 ll'b<'nl product.

Ka nsas City, Mo.... Atlanta, Ga . .... .. . Found 20.43 5 . 05 53.29 6.13

361 Wheat Bran . .. . .... . . J . A . & 0. L. Jones M.A. C. Woolley & Co., Claimed 15.50 4.00 ii:'i.OO .00 W'hent hrnn. & Ele. Co., ashville, Atlanta, Ga ...... . .. Found 14.87 3.37 59.73 6 .48
T enn .... ......... .

371 Pure Wheat Bran ..... The Dun lop Milling Co. R . J . <Ragan, !Clark svllle . T enn. . Rome, Ga.

Claimed 14.50 4.00

!! .50 Wlwut brnn.

Found 15.19 4.01 'i4.66 9.70

372 Pure Whea,t Bran and Middling:; . . . . . . The Dun lop Milling Co. R. J. Ragan, ~Carkesvl ll e , Tenn .. Rom , Ga.

Claim d 14 .51) 4.00

. 00 1\'b at IJta n nnd mldillln~:.

Found 14.54 3.90 57 . 33 8.61

376 Pure Wh eat Bran ..... Mountain City Mill Co. Arrington Grain Co.. Clal'11Pd 11.50 4.00

9.50 Wb<'ut htnu.

Chattanooga, T enn.. Rome, Ga ..... ..... Found 16.06 3.77 56.92 7.87

OF vVllE .\rr PRODUCTS.-(Continued.)









3'78 Pure Wiheat Bran ..... City Mill & Grain Co . , Simpson Gro . Co., Claimed Cdlumbla, Tenn .... Rome, Ga. . . . . . . . . . Found

ci"~ ~(.)
.o.. ...,.
J5.5Qo 13.88


" .~a _.,
.8~() ;ar=1il

~c. u.c!P..

4.50 4.55 65.20



I N(Hi.lllDIIDN'l':>.



9 .50 .Vhent bruu. 9.96

381 Pure Wheat Product . .. !Rounsaville & Bro., Rounsaville & Bro., Chambers, Ga... .... Oham'bers, Ga.

Claime<l 17.54 4.86

4.12 Wheat' product.

Found 15.25 3. 63 60.87 4.41

383 Wheat Bran ... ....... Dahnke- Walker M. Co. Harden & 'Rourk,

J.> rl'>-

Union City, Tenn.

Savannah , Ga.

Claimed 14. 00 3.95

I0. &0 IVhent product.

Found 13.50 4 . 16 58.36 8.59

395 Choice Bran .... . .. . .. Hecker-Jones-Jewell W. D. Simkins & Co., Claimed 14.95 5.35

9 50 Whent bran.

'M. Co., New York .. Savannah, Ga . .. ... Found 16 ~5 4.64 65.37 8.10

39-7 Wheat Shorts . . ... .. . Dahnke-Walker M. Co. W. D . Simkins & Co., Claimed t3. 75 4 . 3t.

7. &0 Wheat pr~duct.

Union City, Tenn... Savannah, Ga ...... Found 14.75 4.07 62 . 07 4.66

40o5 Pure Wheat Shorts . . .. T ennessee M1ll Co. , Producers Naval Stores Claimed 16.00 4.00

6.00 Wbeat product.

IDstlllSprings, T enn. Co .. Savannah, Ga .. Found 15.12 4.28 61.50 4 . 40

506 Pure Wheat Shorts .. .. T ennessee M!ll Co. , IR . W. Davis & Co., Claimed 16 .00 4. (}0

6.00 Wbeat product.

Estill Springs, T enn. Atlanta, Ga . ........ Found 15.62 5.02 61.31 5.97

4(}9 Wheat B10an ... . . . .. .. Atlanta Milling Co. , Atlanta Milling Co. , Claimed t4 .50 4.00

9. 50 Wheat bran.

- - - - -At-lanta, Ga. . . . . . . . . Atlanta, Ga ........ . Found 14.18 4.12 56 . 78 9.35


470 Ballard's Iiiran ... ..... Ballard & Ballard Co., Candler Warehouse 'Clai med 14 . 501 4 . 10

9 0(1 Whcut bmu.

Louisville, Ky ... .. .. Co., Atlanta , Ga . Found 16 . 25 4 . 17 66.09 9.30

471 Ba llard's SMpstuff .. .. Ballard & Ballard Co. , Can dle~ WRr.:hnuse Claim d 15. 69 4 .2 6

6 7 Whcnt prudutl.

Louis ville , K y.. .. .. Co., Atlama, Ga .... Found 17.81 4 . 55 '58.49 6.63

473 Pure Wheat Middlings. T. H. Brooke & Co., T . H. Brooke & Co. , Claimed 15 . 00 4.00

6.00 1\'bt:ul.

Atlanta, Ga . ..... . .. Atlanta , Ga .

Found 115.25 3.37 li4.56 4 . 71

I 476 Bran & Shorts . .... .. . W . S . Askew & Co., LaGrang Gro. Co., Claimed ~ewnan, Ga.. ..... . J,aGrange, Ga ...... Found

I 16.38 1 : :7 63.20

477 Sran ................. Ll!li :\!Ill Co.,

J . E. Dun son Bros. Clai'l1ed

Franklin, T enu . .. . . o. , LaGrange , Ga .. Found

Wheat Bran .......... Columbia lt. & E. Co ., llughey - :\tcCullough Clai'11 rJ
Columbia, Tenn.. .. Co West otn na. Found

Iii . ;{ I oJ,o)
14.56 ~ ::: I 58.49
14. r.o I
15 .50 4 . 35 '57 .36

li. 76 When! hrnn, ,wall IIW<HIIII 9 , 30 iCfl'tllliiJ; '.
ll. ::iO \\' b ut 111'(111

~1lddlings ....... Columbia ~1 . & E . Co . Hu ~ht)'- "-lc ...ullongh

I Ciafolllti 1~1.~0 5.:10

7. 2fi Whent prvdutt.

Columbia, Tenn .... o . . W st Point , Ga . Found 15.81 5 . 70 '50.34 5.00

4 Bran & Shorts ...... .. LilliE' :\fill 0.'
Franklin, Tenn .

:-\.W. Findley .

Clai'lu d 16 0 14 4.55

7.36 ' luu . hol'l~ .



0 0 .,

14.38 3.82 61.00 6 . 50

4 6 H. lfiddllngs . ........ Heck r -Jones-Jewell B. Berchardt, Co .. ~ew York .. . .. Brunswick, Ga .
491 Wheat Shorts ..... . .. Domestic Flour M. Co. Kansas City, Mo ....

Claim ed 17.30 6.05

8. 05 Wheat protlu et.

Found 117.50 5.45 53.62 8.75

Claimed 15.00 4.00

6.00 Wh ea t s horts OIHl lH"~II .

Found 1 18.oo 5.96 67.27 5.75

I\.E l1LT OF ANALY I OF WHE T PROD CTS.-(Continued.)

z 0





MANU FA T l' rtlm.

492 Wheat Bran ...... .... Domestic Flour M. Co. Kansas City, Mo . ...


Claimed Found

14 .50 15.06


~~ I ~h~ju


..... +.J;..
.. ~t.

I c)-dilo [

.:: ~




9 .50 Whent brnn.

4.87 55.20 10.45

474 Pure Wheat Bran

& Shorts .. .... . . .. . . Liberty Mills,

J. L. Brannon & Co., Claimed 14. 50 1 . 00

9 .50 Whent.

Nashville , T enn... .. Rome, Ga... ...... . Found 16.25 4 .07 57.93 7.95

POULTRY FEEDS. Seventy- ix amples of poultry feed were analyzed. Nearly all these products meet their guarantee . They consist mo t~y of various grains and eed , and in orne ca e. a mall .mount of grit and charcoal.


J3F Poultry Feed .. .. . .. .. . IV . .g. Duncan Or . , Atlanta, Ga.

\l. S . Duncan Co.,

...; Ialmed

Atlanta, Ga ....... . . Found

0 ..


~ i l ..,

" <I S>~u


1:\UHED .8 :\TS.

-.oo ~.50

3. 00 Corn, wheat , OUtb, o.v~t~.>

9 . 88 3.07 70.26 2.77 shells.

16'i Pure Chicken Feed .... Branan Bros . , Atlanta, Ga.

ll ranan Bros.,

Claim cl I0. QIJ :coo

2. 50 C OI'U, wheat, 1'. ~eeos.

Atlanta, Ga ....... .. Found

9 .81 3.92 71.92 2.46

174 F'eedwell Mill-Feed

Scratch Size ....... Illinois Feed Mills,

King, Hodgson & Co. , Claimed

St. Louis, Mo ..... . Athens, Ga ........ . . Found

"70 Crus! ~d Feed ......... A. J. Hollingsworth, A . J. Hollingsworth, Clatmed Calhoun, Ga. . . . . . . . Calhoun, Ga........ Found

10.00 9 . 69

3.60 3.05 66.53

6 . 00 WlH!!ll, CO I' II , 1{, coru,

2 46

gl'il, oats, :. F. hurley, seeds.


1~.00 10 . 00

12.00 c. s. went ami car corn.

12.75 11 .48 46.42 ~1 . 59

18!> Pouit " Y Fed-Scratch Good Luck Mills,

G. F . & A . Gro. Co., Claimed 10.00 :L60

6. 00 1\\'b cat, C(ll'll, K . orn, liul ley, !lox. oats. ~mull ~~eli.

Slz.. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . St. Louis, Mo ...... Atlanta, Ga ........ Found

9.69 3.15 61.21 2 . 57 grit.

19) Poultry Feed .......... Manget-Branan Co ., Newnan, Ga.

Adamson & Son,


Atlanta, Ga. . ....... Found

!J.OO 10.00

3.30 3.05 71.36

I 6 30 JII'ht:llt, OlltS, C<ll'll, K. C(J I' U.
sor)?h um eeu. s ma 11 eeu 3 . 06 glt.

. 2H M~>:ma Hen Feed ...... J . B . Edgar Grain Co. , Pou Bros. & Co.,



3.50 60.00

5 . 00 Wbcul. corn. K . cOI'U. I 111:
l e~. (Hits . l.lll kwbeat , S.

Memphis, Tenn . . . Columbus, Ga ....... Found 10.50 3.25 70 . 79 2 61 1-;o. $Ced.

23~ Ecl!ps.o Poultry Feed . . W . H. Small & Co . , Jas. McKinnon,

Clai l'P'I

Evansville, Ind. ... .Thomasvlll , Ga .. . .. Found

11 .00 10.63

3.32 72 . 23

Wh cnt. coru. J:~ . coru. ...
2.23 F. $eed .

I 240 Winner PoultD Food .. alston-Puri!Hl Co . . Jacques & Tin sl ey C'o . Claimed 1] . 00 3.60 St. LouiR, ~'To . .. .. Macon, Ga ....... .. Found 11.56 3 .28 71.50

247 ?em Sl ath F'ec-d ..... I.J . B . Edgar Grain C., .. We;gt 8Toad St. F' . Cn .. Claimed

Memphi ~, 'T'enn .... 1 Savannah. Ga.


24 Quaker cratching

Grain& . . ... . . . ...... !Quaker Oats o. .

T enn . Mill Co ..



' hicago. Ill .. .. .. .. Sa;lfannah. Ga .. .... :-ound

10.00 10 .13
]0. 50 10.88

3.00 3. 39 71.39
:!. ;;o
3.02 70.76

4.00 'C'om. K . rom. Ants, h n t 2 . 64 IP: . WhP:IT, h1tPl.1v11~n r .

4.!i0 Wl!Pnl. nnr. hnrlfl,. f"f'H'1'1 .

2 45

rTh' :. ~nucuol,t n .~ .

lmf'kwhf"nt F . C:f'Ptl

2211 '11Pn's C< nbinatlm

Chicken F'cerl ... .: .. Chattanooga F eerl (" ,.. .. Bosworth & Vandiv!'r. ~laimE'd

Chattanooga, 1'enn .. RomC'. Ga ......... .. Found


25 Purina P 01 ltry FePd ... Ralston-PI rinn C1 . . 'Iarden & Rourk,

81alm d

St. Lon!~ . .\ln .. ..... .savannah. Ga ..... .. Found

11. no
11. 13

2. jj) 2.90 67.37
3. 70 68.86

2. 0(1 ll'lu,fl. COI'II, '01'J;'hUill "~"~"II xmniJ St't:fl. o;r ... l~"r
2.54 hell.

4, Q(J 3 . 26

'llrn. \\ hrnt. K~I.'lll'ttrn, .

o I"


77 Poultry Fe1 I .......... Ralston-Purina C'o .. <\.lfen & Raxl y. St. l,oull' , T"l . ... . Augu sta. Ga .

RE-d Hen Sc1 ,tch-

ln~~; r..ralnR ... . .... Quaker OatR Co ..

I erritt & Co ..

Chicago, Ill . . . . ... . ~laron.. Ga . . . ..

!aimed Found

11 .00 11 .56

:l. sn fin .no
3. 77 69.35

or 1.

'orn, 1\ corn. miiiN. "'lunt, llnx. rNl.



:l :;n I fli.OO

I. fit

,.,... wh nt ry . bnrlc:<. ~. F _,.,.,, f'll'r<'On\, K

9.87 4.19 68.25 2.17 fntn. l,nf"kwhl'nt.

124 !:;humak r's Scratchinl': Gr11ins

Qunker 011ts Co ..

A. C. \\'oollr)' & Co .. "iaimerl 10 .110 :;, ~I)

hlcago. 111 ....... . Atlan tn . Ga ....... . Found 10.81 4.00 70.55

78 E::ureka ('hlrk~n Feed . . ;lllxon Milling C'o . A ugustn. Ga .

Castleb rry & Wllrox. laimr'

Augusta . Ga .. .


!l.OI 10.63

~ . 74
2.87 69.65

~ . 1~. t'orn. K . tom. wht'n t . nnt~. 2 . 72 h" ,.,,.~.. n~ tPr lulls.

39 Crescrnt Chirk Feed .. 'T'be AlbPrt Dickinson W. D. Simkin~; & o . . Claimed 10 .50 ~.00

;:; . 00 l'orn. wh~~t. ont. K . rorn , rhn n nul. mlllrt. l!t'lt.

Co ., Chicago, Ill... . Savannah, Ga . .... . . Found

9.81 2.69 63 . 40 2 62 . mall <eM.


OF ANALYSIS OF PO L'l'KY ~'EEDS.- (Ooutiuu d.)


MAN L1 FAl''l'l R E H.

WHhll~hl l'OUN D .

I '\:I! I~ h! ll I 1~N TS.

o PineTr eScratchFeed, The Albert Dickinson W. D . Simkln.s & Co ., Claimed
C<l., Chicago, Ill . ... Savannah, Ga . ...... Found

ll. 0 10 .18

3. 00 2 . 93 , 2 . 10

7 .oo ,Coru , wheat, oats, bnrley, 2 . 45 K. corn , sma ll seed, grit .

47 King Pigeon Feed ..... The Albert Dicktnsoll ,W. D . Simkin.s & Co., Claimed Co., Chicago, 111.. .. Savannah, Ga .. . . . .. Found
41 Globe Scratch Feed .... The Albert Dickinson W. D . Simkins & Co., jClalmed
Co . , Chicago, Jll .. . I Savannah , Ga ...... ( ound

10.50 :3.00 15.75 4.82 59.43
11.{)0 ' 3.00. 11 . 50 3 . 50 67 . 04

5.00 2.93

'o rn, wheat, oats, pen:s, K. corn, hemp, millet, smnll seed.


'om, wh nt, oats, barley. i.Juckwhcnt, K . CO I'D, grit, small seed.

114 Cyphers Developing

Food ..... . . . .. .. . .. Cyphers Incubator Co . , A . C. Woolley & Co ., Claimed Buffalo, N . Y. . . . . . . Atlanta, Ga ........ . Found

10 .00 10.01

3.00 3.53 73.23

3. 90 ' oro, K. com, wbent. 2 . 27 lnJcJ, \\'hea t, mlllet .

127 Cyphers Forcing Food .. Cyphers Incubator Co . , A. C . Woolley & Co., Claim ed 12. 9 3.80
Buffalo, N.Y ..... .. I Atlanta, Ga . .... .... Found I 12 . 86 4 . 00 65.88

129 Cyphers Scratching
Food . .. ..... . ....... Cyphers Incubator Co . jA . C. Woolley & Co. , Claimed II . 05 3.00 Buffalo, . Y... . . .. Atlanta, Ga ......... Found 10.18 3.58 73.06

71 Cyphers Laying Food .. IOyphers Incubator Co. , W<U.lett Seed Co .,

!Claimed 17 .31 13.80

Buffalo, N. Y ...... . 1 Augusta, Ga . . ...... jFound 17.41 2.87 '55.33

~. 29 .;oro, wbeut. 4 . 25
3. 59 Com, K. corn, wh enat, 2.80 ~~~crf.whent, bntley , S. F .
3 . 20 1\':lhent, COrD, K . COrD. 6.05

69 Cyphers Pigeon Food . . Cyphers Incubator Co., VV'Illett Seed~-,

!Claimed 10.19

Buffalo. Y. . ... .. Augusta, Ga... .... . round 13.76

3.57 4.48 64.54

3 . 75f: . corn, corn, millet, wheat 3 . 16 pens, hemp.

82 Chicken Feed .. . . ..... I:Jlark Milling Co.,

\rrington Bros. ,


Augusta, Ga ... .... . Augusta, Ga. . ...... Found

9. 7 10.63

3. 15 3. 90 70.38

3. 5 3.21

oru, oats, barley, wheat, scerts.

&3 National Chick Feed .... The Corno Mdlis Co .. Wi llett Seed Co.,

Claimed 10.00 ::!.60

St. Louis, Mo ... ... . Augusta, Ga . . .. . . .. round 11 . 19 2. 86 71.01

3. 40 Corn, K. corn, wheat, mll2 . 06 let r t>eds

26 Corno Hen Feed ...... rhe Corno Malls Co . . !arden & Rourk,


St. Louis, Mo ...... . 1 avannah, Ga .. . .... Found

10 .00 10.37

:1 . 70 3. 63 70.28

2. 80 WhP~t. corn, oats, K. corn, 2 _41 S. F . SPl'O.

27 Corno 'Chick Feed . . . . . . The Corno Mdlls Co .. !arden & Rourk,


St. Louts, Mo . . ... . . Savannah, Ga ....... Found

10.00 10.63

3. 50 2.99 72.02

3 . 40 Corn, wheat, oats, millet, 2 _34 K. eorn, small seed.

79 Chicken Feed ... .. . . .. Burum Bros. Co. ,

'urum Bros . Co. ,


Augusta, Ga ... . ... . Augusta, Ga . .. .. .. . Found

i. I 10.00

2. 13 3.52 68.95

2. 35 Corn. wheat, oats, oyster 2 _04 ~hell .

90 Chicken Feed ........ W. B. Brigham & Son , W. B . BrJgham & Son, Claimed

Augusta, Ga. .. .. . . Augusta, Ga....... . Found

335 Poultry Feed .... ... .. RaLston-Purina Co., ')a Joseph Co.,


St. Louis, Mo ... ... . Columbus, Ga ...... Found


337 Tenn. Hen Feed

Union 1ty G . & F. Pou Bros. Co. ,


Co. , Union City. T enn Columbus, Ga . . ... . Found

357 Cyphers Developing Food ... ... .. ...... . Cyphers ln<Cubator Co . . A. C. Woolley & Co., Claimed
!Buffalo, . Y. . . . . . . Atlanta, Ga . . ...... Found

9.25 9.75 II. 00 11.08
10 . 00 10.00
10.30 9.50

2.03 3.67 63.42 3.60 65 .00 3.26 71.17
~. 70 70. 00 3.33 68.38
4 . 00 3.56 71 . 57

2. 04 Wheat, corn, oyster shells.


seJ: 4. 00 Corn, wheat, oats, K. corn

2. 96

seed, barley, small

2. 30 Com , wheat, oats, K . corn, 3 55 S. F. seed, oyster shell,
small seed. 3 90 Corn, wheat, buckwheat, 2 : 17 K. corn. millet.

358 Cypher's Scratch Food . Cyphers Incubator Co . . \. C. Woolley & Co . . Claimed 10.00 :l.OO

3 59 11'orn, wlu~n t, hnrley, K . t'Oru. . . F. seed, mJilet.

Buffalo, N. Y ....... Atlanta, Ga .. . . ... . . Found 10.05 J. 56 71 .19 2.10 <DIItll <PI'tl.




l" :




359 Cypber's Chick Food ... Cyphers Incubator Co . , . C. Woolley & Co., Claimed Buffalo, :\. Y ...... . Atlanta, Ga.. .... ... Found
I 360 Cypbers Pig~on Food .. Cyphers incubator o . , A . C . Woolley & Co ., Claimed Buffalo ' :'\. y . .. .. . Atlanta, Ga....... . . round

10.05 13.75

3.50 2 . 38 71 . 49
2.10 3.59 66.67

4.20 2.18

orn, wheat, fi e lrl eeed.

millet. oat .

3 7{) Corn, wb'n t, K. corn, peas, hemp. millet. smnll seed.

362 Winn r Poultrr Food

Scratch Sizf' ........ IRoblnsou - Danforth Co. \. C. Woolley & Co .. Claim d 10.00

3.50 60 . 00

6. 00 Corn, wheat, K. corn. oats. . boler. small seed.

St . Louis, Mo ...... Atlanta, Ga .... ..... Found 10.44 3.61 70.17 2 91

363 Poultr~ Feed Scratch Sizf'

,Ralston-Purina Co . . l urphy & Co., St. Louis, Mo. ..... Augusta, Ga.

...,]aimed 11.00 3.60

4 . 00 Co~n , '"bent, oats, barley, K. corn. tleld SPell.

:ound 11.06 3.14 70.38 2.92

36!1 Flhtf' Ribbon

Scratching Grains .. Quaker Oats Co.,

hornton & Black.

Chicago , Ill . . . . . . . . . l~!l) e rton , Ga.

v la im Pd 10.00 2.5() 60 . 00 5. 00 Corn, wheat, bnrkwhen.t. Found 10.81 3.12 71.24 2 . 74 barley, K. corn.

377 BluP Diamond Scrat h Pou ltn Feed.T . &. Enison &Co., \rrington Graln Co .. !Claimed Vincennes , Tnd ..... . Rome, Ga . . . .. ..... Found

ll . 00 12.13

5.00 3.90 67.95

3. 50 orn, oo t s, buckwheat,

3 . 75

wheat. bnrl J', K. corn, . F. se d, small seed,

crushed s tone.

ai!l Como Hen Feed .... .. 'T'h e Corono Mllls OJ . . Rottnb'l.ville &. Bro., St . Louis, Mo ... .. . Rn.,, e. Gi.. .....

C!aimed 10.50 3.00

3.00 Corn, wbent. K. corn. S.

F~ ~d 10.94 2.97 73.72 1.85 F . seed.

- - - - - - ---~-~----

II ~93 f1l0be Scratch Fl'ed .... Th e Albert Dirltinson W . D. Simkin s & Co . , Claim ecl I0. OU
Cn .. Chicag-o . Til. ... Savannah . Ga ...... Found 11 . 94


2. 50

, 5. 00 Corn. whent. hu r l<\\' hetH.

3. 41

~7 . 53 1 3 82

oat~, hnrlt-,1', li: . rorn. on cnke. smnll sern .

4'18 <;chumacher fi crat chi n.g Grain s

Quakr r Oats Co . ,

Produc rs Na,aJ Stores iC taimed

ClJIcago . 111. ...... . . Co .. Savannah, Ga. Found

lO. 00 I 1.94

2.50 2 . 87 69.72

5. 00 Corn, whe-at, hnrkwhrnr,

3 25

onts, bn1tcy, I . rom, :-;, F. seed. chnrron I.

414 Poul tr)' F eed

W. . Ouncn,n & Co. , \V . S. Duncan & Co. , Claim I'd Atlanta, Ga ........ Atlanta, Ga. ..... . . . . Found

n C::resc nt Ghlck F eed .. Albr rt Dirki:1F<on & Co. B. Berchardt.
Chi cago . Ill. 0 Rrunswlck , Ga .

Claimed Found

7.(\0 2 . 50 10.06 2.62
10 .00 2. -o
10.25 1 2.50

~. 00 Corn, wbent, K . corn. on".

70 . 73 2 . 42 smnll Sl'NI. oy~tl'r !}ell.


5. 00 C'orn, ont, millet, grit,

68 . 98 1 2 65

wben.t, R. see d .

~nm. rna II

432 !'}lobe Scratch F ed .... Albe rt Di kin son Co., B . Berschardt,


Chi cago, Ill. ... ' . .. Brunswick, Ga .

Clai med Found

I -o 10. no I 12.22

2. 2 87

I 5 . 00 Corn, wheat, onts, bnrte:v.

67 70

3 95

K. corn. smnll S<'rd.


S. F. ~l'Nl. ~hPII .

4':3 tJam Scratch Feed ..... J. B. F:dgar Grain Co . . .T. M. Hooden pyle,
Mcnphis, Tenn .... . Bruns wick, Ga.

Claimed 10 .00 3 . 1)0

4 . 00 Corn, 1vbcn t. on t~. hn rley,


10 . 63 3 . 47 70 . 06 3. 021 hucknht-n t. s mn II sl'e!l. K. corn.

4R6 Veribes t Chi ck en F ed . Loul ~ville ereal Mill, Downing & Co . , Louisville, Ky .. .... . Brunswick , Ga.

Claimed 9.50 3. 8 Found 11.00 3.80 69.06 3. 32,r orn, wbent. ont.

530 <::orno Chick Feed . .. . . ,The Corono Mills Co ., Roun saville & Bro., Claimer! lll.7!i 2.75

3, 00 WhPnt, COI'D, K. rlll'll, mil

St . Louis. Mo ..... . . Rome, Ga. Found 0

11.00 2.30 74.95 1. 95 let.

ii3 1 Cypher's F orc.ln g Food . Cyphers In cubator Co ., A . Woolle~ & Co. , Clal m~ cl Buffalo , :"< . Y ....... Atlanta , Ga. ........ Found

F !l Ob lclq>n FE>I'rl . . . . .

IT. Nixon Gnrpn Co.,

M. Philpot & Co . . lClainprl

Augusta , Ga. . . . . . . Augusta, Ga...... . . Found

!l . fll 10.94

3. 0 3 . 0;> 'i7.92
2.7 1 2. 47 70.57

4. ~0 K . men I, brnn, rNI tlnl!.

5 40

shorts. rorn mcnl. nl!nl rn m cnl.

4 . 15 1'111'11. whP11 t -rr~pn fng, K 2. 55 r(uu, "' '"'' fr '-'IH'lJq.

UE' 'LT 01" ANALYsl~ OF POULTHY l+'EEDI::l.-(Co ntiuued.)


) J A N U F A C T U R I D R.

Wlihll{ J~ 1'01 NU.

544 Poultry Feed . ... ... .. Good Luck Mills,

pps- Wilkins Co . ,


St. Louis, Mo ..... . Athens, Ga ..... .. .. Found

547 Cr escE"nt Chkken Feed. Albe rt Dickinson Co .. \V. D . Simkins & Co., Claimed

1 Chicago, Ill .

S.avannah , Ga . . .... Found

10.00 11.81
10.00 11.56

3. 00 60 .00 3.20 72.28
2.50 3.27 71.41

lNG LHWJ!i:N'l'i:l.

G. OU ~ on.l~'~leat, K. coru, 3 . 00 ~~~~d's. mil let, grit, maize,

5, 00 Whe,Lt, corn, millet. K.

. 3 12

corn, grit, seeds.


5&3 Poultry Feed . ........ IRobinsou-Danfi'orth Co. -\ . H. Dukes,


1 St . Louis, Mo ...... . Valdosta, Ga ....... !Found

567 Scratch Feed .. . .. . ... !Quaker Oats Co.,

tCurry Gro. Co. ,


Ohicago , [II........ Valdosta, Ga ....... :Found

43-7 Stelnmegch Mixed Feed-Hen Size .. . . . 1;steln mesh Feed Co .. ~. W. Findley. St. Louis, Mo . ..... . Brun.swlck , Ga.

Claimed Found


i 438 Missouri B en Feed .. . !Common wealth F. Co. , \1. W . Findley.

Cla imed

St. i...ouls, Mo ...... Brunswick, Ga .. . ... jFound

10.00 10.62
10.00 11 .56
ll. 00 11.25
I I. 00 I1. 12

439 Chicken Feed .... . . .. 1[liinois Feed M1lls,

' .ott, Lewis Co. .

ClaimEd 1{) . 00

St. Louis, Mo ...... "lrun swlck , Ga ....... Found to. 75

455 Chicken Feed ...... . . . ' Rurum & Co..

9 ussy & Caswell ,

Claimed 7. I

----~-~---------------' Augusta, Ga........ . Augusta, Ga ..... . .. Found 11.19

;l.60 3 .25 71.78
2 . 50 3.47 72.31
3.00 3.00 65.71
5. 00 3.59 63 . 42
3. &0 3.80 69.59
2.] 3 2. 53 71.93

6. 00 Corn. millet. K. corn. 3 . 85 wheat, maize, grit. seeds.

5.00 3.22

orn, wheut, millet, K. corn, charcoa l nncl gtJt.

4. 00

CoK~n. .cowrnh,,

oa~s. harley, F. seed, grit,

3. 55 mnll seerl, !lnx, millet.

5 50 Coi'U, wbent, oats, barley, K ., small seed, S.
3, 65 F. seed. maize, grit.

5 OO

Corn, sma ll

wheat K. ~eecl, oats


3.32 S. F seed.

2 35

Corn, small

wheat, seed.




4-58-L-i!e-S-aver Chick Feed. R . D. Eaton G . & F. Ale xander Seed Co., Claim d
Co., orwich, :--1. Y. Augusta, Ga .... . . .. Found
459 Climax Grain Mixture. R. iD. Eaton G. & F. Alexander Seed Co. , Claimed Co., . orwich, N . Y . Augusta, Ga. ........ Found
467 Pet Pen Chickt>n Feed. J. 0. Frazie & Co. , J. 0. Frazier & Co., Claimed Atlanta, Ga. ....... . Atlanta, Ga ........ Found

11.00 12.81
11.00 11.00
11.00 10 . 00

.. 00
2.17 70.96
2.66 72.04
3.00 3.50 74.05

L:om, wh nt<iii'i:s, K . COI'Il.
I 1 . 82 ~CNl. millet. peu ~.
('oi'Tl, wlleut, oats. l>urley.
2.14 <\.. <'OI'n . h u ckwhE'nt ~('f'd.
4 00 f'orn. oats, wbent, bnrle.v . 2, 27 K. COI'U.

468 Cockad<>odle Chicken Fet>d ....... J . 0. Frazier & Co. . 1J. 0. Frazier & Co . ,



a. ao

Atlanta, Ga... .. ... 1 Atlanta, Ga ........ . Found

9.88 3.35 74.08

o~ whcnt. oats, bntIc,r. T\.. <otn. small s ed.

I 472 Almco Scrat>ch Grain . . Amendt Mllllng Co . , Candler Warehous

Claim d 10.24 2. 55

3 5 Col'll, wbent, oats. K C<tll.

S. 1'. seed. buckwhcnl

'Monroe, Micb. . . .. . 1 Co . , Atlanta, Ga . . .. Found 10.00 3.06 69.79 3.65 huJI<y. usbNI stou



\ lt
484 Manna Hen Feed .... . J . - Edgar Grain Co . ,Callahan Gro . Co . , Memphis, Tenn . . . . Bainbridge, Ga .

Claimed lli.OO ~.50

OL'Il, wbeat, outs, S. F .


10 . 94 3.13 71.07 3.01 s('r!l. K . corn. huckwhPnt

488 Diamond W.

Poultry Food .. . ... .. A. Woolley & Co . , A . C. Woolley & Co . , Claimed

Atlanta, Ga. .. ... ... Atlanta, Ga ........ Found

,~ I 500 Red Comb Fine Chicken Food ...... . Edwards. Loomis Co., H . G. HS!Stlngs Co. ,


Chicago, Ill. . . . . . . . . .Atlanta, Ga . . ..... . Found

501 Red Comb



Pigeon Food ........ ,Edwards, Loomis Co . H. G . Hastings Co .. Claimed

Chicago, Til. .... .... Atlanta , Ga ....... . . Found



10.5 9.87
10.00 11.25
11 .69

4 .00 4.05 71.46
2. 50 3.95 70 .28
2. 5{) 2.36 71 . 19

3.75 'OI'll, whent, oats, K. 3.92 COI'U, . F. seed. 5. 00 Coru, wbent, oats. K
1 3 . 75 ~~,.~~,~ n::IbIPntl.'con l, smnll
5. 00 '''''" wheat. oats. b uck wiHnt. chal'coai. K . corn.
2 91 pcnK. hemp, s ma ll sl'Cd .

RE -LT OF .\X .\ LY J OF POULTRY FEED . -(Continued.)

~~ I

TlRA D .

'5021~~d Comb Poultry F<Jod

Edwards, Loomis Co . , H . G . Hastings o . , Claimed

Chicago, Ill. .... . ... Atlanta. Ga..... . .. . Found

'5"03 Red Comb hick Food

IDdwards, L,oomls Co. , H. G. Hastings Co. . Claimed

Chicag<J , Ill... ... . .. Atlanta. Ga . ... . .... !Found
"~ ii0.4 R d Comb Meat Mailh .. IDdwards, Loom! Co . , H . G . Ha tings Co. , I !aimed

Chicago , Ill. . . ...... Atlanta . Ga ........ . 1Found

rI 10 . 00 2. 50
11 . 38 3 . 15 70 . 17

' 10.00 ' 2. 00 11 . 87 3 . 02
15.00 4.00 14.50 4.62

70 . 58 62.19




~t i;i)..

5 00 I

oru, coni,

wbRhrelnl'1~. .

on t R. F.

rbnr <PP<I .

3 69 buckwhent. r<. corn .

5 .00

o1n, wheat. oats, mlllPtt. s mall seed. rhni'<'On l.


.00 5.42

om, whent. onts . .l!l'lt. al!al!o , beer . rmps, oil. meal.

ll 10 Cypher's Developing

Food . . .... . ... .. . CYpher s Incubator Co. , N. J.. Will tt e d Co . Claimed

S~ze i'i.l2 1Srr,.tch

Buffalo. N . Y . . . . . . . Aug usta, Ga . . ... . .. Found

I Poultry Feed . ..... . .Ralston-Purina Co . . .J . .J . T.A ssner,
St. Louis, :\Io .. .... . Brunswick. Ga.

Claime d Found

i'i24 Blue Diamond Scratch

Poultry Feed . . . . ... J. & S . Emmi on &. Arrington Gra.i n o . , Claim d


Co .. Vincennes , Ind. Rome, Ga . . . .. ..... Found

10.00 :1. no
10.81 3. 02 73.66
11. 0.0 ~. 60 10.75 3.45 72.26
10.00 ~ . 00 10 . 88 3. 3E 66.85

3. 00 Corn, whent. R . rorn . 2 62 bu kwbrnl. mlll<>l.

4 00

1'orn, wheat, oa t s K . s mall seeds . ha rip~ .

corn .
. F' .

3. 50 seecl.

3 50

l 'orn. 1f"y

,,.h l'nt. mii J.t,

~pp(1, 1111 11'.


hn 1


- - - --- --

Forly amp!>. of cotlou- ed meal wer> aJlalyzed, i ht or
which fell below their uarantee in protein. \..ll of th ' e wer being u ed a:; feeds. rrhe pr tein ontent in one of the ' fllllple;; mo as low a.s 21.90 per cent., th others from :22.06 per
cent. to -1::2.:2.- r r tent. 'Ih majority of thee meals were
light in color and of good quality. a l ' land cotton;:;ced meal is not a valuable a feed as upland otton:eed meal it being lower in protein. '[he pri paid for cotton e d meal ;:;hould depend on it.s protein content. and ' hould be clas-ed according to the -tanda:rds adopted by the Inter- -tate Ootton::>eed Cru her:,:'
ociation at their meetiny at Jame town, Va. May 21-:23, 1907 which i' as follow :
I. boice cottoll eed rueal containing at least 6.59 p r c nt. nitrogen (41.15 1er cent. protein).
II. Prim cottoneed meal, containing at leat 6.1 per cent. nitrogen (3 .62 per cent. protein).
III. Good cottonseed meal, containing at least 5.76 per cent. nitrogen (36.00 per cent. protein).
I\ . Any cottonseed meal which i di'tinctly deficient in nny of the requirements of prime quality either in color, texture (Jl aoaly i , or all, ball be deemed off meal, and hould be sold by ..:ample.

RE ULT OF r LY I OF C01"r'ON EED :VIEAL '.-(Continued.)




541 Standard Cotton Seed

Meal . . ....... ...... Central Oil & Fertz. Varn & Burnett,


Co . , Cordele, Ga. .. Valdosta, Ga ..... . . Found

38.63 t2.25


I ~~ I~ CJ


8.25 28.80 8.55 Cotton seed mP<~I.

542 Standard Cotton Seed

Meal ....... . ... .. .. Valdosta Oil Co. ,

Curry Gro . Co . ,

Valdosta, Ga ....... . Valdosta, Ga.

Claimed 38.63 Found '38.75 7 .35 30.61 10.871Cotton seed meat.

~ 545 Cotton Seed Meal . ... . Elberton 011 'Mills, King , Hodgson Co., Claimed 38.63
Elberton, Ga .. ... . . 1 Athens, Ga . ... . ... . Found 38.16

m e.. J.

5&1 stand. Grade Cotton 1Seed Meal ......... . S<>u . Cotton Oil Co. , Hard r n & Rourk, <Savannah, Ga ...... . Savannah, Ga.

Claimed 38.63 Found 39.84 7.40 30.49

~53 Cotton Seed Meal .... . Screven County 011 Brannan & Co., Mills, Syl"ania, Ga. Savannah, Ga.

5'66 Low Grade Cotton

Seed Meal .......... Valdosta 011 Co. ,

A. H. Dukes,

Valdosta, Ga.. .... . 1 Valdosta, Ga.

Claimed 38.63


36.27 7 88 33 13 10 35 '. S. meal. Sllll\11 nmoun


Claimed 30.94 Found 23.37 7.00 15.86 21.27 l'. S. meal nnd hulls .

481 Flrest City Feed Meal .. Sou , Cotton Oil Co., N . W. i<'ind!ey,

!Claimed 23.00 4. 50

24.00 !'. S. men! and bulls .

.SavannaJh, Ga. ...... Brunswick Ga . .. Found 24.00 6 . 65 37.39 18.62

342 Cotton Seed Feed Meal Ga . Cotton Oil Co., Murphy & Co . , Augusta, Ga.... . ... Augusta, Ga .

Claimed Found

36 0 00 16.25

5. 00 6.40


12 0 00 11.84

Cotton s eCI men! amount hulls.


s mn ll

391 Cotton Seed Meal .. . . VIda lia Cotton Oil Co. , W . D . Simkins & Co ., Claimed

Vidalia, Ga . .. ..... . Savannah, u~o.

Found 38.60 8.16 29.46 9.24 'otton seed men1.

392 ":Sico'' Feed Meal .. .. . Sea Lsland Cot. 011 Co . W. D. Slmkths & Co ., Claimed 24.00 6.50

25. 00 Cotton see<1 ment nod hu lls.

s . c .... Charleston,

Savannah, Ga. Found 0 0 0 0. ~4.75 7.35 34.35 19.10

489 Stand . Grade Cotton Seed Meal 0 Southern Cotton Oil Co. A . C. Woolley & Co ., Claimed At lanta. Ga .. .. .... Atlanta, Ga. 0 0 Found


8.05 31.13

9.47 Cotton seeu menI.

493 Stand. Grade Cotton


Seed Meal ... . ... . . . .Suckeye Cot . Oil Co., E . D . Davis Es tate, Claimed Atlanta, Ga... ..... . At lanta , Ga . . ... ... Found '39.13 5.63 33.42 8.70 Cotton ~eea menJ.

516 r-ow Grade Cotton
Seed Meal .. .... .. . . Ga . Cotton 011 Co., M. W . Kelley Co. , Cla ime d 32 .37 Columbus, Ga ..... . . Columbus , Ga . . . .. . Found '39 . 38 9.09 31.91 6.85 Cotton seed rnenJ.

520 lAw Grade Cotton

Seed Meal . ......... <\.mericus 011 Co ., Pou Bros . Co . ,

Claimed 30 . n3

Americus, Ga . . . .... Columbus , Ga ...... Found '33 . 38 6.35 38.60 9.60 C. S. men! nnd hnll.

525 Stand . Gra de Cotton

Seed Meal ....... . .. "tom e Oil & F ertz. Co., J . L . Brannen & Co . , Clalme<l

Rome , Ga.. . . .... . . . Rome, Ga.. . .. ... . . Found

1 535 Cotton Seed Meal

1r t r r -.State Cot . 011 Planters Gro. Co . ,


Co. , Augusta, Ga. . . Augusta , Ga. ... . .. Found

38.62 38.63

8 . 97 29.56 10.02 otton seea men!. 8.34 29.09 9 . 55 Cotton seed menJ.

I TTO.\' ' EI~D JlK\L . - ( ll ll (i JIU C<l. )





~JA:\'I ' J'A("J'I JU:R.


. I

536 1 Corton Seed Meal

Sparta Oil M111,

Busse)' & Car:; we ll, Claimed 1

Sparta, Ga .. . ...... . Augusta, Ga ........ !Found 138.38 8.20 31.42 8. 75 'ottou Slli!d mt!ul.

I540 Stand . Grade Cotton


.Seed Meal .... .. . . . . VIenna Cot. 011 Co., A . S . Pendleton Co . . ...!aim d 3 .63


I Vienna, Ga ......... Valdosta, Ga .... ... Found 140 . 50 8 . 25 29 . 96 9.57 1 'ottou seeu JUCIII.

243 Cotton .seed Meal. .. . . . McCaw Mrg . Co . ,

Barn ld & Brown,

Claimed 3 ' .62

00 0

Macon, Ga . .. . .. .. . Macon, Ga ......... Found 39.38 9 . 00 30 . 28 8, 58 1l'ottou sePd m~als.

17 Cotton Seed Meal. ..... Ga. Cot. 011 Co .,

Geo. Baker,


I l:!3 Low Grade Cotton

Albany, Ga. . . . . . . . . Tilton, Ga .... .. . . .. Found

Seed Meal .......... Ga . Cot. 011 .Co.,

Parker, Walton Gro. Claimed

Albany, Ga . ....... Co., Cordele, Ga ... Found

32.37 34.87
32.37 35.12

7 . 65 31 . 73 j 11 . 61 Cotton seed w en I and bull>
7. 99 32.08 11 . 61 Cotton seed weal and bull

31 Cotton Seed Meal. . .... Garfield Cot. Oil Co., Harden & Rourk,

Claimed 135. i

Garfield, Ga.

Savannah , Ga ...... . Found 37.75

9 . 10 ~9 . 01 1 9 _37 t'oltou s~e<l tlleal.

I 14 I Cotton Seed Feed Meal. F.armers 011 & F e rtz . Heard Gro. Co. ,

Claimed 34. 50


'Co., Dawson, Ga ... Cordel , Ga ......... Found ~6 . 50

105 10otton Seed Meal. ..... Bainbridge 011 Co .,


Bainbridge , Ga .

Tietjen Gro. Co.,

Claimeld 13 .62

.Savann~a_b_, G_a_._._. _.. ..:. Found 140.13


8 29 30 01

10 56

Cottons ed m~a l nmounl bulls.


sw:t ll

9 ' 17

27 ' 17 1

8 ' 86

C'ottnn "til men I. s ut l' liUlOUill bulls. _ _

115 Cremo Cotton Seed
Feed Meal ... . ..... . T nu. Fibre Co. , Memphis, Tenn.

IBussey -Bros .- - - !c laimed ~2.00 5. 00

22. 00 Cotton seed meal and bulb.

Cedartown , Ga ...... IFound 22 . 06 7 . 59 35. 15 23.30

IJ. 215 f.ow Grade .Cotton Seed Meal ....... . . . IS(lu . Cot. Oil Co. , Columbus, Ga . . ...

B. Key & Co. ,


Columbus, Ga .. ... . . Found

31 . 25 36.75


6 70 30.95 11 47 Cotton seed mea 1 and mt~ ll

.oli10unt bulls.

16 Cotton Seed Meal ... . . J. Lindsay Wells <Co ., F'arm'ers Supply Co., Claimed Memphis, Tenn. . . . Tifton ,!Ga .. ... ..... . Found
I 15 Cotton Seed F e .d Meal. Vienna Cot. 011 Co. , weathers Grain Co., Clainwd Vienna, Ga .. ... .... A-del, Ga ...... .. . .. Found

25.00 21.90
3 . 62 39.63

5. 00 15 .00 28. 0'0 f'ottoo seed meal and bulls 5.82 36 .82 20.42 mixed.
8 . 19 28 . 67 9 . 34 Cotton seed meal.

2<87 Low Grade Cotton Seed Meal .......... Sou. Cot. Oil Co. , T. T. Whatley Co. , Clai med 31.25 Columbus, Ga. ... .. tColumbus, Ga ..... .. Found 35.56

. S. metll and amall nmmmt bulls.

34 Cotton <Seed Meal

Sou . Cot. Oil Co . ,

F.l'rannan Bros .,

Claim d

'Columbus, Ga . . . .. . Savannah, Ga ...... . Found

310 Cotton Seed IMeal. ..... Valdosta Oil Mill,

Valdos-ta Oil M!11s , ClaimPd

Valdosta, Ga . . ... .. Valdosta, Ga ....... . Found

67 l.l'orest C ity Feed Meal. . Valdosta Oil Mill, Valdosta, Ga.

Obatham Mills ,

Claim d

Savann,ab Ga ..... . jFound

38 .62 38.75
R2 . 00 23 .75
!.'3.00 24.53

9.90 28.66 9 07 'otton seed meal.
' 'otton seed meal and hulls I 7. 67 37 . 07 18 . 23

f.:otton seed meal 11nd bulls


24. oo

7.44 36 . 33 17 .74 1

2tll Sea Island Cotton Seed Meal . ......... Fla . Mfg. Co., Madson, Fla.

IW. J. Delgman,

IClaimed 23.12










24.69 8. 03 37 . 24 17.12 Cotton seed meal.


z 0








~ "

..... I tA~ I ... ;: QJ

I ~Q)

~ -3~

."3' ~


25J Cotton Seed Meal ...... Vidalia Cot. Oil Co., ,H. Traub & Co.,

Claimed 38.62

Vidalia, Ga. .. .. . .. .Savannah, Ga ...... !Found 39.38 9.93 29.16 7.95 S. meul.

261 Cotton Seed Meal .. .... Morton Oil Co. ,

Drennan & Co. ,

Claimed 38.&2

Millen, Ga.... . . . . . Savannah, Ga.. . .. .. Found 36.25 7.35 31.88 10.14

67 Forest rCity Feed Meal. Sou. C<Jt . Oil Co.,

ISavannah, Ga ....... Claimed 23.00 4.50

24.00 Sen Island c. s. meal.


Savannah, Ga . . . . . . Chatham Mills,

Found 24 .53 7.44 36.33 17 . 74


Z.86 Cotton Seed Meal ... . .. Green County Oil Co ., L . .P Cros:by,

Claimed 38. 62

Union Point, Ga.... Greensboro, Ga ..... Found 36.19 6 .47 31.52 11 . 64 c otton seea meal.

288 Low Grade Cotton


rSeed Meal



Oil Co.,

R. P. Wheeler ,

Claimed 31.2-5

Greensboro, Ga.

Greensboro, Ga . .... Found 38.49 6.92 29 . 53 10.20 r . s. menl

302 Ga. Prime Feed Meal .. Quitman OJ! Co . , Quitman, Ga. ......

Claimed 23.00 4.50


Found 25.94 7 .37 35.68 18.07

s. meal nncl bull~.

312 Cotton Seed Meal,

Fla. Cot. Oil Co,. Pou Bros.,

Claimed~ 25.75

Durham Brand ... .. . Jacksonvllle, Fla.... Columbus, Ga....... Found 22.94

7.20 37.84 18.18 ~c~~eal.slnnd


~N 1 1

Forty ample of hominy feeds were analyzed. The e coni t mainly of cracked corn, chaps and corn bran. The protein content varies from 7.25 per cent. t6 11.31 per cent.





)!AN l <'A "l'U H iilR.

W ll iDLl.E IJ'OU ND.

.; c
.. ....S...c...>.

oj ..

..."" " ,;.. .;
v,~Q ~..J..--~

.. ~ ,(.)
.3~ [>4


59 Cmcked Corn .. . .. . . .. T enn. Mlll Co.,

r uu. MlllCo ..

Claimed 9.50 4.00

2. 00 <'orn product .

Estill Springs, T enn. Savanna:h , Ga ....... Found 9 . 06 3 .72 72 . 25 1. 97

50 Hominy Feed . .. ..... Southern Mills, Nashville, Tenn

. Harden & Rourk,

Claimed 10.50 10 .00

6. 1 t:orn product .

tSavanna.h Ga . ...... Found 10. 18 7. 49 63 .56 4 .77

60 @racked CoJI.J . . . . . . . . Mayo Milling Co. ,

W. D . Simkins & Co . , Claimed 10.37 2.85

l 52 L'orn product .


Richmond, Va . .... . Savannah, Ga ....... Found 9 .31 4.69 71 . 27 1. 92



Hominy Feed

Uberty 'Mills,

Arrington Bros. ,

. Claimed 10.50 10.00 50.00 6. 31 Corn.

Nashville, Tenn .. ... Augusta , Ga ........ Found 10.25 9 . 46 61 . 22 6 .80

4-. 6 Ef<>mco F eed . . ... . .. . . American Hominy Co. , A. P. Morgan G. Co. , Claimed 8.50 7.0v

7. 00 Corn.

Indianapolis, Ind ... . Atlanta, Ga ... . ... .. Found 11 . 31 8 .67 66 .49 2.82

ftG Mixed Capital Chops ... Capital G . & M . Co . , P. Rosen-hot!,

Claimed 8. 50 3. 50

6. 60 L'oru and oob.

ashville, Tenn.. . .. Savannah, Ga . .... . . Found 8 .19 3 .28 70 .52 6 .35

33 Slrted Cracked Corn ... Harden & Rourk ,

lrarden & Rour k ,

Olalmed 10.30 5.00

2.20 '(11'0 product.

Savannah, Ga . 0 Savanna.h, Ga .... .. . Found

9 . 25 4 . 10 73 .26 1.87

29 Feed Meal .... .. ... .. . Har den & Rourk ,

Harden & Rourk ,

Claimed 7. (}1 3.25

6. 52 l ' Ol'll proilu l.

Savannah, Ga. .. .. . Savannah , Ga . .. . ... Found 9 .31 5. 97 68 . 97 2.48 ,

li6 C:ra.cked Corn ...... . .. :H. A. Kllce & Co. , rietjen Gro. Co . ,


Dyersburg, Tenn. . . Savannah, Ga .. ..... Found

Bt SJfted Cra~ked Corn . . . Cassels M1lls, Gadsden. Ala.

Il3Tennan Bros.,


Savannah. Ga. .... . . ,Found

38 Com Bran .. .. .. .. . . .. Dam~ FrPv '-' . Co. , :lr ennen Bros.,


Da.mes J:!'erry , Ga . .. . Savannah, Ga . .. ... . Found

23'2 Cracked OCorn . . .. ... Oconee River Mills . Lot! Lewis Co. ,


1M1lledgev'llle , Ga . .. Brunswick, Ga . .. . .. Found

W Cracked Corn .... . .... Flint River M . Co. , Callahan Gro . Co . , Claimed

Bainbridge, Ga.

Bainbrldge, Ga .. .... Found



Sifted Cracked Corn ... Cassels Mllls, Ga'Clsden , .Ala.

1:-J. W . Tinkliley ,

Ol a l m e d

.. .. . Brun-sW'I~k . Ga ... ... Found

346 Cracked Corn ..... ... .Chatham Mills Co. , 'BTennan & Co. ,


Savannab , Ga . . .... Savannah, Ga ... .... Found

2S() Corn Cho~ .... . . ..... T enn essee Mill Co. , Tenn . Mill Co . ,


Elstlll Sprlngs , Tenn . !Savannah, Ga . ..... . Found

~-4 Corn Chop11 . ...... .. . H . A . Kllce, Dyer sburg, Tenn .

<;mith Bro. ,


Augusta, Ga .... .... Found

275 Cracked Corn ... .. ... Bracey & Bracey ,

A. B . Saxon & Bro. , Claimed

Augusta, Ga. .. ... . Augusta, Ga.. .. .... Found

276 cracked Com .. . ... . . Davis & Andrews. I Memphill, Tenn .

.\1:urphy & Co. ,


Augusta, Ga.. . ..... Found

8.69 3.37 71.25 4.25 !Corn.

7 .(}0 a.oo

3.00 ('orn product.

8.62 3.59 73.62 1.90

9 . 00 6.80

12.70 orn bran.

9.25 3.57 69.07 11.76

8.88 4 . 02 .64.41 1. 74 ,Cra.cked corn. I

9.19 4 . 15 74.03 ra cked corn.

7.00 8.88 9 . 00 8.94
9 . 19


3. oo lc ra cked corn.

4.09 75.37 1.641



3 . 50 Crn clred corn.

3 . 88 73 . 58 1 1.73

4 . 70 72 . 43 1 . 80 C'r~tcked corn.

8 . 94 1 4.1 5 70 . 93 2 .82 Corn chops.

9.88 3.78 72.51 1 . 61 Cr:tl'ked corn.
Curked corn. 9.44 2.77 73.74 2.01 1


_ _ '_._._.._.. OR~-\-.Nl> 11 .\llNY JiEED '.-(Cwuti11ued) .

:\IA.\T~'.\ ''l'UltE}R.

.. ;;;

... (...


~-=- r-;:1;)

...-r..'"' t;i:il<


l ~(l Hli:J)J I!JN'J'~.

2n' r,,rri Chops . . . .. . .... \D. P. 0' ounor,

Marks tiro . Co..


Augusta! Gl_l-. . . : . .. A';lg~sta_, Ga ... . . ... Found

9.38 4.56 68.57 5. 11 ('orn cbops.

cOrn 279

Chops .... . . . .. . A. P. Carr. 13roker , Lyous & Sampl Co., Claimed

Augusta, Ga ....... 1 Augusta, Ga. . ... . .. Found

9.44 4 .28 71.09 3.55 Corn cbops.

;- ~ :

' . ..

.. ..... 280



Brae y & Bracey,
0. 0


Augusta, Ga.

R. J. Bates & Co., Claimed Augusta, Ga .. ... . .. Found

8.19 4.74 72.49 1 . 90 Cern.


~ r


Corn Hearts

B uru m Bros. Co ..

!Burum Bros. Co . ,


. . . . .. 0 0

Augusta, Ga.

Augusta , Ga . ... .... Found

.44 3.20

1. 09 C'orn.

8.56 4.59 69.65 2.99

: :.

30,9 Corn ,'Chops . ... .... .. Flint ruver M. Co .,
Ha lnbridge, Ga . .... 1

Clalme<l 10.00 5.00

2 .20 Corn.


8.56 3.64 72 .31 1.73

29fi Cr acked Corn ..... ... Atlanta Milling Co., IAtlanta Milling Co., Claimed 10.00 5.00

2. 00 Corn.

Atlanta, Ga . . . . . . . . Atlanta, Ga....... .. Found 8 . 69 4.36 69 .96 2.85

297 Corn Bran ........ .... Atlanta. Milling Co., At lanta Milling Co . , Clai m d

.. t. . . . . ..

Atlanta, Ga. . .... .. Atlanta, Ga ..... .... Found

.00 7.25

317 Corn Bran .... .... .. . . Itounsavllle & Bro. ,

Claimed 7 . &2.


. .. .

Chambers, Ga. .. . ..

Found 11.06


3 . 00

12.00 Corn.

2.91 66. 44 13 . 05

6. 40

16.17 Corn.

5. 82 61.78 8 .70 -~-------------

2<66 Pure Chops . . ........ Capital G. & M. Co .. 1-' . Rosenhofr,

C l ai m e d

Nasbvllle, 'l>enn

Savann:l.h, Ga ....... Found

3 5 Sifted Cracke d Corn . .. j a:s sels ~fills .

!Brannan & !Co.,


Gadsden , Ala . . .....

Savannah, Ga.


9.50 4.00

3.00 Corn proauct.

9.19 3 .87 71.41 2.27

7. 00 3.00

3.00 Corn.

8.44 3.51 73.69 1.69

411 Qrack.ed Corn ... . ... .. Atlanta Milling Co., tA.tlanta, Ga.

Atlanta Milling Co., Atlanta, Ga.

Claim d '0.00 :5 .00

2.00 C1acked corn.

Found 9.12 4.25 72.01 1.88

451 Corn He arts 0 . Burum & Co.,

Burum & Co.,

Claimed .44 3.20

1. 09 Corn.

Augusta, Ga ..... . . . Augusta, Ga. . .. . ... Found 8.31 3.23 74.68 1.68

483 li'uucy Corn Chops . . .. Flln t River Mlg. Co . , Callahan Gro. Co., Claimed

Bainbridge, Ga . .. . .. Bainbridge, Ga. .. .. Found


~ 393 Corn Bran . ... . .. . .... Atlanta Milling Co., W. D. Simkins & Co., Claimed

1' !

' , ' '11 '

Atlanta, Ga .. .. .. . . Savannah, Ga. . .... Found

IQ.OO 8.94
8 . 00 9.00


2.00 Corn.

3.45 73.43 2.08

3 . 00

12.00 Corn.

3.22 69.11 8.64

. 5~~

.. ..... .. Corn Chops. . . 0 0

Cypbers Incubator Co. , A . C. Wooliey & Co., B uffalo, N . Y .... . .. tA.tlanta, Ga. 0

Claimed Fou'ld

550 Corn 9)10ps . . . . . . . . . . . Chatham Mills Co ., Chatham Mllls Co., Clatt;afl


Savannah, Ga ....... !Savannah, Ga. ... . . Found



SiFted Cracked
; I

Corn ... Hal'den & Rourk, Savannah, Ga.. .. ..

Harden & Rourk, Savannaih, Ga.

Claimed Found
0 0

{ 5S~



. ...... . Louisville .Cereal


Ftosenhotr Feed Co.,


Co., Louisville, K y. Savannah, Ga. ..... Found

8.88 3.17 75.76
9.00 3.00 8.51 2.42 69.61
I 0. 30. 5.00 8.44 3.36 76.72
9 . 50 3 . 8 9.40 4.59 72.30

1.57 Corn.
3.50 Corn. 1.65
2. 20 Corn. 1.21
6 . 50 Corn. 2.27

COR~ Al\TD HO)ll:i\TY FEEDS.-(Continued).







6J.. Germo ............... IJustMlg. &:!Feed<::o., A . C. Woolley&: Co . , Claimed

Nashv11le, Tenn . . . .. Atlanta, Ga. ... ... Found


.. ... .. .. I r..:.ll.(o".....)


... ! ".(.)
... ...



9.00 3 . 2'7

2.00 1 ~rn.

9.06 4.07 74.70 1.67

. t21

Homco Feed

.. . ...... . Amerlcan Hominy Co. , R . W . Davis &: Co. ,

Indiana.polls, Ind. , Atlanta, Ga. .

Claimed 8 . 5.(} 7.00

7 . 00 1Corn.

Found 11.00 8.02 66.12 4.15


A. Germo Just Mig . Feed Co . , 0 0



Morgan Grain


9 . 00 3.75

2 . 00 Ceru.


- - - ..

Nashville. T enn .... . Co., Atlanta, Ga .... Found

8 . 56 4.15 73.52 1.46- - -


Below are given the names and locations of all the Manufacturer of Feeding Stuff in the State of Georgia registered with thi Department from June I. 1909-Jun I. 1911.
American Alfalfa Milling Co. E an as City Mo. ' Amendt Milling Company i\l onroe Mich. '
American Alfalfa Food Co1npany, Wichita, Kansw. Asheville Milling Company, A ~heville, N. C. American Hominy Company, Indianapolis, Ind. Acme Milling Co., Talbott, Tenn. Acme Brewing Co., Macon a. Askew, W. . & Co., New nan, Ga. Alfalfa Meal Co., Council Bluff, Iowa. Allen & Wheeler Co., Troy Ohio. American Mlg. Co., Chicago, Ill. Alfalfa Products Co. Fremont, Nebr. Akin-E~:kine Milling Co., Evan ville, Ind. Atlanta Milling Company, Atlanta, Ga. Akers, F. P. H., Atlanta, Ga.
Acme Mill & Elevator Co., Hopkin ville, K).
Acme Milling Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Alt.u Alfalfa Mlg. Co., Altus, Okla. Alfalfa Feed Mills, Nashville, Tenn. Armour F ertilizer Works, Chicago, Kansas if E. t.
Loui , tlanta. Alfalfa Meal & Mig. Co., Cherokee, Okla. American Mlg. Co.. Chicago, Ill. Alfalfa Milling Co.. Hobart, Okla. Americau team F d Co., Nashville, Tenn. Alfalfa Product Co. Atlanta and Augusta, Ga. Alexander eed Co., ugu ta, Ga. Americu~ Oil Co...\mericu , Ga. Aviston Mlg. Co.. AYiston, Ill. Augusta Brewing Co., Augu tu, Ga. Baugh & Sons Company, Baltimore, Md. Bainbridge Oil Company, Bainbridge, Ga. Ballard & Ballard Company, Louisville, Ky. Barrett, Den ton & Lynn Company. Dalton, Ga. Brigham, W. B. & on, Augusta, Ga. Bransford Mills, Owensboro, Ky. Bernet, Craft & Kauffman Mig. Co., Mt. Carmel, 111.

Baird, C. R. Company, Chattanooga, Tenn . Buckeye Cotton Oil Company, tlanta, Ga. Booneville Milling Company, Boonville Ind. Burum Company, Augusta, Ga. Bay tate Milling Company, "'\"\ inona, Minn. Bacon Milling Company Maysville, Ga. Branan Bro ., Atlanta Ga. Biles, J. W. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Bran ford Mill , Owen boro, Ky. Blair Mlg. Co., Atchi on, Kan as. Bunch, T. H. & Co., Little Rock, \rk. Brocker Chas. Co. Owen boro, Ky. Beinheimer Flour Mill Co., t. Loui!' and Clinton, .\i n. Bu y Bro ., Cedartown Ga. Beatrice Corn Mills, Beatrice, Iebr. Columbia Mill & Elevator Co., Columbia, Tenn. Commonwealth Feed Mill Co., St. Loui Mo. Cape County 1illing Co., Jackson, Mo. Calhoun Roller Mill , Calhoun, Ga. C el Mill, Gadsden, la. City Mill & Grain Co. Colun1bia, Tenn .
leveland :Milling Co., Cleveland, Tenn. umberland Mills, ahville, Tenn. Clark )lilling Co. Auguta, Ga. over upply Compan), Baltimore, Md. City Mills Compan:v. olumbu , Ga. ' Clinton \.lfalfa l\lill Co. Clinton Okla. Cadick )1illing Company, Grandview Ind. Corno )Iill Compan)', t Loui Mo. C rpher Incubator ompany Buffalo, . Y . Cairo Milling Company, Cairo Ill. Chamberlain, W. F. Feed Company, L Loni:'l. ~ln. ' Capital City Oil On. Baton Rouge. La. Corn .\lfalfa Produrf,., Co., nperi or, ~Phr. Charl<e ton Mlg. Co., Charle ton Mo.
apital Grain & )'fill o.. a"bville, T Pnn.
reelman Packing Co.. battanooga, 'Tenn. Chatham Mill Co., Savannah, Ga.
ity Mlg. & F eed Cp., H a rtwell, Ga.


, I '

Cooley, ]. S., Atlan.ta. Ga. Dunlop Mills, Richmond, V a. Dunlop Milling Company, Clarksville, Tenn. Durham & McWhorter, Woodville, Ga. Decherd Mill Company, Decherd, Tenn.
Davis, R. W. & Company, Fitzgerald, Ga. Duncan-Hodnett Grain Co., Atlanta, Ga. Domestic Flour Milling Co., Kansas City, Mo. Dahnke-V\ alker )Jilling Co., nion City, Tenn. Davi , R. W. & Company, Atlanta, Ga. Darling & Company, Chicago, Ill. DaPonte, H. & Company, New Orleans, La. Dickinson, Albert Co., Chicago, Ill. Dewey Bro . Co., Blanchester, Ohio.
Dames Ferry l\{illing Co., Dames Ferry, Ga.
Eaton, R. D. Grain & Feed Co., Norwich, N. Y. Elberton Oil Mill , Elberton, Ga. Eckhart B. A. Milling Co., Chicago, Ill. Edgar-Morgan Company Memphi, Tenn. Empire 1ills Company Columbus, Ga.
Emmison, J. & ., Company. incennes. Ind.
Early & Daniel Co. Cincinnati, Ohio. Edward , Loomi Company, Chicago, Ill. ElDorado .\.lfalfa )fl.g. Co.. El Dorado, Kan.' a . El Reno lfalfa 111g. Co., El Reno Okla. Englewood l\1lg. Co.. Englewood. Tenn . Fain, W. L. & W. -:\I. , .\.tlanta Ga. Frazier, J. D. & Company, Atlanta, Ga. Frau & Webb, Baton Rouge, La. Florida Cotton Oil Company Jack onville, Fla. fi'linl River Mlg. Co.. Bainbridge, Ga. Fa~retteville 1illi.ngCo., Fayetteville, T enn . Farmer~ Union Ginner Fitzgerald, Ga.. Farmer Oil & FPrtz. Co.. Daw on, Ga. Farmer nion Mfg. Co., Alma, Ga. Great vVe tern Cereal Company, Chicago, Ill. Good Lnck ?11i]l . l. Loui , Mo. Gaines, L. P:, Cave Ga. Gillette Hardison Grain o.. Na~hvill . 'l'enn . Garfield Oil Mill::. Garfield Ga. Hopkim:Yille Milling Company, Hopkinsville, Ky.
I-Iecker-Jones-.U"cli Milling o., Jew .Yorl{City, N. Y :

Harris Manufacturing Company, Fort Valley, Ga.

Hunter-Robin on-Wenz Milling Co., St. Louis, Mo.

Harden & Rourk, Savannah, Ga.

Houser, A. J ., Fort Valley, Ga.

Hobbie, H. M. Co., Montgomery, Ala.

Hudnut Company, Terre Haute, Ind.

Harri & Company,_Meridian, Mi s.

Halliday, H. L. Milling Co., Cairo, ill.

Home Mill & Grain Company, Mt. Vernon, Ind.

Hunter Bros. Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo.

Holling~worth, A. J., Calhoun Ga.

Holbrook & Smith Atlanta, Ga.

Henry Co., Terre Haute, Ind.

Holman, Henry, Fayetteville Tenn ., and Atlanta, Ua

Illinois Feed Mills, St. Louis, Mo.

International Sugar Feed Co., Memphis, Tenn.

Isaac Harter Mfg. Co., Toledo, Ohio.

Interstate Milling Co., Memphis, Tenn .

Jone , J. A. & 0. L. Mill & Elevator Co., Nashville, Tenn .

Ju t Milling & Feed Co. Nashville, Tenn.

Jone~ & Roger , Manassas, Ga.

J. E. M. Milling Co. Frankfort, Ky.

Johnson W. B. & Co., Memphi , Tenn.

Juliette Mfg. & Clover Mfg. Co., Juliette, Ga.

Joquish Oil Co., Gainesville, Ga.

Kemper Mill & Elevator Company, Kansas City, Mo.

Kehlor Flour Mill Co., East St. Louis Ill.

Kingfalfa Mills, Nebraska City, Nebr.

Kornfalfa Feed Mfg. Co. Kan~as City, 1o.

Kendrick-Roan Grain & E. Co., Nashville. Tenn.

Krause, Chas. A., Mfg. Co. Milwaukee, Wis.

Kell, H. V., Co., Griffin Ga.

Keeton-Kroeger Co., Atlanta Ga.

Liberty Mills, Nashville, Tenn.

Leiding, H. G. Co., Charleston, S. C.

Larrowe Milling Co., Detroit, Mich.

Lewi & Adcock, Knoxville, Tenn.

Lexington Roller Mill Co. Lexington, K '.

Lester Milling Company, Nashville, Tenn.

Lawrenceburg Roller Mills Co., Lawrenceburg. Ind.

Lawrence Bros. Co., Crowley, La.

Louisville Cereal Mill Co. Louisville, Ky.


Lawrence & Hamilton Feed Co., New Orlean , La. Lamont .\lfalfa ;\lfg. o., Lamont kla. Leavenworth Mfg,. Co., Leavenworth, Kan ~a:;. Loui iana Feed Product Co., Baton Rouge, La. Lee, J. B., tate~boro, Ga. LaFayett Hominy Mill Co.. Lul~a.vtle. Tnd. Little & Co. Eatonton Ga. Lewisburg "J1ill o., L wi burg, Tenn. Mayo Milling Company, Richmond \ a. Madi~onville Flouring "Mill "J1adiBonville 'rentJ.
1organ, k P. Grain o.. Atlanta. Ch1. "McKenzie "J1ming Co. 1cKenzie, T nn." Miller & Company Nashville, Tenn.
'lcLemore, Crutcher Co., ashville Tenu . . !eyer, Jno. F. & on Mlg. Co. t. Louici, Mo. Mar hall & ifanry l\1lg. o .. Harcli on Mills, Tenn. Model Mill Company, Johnson City, Tenn.
Mountain City "Mills Co. Chattanooga. Tenn.
Milwaukee Grain Feed Co. :Jlilwaukee, \Vi . langet-Branon Co. Newnan, Ga. 1cLemore Co. ~a.."hYille, Tenn. Morri,. Bros.. Atlanta, Ja.
1aney llo-. Co., maha. l\eb. Marcus Bernheimer Flour Mill" o. Clinton, Mo. Morton Oil fills Millen, Ga. McCord, Crockett & Kolp, Memphi. , Tenn. Mountain Cit.y i\lfg. Co., Greenville,
ewport Mill Company, Loudon 'l'enn. Nashville Roller i\Iil~, r ashville, Tenn. _ utriline Milling Co., Crowley, La. ~ational Feed Co., t. Loui~, 1o.
ixon Grocery Co., Augu ta Ga. ~orth-We~t Mills Company, Winona )lin n . Nenmond, K. & E. Jew Orleau~, La. National Hay, Grain & torage Co. Macon Ga.
ational Feed Mfg. Co. Macon, Ga. Na..~lwille Dairy Feed , tore Nashville, Tenn. National Warehou;:c & torage Co.. E. t. Loui., Il'l. ~el on Grain Co., Kan a ity. )Jo. _ a;::hville Feed Co.. ~a hville. Tenn. ;\'"apier, .Jo:. :\1.. & o., . 1acon, .a.

Omaha Alfalfa Mlg. Co. Omaha, ebr. Park & Pollard Co., Boston, Mas . Peters, M. .C. Mill Co., Omaha, Jebr. Phoenix Flour Mill, Evansville, Ind. Pitts Oil Mill & Power Co., Pitts, Ga. Patterson, G. E. & Co., Memphis, Tenn. Pillsbury Flour Mills Co., Minneapoli , Minn. Planters Oil Co., Albany, Ga. Plant, Geo. P., Mfg. Co., St. Loui , Mo. Pease & Dwyer Co., Memphi, Tenn. Peco Valley Alfalfa Mill Co., Hagerman ~. M. Pritchard, W . .B., Charle ton, 'S. C. Purity Grain & Mfg. Co., tlanta, Ga. Quaker Oat Company, Chicago, Ill. Quitman Oil Co. Quitman, Ga. Robin on-Danforth Company, St. Louis, Mo. Ral ton-Purina Company, St. Louis, Mo. Rus ell, J. J. & Son, Atlanta, Ga. Riverside Mill Co., Shelbyville, Tenn. -Raymond Oil & Gin Co., Raymond, Ga. Roun aville & Bro. Chambers, Ga. River ide M. & P. Co., Cartersville, Ga. Rayne Rice Hg. Co. Rayne, La. Rome Oil & Fertz. Co., Rome, Ga. Sea I land Cotton Oil Co., Charleston, S. C. Standard-Tilton Mig. Co., St. Louis, Ill. Spears, E. F . & Son~, Pari., Ky. Southern Cotton Oil Co., Acworth, Ga. Southern Milling Company, a:;;hville, Tenn. Scioto Hominy Co. Port mouth, Ohio. Standard Milling Co., t. Louis, Mo. SpaTta Oil Mill, parta, Ga. , mith, J. Allen Company, Knoxville, Tenn.
tafalife Feed & Milling Company, New Orlean , La. Star Mills, Nashville, renn.
tegall Grain & Milling Co., Montgomery Ala. Syke Milling Co., Cleveland, Tenn. Shelton Mills, Chattanooga, Tenn. Spark~ Milling Co. Terre Haute, Ind. Smith Bros., Augu ta Ga. , outhwe~tern Milling Co.. Kan as City Kan as.
cerven County Oil Mills, . ylvania, Ga.

Star & Crescent Mlg. Co., Chicago, Ill.

Steinnesch, Feed Company, St. Loui , Mo.

Sou. Cotton Oil Company, avannah, Ga.

ugarine Company, Chicago, Ill.

imkin , W. D. & Co., avannah, Ga.

ou. Indiana :Milling Co., J effersonville, Ind.

tandard Feed 1ills, St. Louis, Mo.

Southern Cooked F eed Co., ashville, T enn .

weet prings 1fg. Co., Sweet Springs Mo.

hawnee lfg. Co., hawnee, Okla.

ou. Cotton Oil Co., Augusta, Ga.

Standard Mfg. Co., Oklahoma City, Okla.

ou. tates Grain & Feed Co., -a~hville T enn . .

mall \\ . H . & Co., Evan ville, Ind.

u. Cotton Oil Co., Atlanta, Ga.

ou. Flour & Grain Co. Atlanta, Ga. ou. Cotton Oil Co., Green~boro, Ga.

t. Mar)'" Mill Co., St. Mary , Mo.

'renn. Fibre Company, Memphis, T enn.


1'i tjen Groc ry Co. avannah, Ga.

'l enn. )!ill Company Ertill prings, Tenn.

Tiedeman Ch as. )1lg. Co., 0 Fallon Ill.

Towalip;a RiYer Mfg. Co. Griffin, Ga.

Union City & F eed Co., Union City, T enn.

niver.;al Sto k Feed Oo., Lebanon, Tenn.

Gnited rocery Co., Jack -onville, Fla.

\'ien na Cotton Oil Co. Vienna Ga.

\ idalia Cotton Oil :Mill Co., \ idalia, Ga.

Valdo-ta Oil Company, \ aldost..a Ga.

\ alley Milling Company, t. Loui- l\1o.

\ onore Flouring Mill Vonore, 'l'enn.

Veach, J. M., Adairville, Ga.

\ alier & pies Mig. Co. St. Lotri 1o.

\\ ood, T . W . & on::s, Ri chm ond, Va.

\\ a hburn-Croby Mi g. Co., Loui-vill , Ky.

Wilk , J. H. & Co., ashville, T enn.

Wei;; Otto Alfalfa tock Food Co., \\'ichitn, Kna; as.

\\ alker & Jones Ashwood, Tenn.

Wilh oit Mills Wilhoit T enn.

Waller, A. & Compan) .

" ade, Jno. & on-, Memphi,:, T enn .

\\ ebb & Manry Memphis, T en n.

\\'i chita Alfalfa, tock Food Co., Wichita, Kansas. \\oolley, A. C. Company, Atlanta ~a.

Young, R. B. Company, Savannah, Ga.

Willett, N. L., Seed Co., Augusta, Ga. Well, J. ~ind~y. Memphis, T enn.

