C elebrating th e Home Going Of
RobertLee W ilder
jr f a y 1 2 ,1 9 2 7
February 2i} 2001
Uuesday, S tebru ary 27, 2001
O ast U
12530 & 7 UKiIe [R oad
D etro it,
[R everen d Gugene w illiam s - O fficiatin g
Robert Lee Wilder was the fifth of six children born to the late Sam and Fannie Mae Wiley, on May 12 ,19 21 , in Warrington, Georgia. Robert Lee migrated to Detroit, Michigan in 1941 until God called him home. Robert was a pioneer in self education, he believed strongly in education and the opportunities thereof. His most greatest loves of all were his children, painting and the sport of fishing. Robert quietly departed this life on February 2 1 ,2 0 0 1 . Robert was a self-employed, independent contractor in the maintenance profession. Robert was preceded in death by two sisters; Maxine and Rose of Augusta Georgia, two brothers; Jessie and Willie Joe Wilder of Atlanta, Georgia and his baby son, Ray Scott of Detroit, Michigan. He leaves to cherish his memory, the mother of his children and best friend Naomi Sanders, two daughters; Robbin Lynn Jenkins and Rachell Scott, one son; Rickey Scott and his wife, Cheryl, three step-daughters; Darlene, Rona and Dorothy, of Detroit, Michigan, one sister; Mrs. Hollie Williams of Atlanta, Georgia, 11 grandchildren and a host of cousins, nieces, nephews, friends and associates to celebrate his homegoing.
^ o h n /J4:2 5 -26
Organ Prelude Prayer......................................... Morris E. Foster Song........................... ........ ........ ....Cheryl Young Scripture..................................... Morris E. Foster Song................................................ Cheryl Young Obituary........................................... Read Silently Remarks........(Please limit remarks to 2 minutesJ Eulogy.........................Reverend Eugene Williams Recessional
If you are driving in the funeral procession please turn your lights on for safe and fasten your seat belts.. .Thank you
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To My Dad... For someone to care and share, for someone to give love
unconditionally in equal parts. You taught us that patience is a virtue; by showing us you were never too busy and always had time for us. Thank God for giving me many wonderful years with one of my best friends...my Dad. "May the Wheels of Justice (God's will) continue to turn"
Love You Always...Robbin Lynn
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T h a t D ay...B y B ianca Je n kin s T h a t day. / r e ft a m y s te rio u s ta n g ib le presence th a t w hispered <sfo r me to g e t ready fo r a lo s s .
To one o f (god's precious g ifts , m y fa th e r R o b e rt i t h a s been a tru e pleasure having you in m y life . You were a g re a t in s p ira tio n .
, ta rty on T h a t d a y' / sa w th e s k y th e co lor o f m y s k in and m y m ind s tre tc h e d deep and wide, a s / breathe
You ca le d u s s p o rt (pronounced s p o te ) b u t you were th e tru e sp o te .
The m u sic o f m y g ra n d fa th e rs ris in g s p ir it hum s a s s o ft a s th e clouds on th e w ay to heaven and m y m em ories are irid e s c e n t a s / rin d calm ness
/ w ill m is s you now, m y h e a rt is sore, a s tim e goes by. H i m is s you more. Your lovin g sm ile , yo ur g e n tle face, no one can f il l
yo u r va ca n t place.
tie s e xpressing in fin ity b y ris in g in to th e s k y higher and higher to look down on us.
/ love you Daddy, u n til we
T h is a ir / breathe is now life le s s , y e tjo y fu l, s t ill engaged in s e re n ity , because / w ill never \ fo rg e t \th a t d a y' when / had to s a y goodbye...forever.
You are n o t fo rg o tte n loved one. n o r w ill you ever be a s long a s life and m em ories la s t, we w ill rem em ber thee. Love R ic k e y & C h e ryl
Tjo ^Pdaddp...
p fo d said pou werep etting wearp so he d id what he thought was best he came and stood besidepou and whispered, "come and rest "pou b id no one a lastfarew ell cH o t even a lastgood-bpepou weregone before we knew it
and onlp p fo d knows whp. ddove (sPachell
<Uo a CVerp ddbpecial c\P )ad dP ts so hard to sap good-bpe, to what we had. CkBut, dP understand that p fjo d neededpou more G37wantpou to know, dd)lovepou verp much andpou w illalwaps have a specialplace in mp heart r lJLntil we m et again... ddove Pporothp
^A ppreciation...
P erh aps
pou sang asong, sat
guietlp in a chair, perhapspou sent beautiful
flowers, i f so, we saw it there. P erhapspou
sent or spoke the kindest words, as anpfrien d
could sap... P erhapspou were not here at
ju st thought o fus this dap. P erhapspou
prepared some tastpfood, or mapbefurnished
a car. Perhaps pou rendered a service
unseen near at hand orfrom fa r.
GdPhateverpou did to consok our hearts, we
thank pou so much whatever the part....
djhefam ilp
PALLBEARERS F riends o f th e F am ily
FLOWER BEARERS F riends o f th e F am ily
Jftnal &rrangement ntrutet> to: $eace Ctjapel Cast Jfuneral gome
12530 C 7 Jffltle &oati Detroit, i$li 48205
<&ett)emane Cemetery 10755 Gratiot gfoenue Detroit, Jfli
Dlchnowledgm ent: Dhe fa m ily wishes (o thanh y o u fo r y o u r h in d words, thoughts, pra yers a n d any acts ofhindness shown them in th e ir tim e ofgrievance. Dl m ore p erso n a lachnowledgm ent w illbe sen t a t a la ter date. Dhanh y o u . . . Dhe D am i/y
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