Celebrating the Life and Legacy
i t q/ e/ t
Thursday, A p ril 14, 2011 - 1 :0 0 p.m. Lampkin Grove Baptist Church
2 6 7 3 Louisville Road - Appling, G A 3 0 8 0 2 Rev. Charlie Wright, Pastor
Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose (Belle) Avery and Their Children (L. R.) Walton, Rubena, Ambrose, Jr., Johnson, Charles,
Wilhelmina, and Sarah Not pictured, Baby Ambrose (deceased at birth)
May the road rise up to meet you May the w ind he afways at your had^ May the sun shine warm upon yourface A n d the rainsf a d softly on thefields
A n d until we meet again May (^od holdyou in the palm ofjdis hand.
Rev. G.T. McCord - Officiating Processional................................................... Mrs. Brenda Pollard
Selection.......................... Mt. Olive Baptist Church Male Chorus
Scriptures The 23rdPsalm The 121st Psalm
P rayer........................
Rev. Charlie Wright .. Rev. Rickey Dent Rev. Lewis Tanksley
Musical M edley............................................. Mrs. Brenda Pollard *Mrs. Washington's Favorite Flymns*
"What a Friend We Have In Jesus, My Faith Looks Up to Thee, Count on Me, I f I Can Help Somebody "
Reflections (limit to 2-3 minutes please) Dea. Willie "James" B ennett.................. Church Member Dr. Lester Pollard, Sr.................................. Former Student Kenneth Sanders, $ .................................. Family Member
Poem ................................................................. Miss Kimber Bell "Others "
Acknowledgements .................................... Mrs. Kanika Stanford
q Musical Tribute 3m o/
........ Mr. Marion Sanders, Jr. "Amazing Grace "
- 3 I .................. .1 Rev. G.T. McCord
p `Cgy' VvztirtyO ixryj/tuMy
Interment ........................................................... Church Cemetery
Repast................................ Sarah A. Washington Fellowship Hall
Active Pallbearers
Dr. Leslie Pollard, Jr. Mr. Rashaan Coleman Mr. Kester Sanders Mr. Kenneth Sanders, II Mr. Ambrose Avery, IV
Great Nephews
Mr. Kenmond Sanders Mr. William Griffin
Mr. Alvin Kendall, Jr. Mr. Zeda Stanford, Jr.
Mr. Robert Patterson
Honorary Pallbearers
Fort Valley State University Alumni Association Columbia County Retired Teachers Association
The Leisurettes Bridge Club
Crossing The Bar
Sunset ancfevening star, fin d one cCearcadfo r me! fi n d may there 6e no moaning o f the 6ar,
When I put out to sea, (But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Toofu d fo r sound andfoam,
When that which drewfrom out the houndCess deep darns again home.
dwidght and evening heCC, fin d after that the darh] Andm ay there 6e no sadness offarewed,
When I emharh^ Tor tho'from out our Soume o f dime and Tta.ce ThefTood may hear mefar, I hope to see my TiCotface toface When I have crossedthe 6ar.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
The family of the late Mrs. Sarah Avery Washington wishes to express our heartfelt thanks to each of you for your many acts of kindness shown during our time of sorrow. Words are inadequate to express our gratitude. Many thanks to Mrs. Washington's caregivers: Phyllis Scott, Kanika Stanford, Kenneth Sanders, I, Carmen Sanders, Sarah Whitaker, and Trinity Hospice. May God richly bless each of you.
A very special thanks to her nephew, Mr. Rufus H. Sanders, Jr. for your continued devotion, loyalty, and love as you cared for "Tao" during the last two years. We will never forget your commitment, selfless deeds and acts of kindness to our Aunt.