The Reverend J. C. Ward was born in Atlanta, Georgia, August 22, 1929, to Mr. Joe Ward and the late Mrs. Mildred C. Ward. He was educated in the Atlanta Public School System. He attended the Carver Bible Institute.
He joined the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church at an early age and worked fa ith fu lly on the Usher Board. He met the late Reverend J. R. Lovett while a patient in the hospital. A fter meeting and talking w ith the Rev. Lovett, he realized that he had not given to God nor man all that he could. He became converted while in the hospital and he then moved his membership to the Greater Mt. Vernon Baptist Church. He worked fa ith fu lly there and was called by God to preach. He began his ministerial career in 1958 under the late Rever end J. R. Lovett. He was licensed and ordained by the Pastor and Associate Minister in 1959. He served fa ith fu lly fo r three years from 1960 -- 1963 as the Assistant Pastor of the Hunter Hill First Baptist Church under the Reverend B. Bowen and continued to w ork fa ith fu lly and diligently during the three months period the church was w itho ut a Pastor.
In 1963 he assumed the Pastorship of the Hunter Hill First Baptist Church knowing that there was no church because it had been destroyed earlier by fire. But w ith his keen leadership ability and sincere Christian Commitment, in less than a year, the church marched from the E. C. Clements School, where services were being held, to a newly constructed Educational Building which was later to become an integral part of the total church structure. A fter many months of laborious work and skillful leadership, the reality of a long dream materialized-- a new edifice was completed and September 15, 1968 marked the Entrance and Dedication Services. He made a profound impression upon his congregation and throughout his Pastorate he continued to make memorable contributions in numerous capacities.
Groups organized under his leadership were the J. C. Ward Gospel Chorus, Sunbeam Choir, Missionary Society, Janell Randolph Memorial Usher Board, the Young Matrons' Board, the Courtesy Guild, Trustee Board, Youth fo r Christ Choir, the Pastor's Aid Club and six membership clubs. Other evidences were a steady increase in membership, completion of the kitchen, paving of the parking lot, the addition o f five men being given licenses to preach God's Word, the Youth Council Organization, weekly Youth Fellowship meeting, and has recently organized a weekly Bible Class for Youth.
His organizational affiliations include: The Southern Christian Leader ship Conference, Operation Breadbasket, YMCA, Atlanta Ministers' Union, A t lanta Consortium, Progressive National Convention, New Era Baptist Convention of Georgia (Served as First Vice President), Turner High Booster Club;
Vice President of the Atlanta Regional Residential Manpower Center (Job Corps), Community Relations Advisory Council. He supported the pro gram fo r young women (ages 16-21) from 1969-- 1975 and was the main com m unity force behind this human development program coming into existence and remaining as an instrument to eliminate social and economic deprivation.
As a husband and father he was most devoted and loving. He worked untiringly from day to day, never complaining, to see to it that his wife and children were comfortable and happy in every way.
He is survived by a very faithful and devoted wife, Mrs. Marion W.
Ward; one son, Sp. 4 Jeffrey C. Ward; two daughters, Ms. Sandra W. Beaver, Mrs. Janice W. Warren; three grandchildren, Master J. Bernard Beaver, Master Jean Ward (Shaft) and Jamika W ykita Warren; Father, Mr. Joe Ward; one sister, Mrs. Lizzie Stone; one brother, Mr. M ilton V. Ward; tw o aunts, Mrs. Annie B. Young and Mrs. Bessie Gibson; one uncle, Mr. Hardy Ward; one son-in-law, Mr. James Warren and a host of other relatives and friends.
The Reverend G. W. Baker, Officiating
. iucessional
Selection....................... "Amazing G r a c e " ........................ Hunter Hill Choir
Prayer........................................................................... The Reverend J. A. Wilborn
Scripture New Testament.................................... .. . .The Reverend J. D. Grier Old Testam ent............................... The Reverend Ronald Odum
Selection............. " l Come To The Garden A t o n e " ............. .. Hunter Hill Choir
Remarks (Three Minutes)................................................. Mother Marion Parham Hunter Hill Member
The Reverend W. C. Smith, President Atlanta Baptist Ministers' Union
The Reverend L. Scott Stell, President New Era State Convention of Georgia
The Reverend J. J. Broadnax, Pastor Pilgrim Baptist Church
The Reverend Ralph D. Abernathy, President Southern Christian Leadership Conference Dr. Louis B. Brown, M.D.
S o lo ........................................................................................... "Beams o f Heaven'
Eulogy..............................................................................The Reverend S. A. Baker
S o lo ............................................................................................. Miss Juanita Pope
Acknowledgement ............................................................ Mrs. Jacquelyn Ponder
Interment -- Lincoln Cemetery Thornton Funeral Home in Charge
The casket w ill remain open throughout the service as requested b y the deceased.
Let me live in a house by the side o f the road, Where the race o f men go by--
The men who are good and the men who are bad, A s good and as bad as I.
/ w ould n o t sit in the scorner's seat, Or hurl the cynic's ban;
Let me live in a house by the side o f the road, A n d be a friend o f man.
Le t me live in my house b y the side o f the road, Where the race o f men go by--
They are good, they are bad, they are weak, they are strong, Wise, foolish--So am /.
Then why should I sit in the scorner's seat, Or hurl the cynic's ban?--
Let me live in m y house by the side o f the road, A n d be a friend to man.
TO OUR FRIENDS When bereavement comes, a family turns to friends for comfort, support and prayers. The response by our friends to the loss of our loved one has done much to sustain our strength and faith in this period of mourning. We are grateful to you.
The Fam ily o f The Reverend J. C. Ward
ACTIVE PALLBEARERS Deacons of the Hunter Hill First Baptist Church
HONORARY FLOWER LADIES Mothers' Board of the Hunter Hill First Baptist Church
A Memorial Service in tribute to the ministry of the Reverend J. C. Ward will be held May 18, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. at the Hunter Hill First Baptist Church, 166 Edward Street, N.W., sponsored by Atlanta's leading ministers.