In loving memory of Lloyd Westley Walton, Jr., December 28, 1953-May 25, 2009, Saturday, May 30, 2009, 2:30 p.m., C. A. Reid Memorial Chapel, 314-A Laney Walker Blvd. Ext, Augusta, Georgia 30901, Rev. Norman V. Carter, officiating

In Loving M em ory
Of LCoydMfestCey 'WaCton, Jr.

D e c e m b e r 28,1953~
Saturday, M ay 30, 2009 2:30 T.M.
C.A. Reid Memorial Chapel 314-A Laney Walker Blvd. Ext.
Augusta, Georgia 30901
Hev, Norman y . Carter ~ Officiating

25, 200

- Obituary ~ U(The Lord is M y Shepherd'

LCoydlV. IVaCtonJr. was born on December 28,1953, the eCdest o ffiv e chddren to LCoyda n d Lizzie JVaCton at the U niversity LCospitaCin Augusta, Georgia.
3de was 'Baptizedat an earfy age at ML Canaan Baptist
Church in Augusta, Georgia, die was a graduate o f 'Westside JCigh SchooC, CCass o f 1971. die served in the U nited States Arm y an d received an honorary discharged in 1973, but rem ained an active advocatefo r the rights o f veterans.

"JrL as he was affectionateCy caCCed, enjoyed Life to the fuCCest andnever met a stranger, dds children an d
grandchildren were his heart an d hisfam dy aCways came first.

LCoydwasp receded in death by hisfather, Sgt (Bet) LCoyd 'W. WaCton Sr.

LCoydCeaves to cherish his Coving memories: mother, Mrs.

Lizzie WaCton, Augusta, Ga; chddren, Lina Bryant,

OakCancC, Ca, dfobCe (MicheCCe) Lewis, DarryC(Torsha)

lYaCton, LaLasha lYaCton, Aaron (Lyesha) WVhiteCy, Laj

'WaCton, an d six grandchiCdren, aCCo f Augusta, Go; two

sisters, Joyce (Norman) StaCCings, Augusta, Ga and

Annette (WiCCiam) Johnson, Warner Bobins, Ga; two

brothers, Bruce WaCton, Lampa, fC, an dX eith (Lynette)


, WaCton, Augusta, Ga. A very devoted cousin, friend, and
caregiver, James Dunbar, and a host o f nieces, nephews

cousins, an d friends.

One night I dream edI was waCking aCong the heach w ith the L o rd M any scenes fro m my CifefCashedacross the shy.
In each scene I n oticed footp rin ts in the sa n d Sometimes there were two sets o ffootprints, other times there were one set o ffootprints.
This bothered me because I n o ticed that during the Cow periods o f my Cife, when I was
suffering fro m anguish, sorrow or defeat, I couCdsee
onCy one set o ffootprints.
So I sa id to the Lord, "you prom isedm e Lord, that i f I foCCowedyou, you wouCdwaCk w ith me always. 'But I have n oticed that during the most trying periods o f my Cife there
have onCy been one set o f footprints in the sa n d lYhy, when I needed you most, you have not been th erefo r me?"
The LordrepCied, "The times when you have seen onCy one set o ffootp rin ts in the sa n d is
when I carried you. "

I'm free
D on 't grieve f o r me now f o r now Tm fre e I 'mfoCCowing the p a th (god has CaicCyou see
I took his hancCwhen I heard J-fis caCC I tu rn ed m y hack a n d Ceft it aCC
I couCdnot stay another day To Caugh, to Cove, to work orpCay Tasks Ceft undone must stay that way I fo u n d peace at the close o f day
I f my p a rtin g has Ceft a v o id 'ThenfiCCit w ith rem em beredjoys J4.friendship shared, a Caugh, a kiss Oh yes, these things I too wiCCmiss 'Be not burdened w ith times o f sorrow I wish you the sunshine o f tom orrow
M y Cife's beenfuCC, I savored much; (goodfriends, g ood times, a Covedone's touch
Terhaps m y tim e seemed aCCtoo b rie f D on 't Cengthen it now w ith undue g r ie f
L ift up your heart and peace to be (godw anted me now, 3Te set mefree.

~ Order o f Service ~
'Rev. Norman y. Carter, Officiating



..Congregation ...................................................................................................................................................... "Jesus Xeep Me N ear tfie Cross"

S criptu re.............................................................................

Rev. Dr. O zzie f o r d ................................. Ross (Jrove Baptist Cfiurcfi

Trayer o f Comfort... .....Rev. ................................. (gordon A . dkomas Ross grove Baptist Church
SoCo. .JWiCCiam S h erro d ....................................... .............................. .............................................. ................................................
R eflections ...JamiCy & Jriends .................................................................................. .......................................... (TCease Lim it to 3 Minutes)

O bituary (R e a d SiCentCy) ............. ............................................................................. ...............................................................
A cknow ledgem ents Torsha lY a fton .................................... ...........................................................

SeCection... IViCfiam S h erro d ............................................ ....................................... .................... ............................... Tasha Sherrod

"EuCogy.......... Rev. N orm an y . Carter ............................................................ ........................... green grove "Baptist Church

"UnitedStates Arm y Tresentation RecessionaC

Interm ent JfiCCcrest M em oriaCBark ..........................................................................................

There wiCChe no repast after service*

"Bruce WaCton X e itfi 'WaCton V arryC WaCton NohCe Lew is
Taj WaCton A a ro n WhiteCy
Services 'EntrustecCTo CjzL 'ReidM em oriaCJuneraCJfom e 314-CA Laney WaCker 'BouCevarcCTxt,
A ugusta, Georgia 30901
~ JAcknowCedgements ~
Thefam iCy o f the Cate LCoydW . WaCton Jr, wishes to express th eir sincere thanks a n d gra titu d e fo r the num erous acts o f kindness a n d Cove e x ten d ed during our hour o f B ereavem ent y o u r acts o f kindness wiCC aCways he rem em bered, y o u r expressions are hCessings o f com fort a n d inspiration. It is ourp r a y e r tha t QodwiCC continue to hCess aCCo f y oil
The WaCton Jam iCy-
