A service of memory celebrating the life of Lula Bell Barnes Tyler, January 9, 1930-October 1, 1999, October 9, 1999, 10:00 a.m., Bethel Baptist Church, 2712 Alms Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206, Rev. Wayne David, officiating Minister

.// SeiTtceof&lenioiy ((Id)rating the fJji of <iila Belle Barnes Tyler
January 9. 1930 - October I. 1999
October 9. 1999 10:00 a in Baptint Church
2712,/llins Place Cincinnati. Ohio 4-1206 \\aijne Oc/f/.s. Officiating


Belle Banies Tyler. known to those who loved her as /i/ iiw horn January!). HMO in Cincinnati. Ohio to f{e\-.John and hlarij Barnes. Iula was an active member of Bethel Baptist (hnrch.
lltila Belles (hristian values were demonstrated in her life stifle through her warm and caring spirit. The joy she shared with her family andfriends, her lore for knitting and reading was passed to her children and grandchildren.
She leaves to cherish and celebrate her memory her loving sister Florence (amp, two daughters; Teresa IW is (Detroit, A//J, .Florence (frvin) Smith, one son (firl Tyler (fys.t/ingeles, (j/l.), -fourgranddaughters; Nicole Tyler,Jleather ^Kinard, Xhamille /jpira. /{eyonna Igwis. and one grandson./Jnthony Smith. Tlireegreat-grandchildren, Monesa Tyler, Kahria Ti)ler,.<fllex "Kinard..<?lnd a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends

0 hly hfoinma / To hfy (Irandjtia

We will grieve for we must, definitely shed tears

But dont stand over the casket, for /jy is not here

(jod whispered in her ear. inviting her to soar

V/fp was tired and didnt need to suffer anymore

So she traded all these material things

for eternity with GO I) and her heavenly wings

But she has not disappeared from our lives

If its Jjj you want, look in our eyes


We will never forget her, for evertj one knows - ,

TJrat we love her too much too ever let her go


for we are glad not that momma/grandma lias gone.

But that this world she lived in was our world too

We dont have to wonder if there was more that could have been done,

because momma/grandma knew

l&>g before she passed away the love we havefor her in our hearts

tieath has no dominion orer her departure, GOD knows, we should smilf

Tlrat we were able to walk with herfor just a little while




>. -The-family-

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The Order of Service

Organ Prelude: Scripture:

.^mazing Grace Psalm 01






Rev.^. (Brown


' '



" "

^mazing Grace

Acknowledgment of Cards, Telegrams and Condolences, Resolution
-Sis. Barbara Reed




Rev: W. (t)avis


fyv: foavis





$eech Grove Cemetery

Cincinnati. Ohio

I am the resurrection, and the life: he that bdieveth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he liv>e:,<flnd whosoever liveth and helieveth in me shall never die. -*>t.Jolm 11:2.5-26

The family wishes to acknowledge with deep appreciation. all the love, condolences and assistance extended during this period of transition.
^-t^flctive Pallearcrs ^(
,/inthony ^mith fric Phelpot Martin Jr.
Pallbearers (Jionaiy)
Bernard Mays trviit ^>inith
r/lnthony Xmith Isaiah Jgwis jlllen Martin
that dwelleth in the secret place of the niostjiigh shall abide under the shadow of the ,/llinighty. I will say of the (^C)f^D.JIe is my refuge and tny fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Purely lie shall deliver theefrom the snare of the noisome pestilence., fie shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shall thou trust: his truth shall he thy shield and buckler. Psalms 91: 1-4
