In remembrance to our love one Rosa Lee Sutton, Wednesday, February 27, 2002, 11:00 a.m., Greater Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, 1915 Spruce Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33407, Reverend Frank Jefferson, Jr., pastor, Reverend James Carter, interim pastor, officiating, Coleman's Funeral Home, directing

In rKmembran

Wednesday , February, 2 /, 2002 1 1 :0 0 am

Qreater cAntieefi 'Missienaig "Baptist Cfiurcfv 1915 $pnic& (Avenue
IVest Talm 'Beac'fi, `flmida 33 AO7

Ajmerend Trank Jeffersmi, Jr., 'Faster "Feverend, Jam es Caitcr, Inteiim Taster, Officiating

Celeman 's- "Funeral


O bitu ary

t(\asa-ee was- barn on- March 13, 1908 in-Tome, `Florida, to- the gev

larentage o f the late Jim and "Miq\pSutton. There she received her

larlg. education-.


Ifpsa Lee moved to1Vest Talm "Beach, 'Florida, and'became a

iomestic worker. Sficjoined Qreater cAntioch M issionaig 'Baptest ^

church where she accqoted-Jesus as- fier Lord* and Savior undeir

fie leadership o f the late i\eveirend, "Bing. C. Thomas-


%fieleaves, to cherish fieirmemories-, cA sister, Ionise Qarrett -


Agusta Qa-.; two nieces-, Irene (0'"Bigant - cAugusta, Qa and


Francis. Juanita rEvan - "Dettoit, `Midi; two- nephews-, tEarl

Edimrd -'Bronx, 7Vj/ and- I f chard (Teittha) Sutton - cAugusta,

Qa; threegrand-nieces-, cAIherta "Edward-Columbus, Off,

1funderIg, Sutton- - cAgusta Qa. and- T en ia `Evan;foamgrand nephewsfjelvin Turned Jackson- - cAugusta, Qa., "EddieSutton - Sol

Atlanta, Qa.., Tierrer Sutton and-Tarneg Sutton "Devoted-and Re; ido.pted sister, cAlma. `Michael- Ablest Talm "Beach/, Tl; Specials

lends, Shirleg White - cAtlanta, Qa, Tillie M ae Tellg-, "Jane


Dunbar and `Eugene Qates - all o f W est Talm 'Beach, `Fl, tfemg Scranton-, Ora Mac cAjtom-and- "Estell - all of Tjmera Teach; a- H)

font o f other relatives and- sorrowing-fiends-.



Order of Service

Reverend Jam es Carter, Interim Pastor, presiding

Organ Prelude

Processional Selection

Voices of Antioch

Scripture/Invocation Solo

Sister Mary Feacber

Expression (2 minutes please) A s a Deacon - Deacon Lemoria Lester As a member - Deacon Adolphus Montgomery A s a special friend - Sister Lillie M . Kelly

Solo Resolution

vi^__ _ Sister Ingrid White




Greater Antioch M , Baptist Giurch

Acknowled gments

Coleman's Staff


Voices of Antioch

Eulogy Recessional

Reverend James Carter


h(J H , 0

TcAJLLTTc4T f f S 'Deacons, Tnisteo (f 'friends
TXOAVTfS 'Voiceso f cAndocfi Senior M ission
cA Mate O f Thanks> AVe thefam ily, thank e v a y o n e fa r y o u r lane a n d support
during, the illness and p a ssin g o f our beloved* f a s a. 'B eca m e o f y o u r love and, support, one h a v e been*b lessed by Qod.
M ay Qod bless,yon and m a y H e keep y o u is our prayer.
cASpecial Thank y o u To: The Staffo f la k esid e Health Center M other 'Dorothy Sweeting - T resident o f the Sr. `M ission T evaaid, f unk Jefferson, Jr., Tastor Tvaren d Jam es- Carta; Interim T astor
Interment* Qlemmad C anetay Tiiuem Teach, 'Honda
funeral cArrangement Intrusted To: Coleman 's, fu n e r a l H om e 1215 M T am arind cAvenue
AVestTalm Teach,, flo n d a 33501
