Home going commemoration of Mr. William A. Stephens, into his mother's arms, November 30, 1928, into the arms of the Lord, January 20, 2011, service, Sunday, January 23, 2011, 2:00 p.m., Friendship Baptist Church, 490 Martin Luther King Drive, Crawfordville, Georgia 30631, Rev. D. Roger Smith, officiating

Strong M an...Bold M an...Faithful M an...Good Friend...
My friend ...My G-G Pa.
My great granddaddy... He lived a good life A longlife He lost his wife
Now they shall reunite.
The smile on his face His humble ways
My G-G Pa always knew ju s t what to say.
He taught us all respect He showed us what it meant
He kept his head up high And I know that I. myself, followed behind
My G-G Pa never said goodbye He'd rather said talk to ya' later Every tim e me and my G-G Pa talked, we'd always laughed and ended it with a sm ile and an "I Love You"
When we. his great grands cam e around. G-G Pa couldn't hold back his sm ile
For he loved us and we loved him back
Our bond was unbreakable Now my heart, it is fragile 'Cause when I come home now
I won't see my G-G Pa
No more of his hugs No more of his kisses to my forehead
No more jokes And no more of his wisdom being passed down
So I can apply...
He fought for so long But our God called him home His teachings will still live on And I will forever carry them on While holding my G-G Pa near and dear to my heart!
To my G-G Pa. your latter years were greater than the rest! You became a great man!!!
Now rest in peace granddaddy No more pain in tears, ju s t rest....
I love you and m iss you :(
Sandra Stephens

Flower Ladies N ieces

Casket Bearers Nephews

Acknow ledgem ents.
The Fam ily of W illia m A. S te p h e n s a p p re cia te s a ll th e a c ts of kindn ess and expressions received during the illness and
death of our loved one. Continue to pray for us a s we adjust to our loss. It is our prayer th a t th e Lord will b le s s an d ke e p you in His loving care. A very sp e cia l th an k you goes to Debra Alex
ander and the Odyssey Hospice staff their professionalism and kindness show n during Mr. Stephens' illness. Your su p
port and kin d n e ss will never be forgotten.
Final Services o f Comfort Entrusted To iftcltenbon iWcmnrial funeral &)ome 2 15 Ferrer Street l^asljington, Georgia 30673 (706)-67S-2656 "l Complete and Dignified ^erbice"
S3 jfamilj> in jfuneral &c?btte for ober " 100" ^ears e-ma il: mclendcaimemorial@gmail.com
T ooillbs M cLendon IV. Funeral Director in Full Continuous Charge Sierra Quinn. Digital Type setting and Printing

P re sid in g ................ ........................Rev. D. Roger S m ith P ro c e s s io n a l S cripture Reading
Old T estam ent New Testam ent S o lo .......................... ........................................Ashley Hale P rayer..................... ............................ Rev. D orothy H a rt S o lo .......................... .................................... Rev. L o c k h a rt P oem ....................... ............................ D e lb e rt S te p h e n s A c k n o w le d g e m e n ts ........... M cLendon M e m o ria l S ta ff O b itu a r y ................. ..................................... Read S ile n tly S o lo .......................... ........A n n e tte S te p h e n s-W ilke rso n Eulogy..................... ......................... Rev. D. Roger S m ith R e c e s s io n a l In te rm e n t................ ............ F riendship B a p tis t Church R e p a st.................... .................. C hurch Fellow ship Hall

To everyone there is a season: a season to be born, a season to flourish and a season to die. On Thursday, January 20, 2011, God saw the road had gotten rough and the hills were mighty high to climb. God called William from labor to rest.
William was born on November 30,1928 to the late Lula M, Gullattand Byron Stephens of Taliaferro County. To this union, two children. Byron and William Stephens, were born. He had six brothers and one sister to precede him in death: Golden Moss, Byron, Braxton, Boise, John, David Stephens and Corne lia Chapman,
He confessed Christ at an early age and joined Friendship Bap tist Church in Crawfordvilie, Georgia.
In 1951, he married Katherine Stewart, who preceded him in death. William and Katherine moved to Cleveland. Ohio in 1952 and made it their home until 1999. They moved back home to be closer to their family.
Memories will be cherished by his son, James Stephens; four sisters, Mary C. Beasley, Roberta (Robert) Wynn, Vergie (Franklin) Long and Susie (Eddie) McArthur; two brothers. Tho mas (Beatrice) Stephens and Robert (Clariss) Stephens; a very special nephew and niece, Sullivan Beasley and Brenda Wynn, who gave their love, time and efforts to help one of God's chil dren through a season of preparation. They did not grow weary in their well doing. Three grandchildren, Delbert (Donna Lee) Stephens, Jamiria (Charlie) Anderson and Rico (Venus) Marks, twelve great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild, sis ters-in-law. brothers-in-law and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
