A homegoing celebration for Mrs. Mary Alice Smith, sunrise, September 30, 1943, sunset, August 10, 2013, Friday, August 16, 2013, 2:00 p.m., Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Evans, Georgia, Reverend L. J. Tanksley, pastor, Reverend G. T. McCord, presiding, Reverend Melvin O. Johnson, eulogist




Mrs. M ary JlCice Smith

Sunrise Septem ber30,1943

Sunset A u gu st 10, 2013

`Friday, A ugust 16, 2013 2:00 <PM.
M t. OCive (Baptist Church `Evans, Georgia

`ReverendL. J. Fanhstey, (pastor

(Reverend Cj.

F McCord, Presiding

ReverendMeCvin O. Johnson, `Eulogist

Ihe 06ituary
Mrs. Maryjltice Sftlitf, the daughter o f the Cate Mr. CharCie
WiCCiams a n d M rs. Trances ( WiCCiams) Styles, w as 6orn on Septem 6er 30, 1943. She heard her M aster catting a n d her spirit peacefutty transitioned on A u g u st 10, 2013.
A ffectio n a tely know n 6y h erfa m tty a n d frie n d s as "M a e", she w as educated in CoCum6ia C ounty Schools a n d graduatedfro m (BCanchard C onsolidated SchooC in 1962. She w as em ployed in the (Dietary D epartm ent a t M C C jfor ten years, a n d Caterprovided chttdcare in her home. She w as affectionateCy know n to her children as "N ana M ae ".
M ae h a d a passionf o r cooking a n d fla ir f o r dressing.
She w as 6 a p tize d a t an earCy age a t the Tierce Cjrove (Baptist Church, M artinez, Cjeorgia. In 1958, w hile attending a service a t the M acedonia (Baptist Church, she m et the Cove o f her Cife, M r. CCeveCand Sm ith. A fte r a fo u r year courtship, they were m arried on ApriC 22, 1962. Their Cove w as 6Cessedw ith the 6irth o f tw o children. "CCeve" transitionedfro m this Cife to his heavenCy home on M ay 7, 2008.
M ae w as preceded in death 6y: her parents; stepfather, M r. W ittiam StyCes; granddaughter, "Kennedy S. Sm ith; andgodson, M r. ACphonso T ie (dings.
Oder Cove wiCC alw ays he present in the hearts of: her daughter, M s. CheryCT. Sm ith; son, M r. CCeveCandT. (D iona) Sm ith; grandchildren, M r. Ja n tzen Cj. Sm ith a n d LittCe M iss Jourdan % Sm ith; 6rother, M r. CharCie J{. WiCCiams, Sr.; sister, M rs. (Brenda (Leotis) M acki aCC o f A ugusta, Cjeorgia; uncCe, M r. Jam es Jones o f CCinton, MaryCand; nieces a n d nephews like her children, M s. ACCison R. WiCCiams o f AtCanta, Cjeorgia, M s. CharCisa JC. WiCCiams o f CoCum6ia, South Carolina, M s. Shermia D. WiCCiams o fT v a n s, Cjeorgia, M r. Tim othy WiCCiams o f Tvans, Cjeorgia, M r. CharCie Jf. WiCCiams, II, M r. (Brandon C WiCCiams o f A ugusta, Cjeorgia a n d M r. Ori C. WiCCiams ofM cC orm icki South Carolina; 6rothers-in-Caw, M r. `WiCCiam (ACma) Johnson, (ReverendMeCvin (Terry A n n ) Johnson, M r. CCeveCand(Etta) Terry a n d M r. R ichard Terry; sisters-in-Caw, M rs. (Betty (RaCph) W ittiam s, M s. Sharon Jones a n d M s. AngeCa Terry; godchildren, M r. MeCvin T Johnson, M r. AConzo TieCding, M r. Steven Timmons a n d M s. N iranjini Tpps; a n d a host o f other nieces, nephews, cousins a n d friends.

The Order o fService
Prelude CProcessional Prayer.......................................................................................................(ReverendLee Pendleton Scriptures
O ldTestam ent R ............................................................... everendjohn Lockhart N ew Testam ent.............................................................ReverendL.J. Tanksley SeCection.......................................Mr. Charlie PC. "Williams a n d Ms. %im Taylor Reflections (Three M inutes Please)..............................................Ms. Sonya Turner
Ms. Nora McCord Ms. Cjeorgene "Williams S o lo Mr. ................................................................................................................................ JohnN obbs O bituary......................................................................................... ................................. R eadSilently Tri6ute to Our M other Mr. ............................................................ ClevelandT. Sm ith Acknowledgem ents M .............................................................................. s. Trenchie Taylor S o lo ..............................................................................................................Reverend(J. T. M cCord (Eulogy...................................................................................... ReverendM elvin O. Johnson Recessional Interm ent.............................................................. M t. Olive (Baptist Church Cemetery R epast M ................................................... t. Olive (Baptist Church (Fellowship N a ll
A M other's Love
A mother's love is something that no one can explain, it is made o f
deep devotion ando fsacrifice andpain. I t is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may,fo r nothing can destroy it our take that love away. I t is patient andforgiving when a ll others areforsaking, and it neverfa ils orfalters even though the heart is breaking. I t believes beyond believing when the w orld around condemns, and it glows w ith a ll the beauty o f the rarest, brightest gems. I t isfa r beyond defining, it defies a ll explanation, and it still remains a secret like the mysteries
o f creation. A many splendor miracle man cannot understand, and
another wondrous evidence o f (JocTs tender guiding hand "We Love "You Momma!11- Cheryland (Jerald

M r. JAlonzo Fielding Mr. H enry Henderon Mr. C liffordJordan


Mr. Shannon M ihgl M r. Cjreg W illiam s M r. Tony W illiam s

(BlanchardConsolidatedSchoolClass o f 1962

W ith angels around me, there are whispers. W ith angels around me, there is peace.
W hen yo u spohe to me, I could not answer; Tor there w as a voice calling me.
W ith angels around me, I heard a voice whisper, "Come to M e, "
JAnd my spirit reached out a n d I w as gone, grievef o r me i f you m ust, f o r grieving cleanses the soul.
W ith angels around me, I am now safely home.
- Ms. Trenchie Taylor, JAuthor -
W ords o f Thanhs
W e, thefa m ily o f M rs. M ary JAlice Sm ith, w o u ld lihe to express their heartfelt appreciation to thefa m ily , frien d s, a n d healthcare providers during her 6 rief illness a n d during our time o f 6ereavement. W ords cannot express how 6lessedw e aref o r y o u r hindness a n d support.
W. H. Mays Mortuary
"Professional Service A Family Tradition Since 1922"
1221 J a m e s B row n B o u lev ard A ugusta, G eorgia 30901 (706) 722-6401
