Homegoing celebration for Mr. Major Smith, Thursday, Oct. 2, 2003, 3:00 p.m., Mt. Olive Baptist Church, [Evans, Georgia] Rev. Louis Tanksley, pastor

M r. M a jo r 3 m it h , J r . d e p a rte d th is life on S epte m be r 2 6 ; 2 0 0 5 in A u g u s ta , G a. He was born in Columbia C o unty on November 10, 1 9 2 6 t o th e la te M r. & M rs M ajor S m ith, Sr.
He a tte n d e d school in Columbia C ounty and was a Worid W ar II V e te ra n . He re tire d fro m A pac C o n stru e Dion Corfipany. His children describe him as being yery energetic, happy, and alw ays on th e go. He was als o a very respectable man.
He is survived by his wife, Sallie S m ith , one son; M a jo r S m ith 111, five d a u g h te rs ; S a rb a ra (Derek) Edwands, Evelyn (Thom as) Lykes, M ary (V icto r) Campbell, Ma xine S m ith, and Janice S m ith, one brother; Caesar Sm ith,
E, th re e s is te rs ; M yrle Young, H a r r ie tt Suliock, and osa
Dent; th re e grandchildren and a h o st of gre a t grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.

Processional P ra y e r ......................................... . S c r ip tu r e .................................... S olo .............................................. R e m a r k s ............................................................................................... Open
(3 minutes please) O b itu a ry ........................................................................... R e a d Silently A c k n o w le d g m e n ts ................ S olo .............................................. Eulogy ........................................ R e c e s s io n a l In te r m e n t ................................ ..................... The C h u rch Cemetery

Robert Cone Calvin Williams Donald Wyman

Rafeal Harley

Horace Davis Kent Magee Mario Smith

G - never giving up on us until God made His call R - the respect th a t you got from not one....... but all! A " the angel th a t God sent down the day th a t you left me. N - the never ending laughs and the love th a t was never hard
to see. 0 - the days we spent together and the memories th a t will
last forever. P - the precious moments th a t we spent with you day in and
day out. A -All the love we will always have for you as daddy, husband,
grandpa, and friend.
You gave no one a last farewell, not even a sad good-bye; you were gone before we knew it and only God knows why.

fhe family of the late Mr. Major Smith, Jr. wishes to express sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who demonstrated some a c t of kindness during his extended illness and passing. Again, we thank you and may God bless each one of you.
