Funeral services for Miss Rosa Louise Ross, Tuesday, January 20, 1976, 4:00 p.m., Gilbert-Lambuth Memorial Chapel, Rev. H. B. Bady, officiating

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Tuesday, January 20, 1976 -- 4:00 P.M. GILBERT- LAMBUTH MEMORIAL CHAPEL REV. H. B. BADY, Officiating

Rosa Louise Ross, the daughter of M r. Anthony Ross and the late Mrs. Cornelia Ross was many things to many people:
humanitarian, educator, counselor, untiring worker, true friend. For this reason, our town is experiencing a deep sense of loss. Although we are sad, we are also grateful for the many benefits we have derived from the beautiful life which has just gone from our midst.
Louise left us a legacy as demonstrated by her many varied activities. She served ner church well giving of her time, her talents, and money. She took pleasure in gathering the children of the neighborhood who w ere not affiliated with other churches and taking them to Sunday school. In addition to serving the Cumming Grove Baptist Church, she found time to engage in the activities of other churches, serving them whenevershecould.
Her service to all mankind extended to the elderly whom she served by attending to their needs, writing letters, driving them, or just visiting to give a word of cheer to relieve the loneliness.
As a teacher and counselor to many students who passed her way, she lived and taught by the example set forth by the Great Teacher, that is, teaching by precept and example. The elementary schools of Richmond County should be pleased that they laid the background for such an excellent scholar. As a graduate of Paine High School and Paine College, she has become one of their most outstanding alum ni.. Teachers College Columbia University, where she received the Masters Degree in mathematics, is proud to have a successful graduate who also became a community leader.
Most of her teaching years were spent at Lucy Laney (for merly A. R. Johnson). She was instrumental in organizing the Big Brothers at Lucy Laney and the R .O .T .C . unit. For her work in the educational field, she was selected as the first Teacher of the Year for Richmond County, first woman president of the Richmond County Teachers Association and the first dele gate from Richmond County to the NEA Convention in Denver.
In 1976 she was selected Woman of the Year by the National Association of College Women.
Louise was not just a card carrying member of the many organizations in which .she held m embership, but an active member. She was a charter member of the Georgia Alum ni Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta, an honorary fraternity for women
in education into which she was initiated w hile at Colum bia University. She was instrumental in the organization of the Augusta Pan-Hellenic Council and served as its first president. She was also an active member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and served as Tamiochus and Basileus, and as director for its first Debutante Cotillion.
The rich heritage we have from having known Louise in timately or casually will sustain our town despite its loss of her presence. Now the day is over, and Louise leaves all of us one of her favorite prayers.



SELECTION: "Sweet Hour of Prayer" .................................. Choir

SCRIPTURE .................................................... Reverend Nathaniel Irvin

PRAYER ...................................................... Reverend W. L. Jagnandan

SOLO: "Cod Will Take Care of Y o u " ............ Mrs. E. L. Starks

EU LO G Y .................................................................. Reverend H. B. Bady



The private words I have with God Are never spoken lightly-- I dwell upon each well-turned phrase Presented to Him nightly.
But recently I had the thought That maybe I should trim A part of my fine flow of words, And listen more to Him.

ACTIVE PALLBEARERS James Carter, III David M. Dupree Amos Evans James Curtis William Brown James Dunn
Arrangements Entrusted To W. H. MAYS M ORTUARY
1221 Ninth Street 722-6401
Augusta, Georgia
