A celebration of life for Ernestine Starks Price, sunrise, October 25, 1946, sunset, July 4, 2009, Thursday, July 9, 2009, 2:00 p.m., Gospel Water Branch Baptist Church, Evans, Georgia, Reverend George Smith, officiating

7 $ i_ 0 $ id & l/ o f (^e A A jic& Jte
Pastor G eorge Edwards ~ Presiding
PROCESSIONAL SELECTION......................................Macedonia Baptist Sanctuary Clioir SCRIPTURES..................................................Reverend George T. McCord
Old New'Testaments PRAYER.................................................................Pastor George Edwards SOLO....................................................................... .............. Valerie Terry REMARKS
As A Co-worker (jEFriend ~ Lillian Beard Christopher As A Church Member ~ Deacon Charlie Williams, Jr. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................Erica Smalley OBITUARY...........................................................................Read Silently SELECTION......................................Macedonia Baptist Sanctuary Clioir EULOGY.......................................................... Reverend George A. Smitli RECESSIONAL INTERMENT................................... Macedonia Baptist Cliurcli Cemetery
REPAST Macedonia Baptist Cliurcli Fellowskip Hall

Deacon C karlie W illiam s, Jr. Deacon Jam es W illiam s W illie W illiam s

Cliarles Graliam N atlianiel Dawson Deacon Cliarles Codtj

I can kear ckurck kells tolling, I can kear Saints a singing.
I can see kearse wkeels rolling, somekockj s leaving tke world ol toil and strife.
Ive realized tkat surely and eventually we re gonna leave tkis old world kekincL
Tkat swkvj I m making preparations to meet tke Lord__ to meet tke Lord.

Perliaps you sent a lovely card or sat qu ietly in a cliair, perliaps you sent a lloral p ie ce , il so, w e saw it tliere. P erliap s you sang a c lie e rlu l song, il so w e lie ard it all. Perliaps you spoke tlie kindest words as any friend could say. Perliaps you w ere not tliere at all, just tliouglit ol us ea cli day. Perkaps you prepared a tasty disk or m ayke lurnisked a car. Perliaps y ou rendered a service unseen, near a kand ol from alar. W k a te v e r you did to console our kearts ... ky words, deed or touck; w katever w as tk e k in d ly p art, w e tlia n k you ... o k so very muck!!!!
~ T k e Fam ily ol Mrs. Ernestine Starks Price
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