Obsequies of Deaconess Corine Jones Prather, at, Second Baptist Church, 1717 Benson Avenue, Evanston, Illinois, Sunday, October 15, 1967, 8:00 p.m., Rev. C. N. Hawk, pastor, officiating, interment, Augusta, Georgia

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AT Second Baptist Church
1717 Benson Avenue Evanston, Illinois
Sunday, October 15, 1967 8:00 P. M.
Rev. C. N. Hawk, Pastor Officiating _
INTERMENT Augusta, Georgia

Sister Corine Jones P ra th e r Avas the fo u rth d au g h ter born to the late Deacon and Mrs. Felix Jones, October 10,1917, in Augusta, Georgia, and departed this life on her birth day, October 10, 1967.
At an early age she was comforted and baptized at T abernacle B aptist Church of A ugusta, Ga., ReAv C. S. H am ilton, P astor. She Avas very active in Sunday School, the Senior Choir and the Missionary Society. She attended the grade schools of the City and W alker Baptist Institute.
She Avas m arried to Deacon Joseph J. P ra th e r in 1946. That same year they moved to Evanston, Illinois. She joined the Second Baptist Church under the Pastorate of the present P astor, Rev. C. N. HaAvk. She im m ediately joined the Senior Choir, Sunday School, Missionary and B. T. IT. She was P resident of the M issionary Society for six years and was President at the time of her death. She Avas a member of M. A. Jones C ourt Y ork R ite M ason's of A ugusta. She was a A^ery active m em ber in the Deaconess Board of the Church. An active member of the N cav E ra A ssociation and the D istrict of the N ational B aptist Convention. She was chairman of Education in the National Baptist Convention of America Inc. ofth eU .S .A ; Member of the Mothers Union of Evanston, Interdenom in ational Missionary Society of Evanston and the North Shore, The American Legion A uxiliary and was past Pres ident also a member of the U nited W orking Flow er Club. Sister P rath er served as E ditor for Sick-Shut-Ins in Church B ulletin for 19 years.
Survivors are her husband Deacon Joseph J. Prather, two sisters, Mrs. Annie Mae Williams, Miss Lucretia Jones, one brother, Mr. F ran k Jones Sr. one nephew, Mr. F ran k Jones Jr. all of Augusta, Ga; m other in law, Mrs. Mamie L. P ra th e r, six b ro th er in laAvs, seven sister in laws, fo u r uncles, two aunts, nieces, nephews and a host of friends.

ORDER OF SERVICE Processional........................................ Mrs. Martha Fizer

Hymn No. 142 " Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross''. Choir

S c r ip t u r e ...............................................................................

Prayer ...................................................................................

Solo. . .

..................................."How Great Thou A rt" Mrs. Lenora Cheeks

Acknowledgement of Cards and Telegrams..................... Condolences ......................................... Mrs. lone Brown

Hymn . No. 286 " My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less" . . Choir

R em arks........................................ Rev. Albert W. Green

Remarks .................................. Mrs. M. Gloria Jackson, 7th District Director of the American Legion Auxiliary of Illinois

O b itu a ry .................................................Mrs. lone Brown Hymn ......... No. 429 " Blessed Assurance" ....... Choir

E u lo g y .............. Recessional

........................... Rev. C. N. Hawk

But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell, And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell, When I embark;
For tho ' from out our bourne of Time and Place The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crost the bar.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Deacon Board

PALL BEARERS Brotherhood

Trustee Board


Deaconess Board Interdenominational Missionary Mother's Union Senior Choir

Missionary Society Ladies Auxiliary Flower Club Sunday School

B. T. U
