Memorial services for Deacon Wilbert Jackson Pope, Saturday, January 12, 1991, 11:00 a.m., Tabernacle Baptist Church, Dr. C.S. Hamilton, officiating



Saturday, January 12, 1991 - 11:OO a.m. TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH
DR. C. S. HAMILTON, Officiating

WILBERT JACKSON POPE WA the, Aon orf the. tote. StonewJUL JackAon and Amanda Bi.ount Pope.. He UOOA boM in Wake. Countu, RaJtzigh, Honth CoAotina, Ve.cembeA 10, 79/9.
He joine.d the. Oake. City Baptist at an eaAiy age. loeAe. he. IVOA a vetf/ ac-ttve tutted he en-feted -the Atm SeAviceA in 1942. He AeAved -600 yeaw xn Jt^ie Eu/ujpean
tc/i -tnc^adei France and Guumwy. He M*W atio in TexaA anrf Geo^-ca wn^Ce ^n -tfee 4e>ty-tce. ti/ education WOA ^n i/ie Wafee County pubtic School.. He lusitheA&d hi& ed.uciat<,onby attwdJLng Shaw UttiveAAity, Ra&igh, Hofith Co/iatina; graduated, fyiom AST Statz Uyu.vesu>4yt G^een4 botio, Uoitk Ca/iotina; and pot>t g/wcfaate Atudy South Ca/iotina State. VniveAAity Ofia.nge.buAg, South Ca/iotina. He lateA neAidjid in Auga&ta, Geo/tg/ui untUL hi& death. WkVLe. /L&Aiding in he. joined the, TabeAnace Bapti&t Chu/ich whe/ie. he. wu vzny active, anted l\i& WLnu>&. Wkite. a. member at TabeAnacJLe. he. &eAv<i.d 04 Sunday Sc.hooJL TeacheA. o& ike. Youth Ve.paA&nent, OiAe&toA oft the. Bapti&t Tinning Unian and an active. Veacon untc. hi* ineA&. H^tA pt0jjea4-cona contribution M*W to the. wild o Education. He 004 a AetiAed teacheA AAOM the. Bu/ifee County School.System wheAe. he. taught &econda,iy educat ion ^OA 33 yeoA&. HiA ContAibutLonA to hit, community, ^amity and chuAch HKW hi* AtAong faetce^ in God, ux>Adt> ojj wisdom, AmiLing fiace, and encouAoging \aoAd&. He i& &e/ivi,ved by hlt> devoted and. loving wt^e NoAa AtbeAta" Route, Pope.; two &cn&i EZbeAt oft Augu&ta, and WUbeAt III o^ Athe.n&; one. daughteAt Jo Wev^ui WMiaw ojj AuguAta; thAe,e. AiAteAA: IfaAy FAanceA feaAnot o& faA Rockaway, A/./.; GeAtAude, Pope, and Amanda HookeA ojj Rateigh, W. C.; two bAotheA* Pope, and Paut Pope., Si. o Ralzigh, W. C.; two daughteAA-in-aw, GtadyA Pope. 0|J Augu&fa; and MaAgte. Pope. OjJ AthenA; one. Aon-intaw, VenniA W^tttamA o$ AuguAta; &, gAandchUdAen: TAazanna and ToAin Pope., JeAAica Wi&Uam o$ AuguAta; VictoA and Vincent Pope. o AthenA; Ae.ven

Lo-tA Pope Oj$ RaZ&igh; JeAA^te Lan&si, Sea-A-te L. RouAe, Ann RooAe, and Sandta RouAe o<J AugoA^to; GeAttude RooAe and Evelyn RoaAe o<{ VvJUioit, Mtdugan; 4^x bnathviAjn-taw: Robert Fuw.not o<J Fa*. Rocfeawn^ W. /.; Rob&it Hook&i OjJ Rattegn, N. C.; Spatgeon and Thomas RoaAe o^ Vztiio&t, Michigan; John RoaAe o<{ Tu&caJtoo&a, Alabama; JcmeA Roa6e 0|J AugaA-fci; one f^ux>ig Goddaughte/i: George /ean QSULvvi McKenzxe 0)5 Auga&^ta; 4eue>ta n/teceA and nepnewi, and a no4t 0({ o^ineA A.eattve4 and




WWW... .................. ............At Tne

SCRIPTURE. ....................... .Reu. Inez

PRA/ER.,...................,..,...Rev. Aa^ton

HVMW. .................... Ctunbtng Jacob 4 Ladder

REFLECTIONS. ....................... Paa Pope, Jt.

ACKMOWLEZWEMENT. .................... Jo Pea* Rocwe

SOLO. .............................. Emma L. MEMORIAL MESSAGE................ flt. C. S. Hamilton


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unfa I/OH:
le afraid. v_y John 14:27
Augusta, Georgia
