[Program for the October 25, 2005 funeral of Willie H. Payne]

A TRIBUTE ublished In the pages of rtU^.j;-..^
S WiUie H. Payne
feWiHie Henry Payne, 92 AihfenvAve., died IGriday in a RichmondCounty-Jiospifeif
Arrangementisjvfill be announced =by Amos and fioms Funeral Home, ijjohnston,; yfaiaJm/ j > field bounty arad a niBmbenoiBleas-
SurviwoHS girieludeif foui? ^risters, E; jRriGe ana Mari .|itiazier,
|p Jahnston, Louise Martaa^D Ridge | g, and Carrie Durant, Char- 0
^4 lotte, NlCJpand two toothers, Brollie ^/ ayne,< jGetembia, and George -f&
cvsitayne, Long Island, N.Y.
