National victory celebration for Rosa Louise Parks, sunrise, February 4, 1913, sunset, October 24, 2005, Wednesday, the second day of November, two thousand and five, eleven o'clock ante meridiem, Bishop Charles H. Ellis III, host pastor, Greater Grace Temple, the Right Reverend Philip Robert Cousin, presiding prelate, 4th Episcopal District, A.M.E. Church, eulogist

n quietness and confidence shall he your strength. ^ ^
- I saiah 3 0 : j 5 k j y
R osa L ouise p a r k s


According to the old saving, "some people arc born to greatness, and some have greatness thatst upon them." Greatness was. certainly

married in 1932. Together. Raymond and Rosa worked in the NAACP programs where he was an active member and where she served as secretary and later as

thrust upon Rosa Parks, but the modest former youth leader of the local branch. At the time of her

seamstress found herself equal to the challenge. Known arrest, she was preparing for a major youth conference.

today as 'The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement."

Parks almost single-handedly set in motion a veritable

From a modern perspective. Parks' actions on

revolution in the southern United Slates, a revolution December L 1955. hardly seem extraordinary: tired of

that would eventually secure equal treatment under the being mistreated, she refused to move from her seat in

law for all Black Americans. "For those who lived order to accommodate a white passenger on a city bus in

through the unsettling 1950s and

Montgomery, At the time,

1960s. and joined the civil rights

however, her defiant gesture

struggle, the soft-spoken Rosa

actually broke a law. one of many

Parks was more, much more than

bits of Jim Crow legislation that

the woman who refused to give up

assured second-class citizenship

her bus seat to a White man in

for blacks. Overnight Rosa Parks

Montgomery. Alabama." wrote

became a symbol for hundreds of

Richette L. Haywood in Jet

thousands of frustrated black

Magazine. "Hem was an act that

Americans who suffered

forever changed White America's

outrageous indignities in a racist

view of Black people, and forever


changed America itself."

Alter her arrest, black people

Mrs. Parks was bom Rosa

of Montgomery and sympathizers

Louise McCauley on February 4.

of other races, organized and

1913 in Tuskegcc. Alabama.

promoted a boycott of the city bus

When she was still a young child,

lines that lasted 381 days. Dr.

her parents separated and she

Martin Luther King. Jr., was

moved with her mother. Leona

appointed the spokesperson for

McCauley to Montgomery.

the bus boycott.

Alabama. Life at its best was

cruel and dehumanizing in

Contingent with the protest

Montgomery. She laced daily

in Montgomery, others took shape

rounds of laws governing her

throughout the United States in

behavior in public places. Rosa

sit-ins and similar causes.

survived in spite of these

Thousands of courageous people

adversities, encouraged by the

joined the "protest" to demand

foresight of her caring mother

equal rights for ail people.

who taught her not to judge

people by what they had. but by

Following her refusal to

the respect they had for themselves and others.

Rosa Parks {right} with mother, Leona McCautey

surrender her seat to a white man. Rosa and Raymond Parks came

under persistent threats of violence

As Lerone Bennett. Jr., wrote in Ebony Magazine. which prompted their move to Detroit. Michigan. Here

Rosa was consumed not by the prospect of making she faced irregular employment until 1965. when she

history, but rather "by the tedium of survival in the Jim assisted Representative John Conyers in his first

Crow South." The tedium became unbearable, and campaign for Congress. Alter his election, she was

Rosa Parks acted to change it.

hired as a congressional staff member. She remained a

dedicated, efficient and compassionate member of his

In 193 L she met Raymond Parks, an early advocate staff for the next two decades.

of the Civil Riehts of Black Americans. Thev were


Hank A aron Rf.v. Dr . Charles G. Adams
Muhammad Ali Claud Anderson
Maya Angelou Dennis W. .archer. Esq. Honorable D 'araiy B ailey
Don H. B arden Angela B assett Harry B f.lafonte
Derrick B ell J erome B ennett Donald B oggs
J ulian B ond L eo B ranton. Jr . W illiam C. B rooks Cecile Keith B rown President J immy C arter
Honorable Robert L. Carter
Dr . B enjamin A. Carson Kenneth J. Ch en \l it
Honorable E ric L. Clay President W illiam J. Q . inton
S enator Hillary Rodham C linton
Dr . Johnetta Cole Dr . M ary S le Coleman W illiam T. Coleman. E sq . Congressman John Conyers. J r .
Nate Conyers B ill Cosby R uby Dee
Debbie Dinged. Congressman John D incell
Hazel N. D ukes R ev. Dr . M ichael E ric D yson
M arian Wright Edeluan Mr . W illis E dwards

B ishop Charles H. E llis III
Honorable R obert F icano S ylvia F lanagan Edsel Ford
W. F rank Fountain. J r . M ark Gaffney Al Garrett Pr o f e s s o r
Henry Louis G ates. J r . Ron Getteifin g er
Roderick D. G illllm B ruce S . Gordon
Thomas Gottschalk. Esq, Earl G. Graves. S it. Jack Greenberg. Esq.
Professor La m Gi lmer St ev e Ha mi 5
W illie Hampton Rev, Freddie Haynes Dr. E velyn Higginbotham
J ames p. Hoff a
Gov, J ennifer M. Granholm
Lena Horne Charles Hamilton Houston III
Dorothy 1. Height Oliver W. Hil l . Es q . Rev. B enjamin L. Hooks Derrick a . Humphries Rev . J esse L. J ackson, S r .
E laine J ones Dr . Arthur L . Johnson Rev. Nathan J ohnson
M ichael J ordan V ernon J ordan. Esq ,
Congresswoman Carolyn C heeks K ilpatrick M ayor K wame M . K ilpatrick
Corf.tta Scott K ing Martin L uther K ing ill

S pike L ee S amuel L ogan S enator Carl L evin President Nelson M andela M r s . T hutgooo M arshal!. James C. M ays M arc H. M orial R ev. Ot is M oss Stephen M uritiy Jessy e Norman
Professor Charles Oc i.htree. J r .
S idney pother Dr . W illiam F. P ickard Generai. Colin L. Pow ell Gregory J. R eed. Esq .
Dr . Irvin D. R eid L inda Johnson R icf.
Rev. a l S harpton T heodore S haw
T avis S miley senator Debbie S tabenow
Marc S tepp Percy S . S utton Dr , H. Patrick S yvygert A. Alfred Talisman Re v . G ardner T aylor R eginald T urner. E s q .
C icely T yson S andra E . Professor Cornel w e s t
Lawrence d . W ilder
Oprah W infrey T igf.r Woods
Rev. Jeremiah Wright Andrew J . Y oung

African Methodist Episcopal Church Council of B ishos's Alpha Katoa Alpha S orority Incorporated Congressional B lack Caucus Detroit C ity C ountii T he L inks, Inc.
National Association for the advancement of Colored People iNAACPi
National Urban L eague

A C T I V F. P A I. I, IS E A R E R S
Fa m ily M embers T he R osa and Raym o nd Parks Institute Fa m ily
A R R A N G E M K N I S E N I1 R U S T D S' O
Swanson Funeral H om e, I nc.
806 E. Grand Boulevard ! Detroit. Ml
O'Neil D. Swanson. Director Montgomery. A L
Phillips-Riley Funeral Home T he A labama Funeral Directors and Morticians A ssociate
Washington, DC McGuire Funerai Home. Latney Funeral Homf. T hurvian HiOCiinbothaM. Deputy Director o f A ri inc.ton N ational Cemetery
INTERM EN T W oodlaw n C emetery 19975 Woodward Avenue i Dtnroir. MI
A C K \ O V\ L E D G M E N T S
The fam ily o f Rosa Porks wishes to acknowledge with deep appreciation, the massive outpouring o f condolences and mans comforting messages, pt-avers and expressions o f love.
C ondolences and C ards should be sent t o : T he Rosaamd R aymond P.arks I nstitu te for Self D evelopmen t
65 Cadillac Square, Suite 2200 I Detroit, Michigan 48226
W e invite you to join us in c a r r y in g o l t the vision of M rs. Parks FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE BY MAKING CONTRIBUTIONS AND DONATIONS TO: C omerica C haritable Services G rout Post Office Box 75000 1Detroit, Michigan 48275-9413
Checks should be made payable to, " The Rosa and Raymond Parks Endowment*'
T he: fam ily a nd th e Rosa a n d Raym o n d Pa r k s Institute for Se lf Developm ent WISH TO THANK THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR OVERWHELMING SUPPORT IN THIS FINAL FAREWELL TO MRS. ROSA LOUISE PARKS: So u th w est A irllnes G eneral M otors C orporation D a im i .erC hrysi ,er C o r po r at io n C harles H. W right M useum of A frican A merican H istory. D etroit. M l C ity of Detroit M I
Cm of M ontgomery AL DC C ity of Washington'
G reater G race T emple. D etroit. M I Historical M etropolitan A M E C hurch. W ashington. DC
St . Paul AME C hurch. M ontgomery. AL
M ays P rinting Company. In c .. Detroit, M I M onica M organ, Personal P hotographer to M rs. Parks W illis Edwards. Executive D irector ok the N ation al V ictory C elebration
T he N a tio n al V ictory C elebration comm ittee for the farew ell to M rs. Rosa L ouise Pa rks WISH TO THANK AND APPRECIATE THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS I-OR THEIR EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP. SENSITIVITY AND SPIRIT OF UNITY:
T hf. H o n o r a b l e D a m o n J. K e i t h I T he H o n o r a b l e A d a m S h a k o o r M s . E l a in f . E a s o n S tf. f.l f

Within months of each other. Mrs. Parks lost her only brother and her beloved husband to cancer. Two years later, her mother succumbed to the dreaded disease.
Ten years after the death of her husband. Mrs, Parks formalized her vision for youth development through the founding of the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development in 1987. with her friend. Elaine Eason Steele. Since its inception, more than 7.000 students have had a direct benefit of her love, experience and wisdom.
Mrs. Parks sought no public applause or acclaim, yet her life transcended ail cultures, is celebrated by the masses and opens a new chapter of courage, dignity, and quality of life for rite citizens of the world.
Two of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon an U.S. citizen were awarded to Mrs. Parks. They are the Presidential Medal of Freedom. 1996 and the U.S. Congressional Gold Medal of Honor. 1999.
Other Awards include: SCLC Annual Rosa Parks Freedom Award: NAACP Spingum Medal. 1979: Manin Luther Ring. Jr. Award. 1980: Ebony Sen ice Award. 1980: Martin Luther King. Jr.Non-violent Peace Prize. 1980: The Eleanor Roosevelt Women of Courage Award. Wonder Women Foundation. 1984; Medal of Honor awarded during the 100th birthday celebration of the Statue of Liberty. 1986: Martin Luther King. Jr. Leadership Award. 1987: Adam Clayton Powell. Jr. Legislative Achievement Award. 1990; and honored with Day of Recognition by Wayne County
A published author. Mrs. Parks wrote several books including "Rosa Parks: My Story" with Jim Haskins: "Quiet Strength " with Gregory J. Reed: "Dear Mrs. Parks: A Dialogue with Today's Youth" with Gregory .1. Reed and her latest book `7 am Rosa Parks " with Jim Haskins.
in quiet dignity, surrounded by close family and friends, a noble chapter in her life came to a close on Monday. October 24. 2005. at 7:20 p.m.. in her home in Detroit. Michigan. We commend her to the serenity of peace and the blessing of eternal life.

National V ictory Celebration
R osa L oui se Parks
S u n r i s e - F e b r u a r y 4. 1913 S un s et - O c t o b e r 24. 2 005
W ednesday, the second day of N ovember T wo T housand and Five
Eleven O'clock A nte Meridiem
Bishop Charles H. Ellis HE Host Pastor Greater Grace Temple
T he Right Reverend Philip Robert Cousin Presiding Prelate, 4 KEpiscopal District, AME Church
Rosa Lo11se Par ks Nat ion al V ic roliY Celebr at ion Co-Cha irs Honorable Damon J. Keith, Honorable Adam a . Shakoor, Elaine Eason Steele Co-Founder of
the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development
Thanks f o r the memories. We miss you.
M ay you rest in peace.


T he O rder O f S e r v i c e F or t he N a t i o n a l V i c t o r y C e l e b r a t i o n o f
R o s a L oci s e P a r k s
The Prelude and Processional...................................................................................... M usician
Family of Mrs. Rosa Louse Parks National Victory Celebration. Co-Chairs Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute of Self Development Officers
L iturgists The Bishops T he Presiding Elders V isiting Clergy General Officers

T he Seaung o f the Bier.......

International Mezzo-Soprano

The Welcome and Purpose ... ...............................................................Bishop Charles H. Ellis III Most Pastor. Greater Grace Temple

The Response......................

U.S. Court of Appeals 6 " Circuit

The L itany Celebration


Come let its worship our God and rejoice in the midst of death.

CON'GREGANTSC We come to worship God! We come to celebrate life/

Ljturgist: This is the call to worship the God of life and the God of death.

Congregants: All praises to Godfor the life of Mother Rosa Parks.

ALL TOGETHER: Worship! Celebrate' Celebrate and Worship!

The Hymn of Celebration . . . . ......... "Great Is Thx Faithfulness"................. M.s. Stefaenee Morrison

T he Invocation....................

Pastor. Hartford Memorial Baptist Church

The Scriptures Old Testament........ ........ Job 14:1-6.......................................... Reverend Bernicf. King Atlanta. GA

T he Gospel............... ........ John 14:1-6............................... Reverend Norman V. Osborne Presiding Elder, a ME Church

T he Epistle............... ........ I T hessalonians 4:13-18............. Bishop Gregory G.M. Ingram

The Ministry of Music

St . M atthews A ME C hurch C hoir

T he O r d e r O f S e r v i c e F or t he N a t i o n a l V i c t o r y C e l e b r a t i o n of
R o s a L o ui se Parks

T hf. Rem arks................................................................................................... Moderator. J udge Damon J. Keith former President William J efferson Clinton Michigan Governor J ennifer M. Granholm
U.S. S enators Carl Levin and Debbie St.abenow U.S. Representatives John Dingell. John Conyers and Carolyn C heeks-K ilpatrick
Wayne County Executive Robert F icano Detroit Mayor Kwamf. M. Kilpatrick

T he Ministry of Music .................................................................................................................Combined Choirs Greater Grace T emple and Oak Grove AME C hurch
The Rem arks................. ...................................Mr. T homas A. Gottschalk. General Motors Corporation Mr. B ruce Gordon. Presidesr/CEO. NAACP
Mr. Marc H. Mortal. President. National Urban League Dr. Johnnie C arr. President. Montgomery Improvement Association
Honorable Winnie Mandela William " B ill" L ucy. President. Coalition of' B lack T rade Unionist (CBTU)
Dr. Joseph Lowery, President Emeritus, SCLC Reverend Al S harfton. President. National Action Network Honorable M inister Louis Farrakhan. Leader. Nation of Islam
BishopT. D. J akes. Senior Pastor. T he Potter's Mouse

T he Ministry of M usic

Greater Grace Temple and Oak Grove AME C hurch

Rev. Gloria Clark. Pastor of St. Matthews AME C hurch T he Honorable Adam A. Shakoor. National V ictory Celebration Co-Chair
Ms. Noel Hentschel, Noel Foundation Ms. L ila Cabbie. President Emeritus, T he Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute
Ms. E laine E ason Steele, National Victory Celebration Co-Chair (.Personal Assistant to Mrs. Parks)
T he Honorable Damon J. Keith. National V ictory Celebration Co-Chair

Musical Selection.........

Grammy Award Winning Artist

Her L ife Sto r y...............

T he Sermonjc Solo . . . .

Words of Comfort . . . .

Founder. Rainbow/PUSH Coalition

T he Hclogy.....................

Presiding Prelate. 4 Episcopal District. AME C hurch

T he Recessional and Postlude....................................... "Oh Freedom " ................................................. Musician
