Celebrating the life of the Honorable William Quincy Murphy, August 18, 1952-August 2, 2013, August 9, 2013, 11:00 a.m., Tabernacle Baptist Church, Augusta, Georgia, the Reverend Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr., officiating

C elebratin


T he H onorable

WiUiam Quincy M urp

A ugsut 18,1952 ~ A ugust 2,2013

A ugust 9 , 2013 - 11:00am T abernacle B aptist C hurch
A ugusta, G eorgia
The R everend D r. Charles E. Goodman, J r ~ O fficiating~


l l i r a S ^ v e b e e n b ^

and comfort us in our


Words cannot express e y

k I ha e the best u aa any

,,i,l have. From childhood you ivide

ght are in a better place u

J,,because you bemg
here with me but 1 know yo sp

t0 become the man that back t<

, know

vou are =*' *-*&- m | . j ,,. taking carc vx *--' J Tansom for many" the work you have ( ^ ^ .L ^ X roserve/and tog iveh isU feasa

came not to be served but to a Murpb and you null be mlissed.

Love your Son, Quin


Dear Daddy,

that many are n o , blessed to see and as unworthy " i


r c e " w rt? vUnden" f b n<J

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m e ^ - d i y d " "S t m i l ' Ve , W " * " d P">*d` - me. You gav?

myT J*2 my S Z Z 2Z ^

` T < "

something that many people'live toeirentore 30

about my life;

me that my life is not about me, but about my

to oto

*" ,gh*

exemplified without fail each and every day of vour life v ^ '


talk, but you walked the w alk You IJh J Y " , f You not on,y talked the

wonderful husband to my m o ^ Z l d e r l S T ^ 3 " f<^

sincere and deepest gratitude to the man you are C mmUnity ,eader` 1owe " 7

M fc rV

o f God and leader, b S " o be able to c d l th T " "Z " V ' * ^ " id lb ou* * man
heart smile, to understand^die^m^gnitude^jf hovv youteft la^ine^niptv!1T**' * hoseYoUm-eT.'TSTfa, f l S l i n k m g ofhow you 1 R M t o ^ TM P ~ 'o n s on

sit outside and wateh t o e L TM ^ i,, w C " ">mber Itow we w ould

watching God's many wonders f in A

. ^ special moments

to be at a few o f my presentations wh r^mei" ber how you would travel just

the back, just as

* * "<>* Y " -- *

your cue Tor me to slow down as I s p o k j I

breaks a ,

j because as influential and commuted you w ere to the hmklng of those moments

I forever be to m. ^ to descnbe you, tried to just sum up who you w ill

I Bu, of all toe

^ - * 0" 7

always hopes, always perseveres. 3 B | ,hi8" 'y UW" e .......M i * ~iU

always protects, always trusts, 1 remembered as this in

Yours forever, Daddy's Girl

1s! Celebrating the Life of

; S(KV 3*$


T he H onorable

'WiCCiamQuincy Murphy

A ugsut 18, 1952 ~ August 2, 2013

Quietly in the early m orning o f August 2, 2013, our loved one, Representative W illiam Quincy Murphy, II finished his task, put on his helm et o f salvation, answered the call, and left behind a legacy oflov e, humanity and service to his family, friends and community.
W illiam Quincy M urphy, II was born on August 18, 1952 to Elease P. W ells and W illiam Quincy Murphy in Atlanta, Georgia. Quincy was raised and nurtured by his loving grandm other, the Pearl Palm ore in Edgefield County, South Carolina. He graduated from W.E. Parker High School in 1970. He attended North Carolina AT&T State University and received his B ach elo r o f Scien ce degree in Econom ics in 1974.
Quincy relocated to Augusta, Georgia after accepting a position as a Procurem ent Specialist with the CSRA Business League. In 1975, he m et Linda Dianne Dunton, who he considered the love o f his life. They were join ed in holy m atrim ony at the Tabernacle Baptist Church on O ctober 29, 1977, and enjoyed m ore than 35 loving years o f m arriage. Born to this union were two children, a son William Quincy III, and Jen nifer Alishia.
Guided by faith, he decided to further his career by join ing Allstate Insurance as a Sales Agent in 1979.
In 1986, along with long-tim e friend R obert O'Neal, Quincy co-founded the O'N eal-M urphy Insurance A gency, an affiliate o f the A llstate Insurance Company. At the time o f his passing, he was the President and C hief Executive Officer o f Quincy Murphy & A ssociates, w here his son Q uincy, III is a Sales Agent.
"Q" was a public servant. He served Augusta and the CSRA with honor and distinction; his legacy o f service to the com munity formed the perfect foundation for his well lived life. He is a form er Board M em ber and Chairm an o f the Com m unities in Schools o f Augusta Richm ond County, the Augusta Richm ond-County Coliseum A uthority, Care M anagement Consultants, CSRA Business league, Inc., CSRA Economic Opportunity Authority, Inc., and the United Way o f Central Savannah River Area. He was also a member o f the Augusta and National Association o f Life U nderw riters, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, the Alpha Mu Boule, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, In c. Psi Omega Chapter, the Rotary Club o f Augusta, O ptim ist Club o f Richm ond County, the Augusta Chapter o f the America Red Cross, the Southern Intercollegiate A thletic Conference Basketball and Football Officials Association, and served as the Executive Secretary and Training Officer o f the Augusta Association o f Basketball Officials.

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In 2002, reapportionm ent created a New House seat, Representative M urphy running under the slogan "New D istrict, New V ision," w on the e le ctio n to th e G eorgia G eneral Assembly as th e State Representative from House D istrict 97. In 2004, he was re-elected to the reapportioned new House D istrict 120 and 2012 to the new ly realigned House D istrict 127.

He was a qu iet, but pow erful v o ice, who advocated on b e h a lf o f those he served. As a m em ber o f the House o f Representatives, he was a m em ber o f the Higher Education, Insurance, Transportation, and A ppropriation com m ittees. Quincy was the form er Chairm an o f the A ugusta-Richm ond County Legislative D elegation, he served as the Georgia Legislative B lack Caucus State Treasurer, was a m em ber o f the Georgia Association o f Black Elected Officials and the National Conference o f State Legislatures.

A humbled man, with a contagious gigantic smile and a personality that would put anyone at ease, Representative Murphy was the recipient o f many awards, honors and recognitions. A llstate recognized his d ed ication and com m itm ent nam ing him to its H onors Ring for 19 years, and as an Allstate Financial Leader and Quality Agent for three years. Other awards include 2005 M an o f the Year Aw ards from the M t. Canaan B ap tist C hurch in Edgefield C ounty, the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Augusta Alum ni C hapter, the 100 B lack M en o f Augusta, In c., P residential Aw ard for Outstanding Service to Community and State by 100 B lack M en o f Augusta In c., the CSRA National A ssociation o f U niversity W om en Com m unity C itizen 's Award for O utstanding Service, the Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Chi Lambda Chapter B rother Commissioner Lee Norris Beard Hum anitarian Aw ard in 2007, the 2008 Omega Psi Phi Fratern ity, In c., Psi Omega C hapter C itizen o f th e Year Award, the CSRA Business League, In c., and the 2009 H enry L. How ard G overnm ent Service Award.

D eacon M urphy lived the life o f his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His mem bership at the H istoric Tabernacle Church included service as the form er Church Treasurer and Trustee M inistry Chairman.

His grandm other stated "O ftentim es, a blessing bestow ed on us is n ot destined for us. I t 's destined for som eone else. W e're ju st used as a co n d u it to provide blessings for those persons th at ca n 't necessarily help them selves." Representative M urphy used the statem ent to form the foundation o f his service to his family, his com m unity and his church. The songw riter penned the words which d escribed the life W illiam Q uincy M urphy lived, w hich is "let th e w o rk I do, speak for m e." W illiam Quincy M urphy was preceded in death by his father W illiam Quincy M urphy, his m other, Elease P. W ells, and his gran d m oth er, Pearl Palm ore.

Q uincy is survived by his loving and d evoted w ife o f m ore than 35 years, Linda D ianne M u rphy; a

son, W illiam Quincy Murphy III; a daughter, Jennifer Alishia M organ (Tavarus); two aunts, Joan

Farver, M ary Lee W ashington; fath er-in -law , David D unton; m other-in-law 7, D oris D unton;

sister-in-law 7, D eborah Sm ith; b ro th er-in -law , B ernard D unton; cousins, Ja n e t H arrison (C harles)

and Henry Byrd; a host o f cousins, nieces, and nephew s, relatives and friends.


The Order o f Service
The Reverend Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr., Officiating


Selection . .

................................................................. Tabernacle Baptist Church "On the Battlefield"

Invocation ...................................
Old Testament ........................... New Testam ent...........................


............................Rev. George C. Miller III Tabernacle Baptist Church
........................... Rev. Dr. C.W. Joyner, Jr. Broadway Baptist Church
................................... Rev. Clarence Moore Good Shepherd Baptist Church

Prayer of C o m fort......................

...................................Rev. Karlton Howard Noah's Ark Missionary Baptist Church


...................... C. S. Hamilton Male Chorus "We Sing Praises"

R e fle c tio n s ...................................

...................... Videos/Pictures/Memories

S o lo ....................................................................................................................................... Tabernacle Baptist Church "May the Work I've Done Speak for Me"

Tributes/Rem arks

U.S. Congressman John Barrow.........................

...........................................12th Congressional District

Speaker David R alsto n ........................................

.................................Georgia House of Representatives

GA State Representative Al Williams.................

...................................................................... District 168

Mayor Pro Tern Corey Johnson...........................

...........................................Augusta-Richmond County

Lowell Greenbaum...............................................

. . Chairman, Democratic Party of Richmond County

Bob O 'Neal............................................................

...............................................................Business Partner

Brian P rin ce ..........................................................

Chairman, Deacon Board --Tabernacle Baptist Church

Dr. Charles L am back...........................................

............... Omega Psi Phi, Alpha Mu Boule & Neighbor

Quincy Murphy III & Jennifer Murphy Morgan

........................................................................... Children


................................... GA State Representative Wayne Howard --District 121 Representative Carolyn Hugh - Miniority Whip, GA House of Representative

Silent Reading of the Obituary Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................... Cynthia A. Crawford

Selection......................................................................................................................Tabernacle Baptist Church Choir "Stand"
E ulogy................................................................................................................... - Rev. Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Jr.

Recessional................................................................................................................ Tabernacle Baptist Church Choir "Take Me to the King"

Interment.......................................... ....................................................................................... Hillcrcst Memorial Park FELLOWSHIP AND REPAST
Tabernacle Baptist Church Family Life Center

Special Thanks To:
The physicians and staff at University Hospital and Emory University

A Fallen Limb
A limb had fallen from the family tree. I keep hearing a voice that says, "Grieve not for me."
Remember the best times, the laughter, the song The good life I lived while I was strong.
Continue my heritage, I'm counting on you. Keep smiling and surely the sun will shine through.
My mind is at ease, my soul is at rest. Remembering all, how I truly was blessed. Continue traditions, no matter how small. Go on with your life, don't worry about falls
I miss you dearly, so keep up your chin. Until the day comes w ere together again.

Active Pallbearers
Andrew Mac Bowman Ronald Brown Reginald Cofer John Kelly Steven Kendrick Charles Lamback Brian Prince Aaron Stewart
Flower Bearers
Archousai of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, the Alpha Mu Boule'
Deaconess ofTabernacle Baptist Church Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.
Honorary Pallbearers
Deacons ofTabernacle Baptist Church Trustees ofTabernacle Baptist Church Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity,
the Alpha Mu Boule' Augusta Basketball and
Football Officials Association Georgia General Assembly Allstate Insurance Company
1w toc*

Acknowledgments Your presence today confirms our belief that our husband and father loved and cared for all. We gratefully acknowledge with sincere appreciation your comforting expressions of sympathy,
hospitality and acts of kindness during our hours of bereavement. Family of the Honorable Wm. Quincy Murphy, II
Memorial contributions can be made to the Quincy Murphy Foundation --First Bank of Georgia.
Arrangements Entrusted To: W.H. Mays Mortuary
1221 James Brown Boulevard Augusta, GA 30901 706-722-6401
