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C onnie Jfieale ^M itchell
Augusta, Georgia
Friday, January 17th, 1975 -- 2:00 P.M.
REV. H. W. PHINIZY, SR., Pastor REV. H. W. PHINfZY,' JR., Officiating
"Some day", we say, and turn our eyes toward the fair hills of Paradise; Some day, some time, a sweet new rest shall blossom, flower-life, in each breast;
Some day, some time, our eyes shall see the faces kept in memory; Some day their hands shall clasp our hand, just over in the morning-land.
A loved relative and friend has departed from this earth for another land. "A city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God". Hebrews 11:10.
Yes, earth grows the poorer, heaven seems more desirable when a loved one has gone into the shadow - land. Shadow, did I say? HERE is the shadow. THERE the light blots out the radiance of the sun. Dark with excess of brightness, that higher world is, because our eyes are so w e ak , our faith so dim . In this everchanging world of phenomena WE seem but a shadow pursuing shadows, like the rest. When we reach THERE we shall know the truth, that love, and life, were the only real things we have found.
So, Annie, our dear one, who has gone on before us, we sorrow, but not at those who have no hope. We sorrow because we shall miss your kindly smile, your helpful ways and your encouraging spirit.
Mrs. Annie Beale M itchell was born and reared in Richmond County Georgia. At an early age she married W illie M itchell. She was converted and baptized by the late Rev. H. W. Lindsey of Mt. Zion. She served on the usher board until her health would not permit. Yes, she worked faithfully and long and so let us praise God that she has, along with all other tired laborers found in God a place of rest.
She is survived by her husband, Dea. W illie M itchell; three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Butler, Mrs. Daphney Samuels and Mrs. Louise Sturgis all of Augusta. Two b ro th ers; Edward Beale of Augusta and Joe Beale of Detroit, Michigan. O ne uncle, M r. Colly Carrpof Augusta and four sisters-in-law; Mrs. Roberta Beale, M rs.. O ilie Beale, M rs/'A lice Martin and Miss M attie' M ifchell. ' Three brothers-in-law; Evans M artin, Joe Samuels and Berry Williams. Also a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends.
PROCESSIONAL ......................................................................................Soft Music Please stand
SCRIPTURE ...................................
................Rev. S. T. Thompkins
PRAYER ........................................
Rev. (Mrs.) Essie M. McIntyre
SELECTION "Near the Cross
.................... Mount Zion Choir
REMARKS .......................................
..................Dea. Charlie Avery Rev. J. D. Williams Rev. J. H. Sims
A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S ...........
.................. Mrs. Louise Jenkins
E U L O G Y ..........................................
........... Rev. H. W. Phinizy, Sr.
HONORARY PALLBEARERS The Senior Ushers of Mount Zion
ACTIVE PALLBEARERS Deacon George Longshore
Deacon Charlie Avery Deacon Sam Singleton Deacon Sylvester Williams Trustee Johnnie Hunter Trustee Olen Alexander
Director W. H. M AYS M O RTU A RY