Celebrating the life and ministry of Rev. Dr. Marvin L. McRae, Sr., alpha, September 11, 1965, omega, July 11, 2008, Wednesday, July 11, 2008, 1:00 p.m., Beulah Grove Baptist Church, 1434 Poplar Street, Augusta, Georgia, Rev. Dr. Sam Davis, officiant, Rev. Dr. Sam A. Tanksley, Jr., presiding

CeCe6rating The Life and M inistry Of
<Rv. Dr. M arvin L. Mctifae, Sr.

SeptemSer 1965

Omega JuCy 11, 2008

Wednesday, JuCy 11, 2008 1:00p.m.

<Beulah Qrove (Baptist Church
Augusta, Cjeorgia

PopCar S

<Rv. Dr. Sam Davis, Officiant (Rgv. <Dr. Sam A- Tan^sCey, Jr., (Presiding

On a coofSeptember day in the year o f our L o r d 1965, M arvin Larenza McRae entered the w orld to m ate his m a fi JLe was 6orn to Esteffa Jean McRae (Jay in Lum6er City (defa ir County) Cjeorgia. jAt a very earCy age, [ittCe M arvin acceptedJesus as L ord o f his [ife. "Whife s tiffyet young, Dr. McRae received his caff to ministry a n d was ficensed to preach 6y his grandmother, Lfder Lvefyn Mediae, at the age o f 16. JLe continued to grow in wisdom a n d statue 6ut neverforgotfro m whence he came. Lifter graduatingfro m JLigh Schootin 1983, he m oved to Jlugusta, Cjeorgia to a tte n d Paine Coffege. Eoffowing the guidefines o f the church covenant, hejo in ed the Beufah (Jrove Baptist Church a n d 6egan to get to w o f i JLe compfeted his education at Paine Coffege in 1987, finishing w ith a degree in Jfistory andRefigion. iVhife attending (Paine, he pfedged'Lappa Jlfpha Psi. JLis days at Beufah (Jrove affow ed him to catch the eye o f a young fady, M iss Paufa Denise Stanfey. They werejo in ed together in hofy matrimony in dlprif o f 1988.
Dr. McRae continued his work-in the ministry. JLe entered PastorafM inistry in 1990. JLisfir s t church was M t. Transfiguration Baptist Church, North JLugusta, South Carofina. JIdditionaffy he served as assistant to the fate Rev. C S. JLamifton ofTabernacfe Baptist Church, fifte r heaving M t. Transfiguration, he 6rieffy Pastored Metropofitan Baptist Church, Waynesboro, Jeorgiafor 1 year. JLe received a n d accepted the caff to Pastor M t. Vernon Baptist Church, jAugusta, Cjeorgia in 1998. JLe servedfa ith fu ffy f o r 10 years despite his decfining heafth. JAs a Pastor, he was known to a tten d basebaffgames, basfetbaffgames a n d honors day programs o f his young parishners. Purthermore, he was afways seen in the haffs o f hospitals a n d in the homes o f many who were sick^and bereaved. JLe foved his members a n d the w o fio fth e ministry.
JAs an educator, Dr. McRae began his tenure in Richmond County Schools in 1990 at Butfer JLigh Schoof. J it that time, he was known as Coach McRae. JLe coached the girfs tracks team a n d assisted in coachingfoot baff. JLe continued his educationafservice by working w ith the Bre-KfTitfe One program. M ost immediatefy, he served as A ssistant Principaf o f Spirit Creek^Middfe Schoof. JLe was a member o f The Jeorgia dissociation o f Educators a n d the JLationafEducators dissociation.
JLe not onfy encouraged his students to strive to be the best they coufd be, he too heeded his own advice. JLe continued his education by obtaining his M aster o f Education Degree a n d Education Speciafty Degreefrom Troy "University. In December 2007, he was awarded the degree o f Doctor o f Phifosophyfrom dlrgosy "University, Sarasota Eforida.
Everyone who knew Dr. McRae knew th a tfa m ify was most important to him. JLe neverforgot the many peopfe who hefped him succeed at Paine Coffege. M anyfam ify members who chose to go to coffege were wefcomed into his home whife they attended coffege.
Earfy Eriday Morning, Jufy 11, 2008, Dr. McRae too kffig h t to meet his maker a n d receive his reward. Dr. McRae touched many fives a n d made a whofe fot o f memories. JLe feaves to cefebrate those memories his wife, Paufa Stanfey McRae; three daughters, Miriam, Monica, andJlusha; tw o sons, M arvin Jr. a n d Chanceffor Eefton; his mother, Esteffa Jean McRae (Jay; three brothers, M ichaef (Debra) McRae, M efvin (Cynthia) McRae, andM ifton McRae; one sister, Jtngefa Eaye (Timothy) Russeff; M aternaf grandmother, E fderEvefyn McRae; JA speciafgod-sister, Sharon McRae; Mother-in-faw, Laura E. Stanfey; Brother-In-Law, Rodney Stanfey. JA host o f nieces, nephews, god-chifdren, cousins a n d sorrowingfriends.

Order o f Ce(e6ration
(Rev. (Dr. Sam TankyCey, Jr ~ (presiding BreCude (processionaCand (Parting View The ............................................................................................................................................... EamiCy Scripture......................................... ...................................................................OCdTestament ~ Rev. Jeorge L. Brightharp
(New Testament ~ Rev. (Kerman Bing (prayer................................................ Rev. .............................................................................................................................. Charence (Moore SeCection.....................................(Mt. Vernon (Baptist Church andBeuhah (Jrove (Baptist Com6inedChoirs Remarks 3 .................................................................................................................................................................................... (Minutes (Phease
Ms a (Pastor ~ (Dea. Mudrew Bogan Ms an Educator ~ (principaCSharon (McMdvey
Ms a (Friend ~ (Ms. Edna (May Wiggins Ms a EamiCy "(Mem6er ~ (Mr. JPoward(McRae (l)nc(e) 06ituary ReadSitentCy ......................................... .............................................................................................................................................. Mcknowhedgements............... (Mrs. ................................................................................................................................... Tonya (Jeter M Tribute to Our (pastor. . TriLStee ................................................................................................................ BeverCy (Mitched Kym n.................................................. ...........;Servant o f (Jod W e d (Done".....................................Rev. Thomas WaCker EuCogy............................................... Rev. ............................................................................................................................ F)r. Sam (Davis Recession Buriaf................................................ (Mt. ............................................................................................................................ Odve Cemetery
(Repast - (Mt. Vernon Baptist Church

A father is truly an important person to have while growing up. Everybody doesn't have the privilege to have such a great father like the one we were blessed with. He truly was the best father a child could have. Our father spoiled, supported, encouraged, and beat us when needed; nevertheless he treated us like royalty. He was a great Father, Pastor, Educator, Motivator and Friend.
Whenever we had something at school, Daddy was there. Whenever we needed something Daddy was there. He was a great role model, and he gave us his last.
He made sure we were taken care of and always worried about our well being. Daddy always taught us to always let our light shine wherever we go, and to take the Lord with us. Our father kept us in the church. He kept us singing, ushering, and anything to do with praising God. He loved to hear our feedback on his sermons, he loved to hear us sing, and he loved to hear how good we did in Sunday school. He loved to see us excel. Although he is not physically here we know that the standards have not change. We know who we are, and we will always be grateful for the time that God has given us with him. He kept us on the right track and made us all become better people. We are truly blessed and thank God for all he did for us. We know he is in a better place. Our physical father has joined our spiritual father and with both of them watching and guiding us, there is no way that we can fail.
We thank our family and friends for all the support and encouragement.
Miriam, Monica, andMarvinJr.

A ctive <PaHSearers

<Pastor C- A nfrice Scott (PastorJames C- Tfendridf Sr. Pastor CharCesA-

Pastor %ar(ton `H ow ard PastorAnthony % HofCand
Pastor (Ronahd`West, Sr.

`M t. Vernon (Baptist Church

Pastors and

%appa Ahpha Psi Praternity

Hie S ta ff o fSpirit CreeffMiddfe Schoof

The Chass

o fAndersonvidePheoCogicafSeminary

A tri6ute to my kns6and.
In 20 years, we have been through our ups and downs, yet we remained very close friends. For that I am thankful. You supported me in the rearing o f our children. You took better care o f them than you did yourself in many instances. You sacrificedfor your family at all times. From the day I met you at Vacation Bible School, I knew our life would be special together. Through it all, we made it through. Thank you fo r allowing me the privilege o f being your wife. I know at times I was not good at it, but please know that I loved you and always will. Illness has taken you awayfrom all o f us (your children, your church, yourfriends, the school and me), but if we all continue to walk in a way that is pleasing to the Lord, we will truly see you again. Take your rest and I 'll see you in the morning.......

Tkefamiky woutd dkg to express sincere appreciation to attwko supported us during tke ittness andpassing o f f)r. Mediae. "We especiatty woutd tike to tkankjdLL oftfie caregivers, tke sta ff o f "University Ttospitatftome
fteattk and tke s ta ff o f tke Medicat Cottege o f Georgia 5 Soutk as w ed as tke MCUj Done Marrow Ctinic.
Services Entrusted To: %insey of WaCton Tunera tHome
(706) 790-8858
