Life celebration service for Juanita Jordan Lott, sunrise: October 3, 1958, sunset: January 11, 2010, Saturday, January 16, 2010, 10:00 a.m., Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, 1454 Florence Street Augusta, Georgia, Rev. Kenneth B. Martin, officiating

lift Celebration Service for

Juanita Jorban-Cott

5unrie: October 3,1958

Sunset: January 11,2010

Saturday, January 16,2010
10:00 A JW .
Antiocft JHtsstonary Saptist C&urcE 1454 Horenee Street Augusta, (Seorgta
letf'Ketuietfilf JBlartm, (Dfftctatiug

Qod CookedaroundHisgarden andfound an em pty space; then He looked upon tHis eartH and saw a tiredface. He p u t His loving arms aroundHer and (ifted Her to rest.
Mrs. Juanita Jordan lott, the daughter o fLouise Jordan and the (ate L uther !P.
Jordan, w as bom O ctober 3 ,1 9 5 8 , in R ichm ond C ounty, Q eorgia She entered into a new kingdom on M ondayJanuary 11,2010. She attended schooCin (Richm ond C ounty and w as a m ember o f the L ucy C. L aney class o f1977.
She accepted ch rist in to her heart a t an early age andjo in e d the C hristian fa m ily o fgreater young Z io n , and laterjo in e d the A ntioch 'B aptist Church w here she served u n tilher health began to fa il
Ju a n ita w as a dedicated lady and w as loved by a llth a t knew her. W e w ill m iss herpresence here on earth, m any precious m emories w illbe cherished by: her Husband, W illie L o tt; m other, L ouise Jordan; tw o daughters, M onica. (Roderick} M yers, 'D om inique (Brooks o fA ugusta;grandm other, A rgie Jordan, Sw ainsboro, QA; Stepson, A ntonio M artin;grandchildren, Jerry, (Kenneth and Chemya; 'Brothers, M inX eonJordan S r., OfapoleonJordan, L u th er (P .Jordan J r., a llo fA ugusta Q a T rankjordan and QeorgeJordan both o fSan 'Diego Ca.; Sisters, 'E lizabeth ( Jam es S r.) D allas, Juliana ( Joshua S r .) (Bey both o f A ugusta Q a, Jacqueline ((Jerald) Jordon'Tairbum Q a Janice (D ouglas) M idhouse o fE vans Q a; A devoted and caring nephew Jam esJacksonJr.ofthe hom e, Qary, V ictor, Joshua Jr., Chavarous, Jam es D allasJr, Leon J r.,
Qregory, D arryl, 'M apoleonjr., (Reginald, 'Tim othy, Quadrea,Journal, (Ricky;
(fra n k jr., Jon and Jam es; M jeccs, ikeith ia , (Jrancine, A jaryl, Trenadia, Tara, L ateisha, Teandrea, Louise, B ajha and Shaw ano; S ister -In-L aw s, Zclena Jackson, 'K eysvide Qa, T risfua Rucker, `Barbara (Redding, RubyJackson, Shirley Di%pn,Josephine M organ, M ary L o tt andTrances L o tt a llo f Sw ainsboro Q a; B rother-In-L aw s, L arry L o tt andL ondonL ott o fSwainsboro Qa, L ynn L o tt, A ugusta,Q a, Joe L o tt, M esquite, T ty S pecialg rea t nieces, A m ari and Takeria;Tourgodchilren and a host o f other relatives andfriends.

Order o fServices Prelude Processional
OpeningSelection............................................................ cfo ir
Holy Scriptures
Old Testament...... Minister Horma Miller Hew Testament.... MinisterJoseph fam on, Sr. Prayer..........................................................y^ev. CaseyJones
Musicals Memories.............. ............................ Antonio Harris
Proclamation........................................... P)eacon Demos LenardJr.
Juanitas' Memories............................................ 3 Minutes, Please
As a Aunt -Jam es (Dallas, Jr. As a Sister- george Jordan
P oem ............... She m s D ifferent.................. Dr. Janet H. Leonard gospelPraise......................................... . Minister Tilery freem an
Pro. geraldgordon Obituary.............................. ............................... J^adSilently
A cfgwledgements................................................... Celeste Dent
gospelM edley......................................................J o e l Chambliss
T ulogy....................................................fev.% am eth P. Martin
Interment................................................ `Walfer Memorial Par(f ~ pepass ~
Antioch Paptist Church fellow ship Hall


A nthony Brootq

P ete Jones

Ruben Roberson

T errellCain

L am m s `B ey

T rie `W illiam s

Honorary Flower Bearers
L u cy L aney H igh S ch o o lA lim in i

Flower Bearers
S elected
Love Is Forever
`W hen you lose a love one, you are never quite the same, there's alw ays a little tear drop, a t the m ention o fth eir name. `Tim e m ay ease th e heartache,
andeyes no longer cry, b u t there's a little voice inside th a t never says, "Q O & D ByL"
A ck now ledgem ent
To everything th er is a season, a tim e fo r every purpose under heaven, A tim e to weep, A tim e to laugh, A tim e to mourn and a tim e to dance, yo u a llhave made everything b ea u tifu lin th is tim e w ith the unconditional love andexpressions th a t has been show n to the fa m ily o fJu a n ita through prayers support, calls,g ifts , food,flow ers; and dem onstrations o fA ffe ctio n w illalw ays be rem em beredand w e tru ly thanJQ /oufrom the bottom o four hearts, M ay the peace o f the L o rd be w ith you alw ays.
Thefa m ily o fJu a n ita Jordan-L ott ****************************
