Final rites Robert S. Logan, Jr., Lockhart Baptist Church, Reverend Latta R. Thomas, pastor, Friday, April 14, 1972, 3:30 p.m.


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, I shall nbtwaftt. He makr

20 eepieP> faia&Xy ^;pf^-7 fff

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pHeth me^toke aownftjgneenpas-





jijfm'- j|gf wk

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waters/ He restoreth my

SQifl: he, leadeth ,me; m,the paths

i <'V/{?/

of'righteousness far his nariie's

sake, ^ea, though I walk through

theVvalley of the shadow of

i:dr:e-.,a.t.?h.,7FWil/l:fe,?Sr rlo evpi$l fo. r:th6f l^j-j`I 4 ; art with me: thy fb/i and thy
* . , staff they comfort me. Thou pre- 9

barest a table before me in the

presence of mine enemies: thou

anointest my head with oil; my

| ` - cup runneth oveh Surely1good-

ness*: and tmf.ercy shall follow me all the days of my'life: and I will
&n the /house

fcj4 M %

fli ^-- I



fin a l, ftiiteA ftobesii 5* Loyan, Oa Lockh a lt Bapt i p i (fhunch f^eve/tend Lotto. f t J'komc^d, faA ioA hnidatL, AjavLi lk } 1^ 2
*3 :j o ?. /

O/iQan BedJjtaJJLoriA * # . OAyanLAt

fo e c&aaLcruai;

WeXl* **>-iSr. OnyariLdt

ftuA icai Sc'LccXicn..; Bow Cj/ieat Thou Ant


5 c/ulp.tu/ieu.......... / ............................ftlisidiii.e/1

P /iapen,* . ........... ..........................v *J}inuLdesi

T k u ic a l S edectio-i? H eavenly harken, BLqaa


Wo>Axtd o f Qomfopi.itc c. *......... .. *fa.A$Oi/i

AeC.eA.-60.0AWx.*/ 1-^0, JA li &~i *0AQXmAt

0 ntenjn.ent Qhutich QerfieA~e/iy Bcoacaa:Lo chdiant Aeyui.oa QioJji C/La1a

ex 11 o

Dout&l&d B'itte A

, / a . oer^ A. nwuOLivri Laanence foreman

B athea Bauh.noa h t //anoid f opetand
^ 1

Stylv eAteh' q io Vejt

ihank % a

fenhapA yjou canm. to ua And expneAAed how ruich. you ccyied;
On peniiapA you /sent ccoilLj, fioA alA ,
on inayA On i n At dent up a A ite n i pAaye/i
(ih a teven you d id in the. veny tea A t

Watfl'e Aealltj. thank


bieAA you. kadi day.

Ofbiduany Rob end S* Logan( 1c]k2~1c]J2) don of, Mal* Rob end S$ and Mdb* (Jonoi k y B* Logman, o f Saluda tp a d d ed away, uneKpecdeddy Monday, A p n il 10, 1cj ( 2 %
He. wad a memben o f i k e Lockkani B a p iid i Ckunck, and. denved k id eoundny in. idle Vied. Ham c o n fid e d . He woa depen dable, genericiia, and Lovable
.Bedided kiA panendd, ke iA dunvived by one bruoidken, Rickand A. Logan, Saluda; didiendt: Mas* Sanak 2a ig e , o o lin g en , (jenaiwiy; Ma * Deigned [(addon, Sacrmmendo, (faldfonni^a; and Md% ( lo n e n c e Logan, o f idle kome; aldo one didienj-*in<~law; iwo bnoidiend~in~li:w; .lin e aund.6; edgkd u n cle s; many odken cloAe and cLiddand neladdveA and Aaddened fnienxLd.
(nibude 3 know, aA my i d f e gnowd olden., And. m ine eyed k a v e vlea n en dignd, tk a d unden. each riank wnong domewkene _ / kevie Lied ik e nood o f R ight; 1kad eack Aonnow had id d punpode,
By dke do/mowing o fd unguedded; Bud ad du/ie ad dke dun bningd monoting
(JJkadeven id ~ id beddc
3 know idiad each d in fu l acidon, Ad dune ad idle n i g h t dkade, 3d domewkene, domedime punidked,
/ k o f idle koun be delayed 3 know idiad i k e aollL i d a id e d Someiimed by ik e keand'd unnedi, And do anew meand o fd en do d u f f e n
Bud wkadeven i d ^ i d bediU

3 know i k e / i e o n e no eruip/iA,

On i k e y / ie a i f i e / i n a l p !a n } . .

And a l l ik in a A vjonk i o y e i k e n

Ton i k e f i n a l yoocl o f man

And 3 know w ken my. A ou l /sp eed s


*; /

On UtA ynorwl f i e n n a l cpieiAi,

3 AkaJUL Aau aA j i d o k eaM kw& nd,

[JJkciieven La-- La b eA i


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