Celebrating Zhe
of Juriak "flue" Jennings, Jr.
Thursday, July 26, 2007 11:00 A.M.
Vernon-Key Memorial Chapel
Augusta, Georgia
Reverend Dr. Sam Davis, Pastor Reverend Gordon A. Thomas, Officiating
Sunrise May 17, 1935
O bituary
Sunset July 2 3 , 2 0 0 7
Juriah "Jue" Jennings, Jr. was the youngest o f thirteen children, born to the union o f Juriah, Sr. and Mary B. Jennings, both whom preceded him in death. Juriah was affectionately known by his family as "Jue."
Jue was converted and baptized at Second M t. Moriah Baptist Church under the leadership o f the late Reverend W D . Morman. Later in life he joined Ross Grove Baptist Church, o f which Reverend Gordon A. Thom as is the Pastor.
Jue attended the Richmond County Public School System. H e served his country as a soldier in the United States Army. H e was assigned to Korea, during the Korean Conflict. H e settled in St. Petersburg, Florida after receiving an honorable discharge from the Army.
Jue was married to the late Juanita Anderson Jennings. To this union four children were born.
H e leaves to mourn his passing a devoted and caring sister, Mary Green Jackson; four children, Karen (Roger) Taylor, Jean Jennings, Kevin (Betsy) Jennings, Baltimore, Maryland, and Jeffrey Jennings, Lakeland, California; ten grandchildren, Terri, Tiffany, Tanell Hunter, Christina Parker, Nathan Brunner, Ciara, Sheria, Kanessa, KeyIon Jennings, and Kevin Anderson; several great-grandchildren, all o f Baltimore, Maryland; one sister-in-law, Susie Jennings; a companion, Mary Ingram ; and a host o f nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.
Processional Scriptures Prayer
O rder
o fService
................................. Reverend Dr. E. T. Martin Old and New Testament
Solo ........................................................... Deacon Milledge Young, jr.
Acknowledgement........................................... Sister Barbara E. Jones
Obituary Read Silendy
Interment................................................................ Southview Gemetcrv
Anthony Smalley
Deacon Ronald Young
Reginald Murphy
Bendeer Philpot
Deacon James Bullock
Deacon Michael Thomas
7lower Bearers
Ushers o f Ross Grove & Beulah Grove Baptist Churches
Z,be Day tjod Called you Mome
God looked around H is garden and fou n d an empty space. Then, H e looked down upon the earth and saw your tired face.
H e put his arms around you an d lifted you to rest; God'sgarden must be beautifulfo r H e only takes the best, lie knew that you were suffering; H e knew that you were in pain. H e knew you never shouldg e t well upon this earth again.
H e saw the roads weregettin g rough and the hills were hard to climb.
He closed your weary eyes and whispered, "Peace Be Thine." It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn'tg o alone:
For p a rt'o f us went with you the day God called you home.
The family o f the late Juriah Jennings, Jr. would like to thank each person for your cards, flowers, telephone calls, foods, and all acts o f kindness shown during our loss. Your deeds have 'Helped us get through these times and we ask God's richest blessings upon you all.
W. H. Mays Mortuary
"Professional Seiyice A Family Tradition Since 1922" 1221 James Brown Boulevard
Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 722-6401