In Love Will He Search For Y.
; that., were green ^-few-days ago are, now brown I God teaches in His word, "All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as flower of grass. The grass witheroth, and the flower there of fadeth away."
Death came quietly to Mrs, Elizabeth (Lizz ie-Fair) Jackson, on Tuesday Evening, December 31, .1974 at 4:00 P.M. at her resident.
She was born in Edge field County, South Carolina on September 17, 1903
She Was the daughter of the late Dea. Joe and Mrs. Ausley Thurmond Fair,
She was converted, baptized and joined the Shady Grove Baptist Church at an early age, After moving to Georgia she joined the Keys Grove Baptist Church, where she served faith ful until death,
She was married to the late Mr. Henry Bryant, to this union three children were born.
In 1953 unc was mar-ried to Mr. Moses Jack son.
She leaves to mourn her passing her devoted husband, Mr, Moses Jackson, Augusta, Ga. ; two daughters, Mru. Elizabeth Nelson, New York City, Mrs. Minnie ^Roland, Blyth, Ga. ; one son, Mr, Franklin Roosevelt Bryant, New York City, three step-children, Mr. Johnny Jackson, /iug7 . usta, Ga. ; Mrs, Dorothy Jackson,, . , Ohio; Mrs. iSloisc Jackson, Phila. Pa. five sis ters, Mrs. Ausley Jonas, Mrs. Leanna Becton, Augusta, Ga. ; Mrs. Margaret Burnett, New York City; Mrs. Hattie Williams, Mrs. Gladys Crmp- & bell, Hephzibah, Ga.jtwo brothers, Mr. Johnnie Fair, New York City and Mr. Eulie Fair, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. ; two sons-in-law, Mr. Louis Nelson, and Mr. John Roland^ , step- daughter- in* law, Mrs. Gloria Jackson, one step .son- in- law, four brothers-in-law, three sisters-in-law, eight grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, ncices, nephews, cousins and a host of friends.
Mrs. Elizabeth (Lizzie Fair) Jackson Sunday, January 5, 1975 - 2:30 P. M.
Keys Grove Baptist Church Kcysville, Georgia
_, -
Rev, H. L. Harrison .... Presiding
Prayer ............... Rev. H. E. Stokes-
Solo ................. Mrs. Johnny Mae Aonly
Mt. Olive Bapt. Church.. U, S. & D. Society .,,,.
Dea. Dca.
Fred McKclton Hplley Evans
Keys Grove Bapt. Church. Dea. R. Crafton
Rev. H. L. Harrison
Acknowledgements & Obituary .............. Mrc, Cora W. Bryant
Solo .................. Dea. Richard Carter
Eulogy ................ Rev. J. D. Williains
Viewing Of Remains
Interment ...... t . e ,, Chtir -,-. Oa-\t t.:-y
"SOMiiY/HiSRE" Somewhere the sun ic shining through mists of
a hazy blue omewhere there isno sorrow and hearts arc
happy and true, Somewhere there is know parting Somewhere there i,., no pain Somewhere loved ones are waiting to greet us
once again. i\nd though beyond our understanding This thought can set our hearts at rest A loving God knows best.
! PEOPLES B/-WKAL HOME Moij lei an
k;l Vo. 424 Spalding Publishers, Inc. Winter :-avon, Fla. 33880 - Litho in U.SIA.