Homegoing services for Mrs. Amie Walker Hill, sunrise, September 23, 1912, sunset, February 11, 2012, Thursday, February 16, 2012, 2:00 p.m., Harmony Baptist Church, 930 Hopkins Street, Augusta, Georgia, Reverend Dr. Woodrow Miller, Jr., presiding, Reverend George L. Brightharp, officiating

"F or a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house o f my God than dwell in the tents o f Wickedness. " - P salm 84:10
Now you are the body o f Christ and m embers individually. A n d God has appointed these in the church: firs t apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts o f healing, helps administrations, varieties o f tongues/'
- I Corinthians 12:27-28
Be with me Lord, as I greet in thy name. M ay the spirit o f wisdom and grace be upon me As I gratefully serve in thy house o f prayer.

Darryl Dunn Jeffery Hill Mark Holliday Dwight Johnson Tracy Murray Sean W illiams
Am ie Hill Usher and Usherette Ministry Deacon and Deaconess Ministry o f H arm ony Baptist Church 10th District Women's Auxiliary Ushers Union o f Georgia
(S f& H VM y C /S eC V lM s Ushers Union o f Georgia

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Sunrise September 23, 1912

Sunset F ebruary 11, 2012

I pledge, by the help o f God, to do my best to serve m y Church with a sm ile on my face, a pure heart, clean hands, and a breath that w ill not be offensive to those I welcome into the house o f the Lord.
I fu rth er pledge to abide by the rules and the regulations o f the board and my superior officers; to attend my meetings and serve when called upon, unless I can give a reasonable excuse, and to keep m y fin a n cia l obligations to the board as near as possible.

The fam ily wishes to acknowledge with deep appreciation the m any expressions o f love, concern and kindness shown to them during the passing o f their loved one. A special note o f thanks to Golden Living Center o f Augusta and Odyssey Hospice.
- T he H ill and Grant Families
634 West Avenue * North Augusta, South Carolina 803.279.0026

Thursday, February 16, 2012 2:00 P.M.
*RMONY BAPTIST CHURCH 930 Hopkins Street Augusta, Georgia
Reverend Dr. W oodrow Miller, Jr. - Presiding -
Reverend George L. Brightharp - Officiating -

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"For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house o f my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. - P salm 84:10
AM IE WALKER H ILL, the youngest of six children was born on September 23, 1912 in Trenton, South Carolina to the late Felix Walker, Sr. and the late Alice Williams Walker. She was preceded in death by her siblings: Felix, Jr., Tbm, Frank, David, and Maggie. She departed this life on February 11, 2012 at Golden Living Center of Augusta.
She accepted Christ as her personal Savior at an early age and was baptized at Shaws Creek Baptist Church in Trenton, South Carolina. After moving to Augusta, Georgia, she joined Flarmony Baptist Church where she served faithfully for fifty years as Chief o f the Usher Board, currently named The Amie Hill Usher and Usherette Ministry. Also, she was a member of the Ushers Union of Georgia, Senior Mission Society, Ward Four, and the Deaconess Board. Through God's grace, she became the Mother of Harmony Baptist Church.
She was married to the late Brady Hill; they were blessed with two daughters.
Mrs. Amie Hill received her education from Bettis Academy in Edgefield County, South Carolina.
She worked for the Richmond County Board o f Education at Houghton Elementary School in food service for twenty-eight years and at Trinity on the Hill United Methodist Church nursery for forty years.

Though she was a woman of humble means, sharing and helping others gave her much gratih cation.
Her innateness for parenting and nurturing are to be touted. She was an exemplary mother and grandmother. She groomed and helped shape the lives of numerous youth under her leadership at Harmony Baptist Church as Chief o f the Usher Board.
Mrs. Amie Walker Hill leaves to cherish her precious memories: her loving daughters, Maggie M. Hill and Brady H. Grant (Edison); two granddaughters, Mica Racquelle Hunter and Dr. Najma Hunter; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.
D on't be sad and do not weep, death is a date we all must keep. I have kept the faith and made my peace, now, I sleep to awake with God, where time never cease. Smiles and heartaches are worldly gestures that make life bearable for you; God is fu ll o f miracles, and some are just for you. Just trust and love Him, He will see you through, until I meet again with you. - LOVE, M O M

_ Otctf&t/ o f
Rev. Dr. Woodrow Miller, Jr., Presiding
PRELUDE........................... Mr. Arthur Moore
PROCESSIONAL................. Harmony Baptist Church Choir
''We've Come This Far By Faith"
SCRIPTURES Old Testament.............Rev. Nathaniel Dunn
M cCullough Covenant Baptist Church
New Testament................Rev. Connie Allen
A dvisor, A mie H ill U sher and U sherette M inistry
PRAYER OF COMFORT..............Rev. Father Jacek Szuster
T he Church of M ost H oly T rinity Catholic Church
REFLECTIONS (Three Minutes Please) Church - Dea. James H ill
Neighbor - Dea. Archie Jackson Golden Living Center
o f Augusta - Mrs. Susie Stevens Ushers Union o f Georgia - Mrs. Susie Goodwin
Daughter - Ms. Maggie M. H ill
USHER'S M ARCH.....Ushers Union o f Georgia
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mrs. Fannie Simpkins Johnson
WORDS OF INSPIRATION...........Rev. Dr. Woodrow Miller
Pastor, H armony Baptist Church
SOLO........................ Dr. Hawthorne Welcher
EULOGY.................Rev. George L. Brightharp
Pastor, M t . Canaan Baptist Church
RECESSIONAL.....................Harmony Baptist Church Choir
''Going Up Yonder"
3666 D eans Bridge Rd . * H ephzibah, GA
- REPAST Harmony Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
