Graveside homegoing celebration for Mrs. Adelaide L. Henderson, (1921-2017), Tuesday January 24, 2017, Mt. Olive Gardens Memorial Park, Rev. Dr. Clyde Hill, Sr., pastor, officiating

Mrs. Adelaide .Odenderson
(1921-- 2017)

Tuesday January 24,2017

`Jilt. Olive

Qardens `Mem

`Rev. "Dr. Clyde Hill, Sr.,

~ Officiating

.M rs. A delaide. L ou ise H enderson peacefully made her eternaltransition, while asleep, on Tuesday January 16, 2016. Mrs. Henderson, attained a comforta6[e quality o f life, after a catastrophic illness in September 2010, under the stalw art rehabihitation services o f U `EC Amara Healthcare fa c ility on Scott Road.
`Bom in the L ittle 'Dublin" Section o f Laney-W alker Historic District, Mrs. Hen derson ivas lovingly reared in the household o f her maternalgrandparents the late Mr. fr e d `Tutt, Sr. and Mrs. A nn Quarles T utt. A tw in brother, Deter, died shortly after birth. Mrs. Henderson zoos baptized at Immaculate Conception Church andgraduatedfrom Im maculate Conception Academy. Although the majority o f her emendedfam ily migrated to H ew Hor/j she chose to depend her roots in Augusta. Mrs. Hendersongraduatedfrom the fir s t class o f Luvenia's School o f Beauty Culture. Shortly afterwards, she studied as a master beautician, along zvith legendary H athaniel Bronner, Jr., under M iss M ay in A t lanta, (JA. Later, she opened Beerless Beauty Shop, zvith line-of-credit assistance by the late entrepreneur `William Carpenter, Sr. Helping to build a professional netw ork she became a charter member o f the CSRA Beauticians' League and was awarded M iss Qeorgia State Beautician in 1949.
Her aesthetic talents were also fu lfille d through mastery o fflo ra l design, interior decorat ing, and herfir s t love: cooking. In her younger and later years, she served as a caterer and household manager to some o f the best knozvn fam ilies in Summerville Historic D istrict. In keeping zvith her independent spirit, Mrs. Henderson ozvned and operated Anderson's (Jrill fo r over tw enty years. Her love o f Hegro spirituals fo u n d an outlet through her contralto
voice in the M t. Calvarians Choir o f Mt. Calvary B aptist Church.
In addition to rearing fiv e children, while m nning her enterprises, Mrs. Henderson squeezed in leisure timefo r a bowling league, Beers nicknamed her "Champ" in honor o f her fe a ts as a high scorer. In 2014, Mrs. Henderson received a M ayoralBroclamation in recog nition o f her longevity and special achievements. Her health was strong enoughfo r a sm all party celebration.
In addition to herform ers spouses M r. `William Rhodes, Sr. and Mr. H oyd Henderson, Mrs. Henderson is preceded in death by her parents Mrs. Margaret T u tt Sims and her
,adoptive fa th er Mr. John Sims; siblings Mrs. Elizabeth Sims `W hittington and Mr. John
Sims Jr.; and, a long list o f closely related members o f the T u tt J:amily o f whom she was
very proud. Her sole surviving sibling is Mr. Ronald Sims o f Hew <y rk. City, Hjf. Her
children are: Joyce (J.D. Law; tzvins Janice Henderson o fHephzibah, (JA andJanet Hen derson o f Ingleside, AX. Her sons are: `William M cRjnley `"Kenny" Rhodes, o f Oxnard, CA; and, restaurateur M ontie E arl Henderson o f M arietta, (JA. Also to cherish her memory are nine grandchildren, fo u r great grandchildren, the emended fam ilies o j son-in-law Douglas Law, cousins D avid E arlT u tt and Bernice T u tt Colston.

Order o f Service

S ' E m r i o f fA M iL y
W E L co M ifg D w yn n S 'E L 'E c n o v t
fffD E C L lO fS
S iL T sfr ffA S D ifg gW EEIIO tQ S f f O M fA M iL y OPEOifffL T jO T lO H S D y (fU TSTS S `EL`ECTI09
W o $ p s o f CoMfo<Kf a m d D ism issa l

fez). Dr. Cfyde M iff Sr.
brother fu fu s fe d d "In the garden" One o f M rs. M enderson's fa v o rite M essagefro m fe v . f i c f i Merring
Im m aculate Conception D ecfaration 6y M rs. Leom i yo u n g Petoia
fa rh a ra Coleman, Ph.D .
Joyce fhodes Lazv W illiam ffio d es `Please Cimit to 3 m inutes
Deacon M oses Mo[tries "I t is W e d zvith M y S o u f" One o f M rs. M enderson's fa v o rite fe v . Dr. Cfyde M if f, Sr.

A ckn ow ledgem en ts
Thefam ily o f Mrs. Henderson is deeplyg ra tefu lfo r a ll acts o f kindness shown during our bereavement and in the days to come, you have endured long-distance travel, adjustedyour personalsched ules, sent commemorativeflowers, and zvords o f declaration tofurther e?(pandour appreciation o f her life and our m utual bonds, additional
messages o f acknowledgement zvillbe sent in the nearfuture. Program design assistance by s ta ff o fAppleby Branch Library.
M any stalwartfriends brought her happiness through thefin a l chapters o f her life. Those devotions that must be given praise are: Larry and Deborah `Walker, A nita Jensen, `Elizabeth B. Drown, `Bar bara Coleman and Eamily, L ick Herring, Led Linger, Jo A nn Smith, the surviving daughters o f the late Mr. and Mrs. John `Thomas Elam., and the Immaculate Conception Academy Alum ni Association.
Health caregivers `Terri Lay, Marilyn Howard, Josephine `Wil liams, and Eric Hall, served Mrs. Henderson w ith unconditional com passionate from her arrival at Amara Healthcare u n til her passing. Members o f M t. Calvary Baptist Church have emended their concern and care throughout Mrs. Henderson's lifejourney.
Augusta Technical College Foundation is establishing the Pearson-Campbell-Walker Endowment Land to grant Scholarships to cosmetology students, your contributions are ta?^deductible. In your donation, please note the name o f Mrs. Adelaide Henderson, whose maiden name Sims zvillbe considered in the nearfu tu re as part o f the scholarship title.
W . H. M ays M ortuary "Professionalservice A Family Tradition Since 1922v
1221 James Brown Boulevard Augusta, Qeorgia 30901
( 706) 722-6401
