A celebration of life for Christine (Dubie) Harris, sunrise, December 31, 1939, sunset, October 8, 2015, Wednesday, October 14, 2015, 12:00 p.m., Miles Memorial C.M.E. Church, 2014 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, Augusta, Georgia, Reverend Sarah C. Cooper, presiding

J4 CeCe6rationo f Life fo r
(fftniativie i'Dcfke)

Sunrise Decem ber 31,1939

Sunset October 8, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 12:00 P.M.

Miles Memorial C.M.E. Church

2014 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard ~ Augusta, Georgia
'R everend Sarad C Cooper ~ Presiding ~

'Reflection o f 3Ler Life
(gocCsaw you were getting tired an d a cure was not to Be. So 3ie _put J-fis arms around you an d wBispered come witB me. IVitB tearfuC eyes we w atcded you get weak andpassed away. JiCtBougB we Covedyou dearCy, (godsaid you couCd not stay. J4. goCden Beart stopped Beating; a n d was Caid to rest, (god Broke our Bearts toprove to us J-Ce onCy takes tBe Best.
Christine Harris was born on December 31, 1939 to the late Henry Harris Sr. and Annie Lee Harris Bussey. On October 8, 2015, the Master called her name, her body, spirit and soul separated as she answered and triumphantly ascended to meet her Savior face to face. She was affectionately known as "Dubie."
Christine attended the schools of Richmond County. She was employed by the Medical College of Georgia (now known as Georgia Regents University) as a Lab Assistant.
Her hobbies included watching television, dancing and traveling to the Beaches of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina with her family.
At early age, Christine was a member of Friendship Baptist Church. Later in life she joined Miles Memorial CME Church, where she ushered and was a member of the food service ministry.
Christine was preceded in death by three siblings, Henry Harris, Jr., Robert Dallas and Barbara Jean Dallas Dunbar. Left to cherish her memories and live out her dreams are: three daughters, Joyce (Terry), Jacqueline and Betty (Frederick) Harris; one son Richard P. (Sebrina); one devoted and loving brother, James (Marian) Dallas Sr. all of Augusta; nineteen grandchildren: Antonio R., Ricardo R., Patrick D., Ricky D., Ray D. Ricardo D., Shania R., Tierra R., Jaynay J., Shanay T., Branay Q., Terry J., Raynay Q., Zakilya, Shakilya, Takilya, and Davion Harris. Richard L. Wilson, Aoshiauna Carter; fourteen great grandchildren Timaya Valentine, William and Shakayla Franklin, Alphonzo Googe III, Quanay, Brandon, Treyvon, Lyrekious, Zaquavious, Karyah, Rakhiya, Dekota, Jateira and Jaylen Harris; a host of loving nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.

Our (grandmother
you never sa id I 'm Hurting, you never Cet us see it, Hut w itfi tfiese tears w hy m ust wefe e Cit?
QocCCookedupon tfiis eartfi andCsaw your tired?face, and?witHin seconds He took you to His speciaCpCace.
y o u 're no Conger in p a in , wHicH I 'm gratefuCfor. I wisH (godwouCdexplain wHy you couldn't He Here anymore.
Everyone says witH time it 'CCget Hetter Hut wHat aHout now, wHy is m y Heart so Heavy?
you took care o f aCCyour cHi(?d?ren a n d even tHeirs a n d now g o d is aHout to repay youfo r tHose affairs.
'THe Cook o fpea ce as we HeCdon to you your Cast days is assurance tHat you'd He witH us to tHe e n d o f our days.
I t 's Hard to stay strong wHiCe dealing witH tHe tHougHts o f walking tHrougH tHe door a n d n o t seeing yourfa ce or caCCing yourpHone a n d not Hearing your voice. OnCy i f O onCy i f Heaven Hada pHone so I couCdHear your voice one Cast tim e
JAs o f now we Have memories tHat'CCCast a lifetim e, ones you gave us tHat no otHer grandm other couCd
I Cove you, Heyondwords!

Tffie OrcCer o f Service

T h e 'R e v e r e n c C S a r a h C. C o o p e r , O f f i c i a t i n g

M iCes M em o ria C C M T C h u rch , T a sto r

T reC ud e................. M r s . LiCCian CCayton a n d D r. JAnn TooCe


JCymn o f Traise.

............. C h o ir/C o n g reg a tio n

(RCessedJAssurance J-fym n #27)

T he JA ffir m a tio n o f f a i t h (The SApostCes' C reed)

Minister: Let us unite in tfiis Historic Confession o f the Christian fa ith .
Congregation: I Bedeve in (jod the fa th e r JACmighty, Maher o f Heaven ancC earth: LYnd in Jesus Chris His OnCy Son, Our LorcC, who was conceived By the -HoCy Spirit, Bom o f the Virgin Mary, suffered under Tontius TiCate, was crucified, dead, a n d Buried; the th ird day 'He rose from the dead He ascended into heaven, a n d sitteth at the right hand o f Cjod the fa th e r JACmighty; from thence He shad come to judge the quick a n d the dead I Bedeve in the HoCy Spirit, the hoCy Cathode Church, the communion o f saints, the forgiveness o f sins, the resurrection o f the Body, a n d dfe everCasting. JAmen.

T r a y e r o f C o m fo rt............................... R e v e r e n d J e r r y TooCe

So Co............................................................................. TameCa TfdC
(^AccompaniedBy LynwoodJCoCmes)

S cr ip tu r e s
OCdTesta m e n t........................R e v TVaCter T. CCayton
(TsaCm 23)

N e w T e sta m e n t...................................... R e v J o y ce ChandCer
(Jofin 14:1-6)


TameCa JCiCC

TersonaC R e ffactions (Lim it 2 M inutes TCease) $0fo.............................................. R everendR eather X ennedy
^Acknowledgements................. .Mrs. Robbiesteene Berrien Obituary.................................... ....................... R ead SiCentCy S0C0............................................. ......... Rro JAntonio 3-Carris LuCogy........................................ ......R everend Larry Jryer, Tastor M t. Zion CML Church RecessionaC3Lymn.................. ..................... "I'CCdfy LAwa y " Interm ent.................................. .............. AVaCker MemoriaC
& I `Repast ~ Mites MemoriaC C M T Church fellow ship jLaCC

JActvve TaCCfoearers

'Ricardo Xfarris WUEam fra n k d n
Terry Harris

R ickard fViCson Frederick Carter M ickaeC N elson

ffo w er Bearers

MiCes MemoriaC CMB Missionary 'Board

MiCes MemoriaCStewardess Board

~ lVORT>S O f (gRATlT'U'DX ~
In times like these, when hearts are burdened with grief, it is so very heartwarming for friends to show concern and care. On behalf of the Harris family, we appreciate your visits, cards, texts, emails, and calls during the illness and passing of our dear loved one. Your prayers, food, visits and flowers have helped sustain us during these hours. We thank you and we love you. fi* fk e famiCy
Williams Funeral Home, Inc. 1765 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Augusta, Georgia

JA CeCebrationo f Life fo r (fouatw e (D tdie)






Decem ber 3i, 1939

October 8, 2015



Wednesday, October 14, 2015

12:00 P.M.

Miles Memorial C.M.E. Church

2014 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard ~ Augusta, Georgia
'R everendSarah C. Cooper ~ Presiding ~

'Reflection o f JLer Life
QocCsaw you were gettin g tir e d a n d a cure was not to be. So tfejp u t Jdis arms a ro u n d you a n d w h isp ered come w ith me. 'With tearfuC eyes we w atched you g et w eah a n d p a sse d aw ay. JAfthough we Coved you dearCy, Qod sa id you couCd not sta y . JAgoQden h eart sto p p ed beating; a n d w as Caid to rest. Gjodbroke our hearts to p ro ve to us 3de onCy tabes the best.
Christine Harris was born on December 31, 1939 to the late Henry Hams Sr. and Annie Lee Harris Bussey. On October 8, 2015, the Master called her name, her body, spirit and soul separated as she answered and triumphantly ascended to meet her Savior face to face. She was affectionately known as "Dubie."
Christine attended the schools of Richmond County. She was employed by the Medical College of Georgia (now known as Georgia Regents University) as a Lab , Assistant.
Her hobbies included watching television, dancing and traveling to the Beaches of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina with her family.
At early age, Christine was a member of Friendship Baptist Church. Later in life she joined Miles Memorial CME Church, where she ushered and was a member of the food service ministry.
Christine was preceded in death by three siblings, Henry Harris, Jr., Robert Dallas and Barbara Jean Dallas Dunbar. Left to cherish her memories and live out her dreams are: three daughters, Joyce (Terry), Jacqueline and Betty (Frederick) Harris, one son Richard P. (Sebrina); one devoted and loving brother, James (Marian) Dallas Sr. all o f Augusta; nineteen grandchildren: Antonio R., Ricardo R., Patrick D., Ricky D., Ray D. Ricardo D., Shania R., Tierra R , Jaynay J., Shanay T., Branay Q., Terry J,, Raynay Q., Zakilya, Shakilya, Takilya, and Davion Harris. Richard L. Wilson, Aoshiauna Carter; fourteen great grandchildren Timaya Valentine, William and Shakayla Franklin, Alphonzo Googe III, Quanay, Brandon, Treyvon, Lyrekious, Zaquavious, Karyah, Rakhiya, Dekota, Jateira and Jaylen Harris; a host of loving nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.

Our Mother
M iss M e B ut L et M e Qo TVfieri I come to the encCo f the ro a d
A n d the sun has setfo r me I w ant no rites in a gCoomfiCCedroom
^Vhy cry fo r a souCsetfree? M iss me a CittCe hut not too Cong A n d n o t w ith your h ea d Bowed Cow. Remember the Cove that we once shared,
M iss me But Cet me go. f o r this is ajourney that we aCCm ust take
A n d each m ust go aCone. It's aCCapart o f the Master'spCan,
A step on the ro a d to home, yvhen you are ConeCy a n d sick o f heart
Qo to the frien ds we know A n d Bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
M iss M e But L et me Go!
By E" d w a r d A Guest

My Sister
M emories o f you by 'Unknown
I rem em ber everything about you,
you r voice, your smite, your touch,
the w ay you walked, the w ay you taCked, the w ay you Cookedat me, m eant so much. I rem em ber a tt the words you sa id to me,
somefu n n y , some kind, some wise, a tt o f the things you d id fo r me, I see now w ith different eyes.
I rem em ber every moment we shared, seems tike onty yesterday, or maybe it was eons ago, It's realty h a rd to say. you are gonefrom me now,
but one thing they can't take away, your mem ory resides inside m y heart,
andCights up my darkest days.

Our (grandm other
you never sa id I 'm hurting, you never Cet us see it, hut 'with these tears why must wefeeCit?
(gocC(bokedupon this earth ancCsaw your tired face, an d within seconds he took you to his specialpCace.
you're no Conger inpain , which I 'm gratefu lfo r. I wish CjodwouCdexplain why you couldn't 6e here anymore.
"Everyone says with time it'CCget better hut w hat about now, why is my h eart so heavy?
you took care ofaCCyour chiCdren an d even theirs an d now god is about to repay youfo r those affairs.
The Cook o fpeace as we heldon to you your Cast days is assurance that you'd be with us to the end o f our days.
It's h ard to stay strong white dealing with the thoughts o fwalking through the door an d not seeing yourface or caCCing yourphone andnot hearing your voice. Only if, O only if heaven h ad a phone so I couCdhear your voice one Cast time.
JAs ofnow we have memories that'CCCast a Cifetime, ones you gave us that no other grandmother couCd
I Cove you, beyondwords!

The Order o f Service
The H everend Sarah G Cooper, Officiating

Aides MemoriaC CMP Church, Tastor

P reC u de........... ........M r s . LiCCian CCayton a n d D r. A n n PooCe

T rocession aC

P C ym n o f P r a is e ....................................... C h o ir/C o n g reg a tio n

(P CessedA ssu ra n ce J jy m n #27)

T he A ffir m a tio n o f f a i t h (The A postC es' Creed)
M in ister: Let us unite in this M istoric Confession o f tfie Christian fa ith .
Congregation: I Bedeve in (gocC the fa th e r LACmighty, M aker o f M eaven ancC earth: SAnd in Jesus Chris M is OnCy Son, Our Lord, who was con ceived by the MoCy Spirit, horn o f the V irg in Mary, su ffere d under Tontius TiCate, was crucified, dead, a n d Buried; the th ir d day Me rose fr o m the d ea d Me ascended into heaven, a n d sitteth at the right h a n d o f (Jod the fa t h e r JACmighty; fro m thence Me s h a d come to ju d g e the quick a n d the d e a d I hedeve in the MoCy S p irit, the hoCy Cathode Church, the com munion o f saints, the forgiveness o f sins, th e resurrection o f the Body, a n d Life everCasting. SAmen.

P r a y e r o f C o m fo r t................................. P e v e r e n cC J e r r y PooCe

So Co................................................................................ Pam eCa 3-CiCC (A cco m p a n ie d b y Lynw oodfCoCm es)

S crip tu res O C d T esta m en t...... ...................P e v JVaCter P . CCayton (PsaCm 23)

N e w T e s ta m e n t.................. .................. ..P e v J o y c e ChandCer (Jofin 14:1-6)


Pam eCa JfiCC

Our Mother
M iss M e Rut Let M e (jo 'When I come to the en d o f the road
JAnd the sun has setfo r me I w ant no rites in a gCoomfiCCedroom.
'Why cry fo r a souCsetfree? M iss me a CittCe hut not too Cong JAndnot w ith your headhowedCow. Remember the Cove that we once shared
M iss me hut Cet me go. d or this is ajourney that we aCCm ust take
JAnd each m ust go aCone. It's aCCa p a rt o f the M aster's jpCan,
JA step on the roa d to home. 'When you are ConeCy a n d sick o f heart
(jo to the frien d s we know JAndhury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
M iss M e Rut Let me (jo! By EdwardJA Quest

M y Sister
M emories o f you By Unknown
I rememBer everything aBout you, your voice, your smite, your touch, the way you waCked the way you taCked the way you Cookedat me, m eant so much. I rememBer a d the words you sa id to me, somefu n n y , some kind, some wise,
aCCo f the things you d id fo r me, I see now w ith different eyes.
I rememBer every moment we shared seems Cike onCy yesterday, or mayBe it was eons ago,
It's ready h a rd to say. you are gone fr o m me now,
But one thing they can't take away, your memory resides inside m y heart,
andCights up my darkest days.

RersonaC'Reflections (Limit 2 M inutes RCease) , SoCo.................................................'Reverend Rjeatker X ennedy
lAcknow Cedgements.................. Mrs. Robbiesteene Rerrien Obituary...................................... ........................ R e a d SilentCy S0C0............................................... ..........Rro lAntonio J-farris LuCogy.......................................... ......R ev eren d Larry fr y e r , Tastor ML Zion CMX Cfmrcfi RecessionaC3-fymn................... ...................... 'TCCfCy JAway" Interm ent................................... .............. AVaCker M em orial
'Repast ~ MiCes MemoriaCCMT Church JeCCcnvshtp J-faCC

JActive TaCC6earers

'Ricardo diarris WiCCiam frankCin
fe r r y 3-farris

RickardWiCson Frederick Carter MickaeCdfeCson

J'Cower 'Bearers

MiCes MemoriaCCMT M issionary "Board

MiCes MemoriaCStewardess Board

~ 'WORDS O f (gR A frfU D 'E ~
In times like these, when hearts are burdened with grief, it is so very heartwarming for friends to show concern and care. On behalf of the Harris family, we appreciate your visits, cards, texts, emails, and calls during the illness and passing of our dear loved one. Your prayers, food, visits and flowers have helped sustain us during these hours. We thank you and we
love you. fi*"The famiCy
Williams Funeral Home, Inc. 1765 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Augusta, Georgia
