Funeral services for Deacon Thomas F. Hammond, Ridge Hill Baptist Church, Ridge Spring, South Carolina, August 4, 1965, 4:00 p.m., Rev. Andrew L. Adams, pastor officiating

Jfmu'ral S e m ite s
2beaco*i ^luxmai. atf-ammond

RIDGE HILL BAPTIST CHURCH Ridge Spring, South Carolina AUGUST 4, 1965 -- 4:00 P.M.
Rev. ANDREW L. ADAMS, Pastor Officiating

Amos & Sons

Funeral Directors



..... ..... " I Can Help Somebody

HYMN, "How Great Thou Art"

TUTvn,.i+ted, Cho.irs



7 .......... ............. .....- Rev- N. L- Bush,

Pastor Friendship Baptist Church, Aiken, S. C.

SCRIPTURE, St. John 14-1-14

R T tt ,

Pastor St. Luke United Presbyterian Church, Orangeburg, S.C.

PRAYER ........

...... Rev. W. H. Hightower Pastor Mt. Alpha Baptist Church, Ward, S. C.

SOLO, "A Child of The King"

Mr. H v . Thompson



Rev. A. L. Adams, Pastor

RECESSIONAL .............. ........... ............ "Have Thine Own Way"

The family wishes to express sincere appreciation to one and all

for every act of kindness and every word of comfort during the extend ed illness and hours of bereavement. May God richly reward you.

Honorary Pallbearers Deacons Active--Nephews

Honorary Flower Girls Deaconesses


Z f ** H a m m o n d ,^ TM ? e d 'thTM iife sTt

' ' j ' A ' a" d M rs' Alice Watso1

Providence H o sp iw , Columbia^ s C K

9:30 * " tb.

Spring, S. C. and spent his Pn i' ' r l f Wcto born and re a r ed in Ridgt

w hen he m ade his home w ith vy 1h -u ^ Untd alm ost two years age

.hall, Saluda S C

ChUdren' M r` and ^ r s . H. H. Mar-

S ta te C o U e g ^ H r ^ d lnf u r ^ e r Ubt C ? Ch ols f Saluda County and S. C.

Va. and Tuskegee In stitu te T u s V ^ a t Hai! f ton In stitute, Ham pton,

years afte r w h i c h h " * ' Fuskegee' A la- He taught school for two

He served in

f n 7 aTM ?m ted Jeanes te a c h e r of Saluda County.

educator, always encouraJ n c

C nSeC,utive * w as a g rea t

serve humanity TV w S * - g peoiM? to p rePare them selves and

wTtnh hniiggnHreespect fox his mSarenfhootd! aCanhd0r aadnmdoIneitaidoenrs'. and was w a r d e d

IH- joined Ridge H ill B ap'tlsf Church w hen he was a boy He served
P Slt!ns to the best of his ability. He w as su p erin ten d en t of the S.S. for alm ost 40 years. His leadership during this period has re mained and will rem ain for years to come, an impressive c o n t r i t i o n
B o ard 'o fi heranCG C hristian E ducation. He served as ch airm an of Board of Deacons until his health failed him. His m otto to his Deacons was, Let us stand together for right, and the church will always stick".

In 1909 he w as united in holy wedlock to M rs. A nna D. H am m ond w xo preceded him in d eath alm ost two years ago. He w as a tru e h u s band, a loving father, a friend to man. He loved his familv, his home his com m unity, his church, and above all, he loved his God

His survivors, M rs. Flossie M. Clinkscale, O rangeburg, S. C. Mrs. R eita H. M arshall, Saluda, S. C.; tw o sons, T. Alfonso Hammond,' A ik en, S; C,, Jam es D. Ham m ond, Florence, S. C.; four grandchildren; two sons-in-law; two daughters-in-law ; two granddaughters-in-law ; three sisters, Mrs. A lm eta Heyward, Mrs. R uth H. Cooper, Mrs. Jessye II. Thomas,, all of Cleveland, Ohio; two brothers, Willie W. Hammond, Spring, S. C., Johnny M. Hamm ond, Cleveland, Ohio; several sis ters and brothers-in-law ; m any neices, nephews and other close rela tives and friends.

An old man, going a lone highway . ^ , Came at the evening, cold and gray, To a chasm, vast and deep and y/ide, Thro' which was flowing a sullen tide. The old man crossed in the twilight dim -- ^ That sullen stream had no fears for him; x But he turned, when he reached the other side And built a bridge to span the tide.
"Old man," sajid a fellow pilgrim near "You are wasting strength in building here. Your journey will end with the ending day; You never again must pass this way. You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide, Why build you the bridge at the eventide?''
The builder lifted his old gray head. "Good friend, in the path I have come," he said, "There followeth after after me today A youth whose feet must pass this way. This chasm that has been naught to me To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be. He too, must cross in the twilight dim; Good friend, I am building the bridge for him
