Funeral services for Mrs. Ardoshia McKie Gowdy, Saturday, February 2, 1985, 11 a.m., Bethany Baptist Church, Clarks Hill, South Carolina, Rev. H. B. Bady, officiating

On January 30, 1985 tkz dzatk anglz camz and botie. tkz bhlgkt ApxAlt ofa AAdoAhla Gowy away to tkz land that lb FREE i*iom A id in g , pain and dzatk.
M*u. AndoAhla McKlz Gowdy tkz daugkteA o tkz la tz RzvzAznd John and CoaaI z Sullivan McKlz, urn bo/in July 4, 1905 In Edgz&leld County, Soutk Casiol<ina. Skz woa converted, baptlzzd, and join Old Vlnzy Gnovz BaptlAt a t an zanly agz. Skz woa unltzd An holy wedlock to tkz la tz BliwlzU Gowdy, S*i. To tkl& union Nlnz chlldsizn waa boAn, onz pAzczdzd kesi In dzatk.
Skz IzavzA to mourn keA paAAlnd, ilvz daughtzAA: M*a, Mamlz L. CbAyanl, Maa. Manlz Bznnztt, HU. M attlzB. StzpkznA, Maa. Annlz Tlglox, and Wia. Sadlz WatAon a l l o AuguAta, G a T k n z z Aon , Ma. Vavld Gowdy, Sa. and Ma. WaltzA Gowdy ofi AuguAta, Gar, Ma. JoAhua Gowdy o GAaczwood, G a T w o aI aI zaa, m*la. ElzatzA. Gowdy, Maa. UlldAzd JoknAon, both oft Nositk AuguAta, S. C.; Szvzntzzn GAandchlldAzn, Six GAzat-GAandchlldAzn, Tfaizz VanghteAA-In-law, Foua Soyia-In-law and a koAt ofi otkzA AzlatlvzA and AoMowing i*UzndA.
+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++ ++++

++++++++++ .-uAAdo^hla M cKle Gotwiy ++++++++++++
S a tu n d a y , Febnuaxy 2, 1985. . . . 11 A M . Bethany B a p tis t Chuxch
C lank H i l l , South. C a /io lln a ' +++++++++ Rev. H. B. Body, 0 (> ilc la tln g + + + + + + + + + + +



PRESIDING...................................... Rev. Eddie, Key

dVMN...................................................Rev. Uly&^se Banben, (n e a d j

S C R IP T U R E ........................... . . . . R e v . E d d ie Key

PRAVER................................................ Rev. Sam M id d le to n

UVMN..................................................... Rev. U ly t& e s B axbe/t [n e a d ]

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................... . . M a s . F lo r e n c e H a n x ls


Rev. H. B. Body


INTERMENT.......................................B e th a n y B a p t i s t Chm ieh C em ete xy

+++++++++++++ +++++++++ ++++


SeAvawt OfS God well done Thou gloAlouA mAfaAe'A paAt; The b a t t le 1A fought, th e Aa.ce lb won, and thou, axt cAomed at Loai, . 31
VeaconA oh Betkany B a p tist CkuAck
Old Plney GAove VeaconA
UAkeAA oh Betkany B a p tist ChuAck and Old Plney GAove BaptlAt ChuAck
The Family acknowledge* w ith gAeathul appAeclitlon to a ll who have been ao kind duAlng tkelA kouA oh beAeavwent.
++444+++++++ ++++++++ ++++++
WUllamA UndeAtaklng EAtabllskment In ChaAge
Hands by A lbrecht Barer, the s o -ca lled `perfect a rtist'--whose woodcut and copper engravings were major ex p re ssio n s of his art. He u se d many re lig io u s. themes, and was noted for his sen sitive and detailed drawings. The story is that these were the hands o f someone who had great faith in his ability, and worked to help him attain his artistic training; that in the process, their own hands became so gnarled as to be incapable of equal work; and in gratitude, and because he saw their labor of love as beautiful, he immortalized the hands.
N o. 4 8 8 S pa ld in g Publishers, Inc. W in te r H aven, Fla. 3 3 8 8 0 - L ith o in U .S .A .
