Celebration of life for Mrs. Theresa M. Goudy, Wednesday, February 26, 2003, 12:15 p.m., Church of the Most Holy Trinity, Augusta, Georgia, pastor, Father Allan J. McDonald

CeCebration of Life for
Mrs. Theresa M. Goudy
Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:15 P.M.
Church of The Most HoCy Trinity Augusta, Georgia
Pastor, Father A((an J. McDonafcC

Introductory Rite

Greeting ofjamify and deceased

Springing deceased with Hofy Water *
Procession Hymn: "BfessedAssurance" #145 Lift Every Voice hymnaf

Opening Prayer


Liturgy of the Word (Sit)

Eyistfe Reading

ResponsoriafPsafm "The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shattwant."

Gospef Accfamation (Stand)


Homihj (Sit) " !

Prayers of the EaithjuC (Stand)

The Liturgy of the Eucharist

Preparation oftheAhar and Gifts of Bread and wine

Song Richard Kennedy andWayman HuntCey
- Prayer over the Gifts Preface Sanctus
Mystery of Faith Great Amen
Rite ofHofy Communion The Lords Prayer The Sign of Peace The Lamb of God
Hofy Communion Procession: Panis Angedcus (Bread ofAngeCs) The Prayer after Ho(y Communion
The FinatCommendation The Sony ofFareweff: "I Know My Redeemer Lives"
#445 Worshijy HymnaC Prayer andDismissaf Recessional "May the Angefs (eadyou intojjaradise"

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The Letter
"For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I havejought a goodjight, I have Jinishedmy course, I have kej)t thejaith: Henceforth there is (aid upJor me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteousjudge shattgive to me at that day. and not to me onhj, but unto affthem afso that fove appearing."
2 Timothy 4:7-8
Theresa "Cookie" had a way of ahvays making you Jee( special and encouraged to trust in God's decisionsJor your (ife. Herjavorite saying was, "Godis too wise to made a mistake and too Coving not tojorgive." She wasJaithfuC in her rosary meditation daiCy even uy to herJinaihours. She greetedyou with a smite andifyou were going through some trying times you were assuredshe wasyetitioning God in your behaCJ. Cookie was not one to comp(ain but instead gave God thanks Jor each awaking day. Cookie coufd ahvays make you faugh even in midst of her own triaCs and she appreciated herJamify andjriends. Having her o(dest sonyrecede her in death made her wa(k with Godmore dear to her.
We wiff aCC miss her extremely but we are at yeace knowing that she is with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who can fove and careJor herJar more better than us. Cookie worked hard to get where she has gone. We wiff not grieve but we wiffcefebrate her home going by giving God theyraisejor [oaning her to usJor seventy-six (76) years. She was a great wife, mother, aunt, cousin andjriend.
We wiff meet you on the other side.


Nazeria Rucker Peter Cain Scot-tia Goudy

Vernon D'Antignac Travis Brown JaMario Smith


At this time, the GoudyJamify woufd (ike to thank each ofyoujor your acts of kindness extended to us during our time of Bereavement. We soh'cit youryrayersJor us as the heafinyyrocess begins.

We sincerefy ask our Savior, Jesus Christ, to return the

fove you have shown us, hack to each and every one of


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The FamiCy

W. H. Mays Mortuary
"Professional Service A Family Tradition Since 1922" 1221 James Brown Boulevard Augusta, Georgia 30901 (706) 722-6401
McGowen Printing Co.
