Home going services for Mrs. Maebell Dozier Gibson, services, 2:00 p.m., Friday, November 20, 1992, Rock Hill Baptist Church, Saluda, South Carolina, the Reverend R. C. Holloway, pastor

`eUom e g o in g fic/u/iccs

PROCESSIONAL 7AAWJ VIEJJ1NQ........................S077 flUSIC SONQ . . ........................ mUhat A 7 n iend Up, Hump I n J e su s" SCRIP7L1RE PRATER..................................................... Rev. Jimmy Q allxm t SONQ........................ m7he Load Ui l l fluke a Uay Somehow" REflARKS.................................................. PEA. JOHN HOULOUAQ ACKNOULEDQEflENlS....................................... flRS. A. BUTLER UORDS 07 COA70R7............................. REV. R. C. UOLLOUAQ RECESSIONAL IN lE RflE N J.................................................... CHURCH CEflEJEMJ flU SICIAN.............................................. flRS. S/LIRLEJJ flASADA
PALLBEARERS ............................................................. QRANDSONS 7L0UER BEARERS............................................ QRANDDAUQ/L7ERS
ACKNOULEDQEflEm you gave so much, you Sul tjiacdeii ou/i so/uiows, and m u ld ip lie d oiui f a i t h in Qod ami m unkindly you/i encounagbig woods and yotm gem6 o f fr ie n d s h ip . Every acd 0/7 k im ln e s s i s a te s tim o n ia l p illo w o f comfo n t, which makes our g r i e f more le a r a l le . 7o each o f you, we s h a l l l e e te r n a lly g r a te fu l. Ifumk you so much.

"A paeciouA one. faom uA haA gone./ a vo ice we loved iA M i l l e d ; a place, i t vacant in oua heaat which nevea can l e f i l l e d . 0
On Saturday Afte/inoon, Novemlea 14, 1992, HRS. PIAEBtLL DOZIEJl (/IBSON, went to j o i n the Savioua in that home n o t l u i l t w ith handA lat. whoAe, makea and la 11den ijA Qod.
She. waA loan in Saluda County, on Decemlea 18, 1898, a daughter o f th e la te denay oiui Plamie Doziea.
At an eaa.lt/ age. die, jo in e d the. Rock d i l l B a p tis t Chuach wheae. Ahe Aeaved f a i t h f u l u n t i l d e c lin in g h ealth . She uxia a meme.a o f the. Rock d i l l B uaial A ide S o c ie ty , the PleaAant. d i l l B uaial Aide Soc i e t y and th e Uomen A ide Socie.ty,
She uxia u n ite d in d o ly Plata imony t o Pla. Eddie (jI I aoii who paeceded hea in death. 7o thiA union Aix. childaen weae loa n ; one Aon, Eddie Lee alAO paeceded hea in death.
She, waA a lo v a lle chaaactea, h it Ahe haA gone to hea aewaad; She, w i l l le. miAAed ly fam ily and ly a l l who knew hea lut. thi.A i.A (jod *A way.
She uxia the, laAt Auaviving memlea o f hea immedi ate. family.
PleaAant memoaiejs w i l l lingea on in the heaatA o f hea daughtcJLA, PlaA. Plamie Q. Baoo/tA, Saluda, SC, PlaA. Inejz AntiaewA and PIa. Plaay CjilAon, PateaAon, NJ; AonA, John d. and JameA CjilAon, Saluda, SC; a gaanddaughtea aeaaed in the home, PIa. (/ladya Smith, PaAAiac, NJ; tux) gaamiAonA aeaaed in the home, Taank CjilAon, PateaAon, NJ and Eddie. L. CjilAon, Ja. , San Antonia, 7X; a nephewA aeaa ed in home, denay Doziea, Columbia, SC; twentyf i v e gaamlch ildaen, twenty-nine gaeat gaandA, Aeven gaeat-gaeat gaandA; tioo daughteaA-in-law, one A on -in -la w ; one AiAtea- in -la w ; and a hoAt o nieceA, nephewA, othea ae lativeA and faiendA.
dumlly Aulmitted, 7/1E 7APII O f

A nother Aoldien gone.
Jo g e t a g n e a t /lew an ii; She. fo u g h t th e f I g h t and k e p t th e f a i t h
And n ou go n e home t o Qod.
Sh e fo u gh t u n t i l Ahe f e l t Upon the t a t t l e f ie ld ,
And then Ahe heand th e tjenenal Aay, 0L ay down y ou *. Awond an d s h i e l d . 0
Hen, Aoul haA g o n e t o Qod. 7he eanth haA claim ed i t 'A own, And now Ahe* A Aboutin g ' nound the thnone,
U h ile uie one l e f t to mounn.
Some d ay w e*11 m eet a g a in , Oun lo v e d on e g o n e l e f o a e ; Some d ay w e * l l /teach t h a t h appy la n d , Uhene p a n tin g iA No n on e.
The fam ily
Services Entrusted To Butler & Sons Funeral Home
Saluda, South Carolina
