Homegoing service in loving memory of Ms. Ella L. Fields, sunrise, January 11, 1932, sunset, February 5, 2010, Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 1:00 p.m., Williams Funeral Home Chapel, Augusta, Georgia, Rev. Virgil Lynch, officiating

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W ednesday, February 10,2010 1:00 P.M.
(^Une^iat (^ffame/ Q tjfluifzel Augusta, Georgia
Rev. V irgil Lrjncli - O lliciating -

ELLA w as bora on Jan u ary 11, 1932 an d w as a life-Jon g
resident ol A ugusta, Georgia. Slie was baptized at an early age. Slie a tten d e d scliool in R ichm ond County. E lla w as a friend to many an d alw ays w illing to help others in any way needed. She was special to many people and touched their lives in so many w ays. A lth o u gh she never h ad children, she affectionately referred to many as my niece or my nephew.
Sh e w as p re ce d e d in d ea th by: her parents; her sister, B essie L ee Divine; her special significant other, Frank Simpson and Jerem y Scott Melvin, who she alw ays referred to as me and Franks child. She leaves to remember her with love: her cousin, Jack ie (Deacon A1 Young), North A ugusta, SC; a life-long devoted friend, Mary Simpson, A ugusta, G A her nieces, B ren d a Simpson (DonaId) Melvin, Fayetteville, N C and M arlene Roberson, Covington, G A and other family and friends.
"Death is not the end but the beginning o f a new life which G od has promised to each o f u s. "

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Rev. Virgil Lynch - Presiding

P rocessional

Hymn of Praise


Scrip tu res....................................................................... M arlene Roberson O ld Testament - PROVERBS3:5-6 New Testament - HEBREWS4:16

Prayer ol Comdfort ..............................................................D e a .A l Young

S o lo .............................................................................................Ja c k ie Y oung

W ords ol Expression (Two Minutes Eack)

A ck n o w led g em en ts..........................................................B ren d a M elvin

O b itu a ry ................................................................................... R ead Silen tly Soft Music

S e le ctio n ....................................................................................."PASSMeNot

E u lo g y ............................................................................... Rev. V irgil Lyncb

Selection ..................................................................... "IAmTHINEOli Lord"


Interment ..

.Mt. O liv e Memorial Gardens




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Mario Rokerson

Roderick Myers

Friends and Family


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Tkere are manij tilings in lile Tkat we cannot understand, But we must trust God sjudgment And ke guided ktj His kand. And all wko kave God s kiessing Can rest salelrj in His care For He promises sale passage On tke wings ol laitk and prayer.

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W e tkank eack ol you lor coming to celekrate Ellas komegoing service today. W e love and appreciate eack ol you and pray God s akundant klessings lor you!
-A ll ol Ella s Family
P it

Services Entrusted To

1765 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard - Augusta, Georgia 2 9 4 5 Old Tokacco Road - Hephzihah, Georgia


