Funeral services for Mr. Eulie Fair, Sunday, June 29, 1975, 4:30 p.m., Keys Grove Baptist Church, Keysville, Georgia

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven;

A time to be born, and a time to die; a

time to plant, and a. tfme to pluck up that

which is

time tot mourn, an

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and a time

A time



of war, ani"lXIL

I have seen m^SffiffifJSwMch God hath given the sons of men to be exercised in it.

He hath made every thing beautiful in His time.

Ecclesiastes III

They are not long, the days of wine and Roses, Out-of a misty dream our path emerges for awhile, Then closes within a dream.
Mr. Eulie Fair, son of the late Dea. Joe and Mrs. Ausley Thurmond Fair, was born May 14, 1919 in Edgefield County, S.C.; and dep arted this life on Sunday, June 22, 1975 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
St an early age he was converted and bap tized at Keys Grove Baptist Church, by the late Rev. Eddie Williams.
He leaves to mourn his passing, three sons, Mr. Eulie Fair Jr.; Boston, Mass.; Mr. Frank lin Fair, New York, City and Mr. Willie Fair, Augusta, Georgia; five sisters, Mrs. Hattie Williams, Mrs. Gladys Campbell, of Hephzibah, Ga.; Mrs. Ausley Jones and Mrs. Leanna Becton, Augusta, Georgia; Mrs. Margaret Burnett, New York City; one brother Mr. Johnny Fair , New York, one sister-in-l.;w, Mrs. Mtry Fair, Heph zibah, Ga.; three brothers-in-law, Dea.Moses Jackson, Augusta, Ga.; Mr. .villie u ones, Mr. Luciouo Ccmpbcll, iiephsibah, Ga.; five grand children, daughters-in-law, neices, nephews, cousins and a host of other relatives and fr iends.
After the dark there comes a dawning And heavy snow will melt away. After raindrops comes the sunlight, After night God sends the dayAfter heart break comes the stillness After tears there comes a smile! > . After sorrow there is healing, And sweet rest comes after a while!

Mr. Eulie Fair Sunday, June 29, 1975 - ^:30 P. M.
Keys Grove Baptist Church Keysville, Georgia
Processional Hymn Scripture Prayer Hymn Remarks .............. Dea. Vvillie J. Crafton
Dea. Carmie Bryant Acknowledgements And
Obituary ............. Mrs. Rubye M. Wooden Solo ................. Dea. Carmie Bryant
Eulogy ............... Rev. H. L. Harrison
Viewing Of Remains Recessional Interment ............. Church Cometery

No. 718 Spalding Publishers, Inc. Winter Havon. Flo. 33880 Lltho in U.S.A.
