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Sunnite `Tltay 17* 1937
S untet fatly ICf^ 2013
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Satanday fatly 13 2013 12:00 P M .
S olid 1Roc&Safatitt (?Aunc
rffifeluty, (feonyia,
TRev. Aunny 3. Sim t, fa. Patton
A n n a L izzie D unn affectionateCy known as "Boondie" was a d evoted wife, mother, grandm other, a n d great grandm other, Shejo in e d The SoCid'Rock Baptist Church at an earCy age a n d serv ed as afa ithfu C m em ber untiC her death,
A nna, a womanfuCCof Cife was born on M ay 17th 1937 to the Cate Louis Lampkin andLeanna JCoCmes Lampk in , She atten d ed a n d graduatedfro m BCanchardJCigh SchooC
In 1959 she wasjo in e d in 3-foCy M atrim ony to A rth u r D unn Sr, To this union six children were born. One son A nthony AVayne D unn p reced ed her in death.
She leaves to m ourn her death; one daughter, M innie Dunn, o f Augusta, (ga.,fo u r sons, Levon Dunn, o f JCephzibah, Qa, A rth u r D unn o f Augusta, (ga., (jCeen(Janean)Dunn o f JCephzibah, (ga., a n d X enneth D unn o f AppCing, Qa,
A very devotedgranddaughter; Lasunya Dunn Three very devoted sisters; L izzie Leverett o f AppCing, (g a ,, Rosa Benning o f JCephzibah (ga., andLtheCCoCvin o f Augusta, (ga, fo u r brothers, James Lamkin, Tierce(Daisy)Lam pkin, Robert(Sandra)Lampkin aCCof Augusta, Oja,, a n d JCenry Louis Lam pkin o f ThiCadeCphia BA, Joseph Lampkin p reced ed her in death. Sister in Caws; M am ie (garnett an dR u nn ette D unn o f AppCing, Oja., a n d Tv a StriggCes o f Cjrovetown, (ga,, Brother in Caws 3-Carry D unn o f Augusta (jo., a n d CharCie D unn o f Cjrovetown, Oja. D aughter in Caw BtheCDunn o f Augusta, Qa a n d a host o f o fgrandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins a n d fr ie n d s.
Order o f Service
ProcessionalM usic)............"Bruce Lampkin Jr.
Scripture OCdTestament....... "Rev. "Robert DonaCdson
23rd PsaCm N ew "Testament................ "Dr. Robert Qarnett
John 14:1-6 Prayer
SRRC Choir
"Expressions o f Love JAs a D eacon............Dea. AYaCker R. M arsh a d JAs a Church M em ber..........Sis Eva M arshad
JAcknowCedgements ........ Sis. ShirCey D unn
Obituary...................................... R ea d SiCentCy
SeCection............................................SRRC Choir
EuCogy........................... "Rev. Larry R. Sims, Jr.
Interm ent
Church Cemetary
'MticAaet Aeowiett
I f roses grow in Heaven
I f roses grow in Heaven, L o r d please pick a Hunchf o r us, rCace them in our M other's arms
a n d teCCher they're fr o m us. J e d her we Cove her a n d miss her,
a n d when she turns to smiCe, pCace a kiss upon her cheek
a n d hoCd herf o r awhile. 'Because remembering her is easy,
W e do it every day, hut there's an ache within our hearts
that wiCCnever go away. f r o m your children
***(Zcknowledgenients* * * With gratitude hearts ute offer thanks to all who help 3fume in awe time of sorrow. We express awe sincere appreciation to each of yea for your compassion, prayers, and all acts of kindness during this difficult time.
Jrom the Jamily of Sh. (Inna Dunn
3 he family would also like to send a special thank you to the Staff and faculty of the Jhomson Dialysis Center ct Sis. Drenda Mims for the special care you provided in taking care of our mother during her illness.
Jdo Hepast