Celebrating the life of Mary Frances Duke, March 3, 1931-February 1, 2010, Saturday, February 6, 2010, 3:00 p.m., Old Storm Branch Baptist Church, Clearwater, South Carolina, Reverend Nathaniel Irvin, Sr., pastor

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Saturday, February 6,2010 3 :0 0 P.M.
Qfytd/ (ftow i/ (^ u m c A (^ a fztist/ OfyhwicA C learw ater, Soutli C arolina R e v e re n d N a tlia n ie l Irvin, Sr. " Pastor -

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MARYFRANCES JONES DUKES,was bom M arcli3,1931 to
tlie la te Ja m e s Jo n es an d C la r a Trotty Jon es in A ik e n County, Soutli Carolina. Slie departed tliis life February 1,2010.
Mrs. D ukes w as a m em ber ol tlie old Storm B rancli B ap tist Church and tlie Tlianklul Baptist CburcL, wliere slie was Director ol tlie Senior Citizens Group.
Slie was a retired Educator alter thirty-seven years ol service lor Richmond County Board ol Education. She taught Physical Education and H ealth at Lucy C. Laney H igh School, Sego Junior High and the A cadem y ol Richmond High School. She served as Y Team Director at several schools lor many years.
Survivors are: one son, B rent D ukes ol A tlan ta, G eorgia; grandson, Hunter Dukes; daughter-in-law , Edna Jimenez;
godsons, D errick L a rk e an d A rthur W illiam s III; d ea r friend,
Faye W. W illiam s; a host ol other relatives and friends.

P ray e r.............................................. ........................................... Minister
Scriptures ................................................................................... Minister Old & New Testaments
M usical Selection ......................... ........Norma Fryer, Edith Larke, and Gwendolyn Lamkack
Reflections...................................... .........................Dr. Yvonne Shaw
Poem and A cknow ledgem ent............ ...... Vivian Thompson Sylvester
M usical Selection ......................... ........Norma Fryer, Edith Larke, and Gwendolyn Lamkack
Eulogy ............................................. .. Reverend N athaniel Irvin, Sr.
Interm ent........................................ ..............W alk er Memorial Park
... Repast... Thankful Baptist Church
3 0 2 W alker Street Augusta, Georgia


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D eacons and Trustees of Tkankful B ap tist C kurck D errick L arke Jasp er Nixon Sam uel Nixon


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Rickm ond County R etired Educators

(Sj^toum/, r Jatm Q^auesiecL Q$aA
There's a rare, strong strand of beauty in the soul of ladies of color who grace us with the shade of their amazing life as they before us branch and spread like a brown, satin covered oak rustling silky-looking Leaves and fertilizing rocky grounds in the best parts of God's little acres here on earth, and this poem is a tribute to such a lady.
Countless mornings in your rise I have witnessed the role begin to model before my eyes, unfurling feelings and silhouetting the reasons for the reach. I see you as you outline the sky, detailing definitions for each who has yet to meet the mornings you have photosynthesized and repeatedly mass produced the true colors of love in so many different sets of eyes.
Although in stature to some, you may seem small. . . TEACHER, LEADER, MOTHER
within the hearts of many you are a figure firmly planted, dominating hills and standing tall. In my mind I've framed a picture of your courage, landscape it with your inner strength, and thanked my God for all your years of living knowing how you must have had to bend and sway to stand throughout the tests of time bearing wind, rain, and the scars of winter's ice to perennially claim your spring and give back refreshed again the essence of this life.
So I pledge allegiance to your perseverance, and I say "no wind" will ever overturn . . . you "will not" yield uprooted by the floods or fall because MY BROWN, SATIN COVERED OAK you are so deeply planted within the best of growth and love within us all. ~ Robert Barnwell

Please know tkat your prayers, words ol comfort, and otker w onderful acts of kindness kave sustained us tkrougk tkis most difficult time. Tkank you for your friendskip, your love and most of all, being tkere w ken w e needed you. ~ T k e Fam ily
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1765 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard - Augusta, Georgia 2 9 4 5 O ld Tobacco Road - Hephzihah, Georgia

