The celebration of life for Ret. S. F. C. Arthur Charles Dudley" A. C.," "sunrise" (alpha) 1922, "sunset" (omega) 2005, Friday, March 11, 2005, 1:00 p.m., Old Storm Branch Baptist Church, 163 Storm Branch Road, North Augusta, South Carolina, Reverend Nathaniel Irvin, pastor, Reverend Robert Williams, officiating, Servants of God Baptist Church, pastor, Augusta, Georgia

"O World, I Now M ust Leave Thee"
O world, I now must leave thee, But little doth it grieve me, I seek my native land; True life I there inherit, And here I yield my spirit
With joy to God's all-gracious hand. So on His Word relying, I know while I am dying I seen shall see His face
Through Christ whose death hath bought me, The Father's love He brought me, And now prepares for me a place. The grave hath lost its terrors Since for my sins and errors My Saviour doth atone: My works can nought avail me, But His work cannot fail me, I rest in faith on Him alone. My service cannot merit That I should e'er inherit Eternal life with Christ: But He hath freely given A share with Him in heaven O f that fair heritage unpriced. And so I hence am going In peace, full surely knowing With Him is perfect rest; I feel Death's icy finger, My soul here cannot linger, Now would I stay--to go is best. O world, I yet would teach thee That Death will surely reach thee, That thou must follow me; Then while thy days are lengthen'd Pray that thy faith be strengthen'd That God have mercy too on thee!

Cl)e ^Participant# for tl Celebration
The Bearers o f the Casket
The United States Army Ceremonial Detail Fort Gordon, Georgia
The Honorary Bearers o f the Casket
Sergeant Harold T. Adkinson, Chapter #255 Korean War Veterans Association Jaguar Club Georgia Tenth District Missionary Mens Pinochle Club
Willing Workers Missionary Ministry
The Bearers o f the Florals
The Ushers5Ministries of Old Storm Branch and Servants of God Baptist Churches
"A Tribute To My Husband"
Today's a day for celebrating a man of Strength, a man of Pride, a man of Courage,
a man of Wisdom and Ideals, a man of Faith
a man of Honor... Today's a day for celebrating my Husband
all that he was, all that he meant, and all that he has done
for his family I love you Honey - "Your Pride and Joy."
Wi)t xpre##ion of (gratitube
The family of the late Ret. SFC Arthur Charles Dudley extends sincere and immense appreciation to all of the citizenry for any acts of kindness shared during this sorrowful time. Mere words are simply inadequate to articulate the
depth of the Family's degree of "Thank You."
W H. Mays M ortuary
aProfessional Service A F am ily T radition Since 1 9 2 2 "
1221 James Brown Boulevard Augusta, Georgia (706) 722-6401
McGowen Printing Company

C l )tCelebration of lif e for
&et. > & . Urtljur Cljarle# JBublep
& JSratoe ibolbier

"Sunrise" (Alpha)
1 9 2

"Sunset" (Omega)
0 5

Korean Wnt J|ero"
Friday, March 11, 2005 1:00 P.M.
Old Storm Branch Baptist Church
163 Storm Branch Road N orth Augusta, South Carolina
Reverend Nathaniel Irvin, Pastor Reverend Robert Williams, Officiating Servants o f God Baptist Church, Pastor
Augusta, Georgia

Hilt of J>Jf.C. Urtljur Charles: Bu&lep "3LC."
A rthur "A .C " was the son of the late Acy Dudley and the late Lilia Williams Dudley Russ. He entered this life on January 2, 1922, in Panama City, Florida (Milville). He was the only child.
At the age of four, he was sent to live with his loving and devoted Christian maternal grandmother, Abby Lee Williams, whom he dearly loved and cherished. "A.C." as he was affectionately called, was loved and cherished by his grandmother. A.C. was literally reared with his uncles, and being close in age with his youngest uncle, Anderson, he grew up as a brother to all of them. His mother was the first born of Abby Lee, and A.C. was the first grandchild for eight years. A.C. remained with his grandmother until the age of seventeen. He decided to go back to Panama City, where he remained until he was called for duty during WWII.
He not only served in WWII, but also the Korean War, where he was awarded The Distinguished Service Cross (second highest honor in the nation), among many others. He was honored as a Korean War hero. A plaque is placed on the Heroes Overlook (Augusta Riverwalk) in honor of his bravery during the Korean War Conflict. He was honored on December 6, 2004 at the dedication of the Korean War Monument where his name is placed on the monument at Fourth and Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. Above all of his accolades the most important is: He was a child of God and prayed asking God for guidance and to help him to treat everybody right.
He has crossed many rivers across the United States, Germany, Japan and Korea. Thanks be to God, on Friday morning, March 4, 2005, during the early morning hours, he accepted the ultimate challenge and crossed over from this life into Life Eternal!!!

Religious Church Affiliations: He was one of the founders of Servants of God Baptist Church where he remained and attended faithfully even after his health failed. He would still attend, being brought in his wheelchair. He loved the Lord and his Church family. His favorite song was " The Lord Is Blessing Me."
Organizations: Disabled Veterans Association, Veterans of Foreign War, American Legion Jack C. Fortune Post No. 205, Georgia Sheriff's Association, National Association of Uniformed Services (NAUS), Sergeant Harold F. Adkison Chapter #255 Korean War Veterans Association, Bath, South Carolina, and The Jaguar Club.
He leaves to cherish his precious memory: a loving wife, Christine S. Dudley of the home; five biological children, Gwendelon (Darhyl, more like a son) Butler, Augusta, Georgia, Yvonne Wright, Vallejo, California, Shelia (Reverend Benjamin) Sinkfield, Pensacola, Florida, Charlie Edward Dudley, Temple, Texas, Mary Ann Williams, Lakeland, Florida; extended children, Regina (Sylvester) McBride, Augusta, Georgia, Nathaniel (Ann) Price, Columbia, South Carolina, Robbiestine Edwards, Spring Lake, North Carolina, Luther Daniel Davis, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Perry B. (Charlene) Davis, North Augusta, South Carolina, Annette McEwen, Flint, Michigan, Crystal Michelle Frazier, Tampa, Florida, Sergeant Horace L. Abney, Ft. Hood, Texas, Master Sergeant (Ret.) Nathaniel (Annette) Brown, Grovetown, Georgia; one uncle, Anderson Williams, Dothan, Alabama; a host of grandchildren, great grandchildren; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, John S. (Hattie) Thomas, Jr., Kenneth (Marisol) Screen, Blythe, Georgia, Carolyn (Walter) Holmes, Clearwater, South Carolina, Minister Alfreda (Reverend Cornell) Harris, North Augusta, South Carolina, and Catherine (Nathaniel) James, Detroit, Michigan; and a host of cousins and friends.
UI fought a good fight, I kept the faith!"

rber of berime
Reverend Dr. Nathaniel Irvin, Sr., Presiding
T h e P r e lu d e ............................................. .................... T h e M in iste r o f M u sic T h e P r o c e s s io n a l................................... ............................... " N e a r th e C r o ss "
T h e C o n g re g a tio n a l H y m n ............. " P ass M e N o t , O G en tle S a v io r "
T h e H o ly S c rip tu re .............................. ................ R ev e re n d R e g in a ld Jo n e s
T h e P rayer o f C o m f o r t ...................... R everen d D r. N a th a n ie l Irvin , Sr.
T h e Selectio n o f T r iu m p h ................ ............... " T he L o rd is B lessin g M e" O ld Storm Branch & Servants o f G od Choirs
T h e R e fle c tio n s ..................................... ..................................... (B riefly, please) Reverend Jasp er G reen /C SM Sam uel E. Jenkins R ep re se n tativ e , H a r o ld F. A tk in so n C h ap ter
The Life o f S F C (Ret) Arthur Charles D udley an d T h e A c k n o w le d g e m e n ts.......... .................................. M rs. L o is H a y es
T h e S o l o .................................................. .........................M s. E lo ise D e L e g a r d
T h e W ords o f C o m f o r t .................... ..................R e v e re n d S te v en B o h ler
T h e E u lo g y ............................................. ............ R ev e re n d R o b e r t W illiam s
T h e R e c e ssio n a l................................... .............." We Sh a ll W ear A C ro w n "
(Instrum ental)
T h e E n t o m b m e n t ............................... ............... S u n se t M e m o r ia l G ard en s
The Repast and Fellow ship O ld Storm Branch Fam ily Life Center
