Celebrating the life and homegoing for Mr. Cohens Curry, Monday, October 9, 2006, 11:00 a.m., Beulah Grove Baptist Church, 1434 Poplar Street, Augusta, Ga. 30901, Dr. Sam Davis, pastor

Celebrating the Life and Homegoing
fo r
Mr. Cohens Curry
Monday, October 9 , 2 0 0 6 11:00 A.M.
Beulah Grove Baptist Church
1434 Poplar S tre e t Augu&ta, <3A 30901
tS a m U^avrts, ^Pastox

Mr. Cohens Curry of 1950 Olive Pd., Augusta, Ga.,
formally of Jefferson County, departed th is life on Tuesday, October 4, 2 0 0 6 a t University Hospital.
Mr. Curry was a member of Beulah Grove B a p tist Church.
He leaves to mourn his memory, his wife, Willie Mae Cooper-Curry, Augusta, Ga.; one daughter; Caro\yY\ Curry-Wheat (Cleveland) of Beston, Virginia; one step-son, Jerry Cooper, Augusta, Ga.; two aunts, Lola Rhoden, Philadelphia, Pa., and Lorrine Terrell, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; one brother-in-law, Columbus Felder, and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends.
Th e interment
It's hard to understand Why these things have to be Our sad heart seeks the answer But it 's not fo r us to see.
We can only tr u s t in God And we know th a t in some way
It is p a rt of His great plan

Met otWorship


Selection ........................................................... Deulah Grove Choir

S c rip tu re ....................................................... Rev. Carl W. Simmons Old and New Testament

Prayer .....................

....................... M in is te r

Solo .........................

. Rev. Timothy Gilmore

O bituary...................

............. Read Silently

Reflections ............. As A Friend . As A Neighbor

. (Three Minutes Limit) . . . . Rev. Carl Simmons

Acknowledgements .. Selection ................. Eulogy....................... Recessional

Mrs. Constance Parker .. . Seulah Grove Choir ........... Dr. Sam Davis


Mt. Olive Memorial Gardens

Joseph Mckie Arnold Whitfield Willie Jam es Mayes

Marvin Kelly

Robert Benefield Timothy Roberson
Cliff Hart

Me look fjou Home
<Sod s a w yo u getting tire d Yout* b eautiful w o rk he a d m ire d
\?o u la b o re d w ith a sm ile S o w e krvow y o u w e r e Ca o J ' s c h ild T/ou g a v e us y o u r love fro m a h e a rt of g o ld O k k o w w e trie d , b u t it re m a in s unto ld How e a g e r w e w e re to re tu rn y o u r lo ve Y \n d p ra y e d that (So d w ould b le ss yo u from above, Y e s w e sk a ll m oum ; but only for a w k ile T h e n , re n ew o u r stre n g th a n d re d e d ic a te o u r lives,
S o ftly a n d g en tly H e c a lle d W e k n o w y o u w a n t e d to s a y ,/ "( S o o d b y e to a l l 7/
B u t q u ick ly ke took yo u kom e on k ig k T o b e w ith h im in the. s k y .
Your Goddaughter, Brenda
The family of Mr. Cohens Curry wishes to express sincere gratitude to everyone for their phone calls, flowers, food, and other a c ts of kindness during their time of bereavement.
