Nelsons' Baldwin's Athens Georgia city directory [1954]



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City Directory


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ABCD No. 6








Issued with a special supplement edition for presentation to a selected group of private homes, Chambers of Commerce, Boards of Trade, Merchants' Associations, Selling Agents, Buyers, Government Officials and Newspapers throughout the
United States.

This directory remains the property of the Nelsons' Baldwin Directory Company, Inc., and is leased to subscriber for a period of two years or until the next edition of the directory is published. This directory is leased for use of only one subscriber, unless different arrangements are made with publisher. Directory must be returned to publisher at the expiration of the lease.

Compiled and Published By
Nelsons7 Baldwin Directory Company, Inc.

Nelsons' Baldwin Directory Company, Inc., publishers of this city directory and the world's largest independent publishers of city directories, is in no way connected with any national association or directory "trust." Its policies are laid down with a view to serving the individual directory subscriber and the general public. It is a progressive company, constantly on the alert to improve its service.
The ABCD type of city directory was originated by Nelsons' Baldwin Directory Company, Inc. While many publishers have been content to rest on their laurels, issuing the same type of directory used 30 years ago, the Nelsons' organization has led the way to the production of a modern city directory to meet modern selling and credit conditions.
Newspapers, chambers of commerce, merchants associations and individual business concerns are invited to write for particulars concerning this type of directory service. In the future, as in the past, Nelsons' Baldwin directories will stand for the highest ideals in public service.
ATHENS, GA. 34,272
population secured by an actual count of persons residing in territory covered by a House-to-House Canvass under Nelsons' Modern ABCD plan.


Adams Transfer & Storage Co.--See Back Supplement Cover and Margin Lines.
Dick Allais'--See Buyers Guide and Margin Lines. W. N. Alien & Son--See Special Section. Anderson Auto Parts Co., Inc. Anderson Plumbing & Heating Co.--See Back Supple
ment Cover and Buyers Guide. Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp.--See Special Section. Armstrong & Dobbs, Inc.--See Front Supplement Cover,
Buyers Guide and Margin Lines. Arrow Loan & Insurance Co. Athens Auto Supply Co.--See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. Athens Awning & Mattress Co.--See Buyers Guide and
Margin Lines. The Athens Banner-Herald--See Buyers Guide. Athens Building & Well Supply--See Buyers Guide and
Margin lines. Athens Chamber of Commerce--See Buyers Guide. The Athens Coca-Cola Bottling Co.--See Buyers Guide. Athens Cooperative Creamery, Inc.--See Special Section. Athens Federal Savings & Loon Assn. -- See Buyers
Guide. Athens General Hospital. Athens Glass & Mirror Co.--See Margin Lines. The Athens Hardware Co.--See Buyers Guide and Spe
cial Margin Lines. Athens Insurance Agency--See Buyers Guide and Mar
gin Lines. Athens Lumber Co., Inc.--See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. Athens Motel--See Special Section. Athens Plumbing ft Heating Co.--See Buyers Guide and
Margin Lines Athens Refrigeration ft Appliance Co., Inc.--See Buy
ers Guide and Margin lines. Athens Regional Library. Athens Tire & Auto Supply Co.--See Buyers Guide.
Athens Truck ft Tractor Co., Inc.--See Buyers Guide. Athens Woodwork ft Upholstery Shop-See Special Sec-
tion. Atlanta Gas Light Co. L. H. Bailey & Sons--See Buyers Guide, Special Margin
Lines, Back Supplement Cover and Stencil. Bash am Welding & Machine Co., Inc. -- See Buyer*
Guide. The Beacham Co.--See Buyers Guide and Margin line*. W. D. Beacham Realty Co. Bedgood Lumber & Coal Co.--See Buyers Guide and
Supplement Tag. Bell's Food Markets--See Buyers Guide. Bernstein Funeral Home, Inc.--See Inside Front Cover. Berryman's Service Station. Bissell ft de Lay--See Buyers Guide and Margin Lines. Black & White Cab Co. B. Richard Bloodworth, Jr., Dist. Agent -- See Buyers
Guide and Margin Lines. Boland Bonded Pest Control Co.--See Buyers Guide and
Special Margin Lines. Bradberry Realty Co.--See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. Bridges Funeral Home, Inc. -- See Front Supplement
Cover, Buyers Guide and Margin lines. J. F. Bridges, Plumbing & Heating--See Buyers Guide
and Margin Lines. Bush Jewelers--See Margin Lines. Butler Furniture Co.--See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. W. A. Capps Co.--See Buyers Guide. Carter's Building Supply Co.--See Buyers Guide and
Margin lines. Central Finance Service--See Special Section. Christian Hardware Co.--See Buyers Guide. Citizens Pharmacy. Citizens & Southern National Bank--See Buyers Guide. City of Athens--See Buyers Guide. City Motors, Inc.--See Buyers Guide and Margin Lines. Clarke County. Classic City Bottling Co.--See Margin Lines. Classic City Wine & Beverage Co.--See Buyers Guide
and Special Margin lines. Coastal Service, Inc.--See Special Section.
Carlisle Cobb, Lawyer.
Colonial Hotel--See Special Section.

Colonial Poultry Co., Inc.--See Buyers Guide. Community Loan & Investment Corp.--See Buyers Guide. Consolidated Credit Corp. Consolidated Gas Co.--See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. Costa's Service Station--See Special Section. Crawford Coal & Mattress Works--See Back Supplement
Cover and Buyers Guide. Credit Bureau of Athens. Crow's Drug Store, Inc.--See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. Ernest C. Crymes Co. Davison's of Athens -- See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. Deluxe Top Works--See Special Section. Dillard Coal Co.--See Front Supplement Cover and
Buyers Guide. Dorsey Heating & Air Conditioning--See Buyers Guide
and Margin lines. Durham, Custom Tailors--See Special Section. Economy Auto Stores, Inc. Edwards Prescription Laboratory--See Buyers Guide. John Eppes Electric Co.--See Buyers Guide. H. O. Epting & Co. -- See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. Erwin-Nix-Birchmore & Epting, Lawyers. Evergreen Landscape Service--See Special Section. Evergreen Memorial Park, Inc. Farmers Hardware of Athens, Inc.--See Buyers Guide. Dick Ferguson's Clothing Store--See Buyers Guide and
Margin Lines. Field Enterprises, Inc.--See Special Section. First Baptist Church. A. O. Flanagan, Jr., Disrbr. Sinclair Products--See Buy*
ers Guide and Margin Lines. Fulcher Electric Service--See Buyers Guide and Special
Margin Lines. General Finance ft Loan Co.--See Buyers Guide. Georgia Motors, Inc.--See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. Georgia Power Co--See Inside Front Supplement Cover. Georgia Theatre Co.--See Buyers Guide. Georgian loan ft Investment Corp.--See Buyers Guide. Georgian Hotel--See Buyers Guide and Margin lines. H. H. (Bill) Giles, Insurance--See Inside Back Cover and
Margin Lines.
Ginn's Garage--See Buyer* Guide and Special Margin Lines.
John L. Green, Lawyer. The Hanna Manufacturing Co. Hoyt Hanson, Genl. Contractor--See Buyer* Guide and
Margin Lines. Vane G. Hawkins, Atty. Hill-Smith Furniture Co.--See Buyers Guide and Special
Margin Lines. Hodgkinson's -- See Buyers Guide and Special Margin
Lines. Horton-Reid Drug Store--See Buyers Guide and Margin
Lines. Hotel Holman--See Buyers Guide and Special Margin
Lines. Hubert State Bank--See Buyer* Guide and Special Mar
gin Lines. Henry T. Huff, Sheriff. Hutchins, Cox & Stroud, Inc.--See Front Supplement
Cover and Buyers Guide. Improved Order of Samaritans--See Buyers Guide. Industrial Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co., Inc.--See Spe
cial Section. J. Swanton Ivy, Inc.--See Margin Lines. Jefferson Standard Life Ins. Co. The Jester Insurance Agency -- See Back Supplement
Cover, Buyers Guide and Margin Lines. Dr. W. C. Kitchens, M. D. Lay Bros.--Distributor Shell Products. L. M. Leathers' Sons--See Back Supplement Cover, Buy
ers Guide and Margin Lines. Lamar lewis Co.
Liberty Dry Cleaners--See Special Section,
life Ins. Co. of Georgia.
Local Finance Co.--See Buyers Guide.
Mack ft Payne Funeral Home--See Buyers Guide and Margin Lines.


P. W. Martin Insurance Agency-See Buyers Guide and Margin Lines.
Maynard Sheet Metal Works-See Buyers Guide and Margin lines.
McDorman Funeral Home, Inc.-See Margin lines.
W. F. McElreath Beverages-See Buyers Guide. The McGregor Co. - See Front Supplement Cover and
Buyers Guide Milner, Stephens & Bently.
Mitchell's Shoes, Inc. See Buyers Guide and Margin lines
Moon-Winn Drug Co. - See Buyers Guide and Margin li nes
M. P. Morris Ready-Mixed Concrete-See Special Margin Lines
The Music Shop-See Buyers Guide. The Mutual Benefit life Ins. Co.-See Buyers Guide and
Margin Lines The National Bank of Athens-See Buyers Guide and
Margin Lines. Normal Hardware Co.-See Buyers Guide and Margin
lines. Norris Hardware Co Inc
H. A. Parson, Contractor-See Special Section. J. C. Penney Co., Inc.-See Margin lines.
Peoples Bonding Co., Inc.-See Buyers Guide. Peoples Loan Co See Buyers Guide
Persian Rug Cleaning Co.-See Special Section and Special Margin Lines.
Grady C. Pirfard, Lawyers. Porter Business College, Inc.-See Buyers Guide and
Margin Lines. R. E. Poss & Son-See Special Section and Special Mar-
gin Lines Tony Postero Insulation Co.-See Special Section. B. C. Praither Coal Co.-See Buyers Guide and Margin
lines Premium Distributing Co., Inc.-See Buyers Guide and
Margin lines.
L B Price Mercantile Co Price Provision Co., Inc.' Prince Ave. Baptist Church. lester N. Quattlebaum.
Radio Athens, Inc.-See Front Supplement Cover and Margin lines.
Red & Black Dry Cleaners-See Special Section.
Dr. W Marion Reed Dentist
Retail Credit Co. Major B. Rice, Insurance-See Special Section.
The W. B. Rice Petroleum Co., Inc.-See Back Supplement Cover and Buyers Guide.
Roberts Electric & Appliance Co.-See Buyers Guide and Margin Lines.
Rosenthal's Shoes See Margin Lines. St. Joseph's Catholic Church-See Buyers Guide.
St. Mary's Hospital of Athens, Ga.-See Buyers Guide.
Savannah Theatres Co. See Buyers Guide.

D. D. Saye, Genl. Contractor-See Buyers Guide and
Margin Lines. Saye Sheet Metal Works-See Back Supplement Cover,
Buyers Guide and Margin lines. Service Finance Co.-See Buyers Guide and Special Mar-

gin lines. Shamrock Portraits-See Buyers Guide, Special Section
an Margin Lines.
Shockley Realty Co. - See Buyers Guide and Special

Line. Social Security Administration.
Silvey Motor Co., Inc.-See Front Supplement Cover,
Buyers Guide and Margin Lines.
Sims Machine Shop-See Special Section. Smith-Boley-Brown, Inc. See Back Supplement Cover,
Buyers Guide and Margin lines.
Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co. Southern Mutual Insurance Co. Standard Home Heating Co -See Special Section Standard Oil Co. of Kentucky, Inc. Stanley Lumber Co., Inc.-See Buyers Guide. Sterchi Bros. Stores, Inc. Tanner Lumber Co. See Back Bone and Buyers Guide.

JJf-, Gerald M. Thomas. Walt" * Thomas, Inc.-See Front Supplement Cover

nd Margin lines.

- ., , .

Thomas Transfer Co., Inc. See Special Section and

_. Classified Card. Thornton Bros. Paper Co. See Buyers Guide and Mar-

9 in lines. Thurmon Furniture Co., Inc.-See Buyers Guide and

, L Sp $f.l,al Ma 'ain >' ne! -

Tn Tillman Co.-See Front Supplement Cover, Buyers

Guide and Special Margin Lines.

Tony's Restaurant-See Buyers Guide.

c - A - Tnissell Motor Co., Inc.-See Buyers Guide and

Margin lines.

T,w.itfv * cJlS nVber* Jeel'y Co.-See Buyers Guide.

Universal CIT Credit Corp

University Chevrolet Co., Inc. See Buyers Guide and

.. Margin Lines.

University of Georgia library,

vLon cleve s Flowers-See Buyers Guide.

The Varsity-See Margin lines.

Vera's Drive-ln Restaurant See Special Section.

Watson's Drugs-See Special Section.

Jonn Q- West, Inc.

See Buyers Guide and Margin

,., lines - ... Western Union Telegraph Co. Whitmire Furniture Co.-See Buyers Guide. White & Wier See Front Stencil and Buyers Guide. W!er Coal Co.-See Buyers Guide and Margin Lines. Wiley Transfer Co. See Special Section and Classified

... Card \. ... . ~ W - Walker Word, Genl. Agent.

Yellow Cabs. Y. M. C. A.

All people sixteen years or over are listed.
Wives are listed with husbands, the wife being shown in parenthesis as follows: Smith Robt R (Mary L).
The number of children under sixteen years is shown after the wife's name as follows: Smith Robt R (Mary L) 3.
The both in the resident directory and the householders' directory designates ownership of the home.
In case of a natural widow this fact is shown with the name of the deceased husband in parenthesis, whenever possible, as follows: Smith Mary L (wid Robt R).
The occupation and place of employment are shown as follows: Smith Robert R (Mary L) elk Hub Clothing Co.
The residence of each person is shown "h" denoting a householder or head of the family, "r" denoting people in the home.
Married women, engaged in some other occupation than housekeeping, are listed individually in addition to their regular listing with their husbands, as follows: Smith Mary (Mrs Robt R) bkpr Henry Jones & Co r 210 Main.
Names in heavy type denote patrons of the directory and are usually the leading firms in each line of business.
Colored is shown by a . The publishers are very careful in using this, but do not assume any responsibility in case of error.
This directory contains all the regular departments of the modern city directory and many features used by no other publisher in the United States.
A numerical telephone directory will be found in the back of the directory listing each telephone according to number.
The classified business directory lists each firm according to line of business.
The numerical street directory lists each street alphabetically and each house according to number, with the street intersections as they appear. After each householder's name will be found his telephone number. In case he has no telephone the nearest telephone may be found. The denotes householders who own the house in which they live. By using the street guide as a mailing list, a thorough coverage of the city will be obtained without any duplication of names.
The buyers' guide carries the printed messages of the city's leading business and professional firms arranged alphabetically according to classifications.
This directory shows the approximate population and environs at the present time.

Nelsons' Baldwin Directory Company, Inc., publishers of your city directory, takes pleasure in presenting the 1953 edition to the general public. A large force of trained enumerators and solicitors worked diligently in the preparation of this volume and we are confident that the result is an authentic and useful city directory.
We have faith in the continued growth of your city and we believe that our directory will take its place as one of the vital instruments for the advancement of your community. Subsequent editions will be issued promptly and regularly.
This volume is an example of the ABCD type of city directory as originated and developed by the Nelsons' Baldwin Directory Company, Inc. In the modern business world with its greatly changed sales and credit systems, the old type of directory has become completely obsolete. In adapting the directory to modern conditions the Nelsons' organization Is the pioneer. The excellent city directory which your city now has is the result of the progressive spirit of this company and its accurate interpretation of modern business requirements.
The principal parts of Nelsons' Baldwin Directory are as follows:
1. The Buyers' Guide and Civic Section is made up of the advertisements of the leading business firms of the city, announcements of churches, clubs, lodges, associations and schools, and professional cards of public-spirited lawyers, physicians and dentists. The display spaces have been carefully grouped and indexed under headings which are descriptive of the business engaged in by each firm. The Buyers' Guide, when properly arranged and distributed, is of tremendous vaiue in the building of business in the community.
2. The Resident Directory contains most of the data concerning the individual. The wife's name is given in parenthesis, and the number of dependents under 16 is shown as well as the ownership of homes. This is followed bv position, place of employment and home address.
3. The Householders' Directory contains a complete directory of streets and avenues, properly located, gives the names of all householders arranged as they come upon the streets and avenues, indicates ownership of property.
4. The Business Directory and List of Nationally Advertised Brands contains the names of all business firms, professional people and non-profit organizations, properly classified. In this division are also listed the names of nationally advertised brands of merchandise, with the name of the local agents or distributors.

5. The Numerical Telephone Directory contains telephone numbers arranged in numerical sequence.
SPECIAL ABCD FEATURES The following valuable information which appears in the ABCD type of directory is not to be found in the old-style city directory:
Number of dependents under sixteen;
Designation of home ownership;
Nationally Advertised Brands;
Numerical Telephone Directory;
Telephone Numbers on Street Guide.
in addition to these valuable features, the ABCD type of directory is more conservatively styled, printed on better paper and more beautifully bound, arranged for more convenient use and contains a much more complete civic section. Directory stands are maintained in the business district for the use of the general public.
THE HOUSEHOLDERS' SUPPLEMENT After including every conceivable feature which would tend to make the directory as useful and attractive as possible, the originators of the ABCD type of directory made one more bold stroke they established a guaranteed HOME circulation for advertising matter by issuing the Householders' Supplement and delivering it to the homes of the community. Every advertisement which appears in a Nelsons' Baldwin Directory also appears in the Householders' Supplement, making the Nelsons' Baldwin Directory "America's greatest dollar-for-dollar advertising medium todav."

A ____ ___ _ _________ _________ 987 B ___________ _______________ 3,580 C __ ______ _________________ 2,610 D ______.___________________- 1,599 E ___________________________ 888 F ____________ ___. __________ 1,145 G ___________________________ 1.454 H ____________________ .______ 2,892 I ____________________________ 78 J _________..__________ .. ______ 1,659 K ____.._________ ___. _________ 598 L ___________________________ 1,066 Me ___ ___________ ._________ 628 M ____..______________________ 2,128 N ____ .. ______________________ 517 O __________________________ 298 P ___________________________ 1,785 Q _ ____________ _____________ 15 R _______________________..__ 1,123 S ___________________________ 3,838 T _________________ _________ 1,618 U ______________ __ _____ ___ 39 V _________________. _________ 164 W _____________._____________ 3,358 X ___________________.______ 5 Y .__________________________ 168 Z .. ______________________ 32
TOTAL _ __________________ 34,272

niiiki; i in vii GEORGIA
Athens, the principal city in Northeast Georgia, was founded in 1801. The city's population in 1954 exceeds 34,000, with an additional year-round student body at the University of Georgia of approximately 6,000. Clarke County (Georgia's smallest county in area, of which Athens is the county seat) has an estimated 1954 poulation of 40,000, with 75 percent white and more than 99 percent American born. Athens is located among gently rolling hills, on the banks of the Oconee River, seventy miles east of Atlanta.
Originally Athens was almost entirely dependent on the University of Georgia, the oldest state university in America, but through combined agricultural, commercial, industrial and educational leadership it has developed into a city of thriving and steadily increasing importance not only as a center of education, but of manufacturing, marketing, wholesale distribution, retail trade and processing, with agricultural production showing annual increases from fertile soil and the constant application of improved methods and mechanization in farming.
Today Athens has more than a hundred manufacturing and processing plants, but even prior to the Civil War the city's industrial importance was recognized. Early settlers quickly made use of available water power and by 1830 the textile industry had been started, followed soon thereafter by factories making wagons, carriages, harness, saddles, furniture, boots, shoes, guns, pistols, wool-carding machines, farm machinery, tin ware and iron castings. There were also tanneries, watch and clock factories and fabricators of jewelry. Some of these industrial units, most of them necessarily small, were forced out of business during and immediately following the Civil War, but others have been established to take their places and the number of persons employed in Clarke County industries has increased steadily year by year as old plants grew or new industries began operations.
Progress, however, has destroyed none of the picturesque beauty and charm of points of historic interest. Antebellum show places still mingle and blend with newer architectural designs and much of the flavor and atmosphere of the Old South still exists even in this thriving, modern city, rich in culture, steeped in tradition, revering its heritage, yet progressive in the outlook and leadership of its friendly people who constantly seek further growth and expansion.
ACCESSIBILITY: Athens is served by one airline, five railroads, seven bus lines, fourteen motor freight lines, four Federal highways and six state highways, all paved. It is on the trunk line of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad between Birmingham and Atlanta and Washington, Boston, Philadelphia and New York, with overnight service to the principal markets of the East. It is also a

terminal of the Central of Georgia, operating from Macon. The Southern Railway's main line extension comes from Lula, Georgia, and the Athens division of the Georgia Railroad and the Gainesville Midland Railroad have terminals. Athens has sixty-eight regular bus schedules, twelve passenger trains daily and nineteen freights. It is on Federal Highways 29, 78, 129 and 441 and is easily accessible for passengers, express and freight in all directions.
AGRICULTURE: Cotton, corn, potatoes, small grains, poultry, trucking, livestock and dairy production are Clarke County's principal agricultural products. Most products, except those grown in tropical climates, can be grown in the Athens area, with its average growing season of 217 days. Livestock production is constantly increasing, with annual sales, through the weekly auction of the Northeast Georgia Livestock Marketing Association in Athens, exceeding $2,500,000.00 annually, and dairy products rapidly approaching a similar figure. One of the state's large farmers' markets is located in Athens.
BANKS: Athens has three banks with total available resources in excess of $325,000,000.00. One Building and Loan Association has total resources approaching $4,000,000.00.
CLIMATE: Athens altitude varies from 600 to 800 feet. The City Hall is 771 feet. Its climate is mild and free from extremes in either winter or summer. The average summer temperature is 61.9, varying from a monthly mean of 43.5 in January, to 79.6 in July. The relative humidity is 69 and the average rainfall is 49.7 inches.
CLUBS: In addition to its Country Club, Athens also has units of most of the better known and larger national civic, social cultural, patriotic and fraternal organizations for men and women, as well as many purely local organizations with similar aims and purposes. Athens is also the home of the first Garden Club organized in America.
EDUCATION: The University of Georgia, with a student enrollment of approximately 6,000 and nearly 500 faculty membres, is the city's chief source of pride and its principal single industry. However, the city and county both have excellent, highly-rated public school systems for white and negro children with two high schools, one junior high school and nine grade schools conveniently located throughout the city and seventeen public schools in the county. Athens also hcs three business colleges, and the city has its public library in addition to the University Genera! Library.
GOVERNMENT: Athens is efficiently and democratically governed by a Mayor and ten city councilmen, two from each of five wards in the city. The county has three commissioners.
HEALTH: The Athens area is generally regarded as one of the most healthful sections in the entire State, but when needed, Athens has two excellent hospitals for the general public. Experienced general practitioners and specialists practice in both of them. The city and county also jointly maintain a full time

medical director and well-staffed health department and the Athens Junior Assembly, an organization of young women, operates free medical and dental clinics for those unable to pay fully for such services.
HOTELS: Athens has five hotels, with a total of 350 rooms. In addition, Athens has five motor courts, tourist homes, trailer camps and innumerable good restaurants and eating places.
INDUSTRY: Athens and Clarke County have more than a hundred manufacturing and processing plants. The textile industry is the largest, and cotton is processed into yarns, sheeting, flannel, upholstery and curtain material, tire fabric, rope, bands, elastic braid, rugs and many other cotton products. Other important plants and products are clocks (Westclox), paper milk cartons, baseball bats, rubber, cottonseed oil refineries, fertilizer, garments, veneer, cooperage, canned meats and vegetables, dairy products, bakeries, candy, foundry and machine works, corn and flour milling, mattress making, hosiery, etc. These industries and a number of wholesale and brokerage houses distribute from Athens into adjoining states, although many products made in Athens have nationwide distribution. Loyal, intelligent labor is available not only for industries already operating, but for other desirable ones which may wish to locate in the Athens area.
NEWSPAPER AND RADIOS: Athens and Clarke County are served by the Banner-Herald, published daily and Sunday, and by Radio Stations WGAU and WRFC. All of these units of communication extend throughout the Athens trade area, providing not only news, but entertainment features to more than 250,000 people.
RECREATION: Facilities for entertainment and recreation are plentiful. The city has six motion picture theatres, one 18-hole Donald Ross golf course, seven playgrounds, one teen-age center, two public parks, a community recreation house, the largest municipal tile swimming pool in the South, riding academies, tennis courts, the highest class concerts, lectures and other cultural attractions, baseball, hunting, fishing, bowling, skeet, etc., and last but not least, the University of Georgia football team, the "Bulldogs," which too frequently for other major colleges and universities is of championship caliber.
RELIGION: Active churches of practically all of the leading denominations are to be found in Athens, with 23 for white people and 20 for negroes.
STREETS: Athens proudly boasts of some of the most beautiful residential streets in the nation, and more than one hundred miles of city streets are paved.
TAXES: City and county assessments are made at approximately 60 percent of real values. Tax rates are reasonable for the services citizens derive.
TRADE: More than two hundred retail establishments in Athens, well-staffed, and well-stocked with style and staple merchandise, serve a trading area of approximately forty miles with a population in excess of 250,000 people, who come to Athens regularly on paved highways radiating in every direction.

UTILITIES: Abundant electric power and natural gas for all purposes are available. Southern Bell operates the telephone system, and the city supplies excellent water for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes through its own water system.

For more specific or detailed information about Athens, Clarke County or the Athens area, address


Civic Building

Athens, Georgia

1. University of Georgia----Oldest Chartered State University in America (January 27, 1785).
2. Memorial Gardens at the University Landscape Architecture Department.
3. Athens plant of the Chicopee Manufacturing Corporation (cotton textiles); a portion of the plant was an old Confederate arms factory.
4. Athens Country Club's Donald Ross 18-Hole Golf Course, Jefferson Road.
5. Athens Woman's Club, former home of Joseph Henry Lumpkin, first Chief Justice of Georgia--248 Prince Avenue.
6. Tree That Owns Itself--Corner Dearing and Findley Streets. The original tree was blown down October 9, T942, but an off-shoot has been planted in its place.
7. The Only Double-Barrelled Cannon in the World--City Hall lawn.
8. Lumpkin Residence----Home of America's First Garden Club----973 Prince Avenue.
9. Former home of Miss Mina Michael, the "Poppy Lady"--Winnie Davis Hall, U. S. Navy Supply Corps School.
10. Ben Hill's old home--570 Prince Avenue.
11. Henry W. Grady Residence----634 Prince Avenue.
12. Memorial Hall at the Uuniversity of Georgia, erected in memory of students who lost their lives in World War I. The interior is most impressive.
13. Sanford Stadium, in the valley between the University of Georgia campus and the Agricultural College Campus. It is considered one of the most beautiful settings of all football fields in the United States.
14. In the Crompton House, the stone building at the front entrance to Connor Hall, Agricultural College Campus, lived Martha Atlanta Compton, for whom

Atlanta was twice named once when it was called "Marthasville," and again when the name was changed to "Atlanta."
15. The University Chapel, built in 1832. Many legends cling to it. The Sun Dial stands on the spot where the "Toombs Oak" grew. In the Chapel is a painting of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, one of the largest mounted oil paintings in America, and a most remarkable work of art.
16. Beautiful ante-bellum homes mingled with the modern, on lovely treeshaded streets.
17. Eighteen miles east of Athens, on U. S. Highway 29, is the home of Dr. Crawford W. Long, discoverer of anaesthesia Eighteen miles north on U. S. 129, scene of the first operation using general anaesthetic by Dr. Crawford W. Long.

PHONE Bridges Funeral Home PHONE

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DIAL LI 6-8271







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232 E. Clayton St. Phone LI 3-9665 Athens, Georgia






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Containing display advertisements ot business and commercial establishments, industrial plants and manufacturers; cards of professional men and women, full page announcements of churches, schools, clubs, lodges, associations and other civic institutions, alphabetically classified for onvenient use.

Sales -- Service




Established 1929



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"The Friendly Bank"

Paid on Savings
Drive In Window for Your Convenience

Phone LI 3-3618

Phone LI 3-3618


Phone LI 3-4971





Made Milwaukee Famous Distributors
95 Hoyt St. Old Southern Depot





Phone LI 6-0066

Smoother Smooother SmooOOoother
Mitchell St.



Seaboard Air Line R. R. Tracks

601 E Broad St., Athens, Ga.

PHONE LI 6-0442

Standard Beers: Cooks, Blatz, and Red Top Ales

We handle the following high-grade Wines: Monarch in all sizes; Famous California Guild Wines. Domestic Vermouth and Champagne
Imported Vermouth and Mumm's Champagne.





Phone LI 3-2567

108 Shackelford Bldg.





i fmMM* M^^M/^m IN BOTTLES


138 Cleveland Ave. Phone LI 6-0161

BUILDING MATERIALS Myers Pumps Plumbing Fixtures by Kohler
142 Oconee St - Sales and Service - Phone LI 6-1497




T R U S C O N STEEL WINDOW UNITS Aluminum Awning Type Window Units





LI 3-2571

Ik WOOD TO THE WM uyncanf

LI 3-2572

Bedpd Lumber & Coal Co.






ROOFING -- MILLWORK -- PLYWOOD Brick and Clay Products -- Windows -- Doors -- Screens

Phone LI 6-6183

Rear 2610 Jefferson Road

P. 0. Box 1428




When you think of Lumber, think of Tanner FINISHED

U. S. Gypsum and Celotex Products Sheet Rock
Plywood -- Roofing -- Insulation Window Glass -- Wallboard -- Millwork
Paints -- Oils -- Brushes Fire Brick and Furnace Materials
SAKRETE -- Ready Prepared Concrete

Phone . TANNER
LI 6-7341 * LUMRER CO.
Corner Spring and Fulton Streets



Business College Diploma Free Placement Service Day and Night Classes

if No Age Limit
if High School Diploma Not Required

Speedwriting Shorthand in 6 weeks
8 Weeks Clerk-Typist Comptometer Operator Bookkeeping Accounting Typing




DIAL LI 6-7113






No Symbols - No Machines - Uses
Easy to learn ABC Shorthand 120 WPM in only 6 weeks. Used in leading offices and Civil Service. Come, observe, check graduates. Lowest cost. First lesson FREE. New Day or Eve. classes now starting.
rating Shorthand Schools
UHTUHE nwtiiGis-mt! N THS U.S.. CANADA. CUA. HAWAII Off" you th.w Not Available fo Students of Any Other Shorthand System!

Harriet Matftow* r-ert ttnntng, Co.


and got a Civil Service job fast I
Robin Herbert Fall, Church, Vo.


Dial LI 6-7113




t. Joseph's Catholic Church
Rev. Walter J. Donovan Pastor

SUNDAY MASSES 8:30 - 10:30 -11:30 A. M.

Phone LI 6-1621 132 PRINCE AVE.




The Metropolis of Northeast Georgia





James Barrow ________________ City Attorney A. G. Smith ______________ Clerk and Treasurer Wm. C. Thompson _ ______ Chief of Fire Department C. O. Roberts _______________ ___ Chief of Police Jack G. Beacham__-Engineer and Supt. of Water Works Doyle Howell ____________________ Marshal




Labor is plentiful, highly intelligent, energetic and loyal. Excellent transportation is provided by five railroads, seven bus lines, fourteen motor freight lines and Southern Airways.
Electric power from the Georgia Power Company and natural gas from the Transcontinental pipe line.
Friendly and progressive citizens and public officials offer complete cooperation to desirable industrial enterprises.
Athens Industrial Development Corporation





i, $1

Phone LI 3-2081



Eastman - Argus - Bell & Howell - Polaroid Revere - Graphlex

): t

1 1 1
Toys - Hobby Crafts
Sporting Goods




Office and Yard: 500 Foundry St.

Telephone LI 3-4084



Finest City Directory Service







Phone LI 3-3656


Phone LI 3-3656

914 College Ave. Athens, Georgia



A Quality Grade for Every Use

LI 6-8282



FUEL OIL -- From Metered Trucks





11!\isii:ini, & DOERS, it. Since 1912




DIAL LI 6-8271



Crawiord Coal & Mattress Works


Serving Athens for 24 Years


Mattress Mfr., Awnings, Venetian Blinds

414 N. Foundry St.

Phone Li 3-5271



11 mm: 1:1,1:111:11 SERVICE
Phone Li 6-0191

CONTRACTORS Electrical Heating Contractors
Roberta Electric & Appliance Co.
PHONE Li 3-3481
255 N. Lumpkin St.






Motor Repairing

Wiring Supplies

Telephone LI 3-3375

153 N. Jackson Street

Athens, Georgia


iiiiVT mm
P.O. Box 171 - Athens, Ga. - Phone Li 3-2439

Commercial Residential
Phone Li 6-7182 405 N. Lumpkin St.






Phone Li 6-1411 *
320 to 350 E. Clayton St.
HEADQUARTERS Citywide Delivery



Phone Li 6-1471


You Are Alwavs Welcome at Crow's




The jy^"--- gtore
We Fill and Deliver Any Doctor's Prescription
Phone Li 3-3454 Citywide Delivery 101 E. CLAYTON ST.
Athens' Most Convenient Corner
ilOHH DRUG CO., "The Store of Personal Service"
Phone Li 3-5231 ^^^ Phone Li 3-5231





Fountain Service




SALES ---------- CERTIFIED ---------- SERVICE


Refrigerators Washing Machines Water Heaters Home Freezers


Commercial Refrigeration Meat Cases -- Frozen Food Cabinets

Refrigeration & Appliance Co., Inc.

Phone Li 6-7367

312 E. Broad St.

Athens Truck 1 Tractor Co. Sales and Service International Harvester Products





Electric Home Freezers and Refrigerators

Phone Li 3-3424

600 N. Thomas Street




Van Cleve '$ FLOWERS


Phone Li 6-0176

Night Li 3-5146



256 W. DOUGHERTY STREET Telephone Li 3-2551

BRIDGES Feel It a Privilege to Be of the Greatest Help Possible to Those Who Come to Us for Service.

Phone Li 3-2551


Day Phone LI 3-2681

Night Phones Li 6-8340 - Li 6-6311


COLORED (Houston Lumpkin)
Morticians and Funeral Directors

24-Hour Ambulance Service

185 W. Washington St.

Athens, Ga.




The House of Better Values
BUTLER I mil IM (0.
Furniture Radios Electrical Appliances Floor Covering

Phm Li 3-2974

409 E. Broad St.

Walk a Block and Save the Difference



Phone Li 3-3178

235 W. Washington St.



447 E. Clayton St.
PHONE Li 3-2417 465 E. CLAYTON ST.


Finest City Directory Service






Mix-0-Gas Fuel Systems Gas Appliances

Phone Li 6-6588

494 Baxter St.


2 STORES To Serve You
Athens Complete Food Markets *

294 W. Washington at Pulaski St.
Lumpkin St. at 5 Points










"Serving Athens Territory Faithfully for Over Eighty-nine Years

472-480 E. BROAD ST.

PHONE Li 3-4391



Distributors of


Phones Li 6-8201 - Li 6-8665


597 E. BROAD ST.


Wholesale Hardware and Supplies
Cor. Broad & Oconee Sts. Phone Li 3-3681




Hardware Headquarters


Phone Li 3-5238

1368 Prince Ave.






Coleman - Kresky - Armstrong - American Gas and Oil Furnaces

Phone Li 6-7451

1375 Prince Ave.


Finest City Directory Service






Year Round Comfort



Phone Li 6-8221

295 College Ave.





Phone LI 3-3611

Under the Supervision of the Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus


Georgia Hospital Association American Hospital Association

American Medical Association

American College of Surgeons

10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M.
2-Bed Rooms: 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
4-6 Bed Rooms: 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.

Approved for Intern Training



"The Pride of Athens"
For Reservations -- Phone LI 6-7311
A $6.00 MEAL TICKET FOR $5.00

E. D. NEWTON, Manager
Phone Li 6-1443




Air Conditioned

* 102-04 E. CLAYTON ST.



Fire - Casualty - Automobile - Life
Phone Li 6-0117 151 W. HANCOCK



W. P. Jones, Grand Chief

R. B. Ware, Grand Sec.-Treas.

A Fraternal Benefit Society

Established 1897

181 W. Washington St.

Phone LI 6-6437

Athens' Largest
110 W. Hancock St. Athens, Ga. P. O. Box 268 Phone LI 3-5286




The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co.


Educational, Monthly and Retirement Income

G. F. STEPHENSON, Special Agent

611 Southern Mutual Bldg.

Phone LI 6-6781




PHONE LI 3-5674



B. Richard Bloodworth, Jr.
District Agent
Bartley R. Bloodworth
Emeritus Agent

The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co,
Phone LI 3-5111



Life Group - Hospitalization - Automobile - Fire


Phone Li 6-6119

157 College Ave.


Hull liiiis. Cox & Siniml. Inc.


Real Estate Property Management - Mortgages & FHA Loans

* "Since 1890"

Phone Li 3-4344

285 College Avenue

H. 0. EPTII & HIMI'm
REAL ESTATE SALES City and Country Property Farm Property Our Specialty
* INSURANCE Fire Insurance Automobile Insurance Health and Accident Insurance
104 Shackelford Building Phone Li 3-5866





GENERAL INSURANCE Fire - Casualty - Automobile Complete Insurance Coverage



Phone Li 6-0111

128 College Ave.




General Insurance REAL ESTATE Property Management Fire - Casualty - Automobile - Health & Accident
Phone LI 3-5208
101-05 Shackelford Bldg.


PHONE LI 3-9942



Twitty And Chambers Jewelry Co.


175 E. Broad St.

Telephone LI 6-0628



MONEY TO SALARIED PEOPLE Quick Confidential Service


Over Western Union

128% College Ave.

Phone LI 6-8672


Without Delay * Confidential


459V2 E. Clayton St.

Phone LI 6-7755


HE FHIE CO I 11 U 1 111 fill UU VV

$5-$ 10 and Up


Between Broad and Clayton





JOE B. COOPER, Manager




Phone LI 3-3471

154 E. Clayton St.





Up to $2,000 - Phone LI 6-6502 for Immediate Service

Phone for Your Loan. Then come in for your money. No fuss! No bother! Strictly confidential.

YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY can get you the cash today!

215 College Ave., Room 102 Shackleford Bldg. Telephone LI 6-6502



Telephione LI 3-4321





Athens Owned and Operated


285 '/2 COLLEGE AVE.






Phone LI 3-4476

P. O. Box 455

Winterville Rd., back of N. E. Georgia Livestock Auction Sales Barn



Athens iwning & Mattress Co.
Owned and Operated by T. K. "BILL" CRAWFORD

Mattresses, Box Springs, Canvas and Metal Awnings, Tarpaulins, Venetian Blinds, Glider Cushions,
Asphalt, Plastic and Rubber, Tile
Danielsville Road at City Limits Ph. LI 6-8434








Phone LI 6-0453

335 E. Clayton St.





Stetson Hats - Manhattan Shirts - Bostonian Shoes Mayfield - Kuppenheimer - Griffon Suits

Phone LI 6-0775

227 E. Clayton St.



Sheet Music - Phonograph Records - Musical Supplies p LJ I I "* "}


-""* "

125 N. Lumpkin

Phone LI 6-0093

Finest City Directory Service




Athens Banner-Herald
is read by more than 35,000 persons in the Athens trade area daily and Sundays.

The Athens Banner-Herald
Member of the Associated Press with full Leased Wire Service Leading Features and Comics of the N.E.A. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations









Adding Machines



Phone LI 6-7394

298 N. Lumpkin St.


Expert Service on All Makes of Office Machines



. . . when office fatigu* caused by needless reaching, bending and moving around are thing of the past. See our Art Metal New Century Desks, each designed around a job function, and matching Art Metal Correct Seating Office Chairs.

Steel and Wood Desks, Files Chairs and Complete
Equipment and Supplies Office Machines
We Are Prepared to Make Estimates and Service All Jobs


321 E Clayton Street Phones LI 3-5291 - LI 3-4430





Office Supplies COMPLETE Office Furniture
Office Equipment



Phone LI 3-2578

115 E. Clayton St.



II Tll\ 0. FLffiGl

Distributors of


PHONE LI 3-3076

80S1 2 E. BROAD ST.



W. B. Rice Petroleum Co., Inc. Distributors of PURE OIL PRODUCTS

Phone LI 3-4171

/WmPUBEJA \(|^j2j

Phone Ll 3'4171

Thornton Brothers Paper Company


Phone LI 3-5204

Corner Foundry and Broad Streets






Free Inspection and Estimates

Household Pests

Builders Advisory Service Structural Changes

Phone LI 6-8115

Northeast Georgia's Complete Pest Control Service




Formal and Informal Wedding Coverage


146 E. Clayton St.

Phone LI 3-3668

All Work Guaranteed We Sell and Install Nationally Advertised Plumbing Fixtures
and Supplies
PHONE -- LI 6-0195 -- PHONE




Plumbing and Heating Contractors
Every call for repairs is handled "emergency." Next time you need a plumber, call a Master Plumber -- Call Anderson Plumbing &
Heating Co.


PHONE LI 6-1474

925 W. BROAD ST.







LI 6-8337 ^SSSl Ll 6'8337


"No Job Too Big or Too Small"





Athens Plumbing & Heating do.



Fancy Fresh Dressed "A" Grade



Phone LI 3-3446 ONETA ST., ATHENS, GA. Long: Distance Phone 34 Long Distance Phone 36



First Floor Southern Mutual Bldg. Phone LI 3-5251, Night LI 6-6500




PHONE LI 3-3532






Phone LI 6-8205 703-05 Southern Mutual Bldg.


B. A. SHOCKLEY, Manager



Phone II 3-5470

Athens, Georgia





Athens Best


233 Clayton

Phone LI 3-5625






PHONE LI 6-0158





Heating and Air-Conditioning Specialists
For Prompt, Guaranteed Service Call LI 6-8251


Distributors of

Phone LI 3-2484

230 W. Clayton Street




L. ii. BAILEY & soss

Roofing - Sheet Metal - Heating


Phone LI 3-5281

845-855 W. Broad St.



Roofing - Sheet Metal - Heating


Phone LI 3-5281

845-855 W. Broad St.



With the Best of Equipment




Sheet Metal, Roofing and Heating Contractors
Worthington Air-Conditioning
Metal Fabricators Residential and Industrial

Phone LI 3-3461

675 Pulaski Street



f" P

Poll*rof JLH<FS

Headquarters for
HOWDY DOODY SHOES Shoes for the Entire Family

Phone LI 3-4127

264 E. Clayton St.


Georgia And Athens Drive-In Theatres

Operated by
C. ELROD SIMS, City Manager
"A Georgia Institution Operated by Georgians"



The Best in Movie Entertainment . . . Always at the


TircsfOnc YOUR



495 E. Clayton St.

Phone LI 3-3631






Calculators - Duplicators - Check Writers

Sales - Service - Rentals

Office Equipment and Supplies

PHONE LI 3-3691
If No Answer Phone LI 3-2670
L & deLAY

TYPEWRITER SALES & SERVICE CO. Lumpkin at Hancock (Across from Post Office)






* Portable Equipment

Electric and Acetylene Welding

774 N. Jackson St.

Call LI 3-2920


Finest City Directory Service


125 Meeting St.

Charleston, S.C.



To find a person's correct name, wife's name, address, number of minor children, occupation and designation of home ownership.
To find a correct firm name and address. To find the owners, officers or managers of a firm.
To find who lives at a certain number on a street. To find where a certain street is located. To find a telephone number for a given address. As a mailing list to cover every home in the city without duplication.
To find the merchants or professional persons engaged in any particular business.
To find dealers of Nationally Advertised products. To find any particular type of business or service desired.
To find the name for any given telephone number.
To find the correct route number for persons residing in the country. As an accurate rural mailing list.

Yours for Better Directory Service


Home Office:

Charleston, S. C.




Life Group Hospitaliiation
Automobile Fire





157 College Ave.

Phone LI 6-6119


PHONE LI 6-6391





PHONEE LI 3-5674


P r s
FLl Q>z

tmlmon Plumbing & Heating SERVING SINCE 1914 Co.


Plumbing Heating Repairs




925 W. BROAD

PHONE LI 6-1474


J11r1. o<



Quality Products Backed by Local Service

Phone LI 3-3461

675 Pulaski St.

Serving Athens for 24 Years
Craw ford Coal & Mattress Works


Mattress Mfr., Awnings, Venetian Blinds


PHONE LI 3-5271





PHONE LI 3-2484


The W. B. Rice Petroleum Co., Inc.


Phone U 3-4171

426 Madison Ave.

Resident Directory
Containing the full name, husband and wife's name, number of children under 16, designation of home ownership, position and employer and home address of all persons over 16 years of age
residing in this city and environs. The publishers wish to express their appreciation to the business and professional
establishments for the splendid cooperation and valuable assistance given them in preparation of this volume.
A list of abbreviations in this directory will be found on the following page and a general index on page 3. The information herein contained was taken by trained enumerators in a house-tohouse canvass of the city and adjacent territory, and checked with data supplied by employers, the publishers offer it as the most reliable information available but do not assume any responsibility for errors. Number of dependents under 16 is indicated after name


accnt _ _ .accountant dispr _ _ _ dispatcher med

Ry MS - - - Railway

Admn Administration dist _____ district medical, medicine

Mail Service

adv _ _ _ advertising

mech _ _ _ mechanic U S Postal Trans

agcy _____ agency

mdse _ _ merchandise


agrl _ _ _ agricultural lemstn demonstration mere _ _ mercantile s-S _______ south

Lorn _ _ _ _ domestic Met _ _ Metropolitan

dr _ _ _ _ drive, driver mfg _ manufacturing

Am - American,

drftsmn - draftsman mfr _ _ manufacturer sec _____ secretary

America drsmkr _ dressmaker mgr _ _ _ _ manager ship _ _ _ _ shipping

appr _ _ _ apprentice dstbtr _ _ distributor

sis _____ - _ sales

archt _ _ _ _ architect

slsmgr .salesmanager

assn _ _ _ association elec - electric,

mldr _ _ _ _ moulder slsmn _ _ _ salesman

asst _ _ _ _ assistant

electrical mlnr _ _ _ _ milliner slswn _ saleswoman

atndt _ _ _ attendant electn _ _ _ electrician

smstrs _ _ seamstress

msngr _ _ messenger

auto _ _ - automobile emp _ _ _ _ employee mstr _ _ _ _ master solr _____ solicitor

eng - engineer,

bdg _ _ _ _ boarding


sou _ _ _ _ southern

engvr _ _ _ engraver Mut _____ Mutual

exch _ _ _ _ exchange

sta ______ station

bgemn _ baggageman

Natl _ _ _ _ National

exld _ _ _ _ extended

sten _ _ stenographer

bkbndr _ _ bookbinder fcty _____ factory

stmftr _ _ steamfltter

bkpr _ _ _ bookkeeper

_ _ _ Home Owner

bldg _ _ _ _ building flgmn _ _ _ flagman

bldr _____ builder

supt _ superintendent

blk ______ block fnshr _ _ _ _ finisher opr _ _ _ _ operator supvr _ _ _ supervisor

blksmlth _ blacksmith formn _ _ _ _ foreman osteo _ _ _ osteopath surg _ _ _ _ surgeon

blrmkr _ boilermaker forwn _ _ forewoman P O _ _ _ Post Office swtchmn _ switchman

blvd _ _ _ _ boulevarc frt ______ freight

ft ________ foot plmbr _ _ _ _ plumber tech

brklyr _ _ _ bricklayer ftr _______ fitter pharm - pharmacy, technical, technician

brkmn _ _ brakeman furn _ _ _ _ furniture


Bros _ _ _ _ brothers furn rms

photog _ photographer tex wkr -

btlg _____ bottling

furnished rooms phys _ _ _ physician

textile worker

cabtxnkr - -

ggddsnr ______ __ _gagrdoondesr

tmkpr _ _ timekeeper tel _ _ _ _ telephone


teleg _ _ _ _ telegraph

capt _ _ _ _ captain ?ro _ grocer, grocery plmbg _ _ _ plumbing

carp _ _ _ carpenter b _ _ _ _ householder plshr _ _ _ _ polisher

plstr _ _ _ _ plasterer trans - transfer,

hdw _ _ _ _ hardware


chauf _ _ _ chauffeur

pres _ _ _ _ president trav _ _ _ _ traveling

chem - chemical,

prin _ _ _ _ principal treas _ _ _ _ treasurer

chemist hosp _ _ _ _ hospital prod _ _ _ _ produce trk dr _ truck driver

prof _ _ _ _ professor

chiro _ _ chiropractor hts _____ heights prsfdr _ _ pressfeeder US__ United States

hwy _ _ _ _ highway prsmn _ _ pressman USA

tnc _ _ _ incorporated prntg *_ _ _ printing United States Army

Ins _ _ _ _ insurance ptrnmkr

U S A F_

inspr _ _ _ inspector


U S Air Force

Instr _ _ _ instructor

U S M C - United

clo - clothes, clothing int dec

publ _ _ _ publishing States Marine Corps

interior decorator publr _ _ _ publisher U S N

collr _ _ _ _ collector int rev

purch _ _ purchasing United States Navy

coml _ _ _ commercia

internal revenue

undtkr _ _ undertaker

comn _ _ commission

uphol - _ upholsterer

cond _ _ _ _ conductor

vet _ _ _ _ veterinary

confr _ _ confectioner

R D _ Rural Delivery v-pres _ vice-president

conatn _ construction

R R _ _ _ _ Railroad vulc _ _ _ vulcanizer

contr _ _ _ contractor

rep _ _ representative

repr _ _ _ _ repairer whol _ _ _ wholesale






lieut _ lino _ Indrs _

_ _ lieutenant _ _ _ linotype _ _ _ laundress

restr _ _ _ restaurant Rev _ _ _ _ Reverend

whse _ _ _ warehouse

dept _


_ department

Indry _ _ _ _ laundry res _ mach
machinist, machine rl est

_ _ _ residence _ - - real estate

wn _____ woman wtchmn _ watchman

mechl _ _ mechanical

ydmstr _ yardmaster


Abr _ _ _ Abraham Chas _ _ _ _ Charles

Saml _ _ _ _ Samuel

Alf ______ Alfred

Kath _ _ - Katherine

Alex _ _ _ Alexander Bdw _ _ _ _ Edward Margt _ _ _ Margarel Steph _ _ _ Stephen

Arch _ _ _ Archibald Eliz _ _ _ _ Blizabeth MicM _ _ _ _ Michael Theo _ _ _ Theodore

Arth _ _ _ _ Arthur Eug _____ Eugene Nathl _ _ _ Nathaniel Thos _ _ _ _ Thomas

Aug _ _ _ _ August Fredk _ _ _ Frederick Richd _ _ _ _ Richard Wm - _ - _ William

Benj _ _ _ Benjamin

Patk _____ Patrick

Oath _ _ _ _ Catherine

Root _ _ _ _ Robert



To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
AST Restaurant (Harry Rosser) 184 E Clayton
A & J Theatres Inc Sol Abrams Pres 1875 W Broad
A & P Food Stores (under Constn) E Dougherty cor Lumpkin
A & P Food Stores Silas C Read mgr gro 126 O'Conee
Aaron Ada L ofc sec r 194 Childs Aaron Annie M Mrs h 194 Childs Aaron Clifford D (Ruth D) 1 slsmn Eli
Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 106 Estelle rd RD 4 Aaron Edw H hlpr S A L R R Co r 149 Herring Aaron Ernest O (Ruby H) fanner h 239 1st Aaron Gep E (Ruth C) parts mn Simpson Service Co r Arnoldsville Ga Aaron Helen r 149 Herring Aaron Henry D (Bell B) h 149 Herring Aaron Ira E asst prof U of Ga h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 507 Aaron Jacob B emp Colonial Poultry Co r 185 1st Aaron Mary seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 149 Herring Aaron Morris E (Paula M) 1 trav slsmn h 1043 S Milledge av Aaron Paul H (Sylvia S) 1 h 155 Herring Aaron Paula M (Mrs M E) florist Bert L Beussee Florist r 1043 S Milledge av Aaron Walter A r 185 1st Abbott Hugh L (Ruth) investigator Communicable Diseases State Dept of Pub Health r Bishop Ga Abercrombie Wm A (Leila M) h 698 N Pope Abney Eliz S (wid G M) h 105 South
View dr ABNEY HORACE I (Geraldine A) Sec
The Hanna Mfg Co. h 105 Milledge cir apt 8--Dial LI 6-6307
Abney Howard T Insurance Agency (Howard T Abney) genl 310 Sou Mut Bldg
Abney Howard T (Mary R) 3 (Howard T Abney Ins Agcy) h 159 Dearing
Abney lima M (wid O W) h 1192% S Milledge av
Abney Mary R (Mrs H T) ofc wkr Howard T Abney Ins Agcy r 159 Dearing
Abrams Sol (Jean C) 2 pres A & J Theatres Inc h 103 University ct apt 9
Abroms (David B and Mrs Evelyn P Abroms) women's clo 301 E Clayton
Abroms David B (Evelyn P) (Abroms) h 445 Highland av
Abroms Evelyn P (Mrs D B) (Abroms) r 445 Highland av
Abroms Herbert student r 445 Highland av Acherson Robt G (Jo Ann W) 1 USN h
1050 S Lumpkin apt 401 Acre Herbert r 164 Henderson av extd

Acree Doyle S (Hattie M) h 350 Satula av
Acree Hattie M (Mrs D S) grad nurse 350 Satula av r same
Acree John A (Marion) slsmn C A Trussell Mtr Co h rear 329 Dearing
Acree Mary (Mrs J A) elk Hodgson's Inc r rear 329 Dearing
Acres Leroy jan r 424 Winterville rd Adair Mary (Mrs Wm) mgr tear rm Davi-
son-Paxon Co r Rutledge Ga Adams Alice Mrs r 475 Meigs Adams Auburn elk Chas E Porter r 1425
Oconee Adams Belle W Mrs elk Navy Sup Corp
Sch h 362 Milledge ter Adams Bessie L r 150 Morton's al Adams Beulah r 166 Athens av Adams Beverly L (Odell McL) v-pres
Farmers Hdw of Athens Inc r Atlanta hwy RD 4 Adams Eunice C sch tchr r 362 E Dougherty Adams Carol E student r Durlan ct apt 1 Adams Cecil H (Agnes J) mach Athens Mtr & Mach Co r RD 1 Adams Chas E USAF r Durlan ct apt 1 Adams Charlie D (Georgia F) carp Paul E Hanson h Durlan ct apt 1 Adams Clara P (wid J L) h 362 E Dougherty Adams Clara W r 164 Henderson av extn Adams Claudia J emp Colonial Poultry Co h 293 Cleveland av Adams Clinton linemn hlpr Ga Power Co r 1426 Oconee Adams Clyde E (Rachel R) 2 knitter Rodges Hosiery Co Inc h 235 Best dr Adams Coal & Grocery (Geo S Adams) 895 Boulevard Adams Dallas r 295 Hill Adams Dennis C (Jackie F) plmbr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co r RD 1 Adams Ella L r 293 Cleveland av Adams Ernestine H (Mrs M K) teller The Natl Bk of Athens r Nicholson Ga Adams Fannie P (Mrs HA) grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp r 295 Milledge cir Adams Flora B librarian City Schools
h 295 Hill
ADAMS FLOYD C (Louise J) 1 V-
Pres-SIs Mgr C A Truell Motor Co. h
772 Cobb--Dial LI 6-6617 Adams Frances B (Mrs M A) slswn Smart-
Thrifty r 535 Prince av Adams Frank B (Fannie P) chf div opr Ga
Power Co h 584 Satula av Adams Geo F (Ollie M) atndt Oconee
Street Service Sta h 1425 Oconee Adams Geo S (Irene M) (Adams Coal
& Gro) h 895 Boulevard Adair Georgia N (Mrs G N) emp US Soil
Conservation Service r Hull Ga Adams H Carl (Mattie E) h 186 Mitchell Adams Harold F (Matilida P) r trailer
695 Boulevard cor Chase Adams Hazel G (Mrs R E Jr) slswn Davi-
son-Paxon Co r 760 Boulevard Adams Henley H (Hilda) electn Roberts
Elec & Appliance Co r Hull Ga



Adams Henry bellmn Colonial Hotel r 223 Compress
Adams Henry G (Lois P) lab Farmers Mut Whse Assn h 290 Savannah av
Adams Hyram A (Fannie P) h 295 Milledeg cir
Adams J G Jr( Joyce M) trav slsmn h 645 Holman av
Adams Janie h 220 Evans ADAMS JESSE B (Mamie B) 3
(Athens Auto Electric & Magneto Co)
h 155 Mitchell--Dial LI 6-0793
ADAMS JOHN B Trust Officer The Citi
zen* & Southern National Bank r 340 Milledge cir--Dial LI 6-8914 Adams John D mgr Orkin Extermina ting Co h 425 Oglethorpe av
Adams John T (Rebecca T) USN r 157 1st
Adams Joyce E (Mrs J G Jr) ofc sec Dr Guy O Whelchel r 645 Holman av
Adams Katie H (Mrs W H) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 186 Mitchell
Adams Lavonia h 962 Hobson av Adams Lily Mrs r 675 Cobb Adams Lula maid 220 University dr r
220 Evans av Adams Lula printer Speering Prntg Co r
295 Hill Adams Marvin A (Frances B) agt Inde-
pendant Life & Accident Ins Co r 535 Prince av Adams Mary r 220 Evans av Adams Mary J r 140 Barren Adams Mary R student U of Ga r 425 Oglethorpe av Adams Mary S (wid J D) r 425 Oglethrope Adams Matilida P (Mrs Harold) cash Di ana Shops r trailer 695 Boulevard cor Chase Adams Mell M (Sara P) mach opr Chicopee Mfg Co r 157 1st Adams Milton K (Ernestine H) installerrepr S B T & T Co r Nicholson Ga Adams Manervia h 223 Compress Adams Nanny student r 584 Satula av Adams O Nell (Oakley W) sup elk Chicopee Mfg Co h 157 1st Adams Orin plmbr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co r Hull Ga Adams Pearl (Laura S) waiter Stephens Cafe h 170 Nantahala av extd
ADAMS ROBT E (Adams Transfer & Storage) r Gainesville Ga
Adams Robt E Jr (Hazel G) 2 mech The Atlantic Co h 760 Boulevard
Adams Roy (Crystal) 1 signal inspr S A L R R Co r 297 Boulevard
Adams Rufus L (Viola B) 1 mgr Berryman's Service Sta h 140 Barrow
Adams Sara P (Mrs M M) waitress Tony's Restr r 157 1st
Adams Sarah W (wid T A) h 941 E Broad
Adair Sibley H (Eunice) scale opr M P Morris Ready Mixed Concrete r Bishop Ga
Adams Susie R (Mrs J D) ofc sec Jas White Jr r Lexington rd RD 3

(Robt E Adams) movers, Packing and
Storage Oneta -- Dial LI 6-6391 (See Back Supplement Cover and Marginal
Lines) Adams Virgil E (Mary) asst editor State
Agrl Extn Eervice r Jefferson Ga Adams W Cleveland (Matilda A) accnt
h 537 Oglethorpe av Adams Wm E (Grace C) 1 agronomist
U of Ga h 357 Milledge hts Adams Wm G (Katie H) tex wkr Chico
pee Mfg Co h 186 Mitchell Adams Wilma A genl asst U of Ga Library
r Hull Ga Adams Young W (Lela) emp Athens Co
operative Creamery r Winterville Ga Adcock Jane ofc sec State Agrl Extn
Service r Watkinsville Ga Addington Ernest B (Margt W) mach
h 491 Ruth Addington Ernest B (Lolie M) h 156
Herring Addington Jessie L USA r 175 Indiana av Addison Mattie Mrs r 715 N Jackson Addington Nancy L (wid HP) h 175
Indiana ay Aderhold Eliz student r 570 Prince av Aderhold Omer C (Bessie P) 1 pres The
U of Ga h 570 Prince av Adkins Dorothy emp Colonial Poultry
Co r 268 Paris Adkins Jas (Dorothy) 1 lab Colon
ial Poultry Co h 268 Paris Adkins Lula L h 147 E Hoyt Adkins Moselle P (wid M P) r 290 West
View dr Adkins Vivian student r 268 Paris Adkinson Josie h 189 Lyndon Row Adkinson Lilly B 4 lab Colonial Poul
try Co r 189 Lyndon Row Afro-American Life Insurance Co Os
car W Weaver mgr 1st fir 181 W Wash ington Agricultural Extension Building 1237 S Lumpkin Aiken Billy (Jane) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga Aiken Hattie S (wid H T) h 173 West View dr Aiken Henry P (Gladys E)grol225W Broad h 520 Sunset dr Aiken Sarah (Mrs Julian) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga Aiken's TV Clinic (Roy F Aiken) Atlanta hwy
Aileen's Beauty Shoppe (Mrs Aileen F Messer) 186 Highland av
AINSWORTH MALCOLM (Kate L) Exec utive Secretary Athens Chamber of
Commerce h 1520 S Lumpkin apt F-2 --Dial LI 3-5131
Ainsworth Richd A student r 175 Oakland way
Ainsworth Stanley H (Helen M) 1 prof U of Ga h 175 Oakland way
Aker Clarence Jr (Wanda B) 2 supt Honegger-Roth Corp h 365 Best dr

Akers Motor Lines Brown Transport Corp rep mtr frt 651 W Broad
Aiken Roy F (Vondell B) 1 (Aiken's TV Clinic) h 434 Prince av apt 2
Akins Emma J (wid W H) r 181 Hiawassee av
Akins Harris h 129 Yanah av Akins J Andrew (Thelma S) h 181
Hiawassee av Akins J Raymond (Thelma A) 2 recap-
per Athens Tire & Auto Sup Co h 1746 Lexington rd Akins Jas I (Mary M) 6 v-pres Mathis Constn Co h 185 West Lake pi Akins Jos R student r 1746 Lexington rd Aikens Margt empt Pavison-Paxon Co r 181 Hiawassee av Akins Margt E cash tea rm Davison-Paxon Co r 181 Hiawassee av Akins Moena (wid J H) r 1746 Lexington rd Akins Thelma S (Mrs J A) emp New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry r 181 Hiawassee av Akins Wm R emp Athens Tire & Auto Sup Co r 1746 Lexington rd Albert Chas R (Margt S) 2 cred mgr Bush Jwlrs member County Bd of Education h Danielsville rd Albert Judith M student r Danielsville rd Albert Margt S (Mrs C R) slswn Abroms r Danielsville rd RD 1 Albritton Mancer (Carrie) h 240 Savannah av Alciatore Jules C (Audrey) prof U of Ga h 1520 S Milledge av Alciatore Jules C Jr student r 1520 S Milledge av Aldridge E K & Sons Inc E K Aldridge pres, Ralph C Aldridge v-pres, Robt G Aldridge sec-treas genl contr 298 E Washington rm 212-14 Aldridge Bug K (Pearl H) pres E K Aldridge & Sons Inc 100 Clover Aldridge Ralph C (Wanda C) 2 v-pres E K Aldridge & Sons Inc h 59 Myrna ct apts Aldridge Robt G (Evelyn L) 2 sec-treas E K Aldridge & Sons Inc h Myrna ct apts Aldridge Wanda C (Mrs R C) (Wanda Aldridge Studio) r 59 Myrna ct apts Aldridge Wanda Studio (Mrs Wanda C Aldridge) 393 W Hancock av Alewine Andrew J (Allie Lou H) 5 emp County Farm h 373 E Hoyt Alewine C P & Sons (S T Alewine) auto parts 540 N Thomas
Alewine Charley B (wid C P) h 356 E Strong
Alewine Cleo B (Mrs V V) tex wkr r 337 E Hoyt
Alewine Ellis D (Lessie L) metal clnr The Loef Co h 388 E Hoyt
Alewine Elnora S (Mrs Kato) emp Chicopee Mfg Co r 336 E Hoyt
Alewine Esque (Hester S) mech C P Alewine & Sons h 198 Barber
Alewine Eug V student r 373 E Hoyt

Alewine Hester S (Mrs Esque) tex wkr r 198 Barber
Alewine Kato (Elnora S) 1 crane opr The Loef Co h 336 E Hoyt
Alewine Maggie D (Mrs S T) bkpr C P Alewine & Sons r 367 E Strong
Alewine Mattie J cash Ga Theatre r 336 Hoyt
Alewine O B Garage (Otis B Alewine) 1060 Hobson av
Alewine Otis B (Gertie P) 3 (OB Alewine Garage) h 1065 Hobson av
Alewine S T (Maggie D) 4 (C P Alewine & Sons) h 367 E Strong
Alewine Sam W (Rosalee D) 1 glass mn The Loef Co h 636 N Jackson
Alewine Vesta V (Cleo B) 1 h 337 E Hoyt
Alewine Wm (Gallic F) 2 mech O B Alewine Garage h trailer rear 1065 Hobson av
Alexander Agnes mangle opr Nu-Way Lndry & Dry Clnrs h 141 Warsaw al
Alexander B Jean student r 894 Hill Alexander Beadie L (Mrs G H) tchr Union
Institute r 1691 E Broad Alexander Blanche (Mrs Ralph) emp U S
Soil Conservation Service r 765 S Milledge Alexander Carolyn dietician Elks Club r Oconee hts Alexander Etta T (wid N C) h 515 Franklin Alexander Geo H (Beadie L) h 1691 E Broad Alexander Gladys pantry wkr Georgian Hotel h 215 E Dougherty Alexander Hooper (Viola) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Commerce Ga Alexander Jas E (Emma B) 1 sheet metal wkr L H Bailey & Sons h 894 Hill Alexander Jas W (Corinne B) 3 prof U of Ga h 997 S Milledge av Alexander Jerome B (Mabel R) prestreas Alexander Wood Products Inc h 340 Parkway dr Alexander Jerome B Jr student r 340 Parkway dr Alexander John converter hlpr Dairypak Inc r RD 2 Alexander Leland R (wid ED) mgr Snelling Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) h 175 Brittian Alexander Louise G grad nurse St Mary's Hosp r 515 Franklin Alexander Mabel C (Mrs J B) sec Alexander Wood Products Inc r 340 Parkway dr Alexander Ralph C (Blanche) h 765 S Milledge av apt 4 Alexander Viola S (wid Tom) r 787 Baxter
Alexander W Richd (Eliz A) 3 asst dir div of general extension U of Ga h 180 Valley rd
Alexander Wood Products Inc Jerome B Alexander v-pres-treas Chas E McManus v-pres, Mrs Mabel C Alexander sec wood products 780-84 Barber



Alford Irene G 1 <8> tchr h 433 N Rockspring
ALLAIS' DICK (Richd F Allai.) Camera*, Photographic Supplies, Sporting Good* and Toy* 134 E Clay ton--Dial LI 3-2081 (See Marginal Lines and Buyer's Guide)
Allais Eliz S (wid J R) h 250 Cherokee av
ALLAIS RICHD F (Helen C) 2 (Dick Allai.) h 327 Hampton ct--Dial LI 3-4768
Allan John T (Allan's Gift Shop) h 1360 S Lumpkin
Allan Mary Eliz tchr r 1360 S Lumpkin Allan Rosa r 1360 S Lumpkin Allan's Gift Shop (John T Allan) rear
1360 S Lumpkin Alien Albon E (Evelyn T) 2 slsmn Ga
Mtrs Inc h 141 Clover Alien Arnold A ship elk The Webb-Craw-
ford Co r Princeton rd RD 1 Alien Asa L (Frances D) 2 clnr B & W
Dry Clnrs h 76 Park View Homes Alien Asa T (Grace S) emp City Street
Dept h 480 Ruth Alien Barbara H (Mrs A A) savings teller
The Natl Bk of Athens r Bogart Ga Alien Bessie nurse maid r 656 N Hull Alien Carolyn P (Mrs H C) mgr gift dept
Davison-Paxon Co r 994 S Lumpkin ALLEN CLARENCE R (Elir E) (W N
Alien & Son) r Gaines School rd--Dial
LI 6-8567
Alien Clyde Mrs r 475 Meigs Alien Don N Mrs mach opr Fields Mfg Co
r Danielsville Ga Alien Elise (Mrs Ralph) seamer Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r Danielsville Ga Alien Ernest H porter J Swanton Ivy
Inc h 599 Madison av Alien Ettie H (wid J W) emp Chicopee
Mfg Co h 227 Hillside Alien Eug h 191 Pinecrest ct Alien Evelyn T (Albon E) off wkr r 141
Clover Alien Frank A (Ivnollie) h 641 W
Broad Alien Grace elk F W Woolworth Co r 147
Miles Alien Grace S (Mrs A T) mach opr Chico
pee Mfg Co r 480 Ruth Alien Grace W slswn W F Woolworth Co
r 147 Mill Alien Harriett cook Barrow Sch r 191
Pinecrest ct Alien Henry C (Carolyn F) converter hlpr
Dairypak Inc h 994 S Lumpkin Alien Heyward (Peggy B) (Heyward Al
ien Mtr Co) r Jefferson rd
Alien Hewyard Motor Co (Hewyard Alien) autos 257 W Broad body shop & used car lot 286 W Broad
Alien Horace USA r 135 S Billups Alien Ira r 736 N Jackson
Alien Irving H (Lillie G) h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 701
Alien Ivnollie maid 146 Dealing r 641 W Broad

Alien Jas (Ruth M) 1 brklyr h 1683

Milledge av extd Alien Jas B (Martha E) 2 dentist 1010

Prince av h 495 W Lake dr Alien Jas C USAF r 147 Miles

Alien John H (Gertie M) pntr h 147

Miles Alien Lena M r 396 Augusta av

Alien Lucy A cook h 460 N Billups Alien Mae Mrs mach opr Fields Mfg Co h

367 Oconee


Alien Mary W silk presser Findley Dry

Clnrs r 441 S Rock Springs Alien Myra P Mrs bkpr Service Finance

Co r 8 Caudell extd Alien Ralph D (Thelma C) 2 carp h 9

Parkview Homes Alien Robt porter Weatherford Service

Sta r 522 W Broad

Alien Robt (Mary W) jan h 441 S

Rockspring Alien Robt J r 1683 Milledge av extd

Alien Roger (Bessie) porter & slsmn

Rosenthal's Shoe Store h 656 N Hull

Alien S Paul (Carroll B) field rep Am Natl Red Cross h 128 University dr

Alien Susie h 240 Fields av Alien T J (Jewel A) 1 h 764 N Jackson Alien Ted plmbr U of Ga r 736 N Jackson

Alien Thos E student r 134 1st Alien Titus (Lucile D) 4 trk dr Atlantic
Ice & Coal Co h 124 Parkview Homes

Alien W L D opr Sylvia's Beauty & Health

Salon r 575 Waddell

ALLEN W N & Son (Clarence R and Wm

N Alien) Painting Contractor Princeton

rd (Macon hwy)--Dial LI 6-6601 (See

Special Section) Alien W Roman (Clara 0) 7 pntr Chico

pee Mfg Co h 134 1st ALLEN WM N (Je.sie C) (W N Alien &

Son) h Macon hwy--Dial LI 6-6601

Alien Wm T mech Ginn's Garage r White

hall Ga Alien Willie J trk dr hlpr Colonial Feed

Co Inc r 396 Augusta av Alien's (Sanders M Simmons) dry gds 401

E Broad Allgood A L (Neva P) live stock dlr

h 225 Beulah av Allgood Bradford H (Polly C) mech Keller

Mach Co h 235 Beulah av

Allgood Carl P lieut City Police Dept r

225 Beulah av Allgood D Eastin USN r 148 Milledge ter

Allgood Frank (Nettie W) inspr Delta

Air Lines h 179 Childs Allgood Geo F (Jewell A) 2 delmn The
McGregor Co h 135 Waddell

Allgood J Dempey (Jane P) (Allgood's Gro) h 430 King ay
Allgood Jas W (Mavis N) 2 prod mgr

Bell's Food Mkt h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Allgood Jane P Mrs (J D) grad nurse 340
King av r same Allgood John H (Bessie R) mech J Swan-

ton Ivy Inc r RD 4

Allgood Lorenzo E (Runette R) 2 slsmn

h Elder rd RD 4


Allgood Marion R (Alice A) h 946 College av
Allgood Maude B (wid J R) r 284 Oakland av
Allgood Maude R (wid F Y) r 135 Waddell Allgood Polly C (Mrs H B) ofc sec Wing-
field & Son r 225 Beulah av Allgood Runette (Mrs L E) sch tchr r
Elder rd RD 4 Allgood Sara E Mrs 1 comptometer opr
Golf Oil Corp h 148 Milledege ter Allgood Sarah F r 225 Beulah av Allgood's Grocery (J Dempsey Allgood)
1290 W Broad Allied Insurance Agency ofc 416 Sou Mut
Bldg Allied Producers & Supply Co Inc O Dennis
Grimes v-pres, Eug C Walters sec-treas, C A Marsh ofc mgr 425 E Hancock av Allison Howard T (Evelyn C) 2 field executive Boy Scouts of Am h 3 Cloverhurst

Alps Road Drive-In Theater (Newman Corker) Alps rd RD 4
Alton Norman A (June R) 2 rep h 58 Myrna ct apt
Amason Dora L (wid G C) r 620 Agricultural dr
Amason Wm L (Annie L) optician Dr Andrew J Denman and Dr Walter H Matthews r Whitehead rd RD 2
Ambrose Herman D (Johnnie S) 1 r 629 Cobb
American Breeders Service Neil Manley rep cattle breeding 110 State Agricultural Extension Service Annex Bldg
American Cafe (Harold J Archer) 184 W Clayton
American Home Mutual Life Insurance Co Rev C H Latimore agt 3d fir Morton Bldg
American Legion Alien R Fleming Jr Post No 20 740 S Lumpkin

ct Allison Ivah McD Mrs cash Carolina
Life Ins Co h 277 Holman av Allman Ernest S (Marie W) 2 mach L
M Leathers' Sons h 194 Holman av Allman Marie W (Mrs E S) slswn J C Pen-
ney Co Inc r 194 Holman av Allyn Robt H( Marion D) 2 knitter Rod-
gers Hosiery Co Lnc h 530 Cobb Alman Grace emp US Soil Conservation
Service r YWCA Annex Almand Isaac M (Mary T) 1 agt Provi-
dent Life & Accident Ins Co h 285 Oakland Way Almand Mary T (Mrs I M) sch tchr r 285 Oakland Way Almand Preston M (Ruth K) lawyer City Court Solr 409 Sou Mut Bldg h 537 Oglethorpe av Almand Thos A (Werner C) whsemn Farmers Hdw of Athens Inc h 324 Carr Almand Werner C (Mrs T A) ofc sec Farmers Hdw of Athens Inc' r 324 Carr Almond Gary M (Bessie C) cash & waiter

American Legion Classic City Post No 185 W Broad
American Legion Howell Cheney Post No 535 meets 2d & 4th Fridays 8:30 PM Magnolia nr Rose
American Legion Hut 740 S Lumpkin American Legion Swimming Pool 740 S
Lumpkin American Oil Co Mrs Emmaline T Van
Buren Contr Pierce F Tweedell mgr ofc and plant 805 E Broad American Red Cross Athens Chapter Mrs Sallie T Orr executive sec 394 Oconee Amis Margt B (wid Dean) nurse instr Am Red Cross Athens Chapter r Lexington rd RD 3 Amos Roy L (Ruby D) 5 h 439 Madison av Amos Wm (Agnes H) 2 sch tchr r 140 N Rockspring Amvets Post No 10 Winterville rd Anchors Dorothy stockroom elk S H Kress & Co r Tallassee rd Anderson Ada O (wid G H) h 629 Hill Anderson Ann M student r 175 Mitchell

Little Willie's Cafe h 693 N Pope


Almond Chandler M Jr (Christine 0) 3 carrier USPO h 130 Sunset dr
Almond Louise ofc sec Bedgood Lbr & Coal

Hampton G Anderson Pres, A Sidney Johnson Mgr wholesale 225 W Broad-- Dial LI 3-5261

Co r 693 N Pope Almond Ralph C slswn Sanders Mens Shop
h 693 N Pope Almond Wm T USA r 693 N Pope Alpha Chi Omega Soroity h 158 N Milledge
av Alpha Delta Pi Sorority 150 S Milledge av Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity 327 S Milledge
av Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority 530 S Mill-
edge av Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity 785 S Mill-
edge av

Anderson Betty D (wid T F) r 105 Clover Anderson C Burch (Cora L O) mech
Wilfong Bros h 141 Pulaski hits Anderson C Hillyer slsmn The McGregor
Co h 173 Childs Anderson Chas A (Sallie O) (Anderson
Lbr Co) h 1583 S Lumpkin Anderson Chas D (Margt F) 1 (Anderson
Lbr Co) h 260 Sunset dr Anderson Chas L (Josephine H) asst cash
The Sou Cotton Oil Co h 148 Burnett Anderson-Clayton Co Henry L Parr mgr
cotton brokers 154 Oneta Anderson Clyde H h 430 N Peter

Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity 320 S Lump- Anderson Curtis L (Mary T) 3 barber


Carsons Barber Shop h 380 Talmadge dr

Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority Mrs Louise M Anderson Darline B (Mrs H C) ofc wkr

Martin hse mother 1190 S Milledge av

Genl Times Corp r 157 Grady av

Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity 815 S Mill- Anderson Ed C (Ivey D) 1 h 55 Parkview

edge av




Anderson Emma B cook r 170 Glenhaven av
Anderson Ernest (Emma B) ydmn 230 Woodlawn av h 170 Glenhaven av
Anderson Evelyn P waitress Holman Hotel Coffee Shop r 665 N Lumpkin
Anderson Florence maid 158 Westover dr h 691 Henderson av extn
Anderson Ford r 960 Waddell Anderson H Claude (The Yotto Co) r 425
5 Church Anderson H Cohen (Darlene B) 2 shop
formn Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 157 Grady av Anderson H O'Neal (Loudelle B) 3 (Anderson's Service Sta) h 465 Sunset dr Anderson H Vernon (Linnie W) 3 clnr Georgian Lndry & Dry Clnrs h 336 E Strong ANDERSON HAMPTON G Pres Anderson
Auto Parts Co Inc r Andersen S C
Pres The MeGregor Co h 183 Child*-- Dial LI 3-3584 Anderson Jas D (Charline A) 2 pntr h 54 Parkview Homes Anderson Jas L USAF r 130 Childs ANDERSON JAS T (Hilda J) 3 (An derson Plumbing & Heating Co) h 540 Sunset dr--Dial LI 6-7437 Anderson Jas T (Gleneva F) (Anderson Service Sta) r Watkinsville Ga Anderson Jean ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service r 141 Pulaski hts Anderson Jesse A (Gena May Me) trav slsmn The Athens Hdw Co h 470 Milledge Cir Anderson John asst mgr Tony's restr r Colonial Hotel Anderson Josephine H (Mrs C L) emp The C & S Natl Bk r 148 Burnett Anderson Kate mus tchr 425 S Church r same Anderson Katie M r 147 Plum Anderson Kath R (wid T B) ofc sec U of Ga h 130 Childs Anderson Lavada W Mrs h 665 N Lumpgin Anderson Leonora home demstn agt State Agrl Extn Service h 1138 S Lumpkin Anderson Leroy jan Agrl Extn Service Annex Bldg r RD 1 Anderson Louis S agt Interstate Life & Accident Ins Co r Hartwell Ga Anderson Margt F (Mrs C D) opr SET 6 T Co r 260 Sunset dr Anderson Martha tchr Athens High sch r 425 S Church Anderson Mary M h 341 Atlanta av Anderson Mozelle egg grader Poultry Industries Inc r Winterville Ga Anderson Pattie D h 647 N Hull ANDERSON PLUMBING & HEATING CO
(Jas T and Wm H Anderson) Plumbing
and Heating Contractors, Hot Point Appliances 925 W Broad--Dial LI
6-1474 (See Back Supplement Cover and Buyer's Guide)
Anderson Reva S (wid O C) h 1570 S Lumpkin

Anderson Ruby tchr Athens High Sch h 425 S Church
Anderson Service Station (Jas T Anderson) 103 E Washington
Anderson Virginia Mrs 1 ofc wkr r 824 Oconee
Anderson Walter (Bulah C) tex wkr r 580 Nantahala av
Anderson Wm H (Anderson Lbr Co) r 629 Hill
ANDERSON WM H (Lois H) 2 (Ander
son Plumbing & Heating Co) h 550 Sun,et dr--Dial LI 6-6902 Anderson's Service Station (Howard O Anderson) 220 Oak Andrews Dorothy maid 282 Cherokee av r 29 Broadacres Andrews Elsie A (Mrs J B) emp The C & S Natl Bk r Pre-Fab 29-a Ag Hill Andrews Emory service sta atndt City Mtrs Inc h 29 Broadacres Andrews Florrie bkpr Hodgson's Inc r 485 W Cloverhurst Andrews Isabella H maid Holman av r 330 Vine Andrews L Vernon (Bobbie T) 1 mech Downs Mtrs Inc h 170 Park av Andrews Ollie L court reporter County Court Hse h 485 W Cloverhurst av Andrews Ralph T (Richd S) 3 used car dlr h 1056 Oconee Andrews Wm L (Isabella H) h 330 Vine Anglin Bill (Bernice T) 5 emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 290 Seminole av Anglin Harriett L ofc sec St Mary's Hosp r 290 Seminole av Anglin Thurmond L student r 290 Seminole av Angus Manufacturing Co (Frank Felchlin) men's wkr clo 364 N Thomas Anthony Bobby (Joyce) emp The Mathis Constn Co h 860 N Chase Anthony Callie ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service h 253 E Cloverhurst Anthony Emma P (wid R C) r 124 N Poplar Anthony Fred B (Maude) slsmn Heyward Alien Mtr Co r Center Ga Anthony Jas A fixer Climax Hosiery Mills r Comer Ga Anthony Jarrell O (Dorothy C) 2 winch trk opr Ga Power Co h 173 Clover Anthony Joyce (Mrs Bobby) opr Welch's Beauty Shop r 860 N Chase Anthony R F (Mavis L) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Comer Ga Antique Gift Shop (Mrs Lena G Beusse) 224 Baxter
ANTLEY WM R (Ernestine McR) Pres The National Bank of Athens h 136 Carlton ter--Dial LI 6-7112
Apostolic Faith Church Mrs Carrie A Elrod pastor Sunday Services 11:00 AM and 7:30 PM 151 Chatooga av
Applebaum Marilyn L student r 223 Marion dr
Applebaum Sherman H (Gladys J) 1 mgr Honegger-Roth Corp h 223 Marion dr

Appleby Allie C (wid H M) h 90 Springdale
Appleby Allie S Mrs r 90 Springdale Appleby Eddie L (Gladys J) 7 altera
tions Liberty Dry Clnrs r RD 2 Appleby Jane instr U of Ga h 90 Spring-
dale Appleton Jewell B Mrs 1 elk U S Agrl
Marketing Service & Agrl Statistic r 1024 S Lumpkin Appling Lee (Jessie M) trk dr Adams Trans & Storage Co h 238 N Church Appling Son O lab Anderson Lbr Co h 289 Bridge Appling Susie cook r 170 N Finley Appling Willie (Corine W) 2 porter Ernest Crymes Co h 170 N Finley Archer Alton (Davis) trk dr Talmadge Whol Co Inc r RD 2 Archer Bobby L slsmn Sorrow Linoleum & Tile r Nicholson Ga Archer C Ned (Lessie C) carp Genl Time Corp h 199 Westover dr Archer Frank V (Mary J) 1 emp Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 151 Bryant Archer Gordon G elk Colonial Stores Inc r RD 4 Archer H J (Eloise S) slsmn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Jefferson rd RD 2 Archer Harold J (Jessie L) (Am Cafe) r RD 1 Archer Jessie L (Mrs H J) mgr Am Cafe r RD 1 Archer John E (Shirley M) emp City Btlg Co h 653 N Milledge av Archer Lessie C (Mrs C N) emp Big Ace Corp r 199 Westover dr Archer Louise waitress Terminal Grill r 187 Chatooga av Archer Odell G mach opr Classic City Overall r Hull Ga Archer Ruth H Mrs 1 mender Climax Hosiery Mills h 234 Georgia Depot Archibald Veronica 2 maid Athens Country Club r 1658 E Broad Arctic Girl No 1 (Glenn Harben) frozen custard 1660 W Broad Artic Girl No 2 (S L Harben) ice cream
716 S Lumpkin Argo Pete (Eliz S) 1 installer-repr S B
T & T Co h Princeton rd RD 4 Argo Lula H (Mrs R P) ofc wkr r 231
Gilliland dr Argo Ray P (Lula H) 2 trk dr Wilfong
Bros h 231 Gilliland dr Argo Robt E Jr (Jeane A) v-pres Insurers
Inc h 43 Myrna ct apt
liams Distributor Cities Service Petrol
eum Products, Tires and Batteries 316
Oconee--Dial LI 3-4948 (See Special
Armistead Walter W (Mertle) r West View dr
Armour Ed (Daisy) ydmn h 438 1st
Armour Jurod (Ola S) hlpr Oconee Street Service Sta h 190 5th
Armour Pearl T h 236 Pearl

Armour Willie B lab S A L R R Co r 438 1st
Armstrong Charlie lab Sou Cotton OH Co h 680 N Hull
Armstrong Chester L (Dorothy J) 2 ofc mgr Keller Mach Co h 266 Milledge Ter
Armstrong Louisiana presser Gray Bros Dry Clnrs r Arnoldsville Ga
Armstrong Margt bkpr U of Ga r 197 South View dr
Armstrong Susie M (wid G F) r 197 South View dr
Williams Pres-Treas, Jas N Hartford
V-Pres, Geo D Williams Sec-Treas, Coal
Fuel Oil Cotton Ginning 315 Oconee--
Dial LI 6-8271 (See Front Supplement
Cover Marginal Lines and Buyer's
Guide) Arnett's Studio (C E Weatherly) photog
244 E Washington
Asst Mgr The Varsity h 161 Holman
av--Dial LI 6-7441 Arnold Albert T (Jewell S) elk Moon's
Gro h 373 E Dougherty Arnold Allan (Genevieve L) asst mgr
Walter R Thomas Athens Inc h 1226 Prince av Arnold Alien (Pearl) h 645 Dearing Arnold Andrew (Mattie) foremn Co lonial Poultry Co Inc h 467 Atlanta av Arnold Aurie B (wid O H Jr) h 925 S Milledge av Arnold Austin O (Lois B) 2 mgr h 819 College av Arnold Betty USAF r 660 Belvoir hts Arnold Callie maid h 124 North av Arnold Darlena 6 maid h 136 Water Oak Arnold Eldridge r 876 Waddell Arnold Erwin (Thelma) lab h rear 344 S Rockspring Arnold Frank E (Madalene) trk dr Armstrong & Dobbs Inc r 371 Arch Arnold Frank L (Annie L) h 819 Col lege av Arnold G Herbert (Sylvia C) 1 electn Rob erts Elec & Appliance Co h 840 W Han cock av Arnold Geneva N D maid r 54 Broad Acres Arnold Genevieve L (Mrs Alien) mus tchr 1226 Prince r same Arnold Geo (Annie M) 4 barber Brown's Barber Shop h 198 Flint Arnold Gladys 1 h 179 Berry Arnold Grace B (Mrs R L) mach opr Big Ace Corp r 397 Pound av
Arnold Henrietta cook Kappa Delta Sorority h 489 S Rockspring
Arnold Henry (Pearl) h 967 Hobson av
Arnold Inez maid Gallant-Belk Co r 124 North av
Arnold Inez (Mrs W N) mach opr Big Ace Corp r 1127 Oconee
Arnold Jas W (Hester A) lawyer 503 Sou Mut Bldg r Snow's Mill rd



Arnold Jessie M F waitress Walker's
Drive Inn r 158 N Church Arnold Jim (Mary) porter Athens Fire
& Auto Sup Co r 123 Plaza Arnold John E (Connie) 1 student r 1690
S Milledge av Arnold John W trk dr hlpr The Webb-
Crawford Co r 447 S Rockspring
Arnold Mary A r 225 North av Arnold Mattie emp Athens Poultry Co
r 386 Arch Arnold Nathl D (Geneva) 3 trk dr Bell's
Ford Mkt h 54 Broad Acres Arnold Nellie P Mrs 4 inspr Classic City
Overall Co Inc h 225 North av Arnold Odessa T (Odessa Beauty Shop)
r 397 Athens av Arnold Pearl maid 1127 S Milledge r 645
Bearing Arnold Percy A (Joan D) 2 interior fnsh
Interior Specialty Inc h 185 Holman av
Arnold Ralph butcher Athens Butchers Abattoir Co Inc r 124 North av
Arnold Ralph P (Mary L) 4 yd formn S A L R R Co h 419 Boulevard
Arnold Richd P (Mary B) h 195 S Finley Arnold Roosevelt L (Grace B) patrolmn
City Police Dept h 397 Pound av Arnold Ruby L (wid W S) ofc sec Dr Riv-
ington H Randolph and receptionist Dr Wm H Bonner r Watkinsville Ga Arnold Susie presser Choke's Sanitone Clnrs r 378 S Rockspring Arnold Sylvia C (Mrs G H) genl asst U of Ga Library r 840 W Hancock av Arnold Tennie ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc h 126 Stephen Arnold Thos B (Rosa L) 3 tile lyr h Win-
terville rd Arnold Walter (Odessa T) brklyr h 397
Athens av Arnold Wayne electn hlpr Roberts Elec &
Appliance Co r 1127 Oconee Arnold Wm N (Inez D) 2 electn Roberts
Elec & Appliance Co h 1127 Oconee Arnold & Abney Inc Robbie L Stone pres,
Robbie L Stone Jr v-pres bakers 137 N Lumpkin
Aronoff Jos (Good Luck Mfg Co) r At lanta Ga
ARROW LOAN A. INSURANCE CO W C Thorn ton Jr Supvr, Constance L Scott Mgr Personal Loan* - Auto Insurance
170) College av Dial LI 6-8553
Arrowhead Stamp Shop (Gus A Hippchen)
208 Shackelford Bldg Artau Dolores dean U of Ga r 170 Stan-
ton Way Arthur Horace K (Trellie) ship elk Circu
lar Banding Co r Princeton RD 4 Arthur Mae W (wid N S) hse mother Beta
Tau Alpha Sorority r 948 Prince Arthur Mina r 543 Meigs
Arthur Robt A (Rose H) 2 div coml sis eng Ga Power Co h 230 Milledge ter
Arthur Trellie O slswn S H Kress & Co RD 4
Arthur Wm G slsmn Athens Army Store r Lezington rd RD 3

Artificial Breeders Assn of Oconee County 465 Nantahala av
Artry John (Lucy) trooper State Patrol r Statham Ga
Ash Ernest L (Helen L) mgr University Chevrolet Service Sta h 635 Talmadge dr
Ash Helen L (Mrs E L) ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service r 635 Talmadge dr
Ash Linnie (Essie M) lab City h 955 Hobson av
Ash Rufus M trk dr Farmers Mut Whse Assn r Arnoldsville Ga
Ashby Wm T student r 530 South View dr
Ashe Betty ofc sec Brown Mtr Co r Morton rd RD 3
Ashelr Wm E reporter Athens BannerHerald r 632 Oglethorpe av
Ashford Annie M 2 cook Sunset dr h 427 S Finley
Ashford Constance S (wid C A) h 1187 Prince av
Ashley Clara T h 122 Lyndon Row
Ashley Jas D (Florence P) 2 elk Ga Power Co h 121 Clover
Ashley Mary L r 122 Lyndon Row Ashmore Mary (wid C M) r 369 Cobb Ashworth Geo T (Mildred W) 1 electn h
355 E Cloverhurst av Ashworth R Louise (Devolia D) h 1082 S
Lumpkin Ashworth Wm C (Margie J) 1 trk dr R E
Poss & Son h 1274 E Broad Askew J Thos (Annie M) dean U of Ga
INC W W Prickett Dispatcher 426 Madison Dial LI 3-4171 ASSOCIATED TRANSPORT INC Ralph Wiley Mgr 740 College av Athens Agricultural Fair Grounds Sunset dr nr Oglethorpe av Athens Aluminum Foundry Co (Hugh L Flower) 881 College av Athens Army Store (J Cleo Sims) men's clo 162 N Thomas ATHENS AUTO ELECTRIC & MAGNETO CO (J B Adams, R N Hazen and Jack V Johnson) Automobile Electric Service 227 W Hancock av Dial LI 6-7317 Athens Auto Storage Co (Ernest V Pal mer) parking 138 W Broad ATHENS AUTO SUPPLY CO (Roger N Hazen and Jack V Johnson) Automobile Parts 225 W Hancock av Dial LI 6-7317 (See Marginal Line* and Buyers Guide)
ATHENS AWNING & MATTRESS CO (Thos K Crawford and Chas D Hix) Awning and Mattress Manufacturers Danielsville rd at City Limit Dial LI 6-8434 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers
ATHENS BANNER-HERALD THE Earl B Braswell Editor-Publisher, Bryan C Lumpkin Associate Editor, Jas I Groover Advertising Mgr, John B Davis Circulation Mgr Newspaper Published Daily Ex-

cept Saturday by Athena Publishing Co Inc 375 E Hancock av Dial LI 3-3O47 (See Buyers Guide)
Athens Barber Shop (Wm E Parten) 260 College av
Athens Boiler & Machine Works Inc Augustus Blount pres-treas, Wilson O Blount v-pres, and Wm T Ray sec 74898 N Thomas
ATHENS BUILDING & WELL SUPPLY (C Curtis Bennett) Building and Well Supplies 142 Oconee Dial LI 6-1497 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Athens Business College Roland E Carter pres, Mrs Carrie E McClain sec-treas rm 205 Saye Bldg
Athens Butchers Abattoir end Willow Athens Butchers Abattoir Co Inc Lee O
Price v-pres-sec-treas ofc 240 N Lumpkin plant end Willow
ATHENS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Malcolm Ainsworth Executive Secretary 155 E Washington Dial LI 6-7335 (See Buyers Guide)
Athens Chapter No 268 O E S meets Masonic Temple 279 Meigs
Athens Chickery (Comer L Owens) poultry ret 660 W Broad
ATHENS CIGARETTE SERVICE (M L Gilbert Jr) Coin Operated Machines 71050 W Broad Dial LI 3-5130
Athens City Lines Edgbert W Henson Jr mgr city bus trans 148 W Washington
ATHENS CITY OF City Hall 301 College av Appraiser Geo M McDowell 2d fir City Hall Attorney Jas Barrow 419 Sou Mut Bldg Board of Education J Smiley Wolfe preschairman, Mrs Warren Thurmond vpres, Fred Ayers sec-treas 1st fir City Hall and 155 E Washington Building Inspector Jack G Beacham 2d fir City Hall Chaplain Rev Eug L Hill 2d fir City Hall Council Jack R Wells Mayor, Luther T Bond, John Bondurant, W N Banner, C S Denney, R H Kimbrell, Curtis Lovern, R W Phillips, Guy W Smith, E Pharr Thompson and J Comer Whitehead members meets 1st Tuesday monthly 2d fir City Hall CLERK Alien G Smith 1st fir City Hall Director Civil Defense Geo M McDowell 2d fir City Hall Electrical Inspector Geo M McDowell 2d fir City Hall
Engineer Jack G Beacham 2d fir City Hall
FIRE DEPARTMENT W Curtis Thompson Chief Sta No 1 300 N Thomas, Sta No 2 489 Prince av, Sta No 3 1744 S Lumpkin
CITY - COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Wedford W Brown Commissioner 175 Hill
Incinerator end College av

Landscape Architect A J Stodghill 2d fir City Hall
Marshall T Doyle Howell 1st fir City Hall
MAYOR Jack R Wells 2d fir City Hall Mayor Pro Tern E Pharr Thompson 2d
fir City Hall Municipal Court L Olin Price judge,
Preston M Almand solicitor Playground & Recreation Board, Ran-
dolph Holder chairman, Hubert Bell, Mrs Dorothy Edwards, Fred B Leathers and Mrs Mildred Rhodes members 293 E Hoyt Plumber Joe Edwards 2d fir City Hall POLICE DEPARTMENT C O Roberts Chief bsmt City Hall Sanitary Department B E Lumpkin supt 2d fir City Hall Stockade Pound av Street Department A B Sharpe supt 2d fir City Hall Superintendent of Schools Fred Ayers
1st fir City Hall TAX COLLECTOR Alien G Smith 1st fir
City Hall Tax Receiver Alien G Smith 1st fir City
Hall TREASURER Alien G Smith 1st fir City
1st fir City Hall Jack G Beacham supt 2d fir City Hall, Joe Edwards supt Distribution System plant Water Works dr
Athens Civic Auditorium 155 E Washington
Athens Civic Building 155 E Washington Athens Civitan Club meets monthly 1st
and 3rd Monday 7:30 pm Hotel Hoiman
ATHENS COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO THE Walter A Sams Pres, Albert D Sams V-Pres, Walter A Sams Jr SecTreas 297 Prince av Dial LI 3-4823 (See Buyers Guide)
Athens Concrete Products Co (Wm A Mathis) blk mfrs 945 College av
ATHENS COOPERATIVE CREAMERY INC W P White Mgr, Grade "A" Homogenized and Pasteurized Milk, Makers of "Better Maid" Ice Cream 198 W Hancock av Dial LI 6-7383 (See Special Section)
Athens Country Club Troy B Black mgr
Jefferson rd RD 2 Athens Cycle Co (J Harold Holcomb) bi-
cicycles repairing 264 N Lumpkin Athens Dental Laboratory (Otis C How-
ington) 168 Hart av
ATHENS DRIVE-IN THEATRE (Georgia Theatre Co) Thos D Mann Mgr Motion Pictures Atlanta Hwy Dial LI 6-1429
Athens Elastic & Braid Co (Estate of Richd H Maupin) 185 Cloverhurst cir
Athens Electric Supply Co (E F Marable) whol 2155 W Broad
Athens Employment Service (C C Bradley and Wm L Laird Jr) 285% College av rm 207

Athens Exchange Club meets Monday 1 :00 pm Georgian Hotel
Athens Farm Equipment Co Henry A Compton mgr 241 W Clayton
Athens Fish & Oyster Co (Thurman B Oliver) 573 E Broad
ATHENS FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN Howard H McWhorter Prem, Roy W Curtis Sec-Treas, Mrs Louise D Ste phens Asst Sec-Treas 114 College av-- Dial LI 6-0158 (See Buyers Guide)
Athens Furnace & Sheet Metal Contracting Co (Lonie Martin and Russell Saye) 254 W Clayton
Athens Furnace & Sheet Metal Contracting Co (Lonie Martin and Russell Saye) 254 W Clayton
ATHENS GENERAL HOSPITAL Thos Newland Administrator, J T Hart Asst Administrator-Purchasing Agt 797 Cobb
--Dial LI 3-4311 Athens General Hospital Nurses Home 787
Causey Jr) Glass, Mirrors Paint and Store Fronts 253 Madison ay--Dial LI
3-5234 (See Marginal Lines) Athens Grocery Co (Jas E Garrett and W
Jack Malcom) 457 E Broad ATHENS HARWARE CO THE Sam H
Nickerson Pres-Treae, Norman D Nickerson V-Pres, Jas C Johnson Mgr Hard ware Paint and Sporting Goods 480 E Broad--Dial 3-4391 -and 3-4392 (See Buyers Guide and Special Bottom
Lines) Athens Home Improvement Co storage 524
N Thomas Athens Hotel Wm T Wilkins mgr 186%
E Clayton Athens High School Guy F Driver prin 350
S Milledge av Athens High & Industrial School Reese
cor Pope athletic field 421 W Hancock
ATHENS INSURANCE AGENCY Louie M Clark Agt General Insurance 151 W Hancock av--Dial LI 6-0117 (See Mar ginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Athens Junior Chamber of Commerce meets 1st & 3d Monday 7:00 pm Georgian Hotel
Athens Junior High School Helen Treanor prin 134 Childs
Athens Laundry & Dry Cleaning Service (Geo E Coleman) 240 W Clayton br 1198 S Lumpkin and 1296 Prince av
Athens Life Underwriters meets every 3d Friday 12:30 pm Georgian Hotel
Athens Lions Club meets Thursday 1:00 pm Georgian Hotel
Athens Loan Co (T Jack Maguire) personal 289% N Lumpkin
ATHENS LUMBER CO INC John P Bondurant Pres, Mrs Mary B Bondurant VPres-Treas Building Material and Sup plies 138 Cleveland av--Dial LI 6-0161 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)

Athens Marble & Granite Co Inc E Baxton Cook pres Stacie L Bowen sec-treas W Broad
Athens Memorial Park Daniel D Quillian III supt of recreation Gran Ellen dr
ATHENS MOTEL (Mrs Melba M and Wm R Bedgood Jr and T L Lane) C A Thurmond Mgr Macon hwy No 441 -- Dial LI 6-0477
Athens Motor & Machine Co (Kenneth G Eberhart) 150 W Clayton
Athens Municipal Airport John B Giles mgr Airport rd
Athens Nursery School Mary Murray dir 1394 S Milledge av
Athens Optic Mrs Club meets 2d Wednesday 1:00 pm Georgian Hotel
Athens Optimist Club meets Tuesday 7:30 pm Georgian Hotel
Athens Pawn Shop (Robt L Hughes) 142 W Clayton
Athens Pilot Club meets 2d & 4th Monday 6:30 pm Georgian Hotel
ATHENS PLUMBING & HEATING CO (Paul F Woodall) Mrs Pearl M Woodall Mgr Plumbing and Heating Contrac tors 457 N Hull--Dial LI 6-8337 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Athens Poster Advertising Co (Frank H Williams) 433 E Hancock av
Athens Poultry Co Inc Julius F Bishop pres Grover Harben and D D Saye v-prests Harold M Crow sec-treas Barber
Athens Pressing Club (Henry G Williams) bsmt 301 N Jackson
Athens Produce Inc (J G Crawford) Marion W Wing mgr whol 700 E Broad
ATHENS PUBLISHING CO INC Earl B Braswell Pres Publisher The Athens Banner-Herald 375 E Hancock av -- Dial LI 3-3047
Athens Quick Freeze & Storage Co (Wilfong Bros) 447 E Hancock av
Athens Radiator Repair Shop (Mike Martin) 372 E Hancock av
Athens Radiator Shop (Mike P Martin) reprs 1048 Hobson av
Athens Realty Co (Fred A Birchmore) 613 Milledge ter
ATHENS REFRIGERATION & APPLI ANCE CO INC Robt T Eberhardt Jr Pres, Harold A Westervelt Sec-Treas Commercial Refrigeration Air Condition ing 312 E Broad--Dial LI 6-7367 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Athens Regional Library Sarah E Maret dir 193 E Hancock ay Dial LI 6-0134 Dunbar Branch Roxie L Jarrell librarian N Pope cor Reese
Athens Rotary Club meets Wednesday 1:00 pm Georgian Hotel
Athens Saving Bank Building 283 E Broad
Athens Seed Co (Troy W Porter-field) 510 N Thomas
Athens Sporting Goods Store (Wm R Cheney and Herman E Short) 144 E Clayton LI 6-1034 whse 144% E Clayton



Athens State Farmers Market W Broad Athens Supply Co (Jas E Caudell) Daniels-
ville rd Athens Terminal Co Oscar B McRae agt frt
599 E Broad Athens Tile & Roofing Co (John W Kemp)
contrs N Hull nr end W Hoyt ATHENS TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY CO Geo
T Whitmire Mgr Firestone Tires and Au tomobile Supplies 495 E Clayton--Dial LI 3-3631 Recapping 538 E Clayton (See
C Howard Montgomery Pres-Treas, Rupert A Brown Sec Agricultural Im
plements and Supplies 600 N Thomas-- Dial LI 3-3424 (See Buyers Guide) Athens Venetian Blind Mfg Co (Chas E McGraw) 749 S Church Athens Veterans Vocational School Ray B Ware instr 2d fir br 201 Samaritan Bldg Athens Veterinary Clinic (H Gordon Doran) 2141 W Broad ATHENS WOOD PRESERVING CO (C A Rowland Jr) Atlanta hwy--Dial LI 3-9946 ATHENS WOODWORK & UPHOLSTERY SHOP (Herbert F Cope and Bobby E Conley) Woodwork Automobile and Fur niture Upholstering 180 Park av--Dial LI 3-4865 (See Special Section) Atkinson Henry (Ethel) mech C A Trussell Mtr Co r Madison Ga Atkinson Matilda 2 hlpr Poss's Barbecue r 883 Reese ATLANTA - ASHEVILLE MOTOR EX
PRESS INC (Jack Smith) Ralph Wiley Mgr 740 College av--Dial LI 3-5037 Atlanta Constitution The Willard S Marlow dist supvr 1739 S Lumpkin Geo W Marlow Jr agt 1193 S Milledge av ATLANTA GAS LIGHT CO Ray P Bush Mgr 140 W Hancock av--Dial LI 3-5201
Plant Paul F Woodall Supt rear 398 N Foundry--Dial LI 6-7401 Atlanta Journal The Willard S Marlow dist supvr 1739 S Lumpkin Howell A Marlow city supvr 583 W Broad Atlanta Life Insurance Co AC Murray mgr 181 W Washington Atlantic Co The Brandon E Mason br mgr ice mfrs Cleveland av Atlantic Greyhound Corp J L Strickland agt bus line 220 W Broad Atwell Harry K (Phyllis L) eng State Hwy Dept h 159 E Cloverhurst av Audulewicz Wm V (Sara F) lubrication mn University Chevrolet Co Inc r Ila Ga Auld Richd C student r 245 Boulevard AULD WM W (Ellen J) Mgr Standard Furnace Co and Standard Home Heating Co h 245 Boulevard--Dial LI 3-2697 Auld Wm L student r 245 Boulevard
Aull Veola M flat ironer Five Point Launderette h 759 N Lumpkin
Ault Fred C (Clara) v-pres Automotive Parts Distributors Inc r Kingsport Tenn

Austin David H (Minnie W) lab h 294 Lyndon av
Austin Estell G maid h 288 4th Autrey Eulah M Mrs h 1040 Hobson
av Austin Jas W USAF r 768 College av Austin Jane cash Simpson Trucking Co r
Statham Ga Auto Accessories & Appliance Co (W Har-
ris Simpson) 333 E Broad Auto Clinic (J R Self) reprs 760 W Broad Automotive Parts Distributors Inc J Robt
Morris pres, Fred C Ault v-pres, Bryant M Smith sec-treas whol 209 N Hull Autrey Paul R (Mabel H) 1 radio patrol opr City Police Dept h 729 Pulaski Autry Clyde M (wid A G) emp Georgian Lndry & Dry Clnrs h 1695 S Lumpkin Autry Grover C (Eliz W) 2 plmbr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co h 179 Grady av Autry Herman J (Juanita W) 3 aud U S Production & Marketing Admn h 549 Sunset dr Autry Jas A (Zuline E) 1 atndt Anderson's Service Sta h 348 N Church Autry John H (Eliz) emp Athens Cooperative Creamery r Bogart Ga Avera Marie (wid W W) emp USPO r 135 Prince av Avrett Harris B (Mamie A) purch agt Quality Mach Co h 441 Bloomfield Averett Mamie (Mrs H B) supvr S B T & T Co r 441 Bloomfield Avery Harold slsmn Moose's Bait Shop r 198 Barrow Avery J B (Grace H) 1 (The Rib House) r Colonial Hotel Avery Jack (Doris D) 1 service slsmn C A Trussell Mtr Co h 533% Nantahala av Avery Leroy agt Guaranty Life Ins Co r Washington Ga Avon Products Inc Mrs Alta M Easter dist mgr 1510 S Lumpkin apt H-2 Aycock Bessie P smstrs Davison-Paxon Co h 1774 S Lumpkin Aycock Christine A opr Sara Franklin Beauty Shop r 119 Broad Acres Aycock Emory L plant contract supvr S B T & T Co r 629 Hill Aycock Homer (Rosa L) porter DavisonPaxon Co h 96 Broadacres Aycock J Melvin (Beatrice B) barber Whitehead Barber Shop r BishojJ Ga Aycock Lawrence (Susie H) jan Colonial Poultry Co h 599 W Hancock av Aycock Mack Y r 165 Waddell Aycock S Blanche opr Marilane Beauty Salon r 1774 S Lumpkin Aycock Susie H dom r 599 W Hancock av Ayers Fred sec-treas City Bd of Education and supt City Schools r Plum Nelly rd Ayers Hazel N ofc sec P W Martin Ins Agcy r 393 W Hancock av Ayers Horace B (Louise J) 1 agt Life Ins Co of Ga h 325 Best dr Ayers Howard W (Cath C) 2 int rev agt Federal Court Hse h 230 Best dr

Ayers Robt H Rev (Mary C) 2 chaplain U of Ga h 450 Milledge hts
Ayres Amos (Gladys E) stock fclk Ga Power Co h 5 Myrtle ct
B To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
B & B Beverage Co (Clerance E Berryman and Guy O Bodman) beer whol 335 Madison av
B & M Grocery (Mrs Minnie H Brown) 790 Pulaski
B & W Dry Cleaners (Wesley Whitehead) 1283 Oconee
B & Z Garage (B L Brooks and J C Zuber) auto reprs 558 W Broad
Babb Corrie T (Mrs T L) alterations Abrom's h 295 Hill
Baccus Foster F (Annie R) 1 whsemn Tanner Lbr Co h 105 Broadacres
BACHELDER GUY S (Jean McE) (Classic City Wine & Beverage Co) r Y-Camp rd --Dial LI 6-1200
Bacon Ed h 180 Berry Bacon Edw Jr (Julia M) 1 porter Crow's
Drug Store Inc h 170 Berry Bacon Gladys J (Mrs J C) sten University
Chevrolet Co Inc r 265 Nantahala av Bacon J Chandler (Gladys J) 2 eng Palace
Theatre h 265 Nantahala av Bacon Julia M ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r 170 Berry Badger G R (Kathleen R) 1 USN h 183
Sylvia cir Badger Grace 2 h 549 Reese Badger Valgean cook 340 King av r 549
Reese Baggs Leware Mrs hse dir Chi Phi Fra
ternity r 1660 S Lumpkin apt 2 Bagwell Cleveland B (Dolley) barber Bry-
ant's Barber Shop r 167 Park av Bailey Aldora C maid First Methodist
Ch h 249 S Rockspring Bailey Alia M 2 h 545 Prince av Bailey Alvie B (Mrs R L) waitress Snack
Shack r 149 Parkview Homes Bailey Amos jan Athens High & Indus
trial Sch r 155 Plaza Bailey Arth L (Helen H) 1 appr plmbr
Athens Plmbg & Htg Co h 950 Oconee Bailey Ben student r 175 South View dr Bailey Berry lab r rear 344 S Rock-
spring Bailey Bertha C maid r 130 Madison hts Bailey Bessie R Mrs h 167 Sunset dr Bailey Cora dom r 153 Lyndon av Bailey D B (Jewel A) line formn Ga Power
Co r 150 Matthews av Bailey Dela M r rear 344 S Rock-
spring Bailey Denver B (Jewell) line formn
Ga Power Co h 150 Matthews av Bailey Emily W (wid J W) h 160 King

Bailey Eva cook Snelling Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) h 179 Strong
Bailey Frances r 545 Prince av Bailey Frank S (Nettie B) sheet metal
wkr L M Leathers' Sons h 251 Frank lin Bailey Freddie L r 180 S Rockspring Bailey Geo D (Ruth G) civ eng State Hwy Dept h 660 Cobb Bailey Geo D Jr (Marie P) 2 eng State Hwy Dept h 410 Pine Needle rd Bailey Harry R (Eliz L) projectionist Pal ace Theatre h 255 Nantahala av Bailey Harry R Jr student r 255 Nanta hala av Bailey Inez r rear 344 S Rockspring Bailey John dishwasher Georgian Hotel r RD 4 Bailey John (Bertha C) lab Athens Lbr Co h 130 Madison hts BAILEY L H & SONS (LouJ. F, Luther H, Luther H Jr and Wm H "Billy" Bai ley) Heating Contractors 855 W Broad -- Dial LI 3-5281 Roofing and Sheet
Metal Dept 845 W Broad (See Back Supplement Cover, Top and Bottom
Lines and Buyer* Guide) Bailey L Annette fountain elk Citizens
Pharm r 247 Williams Bailey Lois A (Mrs MA) mach opr Classic
City Overall Co r 247 Williams Bailey Lonnie F (Hattie E) h 144 War
saw BAILEY LOUIS F (Charlotte I) 4 (L H
Bailey & Sons) h 247 Sunset dr -- Dial
LI 6-0315 Bailey Louise S (wid Wesley) h 175 South
View dr Bailey Lucy S (wid S H) r 171 1st Bailey Lula cook 595 Hill r 155 Plaza Bailey Lula 3 Indrs h 350 DuBose av BAILEY LUTHER H (Minnie G) (L H
Bailey & Sons) h 265 Sunset dr--Dial
LI 6-8328 BAILEY LUTHER H JR (Ethelyn L) 1
(L H Bailey & Sons) h 390 Hampton ct--Dial LI 3-2798 Bailey Magnolia maid rill Madison hts Bailey Mildred G (Mrs W H) ofc sec Rus sell Daniel Inc r 630 Best dr Bailey Millard A (Lois A) electn Taylor Elec Co h 247 Williams Bailey Myra r 111 Madison hts Bailey O Jay (Pauline C) wtchmn Athens Country Club h 765 N Jackson Bailey Odell maid 186 Barber r 179 W Strong Bailey Reid (Mary Lou W) h 133 Cohen Bailey Richd W candy mkr r 247 Wil liams Bailey Robt L (Alvie B) 4 cook Snack Shack h 149 Parkview Homes
Bailey Ruby N maid 140 Ridgewood pi r Hull Ga
Bailey Ruth G (Mrs G D) sten State Dept of Pub Health r 660 Cobb
Bailey S H (Myrtle) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r RD 3



Bailey Sidney C (Georgie) In dry wkr Athens Genl Hosp h 631 Bearing
Bailey W H Plumbing & Heating Co (W H Bailey) 1500 W Hancock av
BAILEY WM H "BILLY" (Mildred G) 1 (L H Bailey & Sons) h 630 Sunset dr--Dial LI 3-3265
Bailey Wm H (Ruth T) (W H Bailey Plmbg & Htg Co) h 130 Best dr
Bailey Willie E (Ophelia) 3 trk dr The Webb-Crawford Co h 111 Madison hts
Bailey Norma H mach opr Fields Mfg Co r 950 Oconee
Baird Clyde (Itia B) 1 slsmn Ala Novelty Hse h 798 Boulevard
Baird T Zenus slsmn J Swanton Ivy Inc r Winder Ga
Bait & Tackle Box (A Dan Poss) 1911 W Broad
BAKER COMPTON O "FAT" Lawyer 106-08 Shackelford Building -- Dial LI 3-2567 Pres Peoples Bonding Co Inc h rear 489 N Milledge av -- Dial LI 6-6492
Baker Ernest E (Montie Jo S) custodian City Hall r 188 1st
Baker Fred A Jr (Ardis C) eng S B T & T Co h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 505
Baker Ida h rear 900 Henderson extd
Baker Nita r 749 N Jackson Baker Paul carp G M Caskey & Son r Bo-
gart Ga Baker Stump r 920 E Broad Baker Ted L firemn City Fire Dept r 920
E Broad Baker Thelma 3 sch tchr r 283 S Fin-
ley Baker Victor H (Susie) 1 h 874 Wad-
Nelsons' Baldwin Directory Co Inc Baldwin Dorothy (wid C S) hse mother
Kappa Delta Sorority r 1084 Prince av Baldwin Hall (U of Ga Biology Dept) end
S Jackson Bales Annie M r Jefferson rd RD 2 Bales Bobby hlpr W L Coxe r Jefferson
rd RD 2 Bales Chas W lab r 270 Water Bales Clinton R (Jennie W) 7 picker Chic-
opee Mfg Co h 270 Water Bales Edw Jr hlpr Jack Bales Trans Co
r Jefferson rd RD 2 Bales Ellis (Lula D) 3 h Jefferson rd
RD 2 Bales H Grady hlpr W L Coxe r Jefferson
rd Bales Jack L (Minnie) hauling 132 N
Peter h same Bales John H (Rille W) warper Chicopee
Mfg Co h 274 Water Bales Lorine waitress Normal Cafe r 1226
Prince av Bales Richd L (Marion B) 2 trk dr Butler
Furn Co h 25 Parkview Homes Ball Ben (Helen S) 2 lab h 694 Branch Ball Ed r 337 Arch Ball Helen S maid r 694 Branch Ball Mary S h 870 Reese

Ball Wilfred student r 870 Reese Ballew Despina K (Mrs L M) tchr U of Ga
r 500 Milledge ter Ballew Leighton M (Despina K) associ
ate prof U of Ga h 500 Milledge ter Bamboo Aquatic Salon (Donald L and Mrs
Eldeen Jacobs) tropical fish 182 Catawba av Bame I Milton sch tchr r 439 College av Bancroft Emily C r 740 W Hancock av Bangs Ruby h 145 N Church Bankers Health & Life Insurance Co The J B Leggett mgr 298 E Washington rm 202-06 Banks Geo A porter Bush Jwlrs r Jef ferson Ga Banks Jessie M lab h 161 Bray Banks John H (Lula W) butler Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity h 380 N Chase Banks Kathryn B nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r 695 Boulevard Banks Minnie maid Milledge av h 25 Broadacres Banks R M ofc mach reprmn r 360 S Lumpkin Banks Thos N USA r 25 Broadacres Bankston Earl (Thalma) 1 porter Har dy's Service Center & Tire Exch r 1146 W Broad Bankston Kath D Mrs 1 women's dir Radio Sta WRFC h 762 Meigs Bankston Odessa P dom h 1738 E Broad Bankston Sam dishwasher Tony's Restr r 162 Indale dr Bankston Thelma L opr Sarah Frank lin Beauty Shop r 1146 W Broad Bannon Annie K r 930 S Milledge av Bannon Nellie L r 930 S Milledge av Barber Allan W student r 330 Hamp ton ct Barber Augusta C (wid C D) ofc sec Dr M T Summerlin r Georgian Hotel Barber Elmer L (Lottie B) h 698 S Milledge av Barber Inez M (wid J G) 3 tex wkr h 175 Mitchell Barber Lottie B (Mrs E L) emp University Lndry r 698 S Milledge av Barber Street Grocery (Howard W Seagraves) 340 Barber Barber Veva (wid G W) h 1095 North av Barber Wedford (Lila C) elk USPO h 330 Hampton ct Barclay Robt E (Eileen H) 1 prof military st Athens High School h 395 Price av Barfield Gladys ctr Athens Poultry Co Inc r 290 Savannah av Barge Ed M (Shirley A) 2 agt Natl Life & Accident Ins Co h 199 Oakland av Barge Rebecca h 640 Vine Barber Anne student r 306 W Rutherford Barker Chelcie H (Anita P) 1 mgr Bar ker Tractor & Equipment Co h 306 W Rutherford Barker Nora J Mrs r 911 E Broad Barker Tractor & Equipment Co Chelcie H Barker mgr 260 W Clayton

Earner John L (Margt W) 2 phys h 545 Milledge cir
Earner Theo E Jr (Carol F) student h 3 Parkview Homes
Barnes Allene (Mrs Joe) registrar North east Ga Council Boy Scouts of Am r Pre Fab Ag Hill
Barnes Ed h 716 Bray
Barnes Jas A (Mary J) 2 prof U of Ga h 120 Windsor ct
Barnes John F (Virginia S) elk U S P O h 175 Tillman la
Barnes Sally M cook Childs Street Sch h 325 Lyndon av
Barnes Tom emp Rowe Whse & Fertz Co r RD 3
Barnes Walter emp Rowe Whse & Fertz
Co r RD 3 Barnett Arth B (Hazel C) 1 carp h 257
Normal av Barnett Aurelius P (Margt L) 1 research
eng U S Dept of Agrl h 195 Stanton Way
Barnett B Eliz (wid D H) r 35 Parkview
Homes Barnett Bertha r 420 Madison av Barnett Carrie r 1045 W Hancock av Barnett Chas B (Ella B) 2 h 37 Broad
Acres Barnett Clinton (Edna) jan Benson's
Bakery h 159 Strickland Barnett Cornelia A (Mrs D E) sch tchr
r 395 S Church Barnett Cynnie L h 809 Waddell Barnett David E (Cornelia R) main
tenance mn Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h
395 S Church Barnett David E Jr USMM r 395 S Church Barnett Ella cook 170 Milledge r 110
Rose av Barnett Eunice 1 dom h W Broad extd Barnett Eva M maid Athens Genl Hosp
r 157 Strickland Barnett F Herbert (Sunie H) (White-
head Barber Shop) h 665 N Jackson
Barnett Fletcher (Ruby L) h 245
Bailey Barnett Frances maid 1225 S Milledge
av r Wathkinsville Ga Barnett Henry clnr Persian Rug Clng
Co r Watkinsville Ga Barnett Izalee S 1 maid 125 Gran
Ellen dr h 4 Gordon's al Barnett Jeff F (Rynia) lab Alexander
Wood Products Co Inc h 160 Macon av Barnett Jessie r 1690 E Broad Barnett Jessie dom r 324 DuBose av Barnett Jezrell F maid 633 Milledge
cir h 968 Waddell Barnett John H porter University Chev
rolet Co Inc h 1460 W Jackson av
Barnett John T (Jessie) 8 emp Co lonial Poultry Co Inc h 324 DuBose av
Barnett Leo (Grace M) 6 jan U of Ga h 279 Boley dr
Barnett Lollie ofc sec State Argl Extn Service r 1242 S Lumpkin
Barnett Margt L (Mrs A P) ofc sec Courts & Co r 195 Stanton Way
Barnett Martha 2 r 4 Gordon's al

Barnett Montine mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Nicholson Ga
Barnett Perry S (Willie D) mech Ginn's Garage h 66 Parkview Homes
Barnett Robt (Dora) 1 lab Southeastern Rubber Co h 248 Augusta av
Barnett Rosa L 2 maid 154 Inglewood r 245 Bailey
Barnett Rosa M 4 r 323 Plaza Barnett Rudolph lab Atlanta Gas Light
Co r Maxeys Ga Barnett Rudolph lab r W Broad extd
RD 4 Barnett Ruth r 1596 E Broad Barnett Sandra N student r 395 S Church Barnett Sarah maid 120 Plum Nelly rd r
Watkinsville Ga Barnett Tommy lab r 245 Bailey Barnett Walter L (Katie P) 2 dr Simp-
son Trucking Co h 350 Best dr Barnett Wm trk dr M P Morris Ready
Mixed Concrete r Bishop Ga Barnett Wm M Rev (Lelia I) associate
pastor First Methodist Ch h 460 Sunset dr Barnette Everlean dishwasher Coastal Grill h 876 Waddell Barnette Jake (Ella) jan U of Ga h 110 Rose av Barnette Laura (wid L A) r 340 N Harris Barnette Stella M nurse Athens Genl Hosp h 1764 W Broad extd Barnette Tiller (Mozelle S) 1 h 299 Colima av Barnhouse H E trav slsmn The McGregor Co r Albany Ga Barr Geraldine D ( Mrs R S) ofc wkr r 375 S Harris apt 1 Barr Robt S (Geraldine D) USN h 375 S Harris apt 1 Barr Thos A (Dorothy P) tchr U of Ga h 278 Hodgson dr Barrett Chas H (Wilhemina J) electn Roberts Elec & Appliance Co r Sheffers Dairy rd RD 3 Barrett Clarence A (Lelia S) 2 (Sin clair Service Sta) h 640 Sunset dr Barrett Clifton C (Dorothy) 2 tchr h Lexington rd Barnett Dora ctr Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 248 Augusta av Barnett Eddie H (Gertrude Me) 4 brk lyr h 1045 W Hancock av Barrett Curtis O (France S) 2 converter hlpr Dairypak Inc h Johnson dr Barnett Eva M maid Athens Genl Hosp r 159 Strickland Barrett David appr electn Roberts Eec & Appliance r RD 3 Barrett Early hlpr H & P Gro r 420 Water Barrett Frank (Amelia P) 1 mech Car ter's Carburetor Elec Co h 847 College av Barrett Johnie Rev (Bessie H) h r Cherokee rd Barrett Junior (Jeanie W) 1 trk dr h 120 Willow Barrett Mary A sten-clk Ga Power Co r 1075 Prince av

Barrett W Coile (Willie R) 2 patrolmn City Police Dept h 845 W Hancock
Barrett W Coile Jr appr W A Stevens Co
r 250 Nacoochee av Barrett Wm J (Cora S) sweeper Chico-
pee Mfg Co h 210 Ruth Barrett Willie R (Mrs W C) mach opr
Good Luck Mfg Co r 845 W Hancock av Barrington Myrtle 1 (Thornton Beauty
Shop) r 170 Lyndon av Barren Bessie r 124 N Poplar Barren Ruth F (wid J P) ofc sec First
Methodist Ch r 237 Highland av Barrow Benj H (Herny L) h 436 Bearing Barrow Clara E (wid Jas) furn rms 197
Dearing h same Barrow David F (Mary A) prof U of
Ga h 260 Cherokee av Barrow Early (Mozell) plmbr hlpr r 221
Strickland Barrow Eula G drsmkr 274 Arch h
same Barrow Fannie h 221 Strickland Barrow Geneva J Indry wkr r 111
BARROW JAS (PhylHs J) 3 Sec-Treas
Coastal Service Inc Lawyer 419-21
Southern Mutual Bldg City Attorney--
Dial LI 6-8162 h 259 S Finley -- Dial LI 6-6402 Barrow Lizzie cook Crow's Drug Store Inc r 221 Strickland Barrow McNeil L (Geneiva J) 1 emp New Way Lndry & Dry Clnrs h 111 Dub lin Barrow Mozell cook Childs Street Sch r 221 Strickland Barrow Phyllis J (Mrs Jas) pres Junior Assembly Clinic r 259 S Finley Barrow School Mrs Rosa P Tarpley prin Pinecrest dr Barrow Thos A (Helen D) 3 USA r 197 Dearing Barrow Victoria R r 200 Glenhaven av Barrow Wm atndt W S Sailers Down town Service Sta No 2 r Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Barry Edw L display mgr Gallant-Belk Co r 277 Hill Barry J C (Lorene H) 1 mgr Benson's Bakery h 274 Parkway dr Barry Lorene H (Mrs J C) slswn Horton's Drug Store r 274 Parkway dr Barthalomew Chas W (Joy Ann S) ensign Naval Sup Corps r 285 Holman av Barthlemess Wesley (Mary W) student h 748 Cobb Barthlemess Mary W (Mrs Wesley) ofc sec Simpson Trucking Co r 748 Cobb Bartlett Jessie L mech J Swanton Ivy Inc r Monroe Ga
Barton A G (Loyce B) statistical tech State Agrl Extn Service r Lexington rd RD 3
Barton Harold G (Barbara) collr The L B Price Merc Co r RD 3
Barwick Wm S h 723 W Hancock av
BASHAM CECIL L (Ruby L) 1 v-pre.
Basham Welding & Machine Co Inc and

mach Alexander Wood Products Inc h
Mitchell Bridge rd -- Dial LI 6-7578 Basham Clyde M ofc mgr Chief Pontiac Co
r 853 College av BASHAM J BRANK (Roberta N) 1
pres Basham Welding & Machine Co Inc
h 224 Buena Vista av -- Dial LI 3-5220
BASHAM LOIS W (wid J E) sec-treas
Basham Welding & Machine Co Inc h
853 College av -- Dial LI 3-4126
INC J Frank Basham pres, Cecil L Bas
ham v-pres, Mrs Lois W Basham sec-
treas 774 N Jackson -- Dial LI 3-2920
(See Buyers Guide)
BASINGER DON W (Ann C) 3 mgr
Georgian Loan & Investment Corp h 310 Holman av -- Dial LI 6-6215 Basketeria The (E S Kirk and R Leo Sea bolt) 1200 S Lumpkin Bass Arth G (Sudie C) 1 trav slsmn h 239 West View dr Bateman Thos C (Janie I) 1 slsmn h 340 Milledge hts Bates Alice A maid h 1537 W Broad Bates Fannie (wid Wm) r 635 Reese Bates Geo F (Jamie B) 1 USAF h 16 Parkview Homes Bates Helen (Mrs Jasper) opr S B T & T Co r 250 Yonah av Bates Henry H (Jesse H) cook Betty's Truck Stop r 635 Reese Bates Hote W (Ruby J) 5 pntr h 635 Reese Bates Jas (Lucile S) student r 398 Dearing Bates Jas T sta atndt Magnolia Oil Co r Commerce Ga Bates Jasper (Helen) emp Maynard Sheet Metal Wks h rear 250 Yonah av Bates Jeanette R opr S B T & T Co r 1640 Prince av Bates Jeff G (Sadie W) pntr h 347 N Church Bates Lucile S (Mrs Jas) instr University Demonstration Sch r 398 Dearing Bates Rudolph pntr r 635 Reese Bates Wm S Rev (Christine F) 3 Baptist field wkr h 253 King av Battle Annie h!463W Broad Battle Gladys emp Colonial Poultry Co h 333 Winterville rd Battle Lizzie M cook r 241 Fields av Battle Pearly r 190 Paris Battle Percy (Pearline) hlpr Ga Mtrs Inc r Monroe Ga Batts Ann W (Mrs E S) receptionist Chicopee Mfg Co r RD 4 Baugh Chas (Mary C D) h 290 S Hull Baugh Ed (Vicie C) h 290 N Peter Baugh Henry lab r 290 N Peter Baughcum Irene G (Mrs J E) emp Chicopee Mfg Co r 290 Williams Baughcum Jas C (Irene G) trk dr r 290 Williams Baughcum Ossie Mrs r 143 Grady av Bawel Roberta 3 h 134 Winterville rd Baxter D Olen asst eng State Agrl Extn Service r Reed Hall Baxter Frances smstrs Angus Mfg Co r 626 Hill

Baxter Fred E (Mary C) 1 pntr h 2065 S Lumpkin
Baxter Grover C (Frances) 2 pntr h 626 Hill
Baxter Julian F (Lucille S) (Baxter's) r Atlanta Ga
Baxter Sara C (wid R B) h 957 Baxter Baxter Theo W (Susan B) h 497
Springdale Baxter's (Julian F Baxter) Mrs Martha G
Jennings mgr children clo 185 College av Bazemore Martha C grad nurse Athens
Genl Hosp r 787 Cobb Bazzele Annie M r Magnolia Bazzele Susie L cook Greenwood dr r
Magnolia Bazzele Richd (Lula) h Magnolia Bazzell Dorothy H maid 217 Woodlawn
r 439 S Rockspring Bazzell Gwendolyn maid 241 Highland
av r 1375 W Broad Bazzell Napoleon (Dorothy H) lab h
439 S Rockspring Bazzelle Ed h 1162 Broad W Bazzelle Maxine r 1375 W Broad Bazzelle Susan C r 295 Magnolia Bazzelle Vernon trk hlpr The McGregor
Co r 439 Rockspring Beach C H (Mary B) 1 lab h 148 Win-
terville rd Beach Earl E (Vivian S) 1 prof U of Ga h
530 W Rutherford Beach Theo W student r 530 W Rutherford Beach Vivian S (Mrs E E) tchr University
Demonstration Sch r 530 W Rutherford Beacham Belle W (wid E K) h 150
pres-treas, Mrs Isabel F Beacham v-pre
sec Office Equipment Machines and
Suppies 298 N Lumpkin -- Dial LI
6-7394 and LI 6-7395 (See Marginal
Lines and Buyers Guide)
BEACHAM DEAN E (Isabel F) 1 pre*-
treas The Beacham Co h 288 Slant on Way -- Dial LI 6-8095 Beachman Eva W Mrs slswn GallantBelk Co h 375 Nellie B av BEACHAM ISABEL F (Mrs D E) v-pressec The Beacham Co r 288 Stanton Way -- Dial 6-8095
v-pres Bernstein Funeral Home Inc h 710 S MHledge av -- Dial LI 6-8526 Beacham Jack G (Lutrelle) City Bldg Inspr, City Eng and City Supt of Water Wks h 275 Cherokee av BEACHAM W D REALTY CO (Wm D
Beacham) Real Estate 234 E Washing ton -- Dial LI 3-5621
Realty Co) sec-treas Equitable Loan Co h 540 Prince av -- Dial LI 3-5050
Beal Austin B Jr USAF r 375 Price av
Beall Alice associate prof U of Ga h 155 Woodland Way
Beard Mattie h 124 Winterville rd
Beasley Harold E CPA McWhorter S Cooley r 460 Springdale

Beasley Harry L (Elsie M) 3 swtchmn Ga R R h 175 Windsor ct
Beasley Lillie M cook h 260 Cleveland Beard Chas W student r 530 South View dr Beard Mattie (wid J W) cook Oconee
Street School Lunchrm h 124 Winter ville rd Beard Mildred L looper Climax Hosiery Mill r 130 Williams Beard Nellie B (wid F C) inspr Chicopee Mfg Co h 130 Williams Beard Ora C (Mrs H G) slswn h 601 N Thomas Beard Roy J student r 530 South View dr Bearden Arnold C (Roberta S) parts mgr Silvey Mtr Co Inc h 248 Barber Beatenbaugh Jas E (Guinette S) 2 electn h 265 Barber Beatenbaugh Reba (Mrs T R) inspr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 2 Beatnbo Henry E (Johnny F) 2 emp Strother Lbr Co h Old Hull rd Beaumont Chas A instr U of Ga h 107 Wil son av Beauty By Agnes (Mrs Agnes L Childs) 1050 S Lumpkin 1st fir Beavers Hubert r 170 Best dr Beavers Jas L (Mattie H) 1 (Jimmy's Prod) h 170 Best dr Bebe Nellie R maid 362 W Clovehurst r rear 1163 W Broad Beck Beatrice C ( Mrs E G) mus tchr City Schools r 759 Cobb Beck Bertha P (wid F P) r 340 South View dr Beck Chas W (Emma G) carp h 565 Col lege av Beck Christine B( Mrs David) slswn Davison-Paxon Co r 595 Pulaski Beck Claude A (Francine B) 5 trk dr Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 525 Prince av Beck Claude A Jr student r 525 Prince av Beck David T (Christine B) 1 pntr h 595 Pulaski Beck Edwin G (Beatrice C) 4 prof U of Ga h 759 Cobb Beck Geo (Lillie C) 5 emp Colonial Poultry h 325 Bailey Beck Helbert N (Mildred M) 1 USA h 1989 S Lumpkin Beck LeRoy L (Ruville) 2 h 595 Pulaski Beck Lillie C emp Colonial Poultry r 325 Bailey Beck Sophia 2 r 806 Wadell Beck's Mrs Doris W Porterfield mgr womens clo 255 E Clayton Becker Caroline P (wid J H) h 227 Waddell Becker Oneita B Mrs R R asst mgr Diana Shops r 1770 S Lumpkin Becker Ralph R (Oneita B) 1 slsmn J C Penney Co Inc h 1770 S Lumpkin Beckum W Guy (Susie W) agt Ga R R h 440 University dr Beckwith Lessie T (Mrs W S) cafeteria mgr Athens High Sch r 731 Cobb Beckwith Wightman S (Lessie T) prof U of Ga h 731 Cobb Bedenbaugh Carl (Leola G) h 1455 E Broad

BEDGOOD LUMBER & COAL CO W R Bedgood pres, W R Bedgood Jr r-pre
Coal Lumber and Building Materials 259 Wynburn av -- Dial LI 3-2571 (See
Both Sides of Tag) BEDGOOD MELBA M (Mrs W R)
(Athens Motel) Clk County Ordinary r
403 W Rutherford -- Dial LI 6-0250 BEDGOOD WM R (Melba M) pres
Bedgood umber & Coal Co h 403 W
Rutherforl -- Dial LI 6-0250 BEDGOOD WM R JR (Eleanor B) 5
(Athens Motel) v-pres Bedgood Lumber & Coal Co h 375 West View dr -- Dial
LI 6-6231 Beeland Geo T (Ruth L) coml agt C of
Ga R R h 396 W Rutherford Beer Carrie elk-typist State Agrl Extn
Dept h 434 University dr Beer Jennie ofc sec U of Ga r 434 Uni
versity dr Beer Sylvester (Opie P) 1 pres Bulldog
Recreation Center h 434 University dr Belcher Dorothy R (wid L W) h 250 N
Milledge av Belding Chas P (Barbara W) v-pres
Empire State Chem Co and Hodgson's Inc h Lexington rd Belflower Harvey D (Hilda C) 2 USN h 127% Hall Belflour Hilda C (Mrs H D) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 127% Hall Bell Annie E h 246 Vine Bell Annie M bkpr The Webb-Crawford Co h 300 Milledge cir Bell Betty S bkpr Personal Loan Co Inc r 125 W Strong Bell Brydie cook h 143 Morton's al Bell Carl (Kate) 6 emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 380 Arch Bell Chas D (Martha M) 4 barber Ga Barber Shop h 355 Talmadge dr Bell Chas E Jr( Mary G) livestock spe cialist State Agrl Extn Service h 250 Morton av Bell Chas H student r 250 Morton av Bell Chas M (Mary J) service mgr Chief Pontiac Co r Bishop Ga Bell Clarence D student r 240 South View dr Bell David student r 240 South View dr Bell Donald student r 240 South View dr Bell E Jewell drafting elk S B T & T Co r 135 Park av Bell Edison (Annie M) 10 wood dlr h 213 N Chase Bell Edith A (Mrs B B) slswn Boley's rear 840 Bobbin Mill rd Bell Emma E cook h 264 Bridge Bell Era kitchen hlpr Athens Genl Hosp r 172 Broadacres BELL FRED G (Minnie W) (Bell's Food Market) h 1688 Prince av -- Dial LI 3-5373
BELL G HUBERT (Wynona T) 1
(Bell's Food Market) Member Play ground & Recreation Board h 285 Hodgson dr--Dial LI 6-7765 Bell Garnett T (Frances T) meat mgr Bell's Food Mkt h 98 Springdale

Bell Geo P (Olga K) bkpr Athens Coop erative Creamery r Maxey's Ga
Bell Grant (Eliz J) 11 h 313 S Finley
Bell Henry P r 245 N Rockspring
BELL HORACE E (Charline G) (Bell's
Food Market) h 569 W Cloverhurst av--
Dial LI 6-7572 Bell Ida dist agt State Agrl Extn Service
h 1660 S Lumpkin Bell Jas H (Ruby A) 1 h 104 Parkview
Homes Bell Jas W r 104 Parkview Homes Bell Jas W (Myrtle H) r 499 Madison
av Bell Jewell elk S B T & T Co r 135
Park av Bell Joan student r 569 W Cloverhurst av Bell John (Minnie W) whsemn The Row
land Co h Atlanta hwy Bell Louiese r 287 Evans av Bell Lounell N (Mrs W T) mach opr Clas
sic City Overall Co Inc r 748 % N Jack son Bell Lucy M maid 510 Bloomfield h 290 Rockspring Bell Martha B (Mrs R O) bkpr The C & S Natl Bk r Colbert Ga Bell Mary A student r 250 Morton av Bell Mary W gro 287 Evans av maid 420 Rutherford r same Bell Minnie h 300 Paris Bell Minnie W 2 sch tchr h W Broad extd RD 4 Bell Montine mach opr Fields Mfg Co r RD 2 Bell Mozelle J cook r 298 Evans av Bell Nazereth (Mary W) 2 lab Farm ers Mut Whse Assn h 287 Evans av Bell Nellie M 2 maid h 730 Dearing Bell Paul L (Nellie A) porter University Chevrolet Co Inc h 235 S Billups Bell Ralph crewmn Boland Bonded Pest Control Co r Comer Ga Bell Ralph J (Thea N) 2 prod mgr Bell's Food Mkt h 577 W Cloverhurst av Bell Ray (Sallie H) 4 h 295 Milledge ter Bell Reba J ofc sec H H "Bill" Giles Ins Agcy r 776 Cobb Bell Rebecca F Mrs h 135 Park av Bell Robt D (Frances D) 2 slsmn Uni versity Chevrolet Co h 261 Gilliland dr Bell Ruby A (Mrs J H) r 104 Parkview Homes Bell Ruhmell S (wid R F) hlpr The Salva tion Army h 125 W Strong Bell Shelby (Vino H) h 473 Little Oak Bell Sue h 1720 S Lumpkin Bell Vino H nurse Hancock av r 473 Little Oak
Bell W H dr Veterans Cab Co r 135 Park av
Bell Wadie bkpr H Paul Williams r 300 Milledge cir
Bell Wallace L (Maude F) h 147 Nacoochee av
Bell Wm r 28 Fuller

Bell Wm T (Lounelle W) 1 emp Maynard Sheet Metal Co h 748% N Jackson
Bell Willie (Mozelle J) ydmn M P Morris Ready Mixed Concrete h 289 Ev ans av
bert and Horace E Bell) 1689 S Lump-
kin, 1688 Prince av and 294 W Wash-
ington (See Buyers' Guide)
Bellamy Betty emp Crow's Drug Store h 748 N Jackson
Bellamy Cecil (Clara) trk dr Talmadge Whol Co Inc r RD 2
Bells Lemie (Mary A) 3 landscaper Ever green Landscape Service h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Bells Mathew student r 75 Carter Bellew Joyce H (Mrs L D) bkpr Jordan's
Auto Service r 174 Indiana av Bellew Lawrence D (Joyce H) (Bellew's
Auto Service) h 174 Indiana av Benedek Almand student h 104 University
ct apt 16 Benedick Eddie L (Frances S) 2 h Indi
ana av Benedict Ida E r Indiana av Benedict Clarence E (Eliz F) meat ctr h
186 Boulevard Benedict Clyde L (wid R H) r Indiana av Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Athens Lodge No 790 1260 S Milledge av Benjamin's (Benj J Held) men's and wo men's clo 138 N Thomas Bennett Albert G (Margie C) 1 recruiter in charge USN Recruiting Sta h 130 Grady av Bennett B M member County Bd of Educa tion r Atlanta rd Bennett Chas (Betty D) plmbr Athens Bldg & Well Sup r Ila Ga
BENNETT CURTIS (Adeline H) (Athens
Building & Well Supplies) r Ha Ga
Bennett Emerson instructor U of Ga Li brary r Winder Ga
Bennett Florence (Mrs Stacey) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Farmington Ga
Bennett Fredk W (Lillian C) prof U of Ga h 410 University dr
Bennett G Talmadge slsmn Sou Shoe Store r 283 E Hancock
Bennett Geo E (Virginia K) 1 slsmn Rob erts Elec & Appliance Co h 1930 S Lumpkin
Bennett Hubert W (Nola P) 2 poultry specialist State Agrl Extn Service h Danielsville rd
Bennett P Arnold (Ruth McG) 2 firemn City Fire Dept h 960 S Lumpkin
Bennett Ruth McG (Mrs P A) ofc sec' U of Ga r 960 S Lumpkin
Bennett Virginia K (Mrs G E) cash Nati Life & Accident Ins Co r 1930 S Lumpkin
Bennington Jos E (Billie) formn Dairypak Inc h 296 Hodgson dr
Benson Chas student r 347 S Milledge av Benson H Edsel (Eugenia R) 2 (Ben-
son's Bakery) h 264 Dearing

Bennett Herbert L mech Ga Mtrs Inc r 464 College av
Benson Lottie M (Mrs W H) (Benson's Bakery) r 233 University dr
Benson Susan W (wid C G) h 347 S Milledge av
Benson Wm H (Lottie M) (Benson's Bakery) h 233 University dr
Benson's Bakery (Howard E and Mrs Lot tie M and Wm H Benson and Mrs Beverly A B Downing) whol dept 354-92 E Washington
Benson's Bakery Garage Louie E Mize mgr rear 312 N Thomas
Bentley Andrew r 317 N Chase Bentley C Emory mach Quality Mach Co r
Winder Ga Bentley Haywood J (Valda L) 3 h 120
Sylvia cir Bentley Rabon (Annie B) 2 carp h 829
Reese Bentley Upshaw C (Emma S) trav slsmn
The Hanna Mfg Co h 483 W Cloverhurst av Bentley Upshaw C Jr (Grances F) (Milner, Stephens & Bentley) Lawyer 71921 Southern Mutual Bldg h 119 West View dr--Dial LI 6-6954 Benton Abb P (Emma F) mech Athens Lbr Co h 273 Satula av Benton Eliz C (wid W W) r 565 Prince av Benton Emma T (Mrs A P) inspr Classic City Overall Co Inc r 273 Satula av Benton Emma C cook r 1379 W Han cock av Benton Estelle H (wid L D) ofc asst Ath ens Loan Co h 87 Parkview Homes Benton Jim A (Ara P) h 345 Lake rd Benton Maggie F (wid C B) prac nurse 149 Waddell h same Benton Ora mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r 345 Ruth Benton Richd P (Emma L) 5 cook h 1374 W Hancock av Benton Ted (Theda M) 1 knitter Rod gers Hosiery Co Inc h 126 Virginia av Benton Theda M (Mrs Ted) (The Hut & The Hut Parking Lot) r 126 Virginia av Benton Zethel N (Mrs D E) ofc sec State Farm Mut Auto Ins Co r Danielsville Ga Bercegay Edw W (Evangeline H) 2 resi dent eng Internatl Business Mach Co h 216 Marion dr Berg Emma M (wid C A) r 570 South View dr
BERNSTEIN FUNERAL HOME INC Fannie M Teat Pre-Treas, J Addison Beacham V-Pres, Ira S Teat Sec Funeral Di rectors Ambulance Service 456 E Broad --Dial LI 6-7373 (See Inside Front Sup plement Coyer)
Bernstein Jake (Anne G) (Intheruff Antique Shop) h 150 Woodlawn av
Bernstein Jimmie S student r 150 Woodlawn av
Bernstein Loree F (wid M M) h 285 Hampton ct

Bernstein Paula A student r 150 Woodlawn av
Berry C Danl (Ina) sup mn Athens Tire & Auto Sup Co r Pre-Fab Ag Hill
Berry Jas E (Jennie B) mgr Genl Mtrs Acceptance Corp h 140 Grand Ellen dr
Berry Mark r 758 N Hull Berry Mildred cook r 193 Magnolia Berry Wm M (Leonora) mach Quality
Mach Co r Watkinsville Ga Berry Willis B (Mildred) 3 lab Ath
ens Concrete Products Co h 193 Mag nolia Berryman Allene ofc sec Edwin B Fortson r Danielsville Ga Berryman Bobbie J emp General Times Co r 1130 Boulevard Berryman Chas C (Anice S) h 150 Winterville rd Berryman Clarence E (Josie B) 1 (Berryman's Service Station; B & B Bever age Co) h 225 Hodgson dr--Dial LI 3-3236 Berryman Cora L maid Milledge Hts r 28-Q Boley dr Berryman Edw M patrolmn City Police Dept r 130 Boulevard Berryman Emma cook 634 Prince av h 1157 W Hancock av Berryman Frank B (Florine M) (Munday's Thrift Shop) h 425 Hill Berryman Harold R (Marie H) firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 r rear 450 Prince av Berryman Jos L (Willie B) 1 slsmn B & B Beverage Co h 154 Winterville rd Berryman Leonard (Cora L) 3 ydmn h 280 Boley dr Berryman M Junious (Mary W) 1 auto dlr h 324 Oak Berryman Mary W (Mrs M J) opr S B T & T Co r 324 Oak Berryman Mildred (Mrs Johnny) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Jefferson rd Berryman Neily B (wid G M) h 1130 Boulevard Berryman Sara opr Taylor Beauty Shop r Colbert Ga Berryman Service Station (Clarence E Ber ryman) 2041 W Broad Berryman Vernon N (Nelle E) bkpr Cli max Hosiery Mills r Colbert Ga Berryman Wm C (Eliz S) 2 supvr Dairypak Inc h 175 Sunset dr Berryman's Service Station (Clarence E Berryman) Dealer for Standard Oil Co Products 385 E Washington--Dial LI 3-9322 Bethea L A (Mollie) 2 slsmn Gulf Oil Corp h 176 Catawba av Bettis F Jean ofc wkr U of Ga r 127 Park view Homes
Bettis L Wayne student r 127 Parkview Homes
Betts Allea tchr College Avenue Sch r 1088 S Lumpkin
Betts Ann S (Mrs F D) opr Marilane Beau ty Salon r 645 Oglethorpe av
Betts B Joan asst cash Gulf Life Ins Co r 640 Reese

Betts Brant H (Mary L) service mn The Beacham Co h 220 Georgia av
Betts Cecil USN r 640 Reese Betts F David (Ann S) slsmn E & S Tire
Service h 645 Oglethorpe av Betts Geo Jr (Eloise D) 3 knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc h 825 College av Betts Ina T (wid Geo) h 640 Reese Betts Joe (Mildred A) 1 firemn City Fire
Dept Sta No 1 h 390 S Church Betts Leila C (wid P T) receptionist Dr
Lauren H Goldsmith h 150 Brittain Betts Lovick N (Daisy W) dentist 511
Sou Mut Bldg h 970 S Lumpkin Betts Mary L (Mrs B H) program dir
Radio Sta WGAU and WGAU-FM r 220 Georgia av Betts Senie D (wid W F) h 1088 S Lumpkin Betts Vallie W (wid Burke) h 311 S Hull Beusse Allie D r 246 W Dougherty Beusse Barbara D student r 950 S Lumpkin Beusse Flonnie C (wid C G) business sch 246 W Dougherty h same Beusse Henry M r 246 W Dougherty Beusse Jessie M (wid J H) r 1490 S Milledge av Beusse Lena G (wid H W) (Antique Gift Shop) h 224 Baxter Beusse Mildred S Mrs mgr Sears Roe buck & Co h 950 S Lumpkin
BEUSSE THOS C (Anna B) 1 Pre* Fi
nance Insurance Co, Georgian Loan &
Investment and Northeast Georgia Ad
justment Bureau h 184 Milledge ter --
Dial LI 6-1016 Beussee Bert B student r 3 Myrtle ct Beussee Betty J B (Mrs Gilbert) PBX opr
Davison-Paxon Co r 626 Hill Beussee David D designer Beussee's Flow
ers r same Beussee Evelyn B Mrs (Beussee's Flow
ers) h 3 Myrtle ct Beussee Gilbert (Betty J B) appliance
reprmn Ga Power Co h 626 Hill Beussee Inez S (Walker) ofc sec-asst Dr
John H T McPherson r Hull Ga Beussee Joyce E r 3 Myrtle c't Beussee's Flowers (Mrs Evelyn B Beussee)
florist 220 E Clayton Beverly Gladys (Mrs 0 D) tchr U of Ga r
540 McWhorter dr Beverly O D (Gladys) prof U of Ga h 540
McWhorter dr Bevers Elsie H Mrs 2 mach opr Chicopee
Mfg Co h 247 Hillside Bevers Hattie L (wid J R) h 145 Vine BEVILL GEO E (Lucille B) 3 Asst Mgr
Georgian Loan & Investment Corp h 105
Sylvia cir Bickerstaff Lola A (wid R T) h 226 W
Big A Cafe Paul New mgr Danielsville rd
Big A Service Station Garnett W Thornton mgr Danielsville rd
Biggs Guy R (Marian L) h 1675 S Milledge av



Biggs Guy R Jr USA r 1675 S Milledge av
Biggs Jas B (Margt R) 1 plmbr Anderson
Plmbg & Htg Co h 375 Best dr Biggs Miriam L (Mrs G R) grad nurse
Athens Genl Hosp r 1675 Milledge av
Bilbo Hoyt N (Betty S) 1 utility mn Plan tation Pipe Line Co h 65 Myrna Court
Apts Billing Josiah M (Lulie L S) slsmn The
Tillman Co h 196 West View dr Billingsley Warren C (Geneva G) 3 trk dr
h 1563 S Lumpkin Billups Ann genl asst U of Ga Library r
Watkinsville Ga Billups Betty cook Pig Drive In r 290
Evans av Billups Cleveland (Annie B) 1 jan U
of Ga h 1263 W Broad Billups Cleveland (Nora B) 2 lab Athens
Tire & Auto Sup Co h 257 N Rockspring Billups Delia h 971 Waddell
Billups Ella F maid 1085 Prince av h 149 N Newton
Billups Ella M jeans supvr Athens High & Industrial Sch r 149 N Newton
Billups Emmie G cook Milledge av
h 280 Glenhaven Billups Estelle cook r 1820 W Han
cock av Billups Harvey (Ezzie) porter C A
Trussell Mtr Co h rear 148 N Chase Billups Harvey M hlpr C A Trussell Mtr
Co r 149 N Newton Billups Jas H (Mariah) h 1687 W
Hancock av Billups Jas W r 290 Evans av Billups John H (Ida M) pntr h 1472
Oconee Billups Leroy (Luvada H) 2 recapper
Snow Tire Co h 290 Evans av Billups Luvada H cook Milledge r 290
Evans Billups Margt cook 175 Brittain r 1820
W Hancock av Billups Robt N 2 USN h 176 Mag
nolia Billups Sarah dom h 840 Reese Billups Stephen (Mildred F) 3 porter
Loy's Service Sta h 121 Madison hts Billups Willie A tchr Athens High &
Industrial Sch r 1820 W Hancock av Billups Willie L lab r 130 N Harris Billy's Place (Wm Jordon) gro 538 Mad
ison av Bill's Place (Bill Hardemon) restr 599
W Hancock av Binford Randolph (Cornelia R) ydmn
h 365 N Rockspring Binion Robt (Essie S) collr City Sani
tation Dept h 135 Cohen Binion Saml (Lucille) hlpr Farmers Hdw
of Athens Inc h 840 Water Binns Clifford H (Mary F) 4 lab Geo
Strother Lbr Co h 167 Crawford av Binns Mary F wrapper Colonial Poul
try Co Inc r 167 Crawford av Birch Fannie M maid r 165 Paris Birch Zennie O (Fannie M) lab h 165

Birchmore Dairy Supplies (Willis C Birchmore) 223 W Hancock ay
Birchmore F G (F D Birchmore Dairy Supplies) h 613 Milledge ter
Birchmore Fred A (Willie D) 4 (Athens Realty Co) h 613 Milledge ter
Birchmore Fred G (Nela A) h 178 W
(Erwin Nix Birchmore & Epting) Law
yer 201-08 Southern Mutual Bldg) h
250 McWhorter dr--Dial LI 3-4429 Birehmore Mary E student r 250 McWhor
ter dr Birchmore Sarah J student r 250 Mc
Whorter dr Birchmore Willis C Jr (Mary R) 1
(Birchmore Dairy Supplies) h 437 Mil-
ledge ter Bird Eliz (wid J O) h 1358 S Lump-
kin Bird Eula A r 125 Meigs Bird Lela M r 125 Meigs Bird Margt L r 125 Meigs Bird Robt F (Doris R) 2 bkpr Benson's
Bakery h 321 Milledge hts Bird Sarah H tchr Chase Street Sch h
125 Meigs Birdsaw Pearley r 134 Fields av Birdsey Flour Mill Clement T Chandler
mgr ret 447 E Broad Birdsong B Emory (Thelma A) brklyr
G M Caskey & Son h 217 Grove extd Birdsong Bertha S (wid H W) h 150
University dr Birks Annie r 540 Water Birks Lula h 540 Water Biscoe Alvin B (Helen B) dean of fac
ulties The U of Ga h 345 Milledge hts Biscoe Alvin B Jr USA r 345 Milledge
hts Bishop Allan C body mn J Swanton Ivy Inc
r RD 4 Bishop Andrew 0 (Vera A) mgr West
ern Union Telegraph Co h 505 Sunset dr--Dial LI 6-1061 Bishop Douglass E (Lucy K) aud State Sis Tax Dept h 165 University dr Bishop Edmund E (Margt D) slsmn Hodgson's Inc h 545 McWhorter dr Bishop Eleanor C (wid W H) h 110 Milledge ter
BISHOP EMMETT R (Jeanette H) 2
(The Muic Shop) h 625 Holman av--
Dial LI 3-2787 Bishop Fannie A h 164 Henderson
av extd Bishop G Norman (Louie J) prof U of
Ga h 455 University dr Bishop G Norman Jr student r 455 Univer
sity dr Bishop Harrison E (Jewell M) slsmn h
193 Woodrow Bishop Hatchery (J F Bishop) rear 2200
Jefferson rd Bishop Iris L (wid B T) r 197 Boule
vard hts Bishop J Fred h 2250 Jefferson rd RD Bishop Jeannette H (Mrs E R) bkpr The
Mus Shop r 625 Holman av



Bishop Jewell M (Mrs HE) ofc sec U of Ga r 193 Woodrow
Bishop Julius F (Dorothy P) 4 (Bishop's Hatchery and Athena Poultry Co Inc) h 2200 Jefferson rd RD 2
Bishop Lonnie (Cora B) h 130 Cohen
Bishop Maggie maid St Mary's Hosp h 82 Broadacres
Bishop Wm K h Princeton rd RD 4 BISSELL CHAS B (Mary E) (Bissell
& de Lay and Typewriter Sale* & Serv ice) k 101 Milledge ht.----Dial LI 6-0057 BISSELL & de LAY (Cha. B Bissell and T O de Lay) Typewriters Office Ma chine* and Supplies N Lumpkin at Han cock--Dial LI 3-3691 (See Marginal Line* and Buyers Guide) Bisson Bert G (May T) sexton Oconee Hill
Cemetery h 297 Cemetery Bisson Bert G Jr (Bisson Motorcycle Co)
r 297 Cemetery Bisson Fantona F (wid W C) elk U S Agrl
Marketing Service & Agrl Statistics r 295 Hillc'rest Bisson Motorcycle Co (Bert G Bisson Jr) 1965 W Broad Black Betty L (Mrs Hoyt) mach opr Fields Mfg Co r 386 Hill Black Chas B (Jean B) 1 reprmn SAL R R Co h 544 Boulevard Black Homer A (Clara) 1 prof U of Ga h 287 Woodlawn Black J Hoyt (Betty L) cloth ctr Fields Mfg Co r 386 Hill Black Jas A whsemn The Webb-Crawford Co r Hull Ga Black Lillian F (Mrs L C) smstrs DavisonPaxon Co r Colbert Ga Black Lizzie M (wid J E) h Indiana av Black Lucille W Mrs h 183 New av Black Peggy B (Mrs W D) fountain elk Horton's Drug Store r 191% Indiana av Black Troy B (Lois) 1 mgr Athens Country Club h 490 Milledge ter Black Wm D (Peggy B) Sou Mill Sup Co h 191% Indiana av Black Wm E (Ruth S) 1 USAF h 1485 S Milledge BLACK & WHITE CAB CO (J T Mid-
dlebrooks) 178 W Washington -- Dial
LI 6-6565 Black & White Garage (K Wm Porter-field
and Emory Summers) auto reprs 178 W Washington Blackburn Ewell H Rev (Annie Ruth P) 2 pastor Young Harris Memorial Methodist Ch h 64 Prince pi Blackburn Orris D student h 266% King av Blacknian Clara L Mrs slswn DavisonPaxon Co r 380 Price Blackman Walter M student r 590 McWhorter dr Blackwell Cecil asst horticultural specialist State Agrl Extn Service r 8-b Pre-Fab Blackwell Sarah maid 275 Bloomfield r 327 Atlanta av Blackshear Laura E h 165 Wilcox

Blair Luc'y E r 250 Tibbetts Blair Margt H (wid W A) tchr U of Ga
h 270 Cherokee av Blair Sara 1 cook h 250 Tibbetts Blakely Thos student r 1663 S Milledge
av Blakey Lula B (wid Wm) 1 waitress Old
South Restr h 196 W Broad apt 3 Blakley M Janelle cook The Mayflower r
196 W Broad apt 3 Blalock Fred M (Gertrude T) 5 emp The
Hanna Mfg Co h Danielsville rd RD 1 Blancwist Robt (Audrey) USN r 215 Oak-
land Way Bland Frankye housing specialist U of Ga
r 420 West Lake dr Blanton Mattie presser University Lndry
r 883 Water

Blaskwell Mozelle h 350 S Rockspring Bledsoe Jos C (Adele B) 1 prof U of Ga
h 615 Sunset dr

Blissit Jane H (Mrs T E) tech Athens Dental Laboratory r 140 Hart av
Blissit T Edw (Jane H) 2 sec-treas Farmers Hdw Co h 140 Hart av
Bloodshaw Irving (Ida F) h 161 Lyn-

don Row


Agt Emeritus The Northwestern Mutual

Life Insurance Co hill Milledge cir apt

5--Dial LI 3-3735


3 Dist Agt The Northwestern Mutual

Life Insurance Co h 165 Ridgewood pi--
Dial LI 3-9904 Bloomfield Lillian E (wid J C) h 260
N Milledge av Bloomfield Lois K (wid R E) ofc wkr
Guidance Center r 298 Pinecrest dr

Blomfield M Marion r 298 Prince av Blount E Augustus (Margt O) pres
Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 712 Cobb Blount Emma cook h 972 Waddell Blount Eugenia A (wid J J) member County Welfare Dept Bd r 925 S Milledge av Blount Frances D student r 712 Cobb Blount Fredk S (Jane V) slsmn Athens

Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 645 Oglethorpe av Blount Jane V (Mrs F S) ofc wkr Old Post Office Bldg Extension Service r 645 Oglethorpe av

Blount Louise ofc wkr S B T & T Co r 712 Cobb
Blount M Louise dist chf elk S B T & T Co r 712 Cobb
Blount Wilson O (Thelma S) v-pres

Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 190 Grady av

Blue Key meets every other Sunday 6:15 pm Georgian Hotel

Blumberg Robt L .Theresa L^ 2 asst

mgr The Loef

Blumberg Thei^^t lMrs~K"LJ*;jtfc wkr The Loef C,

B'Nai B'Rith


Rachel Ste


Boal H Bruce (Judy) USN r 625 W Cloverhurst av
Boatner J Louise grad nurse 1230 Boule vard h same
Boatright Douglas D Jr (Sara C) photog U of Ga h rear 840 Bobbin Hill rd
Boatright Sara C (Mrs D D Jr) ofc asst Dr John C Howard r 840 Bobbin Mill rd
Boastic Julius hlpr Tux Shoe Shop r 137 Franklin
Bobo Willie (Nancy K) h 824 College av
Bob's Service Station (Robt E Garrison) 1917 W Broad
Bocock Bessie F Mrs h 270 Springdale Bocock Natalie tchr Athens High Sch r 270
Springdale Bodeker Blanche Mrs h 120 Woodland
Way Bodeker Margt P regional consultant
nurse State Health Dept r 120 Woodland Way Bodenheimer Henry r 170 Oakland av Boggs Frances associate field rep State Dept Pub Welfare Dist 10 r Watkinsville Ga Bogin Lucile maid 130 Inglewood av r 420 Vine Bogley Jos H (Ruth L) (Prince Avenue Food Mkt) r Colbert Ga Boisky Estelle S (wid F T) h 163 Jonah av Boland Betty S (Mrs E P) laboratory tech Athens Genl Hosp r 240 Morton av
(Ernest P Boland) Bonded Pest Control
132 Oconee--Dial LI 6-8115 (See Buy
ers Guide and Bottom Special Lines)
BOLAND ERNEST P (Betty S) (Boland
Bonded Pest Control Co) h 240 Morton
av--Dial LI 6-1470 Boles Vickie waitress Normal Cafe r 1226
Prince av Boley Evelyn (Boley's) r Georgian Hotel Boley's (Evelyn Boley) women's clo 351 E
Clayton Bolton AD (Mabel) presser University
Lndry h 951 Hobson av Bolton Annie W chicken dresser Co
lonial Poultry Co r 328 Flint Bolton Cora r 951 Hobson av Bolton Dorothy student r 599 W Han
cock av Bolton E W (Geraldine S) 2 USA h Dar-
lan ct apt 10 Bolton Emmie B (wid W O) h 1573 S
Lumpkin Bolton Florence r 129 N Newton Bolton Icelene H nurse's aide St Mary's
Hosp r 462 Cleveland av Bolton J Edw USAF r 129 N New
ton Bolton Jas Jr (Annie W) 1 hlpr Ath
ens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 328 Flint Bolton Jim h 236% N Peter Bolton John student r 77 Broadacres Bolton John D (Kathryn K) 1 treas The U of Ga h 310 McWhorter dr

Bolton John S (Johnnie L) carp h
499 3d Bolton Lizzie r 357 DuBose av Bolton Lonnie orderly Athens Genl Hosp
r 77 Broadacres Bolton Mildred r 129 N Newton Bolton Martha presser Industrial Lndry
& Dry Clng Co Inc r 236 Peter Bolton Nancy 2 emp Colonial Poultry
Co r 599 W Hancock av Bolton Shirley student r 499 3d Bolton Theo R (Icelene H) 1 carp h
462 Cleveland av Bolton Thos USAF r 129 N Newton Bolton Virgie 2 maid King Cotton Mtr
Ct h 77 Broadacres Bolton Walter 7 waiter Georgian
Hotel h 129 N Newton Bolton Warren (Minnie B) 1 r 247
Lyndon av Bolton Wiley (Martha) cutting opr
Classic City Overall Co Inc h 236 N
Peter Bolton Willie M hlpr Colonial Poultry
Co h 236 Vine Bolton Zenobia student r 499 3d Bond Alice W (Mrs B T) winder Athens
Elastic & Braid Co r 145 N Peter Bond Barbara slswn F W Woolworth Co r
135 N Peter Bond Bert T (Alice W) 3 newspaper slsmn
h 145 N Peter Bond Donald bundle opr Classic City Over
all Co Inc r Hull Ga Bond Faye student r 145 N Peter
Bond Gladys H (Mrs J J) r 180 N Pop lar
Bond Harriett B (Mrs W M) student r 127% Hope av
Bond Herbert J (Marion G) h 929 Oglethorpe av
Bond Herman J (Sarah F) 3 trk dr Ben-
son's Bakery h 469 Jonah av Bond Jesse J (Gladys H) 1 pntr h 180
N Poplar Bond Joneita D (Mrs M L) ofc sec Boland
Bonded Pest Control Co r 146% Mell Bond Max L (Joneita D) h 146% Mell Bond Lucy macn opr Classic City Overall
Co Inc r Hull Ga Bond Luther T (Ruth F) 1 slsmn Sam
Smith Co member City Council h 135 N Peter Bond Margt ofc sec Linton Gerdine h 198 Dearing apt 4 Bond Patricia R student r 135 N Peter
Bond Raymond C (Polly H) 2 h 182 Best dr
Bond Sarah T (Mrs H J) mach opr Good Luck Mfg Co r 469 Jonah av
Bond W Matthew (Harriett B) USN h 127% Hope av
Bond W Mell (Lula B) fcty supt The Hanna Mfg Co r Jefferson rd
Bond Willie constn wkr r 779 N Lumpkin
Bonds Curtis (Zora L) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 2
Bondurant Birdie M freshman counsellor
U of Ga h 725 Cobb



Bondurant Emmett student r 175 Waverly ct
BONDURANT JOHN P (Mary B) 1 Pres Athens Lumber Co Inc Member City Council h 175 Waverly ct--Dial LI 3-3598
BONDURANT MARY B (Mr. J P) V-PresTreas Athens Lumber Co Inc r 175 Wa verly ct--Dial LI 3-3598
Bone Clifford A (Jo Nell B) pntr-carp h 164 State
Bone Delia W (wid C A) circulation librar ian Athens Regional Library r 278 Hodgson av
Bone Jas E (Maude B) emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 1294 E Broad
Bone Jo Nell B (Mrs C A) emp Rodgers Hosiery Mill Inc r 164 State
Bone L Burke (Maudie C) h 184 State Bones Jas E (Rossie H) 2 trk dr Classic
City Wine & Beverage Co h 247 Chatooga av Bones Leonie D emp Colonial Poultry Co r 447 3d Bones Richd (Leonie D) 2 emp Colonial Poultry Co r 447 3d Bones Rossie H (Mrs J E) tex wkr Chico pee Mfg Co r 247 Chatooga av Bonner Birdie T (wid W E) h 383 Oak Bonner Chas E (Martha T) h 143 Grady av Bonner Geo W (Joyce M) 1 trk dr Brown Trans Corp h 383 Oak Bonner Jewell (Mrs William) tex wkr Chic opee Mfg Co Inc r 1248 Prince av apt B-4 Bonner John asst prof U of Ga Library r 300 Milledge cir Bonner Lilly h 149 Strickland Bonner Mary J ofc sec Broun Mtr Co r 1980 S Lumpkin Bonner Otis L (Dora W) service mgr C A Trussell Mtr Co h 1980 S Lumpkin Bonner Otis L Jr slsmn r 1980 S Lumpkin Bonner Thos M (Jeanell G) slsmn Pied mont Mtrs 45 Mell Bonner Robt N (Ellen M) student h 64 Myrna ct apt Bonner Thos M (Janelle G) used car dlr h 45 Mell Bonner Wm (Jewell) 1 h 1248 Prince av apt B-4 Bonner Wm H (Caroline B) 1 phys rms 201-04 Professional Bldg h 230 Oakland Way
Booker Alice H maid h 806 Waddell Booker Jesse 1 r 293 Reese Boomsliter Geo P r 1491 S Lumpkin Boone David carp G M Caskey & Son r 770
College av
BOOTH A ARTH (Alberta S) Pres The McGregoir Co h 175 Dearing -- Dial LI 3-9613
Booth C D Grocery Edmund Booth mgr 820 Water
Booth Clarence D (C D Booth Gro) h 281 North av

Booth Edmund A (Evelyn F) 2 mgr C D Booth Gro member City Bd of Education r 281 North av
Booth Eleanor S (wid F L) bkpr Ar nold & Abney Inc h 176 N Milledge av
Booth Geo B USAF r 175 Dearing Booth Gertrude (Mrs Frank) slswn J C
Penney Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga Booth Jas H (Dorothy I) 2 receiving
elk The Webb-Crawford Co h 305 North av Booth Jos H h 763 N Pope Booth Zelma J slswn Diana Shops r rear 153 Barrow Bootle W A judge U S Dist Court r Macon Ga Boozer Nancy cook r 480 Atlanta av Boozer RDstahdSALRRCoh 442 Cleveland av Borders Andrew G (Frances) mech Silvey Mtr Co Inc r Winterville Ga Borders Othniel (Alma C) mgr Chase St Lunch Rm h 275 Hall Borders Ralph mail elk Athens BannerHerald r RD 1 Bordis Will (Cora T) lab City h 354 N Pope Bordis Harry B (Emma W) mech White Star Service Sta h 145 N Pope Bostic Jas D lab Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co r 390 N Chase Bostic Mary F 1 cook St Joseph's Cath olic Sch r 185 S Rockspring Bostic Sara J dom r 390 N Chase Bostick Vincent (Evelyn) trk dr Dairypak Inc r Macon Ga Boswell Causey J (Zula R) funeral dir Bridges Funeral Home Inc r Hull Ga Boswell Dean (Grace H) student h 131% S Milledge av Boswell Estelle S (wid R K) mach opr Classic City Overall Co h 241 North av Boswell Geo D (Margt D) 1 meat ctr Co lonial Stores Inc h 175 Bloomfield Boswell Hal C (Winifred C) mach Cli max Hosiery Mills h 150 Appleby dr Boswell Willis (wid Leonard) r 1375 Oconee Boswell Winifred C (Mrs H C) tex wkr r 150 Appleby dr Boswell Zula R (Mrs C J) emp The C & S Natl Bk r Hull Ga
BOTTLERS APPLIANCE CO INC (L Milton Leathers Pres, R J Minder V-Pres, Fred B Leathers Sec, Claude M Leather* Treas 675 Pulaski--Dial LI 3-3461
Boulineau Helen S chf opr S B T & T Co r 629 Cobb
Bourne Donald R (Nell K) 3 linemn Ga Power Co h Johnson dr
Bovee Arth G (Julie L) 1 slsmn Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 150 Parkway dr
Bovee Julie L (Mrs A G) mgr The Thrift House r 150 Park Way dr
Bowden Betty V (Mrs C G) ofc sec Climax Hosiery Mills r 468 N Milledge av
Bowden Bill student r 1680 S Lumpkin Bowden Carl M formn Boland Bonded Pest
Control Co r RD 4

Bowden Carolyn A (Mrs T H) bkpr Bowden-LaBoone r 1680 S Lumpkin
Bowden Chas G (Betty V) USAF h 468 N Milledge av
Bowden Eliz B (wid R L) 1 member Bd of Registrars h 432 University dr
Bowden Floyd H (Betty W) installer repr S B T & T Co r Bishop Ga
Bowden Frank N student r 432 University dr
Bowden Garland D r 468 N Milledge av Bowden Guy O (Dorothy K) 1 (B & B
Beverage Co) h 468 N Milledge av Bowder Howard R (Mary W) elk USPO r
RD 4 Bowden-LaBoon (Tom H Bowden) mtr re-
builders 165 W Clayton Bowden Lee C (Thelma W) (Georgian
Hotel Newsstand) h 2020 Jefferson rd RD 2 Bowden Roy L stock elk Bell's Food Mkt r 432 University dr Bowden Roy A (Bertha T) horticulture State Agrl Extn Service h 225 Park way dr Bowden S H Music Service (Saml H Bow den) coin operating mach 125 N Lumpkin Bowden Sidney H (Virginia W) 2 (S H Bowden Mus Service) h 260 Hodgson dr Bowden Thelma W (Mrs L C) mgr Hotel Georgian Newsstand r 2020 Jefferson rd Bowden Tom H (Carolyn A) (Bowden-LeBoon) h 1680 S Lumpkin Bowen Carl H student r 326 Georgia Depot Bowen Ernest C (Mrs W H) prac nurse Twilight Vista r 490 Pulaski Bowen Ethelene seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 490 Pulaski Bowen Francis (Sara W) 2 County Agt and sec-treas Poultry Industries Inc h 181 University dr Bowen Geo H (Thelma) emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 326 Georgia Depot Bowen Hattie h 47 Fuller Bowen J C (Lilly C) h 246 Eliza beth Bowen Jean W (Mrs J H) genl asst U of Ga Library r 530% S Milledge av Bowen John H (Jean W) student h 530% S Milledge av Bowen Paul J (Lucille D) 1 USA r 127 Grace Bowen Robt T (Jane H) 2 prof U of Ga h 360 Talmadge dr Bowen S Lee (Bertie A) 1 mach Quality Mach Co h 275 Grace Bowen Stacie L (Edith P) ins slsmn and sec-treas Athens Marble & Granite Co h 174 Highland ter Bowen Thelma (Mrs G H) emp Chicopee Mfg Co r 326 Georgia Depot Bowen Willard A (Lougenia G) 3 mach Quality Mach Shop h 698 Pulaski Bowen Wm E student r 174 Highland ter Bowen Wm H (Ernest C) mech Alewine Garage & Junk Yd h 490 Pulaski Bowen Willie E r 490 Pulaski

Bowens Jas C (Sallie M) plmbr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co h 43 Fuller
Bowens Sallie M cook Chase Street Sch r 43 Fuller
Bowers A Newton (Thelma M) dentist 609-10 Sou Mut Bldg h 495 Ruther ford
Bowers Beatrice dresser chickens Co lonial Poultry Co r 1326 W Hancock av
Bowers Bryon (Eliz M) 2 lab Colonial Feed Co r 390 N Billups
Bowie Lucian L (Lucy J) 2 parts mgr Uni versity Chevrolet Co h Durlan ct apt 3
Bowland Andrew S (Dorothea) mech W A Stevens Co r Jefferson rd
Bowland Dorothea (Mrs Andy) slswn Bradley's Dress Shop r Jefferson rd
Bowles Ben W (Flora C) 1 trk dr h 130 Appleby dr
Bowles Curtis L r 450 Carr Bowles Exie S (wid SO) spinner Chico
pee Mfg Co h 390 Carr Bowles Wm D trk hlpr r 130 Appleby dr Bowling Kathleen R (wid Hugh) h 673
Cobb Bowman Raymond (Bonnie M) 1 slsmn h
110 University ct apt 40 Bowstrom Hilda Mrs r U S Navy Supply
Corps Sch Bowstrom Robt M Capt (Ruth R) com
manding officer U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h same Boyd Augustus B (Mary) 2 phys h 1520 S Lumpkin apt F-3 Boyd Chas (Birdie W) h 794 Princ'e ar apt 2 Boyd Fannie L instructional supvr County Schools h 432% University dr Boyd Geo H (Rosalie B) prof U of Ga h 200 West View dr Boyd J Paul (Dorothy C) 1 sis mgr h 515 Holman av Boyd Nell C nutritionist State Agrl Extn Service h 1510 S Lumpkin apt G-4 Boyd Wm C (Inez M) 1 slsmn Benson's Bakery h 263 Barrow Boykin Jayne (Mrs J A) ofc nurse Dr J Boswell Traylor r 77 Myrna ct apts Boykin John A (Jayne S) 1 adjuster Crawford & Co h 77 Myrna ct apts Boykin Randolph C (Edna C) 2 mgr Mari lyn Shoes h 598 S Milledge av Brackett Alvin H (Blanche H) (Normal Gro & Prod Co) h 778 Hill
BRACKETT BLANCHE H (Mrs A H) Pre. Hubert State Bank Sec Industrial Laun dry & Dry Cleaning Co Inc r 778 Hill-- Dial LI 3-4330
Brackett E Marshall (Julia C) 2 elk USPO h 348 Springdale
Brackett Emma D (wid M F) r 135 Satula av
Brackett Ernest M USA r 348 Springdale Brackett H Knox Jr (Cath S) 2 elk
USPO h 525 Sunset dr Brackett Henry K (Mayme H) elk
USPO h 510 Oglethorpe dr Brackett Mayme H (Mrs H K) lunch rm
wkr University Demonstration Sch r 510 Oglethorpe av

Brackett Mildred L <n!rs W C) elk Met Life Ins Co r 2319 Jefferson rd RD 2
Brackett Mittie M h 135 Satula av Brackett Morgan F r 165 Waddell Brackett W Carnell (Mildred L) 2 (Normal
Gro & Prod Co) h 2319 Jefferson rd RD 2 Bradberry Adolphus A USN r 137 Park av Bradberry Anna B (wid F C) cash Colonial Stores Inc h 170 Grady av Bradberry Clyde B (Mrs J E) mach opr Angus Mfg Co r 150 Standard Oil rd Bradberry Donald W (Becky F) plmbr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co r 830 Boulevard Bradberry E Robt (Mary E) 1 slsmn B & B Beverage Co h 49 Parkview Homes Bradberry Essie J (wid A H) 2 kitchen hlpr Athens Genl Hosp h 137 Park av Bradberry Evelyn B (Mrs Jas C) dental asst W Marion Reed r Statham Ga Bradberry Grace (Mrs R D) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 241 Ruth Bradberry Jas E (Clyde B) 1 elk MalcomGarrett Gro Co h 150 Standard Oil Bradberry Jas C (Vivian J) 3 hlpr W A Stevens Co h 33 Parkview Homes Bradberry Jane student r 225 West View dr Bradberry Josephine slswn S H Kress & Co r RD 4 Bradberry Lawrence J (Roselle F) slswn Britt's PI r RD 4 Bradberry M H (Myrtle L) braider tender Athens Elastic & Braid Co r RD 3 Bradberry Mary W (wid E R) r 186 Cleveland av Bradberry Myrtle C (Mrs W L) emp Chicopee Mfsr Co r 830 Boulevard BRADBERRY REALTY CO (W Le Brad-
berry) Real Estate Loans Rentals 703-05
Southern Mutual Bldg--Dial LI 6-8205
(See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Bradberry Robt D (Grace B) 3 patrolmn City Police Dept h 241 Ruth
Auditor Georgia Power Co h 225 West View dr--Dial LI 6-8076 Bradberry Robt T Jr USMC r 225 West View dr Bradberry Sarah L Mrs ofc sec The Natl Bk of Athens h 8 Cloverhurst ct Bradberry Sue L student r 245 West View dr Bradberry Virginia slswn S H Kress & Co r Crawford Ga Bradberry Wm L (Myrtle C) weaver Chicopee Mfg Co h 830 Boulevard Bradberry W E (Inez W) 2 h 150 Stand ard Oil rd BRADBERRY W LEE (Lucille C) (Bradberry Realty Co) h 245 West View
dr--Dial LI 3-5938 Bradbury Mary E h 160 Carlton ter Bradbury Nancy LaB (wid J T) ofc sec
U of Ga h 215 Milledge cir Bradford Alice Mrs r 165 Waddell Bradford Clifford (Laura M) 6 lab City
Street Dept h 344 Macon av

Bradford Jas J (Lenora M) 1 plmbr W H Bailey Plmbg & Htg Co h 71 Broadacres
Bradford Louise maid h 145 Jonah av ( Bradford Odell (Harriett O) 4 plmbr
W H Bailey Plmbg & Htg Co h 148 Pearl Bradford Robt lab City Street Dept r 344 Macon av Bradford Rosa dom h 178 E Hoyt Bradford Willie jan Agrl Extn Service Annex Bldg r Danielsville RD 1 Bradford Willie (Mary J) 2 emp City h Boley dr Bradley Beatrice L cash Carolina Life Ins Co r Neese Ga Bradley Bertha S (wid J H) h 493 Ruth Bradley Bobby student r 365 University dr Bradley C C (Marian M) 3 (Athens Employment Service) h 493 Ruth Bradley Carrie E maid 340 Bloomfield r 525 Reese Bradley Clayton P (Eliz S) carrier USPO h 111 Westover dr Bradley Cliff (Bessie) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r RD 4 Bradley Dan student r 365 University dr Bradley Eliz S (Mrs C P) service rep S B T&TCorlll Westover dr Bradley Emily 1 cook Athens High & Industrial Sch h 525 Reese Bradley Fannie L 1 maid 189 Fortson cir r 771 Dearing Bradley Fred A (Peggy P) (Bradley Provision Co) r Winterville Ga Bradley Geo R carp G M Caskey & Son r RD 1 Bradley Hubert Jr student r 101 Sylvia cir Bradley Jack W (Jimmie P) (Bradley Provision Co) r Winterville Ga Bradley Jas D slsmn Dick Ferguson's Clo Store r 111 Westover dr Bradley Jesse T (Sara D) 1 parts mgr Chief Pontiac Co h 635 College av Bradley John F (Eliz B) chairmn U S Agrl Stabilization & Conservation r Chatsworth Ga Bradley John S (Agnes W) 1 (Pig Drive In and The Rib Hse) h 365 University dr Bradley M Donald student r 365 University dr Bradley Nelie P (wid A W) h 185 Inglewood av Bradley Provision Co (Fred A and Jack W Bradley) meat 247 E Broad Bradley Ralph E (Martha D) elk USPO h 495% Ruth Bradley Robt student r 365 University dr Bradley Rosa L tex wkr r 185 Inglewood av Bradley Susan I (wid J W) h 140 1st Bradley Tom L (Marceline E) 1 formn Aldridge Constn Co h 7 Myrtle ct Bradley's Beauty Shop (Mrs Martha B Hudson and Mrs Billie B Gillen) 265 N Jackson

Bradley's Dress Shop (Mrs Martha B Hudson, Mrs Billie B Gillen, Mrs Rose B Rowland and Mrs Dorothy B Pirtle) women's clo 275 N Jackson
Bradshaw Cecil compound mn Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co r Bogart Ga
Bradshaw Edgar C (Claudine E) 2 emp L M Leathers Sons h 1720 Lexington rd
Bradshaw Jas B (Jennie B) 1 blksmith h 464 College av
Bradshaw Jennie B (Mrs J B) bdg 464 College av r same
Bradshaw Jimmie T r 464 College av Bradshaw Robt emp L M Leathers Sons
r Watkinsville Ga Bradwell Julia P (wid J D) h 300 Mil-
ledge cir Brake Barry W Jr (Betty B) 2 mech L M
Leathers Sons h 465 Ruth Bramblett G Reval (Helen P) 2 h 165 N
Peter Bramblett Guy G (Ellen R) h 768 Col-
lege av Bramblett Lawrence H (Edna P) firemn
City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 359 Oak Bramblett Rosa N (Mrs R H) elk Athens
Cooperative Creamery r 52 Parkview Homes Bramblett Roy H (Rosa L) 1 h 52 Parkview Homes Bramblett W Ralph (Marie S) 1 route mgr Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co h 240 Oakland av Bramlett Troy M (Flora H) 1 student h 1660 S Lumpkin Bramlett Edwin (Vera) 1 trk dr The Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co h Elder rd RD 4 Branch Alf R (Branch Rl Est Co) h 355 Best dr Branch Clara H (Mrs R E) ofc mgr Branch Ins Agcy r Bishop Ga Branch Connie F (Branch Ins Agcy) r Bishop Ga Branch Howard A pharm 1010 Prince av r Myrna ct apts Branch Insurance Agency (Connie F and R E Branch) genl ins bsmt Sou Mut Bldg Branch Martha R slswn Van Cleve's Flower Shop r 355 Best dr Branch Millie T (Mrs Otha) ofc sec The McGregor Co r Bishop Ga Branch R E (Clara H) (Branch Ins Agcy) r Bishop Ga Branch Real Estate Co (Alf R Branch) 355 Best dr Branch Vivian asst prof U of Ga Library r Bishop Ga
Brand Jos R (Leverne K) USN h 1920 S Lumpkin
Brandenburg Carolyn service rep SET & T Co r 420 Boulevard
Brandenburg Wm L (Bertha O) converter prsmn Dairypak Inc h 420 Boulevard
Brandenburg Wm L Jr pressmn Dairypak Inc r 420 Boulevard
Brandon Frances H (wid G W) asst prof U of Ga h 482 W Cloverhurst av

Brannan Bessie cook 570 Milledge cir r 424 S Finley
Brannan Dave (Bessie D) cook U of Ga h 424 S Finley
Brannon David bus mn Snelling Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) r 424 S Finley
Brannen Stephen J asst economist State Agrl Extn Service r Pre-Fab 3-a
Branson Mary H Mrs r 778 Hill Brantley Addie S sch tchr r 519 Reese Brantley Rrank R (Addie S) carp h
519 Reese Branyon Donald L agronomy specialist
State Agrl Extn Service r 2480 Lexington rd Branyon Lutrelle (Mrs Elmer) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Oconee hts RD1 Brasel Thps J (Delores P) 1 USN h 109 University ct Braselton Lester T (Flonnie T) agt The Bankers Health & Life Ins Co h 520 Morton av Braselton Robt J USN r 520 Morton av BRASWELL EARL B (Johnnie B) EditorPublisher The Athens Banner-Herald
Pres Athens Publishing Co Inc h 1520
S Lumpkin apt D-2 Dial LI 6-0338 Braswell Mary h 215 Reese Braswell Mary G 1 r 351 Arch Braswell Peggy maid 160 Hart h 664
N Lumpkin Bratcher Alice F slswn S H Kress & Co r
Wilkerson Ga Bratcher W B Jr (Alice) 1 tex wkr Good
Luck Mfg Co h 183 Wilkerson Bratcher Wake B r Agricultural dr Bray Agnus S r 245 North av Bray Alvin G r 130 Florida av Bray Benj S (Ila C) h 448 Madison av Bray Blanch M (wid E S) r 788 Prince Bray Clayton C (Hattie M D) h 286 Bou-
levard Bray Clifford M h 635 N Lumpkin Bray Dala (Louise B) 2 carp h 530 Pu-
laski Bray Ella M (Mrs J A) quality control ckr
Dairypak Inc r 445 Meigs Bray Eudora P (Mrs E P) ofc sec North
Ga Brokerage Co r Winterville rd RD 1 Bray Eunice C nurse Athens-Clarke County Dept of Health r Arnoldsville Ga Bray Field Ball Park end Berlin Bray Frances ofc wkr Athens Banner-Herald r 180 Bloomfield Bray Geo H (Ella) parts slsmn C A Trussell Mtr Co r Arnoldsville Ga Bray Hattie M D (Mrs C C) intermediate elk State Employment Service r 286 Boulevard
Bray Hattie O (wid E F) 1 r 635 N Lumpkin
Bray Herschel T tank dr slsmn Hulme Oil Co r Winterville Ga
Bray Isham M (Nora L) (Bray's Trailer Court) h 245 North av
Bray Jake E (Virginia D) car dlr 45 Holman av h same



Bray Jas (Lucile C) 6 slsmn h 148 Mul berry
Bray Leola waitress Pig Drive-in r 148 Mulberry
Bray Leroy F (Mary E) 1 mach opr Benson Bakery h 130 Florida av
Bray Lucile C (Mrs Jas) tex wkr r 148 Mulberry
Bray Mary F asst circulation mgr Athens Banner-Herald r 180 Bloomfield
Bray Mell F (Florence N) (Bray's Mkt) h 485 Hillcrest
Bray Patsy r 148 Mulberry Bray Roy G (Wilma E) div opr Ga Power
Co h 180 Bloomfield Bray Wm R Jr (Constance M) 3 slsmn h
145 Grady av Bray's Market (Mell F Bray) gro 590 Mad
ison av Bray's Trailer Court (Isham M Bray) 245
North av Breelove Lillian J (wid RE) bkpr Nor
mal Hdw Co h 335 Peter Breedlove Richd D (Virginia C) 3
firemn City Fire Dept h 480 Morton av Breedlove Virginia (Mrs R D) grad nurse
St Mary's Hosp r 480 Morton av Brega Betty (Old South Restr Inc) h
330 West Lake dr Brega Chas W (Addie S) v-pres Old South
Restr Inc 330 West Lake dr Brega Pauline E sec-treas Old South Restr
Inc r 330 West Lake dr Brega Wm P pres Old South Restr Inc
r 330 West Lake dr Breighner Emmett D (Agnes) 1 mach opr
Athens Cooperative Creamery h 101 Parkview Homes Breithaupt Erwin M (Eleanor A) 1 asst prof U of Ga h 575 Highland av Brewer Berry H emp Brewer's Package Shop r RD 1 Brewer Central T presser Georgian Lndry r 986 Hobson av Brewer Clarence J (Velma J) (Brew er's Package Shop) h Danielsville rd Brewer Clyde L (Mrs F M) emp D Jones Cafe r 605 King av Brewer Dorothy M (Mrs J H) sec Orkin Exterminating Co 152 Hawthorne av Brewer Eula 4 h 40 Broadacres Brewer Fred M (Clyde L) (Dee Jones Cafe) firemn City Fire Dept h 605 King av Brewer Fred D Jr swtchmn S A L R R Co r 605 King av Brewer Gladys tchr Athens Industrial Sch h 223 N Billups Brewer Henry H (Mary E) h 44 Hoiman av Brewer Herbie chef r 747 College av
Brewer Jack C lino opr Athens BannerHerald r Madison Ga
Brewer Jack H (Dorothy M) 1 (Brew er's Service Sta) h 152 Hawthorne av
Brewer Jas (Sara) knitter Rodgers Hos iery Co Inc r RD 1
BREWER JOS C (Evelyn L) Mgr Service Finance Co r Commerce rd RD 1

Brewer Kathleen (Mrs Mell) waitress Tony's Restr r Winterville Ga
Brewer Lizzie M cook h 966 Hobson av Brewer Pearl cook h 242 Bridge Brewer Peter (Central T) ydmn h
986 Hobson av BREWER ROYCE M (Virginia L) 1
Mgr Horton's Drug Store h 281 Holman
av--Dial LI 6-6136 Brewer Sarah W stamper Climax Hosiery
Mills r Winterville Ga Brewer W Ralph (Wortie L) 1 slsinn
Ga Mtrs Inc h 530 King av Brewer Thos J (Beatrice B) porter
h 427 S Rockspring Brewer Velma J (Mrs C J) emp Indus
trial Lndry & Dry Clng Co r Danielsville rd Brewer Vera (Mrs B H) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1 Brewer Virginia L (Mrs R M) ofc wkr U of Ga r 281 Holman av Brewer's Package Shop (Clarence J Brewer) Danielsville rd Brewer's Service Station (Jack H Brewer) 1957 W Broad Brice June librarian Athens Regional Li brary h 115 Springdale Bridges Benj E (Hannah C) 2 USAF h 305 Parkway dr Bridges Bertha W Mrs h 1248 Prince av Bridges C B (Lillian) knitter Rodgers Hos iery Co Inc r 560 Hill Bridges C L (Bertha) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Comer Ga Bridges C Edw (Dorothy R) 2 USA h 215 DuBose av Bridges Chas C (Muriel B) meat ctr Parham's Food Mill h 149 Wilkerson Bridges Chas C (Sarah J) shop formn J Swanton Ivy Inc h 200 Waverly ct Bridges Charlie (Lois) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Danielsville Ga Bridges Claud C (Willie W) inspr City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 444 Meigs
Pres-Treas Bridges Funeral Home Inc h
425 W Cloverhurst av--Dial LI 3-4712 Bridges Dorothy R (Mrs Edw) enumerator
Nelsons' Baldwin Directory Co Inc r 215 DuBose av Bridges Edge B (Vada B) 1 pntr h 120 Indiana av Bridges Emory O (Charlette E) mgr Poss Barbecue h 225 Elizabeth BRIDGES FUNERAL HOME INC D Wea
ver Bridges Pres-Treas, Mrs Lucile M
Bridges V-Pres-Sec Funeral Directors
Ambulance Service 256 W Dougherty--
Dial LI 3-2551 (See Front Supplement
Cover, Marginal Lines and Buyers
Guide) Bridges H David (Hilda) slsmn Bridges
Graverly Equipment Co h 173 Childs Bridges H Fulton (Willena D) slsmn Ster-
chi Bros Stores Inc r Winterville Ga Bridges Helen J bkpr Winn Finance Co r
394 S Pope Bridges Hilda K (Mrs H D) asst U of Ga
Library r 173 Childs

BRIDGES J F PLUMBING & HEATING (J Frank Bridge*) Plumbing & Heating Contractors 250 Barrow -- Dial LI 6-0195 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
BRIDGES J FRANK (Martha D) (J F Bridges Plumbing & Heating) h 250 Bar row--Dial LI 6-0195
Bridges Jack A (Maydine) 1 washmn Ath ens Lndry & Dry Clng Service h 252 Madison av
Bridges Jas F Jr (Wilma B) 2 plmbr J F Bridges Plmbg & Htg h 450 Prince av apt 2
Bridges Jas T (Desma B) 2 mack Keller Mach Co h 120 Parkview Homes
Bridges Jas C (Clara F) asst mgr The Chicken Mkt r Cordell extn
Bridges Jeff (Eunice N) br mgr New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry h 345 Bloomfield
Bridges Joanna ofc sec S B T & T Co r 394 S Pope
Bridges John C emp L M Leathers Sons r Comer Ga
Bridges Lillian (Mrs C B) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 560 Hill
BRIDGES LUCILE M (Mrs D W) V-Pre.Sec Bridges Funeral Home Inc r 425 W Cloverhurst av--Dial LI 3-4712
Bridges Marvin D (Ouida D) elk S A L R R Co r Danielsville Ga
Bridges Mary H (wid JOT) h 394 S Pope
Bridges Mary 0 (wid W F) r 171 Indi ana av
Bridges Martha B slswn S H Kress Co r Hull Ga
Bridges Mattie R h 171 Indiana av Bridges Nelson (Anna B) trk dr Bed-
good Lbr & Coal Co h 813 Waddell Bridges O Ruth ofc wkr Sterchi Bros
Stores Inc r 394 S Pope Bridges Rena H (Mrs R H) mach opr Clas
sic Overall Co r 297 Grace Bridges Robt H (Rena H) h 297
Grace Bridges Sarah J (Mrs C C) bkpr Athens
Lbr Co r 200 Waverly ct Bridges Tommy tex wkr Chicopee Mfg
Co h 178 Pottery Bridges Tommy R (Viola B) 1 tex wkr
h 178 Wilkerson
Bridges W Calvin (Frances E) 2 plmbr J F Bridges Plmbg & Htg h 330 King av
Brien Geo A (Ada B) h 397 Bloomfield
Brightwell Ada M hlpr Athens Poultry Co Inc r 389 Meigs
Brightwell Al (Ada M) r 389 Meigs
Brightwell Apartments 435 and 765 S Milledge av
Brightwell Cora L (wid C P) h 435 S Milledge av apt 1
Brightwell Edith U of Ga h 210 Uni versity dr
Brightwell Ernest jan First Methodist Ch r 369 Meigs

Brightwell Lillie (ironer Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co r 688 N Lump kin
Brightwell Mamie 2 Ibr Colonial Poul try Co r 390 Barber
Brightwell Mozelle maid r 168 Strickland
Brightwell Nell r 210 University dr Brightwell Ora student r 390 Barber Brightwell Rosa maid 390 W Hancock
av Hoyte Brightwell Susan C emp Colonial Poul
try Co r 427 Odd Brightwell Thos J Jr supvr trainee Chico
pee Mfg Co r Maxey's Ga Brinson Cath S (Mrs J P) waitress Hotel
Holman r 169 Barber Brinson Jas P (Cath S) 2 sch tchr and emp
Athens Cooperative Creamery h 169 Bar ber Briscoe Alien H (Myra L) 3 trav slsmn h 146 Sylvia cir Briscoe H Donald student, r 530 South View dr Briscoe Henry C (Lois E) (Briscoe & Briscoe) h 579 Pulaski Briscoe Jean (Mrs M H) opr S B T & T Co r rear 1670 Prince av Briscoe Lois E (Mrs H C) hlpr Briscoe & Briscoe r 579 Pulaski Briscoe Madison H (Jeanne K) mgr Cir cular Banding Co h rear 1670 Prince av Briscoe Tina C (wid J C) h 171 Grady av Briscoe & Briscoe (Henry C Briscoe) lock smiths 198 College av Britt J Hugh r Athens Hotel Britt's Place (J Britt Chandler) beer 129 W Clayton Brittain Albert L shoe shiner Grey hound Bus Depot r 1186 W Hancock Brittain Carlton (Mary E) emp mail ing rm U of Ga h 1186 W Hancock av Brittain Frank (Mattie) lab Geo Strother Lbr Co h 167 Savannah av Brittain Lee A (wid R D) 2 quality control ckr Dairypak Inc' h 459 Sunset dr Brittain Lena W looper Climax Hosiery Mills r 354 Peters Brittain Berdia A (Mrs H H) constn elk S B T & T Co r 694 Boulevard Brittian Bros Floor Sanding Co (J E and Wm R Brittian) 565 Holman av Brittian Harold H (Berdia A) fir sander Brittian Bros Floor Sanding Co h 694 Boulevard Brittian Jas E (Lena W) (Brittian Bros Floor Sanders) h 354 S Peter
Brittian Joyce (Mrs R L) sten-bkpr Ga Mtrs Inc r Reed Hall University Cam pus
Brittian Lena W (Mrs J E) tex wkr Climax Hosiery Co r 354 S Peter
Brittian Miles agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co r Washington Ga
Brittian Rena S (Mrs W R) slsmn GallantBelk Co r 565 Holman av

Brittian Wm R (Rena S) (Brittian Bros Floor Sanding Co) h 565 Holman av
Britton Frances P h 460 Franklin Broach Mercer (Berta F) trav slsmn h
1374 S Milledge av Broach Ruth T (wid H C) food preserva
tion specialist State Agrl Extn Service h 635 Oglethorpe av Broadacres 1324-36 W Broad Broad Street Barber Shop (Hugh D Moon) 895 W Broad Broad Street Grocery (J L Wilbanks) 394 W Broad Broad Street Service Station (J C Fendergrass) 1086 W Broad Broadhurst Joe W (Rose W) 3 service mn Ec'onomy Auto Stores Inc h 187 Ogle
thorpe av Broadhurst Kathleen Mrs asst prof U of Ga
Library r 252 Milledge hts Broadnax Agnes K student r 290 McWhor-
ter Broadnax Agnes K (Mrs J E) asst dir Uni
versity Press U of Ga bus mgr Ga Review U of Ga r 290 McWhorter dr Broadnax John E (Agnes K) 1 sis mgr The Hanna Mfg Co h 290 McWhorter dr Broadus Buddy (Lucy) hlpr G M Caskey & Son r rear 1162-c W Broad Broadus Lillie B r rear 1162-c W Broad Broadus Oscar h 1696 E Broad Broadway Market (Romie S Smith) meats 519 E Broad Brock Betty J (Mrs J E) bkpr DavisonPaxon Co r Nicholson Ga Brock Bonnie dietitian College Avenue Sch r 310 North av Brock Howard plmbr hlpr Athens Bldg & Well Sup r Ila Ga Brock Mildred ofc wkr h 182 Wray Brock Wm (Azzie L) h 798 Prince av apt 2 Brock Willie E (wid C W) r 1710 S Lumpkin Brockseker Carl W (Verda J) h 1510 S Lumpkin apt G-2 Brockseker Carl W (Verda J) eng aid U S Government U of Ga h 265 Talmadge dr Brockseker Verda J (Mrs C W) ofc mgr C A Trussell Mtr Co r 1510 S Lumpkin apt G-2 Brockseker Shirley A elk Universal CIT Corp r 265 Talmadge dr Brockseker Verda J (Mrs C W) ofc mgr C A Trussell Mtr Co r 265 Talmadge dr Brockman Chas J (Marie P) prof U of Ga h 336 Hill Brockman Chas P student r 336 Hill Brockseker Shirley A elk Universal CIT Cred Corp r 265 Talmadge dr Brookins Barbara r 89 Broadacres Brookins Bertha H maid 687 S Milledge h 89 Broadacres Brooks A L (Maude M) slsmn Atlanta Gas Light Co h 246 King av Brooks Aor (Brooks Shoe Store) h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 508

Brooks Bernice L (Nora B) (B & Z Ga rage) h 1670 Prince av
Brooks Bobby J (Delores H) mach opr Circular Banding Co r 1195 E Broad
Brooks Clarence L (Nida L D) (Bryant's Barber Shop) r Center Ga
Brooks Clarence T (Bessie S) 1 wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 350 Pound
Brooks Claude E (Mary H) 2 h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Brooks Clifford G (Viola B) h 1390 Boulevard
Brooks Delores H (Mrs B J) emp Univer sity Book Store r 1195 E Broad
Brooks Dorothy B Mrs shirt number Fields Mfg Co r Colbert Ga
Brooks Edw R (Lula B) 2 whsemn Athens Quick Freeze & Storage Co h 212 Grace
Brooks Emma M Mrs h 332 Barber Brooks Farmer (Ida) 4 dr Yellow Cab Co
h 297 Baxter Brooks Frances E (wid J M) ofc sec
City Water Wks h 280 Cherokee av Brooks Frances L r 227 Hillside Brooks Guy E (Mary E) supvr Southeast
ern Rubber Mfg Co r Hull Ga Brooks Harold N slsmn Broun Mtr Co
r Atlanta rd Brooks Harvey G (Rossie C) 2 mech h
Johnson dr Brooks Ida (Mrs Farmer) emp Benson's
Bakery r 297 Baxter Brooks Irene A (wid Albert) emp Chico-
pee Mfg Co h 237 Georgia Depot Brooks Irene G (wid Raymond) statistical
elk State Agrl Extn Service r 225 Chero kee av Brooks J Herman (Irma) whsemn Tal madge Whol Co Inc r Bogart Ga Brooks John F (Eunice B) 1 prod slsmn h Johnson dr Brooks L Harriette r 525 W Hancock av Brooks Leroy (Emma G) 1 hlpr Watson's Drugs h 699 College av Brooks Lottie G h 537 W Hancock av Brooks Mary K (Claude E) mach opr Fields Mfg Co r Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Brooks Matilda r 340 Lyndon av Brooks Mildred L (wid G L) 2 h 699 College av Brooks Obie service mn Orkin Exterminat ing Co r Bogart Ga Brooks Robt P (Josephine R) h 123 West View dr Brooks Rossie C (Mrs H G) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co r Johnson dr Brooks Shoe Store (Abr Brooks) 189 N Thomas Brooks Walter L (Betty T) 2 emp Athens Glass & Mirror Co h Johnson dr Brookshire Paul F Jr (Mary S) phys rm 206 Saye Bldg h 125 Gran Ellen dr Broome Donald student r 272 South View dr Broome Minnie H (wid J E) r 324 Georgia Depot Brother Ewing Cemetery Dublin

Broughton Anna J 1 h rear 439 S Fin-
ley Broughton Jerome dom 823 Bobbin Mill
rd h 1126 W Hancock av
Brown Acton R (Kathleen S) 1 prof U of Ga h 160 Hope av
Brown Ada J (wid J C) r 698 S Milledge av
Brown Agustus W r 141 Lyndon Row Brown Almeda M tchr r 265 Fairview Brown Ann r 749 N Jackson Brown Artie (Cora W) 1 porter Elks
Club h 224 Glenhaven av Brown Berry E (Mary H) 2 mach opr Cir
cular Banding Co h 1020 E Broad Brown Berta r 295 Hill Brown Bertha L dishwasher Davison-
Paxon Co r 540 Odd Brown Betty J bkbndr The McGregor Co
r 181 Wilkerson Brown Billy delmn Jas M Patat r 763 N
Thomas Brown Calvin S (Irene) 1 prof U of Ga
h 145 Milledge hts Brown Cath J Mrs 1 ofc sec S B T & T
Co r 395 University dr Brown Cecil G (Corrine B) slsmn Athens
Trk & Tractor Co r Danielsville rd Brown Chas L (Mabel H) 2 electn Ath
ens Amusement Co h 246 Sunset dr Brown Charlie A (Irene C) 1 lab h 763 N
Thomas Brown Charlie W USA r 356 Mac'on av Brown Charlotte E (wid L A) h 182
Wary Brown Clara T (Mrs C E) waitress Hoi-
man Hotel r 749 N Jackson Brown Claude r 398 Bailey Brown Claude mech Classic City Overall
Co Inc r RD 1 Brown Clarence E (Clara T) h 749 N
Smith-Boley-Brown Inc r Hull rd RD 1
--Dial LI 3-5474
Brown Connie M maid 367 E Strong r 356 Macon av
Brown Donald stock elk Colonial Stores Inc r 153 Cleveland av
Brown David student r 530 South View dr
Brown Donald E USAF r 741 N Thomas Brown Dorris B (Mrs H S) cash Old South
Restr r 253 Morton av Brown E C Rev pastor St Johns AME
Ch r Atlanta Ga Brown E Broadus (Barbara S) 4 resident
dir Agrl Experiment Sta h 305 Milledge
hts Brown Eastern A (Lillie S) 3 slsmn Pepsi-
Cola Btlg Co h 130 1st Brown Edna A (Mrs J H) slswn J C Pen
ney Co Inc r 150 Waddell Brown Ella G prin Reese Street Sch
h 249 N Finley Brown Emma S r 1 White al Brown Eug (Ethel E) 4 cook Old
Hickory Bar-B-Q Drive In h 460 4th Brown Eva maid 359 W Hancock av r 148

Brown Fred (Susie T) 1 jan U of Ga h 183 Lyndon Row
Brown Freda A r 775 Bray Brown Fronie maid Kappa Delta Soror
ity r Bishop Ga Brown Garnett ship elk The Webb-Craw-
ford Co r Hull Ga Brown Geo h 150 Water Oak Brown Geo W (Clara N) 3 lab Athens
Concrete Products Co h 540 Odd Brown Gladys maid Bradley's Dress
Shop r 160 E Madison Brown Gladys r 775 Bray Brown Harold O (Sarah C) 2 emp Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc h 23 Parkview Homes Brown Hazel note-teller The Natl Bk of
Athens r 225 Hill Brown Henry trk dr Bedgood Lbr &
Coal Co r 264 Lyndon av Browne Hetty S Mrs r 165 Wilcox Brown Howard S (Don-is B) slsmn h
253 Morton av Brown Hugh M (Pearl P) elk Ry Exp
Agcy Inc h 837 College av Brown I A (Mildred C) staff mgr Inter
state Life & Accident Ins Co r Washing ton Ga Brown J Holman mech C A Trussell Mtr Co r 420 King av Brown J Hoyt (Edna A) capt City Police Dept h 150 Waddell Brown J Otho (Zula H) 2 countermn The Varsity h 125 Prince av Brown Jack R (Eileen P) conservationist U S Soil Conservation Service r Winterville Ga Brown Jas E carp r 141 Lyndon Row Brown Jas ! (Almeda M) 5 hlpr Chicopee Mfg Co h 265 Fairview Brown Jannie H h 270 Colima av Brown Joe E Hall (U of Ga) Mrs Flora H Duncan hse dir boys' dormitory 427 S Lumpkin Brown Joe S (Savena P) 2 tex wkr Chico pee Mfg Co h 320 Satula av Brown John B (Martha A) 1 pilot Jeffer son Mills h 108 University ct apt 31 Brown John H (Lee T) (John H Brown Gro) h 420 King av Brown John H (Lettie M) 1 yd mn 178 Dearing h 270 Evans av Brown John H Grocery (John H Brown) 2175 W Broad Brown Jos lab r 275 Colima av Brown Julia W 1 maid Dixie Hotel h 356 Macon av Brown Julia E (wid T D) h 449 Bloomfield Brown Lady B maid r 966 Hobson av Brown Lee A elk Brown Gro r 420 King av Brown Lessie M r 763 N Thomas Brown Lillie H nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r W Broad extd RD 4 Brown Lillie S (Mrs E A) spinner Chicopee Mfg Co r 130 1st Brown Linda student r 125 Prince av Brown Liza G h 383 Arch Brown Lizzie P cook College Avenue Sch r 149 2d

Brown Lola maid 115 South View dr h 115 S Rockspring
Brown Lula W (wid J W) 1 h 741 N
Thomas Brown M Gwendolyn slswn Warren J
Smith & Bro r Winterville Ga Brown Mac (Susan) service sta atndt r
323 Plaza Brown Mamie E h 987 Reese Brown Margaree r 741 N Thomas Brown Margt (Mrs PC) adv mgr Brown
Mtr Co r 520 W Cloverhurst av Brown Martha J student r 125 Prince av Brown Mary nurse maid r rear 360 Bar
ber Brown Melvin D (Mattye C) 2 eng
Radio Sta WRFC h 225 Sunset dr Brown Minerva h 857 Waddell Brown Minnie H (wid M D) (B & M
Gro) h 790 Pulaski Brown Mittie T cook Manhattan Cafe r
2020 Jefferson Brown Mose h 690 Water Brown Motor Co (Paul C Brown) autos
287 W Broad used car lot 297 W Broad Brown Mozelle r 275 Calima av Brown N Hazel personal loan teller The Natl Bk of Athens r 225 Hill Brown Nancy S student r 1695 S Lumpkin Brown Ned A student r 150 Waddell Brown Nellie B (wid Willie) emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 157 Chattooga av Brown Ola G (wid J W) r 197 S Milledge av Brown Onsil trk dr Atlanta-Asheville Mtr Exp Co r RD 1 Brown Otis (Lillie H) lab h W Broad extd RD 4 Brown Paul C (Margt B) 3 (Brown Mtr Co and Brown Service Sta) h 520 W Cloverhurst av Brown Raymond (Irene) 1 trk dr h rear 290 North av Brown Robt (Corine T) (H & P Mkt) h 42 Water Brown Robt H (Elaine I) 2 prof U of Ga h 597 Mortpn av Brown Roy (Lizzie P) yd mn h 149 2d Brown Roy Jr (Lillie J) carp h 688 N Lumpkin Brown Ruby M (Mrs W B) mach opr Fields Mfg Co r 153 Cleveland av BROWN RUPERT A ( Genericve B)
Lawyer 617 Southern Mutual Building--
Dial LI 3-9912 Sec Athens Truck & Trac
tor Co Inc h 550 Milledge cir -- Dial LI 3-2931
Brown Samantha maid Hodgson dr h 24 Broadacres
Brown Saml 0 route mn Chokes Dry Clnrs r 253 Morton av
Brown Sara C (Mrs G D) (Marilane Beau ty Salon) r Hull Ga
Brown Sara R Beauty Shop (Mrs Sara R Swindel) 163 N Jackson
Brown Service Station (Paul C Brown) 287 W Broad

Brown Stazie Chase
Brown Susan

tchr Union Sch r 317 N cook 710 Milledge cir r

323 Plaza Brown Susie maid U of Ga r 183 Lyn-

don Row Brown Susie M (wid Tom) furn rms 980

S Lumpkin h same Brown Sybil mach opr Fields Mfg Co r
Bogart Ga Browne Sybil art tchr U of Ga r 165 Wil-

cox Brown Tennie H (wid G C) h 225 Hill Brown Tennie L (wid O E) r 195 Hen-

derson av Brown Thelma 4 r 420 Madison av Brown Theo (Brown's Barber Shop) r

Farmington Ga Brown Theron M (Virginia C) 1 ofc
wkr Colonial Stores Inc h 350 Mor

ton av Brown T G (Cath T) dispr S A L RR h 583
University dr Brown Thos H (Maggie J) 2 welder

Basham Welding & Mach Co h 155 Hoiman ay Brown Tishie r 251 Macon av Brown Transport Corp H M Snow terminal mgr mtr frt 651 W Broad Brown Virginia (Mrs T M) tchr Childs Street Sch r 350 Morton av Brown Walter S (Clemmie M) h 225 South View dr

Brown Walter (Nancy B) h 134 Fairview
Brown Wedford W (Gladys C) comnr City Pub Health Dept h 197 Woodlawn av
Brown Wm M (Betty H) 3 dr Yellow Cab Co h 1082 S Lumpkin
Brown Wm R r 225 South View dr

Brown Wm R (Eva L) 4 prof U of Ga h 550 South View dr
Brown Wm R (Mary T) h 181 Wilkerson
Brown Willie B USA r 115 S Rockspring
Brown Willie Lou pantry wkr Hotel Holman h 327 Bailey

Brown Woodie B (Ruby M) 1 h 153 Cleveland

Brown Worth B (Callie H) sis mgr J Swanton Ivy Inc h 158 W Dougherty
Brown Worth P Jr optometrist r 158 W Dougherty
Brown's Barber Shop (Theo Brown and Jim A Roebuck) 1st fir Morton Bldg
Brownson Lawrence L (Jo Ann S) USN h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 203
Broxton Clifford Q (Mary W) 3 trk dr
Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 15 Parkview Homes

Broxton Kath Q (wid W T) h 323 E Hancock av

Bruce Issac L (Hattie S) h 181 Wilkerson

Bruce Jas A (Mattie T) agt Met Life Ins Co h 232 King av

Bruce Lillian M (wid H A) r 161 Clover



Bruc'e Noel (Mary S) lab Genl Time Corp h 256 Water
Brumby Bobby G USA r Old Whitehall rd
Brumby Ella M maid J C Penney Co Inc r Old Whitehall rd
Brumby Bug A (Ella M) carp h Old Whitehall rd
Brumby Joan student r Old Whitehall rd
Brumby Mary H h 343 E Hancock av Brumby Wallis A r 343 E Hancock av Brunning Wm M (Elease S) 2 adv slsmn
h 595 Brunson Betty W (Mrs S L) emp U of Ga
r 545 Prince av apt C Brunson S Lewis (Betty W) student h 545
Prince av apt C Bruzas Peggy D Mrs waitress Snack Shop
h 346 E Strong Bryan Jessie L Mrs tex wkr r 247 Barber Bryant Augustus M (Frances H) 3 plmbr
Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co h 199 Bar ber Bryant Brady H (Jimmie L) mach Keller Mach Co r Watkinsville Ga Bryant Chas J (Sue M) 1 associate econ omist State Agrl Extn Service h 289 Stanton Way Bryant Clara Mrs (Bryant's Barber Shop) h 140 Barber Bryant Frances (Mrs AM) fixer General Times Corp r 199 Barber Brvant Freida ofc wkr U of Ga r 199 Barber Bryant Garland E (Helen K) 1 emp U S Production & Marketing Admn h 196 Grady av Bryant Jas (Ethel I) mach Keller Mach Co r Watkinsville Ga Bryant Jimmie S (W W) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 565 Nantahala av Bryant John r 1393 S Milledge av Bryant Lou B Mrs trimming mach opr Climax Hosiery Mills r 233 Georgia Depot Bryant Mamie maid Hotel Holman r Winterville Ga Bryant Norma Mrs h 140 Barber Bryant Nellie McC (wid W M) h 1530 S Lumpkin apt B-l Bryant Paul J (Hazel H) carrier USPO r Barnett Shoals rd Bryant Ralph O (Edna F) 1 mech C A Trussell Mtr Co r 135 S Poplar Bryant Reese h 151 Strickland Bryant Sayral asst dir Bernstein Funeral Home Inc r Winder Ga Bryant T D (Mildred I) 3 trav slsmn h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Bryant Wayburn J (Henrietta W) countermn Anderson Auto Parts Co Inc r Barnett Shoals rd RD 3 Bryant Will W (Jimmie S) 2 weaver Chic opee Mfg Co h 565 Nantahala av Bryant Wm (Mary) emp Alexander Wood Products Co h 147% Morton Bryant's Barber Shop (Clarence L Brooks and Mrs Clara Bryant) 184 College av Brydie Willie (Nellie B) h 775 Bray

Bryson Cecil maid 542 Best dr r 211 Macon av
Bryson Elmo (Cecil) lab Sou Ry Sys tem h 211 Fapbstein al
Buchwald Bessie elk USPO r 175 Bloomfield
Buckley Mayo C (Grace D) (Buckley Weatherstrip & Insulation Co) pres of Ma-get-ic Furnace Corp h 138 Carlton
ter Buckner Earl B (Pauline B) formn
Daniel Constn Co h 660 Belvoir hts Buckner Pauline B (Mrs E B) nurse St
Mary's Hosp r 660 Belvoir hts Budwine Co (Jos Costa Jr) btlrs 219 S
Thomas Buffington Jay L (Mary W) 2 trv slsmn
h 265 King av Buffington Rosa L nurse's aide St
Mary's Hosp r 235 Plaza Buford Beulah E dishwasher Old South
Restr Inc r 574 E Strong Buford Silas (Beulah E) jan Athens
Hotel r 574 E Strong Buggs Albert (Lillie W) lab h 270
Glenhaven av Bullard Anderson (Ora L) orderly
Athens Genl Hosp h 185 S Billups Bullard Durward slsmn Gunn's Inc r Win-
trville Ga Bullard H Roland (Lois P) 1 (Bullard
Whol Co) h 640 Holman av Bullard Wholesale Co (H Roland Bullard)
dry gds 385 Oak Bullard Will H r 190 Berry Bulldog Quick Finishing (Crow's Drug
Store Inc) photo fnshr 283 E Clayton Bulldog Recreation Center Sylveste? Beer
pres, Chas C Clements Jr v-pres, bowl ing alley 129 E Broad Bullock Ben Z (Mozelle S) jan Mary Lyndon Hall U of Ga h 185 2d Bullock Billy J r 541 Nantahala av Bullock Earl (Leanner) wood yd 139 3d h same Bullock Edna W Mrs label prntr Climax Hosierv Mills r Winterville Ga Bullock Fletcher (Jane T) 3 emp Thomas Trans Co h 426 1st Bullock Frances C (Mrs Robt) folder r 137 Parkview Homes Bullock Geo H (Sarah E) 1 sis mgr Rus sell Daniel Inc h 434 Meigs Bullock Grace drsmkr 151% E Clayton r Danielsville Ga Bullock H R Grocery (Herschel R Bullock) 379 Oak Bullock Herschel R (Eula S) 1 (H R Bullock Gro) h 379 Oak Bullock Jas C h Danielsville rd Bullock Jane T (Fletcher) maid r 426 1st Bullock Kathlene r 736 N Jackson Bullock Lena S Mrs r 575 N Jackson Bullock Leonora maid 140 Hart av r 139 3d Bullock Lonnie P (Mamie D) 3 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 174 E Strong Bullock Loyd H parts slsmn Russell Daniel Inc r 275 Oakland

Bullock Mildred E (Mrs W S) knitter Cli max Hosiery Mills r 170 N Poplar
Bullock Nancy L ofc sec r 541 Nantahala av
Bullock Pearl P Mrs 1 mach opr h 136 Parkview Homes
Bullock Robt (Frances C) trk dr Brown Trans Co h 137 Parkview Homes
Bullock Stella H Mrs 1 h 541 Nantahala av
Bullock Wilbur S (Mildred E) City Mar shall and Collr City Clk & Treas r 170 N Poplar
Bullock Willie A jan Athens Genl Hosp r 426 1st
Bullock Willie O (Mary C) 2 aircraft mech h 114 Sylvia cir
Bumgarner Perry E (Dorothy R) 1 USTs h 686 Baxter
Bunkley Louis (Julie E) 3 (Bunkley's Cafe) h 447 Reese
Bunkley's Cafe (Louis Bunkley) 348 N Hull
Burch Arth Mrs (Mrs Lonie B Burch) mlnr 244 E Washington
Burch Birdie H (wid J B) slswn DavisonPaxon Co h 218 Normal av
Burch Chas E (Betty M) 1 emp The C & S Natl Bk h 103 University cts apt 12
Burch Clyde B (wid John h 1140 S Lumpkin
Burch Frank S (Louise P) asst mgr Dairypak Inc h 445 W Cloverhurst av
Burch Inez M (wid J M) elk U S Agrl Mar keting Service & Agrl Statistics r 288-a Bloomfield
Burch Lonie B (wid A M) (Mrs Arth Burch) r 225 West View dr
Burch Louise P (Mrs F S) tchr University High Sch r 445 W Cloverhurst av
Burch Thos A (Billie M) 1 student h 336 Sunset dr
Burdette M E (Marcelle B) agt Life Ins Co of Ga r RD 1
Burger Alice W (wid D N) r 545 Nanta hala av
Burger Bessie bkpr Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service r 185 N Hull
Burger Betty J r 20 Parkview Homes Burger Jas A insulation mn Tony Postero
Insulating Co r RD 4 Burger Janie M Mrs looper Climax Hos
iery Mills h 20 Parkview Homes Burger L Frank (Martha A) 1 patrolmn
City Police Dept h 360 Oak Burger Levi M (Myris G) 2 bus opr
h 545 Nantahala av Burger Martha A (Mrs L F) opr S B T &
T Co r 360 Oak Burger W Henry (Betty W) student h 245
Burgess Ann Mrs payroll elk Colonial Poul try Co Inc r Danielsville rd
Burgess Arth slsmn Farmers Hdw of Ath ens Inc r Maxeys Ga
Burgess Boyd M (Nanette W) 1 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 398 Jonah av
Burgess David porter The Varsity r 412 W Broad

Burgess Edith A (Mrs R T) bkpr Sinkwich Furn r RD 2
Burgess Frances M emp Athens Genl Hosp h 1095 Boulevard
Burgess Guy slsmn Athens Equipment Co r Bogart Ga
Burgess J M (Ellie) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Bogart Ga
Burgess Mary W maid 150 Westover dr r 150 Glenhaven av
Burgess Oscar M (Annie) baker's hlpr Arnold & Abney Inc r RD 1
Burgess Robt trk dr Tanner Lbr Co r 135 Glenn av
Burgess Robt (Mary) trk dr h 135 Glenhaven av
Burgess Robt S (Ollie W) 1 tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 380 Satula av
Burgess Robt T mach Quality Mach Co r RD 2
Burgess Rosa M maid h 851 Waddell Burgess Saml L asst editor State Agrl Extn
Service r 435 S Milledge Burgess Mary L Mrs emp Chicopee Mfg
Co h 127 1st Burgess Jas (Mary W) emp Colonial
Poultry Co h 15Q Glenhaven Burgess Willie L cook Holman Hotel h
327 Bailey Burke Dorothy A (wid JF)2hl21
Cherokee av Burke John F student r 121 Cherokee
av Burkhalter Jas F (Vivian B) 2 electn hlpr
John Eppes Elec Co h 275 King av Burkhalter Jas H (Virginia N) 2 prof U
of Ga h 301 Parkway dr Burkhalter Reba M mimeograph opr
State Agrl Extn Service h 1024 S Lumpkin Burkhalter Vivian B (Mrs J F) fountain elk Citizens Pharm r 275 King av Burkhart Walter C (Pearl W) tchr U of Ga h 1819 S Lumpkin Burkholder Paul R (Lillian M) 1 prof U of Ga h 485 West Lake dr Burkholder Peter student r 485 West Lake dr Burley Lurline maid 135O'Farrell r 537 W Hancock av Burman Printing Co (Edw F Condron and Hayden L Drewry) 407 N Lumpkin Burnet Duncan (Inez D) librarian emer itus U of Ga h 375 W Cloverhurst av Burnett Eva G maid 745 Milledge av h 248 Glenhaven av
Burnett Lorene S Mrs 2 r 160 Mitchell
Burnette L G (Dorothy) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Colbert Ga
Burney Annie H tchr h 853 Reese
Burney Will r 170 Lyndon Row
Burnham Reba asst prof U of Ga r 432% University dr
Burnley Horace R Rev (Ellie H) pastor East Athens Baptist Ch h 158 N Pop lar
Burnley Jerry student r 158 N Poplar
Burnley Mary student r 158 N Poplar

Burns Alonzo H (Mary H) milk tester
State Agrl Extn Service h 350 N Harris
Burns Annie M agt Atlanta Life Ins Co r 1250 W Hancock
Burns Egbert T mgr Davison's Car Park h 160 Holman av
Burns Eldon asst mgr Jones Flower Shop
r Lexington rd RD 3 Burns Eliz elk S B T & T Co r 160 Hol
man av Burns Gladys H dishwasher Britt's
PI h 241 Fairview Burns Joan J (Mrs T W) ofc wkr USPO
r 181 Holman av
Smith-Boley-Brown Inc h 770 S Milledge
av--Dial LI 6-7527
Burns Telford W (Joan J) 2 elk USPO h 181 Holman av
Burpie Albert M electn r 457 Madison av Burpee Geo T (Geneva J) justice of
peace and lawyer 1st fir County Court Hse h 297 Cherokee Burpee Jas G (Jewell T) mgr Spur Dis tributing Co Inc h 425 Megs Burpee Lou Ellen (wid R A) h 457 Mad
ison Burpee Nellie M (Mrs W J) asst bkpr Ath
ens Publishing Co Inc r 723 Baxter Burpee Walter J (Nellie M) 2 mail elk
The Athens Banner-Herald h 723 Bax ter Burr Garfield r 328 Atlanta av Burrell Arth H (Dorothy B) 1 slsmn Dr Pepper Btlg Co h 390 Carr Burrell Billy (Ida B) h 50 Parkview Homes Burrell Dorothy B (Mrs AH) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 390 Carr Burrell Irene W Mrs tex wkr h 198 S Poplar Burrell Leroy r 198 S Poplar Burroughs Chas D student r 315 S Pope Burroughs Charlie A (Drew B) cab dr h 315 S Pope Burroughs Dorothy mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r 935 Madison av Burroughs Drew B (Mrs C A) inspr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 315 S Pope
Borroughs Elick B (Fannie S) r 732 Pulaski
Burroughs Eliz S (Mrs J R) smstrs The Modern Sewing Shop r Winterville Ga
Burroughs Floye C (Mrs L E) mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r 886 N Chase
Burroughs Fred fixer appr Rodgers Hos iery Co Inc r RD 1
Burroughs Harry brklyr David D Saye r Hull rd RD 1
Burroughs Jack (Betty) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Comer Ga
Burroughs Jas W (Jane J) converter hlpr Dairypak Inc r 315 S Pope
Burroughs Jas W (Lessie S) 1 emp Athens Lbr Co h 748% N Jackson
Burroughs Joe W (Mildred) compound mn Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co r Danielsville Ga

Burroughs L E (Floye C) 1 trk dr h 886 N Chase
Burroughs Lessie S (Mrs J W) mach opr
Fields Mfg Co r 748% N Jackson Burroughs Matry mach Classic City Over
all Co Inc r RD 1 Burroughs Rebecca mach opr Classic' City
Overall Co Inc r RD 1 Burroughs Rudell service mn The Beach-
am Co r Colbert Ga Burroughs Ruth slswn F W Woolworth Co
r RD 1 Burroughs Sara cutting opr Classic City
Overall Co Inc r RD 1 Burroughs Spurgeon W (Anne L) 1 dr
Simpson Trucking Co h Sunset dr Burroughs Sybil P (Mrs W M) prac nurse
143 Grady av r same Burson Wm M (Mary S) h 245 Oak
land av Burroughs Wm M (Sybil P) 1 elk Charlie
James Dry Clnrs h 143 Grady av Burt Bessie B (Mrs J C) r Barnett Shoals
rd Burt Dolphus R (Mildred S) 3 knitter Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc h 250 DuBose av Burt Jas C (Bessie B) 3 tex wkr h Bar
nett Shoals rd Burt Mildred S (Mrs D R) topper Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 250 DuBose av Burt W Howard (Nellie H) mach opr
Athens Elastic & Braid Co h 348 Oak Burt Wm (Lillie J) h 385 Bray Burt Wm L (Wyolene P) 1 slsmn J C
Penney Co Inc h 169 Virginia av Burt's Grocery (W H Burt) Barnett Shoals
rd Burton Alberta C h 240 Ruth Burton Ben meat ctr Bell's Food Mkt r
Winterville Ga Burton Ben meat ctr Bell's Food Mkt r
Winterville Ga
BURTON BEN W (Sara) Div Supt Georgia
Power Co h 124 Tillman la--Dial LI
6-6387 Burton Clara H (wid R C) slswn Ab-
roms h 235 Milledge hts Burton Dock G (Etselle Y) h 155 Har
per Burton Hassie S (wid David) h 575 N Jack
son Burton Jas H (Annie A) 2 jan U of
Ga h 111 North av Burton Jim (Albe S) lab Geo Stro-
ther Lbr Co h 218 Madison hts Burton John R (Margt) 2 porter Crow's
Drug Store Inc h 225 5th Burton John W USA r 840 Water
Burton Johnnie (Carrie) 1 trk dr Geo Strother Lbr Co h 840 Water
Burton Mozelle agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co r Toccoa Ga
Burton Sarah N presser Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co h 249 5th
Burton Sanford G (Sibyl D) 2 tex wkr Jefferson Mill No 2 h 136 Elizabeth
Burton Sarah ironer Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r 249 5th
Burtcn Sybil D (Mrs S G) tex wkr Jeffer son Mill No 2 r 136 Elizabeth



Busbin Ben F (Joyce A) USA r Daniels* ville rd
Busbin Bessie W (Mrs J E) slswn J C Penney Co Inc r Colbert Ga
Busbin Joyce A (Mrs B F) ofc sec Northeast Ga Council Boy Scouts of Am r Danielsville rd RD 1
Busbin Peggy A (wid J D) h Danielsville rd
BUSH ALEXANDER (Marian G) 2 (Bush Jewelers) h 241 Highland ar-- Dial LI 3-3328
Bush Alice E maid Barrow Sch r 166S Milledge Extn
Bush Annie J maid r 850 W Broad Bush C Sam (Annie B) night firemn
Hotel Holman h 850 W Broad Bush Clemon (Alice E) chauf 710 Mil-
ledge cir h 1669 Milledge extd Bush Freddie sch tchr r 1248 W Broad
BUSH JEWELERS (Alexander Bush) Credit Jewelers Diamonds Silverware 165 E Clay ton--Dial LI 6-0427 (See Marginal Lines)
BUSH RAY P (Lillian A) 2 Mgr Atlanta Gas Light Co h 163 Milledge ter -- Dial LI 6-1128
Bush Will chauf 545 Milledge cir h 323 Plaza
Business Girls Club meets 2d and 4th Tuesdays 6:30 pm 347 W Hancock av
Business Men's Club 153% N Jackson Bussey Bernice P (wid R W) furn rms 375
S Jackson h same Bussey Maureen H (wid A S) asst li-
brarian Athens Regional Library h 330 South View dr Butler Albert V (Martha R) 2 slsmn h 72 Myrna ct apts Butler Alva B (wid W B) h 789 N Thomas Butler Apartments 1439-51 S Milledge av and 118-30 University dr Butler Calvin r 789 N Thomas Butler Dottie M r 994 S Lumpkin Butler E O (Vider B) carp-pntr h 187 S Poplar Butler E Claude (Audrey D) carp h 135 E Cloverhurst av Butler Eugenia W (Mrs M T) copy writer Radio Sta WGAV and WGAV-FM r 217 Woodlawn av Butler Florence E Mrs h 735 Boulevard Butler Franklin (Jeanne W) program dir Radio Sta WRFC r RD 4
BUTLER FURNITURE CO (S Hoyt But ler) Furniture Radios Electrical Appli ances 409 E Broad--Dial LI 3-2974 An nex 132 N Thomas (See Marginal Line* and Buyers Guide)
Butler Furniture Co whse 790 E Broad Butler Georgia K Mrs tex wkr h 994 S
Lumpkin Butler Inez T (wid Reese) asst dietitian
Athens Genl Hosp r 180 Inglewood av Butler J Arth (Blanche J) agt Interstate
Life & Accident Ins Co r Watkinsville Ga Butler Jack D atndt Hardy's Service Center & Tire Exchange r Jefferson rd RD 2

Butler Jas E carp-pntr r 187 S Poplar Butler Jasper S (Gallic C) h 895 N Chase Butler Jessie P (Edna L) slsmn Ga Tire
& Rubber Co r Social Circle Ga Butler Joe (Henrietta) knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r Winterville Ga Butler John E (Alice L) USN h 185 North
View dr apt 4 Butler Kath L r 270 Cobb Butler M Francis r 140 Wilkerson Butler M Henry (Sarah K) 5 slsmn Pepsi-
Cola Btlg Co h 45 Parkview Homes Butler M Tyrus (Eugenia W) 3 prof U
of Ga h 217 Woodlawn av Butler Marvin (Hazel C) 2 tex wkr h 146
Elizabeth Butler Mary DeV h 270 Cobb Butler Mattie B 4 r 128 Cobb Butler Monroe A (Helen A) (Robertson &
Butler) r Watkinsville Ga Butler Ottis T (Annie S) electn Ander-
son Plmbg & Htg Co r RD 1 Butler Paul H (Nona) coml sis eng Ga
Power Co r 620 Waddell apt 6 Butler Rufus E (Dorothy G) 2 carp h
744 Barber BUTLER S HOYT (Rubye J) (Butler
Furniture Co) h 376 Milledge cir--Dial
LI 6-7164 Butler Saml H (Inez H) 2 tex wkr Chico-
pee Mfg Co h 152 Arch Butler Sanford student r 376 Milledge cir Butler Sterling student r 285 Hillcrest Butler Thos P trk dr Bradley Provision Co
r RD 1 Butler Wm E (Louise S) 7 carp h Barnett
Shoals rd Buttrill Esma W (Mrs S A) sis wn Gallant-
Belk Co r 279 Yonah av Buttrill Saml A (Esma W) h 279 Yonah
av Butts C Neil (Irene T) h rear 290 North
av Butts Clarence L whsemn Wm G Walters
r Winterville Ga Butts Clarence L slsmn r 465 Ruth Butts T Wallace Jr (Winifred T) dir
athletics U of Ga h 498 Highland av Butts Mae T (Mrs R L) ship elk Fields
Mfg Co r 450 Ruth Butts Nancy student r 498 Highland av Butts Ray student r 476 Milledge cir Butts Robt L (Mae T) USAF h 450
Ruth Butts Walton E (Edith M) line formn
S B T & T Co h 117 Clover Byrd Annie J tchr Reese Street Sch
r 669 W Hancock av Byrd Cath student r 135 University dr Byrd David (Muriel L) non comn of-
ficer Liaison Ofc Air Reserve 9906th Squadron r trailer rear 749 Prince av Byrd Edw D (Annie J) h 669 W Hancock av Byrd Eliz A student r 135 University dr Byrd Elon E (Margt P) prof U of Ga h 580 Milledge cir Byrd Holmes G (Virginia D) phys 1010 Prince av h 135 University dr Byrd Izack r 669 W Hancock av

Byrd Margt P (Mrs E E) comptometer opr r 580 Milledge cir
Byrd Mell W mech J Swanton Ivy Inc r Monro Ga
Byrd Paul S (Lucy J) emp Athens Co operative Creamery r Watkinsville Ga
Byrd Ruth B (wid LA) h 80 Springdale
Byrnes Thos J (Eloise B) 2 mus tchr Ath ens High Sch h 200 E Rutherford
Byron Jas G (Geraline R) student h 2 Parkview Homes
To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
Cabin Wm J (Betty) personnel mgr Dairypak Inc h 78 Myrna c't apt
Cadenhead J Harold (Virginia M) 1 ofc wkr State Agrl Stabilization Service h 295 Pinecrest dr
Cadenhead Virginia M (Mrs J H) ofc sec Chambers Mus Co r 295 Pinecrest dr
Cagle Clara F (wid B F) h 495 Satula av
Cagle P L (Lucille M) hlpr Good Luck Mfg Co h 377 E Strong
Cagle Robt H rate elk Ga R R r YMCA Cagle Roy r 495 Satula av Cain Anita I ofc sec Judge Robt L Rus
sell r 470 Cobb Cain Lanier (Charlotte) night elk Hotel
Holman r same Cain Loretta McK (wid J R) h 275 Bax
ter Cain Loretta M Mrs r 275 Baxter Calata Apartments 620 Waddell Caldonia Inn (-Calvin Durham) gro 198
Angle Cal dwell Charter L (Mary B) investigator
r Jefferson rd RD 2 Caldwell Fannie B Mrs 1 mach opr Classic
City Overall Co Inc h 1160 Boule vard Caldwell Jos T (Frances H) 2 dispr Veterans Cab Co h 126 N Poplar Callahan Bros H Grady Callahan agt cot ton brokers Oneita Callahan H Grady (Margt S) 1 agt Cal lahan Bros member City Bd of Education h 530 University dr Callahan Lindsey (Ima P) 3 jan h 162 Johns Callahan Marpt S (Mrs H G) tchr Barrow Sch r 530 University dr Callahan Robt (Georgia L) lab h 168
Callaway A Byron (Halley) asst prof U of Ga h 180 E Rutherford
Callaway Alice B r 397 1st Callaway Amanda h 253 S Rockspring Callaway Herman lab Athens Poultry
Co r 215 Colima av Callaway J Clyde Rev (Corrine H) 1 dist
supt Athens-Elberton Dist Methodist Ch h 1416 S Milledge av

Callaway Janie Y (wid S J) r 645 Boule
vard Callaway Lillian student r 215 Colima
av Callaway Mamie M (wid R E) ofc sec The
McGregor Co r 247 Barber Callaway Robt r 1416 S Milledge av Callaway Robt (Annie E) 9 wood dlr
215 Colima av h same Callaway Roberta student r 215 Colima
av Callaway Rufus (Sarah H) roofer L
M Leathers Sons Roofing & Sheet Metal Contrs h 160 Griffith Callaway Sara H maid 180 Pinecrest dr
r 160 Griffith Callaway Wm student r 1416 S Milledge
av Callaway Wm R (Ruby P) h 5 Parkview
Homes Callicott Joe H student r 511 Bloomfield
Callicott Joe H (Sue McC) rep Std Chem Co h 511 Bloomfield
Callicott Sue McC (Mrs J H) slswn Bradley's Dress Shop r 511 Bloomfield
Galloway Annie M r 178 E Hoyt Galloway Arrie h 131 Water Oak Galloway Beulah maid h 235 Madison
hts Galloway Carrie dom r 428 1st Galloway Frances Mrs hse mother Sigma
Alpha Epsilon Fraternity r same Galloway Frank (Beulah) farmer h 131
Water Oak Galloway Hollirene M2h3971st Galloway Howard (Cornelia H) whsemn
Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 142 Water
Oak Galloway Julia r 157 Strickland
Galloway Lucy r 156 Strickland Galloway Susie h 410 1st Galloway Walter (Carrie) gro 428 1st
h same Galloway Wm (Equilla) 4 yd mn h
185 Macon av Camarata Eleanor A r 275 Milledge cir Camarata Tony J (Anita C) mgr White
Trk Lines h 275 Milledge cir Cameron Chester A mgr Consolidated
Credit Corp r 464 College av Cameron Louise prac nurse 650 Meigs h
same Came Helen R (wid F H) sch tchr r 930
S Lumpkin Camp Paul A prof U of Ga h 175 S Fin-
ley Camp Robt D (Dorothy M) supvr Chicopee
Mfg Co r RD 4 Campbell Chas (Marcel S) caretkr
U of Ga h 660 W Hancock av Campbell Clyde H Mrs h 223 Chatooga
av Campbell Columbus lab r 860 Wad-
dell Campbell Howard E student r 240 Barrow Campbell Howard S (Lunell W) 2 trk dr
Adams Trans & Storage Co h 240 Bar row
Campbell John Jr (Julia A) lab r 540 S Finley



Campbell John L (Emma M) 1 tex wkr h 343 S Finley
Campbell Julia A maid 221 Morton av r 540 S Finley
Campbell Loraine (wid J P) r Whitehall rd RD 4
Campbell Loyd W (Frances L) 4 genl contr 48 Holman av slsmn Redwine & Co h same
Campbell Luke (Martha H) h 386 DuBose av
Campbell Margie Mrs 3 r 297 Barber Campbell Noreen cook Milledge av r 550
Reese Campbell Patk J (Shirley P) student h
327 Oglethorpe av Campbell Pearl S (wid Bernard) h 523 N
Jackson Campbell Susie h 291 Athens av Campbell Webster E trk dr Thomas Trans
Co Inc r 240 Barrow Campbell Wm A (Eleanor E) 2 pathol
ogist U S Forest Service h 225 King av Campbell Wm A Jr student r 225 King
av Campbell Wm C (Peggy J) USN h 1495
S Milledee av Campbell Wm J mstr mach The Hanna
Mfg Co r 312 Nellie B av Campbell Willie C h 860 Waddell Cannon Logan J (Lillie M) mech h 480
Meigs Cannon Sam H (Susie A) 10 h 768
Bray Cannon Willie M 1 maid J Swanton Ivy
Co h 768 Bray Cantey Grayce B Mrs genl asst U of Ga
Library r 27-H Ag Hill Cantrell Albert L (Eva W) 1 gro 174
Cleveland av h 159 Marion dr Cantrell Gertrude E Mrs instructor U of Ga
Library h 1196% Prince av Cantrell O C (Leatha U) 1 trk dr Sou Mill
Sup h 488 Baldwin
Canwell J A (Ruby M) emp B & W Dry Clnrs r 1385 Oconee
Cape Bertha L (wid H W) r 732 Pulaski
Cape Betty J (Mrs H F) ofc sec Perdue Mfg Co r 670 Cobb
Cape Dupree L delmn B & W Clnrs r 243 Ruth
Cape Eldridge B (Mary L) 2 firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 365 Ruth
Cape Ethel F (Mrs H C) pairer Climax Hosiery Mills r 286 S Poplar
CAPE HERBERT F (Betty J) 1 (Athens Woodwork & Upholstery Shop h 670 Cobb--Rial LI 6-1102
Cape Hoyt C (Ethel F) hlpr U of Ga h 286 S Poplar
Cape Jas M (Rosa S) dept formn The Hanna Mfg Co h 243 Ruth
Cape Lester L (Mozelle D) 2 landscape wkr h 129 N Peter
Cape Ucalee (Frances C) 1 mech J Swanton Ivy Inc h 375 Ruth

CAPPS W A CO (Jo. C Foter) Jewelry Silverware Watch Repairing 216 E Clayton--Dial LI 3-9942 (See Buyers
Guide) Cards Oscar lab David D Saye r 1248
Prince av Carey Azzie D maid 772 Cobb r 46
Broadacres Carey Cornelia r 47 Fuller Carey Glenda student r 230 Ruth Carey J Howard (Mary A W) 1 X-Ray tech
1010 Prince av h 57 Myrna ct apts Carey Jack trk dr Swift & Co r 47
Fuller Carey Jas r 46 Broadacres Carey Jas (Azzie D) 2 trk dr The Webb-
Crawford Co h 46 Broadacres Carey Jeppie trk dr W B Steedman &
Sonr r 47 Fuller Carey Margt r 46 Broadacres Carey Tramell A (Betty F) 1 linemn
Ga Power Co h 245 Scott Cargile Anna L presser Industrial Lndry
& Dry Clng Co Inc r 176 Savannah av Cargile Lewis L (Anna L) 3 chef
Tony's Restr h 176 Savannah av Cargile Mamie maid r 176 Savannah av Carithers Apartments S Milledge av cor
Baxter Carithers Donald D (Pauline R) slsmn
Athens Merc Co bkpr YMCA h 550 Talmadge dr Carithers Eliz h 524 Meigs Carithers Ellen M (wid Herschel) h 1250 S Lumpkin Carithers Elmer L rl est 490 Ruth r same Carithers Eula C (wid R B) 2 tex wkr r 975 N Chase Carithers Eula W (wid J Y) h 435 S Milledge av apt 4 Carithers Herschel (Karon S) 3 slsmn Heyward Alien Mtr Co h 362 W Cloverhurst av Carithers Joe T (Vivian G) route slsmn Std Oil Co of Ky Inc r Comer Ga Carithers Laura Y (wid J G) h 253 E Dougherty Carithers Lena T (wid M L) h 490 Ruth Carithers Lola S (wid D A) h 975 N Chase Carithers Pauline R (Mrs D D) bkpr In dustrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r 550 Talmadge dr Carithers Susie mach opr Fields Mfg Co r Hull Ga Carithers Vivian G (Mrs Joe T) ofc sec Cred Bureau of Athens r Comer Ga
Carrithers Wm P countermn The Varsity r 650 Reese
Carithers Young H (Neila P) 2 mainte nance formn Dairypak Inc h 150 Morningside dr apt 1
Pres-Mgr Walter R Thomas Athens Inc h 106 Sylvia cir--Dial 3-5651
Carlisle Billy BUS Marshal r Macon Ga

Carlisle J C asst bkpr Colonial Poultry Co Carroll John A USN r 227 Waddell

r Lexington Ga

Carroll M J (Grace M) h 227 Waddell

Carlisle Olivia B Mrs 4 h 298 Pinecrest Carroll Raymond E r 190 Stanton Way


Carroll Willie H (wid E W) slswn h 325

Carlson Gerry student r 174 Highland ter Oakland av

Carlton Annie F h 290 W Cloverhurst Carroll Wm R (Annie) 1 h 145 Elm


Carruth Betty J slswn Davison-Paxon Co

Carlton Annie H (wid J N) h 255 Mil- r 237 Barber

ledge his

Carruth Calvin (Nora) lab Athens Co

Carlton Beverly B Mrs r 396 W Ruther operative Creamery h 270 5th


Carruth Lon (Maude W) h 237 Barber

Carlton C G (Evelyn D) supt The Inde Carruth Mary C student r 270 5th

pendent Life & Accident Ins Co r Mon- Carruth Nora maid r 270 5th

roe Ga

Carruth Violet R (wid J J) 1 r 245 Du-

Carlton Wm M (Betty H) 1 prof U of Bose av

Ga h 166 Hart av

Carson Pennelee r 157 Hillside

Carmack C L (Mildred W) USA r 345 Carson C Edw (Dorothy M) 3 (Carson Ser


vice Sta) h 255 Oglethorpe ter

Carmack Mildred W (Mrs C L) elk Holman Carson Calvin A (Maude B) (Carson's

Hotel r 345 Ruth

Barber Shop) h 161 Catawba av

Carmichael Cornelia D (Mrs J P) ofc sec Carson Calvin A Jr (Gloria M) 2 barber

Veterans Affairs Ofc U of Ga r 5 Clover- Carson's Barber Shop h 184 Woodrow

hurst ct

Carson Clifford L lab Colonial Feed Co r

Carmichael J Pledger (Cornelia D) asso 427 Odd

ciate editor State Agrl Extn Service h 5 Carson Grover (Lizzie) dr Black &

Cloverhurst ct

White Cab Co h rear 360 Barber

Carmichael Mary F sten-bkpr Roberts Carson Marion E barber Carson's Barber

Elec & Appliance Co h 320 N Milledge

Shop r Ifll Catawba av


Carson O B lab Maynard Sheet Metal

Games Ardelle r 213 1st

Wks r 160 Yonah av

Carnes Donald student r Lexington rd

Carson's Barber Shop (Calvin A Carson)

Carnes Evelyn r 55 Arch

190 E Clayton

Carnes Geo R (Gertrude B) personnel dir Carson's Service Station (C E Carson)

Chicopee Mfg Co r RD 1

1397 Prince av

Carnes Joanne K (wid N R) 1 emp Vet CARSWELL HENRY J JR (Malinda D) 3

erans Housing Admn r 188 Sunset dr

(H) Pres Crow's Drug Store Inc k 285

Carnes N Bee (Florine H) 2 tex wkr

Springdale Dial LI 3-5240

Chicopee Mfg Co h 55 Arch

Cartagena Clyde C Mrs ckr Dairypak Inc

Carnes Roy (Isabella) slsmn Athens Co h 67 Paikview Homes

operative Creamery r RD 1

Carteaux Betty J ofc sec Rodgers Hos

Carney Hoyt W (Lottrelle) paint and body iery Co Inc r 120 Hampton ct

formn C A Trussell Mtr Co r Winter- Carteaux Clarence F (Bernice H) genl

ville Ga

plant mgr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 120

Carolina Life Insurance Co C M Ridle-

Hampton ct

huber mgr 401-08 Sou Mut Bldg

Carteaux Richd J knitter Rodgers Hosiery

Carpenters & Joiners of America Local Co Inc h 120 Hampton ct

Union No 547 133% W Clayton

Carteaux Thos L student r 120 Hamp

Carr Bennie L Mrs 1 bkpr Rosenthal's ton ct

Shoe Store h 288-b Bloomfield

Cartee Geo (Ruby) knitter Rodgers Hos

Carr J Fletcher elk USPO r 174 Burnett iery Co Inc r RD 1


Carter Alline M (Mrs W C) grad nurse

Carr Jones F (Annie M H) asst postmstr 193 Mell r same

USPO h 174 Burnett av

Carter B F (Mabel L) emp City h 1055

Carr Robt W (Jessie Y) 1 accnt 264% N Prince apt I

Lumpkin rm 6 h 700 Oglethorpe av

Carter Barbara student r 193 Mell

Carreker Joan L student r 373 Hamp Carter Bunnie B (Mrs J P) bkpr Carter's

ton ct

Bldg Sup Co r 2610 Jefferson rd

Carreker John R (Helen G) 1 soil con RD 2

servation research U S Dept of Agr h Carter Carlton V (Martha H) 2 slsmn Dud

373 Hampton ct

ley Mower Sales Co r Lexington Ga

Carrington Mattie M r 173 Catawba av Carter Carolyn S (J F) opr S B T & T Co

Carroll Alma L agt Afro-Am Life Ins Co

r 220 Nantahala av

r Monroe Ga Carroll Grace M (Mrs M J) mach opr
Classic City Overall Co Inc r 227 Waddell Carroll Jessie B Mrs r 190 Stanton Way

Carter Cecil inspr Fields Mfg Co r 697 Pulaski
Carter Clarence T (Methie) mach Keller Mach Co r Commerce rd

Carroll Joe S (Bernice R) 2 mach Bow- Carter Cordelia H (wid E A) slswn

den-LaBoone Mtr Rebuilding h 760 Bar George's Cigar & Fruit Stand h 631 N





Carter David C Rev (Mary D) 4 jan U of Ga h 295 Cleveland av
Carter Dorothy M (wid D H) 1 h 59 Park view Homes
Carter Edna O (Mrs R E) sup tchr Athens Business College r 150 Grady av
Carter Edw S (Louise S) elec eng h 2055 S Lumpkin
Carter Emory A (Sara) 3 carp The Mathis Constn Co h Johnson dr
Carter Gladys L (Mrs J H) dist mgr elk SBT&TCor325 University dr
Carter Guy C (Nancy C) student r 421 Bearing
Carter Henry M (Carolyn C) 1 trk dr Athens Gro Co h 72 Parkview Homes
Carter Howard (Nancy) USN h 134 Buena
Vista av apt 2 Carter Hubert H (Mildred K) 2 (Car
ter's Carburetor Elec Co) h 325 Milledge ter Carter J Chas (Mildred D) 2 agt The Franklin Life Ins Co h 235 Hall Carter Jack W (Sarah G) 1 service mn Atlanta Gas Light Co h 290 N Milledge av Carter Jas (Ruby S) h 153 Upson al Carter Jas E (Martha B) 2 PBX installer-repr SBT&TCohl40 Springdale Carter Jas F (Carolyn S) 1 mech Keller Mach Co h 220 Nantahala av Carter Jas H (Gladys L) service formn S B T & T Co h 325 Universitv dr
CARTER JESSE P (Bunnie B) (Car
ter's Building Supply Co) h 2610 Jef
ferson rd--Dial LI 3-2084
Carter Jos E (Mildred E) whsemn Simpson Trucking Co h 134 Boulevard
Carter Lizette Me (wid W J) r 193 Mell Carter Lloyd D (Beatrice) body mech Uni
versity Chevrolet Co Inc r RD 1 Carter M A (Cecile S) 2 plmbr J F Bridges
Plmbg & Htg Co h 697 Pulaski Carter Mable A Mrs knitter Climax Hos
iery Mills h 323 S Pope Carter Mabel L (Mrs B F) alterations Gal-
lant-Belk Co r 1055 Prince av Carter Marie E slswn S H Kress & Co r
Crawford Ga Carter Mary D policewn City Police
Dept r 295 Cleveland av Carter Mary F ofc sec Carter's Bldg Sup
Co r 2610 Jefferson rd RD 2 Carter Mary G (wid L M) h 199 Wray Carter Mildred D (Mrs J C) visiting tchr
City Schools r 235 Hall Carter Mildred E (Mrs J E) asst bkpr
Whitmire Furn Co r 134 Boulevard Carter Montine P (Mrs J B) ticket agt
Union Bus Terminal r Watkinsville Ga Carter Nina S Mrs r 260 Sunset dr Carter Pete radio repr The Mus Shop r
2055 S Lumpkin
Carter Ralph T (Frances L) 1 filter plant opr City Water Wks h 334 S Peter
Carter Reba N (wid D H) tex wkr r 940 Oconee

Carter Roland E Rev (Edna O) pres Athens Business College h 160 Grady av
Carter Rosa cook Huff's Cafe r 138
3d Carter Roscoe W (Doris S) 2 emp Chicopee
Mfg Co h 149 Wilkerson Carter Ruth V examiner Rodgers Hosiery
Co Inc r 243 Nacooche av Carter Sidney T r 134 Boulevard Carter Sidney T Jr (Mary M) knitter Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 2 Carter Sing (Susie W) jan Prince Ave
nue Baptist Ch h 132 S Billups Carter Susie W maid C B Dudley r 132
5 Billups Carter Thos E (Ruth L) 3 plant opr U of
Ga h 1295 S Lumpkin Carter Wiley P (Mary J) parts mgr Ga
Mtrs Inc r Lexington rd RD 3 Carter Wm C (Alline M) 1 marketing
soecialist State Agrl Extn Service h 193
(Jesse P Carter) Building Material and
Supplies 2610 Jefferson rd--Dial 6-6183
(See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Carter's Carburetor & Electric Co (Hubert H Carter) 414 N Thomas
Cartey Allee E (wid H H) r 127% Hall Cartey Betty B (Mrs BE) tel opr S B T
6 t Co r 143 y2 Greenwood dr Cartey Billie R (Mrs Tim) slswn Davison-
Paxon Co r 65 Parkview Homes Cartey Billy E (Betty B) 1 tex wkr h
143% Greenwood dr Cartey Cecil M (Ruth M) 2 elk USPO
h 164 E Strong Cartey Ella M (wid Ivan) h 2010 Jef
ferson rd Cartey Emmett M (Esther C) h 179 E
Dougherty Cartey Esther C (Mrs E M) prac nurse
St Mary's Hosp r 179 E Dougherty Cartey Martha r 165 Hall Cartey Norris H (Ossie L) mech Athens
Coca-Cola Btlg Co h 243 Bloomfield Cartey Tim (Billie R) 2 patrolmn City Po
lice Dept h 65 Parkview Homes Cartledge Carol r 174 Grady av Cartledge Flora W (wid E B) h 184 1st Cartledge Marshall F student r 174 Grady
av Cartledge Percy R (Cornelia P) formn
Hogan Lbr Co h 174 Grady av
Cartledge Saml C (Maude M) h 161 Springdale
Cartwright Olden (Lonia) lab h 135 S Billups
Cash Annie S (wid A G) emp Sch Lunch Rm r 269 Buena Vista av
Cash Geo lab G M Caskey & Son r Bogart Ga
Cash Harvey L student r 120 Inglewood av
Cash Lester L (Cora W) 1 carp U of Ga h 120 Inglewood av
Cash & Carry Grocery (Nina Lamberger & Margt Kreider) 1016 E Broad



Caskey G M & Son (Grandison M and Mrs Vallie C Caskey) genl contrs 217 S Thomas
Caskey Grandison M Jr (Laura J) 1 (G M Caskey & Son) h 1690 S Milledge
av Caskey Vallie C (wid G M) (G M Cas-
key & Son) h 1490 S Milledge av Casper Jas T (Cora J) 3 h 552 Pulaski Casper Mary A Mrs 560 Hill Casper Sybil M r 552 Pulaski Casper Victor E trk dr r 552 Pulaski Castleberry A D (Rita C) adjuster Craw-
ford & Co r 220 Normal av Catlett Gladys (wid J L) 1 mach opr Clas-
sic City Overall Co Inc r 165 Florida av Caudell Jas E (Hattie B) (Athens Sup Co) h Danielsville rd Causey Eldred W (Margt B) 1 install of Ga h 70 West Lake dr CAUSEY JOHN N JR (Ernestine S) (Athens Glass & Mirror Co) h 530 Oglethorpe av--Dial LI 6-7340 Causey M'Nelle G (Mrs W C) ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service r 625 West Lake dr Causey Wm C (M'Nelle G) supervisory tchr Veterans Farm Training Program h 625 West Lake dr Cauthen Montie W (wid R L) h 428 N Milledge av Cavanis Isabel tchr Union Nursery Sch r 235 W Cloverhurst av Cawthon J Marvin accnt Russell Daniel Inc r 440 University dr Ceaphus Cary (Julia G) lab h 326 Arch Ceaphus Joe (Cora) bellmn Hotel Hoiman h 958 Reese Cearley Docia L (wid C C) h rear 2037 Jefferson rd RD 2 Cecka M Cyril (Ludmille B) 2 mach slsmn h 239 Springdale Center Claude L (wid E N) r 342 Sunset dr Center Dorothy M (Mrs W J) assignment elk S B T & T Co r 342 Sunset dr Centers E M (Etheleen E) h 184 State Center Wm J (Dorothy M) parts slsmn C A Trussell Mtr Co h 342 Sunset dr Central Baptist Church Rev C H Ellison pastor Sunday Services 11:00 am and 8:00 pm 698 College av CENTRAL FINANCE SERVICE Julian H Fleming Mgr Personal and Signature Loans 251*6 E Broad--Dial LI 6-7691 (See Special Lines)
Central Presbyterian Church Rev Chas C Shafe pastor Sunday Services 11:00 am and 8:00 pm 771 Prince
Central Presbyterian Church House 763 Prince av
Cephas Johnny (Daisy H) jan Athens Mtr & Mach Co h 175 Marlin
Cephura Bessie cook r 489 S Rockspring
Chaddick Nell A Mrs mgr Bradley's Dress Shop h 620 Agricultural dr

Chaffee Howard F (Sarah C) 2 coml supvr S B T & T Co h 1510 S Lumpkin apt K
Chafin Mary S (Mrs W H Jr) nurse Athens-Clarke County Dept of Health r 130 Sylvia cir
Chafin Wm H Jr (Mary S) 3 tool & die mkr h 130 Sylvia cir
Chafin J Wylene h 111 Milledge cir apt 12 Chafin Thelma waitress Pete Petropol Cafe
r 765 N Jackson Chambers Allie H Mrs mach opr Classic
City Overall Co Inc h 187 Chatooga av Chambers Erastus T (Lois) whse formn
Talmadge Whol Co Inc r RD 2 Chambers Fred Jr (Martha AM) student
h rear 1238 S Lumpkin Chambers H C Jr student r Newton Bridge
rd Chambers Harold S (Ethel G) chf elk
State Agrl Extn Service r Winterville Ga Chambers Jas C (Rachel H) 1 press opr The Loef Co h 636 N Jackson Chambers Jessie r 153 Fopbstein al Chambers Laura C (wid Edgar Jr) h 125 Oakland Way Chambers Mable O (wid W C) h 725 N Thomas Chambers Martha A M (Mrs Fred Jr) grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp r rear 1238 S Lumpkin Chambers Music Co (Wm A Chambers) 2045 W Broad Chambers Robt S student r 125 Oakland Way Chambers Ruzelle G Mrs mach opr Fields Mfg Co r Oconee hts RD 2 Chambers Tyrus V (Ruzelle) whse elk Talmadge Whol Co Inc r RD 2 CHAMBERS WM A (Roxie M) 2 (Chambers Music Co, and Twitty & Chambers Jewelry Co) h 224 Plum Nelly rd--Dial LI 6-0229 Chambliss Bobby (Dorothy) student h 390 W Hancock ac apt 5 Chamblee Dorothy (Mrs Bobby) ofc wkr Navy Sup Corps Sch r 390 W Hancock av apt 5 Chambliss Rollin (Amy C) 2 prof U of Ga h 315 West Lake dr Champion John E asst prof U of Ga r 75 Myrna ct apts Champion Linton (Estelle W) 1 h 566 W Hancock av Chance Claude (Mary F) prof U of Ga h 125 Dearing Chance Kenneth C student r 397 Boulevard Chance Mary F (Mrs Claude) ofc sec U of Ga r 125 Dearing
Chance Ollie F (Ruth L) gro 585 Boulevard h 397 same
Chancy Robt r 418 N Chase
Chandler Alice B (Mrs J R) missionary Jehovah Witnesses r rear 834 Hill
Chandler Bessie W Mrs h 834 Hill
Chandler Chas W (Grace M) USN h 485 Boulevard



Chandler Clarence carp David D Saye r Chandler Rachel mach opr Fields Mfg Co

Hull Ga

r Colbert Ga

Chandler Clarence D (Helen) r 170 Mil- Chandler Sam T (Lucy S) 1 service sta

ledge ter

opr 157 W Washington h 132 Clover

Chandler Clarence O (Dorothy M)

Chandler Sidney G (Marie E) 1 dist agt

electn h 335 Pinecrest dr

State Agrl Extn Service h 635 Clover-

Chandler Claude G (Myrtie B) h 194


Prince av

Chandler Water M (Fannie B) dr Veterans

Chandler Clement T (Luna S) mgr Bird-

Cab Co r 243 E Hancock av

sey Flour Mill r RD 3

Chandler Wm L (Eliz S) ofc mgr South-

Chandler Clouis T Jr (Margt M) slsmn eastern Rubber Mfg Co h 590 Highland

W F McElreath Beverage Co r Tallassee av

rd RD 2

Chandler Willie H (Ruth M) trk dr Uni-

Chandler Dorothy C (Mrs J L) cash

versity Creamery h 223 Burnett

Chandler Barbecue r 834 Hill

Chancy Wm R (Athens Sporting Gds) r

Chandler Dorothy M (Mrs C O) bkpr Sou 283 E Hancock av

Mill Sup Co r 335 Pinecrest dr

Chapell Roosevelt r 153 Fopbstein al

Chandler Eliz S (Mrs W L) bkpr Snow Chapin Carrie M (wid J P) r 656 N

Tire Co r 590 Highland av


Chandler Fannie B (Mrs W M) waitress Chapman C Doug (Margaret W) 3 slsmn

Crow's Drug Store Inc r 243 E Han- The Webb-Crawford Co h 109 Fortson

cock av


Chandler Frank r 715 N Jackson

Chapman Cecil W (Claudia W) 4 conser-

Chandler Grace M (Mrs C W) tex wkr r vationist U S Soil Conservation Service

485 Boulevard

h 260 Bloomfield

Chandler Harold r 223 Burnett

Chapman Eliz L (wid P W) h 163 West

Chandler Howard (Sue) slitter opr South- View dr

eastern Rubber Mfg Co r Danielsville Chapman Herbert (Susan) lab U of


Ga h 449 Reese

CHANDLER HOWE L (Martha McR) Chapman Jas R (Dorothy P) 5 hlpr C P

(Citizen* Pharmacy) h 199 University dr

Alewine & Sons h rear 561 Pulaski

--Dial LI 3-31 IS

Chapman Lucille r 420 Reese

Chandler J Britt (Dorothy L) (Britt's PI) Chapman Odell (Jean P) 1 emp Alewine

r Watkinsville Ga

Garage h 435 E Dougherty

Chandler Jack student r 590 Highland av Chapman Susan emp Georgian Lndry

Chandler Jas L (Dorothy C) 2 asst mgr r 449 Reese

Chandler Barbecue h rear 834 Hill

Chappell Murphy (Lima) porter Nor-

Chandler Jas R (AUc'e B) 3 missionary Je- mal Service Sta h 286 Magnolia

hovah Witnesses h rear 834 Hill

Charles A Aldo (Frances M) 3 prof U

Chandler John A student r 530 South

of Ga h 237 Springdale

View dr

Charles Charlene G sch tchr r 178 N

Chandler John H (Lillian C) 1 parts Billups

mgr C P Alewine & Sons h 174 1st

Charles Co The (Walter and Chas Doster)

Chandler John H (Mae B) 5 dr Veterans dry gds 1288 Oconee

Cab Co h 80 Parkview Homes

Chase Street Lunch Room (Keller Mach

Chandler Jos (Florence McC) hlpr Athens Co) Othniel Borders opr 135 Chase

Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 435 E Hoyt Chase Street School Mrs Hampton Rowland

Chandler Julius J insulation mn Tony Pos- prin 757 Chase

tero Insulating Co r Comer Ga

CHASE THOS L Field Supt Nelsons' Bald

Chandler Larrie H (Mrs L G) ofc sec

win Directory Co Inc r Huntsville Ala

State Agrl E^tn Service r Crawford Chastain Frances R (Mrs Paul) nurse Ath-


ens-Clarke County Dept of Health r 190

Chandler Lena C (wid R A) h 145% Clo- Boulevard hts

verhurst cir

Chastain Hubert M (Marcelene W) (Hu-

Chandler Lenora H Mrs bdg 283 E bert's Drive-in) h 605 Sunset dr

Hancock av h same

Chastain J E (Gladys) 2 formn Colonial

Chandler Lillian C (Mrs J H) r 174 1st

Poultry Co Inc h Durlan ct apt 9

Chandler Lona cigarette stamper The

Chastain Paul (Frances R) 1 electn Ga

Webb-Crawford Co r 138 Virginia av

Power Co h 190 Boulevard hts

Chandler Mamie (wid C B) h 640 Cobb Chatham H Chris student r 180 Fortson dr

Chandler Martha H student r 199 University dr
Chandler Mary B (wid A B) r Danielsville rd
Chandler Otho C (Viola C) 2 electn Bryant & David Elec Co h 148 Hiawassee av

Chatham H Thos meat ctr Athens Quick Freeze & Storage Co r Comer Ga
Cheatham Crawford W night wtchmn The Citizens & Sou Natl Bk r 886 N Chase
Cheatham DeLos H (Nellie C) 1 carp h 495 Ruth
Cheatham Elma T (Belle) banding mach opr Circular Banding Co r Bogart Ga

Chandler Queide D cook AST Restr h Cheatham Horace (Joyce) banding mach

420 S Finley

opr Circular Banding Co r Bogart Ga



Cheatham Lizzie W (wid J R) r 495 Ruth
Cheatham Maidie F bkpr Thos M Tillman Co r Winterville Ga
Cheatham Nellie C (Mrs DeL A) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 495 Ruth
Cheatham Raven E elk A&P Food Stores r 495 Ruth
Cheatham Thos T (Fay Me) r 886 N Chase
Cheatham Mattie J r 195 Henderson av Cheek Bun Joe (Joan) 2 genl mgr Athens
Elec Sup Co h 220 Cherokee av Cheek Chas F (Patsy L) 1 agt Life &
Casualty Ins Co of Tenn r 514 Nantahala av Cheek Claude H (Annie C) barber Ga Barber Shop h 574 Nantahala av Cheek Cleo C (wid J D) h 260 Water Cheek Dorothy A student r 574 Nantahala av Cheek Hugh J (Joan C) trk dr Pure Ice Co r N Thomas cor Strong Cheek Maggie M (wid H T) r 117 Springdale Cheek Ruby J nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r 260 Water Cheek Thelma Mrs instr Singer Sewing Center r Commerce Ga Cheelv Lilly P (Mrs M J) ofc wkr SET & T Co r 345 King av Cheely Marcus J (Lilly P) atndt Bob's Service Sta h 345 King av Cheney Frances r 490 N Milledge av Cheney John M (Evelyn D) 2 ofc wkr State Stabilization & Conservation Service h 327 Peabody Cheney Maude E h 490 N Milledge av Cheney Robt F (Gussie) jan GallantBelk Co h 487 Athens av Cheney Wm R (Ada M) (Athens Sporting Gds Store) r 283 E Hancock Cherry Marion C (Nellie B) 1 lab Athens Plmbg & Htg Co h 548 S Finley Cherry Nellie B lab Athens Pressing Club r 548 S Finley Chester Ann r 166 Yonah av Chester Ed H (Isabella R) night jan Sou Mut Bldg h 139 N Newton Ch^ter Isabella R ironer Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r 139 N Newton Chester Jesse Y (Raymond) 3 maid h 529 S Finley Chestine Flora Mrs nurse Yearwood Nursing Home r Watkinsville Ga Chestnut Stella P Mrs 1 r 189 E Dougherty Chi Omega Sorority 397 S Milledge av Chi Phi Fraternity 290 S Lumpkin Chi Phi Fraternity 645 S Milledge av Chick Eula P (Mrs L P) interviewing elk State Employment Service r 446 Morton
av Chick Hoyt N (Mozelle) agt Prudential
Life Ins Co h 115 Milledge hts Chick Lewis P (Eula P) (Chick Piano
Co) h 446 Morton av Chick Mozelle G (Mrs H N) ofc sec State
Agrl Extn Service r 115 Milledge hts

Chick Piano Co (Lewis P Chick) 274 N Jackson storage 773 College av
Chicken Market The (R J Eckles) dressed poultry 563 W Broad
Chicopee Manufacturing Co Inc D D Quillian genl mgr yard mfr 1180 E Broad
Chief Pontiac Co Jas F Hadaway mgr autos 238 W Hancock av
Childers Annie r 1530 S Lumpkin apt C-l Childers Chas J mach Keller Mach Co r
832 Oconee Childers J T patrolmn County Police Dept
r Danielsville rd Childers Leroy (Sue B) 1 h 390 Bar-
ber Childers Lucenia ctr Colonial Poultry
Co Inc r 336 Atlanta av Children's Bible Mission Mrs Agnes C
Mackey br mgr 126 Hall Childress Henry L Jr (Margt A) 1 supvr
Chicopee Mfg Co h 156 Mell Childress Lizzie S r 234 N Peter Childress Louisiana W r 234 N Peter Childress Margt A (Mrs H L Jr) emp Ath-
ens Genl Hosp r 156 Mell Childress Mary waitress Manus Cafe r 187
Tibbett Childress Wade T Jr (Carlton) 1 student
h 645 Sunset dr Childs Agnes L Mrs (Beauty By Agnes)
r Appalache Ga Childs Claudia L Mrs h 175 University
dr Childs Dewey W chauf J Swanton Ivy Inc
r Winder Ga Childs Florence D (wid W L) r 778 Hill Childs John W (Rosa L) 2 r 1420 W
Hancock av Childs Rex E (Doris M) 1 hlpr U of Ga
h 529 Meigs Childs Tom E (Grace P) mech The
Hanna Mfg Co h 210 Hall Chilivis Kee ofc mgr Big Ace Corp r 743
Boulevard Chilivis Nicholas P USAF r 743 Boule-
vard Chilivis S Helen opr S B T & T Co r 743
Boulevard Chilivis Wessie T (wid P N) h 743 Bou-
levard Chitwood Richd mech Dorsey Heating &
Sheet Metal Co r RD 3
Choke's Sanitone Cleaners (H L and J F Corneilson) 700 S Lumpkin
Chriss Christine maid Chase Street Sch r 635 Dearing
Christal John O (Margt McC) 1 USAF h 1250% S Lumpkin
Christian Alien (Esther S) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1
Christian Ben F (Clela B) 1 textile wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 898 Barber
Christian Betty L student r 130 W Cloverhurst av
CHRISTIAN BILLY J (Christian Hard, ware Co) r LaGrange 111
Christian Blanche mach opr Fields Mfg Co r 367 Oconee



Christian Chas E (Lame H) 1 welder Ath ens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 142 Park view Homes
Christian Curtis C (Corinne C) 2 mgr Oconee Hdw Co h 543 Mprton ay
Christian Delmer (Louise) ship elk Talmadge Whol Co Inc r Winterville Ga
Christian Esther S (Mrs Alien) topper fir lady Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1
Christian Five Points Hardware (R Felton Christian) 1656 S Lumpkin
Christian Geo T (Lela K) h 179 Hiawassee av
Christian Grace W (Mrs Clinton) pressmn
and R Felton Christian) Hardware Build-
Material and Roofing 597 E Broad--Dial
LI 6-8201 (See Buyers Guide) Christian Hinton D (Mrs R F) emp Chris
tian Five Points Hdw Co r 365 West
Lake dr Christian J Calvin slsmn r 357 Oak Christian Joe B trk dr Talmadge Whol Co
Inc r Danielsville Ga Christian Katie N Mrs h 130 W Clover-
hurst av
CHRISTIAN LEARD H (Sara B) 4 Pres Radio Athens Inc Genl Mgr Radio Sta
tion WRFC h 124 Burnett -- Dial LI
Christian Mary H Mrs 1 grad nurse 575 Waddell h same
Christian Mary S (wid Clifford) r 450 Ruth
(Christian Five Points Hardware Co and Christian Hardware Co) h 365 West
Lake dr--Dial LI 6-6622
Christian S Chester (Mary OP) elk Oconee Hdw Co r Hull Ga
Christian Science Church Mrs Olive H Shadgett reader meets Sunday 11:15 am every 1st Wednesday 8:00 pm Geor gian Hotel
Christian Shirly B Mrs 1 r 237 Georgia Depot
Christian Willie R (Sarah) mech Heyward Alien Mtr Co r Colbert Ga
Christler Henry S (Marie E) butler Alpha Epsilon Phi Fraternity h 1086 W Hancock av
Christler Marie E cook 230 S Milledge av r 1086 W Hancock av
Christler Mozelle B cook 285 S Milledge av h 1252 W Hancock av
Christopher Elvia A (wid R L) r 150 Appleby dr
Christopher Fred trk dr hlpr The WebbCrawford Co r Barnet Shoals rd RD 3
Christopher Harold L (Irene T) 1 bkpr Sinclair Refining Co h 438 Bailey
Christopher Hattie Slhl40N Chase
Christopher Hill (Nannie L S) ce ment fnshr h 350 N Pope
Christopher Robt L (Evelyn A) 3 doffer Chicopee Mfg Co h 185 1st
Christopher Ruby maid Intheruff An tique Shop r Barnett Shoals rd RD 3

Christopher Willie hlpr The WebbCrawford Co r Barnett Shoals rd RD 3
Chumbley Geo M artist-writer r 245 West View dr
Church Barbara slswn Crow's Drug Store Inc r Jefferson rd RD 2
Church Louise G cook 250 McWhorter dr r 240 S Rockspring
Church Mattie cook 270 Springdale r 240 S Rockspring
Church of Christ Chas E King minister 834 Prince av
Church of God The Rev Billy G Hamon pastor Sunday Services 11:00 am and 7:30 pm S Peter
Church of God Rev Geo Kenney pastor 234 Vine
Church of God In Christ The Minor at Dearing
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 205 Shackelford Bldg
Church of The Nazarene Rev Hugh R Mincey pastor Sunday Services 11:00 am and 7:45 pm 698 Boulevard
Church Willie G (Louise L) jan Alps Rd Drive-In Theater h 240 S Rockspring
Cieslawski Chas (Jane M) 1 h 340 Tal madge dr
Cink W Frank tire changer Snow Tire Co r 1635 Milledge extd
Circular Banding Co (Madison H Briscoe) tex mfrs 810 N Chase
Cities Service Distributors (Arkansas Fuel Oil Corp) dstbtr bulk plant 316 Oconee
Cities Service Station (Billy R Smith) 515 N Thomas
ler) 282 E Clayton--Dial LI 6-6556 CITIZENS & SOUTHERN NATIONAL
BANK THE Robt V Watterson Execu
tive V-Pres, Jos E Wickliffe and J Smi ley Wolfe Jr V-Presidents, Warren W
Lanier Asst V-Pres, W Howard Harris
Jr Cash, Wm D King Asst Cash, John B Adams Trust Officer, Wade C Cooper
Aud, 1st floor Southern Mutual Building
--Dial LI 6-6511 Installment Loan Dept
College av (See Buyers Guide) City Bottling Co Julian M Rhodes pres 219
S Thomas City Hall 301 College av City Limits Service Station (Wm W
Smith) W Broad CITY MOTORS INC C Grady Henson Pres-
Treas, Marion C Ivey and Albert M Lord V-Presidents, E Alien Mann Sec, Cadil
lac and Oldsmobile Sales and Service 127 E Broad--Dial LI 3-5258 and LI 3-5259
Used Car Lot rear 115 E Broad (See
Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide) CITY MOTORS SERVICE STATION Jas
L Hunter Jr Mgr 115 E Broad -- Dial LI 3-9172 Clair Alf (Lena) USA h 450 Prince apt 4 Clair Lena (Mrs Alf) grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp r 450 Prince apt 4 Clark Albert (Georgia D) 2 emp Co lonial Poultry Co Inc h 175 Cohen Clark Arve S (wid C C) r 724 W Han cock av

Clark B Jean student r 176 Hillcrest Clark Belton F (Emojene N) 1 super
vising constn formn S B T & T Co h 420 Sunset dr Clark Clifford C (Dora P) 1 emp County Forestry Unit h 724 W Hancock av Clark David O emp W G Sailers Five Points Gulf Sta r Watkinsville Ga Clark Elbert E (Lillie E) h 111 Parkview Homes Clark Flora D (J T) emp New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry r 140 Cohen Clark Geo (Josie) 1 h 140 3d Clark Geo S (Nettie H) lab Tanner Lbr Co h 573 4th Clark Gertrude Indrs h 2 White al Clark Gertrude W h 131 Lyndon Row Clark J T tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 733 Pulaski Clark Jim C (Mary M) r 165 Waddell Clark John T (Flora D) r 140 Cohen Clark Jose L picker Colonial Poultry Co r 140 3d Clark Kitty (Mrs Z H) bkpr r 175 Hillcrest Clark Lindsey (Louise W) jan Athens Publishing Co Inc h 78 Broadacres
CLARK LOUIE M (Ann C) 2 Agt Athens
Insurance Agency and Mgr Motor Sis
Inc h 1983 S Lumpkin Dial LI 3-2262
Clark Louise W maid r 78 Broadacres Clark Lydia T (Mrs N M Jr) elk County
Agrl Stabilization & Conservation r 13-b Ag Hill Clark Mamie maid h 836 N Lumpkin Clark Ossie D (wid Van) r 733 Pu laski Clark Robt L r 170 Lyndon Row Clark Shelby V T (Jeanne F) USN h 630 Holman av Clark Wm F (Mary S C) glazier Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 192 Hiawassee av Clark Z H (Kitty) carp h 175 Hillcrest Clarke Beauty Salon (Nathl Clarke) 1280% W Broad Clarke Billie S ward elk Athens Genl Hosp r Hull Ga Clarke Charlie (Virgil L) 2 lab City h 930 Hobson av CLARKE COUNTY OF Court House E Washington cor Jack
son Agent Francis Bpwen 1st fir Court Hse Agricutural Stabilization & Conservation
Barron P McWhirter ofc mgr 1st fir Court Hse Attorney A Broadus Coile 305 Sou Mut Bldg Board of Education Mrs Marguerite B Sheffer pres, Chas R Albert, B M Bennett, J D Dawson, H K Rumsey members meet 1st Wednesday monthly 2:00 pm 1st fir Court Hse Board of Registrars Mrs Kathryn P Soule chairman, Mrs Eliz Bowden and Mrs Janice J Trousdale members 2d fir Court Hse City-County Health Departments Wedford W Brown Commissioner 175 Hill

Clerk Superior Court E J Crawford lat fir Court Hse
ENUE Harry H Elder Chairman, J
Frank Hammett and Jas H Towns
Members 1st fir Court Hse Constable J G Weatherford 1st fir Court
Hse Court Reporter Ollie L Andrews 3d fir
Court Hse Department Public Welfare Mary H Col
lier dir 3d fir Court Hse Engineer H K Nicholson 1st fir Court
Hse Farmers Home Administration Jas L
Wardlaw county supvr 3d fir Court Hse Home Demonstration Agent Mrs Mary M Smith 1st fir Court Hse Jail 4th fir Court Hse Negro Farm Agent Lloyd C Trawick 196% W Washington Ordinary Mrs Ruby McG Hartman 1st fir Court Hse School Work Shop Mary B Trawick supvr 306 Samaritan Bldg SHERIFF H T Huff 1st fir Court Hse
Dial LI 3-3791 Solicitor General Superior Court (West
ern Judicial Dist) D Marshall Pollock 3d fir Court Hse Superintendent of Schools W R Coile 1st fir Court Hse Visiting Teacher Rose Thompson Instructional Supervisor Fannie L Boyd Superior Court (Western Judicial Dist) Carlisle Cobb Judge 2d fir Court Hse TAX COLLECTOR Ida D Davison 1st
fir Court Hse Tax Receiver P J Smith 1st fir Court Hse
TREASURER Robt D Hamilton 2d fir
Court Hse Welfare Department Board John A Hun-
nicutt III chairman, Mrs Harry Talmadge v-chairman, Mrs Eugenia A Blount, Geo Hulme and Mrs Margue rite B Sheffer members meets month ly 4th Tuesday 3d fir Court Hse Clarke County Milling Co (Howard and Ralph B McCants) whol feed 1279 Oconee Clarke County Women Voters meets monthly 2d Tuesday 1:00 pm Holman Hotel Clarke Ed D hlpr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co r Paris Clarke Geo (Clara M) porter C A Trussell Mtr Co r Winterville Ga Clarke Leonard A (Eloise F) h 139 Hall Clarke Nathl h 1280 W Broad
Clarke Sara L Mrs 2 r 770 N Chase
Clarke Storage Battery Co (A Wade and A Wade Parr Jr and Jos K Patrick) 120 W Hancock av
Clarke Herbert student r 110 Milledge ter
Clarke Roselle H (wid J B) elk-typist State Stabilization & Conservation Ser vice h 1238 S Lumpkin

Clarkson Eddie P (wid E R) h 176 Catawba av
Clary Janie W (wid W W) h 1290 S Lumpkin
Classic City Barber Shop (Leona Wade) 196 W Washington
M Rhode*) Bottlers of Pepsi-Cola 2142
W Broad--Dial LI 6-OO54 (See Marginal
Lines) Classic City Overall Co Inc Mrs Inez C
Williams pres, H Paul Williams v-pres, J Gibson Cooper sec-treas mfrs 112-28 S Foundry Classic City Poultry Co (Lehman E Hop per) 2317 Jefferson rd RD 2
(Guy S Bachelder and Arth M Kittle)
Beer and Wine Distributors 95 Hoyt--
Dial LI 3-4971 (See Special Lanes and
Buyers Guide) Clayton Callie B (wid CM) (g) ofc nurse
Dr Holmes G Byrd h 249 King av Clayton Chas G (Isolena B) 4 delmn
Norman Gro h 1045 W Hancock av Clayton Cleveland J (Avonelle Me) 1
slsmn Benson's Bakery h 625 Sun set dr Clayton Isolena B dom r 1045 W Han cock av Clayton Nellie maid h 263 Reese Clayton Paul r 160 Hendrix av Cleghorn Dorothy M (wid J W) 1 (g) hand made infant wear 217 North av h same Cleghorn Leon hlpr Westbrook's Chicken Farm r 148 Vine Cleghorn Mitchell D stockrm elk r Danielsville Ga Cleghorn Willie M Mrs 1 h 148 Vine Clement Susan M Mrs ofc sec MossClement Co h 440 Highland av Clements C C (Viola J) trav slsmn h 1557 5 Lumpkin Clements Chas C Jr (Mary C) 2 v-pres Bulldog Recreation Center h 125 Wilcox Clements Emma B (wid J E) h 253 E Dougherty Clements Laura B (Mrs WE) inspr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 332 Barber Clements Mary C (Mrs C C) ofc wkr r 125 Wilcox Clements Mary Y (Mrs WE) slswn Sears Roebuck & Co r Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Clements Melvin L Jr baker's nlpr Arnold 6 Abney Inc r RD 1 Clements Mildred ofc wkr Ga Power Co r 1560 S Lumpkin Clements Ronnie (Ruby) 1 trk dr Colonial Poultry Co h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Clements Ruby (Ronnie) ofc wkr Colonial Poultry Co r Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Clements Viola J (Mrs C C) r 1557 S Lumpkin Clements W Edw (Mary Y) slsmn Sterchi Bros Stores Inc h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Clements Wm E (Laura B) dept mgr Athens Cooperative Creamery h 332 Barber

Clemmer John H (Ruby) mgr Lance Co h 2060 Jefferson rd RD 2
Clemmons Evie S cook h 775 N Lumpkin
Clemmons Harry (Lula) lab Gulf Atlantic Whse Co h 281 Athens av
Clemmons Harry Jr porter Old South Barber Shop r 281 Athens av
Clemmons Helen sch tchr r 281 Athens av
Cleveland Andrew A (Minnie) 5 oiler Athens Elastic & Braid Co h 323 Plaza
Cleveland Chas (Fronie) hlpr Holman Hotel h 175 Paris
Cleveland Cordelia h 802 Miller Cleveland Elise maid 335 West Lake dr
r rear same Cleveland Eliza L h 123 Strickland Cleveland Frank (Carilou W) agt S A
L R R Co h 1147 Prince av Cleveland Jas agt Pilgrim Health &
Life Ins Co r Covington Ga Cleveland Johnny (Cora) 5 r 235 4th Cleveland Will (Mattie) h rear 234 S
Billups Clifton Dennis M (Lucile 0) service
mn Sinkwich Furn Co h 485 Belvoir hts Climax Hosiery Mills (Mrs Vallye P, Frank C, E Gordon and Jas W Dudley) mfrs 393-95 Oconee Clotfelter John L (Alice P) h 170 Nantahala av extd Cloud Bobby G student r 510 Pulaski Cloud Ida T (wid D L) r 100 Milledge hts Cloud Louise H (wid R B) 1 student r 510 Pulaski Clougherty F X Rev dir Catholic Student Center r 1344 S Lumpkin Glower John jan Athens Drive-in The atre r Y Camp rd COASTAL GRILL (Coastal Service Inc) Ralph F Gilbert Leasee Restaurant 740
W Broad
Pres, Mrs Ruby C Gilbert V-Pres, Jas
Barrow Sec Operators Coastal Grill and
Coastal Service Station 710-50 W Broad --Dial LI 3-5130 (See Special Section)
COASTAL SERVICE STATION (Coastal Service Inc) Frank J Thornton Mgr 750 W Broad--Dial LI 3-5130
Coastal States Life Insurance Co Clyde D McDorman agt ofc 220 Prince av-- Dial LI 6-8261
Cobb A D lab r 137 2d Cobb Ann Beauty Shop (Ann F Cobb)
225% N Lumpkin
Cobb Ann F (Ann Cobb Beauty Shop) r 120 Florida av
Cobb Bros (Crawford and Ernest Cobb) tailors 123% N Jackson
COBB CARLISLE (Kate McK) Judge County Superior Court Lawyer 3O4 Sou
thern Mutual Bldg -- Dial LI 6-8O44 h 1224 S Lumpkin--Dial LI 6-7137
Cobb Carlisle Jr prof U of Ga r 1224 S Lumpkin

Cobb Crawford (Mamie B) (Cobb Cochran Sarah B dom Milledge ter h

Bros) h 1185 W Hanc'ock av

245 Costalia av

Cobb Ernest (Pauline R) 3 (Cobb COCHRAN VAN CLEVE W (Mr. J R)

Bros) h 850 W Waddell Cobb Eula E (wid W E) h 96 Parkview
Homes Cobb Fleming (Jessie M) jan YMCA
h 222 Branch
Cobb Florine E cash Ga Theatre r 850 Waddell
Cobb Henry H (Orien A) h 1175 S Milledge av
Cobb Henry H Jr (Anna P) 2 ins slsmn Guarantee Trust Co h 120 Plum Nelly rd
Cobb Hugh H USA r 96 Parkview Homes Cobb Ira Q student r 474 Boulevard Cobb John W service mn Athens Refriger
ation & Appliance Co r Bogart Ga Cobb Julian r 850 Waddell Cobb Leonard F (Margie M) field rep
Genl Mtrs Acceptance Corp h 192 Sun set dr Cobb Leonard J parts mgr Heyward Alien Mtr Co r Bogart Ga Cobb Margie M (Mrs Leonard) dietitian U of Ga r 192 Sunset dr Cobb Mozelle H nurse maid 195 Hall h 194 Lyndon Row Cobb Mattie h 831 Waddell Cobb Orien A (Mrs H H) caterer 1175 S Milledge av r same Cabb Pearl B emp Colonial Poultry Co h 185 2d
Cobb Roy L (Leida R) 1 carp G M Caskey & Son h 385 N Finley
Cobb Saml J (Mary B) 2 h 240 Bax ter
Cobb Sarah T h 660 Meigs Cobb Theadocia D maid Athens Genl
Hosp r 223 Magnolia Cobb Willie (Theadocia D) h 223 Mag
Cochonour John E (Sara N) civ eng State Hwy Dept h 285 Barber
Cochonour Sarah N (Mrs J E) sewing mach opr Angus Mfg Co r 285 Barber
Cochran Augustus B (Mildred L) 2 mgr U S Health Education & Welfare Dept, U S Bureau of Old Age & Survivors and U S Social Security Admn h 284 Bloomfield
Cochran Betty J nurse St Mary's Hosp r 348 E Hoyt
Cochran Delia maid 320 Carr r 117 Grove
Cochran Emma ofc wkr Gallant-Belk Co r Center Ga
Cochran Eula L tech St Mary's Hosp of Athens r 390 N Milledge av
Cochran Fairy R (wid Carl) 2 h 348 E Hoyt

(Van Cleve's Flower.) r 387 S Milledge
aT Cochran Will (Delia) h 117 Grove Cody Jos ship elk Fields Mfg Co r Jeffer
son Ga Cody Sara Angeline (Annie) r 165 Wad
dell Co-Ed (Nelson Elder) restr 984 S Lump-
Gofer Anita N airline hostess r 329 Dearing
Gofer Cornelia T Mrs comptometer opr Davison-Paxon Co h 253 E Dougherty apt 2
Gofer Donald F student r 329 Dearing
Gofer Dorsey (Franc'es) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1
Gofer Emma r 260 Indale dr Cofer H L & Co (Hal L Gofer) feeds &
seeds 350 E Broad clng plant Fulton Cofer Hal L (Nina M) (H L Gofer &
Co and Cofer Hatchery) h 329 Dearing Cofer Hal L Jr dept mgr H L Cofer & Co r 329 Dearing Cofer Hatchery (Hal L Cofer) South Cofer Mamie dishwasher r 188 W
Strong Cofer Nita L (Mrs O J) nurse St Mary's
Hosp r 380 Bloomfield Cofer O Jack (Nita L) painter h 380
Cofer Richd M (Kath M) 1 slsmn H L Cofer & Co h 88 Myrna ct apts
Cofer Rosalie r 188 W Strong Cofer Ruth 2 dom h 132 Water
Oak Cofer Tuck S (Lucy) slsmn Athens Co
operative Creamery r Oconee hts Coffee John Y (Lorena M) 1 (The
Lyons Pharm) h 145 Stanton Way Coffeen Thos E (Sara S) wtch repr L D
Penny Jewelry Co r Comer Ga Coffin Mabel R (wid Wm) h 320 Milledge
hts Coggin Eugenia J (Mrs H T) sch tchr r
599 Milledge ter Coggin Howard T (Eugenia J) 1 prof U
of Ga h 599 Milledge ter Cohen A Clifford Jr (Dorothy A) 2 prof
U of Ga h 456 Milledge hts Cohen Aaron (Sarah S) (Cohen Ins Agcy)
h 170 Oakland Cohen Ester r 228 S Rockspring Cohen Groves M (Freda T) 1 teller The
Natl Bk of Athens h 105 University ct
apt 17 Cohen Insurance Agenc'y (Aaron Cohen)
138 W Clayton

Cockran Faye elk Appliance Rep Ga Power Cohen Judith W student r 456 Milledge

Co r Center Ga


Cochran Goldie emp Chicopee Mfg Co r Cohen Ruth maid r 228 S Rockspring

348 E Hoyt

Cohen Susie cook Toney's Restr r 228

Cochran John R (VanCleve W) (Van

S Rockspring

Cleve's Flowers) h 387 S Milledge av

Cohen Wm H (Mildred) 3 cement

Cochran Neal r 181 Grove

fnshr h 228 S Rockspring



Cohn Sigmund A (Susanne L) prof U of Ga h 320 South View dr
Ooile A Broadus (Laura McW) lawyer 305 Sou Mut Bldg County Attorney h 170 King av
Coile Austine F (Mrs R L) examiner Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Danielsville rd RD 1
Coile B Franklin (Frances S) 1 (Keller Mach Co) h 395 Hampton ct
Coile Bernice I (Eliz) tank trk slsmn Sin clair Refining So r RD 3
Coile Bessie L Mrs dietitian Chase Street Sch h 645 Boulevard
Coile Chas S (Betty) gluer formn Dairypak Inc r Winterville Ga
Coile Emory B (Brady D) (Holman Hotel Barber Shop) r 895 Oconee
Coile Emory B (Brady D) 1 barber Hol man Hotel Barber Shop h 895 Oconee
Coile Gordon C (Clara B) 3 cook Old South Restr Inc h 140 Barber
Coile Harold (Joan H) bkpr Automotive Parts Distributors Inc r Hull Ga
Coile Hubert T r 1997 S Lumpkin Coile Hulda S (wid W B) r 1997 S Lump-
kin Coile J M (Sue) emp The Hanna Mfg Co
r Comer Ga Coile J Calvin (Bobbie B) slsmn Bullard's
Whol Co r RD 1 Coile Jacqueline H Mrs 1 marker In
dustrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc h 560 Talmadge dr Coile John H (Lillie J) bkbndr The McGregor Co h 237 North av Coile Lena H (Mrs W L) slswn C B Dudley r 291 Oconee Coile Raymond T student r Danielsville rd Coile Raymond T wtchmn Empire State Chem Co r Danielsville rd RD 1 Coile Robt trk dr Empire State Chem Co r Danielsville rd RD 1 Coile Robt R student r 895 Oconee Coile Robt L (Austine F) 2 trk dr Hodgson's Inc h Danielsvlle rd Coile Ronald D (Jeanette M) 1 appr S H Kress & Co h 185 North View dr apt 2 Coile W R (Laura P) County Supt of Schools r Winterville Ga Coile W Edd (Lucy) radiator reprmn C A Trussell Mtr Co r RD 1 Coile Weldon J (Inez T) patrolmn City Police Dept h 635 N Lumpkin Coile Wm L (Lena H) 1 maintenance mn Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co h 291 Oconee Coker Louise M (Mrs W R) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 257 Hill Coker Minnie H (wid J R) r 257 Hill
Coker Wm R (Louise M) 2 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 257 Hill
Colberson Wm J barber Wilkes Barber Shop r Winterville Ga
Colbert Anita maid Diana Shops r Colbert Ga
Colbert Bill lab Athens Bldg & Well Sup r rear 315 Oconee

Colbert Dorothy dishwasher Manus Cafe h 285 N Rockspring
Colbert Rachael 4 ctr Colonial Poultry Co h 140 Hendrix av
Colclough Annie M silk fnshr r 127 Dallas al
Colclough Arfellers hlpr Benson's Bak ery r 127 Dallas al
Colclough John H (Annie M) jan Co lonial Poultry Co h 127 Dallas al
Colclough Minervia M midwife r Haw thorne av RD 4
Colclough Robt W 1 trk hlpr Pre mium Distributing Co h Hawthorne av RD 4
Colclough Robt W Jr USAF r Haw thorne av RD 4
Colclough Viola maid r Hawthorne av RD 4
Cole A Y r 664 N Lumpkin Cole Floyd F (Mrs J F) ofc nurse Dr E
Wayne Satterfield r Bogart Ga Cole Louis D (Flora C) fir slsmn Ga Power
Co r 229 Henderson av Cole Mary H r 664 N Lumpkin Cole Sam shoe shiner 178 W Washing
ton r 375 Vine Cole Victoria h 645 N Hull Coleman Anita r 248 Glenhaven av Coleman B R (Jimmie D) 5 h 512 N Jack
son Coleman Bennie Jr (Bernice H) 4 lab h
220 N Harris Coleman Bernice H maid Georgian Hotel
r 220 N Harris Coleman Claudine X-ray sec Athens Genl
Hosp r 467 Highland Coleman Daisy h 439 Madison av apt 4 Coleman Geo (Margt M) 4 farmer
h 235 Bailey Coleman Geo E (Hazel T) 2 (Athens
Lndry & Dry Clng Service) h Plum Nelly rd Coleman Hoyt r 512 N Jaclcson Coleman Jas emp Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 442 Cleveland av Coleman Jas (Leona M) cook Snelling Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) h 384 Bar
ber Coleman Jas (Ruby) elk Vera's Package
Shop r RD 1 Coleman John R delmn Thompson Gro
r 235 Bailey Coleman Leona M dom r 384 Barber Coleman Louise sch tchr r 384 Bar
ber Coleman Marienda B hlpr Bradley Pro
vision Co r 1596 E Broad Coleman Mary h 1016 Hobson av Coleman Mary L 3 h 238 Vine Coleman Robt (Marineide B) 2 tchr h
1596 E Broad Coleman Sally M hlpr University Lndry
r 238 Vine Coleman Thos M (Nonie S) car inspr
C of Ga Ry Co h 195 Holman av Coleman Virgil elk J L Dawson & Co r
RD 1 Coleman Virgil E (Evelyn F) 1 pntr h
550 N Jackson

Coleman W Hoyt (Mary H) slsmn Ath ens Cooperative Creamery h 678 Pulaski
College Avenue School Magdalene M Glenn
prin 201 E Strong College Motors Inc J Swanton Ivy pres.
Sheldon G Moore sec-treas autos 156 W Hancock
Colley Bobby L r 737 E Broad Colley Eliz r 947 Hobson av Colley Frank (Lucy M) 1 lab Geo Stro-
ther Lbr Co Inc h 947 Hobson av Colley I Geneva (wid W M) r 185 West-
over dr Colley Luc'y M ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r 947 Hobson av Colley Walter C (Claudie M) 1 h 737 E
Broad Colley Walter J (Lessie) 6 h Princeton rd
RD 4 Collie Walter Jr (Mary B) 1 trimmer
Healan's Body Shop h 390 Carr Collier Joe L (Grace H) 3 staff mgr
Life Ins Co of Ga h 1913 S Lumpkin Collier Martha cash Bell's Food Mkt r
RD 2 Collier Mary H dir County Dept Pub Wel
fare Y Jefferson rd RD 2 Collins Annie W (Mrs W M) trimmer r
465 College av Collins Beulah maid Hotel Holman r 533
Hancock av Collins C Mary S maid 235 Hall r 1004
Collins Cecil W (Lorena C) 1 field rep U S Social Security Admn h 1650 S Milledge av
Collins Charlie S (Annie M) hlpr Allgood's Gro h 565 College av
Collins Clinton (Lizzie) 1 jan U of Ga h 193 Bailey
Collins Daisy G (wid J A) h 498 Frank lin
Collins Delia cook h 253 Winterville rd Collins Dowell (Lula) h 322 Bailey
Colins Geo D (Wilda B) 2 installer-repr S B T & T Co h 793 Oglethorpe av
Collins Geo J (Frances B) emp Chico pee Mfg Co h 156 Miles
Collins Grady (Mary M) 1 porter Uni versity Chevrolet Co Inc r 157 N New ton
Collins Harriette bkpr Dave Gordon Auto Sup Co r Commerce rd RD 1
Collins Harvey trk dr The Webb-Crawford Co r 194 Prince av
Collins Jas F (Sara B) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 338 Satula av apt 3
Collins Jane ofc sec Branch Ins Agcy r 390 W Hancock av apt 1
Collins John E (Marjorie C) 2 slsmn Poss's Barbecue h Durlan ct apt 2
Collins John E (Laura H) h 423 Vine Collins John J (Sallie W) 1 tex wkr
Chicopee Mfg Co h 580 Nantahala av Collins John M (Keener McK) 1 installer-
repr S B T & T Co h 190 Oakland av Collins John W (Lizzie M) 1 lab Ga
Power Co r 228 Fairview Collins Lila H h 1596 E Broad

Collins Lizzie M cook Pete Petropol Cafe r 228 Fairview
Collins Louise 3 maid h 872 Waddell Collins Lucy D 1 maid 1770 S Lumpkin
h 264 W Strong Collins Lula h 136 3d Collins Morris W H Jr (Maysie L) 3
prof U of Ga h 836 Bobbin Mill rd Collins Neal (Mary L) 2 h 1775 E
Broad Collins Paint Shop 757% W Hancock av Collins Pauline presser Athens Pressing
Club r 136 3d Collins Raymond T (Virginia G) formn
Paul E Hanson h 650 Oglethorpe av Collins Saleta W meat ctr Colonial Poul
try Co Inc r 145 Warsaw Collins Sallie W (Mrs J J) tex wkr Chico
pee Mfg Co r 580 Nantahala av Collins Sara B (Mrs J F) seamer Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r 338 Satula av apt 3 Collins Sarah M h 239 N Finley Collins Sue M h 262 Colima av Collins Thos L Jr (Frances H) 2 paint
contr 689 Hill h same Collins Walter M (Annie W) h 465 College
av Collins Win O (Harriett L) prof U of Ga
h 132 Ridgewood pi Collins Willie h 228 Fairview Collins Willie O lab r 885 Water Collins Willis (C Mary S) h 1004 Boule
vard Collinsworth Bertha L (Mrs O C) topper
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 1420 Prince av Collinsworth O Clovis (Bertha L) 3 vehiclemn Ry Exp Agcy Inc h 1420 Prince av Colonial Feed Co Inc Julius F Bishop pres, Jas E Pritchett v-pres Oneta
Broad--Dial LI 3-9091 (See Special Sec
Terry Pre, Herbert W Terry V-Pres,
Poultry Wholesale Oneta -- Dial LI
3-3446 (See Buyer* Guide) Colonial Stores Inc Dan Hyde mgr gro 382
E Broad W Clarence Wood mgr 285 W Washington Colquitt Annie r 239 Fields av Colquitt Cohen B (Ruth C) dr Vet erans Cab Co h 138 Virginia av Colquitt Evelyn bkpr Athens Poultry Co Inc r 853 Prince av Colquitt Flowers (Colquitt Howell) 1925 W Broad extd Colquitt Hattie 1 r 435 Bailey Colquitt Houston (Louise S) h 230 S Derby
Colquitt Jas R (Mary W) 1 slsmn h 732 Boulevard
Colquitt Kennie (Mamie C) 3 dr Black & White Cab Co h 668 N Hull
Colquitt Levis H (Julia M) 2 firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 289 Beulah av
Colquitt Louise S maid Holman Hotel r 230 S Derby



Colquitt Walter (Annie) lab h 235 Arch
Colson Eliz N (Mrs W C) nurse St Mary's Hosp r 202 Grand Ellen dr
Colson Wm B (Eliz N) 3 embalmer Bern stein Funeral Home Inc h 202 Gran Ellen dr
Columbia Baking Co whse 1360 Prince av Combs Burne lh!65N Billups Combs Marie W (Mrs MB) slswn Gallant-
Belk Co r 853 N Chase Combs Marvin B (Marie W) 3 mech
Simpson Service Co h 853 N Chase Comer Pauline H (wid T H) h 270 Bar
ber Combs V W mech Broun Mtr Co r RD 2 Comer Frances E sch tchr r 270 Barber Comer Martha H tchr Athens High Sch r
270 Barber Comer Sara dom r 178 E Hoyt Comer Sue sewing mach opr Classic City
Overall Co Inc r 265 Barber
CORP Hubert Bradley Mgr Personal
Loans and Investments 102 Shackelford
Bldg--Dial 6-6502 (See Buyers Guide) Community Service Wayne R Shields rep
ofc 365 S Jackson Compton Chas S (Ida D) h 190 Park
way dr Compton Benny body mn Healan's Body
Shop r Princeton Ga Compton Betty J emp r 180 Indiana av Compton Chas S (Ida D) h 190 Park
way dr Compton Eddie C (Jannie B) 2 carp h
180 Indiana av Compton Henry A (Grace E) mgr Ath
ens Farm Equipment Co h 195 McWhorter dr Compton Hoke S (Lucy B) mech Rus sell Daniel Inc h 228 Elizabeth Compton Jannie B (Mrs E C) examiner Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 180 Indiana av Compton Kath C (Mrs PA) opr La Freda Beauty Shop r 341 Holman av Compton Lucy B (Mrs H S) inspr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 228 Elizabeth Compton Mary mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r RD 1 Compton Paul A (Kath C) 2 reprmn Bissel & DeLay Typewriter Sis & Service Co h 341 Holman av Compton W S winch trk opr Ga Power Co r Comer Ga Conaway Clarice L (Dixie Sign Co) r 197 Boulevard hts Conaway Cyril P farmer h 197 Boule vard hts Conaway Ralph W (Dixie Sign Co) r 197 Boulevard hts
Condon Betty B (Mrs W F) asst supvr U of Ga r 1760% S Lumpkin
Condon Cora W (wid R S) r 220 Hall
Condon Neal (Peggy T) slsmn Mills Whol Co r 875 N Chase
Condon Peggy T (Mrs Neal) tex wkr r 875 N Chase

Condon Wm F (Betty B) 2 firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 1760% S Lumpkin
Condron Edw F (Vera D R) (Burman Prntg Co) h 1953 S Lumpkin
Condron Edw L USAF r 1953 S Lumpkin
Conger Robt S (Ruby M) 1 slsmn h 1684 S Milledge av
Congregation Children of Israel Services Friday 8 pm 315 E Hancock av
Conley A Lois photo fnshr Bulldog Quick Finishing r 312 E Dougherty
Conley Allie D Mrs r 210 Hillside CONLEY BOBBIE E (Jeanette W) (Ath
en* Woodwork & Upholstery Shop) r
RD 2 Conley Geo R (Cora L) h 312 E Dough
erty Conley Geo T (Eliz B) 1 trk dr Sterclii
Bros Stores Inc h 333 E Dougherty CONLEY HORACE M Mgr Personal Loan
Co Inc r 387 Hill Conley Jeanette W (Mrs B E) slswn Davi-
son-Paxon Co r RD 2 Conley Lou H (wid S F) r 163 N Pop
lar Conley Paul T (Robbie F) 2 card grind
er Chicopee Mfg Co h 163 N Poplar Conley Russell H Jr (Mae) mach Quality
Mach Co r High Shoals Ga Connally Audrey F (wid B R) h 180
Hillside Connally B Ray student r 180 Hillside Conner Ann O'N Mrs ofc sec E K Aldridge
& Sons Inc r 347 W Hancock av Conolly Flora W (wid M W) dept mgr-
buyer Davison-Paxon Co h 107 Milledge hts Conolly Marion W (Mildred T) 2 (Warren J Smith & Bro) h 355 King av Conolly Ralph N (Zethyl H) (Warren J Smith & Bro) h 55 W Lake dr Conolly Richd r 1465 E Broad Conolly Warren J (Mary P) 1 (Warren J Smith & Bro) h 124 Ridgewood pi Consolidated Credit Corp C A Cameron mgr Personal Loans 476 E Clayton -- Dial LI 6-7078 CONSOLIDATED GAS CO (Wm W Howell
Mgr J Cecil Fortson Supt Butane-Pro
pane Gas & Gas Appliances 494 Baxter
--Dial LI 6-6588 (See Marginal Lines
and Buyers Guide) Conterio Chas B (Blanch B) tile contr
180 Grady av h same Conway Marion H Rev (Laura M) 1 h
1737 S Lumpkin Conwell Powell D trk dr Talmadge Whol
Co Inc r Colbert Ga
Conyers Will (Katie M) yd mn Chico pee Mfg Co h 479 Madison av
Cook Albert B (Eliz W) lieutenant City Fire Dept Sta No 1 farmer h 121 Spring-
Cook Alma M observer in charge U S Wea ther Bureau r 620 West Lake dr
Cook Bertha D Mrs smstrs Davison-Paxon
Co r 543 Meigs

Cook Betty ofc sec State Agrl Extn Ser vice r Bogart Ga
Cook Dewey D (Myrtis D) (Cook's Gro) h 1123 Oconee
Cook E Baxton (Lena W) pres Athens Marble & Granite Co h 275 West View dr
Cook E Baxton Jr USA r 275 West View dr
Cook E Norene opr S B T & T Co h 330 Barber
Cook Eloise H elk Howard's Gro r 268 Griffith
Cook Emmitt A (May H) h 146 N Peter
Cook Gladys D (wid B O) h 340 Springdale
Cook Harrison (Eloise H) 1 emp Big Ace Corp h 268 Griffith
Cook Hilda D (wid J W) asst mgr Harry's Drive-in Restr r 350 South View dr
Cook J Dan elk Athens Chickery r Bogart Ga
Cook Jessie M maid r 636 N Foundry Cook John E (Maude B) h 220 W Clo-
verhurst av Cook Julian W (Grady S) elk Ry Exp
Agcy Inc h 137 Nacoochee av Cook Leroy (Jessie M) lab h 636 N
Foundry Cook Leroy (Doris B) 2 ofc wkr Co
lonial Poultry Co Inc h 398 Best dr Cook Mary B (wid EG) elk Findley Dry
Clnrs r 1248 Prince av Cook May H (Mrs E A) slsmn r 146 N
Peter Cook Melba D Mrs 3 h 140 Parkview Cook Richd O USN h 1050 S Lumpkin
apt 207 Cook Robt L hlpr James Bros Service
Station r 1256 W Hancock av Cook Rodney W student r 275 West View
dr Cook Wm M slsmn Benson's Bakery r 137
Nacoochee av Cook Wm R (Carolyn) emp Athens Awn
ing & Mattress Co r Freeman dr RD 1 Cook Wm T Jr (Olivia S) 2 administrative
asst U S Stabilization & Conservation h 445 Sunset dr Cook's Grocery (D D Cook) 1275 Oco nee Cooke Paul D projectionist Ga Theatre r 111 Milledge cir apt 4 Cooksey D Wilbur (Mary J) mech Ga Power Co h 299 Gilliland dr Cooksey Floy S (wid W L) slswn Gallant-Belk Co h 583 Satula av Cooley Janey M student r 435 Hampton ct Cooley McWhorter S (Thelma L) CPA 618-21 Sou Mut Bldg h 435 Hampton ct
Cooley Wm L student r 435 Hampton ct
Coombs Sadie grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp h 1237 Prince av
Cooper Alf (Ophelia E) 4 carp h 1 Gordon's al
Cooper Alfonza lab Empire State Chem Co r Winterville Ga

Cooper Annie C (wid J P) r 749 Boule vard
Cooper Arth (Mattie L) h 125 Indale dr
Cooper Bernice asst instr U of Ga r 120 Marion dr
Cooper Buford (Marjorie B) lab Ga Power Co h 123 E Hoyt
Cooper Chas G (Julia T) 2 mach opr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 186 Grace
Cooper Chas H (Marie E) lieut City Police Dept h 4 Parsons apts
Cooper Charlie (Lois S) trk dr The Webb-Crawford Co h 424 Winterville rd
Cooper David (Annie L) whsemn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Carlton Ga
Cooper Dorothy 1 r 329 Bailey Cooper Erna Eliz student r Whitehall rd
RD 4 Cooper Georgia maid 186 Catawba av
r Winterville Ga Cooper Harry H (Gloria T) project eng
State Hwy Dept r Washington Ga Cooper Homer G (Letha C) mgr Courts &
Co h 114 Milledge ter Cooper Hubert C (Lillie S) emp State Hwy
Dept h 625 N Lumpkin Cooper Idabell C (wid L W) h 285
Bloomfield Cooper J Gibson (Thelma M) sec-treas
Classic City Overall Co Inc r Winder Ga Cooper J Walter (Sue D) (Suburban
Clnrs) r Bogart Ga COOPER JOE B (Both C) 3 Mgr Gen-
eral Finance & Loan Co of Athens h 315 Whitehall rd RD 4--Dial LI 6-8534 Cooper John H (Beatrice O) barber Classic City Barber Shop h 374 Vine Cooper John H (Lena A) 1 cook h 168 Odd Cooper John I lab Empire State Chem Co r RD 3 Cooper Johnny r 329 Bailey Cooper Julius C (Frances D) 2 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 127 Eliza beth Cooper Leonard W (Opal T) mach Keller Mach Co h 1446 E Broad Cooper Lillian L (Mrs S D) slswn DavisonPaxon Co r RD 1 Cooper Lillie S (Mrs H C) mach opr r 625 N Lumpkin Cooper Lucille W looper Climax Hosiery Mills r RD 3 Cooper Lucinda r 1691 E Broad Cooper G Mamie cook The Rib Hse r 150 Morton's al Cooper Marie E (Mrs C H) elk U S Agrl Marketing Service & Agrl Statistics r 4 Parsons apts Cooper Marjorie maid 125 Westover dr r 123 E Hoyt Cooper Matilda r 452 N Billups Cooper Mattie Indrs r 125 Indale dr Cooper Myra T (wid J G) h 538 Pulaski Cooper Opal T (Mrs L W) box mach opr Climax Hosiery Mills r 1446 E Broad Cooper Otha T (Gracie M) carp h 150 Morton's al

Cooper R Cleveland mach opr State Hwy Cosby Laurine cook Hi-Lo Restr r 537

Dept r 625 N Lumpkin

W Hancock

Cooper Richd P emp Empire State Chem Cosby Luelishie Flh295N Pope

Co r Whitehall Ga

Costa Anthony (Nina C) mgr Costa's

Cooper Roy E (Cath S) 3 (Cooper's Recreation Center h 130 Milledge hts

Bookkeeping Service) h 255 Hodgson dr Costa Ocilia P (wid M F) slswn Norris

Cooper Sarah G slswn F W Woolworth Co

Hdw Co Inc h 441 Milledge cir

r Crawford Ga

Costa Florence P (Mrs Jos Jr) bkpr F W

Cooper Sinnie P emp Colonial Poultry Woolworth Co r 609 Cobb

Co r 134 Dallas al

Costa Jas A (Anita C) whse supt W F Mc-

Cooper Timothy (Sinnie P) 1 carp h Elreath Beverages h 170 Milledge hts

h 134 Dallas al

COSTA JAS A JR (Dorothy H) 2 (Cocta's

Cooper W Roland (Frances W) 1 plant

Service Station) h 148 S Poplar

opr U of Ga h 160 E Rutherford

Costa Jerome J slsmn h 1750 S Lurrfp-

Cooper W Roy (Ethel C) h 175 Cleveland kin


Costa Jos Jr (Florence P) 1 (Budwine

COOPER WADE C (Anita E) 2 Aud

Co and City Btlg Co) h 609 Cobb

The Citizens & Southern National Bank Costa Leo (Elnora C) (Costa's Recre

h 1363 S Milledge av--Dial LI 3-5175

ation Center) h 486 Highland av

Cooper Will E (Margt H) ship elk Big Ace Costa Mary G ofc sec U of Ga r 486 High

Corp h 241 North av

land av

Cooper Willie Jr (Annie D) 1 h 329 Costa Michl F r 441 Milledge cir


Costa Nine M r 130 Milledge hts

Cooper Willis H (Mattie P) h 197 Boule COSTA RALPH J (Alice L) 1 (Costa's


Service Station) h 748 Cobb

Cooper's Bookkeeping Service (Roy E Costa's Recreation Center (Leo Costa)

Cooper) 255 Hodgson dr

billiard parlor 151 E Broad

Copeland Albert H (Mary R) 1 h 120 COSTA'S SERVICE STATION (Ja A Jr


and Ralph J Costa) Shell Service Sta

Copeland Annie M silk fnshr Choke's

tion, Auto Accessories and Supplies 690

Sanitone Clnrs h 384 S Rockspring

W Broad--Dial LI 3-4619 and LI 3-9213

Copeland Jack T (Dorothy G) 2 h 190

(See Special Sections)

Windsor ct

Cotton States Mutual Insurance Co H H

Copeland John A (Mary M) dr Veterans

"Bill" Giles genl agt fire 157 College

Cab Co h 160 Hillside


Copeland Mary R (Mrs AH) slswn Sears Couch Bruce elk Malcom-Garrett Gro Co

Roebuck & Co r 120 Clover

h 186 Cleveland av

Copeland Otis B (Dorothy C) 1 editor Couch Calvin R (Ella M) h 1393 Boule

State Agrl Extn Service h 520 Mc-


Whorter dr

Couch Edw A (Leona H) h 1478 Ms E

Copelan Pierce adjuster Genl Adjustment


Bureau Inc r Greensboro Ga

Couch Ester B (wid J E) r 186 Cleveland

Copeland R Malcom student r 120 Clover


Core Macon G (Mary C) accnt Eli Witt Couch Guy C emp Chicopee Mfg Co r 395

Cigar & Candy Co h 230 Milledge cir


Core Macon G Jr USN r 230 Milledge cir Couch H Dewey (Lucy E) mech Chief Pon-

Corker Frank T student r 634 Milledge

tiac Co h 130 Barrow


Couch Harry (Reba C) 4 slsmn W A Ste

Corker Newman (Thayer H) 1 (Alp's vens Co h 164 Talmadge

Road Drive-in Theatre) h 634 Milledge Couch Homer (Lettie S) r 408 Madison



Corker Thayer D student r 634 Milledge cir Couch Richd (Lucille B) 2 carrier

Cornelison Clarence (Hallie P) hlpr W A USPO h 393 Pinecrest dr

Stevens Co h 776 Cobb

Couch Roy M (Myrtle B) 1 emp Chico

Cornelison Herbert L (Jewel M) 1

pee Mfg Co h 395 Hiawassee av

(Choke's Sanitone Clnrs) h 1280 S

Couch Vivian C (Mrs W H) seamer Rod-


gers Hosiery Co Inc r 180 Florida av

Cornelison Jas F (Eleanor S) 2

Couch Wm H (Vivian C) 2 h 180 Florida

(Choke's Sanitone Clnrs) h 210 Mar


ion dr

Couchman Cora B (wid A L) h Johnson

Cornelison Jos K (Donzie B) recruiter


USA Recruiting Sta r Elberton Ga Cornelison Linton C h 675 Cobb Cornelison Robt L USAF r 776 Cobb Cornelius Juliette h 1334 W Han

Coulson Sam student r 1196 S Lumpkin Coulter E Morton prof U of Ga h 110
Fortson dr County Court House E Washington at Jack

Cornelius Robt E (Lois C) 3 firemn son

C of Ga R R h 1082 Reese

Coupe Walter H Lt Comndr (Eunice F) 4

Corry Ruth asst prof U of Ga Library r administrative services officer Navy Sup

325 Oakland av

Corps Sch h 160 Matthews av



Coursey Lillie B (Mrs W L) bkpr U of Ga r 1620 S Milledge av
Coursey Wm L (Lillie B) funeral dir McDormon Funeral Home h 1620 South Milledge av
Courtesy Service Station (Robt E Hein and Alien H Hudson) 695 W Broad
Courts & Co Homer G Cooper mgr security brokers 298 E Washington
Covey Clinic (W B Covey) 725 Prince av Covey Delvin student r 395 S Church Covey Wm B (Cath S) (Covey Clinic)
chiro 725 Prince av h same Cowan Robt W student r 669 Pinecrest
dr Cowart Alma B (Mrs Thos) emp r John
son Cowart Barbara L (Mrs W T) bkpr W L
Coxe r 725 N Thomas Cowart Benj C (Francine S) 1 emp W L
Coxe h Ridge av Cowart Betty L mach opr Fields Mfg Co
r 381 Ridge av Cowart C Troy (Cora A) yd hlpr Ga
Wrecking Co r Commerce rd RD 1 Cowart F Danl USA r Johnson dr Cowart Francine S (Mrs B C) mach opr
Fields Mfg Co r Ridge av Cowart J C (Essie) trk dr Talmadge Whol
Co Inc r RD 1 Cowart Thos (Alma B) 1 emp h John
son dr Cowart Troy (Cora J) 2 lab Ga Wrecking
Co r RD 1 Cowart Virginia A receptionist Georgian
Loan & Investment Corp r Nicholson
Ga Cowart W Thos (Barbara L) 1 USA h 725
N Thomas Cox Ann L student r 190 Milledge cir Cox Annie H (wid A C) r 330 Hampton ct Cox Beatrice Indry wkr Athens Genl
Hosp r 688 Branch Cox Belle V Mrs soc editor The Athens
Banner-Herald h 190 Milledge cir Cox Betty A waitress Manus Cafe r Center
Ga Cox Corina B maid 225 Plum Nelly rd r
688 Branch Cox Dorothy G cash Gallant-Belk Co r
Comer Ga Cox Frances N Mrs ofc sec-elk Chicopee
Mfg Co h 1367 S Milledge av Cox Gladys nurse maid Springdale r 385
Arch Cox HampJr bus boy Georgian Hotel r
267 E Washington Cox Harry r 688 Branch Cox Johnnye V associate prof U of Ga h
1530 S Lumpkin apt A-3 Cox Jos H sta atndt Magnolia Oil Co r
Danielsville Ga COX JULIAN H (Edith P) Pre.-Trea.
Hutchin. Cox & Stroud Inc h 525 W Clo
verhurst av--Dial LI 3-4602 Cox Julian H Jr student r 190 Milledge
cir Cox Landus r 285 Arch Cox Lola N 2 h 1697 E Broad Cox Mae W h 688 Branch

Cox Mary M (wid C H) furn rms 229 Henderson av h same
Cox Mathew lab Chicopee Mfg Co r 688 Branch
Cox Ray Jr student r 1367 S Milledge av Cox Robt E plant contract supvr S B T &
T Co h 196 W Broad apt 2 Cox Roberta A r 138 N Billups Cox Sam (Roberta F) h 327 Arch Cox Wm service mn Orkin Exterminating
Co r Bogart Ga Coxe Walter L (Mary) hse moving 301
Madison av r Commerce rd Craddick Nancy B maid 219 Milledge cir
r 185 S Billups Craddick Willie (Nancy B) 3 lab r 185
S Billups Craddock Nathl (Katie B) 7 emp Ben-
son's Bakery h 246 Arch Craft Claude E (Thelma) metermn Ga
Power Co r 217 E Cloverhurst av Craft Eleanor tchr Chase Street Sch r 235
W Cloverhurst av Craft Ida V (wid CE) h217E Clover
hurst av Craft Thelma (Mrs C E) opr S B T & T
Co r 217 E Cloverhurst av Craft Walter (Sidney T) 4 jan Smith-
Boley-Brown Inc h 118 Broadacres Craft Willie S h 387 Glenhaven av Craig Cornelia T maid r 286 Grove Craig Emma hlpr Colonial Poultry Co
r 143 Peabody Craig G Mitchell (Kath 0) h 143 N Mil-
ledge av Craig Jas H student r 295 O'Farrell Craig Mildred C asst supvr State Dept
of Ed h 295 O'Farrell Craig Richd F (Velma H) 6 weaver Chico
pee Mfg Co h 167 Elizabeth Craig Roosevelt (Cornelia T) tex wkr
h 286 Grove Cramer Willie C (Helen H) mech Jordan's
Auto Service h 70 Arch Crane Blanche C (wid B A) h 763
Cobb Crane Crawford (Norma G) 3 h 555
Morton av Crane Edw (Olene T) 2 trk dr The Webb-
Crawford Co h 145 Parkview Homes Crane Eliz B (Mrs W M) (Crane's Olde
Book Shoppe) r 630 Cobb CRANE FRANK F (Cornelia M) 2 Sec
The W B Rice Petroleum Co Inc h 290
Cherokee av--Dial LI 6-6015 Crane Geo S (Mamie D) rl est 897
Prince av h same Crane Geo S II (Eliz A) 3 (The Sports
man) h 183 Cherokee
Crane Irmine S (wid W M) h 626 Cobb Crane Jerylene maid h 820 Waddell Crane John T (Mary C) 1 trk dr The
Webb-Crawford Co h 536 N Jackson Crane Leon C (Laura A) lab USPO
h 180 Lyndon av Crane Ora M waitress White Stock Restr
r 536 N Jackson Crane Robt S (Mary H) 2 trav slsmn h
110 University ct apt 38 Crane Rufus S r 380 S Lumpkin

Crane Wm M (Eliz B) 3 (g) (Crane's Olde Book Shoppe) Alumnae Sec U of Ga h 630 Cobb
Crane's Olde Book Shoppe (Wm M and Mrs Eliz B Crane) used books 143 N Jackson
Crawford Ann T student r 235 West View dr
Crawford Arth (Estelle) 1 concrete fnshr h 6 Gordon's al
Crawford Bessie Mae S (Mrs C W) collec tion correspondent Genl Mtrs Acceptance Corp r Danielsville Ga
Crawford Betty J student r 210 Milledge his
Crawford Buford C (Mildred R) 2 (g) knit ter Rodgers Hosiery Co h 120 Georgia av
Crawford Clara S (Mrs C H) opr S B T & T Co r 265 Oglethorpe av
Crawford Clarence H (Clara S) (Nor mal Barber Shop) h 265 Oglethorpe ter
CRAWFORD COAL & MATTRESS WORKS (Walter D Crawford) Coal Dealers Mattress and Venetian Blinds
Mfrs 414 N Foundry--Dial LI 3-5271
(See Back Supplement Cover and Buy
ers Guide)
Crawford Dan (Lannie H) cement mixer h 137 S Billups
Crawford Edna L elk Atlanta Gas Light Co r 373 Oak
Crawford Elmer J (Annie K) elk of City Court of Athens & Superior Court h 268 Woodlawn av
Crawford Frank (Clela S) carrier USPO h 373 Oak
Crawford Guy I (Ruby E) h 123 Park view Homes
Crawford H Pryce asst mgr Crawford Coal & Mattress Wks r 210 Milledge hts
Crawford Ida H (wid T G) 2 seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 615 Belvoir hts
Crawford J Grady (Marguerite F) (Athens Prod Inc) r Danielsville rd RD 1
Crawford J H (Crawford & Co) r Atlanta Ga
Crawford Jennie W (wid J M) h 496 Ruth
Crawford Joe P (Mary M) 2 agt Life Ins Co of Ga h 120 Hodgson dr
Crawford John F (Mary W) 6 lab H A Parsons Constn Co h 345 N Pope
Crawford John H (Francine C) 1 whsemn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 1440% S Milledge av
Crawford John H (Minnie F) lab City h 160 Hendrix av
Crawford John L (Mary V) 2 (Oconee Trim Shop) h 215 Williams
Crawford June E (Virginia H) USA r 230 Hall
Crawford King (Laura B) dep elk City Court of Athens and Superior Court h 235 West View dr
Crawford Lucille cash Davis Bros Cafeteria r 170 Grady av
Crawford Lon G (Annie M) gro Dan ielsville rd h same

Crawford Mabry r 496 Ruth Crawford Margt P (Mrs PA) wkr County
Dept Pub Welfare r 115 Hall Crawford Mary D (Mrs T K) emp Athens
Awning & Mattress Co r Danielsville rd Crawford Mary E cook Ted's Cafe r 657 W Dearing Crawford May B mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Nicholson Ga Crawford Mildred R (Mrs B C) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 120 Georgia av Crawford Minnie M r 160 Hendrix av Crawford Minnie S3h459S Finley Crawford Myrtle W Mrs ckr Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service h 712 N Jackson Crawford N Mitchell (Lillie E) 1 trk dr Magnolia Oil Co h 1462 E Broad Crawford Paul A (Margt P) rural electri fication specialist State Agrl Extn Ser vice h 115 Hall Crawford Rosa emp Athens Poultry Co r 345 N Pope Crawford Ruby opr Clarke Beauty Salon r 52 Broadacres Crawford Sam T carp C P Shaw Constn Co r 385 N Jackson
CRAWFORD THOS K "BILL" (Mary H) (Athens Awning & Mattress Co) r Dan
ielsville rd nr City Limit--Dial LI 6-7539
Crawford Virginia H (Mrs J E) ofc sec U of Ga r 230 Hall
(Crawford Coal & Mattress Works) h 210 Milledge hts--Dial LI 6-6420
Crawford & Co (J H Crawford) Marion E Taylor Jr mgr ins adjusters 113-15 Shackelford Bldg
Crawley Hubert L (Gladys N) 4 dr Vet eran Cab Co h 36 Parkview Homes
Crawley J Gay opr S B T & T Co r 36 Parkview Homes
Crawley J Larry r 36 Parkview Homes Creamer Fred r 860 Waddell Creamer Geo (Laura J) h 773 N Lump-
Slaughter Mgr 201 Shackelford Bldg -- Dial 3-3641
Creekmore Caroline B (wid R A) h 295 W Rutherford
Cregs Junior (Massie L) lab City h 812 N Lumpkin
Cregs Massie L cook 283 E Hancock av r 812 N Lumpkin
Creighton Eliz ofc sec U of Ga h 154 Waddell
Creighton Ida P r 165 Waddell Crenshaw Ann H (Mrs W J) (The Hse of
Fabrics) r 153 Hawthorne dr
Crenshaw Walter J (Ann H) 3 (The House of Fabrics) supvr Chicopee Mfg Co h 153 Hawthorne dr
Creswell Edith V r 633 Milledge cir
Creswell Mary E h 633 Milledge cir
Crews Alvin B Jr (Dorothy J) student r 1393 S Milledge av



Crews Dorothy J (Mrs A B Jr) slswn Davison-Paxon Co r 1393 S Milledge av
Crews Susie N Mrs 1 mach opr Big Ace Corp h 1711% Prince av
Crider Effie L (wid Jim) r 223 Chatooga av
Crittenden John (Ruth A) student r 398 Dearing
Crittenden Ruth A (Mrs John) tchr University Demonstration Sch r 398 Dearing
Crocker Irene F (wid J F) r 523% Prince av
Crockett Bernard H (Jessie S) bkpr Magnolia Oil Co h 1055 Prince av apt 6
Crockett Jessie S (Mrs B H) elk typist U S Dept of Agri r 1055 Prince apt 6
Crockett Wiley T student r 1055 Prince av apt 6
Crompton R Lee (Katie H) formn Ga Power Co h 160 Virginia av
Cromer Sue mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Hull Ga
Crone Richd D (Jean S) 3 phys-surg 207 Shackelford Bldg h Elder rd RD 4
Cronic Chas H atndt University Chevrolet Service Sta r Madison Ga
Cronic Joseo P (Mrs R M) 2 wkr Genl Times Co r 170 Grady av
Cronic O Doyle (Neil H) 2 glazier Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 340 Oak
Cronic R Newton (Joseo P) 2 glazier Bedgood Lbr & Coal Co h 170 Grady av
Cronic Thos W (Martha W) appr glazier Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 60 Parkview Homes
Crook Leila mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r RD 1
Crook Robt H ( Doris A) 2 USAF h 145 Gran Ellen dr
Crook Roy (Essie J) cook U of Ga h 167 Peabody
Crook Thos R (Leila) emp Athens Cooperative Creamery r Freeman dr RD 1
Cross Beatrice maid r 221 Bridge Cross Bobby (Beatrice) USAF r 221
Bridge Crow Clara r 156 Willow Crow Eddie W r 293 W Clayton Crow Harold M (Eleanor K) 2 sec-treas
Athens Poultry Inc h 595 Milledge cir Crow Leonidas H (Lollie B) h 293 W
Clayton Crow Mary F Mrs r 598 Nantahala av Crow Thurmond H (Cammie W) tex wkr
0 T h 798 Prince av apt 1 CROW'S DRUG STORE INC Henry J
Carswell Jr pre, Grant L Dooley v-pres sec-treas Walgreen Agency 283 E Clayton Dial LI 6-1471 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide) Crowder Ada r 477 Madison av Crowder Grace W (widGW) r!80 Florida av Crowder Mattie 1 maid 635 Milledge h 758 Bray Crowe Betty emp New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry r 185 Hiawassee av Crowe Bobbie nurse Athens Genl Hosp r 185 Hiawassee av

Crowe Carlton T (Sybil S) (CroweKnowles Annex and Crowe-Kndwles Furn Co) h 411 Holman av
Crowe Carlton T Jr student r 411 Holman av
Crowe Clarke H (Wretha B) slsmn Sterchi Bros Stores Inc h 732 Pulaski
Crowe Jas W Jr (Pauline M) slsmn The Athens Hdw Co r Watkinsville Ga
Crowe-Knowles Furniture Co (Carlton T Crowe and Jas P Knowles) 189 N Lumpkin Annex 160 W Clayton
Crowe Mary B (Mrs I W) bkpr Thurmon Furn Co r Statham Ga
Crowe Nelson E mach Keller Mach Co r 235 Beulah
Crowe Rosa N r 185 Hiawassee av Crowe Sally H (wid I F) h 185 Hiawas-
see av Crowe Sue nurse Athens Genl Hosp r 185
Hiawassee av Crowe Sybil S (Mrs C T) grad nurse 411
Holman av r same Crowe Thos L r 185 Hiawassee av Crowley Dillard B (Ann W) 1 cash
Hodgson's Inc h 525 Holman av Crowley Eliz smstrs r 894 Oconee Crowley Elma H (Mrs HE) emp r Lexing-
ton rd Crowley Emmett T (Lucy C) elk Crows
Drug Store Inc h 850% N Chase Crowley Harold E (Elma H) emp
Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co Inc1 h Lexington rd Crowley Harry M (Helen F) 2 filter plant opr City Water Wks Dept h 1060 Oconee Crowley Hattie E (wid Ben) r 167 Grady av Crowley Helen F (Mrs H M) apr Aileen Beauty Shp r 1060 Oconee Crowley Henry J (Mary H) 1 slsmn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 850 N Chase Crowley Lizzie L (wid W H) r 688 S Milledge av Crowley Lucy C (Mrs E T) smstrs Davison-Paxon Co r 850 % N Chase Crowley Marguerite ins elk Hutchins, Cox & Stroud Inc r 688 S Milledge av Crucedale Greenhouses (Earl N Hester) florist 1447 S Lumpkin Crudup John N (Jeannie H) student h 11 Cloverhurst ct Crumley Garnett H (Martha K) 2 mech U of Ga (Garage) h 2004 S Lumpkin Crumley Geo sheet metal wkr L M Leathers' Sons Roofing & Sheet Metal Wks r Colbert Ga Crumley H M (Charlotte L) ofc wkr C of Ga R R h 160% Carlton ter Crumley John (Betty M) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 2 Crumley Martha K (Mrs G H) (Mary Ann Beauty Shop) r 2004 S Lumpkin Grumpier G Rabun (Gladys D) bkpr David D Saye r Comer Ga Crymes E Pat student r 120 Fortson cir CRYMES ERNEST C (Elmira M) 1 (Ernest C Crymes Co) h 120 Fortson cir Dial LI 3-2360

Crymes) Jas C Lay Mgr Furniture and
Home Supplies 164 E Clay ton -- Dial
LI 6-6581 Culbertson Calvin L (Bessie D) 1 USN r
336 E Strong Culbertson Cuemie T (wid J J) exami
ner Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 180 Wilkerson Culbertson Frank L bus opr Athens City Lines r Winterville Ga Culbertson Harold P (Lillie B) 3 bus opr Athens City Lines h 110 Virginia av Culbertson Harry C (Juanita F) 1 emp Natl Cash Register Co h 109 Crestview cir Culbertson Jas T (Bonnie L) converter hlpr Dairypak Inc r Colbert Ga Culbertson Jean Mrs 2 h 145 Berlin Culbertson Lammie L (Mattie L) h 340 N Harris Culbertson Lottrell mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Danielsville Ga Culbertson Mildred F (Mrs R H) sten-bkpr Ga Mtrs Inc r 180 Wilkerson Culbertson Robt H (Mildred F) emp The Hanna Mfg Co h 180 Wilkerson Culbreath Andrew G (Ida S) hlpr Athens Prod Co h 225 Vine Culbreath Ida S maid r 225 Vine Culbreath Maude maid 540 W Cloverhurst r RD 4 Cullison Arth E (Corenne P) 3 prof U of Ga h 520 Highland av Culp Annie R D (Mrs H T) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r Princeton rd RD 4 Culp Henry T (Annie R D) 2 tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h Princeton rd RD 4 Culver Laura J (wid W H) h 623 N Milledge av Culver Leroy r 623 N Milledge av Culver Thelma G asst bkpr Gallant-Belk Co r 623 N Milledge av Cummings J H (Mildred) h 376 S Church apt 1 Cummings Mildred T (Mrs J H) bkpr Sam Smith Co r 376 S Church apt 1 Cumuze Jas G (Ruth S) 3 route slsmn Benson's Bakery h 180 Northview dr Cunningham Henretta maid r 28 Broadacres Cunningham John H (Mary C) 3 gro 152 E Hoyt h 368 Arch Cunningham John M (Geraldine K) asst mgr Dick Ferguson's Clo Store Inc h 165 Catawba av Cunningham Kula cook The Rib Hse r Marsh Town Cunningham Saul T (Henretta) 2 mech J Swanton Ivey Inc h 28 Broadacres Cunningham Tina S Mrs weaver Chicopee Mfg Co h 149 W Dougherty
Cunningham Wm C USN r 149 W Dough erty
Cunningham Wm H (Henrietta H) installer-repr S B T & T Co r Lexington Ga
Curry Charlie M nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r Colbert Ga
Curry Ellamae D sch tchr r 180 Indale dr

Curry Linton D (Ella D) (g) tile str h 180 Indale dr
Curry Willie G (Daisie E) barber Carson's Barber Shop h 195 Baxter
CURT1S ROY W (Hazel D) 4 sec-treas Athens Federal Savings & Loan Assn h 2350 Jefferson rd RD 2--Dial LI 6-8964
Cutler Bertha G (wid Herman) h 155 Plum Nelly rd
To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
Dailey Carlton E (Naomi B) 2 emp Uni versity Dairy Farm h Agricultural dr
Dailey Clyde emp Howard Strictlands Shop r 432 Madison av
Dailey David C (Annie E) gro 125 Nantahala av h same
Dailey Ernestine B (Mrs Jas) mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Agricul tural dr
Dailey Jas (Ernestine B) emp University Dairy Farm h Agricultural dr
Dailey Lizzie T (wid S R) h 432 Madison av
Dairypak Inc John H Hutchins dir mgr, F K Dickson sis mgr dairy cartons Linton Springs rd
Dairy Queen of Athens (Louis Fenello) 1076 Broad West
Dallas Eliza r 472 Madison av Dalton Alonzo pntr Healan's Body Shop
r 158 Yonah av Dalton Cassie B h 184 Elbert Dalton Chas lab The Atlantic Co h 147
Savannah av Dalton D L (Helen B) 1 patrolmn City Po
lice Dept h 186 Barker Dalton Doc F (Inez P) supvr Chicopee
Mfg Co r RD 2 Dalton Helen B( Mrs D L) bkpr Athens
Cooperative Creamery r 186 Barber Dalton Helen E nurses aide Athens Genl
Hosp r RD 2 Dalton Howard (Ruth) 3 farm formn
U of Ga h 526 Highland av Dalton Mary maid r 158 Yonah av Dalton Mary E drsmkr 226 Vine h
same Dalton Mildred I bkpr Athen's Cooperative
Creamery r RD 2 Dalton Robt 2 lab Geo F Strother Lbr
Co h 453 Little Oak Dalton W M bellmn Georgian Hotel r 453
Little Oak Dammons Calvin r 827 Water Dammons Fred Jr ctr Athens Poultry Co
Inc r 827 Water Dammons Joe H porter Coastal Service
Sta r 130 Minor Dammons Louise F r 130 Minor Dammons Lucenia h 827 Water Dammons Raymond (Louise F) 4 yd ran
h 130 Minor Damons Leon trk dr Pepsi Cola Btlg Co of
Athens r 747 College av



Damron Grady J (Jeannie P) 1 hlpr The Gaye Cafe r 187 Chatooga av
Damron Jack ship elk Athens Poultry Co Inc r 187 Chatooga av
Damron Jackie student r 528 Pulaski Damron Louise A waitress Union Bus Ter
minal Grill r 187 Chatooga av Damron Ovia T (wid S M) r 739 Boulevard Damron Roy R plmbr City h 739 Boule
vard Damron Vivian W Mrs slip cover mkr 528
Pulaski h same Dance Mary L dom r 149 N Chase Danforth Robt D (Jean D) 4 USA h 1260
S Lumpkin Daniel Albert L (Ruth N) asst mgr Colo
nial Stores Inc h 186 Grady av Daniel Alma W flrlady Climax Hosiery
Mills r RD 2 Daniel Amanda E student r 186 Grady av Daniels Annie 4 maid 375 W Clover-
hurst "h 241 Plaza Daniel Arth mach h 265 Arch Daniel Betty J student r 515 Highland av Daniel Blanche cook Parkway dr r 1162
Broad av Daniel Carter W (Mary S) v-pres-treas
The Webb-Crawford Co h 335 West Lake dr Daniel Charline S (wid L F) 2 h 153 Barrow Daniel Claude Y receiving elk The WebbCrawford Co r Jefferson Ga Daniel Clayburn (Mella M) piano refnshr Durden Mus Store h 184 Lyndon Row Daniel Clinton F (Virdar C) h 700 Oglethorpe Daniel Clyde r 250 Milledge cir Daniel Cornelia W Mrs truant officer City Schools h 1424 E Broad Daniel Dora h 766 Bray Daniel E Jack paint mn J Swanton Ivy Inc r Gaines School rd RD 3 Daniel Eddie R (Mildred C) 5 lab Chicopee Mfg Co h 140 Madison hts Daniel Edgar C (Martha B) 3 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 180 Strickland Daniel Emma A 1 maid 518 Hampton ct r 545 Odd Daniel Ernestine student r Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Daniel Ernestine maid Athens Genl Hosp r 185 Water Oak Daniel Ethel 1 maid Athens Genl Hosp r 545 Odd Daniel Bug B (Elaine A) 1 2d v-pres Rus sell Daniel Inc h 171 W Cloverhurst av Daniel Fern G (wid C R) emp U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h 205 University dr
Daniel Frances 0 slswn S H Kress & Co r Arnoldsville Ga
Daniel Frank r 134 Fields av
Daniel Graham F (Rachel O) 3 1st vpres Russell Daniel Inc h 164 Valley rd
Daniel Garnet L (Olief W) v-pres Empire State Chem Co and Hodgson's Inc r Rocky Ford rd

Daniel Helen ctr Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 147 Fopbstein al
Daniel Henry L (Mamie B) farmer h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Daniel Hiram (Elise) slsmn Gallant-Belk Co r 153 Barrow
Daniel Ida L h 1469 W Broad Daniel Jake r 147 Fopbstein al Daniel Jas (Mandy C) 9 atndt Costa's
Service Sta h 259 Plaza Daniel Jas D (Jo Anne C) 2 (Suburban
Clnrs) sch tchr h 165 Northview dr apt 3 Daniel Joan S 1 dom r 139 N Newton Daniel Joe waiter Elks Club r Old At lanta hwy Daniel Judge (Settie) h Atlanta hwy Daniel Judge Jr lab r Atlanta hwy Daniel Lavonia student r 147 Fopbstein al Daniel Lonnie C gdnr h 248 Augusta av Daniel Mabel (wid E M) tchr Athens Sch for Exceptional Children h 515 Highland ay Daniel Mandy C picker Athens Poultry Co r 259 Plaza Daniel Nancy student r 545 Odd Daniel Nettie C box mach opr Climax Ho siery Mills r RD 2 Daniel Pirn trk dr M P Morris Ready Mixed Concrete r Farmington Ga Daniel Russell Inc W Russell Daniel pres, Graham F Daniel 1st v-pres, Eug B Daniel 2d v-pres, W Russell Daniel Jr sec-treas tractors 480 N Thomas Daniel Sallie S (Mrs H D) (The Style Shop) r Hull Ga Daniel Saml H paint mn J Swanton Ivy Inc r Hull Ga Daniel Sarah B h 140 Cohen Daniel I G (Dazzle F) 5 hlpr Colonial Poultry Co h 33 Broadacres Daniel Thos asst pressmn Athens BannerHerald r Danilsville Ga Daniel Thos W (Agnes J) 1 trav slsmn h 256 Bloomfield Daniel Viola E (wid Sam) r 156 Groves Daniel W Henry (Lola D) h 1264 E Broad Daniel W Russell (Ethel G) pres Russell Daniel Inc r Jefferson rd RD 2 Daniel W Russell Jr (Grace H) 4 sectreas Russell Daniel Inc h 530 Springdale Daniel Wm C installer Consolidated Gas Co r Oconee hts Daniel Wm D hlpr Atlantic Co r Atlan ta hwy Daniel Willie G r Atlanta hwy Daniel Willie S (wid B F) r 1960 S Lumpkin Daniel Woodson W (Nettie C) paint mn J Swanton Ivy Inc r Jefferson rd RD 2 Daniell Dewitt (Ola M) del mn Suburban Clnrs r Bogart Ga Daniell Francis H (Martha C) 2 (Surburban Clnrs) h 575 Talmadge Daniell W Gunter (Anna W) bkpr The Texas Co r Watkinsville Ga

Daniels Annie L maid Georgia Hotel r 193 N Finley
Daniels J O (Annie S) pressmn The McGregor Co r Danielsville Ga
Dann Laurence J USN r 411 Oglethorpe av Danner Walter N Jr (Ben G) 2 regis
trar U of Ga member City Council h 266 Springdale Dantzler Elaine r 125 S Poplar Dantzler Elaine S (Mrs L W) ofc sec The Rowland Co r 375 Best dr Dantzler Gaynelle H (Mrs T E) mach opr r 125 S Poplar Dantzler L Weyman (Elaine S) shoe repr Tuck's Shoe Shop h 375 Best dr Dantzler Ramona A r 125 S Poplar Dantzler Taft E (Gaynelle H) 1 (Ted's Radio Service) h 125 S Poplar Darby Everett h 832 Water Darden Arth P (Sue McC) asst econo mist State Agrl Extn Service h 215 South View dr Darden Edw W hip Bishop's Hatchery r RD 2 Darrisaw Chas V student r 856 N Lumpkin Darrisaw Louise E 2 maid 735 S Milledge av h 856 N Lumpkin Darwin Edna W (wid J A) h 225 S Milledge av Daugherty Mary R Mrs ward elk Athens Genl Hosp r Watkinsville Ga Davaney Jas A (Hazel A) 2 dist mgr In dependent Life & Accident Ins Co h 105 DuBose av Davenport Chester (Mary O) waiter Elks Club r 190 S Rocksprings Davenport Beulah cook r 984 Hobson av Davenport Building 285% College av Davenport Curley h 1735 W Broad extd Davenport Howard (Beulah) 1 jan U of Ga h 984 Hobson av Davenport Janie M maid 220 Gilliland dr r 691 Henderson extd Davenport Jimmie M h 154 N Billups Davenport Leo (Genvea W) 2 h 260 Griffeth Davenport Mandy L h W Broad extd RD 4 Davenport Margt maid h 169 Yonah av Davenport Mary c'ook St Joseph's Cath olic Sch r 190 S Rockspring Davenport Mary J maid Palace Theatre h 150 W Strong Davenport Mattie L lab Athens Poultry Co h 150 S Newton Davenport Package Store (Woodson Davenport) gro 298 N Pope Davenport Ruby maid h 1423 W Broad Davenport Sarah 3 maid r 1735 W Broad extd Davenport Lucius (Tommie) 1 body mn Ga Mtrs h 420 Athens av
Devenport Tune (Lillie V) r 446 Reese
Davenport U Harold ofc 285% College av rm 204 h 1123 Prince av
Davenport Wm lab Atlanta Gas Light Co r 540 Odd
Davenport Wm lab r 1735 W Broad extd

Davenport Woodson (Sally F) (Daven port Package Store) h 130 N Harris
Daves Cornelia A (wid C C) h 553 Pulaski
David Addie mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r Nicholson Ga
David Cody Inc Cody R David pres-treas, Mrs Olivia L David v-pres-sec drugs 1320 Prince av
David Cody R (Olivia L) pres-treas Cody David Inc elk in charge USPO (Contract Sta No 1) h 398 Milledge cir
David Inez H (Mrs Hoke) bkpr Smith Boley-Brown Inc r Comer Ga
David Jos A (Mary D) h 347 Hill David Jos W (Virginia M) USN r 223
Marion dr David Lee B (wid W H) r 1720 S Lump-
kin David Nellie M Indry wkr Athens Genl
Hosp r 430 Augusta av David Olivia L (Mrs C R) v-pres-sec Cody
David Inc r 398 Milledge cir David Pink r 148 Hickory David Richd student r 398 Milledge cir David Roper B (Margt C) 1 parts mgr
C A Trussell Mtr Co h 420 West Lake dr David Rosalind C student r 1638 Prince av David Roswell M (Coretta D) 1 trav slsmn h 1638 Prince av David Willie G h 430 Augusta av Davidson Bess M (Mrs W W) int dec 520 Milledge hts r same Davidson Claude Jr (Elva M) 2 dir News Bureau U of Ga h 61 Myrna ct apts Davidson Henry H (Mary H) supt State Hwy Dept h 156 Grady av Davidson Marion student r 428 S Lumpkin Davidson Minnie L nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r 787 Cobb Davidson W Minor (Sibyl P) recapper Supreme Recappers Inc h 210 Hillside Davidson Wm W (Bess M) 1 prof U of Ga h 520 Milledge hts Davies Mary R (Mrs W H) ofc sec U of Ga r 86 Myrna ct apts Davies Walter J (Barbara G) 2 USA h 116 E Rutherford Davies Wm H (Mary R) 2 sch tchr h 86 Myrna ct apts Davis A K (Alma W) h 165 Northview dr apt 4 Davis Alice S maid 220 Hamilton ct r 85 Broadacres Davis Alma (Mrs A K) ofc sec State Agrl Extn Dept r 165 Northview dr apt 4 Davis Andrew (Annie L) 1 dr Yellow Cab Co h 95 Parkview Homes Davis Annette student r 21 Broadacres Davis Annie M maid 156% Grove r 234 Burney Davis Annie S (wid Young) r 1670 Prince av
Davis Arth (Azzie B) jan Childs Street Sch h 1&8 N Billups
Davis Azzie B cook r 183 N Billups
Davis Ben B (Mattie L) h 163 Inglewood av

Davis Ben B Jr (Bessie H) 2 trk dr South eastern Rubber Mfg Co r Cooper rd RD
Davis Bernice E (Mrs Willie) baler opr Dairypak Inc r Nicholson Ga
Davis Berta (wid R G) h Mitchell Bridge rd RD 4
Davis Bertie H (Mrs H L) slswn Lamar Empire Shop r 297 S Hull
Davis Bessie H (Mrs B B Jr) examiner Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Cooper rd RD 1
Davis Billy (Marcile B) sign pntr h 134 Clover
Davis Bob asst mgr Noah Davis Transport Co r Winterville Ga
Davis Bros Cafeteria Mrs Lucy D Parks mgr 171 College av
Davis Buford (Thelma) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r RD 1
Davis Carl trk dr M P Morris Ready Mixed Concrete r Bishop Ga
Davis Cecil A (Frances W) 3 sheet metal wkr L M Leathers' Sons h 670 Belvoir hts
Davis Chancy L cook 600 West Lake dr r 193 Lyndon Row
Davis Chas dry clnr B & W Clnrs r 198 Grady av
Davis Chas E orderly Athens Genl Hosp r 134 Oak
Davis Chas L (Agnes J) slsmn Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 155 Northview dr apt 4
Davis Chas W (Donnie P) 1 mgr Davis Bros Cafeteria h 383 Milledge cir
Davis Charlotte L (Mrs Roy) bkpr The C & S Natl Bk r 197 Beulah av
Davis Chiropractic Clinic (W A Davis) 697 S Milledge av
Davis Clifford E (Maybelle) emp Walter L Coxe h 438 Madison av
Davis Dewey (Frances W) mech Univer sity Chevrolet Co Inc r RD 3
Davis Donald L student r Whitehall rd RD 4
Davis Donnie P (Mrs C W) cash Davis Bros Cafeteria r 383 Milledge cir
Davis Dorothy P ofc sec-cash The Bankers Health & Life Ins Co r 297 S Hull
Davis Dorsey (Ruby L) lawyer 100% College av h 1000 Oglethorpe av
Davis Edna L r 369 Branch Davis Edna T (Mrs T A) (Edna's Beauty
Shop) r Whitehall rd RD 4 Davis Elmer (Frances M) slsmn Snow Tire
Co r Timothy rd RD 4 Davis Emma h 142 Lyndon Row Davis Eva elk Georgian Hotel r same Davis Frances W (Mrs C E) emp Chico-
pee Mfg Co r 670 Belvoir hts Davis Fred (Helen P) agt Life Ins Co
of Ga h 148 Hawthorne av
Davis Glenn O (Made P) bkpr Hodgson's Inc h 403 University dr
Davis Grady (Maggie P) night wtchmn County Convict Camp r 182 1st
Davis H Lawrence (Bertie H) h 297 S Hull
Davis Harry J (Jammie S) coml agt Ga R R h 584 N Milledge av

Davis Hazel C (Mrs T G) weaver Chicopee Mfg Co r 182 1st
Davis Helen P (Mrs Fred) ofc sec-bkpr Chief Pontiac r 148 Hawthorne av
DAVIS HENRY A (Kath P) 3 sec-treas
University Chevrolet Co Inc h 560 South
View dr -- Dial LI 3-2686 Davis Henry G (Myra M) 1 lab h 151 Park
View Homes Davis Horace student r 85 Braodacres Davis Howard C (Julia R) (Davis Sign
Service) h 846 Hill Davis Howard C Jr (Ann B) 1 slsmn h 846
Hill Davis Hugh D (Martha A) (Davis Radio
Service) r RD 1 Davis Isabelle waitress Pig Drive In r 438
Madison av Davis J C r 346 E Strong Davis J R Grocery (Jerry R Davis) 223
Hiawassee Davis Jas (Rachel M) 2 lab h 42 Parkview
Homes Davis Jas T (Mae) dist rep Genl Mtrs Ac
ceptance Corp r 128 Hill Top RD 3 Davis Jerry B (Alice S) 3 hlpr. Athens
Cooperative Creamery h 85 Broadacres Davis Jerry B Jr lab Athens Coopera
tive Creamery r 85 Broadacres Davis Jerry F (Maxine V) meat ctr Bell's
Food Mkt h 925 Boulevard Davis Jerry R (Bertha M) (J. R. Davis
Groc) h 223 Hiawassee av Davis JoAnn maid 325 Bloomfield r
Winterville, Ga DAVIS JOHN B (Fredonia H) circula
tion mgr The Athens Banner-Herald h
458 Highland av -- Dial LI 6-6216 Davis John B Jr (Odette H) 2 USN r 458
Highland av Davis John K (Clara N) (Davis Service
Sta) h Whitehall rd RD 4 Davis John M (Martha) mech C A Trussell
Mtr Co r Hull Ga Davis Lena emp Colonial Poultry Co r
330 N Pope Davis LeRoy (Martha L) slsmn Davis
Notion Co h 935 Boulevard Davis Lillous W (Mattie T) wtchmn South
eastern Rubber Co r 740 Prince av Davis Lula B r rear 188 W Strong Davis Maggie S (wid R M) tailor Davis
Tailor Shop h 193 Nachoochee av Davis Margt F (Mrs W A) nurse Davis
Chiropractic Clinic r 697 S Milledge av Davis Martha (Mrs Hugh) mender Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1 Davis Martha T (Mrs J Mac) ofc sec' An-
derson Auto Parts Co Inc r Hull Ga Davis Mattie L (Mrs B B) mach opr Clas
sic City Overall Co Inc r 163 Inglewood av Davis Maxine V (Mrs J F) sten Clk of Superior Court r 925 Boulevard
Davis Maybelle R 2 maid h 177 War saw
Davis Minnie R r 178 W Strong
Davis Nellie M Indry wkr Athens Genl Hosp r 378 S Rockspring

Davis Noah Transport Co (Noah Davis) Winterville rd
Davis R Eug student r 1196 S Lumpkin Davis Radio Service (Hugh D Davis) 597
N Thomas Davis Raymond M elk V F W Club h 198
Grady av Davis Robt (Hattie W) jan South
eastern Rubber Co h 234 Burney Davis Rosa L maid 397 S Milledge h 84
Broadcres Davis Roy (Charlotte L) 2 patrolmn
County Police Dept h 197 Beulah av Davis Roy F (Nettie W) 2 sis mgr Ben-
son's Bakery h 215 Sunset dr Davis Ruby r 142 Lyndon Row Davis Rufus (Elnora) lab Christian
Hdw Co h 295 Bremen Davis Sign Service (Howard C Davis) 846
Hill Davis T Hoyt judge U S Dist Court r Vi
enna Ga Davis Thos (Chancy L) 2 concrete
fnshr Mathis Constn Co h 193 Lyndon Row Davis Thos G (Susie M) 3 mech C A Trussell Mtr Co h Old Hull rd Davis Troy A (Edna T) (Davis Service Sta) h Whitehall rd RD 4 Davis Truman G (Hazel C) emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 182 1st Davis Versie H (wid R M) slswm DavisonPaxon r 198 Grady av Davis W L night wtchmn Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co r 740 Prince av Davis W Clifford (Bessie B) 1 trk dr City Sanitary Dept h 127 Grace Davis Wade H (Daisy S) 2 prod mgr Parhams Food Mkt h 893 Boulevard Davis Willard (Colenia P) 4 h 569 S Finley Davis Wm A (Margt F) 2 (Davis Chiro practic Clinic) h 697 S. Milledge av Davis Willie (Katie M) 1 grave digger Oconee Hill Cemetary h 180 Grove Davis Willie C (Reba M) 2 trk dr Thurmon Furn Co h 114 Grace Davison Bertha K h 243 Cobb Davison Gladys B (wid F W) interviewer State Employment Service r 245 Oak land av Davison Ida D county tax collr r 320 Uni versity dr Davison Stark (wid A E) h 320 Univer sity dr Davison's Car Park Egbert T Burns mgr 205 S Jackson
DAVISON'S OF ATHENS J F Hall mgr Department Store 320-5O E Clayton --
Dial LI 6-1411 (See Left Center Space
and Buyers Guide)
Dawley C B (720 Service Sta) h 160 North av
Dawson Clara D (Mrs J W) drsmkr 186 E Clayton r 340 Ruth
Dawson Helen L ofc sec W H Bailey Plmbg & Htg r Winterville Ga
Dawson J L & Co (J Linton Dawson) gro 549 E Broad

Dawson J Linton (Reba B) (J L Dawson & Co) member County Bd of Educa tion r Winterville Ga
Dawson Jas W (Clara D) h 340 Ruth Dawson Louree C mach opr Classic City
Overall Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga Dawson Mary W (wid C H) h 300 Ogle-
thorpe ter Dawson Otis B (Annie D) pntr A F
Fields h 247 Boulevard hts Dawson Pearl B Mrs 1 r 187 S Poplar Dawson Rucker atndt Berryman's Service
Sta r Winterville Ga Day Harry M student r 565 Talmadge Day Henry M (Mattie L) formn Ben-
son's Bakery h 565 Talmadge dr Day Lillie M r 170 Wilkerson Day Mattie L (Mrs H M) tex wkr r 565
Talmadge dr Deadwyler Delia maid r 1162 Broad W Deadwyler Geneva r 1162 Broad W Deadwyler John H h 186 Minor Deadwyler Lena T (wid A V) h 225
Oglethorpe av Deadwyler Madeline r 225 S Oglethorpe
av Deadwyler Mary h 817 Waddell Deadwyler Mary G r 1247 W Hancock
av Deal Colon E (Lois) mech Ga Mtrs Inc r
RD 3 Deal J D appr linemn Ga Power Co r 649
Hill Deal Walter L (Evie B) 1 trk dr Benson's
Bakery h 230 Georgia av Dean Amos (Elaine G) 1 r 127 Johns Dean Anna P cook Terminal Grill r 230
Magnolia Dean Annie M h 769 Bray Dean Birdie maid h 268 Pearl Dean Byron D elk The Kroger Co r Bogart
Ga Dean Doyle F (Frances) 3 route supvr The
Atlantic Co h Cleveland nr Barber Dean Edw (Anna W) hlpr Quality Mach
Co r 972 W Waddell Dean Ella R nurses aide Athens Genl
Hosp r RD 2 Dean Frances (Mrs Henry) waitress Ter
minal Grill r 297 S Hull Dean Frances maid Georgia Hotel r rear
499 Madison av Dean Frances W (Mrs G T) waitress
Tony's Restr r 425 Willow Run
DEAN GEO W (Eli* B 2 mgr Dick Per-
guson's Clothing Store h 192 Fortson
dr -- Dial LI 6-8990 Dean Guy T (Frances W) 2 elk Ga Power
Co h 425 Willow Run Dean Ima J instr U of Ga r 275 South
View dr apt Dean Jas C slsmn Butler Furn Co r 180
Best dr Dean Leon (Faye J) 3 slsmn Gallant-Belk
Co h 155 Grady av Dean Lily B maid 565 Boulevard r 170
Macon av Dean Ludie maid Georgian Hotel r 499
Madison av Dean Mamie Indrs h 170 Macon av



Dean Milton yd mn r 311 Boley dr Dean Minnie J (wid G W) dietitian Geor
gian Hotel h 160 Barber Dean Nettie 1 h rear 499 Madison Dean Paul slsmn Spur Distributing Co Inc
r Danielsville Ga Dean Richd (Ellree) porter Broad Street
Service Sta h 121 Broadacres Dean Ruby L (wid H B) emp Big Ace
Corp h 47 Parkview Homes Dean T W (Evelyn J) 2 elk S A L R R
Co h 586% Franklin Dean Thos (Mattie) lab r rear 499 Mad
ison av Dean Thos N flrmn A&P Food Stores r
Danielsville Ga Dean Vader C (wid G C) h 180 Best dr Dean Viola maid h 394 Augusta av Dean W Lamar (Ruby P) 1 knitter Rod-
gers Hosiery Co Inc h 450 Nacoochee av Dean Will C (Anna P) lab h 230 Magnolia Dean Wm T Jr (Marilyn M) h 83 Myrna ct apts Dearing Eliz E (Mrs R D) bkpr Circular Banding Co r 375 S Harris apt 4 Dearing Julia D ofc wkr U of Ga r 131 S Milledge av Dearing Julia D (wid M G) h 131 S Milledge av Dearing Mildred L ofc sec U of Ga h 298 S Lumpkin
DEARING ROBT D (Eliz E) Asst Cash
Hubert State Bank h 375 S Harris apt 4
--Dial LI 6-0776 Deason Lucius H (Estelle P) h 888
Olgethorpe av Deaton Nathl (Helen G) 2 bus dr Atlantic
Greyhound Lines h 493 Yonah av Deaton Rebecca (Mrs Saml) seamer Rod-
gers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 3 Deavours Sam J Jr (Dorothy S) 1 h
1993% S Lumpkin deBaillou Clemens (Kath) prof U of Ga
h 889 Hill DeBeaugine Martha A student r 126 Hen-
derson av DeBeaugrine Wm D (Helen A) mgr
State Employment Security Agcy State Employment Service and rep State Vet erans Employment Service h 126 Henderson av DeBerry Ralph E mech W A Stevens Co r 749 Prince av deBouillon Godfrey No 14 K T meets Ma sonic Temple 279 Meigs Decker Kath M (wid C J) h 184 S Milledge av Deffner Richd P Rev (Violet K) 2 Trin ity Lutheran Ch h 150 West View dr Dekle Jas R (Ocie T) 3 carp G M Gaskey & Son r Tallassee rd Dekle Ocie T (Mrs J R) tchr University Demonstration Sch r Tallassee rd DeLange Tommy (Gladys A) administra tive asst Army Reserve Training Center h trailer Jefferson rd DeLa Perriere Arnold (Frances) tchr Ath ens High Sch h 156 Hart av

De La Perriere Frances (Mrs Arnold) tchr r 156 Hart av
De Lapp Harry A (Mary E) 1 mech Cham bers Mus Co h 1367 S Milledge av
de Lauberfels David J prof U of Ga h 218 Hillcrest
De Lay Jas C Jr (Virginia N) 2 welder h 856 College av
de LAY THURMOND O (Mary J) 1
(Bissell & de Lay and Typewriter Sales
& Service) h 220 Best dr -- Dial LI
3.2670 DeLay Virginia N (Mrs J C Jr) police
woman City Schools r 856 College av Delk Jimmy C slsmn Dick Ferguson's Clo
Store Inc r 111 Westover dr Delk Robt M (Betty R) cable splicer S B
T & T Co h 685 King av Dellinger Henry E bus opr Athens City
Lines r Whitehall rd RD Dellinger L Floyd (Grace B) atndt Head's
Service Sta r Bishop Ga Dellinger Shirley nurse's aide Athens Genl
Hpsp r RD 4 Dellinger W Edw (Doris L) mach Dixie
Canner Co r Bogart Ga DeLoach Hugh C (Belle W) recruiter
USAF Recruiting Sta r Claxton Ga Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority 624 S Milledge
av Delta Sigma Pi Fraternity 590 S Lump-
kin Delta Tau Delta Fraternity Mrs Betty H
Overstreet hse mother h 125 N Milledge av
erson) Automobile Upholstering and
Seat CoTer. 166 W Clay ton--Dial LI
6-6670 (See Special Section) Demerest Celia r 647 N Hull Demrous Deanie (wid E C) r 763 College
av Denman Andrew J (Ruth S) 3 optometrist
rms 100-04 Professional Bldg h White hall rd RD 4 Denney Clifford S (Jessie M) member City Council h 797 Oconee Denney Douglas F (Edna H) 1 meter read er Ga Power Co h 190 Bloomfield Denney Mary (wid Jones) r 797 Oco nee Denny Nellie emp Chicopee Mfg Co r Dan ielsville rd Dennis Chas L slsmn Crow's Drug Store Inc r YMCA Dennis Harold N elk Bell's Food Mkt r 677 S Milledge av Denny Dorothy waitress Tony's Restr r 546 College av Denny Lagrange R Mrs r 662 Milledge cir Denton Clarence (Estelle H) 1 lab Athens Poultry Co h 86 Parkview Homes Derden Lucille H (Mrs J L) opr Beauty By Agnes r Danielsville Ga DeBenne W W (Augusta F) asst prof U of Ga Library h 573 Hill Dern John Jr (Virginia W) USN h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 303 DeRose Julia F (wid L M) 3 h 150 Rock Glenn rd

Derricotte Annie S (Rosa Smith Sch) h 389 DuBose av
Derricotte Geo r 111 Dublin Derricotte Geo Jr emp Launderrest rill
Dublin Derricotte Lucy W r 844 N Lumpkin Derrisaw Geo E emp Athens Poultry Inc
r 856 N Lumpkin Design Center (Mrs Helen W Wescott) int
desig^i 1730 S Lumpkin Develin Rosa K maid Prince Avenue
Baptist Ch r 140 Yonah av DeVore T Carroll (Helen R) v-pres De-
Vore & Johnson Inc r Tillman la DeVore & Johnson Inc C L Johnson pres,
T C DeVore v-pres plmbg fixtures who! 644 E Hoyt Dial Azalee S (Mrs F W) cash Ga Barbe cue PI r 697 Baxter Dial F Walter (Azalee S) (Ga Barbecue PI) h 697 Baxter Dial Josephine T (wid Jos) r 1700 S Lumpkin Dial Nannie L cash Athens Federal Sav & Loan Assn r 424 Bloomfield Dial Thos L (Ruth S) (Dial's Shoe Shop) h 424 Bloomfield Dial's Shoe Shop (Thos L Dial) 567 W Broad Diana Shops Mrs Miriam V Pope mgr, Mrs Oneita B Becker asst mgr women's clo 275 College av Diaz Martha L Mrs 2 ofc sec Navy Sup Corps Sch h 310-a Stanton Way Dickens A P (Mary) slsmn Talmadge Whol Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga Dickens Chas T (Ruth C) h 776 Cobb Dickens Opal mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r High Shoals Ga Dickerson Frances W (Mrs L W) smstrs DeLuxe Top Wks r 825 College av Dickerson Jas L (Amber D) instr U of Ga h 1960 S Lumpkin DICKERSON LONNIE W (France. W) 2 (DeLuxe Top Works) h 825 College av--Dial LI 3-2665 Dickerson Livingston M Jr display mn J C Penney Co Inc r Comer Ga Dickerson Willis T (Lillie B) h 846 College av
Dickson F Kennedy (Margt S) sou div mgr Dairypak Inc h 111 Rock Glenn rd
Dickson Mariso student r 111 Rock Glenn rd
Dieball Vincent J (Frances T) 2 prof U of Ga h 167 Greenwood dr
Diggs Minnie L sch tchr r 357 DuBose av
Diggs Wm (Minnie L) 1 h 357 DuBose av
Dillard Alf (Julia C) 1 shoe shiner Tuck's Shoe Shop h 86 Broadacres
Dillard Beatrice student r 187 Lyndon Row
DILLARD COAL CO (Glen N Dillard) Coal and Fuel Oil 140 Cleveland av -- Dial
LI 6-8282 (See Front Supplement Cover
and Buyers Guide)

Dillard Deborah T (Mrs R W) ofc sec University Demonstration Sch r 290 North av
Dillard Ernest M (Corinne R) 1 plmbr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co h 270 Hall
Dillard Eug (Robbie P) 3 dr Veterans Cab Co h 275 Oakland av
Dillard Floyd r 270 Atlanta av Dillard Fredk student r 1498 E Broad DILLARD GLENN N (Cath G) 2 (Dil
lard Coal Co) h 258 West View dr -- Dial LI 6-6931 Dillard Glenn Jr student r 258 West View
dr Dillard Grace Mrs dietitian Athens High
Sch r 380 Bloomfield Dillard Hattie O maid 197 Oglethorpe
av r 537 4th Dillard Henry H (Margie S) 1 frt
hndlr Ga R R h 1498 E Broad Dillard J E (Joyce McC) staff supt The
Independent Life & Accident Ins Co r
Monroe Ga Dillard J H (Viola) agt Carolina Life Ins
Co r Hull rd RD 1 Dillard John H (Odell P) lab h 98
Broadacres Dillard John H (Frances M) 2 h 187
Lyndon Row Dillard John H Jr r 187 Lyndon Row Dillard John R student r 270 Hall Dillard John W (Julia B) h 247 Boule
vard hts Dillard Jos A (Mary L) 2 slsmn Heyward
Allan Mtr Co h 135 Oakland Way Dillard Lena E Mrs r 194 Bryant Dillard Lindsey (Rowena) mech Paul
Foster Garage h 270 Atlanta av Dillard Margt W Mrs sec to dir U of Ga
Library r Colbert Ga Dillard Locke C (Ruby B) 1 staff mgr
Carolina Life Ins Co h 104 Clover Dillard Mary 2 cook The Snack Shack r
249 China Dillard Mary K student r 258 West View
dr Dillard Mary L (Mrs J A) slswn Davison-
Paxon Co r 135 Oakland Way Dillard Omar C (Corrie G) farmer h 290
North av Dillard Robbie P (Mrs Eug) emp Big Ace
Corp r 275 Oakland av Dillard Robt W (Deborah T) elk Athens
Gro r 290 North av Dillard Rowena ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r 270 Atlanta av Dillard Sopronia cook h 270 Atlanta
av Dillard Sylvester (Ophelia B) wood
dlr 398 Bailey h same Dillard Watt h 840 Waddell Dillashaw Wm L (Phoebe C) 1 investigator
communicable diseases State Health Dept h 145 North View dr apt 2 Dillashaw Wm L Jr (Phoebe) investigator communicable diseases State Dept of Public Health r 145 North View dr Dillion Bob Jr student r 1792% S Lumpkin Dills Betty r RD 1

Dills Beulah K (wid John) r 159 Gilmer
Dills Curtis (Jonie W) 7 farmer h RD 1 Dills Curtis Jr (Edith J) 1 USA r RD 1 Dills Edmund G chf elk The Kroger Co r
Bogart Ga Dills Jeanette r RD 1 Dills Pledger USN r RD 1 Dious Alice maid 164 Rock Glenn rd r
1280 W Broad Dious Bernice student r 496 N Rock-
spring Dious Columbus (Evelyn F) 4 lab h
180 Glenhaven av Dious Dennis (Alice) r 1280 W Broad Dious Evelyn F dom r 180 Glenhaven
av Dious Mattie 1 r 313 S Finley Dious Otis (Susie T) porter University
Chevrolet Co Inc h 169 N Newton Dious Pless (Maude) h 116 Plaza Dious Susie T maid 615 Belvoir hts r
169 N Newton Di Palma Kath B (Mrs Lewis) emp Chico-
pee Mfg Co r 324 Georgia Depot De Palma Lewis (Kath B) stone ctr h 324
Georgia Depot Dixie Bicycle Shop (John W Jarrett) 163
W Clayton Dixie Canner Co Nelson Hitchcock pres-
treas, Jas M Porter v-pres, Lloyd Hitch cock sec 100 S Thomas Dixie Cap Rubber Sales Co Ralph M Snow pres-treas, Chas W Holloway v-pres, Mrs Louise H Snow sec 224 W Washington Dixie Cream Do-Nut Shop (E E Pitman) 896 S Lumpkin Dixie Hotel T E Myers mgr 304 E Wash ington Dixie Sign Co (Clarice L and Ralph W Conaway) 251% E Broad Dixion Lillian C (wid S F) ofc wkr U of Ga r 180 Hope av Dixon Arth L (Hattie S) (Dixon's Gro) h Princeton rd RD 4 Dixon Bertha (Mrs W G) spinner r 250 Hillside Dixon Bessie W Mrs 1 tex wkr h 124 State Dixon Buford L (Martha B) 2 dr Vet erans Cab Co h 863 N Chase Dixon C E (Florrie W) 1 mach opr Alexander Wood Products Co h 1830 W Broad extd Dixon Effie H cook Chi Psi Fraternity r 554 W Hancock av Dixon Ellis H (Anne N) prof U of Ga h 272 South View dr Dixon Emory G (Daisy D) h 536 Nantahala av Dixon Geneva nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r RD 1 Dixon Geo B (Lillian) banding mach opr Circular Banding Co r Princeton rd RD 4 Dixon Henry S (Frances A) 2 drftsmn Heery & Heery h 199 Woodrow Dixon Howard (Grace) atndt Cities Service Sta r Winterville Ga Dixon Ilene J Mrs r 270 Satula av

Dixon Melvin G (Mildred L) 1 trk dr Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co h Princeton rd RD 4
Dixon Otis C (Jennie W) hauling 540 Nantahala h same
Dixon Robt (Effie H) butler Chi Psi Fraternity h 554 W Hancock av
Dixon Wm G (Bertha) emp h 250 Hill side
Dixon's Grocery (A L Dixon) Princeton rd RD 4
Dobbins Everett (Mamie) yd mn U of Ga h 439 Madison av apt 2
Dobbs Dee W h 190 Hall Dobbs Inez pressmn Burman Prntg Co r
190 Hall Dobbs Louise V (wid B S) h 435 S Milledge
av apt 3 Dobbs O Reid (Maryon) h 425 N Mil-
ledge av
DOBBS R P (Anne P) 3 Pres Supreme
Recappers Inc Mgr Life Insurance Co of
Ga h 545 S Milledge av--Dial LI
3-3325 Dobbs W Frank (Carolyn H) prof U of
Ga h 147 Highland ter Dr Pepper Bottling Co of Athens Inc Wm
Loyd Florence Jr pres, Mrs Marie Flor ence sec-treas 940 W Broad Dodd Eliz R (Mrs V O) ofc sec Genl Mtrs Acceptance Corp r rear 450 Prince av Dodd Harvey L r 165 Waddell Dodd V O (Eliz R) slsmn Gulf Oil Service Sta r rear 450 Prince av Dodd W Lamar (Mary L) 1 prof U of Ga h 590 Springdale Dodley Fannie 2 maid h 861 Waddell Doggett Daisy Mrs h 724 Oconee Doll Marie 0 emp Dairypak Inc r 197 South View dr Dollar Hoyt G (Trella B) 1 mech Jordan Auto Service h 378 E Dougherty Donaldson Grace ofc sec U of Ga r 182 Wray Donaldson Laura S (wid J H) r 850 Prince av Donker John D (Signe B) 1 prof U of Ga h 2300 Jefferson rd RD 2 Donnelly Wm T investigator r 439 Col lege av Donner Jo Ann (Mrs Chas) fountain elk The Lyons Pharm r 132 Grady av
DONOVAN WALTER J Pastor St Joseph's
Catholic Church Supt St Joseph's Cath
olic School r 132 Prince av Dooley Arrette K (Mrs D F) tex wkr r
Princeton rd RD 4 Dooley DeWitt F (Arrette K) 2 trk dr
Sou Baking Co h Princeton rd RD 4
Crow's Drug Store Inc h 190 Best dr--
Dial LI 6-1645 Dooley Hilmon L (Pauline C) 2 storekpr
VFW Club r 350 Satula av Dooley Jas W (Reba N) trk dr Athens
Poultry Co h 485 Nacoochee av Dooley Jesse J receiving elk The Webb-
Crawford Co r Statham Ga Dooley John H Jr atndt McLeroy's Service
Sta r Newton Bridge rd

)ooley Melvin D cook Stephens Cafe h 253 E Dougherty
)ooley Prince R mill mn Southeastern Rub ber Mfg Co r Statham Ga
)ooley Reba N (Mrs J W) ckr University Lndry r 485 Nacoochee av
)ooley Sidney O (Eunice S) cook Little Willie's Cafe h 11 Parkview Homes
)ooley Susie C Mrs h 495 Baxter )ooley Tom W (Frances M) 2 agt Inde
pendent Life & Accident Ins Co h 495 Baxter )ooley Vereda opr S B T & T Co r 635 College av )oolittle A Mell (Gladys B) mgr Rowe Whse & Fertilizer Co h 565 W Cloverhurst av )oolittle Aubrey P (Eliz W) 1 agt Natl Life & Accident Ins Co h 655 Belvoir hts )oolittle Belle N (wid H C) asst registrar U of Ga r 575 Baxter )oolittle Belle N (wid H C) ofc wkr U of Ga r 275 Baxter )oolittle Dorothy L r 275 Baxter Doolittle Eliz W (Mrs A P) emp The C & S Natl Bk r 655 Belvoir hts
)OOLITTLE HUBERT A (Valeria B) (Red & Black Dry Cleaners) h 447 Oglethorpe av--Dial LI 6-0614
Doolittle Janette D (Mrs M S) emp Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 1280 E Broad
Doolittle Louise V 1 elk W J Smith & Bros r 176 1st
Doolittle Maggie D (wid NC) h!761st Doolittle Margt J student r 447 Oglethorpe
av Doolittle Marion S (Janette D) mgr
Am Vets h 1280 E Broad )oolittle Walter Clothing Store (Walter L
Doolittle) men's clo 181 N Thomas )oolittle Walter L (Edna McK) (Wal
ter Doolittle's Clothing Store) h 275 Baxter )oran Harry G (Gloria T) 2 (Athens Veterinary Clinic) h 1672 S Milledge av )orsey Clara h 550 Madison av )orsey Delia W maid 298 Oakland av r 1495 E Broad
>ORSEY - HEATING & AIR CONDI TIONING (Paul B Dor.ey) Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Metal Work 1375 Prince av--Dial LI 6-7451 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
K)RSEY PAUL B (Viola F) 2 (DorfeyHeating & Air Conditioning) h 311 Hoiman av--Dial LI 3-3829
)orsey Pearce E Rev (Louise P) pastor Thankfull Baptist Ch h 127 Franklin
)orsey Robt (Roxa) 3 jan Colonial Poultry Co h 241 Fields av
)orsey Tabernacle Baptist Church Rev R A Hall pastor Sunday Services 11:00 am and 8:00 pm 126 Savannah av
)orsey Wm porter B & Z Garage h 527 Madison av
)osser Frank A (Grace G) emp Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 175 Buena Vista av

Doster Alice A (Mrs W L) flrwn Good Luck Mfg Co r Newton Bridge rd
Doster Bessie M (Mrs W T) tex wkr Thomas Tex Co Inc r 597 Satula av
Doster Bobby G student r Princeton rd RD 4
Doster Chas (Eleanor S) (The Charles Co) r RD 1
Doster F Howard (Marie B) 1 emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 153 Inglewood av
Doster G Curtis (Lucy L) formn Ga Power Co h 1721 Prince av
Doster Garnett A (Bertha S) emp USPO h 905 Mitchell Mridge rd
Doster Glennie (Mrs Layton) typist U of Ga r 273 E Cloverhurst av
Doster Grady L (Pauline) h Johnson dr extd
Doster Harvey B (Mary P) ckr Athens Cooperative Creamery h 380 Price
Doster Herschel D (Inez C) 1 mach opr Good Luck Mfg Co h Princeton rd RD 4
Doster J A (Kathleen W) 2 h 687 Nantahala av
Doster Jamie L (Mildred L) 1 mgr Athens Auto Storage Co h 564 Pulaski
Doster John H (Mary V) mach Keller Mach Co r 195 Nantahala av
Doster Layton B Jr (Glennie) 1 glazier Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 273 E Clo verhurst av
Doster Mandy (wid John) h Princeton rd RD 4
Doster Marie B (Mrs F H) tex wkr r 153 Inglewood av
Doster Marvin B (Mary A S) 1 student and elk State Veterans Service Ofc h 240% Milledge hts
Doster Mattie H (wid J A) h Princeton rd RD 4
Doster Milton F (Lucile C) 1 ship elk Pu ritan Cordage Mill h Princeton rd RD 4
Doster R F (Ruth M) pntr h Johnson dr extd
Doster R Lewis (Clara L) 1 radio repr 14 Myrtle ct h same
Doster Robt G student r 14 Myrtle ct Doster Thos E student r 597 Satula av Doster Virginia L ofc wkr U of Ga r 905
Mitchell Bridge rd Doster Walter L (Alice A) (The Charles
Co) supt Good Luck Mfg Co h Newton Bridge rd RD 2 Doster Wm T (Bessie M) 2 h 597 Sa tula av Dotson Billy R (Joan W) 1 agt Liberty Natl Ins Co h 124 Virginia av Dotson Cliff (Eva) h 883 Water Dotson Eva presser University Lndry r 883 Water Dotson John A (Mattie A) dean College of Education U of Ga h 365 W Ruther ford Dotson Sylvia P Mrs tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 150 Lenoir av Dottery Neita G Mrs h 1428 Prince av

Dottle's Beauty Box (Dorothy S John son) 297 Lyndon av
Douglass E Bishop (Lucy K) aud State Sis Tax Dept h 165 University dr
Douglass Lucy K (Mrs E B) bkpr County Tax Collr r 165 University dr
Douglas Marylin Mrs waitress Georgian Hotel r 187 Tibbetts
Douglass Patsy maid 254 Dearing r 1725 w Hancock av
Dove Bennie (Roberta) trk dr Talmadge Whol Co Inc r Royston Ga
Dove Brantley fixer Climax Hosiery Mills r Colbert Ga
Dove Claudie L asst pressmn Athens Ban ner-Herald r RD 1
Dove Dorothy emp Crow's Drug Store r Boley dr
Dove Kath ofc sec Genl Mtrs Acceptance Corp r Boley dr
Dove Mary G (Mrs Blanton) ofc sec How ard T Abney Ins Agcy r 144 State
Dove Ralph E boarder Climax Hosiery Mills r Comer Ga
Dove Rush P (Ethal P) slsmn h Boley dr
Dove Walter plmbr W H Bailey Plmbg & Htg Co r Ila Ga
Dover Faith S mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r Commerce Ga
Dover Tom A (Virginia M) 3 phys 1010 Prince av h 610 Springdale
Dover Fred D (Rebecca S) 2 slsmn h 50 Sprhigdale
Dowdy Annie S (wid R L) r 295 Hill Dowdy Eliz dom r 1252 W Hancock av Dowdy Emma B Indrs h 146 N Chase Dowdy John D emp Rowe Whse & Fertz
Co h 8 Gordon's al Dowdy Lucile dom r 364 N Chase Dowdy Raymond (Marjie) lab Athens
Lbr Co h 254 Crawford av Dowdy Ruby maid 145 North View dr
apt 3 r 1635 Milledge extd Dowdy Saml (Lucile T) 5 butler
Phi Mu Sorority h 364 N Chase Dowdy Thos (Eliz) lab r 1252 W Han
cock av Dowdy Vada J 1 h 3 Gordon's al Dowdy Willie (Perry E) plstr h 152
Wiflow Dowdy Willie M maid Taylor Beauty
Shop r 167 Yonah av Dowdy Willie V home economist State
Agril Extn Service r Home Manage
ment House A Dowell Doris (Mrs T D) ofc sec U of Ga
r 326 Hill Downer Albert (Amanda H) h 483
3d Downer Chas T (Joan W) dr Veterans Cab
Co r 132 Grady av Downer Joan W (Mrs C T) emp Lyons
Pharm r 132 Grady av Downer Mary H (wid H G) r 360 Milledge
hts Downes Carroll (Ruth) factory rep h
524 Hill Downes Carroll III student r 524 Hill Downes Michl student r 524 Hill

Downing Beverly A B (Mrs T O) (Benson's Bakery) r Seattle Washington
Downs A Lloyd (Henrietta P) slsmn Lamar Lewis Co r Watkinsville rd RD 4
Downs Betty J slswn F W Woolworth Co r RD 4
Downs Brice (Sara M) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Downs Cath W (Mrs H R) slswn J C Pen ney Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Downs Edw H (Jeanne McC) 2 pres Downs Mtrs Inc h 1242% S Lumpkin
Downs Harold R (Kath) service pkr Dairypak Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Downs Harvey O (Lizzie D) formn The Webb-Crawford Co r Watkinsville Ga
Downs J Lamar (Marion) slsmn Thornton Bros Paper Co r RD 4
Downs Jeanne McC (Mrs E H) sec-treas Downs Mtrs Inc r 1242% S Lumpkin
Downs John C (Ora U) prof U of Ga h 370 S Pope
Downs K Linda student and bkpr Downs Mtrs Inc r 1242 V2 S Lumpkin
Downs Milton G (Sarah) parts mgr Trussell Equipment Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Downs Motors Inc Edw H Downs pres, Robt H Downs v-pres, Mrs Jeanne McC Downs sec-treas autos 234 W Hancock av used car lot 235 W Doughty
Downs Motors Service Station Edw H Downs mgr 224 W Hancock av
Downs Robt H (Miriam S) cred mgr The Webb-Crawford Co r Watkinsville Ga
Downs Robt H (Mary S) v-pres Downs Mtrs Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Downs Wm P (Cath J) farm m?r Felton Christian Equipment Co h 138 Westover dr
Dozier Mary r 180 W Rutherford Dozier Thos H (Kath C) real estate
broker h 760 Meigs Dozier Wm B h 180 W Rutherford Draeger Harold T (Maria R) USN h 489 N
Milledge av apt 1 Drake Alice S dist home demnstn agt State
Agrl Extn Service r 175 Brittain Drake Anna B dietitian City Schools h
252 Milledge hts Drake Boyd A mach Quality Mach Co r
Jefferson Ga Drake Charlie (Janet R) counter slsmn
Huggins Parts Co r 225 North av Drake Clark M appr electn Roberts Elec &
Appliance Co r Colbert Ga Drake David H electn Roberts Elec & Ap
pliance Co r RD 1 Drake Guy (Nancy) maintenance mn Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1 Drake Herbert (Mary) jan Athens Fed
eral Sav & Loan Assn h 280 Evans av
Drake John M (Eva C) slicing mach opr Benson's Bakery h 127 Elizabeth
Drake King lab Atlanta Gas Light Co r Winterville Ga
Drake Quilla D (Sarah C) h 130 Inglewood av
Drake Virgie C h 986 Reese

Drake Vivian (wid J F) lunch rm wkr Athens High Sch h 177 Oglethorpe av
Draper Anna B (wid S J) r 141 Wilkerson
Draper Henry G r 141 Wilkerson Draper Homer W (Essie S) emp Chico-
pee Mfg Co h 1284 E Broad Draper Jas (Sue) knitter Rodgers Hosiery
Co Inc r Hull Ga Draper Maebell emp Chicopee Mfg Co r
1263 E Broad Draper Minnie emp Chicopee Mfg Co h
1263 E Broad Draper Mozell mach opr Classic City Over-
all Co Inc r RD 1 Draper Nettie B Mrs r 1263 E Broad Drew Orisa G agt Afro-Am Life Ins
Co r Toccoa Ga Drewry Frank N (Ruth J) h 1440 S
Milledge av Drewry Geo H student r 437 Bloomfield Drewry Hayden L (Faye L) 3 (Burman
Prntg Co) h 160 Parkway dr Drewry J Milner slsmn Citizens Pharm r
1440 S Milledge ay Drewry John E (Miriam T) dean of
journalism U of Ga h 447 Highland av Drewry Lucius D (Jackie W) 3 chf eng
Radio Sta WRFC h 570 Agricultural dr Drewry Thelma P (wid S H) h 437
Bloomfield Driftmier R H (Helen S) member City
Council prof the U of Ga h 679 Hill Driftmier R H Jr student r 679 Hill Driggars Geo E (Ruth B) line formn
Ga Power Co h 140 Best dr Driskell Dennis H (Mae C) gro 271 Du-
Bose av h 790 Oglethorpe av Driskell Leon V city editor Athens Banner-
Herald r 790 Oglethorpe av Driskell Mae C (Mrs Dennis) cash Dennis
H Driskell r 790 Oglethorpe ay Driver Guy F (Agnes J) 2 prin Athens
High Sch h 1692 Prince av Duane Arbie S Mrs spinner Chicopee
Mfg Co h 191 1st DuBose Boiling S (Minnie T) (DuBose
& DuBose Ins Co) h 230 University dr DuBose Boiling S Jr (Mary N) 3 phys 412-
13 Sou Mut Bldg h 196 Hampton ct DuBose C Wellborn r 1st fir Shackelford
Bldg DuBose Hattie ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r 290 Savannah av DuBose Laura J hlpr Colonial Poultry
Co r 168 Johns DuBose Marion D (Lalage D) r 225 S Mil-
ledge av DuBose & DuBose (Boiling S DuBose)
genl ins 616 Sou Mut Bldg Dudley C B (Henrietta H) dept store 545
E Broad r Danielsville hwy RD 1 Dudley Carolyn ofc sec Allied Producers
& Sup Co Inc r Danielsville Ga Dudley Clarence E (Lois R) (Dudley
Mower Sis Co) r Winterville Ga Dudley E Gordon (Carol DuB) (Climax
Hosiery Mills) h 187 Woodlawn av Dudley Edw student r 187 Woodlawn Dudley Ethel S r 190 Satula av

Dudley Frank C (Patsy W) (Climax Hosiery Mills) h 175 Fortson dr
Dudley Frank C Jr student r 175 Fortson dr
Dudley Henerietta H (Mrs C B) mgr C B Dudley r Danielsville hwy RD 1
Dudley Henry M (Martha W) nurserymn h 670 W Broad
Dudley Henry R (Evelyn F) (Dudley Mower Sis Co r Arnoldville Ga
Dudley Jane T (wid J T) h 1593 S Lumpkin
Dudley Jas (Lucille) 3 h 968 College av Dudley Jas W (Eleanor F) 3 (Climax
Hosiery Mills) h 520 Springdale Dudley Lucille seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co
Inc r Colbert Ga Dudley Lucille (Mrs Jas) emp Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r 968 College av Dudley Martha W (Mrs H M) (Dudley's
Tourist Home) r 670 W Broad Dudley Mower Sales Co (Clarence E and
Henry R Dudley) 1310 Oconee Dudley Vallye P (wid A G) (Climax
Hosiery Mills) h 180 Fortson dr Dudley's Tourist Home (Mrs Martha W
Dudley) 670 W Broad Dufell Billy pntr Frank Fields r 130 Geor-
gia Railroad Dufell Bobby R (Betty W) 3 USAF h 130
Georgia Railroad Duffell Dupree ship elk Farmers Hdw of
Athens Inc r Lexington Ga Duffell Grady (Frances H) 1 trk dr Mag-
nolia Oil Co h 762 Pulaski Duffell Horace B r 762 Pulaski Duffell Lois Mrs r 223 Georgia Depot Duffell Minnie D Mrs h 223 Georgia
Depot Dufell Rosalee B (wid T D) h 130 Geor-
gia Railroad Duggar Beverly student r 195 Fortson
cir Duggar Ellyn student r 195 Fortson cir Duggar Llewellyn G Col (Freddie R)
prof of air science The U of Ga h 195 Fortson cir Duke John W (Christine W) comptroller Genl Time Corp h 1520 S Lumpkin apt E-4 Duke M F (Johnnie M) mgr Interstate Fire Ins Co and Interstate Life & Accident Ine Co r 53 Spring Tree Duke Marshall N Jr welder Quality Mach Co r Jefferson Ga Duke R L slsmn Farmers Hdw of Athens Inc r Commerce Ga Duke Wm (Lona) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 439 College Dulaney Clyde (Annie Laura E) emp Puritan Cordage Mills h Princeton rd RD 4 Dulin Annelle S bkpr Hodgkinson's r 265 Barber Dulinawka Peter (Mabel T) 4 carp h 218 North av Dumas Marie prof U of Ga r Georgian Hotel Dunagin Clarence (Gwendolyn) 1 USN h 526 Reese



Dunahoo Betty C (Mrs J R) bkpr Cities Service Distributors r Princeton rd RD 4
Dunahoo J Ray Rev (Betty) pastor Princeton Methodist Ch h Princeton rd RD 4
Dunaway Anne W (wid A O) hlpr L M Leathers' Sons h 267 Franklin
Dunaway Betty W Mrs slswn DavisonPaxon Co r Winterville Ga
Dunaway Carl B night mgr Costal Service Sta r 363 E Cloverhurst av
Dunaway Estes H (wid Win) slswn h 140 Standard Oil rd
Dunaway Homer B (Leonia B) 1 emp G M Caskey & Sons h 363 E Cloverhurst av
Dunaway Lillian M (wid J Y) h 259 Bloomfield
Dunaway Nolee M tchr Music Dept U of Ga r 259 Bloomfield
Dunaway Troy E (Florry M) 1 shoe repr Martin Bros Shoe Shop h 248 Madi
son av Dunnaway Willie J winder Athens Elastic
& Braid Co r RD 4 Dunaway Willie J (wid EL) emp Ath
ens Elastic & Braid Co h Princeton rd RD 4 Dunbar Jessie A (wid Wm) h 153 Bou
levard hts Dunbar Mary F (Mrs Bill) quality control
ckr Dairypak Inc r 743 Boulevard
Dunbar Wm A (Mary C) 3 carrier USPO h 743 Boulevard
Duncan Alice inspr Climax Hosiery Mills r 195 Mulberry
Duncan Amon 0 (Willie S) 1 prof U of Ga h 1870 S Lumpkin
Duncan Billie R student r 1926 S Lumpkin
Duncan C A (Frances G) atndt Berryman's Service Sta r 150 Wynburn av
Duncan Clara spinner Chicopee Mfg Co r 180 1st
Duncan Columbus A (Annie K) 1 h 180 1st
Duncan Edw (Mattie M) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 152 Arch
Duncan Ernest J (Willie L) 1 tex wkr h 995 Oconee
Duncan Frances G (Mrs C A) waitress AST Restr r 150 Wynburn av
Duncan Frank E (Florie) slsmn Ga Mtrs Inc r RD 3
Duncan Genevive E (Mrs Wm) waitress Normal Cafe r 1240 Prince av apt B-3
Duncan Gladys S emp Southeastern Rub ber Mfg Co r Winterville Ga
Duncan Grocery (W A Duncan) 498 Madi
son av Duncan Hazel L slswn S H Kress & Co r
Hull Ga Duncan Flora H Mrs hse dir Joe E Brown
Hall r 427 S Lumpkin Duncan Jas C r 270 Compress Duncan Jas R student r 1870 S Lumpkin
Duncan John P (Violet K) elk Bell's Food Mkt r 467 Boulevard
Duncan Margt elk Bell's Food Mkt r 467 Boulevard

Duncan Mary Mrs 2 h 156 Miles Duncan Mary S slswn S H Kress & Co r
476 Boulevard Duncan Naomi mach opr Classic City Over
all Co Inc r Hull Ga Duncan Nora L knitter Climax Hosiery
Mills r 195 Mulberry Duncan Wm (Genevieve E) 2 lab Simp-
son Trucking Co h 1248 Prince av
apt B-3 Duncan Wm A gro 498 Madison av r 533
Nantahala av Duncan Walter E (Sallie T) h 985 Oco
nee Duncan Wm H (Pansy S) mgr Athens
Quick Freeze & Storage h 1926 S Lumpkin Duncan Wm R h 533 Nantahala av Dunn Annie B 2 maid 191 Hall h 137 Pearl Dunn Erskine H (Estelle H) frt delmn S A L R R h 275 Johnson dr Dunn Francis M (Estelle B) ship elk Keller Mach Co h 140 Inglewood av Dunn Guy W (Aline C) 1 h 125
Trail Creek Duneon Harold T drivers license examiner
State Patrol r Blairsville Ga Dunn LeRoy hseboy Georgian Hotel r
125 Trail Creek Dunn Mary C teaching asst U of Ga h 1050
S Lumpkin apt 305 Dunn Mattie 7 r 112 Berry Dunn Rosa L dishwasher Old South
Restr Inc r 112 Berry Dunn Sally P (wid P R) h 230 Yonah av Dunn Watson (Mary J) 8 lab Hogan
Bros Lbr Co h 354 Barber Dunn Wm H (Ada R) pntr h 185 N
Peter Dunning Jas W (Laura) emp Athens Co
operative Creamery r Pre-Fab Ag Hill
Dunson Linton R (Margt S) 1 associate
leader State 4-H Club h 230 Cherokee av
Dunson Margt S (Mrs L R) tchr Barrow Sch r 230 Cherokee av
Dunston Jas F gro 596 Pulaski r 250 Boonefield
Dunston Loy E projectionist Palace The
ater h 359 Pulaski DuPree Bertha G (wid D H) h 745 S
Milledge av Dupree Dan H (La Grange T) 2 slsmn
C A Trussell Mtr Co h 515 Springdale Dupree Edda E maid 202 Gran Ellen dr r 1683 Milledge av extd
Dupree Jeanette M Mrs 1 dom r 1540 E Broad
Dupree John (Georgia G) h 148 Wil low
Dupree Josie maid Holman Hotel h 247
Vine DuPree Lagrange T (Mrs D H) elk C A
Trussell Mtr Co r 515 Springdale
Dupree Louise hlpr University Lndry r 247 Vine
Dupree Martha hlpr Colonial Poultry Co r 45 Fuller



DuPree Sterling A (Alda D) 1 football coach U of Ga h 430 Hampton ct
Dupree Wm (Mary S) 1 lab Colonial Poultry Co h 1683 Milledge av extd
Dupree Willie R (Emma) 2 hlpr The Webb-Crawford Co r 45 Fuller
Duraczynski Wm S r 221 Gilliland dr Burden P H Music Store (P H Burden) 459
E Clayton Burden Philip H (Margt McC) 2 (P H
Burden Mus Store and Burden's Trailer Camp) h 1055 Prince av apt 4 Burden's Trailer Camp (Philip H Burden) rear 450 Prince av Burham Calvin (Caldonia Inn) sch tchr r 519 Arch
DURHAM-CUSTOM TAILORS (Luther McD Durham) 156*2 College av -- Dial LI 3-2231 (See Special Section)
Burham Geo H (Clara McR) slsmn The McGregor Co r Watkinsville Ga
Burham Icelean cook r 274 N Rockspring
Burham Lindsey G (Susie S) wtchmn The Hanna Mfg Co h 203 S Finley
Burham Linsey G Jr slsmn University Book Store r 203 S Finley
Burham Lucas S Rev pastor Ebenezer Baptist Ch h 519 Arch
DURHAM LUTHER McD (Mary J) 1 (Durham - Custom Tailors) h 272 N Rockspring1
Burham Martha S student r 519 Arch
Burham Mattie E cook Newtown Sch h 146 Savannah av
Burham Willis (Icelean) jan h 274 N Rockspring
Burr Ralph E r 290 S Hull
Burrence Leonard C interne Athens Genl Hosp r 619 Hill
Bye Bertha H cash Gallant-Belk Co r 465 College av
Bye Carl J (Azzie L T) brklyr h 465 Col lege av
Bye Boyle (Lillian) dr Black & White Cab Co h rear-a 1162 W Broad
Bye Jas E (Agnes T) sheet metal wkr h 2092 Jefferson rd RB 2
Bye Jessie C (wid O B) h 187 Georgia av
Bye W Ellis (Jessie F) mech J Swanton Ivy Inc r RB 4
Byer C Dorsey (Ethele E) 2 forester State Agrl 'Extn Service h 60 Springdale
Byer S Eldon (Marian H) 1 asst prof U of Ga h 120 Waverly ct
Byes Baisy S maid 190 West View dr r 631 Bearing
Byess J Billy USMM r 375 Price av
Bykes Walter J (Macie C) pntr r 141 Mad ison av
Dyrdahl Anne N Mrs elk Tony Postero In sulating Co r 365 West View dr

To Find a Name You Must
Know How to Spell It.
E & E Distributing Co (Edgar Escoe) beer whol Oneta
E & S Tire Service (Wm S Eberhart) 146 W Clayton
Eades Geo W ofc sec The McGregor Co r Watkinsville Ga
Eades John J whsemn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Watkinsville Ga
Eades Lourene emp The C & S Natl Bk r Watkinsville Ga
Eadie Alf F (Beatrice C) 2 cook Pig Brive Inn r 530 N Harris
Eadie Beatrice C (Mrs A F) waitress Pis Brive Inn r 530 N Harris
^agle Marie r 819 Waddell Ealey Albert (Gertrude B) 2 jan U
of Ga h 850 Waddell Ealey Edd (Florence N) 9 lab Athens
Marble & Granite Co h end King av nr Broad Ealey Eddie E r end King av nr W Broad Ealey Gertrude B maid r 850 Waddell Ealey Inez L cook 182 Best dr r end King av nr W Broad Ealey Joe r 170 Paris Ealey Judd (Mattie L) h 170 Paris Ealey Katie L h 1985 W Broad Ealey M Louise 1 r end King av nr W Broad Ealey Margt G cook r ned King av nr W Broad Ealey Martha L maid r 394 Augusta av Ealey Mattie maid r 1985 W Broad Ealey Willie bus boy Georgian Hotel r 1985 W Broad Ealy Clarence jan Athens Country Club r 293 S Rockspring Earles John W (Jossa L) 1 well digger h 688 Henderson av extd Earnest Betsy student r 210 Sunset dr Earnest Chas B (Julia G) 1 asst nutrition ist State Agrl Extn Service h 210 Sunset dr Earnest Chas B Jr student r 210 Sunset dr Earnest Bavid L (Vivian S) h 782 Cobb Earnest Julia G (Mrs C B) ofc sec U of Ga r 210 Sunset dr East Athens Baptist Church Rev Horace R Burnley pastor Sunday Services 11:00 am and 8 pm E Broad East Athens Baptist Church Annex 1293 E Broad East Athens Service Station (Clarence A Barrett) 1270 Oconee East Athens School Jessie H McWhorter prin N Peter East Side Grocery (Nathl Jones) 1699 E Broad Easter Alta M Mrs dist mgr Avon Prod ucts Inc ofc 1510 S Lumpkin apt H-2 h same



Ebenezer Baptist Church Rev J H San ders pastor Sunday Service 11:30 am 205 N Chase
Ebenezer Baptist Church Rev Lucas Dur ham pastor 186 N Derby
Eberhardt Alex H (Sarah H) mgr athletic equipment U of Ga h 560 Morton av
Eberhardt Annie M nurse 655 Milledge cir r 251 Plaza
Eberhardt Bertha cook Barrow Street Sch r 1420 W Hancock
Eberhardt Betty L Mrs elk Bell's Food Mkt r Watkinsville Ga
Eberhardt Eleanor B (Mrs L W Jr) tchr r 120 South View dr
Eberhardt Jos N tchr Union Baptist In stitute r 1420 W Hancock
Eberhardt Linton W Jr (Eleanor B) 2 asst dir State Agrl Extn Service h 120 South View dr
Eberhardt Lucius B (Bertha) h 1920 W Hancock av
Eberhardt Mary S (wid S L) r 578 Meigs Eberhardt Robt C (Annie M) chauf
655 Milledsre cir h 251 Plaza
Athens Refrigeration & Appliance Co
Inc r Comer Ga Eberhardt Virginia R outside posting elk
S B T & T Co r 560 Morton av Eberhart Blanch T (Mrs R T) sch tchr r
140 Pulaski hts Eberhart C E (Jessie L P) (Ga Barber
Shop) r Cblbert Ga Eberhart C Eug (Mattie S) 3 h 324
Bailey Eberhart Chas C (Helen K) staff mgr
Interstate Life & Accident Ins Co h 520 Pine Needle rd Eberhart Daisy E r 579 Pulaski Eberhart Donald emp E & E Distributin<* Co r 1750 E Broad Eberhart Edgar L (Esma B) field eng Ga Power Co h 378 Oak Eberhart Ernest L student r 629 Pinecrest dr Eberhart Essex h 253 Dublin Eberhart Henry G lab G M Caskey & Son h 226 Flint Eberhart Henry J (Thalma) 3 porter Heyward Alien Mtr Co h 34 Broadacres Eberhart Jas hlpr Roberts Elec & Appli ance Co r Colbert Ga Eberhart John kitchen hlpr Georgian Hotel r 524 W Hancock Eberhart Josh (Beatrice S) farm hd h 308 Boley dr Eberhart Kenneth G (Eliz MB) 'Ath ens Motor & Mach Co) h 270 Hodgson dr
Eberhart Margt r 219 Fields av
Eberhart Marian J r 219 Fields av
Eberhart Marvin D (Charlotte L) mach Ga Tire & Rubber Co Inc h 629 Pinecrest dr
Eberhart Marvin D Jr (June C) 2 shoe repr Tuck's Shoe Shop h 832 W Broad extd

Eberhart Mary B (Mrs T C) mach opr
Classic City Overall Co r 171 1st Eberhart Mattie S maid r 324 Bailey Eberhart Mildred r 219 Fields av Eberhart Nancy A student r 397 Ogle-
thorpe av Eberhart Naomi r 115 Sylvia cir Eberhart Nathl r 52 Bray Eberhart Robt J r 629 Pinecrest dr Eberhart Rufe T (Blanche P) lieut City
Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 140 Pulaski hts Eberhart T Carlton (Mary B) wrapper
The McGregor Co h 171 1st Eberhart T Noel (Nettie R) orthoptic tech
Dr Andrew J Denman and Dr Walter H Matthews r Colbert Ga Eberhart Thelma maid King Cotton Mo tor Ct r N Chase Eberhart Thos H (Hilda P) 2 firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 115 Sun set dr Eberhart Viola S (wid W T) r 579 Pu laski Eberhart Viola S9h219 Fields av Eberhart Will (Dorothy M) h 650 Vine Eberhart Wm A (Helen L) 2 utility mn Plantation Pipe Line Co h 475 N Church Eberhart Wm E (Nina W) 2 h 40 Parkview Homes Eberhart Wm F r 629 Pinecrest dr Eberhart Wm S (Evelyn L) 1 (E & S Tire Service) h 397 Oglethorpe av Eberhart Wm W (Montine K) 3 printer The Athens Banner-Herald h 610 Belvoir Eberhart Willie grad nurse 115 Sylvia cir h same Echols Anna M 1 r 323 Plaza Echols Chas W (Betty) slsmn Athens Glass & Mirror Co r Atlanta hwv Echols Evalena head nurse Susan's Med ical Center r 1127 W Hancock av Echols Lonnie C 1 r 1327 W Hancock av Echols Sallie maid 485 Highland av h 238 N Church Echols Wm M (Betty C) 1 journevmn meat ctr The Kroger Co h 185 N Hull apt 6 Eckenrod Electrical Service (R C Eckenrod) 118 Clover Eckenrod Robt C (Ruth S) (Eckenrod Elev Service) h 118 Clover Eckford Nell H Mrs h 325 N Milledge av Eckles Charlotte student r 150 University dr Eckles Reuben J (Eliz B) 1 (The Chicken Mkt) h 150 University dr
H Kennon Mijr Automobile and Home
Supplies 175 E Clay ton Dial LI 6-8371
Economy Metal Weatherstrip Co (Tom J Fleeman) 289^ N Lumpkin
Economy Package Shop (Geo Gastley) At lanta hwy
Ector Anna r 240 Fields av
Ector Ida cook Manus Cafe r 362 1st



Ector Jerry (Ida) jan U of Ga h 362 1st
Eddins Earl T (Florence P) USA r 140 Lakeview
Eddins Florence P (Mrs E T) waitress Ted's Cafe r 140 Lakeview
Edins Marion J hlpr L M Leathers' Sons T Canon Ga
Edna's Beauty Shop (Mrs Edna T Davis) 1625 S Lumpkin
Edward Lula O h 623 N Hull Edward Mae hlpr Athens Poultry Co r
623 N Hull Edward Ossie M hlpr Athens Poultry Co
r 623 N Hull Edwards A Nelson engineering aide State
Hwy Dept r Washington Ga Edwards Albert T h 149 Mitchell Edwards Austin M (Mamie L) (Edwards
Gro) h 210 North av Edwards Austin S (Miriam P) h 190
Woodlawn av Edwards Beatrice r rear 285 Cleveland
av Edwards Betty J elk Afro-Am Life Ins
Co r 243 Cleveland av Edwards Boston (Beatrice B) butler
Sigma Chi Fraternity h 555 E Strong Edwards Boston Jr (Margt B) 1 bellmn
Holman Hotel h 67 Broadacres Edwards Chas A (Frances A) 1 sis mgr
Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 139 Hope av Edwards Chas A Jr student r 139 Hope av Edwards Chlora B tchr West Broad Sch r 1249 W Broad Edwards Claud L (Mayo B) 2 shoe repr Martin Bros h 195 Henderson av Edwards Coile (Estee D) whsemn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Bogart Ga Edwards Coile E (Gatha B) 6 atndt Cities Service Sta h 346 E Strong Edwards David J lab U of Ga r 555 E Strong Edwards Dorothy cook Bunkley's Cafe h 319 Bailey Edwards Dorthy 3 maid r 347 S Finley Edwards Dorothy F (Mrs E H) member City Playground & Recreation Bd r 245 Barnett Shoals rd Edwards E Hayes (Dorothy F) 2 appr linemn Ga Power Co h 245 Barnett Shoals rd Edwards Eddie r 146 Savannah av Edwards Eddie (Willie M) lab Co lonial Poultry Co Inc h rear 285 Cleve land av Edwards Eula M maid r 146 Savannah av Edwards Evelyn L maid r 243 Cleve land av
Edwards Frances D (Mrs G R) waitress Tony's Restr r 625 Belvoir hts
Edwards G Ralph (Frances D) collr Ga Power Co h 625 Belvoir hts
Edwards Geo roofer L M Leathers' Sons r RD 1
Edwards Geo Jr (Dorothy H) 5 porter Kesler's Service Sta h 51 Broadacres

Edwards Geo D treas Armstrong & Dobbs Inc r 186 Catawba av
Edwards Geo W (Lottie P) supvr Chicopee Mfg Co h 175 1st
Edwards Grocery (Henry H Edwards) 298 Baxter
Edwards Grocery (Austin M Edwards) 255 North av
Edwards Gwendolyn maid 241 Highland av r 1249 Broad
Edwards Harrison (Pauline) 1 jan 480 W Rutherford r 462 Madison av
Edwards Harry (Katie L) blksmith Tucker's Blksmith Shop r RD 4
Edwards Hattie h 462 Madison av Edwards Henry H (Alleen G) 1 (Ed
wards Gro) h 588 King av Edwards Henry M (Nora F) h 277 Hia-
wassee av Edwards Homer T (Chlora B) 2 tchr
Athens High & Industrial Sch h 1249 W Broad Edwards Hortense A student r 339 S Finley Edwards Hubert L (Thelma C) 1 mech Ga Power Co h 187 1st Edwards Isabella A r 165 Waddell Edwards J Boston (Eula M) pntr h 243 Cleveland av Edwards J Boston Jr porter Athens Genl Hosp r 243 Cleveland av Edwards J Wm (Margt L) mech H Paul Williams h 169 Grady av Edwards Jas (Lizzie) jan U of Ga h 281 Savannah av Edwards Jas H (Mary T) 2 opr City Water Works h 195 Nantahala av Edwards Jeanette student r 210 North av Edwards Joe supt City Water Distributing System r Sandy Creek Pumping Sta Edwards Joe W student r 297 Boulevard Edwards Jos (Nell S) tchr r 1220 S Milledge Edwards Katie L maid 182 Catawba av r RD 4 Edwards Lloyd W r 555 E Strong Edwards Lois 2 r 883 Reese Edwards Lois H stockrm elk S H Kress & Co r Monroe Ga Edwards Lottie P (Mrs G W) winder Chicopee Mfg Co r 175 1st Edwards Lquise mach opr 'Classic City Overall Co Inc h 867 North av Edwards Lula D (wid G O)) r 175 1st Edwards Mack student r Durlan ct apt 6 Edwards Maggie C (wid W W) r 275 South View dr Edwards Mamie L (Mrs AM) mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r 210 Madi son Edwards Margt A r 339 S Finley Edwards Margt B maid Davison-Paxon Co r 67 Broadacres
Edwards Margt S (wid W W) r 275 South View dr
Edwards Marilyn J nurse 294 Dearing r 339 S Finley
Edwards Mattie B h 156 Willow
Edwards Mell W (Margt P) mkt mgr

Colonial Food Stores Inc h 556 Meigs Edwards Mildred B 1 dom r 149 N
Pope Edwards Nell I (Mrs Jos) sch tchr r 1220
S Milledge ay Edwards O Virgil Rev (Annie S) 3 h 210
North av Edwards Odell refrigeration mech L M
Leathers' Sons Roofing & Sheet Metal Wks r Danielsville rd Edwards Olivia O'K (wid RE) bdg 439 College av h same Edwards Pauline cook r 462 Madison av EDWARDS PRESCRIPTION LABORA
TORY (W LeRoy Edwards) Prescription
Druggist 1st fir Southern Mutual Bldg--
Dial LI 3-5252 (See Buyers Guide) Edwards Riley (Eula M) 1 ctr Colonial
Poultry Co Inc h 146 Savannah av Edwards Sammie L maid 354 Milledge
cir r 339 S Finley Edwards Sampson shoe shiner Black &
White Cab Co r 365 Vine Edwards Sampson (Virginia S) 9 presser
Whitworth's Clnrs & Dyers h 339 S Finley Edwards Shirley r 588 King av
EDWARDS W LE ROY (France* S) 1
(Edwards Prescription Laboratory and
Medical Center Pharmacy) h 499 Fort-
son dr--Dial LI 6-6500 Edwards Wayne pharm Horton's Drug
Store r Winterville Ga Edwards Willie h 424 N Billups Edwards Willie M ctr Colonial Poultry
Co Inc r rear 285 Cleveland Edwards Willie R r 555 E Strong Eidam Barbara ofc sec St Mary's Hosp r
175 Nacoochee av Eidam Hallie K (wid R E) h 175 Na
coochee av Eidson Doris W (AC) ofc sec Dr Tom O
Meissner r RD 3 Eidson Howard trk dr Atlanta-Asheville
Mtr Exp Co r Winterville Ga Eidson Jas L trk dr Atlanta-Asheville Mtr
Exp Inc r Winterville Ga Eidson John D (Ada Y) h Lexington
rd Eidson John O (Perrin C) prof U of Ga
h 453 South View dr Eidson Louie M hlpr Atlanta-Asheville Mtr
Exp Co r Winterville Ga Eidson R Milton (Rebecca H) 1 asst
plant mgr M P Morris Ready Mixed Con crete h 150 Westover dr Eidson Rebecca H (Mrs R M) ofc sec M P Morris Ready Mixed Concrete r 150 Westover dr Eidson Wilmot K (Fannie) slsmn Norris Hdw Co Inc r RD 3
Elder Beatrice 2 maid West Lake dr h 57 Broadacres
Elder Bertha L bus girl Old South Restr Inc r 1505 E Broad
Elder Carey L r 175 Paris
Elder Carrie C 3 emp Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 1505 E Broad

Elder Cecil (Ida M) 2 Jan U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h 1467 W Broad
Elder Chas F Jr (Mary C) 3 dentist 1010 Prince av h 497 Milledge ter
Elder Clarence (Mary) hlpr Weir & White Air Conditioning & Htg Co h 132 Upson al
Elder D Mayne (June A) area coordinator State Veterans Service Ofc r Watkinsville Ga
Elder Dawson shop formn Athens Auto Sup Co r Winterville Ga
Elder Dora C h 804 Waddell Elder E Nelson (Betty A) 2 (Co-Ed) h
984 S Lumpkin Elder Ella C cash Georgia Theater r
1467 W Broad Elder Emma emp Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r 144 Warsaw Elder Emma G r 144 Warsaw Elder Estelle C (Mrs J L) elk Bell's Food
Mkt r Gaines Sch rd RD 3 Elder F M (Dorothy) ofc supvr Gulf Oil
Corp r Watkinsville Ga Elder Frank Jr (Sameline C) 2 whse
mn Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 770 Bray Elder Frank W lab G M Caskey & Son
r Watkinsville Ga Elder Frazier (Rosa B) lab Mathis
Constn Co h 620 S Church Elder Gladys E cook-dishwasher Termi
nal Grill r 126 S Newton Elder Gussie M 5 wood dlr 811 Wad-
dell h same Elder Harry H (Estelle L) chairman
County Comnrs of Roads & Revenue farmer h Mitchell Bridge rd RD 4 Elder Harvey (Mattie H) lab h 139 Plum Elder Hattie 5 h 549 S Finley Elder Isabelle waitress Manhattan Cafe r 126 S Newton Elder J Raymond (Katie K) wtchmn Chicopee Mfg Co h 179 1st Elder Jack N r 179 1st Elder Jo G (Mrs Raymond) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 185 Baxter Elder John h 753 Dearing Elder John D (Eliz S) 1 phys 428 N Milledge av h 364 Parkway dr Elder John H (Gladys E) 1 lab Rowe Whse & Fertz Co h 126 S Newton Elder Julia A r 249 Plaza Elder Katie seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Farmington Ga Elder L C (Suzie M) emp h 249 Plaza
ELDER LAMAR A (Lucile A) 2 Sec-
Treas Moon-Winn Drug Co Inc h 2 Myr
tle Ct--Dial LI 3-5472 Elder Laura M h 635 Oglethorpe av Elder Lillie 3 h 124 Peabody
ELDER LUCILE A (Mrs L A) Pres Moon-
Winn Drug Co Inc r 2 Myrtle Ct--Dial
LI 3-5472
Elder Lula r 1163 W Broad Elder Mable I (wid C F) h 140 Green
wood ct Elder Martha L weaver Chicopee Mfg Co
r 179 1st



Elder Mary maid r 132 Upson al Elder Nathan T (Mary W) 2 phann Ed
wards Prescription Laboratory h 586 Franklin Elder Ophila r 1467 W Broad Elder Raymond (Jo G) racker Grant Bil liard Parlor r 185 Baxter Elder Raymond (Lucille T) 3 bellmn Georgian Hotel h 26 Broadacres Elder Robt L trk dr Gallant-Belk Co r Winterville Ga Elder Robt W (Eliz) appr presmn Dairypak Inc r Farmington Ga Elder Samiline C stockrm elk S H Kress & Co r 770 Bray Elder Suzie M cook 289 Cloverhurst av r 249 Plaza Elder Syleman student r 1505 E Broad Elder Sylvester r 1505 E Broad Elder Thos L rep Thos L Elder Tailoring h 145% Grady av Elder Thos L rep Thos L Elder Tailoring h 145% Grady av Elder Virginia seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Farmington Ga Elder Will lab h 128 Augusta av Eldon J Parizek (Mildred B) 2 prof U of Ga h 447 Milledge hts Eldridge Elvin J (Jane H) 2 (Jerkins, Eldridge & Co) CPA 703-05 Sou Mut Bldg h 135 Gran Ellen dr Eleazer Tommy student r 1491 S Lumpkin Eley Marion tel opr S B T & T Co r 210 Hall Elgin G W (Vera B) 3 emp R E Poss & Son Cannery h 731 Pulaski Elkins Jas O (Clayta D) supvr Reserve Life Ins Co r Atlanta Ga Elks Club 1260 S Milledge av Ellenton Daisy r 876 Waddell Eller Margt student r 574 Pulaski Elley Louise D maid 170 Catawba av r 394 Augusta av Ellington Clarence S (Maudestine M) dist mgr Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co h 195 N Billups Ellington Cath A cook Broad Street Sen h 385 N Billups Ellington Sarah r 420 S Finley Elliott Mamie M (wid W H) tchr Uni versity Demonstration Sch h 317 Frank lin Elliott Roberta P (wid C C) recreational dir The Lyndon Hse Community Center r 513 N Jackson Elliott Ruby h Mitchell Bridge rd RD 4 Elliott Thelma W tchr Barrow Sch h 105 Milledge cir apt 1 Elliott Thos L (Ruby A) trav slsmn h 721 S Milledge av Ellis Anna h 476 1st Ellis Betty J student r 112 Berry Ellis Claude J (Nellie T) 4 mech hlpr Adams Constn Co h 941 Hobson av Ellis Clifford (Pearl H) 2 cook AST Restr h 112 Berry Ellis Clyde L (Carolyn F) supt Athens Lbr Co Inc r RD 1

Ellis Hattie h 387 Water Oak Ellis Hattie J h 387 1st Ellis India L 2 maid College av h 420
Madison av Ellis Jas (Rosa L) 3 piano refnshr P H
Durden Mus Store h 483 3d Ellis Kath student r 152 Willow Ellis Lamar butler 980 S Lumpkin r 387
1st Ellis Lamar B butler 980 S Lumpkin r
387 1st Ellis Nellie T maid r 941 Hobson av Ellis Pearl H maid r 112 Berry Ellis Wm A (Mildred) 1 USN r 425 South
View dr Ellison Clark H Rev (Annie W) 1 pastor
Central Baptist Ch h 142 Madison av Elrod Alcie T (Irma G) 1 genl asst City
Mtrs Inc h 170 Boulevard hts Elrod Carl D (Grace H) 1 electn U of
Ga h 396 Oconee Elrod Carrie A (wid J R) pastor Apostolic
Faith Ch h 151% Chatooga av Elrod Grace H (Mrs CD) tex wkr r 396
Oconee Elrod Irma G (Mrs A T) slswn Davison-
Paxon Co r 170 Boulevard hts Elrod Jas L (Eula H) knitter Rodgers Hos
iery Co Inc h 1082 S Lumpkin Elrod Lona McRee Mrs bkpr Dixie Canner
Co r RD 1 Elrod Nancy r 396 Oconee Elrod Warren P (Clara W) h 255 Hoi-
man av Elsdon Norman C (Lmla J) 1 carp
Mathis Constn Co h 126 Sylvia cir Ely Lula h 1755 E Broad Embry Jas B (Marie S) 3 appliance re-
pairmn Ga Power Co h 240 Beulah av Emerick Jas D (Martha H) 1 firemn City
Fire Dept Sta No 1 r 683 Boulevard Emerson Maude C (wid W R) h 345 Hia-
wassee av Emerson Nell M (Mrs Richd) seamer Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 137 Berlin Emerson Patk (Irene F) 2 supvr Chico-
pee Mfg Co h 185 Park av Emily's Beauty Shop (Mrs Emily McK
Paul) 151% E Clayton Emmanuel Episcopal Church Rev J Earl
Gilbreth rector Sunday Services 8:00 am and 11:00 am 498 Prince av Emmanuel Episcopal Church Annex 692 N Pope Emmanuel Holiness Church Rev John Ke%ler pastor E Broad Empire State Chemical Co (Div of Hodgeson's Inc) Morton S Hodgeson pres, Garnett L Daniel and E R Hodgeson Jr v-prests, C P Belding supt ofc 286 Oco nee plant Winterville rd England Annie S knitter Climax Hosiery Mills r 344 Peter
England Arth L pntr W N Alien & Son r 877 College av
England Earl R delmn Sinkwich Furn Co r Crawford Ga
England Fave A (Mrs L C) opr S B T &
T Co r 350 Satula av

England Fred T (Inez S) 3 slsmn Hoicomb Service Sta h 344 S Peter
England Lester C (Fay A) 2 sch tchr h 350 Satula av
England Lillie S (wid A A) h 877 Col lege av
England Richd T (Joyce H) 1 appr glazier Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 248 Beulah av
English Cash Grocery (H A English) 410 Millard
English Harold A (Pauline L) (English Cash Gro) h 357 S Milledge av
Entre Nous Club meets 1st and 3d Thurs days 6:30 pm 347 W Hancock av
Eppard Joanna G (wid L L) chf opr S B T & T Co h 420 Morton av
Eppes Arth B (Clara S) plmbr 557 Meigs h same
Eppes Fred h 297 Peabody
Eppes) Electrical Contractor 153 N
Jackson----Dial LI 3-3375 (See Buyers
EPPES JOHN W (Mary L) (John Eppe.
Electric Co) h 247 Peabody -- Dial LI
Epps Annie W (Mrs R C) emp Chicopee Mfg Co r 289 Cemetery
Epps Billy B (Nelle P) 2 pharm Warren J Smith & Bro h 190 Carlton ter
Epps Billy R emp Athens Cooperative Creamery r 227 W Dougherty
Epps Camille H Mrs h 195 Henderson av
Epps Chas W USN r 892 Hill Epps Charlie J (Frances K) 1 feeder opr
Dairypak Inc h 150 Wynburn av Epps Donald R r 289 Cemetery Epps E Pat student r 892 Hill Epps Evelyn L (wid T J) h 1020 W
Hancock av Epos Frances K (Mrs C J) supvr S B T &
T Co r 150 Wynburn Epps Frances M (Mrs G B) cash-bkpr In
terstate Life & Accident Ins Co r 420 Hiawassee av Epps Grace B (Mrs J 0) mach opr Angers Mfg Co r 227 W Dougherty Epps Grocery (M E Epps) 575 N Jack son Epps Grover B (Frances M) 1 hlpr W A Stevens Co h 420 Hiawassee Epps John O (Grace B) 1 pants turner Classic City Overall Co h 227 W Dough erty Epps John T h 876 College av Epps Julius E (Ann H) 3 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 460 Peabody Epps Lois S (Mrs Raymond) waitress Ter minal Grill r 294 Nantahala av
Epps Lucille ofc sec Law Sch U of Ga h 130 Grady av apt 2
Epps Luther H (Martha C) mech Ga Mtrs Inc h 275 Boulevard hts
Epps Madie C (wid G T) r J289 Ceme tery
Epps Marvin E (Lucy B) 4 (Epps Gro) h 612 N Jackson

Epps Mary G (Mrs J G) slswn Lamar Lewis Co r Colbert Ga
Epps Millard M elk Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co r 876 College av
Epps Mollie M (wid R T) r 227 W Dough erty
Epps Omie W (wid B P) h 892 Hill Epps Paul msngr W U Teleg Co r 612 N
Jackson Epps Pauline T (wid R B) h 297 Frank
lin Epps Ramie C (Annie W) 1 hlpr Oconee
Hill Cemetery h 289 Cemetery Epps Rayford T (Helen J) knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1 Epps Raymond (Lois G) 2 electn Chicopee
Mfg Co r 294 Nantahala av Epps Rosamund C student r 892 Hill Epps Thos J (Frances S) 3 h Princeton
rd RD 4 Epps Thurston C (Willie L) mach Keller
Mach So r RD 3 Epps Virginia opr S B T & T Co r 543
Meigs Epps W C lab r 583 Barber Epps Wm D USAF r 892 Hill Epps Wm F (Lou G) 4 pntr h 164 Nellie
B av Epps Willie J (Ethel W) 2 tex wkr Chico
pee Mfg Co h 133 Lenoir av Epps Willie R (Frances D) emp The Hanna
Mfg Co h 164 State
EPTING EUG A (Frances T) 4 (Erwin
Nix Birchmore & Epting) Lawyer 201-08
Southern Mutual Building h 318 Milledge
hts--Dial LI 6-1962
EPTING H O & CO (Mallie L Johnson and
Walter H Medlock) General Insurance----
Real Estate 104 Shackelford Bldg --
Dial LI 3-5866 (See Marginal Lines and
Buyers' Guide)
Epting Nora A (wid H O) h 1520 S Lumpkin apt E-l
Representative Rm 214 128*2 College av
--Dial LI 6-1437 (See Special Lines)
Sec-Treas Personal Loans 234 E Wash
ington--Dial LI 3-5621 Erickson Richd T (Pearl D) USN h 375 S
Harris apt 3 Ernst Richd L (Dora G) USN h 398 S
Milledge av apt 6 Ervin Helen 5 ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc h 180 Stephens Erwin Willie (Magnolia H) 2 bellmn
Holman Hotel h 223 N Finley Erwin Camilla McW (wid A C) h 435 S
Milledge av apt 2 Erwin Coile C (Dellaree R) pre-boarder
Climax Hosiery Mill h Indiana av Erwin Dellaree R (Mrs C C) mach opr r
Indiana av Erwin Goodloe Y (Patricia G) 4 phys
1010 Prince av h 354 Milledge cir Erwin Howell C (Lucy Y) routemn
Chokes Sanitone Clnrs h 294 Dearing
(Erwin Nix Birchmore & Epting) Law-



yer 201-Oft Southern Mutual Bldg h 126
Dearing--Dial LI 3-5544
(Harrison A Birchmore, Eug A Epting,
Howell C Jr and Wm L Erwin and H
Abit Nix) Lawyers 201-08 Southern Mu
tual Bldg--Dial LI 3-4326
ERWIN WM L (Harriet G) (Erwin Nix
Birchmore & Epting) Lawyer 201-06
Southern Mutual Bldg h 290 S Milledge av--Dial LI 3-5824 Esco Arth A whsemn Athens Quick Freeze & Storage Co r Lexington Ga Esco Avie C (wid M M) r 673 Cobb Esco Clarence R agt Progressive Fire & Life Ins Co of Atlanta Ga h 673 Cobb Esco Jean S (Mrs C L) opr S B T & T Co r 1140 Prince av Esco L Carlton (Jean S) asst mgr Colonial Stores Inc r 1140 Prince Escoe Chas R (Allene T) 2 mach opr The Hanna Mfg Co h 120 Carr Escoe Edgar (Onzell J) (E & E Distrib uting Co) r Hull Ga Escoe Irvin R (Joan T) 1 mgr Dunn Truck ing Co h 153 Georgia av Escoe Jack Jr countermn The Varsity r Colbert Ga Escoe Jack J (Mary E) 5 yd formn The Loef Co h 785 Boulevard Escoe Luther (Viola W) h 171 Park av Escoe Mae S Mrs slswn Alien's r 235 Satula av Escoe Ola (wid W F) r 785 Boulevard Escoe R Harold trk dr City Stockade h 770 N Chase Escoe Robt (Dorothy) converter prsmn Dairypak Inc r Danielsville Ga Escoe Thos L (Betty M) USAF r 145 S Poplar Escoe Walter E pntr U of Ga r 785 Boule vard Escoe W Thos (Lillie W) 1 prod mgr Colonial Stores Inc h 145 S Poplar Espenscheid Thyra E (wid Phillip) h 450 N Harris Estees Bayard T (Emma S) S A L R R Co h 290 West View dr Estes Emma S (Mrs B T) emp S B T & T Co r 290 West View dr Estes Frank O emp S B T & T Co r 290 West View dr Estes Lou P (wid TO) r 290 West View dr Etheridge Eliz ofc wkr U of Ga h 312-a Stanton Way Etheridge Lola B pub sten 418 Sou Mut Bldg r 105 Milledge cir apt 4 Etheridge Nan P collection teller The Natl Bk of Athens h 105 Milledge cir apt 4 Eubanks Ben F (Grace) slsmn Thornton Bros Paper Co r Winterville Ga Eubanks John trk dr H Paul Williams r Winterville Ga Evans Albert L (Jean A) 1 USMC h West View dr Evans Alice r 335 N Pope Evans Alva Jo H (Mrs P M) drive-in teller Hubert State Bk r 869 Hill

Evans Andrew (Bessie P) 1 h 277 Madi son av
Evans Annie B dom r 370 Lyndon av
Evans Annie L 2 emp Colonial Poultry Co Inc h rear 766 N Lumpkin
Evans Annie M H (Mrs J R) instr Genl Time Inc r 755 Baxter
Evans Betty USAF r 243 Reese Evans Cannie maid 315 Gilliland dr r
748 N Hull Evans Carolyn 1 maid 836 Bobbin Mill
rd r rear 587 Dearing Evans Cynthia elk Huff Community Gro
Store h 243% Hall Evans Dorothy 2 maid r rear 587 Dear-
ing Evans Ella H dom r 340 Lyndon av
erty Dry Cleaners) h 475 Reese -- Dial
LI 3-5610 Evans Eva r 794 Prince av apt 1 Evans Flora G emp Colonial Poultry
Co r 371 Arch Evans Helen L cash Local Finance Co r
Nicholson Ga Evans Hughes (Beulah) servicemn Atlanta
Gas Light Co r Gaines School rd RD 3 Evans Ina S (wid J T) slswn The Style
Shop h 794 Prince av apt 1 Evans J B (Bonnie T) mech University
Chevrolet Co Inc r Commerce Ga Evans J Ralph (Norene J) supt The
Bankers Health & Life Ins Co h 1970 S Lumpkin Evans Jas (Annelle) ctr Colonial Poul try Co Inc r 240 Macon av Evans Jas H (Mariah P) 2 USA h 127 Sylvia cir Evans Jas R (Annie M H) brklyr G M Caskey & Son h 755 Baxter Evans Jesse S (Ella H) balcony door mn Ga Theatre h 340 Lyndon av Evans Jim H hlpr Prince Avenue Service Sta h 723 Dearing Evans Joe (Cannie) lab h 748 N Hull Evans Julia Hh3601st Evans KG (Raybell) auto mech h 874 Waddell Evans Kathrvn M Mrs 1 sten Dairypak Inc r 235 DuBose av Evans Katie M (wid J R) r 280 Cherokee av Evans Lula h 240 Macon Evans Malcom R (Annie B) h 370 Lyn don av Evans Mamie r 1040 Hobson av Evans Margt S 1 maid Abrom's r 347 S Finley Evans Marion jan Sou Mut Bldg h 190 Berry Evans Mary 2 r 190 Berry
Evans Nettie B h 360 Macon av
Evans Price M (Alva H) 2 sampler supt Rowe Whse & Fertz Co h 869 Hill
Evans Rebecca emp The C & S Natl Bk r RD 3
Evans Roy W (Virginia E) h 338 Springdale

Evans Saml h 168 Willow Evans Sarah H (Liberty Dry Clnrs) r
475 Reese Evans Thelma 8 h 396 Barber Evans Viola shirt folder Industrial Lndry
& Dry Clng Co Inc h 243 Reese Evans Vivian maid 230 Woodlawn av r
Watkinsville Ga Evans Wm J Jr (Ruth B) 2 chf eng
Radio Sta WGAU and WGAU-FM h 480 Pine Needle rd Everette Earl L (Margt R) 1 slsmn Con solidated Gas Co h 360 Price av EVERGREEN GARDEN CENTER (C A Rowland Jr) Atlanta hwy--Dial LI 3-9946 EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE SERVICE (C A Rowland Jr) Landscape Grading and Lawn Preparation Atlanta hwy -- Dial LI 3-9946 (See Special Section) Evergreen Memorial Park Inc Danl Greene pres, Ben B Propst v-pres, J W Propst Jr sec Cemetery Atlanta hwy--Dial LI 6-7209 ofc 151% E Clayton--Dial LI 6-6235 Everett Edwin M (Mary P) 1 prof U of Ga h 180 West View dr Everett Robt P student r 180 West View dr Ewing Irene maid W Broad r 260 Vine Ewing John E USA r 260 Vine Ewing Mattie S maid r 260 Vine Ewing P S r 260 Vine Ewines Willie Z (Mary) emp L H Bailey & Sons h 145 Fairview Ezzard John student r 296 Parkway dr Ezzard Wm T (Ruth A) 3 USA h 296 Parkway dr
To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
F & J Cafe (Doctor D Huff and DeWitt T Powell) 144 W Clayton
Fabian Frances mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Fair Claude E (Jean M) delmn Ga Tire & Rubber Co r Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Fair Evie h 375 Fields av Fair Geo W (Shirley N) agt Life Ins Co
of Ga h 1193 S Milledge av Fair Harold atndt W G Sailers Five Points
Gulf Sta r 1193 S Milledge av Fair Jas (Charlotte R) 1 plstr h 835
Water Fair Jos (Irene B) 5 jan J C Penney
Co Inc h 323 S Finley Fair Robt L oiler Athens Elastic & Braid
Co r 375 Fields av
Fair Thos H (Christine S) 2 agt Natl Life & Accident Ins Co h 1140 Prince av apt 2
Fairis Mattie T (wid Chas) h 748 N Jack son
Falk Edw P (Lenore S) 1 eng h 1520 S Lumpkin apt D-4

Fallins C H porter Berryman's Service Sta r 125 Elbert
Fambro Helen r 1658 Milledge av extd
Fambro John H (Josephine H) 3 service mn Supreme Rec'appers Inc h 187 N Billups
Fambro Jos (Mattie R) jan State Dept of Pub Health h 1658 Milledge extd
Fambro Josephine H maid r 187 N Bil lups
Fambro Raymond porter The Varsity r 312 Waddell
Fambrou Hazel maid St Mary's Hosp r 285 Cleveland av
Fambrow Henry (Hazel) 4 kitchen hlpr Georgian Hotel h 285 Cleveland av
Fambrough Burnie h 167 Grady av Fambrough Ernest L (Vera B) h 475 Bel-
voir hts Fambrough Vera B (Mrs E L) slswn Ben-
son's Bakery r 475 Belvoir hts Family Fund Insurance Co D Weaver
Bridges genl agt burial 256 W Dougherty Fanello Louis (Dairy Queen of Athens) h 211 Best dr Fanello Katie B (wid Lewis) r 211 Best dr Fann Isam H (Margt S) eng Georgian Ho tel r same Fann Margt S (Mrs I H) hsekpr Georgian Hotel r same Fannin H Burch (Margt K) 3 pastor Oconee Street Methodist Ch h 717 Oconee Fanning Artelia presser Choke's Sanitone Clnrs r 127 Broadacres Fanning Carrie J wool presser Choke's Sanitone Clnrs h 127 Broadacres Fanning Cora H (Mrs J W) slswn Athens Refrigeration & Appliance Co Inc r 397 Parkway dr Fanning F Sibyle student r 397 Parkway dr Fanning Hattie B presser Choke's Sani tone Clng h 628 N Hull Fanning J Wm (Cora H) 1 economist State Agrl Extn Service h 397 Parkway dr Fanning: Jas R (Claryice C) mech Simpson Service Co r Washington Ga Fanning Jessie L 1 h 104 Broadacres Fanning Lizzie Mlh634N Hull Fannings Eliz Whl73S Billups
Fannings Harold r 173 S Billups
Fant H Eug (Margt L) h 230 Normal av
Fant Louise asst prof U of Ga Library r 230 Normal av
Farmer Anne emp The C & S Natl Bk r Nicholson Ga
Farmer Cath (Mrs Omar) slswn DavisonPaxon Co r Nicholson Ga
Farmer Geo B (Lou P) patrolmn County Police Dept h 184 North View dr
FARMER H LEON (Eloi.e H) SecTreas Premium Distributing Co h 292-b
Bloomfield--Dial LI 6-8905



Farmer H Leon Jr student r 292-b Bloom- Faulkner Edw O (Hazel) emp Athens Co


operative Creamery r Colbert Ga

Farmer John E (Jean) bldg supt Davison- Faulkner Eliz (Mrs WE) mender Rodgers

Paxon Co Nicholson Ga

Hosiery Co Inc r Whitehall Ga

Farmer Lloyd E (Lucy C) economist State Faulkner Geo T waiter U of Ga Grill r 648

Agrl Extn Service r Watkinsville Ga

N Lumpkin

Farmer Lou P (Mrs G B) ckr Dairypak Faulkner Kerry pressmn The U of Ga

Inc r 184 North View dr

Prntg Dept r Colbert Ga

Farmer Marjorie mach opr Classic City Faulkner Lee D mach Keller Mach Co r

Overall Co Inc r Nicholson Ga

RD 2

Farmer Mary P (Mrs T C) mach opr Clas Faulkner Sarah I long dist opr S B T &

sic City Overall Co Inc r 147 Virginia T Co r 648 N Lumpkin


Faulkner Susan E (wid W W) h 142 E

Farmer Rupert T (Edith S) slsmn Sink- Rutherford

wich Furn Co r Nicholson Ga

Faulkner W Doyle (Bennie T) mech C A

Farmer T Crawford (Mary P) firemn

Trussell Mtr Co h 197 South View dr

City Fire Dept No 2 h 147 Virginia av Faulkner Wm M (Marie C) mach Ander-


son Auto Parts Co Inc r RD 3

(Douglas H Mcyer) Hardware Paint & Faulkner Wm O (Betty L) USN h 41

Roofing 506 E Broad Dial LI 3-3681

Myrna ct apts

(See Buyers Guide)

Faulkner Woodrow E (Emma) agt The


Life Ins Co of Va r Whitehall Ga

INC Douglas M Meyer Pres, Beverley L Faust Abe (Lois S) 2 farmer h 159 Her

Adams V-Pres, Thos E Blissit Sec-Treas,


Hardware, Paints & Roofing 506 E

Faust Ellen maid r 573 W Hancock av

Broad Dial LI 3-3681 & LI 3-3682 (See Faust Essie G (Mrs Robt Jr) emp Ath

Buyers Guide)

ens Poultry Inc r 185 Angle

Farmers Mutual Warehouse Assn J W Lo- Faust Lincon (Pellie H) 3 ctr Colonial

gan mgr cotton 185 S Thomas

Poultry Co Inc r 285 Cleveland av

Farneti Eug R (Winifred A) industrial eng Faust Pellie H ctr Colonial Poultry Co

Genl Time Corp h 213 Marion dr

Inc r 285 Cleveland av

Farneti Janice L student r 213 Marion dr Faust Robt (Fannie) 1 lab Clarke

Farneti Sharon J student r 213 Marion dr County Milling Co h 185 Angle

Fair Bert F (Annie T) h 173 1st

Faust Robt Jr (Essie G) 3 emp Athens

Farr Carlton H pkr Colonial Poultry Co Poultry Inc h 185 Angle

Inc r 173 1st

Faust Woodie (Nellie V) h 158 N

Farr Eva M Mrs h 173 Virginia av


Farr Francis B (Mrs J L) hlpr Alien's Favor Enoch (Lucy G) h 427 Winter-

Beauty Shop r 1710 S Lumpkin

ville rd

Farr Jas L (Francis B) mach Dairypak Favors Gertrude cook h 164 Augusta

Inc h 1710 S Lumpkin


Farr Joyce A waitress Dairy Queen of Ath Favor Lucy G maid r 427 Winterville

ens h 187 Oglethorpe av


Farr R C (Patricia S) 2 zone mgr In Favors Anna h 234 4th

ternational Harvester Co h 635 Holman Favors Annie R 2 r 132 Water Oak


Favors Arzell lab City r 234 4th

Fair Sarah W (wid J M) r 550 N Jack Favors Cath (Progressive Beauty Shop)


r 234 4th

Farr Viola D (wid J J) r 1060 Oconee

Favors Dollie maid r 498 4th

FARRAR ALF P (Marie T) Dist Mgr Favors Edith 1 hlpr Bradley Provision

Jefferson Standard Life Ins Co h 491

Co r 324 Arch

Highland av Dial LI 6-7111

Favors Elmo (Dollie) 7 lab U of Ga h

Farris Geo H (Clara M) cred mgr Econ omy Auto Stores Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Fashion Shop The (Mrs V J Glover) wo men's clo 170 College av
Fat's Shoe Shine Place (Geo Johnson) 599 W Hancock av

498 4th Favors Fannie h 260 W Strong Favors Frances r 111 Dublin Favors Hazel maid r 181 Grove
Favors Herbert (Jane P) lab Athens
Poster Adv Co h 335 Arch

Faulkner Annie P (wid T F) h 648 N Favors Irene (Progressive Beauty Shop)


r 234 4th

Faulkner Betty E cash Athens Drive-in Favors Jim E (Thelma L) 2 emp Athens

Theatre r 648 N Lumpkin

Poultry Inc h 1533 E Broad

Faulkner Billy mach Bowden-LaBoone Mtr Favors Kath dom r 140 Dublin

Rebuilding r Hull rd RD 1

Favors Lukie (Georgia N) 4 lab Ga Ry

Faulkner Donald T lab L H Bailey & Sons h 227 Flint

r 648 N Lumpkin

Favors Marion (Onie) jan h 164 Augus

Faulkner Earl knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co ta av

Inc r 728 Cobb

Favors Mary r 141 Dublin



Favors Nettie B dom r 140 Dublin Favors Paris 3 lab C of Ga Ry h 953
Hobson av Favors Philip (Nettie B) 2 emp Athens
Lbr Co h 140 Dublin Favors Thelma L dom r 1533 E Broad Favors Willie R (Viola S) lab Colonial
Poultry h 599 W Hancock av apt 5 Fears Emma J (wid A C) h 609 N
Lumpkin Fekula Theo V (Geraldine C) student h
327 Oglethorpe av Felchlin Frank L (Julia H) 3 (Angus Mfg
Co) h 193 W Cloverhurst av Felder Ammie K ofc sec U of Ga r 237
Highland av Felder Lidie K (wid E B) r 237 High
land av Feldman Gerry student r 174 Highland
ter Fellows Gussie K dom r 173 Lyndon
av Fellows Nancy M maid 213 1st h
145 Trail Creek Fellows Wm H (Gussie K) mldr Athens
Boiler & Mach Wks r 173 Lyndon av Fenwick David r 126 Hall Ferguson B Jeanne r 100 Milledge hts Ferguson J H r 125 Dearing Ferguson Jack D (Minnie L) 4 (g) frt agt
Sou Ry System h 480 Talmadge dr FERGUSON JAS O (Saye Sheet Metal
Works) r Whitehall rd RD 4 -- Dial 6-7133 Ferguson John (Anita) 3 USN h 243 Colima av Ferguson Julius E (Mary W) photo layout mn The U of Ga Prntg Dept r RD 3 FERGUSON MARY C (wid Dick) 1
(Dick Ferguson's Clothing Store) h 100
Milledge hts--Dial LI 3-9715
(Mrs Mary C Ferguson) Geo W Dean
Mgr Men's Clothing and Furnishings 335
E Clay ton--Dial LI 6-0453 (See Mar-
ginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Ferqueron Reuel E (Alberta W) (RE Ferqueron Genl Contr) h 450 Milledge cir
Ferraro Neil P (Rita A) USN h 398 S Milledge av apt 5
Ferrell Andrew Jr USA r 522 W Broad
Ferrell Annie M R r 522 W Broad Feurt Seldon D (Joella C) 2 prof U of Ga
h 150 Highland ter Few Lindsay D eng State Hwy Dept r
Apalachee Ga Fickett Co (Thos H and Richd N Fickett
III) cotton waste 165 Oneta Fickett May F (wid M F) (Fickett's
Jwlrs) h 485 South View dr Fickett Richd N (Annewill H) h 640 Pine-
crest dr Fickett Richd N III (Amanda S) 1
(Fickett Co) h 180 McWhorter dr Fickett Thos H (Anna N) (Fickett Co)
h 636 Milledge cir Fickett's Jewelers (Mrs Mae F Fickett) 224
E Clayton

Field Alice librarian U S Navy Sup Corps Sch r 211 University dr
Field Chas H (Nancy A) 2 emp Julius F Bishop h 2320 Jefferson rd
Field David M (Madge E) 2 prof U of Ga h 255 Milledge ter
Field David M Jr student r 255 Milledge
Dist Mgr 1050 S Lumpkin apt 201 --
Dial LI 6-1911 (See Special Section)
Fields A Frank (Mary F) 2 pntr contr 195 Georgia av h same
Fields Carl E (Elmore C) (Old South Barber Shop) h 470 Cobb
Fields Cecil K (Julia W) (Fields Mfg Co) h Whitehall rd RD 4
Fields Chas T (Opal M) slsmn Tanner Lbr Co r RD 3
Fields Elmore C (Mrs C E) mus tchr 470 Cobb r same
Fields Ethel E (wid C E) cake decorator Benson's Bakery h 755 Oconee
Fields Eustice (Gwendolyn H) 1 ofc mgr Talmadge Whse Co Inc h 501 Woodlawn av
Fields Gertrude mac'h opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r RD 2
Fields Harry N (Jessie M) elk MalcomGarrett Gro Co r Winterville Ga
Fields Henry C (Lillie M) jan Chase Street Sch h 226 4th
Fields Ida I slswn F W Woolworth Co r Hull Ga
Fields J A (Gertrude) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r RD 2
Fields Jack L Rev (Juanita H) 2 bar ber Wilkes Barber Shop h 145 E Strong
Fields Jerry lab G M Caskey & Son h 370 S Hull
Fields John C barber Athens Barber Shop h Johnson dr RD 3
Fields Julia C (Mrs C K) (Fields Mfg Co) r Whitehall rd RD 4
Fields K J (Sedelia F) slsmn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Jefferson rd RD 2
Fields Lonnie F (Sara W) carp Walter Sears h 143% Greenwood dr
Fields Mary A (Mrs V Y) opr S B T & T Co r 565 Sunset dr
Fields Mfg Co (Cecil K and Mrs Julia C Fields) mfrs 246 Oconee
Fields Pauline 3 ctr Colonial Poultry Co h 134 Hendrix av
Fields Robt L (Sue K) 1 trk dr Std Oil Co og Ky Inc h 230 Oakland av
Fields Sara W (Mrs L F) mach opr Angus Mfg Co r 143% Greenwood dr
Fields Stanley (Mildred W) slsmn The L B Price Merc Co h 595 Hill
Fields Sue K (Mrs R L) ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service r 230 Oakland av
Fields Voyles Y (Mary A) mach Quality Mach Co h 565 Sunset dr
Fields Wm O (Ila D) County Bailiff h 568 Pulaski
Finance Insurance Co Thos C Beusse pres ofc 285% College av rm 209
Finch Beauty tchr h 318 DuBose av

Finch Fred porter The Varsity r 322 DuBose
Finch Henrietta r 318 DuBose av Finch Henry h 224 Lyndon av Finch Jas (Emma) h 855 Waddell Finch Jas T (Uzie T) cab dr Yellow Cab
Co h 736 N Jackson Finch Jessie M G (Mrs W A) confr Lobby
County Court Hse r 530 Harris Finch John S r 318 DuBose av Finch Nancy (wid Geo) h 437 Little
Oak Finch Richd (Essie) emp St Mary's
Hosp h 322 DuBose av Finch Ruby maid 456 Milledge hts r 318
DuBose av Finch Rupert B (Lois F) bodymn C A Trus-
sell Mtr Co r Bogart Ga Finch Tom porter The Varsity r 322 Du
Bose av Finch Wm A (Jessie M G) h 530 Harris Finch Willie J (Williouse P) 1 body mn
Phillips Body & Paint Shop h 380 Best dr Findley Dry Cleaners (E P "Dick" Thomp son) 354 W Broad br 131 E Broad Fine Arts Building (U of Ga) Baldwin Finger Danl L electn Chicopee Mfg Co r 865 Boulevard Finger Geo W Jr (Carl A) 2 mach Chic opee Mfg Co h 850 Boulevard Finger Mattie P (wid G W) h 865 Boule vard Fink Omar R (Marianne S) 3 dir of re ligious education First Methodist Ch h 275 Holman av Finney Ann M (wid R A Jr) 2 ofc asst Dr John T Stegeman h 146 Hart av Fire Baptized Holiness Church 216 S Peter Firor Dorothy H trkr r 724 Cobb Firor Geo H (Josephine G) horticultur ist State Agrl Extn Service h 135 Ridgewood pi Firor Guy W (Helen M) sec-treas Pro duction Credit Corp h 724 Cobb Firor John W (Mary M) h 436 Milledge cir
First A M E Church of Athens Rev J Roy Moore pastor Sunday Service 11:00 am 521 N Hull
First African Methodist Episcopal Church Rev J Roy Moore pastor Sunday Ser vice 11:00 am N Hull cor Strong
First Baptist Church Rev Howard P Giddens pastor Sunday Services 11:00 am and 8:00 pm 355 Pulaski--Dial LI 6-1383
First Baptist Church Educational Building 357 Pulaski
First Christian Church Rev Paul C Howle pastor Sunday Services 11:00 am and 8:00 pm 270 Dougherty
First Methodist Church Rev Dow Kirkpatrick pastor Sunday Services 11:15 am and 8:00 pm 329 N Lumpkin
First Methodist Church Educational Build ing 325 N Lumpkin
First Presbyterian Church Rev Harmon B Ramsey pastor Sunday Services 11:00

pm 185 E Hancock av First Street Grocery (Walter H Richards)
169 1st Fisher Ester S (wid SB) h 158 E Clo-
verhurst av Fitch Frank W dairymn State Agrl Extn
Service h 165 Brittain av FITZGERALD CLYDE W (Eliz M) 2 Mgr
J C Penney Co Inc h 135 Woodland Way
Dial LI 3-5488 Fitzgerald Gladys R Mrs genl asst U of Ga
Library r 610 N Milledge av Fitzpatrick A Collie 1 eng Athens Genl
Hosp h 160 Park av Fitzpatrick Clarence E hlpr W A Stevens
Co r 115 Mitchell FitzPatrick Estes S (Mildred) shop formn
C A Trussell Mtr Co r Ila Ga FitzPatrick Gloria M student r 160 Park
av FitzPatrick Harriet G (Mrs R L) reception-
ist-ofc nurse Dr Wm C Kitchens r Bo gart Ga Fitzpatrick J Henry (Mattie W) h 115 Mitchell Fitzpatrick Jas E (Gertrude W) 2 USA h 63 Parkview Homes Fitzpatrick Lloyd (Virginia G) 1 emp Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 327 Hill apt 1 Fitzpatrick Lord (Virginia) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Ila Ga Fitzpatrick Mattie S (wid H H) h 824 Oconee Fitzpatrick Minnie bkpr Huggins Parts Co r 153 Nellie B av Fitzpatrick Ralph trk dr Wilfong Bros r Danielsville Ga Fitzpatrick Robt N bus opr Athens City Lines r Center Ga Fitzpatrick Roxie Mrs r 115 Mitchell Fitzpatrick Roy L emp W U Teleg Co r 115 Mitchell Fitzpatrick Ruth (Mrs Hershel) elk sten Ga Power Co r Center Ga Five Points Barber Shop J C Mathis and Hershal Reeves) 1658 S Lumpkin Five Star Inc C Douglas Welch pres, Sam B Welch v-pres, Lucius M Welch sectreas 450 E Hancock av FLANAGAN ALTON O JR (Mary H) 1
Distributor Sinclair Refining Co h 420 Milledge ter--Dial LI 6-7701
Flanagan Alvin (Theresa) 4 sampler Gulf Atlantic Whse Co h 190 Cleve land av
Flanagan Andrew J (Annie N) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 670 Nantahala av
Flanagan Andrew O (Cora A) h 157 Grady av
Flanagan Angie (wid R J) 2 h 690 Nan tahala av
Flanagan Chas A (Jo D) USAF r 267 King av
Flanagan Edw D (Ruth L) dist supvr Colonial Stores h 267 King av
Flanagan Eug T atndt Municipal Airport r Lexington rd RD 3
Flanagan Grady J student r 648 S Milledge av



Flanagan Henry F elev opr Georgian Ho tel r 181 Wilkerson
Flanagan Jo Ann O (Mrs C A) bkpr Twitty & Chambers Jewelry Co r RD 1
Flanagan Jo Ann (Mrs C A) bkpr Twitty & Chambers Jwlr Co r 267 King av
Flanagan Lottie M (Mrs J E) mimeograph
opr State Agrl Extn Service r Barnett Shoals rd RD 3 Flanagan Marvin E (Mildred D) 1 wtch
mn Sou Cotton Oil Co h 273 Chatooga av Flanagan Mildred D (Mrs ME) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 273 Chatooga av Flanagan Nell McD (Mrs W I) sch tchr r 1333 S Lumpkin Flanagan Ralph R (Lucile B) 2 mech White & Wier Air Conditioning & Htg h 923 Oconee Flanagan Serena J r 648 S Milledge av Flanagan T T (Virginia) vulc Snow Tire Co r Lexington rd RD 3 Flanagan Tallie J (wid W G) h 648 S Milledge av Flanagan Theresa ctr Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 190 Cleveland av Flanagan W Pete (Mary D B) 1 mgr Food Processing Dept U of Ga h 145 Hart av
Flanagan Wilburn J (Nell McD) h 1333 S Lumpkin
Flanigan Albert h 654 N Hull Flanigan R H (Dorothy L) 2 electn
Navy Sup Corps Sch h 420 Holman av Flanigan W C r 654 N Hull Flanigen Barrington L (Martha N) busi
ness mgr Quality Mach Co h Plum Nelly rd RD 4 Flanigan Geo T yd mn Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority h W Broad extd RD 4 Flanigan Jean N illustrator State Agrl Ex tension Service r 190 West View dr Flannagan Horace (Frances) 2 pntr h 421 Boulevard
Planning Johnny (Myrtie M) lab h 572 Pulaski
Flanning Myrtie M folder Georgian Lndry & Clnrs r 572 Pulaski
Fleeman Betty A genl asst U of Ga Library r Hull Ga
Fleeman C Edwin USA r 235 1st Fleeman Carlys W (Carolyn) mech C A
Trussell Mtr Co r Winterville Ga Fleeman Grady crushing mach opr The
Atlantic Co r Whitehall Ga Fleeman L J Rev (Florence G) tex wkr
Chicopee Mfg Co h 235 1st Fleeman Mamie tchr West Broad Street
Sch r 324 S Rockspring Fleeman Murray H (Sarah) 2 carp h
105 Estell rd RD 4 Fleeman Peggy E ofc sec Grady C Pittard
Jr r Winterville Ga Fleeman R M Jr (Dwenlyn) emp The
Hanna Mfg Co r Winterville Ga
Fleeman Ruby (Mrs Mitchell) ship dept Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Winterville Ga
Fleeman Ruth A (wid K L) h 220 Morton av

Fleeman Sarah (Mrs M H) comptometer opr r 105 Estelle rd RD 4
Fleeman Tom J (Economy Metal Weather strip Co) r Nicholson Ga
Fleeman Weldon W (Helen B) emp B & B Beverage Co h 225 Hodgson dr
Flemin Louise cook King av r 249 Colima av
Fleming Attie A prof U of Ga h 140 Hope av
Fleming Daisy r 167 Crawford av Fleming Delia maid h 195 S Derby Fleming Donald (Barbara B) 1 USN h
Durlan ct apt 4 Fleming Eliz genl asst U of Ga Library r
185 S Finley Fleming Essia M h 51-a Bray Fleming General (Louella) 4 emp
Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co h 181 Henderson av extd Fleming Geo R mill mn Southeastern Rub ber Mfg Co r Bogart Ga Fleming Harriett G student r 290 Nor mal av Fleming Henry O (Matilda K) 1 emp Ath ens Cooperative Creamery h Danielsville rd RD 1 Fleming Homer C (Mildred B) elk USPO r Gaines School rd FLEMING JULIAN H Mgr Central Finance Service r Oconee ht Fleming Lenard F carrier USPO r 594 Hill Fleming Louella maid Springdale r 181 Henderson av extd Fleming Lucy C ofc sec Dr Sam Talmadge h 765 S Milledge av apt 1 Fleming Mary B Mrs smstrs Big Ace Corp h 185 S Finley Fleming Mary B (wid J A) r 140 Hope av Fleming Mary E ofc sec U of Ga Library r 185 S Finley Fleming Paul (Louise) 1 jan U of Ga h 249 Colima av Fleming R Edw (Hazel H) 4 agt The Independent Life & Accident Ins Co h
197 Park av Fleming Robt bellmn Georgian Hotel r
363 Arch Fleming Roosevelt emp Fats Shoe Shine
Place r 59 Broad Acres Fleming Taylor (Cora D) h 363 Arch Fleming Thos E (Eva M) inspr State
Agrl Extn Service h 290 Normal av Fleming Willie (Rebecca W) 2 lab h 147
N Chase Flemings Fanny 3 opr Sims Beauty Par
lor h 486 Madison av Fletcher Jas student r 174 Burnett
Flocco Edw J Jr (Phyllis C) USA h 134 Buena Vista av apt 5
Florence Geo announcer Radio Sta WGAU and WGAU-FM r YMCA
Florence Loree phys 302-03 Sou Mut Bldg r 285 Hampton ct
Florence Marie S (wid W L) sec & treas Dr Pepper Btlg Co of Athens Inc r 739



Florence Mary ofc sec U S Navy Sup Corps Sch r 350 Talmadge dr
Florence Wm L Jr (Eleanor H) 2 pres Dr Pepper Btlg Co of Athens Inc r 739
Cobb Florence Wm T r 285 Hampton ct Florence Willie S Mrs h 350 Talmadge
dr Flores Jas L USN h 445 N Pope Flournoy Nell D Mrs h 796 Oconee Flournoy Louise D agt Afro-Am Life
Ins Co r Machen Ga Floyd Claudia McW (Mrs R M) mach opr
Good Luck Mfg Co r 357 E Strong Ployd Coleman D (Sue D) slsmn Athens
Seed Co h 228 DuBose av Floyd Dagma L (Marie B) statistician
in charge U S Agrl Marketing Service & Agrl Statistics h 240 Morton av Floyd Edna B (wid C M) h 770 College av Floyd Gartrell D (Grace P) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 115 Clover Floyd Grace P (Mrs Gartrell D) inspr Rod gers Hosiery Co Inc r 115 Clover Floyd Jean Mrs student r 254 Dearing Floyd L Eug (Hollie H) post comm Ga State Patrol r Madison Ga Floyd Manly G (Sundy V) airmn U of Ga h 1686% Prince av Floyd Roy M (Claudia McW) carp Jas E Meeks h 357 E Strong Floyd Sue D (Mrs CD) ofc sec U of Ga r 228 DuBose av Fluellen Virginia 2 h 235 Plaza Flynt Jane R (Mrs M S) physio therapist 130 Valley rd r same Flynt Max S Jr (Jane R) 2 chf Veterans Admn Guidance Center h 130 Valley rd Folendore Grady L (Belle H) emp City Water Dept h 134 Parkview Homes Folkman Earnestine h 220 Carlton ter Foote Alton r 385 1st Foote Barnes student r 385 1st Foote Carrie J maid 620 Sunset dr r385 1st Foote Clara r 420 N Peter Foote Consovella maid r 385 1st Foote Constance maid 160 Stanton Way r 385 1st Foote Danl (Carrie J) ydmn h 385 1st Foote Dennis student r 385 1st Foote Helen student r 385 1st Foote Obediah Jr porter Davison- Paxon Co r Colbert Ga Foote Robt (Lola M) h 420 N Peter Foote Tensie M r 420 N Peter Foots Jas C (Annie B) 6 hlpr E & S Tire Service h 96 Broadacres Forbe Roy r 148 Willow Forbes Wm S (Ellen E) 2 artist 552 Cobb h same
Forbes Willie M (wid W T) h 552 Cobb
Ford Bertha L maid Davison-Paxon Co r 228% S Rockspring
Ford Bessie M 1 maid 867 College av r 1021 Waddell
Ford Betty J (Mrs C L) ofc wkr U of Ga r 275 Pine Needle rd

Ford Bishop F trk dr Malcom-Garrett Gro Co h 452 Atlanta av
Ford Cosby L (Betty J) 1 bodymn Ga Mtrs Inc h 275 Pine Needle rd
Ford Dorothy M maid 212 Marion dr r 1480 E Broad
Ford E Frank (Nell H) toll test boardmn S B T & T Co h 340 Carlton ter
Ford Emma J (wid Judge) r Princeton rd RD 4
Ford Geneva maid r 350 Barker Ford Howard (Doris) 2 lab City h 327
Atlanta av Ford Irene h 347 Augusta av Ford Irene hlpr Colonial Poultry Co r
1021 Waddell Ford Irene W maid Georgian Hotel h
323 Fairview Ford J Henry (Annie F) mach Athens
Mtr & Mach Co h 275 Pine Needle rd Ford Jas student r 1021 Waddell Ford Jennie student r 1021 Waddell Ford Jim H trk dr Crowe-Knowles Furn
Co r 228% S Rockspring Ford L C r 216 N Chase Ford Lillian cook r 321 Athens av Ford Lloyd (Fannie Y) hlpr Thomas
Trans Co r 323 Fairview Ford Lucille hlpr Colonial Poultry Co
r 1021 Waddell Ford Lulu h 1370 W Hancock av Ford Luther cook Pig Drive Inn r Watkins-
vill Ga Ford Mabel D Mrs 2 waitress Terminal
Grill r Princeton rd RD 4 Ford Maggie R h 1755 W Broad extd Ford Moses (Dorothy M) 2 porter
Beck's and Warren J Smith & Brother h 1480 E Broad Ford Pauline M picker Athens Poultry Co r 226 Arch Ford Sally H h 1365 W Hancock av Ford Sinnie B h 480 W Broad Foreman Mildred P Mrs slswn Rosethal's Shoe Store r Colbert Ga Forrester Jewel Mrs 1 emp Genl Time Inc h 1010 E Broad Fort Annie L nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r 374 Vine Fort Inez W 2 h 374 Vine Fort M Kirland (Doris L) 2 associate prof U of Ga h 145 Oakland Way Fort Tomlinson (Madaline S) 1 prof U of Ga h 240 Woodlawn av Fort Wm M (Josa B) 4 lab Alexender Wood Products h 274 Magnolia Fortner Eddie O (Nell M) supt Athens Poultry Co h rear 1295 Prince av apt 4 Fortson Annie R Mrs cash Athens Lndry & Dry Clng h 185 N Hull apt 4
Southern Mutual Insurance Co h 720
Milledge cir -- Dial LI 6-1951 Fortson Chas (Merle) emp Southeastern
Rubber Mfg Co r Danielsville Ga Fortson Dallas E (Rachel K) supt The In
dependent Life & Accident Ins Co r Col bert Ga Fortson Edwin B (Laura R) 3 lawyer 502 Sou Mut Bldg h 310 Milledge hits

Fortson Eunice (Mrs Sam) marker Indus trial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r Comer Ga
Fortson G F agt Gulf Life Ins Co r Colbert Ga
Fortson Howard F (Charlotte) emp South eastern Rubber Mfg Co r Winterfield Ga
Fortson J E (Lois D) slsmn Heyward Al ien Mtr Co r Danielsvile Ga
Fortson J S (Helen H) supt The Indepen dent Life & Accident Ins Co r Hull Ga
FORTSON J CECIL (Myrle E) 2 supt
Consolidated Gas Co h 435 Holman av
-- Dial LI 6-6071
Fortson Jennie H (Mrs W S) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 480 Nacoochee
Fortson Jeptha M (Virginia S) 1 plmbr Athens Plmbg & Htg Co h 910 Hill
Fortson M Lois fir lady S H Kress & Co r Danielsville Ga
Fortson Rachel K (Mrs D E) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Colbert Ga
Fortson Sam Q porter Magnolia Oil Co r Danielsville rd RD 1
Fortson W Silas (Jennie H) 3 pkr Co lonial Poultry Co h 480 Nacoochee
Foss Bradbury P (Louise U) 1 (Athens Throwing Co h 1022 Prince av
Foster Alberta r 190 Berry Foster Allie r 1124 W Broad Foster Bob J student r 695 King Foster Charlie (Estella) 2 Ibr Colonial
Poultry Co Inc h 567 Water Foster Charlie H (Dorothy L) emp SET
&TCoh253E Cloverhurst av
FOSTER CLARA H (Mrs G D) at.t cask
The National Bank of Athens r Winter-
rille Ga
Foster Cobb r 256 Bridge Foster Dorothy tchr Childs Street Sch r
253 E Cloverhurst av Foster Elsie J (Mrs F H) ofc sec Chico-
pee Mfg Co r Watkinsville Ga Foster Emory (Lessie) h 320 Vine Foster Estella opr Riverside Beauty
Shop r 567 Water Foster Ethel maid Sou Mut Bldg h rear
373 Flint Foster Fred H (Elsie K) cred mgr Athens
Fire & Auto Sup Co r Bishop Ga Foster Geo D (Clara) mach Keller Mach
Co r Winterville Ga Foster Geo W emp The C & S Natl Bk r
Bishop Ga Foster Hattie P2hl32N Pope Foster Hattie T (wid J P) r 100 Clover
hurst ter Foster Helen W ofc sec U of Ga h 101
University ct apt 3 Foster Henrietta B (Mrs J C) slswn W A
Capps Co r 680 Pinecrest dr Foster Herbert (Kathryn D) butler
h 1670 Milledge av extd Foster Herman H (Alice F) linesmn Ga
Power Co h 695 King Foster Jas porter Brewer's Service Sta
r Comer Ga Foster Jean (Mrs Thos) sch tchr r 342
Hampton ct

Foster Jessie R 4 emp Colonial Poultry Co r 354 N Pope
Foster John H (Lois F) whsemn North Ga Brokerage Co h 435 Odd
Foster John W (Ethel T) 3 prof U of Ga h 154 Hawthorne av
FOSTER JOS C (Henrietta B) 2 (W A Capps Co) h 680 Pinecrest dr -- Dial
LI 3-5853 Foster Julia r rear 373 Flint Foster Kathryn D receptionist Dr Don-
arell R Green Jr r 1670 Milledge extd Foster Lamar r 256 Bridge Foster Margt E slswn W A Capps Co r
Bishop Ga Foster Marion E jan Sou Mut Bldg r
256 Bridge Foster Mary L ofc sec Dr Harry E Tal-
madge r Bishop Ga Foster Maude M r 265 Boulevard hts Foster Paul M (Polly P) (Foster's
Garage) h 1961 W Broad Foster Pharese B carp S A L S R Co h
265 Boulevard hts Foster Ray L sta atndt Magnolia Oil Co r
Statham Ga Foster Sara J student r 695 King Foster Thos (Jean) student h 342 Hamp
ton ct Foster Wm H 2 h 256 Bridge Foster's Garage (Paul M Foster) auto
reprs 1961 Broad W Fouch Gene student r 569 Meigs Fouch Geneva Mrs 2 hlpr Benson's Bakery
h 569 Meigs Fouche Dorothy A (Mrs L L) ofc sec r
rear 1147 Prince av Fouche Luke L (Dorothy A) mach Keller
Mach Co h rear 1147 Prince av Fountain Lucille H sch tchr h 760
N Chase Fowke Norman C (Virgina S) adjuster
Genl Adjustment Bureau Inc r 126 Hill Top rd Fowler Ada B (wid J C) r 169 E Dougher-
Fowler Belva A sch tchrs h 380 Hamp ton ct
Fowler Betty ofc asst Dr G Y Erwin h 434 Prince av apt 3
Fowler Boyd (Lee D) 1 trk dr h 169 E Dougherty
Fowler Branson (Norma M) electn Ga Power Co h 97 Clover
Fowler Corsie D Mrs cash Bell's Food Mkt r 169 E Dougherty
Fowler Demaris H student r 1387 Boule vard
Fowler Douie J (wid J C) h 194 Buena Vista av
Fowler Doyle C slsmn Davison-Paxon Co r 155 Vine
Fowler Earl R (Goldie T) h 135 S Poplar
Fowler Emory A (Lynette P) 1 emp The Hanna Mfg Co h 137 Oglethorpe av
Fowler Evelyn H (Mrs 0 L) tex wkr r 113 1st

Fowler Frances C (Mrs Gary) opr S B T & T Co r 886 N Chase
Fowler Frank E (Myrtis L) mgr Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co h 275 Oglethorpe av
Fowler Gary (Frances C) USA r 886 N Chase
Fowler Geo A (Emeretta M) 2 elk USPO h 98 Clover
Fowler Goldie T (Mrs E R) mach opr Clas sic City Overall Co Inc r 135 S Poplar
Fowler Harry W (Helen H) 1 formn Ga Power Co h 1387 Boulevard
Fowler Hugh L (Ann) (Athens Aluminum Fdry Co; Fowler Products Co) h 1510 5 Lumpkin apt h 15
Fowler I Gus (Sue M) trk dr The Webb 6 Crawford Co h 295 Hillcrest
Fowler Jas M (Willie G) auto electn Auto Elec Co h 155 Vine
Fowler Jasse L sheet metal wkr Saye Sheet Metal wkr r Princeton rd
Fowler Lee D (Mrs Boyd) cash GallantBelk Co r 169 E Dougherty
Fowler M Ann student r 275 Oglethorpe av
Fowler Noah F (Kattie D) 3 pntr U of Ga h Johnson dr
Fowler Olivia B (wid J J) h 307 Woodlawn av
Fowler Otis L (Evelyn H) trk dr Colo nial Poultry Co h 113 1st
Fowler Products Co (Hugh L Fowler) bottles appliance and sis 881 College av
Fowler Rebecca A tchr Barrow Sch r 307 Woodlawn av
Fowler Roy E (Cleo N) mach Quality Mach Co r Watkinsville Ga
Fox Jo Anne sten Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co r Gaines School rd RD 3
Foy Robt H trav slsmn The McGregor Co r Albany Ga
Frady Atness D (wid J E) h rear 1560 S Lumpkin
Frady Dorothy B Mrs 1 h 180 Hope av Frady J Allison parts elk University Chev
rolet Co Inc r rear 1560 S Lumpkin Frambo Louise G (wid H G) 2 tex wkr r
225 Buena Vista av Frambro Martha r 1529 W Broad Frances Beauty Shop (Mary F Hill) 157
N Church Franklin Gertrude Mrs 1 waitress Old
South Restr r 294 Baxter Franklin Harmon (Ruby I) emp The C &
S Natl Bk r Watkinsville Ga Franklin Jewel h 111 Milledge cir apt 2 Franklin Katie r 111 Milledge cir apt 2 FRANKLIN LIFE INSURANCE CO Wal
ker Word GenI Agt lobby Georgian Hotel --Dial LI 6-6075
Franklin Room banquet rm 171 College av
Franklin Rufus (Sarah J) gdnr h 1060 W Hancock av
Franklin Sarah Beauty Shop Mary E Johnson mgr 1070 W Hancock av
Fraser John (Estelle) hlpr Daniel Irri gation Co r 1537 W Broad
Frasier Willie M dom h 264 W Strong

Frazar F Jos (Flora E) h 1923 S Lumpkin
Frazier B Earl (Beulah) 3 lab Genl Times Co h 495 S Rockspring
Frazier Hattie D h 1820 W Han cock av
Frazier Lois V maid r 495 S Rockspring
Frazier Rosa L Indry wkr Athens Genl Hosp r 495 S Rockspring
Frazier Thos L (Janet) tchr U of Ga h 45 Myrna ct apts
Frazier Walter porter Weatherford Ser vice Sta r 540 Water
Frazier Willie porter Berryman's Serv ice Sta r 1537 W Broad
Frederick Lola maid 360 W Cloverhurst
av r 278 Paris Frederick Mary r 278 Paris Frederick Mollie h 278 Paris Free Carl B (Lorna L) 1 accnt Colonial
Poultry Co h 824 Hill Free Carl B Jr student r 824 Hill Free Floyd O installer Consolidated Gas
Co r 146 Parkview Homes Free Luther J (lola L) 4 h 146 Parkview
Homes Free Methodist Church Rev Floyd E Norris
pastor Sunday Services 11:00 am and 8:00 pm 377 Oconee Freeman A Glenn (Gladys W) 2 patrolmn City Police Dept h 955 N Chase Freeman Annie M cook h 215 N Chase Freeman Betty H r 185 S Finley Freeman Beusse R (Myrtice M) 2 supvr Athens Cooperative Creamery h 395 Boulevard Freeman Claude A (Dorothy W) slsmn Butler Furn Co h 130 Virginia av Freeman Clifton (Nellie J) 3 lab Alex ander Wood Products Co h 121 Madi
son hts Freeman Dorothy (Mrs C A) bkpr Butler
Furn Co r 130 Virginia av Freeman Edw M (Julia H) h 237 N
Church Freeman Eleanor F Mrs grad nurse Athens
Genl Hosp r Pre-Fab 30-d Ag Hill Freeman Eva r 180 Woodrow Freeman Geo mach Basham Welding &
Mach Co r Princeton rd RD 4 Freeman Geraldine (Mrs J R) tex wkr r
217 Chattooga av Freeman Gloria (Mrs Doyle) elk C A Trus-
sell Mtr Co r Hull Ga Freeman Harry A (Thelma S) mech Simp-
son Service Inc h 825 Hill Freeman Hazel (Mrs Watson) ckr Indus
trial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r Hull
Ga Freeman Hugh r 195 S Finley Freeman Hulday F (wid S A) h 965 N
Chase Freeman Jessie M ofc sec McWhorter S
Cooley r 475 Hillcrest Freeman John R (Geraldine) production
mgr Clarke County Milling Co h 217
Chatooga av Freeman John R trk dr The Athens Hdw
Co r Comer Ga

Freeman Judge M (Sarah E) slsmn Athens Cooperative Creamery r Danielsville rd
Freeman Lucy ofc sec U of Ga r 561 Uni versity dr
Freeman Lucy B Mrs r 2317 Jefferson rd RD 2
Freeman Mildred Mrs ckr Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r Hull Ga
Freeman Nettie S B (wid M Y) h 475 Hillcrest
Freeman Ophelia h 150 Lyndon av Freeman R S (Lelia McC) (Freeman &
Guest) h 100 Hart av Freeman Rufus (Dora S) 4 dr Black &
White Cab Co h 390 Barber Freeman Ruthford dr Black & White
Cab Co r Arnoldsville Ga Freeman Sanders C h 883 Reese Freeman & Guest (R S Freeman and Lee
H Guest) rl est 138 W Clayton French A Lee Jr (Janet S) 1 USAF h
195 Oakland Way Friendship Baptist Church Rev John H
Geer pastor Services 1st and 3d Sunday 11:00 am 427 Arch Frierson Douglas r Princeton rd RD 4 Frior Geo H (Josephine G) horticultur ist State Extn Service h 135 Ridgewood Pi Fritz Edith C (wid C E) r 495 Milledge ter Fritz Evelyn M associate dr U of Ga Library h 495 Milledge ter Frix Alphie W (wid W H) r 193 Park av Frobor Mary M (Mrs W P) bkpr Athens Lbr Co Inc r 935 Hill Frobor Susan student r 935 Hill Frobos Walter P (Mary M) designer Athens Lbr Co Inc h 935 Hill Froemke Jessie R (Mrs R L) dental hygienist Dr Chas Elder r 170 Matthews av Froemke R L (Jessie R) 4 prof U of Ga h 170 Matthews av Fronke R E (Martha J) 1 USN h 319 Holman av Frost Eva B Mrs h 121 Parkview Homes Frost Frank H (Frost Realty Co) r Comer Ga Frost Marvella waitress Crow's Drug Co r 121 Parkview Homes Frost Realty Co (Frank H Frost) bsmt Sou Mut Bldg Fuka Otto J (Mary C) USN h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 204 Fulcher Betty J nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r 155 Grady av
Fulcher Cath r 155 Grady av
Fulcher Clarence (Gladys C) 1 (The Mayflower) h 2009 Jefferson rd RD 2
cher) Electrical Contractors 237O Jeffer
son rd--Dial LI 6-0191 (See Special
Bottom Lines and Buyers Guide)
FULCHER EZRA L (Flora S) 2 (Ful
cher Electric Co) h 2370 Jefferson rd--
Dial LI 6-0191
Fulcher Garnett M (Mary C) electn Ful cher Elec Co h 231 Nacoochee av

Fulcher Ina Mrs r 2011 Jefferson rd RD 2
Fulcher Jas M (Mattie B) h 140 Easy Fulcher Joe E (Mary P) pntr h 137
Baldwin extd Fulcher Jos T (Annie) h 2011 Jefferson
rd RD 2 Fulcher LeRoy (Mabelle H) parts mn
Carter's Carburetor & Elec Co h 50 Prince pi Fulcher Mary C (Mrs G M) tex wkr r 231 Nacoochee av Fulcher Mary P Mrs tex wkr h 155 Grady av Fulcher Peggy bkpr U S Navy Sup Corps Sch r 155 Grady av Fulcher Plinie (wid H R) r 137 Baldwin extd Fuller Betty slswn Princess Shop r 168 Elizabeth Fuller Bobby delmn Crow's Drug Store Inc r 337 E Strong Fuller Bobby J ship elk Climax Hosiery Mills r 195 Mitchell Fuller D Lumpkin (Susie M) boarder Cli max Hosiery Mills h 195 Mitchell Fuller Dock J whsemn Wilfong Bros r RD 2 Fuller Eldred K (Elma R) shop formn Simpson Service Co r Mitchell Bridge rd RD 1 Fuller Grace Mrs 1 dept mgr DavisonPaxon Co h 257 Morton av Fuller H L (Marion R) 1 prof U of Ga h 220 Hillcrest Fuller Ina L Mrs h 189 Elizabeth Fuller Jas O mech Broun Mtr Co r Winterville Ga Fuller John (Gabriella) mach h 1095 North av Fuller John R (Gay K) mach Athens Mtr & Mach Co r RD 1 Fuller Melissa nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r 257 Morton av Fuller Sidney P (Nell) 1 h 337 E Strong Fullilpve Juliet C (wid H M) h 620 Meigs Fulmer Henry B (Louise W) aud U S Production & Marketing Admn h 765 S Milledge av apt 3 Fulton Clara H (Mrs Harold) emp Co lonial Poultry Co Inc r 190 Dublin Fulton Fanida (wid M L) r 383 Nacoochee av Fulton Harold (Clara H) emp Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 190 Dublin Fulton Jas emp Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 190 Dublin
Fulton Lucy L maid r 733 Dearing
Fulton Tom h 731 Dearing
Furr Henry M (Viola S) 2 h 143 Strickland
Furr Matthew (Anna H) lab Ga Power Co h 155 Marlin
Furr Viola maid 243 E Hancock av r 143 Strickland
Futral A W (Dorothy P) 1 mgr Simpson Service Inc h 253 Springdale

To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
Gabriel Betty R trainee Bradley's Beauty Shop r Winiford Ga
Gabriel Claud P (Edith W) 2 linemn Ga Power Co h 102 Sylvia cir
Gabriel Hazel (Mrs Q) sten State Dept of Pub Health h Pre-Fab No 32 Univ Cam pus
Gabriel Lizzie C mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Winterville Ga
Gabriel Thos W (Wilma P) 1 USA r 820 E Broad
Gabriel Wm R (Irene C) 1 hlpr The Mathis Constn Co r 175 Lakeview
Gabriel Wilma P (Mrs T W) nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r 820 E Broad
Gabrielsen Brown W (Lola J) 3 prof U of Ga h 290 King av
Gaddis Hoke (Lucile C) mech Classic City Overall Co Inc h 1437 E Broad
Gaddis Lucile C (Mrs Hoke) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 1437 E Broad
Gaham Ina M ofc wkr U of Ga r 763 N Pope
Gailey H B (Lerline E) formn Athens Poster Adv Co h 243 Sunset dr
Gailey Lerline E (Mrs H B) elk Bell's Food Mkt r 243 Sunset dr
Gailey Ned H r 243 Sunset dr Gaines Agnes T (Mrs J J) emp The C & S
Natl Bk r 1660 S Lumpkin apt 7 Gaines Edw C (Thelma H) 1 lab h
Bray Gaines Frank C appr electn Roberts Elec
& Appliance Co r Winterville Ga Gaines Jos J (Agnes T) lawyer 128% Col
lege av rm 213 h 1660 S Lumpkin apt 7 Gaines Julius P (Charlotte B) 1 slsmn
University Chevrolet Co Inc h 374 Milledge ter Gaines Nannie L (wid F C) slswn GallantBelk Co h 383 Nacoochee av Gaines Thelma H cook Strickland r Bray Gainesville-Midland Railroad Co Oscar B McRae agt 599 E Broad Gaithier Connie ofc nurse Dr Sam M Talmadge r Pre-Fabs GALIS ANTHONY D (Yoto) 2 (Tony's Restaurant) h 129 Milledge ht -- Dial LI 3-9962 Galis Dennis C student r 129 Milledge hts GALIS HENRY (Tony'. Restaurant) r 153 Milledge hts Gallant-Belk Co Furman E McHugh mgr dept store 413-19 E Clayton Gallaway John W pharm Horton's Drug Co r 190 Pinecrest dr Gallis Anthony H (Frances S) 3 phys Georgian Hotel h West Lake dr Gallman Jack E (Lizzie J) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 164 Odd Gallman Lizzie J maid r 164 Odd Galloway Bartie Mrs r 397 Barber

Galloway Bertie H Mrs r 349 E Hoyt Galloway Dawson D (Louise MJ mech
Pepsi-Cola Btlg Co of Athens h 536 College av Galloway Edwin R trk hlpr Athens Cooper
ative Creamery r 397 Barber Galloway Viola M examiner Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc h 397 Barber Gambrell Bobbie J elk Community Loan
& Investment Corp r 219 Waddell Gambrell Robt E (Willie M G) 1 USA
h 219 Waddell Ganey Margt slswn r 357 Lyndon Gann Lucile J (Mrs W B) slswn J C Pen
ney Co Inc r 350 Oak Gann Ruby B (wid A D) h 180 Plum
Nelly rd Gann Woodie B (Lucille J) 1 patrolmn
City Police Dept h 350 Oak Cannon Arth F (Nell U) poultry mn
State Agrl Extn Service h 545 Milledge cir Gannon Eleanor student r 540 Milledge cir Gantt Jas jan Agrl Extn Bldg r RD 1 Gantt Tommy elk Moon-Winn Drug Co r 535 Prince av Gantt Pete carp h Boley dr Gantt Willie C (wid T L) h 497 Oglethorpe av Garvin Jas L (Lena C) capt City Police Dept h 474 Boulevard Garvin Lena C (Mrs J L) mgr Marion's r 474 Boulevard
Gardner Edw L (Erin S) 2 supvr Atlanta Life Ins Co h 1495 E Broad
Gardner F P (Opal I) 2 prof U of Ga h 319 Parkway dr
Gardner Florence (wid E G) 2 h 298 Peabody
Gardner Geo h 335 Lyndon av Gardner Jas R (Izma G) territory mgr B
F Goodrich h 310 Stanton Way Gardner Minnie B cook h 835 Reese Gardner Rudy yd wkr r 1764 W Broad
extd Garebold Eliz r 543 N Lumpkin Garebold Jessie B h 543 N Lumpkin Garfield Emma h 1092 W Broad Garner Jesse (Hattie B) head waiter
U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h 537 W Han cock Garner Maude (Mrs W E) opr Taylor Beauty Shoppe r 635 Sunset dr Garner Robt E eng White & Wier Air Con ditioning & Htg r Ag Hill on Campus Garner Warren E (Maude) research asst U of Ga h 635 Sunset dr Garnett Richd E (Eliz W) 2 trav slsmn h 156 Gilmer Garrell Francis 1 r 154 N Billups Garret Wm C trk dr W B Rice Petroleum Co Inc r Statham Ga Garrett Billy R student r 390 Milledge ter Garrett Cora B (Mrs G F) nurse Conva lescent Home r 382 E Dougherty Garrett Ellis (Mildred B) 3 (g) sec-treas Ga Assn of Dairy Cooperatives h 1560 S Lumpkin

Garrett Ernest R (Maurice W) 1 emp U S Soil Conservation Service h 166 Mell
Garrett Geo F (Cora B) nurse Conva lescent Home h 382 E Dougherty
Garrett Gordon Jr (Louise M) 2 h 1240 Prince
Garrett Henry A (Edna S) printer's hlpr The McGregor r Farmington Ga
Garrett Jas E (Louise H) (Athens Gro Co; Malcom-Garrett Gro Co) h 390 Milledge ter
Garrett Jas E ship elk Colonial Poultry Co r 390 Milledge ter
Garrett Louise M waitress Betty's Truck Stop r 1240 Prince av
Garrett Rosetta r 382 E Dougherty Garrett Wm (Frances) knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r Hull Ga Garrison Bessie maid 275 Holman av
r 171 N Church Garrison Doris A (Mrs J C Jr) ofc wkr
Georgian Lndry r 290 Williams Garrison Dorothy r 171 N Church Garrison Evelyn P (Mrs W H) mach opr
Classic City Overall Co Inc r 732 Little Oconee Garrison Fannie emp Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service r 588 W Hancock av Garrison Fleacia T Mrs 3 h 110 S Pope Garrison H Wm Jr (Kath W) 2 mach New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry h 384 Nacoochee av Garrison Harriett L student r 373 W Han cock av Garrison Hattie B r 171 N Church Garrison Hattie F dom r 171 N Church Garrison Howard (Margt D) 2 mech Uni versity Chevrolet Co Inc h Princeton rd RD 4 Garrison Hubert C r 110 S Pope Garrison Jessie student r 171 N Church Garrison Jesse (Hattie F) 3 emp h 171 N Church Garrison Jessie C (Doris A) trk dr r 290 Williams Garrison John S (Mary R) chf elk Ga R R h 1370 S Lumpkin Garrison Karl C (Linnea M) prof U of Ga h 513 Milledge cir Garrison Lucille M (Mrs T J) ofc wkr Big Ace Corp r 450 Holman av Garrison Margt D (Mrs Howard) tex wkr r Princeton rd RD 4 Garrison Rettie M (wid S J) r 450 Holman av Garrison Robt E (Mary R) 2 (Bob's Service Sta) h rear 1917 W Broad
Garrison Robt W (Gertrude E) collr The Atlantic Co h 650 Meigs
Garrison Roxie K (wid J C) 1 h 290 Williams
Garrison Saml J r 1370 S Lumpkin
Garrison Sara F ckr Nu-Way Lndry & Dry Clng r 373 W Hancock av
Garrison Sherry J ckr Georgian Lndry & Dry Clnrs r 373 W Hancock av
Garrison Trenton C (Jennie L) 7 meat ctr Bradley Provision Co h 373 W Hancock av

Garrison Troy J (Lucile M) 2 carrier USPO h 450 Holman av
Garrison Wm r 171 N Church Garrison Wm H (Evelyn P) 2 shoe repr
Tuck's Shoe Shop h 732 Little Oconee Gary Elijah trk dr City h 750 Dear-
ing Gastley Geo (Economy Package Shop) r
340 Harris Gates John (Easter M) h 270 5th Gastley John M (Mildred) slsmn h 475
Bloomfield apt 1 Gastley Mildred S (Mrs J M) slswn J C
Penney Co Inc r 475 Bloomfield apt 1 Gaston Anna H maid 625 S Milledge
r 588 W Hancock av Gaston Ben (Anna H) jan Ga The
atre h 585 W Hancock av Gaston Cleo ironer Athens Lndry & Dry
Clng Service r 588 W Hancock Gaston Eliz A (Mrs H H) student r 564
College av Gaston Fannie ironer Athens Lndry &
Dry Clng Service r 588 W Hancock Gaston H Higdon (Eliz A) h 564 College
av Gaston Henrietta maid Holman Hotel
r 588 W Hancock av Gaston Mattie h 269 N Chase Gaston Rose cook Alpha Tau Omega
Fraternity r 588 W Hancock av Gates Harriette R (Mrs J E) sten Com
munity Service r 123 Fortson dr Gates Henry G (Julia B) (Gates Studio)
482 Highland av Gates Jas E (Harriet R) 2 dean U of
Ga h 123 Fortson dr Gates Studio (Henry G Gates) photog
235% N Lumpkin Gather Lizzie G hlpr Old South Restr
Inc h 164 Willow Gatlin Will (Millie C) r 827 Waddell Gatlin Will Jr lab Colonial Poultry
Co h 827 Waddell Gatlind Frank yd mn r 140 Griffeth Gay Chloe H Mrs photo tinter 74 Parkview
Homes h same Gay Manda r 694 Vine Gaye Cafe The (John McGlamery) 1021
N Chase
Gaynor Delia Mrs furn rms 157 Elm h same
Gearhe Bennie (Annie M) jan U of Ga h 31 Fuller
Gearin C Howard (Lavania A) mgr Huckabee Trans Corp r 145 Sylvia cir
Gearin Charlie M (Nellie A) carp h 369 Cobb
Gearin John D (Bertie E) 2 wtch repr C B Dudley h 169 Oak Ridge
Gearin Lavania A (Mrs C H) cash Davison-Paxon Co r 145 Sylvia cir
Gearing Fred (Mandy G) emp Oconee Hill Cemetery h 485 Boulevard
Gearing Grace L r 485 Boulevard
Gearing Jesse (Mazelle W) emp State Hwy Dept h 574 Jackson
Gearing Lucille S r 485 Boulevard

Gearing Mandy G (Mrs Fred) baby sitter r 485 Boulevard
Gearing Martin (Lois B) 5 emp City Sanitation Dept h 356 E Hoyt
Geer John H Rev (Eilean S) pastor Friendship Baptist Ch h 157 Winterville
Geer Richd W (Beatrice G) 3 training dir U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h 207 West View dr
Geiger John W (Freda D) 1 mgr Gulf Life Ins Co h 515 Milledge hts
Geissler Betty W (Mrs G W) slswn Davison-Paxon r 420 S Milledge av
Geissler G Wm (Betty W) 4 mgr home furnishings dept Davison-Paxon Co h 420 S Milledge
Gellitish Joe elk Colonial Hotel r same Gellispie Wm R (Carolyn) trk dr Simpson
Trucking Co r Winterville Ga General Adjustment Bureau Inc Carlyle
Holleman adjuster in charge rms 203-04 Saye Bldg GENERAL FINANCE & LOAN CO OF
ATHENS Joe B Cooper Mgr, Personal
Loans, Auto Financing, General Insur
ance 154 E Clay ton--Dial LI 3-3471 (See Buyers Guide) General Motors Acceptance Corp Jas E Berry mgr auto financing 268 N Jackson General Time Corp R B Holly works mgr clocks Newton Bridge rd General Trading Corp J Swanton Ivy pres, Sheldon G Moore sec-treas used cars 154 W Hancock Gentry Eunice A (wid O L) cash Athens Chickery h 350 Holman av Gentry Jo Ann Mrs emp Athens Genl Hosp r Comer Ga Gentry Rebecca ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service r 1290 S Lumpkin Gentry Saml C (Cora C) agt Ga R R h 398 S Milledge av apt 1 Gentry Wm M (Nelda P) 5 h 85 Parkview Homes George Julia M tchr h 269 N Finley George's Cigar & Fruit Stand (Edw & Geo Williams) prod 375 E Washington Georgia Assn of Dairy Cooperatives Ellis Garret sec-treas 403 N Lumpkin Georgia Auto Upholstery Co (Huel P HamMond) 1920 W Broad Georgia Bible Institute The (C A Rowland) book sellers 770 E Broad Georgia Barbecue Place (F W Dial) W Hancock av at W Broad Georgia Barber Shop (C E Eberhart, C L Lovern, Booth Reeves and J W Simmons) 143 College av Georgia Crop Improvement Assn Hugh A Inglis in charge seed certification 208 State Agricultural Extension Service Annex Building
GEORGIA MOTORS INC Warren C Thurmond Pres, Oscar D Grimes V-PresTreas, Saml E Patat Sec, Buick Sales & Service 101-15 N Lumpkin--Dial LI 66517, Used Cars 262 N Thomas--Dial LI 3-2638, Paint and Body Shop 168 W Washington -- Dial LI 6-7471, Service

Station 101 N Lumpkin--Dial LI 3-9115
(See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide) GEORGIA POWER CO Lawrence M Shad-
gett V-Pres-Div Mgr, Ben W Burton Div
Supt, Robt T Bradberry Div Aud, Robt K Picker Div Sales Supvr, Geo Hancock Div Supvr of Supplies, Joe B Hudson Dist Auditor, Clifford G Scrutchin Div
Supt, Jas R Pinkerton Dist Eng Division Ofc 217 E Hancock av--Dial LI 6-0121
Georgia Railroad Saml C Gentry agt coml ofc-frt sta 100 N Foundry
Georgia Seed & Supply Co (Henry W Perkerson) 431 N Thomas
GEORGIA--STATE OF Agricultural Extension Service Annex Bldg 150 Carlton Agricultural Extension Service W A Sutton associate dir (for further information see street guide 1237 S Lumpkin) Department of Labor 409 N Lumpkin Employment Security Agency, Employ Service and Veterans Employment Service Wm W De Beaugrine mgr Department of Public Health 985 W Broad W B Harrison medical dir Department of Public Welfare Dist 10 Mrs Frances W Shank field rep 2d fir Court Hse Highway Department Delbert F Pankey resident engineer 2d fir Court Hse Internal Revenue Service Thos W Harris agt 208 Federal Court Hse Parole Supervisor Eug E W Hendricks 2d fir Court Hse State Patrol Post No 32 Sgt Eug L Floyd post commander W Broad Veterans Service Office Raymond E Lester mgr 283 % E Broad
GEORGIA THEATRE (Georgian Theatre Co) C Elrod Sims Mgr, Motion Pictures 215 N Lumpkin--Dial LI 6-0127
GEORGIA THEATRE CO C Elrod Sims City Mgr, Operators Athens Drive - In Theatre, Georgian Theatre and Strand Theatre, Motion Picture Co 215 N Lumpkin--Dial LI 6-0127 (See Buyers Guide)
Georgia Tire & Rubber Co Bryant M Smith pres, Bryant M Smith Jr v-pres, Harvard V Hopkins sec-treas auto parts whol 225 W Washington
Georgia Wrecking Co (Howard Streetmon) auto parts used 550 N Thomas
GEORGIAN HOTEL Alwyn B Stiles Mgr 267 E Washington--Dial LI 6-7311 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Georgian Hotel Newsstand (Lee C Bowden) Georgian Hotel
Georgian Laundry & Dry Cleaners (Jack R Wells) 255 W Washington
CORP Thos C Buesse Pres, Don W Ba-
singer Mgr, Geo E Bevill Asst Mgr, Per sonal, Furniture and Automobile Loans
230 College av--Dial LI 3-4321 (See
Buyers Guide)
Gerdine Linton (Eliz C) phys 708-09 Sou Mut Bldg h 124 E Hancock av



Gerdine Mary E r 124 E Hancock av Gerdine Thos F (Florida H) 1 mgr-slsmn
Thos M Tillman Co h 250 Springdale Gerrin Jas W (Dora C) 2 mech Dudley
Mower Sales Co h 187 Inglewood Gerring Richd spinner Chicopee Mfg Co
r 184 Vine Geter Geo Jr (Lola) presser Georgian
Lndry & Dry Clnrs h 674 Water Geter Geo H presser h 46 Bray Geter Otis (Estelle W) lab h 198 S
Rockspring Getzen Robt L (Hazel S) 3 (g) asst dist mgr
Gulf Oil Corp h 583 University dr Giacomni Donald (Nancy W) USA h rear
180 E Rutherford Gibbes Dorothy R (wid J W) r 649 N Mil-
ledge av Gibbon David L (Farris) 4 lab h 273
Reese Gibbons Farris maid 376 Milledge cir r
273 Reese Gibbs Geo (Ruth) hall boy Hotel Hoi-
man r 1334 W Hancock av Gibbs J M Bar-B-Q Grill (J M Gibbs) 156
E Hoyt Gibbs John M (g) (J M Gibbs Bar-B-
Q Grill) h 158 E Hoyt Gibbs Mary nutrition specialist State Agrl
Extn Service h 1520 S Lumpkin apt E-3 Gibbs Ruth 1 pianist Hills First Baptist
Church r 1334 W Hancock av Gibby Bill (Arzenia J) slsmn The Hut h
124 Hoyt Gibson Emmett H (Eliz P) 2 dist mgr
Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co h 315 Milledge hts Dial 3-9040 Gibson Robt E lawyer 108 Shackelford Bldg r 250 King av Gibson Thos B (Ruth H) meat ctr h 529 Baxter Gibson Virginia Mrs h 359 Baxter Gibson Wm P (Sybil) slsmn Athens Cooperative Creamery r Winder Ga Gibson Willie B hsekpr 872 W Broad r Allenville Ga Giddens Howard P Rev (Gladys H) pastor First Baptist Church h 1192 S Milledge av Dial LI 3-4612 Giddens Joel E (Eliz W) 2 (g) prof U of Ga h 315 Parkway dr Gidley Lucy W (wid E G) grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp h 650 Oglethorpe av Giffeth Beulah I (wid L F) slswn Growers Mkt h 225 Cherokee av Giffeth Emma sten Athens Hdw Co r 225 Cherokee av
Giffeth Woodrow W USN r 255 Cherokee av
Gilbert Charlie E (Nina D) eng SAL R R h 120 Hope av
Gilbert Gene (Mrs Fred) cash Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r 32-e Pre-Fab
Gilbert Fred A (Gene) cash Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r 32-c Pre-Fab
Gilbert Glenda cash Snack Shack r 220 Oakland av
Gilbert Henry T (Daisy C) 1 (g) supt Chicopee Mfg Co h 365 W Cloverhurst

Gilbert Hoyt L (Vivian B) 1 (The Snack Shack) h 220 Oakland av
Gilbert Laura C (wid John) r 1455 E Broad
GILBERT MARVIN L JR (Ruby C) 2 (g) (Athens Cigarette Service) Pre* Coastal Service Inc h 180 Boulevard ht--Dial LI 6-8297
GILBERT RALPH F (Grace R) Leasee Coastal Grill r 220 Oakland av
GILBERT RUBY C (Mrs M L Jr) V-Pres Coastal Service Inc r 180 Boulevard hts --Dial LI 6-8297
Gilbert Thos F (Betty) 1 asst prof U of Ga h 288% Stanton Way
Gilbert Vivian B (Mrs H L) bkpr Snack Shack r 220 Oakland av
Gilbreath J Earl Rev (Martha Me) rector Emmanuel Episcopal Ch h 141 University dr
Gilbreath J Earl Jr USA r 141 University dr
Gilder Paul (Dorothea S) 1 civ eng h 455 Sunset dr
Giles Ann B Mrs transit elk The Natl fck of Athens r Watkinsville Ga
Giles Beauty Shop Ruby L Giles mgr 1126 W Hancock av
Giles DP (Claudie M) (g) slsmn h 278 4th
Giles Diamond B (Ruby C) 1 lab h 56 Parkview Homes
Giles Dock (Ruby Y) h 173 Marlin Giles E H r Colonial Hotel Giles Esther I ofc asst Dr John A Simpson
CY (Henry H "Bill" Giles) Genl Insur ance and Automobile Financing 157 Col lege av -- Dial LI 6-6119 (See Inside Back Supplement Cover and Buyers Guide) Giles Harold J elk J Swanton Ivy Inc r 112 Parkview Homes GILES HENRY H (Clarice H) (H H "Bill" Giles Insurance Agency) h 165 Crestview cir--Dial LI 3-4505 Giles Horace K cable splicer S B T & T Co r 165 Crestview cir
Giles Jas recapper Snow Tire Co r Winder Ga
Giles Jas R r 173 Marlin
Giles John B (Nell B) 2 sta mgr Southern Airways Inc h Winterville rd
Giles Marion A (Annie S) (g) slsmn Dillard Coal Co h 243 Hall
Giles Mary E Mrs 3 h 112 Parkview Homes
Giles Norris (Ann H) 1 slsmn Boland Bonded Pest Control Co h 159 Virginia av
Giles Robt T student r 112 Parkview Homes
Giles Ruby L (Giles Beauty Shop) r 173 Marlin
Giles Shirley J r 66 Parkview Homes
Gilham Barber Shop (Edw D Gilham) 347 N Hull

Gilham Edw D (Pearl M) (g) (Gilham Barber Shop) jan City Bd of Education h 287 Fairview
Gilham Mary r 291 Athens av Gilham Pearl M maid 530 Springdale
r 287 Fairview Gill Roy H slsmn The Beacham Co r Toc-
coa Ga Gillam Eddie B (Ruby J) 2 plstr h
248 N Pope Gillam Ruby J dom r 248 N Pope Gillam Wm r rear 371 Arch Gillen Billie B (Mrs W M) (Bradley 'a
Beauty Shop; Bradley's Dress Shop) r Lexington Ga Gillen Clara R r 697 Barber Gillen Dora L student r Sunset dr Gillen Fred A lawyer 100^ College av r Lexington Ga Gillen Henry S (Syble P) 2 spinner Chicopee Mfg Co h 697 Barber Gillen Saml T (Vennie P) emp Chico pee Mfg Co h Sunset dr Gillen Wm B (Willie W) caro h 540 Oconee Gillen Willie W (Mrs W B) mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r 540 Oco nee Gillespie Carolyn shirt number Fields Mfg Co r 145 E Strong Gillespie Frank B (Nancy S) mech Uni versity Chevrolet Co Inc r RD 1 Gillespie Jos C (Annie P) mech Carter's Carburetor & Elec Co r RD 1 Gillespie Lowery H (Helen B) emp Athens Lbr Co h 290 Oakland av Gillispie Nancy (Mrs B F) ckr Dairypak Inc r RD 1 Gilmer M Lorraine ofc sec County Supt of Schools r Winterville Ga
GILMER ROBT C (Erin B) 2 Execu
tive V-Pres The National Bank of Ath
ens h 430 Milledge cir--Dial LI 3-3241 Gilmer Susan M F 170 Boulevard hts Gilmore Frank hlpr Oconee Street Serv
ice Sta r 163 Peabody Gilmore Grace student r 163 Peabcdy Gilmore Harvey M Jr (Mildred) 1 USMC
r 497 Ruth Gilmore India 3 r 587 Dearing Gilmore Joe hlpr E & S Tire Service r
163 Peabody Gilmore Pauline 4 maid 1160 Milledge h
163 Peabody Gilmore T Howard USAF r 90 Parkview
Homes Gilmore Vallie S Mrs 2 h 90 Parkview
Homes Gilpin Brinca E discount elk Genl Mtrs Ac
ceptance Corp r 178 Dearing Gilpin Mary S (wid R C) elk The Mus
Shop h 178 Dearing Gilreath Geo (Loue) trk dr The Atlanta
Co h 328 Atlanta av Gilreath Lorie ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r 328 Atlanta av Gilree Emory (Mary F) 3 jan USPO h
165 Indale Gilree Mary F ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r 165 Indale

GINN CECIL P (He.ter S) Mgr Ginn'.
Garage h 275 Bloomfield--Dial LI
6-7634 Ginn Cecile M slswn Davison-Paxon Co r
277 Hill Ginn Dora C (Mrs W J) (The Modern
Sewing Shop) r 275 Bloomfield Ginn Guthrie H (Frances P) 3 meat
mgr Malcom-Garrett Gro Co h 242 Hall Ginn Grace mach opr Classic City Overall
Co Inc r Winterville Ga GINN HESTER S (Mrs C P) (Ginn'. Ga
rage) r 275 Bloomfield -- Dial LI
6-7634 Ginn Jas L mach Quality Mach Co r Jef
ferson Ga Ginn Olin W (Suzzanne M) div rural
eng Ga Power Co h 541 Morton av Ginn Suzanne M (Olin W) home econo
mist Ga Power Co r 541 Morton ay Ginn Wiley J (Dora H) asst mgr Ginn's
Garage h 275 Bloomfield GINN'S GARAGE (Mrs Hester S Ginn)
Cecil P Ginn Mgr Auto Repairers, Open
All Night 169 W Washington--Dial LI
6-0102 (See Special Lines and Buyers
Guide) Ginsburg Ida r 151 University dr Gipson Burt S (Mrs V H) smstrs Good
Luck Mfg Co r 756 W Hancock av Gipson V Howard (Burt S) 3 h 756 W
Hancock av Girl Scout Little House 289 Pinecrest dr Girl Scouts of The USA Myra Pattishall
dir 298 E Washington rm 210 Givens Flora C (wid J E) r 1719- A-4 S
Lumpkin Gladden Jas L (Eliz B) 1 reprmn Bissell
& DeLay Typewriter Sis Co h 120 Hall Glenn Arth M lab Colonial Poultry Co
r 157 Dallas al Glenn Danl butler h 255 Vine Glenn Geo hlpr Thos J Greenway r Allen-
ville Ga Glenn Geo L emp Five Points Gro r
10 Gordon's al Glenn Hazel M (Mrs W A) ofc sec The
Christian College of Ga r 405 Holman av Glenn John r 165 Waddell Glenn Johnny C emp r 10 Gordon's al Glenn Lovie W (Mrs W N) opr S B T & T Co r 440 Milledge ter Glenn Magdalene M prin College Ave nue Sch h 310 Madison av Glenn Margt B Mrs genl asst U of Ga Library r RD 3 Glenn Nellie r 10 Gordon's al Glenn Nellie M emp Colonial Poultry Co r 10 Gordon's al Glenn Radford emp The C & S Natl Bk r Lexington Ga Glenn Sallie A (wid Thornton) h 450 Carr Glenn Walter N (Lovie W) 2 terminal supt Std Oil Co of Ky h 440 Milledge ter Glenn Wm r 907 Hobson av Glenn Wm A (Hazel M) 1 supt Life and Casualty Ins Co of Tenn h 405 Hol-

Glenn Wm E (Margie) mgr Simpson Trucking Co r RD 1
Glenn Willie B (Nellie M) 6 emp Perdue Mfg Co h 10 Gordon's al
Glesson John C USAF r 312 E Dougherty
Glosson Geneva Mrs nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp h 48 Parkview Homes
Glover Martha Mrs hse mother Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity r 198 S Hull
Glover V Jack (Willie M) h 250 King av
Glover Willie M (Mrs V J) The Fashion Shop r 250 King av
Glover Zena T (wid Phil) h 225 Milledge ter
Gober Dewey R (Billie S) 1 linemn S B T & T Co h 2 Parsons apt
Gober Martha nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r Nurse's Home
Godfree Grocery (Jas D Godfree) 187 Grace
Godfree Jas D (Sylvia K) (Godfree Gro) h 105 Clover
Godfree Sylvia K (Mrs J D) (Sylvia's Beauty & Health Salon) r 105 Clover
Godfrey Geneva (Mrs T H) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 156 Boulevard
Godfrey Tollie H (Geneva B) 5 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 156 Boule vard
Goetz Vernon J (Louise D) 3 carp Sam Smith Co h 114 Parkview Homes
Golatt Daisy L maid 590 Lumpkin r 631 Dealing
Gold Diana S (Mrs Jerry) X-ray tech Gil bert Infirmary r 1660 S Lumpkin apt 4
Gold Jerry (Diana S) student h 1660 S Lumpkin apt 14
Golden Barabara 1 r 243 Reese Golden Chas O (Sarah S) 1 administra
tive asst Army Reserve Training Center h 685 Belvoir hts Goldin Jas B (Geraline R) student r 2 Parkview Homes Goldsmith Lauren H (Margt R) phys 60103 Sou Mut Bldg r Cherokee rd Gonder Charlie W (Dorthy J) emp U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h 178 N Billups Gonder Dorothy J maid 525 W Cloverhurst av r 178 N Billups Gonder Mattie r 433 N Rockspring Gonder Robt (Savannah L) porter Elks Club h 6 Broadacres Gooch Grady (Thelma G) carp The Mathis Constn Co h 175 Lakeview Gooch L J (Ida C) 4 trk dr h 297 Bar ber Gooch Luther (Sybil G) 3 trk dr Brad ley Provision Co h 200 Grove Gooch Thelma G (Mrs Grady) seamer r 175 Lakeview Good Luck Mfg Co (Jos Aronoff) Walter L Doster supt men's and boys' pants mfrs 245 W Washington Goodloe Lester C (Dorothea J) 1 asst mgr Motor Contract Div of Trusco Finance Co h 155 North View dr apt 1 Goodman Izzie (Ruthie) h 320 Hampton ct

Goodrum Beatrice T tchr r 180 N Rockspring
Goodrum Hugh (Beatrice T) sch tchr h 180 N Rockspring
Goodrum Jas carp G M Caskey & Son r RD 1
Goodwin F Danl (Ila M) crewmn Boland Bonded Pest Control Co h 345 University dr
Goodwin Kate D (wid G M) h 262 N Milledge av
Goodwin M Frances tchr Barrow Sch r 345 University dr
Goodwin Walter E (Jessica W) 2 eng Ga R R h 120 University dr
Goodwyn Sallie A artist 254 Dearing h same
Goodyear Service Store Morris E Ramers mgr 175 N Lumpkin
Goolsby Annette maid 186 Westover dr h rear 769 Bray
Goolsby Bessie ironer Athens Lndry & Dry Clngs Service r 137 2d
Goolsby Delia E presser Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc h 129 Plum
Goolsby Giles r 1226 W Broad Goolsby Jerry r 735 N Lumpkin Goolsby Joe (Laura D) r Bray Goolsby Joe (Willie G) 6 porter Ga
Mtrs Inc h 300 Odd Goolsby Josephine C (wid L B) h 499
Ruth Goolsby Mildred M (Mrs S T) ofc wkr
Harman-Joiner Co r Winterville Ga Goolsby Sam T (Mildred M) whsemn Dai-
rypak Inc r Winterville Ga Goolsby Wm E r 196 Bridge Goosby Early (Mamie) hlpr Snelling
Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) h 153 Strickland Gordon Addie Whll59W Broad Gordon Albert M (Clemie B) lab B & W Dry Clnrs h 351 Arch Gordon Annie L (Mrs N A) hlpr Stone's Ideal Bakery r Watkinsville Ga Gordon Charlie Jr (Margt H) trk dr Athens Prod Inc h 245 Evans Gordon Dave (Belle C) (Dave Gordon Auto Sup Co) h 170 Morton av Gordon Dave Auto Supply Co (Dave Gor don) auto parts whol 125 W Washing ton Gordon Dave E (Sarah B) 2 jan Ath ens Industrial High Sch h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Gordon Edgar (Mildred W) trk dr Ath ens Prod Inc h 280 Indale dr Gordon Eliz H (wid E C) h 595 N Milledge av Gordon Ellen W (Mrs S T) ofc asst Dr Herchel B Harris r 249 Bloomfield Gordon Flora M (wid E H) 1 waitress Big A Cafe h 595 Waddell Gordon Fred A delmn Beussee's Flow ers r 351 Arch Gordon Hugh F ticket taker Palace The atre r 436 Hill Gordon Hugh H Jr (Nannette H) h 1045 Prince av Gordon Ida M dom r 179 W Strong

Gordon J B (Myrtle B) trk dr Athens Lbr Co r RD 1
Gordon Jack E r 595 Waddell Gordon John H (Katie) 4 electn h 185
Hillcrest Gordon Jos S (Beverly C) 2 mail elk Ga
Power Co h 153 Georgia av Gordon Juanita B (wid J A) 2 ofc sec
Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 185 Grady av Gordon Julia (wid T L) 1 r 436 Hill Gordon L Madison (Mildred A) 2 USA h
West View dr Gordon Lucy Mrs r 180 Portson dr Gordon Margt cook Chase Street Sch r
445 Evans Gordon Marion O student r 185 Grady
av Gordon Mildred W cook Chase Street
Sch r 280 Indale dr Gordon Norman H r 595 Waddell Gordon S Tom (Ellen W) 2 rep Blue Cross-
Blue Shield Hospitalization h 249 Bloom-
field Gordon Sarah B housewkr r Epps Bridge
rd RD 4 Gordon Seyborn (Pauline W) 1 lab
Athens Poultry Inc r 280 Indale dr Gordon T L Jr emp L M Leathers' Sons
r 436 Hill Gordon Texie (wid J T) r 277 Hill Gordon Thos L Jr (Faye J) 2 emp L M
Leathers' Sons h 360 N Church Gordon Wm T knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co
Inc r 436 Hill Gordon Willie (Emma B) hlpr Ander-
son Plmbg & Htg Co h 1695 W Broad
GORDY W F (Evelyn J) (The Var.ity)
r Atlanta Ga Gormly Rosalie Mrs instr U of Ga h 120
Marion dr Goss Minnie emp Georgian Lndry &
Clnrs h 135 Warsaw Goss Wm jan L M Leathers' Sons r
RD 1 Gotesky Rubin (Frances P) 2 prof U of
Ga h 400 Pine Needle rd Gowder Billy hlpr Dorsey Heating & Sheet
Metal Co r 120 Milburn av
Graham Alene Mrs r 320 N Milledge av Graham Alice L (wid) hsekpr 763 N Pope r
same Graham Don student r 320 N Milledge
Graham Era S (wid J C) h 280 Holman av
Graham Leavy C Mrs tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 375 Ridge av
Graham Lessie J slswn S H Kress & Co r Crawford Ga
Graham Minnie H r 370 S Hull Graham R D agt Life Ins Co of Ga r Win-
terville Ga Graham Reba F inspr r 815 College av Graham Wm T (Mary G) routemn Indus
trial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r RD 3 Granade Geo E (Ruth P) 2 servicemn
Burroughs Co h 406 Holman av Grant Benj H (Jewell) appraiser Federal
Land Bk h 215 Oakland av

Grant Billiard Parlor (G Aburey Wilder) 229 E Broad
Grant Bishop F (Virginia S) prof U of Ga h 378 W Rutherford
Grant Frances E clk-sten Veterans Admn r 378 W Rutherford
Grant Mamie H 1 h 1375 W Han cock av
Grant Robt L (Joan H) hlpr The WebbCrawford Co r 375 N Billups
Graves Bud r 1751 S Lumpkin Graves Richd F (Bettye K) intern St
Mary's Hosp of Athens Inc h 380 N Milledge av Gravitt Bertie W Mrs 2 spinner Chicopee Mfg Co h 149 W Dougherty Gravitt Peggy r 149 W Dougherty Gray Ben B (Jane C) farm mgr U of Ga h 245 Burnett Gray Bros Dry Cleaners (J Edw Gray) 1377 Prince av Gray Chas F instr U of Ga Library r 26fr University dr *^ ' /-' - - - ..
Gray Elmer L 1 trav slsmn r 165 Hillcrest
Gray Eva L emp U S Soil Conservation Service r YWCA Annex
Gray J Stanley (Gunborg) instr U of Ga h 260 Milledge hts
Gray J Walter (Addie S) delmn Gray Bros Dry Clnrs h 165 Hillcrest
Gray Jack USAF r 260 Milledge hts Gray Jas E (Ruby B) 1 (Gray Bros
Dry Clnrs) h 337 Sunset dr Gray Maude H (wid J W) gro 1014
Hobson av h same Gray Olga R sch tchr r 260 Milledge hts Gray W Danl (Marjorie L) (Gray's Gro)
r Lexington rd RD 3 Gray's Grocery (W D Gray) 1395 E
Broad Grayson E Puett (Judy S) USN r 320
Milledge hts Greason John H (Julia M) trk dr The
Atlantic Co h 645 N Hull Greason Julia M presser Findley Dry
Clnrs r 645 N Hull Greater Bethel AME Church Rev C R
Johnson pastor Sunday Services 11:15 am and 7:15 pm 1188 W Broad Green Aaron (Delia M C) atndt Athens Auto Storage Co r Hull Ga Green Andrew (Lemare) 4 carp h 350 S Rockspring
Green Cleo emp Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service r 588 W Hancock av
Green Donarell R Jr (Kathleen W) 6 phys 2d fir Morton Bldg h 680 W Hancock av
Green Geo W (Gladys G) 1 lab The Loef Co h 294 Nantahala av
Green Gladys G (Mrs G W) bkpr Ga Wrecking Co r 294 Nantahala av
Green Gracie maid 354 Milledge cir r Hull Ga
Green Helen H (Mrs J A) sec Junior As sembly Clinic r 146 Dearing
Green Hope L (wid T F) h 525 Milledge



Green Jas (Mary H) fixer Climax Hosiery Mills h 531 N Thomas
Green Jas A (Helen H) 3 phys 1010 Prince av h 146 Bearing
Green Jane student r 294 Nantahala av Green Jerry hlpr Athens Cooperative
Creamery r 728 N Hull
GREEN JOHN L (Margt B) 1 Lawyer 419-
21 Southern Mutual Bldg--Dial LI 6-
8162 h 226 W Cloverhurst ar -- Dial
LI 6-1660
Green L J (Bessie S) maintenance mn Athens Genl Hosp h 760 Cobb
Green Lamare maid r 350 S Rockspring
Green Leroy H (Eliz S) 2 mgr Bishop's Hatchery h 2340 Jefferson rd RD 2
Green Louis P furn rms 370 S Lumpkin h same
Green Lucile L r 525 Milledge cir Green Marion O (Viola M) 1 cus
todian Am Legion Classic City Post No 185 h 134 S Chase Green Mary H (Mrs Jas) waitress Crow's Drug Store Inc r 531 N Thomas Green Mary M maid 530 W Rutherford r 163 N Harris Green Mattie waitress AST Restr r 760 Cobb Green Mattie J Indrs h 163 Indale dr Green Paul mech L M Leathers' Son Roof ing & Sheet Metal Contrs r 185 N Hull apt 2 Green Pauline D emp Palace Theatre r 760 Cobb Green Pearl (wid T E) 2 emp h Johnson extd Green Roosevelt (Drucilla) 6 brklyr h 225 Colima av Green Ruby emp Colonial Poultry Co h 430 Cleveland av Green Sally r 1140 W Hancock av Green Sally M r 164 Willow Green Thos mech Athens Auto Sup Co r Nicholson Ga Green Thos F Jr prof U of Ga r 525 Milledge cir Green Viola M cash Atlanta Life Ins Co r 134 S Chase Green Virgis (Mary M) carp h 163 N Harris Green Willie jan Palace Theatre r 163 Indale dr Green's Beverage Co Marvin Mangham mgr Atlanta at Alps rd Greene Anna S (Mrs Danl) bkpr Ever green Memorial Pk Inc r Bogart Ga Greene Bonnie SI knitter Cherokee Hosiery Mill h 126 Grace
Greene Claude L (Hazel) trav slsmn h 153 Hart av
Greene Danl (Anna S) pres Evergreen Memorial Pk Inc r Bogart Ga
Greene Daisy F (wid T P) dietitian Snelling Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) r Soule Hall (U of Ga)
Greene J Sylvester (Mary L) 4 lab Ga Power Co h 320 Boley dr

Greene Jas E (Ruth A) 2 prof U of Ga h 130 Hope av
Greene Jas E Jr USAF r 130 Hope av Greene John H (Evelyn J) councillor Vo
cational Rehabilitation h 401 Holman av Greene Johnny lab G M Caskey & Son
r 320 Boley dr Greene Mary A (wid S W) 3 h 126 Park
view Homes Greene G Robt stludent r 130 Hope av Greenway Harvey T (Sally D) turn re-
fnshr Intheruff Antique Shop h 670 Holman av Greenway Thos J (Annie D) gro 1664 S Lumpkin h 198 Boulevard Greer Dan D (Shirley O) 3 asst sis mgr The Hanna Mfg Co h 185 Oakland Way Greer Hersie R (wid W C) h 425 South View dr Greer Norma G (wid E K) h 235 Oak land Way Greeson Helen (Mrs J L) mach opr Big Ace Corp r 923 N Chase Greeson John L (Helen) 1 emp Big Ace Corp h 923 N Chase Gregory Edna M (wid U L) h 154 Park view Homes Gregory Evans W (Myrtle M) mgr Cafe teria Dairypak Inc h 1650 S Milledge av Gregory Myrtle M (Mrs E W) emp cafe teria Dairypak Inc r 1650 S Milledge av Gresham Annie L maid 440 S Milledge av r rear same Gresham Clifford (Hattie M) lab At lanta Gas Light Co r 631 Dearing Gresham Geo (Mamie W) dr Black & White Cab Co r 447 Reese Gresham Mamie W maid Plum Nelly rd r 447 Reese Gresham John W (Rosa B) lab Atlanta Gas Light Co h 1445 Oconee Gresham Robt pot washer Hotel Holman h 445 Little Oak Griffeth A B (Ruth B) 4 contr A B Griffeth Contr h 1140 Prince apt 1 Griffeth Alice L 1 dom 540 Sunset dr r RD 4 Griffeth Alton W (Lillie S) 1 asst mgr Bridges Funeral Home Inc h 250 Bar ber Griffeth Betty student r 1140 Prince av Griffeth Bobbie J ofc sec W Marion Reed r Danielsville Ga Griffeth Chas W (Carolyn K) 2 (New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry) h 221 Morton av Griffeth Chas W Jr student r 221 Morton av Griffeth Dwight slsmn Ga Mtrs Inc r Dan ielsville Ga Griffeth Ed C elk Ry Exp Agcy Inc r Dan ielsville Ga Griffeth Eliz h 524 W Hancock av Griffeth Emma G ofc sec The Athens Hdw Co r 225 Cherokee av Griffeth Emory C (Lizzie T) vehicle mn Ry Exp Agcy Inc h 426 Billups Griffeth Harold E student r Johnson dr



Griffeth Henry C (Helen H) 1 (New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry) h 153 West View dr
Griffeth Henry C Jr student r 153 West
View dr Griffeth Herbert (Mary C) carp h
180 Paris Griffeth Hillman F (Juanita V) 1 r 185
Nacoochee av Griffeth Hillman F Jr student r 185 Na
coochee Griffeth Jo Neal D (Mrs J K) slswn J C
Penney Co Inc r Danielsville Ga Griffeth Joe K (Jo Neal D) atndt Wea-
therford Service Sta r Danielsville Ga Griffeth John R (Leila L) roofer Chris
tian Hdw Co h 144 State Griffeth John R Jr r 144 State Griffeth Juanita V (Mrs H F) seamer Rod-
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 185 Nacoochee Griffeth Katie J (wid F E) mus tchr 748
Cobb h same Griffeth Lamar (Miriam) USA h 167 Eliz
abeth Griffeth Lizzie M T tchr Newton Gram
mar Sch r 426 N Billups Griffeth Louise maid r 150 Strick-
land Griffeth Ola M prac nurse St Mary's
Hosp r 1375 W Hancock av Griffeth Otis (Louise) 2 USAF h 150
Strickland Griffeth Raymond E (Mildred H) 1 mech
Athens Amusement Co h Johnson dr Griffeth Raymond L mgr Elks Club r RD 1 Griffeth Wm C sheet metal wkr L M Lea
thers' Sons r RD 4 Griffeth Wyatt 0 (Florine R) 1 (Wy-
att Service Sta) h Danielsville rd Griffin Evelvn r 152 Willow
GRIFFIN JOHN E (Gwendolyn W) 1 Cash
Hubert State Bank Sec-Treas Insurers
Inc Lawyer 703-05 Southern Mutual
Bid*--Dial LI 6-820S h 393 W Ruther
ford--Dial LI 6-1681
Griffin John H (Emma C) hlpr Wilfong Bros h 143 Peabody
Griffin Kenneth M (Opal C) mech Uni versity Chevrolet Co Inc h 406 Sun set dr
Griffin Lucile J (Mrs W C) student r 155 North View dr apt 2
Griffin Lula h 154 Yonah av apt 1 Griffin Wm (Doris B) 4 wkr h 620 N Mil-
ledge av Griffin Wm C (Lucile J) student h 155
North View dr apt 2 Griffin Willie 0 hlpr Wilfong Bros r
143 Peabody Griffith A Bud (Alice) elev opr Sou
Mut Bldpr h 124 Mulberry Griffith Allie M (Mrs F W) spooler Chico-
pee Mfg Co r 134 Vine Griffith Apartments 390 W Hancock av Griffith Annie M maid 1690 Milledge
av h 315 DuBose av Griffith Arth W (Mattie H) h Barnett
Shoals rd Griffith Belle B (Mrs J G) slswn Davison-
Paxon Co r Maxeys Ga

Griffith Benj I furn rms 360 S Lumpkin h same
Griffith Benj F furn rms 360 S Lumpkin h same
Griffith Calvin T patrolmn City Police Dept r 335 Satula av
Griffith Chas slsmn Silvey Mtr Co Inc r
Colbert Ga Griffith Claudine B r rear 1163 W
Broad Griffith E Fredk Jr (Mary T) 4 slsmn
Radio Sta WRFC h 53 Prince pi Griffith Eleanor r 346 E Strong Griffith Frank W (Allie M) 1 prod pdlr
h 134 Vine Griffith Gene W (Mrs M D) emp The C
& S Natl Bk r Bogart Ga Griffith Henry C student r 335 Satula av Griffith Ida M maid r 386 Barber Griffith Jas M (Ruby C) 1 pntr h 335
Satula av Griffith Jewel Mrs h 263 Normal av Griffith John E (Willie G) lab h
523 Odd Griffith Leila A ctr Colonial Poultry
Co Inc r 180 Stephens Griffith Lelia ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc h 360 Macon av Griffith Lindsey (Lovie H) yd mn h
670 N Hull Griffith Lonnie maid Vivian's Beauty
Shop r 828 N Lumpkin Griffith Louis T dir public relations U of
Ga h 75 Mvrna ct apts Griffith Marcia S (Mrs S C) (Griffith
Apts) r 390 W Hancock av Griffith Martha E slswn F W Woolworth
Co r Farmington Ga Griffith Mary T (Mrs E F Jr) v-pres Jun
ior Assembly Clinic r 53 Prince pi Griffith Milton D fGene W) slsmn Ander-
son Auto Parts Co Inc r Bogart Ga Griffith P W (Louise) asst whsemn Gulf
Oil Corp r Bogart Ga Griffith Ravmond C r RD 4 Griffith Robt trk dr Butler Furn Co r
Nicholson Ga Griffith Ruby C (Mrs J M) tex wkr Puri
tan Cordage Mills r 335 Satula av Griffith S T (Mary J) h 670 N
Hull Griffith S Clarence (Marcia S) h 390
W Hancock av Griffith Sara (Mrs Dwight) ofc sec State
Agrl Extn Service r Danielsville Ga Griffith Wadine W Mrs 2 emp Good Luck
Mfg Co h 32 Parkview Homes Griggs Mary r 420 Madison av Grimes Charlie (Tommie A) h 127
Johns Grimes Dora T h 285 Fairview Grimes Grace C maid r 290 Rock-
Grimes Hattie M maid r 148 N Chase
Grimes J H h 564 College av
Grimes Marion E (Mrs Neal) (Normal Cafe) r 350 Sunset dr
Grimes Neal (Marion E) sis mgr Co lumbia Baking Co h 350 Sunset dr

GRIMES OSCAR D V-Pre.-Treas Georgia
Motors Inc h 645 H W Cloverhurst av--
Dial LI 3-4457
Grimes Oscar D Jr (Virginia D) 3 pres Allied Producers & Sup Co Inc h 645 Cloverhurst av
Grimes Reezer 1 emp Colonial Poul try Co h 135 Fopbstein al
Grimes Robt (Hattie M) lab h 148 N Chase
Grimsley Everette R (Frances D) mech Russell Daniel Inc h Oconee hts
Grimsley Frances D (Mrs E R) ofc wkr Gallant-Belk Co r Oconee hts RD 2
Grisham Carrie S2h371 Arch Grissom Early (Mattie K) trk dr h 132
Willow Grissom Grover lab r 524 W Hancock
av Grizzle Betty W bkpr Heyward Alien Mtr
Co r Statham Ga
GROOVER JAS I (Pauline W) 2 Ad
vertising Mgr The Athens Banner-Her
ald h 470 Morton av--Dial LI 6-0331 Groover Oscar Mrs r 470 Morton av Grover Willie emp B & B Beverage Co
h 125 Broadacres Growers Market Henry Cobb mgr produce
215 N Hull Grubb Mable E (wid S R) furn rms 490
Pulaski h same Grubb Scott D (Carrie P) formn Alex
ander Wood Products Co h 155 Hart av Grubbs Willie P ofc wkr Georgian Hotel r
Cordele Ga Guaranty Life Insurance Co Vernon C
Howard mgr 2d fir 206 Samaritan Bldg Guest Addie B (Mrs Plumer) presser
Thomas Textile Co r 225 O'Farrell Guest Barbara E ofc sec Georgian Loan
& Investment Corp r Winder Ga Guest Betty J student r 186 1st Guest Blanche H (Mrs Hubert) emp Clas
sic City Overall Co Inc r bsmt 253 E Dougherty Guest Clarence (Hattie C) h 294 Bax ter Guest Claude B Jr (Irma K) 3 service mgr Heyward Alien Mtr Co h 107 Clover Guest E N (Victoria J) barber Bryant's Barber Shop h 744 Barber Guest Frances C (Mrs J L) looper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 257 Oglethorpe ter Guest Howard L (Frances C) 2 (Guest Prntg Co) h 185 Westover dr Guest Hurbert (Blanche H) mech Ginn's Garage h bsmt 253 E Dougherty Guest Jennie D Mrs 3 h 631 N Thomas Guest Julius L (Frances C) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 257 Ogle thorpe ter Guest Kenneth F (Geneive W) 2 (Guest Prntg Co) h 215 Meadowview rd Guest Lee H (Myrtle W) (Freeman & Guest) h 555 Sunset dr Guest Lucious D r Danielsville rd Guest Luther B (Helen E) 1 mech Chicopee Mfg Co h 190 Virginia av Guest Melvin V (Leona F) 4 supvr Chicopee Mfg Co h 186 1st

Guest Plumer (Addie B) mech h 124 State
Guest Plumer (Addie B) 1 mech Simpson Service h 225 O'Farrell
Guest Printing Co (Howard L and Kenneth F Guest) coml & job 140 W Clayton
Guest Wilford N (Hazel H) 2 electn h 183 Sunset dr
Guest W Harvile (Ruth B) 3 dr Yellow Cab Co h 383 E Hoyt
Guffey Horace M (Violet J) 4 route slsmn The Piedmont Mkt h 542 Pulaski
Guild Rosa R (wid E M) h 1297 S Milledge av
Guillebeau Joy G (Mrs Ned) slswn Davison-Paxon Co Box 87 Campus sta
Gulf Atlantic Warehouse Co H B Harris mgr end Wynburn av
Gulf Life Insurance Co John W Geiger mgr 285% College av rm 201
Gulf Oil Corp M G Harris dist mgr ofc and bulk plant 954 N Chase
Gulf Oil Service Station J T Smith mgr L C Henley asst mgr W Broad cor Hull
Gulley Edd E (Grace E) slsmn Dr Pepper Btlg Co r Danielsville rd RD 1
Gully Grace W (Mrs E E) opr Marilane Beauty Salon r Danielsville rd RD 1
Gulley O B (Willie M) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Comer Ga
Gunder John H (Rose C) fixer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 550 W Cloverhurst av
Gunn Orington C r Johnson dr Gunn Uly S (Margt K) 3 sec-treas
Gunn's Inc h 450 University dr Gunn's Inc Mrs Mary E G Rogers pres,
Key Holliday v-pres, Uly S Gunn sectreas men's clo 258 E Clayton Gunnell Flim A h 1048 E Broad Gunnells Claudis sheet metal wkr L M Leathers' Sons r Danielsville Ga Gunnells Cora T Mrs seamer Rodgers Hos iery Co Inc r 1390 Boulevard Gunnells Harrison H (Mary) emp W A Stevens Co r Hull Ga Gunnells Ruby mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r Hull Ga Gunnels Bobbie L student r 1390 Boule vard Gunnels Carry (wid W B) r 509 Bloomfield Gunnels Jos C (Venita) tchr Athens High Sch h 1692 S Lumpkin Gunnels Venita (Mrs J C) opr S B T & T Co r 1692 S Lumpkin Gunnin Grace (Mrs H D) tex wkr r 350 Ruth Gunnin Henry D (Grace S) h 350 Ruth Gunter Alien C (Sallie B) elk State Farm ers Mkt h 367 Oconee Gunter Asberry V (Doris) baker Arnold & Abney Inc r Winterville Ga Gunter Brewer J (Emma M) 1 tex wkr h 160 Georgia Railroad Gunter Jas H student r 630 Talmadge dr Gunter Jas M (Sue J) cabt mkr Athens Lbr Co h 630 Talmadge dr Gunter Jas W (Gertrude S) h 220 Ruth dr

Gunter John (Daisy O'D) mech City Mtrs Inc r 158 Woodrow
Gunter Lee pntr r 184 Wilkerson Gunter Sue J (Mrs J M) slswn Baxter's
r 630 Talmadge dr Guntharp Audrey S (wid E B) tex wkr
Chicopee Mfg Co h 144 Hiawassee av Guntharp Bessie A (wid A E) h 150 Wyn-
burn av Guntharp Geo P (Eler H) 2 mech Chico-
pee Mfg Co h 143 Lenoir av Guntharp Gerald student r 143 Lenoir av Guntharp Roger emp Athens Cooperative
Creamry r 143 Lenoir av Gurley Alien (Martha B) 1 lathe hd The
Hanna Mfg Co h 21 Parkview Homes Gurley Constance student r 21 Parkview
Homes Gurley Cumi M (Mrs J V) tex wkr Athens
Mfg Co r 170 Lakeview Gurley Jas V (Cumi M) 3 tex wkr Ath-
ens Mfg Co h 170 Lakeview Gurley Martha B (Mrs Alien) mach opr
Fields Mfg Co r 21 Parkview Homes Gurley Ruth N (Mrs W H) ofc sec J W
Bateson & Co r 115 Tillman la Gurley W Harold (Ruth N) asst agrono-
mist State Agrl Extn Service h 115 Tillman la Gustin Ronald M (Carolyn W) phys 509-10 Sou Mut Bldg h 530 Holman av
H To Find a Name You Mast Know How to Spell It.
H & H Service Station (Robt Hein and Alien H Hudson) 379 E Hancock av
H & P Market (Robt Brown) meat 548 Madison av
Hachem Ibrahim T (Kathryn B) 4 student h 520 W Rutherford
Hachem Kathryn B (Mrs I T) genl asst University of Ga Library r 520 W Rutherford
Hadaway Jas P (Bess P) 2 mgr Chief Pontiac Co h 481 Highland av
Hadaway Jas F Jr student r 481 Highland av
Hadaway Martha (wid Patk) h 230 DuBose av
Hadaway Mary A X-ray tech Athens Genl Hosp r 787 Cobb
Hadaway Wm (Mary K) jan U of Ga h 1443 W Broad apt A
Haddock Claudia opr S B T & T Co r 1620 Prince av
Haddock Leila M h 1620 Prince av Haddock Marguerite r 1620 Prince av Haden Roger N (Athens Auto Sup Co and
Athens Auto Elec Magneto Co) r 230 Best dr Haefke Marjrie D (Mrs R W) waitress Snack Shack r 166 Inglewood av Haefke Rudolph W (Marjorie D) 4 slsmn High Life Sales Co of Athens h 166 Inglewood av

Haggard H P (Nira D) service slsmn Gulf Oil Service Sta r Danielsville Ga
Hagood Billy h 531 N Thomas Hagood Jessie B (wid W A) r 531 N
Thomas Haigwood Jim student r 270 Barrow Hailey Frank E (Lula B) 1 investments
h 145 Mell Hailey Louise B (Mrs EN) slswn Davison-
Paxon Co r Watkinsville Ga Hailey Lula A student r 145 Mell Hailey Tommie hostess Wesley Foundation
Methodist Student Center h 1196 S Lumpkin Haire Carol M service rep S B M w T Co r 439 College av Haire Robt W Jr (Neva K) signal hlpr S A L R R Co r 439 College av Hale Alien (Allie W) h 1298 Boulevard Hale Bros Shoe Shop (E R & S L Hale) reprs 156 College av Hale Carl J (Martha S) claims asst U S Social Security Admn r Statham Ga Hale Eddie I (Junia H) (Hale Gro) h 230 Hall Hale Edw R (Georgia S) (Hale Bros Shoe Shop) r 597 Baxter Hale Eliz r 280 Cherokee av Hale Eliz E (Mrs G F) ofc sec Dr Boiling S DuBose r 144 Clover Hale Eula cash U of Ga h 495 King av Hale G Ferrell (Eliz E) 2 servicemn Atlanta Gas Light Co h 144 Clover Hale G Robt (Joyce P) 1 student r 145 Vine Hale Geo (Rose Lee B) 1 jan Barrow Hall (U of Ga) h 530 N Peter Hale Geo W (Bessie P) 3 carrier USPO h 1682 S Milledge av Hale Georgia S (Mrs E R) ckr Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service r 597 Baxter Hale Grocery (Eddie I Hale) 598 W Hancock av Hale Hazel A (Mrs S T) asst Dr JOB B Neighbors r High Shoals Ga Hale Henry H (Dorsette T) winch trk opr Ga Power Co h 245 Buena Vista av Hale Homer G (Effie E) elk Stevens News Stand h 127 1st Hale Hugh R student r 127 1st Hale J Albert (Myra W) (Hale's Cabinet Shop) h 196 N Milledge Hale Jas E (Ezelle W) 1 meter reader City Water Wks h 184 Williams Hale Jasper L (Sarah M) electn U of Ga h 120 N Poplar Hale Lovic R Jr (Elender V) 2 plmbr W H Bailey Plmbg & Htg Co r Jefferson rd Hale M D counter mn Bulldog Recreation Center r Colonial Hotel Hale Mary (wid E J) r 495 King av Hale N Emma (wid A T) r 141 Wilkerson Hale Nathan W (Patience L) bkpr J Swanton Ivy Inc h 834 Hill Hale 0 Ralph (Velma P) elk S A L



R R Co h 259 King av Hale Ollie (Mrs Sam) cook Am Cafe r 450
Prince av apt 5 Hale Patience (Mrs Nathan) seamer Rod-
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 834 Hill Hale Robt B asst mgr Athens Concrete
Products Co r Watkinsville Ga Hale S Leonard (May H) 1 (Hale Bros
Shoe Shop) h 160 Satula av Hale Sam A (Constance M) 2 div sis
mgr Ga Power Co h 153 Morton av Hale Sam A Jr student r 153 Morton av Hale Saml J (Ollie) slsmn Evergreen Me
morial Pk Inc h 450 Prince av apt 5 Hale Sam T (Hazel A) interviewer State
Employment Service r High Shoals Ga Hale Velma P (Mrs OR) ofc supvr Met
Life Ins Co r 259 King av Hale Victor C cable hlpr S B T & T Co
r Watkinsville Ga Kale's Cabinet Shop (J Albert Hale) 196
N Milledge Haley Grady mach opr Classic City Overall
Co Inc r Danielsville Ga Haley Mary S mach opr Classic City Over
all Co Inc r Danielsville Ga Hall Adeline r 834 Reese Hall Clara M (wid B E) r 142 Parkview
Homes Hall Elsie L waitress Davison-Paxon Co
r 232 Glenhaven av Hall Dilmus (Zadie) bus boy Hotel Hoi-
man h 1004 Bearing Hall Dora (wid J M) r 620 Reese Hall Earl (Cecil) knitter Rodgers Hos
iery Co Inc r 436 Hill Hall Eldridge student r 165 Lyndon av Hall Emma J (Mrs F A) tchr Athens High
Sch r 340 Hampton ct Hall Fannie M r 1324 W Hancock av Hall Farrell A (Emma J) student h 340
Hampton ct Hall Floyd T mech Downs Mtr Co Inc r
698 Pulaski Hall Frank W (Nora P) 2 slsmn Benson's
Bakery h 348 N Church Hall Gladys D 4 emp Colonial Poul
try Co h 1247 W Hancock av
HALL JAS F M*r Davion' of Athene h
475 Bloom field apt 3----Dial LI 3-0572 Hall Jim L emp Herring Gro r 1247 W
Hancock av Hall Jos r 249 5th Hall Letitia H (wid J P) h 130 E Ruth
erford Hall Lucy E ofc sec State Agrl Extn Ser
vice r 130 E Rutherford Hall Mary ironer New Way Dry Clnrs
& Lndry h 330 N Pope Hall Mary L 5 maid r 190 5th Hall Nell student r 159 Virginia av Hall Omer (Elsie) orderly Athens Genl
Hosp h 122 Broadacres
Hall Orville D (Ruby D) 2 asst dir U S Soil Conservation Service h 360 Stanton Way
Hall Otis (Minnie) h 819 Waddell
Hall Robbie L waitress Davison-Paxon Co r 232 Glenhaven

Hall Robt A Rev (Jesse C) minister Dorsey Missionary Baptist Tabernacle h 834 Reese
Hall Thos J (Julia D) h 195 Westover dr Hall Tom W (Kitty C) elk Gulf Oil
Corp h 590 N Milledge av Hall Wm A (Odell G) sweeper dr City
Street Dept h 757 W Hancock av Hall Wm J (Fannie) agt Pilgrim Health
& Life Ins Co h 232 Glenhaven av Hallum R T trav slsmn The McGregor Co
r Pickens S C Hally Roland B (Kath B) 5 wks mgr Genl
Time Corp h Jefferson rd Hambrick Chas K (Doris H) 1 mgr The
Kroger Co h 250 Sunset dr Hamby Carlos C (Jewell L) 2 slsmn Co
lumbia Baking Co h 798 Boulevard Hamby Francis N (Louise S) 3 trk dr
Std Oil Co h 170 Clover Hamby John H (Pauline D) 2 USMC h
221 Gilliland dr Hamby Louise S (Mrs F N) mach opr
Fields Mfg Co r 170 Clover Hames Nan student r 165 Waddell Hames Vera H Mrs 2 (Twilight Vista) h
165 Waddell Hamilton Angie S Mrs ckr Gray Bros Dry
Clnrs h 609 N Harris Hamilton Clara E prof U of Ga h 1591 S
Lumpkin Hamilton Eug (Mary W) mach Athens
Mtr & Mach Co r RD 3 Hamilton Fred H (Maude K) dr Huck-
abee Trans Co h 544 Boulevard Hamilton J Wm (Sarah J) 3 mgr Hucka-
bee Trans Co h 1270 Prince av Hamilton Maude (Mrs Fred) slswn Mrs
Arth Burch r 544 Boulevard Hamilton Mary (Mrs Eug) opr Beauty By
Agnes r RD 3 Hamilton Robt D (Zealure B) county treas
bkpr Automotive Parts Distributing Co Inc r Princeton rd RD 4 Hamilton Wm Jr USA r 609 N Harris Hamm John T r 489 S Rockspring Hamm Jos S jan Radio Sta WGAU r 489 S Rockspring Hammett Irene M (Mrs J F) elk Hammett's Pharm r 767 Oglethorpe Hammett J Frank (Irene M) (Ham mett's Pharm) comnr County Roads & Revenue h 767 Oglethorpe av Hammett Jeanne r 767 Oglethorpe av Hammett's Pharmacy (J Frank Hammett) 1376 Prince av
Hammond Beverly D student r 2007 Jef ferson rd RD 2
Hammond Chas B student r 1510 S Milledge av
Hammond Chas D (Mildred S) 3 tex wkr Big Ace Corp h 185 Baxter
Hammond Claude G (Alice S) h 1510 S Milledge av
Hammond Claude G Jr student r 1510 S Milledge av
Hammond D W (Sara) student U of Ga r 410 King av

Hammond Darlene tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 490 Yonah av
Hammond F Pierce (Leola W) h 490 Yonah av
Hammond G W (Frances L) 2 mgr Simpson Service Sta h 265 Springdale
Hammond Harvey L (Ellen C) toll test bd opr S B T & T Co h 480 Fortson dr
Hammond Hazel (Mrs Hoyt) mach opr Classic City Overall Co r 150 Wynburn av
Hammond Howard B (Montine G) 1 sis mgr The Webb-Crawford Co h 2007 Jef ferson rd RD 2
Hammond Hoyt (Hazel) 3 carp h 150 Wyn burn av
Hammond Huel P (Dovie) (Ga Auto Up holstery Co) r Colbert Ga
Hammond Ina O (wid Clarence) 1 smstrs Oconee Trim Shop h 287 Cemetery
Hammond J Robt (Ruby A) meat ctr Bell's Food Mkt h 951 E Broad
Hammond Jack F (Eliz J) ship elk Co lonial Poultry Co Inc h 283 Nacoochee
Hammond Kenneth L (Mary H) 1 slsmn Benson's Bakery h 173 Wilkerson
Hammond Laura r 1483 E Broad Hammond Mary B (wid W R) r 550 Sun
set dr Hammond Minnie S (wid E G) r 664 N
Jackson Hammond Ruby A (Mrs J R) inspr Cli
max Hosiery Mill r 951 E Broad Hammond Sara C (Mrs D W) elk Life Ins
Co of Ga r 410 King av Hammond Elsie (Mrs V E) topper Rod-
gers Hosiery Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga Hammonds Jas (Geraldine) mach Keller
Mach Co r 166 W Cloverhurst av Hammonds M E (Mamie N) asst mgr Bird-
sey Flour Mills r Colbert Ga Hamon Billy G Rev (Dorothy A) pastor
The Church of God h Barnett Shoals
rd Hampton Leola emp Farmer's Mkt r
1065 Reese Hancock Ada P (Mrs F F) asst mgr Sea
board Cafe r Jefferson rd RD 2 Hancock Bertha sch tchr r Nellie B av Hancock Chas R Jr (Jean T) sta agt South
ern Airways r Winterville rd RD 1 Hancock Clifford D (Myrtle S) 2 linemn
Ga Power Co h 120 Park av Hancock Dennis (Eunice) slsmn Tom's
Toasted Peanuts r Colbert Ga Hancock Donald F (Sally R) student h 397
S Church Hancock Dycie tchr Oconee Street Sch r
Nellie B av Hancock Frank F (Ada P) (Seaboard
Cafe) r Jefferson rd RD 2
HANCOCK GEO O (Jennie M) Div
Supvr of Supplies Georgia Power Co h
143 West View dr--Dial LI 6-8637 Hancock Gladys G (wid J G) ofc sec h
215 Oglethorpe ter Hancock Grace tchr Athens Sch for Excep
tional Children h 476 Highland av Hancock Honry A (Lois) shop formn C A
Trussell Mtr Co r RD 3

Hancock Horace D (Cath) servicemn At lanta Gas Light Co r Gaines Sch rd RD 3
Hancock J P (Karl W) 1 trk dr h 445 Meigs
Hancock Jas F (Cath C) 2 lab Atlantic Ice & Coal Co h 84 Parkview Homes
Hancock Jas G (Peggy G) agt Natl Life & Accident Ins Co r Lexington rd RD 3
Hancock Jennie M (Mrs G O) ofc sec Ga Power Co r 143 West View dr
Hancock John T (Berniece) lab Hogan Bros Lbr Co h 360 Paris
Hancock Karl W (Mrs P H) waitress Tony's Restr r 445 Meigs
Hancock Lawrence E (Lucille E) mech Ga Mtrs Inc h 580 Belyoir hts
Hancock Lois C (Mrs Prince) slswn Gallant-Belk Co r RD 3
Hancock Marian P cred mgr & ofc see Rosenthal's Shoe Store r 330 Gaines Sch rd
Hancock Mary E (wid David) h Nellie B av
Hancock Pauline Mrs mach opr Good Luck Mfg Co h 535 Pulaski
Hancock R Derrell (Alice T) mech City Mtrs Inc r RD 3
Hancock Robt A (Dorothy) electn Taylor Elec Co r Winterville Ga
Hancock Robt D (Alice T) 3 mech City Mtrs Inc h Winterville rd
Hancock Robt E service mn Athens Re frigeration & Appliance Co Inc r Win terville Ga
Hancock Sarah R (Mrs D F) genl asst Library U of Ga r 397 S Church
Hancock Sherman E (Norene G) us^d car sis mgr Ga Mtrs Inc r Winterville rd RD 1
Hancock Walter L (Jean D) 1 asst signal maintainer S A L R R Co h 245 Bar ber
Handler Jack G (Phillis F) USN h 355 S Harris apt 4
Haney Chas h 1226 W Hancock av Haney Mary A student r 349 Meigs Hanley Doyle G flrmn A&P Food Stores
r Commerce Ga Hanley Otha plmbr W H Bailey Plmbg &
Htg Co Hull Ga HANNA CLAIRE E V-Pres-Treas The
Hanna Mfg Co r 148 E Cloverhurst av Hanna Clella S (wid H C) h 148 E
Cloverhurst av
HANNA MFG CO THE Robt Hanna Pres,
Claire E Hanna V-Pres-Treas, Horace I
Abney Sec Baseball Bat Manufacturers
E Broad nr Ga R R--Dial LI 6-1185 and LI 6-1374
HANNA ROBT (Frances P) 1 Pres The
Hanna Mfg Co h 284 McWhorter dr--
Dial 3-2910
Hansford Allan T (Sarah A) mach Kel ler Mach Co h 231 S Poplar
Hansford Deaver (Anette G) 1 asst mgr Berryman's Service Sta h 220 Ogle thorpe ter

Hansford Edw C (Velma M) 3 patrolmn City Police Dept h 742 Little Oconee
Hansford Georgia (wid E J) r 643 Meigs Hansford Jas M (Frances D) 2 capt
City Police Dept h 156 Groves Hansford Ralph V (Martha L) firemn
City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 357 S Peters Hansford Roscoe (Margt) knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1 Hansford Rosella (Mrs Ernest Jr) IBM opr
Talmadge Whol Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga Hansford Sarah A (Mrs A T) mender Cli max Hosiery Mills r 231 S Poplar Hansford Tommy R student r 357 S Peter Hansford Velma M (Mrs E C) ckr New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry r 742 Little Oconee Hansford Whit G r 357 S Peter Hansford Whit L coffee roaster The WebbCrawford Co r Watkinsville Ga Hanson Alice R maid r 162 Indale dr Hanson Cecil W student r Princeton rd RD 4 Hanson Clyde W USAF r 609 Holman av Hanson Elford L (Ophelia A) 1 (Hanson & Hanson) h 327 Oglethorpe
Hanson Geo E r 609 Holman av
HANSON HOYT (Edna E) 3 Genl Con
tractor Danielsville rd RD 2--Dial LI 3-2439 r same (See Marginal Lines and
Buyers Guide) Hanson Jas L Jr USN r 609 Holman av Hanson Jas M r 136 Sylvia cir Hanson Jess B (Corine H) 3 carp h
Princeton rd RD 4 Hanson June ofc sec City Clk & Treas r
610 West Lake dr Hanson Latimer C (wid E L) h 165
Hall Hanson Leslie A (Sally W) 1 (Hanson
& Hanson) h 165 Springdale Hanson Lois M topper Rodgers Hosiery
Co Inc r 136 Sylvia cir Hanson Louise S Mrs seamer Rodgers Hos
iery Co Inc h 609 Holman Hanson Paul (Amy P) genl contr 610
West Lake dr h same Hanson Redd formn Industrial Lndry r
287 Savannah av Hanson Robt G (Lemerle L) 3 PBX in-
staller-repr SBT&TCohl35 Crestview cir Hanson Sally W (Mrs LA) cash Arrow Loan Assn r 165 Springdale Hanson Thos W (Harriett W) 3 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 136 Sylvia cir Hanson Tommie W asst Hinesley Service Sta r 136 Sylvia cir
Hanson & Hanson (Elford L and Leslie A Hanson) genl contrs 327 Oglethorpe
Harben Glenn (Dora I) (Arctic Girl No 1) h 1719 S Lumpkin apt A-3
Harben Grover y-prea Athens Poultry Co Inc r Gainesville Ga
Harben Sherman L (Lula B) (Arctic Girl) r Mitchell Bridge rd RD 4

Hardeman Bessie M (Mrs HE) looper Cli max Hosiery Mills r 781 Boulevard
Hardeman Cindy H (wid W W) h 917 N Chase
Hardeman Frank Chapter de Molay meets Masonic Temple 279 Meigs
Hardeman Harold E (Bessie M) 2 slsmn University Chevrolet Co Inc h 781 Bou levard
Hardeman Jas (Florence) ship elk South eastern Rubber Mfg Co r Winterville Ga
Hardeman Jessie S cook Greenwood h 29 Fuller
Hardeman John J (Nellie K) cook U of Ga h 265 N Billups
Hardeman John T r 153 West View dr Hardeman Julia H h 230 Burney Hardeman Lula M r Lexington rd Hardeman Margt mach opr Classic City
Overall Co Inc r RD 1 Hardeman Nellie K cook Barrow Street
Sch r 265 N Billups Hardeman Nellie K (Mrs R E) slswn J C
Penney Co Inc r 584 Franklin Hardeman Rasburn E (Nellie K) wrecker
dr Ga Mtrs Inc h 584 Franklin Hardeman Reba F nurse's aide Athens
Genl Hosp r 684 Vine Hardeman Runelle (Mrs Sidney) seamer
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Colbert Ga Hardeman Sidney (Runelle) emp The Han-
na Mfg Co r Colbert Ga Hardeman Sports r Lexington rd Hardeman Vernon (Reba F) h 684
Vine Hardeman Wilhelmena I tchr r 230 Bur
ney Hardemon Bill 1 (Bill's Place) h 599 W
Hancock av Harden Augustus C (Pauline J) 1 ship
elk The Athens Hdw Co h 478 Madi son av Harden Cora J h 658 N Hull Harden Grace S maid r 524 E Strong Harden John (Mamie D) yd mn h 168 Pearl Harden John H Jr (Grace S) hlpr Athens Butchers Abattoir Co Inc h 524 E Strong Harden Mary W h 574 E Strong Hardigree Betty A elk Met Life Ins Co r Watkinsville Ga Hardigree D L (Hazel) service mn Orkin Exterminating Co r Bogart Ga Hardigree E H sheet metal wkr L M Lea thers' Sons r Watkinsville Ga Hardigree E Roy (Emma B) atndt Heads Service Sta r Watkinsville Ga Hardigree Elmer T (Alma) mech Ga Mtrs Inc r Bishop Ga
Hardigree Fratie S (Mrs J B) sten L M Leathers' Sons r 270 Barrow
Hardigree Horace R (Marie) service mn Orkin Exterminating Co r Bogart Ga
Hardigree Jerry B (Fratie S) student r 270 Barrow
Hardigree Peggy asst cash Natl Life & Accident Ins Co r Watkinsville Ga

Hardigree Robt L (Ruth P) slsmn Ath ens Cooperative Creamery h 565 Boule
vard Hardigree Ruth F (Mrs R L) opr Taylor
Beauty Shoppe r 565 Boulevard Hardigree Ruth J Mrs emp Benson's Bak
ery r 490 Pulaski Hardigree Thos E ship elk Climax Hos
iery Mills r Watkinsville Ga Hardison Harlan L service mn Athens Re
frigeration & Appliance Co Inc r Toccoa
Ga Hardison Harry G slsmn Athens Refrigera
tion & Appliance Co r 275 South View
dr Hardman Hubert F (Mildred W) fixer
Chicopee Mfg Co h 770 Barber Hardman Irene ofc sec U of Ga h 198
Hall Hardman Lee T (Mickey E) USA r 103
Parkview Homes Hardman Lewis M (Sally M) 1 emp State
Farmers Mkt h 103 Parkview Homes Hardman M Nancy r 103 Parkview Homes Hardman Robt C S (Dorothy) mech W A
Stevens Co r Winterville Ga Hardman Suzanne student r 160 E Clover
hurst av
Hardman W T carp David D Saye r Colbert Ga
Hardman Wm H (Myra W) 2 swtchmn 5 A L R R Co h 160 E Cloverhurst av
Hardman Willie B (Eliz C) asst service mgr University Chevrolet Co Inc r Win terville Ga
Hardy Annie E (Mrs B J) dental asst Dr Jas B Alien r 553 N Chase
Hardy Bobby J (Annie E) slsmn The Webb-Crawford Co h 553 N Chase
Hardy Edw E (Montine S) lieut detective City Police Dept h 1660 S Lumpkin apt 5
Hardy Jos N (Hazel R) 2 trk dr Am Oil Co h 245 Winona av
Hardy Jimmie T (Hardy's Service Center 6 Tire Exchange) r 340 King av
Hardy Lois B (wid F J) h 340 King av
Hardy Mae K (wid L V) 1 furn rms 380 5 Lumpkin h same
Hardy Mamie J (wid A S) h 2003 Jef ferson rd RD 2
Hardy Marvin L (Mary S) barber Car son's Barber Shop h 348 Georgia Depot
Hardy Mell G (wid M H) h 234 Georgia Depot
Hardy Montine S (Mrs E E) cash Gulf Life Ins Co r 1660 S Lumpkin apt 5
Hardy's Service Center & Tire Exchange (Jimmie T Hardy) service sta 815 W Broad
Hargrove Alex G (Lillie B) h 428 S Lumpkin
Hargrove Alex G Jr formn G M Caskey 6 Son r Watkinsville Ga
Harlem Theatre A & J Theatres Inc op erator 1875 W Broad
Harman Naomi S (wid L M) dept mgr Hill-Smith Furn Co Inc r 366 Holman

Harman Robt E (Joanne D) 1 (HarmanJoiner Co) h 205 Fortson dr
Harman-Joiner Co (R E Harman and H D Joiner) genl contrs 949 Baxter
Harmer Dorothy L asst prof U of Ga Li brary r 1490 S Milledge av
Harold Chas W (Marie O) 1 draftsmn Ga Power Co h 620 Sunset dr
Harold Marie O (Mrs C W) ofc nurse Dr Tom O Meissner r 620 Sunset dr
Harp Lu A Mrs r 223 Georgia Depot Harpe Jas (Irma) knitter Rodgers Hosiery
Co Inc r 439 College av Harper Al student r 120 Best dr Harper Austin (Christine H) trk dr Tal-
madge Whol Co Inc h 824 Oconee Harper Billie A ofc sec Athens Chamber
of Commerce r 130 Williams Harper Billy (Betty) USA h 546 College
av Harper Christine H (Mrs Austin) mach
opr Fields Mfg Co r 824 Oconee Harper Cittie D h 190 Indale dr Harper Clarence C collr Sterchi Bros
Stores Inc r Oconee hts RD 2 Harper Clyde E (Lou C) 2 (Harper
Trans Co) h 350 Holman av Harper Eliz r 51 Bray Harper Emogene V plant-dept service order
elk S B T & T Co r 397 Springdale Harper Grace R 1 maid Georgian Hotel r
51 Bray Harper Harold (Delores) appr prsmn Dai-
rypak Inc r RD 4 Harper Harry C (Jeanette) 1 mgr Sou
Cotton Oil Co h 120 Best dr Harper Jeanette (Mrs H C) instr Univer
sity Demonstration Sch r 120 Best dr Harper Jerry (Matilda R) 1 constn
wkr h 51 Bray Harper Jerry Jr student r 51 Bray Harper John W (Maude N) h 338 Satula
av apt 2 Harper Justus C (Carol A) (Old Colony
Mtr Court) h 185 Fortson dr Harper Lee R (Mrs Price) slswn Baxter's
r Bogart Ga Harper Lois B (Mrs R W) examiner Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 245 Nantahala av Harper Louis (Cleta) fixer-supvr Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r Hull rd RD 1 Harper Martha r 817 Waddell Harper Matilda R maid U of Ga r 51
Bray Harper Mattie cook r 270 Atlanta av Harper Natalie student r 185 Fortson dr
Harper Raymond G (Lucia J) 1 (Russom & Harper) h 1690 S Lumpkin
Harper Robt W (Lois B) 2 service mn The Beacham Co h 245 Nantahala av
Harper Roger W USN r 185 Fortson dr
Harper Transfer Co (Clyde A Harper) Atlanta hwy
Harper Wm (Alean B) 2 USN h trailer 133 N Church
Harrell Grover C (Sue M) student h 355 S Harris apt 2
Harrell Jo-Anne tchr r 237 Woodlawn av

Harrell Myrtle E mus tchr 1266 Prince av h same
Harrell Sue M (Mrs G C) ofc wkr r 355 S Harris apt 2
Harrington John B (Inez S) statistician U S Agrl Marketing Service & Agrl Sta tistics h 176 North View dr apt 4
Harrington Inez S (Mrs J B) sten-clk Ga Power Co r 175 North View dr apt 4
Harris Alex W (Louise N) 2 consignee The Texas Co h 370 Parkway dr
Harris Amanda r 389 Meigs Harris Bernice T maid r 138 Warsaw
al Harris Bobby trk hlpr Talmadge Whol Co
Inc r RD 2 Harris Curtis (Mattie S) lab h 153
Bray Harris Dub (Lettie) lab h 346 S Rock-
spring Harris Ed C linemn S B T & T Co r Wat-
kinsville Ga Harris Ella H maid Milledge Park Apts
r 275 Evans av Harris Ember R (Margrette A) 1 h 324
Boulevard Harris Emma L maid 290 Woodlawn av
r 1691 W Broad extd Harris Ernest D (Bessie W) bodymn
C A Trussell Mtr Co h 169 North av Harris F M Grocery (F M Harris) 1040
E Broad Harris F Meeks (Carolyn A) 2 (F M Har
ris Gro) member City Bd of Education 941 E Broad Harris Fannie P r 171 Paris Harris Faye E ofc sec U of Ga r 165 Satula av Harris Flora E (wid B T) 1 r 185 Wilkerson Harris Frances maid Sterchi Bros Stores Inc r 257 N Finley Harris Frank (Ella H) 1 h 275 Ev
ans av Harris Franklin A r 620 W Hancock av Harris H Bullard (Julia F) supt Gulf At
lantic Whse Co h 310 King av Harris Henrietta D (wid L A) 1 bkpr The
Natl Bk of Athens r 156 Grady av Harris Henry B (Maria P) h 177 N
Milledge av Harris Henry H (Louise A) rural de
velopment rep S B T & T Co h 175 S
Finley Harris Henry P (Marie Z) trk dr
Armstrong & Dobbs Inc h 233 Glen-
haven av Harris Herchel B (Marguerite) 3 phys
1010 Prince av h 1190 Prince av Harris Hugh (Malsenia G) asst mgr
Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co h 1375 W
Hancock Harris Jas D (Bernice T) 3 hlpr Martin
Service Sta h 138 Warsaw av Harris Jas H jan West Broad Street
Sch h 123 Plaza Harris Joe (Mary F) h 374 Flint Harris Lafatte r 145 Yonah av Harris Laura 2 maid r 1735 W Broad

Hams Leila M (wid Hunter) hse mother Tri Delta Sorority r 285 S Milledge av
Harris Lemuel H Jr (Emily C) elk U S Agrl Marketing Service & Agrl Statis tics r Winterville Ga
Harris Lena h 1770% W Broad extd
Harris Littie cook 278 Hodgson dr r 346 S Rockspring
Harris Louise A (Mrs H H) toll opr S B T & T Co r 175 S Finley
Harris Lula h 804 Bearing Harris Luther E formn Climax Hosiery
Mills r Winterville Ga Harris Louvenia h 1691 W Broad
extd Harris Malsenior maid 225 Cherokee av
r 1375 W Hancock av Harris Marie Z maid r 233 Glenhaven
av Harris Marvin G (Steve) dist mgr Gulf Oil
Corp h 150 Gran Ellen dr Harris Mary E cook h 376 Odd Harris Margt F maid r 374 Flint Harris Mary H tchr East Athens Sch
h 386 Odd Harris Mary L h 234 N Chase Harris Maude W (Mrs R M) seamer Rod-
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 370 Price av Harris Minnie C (wid J S) r 167 Grady
av Harris Myrtle H (wid J C) 1 h 165 Sa-
tula av Harris Nancy L ofc sec Interstate Life &
Accident Ins Co r Carlton Ga Harris Randolph supt The Independent
Life & Accident Ins Co r Covington Ga Harris Richd F (Mai Audlis C) apt N
Y Life Ins Co h 145 Cloverhurst cir Harris Robt (Bessie M) 4 lab Athens
Concrete Blk Co h 618 N Foundry Harris Robt cook r 1770% W Broad
extd Harris Robt L installer-repr S B T & T
Co r Watkinsville Ga Harris Robt L h 493 3d Harris Robt L r 50 Bray Harris Robt M (Maude W) 2 emp Poss'
Barbecue h 370 Price av Harris Robt W whsemn Eli Witt Cigar &
Candy Co r 1685 S Milledge av Harris Roy C carp h 186 Grace Harris Ruth student r 428 S Lumpkin Harris S Odessa slswn Warren J Smith &
Bro r Princeton Ga
Harris Sarah r 1691 W Broad extd
Harris Shirley A r 620 W Hancock av
Harris Susie h 150 Cohen
Harris Susie M (Tiny Grill) h 390 Ath ens av
Harris Tom (Ann) 1 trav slsmn h 60 Myrna c't apts
Harris Thos Y state int rev agt r Crawford Ga
Cash The Citizens & Southern National
Bank h 1685 S Milledge av -- Dial LI



Harris Wm H (Rosa B) 3 tchr U of Ga h 160 Fortson cir
Harris Winnie h 153 Fopbstein al Harris Zyet (West End Cafe) h 620
W Hancock av Harrison Annie (Mrs E B) emp Big Ace
Corp r 169 E Dougherty Harrison Chas L (Ruby N) trk dr Wil-
fong Bros h 330 Gilliland dr Harrison Cornelia B cook Terminal Grill
r 50 Bray Harrison E W (Faye J) slsmn h 595 Hoi-
man av Harrison E Benny (Annie) emp Big Ace
Corp h 169 E Dougherty Harrison Fannie S (wid W T) r 165 Wad-
dell Harrison Fay J (Mrs E W) ofc sec County
Tax Receiver r 595 Holman av Harrison H P carp r 387 Hill Harrison Herbert H (Pauline) slsmn
Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 150 Hall Harrison Jas B trk dr Wilf ong Bros r Lex-
ington Ga Harrison Jas M (Cornellia B) 4 emp
Colonial Poultry h 50 Bray Harrison John J (Margt W) 2 fixer
supvr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 175 Holman av Harrison Jos W r 930 S Lumpkin Harriscn Leona Mrs mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r 264 Georgia av Harrison Margt W (Mrs J J) ofc asst Dr Paul F Brooksbire Jr r 175 Holman av Harrison Martha R Mrs leader 4-H Club U of Ga r 930 S Lumpkin Harrison Oval S (Marv F) 1 tcbr U of Ga h 390 Stanton Way Harrison Richd H parts mgr Downs Mtr Co r RD 2 Harrison Robt E trk dr Wilfong Bros r Carlton Ga Harrison Ruby N (Mrs C L) tex wkr r 330 Gilliland dr Harrison Walter S (Ellen E) 2 parts marr Athens Trk & Tractor Co h 165 Clover Harrison Wm B (Ida D) regional medical dir State Dept of Pub Health N E Region h 437 Milledge cir Harrod Woodrow W (Annette V)2 slsmn h 153 Milledge ter Harry's Restaurant (Harry G Stevens) 1655 S Lumpkin Hart Bobby G (Ruby I) trk dr h 853 Prince av Hart Ca^-oll instr U of Ga Library r 173 West View dr Hart Irene H (wid J-C) h 100 Hart av Hart J Fraser (Meredith D) 1 prof U of Ga h 240 Hillcrest
HART JOS T (Malydia G) Asst Adminis
trator Athens General Hospital r Lex-
ington rd RD 3----Dial LI 6-6344
Hart Josie J Mrs h 386X E Dougherty
Hart LeRoy h 393 S Milledge av
Hart Secret N er~n Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co r Royston Ga

Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co W E Miller adjuster claims dept 298 E Washington rm 408
Armstrong & Dobbs Inc h 230 W Clo-
verhurst av--Dial LI 3-2151 Hartford Jas N Jr (Pauline O) 3 ofc mgr
Armstrong & Dobbs Inc h 290 Stanton Way Hartford Robt B student r 230 W Cloverhurst av Hartley Bessie J (wid AW) asst sec Genl Finance & Loan Co of Athens r 367 Pulaski Hartley Paul B (Hazel I) 3 slsmn Talmadge Whol Co h 127 Burnett Hartley W E r 543 Meigs Hartman Ella M maid 59 Minor ct r 806 Waddell Hartman Ruby McG (wid W M) County Ordinary h 173 Catawba av Hartman Wm C Jr (Ruth L) 3 coach U of Ga agt Natl Life Ins Co of Vermont h 342 Dearing Harvell Barbara ofc wkr U of Ga h 390 W Hancock av apt 4 Harvell Lee H r 1171 S Milledge av Harvey Harlow W (Leo) h 205 Morton av Harvill Avery H student r 430 Sunset dr Harville Jackson C (Arizona D) reprmn Bush Jwlr h 430 Sunset dr Harville Jackson C Jr student r 430 Sunset dr Harwell Louise piano instr U of Ga r 1358 S Lumpkin Hastings Robt E (Dorothy D) cable formn S B T & T Co h 1530 S Lumpkin apt B-2
Hatcher Annie M (Mrs J R) mach opr Fields Mfg Co r 788 Baxter
Hatcher Chas emp Athens Genl Hosp r 170 Yonah av
Hatcher J Richd (Annie M) elk Edwards Gro h 788 Baxter
Hatter Paul B (Bess A) 4 staff mgr Progressive Life Ins Co of Atlanta Ga h 490 E Cloverhurst av
Haughey Kenneth L r 2d fir Shackelford Bldg
Haulbrook J Donald eng W A Stevens Co r Oconee hts RD 2
Haulbroow W Chas (Carol A) mech W A Stephens Co r Oconee hts RD 2
Hawk David N (Caroline W) USN h 398 5 Milledge av apt 203
Hawk R B Rev (Ruth D) pastor Hill's First Baptist Ch h 515 Reese
Hawkes Gladys M mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Colbert Ga
Hawkes Grace S (wid J H) receptionist 1010 Prince av h 390 S Lumpkin
Hawkes John C appr electn Roberts Elec 6 Appliance Co r Hull Ga
Hawkes John T (Annie M) furn rms 747 College av h same
3awkes L Eug (Pearlie) 3 cook Pig Drive Inn r 833 College av



Hawkes LeRoy sheet metal wkr L M Lea thers' Sons r Hull rd RD 1
Hawkes Lodis D h 564 Boulevard
Hawkes Nada B (Mrs ON) grad nurse 140 Nantahala av extd r same
Hawkes Oscar N (Nada B) h 140 Nanta hala av extd
Hawkes S B (Gladys) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Hull Ga
Hawkins Barber Shop (Thos N Hawkins) 1296 W Hancock av
Hawkins Benie maid r 151 Marlin Hawkins Boyce (Clarice J) 4 mach Kel-
ler Mach Co h 256 Strickland Hawkins Chas A (Marilyn H) USN h 119
Springdale Hawkins Daisy h 163 Bremen Hawkins Eddie (Florine W) msngr
Stabilization & Conservation Service h 1593 E Broad Hawkins Edith H (Mrs G L) tex mach opr r 138 S Poplar Hawkins Emotrice D maid 2 Myrtle ct r 111 Dublin Hawkins Essie hlpr Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity h 386 N Chase Hawkins Fred D (Ruth M) 2 (Fred Hawkins' Gro) jan YMCA h 295 Arch Hawkins Fred Grocery (Fred D Haw kins) 297 Arch
Hawkins G Lee (Edith H) supt New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry h 138 S Pop lar
Court Lawyer 114 Shackelford Bldg r
167 Catawba av Hawkins Grady F jan First Methodist
Ch r 382 Arch Hawkins Guy r 395 Arch Hawkins Hagger dom h rear 597 Dear-
ing Hawkins Heyward A (Carolyn S) 1
slsmn h 475 Milledge cir Hawkins J T (Clara P) 1 mach opr
Chicopee Mfg Co h 190 1st Hawkins Jas D (Eliz S) sec-treas Geo F
Strother Lbr Co Inc r Lexington rd RD 3 Hawkes Jas O r 564 Boulevard Hawkins Jane h 382 Arch Hawkins Jerry r 167 Catawba av Hawkins John R (Roxie H) 6 brklyr h 139 N Billups Hawkins Leo (Mittie) h 130 Berry Hawkins Luetishia P maid h 260 Johns Hawkins Lutitia V maid 250 King av r 382 Arch Hawkins Mary cook 680 S Milledge av r 268 Pearl Hawkins Mary C (Mrs T H Jr) head bkpr Athens Publishing Co Inc r 480 Hamp ton ct Hawkins Philip (Emotrice D) h 111 Dublin Hawkins Rachel J (wid V W) 2 opr June's Beauty Salon h 342 Oak
Hawkins Robt B (Clarice) mach Keller Mach Co r 145 Herring

Hawkins Robt C (Amelia) 5 <g) trk dr h
1457 W Broad Hawkins Roosevelt (Sarah J) h Epps
Bridge RD 4 Hawkins Ruby D evangelist r 268
Pearl Hawkins Ruth E sch tchr h 516 N Bil
lups Hawkins Susie h 395 Arch Hawkins Susie M tchr r 170 Dublin Hawkins T R (Sarah) hlpr The Chicken
Mkt r W Broad extd Hawkins Thaddeus H Jr (Mary C) poul-
trymn h 480 Hampton ct Hawkins Tom N (Clarace J) 2 (Haw
kins Barber Shop) h 260 N Church HAWKINS VANE G (Nell L) 1 Lawyer
114 Shackelford Bldg--Dial LI 6-7355 h
167 Catawba av--Dial LI 3-2716 Hawkins Vonnie h 151 Marlin Hawkins Washington (Nannie F) h
170 Dublin Hawkins Wilbur C student r 290 W Clover-
hurst av Hawkins Wm W (Edna S) 2 mech W A
Stevens Co h 1423 E Broad Hawks Harold (Joyce) trucker Dairypak
Inc r Nicholson Ga Hawks Jene cook Pig Drive In r 833 Col
lege av Hawks Julian (Ruth) feeder opr Dairypak
Inc r Nicholson Ga Hawley Harold J bd mkr Courts & Co r
Watkinsville Ga Hay Ammie B (wid S B) r 126 N Milledge
av Hayes Calvin J hlpr Sterchi Bros Stores
Inc r RD 2 Hayes Clara E (Mrs Harold) tex wkr r
220 Hall Hayes Dallas M maid 260 Bloomfield r
Hancock av Hayes Cleveland E (Lucile H) 1 emp
Chicopee Mfg Co h 349 E Hoyt Hayes Bug F USN r 146% N Peter Hayes Freda (Mrs J R) tex wkr r 120
Milburn av Hayes Goldie K (Mrs L E) slswn Boley's
r Lexington rd RD 3 Hayes Harold (Clara E) meat ctr The
Piedmont Mkt h 220 Hall Hayes Jas T 3 mgr printing dept The
McGregor Co r 230 Highland av Hayes John R (Fredna A) 1 tex wkr
h 120 Milburn av Hayes Lillian I (Mrs W M) sewer Good
Luck Mfg Co r Old Whitehall r3 RD 4 Hayes Louanne (wid W C) hsekpr 520 W
Rutherford r 223 Georgia Depot Hayes Louise (Mrs Pete) ofc wkr r 750
Boulevard Hayes Louise S emp Colonial Poultry
Co r 185 2d Hayes Lucile H (Mrs C E) emp Cnicopee
Mfg Co r 349 E Hoyt Hayes Mary W h 150 Strickland
Hayes Myrtice h 1694 E Broad
Hayes Nathan J (Queenie L) lab H
Paul Williams h 436 1st



Hayes Norma D (wid E N) h 1520 Prince av
Hayes Oda (Blanch T) h 146% N Peter Hayes Pete (Louise) emp Bailey's Tin
Shop h 750 Boulevard Hayes Walter W (Annie M) v-pres The
McGregor Co h 230 Highland av Hayes Will H yd mn h 244 Evans av Hayes Willie M (Lillian I) lab formn Rowe
Whse & Fertilizer Co h Old Whitehall rd RD 4 Haygood A Floyce (Jeptha B) 1 (Haygood's Shoe Store) h 1988 S Lumpkin
Haygood Emerson (Joan R) 1 USATi 359 E Hoyt
Haygood Henry A (Dorothy H) sanitary inspr Athens-Clarke County Dept of Health h 375 Franklin
Haygood Joan R (Mrs Emerson) inspr Fields Mfg Co r 359 E Hoyt
Haygood Oscar W (Frances N) 1 rl est corn & flour mill h 1793 S Lumpkin
Haygood Rebekah S student rd 1793 S Lumpkin
Haygood Roy S (Susie J) emp Benson's Bakery h Princeton rd RD 4
Haygood's Shoe Store (Andrew F Haygood) 151 E Clayton
Haymon Carl mach Chambers Music Co r Winder Ga
Haynes Annie emp Colonial Poultry Co h 133 Cleveland av
Haynes Annie J emp Colonial Poultry Co r 427 Odd
Haynes B Carl Jr (Martha B) 4 research eng State Agrl Extn Service h 201 West View dr
Haynes Bessie r 1597 E Broad Haynes Etah knitter Climax Hosiery Mills
r 824 Oconee Havnes Ethel D (wid W J) service rep
S B T & T Co r 553 Pulaski Haynes Georgia M 1 cook Normal Cafe
r 329 Lyndon av Haynes Geraldine r 140 Arch Haynes Henry (Annie J) hlpr Sou
Cotton Oil Co h 427 Odd Haynes Jas (Evelyn) knitter Rodgers Hos
iery Co Inc r Danielsville Ga Haynes John M dr Black & White Cab
Co r 1597 E Broad Haynes Julia B dom h 1597 E Broad Haynes Mattie L (wid C C) r 128 Park
way dr Haynes Mollie J (wid J W) h 154 State Haynes Willie E delmn Parham Furn
Exch r 522 W Broad
Haynes Willie H (Golden) 4 lab h 146 W Hoyt
Haynie Arth (Cath) fixer Rodgers Hos iery Co Inc r RD 4
Haynie Cath (Mrs Clarence) seamer Rod gers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 4
Haynie John S (Rachel C) barber Old South Barber Shop r Macon hwy RD 4
Haynie Richd (Rolaine A) USN h 62 Myrna ct apts

Hays Wm J (Virginia) asst livestock spe cialist State Agrl Extn Service r 8-e Pre Fab
HAZEN ROGER N (Nina J) (Athens
Auto Electric & Magneto Co and Athens
Auto Supply Co) h 330 Best dr -- Dial
LI 6-1113 Head Geo Jr (Elsie B) (Head's Service
Sta) h 1761 S Lumpkin Head Gladys Y (Mrs N H) bkpr Ga Crop
Improvement Assn r Monroe Ga Head Mera T (Mrs Horace) prin Porter
Business College Inc r Jefferson Ga Head Myrtice H (Mrs Lee) receptionist
Dr G M Thomas r Crawford Ga Head Ray wrapper Benson's Bkry r 153
Barrow Head Sylvia Mrs bk kpr Dr Green & Dr
Byrd r 390 S Lumpkin Head's Service Station (Geo Head Jr)
1210 S Milledge av Healan A 0 (Frances J) announcer Radio
Sta WRFC r Commerce rd RD 1 Healan E Ronnie slsmn Bait & Tackle Box
h 420 N Chase Healan Grace O (Mrs J B) examiner Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 139% Park av Healan Jas B (Grace O) 2 (Healan's
Body Shop) h 139% Park ay Healan Maude O (wid J M) inspr Thom
as Tex Co h 139 Park av Healan's Body Shop (Jas B Healan) reprs
194 W Clayton Heard Albert (Mary H) 2 h 189
Warsaw Heard Bennie (Luvonia C) emp Clarke
County Milling Co h 141 Dublin Heard C H (Mamie) lab h 160 Hender-
son av extd Heard Cleveland (Nannie) h 893 Wad-
dell Heard Emma 1 dom h Epps Bndge
rd RD 4 Heard Geneva 3 maid 154 Hart av r
893 Waddell Heard Hal h 1256 W Hancock av Heard Hattie r 153 Strickland Heard Henrietta S 3 maid 340 Milledge
hts r 188 Lyndon av Heard John A (Rosie L) trk hlpr Tal-
madge Whol Co Inc h 280 (199) Atlan-
ta av Heard Lizzie h 340 S Rockspring Heard Lois B r 257 N Finley Heard Luvonia C maid 950 Oconee rill
Dublin Heard Mamie V nurses aide Athens Genl
Hosp r 160 Henderson extd Heard Mary H hlpr Athens Poultry Co
r 189 Warsaw Heard Nannie maid r 893 Waddell Heard Nelle M agt Guaranty Life Ins
Co r Elberton Ga Heard Willie L r 280 Fairview Hearse Daisy 1 maid h 19 Broadacres Heckman Harold M (Claudia F) prof
U of Ga h 190 West View dr Hector Clara cook 280 Hodgson r 210



Hector Early jan L M Leathers' Sons r Nowhere rd
Hector Fannie cook Cherokee rd r 212 Magnolia
Hector Geo (Marian) 2 lab W A Stevens Co h 267 Atlanta av
Hector Johnnie (Clara B) mgr Twen tieth Century Billiards h 210 Evans
Hector Marian maid 1242% S Lumpkin r 267 Atlanta av
Hector Wesley (Julia T) h 321 Du Bose av
Hector Willie B (Fannie) 2 brklyr h 212 Magnolia
Heery C Wilmer (Sara E) 1 (Heery & Heery) h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 801
Heery Clarence W h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 603
Heery & Heery (C Wilmer Heery & Geo Heery) archt 1056 S Lumpkin
Hefner Jas (Andra C) student h 327 Hill apt 3
Heidler Florence H (wid H S) h 180 Cloverhurst ter
Height Hattie maid 930 S Milledge r 224 S Rockspring
Height Jas (Hattie) cook 126 S Milledge av h 224 S Rockspring
Hein Polly W (Mrs RE) of sec U S Navy Sup Corps Sch r 243 E Cloverhurst av
Hein Robt E (Polly W) 1 (H & H Ser vice Sta) h 243 E Cloverhurst av
Hein Roger atndt H & H Service Stat r 243 E Cloverhurst av
Held Ben.i J (Mollie F) (Benjamin's) h 147 Brookwood dr
Held Bernice F (wid Morris) h 211 Milledge ter
Held Morris Paint Store (Perry Simmons) 154 N Thomas
Heliums Carol student r 265 Oakland av Heliums Howard B elk Colonial Stores Inc
r 265 Oakland Heliums Mona M (wid F M) ofc sec U of
Ga h 265 Oakland av Help Yo' Self Laundry & Dry Cleaners
(Curtis Lumpkin) 197 Prince av Helton Eva M slswn Lamar Lewis Co r 223
Boulevard ^elton Rubv M Mrs h 223 Boulevard Hembree Howard W mgr The Salvation
Armv Transient Lodge h 125 E Strong Hempfield Louise 4 emp Colonial Poul
try Co r 439 Madison av apt 8 Hempfield Rosia 1 maid Georgian Hotel
h 439 Madison av apt 8 Hemphill Cicero (Annie M) delmn r 180
Marlin Hemphill Fannie cook r 180 Marlin
Hemphill Geo (Fannie) chauf h 180 Marlin
Hemphill Geo Jr (Dorothy C) jan U of Ga h 162 Marlin
Hemphill Jas (Obie C) 1 jan County Court Hse h 133 Marlin
Hemphill Roxie maid Hotel Holman 439 Madison av
Hemrick Levi E (Eliz H) h 795 Oglethorpe av

Hemrick Lilie M Mrs h 1055 Prince av apt 3
Henderson Betty J r 625 Talmadge dr Henderson Donald E student r 150 Valley
rd Henderson Dorothy M maid r 135 Yonah
av Henderson Earnesteen 1 maid King av
h 135 Yonah av Henderson Fannie M r 135 Yonah av Henderson Geo E (Clarible C 1 agrl eng
U of Ga h 150 Valley rd Henderson Hattie cook Terminal Grill
r 1133 W Broad Henderson Herbert B (Mildred M) 1
prof U of Ga h 135 W Cloverhurst av Henderson Herbert L student r 135
Yonah av Henderson Julia H (Mrs W T) bkpr Uni
versity Lndry r 270 Normal av Henderson Marshall lab r Hawthorne
av RD 4 Henderson Sissy (wid J B) r 357 Oak Henderson Wm B (Edith P) emp U S Soil
Conservation Service h 625 Talmadge dr Henderson Wm B (Frances W) 2 coach
Athens High Sch h 81 Myrna ct apt Henderson Wm B Jr student r 625 Tal
madge dr Henderson Wm M prof U of Ga h 1050 S
Lumpkin apt 608 Henderson Wm I (Julia H) 1 electn Ga
Power Co h 270 Normal av Hendon Robt V (Lovina) 1 instr Air ROTC
U of Ga h 255 Springdale Hendon Warren L (Sallye R) 2 supt
Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 240 South View dr Hendricks Eug E W state parole supvr r Covington Ga Hendricks Jas (Bessie) elk Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Comer Ga Hendricks Thella J (wid G J) r 166 Hart av Hendrickson Bertram H (Laura M) supt Sou Piedmont Experimental Sta h 505 Bloomfield Hendrickson Rosanne student r 505 Bloomfield Hendrix Carl W (Annie L) h 147 W Dougherty Hendrix H Edw (Helen S) 2 USN h 890 College av Hendry Barbara L instr U of Ga Library r 8 Cloverhurst ct Henley Aubrey V student h 227 N Finley Henley Hiram C r 540 Prince av Henley Jas B (Joellen O) dist eng S B T & T Co h 545 Holman av
Henley L C (Faletta) asst mgr Gulf Oil Service Sta r Atlanta rd RD 4
Henrietta Apartments 1660-64 S Lumpkin
Henry Annie P (wid J W) r 1420 S Milledge av
Henry Edna S h 587 Dearing
Henry Gene (Betty J) 4 plmbr hlpr F & W Plmbg Co h 1016 Hobson av

Henry Grady W (Janet C) 1 student h 102 University ct apt 8
Henry Horace H Rev (Naomie) 2 lab
h 273 Magnolia HENRY JONES W (Eli* J) 3 executive
v-pres-sec-treas Smith-Boley-Brown Inc k 1420 S Milledge av -- Dial LI 3-5801 Henry Lula M tchr h 223 Fairyiew Henry Naomie maid 397 S Milledge r 273 Magnolia Henry R G (Pauline M) prof U of Ga h 301 Milledge hts Henry Wm M (Mildred L) field eng Ga Power Co h 1225 Boulevard Henson Al (Annie T) 3 h 235 Glenhaven av Henson Annie T Indrs r 235 Glenhaven
av HENSON C GRADY (Fannie R) pres-
treas City Motors Inc h 494 W Clover-
hurst av ---- Dial LI 3-4816
Henson Clifford C (Sylvia S) 2 mgr Big Ace Corp h 380 Statam Way
Henson Dorothy F (Mrs E W Jr) ofc sec Athens Citv Lines and J Swanton Ivy Inc r 120 Grady
Henson E Waldo (Bonnie J) 1 (Henson's and Henson's Gro) h 1190 Boulevard
Henson E Waldo Jr (Dorothy F) mgr Athens City Lines h 120 Grady
Henson Vivian Mrs r 387 Hill Henson's (E Waldo Henson) women's and
misses clo 251 E Broad Henson's Grocery (E W Henson) 1625 W
Broad Herbert Andrew (Anne B) 3 lab
Hodgson's Inc h 337 Arch Herbert Anne B presser Georgian Lndry
& Clnrs r 337 Arch Herbert Olin S buyer Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r Nicholson Ga Herndon Betty S Mrs 1 ofc sec Athens
Genl Hosp and Genl Adjustment Bureau Inc r 180 Hiawassee av Herring C Patman (Agnes C) 3 mech Silvey Mtr Co Inc h 136 Easy Herrin Chas R Jr (Mary C) 1 pharm Citi zens Pharm h 106 University ct apt 23 Herring Charlie A r 395 Barber Herring Grocery (John W Herring) 1323 W Hancock av Herring John A (Roxie H) wtchmn Gulf Atlantic Whse Co h 395 Barber Herring John W (Herring Groc) 290 Bax ter Herring John W (Esther W) 4 gro W Hancock av h 290 Baxter Herring Louvenia r 395 Barber Herring Margt B (Mrs R M) emp Big Ace Corp r 165 Easy Herring Mildred C (wid WE) hlpr St Marys Hosp h 240 Nacoochee av Herring Molly Mrs r 395 Barber Herring Paul E (Nell R) 1 mach Keller Mach Co h 147 S Poplar Herring Paul F caretkr By-Lo Tourist Cab ins r 574 Jackson Herring Ralph (Alton C) ship elk The Webb-Crawford Co h 194 Prince av

Herring Robt M (Margt B) (Herring Shoe Shop) h 165 Easy
Herring Shoe Shop (Robt M Herring) repr 585 E Broad
Herst Vincent D (Hilda U) USN h 44 Myrna ct apt
Hester Albert (Annie B) (Hester's Groc) h 252 Colima av
Hester Dorothy (Mrs Earl) emp Crucedale Greenhouses r 145 Northview dr apt 3
Hester Earl N (Dorothy G) 1 (Crucedale Greenhouses) h 145 Northview dr apt 3
Hester's Grocery (Albert Hester) 252 Colima av
Hewel Marjorie H (Mrs F C) bkpr The C & S Natl Bk r Watkinsville Ga
Heyfron Josephine elk U S Navy Sup Corps Sch r 1367 S Milledge av
Heys Saml R Jr (Ruba G) 2 emp U S Soil Conservation Service h 1646 S Milledge
Hice Marvin O (Christine S) 2 mgr Tom Huston Peanut Co h 2325 Jefferson rd
RD 2 Hickman Lewis C (Billy) agt The Franklin
Life Ins r Colbert Ga Hicks Hattie maid r 293 S Finley Hicks June nurses aide r 590 McWhorter
av Hicks Lilly 2 r 145 N Church Hickson Floyd lab Bedgood Lbr & Coal
Co r RD 3 Hickson Floyd (Minnie L) 1 emp h
Lexington rd Hickson Gladys L r Lexington rd Hiers Stella S (Mrs W L Jr) ofc sec Dr
E Wayne Satterfield r 510 Blpomfield Hiers Wm L Jr (Estelle S) 1 servicemn At
lanta Gas Light Co h 510 Bloomfield Higginbotham Fannie O (wid E D) r 260
N Milledge av Higginbotham Geo W r 343 E Dougherty Higginbotham Howard B (Allene L)
asst mgr Met Life Ins Co h 145 Henderson av Higgenbotham Howard C (Nettie P) constn wkr h 343 E Dougherty Higgenbotham Ira H (Idyrene) 2 trk dr h 485 Hillcrest Higginbotham Litha P (wid W J) h 185 S Peter Higginbotham Nettie P (Mrs H C) ofc sec W L Cox r 343 E Dougherty Higginbotham Wm C (Clara D) lab h 435 E Dougherty Higgenbotham Wm D (Mary P) 2 parts mn C P Alewine & Sons h 34 Parkview Homes Higgins Alyce grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp r 787 Cobb High B Everett (Peggy S) mech Ga Power Co h 480 Stanton Way High Peggy S (Mrs BE) ofc sec U of Ga r 480 Stanton Way Highsmith Annie B Mrs slswn DavisonPaxon Co r RD 3 Hightower John (Lillie M) plstr h 159 Crawf ord av Hill Alberta Willie cook Tony's Cafe r 173 Yonah av

Hill Alma H (Mrs W H) bkpr Talmadge Whol Co Inc r 175 Milledge hts
Hill Alonza (Marie) agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co r Monroe Ga
Hill Alva H (wid S N) ofc sec W A Stevens Co h 869 Hill
Hill Alf R (Irene J) int dec 196% W Washington h 125 Glenhaven av
Hill Ann F (wid R C) 1 r 220 Pinecrest dr Hill Anna D h 1267 W Hancock av Hill Annie E (wid J T) 1 ofc wkr St
Mary's Hosp h 190 Wynburn av Hill Bertha maid Kappa Delta Sorority
r 298 N Rockspring Hill Burl (Fannie) 2 baker Benson's
Bakery h 290 Athens av Hill Carrie D maid 865 Boulevard h 369
Branch Hill Chas H (Bessie P) 2 porter
Georgian Hotel h 190 Trail Creek Hill Charlie bellmn Georgian Hotel r
350 1st Hill Clifford W (Irene A) USA r 894
Oconee Hill Cloyce R USA r 1324 E Broad Hill Constance J tchr r 269 Magnolia av Hill Cora Mrs r 543 Meggs Hill Cordelia maid Denmark Hall r 1157
W Hancock av Hill Dan W (Ethel H) h 171 Catawba av Hill Dock A (Janie M) 2 jan The Natl
Bk of Athens h 196 Magnolia av Hill Don L (Mary M) 2 mech Downs Mtrs
Inc h 94 Parkview Homes Hill Earl K (Annie T) 1 h 256 Water Hill Emma r 565 W Hancock av Hill Eug L Rev (Annie G) city chaplain
h 295 Springdale Hill Fannie ctr Colonial Poultry Co Inc
r 290 Athens av Hill Foy E (Lucille S) 1 ofc mgr Whit-
mire Furn Co h 1631 S Milledge av Hill Fred L porter delmn Davison-Paxon
Co r 170 Miller Hill Green Mrs r 175 Milledge hts Hill Gussie maid r 233 S Rockspring Hill Harrison (Bertha) cook Holman
Hotel h 298 N Rockspring Hill Henry r 149 Strickland Hill Henry J (Lillie P) ofc elk The Mc-
Gregor Co h 1237 Prince av Hill Herbert Jr (Ruby M) 2 hlpr Silvey
Mtr Co Inc r 342 S Rockspring Hill Inez waitress Tony's Restr r 250 E
Strong Hill Irene A (Mrs C W) slswn J C Penney
Co Inc r 894 Oconee
Hill J Roy (Louise C) 2 installer Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 378 E Dougherty
Hill Jack J mach Keller Mach Co r 239 1st
Hill Jas (Mildred W) 2 aud Pilgrim Life Ins Co h 175 Magnolia
Hill Jas H r 190 Trail Creek
Hill Jamie M hlpr Athens Poultry Co r 196 Magnolia av
Hill Jerry yd mn Chicopee Mfg Co r 369 Branch
Hill Jerry R student r 286 Boulevard

Hill Jimmie (Mary) lab h 1256 W Han cock av
Hill Joe (Susie) agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co r Elberton Ga
Hill Joel (Nancy W) 8 hlpr Empire State Chem Co h 179 Little
Hill John drv Veterans Cab Co r 736 N Jackson
Hill John R (Louise) glazier Athens Glass
& Mirror Co 378 E Dougherty Hill Kent A r 1260 S Milledge av Hill Larry student r 272 South View dr Hill Lelia F r 147 Berry Hill Leila J (wid K A) h 1324 E Broad Hill Lenwood r 572 Pulaski Hill Lewis V wtch repr Walter R Thomas
Athens Inc r 395 S Church Hill Lillie M h 657 Dearing Hill Lillie P (Mrs H J) xray tech Athens
Genl Hosp r 1237 Prince Hill Louise C (Mrs J R) mach opr Fields
Mfg Co r 378 E Dougherty Hill Louvenia h 160 Miller Hill Mariah h 1468 Oconee Hill Marie agt Pilgrim Health & Life
Ins Co r Monroe Ga Hill Mary (Mrs Roy) weaver Chicopee
Mfg Co r 565 College av Hill Marion (Lillie S) 3 porter Elks
Club h 187 Magnolia Hill Marvin O (Christine S) 2 dstrbutr
Tom's Toasted Peanuts h 2325 Jefferson rd Hill Mary B (wid B H) r 250 Springdale Hill Mary F (Frances Beauty Shop) r 157 N Church Hill Mary J kitchen hlpr Athens Genl Hosp r 1256 W Hancock av Hill Mattie F maid Hoyt h 59 Broadacres Hill Mildred W sch tchr r 175 Magnolia Hill Milton (Constance J) tchr h 269 Magnolia av Hill Minnie A maid h 140 Griffeth Hill Newman E (Lola M) dr Red & Black Dry Clnrs h 799 Boulevard Hill O C lab Clarke Storage Battery Co r 233 S Rockspring Hill Ollie Mrs slswn Benjamin's r 799 Boulevard Hill Pearle cook 275 King av r 447 S Rockspring Hill Pope R (Leota A) prof U of Ga h 190 Morton av Hill Ralph G (Larie W) slsmn H 0 Epting & Co r Jefferson rd RD 2
Hill Robt (Lois W) lab Empire State Chem Co h 1696 E Broad
Hill Robt B (Eula H) carp h Princeton rd RD 4
Hill Roy (Margt) 3 weaver Chicopee Mfg Co h'565 College av
Hill Roger gravedigger Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery r 140 Trail Creek
Hill Ruby 2 maid 165 Marian dr h 275
Colima av
Hill Rufus cook Snelling Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) r 525 Reese



Hill Sarah C cook 277 Henderson av r 572 Pulaski
HILL-SMITH FURNITURE CO INC Bryant M Smith Pret, Rufus A Smith SecTrea 235 W Washington--Dial LI 33178 (See Special Space and Buyers' Guide)
Hill Stephens hlpr Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc r Hull Ga
Hill W Henry (Alma H) dist frt & pass agt S A L R R Co h 175 Milledge
Hill W Oscar (Belle A) h 234 Hill Hill Walter G (Monteen G) 2 welder W A
Stevens Co h 124 Willow Hill Watson (Susie) 1 Ibrmn h 1385 Oco-
nee Hill Whitman H h 157 N Church Hill Wm r 369 Branch Hill Wm C (Katie V) 1 pdlr h 256 Wa
ter Hill Wm P carp David D Saye r RD 1 Hill Willie trk dr The Webb-Crawford
Co r 809 W Waddell Hill Willie (Alberta) lab h 173 Yonah
av Hill Willie B (Bessie H) 3 emp Tony's
Restr h 393 1st Hill Willie D (Carolyn N) elk The Kroger
Co r Bogart Ga Hill's Chapel Baptist Church Rev Mitch-
ell Tate pastor 120 N Harris Hilley H Guy (Ruby M) 2 opr Plantation
Pipe Line Co h 138 Milledge ter Hilley Wofford W (Leila B) (Holman
Hotel Barber Shop) h 224 Hill Hilliard H Douglas (Lillian M) pressmn
The McGregor Co h 924 Oconee Hilliard Hughes mech r 953 Oconee Hilliard O B mech J Swanton Ivy Inc r
Colbert Ga Hilliard Ophelia Mrs r 953 Oconee Hilliard Robt D fixer Climax Hosiery Mills
r Colbert Ga Hills First Baptist Church Rev R B
Hawk pastor Sunday Services 11:30 am and 7:30 pm 204 N Pope Hills Marie h 695 Prince av Hillsman Arth (Sara L) 4 auto pntr Ga Mtrs Inc h 130 S Newton Hillsman Geo A (Eleanor C) student h 135 North View dr Hi-Lo Cafe No 2 (Robt L Thomas) 351 N Hull Hi-Lo Restaurant (Robt L Thomas) 199 W Washington Hilsman Pattie h 196 Henderson av Hines Forrest B electn Roberts Elec & Appliance Co r 155 Herring Hines Francis X electn Roberts Elec & Appliance Co r 155 Herring Hinesley Henry A (Ina) lubricator C A Trussell Mtr Co RD 2 Hinesley Howard C (Rosena B) (Hines ley Service Sta) h 555 N Chase Hinesley Ina R (Mrs H A) ofc sec Henry C Holliday r Tallassee rd RD 2 Hinesley Rosena B (Mrs H C) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 555 N Chase

Hinesley Service Sta (H C Hinesley) 1307 Prince av
Hinsley Falvy W (Lorene S) (Hinsley & Wilson Garage) r Watkinsville Ga
Hinsley & Wilson Garage (Falvy W Hins ley and Delpha F Wilson) 166 W Clayton
Hinton Apartments Baxter cor S Milledge av
Hinton Harold H (Alice L) h 219 W Cloverhurst av
Hippchen Gus A (Arrowhead Stamp Shop) r 1220 S Milledge av
Hippchen Leonard J (June) 1 prof U of Ga r 1220 S Milledge av
Hiram Ida M dentist 2d fir Morton Bldg h 635 W Hancock
Hires Estelle S (Mrs W L) receptionist Dr E W Satterfield r 510 Bloomfield
Hitchcock Belle A designer Jones Flower Shop r 120 Minor
Hitchcock Carolyn T maid 591 McWhorter dr r 812 Reese
Hitchcock Doshia (Mrs W L) tchr Barrow Sch r 112 Fortson dr
Hitchcock Earl porter Chief Pontiac Co r RD 1
Hitchcock Earnest lab David D Saye r RD 1
Hitchcock John (Carolyn T) chauf 825 W Hancock av h 812 Reese
Hitchcock Lloyd H (Edith M) sec Dixie Canner Co h 510 McWhorter dr
Hitchcock Nelson (Lilla L) 1 pres Dixie Canner Co h 178 Milledge ter
Hitchcock Nelson Jr r 178 Milledge ter Hitchcock Sammie lab r 588 W Han
cock av Hitchcock Wm L (Doshia C) tchr U of
Ga h 112 Fortson dr Hitchcock Willie (Bell) yd mn h 120
Minor Hitchcock Zack (Anna H) lab h 137
Odd Hix Bonnie B (Mrs J W) bkpr Birchmore
Dairy Supplies r Bogart Ga HIX CHAS D (Lenita T) 3 Athens Awn-
ing & Mattress Co h Old Hull rd Hix Edna C Mrs genl asst U of Ga Library
r Commerce Ga Hix Henry J tank wagon slsmn W B Rice
Petroleum Co Inc r Colbert Ga Hix Hope B (Ruth McE) mech Heyward
Alien Mtr Co r Atlanta rd RD 1 Hix J W slsmn Broun Mtr Co r Bogart
Hix Jas 0 (Florence Y) mech Heyward Alien Mtr Co r Hull rd RD 1
Hix John D (Betty C) slsmn Birchmore Dairy Supplies r Comer Ga
Hix Mozelle H (Mrs H J) bkpr Athens Glass & Mirror Co r Colbert Ga
Hix Vincent J (Mary E) 2 mgr & slsmn Ideal Feed & Poultry Co h 160 Westover .dr
Hix Weldon r 543 Meigs
Hix Willie J (Mrs G W) elk U of Ga r Comer Ga



Hixon Gladys presser B & W Clnrs r RD 3
Hoag Ann (Mrs R A) nurse r 728 Cobb Hoag Robt A (Ann) student r 728 Cobb Hoard Albert L (Lorene G) 2 trk dr
Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 160 Appleby dr Hoard Lorene G (Mrs A L) tex wkr r 160 Appleby dr Hoban Michl J (Nancy O) slsmn Whitmire Furn Co h 345 South View dr Hoban Nancy J chem r 345 South View dr Hobbs Mary F (wid R T) proof reader Athens Banner-Herald h 1530 S Lumpkin apt B-4 Hobbs N H III elk Std Oil Co of Ky Inc r Jefferson rd RD 3 Hodge Charlie lab Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc r 680 N Hull Hodges Chas r 923 Water Hodges Curtis L (Ruth M) 4 recapper Supreme Recappers Inc h 58 Broadacres Apts Hodges Enis (Mrs J E) ofc wkr Benson's Bakery r 140 Barber Hodges Excell hlpr Carter's Carburetor Elec Co r 194 Lyndon Row Hodges Geo H (Deborah) h 923 Water Hodges Jos E (Enis H) slsmn Bradley Pro vision Co h 140 Barber Hodges Nina C (Mrs Harold) emp The C & S Natl Bk r Bogart Ga Hodges Ruth M lab Athens Poultry Co r 58 Broadacres Hodges Thos D (Florie) mech W A Stevens Co r Winterville Ga
(Hodgkinson's) h 320 McWhorter dr
--Dial LI 3-5325 Hodgkinson Linda L student r 320 Mc
Whorter dr
HODGKINSON'S (Frank W Hodgkinson)
Office Supplies 115 E Clay ton -- Dial
LI 3-2578 (See Special Lines and Buy
ers Guide) Hodgson Edw (Moselle) elk Guen's Bever
age Co r 126 S Milledge av Hodgson Edw R Jr (Mary McC) v-pres
Hodgson's Inc r Jefferson rd RD 2 Hodgson Ed R UI (Mozelle B) slsmn
Green's Package Shop r 126 S Milledge av Hodgson Harold B (Louise H) veteri narian Athens-Clarke County Dept of Health h 130 Hall HODGSON HAROLD B JR (Ruby) 2
(Watson's Drugs) k 145 Woodrow--
Dial LI 3-5972 Hodgson Harry L sec-treas Hodgson's
Inc h 126 S Milledge av
Hodgson Harry L Jr (Jamie S) agt Pa cific Mut Life Ins Co h 126 S Milledge av
Hodgson Harry L III student r 126 S Milledge av
Hodgson Hugh (Jessie M) prof U of Ga h 570 Springdale

Hodgson Marguerite T r 394 S Milledge av
Hodgson Morton S (Lydia H) pres Em pire State Chem Co and Hodgson's Inc h 749 Cobb
Hodgson Mozelle B (Mrs E R III) ofc wkr U of Ga r 126 S Milledge av
HODGSON PAUL (Mary M) Mgr Home Mortgage Co Real Estate Insurance 285
College av h Jefferson rd--Dial LI
6-8977 Hodgson Ralph R (Isabel T) custodian
military property U of Ga r 394 S Mil-
ledge av Hodgson T Burke student r 126 S Milledge
Hoadvgson's Inc Morton S Hodgson pres, Chas P Belding, Garnett L Daniel and Edw R Hodgson Jr v-prests, Harry L Hodgson sec-treas fertz mfrs 286 Oco-
nee Hoffman Paul E (Joan L) vet U of Ga h
106 University ct apt 24 Hoffsinger Glenn student h rear 150 Uni
versity dr Hogan B Alien (Cafh K) 3 (Hogan
Bros Lbr Co) h 1477 S Lumpkin Hogan Eleanor S opr S B T & T Co r 2062
Jefferson rd RD 2 Hogan Ethyl C (Mrs M W) sten Gulf Oil
Corp r 420 Peabody Hogan G Truett (Clara H) 1 (Hogan
Bros Lbr Co) h 215 Fortson dr Hogan Larry V h 1191 E Broad Hogan Lula r 599 W Hancock av Hogan Moody W (Ethyl C) 2 ofc mgr
Chicopee Mfg Co h 420 Peabody Hogan Wm (Martel) 1 eng S B T & T Co
h 130 Marion dr Hogg Leon (Helen F) 2 USA h 2050 Jef
ferson rd Hoke Lucy h 323 Cleveland av Hoke Ruby ironer New Way Dry Clnrs
& Lndry r 323 Cleveland av Holbrook Alf H dir of museum U of Ga
h 120 Fortson dr Holbrook Annie I r 120 Fortson dr Holbrook Elder T (Mildred C) 1 (Hol
brook Radio & Sound Service) h 1990 S
Lumpkin Holbert Ellie r Old Hull rd Holbrook Florence r 120 Fortson dr Holbrook Maggie H emergency rm aide
Athens Genl Hosp h 76 Broadacres Holbrook Nell I dist chf elk S B T & T Co h
397 Springdale Holbrook Radio & Sound Service (Elder
T Holbrook) reprs 187 N Lumpkin
Holbrook Steph T (Rowena S) porter Davison-Paxon Co h 1347 W Broad
Holcomb Clyde V (Etta F) (Holcomb Ser vice Station) r Barnett Shoals rd
RD 3 Holcomb Etta T (Mrs C O) mailing elk
State Agrl Extn Service r Barnett Shoals rd RD 3
Holcomb Eunice E (wid Lon) h 698 Cobb

Holcomb Franklin J (Jean R) 1 instr

U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h 305 Willow


Holcomb J Frank (Pauline R) 2 h 1987 S


Holcomb J Harold (Ann L) (Athens Cycle

Co; Holcomb Shoe Shop) r Tallassee rd

RD 2

Holcomb Jas A mech J Swanton Ivy Inc r

Hull Ga

Holcomb Jas A (Dorothea M) 2 staff

mgr Interstate Life & Accident Ins Co

h 345 Talmadge dr

Holcomb Jean M (Mrs Chas) stencil ctr

The Mc'Gregor Co r Bishop Ga

Holcomb Patricia A slswn F W Woolworth

Co r Hull Ga

Holcomb Pauline R (Mrs J F) seamer r

1987 S Lumpkin

Holcomb Shoe Shop (J Harold Holcomb)

reprs 264 N Lumpkin

Holcomb Wm D (Amy T) mgr University

Service Sta r Commerce rd RD 1

Holcomb's Service Station (Clyde O Hol-

comb) 197 Oak

Holder H Randolph (Clementi L) 3 news

dir Radio Sta WRFC chairmn City Play-

ground & Recreation Bd h 190 Waver-

ly ct

Holiday Ruth r 225 Buena Vista av

Holifield Asa S administrative asst

Army Reserve Training Center h Sun-

set dr RD 1

Holifield Douglas E (Lillian M) (Nor-

mal Radio Shop) h 136 Clover

Holifield Lillian M (Mrs D E) (Normal

Radio Shop) r 136 Clover

Holifield Lucy C Mrs r Sunset dr

Holifield Nell G r Sunset dr

Holland Hendrix R (Dorothy M) 3 (In-

terior Specialty Inc) h 457 Sunset dr

Hollaway M Elaine ofc wkr r 277 Hill

Holleman Carlyle -adjuster in charge Genl

Adjustment Bureau Inc r Gains School

rd RD 3

Holliday Ann N student r 170 Greenwood


Holliday Annie M r 357 Hill

Holliday Ben emp Athens Cooperative

Creamery r Jefferson Ga

Holliday Cora M (wid A C) h 357


Holliday Henry C (Marion P) 1 phys

512-14 Sou Mut Bldg h 170 Greenwood


Holliday Jas L dentist 306-07 Sou Mut

Bldg r 257 Woodlawn av

Holliday Kate r 357 Hill

Holliday Key v-pres Gunn's Inc h 225

Buena Vista av

Holliday Lila L student r 257 Woodlawn


Holliday Lila L (wid Pope) h 257 Wood-

lawn av


Holliday Richd A student r 257 Wood-

lawn av

Hollifield John D (Ines P) 3 servicemn

S B T & T Co h 690 Belvoir hts

Hollingsworth Clovis projectionist Alps Rd

Drive-in Theatre r Atlanta hwy RD 4

Hollingsworth Louise W instr U of Ga Library h 1085 Prince av
Hollingsworth Willis (Bobbie) 1 student r 350 Satula av
Hollis Billy A appr Tony Postero Insulating Co r 139 Parkview Homes
Hollis Dorothy Mrs 2 h 194 Tibbetts Hollis Dupree trk dr hlpr Athens Concrete
Products Co r RD 2 Hollis Geo Jr slsmn Athens Prod Inc r At-
lanta hwy RD 4 Hollis Gertrude (Mrs J E) emp Chicopee
Mfg Co r 157 Hillside Hollis Grady J (Myrtle A) 2 trk dr Thomas
Trans Co Inc h 98 Parkview Homes Hollis Horace W emp B B Beverage Co
r 1077 Madison av Hollis Horace W (Helen J) 2 emp B & B
Beverage Co h 345 North av Hollis Howell T (Margt M) business
mgr Athletic Assn U of Ga h 340 West Lake dr Hollis Jesse E (Gertrude C) 1 canteen opr Chicopee Mfg Co h 157 Hillside Hollis Luther W Jr (Serena O) slsmn Athens Cooperative Creamery r 2360 Jeffer-
son rd RD 2 Hollis Mattie C (wid L W) h 2360 Jef-
ferson rd RD 2 Hollis Myrtle A (Mrs G J) tex wkr r 98
Parkview Homes Hollis Odell (Hazel S) 2 crewmn Boland
Bonded Pest Control Co h 139 Parkview Homes Holliway Martha opr S B T & T Co r 525 Prince av Holloway Chas W (Eva) v-pres Dixie Cab Rubber Co; Snow Tire Co and Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co r Augusta Ga Holloway Dorothy M (Mrs J C) opr S B T & T Co r 135 Matthews av Holloway Eva (Mrs C W) sec Snow Tire Co r Augusta Ga Holloway Jas C (Dorothy M) carp h 135 Matthews Holloway Milton r 522 W Broad Holly Mountain Sales Co (Edmund H Underwood) poultry whol 298 N Lump-
kin Holman Hotel Barber Shop (Emory B
Coile and Wofford W Hilley) bsmt 10204 E Clayton Holmes Daisy W tchr Reese Street Sch r 465 Reese Holmes Eug T (Daisy W) 1 tchr Athens High & Industrial Sch h 465 Reese Holmes M Eliz D (wid H H) h 734 Bar-
ber Holmes Martha S (wid S D) r 537 Ogle-
thorpe av Holmes Paul C (Gwendolyn W) 2 (Boule-
vard Service Sta) h 70 Holman av
Holmes Sibyl S Mrs 2 dental hygienist Dr W H Williams h 1224 Prince av
Holmes Sue A (wid S D Jr) r 537 Oglethorpe av
Holmes Wm J hlpr Dorsey Heating & Sheet Metal Co r Lexington Ga



Holsapple Harry E (Lois W) h 167 Highland ter
Holsapple Lois W (Mrs HE) slswn Davison-Paxon Co r 167 Highland ter
Holsapple Nancy student r 167 Highland ter
Holsomback Lloyd (Ruth S) 3 piano tuner 270 Barrow h same
Holston Ethel (Mrs Geo) grad nurse Ath ens Genl Hosp r 10-d Pre-Fab Ag Hill
Holt Lanier r 1367 W Broad Holt Lanier J USA r 48 Broadacres Holt Marie H h 48 Broadacres Holt Mary h 1367 W Broad Holt Mary M (wid E C) r 160 Virginia
av Holt Parks H (Bertha) 5 jan Dairypak
Inc h 341 Athens av Holton Benj J (Martha H) 1 patrolmn City
Police Dept h 138 S Poplar Holton Martha H (Mrs B J) tex mach opr
r 138 S Poplar Holub Gregory J student r 185 S Finley HOME MORTGAGE CO Paul Hodgson Mgr
Real Estate Loans 285 College av -- Dial LI 3-4344 Home Owners Realty Co sis 416 Sou Mut Bldg Honea Eliz J sch tchr r 126 Springdale Honea Frank G (Agnes W) 1 (Honea Radiator Shop) h 126 Springdale Honea Geo M (Lillie S) h 529 Meigs Honea Radiator Shop (F G Honea) reprs 778 E Broad Honea Susie K receptionist Dr L L Whitley r 529 Meigs Honegger Roth Corp Sherm H Applebaum mcr mfrs 250 New Hood Maude P Mrs dean of women U of Ga h 621 Pinecrest dr Hoopaugh W C (Edith) agt Life & Cas ualty Ins Co of Tenn r Maysville Ga Hooper Chas H (Eloise B) 1 housing dir U of Ga h 530 South View dr Hooper Ellie L (Mrs R A) cash S H Kress & Co r 197 S Milledge av Hooper F Eloise student r 530 South View dr Hooper Florence H (wid) h 120 Milledge ter Hooper Geneva (Mrs Robt) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Hull Ga Hooper J H (Monnie R) mech Russell Daniel Inc r Hull rd RD 1 Hooper John D appr electn Roberts Elec & Appliance Co r Hull Ga Hooper Monnie R (Mrs J H) mach opr Fields Mfg Co r Hull rd RD 1 Hooper Robt A (Ellie A) hlpr Simpson Trucking Co h 197 Milledge av Hope Lizzie maid 370 S Lumpkin r 159 S Newton Hopkins Bennie dom r 128 Minor
Hopkins Betty J student r 165 E Strong
Hopkins Claude porter Clarke Storage
Battery Co r 125 Indale
Hopkins Comer roofer Athens Tile & Roof ing Co r RD 1

Hopkins Cora maid 720 Milledge cir r Alps rd
Hopkins DeWitt h 128 Minor Hopkins Earnest E lab r 196 Dallas al Hopkins Faye G (Mrs G L) prod elk The
Kroger Co h 135 Sunset dr Hopkins Fred J (Fannie F) jan U of Ga
h 196 Dallas al Hopkins Fred J Jr USA r 196 Dallas al Hopkins Geo E hlpr L M Leathers' Sons r
165 E Strong Hopkins Grady L (Faye G) electn h
135 Sunset dr Hopkins Earl W (Mildred A) 2 knitter
Rodgers Hosiery Mill Inc h Princeton rd RD 4 Hopkins Harvard V (Virginia S) aud Auto motive Parts Distributors Inc sec-treas Ga Tire & Rubber Co r Crawford Ga Hopkins Jas (Alice B) 1 garbage collr City Sanitation Dept h 375 DuBose ay Hopkins Jas R (Agnes M) ofc mgr Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 412 Stanton Way Hopkins John lab Athens Tile & Roofing Co r N Hull end W Hoyt Hopkins Kenneth P student r 180 Nantahala av Hopkins Lenon r 360 Paris Hopkins Marion J student r 412 Stanton Way Hopkins Mattie R (wid L G) r 130 Georeia Railroad HOPKINS W IRVIN Sec-Trea. The McGregor Co r 401 Parkway dr Hopkins W Howard (Betty S) 1 roofer Athens Tile & Roofing Co h 165 E Strong Hopkins W Paul Rev (Dorothy D) 2 pastor Pentecostal Holiness Ch h 180 Nantahala av Hopkins Wm E slsmn J Swanton Ivy Inc r Bishop Ga Hopper Lehman E (Enice F) (Classic City Poultry Co) h 2317 Jefferson rd RD 2 Hopson Bessie H h 140 S Billups Hopson Jos S (Ruth C) 4 asst prof U of Ga h 376 Dearing
HORN CHAS W (Geraldine B) 2 Mgr
Local Finance Co h 1982 S Lumpkin -- Dial LI 3-5528
Horn Jas W (Barbara C) 1 collection mn Ga Loan & Investment Corp h 765 S Milledge av apt 5
Horn John W (Ruth M) 3 supt J W Bateson Construction Co h 857 S Milledge av
Home Eug M (Rose Nell T) student h 180 E Rutherford
Home J B (Pascal C) 2 electn General Times h 425 Nacoochee av
Home Jack L (Elsie R) 2 baker Shiver's Bakery h 186 Boulevard
Home Jas H (Mary P) 1 slsmn h 309 Boley dr
Horton Harold student r 248 Glenhaven av

Horton Henry H (Mitia G) slsmn Ath ens Cooperative Creamery h 572 Nantahala av
Horton Henry L cook Uppy's Drive Inn r 248 Glenhaven av
Horton Irene G h 463 N Billups Horton Louis emp Athens Genl Hosp
h 251 Magnolia Horton Mamie L h 1124 W Broad Horton Mary D (wid P M) slswn Hodgkin-
son's h 425 W Rutherford Horton Mary SI emp J C Penney Co
h Lexington rd Horton Paul student r 425 W Rutherford HORTON-REID DRUG STORE See Hoi-
ton's Drug Store Horton Robt (Sarah) jan U of Ga h
344% S Rockspring HORTON W POSEY (Anne C) 1 (Hor-
ton's Drug Store) R M Brewer Mgr h 565 South View dr--Dial LI 6-6156 Horton Wm P Jr student r 565 South View dr HORTON'S DRUG STORE (W Posey Hor
ton) 101 E Clayton-- Dial LI 3-3454 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide) Hosch J Alton prof U of Ga h 1530 S Lumpkin apt A-2 HOTEL HOLMAN Ernest D Newton Mgr 102-04 E Clayton--Dial LI 6-1443 (See
Special Space and Buyers Guide.) House Charlie carp G M Caskey & Son r
Statham Ga House Louise ofc sec Perdue Mfg Co r
114 Milledge ter House of Fabrics The (Mrs Ann H and
Walter J Crenshaw) piece gds 255 Col lege av House Thos J (Marie M) 3 trk dr Sterchi Bros Stores Inc h 1067 Hobson av Housing Authority of The City of Athens The Joel A Wier executive dir 1 Park view Homes Howard Addie M maid 111 Milledge ter r rear same Howard Albert R (Joyce P) 1 interne Ath ens Genl Hosp h 380 Greenwood dr Howard Alfonza (Clara) 3 h 235 4th Howard Ambrosia maid 820 Milledge cir h 530 W Hancock av Howard Annie W (wid J P) h 1025 W Hancock av Howard Auradite E (Howard's Gro Store) h 443 3d Howard Cicero (Susie) h 180 N Harris Howard Clara ctr Athens Poultry Co Inc r 235 4th Howard Clarence (Mary D) emp Ath ens Cooperative Creamery h 145 War saw Howard Cora weigher Athens Poultry Co r 371 Arch Howard Dora Indrs r 320 Augusta av
Howard Earl atndt U S Sailers* Five Points Gulf Sta r 1193 S Milledge av
Howard Effie r 637 North av
Howard Ellis (Rosa S) h 560 Odd
Howard Emma M maid r 653 Dearing

Howard Ernest (Josephine P) 1 plmbr hlpr W H Bailey Plmbg & Htg Co h 546 N Peter
Howard Eva C sch tchr r 210 Evans Howard Francie L r 1025 W Hancock av Howard Frank (Margt) 2 jan U of Ga
h 733 Dearing Howard Geo r 371 Arch Howard Hattie r 860 Waddell Howard Jas USA r 253 Reese Howard Jas (Daisy C) 2 hlpr Georgian
Lndry & Clnrs h 151 N Harris Howard Jas (Mattie M) 7 constn wkr
h 1754 W Hancock Howard Jimmy (Lillie M) 1 dr Black
& White Cab Co h 653 Dearing Howard John r 253 Reese Howard John C (Vera K) 4 phys 1010
Prince av h 290 Milledge av Howard Jos W 7 h 692 Henderson av
extd Howard Josephine P presser Athens
Lndry & Dry Clng Service r 546 N Peter Howard Lena P maid r 13 Broadacres Howard Lewis (Mary F) 1 h 788 N Lumpkin Howard Lillie M cook 663 N Milledge r 653 Dearing Howard Lois B maid Snack Shack r 692 Henderson av extd Howard Lucy B maid h 260 N New ton Howard Lucy F r 270 Barber Howard Mamie 1 maid 323 E Hancock h 253 Reese Howard Margt cook r 733 Dearing Howard Marion W mech Simpson Service Co r Lexington Ga Howard Mary D presser New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry r 145 Warsaw Howard Mattie E maid h 596 W Broad Howard Mattie M emp Colonial Poultry Co r 1754 W Hancock av Howard Mose (Ardell) porter 1010 Prince av h 1443 W Broad apt B Howard Ollie (Julia L) h 590 4th Howard Popie W (Lizzie B) 2 ctr Co lonial Poultry Co Inc h 452 Atlanta av Howard Robt L (Mildred W) USA r 322 E Dougherty Howard Rosa S maid r 560 Odd Howard Saml S (Opal D) 1 emp L H Bai ley & Sons h 419 Boulevard Howard Thos C (Kath) cook Snelling Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) h 110 Broadacres Howard Vernon C (Eva C) mgr Guaran ty Life Ins Co h 210 Evans
Howard Will F (Dora) lab Gulf At lantic Whse h 320 Augusta av
Howard Willie (Addie M) jan Classic City Overall Co Inc h rear 111 Milledge ter
Howard's Grocery Store (Auradite E Howard) 443 3d
Howe Martina F (wid L W) 3 student h 243 Springdale

Howell Agnes H maid 183 Cherokee av h 197 S Billups
Howell Clarke Hall (U of Ga) Mrs Mattie C Seymour hse dir dormitory 855 S Lumpkin
Howell Colquitt (Susie J) h 1250 Bearing
Howell Donald (Viola B) USAF r 148 Mulberry
Howell E W (Eliz D) farmer h 729 Pulaski
Howell Eliz agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co r 222 Colima av
Howell Grace presser B & W Clnrs h 237 4th
Howell Hallie W (wid J M) h 180 Milledge cir
Howell Hartie H maid Mathew av r 261 Fairview
Howell Hornsby jan Athens-Clarke County Dept of Health r 1443 W Broad
Howell Ida M h 163 N Billups Howell Inez D maid 500 Milledge ter r
165 Fairview Howell Melvin (Rosanna) h 1378 W
Hancock av Howell Nobie h 346 Reese Howell Pearl R (wid W H) h 455% N Mil-
ledge av Howell Perlitha h 220 Strickland Howell Ralph delmn h 233 4th Howell Richd R (Mary) bodymn C A Trus-
sell Mtr Co r Watkinsville Ga Howell Rosanna dom r 1378 W Hancock
av Howell T Doyle (Doris D) 2 city mar
shal h 326 Hill Howell Viola B (Mrs Donald) waitress Pig
Drive-in r 148 Mulberry
HOWELL WM W (Julia B) 1 Mgr Con-
olidated Gas Co k 465 Springdale --
Dial LI 6-0415
Howell Wm W Jr student r 465 Springdale
Howell Willie G (Hartie H) 1 jan U of Ga h 261 Fairview
Howell Willie G Jr (Inez D) lab h 165 Fairview
Howington Emma nurse St Mary's Hosp r 735 Boulevard
Howington Flecher L r 152 Arch Howington Helen J (Mrs O C) tech Athens
Dental Laboratory r 168 Hart av Howington Margt dental asst Dr R B Moore
r Jefferson rd RD 2 Howington Otis C (Helen J) 2 (Athens
Dental Laboratory) h 168 Hart av Howington Robt B (Minnie W) 1 tex
wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 457 Baldwin
Howington Tom (Marcheline) ser mn Bish op's Hatchery r Nicholson Ga
Howle Paul C Rev (Marguerite C) 2 min ister First Christian Ch member City Bd of Education h 268 W Dougherty
Hoyt Carlton W (Maude B) h Old White hall rd RD 4
Hoyte Richd L (Francis C) 1 slsmn Royal Crown Btlg Co of Athens h bsmt 538 Pulaski

Hubbard Andrew lab Empire State Chem Co r 142 Gressom
Hubbard Betty r 290 Athens av Hubbard Clara B Mrs looper Climax Hos
iery Mills h 294 Georgia Depot Hubbard Gladys maid Hotel Holman r
Winterville Ga Hubbard Mabel S (wid G D) r 295 Nellie
B av Hubbard Nellie h 53 Broadacres Hubbard Woodie lab Athens Venetian
Blind Mfg Co r 297 Peabody Hubbell Clarence H (Edna McD) 2 mgr
S H Kress & Co h 344 Milledge cir Hubert Anne L (Mrs R M) emp Athens
Country Club r 205% University dr Hubert Babs laboratory tech r 266 High
land av HUBERT H DOUGLAS (Sallie H) 2
Pres Industrial Laundry & Dry Cleaning
Co Inc h Lexington rd--Dial LI 3-4521
Hubert J H (Monta) 2 emp h Old Hull rd Hubert Jas H (Garden B) 3 (King Cot
ton Mtr Court) h 518 Hampton ct Hubert Lillian S (Mrs W L) slswn Gallant-
Belk Co r 818 College av Hubert Marion A (Hattie C) 1 phys
1010 Prince av h 466 Highland av Hubert P Marie part-time bkpr Hubert
State Bk student r Lexington rd RD 3 Hubert Randolph M (Anne L) golf pro
Athens Country Club Inc h 205% Uni versity dr Hubert Rosena C (wid Max) h 574 N Milledge av HUBERT STATE BANK Mrs Blanche H
Brackett Pros, Mrs Virginia H Kellar Ex
ecutive V-Pres, John E Griffin Cash,
Robt D Dearing Asst Cash College and
Washington--Dial LI 3-3618 (See Spe
cial Bottom Lines) Hubert Walter L (Lillian S) shoe repr
Martin Bros h 818 College av Hudgins Chas F (Ethlene H) 1 prof U
of Ga member City Bd of Education h 510 Milledge cir Hudson Alien H (Mary W) (H & H Service Sta) h 835 S Church Hudson Emma L S presser Findley Dry Clnrs h 12 Broadacres apts Hudson Frank (Mary) mech W A Stevens Co r Gainesville Ga Hudson Fred G porter Walter R Thomas Athens Inc h 346 Atlanta av Hudson Gertrude F (wid E B) mus tchr 115 Milledge ter h same Hudson Jas R (Lula H) 1 emp U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h 165 Dublin
HUDSON JOE B (Sara N) Dist Auditor
Georgia Power Co h 237 Georgia av--
Dial LI 3-9998 Hudson Joan student r 237 Georgia av Hudson Lula H sch tchr r 165 Dub
lin Hudson Martha B (Mrs R S) (Bradley's
Dress Shop) r Jefferson rd RD 2 Hudson Mary W (Mrs A H) sten State
Dept of Pub Health r 835 S Church Hudson Nellina r 135 N Billups Hudson Patricia student r 237 Georgia av



Hudson R C (Ethel M) 3 baker Benson Huff Bug (Etta H) mgr North Ga Pro

Bakery h 3 Broadacres

duction Cred Assn r Commerce rd

Hudson Robt L (Frances A) slsmn Tal- RD 1

madge Whol Co Inc h 120 W Cloverhurst Huff Evie (wid Arth) r 792 Oconee


Huff Evie P (wid J H) (Huff Com

Hudson Roberta (Mrs Roy) ofc sec Voca munity Store) h 845 Baxter

tional Rehabilitation r Bogart Ga

Huff Fred T (Inez S) 2 dr Veterans Cab

Hudson Roy L (Louise C) USA r 512 N Co h 149 Childs


Huff Gene K elk Parham's Food Mkt r 187

Hudson Rufus jan The C & S Natl Bk Wilkerson

r 1248 W Broad

Huff Gerald B (Helen C) 1 prof U of Ga

Hudson Sarah H (Mrs J B) slswn Gallant- h 160 Greenwood ct

Belk Co r 237 Georgia av

Huff Gladys B (Mrs W L) elk Bell's Food

Hudson Wm E (Mary A) 2 prof U of Mkt r 683 Boulevard

Ga h 450 Highland av

Huff H Bug (Lucy McC) mach City Mtrs

Hudson Wm M (Agga M) porter Da- Inc h 1473% Oconee

vison-Paxon Co h 140 N Rockspring

Huff Harold trk dr Simpson Trucking Co-

Hudson Wm R (Margt M) test eng Ga r 147 W Dougherty

Power Co h 235 Parkway dr

Huff Harold A trk dr Simpson Trucking-

Hudson Willie Mrs h 253 E Dougherty

Co r Hancock av

apt 3

Huff Hattie Y (wid H T) h 975 Bax

Huey Leila M maid Baxter r 1423 W



Huff Henrietta waitress r 160 Lyndon

Huff Alfonso pin mn Bulldog Recrea Row

tion Center r 140 S Newton

Huff Henry J (Dessie S) waiter Huff's

Huff Aubry (Rosetta M) 1 h 994 S Lump- Cafe h 792 Oconee


HUFF HENRY T County Sheriff r 975

Huff Betty slswn F W Woolworth Co r Baxter--Dial LI 6-6651

RD 1

Huff Inez S (Mrs F T) nurse's aide Athens

Huff Betty ofc sec State Agrl Extn Ser Genl Hosp r 149 Childs

vice r Crawford Ga

Huff Jack (Mattie J) 4 lab Atlanta Gas

Huff Betty J egg grader Poultry Indus Light Co h 140 S Newton

tries Inc r Winterville Ga

Huff Jas lab G M Caskey & Son r 217

Huff Billy D (Rita O) cable repr SET S Thomas

& T Co r Statham Ga

Huff Jas E (Essie J) jan Young Harris

Huff Burney S (wid H H) grad nurse Memorial Methodist Ch h 634 Prince

Athens Genl Hosp r Old Tallassee rd


Huff Caulis R (Irene P) (Huff's Cafe) Huff Jas H (Mavis M) 2 firemn City Fire

h 195 Sunset dr

Dept h 534 Pulaski

Huff Claude wtchmn Empire State Chem Huff Jas W (Mary M) crane opr The Loef

Co r RD 1

Co r Winterville rd RD 1

Huff Clarissie cook Hamilton ct r 148 Huff Jesse L (Mattie M) 1 piano

S Rockspring

tech P H Durden Mus Store h 363

Huff Clifford M atndt Service Sta r Old Reese

Whitehall rd

Huff Jessie M maid 510 Highland r 232

Huff Clyde M atndt Berryman's Service Arch

Sta r 187 Wilkerson

Huff Jimmy L lab r 232 Arch

Huff Community Store (Mrs Evie Huff) Huff John millmn Southeastern Rubber

gro 825 Baxter

Mfg Co r Colbert Ga

Huff Danl A student r 160 Greenwood ct Huff Johnny (Lizzie S) delmn H L

Huff Delia S knitter Climax Hosiery Mills Cofer & Co h 1521 E Broad

r 301 S Newton

Huff Johnny Jr r 1521 E Broad

Huff Dessie S (Mrs H J) looper Climax Huff Juanita emp The C & S Natl Bk r

Hosiery Mills r 792 Oconee

Bogart Ga

Huff Doctor D (Betty E A) (F & J Cafe) h 120 Florida av
Huff Ed lab Hogan Bros Lbr Co r 150 Yonah av

Huff K C (Lois S) constn wkr h 1327 W Hancock av
Huff LeRoy (Mildred W) 4 lab Hogan Bros Lbr Co h 39 Broadacres
Huff Lillian (wid J D) r 555 Talmadge

Huff Edw mech Athens Trk & Tractor Co dr

r Farmington Ga

Huff Lizzie (wid G W) h 301 S New

Huff Effie A fir lady S H Kress & Co r ton

Watkinsville Ga

Huff Lizzie S cook College Avenue Sch

Huff Eli M (Lula G) stock cljc The McGregor Co h 147 W Dougherty
Huff Ernest G (Martha M) 1 officer in charge Veterans Admn h 161 Clover

r 1521 E Broad Huff Lois maid 158 N Milledge av r
132J W Mancock av Huff Lucile D knitter Climax Hosiery
Mills h 765 Little Oconee

Huff Etta H (Mrs Bug) wkr County Dept Huff Lucy (Mrs Bug) emp B & W Dry

Pub Welfare r Commerce rd RD 1

Clnrs r 1473% Oconee




Huff M Estelle 1 h 187 Wilkerson Huff M Leslie (Louise C) 1 elk City
Police Dept h 420 Hampton ct Huff M Mildred ofc wkr r 549 N Jackson Huff Mamie M asst bkpr & ofc sec The
Loef Co r Jefferson rd RD 2 Huff Marvin E (Pauline C) 1 elk Athens
Gro Co h Old Whitehall rd RD 4 Huff Mattie r 1327 W Hancock av Huff Mattie B (wid MR) h 549 N
Jackson Huff Mattie L maid Georgian Hotel r
270 N Newton Huff Mattie M maid P H Burden Mus
Co r 363 Reese Huff Mavis M (Mrs J H) opr S B T & T
Co r 534 Pulaski Huff Minnie M elk Dixie Canner Co r 975
Baxter Huff Nora W h 844 N Lumpkin Huff Ortha (Clarrissie) 2 h 148 S
Rockwood Huff Ralph ship elk The Webb-Crawford
Co r Princeton rd RD 1 Huff Ralph (Freddie J) porter Univer
sity Service Sta r 248 Vine Huff Raymond C r 549 N Jackson Huff Roger r 140 S Newton Huff Rosa L h 50 Broadacres Huff Rosetta (Mrs Aubrey) examiner Rpd-
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 994 S Lumpkin Huff Ruby D (wid C R) h 250 Bloom-
field Huff Sarah A agt Afro-Am Life Ins
Co r Lexington Ga Huff Tom tech Strickland's Television Cen
ter r Bogart Ga Huff W Chas (Betty W) 1 asst mgr Mari
lyn Shoes h 315 Soufti View dr Huff Wm L (Gladys B) elk Bell's Food
Mkt h 683 Boulevard Huff Wm T slsmn Athens Sporting Gds
Store r 161 Clover Huff Willie (Eliz J) 3 h 320 Water Huff Willie Jr hlpr Parham Food Mkt
r 145 Yonah av Huff Wylie H (Mary H) 1 concrete
fnshr h 184 Strickland Huff Wylie H Jr student r 184 Strick
land Huff's Cafe (Caulis R Huff) 157 N
Thomas Huggins May C (wid H A) h 1045 S
Milledge av Huggins Parts Co (P L Huggins) auto
whol 371 E Washington Huggins Percy L (Addie K) (Huggins
Parts Co) h 229 Barber Huggins Tryon K (Lucy P) 2 slsmn
Huggins Parts Co h 243 West View dr Huggins Tryon K Jr USAF r 243 West
View dr
Hughes Alma R business asst Athens Regional Library h 953 Oconee
Hughes Chas H (Nell C) 2 linemn Ga Power Co h 775 Boulevard
Hughes Clyde H (Mrs J M) agt The Life Ins Co of Va r 590 Sunset dr
Hughes Frances r 165 Waddell

Hughes Frank C (Sallie L) sand & gravel dlr h Johnson dr
Hughes Grady Jr (Lucille) h 180 Westover dr
Hughes J Frank (Veronica D) 2 plmbr J F Bridges Plmbg & Htg h 424 Georgia Depot
Hughes Jos M (Clyde H) 1 elk Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co h 580 Sunset dr
Hughes Leonard E (Ruth R) 1 jan Ga Power Co h 487 Odd
Hughes Lucille (Mrs Grady Jr) slswn Gallant-Belk Co r 180 Westover dr
Hughes M Clyde (Virginia W) 1 Ichr U of Ga h 280 Gran Ellen dr
Hughes Mary (Mrs C L) pantry wkr Hotel Holman RD 2
Hughes Nellie (Mrs J E) r 22 Parkview Homes
Hughes Nevin L (Martha) lubricator C A Trussell Mtr Co r Arnoldsville Ga
Hughes Robt L (Nancy D) (Athens Pawn Shop) r Gaines School rd RD 4
Hughes Sallie W (wid H M) h 775 Boulevard
Hughes Webb R (Mary S) bodymn Broun Mtr Co h 22 Parkview Homes
Hughley Ola cook 738 Cobb W Broad extd
Hughley Robt hlpr Thomas Trans Co Inc r Brady's Camp
Hughs Nancy student r 252 Parkway dr Hughs Marvin P (Grace B) 1 h 252
Parkway dr Hull Birda G maid h 157 Dallas al Hull Jesse (Hattie J) porter Economy
Auto Stores Inc r RD 4 Hull Lunis H (Betty M) slsmn Tanner Lbr
Co r Watkinsville Ga Hull Robt porter Economy Auto Stores
Inc r RD 4 Hull Roberta maid h 197 Dallas al Hulme G Harold (Eliz F) (Hulme Fertz
& Whse Co) member County Welfare Dept Bd h 165 S Milledge Hulme G Wm r 165 S Milledge av Hulme Garland F (Edna P) (Hulme Oil Co, Oconee Street Service Sta and Shell Oil Co Inc) h 265 South View dr Hulme Oil Co (Garland F Hulme) ofc 150 Oconee bulk plant Willow nr E Broad Hulsey Geo T (Anna C) supt Athens Butchers Abattoir Co Inc h Princeton rd RD 4 Human Clyde (Irene G) 1 (Human's Ga rage) h Danielsville rd Human Joe H (Ruth S) 2 mech Human's Garage h Danielsville rd Human Nancy E (wid A F) h Danielsville rd Human Ruth K r Danielsville rd Human Ruth S (Mrs J H) emp Angus Mfg Co r Danielsville rd
Human's Garage (Clyde Human) Daniels ville rd
Hunnicutt Dupree (Gabriella L) lawyer 604 Sou Mut Bldg h 386 N Milledge av
Hunnicutt Gloria r 1070 S Milledge
Hunnicutt Gloria A r 1070 S Milledge av



Hunnicutt John III (Grace H) 1 slsmn Redwine & Co chairmn County Welfare Dept h 40 West Lake dr
Hunnicutt John A phys-surg 318-19 Sou Mut Bldg h 1070 S Milledge av
Hunnicutt Sarah E r 325 N Milledge Hunnicutt Sarah E r 325 N Mildred Hunnius Barbara A student r 215 Milledge
ter Hunnius Raymond F (Virginia B) 1 trav
slsmn h 215 Milledge ter Hunsinger Betty J Mrs waitress Vera's
Drive In r RD 3 Hunsinger Chas trk dr Empire State Chem
Co r Lexington rd RD 3 Hunsinger Curtis (Betty H) 3 lab Colonial
Feed Co h 105 Parkview Homes Hunsinger Marshall stock elk Bell's Food
Mkt r Whitehall Ga Hunt Archie (Nora B) hlpr The
Webb-Crawford Co h 325 Winterville rd Hunt Chas M (Amelia C) W G Sailers Five Points Gulf Sta r Watkinsville Ga Hunt Dock L (Ruth J) 2 mach Keller Mach Co h 485 Baxter Hunt Edw shoe shiner Carson's Barber Shop h 280 Fairyiew Hunt Geo T (Onetia) converter hlpr Dairypak Inc r Danielsville Ga Hunt Harper shoe shiner Ga Barber Shop r 346 Vine Hunt L E S (Mrs R W) grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp r 525 King av Hunt Mamie h 346 Vine Hunt Mary H dom h 168 Indale dr Hunt O K mgr Pure Ice Co r 322 E Dougherty Hunt Ona (wid C W) tex wkr r 560 Talmadge dr Hunt Richd C (Martha H) mach L M Leathers' Sons h 775 Pulaski Hunt Robt W (L E S) 1 mach Keller Mach Co h 525 King av Hunter Alien A (Margt T) 2 mgr Sou Shoe Store h 693 Boulevard Hunter Ann ticket agt Union Bus Terminal r 595 N Milledge av Hunter Annie L r 548 S Finley Hunter Arth (Leona) 1 hlpr The Webb-Crawford Co h 371 Bailey Hunter Bill (Minnie L) spotter Sub urban Clnrs r Stephens Ga Hunter Clarence R (Nora G) pntr W T Mitchum h 270 Baxter Hunter Earle E (Grace T) slsmn h 655 McWhorter dr Hunter Edd W cook 298 S Hall h
540 S Finley Hunter Elbert (Louise S) 5 tire changer
Snow Tire Co h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Hunter Eliz A ticket agt Union Bus Termi
nal r 595 N Milledge av Hunter Emanuel (Tily) 1 jan Athens
High & Industrial Sch h 155" Plaza Hunter Gruconet r 1330 W Hancock av Hunter Guy E (Dorothy S) 4 pntr h rear
575 Waddell Hunter H Cobb (Florye H) h 595 N Mil-
ledge av

Hunter Hattie L dom h W Broad extd RD 4
Hunter Hattie maid r 438 1st Hunter Howell C r 595 N Milledge av Hunter Jas (Annie) trk hlpr Talmadge
Whol Co Inc r 650 Vine
HUNTER JAS L JR (Dorothy W) Mgr
City Motors Service Station r Oconee
ht RD 2 Hunter Jeff (Abrilia W) h 224 Bur-
ney Hunter Jennie P (wid G P) slswn Davison-
Paxon Co r 845 Baxter Hunter Julia A maid Athens Genl Hosp
r 498 4th Hunter Kathlene (Mrs W P) slswn S H
Kress & Co r 285 North av Hunter Lillie S maid h rear 290 Madi
son av Hunter Lily wrapper Colonial Poultry
Co r 155 Plaza Hunter Louise S cook Davis Bros Cafe
teria r Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Hunter Marsh (Rosa) lab h 136 Trail
Creek Hunter Minnie L presser Suburban Clnrs
r Stephens Ga Hunter Nellie presser Athens Pressing
Club r 548 S Finley Hunter Quette C (wid J L) h 693 Boule
vard Hunter R N h 650 West Lake dr Hunter Reuben (Bella) 2 yd wkr U
of Ga h 1330 W Hancock av Hunter Rosa maid Plum Nelly rd r 136
Trail Creek Hunter Rowena (wid Roland) r 547 Bou
levard Hunter Selomia 3 maid 145 Plum Nelly
rd r 136 Trail Creek Hunter Valie M cook r 537 W Hancock
av Hunter Wm P (Kathleene) 4 trk dr Wil-
fong Bros h 285 North av Hunter Willie L hlpr The Webb-Craw
ford Co r 385 Arch Huntsinger Jas W (Annie M B) h 169
Virginia av Hurley John (Hurley's Jewelry) r 324
S Rockspring Hurley Willie r 475 Reese Hurley's Jewelry (John Hurley) 270%
N Hull Hurst Dorothy W (wid R L) receptionist
Dr Andrew J Denman and Dr Walter H Matthews r 278 Hodson dr
Hurst Ed S (Nell R) h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Hurt Avis V (wid Howard) hsekpr 245 Cherokee av r same
Hurt Emma L 2 emp Colonial Poultry Co h 249 N Pope
Hurt Jas T sausage mkr Bradley Pro vision Co r 648 Reese
Hurf Toulman W (Irene H) 1 ins agt h 100 Hart av
Hurt Toulman W Jr (Dolly H) rep Mutual of Omaha r 100 Hart av
Huston Willis E (Mary B) 1 eng State Agrl Extn Service h 335 S Peter

Hut The (Mrs Theta M Benton) beer 458 Independent Life & Accident Insurance Co

E Clayton

The J A Davaney dist mgr (20) M D

Hut Parking Lot The (Mrs Theta M Ben- Wilkes dist mgr (31) 209 Shackelford

ton) 458 E Clayton


Hutchens David D (Maggie) trk dr Ath INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY & DRY CLEAN

ens Concrete Products Co r RD 2

ING CO INC H Douglas Hubert Pres,

Hutchens Mollie 3 h 158 Yonah av

M Norman Kellar V-Pres-Mgr, Mrs

Hutchins Alberta maid 644 Milledge cir

Blanche H Brackett Sec, Mrs Virginia H

r 497 S Rockspring

Kellar Treas 233 W Hancock av--Dial

Hutchins C E (Palestine S) 2 carp h

6-1235 (Sec Special Section)

984 N Chase

Inglett Barbra B (Mrs W L Jr) bkpr Geor

Hutchins Coley (Margt M) USA r 120

gian Loan & Investment Corp r 104 Uni

S Harris

versity ct apt 14

HUTCHINS COX & STROUD INC Julian Inglett Richd W (Bessie L) 2 mgr shoe

H Cox Pres-Treas, W E Stroud V-Pres-

dept Davison-Paxon Co h 134 Burnett

See, A Donald Shelnutt Jr Ofc Mgr Real Inglett Ruby M (Mrs T W) slswn Davison-

Estate Insurance Loans 285 College av--

Paxon Co r 120 E Rutherford

Dial LI 3-4344 (See Front Supplement Inglett T Wyatt (Ruby S) 1 elk USPO

Cover and Buyers Guide)

h 120 E Rutherford

Hutchins Fred (Alberta) cook 327 S Inglett Thos W student r 120 E Ruther

Milledge h 497 S Rockspring


Hutchins Henry (Frances) maintenance Inglett Wilford L Jr (Barbra B) student h

supvr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Jeffer

104 University ct apt 14

son River rd

Inglis Hugh A (Eliz C) 1 agronomist

Hutchins John H (Lillian B) 1 plant mgr

State Agrl Extn Service in charge seed

Dairypak Inc h 1711 Prince av

certification Ga Crop Improvement Assn

Hutchins L M (Hazel H) lab h 329

h 324 Peabody

Lyndon av

Inglis Hugh A Jr student r 324 Pea-

Hutchins Ray parts mgr Broun Mtr Co body

r RD 2

Inglis Joe student r 324 Peabody

Hutchinson Audley L (Notrello) hlpr Ingram Bernice (Mrs C G) topper Rodgers

Big Star Food Mkt h 641 Dearing

Hosiery Co Inc r 230 Ruth

Hutchinson K M (Nancy B) USN h 540 Ingram Elbert I jan h 160 Madison av

McWhorter dr

Ingram Eli C (Nelda K) 3 sis mgr Ath

Hutchinson Notrella cook 1127 S Milledge r 641 Dearing
Hutchinson Pauline R cook 697 S Milledge av h 690 Henderson av extd
Hutchison Charlie P (Evelyn C) 1 jan Chicopee Mfg Co h 808 Waddell

ens Lbr Co h 275 Nacoochee av Ingram Emma M (wid G B) h 168 Vir
ginia av Ingram Foster G (Katrina) 1 patrolmn
City Police Dept h 925 Boulevard Ingram Horace H trk dr Thornton Bros
Paper Co r Winterville rd

Huth Harold D (Betty M) 4 pntr h 44 Ingram Hugh V (Irene H) carrier USPO

Parkview Homes

h 223 Boulevard

Huth Montine B (Mrs W L) emp r 170 Indiana av
Huth Wm L (Montine B) pntr h 170 In diana
Huyler Patricia C student r 264 Nantahala av

Ingram Irene H (Mrs H N) ofc sec Alex ander Wood Products Co h 223 Boule
vard Ingram John (Helen) knitter Rodgers Hos
iery Co Inc r Nicholson Ga Ingram Otis (Dora) 2 presser Georgian
Lndry h 654 Dearing

Hyde Dan (Marvine O) 1 mgr Colonial Ingram Robt jan U S Dept Agrl h 160

'Stores Inc h 395 S Church


Hyrams Mahala h 552 W Broad

Ingram Ruth C r 168 Virginia av

Ingram Sherman (Maggie) 1 lab h 930

Hobson av

To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.

Ingram Thos J (Phyllis G) 1 USN h 480 Belvoir hts
Inland Rubber Co W L Chandler mgr dis

tributors Oneta

Insurers Inc L L Scruggs pres, Robt E

Ideal Amusement Co (Chas M Johnson) phonograph records 130 Oconee
Her Thos E trk dr W B Steedman & Son r Bishop Ga

Argo Jr v-pres, John E Griffin sec-treas
genl ins 417 Sou Mut Bldg Interior Decoration Shop (Linnia W Stan-
sell) 1658 S Lumpkin

IMPROVED ORDER OF SAMARITANS Interior Specialty Inc (Hendrix R Hol

Wilbur P Jones Grand Chief, Ray B

land) Percy A Arnold mgr decorator

Ware Grand Sec Life Insurance 181 W

2030 W Broad

Washington--Dial LI 6-6437 (See Buy Interstate Fire Insurance Co M F Duke

ers Guide)

mgr 714-18 Sou Mut Bldg



Interstate Life & Accident Insurance Co M F Duke mgr 714-18 Sou Mut Bldg
Intheruff Antique Shop (Jake Bernstein) 382 E Broad
Irby Guy W (Myrtle L) 1 h 205 North av Irby Myrtle L (Mrs G W) agt Progressive
Fire & Life Ins Co of Atlanta Ga r 205 North av Irby Myrtle U (wid J F) <) h 195 Hall Irby Richd (Hazel) knitter Rodgers Hos iery Co Inc r RD 1 Ireland Marie h 980 Hobson av Irene's Beauty Shop (Mrs Irene D Rhodes) 255 Best dr Irvin Pauline maid Sterchi Bros Stores Inc r 160 Strickland Irvin Saml (Angie) h 160 Strick land Ison Bergna McC Mrs mus supvr City Elementary Schools h 490 McWhorter dr Iverson Robt r 153 Boulevard hts Ives Richd K (Patricia K) USN h 134 Buena Vista av apt 4 Ivester Phillip L repr Normal Radio Shop repr r 136 Clover Ivey Bernard E (Juanita) sanitarian eng State Dept of Pub Health r Danielsville rd Ivey Jos C mech Athens Trk & Tractor Co r Farmington Ga Ivey John H (Eliz M) 1 staff mgr Life Ins Co of Ga h 396 Pinecrest dr IVEY MARION C (Hazel W) 3 V-Pres City Motors Inc h 720 West Lake dr-- Dial LI 3-3376 Ivie Alvin T (Pauline P) hlpr Bishop's Hatchery r RD 4 Ivie Dolly ofc sec Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Greensboro Ga Ivy Chas W (Mary R) parts mgr J Swanton Ivy Inc r RD 4 IVY J SWANTON (Emma P) Pres College Motors Inc, General Trading Corp and J Swanton Ivy Inc r Watkinsville rd RD 4--Dial LI 3-4368 Ivy J Swanton Jr slsmn J Swanton Ivy Inc r RD 4 IVY J SWANTON INC J Swanton Ivy Pres, Sheldon G Moore Sec-Treas DodgePlymouth Sales & Service 195 W Han cock av--Dial LI 6-7323, Used Car Dept 226-36 W Dougherty--Dial LI 3-2954 (See Marginal Lines)
To Find a Name You Must
J Know How to Spell It.
Jachs Hugh A porter Berryman's Ser vice Sta r Jefferson rd RD 2
Jacks Irene presser Athens Lndpy & Dry Clng Service r Jefferson rd RD 2
JACKSON A A REV (Mildred T) 3 Pastor Prince Avenue Baptist Church h 596 Prince av--Dial LI 3-4153
Jackson Agn3s E G "laid Milledge ter r 145 Glenhaven av

Jackson Albert (Agnes E) emp Colonial Poultry Co h 145 Glenhaven av
Jackson Albert C (Minnie S) 1 trk dr Liberty Dry Clnrs h 268 Magnolia
Jackson Alcia S dom r 587 Dearing Jackson Alice ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r 442 Cleveland av Jackson Anna emp Colonial Poultry Co
r 275 Minor Jackson Annie 4 emp Colonial Poultry
Co r 1697 W Hancock Jackson Annie H h 409 1st Jackson Annie M r 426 1st Jackson Barnett r rear 659 W Han
cock av Jackson Bascoe (Clara H) 2 uphol
1620 W Broad h 113 Magnolia Jackson Beatrice maid U of Ga r 433
S Rockspring Jackson Beatrice r Mitchell Bridge rd
RD 4 Jackson Bernard (Carolyn J) 1 cash
Gulf Oil Corp h 451 Milledge hts Jackson Berta D (wid D W) h 367 Pu-
laski Jackson Bessie r 835 Reese Jackson Caesar (Elna S) 3 carrier
USPO h 1612 Lexington rd Jackson Calvin lab r 386 Barber Jackson Carolyn J student r 1635 Mil-
ledge av extd Jackson Gallic r 156 Yonah av Jackson Chas W student r 130 West Lake
dr Jackson Charlie lab r 1770 W Broad
extd Jackson Clarence W (Jessie M) trav
slsmn The Athens Hdw Co h 162 Spring-
dale Jackson Claude E (Hattie M) gro
1635 Milledge ar extd h same Jackson Cleveland (Annie) 2 h 1697
W Hancock av Jackson Corine H 8 presser Findley Dry
Clnrs r 157 Dallas al Jackson Corine M Indry wkr AtHens
Genl Hosp r 386 Barber Jackson Danl M (Helen W) 2 mech Qual
ity Mach Co h 182 Hiawassee Jackson Detrick (Mattie C) 1 jan U
of Ga h rear 429 S Finley Jackson Dolfort racker Bulldog Recre
ation Center r Jefferson rd RD 2 Jacobs Donald L (Eldeen W) 3 tchr U
of Ga (Bamboo Aquatic Salon) h 182 Catawba av Jackson Doris maid r 110 Rose av Jackson Doris maid 155 Rock Glenn rd r 1770 W Broad extd Jackson Edw L (Beatrice) mail msngr U of Ga h 433 S Rockspring Jackson Effie (Marion) maid r 157 N Newton Jackson Eliza N maid Mrs Anna Mc'Leary r Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Jackson Ellie h 123% E Hoyt
Jackson Elmer L (Cleatus A) 2 counter slsmn Huggins Parts Co h 564 Pulaski
Jackson Elton r 110 Rose av



Jackson Elvira mac hopr Fields Mfg Co r 488 Baldwin
Jackson Eug (Ruby W) 5 hlpr Farmers Hdw of Athens Inc r 142 N Chase
Jackson Eug C (Geraldine) 5 emp Ath ens Poultry Co h 110 Minor
Jackson Eula M (Mrs T H) bkpr-sten Ga Eggs Inc r 297 Boulevard
Jackson Evie 5 h 283 S Finley Jackson Fannie B h 680 Bearing Jackson Fern M beauty opr 198 S Bil-
lups r same Jackson Flora h 134 Fields av Jackson Frances instr U of Ga Library r
510 Mill edge cir Jackson Geraldine emp Colonial Poul
try Co r 110 Minor Jackson Glenn A (Edna) knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r Statham Ga Jackson Gus (Rose) 4 trk dr Thomas
Trans Co Inc h 360 Cleveland Jackson Gus Jr (Mattie) trk dr Thomas
Trans Co Inc r RD 4 Jackson H Almyra dom r 1635 Milledge
av extd Jackson Hattie M (wid E L) h 198 Wad-
dell Jackson Hazel sch tchr West Broad Sch
r 166 Athens av Jackson Helen maid r 270 Athens av Jackson Helen H cook 450 Prince av
h 835 same Jackson Herbert trk dr M P Morris
Ready Mixed Concrete r Farmington Ga Jackson Herschel h 625 W Hancock
av Jackson Howell USA r 130 West Lake dr Jackson Inez H maid r 126 Indale dr Jackson Irene E (Mrs T H) cash W U
Teleg Co r Bishop Ga Jackson Isabelle h 1185% Prince av Jackson J H emp r 184 Elbert Jackson Jas (Minnie) trk dr S C Swin
dle Ready Mixed Concrete h 379 Meigs JOHNSON JAS C (Anne Y) Mgr The
Athens Hardware Co h 10O West Lake pi--Dial LI 6-8483 Jackson Jas H (Isabella H) 2 porter Elks Club h 160 Glenhayen av Jackson Jas N mach Quality Mach Co r Statham Ga Jackson Jas W (Frances W) 5 atndt Broun Service Sta h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Jackson Jessie M maid r 163 Marlin Jackson Jim h Peabody Jackson John (Josephine) h 166 Athens av Jackson John A (Beatrice) USA h Mitchell Bridge rd RD 4 Jackson John U (Recie H) emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 184 Elbert Jackson Josephine tchr h 292 Magnolia Jackson Joyce cook r 110 Rose av
Jackson L E r 130 West Lake dr
Jackson L G (Carolyn S) time kpr Colonial Poultry Co Inc 122 Virginia av
Jackson Lakie Mrs 2 opr Genl Times Inc h 1237 Prince av

Jackson Leo (Eliza N) 2 porter Old South Restr h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Jackson Leslie V (Thelma B) 1 trk dr Watkins Mtr Lines h 130 West Lake dr
Jackson Lillian L maid Trailer Court Jefferson rd r 187 Flint
Jackson Lilly lab New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry r 250 Tibbetts
Jackson Lilly A (wid EC) h 597 N Harris
Jackson Lizzie M Indrs r 142 N Chase Jackson Lotrelle D maid 530 W Clover-
hurst r 1060 Reese Jackson Louella dishwasher Am Cafe r
110 Minor Jackson Louis N (Helen) lab Bedgood
Lbr & Coal Co h 270 Athens av Jackson Lucy dom Colonial Poultry Co
r 900 Heriderson av extd Jackson Lyle W R (Jessie M) prof U of Ga
h 538 Castalia av Jackson Mack H (Lillian L) yd mn
h 187 Flint Jackson Margt maid 495 West Lake dr
r 136 Fairview Jackson Mariemma sten State Dept of Pub
Health h 190 W Cloverhurst Jackson Marion (Effie F) porter
Gulf Oil Servce Sta h 157 N Newton Jackson Martin R mach Quality Mach Co
r Winder Ga Jackson Mary A (wid Francis) h 411
Oglethorpe av Jackson Mattie maid 495 Waddell r
same Jackson Mattie emp University Laundry
r rear 429 S Finley Jackson Meldron Rev (Mattie B)
dishwasher Vera's Drive-in h 1695 W Hancock av Jackson Melvin (Inez H) tire changer Snow Tire Co h 126 Indale dr Jackson Minnie maid r 370 S Hull Jackson Minnie dom h 136 Fairview Jackson Minnie G r 537 W Hancock av Jackson Minnie M maid 150 S Milledge r 835 Reese Jackson Missouri Mrs r 475 Meigs Jackson Mose (Helen) 5 trk dr The Atlantic Co h 249 Macon av Jackson Olivia 1 maid h 728 N Hull Jackson Onell maid r Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Jackson Parnell (Lizzie J) 3 trk dr The Atlantic Co h 120 Broadacres Jackson Princella r 1482 Oconee Jackson Ralph (Annie A) h 460 Cobb Jackson Richd E agt Afro-Am Life Ins Co r Monticello Ga Jackson Richd (Mildred) spotter Indus trial Lndry & Dry Clng Co r 134 S Chase
Jackson Robt L r 320 Water
Jackson Ruby M (wid E W) lunch rm wkr University Demonstration Sch h 250 Satula av
Jackson Rufus clnr Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r 728 N Hull



Jackson Ruth M h 1073 S Milledge av Jackson Saml G (Carolyn S) 1 timekpr
Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 122 Virginia av Jackson T H (Irene E) opr W U Teleg Co r Bishop Ga Jackson Thelma B (Mrs L V) agt Indepen dent Ins Co r 130 West Lake dr Jackson Thos H (Eula M) (Jackson's Gro) h 297 Boulevard Jackson W Clayton (Winifred E) ofc mgr Goodyear Service Store h 584% Frank lin Jackson Walter dr Black & White Cab Co r W Broad extd Jackson Walter C (Alice J) 1 cook Denmark Hall (U of Ga) h rear 689 W Hancock av Jackson Walter J lab Empire State Chem Co r 142 N Chase Jackson Will (Vinnie) mech hlpr Atlantic Ice & Coal Co h 395 Cleveland av Jackson Willie (Jessie M) lab Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co h 163 Marlin Jackson Willie Jr jan Ga Theatre r 163 Marlin Jackson Willie F (Lelia) mech C A Trussell Mtr Co r Bogart Ga Jackson Winfred E (Mrs W C) ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service r 584% Frank lin Jackson Zelda maid 185 West Lake pi h 49 Broadacres Jackson's Grocery (Thos H Jackson) 470 Oconee Jacobs Joe F (Annie) supt Life & Casualty Ins Co of Tenn r Winterville Ga Jacobson Fred mech r Athens Hotel Jago's Package Store (Bennie Wigley) At lanta hwy James Ada T (wid B W) r 205 Meadowview rd James Addie L sch tchr r 166 Athens av James Bros Service Station (Horace and Henry G James) 424 Prince av Jamj>s Bruce (Millie-B) 2 elk Bell's Food Mkt r 145 Satula av apt 2 James Callie M cook r 28 Fuller James Carlton M (Martha F) metermn Ga Power Co h 1095 Oconee James Charlie Dry Cleaners (Wm A Thompson) 553 Prince av James Curtis (Lillie M) (James Service Sta) r Colbert Ga James Dora K (wid J C) r 1324 E Broad James Eunice (Malissa W) jan Clark Howard Dormitory h 349 N Pope James Geo W formn Climax Hosiery Mills h 387 Oconee James Grover J (Frances M) 1 mgr Hugh D McLeroy Prod h 395 Oak James Harry USN r 159 Virginia av James Henry G (James Bros Service Sta) r 190 N Poplar James Horace (Ada L) 1 (James Bros Service Sta) h 182 Arch James Hubert W (Tommie Lu C) 1 (James' Gro) h 190 N Poplar

James Jack B USN r 159 Virginia av James Jesse (Phyllis C) hlpr The Sou
Cotton Oil Co h 572 Pulaski James Kliphus (Callie M) porter Union
Bus Sta h 28 Fuller James Leila looper Climax Hosiery Mills
r 797 Oconee James Martha F (Mrs C M) accnt elk Ga
Power Co r 1095 Oconee James Martha J student r 387 Oconee James Mary looper Climax Hosiery Mills
r 797 Oconee James Mattie B (wid C E) r 350 Oak James Robt O USN r 159 Virginia av James Service Station (Curtis James) 400
Oak James T W (Jesse K) 2 slsmn h 181
1st James Tommie L C (Mrs H W) elk James
Gro r 190 N Poplar James Wm T (Muriel P) 1 tchr U of Ga
h 355 Springdale James Wylie D (Etta C) agt Family Fund
Ins Co h 159 Virginia av James" Grocery (Hubert W James) Pop
lar & Arch Jamieson Wm A (Ada M) h 1240 S Lump-
kin Janes Wm F (Lula M) 2 mech Silvey Mtr
Co h 174 State Jarnagin Milton P (Dorothy) ofc 109
Agricultural Extension Bldg h 630 Milledge cir Jarrel O'Delia L cook Twilight Vista r 190 Cohen Jarrell Annie S (Mrs J W) mach opr Good Luck Mfg Co r 137 1st Jarrell Arth C (Ann S) 2 bkpr USPO h 135 Prince av Jarrell Chas (Cora P) h 213 Mag nolia Jarrell Felix h 690 N Hull Jarrell Hazel H 1 maid 631 Pinecrest dr r 572 Pulaski Jarrell Jerome bellmn Georgian Hotel r 851 Waddell Jarrell John A (John Jarrell University Shop) r Atlanta Ga Jarrell John C r 137 1st Jarrell John W (Annie S) carp h 137 1st Jarrell John W (Sadie M) h 422 Uni versity dr Jarrell John W Jr switchmn S B T & T Co r 422 University dr Jarrell Josephine E cash Carolina Life Ins Co r 137 1st Jarrell John University Shop (John A Jar rell) Boyce S Long mgr men's clo 157 College av Jarrell Robt (Odeal L) 1 h 190 tCohen Jarrell Roxie L librarian Athens Re gional Library (Dunbar Br) h 247 N Chase--Dial LI 6-6305 Jarrett Adele R (Mrs J W) knitter Climax Hosiery Mills r 238 Barber Jarrett Bobby J USAF r 946 North av Jarrett Doyle countermn The Varsity r 946 North av

Jarrett Elliese emp r 946 North av Jarrett Frank J (Sarah N) slsmn Ga Seed
& Sup Co r Wire Bridge rd RD 3 Jarrett John W (Adele R) (Dixie Bicycle
Shop) h 238 Barter Jarrett Martha M teller Ga Power Co r
778 Hill Jarrett Reba (Elise) h 946 North av Jarrett Willie D (wid H H) h 145 Eliz
abeth Jay Nathan (Annette M) 2 merchant
h 196 Rock Glenn rd Jaynes Curtis W (Ebie P) 4 mgr film dept
U of Ga h 150 Hiawassee av Jaynes Doris R ofc sec Dairypak Inc r
Arnoldsville Ga Jaynes Ebie P (Mrs C W) ofc wkr Charlie
James Clnrs r 150 Hiawassee av Jefferson Barbara H 2 r 126 Indale dr Jefferson Bishop lab r 280 Savannah av Jefferson Ella h 280 Savannah av Jefferson Harvey lab City r 572 Pu-
ANCE CO A P Farrar Dit Mgr 706-07 Southern Mutual Bldg--Dial LI 3-4292 Jeffery Etta h 322 S Rockspring Jenkins Jas H (Martha J K) 3 asst prof Sch of Forestry U of Ga h 112 Clover Jenkins Marie (Mrs B T) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Hull Ga Jenkins Ora h 180 Miller Jenkins Sallie H (wid W H) r 630 Talmadge dr Jenkins Vadir cook Terminal Grill h 160 Bray Jenkins Willie r 340 S Rockspring Jenning Alice r 523 Arch Jennings Blanche (wid R M) h 166 W Cloverhurst av Jennings Brace E (Martha C) 2 dist mgr The Life Ins Co of Va h 345 King av Jennings David student r 135 Fopbstein al Jennings Essie M presser B & W Clnrs r 970 Hobson av Jennings Gertrude H maid h 145 Strickland Jennings Harvey (Mattie) h 47 Broadacres Jennings Hattie L maid r 180 Berry Jennings Joe 1 lab City r 145 Strickland Jennings John W (Essie M) lab The Loef Co h 970 Hobson av
Jennings Maggie 3 emp Colonial Poultry Co h 523 Arch
Jennings Martha G (Mrs R K) mgr Bax ter's r Bogart Ga
Jennings Ruth A emp Athens Cooperative Creamery r Farmington Ga
Jennings Walter R (Alma T) h 1893 S Lumpkin
Jennings Wm (Emma) 1 yd mn h 344 S Rockspring
Jennings Willie (Emma L) hlpr The Webb-Crawford Co h 180 Berry

Jerkins Eldridge & Co (E J Eldridge and Lee F Jerkins) CPA 703-05 Sou Mut Bldg
Jerkins Lee F (Jane C) (Jerkins Eldridge & Co) CPA 703-05 Sou Mut Bldg h 215 Oakland av
Jernigan La Pearl S sch tchr h 387 Flint
Jerrell Hazzie emp Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r Atlanta hwy
JESTER ELSIE (The Jester Insurance
Agency) r 738 Cobb----Dial LI 3-5456
(Elsie Jester) "The Travelers Insur
ance" 608 Southern Mutual Bldg -- Dial
LI 3-5674 (See Back Supplement Cover, Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide) Jester Nannie M S (wid J C) h 738 Cobb Jewell Edw lab Atlanta Gas Light Co r 272 Glenhaven Jewell Jake (Ola) h 248 Vine Jewell Jas carp h 468 1st Jewell Jos maid r 224 Cleveland av Jewell Jas (Hazel W) 4 lab Evergreen Memorial Cemetery h 224 Cleveland av Jewell Josephine r 224 Cleveland av Jewell Leroy porter Davison-Paxon r 340 Macon av Jewell Wm H r 224 Cleveland av Jimmy's Produce Truck (Jas L Beaver) 170 Best dr Jobson Bettv S (Mrs R B) ofc sec U of Ga r 227 Springdale Jobson Robt B (Betty S) supvr City Schools h 227 Springdale Joel Beulah G (Mrs J B) ofc sec Joel Realty Co r 640 West Lake dr Joel Donald G jr accnt Jerkins Eldridge & Co r 640 West Lake dr Joel Jake B (Beula G) (Joel Realty Co) lawyer 201 S Jackson h 640 West Lake dr Joel Realty Co (Jake Brandt Joel) 201 S Jackson John's Hamburgers John F Langan mgr restr 1294 Prince Johenning Betty G (Mrs Jas) dept mgr Davison-Paxon Co r 146 North View dr Johenning Jas (Metty G) 2 student h 146 North View dr Johnson A Grace r 353 Oak JOHNSON A SIDNEY (Sara B) Mgr Anderson Auto Parts r Bogart Ga Johnson Ada h 386 Barber Johnson Agnes r 293 S Finley
Johnson Alberta maid Athens Genl Hosp r Old Hull rd RD 1
Johnson Alf baker U of Ga r 857 Meigs
Johnson Amanda waitress DavisonPaxon Co r 266 Colima av
Johnson Andrew (Gertrude H) lab Atlanta Gas Light Co h 160 Lyndon Row
Johnson Ann F ofc sec Ideal Amusement Co r 395 University dr
Johnson Ann M ofc sec Jas Barrow and John L Green r Hull rd RD 1

Johnson Anna M maid r rear 134 S Billups
Johnson Annettie i 4<iO Madison Johnson Annie J h 272 Glenhaven av Johnson Annie L r 164 Yonah av Johnson Barbara student r 297 Bloom-
field Johnson Belle 2 maid h 386 Barber Johnson Bennett r 243 S Rockspring Johnson Bessie dom r 1052 Reese Johnson Bill r 420 Vine Johnson Bill Jr (Tennie J) farmer h
520 N Peter Johnson Billy emp Ideal Amusement Co
r 395 University dr Johnson Booker orderly Athens Genl
Hosp r 318 Glenhaven av Johnson Burl Jr (Willie F) 3 USA h 273
Johnson Burney (Audrey M) 3 h 298 Lyndon av
Johnson C R Rev (Mary B) pastor Greater Bethel AME Ch h 176 N Billups
Johnson Carolyn r 185 Macon av Johnson Carrie emp Athens Poultry Co
r 293 Bremen Johnson Carrie maid 540 Milledge cir
r 221 Bridge Johnson Carrie cook r 181 Grove Johnson Carrie dishwasher Snelling Hall
Cafeteria (U of Ga) r 123 Lyndon Row Johnson Carrie emp Crucedale Green houses h 171 Paris Johnson Carrie B r 122 Lyndon Row Johnson Carrie B maid 357 S Milledge av r 165 Plaza Johnson Carrie B emp Findley Dry Clnrs r 359 Arch Jackson Ceasar E student r 1612 Lexington rd Johnson Cecil L (Valerie W) pres DeVore & Johnson Inc r 130 Tillman Lane Johnson Cecil W banding mach opr Circu lar Banding Co r 465 Nacoochee av Johnson Chas (Jennie F) 3 lab h 363 Arch Johnson Chas M (Jean D) 1 (Ideal Amusement Co) h 135 O'Farrell Johnson Charlie porter Berryman's Ser vice Sta r 363 Arch Johnson Charlotte M stock elk J C Pen ney Co Inc r 160 Standard Oil rd Johnson Charlotte P (Mrs E I) cash elk J Swanton Ivy Inc r RD 4 Johnson Christine maid 165 Ridgewood pi r RD 2 Johnson Cicero (Jewel S) used clo 116% N Thomas h 576 N Harris Johnson Clarence E trk dr W B Rice Pe
troleum Co Inc r Doraville Ga Johnson Claude student r 325 DuBose
av Johnson Claudia 5 maid 770 Barber r
140 N Harris Johnson Cleo M maid r 264 N Billups
Johnson Cloyce F (Mildred W) pressmn The McGregor Co r RD 1
Johnson Cordelia r 857 Meigs

Johnson Corine L (Percy) presser In dustrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co r 270
Arch Johnson Corrine M 2 Indrs Athens Genl
Hosp r 386 Barber Johnson Curtis (Sue G) 4 lab Ga Power
Co h rear 285 Cleveland Johnson Curtis C (Cleo M) h 264 N
Billups Johnson Curtis M slsmn Ga Mtrs Inc r
RD 1 Johnson Dock lab G M Caakey & Son h
579 S Finley Johnson David (Oiler D) porter Athens
Tire & Auto Sup Co h 447 3d
Johnson David (Carrie F) 4 jan U of Ga h 123 Lyndon Row
Johnson David Jr USA r 123 Lyndon
Row Johnson DeWitt (Mary D) 3 slsmn h 1248
Prince apt B-l Johnson Don J (Betty G) 2 patrolmn City
Police Dept r 353 Oak Johnson Dora h 220 N Harris Johnson Doris M S 2 maid r 788 N
Lumpkin Johnson Dorothy A cook 165 Carlton ter
r 300 1st Johnson Dorothy S (Dottie's Beauty
Box) r 760 N Chase Johnson Drive Baptist Church Rev Johnnie
Barrett pastor Sunday Services 11 am and 8 :00 pm Johnson dr Johnson E M Rev h 150 BerryJohnson E Holden (Willie M) picture framer The McGregor Co r RD 1 Johnson Ed (Mattie J) 4 cook Geor gian Hotel h 140 Lyndon Row Johnson Eddie (Carolyn) 2 USA r 185
Macon av Johnson Edmond B (Maudell B) inter
viewer State Employment Service r Colbert Ga Johnson Edna M 1 maid r 243 S Rock-
spring Johnson Edw 1 r 1340 W Hancock Johnson Edw (Carrie M) trk dr Dillard
Coal Co h 293 Bremen Johnson Edw (Yolanda G) 2 cook
Elks Club h 346 N Pope Johnson Edw J (Lois H) 3 lab h 433%
1st Johnson Elder B Jr (Rena B) 3 stock rm
keeper Snelling Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) h 210 Macon ay Johnson Eliza maid 415 Rutherford r 857 Meigs Johnson Eliz maid 294 Dearing h 273 N Chase Johnson Eliz r 175 N Billups Johnson Ella D 2 h 235 (215) N Pope Johnson Ella F maid r 1918 W Hancock av Johnson Ella M mgr Athens Recreation Center r 580 Arch
Johnson Elmer hlpr Wilfong Bros r 146 Hoyt
Johnson Elmer H (Charlotte P) service mgr Downs Mtrs Inc r RD 4



Johnson Elmer S (Lovie L) pntr U of Ga h 160 Florida av
Johnson Emma K elevator girl Hotel Holman r 193 N Finley
Johnson Enoch student r 123 Lyndon Row
Johnson Ernest r rear 324 E Hoyt Johnson Ernest (Ella M) h 580
Arch Johnson Estelle h 540 Reese Johnson Eug H r 119 Grove Johnson Eula r 1592 Oconee Johnson Eula C dom r 4 White al Johnson Eva 2 h 170 S Newton Johnson Eva W 1 h 205 N Pope Johnson Farris T (Mabel N) 1 tchr
Union Baptist Sch h 160 W Strong Johnson Flonnie cook r 349 N Pope Johnson Florine (Mrs F H) looper Rod-
gers Hosiery Co Inc r Winterville Ga Johnson Frank H (Florine) carp G M Cas-
key & Son r Winterville Ga Johnson Fred r 130 Water Oak Johnson Geo h 1592 Oconee Johnson Geo W (Fats Shoe Shine PI)
h 599 W Hancock av Johnson Geo Jr (Mabel D) 2 jan City
Hall h 198 Marlin Johnson Geo H student r 266 Colima
av Johnson Geo M (Amanda) carp h 266
Colima av Johnson Geo W (Alma L) trk dr Arm
strong & Dobbs Inc r 235 Arch Johnson Gertrude hlpr Colonial Poultry
Co r 160 Lyndon Row Johnson Gertrude Y 1 h Old Hull rd Johnson Gillie r 486 Madison av Johnson Glenn I (Edna V) eng State Agrl
Extn Service r Timothy rd RD 4 Johnson Grace M (wid J P) h 353 Oak Johnson Griffin (Lula Mae B) 1
yd wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 540 N Peter Johnson Grover H (Ola) ship elk The Mc-
Gregor Co r Hull Ga Johnson H Frank (Willie W) 1 porter
Davison-Paxon Co h 481 Little Oak Johnson Hanna r 360 Lyndon av Johnson Harry (Ambrosia) hlpr Athens
Poultry Co h 259 Plaza Johnson Harvey (Elease W) 1 con
crete fnshr h 320 1st Johnson Hattie T h 140 N Harris Johnson Hattie r 439 Madison av apt 7 Johnson Hattie M student r Old Hull rd Johnson Hattie M G maid h 250
Vine Johnson Hattie S (wid T O) r 678 King
Johnson Hellen r 650 Bearing
Johnson Henry r 664 N Hull
Johnson Henry r 424 S Finley
Johnson Henry J (Rosa B) porter Good year Service Store h 70 Broadacres
Johnson Henry L emp Athens Cooperative Creamery r 289 Seminole
Johnson Herbert (Carrie) lab h 165 Plaza

Johnson Hilda (Mrs Paul) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Hull Ga
Johnson Howard (Alberta C) asst mgr Magnolia Oil Co h 395 University dr
Johnson Ida r rear 285 Cleveland av Johnson Ida W maid 185 Ridgewood pi
r 62 Broadacres Johnson Inez r 323 Plaza Johnson Inez M maid Gilmer dr r 857
Meigs Johnson Irene maid Washington r 172
Magnolia Johnson J Ralph (Virginia M) 3 agrono
mist State Agrl Extn Service h 505 Woodlawn Johnson J Wiley (Annie N) 2 emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 465 Nacoochee av Johnson Jack (Delia) 5 h 1375 W Broad JOHNSON JACK V (Martha H) 1
(Athens Auto Electric & Magneto Co
and Athens Auto Supply Co) h 185 Hall
--Dial LI 3-3789 Johnson Jas (Ethel T) h 151 Lyndon
av Johnson Jas (Helen F) 1 r 134 Hen-
drix av Johnson Jas (Levie N) elk Athens Fish &
Oyster Co h 175 Boulevard Johnson Jas Jr (Ella F) 5 emp S A
L R R Co h 1918 W Hancock av Johnson Jas H (Beulah) h 175 Dublin Johnson Jas Jr (Ovenie M) 2 elk Co
lonial Stores Inc h 175 Boulevard Johnson Jas A (Ruth M) h 267 Mor-
ton av Johnson Jas D Jr (Dorothy C) plmbr
W H Bailey's Plmbg & Htg Co h 312 Nellie B av Johnson Jas M hlpr Knox's Homes r 166 Yonah av Johnson Jas W (Lillie S) (Johnson's Gro) h 784 Cobb Johnson Janie r 172 Magnolia Johnson Janie h 210 Macon av Johnson Janie A cash Guaranty Life Ins Co h 117 Rockspring Johnson Janie H cook Barrow Sch r 596 W Broad Johnson Jannie L cook r rear 340 Paris Johnson Jeff (Lizzie M) car washer C A Trussell Mtr Co r Winterville Ga Johnson Jennie F emp Athens Poultry Co r 363 Arch Johnson Jesse (Mattie S) 2 constn wkr h 767 N Lumpkin
Johnson Jessie J (wid R H) r 767 Pulaski
Johnson Jimmie L maid Athens Genl Hosp r 1918 W Hancock av
Johnson Joe trk dr Noah Davis Trans port Co r 147 Peabody
Johnson John H (Eliz B) 5 (Magnolia Oil Co) h 341 Boulevard
Johnson John H USAF r 160 Lyndon Row
Johnson John H (Maggie) h 126 Au gusta av

Johnson John T (June K) 1 USN h 940 JOHNSON MALLIE L (Lucille W) (H O


Epting & Co) h 297 Bloomfield Dial

Johnson John W yd mn r 270 China

LI 3-2694

Johnson John W lino opr The McGregor JOHNSON MARIE W MRS Pre.-Dir For.

Co r Watkinsville Ga

ter Business College Inc and Dir Speed-

Johnson Jonas (Dorothy A) 1 emp

writing Institute r 340 West Lake dr

U of Ga h 300 1st

Johnson Marilyn (Mrs R A) student r 527

Johnson Josephine maid 258 Springdale Oglethorpe av

r 1918 W Hancock av

Johnson Marion lab r 175 N Billups

Johnson Joyce ofc sec State Agrl Extn Ser Johnson Marjie M maid h 228 Cleve

vice r Winterville Ga Johnson Justine H 1 waitress Athens

land av Johnson Marvin emp YMCA Camp r 325

Country Club h 190 Indale dr

DuBose av

Johnson Katie M r 285 Fairview

Johnson Marvin H trk dr Charlie James

Johnson L Ferdinand (Margt McG) lino Dry Clnrs r RD 1

opr The McGregor Co r Watkinsville Ga Johnson Mary dom r 243 S Rockspring

Johnson Lawrence student r 289 Seminole Johnson Mary Mrs r 543 Meigs

Johnson Leona r 152 Yonah av

Johnson Mary A h 624 S Church

Johnson Leonia maid 130 Valley rd r Johnson Mary B ofc wkr r 176 N Bil

215 N Pope


Johnson Leroy (Lois M) trk dr Noah Johnson Mary D (Mrs DeWitt) seamer

Davis Transport Co r 1162 W Broad

Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 1248 Prince

Johnson Lessie hlpr Stone's Ideal Ba av apt B-l

kery r 130 Cleveland av

Johnson Mary E mgr Sarah Franklin

Johnson Lewis jan Pi Kappa Fraternity Beauty Shop h 375 N Rockspring

r 635 Madison hts

Johnson Mary L 1 dom r 1340 W Han

Johnson Lillian B (Mrs W J Jr) tchr U cock

of Ga r 382 Greenwood dr

Johnson Mary L presser Fields Mfg Co

Johnson Lillie B 2 folder Industrial

h 828 N Lumpkin

Lndry & Dry Clng Co h 680 N Lump- Johnson Mattie h 1737 W Hancock


Johnson Mattie S cook 475 University

Johnson Lindsay (Nellie R) h 147 dr h rear 1695 W Hancock av


Johnson Maud maid Georgian Hotel r

Johnson Lloyd (Ossie L) 5 lab h 637 552 W Broad

North av

Johnson Maude emp Colonial Poultry

Johnson Lois opr S B T & T Co r 175 Bou Co Inc r 325 DuBose av


Johnson Maudell B (Mrs E B) ofc sec

Johnson Lois M maid J Berryman's Ser

State Dept Pub Welfare Dist 10 r Dan-

vice Sta r 1162 W Broad

ielsville Ga

Johnson Lolly M waitress r 123 Lyndon Johnson May W maid r 173 Pearl


Johnson Maybell h 177 Easy

Johnson Lonie (S) h 260 Vine

Johnson Mildred S r 142 3d

Johnson Lou A 1 h 598 W Hancock av Johnson Mile M (Lila B) emp Athens Co

Johnson Louise slswn Warren J Smith &

operative Creamery r Maxeys Ga

Bro r 465 Nacoochee av

Johnson Minnie maid r 635 Madison hts

Johnson Lovie L (Mrs E S) mach opr Johnson Mitchell (Nora B) h 240

Thomas Tex Co r 16"0 Florida av


Johnson Lucy h 180 Cleveland av

Johnson Mosena S h 146 Water Oak

Johnson Lucy B maid 470 Woodlawn av Johnson Nathan r 385 1st

r RD 1

Johnson Nath (Charlotte J) 1 porter

Johnson Luella emp American Cafe r

SBT&TCohl60 Standard Oil rd

110 Minor

Johnson Nathl H (Hattie) jan Co

Johnson Luirine R maid 270 Nacoochee lonial Poultry Co Inc h 157 Savannah av

av r 628 N Hull

Johnson Nathl H (Emma T) delmn

Johnson Lula 1 h 149 N Pope

Van Cleve's Flowers h 193 N Finley

Johnson M H (Louise G) 2 routemn

Johnson Nellie maid r 147 Peabody

Choke's Sanitone Clng h Lake rd

Johnson Nellie C elk Magnolia Oil Co h

Johnson ML orderly Athens Genl Hosp 3405 Nantahala av

r 310 Glenhaven av

Johnson Nora B ctr Colonial Poultry Co

Johnson M P (Edith M) 1 slsmn C & H r 240 Tibbetts

Provision Co h 425 Ruth

Johnson Odena h 1248 Dearing

Johnson M Inez nurse St Mary's Hosp Johnson Odena emp Colonial Poultry Co

r 690 W Hancock av Johnson Mabel Indrs r 108 Marlin

Inc r 146 Water Oak Johnson Oliver G (Mattie A) 1 supvr

Johnson Mabel tchr Union Baptist Sch r 160 W Strong

Athens Cooperative Creamery h 289 Seminole av

Johnson Maggie ctr Colonial Poultry Co Johnson Ora 1 h 165 Lyndon av

Inc r 126 Augusta av

Johnson Paul (Addie B) 2 lab Farm

Johnson Mahalie 1 r 420 Madison

ers Mut Whse Assn h 310 Glenhaven av



Johnson Paul (Hilda) knitter Rodgers Hos iery Co Inc r Hull Ga
Johnson Paul (Inez M) 1 jan University Demonstration Sch h 857 Meigs
Johnson Pauline maid Edna's Beauty Shop r 310 Glenhaven av
Johnson Pearl 1 elev opr Georgian Hotel r 253 Reese
Johnson Percy (Corine L) 7 lab Hulme Fertilizer & Whse Co) h 270 Arch
Johnson Percy S (Amye W) ofc sec Elks Club h 127 Henderson av
Johnson Percy S Jr student r 127 Hender son av
Johnson Primus (Betty J) delmn Dave Gordon Auto Sup Co f Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Johnson Princess C dom 295 Holman av r 140 Minor
Johnson R F (Doris S) slsmn r Newton Bridge rd
Johnson Ralph (Dorothy S) tailor San ders' Men's Shop r 760 N Chase
Johnson Reba Indry wkr Athens Genl Hosp r 386 Barber
Johnson Reese (Mary) 1 h 130 Water Oak
Johnson Reuben E (Elsie W) trk drv Georgian Lndry & Clnrs h 497 Ruth
Johnson Richd presser Athens Pressing Club r 198 S Rockspring
Johnson Richd (Mattie B) labr h 439 Madison av apt 7
Johnson Robt lab David D Saye r Colbert Ga
Johnson Robt (Valley R) 1 labr h 293 S Rockspring
Johnson Robt G r 150 W Strong Johnson Roelle grad nurse Athens Genl
Hosp r 576 N Harris Johnson Roger A (Mariyln E) USN h 527
Oglethorpe av Johnson Rosa B r 367 Odd Johnson Rosa L carp h 435 Winter-
ville rd Johnson Rosetta S r 496 N Rockspring Johnson Roy (Gertrude) mech hlpr
Wade's Garage r 1476 Oconee Johnson Roy (Lucy M) r 439 Madison
av apt 5 Johnson Ruth r 164 Odd Johnson S Marion (Mary McG) 2 pressmn
The U of Ga Prntg Dept h 623 N Milledge av Johnson Sam (Sallie G) 5 h 1080 Hobson av Johnson Sara B (Mrs Grady) ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service r 8-f Pre Fab Johnson Sara E h 420 Madison av Johnson Sherman (Carrie) lab h 359 Arch
Johnson Shirley student r Lake rd
Johnson Shirley A slswn S H Kress & Co r Commerce rd RD 4
Johnson Susie ctr Colonial Poultry Co Inc r rear 285 Cleveland av
Johnson Susie S r 272 Glenhaven av
Johnson Suzie B r 1267 W Jackson

Johnson Swep F (Ida W) 1 trk dr Bell's
Food Mkt h 62 Broadacres
Johnson T R (Nina) formn Ga Power Co r Gaines School rd RD 3
JOHNSON T EVANS (Sarah D) T-pre.
The National Bank of Athena h 120
CloTerhurmt pi -- Dial LI 3-2711 Johnson Finnie L student r 386 Barber Johnson Theo trk dr E & E Distributing
Co r 1 Broadacres Johnson Vallie R cook r 293 S Rock-
spring Johnson Virginia student r 497 Ruth Johnson W Loy (Jane) 2 slsmn Swift &
Co h 95 West Lake dr Johnson W Royce Jr (Lillian B) trav slsmn
h 382 Greenwood dr Johnson Waddie B presser Gray Bros r
310 Glenhaven av Johnson Wade r 424 Winterville rd Johnson Waymon (Carrie C) lab
Hodgson's Inc h 181 Grove Johnson Wesley (Maude) 5 emp Colo
nial Poultry Co Inc h 325 Du Bose av Johnson Will" (Ruth S) lab Empire
State Chem Co h 119 Grove Johnson Will H h 1st Johnson Willa M (wid A A) tchr Routson
Business College h 698 N Pope Johnson Wm h 664 N Hull Johnson Wm E mach Ideal Amusement Co
r 395 University dr Johnson Wm H h 367 1st Johnson Wm O Jr (Ruth M) USN h 1050
5 Lumpkin apt 605 Johnson Willie trk dr hlpr The Webb-
Crawford Co r 152 Upson al Johnson Willie racker Costa's Recrea
tion Center r 126 Broadacres Johnson Willie (Irene) 7 jan S B T
6 T Co h 172 Magnolia Johnson Willie D (Lurine R) 1 trk dr
h 628 N Hull Johnson Willie E porter Hinesley Ser
vice Sta r 1819 W Hancock Johnson Willie M maid 218 North av r 173
Pearl Johnson Willie S (Adell H) trk dr Webb
Crafword h 130 N Harris Johnson Willie W maid Mrs Arth Burch
r 481 Little Oak Johnson Worley (Eliz) 1 h 126 Broad-
acres Johnson Yolanda G nurse St Mary's
Hosp r 346 N Pope Johnson's Grocery (J W Johnson) 310
Satula av Johnston Jas H (Lou B) asst state con-
servationist U S Soil Conservation Ser vice h 229 West View dr Johnston Jim L (Ann E) research wkr U of Ga h 105 University ct apt 19 Johnstone Francis E Jr (Monah C) 2 prof U of Ga h 395 Parkway dr Jonas Patsy sch tchr r 224 Burney Joiner Delia M maid 662 Milledge cir r 422 N Billups
Joiner H D (Martha P) 3 (Harman-Joiner Co) h 173 Willow Run

Joiner Pearl W (wid G W) <g) h 705 Ogle- Jones Deems J (Reba B) 2 patrolmn

thorpe av

City Police Dept h 205 Oglethorpe ter

Joiner Sam R (Delia M) h 422 N Billups
Jones Ada r 277 Bridge Jones Addie r 194 Macon av Jones Agnes hlpr Help Yo' Self Lndry
& Dry Clnrs r 264 Lyndon av Jones Albert B (Sydney Me) 2 prof U
of Ga h 65 Prince pi Jones Albert W (Mary C) 3 trk dr M P
Morris Ready Mixed Concrete h 197 Boulevard Jones Albert W (Mattie T) carp U of Ga h Princeton rd RD 4 Jones Allean W Mrs elk Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service r 784 Cobb Jones Anne D (Mrs Leroy) ofc sec Far mers Hdw of Athens Inc r Ag Hill Jones Annie A Mrs h 340 Boulevard Jones Annie L cook Chase Street Sch r 221 Colima av Jones Annie M student r 160 Standard
Oil rd Jones Annie W emp U of Ga r 250 Plaza Jones Bannon (Stella S) 1 farmer h
295 Hampton ct Jones Bennie (Mozell) emp Rowe Whse
& Fertz Co r 8 Gordon al Jones Bernice r 360 Du Bose av Jones Berta emp Colonial Poultry Co
h 176 S Newton Jones Bertha emp Athens Cooperative
Creamery r RD 4 Jones Billy B r 340 Boulevard Jones Bobby student r 176 S Newton Jones Bobby C USAF r 57 Parkview
Homes Jones C Wilford r 259 Waddell Jones Gallic maid r 252 Bridge Jones Carlester jan Newtown Sch r 235
Atlanta av Jones Carlton lab U of Ga h 324 Grove Jones Cecil G (Davis P) 1 slsmn Athens
Coca-Cola Btlg Co Ji Princeton rd RD 4 Jones Chas T (Delia M) 4 lab h 243
Evans av Jones Charlie G presser Jones Dry Clnrs
h 550 W Hancock av Jones Chester (wid G C) 1 h 57 Parkview
Homes Jones Clara B cook r 189 Glenhaven av Jones Clarence W (Ethel I) physio
therapist Georgian Hotel h 259 Waddell Jones Cleveland (Mattie N) h 1623 E
Broad Jones Cornelia 1 r 870 Reese Jones Carry F Mrs r 194 Buena Vista av Jones Daisy B 1 emp New Way Dry
Clnrs & Lndry r 270 Colima Jones David USN r 425 Hill
Jones David hlpr L L LaBoon & Son h 271 Bridge
Jones David student h 526% Highland av

Jones Doris P (Mrs C G) inspr Athens Elastic & Braid Co r Princeton rd RD 4
Jones Dry Cleaners (Wm J Jones) 1st fir 101 Samaritan Bldg
Jones Edw (Lucy B G) cook U of Ga h 640 W Hancock av
Jones Effie B dom r 258 Lyndon av Jones Eliz B (wid T C) 1 inspr Fields Mfg
Co h 360 N Church Jones Ella 5 emp Colonial Poultry Co
r 180 S Newton Jones Ellen student h 428 S Lumpkin Jones Etta r 52 Bray Jones Farris H (Katharine) 5 slsmn Classic
City Wine & Beverage Co h 26 Parkview Homes Jones Florine presser Charlie James
Dry Clnrs r 653 Dearing Jones Flower Shop (Willie D Jones) 174 E
Clayton Jones Geo (Marion) h 470 Atlanta av
Jones Geo K (Rowena C) 1 eng L M Leather's Sons h 490 South View dr
Jones Geo K Jr student r 490 South View dr
Jones Geo M (Nellie D) slsmn Bradley Provision Co h 169 Milledge hts
Jones Geraldine maid r 227 Arch Jones Gladys maid r 324 Grove Jones Gussie C presser Athens Lndry &
Dry Clnrs r 604 (484) N Foundry Jones H Jack (Sara B) student r 165 Carl-
ton ter Jones Harold (Annie F) tailor John
Jarrell University Shop r Plaza Jones Harold E lab Athens Concrete Prod
ucts Co r 265 Barber Jones Harry W (Zelma L) 2 wtchmn
h 263 Magnolia Jones Henry 1 h 399 Meigs Jones Holman (Florence R) 10 trk
loader h 318 N Peter
Jones Holman E shoeshiner Whitehead Barber Shop r 318 Peter
Jones Horse Shoe Cafe (W H Jones) 1298 W Hancock av
Jones Howard (Lady B) 1 lab h 258 Arch
Jones Ivory (Martha E) 7 jan Oconee Sreet Sch h 125 Elbert
Jones J Robt USN r 259 Waddell Jones Jas C (Eliz B) del slsmn Gulf Oil
Corp h 235 Oakland av Jones Janie L maid Radio Sta WRFC
r 283 Savannah av
Jones Jesse F (Agnes) 5 porter J Swanton Ivy Inc h 264 Lyndon av
Jones John (Trudie H) 1 ydmn h 257 Magnolia
Jones John C (Willie M) lab G M Gaskey & Son h 279 Paris
Jones John D whsemn Eli Witt Cigar &
Candy Co r Watkinsville Ga

Jones Dee Cafe (Fred M Brewer) 230 E Jones Johnny (Virginia) 3 ctr Athens


Poultry Co Inc h 194 Macon av

Jones Delia M dishwasher Tony's Restr Jones Juanita A maid 464 College av r

r 243 Evans av

654 Dearing



Jones Kenneth L r 259 Waddell Jones Lamar chuf 625 S Milledge av r
Alps rd Jones Lawyer (Mary) emp Athens Co
operative Creamery r RD 2 Jones Leroy (Callie) plant opr At
lanta Gas Light Co h 252 Bridge
Jones Lewis (Eliz) knitter Rodgers Ho siery Co Inc r Winterville Ga
Jones Lucy B G maid 552 Cobb r 640 W Hancock av
Jones M Rowena student r 490 South View dr
Jones Mable emp Colonial Poultry Co h 180 S Newton
Jones Mable I cook 190 Milledge cir r same
Jones Mae student r 285 Hampton ct
Jones Marie B (wid W H) h 930 S Mil-
ledge av Jones Mark emp Rowe Whse & Fertz Co
plant r RD 3 Jones Martha B emp Jones Horseshoe
Cafe r 1298 W Hancock av Jones Marvin (Clara B) porter Union
Bus Terminal h 189 Glenhaven av Jones Mary maid 470 E Cloverhurst av
r 235 Atlanta av Jones Mary A r 227 Arch Jones Mary C (Mrs A W) slswn Davison-
Paxon Co r 197 Boulevard
Jones Mary F aide Athens Genl Hosp r Wintervi'lle Ga
Jones Mary L student r 221 Colima av Jones Matthew bus boy Hotel Holman
r 948 Reese Jones Mattie N maid 323 S Jackson
1623 E Broad Jones Merlin J (Sara) 2 mach Empire
State Chem Co h Princeton rd RD 4
Jones Mozelle J cook Costal Grill h 275 Paris
Jones N Dudley (Anna) aud h 445 Mil-
ledge hts Jones Nathl (East Side Groc) r 420
Water Jones Nellie M presser Liberty Dry
Clnrs r 246 Bailey Jones Nina wrapper Athens Poultry Inc
r 246 Indale dr Jones Nina D student r 151 Lyndon av Jones Omie L hlpr Georgian Hotel r
RD 4 Jones Ophelia M (wid J H) r 140 Hillside Jones Otis H (Barbara A) 1 h 353 E
Jones Otis M (Mildred P) formn The U of Ga Prntg Dept h 246 Milledge hts
Jones P F Jr meter supt Ga Power Co r Oconee hts RD 2
Jones Richd r rear 659 W Hancock av
Jones Ritta M maid 375 West View dr r 1398 W Hancock av
Jones Robt (Mary) jan U of Ga h 235
Atlanta av
Jones Rowena C (Mrs G K) hse dir Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity r 490 South
View dr
Jones Ruby 4 r 883 Reese

Jones Sally student r 295 Hampton ct
Jones Salomia h 160 Standard Oil rd
Jones Sam (Gussie C) jan h 604 (484) N Foundry
Jones Sarah E cook 324 S Milledge h 948
Reese Jones Schuyler R (Ritta M) eng
YMCA h 1398 W Hancock av Jones Spencer P (Emily S) h 137
Coker Jones Stepney r Atlanta hwy Jones Sydney Me (Mrs A B) tchr Barrow
Sch r Prince pi Jones Tenia maid r 324 Grove Jones Thos J (Louise B) 1 dean veterinary
med U of Ga r 182 Wray Jones Thos L (Annie L) 5 cook h
221 Colima av Jones Vara C (wid F L) paper ctr The Mc-
Gregor Co r 150 Barrow Jones Vera tchr West Broad Street Sch
r 283 Savannah av Jones W C emp Southeastern Rubber Mfg
Co r Statham Ga Jones W H (Martha) (Jones Horse
shoe Cafe) h 1324 W Hancock Jones W Brown (Mamie H) h 1063
W Hancock av Jones W Paul (Fannie B) stone ctr h 985
Oconee Jones Wilbur D (Eliz D) 2 prof U of
Ga h 149 Sylvia Cir
JONES WILBUR P (Blanche J) 1 (Sila*
Green Show) Grand Chief Improved
Order of Samaritans r 151 Lyndon av
Jones Will jan County Court Hse r 288 4th
Jones Wm (Magnolia A) h 280 N Peter
Jones Will H (Gatrell) 1 emp Colo nial Poultry Co Inc h 194 Macon av
Jones Wm J (Janie W) (Jones Dry Clnrs) h 283 Savannah av
Jones Willie C ctr Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 324 Grove
Jones Willie D Jones Flower Shop r Lexington rd RD 3
Jones Zora M slswn Gallant-Belk Co h 857 College av
Jordon Alice W nurses'aide Athens Genl Hosp r 182 Magnolia
Jordan Annie r 237 Bridge Jordan Annie h 239 Bridge Jordan Annie B (Mrs Wm) seamer Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1 Jordan Austin S (Marian S) genl contr
180 Nantahala av h same Jordan Blanche W Indrs h 340 Glen-
haven av Jordan Carl W crane opr Ga Wrecking Co
r Jefferson rd RD 2 Jordan Carrie Y h 162 Indale dr Jordan Cedric R (Dorris) 1 entomologist
State Agrl Extn Service h 55 Myrna ct apta Jordan Chas V (Gladys B) 2 mech Ga Power Co h Lexington rd
Jordan Claude C (Recie D) h 190 Sa-
tula av



Jordan Claude C Jr USA r 190 Satula av
Jordan Claude T (wid W H) r 186 Vine
Jordan Clyde C (Bertie R) mech C A
Trussell Mtr Co h 482 Ruth Jordon Cora elk Billy's Place r 477
Madison av Jordan Coy L (Lula H) 1 slsmn h 73 Park
view Homes Jordan Dorothy dom r 160 Lyndon av Jordan Ellen K (wid J H) r Sunset dr Jordan Erskine (Dorothy L) 1 clng opr
Choke's Sanitone Clnrs h 160 Lyndon av Jordan Fannie M 1 maid 168 Milledge
hts h 650 W Hancock av Jordan Frances S (wid Wm H) h 111 Mil-
ledge cir apt 3 Jordan Geneva (Mrs J T) seamer Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r 186 Vine Jordan Hollis slsmn P H Durdin Mus Store
r Maysville Ga Jordan Homer firemn University Lndry
h 290 Macon av Jordan Homer Jr (Alice W) dr Black
& White Cab Co h 182 Magnolia
Jordan Howard S (Sarah) 2 prof U of Ga h 220 Woodlawn av
Jordan J Willie (Mary) lab Anderson
Lbr Co h 237 Bridge Jordan Jas C (Irene F) plmbr Athens
Bldg & Well Sup r Danielsville Ga Jordan Jas H (Rotay M) emp Chicopee
Mfg Co h 1274 E Broad Jordan Jesse D USA r 127 Bryant Jordan Jesse L (Katie J) 3 emp Chico
pee Mfg Co h 127 Bryant
Jordan Jesse T (Geneva D) 1 conces
sion opr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 186 Vine Jordon John H (Carrie) head waiter Davis Bros Cafeteria h 69 Broadacres
Jordan Josephine H (Mrs DP) cash Motor Contract Dir of Trusco Finance Co r Winterville Ga
Jordan Kenneth H del mn Parham's Food Mkt r 145 Satula
Jordan Lula H (Mrs C L) mill emp r 73 Parkview Homes
Jordon Millard H r 147 Chatooga av Jordan Nelson r 127 Bryant Jordan O Clarence (Dorothy C) mgr
Athens Bldg & Well Sup r Danielsville
Ga Jordan Orville piano tech P H Durden Mus
Store r Mayesville Ga Jordan Otha L (Annie A) 1 mgr City Lim
its Service Sta h 386 Hiawassee av
Jordan Priscilla 3 maid h 1529 W Broad Jordan Ralph O Jr (Virginia H) slsmn h
697 Pinecrest dr Jordan Ruby P Mrs emp Chicopee Mfg Co
r 128 Vine
Jordan Ronald student r 127 Bryant Jordan Starr sch tchr r 340 Glenhaven
Jordan Susie (wid John) r 147 Chatooga av
Jordan Virginia H (Mrs R O Jr) ofc wkr
U S Navy Sup Corps Sch r 697 Pinecrest dr

Jordon Wm (Cora H) (Billy's Place) trk dr Bullock Whol Co r 477 Madison av
Jordan Wm Jr (Pallas) h 477 Madi son av
Jordan Wm C (Ida S) (Jordan's Auto Service) h 224 Du Bose av
Jordan Willie stevedore Ga Power Co r 290 Macon av
Jordan Willie H (Mary F) trk dr hlpr The Webb-Crawford Co h 253 Bridge
Jordan's Auto Service (W C Jordan) repr 377 & 383 E Washington
Joseph Azalda tchr East Athens Sch r 357 Du Bose av
Joseph B C (Azalda) 1 r 357 Du Bose av Joseph Missie h 357 DuBose av Jost Hudson (Patricia C) 3 prof U of Ga
h 669 Pinecrest dr Jour Joe L orderly St Mary's Hosp r
524 W Hancock Joy Herman J (Eliz B) 2 trav rep h 191
Parkway dr Joyner Horace R (Lila) USN h 1185 W
Broad Joyner Joe (Mildred) 4 lab Geo Strother
Lbr Co h 170 Stephen Joyner John W r 170 Stephens Joyner W J (Martha) mech Genl Times
Corp h Baraett Shoals rd June Beauty Salon (Mrs Patsy C Wing-
field) 101% E Clayton Junican Lula C h 4 White al Junior Assembly meet 1st Saturday 1:00
pm 347 W Hancock av Junior Assembly Clinic Mrs Phyllis I Bar
row pres, Mrs Mary T Griffeth v-pres, Mrs Margt A Woodall sec, Mrs Helen Green treas E Hancock av Justice Danl stock elk Bell's Food Mkt r 179 Woodrow Justice Willie T ( Mrs W F) topper Rod gers Hosiery Co Inc r 179 Woodrow Justice Willis F (Willie T) 2 knitter Rod gers Hosiery Co Inc h 179 Woodrow Justice Willis F Jr student r 179 Woodrow
To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
Kahn Leon J (Leila G) 2 h 176 Fortson cir
Kamevetz Leonard (Myra G) student h 194 Talmadge
Kamenetz Myra ofc sec U of Ga h 194 Talmadge
Kane Robt M investigator Federal Bureau of Investigation r 216 Marion dr
Kane Robt M (Marie L) 3 h 407 Green wood dr
Kappa Alpha Fraternity 294 S Lumpkin
Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority 338 S Milledge av
Kappa Delta Sorority Mrs Dorothy Bald win hse mother 1084 Prince av



Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority 1001

Kelley John P roofer L M Leathers'

Prince av

Sons r 850 Waddell

Kappa Sigma Fraternity Mrs Tom White Kelley Josephine (Mrs John) grad nurse

hse mother 324 S Milledge av

Athens Genl Hosp r Winder Ga

Karl Josef S (Camilla D) 3 h 665 Hoi- Kelley Lonnie h 142 3d

man av

Kelley Rosa T maid 282 South View dr

Kay Ernest E (Nancy F) pntr-paper r 142 3d

hngr h 70 Springdale

Kelley Sillia dishwasher Snelling Hall

Kay Georgia R cash Bell's Food Mkt r 70

Cafeteria (U of Ga) r 850 Waddell


Kellum Richd L mach Quality Mach Co r

Kay Kenneth A (Kenneth Kay's Studio) r 197 Childs

70 Springdale

Kellum Thos J (Julia H) taxi dr h 197

Kay Melba W (Mrs W R) elk County Agt Childs

Mitchell's Bridge rd RD 4

Kelly Arth R (Rowena W) 1 prof U of Ga

Kay's Kenneth Studio (Kenneth A Kay)

h 1650 S Milledge av

photog 186 W Broad

Kelly David L student r 1650 S Milledge

Kea Betty M (Mrs P R) ofc sec Farmers av

Hdw of Athens Inc r Winterville Ga

Kelly Grace K ckr Athens Lndry & Dry

Kea Paul R (Betty M) announcer Radio Clnrs r 523 N Jackson

Sta WRFC r Winterville Ga

Kelly Harold M (Julia S) 1 asst ofc

Keane Jerome (Claire) news dir Radio mgr Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 690

Sta WGAU and WGAU-FM h 175 Wil- Baxter

low Run

Kelly Jas T slsmn Dr Pepper Btlg Co r

Keaster Effie asst prof U of Ga h 119

Colbert Ga

Sylvia cir

Kelly L B salad wn Snelling Hall Cafe-

Keating Ethel S Mrs drsmkr 225% N

teria (U of Ga) h 190 W Broad apt 1

Lumpkin h same

Kelly Peggy Mrs waitress Costa's Grill r

Keene Ralph M (Dessie A) 1 bkpr Whit- Dixie Hotel

mire Furn Co h 284 Oakland av

Kelly Robt M (Billie N) 1 service mgr

Keene Ralph M Jr student r 284 Oakland

Ga Mtrs Inc h 104 University ct apt 15


Kelly Weyman mech hlpr Athens Sporting

Keener Norma B (Mrs R L) tchr Oconee

Gds Store r Colbert Ga

Street Sch r 150 King av

Kemp Bessie S (Mrs J W Jr) sten-bkpr

Keener Rufus L (Norma M) prof U of Thornton Bros Paper Co r 188 Sunset

Ga h 150 King av


Keesler Truett (Sarah W) service station Kemp Betty S r 105 Clover

atndt Broad St h 246% Milledge hts

Kemp Bonnie R (wid J W) h 298 Oak-

Keim Margie G Mrs furn rms 141 Madison land av

av h same

Kemp Chloe ofc sec Palace Theater r 298

Keith Barbara J student r 561 Pulaski

Oakland av

Keith Corine W (Mrs J H) mach opr Big Kemp Evelyn bkpr County Tax Collr r 298

Ace Corp r 561 Pulaski

Oakland av

Keith Jas H (Corine W) maintenancemn Kemp John D (Annie L) h 540 4th

Naval Sup Corp h 561 Pulaski

Kemp John W Jr (Bessie S) (Athens

Keith Norma F student r 561 Pulaski

Tile & Roofing Co) h 188 Sunset dr

Kellam Mary U (Mrs W P) sch tchr r 399 Kemp Monte W (Ann) 2 slsmn h 207 Gran

Parkwav dr

Ellen dr

Kellam W Porter (Mary U) director Kemp Ted R (Lynn G) 3 pub acct h Holly

University of Georgia Library h 399


Parkway dr Dial LI 3-4485

Kemp Ted R (Lynn G) 3 accnt Gilliland


dr h same

Pres-Mgr Industrial Laundry & Dry Kendrick Aaron P (Louise) lab McDor-

Cleaning Co Inc h 1194 Lexington rd--

man Funeral Home Inc h 147 Lyndon

Dial LI 6-0492


KELLAR VIRGINIA H (Mrs M N) Execu Kendrick Erskine dishwasher Tony's

tive V-Pres Hubert State Bank Sec In

Restr r 197 Bridge

dustrial Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co Inc Kendrick Julia r 197 Bridge

r 1194 Lexington rd--Dial LI 6-0492

Kendrick Louise presser Suburban Clnrs

Keller A Paul (Henrietta D) mach Kel-

r 147 Lyndon Row

ler Mach Co h 210 Hampton ct

Kendrick Mary h 580 S Finley

Keller A Paul Jr (Saidee) 4 phys 1010 Kenimer Mary H sten-bkpr Ga Mtrs Inc

Prince av h 160 Marion dr

r Bishop Ga

Keller Edgor W (Joyce F) ROTC instr Kennebrew Columbus D (Hulda T) 1 mecn

(Air Force) U of Ga h 197 King av

Ga Mtrs Inc h 250 Yonah av

Keller H C (Mary L) 1 slsmn h 590 Mc- Kennedy Geo (Martha T) 2 hlpr Silvey

Whorter dr

Mtr Co Inc h 852 Reese

Keller Machine Co (B F Coile) 175 S Kenney Fannie P h 235 N Rockspring


Kenney Georgia K (wid S P) r 382 Nacoo-

Kelley Cobern F phys dir YMCA r same

chee av



Kenney Geo Rev pastor Church of God r Atlanta hwy RD 4
Kenney Hattie S opr Progressive Beauty Shop r Epps Bridge RD 4
Kenney John T (Hazel) emp B & B Bev erage Co r RD 2
Kenney Kate F (wid C J) r 468 N Milledge av
Kenney Lois W (wid J N) steno Ga Power Co h 111 Milledge cir apt 8
Kenney Mack (Hattie S) jan YWCA r Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Kenney Martha K student r 336 North av Kenney Pearl C (Mrs P J) dental hygienist
Dr E Wayne Satterfield r RD 2 Kenney Rivie A 1 cook r 235 N Rock-
spring Kenney Ronald K (Eva D) 1 USN h 355
S Harris apt 1 Kenney Sara L transit elk The Natl Bk of
Athens h 382 Nacoochee av Kenney Shirley IBM opr Talmadge Whol
Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga Kenney Wm M (Lydia H) h 259 North av Kenney Wilson (Lucy D) 3 gro 297 Cleve
land av h 336 North av Kennon Faye (wid N M) h 1930 S
Lumpkin Kennon N Milse Jr (Nancy W) agt Life
Ins Co of Ga h 115 West View dr Kennon Nancy W (Mrs N M Jr) asst U of
Ga Library r 115 West View dr KENNON ROLAND H (Ethelene C) 2
Mgr Economy Auto Stores Inc h 136 Hampton ct--Dial LI 3-3304 Kenny Charlie yd mn r 550 Madison av Kenney Ethel maid Colonial Hotel r RD 4 Kenny H S linemn Ga Power Co r Whitehead rd RD 4 Kenny Joe (Lelia C) 4 sawmill wkr r 459 S Finley Kenny Ozela 3 h 1021 Waddell Kent Barber Shop (Jas M Kent) rear 368 Oak Kent Guy C (Estelle P) carp h 568 N Harris
Kent Jas M (Vara S) (Kent Barber Shop) h 368 Oak
Kent Leva J r 145 Georgia Railroad
Kent Sam B (Lois G) elk Arnold & Abney Inc h 539 Pulaski
Kent Vada tchr Barrow Sch r 345 Univer sity dr
Kent Walter A h 145 Georgia Rail road
Kesler Annie M mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Nicholson Ga
Kesler Austin A (Kathryn S) slswn Dick Ferguson's Clo Store Inc r Hull Ga
Kesler Barbara mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r Nicholson Ga
Kesler Blanche slswn Davison-Paxon Co r 731 Cobb
Kesler John Rev pastor Emmanuel Holiness Ch r Hull rd RD 1

Kesler Lammie (Tellie S) 2 firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 596 Holman av
Kesler Ruth D (wid G W) r 553 Pulaski Kesler Truett (Sarah W) mgr Kesler's Ser
vice Sta h 246 % Milledge hts Kesler Versa O Mrs emp Big Ace Corp h
664 N Jackson Kesler Wm G (Kesler's Service Sta) r 445
W Cloverhurst av Kesler's Service Station (Wm G Kesler)
739 W Broad Kettle Absolan L (Shirley F) 1 lab h 12
Parkview Homes Kettle C Henry (Cornelia F) 1 emp L H
Bailey & Sons h 28 Parkview Homes Kettle Paul (Edna C) lab L H Bradley &
Son h 27 Parkview Homes Key Mattie L 2 cook Fortson dr h 291
Evans av Keystone Chapter No 1 R A M meets Ma
sonic' Temple 279 Meigs Kezer Richd F (Valeric V) USN h 435 S
Milledge av apt 6 Kidd Annie L Mrs h 228 DuBose av Kidd Betty B (Mrs R L) ofc sec State Agrl
Extn Service r 324 Carr Kidd Delphia D (wid J E) h 140 Park
av Kidd Earl J trk dr Pepsi-Cola Btlg Co r 215
E Dougherty Kidd Eliz C elk Life & Casualty Ins Co of
Tenn r 228 DuBose av Kidd Fred C (Sally) elk Simpson Trucking
Co r Hull Ga Kidd Howard E (Lucile S) 4 farmer h 590
N Peter Kidd Lamar R (Betty B) fuel dr Consoli
dated Gas Co r 324 Carr Kidd Leon (Mary A) 2 slsmn Snow Tire
Co h 125 Holman av Kidd Lillian r 590 N Peter Kidd Lucile S (Mrs HE) waitress Normal
Cafe r 590 N Peter Kidd Mary A L (Mrs Leon) ofc wkr Ben-
son's Bakery r 125 Holman av Kidd Mary D Mrs r 1960 S Lumpkin Kidd Mary S (Mrs H E) waitress Normal
Cafe r 590 N Peter Kidd Murdelle r 215 E Dougherty Kidd Nellie S emp Georgian Lndry &
Clnrs r 132 Willow Kidd Olin knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc
r Comer Ga Kidd Pinkie B (wid E G) waitress Geor
gian Hotel Coffee Shop h 215 E Dough erty Kidd Susie r 160 Willow Kidd Virginia S (Mrs W H) bkpr Univer sity Chevrolet Co Inc 288 King av Kidd W Howard (Virginia S) mach Genl Times Corp h 288 Wright av .Kidd W Odgen Jr (Harriet J) USN h 375 Holman av apt I Kidd Wm trk dr hlpr Pepsi-Cola Btlg Co r 215 E Dougherty Kidd Willie lab G M Caskey & Son r 217 S Thomas
Kidd Willie (Nellie S) roofer L M Lea thers' Sons h 132 Willow

Kilburn John D (Leona) h 110 Wood land Way
Kilburn Leona (Mrs J D) tchr Athens Nur sery Sch r 110 Woodland Way
Kile Jack W (Barbara R) 1 r 119 Park view Homes
Kile Jimmy R USA r 119 Parkview Homes Kile John H (Elizabeth M) h 160 Bar
ber Kile John R r 119 Parkview Homes Kile W Earnest emp Georgia Theater r 119
Parkview Homes Kilgo Garwin G (Violet H) 1 sta opr
Plantation Pipe Line Co h 135 Carlton ter Kilgo Violet H (Mrs G G) prac nurse 135 Carlton ter r same Kilgore Leslie B (wid Geo) genl asst U of Ga Library h rear 182 Wray Killiam Jas E (Mildred J) lab USPO h 131 Cain Kilpatrick C Willard (Myrtie) slsmn Ath
ens Tire & Auto Sup Co r Bishop Ga Kimber Sarah 1 dom h 195 Lyndon av Kimble Lucile mus tchr U of Ga r 390 S
Lumpkin Kimble Rodney (Eleanor P) 2 USA h 153
Parkview Homes Kimble Willie lab Allied Producers &
Sup Co Inc r 438 1st Kimbrell Claudia (wid Henry) r 210 Uni
versity dr Kimbrell Robt H (Nell T) 4 dist mgr Uni
versal CIT Cred Corp member City Council h 325 Bloomfield Kimes Margie Mrs h 685 College av Kimsey Hollis (Ellen B) 1 hlpr Ga Power Co r 359 Oak Kimzey Chas C (Maude R) notary pub J of P ex-officio 2d fir County Court Hse h 295 Henderson av Kinard Drayton T (Eleanor T) 1 <g) prof U of Ga h 145 Woodland Way Kincaid B B agt The Independent Life & Accident Ins Co r Colbert Ga King Alberta J (Mrs C E) opr S B T & T Co r 520 King av King Alvin K 2 (King Service Sta) h 224 Elizabeth King Annie C (wid A A) r 224 Eliza beth
King Annie R2rl80S Rockspring King Bobbie nurse's aide Athens Genl Hoap
r 787 Cobb King Chas E (Alberta J) minister Church
of Christ h 520 King av King Chas N (Alice S) student h 1050 S
Lumpkin apt 606 King Cotton Motor Court (J H Hubert)
Norman E Rogers mgr Atlanta hwy King Dazrean h 750 Fields av King Delbert J (Anna R) 1 mech W A
Stevens Co h 315 Baxter
King Doris kitchen hlpr Athens Genl Hosp r 79 Broadacres
King Eliz tchr Athens High & Industrial Sch r 750 Fields av
King Eliz C student r 460 Henderson av extd

King Ployed (Mary H) 2 emp Colonial Poultry Co h 95 Broadacres
King Francis W (Stella) sta commander U S Recruiting Sta r Watkinsville Ga
King Geo H (Marguerite B) 1 dir of re search U of Ga h 823 Bobbin Mill rd
King Harry (Minnie P) 5 porter Uni versity Chevrolet Co Inc h 460 W Hen derson av
King Hillyer C (Louise K) postmstr USPO h 108 Milledge hts
King Hillyer C Jr (Ann S) 1 field rep Genl Mtrs Acceptance Cerp h 48 Myrna ct apts
King Jas W (Ivonel B) USA r 520 King av
King Jenks O (Margt S) mgr National Cash Register Co h 196 Fortson cir
King John L porter East Athens Service Sta r Winterville Ga
King Leman H (Jewel D) 1 mach Keller Mach Co h 345 Best dr
King Louis (Doris) hlpr Silvey Mtr Co Inc h 79 Broadacres
King Louise r 224 Elizabeth King Lucius (Sallie C) 1 h 460 Hen
derson av extd King Margt S (Mrs J O) (Town & Cam
pus) r 196 Fortson dr King N Cath student r 345 Best dr King Roy L (Martha W) USA h 583 Uni
versity dr King Service Station (Alvin K King) 198
Oconee King Susie M h 180 S Rockspring King Susie T (wid I D) h 649 N Lump-
kin King Vera tex wkr r 994 S Lumpkin King Wm A (Carolyn A) 2 dist agt
State Agrl Extn Service h 150 Hender son av KING WM D (Mollie P) 1 At Cash The
Citizen* & Southern National Bank h
190 Woodrow--Dial 3-2660 Kingdom Hall Jehovah Witnesses 710 Hill
cor Chase Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Thursday Service 7:30 pm 196% W Washington Kinman Doris E student r 153% Milledge ter Kinman Herbert L (Mona A) 4 USN h 153% Milledge ter
Kinman Mona A (Mrs H L) ckr A&P Food Stores r 153% Milledge ter
Kinne Edwin N (Mary) bkpr C A Trusaell Mtr Co r Y Camp rd RD 4
Kinne Mary (Mrs E N) executive sec YWCA and YMCA Dormitory r Y Camp rd RD 4
Kinnebrew Gladys ofc sec Sou Mill Sup Co r 250 Yonah av
Kinnebrew Hulda T (CD) tex wkr Big Ace Corp r 250 Yonah av
Kinnebrew Mabel F Mrs hsekpr Athens Genl Hosp r 787 Cobb
Kinney Benj C (Nita W) business mgr U of Ga h 255 Cherokee av

Kinney John W (Clara B S) 2 slsmn Butler Furn Co h 398 Buena Vista av
Kinney Rabun V (Kathleen B) ship elk The Athens Hdw Co r Colbert Ga
Kirby Jerry C (Martha) USMC r Johnson dr
Kirk Carolyn L (Mrs E S) grad nurse 1673 S Milledge av r same
Kirk E Sullivan (Carolyn L) (Basketeria) h 1673 S Milledge av
Kirk Elwood printer Guest Prntg Co h 915 N Chase
Kirk Elwood Jr r 915 N Chase Kirk Emory S (Pearl R) h 935 Oco-
nee Kirk Harry L (Ruth M) 2 ofc wkr Athens
Poultry Co h 185 Hampton ct Kirk Howard F (Maggie F) h 733 Pu-
laski Kirk Jack W wtchmn Std Oil Co of Ky Inc
r 110 S Pope Kirk Leila F (wid T C) r 354 Oconee Kirk Saml R (Lillie P) h 175 E Clover-
hurst av Kirk Wm H h 338 Satula av apt 1 Kirkland Byron A (Clyde W) 1 slsmn
Std Oil Co of Ky Inc h 627 Belvoir hts Kirkland W Paul Jr (June L) student h
450 Prince av (trailer) Kirkpatrick Dow Rev (Marjorie S) 2 pas-
tor First Methodist Ch h 234 Dearing Kirkpatrick Louise C (Mrs N H) billing
elk The Athens Hdw Co r 1660 S Lumpkin apt 13 Kirkpatrick Norman H (Louise C) h 1660 S Lumpkin apt 13 Kiser Ray J (Gertrude W) slsmn Broun Mtr Co r 189 Grady av Kiser Virgil L r 189 Grady av Kishi Johnny F (Mary D) 2 chef Tony's Restr h rear 185 N Hull Kitchens Andrew J (Irene E) 2 jan Med Center h 22 Broadacres Kitchens Carl Jr (Sara-P) 2 delmn Wilfong Bros h 290 Barber Kitchens Dora R (wid C A) h 740 Prince av apt 2 Kitchens Irene maid r 22 Broadacres Kitchens J H (Vera B) tex wkr r 359 Baxter Kitchens John D (Ann H) formn Athens Poultry Co h 1438 E Broad Kitchens Thos L (Myrtle M) night eng Atlantic Ice Co h 639 Reese
Kitchens Vera B (Mrs J H) tex wkr r 359 Baxter
Kitchens Wm C (Montie W) 3 phys 10103 Professional Bldg Dial LI 6-1606 h 318 Parkway dr Dial LI 3-5312
KITTLE ARTH M (Clara M) Classic City Wine & Beverage Co h 191 Hall -- Dial LI 3-3537
Kittle Bobby (Louise) banding mach opr Circular Banding Co r Athens RD 2
Kittle Clinton (Mildred A) mech Snow Tire Co h Epps Bridge RD 4
Kittle Elijah (Alma B) 1 carp G M Caskey & Son h 290 Gilliland av

Kittle Garland D hlpr The Athens CocaCola Btlg Co r 166 Springdale
Kittle Howard carp G M Caskey & Son r 290 Gilliland av
Kittle Jo Anne T (Mrs R H) opr S B T & T Co r 145 Hawthorne av
Kittle Lodie M (wid J W) h 166 Springdale
Kittle Robt H (Jo Anne T) 3 trk dr Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co h 145 Hawthorne av
Kittle Roger Jr (Alma B) 1 carp David D Saye h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Kittle Wm T (Mildred R) 1 carp G M Caskey & Son h 358 Oconee
Kleclcner Albert L (Jane S) 2 prof U of Ga h 595 University dr
Knapp Wm A Jr (Mary R) 1 tchr U of Ga h 110 University ct apt 39
Knight Doris P Mrs waitress Ted's Cafe r 890 Hill
Knight Ed mach opr Dudley Nurseries r 188 Childs
Knight Eleanor emp U S Soil Conservation Service r Bostwick Ga
Knight Eliz W (Mrs F W) asst mgr Knight's Ice Cream Co r 190 Wilkerson
Knight Fambro W (Eliz W) 1 (Knight's Ice Cream Co) h 190 Wilkerson
Knight Geo P (Mary E) 2 hlpr Colonial Poultry Co r 623 N Hull
Knight Henry A (Martha C) 1 landscaper h 1478% E Broad
Knight Martha C (Mrs H A) nurse St Mary's Hosp r 1478% E Broad
Knight Mary E hlpr Athens Poultry Co r 623 N Hull
Knight Perry elk Auto Accessories & Appliance Co r RD 4
Knight Robt S USA r 178 W Strong Knight Thomas R student r 266 % King av Knight's Ice Cream Co (Fambro W Knight)
mfrs 561 E Broad Knowles Jas P (Nell G) 1 (Crowe-
Knowles Furn Co; Crowe-Knowles Annex) h 190 Pinecrest dr Knowles Jas P III student r 190 Pinecrest dr Knowles Lillian T (wid J P) r 395 South View dr Knowles Nell G (Mrs J P) slswn CroweKnowles Furn Co r 190 Pinecrest dr Kornfeld Walter (Doris E) 1 prof U of Ga h 197 Woodrow Kraps Rowland F (Wanda B) mgr The U of Ga Prntg Dept r Jefferson rd RD 2
Kreis Edgar (Phyllis A) student h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 405
Kress S H & Co Clarence H Hubbell mgr variety store 153-55 E Clayton
Kreuz Mary L (Mrs S S) sch tchr r 217 Marion dr
Kreuz Sam S (Mary M) prof U of Ga h 217 Marion dr
Krieder Margt (Cash & Carry Gro) r Bogart Ga
Kroger Co The C K Hambrick mgr gro 296 W Broad

Krumrine Marian S ofc see U of Ga h 1530 S Lumpkin apt C-l
Kubitzky Evelyn R r Johnson Kubitzky Jessie F (wid Paul) h John
son dr Kubitzky Kay M student r Johnson dr Kubitzky Paul A student r Johnson dr Kuhlman Herbert F (Montene W) con
verter hlpr Dairypak Inc h 1510 S Lumpkin apt J-3 Kuilam John (Barbara) USN h 101% Milledge hts Kuniholm Roland D (Althea H) 1 USN h 649 S Milledge av Kuntz David student r 230 Milledge cir
To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
Labon Ella r 180 Water Oak LaBoon J Frank (Lessie J) woodwkr L
L LaBoon & Son h 375 Boulevard LaBoon J Lamar (Nancy M) 1 (L L La-
Boon & Son) h 192 King LaBoon Jas L Jr student r 192 King av LaBoon L L & Son (J Lamar LaBoon)
blksmith-welding 207 S Thomas LaBoon Margt E elk U of Ga r 215 Mil-
ledge cir LaBoon Nancy M (Mrs J L) tchr Chase
Street Sch r 192 King av LaBoone A Eliz asst prof U of Ga Li
brary h 795 Baxter LaBoone Martha L Home EC Dept U of Ga
r 795 Baxter Lacey-Baker Susan C (wid AC) copy
writer Radio Sta WRFC h 150 Woodland Way Lacey Grace mach opr Angus Mfg Co r 198 Waddell Lacey J L hlpr Ga Power Co r Commerce Ga Lacey Louise r 1123 Prince av Lacker Hermann J (Sarah R) 3 pub lishers rep h 440 W Cloverhurst Lackey Eug (Onida B) slsmn Tom's Toast ed Peanuts r 564 College av LaCount Aletha V (Mrs J T) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 223 Nantahala av LaCount C M (Vida M) slsmn Orkin Ex terminating Co r Kentucky cir RD 3 LaCount Cecil (Charlotte S) 1 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 530 Nanta hala av LaCount Grace F cash Carolina Life Ins Co r Arnoldsville Ga LaCount Jas T (Aletha V) h 223% Nan tahala ay Ladies Garden Club meets 1st Wednesday 11:00 am 347 W Hancock av LaFave Agnes B (Mrs D E) (The Mary Ann Beauty Shop) r 125 Holman av LaFave Donald E (Agnes P) 1 cost accnt W A Stevens Co h 125 Holman av LaFreda Beauty Shop (H C and Mrs Hen rietta P Maddox) 170 College av

Laguins Geo porter Anderson Service Sta r Bishop Ga
Laird Frances E (Mrs W L) bkpr Athens Federal Sav & Loan Assn r 119 Fortson cir
Laird Wm L Jr (Frances E) (Athens Em ployment Service) h 119 Fortson cir
Laite W L Jr (Marilyn M) (Old South An nex) student h rear 275 South View dr
Lamans Shelnut (Jeannie B) W G Sailers Five Points Gulf Station r Whitehall Ga
Lamar Alcie B maid 230 Milledge cir h 135 Pearl
Lamar Sarah B instr U of Ga Library h 289 W Cloverhurst av
LAMB CHAS W (Lossie O'N) 2 (Shamrock Portraits) h 580 Castalia av--Dial LI 6-1312
Lamb Lossie O'N (Mrs C W) emp Chas Lamb r 580 Castalia av
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity 248 Prince av
Lamberger Nina (Cash & Carry Gro) r Bogart Ga
Lambert Clyde W (Leora T) 2 tech Oconee Artificial Breeding Assn h 465 Nan tahala av
Lambeth Madge S Mrs nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r Jefferson Ga
Lampela Ruby L Mrs 3 cash Bell's Food Mkt h 62 Parkview Homes
LAMPKIN EDGEWORTH E (Sarah G) Sec Southern Mutual Insurance Co h 360 W Cloverhurst av--Dial LI 3-3126
Lampkin Elmer H (Selena H) 1 carrier USPO h 189 Virginia av
Lampkin Leila S (wid EH) r 144 State Lampkin Lois C h 617 Waddell Lampkin Lucy P dancing tchr 625 W
Cloverhurst av h same Lanard Louis E (Marcile B) 4 supvr
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 1380 S Lumpkin Lanard Louis J USMC r 1380 S Lumpkin Lancaster Boyd L (Ruth) slsmn h 1450 S Lumpkin Lancaster Elbert E (Margt M) garage supt Ga Power Co h 155 Woodland Way Lancaster Emory J (Lila W) slsmn John Q West Inc h 640 Oglethorpe av Lancaster Kath (Mrs L B) interviewer The Housing Authority for the City of Ath ens r 1450 S Lumpkin Lancaster Lila W (Mrs E J) slswn Chick Piano Co r 640 Oglethorpe av Lancaster Rachel R mach opr Big Ace Corp r 260 Hoyt Lance Dolores N (Mrs Jas) emp The C & S Natl Bk r Bogart Ga Lance Jimmy h 129 Bryant Land Oliver B (Ethel A) trav rep h 392 S Pope Land Oliver B Jr student r 392 S Pope Landers Annie S (wid W R) slswn GallantBelk Co r 265 Springdale Landers C Edgar (Mattie C) h 474 Ruth
Landers C JOB slsmn Warren J Smith & Bro r High Shoals Ga



Landers Dan W (Mae A) mech W A Stevens Co r High Shoals Ga
Landers Harry L (Mildred H) 2 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 162 Grady av
Landers Jack A slsmn The McGregor Co r High Shoals Ga
Landers Jas F (Janet B) ckr A&P Food Stores r 163 Jonah
Landers Janet B (Mrs J F) wkr County Dept Pub Welfare r 163 Jonah av
Landers Marie S (Mrs W D) asst flrwn Thomas Tex r 393 S Jackson
Landers Mildred H (Mrs H L) opr SET & T Co r 168 Grady av
Landers Mildred L bkpr The McGregor Co r High Shoals Ga
Landers R Calvin (Mary B) spl agt Progressive Life & Fire Ins Co h 133 Clover
Landers Wm D (Marie D) jan formn U of Ga h 393 S Jackson
Landrum Annie F (wid Bell) r 165 Waddell
Landrum Dorothy S Mrs 2 nurse's aide Ath ens Genl Hosp h 79 Parkview Homes
Landrum Eddie L (Alley P) carp h rear 265 S Peter
Landrum Gloria E hlpr Stone's Ideal Bak ery r RD 4
Landrum Jas C (Wilda A) banding mach opr Circular Banding Co r Nicholson Ga
Landrum Jas H (Edna W) banding mach opr Circular Banding Co r RD 2
Landrum Joe R hlpr Stone's Ideal Bakery r RD 4
Landrum King (Anna) h rear 115 Milledge ter
Landrum Lizzie L picker Colonial Poul try Co r 231 Burney
Landrum R L r 183 Beulah Landrum Sara W r 232 Arch Landscape Architecture Department (U of
Ga) 375 S Lumpkin Lane Clarence (Rebecca T) 1 lab City
Water Wks h 694 Vine Lane Clarke (Ruby) knitter Rodgers Hos
iery Co Inc r RD 1 Lane Copeland H carp David D Saye r
RD 1 Lane Emma r 1133 W Broad Lane Mamie student r 275 Fairview Lane Mattie maid June's Beauty Salon
r 275 Fairview Lane Nabie r 1185 W Broad
LANE OIL CO (Tom R Lane) Macon hwy --Dial LI 3-4238
Lane Pope R (Mamie H) 2 sta hd S A L R R Co h 275 Fairview
Lane Rebecca T hlpr Colonial Poultry Co r 694 Vine
Langley Robt A student r 430 Stanton Way
Lane Ruby (Mrs Clarke) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1
Lane Saml USA r 275 Fairview
LANE TOM L (France* B) 3 (H) (Athens Motel and Lane Oil Co) h 54O McWhorter dr--Dial LI 3-4656

Lane Willie emp Hogan Bros Lbr Co r 360 DuBose av
Laney John T (Edna B) 1 supt City Water Wks h 180 Virginia ay
Lang Allie M alterations Davison-Paxon Co h 163 Nantahala av
Lang Eva L alterations Davison-Paxon Co r 163 Nantahala av
Lang Mary L (wid S T) r 163 Nantahala av
Langan John F (Louise F) 3 mgr John's Hamburgers h 530 Hampton ct
Langford Arth E student r 749 Prince av Langford Asa M (Etta C) furn rms
749 Prince av h same Langford C J (Virginia V) 1 adjuster Uni
versal CIT Cred Corp h 629 Hill Langford Carter r 749 Prince av Langford Clifford (Rachel) sampler
Gulf Atlantic Whse Co h 140 Macon av Langford Daisy (wid J C) r 428 N Milledge av Langford Emma (wid E D) r 340 N Harris Langford Jas C field rep Genl Mtrs Ac ceptance Corp r 749 Prince av Langford Mel L (Bessie H) 1 dist mgr Natl Life & Accident Ins Co h 160 Hart av Langford Philip L student r 160 Hart av Langford Ralph bundle opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Commerce Ga Langford Robt r 140 Macon av Langford Virgil (Leila) appr prsmn Dairypak Inc r Bogart Ga Langford Virginia A ofc sec John A Hunnicutt Jr r Danielsville Ga Langley Archie (Mary B) 1 statistician U S Agrl Marketing Service & Agrl Statistics h 430 Stanton Way Langley Robt O mach Chambers Music Co r Princeton rd RD 4 Langstaff Colesta (Mrs Robt) ofc wkr U of Ga r 198 Dealing apt 3 Langstaff Robt (Colesta) student h 198 Bearing apt 3 Langston C Harold Lt (Kathleen H) asst troupe commander State Patrol r Middleton Ga Langston Mary Mrs h 147 Elm Language Department (U of Ga) Bald win Lanier Clarence A (Louise K) slsmn The Webb-Crawford Co h 395 South View dr Lanier Corine ironer Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r 270 Arch Lanier Hubert (Lucille L) constn wkr h 371 (663) Branch Lanigan Jas M (Margt J) 2 tchr U of Ga h 143 Greenwood dr
Lanier Lonnie R (Marilee H) dist agt State Agrl Extn Service h 198 South View dr
Lanier Lousie K (Mrs C A) asst bkpr The Webb-Crawford Co r 395 South View dr
Lanier Lucille L maid 147 Ridgewood pi r 371 (663) Branch

Lanier Lucius (Corine W) h 128 Lyndon Row
Lanier Luther lab David D Saye r 270 Arch
LANIER WARREN W (Ettie W) 1 Asst V-Pres The Citizens & Southern National Bank h 535 McWhorter dr -- Dial LI 3-2093
Lanier Warren Jr student r 535 McWhor ter dr
Lanier Wm G (Sadie F) 2 elk USPO h 8 Myrtle ct
Lankford Earnest C (Lucile K) 2 USAF h 645 Oglethorpe av
LaPorte Ethel C Mrs bkpr Abrom's r 237 Barber
LaRocca Jos P (Blair) 3 prof U of Ga h 115 Fortson cir
Larry Annie Mrs r 770 N Chase Larry W Boozer (Mary D) tuner Chick
Piano Co h 150% Grady av Laster Charlie (Carrie A) 3 jan U
of Ga h 145 Cohen Laster Edw student r 145 Cohen Latimore Jesse Rev (Leonie L) pastor
St John Holiness Ch agt Am Home Mut Life Ins Co h 1065 Reese Latten Corrie B Indrs h Old White hall rd RD 4 Latten Saml D (Henrietta H) 3 recapper E & S Tire Co h Old Whitehall rd RD 4 Lattiemore Geo K (Dannie M) mtr opr Gulf Atlantic Whse Co h 264 Magnolia Lattiemore Hi J (Lacy) maintenance mn Gulf Atlantic Whse Co h 362 Macon av Lattiemore Queenie V ctr Colonial Poul try Co Inc r 362 Macon av Lattimore Corine J dom r 174 Henderson av extd Lattimore Enise presser New Way Lndry & Dry Clnrs r 147 E Hoyt Lattimore Lacy r 293 Cleveland av Lattimore Monroe porter University Chevrolet Service Sta r Winterville Ga Lattimore Sherman (Corine J) 1 lab h 174 Henderson av extd Lattimore Will lab G M Caskey & Son r Winterville Ga Latty Saml (Henrietta H) hlpr E & S Tire Service r RD 4 Launderrest The (Jas Q Lumpkin and Jas B Sharp) 1653 S Lumpkin
Laurence Betty maid 520 W Cloverhurst r 1128 Hancock av
Laurence Florine 5 maid 509 Bloomfield h 1128 W Hancock av
Laurence J H delmn Herring Gro r 1128 W Hancock av
Laurence Mammie E maid 365 West View dr r 1128 W Hancock av
Lavender Annette S (Mrs R T) slswn J C Penney Co Inc r 797 N Pope
Lavender Clarence W (Hilda W) 1 asst mgr Gallant-Belk Co h 475 Bloomfield
Lavender Emory R student r 797 N Pope Lavender Kate Z (wid R A) r 150 Sunset

Lavender Rufus T (Annette S) 4 wkr Shivar's Bakery h 797 N Pope
Lavender Talmadge elk Huff Community Store r 150 Sunset dr
Lawhorn Paul C (Marjorie C) 2 trav slsmn h 20 Springdale
Lawrence Alan T (Billie S) 2 student h Timothy rd RD 4
Lawrence Alien (Sarawill) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Jefferson River rd
Lawrence Alphonso (Mary G) 3 elk Improved Order of Samaritans h 54 Fuller
Lawrenc'e Francis E (Mrs CD) service mgr University Chevrolet Co Inc h 1195 S Milledge av
Lawrence Hattie F r 213 Boley dr Lawrence Helen dom h 173 Lyndon av Lawrence Jas (Carrie) asst mgr Pilgrim
Health & Life Ins Co r Covington Ga Lawrence Leola presser Industrial Lndry
& Dry Clng Co Inc r 481 N Billups Lawrence Mattie H (wid H P) r 1226
Prince av Lawrence Maurice (Addie H) (Law
rence's) h 177 Carlton ter Lawrence Otho W (Eliz R) 2 ofc wkr
Navy Sup Corps Sch h 1694 S Lumpkin Lawrence Sylvia M r 128 Odd Lawrence Ted (Virginia W) 2 bkpr & parts mn Athens Auto Sup Co h 316 North av Lawrence Theodora r 312 Boley dr Lawrence's (Maurice Lawrence) dept store 441 E Broad Lawson Margt S (Mrs J F) slswn DavisonPaxon Co r RD 2 Lawson Ruth emp Colonial Poultry r 333 Winterville rd Lay Bessie G (wid J F) h 1751 S Lumpkin Lay Billy lab Athens Country Club r 125
Indale dr LAY BROS (Harold E and Jas W Lay)
Distributor* Shell Oil Products 220 N Thomas----Dial LI 6-6571 Lay Ellar O maid r 172 Indale dr Lay Elsie r 1751 S Lumpkin LAY HAROLD E (Edwina B) 1 (Lay Bros and Lay's Service Station) h 401 Parkway dr--Dial LI 3-5374 Lay Henry r 177 Dallas aJ Lay Jas C (Lois B) 2 mgr Ernest Crymes Co h 361 Holman av
LAY JAS W (Miriam W) (Lay Bros and Lay's Service Station) h Fortson rd --Dial LI 3-3525
Lay John B jan U of Ga r 177 Dallas al
Lay John B Jr USAF r W Broad extd RD 4
Lay John O (Ella O) plstr h 172 Indale dr
Lay Nelle ofc sec Intheruff Antique Shop r 390 S Lumpkin
Lay Ora dom h 177 Dallas al
Lay Susie B maid r W Broad extd RD 4



Lay Thos student r W Broad extd RD 4
Lay Virginia r W Broad extd RD 4 LAY'S SERVICE STATION (Harold E
and Jas W Lay) Shell Oil Products 220 N Thomas--Dial LI 6-6571 Lazenby Lois T (wid J H) sten Clk of Su perior Court r 1760 S Lumpkin Leach Robbie Mrs bkpr Christian Hdw Co r Danielsville Ga Leaird Larry R (Rilla B) formn Sou Mut Bldg h 454 Sunset dr Leaird Rilla B (Mrs L R) wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 454 Sunset dr Lear O G (Ella N) farmer h 639 McWhorter dr Leathers Chester W II student r 280 West View dr LEATHERS CLAUDE M (Ilasue F) 3 (L M Leathers' Sons) Treas Bottlers Ap pliance Co Inc h 275 McWhorter dr -- Dial LI 3-5676 LEATHERS FRED B (Pearl W) (H) (L M Leathers' Sons) Sec Bottlers Appliance
Co Inc Member City Playground and Recreation Board h 280 West View dr-- Dial LI 3-4044 Leathers Predk B Jr student r 280 West View dr Leathers Hassie B (wid L M) r 158 W Dougherty LEATHERS' L M SONS (Claude M, Fred B and Milton Leathers) Air Condition ing and Heating Contractors Sheet Metal Work and Roofing 675 Pulaski -- Dial LI 3-3461 (See Back Supplement Cover Special Top Lines and Buyers Guide) LEATHERS L MILTON (Sarah E) 2 (L M Leathers' Sons) Pres Bottlers Ap pliance Co Inc h 155 Rock Glenn rd-- Dial LI 6-7535 LeConte Hall (U of Ga) Baldwin Ledford Clara S Mrs mach opr Fields Mfg Co h 189 Wilkerson Ledford Clifford L (Mary C) 2 tile mech Athens Bldg & Well Sup h 83 Parkview Homes Ledford Mary C (Mrs C L) waitress AST Restr r 83 Parkview Homes Ledford Mildred home industries specialist State Agrl Extn Service h 527 Oglethorpe av Ledford Oscar C r 83 Parkview Homes Lee Alma dom 245 King r 252 Plaza Lee Calvin (Sarah N) 6 cook h 293 S Rockspring Lee Carrie S r 2 White al Lee Charlie (Lona D) cook Elks Club h 1640 Milledge av extd Lee Edw C trk dr W F McElreath Beverage r RD 3 Lee Emmett J (Ruby T) mech Chico pee Mfg Co h 153 Vine
Lee Farris (Ruth J) hlpr S H Bowden Mus Service h 350 Lyndon av
Lee Frankie E grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp r 787 Cobb
Lee Harold N (Alma) 2 waiter Elks Club h 252 Plaza

Lee Jo Anne (Mrs Robt) ofc sec U of Ga r 225 Hill
Lee Mary Ellen adv mgr Davison-Paxon Co r bsmt 630 W Cloverhurst av
Lee Mina M h 771 Dearing Lee Mindora maid 145 Dearing r 290
S Rockspring Lee Nancy H h Old Whitehall rd
RD 4 Lee Lona D maid 410 Milledge cir r
1640 Milledge av extd Lee O Jean (Mrs Harry) ckr Suburban
Clnrs r Watkinsville Ga Lee Otha H slsmn Russell Daniel Inc r
RD 2 Lee R T (Carolyn) slsmn Eli Witt Cigar
& Candy Co r Watkinsville Ga Lee Robt (Jo Anne) student r 225 Hill Leggett Billy J student r 155 Hope av Leggett J L (Becky P) assignment mn S
B T & T Co r Bogart Ga Leggett Joe B (Lois V) 1 mgr The
Bankers Health & Life Ins Co h 155 Hop av Lemley Jas A (Grace L) trk dr The McGregor Co r RD 2 Lemly Jas H (Onice W) 2 prof U of Ga h 170 West View dr Lenderman Robt H (Sybil W) 2 trk dr Dr Pepper Btlg Co h 824 Oconee Lenoir Jas J (Lora D) 5 lawyer h 440 South View dr Lent Robt E (Caroline L) 4 USN h 775 Cobb Lenz Donald A (Jean S) 1 mgr Bell's Food Mkt h 370 Holman av Leon Guerrero Jose (Margarita S) 3 USN h 770 N Chase Leonard Agnes J 1 r 145 Glenhaven av Leseueur Dorothy C (Mrs E F) Indrs In dustrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co r 250 Hillside Leseueur E Louise waitress Georgian Hotel Coffee Shop h 685 College av Leseueur Earnest F (Dorothy C) 1 h 250 Hillside Leseueur Gussie M emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 1195 E Broad Leslie J Robt cM elk S A L R R Co r 857 College av Lesser Milton A ofc 202 S Jackson Lesser Milton A (Ruth L) h 1198 S Milledge av Lesser Milton A (Ruth L) h 1198 S Milledge av Lester A Clinton (Nell J) 1 shoe repr Mar tin Bros h 353 E Dougherty Lester Alien Y (Woodie A) 3 delmn Horton Drug Store h 353 E Dougherty Lester Angie F (wid W P) h 153 Park ay Lestfer Arth E (Jessie H) 2 tank trk slsmn Am Oil Co h 153 Park av
Lester Bertha (Mrs R H) inspr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 698 Nantahala av
Lester Betty A opr S B T & T Co r 615 Pulaski
Lester Blanche sten U S Social Security Admn r 320 Best dr



Lester C Michl student r 590 Nantahala av
Lester Cornelia L (wid E F) h 148 Vine
Lester D C lab h 126 Crawford av Lester Ed r Dublin Lester Eliz R (Mrs L L) ofc sec State
Dept Pub Welfare Dist 10 r 1297 Prince av Lester Ella N (wid W L) h 170 Hall Lester Gertrude (Mrs Leon) mender Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 2 Lester Goss I (Sallie B) 2 roofer h Old Hull rd Lester H Juanita ofc sec Phillips & Penland Refrigeration r Hull rd RD 1 Lester Henry W (Ruby H) 3 linemn Ga Power Co h 460 Pine Needle rd Lester J Bill (Kath D) 3 tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 635 Nantahala av Lester Jas C (Hazel P) 2 dr Veteran Cab Co h 863 N Chase Lester Jas E (Ola C) h 615 Pulaski Lester Joe N (Betty B) 1 printer The McGregor Co h 569 Pulaski Lester Katherine D (Mrs J B) inspr Genl Times r 635 Nantahala av Lester Lelia D (wid R C) h 320 Best dr Lester Leon L (Eliz R) h 1297 Prince av Lester Leonard J supvr Afro-Am Life Ins Co r Monroe Ga Lester Lewis P (Bethie D) (Lester's Fruit Stand) h 148 Park av Lester Lillian h 275 Minor Lester Madaline Y (wid A J) h 2319 Jefferson rd RD 2 Lester Madge M asst treas U of Ga h 105 Milledge cir apt 6 Lester Mary h 166 Yonah av Lester Mary L (wid Arth) h 832 Oconee Lester Odell maid 290 Milledge cir r 177 Dallas al Lester Odie 5 lab Hogan Bros Lbr Co h 245 N Rockspring Lester Oscar elk Williams & Son Gro r 824 College av Lester Oscar F (Ouida S) 4 mech Ginn's Garage h 147 Parkview Homes Lester Ralph H (Bertha F) 1 slsmn Colum bia Baking Co h 698 Nantahala av
Lester Raymond E (Barbara E) 1 law yer Sou Mut Bldg and mgr State Vet erans Service Ofc h 225 Oakland Way
Lester Reece C (Mattie D) slsmn r 597 Satula av
Lester Robt L (Flora B) h Old Hull rd
Lester Robt M (Viola C) 2 r Old Hull rd
Lester Rufus R (Echo H) 2 elk USPO h 590 Nantahala av
Lester Sara J cash Ga Theatre r 615 Pu laski
Lester Sarah A 2 h 1228 W Hancock av
Lester Spence (Lattie B) 6 trk dr Dillard Coal Co h 29 Bremen

Lester Tolbert N (Lucy) lab Silvey Mtr Co Inc' r Bogart Ga
Lester Van D (Ishbell K) plmbr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co r RD 1
Lester Wallace L (Annie W) 1 firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 365 Talmadge dr
Lester Willie F h 360 Lyndon av Lester's Fruit Stand (Lewis P Lester) 512
W Broad LeSueur Bonnie F (Mrs N C) payroll elk
Classic City Overall Co Inc r 250 Wil liams LeSueur Nelson C (Bonnie F) 1 prsmn Burman Prntg Co h 250 Williams Levine Elaine student r 170 Morton av Levy Flora sten U S Agriculture Dept r 182 Childs Levy Minnie H (wid M M) h 182 Childs Lewallen Eug E (Sadie T) 1 supvr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 220 Sunset dr Lewallen Homer (Rose H) mgr Normal Hdw Co h 440 King av Lewis Alma J (Mrs L H) bkpr Consolidated Cred Corp r 139 Oak Ridge Lewis Arch H (Miriam N) 4 asst div aud Ga Power Co h 120 Grady av Lewis Bertha B (wid F L) tex wkr r 437 Little Oak Lewis Clifford G asst prof U of Ga r 312-a Stanton Way Lewis Dallas r 878 Oconee LEWIS DEEB & SON (Jo* Lewis) Dry Goods 351 E Broad--Dial LI 3-2965 Lewis Doris C (Mrs Talmadge) emp Genl Times r 397 Boulevard Lewis Edw C h 485 W Springdale Lewis Emmaline F r RD 4 LEWIS F LAMAR (Thelma R) (Lamar
Lewis Co) h 465 W Cloverkurst av--Dial
LI 6.0015 LEWIS G LAMAR (Helen B) 2 (Lamar
Lewis Co) h 220 Hampton ct -- Dial LI 3-2482
Lewis Henrietta W h 288 Bridge Lewis Herschel L (Bertha F) h 878 Oco
nee Lewis Howard R (Ann J) 1 CPA McWhor-
ter & Cooley h 150 Cloverhurst ter Lewis John T r 1225 S Milledge av LEWIS JOS (Anicia L) 1 (Deeb Lewis
& Son; Persian Rug Cleaning Co) b. 1225 S Milledge av--Dial 6-1441 Lewis Josephine r 1225 S Milledge av Lewis L Hershel (Alma J) 1 firemn City Fire Dept No 2 h 139 Oak Ridge LEWIS LAMAR CO (F Lamar and G Lamar Lewis) Shoe Store 125 E Clay ton-- Dial LI 3-3334
Lewis Leslie E (Latty B) h 444 Meigs Lewis Lester M r 549 College av
Lewis Lillious H Jr (Eleanor I) firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 r 139 Oak Ridge
Lewis Mamie L (wid Deeb) (Deeb Lewis & Son) r 1225 S Milledge av
Lewis Mary E Mrs 3 h 148 Parkview Homes



Lewis Mattie E (wid Joe) r Nellie B av Lewis Sara emp Southeastern Rubber Mfg
Co r 878 Oconee Lewis Sarah E hlpr Baxter h 389 Meigs Lewis Talmadge (Doris C) emp C of Ga
R R Co h 397 Boulevard Lewis Victoria Mrs r 549 College av Lewis Wm student r 165 Lyndon av Liaison Office Air Reserve 9906th Squad
ron David Byrd non c'omn officer 285% College av rm 203 LIBERTY DRY CLEANERS (Ensley M Evans) Dry Cleaners, Hat Blockers and Launderers of Work Clothes 647 W Han. cock av--Dial LI 3-9214 (See Special Section) Licht Jimmie R Mrs cash Old South Restr Inc r 420 Nantahala av Lichtenstein Meyer student r 104 Univer sity ct apt 16 Liddell Martha S (wid J G) h 312 Stanton Way Lieve Dwain H (Dorothy) h 635 Oglethorpe av LIFE INSURANCE CO OF GEORGIA R
P Dobbs Mgr 313-17 Southern Mutual
Bldg--Dial LI 3-2501 Life Insurance Co of Virginia The Bruce
E Jennings dist mgr dist ofc rms 207-08 Saye Bldg Life & Casualty Insurance Co of Tennessee J T Weir mgr 612-15 Sou Mut Bldg Ligon Alice H 1 dom r 1694 E Broad Lilly Tola C alterations Davison-Paxon Co h 224 Barrow Lilly Letty r 724 Barrow Lincoln Lodge No 62 F & A M 337 N Hull Lindsay Alfreda S (Mrs M F) asst mgr Ted's Cafe r 880 Hill Lindsay Jas B Jr USAF r 125 Holman av Lindsay Melvin F (Alfreda S) 1 (Ted's Cafe) h 886 Hill Lindsey Aris C (Rae D) 3 h 525 High land av Lindsey Dewey O (Lily M) (g) sis supvr Am Bakeries Co h 244 Nacoochee av Lindsey Dewey O Jr asst mgr Bell's Food Mkt r 244 Nacoochee av Lindsey Doris grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp r 787 Cobb Lindsey Hubert M elk The Kroger Co r 145 Parkway dr Lindsey Ralph M (Myrtle E) field eng Ga Power Co h 145 Parkway dr Liner Jas (Margt) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Etowah Ga Liner Lewis (Opal) knitter Rodgers Hos iery Co Inc r 1660 S Lumpkin Linston Lee porter Citizens Pharm r 228% S Rockspring Linston Lee Jr (Julia F) 5 porter Union Bus Sta h 228% S Rockspring Linston Lillie L etev opr J C Penney Co Inc r 285 N Rockspring
Linston Julia F cash The Harlem r 228% S Rockspring
Linton Lucille h 219 Milledge cir Linton Lucy h 448 N Milledge av

Linton Willie R 2 h 439 Madison av apt 5
Lipkins Ada r 273 Paris Litchfield Geo A (Geneva L) 3 USN h 270
Price av Little Anne (wid A C) r 629 Hill Little Betty E elk Met Life Ins Co r 287
Morton Little Bishop Jr dishwasher Old South
Restr Inc r 420 Athens av Little Bobby R hlpr Benson's Bakery r 170
Wilkerson Little Claud E (Grace S) slsmn The Mc-
Gregor Co h 287 Morton av Little Clifford E (Sue E) 1 knitter Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc h 985 Baxter Little Gladys M Mrs nursing home 543
Meigs h same Little Grace D (wid O L) 1 marker Mc-
Lellan Stores Co h 170 Wilkerson Little Jas N (Peggy B) cable splicer S B
T & T Co h 410 V2 King av Little Lillie P (wid T H) r 920 Baxter Little Lois C (wid Grover) r 890 College
av Little M Ruth 2 r 420 Madison av Little Mary r 890 College av Little Odessa 1 r 420 Madison av Little Peggy B (Mrs J N) asst cash Life
Ins Co of Ga r 410% King av Little Robt D elk Georgian Hotel r 385
S Jackson Little Stanley (Rose M) 1 bus opr Athens
City Lines Inc h 395 S Church Little Sue N (Mrs C E) cash Bell's Food
Mkt r 985 Baxter Little Wm M (Amanda M) 1 pharm
Crow's Drug Store Inc h 375 Talmadge dr Little Willie L (Gloria G) 1 porter Ga Mtrs Inc r 127 Johns Lively Barbara (wid J C) 2 h 650 Reeves Lively Belle M (wid E F) 1 nurse's aide St Mary's Hosp h 370 S Church Livingston Laura D h 540 W Hancock Livingston Sidney (Emma H) lab h 1246 D earing Llewallyn Garnett H (Sarah) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 120 Morningside dr apt 4 Llewallyn Guy barber Old South Barber Shop r Watkinsville rd RD 2 Llewallyn Jon slsmn Colonial Stores r 1483 E Broad Llewallyn Keith C (Nellie B) h 880 College av Llewallyn Vester M (Georgia H) 1 dispr Veterans Cab Co h 1483 E Broad Lloyd Clabus Jr (Kath R) 2 mgr Adams Trans Co h 225 DuBose av Lloyd J Thos (Margt W) 1 local sis mgr Radio Sta WRFC h 435 Sunset dr LOCAL FINANCE CO Chas W Horn Mgr
Rm 210-11 128*6 College av--Dial LI 6-8672 (See Buyers Guide)
Lochridge Edw B eng State Hwy Dept r off Hull rd
Lockhart Claude (Mary G) h 815 Col lege av

Lockeman Buford slsmn Dick Allais r RD 1
Loden Nancy D (wid G L) h 445 W Cloverhurst av
Loef Co The (Mrs Sarah G Loef) auto parts used 560 N Thomas
Loef Freddie student r 402 W Cloverhurst av
Loef Harry (Sarah G) mgr The Loef Co h 402 W Cloverhurst
Loef Sarah G (Mrs Harry) (The Loef Co) r 402 W Cloverhurst
Loftis Harbin B (Ernestine T) 2 instr U of Ga h 1719 S Lumpkin
Loftis Terry student r 1719 S Lumpkin Lofton Wylie hlpr Wilfong Bros r 618
Foundry Logan Alf E Rev (Josie J) h 2047 Jef
ferson rd Logan Audie B (Virginia P) elk USPO
h 9 Myrtle ct Logan Betty ofc asst Dr J A Green Jr r
RD 2 LOGAN H HUGH (Georgia B) 1 (Nor-
mil Hdw Co) Genl Contra 1368 Prince
av h 204O Jefferson rd--Dial LI 3-5238
Logan Henry L (Juanita C) h 2040 Jefferson rd
Logan Henry O (Laura L) h 1147 Prince av apt 2
Logan Horace G (Eleanor S) pressmn Dairypak Inc h 2062 Jefferson rd RD 2
Logan J W (Eliz M) mgr Farmers Mut Whse Assn r Colbert Ga
Logan Joyce nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r RD 2
Logan Millard (Opal) whsemn Talmadge Whol Co Inc r RD 2
Logan W Hugh h 395 Bloomfield Loggins Bernice r 145 Herring Loggins Buford W (Mary E) 8 h 145 Her
ring Loggins C K (Maggie J) h 120 Herring Loggins Florence mach opr Fields Mfg Co r
120 Herring Loggins Johnny (Alva M) USA h 546 Col
lege av LokeyJ H slsmn The Webb-Crawford Co
r Winder Ga London Eula B 3 h 18 Broadacres Long Boyce S (Gwen J) mgr John Jarrell
University Shop r 106 Tillman la Long Camilla dom Athens Nursery Sch
r 160 Yonah av Long Daisy M r 150 N Harris Long Dorsey r 758 N Hull Long Eliz desk service Davison-Paxon Co
r 574 Pulaski Long Ernest E (Jane W) trav slsmn h
520 South View dr Long Esco (Evelyn V) 1 masonry contr
244 Nantahala av h same Long Geo N engineering aide State Hwy
Dept r Washington Ga Long H V Candy Co (H V Long) 686
Barber Long H Wm (Mildred G) 2 elk Bell's Food
Mkt h 558 Pulaski Long Harry W (Sarah H) 1 pntr h 574

Long Howard (Laidy B H) 3 whsemn Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 1695 E Broad
Long Howell V (Eliz H) 1 slsmn h 686 Barber
Long Jack G student r 525 S Milledge av Long Jas (Sarah) 4 lab h 943 Hobson
av Long Jerry W asst mgr A&P Food Stores
r Watkmsville Ga Long Jim lab r 337 Arch Long Mary r 50 Broadacres Long Ophelia student r 943 Hobson av Long Peggy student r 101 Clover Long Philip V (Marita W) slsmn Mills
Whol Co h 525 S Milledge av Long Ralph (Osee) car washer C A
Trussell Mtr Co r RD 4 Long Romulus W engineering aide State
Hwy Dept r Washington Ga Long Rpscoe A (Ruth S) 1 spl agt Pro
gressive Life & Fire Ins Co h 101 Clover Long Sarah ctr Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 943 Hobson av Long Vernada V (wid E C) h 357 S Milledge av Looney Joyce B (Mrs W D) student r 225 Hall Looney Lloyd R r 194 Bryant Looney Lloyd W (Louise D) 3 emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 194 Bryant Looney Louise D (Mrs L W) mach opr Fields Mfg Co r 194 Bryant Looney Wm D (Joyce B) ship elk South eastern Rubber Mfg Co r 225 Hall Looney Willie (Ruby W) h 192 Bryant Lopez Anthony (Mary) 2 research wkr U of Ga h 259 Milledge ter Lord AC (Rosa L) 1 trk dr hlpr Co lonial Feed Co h 140 Strickland LORD ALBERT M (Nell C) 2 V-Pres City Motors Inc h 400 West View dr Lord Ben H Jr (Martha M) pharm Edwards Prescription Laboratory r Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Lord Bobby (Lavine) slsmn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Gainesville Ga Lord Charlie I tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 167 Chatooga Lord Dorothy McC (Mrs R B) bkpr Athens Tire & Auto Sup Co r 1443 E Broad Lord Edw A (Willie L) bkpr cotton dept Farmers Mut Whse Assn r RD 3 Lord Franklin D (Doris H) 1 carp U of Ga h Princeton rd RD 4 Lord Hall D (Tommetto H) bodymn Ga Mtrs Inc r Ila Ga
Lord Homer W (Madelyn H) 2 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 2080 Jefferson rd
Lord Mary G (wid G S) h 671 N Thomas
Lord Reba W Mrs 1 h 160 Lenoir av Lord Roger B (Dorothy M) mech Russell
Daniel Inc r 1443 E Broad
Lord Walter G (Wilda) slsmn Russell Dan iel Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Lord Wilda mac hopr Classic' City Overall Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga



Lord Wm T (Nancy 0) 2 service mn Loyd Harry (Ethel) mach Foster's Garage

Ernest Crymes Co h 142 Clover

r 1961 W Broad

Lord Willie L (Mrs E A) ofc sec State Loyd Noah W (Gladys D) 2 emp Puritan

Agrl Extn Service r Wire Bridge rd Cordage Mill h Princeton rd RD 4

RD 3

Loyd Shirley G ofc sec Dr N G Slaughter

Lorenz Else B (wid Robt) h 158 Wood- r 940 S Lumpkin


Luke Ellis A installation formn Consoli

Lorenz Robt prof U of Ga r 158 Woodrpw dated Gas Co r Statham Ga Lorvorn Chas C student r 102 University Luke Geo (Janie) 4 lab h 340 Paris

ct apt 6

Luke Wm F concession atndt Athens Drive-

Louis Jesse L servicemn Supreme Recap- in Theatre r Bogart Ga

pers Inc r 680 N Lumpkin

Lumpkin Albert (Sophia H) farmer h

Love Jas A delmn Hodgkinson's r RD 2

Winterville rd

Love Oakey (Reba) knitter Rodgers Hos Lumpkin Alice M (wid P W) r 1334 S

iery Co Inc r RD 1


Lovejoy Florence agt Afro-Am Life Ins Lumpkin B Eug (Chloe B) supt City Sani

Co r Covington Ga

tary Dept h 1334 S Lumpkin

Lovelace Chas O (Betty T) 2 ofc mgr Ster- Lumpkin Barbara B Mrs 1 r 1663 S Mil-

chi Bros Store Inc h 106 University ct ledge av

apt 21

Lumpkin Bennie (Suse C) 1 r 690 N

Leveling Bill lab G M Caskey & Son r Hull

217 S Thomas


Lovell Audrey Mrs ticket opr elk SAL

ciate Editor The Athens Banner-Herald

R R Co h 253 E Dougherty apt 1

h 188 W Cloverhurst av -- Dial LI

Lovern Curtis L (Woodie N) (Ga Bar


ber Shop) member City Council 267 Du- Lumpkin Chas E porter USPO r 175

Bose av


Lovern Emma T (wid R C) h 788 Bax Lumpkin Chas E (Hattie B) jan h 1072

ter Lovern Lera N slswn S H Kress & Co r
RD 4 Lovern Ophelia B (Mrs R E) slswn Hor-
ton's Drug Store r 788 Baxter Lovern Robt E (Ophelia B) agt Carolina
Life Ins Co r 788 Baxter Lowe Buddie h 495 S Rockspring Lowe Corine 2 emp Athens Poultry Inc
r 135 Cohen Lowe Dotsy (Matilda) emp Colonial
Poultry Co h 45 Fuller

Reese Lumpkin Charlie (Mamie J) yd mn
h 254 Glenhaven av Lumpkin Chloe B (Mrs BE) service asst
5 B T & T Co r 1334 S Lumpkin Lumpkin Dorothy L maid 590 W Clover-
hurst r RD 3 Lumpkin Eliza D Mrs h 945 Hill
Lumpkin Eudora M student r 375 N Rockspring
Lumpkin Eunice T dom r 223 N Finley

Lowe Edgar H collection mgr Arrow Loan Lumpkin Frank (Frances) lab Alex

& Ins Co r Statham Ga Lowe Ernest A (Ruth R) dir Div of

ander Wood Products Co h 122 Heudrix av

Genl Extension U of Ga h 455 Highland Lumpkin Gertrude r 375 N Rockspring


Lumpkin Gussie r 530 Water

Lowe Irene 2 maid 163 Park av h 156 Lumpkin H L Jr (Louise S) embalmer

Yonah av Lowe Jack I student r 218 Morton av

Mack & Payne Funeral Home h 480 N Billups

Lowe Minnie r 254 Glenhaven av

Lumpkin Hattie maid h 147 Franklin

Lowe Nathl (Ruth S) orderly Athens LUMPKIN HOUSTON L (Minnie W) 2

Genl Hosp h 1247 W Hancock av

Mack & Payne Funeral Home r Dan-

Lowe Norrise jan U of Ga r 495 S Rock-

ielsville RD 1--Dial LI 6-8340


Lumpkin Jack Q (Mary P) (The Laun-

Lowery Havery C (Ruth R) 1 chf inspr State Agrl Extn Service h 144 North View dr
Lowry Mollie D (wid O T) h 195 Mul berry
Lowry Rhonwyn asst leader State 4-H Club h 103 University ct apt 11
Loyal Order of Moose Lodge No 767 meets

derrest) r Milledge Annex (U of Ga) Lumpkin Jas F student r 375 N Rock-
spring Lumpkin Jessie (Leila H) 1 constn wkr
h 153 Lyndon av Lumpkins Jos lab The Loef Co r 370
N Pope Lumpkin Katie B cash Afro-Am Life
Ins Co r 1072 Reese

monthly 1st and 3d Wednesday 8:00 pm Lumpkin Laura 1 590 Milledge cir

Whitehall rd RD 4

h 185 S Rockspring

Loyd Beatrice (Loyd Gro) r 1010 E Broad Lumpkin Leroy atndt Holcomb's Service

Loyd Felix M (Hallie B) slsmn Hagood's

Sta r 357 Arch

Shoe Store h 940 S Lumpkin

Lumpkin Louise 2 r 300 Glenhaven av

Loyd Hallie B (Mrs F M) ofc sec Findley Lumpkin Magnolia ironer Athens Lndry

Dry Clnrs r 940 S Lumpkin

6 Dry Clng Service r RD 3



Lumpkin Mamie J maid U of Ga Infirm ary r 254 Glenhaven av
Lumpkin Marion B r 188 W Cloverhurst av
Lumpkin Mary dom r 386 DuBose av Lumpkin Minnie W bkpr Mack & Payne
Funeral Home r Danielsville rd RD 1 Lumpkin Nancy F maid 530 S Mil-
ledge av h 967 Reese Lumpkins Neil (Marion W) 4 trk dr
Thornton Bros Paper Co h 17 Broadacres Lumpkin Pearlie (Rose C) roofer L M Leathers' Sons h 262 W Strong Lumpkin Richd lab The Rowland Co r Lexington rd RD 3 Lumpkin Robt srevice sta atndt City Mtrs Inc r 228% Rockspring Lumpkin Rosalie salad wn Snelling Hall Cafeteria (U of Ga) r rear 244 Bar ber Lumpkin Rubell ironer Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service r RD 3 Lumpkin Sam W (Eunice T) 2 emp Liberty Dry Clnrs h 223 N Finley Lumpkin Sampson lab The Rowland Co r Atlanta hwy RD 4 Lumpkin Sarah r 1140 W Hancock av Lumpkin Susie C maid 169 Barber r 690 N Hull Lumpkin Thedford student r 180 Her ring Lumpkin Whit (Martha B) 7 jan First Baptist Ch h 180 Herring Lumpkin Wm H lab Georgian Lndry & Dry Clnrs r 185 S Rockspring Lunceford C Felton (Maude) agt Caro lina Life Ins Co h 677 College av Lunceford Clara student r 195 Lyndon av Lunceford Maude (Mrs C F) elk Bell's Food Store r 677 College av Lunceford Murray trk dr hlpr The Webb Crawford Co r 634 N Foundry Lunsford Alice C (wid R C) 1 inspr Chicopee Mfg Co r 180 Hillside Lunsford Berta M (Mrs C F) cash Chas F Lunsford r 630 Belvoir hts Lunsford Betty M (Mrs W L) emp Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 870 N Chase Lunsford Chas F (Berta N) gro 897 N Chase h 630 Belvoir hts Lunsford Estelle J Mrs r 693 Boulevard Lunsford Frances W (wid R C) ofc elk City Mtrs Inc r 693 Boulevard
Lunsford Grace T (Mrs Jas) prac nurse 788 Prince av r same
Lunsford Jas (Grace T) 1 carp h 788 Prince av
Lunsford Linda student r 788 Prince av

Lux John B (Carolyn M) USN h 1060 S Lumpkin apt 402
Lyle Chas L (Martha C) counter mn Ga Tire & Rubber Co h 385 Sunset dr
Lyle Chester A (Evelyn G) 2 trk dr J Swanton Ivy Inc h 145 Westover dr
Lyle Jos H (Marie M) 3 slsmn Classic City Wine & Beverage Co h 159 Westover dr
Lyle Winnie (wid J R B) r 145 Westover dr
Lyles Bug h 147 Plum Lyles Leila h 330 Augusta av Lymon Willie 1 h rear 1162-a W Broad Lynch David W (Virginia T) 2 eng Ga R R
h 85 Myraa ct apts Lynch J Donald (Joyce W) student r 520
University dr Lynch Joyce W (Mrs J D) ofc sec U of Ga
r 520 University dr Lynch Melissa D (wid F B) h 445 N
Milledge av Lynch Ulysses S (Dell W) mgr Haygood's
Corn & Wheat Mill h Princeton rd RD 4 Lyndon House Community Center The Mrs
Roberta P Elliott recreational dir 293 E Hoyt Lynn David L (Hart L) student h 512 Bloomfield Lynn Hart L (Mrs D L) ofc sec U of Ga r 512 Bloomfield Lyons Alf M (Lilie B) h 152 Parkway dr Lyons Apartments The 1050 S Lumpkin Lyons Bertha Mrs grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp r RD 1 Lyons Chas H S prin Union Institute h 427 Baxter Lyons Chas H S Jr (Dorothy) sch tchr h 1262 W Broad Lyons Cony (Roberta) yd mn Old Colony Mtr Court h 171 Lyndon Row Lyons Jas L carp C P Shaw Constn Co r 428 S Jackson Lyons Lottie M tchr r 427 Baxter Lyons Matilda Ch630S Church Lyons Pharmacy The (John Y Coffee and T H Peeler) 1052 S Lumpkin Lyons Roberta presser Gray Bros Dry Clnrs r 171 Lyndon Row Lyons Ruby S Mrs r 786 Boulevard Lytle Margt B (Mrs R A) tchr Oconee Street Sch r 217 Springdale Lytle Raymond A (Margt B) 3 prof U of Ga h 217 Springdale
To Find a Name You Host Know How to Spell It.

Lunceford Stella M 2 emp Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 195 Lyndon av
Lunsford W Mell engineering aide State Hwy Dept r Washington Ga
Lunsford Wm L (Betty M) 2 ship elk In land Rubber Co h 870 N Chase
Luthi Walter B (Bula P) carp h 525 Meigs

McAlphine Martha I education specialist State Agrl Extn Service r 197 Dearing
McAnally Bee tchr Porter Business College Inc r YWCA
McCall Lula P (wid J P) r 511 Bloomfield
McCambrick Lizzie h 180 Grove



McCannon Addie B (Mrs P F Jr) dental asst Dr J L Holliday r Comer Ga
McCannon Clara H (Mrs E C) genl asst U of Ga Library r 564 Pulaski
McCannon EC shp elk Benson's Bakery h 721 Pulaski
McCannon E Gene (Kathleen) typewriter mech The McGregor Co r Comer Ga
McCannon Ernest C (Clara H) picture framer The McGregor Co r 564 Pulaski
McCannon Ethel H Mrs (McCannon's Gro) h 1443 E Broad
McCannon Frank (Clara M) winch trk opr Ga Power Co h 588 Meigs
McCannon Hershal L hlpr Spratlin Elec Co r 721 Pulaski
McCannon Ida H (wid E C) r 721 Pu laski
McCannon J Lawrenc'e (Dolly H) meter reader City Water Wks h 725 Pulaski
McCannon Opal J Mrs mach opr Fields Mfg Co r Bogart Ga
McCannon Sara A waitress The Mayflower r 721 Pulaski
McCannon Sidney M (Nora E) (McCan non's Service Sta) r Hull Ga
McCannon's Grocery (Mrs Ethel H McCan non) 1447 E Broad
McCannon's Service Station (Sidney M McCannon) 269 Dougherty
McCants Betty J r 289 Morton av McCants Howard W (Sara) 2 (Clarke
County Milling Co) h 289 Morton av McCants Ralph B (Polly W) (Clarke
County Milling Co) h 103 Clover McCarson Gabrilla S (wid G V) h 463
Hampton ct McCarty Billy A (Nettie E) ship elk Ath
ens Lbr Co r Danielsville rd RD 1 McCarty Garrett J (Eliz H) 1 slsmn W F
McElreath's Beverage h 146 Mell McCarty Hallie S tex wkr Big Ace Corp
h 625 Pulaski McCarty Helen C Mrs inspr Good Luck
Mfg Co r 546 College av McCarty Homer F (Lilly B) 3 tex wkr h
809 College av McCarty Horace A (Lilla M W) 1 h 169
Clover McCarty Jeanette (wid Fred) r 733 Pu
laski McCarthy L Dennis (Barbara W) USN r
445 N Milledge av McCarty Lila M W (Mrs H A) mach opr
Fields Mfg Co r 169 Clover McCarty Lilly B (Mrs H F) tex wkr r 809
College av McCarty R Alton sacker r 169 Clover McCarty Wm F emp W A Stevens Co r
Arnoldsville Ga McCellan Jas W carp G M Caskey & Son
r Danielsville rd RD 1
McChesney Ida M student r 127 Childs
McCier Charlie (Nuner P) 4 jan U of Ga h 160 Lyndon av
McCier Georgia student r 160 Lyndon av
McClain Bess H (wid L T) 1 h 131 Grady av

McClain Carrie E (wid J C) sec-treas Athens Business College h 130 Springdale
McClain Earl M hlpr State Farmers' Mkt r 1452 E Broad
McClain Grace F (wid W) drsmkr 393 N Finley r same
McClain Howard F r 1452 E Broad Mc'Clain John T (Montine W) 5 USA h S
Freeman dr RD 1 McClain Minnie J (wid Monroe) h 1452
E Broad McClain Walter M (Louise S) 2 dr Yellow
Cab Co h 560 Hill McCleskey Almira h 1643 W Hancock
av McCleskey Hiram A (Frances S) 1
appr embalmer Mack & Payne Funeral Home h 242 Magnolia av McClesky Frances S sch tchr r 242 Mag nolia av McClinton Alex r 147 Strickland McCLURE CHAS A (Dorothy W) 2 VPre-Trea Radio Athens Inc Natl Sis
Mgr Radio Sta WRFC h 162 Hart av McClure Jeanette waitress The Mayflower
r 153 Boulevard hts Mc'Clure Myrtle (wid G P) elk Cody David
Inc r 153 Boulevard hts McCombs Beatrice D (Mrs J D) ckr A&P
Food Stores r 115 Crestview cir McCombs John D (Beatrice D) fish bait
whol 180 Park h 115 Crestview cir McCombs Mittie S (wid J D) r 115 Crest-
view cir McCommon Goldie M (wid L L) h 1242
S Lumpkin McConally Bessie comptometer opr Pro
duction Marketing Assn r 347 W Han cock av McConnell Hafford C formn plant opera tions U of Ga h 167 Oglethorpe av Mc'Connell Nell mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Commerce Ga McCowan Alien R (Betty I) 1 h 76 Myrna ct apts McCoy Hugh D (Emma C) eng State State Hwy Dept h 385 Springdale McCoy Jas E (Lucille T) 2 USN h 310 Nellie V av McCoy Thos D (Trudy B) emp Navy Sup Corps Sch h 139 Clover McCrary Synabelle r rear 285 Cleve land av
McCrea Louise S (wid Herman) r 349 E Hoyt
McCrea Allan (Fannie) cook h 1734 W Hancock
Mc'Cree Allene (Mrs J M) tex wkr r 535 King av
McCree Alma B 1 dom h 327 Ath ens av
McCree E Eug electn hlpr John Eppes Elec Co r Statham Ga
McCree Ed r 543 Reese
McCree Eliz r 327 Athens av
McCree Fannie maid 625 Holman av r 1734 W Hancock av

McCree Hershel E electn John Eppes Elec McDaniel Wm R (Gennell B) 3 slsmn

Co r Watkinsville Ga

Crow's Drug Store Inc h 295 Hiawassee

McCree Jerry M (Allene T) emp The C av

& S Natl 8k h 535 King av McCree Lulu r 1734 W Hancock av McCree M Ruth tex wkr r 897 Hill

McDaris Jas A trk dr W B Rice Petroleum Co Inc r Doraville Ga
McDaris Madge (Mrs H E) sec Prince Ave

Mc'Cree Marie beauty opr 543 Reese nue Baptist Ch r Watkinsville Ga

h same McCree Mattie r 200 Magnolia McCree Mattie L r 638 College av McCree Rowena tchr Athens High & In
dustrial Sch r 317 N Chase

McDonald Alvin L USAF r 830 College av McDonald Bobby (Lucille P) 1 USA r rear
265 S Peter McDonald Hazel Mrs h 190 University dr McDonald Jas R brklyr G M Caskey &

McCree Saml (Rowena B) 1 bar Son r Winder Ga

tender Athens Country Club h 317 N McDonald John A (Louise H) brkylr G M


Caskey & Son h 895 Prince av

McCue Robt R (Millie B) 3 slsmn Bed- McDonald Louise H (Mrs J A) nurse Ath

good Lbr & Coal Co h 180 Wilcox

ens Genl Hosp r 895 Prince av

McCuiston Ralph knitter Rodgers Hosiery McDonald Marcus (Ruby C) maintenance

Co Inc r 560 Hill

mn Big Ace Corp h 830 College av

McCune Clarence E (Annie G) 3 printer McDonald Mary Mrs mach opr Fields Mfg

The McGregor Co h 234 S Peter McCune Donald E r 234 S Peter

Co r Bogart Ga McDonald Jas J (Joan T) 3 phys 455 N

McCune Larry student r 137 N Peter

Milledge av h 155 Oakland Way

McCune Lawerence A (Mable E) 4 pntr McDonald Wm A (Lila) 2 emp C of Ga Ry

h 137 N Peter

h 710 Oglethorpe av

McCune Robt r 1048 E Broad

McDowell Geo M (Carolyn McW) city

McCurdy Bruce D (Betty H) USN h 190

appraiser, city electrical inspr and civil

University dr McCurley Ernestine 2 r 169 North av

defense dir h 214 Marion dr McDORMAN CLYDE D (Leola T) Pres-

McCurley Garnett T (Kathleen) mech Chief Pontiac Co r Winterville Ga

Treas McDorman Funeral Home Inc Agent Coastal State* Life Insurance Co

McCurley Jas E (Rumelle S) 2 boiler plant h 220 Prince av -- Dial LI 6-8261

opr Navy Sup Corps Sch h 143 Clover- McDORMAN FUNERAL HOME INC Clyde

hurst cir

D McDorman Pres-Treas, Mrs Leola T

McCurley Rumelle S (Mrs J E) bkpr Poul try Industries Inc r 143 Cloverhurst cir

McDorman Sec, Funeral Directors, Mor ticians, Ambulance Service. 220 Prince

McCurry Betty r 186 Johns

T -- Dial LI 6-8261 (See Marginal

McCurry Hoyt (Thelma) 3 lab Chicopee Lines)

Mfg Co h 160 Berry


McCurry Jimmie D (Lilly G) 2 yd mn McDorman Funeral Home Inc r 220

U of Ga h 186 Johns

Prince ar--Dial LI 6-8261

MeCurry John H slsmn City Mtrs Inc r McDorman Mary M (wid R E) r 1333 S

Colonial Hotel McCurry Lillie G maid Sunset dr r 186
Johns McCurry Thelma ctr Athens Poultry Co
Inc r 160 Berry McCuster Mary h 172 Yonah av McCutchen Earl S (Mary T) 1 prof U of
Ga h 1393% S Milledge av McDaniel Betty M nurse St Mary's Hosp
r 173 Wilkerson McDaniel Clara W (wid S G) h 150
Buena Vista av apt 1 McDaniel Douglas H emp Wier & White
Air Conditioning & Htg Co r Lexington rd

Lumpkin McDougald W Worth (Charlotte B) 2
prof U of Ga h 248 Marion dr McDowell Thos B (Lucile K) 1 emp
U S Soil Conservation Service h 655 Holman av McDuffie Jewel S (wid J L) h 600 W Broad McElhannon Edwin L (Uclette T) slsmn Davison-Paxon Co r Jefferson Ga McElhannon Walter S trav slsmn The Mc Gregor Co r Winder Ga McElreath Martin C (Minnie B) elk The Piedmont Mkt r Winterville Ga
McELREATH W F BEVERAGES (W Frank McElreath) Beer and Wine Dis tributor 601 E Broad--Dial LI 6-0442

McDaniel Floyd T (Kathleen) dr Yellow Cab Co h Lexington rd
McDaniel Jas E (Mary O) 2 elk USPO r 347 Hill

(See Buyers Guide)
McELREATH W FRANK (Julia K) (W F McElreatk Beverages) r Y-Camp rd -- Dial LI 6-0332

McDaniel Jas W (Josie W) 2 emp Chico McElroy Albert F (Edna H) 1 linemn

pee Mfg Co h 173 Wilkerson

Ga Power Co h 440 Pine Needle rd

McDaniel Josie W (Mrs J W) nurse St McElroy Alford B (Mildred W) 3 brklyr r

Mary's Hosp r 173 Wilkerson

540 Oconee

McDaniel Noah J (Addie C) night wtchmn McElroy Bennie M mach opr Classic City

The Hanna Mfg Co h 180 Pottery

Overall Co Inc r Colbert Ga



McElroy Berthine M ofc sec The U of Ga Prntg Dept r Colbert Ga
McElroy Chas N (Jacqueline W) 1 meat ctr Colonial Stores Inc h 54 Hplman av
McElroy Christine inspr Classic City Over all Co Inc r Auburn Ga
McElroy Giles mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r Statham Ga
McElroy Grover H slsmn Hugh D McLeroy Prod r Danielsville Ga
McElroy Henry P (Lealie M) 4 tex supvr h 157 Springdale
McElroy Jacqueline W (Mrs C U) opr S B T & T Co r 54 Holman av
McElroy Jerome (Jannie) trk dr H L Cofer & Co h 447 S Rockspring
McElroy Larry R (Runell T) USN r 890 College av
McElroy Mildred (Mrs A B) emp Benson's Bakery r 540 Oconee
McElroy R C (Louise) slsmn Gulf Oil Ser vice Sta r Winder Ga
McElroy Richd (Bertha) platemn Dairypak Inc r Colbert Ga
McElroy Runell T (Mrs L R) ckr Georgian Lndry & Clnrs r 890 College av
McElroy Sara C (Mrs T J) spinner Chicopee Mfg Co r 165 Florida av
McElroy Speer ship elk Classic City Over all Co Inc r Winder Ga
McElroy Thos J (Sara C) 2 h 165 Florida av
McElveen Barbara T (Mrs C D) laboratory tech Athens Genl Hosp r Campus Sta
McElveen J Marion proctor The Christian College of Ga r 220 S Hull
McEntire Annie L (wid B F) r 396 S Pope
McEntire Fred H sten Deupree Hunnicutt r 1137 S Milledge av
McEntire Roy B slsmn H O Epting & Co r 345 Ruth
McEver Lois M ofc sec Athens High Sch r 347 S Milledge av
McFaddin John D (Maude H) h 463 Marlin
McFarland Thos A (Julia C) 2 h 60 Holman av
McGahee Calvin M (Miriam T) h 245 Barber
McGahee Louise W (Mrs T C) opr Mary Ann Beauty Shop r 186 Westover dr
McGahee Tom C (Louise W) patrolmn City Police Dept h 186 Westover dr
McGalliard Chas O Jr (Helen) mach Qual ity Mach Co r Princeton rd RD 4
McGalliard John (Curnie T) 1 trk dr Co lonial Feed Co h 688 Pulaski
McGarity Montine M Mrs sten County Dept Pub Welfare r Danielsville Ga
McGarity Stuart W (Frances S) 1 sis rep h Whitehall rd RD 4
McGarity Wilford K (Lona C) accnt U S Production & Marketing Admn h 117 Springdale
McGeehan Pat J (Margt D) 3 plant mgr L M Leathers' Sons h 210 Westover dr

McGill J A slsmn The Webb-Crawford Co r Commerce Ga
McGinnis Fred (Wilma H) bkpr Empire State Chem Co r Ila Ga
McGinning Niac h 344 % S Rockspring McGinnis Otis A Jr emp Athens Coopera
tive Creamery r Colbert Ga McGlamery John R (Martha A) 2 (The
Gaye Cafe) wtchmn Sou Mill Sup Co h 947 N Chase McGowan John E (Virginia B) 2 asst dai ryman State Agrl Extn Service h 56 Myrna ct apts McGowen Olin S farmer r 173 Catawba av McGraw John H (Ermine T) aud Met Life Ins Co h 484 W Cloverhurst av McGREGOR CO THE G Arth Booth Pres, J Glide Anderton V-Pres, W Irvin Hopkin* Sec-Treas, Johnny T Young Asst See, Commercial and Job Printing, Furniture and Office and School Supplier 321 E Clayton Dial LI 3-5291, Furniture Dept 26O N Jackson, Printing Dept 312 E Washington Dial LI 3-443O (See Front Supplement CoTer and Buyers
Guide) McGregor Grace Mrs 1 genl asst U of Ga
Library r 240 DuBose av McGuire Willie C maid Climax Hosiery
Mills h 136 Morton al McHatton Thos H (Marie L) prof U of
Ga h 847 S Milledge av McHugh F E (Pink S) 1 mgr Gallant-
Belk Co h 235 King av Mclntire Rosalene r 448 Madison av Mclntosh Thos P (Virginia K) student h
198 Dearing apt 1 Mclntyre Alyin H (Margt H) 1 carp h
650 Belvoir hts Mclntyre Ronald A USAF r 650 Belvoir
hts McKeever Dewaine W Rev (Leila M) 1
hlpr Carter's Bldg Sup Co h 1387 W Broad McKeever Stewart r 1387 W Broad McKelvey Jas W (Hattie H) h 475 Ruth McKenney Daisy h 237 Atlanta av McKie Mamie V h 229 Cloverhurst av McKinley Albert T (Ella M) h 323 S Pope McKinley Daisy r 264 Magnolia McKinley Ida Mlr293S Rockspring McKinley Mary Mrs tchr r 597 Morton av McKinley Marv E r 525 W Hancock av McKinney Hubert E (Latrelle G) prod mgr Colonial Stores Inc h 277 Hill
McKinney Ronald G student r 277 Hill
McKinnon Lily C (wid W E) h 357 Oak
McKinnon Mary (wid Chas) r 368 Oconee
McKinnon W E Jr (Jean M) 1 detective City Police Dept h 320 Holman av
McKinnon Wesley W (Louise K) 2 firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 960 S Lumpkin
McKinnon Wm (Ruth E) capt County Police h 220 Highland av

McLain Milton E (Mary E) porter City Mtrs Inc h 200 Magnolia
McLane Harvey A (Eliz R) h 325 Geor gia Depot
McLane Horace J (Millie) 1 slsmn The Webb-Crawford Co h 460 Morton av
McLaurin Jos H (Oliver T) h 298 Prince av
McLean Insurance Agency (Sam H McLean) genl 1237 Prince av
McLean Mike h 382 Oak McLean Sam H (Jean W) 2 (McLean Ins
Agcy) agt Gulf Life Ins Co h 1237 Prince av McLellan Jas (Betty) 3 h 76 Myrna ct apts McLellan Stores Co John E Pittman mgr variety store 275-79 E Clayton McLEMORE JAS H (Laura M) Agt
Standard Oil Co of Ky Inc h 2072 Jef
ferson rd--Dial LI 3-2616 McLemore Laura M (Mrs J H) elk U S
Navy Sup Corps Sch r 2072 Jefferson rd RD 2 McLendon Marguerite E student r 250 West View dr McLendon Marguerite W (Mrs W F) asst U of Ga Library r 250 West View dr McLendon Walter F (Marguerite W) dept head U of Ga h 250 West View dr McLeod David L (Geneva A) 2 tchr h 594 Franklin McLeod L V adjuster Crawford & Co r 460 Springdale av McLeroy A L (McLeroy Service Sta) r Whitehead rd McLeroy Brothers (H Grady McLeroy) cotton ginners 173 Georgia av McLeroy Clarence R capt City Fire Dept r 227 DuBose av McLeroy Cornelia G (wid J E) h 120 Johnson dr McLeroy Gertrude W Mrs seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 1080 Oconee McLeroy Gladys T (Mrs O E) mach opr r 330 Barber McLeroy H Dorsey (Mary S) 2 (Hugh D McLeroy Prod) h 398 Oak McLeroy H Grady (McLeroy Bros) r Bea ver Dam rd McLeroy Harold D (Ruth B) 3 electn Chicopee Mfg Co h 358 Oconee McLeroy Henry G Jr (Ophelia S) 3 (McLeroy Plmbg Service) h 320 King av McLeroy Hugh D Produce (H Dorsey Mc Leroy) whol 450 Georgia Depot McLeroy Jas E Jr (Eliz F) auto slsmn r 120 Johnson dr McLeroy Jas L (Olivia D) 5 emp Ath ens Poultry Co h Sunset dr McLeroy Jas L Jr student r Sunset dr
McLeroy John D (Ava G) barber Ga Bar ber Shop h 354 Oconee
McLeroy John R delmn Hugh D McLeroy Prod r 1095 North av
McLeroy Linda student r 1080 Oconee
McLeroy Olivia D (Mrs J L) slswn Davison-Paxon Co r Sunset dr RD 2

McLeroy Oscar E (Gladys T) h 330 Bar ber
McLeroy Plumbing Service (Henry G Mc Leroy Jr) 320 King av
McElroy Robt L delmn Hugh D McLeroy Prod r Whitehead rd
McLeroy Service Station (A L McLeroy) 843 Prince av
McLeroy Wm H (Addie M) slsmn Hugh D McLeroy Prod h 17 Parkview Homes
McLian Wm (Janie E) r 877 College av McManus Chas E (Dell C) 1 v-pres Alex
ander Wool Products Co h 156 Milledge ter McManus Chas E (Delia C) v-pres Alex ander Wood Products Inc h 156 Milledge ter McManus Clifford B Jr (Mary M) 1 trans mission eng Ga Power Co h 180 Stanton Way McMillan Claire (Mrs Douglas) IBM opr Talmadge Whol Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga McMillan Douglas (Claire) elk A&P Food Stores r Watkinsville Ga McMillan T J (Dollie M) slsmn h 240 Marion dr McMillen Chas W (Jane M) 2 cred supvr Genl Mtrs Acceptance Corp h 142 Burnette McMullan Billy student r 298 Barber McMullan Jane student r 841 Bobbin Mill rd McMullan John F student r 841 Bobbin Mill rd McMullan Polly L (wid L L) h 841 Bob bin Mill rd McMullan Robt A (Ruth T) trk dr Benson's Bkry r 298 Barber McMurry Eliz salad girl Pig Drive In r 320 Cleveland rd McMurry Ruth salad girl Pig Drive In r 150 Lyndon McNab John B (Alice H) cash Sou Cot ton Oil Co h 460 Springdale McNeill Julie H (wid D H) r 763 Cobb McPhaul Margt E associate prof U of Ga h 1510 S Lumpkin apt G-3 McPherson John H T Jr (Helen C) phys 1010 Prince av r Tallassee rd RD 2 McPherson Margt B (wid J H T) h 625 S Milledge av McPherson Robt G (Margt L) 2 prof U of Ga h 421 Hampton ct McRae C Parker (Mary W) area develop ment rep Ga Power Co h 568 Castalia av McRae Margt S student r 568 Castalia av McRae Oscar B (Lillie W) agt Athens Ter minal Co, Gainesville-Midland R R Co and S A L R R Co h 4408 Milledge av
McRee Annie H (wid Ben) r 1620 Prince av
McRee Barbara C Mrs 1 sewer Good Luck Mfg Co r 126 N Poplar
McRee Clyde (Gertrude) slsmn Talmadge Whol Co Inc r Jefferson Ga
McRee Florence W (Mrs M M) alterationist J C Penney Co Inc r 122 Poplar





PHONE LI 3-3167

651 W. BROAD ST.






Agents North American Van Lines, Inc.

Li 3-9324

PHONES Night Li 6-8807 - 3-3014

766 W. Broad St.



WITH FULLY EQUIPPED NURSERY "Georgia's Most Complete Nursery''

10 WEB
America's Finest


Power Lawn Mower

(Fertilizer and Insecticides)

Athens Wood Preserving Co.

Evergreen Landscape Service

Fence Posts and Poles

Grading Lawn Preparation Nursery

Phone LI 3-9946
Atanta Highway -- V/i Miles West of Athens




Screens -- Cabinets



. .

Tailor-Made Seat Covers


Phone Li 3-4865

Estimates Cheerfully Given



Phone LI 3-3167
651 W. Broad St.

Dirt Wears
Out Rugs

We Remove the Dirt & Save the Wear

CLEANING -- REPAIRING -- LAYING Upholstery Cleaning
BliM Hfl1 ftLI1MMll\l1ll\UT fUfPt. Lip6h-o14n4e1
Dealers in Oriental and Domestic Rugs

ONE-DAY SERVICE H. A. Doolittle, Owner
NO EXTRA CHARGE for Pickup & Delivery

(Prince Ave. at Fire Station)
Phone LI 3-9303

NEW MACHINES MADE TO ORDER Specialty Machine Work for Hot Rods and Racers Emergency Calls Promptly
Electric - Acetylene WELDING
Aluminum a Specialty
Phone LI 6-0619


Same Quality

Same Service

No. 1 Atlanta Hwy. No. 2 Lexington Rd.

Phone Li 6-8101
i:t mm; POSS' PIT COOKED Genuine

Phone Li 6-8320

The Home of the Famous "Old Fashion"
CHICKEN DINNERS STEAKS and CHOPS Barbecue Plates and Sandwiches
We Feature Fresh Water Cot Fish And Shrimp Dinners


Owned and Operated by
Manufacturers and Canners
Phone LI 6-1940




,: .




.-.;..', ' . . .



.,,. ._;.., ; and : .,.-.


.;;! * . ::/; M

' . : , .



Connections in Atlanta for All Points
Phone Li 3-5037 740 COLLEGE AVE.


We Specialize In Old Hickory
PHONE LI 3-4904 Bar-B-Q Beef and Pork and Hash, by the Quart, by
the Pound, to Take Out

The True Distinction of a Masterpiece Lies in the Name and Repute of Its Creator
Formal and Informal Wedding Coverage
Phone Li 3-3668


J. E. Williams, Distributor
nil on CORP.


Phone Li 3-4948




"The Store of Friendly Service"
PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded by a Registered Druggist

Phone Li 6-7386 1650 S. LUMPKIN ST.

Expert Cleaning, Altering, Dyeing

Call Li 3-9214

Work Pants
Work Shirts

Pick-Up and Delivery Service



"Don't Groan, Just Phone"
Li 3-5130
710-50 W. Broad St.


Phone Li 3-5130
750 W. Broad St

II. A. PARSON ' . . . .. GENERAL CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Commercial and Residence Phone Li 3-2584
P. O. BOX 489


Restaurant Across Street

43 DeLuxe Hotel Rooms

PHONE Li 6-0477


Phone LI 3-4238

The Blue Ribbon Edition
of the
More People Buy WORLD BOOK than any other Encyclopedia
First in Sales in SCHOOLS and LIBRARIES
More than 20,000 Excellent Illustrations
2,700 in Striking Color
Local Representative
Mrs. P. C. Ware, Mgr.
201 Lyons Apartments Telephone LI 6-1911 Athens, Georgia

HAM B. Rid
128% College Ave. Phone LI 6-1437
Representative The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States





Li 6-6670

166 W. Clayton St.

LOANS --$5 to $50

Phone Li 6-7691
25iy2 E. BROAD ST.

"Pleasing Those Who Care"
DURHA.M Phone LI 3-2231
Catering in Fine Clothes
Men and Women
Custom Fitted or Made to Measure ALTERATIONS - RELINING - RESTYLING
Imported and Domestic Woolens Reweaving
156% COLLEGE AVE., DOWNSTAIRS Next to Western Union



Res. Phone

Res. Phone

iv i mi & son Li 6-6601

Li 6-8567

Commercial Residential

Serving Northeast Georgia for Over 35 Years


DECORATING SERVICE Interior - Exterior
PHONE LI 6-6601




. .




Phone Li 6-0185

365 So. Thomas St.

Colonial Hotel



Athens' Newest and Most Modern

Sprinkler Protected

Phone Li 3-9091

Washing - Polishing Lubrication
Auto Accessories
Phones Li 3-4619 - Li 3-9213
690 W. BROAD ST.







(On Laundry)

CALL LI 6-1235

For the Best in

Cleaning and Laundry


INDUSTRIAL Laundry and Cleaners


Grade "A"




Whipping Cream

Cereal Cream

Chocolate Milk

Orange Ade

Cottage Cheese



Phone Li 6-7383



McRee Jas W (Clyde W) 2 egg grader h 140 Wilkerson
McRee Jerry M (Alena T) emp The C & S Natl Bk r 535 King av
McRee Meel M (Florence W) sheet metal wkr Saye Sheet Metal Wks h 122 Poplar
McRee Montine waitress Moon & Winn Drug Store r 140 Wilkerson
McRee Wm C (Nell M) 2 dist elk Ga Power Co h 355 West Lake dr
McRorie Betty (Mrs Richd) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1
McRorie Richd (Betty) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1
McRorie Robt A (Denale L) 2 prof U of Ga h 104 University ct apt 13
McVey Geo W (Eleanor C) 2 mgr Prince Avenue Drive-in h 145 Buena Vista av
Me Waters Nathan O (Johnnie D) 3 slsmn h 346 Carlton ter
McWhirter Barren P (Hattie T) ofc mgr County Agrl Stabilization and Conserva tion r Jefferson Ga
McWhorter Alene maid Milledge cir r 1162 W Bread
McWhorter Ellen R (wid R L) slswn Walter R Thomas Athens Inc h 287 Gran Ellen dr
McWhorter Funeral Home (Lawrence McWhorter) 1253 W Broad
McWhorter Gussie M maid r 1159 W Broad
McWHORTER HOWARD H (Helen E) Pres Athens Federal Savings & Loan Assn h 190 McWhorter dr--Dial LI 6-8518
McWhorter Howard H Jr student r 190 McWhorter dr
McWhorter Jessie H prin East Athens Sch r 140 Lyndon av
McWhorter Laurence (Jessie H) (Mc Whorter Funeral Home) h 140 Lyndon av
McWhorter Mamie h 324 S Rockspring McWhorter Mary R h 142 N Chase McWhorter Robt L (Eliz S) prof U of
Ga h 294 Springdale
M To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
MacAllaster Chas E (Margt L) 1 formn W A Stevens Co h 1820 S Lumpkin
MasAllaster Willard student r 1820 S Lumpkin
Mack Daisy B4hl23 Pearl Mack Lewis r 1132 W Broad Mack Willie E (Frederick E) shoe shiner
College News Stand r 330 Vine MACK & PAYNE FUNERAL HOME
(Houston L Lumpkin) Funeral Directors Ambulance Service 185-851 W Wash ington--Dial LI 3-2681, LI 6-6311 and LI 6-8340 (See Marginal Lines and Buy ers Guide)

Mackenzie Wesley A (Mary Frances B) 3 prof U of Ga h 396 Sunset dr
Mackey Agnes C (wid J P) br mgr Chil dren's Bible Mission h 126 Hall
MacLean Helen B (wid C A) r 460 Frank lin
MacLean John D (Daisy V) bkpr Mills Whol Co r Watkinsville Ga
MacMullen Clark (Louise M) USN h 375 Holman av apt 2
MacNider Geo M accnt 287 W Broad r 289 W Cloverhurst
MacNider Louise L (wid G M) r 289 W Cloverhurst
Madden Cassie G (wid W R) r 390 West Lake dr
Madden Will G (Doris P) 1 emp Mathis Constn Co h 390 West Lake dr
Maddox Addie B (wid W T) r 211 Mc Whorter dr
Maddox C Herman (Louise C) delmn Hugh D McLeroy Prod r Colbert Ga
Maddox Corley atndt Holcomb's Service Sta r 232 Arch
Maddox Doris N (Mrs D H) ofc sec Vane G Hawkins r 609 N Harris
Maddox Duel H (Doris N) formn Athens Sup Co h 609 N Harris
Maddox Eunice S (Mrs J C) slswn DavisonPaxon Co r Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Maddox Geo (Jennie Y) 2 hlpr Athens Cooperative Creamery h 27 Broadacres
Maddox H C (Henrietta P) 3 (La Freda Beauty Shop) h 211 McWhorter dr
Maddox Henrietta P (Mrs H C) (La Freda Beauty Shop) r 211 McWhorter dr
Maddox Ida dom h 247 Lyndon av Maddox Irene maid 425 Cloverhurst av
h 232 Arch Maddox Janie M cook Snelling Hall
Cafeteria (U of Ga) r 1060 Reese Maddox John C (Ruby E) slsmn Gallant-
Belk Co h 265 Holman av Maddox Johnnie opr S B T & T Co r 243 E
Hancock av Maddox Juitt T (Alice M) 3 h 241
Glenhaven av Maddox Julian C (Eunice S) 2 agt In
terstate Life & Accident Ins Co h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Maddox Katie M r 540 Water Maddox Lula 2 h 984 Madison av Maddox Nora 1 maid 425 Meigs h 370 N Pope Maddox Ozzie lab Farmers Mut Whse Assn r Arch Maddox Reafer Indrs h 220 Atlanta av Maddox Rosa h 258 Springdale Maddox Ruby E (J C) bkpr Gallant-Belk Co r 265 Holman av Maddox Wm r 220 Atlanta av Maddox Willie (Jannie M) porter Mc Whorter Funeral Home h 1060 Reese Maddox Willie M maid r 735 N Lumpkin Magill Danl H (Rosemary R) 3 dir ath letic publicity U of Ga h 585 Woodlawn Magill Ellen W (Mrs J B) asst mgr Co lonial Hotel r same

MAG ILL JULIAN B (Ellen W) Mgr Co-
lonial Hotel r same Magner Francine P Mrs 2 h 1780 S Lump-
kin Magness Harold B asst post commander
State Patrol r Winder Ga Magnolia Oil Co (John H Johnson) ofc &
whse 423 E Hancock av Magnolia Oil Co (John H Johnson Jr) ser-
vice sta 412 N Thomas Magnus A Jack (Trilla B) 2 emp Chicopee
Mfg Co h 35 Parkview Homes Maguire Annie J (Mrs J T) slswn J C
Penney Co Inc r 623 N Milledge av Maguire Bruce J USN r 445 N Pope Maguire T Jack (Annie J) (Athens Loan
Co) h 623 N Milledge av Mahaffey E Claude (Eula J) lawyer
433% E Broad h Danielsville rd RD 1 Mahaffey Sarah B (wid) r 735 Prince av Mahaffy Robt H (Maxine S) 1 USN h 69
Myrna ct apts Mahood Julia student r 452 W Clover-
hurst av Maitland Jas H (Ruby K) patrolmn City
Police Dept h 165 Westover dr Maitland Ruby K (Mrs J H) mach opr
Perdue Mfg Co r 165 Westover dr Majesk Charlie atndt Berryman's Service
Sta r Pre-Fab Ag Hill Major Frank M (Onlie B) 1 supvr Chic-
opee Mfg Co h 1375 Oconee Major Onlie B (Mrs F M) tex wkr r 1375
Oconee Malcolm Anna B (Mrs B P) examiner
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 195 Henderson av Malcolm Billups P (Anna B) 1 carp h 195 Henderson av Malcolm Boyd G student r 195 Henderson av Malcolm Chester A (Eunice H) 2 emp Geo F Strother Lbr Co h 145 Bryant Malcolm Dora H (wid W G) r 335 Pinecrest dr Malcolm Eug F elk A&P Food Stores r 445 N Milledge av Malcolm Frances slswn r 297 Bloomfield Malcolm Gustava T (Helen L) electn John Eppes Elec Co r Bishop Ga Malcolm J Pearl r 562 Pulaski Malcolm Kenneth whsemn The WebbCrawford Co r Bogart Ga Malcolm Lily M (Mrs RE) ofc sec Athens Hdw Co r 348 Hill Malcolm Ralph E (Lily M) yd mgr M P Morris Ready Mixed Concrete h 348 Hill Malcolm Sarah H (wid E A) h 562 Pulaski Malcom A Guy (Mabel C B) (Malcom's Service Sta) h 130 Highland ter Malcom Acie C (Lola S) carp hlpr H Hugh Logan h 545 Pulaski Malcom Chas E (Louise T) installer-repr S B T & T Co r Watkinsville Ga
Ofc Mgr Wier Coal Co r Bogart Ga
Malcom David H (Lois) plant supt Std Oil Co of Ky Inc r Eastville Ga

Malcom-Garrett Grocery Co (J Ernest Garrett and W Jack Malcom) 343 E Broad
Malcom Gladys D Mrs baker Stone's Ideal Bakery r 156 Groves
Malcom Harden (Dorothy G) mgr Northeast Ga Livestock Auction Inc h 146 Hart av
Malcom Lillie T (Mrs R E) billing elk The Athens Hdw Co r 348 Hill
Malcom Mabel C B (Mrs A G) smstrs r 130 Highland ter
Malcom Nannette S (Mrs C V) sten Clk of Superior Court r Bogart Ga
Malcolm Ruby L cook 605 King av r 1125 W Broad
Malcom W Jack (Ola B) (Athens Gro Co and Malcom-Garrett Gro Co) h 226 West View dr
Malcom's Service Station (A Guy Malcom) 1490 S Lumpkin
Maldin Martha ofc sec U of Ga r 463 Hampton ct
Maley Ader maid 290 S Milledge av r 1237 W Hancock av
Maley Doyle J (Mildred) maintenance mn Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Hull Ga
Maley Sarah P maid 725 Milledge cir r 1680 Milledge av extd
Maley Thos W (Ader) h 1237 W Hancock av
Maley Tom O (Sarah P) 1 chauf 290 Milledge av h 1680 Milledge av extd
Malone Preston S (Norma) 1 student h 127 Childs
Manders Hilda F slswn S H Kress & Co r 125 Parkview Homes
Manders Panola D (wid J L) 1 h 125 Parkview Homes
Mangham Marvin L mgr Green's Beverage Co h 196 W Broad apt 4
Mangleburg Chas S Jr (Martha) 2 genl mgr Poss Barbecue h 227 Woodlawn av
Mangleburg Hellen (wid G T) r 1123 Prince av
Mangleburg Sadie S (wid C S) bkpr Old South Restr h 196 W Broad apt 5
Mangum G J slsmn Christian Hdw Co r Jefferson rd RD 2
Manhattan Cafe (Leona N Wade) 333 N Hull
Manley Dolphus M (Myrtle P) 1 emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 1234 E Broad
Manley John A (Sue R) 1 USAF r 280 1st
Manley M Neil (Gladys C) 3 field mn Am Breeders Service ofc Hoke Smith, Agrl Extn Annex h 150 Marion dr
Mann Amanda B (wid W I) r 120 Lakeview
Mann Betty J bkpr Natl Life & Accident Ins Co r 439 College av
Mann Betty J r 24 Parkview Homes
Mann Carl G (Gladys W) lathe opr The Hanna Mfg Co h 140% Wilkerson
Mann Carl N wtchmn Gulf Atlantic Whse Co h 120 Lakeview
Mann Charles packer Athens Poultry Co Inc r 1014 Hobson av



MANN E ALLEN Sec City Motor* Inc r
DanieUville Ga Mann Gladys W (Mrs C G) slswn Alien's
r 140% Wilkerson Mann Herbert E r 140 Fortson cir Mann Hoyt (Virginia C) 1 cutting opr
Classic City Overall Co Inc r 265 North
av Mann Jas B (Flora L) 1 h 24 Parkview
Homes Mann Jesse F elk Mann's Gro r 464 Col
lege av Mann Julia Mrs r 475 Meigs Mann Lula S h 286 Augusta av Mann Mary Ann M (Mrs Norman) asst
cred elk Sears Roebuck & Co r Danielsville rd RD 1 Mann Paul E (Nena D) (Mann's Gro) r Hull Ga Mann Ramie L (Joy B) slsmn Bissell & DeLay Typewriter Sis Co h 162 Clover Mann Tena A (wid L H) 1 sten Sam Smith Co h 117 West View dr MANN THOS D Mgr Athens Drive-in The ater r Bogart Ga Mann Walter R hlpr Sterchi Bros Stores Inc r 1097 Hobson av Mann Wilburn P (Billie M) supt Athens Marble & Granite Co Inc h 745 Oglethorp e av Mann's Grocery (Paul E Mann) 597 N Thomas Mansfield Horace E Jr (Eva F) slsmn H L Gofer & Co r Winterville Ga Manus Arth S (Ruby M) radio opr City Police Dept h 185 Childs Manus Cafe (Grover C Manus) 225 E Broad Manus Grover C (Modell L) (Manus Cafe) r Winder Ga Manus Grover W (Lizzie R) 2 mgr Manus Cafe h 595 Hill Manus Helen student r 185 Childs Manus John H (Irene H) h 235 DuBose av Manus Lizzie R (Mrs G W) waitress Manus Cafe r 595 Hill Manus Modell L (Mrs G C) cook Manus Cafe r Winder Ga Manus Ruby M (Mrs A S) mach opr Per due Mfg Co r 185 Childs Manus Shelnutt H student r 235 DuBose av Mapp Adrain (Grace H) 3 farmer h 636 Vine Mapp Curtis dishwasher The Mayflower r 636 Vine Mapp Emma M maid West Lake dr r 636 Vine Vlapp Geo L r 293 S Rockspring Mapp Helen T r 672 N Lumpkin Mapp Jennie S (wid J H) h 247 Bar ber tfapp John H (Mary) lab City Street Dept h 220 Macon av
tfapp Laura L 1 maid Berryman's Ser vice Sta r 293 Rockspring
flapp Leland F (Luta M) 1 formn City Sanitation Dept h 137-b Burnett

Mapp Mary presser Liberty Dry Clnrs r 220 Macon av
Mapp Millie h 170 Yonah Mapp Nettie 2 h 140 Glenhaven av Mapp Ophelia r 644 N Hull Mapp Thelma maid r 636 Vine Mapp Wm H (Florine P) 3 slsmn Ath
ens Cooperative Creamery h 130 Crestview cir Marable Dock (Mary S) emp Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 169 N Newton Marable Emmitte F (Edna M) (Athens Elec Sup Co) h 470 Stanton Way Marable Hobart Rev (Gertrude) h 1476 Oconee Marable Hobart Jr r 1476 Oconee Marable Mary W r 169 N Newton Marable Olivia A (wid W C) r 470 Stanton Way Marable R Harold elk A&P Food Stores r Farmington Ga Marable Scott h 344 S Rockspring Marable Willie (Essie W) 3 porter Elks Club h 1147 W Broad Marable Willie H emp Ga Power Co r 169 N Newton Marble Bessie S emp New Way Lndry h 681 N Lumpkin Marble Carrie maid r 887 Water Marble Garland (Carrie B) 3 h 887 Water Marbury Josiah student r 1530 S Lumpkin apt A-4 Marbury Mary H Mrs elk-typist Navy Sup Corps Sch h 1530 S Lumpkin apt A-4 Marbut Emily C (Mrs G F) slswn DavisonPaxon Co r 370 South View dr Marbut G Fred (Emily C) 2 elk USPO h 370 South View dr Marbut Helen D (Mrs W P Jr) bkpr Ath ens Refrigeration & Appliance Co Inc r 107 University ct apt 25 Marbut Howell D (Ola G) 3 elk USPO h 490 Milledge cir Marbut Hugh S (Lou V) 1 ship elk W B Steedman & Son h 215 Oakland Way Marbut Ida C (wid H D) r 245 Oglethorpe av Marbut Laura P (Mrs R S) tchr University Demonstration Sch r 245 Oglethorpe av Marbut Lou V (Mrs H S) emp The C & S Natl Bk r 215 Oakland Way Marbut Market (Walter Marbut) gro 1293 W Broad Marbut Robt G student r 245 Oglethorpe av Marbut Robt S (Laura P) slsmn The Webb-Crawford Co h 245 Oglethorpe av Marbut Walter P (Ruby B) (Marbut Mkt) h 130 Hodgson dr Marbut Walter P Jr (Helen D) slsmn Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 107 University ct apt 25 Maret Sarah E dir Athens Regional Library h 190 W Cloverhurst av
Marilane Beauty Salon (Mrs Sara C Brown) 136 E Clayton
Marilyn Shoes Randolph C Boykin mgr 198 E Clayton

Marion's Mrs Lena C Garvin mgr mlnrs Martin Annette r 441 Milledge clr

255 College av

Martin Arth (Callie J) jan Reese Street

Marlow Chiel W (Sara D) 1 trav slsmn h Sch h 153 Morton's al

220 Normal av

Martin Azzielee B (wid Vines) r 280 King

Marlow Clarence A (Lucy J) mach Keller av

Mach Co r Winterville Ga

Martin Bros (Dink Martin) shoe reprs 151

Marlow Geo W Jr (Margt F) 4 agt The

E Clayton shoe reprs 178 N Thomas

Atlanta Constitution h 1193 S Milledge Martin C Odell carp r 763 College av


Martin Chas E r Hotel Holman

Marlow Glennie T (wid G W) r 157 Wood- Martin David B (Susie A) carp Walter


Cox h 173% Barrow

Marlow Howell A (Posie C) city supvr Martin David M (Lucile C) cred mgr Er

The Atlanta Journal h Danielsville rd nest Crymes Co h 101 University ct

RD 1

apt 2

Marlow Jim student r 1196 S Lumpkin

Martin Dink (Martin Bros) h 280 King

Marlow Sara D (Mrs C W) opr S B T &


T Co r 220 Normal av

Martin Donald L (Ann A) 1 stock elk

Marlow Willard S (Florine M) 2 dist supvr Gulf Oil Corp h 134 Wildwood ct

The Atlanta Constitution and The At Martin Dorothy F (Mrs G R) bkpr Warren

lanta Journal h 1739 S Lumpkin

J Smith & Bro r 235 Hillcrest av

Marlowe Charles student r 525 Holman av Martin Dorothy T (Mrs P W) claims mgr

Marlowe Lucy J (Mrs C A) slswn Crow's W P Martin Ins Agcy r 130 Plum Nelly

Drug Store Inc r Winterville Ga


Marlowe Moses E (Florine) 3 lab h 1020 Martin Doyle M (Sara G) 4 emp Chico-

Hobson av

pee Mfg Co h 280 Williams

Marsh Carl mgr Supreme Recappers Inc r Martin E Frank (Cleo H) asst mgr Ath

160 Barber

ens Pressing Club h 190 Nantahala av

Marshall Albert W clnr Athens Genl


Hosp r Atlanta hwy

Martin Earnest D (Ruth B) 1 emp Co

Marshall Annie M Mrs mach opr Good lonial Poultry Co h 348 Hiawassee av

Luck Mfg Co h 546 College av

Martin Edna H (Mrs Jack) seamer Rod-

Marshall Bessie L (Mrs R H) mach opr gers Hosiery Co Inc r 698 Cobb

Fields Mfg Co r 357 Cobb

Martin Edw B (Janie Z) bkpr Ga Assn

Marshall Chas M elk USPO r Ag Campus

of Dairy Cooperatives h 485 Pinecrest

Marshall Clyde C r 357 Cobb


Marshall Daisy r 151 Colima av

Martin Edwn III (Barbara R) 1 announcer

Marshall Ena M (Mrs D F) slswn Davison-

Radio Sta WRFC h 107 University ct

Paxon Co r Watkinsville Ga

apt 26

Marshall Henry L student r 357 Cobb

Martin Ethel B (Mrs C) emp Southeastern

Marshall Jas E (Marcielene W) asst whse

Rubber Mfg Co r 132 N Peter

mgr Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 653 Martin Eug H (Betty J) asst mgr Local

N Milledge av

Finance Co r Hull Ga

Marshall Jenny student r 151 Colima av Martin Evelyn G sch supvr h 1504

Marshall Jerry (Mattie R) 1 chauf h E Broad

151 Colima av

Martin Evelyn L tchr r 1540 E Broad

Marshall Jerry Jr r 151 Colima av

Martin Fant E (Corrine D) emp The Han-

Marshall Jimmy student r 151 Colima na Mfg Co r RD 2


Martin G Richd (Dorothy F) mgr Mar

Marshall John C (Virginia) whsemn Eli tin Bros h 235 Hillcrest

Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Watkinsville Martin Geo P r 1504 E Broad


Martin Gertrude P (wid P W) tchr Oconee

Marshall Lee (Sallie L) 8 h 965 Hob- Street Sch h 169 Oglethorpe av

son av

Martin Gussie A (wid J W) h 788 Bax

Marshall Margt (wid G F) r 540 W Clover- ter

hurst av

Martin Guy H (Doris P) 1 mech The Webb-

Marshall Mary S h 735 N Lumpkin

Crawford Co h 479 E Hancock av

Marshall Mattie R cook Morton av r Martin Harry (Odessa J) 1 porter

151 Colima av

Old South Restr h 1053 Reese

Marshall Ramey H (Bessie L) 2 routemn Martin Hazel student r 167 Childs

Columbia Baking Co h 357 Cobb Marshall Sallie L cook Hotel Holman r
965 Hobson av Marshall Wm (Lorine) lab Anderson
Lbr Co r 327 Atlanta av

Martin Hettie T (wid J T) h 763 College av
Martin Howard H tank wagon slsmn W B Rice Petroleum Co Inc r Hull Ga

Martha Apartments 537 Oglethorpe av

Martin Inez C (Mrs R J) ofc sec State

Martin Alien W (Willie H C) (Martin

Agrl Extn Service r Bogart Ga

Service Sta) h 685 N Pope

Martin Isaac' (Sallie) trk dr r 171

Martin Allene ofc sec Keller Mach Co r


685 N Pope

Martin J J (Stone) 1 r Mitchell Bridge rd



Martin J Callaway (Ethyl B) 1 tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 132 N Peter
Martin J Robt formn Benson's Bakery r 245 Nacoochee av
Martin Jack (Edna H) slsmn h 698 Cobb Martin Jas P (Mattie H) 1 ship elk The
Webb-Crawford Co h 195 O'Farrell Martin Jas P Jr r 195 O'Farrell Martin Janie Z (Mrs E B) lunch rm mgr
Barrow Sch r 485 Pinecrest dr Martin Joe B (Nina C) 2 h 176 Grace Martin Joe B Jr student r 176 Grace Martin John L (Dorothy B) 3 yd elk
S A L R R Co h 150 Tibbetts Martin Joyce ofc wkr Rodgers Hosiery Co
Inc r 685 N Pope Martin Katie M sch tchr h 1540 E
Broad Martin Lonie (Golden S) 5 (Athens
Furnace & Sheet Metal Contracting Co) h 167 Childs Martin Lou E r 29 Fuller Martin Louise M (wid A F) hse mother Alpha Omicorn Pi Sorority r 1190 S Milledge av Martin Lucille W Mrs slsmn Princess Sch h 148 Mprton av Martin Major G (Nannie F) hlpr Athens Furnace & Sheet Metal Contracting Co r Hull Ga Martin Marion Z r 485 Pinecrest dr Martin Mary E (wid T J) r 17 Parkview Homes Martin Mary J grabber Dairypak Inc r 784 Cobb Martin Mary L r 165 Waddell Martin Mattie H (Mrs J P) emp S B T & T Co r 195 O'Farrell
Martin Maud I (wid O F) h 184 Vine
Martin Maud T (wid J W) r 175 Mitchell
Martin Mike P (Zilla M) 4 (Athens Radiator Repair Shop) h 1048 Hobson av
Martin Milldred A clk-sten Athens-Clarke County Dept of Health h 455 Scott
Martin Miles E USAF r 1048 Hobson av
Martin Minnie r 479 E Hancock av
Martin Nancy A ofc sec Keller Mach Co r 685 N Pope
Martin Nancv J cash Genl Mtrs Acceptance Corp r 195 O'Farrell
Martin Nancy M (wid E F) r 860 College av
Martin 0 Franklin hlpr B & B Beverage Co r 184 Vine
Martin Odessa J emp Athens Poultry Co r 1053 Reese
(Payton W Martin) General Insurance "Every Type Coverage" 110 W Hancock Dial LI 3-5286 (See Marginal Lines and
Buyers Guide)
Martin P Danl (Nancy B) instr U of Ga h 238 Henderson av
Martin Pai1 ! T) (Niny ^5) designer Athens Marble & Granite Co h 3 Calatta Apts

(W P Martin Insurance Agency) h 130
Plum Nelly rd Dial LI 6-7413
Martin Robt (Rebecca S) wrapper Benson's Bakery h 620 King av
Martin Robt B slsmn Bradley Provision Co r Old Atlanta hwy
Martin Robt B opr Seagraves Drive-in h Mitchell Bridge rd
Martin Rosa D (wid W H) r 1385 E Broad
Martin Ruth B (Mrs E D) emp Genl Times Inc r 348 Hiawassee av
Martin S Dewey (Bera C) 4 mach Keller Mach Co h 147 Bryant
Martin S Walter (Clare P) 2 prof U of Ga h 187 Milledge ter
Martin Sallie maid r 171 Paris Martin Sara L USN r 280 Williams Martin Sarah hlpr 645 W Cloverhurst
h 389 Meigs Martin Sarah D (Mrs W L) clk-sten State
Agrl Stabilization & Conservation Ofc r 223 Best dr Martin Service Station (Alien W Martin) 157 W Washington Martin Shirley student r 685 N Pope Martin Susie A (Mrs D B) fountain mgr Horton's Drug Store r 173 Vz Barrow Martin Thos A r 456 Madison av Martin W O emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Carlton Ga Martin Wilder J (Hazel B) asst mgr Gray Bros Dry Clnrs r RD 1 Martin Wm G (Dorothy M) frame hd Chicopee Mfg Co h rear 148 Vine Martin Wm L (Sarah D) elk State Agrl Stabilization & Conservation Ofc h 223 Best dr Martin Willie H (Mrs AW) cigarette stamper The Webb-Crawford Co r 685 N Pope Martof Bernard S (Helen S) 2 tchr U of Ga h 101 University ct apt 4 Martof Helen S (Mrs B S) laboratory wkr U of Ga r 101 University ct apt 4 Mary Ann's Beauty Shop The (Mrs Martha K Crumley and Mrs Agnes B La Fave) 1328M> Prince av Mashburn Pauline A (Mrs J D) opr Sara
R Brown Beauty Shop r Oconee hts
MASON ALBERT (Vera E) 3 (Vera's
Package Shop) Mgr Vera's Drive In and
Old Hickory Bar-B-Q Drive In h Danielsville rd Mason Andrew cook 869 Hill h 394 % W
Broad Mason Brandon E br mgr The Atlantic Co
r 650 Meigs Mason C Elmer (Reba K) 1 piano tuner
P H Durden Men's Store h 450 Prince av apt 1 Mason Charlie lab r 680 Dearing Mason Danl W whsemn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r 370 Satula av Mason Geneva P (wid Charley) h 370 Satula av
Mason Lonnie B Mrs 1 r 246 W Dougherty



Mason R Jones (Bertha T) 3 firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 186% Grady
MASON VERA E (Mrs Albert) (Vera's Drire In) r DanieUville rd
Mason Warren J photog USN r 650 Meigs Mason Wm Jr r 170 Herring Masonic Temple 279 Meigs
Massey Edw D (Celestia A) 1 trk dr Ath ens Lbr Co r 157 1st
Massey Eleanor Mrs r 560 Hill Massey Ella W Mrs prac nurse 327 Hill
apt 2 h same
Massey Fred (Kattie M) yd mn h 829 Waddell
Massey Hassie L (wid S O) nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r 168 Clover
Massey Hazel G (Mrs S O) mender Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 168 Clover
Massey Jas lab r 829 Waddell Massev Joe H (Bessie C) farmer h Old
Hull rd
Massey Leonard W (Lucille M) agt Life Ins Co of Ga r 845 Baxter
Massey Leroy lab r 829 Waddell Massey Mariee ofc sec Strickland's Tele
vision Center Inc r RD 1 Massey Ropers lab r 829 Waddell Massey Rolyn S student r 168 Clover Massey S B (Belle) mech Gulf Oil Corp
r Hull Ga
Massey S Otha (Hazel G) (Strickland & Massey Gro) h 168 Clover
Mathews Billie L Mrs mgr Pig Drive In h 836 Bobbin Mill rd
Mathews Carol student r 836 Bobbin Mill rd
Mathews Christine C (Mrs N O) (Mrs N O Mathews Service Sta) 180 North av r 372 E Dougherty
Mathews Clarence H (Ruby H) 1 supt Sou Cotton Oil Co h 296 Oconee
Ma+hews Edna C slswn S H Kress & Co r Watkinsville Ga
Mathews H L (Margt) trav slsmn h 455 Milledge hts
Mathews Harry cafe-gro 295 Vine h same
Mathews Henry N mech W A Stevens Co r Tallassee rd RD 2
Mathews Hubert M atndt James Service Sta r Hull Ga
Mathews Jas C (Myrtle) prod mgr A&P Food Stores r Winterville Ga
Mathews Jas J C Joyce G) cash Colonial Stores Inc r Winterville Ga
Mathews L Alien (Mary S) 1 whse Eli Witt CiVar & Candy Co h 298 Barber
Mathews Mary S (Mrs L A) ckr Dairypak Inc r 298 Barber
Mathews N O Mrs Service Station (Mrs Christine C Mathews) 180 North av
Mathews Nolan O (Christine C) 3 pntr h 372 E Dougherty
Mathews Nancy r rear 828 N Lumpkin Mathews Rosa N Mrs 1 tex inspr h 640
Mathews Sara J (Mrs J J) emp The C & S Natl Bk r Winterville Ga
Mathews Susan J h 1075 Prince av

Mathews Wallace A (Ruth H) 2 slsmn EH Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 160 Gilmer
Mathis Apartments Inc (The Mathis Con struction Co) ofc 1525 S Lumpkin
Mathis Construction Co Wm A Mathis pres Jas I Akins v-pres genl contrs 1525 S Lumpkin
Mathis Cornelius (Izola J) 5 trk dr City h 80 Broadacres
Mathis G L trav slsmn The Rowland Co r Haddock Ga
Mathis Geo C Jr porter University Chev rolet Co Inc r Hull Ga
Mathis J C (Louise R) 1 (Five Points Barber Shop) h 360 Best dr
Mathis J Aaron (Mary W) slsmn Russom & Harper r Arnoldsville Ga
Mathis Jas N (Mary L) bodymn C A Trussell Mtr Co r Maysville Ga
Mathis Lois hlpr Pete Petropol Lunch r 295 Vine
Mathis Mary D (Mrs J N) slswn C B Dud ley r Maysville Ga
Mathis Neigh Rev (Minnie) 2 pastor Mt Zion Baptist Ch and Springfield Bap tist Ch h 394 DuBose av
Mathis Sylvia student r 725 Milledge cir Mathis Wm A (Jeanne L) 1 (Athens
Concrete Products Co) pres Mathis Con struction Co h 725 Milledge cir Matsos Bill student r 1491 S Lumpkin Matthews Barbara A elk Life & Casualty Ins Co of Tenn r Commerce rd RD 1 Matthews D M agt The Bankers Health & Life Ins Co r Center Ga Matthews Earl C (Clara D) h 333 E Dough erty Matthews Effie T h 175 Elm Matthews Elsa M (Mrs J W) slswn Davison-Paxon Co r 195 Waverly ct Matthews Frances C (Mrs OB) emp Big Ace Corp r 1393 Boulevard Matthews Fred L (Anna B) 3 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 390 W Hancock av apt 3 Matthews Fredk E mimeograph opr The McGregor Co r Winterville Ga Matthews Hattie r 1763 W Hancock av Matthews John (Sarah J) bus boy Hoiman Hotel h 940 Reese
Treas Silvey Motor Co Inc Member City
Board of Education h 195 Waverly ct--
Dial LI 6-8419 Matthews Josey r 384 Barber Matthews Judson H r 215 Holman av Matthews Judson R (Ruby L) electn Fiel-
cher Elec Co h 231 Nacoochee apt 2 Matthews Lizzie h 342 Macon Matthews Maggie Jhl095W Hancock
av Matthews Mamie S (wid M F) h 256
Matthews Marguerite mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Nicholson Ga
Matthews Marjorie r 256 Hill
Matthews Mary J S (Mrs Curtis) agt Pro gressive Fire & Life Ins Co of Atlanta Ga r Eastville Ga



Matthews Mary W (Mrs J A) slswn The McGregor Co r Arnoldsville Ga
Matthews Moina Y (wid L H) r 274 Oak land av
Matthews Olin B (Frances C) 2 emp L H Bailey & Son h 1393 Boulevard
Matthews R Chappelle (Ida H T) law yer 116 Shackelford Bldg member State Hse of Representatives h 190 Rutherford la
Matthews R Harold (Carey M) 1 trav slsmn h 247 Parkway dr
Matthews Rita B slswn Gallant-Belk Co r Lexington Ga
Matthews Susan D (wid Vincent) h 1448 Prince av
Matthews Thos M student r 195 Waverly ct Matthews Walter H (Margt F) optom
etrist rms 100-04 Professional Bldg h 440 S Milledge av Mattox Ethel h 74 Broadacres Mattox luka maid r 74 Broadacres Mattox Kattie M h 395 Meigs Mattox Mattie G Mrs h 1135 Prince av Mattox Milton L (Eliz) trk dr The Webb-Crawford Co h 886 Henderson av extd Mattox Ralph W E (Margt C) plmbr Ath ens Bldg & Well Sup r Colbert Ga Mauldin Carolyn B ofc nurse Dr J Botwell Traylor r 71 Myrna ct apts Mauldin Clara B r 320 Cleveland av Mauldin John F (Lillian) poultry market ing specialist Am Breeders Service r Bogart Ga Maupin Annalee T (Mrs J A) bkpr The Natl Bk of Athens r 47 Myrna ct apts Maupin Ellen S (Mrs R H Jr) ofc sec Ath ens Elastic & Braid Co r 102 Cloverhurst cir Maupin Jas A (Annalee T) asst mgr Ath ens Elastic & Braid Co h 47 Myrna ct apts Maupin Martha S (wid R H) h 169 Fortson cir Maupin Marty student r 169 Fortson cir Maupin Robt H Jr (Ellen S) 1 genl mgr Athens Elastic & Braid Co h 102 Cloverhurst av Mavroades Gladys mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r RD 2 Maxey Albert R (Willie S) 6 trk dr City Btlgr Co h 585 Barber Maxey Annie cook h 130 Berry Maxey C D hlpr Ga Power Co r Maxeys Ga
Maxey C T (Lena) lab Silvey Mtr Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Maxey Carrie maid 280 West View dr r 9 Broadacres
Maxey Doris (Mrs R L) mender Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Maxey Eliz maid Athens Genl Hosp r 546 Odd
Maxey Irene B (Mrs J H) nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r 538 Pulaski
Maxey J D (Sara) whsemn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Watkinsville Ga

Maxey J Carl (Ann) slsmn Sterchi Bros Stores Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Maxey Jas M (Carrie) 2 maid St Mary's Hosp h, 9 Broadacres
Maxey Jas S (Nina J) student h 595 Belvoir hts
Maxey John H (Irene B) 1 dr Veterans Cab Co h 538 Pulaski
Maxey John R (Kath T) 4 trk dr The Webb-Crawford Co h 616 N Foundry
Maxey Johnny L student r 546 Odd Maxey Lula T 2 student r 133 2d Maxey Marshall S trk dr Am Oil Co r Wat
kinsville Ga Maxey Mattie M Mrs alterations Davison-
Paxon Co r Winterville Ga Maxey Naomi h 550 Reese Maxey Nina J (Mrs J S) accnt Dairypak
Inc r 595 Belvoir hts Maxey Ruby M r 327 Bailey Maxey Sallie 2 h 546 Odd Maxey Sammie USAF r 485 Boulevard Maxey Shirley A slswn F W Woolworth Co
r Watkinsville Ga Maxey Thelma M Mrs 2 tex wkr h 485
Boulevard Maxey Wm A (Sallie) h 248 Bridge Maxwell Charlie J r 258 Lyndon av Maxwell Clyde E slsmn h 317 S Mil-
ledge av Maxwell Floyd student r 24 Broadacres Maxwell Geo C student r 195 S Rock-
spring Maxwell Gussie L (Mrs H D) tex wkr r
1640 Prince av Maxwell H Dupree (Gussie L) slsmn
h 1640 Prince av Maxwell Herman (Lucy L) jan S B
T & T Co h 195 S Rockspring Maxwell Hubert R (Nora T) 1 slsmn
Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co h 253 Normal av Maxwell Lucy L cook 515 King av r 195 S Rockspring Maxwell Mary B h 258 Lyndon av Maver Henry G (Erika S) 1 (Cherokee Hosiery Co) h 295 King av Mayes Alva L (Avis M) slsmn h 297 Morton av Mayes Alva L Jr student r 297 Morton av
Mayes Jessie H (wid W B) h 1885 S Lumpkin
Mayfield Bertha M r 690 Henderson av extd
Mayflower The (Clarence Fulcher) rear 171 E Broad
Maynard Alice W (Mrs J C) bkpr May nard Sheet Metal Wks r 850 Prince av
Maynard Bessie J (wid B F) r 850 Prince
av Maynard Carlton body shop formn Broun
Mtr Co*r RD 1 Maynard Cath B (Mrs C C) bkpr Talmadge
Whol Co Inc r RD 1
Maynard Jas C (Alice W) firemn City Fire Dept Sta No 1 r 850 Prince av
Maynard Philip H (Grace O) 1 sheet metal wkr Maynard Sheet Metal Works h 850 Prince av



Maynard Robt L (Levada S) elev opr County Court Hse r Danielsville rd RD 1
(Maynard Sheet Metal Works) h Elder rd RD 4
(Reuben L Maynard) Sheet Metal Con
tractors, Heating and Air Conditioning
1528 Prince av--Dial LI 6-8251 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide) Meadow Wm T (Janie S) interviewer State Employment Service r Danielsville Ga Meadows C Harold (Mary W) atndt Lay's Service Sta r Colbert Ga Meadows John C (Emma A) prof U of Ga h 1137 S Milledge av Meadows Mary (Mrs Roy) binder The U of Ga Prntg Dept r Colbert Ga Meadows Nezzie r 828 N Lumpkin Meador Albert G (Mary H) atndt Lay's Service Sta r Colbert Ga Mealor Doshie S (wid J H) h 1391 Oconee Mealor Elmer R (Pearl B) mgr tire dept Lay's Service Sta r Danielsville Ga Mealor Evelyn knitter Climax Hosiery Mills r 1391 Oconee Mealor Hazel r 1242 S Lumpkin Mealor Hershel (Mary EM) 1 slsmn Mea lor Mtr Co r 249 Kins: av Mealor John C (Essie P) slsmn h 233 West View dr Mealor Mary E M (Mrs Hershel) supvr Athens Genl Hosp r 249 King av Mealor Motor Co (W B Mealor) used cars 774 W Broad Mealor Vivian PBX opr r 384 S Church Mealor Waybas B (Lottie V) 4 (Mealor Mtr Co) h 384 S Church Means Vertna P (wid J M) h 1248 S Lumpkin Medical Center 1010 Prince av Medical Center Laboratory 1010 Prince av MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY (W Le-
Roy Edwards) I Cain Smith Mgr and
Pharmacist Prescription Druggist 1010
Prince av--Dial LI 3-3532
Medical Center X-ray Department 1010 Prince av
Medley Julia h 137 Strickland MEDLOCK WALTER H (Margt E) 2
(HO Epting & Co) h 540 Morton av-- Dial LI 3-4404 Meeks Jas E (Betty D) 4 bldg contr 260 Holman av h same Meeler Belle M Mrs 1 mach opr Angus Mfg Co h 250 E Strong
Meeler Frances mach opr Fields Mfg Co r Bogart Ga
Meeler H Pledger (Rebecca L) 3 (Pled ger's PI) h 183 Beulah
Meeler L Dennis (Sue B) mach Anderson Auto Parts Co Inc r Bogart Ga
Meeler Thos W (Kath V) elk Colonial Stores Inc r Bogart Ga
Meissner Max (Irma E) h 177% Carlton ter

Meissner Tom O W (Lola B) 1 phys 1010 Prince av h 631 Pinecrest dr
Mell Caroline B Mrs ofc sec U of Ga h 244 Bloomfield
Mell Edw B r 897 S Milledge av Mell Frances M (wid Carlton) elk USPO
r Georgian Hotel Mell Helen C (wid J D) h 897 S Mil-
ledge av Mell Patk H r 897 S Milledge av
Melton Daisy grabber Dairypak Inc r 205 %
Oglethorpe ter Melton Frances W (Mrs R L) tex wkr r
153 New av Melton Hazel W (Mrs S S) topper Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r 145 Sunset dr Melton Jas A (Reba) mech C A Trussell
Mtr Co r Hull Ga Melton Robt (Edna M) emp The Hanna
Mfg Co r Hull Ga Melton Robt L (Frances W) 2 pkr Co
lonial Poultry Co Inc h 153 New av
Melton Saml S (Hazel W) atndt Oconee Street Service Sta h 145 Sunset dr
Melton Susan O (Mrs Wm) elk S H Kress
& Co r 619 Reese Melton Terrell J (Frances T) 1 plant
supt Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 327 Parkway dr Melton W Roy (Mary) agt Interstate Life
& Accident Ins Co r Winterville Ga Melton Wm (Susan O) h 619 Reeves Melton Winnie S slswn S H Kress & Co
r 820 E Broad Mendenhall F H Jr student r 185 Woodland
Way Mendenhall Fowell H (Susie W) 1 state
mgr Capitol Life Ins Co h 185 Wood
land Way Mercer Jos J drftsmn Atlanta Gas Light
Co r Ag Hill Merck Hoyt (Pauline) whsemn Eli Witt
Cigar & Candy Co r Bogart Ga Merck Mattie h 157 Childs Meredith Bernard E (Wilma V) 2 trav
slsmn h 162 Mell Merk Harry J (Marguerite H) cash Ry
Exp Agcy Inc h 735 Prince av Merritt Ada r 393 1st Merritt Ada maid r 393 1st Merritt Andrew student r 250 Price av
Merritt Chas F (Margt L) 4 instr ROTC U of Ga h 250 Price av
Merritt Cora L dietitian Athens Genl Hosp h 630 Holman av
Merritt Eug mech Athens Farm Equipment Co r Hull Ga
Merritt Mattie 6 h 120 Rose av Merritt Thos R Jr (Virginia) 1 student
slsmn Tony Postero Insulating Co h 175 North View dr apt 1 Merritt Virginia (Mrs T R Jr) emp Geor gian Lndry r 175 North View dr apt 1
Merrit Zelphia G agt Afro-Am Life Ins Co r Greensboro Ga
Merritte Jimmy hallmn Georgian Hotel r 393 1st
Merriweather Carrie M waitress h 367 S Finley



Merriweather Fannie M r 367 S Pinley Merriweather Gus r 141 Warsaw al Messer Aileen F (Mrs L H) (Aileen's
Beauty Shoppe) r 190 Highland av Messer Jane student r 190 Highland av Messer John D (Evelyn G) trk dr h 369
Cobb Messer L Jean r 290 Sunset dr Messr Lloyd H (Aileen F) 1 ins broker
h 190 Highland av Messer Lorell H (wid J D) billing elk
The Webb-Crawford Co h 290 Sunset dr Messer Patsy M sten The Webb-Crawford Co r 290 Sunset dr Messina Carl D (Sallie W) 1 student h 150 Vz McWhorter dr Metcalfe Dave service mn S B T & T Co r 439 College av Metropolitan Building 445 N Lumpkin METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO
Lester N Quattlebaum Mgr Metropolitan
Bldg--Dial LI 3-4358 Mewbourn Mack M (Agnes H) slsmn C
A Trussell Mtr Co h 1773 S Lumpkin Mewboiarn Pauline mach opr Fields Mfg Co
r Arnoldsville Ga Meyer Adah W (wid H C) 1 h 420
Springdale Meyer Bobby (Lucile M) slsmn Farmers
Hdw of Athens Inc h 395 S Church Meyer Cecil A stock elk The L B Price
Merc Co r Winterville Ga Meyer Dolly S (Mrs H W) bkpr The Natl
Bk of Athens r Arnoldsville Ga
MEYER DOUGLAS H (Martha M) 3 Pres
Farmers Hardware of Athens Inc h 140
Carlton ter--Dial LI 3-4489 Meyer Ethel C slswn S H Kress & Co r
Arnoldsville Ga Meyers Hall (U of Ga) dormitory S Lump-
kin Meyer Henry C student r 420 Springdale Meyer Henry C (Adah W) 1 student h
420 Springdale Meyer Lizzie S (Mrs Henry) emp South-
eastern Rubber Mfg Co r Winterville Ga Meyer Thos E dyer Climax Hosiery Mills r Winterville Ga Michael Cecilia S (wid Max) h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 601 Michael Daisy h 519 Bloomfield Michael Geraldine (Mrs J W) cred elk Sears Roebuck & Co r 365 Holman av Michael Golden (Annie W) barber Carson's Barber Shop h 179 Virginia av Michael Jack W (Geraldine) 2 slsmn Normal Hdw Co h 365 Holman av Michael Jean ofc sec The McGregor Co r Watkinsville Ga
Michael John C lino opr Athens BannerHerald r Winder Ga
Michael Leroy (Kath S) h 990 S Milledge av
Michael Leroy Jr USA r 990 S Milledge av
Michael Marion C student r 127 Springdale

Michael Rose ofc sec-bkpr U of Ga r 519 Bloomfield
Michael Roy F (Nell W) Ibr mn h 127 Springdale
Michael Sara H (wid D B) (Chatts Island) h Plum Nelly rd
Michael Simon Memorial Building E Hancock av
Michael Wm S student r 990 S Milledge ay Michaelis Virginia asst prof U of Ga Li-
brary h 1530 S Lumpkin apt B-6 Middlebrooks Annie maid 197 Wood-
lawn av r same Middlebrooks Chester (Cora L) 4 emp
Colonial Poultry Co h 372 Arch Middlebrooks Chester H (Nellene S) 1
emp Colonial Poultry Co r 366 Arch Middlebrooks Claire S student r 155 Carl-
ton ter Middlebrooks Cora L emp Colonial Poul-
try Co r 372 Arch Middlebrooks Emma B (Mrs J T) ofc sec
J T Middlebrooks r 155 Carlton ter Middlebrooks Geneva maid r rear 290
(H) (Black & White Cab Co and Yellow Cabs) Sec-Treas Supreme Recappers Inc Lawyer 178 W Washington ---- Dial LI 6-0653 h 155 Carlton ter -- Dial LI
3-3826 Middlebrooks Jas plmbr hlpr W H Bailey
Plmbg & Hter Co r 372 Arch Middlebrooks John (Geneva) blk-
smith rear 290 Barber h same Middlebrocks Nelene S emp Colonial
Poultry Co r 366 Arch Middlebrooks Sallie lab Athens Chickery
r rear 193 N Rockspring Milledge Circle Apartments 111 Milledge
cir Milledge Park Apartments 105 Milledge
cir Miller Albert (Mary S) 1 sawmill wkr h
1040 Hobson av Miller Annie B Mrs tex wkr r 1465 E
Broad Miller Cath S (Mrs T L) (Cath Miller's
Beauty Shop) r rear 150 Barrow Miller Cora S (wid R L) r 150 King av Miller Dorothy E r 150 King av Miller Edith H (wid Roy) rep r 1520
Prince av Miller Elmer (Eliz) 2 knitter Rodgers Hos-
iery Co Inc h 146 Mitchell
Miller Eloise V inspr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Nicholson Ga
Miller Fay J Mrs asst U of Ga Library r Winterville Ga
Miller Florence (Mrs Bewis) scantier Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1
Miller Frank (Inez) h 146 Mitchell
Miller Georgia r 463 Marlin
Miller Hazel r 146 Mitchell
Miller John C (Frances J) res eng State Hwy Dept r Gainesville Ga
Miller Johnny (Dorothy S) 1 dr Yellow Cab Co h 343 E Dougherty



Miller Jos E (Margt) 2 USAF h 6 Cloverhurst ct
Miller Julian H (Mary M) prof U of Ga h 458 Bearing
Miller Lanelle W (Mrs J A) ofc wkr J C
Penney Co Inc r Nicholson Ga Miller Martha S maid r 170 N Rock-
Miller Mattie S (wid A L) r 425 Milledge cir
Miller Pink J (wid Lloyd A) h 1323 Oconee
Miller Reba L tchr Children's Bible Mis sion r 275 South View dr
Miller Rosa B Mrs r 223 Chatooga av Miller Ruby tchr Children's Mission r 275
South View dr
Miller Susie 1 170 N Rockspring
Miller Tom T bkpr Mills Whol Co r 230 Milledge cir
Miller Troy L (Cath S) 1 slsmn h rear 150 Barrow
Miller Verlin F slsmn Poultry Industries Inc r RD 2
Miller Veda R (Mrs W W) opr S B T & T Co r 187 Normal av
Miller W Jack (Marianna M) 2 prof U of Ga h 180 Cloverhurst ter
Miller Walter E (Helen U) 1 adjuster Hartford Accident & Indemnity Ins Co h 1648 Prince av
Miller Wm W (Vida R) 2 tchr Athens High Sch h 187 Normal av
Miller's Cath Beauty Shop (Mrs Cath S Miller) rear 150 Barrow
Millerbrooks Essie M r 1256 W Han cock av
Milligan Betty Jo nurse's aide Athens Genl Hosp r RD*4
Millikan F Ford (Zada R) associate prof U of Ga h Lexington rd
Mills Adrian M (Eliz D) prof U of Ga h 325 Pinecrest dr
Mills Charlotte (wid J H) hostess Hotel Holman r same
Mills Edatha B (Mrs L D) tchr Childs Street Sch r 475 Woodlawn av
Mills Emily B (Mrs F N) ckr Dairypak Inc r Danielsville rd RD 1
Mills Eunice r 16 Ruth Mills Evelyn Mrs grad nurse Athens Genl
Hosp r Ag Hill Box 228 Mills Evelyn C T (Mrs J H Jr) slswn Sin
ger Sewing Mach Co r 1050 S Lumpkin apt 705 Mills Frank N (Emily B) 1 coverter Dai rypak Inc h Danielsville rd RD 1 Mills Garage (Marion W Mills) auto reprs 778 E Broad
Mills J Edw formn Athens Lbr Co h 160 Ruth
Mills Jas H Jr (Evelyn C T) student h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 705
Mills Lewis S servicemn Athens Cigarette Service r Mitchell Bridge rd RD 4
Mills Lillian V (wid Dan) bkpr Dr. Wm H Bonner r Watkinsville Ga
Mills Lodrick D (Editha B) 1 elk U S Stabilization & Conservation Service h 475 Woodlawn

Mills Marion W (Lillie S) (Mills Garage)
r Mitchell Bridge rd RD 4 Mills Mary B (wid F C) r 174 State Mills Robt W (Wanona H) agt Carolina
Life Ins Co r 190 Wynburn av Mills Wholesale Co (W J Mills) notions
140 E Washington Mills Willard J (Williemae J) 2 (Mills
Whol Co) h 415 W Rutherford Miles Jas h 360 Winterville rd
Miley Bessie C Mrs knitter Climax Hosiery Mill r 176 Grace
Military Department (U of Ga) Baldwin Milner Aaron r 230 Macon av Milner Charlie (Clara) 1 h 330 Ma-
con av Milner Geraldine H maid Colonial Hotel
r 243 Fields av Milner Jas C (Geraldine H) 1 jan
Army Reserve Training Center h 243 Fields av Milner Jas H (Mozelle S) jan Dairy Queen r 243 Fields av Milner Kizzik r 275 Paris Milner Margt Y (Mrs W T) slswn F W Woolworth Co r 270 Gilliland dr Milner Mozelle S maid r 243 Fields av Milner Saml E jan r 243 Fields av Milner, Stephens & Bentley (Upshaw C Bentley Jr, Thos H Milner Jr and Robt G Stephens Jr) lawyers 719-21 Southern Mutual Building--Dial LI 6-8246
(Milner, Stephens & Bentley) V-Pres-
Trust Officer The National Bank of Ath
ens h 280 Hampton ct--Dial LI 6-6971
Milner Walter T (Margt Y) 1 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 270 Gilliland
dr Milner Zena maid r 330 Macon av Mincey Hugh R Rev (Syble W) 3 pastor
Ch of The Nazarene h 150 Sylvia cir Minder Harriet A ofc sec Quality Mach
Co r 320 Milledge ter Minder Lola E (wid J H) h 320 Mil-
ledge ter Minder Robt J (Clyde A) 1 (Quality
Mach Co) v-pres Bottlers Appliance Co
Inc h 194 West View dr Mingledorf Gwendolyn opr SET &T Co
r 1380 S Lumpkin Minish B Arnold Jr (Mildred C) slsmn
Supreme Recappers Inc r Commerce
Ga Minish Fred A delmn Hugh D McLeroy
Prod r Commerce Ga Minish G Richd student r 398 Sunset dr Minish John H (Annie M I) 1 glazier
Athens Glass & Mirror Co h 166 Clover
Minish R Francis (Cozette F) 1 mkt mgr Colonial Stores Inc h 348 Sun set dr
Mintz Edw E (Lillian H) 2 emp h 106
Parkview Homes Mintz Lillian H (Mrs M E) nurse r 106
Parkview Homes Mirone Lenora prof U of Ga r 1376 S
Lumpkin Mitchel Willie E emp Colonial Poultry
Co r 390 N Billups



Mitchell Ann student r 485 Woodlawn Mitchell BO student r 270 Savannah
av Mitchell B J (Grace B) 1 route slsmn
Findley Dry Clnrs h 143 Clover Mitchell Charlie constn wkr h 771 Bray Mitchell Charlie (Willie E) emp City
Water Dept h 390 N Billups Mitchell Clarke emp Empire State Chem
Co r 227 Vine Mitchell Cora cook 1440 S Milledge
av h 240 Evans av Mitchell Craig dishwasher Tony's Restr
r 412 W Broad Mitchell Dorothy A maid Beck's r 364
Vine Mitchell Eliz 4 r 151 N Harris Mitchell Ella O maid 255 S Milledge
h 369 Meigs Mitchell Emily cook St Mary's Hosp r
1375 W Hancock av Mitchell Emmize (Ruby C) 3 lab
S A L R R Co h 804 N Lumpkin Mitchell Floyd r 634 N Foundry Mitchell Fred porter Christian Hdw Co
r Crawford Ga Mitchell Gladys r 270 Savannah av Mitchell Grace B (Mrs B J) waitress Britt's
PI r 143 Clover Mitchell Homer C (Annie S) forester Soil
Conservation Service h 485 Woodlawn av Mitchell Henderson (Roberta) 3 jan College Avenue Sch h 270 Savannah av Mitchell J Harris (Betty W) 2 prof U
of Ga h 595 Milledge ter
MITCHELL JAS M (Estelle F) 2 (Milch-
ell's Shoes Inc) h 180 Woodrow--Dial
LI 6-6145 Mitchell Jas M Jr student r 180 Wood-
row Mitchell Jesse M maid University dr
h 1748 W Hancock Mitchell John H (Willouise F) 1 supvr
vocational education State Dept of Edu cation h 535 Hampton ct Mitchell John H Jr student r 535 Hamp ton ct Mitchell John (Isabelle) lab U of Ga h 328 Athens av Mitchell Junior (Minnie L) 1 h 672 N Lumpkin Mitchell Leva T (wid A L) h 380 Nacoochee Mitchell Louella A (wid H G) PBX opr Ga Power Co h 270 Hill Mitchell Major clnr Athens Genl Hosp r 545 Odd Mitchell Mattie dom r 361 DuBose av Mitchell Maud C (wid F E) h 467 High land
Mitchell Nathl Rev (Fleeta E) 1 evan gelist h 820 Reeves
Mitchell Pattie P maid Lexington rd r 364 Vine
Mitchell Ruby C presser Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service r 804 N Lumpkin
Mitchell S L (Mildred M) brklyr h 120 Lake rd

Mitchell Saml r 1748 W Hancock av Mitchell Thos J (Pattie L) 4 mgr Gil-
ham Barber Shop jan Hubert State Bk h 364 Vine Mitchell Wesley (Era C) 1 lab City Water Wks h 365 Vine
Mitchell Willie S (Callie M) h 696 N Lumpkin
Pres-Mgr Poll Parrot, Trim Tred & Rand
Shoes For Men, Women & Children 264
E Clay ton--Dial LI 3-4127 (Se Mar
ginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Mitchum Alberta F (wid Homer) h 798
Oconee Mitchum Eliz T (Mrs W T) tchr r 63
Prince pi Mitchum Lewis E (Lucy L) carp Paul Han-
son h 834 Hill Mitchum Lucy L (Mrs L E) topper Rod-
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 834 Hill Mitchum Wesley T (Eliz T) 3 pntr h
63 Prince pi Mize Christine mach opr Angus Mfg Co
r 340 Boulevard Mize Clifford T (Bessie Y) used car dlr
h 1095 North av Mize Curtis W (Francis A) 1 emp Snow
Tire Co h 791 Oglethorpe av Mize Dallas E (Teresa) 2 emp Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r 227 DuBose av Mize Edgar mech hlpr Empire State Chem
Co r Lexington rd RD 3 Mize Edith slswn Warren J Smith & Bro
r Watkinsville Ga Mize Edna A (Mrs Otis) service opr Sin
ger Sewing Mach Co r 1360 Oconee Mize Elmer (Teresa) knitter Rodgers Hos
iery Co Inc r 227 DuBose av Mize Gus h 250 DuBose av Mize Henry S used car dlr r 250 DuBose
av Mize Jessie J associate prof U of Ga r
1729 S Lumpkin Mize Leila R (wid C A) h 1729 S Lump-
kin Mize Leonard E (Doris D) 3 furn repr
h Johnson dr extd Mize Lillian M (Mrs W H) topper Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 920 S Lumpkin Mize Louie E (Lucy C) mech Benson's
Bakery h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Mize M Howard carp C P Shaw Constn Co
r 549 N Jackson Mize Margt tex wkr r 340 Boulevard Mize Otis (Edna A) mech Bisson's Motor
cycle Co r 1360 Oconee Mize P Dallas (Ethel S) pntr h 1360
Oconee Mize Walter A (Jessie C) trk dr Indus
trial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc h 198 Elbert Mize Walter A Jr (Myrtle S) 2 slsmn Snow Tire Co h 140 N Peter Mize Wm H (Lillian M) 3 knitter Rod gers Hosiery Co Inc h 920 S Lumpkin Moats Bennie W slsmn Bradley Provision Co r Winterville Ga Mobley Lester carp Sam Smith Co r Stathaxn Ga



Modern Sewing Shop The (Mrs Dora C Ginn) 202 N Jackson
Molder E Edith student r 1150 S Milledffe Molder Frances E student r 1150 S Mil-
ledge av Molder Josh M (Eliz D) executive
Northeast Ga Council Boy Scouts of Am h 1150 S Milledge av Mollenhoff Dora dist supvr State Dept of Education h 111 Milledge cir apt 10 Moniz Helen C (Mrs J P) payroll elk Davison-Paxon Co r 197 Boulevard hts Moniz Jos P (Helen B) constn wkr r 197 Boulevard hts Monroe Lucia S (wid J F) r 145 Grady av Montgomery Addie r 758 Cobb Montgomery Anne slswn F W Woolworth Co r Watkinsville Ga
Pres-Treas Athen Truck & Tractor
Co Inc h 746 Oglethorpe av -- Dial LI
6-6708 Montgomery Dale W (Jane C) 1 (Mont
gomery Radio & TV Service) h 1290 S Lumpkin Montgomery Horace N (Gladys A) prof U of Ga h 160 Rock Glenn rd Montgomery Jane C (Mrs D W) mus tchr 1290 S Lumpkin r same Montgomery Martha E (wid W P) h 248 Georgia av
Pres Athens Truck & Tractor Co Inc r
746 Oglethorpe av -- Dial LI 6-6708
Montgomery Radio & Television Service
(Dale W Montgomery) 1290 S Lump-
kin Montgomery Thos H (Mozelle S) slsmn
Athens Trk & Tractor Co h 158 E Cloverhurst av Montgomery Tom A student r 160 Rock Glenn rd Moody Bobby T student r 310 Best dr Moody Gladys mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc h 748 % N Jackson Moody H G (Laura R) emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 896 N Chase Moody Jas orderly Athens Genl Hosp r 385 Cleveland av Moody Jas M sch tchr r 385 Cleveland av Moody Juanita student r 896 N Chase Moody Mamie L dom h 364 Cleve land av Moody Nettie elev opr J C Penney Co Inc r 385 Cleveland Moody Thos Jr (Nettie) tailor John Q West Inc h 385 Cleveland av Moody Walter (Dorothy M) 2 porter Citizens & Sou Natl Bk porter Sears Roebuck & Co h 87 Broadacres Moody Wm G (Cleo B) emp Ga Power Co h 310 Best dr Moody Wm G Jr USA r 310 Best dr Moon Annie P r 766 N Lumpkin Moon Beauty Shop (Mrs Carolyn S Moon) 469 N Jackson Moon Belle B (wid Hagard) 3 r 552 Pulaski

Moon Callie H (wid J M) h 1943 S Lumpkin
Moon Carolyn S (Mrs G C) (Moon Beauty Shop) furn rms 469 N Jackson r same
Moon Cora A (wid F T) r 793 W Hancock av
Moon Dave (Parille L) h 816 N Lumpkin
Moon Donald asst printer Athens BannerHerald r Watkinsville Ga
Moon Dora D maid r 120 S Harris Moon Elmina r 120 S Harris Moon Ervin (Ruby) genl maintenance Dai-
rypak Inc r RD 4 Moon Grocery (Grover C Moon) 621 N
Hull Moon Grover C (Carolyn S) (Moon
Gro) h 469 N Jackson Moon H T (Pearl C) 1 delmn W F Mc-
Elreath Beverages h 385 Arch Moon Hazel H dishwasher Old South
Restr Inc r 120 S Harris Moon Hugh D (Ora B) 6 (Broad
Street Barber Shop) h 374 DuBose av Moon Ina B maid Athens Genl Hosp r
Colbert Ga Moon Jas (Cora J) brklyr h Danielsville
rd RD 1
Moon Jessie F (Clara D) 3 emp h Old Whitehall rd
Moon Jodie trk dr Armstrong & Dobbs Inc r RD 4
Moon John F dept mgr Warren J Smith & Bro r 793 W Hancock av
Moon Joycelyn sten County Dept Pub Wel fare r 395 Best dr
Moon Lonzo dr Bernstein's Funeral Home Inc r 690 W Hancock av
Moon Lorenzo (Julia J) (Neal's Ga rage) h 210 Lake rd
Moon Mable cook 126 Dearing r 220 Glenhaven av
Moon Mary L maid Athens Genl Hosp r Colbert Ga
Moon Melvin A (Frances E) mach Keller Mach Co r RD 1
Moon Milledge (Lena E) 2 h 234 Billups
Moon Olin L (Willie M C) 1 emp Ga Power Co h 766 N Lumpkin
Moon Perlina Mrs slswn Gallant-Belk Co h 280 Morton av
Moon Rotel (Samlean) lab h 190 5th
Moon Roy (Scott T) 2 porter University Service Sta h 135 S Billups
Moon Ruby A (wid H G) opr Good Luck Mfg Co h 264 Nantahala av
Moon Scott F emp Athens Poultry Inc r 135 S Billups
Moon Tilman (Annie) 1 h 242 Ev ans av
Moon Willie (Daisy R) 3 hlpr Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 151 Upson al
Moon Willie (Dora D) 2 lab h 120 S Harris



A Elder Pres, Lamar A Elder Sec-Trea*,
Cosmetics, Candies, Drugs, Prescriptions
and Sundries 197 E Clay ton -- Dial LI
3-5231 (See Center Space and Buyers
Guide) Mooney Morris agt Interstate Life & Acci
dent Ins Co r Madison Ga Moore Alberta r 226 Arch Moore Alice r 69 Broadacres Moore Annie M 1 cook Athens High Sch
h 226 Arch Moore Ben porter Rainbow Servic'e &
Storage Sta r 640 W Hancock av Moore Bertha B maid Johnson dr r 648
Vine Moore Betty C (Mrs W L) emp r 322
North av Moore Carrie B S r 373 Flint Moore Cecil W (Lucy S) 5 tex wkr
Chicopee Mfg Co h 175 Hillside Moore Corena maid 124 E Hancock av
h 815 Waddell Moore Dennis (Evie) knitter Rodgers Hos
iery Co Inc r Ila Ga Moore Donald P (Marjorie M) 5 pntr
U of Ga h 700 Pulaski Moore Donald W emp Athens Dental Lab
oratory r 175 Hillside Moore Floride associate prof U of Ga r
1530 S Lumpkin apt A-3 Moore Fred (Marie A) gro 280 Paris
h 270 same Moore Gipson (Marie S) yd mn U of Ga
h 273 Paris Moore Gussie A maid 260 Morton av
h 443 S Rockspring Moore Gussie D supvr County Schools r
147 W Strong Moore Hazel W (Mrs V D) mender Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r 137 Childs Moore Hertie h 183 3d Moore Hertie r 289 Bridge Moore Hiram E student r 520 Sunset dr Moore Horace emp Empire State Chem
Co r 74 Elbert Moore J Ray emp The McGregor Co r
175 Hillside Moore J Roy Rev (Gussie D) 1 pastor
First African Methodist Episcopal Ch of Athens h 147 W Strong Moore Jack brklyr G M Caskey & Son r Monroe Ga Moore Jas jan First Presbyterian Ch r Winterville rd Moore Jas C USAF r 322 North av Moore Jas T (Betty L) mech Chief Pontiac Co r RD 2 Moore Jesse (Zena) hauling 635 Dearing h same Moore Lamare student r 270 Paris Moore Laura r 226 Arch Moore Lehmon tractor dr h 420 Vine Moore Leamond r Winterville rd Moore Leiland S (Alma C) wtch repr Sterchi Bros Stores Inc r Comer Ga Moore Leon (Clara) tech Strickland's Tel evision Center r Watkinsville Ga Moore Leonard (Bertha B) h 648 Vine

Moore Leroy (Versie B) h 332 North av Moore Lucy S (Mrs C W) tex wkr Chico
pee Mfg Co r 175 Hillside Moore Madge public sten 284 Nantahala
av h same Moore Margt student r 270 Paris Moore Marie S maid U of Ga r 273
Paris Moore Mary maid Bernstein Funeral
Home Inc r Winterville rd RD 1 Moore Mary 3 emp Colonial Poultry Co
h 373 Flint Moore Melvin P 2 hlpr Shivar's Bak
ery r 460 Vine Moore Miriam A 4 cook East Athens
Sch r 187 3d Moore Ora (wid Robt) Indrs r 289
Bridge Moore Pansy drsmkr 284 Nantahala h same Moore Robt B (Leile S) 1 lino opr Athens
Banner-Herald h 147 W Dougherty Moore Robt B (Mary S) dentist 285%
College av rm 202 h 180 South View dr Moore Robt E (Jeannette H) 3 trav
slsmn h 305 South View dr Moore Rosa 2 maid r 158 Warsaw Moore Rufus r 158 Warsaw Moore Sally S h 460 Vine Moore Sara K (wid M B) elk USPO r 298
Oakland av MOORE SHELDON G (Genna Lee B) 2
Sec-Treas College Motors Inc, General
Trading Corp and J Swan ton Ivy Inc h
195 Rock Glenn rd--Dial LI 6-8548 Moore Therodric maid r 460 Vine Moore Vernard D (Hazel W) elk USPO h
137 Childs Moore Versie B (Mrs Leroy) emp r 332
North av Moore Virginia asst U of Ga Library r
980 S Lumpkin Moore Vonnie L mach opr Classic City
Overall Co Inc r Danielsville Ga Moore Willie shoe shiner Wilkes Barber
Shop r 226 Arch Moore Wm H porter East Athens Service
Sta r Winterville Ga Moore Wm L (Betty C) 2 whse elk DeVore
& Johnson Inc h" 322 North av Moore Zena maid Milledge cir apt 6 r
635 Dearing Moorehead Ada W (Mrs Leroy) slswn r
198 Barrow Moorehead Eliz L (wid Fryson) r 145 Ber
lin Moorehead Ella T (wid John) h 137 Ber
lin Moorehead Leroy (Ada N W) 2
(Moose's Bait Shop) capt City Fire Dept h 198 Barrow Moose's Bait Shop (Leroy Moorehead) 651 W Broad
Moran Alex H (Ruby G) 3 trav slsmn h 181 Sylvia cir
Moran Robt H student r 490 S Lumpkin
Moran Sybil H (wid W J) h 490 S Lumpkin
Moran Walter J Jr (Betty W) student r 490 S Lumpkin



Morehead Cortus L designer Van Cleve's Flowers r 387 S Milledge av
Morgan Audrey M dist home demonstn agt State Agrl Extn Service h Whitehall rd RD 4
Morgan Eddie L (Lucile L) del elk W U Teleg Co h 150 Sunset dr
Morgan Edgar J (Nell C) 1 emp Natl Cash Register Co h trailer 245 North av
Morgan Eliz mgr Hi-Lo Cafe No 2 r 1347 W Broad
Morgan Hazel P (Mrs M W) ofc mgr Ath ens Chamber of Commerce r 385 Best dr
Morgan Howard V (Ruthe W) 1 slsmn Dave Gordon Auto Sup Co h 249 Hillcrest av
Morgan Jean E student r 249 Hillcrest Morgan John L (Marie S) 3 constn wkr
h 246 N Pope Morgan Jos G (Virginia R) 3 sta comman
der USAF Recruiting Sta h 200% E Rutherford Morgan Julia grad nurse 698 King av r same Morgan Larry P (Flo B) 2 dist plant mgr S B T & T Co h 310 Parkway dr Morgan Lou S (Mrs W N) smstrs The Modern Sewing Shop r Arnoldsville Ga Morgan Max W (Hazel P) formn Dairypak Inc h 385 Best dr Morgan Patk student r 180 Fortson dr Morgan Ralph student r 249 Hillcrest Morgan Thos E (Dessie M) elk U S State Stabilization & Conservation Ser vice h 535 Prince av Morris Allene (Mrs C T) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 165 North av Morris Annie A (wid W B) h 1764 S Lumpkin Morris Annie F r 244 Evans av Morris Augustus A (Lu T) h 930 Oglethorpe av Morris Bernice mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r Nicholson Ga Morris Carroll A (Lois F) 3 ofc mgr Allied Producers & Sup Co Inc h 125 Childs Morris Chas (Thelma) crib hlpr Dairypak Inc r Hull Ga Morris Charlie T (Allene) h 165 North av Morris Donald (Janet M) 1 slsmn Tom's Toasted Peanuts r 174 Clover Morris Elise asst City Clk & Treas r 1764 S Lumpkin Morris Garland H (Gertrude H) 1 dr Vet erans Cab Co h 325 Hiawassee av Morris Gene M r 165 North av Morris Guss A mach opr Classic City Over all Co Inc r Nicholson Ga Morris Harold D (Ora B) 3 prof U of Ga h 170 E Rutherford
Morris Harold M (Fairy E) trav rep h 220 West View dr
Morris Irene mender Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Colbert Ga
Morris J L (Thiresa E) h 170 Milledge hts
Morris J Ann ofc sec Gulf Life Ins Co r Colbert Ga

Morris J Robt (Pauline) pres Automotive Parts Distributors Inc r Tifton Ga
Morris Jake (Mary C) 5 (g) emp Bensons Bakery wood yd 505 N Peter h same
Morris Jas W (Versie G) 2 h 184 Wilkerson
Morris Lew T (Dawn P) slsmn P H Durden's Men's Store h 1686% Prince av
Morris Louise tchr Barrow Street Sch r 275 South View dr
Morris Lou Nell Mrs inspr Fields Mfg Co r Hull Ga
CRETE (Marion P Morris) Ready Mixed
Concrete 425 Barber--Dial LI 6-6031
(See Top Special Lines) Morris Mamie D mach opr Fields Mfg Co
r Colbert Ga Morris Marion tchr Athens High Sch r
441 Bloomfield
Morris Ready Mixed Concrete) h 420
South View dr--Dial LI 6-6717 Morris Mary C emp Athens Poultry Co
r 505 N Peter Morris Oliva T (wid A F) r 152 Talmadge Morris O'Neal E r 811 Waddell Morris Robt brklvr David D Saye r RD 3 Morris Robt E USN r 220 West View dr Morris Susie S dom r 1505 E Broad Morris Van Cleve (Eloise B) 2 prof U
of Ga h 183 Parkway dr Morris Versie G (Mrs J W) tex wkr r 184
Wilkerson Morris Walter W (Dorothy S) 1 firemn
City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 1597 S Lumpkin Morrison Fred (Kathleen H) spotter Gulf Atlantic Whse Co h 334 Glenhaven av Morrison Freddie K r 334 Glenhaven av Morrison Garland J (Ada N) slsmn The Athens Hdw Co r Winterville Ga Morrison H M (Mardell) slsmn Athens Co operative Creamery r RD 2 Morrison Hilda W (Mrs Ollie) slswn Gallant-Belk Co r 660 Meigs Morrison Hoke S (Merdelle T) 2 emp Athens Cooperative Creamery h Sunset dr RD 2 Morrison John W USAF r 334 Glen haven av Morrison Merdelle T (Mrs H S) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Sunset dr
RD 2 Morrison Ollie (Hilda W) trk dr White
Truck Line h 660 Meigs Morrison Willie M presser Fields Mfg
Co h 146 N Pope Morrow A Ralph (Doris M) 1 mkt mgr
h 150 Morningside dr apt 3 Morrow Essie (Mrs Virgil) examiner Rod
gers Hosiery Co Inc r Comer Ga Morrow Jas C USA r 545 S Poplar Morrow John T (Lizzie H) 5 hlpr Univer
sity Lndry & Dry Clnrs r 545 S Pop
lar Morrow Lizzie H (Mrs J T) warper r 545
S Poplar

Morrow Rufus R asst mgr Guaranty Life Ins Co r Winder Ga
Morse Henry A (Littie) lab h 1226 W Broad
Morse Lettie maid Highland av r 1226
W Broad Morton Ada R r 236 Colima av Morton Alice B h 132 Cleveland av
Morton Arth L (Lucy P) 1 emp Atlanta Journal h 295 Holman av
Morton Barbara J student r 570 South View dr
Morton Building 195-97 W Washington Morton Chas T (Wong) (Twentieth
Century Billiards) h 659 W Hancock av Morton Chas T Jr student r 659 W Han
cock av Morton Clara Hh780N Chase Morton Delia r 291 Athens av Morton Farris (Bessie B) 2 servicemn
Atlanta Gas Light Co h 412 W Broad Morton Floyd USA r 335 N Pope Morton Geraldine H maid Springdale
r 198 S Billups
Morton Gladys H h 198 S Billups Morton Harold L (Exerlee) lab S A
L R R Co h 236 Colima av Morton Henry J (Doris G) 4 sis supvr
Athens Coca-Cola Co h 125 N Peter Morton Jack W (Vivian J) 2 slsmn Uni
versity Chevrolet Co Inc h 1920 S Lumpkin . Morton Jas H r 236 Colima av Morton John D (Alice B) 3 prof U of
Ga h 570 South View dr Morton Jos H (Gerldine H) 2 r 198 S
Billups Morton Lucy P (Mrs A L) slswn Bush
Jewelers r 295 Holman av Morton Mae C 5 emp Colonial Poultry
Co h 335 N Pope Morton Mary J h 367 Odd Morton Mary L (wid J W) h 350 W
Morton Maude M sch tchr h 823 Prince av
Morton May W (wid J A) h 279 Henderson av
Morton Tot student r 295 Holman av
Morton Wilbertine ctr Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 224 Madison hts

Morton Willie H (Evelyn B) trk dr Ath ens Butchers Abattoir Co Inc h 945 Hobson av

Moseley Grover C Jr (Joanna M) field agt State Dept of Rev Income Tax Unit r Winder Ga

Moseman D H emp Cherokee Hosiery Mill r 781 Boulevard

Moseman Doris E slswn Beck's h 513 N Jackson

Moseman Eunice E (wid J C) h 1124 Prince av

Moseman Harry C (Ollie B) h 781 Boulevard

Moseman Harry C Jr (Kay M) 2 parts

mer Athens Farm Equipment Co h 649



Moseman Howard E (Lorene C) 2 knit ter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 555 King av
Moseman Kay M (Mrs H C Jr) bkpr U S Soil Conservation Service r 649 Hill
Moseman Lorene C (Mrs HE) topper Rod gers Hosiery Co Inc r 555 King av
Moseman Mary F ofc sec Rowe Whse r 1124 Prince av
Moseman Willie H (Frances L) 2 slsmn Snow Tire Co h 249 Waddell
Moser Cleo G (wid Lee) r 590 Holman av Moser Jack P (Lovella H) 2 slsmn C
and H Provision h 590 Holman av Moses Bertha C hlpr Colonial Poultry
Co r 883 Reese Moses Carlton (Lucille) trk dr The
Webb-Crawford Co r Atlanta rd RD 4 Moses Carlton Jr (Helen D) 2 porter
City Limits Service Sta h 11 Broadacres Moses Claudis dr Black & White Cab Co r 690 W Hancock av Moses Eula B maid Milledge av h 1163 W Broad Moses Gordon (Bertha C) garbage collr City Sanitation Dept r 883 Reese Moses Helen D maid Prince av r 11 Broadacres Moses Robt h 439 Madison av apt 1 Mosher C Eug (Mary S) production mgr Genl Times Inc h 263 King av Mosley Edna J h 770 College av Mosley Mary L Mrs h 770 College av Mosley Vivian V Mrs cash Davison-Paxon Co r Winterville Ga Moss Bessie W (wid V J) h 111 Milledge cir apt 6 Moss Frank E elk Bell's Food Mkt r 283 E Hancock av Moss John H student r 335 King av Moss Marion E (Mrs W B) grad nurse Athens Genl Hosp r 335 King av Moss Mary B maid 235 Milledge ter r same Moss Roger H (Louise W) (Moss Shoe Shop) r Princeton rd RD 4 Moss Shoe Shop (Roger H Moss) 897 W Broad Moss Wm B (Marian E) agt The Franklin Life Ins Co h 335 King av Mosteller Miriam R tchr r 267 Woodlawn av Mosteller West F (Helen R) 1 asst mgr University Book Store h 267 Woodlawn av Motes Patricia nurse St Mary's Hosp r 735 Boulevard Motor Contract Division of Trusco Finance Co Wm W Sessions mgr auto financing 279 E Broad MOTOR SALES INC Louie M Clark Mgr
Automobile Financing 151 W Hancock
av--Dial LI 6-0117 -- LI 6-0118 (See
Marginal Lines and Buyers Guide)
Mott Anna M maid Barrow Sch r 420
Reese Mott Geo G (Anna M) h 420 Reese Mt Pleasant Baptist Church Atlanta



Mt Vernon Lodge No 22 F & A M meets Masonic Temple 279 Meigs
Mqyle Emma R (Mrs W R) saving teller The C & S Natl Bk r 140 Marion dr
Moyle W R (Emma R) asst chaplain U of Ga h 140 Marion dr
Muckle Clara r 696 Henderson av extd
Muckle Minnie L 2 maid h 696 Henderson av extd
Muckle Minnie M maid 580 Castalia av r 696 Henderson av extd
Muckle Robt P (Marjone T) 5 lab Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 311 Boley dr
Mucky Gene emp Colonial Poultry Co r 160 S Newton
Mudick Ruby R (Mrs Nicholas) bkpr Bradley Provision Co r Ag Hill
Mullins Wm J (Nancy T) h 223 N Church
Munday's Thrift Shop (Frank B Berryman) used furn 154 W Clayton
Mundy Carolyn D sten L M Leathers' Sons Roofing & Sheet Metal Wks r 230 Boulevard
Mundy Dalton D (wid B H) h 230 Boulevard
Mundy Jos H (Yvonne S) 1 ofc elk Chicopee Mfg Co h 1380 Prince av
Murdock Harriett E (wid Geo) r Georgian Hotel
Murray Alice B (wid I V) h 240 S Hull Murray Aurelius C (Arabella B) 4
mgr Atlanta Life Ins Co h 373 N Chase Murray Bobbie J mach opr Classic City
Overall Co Inc r Carlton Ga Murray Bobby K USAF r 197 West View dr Murrav C Clyde (Margt G) 1 dean Dept
of Agriculture U of Ga h 236 West View dr Murray Clara D (Mrs W J Jr) ofc sec U of Ga r rear 290 North av Murray Daisy mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Baraett Shoals rd Murray Elmer L (Thelma W) 2 electn U of Ga h 323 S Jackson Murray Eva W (Mrs W J) ckr University Lndry r 230 Boulevard Murray Frank E (Vera P) ship elk The Webb-Crawford Co h 465 Milledge cir Murray Irene mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Hull Ga Murray J Rufus flrmn A & P Food Stores r Hull Ga Murray Jewell W (Margt D) 1 barber Ga Barber Shop h 421 Boulevard Murray Kenneth student r 323 S Jackson
Murray L E (Daisy D) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h Barnett Shoals rd
Murray Lois C (Mrs S A) wrapper GallantBelk Co r Danielsville rd R D 1
Murray Margt D (Mrs J W) emp Genl Time Inc r 421 Boulevard
Murray Mary J opr S B T & T Co r 185 S Finley
Murray Nannie M (Mrs R B) emp Athens Cooperative Creamery r 185 O'Farrell

Murray Robt D cutting opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Carlton Ga
Murray Ruel B (Nannie M) maintenance mn U of Ga h 185 O'Farrell
Murray Ruth r 240 S Hull Murray Saml A (Lois G) delmn Anderson
Auto Parts Co Inc r Danielsville rd R D 1 Murray Sara E (Mrs B R) sch tchr r 106
University ct apt 22 Murray Thelma W (Mrs E L) emp Genl
Times Inc r 323 S Jackson Murray Walter J (Eva W) carp U of Ga
h 230 Boulevard Murray Walter J Jr (Clara D) installer
repr S B T & T Co h rear 290 North av Murray Wm J student r 197 Westview dr Murrell Cleo (Ann H) 1 emp Benson's Bak-
ery h 574 Jackson
Murrow Candy Co (E B Murrow) 747 S Church
Murrow Elmer B (Vera U) (Murrow Candy Co) h 670 Cobb
Murrow Richd O student r 670 Cobb
Murry Doyle (Elma S) atndt Pure Oil Service r Hull Ga
Murry Mary dir Athens Nursery Sch r 685 King av
Murry Mozelle H (wid Guy) sten r 145 Elizabeth
MUSIC SHOP THE (Emmett R Bishop) Radios, Television Sets, Music & Musical Instruments 125 N Lumpkin Dial LI 6-0093 (See Buyers' Guide)
Musick Bertha N (wid P L) 1 h 50 West Lake dr
Musick Jack N student r 50 West Lake dr MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE
CO OF NEWARK N J THE Graves F Stephenson Agent 611 Southern Mutual Building Dial LI 6-6781 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers' Guide) Mutual Funeral Home (John Winfrey) 270-82 N Hull Myers Dewey G (Florine C) 1 fixer Fickett Co h 146 Elizabeth Myers Edgar D student r 146 Elizabeth
Myers Florine C (Mrs D G) spinner Ficktet Co r 146 Elizabeth
Myers Frances M (wid J R) r Georgian Hotel
Myers Grady L (Marie P) 2 mech Jordan's Auto Service h 763 College av Myers Jas C (Enid H) 1 instr U of Ga
Library h 725 Cobb Myers Marie P (Mrs G L) seamer Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r 763 College av
Myers Nona S (wid S H) h 1127 S Milledge av
Myers Sophie S (wid F J) r 1127 S Milledge
Myers Tedford E (Kathleen B) mgr Dixie Hotel elk Georgian Hotel r Dixie Hotel
Myrna Court Apartments Myrna ct

N To Find a Name You Most Know How to Spell It.
Nabers Harold (Doris S) appr electn Ga Power Co h 609 N Harris
Nachtrab Lawrence J (Bera H) prof U of Ga h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 307
Napier Ellen E r 1374 W Hancock av Nash Annie (Mrs Joe) scantier Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1 Nash Ellis hlpr L M Leathers' Sons r Dan-
ielsville Ga Nash Fredk L USA r 80 Holman av Nash Geo W county dep sheriff r Atlanta
rd RD 1 Nash H R (Virginia H) 1 appliance
reprmn Ga Power Co h 516 Holman av Nash Herman R Jr student r 516 Holman
av Nash J Young (Annette W) trk dr An-
derson-Clayton Co h 80 Holman av Nash Luther J (Florrie R) 1 carp h
175 Grady av Nash Mary C ofc sec Guy B Scott Jr r
175 Grady av Nash-Mary T (Mrs W B) bkpr Tanner
Lbr Co r 158 Westover dr Nash Robt elk Parham's Food Mkt r RD 2 Nash Robt L (Dora) car washer C A
Trussell Mtr Co r Winterville Ga Nash Sam J power plant opr Ga Power Co
r 285 Barber Nash Wm B (Mary T) 1 route slsmn
Sinclair Refining Co h 158 Westover dr Nathaniel Wm F student h 218 Morton av NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS THE
Wm R Antley Pres, Robt C Gilmer Executive V-Pres Thos H Milner Jr V-Pres, Trust Officer, E Evans Johnson V-Pres, Edwin K Randolph Cash, Mrs Clara H Foster Asst Cash 297 E Broad Dial LI 6-7344--LI 6-7348 National Life Insurance Co of Vermont Wm C Hartman Jr agt 418 Sou Mut Bldg National Life & Accident Insurance Co Melvin L Langford dist mgr dist ofc nns 201-02 Saye bldg Natural Divine Spiritual Church Training Sch Rev Hiram O'Neal dir 547 Madison av Neal Ed M (Margery M) USN h 398 S Milledge av apt 4 Neal Foster h 1750 E Broad Neal Jos T (Odessa E) jan Lyons apts h 157 Warsaw Neal Katie maid 632 Oglethorpe av r RD 4
Neal Margt dom r 1750 E Broad
Neal Maurine bkpr Davison-Paxon Co r 274 Oakland av
Neal Paul farmer h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Neal Richd G (Myrtice H) 2 Sou Mill Sup Co h 118 University dr

Neal Will (Inez T) lab Empire State

Chem Co r 1750 E Broad Neal's Garage (Lorenzo Moon) auto repr

110 North av Neely Charley (Writa L) 1 farmer
h 435 Bailey Neely Charlie G (Evelyn C) 3 pntr
C A Trussell Mtr Co h 187 Fairview Neely Evelyn C beauty opr 187 Fairview

r same Neely Fannie F sen tchr r 1248 W Broad
Neely Frank J farmer r 435 Bailey Neely Jas S (Juanita) trk dr Thorn-
ton Bros Paper Co h 348 Cleveland av Neely John B stockmn S H Kress & Co

r 435 Bailey Neeley Julia D emp U of Ga r rear 188

N Strong Neely Linton L r 435 Bailey Neely Monroe (Mattie S) butler h 35tt


Neely Sallie h 1745 E Broad

Neely Susie B 2 h 1248 W Broad

Neely Thos L student r 435 Bailey


Neeley Wm lab r rear 188 W Strong

Neff Paul W USN r 445 N Pope Neighbors Dan L (Lucile D) 2 slsmgr L
M Leathers' Sons h 1441 S Milledge

Neighbors Jos B Jr (Mary E) 3 phys 1010 Prince av h 419 Milledge ter
Nellans Josephine A student cash Hutchins

Cox & Stroud Inc r 984 Prince av Nelms Alvin W (Thelma) slsmn C A Trus
sell Mtr Co r Colbert Ga Nelms Beulah A Mrs drsmkr 264% N
Lumpkin rm 7 h 550 King av

Nelms Beverly J (Ruby P) r 657 Nantahala av
Nelms J Hoyt (Evelyn O) (J Hoyt Nelms Bookkeeping Service) r Sanford rd
Nelms J Hoyt Bookkeeping Service (J Hoyt Nelms) 518 Sou Mut Bldg
Nelms Jessie L (wid G D) emp h 190 Indiana av

Nelms John B (Verna A) student h rear 140 Nantahala av extn
Nelms John M r 768 College av Nelms Lizzie P (wid L C) r 490 Nacoochee

Nelms Loyd J Jr (Ruth P) 1 mortician McDorman Funeral Home h 125 Woodrow
Nelms Margt H (Mrs PA) ofc wkr Simpson Service Inc r 665 Belvoir hts
Nelms O L (Frances C) hlpr Ga Power Co

r 190 Indiana av Nelms Paul A (Margt H) shop supvr Simp-
son Service Inc h 665 Belvoir hts Nelms Ruby inspr Chicopee Mfg Co h 490
Nacoochee av Nelms Ruth P (Mrs L J Jr) supvr Big Ace
Corp r 125 Woodrow Nelms Verna A (Mrs J B) elk Silvey Mti
Co Inc r rear 140 Nantahala extn Nelms W David (Floria R) gro 720 Bar
ber h same

Nelms W Howard (Osie S) waiter Stephans Cafe r Hull Ga

Nelms W Howell (Mary S) elk Auto Ac

cessories & Appliance Co r 190 Indiana av


Nelms Walter C (Hilda B) 1 USN r 190 Indiana av
Nelms Walter L (Phiyllis J) 2 dr Veterans Cab Co h 30 Parkview Homes
Nelms Willie M Mrs slswn Gallant-Belk Co h 860 College av
Nelson Christine Mrs 1 waitress Crow's Drug Store Inc r 744 Barber
Nelson Edwin C Jr (Jacqueline O) 3 (Nelson Landscape Co) h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Nelson Landscape Co (C Edwin Nelson) Epps Bridge rd RD 4
NELSON LOUIS A R Pres Nelsons' Baldwin Directory Co Inc r Charleston S C
Thomas Athens Inc r Atlanta Ga Nelson Mary E (wid E C) h 343 S Pope NELSONS' BALDWIN DIRECTORY CO
INC Louis A R Nelson Pres World's
Largest Independent City Directory Pub
lisher, Originator ABCD Type City Di rectory Publisher Athens Ga 1954 Di
rectory Home Office 125 Meeting Char
leston S C Nesbit Annie B W maid 380 Cloverhurst
r 724 N Lumpkin Nesbit Hannah C cook h 672 N Lumpkin Nesbit Ileane L tchr East Athens Sch r
185 N Rockspring Nesbit Isabella h 185 N Rockspring Nesbit Julia dom h 386 Arch Nesbit Robt E (Annie B W) hlpr The
Webb-Crawford Co h 724 N Lumpkin Nesbitt Robt E Jr (Nancy B) carrier
USPO h 380 Lyndon av Nesmith Wilbur B (Zelma) trk dr Dairy-
pak Inc r Macon Ga Neville Walter E (Kate H) agriculturist
State Agrl Extn Service r Epps Bridge rd RD 4 New Paul mgr Big A Cafe r Colbert Ga New Way Dry Cleaners & Laundry (C W and H C Griffeth) 394 Prince av br 1687 5 Lumpkin New York Life Insurance Co Richd F Harris agt 320 Sou Mut Bldg Newborne Jos E eng State Hwy Dept r Arnoldsville Ga Newings Annie M 5 dom r 1689 E Broad Newings Gordon (Minnie P) lab City Street Dept h 1689 E Broad Newings Irene D maid 65 Parkview Homes r 260 Vine Newings Willie hlpr Anderson Plmbg 6 Htg Co r 1689 E Broad NEWLAND THOS W (Ruth H) 1 Ad ministrator Athens General Hospital h
330 McWhorter dr--Dial LI 3-3052 Newman Hall Catholic Student Center Rev
X M Clougherty dir 1344 S Lumpkin Newman Jos K (Greta F) USN h 134
Buena Vista av apt 3 Newsom Bessie W presser Whitworth's
Clnrs & Dyers r 153 Lindon av Newsome Larry (Bessie W) h 153 Lyn
don av
Newsome Parks S (Jane R) asst adv mgr Athens Banner-Herald h 336 Can-

Newton Cath L prof U of Ga r 892 Prince av
Newton Charlotte asst U of Ga Library r 892 Prince
Newton Chas H (Mary R) h 892 Prince av
Newton Charlotte instr U of Ga r 892 Prince av
NEWTON ERNEST D (Marguerite D) Mgr Hotel Holman h same--Dial LI 6-0737
Newton Ernest D Jr student r Hotel Holman
Newton Geo L (Patsy) collr The L B Price Merc Co r Winterville Ga
Newton Luther r 523 E Strong Newton Marguerite D (Mrs E D) elk
USPO r Hotel Holman Newton School Cordelia M Wymbs prin
346 Athens av Newton Virginia D (Mrs Rupert) bkpr The
Natl Bk of Athens r Bishop Ga Newton Virginia L r 892 Prince av Nichols Harold F (Viola D) 1 mech City
Mtrs Inc h 1452% Prince av Nichols Mattie J mus tchr 825 W Hancock
av h same Nichols Olive L (wid C B) r 715 N Jackson Nichols Willie C slsmn Gallant-Belk Co
h 715 N Jackson Nicholson David B Rev (Dixie J) h 230
Hampton ct Nicholson Homer K (Josephine S) county
eng elk County Commrs of Roads & Rev enue h 277 Henderson av Nicholson Jimmy slsmn Shamrock Portraits r 345 Best dr
Nicholson Kathleen waitress Hotel Holman h 546 College
Nicholson Madison G (Lucy W) h 298 S Hull
Nicholson R C (Tommie P) student r 235 Milledge hts
Nicholson Tommy L (Wilma) staff mgr Interstate Life & Accident Ins Co i Gainesville Ga
NICKERSON NORMAN D (Norah L) V-Pres The Athens Hardware Co h 450 W Cloverhurst av--Dial LI 6-6741
NICKERSON SAM H (Sarah C) PresTreas The Athens Hardware Co h 147 Ridgewood pi--Dial LI 3-5631
NICKERSON SAM H JR (Vivian B) (Sims Machine Shop) h 70 Myrna ct--Dial LI 6-6069
Nickerson Vivian B (Mrs S H Jr) ofc sec W P Martin Ins Agcy r 70 Myrna ct
Niles Annie B maid r 1132 Broad W
Nisbet Tommie M (wid W R) h 550 W Cloverhurst av
Nix Betty A ckr University Lndry r 177 1st
Nix Carolyn M (Mrs J R) finance officer U of Ga r 490 W Rutherford
Nix Edd trk Clarke County Milling Co r Winterville Ga
Nix Estelle M (wid John) r 349 E Hoyt

NIX H ABIT (Eunice L) (Erwin, Nix, Birchmore & Epting) Lawyer 201-08 Southern Mutual Bldg Sec Price Pro vision Co Inc and Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co h 247 S Milledge av--Dial LI 3-2015
Nix Hilda M Mrs personnel sec DavisonPaxon Co r Watkinsville Ga
Nix Inez ofc wkr Sterchi Bros Stores Inc r 390 W Hancock av apt 1
Nix J Robt (Carolyn M) field eng Ga Power Co h 490 W Rutherford
Nix Mildred L weaver Chicopee Mfg Co r 177 1st
Nix Nellie P Mrs spinner Chicopee Mfg Co h 177 1st
Nix Nora r 340 Barber Nix Robt C (Maria T) USA h 625 N Lump-
kin Nix Victor C (Martha B) prof U of Ga
h 268 Gilliland dr Nix W C trk hlpr Clarke County Milling
Co r Winterville Ga Nixon Billy D USA r 485 Nacoochee av Nixon Pearl T Mrs r 485 Nacoochee av Nixon Reuben E (June S) 2 mech White &
Wier Air Conditioning & Htg h 131 Park View apts Noell Lucille W (Mrs W L) slswn Marion's r 497 Oglethorpe av Noell M Eliz student r 233 DuBose av Noell Ollie L (wid Carlton) h 120 Willow Noell T A (Flottilla) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r RD 1 Noell Walter C (Mae G inspr Pepsi Cola Btlg Co of Athens h 95 Springdale Noell Walter C Jr (Ethel C) 3 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 233 DuBose Noell Wm L (Lucille W) food broker 497 Oglethorpe h same Nolan Alf jan Benson's Bakery r 597 Dearing Nolan Alice tchr r 597 Dearing Nolan Henry M 2 flour blender Benson's Bakery r 597 Dearing Nolan Nathan B (Ida) councillor Voca tional Rehabilitation r Winterville Ga Nolan Rollie sch tchr h 597 Dearing Noland John E (Shirley) 4 associate leader State 4-H Club h 150 E Cloverhurst av Noland Shirley (Mrs J E) slswn Bradberry Realty Co r 150 E Cloverhurst av Nold Mary K r 165 Waddell National Cash Register Co Jenks O King mgr 478 E Clayton Normal Barber Shop (Clarence H Crawford) 1344 Prince av Normal Cafe (Mrs Esther M Grimes) 1360 Prince av
Normal Grocery & Produce Co (A H and W Carnell Brackett) 1328 Prince av
NORMAL HARDWARE CO (H H Logan) 1368 Prince av--Dial LI 3-5238 (See Cen ter Space and Buyers Guide)
Normal Radio Shop (Douglas E and Mrs Lillian M Holifield) repr 1352 Prince av
Normal Service Station (F L Weatherford) 1390 Prince av

Norman Annie M h 290 Paris Norman Betty student r 367 Arch Norman D H (Codella E) emp The Hanna
Mfg Co r RD 2 Norman Doris ofc sec Georgian Hotel r
513 N Jackson Norman Florence L transit elk The Natl
Bk of Athens r Jefferson rd RD 12 Norman Ida M dom h 360 DuBose av Norman J Herman (Mamie T) 3 mech Rus
sell Daniel Inc h Barnett Shoals rd Norman Jimmy L (Annie B) 7 empt r
Lexington rd Norman Joe (Mattie B) 5 mach hlpr
Brown Mtr Co h 367 Arch Norman Lee W checking orders Davison-
Paxon Co r Lexington rd Norman Lily opr Giles Beauty Shop r
590 Holman av Norman Louise 3 cook r 455 Atlanta av Norman Mamie T (Mrs J H) emp r Bar
nett Shoals rd Norman Mattie B maid Jefferson rd r
367 Arch Norman Nellie 2 emp Athens Poultry Co
r 367 Arch Norman Pearlie M dom r 1697 E Broad Norman Polly W r 1697 E Broad Norman Reliagh hlpr Brown Mtr Co r
367 Arch Norman Tava Mrs 1 meat ctr Bell's Food
Mkt r 513 N Jackson Norman Thos W emp USPO r 360 Du
Bose av Norris Bert M r 653 College av Norris Bessie B (Mrs M C) tex wkr Chico
pee Mfg Co r 125 Sylvia cir Norris Billy P elk Bell's Food Mkt r Bogart
Ga Norris Chafe W lab Evergreen Memorial
Pk Inc r Bogart Ga Norris Cornelius J (Mary P) carrier USPO
r 749 Boulevard Norris Eliz D 1 h 606 (486) N Foundry Norris Ernest E (Francis) knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1 Norris Ernest L (Mary W) h 147 Mor-
ton av Norris Floyd E Rev pastor Free Methodist
Ch h 197 Wilkerson NORRIS HARDWARE CO INC John W
Thurmond Pres-Treas, Mrs Martha A Thurmond V-Pres-Sec 131 E Clayton-- Dial LI 6-6541 and 130 E Washington Norris Ida h 263 Arch Norris Jas M (Mary D) h 186 Boulevard Norris M Clyde (Bessie B) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 125 Sylvia cir Norrise Dorothy S asst cash S H Kress & Co r RD 4 North American Van Lines Inc Thomas Transfer Co Inc agt 766 W Broad North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Co Geo Stroud agt 206 Samaritan Bldg North East Georgia Adjustment Bureau Thos C Beusse pres cred adjusters 285% College av rm 209 Northeast Georgia Council Boy Scouts of America Josh M Molder scout executive 298 E Washington rm 216-18-20

Northeast Georgia Livestock Auction Inc Lee O Price pres Winterville rd ofc 240
N Lumpkin North Georgia Brokerage Co (John W Price
and H Fred Wilenchek) food brokers 398 N Foundry North Georgia Pecan Co (Thos E Wier) whol 396 N Foundry North Georgia Production Credit Assn Eug Huff mgr farm loans br ofc 264% N. Lumpkin Northington Jane nutrition consultant State Dept of Pub Health r 161 W Cloverhurst NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO THE B Richd Bloodworth Jr Dist Agt Bartley R Bloodworth Agt Emeritus 410 Southern Mutual Bldg Dial Li 3-5111 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers
Guide) Norwood Louise student r 872 W Broad Norwood Rutherford B mgr Manhattan
Cafe r 872 W Broad Norton Alton (Isabell) trk dr Royal Crown
Btlg Co of Athens h 698 N Pope Norton Beverly B (Mrs E J) teller The
First Natl Bk of Athens r 140 Woodrow Norton Blanton F (Millicent V) service
sta mgr Athens Tire & Auto Sup Co r Watkinsville Ga Norton Elbert J Jr (Beverly B) 1 h 140 Woodrow Norton Geo F (Helen W) 1 elk USPO h 250 Milledge ter Norton Jerry P trk dr Wilfong Bros r Watkinsville Ga Norton Mary B (wid G M) fi h Princeton rd Norton Millicent V (Mrs B F) ofc sec Dixie Canner Co r Watkinsville Ga Norton Pauline chf evening opr S B T & T Co r Princeton rd Nowell Dorothy M copywriter Radio Sta WRFC h bsmt 630 W Cloverhurst av Nowell Rentha C (wid D L) h 1695 S
Milledge av Nowells Addie L r Lexington rd Nowells Lizina (Delia M) lab Athens
Concrete Products Co r 716 Bray Nowels Hutchie B (Lizzie H) lab h
236 4th Nowels Lizzie M cook Pete Petropol
Cafe r 236 4th Nowels Jas W service sta atndt City
Mtrs Inc r Comer Ga Nunez Frances W (Mrs Wilfrido) looper
Climax Hosiery Mills r 901 E Broad Nunez Wilfrido (Frances W) 2 eng Radio
Sta WRFC h 901 E Broad Nunn Bobbie G (Mrs R W) ofc asst Dr Jas
J McDonald r rear 1295 Prince av apt 2 Nunn Clyde G (Elsie) agt Interstate Life &
Accident Ins Co r Commerce Ga Nunn Geo farmer r 267 DuBose av Nunn Royce W (Bobbie G) cable splicer
SBT&TCo h rear 1295 Prince av Nunn Sara A r 395 S Church Nunnally Annie M dom S Milledge h
127 Dallas al Nunnally Daisie D r 3 Gordon's al
Nunnally Delia M (wid L W) <g> h 150

Nunnally Doris dental asst Dr Jas B Alien r 153 Georgia av
Nunnally Duard S (Mary M) 2 meat mgr Bell's Food Mkt h 140 Westpver dr
Nunnally Edna B (wid) cash Georgian Hotel Coffee Shop r same
Nunnally Evelyn L (Mrs W A Jr) ofc wkr r 144 Hawthorne av
Nunnally Florrie D Mrs elk McLellan Stores Co h Princeton rd RD 4
Nunnally H Wedford (Janie S) 2 elk USPO h 1875 S Lumpkin
Nunnally J Heard (Martha M) 2 mgr ship dept The McGregor Co h 665 Pinecrest dr
Nunnally Jas lab Whitmire Furn Co r 3 Gordon's al
Nunnally Jane H nurse St Mary's Hosp r Princeton rd RD 4
Nunnally Janie S (Mrs H W) slswn F W Woolworth Co r 1875 S Lumpkin
Nunnally Jessie (wid G B) emp New Way Lndry h 225 Hall
Nunnally Jessie N (Mrs G N) ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service r Bogart Ga
Nunnally Joan student r Princeton rd RD 4 Nunnally Joe W (May H) carrier USPO
r Atlanta hwy Nunnally John C Jr (Mary P) 2 knitter
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 137 Springdale Nunnally Jos D bkpr Athens Concrete Products Co r Jefferson River rd RD 2 Nunnally Lee R (Emma L D) 1 slsmn The McGregor Co h 480 Cobb Nunnally Mary M (Mrs W A) student r 167 Clover Nunnally Paul D (Nell G) 2 elk Ry Exp Agcy Inc h 731 Pulaski Nunnally Wm A (Mary M) 3 dental tech Dr Jas B Alien h 167 Clover Nunnally Wm A Jr (Evelyn H) 1 h 144 Hawthorne av Nuttycombe John A (Virginia S) prof U of Ga h 611 Milledge cir
To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
Oaks Grady A (Willie) fcty mgr Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co r Watkinsville Ga
Obenshian Annie tchr University Demonstration Sch h 317 Franklin
Oberby Marge N waitress Georgian Hotel Coffee Shop r 685 College av
O'Brien Fredk S (Kathryn T) USN h 1 Parsons apts
O'Collaghan Florence L (wid M P) h 565 Prince av
Oconee Hardware Co Curtis C Christian mgr 378 E Broad
Oconee Hill Cemetery Bert G Bisson sexton end Cemetery
Oconee Street Methodist Church Rev H Burch Fannin pastor Sunday Services 11:15 AM and 7:30 PM 594 Oconee



Oconee Street Service Station (Garland F Hulme) 150 Oconee
Oconee Street School Mary E Woods prin 715 Oconee
Oconee Trim Shop (John L Crawford) auto uphol 215 Williams
O'Conner Mabel C (wid J J) home demonstn agt State Agrl Extn Service r Danielsville Ga
Odessa Beauty Shop (Odessa T Arnold) 397 Athens av
O'Dillon H J (Jennie S) tank trk slsmn Sinclair Refining Co r Watkinsville Ga
O'Dillon Henry W (Irene H) 1 trk dr Poultry Industries Inc h 799 N Pope
O'Dillon J Lowell (Adrienne W) parts mgr City Mtrs Inc r Watkinsville Ga
O'Dillon Jos E r 540 Oconee O'Dillon W Evelyn r 64 Park View Homes O'Dillon Wm H (Zedie J) h 64 Park View
Homes Odom Ethel 1 r 623 N Hull Odom Frank L (Willie N) 2 USA k 657
Nantahala av Odom Louise hlpr Athens Poultry Co
r 623 N Hull Odom Willie J porter Gunn's Inc r 287
Evans Ogle Mollie C (wid H H) r 148 N Poplar Oglesby Cora h 472 Madison av Oglesby Emma L emp New Way Dry Clnrs
& Lridry r 148 Winterville rd Oglesby Mary A maid 229 Barber r 389
Meigs Oglesby Robt (Mary L) trk hlpr
Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co h 160 Marlin Og-lesby Wm H (Emma S) porter
McCannon's Service Sta r 247 Elbert Oglesby Wm H (Emma L) 1 r 148
Winterville rd Ogletree Calvin V atndt Normal Service
Sta r Jefferson Ga Ogletree Carroll L emp L H Bailey & Sons
r 495 Woodlawn av Ogletree Everette E (Mildred L) h Epps
Bridge rd RD 4 Ogletree Frances L (wid C H) h 495
Woodlawn av Ogletree Geo carp Empire State Chem Co
r 174 State Ogletree Geo E maintenance man Empire
State Chem Co r Jefferson rd Ogletree Jacqueline A bkpr Norris Hdw Co
Inc r 396 Boulevard Oerletree Julia G r 360 S Lumpkin Ogletree Ralph (Hazel H) 2 formn Hogan
Bros Lbr Co h 396 Boulevard O'Kelley Chas R economist State Agrl Extn
Service r Winterville rd RD 1 O'Kelley Edw J (Mae B) h 305 S Pope O'Kelley Effie Mrs emp Athens Genl Hosp
r 787 Cobb O'Kelley G Ligon Jr (Mary H) prof
U of Ga h 60 West Lake dr
O'Kelley Huel M (Isabella A) 1 sale rep Gulf Oil Corp h 260 Milledge ter
O'Kelley Isabella A (Mrs H M) asst mgr Davison-Paxon Co r 260 Milledge ter

O'Kelley Mack M student r 260 Milledge
ter O'Kelly Carrie L (wid F C) h 2065 S
Lumpkin O'Kelly Doris agt Afro-Am Life Ins
Co r Conyers Ga O'Kelley Helen emp The C & S Natl Bk
r Bishop Ga O'Kelly Lila Mrs 4 h 619 Reese Old Colony Motor Inn (Justus C Harper)
Albert Mason mgr, Danielsville rd, Dial LI 3-4904 Old Post Office Building 300 College av Old South Annex (Wm E Laite Jr) package shop 192 W Broad Old South Apartments 196 W Broad Old South Barber Shop (Carl E Fields) 149 N Lumpkin Old South Building 186 W Broad Old South Restaurant Inc W P Brega pres, Chas W Brega v-pres, Pauline E Brega sec-treas 198 W Broad Old South Restaurant Inc (Terminal Grill) 198 W Broad Oldham Andrew J (Margie E) h 130 Easy Oldham Arth S (Florrie P) 1 judge City Court of Athens h Princeton rd RD 4 Oldham Elmer C (Cora M) ins slsmn h 597 Baxter Oldham Geo L (Edith M) slsmn Hill-Smith Furn Co Inc r Maysville Ga Oldham Jas M (Tommie W) 2 USMC h 87 Myrna ct apts Oldham Julia B (wid H J) h Princeton rd RD 4 Oldham Marrin E (Floris A) 1 asst supt Std Pipe Line Terminal h 525 Franklin Oldham Mildred W (Mrs J L) receptionist Arnett's Studio r Jefferson rd RD 2 Oliver Ben B (Sally S) carp h 1690 Prince Oliver Fredy r 65 Broadacres Oliver Garland E (Alice R) 2 prof U of Ga h 195 Highland av Oliver Harriet H (wid J M) 3 student h 163 Clover Oliver Mark (Lizzie) 1 jan U of Ga h 862 Reese Oliver Priscilla Y h 233 N Pope Oliver Rubin mech r 233 N Pope Oliver Sandy lab G M Caskey & Son r Farmington Ga Oliver Thurman B (Mildred P) (Athens Fish & Oysters Co) h 1470 Prince av Oliver Vonie A (wid T P) elk Moon & Winn Drug Co r 197 South View dr Ollie John W lab G M Caskey & Son r RD 3 Olney dark (Kathryn W) 1 prof U of Ga h 1451 S Milledge av O'Mally Jas B (Cherry T) 2 lab h 120 (trailer) Berlin
O'Malley Cherry Mrs emp Athens Genl Hosp r 120 Berlin
O'Neal Chas B (Clara P) emp Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 1295 Boulevard

O'Neal Chas K (Thelma W) (g) yd mstr SAL RR Co h 285 Holman av
O'Neal Clara P (Mrs C B) mgr Childs Street Lunch Room r 1295 Boulevard
O'Neal Geo O emp L M Leathers' Sons r 1295 boulevard
Grand Annis H (Mrs G E) payroll supvr Chicopee Mfg Co r 698 Cobb
Grand Grady E (Annis H) 1 atndt University Service Sta r 698 Cobb
Orbinski Zbigniew knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Whitehead rd
Orkin Exterminating Co John D Adams mgr 2159 Broad av
Orr Ann M jwlry mfr 120 Carr's Hill r same
Orr Craig (Sallie T) landscape archt 120 Carr's Hill h same
Orr Fred W (Ann B) 1 (H) elk USPO h 2005 Jefferson rd RD 2
Orr Guy McL (Maude N) h 450 Stanton way
Orr Sallie T (Mrs Craig) executive sec Am Red Cross Athens Chapter r Carrs Hill
Osborn Marvin A slsmn J Swanton Ivy Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Osborn Mary G emp S H Kress & Co r Commerce rd
Osborn Robt L mech J Swanton Ivy Inc r Watkinsville Ga
Osborn Bessie P cook r 117 Broadacres Osborne Edw (Bessie P) car washer
117 Broadacres Osborne Edw Jr r 117 Broadacres Osborne Lillian C r 117 Broadacres Osborne Margt M Mrs laboratory tech
Athens Genl Hosp r Monroe Ga Osborne Mary W (Mrs R T) tchr College
Avenue Sen r 246 West View dr Osborne Odell Mrs slswn Davison-Paxon
Co r 142 E Rutherford Osborne Ophelia h 147 North ay Osborne R Travis (Mary W) dir guid-
ance center U of Ga h 246 West View dr Osborne Reffes (Bessie T) porter Cities
Service Sta h 117 Broadacres Osborne Winnon A sis mn Normal Hdw
Co r RD 3 Osgood Horace O (Annie O) 2 slsmn h 485
Meigs Osley Lillie B (wid P H) h 124 N Poplar O'Steen Frances (Mrs Stacey) topper
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 3 Osteen Haskeel A (Nancy O) USN h 170
Sunset dr O'Steen Stacey (Frances) knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r RD 3 Outlaw Fred USN r 1697 S Milledge av Outlaw Herbert E (Martha) slsmn Whit-
mire Furn Co h 1697 S Milledge av
Ouzt Bertha M flrlady Fields Mfg Co r 243 E Hancock av
Overby Margie N waitress Georgian Hotel h 685 College av
Overstreet Betty H (wid E K) hse mother Delta Tau Delta Fraternity h 125 N Milledge av

Overton Elz W (Mrs Macon) elk U S Agrl Marketing Service & Agrl Statistics r 125 S Milledge av
Owens Adgil G (Annie P) pntr h Tallassee rd RD 4
Owens Annie (Mrs A G) mach opr Angus Mfg Co r Tallassee RD 4
Owens Ceeil foremn Choke's Dry Clnrs r Tallassee
Owens Chas W (Annie J) 2 funeral dii Bernstein Funeral Home Inc h 764 College av
Owens Comer L (Kath G) 4 (Athens Chickery) h 245 King av
Owens Hazel J 1 h 1770 W Broad extd Owens Hubert B (Anna) 2 prof U of Ga
h 215 W Rutherford Owens J G (Emma L) h 731 Pulaski Owens Jas K (Vivian T) USN h 175
Northview dr apt 3 Owens Jo W (Mrs C W) wrapper Guest
Prntg Co r 764 College Owens Margt child welfare consultant State
Dept Pub Welfare Dist 10 r Watkinsville Ga Owens Mary h 190 S Rockspring Owens Mary E (wid J W) 1 tex wkr r 629 Pinecrest dr Owens Robt (Willie F) h 275 N Billups Owens S Cecil (Rosie L) plant mgr Choke's Sanitone Clnrs r RD 4 Owens Willie B maid 405 W Cloverhurst av h 233 S Rockspring Owensby Clara Mrs opr SBT&T Co r 180 Beulah av Owensby Claude r 336 E Strong Owensbv Douglas student r 95 Arch Owensby Eula r 336 E Strong Owensbv Harold C (Lunice A) 3 h 159 Oak Ridge Owensby Jas weaver Chicopee Mfg Co r 95 Arch Owen?by Lunice A (Mrs L C) smstrs Field's Mfg Co r 159 Oak Ridge Owensby M Claude (Naomi S) (Thomas Street Gro) h 95 Arch Owensby Naomi S (Mrs M C) elk Thomas Street Gro r 95 Arch Owensby Wm student r 95 Arch O'Zelia Avis emp Colonial Poultry Co h 772 Waddell
To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
Pace Clyde (Ora M) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Winterville Ga
Pace Dewey L (Maggie A) elec welder Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 1113 Hobson av
Pace Edw r 165 Lakeview Pace Geo B electn Roberts Elec & Appliance
Co r Nicholson Ga



Pace Holman H hlpr Athens Boiler & Papa Marv A slswn F W Woolworth

Mach Wks Inc h 173 New av

Co h 101 Price av

Pace Lena mach opr Classic City Overall Parham Bendine M (Mrs J D) ofc sec

Co Inc r Nicholson Ga

City Eng r 175 Parkway dr

Pace Martha Mrs nurse aide St Mary's Parham Betty A bkpr Parham's Food Mkt

Hosp r 742 Boulevard

r Bogart Ga

Pace Raymond R (Minnie M) 3 h 165 Lake- Parham Carrollette elk Met Life Ins Co


r Comer Ga

Pace Reba W (Mrs L C) ofc sec Snow Parham Cath H (Mrs J D) 1 counter girl

Tire Co r Nicholson Ga

Davis Bros Cafeteria r 294 Baxter

Pace Royston R hlpr Colonial Poultry Co Parham Chas W (Parham's Food Mkt)

Inc r 165 Lakeview

r Sunset dr

Pace Susie B Mrs r 173 New av

Parham Donald (Evelyn) knitter Rodgers

Pace Vivian (Vivian's Beauty Shop) r 301 Hosiery Co Inc r RD 2

N Jackson

Parham Edna (Mrs Ray) seamer Rodgers

Pace Will night wtchman Lucy Cobb Dormi- Hosiery Co Inc r Hull Ga

tory h 360 Pound

Parham Furniture Exchange (June D Par-

Pace Wm E maintenance mn Athens Genl ham) 433 E Broad

Hosp r Winterville Ga

Parham Gesila W (Mrs W B) bkpr Eli

Padgett Chester (Annie S) 3 lab Empire Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Watkinsville Ga

State Chem Co h 498 Little Oak

Parham J D (Cath S) 1 USN r 294 Baxtei

Page Ann waitress Dee Jones Cafe r 263 E Parham J Clyde (Barbara C) elk USPO

Cloverhurst av

h 2037 Jefferson rd RD 2

Page Robt H (Ann H) USMC r 525 King av Parham J Harris (Gladys R) 1 (Par-

Pagel Peggy G (Mrs K E) ofc sec State ham's Food Mkt) h 942 Hill

Agrl Extn Service r 9-g Ag Hill

Parham Jas H sheet metal wkr L M Leath-

Pain Helen r Epps Bridge rd RD 4

ers' Sons r Dougherty

Pain Robbie G trk dr Brown Trans Co Parham Jas W (Bessie) emp Athens Co-

r Epps Bridge rd RD 4

operative Creamery r Danielsville Ga

Paine Lillie r 421 Dearing

Parham John W cash Parham's Food Mki

Paine Rufus R field rep Genl Mtrs r Bogart Ga

Acceptance Corp h 421 Dearing

Parham June D (Bendine M) (Parham

Painter Wm emp Genl Time Corp r 387 Hill Furn Exch) h 175 Parkway dr

PALACE THEATRE P M Russell Jr City Parham Maybelle W (wid J B) cafeteria

Mgr, Operated by Savannah Theatre Co, wkr University Demonstration Sch h Sun-

motion pictures, 235 College av Dial LI set dr


Parham Mildred F ofc sec The Natl Bk of

Palmer Arth H (Cora L) 1 formn The Athens r 455 Scott

Hanna Mfg Co h 845 Oconee

Parham Reed emp The Hanna Mfg Co r

Palmer Charlie H r 755 Oconee

RD 2

Palmer Cora L (Mrs A H) nurses aide Parham Thelma G (wid R H) topper Rodg-

Athens Genl Hosp r 845 Oconee

ers Hosiery Co Inc h 436 Hill

Palmer Ernest V (Sulene B) (Athens Auto Parham Will B (Gesila W) carp Athens

Storage Co) h 1095 Boulevard

Boiler & Mach Wks Inc r Watkinsville Ga

Palmer Frances M mach opr Classic City Parham's Food Market (Chas W and J

Overall Co Inc r Nicholson Ga

Harris Parham) gro 1298 Price av

Palmer Inez M (Mrs J F) emp r 115 In- Parish Geo lab C P Shaw Constn Co r

diana av

R D 4

Palmer Jas (Frances) knitter Rodgers Park Belle (wid R E) h 145 Dearing

Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1

Park Henry H (Ruth T) ofc mgr Athens

Palmer Jas F (Inez M) (Palmer's Gro)

Coca-Cola Btlg Co h 162 Milledge hts

h 115 Indiana av

Parker Elbert T elk Bell's Food Mkt r R D 2

Palmer Lorene B Mrs 2 slswn Beck's h rear Parker Givian R Mrs 2 mach opr Good

153 Barrow

Luck Mfg Co h 61 Parkview Homes

Palmer Robt E mech Heyward Alien Mtr Parker Harriette L bkpr Hubert State Bk

Co r RD 1

r Oconee hts R D 2

Palmer Wm K (Rosalyn) mdse slsmn Ga Power Co h 380 Boulevard

Palmer Jack R asst-poultrymn State Agrl Extn Eervice h 111 South View dr

Palmer's Grocery (Jas F Palmer) 115 Indiana av

Parker Helen div home service supvr Ga Power Co h 190 W Cloverhurst av

Palmissano Mary G (wid Gasper) h 285 Barber

Parker Patk S (Peggy) USN h 470 Woodlawn av

Pan American Building 298 E Washington Parker Wm D (Susie) slsmn Ga Mtrs Inc

Pankey Delbert F (Helen B) 2 res eng r Oconee hts R D 2

State Hwy Dept h 121 Fortson cir

Parker Wm D Jr (Louise S) 1 service mn

Pankey Helen B (Mrs D F) ofc sec US Orkin Exterminating Co h 1692% Prince

^ Navy Sup Corps Sch r 121 Fortson cir __a. v_____________________


Parks Agnes H (Mrs T W) pkr Dairypak Inc r 537 Nantahala av
Parks Armond O (Eliz L) 2 lawyer b 2040% Jefferson rd R D 2
Parks Beverly A student r 109 Clover Parks Doris S Mrs nurses aide Athens Genl
Hosp r 776 Cobb Parks Edd W (Aileen W) prof U of Ga
h 555 W Cloverhurst av Parks Emma r 300 Paris Parks Floyd A (Pearl S) h 847 Hill Parks Fredk (Eva A) 4 porter Elks Club
h 90 Broadacres Pirks John D (Marcus B) 1 mach opr
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 266 King av Parks Laura S (wid C C) field rep U S So
cial Security Admn h 484% W Cloverhurst av Parks Lucy D (wid H T) mgr Davis Bros Cafeteria r Atlanta Ga PARKS SUE M Sec Radio Athens Inc and office mgr Radio Station WRFC r 109 Clover Parks Tyrus W (Agnes H) 2 bkpr Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 537 Nantahala av Parks Wm B (Annie J) swtchmn SAL RR Co h 109 Clover Parkview Grocery (J L Wilbanks) 295 Waddell Park View Homes 412 W Broad Parlowe Theo (Roxie) jan Parkviev/ Homes h 113 Broadacres Parnell Jos F (Mary W) 1 tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 140 Arch Parnell Marv W (Mrs J F) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 140 Arch Parnell W L production mgr Benson's Bak ery r 253 Morton av Parott Helen emp Colonial Poultry Co r 180 S Newton Parr A Wade (Willie L) (Clarke Storage Battery Co) r Nicholson Ga Parr A Wade Jr (Annenette M) 3 (Clarke Storage Battery Co) h 395 Milledge cir Parr Edna N (wid B H) h 128 Nanta hala av extd Parr H Grady (Kathleen P) plant supt Rowe Whse & Fertilizer Co h 461 High land av Parr Harry W (Maude D) plmbr h 148 W Dougherty Parr Henry L (Ruby T) mgr AndersonClayton Co bkpr Athens Mtr & Mach Co h 183 Mell
Parr J Ed (Gladys K) pntr contr 755 Baxter h same
Parr Jack E (Florence L) 1 h 120 W Dougerty
Parr Kathleen P (Mrs H G) ofc sec Rowe Whse & Fertz Co r 461 Highland
Parr Kenneth P (Pauline B) (Parr Radio & Sound Service) h rear 148 W Dough erty
Parr Pauline B (Mrs K P) ckr Georgian Lndry & Dry Clnrs r rear 148 W Dough erty

Parr Radio & Sound Service (Kenneth P Parr) rear 148 W Dougherty
Parrish Effie cook r 809 Waddell Parrish Patk (Effie) 2 jan h 807 Wad
dell Parrish Walter trk dr H Paul Williams r
College av Parrott Alien (May B) 2 h 4 Broadacres Parrott Chas (Margarethe M) pres Chas
Parrott & Associates Inc h 480 W Ruth
erford Parrott Chas Jr student r 480 W Ruther
ford Parrott Chas & Associates Inc Chas Par
rott pres industrial banking and genl ins 283 E Broad Parrott Corene 3 maid r 375 N Rockspring Parrott Eloise S cook Normal Restr r 5
Broadacres Parrott Elsa student r 480 W Rutherford Parrott Estelle (wid W J) r 535 King av Parrott Eug (Eloise S) 1 orderly Athens
Genl Hosp h 5 Broadacres Parrott Gertchen student r 480 W Ruther
ford Parrott Helen L r 275 Fairview Parrott Ruby mender Rodgers Hosiery Cc
Inc h 535 King av Parrott Sallie W maid r 320 Macon av Parrott Willie J (Lonnie S) 3 trk dr The
Atlantic Co h 160 2d PARSON HERSCHEL A (Mary L) Genl
Contractor 2143 W Broad Dial LI 3-2584 h 550 Holman av Dial 6-6313 (See Special Section) Parsons Apartments Hazel cir Parsons Betty J (Mrs J H) slswn The MeGregor Co r Bishop Ga Parsons Henry H (JoAnna G) 2 meat cti The Piedmont Mkt h 197 Wray Parsons J Harold (Betty J) meat ctr The Piedmont Mkt r Bishop Ga Parsons Joanna G (Mrs H H) ofc sec First Christian Ch r 197 Wray Parsons Roy H (Norma W) 2 carp h 650 Sunset dr Partee Eliz S (wid Dave) h 253 E Dough erty Parten Bobby A atdnt Carson's Service Sta r 137 Oglethorpe Parten Eula J (wid J W) r 137 Oglethorpe av Parten Herschel H (Fairy) 1 h Mitchell Bridge rd RD 4 Parten Hylier H Jr hlpr Silvey Mtr Co Inc r Mitchell Bridge rd R D 4 Parten Reavie C (Ruby D) 3 mech Chief Pontiac Co r 211 North av Parten Shirly J (Mrs W A) ofc sec Dairy Pak Inc r Barnett Shoals rd Parten Wm A (Shirley F) 2 barber Ath ens Barber Shop h 315 Barnett Shoals R D 3 Parten Wm E (Fairy Bell 0) 1 Athens Barber Shop h 137 Oglethorpe av
Parthemos Geo S (Georgia K) 1 instr U of Ga h 396 Pinecrest dr



Parton Hoyt A (Tommie T) 1 USA r 740 Prince av
Paschal Cal (Annie M) jan Farmers Mut Whse Assn h 260 Evans
Paschall Thos W (Myrtle C) lino opi Athens Banner-Herald h 387 W Ruther ford
Pass Clarence E (Allean G) atndt Kesler's Service Sta r Hull Ga
Pass Dessie D Mrs 3 tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 140 Lakeview
Pass Emily A student r 140 Lakeview Pass Erwin (Ruth H) trk dr Talmadge
Whol Co Inc h 1682 E Broad Pass Harrison (Josephine) trk dr Morris
Held Paint Store r 143 Morton al Pass John G (Cumirah S) h 1638 E
Broad Pass John D del mn J R Davis Gro r 140
Lakeview Pass Josephine maid 173 Willow Run
r 143 Morton al Pass McCoy r 1682 E Broad Pass Mae r 151 N Harris Pass Montine ) maid 257 Morton av r Dan-
ielsville Ga Pass Ruth H cook 329 Bearing r 1682 E
Broad Pass Sue E waitress Ted's Cafe r 149 Lake-
view Passero Ernest M (Eillean) USN h 326
Bearing Pastor Leola maid h 157 Strickland Patat Emory S Jr (Ouida K) mach Athens
Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 951 E Broad Patat J C (Ellen S) mech Jordan's Auto
Service r 187 Tibbett Patat Jas W (Louise S) gro 749 E Thomas
h same Patat Ressie C (wid E S) r 951 E Broad Patat Richd H (Marguerite C) 2 emp
State Stabilization & Conservation Serv ice h 214 Morton av PATAT SAML E (Belle W) Sec Georgia Motors Inc h 1520 S Lumpkin apt D-3 Dial LI 6-6131 Pate Freda waitress Tony's Restr r 390 N Milledge av Pate John (Baphne) USN h 390 W Hancock av apt 2 Pate Merrill E tech St Mary's Hosp of Athens Ga h 390 N Milledge av Patman Clayton (Frances B) porter Lay Service Station h 287 Magnolia. Patman Emma B emp Poss Brive In r Old Whitehall rd Patman Fannie B cook S Milledge r 287 Magnolia Patman J Everette (Sara L) agt Met Life Ins Co h 1383 S Milledge av Patman Joe E (Ruth M) 2 mach Keller Mach Co h 354 Oak Patman Marie r Old Whitehall rd Patman Randall (Emma B) service sta atndt h Old Whitehall rd
Patman Sally A (Mrs W B) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r R B 3
Patman Will r 287 Magnolia

Patman Win B (Sally A) slsmn Athens Cooperative Creamery r R D 3
Patrick Barbara M ofc wkr Colonial Poul try Co Inc r 147 1st
Patrick Berry T (Alma L) h 740 Oglethorpe av
Patrick Edna G (Mrs J H) hlpr Genl Times Corp r 1697 S Lumpkin
Patrick Hattie H r 375 S Jackson Patrick J K Broadcasting Co Inc J K Pat
rick genl dir Burl Q Womack genl mgr Bobbin Mill rd Patrick J Kenneth (Maude K) (Clarke Storage Battery Co) genl dir J K Patrick Broadcasting Co Inc and Radio Sta WGAW and WGAW-FM member City Bd of Education h 120 W Bougherty Patrick J Thos (Velma T) slsmn Wilfong Bros h 99 Clover Patrick Jas L hlpr Thomas Trans h 723 Bearing Patrick John H (Edna G) 2 hlpr Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc h 1697 S Lumpkin Patrick John S (Annie K) h 128 Vine Patrick Lola M h 128 North av Patrick Marie B Mrs emp Eli Witt Cigar
& Candy Co h 147 1st Patrick Mozelle M Mrs drsmkr 264 Nanta-
hala r same Patrick Paul A (Clyde E) USA h 164
Clover Patrick Robt B writer r 99 Clover Patrick Velma T (Mrs J T) supvr Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r 99 Clover Patrick W Clarence trk dr Pure Ice Co r 322
E Bougherty Patt Horace (Edna) lab G M Caskey &
Sons h rear 632 Oglethorpe av Patterson Archie E (Villetta W) 2 prof
U of Ga h 520 Castalia av Patterson Berta C maid 230 Oakland av
r Nicholson Ga Patterson Bavid (Juanelle) knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r Hall Ga Patterson Guy C make up mn Athens Ban
ner-Herald r R B 4 Patterson Lester C (Rosa L) body mn Chief
Pontiac Co r Comer Ga Patterson Margt B (Mrs G W) bkpr Fi
nance Ins Co r Pre Fab 25-b (campus) Patterson Minnie A Mrs r 450 Nacoochee av Patterson Reba L mach opr Classic Citj
Overall Co Inc r Hull Ga Patterson Sarah student r 450 Nacoochee av Patterson Wm T (Margt G) bkpr Bissell &
Be Lay Typewriter Sis Co r Comer Ga Pattishall Myra M executive dir Girl Scouts
of the USA h 111 Milledge cir apt 11 Patton A R (Mary) dept mgr Silvey Mtr Co
Inc r R B 4 Patton C E (Carrie B) lab Silvey Mtr Co
Inc r Winterville Ga Patton r Herbert B (Ruth W) mach Athens
Mtr & Mach Co h 2411 Barber Patton Irene T (wid C R) h 124 Boulevard
Patton John L (Mozelle K) mach opi The Hanna Mfg Co h 1473 Oconee
Patton Lille G (wid J P) h 245 BuBose av

Patton Melvin (Jewel) whsemn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Comer Ga
Patton Mozelle K (Mrs J L) tex wkr r 1473 Oconee
Patton Sam r 373 W Hancock av Patton Sam W (Zealure H) barber Old
South Barber Shop r Colbert Ga Patton Thos W hip Anderson Plmbg & Htg
Co r 244 Barber Patty Doris C (Mrs C W) waitress Co-Ed
r 1553 S Lumpkin Paul Alice D (Mrs G H) checking orders
Davison-Paxon Co r 191 Hiawassee av Paul Bunnie L (wid H H) r 335 Oconee Paul Clara Me (wid W H) r 359 Oak Paul Dorothy S (Mrs G D) bread boxer Ben-
son Bakery r 250 Nacoochee av Paul Elsie B slswn S H Kress & Co r R D 3 Paul Emily McK (Mrs W M) (Emily's
Beauty Shop) r 335 Oconee Paul Garnett D (Dorothy S) 3 knitter
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 250 Nacooche* Paul Geo H (Alice D) 1 knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc h 191 Hiawassee Paul Henrv L (Bonnie F) 1 coml rep
SBT&T Co h 183 Gradv Pauldoe Billiard (Vallie H) orderly
St Mary's Hosp h 1638 Milledge av xtd Paul Hope D (Marcella) sta atndt Ga Mtrs
Inc r Comer Ga Paul Jas A cable hlpr SBT&TCo r Lexing-
ton Ga Paul Jewell G (Mrs O C) ofc wkr Athens
Genl Hosp r 183 Gradv av Paul Jos J (Hilda H) 1 prof U of Ga h
151 Hawthorne av Paul Johnnie H (Jeanette L) @ mail elk
Athens Banner-Herald h Epps Bridge rd R D 4 Paul Otis C (Jewel G) r 183 Grady av Paul Saradell T (Mrs B S Jr) ofc sec The C&S Natl Bk r Comer Ga Paul Sheila P slswn S H Kress & Co r R D 3 Paul Wilbur M (Emily F) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 335 Oconee Pauldoe Hilliard (Vallie H) h 1638 Milledge av extd Pauldoe Vallie H cook 611 Milledge av r 1638 Milledge extd Paulison John L (Thelma) 1 slsmn h 220 N Milledge av Paulson Chas S (Betty A) appr pharm Moon-Winn Drug Co r Pre Fab 25-g Ag Hill Payne Ann D Mrs 1 r 359 Pulaski Payne Betty A (Mrs T V) emp Rodgers Hosiery Mill r Prior Payne Billy r Barnett Shoals rd Payne Cath maid Fortson dr r 121 Magnolia Payne Chas E (Clara S) tex wkr h 921 E Broad Payne Clara E (Mrs C E) tex wkr r 921 E Broad
Payne Cleveland elev opr Hotel Holman r Bishop Ga
Payne Cora W (wid W K) 4 h Barnett Shoals rd

Payne Cornelia W (wid J F) h 373 E Dough-
erty Payn Dora S (wid J C) h Johnson dr
extd Payne Edna W Mrs h Johnson dr Payne Edw (France H) carp Habbesham
Constn Co h 144 Parkview Homes Pavne Elmer (L Mae J) 2 trk dr The Mc-
Gregor Co h 383 E Hoyt Payne Ernest (Lizzie N) 2 carp h 1750
E Broad Payne Fannie M (wid T H) h 675 King av Payne Frances H (Mrs Edw) waitress Un-
ion Bus Terminal r 144 Parkview Homes Payne G W (Sue) service mn Orkin Exter-
minating Co r Bogart Ga Payne Geo O service mgr Ernest Crymes
Co r 675 King av Payne Geo W (Mildred B) 1 dr Veterans
Cab Co r Johnson dr Payne Harold r Barnett Shoals rd Payne Henry Jr r 68 Broadacres Payne J W (Juanita P) trk dr Magnolia
Oil Co h 665 N Lumpkin Pavne Jack J (Helen W) whse formn Dixie
Canner Co r Bogart Ga Payne Juanita P (Mrs J W) spare hd Per-
due Mfg Co Inc r 665 N Lumpkin Pavne Lizzie N (Mrs Ernest) waitress
U of Ga r 1750 E Broad Pavne Mildred B (Mrs G W) bkpr Watson's
Drugs r Johnsons dr Payne Minnie M 3 h 198% Elbert Payne Otis Jr jan Milledge Circle Apt r
730 Dearing Payne Raymond (Margt B) 2 prof U of
Ga h 220 Marion dr Pavne Robt (Cath) 3 baker Benson
Bakery h 121 Magnolia Payne Robt A student r 399 Milledge cir Pavne Robt L (Edith) 2 (High Life Sales
Co. of Athens) h 399 Milledge cir Payne Robt P (Bernice J) 2 tchr h 150
N Rockspring Payne Rosa cook S Hull h 68 Broadacres Pavne Roy W (Ruby L) dr Veterans Cab
Co h 890 Hill Payne Talmadge V (Betty A) emp h Prior Payne Thos V (Eliz I) trans dr Std Oil
Co of Kv Inc h 225 Georgia av Payne Willie J (wid M P) r 360 E Hoyt Peacock Agnew H student r 185 1st Pearce Maebelle 2 r 207 Reese Pearce Mary h 207 Reese Pearce S C slsmn h 111 Milledge cir apt 4 Pearson Ace emp The Loef Co r 789 N
Thomas Pearson Adalaid (Mrs S D) sec U of Ga r
440 Milledge cir Pearson Beatrice mach opr Classic City
Overall Co Inc a R D 1 Pearson De Wayne S slsmn The Athens
Hdw Co r R D 1 Pearson Harvey N sta mgr Magnolia Oil
Co r Jefferson River rd
Pearson Henry C Jr (Sarah C) 3 genl sec Young Mens Christian Assn h 510 Hampton ct Dial LI 6-1695



Pearson Louise mach opr Fields Mfg Co I 356 E Hoyt
Pearson M Lena (wid R C) 2 h 127 Park view Homes
Pearson Paul D (Marguerite L) mech C P Alewine & Sons r RD 1
Pearson Robt E (Thelma R) 5 h 356 E Hoyt Pearson Rosa R h 216 N Chase Pearson Roscoe mech J Swanton Ivy Inc
r R D 1
Pearson Saml D (Adelaide) 2 rate elk Ga RR h 440 Milledge cir
Pearson Seaber D mech J Swanton Ivy Inc r R D 1
Pearson Thelma R (Mrs R E) emp Fields Mfg Co r 356 E Hoyt
Peck Maldene r 560 Hill
Peek Carter student r 1050 Hobson av
Peek Edw E (Lizzie 0) h 130 Rose av
Peek Geo H (Hattie S) 5 lab G M Caskey & Son h 1050 Hobson av
Peek Hattie r 1050 Hobson av Peek Juanita maid r 1050 Hobson av
Peek Odes (Nellie L) 2 Jan First Christian Ch h 137 Franklin
Peek Otis jan Barrow Sch h 1070 Hobson av
Peeks Ellen G r 688 Branck Peeler Ann G C (Mrs H H) emp Ga Power
Co r 412 Holman av
Peeler C T (Margt M) formn U of Ga r Hawthorne av R D 4
Peeler Eleanor W (Mrs T H) dist coach SBT&T Co r 104 Sylvia cir
Peeler Geo asst bkpr The Webb-Crawford Co r 785 N Pope
Peeler Hiram student r 785 N Pope
Peeler Hugh H (Ann C) 1 funeral dir
Bridges Funeral Home h 412 Holman av Peeler Otis H (Hattie W) 1st asst chief
City Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 785 N Pope Peeler Talmadge H (Eleanor W) (The
Lyons Pharm) h 104 Sylvia cir
Peeples Edna A (wid W J) (W J Peeples Ins Agcy) h 527 Oglethorpe av
Peeples W J Insurance Agency (Mrs Edna
A Peeples) genl 409 Sou Mut Bldg
Pelfrey Carter T (Eva P) 2 doffer Chicopee Mfg Co h 337 Ridge av
Pelfrey Cora T (Mrs R C) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co r 592 Oconee
Pelfrey Eva P (Mrs C T) winder Fickett Co r 337 Ridge av
Pelfrey Fate pntr r 592 Oconee
Pelfrey Hazel M student r 337 Ridge av Pelfrey Robt C (Cora T) tex wkr Chico
pee Mfg Co h 592 Oconee Pelfrey Robt C Jr USN r 592 Oconee Pelotte Willie Jr (Eliz) trk dr The
Webb-Crawford Co h 265 4th Pendergrass Alva W (Cora C) carrier
USPO h 470 Yonah av
Pendergrass Jos C (Virginia B) 2 (Broad
Street Service Sta) h 238 Best dr Pendergrass Naomi S (wid J H) sch
tchr h 712 N Jackson
Pendley Jas L (Victora B) h 1686 Prince

Pendley Louie J (Dorothy T) tool cribmtf Dairypak Inc h 172 Clover
Pendley R Lamar (Charlotte W) 6 optometrist 209-10 Sou Mut Bldg h Old Whitehall rd
Penland Ralph (Grace B) (Phillips & Penland Refrigeration Service) h 149 Wad- dell
Penland Wessie comptroller State Agrl Extn Service h 1660 S Lumpkin apt 15
Penn Viola cook College Avenue Sch r 263 Arch
PENNEY J C CO INC Clyde W Fitzgerald Mgr, Department Stores, 414 E Clayton-- Dial LI 6-1458 (See Marginal Lines)
Penny Hilda V (Mrs L D Jr) ofc sec Thos M Tillman Co r 115 Meadowview rd
Penny L D Jewelry Co (L Dennis, L Dennis Jr and Mrs Margt R Penny) 285 N Jack son
Penny L Dennis (Margt R) (L D Penny Jewelry Co) h 99 Springdale
Penny L Dennis Jr (Hilda V) 2 (L D Penny Jewelry Co) h 115 Meadowview rd
Penny Margt R (Mrs L D) (L D Penny Jewelry Co) r 99 Springdale
Pentecostal Holiness Church W Paul Hopkins pastor Nantahala av cor Seminole
PEOPLES BONDING CO INC Compton O "Fat" Baker Pres, Bail Bonds 106-08 Shackelford Building -- Dial LI 3-2567 (See Buyers' Guide)
PEOPLES LOAN CO INC Horace M Conley Mgr, Personal Loans 459'/2 E Clayton Dial LI 6-7755 (See Buyers' Guide)
Peppier Jas C (Judy A) mach Keller Mach Co h 387 Hill
Peppers Jean R (Mrs R O) bkpr Parham Furn Exch r Statham Ga
Peppier Judy A (Mrs J C) waitress Tony's Restr r 387 Hill
Perch Violet ofc wkr r 835 Oconee Perdue Mfg Co Geo E Perry pres shirt
mfrs 269-71 N Hull Perkerson Henry W (Cecil G) 3 (Ga
Seed & Sup Co) h 140 Ridgewood pi Perkins Alex (Susie C) 1 lab Ga RR
h 176 Willow Perkins Marvin M (Florence H) 1 sup
elk U of Ga h 498 Franklin Perkins Rosa M ctr Athens Poultry Co
Inc r 966 Hobson av Perlotte Mildred 1 dish washer Davis
Bros Cafeteria h 224 Madison hts Perlotte Selemar B dom 1393 S Milledge
av r 375 Arch Perlotte W Robt (Selemar B) h 375
Perrigo Lizelle (wid HE) r 105 Milledge cir apt 1
Perrodin Alex F (Patricia H) 2 prof U of Ga h 204 Gran Ellen rd
Perry A Frank display mgr Davison-Paxon Co r 1080 S Milledge av
Perry Addie r Lexington rd
Perry Claude G (Mary L) 2 slsmn Murrow Candy Co h 158 Talmadge



Perry Danice M ofc sec Cred Bureau of Peterson Wm (Cornelia) 1 dr Black &

Athens r Commerce Ga

White Cab Co h 815 Reese

Perry Dorothy tchr U of Ga r 111 Milledge cir apt 11
Perry Elton L (Martha P) 1 program spe cialist US Agriculture Dept h 184 Childs
Perry Edw saw mill wrk r 207 Reese Perry Eug USA r 74 Parkview Homes Perry Farris (Willie) 2 r 153 Strickland Perry Geo E pres Perdue Mfg Co h 1510
S Lumpkin apt G-l Perry Helen L (wid Ed) tchr University
Demonstration Sch r 725 Cobb Perry Leah ofc sec US Soil Conservation
Service h 105 Milledge cir apt 5 Perry Odel (Kenneth M) electn h 355
Sunset dr Perry Sue student r 725 Cobb PERSIAN RUG CLEANING CO (Jos
Lewis) Oriental & Domestic Rugs, Clean-
ing, Repairing & Laying 1225 S Milledge
av (See Special Lines and Special Section)
Pert Abner J (Edna S) pharm Hammett's Pharm h 151 University dr

Petrillo Cora L H (Mrs F S) asst supvr r 648 N Lumpkin
Petrillo Frank S (Cora L H) trk dr Simpson Trkg Co h 648 N Lumpkin
Petropol Pete (Bessie H) (Pete Petropol Cafe) h 189 E Dougherty
Petropol Pete Cafe (Pete Petropol) 261 N Thomas
Petteison Karrie L r 1128 W Hancock Pettit W D (Annelle) mach opr Southeast
ern Rubber Mfg Co r RD 3 Petty Eulyss Jr lab G M Caskey & Son
r 234 S Billups Petty Geo W (Louise K) 1 pntr h John
son dr extd Petty John (Lurline) h 252 W Clayton Petty Sara C Mrs 1 r 154 Parkview Homes Pettyjohn J Eug (Nell W) carrier USPO
h 724 Boulevard Pettyjohn June emp Marilyn Shoe Store
r 770 Boulevard Pettyjohn T Luther (Mabel F) 1 carrier

Pert Elmer (Bessie C) @ carp h 835 Oconee USPO h 335 Southview dr Pert Violet G elk typist Army Reserve Pettyjohn W Victor (Floy T) 1 carrier

Training Center r 835 Oconee

USPO h 720 Boulevard

Perteet Alva J (Annie P) 1 (g) radio reprmn Pettyjohn Wayne J student r 724 Boule

The Mus Shop h 824 Boulevard


Perteet John J (Kathleen J) 2 slsmn E & PettyJohn Wm E (Ethel S) h 738 Boule

S Tire Service h 363 Boulevard


Perteet Kathleen J (Mrs J J) bkpr E & S Peyton Jewett L (Martha C) elk USPO

Tire Service r 363 Boulevard

r RD 3

Peterman Henry L (Eddie R) mach Keller Peyton Verbie C (wid J L) h 1997 S

Mach Co r Carlton Ga


Peterman Jack (Ida M) mach Keller Mach Co r Carlton Ga
Peterman Ruth mach opr Fields Mfg Co r Carlton Ga
Peters Earl V (Evelyn W) 1 tchr Athens High Sch 728 Oconee
Peter Ralph M (Valeria S) 2 associate mgr The Life Ins Co of Va h 116 Pound
Peterson Allie A (wid Wesley) r 252 Geor gia Depot
Peterson Anna W maid r 250 Glen-
haven av Peterson Annette Mrs 1 tex wkr h 168
Elizabeth Peterson Carl B (Marion D) USN h 120
Morningside dr apt 2 Peterson Chas (Mary) r 386 DuBose av Peterson Charlie (Mary J) h 128 Broad-
acres Peterson Cornelia smstrs Industrial
Lndry & Dry Clnrs Co Inc r 815 Reese Peterson Eufaula A (wid Wesley) r 252
Georgia Depot
Peterson Hal (Shirley) concession elk Alps Rd Drive-In Theater r Ag Hill
Peterson Jacob W (Missouri S) carrier USPO h 256 King av
Peterson Johnnie prof U of Ga h 190 Mil-

Pfuetze Paul E (Louise G) 3 prof U of Ga h 710 Oglethorpe av
Phelps Charlie L (Cornelia) trk dr M P Morris Ready Mixed Concrete h 281 Macon av
Phelps Cornelia hlpr Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 281 Macon av
Phelps Gerdine W (Mary G) (Phelps Shoe Store) h 180 Waverly ct
Phelps Mary G (Mrs G W) ofc sec State Agrl Extn Service r 180 Waverly ct
Phelps Shoe Store (Gerdine W Phelps) 585 E Broad
Phi Delta Theta Fraternity 524 Prince av Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity 750 S Milledge
Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity 470 Hill Phi Mu Sorority 654 S Milledge ay Philbrick Hazel instr U of Ga Library r
575 Baxter Philbrook Geo E (L A McC) 1 prof U
of Ga h 275 Onne's ct Phillips Alien (Annie E) 2 washmn Ath
ens Lndry & Dry Clng Service h 293 S Rock Spring Phillips Ann E maid Pine Needle rd r 293 S Rock Spring
Phillips Amy L (Mrs J F) ofc sec Cohen Ins Agy r 100 Hart

ledge ter Peterson Mary dom r 386 DuBose av

Phillips Aubrey (Dora W) 1 (Phillips Body & Paint Shop) h 132 Sylvia cir

Peterson Shirley (Mrs Hal) cash Alps Rd Phillips Bethel S crewmn Boland Bonded

Drive-in Theater r Ag Hill

__ Pest Control Co r Hull Ga


Phillips Betty J (Mrs W R) service rep S B T & T Co r 387 Oconee
Phillips Body & Paint Shop (Aubrey Phillips) 174 W Clayton
Phillips Bonnie (Mrs Webie) nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r Ila Ga
Phillips Dewitt (Bonnie L) wtchmn Dairypak Inc r Royston Ga
Phillips Eliz R maid 1022 Prince av h 150 W Strong
Phillips Geo W (Evelyn S) supvr maintenance U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h 139 Westover dr
Phillips Harry elk The Kroger Co r 554 Boulevard
Phillips Hattie B cook Davison-Paxon Co r 1208 Bearing
Phillips Inez T (Mrs W C) knitter Climax Hosiery Mills r 1710 S Lumpkin
Phillips Jack M (Mabel) 1 took mkr W A Stevens Co h 297 Milledge cir
Phillips Joe W (Velma V) h 149 Virginia av
Phillips Joe W Jr (Margt E) USN r 149 Virginia av
Phillips John F (Amy L) (Phillips & Penland Refrigerator Service) h 100 Hart av
Phillips John J (Bertha S) 1 trk dr The Webb-Crawford Co h 447 E Hoyt
Phillips Lonnie B (Mildred S) 1 emp h 898 North av
Phillips Lucien W (Eliz) ofc mgr Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co r 130 Hill Top rd Dial Li 3-9049
Phillips Margt E (Mrs J W Jr) opr S B T & T Co r 149 Virginia av
Phillips Marietta C (Mrs U T) tex wkr Big Ace Corp r 580 N Harris
Phillips Marjorie H Mrs slswn F W Woolworth Co r Bishop Ga
Phillips Maude W (wid J P) h 554 Boulevard
Phillips Odell (Ellie P) (Phillips & Barber Gro) r Winterville Ga
Phillips Odell Jr (Mary G) elk Phillips & Barber Gro r Ila Ga
Phillips R Whitt (May O) member City Council h 184 Childs
Phillips Otis (Hattie B) cook h 1208 Bearing
Phillips Rachel billing elk The Webb-Crawford Co r Winterville Ga
Phillips Rose M (wid G T) h 125 Stanton way
Phillips Russell emp The Hanna Mfg Co r 742 Boulevard
Phillips S 0 (Margie) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Bishop Ga
Phillips Sara E slswn S H Kress & Co r 554 Boulevard
Phillips U T (Marietta C) 1 tex wki Big Ace Corp h 580 N Harris
Phillips W Robt Jr (Betty J) appr linemn Ga Power Co r 387 Oconee
Phillips Walter C (Inez T) night wtchmn Genl Times Corp h 1710 S Lumpkin
Phillips Z P Rev (Camilla P) pastor White Chapel Baptist Ch h 847 Meigs

Phillips & Barber Grocery (Odell Phillips) 425 E Broad
Phillips & Penland Refrigeration Service (John F Phillips and Ralph Penland) 138 W Clayton
Philpot Claude P (Eliz H) h 1660 S Lumpkin apt 12
Philpot Dot School of Dance (Dot Philpot) 160 Hampton ct
Philpot Dorothy (Dot Philpot Sch of Dance) r 160 Hampton ct
Philpot Eliz H (Mrs C P) sch tchr r 1660 S Lumpkin apt 12
Philpot Jas E student r 1660 S Lumpkin apt 12
Philpot Patricia D student r 1660 S Lumpkin apt 12
Philpot Thos M (Hortelle H) cotton buyei Farmers Mut Whse Assn h 160 Hampton ct
Phi Beta Phi Sorority 886 S Milledge av Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Mrs Martha
Glover hse mother 198 S Hull Pi Kappa Phi Annex 547 N Church Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity 599 Prince av Piburn Edwin W Jr (Myra) 1 USA h 570%
McWhorter dr PICKER ROBT K (Virginia) 2 Div Sales
Supr Georgia Power Co h 345 W Rutherford Dial LI 6-7028 Pickett Ruby D (Mrs W P) tchr Athens High Sch r 234 Buena Vista av Pickett Wm P (Ruby D) 2 counselor Vocational Rehabilitation h 234 Buena Vista av Pickren Chas T (Betty G) 1 h 891 Hill PIEDMONT MARKET THE (Price Provision Co Inc) Gro 240 N Lumpkin Dial LI 6-0171 Piedmont Mortgage & Security Co Hubert M Rylee pres Mrs Jessie M Rylee sec genl ins 515-16 Sou Mut Bldg Piedmont Motors Wm P Tolbert mgr used cars 372 E Hancock av Pierce Betty Jo nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r 297 Chatooga av Pierce Connie M nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r 297 Chatooga Pierce Helen cook Chase Street Sch r 137 Cohen Pierce M Ann ofc nurse Dr. Rivington H Randolph h 71 Myrna ct apts Pierce Mary A waitress Davison-Paxon Co r 443 Madison av Pierce Neut (Effie) 4 h 443 Madison av Pierce Raymond D (Oneta) eng W A Stevens Co r Watkinsville Ga Pierce Rosina A (Mrs W A) waitress The Gaye Cafe r 153 Bryant Pierce Tommy J (Doris P) 2 fountain mgr Crow's Drug Store Inc h 197 Little Pierce Wm A (Rosina P) 4 tex wkr h 153 Bryant
Pierce W,m M (Delia J) 3 h 297 Chatooga av
Pierson Ralph D (Frances S) 2 body mn Healan's Body Shop r 356 E Strong
Pig Drive In (John S Bradley) restr 1855 W Broad

Pilgrim F Maude (wid I T) h 53 Parkview Homes
Pilgrim Health & Life Insurance Co Clarence S Ellington dist mgr 208 Samari tan Bldg
Pilgrim Marvin D USAF r 53 Parkview Homes
Pilgrim Shirley A student r 53 Parkview Homes
Pinion Lona W (wid R L) r 125 Woodrow Pinion Wm W patrolmn City Police Dept
r 125 Woodrow Pinkard Amos M h 264 N Billups PINKERTON JAS R (Margt B) Dist Eng
Georgia Power Co h 1530 S Lumpkin apt A-l--Dial LI 6-7814 Pinkston Willie (Daisie H) h 315 N Peter Pinson Billy N (Betty W) 1 patrolmn City Police Dept h 1260 Prince av Pinson Max (Lucy K) 1 capt Athens City Fire Dept Sta No 2 h 782 Little Oconee Pinson Nell S (Mrs 0 R) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 1260 Prince av Pinson Ollive R (Nell S) 2 carp Navy Sup Corps Sch h 1260 Prince Piotrowski Margt G (Mrs Ray) IBM opr Talmadge Whol Co r 53 Myrna ct apts Piotrowski Ray (Margt G) 2 brk lyr h 53 Myrna ct apts Pipes Wm A (Nancy A) pressmn The McGregor Co r Lexington rd RD 3 Pirkle Manon G (wid J A) h 182 Wray Pirtle Dorothy B (Mrs G C) (Bradley's Dress Shop) r Guantano Cuba Pitman Edw E (Onie K) 3 (Dixie Cream Do-Nut Shop) h 896 S Lumpkin Pitner India C (wid W C) h 724 Prince av Pitner Walter C Jr r 724 Prince av Pittard Donald B (Janette L) USN r 180 Virginia av Pittard Ernest slsmn John Q West Inc r Winterville Ga PITTARD GRADY C JR Lawyer 520 Southera Mutual Bldg--Dial LI 6-0730 r Win terville Ga Pittard Janette L (Mrs D B) elk State Agrl Extn Service r 180 Virginia av Pittard Milton H (Lillian K) 1 program specialist State Agrl Stabilization & Con servation h 560 W Cloverhurst av Pittard Otelia H h 370 N Pope Pittard Robt L (Christine M) 3 brklyr hlpr David D Saye h 437 Minor Pittard Rufus (Lucille) bottle washer Royal Crown Btlg Co of Athens h 499 S Finley Pittard Ruby 1 maid 295 Pinecrest h 479 S Finley Pittard Wm F (Annie E) interviewer State Employment Service h 148 Vir ginia av
Pittman Bessie C (Mrs Grady) mach opr Big Ace Corp r 1362 Oconee
Pittman Bethel (Gurtrelle F) plmbr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co r RD 1
Pittman Bufford trk dr Crawford Coal & Mattress Wks r Nicholson Ga

Pittman E Loraine Mrs 3 h 756 W Han cock av
Pittman E Mae ofc sec U of Ga r 263 E Cloverhurst av
Pittman Grady (Bessie C) 1 pntr h 1362 Oconee
Pittman Henry G bundle Classic City Over all Co Inc r Nicholson Ga
Pittman Jas O mech Snow Tire Co r Nich olson Ga
Pittman John E (Lucille B) mgr McLellans Stores Co h 690 Pinecrest dr
Pittman John W (Pauline C) 1 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 726 Pulaski
Pittman Lillian M (wid R G) h 386 E Dougherty
Pittman Lois K (Mrs R M) nurse r 357 Little Oak
Pittman Lucille B (Mrs J E) bkpr slswn W A Capps Co r 690 Pinecrest dr
Pittman Patricia slswn S H Kress & Co r 386 E Dougherty
Pittman Peggy (Mrs Wallace) trav slswn r 1644 Prince av apt B
Pittman Raymond M (Lois K) 2 mech Athens City Lines h 357 Little Oak
Pittman Wallace (Peggy) trav sis h 1644 Prince av apt B
Pittman Wm student r 395 S Church Pittman Wm F (Zenobia M) h 263 E
Cloverhurst av Pittman Wm F Jr slswn r 263 E Clover
hurst av Pitts Maggie L maid r 167 Odd Pitts Wm hlpr City Mtrs Inc r 240 Sa
vannah Plant David H (Louise D) 2 slsmn Bur
roughs Adding Mach Co h 183 Woodrow Plantation Pipe Line Co terminal Jeffer
son rd Platt Joe r 1738 E Broad Pledger Estelle A braider tndr Athens Elas
tic & Braid Co r Princeton rd RD 4 Pledger Harvey H (Mary L F) 3 lieut
City Fire Dept h 135 Barrow Pledger Mary P winder Athens Elastic &
Braid Co r Princeton rd RD 4 Pledger Rufus A (Mina B) h Princeton
RD 4 Pledger Thos J appr electn Roberts Elec
& Appliance Co r 75 Arch Pledger Warren L (Millie B) bldg sup
Sou Mut Bldg h 75 Arch Pleger Gary L student r 244 Marion dr
Pleger Harry W (Alice M) mech W A Stevens Co h 244 Marion dr
Pointer Jas (Bernice) trk dr The WebbCrawford Co h 153 E Hoyt
Polk Anna S 1 maid Bradley's Beauty Shop h 529 N Peter
Polk Jennings B (Delores P) 1 slsmn Athens Elec Sup Co h 102 Clover
Pollard Floride sten U S Soil Conservation Serv r 1075 Prince av
Pollard Wm A (Mary R) pntr h 296 Boulevard
Pollard Wm C (Betsy H) 3 librarian U of Ga h 185 Ridgewood pi

Pollock D Marshall solr genl Superior Court Western Judicial Circuit r Monroe Ga
Pollack John M (Ruth W) 2 tchr U of Ga h 1569 S Lumpkin
Pollock Mary D (Mrs E T) 1 bkpr Classic City Wine & Beverage Co h 138 W
Dougherty Poison Bobby hlpr Bradley Provision Co r
Pulaski Ponder Jas Jr USA r 248 Magnolia Poole A L r 620 Waddell Poole Barbara J ofc sec Smith-Boley-Brown
Inc r Farmington Ga Poole Benj C (Emma S) 1 boiler opr Navy
Sup Corp Sch h 120 Barrow Poole F Carolyn inspr Genl Time Corp r
120 Barrow Poole Jacquelyn ofc sec-bkpr Chas Parrott
& Associates Inc r Linton Springs rd RD 1 Poole John A (Mary N) emp The Hanna Mfg Co r Bogart Ga Poole John B (Wilhela P) 1 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 320 Carr Poole Lillian T Mrs r 117 Lenoir av Poole M Gwendolyn bkpr The Natl Bk of Athens r 320 Carr Poole Rebecca student r 117 Lenoir av Poole Willela 0 (Mrs J B) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 320 Carr Poore Chas L (Lillian) 1 nursery wkr Ever green Landscaping Service h Epps Bridge rd RD 4 Pope Albert h 462 Atlanta av Pope Alex Jr (Lucille) h 969 Waddell
Pope Bennie firemn Sou Mut Bldg h 313 Grove
Pope Betty J maid r 857 Waddell Pope Caral r rear 724 Prince Pope Celestine maid Dr Roberts High
land av r 524 Vine
Pope Eug (Sarah R) 6 bellmn Hotel Holman h 170 Herring
Pope Eva L 2 dom h 166 N Finley Pope Hattie L maid 165 Mulberry r
1482 Oconee Pope Helen F (wid W B) registrar Selec
tive Service System Local Bd No 30 h 765 S Milledge av apt 2
Pope Henry L (Rose M) h 160 Milledge ter Pope Howard A (Miriam V) slsmn Tal-
madge Whol Co Inc h 120 Greenwood dr Pope Ida M h 524 Vine Pope Inez presser Athens Lndry & Dry
Clng Service r R D 3 Pope loree maid 147 Highland ter r 335
Winterville rd Pope John (Sara T) lab Empire State
Chem Co h 594 Vine Pope John B r 180 Grove Pope John H (Janie R) 2 h 168
Pope Kate P (wid J P) r 362 E Dougherty Pope Lucille cook 126 S Milledge r 969
Pope Margie C 1 h 357 Arch
Pope Margie R dom r 357 Arch
Pope Mary C h 326 Vine

Pope Miriam V (Mrs H A) mgr Diana Shops r 120 Greenwood dr
Pope Rose M (Mrs H L) grad nurse 160 Milledge ter r same
Pope Rosevelt (Hattie L) h 1482 Oconee Pope Roy r 313 Grove Pope Sara R dishwasher F & J Cafe r
170 Herring Pope Sara T maid Pulaski r 594 Vine Pope Thos (loree) h 335 Winterville
rd PORTER ANNA L S (Mrs H E) Sec-Treas
Porter Business College Inc r Atlanta Ga
PORTER BUSINESS COLLEGE INC Mrs Marie W Johnson Pres-Dir, Harry E. Porter V-Pres, Mrs Anna L S Porter Sec-Treas 171 /2 College Av--Dial LI 6-7113 (See Marginal Lines & Buyers'
Guide) Porter Chas E (Shirley M) gro 1285 Oconee
r Winterville Ga Porter David J (Maggie G) h 297 Barber Porter F H (Gracie S) 1 atndt Cities Ser
vice Sta h 574 N Jackson Porter Grace B (Mrs W E) mach opr Good
Luck Mfg Co r 742 Boulevard PORTER HARRY E (Anna L S) V-Pres
Porter Business College Inc r Atlanta
Ga Porter Hazel r 175 N Peter Porter Henry J (Lucy J) h 192 Arch Porter Howard (Sara W) trk dr h 297 Bar
ber Porter Jas M v-pres Dixie Canner Co i
New Orleans La Porter John F emp Wilfong Bros r 163
Park av Porter Jos R (Mattie K) (Joe's Pool
Rm) h 750 Cobb Porter Lawrence (Laurine) 2 roofer L M
Leathers' Sons h 186 5th Porter Leonard G (Limmie M) 2 trk dr The
Atlantic Co r 297 Barber Porter Leroy (Bessie) 3 hlpr The Webb-
Crawford Co r 276 Bridge Porter Mabel maid r 186 5th Porter Rachel M (Mrs V Z) inspr Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc r 163 Park av Porter Richd (Grace M) 1 r 297 Barber Porter Vince R (Ruth M) pntr h 175
N Peter Porter Victor Z (Rachel M) electn Rob
erts Elec & Appliance Co h 163 Park av Porter W E (Grace B) 1 slsmn h 742 Boule
Porter Walter (Susie B) lab h 554 E Strong
Porter Will trk dr Noah Davis Trans port Co r Commerce rd
Porterfield Bessie B (Mrs L G) tex wkr r 253 Satula av
Porterfield Chas M (Josephine) countermn The Varsity r Wintersville Ga
Porterfield Daisy P emp Good Luck Mfg Co r 128*Vine
Porterfield Delia D (wid J E) r 190 1st Porterfield Doris W (Mrs J H) mgr Beck's
r 155 Park Way dr Porterfield Eliz T (wid G C) r 677 College

Porter-field Ernest R (Doris H) 6 lab PepsiCola Btlg Co of Athens h 107 Parkview Homes
Porterfield Eunice R Mrs knitter Climax Hosiery Mills r 238 Barber
Porterfield Henry D r 327 Oconee Porterfield Howard R tex wkr r 327 Oconee Porterfield J H (Doris W) asst chief
City Police Dept h 155 Park Way dr Porterfield Jas E (Mildred F) elk U S
Navy Sup Corps Sch h 285 Sunset dr Porterfield Jas R (Pearl K) 1 foremn
Athens Lbr Co Inc h 130 Standard Oil rd Porterfield JoAnne H (Mrs R W) ofc wkr
SALRR Co r 147 Hawthorne av Porterfield June B ofc sec State Agrl Extn
Service r 155 Parkway dr Porterfield K Wm (Flora S) (Black &
White Garage) h 36 Holman av Porterfield L Garnett (Bessie B) slsmn
h 253 Satula av Porterfield Laryne B (Mrs M A) looper
Climax Hosiery Mills r 327 Oconee Porterfield M Adell (Laryne B) 1 (Riv-
erside Mkt) h 327 Oconee Porterfield Mary W (wid H D) spooler
Chicopee Mfg Co h 208 1st Porterfield Patricia S (Mrs Joe) claims
asst U S Social Security Admn r Royston Ga Porterfield Paul (Hazel) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Hull Ga Porterfield Paul E r 208 1st Porterfield Pearl K (Mrs J R) examiner Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 130 Standard Oil rd Porterfield Robt W (JoAnne H) genl contr 147 Hawthorne av h same Porterfield Shirley M sten H L Gofer & Co r 185 S Finley Porterfield Stinnie R (Lulu MB) h 615 Holman av Porterfield Susie B (wid B J) r 610 Milledge cir Porterfield Tressie H (wid J R) h 327 Oconee Porterfield Troy W (Mildred C) (Athens Seed Co) r Colbert Ga Porterfield Truman H (Clara M) h 386 Hill
Porterfield W R (Juanita H) bd marker
tel type opr Courts & Co r Watkinsville Ga Porterfield Wm R emp The McGregor Co r 208 1st Portlock Fred (Octavie D) 1 h 161 Peabody Portlock Octavia D hlpr Colonial Poultry Co r161 Peabody Porterfield Tabby student r 545 Talmadge dr Poss Alien D (Annie P) sis mn Chief Pontiac Co h 144 Sylvia cir Poss Alien D II fish bait Bait & Tackle Box 1911 S Broad r 144 Sylvia cir Poss Annie P (Mrs A D) slswn GallantBelk Co r 144 Sylvia cir Poss Atossa (wid J C) hsekpr Hotel Hol-
man organist First Christian Ch r Hotel Holman

POSS' BARBECUE NO 1 (Robert E and Robert E "Bob" Poss Jr) Atlanta Hwy-- Dial LI 6-8101
POSS' BARBECUE NO 2 (Robert E & Robert E "Bob" Poss Jr) Restaurant Lexington Rd--Dial LI 6-8320
Poss E C (Mary G B) agt Life Ins Co of

Ga r Hull Ga Poss Edw W (Hilda G) slsmn Goodyear

Service Store r Winterville Ga Poss Geo W (Martha C) parts mgr Russell
Daniel Inc h 640 Cobb Poss Helen G (wid J L) r 340 Boulevard Poss Hilda G (Mrs E W) ofc sec State
Agrl Extn Service r Winterville Ga Poss Jos H (Ruby M) slsmn Whitmire Furn
Co h 1242 S Lumpkin Poss Mae Mrs r 543 Meigs Poss Martha C (Mrs G W) bkpr Dr Harry
E Talmadge r 640 Cobb Poss Ollie C (Mrs W B) slswn Warren J
Smith & Brother r 198 Boulevard

POSS ROBT E (Bertha T) (R E Poss & Son and Poss Barbecue No 1 and No 2) r Atlanta Hwy--Dial LI 3-9925

POSS ROBT E "BOB" JR (Betty B) 3 (R E Poss & Son and Poss Barbecue No 1 and No 2) h 103 Wildwood Ct--Dial

LI 6-8193 POSS R E & SON CANNERY (Robt E
Poss and Robt E "Bob" Poss Jr) Canners Atlanta Hwy--Dial LI 6-1940 (See Spe cial Bottom Lines and Special Section) Poss Summie J (Irene) slsmn Normal Hdw

Co r RD 2 Poss Wallace B (Ollie C) 1 hlpr Ga Power
Co h 198 Boulevard Poss Weldon W carp David D Saye r Comer

(Tony Postero Insulation Co) r Farming-

ton Ga Postero Frank (Ignatia R) h 640 Meiga

Postero Grace S (wid Leonard) r 640 Meigs Postero Kath D (Mrs LA) ofc wkr U S
Navy Sup Corps Sch r 365 West View dr

POSTERO LEONARD A (Kath D) 2 (Tony Postero Insulation Co) h 365 West

View Dr--LI 3-3521

POSTERO TONY (Carlotta E) (Tony Pos

tero Insulation Co) r Farmington Ga


Carlotta E, Leonard A and Tony Postero) Insulation, Siding, Windows & Quonsets

365 S Thomas--Dial LI 6-0185 (See Spe

cial Section)

Poston Parnell (Ina B) chef Old South Restr Inc r Bogart Ga

Poteet J Fredk (Maurine S) student h 980

S Lumpkin

Poteet Maurine S (Mrs J F) tchr Barrow

Sch r 980 S Lumpkin

Potter Jas T (Willie A) designer Van

Cleve's Flowers h 330% Gillilan dr

Potter Sallie elk Athens Lndry & Dry Clng

r Watkinsville rd RD 4

Pottinger lan G (Nancy G) USN h 398 S

Milledge av apt 3




Potts G Robt (Elaine D) 1 asst crcd mgr Economy Auto Stores Inc h 197 Boule vard
Poulnot Betty D cash Prince Avenue Drive Inn r 540 Nantahala av
Poulnott Bradley USAF r 140 1st Poulnott Fannie F (wid J W) h 140 1st Poulnott Fannie M Mrs hlpr 543 Meigs r
same Poulnott Gaynell H Mrs 1 mach opr Good
Luck Mfg Co h 113 Parkview Homes Poulnot Harold H asst mgr Spur Distribut
ing Co Inc r RD 4 Poulnot Harold K slsmn Spur Distributing
Co Inc r RD 4 Poulnott Jas L USN r 113 Parkview Homes Poulnot Ollie J (Betty D) USA r 540 Nan
tahala av Poulnott Swep r 176 N Milledge av Poulnott Virgil L Mrs tex wkr r 360 Oak Poultry Industries Inc Lloyd C Westbrook
pres Chas M Rose v-pres Francis Bowen sec-treas eggs whol 896-98 College av Pound Ada M (wid J M) r 243 West View dr Pound Ethel r 337 Fairview Pound Merritt B (Marjorie C) prof U of Ga h 652 Milledge cir Pound Merritt B Jr student r 652 Milledge cir Pounds Hattie B 2 tchr h 295 Magnolia Pounds Mattie maid 120 Dougherty h 148 W Strong Powell A Florence h 840 W Hancock av Powell Alvin M (Evelyn B) h 1550 S Lumpkin Powell Alvin M Jr (Nadine) eng State Dept of Pub Health r 218 Sunnyview rd Powell Cealie (wid J H) r 148 Vine Powell Cecil (Bertha D) 4 trk hlpr City Sanitary Dept h 452 W Broad Powell Claudine mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Watkinsville Ga Powell Dewitt T (Ethel P) (F & J Cafe) r Bogart Ga Powell Eliz supvr correspondence U of Ga h 215 West View dr Powell Franklin T (Helen G) 2 U of Ga Student counselor h 150 Hope av Powell Geo O (Mary B) 3 trk dr Atlantic Ice & Coal Co h 92 Parkview Homes Powell Jane M Mrs r 1150 S Milledge av Powell O F Mrs r 720 N Chase Powell Viola Mrs r 697 Barber Powell Wallace G h 672 Barber Powell Wm busboy Georgian Hotel h 43 Broadacres Power Clara r 183 Lyndon av Power Claude r 183 Lyndon av Power Grace L r 649% N Milledge av Power Henry D slsmn Gunn's Inc r Danielsville Ga Power Lorene r 649% N Milledge av
Power W L (Mae S E) barber Ga Barber Shop r Colbert Ga
Power W Randolph shoe repr Holcomb Shoe Shop h 649% N Milledge
Powers Beth student r 254 Dearing
Powers Cornelia K h 160 Paris

Powers Grady mech J Swanton Ivy Inc r 228 Bridge
Powers Harold (Louise T) 3 lab Gray Bros Dry Clnrs h 181 Lyndon Row
Powers J Harold (Lauree P) mach Keller Mach Co h 113 Clover
Powers John J (Irene T) 2 prof U of Ga h 254 Oakland av
Powers Lauree P (Mrs J H) payroll elk The Hanna Mfg Co r 113 Clover
Powers Luther (Rosa B) del mn Normal Hdw Co r RD 1
Powers Mary r 222 Strickland Powers Viola B maid 268 Woodlawn av
r 257 N Finley Poyner Doris H maid 579 N Milledge
av r 298 1st Poyner Thos butler 635 N Milledge
av h 115 Trail creek Poyner Thos C Jr (Doris H) 1 trk dr
Armstrong & Dobbs Inc h 298 1st Poynter Jas (Bessie N) h 536 4th PRAITHER B C COAL CO (Howell E
Praither) Coal, Rental & Carload Sales) 500 N Foundry--Dial LI 3-4084 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers' Guide) Praither Edw T (Marie R) slsmn h 478 Peabody Praither Goldie E (wid B C) h 185 Milledge hts PRAITHER HOWELL E (B C Praither Coal Co) r 185 Milledge av Prater Frank L (Ruby F) h 245 Hodgson dr Prater Lucile F Mrs slswn Davison-Paxon h 250 Normal av Prater Rosa L ofc wkr Athens Genl Hosp h 170 Nantahala av Prater Susan V dietitian r 170 Nantahala av Prather Claude M (Ethel R) h 250 Wil liams Prater Dewey L (Ruth McG) 3 installer SBT&T Co h 420 Nantahala Prather Harold W USAF r 141 Wilkerson Prather Horace W (Pearle B) dr Veterans Cab Co h 141 Wilkerson Prather Jas T (Haseltine L) troublemn Ga Power Co h 136 Grady av Prather Jas T Jr student r 136 Grady av Prather Lemma student r 820 E Broad Prather Lucy D Mrs 4 r 1780 S Lumpkin Prather N Odell (Mattie A) 6 pntr h 820 E Broad Prather Oliver W (Maybelle W) h 439 Madison av Prather Thos J (Anna) 4 trk dr Wier Coal Co h 293 Reese Prather Winnie (wid J A) elk Benson's Bakery h 199 Bloomfield
Pratt Dan E prof U of Ga h 102 Univer sity ct apt 6
PREMIUM DISTRIBUTING CO Chas L Upchurch Pres, H Leon Farmer SecTreas .Distributors Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer Mitchell at C of Ga RR LI 6-0066 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers' Guide)
Presnell Cleo (wid G C) hlpr Childs Street Lunch Room h 1285 Boulevard

Presnell Eliz C (wid G W) h 1295 Boulevard
Presnell Grover C Jr (Sarah M) 2 statistician U of Ga h 52 Myrna ct apts
Presnell Sarah M (Mrs G C Jr) sch tchi r 52 Myrna ct apts
Preston Lillian B asst Dr M T Summerlin r Farmington Ga
Price Annis S (wid E S) h 575 N Harris Price David K (Edwina C) 1 h 575 N Harris Price Fannie M maid Georgian Hotel i
1052 Reese Price Fitzuh H r 575 N Harris Price Helen H (Mrs J O) bkpr Athens
Butchers Abattoir Co Inc r 1660 S Lumpkin apt 8 Price Hugh A Jr (Doris E) 4 field eng Ga Power Co h 140 Oakland way Price Imogene D (wid W C) asst mgi Piedmont Mkt h 480 E Cloverhurst av Price John W (Eliz D) (North Ga Brokerage Co) h 180 Greenwood dr Price Julia M (wid H H) h 849 W Hancock av Price Julian O (Helen H) mgr Athens Butchers Abattoir Co Inc h 1660 S Lumpkin apt 8 PRICE L B MERCANTILE CO THE Robt J Sharpe Mgr Home Furnishings 1281
Oconee--Dial LI 6-7117 Price L Olin (Frances S) 1 judge Juve-
nile Court judge Municipal Court h 216 Morton av PRICE LEE O (Nellie G) (Piedmont Market) Pres Northeast Ga Livestock Auction Inc, Pres-Treas Price Provision Co Inc and V-Pres-Sec-Treas Athens Butchers Abattoir Co Inc h 475 Univer
sity Dr--Dial LI 6-0031 PRICE NELLIE G (Mrs L O) V-Pres Price
Provision Co Inc r 475 University dr PRICE PROVISION CO INC Lee O Price
Pres-Treas, Mrs Nellie G Price V-Pres and H Abit Nix Sec Meats Whol 240 N
Lumpkin--Dial LI 6-0171 Price Wm J (Fanny M) h 1052 Reese Prichard Saml C (Fannie J) supvr At-
lanta Life Ins Co h 337 Reese Prickett Garnett F (Sara T) 1 mach
Athens Mtr & Mach Co h 119 Clover Prickett Louis A (Lettie B) mech Benson's
Bakery Garage r Commerce Ga Prickett Mable N (Mrs T E) bar tacker
Big Ace Corp r 149 Hawthorne av Prickett Talmadge E (Mable N) mach
Athens Mtr & Mach Co h 149 Hawthorne
av Prickett W L (Clyde) appliance reprmn Ga
Power Co r Winterville Ga Prickett W Loy (Mae K) bkpr The
Athens Hdw Co h 160 Highland ter PRICKETT WILLARD W (Miriam H)
Pres The W B Rice Petroleum Co Inc h
647 McWhorter dr--Dial LI 3-4120 Prince Ada slswn Alien's h 235 Satula
Rev A A Jackson Pastor Sunday Ser vices 11:00 AM and 8:05 PM 593 Prince
av--Dial LI 6-1985

Prince Avenue Baptist Church Annex ofc 596 Prince av
Prince Avenue Food Market (J H Bagley) gro 523 Prince av
Prince Avenue Drive In Theatre Jefferson rd
Prince Avenue Service Station (A J Lester) 195 Prince av
Prince Dewey H adjuster State Farm Mut Auto Ins Co r Hotel Holman
Prince Edwin L student r 180 O'Farrell Prince Robbie H (wid AS) interviewer
State Employment Service h 180 O'Farrell Prince Robt E Jr (Dorothy H) 3 senior unit advisor Army Reserve Training Center h 300 Pinecrest dr Prince Wm r 180 O'Farrell Prince Wm B elk The Piedmont Mkt r 180 O'Farrell Prince & Pulaski Pure Service Station W B Rice Petroleum Co Inc operators 115 Prince av Princess Shop Mrs Ruby C Thurmond mgr women's clo 351 E Clayton Pritchard Saml C (Fannie J) 1 trk dr h 337 Reese Pritchard T V (Emma W) clnr Athens Pressing Club r Whitehall rd Pritchett Jas E (Valeria P) 2 v-pres Colonial Feed Co r Danielsville rd Pritchett Johney H (Ellie H) hlpr Bishop's Hatchery r Watkinsville Ga Pritchett Robt A (Vivian W) student h 240 Morton av Pritchett Vivian W (Mrs R A) laboratory sec Athens Genl Hosp r 240 Morton av Proctor Roy E (Josephine F) 1 prof U of Ga h 211 University dr Professional Building 130 W Hancock av Proffitt Helen C r 258 Springdale Progressive Beauty Shop (Cath and Irene Favors) 3d fir Morton Bldg Progressive Fire & Life Insurance Co of Atlanta Ga P B Hatter staff mgr life 301 Sou Mut Bldg Prior Garland T (Rena P) 1 emp Athens Cooperative Creamery h 523 Meigs Prior Rena P (Mrs G T) waitress Coastal Grill r 523 Meigs Propst Ben B (Betsy F) v-pres Evergreen Memorial Pk Inc r Concord N C Propst J W Jr (Margt) sec Evergreen Memorial Pk Inc r Concord N C Proveaux Curtis L (Miriam R) pub health eng City-County Health Dept h 237 Millard Proveaux Miriam R (Mrs C L) sten-bkpr Consolidated Gas Co r 237 Millard Provident Life Ins Co Isaac M Almand agt 216 Shackelford Bldg
Pruett Herbert V (Jeanette S) 1 stock elk Genl Times Corp h 165 Vine
Pruitt Boyd W (Betty W) 1 emp The C & S Natl Bk h 125 Burnett
Pruitt Caldonia R sch tchr r 317 Athens av
Pruitt Chas (Caldonia R) h 317 Athens av



Pruitt Foster (Serena H) emp Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co r 770 Boulevard
Pruitt Jas W trk dr W B Price Petroleum Co Inc r Atlanta Ga
Pruitt R Harold (Jane M) 2 slsmn DeVore & Johnson Inc h 73 Myrna ct apts
Pruitt Serena H (Mrs Foster) dental asst Dr Chas F Elder Jr r 770 Boulevard
Pruitt Willis S Rev (Otto W) minister West End Baptist Ch h 224 Hiwassee av
Prunty Merle C Jr (Eugenia) 2 prof U of Ga h 168 Milledge hts
Pryor Charlie (Lizzie K) h 380 S Hull Pryor Lizzie K maid r 380 S Hull Pryor Mandy T maid 215 Oakland way
r 223 N Billips Pryor Weyman (Amanda T) constrn wkr
r 223 N Billups Puckett Gladys r 156 Boulevard Puckett Grace sch tchr r 156 Boulevard Puckett Jas H 2 firemn City Fire Dept No 2
r 156 Boulevard Puckett Jessie L r 156 Boulevard Puckett John R (Louise S) (S) line mn Ga
Power Co h 270 Satula av Puckett Martha D (wid J A) h 156 Boule-
vard Pugh Alice N (wid Thos) r 195 Mitchell Pugh Alice P (Mrs Edgar) mach opr Classic
City Overall Co Inc r 1435 E Broad Pugh Geo H (Hazel F) 2 welder L L
LaBoon & Son h 193 Park av Pugh Hazel F (Mrs G H) grad nurse
Athens Genl Hosp r 193 Park av Pugh Henry G (Tiny M) 5 mech Univer-
sity Chevrolet Co Inc h 140 Florida av Pugh Sallie E (wid Willie) h 911 E Broad Pugh Tiny M (Mrs H G) mach opr r 140
Florida av Pulliam Jas R (Annie R) sis elk Ga Power
Co r Winterville Ga Purcell Fredia S Mrs drapery wkr Davison-
Paxon Co r 439 College av Purcell Jones (Clestia W) agrl agt C of
Ga Ry h 535 W Cloverhurst av Pure Ice Co O K Hunt mgr mfrs 290 E
Dougherty PURE OIL CO THE The W B Rice Co
Inc Distributors 426 Madison av--Dial LI 3-4171 Pure Oil Service (R M Snow) Jas C Tanner mgr 2040 W Broad Purgason Clarence (Minnie) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 283 E Hancock Puritan Cordage Mills - Mallison Division Watkinsville rd Purkall Frank P (Mary F C) mgr Rosenthal's Shoe Store h 190 Stanton way Purkall Mary F C (Mrs F P) sten U S Social Security Admn r 190 Stanton way Pursley Edw D (Eva D) pntr r 575 Waddell Puryear Wm C (Carol B) 2 (Uppey's Drive In) h 171 Clover Pusey Betty P (wid E D) r 387 S Milledge av Pye Alf E (Betty D) 2 budget mgr Goodyear Service Store h 145 Best dr

To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
Quality Machine Co (Robt L Minder) sandwich spreading machs mfr 263-65 W Washington
Quality Motors Robt J Seagraves mgr used car lot 247 W Hancock av
QUATTLEBAUM Lester N (Lucy M) Mgr Metropolitan Life Insurance Co h 570 Milledge cir--Dial LI 3-4412
Quattlebaum Owen M student r 570 Milledge cir
Quillian Danl D (Maude S) genl mgr Chiconee Mfg Co h 649 Cobb
Quillian Danl D Jr (Sue S) supt City Recreation h Athens Memorial Park
Quillian E Carol student r 649 Cobb Quillian Fletcher B r Fortson rd RD Quillian Kelly (Xara T) student r 126
Henderson av Quillian Rosa r 138 Henderson av Quillian Sue S (Mrs D D Jr) chf elk
Atlanta Gas Light Co r Athens Memorial Park Quillian Xara T (Mrs Q K) sch tchr r 126 Henderson av Quinnam Wilma P (wid Ray) 1 opr SBT&T Co r 615 Holman av
R To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.
RADIO ATHENS INC Leard H Christian Pres, Chas A McClure V-Pres-Treas, Sue Parks Sec (Radio Sta WRFC) 279!/2 N Lumpkin--Dial LI 3-3411 (See Front Sup plement Cover and Marginal Lines)
Radio Station WGAU and WGAU-FM J K Patrick, Burl Q Womack Bobbin Mill rd
RADIO STATION WRFC (Radio Athens Inc) Leard H Christian Genl Mgr, Studio 279 /2 N Lumpkin--Dial LI 3-3411, Trans mitter 445 Ruth--Dial LI 3-3165
Ragsdale D Kay student r Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Ragsdale Elmo (Mary T) 1 (Athens Seed Co) h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Ragsdale Elmo Jr student r Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Ragen Gene G (Arlene T) USN h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 304
Railway Express Agency Inc J D Simpson agt 901 College av
Rainbow Credit Co (Chas C Williams) small loans 264 E Washington
Rainbow Service & Storage Station (Chas C Williams) auto storage 264 E Washington
Raines Wm H r 427 S Finley

Rakestraw Alberta L elk Atlanta Life Ins Co r 1648 Milledge av extd
Rakestraw Dupree A dispr Black & White Cab Co r 660 W Hancock av
Rakestraw Joe K (Alberta) lab Elks Club h 1650 Miledge av extd
Ramers Morris E (Virginia T) 2 mgr Good year Service Store h 328 Sunset dr
Ramsey Geo W student r 540 W Cloverhurst av
Ramsey Harmon B Rev (Sara M) 1 pastor First Presbyterian Ch h 540 W Cloverhurst av
Ramsey Kathryn E ofc sec Life Ins Co of Ga r 463 Hampton ct
Ramsey Hattie r 286 Grove Ramion L F Jr (Mildred S) 1 signal inspr
SAL RR Co h 626 Hill Randall Ralph mech C A Trussell Mtr Co
r Danielsville Ga Randall Lowery E slmn Ga Mtrs Inc r
Hartwell Ga Randolph Betty L (Mrs Fred) ofc nurse
Dr Paul C Keller r 1478 E Broad Randolph Fred (Betty L) sta atndt Athens
Tire & Auto Sup Co r 1435 E Broad Randolph Carrie E (Mrs Willie) dom
r 1505 E Broad RANDOLPH EDWIN K (Eleanor B) 1
cash The National Bank of Athens h 327
Baxter--Dial LI 3-9682 Randolph Elmo A (Mary S) eng Ga Thea
tre h 291 Baxter Randolph Fred (Betty B) 1 service sta
atndt h 1435 E Broad Randolph Joyce M student r 724 W Han
cock av Randolph Marie W cook r 220 Glen-
haven av Randolph Martha F student r 724 W Han
cock av Randolph Nathl (Marie W) cook Dee
Jones Cafe h 220 Glenhaven av Randolph Purl C (Nellie E) @ roofer
L M Leathers' Sons h 1478 E Broad Randolph Ralph C (Olivia L) 1 tow mtr opr
Dairypak Inc h 1478 E Broad Randolph Rivington H (Edith M) 4
phys rms 201-04 Professional Bldg h 160 Stanton way Randolph Tim (Thelma W) roofing conti 122 Wilkerson h same Randolph Verner L (Bonnie N) 1 lab U of Ga h 724 W Hancock av Randolph Willie (Carrie E) 3 saw mill wkr h 1505 E Broad
Raney Geo H (Fern M) mailing elk Dixie Canner Co h 361 W Cloverhurst av
Range Willard E A (Eula R) 3 prof U of Ga h 276 Woodlawn av
Ranken John T Jr (Corrine L) USN h 216% Morton av
Ransom Andrew (Mary) r 430 Augusta av
Ransom Charlotte D 2 r 260 Cleve land av
Ransom Mary maid r 430 Augusta av

Rautenberg Henry E slsmn Ga Mtrs Inc r Washington Ga
Ray Ann G (Mrs Jas) ofc sec Automatic Parts Dstbtrs Inc r 150 Buena Vista a\
Ray Anna F h 370 Flint Ray Anne G (Mrs Jas) sten Automotive
Parts Distributors Inc r 150 Buena Vista av Ray Betty J (Mrs R C) rolande mach opi Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 252 Hoyt Ray Clyde R (Bronzie H) 1 carrier USPO h 1999 Jefferson rd Ray D Jean student r 1999 Jefferson rd RD 2 Ray Ed (Jessie T h 272 4th Ray Gertrude maid 327 Oconee r 606 (486) N Foundry Ray Henry (Lillie M) jan U of Ga h 137 Dublin Ray Hoyt C (Jerline J) 1 carriei USPO h 146 Hawthorne av Ray Hubert J (Kate M) (Ray's Gro) h 806 College av Ray Jack S (Carolyn J) 2 parts elk J Swanton Ivy Inc r 806 College av Ray Jas G (Lillie B) emp USPO h 451 N Billups Ray Jas W (Ann G) sis mn Thurmon Furn Co r 150 Buena Vista av Ray Jessie T silk spotter New Way Dry Clnrs & Lndry r 272 4th Ray Katie M (Mrs H J) mach opr Fields Mfg Co r 806 College av Ray Lila h 429 S Finley Ray Lillie. B sch tchr Reese Street Sch r 451 N Billups Ray Lillie G (wid J G) elk Arnold & Abney Inc h 830 College av Ray Lillie M cook r 137 Dublin Ray Lucy h 357 Lyndon av Ray Mary r 818 Waddell Ray Maude M Mrs h 170 Milledge ter Ray Ollie (Addie L) h 818 Waddell Rav Robb C (Betty J) 1 slsmn h 252 E Hoyt Ray Rosetta h 882 Reese Ray Thelma Mrs r 120 Georgia av
Ray Wm S (Myrtle R) 2 elk USPO h 238 Barber
Ray Wm T (Eugenia L) lawyer 128% College av rm 216 sec Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 677 S Milledge av
Ray Willie (Eula K) jan U of Ga h 50 Dublin
Ray's Grocery (H J Ray) 575 Nantahala av
Read Silas C (Ruby Y) 4 mgr A & P Food Stores h 425 Holman av
Reade Julia (wid J M) ofc wkr Athens Genl Hosp h 380 Cloverhurst av
Reaid Walter (Laura B) 3 trk dr Hogan Bros Lbr Co h 328 Athens av
Reaves Aaron B (Fannie S) 2 slsmn Benson's Bakery h 190 Grove
Reaves Jas R (Berlene P) baker Old South Restr Inc r Hull rd RD 1
Recreation Hall 99 Broadacres



RED & BLACK DRY CLEANERS (H A Doolittle) 493 Prince av--Dial LI 3-9303 (See Special Section)
Redd Hamp (Lucy) washer Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc r 287 Sa vannah av
Redd Jacquelyn r 130 Lake rd Redd Joan bkpr Gunn's Inc r Jefferson Ga Redd Mayme M tchr h 130 Lake rd Redding Jas E (Joan H) 2 opr Mitchell
Bridge Inn h 250 Ms Yonah av Redding Joan E (Mrs J E) opr SBT&T Co
r 250% Yonah av Redmon Carl L (Ruby B) carp h John
son dr Redwine M Roby (Lucy Leah W) ins agent
h 1520 S Lumpkin apt D-l Redwine Morgan R Jr (Redwine & Co)
r 1520 S Lumpkin apt D-l Redwine & Co (Morgan R Redwine Jr)
ins genl 211-12 Sou Mut Bldg Reed Annie N 5 maid 125 Wilcox r 1689
E Broad Reed Arizona agt Pilgrim Health & Life
Ins Co r Gainesville Ga Eeed C J Rev (Alice B) 2 pastor Ch of
God h 357 Oconee Reed Cecils hlpr Pig Drive Inn r 250 Field Reed Dorothy Mrs emp Athens Genl Hosp
r Campus Sta Reed Eunice W (wid T W) h 250 N
Milledge av Reed Fannie Mrs r 475 Meigs Reed Gladys library wkr U of Ga r 182
Wray Reed John (Lucy) h 396 Barber Reed John H porter Davison-Paxon Co
r Colbert Ga Raed Julia W h 137 North av Reed Lucy presser New Way Lndry &
Dry Clng Co r 396 Barber REED W MARION (Margt B) 2 Dentist
710-13 Southern Mutual Bldg -- Dial LI 3-4060, h 225 Plum Nelly rd--Dial 6-8123 Reese Alice r 260 N Newton Repse Eddie F (Maeola S) 1 farm formn U of Ga h 225 Burnett Reese Effie J (wid J I) slswn Shackelford's r 748 N Jackson Reese Ethel h 182 Brittain Reese Henry S (Eleanor C) h 110 Valley rd Reese Nelle M h 1660 S Lumpkin apt 3 Reese Street School 496 Reese Reese Tom (Winnie R) h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Reese Winnie R cook r Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Reeve Mary E (Mrs F C) r Lexington rd
Reeves Cleat C (wid W P) h 1700 S Lumpkin
Reeves Hoyt (Joan) trk dr Talmadge Whol Co Inc r Jefferson Ga
Reeves J Booth (Eula A) (Ga Barber Shop) r Winterville Ga
Reeves Jas M (Sally S) (3) agt Met Life Ins Co h 591 Milledge ter

Reeves Sandra grad nurse St Mary's Hosp r 425 Hill
Reeves Wanda grad nurse St Mary's Hosp
r 425 Hill Reid Chas W trk dr hlpr Athens Prod
Inc r 330 Vine Reid Dorthea W Mrs 1 r 163 Mell Reid Fannie R ofc sec Athens High &
Industrial Sch h 243 Bridge Reid I Henry (Frances W) slsmn City
Mtrs Inc h 595 S Milledge av Reid Janie 4 r 236 Vine Reid Mell (Bertha) lab Geo Strother
Lbr Co h 222 Strickland Reid Shelley B (Mrs T M Jr) slswn Dick
Allais r Pre Fab 4L Ag Hill Reid Willie lab H Paul Williams Fields Reid Willie porter Heyward Alien Mtr
Co h 222 Colima av Reilly Joe R slsmn Christian Hdw Co r Col
bert Ga Renka John I Jr (Jane B) mgr Bridges
Funeral Home Inc r Atlanta hwy Renzer Wm M Rev (Henritta) h 147
Berry Reppond Lizzie S (wid S B) r 901 E
Broad Resby Geo E (Berta W) 2 mech Phillips
& Pendlend Refrigerator Service h 223 Vine Resby Gus (Hattie S) h 375 Vine Resby Hoyt (Sallie B) 1 jan Dairypak h 107 Broadacres Resby Montine 1 r 375 Vine Resby Nobie 1 r 375 Vine Resby Robt E hlpr Athens Poultry Co
r 223 Vine Reserve Life Insurance Co Jas O Elkins
supvr br ofc 264 V& N Lumpkin rm 5 Retail Credit Co 203 Shaekelford Bldg Reynolds A C Mrs r 238 Barber Reynolds Annie F maid Holman av r rear
340 Paris Reynolds Arth Jr (Omie D) 2 carp G M
Caskey & Son h rear 340 Paris Reynolds Billy J (Joan) trk dr Colonial
Poultry Co h 198 Barber Reynolds Chas B r 850 W Hancock av
Reynolds Dimple A (Mrs L L) nurse St Mary's Hosp r 850 W Hancock av
Reynolds Ellon M ofc sec Crawford & Co and Cash Ga Theatre r 850 W Hancock av
Reynolds Enoch J (Lorene B) 2 tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 1890 S Lumpkin
Revnolds Eug P (Mary H) supvr Genl times Corp h 250 Barber
Reynolds Hugh D (Lillie Mae G) emp
Chicopee Mfg Co h 359 E Hoyt Reynolds Jessie L ctr Athens Poultry
Co Inc r 827 Water Reynolds Joan (Mrs B J) tex wkr r 198
Barber Reynolds ^L Lester (Dimple A) 2 trk dr
Simpsori Trucking Line h 850 W Han cock av
Reynolds John USAF r 359 E Hoyt
Reynolds Lillie Mae G (Mrs H D) emp Fickette Co r 359 E Hoyt



Reynolds Lorene B (Mrs E J) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 1890 S Lumpkin
Reynolds M Opal r 850 W Hancock av Reynolds Mary H (Mrs E P) bkpr Bridges
Funeral Home Inc r 250 Darber Reynolds Mattie F dental asst Dr Jas B
Alien r 238 Barber Reynolds Pauline T Mrs slswn Gallant-
Belk Co r 245 Buena Vista av
Reynolds Pearl r 807 Water Reynolds Ray J (Katie H) 4 hlpr Simpson
Trucking Co h 747 S Church Reynolds Robt D (Mary F) service formn
SBT&T Co r High Shoals Ga Reynolds Roscoe student r 185 Bloomfield Reynolds Roy student Atlanta Journal r
185 Bloomfield Reynolds Walter R (Alice W) eng State
Hwy Dept h 185 Bloomfield Reynolds Wm C (Vivian W) 1 trk dr Ben-
son's Bakery h 375 Boulevard Reynolds Wm H (Grace G) 3 sis mgr
Ga Mtrs Inc h 285 Hillcrest Rhoden Wm W (Lela W) mgr Am Legion
Classic City Post No 185 h 290 Holman av Rhodes Aubrey C (Virginia G) 2 student
h 840 Bobbin Mill Rhodes Brodie V wtchmn U of Ga h 119
Oak Ridge Rhodes Cora S (wid W N) r 180 Mat-
thews av Rhodes Emma I emp SBT&T Co h 180
Matthews av Rhodes Hal B (Eliz C) 2 test desk formn
SBT&T Co h 456 Morton Rhodes Irene D (Mrs J M) (Irene's Beauty
Shop) r 255 Best dr
(Classic City Bottling Co) Pres City Bottling Co h 255 Best dr Dial 6-7863 RV~,W Li]!-, (H) waitress Old South Restr
h 396 S Pope Rhodes Lizzie h 499 Madison av Rhodes Lucinda R (wid L C) r 119 Oak
Ridge Rhodes Mildred V (wid H C) member City
Playground & Recreation Bd r 198 Westview dr
Rhodes Ruth H (Mrs W H) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 265 Beulah av
Rhodes Willa M r 180 Matthews av Rhodes Wm M (Ruth H) 1 knitter
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 265 Beulah
Rib House The (John S Bradley) restr 260 N Thomas
Rice Alpha T (Mrs J E) spinner Chicopee Mfg Co r 385 S Peter
Rice Betty J cash The Life Ins Co of Va r 455 Scott
Rice Eloise G (wid W B) ofc sec Dr Andrew J Denman and Dr Walter H Matthews h 165 Carlton ter
Rice Essie B (wid W H) 1 h 185 N Hull apt 2
Rice Hassie Ruth med sec Dr A H Gallis r Danielsville Ga
Rice Jas E (Alpha T) 1 spuvr Chicopee
Mfg Co h 385 S Peter

Rice Leon E (Martha G) 1 CPA McWhorter S Cooley h 397 W Rutherford
RICE MAJOR B (Mildred T) Rep The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the
Willard W Prickett Pres-Treas, Mrs
Gwynelle R Warren V-Pres, Frank F
Crane Sec, Distributors The Pure Oil Co
Products, office 426 Madison av Dial LI 3-4171 (See Back Supplement Cover
and Buyers' Guide) Rice Waldo S (Mary M) livestock spe-
cialist State Dept of Education h 564
University dr Rice Walter E tool mkr Genl Time Corp
r 385 S Peter Richards Allwyne B (Evelyn E) bkpr Elks
Club h 1260% S Milledge av Richards Bessie (wid C B) r 1226 Prince av Richards Charlene R (Mrs T E) emp The
C&S Natl Bk r 10 Myrtle ct Richards Goldie B looper Climax Hosiery
Mills r 140 1st Richards Jewell H (Mrs W A) spuvr
SBT&T Co r 128 Parkway dr Richards Lola F (wid Alien) r 960 Oconee Richards Mary L (Mrs Raymond) slswn
Abroms r 340 Best dr Richards Raymond (Mary L) printer
The McGregor Co h 340 Best av Richards Thos E (Charlene R) slsmn Er-
nest C Crymes Co r 10 Myrtle ct Richards Thos W (Matilda B) carp Ben-
son's Bakery h 740 W Hancock av Richards Walter A (Jewell H) meat ctr
Broadway Mkt h 228 Parkway dr Richards Walter H (Goldie B) (First
Street Gro) h 205 Georgia Depot Richards Walter T (Yvonne M) 1 USN h
295 Oglethorpe av Richardson Albert G (Lula C) h 1050 S
Lumpkin apt 208 Richardson Donald student r 257 N Finley Richardson Jonie M emp Colonial Poul-
try Co Inc r 396 Augusta av Richardson Jean student r 158 Brittain Richardson Joel C (Marian M) 1 dist
agt State Agrl Extn Service h 180 Hamp-
ton ct Richardson John R (Joann W) interne
Athens Genl Hosp h 153 Georgia av Richardson Lenora h 396 Augusta av Richardson M D Ross r 250 Williams Richardson M Nancy student r 180 Hamp-
ton ct
Richardson Peter lab Colonial Feed Co Inc r 396 Augusta av
Richardson Robt J (Olga L) 1 asst associate dir State 4- HClubs h 158 Brittain av
Richardson Zack (Hazel) 2 lab h 287 Savannah av
Rickett Viola L asst nutrition specialist State Agrl Extn Service r 11 University
ct apts
Riddle Callie W gro 227 N Peter h 225 same



Riddle Jas washer Launderette r 225 N Peter
Riddle Ray r 225 N Peter Ridenhour Chas E (Virginia S) 2 cash
Sou Ry System h 375 Springdale Rider Frances H Mrs ofc nurse Dr Tom O
Meissner r 530 Harris Rider Thos A (Sara M) mech Simpson
Service Co r Farmington Ga Ridgeway Charlie G (Mabel F) 1 trk
dr U of Ga h 522 W Broad Ridgeway Ellen F (Mrs T R) ofc sec The
C&S Natl Bk r 425 Hill Ridgeway Hamlet C dept mgr Sterchi Bros
Stores Inc r Canon Ga Ridgeway T R (Ellen F) student r 425 Hill Ridlehuber Betty C tchr r 290 Hampton ct Ridlehuber Carol M (Annie E) 1 mgr
Carolina Life Ins Co h 290 Hampton ct Ridling Clifford P (Viola E) 1 pntr h 120
Ruth dr Ridling Richrd R emp Genl Time Inc r 1392
E Broad Ridling Willie M h 1392 E Broad Rigell Mary Jo supt of nurses Athens Genl
Hosp r 878 Cobb Riggle Luverne (wid Ora) r 825 W Han
cock av Riggs Geo O writer r 405 W Cloverhurst av Riggs Mary V K (wid K T) h 405 W
Cloverhurst Rigsbee Patricia A student r 565 N Mil-
ledge Rigsbee Walter L (Hallie B) slsmn h
565 N Milledge av Riley Eliz instr U of Ga Library h 240
DuBose av Riley Emmie r 267 Woodlawn Riley Lillie h 168 Strickland Riley N L r 240 DuBose av Riley Otis C (Ruby J3 4 carp h 220
S Peter Ringwood Ethel K (wid J J) slswn Hotel
Georgian Newsstand r 523 N Jackson Rion Danl S (Geraldine S) 1 trav slsmn
h 310 S Church Risner Nora (wid J N) r 675 Cobb Ristaw Esther M (Mrs J F) assembler Genl
Times Corp r 220 Pinecrest dr Ristaw John T (Esther M) 1 dept head
Genl Times Corp h 220 Pinecrest dr Ritchie Dorothy student r 197 Highland av Ritchie Frank T (Sally Jo B) 1 soil
scientist US Soil Conservation Service h 197 Highland Ritchie Horace B (Edith A) h 226 King av
Ritchie Jo Nan student r 197 Highland av
Rittenberry Frank clnr Suburban Clnrs r RD 3
Rittenberry Lizzie M 2 presser Suburban Clnrs h 268 Colima av
Rittenberry Note (Rosa E) 3 h 180 Waddell
RITZ THEATRE P M Russell Jr City Mgr, Operated by Savannah Theatres Co, mo
tion pictures 346 E Broad--Dial LI 3-3726

Rivers Vernon G (Kath K) 3 USN h 395 Springdale
Riverside Barber & Beauty Shop (Lonnie Wilson) 545 Madison av
Riverside Market (Adell Porterfield) meat 822 Water
Roach C Jack (Hazel T) mach Anderson Auto Parts Co Inc r Bogart Ga
Roach Faris lab r 361 Arch Roach Jas (Wilda L) 7 lab Empire State
Chem Co h 361 Arch Roach Jerry P (Joan O) ship elk Ander
son Auto Parts Co Inc r Bogart Ga Roach Joan O (Mrs J P) slswn S H Kress
& Co r Bogart Ga Roach Oscar E (Mattie E) r 296 Boulevard Roach Robt (Sallie F) 5 plmbr U of Ga
h 434 N Peter Roach Wilda F dom r 361 Arch ROBBINS FRED S (Virginia H) Sec-Treas
Stanley Lumber Co Inc, Agt The Equitable
Life Assurance Society of the US, h Tim
othy rd--Dial LI 3-4552 Robbins Gertrude B (wid A R) well
drilling 282 King h same Robbins J H (Carolyn S) dir Gilbert
Memorial Infirmary U of Ga h 584 High land av Robbins P H (Nan W) aud-clk Holman Hotel r 805 Holman Hotel Robbins Willie A (Katie M) 4 formn Alexander Wood Products Co Inc h 190 Stephens Roberson Alien trk dr Magnolia Oil Co r Hull Ga Roberson Clinton C (Mary) 2 dist mgr h 119 Sunset dr Roberson Daisy maid 243 E Cloverhurst av h 116 Broadacres Roberson Mae maid 402 W Cloverhurst r 270 N Chase Roberts Alf L (Frances G) 1 landscapei Everereen Memorial Cemetery of Athens h 250 Barber Roberts Alice D (Mrs CO) ofc sec White & Wier Air Conditioning & Heating Co r 1356 S Lumpkin Roberts Artis (Effie) wtchmn Dairypak Inc r Jefferson Ga Roberts Belle W (wid A L) h 930 S Lumpkin Roberts Berry D nightwtchmn County Jail r 145 Brookwood dr Roberts Clarence O (Nell B) chf City Police Dept h 145 Brookwood dr
Roberts Clarence O Jr (Alice D) slsmn C A Trussell Mtr Co h 1356 S Lumpkin
Roberts Cleve r 145 Yonah av
Roberts Danl R (Margt M) 3 trav slsmn h 15?0 Prince av
Roberts David (Hazel) candy mkr Long Candy Co h 248 Barber
(O Mortimer and Owen M Roberts Jr) Electrical Contractors 255 N Lumpkin--
Dial LI 3-3481 (See Marginal Lines and
Buyers' Guide)


Roberts Frankie counter girl Davis Bros
Cafteria r 575 N Jackson Roberts Hazel (Mrs David) ofc wkr Uni
versity Lndry r 248 Barber Roberts J Alf (Maude T) h 264 Geor
gia av Roberts Jas r 119 Parkview Homes
Roberts Jas A Jr (Aileen H) 2 pntr-
carp h 180 Normal av Roberts Jesse L Jr (Mary B) student h
24-D Ag Hill Roberts John L (Pauline S) 1 supvi
Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 424 King av
Roberts John N (Clela H) h 50 Arch Roberts John W (Mary F) 3 dispi
Black & White Cab Co h 269 Plaza
Roberts Johnnie B emp B & B Beverage
Co r Jefferson Ga Roberts Joyce mach opr Thomas Textile
Co r 225 O'Farrell Roberts L Talmadge (Margie) h 1082 S
Roberts Margie (Mrs L T) counter girl Davis Bros Cafeteria r 1082 S Lumpkin
Roberts Mary B (Mrs J L Jr) ofc sec
Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co r Pre Fab 24 apt D Ag Hill Roberts Mary F tchr Reese Street Sch
r 269 Plaza
Roberts Maude J Mrs 2 mach opr Fields Mfg Co h 119 Parkview Homes
ROBERTS O MORTIMER (Ebba D) (Roberts Electric & Appliance Co) h 414
W Rutherford--Dial LI 3-9762 ROBERTS OWEN M JR (Jane M) 3
(Roberts Electric & Appliance Co) h 549 University dr--Dial LI 3-4492
Roberts Patk r 119 Parkview Homes Roberts Tom ship elk The Webb-Crawford
Co r Social Circle Ga
Roberts Wm K hlpr The McGregor Co r 185 S Peter
Robertson Aubie R (Dorothy E) 2 train ing officer Veterans Admn h 390 S Pope
Robertson Bessie R Mrs h 635 N Milledge av
Robertson Gallic h rear 487 Madison av Robertson Cleo B (wid A R) grad nurse
135 Park av r same
Robertson Hovt (Rosa P) 1 (Robertson & Butler) h 263 Milledge cir
Robertson Kathleen dom r 216 N Chase Robertson May C tex wkr h Lexington rd
Robertson Myrna R student r 263 Milledge cir
Robertson Ola M Mrs r 165 Waddell
Robertson Paul W (Myrtle A) 1 tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Corp h 268 Madison av
Robertson Stanley M (Eunice F) (g) radio repairmn h 1909 S Lumpkin
Robertson Eunice F (Mrs S M) elk Atlanta
Gas Light Co r 1909 S Lumpkin Robertson & Butler (Monroe A Butler and
Hoyt Robertson) rl est 146 E Clayton Robeson Minnie 1 emp Colonial Poultry
Co h 169 Plaza Robins G B (Fay K) 2 instr U of Ga h 195
Windsor ct

Robinson A J (Rosana M) 2 tchrcoach City Bd of Education h 231 Mag
nolia Robinson Alberta maid h 154 Yonah av
apt 2 Robinson Ben (Nealy W) 3 h 141 Lyndon
row Robinson Bennie emp Rowe Whse &
Fertz Co Plant r RD 3 Robinson Bobby slsmn r 273 Lyndon av Robinson C E (Anna J) shoe shiner
Stevens News Stand h 146 N Church Robinson Chas atndt King Service Sta
r Timothy rd RD 4 Robinson Chas (Dorothy N) 1 trk dr
Bell's Food Mkt h 55 Broadacres Robinson D Thos (Joyce R) ofc mgr Davi-
son-Paxon Co h 2 Cloverhurst ct Robinson Daisy S maid 190 Pinecrest dr
r 127 Odd Robinson Ed (Rose T) dom h 300
Glenhaven av Robinson Eddie C student r 146 N Church Robinson Ella 2 h 273 Lyndon av Robinson Ernest h 694 Water Robinson Grady agt Guaranty Life Ins
Co r 1124 W Broad Robinson Grady H (Gail H) hlpr Head's
Service Sta h 140 Warsaw al ROBINSON HARRY H (Lou F) Mgr
Sterchi Bros Stores Inc h 197 Valley rd-- Dial LI 3-5530 Robinson Jas G (Ella M) trk dr Athens
Prod Inc r Covington, Ga Robinson Leila dishwasher Costal Grill
r 198 Macon av Robinson Leselle USA r 273 Lyndon av Robinson Leuvenia 2 ctr Colonial Poul
try Co Inc h 340 Macon av Robinson Leverett r 962 Hobson av Robinson Lillie B agt Guaranty Life Ins
Co r Covington Ga Robinson Link elevatormn Athens Genl
Hosp r 272 Lyndon av Robinson Mamie maid 198 West View di
r 681 N Lumpkin Robinson Maxie B (Hester B) 2 elk Pied
mont Mkt h 132 Parkview Homes Robinson Minnie h Epps Bridge rd
R D 4 Robinson Minnie L maid r 16 Broadacres
Robinson Nealy emp 440 Milledge cir r 141 Lyndon Row
Robinson Nellie M 3 maid h 198 Cleve land av
Robinson Nettie B elk Improved Order of Samartans r 235 Plaza
Robinson Ralph (Elise J) 1 porter Downs Mtrs Inc h 23 Broadacres
Robinson Roosevelt (Minnie L) 2 hlpi U of Ga h 16 Broadacres
Robinson Rosa cook r 270 N Chase Robinson Sarah r 190 Stephens Robinson Susie J r 55 Broadacres Robinson Tuck (Daisy) constr wkr h
127 Odd Robinson Willie (Leila) 7 cook Pi Kappa
Alpha Frat h 198 Macon av



Robison Seludo r 50 Bray Rochel Zetta maid r 690 W Hancock av Rock Edw A (Mary A) 2 slsm C A Trussell
Mtr Co h 470 E Cloverhurst Rock Mary A (Mrs E A) ofc sec U of Ga r
470 E Cloverhurst av Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc Clarence F Car-
leaux plant mgr Hillcrest cor Brookwood
Rodgers Paul D (Lana Lee W) 1 prof U oi Ga h 190 Highland ter
Roe Alien D asst mgr Ga Theatre r 220 S Hull
Roe Wm G Jr (Luena J) assignment mn SBT&T Co r Hull rd R D 1
Roebuck Annie R tchr East Athens Sch r 290 Tabernacle
Roebuck Jas L hlpr A D Adams r 290 Tabernacle
Roebuck Jessie r 45 Broadacres Roebuck Jim A (Belle P) (Brown's Bar-
ber Shop) h 45 Broadacres Roebuck Josephine cook r Bray Roebuck Lavonia r 335 Vine Roebuck Lois C h 290 Tabernacle Roebuck Rogers (Josephine) h Bray Roebuck Robt L plstr r 290 Tabernacle Roebuck Rosie L ctr Colonial Poultry
Co Inc h 345 Cleveland av Roebuck Sallie C presser Athens Lndrj;
& Dry Clng Service h 137 2d Rogers Arth D (Elaine G) 1 administrative
asst Army Reserve Training Center h 765 S Milledge av apt 6
Rogers Chas E (Mary B) student h 37 Parkview Homes
Rogers Early T (Lottie S) h 1331 S Milledge av
Rogers Norman E (Leila B) mgr King Cot ton ct r Atlanta hwy
Rogers T Frank (Sara S 2 carp h 2004 S Lumpkin
Rogers Ira J mach Quality Mach Co r Hull Ga
Rogers Mary E G (Mrs T W) pres Gunn's Inc r Army Chemical Center Maryland
Rogers T Hayden (Fredna R) 2 prof U of Ga h 181 W Cloverhurst av
Rogers Thos E student r 2004 S Lumpkin Rogers Wm M (Patsy B) 3 (Television
Sales & Service) h Whitehall rd R D 4 Rohman Paul J Jr (Patricia L) USA h 134
Buena Vista av apt 6 Rolader Bessie G (wid A B) r 148 Parkview
Homes Roling Buford D (Edith B) 2 repair mm
S B T & T Co h 250% Yonah av Roling Buford D (Edith B) 2 installer-repr
S B T & T Co h 1010 E Broad Roling Nancy F (Mrs W M) spooler Chico-
pee Mfg Co r 280 1st Roling Wm M (Nancy P) 4 doffer Chico-
pee Mfg Co. h 280 1st Roman C (Marilyn G) 1 prof U of Ga h 185
Windsor ct Ronayne Wm D (Mary D) 4 USN h 580
Pine Needle rd Rooker A H USA r 167 Nantahala av extd
Rooker Clifton E r 167 Nantahala av extd

Rooker Wm T (Grace H) mech C A Trus sell Mtr Co h 167 Nantahala av extd
Rooks Ila tchr Union Nursery Sch r W Cloverhurst av
Rooks WC (Lucinda) 1 lab h 120 Cleve
land av Roper Joe N (Dorothy) 1 slsmn Ga
Power Co h 282 Southview dr Roquemore Alice nurses aide Athens Genl
Hosp r Oconee hts Rose Chas M (Nadine H) v-pres Poultry
Industries Inc r Bogart Ga Rose Georgia cash Bell's Food Mkt r 70
Springdale Rose & Dahlia Garden Club meets 3d Wed
nesday 11:00 am 347 W Hancock av
Rosene Robt W (Joyce) 2 emp Navy Sup ply Corp Sch h 399 Price av
ROSENTHAL HENRY M (Frances C) 3 (Rosenthal's Shoes) h 460 Fortson dr-- Dial LI 3-3767
ROSENTHAL'S SHOES (Henry M Rosenthal) 195 E Clayton--Dial LI 3-3871 (Se Marginal Lines)
Ross Ann B (Mrs C O) sup elk Athens Genl Hosp r 440 Hiawassee av
Ross Ben W (Lois C) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 535 Nantahala av
Ross Charlie O (Annie B) 3 knitter Rodg ers Hosiery Co Inc h 440 Hiawassee av
Ross Eddye B asst associate dir State Agrl Extn Service r Statham Ga
Ross Elton tile setter Sam Smith Co r RD 2 Ross Fannie R (wid Charlie) h 260 E Hoyt Ross Howard (Mary) 2 USN h 67 Myrna
ct apts Ross Kenneth T (Virginia J) 4 chf elk
h 680 Belvoir hts Ross Lois C (Mrs B W) looper Climax
Hosiery Mills r 505 Nantahala av Ross Mattie (wid J A) r 163 Park av Ross Paul tile setter Sam Smith Co r RD 2 Ross Weldon T (Vera F) 3 rabies enforce
ment officer Athens-Clarke County Dept of Health h 138 Parkview Homes Rosser Blanch G (Mrs Harry) cash A&T Restr r 10 Sunset dr Rosser Harry (Blanche G) 2 (AST Restr) h 10 Sunset dr
Roth Albert D (Mary C) 1 atndt Berryman's Service Sta h 875 Boulevard
Roth Edna P (wid AD) r 875 Boulevard Roth Mary C (Mrs A D) emp Benson's
Bakery r 875 Boulevard Roundtree Geo W USAF r 1130 W Han
cock av Roundtree Mabel R 1 maid U of Ga
h 1130 W Hancock av Roundtree Raymond emp Pepsi-Cola Btlg
Co r 1130 W Hancock av Rountree Ben C (Mary M) student h 148 W
Dougherty Rountree Mary M (Mrs B C) genl asst
U of Qa Library r 148 W Dougherty Rouse Dana S maid 517 South View di
r 1237 W Hancock av
Rouse John E (Lois A) 1 plmbr Anderson Plmbg & Htg Co h 159 Sylvia cir

Rouse Robt (Dana S) yd wkr h 1237 W Hancock av
Rousey Dora (wid W A) r 165 Baxter Rousey Walter S teller The First Natl Bk
h 165 Baxter Routson Business College (Mrs Charlotte J
and Stoddard Routson) 199 Prince av Rouston Charlotte J (Mrs S J) Rouston
Business College r Jefferson rd Routson Stoddard S (Charlotte J) (Routson
Business College) h Jefferson rd Rowan Waldo S (Mildred) prof U of Ga
h 230 Marion dr Rowden Coleman (Ruth) r 165 Wilcox Rowden Gaston T (Audrey B) mach ppr
Circular Banding Co h 135 Parkview Homes Rowden Ruth (Mrs Coleman) waitress Tony's Restr r 165 Wilcox Rowe Eula mach opr Fields Mfg Co r Colbert Ga Rowe Joan student r 190 Anne's ct Rowe Malcolm A (Allie E) 1 (Rowe Whse & Fertz Co) h 190 Anne's ct Rowe Maude P (wid W A) h 235 Milledge ter Rowe Warehouse & Fertilizer Co Malcolm Rowe pres, A M Doolittle mgr ofc Oneta plant Old Whitehall rd Rowell Robt J (Mildred) carrier USPO r Ag campus Rowland Augusta C (wid A S) h 649 N Milledge av
Rowland C A (The Ga Bible Institute and The Rowland Co) r Beech Haven Atlanta hwy
ROWLAND CHAS A JR (Martha B) 1 (Athens Wood Preserving Co; Evergreen Garden Center and Evergreen Landscape Service h 430 Milledge ter--Dial LI 3-9946
Rowland Co The (C A Rowland) seed whol 770 E Broad
Rowland Ellene A sten W B Steedman & Son r 649 N Milledge av
Rowland Hampton (Mary L) cash The
Rowland Co r Beech Haven Atlanta hwy Rowland Hugh D (Jackie F) 3 supt Gulf
Life Ins Co h 275 King av Rowland Jack L (Jessie L) mgr The Row
land Co r Beech Haven Atlanta hwy Rowland Marty B student r 430 Milledge
ter Rowland Mary L (Mrs Hampton) prin
Chase Street Sch r Beech Haven Atlanta
hwy Rowland Rose B (Mrs M C) (Bradley's
Dress Shop) r Jacksonville Beach Fla Roy Robt (Emma G) emp SAL RR Co
h 537 4th Royal Crown Bottling Co of Athens (D T
Snow) F A Venable mgr end S Pope
Royal Joe (Lila R) 4 trk dr Noah Davis Trans Co h 1759 W Broad extd
Royal John D lab Mathis Constn Co r 680
Royal Lila R dom r 1759 W Broad extd
Royal Robt (Emma G) lab Ga RR
h 680 Branch

Ruark Charlie A (Mattie G) farmer h 10 Myrtle ct
Ruark Hazel B (wid H W) 1 tchr h 101 University ct apt 1
Ruark Mattie G (Mrs C A) smstrs Gray Bros Dry Clnrs r 10 Myrtle ct
Rucker Clarence (Olivia) 4 emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 254 Bailey
Rucker Fannie (Teasley's Beauty Shop) r 251 Macon av
Rucker Gladys I agt Afro-Am Life Ins Co r Hartwell Ga
Rucker Gordon (Fannie T) mach opr The Atlantic Co h 251 Macon av
Rucker Guy (Mary C) picker Chico pee Mfg Co h 160 Grove
Rucker Henry (Lelia) 2 h 348 Grove Rucker Horace H lab r 254 Bailey Rucker Jeanette cook h 56 Fuller Rucker Jessie B maid 199 University dr
r 253 Bailey Rucker Louis (Jessie B) 2 emp Chico
pee Mfg Co h 253 Bailey Rucker Louise tex wkr r 340 Boulevard Rucker Mary C maid 230 Cherokee r 160
Grove Rucker O Cole (Moselle S) trk dr
Crowe-Knowles Furn Co h rear 193 N Rockspring Rucker Olevia emp Good Luck Mfg Co r 254 Bailey Rucker Virginia L (wid J H) h 328 Dearing Rucker Wm (Geneva S) 2 trk dr Chick Piano Co h 282 Magnolia Rucker Willie M dishwasher Crow's Drug Store Inc r 213 Trail Creek
Ruckel Jane 2 emp Crow's Drug r 213 Trail Creek
Rudolph Wm D (Patricia H) USN h 1495 S Milledge av
Ruff Annie W 1 r 386 Arch Ruff Ina W mach opr Classic City Over
all Co Inc h 137 Bryant Ruff Lonnie quarry formn r 137 Bryant Ruff Mary A slm Caroline Life Ins Co
r 290 Hampton ct Rumsey H K member County Bd of Edu
cation r Tallassee rd Rumsey Mamie W (Mrs W T) elk Athens-
Clarke County Dept of Health r 135 Sylvia cir Rumsey Wm F (Mamie W) 1 elk USPO
h 135 Sylvia cir Rundell Jack W Jr (Helen T) 2 accnt
517 Sou Mut Bldg h 278 Cherokee av Rush Betty P (Mrs H W) emp Genl Times
Corp r Johnson dr extd Rush Howard W (Betty P) 3 mach opr Ben-
son's Bakery h Johnson dr extd Russell Anna W (Mrs W J Jr) tchr r 457
Morton av Russell Betty A slswn Beussee's Flowers
r Colbert Ga
Russell Eileen associate prof U of Ga h 1530
S Lumpkin apt B-5
Russell Geo dr Black & White Cab Co r 836 N Lumpkin



Russell Lillie Mrs (wid R C) r 237 High- Sailors Reba h 248 Augusta av

land av

Sailors Sybil C (Mrs W T) dept asst mgr

RUSSELL P M JR (Dollene B) 1 City Mgr Warren J Smith & Brother r 298 Oconee

Palace Theatre and Ritz Theatre and Sailors Wilburn T (Sybil C) emp The Hanna

Savannah Theatres Co h 630 Holman av Mfg Co h 295 Oconee

Russell Ralph M bkpr Quality Mach Co St John Nancy F ticket opr elk SAL RR

h 607 Lyons apt Russell Robt judge of U S Court of Appeals
r Winder Ga Russell Robt L (Josephine F) div eng
Ga Power Co h 237 Highland av Russell Win J (Addie D) h 457 Mor-
ton av Russell Wm J Jr (Anna W) sch tchr r 457
Morton av Russell Wm P (Una R) 2 adv mgr
Athens Coca-Cola Bltg Co h 480 Highland av Russom Oliver W (Wilma S) (Russom & Harper) h 236 Highland av Russom & Harper (R Glenn Harper and Oliver W Russom) men's clo 311 E Broad Russum Edw L emp L M Leathers' Sons r Hull Ga Ruth Mary cash Carolina Life Ins Co r 290 Hampton ct Rutherford Claire L (Mrs J M) sch tchi r Timothy rd RD 4 Rutherford Judge M (Claire L) 2 slsmn Bedgood Lbr & Coal Co h Timothy rd RD 4 Rutland Ted student h 1050 S Lumpkin

Co r 253 E Dougherty St John's Holiness Church Rev Jesse
Latimore Pastor Sunday Services 11:30 AM and 8:30 PM N Rock Spring nr
Reese St Johns AME Church Rev E C Brown
pastor Services 2d and 4th Sunday 12:00
noon and 7:30 PM 136 Stephens ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Re?
Walter J Donovan pastor Masses 8:00 10:30 and 11:00 AM Sunday 132 Prince
av (See Buyers' Guide) ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC RECTORY 134
Prince av--Dial LI 6-1621 ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC SCHOOL Rev
Walter J Donovan Supt 134 Prince av--
Dial 6-1621 ST JOSEPH'S CONVENT 830 W Hancock
av--Dial LI 3-4949 St Mark AME Church Rev E C Brown
pastor Services 2d and 3d Sunday 12:00 noon Gressom ST MARY'S HOSPITAL OF ATHENS INC The Missionary Sisters of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus In Charge 360 N Milledge av--Dial LI 3-3611 (See Buyers' Guide)

apt 502 Ryan Jas H Jr collr h 853 Prince av

ST MARY'S HOSPITAL NURSES HOME 820 W Hancock a v Dial LI 6-6363

Rylee Hubert M (Jessie M) pres Pied- St Pauls Central CME Church Sunday

mont Mortgage & Security Co lawyei

Service 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM 1st and

515-16 Sou Mut Bldg h 398 Bearing

4th Sunday 339 Flint

Rylee Jessie M (Mrs H M) sec Piedmont ST TERESA'S NURSES HOME 340 N

Mortgage & Security Co r 398 Bearing

Milledge av Dial LI 6-1349

Salonia Chapter No 227 OES meets Ma-

sonic Temple 279 Meigs

To Find a Name You Must Know How to Spell It.

Salvation Army The Lt Wm Traviss and Lt Vivian D Traviss officers in charge 454 College av

Salvation Army Transient Lodge The How-

ard W Hembree mgr 125 E Strong

S & M Cabinet Shop (Jas E Stewart) 620 Samaritan Building 181 W Washington

W Broad S & S Trucking Co (Jas M Strong) 135
Westover dr Sabbath Bessie H J sch tchr r 140 S
Billups Sadler Pinkie h 277 Bridge Sage Russell (Anne) (Athens Furnace &
Sheet Metal Contracting Co) r Tallassee rd

Sample Henry H (Lorene H) 4 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 349 Nantahala av
Sample Lorene H (Mrs H H) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 349 Nantahala av
Samples Earl (Bernice T) 1 sheet metal Maynard Sheet Metal Shop r 850 Prince av

Sailers Nola W (Mrs W G) ofc sec State SAMS ALBERT D (Anita B) 1 V-Pres

Agrl Extn Service r 210 West View dr

The Athens Coca-Cola Bottling Co h 710

Sailers W G Five Points Gulf Station (W Milledge cir Dial LI 6-8830

G Sailers) 1205 S Milledge av Sailers Wm G (Nola W) (W G Sailer's
Five Points Gulf Sta) h 210 West View dr Sailors Billy M trav slsmn The Athens Hdw Co r 295 Oconee Sailors Bryant L (Elise W) knitter Rodg-

Sams Albert D Jr student r 710 Milledge cir
Sams Irma maid r 260 Johns
SAMS WALTER A (Maxine D) Pres The Athens Coca-Cola Bottling Co h 255 S Milledgt av--Dial LI 3-4461

ers Hosiery Co Inc r 173 Barrow


Sailors Grover C (Linda S) 1 h 295 Oconee Sec-Treas The Athens Coca-Cola Bottling

Sailors Hope ofc sec h 660 Meigs

Co h 655 Milledge cir--Dial LI 6-8404



Samuels Clair (Carrie) <g) jan The Housing Authority of the City of Athens h 179 Paris
Samuels Geo (Cora) 2 emp Colonial Poultry Co h 94 Henderson av extd
Sanders Alice E interviewer State Employment Service r 440 University dr
Sanders Annette (Mrs EC) emergency rm aide Athens Genl Hosp h 7 Durland ct apt 7
Sanders Arnold mech Brown Mtr Co r Danielsville rd R D 1
Sanders Cynthia E (wid E A) r 62 Parkview Homes
Sanders Dickerson H Jr (Barbara K) student h 187 Oglethorpe av
Sanders E Herd (Lucy H) h 185 Wilkerson San.'ers Emmett C (Annette) 2 mortician
& funeral dir McDorman Funeral Home Durland ct apt 7 Sanders Emory E (Lizzie T) ship elk Sterchi Bros Stores Inc h 147 Tibbetts Sanders Emory R (Ossie M) 2 patrolmn City Police Dept h 190 Normal av Sanders Eugenia nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r Colbert Ga Sanders Florine B emp r 184 Elbert Sanders Frances O (Mrs R H) cash J C Penney Co Inc r 190% Windsor ct Sanders H Clarence (Orlene) 4 lab h 283 Magnolia Sanders R Horace (Frances O) 1 agt Met Life Ins Co h 190% Windsor ct Sanders Howard A (Wilma B) (Sanders Mens Shop) h 150 Barber Sanders J H Rev (Flossie) pastor Ebernezer Baptist Ch h 1203 W Hancock av Sanders Jas A (Eddie O) 1 mech Athens City Lines h 374 Oconee Sanders Jean nurse Athens Genl Hosp i 1380 Prince av Sanders Joe P route slsmn Std Oil Co of Ky Inc r Ila Ga Sanders John H (Florine B) 2 saw mill wkr r 184 Elbert Sanders John R (Marian Z) 1 USN h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 306 Sanders Lillian B (Mrs RE) topper Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 370 Best dr Sanders Lily M (wid U T) h 1380 Prince av Sanders Lizzie T (Mrs E E) nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r 147 Tibbetts Sanders Lucile C 1 dom 485 South View dr h 247 N Pope Sanders Lula W (wid C M) r 165 Waddell Sanders Lydia Mrs 4 h 442 Madison av Sanders Mattie (Sylvester) maid r 149 N Newton Sanders Mens Shop (Howard A Sanders) men's clo 228 E Clayton Sanders Orlene cook r 283 Magnolia
Sanders Robt (Marion) dr Dairypak Inc r Whitehall Ga
Sanders Robt cook Harris Tavern r 140 Glenhaven av
Sanders Robt E (Lillian B) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 370 Best dr
Sanders Sylvester (Mattie) cook r 149 N Newton

Sanders Wm H (Mary L) 1 emp Rodgera Hosiery Co Inc h 327 Hill apt 4
Sanders Wilma B (Mrs HA) research wkr U of Ga r 150 Barber
Sanders Zack L (Mary F B) slsmn Tom'a Toasted Peanuts r Bogart Ga
Sanford Eva h Mitchell Bridge rd RD 4 Sanford Gordon C field eng Ga Power Co
r Mitchell Bridge rd Sanford Grace M (wid S V) h 359 W
Cloverhurst av Sanderson Wiley D Jr (Rosella N) 3 asst
prof U of Ga h rear 190 E Rutherford Sapp Cath L r 540 W Hancock av Sapp Eug mech J Swanton Ivey Inc r RD 1 Sargent Jas (Helen) knitter Rodgers Ho-
siery Co Inc r RD 2 Sargent Jas L (Florine) 2 knitter Rodgers
Hosiery Co Inc h 144 Grady av Sartain Paul B (Ollie M K) route slsmn
Findley Dry Clnrs r Hull rd Satterfield E Wayne (Bobbie) 3 dentist
rm 200 Professional Bldg h 1662 S Milledge av Satterfield J H (Lois) 3 dr mail truck r 436 Hill Satterfield S G (Betty E) bkpr W D Beacham Realty Co r Bogart Ga Saunders Danl J (Nancy K) USN h 66 Myrna ct apts Savage Allie J waitress Davison-Paxon Co r 375 Ridge av Savage Robt C (Martha J) 1 tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 375 Ridge av SAVANNAH THEATRES CO P M Russell Jr City Mgr, Operators Palace Theatre and Ritz Theatre office 235 College a> --Dial LI 6-6218 (See Buyers' Guide) Saxon Austin A (Floy) mech Ga Mtrs Inc i Watkinsville Ga Saxon Jessie G Mrs ofc wkr Sterchi Bros Stores Inc r Bishop Ga Saxton Main attndt Berryman's Service Sta r Bishop Ga Sage Albert B (Ruth K) prof U of Ga h 190 West Lake pi Saye Alex (Jewell A) pressmn Athens Banner-Herald h 698 N Pope Saye Belle B (wid R M) 3 h 150 Virginia av Saye Bessie L opr SBT&T Co r 150 Virginia av
Saye Building 110 W Hancock
Saye Chas A student r 257 S Poplar
Saye Clara J (Mrs Ralph) anethetist Athens Genl Hosp r rear 117 West View dr
Saye Danl D USA r 350 Pound
Saye Daphne (Mrs John) 1 r 155 DuBose av
SAYE DAVID D (Hilda F) 3 Building Contractor 405 N Lumpkin--Dial LI 6-7182 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers' Guide) h 510 Highland av--Dial LI 6-8065
Saye Elmer E (Valeria D) 3 supt David D Saye h 244 Buena Vista
Saye Elmer E Jr student r 244 Buena Vista av
Saye Ethel R (Mrs J A) knitter Climax Hosiery Mills r 257 S Poplar



SAYE GEO W (Jacqueline K) 2 (Saye Scarborough Lois S Mrs 1 slswn Davison-

Sheet Metal Works) h 542 Best dr--Dial Paxon Co h 780 W Hancock av

LI 6-1974

Scarbrough Montine J (wid W R) tex

Saye Harold A (Margie W) 2 sis mgr wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 147 Chatooga av

Downs Mtrs Inc h 893 Hill

Scarff Carroll E (Mary T) USN h 46 Myrna

Saye Hortense P (wid Carl) h 297 Bloom- ct apts


Scarborough W Cecil elk A & P Food Stores

Saye Jas A USAF r 155 DuBose av

r 439 College av

Saye Jas T (Hazel H) 1 lieutenant City Scarborough Waymon prntr r 137 Baldwin

Fire Dept Sta No 1 h 155 DuBose av


Saye Jos A (Ethel R) fixer Climax Ho- Scheider Chas F (Gertrude B) agt C of

siery Mills h 297 S Poplar

Ga Ry h 323 Milledge ter

Saye Mary E opr SBT&T Co r 155 DuBose Schell John H (Lillie R) 1 lab City Hall


h 73 Broadacres

Saye R Paul (Emma Y) div appliance Schell Lillie R cook r 73 Broadacres

repr supvr Ga Power Co h 294 Oakland Schilb Lynn W (Rachel B) 2 asst supt


Athens Lbr Co h 155 Sylvia cir

Saye Ralph (Clara J) bkpr Van Cleve's Schimmel Walter J (Martha J) 2 purch

Flowers h rear 117 West View dr

agt Athens Poultry Co Inc h 415 Sunset

Saye Richd W meter reader Ga Power Co dr

r 257 S Poplar

Schindel Robt h 275 Oakland way

Saye Robt N Rev (Mildred F) h White- Schlosser David L (Dianne M) USN h 1050

hall rd

S Lumpkin apt 406

Saye Russell L (Emily A) (Athens Fur- Schmucker Harold W (Sara F) 2 safety

nace & Sheet Metal Contracting Co t eng Associated Transport Co h 1660 S

Tallassee rd

Lumpkin apt 9

SAYE SHEET METAL WORKS (Jas O Schmucker Sara F Mrs 2 slswn Davison-

Ferguson and Geo W Saye) Sheet Metal, Paxon Co h 1660 S Lumpkin apt 9

Heating and Air Conditioning Contrac Schnilpp Ralph E (Patricia S) USN h 376

tors 230 W Clayton--Dial LI 3-2484 (See

S Church apt 4

Back Supplement Cover, Marginal Lines Schoenborn Ellen P (Mrs H W) ofc sec

and Buyers' Guide)

Redwine & Co h 101 Wildwood ct

Saye Wade S (Ruth A) 2 mach U of Ga Schoenborn Henry W (Ellen P) 2 as-

h 155 Buena Vista

sociate prof U of Ga h 101 Wildwood ct

Saye Wade S Jr student r 155 Buena Vista Scholl John F (Joanne) USN h 1050 S


Lumpkin apt 503

Saye Wm student r 294 Oakland av

Schroder J Earl (Mary J) linemn main-

Sayer Dorothy O (Mrs E M) sten State tainer W U Teleg Co h Gloria av

Employment Service r Watkinsville Ga Schultz Clarence R (Virginia H) patrol-

Scafe Lois C (Mrs V R) slswn Hodgkin-

mn City Police Dept h 155 Sunset dr

son's r Colbert Ga

Schultz Jas M (Tressa L) slsmn Mitchell'g

Scafe Vernon R (Lois C) slsmn Crow's

Shoes Inc h 183 Nantahala av

Drug Store Inc r Colbert Ga Scarboro Glenn C (Violet W) 3 barber

Schultz Virginia H (Mrs C R) ofc wkr U of Ga r 155 Sunset dr

Ga Barber Shop h 270 Nacoochee Scarboro Violet (Mrs G C) mender Rodg-
ers Hosiery Co Inc r 270 Nacoochee

Schulyer Ritta M maid 302 West Lake dr r 1398 W Hancock av
Schuster Fred E student reporter Athens

Scarborough Barbara J slswn W F Wool- Banner-Herald r 228 Henderson av

worth Co r 780 W Hancock av

Schuster Kath T (wid H F E) ofc wkr Navy

Scarborough Barbara W (Mrs B C) ofc sec C D Baker and R C Gibson r Colbert

Sup Corps Sch r 228 Henderson Scoggins Bennie R Mrs 1 slswn Lawrence's

Ga Scarborough Buddy C (Barbara W) whse-

h 8 Parkview Homes Scoggins Clifford T (Evelyn D) 2 tra\

mn Talmadge Whol Co Inc r Colbert Ga Scarborough Betty E (Mrs S J) slswn La-
mar Lewis Co r Colbert Ga Scarborough Daisy G (wid S R) r 1150
Boulevard Scarborough Eary B (Mary N) slsmn
Walter Doolittles Clothing Store h 653 College av

slsmn h 620 West Lake dr Scoggins Bennie D (wid J 0) 1 tex wki
Angus Mfg Co h 128 Parkview Homes Scoggins Helen V student r 315 South
View dr Scott Irene T (wid EH) ofc sec Jester Ins
Agcy r 173 Catawba Scoggins Joe r 198 Barber

Scarborough Edw bkpr Athens Trk & Tractor Co r Danielsville Ga

Scoggins Lawrence M (Pauline A) tile mech Athens Bldg & Well Sup r Ila Ga

Scarborough Griff R (Delma G) h 215 Ruth
Scarborough Harry T (Juanita R) 2 mech Trussell Equipment Co Inc h 227 Ruth
Scarborough Helen (wid E G) fi h 495 E

Scoggins Mattie (wid Jas) h 198 Barber Scoggins Roy T (Helena W) aud Sou Mut
Ins Co" h 315 South View, dr Scoggins Roy T Jr student r 315 South
View dr Scogins Claude E (Mattie G) 3 mech Big

Cloverhurst av

Ace Corp h Danielsville rd



Scott Alf W (Jane S) prof U of Ga h 238 Springdale
Scott Alien J (Annie L) countermn The Varsity r Watkinsville Ga
Scott Alonzo h 418 N Chase Scott Annie H (wid W W) h 632 Ogle-
thorpe av Scott Chas B Rev (Hattie K) 1 ydmn h
241 Crawford av Scott Claude (Viola C) 1 emp Empire
State Chem Co h 1640 E Broad SCOTT CONSTANCE L Mgr Arrow Loan
& Insurance Co h 102 University Ct Apt 5--Dial LI 6-1808 Scott Ernest dishwasher Tony's Restr i RD 4
Scott Geo jan r 537 Reese Scott Geo hlpr The Webb-Crawford Co
r 142 Gresson Scott Guy B Jr (Eliz T) 5 lawyer 298
E Washington rm 222 h 187 N Milledge av Scott Hattie maid r 241 Crawford av Scott Inez emp U S Soil Conservation Ser vice h 568 N Harris Scott Irene 2 presser Industrial Lndry & Dry Clng Co Inc h 157 Dallas al Scott Irene T (wid H M) ofc sec The Jester Ins Agcy r 173 Catawba Scott J E (Mary H) 2 pulpwood dlr h 225% N Milledge av Scott Jasper R r 241 Crawford av Scott Jas W (Nomaree K) 1 emp U S Navy Sup Corps Sch h 175 Pottery Scott Jos porter Athens Tire & Auto Sup Co r Winterville Ga Scott Katie Mrs r 568 N Harris Scott Lorenza porter The Varsity r 412 W Broad Scott Marie M statistician U of Ga r 102 University ct apt 5 Scott Mary H (Mrs J E) instr U of Ga r 225^ N Milledge av Scott Mary M (Mrs H E) asst mailing elk State Agrl Extn Service r Lexington rd RD 3 Scott Newman D (Lula C) h 225 Carr Scott Ola maid 347 Oglethorpe av r 273 Paris Scott Owen N (Virginia R) 3 asst prof U of Ga h 275 Milledge ter Scott Pauline M 1 maid Hampton ct h 1132 Broad W Scott Richd S (Mary) accnt McWhorter S Cooley tchr Porters Business College Inc r 238 Springdale Scott Robt dish washer Davis Bros Cafe teria r 275 4th Scott Robt sausage mkr The Piedmont Mkt r 229 N Finley Scott Robt porter Walker's Service Sta i Crawford Ga
Scott Robt G USN r 1050 S Lumpkin apt 207
Scott Ruby maid 430 Milledge cir r 233 N Pope
Scott Ruby tchr r 226 Vine
Scott Sadie presser Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service r 229 N Finley

Scott Sam A porter Davison-Paxon Co r 318 Dubose av
Scott Susie maid r 275 4th Scott Susie h 960 Waddell Scott Velma H maid Davis Bros Cafe
teria r 863 Reese Scott Viola C (Mrs Claude) maid 555
Milledge cir r 1640 E Broad Scott Walter (Frances) h 780 N Chase Scott Willie Lee (Flossie H) hlpr Athens
Poultry Co Inc r 369 Meigs Scrivener Harry M (Eliza M) dist traffic
mgr SBT&T Co h 550 McWhorter dr Scrievener Harry M Jr student r 550 Mc
Whorter dr Scrpggs Sara Mrs 2 seamer Rodgers Ho
siery Co Inc r 640 Reese Scrpggs Tom A (Orah M) h 145 Lake-
view Scruggs J Chas (Julie C) porter The
Varsity r rear 447 3d Scruggs Julie C maid Cobb st r rear
447 3d Scruggs Lewis L (Nancy B) 1 pres In
surers Inc h 49 Myrna ct apts Scruggs Ollie (Claudia Y) h rear 447
3d Scruggs Robt (Julie C) poster Athens
Poster Adv Co h rear 447 3d SCRUTCHIN CLIFFORD G (Caroline S) 2
@ Dist Supt Georgia Power Co h 172 Rock Glenn rd Dial LI 6-7764 Seabolt Lillie M (Mrs W L) tex wkr r 223 Nantahala av Seabolt Olin S (Leona H) 1 slsmn Sam Smith Co h 218 Parkway dr Seabolt Edith K (Mrs R L) cash The Basketeria r Winterville Ga Scudder Chas L student r 920 Baxter Scudder Frances L (wid A M) h 920 Baxter Scudder Nina art tchr 490 S Milledge av h same Seabolt Oscar C (Edna) vendor Dr Peppei Btlg Co r R D 3 Seabolt R Leo (Edith K) (The Basketeria) h Winterville Ga Seabolt W Herman (Lila M) 1 atndt Hoicomb Service Sta h rear 335 Oconee Seabolt W Lewis (Lillie M) elk Driskell Gro h 223 Nantahala av Seabolt Walter H (Willie H) 2 supvr Benson's Bakery h 175 Grady av Seaboard Air Line Railroad Co W Henry Hill Dist frt & pass agt 414-15 Sou Mut Bldg LI 6-8948 frt sta Oscar B McRae agt 599 E Broad LI 6-7231 passenger sta Frank Cleveland agt 901 College av LI 6-8046 bge and yd ofc J Robt Leslie chf elk LI 6-8572 signal work shop R M Adams signal inspr Seminole av
Seaboard Cafe (Frank F Hancock) 101 Ware
Seabolt Clifford platform elk The Atlantic Co r 39 Parkview Homes
Seabolt Willie H (Lilla M) slsmn Holcomb's Service Sta h 335 Oconee
Seagraves Albert D (Mildred S) 1 mach Keller Mach Co h 60 Arch


Seagraves Alton E (wid C E) h 185 S Poplar
Seagraves Annie T (wid L D) r 243 S Poplar
Seagraves Bowling Alley (Mrs Willie M Seagraves) Mitchell Bridge rd
Seagraves Carl D r 265 S Peter Seagraves Clella h 265 S Peter Seagiaves David H student r 157 Grove Seagraves Donald R elk The Athens Hdw
Co r Lexington rd RD 3 Seagraves Edna L opr June Beauty Salon
r 185 S Poplar Seagraves Ellijay (Maggie) 1 tex wkr h
Barnett Shoals rd Seagraves Frank E (Sarah J) 1 lieut City
Police Dept h 156% Grove Seagraves Guy G (Sara S) 2 slsmn Er-
nest C Crymes Co h 1992 S Lumpkin Seagraves Harold L (Mary W) 3 patrolmr
County Police Dept h Durlan ct apt 5 Seagraves Harvey H emp Climax Hosiery
Mill r 157 Grove Seagraves Harvey H pre-boarder Climax
Hosiery Mills r 157 Grove Seagroves Harvey L (Susie W) h 151
Grove Seagraves Homer C (Gladys S) slsmn
Christian Hdw Co h 160 Easy Seagraves Howard W (Beatrice W)
(Barker Street Gro) h 127 Nantahala av Seagraves Hoyt (Addie M) bodymn City
Mtrs Inc r Bogart Ga Seagraves J L trk dr W B Rice Petroleum
Co Inc r Johnson dr Seagreaves Jas (Louise) feeder opr Dairy-
pak Inc r Nicholson Ga Seagraves Jas H (Lois) 1 h 197 Mitchell Seagraves Jas L (Annie R) 2 trk dr h 1740
Lexington rd Seagraves Jas L (Mary B) 1 ship elk
Climax Hosiery Mills h 243 S Poplar Seagraves J O (Wilma) emp The Hanna
Mfg Co r RD 1 Seagraves Joe L (Annie R) 1 USMC h 635
N Milledge av Seagraves Sarah J (Mrs F E) box fnshr
Climax Hosiery Mills r 156% Grove Seagraves Lucy S (wid H H) h 273 E
Cloverhurst av Seagraves Martha ckr New Way Dry Clean-
ers & Lndry r 160 Easy Seagraves Mary mach opr Classic City
Overall Co Inc r Hull Ga Seagraves Mary (wid Willie) h 1358 Oconee Seagraves Mary (Mrs Robt) asst mgr Da-
vison-Paxon Co r Hull Ga Seagraves Mary R (Mrs J L) looper Climax
Hosiery Mills r 243 Poplar Seagraves Maude C (wid F C) asst
dietician Georgian Hotel Coffee Shop h 359 W Hancock av Seagraves Millard F (Sara H) 3 dept mgr Davison-Paxon Co h 365 Bloomfield Seagraves Nelson H (Ann P) 2 formn Climax Hosiery Mills h 225 Georgia Depot Seagraves Ralph D (Sara M) 1 mach Keller Mach Co h 126 S Poplar Seagraves Robt J (Mary) used car mgr Quality Mtrs r Hull Ga

Seagraves Sara M (Mrs R D) policewn City Schools r 126 S Poplar
Seagraves Sara S (Mrs G B) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 1992 S Lumpkin
Seagraves Susie R sch tchr r 157 Grove Seagraves W H (Helen) emp The Hanna
Mfg Co r Nicholson Ga Seagraves Wm H elk Jackson's Gro r 215
Georgia Depot Seagraves Wm H student r 215 Georgia
Depot Seagraves Wm R (Jennie B) 6 lab L H
Bailey & Sons h 136 Grove Seagrayes Willie M (wid G R) (Seagravea
Bowling Alley) h 240 Oglethorpe ter Seagraves Wallis L mech r 185 S Poplar Seagraves Wilma P mach opr Classic Cit
Overall Co Inc r RD 1 Sealey R M coml supvr SBT&T Co r
Gainesville Ga Seams Izak lab r 524 W Hancock av Searcy Elmira dom h 183 Lyndon av Searcey John jan Twilight Vista r 183
Henderson extn Sears Roebuck & Co Mrs Mildred S Beusse
mgr order ofc 265 College av Sears Wm H (Elsie O'R )3 prof U of Ga
h 227 S Finley Sears Wm C (Mary L) 2 asst prof U of
Ga h 120 Wildwood ct Seats Mark shoe shiner r 190 W Strong Seawell Lee A dir of Placement U of Ga
r 310 South View dr Seawell Lee W (wid T M) h 310 South
View dr Seay Earley W (Lois W) h 224 Grace Seay Frances A (wid J W) r 224 Grace Seay Katie M clo inspr r 224 Grace Seay Nettie S nurses aide Athens Genl
Hosp r 140 Park av Seay Paul E (Mary McD) 4 asst mgr Ga
Feed & Sup Co h 172 Indiana av Seay Sue nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r
224 Grace Sebba Gregor (Helen T) 2 prof U of Ga
h 122 Carr Hill Segars Condes J N (Archey T) 2 atndt
Coastal Service Sta h 738 Boulevard
Segars Roy (Juanita) 1 mach Keller Mach Shop h 180 Barrow
Segrest Robt T (Laura P )3 prof U of Ga h 250 S Milledge av
Self Gladys O r 549 College av Self J C (Lucille N) barber Whitehead Bar-
ber Shop r Arnoldsville Ga Self J R (Mavis B) (Auto Clinic) r Wat-
kinsville Ga Self Jas E (Montine A) 2 slsmn Ander-
son Auto Parts Co h 157 Holman av Self Jas W (Sophronia O) 1 emp W A
Stevens Co h 749% Boulevard Self Renus V (Sara B) mech Wade's Garage
r Hull Ga Self Will J (Nellie B) emp Alexander Wood
Products h 337 E Hoyt Self Wiflie C (Ruth B) 2 grader Alex-
ander Wood Products Co h 526 Pulaski Self Welton G trk hlpr Athens Cooperative
Creamery r 526 Pulaski Sell Edw S (Nellie W) h 650 Cobb



Sellers Jackie W (Mrs Weyman) ckr Georgian Lndry & Dry Clnrs r 546 Castalia av
Sellers Lizzie W (Mrs R A) tex wkr Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 180 Holman av
Sellers Robt W (Lizzie W) 3 trav slsmn h 180 Holman av
Sellers Weyman (Jackie W) 2 coach Athens High Sch h 546 Castalia av
SERVICE FINANCE CO Joe C Brewer Mgr Personal Loans 142 N Jackson Dial LI 6-1650 (See Special Lines and Buyers' Guide)
Sessions Wm W (Charles L) 1 mgr Mtr Contract Div of Trusco Finance Co h 237 Woodlawn av
Settle Chas H (Kate H) 1 <g) (Veterans Cab Co) h 170 Westover dr
Settle G Kathryn ofc sec Heyward Alien Mtrs Co r 170 Westover dr
Settle Gloria K ofc wkr Heywood Alien Mtr Co r 170 Westover dr
Settle Kate H (Mrs C H) tel opr U S Production & Marketing Admn r 170 Westover dr
Settle Mildred J emp U of Ga r 170 Westover dr
Settles Robt B (Louis S) USN h 7 Parsons apts
720 Service Station (C B Dawley) 160 North av
Seward Janie S (wid E C) teller Hubert State Bk r 1135 Oconee
Sewell Alex trk dr Athen's Butchers Abattoir Co Inc r 637 Madison av
Sewell Alex lab Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 137 Crawford av
Sewell Bessie r 728 N Hull Sewell Mack hlpr The Webb-Crawford
Co r rear 925 S Milledge av Sewell Saml emp Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r 10 Gordons al Sewell Wm (Lucy L) 5 trk dr Thornton
Bros Paper Co h 170 Church Sexton Maine E atndt Berryman's Service
Sta r Watkinsville Ga Sexton Fred J (Kathleen W) 1 USAF r 322
E Dougherty Sexton Jas E (Jewell H) whsemn Eli
Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 130 CanSexton Jewell H (Mrs J E) ofc sec Milner
Stephens and Bentley r 130 CanSexton Kenneth (Virginia H) 1 hlpr City
Service Sta h 369 N Finley Sexton Margt B (wid J L) h 598 Prince
av Sexton Maryin A asst U of Ga Library
projectionist Athens Drive-in Theatre r 237 Hiawassee av Sexton Mollie C (wid J M) h 237 Hiawassee av
Seymour Eliz nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r 787 Cobb
Seymour Ernest T (Betty) 1 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 147 Virginia
Seymour Frances M (Mrs F M) tchr r 398 Pinecrest dr
Seymour Fred M (Frances M) 1 aud State of Ga h 398 Pinecrest dr

Seymour Hilda H (Mrs J C) ofc sec Ga Theatre r 200 Windsor ct
Seymour Hubert trk dr Benson's Bakery r Colonial Hotel
Seymour Jas C (Hilda H) 2 parts mgr J Swanton Ivy Inc h 200 Windsor ct
Seymour Mattie C (wid W D) hse dir Clarke Howell Hall r 855 S Lumpkin
Seymour Mattie L (wid W D) r 530 University dr
Seymour Nellie S Mrs 2 emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 160 Mitchell
Seymour Valeria L (Mrs) 1 emp Perdue Mfg Co h 68 Parkview Homes
Shackelford Betty F Mrs 1 ofc sec Athens Refrigeration & Appliance Co Inc r 865 Boulevard
Shackleford Building 187 E Clayton and 215 College av
Shackelford Claud D (Hazel W) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co h 160 Lakeview
Shackelford Donald student r Princeton rd RD 4
Shackelford Dorothy W (wid C C) (Shackelford's) h 163 Milledge ter
Shackleford Eliz mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Whitehall Ga
Schackleford Guy O (Emmie T) h 180 Hiawassee av
Shackelford Guy O Jr (Ann A) emp W G Sailers Five Points Service Sta h Dulan ct apt 11
Shackleford H Oscar (Mary J) r Lexington rd
Shackelford Henry J (Dorothy P) 1 brklyr Paul Hanson h 250 Best dr
Shackelford Hilda student r Mitchell Bridge
rd RD 4 Shackelford Jas USN r Princeton rd RD 4 Shackelford Jas S (Edna W) 1 carp
formn Mathis Constn Co h Princeton rd
RD 4 Shackelford Hilda (wid T J) h Mitchell
Bridge rd RD 4 Shackelford Mattie slswn Shackelford's r
784 Cobb Shackelford Maude r Georgian Hotel Shackelford Ross copywriter Radio Sta
WGAU and WGAU-FM r Pre Fab Ag
Hill Shackleford Ruby L mach opr Classic City
Overall Co Inc r Whitehall Ga Shackelford Thos J Jr student r Mitchell
Bridge rd RD 4 Shackelford's (Mrs Dorothy W Shackel-
ford) dept store 417 E Broad Shadden Agnes tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co
r 170 1st Shadden Elmer H (Mary D) trk dr South-
eastern Rubber Co h Princeton rd RD 4 Shadden Georgia L (Mrs H H) tex wkr
Chicopee Mfg Co r 170 1st Shadden Henry H (Georgie L) tex wkr
Chicopee Mfg Co h 170 1st Shadden Hugh A student r Princeton rd
RD 4 Shadden Jas (Grace) feeder opr Dairypak
Inc r 170 1st Shadden Mary S (Mrs M H) topper Rodg-
ers Hosiery Co Inc r 1353 Oconee



Shadden Melvin H (Mary S) trk dr McLeroy Produce Co h 1353 Oconee
Shadden Wm A emp Television Sales &
Service r Princeton rd RD 4 Shadgett Alan H student r 215 Hampton ct Shadgett Olive H (Mrs L M) reader Chris
tian Science Ch r 215 Hampton ct SHADGETT LAURENCE M (Olive H)
V-Pres-Div Mgr Georgia Power Co h 215 Hampton Ct--Dial LI 6-6613 Shadgett Peter L student r 215 Hampton ct Shafe Chas C Rev (Sara C) 3 pastor Cen tral Presbyterian Ch h 457 Milledge cir Shaffer Chas R (Ruby S) slsmn h 540 Talmadge dr Shaffer Ruby (Mrs C R) tex wkr r 540 Talmadge dr Shakespear Maggie D dom h 149 N Chase SHAMROCK PORTRAITS (Chas W Lamb) Photographer 146 E Clayton--Dial LI 3-3668 and LI 3-3669 (See Special Section, Marginal Lines and Buyers' Guide) Shank Frances W (Mrs R H) field rep State Dept Pub Welfare Dist 10 r Wash ington Ga Shank Onie L maid Twilight Vista r 1643 W Hancock av Shank Otis (Christine C) plant opr At lanta Gas Light Co r 139 N Newton Shankle S M slsmn The Webb-Crawford Co r Commerce Ga Sharp Alien B (Leona B) 2 supt City Street Dept h 325 Pound av Sharp Francis R (Mrs J B) bkpr L M Leathers' Son r Bogart Ga Sharp Jas B (Frances R) (The Launderrest) r Bogart Ga Sharp Nathl lab The Loef Co r RD 1 SHARPE ROBT J (Lucille F) 2 Mgr The L B Price Mercantile Co h 210 Oglethorpe ter--Dial LI 6-0009 Shaw Allie hostess Georgian Hotel Coffee Shop r Same Shaw Azzie B maid 276 Bridge Shaw Betty J ofc sec Northwestern Mut Life Ins Co r 1993 S Lumpkin Shaw Burrell S (Mildred S) butler h 198 Paris Shaw C P Shaw Construction Co (Curtis P Shaw) bldg 114 Clover Shaw Camilla h 153 Fopbstein al
Shaw Chas B (Daisy B) cook h 525 W Hancock av
Shaw Chas B Jr student r 525 W Han cock av
Shaw Curtis P (Colleen W) 1 (C P Shaw Constn Co) h 114 Clover
Shaw Daisy B tchr East Athens Sch and organist Ebenezer Baptist Ch r 525 W Hancock av
Shaw Dorothy L slswn S H Kress & Co r Ag Hill Pre Fab 9-e
Shaw E C (Evelyn L) service mn Orkin Exterminating Co r Winterville Ga
Shaw Grace Mrs h Princeton rd RD 4 Shaw Henry N bus opr Athens City Lines
r Bishop Ga Shaw Henry P (Pearl L) formn C P Shaw
Constn Co r 114 Clover

Shaw I G (Mamie) mach Basham Welding

& Mach Co r Winterville rd

Shaw Ida L hlpr Colonial Poultry Co r

223 Fair-view

Shaw Mabel B (Mrs W A) inspr Fields

Mfg Co r 1993 S Lumpkin

Shaw Myrtle spinner Chicopee Mfg Co

h 188 1st

Shaw Otis (Azzie B) 1 jan The Hanna

Mfg Co h 276 Bridge

Shaw Ramona B tchr Broadacres Nur

sery Sch and ofc sec Ebenezer Baptist

Ch h 525 W Hancock ay

Shaw Susie h 635 Madison hts

Shaw Wm A (Mable B) 2 hlpr Mathis

Constn Co h 1993 S Lumpkin

Shealy Mary R Mrs h 165 Elm

Sheats Dorothy meat mach opr Broad

way Mkt r RD 1

Sheats Jas F (Louise C) sta agt Southern

Airways Inc r Statham Ga

Sheats Mark H shoe shiner Bryant's

Barber Shop r 198 Strong

Sheats Tommie jan Boley's r 1635 Mil-

ledge av extd

Sheats Virginia D maid Southview dr r

350 N Pope

Shedd Karl E (Florence C) prof U of

Ga h 161 Milledge hts

Skeet Marion student r 135 Cohen

Sheets Fred (Florida) h 884 Henderson

av extn

Sheets Mary lab Colonial Poultry h 348

S Rock Spring

Sheets Robt (Bessie J) 4 jan U of Ga h

7 Gordon's al

Sheffer Marguerite B (wid L M) pres

County Bd of Education and member

County Welfare Dept Bd r Wire Bridge

rd RD 3

Sheffield Emma R r 321 DuBose av

Sheffield Frank P Jr (Evelyn R) 2 loan

elk The C & S Natl Bk h 550 Morton av

Shehulski Frank atndt Broun Service Sta

r Ag Hill campus

Shell John H (Lillierene) jan City Hall

h 72 Broad Acres

Shell Oil Co Inc Garland F Hulme distbtr

150 Oconee

Shellnut Henry (Ozilla H) whsemn Eli

Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Farmington


Shellnutt Willie L mach opr Fields Mfir

Co r RD 1


Shelly Eleanor r 175 S Finley

Shelnut Frances J (Mrs W R) ofc sec

Erwin Nix Birchmore & Epting r 184


Shelnut Mary J slswn W F Woolworth Co

r Bishop Ga

Shelnut Willie F (Mildred S) 6 platform mn

Pure Ice Co h 575 N Jackson

SHELNUTT A DONALD JR (Ailene M) 2 Ofc Mgr Hutchins Cox & Stroud Inc h 265 Mjlledge ter--Dial 6-8185

Shelnutt Frances (Mrs B F) IBM opr Tal madge Whol Co Inc r Bishop Ga

Shelnutt Gerald F (Montie H) elk The Piedmont Mkt h 586 Franklin


Shelnutt Leroy atndt Anderson Service Sta r Bishop Ga
Shelnutt Sara A cash The Independent Life & Accident Ins Co r 586 Franklin
Shelnutt Thos Jr (Betty H) 1 nursery wkr Evergreen Landscape Service h Epps Bridge rd RD 4
Shelnutt Willie R (Frances J) USAF r 184 Elbert
Shelton B A Rev emp U S Soil Conservation Service h 195 King av
Shelton Clarence L USA r 447 Little Oak Shelton Elton R (Mildred E) 5 emp Dr
Pepper Btlg Co h 843 College av Shelton Eva L Mrs 5 h 447 Little Oak Shelton Geo L (Sybil C) 5 knitter Rodg-
ers Hosiery Co Inc h 179 Hiawassee av Shelton Grace B (Mrs M F) waitress
Betty's Truck Stop r 1248 Prince apt B2 Shelton Henry elk E H Youngkin Groc r
400 Oak Shelton Jack D (Rose DeL) 2 mach Geor-
gian Lndry & Clnrs h 645 Pulaski Shelton Leila (wid R L) h rear 150 Vine Shelton Mack F (Grace B) 3 atndt James
Bros Service Sta h 1248 Prince apt B2 Shelton Robt A r 175 Hiawassee av Shelton Rose De L (Mrs J D) opr S B T &
T Co r 645 Pulaski Shelton Willis M (Helen W) 3 emp The
Hanna Mfg Co h 152 Parkview Homes Shelvis Toney r 748 N Jackson Shepard Chas A (Gladys C) 1 h 386
Milledge cir Shepard Gertrude consulting nurse State
Dept of Public Health r Winterville Ga Shepard Leonard F (Mary A) 1 whsemn
Cofer Seed Co h 510 Pulaski Shephard Mary A (Mrs L F) mach opr
Big Ace Corp r 510 Pulaski Shephard Warren jewlr Capps' Jewelery
Co r 142 E Rutherford Shepherd Beatrice h 335 Vine Shepherd Billy V (Anne H) 1 piano
tech Chick Piano Co h 144 Gradv av Shepherd Mamie T (wid J T) r 144 Grady
av Shepherd Warren J wtch repr W A Capps
Co r 142 Rutherford Sheppard J E elk The Kroger Co r Reed
Hall Sheppard Rosa maid r 295 Evans av Sheppard Willie (Rosa) lab St Mary's
Hosp h 295 Evans av Sheridan Kay student r 138 W Dougherty Sheridan Luther R carp h 165 Reese
Sheridan Paul W (Grace W) 1 knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 327 Holman av
Sherrer Alice F (Mrs H L) Indrs U of Ga r 1785 E Broad
Sherrer Ellen Y (wid J A) h 577 Pulaski Sherrer Georgia F mender Rodgers Ho-
siery Co Inc r 450 Sunset
Sherrerr Howard L (Alice F) 1 jan U of Ga h 1785 E Broad
Sherrer Inez M cook Normal Cafe r 863 Meigs

Sherrer L Frank (Carlie C) elev opi Sou Mut Bldg h 450 Sunset dr
Sherrer Mary h rear 828 N Lumpkin Sherrer R T (Inez M) 6 trk dr City h
863 Meigs Sherrer R T Jr hlpr Smith's Gro r 863
Meigs Shetney Oryille (Gerta) dir of mus First
Presbyterian Ch r Bogart Ga Shetterley Frank (Ivy C) sta mgr Ga
Mtrs Inc h 786 Boulevard Shetterley Jimmy P elk Arnold & Abney
Inc r 738% Boulevard Shettlesworth Loy J (Betty W) emp Ciga-
rette Service Co h 365 Scott Sheuring John J (Cosette L) 2 prof
U of Ga h 505 Highland av Shield Franklin hlpr Bradley Provision
Co r 623 Vine Shield Sennie T maid r 623 Vine Shield Raymond hlpr Shivar's Bakery
r 623 Vine Shield Luther (Sennie T) 3 lab Empire
State Chem Co h 623 Vine Shields Harrell C (Marian H) 1 porter
Warren J Smith & Brother h 112 Broadacres Shields R L (Viola) USN h 537 Reese Shields Wayne R repr Community Service r Jefferson rd Shire Donald T (Anne C) USN h 398 S Milledge av apt 201 Shrvar Alice A student r 590 King av Shivar Beulah H (Mrs J H) (Shivar's Bakery) r 590 King av Shivar Doyla C (Mrs J H) seamer Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r 1595 S Lumpkin Shivar Jas H (Beulah H) (Shivar's Brkery) trav slsmn h 590 King av Shivar Jas H (Doyla C) reprmn Bissell & DeLay Typewriter Sis Co h 1595 S Lumpkin Shivar Mary W Mrs 2 r 1086 S Lumpkin Shivar O Rebecca emp Shivar's Bakery r 590 King av Shivar Wm C (Shivar's Bakery) student r 590 King av Shivar's Bakery (Mrs Beulah H Jas H and W-n C Shivar) 225 N Lumpkin Shockley Archie G (Mattie D) slsmn Shocklev Kealty Co r Monroe Ga SHOCKLEY B ARTH (Suzanne H) (Shockley Realty Co) r Apalachee Ga Tel Madison 70-R2 SHOCKLEY REALTY CO (B Arth Shockley) Real Estate 519 Southern Mutual Building Dial LI 3-5470 (See Special Lines and Buyers' Guide) Shockley Robt N (Ruth C) bkpr Athens Cooperative Creamery r Winterville Ga Shockley Ruth C (Mrs R N) bkpr Athens Cooperative Creamery r Winterville Ga Shoemaker Donald D (Mary D) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 1248 Prince av Shoemaker Donald D Jr parts slsmn Russell Daniel Inc r 1248 Prince av Shoemaker S Peron (Mary M) 1 coach U of Ga h 1520 S Lumpkin apt Fl Shook Eleanor Mrs 2 receptionist Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 435% Nantahala av

Shook Hubert A slsmn Gulf Oil Corp r 297 S Hull
Shooks Rosa Mrs emp Big Ace Corp r 554 Boulevard
Shore Collie mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Commerce Ga
Short Amanda L 1 r 355 Best dr Short Arth B (Ola D) elevmn Athens Genl
Hosp h 880 College av Short Herman E (Roxie) (Athens Sport
ing Gds Store) r Atlanta Ga Short J Albin (Jackie M) 1 maintenance
supvr City Recreation Dept h Athens Memorial Park Short Jackie M (Mrs J A) plant operations U of Ga r Athens Memorial Park Short Jewel (Clara P) h 589 Meigs Short Wm P barber Whitehead's Barber Shop h 737 N Jackson Short Woodie R slswn J C Penney Co Inc r 880 College av Short Woodrow W (Janette M) 2 ap pliance reprmn Ga Power Co h 215 Hoiman av Shorter Essie maid 675 S Milledge r 1327 W Hancock av Shorter Jack (Essie M) r 1327 W Han cock av Shorter Leola dom h 130 Lyndon av Short Wm J (Lois J) 1 supt of weaving Chicopee Mfg Co h 158 Gilmer Short Wm M (Lennie) tex wkr h 132 Arch Show Julie C nurse St Mary's Hosp r 137 S Billups Shuck Nick r 124 State Shufelt Jas V (Edith K) h 488 Highland av Shufelt Marcia elk U of Ga r 488 Highland av Shuford Harry W (Betty B) 2 slsmn J C Penney Co Inc h 109 University ct Shumberger John student h 1729% S Lumpkin Shurley Blanch (wid C) r 670 Cobb Shy Hinton B (Lizzie O) trav slsmn h 480 Milledge cir Sieg Ann P (Mrs E C) dental asst Dr Chas F Elder Jr r 270 Hill Sieg E Chan (Anne P) student r 270 Hill Siegel Chas H (Jeanette A) 1 mech W A Stevens Co h 140 Sylvia cir Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity Mrs Frances Galloway hse mother 247 Pulaski Sigma Chi Fraternity 480 S Milledge av Sigma Nu Fraternity river rd
Sigman John H agt Afro-Am Life Ins Co r Gainesville Ga
Sikes Jessie L Mrs elk Athens Lndry & Dry Clng Service r 1452 Prince av
Silverman Danl (Elinor R) USN h 54 Myrna ct apts
Silvey Bobby L USA r 197 Childs
SILVEY DANL R (Frances T) Pres Silvey Motor Co Inc h 180 Fortson cir --Dial LI 3-3353
Silvey Edw J (Geraldine P) 1 lieut City Fire Dept h 160 Pulaski hts

SILVEY FRANCES T (Mrs D R) V-Pres Silvey Motor Co Inc r 180 Fortson cir-- Dial LI 3-3353
Silvey Irene prac nurse 285 Bloomfield r same
Silvey Leonard C (Willie C) 1 loom tndr Chicopee Mfg Co h 197 Childs
Silvey Mamie R (wid W W) furn rmns 445 Meigs h same
Silvey Margorie student r 160 Pulaski hts SILVEY MOTOR CO INC Danl R Silvey
Pres, Mrs Frances T Silvey V-Pres, J W Matthews Sec-Treas Dodge and Plymouth Sales and Service 1095 W Broad--Dial LI 6-8224 (See Front Supplement Cover, Marginal Lines, and Buyers' Guide) Simmons Annie Ruth S (Mrs A T) emp Field's Mfg Co r 194 State Simmons Arlene 3 h 487 Madison av Simmons Aubrey T (Annie S) 3 mech W A Stevens Co h 194 State Simmons Barry D student r 211 Milledge ter Simmons Beatrice H Mrs cred mgr Davison-Paxon Co r 295 W Rutherford Simmons Bernice nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp r 1336 W Hancock av Simmons Carl E (Inez H) 1 service mn The Beacham Co h 648 S Milledge av Simmons Chattie B 3 presser Charlie James Dry Clnrs h rear 1162-c W Broad Simmons Edw lab h 226 Glenhaven av Simmons Edw (Bernice) 2 h 1336 W Hancock av Simmons Ernest (Louise) bell mn Hotel Holman h 151 S Rock Spring Simmons Esther dom 187 Woodlawn av r RD 2 Simmons Eula M (Mrs EM) bkpr Alien's r 170 Catawba av Simmons Evelyn W (Mrs Robt) sportswear mgr Davison-Paxon Co r Campus sta Simmons Francis Y (Jessie B) 2 agt In terstate Life & Accident Ins Co h 515 Franklin Simmons Gary A (Olivia C) h 149 S Rock Spring Simmons Grady L r 549 Nantahala av Simmons Hamlin H lab U of Ga r 185 Glenhaven av Smith Ida r Hotel Holman
Simmons J W (Wilma Y) (Ga Barber Shop) r Hull Ga
Simmons Jesse (Barbara) mech Jordan's Auto Service r 737 N Jackson
Simmons Jessie B (Mrs F Y) opr S B T & T Co r 515 Franklin
Simmons Jo Nell H (Mrs J D) quality control elk Dairypak r 190 Beulah
Simmons John D (Jo Nell A) 1 mech Athens Sporting Goods h 190 Beulah
Simmons John R (Susanna L) gro 180 Beulah av h same
Simmons John W (Betty K) 2 agt The Independent Life & Accident Ins Co h 158 Nantahala extd
Simmons Johnnie R (Rosa D) orderly U of Ga Infirmary h 185 Glenhaven av
Simmons Louise prac nurse r 151 S Rock Spring



Simmons Mary L Mrs h 649 Nantahala av Simmons Mitchell (Susie R) r 429 S
Finley Simmons Olivia maid 494 W Cloverhurst
av r 149 S Rock Spring Simmons Perry (Vivian H) 2 (Morris Held
Paint Store) h 211 Milledge ter Simmons Robt L USAF r 151 S Rock
Spring Simmons Rosa D maid 153 Westview dr
r 185 Glenhaven av Simmons S M (Eula M) 1 (Alien's) h
170 Catawba av Simmons Sam (Mary B) hlpr E & S
Tire Service h 990 Hobson av Simmons Susie R presser Findley Dry
Clnrs r 429 S Finley Simmons Tommie L student r rear 1162-c
Broad W Simmons Tump h 270 N Chase Simmons Vivian H (Mrs Perry) ofc mgr
Morris Held Paint Store r 211 Milledge ter Simms Arth Jr lab r 185 2d Simons Julius (Ruby N) dr Black & White h 847 Meigs Simons Heneritta maid Professional Bldg r 130 Berry Simons Jas H (Clarissa K) agt Life & Casualty Ins Co of Tenn h 1719 a-2 S Lumpkin
Simons Jos W (Ruth) 1 agrl eng U of Ga h 385 Milledge ter
Simons Robt M hlpr Wilfong Bros r 439 Madison av
Simon Will (Henriette) chf Georgian Hotel h 130 Berry
Simpson Clarence (Mary C) 1 plmbr U of Ga h 397 S Jackson
Simpson David S (Hazel D) 3 grading contr 1280 Prince av h same
Simpson Elsie D (Mrs J D) bkpr North Ga Brokerage Co r 177 South View dr
Simpson Harris A USA r 157 Milledge hts Simpson Jas D (Elsie D) agt Ry Exp Agcy
Inc h 177 South View dr Simpson Janet A student and ofc sec State
Agrl Extn Service r 1280 Prince av Simpson John A (Mary S) 1 phys 1010
Prince av h Old Whitehall rd Simpson John A III student r Old White
hall rd Simpson Service Inc G W Hammond mgr
trucks sis & service 2194 W Broad Simpson Trucking Co Wm E Glenn mgr
terminal W Broad Simpson W Harris (Florence A) (Auto
Accessories & Appliance Co) h 157 Milledge hts Sims A B (Lizzie P) 3 atndt Heads Ser vice Sta h 41 Broadacres Sims Alean student r 394 4th Sims Annie maid 2287 Bremen Sims Annie r 394 4th Sims Annie L 4 h 139 Cohen Sims Arth (Annie) 6 h 287 Bremen Sims Beatrice r 1698 E Broad Sims Ben (Ella W) porter The Var sity h 220 Madison hts Sims Bessie B h 375 N Rock Springs

SIMS C ELROD (RUTH E) 2 Mgi Georgian Theatre, Strand Theatre and City Mgr Georgian Theatre Co h 585 Highland av--Dial LI 6-1065
Sims C Virginia dishwasher Old South Restr Inc r 1185 W Broad
Sims Callie C 3 smstrs 347 S Finley h same
Sims Camilla J maid r 497 3d Sims Cecil M (Blanche S) mgr Christian
Five Points Hdw Co r Colbert Ga Sims Clinton (Geneva) 2 lab U of Ga
h 394 4th Sims Coy (Lula J) h 1696% E Broad Sims Danl service sta atndt r 345 Lyn-
don av Sims David E (Rachel G) 4 (H L Sims
Mfg Co) h 246 Gilliland dr Simms David E Jr hlpr H L Sims Mfg Co
r 246 Gilliland dr Sims David P (Delores D) emp Genl Times
Corp h 145 Northview dr apt 4 Sims Delores D (Mrs D P) slswn Davison-
Paxon Co r 145 Northview dr apt 4 Sims Doris hlpr Terminal Grill r 1185
W Broad Sims Dorothy maid Barnett Shoals rd
r 180 Marlin Sims Fannie B midwife 553 W Han
cock av h same Sims Fannie M cook Athens Country
Club r 345 Lyndon av Sims Francis G H (Zephyr K) ofc mn
Economy Metal Weatherstrip Co h 629 Cobb Sims Frank bell mn Georgian Hotel i 497 3d Sims Fred jan Am Legion r 439 Madi son av apt 7 Sims Geneva maid r 394 4th Sims Gladys maid r 830 Water Sims Grace K nurse r 553 W Hancock av Sims Grady mech Russell Daniel Inc i Commerce rd RD 1 Sims Grady (Virginia) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 1 Sims H Lamar (Myrtice B) (H L Sims Mfg Co) h Mitchell Bridge rd Sims Harold r 1337 W Hancock av Sims Hattie r 195 Crawford av Sims Hattie J 2 maid U of Ga r 4 White al Sims Hazel 1 r 1337 W Hancock av Sims Hazel R agt Afro-Am Life Ins Co r Monroe Ga Sims Helen L cash Beck's r Farmington Ga Sims J H Rev 5 pastor Shiloh Bap tist Ch h 957 Reese Sims J Cleo (Athens Army Store) h 226 Hill
Sims Jas dr Black & White Cab Co r 690 W Hancock av
Sims Jas R lab W A Stevens Co r 1162 W Broad apt 1
Sims Jeanette 2 dom r 1337 W Hancock av
Sims Jerome student r 345 Lyndon av

Sims John B (Grace K) emp Athens Genl Hosp r 553 W Hancock av
Sims John I elk Colonial Stores Inc r Statham Ga
SIMS JOS H (Betty H) 3 (Sims Machine Shop) h 230 Gilliland dr
Sims Julis dr Black & White Cab Co r 847 Meigs
Sims Kathlene S dom h 345 Lyndon av
SIMS LAWRENCE C (Jewell G) Mgr Carter's Building Supply Co r Statham Ga RD 2
Sims Lena S 2 r 390 Barber Sims Lilly R r 957 Reese Sims Lola C h 260 Indale dr Sinis M C delmn Broadway Mkt h 853
W Waddell Sims M Lyndal ofc wkr Sterchi Bros Stores
Inc r Winder Ga SIMS MACHINE SHOP (Sam H Nicker-
son Jr and J Howard Sims) General Ma chine Shop Work Aluminum Welding a Specialty 883 College av--Dial LI 6-0619 (See Special Section) Sims Mamie maid h 280 Compress Sims Maria 2 maid Milledge ter r 260 Indale dr Sims Mariah 2 h 152 Yonah av Sims Mary C maid S Milledge av r 572 Pulaski Sims Mary F emp Nu Way Lndry r 788 N Lumpkin Sims Mary L hlpr Liberty Dry Clnrs r 130 N Harris Sims Morton L (Alice M) 2 emp Snow Tire Co h 109 Broadacres Sims Nell L r 347 S Finley Sims Morton L tire changer Snow Tire Co r 375 N Rockspring Sims Paul H (Jeanette H) 1 agt Natl Life & Accident Ins Co h Sunset dr RD 2 Sims Prince trk dr Bedgod Lbr & Coal Co r 153 Lyndon av Sims Robt M (Virginia J) 2 cabnt mkr H L Sims Mfg Co h 110 Gilliland dr Sims Robt P (Hazel R) supvr Afro-Am Life Ins Co r Monroe Ga Sims Ruby (wid Henry) r 320 Milledge cir Sims Rufus F (Alma) 1 jan U of Ga h 1337 W Hancock av Sims Sam (Grace W) 7 trk dr The Atlantic Co h 1275 Dearing ex Sims Sarah maid r 635 Madison hts Sims Simon (Camilla J) 1 lab S A L R R Co h 497 3d Sims Theo (Bessie W) 7 dishwasher The Mayflower h 312 Boley dr Sims Virginia maid 227 Woodlawn av r 1185 W Broad Sims Waymon C 1 emp Mack & Payne Funeral Home h 1340 Hancock av
Sims Willie (Mamie) h 308 Paris
Sims Willie dr Black & White Cab Co r 178 W Washington
Sims Willie h 321 Athens av
Sims WilUe B cook Diwson Hall Tea Room (U of Ga) r 553 W Hancock av

SINCLAIR REFINING CO Alton O Flmnagan Jr Distributor Sinclair Oil Products Office and Bulk Plant 805 >/2 E Broad Dial LI 3-3076 (See Marginal Lines and Buyers' Guide)
Singer Sewing Center (Singer Sewing Mach Co) 121-23 E Clayton
Singer Sewing Machine Co Carl B Stone mgr 121-23 E Clayton
Singletary Alien P student r 270 Barrow Singletary Jerry F student r 270 Barrow Singleton Lee D (Mary K) h 1082 S
Lumpkin Singleton Stanton J (Margt S) 2 prof
U of Ga h 133 S Milledge av Sinkwich Frank F (Adeline W) 2 (Sink-
wich Furn Co) h 375 West Lake dr Sinkwich Furniture Co (Frank F Sink
wich) 361 E Clayton Sirmans Ruby C (Mrs W H) postal elk
Genl Mtrs Acceptance Corp r Ag Hill Pre Fab 1-e Sisk Barney O (Nora S) h rar 348 Geor gia Depot Sisley Eileen parish sec Emmanuel Epis copal Ch r 293 South View dr
Sisley Leona S (wid J F) h 293 South View dr
Sims Rosa L emp Colonial Poultry Co r 47 Fuller
Sites Harry F (Alice J) r 198 Waddell Sitton Hattie M r 7 Gordon's al Sizemore Helen B Mrs mgr Terminal
Grill r 330 West Lake dr Skelton B L (Clara) slsmn Gulf Oil Service
Sta r Watkinsville Ga Skelton Ethal h 198 Dearing apt 2 Skelton Ethel ofc sec Am Breeders Service
r 198 Dearing Skelton Eva M student r 735 Nantahala av Skelton H M (Ludie W) (H) zone mgr Std
Oil Co of Ky Inc h 270 Holman av Skelton Jas E slsmn h rear 150 Barrow Skelton Jas H rear 150 Barrow Skelton Julia A student and organist First
Baptist Ch r 270 Holmam av Skelton Robt A student r 270 Holman av Skelton Robt L (Agnes D) 6 insulation
mn Toney Postero Insulating Co h 735 Nantahala Skinner Gordon C (Essie M) pntr h 895 Hill Skinner Louis I (Mary O) asst dir State Agrl Extn Service h 595 South View dr Skinner Malcolm C (Margt W) 3 ins slsmn h 850 Agricultural dr Skinner Robt E (Janis S) 3 slsmn Russell Daniel Irrigation Co h 175 Pinecrest ct Slack Marianna receptionist U S Social Security Admn r 243 E Hancock Slack Martha waitress Tony's Restr r 575 N Jackson Slack Mary A ofc sec U S Social Security Admn r 243 E Hancock av Slack Mary C (wid J A) dietician Georgian Hotel Coffee Shop h 243 E Hancock av Slaton Joe (Sylvia) slsmn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Gainesyille Ga Slaughter Asa (Maggie) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc 282 Holman

Slaughter Bill student r Plum Nellie rd Slaughter Emma r 871 Meigs Slaughter Florence J maid 228 Hen-
derson av h 545 Odd SLAUGHTER G FAIN (Lucille J) Mgr
Credit Bureau of Athens h 150 Plum Nellie rd--Dial LI 6-7782 Slaughter G Fain Jr USMC r 150 Plum Nellie rd Slaughter Julia r 175 Plum Nelly rd Slaughter Nathl G (Manie F) dentist 311-12 Sou Mut Bldg h 175 Plum Nelly
Slay Chas carp G M Caskey & Son r Winterville Ga
Slay Peggy M slswn S H Kress & Co r Winterville Ga
Slay Richd curb boy Poss' Barbecue r Win terville Ga
Slayton Alice S r 387 Glenhaven av Slayton Eug T (Anne E) 1 slsmn r 588
King av Slayton Mae W (Mrs R D) hlpr Chicopee
Mfg Co r 858 Meigs Slayton Roy D (Mae W) 1 h 858 Meigs Slayton Roy D Jr r 858 Meigs Slight Minnie cook r rear 360 Barber Sloan Julia S (Mrs W H) ofc sec L B
Price Merc Co r 220 Grove Sloan Wm H (Julia S) ernp The Hanna
Mfg Co h 220 Grove Smart Alton H (Louise J) 3 mech Ath
ens Auto Elec Magneto Co h 767 Pulaski Smart Jas E (Carolyn Y) 1 slsmn Ernest
C Crymes Co h 363% Boulevard Smathers Troy O (Evelyn C) h 491
Satula av Smedley Wm G Rev (Ann M) h 1783
S Lumpkin Smelly B Beulah ofc sec Wm T Ray h 770
College av Smelley Dock P (Virginia P) carp pntr h
546 College av Smelley Jas D r 770 College av Smelser L L (Bessie C) troublemn Ga
Power Co r 50 Springdale Smiley Kenneth E Jr (Marilyn A) USN
h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 506 Smith A Lutie (Florence C) (Smith's
Gro) h 660 Reese Smith Adelle B maid 146 N View dr r
760 Bearing Smith Albert (Callie B) h 100 Fields av Smith Alberta ctr Colonial Poultry Co
Inc r rear 285 Cleveland av Smith Allan farm lab A P Wineton r
160 S Newton Smith Alien A (Irene H) emp Willie's
Cafe h 275 Gilliland dr Smith Alien G (Mozelle E) 1 City Clk
& Treas Clk City Council City Tax Collr City Tax Receiver treas City Water Wks h 465 Fortson dr
Smith Adma presser U of Ga Lndry r reas 234 S Billups
Smith Alma A (Mrs W C) cook Oconee Street Sch r 230 Hillside
Smith Alvin M Jr (Virginia H) 1 pntr Frank Fields h 185 N Hull apt 3

Smith Amoretta L tchr Chase Street Sch r 525 Sunset dr
Smith Anderson (Mildred E) 1 mech h 145 Indale dr
Smith Ann R (Mrs J L) nurse AthensClarke County Dept of Health r 165 Stanton way
Smith Anna maid r 156 Yonah av Smith Annie B maid 145 Sunset dr r
345 N Pope Smith Annie B elev opr Gallant-Belk Co
r 136 S Billups Smith Annie D (Mrs B S) cash & bkpr
Bush Jwlrs r 455 Pine Nelly rd Smith Annie R starcher Industrial Lndry
& Dry Clng h 759 N Lumpkin Smith Annie R student r 1690 E Broad Smith Arth B (Ruth M) mech Keller
Mach Shop h 257 Madison av Smith Arward L USAF r 545 Pulaski Smith B O'Neal (Dorothy W) bkpr The
Natl Bk of Athens r 165 Baxter Smith Babers r 694 Branch Smith Bazell (Emma )3 jan U of Ga
h 770 Dearing Smith Beatrice h 137 Fairview Smith Beattie C (Lonnie P) 2 welder h
trailer 245 North av Smith Bedie M h 423 N Billups Smith Belle r 396 Barber Smith Bertha S presser Industrial Lndry
& Dry Clng Inc r 146 W Hoyt Smith Bessie 1 h 142 Gressom Smith Betty H (Mrs J T) mgr Terminal
Grill r 757 W Hancock av Smith Beulah R (wid G H) h 195 Hamp
ton ct Smith Billy R (Cities Service Sta) r RD 1 Smith Birdie hlpr Pig Drive Inn r 273
Paris Smith Blanche Mrs r 350 Ruth Smith Bobby F orderly Athens Genl
Hosp r 770 Dearing Smith Bobby L dishwasher Dee Jones
Cafe r 220 Strickland Smith Bobby S (Annie D) agt The In-
dependent Life & Accident Ins Co h 455 Pine Needle rd SMITH-BOLEY-BROWN INC Coile F Brown Pres, Jones W Henry Executive V-Pres-Sec-Treas, Robt M Thornton V-
Pres-Asst Sec-Treas, P Bruner Burns VPres General Insurance, Real Estate and Rentals 101-05 Shackelford Building--LI 3-5208 and LI 3-5209 (See Back Supple
ment Cover, Marginal Lines and Buyers' Guide Smith Bonnelle (Eula R) tex wkr Big Ace Corp h 185 Baxter
Smith Bonnie O bkpr First Natl Bk r 185 Baxter
SMITH BRYANT M (Sara B) (Southern States Mortgage & Ins Co) Pres Geor gia Tire & Rubber Co; Hill-Smith Furniture Co Inc and Sec-Treas Automotive Distributors Inc h 517 South View dr-- Dial LI 3-5886
Smith Bryant M Jr (Betty W) 1 v-pres Ga Tire & Rubber Co h 490 Morton av

Smith Buford (Audry B) emp U of Ga h 396 Oconee
Smith Burl (Lizzie C) h 1018 Hobson av
Smith C Jay (Daisy A) 1 prof U of Ga h 230 Wopdlawn av
Smith Calvin (Margt M) trk dr Athens Lbr Co r RD 4
Smith Carol P maid 1376 S Lumpkin r 388 Barber
Smith Carrie Mrs tex wkr r 290 Ruth Smith Cecil D (Martha H) printer The Mc-
Gregor Co r 734 Barber Smith Chas W G Sailers Five Points
Gulf Sta r Winterville Ga Smith Chas E (Eliz) h 590 Milledge cir Smith Charlie (Mary S) lab Wilfong
Bros h 1 White al Smith Chester (Lila) knitter Rodgers Ho
siery Co Inc r 393 W Hancock av Smith Chester (Lillie T) 1 h 175 2d Smith Clarence F (Hazel E) 3 h 302 Boley
dr Smith Clarence G (Anna M) emp Athens
Cooperative Creamery r RD 2 Smith Claude lab Athens Concrete Products
Co r Hull Ga Smith Claude G elk English Cash Gro I
565 Holman av Smith Cleo G (Mrs F C) waitress Dairy
Queen of Athens r Princeton rd Smith Clifford (Mary T) 3 porter Ga
Mtrs Inc h 58 Winterville rd Smith Clifton C (Minnie J) slsmn Swift
& Co h 205 Meadow View rd Smith Callie D (Dorothy P) lab Chick
Piano Co r 114 Broadacres Smith Coma M (Mrs L C) bkkpr Dorsey
Heating & Sheet Metal Co r Lexington Ga Smith Comus B (Evie D) cattle dlr h 295 Nellie B ay Smith Consvilla wrapper Colonial Poul try Co Inc r 137 Crawford av Smith Cora r 160 S Newton Smith Cora C maid r 595 Arch Smith Cora H (wid T C) r 818 College av Smith Daisy M h 200 Glenhaven av Smith Donald R r 598 Nantahala av Smith Donald R (Doris B) lubrication ex pert J Swanton Ivy Inc r Hull Ga Smith Donie Mrs r 354 Oconee Smith Dora M (wid G W) h 1135 Oconee Smith Dorothy D ofc wkr U of Ga r 230 Hillside Smith Dorothy P 1 maid 827 Bobbin Mill rd h 114 Broadacres Smith Dorsey L (Bessie F) 2 h 46 Park view Homes
Smith Doyne M (Maxine S) prof U of Ga h 224 Hall
Smith Ed (Hattie J) lab U of Ga h 530 Water
Smith Ed Jr (Lora) constn wkr h trailer 245 North av
Smith Eddie L (Odelle) h 760 Dearing
Smith Edw (Janie) Ibr Athens Lum ber Co Inc h rear 285 Cleveland av

Smith Eldridge O (Mamie C) 1 mach Keller Mach Co h 530 Dearing
Smith Elijah r 220 Strickland Smith Ella (wid Fred) r 456 Madison av Smith Elliott (Frankie S) 1 slsmn Davison-
Paxon Co h 746 Pulaski SMITH ELMER DEAN (Mary M) Spe
cial Rep Jefferson Standard Life Insur
ance Co h 321 Morton av--Dial LI 6-6121
Smith Elmer L (Mayme S) tank trk slsmn Cities Service Distributors r Hull Ga
Smith Elmer M posting mach opr The WebbCrawford Co r Statham Ga
Smith Elouise B (Mrs M R) mus tchr 731
Cobb r same Smith Emily opr S B T & T Co r 289
Seminole Smith Emma D (wid J P) r 465 College
av Smith Emma M maid 346 Carlton ter r
783 Dearing Smith Emmett (Virgia) lab h 125
Franklin Smith Ernest 5 emp C of Ga RR Co h
234 N Pope Smith Ernest B (May R) dir physical
education U of Ga h 540 W Rutherford Smith Ernest V (Agnes S) meat ct Broad
way Mkt h 542 Best dr Smith Estelle maid r 1695 W Hancock
av Smith Estelle maid r 849 Water Smith Esther (Mrs E L) slswn Britt's PI
r Danielsville rd Smith Ethel C (wid A L) h 545 Pulaski Smith Eug r 137 Fairview Smith Eug constr wkr h 123 Franklin Smith Eula R (Mrs Bonnelle) inspr Big
Ace Corp r 185 Baxter Smith Eutha C (wid B C) sis wn Rosen-
thal's Shoe Store r 194 Prince av Smith Fannie C h 1140 W Hancock
ay Smith Fannie M presser Charlie James
Dry Clnrs r 236 Rockspring Smith Fannie M student r 380 N Billups Smith Farris H (Mrs EC) slswn Davison-
Paxon Co r Comer Ga Smith Fate (Cora C) emp Hodgson's
Inc h 595 Arch Smith Fatie lab Empire State Chem Co
r 557 Arch Smith Felix R (Nettie) 2 trk dr Davis
Trans Co h 175 Cohen Smith Frank C (Cleo G) USA r Princeton
rd RD 4 Smith Frankie S (Mrs H E) x-ray tech St
Mary's Hosp r 185 Nantahala av Smith Fred D (Pearl W) 5 mach opr
Athens Marble & Granite Co h 237 Ruth Smith Fred T (Lorine) 1 USAF h rear 1295
Prince av apt 1 Smith Freddie h 175 Miller Smith Garland circulation asst Athens
Regional Library h 146 Mell Smith Geneva student r 127 Franklin Smith Geneva F bkpr Athens Furnace &
Sheet Metal Co r 46 Parkview Homes Smith Geo B (Carolyn H) service sta asst
mgr City Mtrs Inc r Colbert Ga

Smith Geo G (Zula G) int dec W N Alien SMITH I CAIN (Ruby W) 3 Manager

h 290 Rutk

& Pharmacy Medical Center Pharmacy

Smith Geo C (Lena D) 2 jan U of Ga

h 670 Pinecrest dr--Dial LI 6-7769

h 297 Lyndon av

Smith Ida maid r 313 Grove

Smith Geo W (Martha A) bus dr Athens Smith Ira M jan Central Presbyterian Ch

City Schools h Johnson dr

h 740 Prince av

Smith Georgia V 3 cook Georgia Hotel Smith Irene (Mrs Alien) opr Edna's Beauty

h 160 S Newton

STiop 275 Gillild dr

Smith Geraldine F nurses aide Athens Smith J G (Annelle S) 2 dept mgr Silvey

Genl Hosp r 690 W Hancock av

Mtr Co h 180 Wynburn av

Smith Gertrude h 126 S Rockspring Smith J Alien (Eliz O'K) 1 mgr Cities

Smith Gertrude B r 315 3d

Service Sta h Princeton rd RD 4

Smith Gladys ctr Colonial Poultry Co Smith J Aubrey (Onita D) 1 associate edi

Inc r 835 Water

tor State Agrl Extn Service h 150 E

Smith Grace M r 788 N Lumpkin


Smith Grocery (A Lutie Smith) 1220 W Smith J Edw L USN r 763 E Broad

Hancock av

Smith J Louis (Ann R) slsmn Thornton

Smith Guy W (Mary B) production mgr Bros Paper Co h 165 Staton way

The McGregor Co and member City Smith Jack (Atlanta-Asheville Mtr Exp

Council h 330 Milledge hts

Co) r Atlanta Ga

Smith H Elliott (Frankie S) 1 slsmn Da- Smith Jas dr Black & White Cab Co r

vison-Paxon Co h 185 Nantahala av

137 Fairview

Smith H Pierce (Nancy A) slsmn Colonial Smith Jas C (Julia N) 1 plmbr Ander-

Poultry Co h 623 Pinecrest

spn Plmbg & Htg Co h 123 Chatooga av

Smith H Ralph (Ruby H) emp U of Ga Smith Jas C Jr student r 123 Chatooga av

h Johnson dr

Smith Jas E r 763 E Broad

Smith Harold (Ida M) lab h 284 Sa Smith Jas F (Willie P) forestry aid

vannah av

U S Forest Service h 545 Talmadge dr

Smith Harold G uphol 550 Nantahala Smith Jas F (Eva M) 4 h 763 E Broad

av h same

Smith Jas P mach Empire State Chem Co

Smith Harriet O r 557 Meigs

r Winterville Ga

Smith Harrison student r 123 E Hoyt Smith Jas R (Faith) appr pressmn Dairy-

Smith Harry T (Lizzie P) 2 formn h 188 pak Inc r Commerce Ga


Smith Jas T (Sue R) mgr Gulf Oil Service

Smith Hart W (wid E S) h 297 Wood-

Sta h 210 Gloria

lawn av

Smith Janelle C (Mrs G R) slswn The

Smith Hattie L ofc sec State Agrl Extn Fashion Shop r Hull Ga

Service h 1140 Boulevard

Smith Jay C (Madeline N) 5 mech Rus

Smith Hazel E (Mrs C F) emp Angus sell Daniel Inc h 370 Branch

Shirt Fcty r 302 Boley dr

Smith Jeneva E r 694 Branch

Smith Hazel T maid r 177 Flint

Smith Jennie B h 476 Milledge cir

Smith Hazel T mangel opr Industrial Smith Jerry (Rosie) lab h 893 Water

Lndry & Dry Clng r 788 N Lumpkin

Smith Jerry B (Martha L) bkpr The Mc

Smith Helen (wid W H) r 588 Meigs

Gregor Co r Watkinsville Ga

Smith Henry elk Dixie Hotel r same

Smith Jessie M checking orders Davison-

Smith Henry (Mary J) 6 h 160 Willow

Paxon Co 263 Reese

Smith Henry (Mamie K) r 137 Fairview Smith Jett whsemn Thornton Bros Pa*

Smith Henry L (Betty C) USA h 1143 per Co r Stephens Ga

Prince av

Smith Jim 1 trk dr The Atlantic Co r

Smith Hoke (Ruby J) lab Empire State 168 Pearl

Chem Co h 599 W Hancock av

Smith Joan (Mrs W F) counter girl Davis

Smith Hoke O (Mildred R) 2 patrolmn City Bros Cafeteria r 760 Cobb

Police Dept r 148 Sylvia cir

Smith Joe trk dr Hill-Smith Furn Co

Smith Horace (Consvilla) 4 plmbr hlpr Inc r 215 N Chase

J F Bridges Plmbg & Htg h 137 Craw- Smith Joe (Geraldine) lab Talmadge

ford av

Whol Co h 690 W Hancock av

Smith Howard A emp Red & Black Smith Joe (Clara C) bellmn Georgian

Pressing Club r 220 Glenhaven av

Hotel h 138 Billups

Smith Howard R (Gwendylon C) 3 prof Smith Joe (Marie B) 3 Ibr h 170

U of Ga h 155 Windsor ct

Lyndon row

Smith Howard S (Blanche F) 1 special Smith Joe T (Betty H) 1 mech h 757 W

rep Sinclair Refining Co h 120 Spring- Hancock av


Smith John (Beatrice) 4 lab h 160 S

Smith Hoyt L (Stella W) pntr h 376 S Rockspring

Church apt 2

Smith John D (Cora) emp Athens Coop

Smith Hubert (Emma S) concrete erative Creamery r RD 4

fnshr h 373 (661) Branch

Smith John E (Carolyn S) 1 student h 71

Smith Hugh G electn Roberts Elec & Ap

Parkview Homes

pliance Co r Colbert Ga

Smith John F (Reba) 2 h 830 Water



Smith John H (Lula B) 2 plmbr hlpr Smith Mandy H (Mrs Walter) cook Davis

Jimmie Glenn h 526 4th

Bros Cafeteria r 1690 E Broad

Smith John H (Lola) h 436 Augusta Smith Margie G student r 770 Bearing


Smith Marie 1 h 652 N Hull

Smith John P (Lula G) 2 h 7 Parkview Smith Mark r 644 N Hull


Smith Martha asst aud Sou Mut Ins Co r

Smith John W (Sunbeam R) lab An- 135 Prince av

derson Plmbg & Htg Co r 137 Fairview Smith Martha A (Mrs G W) emp r John

Smaby John W (Marilyn B) USN h 279 son dr

Renderson av

Smith Martha J r 1521 E Broad

Smith Johnnie maid r 396 Barber

Smith Mary lab Colonial Poultry Co h

Smith Johnny (Ruby J) 2 lab G M Caskey 390 Barber

& Son h 337 Fairview

Smith Mary A h 6 White al

Smith Jos W (Sarah) 2 h 243 S Rock- Smith Mary B (Mrs G W> wkr County


Dept Pub Welfare r 330 Milledge hts

Smith Kathlene cash Tony's Restr r 428 S Smith Mary J emp Athens Cooperative


Creamery r RD 4

Smith Laura I ofc sec U of Ga r 297 Smith Mary M (Mrs E D) County Home

Woodlawn av

Demstn Agt r 321 Morton av

Smith Leary Jr (Lucy G) 3 brklyr h Smith Mary T 5 h 783 Dearing

123 Johns

Smith Mildred r 439 College av

Smith Leila M (wid P L) h 397 S Smith Minnie cook 131 Grady av r 480


N Rockspring

Smith Leonard J (Luenell C) 2 bkpi Smith Myrtice M ofc sec Bradberry Realty

Chicopee Mfg Co h 245 1st

Co r Nicholson Ga

Smith Leroy (Estelle) lab City h Smith Nancy B (wid W L) h 375 S

849 Water


Smith Leroy (Vallie B) 5 lab G M Smith Nettie M emp Colonial Poultry

Caskey & Son h 283 Grove

Co Inc r 175 Cohen

Smith Lessie B (wid Hubert) h 77 Park Smith Nevia r 178 Lyndon row

view Homes

Smith Nina J (wid J L) r 690 Baxter

Smith Lewis h 886 Water

Smith Noah (Leola D) furn rms 690

Smith Lewis (Gladys) 1 lab Colonial W Hancock av h same

Poultry Co Inc h 835 Water

Smith Norma G (wid N A) r 1095 Oconee

Smith Lewis (Imogene) knitter Rodgers Smith Norman USAF r 77 Parkview

Hosiery Co Inc r Danielsville Ga


Smith Liskah G Mrs h 890 College av

Smith Ollie L (Pecolia B) 3 jan Hampton

Smith Lizzie r 396 Barber

ct h 178 Lyndon row

Smith Lizzie maid r 340 S Rockspring Smith Ortlia maid St Mary's Hosp r 178

Smith Lizzie presser University Lndry Lyndon row

r 1018 Hobson av

Smith Ossie M r 664 N Jackson

Smith Lizzie P (Mrs H T) mach opr Big Smith Othell L r 7 Parkview Homes

Ace Corp r 188 Childs

Smith Otis Jr porter Heyward Alien Mtr

Smith Lloyd L (Eddie B) agrl eng U S Co r 388 Barber

Dept of Agriculture h 165 Scott Smith Lola B (wid Jim) h 736 N Jackson Smith Lorenza student r 220 Strickland Smith Loretta maid 595 Milledge cir r
56 Broadacres Smith Louella dishwasher Stephens Cafe
r 136 3d Smith Louis E (Rosa H) lab Athens
Concrete Products Co h 779 N Lumpkin Smith Lucille B Mrs emp film library U of
Ga r 645 Boulevard Smith Lucille J sch tchr Athens High
& Industrial Sch r 166 Athens av Smith M Carolyn student r 188 Childs Smith M Reginald (Eloise B) minister of
mus First Methodist Ch r 731 Cobb

Smith P Jos County Tax Receiver h 132 Clover
Smith Patricia M student r 540 W Ruther ford
Smith Patsy R r 660 Reese Smith Paul r 280 Athens av Smith Pavia H (wid R J) nursing home
475 Meigs h same Smith Pearl r 384 Barber Smith Pearl mach opr Classic City Over
all Co Inc r Colbert Ga Smith Pearl M h 388 Barber Smith Pinkie r 123 Franklin
Smith R Selwyn (Mattie T) (Broadway Mkt) h 147 Oglethorpe av

Smith Madeline G (W G) tex wkr Chicopee Smith Ralph H (Magnolia B) emp

Mfg Co r 598 Nantahala av

Navy Sup Corps Sch h 380 N Billups

Smith Maggie r 250 Tabernacle
Smith Magnolia B cook Phi Mu Sorority r 380 N Billups
Smith Mamie C (Mrs R A) bkpr Hill-Smith Furn Co Inc r 366 Holman av

Smith Raymond (Bertha S) 4 lab At lanta Gas Light Co h 146 W Hoyt
Smith Rebecca student r 77 Parkview Homes

Smith Mamie E 1 hlpr Colonial Poultry Co Smith Richd E (Estelle G) 1 community

r 260 W Strong

development specialist State Agrl Extn

Smith Mamie P r 145 Yonah av

Service h 430 Southview dr



Smith Richd W (Mary H) 1 porter SBT&T Co h 274 Glenhaven av
Smith Robt (Alberta) 2 USAF r rear 285 Cleveland av
Smith Robt (Virginia) trainee bench mldr Athens Aluminum Fdry Co h 3 Parson apts
Smith Robt B (Mae McK) slsmn Economy Auto Stores Inc r Hull rd RD 1
Smith Robt C (Georgine C) 1 USN h 675 Belvoir hts
Smith Robt L (Carrie B) 4 lab City Sanitary Dept h 167 Warsaw
Smith Robt L Jr (Jean W) trk dr Dr Pepper Btlg Co of Athens h 539 Pulaski
Smith Rosa r Epps Bridge RD 4 Smith Rosa School (Annie S Deuricotte)
389 DuBose av Smith Rosser probation officer r Macon Ga Smith Ruby 2 maid r 196 Lyndon row Smith Ruby J ofc nurse Dr Harry Tal-
madge r 599 W Hancock av SMITH RUFUS A (Mamie C) Sec-Treas
Hill-Smith Furniture Co Inc h 366 Holman av--Dial LI 6-8357 Smith Rufus C (Guynell T) h 565 Nantahala av apt 2 Smith Ruth agt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co r Greensboro Ga Smith Ruth R (wid L E) r Johnson dr Smith S Lee r 768 College av Smith Sadie B 6 h 63 Broadacres Smith Sam Co (Saml E Smith) paint 364 E Broad Smith Saml E (Laura S) 2 (Sam Smith Co) h 195 Hampton ct Smith Sarah F elk Gallant-Belk Co r 660 Reese Smith Sheila J student r 7 Parkview Homes Smith Sherman (Mary E) h 390 Barber Smith Simon (Dorothy) 1 trk dr City Sanitation Dept h 467 Atlanta av Smith Stella (Mrs H L) spinner Chicopee Mfg Co r 376 S Church apt 2 Smith Sue R (Mrs J T) ofc asst Dr Marion A Hubert r 210 Gloria Smith Susan r 340 S Lumpkin Smith Susan C scientific illustrator U of Ga r 297 Wpodlawn av Smith Sylbil opr Bradley's Beauty Shop: asst leader State 4-H Club r 101 Price av Smith Theo E (Mary B) mgr Normal Serv ice Sta and accnt Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h rear 255 Hobson dr Smith Thos (Lucille) USN h 166 Athens av Smith Thos (Hazel T) 2 emp U of Ga h 185 Flint Smith Thos J (Jeannine S) 2 asst mgr Broadway Mkt h' 8 Parson apt Smith Tom H lab Dudley Mower Sis Co r Winterville Ga Smith Truesdale 2 r 280 Athens av
Smith Tuttle S (Leila P) USA h 276 Bloomfield
Smith Valdon W student r 4 Myrtle ct
Smith Vallie ctr Colonial Poultry Co Inc r 283 Grove

Smith Van (Anna A) emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 337 E Hoyt
Smith Vernon emp Athens Cooperative Creamery r Hull Ga
Smith Vernon C r 600 W Broad Smith Viola r 323 Plaza Smith Virgia 2 maid Fortson dr h 56
Broadacres Smith Virgia D r 1 White al Smith Virgil J carp r 475 Meigs Smith Virginia cook Georgian Hotel r 190
Newton Smith Virginia waitress Pig Drive Inn i
Parson's apt No 3 Cloverhurst Smith Vivian instr U of Ga Library T
Winterville Ga Smith Vivian USAF r 188 Childs Smith W G (Zadie M) emp The Hanna
Mfg Co r Carlton Ga Smith W Henry (Clara H) nightwtchmn
YMCA h 547 Boulevard Smith W Henry Jr (Jean W) 1 slsmn
Gallant-Belk Co r 547 Boulevard Smith Walter (Mandy H) 2 whsemn
Talmadge Whol Co Inc h 1690 E Broad Smith Walton A student r 728 Cobb Smith Warren J & Brother (Marion W,
Ralph N and Warren J Connolly) drugs 481 E Broad Smith Wilbert (Bertha) lab Gulf Oil Corp h 280 Athens av Smith Wm B (Lucile B) (Willie's PI) h 4 Myrtle ct Smith Wm C student r 660 Reese Smith Wm C (Alma A) 2 h 230 Hillside Smith Wm C (Bernice B) installer-repr SBT&T Co r Lexington rd Smith Wm C (Sue C) 1 appliance reprmn Ga Power Co h 190 Hiawassee av Smith Wm F (Joan) 1 emp Ga Power Co h 760 Cobb Smith Wm G (Madeline G) 3 trk dr h 598 Nantahala av Smith Wm H (Lena R) mldr Athens Boiler & Mach Wks Inc h 236 Bridge Smith Wm P appr electn Roberts Elec & Appliance Co r Colbert Ga Smith Wm W (Lucy F) 2 (City Limit Service Sta) h 148 Sylvia cir Smith Willie (Johnnie L) trk dr City Sanitary Dept h 396 Barber Smith Willie J waitress Davis Bros Cafeteria r rear-a 1162 W Broad
Smith Willie M maid Taylor's Beauty Shop r 167 Yonah av
Smith Willie M (Mrs J F) slswn DavisonPaxon Co r 545 Talmadge dr
Smith Willie R ofc sec U of Ga h 340 S Lumpkin
Smith Willie W lab Athens Coca-Cola Btlg Co r 221 Bridge
Smith Willie W (wid Geo) tex wkr Chicopee Mfg Co r 148 Sylvia cir
Smith Zelphirine maid 370 Price h 496 N Rockspring
Smitherlin Lewis (Mrs R S) emp Gen] Times Corp r 100 Sylvia cir



Smitherlin R S (Lewis) emp Sou Ry System h 100 Sylvia cir
Smithson Rose L Mrs cash Life & Casualty Ins Co of Term r 490 Pulaski
Smoky Mountain Stages Inc J L Strickland agt bus line 220 W Broad
Snack Shack The (Hoyt L Gilbert) restr 513 W Broad
Snead Mary r 178 Bearing Snead Mary R (wid Edw) furn rms 178
Bearing h same Snelling Hall Cafeteria (University of Ga)
Mrs Leland R Alexander mgr Fields cor Green Snelson Eliz student r 196 Holman av Snelson Laura h 270 Compress Snelson Luke (Jeanette S) 1 mech Wade's Garage h 196 Holman av Snipes Banl (Leona P) 1 pipe insulator Genl Times Corp r 384 S Church Snow Asbury B (Ruth S) 4 USA h 175 Hall Snow Benman T (Eliz W) 1 (Royal Crown Btlg Co of Athens) h 545 Sunset dr Snow Henry M (Mary L) terminal mgr Brown Trans Corp h 285 Buena Vista av Snow Jas H (Winnie) 1 whol coal dlr h Plum Nelly rd Snow Louise H (Mrs R M) sec Bixie Cap Rubber Sis Co r 590 Cloverhurst Snow Ralph M (Louise H) 1 (Pure Oil Service) pres Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co, pres-treas Bixie Cap Rubber Co; Snow Tire Co h 590 W Cloverhurst av Snow Ralph M Jr student r 590 W Cloverhurst av Snow Rosa h 183 Johns Snow Tire Co Ralph M Snow pres-treas, Chas W Holloway v-pres, Mrs Eva Holloway sec 224 W Washington LI 3-4371 wheel alignment and brake service 254 W Washington Soar Arth B (Leila M) mgr Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 176 Carlton ter Sorrell Velna B (Mrs C A) slswn Hodgkinson's r RB 3 Sorrells Archie P (Joe N) 1 h Banielsville rd Sorrells Clara Mrs prac nurse 143 Grady av r same Sorrells Cleveland A (Emily J) agt The Life Ins Co of Va r Hill Hop rd Sorrells Cleveland A Jr (Velma) collr The L B Price Merc Co r RB 4 Sorrells Jim B (Margt C) cook Old South Restr Inc h 186 Wilkerson Sorrells John C h 487 Ruth Sorrough Julia M opr Sylvia's Beauty & Health Salon r High Shoals Ga Sorrow Agnes mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r Hull Ga
Sorrow Benj E (Lorene P) slsmn Hodgkinson's r Jefferson rd RB 2
Sorrow Billy B (Helen M) 1 student r 296 Oconee
Sorrow Birtie M (Mrs G M) spinner Chicopee Mfg Co r 250 Water

Sorrow Cath mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r 1090 Madison av
Sorrow Cecil J elk Birdsey Flour Mill i Winterville Ga
Sorrow Cleo L slswn W F Woolworth Co r Nicholson Ga
Sorrow Clifford (Roberta) baler opr Bairypak Inc r Colbert Ga
Sorrow Bewey (Gladys B) trk dr Athens Bldg & Well Sup r Ila Ga
Sorrow E Hubert (Gertrude M) 1 whsemn Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 398 Hiawassee av
Sorrow Ed mach Classic City Overall Co Inc r Hull Ga
Sorrow Eddie L (Mittie R) h 168 Elizabeth
Sorrow Eliz C (Mrs O B) tex wkr r 485 Boulevard
Sorrow Frances C (Mrs G T) mach opi Big Ace Corp r 626 Hill
Sorrow Frances L (Mrs T L) mach opt Classic City Overall Co Inc r Banielsville rd
Sorrow Garris M (Birtie M) 4 h 250 Water
Sorrow Geo T (Frances C) 1 slsmn High Life Sis Co of Athens h 626 Hill
Sorrow Gertrude M (Mrs E H) tex wki Chicopee Mfg Co r 398 Hiawassee av
Sorrow Harold F (Ruth F) 1 knittei Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc h 595 Nantahala av
Sorrow Helen M (Mrs B B) ofc sec U of Ga r 296 Oconee
Sorrow Hillyer G (Mildred S) 2 h 265 North av
Sorrow J H Service Station (Jabous H Sorrow) Banielsville rd
Sorrow J N (Earleze S) 1 price elk Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co h 150 Hawthorne av
Sorrow Jabous H (Rosa L) (J H Sorrow Service Sta) h Banielsville rd
Sorrow Jas A (Polly A) 1 lino opr The U of Ga Prntg Bept h 145 Sylvia cir
Sorrow Jas P (Lauree H) 5 tractor opr E A McClung h 435 E Bougherty
Sorrow Janie W (Mrs NO) waitress Terminal Grill r rear 561 Pulaski
Sorrow Joe C Rev (Hattie H) furn rms 549 College h same
Sorrow Linoleum & Tile (Oles E Sorrow) 100 College av
Sorrow Lon C (Sarah A) emp Chicopee Mfg Co h 1487 E Broad
Sorrow Lorene P (Mrs B E) slswn Hodgkinson's r Jefferson rd RB 2
Sorrow Mildred (Mrs H G) mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r 226 North av
Sorrow Norman O (Janie W) USA r rear 561 Pulaski
Sorrow Oles E (Mary A) (Sorrow Linoleum & Tile) r Nicholson Ga
Sorrow Oscar B (Eliz C) dr Veterans Cab Co h 485 Boulevard

Sorrow Robt K (Dazzle P) r 398 Hiawas- Speed Charlie M (Willie M) mech Uni-


see av

versity Chevrolet Co Inc r 450 Prince av

Sorrow Ruth P (H T) mech opr Angus SPEEDWRITING INSTITUTE Mrs Marie

Mfg Co r 595 Nantahala av

W Johnson Dir Easiness College 171 Yz

Sorrow Talmadge (Annie) knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r Colbert Ga
Sorrow Thurman L (Frances L) 1 slsmn h Danielsville rd
Sorrow Wm T (Annie) slsmn Silvey Mtr Co Inc r Carlton Ga
Sosebee Carrie M (Carrie Q) mach opr Classic City Overall Co Inc r 176 Indiana av
Sosbee Gwendolyn (Mrs R L) price elk Eli Witt Cigar & Candy Co r Bogart Ga
Sosebee Jake W (Pearl S) 3 service mn Athens Refrigeration & Appliance Co Inc h 299 Boulevard
Sosebee Joe B (Carrie Q) pntr h 176 Indiana av
Soule Mary L Mrs prof U of Ge h 585 W Clovernurst
South Jewell ofc sec U of Ga r 347 W Hancock av
Southeastern Contracting Co (Benj H Barrow) paving contr 219 S Thomas
Southeastern Rubber Mfg Co Inc R M Snow pres, C W Holloway v-pres, Abit Nix sec 220 Oneta
Southeastern Stages Inc J L Strickland agt bus line 220 W Broad
Southerland H de Leon (Edwina W) h 224 S Milledge av
Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co Lucien W Philips ofc mgr commercial ofc 288 N Lumpkin Dial LI 3-9011
Southern Cotton Oil Co Harry C Harper mgr 650 Pulaski
Southern Mutual Building College av cor Claytor.
Blanton Fortson pres-treas, Edgeworth E
Lampkin sec, Fire Insurance, 213-21 Southern Mutual Bldg Dial LI 3-4546 Southern Railway System Jack D Fergu-
son frt agt frt sta N Hull nr end W Hoyt Southern Shoe Store Alien A Hunter mgr
145 E Clayton Southern Stages Inc J L Strickland agt bus
line 220 W Broad Southern States Mortgage & Insurance Co
(Bryant M Smith and Wilson T Sullivan) rl est 227 W Washington Sowe Norris jan U of Ga r 253 Bridge Sowell Penney (Mrs Ray) ofe wkr Athens Genl Hosp r Campus Sta B Spaulding Wm K doormn Ga Theatre r 283 E Hancock Spearman Arth (Hannah R) 1 trk dr City Sanitary Dept h 758 N Hull Spearman Harvey lab U of Ga r 195 S Derby Spears Oscar M (Vesta M) agt Natl Lift & Accident Ins Co h 1220 S Milledge

College av Dial LI 6-7113 (See Marginal
Lines & Buyers Guide) Speering Geraldine E student r 278 Hodg-
son dr Speering Harry (Effie A) (Speering
Printing Co) h 278 Hodgson dr Speering Harry R student r 278 Hodgson dr Speering Printing Co (Harry Speering)
278 Hodgson dr Spell Chas R (Louisa L) 3 prof U of Ga
h 590 Agricultural dr Spence Cleo knitter Climax Hosiery Mills
r 283 S Poplar Spence Connie E student r 1398 E Broad Spence Edw K (Reba H) 3 tool & die mkr
W A Stevens Co h 1398 E Broad Spence Frances (Mrs R T) emp US Soil
Conservation Service r 286 Holman Spence John T h 283 S Poplar Spence Reba H (Mrs E K) knitter Climax
Hosiery Mills h 1398 E Broad Spence Richd T (Francis) trav slsmn
h 286 Holman av Spence Ruby M knitter Climax Hosiery
Mills r 283 S Poplar Spence Sallie E (wid D M) r 445 Sunset dr Spencer Denney W ofc sec First Methodist
Ch r 1439 S Milledge av Spencer Jewel C (Eva L) mgr Fickett's
Jwlrs h 99 Gilliland dr Spencer Mae D (wid R W) ofc sec In-
surers Inc h 1439 S Milledge av Sperry Irvin V (Charlene B) 2 prof
U of Ga h 252 Hall Spillman Jacob (Marion G) USNR h 6
Parson's apt Spinks A Jack (Ora B) emp Gulf Oil
Corp h 143 Barrow Spinks Ann M (Mrs J E) ofc wkr Athens
Genl Hosp r 555 Holman av
Spinks Ora B (Mrs A J) tex wkr r 143 Barrow
Spinks Davida slswn Gallant-Belk Co r RD 4
Spinks Diane nurses aide Athens Genl Hosp
r RD 4 Spinks Faye L slswn Gallant-Belk Co r
188 Elizabeth Spinks H L (Madge L) shop formn Bed-
good Lbr & Coal Co r Princeton rd Spinks Ina C (Mrs M C) knitter Climax
Hosiery Mill r 188 Elizabeth
Spinks J Ed (Ann M) whsemn Gulf Oil Corp h 555 Holman av
Spinks M C (Avie H) cabinet mkr Bedgeod Lbr & Coal Co r Princeton rd
Spinks Millard C (Ina C) carp h 188
Elizabeth Spinks Virginia A teller The C & S Natl
Bk r 143 Barrow

Spears Oscar M Jr student r 1220 S Mil- Sportsman The (Geo S Crane II) 145

ledge av

E Clayton

Speck Steph J (Dorothy H) 3 supt Spratlin Chas F (Goldie C) 1 patrolmn

creamery U of Ga h 289 Milledge ter

Ga Power Co h 391 Nacoochee av



Spratlin Cath r 746 Pulaski
Spratlin Craig brklyr David D Saye r Hull Ga
Spratlin David slsmn The Beacham Co r Hull Ga
Spratlin Electric Co (Jas E Spratlin) 661 Pulaski
Spratlin Fannie L (wid L L) r 175 Northview dr apt 4
Spratlin Florence H ofc elk City Water Wks r Hull Ga
Spratlin Floyd D mech r 290 Best dr Spratlin Gussie A (Mrs J E) pairer Climax
Hosiery Mills r 716 Pulaski Spratlin Harry (Elsie) mech Silvey Mtr
Co Inc r RD 1 Spratlin Hazel B (Mrs WE) ofc sec Craw-
ford & Co r Commerce rd RD 1 Spratlin Henry T (Gaynelle D) 5 mech
J Swanton Ivy Inc h 739 Boulevard Spratlin Jas B winder Athens Elastic &
Braid Co r 184 Wilkerson Spratlin Jas C (Frances S) 4 emp Chicopee
Mfg Co h 250 DuBose av Spratlin Jas E (Gussie A) 1 (Spratlin
Elec Co) h 661 Pulaski Spratlin Jewett W r 290 Best dr Spratlin John C (Kathryn C) USA h 569
W Cloverhurst av Spratlin John D (Clara D) supvr Chico-
pee Mfg Co h 65 Arch Spratlin Kathryn C (Mrs J C) record elk
Ga Power Co r 569 W Cloverhurst av Spratlin Lois F slswn S H Kress & Co
r Hull Ga Spratlin Malvern H (Kate W) h 746
Pulaski Spratlin Mattie G (wid Z S) r 65 Arch Spratlin Milton T student r 391 Nacoo-
chee av Spratlin Nellie H (wid J W) h 290
Best dr Spratlin Thos B plate hlpr Dairypak Inc
r 188 1st
Spratlin W E (Hazel) dept mgr Silvey Mtr Co Inc r RD 1
Spratlin W P (Eunice) asst mgr Athens Tire & Auto Sup Co r Crawford Ga
Spratlin Walter T (Peggy M) 1 div senior slsmn Ga Power Co h 355 Yonah av
Spratlin Willie (Hazel M) 2 mach opr Chicopee Mfg Co h 179 Oak Ridge
Spratling Louis atndt Walker's Service Sta r 257 Magnolia
Sprawline Cemetery Dublin Spring Charlie lab r 735 N Lumpkin Snringfield Baptist Church Sunday Serv-
ices 12:00 noon and 8:00 pm 550 4th Sprowles Lee (Zola E) prof U of Ga
h 453 Hill
Spur Distributing Co Inc Jas G Burpee mgr service sta 312 N Thomas
Stafford W A (Anna J) 1 slsmn Thos M Tillman Co and Tillman-Whitaker Co h 277 Woodlawn av
Stokes Wm H (Daisy) firemn Alexander Wood Products Co h 340 Savannah av

Staley Donnie P (wid C V) h Lexington rd
Stalker Folrence S Mrs 1 elk St Mary's Hosp r 180 Hiawassee av
Stallings C M (Helen K) 1 patrolmn State Hwy Dept h Durlan ct apt 8
Stallings Edith L (wid WE) dean of women U of Ga h 445 South View dr
Stallings Mattie h 1444 Oconee Stalnaker J 0 trk dr The Webb-Crawford
Co r Bishop Ga Stalnaker Jos C (Annie K) formn Alex-
ander Wood Products Co h 356 Hill Stalnaker Juanita looper Climax Hosiery
Mills r Bishop Ga Stamey Chas W repr mn Athens Cycle
Co r 1099 Hcbson av Stamey Frank elk Citizens Pharm r 1099
Hobson av Stamey Mary H slswn S H Kress & Co
r Arnoldsville Ga Stamey Wm F (Pearl F) 4 shop formn
Tanner Lbr Co h 1099 Hobson av Stancil Eliz (Mrs) grad nurse Athens Genl
Hosp r Watkinsville Ga Stancil Marian P ofc sec Credit Bureau
of Athens r 347 S Milledge av STANDARD FURNACE CO Wm M Auld
Mgr, Heating Contractor, E Hancock av cor Foundry Dial LI 3-3167 (See Special Section) Standard Geo H (Louise S) trooper Ga State Hwy Patrol r Madison Ga STANDARD HOME HEATING CO Wm M Auld Mgr, E Hancock av cor Foundry Dial LI 3-3167 (See Special Section) STANDARD OIL CO OF KENTUCKY INC J H McLemore Agt, Ofc and Bulk Plant 532 Barber Dial LI 3-4791, Terminal Jefferson rd Dial 3-4469 Standridge Mae H (Mrs F J) tchr Athens Business College r Commerce Ga Stanford Ann (Mrs Walter) waitress Tony's Restr r Pre Fab 1-G Stanley Carroll D (Thelma C) 2 elect eng White & Weir Air Conditioning & Htg Co h 561 Pulaski Stanley Helen C C (Mrs F P) ofc wkr County Dept of Pub Welfare r 824 S Milledgre av Stanley Hugh S (Texys M) prof U of Ga h 824 S Milledge av STANLEY LUMBER CO INC Thos P Stanley Pres, Fred S Robbins Sec-Treas Winterville rd Dial LI 3-4476 (See Buyers' Guide)
Stanley Margt student r 824 S Milledge av
STANLEY THOS P (Helen C) Pres Stanley Lumber Co Inc h 824 S Milledge av Dial LI 6-7121
Stanley Willie (Cynie) r 323 Plaza
Stanton Curtis W (Eliz) USAF r 597 Dearing
Stanton Eliz tchr East Athens Sch r 597 Dearing
Stanton Ermine hostess Welcome Wagon r 192 Milledge ter

Stanton Kate I (wid J C) ofc sec Hodgson's Inc h 192 Milledge ter
Stanton Katie L nurse h 128 Odd Stanton Waymon (Azzie T) 4 trk dr
Mills Whol Co h 160 Water Oak Stapleton Tommy K (Joan R) 2 intern St
Mary's Hosp of Athens Inc h 380 N Milledge av Stapleton Wm T slsmn Dixie Canner Co i
1440 S Milledge av Stark Coy J (Oshia M) 3 lab h 238
Magnolia Stark Massie P maid 140 Woodrow
r rear 188 W Strong Stark Pies (Massie P) lab U of Ga
h rear 188 W Strong
Starks Dennis A (Odie) h 1195 W Hancock av
STARNES CLANTON A (Virginia A) 2 Branch Mgr Universal CIT Credit Corp
h 179 Sylvia cir Dial LI 3-2332
Starr Thomas R (Talula) slsmn Talmadge Whol Co Inc r RD 3
State Agricultural Extension Service An nex Building 150 Carlton
State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance Co Dewey H Prince adjuster claim ofc bsmt Sou Mut Bldg
State 4-H Club Robt J Richardson asst associate dir 802-04 State Agricultural Extension Service Annex Bldg
State Mutual Life Insurance Co H H "Bill" Giles dist mgr 157 College av
Stay Hazard H (Sarah M) r 1073 S Milledge av
Steadman Helen W (wid J M) mach opr Big Ace Corp h 174 Clover
Steedman W B & Son (Wm B and Wm B Steedman Jr) food broker 394 N Foundry
Steedman Wm B (Billie A) (W B Steed man & Son) h 735 S Milledge av
Steedman Wm B Jr (Anne C) 3 (W B Steedman & Son) h 517 Hampton cir
Steele Jas knitter Rodgers Hosiery Co Inc r RD 4
Steele Wm E meat elk The Kroger Co r Mitchell Bridge rd
Stegeman Dorothea W (wid H J) h 1820 S Lumpkin
Stegeman Hall (U of Ga) gymnasium 729 S Lumpkin
Stegeman John F (Janet A) 2 phy 1010 Prince av h Greenbrier rd
Stelly Matthias (Thelma T) 1 prof U of Ga h 143 Ridgewood pi
Stephens Agnes G r 76 Broadacres Stephens Alfonza student r 893 Water Stephens Arth (Cornelia) h 287 At
lanta av Stephens Bernice C (Ruth D) 1 chf elk
C of Ga Ry h 545 Oglethorpe av Stephens Beulah B (wid C O) 1 spinner
Chicopee Mfg Co h 490 Hill Stephens Cafe (R Lee Stephens) 511 E
Broad Stephens Cleveland ydmn h 193 N
Stephens Cora H emp Colonial Poul try h 180 2d

Stephens Ella h 680 Vine Stephens Ernest W (Emma A) 4 bread
mixer Benson's Bakery h 252 Georgia Depot Stephens Fanny B maid 460 Cobb r 435 Bailey Stephens Grace L ofc sec U of Ga r 101 University ct apt 3 Stephens Grady C (Clorene P) 4 h 536 N
Jackson STEPHENS H CURTIS (Bonnie W)
Traffic Mgr Thomas Transfer Co h 475 King av--Dial LI 3-3014 Stephens H Curtis Jr USAF r 475 King av Stephens J W dishwasher AST Restr r
180 2d Stephens J Alien (Georgia S) 2 slsmn
J Swanton Ivy Inc h 108 Clover Stephens Kenneth G (Leslie S) USN h 398
S Milledge av apt 202 Stephens Lillie M maid r 28 Fuller STEPHENS LOUISE D (Mrs V W) Asst
Sec-Treas Athens Federal Savings & Loan Assn r 145 Carlton ter Dial LI 6-7211 Stephens Mamie h 213 Trail Creek Stephens Peggy S student r 252 Georgia
Depot Stephens Peyton S (Mozelle F) mech
C A Trussell Mtr Co h 175 N Billups Stephens R Lee (Alberta C) (Stephens
Cafe) r Atlanta hwy Stephens Ralph porter Lay's Service
Sta r 323 Plaza Stephens Ralph (Virginia Y) 2 trk dr
Colonial Poultry Co Inc h 810 Oconee Stephens Ralph H (Eugenia D) publ U
of Ga Press h 285 Gran Ellen dr Stephens Robt hlpr Bradley Provision
Co r 180 2d Stephens Robt G Jr (Grace W) (Milnei
Stephens & Bentley) Lawyer 719-21 Southern Mutual Bldg member of State Hse of Representatives r Newton Bridge rd--Dial LI 3-3309 Stephens Ronald D (Inez W) 1 asso ciate editor State Agrl Exten Service h 160 Valley rd Stephens Ronald D Jr student r 160 Valley rd Stephens Ruby S Mrs ofc sec U of Ga r 295 Nellie B av Stephens Saml S USN h 1050 S Lumpkin apt 504 Stephens Victor W (Louise D) 2 ins rep h 145 Carlton ter Stephens Willard (Dorothy) feeder opi Dairypak Inc r RD 2 Stephenson Frank H (Maggie H) 3 farmer h 191 Indiana
STEPHENSON GRAVES F Agent The Mutual Benefit Life In