Have You Electrical I For Anything
Troubles '"O
Electrical Tel 71 1
Electricians, Engineers and Contractors. Electrical Fixtures and Supplies. If it is Electrical We can do it
Hides, Tallow & Beeswax
If 786 6. BROAD ST.
Jewelers -:- Opticians
In Force July 1, 1009.
That any person who willfully and for profit shall infringe any copyright by this act, or who shall knowingly
and willfully aid or abet such infringement, shall be deemed
guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall
be punished by imprisonment for not exceeding one year,
or by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor :::ore than one thousand dollars, or both* in the discretion o the
A7A867 1914-15
for THIRTYne who knows t it will always ly see that any prompt attenvalue for your y do you send 0 not know, or
re handle. If indly write for :he next time .ted Whiskisfc, md remember
Fine Olc Cabinet
Old Veh Dootson' Clarke's Cream oi Old Sara Upper Ten^ Lewis 66 .
25 60 50 5 oo
12 Quarts $6.75 8.00 6.75 9-25
12.00 12.OO II.OO 12 00
Guaranteed Straight 100 Proof Double Stamped Corn or Rye Whiskey
We represent the LARGEST DISTILLERY IN THE WORLD, and have at our command an immense stock of Pure Straight 100 Proof Corn and Rye Whiskey. NOW IN ORDER TO THOROUGHLY INTRODUCE THESE TWO BRANDS, we offer you this whiskey right from the still 700 Proof Double Stamp and in All Its Original Strength and Purity in one gallon glass bottles at the following Amazing Low Prices.
1-Gallon Glass Bottle Corn or Rye $2.50 3-GaIlon Glass Pottle Corn or Rye $6.90 2-Gallon Glass Bottle Corn or Rye $4.75 4-Gallon Glass Bottle Corn or Rye $9.00
Our reputation and guarantee is behind every bottle of tl-is whiskey, which we posr
lively guarantee to be Absolutely Pore 100 Proof Double Stamped just like it comes from the Distillery. If you are not entirely satisfied, return the Whiskey at our expense and all your money will be promptly returned.
T High-Class Photos Finished in
Latest and Most Approved Styles
T f
Quality Counts Quality is Remembered Long
After Price is Forgotten. For Photos of Quality
Come to Me. All Work Guaranteed. .1* J*
Ideal Shoe Shop
354 E. Washington St.
Shoe Repairing My Specialty
T t
Your Patronage is Solicited
T t
When writing advertisers mention the directory.
Phone 3G1
221 Thomas St.
We Furnish Anything in Hardware.
V4t^ V4^fr T^* V4^k
Stoves and Ranges, Mill Supplies, Sheet Iron and Tin, Felt Roofing, Roof Paint, Perfection Oil Stoves, Gas and Water Piping.
ftbe flMefcmont flbress
1 1
1 1
5 ^
4tHt tV!fc
4f ^>
tftt <;
Place Your Advertisement With Us
mmmmm, ............
Suits Cleaned and Sponged
Satisfaction Guaranteed
11 Thomas
W. P. BRAY, Mngr.
Tel. I2O5
Ttjffb T4Hfc
<&arDner $rtce printing Co. j^5l
BooK ant> 3ob printers
Tt T
Loose Leaf Binders, Sheets and Devices, Typewriter Ribbons, Carbon Paper, Second Sheets, Etc.
264J Lumpkin St.
Telephone 578
When writing advertisers mention the directory.
Containing a General Alphabetical List of Names, a Classified Business Directory, a Street Guide and Much Useful Miscellaneous Information
Piedmont Directory Company
Home Office
Eastern Sales Office 225 Fifth Ave., New Yerk City
Members Association of American Directory Publishers See General Index, Page 6
For Sale by THE McGREGOR CO. Issued Bi-Annually
Name, Contents, General Arrangement and Classifications of each Department, Copyright, June, 1914, by Piedmont Directory Co., (Inc.) All rights reserved.
Compiled by ERNEST H. MILLER
Hackney & Moale Co., <a3|Sg^ Printers, Asheville, N. C.
Abbreviations .................... 101
Advertisers' Special Directory..2 to 8 Alphabetical List oi Names... .101-280 Banks ................ ...........282 Banks and Trust Companies...... .282 Business Directory ......... . .281-299
Cemeteries ...................... 340 Chamber oi Commerce...........340
Christian Associations .......... .340
Churches ........................ 340
City Government ................ 339 Clubs ...........................284
County Government .............339 Courts ........................... 340
Educational ......................341 Fire Department .................339 Fraternal Organizations ..... .343-344
General Directory ............ 101-343
Hospitals ..................... . .342 Hotels ........................... 290 Judiciary ........................ 340
Miscellaneous Directory ......339-343 Organizations .................... 340 Police Department .............. 339 Population ....................... 7 Post Office ......................340
Preface .......................... 7
Private Schools .................. 342 Schools and Colleges.............341
Secret Societies ..................343 Street Directory .............301-338 Title Page ....................... 5 United States Court..............340
United States Local Government. .340
Asheville Business College....... ................... left bottom lines
Athens Cycle Co....left bottom lines Athens Empire Laundry....bockbone Athens Engineering Co...front cover Athens Herald Publishing Co......
......................... back cover Athens Hide Co..........front cover Athens Shoe Co........left top lines Ball F J......................page 3 Bernstein Bros.........card at name Campbell & Barrow......... stencils Chaknis Fruit & Produce Co......
...................... card at name
Cheatham C D, Chattanooga, Tenn. ..........................opp page
Citizens Pharmacy head of each letter Columbia Fire Insurance Co ....
.................inside back cover Cooley E H ......................
.....under classified stenographers Dootson-Evans Co inside front cover Epting Jay H Co..... .card at name Fleming- T B Hardware Co .. page 4 Gardner-Price Printing Co....page 4 Griffeth Implement Co..left top lines Hancock W L Coal Co..........
..................... card at name Harsha W A..................page 8 Haughey & Haughey.... .front cover Head & McMahan. .insert opp name
Hilley & Jones....... .right top lines
Hotel Sanges....... Insert opp. name
Ivey Christinia A Mrs.............
..................... card at name
Lawhead W B.......... card at name
Leathers L M..........left top lines
Lipscomb & Co.......right top lines
McGregor Co (The) left bottom lines
Martin Bros........right bootm lines
Montague Mnfg Co......... opp p 189
Muse Chas .................. page 3
National Whiskey Co (The),......
Chattanooga Tenn........opp page
Palmer H R & Sons ............
.................. left bottom lines
Piedmont Directory Co ...........
............bottom lines and cover
Piedmont Press...............page 4
Potts-Thompson Liquor Co, Chatta-
nooga Tenn........right top lines
Richmond Lumber Yards.. .opp p 188
Toffoli & Marus Marble & Tile Co,
Charlotte N C....left bottom lines
Toomer Music House............
..................left bottom lines
University Pressing Club....page 4
Walker C N ..........card at name
Waters W G Dr..... .right top lines
.opp p 188 page
In submitting Volume V of the Athens City Directory, it is gratifying to note the progress that is being made in industries and growth of population.
A great factor in the upbuilding of any city is its civic pride; the fact that your citizens stand as a unit on everything that affects the prosperity of your city is worthy of commendation.
The City Directory is one of the foremost enterprises of any city; it is generally referred to by the press of the whole country as a semi-public institution of great value.
The Directory is more than a mere list of names of residents giving their various occupations and addresses, it is an infallable guide to your city, for your people and for the stranger within your gates. It not only deals with your people, but with your government, your institutions and various other organizations. It is a recognized standard work of reference and becomes the most reliable history of your city and its citizens. As there is no other publication in the world which gives the information as contained in the City Directory, there is probably no other publication in which all the people are so vitally interested.
To gather the data and compile a volume of this character is no easy task. It requires much time, a well defined system, and incurs no little expense. Few people have any idea of the work it means and the tenacity it takes to publish a reliable directory.
In preparing this book the publishers have spared neither time nor expense, and if errors occur or a single name is omitted which should appear in the work, it is generally the fault of the public and not of the publishers, as every house is visited and it is not the publisher's or canvasser's "fault if some one fails to give all the information or gives it incorrectly. The intentions of the reliable publisher are always for improvement, and you can always count on getting as accurate a directory as circumstances will permit.
The estimate of the population of a city is a matter necessarily enjoined upon the directory publishers; such estimates, however, are not merely theoretical, but based on facts, sustained by the contents of the publication.
This volume contains 3210 names of individuals; using the conservative multiple 2^2 times, to represent the names of married women and children not counted, indicates a population of
An incrense of 254 names over the previous edition or a gain of 760 population.
This does not mean simply population inside the city limits, but takes in consideration all suburbs included in the Directory.
In concluding, we desire to thank our patrons for their support and to extend our thanks to the public in general for the courteous way in which everyone supplied our canvassers with the desired data. We shall continue this publication every two years as heretofore
X I * f I R I ,1%
*| A Full Line of Flower Pots and |
Floral Ware in Plain
and Colors
| Pottery Manufacturers $
Pottery Dealers
- ' ---" W. A. HARSHA, Manager - f-**
: AZAthme^nncs
- _
Gt vefaomrrcgriisai |>
When writing advertisers mention the directory
Ztbe Htbens, Georgia, IDirecton?
VOL. v.
VOL. v.
adv -- advertisement.
agt -- agent. al-- alley.
appr-- apprentice. assn -- association. asst -- assistant. atty -- attorney.
ay -- avenue. bds -- boards.
bkkpr -- bookkeeper. Bldg-- building, bldr -- builder,
blksmlth --black smith,
brkmn -- brakeman. cabtmkr--cabinet
carp -- carpenter. chf--chief. elk--clerk. co--county. collr -- collector. comr--commissioner. com mer--commis
sion merchant. condr--conductor. confr--confectioner. contr--contractor. cor -- corner.
cot byr--cotton buy er.
ctr--cutter. dep--deputy. dept -- department.
dlr -- dealer.
e--east. emp -- employment. electrn --electrician. engnr--engineer, ext -- extension, flgmn -- flagman, flr-- floor. frt-- freight, ftr -- fitter. Ken'1 -- general. h --house. Int rev -- Internal
revenue. Ins -- Insurance. Inspr-- Inspector. la -- lane. lab -- laborer. laund -- laundry. lyr-- layer. mchst -- machinist. mdse-- merchandise. mkr -- maker. mkt -- market.
mldr--moulder. mlnr-- milliner. nmfg -- manufactur
ing. manfr -- manufac
turer. mngr-- manager. msgr -- messenger. mstr -- master. n -- north. nr-- near, off -- office, opp--opposite, opr--operator. paperhngr -- paper-
hanger, passgr -- passenger. photog -- photog
rapher. pl -- place. plstr-- plasterer. plmbr-- plumber. P O--post office. pres -- president. prln -- principal. propr-- proprietor. (r) -- re"
R M S ra.. -* mall service.
rd -- road.
rms -- rooms.
R R-- Railroad. Ry-- railway. s -- south. sec -- secretary. ship-- shipping. slsmn -- salesman.
smstrs -- seamstress. Sou -- Southern. solr -- solicitor. sp -- space, spl -- special, sq -- square, stengr -- stenogra
pher, supt -- superintend
ent. tchr -- teacher. tel opr--telegraph
operator. trav -- traveling. treas -- treasurer. tiphr -- upholsterer. v-pres -- vice-presi
dent. w -- west. whol -- wholesale. wld -- widow. wkr-- worker. wks--work j>.
3TThe classification by business will be found after the alphabetical arrangement of
names. For full Indices to the contents of the work, see Index. Names marked are those of colored persons except where a Is used to denote a certain occupation or special business heading.
A T O Fraternity House, 247 Prince av Aaron Danl M (Malinda), gro, 383 Oak, h 387 same Aaron Ernest E, slsmn Athens Chero-Cola Co, h 150 Hiawasse Aaron Henry, elk D M Aaron, h 387 Oak Aaron Jas, mill wkr, h 163 Tibbctts av Aaron Ollie Miss, h 225 Derby Aaron Walter (Susie), mill wkr, h 394 Oak
MARTIN BROS. "ir Harness and Co
Harness and Shoe Repairing- a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
; 3*
700 tf
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers PHone 280-J
Buggies,Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Abelman Philip (Rosa), dry goods, 125 e Clayton and 441 e Broad, h
333 e Dougherty
Abney Geo M, student, h 698 n Pope
Abney Howard T, elk M J Abney, h 765 s Milledge av
Abney Jno W, student, h 698 n Pope
Abney Martin J, ins, 516 Sou Mutual Bldg, v-pres Chamber of Com-
merce and trcas Deep Rock Ginger Ale Co, h 765 s Milledge av
Abney Oscar W (lima) (Arnold & Abney), h 138 w Dougherty
ABNEY WM A, elk G H Hulm- & Co, h 294 s Lumpkin
Abney Wm I (Fannie M), trav slsmn, h 698 n Pope
Academic Building (U of Ga), U of Ga Campus
*Acock Vera, cook, h 148 llth
Adair Chester P, stengr Callaway Groc Co, h Boulevard
Adair Herman G, fireman A F D No 1, bds 294 s Lumpkin
Adair Thos (Fannie), engnr, h 237 Barber
Adams Alfonso C, elk Adams Mkt, h 227 Waddell
Adams Alice Miss, society editor The Athens Banner, h 225 Hill
Adams Alvin G, stone ctr Athens Mbl & Granite Co, h 184 State
Adams Angeline E, wid Jno, h 188 Elizabeth
Adams Bernice C Miss, h 590 Barber
Adams Callie, wid J C, h 184 State
*Adams Forest, porter H R Palmer & Sons
Adams Jno L (Clara), transfer, h 590 Barber
*Adams Love, porter Georgian Hotel, h 600 w Broad
Adams M Carl (Blanche), fireman C of Ga Ry, h 1075 s Lumpkin '
'\dams Marcus E (Pearl*-); driver Standard Oil Co, h 730 Pulaski
Adams Market, p-.J and meats, 269 n Lumpkin, O T Adams propr
*Adams ..^ttie, laund, h 123 Cain
*Adams Minerva, laund, h 1146 w Broad
Adams Oscar T (Florence L), propr Adams Mkt, h 227 Waddell
*Adams Rachel, laund, h 123 Pearl
* Adams Saml, lab, h 1146 w Broad
ADAMS SARAH L, wid Milton C, propr Commercial Hotel, h same
Adams Tressie L Miss, h 590 Barber
Adams Wm E (Agnes), driver Standard Oil Co, h 110 Standard Oil
Akerman Alfred (Adeline S)',, prof U of Ga, h 320 s Lumpkin
*Akers Robt, lab, h 259 Newton
Akins Dora Miss, mill wkr, h 247 Williams
Akins Frank M, mill wkr, h 247 Williams
Akins Maggie, wid F M, h 247 Williams
Alexander Carrie Miss, mill wkr, h 183 New
Alexander Elam (Tommie J), h 183 New
' ' '' *
Alexander Elam Jr, mill wkr, h 183 New
Alexander Gertrude A, wid Luther, tchr State Normal Schl
Alexander Lillian Miss, mill wkr, h 183 New
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
LIPSCOMB & CO. Fire Insurance
Phoni 109
Established 1898
Talmadge Bldg. 185' College Av.
Our Specialties
Alexander Nina Miss, mill wkr, h 183 New *Alexander Rosa, laund, h 269 Newton Alien Beverly PRev (Nettie), presiding elder Athens district (Meth-
odist), h 141 Grady av Alien Beverly P Jr; student, h 141 Grady av *Allen Chas, porter, h 215 n Chase *Allen Chas (Jettie), lab, h 100 Cherry Alien Chloe Miss, matron Bradwell Hall, State Normal Schl
Alien Delia Mrs, h 287 Cemetery *Allen Dock, emp Crowe & Co, h Washington *Allen Fannie, dom, h 230 s Thomas Alien Folly, mill wkr, h 163 New *Allen Frank (Lula), carpet lyr Davison Nicholson Co, h 237 Taber-
nacle Alien General, mill wkr, h 450 Nacoochee av *Allen Geo T, hostler C of Ga Ry, h 230 s Thomas Alien Glenn A Miss, music tchr, 141 Grady av, h same *Allen Henry, lab, h 131 Cain *Allen Isaac, emp C of Ga Ry, h 230 s Thomas * Alien Isaac (Florie), lab, h 1128 w Hancock av Alien Jesse M (Virginia), mngr Mallory Shoe Co, h 225 n Millege av Alien Jno, student, h 141 Grady av Alien Jno (Eddie), mill wkr, h G35 Nantahala av * Alien Jno, emp C of Ga Ry, h 230 s Thomas *Allen Jno H lab, h 215 n Chase Alien Knox (Lucretia), mill wkr, h 163 New *Allen Lawrence (Mamie), lab, h 216 n Chase Alien Lovick, h 287 Cemetery *Allen Luther (Sallie), lab, h 215 n Chase Alien Nevelle, mill wkr, h 163 New Alien Sarah E, wid Jos, h 287 Cemetery *Allen Stephen H, agt Union Mutual Assn Alien Virginia E Miss, h 225 n Millcdge av *Allen Webster, lab, h 215 n Chase *Alley Benj (Lizzie), lab, h 146 n Pope Allgood Alvin L (Neva), live stock, 203 Thomas, h 497 Ruth av Allgood Annie M Miss, elk Michael Bros Allgood Elizabeth, wid Edwd, h 357 Oak
Allgood Frank Y (Maude), livery, 170 w Broad, h Reese
Allgood Jas W (Mattie), boarding, 763 e Broad, h same Allgood Jno R (Maude F), fireman A F D No 2, h 327 Baxter Allgood Lucy, wid J M, h 763 e Broad Allgood Myrtle, wid J F, elk Abe Joel & Sons, h 497 e Hancock av Allison G Clifford, meat ctr Athens Parlor Mkt, rms Commercial
Morilllltl 1U the worlcl S ives tne information contained ITIulllUlll in a Directory. It is consulted every day in the vear. Mr. Business Man, -where can you find a better medium
Foot Covers for Mankind
Phone 141________________________259 E. Clayton St.
ATHENS GA Iiui4-15] CITY DIRECTORY___________
Almond Carcy M (Bessie), bartndr Wood & Hill, rms 25/l 2 n Thomas
ALSOBROOK A L CO, wines and liquors, mail orders promptly filled
Chattanooga. Tenn American Land Co, 411 Sou Mutual Bldg, T H Dozier Jr pres,
O A Dozier sec-tjeas AMERICAN STATE BANK, 208 e Broad phone 223; J J Wilkins
pres, H C Erwin v-prcs, J \V Smith 2nd v-pres, R W Sizer cashr
*Amcy Louisa, laund, h 759 n Lumpkin *Amey Priscilla, dom, h 759 n Lumpkin *Amcy Ruth, cook, h 759 n Lumpkin Anchors Jno D (Anchors & Fhelps), h 190 s Lumpkin Anchors Jos B (Leola), sec-foreman C of Ga Ry, h 490 s Lumpkin Anchors Kittie L Miss, cashr Anchors Phelps. h 190 s Lumpkin Anchors & Phelps (J D Anchors and G \V Phelps), soft drinks, 274
c Clayton Andcrson Alonzo (Emma), mill wkr, h 125 P>ryan Andcrson Banking Co, College av cor Clayton ; J T Anderson pres,
II T Huggins v-pres, T G Anderson cashr Anderson Clyde, emp The McGregor Co, h 473 w Hancock av ANDERSON DAVID G (Julia D) (Andcrson & Co), h 1120 s Mil-
ledge av '\ndcrson Emma Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 473 w Hancock
av Anderson Fannie N Miss, h 749 Prince av Anderson Harry I, trav slsmn The Rowland Co (Tnc), h 770 Col-
lege av Anderson Henry C, pres Bluclwine Co, office 227 Oconee "Anderson Jas P (Fannie C), elk Wingfield Cash Gro Co, h 1045 w
Hancock av * Anderson Jno (Maggie), lab, h 341 Atlanta av Anderson Jno T (Annie L), pres Anderson Banking Co, h 749 Prince
av * Anderson Lizzie, dom, h 150 Cohen *Andcrson Mabel, h 225 Vine * Anderson Mamie, dom, h 137 Crawford av Anderson Mary B, wid Richd W, h 797 n Pope Anderson Paul R, tchr High Schl, h 126 Bearing Anderson Peter K, elk The Oasis, h 663 n Jackson *Anderson Rachel, cook, h Fowler Town Andcrson Richd M, elk P O. h 797 n Pope *Andcrson Robt (Maggie), painter Klein-Martin Co, h 225 Vine .Anderson Rowland Rev, bds 770 College av Andcrson T Garner, cashr Anderson Banking Co, h 749 Princ? av Anderson Thos A, classer Inman, Akers & Inman, h 277 Hill
Asheville Business College Enrire ?rd Floor. No. 8 North I'ack J-'qnfi' e Hf pry S. Shockley. Frirciral Pook-1 rr r : rr. /rrcn'rrri
Banking-, Office Systems. Wholesaling, Corcrnis-
AshCVlllC| Nm C.
sion. Manufacturing:. Lumber Rook-keeping. Cost
Accounting-. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con-
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling. English, Punctuation. Type
writing. Shorthand.
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
With all 2-Gallon Orderi we Send "One Qgart Free." Prices Cash 2-GalInos Express Paid-$3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00
Anderson Thos B (Lucy), supt Sanitary Plmbg Co (Ino), h 275
Bloomfield Anderson Troy B, elk A C L Ry, h 797 n Pope *Anderson Wesley (Pattie), painter, h 647 n Hull
Anderson Wm D, elk C of G Ry, h 797 n Pope ANDERSON & CO (D G Anderson), real estate, 268 e Clayton
phone 74 Andrew Addie L Miss, smstrs, h 189 w Dougherty Andrew Cora F Miss, h 189 w Dougherty Andrews A Ruth Miss, h Boulevard extd Andrews Arrington E (Anna), elect engnr, h Boulevard extd ANDREWS JAMES S, v-pres Empire Furn Co, res Augusta Ga
Andrews L Edwd, photogr Bowden's Studio
Andrews Nancy, wid J G, h 368 Oak Anthony Cicero H Rev (Susie), h 236 w Washington Anthony Earle (Hattie), emp State Agrl College, h 135 Carltoi?
Anthony Fred, emp Athens G L & F Co, h n Jackson
Anthony Jno H, painter, h lOiO e Broad Anthony Lewis W, car inspr C of Ga Ry, h 1040 e Broad Anthony Mary Miss, mill wkr, h 175 Pine Anthony Richd (Emma), mill wkr, h 175 Pine Anthony Sarah M, wid Thos B, h 1040 e Broad Anthony Thos B, pkr Athens Pottery Co, h 1040 e Broad Antry R L, condr Athens Ry & Elec Co *Appling Sandy, lab, h 463 Hoyt Arcade Cigar Store (The), cigars and tobacco, 199 e Clayton, W D
Nelms propr Archer A Hoyt, elk Chas Stern Co, bds 469 n Jackson Armstead Burnella Miss, h 187 Miles Armstead Jno, h 187 Miles Armstead L Hettie Mrs, h 187 Miles Armstrong Geo C (Athens Ice Co), h Woodlawn *Armstrong Sallie, cook, h 690 n Hull Arnett Lacy C, photog Broadway Studio, h 265 Barber Arnold J Wm (Emily), mill wkr, h 396 Oconee Arnold Jennie Miss, h 925 s Milledge av Arnold Jno L (Alice), paints 163 n Jackson, h 586 Franklin
Arnold Jos C, carp, h 182 Arch *Arnold Judy, laund, h 157 Franklin *Arnold Manson (Nancy), lab, h Doboy cor Sapelo Arnold Marion M (Laura) (Arnold & Abney)',, h 224 w Hancock av Arnold Mary A Miss, asst prin College Av Schl, h 248 Prince av Arnold Mattie Miss, h 182 Arch Arnold Nathaniel D, pres Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co, res Lex-
ington Ga
Roman and Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Buildings.
Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
Phtnes 2066 and 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Shet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
ARNOLD OLIVER H JR (Aunie), v-pres Citizens Pharmacy and Athens Mattress Spring Bed Co and pres-genl mngr Athens Foundry & Machine Wks, h 925 s Milledge av
Arnold Oscar D (Mary), farmer, h Satullah av Arnold Robt O, scc-treas Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co, h 440
Milledge av
* Arnold Stout (Belle), plmbr, h 146 Reese Arnold & Abney (M M Arnold & O W Abney), gros, College av Arthur Martha P, wid Wm D, h 625 n Lumpkin Arthur Mina M Miss, h 625 n Lumpkin Arthur Nelson S, pharmacist J Smith & Bro, h 625 n Lumpkin Arthur Win G (Ina), hosiery 465^ e Broad, h 625 n Lumpkin Ash Wm A (Lee J), trav slsmn, h 1226 Prince av Ash Wm C (Eula C") (Miller & Co), h 1226 Park av Ashford Thos B, bkkpr, h 749 Prince av Athens Auction & Commission Co, 573 e Broad, G W Cumbus propr Athens Auto Salea & Repair Co (G Cartey, C M Hill and W
C Denny), 140 e Washington ATHENS BANNER" (The) (Est 1832) (Banner Publishing Co),
College av phone 75-1211 Athens Bottling Works (C C and F H Bowden), 315 s Jackson Athens Business College, 133J/2 w Clayton; J D Severns propr, R E
Carter mngr ATHENS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, 191 Shackleford Bldg, C D
Heidler sec Athens Chero-Cola Co, 150-164 Oconee; G W Emery pres, H L
Gafford sec, R O Emery treas-genl mngr ATHENS CITY DIRECTORY, Piedmont Directory Co, owners and
publrs, Asheville N C, E H Miller mngr
ATHENS CITY OFFICIALS (see City Officials) Athens Cotton Exchange, 116J/2 n Thomas, P G White mngr Athens Crockery & Furnishing Co, 149 w Washington, Max Flatau
ATHENS CYCLE CO (F P.Griffith and A A Jordan), motorcycles, bicycles, sewing machines, etc', 279 n Lumpkin phone (see bottom lines)
ATHENS DAILY HERALD (The), n Lumpkin cor Washington, E W Carrow mngr
Athens Dental Parlors (H B Hey wood), 512-513 Sou Mutual Bldg
ATHENS EMPIRE LAUNDRY CO, Lumpkin cor Clayton; H S Ileidler pres, C D Heidler sec-treas (see back bone)'
ATHENS ENGINEERING CO (Tnc), electrical engineers and contractors, mantels, tiles, grates, etc, 237 College av phone 711; J A Wier pres, O M Roberts sec-treas (see front cover)
Palmer's Cream Liniment
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________10j
ATHENS FIRE DEPT NO 1, 274 Jackson; G W McDorman chief,
No 2 Prince av cor Hill, Wm J Potts foreman
Athens Foundry & Machine Works, 252 n Foundry ; O H Arnold Jr
pres-genl mngr, L F Edwards sec-treas, J H Mclvinnon supt
Athens Fruit Co (J A P & M Costa), 121 e Clayton
ATHENS GAS LIGHT & FUEL CO, 260 n Jackson, A C Turner
mngr phone 54
Athens Hardware Co (The), 472-480 e Broad; T H Nickerson pres,
E C Jackson v-pres, W H Kytle sec
Athens Harness Co, 372 e Washington, A P Bearing prop
Daily Herald, E W Carrow mngr (see back cover)
ATHENS HIDE CO, 78G e Broad, H Eugene Fant mngr (see front
Athens High School, Prince av nr Pope, E B Mell prin
*Athens High & Industrial School, Reese n e cor Church, S F Harris
ATHENS ICE CO (G C Armstrong and B S Dobbs), 317 Oconee
Athens Jewelery Co, 224 e Clayton, M T Roberts mngr
Athens Library Association, 195 e Clayton, Mrs Henrietta Barrow,
Athens Lumber Co, 954 n Chase, T W Baxter pres, S R McDuffie
Athens Marble & Granite Co, nr S A L Depot, J W Scoggins' prop
Athens Mattress and Spring Bed Co, Thomas cor Hoyt ; N D Arnold
pres, O H Arnold Jr v-pres, R O Arnold sec-treas
Athens Motor Car Co (Inc), 148 w Washington, L B Flatow propr
Athens Oil Mill (Branch Sou Cotton Oil Co), Pulaski & S A L Ry,
J B Wier mngr
Athens Parlor Market, 115 e Clayton, G T Young prop
Athens Pawn Shop, 189 n Thomas, N Goodman prop
Athens Pottery Co (The), Willow nr Broad, G Williams mngr
Athens Railway & Electric Co, 217 e Hancock av; J Y Carithers
pres, C D Flanigen v-pres, C D Cox treas, C L Procter genl supt
Athens Saving Bank (The)j, 283 e Broad; M Stern pres, M G Michael
v-pres, G A Mell cashr
ATHENS SHOE CO, 259 e Clayton phone 141; A H Whitehead
pres, J H Bullock v-pres, W D Beacham 2nd v-pres, W G Comer
sec, C D Chandler treas (see top lines)
Athens.Terminal Co (The), e Broad cor Foundry, R C Curry agt
, lineman, bds 311 n Thomas
*Atkins Bud, porter, h 728 n Hull
Atkins Jos A, 1st lieut 16th USA Commandant of Cadets U of Ga
*Atkins Leonard (May S), lab, h (r) 392 Augusta av
*Atkins Sandy, driver J W Harris, h 463 Hoyt
You Advertae
n in
1C JeC U u ThP Hitv nirprtn
The Reason is
Good Results
Atkinson Isaac S (Louisa), lino opr Athens Daily Herald, h 554 Boulevard
Atkisson Annie Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 157 Grady av Atkisson Carrie Mrs, h 157 Grady av Atkisson Eva Miss, genl del elk P O, h 157 Grady av Atkisson Geo E (Vinnie) lino opr The McGregor Co, h 454 Dougherty Atlantic Compress Co, Wynburn pi on S A L tracks, E B Ivey supt Atlantic Ice & Coal Corporation, Cleveland av on S A L tracks, M L
Nanne mngr Attaway Alvin G (Annie), mill vvkr, h 180 Hiawassee av Attaway Geo W (Ruth), mill vvkr, h 180 Hiawassee av *Auffing Edwd (Alice), waiter B W Billups, h 853 Prince av Aughtman Geo W (Ruth), mill wkr, h 187 Chattanooga av Aughtman Lillie M Miss, mill wkr, h 187 Chattanooga av Aughtman Mary Miss, mill wkr, h 187 Chattanooga av * Austin David (Minnie), lab, h 247 Lyndon av * Austin Dennis (Joanna), porter, h 350 Lyndon av Austin T W, student, rms 1G4 e Strong Automobile Specialty Co, auto supplies, 701 Sou Mutual Bldg, A G
Tillinghast mngr Autry Robt L (Lillie), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Yonah av *Avery Albert A (Bessie), asst supt Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co,
h 176 n Billups
A very Ethel W Miss, nurse St Mary's Hospital, h 360 n Milledge av *Ayers Thos W, lab, h Inadale nr Billups
B Nai Israel Congregation, Hancock av cor Jackson *Bacon Edwd (Ida), bricklyr, h 424 Reese Bacon Henry M, elk Athens Hdw Co, h 425 Milledge av Bacon Mary Miss, h 9!)7 s Milledge av *Badger Jno H, porter, h 1570 w Broad *Badger Martha, h 1570 w Broad Bagley Atticus H (Levy), carp, h 299 Nellie B av Bagley Blain, h 299 Nellie B av Bailey Catherine, wid Greene R, h 828 n Lumpkin Bailey Chas, elk C E Bailey, h 198 Elbert Bailey Cicero E, spl del msngr P O, h 736 n Jackson Bailey Cicero F (Elorie), gro, 1290 Oconee, h 198 Elbert *Bailey Clarence, lab, h 270 Savannah av Bailey David \V, tinner and plmbr, 716}^ n Thomas, h 736 n Jackson Bailey Da-vid W Jr, plmbr D W Bailey, h 736 n Jackson
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
BARBER SHOP Our S'er&ice fa \7nejccelled
269 J*. JacHson St.__________________________________________Phone
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________109
Bailey Emily W, wid J W, h 776 Cobb Bailey Emma Lou Miss, h 255 DuBose av Bailey Geo A, mngr Bailey Tool Co, h 240 Hull Bailey Harry T, agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, h 375 s Jackson *Bailey Henry, lab Athens Pottery Co Bailey J Gordon (Blanche), agt, h 1018 Water Bailey Jno E, elk H T Huggins & Sons, h 255 DuBose av Bailey Lou, wid Saml W, h 255 DuBose av Bailey Ralph E (Emma), engnr, h 240 Barrow Bailey Roy C, plmbr D W Bailey, h 736 n Jackson Bailey Sallie E Miss, h 240 Barrow BAILEY THOMAS (Sarah J) (Bailey Tool Co)), h 240 Hull BAILEY TOOL CO (Thos Bailey), hdw and cutlery, ITS n Thomas Bailey Wm H, weaver, bds 828 n Lumpkin Bailey Zella Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co Baird Bess Miss, tchr State Normal Schl Baker Geo, waiter Busy Bee Cafe, h n Jackson Baker Herman V, bkkpr Michael Bros, bds 180 Barrow *Baker Ida, laund, h 350 n Pope *Baker Jno (Patience), lab, h 1422 w Broad *Baker Saml, fireman Athens Ice Co, h 268 s Thomas ^Baldwin Amanda, cook, h 1277 w Broad BALL FREDERICK j (Olive W), photog, 170/. e College av, h
151J/2 e Broad (see page 3) *Ballard Hannah, cook, h 834 Reese Bancroft Edwd, bkkpr Athens Oil Mill, h 392 s Pope Bancroft Matilda Miss, stengr C of Ga Ry, h 392 s Pope BANKERS HEALTH & LIFE INS CO, 521 Sou Mutual Bldg, Paul
Patterson asst agt Banks Ellen H, wid W L, h 390 w Hancock av *Banks Lovie, dom, h 239 w Strong Banks Martha J Miss, h 419 Boulevard *Banks Kancy, laund, h 147 n Chase Banks Sarah Miss, stengr W J Peeples, h 390 w Hancock av *Banks Wm N, barber USA Hawkins, h Reese Banner Daily (The), Banner Pub Co publrs, College av BANNER PRINTERY (The), 149-151 n Lumpkin, publishers Home
& Farmstead, J C O'Farrell propr BANNER PUBLISHING CO, College av, publrs of The Athens
Daily and Weekly Banner; H J Rowe pros, T \V Reed sec, C E Martin treas Baptist Tabernacle, Childs nr Prince av, Rev R E Neighbour pastor Barber Chas H, loans, 289 /l 2 n Lumpkin, bds Wayside Inn *Barfield Anna L, h 835 Prince av *Barfield Mary, dom, h 829 Water
Martin Urns Jobbers of Harness & Collars
Phone 621
455 Clayton -: Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty -:
238-249 Broad St. Jobber* and "Retailer* Phone 28Q-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY _______
*Barge Reb:cca, dom, h 268 s Thomas
*Barge Richd, lab Sou Rcf Co
*Barnes Eva, cook, h 265 vv Washington
Barnes ] B, foreman Atlantic Compress Co, bds Atheneum
*Barnes Preston (Lucy), waiter Georgian Hotel, h Newton
*Barnett Bradford, lab, h 265 n Billups
*Barnett Claude (Daisy), concrete wkr, h 141 Warsaw al
*Barnett Clinton, lab, h 265 n Billups
*Barnett Edwd, lab McElroy Transfer Co, h 265 n Billups
Barnett ] Wm (India)^ city'engnr, h 340 n Milledge av
*Barnett Jno (RosellaT, janitor Sou Mutual Bldg, h (r) 220 n Miller
*Barnett Jos, butler, h 265 n Billups
*Barnett Lula, cook, h 329 Lyndon av
*Barnett Mary, cook 778 Hill
*Barnett Mattie, laund, h 175 Macon av
*Barnett Nellie, dom, h 1236 w Hancock av
*Barnett Sarah, laund, h 265 n Billups
* Barnett Wm, cook, h 265 n Billups
Baron R D, trav slsmn Bludwine Co
, mill wkr, h 197 Mitchell
Barrett Amos G (Julia), carp, h 571 s Lumpkin
Barrett C Herbert, msgr, h 746 Pulaski
Barrett Cicero (Maude), mill wkr, h 250 Williams
*Barrett Geo (Pearl), driver, h 134 Heridricks av
Barrett Gus A, stone ctr Bell Bros Mble Co
Barrett Rabun H (Sallie)), mill wkr, h 1224 e Broad
*Barrett Rosetta, dom, h~~T34 Hendricks av
*Barrett Synica, driver, h 134 Hendricks av
Barrett W Louis, elk, h 746 Pulaski
Barrett Walter J (Eva), stone ctr Athens Mble & Granite Co, h 746
BARROW BENJ H (Henry), (Campbell & Barrow), h Milledge Ter.
race phone 1290
Barrow Clara E Miss, prin College Av School, h U of Ga Campus
BARROW DAVID C, LL D (Frances), chancellor U of Ga, h U of
Ga Campus
"Barrow Jas, supt City Water Works
Barry Fannie, wid Fredk, h 816 n Lumpkin
Barry Jno M (Jessie), gro, 684 Pulaski, h 666 same
Barry Mary Miss, rms 236 w Dougherty
Barry Rosa, wid Jos M, rms 236 w Dougherty
*Bartlett West (Lizzie), plstr, h 197 Newton
*Bartlett Wm, porter H R Palmer & Sons, h 197 Newton
Bartley Jno (Emma), h 134 Vine
Bartoca Florence L, wid Jno L, h 357 s Milledge av
TKe McGregor Company
'Printers_____Sfa tiorter^ B in de rjOFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadgi Bldg. 185', Cillegc Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
Barwick Clara E Miss, music tchr, 723 w Hancock av, h same Barwick Mary E Miss, tchr Childs St Schl, h 723 w Hancock av
Base Ball Grounds, s Lumpkin cor Sapelo *Bassett Saml (Josie), driver, h 835 Reese *Batee Henry, porter, h 350 s Hull Bates Henry (Jessie), mill wkr, h 215 Williams
Bates Lewis, mill wkr, h 215 Williams Bates Odessa Miss, mill wkr, h 215 Williams Bates Wm H (Fannie), mill wkr, h 215 Williams Battle Jas (Belle), mill wkr, h 285 Cleveland av *Battle Jasper (Lovie), gardener, h 340 Lyndon av
*Battle Jno, lab, h 140 2d Baugh Chas (Baugh Produce Co), h 227 Bloomfield Baugh Frank H, elk C of Ga Ry, h 227 Bloomfield Baugh Jas A, blksmith, 265 s Jackson, h 251 Franklin Baugh Produce Co (Chas Baugh), 124 e Clayton Baughcum Emma, wid G G, h 357 Oconee Baughcum Ruby Miss, elk Jno Roberts & Co, h 357 Oconee Baughcum Sallie Mrs, smstrs Head & McMahan, h 540 Oconee *Baxter Fannie, laund, h 145 Cohen Baxter Sarah C, wid Richd B, h 660 Reese Baxter Thos W (Susan), pres Athens Lumber Co, h 1354 s Milledge
av Beacham Calvin, h Nellie B av Beacham Ernest E, foreman Sou Ref Co, h Nellie B av Beacham Jas E (Mattie), farmer, h Nellie B av Beacham W Walter, stengr R L Moss Mnfg Co, h Nellie B av nr
Winterville rd
Beachman Wm D (Mary L)), pres Athens Shoe Co, h 540 Prince av Beacham Worth B, ticket agt S A L Ry, bds 135 Barrow *Beal Marcellus (Annie), meat ctr, h 139 Newton Beasley Goldie L Mrs,hairdresser 602 Holman Bldg, h 215 w Wash-
ington Beasley J Thos, watchman, bds 223 Nantahala av Beattie Fredrica Miss, h 498 Prince av Beattie G Mayhew Miss, h 498 Prince av
Beattie Troy Rev (Fredrica), rector Emaneul Epis Church, h 498 Prince av
Beattie Troy Jr, student, h 498 Prince av Becker Harris, gro 243 Atlanta av, h same Bedgood Randall R, bkkpr, h 536 n Jackson Beer Carrie Miss, cashr Johnson Shoe Co, h 145 e Strong Beer Leo (Henrietta), propr Ideal Mkt, h 145 e Strong Bell Allie W (Ruth)1, trav slsmn, h 247 w Dougherty
IB""!1* Wfil *Bell Andrew, porter Hotel Sanges, h 944 College av 1 The Reason II A Good
J is U U Results 1 u The City Directory IIU '* Because M M
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
Bell Annie M Miss, bkkpr, h 512 n Jackson *Bell Austin, cleaning and pressing 248 Hoyt, h same *Bell Bailey, lab, h 487 Odd BELL BROS MARBLE CO, 548 n Thomas; F M Bell v-pres and
mngr, W A Dale sec-treas *Bell Cecelia, laund, h -'548 Macon av Bell Chas M (Mary E), hackman, h 820 e Broad *Bell Eliza, laund, h 487 Odd Bell Florence, wid Mark B, h 612 n Jackson Bell Frank M (Mollie), v-pres and mngr Bell Bros Marble Co, and
gro 574 n Thomas, h 420 e Strong Bell Fred G (Minnie), butcher, h 263 Ruth av Bell Geo M (Mary), elk Sou Exp Co, h 74i n Jackson *Bell Grady, lab Sou Ref Co, h 348 Macon av Bell Hattie C Miss, h 464 College av *Bell Henry (Mary), lab, h 198 Green *Bell Henry, porter Arnold & Abney, h 153 Hoyt Bell Jennie, wid Frank, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h 947 n Chase Bell Jos F B (Fannie), carp, h 749 n Jackson *Bell Judge (Hattie E), driver \V B Steedman, h 165 n Rock Spring *Bell Lillie, dom, h 487 Odd *Bell Luther N, chauffeur, h 165 n Rock Spring Bell Olive Miss, h 287 w Broad *Bell Ora, lab Sou Ref Co, h 348 Macon av Bell R Clifford (Helen), yd foremn C of G Ry, h 531 n Thomas Bell Rebecca C, wid Dr Jas E, h 287 w Broad Bell Riley S Miss, mlnr Sol J Boley Co, h w Hancock av *Bell Rosa, dom, h 876 Water Bell Susan Miss, h 287 w Broad *Bell Susie, cook, h (r) 392 Augusta av Bell Thos M, lab, h 820 e Broad Bell Wallace L (Maude), trav slsmn, h Prince av nr Oglethorp av Benedict S Ravaud (Martha A), (Benedict & Benedict), h 127 e Broad Benedict Saml C (Annie), (Benedict & Benedict), and prof U of Ga,
h 127 e Broad
Benedict & Benedict (Saml C and S Ravaud), phys and surgeons 240^ e Clayton
Bennetf Jesse G (Sallie), mill wkr, h 1224 e Broad
Bennett Maggie Miss, stengr I H Goss, h 150 Herring Benson Jas W (Alice), wood wkr Klein-Martin Co, h 1040 River Benson Nellie Mjss, elk McClure Ten Cent Co, h 1040 River *Bentley Lewis (Hattie), driver Micha:! Bros, h 1467 w Broad Benton Dell Mrs, stengr C H Benton, h 615 Pulaski Benton DiJlard L, bkkpr Bailey Tool Co, bds 715 n Jackson Benton Lorenza D (Delia), collr Dorsey Furn Co, h 615 Pulaski
Asheville Business College Kntire 3rd Floor. No. 8 Notth Hack S<iuaic. Heny S. Sliockley. 1'iimiral- Pr < k Ire pir K. /niiirpn
Bankinjr, Office Systems, \\lol<Fa]irp, C'crrinis-
Asheville, N. C.
son, Manufacturing:. Lumber Book-keep-'!??. Cost
Accounting-, Farm Book-keeping. Business ( on-
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic, Spelling:, English. Punctuation, Typewriting
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Benton P Elizabeth, wid Jno, h 290 Seminole av Berber David N(Alice), slsmn C J Williams, h 1057 s Lumpkin Bernard Hugh Y (Wcatherly & Bernard), h 165 Waddell Bernard Lee M. v-pres The Rowland Co, h 105 Waddell BERNSTEIN BROS (J and M M), furniture and undertakers, 434 e
Day Phone 61
Night Phone 182
Furniture, Stoves and Housefurnishings
Ambulance Service
Broad Street
Bernstein Gertrude J Miss, h 2.33 \v Hancock av Bernstein Hannah Miss, h 233 w Hancock av BERNSTEIN JAKE, (Bernstein Bros), h 233 w Hancock av BERNSTEIN MOSES M, (Bernstein Bros), h 233 w Hancock av Bernstein Selig (Hannah), h 233 w Hancock av Bert Ernest, h 356 Hoyt *Bethel A M F Church, Broad n e cor Billups, Rev P J Jones pastor BETTERTON E R & CO, whol liquors, mail orders a specialty, 511
Market, Chattanooga, Tenn Betts Benj M (Minnie Lee), engnr Athens Water Works, h 733
Pluaski Betts Bertha Miss, elk Michael Bros Betts Burch, police Betts Lovick X (Daisy), dentist 401-402 Holman Bldg, h 070 s Lump-
kin Betts Parks T (Lena), teller Georgia Nat Bank, h 240 w Clayton Betts W Frank (Asenath). foreman McElroy Transfer Co, h 45,"
Dough crty Beusse Deadrick D (Minnie), propr Patman's City Mkt, h 950 s
Lumpkin Beusse Flonnic. wid Carlton G, h 1085 w Hancock av Beusse Henry W(Lena), collr Dorsey Furn Co, h 140 Becker Beusse Jesse H (Jessie), trav slsmn Hodgson Bros Co, h 195 Hen-
derson av
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264.
ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Bevers Jas R (Hattie), mill wkr, h 128 Pine *Hibbs Elijah (Anna), lab Sou Ref Co, h 258 Arch Bickers Danl G (Rilla), city editor Athens Banner, h 650 Meigs Bickerstaff Robt H (Lola A), trav slsmn, h 326 Hill *Billups Adaline, h 1086 w Broad *Billups Anna, laund, h 670 w Broad *Billups Bernie, dom, h (r) 763 Cobb *Billups Burl W (Janie), eating house 346-348 n Hull, h 367 n Chase *Billups Delia, laund, h Fowler Town *Bi11ups Hattie, laund, h Fowler Town *Billups Ivey, porter, h 670 w Broad *Billups Jas, lab C of G Ry, h 1482 Oconee *Billups Jno (Eliza), lab, h 183 Lyndon av *Billups Jno (Mary), janitor, h 247 n Chase *Billups Lena, laund, h 1086 w Broad *Billups Lewis, h 670 w Broad *Billups Mary, laund, h 134 n Church *Billups Mattie, laund, h 347 Augusta av *Billups Pauline, cook, h 247 n Chase *Billups Sallie, dom, h 623 n Hull *Billups Sarah, laund, h (r) 763 Cobb *P,illups Simon (Bettie), lab, h 670 w Broad *Billups Wm, farmer, h 347 Augusta av *Bimms Willis (Chancy), farmer, h Whitehall rd, R D 3 *Binns Chas E, porter, h 652 n Hull Birchmore Frcdk G (Cornelia), slsmn Chas Stern Co, h 178 w Dough-
erty Bird Alvin, mill wkr, h 215 Williams Bird Eulah A Miss, tchr Childs St Schl, h 125 Meigs Bird J Ovid, bkkpr Natl Bank of Athens, h 125 Meigs Bird Jno (Tulah), h 125 Meigs Bird Lena M Miss, tchr Childs St Schl, 'h 125 Meigs Bird Lucy L Miss, tchr, h 125 Meigs Bird Margaret Miss, h 125 Meigs Bird Sarah H Miss, tchr, h 125 Meigs **BIRD see also BYRD Bishop Albion C (Mary E), dyer, h 765 s Milledge av Bishop Benj T (Mollic), trav slsmn L P Canning, h 373 e Hancock av Bishop Caroline, wid Alex, h 247 s Milledge av Bishop David N (Laura A)), overseer Sou Mnfg Co, h 720 n Chase Bishop Geo W (Ethel C), trav slsmn, h 720 n Chase Bishop H Claude (Mabel W), mngr ware hse Talmage Bros & Co, it
University Drive Bishop J Fred, elk P O Bishop Jno L, director of Agr Extension U of Ga, h 1187 s Lumpkin
US\. W. VJ. W/\1E-I\0
office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
Bishop Jos H (Woodie), trav slsmn, h 1689 s Lumpkin
Bishop Lucy M Miss, h 365 s Jackson
Bishop May Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 720 n Chase
Bishop Oscar (Samantha), picture agt, h 698 Pulaski
Bishop Walter H (Eleanor), autos, h 247 s Milledge av
BISSON BERTIE G, (Classic City Granite Wks), h Wilson opp s
Bisson Charlotte, wid Peter, h (r) 1543 s Lumpkin
Bisson Emily Miss, smstrs Michael Bros, h (r) 1543 s Lumpkin
Bisson Jas H (Ida), supt Oconee Hill Cemetery, h 297 Cemetery
Bisson Lottie Miss, smstrs Michael Bros, h (r) 1.^13 s Lumpkin
Black Homer Van V, prof U of Ga, h 490 n Milledge av
Blackman Lamar (Cora), lineman, h 840 College av
Blackman R E, prof State Agr College, h 1238 s Lumpkin
Blackman Wm B (Lillie), linsmn, bds 373 e Hancock av
*Blackshire Spencer, servt 115 e Hancock av
Blackstone Jesse W (Estelle), elk, h 880 College av
Blackstone Jesse W Jr, elk Gulf Ref Co, h 880 College av
Blackwell Burnett W (Bessie);, dry goods 449 e Broad, h 165 e
* Black well Fleming, lab, h 183 Lyndon av
*Blackwell Jno (Angaline), asst janitor P O, h 172 Newton
*Blackwell Maude, h 172 Newton
*Blackwell Wm (Clara), lab, h 183 Lyndon av
TTIair Grissom, carp, h Satullah av
P.lair Jas C (M Elizabeth), mill wkr, h Satullah av
Bland Alvah W (Bessie), slsmn Lee Morris, h 536 n Jackson
Bland Chas L, slsmn Lee Morris, rms n Lumpkin
Bland Peter, elk J S Pinkussohn Cigar Co, rms n Lumpkin
BLASINGAME CICERO A (Nina), propr Normal School Pharmacy
h Oglethorp av nr Prince av
*Blasingame Julius, porter Bernstein Bros, h 1279 w Broad
*Blasingame Lillian, dom, h 1279 w Broad
*Bloodshaw Lula, dom, h 873 w Broad
Bloodworth Bartley R, coml agt C of G Ry, rms 535 Prince av
BLOOMFIELD JAMES C DR (Lillian E), eye, ear, nose and
troat specialist 25/l 2 e Clayton phone 830 and Prof U of Ga, h
260 n Milledge av phone 358
Bloomfield Lela, wid Robt K, h 150 Barber
Bloomfield Marion Miss, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst, h 150 Barber
Bloomfield Robt L, h 260 n Milledge av
Blount Eugene A (Maggie), inspr Sou Ry, h 184 State
Bludwine Bottling Co (Inc), 227 Oconee: H C Anderson pres, W H
Shelton v-pres, R B Wingate sec-treas, F B Hinton mngr
Bluhm Sydney, cot buyer 126J/ Oconee, h 535 Prince av
IS NOT LIMITED to y r immediate
neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking
goods in your line
jt jt j*
116__________ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY
Blunt Lizzie, wid Wm, h 149 Tibbetts av *Boar Eliza, h 345 Lyndon av
Board of Health, office City Hall, Dr J P Proctor pres Boatner Ezekiel G (Myrtle), wire chf Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co, h 425 e
Bobo Wm O (Xancy), carp, h 348 Oak Bocock Willis H, prof U of Ga
Boggs J Hoyt, elk Johnson Shoe Co, h 628 Boulevard Boggus Wm A (Rosa), carp, h 342 Oak *Boles Jno. butler, h Fowler Town *Boles Judge (Sallie), lab Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Fowler Town Holey Sidney (Minnie F), (Johnson Shoe Co), and (Sol J Boley Co),
h 356 Pulaski Boley Sol J (Minnie G), (Sol J Boley Co), and (Johnson Shoe Co),
h 120 Dougherty
Boley Sol J Co (Sol J and Sidney Boley and Louis Funkcnstein), dept store, 409 e Broad
*Bolton Cyrus (Ada), lab, h 261 w Strong
Bolton Geo T (Alice), director Athens Shoe Co, h 120 Springdale Bonds Ada Miss, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h 164 Hickory Bnndurant P'mmet J (Bertie), pres Bondurant Hdw Co, h 725 Cobb Bondurant Hardware Co (Inc), 361 e Clayton, wholesale and retail;
E J Bondurant pres-treas, J A Rhodes sec Bone Griffin (Susie), driver, h 498 Oak Bone Matilda C, wid Jos H, h 170 Barber
*Bonnett W Lamar (Clara), porter Johnson Shoe Co, h 198 Rock Spring
*Booker Benj, lab Webb-Crawford Co, h East av *Booker Lena, dom, h 260 s Thomas Boone Annie B Miss, phone opr, h 130 Barrow Boone Collie B, moving picture opr Crystal Theatre, h 130 Barrow Boone Geo A (Dora E), trav slsmn, h 130 Barrow Boone Howard B, elk Michael Bros, bds 167 Grady av *Boone Rufus. porter Hotel Sanges, h 594" e Dougherty Boone Saml B (Mattie), carp, h 620 Barber Booth Beatrice Miss, h 176 Milledge av Booth Bros (J H and C D), gros 820 Water Booth Clarence D (Booth Bros), h 345 Madison
BOOTH G ARTHUR (Alberta), sec-treas The McGregor Co, h 234 Hill
Booth Geo M (Isabelle), transfer line, 445 Meigs, h same Booth Jas H (Booth Bros), and city sanitary inspector, h 267 Madison
av Booth Jno C (Ruby), barber Hilley & Jones, hill Satullah av Booth Jno L, student, h 297 Boulevard
Musical Instruments iinn FFaacctt EEvveerryytthhiinngg iinn
Musical Merchandise 459 E. ClaytOH :- Phone 90$
w - s JONES
B A 3* 3 E *R S
Hot and Cold "Baths
268 JV. Jac^ton JV. Phone 4-66
Booth Jno N (Rosa L),) sale stables 174 w Broad, h 297 Boulevard
Booth Jos H, elk Chas Stern Co, bds Hotel Sanges Booth Rosa L Miss, h 297 Boulevard Booth Ruby E Miss, h 185 n Hull Booth Wm F Jr (Mattie), ins agt, h 175 Hillcrest av Booth Wm H (Locke A), watchman, h Satullah av Booth Wm R (Rosa), h 185 n Hull Born Marion A, phys 817 Hill, h same *Bostick Geo (Eliza), lab, h 1457 w Broad Boston Bakery, 223 w Hancock av, C W Green propr Boston Cafe, restaurant 896 College av, H N Thomas propr *Boulder Cora L, tchr Knox Inst & Indus School Bowden Bessie Mrs, propr Holland Cafe, h 164J/$ e Clay ton Bowden C C & F H (Athens Bottling Works), 315 s Jackson Bowden Cornelius C (Josie). (Athens Bottling YYks), h ."><!) s Jack>on Bodwen Frank H (Lula), (Athens Bottling Wks), and gro 125 n
Lumpkin, h 595 Pulaski Bowden Jno G (Bessie), propr Bowden's and Broadway Studios, h
265 Barber Bowcfen Lee, student, h 595 Pulaski Bowden Robt I, mngr Athens Bottling \Vks, h 309 s Jackson Bowden's Studio, 12SJ/. College av, J G Bowden propr Bowden Wm, h 309 s Jackson BOWDEN WM D (Mollie N), ice cream mnfr. umbrella repairing,
etc, 235 n Lumpkin phone 779, h 471 n Jackson phone 569 *Bowen Jas, porter M & W Cigar Co Bowen Jas Y, student, h 115 Prince av Bowles Duncan, mill wkr, h 149 Miles Bowles Ethel Miss, h 149 Miles *Bowles Frank, lab Athens Ry & Elec Co Bowles Jno C (Allie), mill wkr, h 149 Miles *Boyd Jno (Mamie), lab, h 284 Savannah av *Boyd Rachel, h 437 n Pope *Boyd Wm H (Rosa), shocmkr 437 n Pope, h same Boyd Wm R (Mattie), inspr S A L Ry, h 867 College av Brackett Bertha Miss, h Satullah av *Bracy Paul S (Charlotte), supt Union Mutual Assn, h 524 w Han-
cock av Bradberry A C, elk Michael Bros Bradberry Alfred S, electrn, h 806 College av Bradberry Blanche T Miss, h Buena Vista av Bradberry Edna L Miss, music tchr, h 806 College av Bradberry Emma B Miss, h Buena Vista av Bradberry Henry Y, elk J R Davis. h Buena Vista av bey limits Bradberry Ira A (Ida), trav slsmn, h 806 College av
MARTIN BROS. "Sr Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers PHone 280-J
Buggies AVagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Bradberry Isaac V, shoemkr Prince av nr Georgia av, h Bucna Vista av
Bradberry J Hope, bkkpr The Rowland Co, h Bucna Vista av Bradberry Jos E (Sarah J), farmer, h 286 Boulevard Bradberry Lee, student, h 286 Boulevard Bradberry Lizzie Mrs, h 368 Oak ' Bradberry Millinery Co, 225 College av, Mrs A M Burch propr Bradberry Robt E (Laura L), bkkpr Bradberry Millinery Co, h 286
Boulevard Bradberry Ruth Miss, h 286 Boulevard Bradbury Ellie Miss, tchr Childs St Schl. h 193 Grady av Bradbury Mary Mrs, h 020 e Broad ^Bradford Susan, laund, h 194 Cherry '"Bradford Thos (Susie), lab, h 124 Augusta av Bradley Abner \Y (Nellie), plmbr, h 18.") Inglewood av *Bradlcy Alice, dom, h 879 Water Bradlev Clara E Miss, nurse, h 224 w Hancock av Bradley Ezzie Miss, h 140 1st Bradley Goldic Miss, h 140 1st Bradley J Walter (Susie), police, h 140 1st * Bradley Lena, smstrs, h 220 Pearl Bradley Robt O, elk H D Marbut, h 1-10 1st Bradwell Hall, State Normal Schl, Miss Chloe Alien matron *Brady Wm. butler, h 430 Cleveland av Bramlet Annie L Miss, mill \vkr, bds 53:} Xantahala av Bramlctt Erank L (Amanda), elk H T Huggins & Son, h 994 s Lump-
kin Bramlett Henry T (Leila), mill wkr. h 480 Nacoochee av Bramlctt Perry L. elk H T Huggins & Son, h 994 s Lumpkin Brand Chas H. judge, h 645 s Milledge av Brand Julia E Miss, h 645 s Milledge av Brand Louelle W Miss, H 645 s Milledge av Brandt Chas W, elk R Brandt, h 294 Dcaring Frandt Rudolph (Vessie R), jeweler and optician, 223 e Clayton, h
294 Dearing
Branson E C, prof, h 125 s Milledge av *Braswell Henry (Xora), lab, h 396 Georgia Depot
Braswell Julius (Mattie), porter, h 213 Reese
*Brawner Andrew, emp Athens G L E Co, h Gas House al *Brawner Bohannon. dom, h 185 Cherry *Brawner Genevieve, dom, h 185 Cherry *Brawner Isabelle, laund, h 185 Cherry *Brawner Julius, lab, h 185 Cherry *"Brawner \\ m (Lula), lab, h 220 Atlanta av *Brawner Wm, porter Davidson-Xicholson Co, h 185 Cherry
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Blrfg. 185'. College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
Bray Annie Miss, elk, h TOO Ptilaski Bray Blanche Miss, h 415 e Dougherty Bray Blanche Miss, h 311 n Thomas Bray Hattie M Miss, bkkpr Chas Stern & Co, rms 480 Meigs Bray Mary F Mrs, propr Colonial Inn, h same Bray Mollie F, wid Jos N, h 415 e Dougherty Bray W Pope, propr University Pressing Club, h 311 Thomas
Bray Walter T (Jessie), farmer, h (r) 154:5 s Lumpkin Bray Wilhurn (Janie), wood wkr, h 732 Pulaski *Breazele Crayton (Maude), plstr, h 521 \v Hancock av *Bre\ver Estella, dom, h Inadale nr Billups Brewer Henry (Maggie), mill wkr, h 315 Hiawassee av Brewer Henry jr. barber L F Cooper, h 102 w Clayton Brewer Holman F (Dollie), mtrmn Athens Ry Elec Co, h Satullah
av Brewer Horace C (Mamie), driver, h Boulevard extd Brewer Jno H (Margaret), h Satullah av Brewer W Claude, bkkpr The Orr Drug Co Bridges Chas C (Muriel), (Bridges & Co), h H! \Yilkers<m Bridges Claude C, cngnr Athens Ice Co. h 310 Oconee Bridges David \Y, bkkpr 1)r M I' Matthews, h 1 IS Mulberry Bridges K R, store k eper Athens Ry & Elec Co Bridges Emma J, wid J C), h US Mulberry Bridges J Frank, meat ctr Bridges & Co, h 148 Mulberry Bridges Lonie M, meat ctr Bridges & Co, h 148 Mulberry Bridges Mary L, wid Robt, h 327 Oconee Bridges Myrtle Miss, mill wkr, h 327 Oconee Bridges Otis (Madie), painter, h 595 Barber Bridges Ruby Miss, mill wkr, h 327 Oconee Bridges & Co, (C C Bridges), meat mkt 105o e Broad Briggs Alice K Miss, h 712 Cobb Briggs Harry B (Lillie). (Briggs & Juhlin). h 153 Vine Briggs W Prescott Jr, stengr, h 712 Cobb Briggs Wm P (Annie), auditor C A Rowland & Co. h 712 Cobb
Briggs & Juhlin (II B Hriggs and II E Juhlin). proprs Clarke County Gas Generating Co, 143 College av
Briscoe Henry C (Briscoe & Son), h 380 s Lumpkin Briscoe Madison P (Ella), (Briscoe & Son), h 380 s Lumpkin Briscoe Maggie Miss, h 380 s Lumpkin Briscoe & Son (M P and H C Briscoe), gun and locksmiths, 140 IS n
Thomas *Brittain Geo W (Janie), carp, h 1158 \v Broad Brittain Jos (Emma), mill wkr, h 220 Williams *Brittain Lucius (Sallie), lab, h 1180 w Hancock av *Brittain Saphronia, dom, h 1180 w Hancock av
Hthor MoHilim 1H t ^ie wor^ ' ve? tne information contained UUI6I muUllJIII in a Directory. It is consulted every day in the vear. Mr. Business Man. where can vou find a better medium
Phone 618
: : 401 E. Broad St.
Brittain Wm J, police, h 147 Ruth av
*Britton Harrison (Dora), lab, h 461 Hoyt
Broach Berta Mrs, elk W T Collins & Co. h 115 e Hancock av
Broach Mercer (Berta), trav slsmn Micfiael Bros, bds 115 e Han-
cock av
Broadus Ila \\' Miss, nurse State Normal Schl
Broadway Studio, 25l /l2 e Broad, J G Bowden propr
Brobston Kennedy D (Annie), trav slsmn. h 1140 Prince av
Brobston Thos YV (Virginia), pres Fleming-Hearing Hdw Co, h 1140
Prince av
*Brock Crawford, porter, h 673 Pulaski
Brock Ellis R (Annie E), inspr SAL Ry. h 663 Pulaski
BROCK POPE F (Smith & Brock), res U of Ga Campus
lirock \Ym (Emma), lab, h 673 Pulaski
Brooks Abraham (Sarah), elk B Goldwasscr. h 440 n Eoundry
Brooks Alvin N (Bessie), supt City Stockade, h Boulevard extd
Brooks Andrew J (Edith), mill wkr, h 163 Tibbctts av
Brooks Bcauchamp. elk R M S
* Brooks Edwd, porter, h 140 Cherry
Brooks Hczekiah K, police, h 163 Tibbetts av
*Brooks Isaac, lab, h 767 n Lumpkin
Brooks J Frank, elk YVeatherly & Bernard, h 290 w Clayton
Brooks Jas R. driver, h *573 Pulaski
* Brooks Jos, porter E H Dorsey, h 140 Cherry
Brooks Joyce P>, elk Bernstein Bros, bds 660 n Lumpkin
*Brooks Lizzie, laund. h 293 Cleveland av
BROOKS LLOYD E (Sallie), chief of police, h 373 e Dougherty
*Brooks Lucy, h 140 Cherry
*Brooks Robt. lab, h 463 Hoyt
Brooks Robt L (Sarah D)., soft drinks 181 n Thomas, h 573 Pulaski
Brooks Robt P. prof U of Ga
Brook* Roy (Cumi), elk J L Pinkussohn Cigar Co. h 250 Baxter
* Brooks Sidney, lab, h 224 Rock Spring
*Brooks Solomon (Harriett), porter Arnold & Abney, h 345 Lyndon
Brooks Wm P, cashr Georgia Xatl Bank, h Jefferson rd
Brooks WofTord L (Fannie), trav slsmn. h 819 College av
Broom Robt W (Flora), mill wkr, h 121 VVilkerson
Broome Anna M Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 182 Childs
Broome J Florence, elk The McGregor Co, h 182 Childs
Broome Jos D CMamie), contr. h 182 Childs
Broome Mabel J Miss, h 182 Childs
Broome Zephielee. wid Saml M, h 774 n Jackson
*Broughton Moses, emp Athens Ry & Elec Co
*Rrown Albert (Ellen), janitor, h 328 Athens av
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor. No. 8 Nrrth Pflrk Square Hrnry S. Shockley. Principal Book-Veppine, American
Banking, Office Systems. Wholesaling. Comrois-
sion. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping:. Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con-
tracts. Practical Salesmanship. Business Arithmetic. Spelling. English. Punctuation, Type
writing. Shorthand. Eater any time.
Office work of all kind?
With all 2-Gallon Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices Cash 2-Gallons Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00 Corn or Rye.
*Brown Albert, cook, h 760 n Chase
* Brown Annie, cook, h 420 Cleveland av
Brown Benj W (Martha), wood wkr, h 198 Barrow
*Brown David (Eliza), lab, h 870 Reese
Brown Dones, propr Busy Bee Cafe, h 538 Oconee
*Brown Easter, cook 185 n Hull
* Brown Ellen, janrtress New Town Schl, h 324 Athens av
*Brown Elliott M, dentist Mortem Bldg, h 328 Athens av
* Brown Emma, h 424 Reese
Brown Emma Miss, h 170 Park av
* Brown Fannie, laund, h 562 w Broad
Brown Fannie, wid D S, h 393 s Jackson
* Brown Frank (Angie), porter Costa's, h 157 Xewton
*Brown Fred, cleaning and pressing 792 w Broad, h New Town
* Brown Geo VV (Lucy), janitor High School, h 141 Lyndon row
* Brown Ida E, h 263 Reese
*Brown Irene V, tchr New Town Schl, h 328 Athens av
*Brown Jas A, agt Ga Mutual Ins Co, h Rock Spring
Brown Jas C, elk Eewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h 132 Willow
*Brown Jno (Bertha), lab, h 185 n Rock Spring
*Brown Jno (Mary A), drayman 516 n Billups, h same
*l'rown Jno, propr Star Shoe Shine Parlor
*Brown Jno (Evaline), porter, h 167 Crawford av
Brown Jno M (Minnie), stove repr, h 741 n Thomas
Brown Llewellyn C, mngr Athens Coca-Cola Bot Co, h 143 Grady av
*Brown Lemuel M, lab Sou Ref Co, h 148 Hoyt
*Brown Mamie, h 186 John
*Brown Mamie E, tchr Knox Inst & Indus Schl, h 987 Reese
*Brown Margaret, cook 575 n Jackson
*Brown Mary, laund, h 175 Cohen
Brown Minnie Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co
*Brown Monroe (Louise), porter Dorsey Furn Co. h 224 Lyndon av
Brown Peter F. tchr State Xormal School
* Brown Polly, dom, h 138o w Hancock av
*Bro\vn Race (Ella), mill wkr, h 882 Water
*Brown Robt. porter J L Arnold, h 424 Reese
Brown Ruby Miss, asst Athens Dental Parlors, h 393 s Jackson
*Brown Rufus (Hassie), emp Sou Ref So, h 1380 w Hancock av
*Brown Sallie, dom, h 146 n Church
Brown Sophronia, laund, h 648 n Chase
*Brown Sophie, dom, h (r) 973 Prince av
*Bro\vn Susan, janitress West Athens Schl. h 1353 w Hancock av
Brown T Dones (Munnie P), elk Busy Bee Cafe, h 179 Mitchell
Brown Wedford W (Gladys), city bacteriologist and phys, h 130
Grady av
Roman and Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Building*.
Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tilt and Terazzo Floor
Pkonis 2066 and 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264-
*T3rown Weldon, bottler Athens Coca-Cola Bot Co
* Brown Win. eating hso 512 w Broad, h 1(50 n Chase
Brown Wm J (Eva), baker Sanitary Bakery, h 428 s Lumpkin
Brown Willic Miss, elk l")avison-Nicholson Co, h 393 s Jackson
*Brown Wilson (Annie), farmer, h 1253 w Broad
* Brown Winnie, laund, h 18.") n Rock Spring
* Brown Wyatt (Sophia), lab, h (r) 973 Prince av
"'Brown Zaehariah. waiter (ieorgian Hotel
* Browning Jos, emp Klcin-Martin Co
Browning Marccllns 1) (Alwilda). trav slsmn Webb-Crawford Co, h
1<>3 Xantahala av
Brpw Robt. pressman The Mcdregor Co, h 457 River
Bruce Emma Mrs, boarding 117 w Washington, h same
Bruce Myrtle Miss, elk Michael Bros
Bruce Wm H (Emma), bartndr, h 147 w Washington
BrumhJo () E. kiln burner Athens Pottery Co, bds 703 e Broad
Brumby Annie Miss, prin Lucy Cobb Inst
Brumby Jno W (Belle 11). hides, h 313 e Hancock av
Brumbv Stella () Mrs. dom dept Lucy Cobb Inst
BRUNSON J HOWELL, sec-treas Empire Furn Co, h 311 n Thomas
Bryan Morris M, electrn Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 898 Prince av
BRYAN WM T (Harriett), v-pres Columbia Fire Ins Co, pres-treas
Athens Ry & Klec Co and Sou Mnfg Co, h 048 Prince av
Bryant A Binus. barber E C James, h 173 Wilkcrson
Bryant Augustus M ( Fannie), barber 153 n Jackson and propr Bryant's
Hairdressing Parlor, h 173 Wilkcrson
Bryants Hairdressing Parlor, 010-011 Sou Mutual Bldg, A M Bryant
Bryant Howard, cftc Postal Tel Co, h 173 Wilker.-:on
Bryant Jasper, h 955 n Chase
Bryant Jos B (Normal, printer Tlu Banner Printery, h 1470 e Broad
*Brydie C'amilla, h 193 n Finlt-y
*Brydie Mary J, tchr Athens H & I Schl, h 193 n Finley
*Brydie Mattie. student, h 193 n Finley
*Brydie Wm (Nell), lab, h 873 w Broad
ITsner Louise, wid D F. h 1127 Oconee
Bucannoii M Arthur (Florie), carp, h Satullah av
I-Juchm-r ( Mto F ( Ma), elk R L Brooks, h 1127 Oconee
Buchwald Bros (Victor and Casper L), millinery and ladies' ready-to-
wear. 401 e Broad
Buchwald Casper L (Buchwald Bros), h 151 w Hancock av
Buchwald Mary, wid Ephriam. h 154 w Hancock av
Buchwald Moses (Rachel), shoes 100 College av, h 035 same
Buchwald Moses J ("E Belle), gro 225 w Hancock av, h 9 Grove
Buchwald Rosa Miss, elk Sanitary Bakery, h Bloomfield
An Elegant Massage Cream
H. R. Palmer & Sons :: 225 E. Clayton St.
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
ATHENS GA [11H4-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________123
Buchvvald Victor (Buchwald Bros), h 154 w Hancock av
*Bugg Albert, lab, h (r) 312 n Thomas
Bugg Ernest D, slsmn Athens Chero-Cola Co, h 863 n Chase
*Buggs Seaborne (Julia), lab, h 190 Lyndon av
Billiard Ernest (Maude), mchst Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 323 s Jackson
I'.ullard Win S (Eunice), elk M 1' Matthews, h -126 River
Bulley S M & Son, cotton exporters J26J/> Oconee, J W Chipley agt
Bullock Beauregard G ^Cornelia), carp, h 146 Herring
Bullock Edwd (Nannie), mill vvkr, h 247 Chattanooga av
Bullock Geo N (Susan), carp, h 137 Peters
Bullock J Kline, stengr The McGregor Co, h 175 s Pulaski
Bullock Jas H, v-pres Athens Shoe Co
Bullock Jas R (May), mngr Red Seal Shoe Shop
Bullock Jno B (Pinkie), carp, h 798 Oconee
Bullock Linnie Miss, h 179 Hiavvassee av
Bullock Mary A, wid Hawkins, boarding 179 Hiawassee av, h same
Bullock Maude Miss, h 146 Herring
Bullock Richd, pressmn Garner-Price Printing Co, h 146 Herring
Bullock Richd H (Callie), elk Head & McMahan, h 628 Boulevard
Bullock Thelma Miss, student, h 146 Herring
Bunkley Howell E, trav slsmn H E Huggins & Son
*Bunkley Lula, laund, h 156 Herring
*Bunkley Robt, emp Jas Davis, h 169 Newton
*Bunkley Seymour, emp Crow & Co, h 156 Herring
Burch Alice C Miss, stengr, h 574 n Jackson
*Burch Amanda, laund, h Elbert
Burch Geo W, soft drinks 143 n Jackson, h 646 Boulevard
Burch Jas, painter, h 527 s Jackson
Burch Jas M, drayman, bds 294 s Lumpkin
Burch Jno M (Clyde), mngr G \V Burch. h 646 Boulevard
Burch Jos, elk A Childers, h 294 s Lumpkin
Burch Laura W, wid Luther H, h 574 n Jackson
Burch Lonie Mrs, propr Bradberry Millinery Co, h 286 Boulevard
Burch Richd (Berta), elk G W Burch, h 684 College av
Burch Rufus H, elk Athens Terminal Co, h 574 n Jackson
*Burch Sarah, boarding 148 Hoyt, h same
*Burch Thos B, porter, h Elbert
Burch Wm A, elk C of Ga Ry, h 574 n Jackson
Burden J Herschel, elk, rms 298 w Hancock av
Burden Wm G, elk Sou Exp Co, bds 297 w Broad
Burger Allie V Miss, h 545 Nantahala av>
Burger Wm H (Ida), gro 983 n Chase, h 545 Nantahala av
Burgess Henry L (Eva), h 150 Cemetery
*Burk Laura, laund, h (r) 568 Pulaski
Burkhalter Wm A (Emma), emp State Agr College, h 125 Carlton
I n You Advertise Ul A The Reason 11 f| Good
' " The Cilv Directory " " Becfuse " ^ Results
Burnet Uuncan (Inez), librarian U of Ga, h 620 Reese Bunutt Ann J, wid \\iley B, h 136 Hill Burnt, tt Weldon L, elk The Orr Drug Co, rms 145J/2 e Clayton *Burney Annie M, tchr Athens H & I Schl, h 853 Reese *Burney Annie M, mill wkr, h 360 Macon av Burney Geo W (Ethel), agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, h 227 DuBose
av * Burney Isidor H (Annie M), dentist Morton Bldg, h 853 Reese Burns Harold (Louise), elk, bds 370 s Lumpkin *~Burns jno, porter Talmage Hd\v Co, h Rock Spring Burns Lemuel A (Ida), loans, h ^46 College av * Burns Lena, laund, h 329 Lyndon av Burnside Jas \V, ins agt, bds 244 Barber Burnside Thos E (Rosa), cabt mkr, h 465 Ruth av Burpee Annie Mrs, h 324 Oak Burgee R A, police Bursun Frank, msgr \V U Tel Co, h Jefferson rd Burson Susan M Miss, h 1570 s Lumpkin Bnrson YVm M Dr, prof U of Ga, h 1570 s Lumpkin Burt Annie, wid W H, h 356 Hoyt Burt Ethel Miss, elk Abe Joel & Sons, h 356 Hoyt Burton Alberta Miss, h 240 Ruth av Burton Augustus V (Eliza), h 240 Ruth av Burton D G, driver Klein-Martin Co Burton Daisy Miss, mlnr Davison-Xicholson Co, h 240 Ruth av *Burton Dora, eating hse, 142 Hoyt, h same Burton Grady, elk, bds 297 w Broad Burton Harry, elk Sou Exp Co, h 197 w Hancock av Burton Horatio B (Laura), bkkpr J W Welch, h 749 Boulevard Burton J Herschel, elk M & W Cigar Co, h 197 w Hancock av Burton Jno D (Stella), slsmn Jay H Epting Co, h 197 w Hancock av Burton Margaret Miss, h 197 w Hancock av Burton Race H, elk W T Collins & Co, h 749 Boulevard Busee Henry Mrs, h 225 Hill *Bush Alice, dom, h 760 w Broad *Bush Clarence, porter, h 760 w Broad *Bush David (Hattie), lab, h 173 Augusta av *Bush Frank (Ida), lab. h 127 Augusta av Bush Fred J (Xellie). elk Sou Hv, h 223 Xantahala av *Bush Lula, cook, h 760 wBroad' *Bubh Russell (Lela), lab, h 113 Augusta av Bush YVm T, spl ins agt, bds Hotel Sanges Busy Bee Cafe, 115 College av, Dones Brown propr Busy Bee Cafe, e Broad, Mike Petropol propr *Butler Annie, h 126 Stephens
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 905
Ask someone about us. They will tell you we give
Satisfactory Service.
268 N. Jackson St.
Butler Asa Mrs, h 847 Hill
Butler Benj M (Annie), pressmn The McGregor Co, h 804 n Lumpkm
Butler Cleon Miss, hairdresser, bds 536 n Jackson
Butler Daisy A Miss, h 147 Virginia av
Butler Fannie Miss, h 137 Summey
Butler Henry T (Eunice), carp, h 170 Baldwin
Butler Isaac N (Florence), genl mdse 921 n Chase, h 915 same
*Bufler Isaiah (Missie), driver Crawford & Merry, h 126 Stevens
*Butler Jas, lab, h 398 Oak
Butler L Saml, printer, h 137 Summey
*Butler Leonard, lab McElroy Trans Co, h Hoyt
*Butler Lewis (Emma), lab, h 398 Oak
Butler Matthew, h 137 Summey
Butler Monroe, h 147 Virginia av
Butler Sarah F Miss, h 147 Virginia av
Butler Tempie R, wid J W, h 693 s Lumpkin
*Butler Wm, cook Manhattan Cafe, h 433 Reese
Buzhardt Emma Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 367 e Strong
Buzhardt Jno R (Emma), elk J Davis, h 367 e Strong
Byerly Herman, lineman, bd$ 245 w Washington
Byers Stella, wid J B, propr The Etowah, h 247 w Hancock av
*Byrd Alice, laund, h 253 Reese
Byrd Benj P (Maggie), engnr, h 762 Pulaski
*Byrd Emory, porter Buchwald Bros
Byrd Hattie Mrs, hairdresser Bryant's Hairdressing Parlor, h 149
Bvrd Jno L (Hattie), carp, h 149 Wilkerson
*Byrd King (Cora), lab, h (r) 392 Augusta av
*Byrd Leroy, lab, h 660 w Broad
*Byrd Solomon (Lizzie), carp, h 660 w Broad
WBYRD see also BIRD
Cable Jno H (Lettie), collr O R Dobbs, h 235 n Hull Cagle Buren F (Banner), mchst Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 24,3 Na-
coochee av Cain Luna M, wid Jno R, h 282 e Hancock av Cain Reuben, emp Taylor Electric Co iCaldwell Elizabeth K Miss, tchr, bds 448 n Milledge av Caldwell Emmett, mill wkr, h 153 Park av
Caldwell Fannie J Miss, tchr Childs St Schl. h 448 n Milledge av
Martin Bros JOBBERS OF HABNESS and Caldwell Georgia A Mrs, boarding 153 Park av, h same
Phone 621
455 Clayton : Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty
238-249 Broad St. Jobbers and 'Retailers Phone 280-J
s, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Calchvell Jas H, bkkpr 1 T Kilpatrick Caldwcll Jas 1' (Ruby)., tcl opr Postal Tel-Cable Co, h 23G w Wash-
ington Caldwcll Jos E (Georgia A), tinner, h 153 Park av Calchvell Lena Miss, mill \vkr, h 153 Park av Caldwcll Mary Miss mill wkr, b 153 Park av Call Chas \\' '(Frances M ), mchst, h 063 n Jackson Callaban Henry G, kkkpr Inman-Akers & Innian, bds 513 n Jackson Callaway Edna' A Miss, h s-'l Hill Callaway Edwd C (Xuna), gcnl mdse, Prince av extd nr Georgia av,
h Prince av cor Georgia av CALLAWAY GROCERY CO (The), 597 c Broad phone 73; R L
Callaway pres, A \V Wicr sec Callaway Ida R Miss, h 858 Hill Callawav Iris Miss, tchr State Normal Schl Callaway Jennie M Miss, h 821 Hill Callaway Jno I) elk The Callaway Gro C<>, h .M.~> s Milledge av Callaway M Hammond. student, h S24 Hill Callaway Mary A, wid Marshall S, h 858 Hill
Callaway R Lee (Eva D). pres The Callaway Gro Co, h 545 s Millege av
Callaway Randall E, student, h 81G Hill *' "Callaway Riley. lab, Webb-Crawford Co, h 18G East av Callawav Robt L Jr, student, h 5)5 s Milledge av Callaway Webster S (Maria), farmer, h 824^ Hill Callaway Wm M (Leila), trav slsmn Athens Mattress &. Spring Bed
Co, h 799 Boulevard .Callaway Wm S (Susie), farmer, h 84 G Hill *Calloway Knox (Callie), lab, h GG4 n Lumpkin Calloway Sidney J (Janie), mtrmn Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Easy nr
Satullah av *Calloway Wm (Anna B), barber, 788 n Lumpkin, h same Camak Building (offices), 151 'j e Clayton
Camak Jas \\" (Josephine), atty at law. h .'519 Mcigs Camak Louis, h 319 Meigs Camak Mary W, wid Dr Jas, h 319 Meigs Camp Albert S, student, h e Hancock av Campbell Barney, optician, bds 328 Oconee Campbell Carl C (Jaffie), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 798 Boule-
vard CAMPBELL CHAS D (Luella), (Campbell & Barrow), h Milledge
Terrace phone 984 *Campbell Delia, laund, h 294 Lyndon av .Campbell Edwd, trav slsmn. bds 328 Oconee Campbell Elixabeth Miss, kkkpr Singer Sewing Mch Co, h 174 e Strong
'BooJ^-seller.f Staiic ner*f Fr/nterj-
The McGregor Company
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185' College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialtiej
Campbell Jas P (Lorene), prof U of Ga, h s Lumpkin
*Campbell Jennie, smstrs, h 748 n Hull
*Campbell [no (Martha), drayman, 22:5 n Miller, h same
Campbell Jno P, prof U of Ga
Campbell Jno \V (Sarah A), h 71)8 Boulevard
*Campbell Jos (Minnie), porter B Dunaway, h Boulevard
*Campbell Josephine, dom, h :52<S Atlanta av
^Campbell Julia, dom, h 1:55:5 w Hancock av
*Campbell Katie J, tchr Knox Inst & Indus Schl, h 748 n Hull
*Campbell Luke, la, h 20 1 Lyndon av
*Campbell Mary, launcl, h 294 Lyndon av
*Campbell Mary K, wid J M, h 42S n Milledge av
^Campbell Nora, laund, h 204 Lyndon av
Campbell Otis I 1", elk Boston Cafe, h 896 Chase
Campbell Otis F Miss, mlnr, h 798 Boulevard
Campbell Roy C (Sadie), agt C of G Ry, h 175 Grady av
CAMPBELL & BARROW (C D Campbell and B H Barrow), real
estate and loans, G04-(><>5 Holman Bldg phone 177 (see stencils)
Candler Hall, U of Ga Campus
Cann Mamie Miss, elk Michael Bros, bds 2:57 \v Dougherty
Canning Gustavus T (Pauline), phys, 608 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 1187
Prince av
Canning Louis P, vvhol drugs, 376 e Washington, bds 162 w Clayton
Canning Louis P, elk, rms Regina House
Canning W Russell (Canning & Patterson), h 784 Prince av
Canning & Patterson (\V R Canning and R L Patterson), whol gro,
Thomas cor Oconee
Cantrell A L, driver Sou Exp Co
Capps Mary V Miss, h 181 Barber
Capps Wm A (Minnie), watchmkr C A Scudder. h 181 Barber
iCaptain B<erry, tile lyr, bds 372 Thomas
Cardell Emma Miss, student, h 356 e Strong
Cardell Emory S, barber A M Bryant, h 356 e Strong
Cardell Mary F, wid Aaron, h 356 e Strong
Cardell Mary L Miss, h 356 e Strong
ardell Otis ( Pinkie);, agt G T Spivey h 367 s Finley
*Carey Dillard (Zilla), meat ctr, h 270 n Chase
Carithers Elizabeth Miss, h 524 Meigs
Carithers Frank J, h 524 Meigs
*Carithers Fred (Berta), porter J S Pinkussohn Cigar Co, h Oconee Carithers Harold G, bkkpr Davison-Xicholson Co, h 297 w Broad Carithers Herschel, elk Sou Mutual Ins Co, h 524 Meigs CARITHERS JAMES Y (Eula W), pres Columbia Fire Ins Co and
Athens Ry & Flee Co, h 530 s Milledge av Carithers Ludd T (Fannie), carp, h 107 Childs
I n You Advertise * Iff fl The Reason II ft Good
U in
fin L is II ll Results
^ TThhoe PCiittuy nDiirroencttnorruy Wf vw wwf DBeocnaouiicsne " W
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are ''Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
Carithers Vera Miss, h 164 Nellie B av
Carithers Wm G (Mary L), poulty, h 524 Meigs
Carlton America Miss, h 575 \Vaddell
Carlton Guy, weigher J X Carlton, h 575 Waddell
Carlton Helen C, vvid Henry H, h 575 Waddell
Carlton Henry H, asst elk Superior Court, h 575 Waddell
*Carlton Jno, lab, Sou Kef Co
Carlton Jno X (Annie), livery, 205;i> s Thomas, h Whitehall rd, R D 3
Carlton Wm A (Susie L), phys, 710-711 Son Mutual Bldg, h 750 s
Milledge av
CarrAllen.dk Davison-Xichulson Co
*Carr Jas (Sarah), lab, h (r) 392 Augusta av
Carr Jno D (Roxie), harness mkr Martin Bros, h 115 Elizabeth
Carr Jones, bkkpr Martin Bros, h 145 Elizabeth
Carrington Jno W (Rosa), mill wkr, h 133 Chattanooga av
CARROW EUGENE W (Willie V), mngr Athens Daily Herald, h
650 Reese
*Carson Chester, mill wkr, h 173 Xew
iCarson Tamah Miss mill wkr, h 173 Xew
Carson Henry B, mill wkr, h 173 Xew
Carson Kenney Miss, mill wkr, h 173 Xew
*Carswell Estelle, cook, h 700 w Broad
^Carter Alonzo, porter H R Palmer & Sons, h Fowler Town
Carter Arthur B (Mary), trav slsmn, h 172 Grady av
Carter Charlie Miss, h 132 Arch
Carter Danl, shipping agt, bds 235 Du Bosc av
Carter Dewey, h 585 Oconee
Carter Edwd, mill wkr, h 398 Hiawassee av
Carter Edwd A (Lizzie)], gro, 315 Oconee, h 585 same
*Carter Emory (Xannie), fireman, h Fowler Town
Carter Eugene, elctrn, h 585 Oconee
Carter Frank (Stella), slsmn, h 549 College av
Carter Henry T (Lucy), agt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, h 265 Barber
*Carter J Gaines (Mozella), porter Hilley & Jones, h (r) 190 n
Carter Jno, mill wkr, h 398 Hiawasssee av
*Carter Lee (Bessie), cook Manhatten Cafe, h 035 n Hull
Carter Leonidas M, prof U of Ga
*Carter Maggie, cook, h 134 n Church
Carter Mary, wid Chas, h 132 Arch
Carter Mary Miss, h 585 Oconee
*Carter Mattie, dom, h 1146 w Broad
Carter P Lorena, wid Robt, h 398 Hiawassee av
Carter R Earl (Edna E), mngr Athens Business College, bds \Vayside
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor. No 8 North Pack Square. Henry S. Shockley Himijai Frtk ketrirg, Anenct-.n
Banking Office Systen:s, Wholesaling, Commis-
N. C.
son, Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keep ng, Cost
Accounting, Faim Bock-keeping, Business Con-
tracts, Pr.i,:ti;al salesmanship, Business Arithmetic, Spelling, English, Punctuation, Typewriting
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited-
Order 4-Qurts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
__________ATHENS GA 11014-15] CITY DIRECTORY________129
*Carter Saml C (Annie), drayman, 18.") n Miller, h same
Carter Sidney T (Irene) k carp, h 237 Wynburn pi
*Carter Sophia, dom, h 215 n Pope *Carter Susie E. tchr Athens H & I School, h 220 n Harris *Carter Thos (Dora), lab, h 1236 w Hancock av *Carter VVm, lab, h 463 Hoyt
*Carter VVm G (Evelina), pool, ID") \v Washington, h 835 Prince av Cartey Emmett M, elk R M S Cartey Gassaway, emp Athens Auto Sales & Repair Co, h Clover-
hurst Cartlcdge Jos C (Edna), mill wkr, h 180 Lenoir av Cartledge S C, carrier R E D 2 Cartledge Saml J Rev (Reta), pastor Central Presbyterian Church,
h 16!) Grady av
Case Clarence A ( Li/./.ie), optician R Rrandt, h 1323 s Lumpkin Case VVm, student, h 1323 s Lumpkin *Cas'y Henry (Beatrice), lab, h 137 Cohen *Cash Georgia, dom, h 590 n Hull *Cash Lula, dom, h Roufevard extd Cash Market. 822 Water, W R Cooper propr *Cash West (Hattie). lab. h 22-1 n Miller Cash Young E (Almeda), h s60 n Chase Caskey Grandison M (Vallie). architect and builder, h 683 Boulevard Caskey Jas W (Irma), hse mover, h 115 Milkdge Terrace *Castle Fannie, h 1257 w Hancock av *Castle Sarah, cook, h 1257 w Hancock av *Castle Susan, dom. h 1257 w Hancock av *Castloe Ed\vd. lab. h 1227 w Hancnck av *Castloe Mary, cook, h 1227 w Hancock av *Castloe Scott, lab. h 1227 w Hancock av Center A M & Co (Alben M Center and Seymour Marable), genl mdse,
897 n Chase" Center Alben M ( Linnie) (A M Center & Co), h 724 Boulevard Center Augusta B Miss, tchr State Normal Schl, rms 1075 Prince av Center Foney E (Bessie), elk Armour & Co, h 845 Oconee Center W Rufus. h 724 Boulevard Outer Walter MeC. elk (ill Hnlme & C<>. h \'>l Boulevard Central of Georgia Railway, office, 184 College av. B R Bloodworth
coml agt. passngr and frt station. Mitchcll. 1 C Hellner agt Central Presbyterian Church. Prince av s e cor Milledge av. Rev S J
Cartledge pastor g^CEPHUS .see SEIFERS
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
130_________ATHENS GA 11914-151 CITY DIRECTORY__________
CHAKN1S FRUIT & PRODUCE CO (Mamicl Chaknis and P G
IVtropol ). .M'.i c Broad phone 1210
Wholesale Fruit and Produce Merchants
549 Broad Street
Bell Phone 1210
CHAKNIS MANUEL (Chaknis Fruit & Produce Co), h 424 w Hancock av
Chamber of Commerce, 101 Shackelford Bldg, Clare D Heidler sec Chamberlin Bldg, 335J/2 e Clayton Chambers Ida Mrs, boarding, 310 s Lumpkin, h same "Chambers Michael (Camella), lab, h 147 Oak Chambers Thos J (Ida), h 370 s Lumpkin Champion U S (Kate), trav slsmn, h 684 College av Chancey Clifford X, stengr Klein-Martin Co, h Xantahala av Chandler'Carter E, msgr Postal Tel Co, h 287^ n Lumpkin Chandler Clarence B (Mamie), h 640 Cobb Chandler Clarence D (Helen), tres Athens Shoe Co, h 386 Hill Chandler Claude, elk Michael Bros Chandler David T (XTaggie), carp, h loO Inglewood av Chandler Jas C (Carrie), asst cashr Georgia Xatl Bank, h 124 Boule-
vard Chandler Juan E, mchst Hood's Garage, h 279J/ n Lumpkin *Chandler Mary E, smstrs, h 189 Warsaw Chandler May A Miss, h Oglethorp av Chandler Otis J (Ruth), emp Ga State Coll of Agric, h Greene cor
Lumpkin Chandler Ralph A (C Lena), ins, h Oglethorp av "Chaney Henry (Mary), lab, h 337 Arch' "Chaney Jos (Alice), ice ctr, h 249 n Einley "Chaney Julia, dom. h 1186 w Hancock av "Chanev "Matt, lab. Sou Ref Co " Chaney Mell (Sallie). bottler, h 1346 w Uroad "Chancy Ora, dom, h 1186 w Hancock av
Prescriptions Com-
tfeired ^har^alilts, H.R. PdllUBF & dOHS at
PHONES: Office 394 Residence P57-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
Chapman Thos M (Emily), overseer Sou Mnfg Co, h 585 Nantahala av
Chappell Annie Miss, h 130 Miles *Chappell Randle, lab McElroy Transfer Co *Charles Jno C, sec Hamilton McWhorU-r, bds 005 n Lumpkin Chasteen Viola, wid Wm, h 100 Miles Chancey Clifford, stengr, bds 000 Xantaahala av CHEATHAM C D, wholesale and mail order liquors and wines, 1221-
23 Market st, Chattanooga Tenn (s.'e opp) Cheatham Ida Miss, mlnr Mrs C A Ivey, h 175 Pulaski Cheatham Lixxie Miss, elk I)avisf>n-Xicholson Co, h 175 Pulaski Cheatham Maude Mis.s, elk Sol J UoK-y Co. h 175 Pulaski *Cheatham Mattie Miss, smstrs, h 175 Pulaski Cheatham Wm J (Fannie), carp, h 175 Pulaski Cheleves Andrew A, prop The Oasis, h 0>3 n Jackson *Chenard P.atie, dom, h 201} Reese *Chcnault Lewis, h 3-1S Reese *Chenault Sidney (Carrie), farmer, h .'US Reese *Chcnault Susie, dom. h 3 IS Reese Cheney Frances Miss, h -100 n Millodge av Chency Frances M, wid I ; ranklin \V. h I'.xi n Milledge av Cheney Franklin \Y, student, h 400 n Milledgc av Cheney Maude E Miss, h 400 n Milledge av Chestine Saml P (Rosa), contr, h 107 Park av Chi Psi Fraternity Chapter House, 834 Prince av Chief of Fire Dept, 274 n Jackson. Cieo \V McDorman CHIEF OF POLICE, City Hall, L E P, rooks chf Childers Annie Miss, h 125 w Strong Childers Asburv, soft drinks, 154 n Thomas Childers I la M "Miss, opr Sou Dell Tel & Tel Co, h 125 w Strong *Childs M. aggie, dom. h 230 w Strong Childs Ross R. prof State Agric College, bds 12'.5 s Lumpkin Childs Walter L (Florence' D), fertilixer, S13 Ilolman Bldg, h 24S
Prince av Chilivis Andrew A, fruits, bds 663 n Jackson
Chipley Jno W (Alice), cot byr S M. lUilley & Son, h 535 Prince av Chipman W Evan, v-pres Climax Hosiery Mill, res Easton Pa *Christian Calvin, mill wkr, h Flasy nr Satullah av
CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Pulaski cor Dougherty, Rev Stanley R Grubs pastor
Christian (Jeo T (Leila), guard Clark e Co, h ISO Ingle wood av Christian Xolie Miss, stengr I'obb vKr Frwn. bds V W C A Christian Sis, wid J Washington, h Easy nr Satullah av Christian Wm II (Delia), cik Jay 11 Fpling Co. h 440 e Clayton *Christler Emory (Mary J), plstr, h 803 Meigs
IS NOT LIMITED to your immediate
neighborliorul : you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of vo'ur CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking-
goods in your line___ *
j___j* j* j*
* 132 ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIi RECTORY
*Christler Jno (Elizabeth), lab, h 356 Macon av *Christler Luther (Grace), lab, h 224 Cleveland av *Christopher Charlotte, dom, h 661 Broad Christopher Jno H (Pauline), collr, h 16? Tibbetts Church Wm A E (Sarah L), h 274 n Thomas Citizens Bank and Trust Co, 170 College av; W H Shelton pres,
A C Erwin v-pres, R W Woods cashr Citizens Meat Market, 769 College av, A Saml Cutler propr CITIZENS PHARMACY (Inc), "We are as near you as your tele
phone"--phones 1066 and 1067, 282 e Clayton; R W Speir pres, O H Arnold Jr v-pres, J K Patrick sec-treas (see head of each letter) CITY CLERK & TREAS OFFICE, City Hall, W L Wood elk and treas City Court of Athens, Court House CITY DIRECTORY, Piedmont Directory Co, owners and publrs, Asheville N C, E H Miller mngr CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT, 274 n Jackson, G W McDorman chief CITY OFFICIALS-- Attorney--Jerome Michael Bacteriologist and Physician--W W Brown Chief of Fire Dept--Geo W McDorman Chief of Police--L E Brooks City Hall--College cor Hancock av City Marshal--B F Woods City Stockade (Workhouse) --Boulevard extd, A N Brooks supt Clerk and Treasurer--W L Wood Engineer--J W Barnett Mayor--W F Dorsey Pres Board of Health-- Dr J P Proctor Sanitary Inspector--J H Booth Supt City Water W'orks, Jas Barrow Supt of Schools-- Supt of Streets--O C Harbin CITY POLICE HEADQUARTERS, City Hall, L E Brooks chief City Prison, College av cor Washington City Stockade (Workhouse), Boulevard extd, A N Brooks supt City Water Works, Plant, Oconee nr Bird, Jas Barrow supt Clapps Crawford (Carrie),, emp Sou Ref Co, h 1055 Prince av *Clark Annie, cook, h 125 n Pope *Clark Annie, h 220 Peters *Clark Carlton, lab, h 220 Peters *Clark Daisy, dom, h Fowler Town Clark Edwd P, student, h 320 s Lumpkin *Clark Hattie, cook, h 1126 w Hancock av
Player Pianos, Pianos, Organs and
459 E. Olayton
Phone 900
Baths HILLEY & JONES Cigars
Our Service and Sanitary Principals Unexcelled. 268 H. Jackson St.
CLARK HENRY F REV, pastor St Joseph's Catholic Church, h 515
n Harris
*Clark Jas (Lena), lab, h Fowler Town
Clark Jas D (Mary), mill wkr, h 230 Xacoochee av
*Clark Jno (Lula), driver W L Hancock Coal Co, h 480 e Strong
Clark Leonard A (Eloise), bkkpr Miller & Co, h 183 Grady av
*Clark Lewis S (Rosa L)), prin Knox Inst & Indus Schl, h ITS n Pope
Clark Lila, dom, h (r) 121 Boulevard
*Clark Maggie, laund, h 107 n Finley
*Clark Rena, cook 898 Prince av
*Clark Rosa, cook, h 220 Peters
*Clark Rosa L, matron Knox Inst & Indus Schl, h 178 n Clark
*Clark Thos (Anna), porter G W Burch, h 220 Peters
*Clark Wm, lab, h Fowler Town
Clarke County Bank, Holman Bldg; G Y Coleman pres, A G Dudley
v-pres, E I Smith cashr
fClarke County Convict Camp, Lexington rd
Clarke County Gas Generating Co, 1 13 College av, Briggs & Juhlin
Clarke County Officials (see County Officials)
CLASSIC CITY GRANITE WKS (J H and B G Bisson), 29S Ceme-
Classic Theatre, 154 College av, F W Salley mngr
Clay A J, opr Athens Ry & Elec Co
*Clayton Andrew (Parthenia), emp \V H Davis, h 859 w Broad
Clayton Jas, mill wkr, h 164 Bryan
*Clayton Lonnie, porter, h 180 Field
*Clayton Thos, lab \Yebb-Crawford Co, h 160 Cherry
Clayton Thos J (Ella), mill wkr \Vebb-Crawford Co. h 164 Bryan
Cleghorn D J Mrs, smstrs Michael Bros, h 550 n Jackson
Cleghorn Julia Miss, cashr Michael Bros, h 550 n Jackson
*Clements Harry (Xola), lab, h 281 Athens av
Clements Horace, student, rms 535 Prince av
Clements Jno E (Emma), meat ctr Citizens Meat Mkt, h 238 Madi-
son av
Clements Letitia Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 168 e Dougherty
*Clements Mack, porter Georgian Hotel, h Hull
*'Clements Matthew (Minter), janitor U of Ga, h 395 Cleveland av
*Clements Matthew Jr, driver, h 395 Cleveland av
*Clements Victor, porter, h 395 Cleveland av
*Clemmons Clifford (Ida), driver Dorsey Furn Co, h 4G2 Cleveland av
*Clemmons Isaiah, cmp Klein-Martin Co
*Clemmons Nathan, driver Athens Foundry S: Mch Wks
CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT, office Court House. Flmer
J Crawford elk
MARTIN BROS. Mofers Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers PHone 280-J
Buggics.Wapons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
*Cleveland Jno (Eliza), lab, h 147 Strickland *Cleveland Luella, cook Knox Inst & Indus Schl Cleveland Ollie L (Jcannie), baggage agt SAL Ry, h 744 Barber Clifford Nellie M Miss, tchr, h Oglethorp av Clifford Virginia Miss, tchr Muscogee Elementary Schl Clifton Cleo A, wid Y B, h 390 s Lumpkin Climax Hosiery Mills, Oconee nr Williams; A G Dudley pres-treas,
W E Chipman v-pres Clinton Roy C (Alma), elk O'Farrell Cash Gro Co, h 736 n Jackson CLITZ RANDOLPH, mngr Commercial Hotel, h same COBB ANDREW J (Cobb & Erwin) and prof U of Ga, h 428 n Mil-
ledge av *Cobb Carl, lab Sou Ref Co COBB CARLISLE (Kate T), justice of the peace and atty at law,
office Court House (1st fl), h 660 Reese Cobb Caroline- E Miss, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst, h 660 Reese Cobb Edwd H (Florence), painter, h 697 Pulaski Cobb Foster H (Sarah E), carp, fi 836 n Lumpkin Cobb Howell, collr Atlantic I & C Corporation, h 428 n Milledge av Cobb Howell C, elk L F Ham, h 436 Hill *Cobb Idella, laund, h 327 Athens av *Cobb Jno, lab, h 340 Newton Cobb Lucy Institute, see Lucy Cobb Institute Cobb Mary McK, wid Howell, h 660 Reese Cobb Ouilliam. painter, h 69? Pulaski
Cobb Virginia Miss, h. 697 Pulaski Cobb Sarah T Miss, h 428 n Milledge av Cobb Wm. carp, h 836 n Lumpkin COBB & ERWIN (A J Cobb, H C & W L Erwin),, attys at law, 201-
205 Sou Mutual Bldg phone 86 Cochran Augustus P (Minnie), farmer, h 690 w Hancock av Cochran Hoyt, mill wkr, h 540 Nantahala av Cochran Jas (Dollie), watchman Sou Mnfg Co, h 540 Nantahala av Cochran Neal D, elk, h 444 Meigs Cochran Thos A (Ida F), trav slsmn, h 444 Meigs Cochran Wm M (Effie M)., trav slsmn J W Harris, h 190 Wynburn pi Cody Cornelia, wid A J, h 139 Miles Cody Lillie Miss, h 139 Miles Cody May Miss, h 139 Miles Coffee Jas A (Cora), foreman, h 150 Standard Oil Coffee Lutrelle E Miss, h 150 Standard Oil Coffee Myrtle E Miss, elk Mallory Shoe Co, h 150 Cleveland av *Coggins Wm T (Viola), p'hys, 170*4 n Thomas, h 380 Madison av Cohen Aaron (S?.rah), sec-treas Chas Stern Co, h 451 College av Cohen Edwd B (Jule), trav slsmn, bds 787 Cobb
297 Lnmpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Plum 109
Talmafce Bldg. 185 '_ Cillege *.
Fire Insurance
Oar Specialtiej
__________ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________135
Cohen Edwd M, elk Chas Stern Co, h 451 College av
Cohen Susie Miss, h 451 College av
Coil Frank I (Lela), cashr C of Ga Ry, h 180 Barber
*Coker Emma, dom, h 190 Greene
Coker Jas R (Minnie), brick lyr, h 800 n Lumpkin
*Coker Johnson (Eliza), lab h 190 Greene
Coker Sarah Miss, h 334 Prince av
Colbert Daisy Miss, collr, h 535 Pulaski
Colbert Ella C, wid Wm C, h 535 Pulaski
Colvert Nellie Miss, matron Gilmer Hall State Normal Schl, h 535 Pu-
*Cole Byrd (Nannie), lab, h 1042 Reese
*Cole Edwd, waiter, h 197 n Billups
*Cole Emanuel, lab, h 1537 w Broad
*Cole Hansel, h 186 John
*Colc Jas (Carrie), driver, h 1126 w Hancock av
*Cole Jno (Camilla), livery 987 Reese, h 197 n Billups
'Cole Julia,, cook, h Fowler Town
*lCole Lucius, agt Ga Mutual Ins Co
*Cole Margaret, laund, h Fowler Town
*Cole Robt (Nona), gro 343 n Hull, h same
*Cole Rosa, laund, h Fowler Town
*Cole Savannah, laund, h 183 Cherry
*Cole Thos (Lilla), porter, h 100 Cherry
*Cole Wm, lab, h 197 n Billups
*Cole Wm, driver Wingfield Cash Gro Co, h Fowler Town
*Cole Wm (Mary), janitor East Athens Schl, h 186 John
*Cole Wm (Sarah), butler, h 1063 Reese
Cole Wm A (Lillie), mattress mkr Athens Mattress and Spring Bed
Co, h 146 Elizabeth
Coleman Ann, wid Augustus A, h 748 n Jackson
*Coleman Annie B, smstrs, h 1495 e Broad
Coleman Edwd M, phys 283X> College av, rms same
Coleman Geo Y (Helen), pres Clarke County Bank, h 1324 s Milledge
*Coleman Julian, lab, h 285 Arch
*Coleman Lewis, lab, h 285 Arch
*Coleman Richd (Lottie), lab, h 285 Arch
Coletta Mary Miss, h 148 Hickory
College Avenue School, Strong bet College av and Jackson, Miss C E
Barrow prin
College Cafe, confr 105 College av, Pete Petropol propr
College Chapel (The), U of Ga Campus
Colley Alvin C (Paralee), mill \vkr, h 127 Bryan
Colley Edwd M (Lula), mill wkr. h 187 Tibbetts av
Morlllim '" tne wor^ g' ves tne information contained lYIuUIUIII in a Directory. It is consulted every day in the year. Mr. Business Man. where can you find a better medium
Foot Covers for Mankind
Phone 141
______________259 E. Clayton St.
136__________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________
Colley Elmer J, mill wkr, h 187 Tibbetts av
Colley Geo W, mill wkr, h 187 Tibbetts av
*Colley Geo W (Vida F), trimmer Klein-Martin Co, h 174 Hickory
Colley Malissa E, wid Jacob, h 187 Tibbetts av
Colley Sarah L Miss, mill wkr, h 187 Tibbetts av
*Collins Bertha, dom, h (r) 625 s Milledge av
(Collins Chas S, elk F H Bowden, h 309 s Jackson
Collins E K, carrier R F D 5
Collins Effie Mrs, boarding 770 College av, h same
Collins Geo U (Effie), gro 773 College av, h 770 same
*Collins Isaac (Lizzie), emp Athens Motor Car Co, h 195 n Billups
Collins Jos M, contr, h 1085 w Hancock av
*Collins Lucy, laund, h 1487 e Broad
*Collins Richd (Susan), porter Erwin & Co, h 543 w Broad
Collins Robt A (Henrietta), gro 1095 w Hancock av, h same
Collins Ruth Miss, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst
*Collins Susie, dom, h (r) 625 s Milledge av
*Collins Wm (Ella), lab, h 228 Fairview
*Collins Wm (Willie), lab, h 249 Arch
Collins W T & Co, 335 e Clayton, ladies' ready-to-wear, W T Collins
Collins Wm T (Maude);, propr W T Collins & Co, h 340 s Lumpkin
Collins Willis, lab, Athens Ry & Elec Co
COLONIAL INN (The), nice clean beds, 311 n Thomas, Mrs M F
Bray propr
*Colquitt Green (Kissie), lab, h 243 Macon av
*Colquitt Jennie, laund, h 340 Newton
*Colquitt Lucius, porter Deep Rock Ginger Ale Co, h 700 w Broad
*Colquitt Mary E. cook, h 700 w Broad
*Colter Tno Rev (Amy), h (r) 220 n Miller
COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO, 716-721 Sou Mutual Bldg:
J Y Carithers pres, W T Bryan v-pres, L C Quin sec, W B
Wilkinson asst sec, Jas White treas (see back cover)
Columbia Tailoring Co, 128 College av, T E Wilson mngr
Comer Annie Miss, h University Drive
Comer Austin F (Mamie), (Fears Grocery Co), h 675 Cobb
Comer Martha H Miss, h 270 Barber
Comer S S, bkkpr Sou Ref Co, rms 1055 Prince av
Comer Thos F (Ida P), gro, h 270 Barber
COMER WM GUY, sec Athens Shoe Co, h 155 Grady
, emp Toomer Music Hse, bds 294 s Lumpkin
COMMERCIAL HOTEL, American and European plan, 189 e Broad
cor College av; Mrs S L Adams propr, Randolph Clitz mngr
phone 669
Compton Callie Miss, h 182 Bryan
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square- Henry S. Shockley, Principal. Book-keeping. American
Banking-, Office Systems, Wholesaling-, Commis-
AhOvill0, N. C.
sion. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping:, Cost
Accounting:. Farm Book-keeping. Business Con-
tracts. Practical Salesmanship. Business Arithmetic. Spelling:. English. Punctuation, Type
writing:. Shorthand.
Enter any time.
Office work of all kind* solicited.
With all 2-Galloi Orders we Send "Die Qiart Free." Prices Cask
2-GalIou Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 aid $7.00
Cora or Rye.
Compton Chas S (Ida M),, trav passngr agt SAL Ry, h 1196 s Lump-
Compton Jno C (Hassie L), mill wkr, h 182 Bryan
Conaway Cyril P, student, h Heights av
*Conaway Iris L Miss, h Heights av
Conaway Lorenzo D (Cora), carrier P O, h Heights av
Conaway Marion H, student, h Heights av
Cone Adaline H Mrs, mlnr Mrs C A Ivey, h 189 e Dougherty
Cone Walter L (Adaline H), slsmn Mrs C A Ivey, h 189 e Dougherty
Congregational Church, Pope n w cor Meigs
Conlon Danl J, elk Michael Bros
Connecticutt Mutual Life Insurance Co, 205 Holman Bldg, Smith &
Harper dist agts
Connell Jno, mill wkr, h 126 Miles
Connell Stella Miss, h 778 Hill
Conner J Jeffry, elk, h 415 e Dougherty
Connors Jennie Miss, h 580 n Harris
Conway Alfred T (Bessie), agt M J Abney, h 1193 s Milledge av
Convvay Mattie, wid Henry C, h 565 n Milledge av
Conway Wm B (Julia E)1, phys Talmadge Bldg, h 420 Nantahala av
*Cook Alice, cook, h 180 Cherry
Cook Asbury H (Mary J), hackman 383 w Broad, h same
*Cook Benj (Ida), drayman, h 323 Cleveland av
Cook Chas A (Effie E), mill wkr, h Nantahala av nr Hiawassee av
Cook Clara B Miss, mlnr, h 383 w Broad
*Cook Earl M (Wille), trav slsmn Armour & Co, h. 167 Childs
Cook Everett A, mill wkr, h 285 Cemetery
*Cook Geo (Emma), gro 798 w Broad, h 1185 w Hancock av
*Cook Harriet, cook, h 180 Cherry
Cook Harvey L (Ellen E), bkkpr Johnson Shoe Co, h 370 s Church
*Cook Ida, laund, h 328 Atlanta av
Cook J Emory (Maude), trav slsmn, h 148 Virginia av
Cook J Weaver (Hilda), slsmn Johnson Shoe Co, h 720 n Chase
Cook Jas O (Maggie), carp, h 150 Herring
Cook Jno H (Annie), mill wkr, h 289 Cemetery
Cook Launa Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 693 Boulevard
Cook Lula, wid Wm, mill wkr, h 149 Tibbetts av
Cook Luther, elev opr Sou Mutual Bldg, h 150 Herring
Cook M Maude Miss, h 383 w Broad
Cook Norene Miss, student, h 150 Herring
Cook Olivia Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 693 Boulevard
Cook Pearle Miss, mill wkr, h Nantahala av nr Hiawassee av
Cook Robin, mill wkr, h Nantahala av nr Hiawassee av
Cook Susie Miss, h 693 Boulevard
Cook Tina S Miss, gro 387 w Broad, h 383 same
ROMB aid Veietiai Art Mosaic for Churches aid Biildiifs. Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Teraxzo Floor
Ptaos 2066 aad 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty B.ildiaj, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
138 _______ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Cook \Ym F (Loulic), slsmn E S Sporting Goods Co, h G93 Boulevard *Coolcy ttarnard M, janitor Sou Mutual Bldg, h 160 Valley COOLEY EDWD H (Lettie C), public stengr 282 e Hancock av
phone 442, h same (see card under classified stengr) *Coolcy Fred (M attic), butler, h 127 Augusta av Cooney \Vm J, trav slsmn, bds 328 Oconce *Coopcr Archie (Amanda), lab, h 190 Lyndon av
Cooper Clark W (Sallie), carp, h 382 e Dougherty Cooper Guy C. pressman The Banner Printery, h 773 n Pope Cooper Henry K (Ella), carp, h 773 n Pope
Cooper Ina Miss, tchr Nantahala Av Schl, h 773 n Pope Cooper Jas P (Leila), carp, h 1030 Water Cooper Jno T (Mary), brick mnfr, h 785 Boulevard rCooper Julia, laund, h 471 Hoyt *Cooper L Erwin (Missouri), barber 190 e Clayton, h 189 w Dougherty Cooper Len \V (Ida B), harness mkr Griffeth Imp Co, h 126 Spring-
dale Cooper Mark, wood wkr Klein-Martin Co *'Cooper Robt (Maggie), driver, h 1368 w Broad *Cooper Rufus, msgr H McWhorter, h Prince av
:f: Cooper Soplmmia, dom, h (r) 287 Oconce
Cooper W Roy (Ethel), carp, h 1435 e Broad Cooper Warner R (Sarah L), propr Cash Market, h 227 Ruth av Cooper Wm T (Rosa), police, h 757 Pulaski Corbett Patrick H (Louisa), chemist, h 412 e Dougherty Corbin Clifford, ticket taker Elite Theatre, h 749 n Thomas Corbin Henry L (Pearle), tinner D W Bailey, h 749 n Thomas *Cordey Charlotte, cook, h 180 Lyndon av *Cordey Essie, dom, h 180 Lyndon av *Cornelius Bud (Juliet), drayman, 151 n Harris, h same Cornett Walter G (Ola), dep elk U S Dist Court, U S Comr and atty
at law, h Georgia av *Cort Martha C,, tchr Knox Inst & Indus Schl Costa Anthony (Olivia) 1, elk Costa's, h Buena Vista av Costa Antonio (Rosina), (Athens Fruit Co), h 138 Virginia av Costa Chas, elk Costa's h 341 Boulevard Costa Fred, elk Costa's, h 341 Boulevard Tosta G Palmaseno (Mary), (Athens Fruit Co), h 285 Barber
Costa |us. elk Costa's, h 341 Boulevard
COSTA JOSEPH (Grace), (Athens Fruit Co), and propr Costa's, h 341 Boulevard
Costa Jos Jr, elk Costa's, h 341 Boulevard Costa Lawrence, trav slsmn, h 341 Boulevard Costa Leonard (Eleanora F), elk Costa's, h Buena Vista av Costa Margaret, wid Lawrence, h Buena Vista av
Palmer's Cream Liniment
PHONES: Office 394
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________139
(Costa Michael (Thersia D), (Athens Fruit Co), h 375 Boulevard Costa Michael F (Rosina), trav slsmn, h 285 Barber Costa Michael J (Eleanor), mngr Costa's, h 341 Boulevard Costa Rosa E Miss, cashr Costa's h Buena Vista av Costa Tony (Nina), elk Costa's, h Buena Vista av COSTA'S, confectioner, ice cream and agency Atlanta Floral Co,
230 College av phone 697, Jos Costa propr Couch Callie Miss, mill wkr, bds 179 Hiawassee av Couch Fred E (Lillie), huckster, h 400 n Foundry Couch Geo W (Alice), mill wkr, h 130 Inglewood av
Couch Maggie Miss, h 194 Bryan Couch Martha, wid J C, h 194 Bryan Couch Mazie Miss, mill wkr, h 235 Hiawassee av Coulter Edwd W (Azilee), mill wkr, h 120 n Inglewood av COUNTY OFFICIALS
Clerk Superior Court Elmer J Crawford Ordinary Robt C Orr Sheriff Walter E Jackson Tax Collector Henry H Linton Janitor *Harrison E Edwards Cowan Saml J (Carrie), agt "Southern Cultivator'" h 359 e Hoyt Cox Arthur C (Annie), condr, h 223 Boulevard Cox Chas D, treas Athens Ry & Elec Co Cox E Carson, h 223 Boulevard *Cox Edwd D, collr Athens Banner, h 847 College av *Cox Jno (Kate), lab, h 267 Atlanta av *Cox Jordan (Lizzie), farmer, h 259 n Chase Cox Jos M, ctr Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h 963 Baxter Cox Margaret E Miss, asst bkkpr Talmage Bros & Co, h 963 Baxter *Cox Wm C, porter, h 267 Atlanta av Craft Claude E, police, h 137 Park av Craft R Vincent (Eliza), mill wkr, h 137 Park av *Cramer Geo, lab, h 1487 e Broad Cramer Jos J, emp Crucefield Greenhouse, h 1057 s Lumpkin Crane Benj A (Blanche), cot buyer 116^ n Thomas, h 1147 Prince av Crane Daisy, wid Jas R, h 788 Prince av Crane Fannie T, wid Ross, h 774 Prince av Crane Geo S (Hallie), dist plant chf Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co, h 897 Prince av 'Crane Jas Ross, student, h 788 Prince av *Crane Pearl E dressmkr, h 1132 w Broad
Crane Rufus S (Esther), cot byr Orr & Co, h 774 Prince av TCrane Thos (Laura), gardener, h 1132 w Broad Crane Thos K (Stella F), (Red & Black Pressing Co), h 731 Pulaski
I A You Advertise Ul A The Reason 11 flj Goo(J The City Directory " Because ** "'suits
ATHENS G\ h.M4-l.-l CITY DIRECTORY___________
"Crane \\m X (Irmine), bkkpr Talmagc Bros & Co, h G26 Cobb *Cranksha\v Chas S (Myra), lab Sou Ref Co, h 187 Odd Craw ford Alberta Miss, h 496 Ruth av Craw ford Annie S Miss, tchr, h 560 Hill Crawfnrd Ellen A, wid Jno A G, tchr, h 560 Hill * CRAWFORD ELMER J (Annie K), elk of Superior Court, office
Court House phone 94, h 506 Franklin phone 732 Craw ford Gco \V (Dora A), contr, h 347 Madison av *Crawford Harry, lab, h 1325 w Broad Craw ford Howard, bkkpr W B Steedman, h 496 Ruth av Crawford J Grady, (Crawford & Merry), h 347 Madison av Craw ford Jno M (Miryiie), farmer, h 496 Ruth av *Crawfurd Mamie, laund, h 195 Peters Crawford Marceline Miss, h 496 Ruth av *Crawford Mary, cook, h (r) 298 Barber Crawford Mary E, wid Jno R, h 506 Franklin Crawford & Merry (J G Crawford, M H Merry), vvhol fruits and pro-
duce, 11 5-117 n Foundry :i Credell Carlton L (Johnson & Crcdell), h 293 Reese *Credell Georgia, cook, h 663 n Milledge av *Creek-more Jas M (Anna M), overseer Sou Mnfg Co, h 580 Nantahala
av ^ Creekmore Ross A, mngr Erwin & Co, h Springdale
*Creighton Agnes Miss, h 267 n Harris Creighton Elizabeth Miss, h 267 n Harris *Creighton Emma, wid J W, h 267 n Harris Creighton Grace Miss, h 267 n Harris Creighton Ida Miss, h 267 n Harris Creighton Mattie Miss, h 267 n Harris Creswell Mary E Miss, tchr U of Ga *Crews Xorman E, student, bds Commercial Hotel ("rider Effie. wid Jas, mill wkr. h 440 Hiawassee av Crisp Arthur B, tel opr S A L Ry, bds 890 College av ,Cromer S S, bkkpr Sou Ref Co, h 1055 Prince av Cross Artis, carp, h 183 Barrett Cmss Tesse B (Lescsie), carp, h 183 Barrett 3 CROSSLY CARL F, atty at law 211 Holman Bldg phone 757, h
515 n Harris phone 957-L Crow Lennidas II (Lollie), phys 231J/' c Broad, h 296 w Broad Crowe Burl H (Bessie), mill wkr, h 670 Xantahala av Crowe Henry G, bkkpr Sydney Bluhm, h 7G4 n Jackson Crowe Pulaski B (Mellie), (Crowe & Co), h 764 n Jackson Crowe & Co, (P B Crowe and A V Deadwyler), livery 231 Oconee e (Cruce Saml E, emp >Grucedale Greenhouse, bds 274 n Thomas Cruce Saml M (Crucedale Greenhouse), h Olive Lawn Hotel
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 905
BARBER SHOP Our S'er-cffce rVr \7nejccelled HIU,UEV & JONES
268 Jf. JacKson St.________________________________________JPhont 486
ATHENS (r.\ Ill4-ir>l CITY DIRECTORY_________141
CRUCEDALE GREENHOUSES, 1447 s Lumpkin; S M Cruce propr,
T W Pennock mngr, tel 1167, night tel 237-4
Crymes Claude F (Letitia),1, supt Sou Ref Co, h 291 Oconee
Crystal Theatre, 187 n Lumpkin, R F Hutcheson mngr
Culbertson Avis G Miss, h 984 n Chase
Culbertson Ella J Mrs, gro 984 n Chase, h same
Culbertson Lloyd M, elk Mrs E J Culbertson, h 984 n Chase
Cullars Lula Miss, elk Abe Joel & Sons, bds 115 e Hancock av
Gulp Henry T, musician, h 358 Oconee
Culpepper Rosser Miss, stengr J B Gamble, bds Y W C A
*Culpepper Willie; *(lom G34 Prince av
Cumbus Effie E Miss, bkkpr R Brandt, h 178 Childs
Cumbus Geo W (Ambrosia), propr Athens Auction & Commission
Co, h 178 Childs
Cumbus Mary B Miss, tchr, h 178 Childs
Cumnoch Fred A, prcs White City Mnfg Co
Cunningham Pink, wid J F, h 290 Tabernacle
Cunningham Susie Miss, h 290 Tabernacle
Cureton Chas P, ticket seller and opr Sou Ry Passngr Sta, bds 513 n
*Curry Geo (Ann), driver Athens G L & F Co, h 1G8 Hoyt
(Curry Rupert C (Annie), frt agt Athens Terminal Co, h 257 w
*Curry Stark (Hattie), driver Athens G L & F Co, h 1G8 Hoyt
Curtis J Carl, student, h 336 e Strong
Curtis Wm A (Zilla)', (Tucker & Curtis), h 330 e Strong
Curtis W Neal, student, h 336 e Strong
Cutler A Saml (Esther), propr Citizens Meat Mkt, h 259 \Vaddell
Cutler Dora Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co
Cutler Louis G, meat mkt e Broad nr Thomas and soft drinks 124 n
Thomas, h 579 Pulaski
Cutler Hyman (Bertha), meat mkt, h 579 Pulaski
Cutler Hal (Rachel), meat mkt, h 579 Pulaski
Dailey David C (Annie), dry goods, 345 e Broad, h 370 s Church Dale \Vm A (Lila), sec-treas Bell Bros Marble Co. h 179 e Dougherty Damron Emory (Evie), mill wkr, h 175 Inglewood av Damron Saml ,Ovie), mill wkr, h 132 Mulberry Daniel Carter W, elk YVebb-Crawford Co, h 235 DuBose av Daniel Cornelia W Mrs, bkkpr Athens G L & F Co, h 1424 e Broad
Martin Bros JOBBER$ QF HARNESS and COLLARS Daniel Clara B Miss, bkkpr Arnold & Abney, rms Y W C A
Phone 621
455 Clayton -:- Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty -:-
238-249 Broad St. Jobber* and *Retafters Phone 280-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Daniel Edgar A (Hilda J), carp, h 324 Baldwin Daniel Emma Miss, h 360 s Lumpkin Daniel Eva, cook 297 Boulevard Daniel Garnett L, cashr Empire State Chem Co, h 360 s Lumpkin *Daniel Geo, lab Klein-Martin Co Daniel Jesse E (Ida), h 765 Oconee ^Daniel Jno, lab Ga Junk Co Daniel Jno G (Emma), slsmn, h 3GO s Lumpkin *Daniel Lewis (Mary), driver, h 248 Augusta av *Daniel Lucy, found, h Fowler Town Daniel Marian Miss, h 360 s Lumpkin *Daniel Mamie, cook, h 1279 w Broad Daniel Martha E, wid Mark E, h 245 Boulevard Daniel Russell, bkkpr, h 798 Prince av * Daniel Thos (Anna), lab h 250 Cleveland av *Daniel Walter, presser Standard Pressing Co, h Brooklyn Daniel Wm R (Ethel), bkkpr Amcr State Bank, h 798 Prince av Daniell Lillie Miss, stengr F L Upson, h 1242 s Lumpkin Daniell Nellie Miss, stengr Amer Land Co, h 1242 s Lumpkin Daniell Susan J, wid YH, h 1242 s Lumpkin Daniels Chas W, student, h 140 Barber Daniels Clinton F (Virda E), (Ga Discount Co), h 134^ e Clayton Daniels Cyrus B (Mamie), trav slsmn, h 140 Barber *Daniels Janie, dom, h 468 Odd 'Daniels Washington (Matilda), lab, h 467 e Hoyt Danzler Hattie Mrs, h 846 College av Darwin Jno A (Edna), ins, h 225 s Milledge av
Darwin Callage Miss, h 225 s Milledge av *Davenport Jacob (Mollie), lab, h 170 Stephens *Davenport Josephine, laund, h 170 Stephens
*Davenport Laura, dom, h (r) 148 Hoyt Davenport Margery Miss, stengr D Hunnicutt, h 182 Wray * Davenport Mercer (Professor), driver, h 248 Arch
*Davenport Tune D (Lillie), cleaning and pressing, 361 Cleveland av,
h same Davenport Uriah H (Sallie), prof elect engineering U of Ga, h 1123
Prince av Daves Bessie Miss, h 568 Pulaski Daves Clark (Cornelia), lineman Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 568 Pulaski Daves Ethel Miss, opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co, h 578 Pulaski Daves J Wm (Evie), mill wkr, h 1227 e Broad Daves Maggie Miss, h 1227 e Broad Daves Ruth Miss, opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co, h 568 Pulaski David Annie L Miss, stengr Green & Michael, h 293 Hoyt David Cody R, elk Georgian Cafe, h 353 e Dougherty
The McGregor Company
'Printers_____Stationers "Binders OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES
LIPSCOMB & CO. Fire Insurance
Pbm 109
Established 1898
Tilmadp Bldg. 185 [ . Cillega A*.
tiar Sptciallits
ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY______143
David Francis M (Ida H), h 353 e Dougherty David Frank, student, h 398 s Lumpkin David Irene Miss, h 353 e Dougherty David Roswell, emp H R Palmer & Sons, h 353 e Dougherty Davis Ada Miss, mill wkr, bds 385 Hiawassee av * Davis Albert (Penny), lab, h 840 Reese Davis Benj B (Odessa), driver Standard Oil Co, h 224 Barrow
Davis Caroline E Miss, h 505 n Milledge av
Davis Chas, harness mkr Griffeth Imp Co, h 165 Becker Davis Clela M Miss, bkkpr Eberhart & Davis, h 223 Hiawassee av Davis Cobb R (Julia), elk Wingfield Cash Gro Co, h 225 n Milledge
Davis Elizabeth M Miss, h 569 Meigs
*Davis Ellen, dom, h 179 w Strong *Davis Ella, h 169 Newton Davis Emory, mill wkr, h 897 Boulevard Davis Fredk G (Martha), clothing 351 e Broad, h 569 Meigs * Davis Fredk L (Mattie), (Wingfield Cash Gro Co), h 420 Boulevard Davis Fredk L Jr, student, h 420 Boulevard Davis Geo B (Sallie B), agt Standard Oil Co, h 198 Barber Davis Geo B Jr (Madie B), elk C of Ga Ry, h 198 Barber *Davis Ella, h 293 Macon av Davis Harry J, solr C of Ga Ry, h 198 Barber *Davis Henry P (Carrie), lab, h 852 Reese Davis Hurst, harness mkr Griffeth Imp Co, h 165 Becker *Davis Jas, porter Arnold & Abney Davis Irene Miss, h 152 Arch Davis Jas P, elk O'Farrell Brokerage Co, h 169 Newton * Davis Jas P (Daisy), mngr Morton's Theatre, and pool 196 w
Washington, h 169 Newton *Davis Jas W (Minnie C),. carrier P O, h 178 w Strong Davis Jas W, elk M J Abney, h 435 Dougherty Davis Jeff, mill wkr, h 215 Williams Davis Jerry R (Matie V), (Eberhart & Davis), h 223 Hiawassee av Davis Jno B, collr Red & Black Pressing Co, h 245 w Washington Davis Jos (Annie), dry goods 229 e Broad, h 135 Pulaski Davis Jos C (Cornelia), ins agt Amer Natl Ins Co, h 220 Nantahala av *Davis Julia, dom 570 Hill Davis Maggie Mrs, smstrs Head & McMahan, h 193 Nacoochee av *Davis Mary A, smstrs, h 273 Reese Davis Mary L, wid J T, tchr State Normal Schl, h 565 n Milledge av Davis MattieMrs,boarding 245 w Washington, h same Davis Maxie Miss, mill wkr, h 897 Boulevard Davis Mignon Miss, h 585 Prince av *Davis Minnie F, tchr New Town Schl, h 237 n Billups
I L in Wfi L is U L Results n You Advertise 111^ fl The Reason II A Good w The City Directory " w ** Because w **
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
144_________AT11KXS C.A 11914-151 CITY DIRECTORY___________
*Davis Myrtle, h 203 Rccse Davis Nellie Miss, h 152 Arch *Davis Rebecca, h 179 w Strong Davis Robt G (Bertha L), supt trans Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Ogle-
thorp av nr Prince av Davis Rol)t M (Maggie), barber 217 Hiawassee av, h 103 Xacoochee
av *Davis Sadie, dom, h 203 Macon av Davis Saml T (Bessie), ins agt, h 108 Barrow 'Davis Sarah, dom, h 100 Hendricks av *Davis Walter S (Julia), tailor Head & McMahan, h 273 Reese Davis Wm, ins Sou Mutual Bldg, bds 147 w Washington *Davis Wm (Effic), butler, h 550 Recse Davis Wm H (Luclla), billiards and pool, 161 e Clayton, h 585 Prince
av Davis Wm P (Mattic), agt G T Spivey, h 245 w Washington DAVIS YOUNG (Annie S), atty at law 100 Shackelford Bldg, h 152
Arch Davison Albert E ('Starke C), elk Davison-Xicholson Co, h 740 Prince
av Davison Alcx II (Ida M), pres Davison-Xicholson Co, h 740 Prince
av Davison Alex H Jr, student, h 740 Prince av Davison Bertha K Miss, music tchr ISO Barber, h same Davison Jas H (Laura E), trav slsmn, h 186 Barber Davison-Xicholson Co. (Inc), 2s:j e Clayton; A II Davison pres, M G
Xicholson sec-treas Davison Oscar \\' (Elizabeth B), mngr Armour & Co, h 603 n Pope Davison Susan R Miss, h 7-l<> Prince av *Dawson Thos Rev, pastor Xew Town Baptist Church, h Brooklyn Deadwyler A Van ('Crowe & Co) Deadwyler Albert L (Gertrude P), ins ISO College av, h 705 Baxter Deadwyler Jno W (Emly), mill wkr, h 126 Miles DEADWYLER JOE L, atty at law 603-604 Sou Mutual Bldg
phone 016, h 165 Springdale *Deadwyler Mattie, cook, h 600 w Broad Deakides Nicholas, confr 245 n Lumpkin, rms 280|/> same *Dean Anna, cook 516 Prince av *Dean Colonel (Georgia), lab, h 108 Flint *Dean Easter. cToni, h 1053 Reese Dean G rover C (Yader), pressman The McGregor Co, h 124 Poplar T)ean Hortense, wid Maj<;r C C, h 358 Oconee Dean Joel T (Jennie), gro 1M2 e Broad, h 1446 same *Dean Jos, h J08 Flint *Dean Lizzie, h 133 2d
Rucinocc Pnllorro Kntire 3r<j F!oor> No - 8 Nouh pack Sciuare- Henry
DUOlllbOO uUIIK&G s - ^liockley. I'lintipal Pock krepinjr, > meiicen
Bankinu. Office Systems, Wholesalingr, Conimis-
N. C.
' son, Manufacturing, Lumber Book-keeping-, Cost
Accounting-, Farm Rook-keeping, Business Con-
tract. Practical Salesmanship. Business Arithmetic. Spcllintr, Knfjlish. Punctuation, Typewriting
Knter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited-
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00
Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
___ ___ ATHENS GA liM-i:.| CITY DIRF-XTOKV_________145
Dean Mamie Miss, elk, h 11.") e Dougherty Dcaring Albin P (Edith), pmpr Athens Harness Co. h 338 s Milledge
av Dearing Mamie XV, wid A L, h 208 s Lumpkin Dearing Marcella Miss, h 20S s Lnmpkin Dearing Margaret X, wid J T, h UK Oak Dearing Munro G, mngr Krwin & Co, h 338 s Milledgc av Deas W Columbus (Evelyn)), bartndr, h 000 s Lumpkin Deep Roek Ginger Ale Co (Inc), office 510 Sou Mutual RK'lg, plant
724 n Thomas :M T Abney treas, 11 1' Lawrence sec and mngr De Lay Blanche Miss, h 10:; Poplar De Lay Jas, h 103 Poplar De Lay Jno M (Martha E), h 103 Pnplar De Lay Rosa Miss, h 103 Poplar Delmar' Dairy Lunch, 140 e Clayton. XV A Ivey propr DeLoach Robt J H, prof U of Ga Delta Tan Delta Fraternity, Chapter House 505 Prince av DC More Jennie E Miss, h 225 n Milledge av De More Mattie C Miss, dressmkr 225 n Milledge av, h same Demosthenian HaTT (U of Ga), I." of Ga Campus Denmark Hall (U of Ga), U of Ga Campus Dennington Ered A, cornice wkr, h 110 Grady av Dennington T Emmett. lino opr, h 1 TO Grady av Dennington Thos XXr (Emma), nurseryman, h 170 Grady av *Dennis Cecclia, dom, h 328 Lyndon av Denny Clifford, mill wkr. h 73.") Oconee "Denny J Grover (Sallie). meat ctr. h 103 Jonas av Denny M Jones (Mary), h 735 Oconee Denny XX'm, mill wkr. h 73.") Oconee Denny Wm C (Athens Auto Sales & Repair Co), h 100 Ruth av *Derricotte Andrew (Margaret) .lab. h .!<'><> Cleveland av *Derricotte Anna. cook, h 1 IS w Strong
*Derricotte Annie S. ])rin Rose Smith \.nnal Schl. h !'.>:; Cherry
*Derricottc P.ucna V, tchr Athens H & 1 Schl. h .Vt w Hancock"av *Derricotte Charlotte, nurse, h 213 n Chase *Derricotte Ella, midwife 200 Cleveland av, h same *Derricotte Fannie, laund, h S2-") w Hancock av *Derricottc Isaiah T (Laura 1>). notary and shoemkr, 174 w Clayton,
h 554 vv Hancock *Derrieot'tc Maria, dom. h 1 IS w Strong *Derricotte Matilda, dom, h 15S XX'arsaw *Derricotte Matthew, elk Wade & Hunter *Dcrricotte Sherman, lab XX'escom Hudgin. h >SO XX'ater *Derricotte Sherman. chauffeur, h 1 10 XX'arsaw al *Derricotte Thos L (Annie S). waiter, h 103 Cherry
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
146_____ ____ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY
*Dcrricotte Warren (Anna B), hackman, h 157 Warsaw *Derricotte Willie, laund, h 825 w Hancock av Desha Lucy L Miss, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst, rms 220 n Milledge av Deupree's Hall, 465>i e Broad Dick Wm F (Lela), candy mkr Juhlin Bros, h 145 Vine Dickens Jno S (Letcher), meat ctr Athens Parlor Mkt, h 843 College
av Dickerson Pearle L Miss, stengr, rms 480 Meigs Dillard Albert B, h 295 Oconee Dillard Geo B, foremn Athens Terminal Co, h 353 Dougherty Dilard J Wm (Julia), carp, h 295 Oconee Dillard Jas D M (Helena })' trav slsmn G H Hulme & Co, h 271 Bar-
Dillard Ocie M Miss, mill wkr, h 295 Hiawassee av DiHard Saml (Lessie), mill wkr, h 295 Hiawassee av *Dillon Jane, h 163 Marlin
DIXIE LOAN CO, loans 384 e Washington, M F Kinney propr Dixon C Seymour (Leila), h 148 Park av *Dixon Mamie, cook, h 380 Augusta av Dixon Robt B (Lucy), pres Ga Mattress Co, h 697 s Milledge av Dixon Robt H (Belle), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 148 Park av Dixon Robt M Rev (Jessie R)',) pastor Young-Harris Memorial M E
Church (South), h 694 Boulevard Dixon Sewell H, student, h 694 Boulevard Dobbs Albert M (Henrietta S), pres Sou Ref Co, h 194 Prince av Dobbs Amanda C, wid Jas P, h 194 Prince av Dobbs Annie F, wid Wm, boarding 620 Meigs, h same * Dobbs Burney S, (Athens Ice Co), h 194 Prince av Dobbs Lois L Miss, stengr Talmage Bros & Co, h 620 Meigs Dobbs Mamie Miss, h 620 Meigs DobBs Maxime Miss, h 194 Prince av Dobbs Oliver R (Mayron), ins 202 Shackelford Bldg, h Cloverheurst Dobbs \V Frank (lone), sou rep Amer Coal Products Co, h 1560 s
Lumpkin Dobbs Warren A, elk Sou Ref Co, h 194 Prince av Dockendore Peter J (Marie H), pressmn, h 237 n Church Dodd M J, condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, rms 125 Prince av Dodson Chas H (Amy L), opr SAL Ry, h 636 n Jackson Doggett S Leslie (Allie), mill wkr, h 128 Miles Dolan Acla Miss, tchr Muscogee Elementary Schl Dollison Thos, mill wkr, bds 179 Hiawassee av Donaldson Margaret Miss, nurse 620 Meigs, h same Doolittle Clement P (Lizzie), mill wkr, h 386 Hiawassee av Doolittle Henry C (Belle), slsmn Johnson Shoe Co, h 199 Barber Doolittle Lucy, wid W H, h 140 Field
PHONES: Office 394 Re$idence 957'L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
__________ATHENS GA [1914-15} CITY DIRECTORY_________147
Doolittle Verita Miss, elk Jay H Epting Co, h 390 w Hancock av
Doolittle Walter L, slsmn Johnson Shoe Co, h 140 Field
DOOTSON-EVANS CO, mail order whiskey dealers, Chattanooga
Tenn, P O Box 85 (see inside front cover)
Dootson Walter R (Ella E), collr, h 188 Elizabeth
Dootson Wm (Mary E), supt Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co, h
368 Oconee
*Dore Frances A, nurse 590 n Hull, h same
*Dore Jas W Rev (Augustina), pastor First Methodist Church, h
590 n Hull
Dornblatt Julius (Sophia), (Dornblatt Plmbg Co)^ h 259 w Hancock
Dornblatt Plumbing Co (Julius Dornblatt))," h 239 w Hancock av
*Dorsey Bishop (Mamie), plmbr \V M Holbrook & Co, h s Dearing
> Dorsey Edwd H (Laura)l, men's furnishings 255 e Clay ton, h 648 Mill-
edge av
Dorsey Furniture Co (W F Dorsey and J R Northcutt), 419-447 e
Clay ton
Dorsey Jos H (Allie), tax recr, h 119(5 s Lumpkin
*Dorsey Nicey, laund, h 235 n Rock Spring
DORSEY WM F (Catherine), (Dorsey Furn Co), and mayor, h
235 Hill
Dougherty L G & Co, cotton brokers 433}^ e Broad, M S Michel
Dove Guy, mill wkr, h 148 Miles
Dove J Pickens (Cyntha), mill wkr, h 148 Miles
Dove Roy, mill wkr, h 148 Miles
Dowdy Richd L ('Annie S), lab, h 125 e Strong
*Downer Gaines (Matilda), lab, h 175 Cherry
*Downer Ida, cook, h 175 Cherry
Downing Jas E, prof Dept Agr organizer Pig Clubs, h 158 n Mill-
edge av
Downs Jos H, trav slsmn Bondurant Hdvv Co, bds The Etawah
*Downs Robt (Lpttie), cook, h 269 n Chase
Dozier --------, trav slsmn. bds 568 n Harris
< Dozier Augustus W (Emily), (Dozier & Co), h 570 Hill
- Dozier Jas H (Dozier & Co), h 760 Mcigs
Dozier Luther G, asst mngr Columbia Tailoring Co, h 760 Meigs
Dozier Mary E Miss, h 760 Meigs
Dozier Olin A (Mildred), sec-treas Amcr Land Co, h 568 Harris
Dozier Rosalie Miss, h 760 Meigs
Dozier Thos H (Mary H), supt county schls, h 760 Meigs
Dozier Thos H Jr, pres Amer Land Co, res Macon Ga
Dozier & Co (A W and J H Dozier), lumber, South cor Spring
Di--r--ak--e--A--s--a--T----(--D--ai--sy--),--h----O--g--l--et--h--or--p----av----n--r --P--r--in--c--e-------------------------
IS NOT LIMITED to yur immediate
neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking
goods in your line
* &
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY___________
Drake C Frank (Myrtle), mill wkr, h 250 Williams * Drake Cornelius (Virgie), supt Pilgrim Health & Lfe Ins Co, h 986
Rcese Drake Jas M (Lillie), mill wkr, bds^loS Park av Drake Jennie V Miss, h Buena Vista av Drake Leila Miss, h Buena Vista av *Drake Minerva, laund, h 473 Hoyt *Driscoll Alex, driver YY L Hancock Coal Co, h Bridge Du Bose Augusta Mrs, social editor Athens Daily Herald, h 616
Prince av Du Bose Boiling S (Du Bose & Du Bose), h 445 n Milledge av Du Bose C Wellborn (Frances M), slsmn J W Welch, h 634 Prince av Du Bose Chas S (Augusta), cotton buyer, h 634 Prince av Du Bose Chas W (Frances), cotton buyer, h 634 Prince av Du Bose Lou, wid T"has S, h 634 Prince av Du Bose Marion D, prof U of Ga, h 634 Prince av Du Bose Mattie W Miss, h 445 n Milledge av Du Bose Robt T (Jeannie). (Du Bose Du Bose), h 445 n Milledge av Du Bose & Du Bose (R T and B S), real estate, renting and ins 616
Sou Mutual Bldg *Duckworth Lafayette (Emma), h 883 Water Dudley Alonzo G (Vallie), v-pres Clarke County Bank, pres-treas Cli-
max Hosiery Mills, h 387 Oconee Dudley Buford, elk Abe Joel & Sons, bds w Hancock av Dudley Ethel Miss, mill wkr. h 440 Hiawassee av Dudley Jas B, elk Wolfe Hotel, rms same Dudley Jas S (Fraces L), farmer, h 481 Ruth av Dudley Julia Miss, h 440 Hiawassee av Dudley Julius T (Jane T), trav slsmn, h 193 Grady av Duggans C Archibald (Katie), slsmn The Electric Shop, h 1086 s
Lumpkin * Duggans Rosa, cook, h 573 w Hancock av Dugget Wm L (Pearl), barber C E James, h Wilkerson Duke Weldon W (Leona), carp, h 178 Virginia av Duke Wm J, trav slsmn D P Haselton, rms Welch's Hotel Dunaway Altemous, student, h Boulevard extd DUNAWAY BELA (Lenora), furniture 249 n Thomas phone 1109,
h Boulevard extd Dunaway Clarence, student, h Boulevard extd Dunaway H Luther, elk Bela Dunaway, h Boulevard extd Dunbar Frank P, h 226 w Dougherty Dunbar Styles H (Relah), undertaker, Bernstein Bros, h 454 College av Duncan Addie Miss, h Prince av cor Oglethorp av Duncan Jane C, wid Jno C, h Prince av cor Oglethorp av Duncan Jesse E (Jennie L), carp, h Satullah av
Player Pianos, Pianos, Organs and
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
B A *R B E *R S
Hot and Cold "Baths
268 ff. JacKson J*/. "Phone 4-86
Duncan Jno, elk Max Joseph, h e Clayton Duncan Paul, mill wkr, bds 179 Hiaswassee av *Duncan Wm F (Janie), emp Chas James, h 499 River Duncan Wm R (Ida A), elk Sou Mnfg Co, h 533 Nantahala av Dunlap Daisy A Miss, genl sec Y W C A *Dunn D W Rev, pastor Hills Chapel (Baptist) *Dunn Laura, cook, h 664 n Lumpkin *Dunn Lonnie (Nannie), waiter, h 145 n Rock Spring Dunn Parker H, blksmith Klein-Martin Co, h 372 Thomas Dunston James F (Minnie), h 362 e Dougherty Dunston Loy E, opr Majestic Theatre, h 357 e Strong Dunston Ruby Miss, h 362 e Dougherty Dunston Wm L (Lillian C), collr W L Hancock Coal Co, h 357 e
Strong Dunston Young H, msngr Sou Exp Co, h 357 e Strong Du Pree Dan H (Bertha), phys, 509 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 794 w
Hancock av *Du Pree Jesse, lab, h 247 Vine *Du Pree Josie, laund, h 247 Vine Durant A C (Hattie) (Red & Black Pressing Co), h 465 Jackson Durham C B Miss, h 540 Prince av Durham Lallie Miss, mlnr, h 243 Cobb *Durham Leila, laund, h 142 Fairview Durr Mary E, wid Chas F, h 375 s Jackson Dye Lilla S, wid Jos, propr Wayside Inn, h same
E S Sporting Goods Co (W S Eberhart and L E Scott), College av cor Washington
*Eades Ann, laund, h 1082 w Broad *Earl Geo (Lela), lab, h 390 Augusta av *Earley Lizzie, dom, h 649 n Hull
Early Robt, elk Bernstein Bros, h Strong Earn Earnest, h 150 Hiawassee av Earnest David L (Vivian), tchr State Xormal Schl, h 782 Cobb *Easley Rose, cook, h 148 Hoyt
*East Athens School, Water Oak nr Odd, Mary Reid prin Eaton Benj F, carp, h 4l5 n Foundry Eaton Park, hackman, h 415 n Foundry *Ebenezer Baptist -Church, Broad n e cor Newton, Rev Jno H Horton
pastor Eberhart Addie Miss, h Oglethorp av nr Prince av
MARTIN BROS. Jok.br Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing- a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers Phone 280-J
Buggies.Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Eberhart Agnes Mrs, tchr State Normal Schl, h Oglethorp av nr Prince av
*Eberhart Arthur (Janie). janitor, h 363>< Cleveland av Eberhart B Frank, slsmn M M Levy, bds 294 s Lumpkin Eberhart Belle Miss, h 728 Oconee *Eberhart Carter (Frances), lab, h 150 Newton al * Eberhart Cora, laund, h 360 Lyndon av Eberhart Daisy B Miss, h 199 \v Dougherty Eberhart Edgar L, elk The Oasis, h 135 Poplar Eberhart Elizabeth Miss, h 728 Oconee *F.bcrhart Eincher, lab Athens Pottery Co Eberhart Ci Edwd (Julia), mill wkr, h 728 Oconee *Eberhart Green (Sallie), lab, h 317 n Chase Eberhart Glinnic Miss, h 728 Oconee *Eberhart Ilastie. dom, h 635 n Hull Eberhart Jacob, student, h Oglethorp av *Ebcrhart Ja's, cmp Busy Bee Cafe, h 640 w Broad Eberhart Jas G. bds 375 s Jackson *Eberhart" Jno (Carrie), lab, h 269 n Finley
* Eberhart Jno (Sarah), barber Walter Hardeman, h 145 n Pope Eberhart Jno J, trav slsmn, h 199 w Dougherty Eberhart Jno W (Bessie), slsmn Lee Morris, h 140 Easy * Eberhart Julius, porter Sanitary Bakery, h Oak st * Eberhart Laura, nurse, h 390 n Chase *Eberhart Lucius B. carp, h 390 n Chase *Eberhart Lucy, laund, h 640 w Broad * Eberhart Margaret, dom 296 Hill * Eberhart Martha, laund, h 548 n Church Eberhart Mary E. wid Jno W, h 140 Easy Eberhart Minnie Miss, h 728 Oconee F.berhart Xancy A. wid Geo. h Oglethorp av nr Prince av Eberhart Nannie, wid T T, h 199 w Dougherty Eberhart Otto P (Sallie). (Eberhart & Davis), bds The Etowah Eberhart Rada Miss, h Oglethorp av nr Prince Eberhart Reginald, elk, h 135 Poplar *Eberhart Theonia, dom. h 170 Cohen *Eberhart Tillie A. h 390 n Chase Eberhart W F, police *Ebcrhart \Yillis. chauffeur, h 64<> w Broad
Eberhart Wm P (Mary O), bkkpr Jay H Epting Co, h 135 Poplar Eberhart Wm P, cfk The Orr Drug Co, h 135 Poplar Eberhart \Ym S (E S Sporting Goods Co), h Oglethorp av nr Prince *Eberhart Zcdekiah D, agt Union Mutual Assn, h 390 n Chase Eberhart & Davis (O P Eberhart and J R Davis), dry goods, 417 e
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Established 1898
Pbeni 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185' College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Speciatticj
ATHENS GA hi)l4-ir.] CITY DIRECTORY_________151
Eberheart Lillie Mrs, h 415 Dougherty
Echols Alonza M (Tochic), pressman The McGregor Co, h 80S s
*Echols Felix, h 1536 w Broad
*Echols J Scott (Alice), gro 1528 w Broad, h same
*Echols Mary L, dom, h 1163 w Broad
*Echols Sidney, dom, h 1163 w Broad
*Echols Wm, lab, h 220 John
Eden Wm L (Fannie), foreman S A L Ry, h 887 College av
Edwards Alex C (Mamie), trav slsmn Ga Mattress Co, h 135 n Hull
Edwards Alice Mrs, h 625 n Lumpkin
*Edwards Boston, painter, h 1560 w Broad
*Edwards Centennial, h 1560 w Broad
Edwards Chas H Rev, h 124J/2 s Lumpkin
Edwards Childers, sturlent, bds Wayside Tnn
*Edwards David (Nora), driver, h 157 Franklin
*Edwards Dilmus (Alice), lab, h 386 Barber
*Edwards Eliza, h 250 China
*Edwards Fred, lab, h 270 4th
*Edvvards Harrison E (Hattie), janitor County Court Mouse, h \(\'l
*Edwards Harry, lab, h 250 China
*Edwards Jas, lab," h 270 4th
Edwards L F"rank, sec-treas Athens Fdry & Mach Wks, pres-treas
Edwards Mills and Mallison Braided Cord Co, h 4-'0 s Milledge av
Edwards Leland (Pearle). mchst, h 284 Xantahala av
*Edwards Mattie, dom, h 272 Compress
Edwards Mills, yarn mnfrs, office 124 s Lumpkin, mills Crawfnrd Ga ;
L F Edwards pres-trcas, J H Mapp sec
*Edwards Sallie, cook, h 1560 w Broad
Edwards Thos R, elk S A L Ry, bds n Jackson
Edwards Wm J (Lettie), barber L E Cooper, h 435 e Dougherty
Edwards Wm W (Maggie), house furngs, h 875 n Chase
Edwin Edwin K Jr, atty at law, h 973 Prince av
Eidam Albert, mill wkr, h 185 Nacoochee av
Eidam Annie Miss, mill wkr, h 185 Xacoochee av
Eidam Eleanor J, wid Henry H, h 185 Xacoochee av
Eidam Ernest, mill wkr, h 185 Nachoochee av
Eidam Irene Miss, mill wkr, h 185 Nachoochee av
Eidam Robt, mill wkr, h 185 Xachoochee av
Eidam Wm, mill wkr, h 185 Nachoochee av
Eisenberg Wm, shoemkr M M Hubert, h 135 Pulaski
Elder Alfonso G, elk Talmage Bros & Co, h Oconee Hghts
*Elder Adell, h 347 Arch
Elder C F, trav slsmn Talmage Bros & Co, h Oconee Hghts
llthor Morillllfl '" the world S' ves tlie information contained UUIul muUIUIII in a Directory. It is consulted every day in the vear. Mr. Business Man. where can you find a bettor medium
Phone 618 : : 401 E. Broad St.
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Elder Delilah, wid Elijah, h 911 e Broad
Elder G Preston (Lillie), ins 315 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 1189 Prince av
Elder Grace H Miss, cashr Sol J Boley Co, h Georgia av
Elder Harry H (Estelle), slsmn E H Dorsey, h 543 Meigs
*Elder Jackson (Lizzie M), gro 1293 w Broad, h 133 n Church
*Elder Jas (Lucy), lab, h 345 Arch
Elde* Jas H (Fannie), phys Georgia av, h same
*Eldcr Jane, laund, h 326 Arch
*Elder Josephine, h 237 Tabernacle
*Elder Julia, cook, h 326 Arch
Elder Laura M Miss, tchr State Normal Schl
Elder Lillie M Miss, h 1189 Prince av
Elder Leslie, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h Georgia av
*Elder Mattie, dom, h 345 Arch
v >
Elder Pearle Miss, stengr, h Georgia av
*Elder Perry, lab, h 345 Arch
*Elder Phillis, h 237 Tabernacle
Elder Thos L (Hattie), slsmn E H Dorsey, h 534 Meigs
ELECTRIC SHOP (The), 195 e Clayton phone 1121, A H Sikes
sales mngr
Eley Jas R, elk Palmer Drug Store, bds 296 Hill
Elite Theatre, 154 e Clayton, Mrs Marguerite Murphy mngr
Elks Home, 115 e Broad, Geo H Palmer sec
*Ellington Wm, lab Klein-Martin Co
Elliott Audrey Miss, h 589 Meigs
Elliott C Vernon, elk Bernstein Bros
Elliott Campbell C (Roberta), elk Jay H Epting Co, h 435 e Hoyt
Elliott Ennis, student, h 589 Meigs
Elliott Farry Miss, h 589 Meigs
Elliott Jno D (Agnes), elk Abe Joel & Sons, h 825 College av
Elliott Marion H (Maude), elk J H Eptjng Co, h 277 River
Elliott Maude Mrs, cashr Jay H Epting Co, h 277 River
Elliott Rhoda Mrs, h 589 Meigs
Elliott Ruby P Miss, h 589 Meigs
Elliott W Henry, mngr J H Epting Co, h 589 Meigs
*Ellis Amanda, dom, h 835 Water
*Ellis Anna, h 337 3d
Ellis Hattie Mrs, elk Davison-Nicholson Co
*Ellis Lula, laund, h 766 n Lumpkin
*Ellis Lula, cook 448 n Milledge av
Ellis Martha Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 471 n Jackson
'*Ellis Mary, h 337 3d
*Ellis Peter, driver W L Hancock Coal Co, h 337 3d
*Ellison Rebecca, smstrs, h 335 n Pope
Ellisnn Robt L (Eula), dentist IVTodern Dental Parlors, h 240 Cobb
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square- H*nry S. Shockley. Principal- Book-keeping. American
Banking. Office Systems. Wholesaling. Commis-
AshCville, N. C.
sion. Manufacturing, Lumber Book-keeping, Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con-
tracts, Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling, English, Punctuation, Type
writing. Shorthand. Enter any time.
Office work of all kind* solicited.
With all 2-Gallon Orders we Send "One Qart Free." Prices Cain
2-Gallons Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00
Cora or Rye.
*Elmore Jno (Mamie), lab, h (r) 392 Augusta av
Elrod Geo T, pharmacist Reid Drug Co, bds Lockhart House
Elrod Malvin D, mchst Athens Fdry & Mach Wks, h 709 n Thomas
Elrod W P, slsmn Athens Coca-Cola Bot Co
Emanuel Episcopal Church, Prince av n e cor Pope, Rev Troy Beattie rector
Emanuel Episcopal Church, Parrish House, Pope nr Prince av
Emerick Divona Miss, stengr H T Huggins & Son, h 185 Poplar
Emerick Geo C (Ola), police, h 7G7 Pulaski Emerson W Richd, mchst Athens Fdry & Mach Wks, h 500 Foundry Emery Geo W (Carrie), pres Athens Chero-Cola Co, h 198 Boulevard Emery Reuben O (Nettie C), treas-genl mngr Athens Chero-Cola Co,
h 198 Boulevard
EMPIRE FURNITURE CO, 245 n Thomas phone 467; A L Reynolds pres, J S Andrews v-pres, J H Brunson sec-treas
Empire State Chemical Co, mnfrs fertilizer, 584 e Broad ; E R Hodgson pres, E R Hodgson Jr v-pres, Harry Hodgson sec-treas
Engel Bertha Mrs, collr White Pressing Co, h 150 Waddell England Arthur A (Lillie), fireman A F D No 1, h 348 Hoyt England Claude O (Priscilla), bkkpr Davison-Nicholson Co, h Mill-
edge Terrace England Edwd, h 348 Hoyt *English Wynne (Daisy), driver, h 770 w Broad *Episcopal Church, Hancock av s w cor Pope Eppes Eston, asst cashr Georgia Natl Bank, h 297 Peabody Eppes Francis (Mary), notary and bkkpr S F Story, h 297 Peabody Epps Benj T (Omie), propr Epps Garage, h 1020 Hancock av E^pps Carl, student, h 1020 w Hancock av Epps Garage, 392 e Washington, B T Epps propr Epps Levy Mrs, smstrs Head & McMahan, h 238 Madison av Epps Lucy A, wid Howard, h 287 Oconee Epps Luther H (Bertie), mchst Epps Garage, h 244 w Washington *Epps Newton (Mary), lab, h 493 w Broad Epps Omie Mrs, elk Michael Bros, h 1020 Hancock av Epps Roy B, mchst Grover Presnell, h 1020 w Hancock av Epps Ruth Miss, h 1020 w Hancock av *Epps Susie A, tchr Knox Inst & Indus School Epps Thos J (Evie), farmer, h 1020 w Hancock av Epting Alien, elk, h 343 e Dougherty Epting Harry O (Leonora), (Globe Mercantile Co), h Clover Hurst Epting Herbert, h 343 e Dougherty EPTING JAY H (May), (Jay H Epting Co), h 343 e Dougherty
Roman and Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Buildings.
Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
Pkeati 2066 and 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Ckarlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264-
___ ATHENS GA [HU4-151 CITY DIRECTORY__________
EPTING JAY H CO (J II Epting and Max Joseph), dry goods, 36431:s e 11 road
378 Broad Street
Phone 397
Ernest May Miss, bds 5 (J5 Barber ERWIN ANDREW C (Camilla M), (Erwin & Co), v-pres Citizens
Bank & Trust Co and pres Athens Chamber of Commerce, h 1394 s Milledge av ERWIN HOWELL C (Lucy), (Cobb & Erwin), and v-pres Amer State Bank, h -121 Dearing Envin Julian, slsmn C B (Griffith, h 524 Hill Erwin Mary Miss, h 524 Hill Erwin Mary A, wid Alex S, h 524 Hill ERWIN WM L, (Cobb & Erwin), and notary, h 524 Hill Erwin & Co (Andrew C Erwin), real estate and ins 283 College av Escoe Chas T, painter, h 235 n Hull Escoe Edwd, h 235 n Hull Escoe Eva B Miss, h 235 n Hull Escoe Lucy A, wid Robt L, h 235 n Hull Escoe \Ym Y (Ola), sales stables Fulton cor Jackson, h 560 s Lumpkin Estes Mark C (Laura), h 1G4 Nellie B av Estes Robt L (Ruby), h 435 e Dougherty Etheridge Chas (Ella), painter, h 1010 e Broad Etheridge Nannie P Miss, elk Sou Ry, bds 770 College av Etowah (The), boarding 247 w Hancock av, Mrs Stella Byers propr * Evans Albert (Kate), lab), h 335 Lyndon av Evans Chas E (IJirtic), guard Clarke Co, h 395 Oak "Evans Dennis, janitor U of Ga, h 483 w Broad Evans Ered (Lena), elk Sou Ry, h 385 s Jackson Evans G \Vm (Cora), binder The McGregor Co, h 898 s Lumpkin Evans Geo \Y (Cora), switchman S A L Ry, h 144 State Evans Georgia, wid J A, h 748 n Jackson
H. R. Palmer & Sons :: 225 E. Clayton St.
ffice 394 Residence 957' L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
___ ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________155
*Evans Green (Cassie), gro, h 394 w Broad Evans Jno C (Ida), h 255 Du Bose av Evans Mamie L Aliss, elk Eberhart & D avis, h 748 n Jackson Evans Obediah (Pollie), carp, h 185 State Evans Sarah A, vvid Wm, h 870 Boulevard Evans Wm A (Lulie)^ pipe ftr Athens G L & F Co, h 748 n Jackson
Everett Jas N (Alma), collr Empire Furn Co, h 114 n Grace ^EVERHART sec EBERHART Exturb David (Zepie), meat ctr L Cutler, h 577 Pulaski
1066.__________CITIZENS PHARMACY._______
Fain Frances R Miss, h 1334 s Lumpkin * Fain Jno R, prof U of Ga, h 1334 s Lumpkin
Fain Lida Miss, h 1334 s Lumpkin Fambro Augustus A (Emma), farmer, h 327 Oak Fambro Grady, h 327 Oak Fambro Jos C, elk Fears Gro Co, h 327 Oak Fambro Susie Miss, h 327 Oak Fambrough Alice L, wid T L, h 337 e Strong Fambrough Earl,-bkkpr Ga Natl Bank, h 337 e Strong FANT H EUGENE, mngr Athens Hide Co, h Sanges Hotel Farbstein Hinda Miss, student, h 475 e Dougherty Farbstein Marcus (Fannie), h 415 e Dougherty *Farnell Wm, collr, h 293 Reese Farr Clinton, overseer Sou Mnfg Co, rms 749 Boulevard
Farr Wm A (Mattie), mchst Athens Motor Car Co, h 227 w Dougherty
Farrell Geo W (Hattie), h 126 Cemetery Farris Geo H, foreman The McGregor Co, bds Commercial Hotel Farris Maude Miss, stengr G T Canning, h 146 Herring *Favers Eloise, dom, h (r) 400 n Foundry *Favers Ethel, eating hse 116 n Foundry, h 664 same
*Favers Henry (Hattie), lab Athens G L'& F Co, h (r) 400 n Foundry *Favor Isaiah, driver Western Meat Mkt, h Strickland *Favor Thos (Susie), lab, h 168 Odd *Favors Gertrude, dom, h 164 Augusta av Fears Elizabeth Miss, h 174 Grady av *Fears Ellen, h 144 Warsaw
Fears Elliott P, student, h 174 Grady av Fears Emma J, wid Andrew C, h 609 n Lumpkin Fears Grocery Co (A F Comer), 151 e Clayton Fears Jas P (Elizabeth J), h 649 n Lumpkin
You Advertise Ul A The Reason II p Good
The City Directory U Becau$B U U Results
Fear's Stables, 184 w Clayton, Williams Bros proprs
*Feeley Mary, laund, h Cleveland av
Fellows Annie G Miss, collr Chamber of Commerce, h 173 Barrow
Fellows Chas S (Rosa), electrn, h 546 Pulaski
Fellows Cyrus S (Sallie F), elk H T Huggins & Son, h 173 Barrow
Fellows Ella M Miss, h 173 Barrow
Fellows H Eugene (Velma P), bkkpr R L Moss Mnfg Co, h 173 Bar-
* Fellows Jas, lab Athens Pottery Co
Fellows Paul R, elk H F Kenney, h 173 Barrow
Fellows Velma Mrs, stengr Athens Coca-Cola Bot Co, h 173 Barrow
Ferguson L W, detective, rms 164 e Strong
Ferrell Rufus O, elk The Rowland Co, bds The Etowah
*Fester Annie, cook, h 143 3d
Few Olin D, elk Sou Exp Co, bds 297 w Broad
*Few \Vm M (Minerva), farmer, h 1375 w Hancock av
Fickett Millard F (Mary A), watchmkr R Brandt, rms 468 n Milledge
Fields Clara O Mrs, elk Sol J Boley Co, h 495 Ruth
Fields Clifford (Minnie), mchst, bds 198 Oconee
Fields Dora, wid \Vm, h 3 1C Oconee
*Fields Eldon (Susie), janitor Sou Mutual Bldg, h 144 Warsaw
*Fields Henry (Lillie), lab, h 226 4th
Fields Herschel, lab, h 126 Grace
Fields J Milford, elk The Oasis, h 165 Strong "
*Fields Jno (Belle), lab, h 447 Odd
Fields Lou J Miss, gro and boarding 198 Oconee, h same
Fields Mamie Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co
Fields Minnie Mrs, gro 1224 e Broad, h 198 Oconee
*Fields Richd (Emma), blksmith Tucker & Curtis, h 127 Odd
Fields Robt O (Clara), carp, h 495 Ruth av
Fields Rufus E (Nannie), carp, h 126 Grace
Fields \Vm O (Ida), barber A M Bryant, h 164 n Foundry
Fillingame Chas W (Sallie), carp, h s Lumpkin extd
*Finch Jas (Rosa), janitor U of Ga, h 360 River
Findley Louise, wid Robt, h 1123 Prince av
Fink Claudia G Miss, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst, rms 220 n Milledge av
Fink Gen W (Belle), mill wkr, h 147 Chattanooga av
*Finks \Vm, lab, ttozier & Co
*Finley Malinda, laund, h Fowler Town
*Finley Minerva, dom, h 143 Hoyt
*Fink-y \Vm, janitor Holman Bldg, h 143 e Hoyt
FIRE DEPARTMENT (See Athens Fire Dept)
Firor Geo XV, bds 1260 s Lumpkin
Firor Guy \\ (Helen), prof horticulture U of Ga, h 160 Virginia av
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
!j %*
i! jf
1 , j !
' ;
\ L
Ask someone about us. They will tell you we give Satisfactory Service.
H1LLEY & JONES___________268 N. Jackson St.
ATH'ENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________157
Firor Jos W, trav slsmn, bds 1260 s Lumpkin First Baptist Church, College av cor Washington, Rev J W Lynch
pastor First Methodist Church, Lumpkin s w cor Hancock av, Rev C C Jar-
rell pastor *First Methodist Church, Foundry ft e Hancock av, Rev J W Dore
pastor First Presbyterian Church, e Hancock av nr College av, Rev E L
Hill pastor *Fisher Geo (Ida), lab, h 291 Athens av Fitzpatrick Andrew J (Emma), hackmn, h 187 Inglewood av Fitzpatrick Grace Miss, h 153 Nellie B av Fitzpatrick Henry J, h 153 Nellie B av Fitzpatrick Howell (Mattie), carp, h 141 Wilkerson Fitzpatrick Howell R (Tassie), gro 120 Arch, h 190 Poplar *Fitzpatrick Hugh (Mary), butler, h 166 n Finley Fitzpatrick Jas T (Annie), gro 69? Barber, h same Fitzpatrick Mary K Miss, stengr Merchants Paper Co, h 420 River Fitzpatrick Minnie Miss, h 153 Nellie B av Flanagan Andrew, mill wkr, h 193 Park av Flanagan W Henry (Cora), mill wkr, h 193 Park av *Flanagen Annie, dom, h 834 Reese *Flanagen Thos Lula, lab, h 1387 w Broad Flenigen Barrington S,student, h 424 Prince av Flanigen C Douglas (Mary N), v-pres Athens Ry & Elec Co, and
Chamber of Commerce, h 424 Prince av Flanigen C Douglas Jr, civ engnr, h 424 Prince av Flanigen Claudia T, h 424 Prince av Flanigen J Monteith, student, h 424 Prince av Flanigen Jean N Miss, h 424 Prince av Flanigen Wilbert F, asst genl elk P O, bds 575 n Jackson *Flanigan Edwd (Sallie), (Prince Av Pressing Club), h 142 n Chase Flannagan Carrie, wid J M, h 423 e Dougherty Flatan Arthur (Pearle), trav slsmn, bds Wolfe House Flatau Max, propr Athens Crockery & Furnishing Co, rms 197^4 w
Flatow Lucien B, propr Athens Motor Car Co, h 148^ w Washington
Fleeman Archie G (Callie), gro 995 Oconee, h 985 same
Fleeman Bertha Miss, cashr Abe Joel & Sons, h 985 Oconee
Fleeman Kroner L, mngr Q Room, h 340 s Lumpkin
Fleeman Nanette Miss, mlnr, h 340 s Lumpkin
Fleeman Nettie L, wid Henry D, h 340 s Lumpkin
Fleeman Ruby B Miss, bkkpr E B Hudson, h 985 Oconee
Fleming Alien (Sarah E), mngr G H McFadden & Bros Agency, h
Martin Bros __640 Meigs JOBBERS F HARNESS and
Phone 621
455 Clayton :- Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty :
238-240 Broad St. Jobber* and "Retailer* phone 280-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Fleming Arthur 1) i Annie i. barber Ilillrv & Jones, li 840 College av FLEMING-DEARING HARDWARE CO (Inc), 351 e Clayton
phone <i<. warehouse '.\\'l-'.\'!\ e Washington; T \\ UmbsUm pres, J H Fleming v-pres, C C Shouse sec-treas Fleming Howard H, student, h :>!>*, Boulevard Fleming f I'.nrt. bkkpr I li Meming. h 397 \v Boulevard FLEMING JAMES D, ('I li 1 leming Hdw Co), h 397 Boulevard Fleming Jas U (LucileC, propr Farmers Restaurant, 259 n Thomas,
h 245J4 same Fleming Jas 1' (Ella F). mnfrs agt. h 7; 5.") Boulevard Fleming Jos II, v-pres Fleming-Dearing Hdw Co, res Bristol Term Fleming Lois M Miss, h (iJO Meigs Fleming M Alfred, li -M ">!.'/ n Thomas * Fleming Rebecca, cook, h ;:',4 n Hull FLEMING T B HARDWARE CO (T B, J D and T C Flem-
ing), hardware and mill supplies, 2~i\ n Thomas phone Ml (see
P 4) FLEMING T BANKS (Cora)> ( T BFleming Hdw Co), h 397 vv
Boulevard FLEMING T CURTIS (T B Fleming- Hdw Co), h ;i)7 w Boulevard ** Fleming \\ni (May R), realestate, h I(j5 Reese Fleming \Vm J. bds '^l n Church Flournoy Edwd L (Annie), fireman Athens limpire Ldry, h 186 n
Foundry Flournoy Fred C (Annie L), hackman, h 1123 Oconee Flournoy Leonard (Nellie), hackman, h -1023 Oconee Flournoy Mattie F, wid Robt, h 18G n Foundry Floyd Henry, flagman, bds 880 College av *Floyd Isaac, cook 23o Boulevard *Floyd Lewis, lab. h 148 Hoyt *Floyd Robt (Mary), blksmith Tucker & Curtis, h 137 Pearl Fluker Lamar J (Ruth), solr Athens G L & F Co, h 147 w Dougherty Flury Albert L Rev (Cora E), pastor West End Baptist Church, h
896 n Chase *Flynt Sarah, dom, h 12 5 Greene FORBES WALTER T (YYillie S), genl sec Y M C A, h 550 Cobb Ford Eugenia 3d Miss, h 148 Hiawassee av **Ford Huldah, cook, h 1157 w Hancock av *Ford Lula, laund, h 1157 w Hancock av *Ford Moses, horseshoer B R Pickrell, h 699 e Vine Ford R Alex (Henrietta), mill wkr, h 148 Hiawassee av *Ford Richd (Malinda). lab, h :tt:i l ; airview *Ford Sallie, laund, h 1 :!;.'> \\- Hancock av Fordham Martha A. wid \\ m L, h 1#5 Mulberry Fordham Sadie I Miss, mill wkr, h 185 Mulberry
The McGregor Company
Established 1898
Tallin BM|. 15'; Cillegi .
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
_________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________159
Forlaw Margaret Miss, stengr J D Moss, h 549 n Jackson Forrester Mary F, wid Saml, h 578 Pulaski Forrester Thos M (Mary F), janitor P O, h 578 Pulaski FORTSON BLANTON (Jeanette), atty at law 603-604 Sou Mutual
Bldg phone 976, h 651 s Milledge av *Foster Alfred (Hattie), plmbr, h 680 w Broad Foster Annie A Miss, stengr Y M C A, h Milledge Terrace Foster Ethtynde Miss, elk Abe Joel & Sons, h 1064 s Lumpkin *Foster Frances, tchr, h 327 Atlanta av Foster Fred H (Georgie), contr, h 723 w Hanover av *Foster Hattie, laund, h 526 Reese Foster Helen Miss, h Milledge Terrace *Foster Jno D, lab Sou Ref Co *Foster Lowe (Charlotte), lab, h Flint nr Odd Foster Lyndon, accountant, bds 575 n Harris *Foster Prince E, h 187 Cohen *Foster Robt (Frances), ins agt, h 327 Atlanta av *Foster R H, watchman P O Foster Saml C, (Standard Pressing Co), h 1064 s Lumpkin Foster W Jefferson (Edna B), trav slsmn, h 1064 s Lumpkin ^Foster Wm H (Alice J), carrier P O, h 681 n Lumpkin Fountain Claude R, prof U of Ga, rms 425 Hill Fowler Carl A, bkkpr Mallison Braided Cord Co, h Oglethorp av nr
Prince av Fowler Chas M, (T C Fowler & Sons), h Prince av cor Oglethorp av Fowler David B, farmer, h Prince av cor Buena Vista av Fowler Edgar K, student, h Oglethorp av Fowler Eunice Miss, h Oglethorp av Fowler J B, foreman Athens Ry & Elec Co Fowler J Clifton (T C Fowler & Sons), h Prince av cor Oglethorp av Fowler Joel J(Olivia), supt Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 1509 s Lumpkin Fowler Jno A (Lillie), h 599 Prince av Fowler Jno M (Ellie), farmer, h Oglethorp av
Fowler Ruby I Miss, supt Normal Schl P O (Branch), h Oglethrop av nr Prince av
Fowler T C & Sons (T C, C M, J C Fowler),,-gros Prince av cor Oglethorp av
Fowler Thos C (T C Fowler & Sons), h Prince av cor Oglethorp av Fowler Wm A (Nora),supt, h Oglethorp av nr Prince av Fox Fredk W (Leila), marble ctr Bell Bros Marble Co, h 458 e Clayton Fox Leila Mrs, elk W T Collins & Co, h 458 e Clayton *Fox Mary A, h 121T7 w Hancock av
Fox Ralph J, mchst Athens Auto Sales & Repair Co. bds 458 e Clayton
Fox Thos J (Mary), h Oglethorp av
I n You Advertise III A The Reason II n Good W TThhfet HCiittvy nDiirrpercttnorrvy i"f vU wU BDOeMcaIIuCsOe U U Results
Fortunes, Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
*Henry Jas T (Lillian), cook, h 196J/2 w Washington
*Henry Jefferson F Rev (Ella), h 223 Fairview *Henry Lillian, hairdresser 196J/2 w Washington, h same Henry Susie J Miss, h 186 Mitchell Henson Carter, watchman, h 164 n Foundry Henson Dora Miss, mill wkr, h 164 n Foundry
Henson Hillory L (Camilla), fruits, 54 (J e Broad, h 164 n Foundry Herbert Wm C (Addie), emp Athens Pottery Co, h 1264 e Broad 9*~HERD see HEARD Herring Clela, wid Cleveland, h 213 Georgia Depot Herring Emory L (Ida), carp, h 149 Herring
Herring Geo W (Susan E), mill wkr, h 490 Nacoochee av Herring Jas R, mill wkr, h 490 Nacoochee av Herring Lutitia Miss, elk Davison Nicholson Co, h 435 e Dougherty Herrington Annie Miss, h 687 Nantahala av Herrington Reuben, mill wkr, h 687 Nantahala av Herrington S M Mrs, h 290 n Milledge av *Hester Mary J, cook, h 386 w Broad *Hester Nathan (Anna), painter, h 124 Augusta av
Hewatt Claude A, mattress mkr Ga Mat Co, h 450 Ruth av Hewatt Esaias A (Edna), formn Ga Mattress Co, h 450 Ruth av Hewatt Jno L, formn Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co, h Barbers-
ville Hewatt Lee J (Leila), emp Ga Mat Co, h 488 Ruth av
Hewatt Wheelis W (Mamie), emp Ga Mattress Co, h 228 Elizabeth Hewell Jerry H (Bertha), wood wkr, h 687 Pulaski
*Hewitt Wm HJab, h 297 Lyndon av Heywood Humphrey B Dr (Helen) (Athens Dental Parlors), h 1543
s Lumpkin Hiawassee Settlement House, 224 Hiawassee av, Mrs J L Morris mngr *Hicks Abe (Cecelia), lab, Ji 386 n Chase *Hicks Chas (Mary A), cook, h 169 n Finley Hicks Frank W (Cora M), supt Sou Mnfg Co, h 781 Boulevard *Hicks Julia, laund, h 169 n Finley Hicks Kate E Miss, matron State Normal Schl and prin Muscogee
Elementary School *Hicks Thos (Hattie), butler, h 229 n Finley *Hicks Wm, lab, h 386 n Chase Higginbotham Alex (Cora), mill wkr, h 237 Oak Higginbotham Thos M (Lucy), carp, h 345 Ruth av High School, Prince av nr Pope, E B Mell prin *Hightower Jos, lab, h 254 n Pope *Hill Althea, student, h 223 n Billups *Hill Ann, dom, h 1525 w Broad *Hill Carrie, cook, h 152 Hoyt
Asheville Business College Kntirc 3rd Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square. Heni-y S. Shockley. Principal. Book-keeping:. Ameiican
Banking, Office Systems, Wholesaling, Commis-
Asheville, N. C.
son, Manufacturing-, Lumber Book-keeping-, Cost
Accounting, Farm Book-keeping. Businets Con-
trasts, Prajtio il Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic, Spelling, English. Punctuation. Typewriting
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
ESS Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
__________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________177
"Hill's Chapel (Baptist), Harris n w cor Broad, Rev D W Dunn pstr *Hill Chas (Lillie), lab, h (r) 1234 s Lumpkin Hill Claude M (Athens Auto Sales & Repair Co), h 298 w Hancock av *Hill Clifford, porter J B Vaughan. h 169 w Washington *Hill Dock, cmp Jas Davis, h Bridge *Hill David (Ellen), h 140 2d *Hill Eliza, dom, h 1463 w Broad Hill Ellie Mrs, lodging, 856 n Lumpkin, h same *Hill Emma, laund, h 356 Macon av Hill Eugene L Rev (Annie G), pastor First Presbyterian Church, h
775 Cobb *Hill's First Baptist Church. Pope n e cor Reese, Rev J T Johnson
pastor *Hill FJetcher, lab, h 1435 Oconee *Hill Frank, porter W rights Mkt, h 524 4th Hill Genie Mrs, h 154 Bryan *Hill Geo (Sarah), barber U S A Havvkins, h 195 Rock Spring *Hill Georgia, dom, h 152 Hoyt *Hill Gertrude, dom, h 1 15 Strickland Hill H H, police *Hill Henry, driver Athens Ice Co Hill Henry (Julia), h 726 Pulaski Hill Hugh H, emp Ga State Colleg of Agri, h Greene cor Lumpkin Hill Irene P Miss, stengr J J & R M Strickland and notary, 701 Hoi-
man Bldg, h 693 n Pope *Hill Jane, laund, h 1525 w Broad Hill Jewell I Miss, stengr C H Hodgson & Co, h 298 w Hancock av *Hill Jno (Stella), lab, h 384 Barber *Hill Jno (Mary), lab, h 1525 w Broad ' Hill Jno G (Rosa), barber A M Bryant, h 298 vv Hancock av Hill Kennie A (Hill & Wood), h 198 Oconee Hill Lula Miss, h 237 Oak *Hill Marion, tchr West Athens Schl, h 223 n Billups *Hill Mary, dom, h 1463 w Broad Hill Mary M Miss, tchr, h 721 s Milledge av *Hill Mattie, cook, h 149 Warsaw al *Hill Mattie J, tchr New Town Schl, h 223 n Billups Hill Mattie L Miss, h 298 w Hancock av *Hill Melyin (Rosa), bootblack A M Bryant, h 1529 w Broad *Hill Minnie L, boarding 737 e Broad, h same *Hill Morse (Ella), lab, h 178 Hoyt Hill Myrtie Miss, h 154 Bryan Hill Nancy, wid Caleb, h 1057 s Lumpkin *Hill Orie, dom, h 519 Reese Hill Parna B Miss, tchr State Normal Schl. h 721 s Milledge av
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
__________Telephone 264
ATHENS GA [1914-151 CITY DIRECTORY___________
*Hill Parthenia, h 123 Franklin *Hill Pauline, cook, h 1463 w Broad "Hill Peter, porter, h 149 Warsaw al *Hill Phylis, cook, h 395 Meigs *Hill Rosa, cook, h 1463 w Broad Hill Saml, bds 198 Oconee *Hill Squire W (Althea), porter Michael Bros, h 223 n Billups *Hill Thos (Gallic), lab, h 233 n Pope Hill Thos B (Ellie); cement wkr, h 856 n Lumpkin *Hill W Oscar (Emma), carrier P O, h 565 w Hancock av Hill Walter B Mrs, student U of Ga, h 721 s Milledge av *Hill Wilson, lab C of Ga Ry, h 243 Reese Hill & Wood (K A Hill and J D Wood), soft drinks, 136 Wall Hilley Thos V (J Eva), bkkpr Dorsey Furn Go, h 173 Childs HILLEY WOFFORD W (Leila) (Hilley & Jones), h 685 College av HILLEY & JONES (W W Hilley and W S Jones), barbers, 268 n
Jackson phone 486 (see top lines) Hilliard Henry N (Mollie), collr Toomer Music House, h 597 s Lump-
kin Hilliard Ophelia Mrs, h 953 Oconee *Hillman Dock, delmn Patman's City Mkt Hillsman Mamie Miss, elk Michael Bros, h Henderson av Hillsman Pattie Miss, tchr High School, h Henderson av Hindley Hiram Miss, h 540 Prince av Hines F Xavier, h 599 Prince av Hines Marie Miss, h 599 Prince av Hines Nora Miss, h 599 Prince av *Hines Saml, driver, h 847 Meigs Hinsley Rufus R (Pearl) (Hinsley & Tuck), h 896 s Lumpkin Hinsley & Tuck (R R Hinsley and H T Tuck), fruits and soft drinks,
461 e Broad Hinton Francis B (Minnie L), mngr Athens Hdw Co, h 1143 Prince av Hinton Francis B, mngr Bludwine Bottling Co, h 1143 Prince av Hinton Hugh P (Armontine S), real estate, 201-202 Holman Bldg, h
1080 s Milledge av Hinton Osborn R (Mary), broker, 703 Sou Mutual Bldg, h Cloverhurs* Hipkins Luda C, wid Russell R, h 248 w Washington *Hiram Clara B, nurse, h 784 n Chase *Hiram David, porter R Brandt, h 784 n Chase *Hiram Gertrude, laund, h 770 w Broad *Hiram Grace, dom, h 770 w Broad *Hiram Julia, smstrs, h 412 w Broad *Hiram Lace C (Ida M), dentist 144^ e Clayton, h same *Hiram Lamon, la, h 140 Newton *Hiram Mahala. la*und, h 770 w Broad
DRUG LINE, at Palmer & Sons
PHONES: ffice394
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
*Hiram Ruth, dom, h 770 w Broad *Hiram Wm (Mary), porter, h 133 n Pope Hirsch Ferd K Rev (Nell), rabbi Congregation Children of Israel, h
312 e Dougherty Hitchcock W Edwd, bkkpr Smith Shoe Co, h 360 Hancock *Hixon Cornelia, laund, h 1237 w Hancock av Hoard Stanley A, trav slsmn The Rowland Co, bds Wolfe House S^HOBSON see HOPSON Hodge Jas E (Docia) 1, mill wkr, h 144 Bryan Hodges Jos E (Kate), electrn Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 880 n Chase Hodges Pearl, wid D E, h 390 s Lumpkin Hodgson Asbury H, student, h 787 Cobb Hodgson Bros Co (C N Hodgson and W C Pitner), whole distributors
203 Shackelford Bldg Hodgson C N & Co (C N Hodgson and W: C Pitner), mdse brokers,
203 Shackelford Bldg Hodgson Chas N (Irene) (C N Hodgspn & Co) and pres Webb-Craw-
ford Co, h Cathedrel Pines Hodgson Dorothy C Miss, h 1001 Prince av Hodgson Edith F Miss, h 125 n Milledge av Hodgson Edwd R (Mary B), pres Empire State Chem Co, h 1001
Prince av
Hodgson Edwd R Jr, v-pres Empire State Chem Co, h 1001 Prince av Hodgson Freclk G (Ida C), h 180 s Milledge av Hodgson G Henry, slsmn, h 205 J/> s Jackson
Hodgson Geo T (India F), mngr, h 334 Prince av Hodgson Geo T Jr, student, h 334 Prince av Hodgson Guy, elk, h 296 Boulevard
Hodgson Harry, sec-treas Empire State Chem Co Hodgson Hugh L, student, h 125 n Milledge av Hodgson Jos M (Isabella), gro, h 125 n Milledge av Hodgson Lill Miss, h 787 Cobb Hodgson Marion C Miss, h 334 Prince av Hodgson Morton S (Lydia), slsmn Empire State Chem Co, h 1001
Hodgson Ralph R, bkkpr, h 125 n Milledge av Hodgson Roberta Miss, tchr State Normal Schl Hodgson Ruth P Miss, h 334 Prince av Hodgson Sarah, wid Asbury H, h 787 Cobb
Hodgson Walter B (Ethel), slsmn Empire State Chem Co, h 1001 Prince av
Hodson Frank, gro, \\2C^y2 n Lumpkin Hoff Celia Miss, h 635 College av HofT Sarah Miss, h 635 College av
fcHOFF see also HUFF
Tr3.de IS . N OT LIMITED to your immediate
^ neighborhood : you are in close touch with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking
goods in your line
**___ * * j
1*0________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Hofmeister Frank (Ola), shoe mkr Martin Bros, h 127 Elizabeth HOKE JNO Z (Kate), agt S A L Ry Commercial Dept, 228 e Clay-
ton, h 190 Cloverhurst av Hoke John Z Jr (Porter & Hoke), h 745 Milledge av *Holbrook Carrie B, gro, 563 w Broad, h 522 same Holbrook J L, stengr'C B Griffith, h Oconee *Holbrook Marion J (Carrie), elk P O, h 522 w Broad
*Holbrook Matthew, porter T B Fleming, h 771 Bearing *Holbrook Stephen (Lou E), porter Michael Bros, h 1347 w Broad *Holbrook W M & Co (Wm M Holbrook), plmbrs 1375 w Broad *Holbrook Wm M (Mamie) (W M Holbrook & CoH h 1367 w Broad *Holbrook Evelina, smstrs, h 835 Prince av *Holbrooks Henry, porter Arnold & Abney
*Holbrooks Richd, janitor Sou Mutual Ins Co, h 188 w Strong
*Holbrooks Wm, porter Arnold & Abney
Holcomb Joshua T (Catherine), shoe mkr Martin Bros, h 1465 e Broad
Holcomb Leila Miss, h 1465 e Broad Holcomb Mamie Miss, h 1465 e Broad Holden Effie M Miss, nurse St Mary's Hospital, h 360 n Milledge av Holden Frank A, h 327 s Milledge av
Holden Horace M (Mary) (Holden & Shackelford) h 327 ft Milledge av Holden Howard L, h 327 s Milledge av Holden & Shackelford (H M Holden and F C Shackelford), attys at
law, 712-713 Sou Mutual Bldg *Holden Jane, dom P O, h 187 Flint
Holland Cafe, 164J/2 e Clayton, Mrs Bessie Bowden propr Holliday Alien C (Cora), phys, 101^ e Clayton, h 357 Hill Holliday Alien C Jr, student, h 357 Hill
Holliday Annie M Miss, tchr art, h 357 Hill
Holliday J Carl, phys 301-302 Holman Bldg, h 279^ n Lumpkin
Holliday Kate Miss, h 357 Hill Holliday Norene Miss, h 357 Hill
Holliday Paul L, student, h 357 Hill
Hollifield Henry, ins agt, rms 576 n Harris
Holliman Ellington T (Mary E), slsmn, h 424 w Hancock av Holliman M Ruth Miss, h 424 w Hancock av
Holliman Ruby E Miss, h 424 w Hancock av
Hollingshead Robt S, prof U of Ga
Hollingsworth Ernest, student, h 1085 Prince av
Hollingsgworth Louise Miss, h 1085 Prince av
Hollingsworth Thos E (Gertrude W)), prof State Normal Schl, h 1085
Prince av
Holman Building (Offices), Clayton cor Lumpkin
Holman Robt W (W S Holman & Co), h Oglethorp av nr Prince av
Player Pianos, Pianos, Organs and
459 E. Clayton
Phone 905
B A 7* B E *R S
Hot and Cold "Baths
26S ft. Jaction JY. fhone 4-86
ATHENS GA [1914-151 CITY DIRECTORY_________181
Holman W S & Co (W S and R W Holman and W W Scott), sale
stables, 163 w Clayton Holman Wm S (W S Holman & Co), h Oglethorp av nr Prince av Holmes Edwd J (Laura), fish dlr, 625 e Broad, h 910 same Holmes Ferdinand F, gro, 720 Barber, h 147 Tibbetts Holmes Harry M (Lizzie), carp, h 147 Tibbetts *Holmes Oscar (Nora), butler 1055 Prince av *Holsey Annie L, laund, h 360 Barber *Holsey Mamie E, laund, h 360 Barber *Holsey Martha, smstrs, h 360 Barber Holt Elizabeth J Miss, h 725 Cobb 'Holt Mary, dom, h 389 n Billups *Holt Spencer, gardner, h (r) 271 w Hancock av *Holt Susan, laund, h 298 Lyndon av Home's Friend (The) (Inc), 316-317 Sou Mutual Bldg; J C Walden
Jr pres, L V Lawhcad v-pres, P H Smith sec-treas Home & Farmstead (trimonthly), 149-151 n Lumpkin, The Banner
Printery, publishers Hood Chas H. elk Atlanta Compress Co, h 585 Barber
Hood Hortelle Miss, h 215 e Dougherty Hood J Monroe (Bertie), garage, h 215 e Dougherty Hood Stephen T (Ellis), garage, 184 w Washington, h 737 n Jackson Hooper Florence Miss, h 525 s Milledge av Hooper Laura, wid Virgil, h 499 Ruth av Hooper Wm D (Florence)], prof U of Ga, h 525 s Milledge av
*Hope Benj G (Janie), lab, h 320 Augusta av *Hope Maria, cooK, h 640 w Broad
*Hope Mary, dom, h 600 w Broad *Hope Richd, lab, h 320 Augusta av *Hope Susie, dom, h 320 Augusta av *Hopkins Benj, servt 185 n Hull Hopkins Gray, live stock, h 126 n Milledge av Hopkins Virginia Mrs, prin, h 126 n Milledge av *Hopper Jacob (Martha), lab, h 168 n Pope *Hopson Wm P (Bessie L) (Hopson & Williamson) and shoe mkr,
185 w Washington, h 136 s Billups *Hopson & Williamson (W P Hopson and Theo Williamson), under-
takers, 185 w Washington Horn Geo (Fannie), h 1052 Oconee *Horton Henry (Maggie), lab, h 280 Derby *Horton Henry, shoemkr, h 1337 w Hancock av *Horton Henry C (Sarah), lab, h .239 n Finley *Horton Jno (Mattie), chauffeur, h 1124 w Broad *Horton Jno H R'ev (Rita B), pastor Ebenezer Baptist Church, h
257 n Finley
MARTIN BROS. Job"r Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing: a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers Phone 280-J
Buggies.Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
*Horton Jno W (Susie), sub carrier P O, h 550 w Hancock av
*Horton Jos (Annie), lab, h 126 Water
*Horton Maria, dom, h 1337 w Hancock av
*Horton Mary, laund, h 247 n Pope
"^Horton Ora, tchr, h 1337 w Hancock av
Hosea Wm (Sarah), h 1476 e Broad
Hosey Saml L (Susie), mchst, h 475 Ruth av
Hossha Ruth Miss, cashr Crystal Theatre, h 346 w Strong
HOTEL SANGES Lumpkin cor Broad Wm A Sanges propr (see p )
*Hough Fannie, cook Commercial Hotel
House Lovely A, wid Thos, h 1238 Prince av
*Houston Albert (Cordelia), porter Sou Ry Frt Station, h 398 Cleve-
land av
*Houston Florence, laund, h 398 Cleveland av
*Houston Fred (Ella), lab, h 348 Cleveland av
"Houston Laura W H, laund', h 760 n Chase
*Houston Sylvester (Amanda), lab, h 361 Cleveland av
Howard A O, bkkpr Athens Hdw Co, h 513 n Jackson
*Howard Annie, dom, h 450 Reese
*Howard Arthur T (Alleen), barber Saml McQueen, h 139 Newton
*Howard Beatrice, laund, h 335 Vine
*Howard Carrie, laund, h 145 n -Church
Howard Claude, emp Klein-Martin Co
*Howard Cleveland (Susie), lab Sou Ref Co, h 340 Macon av
*Howard Clifford (Sallie),, lab, h 165 Fairview
*Howard Fannie, dom, h 450 Recse
*Howard Frank, lab, h 450 Reese
*Howard Geo (Minnie), waiter, h 335 n Pope
*Howard Georgia, laund, h 450 Reese
*Howard Hezekiah, lab, h 335 Vine
* Howard Jas (Hattie), lab, h 190 Hill Crest av
*Howard Jesse, lab, h 450 Reese
*Howard Jno, lab, h 262 Fairview
*Howard June, emp Athens Ry & Elec Co
*Howard Mamie, tchr, h 145 n Church
*Howard Mattie, dom, h 145 n Church
Howard Owen, elk, bds 513 n Jackson
*Howard Robt (Eula), lab, h 286 Arch
*Howard Washington, lab, h 260 Vine
*Howard Wm (Lucy), driver Crowe & Co, h 249 China
*Howell Claiborne, lab, h 131 Cain
Howell Ernest M (Ruby C), bkkpr J D Moss, h 125 Prince av
*Howell Jessie, laund, h 224 Cleveland av
Howell J McBride (Hallie), sec-treas Webb-Crawford Co, h 256 Hill
*Howell Mary, dom, h 587 w Hancock av
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Esl&blishfd 1898
PilM 109
Talnadge Bldg. 185'_ College .
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
*Howell Robt, lab Webb-Crawford Co, h Springclale *Howell Volian (Mamie), porter Sou Exp Co, h 130 Greene Rowland Albert L (Effie D)), elect engnr, h 384 Nacoochee av *Hubbard Chas (Bettie), lab, h 330 Augusta av Hubbard Geo M (May), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 290 Seminole
av Hubbard Nathan, elk, rms 235 /J2 n Lumpkin Hubbard Rufus, hackman, 235^ n Lumpkin, rms same *Hubbard Seabrom (Mattie), lab, h 453 Oak Hubert Connie Miss, emp The McGregor Co, h 196 Cemetery Hubert Emeline, wid C E, h 196 Cemetery Hubert J H, asst cashr Anderson Banking Co Hubert Max M (Rosena), harness & shoe repairing, 252 n Lumpkin,
h 168 Grady av Hubert May Miss, mill wkr, h 196 Cemetery Hubert Walter L, mngr M M Hubert, h 196 Cemetery Hudgin Wescom, pub weigher, 243 s Jackson, h same *Hudson Albert, clnr Red & Black Pressing Co, h Brooklyn *Hudson Anna, cook, h 548 n Church *Hudson Chas (Emma), lab, h 1162 w Broad Hudson Edwd B (Emma G), dentist, 408 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 724 Cobb *Hudson Jas (Susie), lab, h 1545 e Broad *Hudson Jno H (Martha), lab, h 488 e Strong *Hudson Minerva, dom, h (r) 147 n Chase Hudson Pleasant W (Eva I), trav slsmn, h 1238 s Lumpkin *Hudson Sylvanus "(Carrie), lab, h 1162 w Broad
*Hudson Thos (Hattie) (Prince Av Pressing Club), h 1063 Reese WHUDSON see also HUTSON Huff Annie Miss, elk, h 729 Pulaski Huff Belle Miss, bds Wayside Inn *Huff Cordelia, cook 570 Prince av
Huff Craig (Delia), elk Petropol Forches, h 270 Baldwin Huff Effort H (Ada), condr Athens Ry & Eke Co, h Boulevard extd Huff Ethel Miss, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h 160 Narrow Huff Geo W (Delia), elk, h 160 Narrow Huff Howard, slsmn Talmage Bros & Co, h 770 College av *Huff Jacob (Sarah), drayman, h 345 Cleveland av Huff Judson (Golie), restaurant, h 270 Baldwin Huff Margie Miss, mill wkr, h 155 Mitchell Huff Marion R (Matt.c Lee)", elk Pctropel & Forches, h 250 Barrow *Huff Matida, cook, h 140 Cherry *Huff Otis (Fannie), porter F H Bowden, h 249 Arch Huff C Ruffin, opr Classic Theatre, h 362 e Dougherty Ruff Walter, emp Ga Roller Covering Shop, h 729 Pulaski Huff Wm E, elk Fleming-Dearing Hdw Co, bds 336 Hoyt
Nfl flthor Mofillim in t ^ie worl(* gi yes tne information contained MU UUICI IflCUIUIII in a Directory. It is consulted every day in the vear. Mr. Business Man. where can you find a better medium
Phone 618 : : 401 E. Broad St.
184________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CFTY DIRECTORY_________
Huff \Vm M (Xancy A), shoes, h 729 Pulaski "HUFF see also HOFF
Huggins Fannie A Miss, h 534 Pulaski HUGGINS H T & SON (H T and P L), china and crockery and
house furnishings, 332-346 e Broad phone 125 Hug'gins H Hamilton, slsimn H T Huggins & Son, bds 372 e
Hancock av HUGGINS HARVEY T (Mary E) (H T Huggins & Son) and v-pres
Anderson Banking Co, h 297 Barber Huggins Jas H (Mollie), bkkpr, h 534 Pulaski Huggins Katie B Miss, stengr, h 534 Pulaski Huggins Mav B Miss, h 297 Barber HUGGINS PERCY L, (Addie), (H T Huggins & Son), h 229 Barber Hughes Alma Miss, bkkpr Bernstein Bros, h 953 Oconee Hughes Arthur, electrn, h 953 Oconee Hughes David A, carp, h Boulevard extd Hughes Henry M (Sallie), supt power Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 775
Boulevard Hughes Kittie Miss, h Boulevard extd Hughes Otis. barber, h 953 Oconee Hughes Sarah Miss, h Boulevard extd Hughes Theron, mtrmn Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Boulevard extd Hukle Lucy, wid Geo, h 418 n Chase Hull Harry (Anne B), ins, h 453 Hill Hull Leila M Miss, h 327 Hill *TIull Pleasant, porter Ilion Cafe TTull Rosa D, wid Jno H, h 327 Hill
Hulme G H & Co (G H Hulme), whol grocers 136-8 s Foundry Hulme Geo H (G H Hulme & Co), h 530 s Milledge av Hulme Geo H Jr, mdse broker 136-8 s Foundry, h 530 s Milledge av Hulme Llewellyn M (Camilla), elk R M S, h 565 College av Humphrey Burger, mill wkr, bds 250 Nacoochee av ""Humphrey Frank, porter J W Harris, h 348 Georgia Depot Humphries Young (Maggie), elk Ilion Cafe, h 348 Church Hunicutt Jesse F, elk Bailey Tool Co, h 240 Hull
Hunnicutt Deupree (Gabriellc), atty at la w309-301 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 345 n Milledge av
Hunnicutt Jno A Dr (Mary L), h 325 n Milledge av Hunnicutt Jno A Jr, (Hunnicutt & Reynolds), h 325 n Milledge av Hunnicutt M Deupree Miss, h 325 n Milledge av Hunnicutt Nellie G Miss, h 325 n Milledge av Hunnicutt Sarah E Miss, h 325 n Milledge av
Hunnicutt & Reynolds (J A Hunnicutt Jr and H I Reynolds), phys 413-415 Sou Mutual Bldg
*ITunt Benj ( Xancy). lab, bds 736 e Broad
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square- Henry S. Shockley. Principal. Book-keeping, American
Banking:. Office Systems, Wholesaling:. Commis-
sion. Manufacturing:, Lumber Book-keeping:. Cost
Accounting:. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling:. English, Punctuation. Type
writing:. Shorthand. Enter any timt.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
With all 2-G.llea Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices Cash
2-GalIoas Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00
Con r Rye.
*Hunt Cornelia, laund, h 235 Arch *Hunt Llewellyn (Mamie), driver, h 346 Vine *Hunt Martha, cook, h 548 n Church Hunt Murry, elk, h 420 e Strong *Hunt Sarah, h 330 Vine *Hunter Adaline, laund, h 767 n Lumpkin Hunter Cora B Miss, h 163 Nantahala av Hunter Elizabeth J, wid T H, h 163 Nantahala av
Hunter Frances Al Miss, h 549 n Jackson *Hunter Hugh, lab, h 170 n Rock Spring *Hunter I Henry (Mary A) 1, gro 470 Oak, h 193 Bailey
*Hunter Jane, laund, h 190 n Paris Hunter Jesse R (Mary M), mnfrs agt, h 549 n Jackson Hunter Jesse R Jr, electrn, h 549 n Jackson *Hunter Seaborn R (Rachel E), gro, 598 vv Hancock av, h 258 n Chase *Hunter Stephen R (Rachel), (Wade & Hunter), h Cherry *Hunter Sudaze, h 186 Flint *Hunter Wm, janitor Athens H & I Schl, h 1368 w Broad Huntington Arthur (Mae), painter, h 424 s Lumpkin Huntington Mae Mrs, cashr Majestic Theatre, h 424 s Lumpkin Huntington Olive Mrs, h 424 s Lumpkin *Hurd Emma, smstrs, h 130 Cherry *Hurd Wm (Hattie), lab, h 168 Savannah av S^HURD see also HEARD *Hurt Clarence, inspr Athens Coca-Cola Botg Co *Hurt Frances, laund, h 835 Reese *Hutcheson Henry, cupalo tndr Athens Fdry & Mach Wks
Hutcheson Robt T, mngr Crystal Theatre, h 297 s Hull Hutcheson Svvepson O (Itaska), bkkpr Sou Mutual Ins Co, h 297 s
Hutchins Joshua C, bkkpr Talmage Bros & Co, bds 180 Barrow *Hutchinson Wm (Aggie), lab, h 140 n Rock Spring S*"HUTSON .see also HUDSON *Hyman Nora M, tchr Athens H & I Schl, h Reese cor Finley *Hutson Chas (Maggie), lab, h 387 Odd *Hutson Jno H (Clara), h 227 Flint______
Ideal Market, 197 Prince av, Leo Beer propr Ilion Cafe, 100 e Broad, Peter Petropol propr Inacone Matthew (Ada), stone ctr, h 186 n Foundry
Ingle Jas W (Lena), sec-treas White City Mnfg Co, h 171 Gndy av
Roaan aid Veiettai Art Mosaic for Churches and Baildings. Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Teraxzo Floor
FkM 2066 aad 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Biildiif, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Ingle S Ruth Miss, h 171 Grady av Inman, Akcrs & Inman, cottpn 584 T < e Broad J M Rogers agt *Ingram Uora, smstrs, h 412 w Broad Irby Dell Miss, stengr Cobb & Erwin, h 124 Hall *Irby Homer (Lula), fireman, h 447 3d *Islan:l \Vm (Parthenia), lab, h 229 4th Ison Albert S, cashr Sou Exp Co, rms 289^ n Lumpkin Isserow Saml, asst supt Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 617 Sou Mutual
Bldg, h 373 w Hancock av Tverson Elberta Miss, h Heights av Iverson X Frances Miss, h Heights av Iverson Robt (Frances), farmer, h Heights av
IVEY CHRISTINIA A MRS, mlnr 12!) College av, h 189 e Dougherty
Dressed Hats, Shapes, Caps, Laces Trimmings, Ribbons, Notions, Etc.
129 College Av.
Athens, Ga.
Ivey Eugene B, supt Atlantic Compress Co, bds Athenum Hotel Ivey \Vm A (Christina A), propr Delmar's Dairy Lunch, h 189 e
*Jackson Alfred W, tailor Xatl Woolen Mills, h 385 s Rock Spring *Jackson Andrew, butler 220 Prince av Jackson Andrew C (Electia), h 1238 Prince av Jackson Andrew C Jr, student, h 1238 Prince av ^Jackson Anna, cook, h 649 n. Milledge av *Jackson Asbury T (Annie), real estate 121^2 e Clayton, h 1052 Reese Jackson BenjF H, h 529 Meigs *Jackson Carrie, cook, h 336 Atlanta av
H. R. Palmer & Sons :: 225 E. Clayton St.
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________1ST
Jackson Clarence W, elk Athens Hdw Co, h 529 Meigs * Jackson Cleo, clom, h 130 Newton al *Jackson Clinton, porter B Dunaway, h 235 Vine *Jackson David, waiter Georgian Hotel, h 263 Reese * Jackson David Rev (Lula), pastor Hope Town A M E Church, h 26S
Reese Jackson Frances L Miss, h 195 Jackson *Jackson Edna, dom, h (r) 327 Hill *Jackson Edna, h 1227 w Broad Jackson Edwd C ("Lillie A), v-pres Athens Hdwd Co, h 597 n Harris Jackson Ethel Miss, stengr Dozier & Co, h 335 Peters Jackson Evie- Miss, h 234 w Hancock av Jackson Fred C, h 412 n Thomas Jackson Geo O (Blanche), car inspr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Boulevard
extd *Jackson Georgia, cook, h 140 n Harris *Jackson Gerald (Alice), waiter, h 232 Arch *Jackson Harry, porter Johnson Shoe Co, h 1267 w Hancock av *Jackson Hattie, cook, h 663 n Milledge av *Jackson Helen, laund, h 350 Lyndon av *Jackson Henry (Lula), lab, h 465* Reese Jackson Henry J, weigher Miller & Co, h 195 Hill Jackson Hugh H (Ethel), trav slsmn Athens Hdw Co, h 529 Meigs ^Jackson Ida, laund, h 542 w Broad Jackson Jack F, h 1073 s Milledge av *Jackson Jas (Mattie), lab, h 223 w Strong *Jackson Jas, porter Abe Joel & Sons, h Hull *Jackson Jno (Josephine), lab, h 132 Cleveland av *Jackson Jno, lab McElroy Trans Co Jackson Jno P (Susan E), trav slsmn, h 250 Barber Jackson Jno P Jr, bkkpr Bludwine Botg Co, h 250 Barber Jackson Jos A, real estate, bds Wayside Inn Jackson Jos C, elk Athens Ice Co, h 412 n Thomas *Jackson Jos H, lab, h 140 Cohen Jackson Josephine Miss, nurse Lucy Cobb Inst *Jackson Lacy (Hattie), lab, h 295 Cleveland av *Jackson Lady, dom, h 270 s Thomas Jackson Lillian Miss, elk, h 335 Peters *Jackson Lucinda, launc, h 526 Reese *Jackson Lucy, h 232 Arch *Jackson Lula, laund, h 130 Netwon al Jackson Maggie V Miss, dressmkr 1238 Prince av, h same *Jackson Martha, dom, h 640 w Hancock av Jackson Martha E Miss, h 529 Meigs * Jackson Mary, cook, h 142 Cohen
I A You Advert^ IH A The Reason II f| Good
1 U Tfce City Directory U U Because U U Results
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
*Jackson Mary, cook, h 160 Lyndon av *Jackson Alary, laund, h 170 n Rock Spring *Jackson Mary, cook, h 1537'w Broad Jackson Mary C, wid Frank, h 324 Boulevard *Jackson Matthew, lab, h 175 Macon av Jackson Mattie J, wid Jno F, h 195 Hill *Jackson Mildred, cook, h 770 w Broad Jackson Xaomi, wid W B, h 412 n Thomas Jackson Paul E (Xell F), bkkpr S M Bulley & Son, bds 195 Hill Jackson Ralph (Annie), harness mkr GrifFeth Imp Co, h 539 s Jackson *Jackson Rebecca, cook, h 1267 w Hancock av *Jackson Reuben, janitor, h (r) 195 Hill *Jackson Richd, lab, h 1537 w Broad Jackson Ruby B Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 1238 Prince av Jackson Ruth M Miss, h 1073 s Milledge av Jackson Ruth N Miss, h 412 n Thomas *Jackson Sallie, dom, h 157 Greene Jackson Sidney W, slsmn Fleming-Bearing Hdw Co, bds e Hancock
av Jackson Thos H (Sarah), gro 379 Oak, h 345 Peters Jackson Thos H Jr, msgr Postal Tel Co, h 345 Peters * Jackson Walter (Emma), waiter, h 452 w Broad Jackson Walter E, county sheriff, office Court House, h 195 Hill *Jackson Wm, lab, h 140 Cohen *Jackson Wm Jr, lab, h 140 Cohen *Jackson Zilla, dom, h 140 n Harris
Jacoby Elmer, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 857 College av
James Chas, laund 174 e Clayton, h same
James Chas E (Mattie), barber 154 College av, h 840 e Broad James ClarenceE,mngr Toomer Music Hse, h 390 e Hancock av *James Felix (Emma), lab, h 168 John
*James Jesse, lab, h 422 n Billups "James Lonnie (Lilla), lab, h 127 Cherry
"James Lonnie, porter Fleming-Bearing Hdw Co, h 422 n Billups
James Sarah A, wid Wm, h 223 Georgia Bepot James Wm (Ella), hackmn, }> 223 Georgia Bepot Jankower Maurice (Hattie), in.: agt, h 163 w Hancock av Jankower Ruby Miss, h 163 w Hancock av Jarnigan Milton P (Borothy), prof Ga State College of Agri, h 1324 s
Jarrell Chas C Rev (Margaret M), pastor First Methodist Church, h 325 n Lumpkin
Jarrell Chas H (Kathleen), elk Bondurant Hdw Co, h 124 Willow JARRELL JNO' W JR (Sadie), dist mngr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co h
367 Pulaski pHbne 9080
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O
Established 1865
Richmond Lumber Yards
^^g^m^_ - - >^jj^|^^^^_^ ------ - ---- - - - -----|
Hull, Decatur, Stockton, Evereit, Maury Lee Third
Mahogany Walnut Cherry Chestnut Basswood Brich Plain Oak (Quartered Oak Svcamore Hickory
Poplar Maple Ash Cedar Cypress Cottonwood White Pine
Mouldings Bed Slats Carriage and
Wagon Lumber Laths Shingles Cedar Posts Sash Blinds and Doors
Plain and Quartered Oak and Rock Maple Flooring a Specialty
-T TYLER .TOBSOX. President.
.IAS. L. PHIPPEX, Vioe-Pres. & Treas.
Montague Mfg. Co.
Window Sash
Store Sasli
Hot-Bed Sa<h Sash Weights
Mouldings, Stairwork
Sasli Cord ( hitside BlindInside Blind* Panel Doors
Sash Doors
Front Doors Store Doors
Srvf.ll \Vn-L
Circle Moulding Straight
Moulding Hand Rail Newel Posts
Turned Balusters Porch Columns Sawed Balusters Base Board Architraves Window Frames Door Frames
i .,, . -_.-:* / ---- " < , __
Ask someone about as. They will tell you we give
Satisfactory Service.
268 N. Jackson St.
Jarrell Lorraine B, wid J Oilman, h 325 n Lumpkin *Jarrell Robt, porter Crawford & Merry, h 190 Cohen *Jarrells Benj, porter Fleming-Dearing Hdw Co, h 287 Atlanta av
*Jarrells Sandy (Susan), porter, h 287 Atlanta av
Jarrett Carrie, wid W M, h 167 Miles Jarrett Essie Miss, h 16~7 Miles Jarrett Foster, elk McClure Ten Cent Co, h 1020 Hobson
Jarrett H Maude Miss, student, h 1020 Water
Jarrett Lessie Miss, h 167 Miles Jarrett W H (Willie), mchst, h 1020 Water
*Jefferson Eleanor, h 130 n Harris Jefferson Standard Life Ins Co, 502 Holman Bldg
*Jefferson Geneva, h 130 n Harris *Jeffeffrson Richd H (Mary L), tailor, h 130 n Harris *Jenkins Chas T, porter Red Seal Shoe Shop, h 145 n Rock Spring
*Jenkins Dallas (Sylvia A), lab, h 145 n Rock Spring *Jenkins Jno (Ora), janitor, h 190 n Miller
*Jenkins Mary, faund, h 235 Arch Jenkins Willard, shoemkr Martin Bros, h 127 Elizabeth *Jenkins Wm L, porter W T Collins & Co, h 145 Rock Spring
*Jennings Emma, dom, h 840 Water Jennings Gladys C Miss, h Normal av *Jennings Hattie, dom, h 840 Water *Jennings Richd, lab Athens Ry & Elec Co Jennings Robt M (Eleanora), elk P O, h 1020 w Hancock av Jennings Tallie S Miss, h 1060 w Hancock av Tennings Walter R (Alma)i, carrier RED No 1, h Normal av Jesscott M E Miss, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst Jester Alice, wid Wm A, h 748 Cobb Jester Ernest H, mngr Natl Woolen Mills, h 748 Cobb S Jester J Carlton (Nannie M), teller Athens Savings Bank, treas Cham-
ber of commerce, ins 283 e Broad, h 738 Cobb
Jester Walter L, h 748 Cobb *Jewel Harvey, lab Athens Hide Co, h (r) 287 Oconee *Jewell Callie, cook St Mary's, Hospital *Jewell Lula, cook, h 137 Cohen *Jewell Matilda, laund, h 341 Atlanta av Jewish Synagogue, e Hancock ^v cor Jackson, Rev F K Hirsch rabbi Joe Lee, emp Chas James, h 174 e Clayton Joe Sing, emp Chas James, li 174 e Clayton Joel Abe (Etta), (Abe Joel & Sons), h 130 w Hancock av Joel Abe & Sons (Abe, Jake B and Bernard P\ clothing 312 e Broad Joel Bernard?(Abe Joel & Sons), h 130 w Hancock av Joel Chas, elk Abe Joel & Sons, h 130 w Hancock av
Martin Bros JOBBEBS Joel Hannah Miss, hlSOwHancock av OF HARNESS and COLLARS
Phone 621
455 Clayton -: Harness and Shire Repairing a Specially -:-
238-240 Broad St. Jobber* and *Reiailer* Phone 280-J
Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
190 _______ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Joel Jacob 15 (Esther M), motion picture films 148X> w Washington.
h 247 Pulaski
Joel Jake \\ (Abe Joel Sons), h 130 w Hancock av
Johns Ruth Mrs, bds ISO Marrow
Johns \Vm S, elk Citizens Bank & Trust Co, rms Hotel Sanges
*Johnson Ada, h (r) 925 s Milledge av
*Johnson Addie, dom, h 14(5 n Church
Johnson Albert S, elk Chas Stern Co, h Hotel Sanges
*Johnson Alex, driver, h (r) Xacoochee av n of Prince av
*Johnson Alfred (Lucy), meat ctr Adams Mkt, h 150 n Harris
*Johnson Alice V, h 681 n Lumpkin
*Johnson Amos, butler 21)8 Prince av
*Johnson Anna, laund, h 298 Augusta av
Johnson Annie Miss, elk McClure Yen Cent Co, h 419 Boulevard
*Johnson Arnold, driver, h 153 Cherry
*Johnson Augustus (Ella), h 473 Oak
*Johnson Benj (Fannie), porter C E James, h 190 Rock Spring
*Johnson Bertha, cook 793 w Hancock av
*Johnson Bertie, dom, h 152 Hoyt
*Johnson Caroline, laund, h 270 n Chase
*Johnson Carrie, dom, h 242 s Thomas
Johnson Catherine G, wid Jno T Jr, h 135 Barrow
*Johnson Charity, laund, h 773 n Lumpkin
* Johnson Chas (Mary), butler, h 380 n Chase
*Johnson Chas, lab Crovve & Co, h Pope
Johnson Clara L Miss, mill wkr, h 250 Xacoochee av
Johnson Clarence G, mill wkr, h 250 Nacoochee av
*Johnson Claude, driver Chaknis Fruit & Pro Co, h 182 Valley
*Johnson Cornelia, h 862 Reese
"Johnson Dock, lab, h 1043 Reese
*Johnson Edwd, waiter Commercial Hotel,, h 150 Warsaw al
*Johnson Edwd L (Dena), porter C A Seudder, h 145 Warsaw
* Johnson Eliza, laund, h 345 Reese
*Johnson Emanuel (Bessie), janitor, h 1570 w Broad
*Johnson Emma, 'lorn, h 8f>3 w Broad
*Johnson Ernest, fireman Sou Mutual Bldg
*Johnson Espey (Sarah), lab, h 280 Compress
*Johnson Estelle, laund, h 364 n Cha^e
* Johnson Ethel, laund, h 660 w Broad
* Johnson Eugene, porter Wingfield Cash Gro Co, h 2G8 s Thomas
*Johnson Evie, h 270 China
*Johnson Fannie, laund, h 190 n Rock Spring
*Johnson Fleming, driver Wingfield Cash Gro Co, h 268 s Thomas
* Johnson Flonnie, dom, h 1086 w Broad
Johnson Frank M (Nannie), carp, h 238 n Church
The McGr^gor Company
_^-_-r -
Established 1898
Pkoie 109
Talmadgi Bldg. 185 1 , College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Sptcialtitj
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________191
Johnson G G, carp, bds Lockhart House Johnson G Carlton, cot byr, h 595 Hill *Johnson Geo (Malinda), butler, h 175 n Miller *Johnson Georgia, dom, h 152 Hoyt *Johnson Grant (Creasy), lab, h 147 Savannah av *Johnson Grantley (Mary), lab, h Fowler Town *Johnson Harry, drver The Callavvay Gro Co 9 Johnson Herschel A, cot seed products 465*/2 e Broad, bds 115 e Han-
cock av *Johnson Harriet, laund, h 143 Hoyt : Johnson Harry, mill wkr, bds 179 Hiawassee av Johnson Howard, cashr Athens Terminal Co, h 135 Barrow *Johnson J T Rev, pastor Hills First Baptist Church Johnson J Pate Jr, farmer, h 1323 Oconee Johnson J Ralph, h 1323 Oconee *Johnson Jas (Ethel), porter Wingfield Bros, h 553 w Hancock av Johnson Jas L (Emma), mill wkr, h 250 Nacoochee av Johnson Jas W, collr White & Co, h 378 e Dougherty *Johnson Jefferson, bricklyr, h 298 Augusta av *Johnson Jno (Mary), porter, h 1277 w Hancock av *Johnson Jno, lab, h 138 n Billups *Johnson Jno (Jessie), lab, h 180 Lyndon av Johnson Jno A (Eula), painter, h 160 Oneta *Johnson Jno H (Dora), farmer, h 180 Greene *Johnson Josie, h 270 China
*Johnson Julius (Lou), servt, h (r) 247 Pulaski "Johnson K Hubbard (Johnson & Credell), h 624 Church * Johnson Lafayette (Mary), drayman 350 Barber, h same *Johnson Laura, cook, h 152 Hoyt *Johnson Lee (Georgia), lab, h 270 Atlanta av *Johnson Lettie, h 235 n Rock Spring
*Johnson Lewis (Jane), lab, h 523 w Broad Johnson Lillie Miss, h 763 College av Johnson Lizzie Mrs, bds 179 Hiawassee av
*Johnson Lizzie, dom, h 121 Hickory *Johnson Lizzie, cook, h 270 Athens av
*Johnson Lizzie, cook, h 696 n Lumpkin *Johnson Lizzie, dom, h 865 Water *Johnson Lou J, dom, bds 736 e Broad *Johnson Lucinda, laund, h 190 n Rock Spring *Johnson Lucy, cook Newsom Bros, h 270 China Johnson Luther (Azilee), watchman, h 1437 e Broad
Johnson Macon C (Mamie), bkkpr Fears Gros Co, h 948 Cobb *Johnson Maggie, laund, h 190 Hendricks av *Johnson Mamie, laund, h 696 n Lumpkin
I n You Advertise III f| The Reason II n Good
U in
fin h is II I Results
w The Hitv nirentnrv U ** RPMIKP U U
Fortunes, Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
* Johnson Mamie, laund, h 393 Augusta av Johnson Marie Miss, nurse, h G2U Meigs * Johnson Mark (Rhoda), lab, bds 73G e Broad Johnson Mary E, wid Wm T, h419 Boulevard * Johnson Miles, cleaning and pressing 352 w Broad, h 115 Pulaski *Johnson Minnie, laund, h G9G n Lumpkin *Johnson Mitchell (Flora), lab, h 24() Tibbetts *Johnson Nancy, h 14G n Church Johnson Xell Miss, h 94,s Cobb Johnson Nellie Miss, music tchr 135 Barrow, h same *Johnson Nicey, dom, h GGS n Hull *Johnson Odessa, laund, h 298 Augusta av Johnson Otis H (Bessie)', phys G14-615 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 230 Clov-
erhurst Johnson Otis L, trav slsmn, rms 125^ e Clayton Johnson Pearle Miss, music tchr 135 Barrow, h same Johnson Pinkie Miss, h 1323 Oconee Johnson Pryor, elk B A Crane, h 1323 Oconee Johnson Pryor T, student, h 1323 Oconee * Johnson Robt, cook, h 100 Stephens *Johnson Robt, porter Georgian Cafe, h Peters * Johnson Robt (Laura), farmer, h 1240 w Broad *Johnson Robt (Mary), lab, h 1473 Oconee Johnson Robt L (Irene), trav slsmn Bondurant Hdw Co, h 247 w
Dougherty Johnson Roy G, mill wkr, h 250 Nacoochee av *Johnson Sarah, dom, h 272 Compress *Johnson Sarah, laund, h 10SG w Broad Johnson Shoe Co (Sol J and Sidney Boley, and Louis Funkenstein),
433 e Broad * Johnson Stella, cook 310 Meigs
*Johnson Susan, dom, h 145 Warsaw *Johnson Thos, lab, h 234 n Pope *Johnson Thos (Lula), lab Athens Tec Co, h 340 n l\.pe *Johnson Thos, lab, h 147 Savannah av *Johnson Walter (Anna), farmer, h 1249 w Broad Johnson Walter E (Maude), slsmn Michael Bros, h 419 Boulevard *Johnson Wayman H Rev (Willie), pastor St Paul C M E Church,
h 373 Flint *Johnson Wm, painter, h 270 China *Johnson Wm, porter, h G9G n Lumpkin * John son Wm, cook 1205 Prince av *Johnson Wm, lab, h 147 Savannah av *Johnson Wm (Bessie), cleaning and pressing 352 w Broad h 123
RllCmOCC PnllofTO Entire3rd F 'oor. No. S North Pack Square. Henry
DUolllCOO IfUllcRC S Shockley. Principal Book -keeping. Anglican
A i. in i ^
Bankine. Office Systems, Wholesaling, Commis-
AShevilie, N. C.
son. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping, Cost
Accounting, Farm Book-keeping, Business Con-
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic, Spelling, English, Punctuation, Typewriting
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
AT H ENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________193
*Johnson Willic M, dom, h 152 Hoyt *Johnson York (Laura), lab. h 104:5 Rcese *Johnson & Credell (K H Johnson and C L Credell), barbers 120 n
Foundry Johnston Wm, supt constn Athens G L & F Co, bds e Hancock av Johnston Wm H (Rebecca B), h 175 Grady av *Jonakin Ellen, cook, h 24!) n Billups *Jonakin Geo (Julia), cook, h 249 n Billups Jonas Thos A, h 143 Jonas av Jones Aline O Miss, h 547 Boulevard *Jones Amanda, dom, h 350 Lyndon av * Jones Andrew (Lucy), presser Standard Pressing Co, h Brooklyn *Jones Benj (Jane), lab, h 238 Cleveland av Jones Benj C (Gussie), trav slsmn, h 657 Cobb Jones C E, canvasser, h 1(51 Hickory *Jones Caleb A, porter Chas Stern Co, h 170 n Parris *Jones Chas G, cleaning and pressing 232 n Foundry, h same Jones Chris (Annie), propr Manhattan Cafe, h 235 w Washington *Jones Cicero (Lucinda), lab, H 542 \v Broad *Jones Clara, nurse, h 1387 w Hancock av * Jones Edwd (Mattie), lab, h 301 Augusta .av * Jones Edwd, carp, h 234 n Pope * Jones Effic, laund, h 175 Macon av Jones Emma Miss, elk Michael Bros Jones Emma S Miss, tchr State Normal Schl. h 723 w Hancock av Jones Emmie C "Miss, bkkpr State Normal Schl, rms same *Jones Georgia, h 9.S3 College av *Jones Henry (Emma), painter, h 1 123 w Hancock av *Jones Henry, barber 121 n Rock Spring, h 170 n Parris * Jones Irene, laund, h 1423 w Hancock av *Jones Isaac, porter Georgian Hotel, h 1S7 Poplar *Jones Jack, porter Arnold & Abney, h Pope *Jones Jas, presser Red and Black Pressing Co, h Brooklyn Jones Jefferson (Delia), mill \vkr, h 390 Oconee *Jones Jno (Vinie), lab, h 1125 w Broad *Jones Jno (Ada), lab, h 240 Macon av *Jones Jno W (Georgia A), lab, h 522 w Broad *Jones Juanita, h 653 n Milledge av Jones Key, shoemkr M M Hubert, h 297 w Broad Jones L L, supt poultry dept State College of Agri, h 1187 s Lumpkin *)ones Le Roy, lab Athens G L V Co. h 1st *Jones Lillie M, dom, h 1423 w Hancock av *Jones Lou, cook, h 167 Warsaw *Jones Lauvenia, h 187 Poplar *Jones Margaret, smstrs, h 465 Reese
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
________Telephone 264
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY ^DIRECTORY_________^
*Jones Mary E, h 681 n Lumpkin
* Jones Mary E, cook, h 46 Hoyt
*Jones Myer (Mary), lab, h 708 w Broad
Jones Oberta C, elk C X Hodgson, h 547 Boulevard
*Jones Oscar, lab Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 1185 w Hancock av
*Jones P J Rev, pastor Bethel A M E' Church
*Jones Pinkie, dom, h (r) 1234 s Lumpkin
*Joncs Prince (Mary A), lab, h 126 Crawford av
*Jones Rachel, cook, h 1423 w Hancock av
* Jones Robt (Julia), porter Arnold & Abney, h 46 Hoyt
Jones Robt (Lucy), mill wkr, h 273 Chattanooga av
*Jones Robt (Mary), lab, h 167 n Parris
* Jones Robt A (Emma), elk R M S, h 653 n Milledge av
* Jones Robt L(Effie), bricklyr, h 1353 w Hancock av
Jones Robt P, trav slsmn, h 547 Boulevard
Jones Robt R (Alice), farmer, h 547 Boulevard
*Joncs Robt T, h 653 n Milledge av
*Jones Saml, lab Sou Ref Co
* Jones Spencer (Lucy), lab, h 275 Tabernacle
*Jones Susie, laund, h Cleveland
*Jones Sylvester (Addie), barber Walter Hardeman, h 1263 w Broad
*Jones Thos (MatHe), lab, h 325 Lyndon av
*Jones Walter (Lula), butler, h 185 Macon av
JONES WALTER S (Nell), (Hilley & Jones), h 243 Dougherty
Jones Wiley E, elk, h 547 Boulevard
*Jones Wm, presser Red & Black Pressing Co, h Chase
Jones Wm, waiter Manhattan Cafe, h 293 w Clayton
Jordan Abner, elk, bds 207 w Broad
JORDAN ALVIN A (Athens Cycle Co), h 297 w Broad '
Jordan Hattie Miss, elk Davidson-Nicholson Co, h 293 w Clayton
*Jordan Henry (Olivia), bricklyr, h 223 n Finley
* Jordan Jno, lab, h 1290 w Broad
*Jordan Lillie, laund, h 133 n Pope
*Jordan Lou, cook, h 1290 w Broad
*Jordan Mamie, laund, h 566 w Hancock av
""Jordan Ned, stoker Athens G L & F Co, h 566 w Hancock av
Jordan Pattie L Miss, stengr Empire State Chem Co, h 115 e Hancock
"Jordan Wiley (Jane), lab, h 1290 w Broad
*Jordan Wm (Palace), hackmn, h 328 Flint
Joseph Clara E, vvid Jno T, h 181 Barber
*Joseph Henry (Malissie), lab, h 175 Cherry
Joseph Max (Jay H Epting & Co), and dry goods 414 e Clayton h
247 Pulaski
Jossey Sion B (Hattie M), gro 765 College av, h 763 same
Prescriptions Com
H. R. Pal mer& Sons pounded by Regis
tered Pharmacists, at .... ...
PHONES: ffice 394
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
Joyner Bessie, wid Henry ,h 308 Hiawassee av Joyner Geo W (Pearl), supt Athens G L & F Co, h 46? e Hancock av Juhlin Bros (W P and H E), confrs 143 College av Juhlin Henry E (Susie), (Juhlin Bros), and (Briggs & Juhlin), h 153
Vine Juhlin Peter A, h 155 Vine Juhlin VVesley P (Juhlin Bros), res St Petersburg Fla
Kaler Jos, mill wkr, bds 175) Hiawassee av Kappa Alpha Fraternity Chapter Ho.use, 725 Prince av Kappa Sigma Fraternity Chapter House, 103 e Hancock av Kay Alfred R (Clara), (White Pressing Co), h 150 Waddell Kay Chas L (White Pressing Co), h 150 Wadde.ll Kay Richd E (White Pressing Co), h 150 Waddell Keese Jno S, gro I'M) Prince av, bds 223 Xantahala av Keisler Jno D (Lola M). barber, h 35!) Hoyt Keithjarttt M (Hattie), h 428 s Lumpkin Kellen Julia Miss, h 147 Poplar *Keller Frank (Anna), servt, h 540 Reese Keller Paul (Henrietta), mchst Athens Motor Car Co, h 14S /l 2 w
Washington Kelley Hubert L (Sallie), carp, h 883 J/< College av Kelley Janie Miss, h 780 vv Hancock av Kelley Jno O (May), painter, h Yonah av Kelley Kate, wid T J, h 780 w Hancock av Kelley Lizzie M Miss, tchr College Av Schl. h 135 \Vaddell Kelley Nancy L, wid J L, h 648 Nantahala av Kelley Rosa Miss, mill wkr, h 648 Nantahala av Kelley Thos J, student, h 780 w Hancock av Kellum Jno A (Susan), hackman 208 Baldwin, h same Kellum Jno D (Tempie), gro 376 Oconee. h 835 same
Kellum Thos J (Julia), repr Athens Cycle Co, h 147 Poplar Kellum Wm E, elk J D Kellum, h 208 Baldwin Kelly Jas H (Ethel), supt of mail P O, h 640 Reese
*Kelly Jas T (Minnie), barber Wm Moon, h Broad cor Newton Kelly Jno B, trav slsmn Talmage Bros & Co, h Lexington rd Kelly Pearl, wid Jno M, h 328 Oconee Kelly Solomon G, farmer, bds 108 Oconee Kendale Richd E (Goodale & Kendale), h 207 w Broad *Kendrick Geo (Emma), well digger, h 424 Georgia Depot Kendrick Rand'all T, student, h 267 w Dougherty
Tra.de IS NOT LIMITED to your immediate
neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking
goods in your line
* * * **
196 _______ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_______ ^
Kendrick Richd S, student, h 267 w Dougherty
*Kindrick Saml (Pearl), lab, h 327 Vine
Kendrick Wm R (Maude), lieut USA, tchr U of Ga, h 267 w
*Kennedy Claiborne (Emily), lab, h 261 w Strong
*Kennedy Wm K Jr, supt Guaranty Mutl Life & Health Ins Co, h
681 n Lumpkin
Kenney Chas J (Katie F), genl mdse Prince av extd nr Georgia av,,
h Buena Vista av
*Kenney Clarence, driver, Athens Parlor Mkt, h 1223 w Hancock av
*Kenney Decker, lab, h 1223 w Hancock av
*Kenney E Elizabeth Miss, stengr, h 270 Hill
Kenney Eliza F, wid Jno J, h 170 Nantahala av
*Kenney Emma, laund, h 1223 w Hancock av
Kenney Guy G, electrn, h 194 State
Kenney Harry F, gro 805 College av, h 194 State
*Kenney Jas, elk W G Carter, h 369 Meigs
Kenney Jas N, gro 529 Barber, h 686 same
Kenney Jemima W Miss, smstrs, h 270 Hill
Kenney Mell (Lida), h Normal av
*Kenney Sanders, lab, h 1223 w Hancock av
Kenney Walter M, emp Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 194 State
Kenney Willie J, wid W H, h 194 State
Kennington Jno E (Leila), mill wkr, h 396 Oconee
Kent Walter< A, barber A M Bryant, h 348 Oak
Kenyon Lucy, wid F J, boarding 215 w Washington, h same
*Kerry Dillar'd (Zilla), meat ctr Jno Wade, h 270 Chase
Kesler Jno D (Lola M),b arber A M Bryant, h 351 Hoyt
Kettle Fredk (Minnie), mill wkr, h 179 Park av
Kidd Sophronia A Mad, h 136 3d
Kidd Vollie Miss, h 136 3d
Kilburn Geo, foreman Sou Ref Co
Kilgore Evie Miss, mill wkr, h 569 Pulaski
Kilgore Henry A \ Birdie), mill wkr, h 323 Hiawassee av
Kilgore Jno W (Ida, h 569 Pulaski
Kilgore \Vm M, elk W H Burger, h 323 Hiawassee av
*Killian Lula M, h 145 Cain
*Killian \Vm (Mattie), drayman, h 145 Cain
Kilpatrick Irby T (E Pauline), cot dlr 584>^ e Broad, h 356 Hill
Kimbrough Eunice Miss, smstrs Lewis, Shirt Mnfg Co, h 177 Becker
Kimbrough R Rainey (Julia), vulcanizer E S Sporting Goods Co, h
177 Becker
Kimzey Chas C (Maude), auditor, h 480 Meigs
King Bonnie Miss, h 531 n Foundry
Musical Instruments TAAIMAV ilimt ll^..^
in Fact Everything in lOOlM MUSIC HflUSB
Musical Merchandise 459 E. ClaytOH -:- PbORB 905
Baths HILLEY & JONES Cigars I
Our Service and Sanitary Principals Unexcelled. 268 N. Jackson St.
________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________197
*KING CALVIN A JR, supt Georgia Mutual Ins Co, h Reese cor Church
*King Fred H, porter Johnson Shoe Co, h 170 s Parris *King Ida, laund, h 337 Flint *King Jno (Dazrine), driver, h 1226 w Broad
*King Mamie, cook, h 596 Prince av *King Mamie, cook, h 525 Reese King Sarah C, wid J S, h 749 Cobb King Thos N, supt Sou Cot Oil Co, h 531 n Foundry
King1 Vera M Miss, h 531 n Foundry Kinnard Mary Miss, h 223 Boulevard Kinnebrew E Hull, elk Arnold & Abney, h Normal av Kinnebrew E Oscar, elk Citizens Pharmacy, h Normal av Kinnebrew E Robt Jr, student, h 185 Virginia av Kinnebrew Edwin R (Nannie S, h 185 Virginia av Kinnebrew Harriet S Miss, tchr, h 185 Virginia av Kinnebrew Lucille Miss, h Normal av Kinnebrew Mary L, wid Richd H, h Normal av Kinnebrew Naneline Miss, h Normal av
Kinnebrew Nannie M Miss, h 185 Virginia av Kinnebrew Ossie Mrs, elk Jay H Epting Co, h s Lumpkin Kinnebrew Richd H, h Normalav Kinnebrew Wm O, student, h 185 Virginia av Kinyon Wm J (Alice), carrier P O, h 287 Oconee W'KINYON see also KENYON Kirby H M, mill wkr, bds 250 Nacoochee av Kirk Albert, mill wkr, h 197 Park av *Kirk Cornelia, dom, h 1125 w Broad Kirk Emory (Pearl), plmbr, h 234 Georgia Depot Kirk Freeman, mill wkr, h 197 Park av Kirk H Clarence (Hennie), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Satullah
av Kirk Hallie Miss, mill wkr, h 197 Park av Kirk Howard F (Maggie), collr, h 1095 Oconee Kirk Howell, mill wkr, bds 185 Park av Kirk Loring A, slsmn J T Gholston. h Dougherty Kirk Saml R (Lillie), painter, h 367 Oconee Kirk Thos C (Leila), h e Broad nr Peter Kirk Wm H (Carrie), mill wkr, h 197 Park av Kirke Mality A^, wid J C, h 285 Cemetery Kirkpatrick Robt E (Mattie L), painter, h 724 s Lumpkin Kittle Arthur M, elk Poss's Place, h 539 Pulaski Kittle Elizabeth, wid Jno, h 198 Barrow Kittle Lethia Miss, opr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co, h 699 College av Kittle Olivia Miss, h 198 Barrow
MARTIN BROS. M.lr Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing- a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers P^one 280-J
Buggies.Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Klein-Martin Co (The), (H E Martin), carriage and \yagon bldrss,
Thomas nr C of Ga Ry Kline Pauline Mad, h 360 Water Knight Richd A (Mattie), fireman C of Ga Ry, h 901 e Broad
Knowles Jas P (Lillian), yd mstr C of Ga Ry, h 154 State *Knox Fannie, laund, h 292 4th *Knox Institute and Industrial School, Pope cor Reese, L S Clark
prin KNOXVILLE DIRECTORY CO, publishers 66 Amer Natl Bank
Bldg, Asheville, N C; E H Miller pres-treas, G M Connelly v-
pres, P R Moale sec
Koch Jno C, prof U of Ga Kutres Mabel, wid Nicholas, h 539 Pulaski Kytle HCurtino, student, h 850 Prince av Kytle H Kathleen Miss, h 850 Prince av Kytle M Louise Miss, h 850 Prince av Kytle Wm H (Mamie P), sec Athens Hdw Co, h 850 Prince av____
*Labon Dot. cook, h (r) 126 n Milledge av
*Labon Jno H, driver, h (r) 126 n Milledge av
LaBoon Lloyd A (Mattie), blksmith Tucker & Ctirtis
Lacy Helen F Miss, h 112~3 Prince av
Laerd Luther (Eliza), h 174 Bryan
Laerd Noah, mill wkr, h 174 Bryan
Lambert Annie G, wid Jno H, h 196 n Miledge av
Lambert Jas G (Blanche), elk Georgia Natl Bank, h 196 n Milledge av
Lambert Julia N Miss, h 396 n Milledge av
Lambert Kenneth P, elk, h 196 n Milledge av
Lamkin Edgeworth E (Sarah), elk H McWhorter, h Jefferson rd
*Lampkin Auvergne, driver, h 1127 w Hancock av
Lampkin Cobb (Keturah) real estate and ins, 289^ n Lumpkin, h
158 n Milledge av
Lampkin Eustace E, student, h 158 n Milledge av
Lampkin Fannic, wid Wm \V, h 468 n Lumpkin
Lampkin Marion Miss, tchr, h 648 n Lumpkin
*Lampkin Robt (Rosa), butler, h 1127 w Hancock av
Land Allie M Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co
Landers Wm R. trav slsmn J W Harris, rms Athencum Hotel
*Landrum Addie, laund, h 345 n Pope
*Landrum Geo, porter, h 345 n Pope
Landrum Henry C. elk S A L Ry, h 244 Nantahala av
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185' College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specioltitj
Landrum J Marvin (Mary H)}, road mstr SAL Ry, h 244 Nantahala
Landrum Jabez W (Hester A), yd mstr SAL Ry, h 244 Nantahala
*Landrum Jennie L, dom, h 345 n Pope
*Landrum Lizzie, laund, h 178 Warsaw
Landrum Lizzie B Miss, h 244 Nantahala av
Landrum Robt (Lizzie), mill wkr, h 140 Inglewood av
*Landrum Sarah, laund, h 261 Fairview
*Lane Howard (Nellie), lab, h 335 Arch *Lane Jas (Martha), porter Jay H Epting & Co, h 185 Derby Lane Louise Miss, tchr, h 378 Oak Lane's Presbyterian Chapel, Oconee cor Carr, Rev J D McPhail pstr Lang Allie M Miss, h 870 n Chase
Lang Eva Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 870 n Chase
*Langdon Mack (Ola), porter, h 812 Reese
Lanier Bessie W, wid Chas A, h 140 Barber
Lanier Geo W, student, h 140 Barber
Lanier Marie C Miss, tchr, h 140 Barber
If so, why not take advantage of the opportunity of placing it among the "live ones" through your City Directory? Write us for rates.
Lanier Ruby T Miss, student, h 140 Barber Lanier T Fleetwood, student, h 140 Barber Lankford Anna Miss, mill wkr, h 420 Hiawassee av Lankford Mertie Miss, mill wkr, h 420 Hiawassee av Lankford Thos (Maude), mill wkr, h 420 Hiawassee av Lashley F M, trav slsmn J W Harris, rms Atheneum Hotel Latimer Robt, elk Fears Gro Co, h 075 Cobb Latimer Stephen (Anna), stone ctr Bell Bros Mble Co, h 732 Pulaski *Lattimore Edwd (Stella), lab, h 134 Fairview Lavender Lena B Miss, h 558 Pulaski Lavender Maude Miss, h Prince av cor Buena Vista av Lavender Wm L, h 558 Pulaski Laurence Eugenia D Miss, h 677 s Milledge av Laurence Robt B (Marion E), h 677 s Milledge av Laurence Robt B Jr. h 677 s Milledge av Lawhead L V, v-pres The Homes Friend, res Metcalf Arizona
No Other Medium in the world gives the information contained in a Directory. It is consulted every day
in the vear. Mr. Business Man. where can you find a better medium
Foot Covers for Mankind
Phone 141
259 E. Clayton St.
LAWHEAD WM B (Margaret), optometrist Hancock Bldg, h 175 Boulevard
For a Well Fitted, Comfortable Pair of Glasses go to
W. B. LAWHEAD, The Optometrist
He Fits the Difficult Cases Office Hancock Building
Broad Street
Athens, Georgia
Lawrence Harvey P (Mattie), sec-mngr Deep Rock Ginger Ale Co,
h Buena Vista av "Lawrence Jas (Matilda), lab Sou Ref Co, h 180 Herring *Lawrence VV Boyd Rev (Laura), presiding elder Athens Dist A M E
Church, h 451 n Billups
"Lawson Edvvd D Rev, h 1536 w Broad
*Lay Mary, laund, h 190 Hendricks av LEATHERS LEON M (Lottie), tin and sheet metal work, 168 w
Washington phone 264, h 464 e Dougherty phone 475-1 (see top lines) LeConte Hall (U of Ga), U of Ga Campus *Lee Albert, porter Athens Parlor Mkt, h 349 Meigs *Lec Cornelia, dom, h 349 Meigs
*Lee Edwd (Ella), shoemkr 195^ Prince av, h 652 n Hull
*Lee Emory (Minnie), porter Sou Exp Co, h 190 Field
*Lee Henry (Cornelia), porter G H Williamson, h 349 Meigs *Lee Idus (Patsie), carp, h 152 n Harris *Lee Julia, dom, h 349 Meigs *Lee Kate, laund, h 652 n Hull *Lee Nicic, dom, h (r)i 925 s Milledge av *Lee Philip (Frances), janitor 1st Baptist Church, h 552 w Broad *Lee Rosabclle, laund, h 652 n Hull
*Lee Susie, laund, h 349 Meigs
*Lee Thos, driver G H Williamson, h 349 Meigs
*Lee Wm, porter Chas Stern Co, h 349 Meigs
Leenovsky Saml, elk Louis Cutler, bds Pulaski
LeGrande Essie F, wid Jno L, h 473 w Hancock av Lemmond Robt H. engnr Sou Ry, bds 886 College av
Riicinocc Pnlloiro
Emire *rd Floor> No- 8 North Pack s<Juar
* Shockley. Principal. Book-keeping, American
AA SUnevtlle, MN. rC.
Banking, Office Systems, Wholesaling. CommieSj 0n. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping. Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping. Business Con
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling. English. Punctuation, Type
writing. Shorthand. Enter any time.
Office work of all kimU solicited.
With all 2-Gallon Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices--Cash--
2-Gallons Express Paid--$3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00
Con or Rye.
________ ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_______^
Lemon Fred, bricklyr, h 1095 w Hancock av
LENHARDT REID S (Alleene), spl agt Penn Mutual Life Ins Co,
605-606 Holman Blclg, h 350 n Harris
*Lennard A Byrd, emp W O Welch, rms 364 e Washington
Leopard Wm M (Emma), barber Holman Bldg, h 140 Baldwin
Lesser Milton, elk, bds Wolfe House
*Lester Adaline, cook, h 135 Warsaw
*Lester Addie, cook, h 1375 w Hancock av
Lester E A, mchst Athens Fdry & Mch Wks, h 198 Oconee -
Lester Emma Mrs, gro 100 n Foundry, h 198 Oconee
Lester Emory F (Cornelia), fireman A F D No. 2, h 148 Vine *Lester Frank (Sallie), lab, h 145 Cherry Lester Henry (Emma), mldr Athens Fdry & Mach Wks, bds 198
Lester J T, bds The Etowah Lester Jessie Mrs, smstrs Head & McMahan, h 148 Vine
*Lester Silas (Annie); driver, h 1440 w Broad
Lester Tolbert N (Cora L)), h Normal av
Lester Warren (Jessie), farmer, h 148 Vine
Lester Wm H (Fannie), farmer, h 316 Oconee
*Leverett Nebraska (Laura), lab, h 540 Water
*Leverett Nebraska Jr,' driver, h 540 Water
*Leverett Sidney, lab McElroy Trans Co, h Broad nr Ga Ry
Levy Edgar (Rachel), cot byr J D Moss, h 258 w Hancock av
Levy Irvin, student, h 258 w Hancock av
Levy Moe M, tailor 184 e Clayton, bds 154 w Hancock av
Levy Ruth T Miss, h 258 w Hancock av
Lewis Dallas, student, h 878 Oconee
Lewis Elizabeth, wid J M, h 878 Oconee
*Lewis Fannie M, tchr, h 1280 w Broad
Lewis Fred, h 742 Oconee
*Lewis Harmus (Susie), lab, h 425 Cleveland av
Lewis Jno, peddler, h 140 Ware
Lewis Jos (Mattie), fireman A F D No 2, rms 1060 w Hancock av
*Lewis Jos (Willie), lab, h (r) 1073 s Milledge av
Lewis L Herschel, fireman C of Ga R R, h 878 Oconee
Lewis Lee K, dyer, h 354 Oconee
Lewis Lizzie, wid J M, h 354 Oconee
*Lewis Martha, cook, h 1237 w Hancock av
Lewis Mattie Miss, mill wkr, h 354 Oconee
*Lewis Nelson (Ella), farmer, h 187 n Billups
Lewis Olivia Miss, h 742 Oconee
Lewis Robt L (Martha), propr Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h n2 /l 2
s Foundry
Roman aid Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Buildings.
Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
?! 2066 and 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
ATHENS GA [1914-151 CITY DIRECTORY__________
*Lewis Ruby I, h 263 Reese *Lewis Sarah, laund, h 1280 w Broad Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, 100 s Foundry, Robt L Lewis propr Lewis Wm M (Annie F), fireman A F D No 1, h 742 Oconee Lewallen Harvey D (Fannie)|, picture agt, h 140 Standard Oil Liddell Julian G, elk Bondurant Hdw Co, bds 247 w Hancock av Leith Marguerite Miss, physical director Y W C A, h 270 Henderson
av Lilly Ethel Miss, phone opr, h 195 State Lily lola Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 195 State Lilly Kendall, appr, h 195 State Lilly Robt (Virginia), bricklyr, h 195 State Lindborg Andrew J, tailor 15G College av, h same Lindborg Harry, tailor A J Lindborg, rms 156 College av Lindsey Addie Miss, mill wkr, h 167 Chattanooga av Lindsey Jno T (Minnie), mill wkr, h 167 Chattanooga av Linenkohl J Thos, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 353 w Broad Linenkohl Wm H (Mattie), cement wkr, h 353 w Broad Lingle Jas C (Lula), wood wkr, h 824 College av Link Abram (Mabel), mngr M Link, h 286 w Broad Link Benj, student, h 286 w Broad Link Emanuel, trav slsmn, h 286 w Broad Link Morris (Sophia), dry goods 425 e Broad, h 286 w Broad Linton Annie Miss, tchr State Normal Schl, h -168 n Milledgc ac Linton Henry H, county tax collr, office Court House, h 468 n Mil-
ledge av Cinton Lucile Miss, h 1220 s Milledge Linton Lucy Miss, h 468 n Milledge av
LIPSCOMB FRANK A (May), (Lipscomb & Co), h 285 s Milledge av
Lipscomb Mary A, wid Frank, h 285 s Milledge av
LIPSCOMB & CO (Frank A Lipscomb), insurance and real estate, Talmage Bldg, 185^ College av phone T09 (see top lines)
*Little Chas (Minnie), lab, h 149 2d Little Claude E, elk Pledger Gro Co, h Barberville Little Lois Miss, stengr Bludwine Botg Co Littlejohn Jas, elk Citzens Pharmacy Livingston Geo H (Mildred E), printer The McGregor Co, h 246 w
Hancock av *Livingston Richd (Laura), carrier P O, h 540 w Hancock av Lloyd Chloe Miss, tchr State Normal Schl
Lloyd Jas O (Maude), cotton weigher J D Moss, h 164 State Lockey Jno F (Ella), h 290 Williams Lockhart Clara Miss, h 818 College av Lockhart House, boarding, 818 College av, Mrs M J Lockhart propr
Palmer's Cream Liniment
Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________203
Lockhart Lula Miss, h 818 College av Lockhart Martha J, wid Wm, propr Lockhart House, 818 College
av Locklin Curtis S, meat ctr Patman's City Mkt, h 190 Baxter Locklin Jas F, weigher Hardeman & Phinizy, h 260 Baxter Locklin T Elbert, butcher R E Ross, h 190 Baxter *TLOE see LOWE
Eong David D, prof U of Ga Long Emma Miss, h 357 s Milledge av Long Louise M, wid W H, h 568 n Harris Looney Emory B (Lillian), collr A C Holliday, h 624 n Thomas
Lord Edna Miss, elk McClur^ Ten Cent Co, h R D 5 Lord Emma Miss, h 249 Hill Crest av Lord Fannie Miss, h 249 Hill Crest av Lord Sallie R Miss, h 249 Hill Crest av
Losier Elizabeth C Miss, h 7?6 Cobb
Louehr Jas L, elk Sparks Vulcanizing Co, bds 297 w Broad *Love Jas (Claudie), cook, h 1524 w Broad
Love R W, trav slsmn H T Huggins & Son, res Crawford Ga Lovern Alger D (Susie), agt Amer Natl Ins Co, h 975 Baxter Lovern Ezelle Miss, mill wkr, h 955 n Chase
*Lovingood Edwd, painter, h 1327 w Hancock av *Lovingood Mary, smstrs, h 1327 w Hancock av Lovings Hugh E (Hallie M), collr Oi R Dobbs, h 725 Pulaski *Lowe Clarence (Elizabeth), waiter Georgian Hotel, h 230 Macon av Lowe El'Eckler, wid Walter, stengr H M Fullilove, h 363 Boulevard *Lowe Elijah (Millie), lab, h 194 Macon av Lowe Eugenia C, wid Isaac, h 363 Boulevard *Lowe Lula, laund, h 224 Cleveland av *Lowe Roberta, laund, h 1478 Oconee *Lowe Walter, lab, h 240 Savannah av *Lowe Wm, lab, h 240 Savannah av Lowery Jno B (Lillie), mill wkr, h 121 Oconee Lowery Nancy, wid Jno, h 147 Chattanooga av Lowery Otto, plmbr, h 895 Oconee *Lucas Bessie, cook, h 273 Lyndon av *Lucas Clarence, porter W G Carter, h 273 Lindon av Lucas Fannie W Miss, h 576 n Harris Lucas Mary Miss, rms 220 n Milledge av *Lucas \Vm (Delia), lab Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 273 Lyndon av Lucile L Mrs, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst Lucy Cobb Institute, Milledge av bet Reese and Hancock av, Miss
Susan Gerdine and Miss Annie Brumby prins Lumpkin Bryan M, student, h 973 Prince av *Lumpkin Callie, dom, h 275 Fairview
I A You Advert se Uf n The Reason II f| ,.,,,,,,
I W The City Directory " U Because " ^ Results
Lumpkin Gallic K Miss, h 973 Prince av * Lumpkin Chas (Mary J), lab, h 1185 w Hancock av * Lumpkin Danl, porter Fears Gro Co, h 260 w Strong *Lumpkin Danl (Hattie), janitor, h 147 Franklin * Lumpkin Edwd (Polly), blksmith, h 1S3 n Billups Lumpkin Edwin K (Mary B), atty at law, 102 Shackelford Bldg, h
i)73 Prince av Lumpkin Edwin K Jr, atty at law, 102 Shackelford Bldg, h 973 Prince
av * Lumpkin Henry (Sallie), lab, h 285 Fairview Lumpkin J Gerdine, elk Athens G L & F Co, h 973 Prince av * Lumpkin Jane, dom, h 387^ Meigs *Lumpkin Jos, driver G H \Villiamson, h 1267 w Hancock av
LUMPKIN JOSEPH H JR, atty at law, 106 Shackelford Bldg, h !)*,;> Prince av
* Lumpkin Maggie, cook, h 628 n Hull *Lumpkin Rena, nurse, h 130 Cleveland av *Lumpkin Rosa, dom, h 260 w Strong * Lumpkin Rosa, laund, h Fowler Town * Lumpkin Saml, porter, h 260 w Strong * Lumpkin Scott, porter R E Poss, h Brooklyn * Lumpkin Wm (Laura), lab, h 463 Oak * Lumpkin \\ m (Mary), lab, h Fowler Town Lund Danl (Fannie), gro, 340 Barber, h same Luster Eugene A, tchr, h Cloverhurst *Luster Sandy, plstr, h 290 Macon av
Lustrat Jos, prof U of Ga, h Campus Lyle Annie Miss, stamp elk P O Lyle Benj F (Nancy A), mchst, h 289 n Milledge av Lyle Crawford W, mngr W H Davis, h 228 Henderson av *Lyles Benj (Mary), eating house, 634 n Hull, h 139 Plum *Lyles Eugene (Mattie), plstr, h 147 Plum *~Lyles Gideon, elk Benj Lyles, h 633 n Hull *Lyles Wm (Mary), bootblack, h 139 Plum Lynch Jas W Dr (Rebecca), pastor First Baptist Church, h 595 s
Milledge av Lyndon Edgar S Dr, h 293 Hoyt Lyndon Mary Miss, tchr, rms 220 n College av *Lyons Arthur (Mamie), baker Boston Bakery, h 528 Bridge *Lyons Chas H S (Ophelia), gro, 942 Reese, h 213 n Chase * Lyons Jno (Fannie), bricklyr, h 1262 w Broad *Lyons Jno, chauffeur 7-iO Prince av * Lyons Mary, dom, h 220 n Miller
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
BARBER SHOR Our Service i-f \7nejccelled
26 9 JV. JucKson JV.______________________________________Thane 4-S6
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________205
_10_6_6 ____________C_I_T_I_ZE_N__S__P_H_A_R_M--A--C--Y--------------------1--0--67i
McAfee Lou, wid J T, h 612 n Jackson McAlister Wm R (Margaret E), (Globe Mercantile Co), h 238 Bar
ber McArthur Julia E Miss, tchr State Normal Schl, h 425 Hill McBride Jas E (Ella), eng-nr Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp, h The Etowah MoCall Jas P (Lula), police, h 158 e Dougherty *McCary Benj (Laura), h Elbert McCarty Emar G, carp, h 164 Hickory McCarty Susie Miss, h 164 Hickory McCarty W Coile, h 164 Hickory McClain Jas C, elk Georgia Natl Bank, h Springdale
*^McCLAIN see abo McLAIN
McClellan Jno (Martha), bricklyr, h 1423 e Broad *McClelland Edwd, emp Ross's Place, h Arch McClurd Jas B (Celestia), dairy 237 Ruth av, h same McClure Ten Cent Co, 279 e Clayton, H C Wright mngr *McClusky Edwd (Cynthia), carp, h 220 n Harris *MoClusky Julia, dom, h 293 Macon av *McComas Marion, h 164 Augusta av *McComb Nelson J Rev (Laura C), h 129 Newton McConnell Jno C (Ada), h 264 Nantahala av *McCorkle Thos (Fannie), lab, h 143 Strickland *McCrary Nancy, dom, h (r) 190 n Miller *McCree Mamie, h 187 Flint *McCullough Lucy, h 190 n Parris MoCune Andrew M (Belle), mill wkr, h 181 Hiawassee av McCune Danl J (Gertrude), police, h 174 Hickory McCune Grace Miss, mill wkr, h 174 Hickory McCune Jas, mill wkr, h 181 Hiawassee av McCune Jno, plmbr D >V Bailey, h 174 Hickory McCune Minnie Miss, mill wkr, h 181 Hiawassee av McCune Robt L (Nellie), painter, h 250 Peter McCurdy Jas M (Emma), meat ctr, h 135 Prince av McDaniel S G, condr Athens Ry & Elec Co McDaniels J F, elk Hotel Sanges, h same McDonald Angus J (M Tommie)!, livery, 558 e Clayton, h 553 Pu-
laski McDonald Annie Miss, h 1465 e Broad McDonald Mamie Mrs, elk Max Joseph, h 323 s Jackson McDonald Quincy (Mamie), elk Globe Mercantile Co, h 323 s Jackson
Martin Urns 10BBERS OF HARNESS and
Phone 621
455 Clayton : Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty -:-
233-241 Broad St. Jobber* and 'Retailer* Phone 280-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________
McDonald Pearl Miss, elk Max Joseph, h 323 s Jaekson
McDonald Wm H (Laura), mech Athens Motor Car Co, h 323 s
Jackson McDorman Clarence O, collr Dorsey Furn Co, h 164 e Strongg McDorman Clyde D, slsmn Sol J Boley Co, h 164 e Strong McDorman Fay Miss, elk Davison-Xicholson Co, h 685 n Pope McDORMAN GEORGE W (Mattie), chf A F D, h 685 n Pope
McDorman Nell Miss, tchr Xantahala Av Schl, h 636 n Jackson McDorman Rena, wid J II, h 164 e Strong McDorman Robet E (Elizabeth), h 636 n Jackson McDougald Montine A Miss, nurse St Mary's Hospital, h 360 n
Milledge av McDuffie Jeff L, bkkpr, h 234 w Hancock av McDuffie Julia R, wid Archer A, h 234 w Hancock av McDuffie Sidney R, sec-treas Athens Lmbr Co, h 234 w Hancock
av McElhannon Martha A, wid Jas F, h 357 Hill
McElnath \V Frank (Julia), elk, h 699 College av McElroy Geo W, propr McElroy Transfer Co, h Buena Vista av McElroy Transfer Co, 786 e Broad, G W McElroy propr
McEvoy Edwd C (Julia), druggist, h 794 Prince av McEvoy Louise C Miss, h 794 Prince av
McFadden Geo H & Bros Agency, cotton brokers, 126J^ Oconee, Alien Fleming mngr
McFerrin J Matt (Bessie C), cashr Sou Ref Co, h 609 Cobb *McGarity Berry (Julia), presser h 173 Pearl McGarity \Villiford R, bkkpr Callaway Gro Co, h Barber McGarrah XVm (Emma), plumber, h 235 n Hull McGee Essie Miss, elk Sanitary Bakery, h 130 Field McGee Jesse R, sec-treas Merchants Paper Co, and asst bkkpr Citi-
zens Bank & Trust Co. h 130 Field
McGee Jos B (Maggie), police, h 130 Field McGee Leo, elk, h 130 Field McGee Mamie Miss, student, h 130 Field McGowan Annie, wid E F, h 390 w Hancock av McGowan Larie Miss, h 390 w Hancock av McGowan Melba Miss, h 390 w Hancock av McGowan Ruby Miss, stengr, h 390 w Hancock av McGREGOR CO (The), (Inc), booksellers and printers 321 e Clay-
ton phones, store, 77, printing dept. 727; Geo H Thornton pres, J F XXr hitehead v-pres and mngr, G A Booth sec-treas (see bottom lines)
McGregor Jessie Miss, prin Nantahala Av Kindergarten, h Bearing
The McGregor Company
*Pr inters Stationers "Binders OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185'_ College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________207
McGuire Mack, asst bkkpr J D Moss McHatton Thos H, prof U of Ga Mclntosh Mary E, wid S A, h 568 n Harris *Mdntosh Susan, laund, h 170 n Parris Mclntyre Benj F, painter, bds 883 College av Mclntyre E H, stone ctr Bell Bros Mble Co Mclntyre Fred H, elk Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 780 Boulevard
Mclntyre Jas W (Roxie), collr, h 243 Ruth av
Mclntyre Oscar G (Mattie)-, h 780 Boulevard Mclntyre Ossie, h 780 Boulevard
Mclntyre Roy, h 780 Boulevard
McKern Saml M (Pearl), driver Sou Ref Co, h 224 Grace McKie Mamie Miss, prin Nantahala Av Night School, h Cloverhurst *McKinley Arthur (Grace), carp, h 188 Lyndon av
*McKinley Beulah, dom, h 188 Lyndon av
*McKinley Jos, janitor, h 188 Lyndon av McKinley Pauline Miss, tchr College Av Schl, h 125 Bearing
McKinney Albert T (Ella), gro, 697 Boulevard, h 695 same
McKinney D Fletcher (Laura), elk Dixie Loan Co, h 474 Ruth av McKinney Jno C, phys, 613 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 175 Baxter *McKinney Jos, janitor Majestic Theatre McKINNEY MARION F, propr Dixie Loan Co,, h 474 Ruth av
McKinnon Chas (Mary)l, mchst Athens Fdry & Mch Wks, h 252 Ga
Depot *McKinnon Geo, porter L~ Cutler McKinnon Grace Miss, h 353 Oak McKinnon Jno H (Alice), supt Athens Fdry & Mch Wks, h 353 Oak McKinnon Walter E, mldr Athens Fdry & Mch Wks, h 357 Oak
McKinnon Wesley (Emily), engnr City Water Wks, h 357 Oak McKinnon Wm, mldr Athens Fdry & Mch Wks, h 353 Oak
McLain Jno (Madge), marble ctr Bell Bros Mble Co, h 690 s Lumpkin McLain Paul, mill wkr, h 197 Miles McLain Ruby Miss, h 197 Miles McLain Susie Mrs, h 197 Miles P^McLAIN see also McCLAIN *McLaughlin Alice, h 149 n Pope *McLaughlin Ella, dom, h 149 n Pope *McLaughlin Julius (Susan), janitor, h 149 n Pope
McLemore Chester H, prof U of Ga
McLeod Robt N (Mamie V), agt Sou Exp Co, h 226 Hill
McLeroy Bros (H G and C L), ginners, Georgia av
McLeroy Clifford L (Clella) (McLeroy Bros) and bkkpr KleinMartin Co, h 443 n Thomas
McLeroy Geo (Anna), drayman, h Buena Vista av McLeroy Henry G (Nellie) (McLeroy Bros), h Normal av
I Ln You Adinvertise 1Y11in bfl The Riseason IUI Ln GRoeosdults u The City Directory fiu u Because u w
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________
McLeroy Jas E (Cornelia), mchst Empire State Chem Co, h 1432
Oconee McLeroy Jas L (Elizabeth), road comr, h Oglethorp av nr Prince
McLeroy Lewis E (Eunice), farmer, h Georgia av
McLeroy Mattie Miss, h Olgethorp av
McLeroy Odelle Miss, h Buena Vista av
McLeroy Ruth Miss, h Oglethorp av
McLeroy Susie Miss, h 81G n Lumpkin
*^McLEROY see also McELROY
McMahan Georgia, wid J J C, h 38G Hill
McMahan Robt I (Dora), bkkpr Head & McMahan, h 386 Hill
McMAHAN THOS AC (Janet), (Head & McMahan), h 590 n Mil-
ledge av phone 396
, painter Klein-Martin Co
McMillan Geo L (Bertha), h 543 s Lumpkin
McMillan Jas, mill vvkr, h 396 Oconee
McXeal Jule E Miss, h 187 Cobb
*McXeil Arthur (Mattie), driver McElroy Trans Co, h '363 /l 2 Cleve-
land av
McO'Connell Lillie, wid A N, h 447 Hoyt
McPhail Chas C, bkkpr Hanleman & Phinizy, h 749 Hill
McPhail Jno D Rev (Elizabeth), supervisor Home Missions Presby-
tery, and asst pastor Eirst Presbyterian Church, h 5G4 Boulevard
McPherson Jno H T (Margaret ). prof U of Ga, h 625 s Milledge av
*McQueen Belle Y, tchr Kiiox Ins & Indus Schl, h 656 n Hull
*McQuecn Jas (Daisy ). tailor, h 654 n Hull
*McQtieen Julia, dom, h 656 n Hull
*McQueen Lula, dom, h 656 n Hull
*McQueen Xicey, dom, h 658 n Hull
*McQueen Saml (Emma), barber 135 Wall, h 656 n Hull
McWhirter Columbus M (Lula), slsmn Callaway Gro Co, h 115 Pine
McWhorter Hamilton (Sallie), atty at law and asst genl counsel Sou
Ry, 501-505 Sou Mutual Bldg, h Cloverhurst
McWT horter Mary E Miss, h 135 n Hull
McWhorter Minnie Miss, asst mngr Hiawassee Settlement House,
h 224 Hiawassee av
McWhorter Robt L, prof U of Ga, rms 585 Prince av
1066.__________CITIZENS PHARMACY.
M & W CIGAR CO, 194 e Clay ton phone 539, J M Means propr Mabry Oscar, mchst, bds 763 College av
Achoifilfa DllCinOCC PnlloOTO Kntirt'3rd Floor. No. & North Pack Square. Henry
HdllCflllC DUOlllGOO UUIICcC s Shockley. Principal Book keeping. Arr.eiican
*i f\
Asneville, N. C.
Banking. Offioe Systems. Wholesaling. Commisson. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping. Cost
Accounting, Farm Book-keeping, Business Con-
tracts. PrajtL-il Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling. English. Punctuation. Typewriting
Knter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
__________ ATHENS GA [1014-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________209
Mack Addie MissVmlnr Michael Bros
Mack Cecilia Miss, stengr, h 293 Hoyt
*Mack Eugene (Onie), porter Bondurant Hdw Co, h 125 Green
*Mack Hugh (Mollie), lab, h 160 2d
*Mack Ida, h 987 College av
*Mack Jas, lab, h 147 Greene
*Mack Jno H (Fannie), carp, h 180 Greene
*Mack Jno R (Charlotte), elk P O, h 853 Reese
Mack Mary C Miss, stengr Sou Rcf Co, h 293 Hoyt
*Maddox Elizabeth, laund, h 118 Elbert
Maddox Henry G (Cora), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 348 n
Maddox Orion L (Vesta), carp, h 21< n Milledge av
*Madison Marcia, mill wkr, h 157 n Church
Maguire Agnes B Miss, elk W U Tel Co, h 820 n Lumpkin
i ,
Maguire Thos J, elk, h 820 n Lumpkin
Maguire Wm A (Margaret E), h 820 n Lumpkin
Mahaffey Claud (Sarah) (Mahaffey & Mahaffey), h 612 n Jackson
Mahaffey Jas A B (Mahaffey & Mahaffey)). res Jefferson Ga
Mahaffey Sarah B Mrs, stengr T J Shackelford, h 612 n Jackson
Mahaffey & Mahaffey (Claud and Tas A B). attys at law, 110 Shack-
elford Bldg
*Maidene Lottie, dom, h (r) 287 Oconee
Majestic Theatre, 134 e Clayton, E P Stone mngr
Malcomb Clarence V, elk Athens Hdw Co, h 375 s Jackson
*Malcomb Henrietta, cook, h (r) 186 Boulevard
Malke Henry T, emp Ga Roller Covering Shop
Mallison Braided Cord Co, 12i s Lumpkin; L F Edwards pres-treas,
J H Mapp sec
Mallory Horace M (Laurie C) (Mallory Shoe Co) h 245 Barber
*Mallory Maria, laund, h 327 Athens av
Mallory Shoe Co, (H M Mallory), 251 e Broad
*Malone Henry, presser, h 427 Odd
Mangleburg C Stanyarne, elk. h 1135 Prince av
Mangleburg Frank N, gro. h 1135 Prince av
Mangleburg Grovcr T, pharmacist II R Palmer & Son. h 1135 Prince
Mangleburg Lillie B Miss, mlnr Michael Bros, h 1135 Prince av
Mangleburg Lizzie L Miss, h 1135 Prince av
Mangleburg Martha E, wid Frank, h 1135 Prince av
Hanhattan Cafe. 114 e College, Chris Jones propr
Manhattan Hat Co, whol hats and caps, 382 e Broad, Phillips propr
*Mann Harry, student, h 286 Augusta av
*Mann Jno (Lula). fireman, h 286 Augusta av
Mann Julia Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating:
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264-
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY __________
Mann T D, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co
Manne Moses L, mngr Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp, h 576 n Harris
Mapinjno (Annie E), agt, h 22-1 Elizabeth
*Mapp Alex L (Winnie), driver, h 145 Fairview
*Mapp Cody, lab \Vebb-Crawford Co, h 150 s Newton
*Mapp Duke (Corinne), lab, h 391 Meigs
Mapp J Howell, sec Mallison Braided Cord Co and Edwards Mills,
h 980 Baxter
*Mapp Julius, carp, h 850 w Broad
Mapp Reed, mchst, bds 663 n Jackson
Marable Anna Miss, elk Buchwald Bros, h 383 Hoyt
Marable Louis Miss, cashr Wolfe Cafe, h 383 Hoyt
Marable M Miss, cashr Athens Ry & Elec Co
Marable Seymour W (Dora M) (A M Center & Co), h 180 Wynburn
Marable Wm A (Eunice), h 383 Hoyt
*Marbury Lucinda, laund, h 143 Hoyt
Marbut Henry D (Ida), cigars and soft drinks, 164 e Clayton, h 315^i
s Jackson
Marbut Walter P (Ruby), agt Gulf Refg Co, h 294 s Lumpkin
Marks Pauline, wid Simon, h 247 Pulaski
Marlowe Grady, elk D C Dailey, bds 328 Oconee
*Marshall Clarence (Lucy), driver, h 198 Macon av
*Marshafl Clarence (Lucy), porter Georgian Hotel, h 158 Hoyt
Marshall Effie Miss, bds 245 w Washington
*Marshall Emory, eating house, 196 w Washington, h 244 Barber
*Marshall Geo, lab, h 137 Plum
*Marshall Jno (Mary), lafc, h 670 n Hull
*Marshall Nancy, h 137 Plum
*Martin Alberta, laund, h 663 n Milledge av
Martin Annette B Miss, h 735 Prince av
*Martin Anthony (Amanda), lab, h 267 John
Martin Bculah S Miss, student, h 575 n Jackson
Martin B Scott (Lola), trav slsmn, h 575 n Jackson
*Martin Benj G, chauffeur, h 167 Warsaw
MARTIN BROS (Dink and Vines), shoe mkrs, harness and sad-
dlery, 455 e Clayton phone 621 (see bottom lines)
Martin Chas E, treas-mngr Banner Publishing Co, bds 455 n Mil-
ledge av
Martin Clyde T, elk S O Massey, bds 294 s Lumpkin
MARTIN DINK (Sallie) (Martin Bros), h 860 College av
Martin Edmund C, student, h 735 Prince av
*Martin Geo (Parthenia ). lab, h 1540 e Broad
Martin Gerald E, h 853 College av
Martin Gertrude E Miss, h 85 3College av
Palmer & Sons Everything in the
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________2U
Martin Grace E Miss, h 735 Prince av
Martin Horace E (Lula, (The Klein-Martin Co), h 735 Prince ax-
Martin I Marion (Cora), condr Gaincsville Midland Ry, h 663 Pulaski
Martin Jas F (Ida), h 257 River
Martin Jesse M (Elma), elk, h 747 College av
Martin Jno D (Martha)!,, condr, h 853 College av
*Martin Lena, dom, h 137 Franklin
Martin Owen F (Lizzie), h Satullah av
Martin Paul B, elk Sou Beil Tel & Tel Co, h 575 n Jackson
Martin Ralph, elk Davison-Xicholson Co, h 257 River
Martin Ruby Miss, h 257 River
*Martin Sallie, h 132 n Pope
Martin Sidney R, gro, 201 n Thomas, bds 311 same
MARTIN VINES "(Azalie), (Martin Bros), h 8(50 College av
*Martin Wm (Camilla), porter Galloway Gro Co, h 1277 w Hancock
*Martin Wm (Alice), carp, h 167 n Finley
*Marvel Benj (Thercse), lab, h 261 w Strong
*Marvel Mary, cook', h 220 w Strong
Mason Emily E Miss, h 220 Prince av
Mason Geo W (Augusta), cot byr Hardeman & Phinizy, h 220 Prince
Mason J H, dentist, h 124^ s Lumpkin
Mason J Harry, bkkpr I W Richardson Co, h 220 Prince av
Mason Katherine Miss, h 220 Prince av
Mason Regina Bcverly Miss, h 220 Prince av
Mason Warren B (Gertrude), collr Bernstein Bros, h 544 Boulevard
Mason Wm, P. elk, h 220 Prince av
Massey J H Paper Co (J H Massey), whol paper, 151 e Broad
Massey Jas H (Mary) (J H Massey Paper Co), h 125 e Strong
Massey Jno S (Mary), elk J H Massey Paper Co, h 125 e Strong
*Massey Mary, h 220 n Harris
Massey Seaborn O, clothing and furnishings, 475 e Clayton, h 424 s
MATHEWS NEWTON J (Pearl), frt and passngr agt Sou Ry
Station, h 550 n Jackson
Mathews Pearle Mrs, elk Michael Bros, h 550 n Jackson
Mathews Sarah, wid W L, h 14!) Miles
Mathis Lucy L Mrs, tchr, h 387 Hill
*Matthews Anderson, gro, 1224 w Hancock av, h 1423 w Broad
Matthews Ardehlia, laund. h V23 w Broad
Matthews Aubrey E, elk Sol J Boley Co, bds 715 n Jackson
Matthews Gornelius, carp, h 147 Barrctt
Matthews Ellie, lab, h 147 Barrett
*Matthews Henry (Lizzie), lab, h Summey
Your Tf"a.dG IS NOT LIMITED to y lir immediate
^Xl^ neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking1
goods in your line
*___&___>___ * * J*
2_1_2_______________A__T_H__E_N__S__G_A___[_1_91_4_---15--] --CI--TY----D--IR--EC--T--O--RY------------<
*Matthews Jennie, laund, h 1423 w Broad *Matthews Jesse, porter Costa's, h w Hancock av *Matthews Jno H (Lillie), lab, h ^80 w Broad *Matthc\vs Josie. cook, h 573 w Hancock av MATTHEWS LAWRENCE H (Moena), mngr Palmers Drug Store
Prince Av Branch, h 224 Du Bose av Matthews Lucy V, wid J R, h 1195 s Milledge av Matthews Marion P, gro, 303 River, h same Matthews Marjorie Miss, h 331 n Thomas Matthews Millard F (Mamie), phys 220J/2 e Clayton, h 331 n Thomas Matthews Ollie Mrs, h 147 Barrett *Matthews Tressie, cook, h 1236 w Hancock av Matthews Vincent (Susan), trav slsmn Callaway Gro Co, h 665 n
Jackson Matthews W Mitchell (Blanche E), elk Sou Ry, h 493 Ruth av Matthews Willie K, wid Dr Jos, h 250 DuBose av WMATTOX see MADDOX Mauldin E Griffin (Delia), mill wkr, h 137 Miles Mauldin Luther, mill kwr, h 137 Miles Mauldin Melvin, mill wkr, h 137 Miles Mauldin Monroe, mill wkr, h 137 Miles Mauldin Sadie Miss, h 137 Miles Max Joseph Building, 414 e Clayton *Maxey Albert, cook Wolf Cafe, h 697 Hull *Maxwell Alex, lab Athens Coca-Cola Botg Co *Maxwell Benj, drayman, h 175 n Billups
Maxwell Edgar J, bkkpr E H Dorsey, h 925 s Milledge av *Maxwell Frances, laund, h 150' Lyndon av Maxwell Gaddis, bricklyr, h Satullah av Maxwell Gus C (Annie), bricklyr, h 130 Lyndon av Maxwell Isaac (Lillie), photogr, h 415 n Foundry Maxwell Jno T, bricklyr, h Satullah av Maxwell Rossmore M, bricklyr, h Satullah av *Maxwell Saml (Mary), lab, h 150 Lyndon av Maxwell Thos, lab, h Satullah av Maxwell Wm P (Lizzie), bricklyr, h Satullah av
Mayes Julian S, agt L C Smith & Bro Typewriter Co, 125^ e Clayton, rms same
*Mayfield Glenn (Susan), porter, h 270 Savannah av *Mayfield Mattie, laund, h 288 4th *Mayfield Tobias (Georgia), lab, h 274 Water *Mayfield Wade, lab Sou Ref Co, h 288 4th Mayhew Cecelia Miss, h 498 Prince av *Mayhew David (Lena), lab, h 229 w Strong Maynard Marvin J, pres-treas Smith Shoe Co, h 617 Waddell
Player Pianos, Pianos, Organs and
459 E. Olayton
Phone 9O5
B A * B E "R 51
//of anrf Co/cf "Baths
2 ft8 JV. Jackson Si. Phone 4-86
*Maynes Jno (Annie), emp Go State College of Agr, h (r) 1225 s
Milledge av
MAYOR'S OFFICE, City Hall, W F Dorsey mayor
*Mazyck Edmond (Fannie), pstr, h 157 Newton
Meade Fannie, wid Thos T, h 124 Elbert
Headers Ella Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co
Meads Calvin (Mollic), mill wkr, h 648 Nantahala av
Meads Chas W, mill wkr, h 8G5 Boulevard
Meads Jessie G Miss, mill wkr, h 865 Boulevard
Meads Thos C (Alice), elk Athens Auction & Com Co, h 865 Boule-
Mealor Edwd D, h 1324 e Broad
Mealor J Henry (Annie), asst city tax collector, h 1321 e Broad
Mealor J Henry Jr, plmbr, h 1324 e Broad
Mealor Jas A, h 385 s Jackson
Mealor Jno E, elev opr Sou Mutual Blag, h 1324 e Broad
Mealor Ruby Miss, h 1324 e Broad
, \
MEANS JOEL M (Vcrtna), propr M & W Cigar G>, h 1248 Lump-
kin phone 909-L
*Medley Jos (Mary), lab, h 137 Strickland
Mell Edwd B, prin High School, h 897 s Milledge av
1 ;
Mell Ellen L Miss, music tchr 257 Hill, h same
Mell Geo A (Daisy), cashr Athens Savings Bank, h 857 s Milledge av
Mell Jno D Rev (Helen C), h 897 s Milledge av
MELL THOS S, atty at law 298^ e Broad phone 404, h 257 Hill
phone 330
Mercer Katie Miss, h 220 Williams
Merchants Paper Co, 205 Jackson: Patrick Hadaway pres-genl mngr,
J R McGee sec-treas
Merck J Frank (Sallie), driver Boston Bakery, h 168 Elizabeth
Merck Luther, emp Ga Roller Covering Shop, h 168 Elizabeth
Merck Mayleen Miss, student, h 612 n Jackson
*Merrer Edwd, lab, h 661 Broad
Merrett Clara M Miss, student, h 224 n Thomas
Merrett Eugene, ctk Sou Exp Co, h 224 n Thomas
Merrett Hubert L, student, h 224 n Thomas
Merrett Jas M (Carrie L), atty at law. h 224 n Thomas
Merrill Fredk A (Effie M), tchr State Normal Schl, h 629 Cobb
*Merritt Edwd, lab Sou Ref Co
*Merritt Henry (Sallie). lab, h 280 Peters
*Merritt Holcomb, porter Sanitary Bakery, h Dougherty
*Merriweather Fred H, porter U S A Hawkins. h 265 w Washington
*Merriweather Geo (Annie), cleaning and pressing 196*4 w Wash-
ington, h 422 s Finley
*Merriweather Victoria, laund, h 265 w Washington
MARTIN BROS. Jr Harness and Collars $
Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers Phone 280-J
Buggies.Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Merry Milton H (Berta), (Crawford & Merry); h 156 Grady av Messer Clara Miss, elk McClure Ten Cent Co, h 347 Peabody Mewbourn Curtis Miss, elk J L Pendley, h 297 w Broad Mewbourn Delia Miss, elk J B Vaughan, h 297 w Broad Mewbourn Eliza, wid Asa J, boarding 297 w Broad, h same Mewbourn Eliza Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 293 w Clayton Mewbourn L Marguerite, wid S Martin, h 293 w Clayton Mewbourn Lena Miss, cashr Manhattan Cafe, res Bowman, Ga Mewbourn Madge H Miss, elk Toomer Music House, h 293 w Clayton
Mewbourne Etta, wid A Jefferson, h 361 n Thomas Mewbourne Lillia Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 361 n Thomas Mfwbourne Margaret Miss, h 361 n Thomas Michael Bros (Simon and Moses G), whol and retail dry goods. 320
e Clayton Michael David B, student, h 596 Prince av Michael Ernest (Florette), elk Michael Bros, h n end s Milledge av Michael Golden O (Annie B), barber L E Cooper, h 179 Virginia av Michael Helen Miss, h 596 Prince av Michael Jerome, city atty and atty at law 702 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 596
P/ince av Michael Leroy, student, h 596 Prince av MICHAEL MAX (Cecelia S), (Green & Michael), h 120 Grady av Michael Moena Miss, matron and Y W C A sec State Normal School Michael Moses G (Emma), (Michael Bros), and v-pres Athens Sav-
ing Bank, h 596 Prince av Michael Simon (Anna), (Michael Bros), h nr end s Ml-.ledge av Michael Marion S, mngr L G Dougherty & Co, bds n Harris *Mickens Dock (Josie), h 145 Strickland *M'ddlebrooks Aaron (Priscilla), lab, h 379 n Billup* *Middlebrooks Henry (Hattie), lab, h 22 <: Peters *Middlebrooks Isaac, laB, h 1147 w Broad Mid'dlebrooks J Ralph, rms 12y2 e Clayton *Middltbrooks Jno, blksmith J A Baugh h (r) 260 Barber *Miles Jas, lab Athens Ry & E^c Co Miller David F (Decia), (Miller & Co), h 347 Hill Miller Eralbert T, prof U of Ga
MILLER ERNEST H, pres and genl mngr Piedmont Directory Co and Knoxville Directory Co, res Asheville, N C
Miller Frank O, student, h 347 Hill
Miller Geo F (Hattie), mchst Ga Mattress Co, h 551 s Jackson Miller Kate B Miss, h 347 Hill Miller Mary L Miss, h 192 Bryan Miller Ollie C, mill wkr, h 551 s Jackson Miller Paul, student, rms 425 Hill
Miller Robt P, bkkpr The Rowland Co, h 166 Springdale
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Established 1898
Pboni 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185'_ College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
__________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________215
Miller W Elmer, mill wkr, h 551 s Jackson Miller Wm T (Gallic), guard, h 184 Elbert Miller & Co, (D F Miller, W C Ash and J H Gifford), cotton factors
130 Oconee *Mills Geo (Emma), janitor, h 127 Franklin *Mills Lula, nurse, h 227 n Rock Spring *Mills Robt, bricklyr, h 317 n Pope *Mills Sallie, laund, h 291 Savannah av *Milner Busse (Onie), porter Athens Hdw Co, h 180 2d *Milner Jos, lab G H Hulme & Co
*Milner Moses S (Kate)", lab, h 1483 e Broad *Milner Saml, lab G H Hulme & Co *Milner Wm (Leila), driver, h 830 Water Milstead Andrew H (Charlotte B), dist mngr Northwestern Mutual
Life Ins Co, Sou Mutual Bldg, h 243 Bearing Mims Wm T, cabt mkr, rms 195 Barrow Minder Jos (Lola), tailor 145^ e Clayton, h 195 Barrow Minder Lola Mrs, boarding 195 Barrow, h same *Miner Wm, lab McElroy Trans Co, h River Mines Wm H, elk Michael Bros, bds 513 n Jackson Miniard Mack, mill wkr, h 144 Bryan *Minick Eckart W, lab, h 147 Hoyt' *Minniefield Ella, laund, h 644 n Hull *Minniefield Henry, emp W H Davis, h 660 w Hancock av Minyard Mattie Miss, h 197 Oak Mitchell A L, trav slsmn W H Hulme & Co Mitchell Addie Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h 693 s Lumpkin *Mitchell Annie, smstrs, h 330 Macon av Mitchell Annie Mrs, bds 749 Cobb *Mitchell Edwd (Carrie), lab, h 195 Derby Mitchell Elizabeth V, wid Wyatt, h 723 Boulevard Mitchell Fannie Miss, h 473 w Hancock av *Mitchell Hinton, lab, h 1595 e Broad Mitchell Jas W (Clara), carp, h Yonah av Mitchell Jessie N, wid Albert L, h 840 w Hancock av *Mitchell Jno (Mary), lab Sou Ref Co, h 167 Odd Mitchell Mattie, laund, h 195 Derby *Mitchell Susie, cook, h Fowler Town Mitchuni Homer (Berta), elk Dozier & Co, h 350 Oak Mize Bessie M Miss, h 340 Boulevard Mize Martin C (Sarah E), farmer, h 340 Boulevard Mize Nannie P Miss, h 312 n Thomas Mize Ruby M Miss, h 340 Boulevard MOALE PHILIP R, v-pres Piedmont Directory Co, res Asheville,
nil) A* MoHllim In tne wor^ g' v ?s the information contained UlllBr IflulllUIII in a Directory. Tt is consulted every day in the vear. Mr. Business Man. where can you find a better medium
SHOP Phone 618
: : - 401 E. Broad St.
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Modern Dental Parlors, 100^ College av, M E Ginn propr
Monahan Jno, slsmn, bds 328 Oconee *Moncree Mary, cook, h 140 Cherry MONTAGUE MANUFACTURING CO, building material and
planing mill Broad st and Belt Line, Richmond Va (see opp p 189)
Montgomery W Pearl (Martha), carp, h 883 s Lumpkin
*Moody Mary, cook, h 259 Newton *Moody Thos, driver Canning & Patterson, h 789 s Thomas *Moon Barren (Bertha), lab, h 1082 w Broad
Moon Bena Mrs, smstrs Michael Bros *Moon Benj J (Cordelia), ins agt, h 1092 w Broad *Moon Benj J Jr, butler, h 1092 w Broad Moon Cecil (Mattie), elk Michael Bros, h 290 w Clayton *Moon Chas T, janitor Athens Saving Bank *Moon Comer (Lue E), lab, h 363 Cleveland av Moon Ella, wid Turner, h 552 Pulaski Moon Fred T (Cora), trav slsmn Bludwine Co, h 538 Pulaski
Moon Geo G (Ossie), millwkr, bds 153 Park av *Moon Isabella, dom, h 1092 w Broad Moon Jacob D (Emma H), shoemkr 220 Lyndon av, h 847 Hill *Moon Jas, drayman, h 133 Hoyt Moon Jno D (Emma), elk, h 847 Hill *Moon Lizzie, dom, h 424 n Billups *Moon Lorenzo (Carrie), lab, h (r) 392 Augusta av *Moon Mamie, laund, h (r) 715 n Jackson *Moon Mamie Jr, dom, h (r) 715 n Jackson *Moon Mary, laund, h 224 nMiller *Moon Rhoda, dom, h 133 Hoyt Moon Robt C, painter, h 552 Pulaski Moon Stephen C, student, bds 2,74 n Thomas Moon Walter, elk, h 552 Pulaski *Moon Wm (Eliza), barber 792 w Broad, h 1387 same *Moore Annie, cook, bds 736 e Broad *Moore Aquilla, dom Hotel Sanges, h 763 College av Moore Benj F, elk Talmage Bros & Co, h 372 e Hancock av Moore Bon (Moore Bros), h 255 w Washington Moore Bros (Eugene D and Bon), gros 162 n Thomas *Moore Cassie, nurse, h 199 Cleveland av Moore College, U of Ga Campus Moore Covie Miss, bkkpr Athens Fdry & Mach Wks, h 361 n Thomas Moore David M (Beulah), mill mngr, h 231 Elizabeth Moore Delia Miss, h 134 Bryan Moore Dicie Mrs, h 134 Bryan *Moore Edwd Lela), lab, h 157 n Church Moore Emma Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h Boulevard extd
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square- Henry S. Shockley. Principal- Book-keeping:, American
Banking-. Office Systems. Wholesaling, Cotnmis-
N. C.
sion. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping. Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping. Business Con tracts. Practical Salesmanship. Business Arithmetic. Spelling. English. Punctuation, Type
writing. Shorthand. Enter any time.
Office work of all ktadi solicited.
With all 2-Galloi Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices Cash
2-Gallons Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00
Cora or Rye.
Moore Eugene D (Moore Bros), h 255 w Washington Moore Eula L Miss, stengr Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co, bds 294 s Lumpkin
*Moore Fred, lab McElroy Trans Co, h (r) 126 n Milledge av *Moore Ford (Ada), lab, h 1237 w Hancock av Moore Geo, student, bds 361 n Thomas Moore Gertrude Miss, h 134 Bryan *Moore Gus (Winnie), lab, h 199 Cleveland av Moore Hattie R Miss, h 115 e Hancock av *Moore Henry (Georgia), h 250 Water *Moore Henry, lab, h 360 Macon av *Moore Ida, lab, h 280 Compress Moore J Alien (Kittie), trav'slsmn Sou Ref Co, h 115 e Hancock av Moore Jas A (.Gallic), blksmith, h 251 Franklin Moore Jessie E Miss, h 255 w Washington *Moore Jno (Emily), lab, h 237 Tabernacle *Moore Jno, driver, h 397 Athens av Moore Jno, mill wkr, h 134 Bryan Moore Jno N( Mollie), blksmith, h 147 Nacoochee av
Moore Jno R, sec W A Carlton Moore Judge W (Gertrude), trav slsmn, h 763 n Pope Moore Kathleen M Miss, elk Jay H Epting Co, h 255 w Washington Moore Kittie Mrs, boarding 115 e Hancock av, h same *Moore Laura, laund, h 280 Athens av *Moore Lela, nurse, h 540 w Hancock av Moore Lila M Miss, mlnr Buchwald Bros, h 255 w Washington *Moore Lula, laund, h Fowler Town Moore Madge Miss, stengr, h 147 Nacoochee av Moore Marjorie Miss, h 255 w Washington *Moore Mattie, laund, h 158 Warsaw *Moore Napoleon (Eleanor), lab, h 324 Arch Moore Nettie, wid J Walter, (J P Harmon & Co), h 145 State *Moore Ora D (Ida), driver, h 397 Athens av Moore Pansy Miss, propr Scientific Beauty Parlors, h 147 Nacoochee Moore Paul M, student, h 255 w Washington Moore Philander A (Bessie C), h 447 e Hoyt *Moore Rebecca, dom, h 1237" w Hancock av *Moore Seymour N (Ella), plstr, h 368 Athens av *Moore Thos, porter, h 397 Athens av Moore Wallace M, slsmn Athens Coca-Cola Botg Co, h 147 Na-
coochee av Moore Wm (Delia), mill wkr, h 132 Bryan *Moore Wm H, lab, h 280 Athens av Moore Wm R (India), mngr, h 255 w Washington More Jas M (Emma M), supt, h 580 Nantahala av *Moreland Bertha, dom, h (r) 287 Oconee
Roman aid Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Building*. Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
Pints 2066 aid 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating 168 W. Washington St. __________________Telephone 264
ATHENS GA 11914-151 CITY DIRECTORY__________
Morehead Ella Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co Morehead Jno (Ella), carp, h 186 n Foundry *Moreland VVm (Mary), lab, h 487 Athens av Morgan E D (Cora), collr B Dunaway, h 960 s Lumpkin *Morhene Lawrence (Julia), butler, h 820 Reese *Morhene Proffitt (Mary), lab, h 125 Franklin *Morris Burl, lab, h 370 River Morris Chas (Norma M), trav slsmn, h 247 Pulaski Morris Esther, wid Moses, h 163 w Hancock av *Morris Fred, porter H T Huggins & Son, h 370 River Morris Gussie, wid Jos, h 154 w Hancock av Morris J L Mrs, mngr Hiawassee Settlement House, h 224 Hiawassee
av Morris J McN Rev (Martha), h 198 Cedar Morris Jno, prof U of Ga MORRIS JOHN L (Theresa), safety razors of all kinds sold and
sharpened, agt for musical instruments and supplies, 201 n Lumpkin phone 670, h 224 Hiawassee av phone 147 Morris Lee (Pauline), clothing and gents furnishing, 311 e Broad, h 173 w Hancock av Morris Louis (Pauline), mngr Sol J Boley Co, h 154 w Hancock av Morris Lula, wid Chas, h Normal av *Morris Mabel, dom, h 164 Augusta av *Morris Mollie, h 370 River *Morris Odessa, cook, h 370 River Morris Pearl Miss, stengr U of Ga Morris Rosina M Miss, student, h 247 Pulaski Morris Simon Marks, student, h 247 Pulaski Morris Sylvanus, prof U of Ga Morris Thos H, collr Erwin & Co, h 438 River Morris Vera, wid C J, stengr The McGregor Co, h 184 Childs Morris Vera F Miss.stengr U of Ga, h 184 Childs *Morris Zebulon (Hattie), lab, h 534 n Chase *Morse Carrie, laund, h 680 n Lumpkin Morse Fred L (Emmie), tailor 224>2 e Clayton, h 219 Waddell *Morse Virginia C, tchr Athens H & I Schl, h 1052 Reese Morton Arthur L, student, h 573 Hill Morton Building, Washington s e cor Hull
*Morton Clara H, matron Lucy Cobb Ins, h 784 n Chase *Morton Clinton (Susie), driver Fleming-Bearing Hdw Co, h 245
Atlanta av *Morton Ella, cook, h 863 w Broad *Morton Frank, emp Chas Stern Co, h 784 n Chase Morton Fredk S, student, h 573 Hill *Morton Henry (Nellie), lab, h 215 n Pope
H. R. Palmer & Sons :: 225 E. Clayton St.
Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________219
Morton J Audley (May O), collr Natl Bank of Athens, h 279 Hender-
son av
Morton Katherine Miss, h 573 Hill
*Morton Leroy, janitor Nantahala Av Schl, h 784 n Chase
*Morton Maude, student, h 823 Prince av
*Morton Mary J, laund, h 367 Odd
*Morton Monroe B (Lula), real estate, h 823 Prince av
*Morton Monroe B Jr, student, h 823 Prince av
Morton Robt F (Nannie B), trav slsmn Hodgson Bros Co, h 750
Morton Roberta L, wid Fredk S, h 573 Hill
*Morton Rosa, smstrs, h 367 Odd
*Morton Sadie M, cook, h (r) 763 Cobb
*Morton Susie M, tchr, h 784 n Chase
*Morton Theatre, Washington s e cor Hull, Jas Davis mngr
*Morton Willie, laund, h 130 Warsaw al
Moseley Alien (Sarah E), h 184 Mitchell
Moseley Geo D, mill wkr, h 184 Mitchell
Moseley Mary E Miss, mill wkr, h 184 Mitchell
Moseman Gallic, wid Jno E, h 830 College av
Moseman Dorris Miss, elk Buchwald Bros, h 830 College av
Moseman Mark B, elk Warren J Smith & Bro, h 830 College av
Moses Mendel (Sarah), h 153 w Hancock av
Moss Amy Miss, tchr, h 450 Prince av
Moss Building (offices), 186^ e Glayton
Moss Elizabeth L, wid Rufus L, h 479 Cobb
Moss Jno D (Byrd L), pres R L Moss Mnfg Co, and sec Athens
Mnfg Co, h 325 Pulaski
Moss Jno Hill, student, h 325 Pulaski
Moss Judith E Miss, student, h 325 Pulaski
Moss Julia P Miss, h 479 Cobb
Moss Kate, wid L T, bds 415 e Dougherty
Moss Kate Miss, bds 311 n Thomas
Moss Lilly B Miss, v-pres R L Moss Mnfg Co, h 479 Cobb
Moss Mary V Miss, student, h 325 Pulaski
Moss Philip, mchst, bds 663 n Jackson
MOSS R L MANUFACTURING CO, sash, doors and blinds, 148
Cleveland av phone 78; J D Moss pres, Miss L B Moss v-pres
Moss Rufus L Jr (Leila, h 628 Hill
Moss Rufus L (3d), student, h 325 Pulaski
*Moss Sadie, dom Welch Hotel, h 348 Cleveland av
Moss Seaborn J (Tommie L), casr R L Moss Mnfg Co. h 246 w
MOS.S Sarah H Miss, h 479 Cobb
Mote Ethel Miss, h 129 Bryan
I A You Advertise Ul A The Reason II p Good
I U The City Directory H 0 U Because U U Results
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Mote Jas M (Matilda), mill wkr, h 129 Bryan
Mote Sandy (Mamie), mill wkr, h 129 Miles
*Alott Geo (Moxelle), porter Arnold & Abney, h 2G9 n Finley
Mott Mabel Miss, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst, rms 220 n Milledge av
Moyer Ivah Miss, tchr Muscogce Elementary Schl
*Mozeak Robt, lab
*Muchol Tiffin, latind, h 370 n Pope
*Muckle Fannie, c*ook, h 180 Hendricks av
*Muckle Peter, butler, h 380 Hendricks av Muldoon Frank (Fthel), engnr, h 367 Oconee "Mulkey Jesse, mill wkr, bds 153 Park av Mullinax" Chas (Mattie), lab, h 187 Grace *Mullins Mary, laund, h 234 n Pope *Mullins \Ym, driver, h 234 n Pope Munday \\'m L (L'izzic), gro Oconee st, h 901 e Broad *Murden Aaron B Rev (Uora A), (New Undertaking Co), h 883
Reese *Murden Dora, tchr West Athens Schl, h 883 Reese ^Jurden Jacob S. embalmer New Undertaking Co, h 883 Reese Mure Lizzie P, wid Robt P, h 125 n Milledge av Murphey Robt M, prof U of Ga Murphy Jos W (Charlotte M), government vet inspr, h 243 Cobb Murphy Marguerite Mrs, mngr Flite Theatre, h 428 s Lumpkin
MURPHY WALTER W (Marguerite), mngr Western U Tel Co, and Flite Theatre, h 428 s Lumpkin
Murray Geo R (Lillic), elk Red Seal Shoe Shop, h 545 Pulaski Murray Isaac V, slsmn The Callaway Gro Co, h 229 Waddell Murray Jno H (Clara), mill wkr, h 385 Hiawassee av Murray Xelle, wid Henry T, h 159 w Dougherty Murray Roy C, elk Red Seal Shoe Shop, h 159 w Dougherty Murray Thos W, slsmn Fleming-Dearing Hdw Co, h 159 w Dough-
erty Murry Ida Miss, mlnr Davison-Nicholson Co, h 412 n Thomas Muscogee Flementary School (State Normal School), Prince av extd MUSE CHAS (Lettie), shoernkr 354 e Washington, h 359 Baxter
(see page 3) Myers Frank T (Sophia), v-pres Chas Stern Co, h 439 College av *Myers Jno, lab, bds 737 e Broad Myers Jonas R (Frances M), sec-treas The Rowland Co, h 679 Hill Myers Jos S, student, h 439 College av Mygatt Geo T (Lavinia), trav slsmn Talmage Bros Co, h 1260 Prince
av Mygatt N Elizabeth, wid Jos C, h 1260 Prince av
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 905
Ask someone about us. They will tell you we give Satisfactory Service.
H1LLEY & JONES___________268 N. Jackson St.
ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________221
Nantahala Avenue Kendergartcn, Nantahala av n w cor Chase, Miss Jessie McGregor prin
Nantahala Avenue Night School, Nantahala av n w cor Chase, Miss
Mamie McKie prin Nantahala Avenue School, Nantahala av n w cor Chase, Miss Mary
L Wier prin
*Nash Cora, tchr, h 290 Vine *Nash Daisy, dom Commercial Hotel, h 290 Vine Nash Isaac J, foreman Moss Mnfg Co, rms 195 Barrow Nash R E, station opr Athens Ry & Elec Co
*Nash Wm (Elizabeth), driver, h 290 Vine Nastas Hardee, elk Peter Petropol, rms 116 n Thomas NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS (The), 297 e Broad phone 162;
Jno R White pres, Jas White cashr, A S Parker asst cashr NATIONAL WHISKEY CO (The), whol and mail order liquors,
1221-23 Market St, Chattanooga Tenn (see opp) National Woolen Mills, tailors 144 e Clay ton, E H Jester mngr
*Neal Amy, laund, h 376 Odd *Neal Eugene, lab Griffeth Imp Co
*Neal Sarah, cook, h 962 Reese *Nealy Sarah, cook, h (r) Nacoochee av n of Prince av *Neeley Lucinda, h 186 Arch *Neely Jas (Josie), lab, h 135 Cohen
*Neely Mary, dom, h 135 Cohen *Neely Peter (Fannie), lab, h 267 4th
Neighbour Chas E, student, h 396 Boulevard
Neighbour Robt E Rev (Nellie), pastor Baptist Tabernacle, h 396 Boulevard
*Nelms Alfred (Ida), blksmith Klein-Martin Co, h 263 Arch Nelms Frances E, wid Jno, h 1060 w Hancock av *Nelms Palmer, laund, h 263 Arch Nelms Wiley D (Mamie), propr The Arcade Cigar Store, h 542 Pu-
Nelson Edwin F (India A), elk Webb Crawford Co, h Yonah av *Nesbitt Helen, nurse, h 220 Pearl *Nesbitt Margaret, nurse, h 187 Pearl
*Nesbitt Ned, lab, h 724 n Lumpkin *Nesbitt Walter, porter Arnold & Abney *Nesbitt Wm (Addie), lab, h 337 Fairview *Nesby Robt, porter Costa's
Martin Bros JOBBERS OF HARNESS and COLLARS *New Undertaking Co (Rev A B Murden), 270 n Hull
NIOM 621
455 Clayton : Harness and Sboe Repairing a Specialty :-
238-249 Broad St. Jobber* and *Retafiers Phone 280-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
ATHENS GA 11914-151 CITY .DIRECTORY__________
Kewby Ira J, elk E J Holmes, h 354 Oconee
Newby Sidney W (Lizzie E), inspr C of Ga Ry, h 354 Oconee
*Newsom Bros (W M, S R and C D), gros and meat mkt, 285 n
Thomas *Newsom Claude D (Ruby), (Newsom Bros), h Finley
JJEWSCM DAVID D (Ella^, captain Fire Dept No 1, h 359 Oak
Newsom Ethel Miss, h"359 Oak *Newsom Sidney R (Maggie), (Newsom Bros), and porter Athens
Hdw Co, h Finley *Newsom Wm M (Ophelia), (Newsom Bros), h s Hull
Newton Catherine Miss, h 89~2 Prince av Newton Chas H (Mary), sec Sou Mnfg Co and genl ins agt 217 e
Hancock av, h 892 Prince av *Newton Ernest (Mary), driver W L Hancock Coal Co, h 247 Lyn-
don av Newton Frances M Miss, h 892 Prince av Newton Janet Miss, h 892 Prince av Newton Pansy B Miss, stengr State Normal Schl Newton Virginia Miss, h 892 Prince av *New Town Baptist Church, Savannah av nr Cleveland av, Rev Thos
Dawson pastor
*New Town School, 347-357 Athens av, Miss M I Heard prin
Nichitus Rommes, elk Ilion Cafe, rms w Hancock av
Nichols Allie, wid J C, h 457. e Hancock av
Nichols Annie Miss, h 170 Field Nichols Cornelia Mrs, mill wkr, h 149 Tibbetts av
Nichols J Guy (Cora), elk, h 685 College av
Nichols Jno M (Susie), slsmn, h 170 Field
Nichols Oscar G (Pearl L)s cashr and bkkpr Erwin & Co, h 267 Franklin
Nichols Thos J (Genevieve), contr and bldr 618 Sou Mutual Bldg, rms 283 e Hancock av
Nicholson Madison G (Lucy), sec-treas Davison-Nicholson Co, h 298 s Hull
*Nicholson Peter, lab, h (r) 640 Cobb Nicholson W M, sec Smith Shoe Co, res College Park, Ga Nickerson Henry, elk, h 779 Hill Nickerson Saml H, student, h 779 Hill Nickerson Thos H (Lizzie), pres Athens Hdw Co, h 779 Hill Nickerson Thos H Jr, elk Athens Hdw Co, h 779 Hill Nigels Pearl Miss, h 690 s Lumpkin Nix Annie Miss, h 126 Bryan Nix Christopher C (Nora), elk Peter Petropol, h 126 Bryan Nix H Abit (Eunice), prof U of Ga and atty at law 107 Shackelford
Bldg, h 565 Prince av
TKe McGregor Company
Established 1898
Pkgie 109
Tilnadfl Bide. "5;i Cillm i.
Fire Insurance
Our Sptcialtiej
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________223
Nix Margie Miss, h 126 Bryan *Nixon Clinton (Mattie), lab, h 170 Herring Nixon Evie Miss, mlnr, h 794 Prince av Nixon Sara B Miss, stengr E K Lumpkin and notary public, h 794
Prince av *Noise Harrison (Missouri), lab, h 447 Oak *Nolan Anna B, cook, h 120 w Dougherty *Nolan Lizzie, cook, h 1375 w Hancock av Nolan Mattie Miss, h 547 Boulevard *Nolan Wm (Frances), lab, h 1226 w Broad *Noland Robt (Mary), lab, h 132 n Pope
*Noland Valley, h 132 n Pope *Norfleet J D Rev (Sweetie), 1324 w Broad NORMAL SCHOOL PHARMACY, Prince av nr Oglethorp av
phone 890, C A Blasingame propr Normal School Post Office (branch), Prince av nr Oglethorp av, Miss
Ruby I Fowler supt *Norman Cassie, cook, h 858 Meigs *Norman Classic, dom, h 297 Lyndon av *Norman Moses (Magnolia), lab Sou Ref Co, h 260 Water
Norrell Cora Mrs, mill wkr, h 385 Hiawassee av *Norris Charlotte, dom, h 178 Savannah av *Norris Cornelia, laund, h 178 Savannah av *Norris Jno, lab, h 178 Savannah av
Norris Jno N (Jessie M), foreman, h 590 Nantahala av Norris Roy, mill wkr, bds 624 Nantahala av Nbrris Saml H (Emma), trav sbmn, h 124 Jonas av Northcutt Jno R (Annie B) (Dorsey Furn Co), h 235 Hill Norton Geo M (Mary), foreman, h 340 n Harris *Nowell Clem, waiter Georgian Hotel, h Reese
Nunn Benj, h 192 Bryan Nunnally Lee (Delia), mill wkr, h 177 Miles Nute Fannie E Miss, h Milledge Terrace
ON all cash purchases we give coupons and certificates redeemable for valuable premiums. Ask for our new 64-page catalogue.
1066.________ CITIZENS PHARMACY.
Oasis (The), confrs 333 e Broad, A A Cheleves propr O'CALLAGHAN M P (Louise), propr Georgian Hotel, bds same O'Callaghan Robt, bds Georgian Hotel Oconee Grocery Co (J H Haudrup), 420 Oconee Oconee Hill Cemetery, end Cemetery, J H Bisson sexton Oconee Street M E Church, Oconee cor Poplar, Rev A A Sullivan
| u in win u is U L Results f| You Advertise III A The Reason II A Good V Tho Pitu nirortnrv V V ROMIICO V V
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY___________
Oconee Street School, Oconee cor Poplar, Miss Annie Patman prin
Odom Caulie E, slsmn Athens Bottling Wks, h 165 Becker Odom J J, condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, bds 153 Park av Odom J W, mtrmn Athens Ry & Elec Co, bds 153 Park av O'Farrell Annie Mrs, elk Davison-Nicholson Co O'Farrell Aurelia Miss, h 687 s Milledge av O'Farrell Brokerage Co (C and J C O'Farrell), mdse brokers, 401-
402 Sou Mutual Bldg . O'Farrell Calhoun (O'Farrcll Brokerage Co), h 687 s Milledge av O'Farrell Cash Grocery Co (G E O'Farrell and C E Sims), 561 e
Broad O'Farrell Frank, elk The McGregor Co, h 233 Du Bose av O'Farrell G Edwd (Ruth) (O'Farrell Cash Gro Co), h 645 Boule-
vard O'Farrell Jos, bkkpr Athens Saving Bank, h 233 Du Bose av O'Farrell Jos C (O'Farrell Brokerage Co), and propr Banner Printery
h 149*^ s Lumpkin O'Farrcll Kathleen C Miss, h 687 s Milledge av O'Farrell Marion C, trav slsmn Callaway Gro Co, bds Hotel Sanges O'Farrell Sarah Miss, h 687 s Milledge av O'Farrelle Annis, vvid Jas, h 233 Du Bose av O'Farrelle Frank V, h 233 Du Bose av O'Farrelle Jos, elk, h 233 Du Bose av
Ogle Almand, mill vvkr, h 175 Mitchell Ogle Claude, mill wkr, h 175 Mitchell Ogle Harkless (Mollie), emp Klein-Martin Co, h 175 Mitchell Ogle Jas A- (Bertha), driver, h 835 Oconee
*Oglesby Amy, laund, h 170 Cohen Oglesby Chas (Beulah), painter, h 844 n Lumpkin *Oglesby Geo, lab, h 170 Cohen *Oglesby Hattie, dom, h 170 Cohen *Oglesby Hurlic, dom, h 170 Cohen *Oglesby J H Lewis (Nellie), lab Sou Ref Co, h 234 4th *Oglesby Jane, laund, h 170 Cohen *Oglesby Walter, lab, h 170 Cohen *Oglesby Wm (Lizzie), lab, h 261 w Strong
*Oglesby Wm (Mary J), lab, h 215 n Chase O'Kelley Beatrice Mrs, propr Regina House, h 162 w Clayton O'Kelley Clare, wid G F, h 738 Boulevard O'Kelley Dorothy Miss, h 738 Boulevard
O'Kelley Jas B, elk, h 1(52 w Clayton
O'Kelley Jas W (Beatrice), collr Michael Bros, h 162 w Clayton
O'Kelley Jas W (Erne L), cot byr W C Orr & Co, h 185 Grady av O'KELLEY GEO F, mngr Rex Supply Co, bds 770 College av Oldham Elmer C (Cora), elk A T McKinney, h 695 Boulevard
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor, No. 8 North Pack Square. Henry S. Shockley. Principal. Book-keeping, Ameiican
A A* sSihn. eevv-iililillee,, *N Ni .. fC C\ ..
Banking. Office Systems, Wholesaling, Commisson, Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping. Cost
Accounting, Farm Book-keeping. Business Contraits. Practioil Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic, Spelling. English. Punctuation. Typewriting
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00
Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Teon.
*_________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________225
Oldham J Leslie (Pearl), conclr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 860 n Chase *Olive Minta, laund, h 120. Newton al Oliver Fannie, wid Thos P, boarding 223 Xantahala av, h same *Oliver Geo (Priscilla), lab Athens G L & F Co, h 1159 w Broad *Oliver Georgia, h 989 College av "Oliver Henry, lab, h 453 Oak *Oliver Jesse (Amanda), lab McElroy Trans Co, h Fowler Town *Oliver Luke, lab, h 420 Vine *Oliver Mary, h 420 Vine "Oliver Pearl, h 420 Vine *Oliver Richd (Rita), lab McElroy Trans Co, h Boulevard extd "Oliver Thos, lab, h 1487 e Broad Oliver Thos P, elk, h 223 Nantahala av Oliver Victor E (Flora B), elk G H Williamson, h 150 Virginia av "Oliver Wm (Lallie), lab, h 829 Water Ordinary Clarke County, office Court House, Robt C Orr ordnry ORR DRUG CO (The), 197 e Clayton phone 17; J W Gallaway
pres, J C Poss v-pres, C C Strickland sec-treas Orr Fred J (Valeria), architect, 706-707 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 1196
Prince av Orr Jos M, cotton factor, bds Hotel Sanges Orr Julia W Miss, student, h Carr's Hill Orr Robt C (Florida C), county ordinary, office Court House, h
Oconee nr City Limits Orr Wm C (Emmie E) (W C Orr & Co), h 132 Grady av Orr W C & Co (Wm C Orr), fertilizer and cotton, 186^ e Clayton
and 58j^ e Broad Osborn A M Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co *Osborn Ella, dom, h 236 Vine *Osborn Henry, h 236 Vine Osborne Effie Miss, h Normal av "Osborne Isaac (Susan), stone ctr, h 157 Strickland *Osborne Robt, driver, h (r) 335 Oconee *Osler Mary, laund, h 246 n Pope "Osley Benj (Ethel), lab, h 238 Vine Outlaw Richd H, opr Postal Tel-Cable Co, bds The Etowah Owen Grace M Miss, h 287 w Clayton Owen Katharine N Miss, h 287 w Clayton Owen Walter D M, mngr, h 287 w Clayton "Owens Andrew J, gardener, h 154 n Billups *Owens Henry (Letitia), porter Dorsey Furn Co, h 380 n Billups "Owens Tsabelle, laund, h 228 Cleveland av "Owens Jas (Lizzie), porter A M Bryant, h 275 n Rock Spring *Owens Janie, elk I H Burney, h 154 n Billups Owens Jos, musician Majestic Theatre, bds 297 w Broad
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
*Owens Mamie, h 387 Flint "Owens Robt (Fannie), cook, h 1227 w Broad *Owens Thos, porter, h 154 n Billups
Pace Clarence, elk, h 1018 Water
Page Chas L, elk Fleming-Dcaring Hdw Co
Page Lillian Miss, mill wkr, bds 763 e Broad
Page Urlina Miss, mill wkr, bds 763 e Broad
Paille Chas (Rose), jeweler 233}^ e Broad, h 203 s Finley
Paine Edwd C (Florence), bkkpr Athens Coca-Cola Bot Wks, h 565
Prince av
Paine Lillie Miss, tchr College Av Schl, h 287 Henderson av
PALMER ARTHUR J (Mamie) (H R Palmer & Sons), h 580 n
Harris phone 910
Palmer Catherine Miss, elk R Brandt, h 698 Pope
Palmer's Drug Store (Prince Av Branch), 497 Prince av cor Pope,
L H Matthews mngr
*Palmer Ernest E (Gwendolyn), porter Johnson Shoe Co, h 130
Palmer Eunice L Miss, tchr College Av School, h 263 e Hancock av
Palmer Geo H (Barbara), bkkpr and sec Elks Home, h 263 e Hancock
PALMER H R & SONS (Henry R, Arthur J and Lloyd P), drug-
gists, The Rexall Store, 225 e Clayton phones 67 and 68 (see
bottom lines)
PALMER HENRY R (Elizabeth) (H R Palmer & Sons), h 283 e
Hancock av phone 206
Palmer Katie L Miss, elk, h 698 n Pope
PALMER LLOYD P (H R Palmer & Sons), h 283 e Hancock av
Palmer Tulaha W, wid J W, h 698 n Pope
Palmisano Casper (Mary), whol fruits, h 285 Barber
Panagopolos Galanis, waiter Busy Bee Cafe, h 185 Foundry
Pappa Jennie Miss, h 148 Hickory
Pappa Jos (Santa de M);, ice cream vender, h 148 Hickory
Parham Henry J (Maude), trav slsmn, h 1189 Prince av
Park Ella H Miss, h 448 n Milledge av
Park Robt E, prof U of Ga
PARK R J, whol liquors, 216 w 9th, Chattanooga, Tenn
PARKER ALBERT S (Florence), asst cashr Natl Bank of Athens,
h 1075 Prince av
Parker Annie E Miss, bookbndr The McGregor Co, h 828 n Lumpkin
Prescriptions Com
H.R.Palmer&Sons pounded by Regis
tered Pharmacists, at .... ...
PHONES: Office394 Residence 957' L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
Parker Eliza, wid W R, h 185 Williams
Parker Ethel J Miss, elk Jay H Epting Co, h 828 n Lumpkin
*Parker Hattie, laund, h 480 w Broad
Parker Sarah A, wid Jas T, h 828 n Lumpkin
Parker Sarah M Miss, mill wkr, h 185 Williams
*Parks Anna, h 150 w Strong
Parks De Witt (Temperance), slsmn, h 160 Oneta
* Parks Dorothy, h 328 n Pope
*Parks Grant, agt Ga Mutual Ins Co, h 150 w Strong
Parks M Washington (Fannie), mldr Athens Fdry & Mch Wks, h 955
n Chase
*Parks Maggie, laund, h 167 n Finley
*Parks Marion, laund, h 186 Cherry
Parks Nettie Miss, mill wkr, h 955 n Chase
*Parks Wm (Nora), lab, h 280 Derby
Parnell Ambrose H, tchr, h 857 College av
Parnell Clifford H, student, h 857 College av
Parnell Parks E (Mary), carp, h 857 College av
Parnell Wallace (Clara), carp, h 1443 e Broad
Parnell Wm V (Ida), bkkpr <Crawford & Merry, h 260 Newton
Parr Ada Miss, emp Sol J Boley Co, h 697 Baxter
Parr Benj H (Edna), painter, h 1475 e Broad
Parr Betty, wid Absalom, h 215 w Washington
Parr Chas W (Maggie), wall paper and painter, 235 n Lumpkin, h
457 e Hancock av
Parr Emma, wid Chas A, h 650 Boulevard
Parr Fredk, bkkpr, h 215 w Washington
Parr G Danl (Ophelia), gro, 1687 s Lumpkin, h same
Parr Henry L (R Nannette), elk Webb-Crawford, h 650 Boulevard
Parr Mary J, wid Calvin W, h 174 Grady av
Parr Viola Miss, h 1687 s Lumpkin
Parr Wm, mchst Athens Fdry & Mch Wks
Parrish Guy, student, bds 311 n Thomas
Parrish Henry H (Arvilla), student, h 1295 s Lumpkin
*Parrott Dock, farmer, h 320 Macon av
*Parrott Henry (Lizzie), driver, h 320 Macon av
*Parrott Mary, nurse, h (r) 392 Augusta av
Partee David J (Elizabeth J), coal yd, h 176 Grace
Partee Isaac V (Mattie), mill wkr, h 135 Sapelo
Partee Jno (Maria), mill wkr, h 148 Bryan
Partee Kathleen Miss, emp Sol J Boley Co, h 176 Grace
Partee Lizzie, wid Wm, h 770 Barber
*Paschal Rosser, laund, h 283 Savannah av
*Pass Gussie, cook, h 186 Cherry
*j--P--as--s--W--m----, --la--b,--h---4--6--7.--A--t--la--n--ta--a--v------------------------------------------------
IS NOT LIMITED to your immediate
neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking*
goods in your line
& <* **
Patat Ada Miss, h 838 Oconee Patat Adolphus A (Josephine), barber A M Bryant, h 923 Oconee Patat Annie B Miss, mill wkr, h 179 Mitchell
Patat Emma, wid J A, h 336 e Hoyt
Patat Emory S (Eula), meat ctr Patman's City Mkt, h 123 Hoyt Patat Frank S (Lula), uphlstr, h 838 Oconee
Patat Harry L, bkkpr Sou Mnfg Co. h Springdale Patat Jas P. msngr Postal Tel Co, h 921 e Broad Pata Jas \V (Tennie), painter, h 763 n Thomas Patat Leila Miss, bkkpr Climax Hosiery Mills, h 838 Oconee Patat Lizzie, wid Jos, h 179 Mitchell
Patat Minnie Miss, h 179 Mitchell
Patat Minnie Miss, mlnr Buchwald Bros, h 336 Hoyt Patat Nina Miss, h 838 Oconee Patat Ora Miss, student, h 838 Oconee Patat Phillip L, h 763 n Thomas Patat Tennie Mrs, smstrs Michael Bros, h 763 n Thomas Patman Annie Miss, prin Oconee St Schl, h 126 n Milledge av
Patman's City Market, 133 n Jackson, D D Beuse propr Patman Clyde Miss, tchr,\h 126 n Milledge av Patman Everette, student, h 590 s Lumpkin *Patman Jno, helpr Epps Garage
Patman Jno H (Annie L), stock dlr, h 590 s Lumpkin Patman Louis, student, h" 590 s Lumpkin Patrick Bertha Mrs. gro 897 Boulevard, h same PATRICK J KENNETH (Maude), scc-treas Citizens Pharmacy,
h 236 w Dougherty--phone 825-L Patrick Jack (Julia), mill wkr, h 135 Pine Patrick M Luther (Annie), mil wkr. h 157 Miles Patrick Pratt. weigher, bds 513 n Jackson Patrick Roy D, elk Bondurant Hdw Co, bds 513 n Jackson Patten Decie, wid H N, h 439 e Strong Patten Wm M (Frances), elk. h 565 College av Patterson Andrew J, tinner D W Bailey, h 528 Pulaski Patterson Fannie C, wid T L. h 528 Pulaski PATTERSON PAUL (Essie), asst agt Bankers Health & Life Ins
Co, h 249 P.loomfield--phone 1282-J
Patterson Robt L (Lula), (Canning & Patterson), h 784 Prince Patterson Russell H. student, h 784 Prince av
Patterson Wm P (Susie M), engnr S A L Ry, h 195 Barrow Paul Elizabeth, wid Jno, h 290 Tabernacle
Paul Howard H (Bunnie), police, h 135 Peters Paul J Walter, fireman A F D No 1, h 290 Tabernacle
Paul Jno M (Callie). slsmn Bludwine Bot Co, h 374 Oconee Paul Marvin. elk Athrns Cotton Exchange, h 374 Oconee
Toomer Music House
Musical Merchandise 459 E. ClaytOR -: PtlOfie 905
Baths HILLEY & JNES Cigars
Our Service and Sanitary Principals Unexcelled. 268 N. Jackson St.
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________2L9
Paul Myrtle Miss, student, h 290 Tabernacle
*Paul Wm, waiter Georgian Hotel
Paul Wm H (Clara),, trav slsmn Bludwine Dot Co, h 360 Oak
*Payne Andrew B, pharmacist, h 957 Reese
*Payne Cornelius (Hattie), lab, h 1390 w Broad
Payne Edwd C, bkkpr Athens Coca-Cola Bot Co, h 565 Prince
Payne Elizabeth O Miss, house sec Y \V C A, h same
*Payne Etta C, h 957 Reese
Payne Eunice Miss, h 891 Oconee
* Payne Florence Miss, h 894 Oconee
*Payne Henry, porter Hilley & Jones, h 649 n Millodge av
*Payne Henry R (Rosa), farmer, h 1270 w Broad
Payne Jas A (Mary), ^Irayman, h 894 Oconee
Payne Jas G Jr, weigher Miller & Co, h Henderson av
Payne Jas T (Lillian), collr, h 220 Seminole av
PAYNE JNO (Dora), drayman 1462 e Broad, h same
*Payne Lanier, driver Davison-Nicholson Co
! |
* Payne Minnie C, student, h 9r>7 Reese
Payne Wm A (Helen S), elk The McGregor Co, h 287 w Broad
' '
Payne Wm O, prof U of Ga
' [
Peacock D Lee (Ida S), dentist, 211-212 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 254
Nellie B Av
Peacock Eli, cigar mnfr, 145^ e Clay ton, rms same
Peacock Howell B, prof U of Qa
Peacock Ida Mrs, h Carr nr Oconee
*Pcak Edwd, porter Athens Shoe Co
Pearce Minor (Ada), mill wkr, h 138 Miles
Pearce Robt P (Alice), eating hse, 148 Wall, h 741 n Thomas
Pearson Jno J, student, h 656 n Lumpkin
Pearson Richd S (lulia), condr C of Ga Ry, h 656 n Lumpkin
Peebles Mary A Miss, h 560 Hill
, harness mkr Martin Bros, bds 663 n Jackson
*Peek Ellen, dom, h 340 Lyndon av
Peek J Edwd Jr, elk Georgian Cafe, h 837 College av
Peek Jno E (Julia), h 837 College av
*Peek Leonard H, waiter Holland Cafe, h 167 Warsaw
*Peek Sallie, laund, h 250 n Pope
Peek W Alien (Maude), baggage agt S A L Rly, h 879 College av
Peek Wm (Alleene), trav slsmn, h 847 College av
*Peek Wm M, h 250 n Pope
Peeler Belle Miss, h 425 Meigs
Peeler Clarence L, elk Athens Terminal Co, h 425 Meigs
Peeler Clovis (Margie), lineman, h Satullah av
MARTIN BROS. iM.r Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
236-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers Phone 280-J
Buggies.Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Peeler Hiram H (Lula)i, fireman A F D No 2, h 425 Meigs Peeler Otis H (R'attie), lineman Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co, h 785 n Pope
Peeler Susan J, wid Wiley G, h 126 Poplar PEEPLES WM P (Ida), insurance 202 Shackelford Bldg phone
1331, h 390 Milledge av Pendley Belle B Miss, h 129 e Dougherty Pendley Jas L (Julia V), optometrist and optician, 224 e Clayton, h
129 Dougherty Penland Annie M Miss, stengr J B Joel, h Satullah av Penland Harvey N (Bessie), elk, h Satullah av Penland Ruby Miss, h Satullah av Penland Wessie Miss, stengr, h Satullah av Penland Wm H, mchst Griffith Imp Co, h Satullah av PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, 605-606 Holman Bldg,
Reid S Lenhardt spl agt phone 177 Pennock Leonard M, florist Crucedale Greenhouse, h 285 Bloomfield
Pennock Thos W, mngr Crucedale Greenhouse, h 285 Bloomfield Pentacostal Mission, I46y2 n Thomas Perdue Jno P (Claude), trav slsmn Talmadge Bros & Co, h 1185
Prince av
*Perkins Andrew, porter, h 345 Cleveland av Perkins Mary A, wid Mandeville, h 779 Hill PERKINSON HUNTER M, chf elk Georgian Hotel, bds same
Perrin Wm B, supt R L Moss Mnfg Co, h 180 Barrow Perry Cora Miss, mill wkr, h 157 Barrett Perry Elbert A (Eulalia), gro, 524 n Thomas, h 414 n Foundry Perry Eula Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 414 n Foundry Perry Ina Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 414 n Foundry Perry Jinks C, bkkpr, bds 147 w Washington Perry Marvin B, tchr High Schl, h 455 n Milledge av Petropol Michael, propr Busy Bee Cafe, h 116 n Thomas Petropol Peter, soft drinks, 116 n Thomas and 110 n Foundry and
waiter Busy Bee Cafe, propr College Cafe and Ilion Cafe, h 169 e Dougherty
PETROPOL PETER G (Willie), (Chaknis Fruit & Produce Co), h 238 n Church
Petropol Victor, h 412 e Dougherty Petropol Willie Mrs, cashr Classic Theatre, h 238 n Church Petty Geo W (Nellie), overseer, h 185 Park av Phelps Gerdine W (Anchors & Phelps), h 490 s Lumpkin Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Chapter House, 169 Barber Phillips Anderson Q (Flora), slsmn J T Gholston, h 677 College av Phillips Felia, prop Manhatten Hat Co, h nr end s Milledge av *Phillips Jesse (Mary), lab, h 548 n Church Phillips Lewis, mill wkr, h 396 Oconee
297 Lmnpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machine?
Athens, Ga.
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185' College Av.
Fire Insurance
Oar Specialties
ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________231
*Phillips Mary, cook, h 296 Hill Phillips Mathew, student, bds 311 n Thomas Phillips R A, ins agt, bds 294 s Lumpkin Phillips Robt W (Lizzie), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 240 Du Bose
av *Phillips Sallie, dom 586 Franklin
Phillips Wm F (Sarah E), elk, h 238 Du Bose av PHINIZY BILLUPS (Nellie)', pres-treas Sou- Mutual Ins Co and
v-pres Sou Mnfg Co, h 324 s Milledge av Phinizy Chas H (Nellie) (Hardcman & Phinizy), h 397 s Milledge av * Phinizy Wm (Lizzie), lab, h 397 Augusta av Pickrell Benj R (Sallie A), blksmith 362 e Hancock av, h 763 n Pope Piedmont Cleaning and Pressing Co, 179 n Lumpkin, Heidler Bros
proprs PIEDMONT DIRECTORY CO (Inc), publishers and owners of
the following city directories : Anderson S C, Albany Ga, Alexandria La, Asheville N C, Ashland-Catlettsburg Ky, Athens Ga, Bellefontaine O, Bowling Green Ky, Biloxi Miss, Brownsville. Tex, Burlington, Haw River and Graham N C, Charlotte N C, Chambersburg Pa, Chester S C, Clarksdale Miss, Clarksville Tenn. Cleveland Tenn, Columbus Miss, Concord N C, Cordele Ga, Corinth Miss, Corpus Christi Tex, Dalton Ga, Danville Va, Florence S C, Fredcricksburg Va, Fitzgerald Ga, Frankfort Ind, Gastonia N C, Greenville S C, Greenwood S C, Greensburg Ind, Griffin Ga, Gulfport Miss, Hickory N C, Hattisburg Miss, HendersonOxford N C, High Point N C, Huntsville Ala, Jackson Tenn, Johnson City Tenn, Knoxville Tenn, Laurcns-Clinton S C. Monroe LL. Morristown Tenn, Mt Carmel 111, Mt Vernon 111, Middlesboro Ky, McCombs Miss, Natchez Miss, New Iberia La, Newberry S C Richmond Ky, Rome Ga, Rock Hill and Yorkville S C, Salisbury N C, Sidney Ohio, Spartanburg S C, Statesville N C, Suffolk Va, Union S C, Washington N C, Winchester Ky, Waynesville N C, Winchester Va, Winston-Salem N C; Ernest H Miller pres and mngr, Philip R Moale v-pres, A E Swayne sec-treas, office 66 & L Amcr Nat'1 Hank Bldg, Asheville N C. ^Pierce Ann, h 640 w Hancock av *Pierce Annie, tchr, h 650 w Broad Pierce Beulah Miss, elk McClure Ten Cent Co, h 1085 s Lumpkin *Pierce Chapel (A M EJ, 330 n Foundry *Pierce Fannie, tchr, h 650 w Broad Pierce Gladys Miss, h 1085 s Lumpkin *Pierce Henry (Lou), cook, h 650 w Broad * Pierce Jos (Emma), waiter, h 233 n Miller *Pierce Mabel, laund, h 650 w Broad Pierce Thos H (Jennie), printer, h 1085 s Lumpkin
1U tne WOI"ld gives the information contained in a Directory. It is consulted every day in the venr. Mr. Business Man. where can you find n better medium
Foot Covers for Mankind
Phone 141
259 E. Ciayton St.
ATHENS GA [1014-15] CITY DIRECTORY __________
Pierce Thos H (Sarah V), printer Athens Daily Herald, h 700 Pu-
*Pierce Wm H (Lou), waiter Wm Brown, h 650 w Broad
Pigue Chas L (Lilla), student, h 135 Prince av
Pilgrim Gallic Miss, mill wkr, h 249 Williams
Pilgrim Dock, mill wkr, h 249 Williams
*Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co, 196J/2 w Washington, Cornelius
Drake supt
Pilgrim Wm (Alice), mill wkr, h 249 Williams
*Pinkard Amos (Diana), janitor Amer State Bank, h 264 n Billups
Pinkiissohn J S Cigar Co, cigars and tobacco, 165 e Ciayton, N H
Glogowski mngr
Pitman Margaret, wid Wm, h 457 e Hancock av
Pitner Collette L (Lillian), elk Athens Terminal Co, h 336 Hill
Pitner Jno A (Cora R), elk S A L Ry, h 298 Barber
Pitner Jno R, elk Athens Teminal Co, bds 524 Prince av
Pitner Walter C (India), (C N Hodgson & Co), h 724 Prince av
*Pittard Frank (Lela), cook Holland Cafe, h 177 Warsaw
Pittard Mamie B, wid I H, h 365 s Jackson
Pittard Wm F (Annie B), elk C of Ga Ry, h 625 Pulaski
Pittman Alice L, wid R Lucius, h Prince av nr Satullah av
Pittman Grace Miss, tchr, h Prince av nr Satullah av
*Pitts Andrew, lab Sou Ref Co
PLEDGER ADOLPHUS F (Alice), propr Pledger Gro Co, h Bar-
Pledger Emory A (Mary E), mill wkr, h 690 Nantahala av
PLEDGER GROCERY CO, 422 n Foundry and Barberville, A F
Pledger propr
Pledger Ivy Miss, mill wkr, h 425 Nacoochee av
Pledger Jno S (Lula O), mill wkr, h 425 Nacoochee av
Pledger Lemuel O (May), blksmith B R Pickrell, h 324 e Hoyt
Pledger Mamie Miss, mill wkr, h 425 Nacoochee av
Pledger Marshall N (Mary), gro 1031 e Broad, h 920 same
Pledger Ruby Miss, mill wkr, h 425 Nacoochee av
*Plummer Geo, chef Hotel Sanges, h Billups cor Dearing
*Plummer Jas (Susie), janitor, h 1390 w Broad
*Plummer Robt, porter Callaway Gro Co, h Waddell nr Rock Spring
*Plummer Sallie, laund, h 134 n Church
POLICE HEADQUARTERS, City Hall, L E Brooks chief
Polier Rebecca Miss, student, h 333 e Dougherty
Pollard Harriet, wid H T, h 434 n Foundry
Pollard Jno T, painter, h 434 n Foundry
Pollard Jos. painter, h 434 n Foundry
Pollard j Ira (Hattie), watchman, h 484 e Dougherty
AohotfillO RllCinOCC PnllorrO Entire ""re! Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square -Henry
nOllGllllC DUOlllCdO UUllbgb S. Shockley. Principal. Book -keeping. American
A t> -|| M O
Banking. Office Systems. Wholesaling. Commis-
ASneville, N. C.
s i orli Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping. Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con
tra?ts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling. English, Punctuation, Type
writing. Shorthand.
Enter any time.
Office work of all kjpds solicited.
With all 2-Gallon Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices Cash 2-Gallons Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00 Corn or Rye.
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________233
Pond Robt S, prof U of Ga Pool June (Halie), mill wkr, h 128 Bryan Poole Claude, flagman, h 715 Pulaski *Poolin Amanda, dom, h 193 Satullah ''Tope Albert (Ida), lab, h 236 4th *Pope Bailey, lab, h 448 Ga Depot *Pope Carrie, laund, h 143 3d *Pope Clark, lab, h Fowler Town *Pope Cora, laund, h 448 Ga Depot *Pope Cora, laund, h 158 n Church *Pope Elbert, emp Athens G L & F Co *Pope Felix, tailor M M Levy, h 236 4th *Pope Gertrude, cook, h Fowler Town *Pope Henry, emp Hoods Garage, h 133 3d Pope Henry L, bkkpr Hardeman & Phinizy, h 197 Dearing Pope Jas P (Katie J), trav slsmn, h 835 Boulevard *Pope Jno, h 448 Ga Depot *Pope Lizzie, laun'd, h Fowler Town
*Pope Simon (Ida), emp Athens G L & F Co, h 524 Vine Pope W Clinton, h 835 Boulevard Pope Walter S, bkkpr L G Dougherty & Co, h 197 Dearing Pope Wilbur B, chf elk Athens Terminal 'Co, h 197 Dearing *Pope Wm H, waiter Hotel Sanges, h 46 4th *Pope Winnie, laund, h Fowler Town Porter Edwd H (Cecelia), (Porter & Hoke), h 162 Spring Hill Porter & Hoke (E F Porter and J Z Hoke Jr), cotton buyers, 465^
e Broad Porter Lavida Miss, h 325 w Broad *Porter Walter (Susie), porter Head & McMahan, h 554 e Strong *Porter Wm, lab McElroy Trans Co, h Pulaski *Porter Wm (Ida), lab, h 149 Newton Porterfield Eliza J, wid Thos, h 385 Hiawassee av Porterfield Elizabeth Miss, h 190 Baldwin Porterfield Martha H Miss, h 190 Baldwin Poss Addie L Miss, h 539 Pulaski
Poss Claude E (Dora), (Poss's Place), h 340 Barrett Poss Edwin C, fireman A F D No 1, bds 294 s Lumpkin Poss Henry A (Ava), h 539 Pulaski Poss J Cleveland (Atossa), v-pres The Orr Drug Co, h 257 Dougherty Poss Jos H (Poss's Place), h 539 Pulaski Poss's Place (J H and C E Poss), cigars and soft drinks, 157 Col-
lege av Poss Robt E (Bertha), meat mkt Prince av nr Georgia av, h Normal
av nr Georgia av Poss Thos F (Gertrude), carp, h 385 n Finley
Roman and Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Buildings. Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
Ph*ies 2066 and 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating 168 W. Washington St.____________________Telephone 264
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
POST OFFICE Postal Telegraph Co, 220 e Clay ton phone 180, I B Smith mngr Postero Frank, mngr Q Room, h 3211 Hampton Postero John (Lena), emp Q Room, h 3211 Hampton Potter Frank, elk Michael Bos Potter Geo W (Hallie), emp City Water Wks, h 327 Oconee Potter Jas T, waiter, h 367 Oconee Potter Jno T (Lizzie), police, h 367 Oconee Potter Jno T Jr, watchman, h 367 Oconee *Potts Alfred, janitor, h 346 n Pope Potts Ernest C (Ottie J), paymstr Sou Mnfg Co, h 742 Boulevard Potts Jno (Amanda), painter, h 552 Pulaski. Potts Minnie A Airs, gro 789 n Chase, h 723 Boulevard Potts Roy M, painter Athens Ry & Elec Co. h 552 Pulaski POTTS-THOMPSON LIQUOR CO, wholesale and mail order
liquors, 129 e Main st, Chattanooga Tenn (see top lines) Potts Wm C, pharmacist Palmers Drug Store (Branch), h 215 e
Dougherty Potts Wm J (Minnie A), asst chf A F D, h 723 Boulevard *Poulain Maria, cook, h (r) 312 n Thomas Poulnot Geo T, propr Poulnot Rooming House, 225 /l 2 n Lumpkin Poulnot Rooming House, lodging 225 /{ 2 n Lumpkin, G T Poulnot
propr < Pound Jere M (Ada M), pres State Normal School, h Campus
Powell Alvin M, lab, h 130 Williams Powell Bessie I Miss, nurse, h 224 w Hancock av Powell Grady, mill wkr, h 144 Hiawassee av Powell Jas L (Maude), mill wkr, h 144 Hiawassee av *Powell Laughlin G (Irene), janitor Y M C A, h 1196 w Hancock av *Powell Letitia, laund, h 328 Atlanta av *Powell Max (Nancy), presser Standard Pressing Co, h 174 Valley Powell Wm H (Cornelia), mchst, h 275 Grace Power L R (Lula), elk Michael Bros Power Wm W (Susan), h 664 n Jackson *Powers Albert, lab, h 126 Crawford av *Powers Henry (Catherine), lab, h 375 Vine
Powers Jas G (Jessie E), boarding 294 s Lumpkin, h same Praither Benj C*'(Goldie), driver, h 454 e Dougherty Prater Ann, wid Frank, h Prince av nr Oglethorp av Prater Delia Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 170 Nantahala av Prater Frank L, meter tester Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 170 Nantahala
av Prater J J, station opr Athens Ry & Elec Co Prater Mary E, wid Hugh, nurse, h Prince av nr Oglethorp av Prater Rosalie Miss, h 170 Nantahala av
Palmer's Cream Liniment
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
Prater Susan V, wid Wm M, h 170 Nantahala av Prather Dora Miss, h 280 Williams Prather Claude, emp Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co, h 280 Wil-
liams Prather Enoch (Annie), mill wkr, h 465 Nacoochee av Prather Henry D, candy mkr C J Williamson, h 130 Ga Depot Prather J O, mchst Athens Pottery Co Prather Lucy Mrs, h 280 Williams Prather Oliver W (Dora), barber C E James, h 280 Williams *Prather Susie, dom, h 196 5th Prather Wm (Rena), mill wkr, h 120 Williams Preather Luther C, elev opr Sou Mutual Bldg, h 464 Dougherty *Predell Colby, barber, h 293 Reese Presley Chas (Anna), h 224 Water Presley Edwd (May), mill wkr, h 159 Miles Presley Luna, wid Augustus, h 179 Miles Presley Wr endham, mill wkr, h 159 Miles Presley Wm, mill wkr, h 159 Miles Presley Wm D (Rachel), mill wkr, h 159 Miles PRESNELL GROVER, garage and auto repairing 178 w Washing-
ton phone 1371, h State Normal School Station Presnell Ida Miss, h Boulevard extd Presnell Lizzie, wid Geo, h Boulevard extd Pressley Jno E (Lillie), supt White City Mnfg Co, h 166 Inglewood
av Preston Henrv J, trav slsmn The Rowland Co, h 770 College av WPREWITTE see PRUITT PRICE LEE O (Nellie), (Gardner-Price Printing Co), h 195 Baxter *Primitive Baptist Church, Chase s w cor Reese Prince Ada Miss, elk M Link, h 145 Poplar *Prince Avenue Pressing Club (Edwd Flanigian, Thos Hudson), 195
Prince av Prince Basiline Miss, h 220 n Milledge av Prince Edwd A (Margaret), carp, h 145 Poplar Prince Sallie Miss, elk, h 145 Poplar Proctor Carroll L (Mabel W), supt Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 498
Franklin PROCTOR J PEEBLES (Grace), pres City Board of Health, phys
510-511 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 455 n Milledge av Proctor Lannie, studfent, bds s Lumpkin *Pruitt Ada, dom, h 672 n Lumpkin *Pruitt Anna, cook, h 672 n Lumpkin *Pruitt Chas (Gertrude), fireman Sou Ry, h 317 Athens av *Purefoy Lula, laund, h 160 Macon av *Pugh Wm J (Sarah), mill wkr, h 911 e Broad
I n You Adverfse IM A The Reason 11 f) Good U The CHy Directory U U Bec!suse U U Results
ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY___________
*Purloe Nicholas C (Jennie), lab, h 1268 w Hancock av Puryear Gladys Miss, stengr J L Deadwyler, h 818 College av *Pye Jcsse (Jennie), lab, h 1478 Oconee
Q Room, billiards and pool 171 College av, Frank Postero and Kroner L Fleeman mngrs
Quarterman Louise Miss, h 725 Cobb Quilliam Amy Miss, h 450 Prince av Quilliam D D, student, h 450 Prince av Quilliam Fanny Lou, wid Dr D D, h 450 Prince av Quilliam Lena A Miss, h 450 Prince av Quilliam Leslie, student, h 450 Prince av Ouillian Asbury C (Jane C), dentist, h 323 e Hancock av Quillian Katherine Miss, h 323 e Hancock av Quillian Madeline Miss, h 323 e Hancock av
QUIN LANGDON C, sec Columbia Fire Ins Co, h s Milledge av Ouin-Wilkinson Co (LC Ouin, W B Wilkinson and J Y Carithers)
genl agts for Concordia Fire Ins Co, 716-721 Sou Mutual Bldg Quinn Jno G, slsmn A H Talmage, h 247 w Hancock av
Raden Wiley R (Fmma). driver Klein-Martin Co, h 500 n Foundry Rader Aggie D, wid Frank K, repr Athens Daily Herald, h 834 Hill Radford Bessie K Miss, h Satullah av Radford Jas P (Dulaney), h Satullah av *Radford Julia, cook, h 680 w Broad Raiden Fmma V, wid Geo W, h 866 College av
Raiden Florie P Miss, bkkpr Wingfield Cash Gro Co, h 866 College
Raider Fstelle Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 866 College av Raiford Fisher (Minnie), gas ftr Athens G L & F Co, h 168 Virginia
av Ramey Ada Miss, h 146 Miles Ramey David (Lillie), mill wkr, h 146 Miles Ramey Isaac (Mary), mill wkr, h 187 Miles Ramey Jas (Mary), h 187 Miles Ramsey Mabel Mrs, h 920 e Broad
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 905
Ottr S'erttice /V \7nejccelled
268 Jf. JucKson St. ____ ___ ____ ________________Thone 4-86
y Saml, bottler Athens Chero-Cola Co, h 664 n Foundry Randall Edna M Miss, tchr State Normal Schl, rms 1075 Prince av Randolph Pearl C (Nellie), plmbr, h 521 s Lumpkin Rast Irma L Miss, h 1295 s Lumpkin Rast Loy E, prof U of Ga, h 121)5 s Lumpkin Rawson Clarence W, student, h 215 Nacoochee av Rawson Edwd, student, h 245 Nacoochee av Rawson Frank S (Anna), carp, h 245 Nacoochee av Rawson Mary W Miss, stengr, h 245 Nacoochee av *Ray Alice, cook, h 322 e Dougherty *Ray Elsie, laund, h 322 e Dougherty *Ray Jno (Lizzie), lab, h Billups Ray Robt (Edith), bkkpr, h 225 Hill Crest av Ray S Ann, wid Frank, h 197 Wray Reade Jno M, prof U of Ga, rms 425 Hill Reaves Rufus K (Mary P), 116J6 n Thomas, h 312 same Reaves Rufus K Jr, miner, h 312 n Thomas RED & BLACK PRESSING CO (T K Crane and A C Durant),
Hotel Sanges Bldg, Lumpkin cor Broad phone 88 Red Seal Shoe Shop, 401J^ e Broad, J R Bullock mngr Reed Albion W, student, h 197 Boulevard Reed Eunice C Miss, student, h 197 Boulevard *Reed Geo, barber Saml McQueen, h Hancock av *Reed Mary, nurse, h 148 w Strong *Reed Ruth, smstrs, h (r), 148 Hoyt Reed Thos W (Eunice W), registrar U of Ga and sec Banner Pub __ Co, h 197 Boulevard SCREED see also REID and READE
*Reese Alice, cook, h 249 China Reese Carrie L Miss, h 271 w Hancock av *Reese Fletcher (Gussie), lab, h 187 Fairview
Reese Jeremiah I (Effie), msgr Sou Exp Co. h 809 College av *Reese Rebecca, dom, h 384 Barber Reese Seneca C (Elizabeth), h 176 Brittain av
*Recse Thos, emp Athens Ry & Elec Co Reeves Leroy R, opr W U Tel Co, h The Etowah Reeves Napoleon, mill wkr, h 197 Mitchell Regina House, boarding 162 w Clayton, Mrs Beatrice O'Kelley propr Reid Drug Co, 255 n Lumpkin, R J Reid propr *Reid Emma, laund, h 198 Macon av *Reid Fannie, elk Dr W H Harris, h 243 Bridge
*Reid Geo H (Mary \VT waiter Georgian Hotel, 1^525 w Hancock av *Reid Helen, h 240 Tibbetts Reid Isaac H, elk Reid Drug Co, bds 197 w Hancock av
Martin Bros IQBBERS OF HARNESS and CDLLA^ *Reid Jas E, tchr Manual Training Athens H & I Schl, h Reese
Phone 621
455 Clayton : Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty :
238-240 Broad St. Jobber* and *Retai ers Phone 280-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
*Reid Rorena, porter L G Doughty Co, h Strickland *Reid Mary W, tchr, h 525 w Hancock av Reid Redden J (Sallie), propr Reid Drug Co *Reid Stela E, wid Thos B, tchr West Athens Schl, h 623 n Milledge
__ av **~REID see also REED and READE REX SUPPLY CO, auto accessories 717 Holman Bldg, Geo F O'Kel-
ly mngr phone 1377 REYNOLDS A L, prcs Empire Eurn Co, res Augusta, Ga Reynolds Chas (Lucy), h 175 Mulberry *Reynolds Clyde, h 184 Cherry Reynolds Elizabeth B Miss, stengr Columbia Eire Ins Co, h 293 Hoyt Reynolds Evelyn K Miss, dressmkr 185 Childs, h same Reynolds Harold I Dr (Hunnicutt & Reynolds), h 524 Prinve av Reynolds Herbert, plmbr, h 688 Pulaski *Reynolds Kate, h 184 Cherry Reynolds Libby A Miss, dressmkr 185 Childs, h same Reynolds Lizzie B Miss, stengr, h 293 Hoyt Reynolds Martha'"Miss, h 175 Mulberry *Reynokls Saml (Nannie), lab, h 184 Cherry Reynolds VVm P, h 185 Childs Rhodes A Beryl Miss, h 112 Hill (west end) Rhodes Alex, dean State Normal School Rhodes Alex S (Ella E), h 112 Hill (west end) *Rhodes Andrew, porter The Electric Shop Rhodes Gladys Miss, h 186 Boulevard Rhodes Harry C, elk Chas Stern Co, h 186 Boulevard Rhodes Jno A (Lillian), sec Bondurant Hdw Co, bds 247 w Han-
cock av Rhodes Jno E (Ina), mdse broker, h 186 Boulevard Rhodes Julian G (Leila), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, bds 137 Park
av *Rhodes Lent, shoemkr, h 345 Cleveland av Rhodes Melba Miss, h 186 Boulevard Rhodes Mildred, wid Henry, h 665 n Lumpkin Rhodes Walter A (Josephine D), bkkpr, h 112 Hill (west end) *Rhodcs Wm H, bootblack, h 1525 w Broad Rice Bessie Miss elk Davison-Nicholson Co Rice Chas L (Pearl)!, elk Columbia Fire Ins Co, h 415 Dougherty *Rice Lena, dom, h 370 n Pope Rice Saml B (Maude), slsmn Athens Bottling Wks, h 235 w Wash-
ington Richards Allie (Lola), tinner, h 354 Oak Richards Callie, wid Fred, h 546 Pulaski Richards Chas B (Bessie), painter, h 725 n Thomas
The McGregor Company
Printers___Stationers "Binders OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES
LIPSCOMB & CO. ' Fire Insurance
Phone 109
Established 1898
Talmadge Bldg. 185'_ College Av.
Our Specialliej
Richards Daisy M Miss, stengr H M Rylee, h 725 n Thomas Richards Hallie Miss, stengr Benedict & Benedict, h 725 n Thomas Richards Harry, shoemkr Martin Bros, h 516 Pulaski Richards Henry O, bricklyr, h 1014 Water Richards Jas H (Lula), bricklyr, h 1014 Water Richards Jesse J (Lillie F), condr, h 137 Nacoochee av *Richards Jno (Estelle), lab Dozier & Co, h 243 Reese Richards Julia B Miss, stengr 'O H Johnson, h 546 Pulaski Richards Lucy Mrs, h 557 Oconee Richards Raymond, printer The McGregor Co, h 354 Oak Richards Thos S, h 1443 e Broad Richards Walter, elk Davison-Nicholson Co *Richardson David C (Mary), h 186 5th *Richardson Dazelle, h 170 Lyndon av *Richardson Gassie, dom, h 138 n Billups *Richardson Geo (Georgia), lab, h (r) 220 n Miller Richardson I W & Co, cotton merchants (I W Richardson), 447 */a e
Clayton Richardson Isom W (Adeline), (I W Richardson & Co), h 425 Hill *Richardson Mack (Beattie), lab, h 170 Lyndon av RICHMOND LUMBER YARDS (Woodward & Son), 4th cor Stock-
ton, Richmond Va (see opp p 188) *Ridden Katie, dom, h 876 Water *Riddle Whit (Gallic), lab, h Peters cor Arch WRIEVES see REEVES Riley Annie Y Miss, h Princes av nr Satullah av Riley Wm (Minnie), hackman, h 395 Oconee Riviere Marguerite Miss, h 1095 Prince av Riviere Marie Miss, h 1095 Prince av Riviere Ruby T, wid Geo A, h 1095 Prince av Riviere Wm T, h 1095 Prince av *Rivers Eliza, dom, h 150 w Strong *Rivers Mattie, laund, h 668 n Hull *Roberts B Young (Anna), lab Dozier & Co, h 237 4th Roberts Green (Frances), h 160 Mitchell Roberts Gussie Miss, elk John Roberts & Co, h 357 Oconee Roberts Jeannette Miss, h 1226 Prince av Roberts Jno N, mngr Jno Roberts & Co, h 357 Oconee Roberts Jno & Co, books .and stationery 278 e Clayton, Jno X Roberts
mngr Roberts Lamar H (Lena), elk The McGregor Co, h 671 n Thomas Roberts Louise Miss, h 1226 Prince av Roberts Major T (Gordon), mngr Athens Jewelry Co, h 144 Grady av ROBERTS O M (Ebba), sec-treas Athens Engineering Co phone
1028, h 587 n Milledge av
I f! You Advertise lif n fl The Reason II n Good
U in
IIR U is U U Results
w The City Directory " u w Because M M
Fortunes, Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
ATHENS GA [1914-13] CITY DIRECTORY___________
Roberts Sallic Miss, h 160 Mitchell Roberts Sarah J. wid J Henry, h 357 Oconee Roberts Thos C (Lizzie), mill wkr, h 115 Mitchell Roberts \\ m K, driver The McGregor Co, h 357 Oconee Robertson Aubie (Bessie), elk R M S, h 531 n Thomas Robertson Geo, commr agt Sou Ry Co, res Atlanta Ga Robertson Gertrude, wid Jno, h 175 Hill Crest av Robertson Mauris G (Odessa P), ins 520 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 544
Boulevard ^Robertson Wm, janitor College Av Schl * Robinson Claude H Rev (Susie), pastor St John A M E Church, h
948 Reese *Robinson Cyrus I (Lucy), blksmith, h (r) 716 Pulaski *Robinson Early, lab Sou Ref Co *Robinson Jno (Annie), lab, h 386 Barber *Robinson Jno (Willie), lab, h (r) Xacoochee av n of Prince av *Robinson Judge (Mary), waiter Georgian Hotel, h 188 w Strong ^Robinson Lula, nurse, h 1327 w Hancock av *Robinson Maggie, dom, h 829 Water *Robinson Patsie, dom, h (r) 327 Hill *Robinson \Ym (Mary), porter, h 862 Reese * Robinson Jas (Bessie), lab, h 473 e Hoyt Rockmore Grady, trav slsmn, bds The Etowah Roden Jas (Mamie), mill wkr, h 273 Chattanooga av *Roebuck Chester, lab, h 171 n Church *Roebuck Gussie, dom, h 171 n Church *Roebuck Mary, cook, h 171 n Church *Roebuck Robt, butler, h 171 n Church ^Roebuck Robt (Lclia), waiter, h 735 n LumpTdn Rogers Carlton M (Ethel), elk, h 418 n Chase *Rogers Ella, cook, h 758 n Hull Rogers Harvey S, student, h 490 Hill Rogers Jas M (Cassie), agt Inman, Akers & Inman, h 277 Hill Rogers Lillie S Mrs, h 490 Hill
Rogers Robt A Jr (Myra B), adv agt Ga Home Supply Co, h 490 Hill Rogers Rosa R Miss, h 490 Hill *Rogers Thos (Mary ), carp, h 316 Macon av *Roland Dora, h (r) 255 s Milledge av Rommes Nicholas, elk College Cafe, bds 120 c Hancock av *Roper Clias (Mary), butler, h 237 n Billups Roseman Harry (Jennie), elk, h 577 Pulaski *Rosette David C, servt 740 Prince av Ross Alsa T (Haftie), painter, h 287 Oconee Ross Chas T, tel opr SAL Ry, bds 890 College av *Ross Mary, dom, 575 n Jackson
Asheville Business
Kntiri-.'trrl Floor. No. North Hack' Square. Henry
t i:ts. I'r.i.-ti - il Sales ma
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00
Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
_________ ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________241
Ross Mary Miss, h 162 Dry an Ross Mary F, wid Andrew, h 162 Bryan Ross Thos J (Lula), overseer Sou Mnfg Co, h 435 Xantahala av Rothe Henry H, prof U of Ga *Rouse Benj, lab McElroy Trans Co Rouse Dovcy Miss, h 124 Bryan Rouse Simon E (Sarah), mill \vkr, h 121 Bryan ROWE HUGH J (Ada), pres and editor The Athens Banner, h 1137
s Milledge av phone 103 Rowland Albert S (Augusta), trav slsmn Callaway Gro Co, h 756 w
Hancock av Rowland Chas A (Kffie H), pres The Rowland Co, h 146 Hearing Rowland Co (Inc) (The), whol grain, hay and provisions, SAL Ry
nr College av ; C A Rowland pres, L M Bernard v-pres, J R Myers sec-treas *Rowland Dock (Dora)/, agt Ga Mutual Tns Co, h (r) 255 n Milledge av Rowland Ellene A Miss, h 750 w Hancock av Rowland Hampton, sec Ga Mattress Co, h 110 Dearing Rowland Margaret Miss, h 750 w Hancock av *Rowland Minis (Melissa), lab, h 735 n Lumpkin ^Rowland Welton (Laura), driver, h 219 n Billups *Rowland Wm L (Dora), soft drinks 333 n Hull, h same *Rowley Wm (Mary), lab, h 280 Savannah av Roy R C, bkkpr Athens Ry & Elec Co Rozomff Harry (Jennie), elk Louis Cutler, h 577 Pulaski Ruark Felix M, mtrmn Athens Ry & Elec Co, bds 243 Nacoochee av Ruark Guy, student, h Easy nr Satullah av Ruark Joel A, mtrmn Athens Ry Elec Co. h Easy nr Satullah av Ruark Magnolia M Mrs, h 208 River Ruark Willie Miss, h 208 River Rtibenstein Isaac A, h 520 Pulaski RUCKER J H, postmaster and custodian Rucker Lamar C, atty 501-505 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 220 Dearing Rucker Mary A Miss, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst Rucker Tinsley W (Sarah C), atty at law 305 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 220 Dearing Rumney Benj E (Maggie), elk, h 280 Seminole av *Russell Jno, lab, h 049 n Hull Russell W Jno (Addie), real estate, h Morton av Rutherford Mildred L Miss, lecturer and authoress, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst and pres Y W C A, h 220 n Milledge av Rutledge Fred T, stone ctr, h 880 College av Rylee E Strickland (Mamie), loans and ins. 502 Holman Bldg. h Georgia cor Prince av
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
242___________ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________
fc RYLEE HUBERT M, atty at law 502-503 Holman Bldg phone 185, rms cor Church and Meigs
*St Paul A M E Church, Flint cor Odd, Rev W H Johnson pastor
*Sadkr Mary, nurse, h 140 Macon av
Sailors Hobson P (Alice M), carp, h 186 Grace
Sailors Robt L, driver Red & Black Pressing Co, h 186 Grace
*St John A M E Church, Stephens nr Atlanta av, Rev C H Robinson
St John David B (Lucy), lino opr The Banner Printery, h 234 Baldwin
ST JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH, Prince av n w cor Pulaski,
Rev H F Clark pastor
St Mary's Hospital, 360 n Milledge av, Miss Elizabeth Slaughter prin
Sale Woodie, wid Richd C, h 240 Baldwin
Salley Frank W, mngr Classic Theatre, h 219 Waddell
Salyer Sandford M, prof U of Ga, res Campus
*Sammitt Lucinda, dom, h 767 n Lumpkin
*Samuel Geo W (Edith), bricklyr, h 146 Cherry
*Samuel Jno (Annie), bricklyr, h 223 Lyndon av
*Samuel Nicey, dom, h 387 Meigs
Sanders Arthur (Hassie), slsmn Athens Chero-Cola Co, h 530 Nan-
Sanders Chas F (Anna), mill wkr, h 130 Williams
*Sanders Edwd, lab, h 270 Arch
Sanders Inez, wid Harrison, h 530 Nantahala av
Sanders Jas L (Sarah A), watchman, h Georgia av
*Sanders Jno (Janie), lab, h 340 Savannah av
*Sanders Lula, dom, h 482 Cleveland av
*Sanders Richd, lab, h 270 Arch
*Sanders Wm (Sarah), lab, h 270 Arch
Sanders Wm C, elk C B Griffith, h 115 e Hancock av
Sanders Wm V, watchmn C of Ga Ry, h 130 Williams
Sanford G R, foreman Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Heights bey city limits
Stanford Steadman V, prof U of Ga
Sanges Sue A, wid Jas C, h Hotel Sanges
SANGES WM A (Hattie B), propr Hotel Sanges arid amusement
purveyor, Lumpkin cor Broad
Sanitary Bakery, 26 1 e Clayton, J Van Straaton propr
Sanitary Inspector, office City Hall, J H Booth inspr
SANITARY PLUMBING CO (Inc), 175-187 e Broad phone 885;
L C Smith pres-treas, T B Anderson supt
Office 394 Residence 957-L
- -
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
*Sapp Edwd Y (Katie), carrier P O, h 550 w Hancock av
Sargeant Heny E (Mamie), mill opr. h (524 Xantahala av
Sasnett Boiling S, cashr Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp, h 576 Harris
Satterfield Jno (Maude), mill wkr, h 923 n Chase
*Sawyer Edwd, lab, h 345 n Pope
Saye Addie B Miss, bkkpr G H Hulme & Co, h 270 Cobb
Saye Chester Miss, h 148 Poplar
Saye Clelah Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 373 Oak
Saye Frank, bricklyr, h 148 Poplar
Saye Jessie Miss, h 373 Oak
Saye Jno T (Bessie), carp, h 148 Poplar
Saye Jos A (Martha), carp, h 120 Poplar
Saye Jos A Jr, mchst, h 120 Poplar
Saye Mary Miss, h 120 Poplar
Saye Massie B Miss, bkkpr G H Hulme & Co, h 270 Cobb
Saye Milton B (Lizzie), h 373 Oak
Saye Robt A (Leila), detective, h 270 Cobb
Saye Robt E (Rosa), contr, h 340 Hoyt
Saye Robt G, elk Athens Terminal Co, h 275 Cobb
Saye Ray, h 1452 e Broad
Saye Ruby Miss, h 120 Poplar
Saye W Roscoe, student, h 270 Cobb
Saye Wm M Rev (Baptist), (Elizabeth), h 1452 e Broad
Sayers Mitchell (Mattie), mchst, h 107 Childs
Says Annie J Miss, emp Sol J Boley Co, h 545 Pulaski
Says Evick, elk, h 545 Pulaski
Says Jno A (Julia), contr, h 545 Pulaski
Says Nina M Miss, phone opr, h 545 Pulaski
*Saxon Wm R (Hattic), ins agt, h 183 n Billups
Scarborough Benj P, barber L E Cooper, rms 272 w Hancock av
Scarborough Ethel Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co
Scarborough Jno A (Mittie), mill wkr, h 485 Xacoochee av
Scarborough Seaborn R (Daisy), slsmn Eberhart & Davis, h 716 Pu
Schroth Nicholas (Jimmle) steel wkr. h 275 Grace
Scientific Beauty Parlor, hairdressing and manicuring, 708-709 Sou
Mutual Bldg, Miss Pansy Moore propr
Scoggins Jas W, propr Athens Marble & Granite Co
Scott Eugene H (Estelle M), bkkpr 202 Holman Bldg, h 595 n Mill-
edge av
Scott Frances H Miss, registrar State Normal Schl
Scott Geo E (Anna L)i, sec-treas Talmage Hdw Co, h 1195 s Mill-
edge av
*Scott Harriet, dom, h 234 n Chase
** Scot-- t Jno H (--L--u--la--),----po--r--te--r--E----H----D--o--rs--ey---, --h--1--6--0--L--y--n--d--on----av--------------
IS NOT LIMITED to yllr immediate
neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking
goods in your line
jfi j* o*
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY___________
Scott Jno T (Josephine E), carp, h 143 Jonas av
Scott Lamar E (E S Sporting Goods Co), h 1190 s Milledge av
*Scott Laura, cook, h University Drive
Scott Matilda Mrs, h 147 Miles
Scott Mattie Mrs, h 147 Miles
*Scott Preston, driver, Patman's City Market
Scott Robt (Moena), mill wkr, h 465 Nacoochee av
Scott Thos J, bkkpr Talmage Hdw Co, h 1190 s Milledge av
Scott Wm W (Annie), (W S Holman & Co), and pres Talmage Hdw
Co, h Oglethorp av nr Prince av
Scovillc Magnolia Miss, tchr Muscogee Elementary Schl
Scroggins J Mark (Mattie), carp, h 186 Cleveland av
Scudder Alex M, elk Athens Ry & Elec Co
Scudder Chas A (Xina \V ), jeweler 216 e Clayton, h 490 s Milledge av
SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY, commercial office 228 e Clay-
ton, J Z Hoke agt; passenger station Colkge av and Wase, W B
Beacham ticket agt
Seagraves Chas E (Alton), police, h 185 Poplar
Seagraves Clela Miss, h 265 Peters
Seagraves Edwd, farmer, h 265 Peters
Seagraves Ella Miss, h 138 Bryan
S.agraves Fred C, police, h 265 Peters
Seagraves Hardy C (Pink), watchman, h 265 Peters
. '
Seagraves Harvey L (Julia), mill wkr, h 234 Peters
Seagraves Susie Miss, h 138 Bryan
Seagraves Wm B (Anna), mill wkr, h 138 Bryan
*Seals Fred, lab, h 1435 Oconee
*Seals Jeremiah, lab, h 1435 Oconee
*Seals Sarah, laund, h 1435 Oconee
Second Baptist Church, e Broad cor Poplar, Rev Geo Wallace pastor
Sego Mary, wid L L. h 133 Chattanooga av
*Seifers Saml, lab, h 648 Vine
Selby D Mrs. tchr Lucy Cobb Inst
Sell Edwd S (Nettie), tchr State Normal Schl, h Oglethorp av
Selman Benj, mill wkr, bds ^53 Park av
*Semster Thos (Savannah), janitor, h 148 n Chase
Severns J Danl, propr Athens Business College, res Gainesville, Ga
Seymour Herman P, bkkpr The McGregor Co, h 125 e Peters
Shackelford Building (offices), 215 College av
SHACKELFORD CLIFFORD O (Eula), (White & Co), h 165 State
Shackelford Frank C, (Holden Shackelford), bds Hotel Sanges
*Shackelford Jas (Lizzie), h 140 Lnydon av
Shackelford Thos J, atty at law 103-105 Shackelford Bldg, h 125 s
Milledge av
Sharp Jno S (Sarah), mill wkr, h Satullah av
Player Pianos, Pianos, Organs and
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
B A -R B E 7* S
Hot and Cold "Baths
268 JV. Jaction St. "Phone 4-86
Sharp Mary Miss, h 860 n Chase *Shaw Bertha, dom, h 190 Stephens *Shaw Burl (Ida), lab, h Inadale nr Billups *Shaw Chas (Sallie). driver Patman's City Market, h 187 Odd Shaw Geo G (Pearle), mill wkr, bds 250 Xacoochee av Shaw Georgia Miss, h 774 Prince av Shaw Grace Miss, stengr M F Summerlin, bds 294 s Lumpkin *Shaw Guy, lab Athens Pottery Co *Shaw Lizzie, cook, h 158 Warsaw Shaw Lovic P (Minnie), barber 523 Xantahala av, h 182 Hiawasseo av Shaw Martha D, wid Omar, h 695 Prince av *Shaw Moses, prcsser Austin Refl, h Warsaw Shaw Robt D, student, h 695 Prince av *Shaw Sarah, dom"; h 100 Stephens *Shaw Wm (Eliza), porter J D Moss, h 330 n Pope *Sheats Grover, elk Anderson Matthews, h Brooklyn *Sheats Laura, laund, h 1060 Reese *Sheats Sadie, cook, h 1060 Reese *Sheats \Vm H, chauffeur, h 1060 Reese *Sheffield Hattie, h 1 10 2d Sheftcl Harry, photogj- Rowdcn's Studio, bds 135 Pulaski Shehee Wm E (Mattie L), barber Hillcy & Jones, h 398 s Lumpkin
Shelton H L, trav slsmn Bludwine Co Shelton Nellie Mrs, elk Davison-Xicholson Co, rms 471 n Jackson Shelton Wm H (Georgia), pres Citizens Bank Trust Co, and v-
pres Bludwine Co, h 293 Hoyt *Shepherd Matilda, dom, h 534 n Chase *Sheppard Chas, lab Klein-Martin Co *Sheppard Eugene W, porter Peter Petropol, h 534 n Chase *Sheppard Robt, porter S R Martin Sheridan Lee (Sallie). mill wkr. h 153 Tnglewood axSheriff Clarke County, office Court House. Walter E Jackson sheriff Shipp Percy A, elk M W Cigar Co, h 294 s Lumpkin Shirley Albert, h 340 Oak Shirley Chas O (Blanche), driver, h 1462 e Broad Shirley Daisy Miss, h 310 Oak Shirley Jas H, mchst Sou Ref Co. h 474 e Doughcrty Shirley Olivia, wid Chas H. h 340 Oak Short A Brantley (Curtis), janitor Uof da. h 170 Baldwin Short Harold R (Edna), contr. h 521 s Lnmpkin Short Irmine Miss, h 121 Elbert Short Jno F (Katie), police, h 124 Elbert Short Mamie Miss, h 124 Elbert Short Ruby Miss, emp Climax Hosiery Mill, h 170 Baldwin
*Shorter Geo. waiter, h 146 n Church
MARTIN BROS, ^r Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers Phone 280-J
Buggies,Wagons,Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Shouse Chas C, sec-treas Fleming-Dearing Hdw Co, h Prince av cor
Satullah av Shouse Elizabeth, wid Wm, h Prince av cor Satullah av Shouse Fannie M Miss, tchr Athens Business College, h 566 Meigs Shouse Lillian B Miss, h 556 Meigs Shupc Chas W (Elkr F), slsmn Abe Joel & Sons, h 419 Boulevard Shupe Rhoda A, wid Thompson, h 419 Boulevard
Shy Hinton B, chauffeur, h 248 w Washington *Shy Thos. porter Callaway Gro Co
Shyer Eliza, wid Wm H. h 649 n Lumpkin Siegcl Yettic Mrs, h Commercial Hotel Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, Chapter House, 357 Pulaski Sigma Chi Chapter House, 360 Hancock av
Sii^ma Xu Fraternity Chapter House, 158 w Dougherty SIKES ALBERT H, sales mngr The Electric Shop, bds 787 Cobb Silver David F (Eunice), mill wkr, h 324 Oak Silver Eva Miss, h 225 Ga Depot Silver Susie, wid J R, h 225 Ga Depot Silver Thos. hackman, h 155 Vine Silvey Fredk (Ida L), carp, h O'Farrell
Silvey Loy J (Lillie), cabt mkr 701 s Lumpkin, h 724 same Silvey Wm W (Sarah), carp, h 117 Wilkerson Simmons Daisy Mrs, mlnr Michael Bros, bds 115 e Hancock av
Simmons Harry R (Mattie), supt Athens Oil Mill, h 180 Grady av *Simmons Hattie, laund. h Fowler Town Simmons Henry L (Delia), sew mach'agt, h 693 s Lumpkin
*Simmons Sophia, laund, h 467 Atlanta av Simons Edwd (Nellie), mill wkr, h 162 Bryan *Simons Mathew, driver Fears Gro Co
*Simpson Jno, lab, h 224 Lyndon av *Simpson Luther (Eulah), lab, h 320 Cleveland av Sims Bluford Miss, stengr The Homes Friend, h 556 Meigs *Sims Callie, cook, h 238 Vine Sims Chas E (Hattie), (O'Farrell Cash Gro Co), h 890 Hill *Sims Courtney (Mary ), carp, h 543 n Lumpkin Sims H Archibald, bkkpr Bondurant Hd wCo, h The Etowah *Sims J Henry (Minnie), emp Holland Cafe, h 866 Water *Sims Leila M, h Carr nr Oconee Sims Mary E, wid Wm W, h 250 DuBose av *Sims Miriam B, tchr Knox Inst & Indus Schl, bds same *Sims Moses, driver O'Farrell Cash Gro Co, h Rock Spring *Sims Olivia, laund, h 340 River
Sims Savannah, wid J D, elk Max Joseph, h 363 e Hancock av *Sims Susie, cook, h Fowler Town Sims Thos C (Minnie), tinner, h 140 Wilkerson
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Established 1598
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185' College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialtiej
^___________ATHENS GA 11914-1:, J CITY DIRECTORY_________247
*Sims Way man (Lillian), porter W I, Rowland, h 150 Warsaw al *Sims Wm, lab Sou Rcf Co *Sims Willie, laund, h 321 Athens av Sinclair Annie, wid Chas, h 510 n Foundry Singer Sewing- Machine Co. 1 H College av, \Ym R Tindall mngr Sisk C N (Nannie), phys 101^ e Clayton, h 130 Grady av Sisk Elma E Miss, stengr Lipscomb & Co, h 130 Grady av Sisk Nora Miss, h 182 Peters
SIZER RICHARD W, cashr Amer State Bank, h 228 Henderson av Skelton Jas H (Alary J), switchman SAL Ry, h 815 College av Skelton Jno G, baker Boston Baker, h 815 College av Skelton Robt W (Eugenia), trav slsmn R L Moss Mnfg Co, h 66?
Cobb Slack Chas A (Maggie), carp, h 165 Barrett ..Slack Henry, bed spring mkr. h 165 Barrett Slack Jas, mchst, h 165 Barrett Slater Jessie Miss, mill wkr, bds 179 Hiawassee av Slaton Jos (Minnie), mill wkr. h 160 Lenoir av Slaughter Elizabeth Miss, supt St Mary's Hospital, h 360 n Milledge
av *Slaughter Jos W (Josephine), driver Sou Exp Co, h 140 Greene Slaughter Nathaniel G (Manie), dentist 311-312 Sou Mutual Bldg, h
Prince av cor Buena Vista av Slaughter Wilson M (Willie), dentist 220^ e Clayton, h 206 Hill *Slayton Sarah, laund, h (r) 574 Plaski Sledge E Deloney (Mary C), vehicles and implements 132-138 n
Thomas, h 243 e Hancock av Sloman Simon (Rosa), pres Chas Stern Co, h 465 College av Slou Lillian Miss, elk, rms 635 College av Sluder F Cleveland (Ardelle), trav slsmn, h 154 State *Small Ophelia, h 238 Flint *Smalls Gussie, dom, h 22!) n Finley Smith Abbie J Miss, stengr, h 833 College av *Smith Alex, servt 297 Boulevard, h 380 Augusta av *Smith Alice, dom Hotel Sanges, h 587 w Hancock av Smith Alvie Miss, stengr Michael Bros *Smith Annie, cook, h 380 n Billups *Smith Annie, dom, h 623 n Hull *Smith Annie, laund, h 150 Hendricks av *Smith Bedney (Janie), butler, h 1160 w Hancock axSmith Bessie Miss, mlnr Bradberry Millinery Co, h 423 e Dougherty Smith Bessie Miss, tchr State Normal School Smith Billups F, mill wkr, bds 328 Oconee Smith Burney (Corrie), meat ctr Wrights Mkt, h 316 Oconee *Smith Carrie, cook 586 Franklin
No Other Medium in the world gives the information contained in a Directory. Tt is consulted every day in the vear. Mr. Business Man. where can you find a better medium
Phone 618 : : 401 L Broad St.
ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
3 SMITH CHAS E (Smith & Brock), h 325 w Broad Smith Chas M (Pearl), trav slsmn, h 134 State Smith Cicero M (Annie), slsmn, h 893 Boulevard *Smith Clarence, lab, h (r) 645 s Milledge av Smith Clarence B, elk Davison-Nicholson Co, h 833 College av Smith Clara C Miss, mill wkr. h 893 Boulevard *Smith Colonel (Ella), drayman, h 1398 e Broad Smith Comus B (Evic), hackmn, h 155 Vine *Smith Daisy, dom, h 175 Hill Crest av *Smith Dock (Irene), lab. h 337 Reese *Smith Dora, dom, h 923 Water Smith Edwd T (Sarah), (Smith & Harper), h Mell Smith Edwd 1 Jr (Hart), cashr Clarke County Bank, h Milledge Terrace Smith Effie Miss, h 146 Bryan *Smith Ella, laund. h 520 n Foundry *Smith Emma, dom, h (r) 645 s Milledge av *Smith Ethel, cook, h 170 n Finley *Smith Fannie, dom, h 129 Plum *Smith Fannie, dom. h 1323 w Hancock av *Smith Fannie, laund, h 168 Savannah av *Smith Fannie, smstrs, h (r) 568 Pulaski *Smith Fannie, smstrs, h 125 n Rock Spring *Smith Fannie M, dom. h 452 n Billups
'Smith Frank (Kate), lab. h 849 Water Smith Frank W (L Evie). mngr W Y Escoe, h 328 Oconee *Smith Fred, driver, h 235 Arch
Smith Geo H (Fannie), bkkpr C N Hodgson & Co, h 237 w Dougherty Smith Geo W, elk C of Ga Ry, h 115 e Hancock av *Smith Geo W (Sue), elk W L Rowland, h 681 n Lumpkin *Smith Green, porter Empire Furn Co, h Lennon Row
*Smith Georgia, laund. h 420 Athens av Smith Herschel W. elk Athens Hdw Co, h 375 s Jackson Smith Hope T. elk Smith Shoe Co, h 297 Franklin Smith Howell N, h 833 College av Smith I G (Julia A), bricklyr, h 157 Barrett Smith Tna Mrs, elk Davison-Nicholson Co *Smith Trene, cook, h 335 Lyndon av
Smith Isaac B (Lula), mngr Postal Telegraph Co, h !70 Barber Smith J Lee Jr, blksmith 325 c Broad, h Bloomfield Smith T Taylor (Mali'nda), mill wkr, h 127 Miles
SMITH J WARREN (Alda), v-pres Amer State Bank, h 425 n Milledge av
*Smith Jabe (Lula), h 194 Tibbetts
Smith Jas (Annie), h 148 Bryan
AchOlflllO RllCinOCC PnllonrO Entirer'rd Floor. No. North Pack Square .Henry
nOllCVIIIC DUOlllCOO uUIIGgU s Shockley. Principal. Rook -keeping, American
A h in M r
Banking, Office Systems. Wholesaling, Conamis-
ASneville, N, C.
sion. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping. Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con
tracts. Practical Salesmanship. Business Arithmetic. Spelling, English. Punctuation. Type
writing. Shorthand. Enter any time.
Office work of all kind!
With all 2-Gallon Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices Cash
2-Gallons Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00
Corn or Rye.
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________249
*Smith Jas, lab Webb-Crawford Co, h 1668 Arch *Smith Jas S (Lizzie), waiter Georgian Hotel, h 1495 e Broad Smith Jas W (Cora), barber Hilley & Jones, h 737 n Jackson Smith Jefferson I, carp, bds 550 Nantahala av Smith Jennie Miss, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst *Smith Jno (Mary), lab, h 280 Fairview *Smith Jno (Lizzie), drayman, 223 n Church, h same *Smith Jno (Lina), porter, h 985 College av *Smith Jno (Laura), lab, h 251 Macon av Smith Jno L (Julia B), carrier R F D No 4, h 325 w Broad Smith Jno L Jr, carrier R F D No 3,h 325 vv Broad Smith Jno P, elk Johnson Shoe Co, bds 294 s Lumpkin *Smith Jos, lab Klein-Martin Co Smith Jos B (Effie L), carp, h Satullah av *Smith Jules, driver Athens Ice Co Smith Kate, wid G K, h 423 e Dougherty Smith Kendrick T, student, bds 224 n Thomas Smith L Evie Mrs, boarding 328 Occnee, h same Smith Laurin, trav slsmn, h 1050 s Lumpkin Smith Lee, mill wkr, h 146 Bryan Smith Lena Miss, h 146 Bryan Smith Leonard C (Hattie), pres-treas Sanitary Plmbg Co, h 126 Dear-
ing Smith Lester B (Alice), agt Singer Sewing Mach Co, h 134 State *Smith Lillian, dom, h 125 Inadale Smith Lillian Miss, h 127 Grace Smith Limeon (Mary), h 186 Inglewood av Smith Lloyd, elk Standard Oil Co. h 724 w Hancock av Smith Lloyd (Nancy), carp, h 375 Peters *Smith Lou, laund, h 832 n Lumpkin
Smith Louis M, lineran W U Tel Co, h 284 e Hancock av Smith Louise, wid Herman, h 951 e Broad *Smith Lucille, nurse, h 168 Savannah av Smith Malcomb B (Sallie), carp, h 550 Nantahala av Smith Marie F Miss, student, h 135 Prince av
Smith Marion W (Kate G), druggist Warren J Smith & Bro, h 150 Grady av
*Smith Mark, lab, h 157 Crawford av *Smith Mary, h 461 e Hoyt *Smith Mary, laund, h 140 Warsaw al *Smith Mary, laund, h 170 n Finley *Smith Mary, h 393 n Finley *Smith Mary, laund, h 566 w Hancock av *Smith Mary, tchr, h 125 n Rock Spring *Smith Mary L, cook, h 125 Inadale
Roman and Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Buildings. Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
Phones 2066 aid 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
Smith Mason O, elk C of Ga Ry, h \v Washington *Smith Mattie, dom, h 125 Inadale Smith Mattie Miss, h 420 Nantahala av *Smith Mattie L, dom, h 452 n Billups *Smith Maude, cook, h 770 w Broad Smith Maude Miss, student, h 135 Prince av Smith Mertie Mrs, mill wkr, h 698 Nantahala av Smith Minnie E Miss, mill wkr, h 893 Boulevard Smith Newton A (Normal, mchst, h 195 Mulberry
Smith Xora Miss, h 1264 e Broad Smith Obadiah J (Ellen), mtrmn Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Easy nr
Satullah av Smith Olivine T (Ruth), elk Arnold & Abney, h 157 Childs *Smith Ordinary, tchr, h 395_Meigs *Smith Pankie, dom, h 149 Warsaw al Smith Paul H (Dixie L), sec-treas The Home Friend, h 175 Boulevard Smith Paul L. finance elk P O SMITH PAUL M (Estelle), (Warren J Smith & Bro), h 595 Hill *Smith Pearl, elk Union Mutual Assn, h 234 4th *Smith Pearl, cook, h 125 Inadale *Smith Pinkie, h 660 w Hancock av SMITH PLEASANT J (Mirrie), ajty at law 217 Holman Bldg, h 122
Smith Ralph D (Ida), mtrmn Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Satullah av *Smith Robt (Candy), butler, h 1140 w Hancock av *Smith Robt (Pearl), carp, h 235 4th *Smith Robt, emp Holland Cafe, h 602 4th *Smith Robt E (Irene), pressing club 465/l> e Clayton, h same Smith Robt F, elk The Callaway Gro Co, h 294 s Lumpkin Smith Robt L (Hattie), carp, h 146 Bryan *Smith Rosa Normal School, 193 Cherry, Annie S Derricotte prin *Smith Saml (Alma), carp, h 285 Vine
*Smith Scott (Nellie), carp, h 660 w Hancock av Smith Shoe Co (Inc), 258 e Clayton; M J Maynard pres-treas, W M
Nicholson sec Smith Sim (Jennie), h 1264 e Broad Smith Singleton S (Lula), phys 306 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 135 Prince av *Smith Solomon (Annie), lab, h 123 Pearl Smith Stephen (Willie), elk, bds 294 s Lumpkin Smith Susan C Miss, h 325 w Broad *Smith Susie, cook, h 235 Arch *Smith Susie, tchr, h 380 n Billups Smith Swinney O (Willie L), elk Athens Hdw Co, h 724 w Hancock
av Smith T C Saml (Cora L), live stock, h 127 Grace
H. R. Palmer & Sons :: 225 E. Clayton St.
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
__________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________251
Smith Talfourd (Ellen), asst elk Superior Court, offices Court House, h 1050 s Lumpkin
Smith Talfourd Jr, elk Poss's Place, h 1050 s Lumpkin Smith Theodore E (M Willie), elk M & W Cigar Co, h s Lumpkin *Smith Thos (Mary), gro 197 Lyndon av, h 135 Cherry "Smith Thos H (Ada D), butler, h 367 Athens av Smith Vera M Miss, sTengr D H DuPree, h 724 w Hancock av Smith W Guy, printer, h 833 College av *Smith Wallace (Bertha), lab, h 452 n Billups Smith Walter, meat ctr, h 393 n Finley SMITH WARREN J (Ida W), (Warren J Smith fc Bro), h 150 Grady
av SMITH WARREN J & BRO (Warren J and Paul M). whole and
retail drugs 481 e Broad phone 178 Smith Wm, elev opr, h 393 n Finley *Smith Wm, cook, h 265 w Washington *Smith Wm (Charlotte), drayman, h 137 Odd *Smith Wm (Elizabeth), lab, h 226 Vine *Smith Wm (Maggie), emp Athens Motor Car Co, h East Athens *Smith Wm fWinnie), lab, h 150 Hendricks av Smith Wm E (Susan), guard, h 724 w Hancock av Smith Wm H (Helen), undertaker Dorsey Furn Co, h 833 College av Smith Wm J (Sarah J), carp, h 224 Baldwin Smith Wm P, h 149 Wilkerson Smith Willie R Miss, stengr Smith & Brock, h 325 w Broad Smith Wolver M, atty at law, h 176 n Milledge av SMITH & BROCK (C E Smith and P F Brock), attys at law 314-
315 Sou Mutual Bldg Smith & Harper (FTI Smith and M L Harper), dist agts Conn Mutl
L I Co, HolmanBldg Smoake May Miss, tchr High School, h 378 Oak Snead May R, wid E F, h 312 n Thomas Snelling Chas M, prof U of Ga *Snelling Thornton, lab, h 268 Fairview *Snelling Wm, emp Klein-Martin Co *Snelson Laura, dom, h 252 Compress *Snipe Jas, driver Tbomer Music House, h 564 College av Snook Cieo (Bessie), trav slsmn, bds 196 n Milledge av Snuffer Addison, elk Athens Terminal Co, bds 215 w Washington Snyder Gerald A (Mazie), druggist H R Palmer & Sons, bds Wolfc
House *Solder Paul, lab, h 688 n Lumpkin Sorrells Clyde, wid Richd, mill wkr, bds 385 Hiawassec av Sorrells Dewey, student, h Prince av opp Georgia av Sorrells Evalyn Miss, h 1248 Prince av
I A You Advert se 111 A The Reason II f|
I The City Directory U U Because U U Results
Sorrells Robt P (Mary A), phys 304^305 Holman Bldg, h 1248 Prince
av Sorrells Sallie Miss, elk M Link, h 145 Poplar Sorrells Wrn R (Cora L), mngr Sorrells & Co, h Prince av opp Georgiti
av Sorrells & Co, genl mdse Prince av opp Georgia av, W R Sorrells mngr Sorrow Thos W (Ruth), mtrmn Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Satullah av Soule Andrew McN, pres Ga State College of Agriculture SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO, Talmage
Bldg, 185 1/- College av phone 900, J W Jarrell Jr dist mngr Southern Coal Co (W H Weatherly & Son), coal and wood, College
av and SAL Ry tracks Southern Cotton Oil Co (Athens Oil Mill branch), Pulaski and SAL
Ry, I B VVier mngr SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO, 289 n Lumpkin phone 96, Robt N Mc-
Leod agt Southern Manufacturing Co (Inc), cotton mnfrs, office 217 e Hancock,
plant SAL Ry tracks nr Boulevard, plant office 425 Hiawassee; W T Bryan pres-treas, B Phinizy v-pres, C H Newton sec Southern Mutual Building (offices), College av cor Clayton SOUTHERN MUTUAL INS CO, 213-221 Sou Mutual Bldg; Billups Phinizy pres, A E Griffith sec Southern Railway Co, commercial office 409-410 Sou Mutual Bldg, Geo Kobertson comm agt Southern Railway Passenger and Freight Station, Hull and Ware, N J Matthews agt Southern Refining Co, cotton seed products and fertilizer, 286 Oconee ; A M Dobbs pres, G C Armstrong v-pres, L P Foster se-treas, Crawford Clapp mngr Southern States Fire Ins Co (Inc), 202 Shackelford Bldg, W J Peeples agt Sparks Augustus O B, reporter Athens Daily Herald, h U of Ga Sparks F Linton, student, h 324 Boulevard Sparks Henry B (Clara), (Sparks Vulcanizing Co), h 272 w Hancock av Sparks Linton YV (Annie K\. trav slsmn, h 324 Boulevard Sparks Vulcanizing Co, (H B Sparks), 142 w Clayton Sparks \Ym B, reporter Athens Daily Herald, h U of Ga Speaker Vent W, engraver R Brandt
SPEIR ROBT W (Bessie), pres Citizens Pharmacy, h 510 College av phone TOO
Spinks A Jackson, carp, h 562 Pulaski Spinks Bradford L (Susie), carp, h 597 s Lumpkin Spinks C B, station opr Athens Ry & Elec Co Spinks Cicero, msgr W U Tel Tel Co, h 562 Pulaski
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
Ask someone about us. They will tell you we give
Satisfactory Service.
268 N. Jackson St.
Spinks J Edwd, msgr W U Tel Co, h 562 Pulaski Spinks Jno G (Mattie), carp, h 562 Pulaski Spivey Geo T (Maude), supt Bankers Health & Life Ins Co, 521 Sou
Mutual Bldg, h 357 Cobb *Spradley Andrew, lab, h 469 Hoyt *Spradley Emma, cook, h 463 Hoyt *Spradley Julia, laund, h 469 Hoyt *Spradley Mamie, tchr, h 463 Hoyt *Spradley Sallie, laund, h 463 Hoyt *Spradley Willie, cook, h 463 Hoyt *Spragins Herbert, janitor Y M C A, h Washington cor Hull *Spravvlins Jerry porter Peter Petropol, h Elbert *Spring Chas (Estella), driver Callaway Gro Co, h 670 n Hull Sprinks Hailie, elk Boston Bakery, h 968 College av Sprout Helen L Miss, tchr State Normal Schl, h 225 Hill Stacer Rudolph, mchst Sparks Vulcanizing Co, h Wayside Inn Standard Oil Co, Standard Oil street and Sou Ry, G B Davis agt Standard Pressing Co (S C Foster, H S Vandiver), l57 /l> College av *Stanford Wm (Adaline), lab, h 240 s Thomas Stanley Sallie Miss, h 997 s Milledge av Stanton Lucy Miss, artist, h 560 Cobb *Star Shoe Shine Parlor, 345 n Hull, Jno Brown propr *Starks Lois, laund, h 562 w Broad STATE NORMAL SCHOOL (The), Prince av nr Oglethorp av,
Jere M Pound pres *Statts Bena, cook, h 166 n Finley *Statts Chas, bootblack R S Harris, h 166 n Finley *Statts Julia, laund, h 166 n Finley Streed Leonard M, elk Davison-Nicholson Co Steedman Rebecca M Miss, tchr Childs St School, bds 150 Barber Steedman Wm B, broker Broad cor Foundry, h 735 s Milledge av Steele Chas C (Bessie), tel opr SAL Ry, h 747 College av Steelman C C, tobacco slsmn, bds Hotel Sanges Stein Herman, elk, bds 125 n Milledge av *Stephens Benj, emp Athens Ry & Elec Co *Stephens Chas (Myrtle), lab, h 620 w Broad *Stephens Cleveland (Ida), driver, h 193 n Rock Spring *Stephens Clyde (Emily), barber R S Harris, h 620 w Broad "Stephens Cornelia, laund, h 620 w Broad *Stephens Edna, dom, h 620 w Broad *Stephens Edwd (Norene), porter Warren J Sm\th & Bro, h 367 Odd Stephens Fannie F Miss, phone opr, h 565 Nantahala av Stephens Fred J, student, rms 535 Prince av *Stephens Geo (Julia), lab, h 680 n Lumpkin
Martin Bros JOBBEBS OF HARNESS and COLLARS Stephens Harrison E (Essie), gro 150 Ware, h 876 College av
Phone 621
455 Clayton -:- Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty -:-
238-249 Broad St. Jobbers and "Retailers Phone 280-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
ATHENS GA 1 1914-151 CITY DIRECTORY__________
Stephens Henry D (Alice), agt Atlanta Constitution, h 248 River Stephens Homer F, student, h S7G College av *Stephens Hoyt, cook Busy Bee Cafe, h 620 w Broad *Stephens Jewell, dom, h 620 w Broad *Stephens Josie, dom. h 346 Reese Stephens Mamie C Miss, phone opr, h 565 Nantahala av Stephens Martha, wid Monroe, h 237 Hiawassee av *Stephens May, dom. h 620 vv Broad Stephens Paul, mill wkr, h 235 Hiawassee av Stephens R Powell (Mabel), prof U of Ga, h 260 n Milledge av Stephens Richd A (Margaret), carp, h 785 n Pope Stephens Robt, mill wkr, h 237 Hiawassee av Stephens Susie Miss, smstrs, h 657 Nantahala av Stephens T Clinton, student, h 876 College av *Stephens Thos (Addie), lab, h 386 w Broad Stephens Wm F (Emma), h 565 Nantahala av Stephens Wm H (Hattie R), mill wkr, h 235 Hiawassee ay Stephens Wm M (Lizzie), watchmn, h 226 Water S^STEPHENS see also STEVENS Stephenson Grover F (Ada), collr Natl Bank of Athens, h 375 Frank-
lin Stephenson Mell M (Daisy), trav slsmn, h 793 w Hancock av Stern Chas Co (Inc), 233 e Clayton ;S Sloman pres, F J Myers v-pres,
Aaron Cohen sec-treas Stern Myer (Rachel), pres Athens Saving Bank, h 203 Reese *Stevens Saml, lab Athens Pottery Co *^STEVENS see also STEPHENS *Stewart Benj J (Susie), fireman, h 198 Cleveland av *Stewart Clarence, lab. h (r) 295 Oconee Stewart H Jas (Klla), plstr, h 799 s Lumpkin Stewart Henry L (Beulah), contr, h 780 w Hancock av Stewart Jno S, prof U of Ga, h Campus Stewart Nannette Miss, stengr Holden & Shackelford, h 799 s Lump-
kin StewartNina Miss, elk WT Collins Co, h 799 s Lumpkin Stewart Rebecca Miss, tchr State Normal School Stewart Robt A (May), barber A M Bryant, h 290 Williams *Stewart Rosa, nurse 424 s Lumpkin, h (r) same *Stinson Grover, porter Athens Chero-Cola Co, h 664 n Foundry Stockdell Annie, wid Harry C, h 745 s Milledge av Stoddard Edwd M, bkk~pr Atlanta Compress Co, bds 224 n Thomas *Stokes Carrie M, dom, h 272 s Thomas *Stokes Jno (Minnie ), driver G H Hulme & Co, h 515 Reese *Stokes Maria, dom, h 272 s Thomas *Stokes Uriah, lab, h 340 Savannah av
s Static ners Printers
The McGregor Company
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185', College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialises
_________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________255
*Stokes Wm, lab, h 340 Savannah av Stokely Jesse B, elk S A L Ry, h 135 Barrow Stokely Jos E, elk Athens Terminal Co, h 135 Barrow Stone Chas H, asst librarian U of Ga, h 685 s Lumpkin Stone Clement D (Lenora S), mchst, h 920 s Lumpkin STONE E D PRESS (The), Jos H and Geo E Stone), printers 137 n
Lumpkin Stone Edwin P (Linnie F), mngr Majestic Theatre, h 291 Baxter Stone Ellison B ,Lorine), carrier R F D 1, h 362 e Dougherty Stone Geo E (Florence), printer, h 930 s Lumpkn Stone J Leslie Miss, h 685 s Lumpkin Stone Jennie L Miss, h 685 s Lumpkin Stone Jos H (Jennie L), (The E D Stone Press), h 685 s Lumpkin Stone Lenora S Mrs, gro 720 s Lumpkin, h (r) 920 same Stone Margaret Miss.tchr Natahala Av Schl, h 930 s Lumpkin Stone Mary Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co Stone Reuben C (Eva G), opr Majestic Theatre, h 280 Baxter Stone Robt, driver Boston Bakery, h 153 Cleveland av Story Geo E (Crawford D), cotton weigher Inman, Akers & Inman,
h 235 DuBose av Story H Grady (Pearl), cot byr S F Story, h 260 n Church Story Saml F, propr Story's Warehouse 165-173 n Thomas, bds 274 n
Thomas Story's Warehouse, S F Story propr, 173 n Thomas Stovall Harvey (Sarah), asst postmaster, h 840 w Hancock av *Stovall Wm (Georgia), blksmith J L Smith Jr, h 863 Reese *Stovall Wm H (Annie), lab J N Carlton, h 1043 Reese Strahn Chas M, prof U of Ga, h Campus
Strickland Clyde Miss, mill wkr, h 530 Nantahala av Strickland Columbus C (Rosa), sec-treas The Orr Drug Co, h 150
Henderson av Strickland D L, wid Noah, h 367 e Strong Strickland Durham, mill wkr, h 530 Nantahala av *Strickland Edwd (Mary), driver O'Farrell Cash Gro Co, h 588 w
Hancock av Strickland Ellie Mrs, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst, h 489 n Milledge av *Strickland Evelyn, cook, h 233 n Pope Strickland Frank, mill wkr, h 530 Nantahala av Strickland Guy R (Estelle), proprietary medicines, h 369 Cobb Strickland Henry (Hattie), mill wr, h 348 Hiawassee av *Strickland Henry (Sarah), lab. h 185 P-jtors Strickland Jno J (Ellie), (John J and Roy Strickland), h 489 n Mill-
edge av
STRICKLAND JOHN J AND ROY M, attys at law, 701-705 Holman Bldg phone 122
C You Advertise III A The Reason II A Good Results TThhee HCiittvy nDiirroercttnorrvy i1f1UU Uv BDeOcMauIIscen U U
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
Strickland Jno J Jr, student, h 489 n Milledge av *Strickland Mary F, tchr Knox Inst & Indus Schl, h 588 w Hancock
av Strickland Roy M, atty at law and notary, 701-705 Holman Bldg, h
489 n Milledge av *Strickland Russell (Fannie), lab, h (545 n Hull *Strickland Saml, fireman Athens ottery PCo Strickland \\'allace, elk, bds 294 s Lumpkin *Strong Delia, laund, h 153 Cherry Strong Lura B Miss, tchr State Xormal Schl *Strud Harriet, h 380 Lyndon av *Strud Isaiah, shoemkr, h 380 Lyndon av Stynchcumb Drewry D (Sallie S), tchr, h 5G1 Pulaski Stynchcomb Udanus D, elk Davison-Xicholson Co, h 501 Pulaski Stynchcomb Pauline- J Miss, asst cashr Sou Ry, h 501 Pulaski Stynchcomb Yera L Miss, sec, h 501 Pulaski Suben Edwin B, stone ctr, h 53!) s Jackson Suddeth Archibald D, bkkpr E D Sledge, bds 375 s Jackson Suddeth Frank L, elk J L Arnold, h 154 Herring Suddeth Mary, wid Frank, h 154 Herring Sullivan Addison A Rev (Mattie), pastor Oconee St M E Church, h
397 Oconee Summerlin Maxie T (Florence)", dentist 500-508 Sou Mutual Bldg, h
1171 s Milledge av Summers General \V (Ora), mill wkr. h 247 Chattanooga av Summers Howell T (Elizabeth), h 1015 s Lumpkin Summers Reuel K (Eliza), fireman A F D No 1, h 792 Oconee Summers \\ni (May), hackman, h 150 Carr Summers \V Zennie (Mattie), mill wkr, h 179 Miles Super Daisy Miss, mill wkr, h 539 s Jackson Super Edwd, stone ctr, h 539 s Jackson Superintendent City Water Works, office City Hall. Jas Barrow supt Superintendent of Streets, City Hall, O C Harbin supt *Swanson \Ym. lab, Sou Ref Co SWAYNE A E. sec-treas Piedmont Directory Co, res Asheville N C *Swayne Lola, laund, h 390 Ga Depot *Sweeney Chas, porter Warren J Smith & Bro Swindle Ella Mrs, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co Swindle Saml O (Ollie), butcher, h 212 n Foundry Swindle Sarah Miss, h 212 n Foundry Swiney Jas VV (Ella), engnr C of Ga Ry, h 1125 Prince av *Swiney Jno, elk J I Elder, h 185 s Rock Spring Swiney Wallace E, mchst Grover Presnell, h 1125 Prince av
RlieinOCC PnlloiTO Kntile3r<1 F 'o<> r . No. SNotthPackSciuaie. Henry
DUSIUGSS UUllCHC ^ Shockley lr,iui,al P.cck-kt-f|>ir. K . Ancikan
Hanking. Oftk-c Systems, \YholesalinK, Conimis-
AshevillC, N. C.
son. Manufacturing. Lumber Book kccp'r^. Cost
Accountinir. Farm Book-keepinu. Businets C'on-
tracts, lj r.i/ti il Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling, English. Punctuation, Typewriting
Knter any time.
Ottice work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
ATHENS G,\ M014-131 CITY DIRECTORY_________2*7
Tago Thos E (Eunice), vet surgeon 431 n Thomas, h 411 same
*Taliaferro Annie, lodging h 758 n Hull Talmadge Building, offices, 185^ College av Talmadge Bros & Co (J E, J E Jr. C A, C G, J V Talmadge), \vhol
gros, 155 e Clay ton Talmadge Chas A (Justinc E), (Talmadge Bros & Co), h 123? Cobb Talmadge Coke G (Lucy \V), (Talmadge Bros & Co), h 1275 Princo
av Talmadge Grace E Miss, h 1237 Prince av Talmadge Isahelle Miss, h 1237 Prince av Talmadgc Jno E (Talmadge Bros & Co), h 1253 Prince av Talmadge Jno E Jr(Talmadge Bros & CV~>), h 208 Prince av Talmadge Julius Y (Mary). (Talmadge Bros Co), h 1295 Prince av Talmage Alien H (Maude E), vehicles and harness 240 n Lumpkin, h
495 Waddell Talmage Hardware Co (Inc) ; YV W Scott pres. G E Scott sec-trcas.
131 e Clayton Tanner Jas W (Mary M), barber A M Bryant, h 224 w Washington Tappan Chas H, agt Metropolitan Life Tns Co. h 375 s Jackson *Tarkens Hassie. laund, h 150 Newton al Tarrell Geo W (Hattie), typewriter mchst and awning mkr, h 121
Cemetery *Tate Albert, emp Hotel Sanges, h Ice Row *Tate Jas, lab, h 879 Water ^ *Tate Jos (Annie), lab, h 143 Augusta av *Tate Lewis (Mattie), lab, h 120 Hendricks av *Tate Mattie, laund, h 140 Hendricks av *Tate Wm (Lela). lab, h 20"! w Strong Tate Wm (Ola), mill wkr, bds 153 Park av Tatt Oscar (May), mill wkr. h 830 Boulevard Tax Collector Clarke County, office Court House, Henry H Linton
tax collr Taylor Chas S (Taylor Electric Co), h lOl.j s Lumpkin Taylor Dock B, elk R L Moss Mnfg Co. h <Ui3 n Jackson
*Taylor Duncan (Mattie), lab McElroy Trans Co. h Eowler Town Taylor Edgar B, engnr Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp. h 294 Xantahala av *Taylor Edwd, lab Sou RefCo Taylor Edwd L (Trrovia), h 1015 s Lumpkin Taylor Electric Co (E P/and C S), elec contrs. 198 College av Taylor Ernest W, drayman Gulf Ref Co. h College av Taylor Everett P (Myrtle), (Taylor Electric Co), h 367 e Strong
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
Taylor Frances L, wid M E, h 357 s Milledge av
Taylor Geo (Rosa), lab, bds 736 e Broad
Taylor Henry (Ada), eating house, 280 n Hull, h 672 n Lumpkin
*Taylor Jas G (Lizzie), shoemkr, h 165 Lyndon av
Taylor Jno L (Ida B), barber Hilley & Jones, h 185 n Hull
Taylor Spurgeon, electrn, h 1015 s Lumpkin
Taylor Susie P Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 1015 s Lumpkin
Taylor Wm B (Fanny), watchman, h 294 Nantahala av
*Teague Wm (Mary), porter Citizens Pharmacy, h 668 Hull
Teat Addie, wid Wm H, folder The McGrcgor Co, h 196 Cemetery
Teat Arenia D, wid David, h 190 Narrow
Teat Effie A Miss, h 252 Ga Depot
Teat J Chas (Letitia), mill wkr, h 155 Mitchell
Teat J Thos (Annie), painter, h 1434 e Broad
Teat Lucy, wid W N, h 232 Ga Depot
Teat Mallie, wid David, h 832 Oconee
Teat Wm J (Pauline), h 167 Childs
Telp Matthew (Cora), lab, h 151 Warsaw al
Tentlin Jane, dom, h~(r) 327 Hill
Terrell Barney (Annie), lab Athens Pottery Co, h 376 Odd
Terrell Hall (U of Ga), U of Ga Campus
*rerrell Saml (Lucy), h 186 Arch
Terry Frank (Bertha), lab, h 234 Peters
*Terry Mary, dom, h (r) 295 Oconee
Thaxton C Mae Miss, elk Michael Bros, bds 237 w Doughc-ty
Thomas Ada K, dom, h 140 Macon av
Thomas Albert, porter, h 238 Flint
Thomas Alice, dom, h (r) 247 Pulaski
Thomas Arthur, gro 168 Warsaw, h same
Thomas Bell, dom, h 835 Water
Thomas Bertha, laund, h 131 Cain
Thomas Chas (Delia), lab Wescom Hudgin, h 175 2d
Thomas Chas (Minnie), mill wkr, h 199 Miles
Thomas Christine, h 238 Flint
Thomas Courtney, tailor Chas Stern Co
Thomas Crockett, lab, h 238 Flint
Thomas Earle S, h 305 s Jackson
Thomas Early (Annie), lab, h 126 Augusta av
Thomas Eugene, lab Athens Pottery Co, h 175 2d
Thomas Eugene, lab Crowe & Co, h 231 Oconee
Thomas Eula D Miss, h 824 Boulevard
Thomas Garland (Beatrice), lab, h 258 Fairview
THOMAS GEO C (Anna M), (Thomas & Thomas), and notary, h
135 n Hull-- phone 348
Prescriptions Com-
"" """""""
tUeddehaVyma^ltV, H. R. PSIITIfir & SOIlS at .... ... ______^___^_^^^^^_
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________259
Thomas Geo W (Mary ), uphr 223 Prince av, h 163 Glcnn av
*Thomas Georgia, cook, h 132 n Pope
*Thomas Geraldine, dom, h 1365 w Hancock av
*Thomas Gus A (Nannie), driver J N Carlton, h 1365 w Hancock av
*Thomas Guy, porter E D Harris Drug Co, h 12-18 vv P. road
Thomas Harry, bds 595 Barber
*Thomas Hattie, dom 634 Prince av
*Thomas Henrietta, dom, h 887 Water
Thomas Henry (Ella), lab, h 126 Crawford ay
Thomas Henry E (Ethel M), carp, h Boulevard extd
Thomas Henry M (Henrietta), propr Boston Cafe, h 824 Boulevard
Thomas Isabelle Miss, h 394 Prince av
*Thomas J Eugene (Laura G), cook W G Carter, h 1248 w Broad
Thomas J Love (Gippie), engnr C of Ga Ry, h 305 s Jackson
Thomas Jas J, shoemkr 269 Newton, h same
Thomas }no, mchst Epps Garage, h 1020 Hancock av
*Thomas Jno (Amanda), janitor Normal School, h 360 Lyndon av
*Thomas Jno (Martha), driver, h 587 w Hancock av
Thomas Jno D (Lizzie), mill wkr, h 325 Hiawassee av
Thomas Jno W (Ethel), elk Arnold & Abney, h 615 Pulaski
Thomas Katie M, wid G Dudley, h 394 Prince av
Thomas Lillian, h 186 Flint
"Thomas Lillie, h 175 2d
Thomas Lucius (Julia), cmp The E D Stone Press, h 588 vv Hancock
*Thomas Margaret, h 168 Warsaw
Thomas Mary Miss, h 140 Ware
Thomas Mary Mrs, h 140 Ware
*Thomas Mary O, dom, h 346 Macon av
Thomas Matthew (Mary A), lab, h 170 n Rock Spring
Thomas Mattie, dom, 1185 Prince av
Thomas Minnie Miss, h 394 Prince av
Thomas Minnie, nurse, h 175 2d
Thomas Nora, dom, h 139 3d
Thomas Palace, laund, h 238 Elint
Thomas Pearl, dom, h 140 Macon av
Thomas R B, printer, bds 245 w Washington
Thomas Richd, lab, h 594 Vine
Thomas Robt, uphr G W Thomas, h 320 Glenn av
Thomas Saml T (Mary A), plmbr, h 870 n Chase
Thomas Silas, porter Talmage Hdw Co, h 148 Trail Creek
Thomas Susie M, dom. h 140 Macon av
Thomas Thos (Addie). lab, h 168 Warsaw
> THOMAS W MILTON (Thomas & Thomas), and notary, h 135 Hull
phone 348
Tr3.de IS NOT LIMITED to your immediate
neighborhood : you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of vour CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking-
goods in your line
&___jfi & &
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY___________
*Thomas Weyman, lab, h 223 Compress Thomas \Yiley, porter Sou Exp Co, h 265 w Washington Thomas \Vm, lab, h 163 Marlin Thomas VVm (Emma), lab, h 594 Vine "Thomas Wm (Hattie), lab, h 336 Atlanta av Thomas \Vm (Mary), lab, h 830 n Lumpkin *Thomas Yancv (Lozie), bricklyr, h 186 Flint THOMAS & THOMAS (\V Milton and Geo C)1, attys at law, 405-
4<0 Sou Mutual Bldg phone 385 Thomason Geo. with Epps Garage, h 715 n Jackson Thompson Alvin, h 366 e Strong Thompson Amanda M Miss, h 738 Boulevard Thompson Annie L, tchr Knox Inst & Indus Schl, h 139 n Billups Thompson Blanche B S (E D Harris Drug Co), and phys 196J/2 w
Washington, h 139 n Billups Thompson Carrie Miss, smstrs, h 366 e Strong Thompson Cora Miss, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h 738 Boulevard Thompson Cora, wid W H. h 738 Boulevard Thompson Delia Miss, h 325 Ga Depot Thompson Deloney. butler, h 480 n Billups Thompson Dillard, h 180 Inglewood av Thompson Edgar L (Rosa), lino opr, h 250 w Broad Thompson Geo A, student, h 715 n Jackson Thompson Herbert, h 480 n Billups Thompson Ida. wid G Andrew, h 715 n Jackson Thompson Jackson V (Mary L), traffic chf Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co, h
Dearing Thompson Joel, mill wkr, h 325 Ga Depot Thompson Jno, lab McElroy Trans Co, h 587 Hancock av Thompson L Jack (Minnie), fireman A F D No 1, h 180 Inglewood av Thompson M Luther, mill wkr, h 325 Ga Depot Thompson Xora L Miss, h 366 e Strong Thompson R Guy, elev opr Michael Bros, h 366 e Strong Thompson Robt (Ruby M G), chauffeur, h 480 n Billups Thompson Sidney J (Blanche B S), porter Arnold & Abney, h 139 n
Thompson \\ Hervin (Eula), slsmn The Electric Shop, h 798 Prince
Thompson W Reese (Ellen), firemn A F D No 1, h 709 n Thomas Thompson Wm, mill wkr, bds 465 Nacoochee av Thompson Wm (Annie), farmer, h 480 n Billups" Thompson Wm (Carrie), lab, h Fowler Town
Thompson Wm F (Nancy J), carp, h 366 e Strong Thorne Lonnie (Lilla), porter, h 363 Cleveland av Thornton Alice, cook 424 Prince av
loomer Music House
Musical Merchandise 459 E. ClaytOR v Phone 905
Baths HIL^S?ES Cigars
Our Service and Sanitary Principals Unexcelled. 268 N. Jackson St.
Thornton Asa J (Eliza), farmer, h 487 Ruth av *Thornton Berta, cook, h 858 Meigs Thornton Chandler, opr Elite Theatre *Thornton Clara, cook 1147 Prince av Thornton Dorcas M, wid A S, h 1354 s Lumpkin Thornton Earl, elk Eberhart & Davis, h 165 Becker Thornton Frank C (Eva M), trav slsmn TalmadgeBros Co, h 180 Vir-
ginia av THORNTON GEO H (Lottie), pres The McGregor Co, h 772 Cobb *Thornton Hugh, porter Athens Shoe Co, h 291 Athens av Thornton Ira, farmer, h 487 Ruth av Thornton J Benj (Nora), trav slsmn Talrnadge Bros Co, h 1354 s
Lumpkin *Thornton Kemp, lab, h 228 Fairview *Thornton Lon, lab, h Foundry Thornton Lucas (Maude), farmer, h 489 Ruth av *Thornton Roy (Annie), barber R S Harris, h 553 \v Hancock av Thornton Royal U (Eugenia), mill wkr, h 124 Bryan Thornton Wm C (Willie M), elk C of Ga Ry, h 149 w Doughertj Thrasher Claudia, dom, h 183 Greene *Thrasher Cornelia, dom, h 183 Greene *Thrasher Jas, porter Arnold & Abney, h 1247 w Hancock av *Thrashcr Jno, porter, h 1247 w Hancock av
Thrasher Laura, laund, h 1247 w Hancock av *Thrasher Mary, dom, h 183 Greene Threlkeld Inez Miss, h 129 Peters Threlkeld Jas D (Ophelia), carp, h 129 Peters Threlkeld Josie Miss, h Georgia av Threlkeld Viola Miss, h 129 Peters Thurman Annie, wid Geo, h 171 Park av Thurman Georgie Miss, mill wkr, h 171 Park av Thurman Maggie Miss, mill wkr, h 171 Park av Thurman Mary Miss, emp Cleman Hosiery Mill, h 497 e Hancock Thurman Nettie Miss, hairdresser Bryant's Hairdressing Parlor, h
497 e Hancock av Thurston Chas, porter, h Fowler Town Thurston Frances, clo.n, h Fowler Town Thurston Lola, laund, h 148 Cherry *Thursty Jno, lab Athens Ry & Elec Co
Tibbetts J Ralph, elk Sou Mnfg Co. h 763 Cobb
Tibbetts Jno F (Alice N), mngr Sou Mnfg Co, h 763 Cobb Tibbetts Roy W, elk Sou Mnfg Co, h 763 Cobb Tiller David, tinner, h 190 5th Tiller Maggie, nurse, h 190 5th Tiller Moses, h 190 5th
MARTIN BROS. Job'r Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing- a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers PHone 280-J
Buggies.Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
"Tiller Saml, h 190 5th
*Tiller Stephen J (Clara), lab, h 190 5th
"Tiller Wm M (Ella), tinner, h 190.5th
Tillinghast Arthur G, mngr Automobile Specialty Co, h 398 s Lump-
*Timmons Benj, porter Callaway Gro Co
Tindall Wm R (Lucy), mngr Singer Sewing Mach Co, h 174 e Strong
Todd Maggie L Mrs, h L82 Peters
TOFFOLI & MARUS MARBLE & TILE CO, marble, tile and
mosaic work, Charlottte, N. C. (see bottom lines)
Tolbert J W Ered, hostler Sou Ry, h 240 Nacoochee av
Tolbert Jessie J Miss,mill wkr, h 465 Nantahala av
Tolbert Lillic, wid Jas A, h 465 Nantahala av
Tolbert Lula B Miss, mill wkr, h 465 Nantahala av
Tolbert Maggie, h 240 Nacoochee av
Tolbert Mattie Miss, h 240 Nacoochee av
Tolbert Ruby Miss, mill wkr, h 240 Nacoochee av
Tolbert Sallie J Miss, mill wkr, h 465 Nantahala av
Tolbert Wm T (Martha A), mill wkr, h 240 Nacoochee av
Tolbert Willie Miss, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co
Tolnas Olaf J, atty at law, 420 Sou Mutual Bldg
Toney Forrest L, elk Inman, Akers & Inman, h Lockhart House
Toney Melvin T (Dora), collr Empire Furn Co, and' restaurant, h
Boulevard extd
TOOMER MUSIC HOUSE, pianos, organs, sheet music and Gra-
folonas, 459 e Clayton phone 905, H B Wilson propr (see bot-
tom lines)
Towns Alice M, wid W H, h 186 Grady av
Towns Harry E, bkkpr Ga Phosphate Co, h 186 Grady av
Towns Hugh C (Ruby), elect engnr, h 445 Meigs
Towns Lena Miss, tchr College Av Schl, h 186 Grady av
*Towns Leo, lab, h Buena Vista av
Towns Louise Miss, nurse, 186 Grady av, h same
Towns Rosa L Miss, tchr, h 186 Grady av
Towns Wm D, supt Empire State Chem Co, h 186 Grady av
Townsend Maude Miss, tchr State Normal Schl
Trader Olie E Miss, mlnr Jay H Epting Co, h 343 Dougherty
Treanor Richd, bottler Athens Coca-Cola Botg Co, h 125 Dearing
Treanor Sallie Miss, tchr College Av Schl, h 125 Dearing
*Tredwell Richd, driver, h 467 Atlanta av
Tribble Saml J, atty at law, h 419 s Milledge av
Tripp Brady, porter, h 430 Cleveland av
Tripp Evie, dom, h 430 Cleveland av
*Tripp Gussie, laund, h 430 Cleveland av
*Tripp Jessie, laund, h 143 3d
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185' College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
*Tripp Rose A, dom Wolfe Cafe, h 390 Cleveland av Tripp Susan A, wid Wm T, h 745 s Milledge av Trousdale Louis C, elk Webb-Crawford Co, h Cain House Trout Frances E, wid Jackson, h 340 Boulevard Tuck Anna E Miss, mill wkr, h 870 Boulevard Tuck Arthur H (Eddie), gro 120 e Clayton, h 147 w Strong Tuck Bennett F, bkkpr Athens Saving Bank, h 145 Grady av
Tuck Claude, real estate 104 Shackelford Bid, h 197 s Milledge av Tuck Harold T (Hinsley & Tuck), h 698 College av Tuck Hattie A Miss, h 698 College av Tuck Henry C, atty at law 304 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 337 e Strong Tuck Janie Miss, h 145 Grady av Tuck Louis, steward Georgian Hotel, h 197 s Milledge Tuck Lucile Miss, stengr G H McFadden & Bros Agcy, h 324 Pea-
Tuck Mattie L Miss, h 145 Grady av Tuck Minnie L Miss, h 698 College av Tuck Sarah V Miss, mill wkr, h 870 Boulevard Tuck Stella Miss, h 197 s Milledge av Tuck Wilburn J (Hattie), slsmn Callaway Gro Co, h 145 Grady av
Tuck Wm B (Ruby), gro 117 Peters, h same Tucker Fred, rms 186 Barber
Tucker Geo A (Eva), (Tucker & Curtis), h 824 College av Tucker J Robt (Mary), mill wkr, h 142 Bryan Tucker Jno H, trav slsmn, rms 186 Barber *Tucker Mary, cook, h (r) 574 Pulaski Tucker Vinie Miss, h 142 Bryan Tucker & Curtis (G A Tucker and W A Curtis), blksmiths 132 w
Turk Wm T, prof U of Ga Turlington Jno E, prof U of Ga Turnbull Mary Miss, tchr, bds 243 e Hancock av TURNER A COLQUITT (Melanie), mngr Athens Gas, Light &
Fuel Co, h 489 n Milledge av Turner Edwd G, slsmn Johnson Shoe Co, h 728 Cobb *Turner Ellen, nurse, h 364 n Chase
Turner Fannie A, wid A G, h 125 n Milledge av Turner Inez Mad, h 320 Water
Turner Jas R, foreman McElroy Transfer Co, h Buena Vista av
Turner Joel P (Kate), mngr Ga Roller Covering Shop, h 167 Elizabeth *Turner Jno (Louise), chauffeur, h 857 Meigs
Turner Jos W, bkkpr Talmadge Bros & Co, h 728 Cobb *Turner Luther (Frances), lab, h 342 Macon av *Turner Maria W, cook 666 Pulaski Turner Mollie Miss, h 609 n Lumpkin
No Other Medium in the world gives the information contained in a Directory. It is consulted every day in the venr. Mr. Business Man. \vlicre can yon find a better medium
Foot Covers for Mankind
Phone 141
__________259 E. Ciayton St.
AT H ENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Turner Rebecca, wid J Benj, h 358 Oconee Turner Ruth J (Irene), bkkpr Michael Bros, h 728 Cobb
Uncle Max Pawnshop, (Max Goldman), 130 n Foundry Underwood Emmett H (Curtis), condr C of Ga Ry, h 1425 Oconee Underwood Thos H (Nannie), driver Gulf Ref Co, h 212 Grace Union Building (offices), Washington n e cor Hull *Union Mutual Association, ins Morton Bldg, P S Bracy supt *Union Temple A M E Church, River nr Thomas United States Commissioner, office 212 P O Bldg UNITED STATES POST OFFICE, College av bet Washington and
Hancock av, J H Rucker postmaster United States Post Office (State Normal Schl Branch), Prince av nr
Oglethorp av, Miss Ruby I Fowler clerk in charge UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, e Broad bet s Lumpkin and s Jack-
son, Dr David C Barrow chancellor University of Georgia Library, U of Ga Campus, Duncan Burnet
librarian UNIVERSITY PRESSING CLUB, 311 Thomas, satisfaction guar-
anteed, W P Bray mngr, telephone 1205 (see page 4) Upson Emily Miss, h 1022 Prince av
Upson Esther A Miss, h 1022 Prince av Upson Frank L, atty at law and referee in bankruptcy, 416 Sou Mu-
tual Bldg, h 1122 Prince av *Upson Minnie, cook, h (r) 223 Nantahala av Upson Serena Miss, h 1022 Prince av Upson Stephen (Matilda), h 1022 Prince av
Upson Stephen C (Louise), atty at law and city solr 417 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 1124 Prince av
*Usher Saml C, tchr Knox Inst & Indus School *Usry Saml D Rev (Cornelia), h 882 Reese Ussery Henrietta, wid Thos, stengr Chamber of Commerce, h 375
s Jackson
Ussery Squire W( Nellie), bkkpr Georgia Natl Bank, h 363 Boulevard
1066.__________CITIZENS PHARMACY.
Vanatter Phaees O (Harriet), supt State Agr College, h 1227 s Lumpkin
Asheville Business College Entire Ird Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square- Henry S. Shockley, Principal. Book-keeping-, American
Banking, Office Systems, Wholesaling, Cotnmis-
Asheville, N. C.
sion. Manufacturing, Lumber Book-keeping, Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling. English, Punctuation, Type
writing. Shorthand.
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds elicited.
With all 2-Gallon Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices--Cash--
2-Gallon. Express Paid--$3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00
Corn or Rye.
___________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY
Vance J E & Co (J E Vance), loans 110 Shackelford bldg
Vance Jas E (Delia V), (J E Vance & Co), h 169 Park av
Vandiver Claude, fireman, bds 886 College_ av
Vandiver Edwd C C (Josephine), mtrmn Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 175
Nacoochee av
Vandiver Elizabeth O, wid Wm A, bds Wayside Inn
Vandiver Eva Miss, h 770 Barber
Vandiver Henry S (Bertha), (Standard Pressing Co), h 1064 s Lump
Vandiver Lee (Effie), carp, h 770 Barber
Vandiver Roy (Ida), elev opr, h 770 Barber
*Vann Laura, laund, h 281 Macon av
Van Noy Chas A, h 997 s Milledge av
Van Straaton Jacob (Minnie), propr Sanitary Bakery, h 536 College
Varner Fulton E (Helene), h 320 n Milledge av
Varner I V, author, bds Wayside Inn
Varner W Iverson, newspaper corresp, h 124^ s Lumpkin
Vaughn Emma Miss, h 127 Mitchell
Vaughn Jno B (Eulalia), publr 518-519 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 165 s
Milledge av
Vaughn Jesse J (Vera), trav slsmn Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h 764 n
Veatch Chas N (Glennie), emp Ga State College of Agri, h Greene
cor Lumpkin
Venable Genie Miss, elk McCure Ten Cent Co
Vess Alfred W (Nina), elk Michael Bros, h 372 e Hancock av
Vess Danl, student, h 372 e Hancock av
Vess Geo, h 372 e Hancock av
Vess Gussie Miss, h 286 w Broad
Vess Mary Miss, h 372 e Hancock av
Vess Sanford, h 732 e Hancock av
Vickery W Henry (Bessie), mill wkr, h 343 Hiawassee av
*Vincent Ernest (Minnie), lab, h 164 Augusta av
Vincent Louise M Miss, h 778 Hill
Vincent Notie F, wid Thos P, h 778 Hill
Vincent Otey B Miss, h 778 Hill
Vincent Thos P, h 778 Hill
Vinson Jas (Ida), mill wkr, h 125 Pine
*Virgil Mary, dom 524 Prince av
*Virgil Saml, janitor Webb-Crawford Co, h 558 w Broad
Vise Jessie, wid Lafayette, h 923 n Chase
Vonderau Melcolm B, bkkpr H R Palmer & Sons, h 150 Waddell
Von der Leith Carl A (Janie H), bkkpr, office 417 Holman Bldg and
treas I O O F, h 665 n Lumpkin
Roman and Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Buildings. Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
Phones 2066 and 2044. P. 0. Boi 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
Von der Leith Carl R, elk, h 464 College av Von der Lcith Elizabeth Miss, h 665 n Lumpkin Von der Leith Hattie L Miss, h 464 College av Von der Leith Rosa A Miss, h 190 Grady av
*\Vade Clara, dom, h 387*^ Meigs Wade Fredrica, wid Robt M, h Prince av nr Satullah av Wade Gcorgiana Miss, h Prince av nr Satullah av Wade Jno B (Sarah F), mail transfer, h 373 Hoyt *\Vade Jno W (Freda W), (Wade & Hunter), and meat mkt 159 w
Washington, h 515 Reese *Wade Orange (Clara), porter, h 385 Cleveland av Wade Rosalie Miss, h Prince av nr Satullah av *\Vacle & Hunter (J \\ Wade and S R Hunter), soft drinks 325 n Hull Waff Carrie M, wid Thos J, h 776 Cobb Waff Howard J (Henrietta), trav slsmn, h 776 Cobb Wages A Jackson (Susie), carp, h 225 Derby Wages Chas (Mabel), switchman C of Ga Ry, h 120 Barrow Wages Jos D (Bessie), elk, h 975 n Chase Wages O Clifford, trav slsmn G H Hulme & Co, h Winder * Wagner Geo (Minerva), plstr, h 167 \Varsaw *Wagner Wesley, plstr, h 167 Warsaw Walden Amy Miss, tchr College Av Schl, h 279 Henderson av \Valdcn J C Jr, pres The Homes Friend, res DeFuniak Springs, Fla * Waldo Eugene (Josie), agt Guaranty Mut Life & Health Ins Co, h
169 Green
* Waldo Tno (Annie), lab, h 167 Greene
WALDREP JAMES P (Kate), phys 259^ c Clay ton phone 805-2. h Heights phone 562-J
Waldrep Lorraine Miss, h Heights av W'aldrop Frances P Miss, mill wkr, h 123 Chattanooga av Waldrup Geo, mill wkr, h 123 Chattanooga av Waldrop Henry (Annie), fireman, h 123 Chattanooga av Waldrop Mary Miss, mill wkr, h 123 Chattanooga av *\Valcs Caroline, dom, h 245 n Rock Spring *AVales Cassie, dom, h 866 Water *Wales Harry, lather, h 337 Reese *\Vales Maggie, laund, h 361 Cleveland av *Walker Benj, lab Athens G L & F Co *\Yalker Benj (Rosa), porter Callaway Gro Co, h 163 n Harris *Walker Bertha, cook, h 663 n Milledge av
Palmer's Cream Liniment
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
Walker Bessie Miss, h Satullah av *Walker Camilla, dom, h 863 Meigs WALKER CLARENCE N, osteopathic physician 612 Sou Mutual
JJldg phone 1i:i:J, h :!!)<) n Milledge av phone 20!)
Graduate of American School of Osteopathy
TELEPHONES: Office JJ33, Residence 209
612 Southern Mutual Building
Athens, Georgia
Walker Carl V, elk C of Ga Ry, h n Washington *Walker Ellen, laund, h 1133 w Broad *Walker Frank, lab, bds 736 e Broad *Walker Isaiah (Patience), driver G H Hulme & Co, h 1133 w Broad *Walker Jas, lab, h 663 n Milledge av *Walker Lorraine, dom, h 328 Lyndon av *Walker Mamie, dom, h 328 Lyndon av *Walker Ned, lab Sou Ref Co, h 482 Cleveland av *Walker Robt, lab McElroy Transfer Co Walker Sarah Miss, mill wkr, h 280 Williams
*Walker Taylor, porter Hilley & Jones *Walker Viola, laund, h 482 Cleveland av *Walker Wm, porter Wingfield Cash Gro Co *Walker Wm (Anna), baker Boston Bakery, h 328 Linden av *Walker Winnie, cook, h 245 n Rock Spring WALL JAMES M D (Nela), physician 289^ n Lumpkin, office
hours 10 a m to 12 m and 3 to 5 p m phone 637, h 863 n Chase phone 1288 *Wall Lillie, laund, h (r) 574 Pulaski Wallace Earl C, student, bds Commercial Hotel Wallace Geo Rev, pastor Second Baptist Church Wallace Lula, wid T W, dressmkr 170 Lenoir av, h same *Waller Lewis, porter Wingfield Cash Gro Co Walls Susan, wid Wm, h 225 Grace Walls Thos W (Mary), guard, h 225 Grace Walls Wm W (Gussie), grocer 217 Grace, h 225 same *Walter Chas (Callie), lab, h 447 Reese
I n You Advertise 111 A The Reason is " The City Directory U U Because
Good Results
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY___________
* Walters Anna M, h 1287 w Hancock av
*\Valters Caroline, laund, h 128? w Hancock av
Walters Xoah II (Lila), supt Ilolman Bldg, h 184 Childs
9*~WALTERS see also WATERS
Waltman Harold (Jessie), mill wkr, h 398 Hiawassee av
* Walton Bcnj (Nettie), lab, h 280 Savannah av
*\Valton Fred (Carrie'), lab, h 336 Atlanta av
Walton Hardeman F, bkkpr McElroy Transfer Co, h Buena Vista av
Walton Wm H H (Amanda), elk, h 165 e Strong
Ward Chas (Marion), barber, h 238 DuBose av
Wardlavv Jos C (Edna), prof State Normal Schl, h 698 Cobb
*Ware Chas, blksmith W H Garfield, h 183 Valley
Ware R H, police
Ware Saml J, dentist 211-212 Sou Mutual Bldg, h 436 Hill
*Warren Harriett, laund, h 323 Fairvievv
* Warren Harrison (Lula), lab, h 365 Vine
*Warren Luther, lab, h 180 Stephens
*Warren Mary, laund, h 323 Fairvievv
Warwick Fred L, meat ctr L Cutler, h 263 Ruth av
Warwick Jesse (Emma), meat ctr Western Meat Mkt, rms Com-
mercial Hotel
Warwick May Miss, tcl opr, h 263 Ruth av
Washhiirn Robt A, elk Talmage Hdvv Co, h 290 Hull
*\Vashington Jas, lab McElroy Transfer Co, h River
Waters David (Fannie), mill wkr, h 424 Nacoochee av
Waters David Jr, mill wkr, h 424 Nacoochee av
Waters Fmory S (Jessie), mill wkr, h 598 Nantahala av
Waters Era Miss, mill wkr, bds 465 Nacoochee av
Waters Flonnie Miss, mill wkr, bds 230 Nacoochee av
Waters Lollie Miss, mill wkr, h 424 Nacoochee av
Waters Maude Mrs, boarding 575 n Harris, h same
*Waters Nolia, cook, h 475 Hoyt
Waters Poney Y (Nettie), barber A M Bryant, h 145 Mulberry
WATERS WM G (Maude), osteopath 609 Sou Mutual Bldg phone
394. h 575 Harris phone 957-L (see top lines)
g*~WATERS see also WALTERS
Watkins Amanda Miss, h 1447 e Broad
Watkins Charity V Mis, h 1447 e Broad
Watkins Geo (Mamie), mill wkr, h 353 Ga Depot
Watkins Jas D (Essie), mill wkr, h 130 Williams
Watkins Jno W (Margaret), carp, h 1424 e Broad
Watkins Lessie Miss, h 847 Hill
Watkins Lizzie Miss, h 1447 e Broad
Watkins Mahala Miss, emp The McGregor Co, h 1424 e Broad
Watkins Matthew G, h 1447 e Broad
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
Our Service /r \7nejccelled
268 fi. JucKson St.____________________________________
Thont 486
Watkins Sarah Miss, h 1447 e Broad Watkins Wm, elk, h 1424 e Broad Watkins Wm E, carp, h 369 n Finley Watson C P, station opr Athens Ry & Elec Co Watson Denta D Miss, h 247 Barber Watson Doma A (J W Watson & Son), h 247 Barber Watson Doris D Miss, h 247 Barber Watson Emory P (Linda), carp, h 850 Boulevard * Watson Geo (Ola), lab, h 392 Augusta av *Watson Henry, lab, h 340 Lyndon av Watson Howard H (Eva), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Boulevard
extd Watson J W & Son (J W and D A Watson), contrs and bldrs, 5i8 e
Clayton Watson Jas W (Georgia H), (J W Watson & Son), h 247 Barber Watson Luther S, prof State College of Agri, bds 1295 s Lumpkin Watson Marion D (Mary), trav slsmn, h 244 Barber Watson Mary Miss, smstrs Head & McMahan, h 940 Oconee Watson Ruby Miss, mill wkr, h 850 Boulevard Watson T Carl, elk Sou Exp Co, bds 297 w Broad *Waymond Wm (Clara), lab, h (r) Nacoochee av n of Prince av Wayside Inn, boarding 120 w Hancock av, Mrs Lilla S Dye propr Weatherford J Archer, bottler Athens Bottling Wks, h 165 Bodcer Weatherly Benj H (W H Weatherly & Son), and bkkpr Citizens
Bank and Trust Co, h 393 e Dougherty Weatherly Chas N (Jennie S), (Weatherly & Co), h 198 w Dougherty Weatherly Chas N Jr, student, h 198 w Dougherty Weatherly Eugene, student, h 299 Boulevard Weatherly Guy S, bkkpr E S Sporting Goods Co, h 198 w Dougherty Weatherly Hugh A (Dora E), agt Ga Junk Co, h 320 n Foundry Weatherly Jos M (Mary), h 474 e Dougherty Weatherly Lois E Miss, h 320 n Foundry Weatherly Lynah Miss, h 198 w Dougherty Weatherly Rupert P (Weatherly & Bernard), h 198 w Dougherty Weatherly Ruth Miss, h 299 Boulevard Weatherly W Earle, s elk Athens Lumber Co, h 299 Boulevard Weatherly Wm A (Lula), (Weatherly & Co), h 299 Boulevard Weatherly Wm H ^Alice), (W H Weatherly & Son), h 393 e Dough-
Weatherly W H & Son (Wm H and Benj H), proprs Sou Coal Co Weatherly & Bernard (R P Weatherly and H Y Bernard), gros 553
Prince av
Weatherly & Co (W A and C N Weatherly), sale stables, 160 w Broad *Webb Amanda, laund, h 348 Cleveland av
Martin Bros 10BBERS OF HARNESS and COLLARS *Webb Anice, porter A M Bryant" h 423 n Billups
Phone 621
455 Clayton -:- Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty :
238-249 Broad St. Jobber* and *Retai en Phone 280-J
Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
ATHENS GA 11914-13] CITY DIRECTORY__________
Webb Brokerage Co, 619-620 Sou Mutual Bldg, J N Webb mngr *Webb Coy, h 489 e Strong \Vebb-Crawford Co (The), whol gros, Fulton cor Spring; C N Hodg-
son prcs, E H Youngkin v-pres, J M Howell sec-treas *Webb Jefferson (Minnie), driver, h 489 e Strong Webb Janie M Miss, h 524 Prince av Webb Jno R, elk SAL Ry, h 524 Prince av Webb Jno \V, elk Sou Mnfg Co *Webb Jos (Minnie), waiter Georgian Hotel, h 423 n Billups Webb Jos N (Nettie P), mngr Webb Brokerage Co, h 524 Prince av Webb Jos N Jr, h 524 Prince av *Webb Michael, presser R E Smith, h 423 Billups Webb Nettie P Miss, h 524 Prince av Webb Oscar H (Evie), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Satullah av Webb Sarah M Miss, tchr State Normal School Wee Sang, emp Chas James, h 132 Jackson Weil Robt B, trav slsmn, bds 690 w Hancock av *~WEIR see WIER Welch Chas (Mattie), wood wkr, bds 223 Nantahala av Welch Hotel, 368^ e Washington, W O Welch propr Welch Jno W, cotton factor 139 w Clay ton, h 394 s Milledge av Welch Wm O (Mary E), livery 364 e Washington and propr Welch
Hotel, h same * Wells Chas (Sallie), lab, h 390 Athens av Wells Cornelius A, prof U of Ga Wells Emma Mrs, h 230 Nacoochee av Wells Jno K (Minnie\, gro 1285 Oconee, h 1385 same Wells Ruth Miss, h 1275 Prince av * Welsh Gilbert, waiter Hotel Sanges, h 108 Lynwood av West Andrew L, med student, h 387 Hill *West Athens School, 1573 w Broad, Julia White prin West End Baptist Church, Boulevard n w cor Hiawassee av, Rev A L
Smith pastor West Eva M Miss, h 224 Hill West Frances M Miss, h 387 Hill West Henry H, student, h 387 Hill West Henry S Judge (Marion L), judge City and County Courts and
atty at law, h 387 Hill West Ida B Miss, tchr, h 224 Hill West Wm C (Lillie), engnr, h 224 Hill Westbrook Blanton H, collections 110 Shackelford Bldg, h 423 Dough-
erty Western Meat Market, 247 e Broad, S Cutler propr WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, 223 e Clayton phone 21,
W W Murphy mngr
The McGregor Company
'Prtnlerj___Staffo**er*f "Binder*? OFFICE FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185', College Av.
Fire Insurance
Westmoreland Ellen Miss, h 973 Prince av Westmoreland J Parks (Lula), carp, h 479 e Strong Westmoreland Thos E, shoemkr Martin Bros, h 479 e Strong *Whaley Matilda, cook 158 n Milledge av, h same Whatley Claud W, elk The McGregor Co, h 536 n Jackson Wheeler Lillie Miss, h 147 Poplar Wheeler Marcus C (Lillie), carp, h 140 Arch Wheeler Mollie Miss, mill wkr, h 115 Mitchell Wheeler Oscar (Alice), hackman 115 Mitchell, h same Wheeler Thos (Mattie), hackman, h 115 Mitchell Wheless Corry Miss, dressmkr 380 Newton, h same Wheless Cynthia, wid Thos D, h 380 Newton *White Anderson, emp Athens Ry & Elec Co White City Manufacturing Co, Inglewood av on Ga Ry : F A Cum-
nock pres, J W Ingle sec-treas *White Edwd (Louise), porter Max Joseph, h 250 n Pope White Edwd M (Willie), trav slsmn Athens Hdw Co, h 513 n Jackson White Elias D, dispatcher P O *White Ellen, dom, h 470 Atlanta av White Henry C, prof U of Ga *White Hulda, laund, h 246 n Pope White Jacob A, shoemkr 1058 e Broad, h same WHITE JAMES M (Julia A), cashr The Natl Bank of Athens and
treas Columbia Fire Ins Co, h 570 Prince av White Jno M (Minnie), police, h 292 Nellie B av WHITE JOHN R, pres The National Bank of Athens, res Whitehall
Ga * White Julia, prin West Athens Schl, h 123 Madison av *White Maggie, laund, h 759 n Lurrpkin White Pressing Co (A R, C U and R E Kay), tailors, \*i?> e College White Preston G (Nellie), mngr Athens Cotton Exchange, bds The
Etowah White Willie Mrs, boarding 513 n Jackson, h same WHITE & CO (C Q Shakelford), loans, f-?,~>V2 n Lumpkin Whitehead Alsa P (Kate B), elk Talmage Hdw Co, h lOfrf s Lur.rpkin Whitehead Anna, wid Jas E, h 147 Virginia av
WHITEHEAD ASA H (Clara), pres Athens Shoe Co, h 155 Grady av
Whitehead C J, station opr Athens Ry & Elec, Co Whitehead Daisy Miss, stengr Automobile Specialty Co, h Heights
av cor Boulevard extd Whitehead Eula Miss, smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co WHITEHEAD J FRED (Floy E), v-pres and mngr The McGregor
Co, h 147 Virginia av Whitehead Jessie M Miss, h Heights av cor Boulevard extd
I n You Advertise 111 ft The Reason 11 f| Good Uu The Ciitny Directory fifin u ub Beciasuse uII 1w1 Results
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
XX'hiuhead L Oscar (Lix/.ie), emp I/ of Ga, h Ooboy
XX'hitehead Li/xie Mrs. smstrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, h Doboy XX'hitehead Mabel Miss, h Vonah av XX'hitehead Mamie Miss, h Vonah av XX'hiuhead Oscar L (Rosa), mill wkr, h 168 Elizabeth; XX'hitehead Richd G. mchst Hoods Garage, h 513 n Jackson *XX"hitehead Robt (Cola T), driver Dorsey Furn Co, h 426 n Billups XX'hitehead Robt J (Emma), sawyer, Heights av cor Boulevard extd
XX'hitehead Ruby L Miss, h 1450 s Lumpkin XX'hiteluad XX'm, student, h Vonah av XX'hitehead XX'm J (Lucy A), farmer, h 1450 s Lumpkin XX'hitehead XX'illie L MMSS, h 1450 s Lumpkin XX'hitehead Zenies M (Cora A), farmer, h Yonah av *X\'hitrield Cleveland, porter Bondurant Hdw Co, h 150 Rock Spring
*XX'hitfield Rebecca, laund, h 150 n Rock Spring *XVhitfield XX'm (Mittie), blksmith. h 495 Reese XVhitky Newton A Rev (Talatha ). solr, h 127 Mitchell Whittaker Jas F (Emma), supt The Athens Banner, h 775 Pulaski Whittle Chas A (Mamie), prof State College of Agri, h 1260 s Lump-
kin XVhitworth Lila M Miss, h 228 Barber Whitworth XX" Luther (Callie), carp, h Satullah av Whitworth XX'm C (Clara V), contr, h 228 Barber XX'ier A Lythgoe, student, h 029 Hill XX'ier Albert XX" (Nannie B), sec Callaway Gro Co, h 342 Bearing Wier Annie L, wid Jno XXr, h 149 Cobb *X\'ier Edwd (Eulah), lab, h 100 Macon av Wier Edwd DeXX', trav slsmn XX'cbb-Crawford Co, h 149 Cobb Wier Emmett L, trav slsmn Callaway Gro Co, h 149 Cobb * XX'ier Henry (Minerva), lab Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 199 Atlanta av XX'ier 1 Benson ( lulia S),) mngr Athens Oil Mill (branch Sou Cotton
Oil Co), h 029 Hill Wier J Reese, elk XX; ebb-Crawford Co, h 173 Virginia av *XX*kr Janie, cook, h 663 Milledge av WIER JOEL A (Rosena T), pres Athens Engineering Co, h 394
prince av phone 112 Wier Jno B (Sallie C), gro Prince av nr Satullah av, h Prince av cor
Satullah av Wier Margie, wid Hoyt, h 179 Virginia av Wier Mary L Miss, prin Nantahala Av Schl, h 149 Cobb "VX'ier Robt H (Mattie B). capt police, h 173 Virginia av *Wier Robt W. porter, h 199 Atlanta av Wier Roswell K (Addie L). police, h 217 Franklin Wier Sallie, wid XX'Cicero, h ISO Virginia av Wier Van Noy. student, h 629 Hill
Achauilfa DlirinOCC PnllorrO K 1t ''t-3r,l Floor. No. K North Pack Square. Henry
ASIICVIIIC bUSlncSS lOUERC S. Shock-ley. Principal. Prck Xcepirg. ^ rr e.icsn
Banking. Office Systems, Wholesaling, Commis-
AshevillC, N. C.
son. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keep : ng, Cost
Accounting, F'arm Bock-keeping, Business Con-
traits. Pra.iijil Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic, Spelling. Knglish, Punctuation. Typewriting:
Knter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Wier W Alex, student, h 620 Hill Wigley Chas II (Minnie), painter, h 1 10 Doboy Wigley Elmer, mill vvkr, h 365 Ga Depot Wigley Jas E (Laura), mill wkr, h 657 Nantahala av Wigley Jas J (Nancy), h 365 Ga Depot Wigley Robt W (Maggie), mill wkr, h 425 Nacoochee av Wikle May Miss, tchr, h 373 Oak *Wilbanks Green (Mollie), lab, h 317 Fairview *Wilbanks Guy, lab, h River Wilbanks Jno B (Minnie), lino opr The McGregor Co, h 664 n Jack-
son *Wilbanks Jno B (Angie), lab, h 337 Fairview Wilbanks Oscar A (Inez), carp, h 245 Wynburn pi *Wilbanks Roy (Annie), prcsscr. h 353 Fairview Wilbanks Watson, eleclrn Taylor Elec Co, bcls 147 vv Washington *Wiley Amanda, h 297 Lyndon av *\Viley Wm (Ida), drayman 258 Lyndon av, h same Wilkerson Callie Miss, h 245 Boulevard Wilkerson Willie Miss, elk Michael Bros W^WILKERSON see also WILKINSON *Wilkie Julius (Ilattie), lab, h 827 Water ^Wilkike Elsie, cook, h 158 Warsaw *Wilkins Corrie, laund, h 135 Cohen Wilkins Evan L, elk Ga Natl Hank, h 387 s Milledge av *Wilkins Ella, laund, h 146 Cherry WILKINS JOHN J (Tessie), pr-.-s American State Bank and Ga Natl
Bank, h 387 s Miiledge av Wilkins Josephine Miss, h 387 s Milledge av * Wilkins Maggie, cook, h 135 Cohen Wilkins Mary Miss, h 387 s Milledge av WILKINS S B & CO, (S B Wilkins), insurance 303 Sou Mutual Bldg WILKINS SAML B (Adelaide H), (S B Wilkins & Co), h 649 Hill * Wilkins Wm E, porter S R Martin WILKINSON WM B (Harriot), asst sec Columbia Fire Ins Co, h __ 357 s Milledge av WWILKINSON see also WILKERSON Willard Fred F (Janie W), barber A M Bryant, h 171 Grady av * Williams Alice, laund, h 130 Cleveland av Williams Annie L Miss, elk Abe Joel & Sons, h 240 Baxter Williams Arabella Miss, cashr Elite Theatre, h 712 n Jackson Williams Brooks, finisher Athens Pottery Co, h 240 Baxter Williams Bros (Frank and Clifford), propr Fears Stables, 184 w Clay-
ton Williams C Earley, emp Sou Ref Co, h 296 Oconee Williams C Lee (Lola L), foreman Sou Ref Co, h 875 Boulevard
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating:
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY________
Williams Calvin J, h 237 Ruth av
Williams Cicero W (Ida), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h 137 Nacoo-
chee av
Williams Claude D (Nettie), collr, h 490 Ruth av
Williams Clifford (Williams Bros), h Dougherty cor Lumpkin
* Williams Crawford (Alice), porter Columbia Tailoring Co, h 427 Odd
Williams Danl T (Viola), farmer, h 445 Ruth av
*Williams Delia, dom, h 273 Lyndon av
Williams Edgar, mill wkr, h 517 Nacoochee av
* Williams Edwd, porter 2Q5 /l 2 s Jackson, h 185 Valley
*Williams Enoch, driver Wingfield Cash Gro Co
*Williams Eula, cook, h 775 n Lumpkin
*Williams Eva, dom, h 193 Sapullah
*Williams Florida, dom, h 360 n Pope
Williams Frank (Williams Bros), h Dougherty cor Lumpkin
Williams Frank H. elk G II Williamson, bds 147 w Dougherty
*Williams Frank W, inspr Guaranty Mutl Life & Health Ins Co, h
169 Green
*Williams Fred, porter Saml McQueen, h 175 Rutherford
Williams Geo S (Lallett), mngr Athens Pottery Co, and treas-sec
Athens Hdw Co, h 1143 Prince
Williams Gussie Miss, h 278 River
Williams H A, contr, bds 294 s Lumpkin
*Williams Hampton, lab Sou Ref Co
*Williams Henry, porter M M Levy, h 560 s Thomas
Williams Hillary, emp Athens Daily Banner, h 198 Baldwin
Williams J Clifford, elk Talmadge Bros & Co, h 147 w Dougherty
Williams J Robt (May), pressman Gardner-Price Printing Co, h 23
* Williams Jacob (Lena), carp, h 257 n Rock Spring
Williams Jas J (Eddie C), mngr Fears Stables, h Dougherty cor Wil-
Williams Jas M (Dcssa), mchst Sou Ref Co, h 296 Oconec
Williams Jas R (Dora), collr, h 712 n Jackson
Williams Jefferson L (Lucile), agt Amer Natl Ins Co, h 340 n Harris
*Williams Jessie, laund, h 452 w Broad
*"\Villiams Julia, dom, h 223 Compress
*Williams Lessie, dom, h (r) 147 n Chase
*Williams Lizzie, laund, h 452 w Broad
*Williams Lula, cook, h 165 Fairview
Williams Malita J, wid W D, h 198 Baldwin
^Williams Mary, dom, h (r) 220 n Miller
Williams Mattic, wid Thos R, boarding 180 Barrow, h same
*Williams Minnie, laund, h 360 Macon av
*Williams Minnie, stengr Dr W H Harris, h 260 s Thomas
Palmer & Sons
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
*________ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DLRECTOR V___________275
* Williams Minnie M, dom, h 270 s Thomas
*Williams Nellie, dom, h 562 w Broad
Williams Norman (Minnie), h 517 Nocoochee av
Williams Ocie, wid Geo, mill wkr, h 149 Tibbetts av
Williams Robt, tinner, h 742 Oconee
* Williams Roland, horseshoer J A Baugh, h 175 Valley
Williams Rosa Miss, mill wkr, h 327 Oconee
Williams Thos M, propr Georgian Cafe, h same
Williams Walter, h 198 Baldwin
Williams Wm M (Elizabeth), h 278 River
Williams Wm T (Leona M), supervisor public school bldgs, h 192 e
Williamson Chas (Ida), mchst, h s Lumpkin extd
Williamson Chas J, confr 896 n College av, h R D 3
Williamson Cornelia E Miss, tchr, h 149 Virginia av
Williamson Flo O Miss, h 165 Nacoochee av
Williamson Geo H, gro 145 e Clayton, h 748 Cobb
*WilliamsonHarriet, dom, h 2GO s Thomas
Williamson Helen C Miss, music tchr, h 149 Virginia av
Williamson Horace M (Mary), driver Arnold & Abney, h 165 Nacoo
chee av
Williamson Jasper, carp, h s Lumpkin extd
Williamson Jno N (Kate), elk Wingfield Cash Gro Co, h 149 Virginia
*Williamson Theo (Lizzie), (Hopson & Williamson), h 180 n Harris
*Williamson Willie B, dom, h 260 s Thomas
*Willingham Clifford (Mamie), lab, h 337 Flint
*Willis Albert (Lula), lab, h 140 Newton al
*Willis Irene, gro 1189 w Broad, h s Billups
*Willis Jesse (Mollie), lab, h (r) Nacoochee av n of Prince av
Willis M Mrs, tchr Lucy Cobb Inst
*Willoughby Wm (Corinne),, meat mkt, h 1263 w Broad
Wills Jno E (Josie), mill wkr, h 298 Baldwin
*Wilson Amanda, dom, h 596 w Broad
ii *i
Wilson Cora Mrs, smtrs Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co
* Wilson Cornelia, h 170 n Church
Wilson Duncan F (Stella), pattern mkr Athens Fdry & Mach Wks, h Nellie B av
Wilson Estella Miss, h 145 Herring
Wilson Fredk, iron mldr, bds 890 College av
Wilson Harry, pattern mkr, bds 215 w Washington
*Wilson Hattie M, nurse 319 Meigs
Wilson Henry S (Varner), trav slsmn Toomer Music House, h 564
College av
*i--W--i--lso--n----H--es--te--r,:--d--om--,--h--2--5--8 --Ly-_nd_o_n_a_v _________________
YoUr Trade IS NOT LIMITED to y"r immediate
^\*^ neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking1 goods in your line J> j* Jt___jt, jt jt
276__________ ATHENS GA [1914-15] CITY DIRECTORY
*\Vilson Hobson (Fannie), hackman, h 596 w Broad
WILSON HORACE B (B Ruth), propr Toomer Music House, h 564 College av
Wilson Jos H, trav slsmn Talmadge Bros & Co, bds 620 Meigs Wilson Lula C, wid Jno M, h 677 College av Wilson Melvin, student, bds 620 Meigs Wilson Robt C, prof U of Ga
Wilson Robt L (Lessie), agt G T Spivey, h 880 College av Wilson Robt S (Vera), carp, h 145 Herring Wilson Roy E, printer, h 145 Herring Wilson T Edwd, mngr Columbia Tailoring Co, bds n Lumpkin Wilson Warren E, condr Athens Ry & Elcc Co, h Easy nr Satullah av Wilson Wiley W (Cora), carp, bds 198 Oconee
Wilson Woody J (Vera S), condr Athens Ry & Elec Co, h Easy nr Satullah av
Wimberley Harriet, wid J L, h 510 n Foundry Wimberley Sophia Miss, h 510 n Foundry W^WINBURN see WYNBURN *Winfield Jeanie, laund, h 345 n Pope *Winfree Luke (Sophia), lab, h 139 3d *\Vinfrey Helen, waitress B W Billups, h 367 n Chase *\Vinfrey Josie, laund, h 346 Reese
*Winfrey Lilla, eating hse 106 n Foundry, h 350 River *VVinfrey Matthews (Mary J), butler, h 285 n Rock Spring Wing Marion, elk Sou Ry, h 447 e Hancock av *Wing Moses, lab Ga Junk Co Wingatc Rosier B (Adalene D), sec-treas Bludwine Co, h 194 Prince
av Wingfield Ada, wid A S, h 159 Virginia av Wingfield Bros (W C, S B and G T), clothing 254 e Clayton Wingfield Cash Grocery Co (W C Wingfield and F L Davis), 457 e
Broad Wingfield Edith Miss, tchr, h 159 Virginia av Wingfield Geo T "(Annie), (Wingfield Bros), h 159 Virginia av Wingfield Mattie M, wid Robt S, h 1323 s Lumpkin Wingfield Middleton B, elk Wingfield Bros, h 156 Boulevard Wingfield Saml B (Annie), (Wingfield Bros), h 167 Grady av Wingfield Wm C (Emmie), (Wingfield Bros), and (Wingfield Cash
Gro Co), h 156 Boulevard Wingfield Wm C Jr, student, h 156 Boulevard Winn Emma, wid W L, h 497 e Hancock av Winn Eva Miss, h 724 Oconee Winn Hinch H (Margie), painter, h 724 Oconee Winn Lola Miss, stengr W G Slaughter, h 497 e Hancock av Winn Wm D, foreman Klein-Martin Co, h 297 Baxter
Player Pianos, Pianos, Organs and
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
B A *R B E 1* S
Hot and Cold "Baths
268 JV. JacKson St. "Phone 4-86
__________ATHENS GA [1914-151 CITY DIRECTORY_________277
F*WINN see also WYNNE
Winston A Penn (Jcwell K), supt Dairy State College of Agri, h 1195 s Lumpkin
*Wise Eliza, laund, h 270 n Chase
*\Vise Wm (Harriet), lab; Ti 263 Marlin *Witcher Henry (Alberta), lab, h 830 Water *Witcher Laura, dom, h 827 Water *Witcher Ramey, lab, h 827 Water Wolfe Cafe, 175 e Clayton, Jos Wolfe propr
Wolfe Hotel (The), 175^ e Clayton, Jos Wolfe propr Wolfe House, board 186 w Hancock av, Mrs Lillie Wolfe propr Wolfe Jos (Lillie), propr Wolfe Cafe & Hotel, h 186 vv Hancock av Wolfe Lillie Mrs, propr Wolfe House, 186 w Hancock av Woman's Exchange, 189 n Lumpkin, Mrs Willie H Carroll mngr Wood Andrew J (Victoria J), carp, h 280 Baldwin Wood Annie M Miss, tchr, h 230 Boulevard Wood Billups, chf elk and cashr Sou Ry, h 230 Boulevard *Wood Carrie, cook, h 519 Reese Wood Celesta E Miss, h 230 Boulevard
Wood David (Zepha), butcher, h 577 Pulaski Wood E M, yd mstr C of Ga Ry, h Virginia av Wood Ervin W (Lizzie), elk Hill & Wood, h 272 Ga Depot
Wood H Lester (Maude E), elk, h 830 College av Wood Henry E (Lucy), painter, h 485 s Jackson Wood J Dolphus (Emma), (Hill Wood), h 824 Oconee Wood Jesse W (Olivia), stm ftr, h 485 s Jackson Wood Lester E (Maude D), elk Sol J Boley Co, h 290 w Clayton Wood Norman, bottler Bludwine Bot Co, h 272 Ga Depot *WTood Quiller (Bessie), lab, h 344 Macon av
Wood R Frank (Ella), constable, h 347 Baldwin Wood W Clarence (Nellie S), elk O'Farrell Cash Gro Co, h 280 Bald-
Wood W Emmett (Pearl), elk Bailey Tool Co, h 910 e Broad Wood W Ervin, painter, h 347 Baldwin
WOOD WM L (Celesta S), city elk ami H-.MS h 230 Boulevard Wood & Hill (J D Wood and K A Hill), soft drinks 123 and 136 Wall *Woodley Lula, cook, h 147 Berry *Woodley Wm, driver W L Hancock Coal Co, h Berry Woodliff Geo A (Amelia), trav slsmn, bds 19(5 n Milledge av
Woods Albon Y (Ruth), elk Talmadge Bros Co, h 189 Grady av Woods Benj F, city marshal, h 385 Madison av Woods Elizabeth Miss, tchr College Av Schl, h 385 Madison av Woods Gussie Miss, tchr College Av Schl, h 355 Madison av Woods Juanita Mrs, photog Bowden's Studio, h 115 Reese Woods Mary M Miss, tchr Muscogee Elementary Schl, h 385 Madisoti
MARTIN BROS. Jobr Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers Phone 280-J
Buggies.Wagons,Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
*\Voods Otho (Susie), lab, h 149 Newton Woods Robt W, cashr Citizens Bank & Trust Co, h 385 Madison av Woods Saml E (Juanita), bkkpr The Electric Shop, h 145 Reese WOODWARD & SON (Stewart M Woodward, Estate of W Minor
Woodward), lumber and hardwoods, 4th cor Stockton, Richmond, Ya. (see opp p 188) WOOD YARD ABNER H (Emily), atty at law 203 Holman Bldg, h 1082 s Lumpkin Woodyard Seth, student, h 1082 s Lumpkin Wooford Harry, mngr, bds 728 Cobb Woofter Thos J, prof U of Ga *Wooten Aaron, cook Georgian Hotel *Word Wm. (Henrietta), lab, h (r) 156 Boulevard Worsham Wm A Jr, prof U of Ga, bds 575 n Harris Wortham Grady (Mozelle), mill wkr, h 123 Bryan Wortham Wm C (Mary), mill wkr, h 191 Hiawassee av
Worthen Emory F (Tolia), mill wkr, h 197 Mitchell Worthen Timothy, mill wkr, h 197 Mitchell *Wray Lizzie, cook, h 386 Barber
*Wray Lucillc A, student, h 357 Lyndon av *\Vray Maude, laund, h 187 Cohen *Wray Seymour (Rosa), ins agt, h 357 Lyndon av *\Vright Amanda, dom, h 394 Augusta av Wright Dawson L, mill wkr, h 223 Chattanooga av *Wright Frank, lab, h 360 Cleveland av Wright Gordon N, carp Klein-Martin Co, h 530 Pulaski
Wright H Grady (Maggie), police, h 223 Chattanooga av Wright Hilliard C (Elizabeth), mngr McClure Ten Cent Co, h 245
Wright Ida E Miss, h 530 Pulaski Wright Jas A (Bernice), h 180 Poplar
* Wright Jas W (Addie), fireman, h 360 Cleveland av * Wright Jas W Jr (Odessa), gro 360 Cleveland av, h 126 Augusta av Wright Julia, wid W B, h 170 Poplar Wright Lovie T Miss, elk, h 170 Poplar Wright Mae Miss, cashr Max Joseph, h 530 Pulaski Wright's Market, 157 n Thomas, R T Wright propr *Wright Nellie, dom, h 394 Augusta av
Wright Nettie L Miss, stengr Dornblatt Plumbing Co, h 170 Poplar *Wright Oscar (Mamie), tailor, h 237 n Billups Wright Robt T (Minnie), propr Wright's Mkt, h 434 Dougherty *Wright Rosalie, dom, h 360 Cleveland av
*Wright Sarah, dom, h 360 Cleveland av Wright Sicily A, wid Thos, h 223 Chattanooga av Wright Styles G (Zora), mchst, h 170 Poplar
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machine!
Athens, Ga.
Established 1H98
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185'J College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
ATHENS GA 11914-15] CITY DIRECTORY_________27!)
Wright Tate, atty at law, bds 575 n Harris
Wright Tempie Miss, elk Bradbcrry Millinery Co, h 170 Poplar
Wright Virgil H (Maude E), printer The McGregor Co, h 940 Oconee
*Wright Wm, lab, h 39-1 Augusta av
, sewing mach agt, h (r) 1020 s Lumpkin
*Wymbs Wilson (Hattie), well digger, h 183 John
Wynburn Robt L (Bessie), elk C of Ga Ry, bds 749 Cobb
, foreman Moss Mnfg Co, bds 180 Barrow
Wynne Gco, meeh Sparks Vulcanizing Co, bds Wayside Inn
*TWYNNE see also WINN
1066 ___
Y M C A Building, Lumpkin n w cor Clayton Yarbrough Belle A Miss, elk Davison-Xicholson Co, h 369 n Finley Yarbrough C & Sons (Caleb Y and Jas A), genl mdse, Prince av nr
Georgia av Yarbrough Caleb Y (Nancy C), (C Yarbrough & Sons), h Georgia av Yarbrough India V, wid Meredith, h 369 n Finley Yarbrough Jas A (C Yarbrough Sons), h Georgia av Yarbrough May Miss, elk W T Collins & Co, h Winterville rd Yarbrough Wm H (Hattie), gro 1098 w Broad, h 130 Springdale Yarbrough Woodie Miss, elk Davison-Xicholson Co Yates Jas C (Cassie), elk Georgian Hotel, h 363 e Hancock av *Yearby Lizzie, cook, h 393 Mcigs *Yearby Minor, fireman Sou Ref Co, h 393 Meigs Yearwood Alice Miss, elk Michael Bros, h 739 Boulevard Yearwood Benj E, mchst, h 739 Boulevard Yearwood Ewell E (Oriole), carp, h Xormal av Yearwood Melita, wid Chas H, h 739 Boulevard Yearwood Raymond, student, h 739 Boulevard Young Chas T (Hortense), h 715 n Jackson Toung Elizabeth Miss, tchr Muscogee Elementary schl Young Geo T, propr Athens Parlor Mkt, h 228 DuBose av *Young Georgic, dom, h 138 nBillups Young-Harris Memorial M E Church (South), Boulevard n w cor
Chase, Rev R M Dixon pastor *Young Hattie, laund, h 35-1 n Pope Young Ida A Miss, tchr State Xormal Schl, h Prince av nr Satullah av Young Lilly, wid Geo P, h 265 Barber *Young Lizzie, cook, h 120 Xewton al *Young Luther (Annie B), driver McElroy Transfer Co, h 11:50 w
Hancock av
MoHllim I-M ^ie wor^ g' ves tne information contained ITIuUIUIII in a Directory. Tt is consulted every day in the year. Mr. Business Man. where can yon find a better medium
Phone 618
401 E. Broad St.
Young Maggie L Miss, h 228 DuBose av
Young Mary E, wid Wm B, h 228 DuBose av
*Young Mattie, dom, h 242 s Thomas
, W F Forbes genl sec
*Young Viola, dom, h 132 Cleveland av
*Young Wm, butler St Mary's Hospital
* Young Wm (Annie), lab, h 1130 w Hancock av
YOUNG WM J. bkkpr Columbia Fire Ins Co, h 115 e Hancock a*
cock av ; Miss D A Dunlap genl sec, Miss E O Payne house tec
Young Woman's Christian Association Gymnasium, Hancock av s w
cor Pulaski, Miss Marguerite Lieth physicial director
Youngblood D Belle Miss, h 883 College av
Youngblood Tell (Maude), carp, h 883 College av
Youngblood Wm H, bed spring mkr, h 883 College av
Youngkin Ernest H (Leona), v-pres Webb-Crawford Co, h 180 Bar*
Don't Get Stuck
By advertising in a frivolous manner. The City Directory carries the untold news (which is not frivolous nor funny), of the most progressive dealers of today.
Asheville Business College Entire ^rd Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square- Henry S. Shockley. Principal. Book-keeping, American
Asheville, N. C.
Banking, Office Systems, Wholesaling, Commission, Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping, Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling, English, Punctuation. Type
writing. Shorthand.
Enter any time.
Office work of all kind* solicited.
With all 2-Gallon Order* we Send "One Quart Free." Prices Cash
2-GalIons Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00 Corn or Rye.
Classified Business Directory
fttbens, (Georgia
Vol. V.
NOTE Patronize those whose names are in large type, for they are the progressive ones and generally the leaders in their line.
**"Index appears in front of special business headings only, for which an extra charge is made.
*Star in front of name generally means that such person is colored.
Agents . PIEDMONT PRESS (The), Ashe-
ville N C
(Novelties) Ga Home Supply Co, 501 Holman
Orr F J, 706-707 Sou Mutual Bldg
Art Goods and Supplies
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
Attorneys at Law
COBB CARLISLE. Court House COBB & ERWIN, 202-205 Sou Mu-
tual Bldg CROSSLEY CARL F, 211 Holman
Bldg DAVIS YOUNG, 109 Shackelford
Bldg DEADWYLER J L, 603-604 Sou Mu-
tual Bldg FORTSON BLANTON, 603-604 Sou
Mutual Bldg Gamble J B, 704-705 Sou Mutual Bldg GREEN & MICHAEL, 418-421 Sou
Mutual Bldg
*Heard J T, 361 Cleveland av Holden & Shackelford, 712-713 Sou
Mutual Bldg Hunnecutt Deupree, 309-310 Sou Mu-
tual Bldg Lumpkin E K, 102 Shackelford Bldg Lumpkin E K Jr, 102 Shackelford
LUMPKIN J H JR, 106 Shackelford Bldg
McWhorter Hamilton, 501-505 Sou Mutual Bldg
Mahaffey & Mahaffey, 107 Shackelford Bldg
MELL T S, 298^ e Broad Michael Jerome, 702 Sou Mutual Bldg Nix H A, 107 Shackelford Bldg Rucker L C, 501-505 Sou Mutual Bldg Rucker T W, 305 Sou. Mutual Bldg RYLEE H M, 502-503 Holman Bldg Shackelford Thos J, 103-105 Shackel-
ford Bldg SMITH P J, 217 Holman Bldg
SMITH & BROCK, 314-315 Sou Mutual Bldg
STRICKLAND J J AND R M, 701705 Holman Bldg
THOMAS & THOMAS, 405-406 Sou Mutual Bldg
Tolnas O J, 420 Sou Mutual Bldg Tuck H C, 304 Sou Mutual Bldg Upson F L, 416 Sou Mutual Bldg Upson S C, 417 Sou Mutual Bldg WOODYARD A H, 203 Holman Bldg
Roman and Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Buildings.
Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
NMBCS 2066 and 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
Auction Houses
Athens Auction & Commission Co. 57:5 e Broad Accessories
REX SUPPLY CO, 717 Holman Bldg
2PVAuto Garage
PRESNELL GROVER, 178 \\ Washington
James C E, 154 College av *Jolmson & Crcdell, 120 n Foundry *Jones Henry. 121 n Rock Spring Leopard Win, Holman Bldg *McUueen Sainl, 135 Wall *Moon Win, 7D2 w Broad Shaw L P, 523 Nantahala av
(Dealers and Repairers) ATHENS CYCLE CO, 279 n Lump-
kin (see bottom lines)
Billiard and Pool Rooms
. (Dealers and Repairers) Athens Auto Sales it Repair Co. 14U e
Washington Athens .Motor Car Co, 148 \v Wash-
ington Epps Ciarage, .'51)2 e Washington GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT CO, 448
450 e Broad (.see top lines)
Boston Bakerj-, 22:5 w Hancock av Sanitary Bakery, 2G4 e Clayton
*Carter W G, 195 w Washington *l)avis .las. 190 w Washington Davis W 11. 104 e Clayton Q Room, 171 College av
Blacksmiths, Horseshoers and Wheelwrights
*Garfield T B, 250 w Clayton *Garfield \V H, 764 e Broad Pickrell B R, ::G2 e Hancock av Smith J ,L Jr, 267 w Clayton Tucker & Curtis, 132 w Clayton
Boarding and Lodging
Anderson Banking Co. College av cor Clayton
Athens Savings Bank (The). 283 e Broad
Citixens Bank & Trust Co, 170 College av
Clarke County Bank. Holman Bldg Georgia National Bank. 219 c Clayton NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENS
(The). 297 e Broad
Bryant A M. Sou Mutual Bldg (basement), and 153 n Jackson
*Callo\vay Win, 788 n Lumpkin Cooper 1, E. 190 e Clayton Uavis Robt, 217 Hiawassee av *Hardeman Walter. 103 e Broad * Harris R S. 139 College av *Hawkins U S A. 344 n Hull HILLEY & JONES, 208 n Jackson
(sec top lines)
Allgood J W, 763 e Broad Bruce Emma Mrs, 147 w Washington Bullock M A Mrs. 179 Hiawassee av Cahhvell G A Mrs, 153 Park av Call F M Mrs, 603 n Jackson
Chambers Ida, 370 s Lumpkin Collins Effie Sirs, 770 College av
Colonial Inn, 311 n Thomas Davis Mattie Mrs. 245 w Washington Dobhs A F Mrs, 620 Meigs Etowah (The), 247 w Hancock av Fields Lou Miss, 198 Oconee Fleming J D, 245J/2 n Thomas
Harmon Mary Mrs, 886 College av Harris Bessie Mrs, 890 College av Hill Ellie Mrs, 856 n Lumpkin *Hill Mattie L, 737 e Broad Kenyon Lucy Mrs, 215 w Washington Lockhart House, 818 College av Mewbourn Elixa Mrs, 297 w Broad Minder Lola Mrs, 195 Barrow Moore Kittie Mrs, 115 e Hancock av Oliver Fanny Mrs, 223 Nantahala av Poulnot Rooming House, 225J^ n
An Elegant Massage Cream
H. R. Palmer & Sons :: 225 E. Clayton St.
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
Powers J G, 294 s Lumpkin
Smith Eva Mrs, 328 Oconee Waters Maude Mrs, 575 n Harris Wayside Inn, 120 w Hancock av White Willie Mrs, 513 n Jackson Williams Mattie Mrs, 180 Barrow Wolfe House, 186 w Hancock av
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
Booksellers and Stationers
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton (see bottom lines)
Roberts Jno & Co, 278 e Clayton
*Star Shoe Shine Parlor, 345 n Hull
Athens Chero-Cola Co, 164 Oconee Athens Coca-Cola Bottling Co, 126 s
LumpkinBludwine Bottling Co, 227 Oconee
Braided Sash Cord Mnfrs
Mallison Braided Cord Co, 124 s Lumpkin
WBuggies and Carriages
Buildings and Halls
Auditorium (The), 361J/2 Clayton Camak Bldg, 151J/2 e Clayton Chamberlin, 335J/2 e Clayton *GoodSamaritan Halls, Union Bldg,
Broad cor Church and 157 Savannah av *Gospel Pilgrims Hall, Union Bldg Hancock Bldg, 426^ e Broad Holman Bid, Clayton cor Lumpkin Max Jos Bldg, 414 e Clayton Morton Bldg, Washington cor Hull Moss Bldg, lSG /l i Clayton Odd Fellows Hall, 25U^ Jackson Shackelford Bldg, 215 College av Sou Mutual Bldg, College av cor Clayton Talmadge Bldg, lS5 /l 2 College av Union Bldg, Washington cor Hull U S Post Office, College av Y M C A Bldg, Lumpkin cor Clayton
Cabinet Makers and Furniture Repairers
Silvey L J, 701 Lumpkin WOOTEN Z W, Water st
SWCarriages and Wagons
GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT CO, 448456 e Broad (see top lines)
China, Glass and Earthenware
(Cotton See Cotton Buyers
HUGGINS H T~&~SON, 332-346 e Broad
Cigars and Tobacco
Hinton O R, 703 Sou Mutual Bldg
Hodgson C N & Co, 203 Shackelford Arcade Cigar Store (The), 199 e Clay-
Hulme G H Jr, 136-138 s Foundry
O'Farrell Brokerage Co, 401-402 Sou
Mutual Bldg
"COSTA'S", 2:JO College av
Steedman W B, Broad cor Foundry M & W CIGAR CO, 194 e Clayton
Webb Brokerage Co, 619-620 Sou Mu- Marbut H D, 164 e Clayton
tual Bldg
Prince av nr Oglethorp av
Orr Drug Co (The). 197 e Clayton
C c uc n Lumpkin You Advert se Uln The City Directory " ^
ton (see bottom Jines)
The Reason is
Good Results
Peacock Eli, 145J/i e Clayton Pinkussohn J S Cigar Co, 165 e Clay-
ton Ross's Place, 157 College av SMITH WARREN J & BRO, 481 e
Cleaning and Pressing
*McComb N J (Meth), 129 Newton Neighbour R E (Bapt), 396 Boule-
vard *Nortleet J D (Bapt), 1324 w Broad *Robinson C H (Bapt), 948 Reese Saye W M (Bapt), 1452 e Broad Sullivan A A, 397 Oconee
*Usry S D (Bapt), 882 Reese
(see also Pressing Clubs) *Bell Austin, 248 Hoyt * Brown Fred, 792 vv Broad * Davenport T D, 361 Cleveland av *Johnson Miles, 352 w Broad "Johnson Wm, 352 w Broad *Jo!.es C G, 234 n Foundry *Merriweather Geo, l96J/> w Wash-
ington Piedmont Cleaning & Pressing Co,
17'J n Lumpkin *Prince Av Pressing Club, 195 Prince
Broad cor Lumpkin
*Smith R E, 465^ e Clayton
Standard Pressing Co, 157K> College av
UNIVERSITY PRESSING CLUB, 511 Thomas (see p 4)
White Pressing Co, 173 e Broad
Alien B P (Meth), 141 Grady av Anthony C H (Primitive Bapt), 236
w Washington Beattie Troy (Episco), 498 Prince av Cartledge S J (Presby), 169 Grady
av CLARK H F (Cath), 575 n Harris *Da\vson Thos (Bapt), Brooklyn Dixon R M (Meth), 694 Boulevard *Dore J W (Meth), 590 n Hull *Dunn D W7 (Bapt). Hill's Chapel
Flury A L (Bapt), 896 n Chase *Goos1>y C D (Bapt), 424 n Billups GRUBB S R (Christian). 490 Pulaski Hill F. L (Presby), 775 Cobb Hirsch F K. 312 e Dougherty *Horton J H (Bapt), 257 n Finley "Jackson David (Meth), 263 Reese Jarrell C C(Meth). 325 n Lumpkin "Johnson J T (Bapt), address Genl
Del P O *Johnson W H. 373 Flint *Lawson E D (Bapt), 1536 w Broad
(Dealers) Davis T G, 351 e Inroad HEAD & McMAHAN, 301 e Clay-
ton (see insert) Massey S O, 475 e Clayton Morris Lee, 311 e Broad Stern Chas Co, 233 e Clayton Wingfield Bros, 254 e Clayton
(Manufacturers) HEAD & McMAHAN, 301 e Clay-
Elks Home, 115 e Broad
Coal and Fuel
cor Foundry (see card at name) Southern Coal Co, College av and S
A L Ry
Collecting Agencies and Agents
Westbrook B H, 110 Shackelford Bldg
(Retail) Cheleves A A, 333 e Broad CITIZENS PHARMACY, 282 e Clay-
ton College Cafe, 105 College av "COSTA'S", 230 College av Deakides Nick, 245 n Lumpkin Georgian Cafe, 274 e Clayton
Juhlin Bros, 143 College av PALMER H R & SONS, 225 e Clay-
(Manufacturers) Williamson C J, 896 n College av
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
Ask someone about us. They will tell you we give
Satisfactory Service.
268 N. Jackson St.
Cotton Seed Products
(Builders) Nichols T J, 618 Sou Mutual- Bldg Watson J W & Son, 548 e Clayton
College av
175-187 e Broad
IWCornice Makers
LEATHERS L M, 168 w Washington (see top lines)
Athens Oil Mill (branch Sou Cotton Oil Co), Pulaski and S A L Ry
Johnson H A, 465J/2 e Broad Southern Refining Co, 286 Oconee
Court Reporters
COOLEY E H, 282 Hancock av cor Jackson (see card, classified stengrs)
McClurd J B, 237 Ruth av
Cotton Buyers and Factors
Athens Dental Parlors, 512-513 Sou
Mutual Bldg
Bluhm Sydney, 126^ Oconee
Betts L N, 401-402 Holman Bldg
Crane B A, 116J4 n Thomas
*Brown E M, Morton Bldg
Doughty L G & Co, 433^ e Broad
*Burney I H, Morton Bldg
Ham L F, 126^ Oconee
*Hiram L C, 144^ e Clayton
Hardeman & Phinizy, Broad st
Hudson E B, 408 Sou Mutual Bldg
Inman, Akers & Inman, 584J/2 Broad Modern Dental Parlors, lOQ}2/ College
Kilpatrick I T, 584^2 e Broad
McFadden G H & Bros Agency, 126^ Peacock D L, 211-212 Sou Mutual
Miller & Co, 130 Oconee
Slaughter H G, 311-312 Sou Mutual
Orr & Co, 584^ e Broad
Porter & Hoke, 465J/2 e Broad
Slaughter W M, 220H- e Clayton
Richardson I W & Co, 447}4 e Clay- Summerlin M T, 506-508 Sou Mutual
Storey S F, 165 n Thomas
Ware S J, 211-212 Sou Mutual Bldg
Welch J W, 139 w Cjayton
Department Stores
Cotton Compresses
Boley Sol J Co, 409 e Broad
Atlantic Compress Co, Wynburn PI Davison-Nicholson Co (Inc), 283 e
nr S A L tracks
Joseph Max, 414 e Clayton
Cotton Exchanges
Diamonds and Precious Stones
Athens Cotton Exchange, 116^ n
lege av (see front cover)
Cotton Exporters
Bulley S M & Son, 126^ Oconee
Moss J D, 36V/2 e Clayton
*Bell Judge, 165 n Rock Spring
*Brown Jno, 516 n Billups
Cotton Mills
"Campbell Jno, 223 n Miller
*Carter S C, 185 n Miller
Martin Bros ]OBBER$ OF HARNESS and COLLARS (SeeMills, Cotton)
*Cook Benj, 323 Cleveland av
Phone 621
455 Clayton :- Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty -:
238-249 Broad St. Jobber* and "Retailer* Rhone 280-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
^Cornelius Bud. 131 n Harris *Greason Riclul. 320 Cleveland av *Hutt Jacob, :',45 Cleveland av "Johnson l-afayette. 350 Barber *Killian Win. 14"> Cain McLeroy Cieo. Buena \"ista av *Maxwell Benj. 175 n Billups *Moon Jas. 133 Hoyt *Morton Clinton. 245 Atlanta av "Oliver Riclul. Boulevard extd PAYNE JNO, 1402 c Hroad *Smilh Jno. 22:{ n Church *Wiley Win, 258 Lymlon av
Gann l ; lorie Mrs, 440 e Clayton DeMore M C Miss. 225 n Milledge av Jackson M V Miss, 12158 Prince av Reynolds E K Miss. 185 Childs Reynolds L A Miss, 185 Childs Wallace Lula Mrs, 170 Lenoir av Wheless Curry Miss, 380 Newton
iPF*Drug Sundries
ATHENS EMPIRE .LAUNDRY, Lumpkin cor Clayton (see backbone)
Dry Goods
(Retail) Ableman Philip, 125 e Clayton and
441 e Broad Blackwell B W, 449 e Broad Dailey D C. 345 e Broad Davis Jos. 22'J e Broad Davison-Nicholson Co (Inc), 283 e
Clayton Eberhart & Davis, 417 e Broad EPTING JAY H CO, 364-378 e Broad
(see adv) Globe Mercantile Co, 447 e Broad Goldwasser B, 233 e Broad Joel Abe & Sons, 312 e Broad Joseph Max, 414 e Clayton Link M, 425 e Broad Michael Bros, 320 e Clayton
PALMER H R & SONS, 225 e Clayton
(Wholesale) Michael Bros, H20 e Clayton
Eating Houses
(Retail) CITIZENS PHARMACY, 2s2 e Clay-
ton (see initial letter lines) "Harris K 1) Drug Co. Morton Rldg NORMAL SCHOOL PHARMACY,
Prince av nr Oglethorpe av ORR DRUG CO (The). l'.7 e Clay-
ton PALMER'S DRUG STORE (branch)
4'.)7 Prince av PALMER H R & SONS, 225 e Clay-
ton (see bottom lines) Reid Drug Co. 25.". n Lumpkin SMITH WARREN J & BRO, 4bl e
(Wholesale) Canning I- P. :;7<1 e Washington PALMER H R & SONS, 225 e Clay-
SMITH WARREN J & BRO, 481 e Clayton
(See also Restaurants) *Billups B W, 34G-348 n Hull *Brown Wni, 512 w Broad *Burton Dora, 142 Hoyt *Favers Ethel, 116 n Foundry *Greenwot>d Sarah, 637 e Broad *Lyles Benj, 634 n Hull ^Marshall Emory 196 w Washington *Taylor Henry, 280 n Hull *Winfrey Lilla, 106 n Foundry
Electric Railways
Athens Railway & Electric Co, 217 e Hancock av
Electrical Contractors
ATHENS ENGINEERING CO, 237 College av (see front cover)
ELECTRIC SHOP (The), 195 e Clayton
Taylor Electric Co, 198 College av
FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES Static ner*r Printers
TKe McGregor Company
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185', College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
"Electrical Engineers
ATHENS ENGINEERING CO, 237 College av (see front cover)
Electrical Fixtures and Supplies
ATHENS ENGINEERING CO, 237 College av (see front cover)
ELECTRIC SHOP (The), 195 e Clayton 9VElectrical Repairing
Express Companies
Athens Fruit Co, 121 e Clayton Hen son II L, 549 e Broad Hinsley & Tuck, 461 e Broad CHAKNIS FRUIT & PRODUCE
CO, 549 e Broad (see adv)
HANCOCK W L COAL CO, Strong cor Foundry
BERNSTEIN BROS, 434 e Broad (see adv)
Dorsey Furniture Co, 419 e Clayton DUNAWAY B, 249 n Thomas EMPIRE FURNITURE CO, 245 n
IW'Farming Implements
U^Funeral Directors
Feed Dealers
Rowland Co (Tnc) (The), S A L Ry nr College av
Empire State Chemical Co, 948 Broad
Orr W C & Co, 186^2 e Clayton Georgia Phosphate Co, Barber nr S
A L Ry _______ Fish, Oysters and Game
Holmes E J, 625 e Broad Five and Ten Cent Stores
McClure Ten Cent Co, 279 e Clayton Florists
1447 s Lumpkin
Athens Fdy & Mach Works, 252 n Foundry
C You Advertise lif The City Directory " U
Garage Automobile
Epps Garage, 392 e Washington Hoods' Garage, 184 w Washington
Gas Companies
Gas Generating Machines
Clarke County Gas Generating Co, 143 College av
General Merchandise
Butler I N. 921 n Chase
Callaway E C. Prince av nr Georgia av
Center A M & Co. 897 n Chase Davis J R 215 Hiawassee av Johnson J P, 1323 Oconee
Kenney C J, Prince av nr Georgia av
Sorrells & Co, Prince av opp Georgia av
Wier J B, Prince av nr Satullah av Yarbrough C & Sons. Prince av nr
Georgia av
UG A The Reason is ** Because
Good Results
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
jWGents Furnishings
HEAD & McMAHAN, 301 c Clayton (see insert)
Ginners Cotton
Mcl.eroy Bros, Georgia av
(Retail) Aaron D M. 383 OakAdams Market. 269 n Lumpkin Arnold & Ahney, College av Bailey C F, 1200 Oconee Barry J M. fi84 Pulaski Recker Harris. 243 Atlanta av Bell F M, 574 n Thomas Booth Bros, 820 Water Buchwald M J. 225 \v Hancock av Burger W H. 983 n Chase Carter E A. 315 Oconee *Cole Robt. 343 n Hull Collins Geo U. 773 College av Collins R A, 1095 w Hancock av *Cook Geo. 798 w Broad Cook T S Miss, 387 w Broad Culbertson E J Mrs. 984 n Chase Dean J T. 1442 e Broad *Echols J S, 1528 w Broad *Elder J I, 1293 w Broad Fears Grocery Co. 151 e Clayton Fields C E Mrs. 1224 e Broad Fields Lou Miss, 198 Oconee Fitzpatrick H R, 120 Arch Fitzpatrick J T. 697 Barber Fleeman A G. 995 Oconee Fowler T C & Sons. Prince av cor
Oglethorp av Freeman J M, 790 Pulaski Fuller W H, 523 Prince av Gordon J A, 220 Lyndon av Haddock Wm. 132 Lyndon av Hardy C C. 480 Oconee Harmon J L, 881 College av
TIarmon J P & Co. 174 Cleveland av Hawkes L 1), 198 w Hancock Hawkes J S, 1198 s Lumpkin Hill K A. 664 n Thomas *Holbrook Carrie B. 563 w Broad Holmes F F, 720 Barber *Hunter I H, 470 Oak *Hunter S R, 598 w Hancock av Jackson T H, 379 Oak Josscy S B, 765 College av Keese J S, 199 Prince av Kellum J D. 376 Oconee Kenney H F, 805 College av Kcnncy J N, 529 Barber Lester Emma Mrs. 100 n Foundry Lund Danl. 340 Barber * Lyons C H S. 942 Reese McKinney A T, 697 Boulevard Martin S R, 201 n Thomas * Matthews Anderson, 1224 w Han-
cock av Matthews M P, 303 River Moore Bros. 225 n Lumpkin Munday W L, Oconee st *Xewsom Bros, 285 n Thomas Oconee Grocery Co, 420 Oconee O'Farrell Cash Grocery Co, 561 e
Broad Parr G D, 1687 s Lumpkin Patrick Bertha Mrs. 897 Boulevard Perry E A, 524 n Thomas PLEDGER CO, 422 n Foundry and
Barberville Pledger M N, 1031 e Broad Potts M A Mrs, 789 n Chase *Smith Thos. 197 Lyndon av Stephens H E, 150 Ware *Thomas Arthur, 168 Warsaw Stone L S Mrs. 720 s Lumpkin Tuck A H, 120 e Clayton Tuck W B, 117 Peters Walls W W, 217 Grace Weatherly & Bernard, 553 Prince av Wells J K. 1285 Oconee Williamson G H. 145 e Clayton *Willis Irene. 1189 w Broad
Wingfield Cash Grocery Co, 457 e Broad .
*Wright J W Jr, 360 Cleveland av Yarbrough W H, 1098 w Broad
(Wholesale) CALLAWAY GROCERY CO (The),
597 e Broad
Canning & Patterson, Thomas cor Oconee
Ashevilie Business College Kntirc3r<l Floor. No. 8 North Hack Square, Henry S. Shockley. Primipal. Prok-kcr pirjj. /ireiicpn
Asheville, N. C.
Banking. Office Systems, Wholesaling. Cornmisson, Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keepinjr. Cost
Accounting, Farm Book keepinjr. Business Con-
tri.-t-;. Pra.-tij.il Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling, English. Punctuation. Typewriting
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 <| Add 25c for Extra Qaart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Harris J W, 748 n Thomas Hulme G H & Co, 136-8 s Foundry Talmage Bros & Co, 155 e Clayton Webh-Crawford Co (The), Fulton cor
Spring Wingfield Cash Grocery Co, 457 e
Gun and Locksmiths
Briscoe & Son, 146J^ n Thomas
Y W C A, Hancock av cor Pulaski
HEAD & McMAHAN, 301 e Clayton (see insert)
(Wholesale) Athens Hdw Co (The), 472-480 e
MONTAGUE MNFG CO, Richmond Va (see opp p 189)
RICHMOND LUMBER YARDS, Richmond Va (see opp p 188)
WOODWARD & SON Richmond Va (see opp p 18S)
Harness and Saddlery
Athens Harness Co, 372 e Washington
GRIFFETH IMPLEMENT CO, 448 4.~i6 e Broad (see top lines)
MARTIN BROS, 455 e Clayton (see bottom lines)
Harness Makers
Bell C M. 820 e Broad Cook A H. .383 w Broad
*Derricotte Warren, 157 Warsaw Huhbard Rufus, 235 T/2 n Lumpkin Kellum J A, 298 Baldwin Wheeler Oscar, 115 Mitchell Wheeler Thos, 115 Mitchell *Wilson Hobson. 596 w Broad
Athens Harness Co, 372 e Washington
GRIFFETH IMPL MENT CO, 4484.")6 e Broad (see top lines)
Hubert M M. 252 n Lumpkin MARTIN BROS, 455 e Clayton (see
bottom lines)
Hats and Caps
Beasley Goldie Mrs, 602 Holman Bldg
Bryant Hairdressing Parlor, 610-611 Sou Mutual Bldg
*Henry Lillian, 196J/2 w Washington Scientific Beauty Parlors, 708-709 Sou
Mutual Bldg
Hardware and Cutlery
Athens Hdw Co (The), 472-480 e Broad
BAILEY TOOL CO. 178 n Thomas Bondurant Hdw Co. 361 e Clayton FLEMING-BEARING HDW CO,
221 n Thomas (see insert) Talrnage Hdw Co, 131 e Clayton
(Retail) HEAD & McMAHAN. 301 e Clayton
(sec insert)
(Wholesale) Manhattan Hat Co, 382 e Broad
IWHay, Grain and Feed
(See Feed Dealers) and Tallow
ATHENS HIDE CO, 786 e Broad (see front cover) Hosiery
Arthur W G, 465 T S e Broad Hospitals
(See Miscellaneous)
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.____________________Telephone 264
COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Broad cor College av
GEORGIAN HOTEL, Washington cor Jackson
Welch Hotel. HfiS 1/^ e Washington
House Furnishing Goods
Athens Crockery & Furnishing Co, 140 \v Washington
HUGGINS H T & SON, 332-346 e Broad
ATHENS ICE CO, 317 Oconee Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp. Cleveland
av nr S A L Tracks
Ice Cream
BOWDEN W D, 235 n Lumpkin COSTA'S, 2:iO College av
Insurance Agents
Insurance Companies
Aetna of Hartford Conn 303 Sou Mut-
ual Bldg, S B Wilkins & Co agts
American Casualty of Reading Pa, 303
Sou Mutual Bldg, S B Wilkins &
Co agts
Md, Talmadge Bldg, Lipscomb &
Co agts
Standard Accident of Detroit Mich,
202 Shackelford Bldg, W J Peeples
(Automobile) BOSTON OF MASS. Talmadge Bldg
Lipscomb & Co agts
(Beneficial) *GEORGIA MUTUAL. Marton Bldg
*Guaranty Mutual Life & Health,
196J/2 w Washington *Pilgrim /Health & Life, 196J/S w
Washington "Union Mutual Assn, Morton Bldg
Ahney M J. 516 Sou Mutual Bldg Dcadwyler A T.. 170 College av Dohbs O R. 202 Shackelford Bldg
Du Bose & Du Bose, 616 Sou Mutual Bid-
F.lder G P. .V, > ?<>u Mutual Bldg Erwin & Co. 283 College av Griffith C B. 806-807 Holman Bldg
Jester J C. 282 e Broad Lamnkin Cohh. 289^ n Lumpkin LENHARDT R S, 605-606 Holman
LIPSCOMB & CO, Talmadge Bldg. 185 1 '. College av Csee top lines)
Milstead A H. Sou Mutual Bldg
Xewton C H. 217 e Hancock av PATTERSON PAUL. 521 Sou Mut
ual Bldg
PEEPLES W J 202 Shackelford Bldg Quin-Wilkerson & Co. 716-721 Sou
Mutual Bldg Pohertson M G. 520 Sou Mutual Bldg Rylee F S. 502 Holman Bldg
Scott F H. 202 Holman Bldg Smith E T. 318 Sou Mutual Bldg Smith & Harper. 205 Holman Bldg Spivev G T. 521 Sou Mutual Bldg
WILKINS S B & CO, 303 Sou Mutual Bldg
Talmadge Bldg, Lipscomb & Co agts Maryland Casualty of Balto Md, 202 Shackelford Bldg, W J Peeples agt Mass Bonding & Ins of Mass, 303 Sou Mut Bldg, S B Wilkins & Co agts
(Casualty) Maryland Casualty of Balto Md, Tal-
madge Bldg, Lipscomb & Co agts
Aachen and Munick of Germany, 303 Sou Mut Bldg, S B Wilkins & Co agts
Aetna of Hartford, 217 e Hancock av American Central of St Louis Mo, 202
Shackelford Bldg, W J Peeples agt Citizens of Ifcltp Md, 202 Shackelford Bldg. W J Peeples agt City Fire of N Y, 303 Sou Mut Bldg, S B Wilkins & Co agts COLUMBIA FIRE INSURANCE CO of Athens Ga, 716 - 721 Sou Mutual Bldg (see back cover)
Prescriptions Com
H.R.Palmer&Sons pounded by Regis
tered Pharmacists, at .... ...
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
Connecticutt of Hartford, Talmadge Bids. Lipscomb & Co agts
Continental of N Y, Talmadge Bids. Lipscomb & Co agts
Equitable Fire & Marine of Provid-
ence R I, 202 Shackelford Bldg, W J Peeples agt
Fire Assn of Phila Pa, 303 Sou Mm
Bldg, S B Wilkins & Co agts Firemen's of N J, Talmadge Bldg,
Lipscomb & Co agts Franklin of Phila Pa. 303 Sou Mm
Bldg, S B Wilkins & Co agts Georgia Fire. 303 Sou Mutual Bldg.
S B Wilkins & Co agts Georgia Home of Columbus, 202
Shackelford Bldg. W J Peoples nut German Alliance of N Y." 202 Shackel-
ford Bldg, W J Peeples agt
Girard Fire & Marine of Phila Pa. 303 Sou Mut Bldg, S B Wilkins & Co
Great Southern Fire, 303 Sou Mut
Bldg, S B Wilkins & Co. agts Hamburg-Bremen of Germany, 281)l/>
n Lumpkin
Liverpool and London and Globe- of
303 Sou Mut Bldg. S B Wilkins & Co agts NATIONAL BENJ FRANKLIN of
Phila, Talmadge Bldg. Lipscomb & Co agts
National Union of Pittsburg Pa. 303
Sou Mut Bldg. S B Wilkins & Co agts New Brunswick of N I, 303 Sou Mut
Bldg. S B Wilkins & Co agts Newark Underwriters of Newark N
J. 303 Sou Mut Bldg. S B Wilkins & Co agts
Nord-Deutsche of Germany. 303 Sou
Mut Bldg. S B Wilkins'& Co acts ST PAUL FIRE & MARINE of St
Paul Minn. Talmadge Bldg. Lips-
comb & Co atrts SOUTHERN MUTUAL INS CO of
Athens Ga, 213-221 Sou Mutual Bldg
U S Fire of N Y. 303 Sou Mut BidS B Wilkins & Co agts
Westchester of N Y, 202 Shackelford
Bldg, W J Peeples agt Western Assurance of Toronto. 303
Sou Mut Bldg. S B Wilkins & Co agts WILLIAMSBURG CITY of N Y
Talmadge IUd.tr, Lipscomb & Co, agts Wisconsin Underwriters of Milwaukee. 303 Sou Mut Bldg, S B Wilkins & Co agts
BANKERS HEALTH & LIFE of Mac..n Ga. :>21 Sou Mut Bldg. G T Spivey agt
American National of Galveston Texas. :>20 Sou Mnt Bid- M G Robertson agt
BANKERS HEALTH & LIFE of Macon Ga, .V21 Sou Mut Bldg, G T Spivey agt
Conn Mutual 205 Holman Bldg. Smith & Harper agts
Cosmopolitan of Atlanta Ga. 80fi-807 Holman Bldg. C B Griffith agt
Georgia of Macon Ga. 202 Shackelford Bldg. W T Peoples agt
GEORGIA MUTUAL, Morton Bldg ^Guaranty Mutual Life & Health Co,
10f>X> w Washington T Tomes Fricm!. 3 !<>-:: 17 Sou Mut Bldg Industrial Life & Health of Atlanta
Ga. 202 Shackelford Bldg. O R Dobbs agt Jefferson Standard of Greensboro N C. 502 Holman Bldg Manhattan of N Y. 303 Sou Mut Bldg S B Wilkins & Co agts Metropolitan of N Y. 017 Sou Mut Bldg. Saml Tsserow agt Now England Mut of Boston Mass. 51 fi Sou Mut Bldg. M T Abner agt New York Mutual of N Y. 315 Sou Mut Bldg. G P Elder agt Northwestern Mutual, Sou Mut Bldg. \ H Mil stead ant PENN MUTUAL LIFE r,n.VfiOR Holman JUdg. R S Lcnhardt agt
(Steam Boiler) MARYLAND CASUALTY of Ralto
Md. Talnu'.dire Bldg, Lipscomb & Co. a.iits
D(F~Tron Safes
McGREGOR CO (The). 321 c Clay ton
Your Trade IS NOT LIMITED to your immediate neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking-
goods in your line
& J* &
Jewelers and Jewelry
Liquors (Whol)
Athens Jewelry Co, 224 e Clayton Branch Rudolph. 223 e Clayton HAUGHEY & HAUGHEY, 156 Col-
lege av (see front cover) Pailley Chas, 233 ^ e Broad Scudder C A, 216 e Clayton
ATHENS HIDE CO, 786 e Broad Ga Junk Co, 320 n Foundry
Justices of the Peace
COBB CARLISLE, Court House CROSSLEY C F, 104 Shackelford
ALSOBROOK A L CO, Chattanooga Tenn
BETTERTON E R & CO, 511 Market. Chattanooga Tenn
CHEATHAM C D, 1221-23 Market, Chattanooga Tenn (see insert in genl dept)
NATIONAL WHISKEY CO (The). 1221-23 Market st , Chattanooga Tenn (sec insert in genl dept)
PARK R J. 216 w 9th, Chattanooga Tenn
POTTS - THOMPSON LIQUOR CO, 129 c Main st, Chatta Tenn (see top lines)
Live Stock
Ladies Ready to Wear
Allgood A L, 203 Thomas
Buchwald Bros, 401 e Broad Collins W T & Co. 335 e Clayton EPTING JAY H CO, 364-378 e Broad
(see adv)
Lumpkin cor Clayton (see backbone)
(Chinese) Chas James, 174 e Clayton
Livery Stables
(See Stables, Etc) CAMPBELL & BARROW, 604-605
Holman Bldg (see stencils) DIXIE LOAN CO, 384 e Washing-
ton Georgia Discount Co, 134^ e Clayton LIPSCOMB & CO, Talmadge Bldg
185^ College av (see top lines) Rylee E S, 502 Holman Bldg Vance J E & Co, 110 Shackelford
Bldg WHITE & CO, 235^ n Lumpkin
IW^Leather Goods
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
Palmer H R & Sons, 225 e Clayton
Athens Library Assn, 195 e Clayton
Light and Power Go's
Athens Lumber Co. 954 n Chase Doxier & Co, South cor Spring
Richmond Va (see opp p 189) RICHMOND LUMBER YARDS,
Richmond Va (see opp p 188)
WOODWARD & SON Richmond Va (see opp p 188)
Athens Railway & Electric Co, 217 e Hancock av Lime, Plaster and Cement
Huggins H T & Son, 332-346 e Broad
Mail Order Houses
(Wines and Liquors) ALSOBROOK A L CO, Chattanooga
Tenn BETTERTON E R & CO, 511 Mar-
ket, Chattanooga Tenn
Toomer Music House Musical Instruments
in Fact Everything in
Musical Merchandise 459 E. Clayton -: Phone 905
Our Service and Sanitary Principals Unexcelled. 268 N. Jackson St.
CHEATHAM C D, 1221-23 Market Chattanooga Tenn (see insert in genl dept)
NATIONAL WHISKEY CO (The), 1221-23 Market st. Chattanooga Tenn (see insert in genl dept)
POTTS - THpMPSON LIQUOR CO, 129 e Main, Chattanooga Tenn (see top lines)
Midwives *Derricotte Ella, 260 Cleveland av
22\ n Thomas (see adv)
Mantels and Tiles
Milliners and Millinery
ATHENS ENGINEERING CO, 237 College av Manufacturers Agents
MORRIS JNO L, 201 n Lumpkin
P.radbcrry Millinery Co, 225 College av
Buchwald Bros, 401 e Broad ' EPTING JAY H CO 364-378 e Broad IVEY C A MRS, 129 College av (see
Marble and Granite Works Athens Marble & Granite Co, nr S A
298 Cemetery
Mattress Manufacturers Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co.
Thomas cor Hoyt
Meat Markets
Adams Market, 269 n Lumpkin Athens Parlor Market. 115 e Clayton Bridges & Co, 1050 e Broad Cash Market, 822 Water Citizens Meat Market, 769 College av Cutler Louis, Broad nr Thomas Ideal Market, 197 Prince av Patman's City Market, 133 n Jack-
son Ross R E, Prince av nr Georgia av *Wade Jno, 159 w Washington Western Meat Market, 247 e Broad Wright's Market, 157 n Thomas
Mills and Manufacturing Plants (Cotton)
Southern Mnfg Co (Inc). office, 217 e Hancock av. plant S A L Ry nr Boulevard
White City Mnfg Co, Inglewood av nr Ga Ry (Hosiery)
Climax Hosiery Mills, Oconee Williams (Yarn)
Edwards' Mills. 124 s Lumpkin Monuments
Bell Bros Marble Co. 548 n Thomas vWMotor Cycles
ATHENS CYCLE CO, 279 n Lumpkin (sec bottom lines)
Moving Picture Films Joel J B. 148^ w Washington
Men's Furnishings Dorsey E H, 255 e Clayton HEAD & McMAHAN. 301 e Clay-
ton (see adv) Morris Lee, 311 e Broad
COOLEY E H, 282 Hancock cor Jackson (see classified stengrs) Music Teachers
Alien G A Miss. 141 Gradv av
MARTIN BROS. Ul':r Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing- a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers PHone 280-J
Buggies.Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
Barwick C E Miss, 723 w Hanover av
Bradberry E L Miss, 806 College av Davison B K Miss, 186 Barber Johnson Nellie Miss, 135 Barrow Johnson Pearle Miss, 135 Barrow Mell E L Miss. 257 Hill Williamson H C Miss, 149 Virginia
Musical Merchandise
Office Supplies
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
Gulf Refining Co, Sou Ry nr Cleveland av
Standard Oil Co, Standard Oil st and Sou Ry
TOOMER MUSIC HOUSE, 459 e Clayton (see bottom lines)
Near Beer
(See Soft Drinks)
Newspapers and Periodicals
ATHENS BANNER (The), College av
ATHENS DAILY HERALD (The), Lumpkin cor Washington (see index for adv)
Home & Farmstead (tri monthly), 149-151 n Lumpkin
Notaries Public
*Dirricotte I T, 174 w Clayton Eppes Francis, 165 n Thomas Hill Irene Miss, 701 Holman Bldg Nixon Sara B Miss, 102 Shackelford
Bldg Strickland R M, 70H705 Holman Bldg THOMAS W M, 405-406 Sou Mut
Notions and Smallwares
Oil Mills
Southern Cotton Oil Co, Pulaski nr Barrow
Southern Refining Co, 286 Oc.onee
Opticians Brandt R, 223 e Clayton HAUGHEY & HAUGHEY, 156 Col-
lege av (see front cover) Pendley J L, 224 e Clayton
Optometrists LAWHEAD W B, Hancock Bldg
(see adv) Osteopaths
WALKER C N, 612 Sou Mutual Bldg (see adv)
WATERS W G DR, 609 Sou Mutual Bldg (see top lines) Overall Mnfrs
HEAD & McMAHAN, 301 e Clayton
HEAD & McMAHAN, 301 e Clayton
Paints, Oils and Glass
Nurses Trained
Arnold J L, 163 n Jackson
Bradley C F Miss, 224 w Hancock av
Donaldson Margaret Miss, 620 Meigs
*Dore Frances A, 590 n Hull *Hiram Clara B, 784 n Chase
Johnson Marie Miss, 620 Meigs *Moore Lela, 540 w Hancock av Powell B I Miss, 224 w Hancock av
Towns Louise Miss 186 Grady av Whitlock Julia Mrs, 312 n Thomas
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
Massey J H Paper Co, 151 e Broad Merchants Paper Co, 205 s Jackson
Athens Pawn Shop, 189 n Thomas
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Established 1898
Pkmi 109
Talmato Bldg. 185;. Cilltge i.
Fire Insurance
Oar Specialties
Uncle Max Pawnshop, 130 n Foundry
BALL F J, 170^ College av (see p 3)
Bowden's Studio, 128 l/2 College av Broadway Studio, 251^ e Broad
Physicians and Surgeons
Benedict & Benedict, 240^ e Clayton BLOOMFIELD J C, 254^ e Clayton
Canning G T, 608 Sou Mutual Bldg Carlton W A, 710-711 Sou Mutual
Coggins W T, 170^ n Thomas Coleman E M, 283^ College av Conway W B, Talmadge Bldg Crow L H, 251^ e Broad
Du Pree D H, 509 Sou Mutual Bldg Elder J H, Georgia av
FULLILOVE H M 209-210 Sou Mutual Bldg
Goss I H, 283^ College av Goss R M, 283^ College av Hamilton W C, Hancock Bldg ""Harris W H, Morton Bldg
"Haynes C S, 537 w Hancock av Holliday A C, 10iy2 e Clayton Holliday J C, 301-302 Holman Bldg Hunnicutt & Reynolds, 413-415 Sou
Mutual Rldg
Johnson O H, 614-615 Sou Mutual Bldg
McKenney J C, 613 Sou Mutual Bldg Matthews M F, 220^ e Clayton
Proctor J P, 510-511 Sou Mutual Bldg Sisk C N, WV/2 e Clayton Smith S S, 306 Sou Mutual Bldg Sorrells R P. 304-305 Holman Bldg "Thompson Blanche B S, 196 1/! w
Washington WALDREP J P, 259'/ e Clayton
WALKER C N, 612 Sou Mutual Bldg WALL J M D. 289K- n Lumpkin WATERS W G, 609 Sou Mutual Bldg
Pianos and Organs
(Dealers) Gholston J T, 485 e Clayton Haselton D P, 201 n Lumpkin TOOMER MUSIC HOUSE, 450 e
(Tuners) Haughey R E, 156 College av
Picture Framing
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters
Bailey D W, 71654 n Thomas Dornhlatt Plumbing Co, 254 w Wash-
ington *Holbrook W M & Co. 1375 w Broad SANITARY PLUMBING CO (tnc),
175-187 c Broad
Polish Mnfrs
Platan Max 197 Y> w Washington
'Post Cards
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
\thens Pottery Co, Willow nr Broad HARSHA WARREN A, 346 e Strong
(see p 8)
^^Prescription Druggists
Palmer H R & Sons. 225 e Clayton
Pressing Clubs
(See also Cleaning and Pressing) RED & BLACK PRESSING CO,
311 Thomas (see p 4)
Printers Book and Job
ATHENS DAILY HERALD (The), Lumpkin cor Washington
BANNER PRINTERY (The). 149151 n Lumpkin
GARDNER-PRICE PRINTING CO, 2<4' '> n Lumpkin (sec adv)
McGREGOR CO (The). 331 e Clayton (see bottom lines)
No Other Medium in the world gives the information contained in a Directory. It is consulted every day in the vear. Mr. Business Man. where can von find a better medium
Foot Covers for Mankind
Phone 141
259 E. Clayton St.
STONE E D PRESS (The), 137 n I.umpkin
natiiih Produce Co. 124 e Clayton CHAKNIS FRUIT & PRODUCE CO
r>49 c Broad (see adv) Crawford & Mctfry. 115-117 Foundry
Hodgson Bros Co. 203 Shackelford
Erwin & Co, 283 College ztv Gholston J T, 485 e Clayton Goodwyn R T Realty Co, 303 Sou
Mutual Bldg
Hinton H P, 201-202 Holman Bldg *Tackson A T. 121 Vi e Clayton LIPSCOMB & CO, Talmadge Bldg,
185J/2 College av (see right top lines) Scott E H. 202 Holman Bldg Tuck Claude, 104 Shackelford Bldg WILKINS S B & CO, 303 Sou Mut ual Bldg ________
ATHENS HERALD PUB CO, I.uinpkin cor Washington
BANNER PRINTERY (The). 1411}'.) n I.unipkin
Central of Georgia Ry, 184 College av
Gainesville Midland Ry Passngr Station (S A L Ry), College av and Ware
Georgia Railway. Broad st Seaboard Air Line Ry Passngr Sta-
tion. College av and Ware SOUTHERN RAILWAY PASSNGR
&FRT STATION, Hull and Ware
SVRental Agents
CAMPBELL & BARROW, 604-605 Holman Bldg (see stencils)
(See also Eating Houses) Boston Cafe, 896 College av Busy Bee Cafe, 115 College av and e
Broad st Delmar's Dairy Lunch, 146 e Clayton Fleming J D, 259 n Thomas Holland Cafe, 164^ e Clayton Ilion Cafe, 100 e Broad Manhattan Cafe, 114 College av Pearce R P, 148 Wall Wolf Cafe, 175 e Clayton
Roller Coverers
Ga Roller Covering Shop, 189 Barrett
CITIZENS PHARMACY 282 e Clayton (see adv)
PALMER H R & SONS, 225 e Clayton (see adv)
"Safety Razors
MORRIS JNO L, 201 n Lumpkin
Real Estate
(Sash, Doors and Blinds
American Land Co, 411 Sou Mutual
ANDERSON D G, 268 e Clayton ANDERSON & CO, 268 e Clayton CAMPBELL & BARROW, 604-605
Holman Bldg (see stencils) Du Bose & Du Bose, 616 Sou Mutual
MONTAGUE MNFG CO (Inc), Richmond Va (see bet pages 188 & 189)
MOSS R L MNFG CO, 148 Cleveland-
Richmond Va (see bet pages 188 & 189)
Asheville Business College Entire Vd Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square. Henry S. Shockley. Principal. Book-keeping, American
Banking. Office Systems. Wholesaling. Commis-
Asheville, N. O.
sion, Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping, Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con
tracts. Practical Salesmanship. Business Arithmetic. Spelling, English. Punctuation. Type-
writing, Shorthand. Enter any timt.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
With all 2-Gallon Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices Cash 2-GalIons Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00 Corn or Rye.
School Supplies
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
Schools and Colleges
Athens Business -College, Clayton
Georgia State College of Agriculture, U of Ga Campus
*Heard University, Reese nr Pope *Knox Institute & Industrial School,
Pope cor Reose Lucy Cobb Institute, Milledge av bet
Reese and Hancock av Muscogee Elementary School (State
Normal School), Prince av extd *Smith Rosa Normal School, 193
av nr Aglethorp av University of Georgia, e Broad bet
Lumpicin and Jackson
Sewing Machines
ATHENS CYCLE CO, 279 n Lumpkin (see bottom lines)
Singer Sewing Machine Co, 147 College av
TOOMER MUSIC HOUSE, 459 e Clayton (see bottom lines)
9VSewing Machine Supplies
WSheet Metal Workers
(See also Tinners) LEATHERS L M, 168 w Washington
(see top lines)
'Sheet Music
Shirt Mnfrs
Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co, 100 s Foundry
(Retail) ATHENS SHOE CO, 259 e Clayton
(see top lines) Buchwald Moses, 100 College av Johnson Shoe Co, 433 e Broad Mallory Shoe Co, 251 e Broad Red Seal Shoe Shop, 401 ^ e Broad Smith Shoe Co, 258 e Clayton
(Wholesale) Johnson Shoe Co, 433 e Broad
Shoemakers and Repairers
Bradberry I V, Prince av nr Georgia av
*Derricotte I T, 174 w Clayton *Hopson W P, 185 w Washington Hubert M M, 252, n Lumpkin *Lee Edwd, 195^2 Prince av MARTIN BROS, 455 e Clayton (see
bottom lines) Moon J D, 220 Lyndon av
MUSE CHAS, 354 e Washington (see page 3)
*Thomas J J, 269 Newton White J A, 1058 e Broad
Goodale & Kendale, 101 '4 e Clayton
Soft Drinks
(Dealers) Anchors & Phelps, 274 e Clayton Brooks R L, 181 n Clayton Burch G W, 143 n Jackson and 136 n
Foundry Childers Asbury, 154 n Thomas COSTA'S, 230 College av Cutler Louis, 124 n Thomas and 123
n Jackson Georgian Cafe, 274 e Clayton Hill & Wood. 136 Wall
M & W CIGAR CO, 194 e Clayton Marbut H D, 164 e Clayton Petropol Peter, 116 n Thomas and 111)
n Foundry Ross's Place, 157 College av *Rowland W L, 333 n Hull *Wade & Hunter. 325 n Hull Wood & Hill, 123 Wood and 136 Wall
Roman aid Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Building. Marble Mosaic Ceranuc Tile and Terazzo Floor
and 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C.
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
Stenographers Public
Bludwine Co, 227 Oconee
Soda and Mineral Waters
"COSTA'S," 230 College av M & W CIGAR CO, 194 e Clayton
COOLEY E H, 282 Hancock cor Jackson
See E. H. COOLEY for First-Class Work
Satisfaction Guaranteed 282 Hancock Av. Phone 442
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
Sporting Goods
E S Sporting Goods Co, College av cor Washington
McGREGOR CO (The). 321 e Clayton
Stables, Livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange
Allgood F Y, 170 w Broad Booth J N. 174 w Broad Crow & Co. 231 Oconee Escoe W Y, Fulton cor Jackson Fears Stables, 184 w Clayton Holman W S & Co, 163 w Clayton McDonald A J, 558 e Clayton Weatherly & Co, 160 w Broad Welch W O, 364 e Washington
McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clayton
PALMER H R & SONS. 225 e Clayton
Stoves, Ranges and Heaters
FLEMING T B HDW CO, 221 Thomas (see adv)
Street Railways
Athens Railway & Electric Co, 217 e Hancock av
Columbia Tailoring Co, 128 College av
Levy M M, 184 e Clayton Lindborg A J, 156 College av Minder Jos, 145J/2 e Clayton National Woolen Mills, 144 e Clayton White Pressing Co, 173 e Broad Morse F L, 224^ e Clayton
Telegraph and Telephone Go's
Postal Telegraph Co, 220 e Clayton SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE
& TELEGRAPH CO, 185^ College av (Talmadge Bldg) WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO, 223 e Clayton
Theatres and Places of Amusement
Classic Theatre, 154 College av Crystal Theatre, 187 n Lumpkin Elite Theatre, 154 e Clayton Majestic Theatre, 134 e Clayton *Morton's Theatre, Washington cor
WTiles and Grates
Tinners and Metal Workers
Bailey D W, 716^ n Thomas LEATHERS L M, 168 w Washington
(see top lines)
Palmer's Cream Liniment
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
'Toilet Articles
Veterinary Surgeons
PALMER H R & SONS, 225 e Clayton
Transfer Companies
Booth G M, 445 Meigs McElroy Transfer Co, 786 e Broad
^Typewriting Machines McGREGOR CO (The), 321 e Clay-
ton Mayes J S, 125J/4 e Clayton
Tago T E, 431 n Thomas
E S Sporting Goods Co, College av cor Washington
Sparks Vulcanizing Co, 142 w Clayton
Wall Paper
Parr C W, 235 n Lumpkin
Umbrella Repairers
Storey's W'house, 165-173 n Thomas
BOWDEN W D, 235 n Lumpkin
Undertakers and Embalmers
BERNSTEIN BROS, 464 e Broad (see adv)
Dorsey Furniture Co, 447 e Clayton *Hopson & Williamson, 185 w Wash-
ington *New Undertaking Co, 270 n Hull
HAUGHEY & HAUGHEY, 156 College av (see front cover)
Weighers Public
Hudgin Wescom, 243 s Jackson Whiskey Dealers
Upholsterers Thomas G W, 223 Prince av
nooga Tenn (see inside front cover)
Yellow Pine Lumber
(Dealers) Sledge E D, 132-38 n Thomas Talmage A H, 240 n Lumpkin
(Manufacturers) Klein-Martin Co (The), Thomas nr
C of Ga R R
MONTAGUE MNFG CO, Richmond Va (see opp p 189)
RICHMOND LUMBER YARDS, Richmond Va (see opp p 188)
WOODWARD & SON Richmond Va
(see opp p 188)
If so, why not take advantage of the opportunity of placing it among the "live ones" through your City Directory? Write us for rates.
C UG You Advertise liln A The Reason is The City Directory " W Because
Good Results
p p i
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There is no use of chasing the dollar when you have
p p p pp p p
the City Directory at your instant command. -:- -:-
p p
Pa p
pp-p- pp-p-c-i-p-p-p-ppuapppppppppp--pppp--p-p-D-- pp-p--pp--a--n--n-- nnnapp
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
Our S'ertJice is \7nejccelled
26 8 J*. JacKjon St.
Thont 4-96
Athens, (Beoroia, Street 2)trecton>
Giving Names of Householders and Denoting Business Places
Vol. V.
NOTE All streets and Avenues are arranged in alphabetical order, with name of occupants after each number.
Star (*) before name means that such person is colored.
Dash ( ) before name denotes that number is wanting
ADAMS w from Milledge av, 4 s
(Savannah intersects)
of Springdale
317 *Pruitt Chas
ANGLE n from Elberton to Arch e 321 *Sims Willie
of Dublin
327 *Mallory Maria
ARCH s e from Poplar to limits, 328 *Brown Albert
1 n of Broad
329 Vacant
120 Fitzpatrick H R
357 *New Town School
132 Carter Mary Mrs
367 *Smith T H
140 Wheeler M C
368 *Moore S N
152 Davis Young
390 *Wells Chas
182 Arnold J C
397 *Moore O D
186 *Terrell Saml
(Augusta av intersects)
192 Williams W T
420 *Smith Georgia
235 *Jenkins Mary
487 *Moreland Wm
232 *Jackon Jarrel
(Macon av intersects)
247 *Goosby Jno
ATLANTA AV w from Southern
248 *Goosley Edwd
Ry, 1 n of Cleveland av
249 *Huff Otis
199 HVier Henry
258 "Hawkins Gus
220 *Brawner Wr m
263 *Nelms Alfred
(Barber intersects)
270 *Sanders Wm
243 Becker Harris, gro
274 *Gillham W A
(Stephens begins)
275 Vacant
245 *Morton Clinton
285 *Coleman Richd
267 *Cox Jno
286 *Howard Robt
270 *Johnson Lee
324 *Moore Napoleon
287 *Jarrells Sandy
326 *Elder Jane
(Savannah av intersects)
335 "Lane Howard
327 'Foster Robt
337 *Chainey Henry
328 *Powell Letitia
343 *Elder Jas
336 *Walton Fred
347 *Elder Adell
341 *Anderson Jno
ATHENS AV w from Southern Ry,
(Augusta av intersects)
2d n of Cleveland
467 *Pass Wm
(Stephens ends)
470 *White Ellen
270 *Johnson Lizzie
(Macon av begins)
280 *Moore Laura
AUGUSTA AV n from 320 Cleve-
281 ""Clements Harry
land av, 3. e of Barber
Martin Bros JOBBER$ OF HARNE$$ and COLLARS 291 *Fisher Geo
124 "Hester Nathan
Phone 621
455 Clayton : Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty -:-
238-240 Broad St. Jobber* and ^Retailers phone 280-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessorie
*Bradford Thos
126 *Wright J W Jr 127 *Bush Frank
*Coolcy Fred
143 *Tate Jos 164 *Vincent Ernest 173 *Bush David
(Atlanta av intersects)
248 *Daniel Lewis 286 *Mann Jno 298 *Johnson Anna
(Athens av intersects)
320 *Hope B G 330 *Hubbard Chas 347 *Billups Mattie 380 *Dixon Mamie 390 *Earl Geo 391 *Jones Edwd 392 *Watson Geo 393 *Gilliam Mary
394 *Wright Wm 397 *Phinizy Wm BACON e from College av. 9 n of
Broad BAILEY-s e from 1432 Oconee
193 *Hunter I H BAKER n from 20 Vine. 1 e of
Peters BALDWIN e from Lumpkin. 1 s
of Broad 124 Daniel E A
140 Leopard W M 170 Short A B 190 Porterfield M H Miss
198 Williams M J Mrs (Doboy begins)
224 Smith W J 234 St John D B 240 Sale Woodie Mrs
270 iiufi Craig
280 Wood A J
298 Kellum J A (Jackson intersects)
347 Wood R F (Thomas ends)
(C of Ga Ry intersects)
4.17 Guest Lucius (Williams begins)
BARBER -n from Prince av. 2 w of
140 Lanier B W Mrs Daniels C B
150 Bloomfield Lela Mrs 169 Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
170 Smith I B 180 Youngkin E A
181 Capps W A 186 Davison J H 198 Davis G B
199 Doolittle Henry
(Barrow ends) 228 Whitworth W C 229 Huggins P L 237 Adair Thos
238 McAllister W R Harper A L
244 Watson M D 245 Funk Tillman
247 Watson J W
250 Jackson J P 265 Carter Henry 270 Comer T F
285 Palmisano Caspar
Costa M F 290 Gholston J T 297 Huggins H T
298 Pitner J A
(Boulevard begins) 330 Vacant 340 Lund Danl, gro
350 *Johnson Lafayette
360 *Holsey Martha 3S4 *Reese Rebecca 3S6 * Edwards Dilmus
*Robinson Jno 395 Gregory R G
397 Goodrum T B 529 Kenney J N, gro 532 Glenn W L
(Cleveland av ends) Georgia Phosphate Co 585 Heard C W 590 Adams J L 595 Bridges Otis
(Atlanta av ends) 620 Boone S B 640 Vacant
664 Goodrun T B 672 Vacant 686 Hamilton F H 697 Fitzpatrick J T, gro
(Athens av ends) 720 Holmes F F, gro 744 Cleveland O L 770 Vandiver Lee BARRETT n e from Grace, 1 w of
9th 145 Hardy Edgar 147 Matthews Ollie Mrs
157 Smith I G
165 Slack C A 183 Cross J B
The McGregor Company
'Printers Stationers
Established 1898
Pboie 109
Talraadgi Bldg. 185' Ciiiegi Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
189 Ga Roller Covering Shops BARROW w from 615 Pulaski to
Barber 120 Hale Nellie Mrs
Wages Chas 130 Boone G A 135 Johnson C G Mrs 140 Haughey R E 150 Hale E H Dr 153 Vacant 173 Fellows C S 180 Williams Mattie Mrs, boarding 195 Minder Jos
Minder Lola Mrs 198 Davis S T
(Childs ends) 224 Davis Benj 240 Bailey R E 250 Huff M R 271 Dillard J D M 273 Haughey A G BAXTER w from Lumpkin, 4 s of
Broad 327 Allgood J R BERLIN n w from 394 4th BERRY n from 555 Strong BILLUPS n and s from Broad, 2
w of Milledge av W^Going North
138 *Young Georgie 139 *Thompson S J
^Thompson Blanche B S Dr 154 *Owens A J 175 *Maxwell Benj 176 *Avery A A 183 *Saxon W R
*Lumpkin Edwd 187 *Lewis Nelson 195 *Collins Isaac 197 *Cole Jno
(Reese intersects) 223 *Hill Squire 237 *Davis Minnie 249 *Rowland Welton
*Jonakin Geo 264 *Pinkard Amos 265 *Barnett Sarah
(Hancock av Intersects) 379 *Middlebrooks Aaron 380 *Smith Annie 389 *Holt Mary 390 *Garfield Wm 422 *James Lonnie 423 *Webb Jos
(Inadale begins) 424 *Goosby C D Rev
ft You Advertise lilQ
" The City Directory U
426 *Whitehead Robt 451 *Lawrence W B 452 *Smith Wallace 478 Vacant 480 ""Thompson Wm
(Hill intersects) 516*Brown Jno BIRD n from Baxter, 1 e of Barber BLOOMFIELD s from Baxter, 1 e
of Milledge av BOULEVARD w from 297 Barber 124 Chandler J C 156 Wingfield W C 175 Smith P H
Lawhead W B 186 Rhodes J F 197 Reed T W 198 Emery R O
(Grady av ends) 223 Cox A C
Cox E C 230 Wood W L 245 Daniel M E Mrs 286 Bradberry J E
Bradberry R E 296 Hodgson Guy
297 Booth J N 299 Weatherly W A
(Seminole av begins) (Virginia av ends)
324 Sparks L W 340 Mize M C 341 Costa Jos
Costa M J 363 Ussery S W 375 Costa Michael 395 Vacant 396 Neighbour R E Rev 397 Fleming T B
(Milledge av intersects) 419 Johnson W E
Shupe C W 420 Davis F L 421 Vacant
(Lyndon av ends) 544 Mason W B
Robertson M G 547 Jones R R 554 Atkinson I S 564 McPhail J D Rev
(Wynburn pi begins) 628 Bullock R H 645 O'Farrell Edwd 646 Burch J M 650 Parr JImma Mrs 683 Caskey G M
ft The Reason 11 A Good Results
U Because U U
THE WORLD IS YOURS. Fortunes, Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
693 Cook \V F 694 Dixon R M Rev 695 McKinncy A T 697 McKinney A T, gro
(Chase intersects) Young-Harris Memorial M E Ch
723 Potts \Y J
724 Center A M 73") Fleming J P 738 Thompson Cora Mrs 739 Yearwood Melita Mrs 742 Potts E C 749 Burton H B 750 Morton R F 775 Hughes H M 780 Mclntyre O G 781 Hicks F VV 785 Cooper J T 798 Campbell J \V 799 Callaway YV M
(Nacoochee av intersects) 824 Thomas H X 830 Tatt Oscar
835 Pope J P 850 Watson E P 865 Meads T C 870 Evans S A Mrs 875 Williams C L 893 Smith C M 897 Patrick Bertha Mrs. gro
(Hiawassee av intersects) West End Baptist Church
(Park av intersects) Athens Ry & Elcc Co. car barn BOWDRE s e from Clover to Meigs 1 w of Rock Spring BRANCH n from 225 Elberton. 1 e of Oak BREMEN n e from Strickland. 2 w of Water *Hawkins Thos BRIDGE n e from 684 Foundry BRITTAIN AV w from 1324 s Lumpkin w, 1 n of junction of Milledge av and Lumpkin 176 Reese S C BROAD e and w from .Lumpkin, dividing line of streets running North and South
H^Going East 100 Ilion Cafe 115 Elks Home 127 Benedict S R Dr
Benedict S C Dr 151 Massey J H Paper Co 15154 Ball F J. photogr
Iu3 *Hardeman Walter, barber 173 White Pressing Co, tailors 175-187 Sanitary Plumbing Co 189 Commercial Hotel
(College av begins) 229 Davis Jos. dry goods 233 Goldwasser B, genl mdse 233J/> Paille Chas, jeweler
247 Western Meat Mkt 251 Mallory Shoe Co 2.~>1J4 Broadway Studio
Crow L H Dr 265 Vacant 283 Athens Savings Bank 297 Natl Bank of Athens (The) 298 American State Bank 298 y, Mell T S, atty
University of Ga (Jackson intersects)
311 Morris Lee. clothing
312 Joel Abe & Sons, dept store 325 Smith J L, blksmith 332-346 Muggins H T & Son, china
store 333 Oasis (The)
345 Dailey D C, dry goods 351 Davis F G, clothing 304-378 Epting Jay H Co, dry goods
(Pulaski intersects) 401 Buchwald Bros, millinery 401"; Red Seal Shoe Shop 409 Boley Sol J Co, dept store
417 Eberhart & Davis, dry goods 425 Link Morris, dry goods 426 Vacant 426J4 Hancock Bldg
Hamilton W C Dr Lawhead W B, optometrist 433 Johnson Shoe Co
433 J4 Doughty L G & Co, cot brkrs 434 Bernstein Bros 441 Abelman Phillip 447 Globe Mercantile Co 448-456 Griffith Implement Co
449 Blackwell B W 457 Wingfield Cash Gro Co 461 Hinesly & Tuck 465 Mallory Shoe Co 465^ Arthur W G
Porter & Hoke Johnson H N Dupree's Hall 472-480 Athens Hdw Co (The) 481 Smith W J & Bro
(Thomas intersects) Cutler Louis
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor, No. 8 North Pack Square. Henry S. Shockley. Principal. Book-keeping, American
Asheville, N. C.
Hanking. Office Systems, Wholesaling, Commisson, Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping, Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping. Business Con-
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling, English. Punctuation, Typewriting
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
549 Chaknis Fruit & Produce Co 549 Henson H L
561 O'Farrell Cash Gro Co 573 Athens Auction & Com Co
584 Empire State Chem Co 584J/2 Harcleman & Phinizy, cotton
Inman, Akers & Inman, cotton Kilpatrick I T, cotton Orr & Co, cotton 597 Callaway Gro Co (The) Busy Bee Cafe
(Foundry intersects) Athens Terminal Co (The)
Steedman W B, mdse broker f>25 Homes E J, fish dlr 637 *Greenwood Sarah, eating hsc 661 *Christopher Charlotte
(Hickory begins) 736 *Hill M I,, boarding 763 Allgood J W, boarding 764 *Garficld W H, blksmith 786 Athens Hide Co
McElroy Transfer Co (C of Ga Ry intersects)
Georgia Railway Station 820 Bell C M, hackman 821 Vacant 840 James C E
(Willow intersects) 901 Munday W L 910 Holmes E J 911 Pugh W J 920 Pledger M N 940 Wood W E 951 Smith Louise Mrs
(Wilkerson begins) 1010 Etheridge Chas 1031 Pledger M N. gro 1040 Anthony S M Mrs 1050 Bridges & Co, meat mkt 1054 Vacant 1058 White J A, shoemkr
(Oconee River intersects)
(Water begins) Georgia Mattress Co 1224 Barrett R H Fields C E Mrs 1227 Daves J W 1264 Smith Simon 1294 Vacant
(Poplar intersects) East Athens Second Baptist Ch 1324 Mealor J H 1392 *Strickland Burt 1398 *Smith Connell
(Peter intersects) Kirk Thos 1423 McClellan Jno 1424 Watkins J W
1434 Teat J T 1435 Cooper W R 1437 Johnson Luther
1442 'Dean J T 1443 Parnell Wallace
1446 Dean J T 1447 Watkins C V Miss 1452 Saye W M Rev 1-462 Payne Jno 146.") Halcom I T 147.-. Parr B II 1476 P.ryant J B 1483 *Milner M S 14N7 *Collins Lucy 1495 *Smith J S 1540 * Martin Geo 1545 * Hudson Jas 1595 *Mitchel1 Hinton
iPI^Going West 120 Red & Black Pressing Co
130 Vacant 140 Vacant 150 Vacant 160 Weatherly & Co. stables 170 Allgoorl F V. livery 174 Booth T N. stables
(Hull intersects) 250 Thompson Edgar
286 Link Morris 2S7 Bell R C Mrs 296 Crowe L H Dr 297 Mcwbourn Eliza Mrs. boarding
(Pulaski intersects)
352 * Johnson Wm *Johnson Miles, pressing
353 Linenkohl W H 354 * Freeman Sanders
383 Cook A H 386 *Stephens Thos 3S7 Cook T S Miss, gro :'.'.)4 * Evans Green
(Valley begins)
412 *IIiram Julia * In gram Dora
452 *Williams Lizzie 473 *Vacant 4SO * Parker Hattie
*Matthews Jno 482 *Vacant 4S3 *Evans Dennis 493 *Epps Newton
*Ebenezer Baptist Church
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
(Newton intersects)
505 Vacant
512 *Brown Wm, eating hse
515 *Harris Jas
522 *Jones J W *Holbrook M J
523 *Johnson Lewis 542 * Tones Cicero 543 *Collins Richd 552 *Lee Philip 558 "Hamilton Saml
*Virgil Saml 562 *Brown Fannie 563 "Holbrook Carrie B, gro 596 "Wilson Hobson
(Finley intersects) 600 "Hope Mary
"Deadwyler Mattie 620 *Stephens Cornelia 640 "Eberhart Lucy 641 *Hammack Susan 650 *Pierce Henry 660 "Byrd Solomon 670 *Billups Simon 680 *Foster Alfred
(Pope intersects) 700 *Colquitt Mary E 708 "Jones Myer 751 *Vacant 760 "Bush Lula 770 "English Wynne
792 *Brown Fred, pressing "Moon Wm, barber
798 "Cook Geo
798 "Good Samaritan Hall
(Church intersects) 800 Vacant 850 "Mapp Julius
859 "Clayton Andrew 863 "Harris Nancy 872 *Green Sidney
873 *Brydie Wm
(Harris intersects) (Milledge av intersects) 1082 *Moon Barrett 1086 "Johnson Sarah "Billups Adaline 1092 "Moon B J 1098 Yarborough W H. gro
(Chase intersects) 1124 "Horton Jno 1125 "Jones Jno
"Kirk Cornelia 1132 "Crane Thos
1133 *Walker Isaiah 1146 "Adams Minerva
1147 "Middlebrook Isaac
1158 *Brittain G W
1159 *Oliver Geo 1162 *Hudson Chas
*Hudson Sylvanus
1163 "Echols Sidney
1189 *Willis Irene, pro "Bethel A M E Ch (Billupa intersects)
1226 *King Jno *Nolan Wm
1227 *Jackson Edna *Owens Robt
1248 "Thomas Eugene 1249 "Johnson Walter
"Johnson Robt 1253 "Brown Wilson 1254 *Girvin Jos 1262 "Lyons Jno 1263 "Willoughby Wm
*Jones Vesta 1270 *Girvin Rosa
*Payne H R 1277 "Baldwin Amanda 1279 *Daniel Mamie 1280 "Lewis Fannie
1290 *Jordan Wiley 1290 Vacant 1293 *Elder J I, gro
(Rock Spring intersects)
1324 *Crawford Harry 1324 *Norfleet J D Rev
*Chaney Mell 1347 *Holbrook Stephen 1367 *Holbrook W M 1368 *Cooper Robt 1375 *Holbrook W M & Co, plmbrs
1387 *Moon Wm *Flanagan Thos
1390 *Payne Cornelius
*Plummer Jas (Miller intersects)
1422 *Baker Jno 1423 *Matthews Jennie 1440 *Lester Silas 1457 *Bostick Geo 1463 *Hill Pauline 1467 *Bentley Lewis
(Parris intersects) 1524 *Love Jas 1525 *Hill Jno 1528 *Echols J S, gro 1529 *Hill Melvin 1536 *Gordon B A 1537 *Jackson Mary 1543 *Gray Ernest
Palmer & Sons Everything in the
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
1560 *Edwards Boston
1570 *Johnson Emanuel 1573 *West Athens School BROOKLYN Suburb, end w Broad
BRYAN w from Chase, 3 n of Boulevard
122 Freeman Saml 123 Wortham Grady 124 Rouse S E 125 Anderson Alonzo 126 Nix C C 127 Colley A C 128 Pool June 129 Mote J M 132 Moore Wm 134 Moore Dicie Mrs 136 Harlow W W 138 Segraves W B 142 Tucker J R 144 Hodge J E 146 Smith R L 148 Partee Jno
154 Hill Genie Mrs 162 Simons Edwd 164 Clayton T J 172 Vacant 174 Laerd Luther
182 Compton J C 192 Nunn Benj 194 Couch J C Mrs BUENA VISTA AV n from Prince
av extd, 4 w of city limits BURNETT AV e from Fairview av,
2 n of Hampton av
CAIN w from 357 Lyndon av 123 *Adams Mattie 131 *Thomas Bertha 145 *Killian Wm
CARLTON s e from Lumpkin, 1 5 of Green
125 Burkhalter W A 135 Anthony Earle CARR w from 1095 Oconee 450 Summers Wm
CARR'S HILL Carr cor Oconee Orr R C Dr
CASTALIA s from Springdale, 1 w of Milledge av
CEDAR e from Lumpkin, 5 s of Broad
Ga State College of Agriculture 198 Morris J V N Rcy
(Field begins) CEMETERY s from Baldwin. 2 c
of Lumpkin
126 Farrell G W
150 Burgess H L
196 Hubert Emmaline Mrs 285 Cook E A 287 Alien S E Mrs
289 Cook J H 297 Bisson J H 298 Classic City Granite Works
Oconee Hill Cemetery CHASE n and s from Broad, 1 w of
Milledge av
IIWGoing North 142 *Flanagan Edwd 147 * Banks Nancy
* Primitive Baptist Ch
(Reese intersects) 213 *Lyons CHS 215 *Allen Luther
216 *Allen Lawrence 234 *Haney Chas 247 *Billups Jno 258 "Hunter S R
259 *Cox Jordan
269 *Downs Robt 270 *Cart-y Dillard 273 *Gray Philip
(Hancock av intersects) 317 *Eberhart Green 364 ^Turner Ellen 367 *Billups Burl
369 Vacant 380 * Johnson Chas 386 *Hicks Abe 390 *Eberhart Zedekiah
(Meigs ends) 418 Rogers C M
(Hill intersects) 5:>4 *Morris Zebulon
(Cobb intersects) 648 * Brown Sophronia
(Prince av intersects) 720 Bishop D N
Bishop G W Cook J W 760 * Brown W W 784 *Morton Clara H
789 Potts M A Mrs. gro
(Boulevard intersects) 860 Cash Y F
Oldham Leslie
863 Wall J D M Dr
Bugg Ernest 870 Thomas S T
875 Edwards W W sso Hodges T E
896 Flurv A L Rev
Your Trade IS NOT LIMITED to your immediate neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of vour CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking
goods in your line
j* .* j*
897 Center A M & Co. gro (Nantahala av intersects)
915 Butler I X
f 21 Butler I N, genl mdse
923 Vise Jessie Mrs
Satterfield Jno
947 Bell Jennie Mrs
954 Athens Lumber Co
955 Parks M W 965 Hays Viola Mrs
975 Wages J D
983 Burger W H, gro
9S4 Culhertson E J Mrs. gro (Chattanooga av begins) (S A L Ry intersects)
CHATTANOOGA AV w from 983 Chase. 2 n of Boulevard
123 Waldrop Henry 133 Carrington Jno 147 Fink G W 167 Lindsey J T 187 Aughtman G W
(Nacooche av intersects) 223 Wright S A Mrs
Wright H G 247 Bullock Edwd
Summers G W 273 Jones Roht
Roden Jas 297 Vacant
(Hiawassee av intersects) CHERRY w from 197 Lyndon av,
1 n of Prince av 125 * Vacant 127 *James Lonnie 130 *Hurd Emma
*Palmer Ernest 135 *Smith Thos 140 *Brooks Lucy 145 "Lestcr Frank 146 "Wilkins Ella .
*Samuel G W 148 *Thurston Lola 153 "Strong Delia 160 *Cole Thos 175 * Joseph Henry 180 *Cook Alice 183 *Cole Savannah 184 *Reynolds Saml 185 *Brawner Isabelle 186 *Parks Marion
*Pass Gussie 193 *Smith Rosa Normal School
*Derricotte Annie S "Derricotte T L 194 *Bradford Susan
*Freeman Jno CHILDS n from Meigs to Barrow,
1 w of Pulaski Baptist Tabernacle Childs Street School
(Prince av intersects)
157 Smith O T
167 Cook E M Teat W J
173 Hilley T B 178 Cumbus G W 182 Broome J D 184 Walters N H 185 Reynolds W P
Reynolds Misses (The), dressmkrs
197 Carithers L T Sayers Mitchell (Barrow av intersects)
CHINA s w from Oconee, 1 e of Peters
249 *Howard Wm 250 *Edwards Eliza 270 *Johnson Wm CHURCH n and s from Broad, 6 w
of Lump kin WGoing North
134 *Bi11ups Mary 145 *Howard Carrie 146 *Brown Sallie 157 *Moore Edwd 158 *Pope Cora 170 *Wilson Cornelia 171 *Roebuck Mary
(Reese intersects) 223 *Smith Jno 237 Dockendore P J 238 Petrqpol P G
Johnson F M 260 Vacant
(Hancock av intersects)
348 Maddox H G (Meigs intersects) (Hill intersects)
548 *Eberhart Martha CLAYTON e and w from Lumpkin,
1 n of Broad MT'Coin? East
Clarke County Bank Holman Bldg Rooms 211 Crossley C F, atty 217 Smith P J 501 Ga Home Supply Co 602 Beasley Goldie Mrs 806-807 Griffith C B
Player Pianos, Pianos, Organs and
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O5
*fMM di-rA- ^M^} *IUI *J7-** ^M1^^. *h*j
Hot and Cold "Baths
268 JV. Jaction 3?1. "Phone 4-86
813 Childs W L Betts L N, dentist
Campbell & Barrow, real est & loans Conn Mutual Life Ins Co Hill Irene Miss, notary Hintpn H P, real estate
Holliday J C, phys
Lenhardt R S, ins Leopard Wm, barber O'Kelly G F Penn Mutual Life Ins Co
Rex Supply Co, auto accessories Rylee H M. atty Rylee E S, loans & ins Scott E H, real est& ins Smith & Harper, ins Sorrells R P, phys
Strickland J J & R M, attys Von der Leith C A Woodyard A H, atty
(Clayton av continued) 101 Vacant 101J/2 Goodale & Kendale
Holliday A C, Dr Sisk C N, Dr 115 Athens Parlor Mkt 120 Tuck A H, gro 121 Athens Fruit Co 121^ *Jackson A T 124 Baugh Produce Co 125 Abelman Philip
125H Mayes J S 131 Talmage Hdw Co
134 Majestic Theatre 134^ Georgia Discount Co. loans 144 National Woolen Mills, tailors 1441/2 *Hiram L C, dentist
145 Williamson G H 145^ Minder Jos
Peacock Eli 146 Delmar's Dairy Lunch
151 Fears Gro Co 151^2 Camak Building 154 Elite Theatre 155 Talmadge Bros & Co 164 Davis W H, pool
Marbut H D. cigars 164^ Holland Cafe
Bowden J G 165 Pinkussohn J S Cigar Co 174 Chas James, Idry 175 Wolfe Cafe 175!/> Wolfe Hotel (The) 184 Levy M M, tailor 186 Vacant
Orr W C & Co, fertii^rs 190 Cooper L E, barber
194 M & W Cigar Co 195 Electric Shop (The) 197 Orr Drug Co (The)
199 Arcade Cigar Store (The) (College av intersects)
216 Scudcler C A 219 Georgia Nat'1 Bank 220 Postal Tel Co 220]/2 Matthews M F
Slaughter W M. Dr 223 Western Union Tel Co
Brandt Rudolph, jeweler 224 Athens Jewelry Co
Pendley J L 224^ Morse F L 225 Palmer H R & Sons 228 S A L Ry Commercial Officf
233 Stern Chas Co 240^ Benedict & Benedict 254 Wingfield Bros 254K' Bloomfield J C, Dr 255 Dorsey E H 258 Smith Shoe Co 259 Athens Shoe Co 259^2 VVaid rep J P, Dr 264 Sanitary Bakery 268 Anderson & Co 274 Anchors & Phelps
Georgian Cafe
278 Roberts Jno & Co 279 McClure Ten Cent Co 282 Citizens Pharmacy 283 Davison-Nicholson Co
(Jackson intersects) 301 Head & McMahan ' 320 Michael Bros
321 McGregor Co (The)
335 Collins W T & Co
335 </> Chamberlin Bldg
351 Fleming-Dearing Hdw Co
361 Bondurant Hdw Co
361 J/' Moss J D 414 Joseph Max
419-447 Dorsey Furn Co
446 Gann W G Mrs
447!/. Richardson I W & Co
455 Martin Bros
458 Fox Fred
459 Toomer Music House
465 y2 *Smith R E
475 Massey S O 485 Gholston J T
548 Watson T W & Son 558 McDonald A J
MARTIN BROS. "Sr Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing: a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers PHone 280-J
Buggies.Wagons,Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
IW^Going West
132 Tucker & Curtis, blksmiths 133 Vacant 133 JX Athens Business College 139 Welch J W, cotton factor 142 Sparks Vulcanizing Co
102 O'Kelley J W Regina House, boarding
163 Holman W S & Co. stables
174 *Dcrricotte I T. notary & shoemkr
184 Fears' Stables 186H Moss Building
(Hull intersects)
240 Betts Parks 250 *C,arficld T B. hlksmith
267 Smith J I. Jr. blksmith 977 Vacant
287 Owen W D M 200 Moon Cecil
203 Mewbourn L M Mrs (Pulaski intersects)
CLEVELAND AV w from College
av to Barber. 1 n of S A L Ry 120 Vacant 130 *Lumpkin Rena
*Wi11iams Alice 132 *Tackson Jno 148 Moss R L Mnfg Co. sash, doors
& blinds 174 Harmon J P & Co, gro
175 Harris J A
(Standard Oil begins) 186 Scroggins J M 103 Hamilton F M
108 *Stewart B J 100 *Moore Gus
(Pulaski ends) 224 *Christler Luther 228 *Owens Isabella 238 *Jones Benj 243 Vacant 250 *Daniel Thos
260 *Derricotte Ella *Derricotte Andrew
285 Battle Tas 203 *Brook~s Lizzie
205 *Jackson Lacy 207 *Vacant
(Augusta av begins) 320 *Greason Richd 323 *Cook Benj
345 *Huff Jacob 348 *Houston Fred 360 *W right T W
*Wright J W Jr, gro
361 *Davenport T D, pressing
*Heard J T, atty
*Houston Sylvester
*Wales Maggie
363 *Moon Comer
*Thorne Lonnie
363^4 *Eberhart Arthur
*McNeil Arthur
385 *Wade Orange
305 *Clements Matthew
308 *Houston Albert
(Savannah av begins)
420 *Brown Annie
425 *Le\vis Harmus
430 *Tripp Gnssie
442 *Hampton Thos
452 *Clements Clifford
482 *Walker Viola
Atlantic Ice & Coal Corp
(Barber intersects)
CLOVER s w from Cobb, 6 w of
Prince av
ledge av, 1 s of Springdale
COBB s w from Prince av, 5 n of
(Harris intersects)
149 Wier A \< Mrs
240 Ellison R L
243 Murphy J W
253 Vacant
270 Saye R A
(Milledge av intersects)
357 Spivey G T
360 Strickland G R
(Franklin intersects)
470 Moss E L Mrs
(Chase intersects)
530 Heidler C D
550 Forbes W T
560 Stanton Lucy Miss
600 McFerrin J M
626 Crane W N
620 Merrill F A
640 Chandler C B
657 Tones B C
667 Skelton R W
673 Hadaway Paul
675 Comer A F
608 Wardlaw J C
712 Briggs W P
724 Hudson E B
725 Bondurant E J
(Hill Crest av begins)
728 Turner R J
738 Jester J C
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machines
Athens, Ga.
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185'_ College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
748 Jester Alice Mrs 749 King S C Mrs 760 Griffeth F E 763 Tihbetts J F
772 Thornton G H 775 Hill E L Rev
776 Waff H J 782 Earnest D L
784 Vacant
787 Hodgson Sarah Mrs 948 Johnson M C
(Prince av joins)
COHEN w from 325 Lyndon av 130 *Vacant
133 *Gunning Richd 135 *Wilkins Maggie
*Neely Jas 137 *Casey Henry
*Norris Jane 140 *Jackson Win
142 * Jackson Mary 145 *Baxter Fannie
150 *Harris Thos 170 *Eberhart Green 175 *Rrown Mary
*Hadaway Jno 187 *Wray Maude
*Foster Prince E 190 *Giles Roht
COLLEGE AV n from Broad, 1 e
of Lumpkin Arnold & Ahncy Athens Banner (The)
100 Buckwald Moses 100^ Modern Dental Parlors 105 College Cafe, confrs 114 Manhattan Cafe
115 Busy Bee Cafe, restaur 128 Columbia Tailoring Co 128^ Bowden's Studio 129 Ivey C A Mrs, milliner 139 ""Harris R S, barber
143 Clarke County Gas Generating Co
Juhlin Bros, confrs 147 Singer Sewing Mach Co
154 Classic Theatre
154 James C E 156 Haughey & Haughey
Lindborg A J 157 Ross's Place, cigars 157^2 Standard Pressing Co 170 Citizens Bank and Trust Co
Deadwyler A L
170^ Ball F J 171 Q Room, pool
184 C of Ga Ry Commcr Office
185 Vacant
185^ Sou Bell Tel & Tel Co
Talmadge Bldg, offices
Lipscomb Co, real est & ins
Comvay W B, phys
198 Taylor Electric Co
199 Anderson Banking Co
(Clayton intersects)
Sou Mutual Bldfr
201-20.") Cobb & Erwin
209-210 Fullilove H M Dr
211-212 Peacock D L Dr
Ware S J Dr
213 221 Sou Mutual Insurance Co
303 Goodwyn R T Realty Co
Wilkins S 15 & Co
304 Tuck H C
305 Rucker T W
:',06 Smith S S Dr
309 310 ITunnicutt Deuprec
311-312 Slaughter H G Dr
314-315 Smith & Brock
310-317 Homes Friend (The)
318 Smith El
' .
401-402 O'Farrell Brokerage Co
405-400 Thomas .& Thomas
408 Hudson E B Dr
409-410 Sou Ry Commcr Office
411 American Land Co
413-415 Hunnicutt & Reynolds
416 Upson F L
417 Upson S C
418-421 Green & Michael
420 Tolnas O T
501-505 McWhortcr Hamilton
506-508 Summerlin M T Dr
509 Du Prec D H Dr
510-511 Proctor J P Dr
512-513 Athens Dental Parlors
516 Deep Rock Ginger Ale Co
Abney M J
518-519 Vaughan J B
520 Robertson M G
521 Bankers H & L Ins Co
Spive>r G T
603-604 Deadwyler J L
608 Canning G T Dr
609 Waters W G Dr
610-611 Bryant's Hairdressing Parlor
612 Walker C N Dr
613 McKenney J C Dr
614-615 Johnson O H Dr
616 Du 'Bose & Du Bose
617 Isserow Saml
No Other Medium in the world ive<; the infnrmati'm contained in a Directory. Tt is consulted every day
in the vear. Mr. Business Man. where can von find n hetter medium
Phone 618
401 E. Broad St.
618 Nichols T J
619-620 Webb Brokerage Co 701 Automobile Specialty Co
702 Michael Jerome
703 Hinton O R
704-705 Gamble J B
706-707 Orr F J
708-709 Scientific Beauty Parlors 710-711 Carlton W A Dr 712-713 Holden & Shackelford 716-721 Columbia Fire Ins Co
Milstead A H Bryant A M
(College av continued) 215 Shackelford Bldg Rooms 101 Athens Chamber of Commerce 102 Lumpkin E K 103-105 Shackelford T J 104 Tuck Claude
106 Lumpkin J H Jr
107 Nix H A
110 Mahaffey & Mahaffey
Davis Young
202 Dobbs O R
Peeples W J 203 Hodgson Bros Co
Hodgson C N & Co (College av continued)
225 Bradberry Mlnry Co 230 Costa's 237 Athens Engineering Co 240 Vacant 283 Erwin & Co 283J4 Goss I H Dr
(Washington intersects) First Baptist Church E S Sporting Goods Co 439 Myers F J 451 Cohen Aaron 454 Dunbar S H
Speer Laura Miss (Hancock av intersects)
City Hall 464 Bell H C Miss 465 Sloman Simon
(Dougherty av intersects) 536 Van Straaten Jacob 546 Speir R W 549 Hargrove W W
Carter Frank 564 Wilson H B 565 Hulme L M
Patten W M (Strong av intersects)
College Av Schl
635 Buchwald Moses 677 Phillips A Q
Hammond W A
684 Champion U S 685 Hilley W W
Nichols J G 698 Tuck M L Miss 699 McElreath W F
(River intersects) 747 Martin J M
Steele C C 763 Galliher H M Mrs
Jossey S B
765 Jossey S B, gro 769 Citizens Meat Mkt
770 Collins G U Collins Effie Mrs, boarding
(Hoyt intersects) 805 Kenney H F, gro
806 Bradberry I A 809 Reese J I 815 Skelton J H 818 Lockhart House, boarding 819 Brooks W L 824 Tucker G A
Lingle J C 825 Elliott J D 830 Moseman Gallic Mrs
Wood H L 833 Smith W H 837 Peek J E 840 Flemings Arthur
Blackman Lamar 843 Dickens J S
Hansford J M 846 Burns L A 847 Peek Wm 850 Goodman Max 853 Martin J D 856 Goodman Nathan 857 Parnell P E
860 Martin Vines 866 Raiden E V Mrs
867 Boyd W R 876 Stephens H E 877 Harmon J P 879 Peek W A
880 Wilson R L Blackstone J W
881 Harmon J L, gro 883 Youngblood tell 883!^ Kelley H L 885 Vacant
886 Harmon J L
Harmon Mary Mrs, boarding 887 Eden W L
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square- Henry R. Shockley, Principal. Book-keeping-, American
Asheville, N. C.
Banking:, Office Systems. Wholesaling. Commission, Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping, Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keeping. Business Con
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling, English, Punctuation, Type
writing. Shorthand. Enter any time.
Office work of all kind* solicited.
With all 2-Gallon Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices--Cash-- 2-GIUns Express Paid--$3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00
Cora or Rye.
(Ware intersects)
890 Harris T Y
Harris Bessie Mrs, boarding
Williamson C J, confr
896 Boston Cafe S A L Ry Passngr Station Gainesville Midland Ry Passngr Station S A L Ry intersects) Southern Coal Co
973 Vacant 983 *Jones Georgia 985 *Smith Jno 987 *Mack Ida
*Gilliam Mary
989 *Oliver Georgia (Cleveland av begins)
COMPRESS s from Broad at Ga Ry Crossing
223 *Thomas Weyman
247 Compress
252 *Snelson Laura f?53 Vacant 272 *Edwards Mattie 273 Vacant 280 *Johnson Espey CRAWFORD AV--s from S A L Ry,
1 e of Barber 123 *Vacant 126 *Thomas Henry 128 *Jones Prince 137 *Anderson Mamie 167 *Brown Jno 185 Vacant 195 *Vacant 240 *Hubbard Chas BEARING--w from Finley to Rock
Spring, 1 s of Broad DERBY--n and s from 1495 e Broad,
2 e of Peters 185 *Lane Jas 195 *Mitchell Edwd 225 Wages A J 230 *Harris Magnolia 280 *Parks Wm DOBOY--s from 198 Baldwin, 1 e of
Lumpkin (Narrow ends)
138 Whitehead L O 140 Wigley C H
(Sapelo intersects) *Arnold Manson DOUGHERTY e and w from Lumpkin, 4 n of Broad
S^Going East 129 Pendley J L
158 McCall J P 168 Gentry G N 169 Petropol Pete 179 Frierson Sarah Mrs
Dale W A 189 Ivey W A
(College av intersects) 215 Hood J M 243 Jones W S 253 Griffeth N A Mrs
(Jackson intersects) 312 Hirsch F K Rev 322 *Ray Elsie 333 Ableman Phillip 343 Epting Jay H 353 David F M 362 Dunston J F 372 Vacant 373 Brooks L E 378 Johnson J W 382 Cooper C W 393 Weatherly W H 412 Corbett P H 415 Bray J N Mrs 423 Flanagan J M Mrs 425 Boatner Ezekiel 434 Wright R T 435 Estes R L 454 Praither B C 455 Betts Frank 464 Leathers L M 474 Shirley J H 474 Weatherly J M 475 Farlestein Marcus 484 Pollard J I
IWGoing West 120 Boley S J 138 Abney O W 147 Williams J J
Fluker L J 143 Hailey F M 149 Graham S A Mrs
Thornton W C 158 Sigma Nu Fraternity Chapter
House 159 Murray Nelle Mrs 178 Birchmore F G 179 Funkenstein S M 189 Cooper L E
Andrew A L Miss 198 Weatherly C N 199 Eberhart Nannie Mrs
(Hull intersects) 226 Vacant 227 Farr W A
Hawkes L D
Roaai aid Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Buildings. Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
PhoMS 2066 and 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Me AI
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating:
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
230 Patrick J K
FAIRVIEW s e from 392 Peters, 3
2:i7 Smith G H
n of Broad
246 Moss S J
134 *Lattimore Edwd
24? lolmson K L
142 *I)urham Leila
I'.cll A W
145 *Mapp A L
257 furry R C
1G5 * Williams Lula
Poss J C
187 *Rcese Fletcher
2'7 K end rick \\ R
223 * Henry J f
(Pulaski intersects) DU BOSE AV w from 14:? Grady av
to l-ymlon av, 1 n of Prince 224 Matthews Lawrence
227 I'urney G W
(Virginia av ends) 228 Voting G T 23:5 O'Farrelle Annis Mrs
2I55 Story G K 238 Gordon T A 240 Phillips R W 245 \'ac:mt 250 Matthews W V. Mrs 255 I'.ailey Lou Mrs 207 \'acant EASY e from Satullah av, 1 n of
Prince av extd 140 Fbcrhart J W 141 Patterson W P EASY w from f>61 Pulaski EIGHT -n from Stonewall av, 3 w of
River ELBERT n e from Oconee to Arch,
4 e of Peters 124 Short J F 134 * Harden Amanda 148 * A sock Yira 184 Miller \V T 198 P.ailey C F
228 *Thornton Kemp
258 *Thomas Garland
201 *Landntin Sarah
205 * Howard Jno
208 *Snellings Thornton
275 * Lumpkin Gallic
280 *Smith Jno
285 *Lumpkin Henry
2S7 *Gillham Edwd
323 * Warren Harriett
337 *Wilbanks'J B
347 *Wilbanks Green
353 *Wilbanks Roy -
375 *Nesbit Wm
.".77 *Goosby Jno
FAIRVIEW AV s e from Lumpkin,
3 s of Carlton
FERDINAND n e from Milledge av
to Fairview av, 1 e of Lumpkin
FIELD s from 198 Cedar to Green,
1 e of Lumpkin
130 McGee J B
(Cedar intersects)
140 Doolittle Lucy Mrs
170 Nichols J M
180 *Clayton Lizzie
100 *Lee Emory
(Greene intersects)
FIFTH e from 094 Water, 1 s of
ELEVENTH n e from Russell av, 2
w of P>arrett ELIZABETH- e from S A L Ry, 1 s
of Baldwin 127 Hofmeister Frank
145 Carr Tno, harness mkr 140 Cole \Y A
1(>7 Turner J P 103 Merck J F
White-head O T, 1SS Dootson \V R ISO Haxard Lewis
ISO *Richardson D C 100 *Tiller W M 100 *Prather Susie
FINLEY n and s from Broad, 4 w of Lumpkin
S^Going North 100 *Statts Julia
*Fitzpatrick Hugh
107 *Clark Maggie 100 * Hicks Chas
170 *Smith Mary 103 *Brydie Camilla
(Grace intersects)
(Reese intersects)
224 Mapin I no
223 *Jordan Henry
228 He watt W W
220 *Hicks Thos
2::1 Moon- O M
230 *Horton H C
ELMWOOD AV c from Ga Ry, 1 c 240 *Chaney Jos
of Peters
257 *Horton J H Rev
An Elegant Massage Cream
H. R. Palmer & Sons :: 225 E. Clayton St.
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
269 *Mott Gco *Eberhart Jno (Hancock av intersects)
349 Hadaway Patk 369 Harrison Virginia Mrs 385 Poss T F 393 Smith Mary Mrs
(Meigs intersects) FIRST n e from Water, G s of River
130 Presley W D 140 Bradley J W FLINT n from 146 Third, 1 e of
Water 132 *Hawkins Margaret 186 *Thomas Yancy 187 *Holden Jane 198 *Dean Colonel 226 *Harris Robt 227 *Hutson Jno 238 *Thomas Palace 328 *Jordan Wm 337 *Willingham Clifford 373 *Johnson W H Rev 387 *Owens Mamie
(Odd intersects) *St Paul M E Church *Foster Lowe FOUNDRY n and s from Broad, 5 e of Lumpkin
U^*Going North Lester Emma Mrs, gro 106 *Winfrey Lilla, eating hse 110 Petropol Peter, soft drinks 115-117 Crawford & Merry, whol prod 116 *Favers Ethel, eating hse 120 *Johnson & Credell, barbers 130 Uncle Max Pawnshop 136 Burch G W, soft drinks 148 Vacant 164 Henson H L Fields W O 186 Flournay E L 212 Swindle S O 214 Vacant 232 *Jones C G, pressing 252 Athens Fdry & Mch \Vks 320 Ga Junk Co Weatherly H A 330 *Pearce's Chapel 400 Couch F E 414 Perry E A 415 Eaton B F 420 Vacant 422 Pledger Gro Co 434 Pollard Jno 440 Brooks Abram
You Advertise Ul
The City Directory C
500 Raden W R
510 YVimberley Harriet Mrs
520 *Smith Ella
(Dougherty intersects)
531 King T N
(Strong intersects)
iWGoing South
100 Lewis Shirt Mnfg Co
112<4 Lewis R L
13r>-i:>,8 Hulme G H & Co, gro
FOURTH e from Water. 2 s of
226 * Fields Henry
229 * Island Wm
234 *Oglesby J II L
235 *Smith Robt
236 *Pope Albert
237 * Roberts Young
267 *Neely Peter
270 * Edwards Jas
284 *Hart Paul
288 *Mayfield M attic
292 *Knox Fannie
FOWLER AV s e from Lumpkin, 1
s of Carlton
FOWLER TOWN a settlement e of
Satullah av, n of Prince av extd
FRANKLIN n from Reese to Prince
av. 1 w of Milledge av
123 *Hill Parthenia
125 *Morhene Proffitt
127 *Mills Geo
137 *Furr Wm
147 *Lurwnkin Danl
157 *Edwards David
(Hancock av intersects)
247 Wier R K
251 Moore J A
267 Nichols O G
297 Harris J \V
(Meigs intersects)
317 Vacant
375 Stcphenson G F
387 Hellner J C
(Hill intersects)
49S Proctor C L
(Cobb intersects)
506 Crawford E T
586 Arnold J L
(Prince av intersects)
e from Jackson to
Thomas. 2 s of Broad
Escoe W Y, stables
(Spring ends)
Webb-Crawford Co (The), whol
UG The Reason
is Because
Good Results
GANTT w from Pulaski. 1 s of Cleveland
GEORGIA AV s from Prince av extd. bey city limits
GEORGIA DEPOT s e from Peters 1 n of Oconee
223 James Sarah Mrs 22.*) Silver Susie Mrs 234 Kirk Emory 241? Hays Pink Mrs 252 McKinnon Chas 256 Gunter Fannie Mrs 272 Wood E W 295 Vacant 325 Thompson Joel 353 \Vatkins Geo 363 Wigley J J :5'.tf *Braswell Henry
424 Kendrick Geo 448 *Pope Bailey GEORGIA RAILROAD n w from
Oak. e of Peters GLENN AV w from 480 n Billups GRACE c frpm College av to
Oconee River, 10 n of Broad 114 Everett J N 126 Fields R E 127 Smith T C S 170 Partee D J 18f> Sailors H P 187 Mullinax Chas 212 I'nderwood J H 217 Walls W VV, gro
(Elizabeth intersects) 224 McKern Saml 225 Walls Wm W 275 Powell \V H 297 Goddard O H GRADY AV n from 598 Prince av to
Boulevard. 3 w of Pulaski 120 Michael Max 130 P.rown W W Dr
Sisk C N Dr 132 Orr W C 141 Alien P. P Rev
(Du Bose av begins) 14:: P.rown L C
144 Roberts M C
145 Tuck W J 150 Smith W J 155 Whitehead A IT 156 Merry M H 157 Atkisson Carrie Mrs lf,7 Winpficlrl S B Jr ir.S Hubert M M 109 Cartledge S J Rev
170 Dennington T W 171 Ingle J W
172 Carter A B 174 Willard F F 175 Campbell R C 180 Simmons H R 183 Clark L A
Hardeman Lafayette 185 O'Kelley J W
186 Towns A M Mrs 189 W'oods A Y 190 Yonder Lieth R A Miss 193 Dudley J T
GREENE e from 1087 Lumpkin, 6
s of Broad Veatch C N Chandler O J
125 *Flynt Sarah 130 *Howell Volean 140 *Slaughter Jos 145 *Garner Alex
147 *Mack Jas 157 *Jackson Sallie 167 * Waldo Jno 169 *\Valdo Eugene
180 *Mack J H 183 *Thrasher Cornelia 190 *Coker Johnson 195 *Gregory Ellen
(Field ends) 198 *Bell Henry GRIFFETH n from 3d to Odd, 4 e
of Water
GROVE s from Oconee to Bailey, 4 e of Peters
HABERSAM w from Milledge av, 3 s of Springdale
HALL e from 297 Bloomfield
HAMPTON AV e from Milledge av 1 s of Ferdinand
3211 Postero Jno HANCOCK AV e and w from
Lumpkin, ^ n of Broad
IWGoing East 115 Moore J A
Moore Kittie Mrs, boarding 140 Vacant
First Presbyterian Church
193 Kappa Sigma Fraternity (College av intersects)
217 Athens Ry & Elec Co
Sou Mnfg Co Office, cotton Newton C H, ins 243 Sledge E D
263 Palmer G H 282 Cain L M Mrs
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 9O$
Ask someone about us. They will tell you we give
Satisfactory Service.
268 N. Jackson St.
283 Palmer H R
525 *Reid G H
(Jackson intersects)
*Reid Mary W
Jewish Synagogue
537 *Haynes C S, phys
323 Quillian A C Dr
540 *Livingston Richd
343 Brumley J W
* Moore Lela
362 Picknell B R
550 *Sapp E Y
363 Sims J D Mrs
*Horton J W
372 Vess A W
553 *Johnson Jas
373 Bishop B T
*Thornton Roy
447 Hall J P
554 *Derricotte I T
457 Parr C W
566 *Hill Oscar
467 Joyner G W
*Smith Mary
497 Winn W_L Mrs
*Jordan Mamie
VGoing West
573 *Duggins Rosa
120 Wayside Inn
*Matthews Josie
130 Joel Abe
587 *Thomas Jno
140 Durr M E Mrs
588 *Thomas Lucius
Ussery Henrietta Mrs
*Strickland Edwd
153 Moses Mendel
598 *Hunter S R, gro
154 Morris Louis
*Episcopal Church
163 Jankower Maurice
(Pope intersects)
172 Funkenstein Peter
620 Vacant
173 Morris Lee
640 *Pierce Ann
186 Wolfe House
650 Vacant
197 Burton J D
660 *Smith Scott
198 Hawkes L D, gro
690 Cochran A P
(Hull intersects)
(Church intersects)
223 Boston Bakery
723 Bariwck M E Miss
224 Arnold M M
Foster F H
225 Buchwald M J, gro
724 Smith W E
233 Bernstein Selig
740 Green. C M
234 Jackson Evie Miss
756 Rowland A S
McDuffie J R Mrs
757 Head H V
246 Livingston G H
780 Stewart H L
247 Etowah (The)
Kelley Kate Mrs
258 Levy Edgar
793 Stephenson M M
259 Dornblatt Julius
794 DuPree D H Dr
271 Reese C L Miss
Harris intersects)
(r) *Holt Spencer
825 *Derricotte Fannie
272 Sparks H B
840 Mitchell J N Mrs
287 Y W C A
Stovall Harvey
297 Goss I H Dr
(Milledge ay intersects)
Goss R M Dr
(Franklin intersects)
298 Hill J G
1020 Epps T J
Y W C A Gymnasium
1045 Anderson J P
(Pulaski intersects)
1060 Jennings R M
359 Funkenstein Louis
1063 Gunn W R
360 Sigma Chi Chapter House
1085 Beusse Flonnie Mrs
373 Goldwasser Benj
1090 Vacant
390 McGowan Annie Mrs
1095 Collins R A, gro
(Newton intersects)
(Chase intersects)
424 *Holliman E T
1126 *Cole Jas
473 LeGrande E F Mrs
1127 *Lampkin Robt
(Finley intersects)
1128 *Allen Isaac
524 *Griffith Cicero
1130 *Young Wm
Martin Bros )OBBER$ OF HARNESS and COLLARS *Breaele Crayton
1140 *Stnith Robt
455 Clayton -: Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty :
238-240 Broad St. Jobber* and 'Retailer^ phone 280-J
Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
1157 *I ; onl Huldah
1160 *Smith P.cdney
1185 *Lumpkin Chas *Cook Goo
1186 *P.rittain Lucius
1105 *Garfu-ld Thos 111)6 *Garfie1d Elijah
(Billups intersects) 122.1 *Kcnncy Emma
1224 *Mattlic\vs Anderson. gro
1226 Vacant 1227 *Castloc Mary 12:56 *Carter Thos
1237 *Hi.xon Cornelia
1247 *Thrasher Laura 1257 *Cast1e Fannie
1267 *Fox Mary A
1268 *Pur1oc N C 1277 *Martin Win
*Johnson Jno
1287 ^Walters Caroline
(Rock Spring ends) 1323 *Smith Fannie
1327 *Lovingood Mary 1333 Vacant 1337 *Horton Maria 1353 * Brown Susan
*Jones Robt
1365 *Ford Sallie
1375 *Few W M
1380 *P,rown Rufus 1383 Vacant
1387 *Jones Clara
1389 Vacant
1397 Vacant 1423 *Jones Henry
(Parris ends)
HARPER s \v from Herring to
Branch, 1 e of Peters HARRIS n and s from Broad, 7 w
of Lumpkin JIT Going North
*Hills Chapel 130 *Jefferson R H
140 * Jackson Georgia
150 * John son Alfred
151 *Cone1ius Bud 152 *Lee Idus 163 * Walker Benj
180 *Williamson Theo (Reese intersects)
220 *McClusky Edwd
267 Crcighton Emma Mrs (Hancock av intersects)
340 Norton G M Williams J L
350 I .cnhart Re-id
(Meigs intersects) (Hill intersects) 568 Mclntosh M E Mrs LongL M Mrs 575 Waters W G Dr Waters Maude Mrs. boarding Crossley C F 576 Lucas F W Miss 580 Palmer A J
597 Jackson E C HENDRICKS AV s from Cleveland
av. 1 w of Sou Ry HENDERSON AV w from Church
to Millcdge av HEIGHTS AV n from Prince av
cxtd. 5 \v of city limits
(S A L Ry intersects) 120 *Tate Lewis 124 Vacant 134 *Grissom Win
*Rarrett Geo 140 *Tate Mattie 150 *Smith Wm 160 *Davis Sarah 180 *Mtickle Fannie 190 *Lay Mary
HERRING w from 225 Derby, 1 s of Broad
145 Wilson R S 146 Bullock B G 149 Herring E L 150 Cook j O
154 Suddeth Frank 156 *Bunkler Lula 164 Vacant 170 *Nixon Clinton 180 *La\vrence Jas
HIAWASSEE AV n from Prince av, 2 w of Chase
144 Powell J L 148 Ford R A 150 Earn Ernest 179 Bullock M A Mrs, boarding
(Lenoir av intersects) 180 Attaway G W 181 McCune A M 182 Shaw L P 185 Hamilton W T Dr 191 Wort ham W C
(Boulevard intersects) :i!5 Davis J R, genl mdse 217 Davis Robt, barber 223 Davis J R 224 Hiwassee Settlement House
Morris J L
7 TKeMcGregor Company
Established 1898
Pttm 109
Talroadjt Bldg 185'_ College A.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
(Tibbetts av begins) 235 Stephens \V II 237 Stephens Robt 275 Garrison C A 277 Garrison Paul 295 Dillard Snml
Nantahala av intersects) 323 Kilgore H A 325 Thomas J D 343 Vickery W H 345 Brewer Henry 348 Strickland Henry
385 Murray J H 386 Doolittle C P 395 Vacant 398 Joyner Bessie Mrs
(New begins)
420 Lankford Thos 425 Sou Mnfg Co, plant office 440 Dudley Julia Miss
(Chattanooga av intersects)
HICKORY n from Broad, 6 e of Lumpkin
121 *Johnson Lizzie 148 Pappa Jos 164McCarty E G 174 Colley G W
McCune D J HILL s w from Prince av, 4 n of
Broad 195 Jackson W E
(Pope intersects)
224 West W C 225 Sprout H L Miss 226 McLeod R N 234 Booth G A 235 Dorsey W F 256 Howell J McB 257 Mell T S 270 Kenney E E Miss 277 Rogers J M
295Griffeth J H 296 Slaughter W M
(Church intersects)
326 Bickerstaff R H 327 Hull R D Mrs 336 Pitner C L 347 Miller D F
356 Kilpatrick I T
357 Holliday A C Dr 386 McMahan Georgia Mrs 387 West II S Judge
(Harris intersects) 425 Richardson I W 436 Burnett A J Mrs 453 Hull Harry
I n You Advertise 111" The City Directory " **
490 Rogers L S Mrs
(Milledge av intersects 524 Erwin M A Mrs 5GO Crawford E A Mrs 570 Dox.ier A W 573Morton R L Mrs 595 Smith P M
Johnson G C
(Franklin intersects) 601 Vacant 026 Moss R L Jr 629 Wier J B 649 Wilkins S B 679 Myers J R
(Chase intersects) 778 Vincent N F Mrs 779 Nickerson T II
(Billups intersects) 824 Callaway \\ S 834 Gredig W G 846 Callaway W S 847 Born M A Dr 858 Callaway M A Mrs 869 Vacant 889 Griffin J W 890 Sims C E
(112) Rhodes A S (Hill Crest av intersects)
HILL CREST AV w from 725 Cobb 1 s of Prince av
175 Booth W F Jr 190 *Howard Jas 225 Ray Robt
249 Lord S R Miss HODGSON n from 555 Strong to
Bridge, 5 e of Lumpkin HOYT e from Lumpkin to River, 7
n of Broad 123 Patat E S 133 *Moon Rhoda
*Moon Jas 142 *Burton Dora, eating hse 143 *Marbury Lucinda 146 *Grant Andrew
*Iones Robt 147 *Minick E W 148 *Burch Sarah
(r) *Reed Ruth 152 *Johnson Laura
(r) *Haney Ella 153 *Sutton Mahala
*Bell Henry 158 *Marshall Clarence 168 *Curry Starke
*Currv Geo 17S *IIill "Morse
n The Reason lip Good Results
" Because " "
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
182 *Ronch Hattie
(College av intersects) 248 *Bell Austin, pressing 203 Harris Simeon 293 Lyndon E S Dr
Shelton W H (State begins)
324 Pledger L O
336 Patat J A Mrs 348 England Arthur 349 Wilson R L 356 Bert Ernest
359 Cowan S J 373 Wade J B 383 M arable W A 435 Elliott Campbell
447 Moore P A 461 *Gi11am Anderson
*Smith Mary 463 *Spradley Sallie 467 *Daniels Washington
469 *Spradley Julia 471 *Cooper Julia 473 *Robinson Jas 475 *Harris Lula HUGHES AV n w from Barrett, 1
n e of Russell
HULL n and s from Broad. 1 \v of
Lumpkin 135 Thomas G C
185 Booth W R Taylor J L (Clayton intersects)
235 Escoe L A Mrs Cable Wm
McGarrah \\r m 270 *New Undertaking Co 270 1/ Vacant 280 *Tay1or Henry, eating hse 282 ""Carter W G. pool 284 "Harris E D Drug Co
(Washington intersects) 325 *Wade & Hunter, soft drinks 333 * Rowland W L. soft drinks 343 *Cole Robt. gro 344 * Hawkins U S A, barber
345 *Star Shoe Shine Parlor 346-348 *Bi11ups U W, eatig hse 347 Boston Bakery
(Hancock av intersects) (Dougherty intersects) 590 *Dore J W Rev
(Stong intersects)
623 *Smith Annie
*Billups Sallie
627 Vacant
628 *l.umpkin Maggie
(Warsaw intersects) 633 *llardeman Mary 634 *Lyles Bcnj. eating hse 635 *Eberhart Hastie
*Carter Lee 644 *Minniefield Ella 645 *Strickland Russell 647 * Anderson Wesley
648 *Hawkins Albert 649 *Earley Lizzie
*Russell Tno 652 *Lee Edwd
654 *McQueen Jas 656 *McQueen Saml
658 *McQueen Nicey 660 Vacant 664 *Harris Benj 668 *Rivers Mattie 670 *Spring Chas
^Marshall Jno 690 *Armstrong Sallie 72S *Atkins Bud 748 *Harden Ann 758 *Talliaferro Annie, lodging
(Hoyt intersects) (S A L Ry intersects)
Sou Ry Passngr & Ert Station (Ware intersects)
INADALE w from 423 n Billups, 1
s of Hill INGLEWOOD AV e from Oak, 1
s of Peters 120 Coulter E W i::o Couch G W
140 Landrum Robt 150 Chandler D T 153 Sheridan Lee 166 Prcssley J E 175 Damron Emory 180 Thompson Jack
185 Bradley A W 186 Christian G T 1S7 Eitzpatrick A J
(Ga Ry intersects) White City Mnfg Co
JACKSON n and s from e Broad, 2 c ofLumpkin iWGoing North
123 Cutler Louis 133 Patman's City Mkt 14.'! Burch G W 153 Bryant A M
163 Arnold J L
260 Athens Gas L & F Co 268 Hilley & Jones
Asheville Business College Entire 3rd Floor. No. 8 North 1'ack Square. Henry S. Sliockley. Principal. Book-keeping, American
Asheville, N. C.
Hanking. Office Systems, Wholesaling, Conimisson. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping-, Cost
Accounting, Farm Book-keeping, Business Con-
tracts, Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic, Spelling, English, Punctuation. Typewriting
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
(Hancock av intersects) 460 Hancock A C 471 Bnwden W D
(Dougherty intersects) 512 Gallaway I \V I)r 513 White E M
White Willie Mrs, boarding 536 Bland A W 549 Hunter J R
550 Matthews X J 574 Burch L H Mrs 575 Martin B S
Martin Lola Mrs, hoarding
(Strong intersects) 612 Bell M B Mrs 636 McDoman R E
663 Call C W Call F M Mrs, hoarding
664 Power W W
665 Matthews Vincent (River intersects)
712 Williams J R 715 Young C T 736 Bailey D W 737 Hood S T
Smith J W 748 Evans W A 749 Bell J F B 764 Crowe P B
765 Vacant
774 Broome S M Mrs
775 Vacant
(Hoyt intersects)
IWGoing South (South begins) 205 Merchants Paper Co 205^ Hodgson G H Culp H T 243 Hudgin_ Wescom, pub weigher
265 Baugh J A, blksmith (Fulton begins)
305 Thomas T L 309 Bowden C C 315 Athens Bottling Wks
315^ Head J M Marbut H D
323 McDonald W H
Bullard Ernest 365 Pittard M B Mrs 375 Durr M E Mrs 385 Hayes W W
393 Gilleland Minerva Mrs
Brown Fannie Mrs 485 Wood II E
(Baldwin intersects) 515 Hcnderson H L
:>27 Hansford J G .")::! Jackson Ralph
551 Miller G F JACOB s c from Clover at w end
of Broad
JOHNS s from 427 Odd to 3d, 3 e of
126 *Goo.'J>y I.ucius
127 *Goosby Eli
168 * Harvey Allie
183 *Wymbs Wilson
186 *Colc Wm
220 *Echols \Vm
260 *Hawkins Wm
267 * Martin Anthony JONAS AV w from 344 Barrett
124 Xarris S H 133 Gordon Ralph
143 Scott J T 163 Dcnny J G
340 Ross C E i^ENOIR AV- w from 231 Nacoo-
chee av to Hiawassee av. 1 s of
133 Vacant
143 Vacant
150 Gregg W D
160 Slaton Jos
170 Wallace Lula Mrs
ISO Cartledge J C
LEONARD s e from Clover, 1 n of Broad
LONG AV w from River, 2 n of Stonewall
LUMPKIN n and s from Broad, dividing line for streets running east and west
115 Hotel Sanies 125 Bowden F H. gro 137 Stone E D Press (The) 14'.)-l.')l Banner Printery (The)
Home & Farmstead 151'/. O'Farrell J C 17'.l Piedmont Cleaning Co 1S7 Crystal Theatre IS'.t Woman's Exchange
(Clayton intersects) 201 Hazelton D P, pianos
Morris J I., mnfrs agt 203 Vacant 215'/> V M C A 2*5 Vacant 225J/I Poulnot Rooming House, lodg-
ing 235 Bowden W D, ice cream mnfr
Parr C W, wall paper
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
235^ White & Co. loans Hubbard Rufus, hackman
240 Tahnage A H 245 Denkides Nick, confr 252 Hubert M M 255 Reid Drug Co 355 !/> Vacant 264 Vacant 264'/2 Gardner-Price Printing Co 269 Adams Mkt 269 y, Hodgson Frank 279 Athens Cycle Co 289 Southern Exp Co 289'.{> Barber C H. loans
Dcakides Nick Tson A S l.ampkin Cobb. fire ins Wall J M I), phys (Washington intersects) Athens Daily Herald (The) 325 Jarrell C C Rev
(Hancock intersects) First Methodist Church 543 *Sims Courtney
(Strong intersects) 609 Fears E J Mrs 625 Arthur M P Mrs 648 l.ampkin Fannie Mrs 649 Fears J P 656 Pearson R S 664 *Callovvay Knox 665 Von der Lieth C A 672 *Pruitt Anna 680 ^Stephens Geo 681 *Johnson Alice V
* Foster W H 688 *Gibbs Bessie 696 *Johnson Lizzie
(Warsaw begins) 724 *Neshitt Ned
*Ha\vkins Julia L 734 *Vacant
735 *Ro\vland Mims
*Roebuck Robt
759 *Amey Ruth
766 *Ellis Lula 767 *Hunter Adaline 773 "Hand Mattie 775 *Williams Eula 788 *Calloway Wm. barber
(Hoyt intersects) 804 Butler Benj 806 Coker J R 812 Vacant 81 ft Barry Fannie Mrs 820 Maguire W A
Prescriptions Com
pounded by Regis
tered Pharmacists,
at .... ...
828 Parker S A Mrs 830 *Thomas Win 832 *Smith Lou 836 Cobb F H 844 Fuller D W
Oglesby Chas 856 Hill T B
Hill Ellie Mrs, lodging (Ware intersects) IWGoing South
124 Malison Braided Cord Co Edwards' Mill, yarn
124 T/> Edwards C H Rev 126 Athens Coca-Cola Bottling Co
(White av begins) 294 Powers J G 298 Dearing M W Mrs
(Race begins) 320 Akerman Alfred 340 Fleeman N L Mrs 360 Daniel J G 370 Chambers T J 375 Gowan C L 380 Briscoe Matt 390 Clifton C A Mrs 398 Shehee W E 424 Gilmore Fannie Mrs 428 Murphy W W
Keith J M 490 Anchors J B
(Baldwin begins) 521 Randolph P C
Short H R 543 McMillan G L 560 Escoe W Y 571 Barrett A G 590 Patman J H 597 Spinks B L 623 Vacant 685 Stone J H 690 Deas W C 693 Butler T R Mrs
(Sapelo begins) 701 Silvey L J 720 Stone L S Mrs, gro 724 Silvey R E
Kirkpatrick R E 799 Stewart II J
(Summey begins) 883 Montgomery W P 896 Hinslcy Rufus
(Cedar begins) 908 Echols A M
Evans G W 920 Stone Clem 930 Stone G E
H.R. Palmer & Sons
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
950 Beusse D D
960 Morgan FED 970 P.etts L N
994 Bramlett F L 1015 Taylor E L
1020 GrifTcth F P
1050 Smith Talfourd
1057 Berber D N
1064 Foster W J
1075 Summers II T
Adams M C
1082 Woodyard A II 1083 TTammond Glascow
1085 Pierce I IT
1086 Whitehead A P
Du^ans C A
1087 Vacant
(Greene begins)
1187 Jones L L
Bishop J L
1195 Winston A P
1196 Dorsey J H
1198 Hawkcs J S. gro
Carlton begins)
1227 Vanatter P O 1234 Vacant
1238 Hudson P W
1242 Daniell S J Mrs 1248 Means J M
1250 Hart J W (Brittain av begins)
1295 Parrish H H (Hampton begins)
1323 Case Clarence Wincrfield M M Mrs
1260 Whittle C A 1324 Tarni^an Milton 1334 Fain J R
(Bloomfield begins) 1354 Thornton T P> 1447 Cruet-dale Greenhouse 1450 Whitehead W T 1509 Fowler J T 1543 Heywood H B
(r) Risson R G 1560 Dohhs W F 1570 Rurson W M Dr
(Milledge av intersects) 1687 Parr G D, gro 1689 Rishop f H
Campbell J P Fillingame C W Green Susie Mrs Williamson Jasper LYNDON AV n from 798 Prince av to Boulevard
130 Maxwell G C 132 Haddock Win, gro 140 *Shackelford Jas 150 * Maxwell Saml 153 Frierson W W 160 *Scott J H 165 *Taylor J G 170 *Richardson Mack 173 *Franklin Reuben 180 *Johnson Jno 183 *Billups Jno 188*McKinley Arthur 190*Cooper Archie
*BuRgs Seaborne 195 Vacant 197 *Smith Thos, gro
(Du Bose av ends) (Cherry begins)
220 Gordon J A, i^ro
220 MoonJ D, shemkr
223 *Samuel Jno 224 *Brown Monroe
247 *Xewton Frnest *Austin David
258 *Wiley Wm
273 * Lucas Wm 294 *Campbell Luke 297 *Wiley Amanda 298 *Harris Lizzie
*Holt Susan
325 * Tones Thos
328 *Walker Wm 329 *Barnett Lula
*Bttrns Lena
335 *Smith Irene
* Evans Albert
340 *Rattle Jasper 345 *Rrooks Solomon 350 *Austin Dennis
(Cain begins) 357 *\Vray Seymour :;CiO *Thomas Jno .".so *Stroud TIarriet LYNDON ROW w from Finley to
Church. I s of Peabody MACON AV -n from 467 Atlanta av,
4 e of Barber
140 *Sadler Marv 160 *\\'ier Eclwd"
175 *Barnett Mattie 185 *Joncs Walter
194 *I.owe Elijah 198 *Marshall Clarence
(Athens av intersects) 230 *Lo\ve Clarence
240 *Jones Jno
Your Trade IS NOT LIMITED to your immediate neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous Industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking
goods in your line
j* > j*
243 *Colquitt Green
251 *Smith Jno 281 *Vann Laura 290 *Luster Sandy
293 *Davis Ella
320 *Parrott Henry 330 *Mitchell Annie
340 *Howard Cleveland
342 Turner Luther
344 *Wood Quiller 346 *Thomas Mary 348 *Bell Cecelia 356 "Christler Jno 360 *\Villiams Minnie
362 *Gilliam Bessie
MADISON n from Cleveland av to Atlanta av. 3 e of Barber
MADISON AV n e from Strickland
to limits. 3 e of Water
347 Crawford G W (Ruth av ends)
MAGAZINE e from 393 Jackson to
Thomas. 3 s of Broad MARLIN n e from Strickland, 1 e
of Water 163 *Glenn Holmes
263 *Wise Wm MEALOR s w from Broad to Her-
rinjr. 1 e of Peters MEIGS s w from Prince av, 3 n of
125 Bird Jno (Newton intersects)
319 Camak M W Mrs (Finley ends
349 *Lee Henry 369 *Gray Lula 387 *Samuel Nicey 387!/ *Lumpkin Jane 389 *Henderson Henry 391 *Mapp Duke 393 *Yerhy Lizzie
395 *Hilj Phvlis *Smith Ordinary (Pope intersects)
425 Peeler H H 444 Cochran T A
445 Booth G M Towns H C
460 Green C W
480 Kimzey C C (Church intersects)
524 Carithers W G 529 Jackson H H 534 Elder T L
543 Elder H H
556 Shouse Fanny Mrs 557 Vacant 569 Davis F G 588 Hancock R J 589 Elliott W H
(Harris intersects) 620 Dobbs A F Mrs, boarding 640 Fleming Alien 650 Bickers D G
(Milledge av intersects) 760 Dozier T H
(Franklin intersects) 847 *Hines Saml 857 "Hector Mary
"Turner Jno 858 *Norman Cassie* 863 "Walker Camilla
*Christler Emory (Chase intersects)
MILES w from Chase, 2 n of Boulevard
126 Deadwyar J W
127 Smith J T
128 Doggett S L
129 Mates Sandy 136 Vacant 137 Mauldin E G 138 Pearce Minor 139 Cody Cornelia Mrs 146 Ramey David 147 Scott Mattie Mrs 148 Dove J P 149 Bowles J C 157 Patrick M L 159 Presley W D 167 Jarrett C A Mrs 169 Chasteen Viola Mrs 177 Nunnaly Lee 179 Summers W Z 187 Ramey Isaac 189 Armstead L H Mrs 197 McLain Susie Mrs 199 Thomas Chas MILLEDGE AV n and s from Broad
8 w of Lumpkin ^Going North
125 Hodgson J M 126 Patman Clyde Miss 158 Lampkin Cobb
176 Smith W M
187 Griffith A E 196 Lambert A G Mrs
(Reese intersects) 220 Rutherford M L Miss
Lucy Cobb Institute 225 Alien J M
Toomer Musical Instruments
in Fact Everything in
Musical Merchandise 459 E. Clayton
Phone 905
Our Service and Sanitary Principals Unexcelled. 268 N. Jackson St
Davis C R 240 Maddox O L 260 Bloomfield J C Dr
Stephens R P 289 Lyle B F
290 Herrington S M Mrs (Hancock intersects)
320 Varner F E 325 Hunnicutt J A Dr
340 Barnett J W 345 Hunnicutt Deupree 360 St Mary's Hospital 380 Fullilove H M Dr
390 Peeples W J (Meigs intersects)
425 Smith J W 428 Cobh A J
445 Du Bose R T
448 Park E H Miss 455 Proctor J P Dr
468 Linton H H
489 Strickland J J 490 Cheney F M Mrs
(Hill intersects) 565 Davis M L Mrs
587 Roberts O M 590 McMahan TAG
595 Scott E H (Cobb intersects)
623 Harris R S 649 *Payne Henry
653 *.Tones R A 663 *Credell Georgia
(Prince av intersects)
(Nantahala av intersects) (S A.^L Ry intersects) 9^*Going South
125 Branson E C 165 Vaughn J B 180 Hodgson F G 197 Tuck Claude
(Bearing intersects)
225 Darwin J A 247 Bishop W H 255 Hardeman B F
285 Lipscomh M A Mrs (Waddell intersects)
327 Hoi den H M 357 Taylor F L Mrs s- *"" (Henderson av begins) ^
V-387 Wilkins J J 397 Phinizy C H * 419 Tribblc S J ' (Baxter intersects)
525 Hooper W D 54", Callaway R L
595 Lynch J W Dr
(Peabody begins)
62.', McPherson J II T
645 Brand C II
6fl Fortson Blanton
677 Laurence R B
687 O'Farrell K C Mrs
697 Dixon R B
(Springdale intersects)
721 Hill W \\ Mrs
735 Stcedman \V B
745 Stockclell Annie Mrs
765 Abney Martin
785 Griffeth C B
(Cloverhurst intersects)
857 Mcll G A
897 Mell J D
925 Arnold O H Jr
(r) *Johnson Ada
997 Van Noy C A
1073 Jackson J F
1137 Rowe H J
1171 Summerlin M T Dr
1193 Conway A T
1195 Scott G E
(Lumpkin intersects)
1225 Freeman F K
(r) *Maynes Jno
(Milledge Terrace begins)
1324 Coleman G V
^ 1354 Baxter T W
1393 Hart J F
1394 Ervvin A R
1420 Anderson D G
Michael Simon
Phillips Felix
*Thomas Gus
1324 s Milledge av, 1 e of Lump-
110 Heidler H S
115 Caskey T W
Campbell C D
England Claude
Nute Fannie E Miss
Barrow Benj
Smith Edwd J Tr
MILLER n and s from 1390 w
Broad. 4 w of Milledge av
IWGoing North
175 *Johnson Goo
185 Carter S C
190 *Jenkins Jno
193 *Hall Carleton
220 *Lyons Mary
223 *Campbell Jno
MARTIN BROS. Job.br Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
Foot Covers for Mankind
Phone 141
259 E. Clayton St.
224 *Cash West
2:5:? *Pierce J<>s
(Hancock intersects) MITCHELL s e from Thomas to
Williams. 1 s of Broad 11.-) Roberts T C
120 Prather \Ym 127 Whitlcy N A 146 l ; ulchcr J M 140 Wheeler Oscar 155 Teat J C 100 Roberts Green 175 Ogle Ilarkless 170 Patat Lixxie Mrs 1S6 Graham Abrey 180 Vacant 107 \Yorthcn E F MORRIS n from Prince av, 3 w of
P-arbcr MORTON AV e from Fairview av
to Whitehall Drive. 2 s of Lumpkin
Russell W T MULBERRY s from e Broad, 1 w
of Poplar 1."..") Damron Saml
145 Waters P V 147 Vacant
148 Bridges J O Mrs
165 Grimes T H 17.") Reynolds Chas IS5 Fordham M A Mr? 10") Smith X A NACpOCHEE AV n from 1124
Prince av to Chattanooga av, 1 w of Chase 137 Williams C W
Richards J J 147 Moore J N 105 Williamson H M 17.") Yandiver E C C 185 Eidam E J Mrs
193 Davis R M (Lenoir av begins)
230 Clark J D 231 Vacant 240 Tolhcrt W T 243 Cagle Burcn 244 Vacant 245 Rawson F S 2.">0 Johnson J L 260 Vacant
(Boulevard intersects) 384 Rowland A L 424 Waters David 425 Wiglcy R W
Pledger J S (Nantahala av intersects)
4.")0 Alien General 4f>."> Prather Enoch 480 Bramlett H T 483 Scarborough J A 400 Herring G W
(Chattanooga av intersects) 517 Williams Norman NANTAHALA AV w from 307
Barber, 3 n of Prince av K>3 Browning M D 170 Prater S V Mrs
(Seminole av intersects) 220 Payne J T
Davis J C 223 Oliver Fanny Mrs, boarding 244 Landrum Tos 204 Me Con noli J C 2S4 Hale J A
Edwards Leland 204 Taylor W B
(Milledge av intersects) 345 Vacant
(Wynburn pi intersects) 420 Conway W B Dr 4:?5 Ross T T 465 Tolbert 'Lillie Mrs
(Chase intersects) Nantahala Av School Nantahala Av Night School 523 Shaw L P. barber 5:;0 Strickland Frank Sanders Arthur 533 Duncan W R 540 Cochran Tas 545 Burger \V H 550 Smith M B 505 Stephens W F 570 Vacant 580 More J M 585 Chapman T M
500 Norris J N 508 Waters E S
(Nacoochee av intersects) 024 Sargeant H E 035 Alien Jno 048 Kelley N L Mrs
Meads Calvin 057 Wigley J E 070 Crowe B H 087 TIerrington Reuben 000 Pledger E A 008 Smith Mertie Mrs
(Hiawassee av intersects)
Asheville Business College Kritire ?nl Floor. No. H Noith I'ack Sfiuai e- Henry S. Sliockley. Principal- Hook-keepinir, Anuiicjm
Asheville, N. C.
Hankintr, Office Systems, Wholesaling, Commission, Manufacturing. Lumber Book Ueepinn, Cost
Accounting. Farm Book-keepins. Business Con
tra-ts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic. Spelling1 , Emrlish, Punctuation, Type
writing. Shorthand.
Enter any time.
Office work of all kind* solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00
Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn. *MI
NARROW e from 597 Lumpkin, 2 s
of Broad 160 Huff Geo 180 Garrison Jcssc 100 Teat Arcnia D Mrs
NELLIE B AV n c from Vine to limits, '! c of Peters
153 Fit/patrick II J
104 Estcs M C
254 Peacock D L Dr 2.2 White J M
295 Bagley A H
Bcacham J E Wilson D F
NEW e from 398 Hiawassee av, 2 n of Prince av
10:5 Alien Knox
173 Carson II R 18:', Alexander Elam
NEWTON n from Broad, 3 w of Lumpkin
115 *Vacant 129 *McComb N J Rev 1.39 *Beal Marcellus
*Ho\vard Arthur
149 * Porter Win 157 *Brown Frank
*Mazyek Edmond 1(19 *DJIVis J P
172 *Blackwell Jno
197 *Bartlett West (Reese intersects)
259 *Moody Mary
200 Parnell W V
209 *Thomas J J (Hancock av intersects)
310 *Col<|uitt Jennie *Cobb Jno
3SO Wheless Cynthia Mrs Whelcss Corry Miss, dressmkr (Meigs intersects)
NEWTON AL w from Newton, bet
Broad and Reese 120 *Olive Minta
*Young Lizxie
130 *Tackson Lula
140 *Willis Albert
150 *Eberhart Carter NINTH n from Stonewall av, 4 \v
of River
NORMAL AV c from Oglethorp av. 1 s of Prince av extd
OAK e from Poplar, 3 s of Broad 12.", Griffith I. C
197 1 bearing M N Mrs 237 Hill Lula Mrs
297 Vacant 324 Silver D F 327 Fambro A A 340 Shurley Olivia Mrs 342 Boggus \Vm
348 Bobo Wm 350 Mitchum Homer
353 McKinnon J H 354 Richards Allie
357 McKinnon Wr esley 359 Newsom D D 360 Paul W H
307 Harp \V E 308 Andrews Nancy Mrs
373 Saye M B 378 Lane Louie Miss 379 Jackson F H
3S3 Aaron D M 394 Aaron Walter
395 Evans C F 398 * Butler Lewis
447 *Chamber Mid 453 *Hubbard Seabron 403 * Lumpkin Wm 470 *Hunter I H 473 *Johnson Augustus 498 Bone Griffin OCONEE s e from intersection
Broad and Jackson to city limits
121 Lowery J B 120J/' Bulley S M & Son, cotton
McFadden G H & Bro. cotton Bluhm Sydney A gey. cotton
Ham L F, cotton buyer i::o Miller & Co. cotton
164 Athens Chero-Cola Co T.iS Fields Lou Miss, t^ro-
227 Bhulwine Co. soft drinks Bludwine Bottling Co
2:; I Crowe & Co 235 Vacant
2SO Sou Refining Co
2S7 Kinyon W J Ross A T Epps L A Mrs
291 Crvmcs C F 295 Dillard T W 290 Oconee J M 315 Carter E A. gro 310 Lester W H
317 Athens Tee Co 3:27 Potter G W 3:.'s Smith F W
Smith Evie Mrs, boardin
335 Haudrup T H 354 Newby S W
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking
goods in your line
jt jk jt,
357 Roberts S J Mrs 358 Dean Haughty Mrs
367 Potter J T 308 Dootson Wm
374 Paul J M
376 Kellum J D, gro
387 Dudley A G
395 Riley Wm
306 Arnold J W
397 Sullivan A A Rev
(Williams ends)
Climax Hosiery Mills
420 Oconec Gro Co
480 Hardy C C
557 Richards Lucy Mrs 585 Carter Edwd
724 Winn H H
728 Kberhart G E
735 Denny M J
742 Lewis W M 765 Daniel J F
792 Summers R K
796 Hardy C C 798 Bullock J B
(Poplar intersects) Oconee Street Methodist Church Oconee St School
(Carr intersects) Lane's Presby Chapel 824 Wood J D 826 Vacant 832 Teat David 835 Kellum J D 838 Patat F S 845 Center F L 878 Lewis T M Mrs
894 Paync J A 895 Hardiman Laura Mrs 923 Patat A A 924 *Hawkins David 935 Harper Upon 940 Wright Harry 953 Hughes Arthur 985 Fleeman A G 994 *Hawkins Jerry 995 Fleeman A G 1023 Flournoy Leonard 1053 Horn Geo 1095 Kirk H F 1123 Flournoy F C 1127 Ruchner O F 1285 Wells J K 1290 Bailey C F 1323 Johnson J P 1353 Vacant 1375 Franklin E J Mrs
1425 Underwood E H 1433 McLeroy J E
1435 *Seals Sarah 1473 * Johnson Robt
1478 *Pye Jesse Munday Wr L
ODD e from 526 Water, 3 s of River
127 *Ficlds Richd
128 *Horton Jos 137 *Smith Wm
140 *Goosby Mittie 167 *Mitchell Jno
168 *Favor Thos
187 *Cranshaw Chas 367 *Morton Mary
376 *Neal Amy 386 *Hardiman Thos
387 *Hutson Chas 427 *Malone Henry
447 *Fields Jno 468 *Daniels Janie 487 *Bell Eliza O'FARRELL n from Hampton av,
3 e of Milledge av
Silvey F K
OGLETHORP AV s from Prince av extd, 3 bey city limits
OLIVIA w from Milledge av, 2 s of Springdale
ONETA s w from Barber, 2 n of S A L Ry
1f>0 Johnson J A
PARK AV n from 1196 Prince av to
Boulevard, 3 w of Chase 135 Vacant 137 Craft R V 140 Hendrick Millie Mrs
148 Dixon R H
Dixon C S 153 Caldwell J E
Caldwell G A Mrs, boarding 160 Grant G M 163 Vacant
167 Chestine S P 169 Vance J E
170 Hankinson Lydia Mrs Brown Emma Miss
171 Thurman Annie Mrs
179 Kettle Fredk
185 Petty G W 193 Flanagan W H 197 Kirk W H
(Boulevard intersects) PARRIS n and s from 1500 w Broad
5 w of Milledcre av
Player Pianos, Pianos, Organs and
459 E. Clayton
Phone SOB
Our Service and Sanitary Principals Unexcelled. 268 N. Jackson St.
155 "Vacant
167 *Jones Robt
170 *Jones Caleb
*McIntosh Susan
190 *McCullough Lucy
(Hancock av intersects) PEABODY w from 440 s Finley to
Milledge av, 5 s of Broad PEARI^-s from Odd, 2 e of Water 123 *Adams Rachel 135 *Hawkins Fre'd 137 *Floyd Robt 140 "Harris Jas 148 *Freeman Edwd
173 McGarity Berry 187 *Nesbit Margaret 220 *Nesbit Helen PETERS n e from Oconee, 2 e of
Oconee River 117 Tuck W B 129 Threlkeld Jas 135 Paul H H
137 Bullock G N 175 Giles J W 182 Todd M L Mrs 185 *Strickland Henry 195 *Crawford Mamie 198 Gee Lindsay 220 *Clark Thos
224 *Middlebrooks Henry 234 Segroves H L
(r) *Fuller Albert *Terry Frank
250 McCune Roht 265 Seagroves H C 280 *Merritt Henry 375 Smith Lloyd
(Arch intersects)
*Riddle Whit PETERS AL s e from 140 Peters PINE s from e Broad to Oconee
River, 1 e of Oconee River 125 Vinson Jas 128 Bevers J R 135 Patrick Jack 165 Vacant 175 Anthony Richd PLUM n from 223 w Strong, 1 w
of Lumpkin 123 *Johnson Wm
129 *Smith Fannie
137 *Marshall Nancy 139 *Lyles Wrm
147 *Lyles Eugene POPE n and s from Broad. 5 \v of
125 *Clark Annie 132 *Thomas Georgia 133 *Hiram Wm 145 *Eberhart Jno 14G *Alley Benj 140 *McLaughlin Julius 108 *Hopper Jake 178 *Clark L S
*Knox Instite and Industrial Schl (Reese intersects)
*Hills First Baptist Ch 215 *Morton Henry 233 *Hill Thos 234 *Jones Edwd 246 *Osler Mary
*White Hulda 247 *Horton Mary 248 *Vacant 250 *Peek Sallie
*White Edwd 254 *Highto\ver Jos
*Harris Andrew (Hancock intersects)
317 *.Mills Robt 328 *Parks Doroth-3 0 *Shaw Wm 335 *Ellison Rebecaa
*Howard Geo
345 *Landrum Addie * Harris W E *Winfield Jeannie *Sa\vyer Edwd
346 *Harris Mary A *Potts Alfred
349 *Tohnson Thos 350 *Baker Ida 354 *Young Hattie 360 *Williams Florida
*Griffith Cornelia
370 *Mucho1 Tiffin (Meigs intersects)
*Congretiational Church
(Hill intersects)
437 *Boyd Wm 685 McDorman G W
(Prince av intersects) Parrish House
Emanuel Episcopal Church 693 Oavison O W 698 Ahney W I
763 Pickrell B R Moore J W
773 Cooper H K 785 Peeler O H
Stephens R A
797 Anderson M B Mrs
MARTIN BROS.'"""" Harness and Collars
Harness and Shoe Repairing- a Specialty
Phone 621
455 Clayton
238-240 Broad St. Jobbers and Retailers PHone 280-J
Buggies,Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
POPLAR n e from Oconec to Arch, 2 \v of Water
120 Save Jos 122 Smith" P J 124 Dean Grover 120 Peeler S T Mrs 1:-:, Kberhart W P 14."> Prince E A 147 llavvkins S E Mrs 148 Save Jno 170 Writfht Julia Mrs ISO Writfht Jas IS.') Segraves C E 1S7 *Jones Louvenia IliO Fitxpatrick 11 R
P19O3 TDTCEIR.aYy "1 M e from s \viiiow to Oeonee River. 1 s of Broad PRINCE AV -w from Junction Pu-
laski and Dougherty, 3 n of Broad St Joseph Catholic Church
115 McWhirter C M 12.-, Howell E M 135 Smith S S Dr 194 Dohbs A M 195 * Prince Av Pressing Club 195J/> *Lee Edwd, shoemkr 197 Ideal Market 190 Kecse J S, !?ro
(Newton ends) 220 Mason G \V 223 Thomas G \V. uphr 247 A T O Fraternity House 248 Childs W L 297 Hemphill S E Mrs
Haddock Wm 298 Talmade J E Jr
(Childs begins) Hi^li School 334 Hodgson G T 394 Thomas K M Mrs Wier J A
(Barber begins) 424 Flana^cn C D 450 Quilliam F L Mrs 491 Athens Fire Dept No 2
(Hill begins) 493 Vacant 495 Vacant
497 Palmers Druer Store (Branch) 498 Bcattie Troy Rev
(Pope ends) F.manucl Episcopal Church r,23 Fuller W H, pro 524 Webh J N 525 Vacant
535 Chipley J W
540 Beacham W D
.145 Harbin J A
553 Wcatherly & Bernard, gros
565 Paine E C
Nix H A
570 White J M
585 Davis W H
595 Delta Tau Delta Fraternity
Chapter House
590 Michael M G
598 Vacant
599 Fowler T A
(Church ends)
(Grady and Cobb begins)
f>34 Du Bosc L D Mrs
G95 Shaw M D Mrs
(Harris ends)
724 Pitner \V C
725 Kappa Alpha Fraternity Chapter
735 Martin H E
740 Davison A H
749 Anderson J T
703 Vacant
774 Crane F T Mrs
784 Patterson R L
788 Crane Daisy Mrs
794 McEvoy E C
798 Thompson W H
Daniel Russell
823 *Morton M B
(Lyndon av begins)
.. .. (Milledge av intersects)
Central Presbyterian Church
834 Chi Psi Fraternity Chapter hse
835 *Carter W G
850 Kytle W H
853 *Aufllinff Ned
892 Newton C H
897 Crane G S
898 Bryan W T
(Franklin ends)
973 Lumpkin E K
(Chase intersects)
1001 Hodffson E R
1022 Upson Stephen
1045 Gordon H H
1055 Clapps Crawford
1075 Parker AS
1085 Hollinpsworth T E
1095 Riviere R T Mrs
1123 Davenport U H
1124 Upson S C
(Nacooche av begins)
1125 Swiney J W
297 Lumpkin St.
New Home Sewing Machine?
Athens, Ga.
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg. 185,'J College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialtiej
1135 MaiiRleburs ME Mrs '
1140 Brobston T VV Rrobston K D
1143 Hinton F B Williams G S
1147 Crane B A 1185 Perdue J P 1187 Canning G T Or 1189 Parham H J
Elder Press 1191 :- F J
(Park av begins) 1226 Ash W C 1237 Talmadsc C A
(Cobb ends) 1238 Jackson A C
House T. A Mrs 1248 Sorrclls R P Dr 1253 Talmadgc T E 12GO Myffatt G T 1275 Talmadge C G 1295 Talmadtje J Y PRINCE AV EXTD
-- Kenncy C J. cnl mdse -- Callaway E C, genl mdse -- Rylee E S -- Yarbrough C & Sons, jrcnl mdse -- Ross R E meat mkt -- Sorrells & Co. p:enl mdse -- Bradberry I V, shoemkr -- Wier J B, penl mdse -- Prater AT E Mrs
Bell W L
-- Normal School Pharmacy Normal School P O
-- Fowler T C & Sons, gros -- State Normal School
(Oglethorp av begins) PULASKI-- n from Broad. 2 w of
Lumpkin 115 *Tohnson Miles 120 *Hall Julia 135 Davis Jos 165 Vacant 175 Cheatham W .1
(Clayton ends) 247 Marks Pauline Mrs
(Reese begins) (Washington ends)
325 Moss J D 351.Boley Sidney
(Hancock intersects) .357 Sipma Ali>ha Epsilon Fraternity
Chapter House 367 Tarrell T W Jr 490 Grubb S R Rev
(Dougherty ends) (Prince av begins) -- Christian Church 520 Rubenstein I A 52S Patterson F C Mrs Patter son A J 530 Writfht G N 534 ITucrRins J H 538 Colbcrt F C Mrs -- Moon F T
539 Poss II A Kutres Mabel Mrs
542 Nclms W D 545 Says J A 540 Richards Callie Mrs 552 Potts Tno
Moon 'Ella Mrs 553 McDonald A J 558 Lavender \V L 559 Garcbold Mary Mrs 5G1 Stvnchcomb D D 4G2 Sp'inks J G 504 Vacant 568 Daves Clark
(r) *Smith Fannie *Burk Laura .r>r>9 Kilcrorc J W 573 Brooks R L 574 Vacant (r) *Wall Lillie *Tucke^ Mary *Slayton Sarah 577 Roseman Harry Wood David 578 Forrester T M 579 Cutler Hal Cutler ITyman 59.") Bowden F IT
(Barrow begins) (i15 Thomas I \\'
P.cnton L D
025 Pittard W F (Easy begins)
(561 Hanner A P 663 Brock E R
Martin J M 666 Barry J M -- Athens Oil Mill
Sou Cotton Oil Co
(SAL Ry intersects)
673 * Brock Win (>S4 Barry J M, gro 6S7 TTewell J H 6ss Ri-yno'ds Herbert
097 Cobb E H t'>9-> Bishop Oscar
No Other Medium in the world give<; tbe informntion contained in a Directory. It is consulted every day
in the rear Mr P.nsiness Man. where can yon find a bettor medium
Foot Covers for Mankind
Phone 141
259 E. ClaytonSt.
(Tibbetts begins) 700 Henley J W
715 Poole Claude
716 Scarborough S R 725 Lovings H E 7'J() Hill Henry
720 Huff W M 7:10 Adams M E
731 Crane T K
732 Latimer Stephens
Bray Wilburn 73:5 Retts B M 746 Barrett W J
7.">7 Cooper W T
762 Ryrd B P 767 Emerick G C
775 Whittaker J F 780 Freeman R L
700 Freeman J M (Cleveland av intersects)
RAILROAD e from River along S A L Ry
REESE w from Pulaski, 1 n of Broad
125 Stern Myer 145 Woods S E 148 *Semster Thos 165 Fleming Wm
(Newton intersects) 243 *Richards Jno
*Braswell Julius 253 *Byrd Alice
*Freeman Emily 263 *Jackson David Rev 273 *Davis Mary A 203 *Davis Myrtle
(frinley intersects) 337 *Smith Dock 343 *Vacant 345 *Tohnson Eliza 346 *Arnold Stout 348 *Chenault Sidney
(Pope intersects) *Knox Institute & Industrial Schl Heard University Heard J T 424 *Brown Emma 446 'Harris W H Dr 447 *Walter Chas 450 *Ho\vard Tesse 465 *Jackson Henry 475 *Heard Wm 405 *Whitfield Wm *Athens High & Industrial Schl
(Church intersects) 515 *Wade Jno
*Stokes Jno 519 *Wood Carrie 525 *King Mamie 526 *Jackson Lucinda
*Foster Hattie 537 *Vacant 540 *Keller Frank 550 *Davis Wm
(Harris intersects) 619 Vacant 620 Burnet Duncan
635 Ham L F
640 Kelly J H 650 Carroll E W 660 Cobb M McK Mrs
(Mllledge av intersects) (Franklin begins)
812 *Langdon Mack 815 *Vacant 820 *Morhene Lawrence 834 *Flanagen Annie
*Ballard Hannah 835 *Bassett Saml 840 *Davis Albert 852 *Davis H P 853 *Mack J R
*Burney I H 862 *Robinson Wm 863 *Stovall Wm 870 *Brown David 882 *Usry S D Rev 883 *Murden A B Rev
(Chase intersects) 942 *Lyons CHS, gro 948 *Robinson C H Rev 957 *Payne Etta C 962 *Neal Sarah 986 *Drake Cornelius 987 *Cole Jno
(Billups intersects) 1042 *Cole Brydie 1043 *Stovall W H 1052 *Jackson A T 1053 *Dean Easter
*G1enn Cora 1060 *Sheats Laura 1063 *Cole Wm 1082 *Hayes Gilbert
(Rock Spring intersects) RIVER e from College av to Thom-
as, thence n e to city limits, 6 n of Broad 248 Stephens H D
257 Martin Jas 268 Ruark M M Mrs 277 Elliott Marion
Asheville Business College Entire Vd Floor. No. 8 North Pack Square- Henry S. Shockley, Principal. Book-keepingr, American
Banking:, Office Systems. Wholesaling, Commis-
Asheville, N. C.
sion, Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping:, Cost
Accounting:. Farm Book-keeping, Business Con
tra:ts. Practical Salesmanship. Business Arithmetic. Spelling. English. Punctuation, Type
writing. Shorthand. Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
With all 2-Gallon Orders we Send "One Quart Free." Prices Cash
2-Gallons Express Paid $3.75, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $7.00 Corn or Rye.
278 Williams W M 303 Matthews M P 340 *Sims Olivia 350 *Winfree Lula 360 *Finch Jas
370 *Morris Mollie 1040 Benson J W ROCK ROW e from 1st, 1 n of
Broad ROCK SPRING n and s from
Broad, 3 w of Milledge av 121 *Jones Henry, barber 125 *Smith Fannie
140 *Hutchinson Wm 145 *Jenkins Dallas 150 *Whitfield Rebecca 165 *Bell Judge
170 *Jackson Mary *Thomas Matthew
180 *Hall Lula 185 *Brown Jno 190 *Johnson Lucinda 193 *Stephens Cleve
(Reese ends) 227 *Mills Lula 235 *Dorsey Nicey 245 *Wales Caroline
*Walker Winnie 257 *Williams Jacob 275 *Owens Jas 285 *Winfrey Matthews
(Hancock av intersects) RUSSELL AV n from Ruth av, 1 e
of Oconee River RUTH AV (formerly Barrett) from
College av Bridge e to Barberville 147 Brittain W J 227 Cooper J W 237 McClurd J B, dairy 240 Burton A V
(Jonas av begins) 243 Mclntyre J W 263 Bell FG 345 Hiporinbotham T M
445 Williams D T 450 Hewatt E A 465 Burnside T E 474 McKinney D F 475 Hosey S L 481 Dudley J S 487 Thornton A J 488 Hewatt L J 489 Thornton Lucas 490 Williams C D 493 Matthews W M
495 Fields R O
496 Crawford J M 497 Allgood A L 499 Harkins O H
(Madison av intersects)
RUTHERFORD n w from Lumpkin to Milledge, av, 1 s e of Bloomfield
SAPELO e from 799 Lumpkin, 3 s
of Broad 135 Partee Isaac 193 *Poalin Amanda bATULLAH AV n from Prince av
extd, 2 bey city limits SAVANNAH w from College av to
Barber. 7 n of Broad SAVANNAH AV n from 398 Cleve-
land, 2 e of Barber 127 *Vacant
147 *Johnson Grant 157 *Good Samaritan Hall
158 *New Town Baptist Church 167 *Greason Dora 168 *Smith Fannie 178 *Norris Jno
(Atlanta av intersects) 240 *Lowe Wm
242 *Glenn Perry 270 *Mayfield Glenn
280 *Rowley Wm
281 *Gaines Annie 283 *Paschal Rosser 284 *Boyd Jno
290 *Garner Robt 291 *Mills Sallie
(Athens av intersects) 340 *Sanders Jno
SECOND e from Water. 2 ft of Broad
133 *Dean Lizzie 138 *Greenwood David 140 *Hill David 149 *Little Chas 160 *Mack Hugh 175 *Thomas Chas 180 *Gresham Clifford 185 *Franklin Jno SEMINOLE AV n from 296 Boule-
vard, 1 w of Barber 289 Fry I C
Rumney B E 290 Hubbard G M SEVENTH n from Stonewall av, 2
w of River SIMONS s w from 1596 Broad. 3 e
of Peters
Roman and Venetian Art Mosaic for Churches and Buildings. Marble Mosaic Ceramic Tile and Terazzo Floor
Pkw 2066 and 2044. P. 0. Box 977
Office 1017 Realty Building, Charlotte, N. C
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
SIXTH n from Stonewall, 1 w of
W*Going East
125 Massey J S
SOUTH-- e from Jackson to Thomas,
Dowdy R L
1 s of Broad
14.) Beer Leo
(Spring intersects)
104 McDorman Rena Mrs
Doxier & Co, Imbr
105 Walton W H H
SPRING s from P.road to Fulton, 4
lilackwcll B W
e of Lumpkin
174 Tindall W R
SPRINGDALE w from Bloomfield,
(College av intersects)
<; s of I'.road
College Av Schl
STANDARD OIL s from 175 Cleve-
(Jackson av intersects)
land av
r,:;o Curtis W A
1 10 Adams \V E
:::>7 Eambrough A L Mrs
HO Lewallen II D
:54G Harsha W A
150 Coffee J A
:$5G Cardell E S
(SAL Ry intersects)
:!57 Dunston W L
Standard Oil Co
r>ff> Thompson W F
STATE n from 2 UP, Hoyt
HG7 I'.uxhardt J R
i:;4 Smith C M
420 Bell F M
1 14 Evans G \V
4:>,> Patten II II Mrs
14." llarmon F M
47S *Gresham lulia
154 Knoles J P
47!) \\estmorelaml J P
i:,:, Harris E R
4SS * Hudson J II
ir,4 Me.yd J O
4S) *Clark Jno
Hi.-. Shackelford C Q
(Foundry intersects)
174 I lamniond I. A
IlancockW L Coal Co
17:, Vacant
iWGoing West
]s4 Adams J C Mrs
125 Childers Annie Miss
ls." !;.v;ins Obediah
Childcrs I M Miss
194 Kenney W J
147 Tuck A IT
1'.).-, Lilly Robt
148 *Derricotte Maria
(S A L Ry intersects) STATES RIGHT w from Church to
Mi] led ye av. .'! s of Broad STEPHENS n from Atlanta av. 1 e
<>f P.arber
120 T.utler Isaiah 140 'St John A M E Ch 170 'Davenport Jacob 1M "f Warren Luther I'.iO 'Shaw Sarah
(Athens av intersects) STEWART s e from Clover to
Meigs. 2 n of Broad
STONEWALL AV -e and w from River. Ecast Athens
*Reed Mary 150 "Parks Anna 10(i -Glenn Jas
178 *I)avis J W 179 *Davis Rebecca 188 *Holbrook Richd
* Robinson Judge
100 *Ha\vkins Mattie
(Hull av intersects) 22:5 *Tackson Jas
221) *Marvell Mary *Mayhc\v David
2.",9 * Banks Lovic
*Childs Maggie 200 *Glass P.enj
(Plum intersects)
STRICKLAND -n e from Water to 201 *Kennedy Claiborne
kiver. 1 n of S A L Ry
(Pulaski intersects)
1H7 "Medley Jos
SUMMEY -e from 897 s Lumpkin, 4
n:; *McC..rk1c Thos
s of Broad
14.", *.\lichens Dock
2:$ Williams J R
147 "Cleveland Jno
l.'!7 Butler Saml
l.">7 *i')sborn Isaac
*Matthe\vs Henry
STRONG e and \v from Lumpkin. 5 TABERNACLE n e from 498 Oak
n of Broad
to P.road. 4 e of Peters
Palmer's Cream Liniment
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
237 *Allen Frank
601 Vacant
250 *Harris Nicholas
624 Looney E B
275 *Jones Spencer
631 Vacant
290 Paul J W
650 Garrison S J
TENTH n e from Russell av, 1 n v 664 Hill K A
of Ruth av (Barrett)
671 Roberts L II
THIRD e from Water. 3 n of Broad 674 Ilayes A B
136 Kidd Sophronia Mad
709 Thompson W R
139 *Winfall Luke
716^ Bailey D W
243 *Pope Carrie
724 Deep Rock Ginger Ail Co (plant)
337 *Ellis Mary
725 Richards Chas
THIRTEENTH n e fromRussell av, 741 Brown J M
4 n \v of Ruth av
748 Harris J W
THOMAS n and s from Broad. 4 e 749 Corlein Henry
of Lurnpkin
763 Patat Jas
PfGoing North
789 Vacant
116 Petropol Peter
Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co
116^2 Athens Cotton Exchange
(Hoyt intersects)
Crane B A
ilWGoing South
124 Cutler Louis
(Oconee begins)
132-138 Sledge E D
Canning & Patterson. who gro
146J/> Pentecostal Mission
203 Allgood A L, live stock
Briscoe & Son
205 /1 2 Carl ton J N, cotton
154 Chilclers Ausluiry
217 Vacant
157 Wrights Mkt
(Fulton ends)
162 Moore Bros, gro
230 *.\llen G T
105-173 Storey S "F
240 *Stanford Wm
170 J^ Coggin W T Dr
242 *fohnson Carrie
173 Storey S F
260 *\Villiamson Harriet
178 Bailey Tool Co
268 *Barge Rebecca
181 Brooks R L
270 *Jackson Lady
189 Athens Pawn Shop
272 *Stokes Carrie
(Clayton av intersects)
311 University Pressing Club
201 Martin S R
Colonial Inn
221 Fleming T B Hdw Co
(Baldwin intersects)
224 Merritt J M
372 Garrison Mattie Mrs
245 Empire Furn Co
Klein-Martin Co (The), wagon
245'/, Fleming J D
249 Dunaway I5elle
(C of Ga Ry intersects)
259 Farmers Restaurant
TIBBETTS w from 697 Pulaski
274 Church W A E
147 Holmes H M
285 *Newson Bros
149 Blunt Lizzie Mrs
311 Colonial Inn
163 Brooks A J
312 Reaves R K
167 Christopher J H
331 Matthews M F Dr
187 Colley E M
361 Mewhourne A J Mrs
194 *Smifh Tabe
(Hancock av intersects)
240 * Johnson Mitchell
411 Tago T E Dr
250 * Haves Paul
412 Jackson W H Mrs
(Hiawassee av intersects)
431 Tago T E Dr
TRAIL CREEK n e from 350 1st. 1
443 McLeroy C L
n of 3d
524 Perry E A
TRILBY n e from995 Oconee
531 Robertson Aubie
TWELFTH n e from Russell av. 3
54S Bell Bros Marble Co
n of Ruth av
574 Bell F M
1C WeC uc 600 Vacant You Advert'se in
The City Directory
Hampton B E Mrs
The Reason is
Good Results
Comer Annie Miss
Bishop H C Hart L C
VALLEY s from Broad, 3 w of 1 .umpkin
VINE s e from Peters to Dublin, 2
n e of Broad 134 Bartley Jno
148 Lester E F 153 Juhlin H E
155 Smith C B 184-lSfi Vacant
225 *Anderson Robt
226 *Smith Wm 227 *Gillam Burney
235 * Jackson Clinton 236 *Osborn Ella
238 *Sims Callie 247 *Du Pree Josie 248 *Seals Richd 260 * Howard Washington 285 *Smith SamJ 21)0 *Xash Wm
320 * Harvey Mary 326 *Lane Wiley 327 *Kendrick Saml
330 *Hunt Sarah
335 * Howard Beatrice 346 "Hunt Llewellyn 365 *Warren Harrison 375 * Powers Henry
420 "Oliver Pearl 524 *Pope Simon 594 *Thomas Wm 623 :! Gresham Henry VIRGINIA AV s from 299 Boule-
vard to OuBose av. 1 e of Mill-
edge av 138 Costa Anton
147 Whitehead .1 F 148 Cook J E 149 Williamson J N 150 Oliver V E
159 Wingfield Ada Mrs 160 I-'iror G W
168 Green J J Garbctt V H Mrs
170 Raiford Fisher
173 Wier R H 178 Graham C D
Duke W W
179 Michael Golden
180 Thornton F C 185 Kinnebrew E R WADDELL w from Finley to Rook
Spring. 2 s of Broad
WALL n from Broad to Clayton, 3 e of Lumpkin
123 Wood & Hill, soft drinks 135 *McQueen Saml, barber 14S Pearce R P, eating house WARE e from Lumpkin to Oconee
River. 8 n of Broad 140 Lewis Jno
150 Stephens H E, gro (College av intersects)
WARREN n from 5 Vine to Fairview. 2 e of Peters
WARSAW--W from 681 n Lumpkin to Hull. 6 n of Broad
135 *Grifnn V O 144 *Fears Ellen
145 *Johnson E L 157 *Derricotte Warren
158 *Derricotte Matilda 167 *Wagner Geo 168 *Thomas Arthur, gro 177 *Pittard Frank
178 *Landrum Lizzie 189 *Harden Edgar WARSAW AL s from 167 Warsaw
130 *Morton Willie
*Goosby Mollie 140 *Smith Mary
141 *Barnett Claude 149 *Hill Mattie
150 *Sims Wayman 151 *Telp Matthew
WASHINGTON e and w from Lumpkin. 2 n of Broad
U^Going East 120 Talmage Hdw Co
140 Athens Auto Sales & Repair Co (Jackson intersects)
Georgian Hotel 312-324 Fleming-Dearing Hdw Co,
warehouse 354 Muse Chas
364 Welch W O
368K> Welch Hotel
372 Athens Harness Co 376 Canning L P
384 Dixie Loan Co 392 Epps Garage
Fire Dept No 1 IW^Going West
147 Bruce W H
Bruce Emma Mrs, boarding
148 Athens Motor Car Co 14SK> Keller Paul
149 Athens Crockery & Furnishing Co
The Very Latest Sheet Music Always on Hand
459 E. Clayton
Phone 905
Our Service is \7nejccelled
26 8 A. JacHson St.
Thont 4-86
168 Leathers L M, tinner
360 Kline Pauline Mad
178 Presnell Grover, garage
526 Hart M C Mrs
184 Hood's Garage
530 Vacant
185 *Hopson & Williamson, under- 540 *Leverett Nebraska
820 Booth Bros, gros
*Hopson W P, shoemkr
822 Cash Mkt
195 *Carter W G, pool
827 *Witcher Laura
196 *Davis Jas. pool
829 *Oliver Wm
*Marshall Emory, eating hse
830 *Miln Wm
196J/2 Union Bldg
835 *Ellis Amanda
840 *Jennings Hattie
Thompson Blanche B S, phys 844 Vacant
*Pilgrim Health & Life Ins Co 849 *Smith Frank
*Merriweather Geo, clng & press 865 *Johnson Lizzie
*Henry J T
866 *Sims Jno
*Henry Lillian, hairdressing
876 *Bell Rosa
'Guaranty Mutl L & H Ins Co 879 *Bradley Alice
*Gospel Pilgrim's Hall
882 *Brown Race
*Good Samaritan's Hall
883 *Duckworth Lafayette
197^2 Flatau Max
885 *Griffey Alice
(Hull intersects)
886 *Derricotte Sherman
Morton Bldg
887 *Thomas Henrietta
*Morton's Theatre
893 Vacant
*Harris E D Drug Co, druggists
(Strickland begins)
923 *Smith Dora
*Union Mutual Assn, ins
1014 Richards J H
*Burney I H, dentist
1018 Bailey J G
*Brown E M, dentist
1020 Jarrett W H
*Harris W H, phys
lOSOCooper J P
*Georgia Mutual Ins Co
WATER OAK s w from 428 1st to
215 Kenyon Lucy Mrs, boarding
Griffeth, 1 n e of 3d
224 Tanner J W
WHITE n from Hampton av, 5 e of
235 Jones Chris
Milledge av
Rice Saml
WHITE AV w from Lumpkin to
236 Anthony C H Rev
Hull, 1 s of Broad
Caldwell J P
244 Epps L H
Lumpkin nr Junction with Mill-
245 Davis W P
edge av
Davis Mattie Mrs, boarding
Carlton J N
248 Hipkins L C Mrs
*Bimms Willis
Shy H B
WILKERSON s from 940 Broad, 1
254 Dornblatt Plmbg Co
w of Oconee River
255 Moore W R
117 Silvey W \V
264 *Allen Rosa
121 Broom R W
265 *Barnes Eva
123 Vacant
293 Vacant
140 Sims 1 C
295 Vacant
141 Fitzpatrick H H
(Pulaski intersects)
149 Byrd J L
WATER n from Broad to Barrett, 1 173 Bryant A M
e of Oconee River
197 Hammond W E
224 Presley Chas
WILLIAMS s w from Oc mee to
226 Stephens W M
Baldwin. 1 w of Oconee River
250 *Moore Henry
130 Sanders C F
260 *Norman Moses
184 Vacant
274 *Mayfield Tobias
185 Parker Eliza Mrs
Martin Bros JOBBERS OF HARNESS and COLLARS 320 Turner Inez Mad
(Mitchell ends)
455 Clayton : Harness and Shoe Repairiii a Specialty
238-243 Broad St. Jobber* and *Retai ers Rhone 280-J
Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Farm Implements, Ford Automobiles and Accessories
215 Rates W H 220 I'.rittain Jos 247 Akins Maa^ie Mrs 24'.) Pilgrim Win
350 Drake C F
280 Prathcr Lucy Mrs 2'.iO Lockey J F
WILLOW n and s from Rroad. 2 w of ()conee River Athens Pottery Co
WOODS AV w from River, 1 n of Stonewall
WRAY \v from Lumpkin to Hull. 2
s of Rroad
107 Alljjood F Y
WYNBURN PL n from 564 Boulevard, 3 w of Rarber
180 Marable S W 1'JO Cochran W M
(Nantahala av intersects) 237 Carter S T 245 Wilbanks O A 257 Shaw L P
(S A L Ry intersects) - Atlantic Compress Co YONAH AV -w from Rucna Vista
nv. 1 n of Prince av extd
1 1
' About the only establishment that makes money without advertising is the mint."
v\%*^***^* vv*vv* ^**^**^**^**^**^**^**%*^**^**^**^**^**^
TKe McGregor Company
Q Trinters Stationers Hinders
Established 1898
Phone 109
Talmadge Bldg 185' College Av.
Fire Insurance
Our Specialties
Note--This is not a regular part of the Directory, but we desire to make it as complete as we can, therefore we will gladly insert any proper information furnished us in time.
CITY GOVERNMENT (City Hall, College av cor Hancock av) Attorney--Jerome Michael Bacteriologist and Physician --W W
Brown Chief of Fire Dept--Geo W McDor-
man Chief of Police--L E Brooks
City Marshal--B F Woods City Stockade (workhouse), Boule vard extd-- A N Brooks supt Clerk and Treasurer--W L Wood
Engineer--J W Barrett Mayor--W F Dorsey Sanitary Inspector--J H Booth
Supt City Water Works--Jas Barrow Supt of Schools--
Supt of Streets--O C Harbin Board of Aldermen
First Ward--R T Wright, A G
Second Ward--H R Palmer, V Mat thews
Third Ward--L N Betts, H P Hin-
Fourth Ward--J A Pitner, H H Gordon Jr
Board of Health (City Hc.ll)
J P Proctor pres, R C Orr. A M Soule, C M Strahan
City Water Works (Office City Hall)
Plant, Oconee nr Bird; pumping
station Sou Ry nr Macon av--Supt Jas Barrow; W McKinnon engnr, B M Betts engnr
Recorder's Court
(City Hall) Recorder's Court--Meets every
morning (Sunday excepted) at 10 o'clock, his Honor the Recorder pre
I n You Advertise lit " The City Directory C
Fire Department (End e Washington on n Thomas) Chief--G W McDorman Captain--D D Newsom Dept No 1. Firemen--H G Adair, A A England, T J Graham, H H Greg ory, J P Hall, J W Paul, L J Thomp son and W R Thompson Hose Wagon No 1 -- R K. Summers driver Dept No 2 (Prince av cor Hill). Foreman--W J Potts Firemen--H H Peeler, E F Lester, J R Allgood, W M Lewis, E C Poss Hose Wagon No 2--Jos Lewis driver
Fire Alarm Districts First Ward-- East of Thomas st to limits Second Ward--Between Thomas and Lumpkin sts Third Ward--North of Hancock av, w of Lumpkin Fourth Ward--South of Hancock av, w of Lumpkin
Police Department (Headquarters-- City Hall) Chief-- L E Brooks Captains-- R H Ware, F C Seagraves City Detective--J P McCall Patrolmen--R A Burpee, H G
Wright, D J McCune, W T Cooper, C E Craft. G N Gentry, W J Bradley, J B McGce R H Ware. W F Eberhart, J M White, H K Brooks H H Hill, J F Short, H H Paul,' C W Heard, W J Britton. B Betts, J T Pot ter, G C Emcrick. C E Seaqjaves
(Court House) Clerk Superior Court--Elmer J Crawford Ordinary--Robt C Orr
n The Reason II fl Good Results
U Bec'asuse U U
Fortunes. Unlike Rome, Are "Built In a Day." The World Stands Agape at the Wonders Which Advertising Works.
Directory Advertising is Judicious Advertising.
Sheriff--Walter E Johnson
Tax Collector-- Henry H Linton Janitor--*Harrison E Edwards
Postoffice College av bet Washington and Hancock av
Postmaster--J H Rucker Asst Postmaster-- Harvey Stovall
Supt of Mails--J H Kelly Genl Del Clk--Miss Eva Atkisson Asst Genl Del Clk--W I Flanigan Stamp Clk--Miss Annie Lyle
Office Clerks--J F Bishop, *E M Freeman, L Hardeman, *M J Hoibrook, R M Jennings
Railway Postal Clerks-- E M Car-
tey. Reauchamp Brooks L M Hulme,
R A Jones, Aubie Robertson City Carriers--L D Conaway, *J W
Davis, * W H Foster, J T Galliher,
*W O Hill. W J Kinyon, *R Livingston, * E Y Sapp.
Substitute Carriers--W R Jennings. *J W Horton
Rural Route Carriers--No 1, E B
Stone; No 2. S C Cartledge; No 3, J L Smith Jr; No 4, J L Smith; No 5, E K Collins
Dispatchers-- E D White *J R Mack Finance Clerk--P L Smith Sub Clerk-- R M Anderson General delivery opens 8:00 a m and
closes 9:00 p m Stamp and Money Order windows,
same hours Deliveries of carrier routes are made
in both business and residence dis tricts leaving P O at 8 a m and 2pm
On Sunday general delivery and stamp window open from 12 to 1 p m
United States Post Office (State Normal School Branch)--Prince av
nr Oglethorp av--Miss Ruby I Fow
ler supt United States Commissioner--W G
Cornett Referee in Bankruptcy-- F L Upson United States Court
Custodian--J H Rucker Asst Custodian--J H Kelly Referee in Bankruptcy--L F Upson Janitor--T M Torrester Watchman--*R H Foster
*John Blackwell Charwoman --*Jane Holder
Banks (Sec Business Directory) BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS
Chamber of Commerce Officers--A C Irwin pres, M J Ab-
ney 1st v-pres, C D Flanigan 2nd vpres, J C Jester treas
Directors--A C Irwin, C D Heidler, D G Anderson, L C Smith, W H
Shelton, C D Flanigan, M J Abney, D P Hazelton, H H Gordon, E J Bondurant, J C Jester
Cemeteries Gospel Pilgrim Cemetery (colored) --S A L Ry and 4th Jackson Street Cemetery--Jackson cor Magazine
Oconee Cemetery--nr Cemetery, J H Bisson sexton
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS Young Men's Christian Association
215 J/2 n Lumpkin -- E R Hodgson Jr pres, F L Edwards v-pres, J C Chand
ler treas, C B Griffith sec sec, W T Forbes genl sec
Young Women's Christian Associa tion. Hancock av n w cor Pulaski--
Miss Mildred Rutherford pres, Miss Annie Linton treas, Miss Daisy A
Dunlap genl sec, Miss Elizabeth
Payne house sec, Miss Marguerite Lieth physical director
(White) Baptist First Church, College av cor Wash ington, Rev J W Lynch pastor
Second Church, e broad cor Poplar Tabernacle, Childs nr Prince av, Rev R E Neighbour pastor West End, Boulevard cor Hiawassee
av, Rev A L Flury pastor Catholic
St Josephs, Prince av n w cor Pu laski, Rev Henry F Clark pastor
Christian Church, Pulaskj cor Dougherty, Rev S R Grubb pastor
Emanuel, Prince av n e cor Pope, Rev Troy Beattie rector
Hebrew Jewish Synagogue, e Hancock av
cor Jackson. Rev F K Hirsch rabbi Pentecostal
Pentecostal Mission, 146^ n Thomas
Ashevilie Business College KntireSrd Floor. No.K North Pack Square. Henry S. Shockley. Principal. Pock-keeping. American
Asheville, N. C.
Banking:. Office Systems, Wholesaling, Commisson. Manufacturing. Lumber Book-keeping. Cost
Accounting:, Farm Book-keeping, Business Con
tracts. Practical Salesmanship, Business Arithmetic, Spelling. English. Punctuation. Typewriting
Enter any time.
Office work of all kinds solicited.
Order 4-Quarts for $2.75, $3.20, $4.00, $5.00 or $6.00 Add 25c for Extra Quart of Same Whiskey Ordered.
Price List on Request. Potts-Thompson, Chattanooga, Tenn.
First (M E), Lumpkin cor Hancock av, Rev C C Jarrell pastor
Oconee St (M E), Oconee cor Pop lar, Rev A A Sullivan pastor
Pearce Chapel (M E), 330 n Foun dry Young-Harris Memorial (M E South)
Boulevard cor Chase, Rev R M Dixon pastor
Central, Prince av cor Milledge av,
Rev S J Cartledge pastor
First, Hancock nr College av, Rev
E L Hill pastor
Lane's Chapel, Oconee cor Carr, Rev J D McPhail pastor
(Colored) Baptist
Ebenezer, Broad cor Newton, Rev
J H Horton pastor Hills Chapel, Harris cor Broad, Rev
D W Dunn pastor Hills First, Pope n e cor Reese, Rev J T Johnson pastor
New Town, Savannah av nr Cleve land av, Rev Thos Dawson pastor
Primitive, Chase cor Reese
Congregational Congregational, Pope cor Meigs
Episcopal, Hancock av cor Pope Methodist
Bethel (A M E), Broad cor Billups, Rev P J Jones pastor
First (A M E), Foundry ft of e
Hancock av. Rev J W Dore pastor St John (A M E), Stephens nr At
lanta av. Rev C H Robinson pastor St Paul (C M E), Flint cor Odd,
Rev W H Johnson pastor Union Temple (A M E), River nr
EDUCATIONAL Board of Education-- City Hall; J
D Mell pres, J E Talmadge Jr v-pres, M G Michael treas, C D Flunigen sec
Members First Ward--Wm Dootson term ex
pires Jan 1914; R K Reaves, term ex pires Jan 1916
Second Ward--(to December) term expires Jan 1915; Aaron Cohen, term
expires Jan 1915; G H Palmer, term expires Jan 1916
Third Ward--John White Morton, J D Mell
Fourth Ward--John E Talmadge
Jr, M G Michael term expires Jan
1915 City at Large--D C Barrow, C D
Flanigen Ex-Officio-- WF Dorsey, Mayor of
the city
Standing Committees Finance--J E Talmadge Jr, chair
man; D C Barrow, G H Palmer Salaries--A Cohen, chairman; C D
Flanigen H J Rowe Supplies--G H Palmer, chairman;
C D Flanigen, A Cohen Buildings and School Property--M
G Michael, chairman; J E Talmadge Jr, H J Rowe
Grievances--H J Rowe, chairman; R K Reaves M G Michael
Rules and Laws--William Dootson, chairman; D C Barrow, John W Mor
ton Examinations -- D C Barrow chair
man; William Dootson, C D Flanigen Sanitation-- R K Reaves chairman;
M G Michael. John W Morton Library--John W Morton, chair
man, I) C Barrow, C D Flanigan
High School. Prince av nr Pope-- E B Mell prin, P R Anderson science and athletics. Miss M Smoake mathe matics, Bohannon business science, Miss M B Perry and Miss P Hillsman
Childs Street School (formerly Meigs St), Childs nr Prince av-- Mrs F K Freeman ,* rin. Miss M E Barwick Miss R M Steedman Miss E Bird, Miss L M Bird, Miss E Brad bury. Miss F J Caldwell teachers
College Av School--Miss C E Bar row prin. Miss L M Kelly, Miss M A Arnold, Miss S Treanor, Miss M E Gerdine, Miss M C Gerdine, Miss E Woods, Miss P McKinley, Miss L Paine, Miss G Woods, Miss A Walden. Miss L Towns, Miss E M Palmer, teachers
Natahala Av (Day) School, Nantahala av cor Chase--Miss M L Wier prin. Miss N McDorman, Miss
Tin, Sheet Iron and Cornice Worker. Metal
Sky Lights and Hot Air Heating
168 W. Washington St.
Telephone 264
I Cooper, Miss Margaret Stone, (State Normal School)-- Director J C
s Lumpkin and Jackson-- Dr David C
Nantahala Av (Night) School, Nan Wardlaw, Prin Miss Kate Hicks
tahala av cor Chase-- Miss M McKie Rural School (State Normal School)
Miss Laura Elder teacher
Nantahala Av Kindergarten, Nan University of Georgia, e Broad bet
tahala av cor Chase--Miss J McGre-
s Lumpkin & Jackson--Dr David C
gor prin
Oconee St School. Oconec cor Barrow
Poplar--Miss Annie Patman prin
Heard University, Rcese nr Pope--
Athens High & Industrial School, J T Heard prin. Miss A A M Heard
Recsc cor Church--S F Harris prin - teacher. Miss H G Heard teacher
and languages. Miss A M Burney Jeruel Academy, 397 Baxter
mathematics. Miss M J Brydie sci Knox Institute and Industrial
ence, Miss N M Hyman domestic sci- School, Pope cor Reese--L S Clark
ince J E Reid manual training. Miss prin
L Hawkins 1st grade. Miss B V Der-
ricotte 2cl and 3d grades. Miss S E Crawford W Long Infirmary (U of
Carter 4th grade, Mrs V C Morse 5th Ga)--U of Ga Campus
grade, Miss L Green Cth grade
St Mary's Hospital. 360 n Milledge"
*East Athens School--Mary Reid av--Miss Elizabeth Slaughter supt
New Town School. 347-357 Athens Athens Library Association, 195 e
av--Miss M T Heard prin. Misses M J Clayton--Mrs Henrietta Barrow li
Hill. M F Davis and I V Brown brarian
West Athens School. 1573 w Broad Base Ball Park--s Lumpkin cor Sa-
--Miss Julia White- prin. Misses Ma pelo
rion Hill. Stella E Reid and Dora SECRET SOCIETIES AND FRA
Murdcn teachers
Private Schools and Colleges
Athens B P O E No 790--Meets
Athens Business College. 133^2 w every Wed night at 8:30 at lodge
Claylon--J D Severns propr. R E quarters. Broad cor Lumpkin; Joe L
Carter mngr
Deadwyler E R, Geo H Palmer sec
Ga State College of Agri, Cedar nr
Knights of Pythias
s T.umpkin
St Elmo Lodge No 40, K of P--
Lucy Cobb Institute. Milledge av Meets every Mon 8 p m at hall in
l>ct Reese and Hancock av: board of Tester Bldg: S R Grubb C C, T H
trustees -A J Cobb, Billups Phinizy, Nickcrson K of R & S
.1 M Hodgson. J A Hunnicutt. D C
K of H
Barrow: faculty principals--Misses Golden Rule Lodge No 211--Meets
Susan Gerdine and Annie Brumby
every 2d Wed night in each month at
State Normal School, Prince av hall, \2Sy2 Clayton
extd nr Oglethorpe av; officers and
board of trustees--Pres B S Miller, Keystone Chapter No 1, R A M--
Sec-Treas G A Mell;; faculty--Chan Meets every 3d Tues 8 p m at lodge
cellor (ex officio) D C Barrow, Pres room in Max Joseph Bldg; W C Jor
I M Pound. Dean Alex Ahodes Reg dan II P, M T Summerlin sec
istrar Miss F H Scott, Stengr Miss P Mt Vernon Lodge No 22, F & A M
B Newton
-- Meets every 2d Thurs 8 p m at
Correspondence School (State Nor lodge room in Max Toseph Bldg; L
mal School courses by the 17 heads of N Belts W M. I G Quinn sec
Odd Fellows
Muscogee Elementary School, Glenn Lodge No 75, I O O F--
SET Palmer & Sons
PHONES: Office 394 Residence 957-L
Room 609 Southern Mutual Building
Meets every Tues 8 p m at hall yi
Max Joseph 151dg; VV V Parnell N G, J W Anthony V G
William Lodge No 15, I O O F Meets every Mon 8 p m at hall in Max Joseph P.ldg: F L Jones N G, J A Mcalor R S
Athens Rebekah Lodge No :54
Meets every Thurs 8 p m at hall in
Max Joseph P>ldg Oliver Encampment No 14 Meets
every Friday 8 p m at hall in Max Joseph lildg
U C T C Classic City Council No :\\~>, U C T Meets 1st and :>d Saturdays 8 p m in K of P Hall, Jester P>ldg; J H Wilson S C, Jno Roberts sec
WOW Geo P, Davis Camp No 292, W O W Meets every Wed 8 p m at hall in
Max Joseph P>ldg; T M Forrester C F,
Jno Mappin elk
Don't Get Stuck
By advertising in a frivolous manner. The City Directory carries the untold news (which is not frivolous nor funny), of the most progressive dealers of today.
Your Trade IS NOT LIMITED to your immediate neighborhood: you are in close touch
with the most remote part of the city and can compete with any one if
you make proper use of your CITY DIRECTORY.
As the live wire which carries the current which
turns the wheels of numerous industries, so does the
City Directory carry the light to the buyer seeking-
goods in your line
j* j* o*
Say, Mr. Business Man
Let's Get
Piedmont Directory Co.
Player Pianos, Pianos, Organs and
459 E. Clayton
Phone 905
Fly A
One of the most persistent advertisers in the history of success was Robinson Crusoe.
He believed in advertising.
He knew what he wanted a ship. And he put up an ad for one.
He flung a shirt on a pole at the top of his island; that, in the language of the sea, was plain to every seafaring man.
The circulation was small and there was no other medium, but Crusoe kept it there despite the fact that he got no inquiries for a long time. He changed his copy as one garment after anther was flapped out and in the end got what he wanted, was happy, and his name and fame have come down through the ages.
The present-day merchant is much better off than Crusoe.
He Has The City Directory through which he can reach all the people, some of whom want his goods. Your chances of success are thousands to his one, but your chances of failure are the same as his.
Suppose Robinson Crusoe had taken down that signal after, say a year, and declared, "Advertising doesn't pay," where would he and his story now be?
Put up your signal and keep it up. There will be a number of ships crusing around during the year 1914. that will be glad to call and take you off the island of Dull Business.
Crusoe advertised under discouraging circumstances. You have got a sure thing The City Directory.
Mr. Manufacturer, Merchant (Wholesale and Retail):
No other Publication in the world so thoroughly represents the commercial, social and private interests of your city as The City Directory. Representing, as it does, every private citizen from the hovel to the mansion; every commercial, social, religious and educational institution and all other data pertaining to your city, it is beyond question, the most accurate and complete index to the city and its various interests in existence..
The Directory is the dictionary to the city and the Piedmont Directory Co. intend that 1914 Directory shall be The Unabridged Edition. "The first aid to strangers and a standard remedy for homefolks," accurate, complete and upto-date in every respect. Unusual prospects of profit (direct and indirect) and Civic Pride should influence every manufacturer and business man to have full representation in this Directory, and every well-governed home to have a copy of the latest Directory for the use and convenience of Strangers and visitors. "Know thyself" is sound medical advice ;Know Your City is equally good business advice. Consult the Directory when you want to buy or sell and you will get the best of everything at the lowest price and help reduce the hight cost of living.
Mr. Manufacturer and Business Man It's a fact that the Directory is your
city's only standing representative to the world beyond your own gates and
the only index to your city's growth and prosperity. Future Directories,
by the exchange system, now in general use. will be placed in the Directory
Libraries of the Principal Cities of The United States for the use of all who
wish to consult its pages. A well-patronized city directory indicates a good
city to locate in.
Yours truly,
Ernest H. Miller, P-- and Cenl Mngr PIEDMONT DIRECTORY CO.
t \ K~> ^|
The Directory is the Connecting Link Between Buyer and Seller"
Alabama City Attalla Gadsden Huntsville New Decatur Tuscaloosa
Jonesboro Paragould
Albany Amencus Athens Bainbridge Cordele Dalton Dublin Elberton Gainesville Fitzgerald Griffin La Grange Newnan Rome Thomasville
Carbondale Centralia Marion Monmouth Mt. Carmel Mt. Vernon Murphysboro Paris
Clinton Columbus Frankfort Greensburg Huntington Madison New Castle Wabash
KENTUCKY Ashland Bowling Green Cattlettsburg Mayfield Middlesboro
Owensboro Paris Richmond
Alexandria Baton Rouge Houma Lake Charles Lafayette Monroe Morgan City New Iberia Opelousas
MISSISSIPPI Biloxi Brookhaven Clarksdale Corinth Greenville Greenwood Gulfport Hattiesburg Laurel
OHIO Bellefontaine Delaware Middletown Sidney Urbana
PENNSYLVANIA Chambersburg Green Castle
SOUTH CAROLINA Abbeville Aiken
Anderson Camden
Chester Clinton Darlington
Cape Girardeau Mexico Fopl, ar BD liufaf NORTH CAROLINA
Elizabeth City Gastonia Graham Greenville Henderson Hendersonvillc Hickory High Point Lexington Monroe Salisbury Spencer Statesville Washington Waynesville Winston-Salem
Rock Hifl Spartanburg Union Yorkville
Morristown TEXAS Brownsville Corpus Christi Orange Sulphur Springs Taylor VIRGINIA Clifton Forge Danville Fredericksburg Harrisonburg Pulaski Suffolk Winchester
Columbia Jfire Unsurancc Company
716-723 Southern Mutual Building
t T T
J. Y. CARITHERS, President. WM. T. BRYAN, Vice-President.
JAMES WHITE, Treasurer. LANGDON C. QUIN, Secretary. W. B. WILKINSON, Asst. Secretary.
E R W 1 N & CO . I
Managers Local Department 283 COLLEGE AVENUE