Directory, city of Athens, Georgia [1909]








A7A867 1909

Dlant \*

I Oi



Gift of Athens Directory Co.

[ anv . ICIS

Male's Book Cases.

BLANK BOOKS: Old Style and Loose-Leaf.

Phone 77.

321 Clayton St.




Containing a General Directory of City of Athens, Business Directory, Map of City, Street Guide, and Other Valuable Information.
Published by
The Athens Directory Company


The city of Athens has for many years needed a thoroughly correct and up-to-date directory. It was to supply such a directory that we entered upon the undertaking that has now reached its completion. It is for the business men of Athens to say whether cr not we have filled the requirements, and knowing the amount of work that has been done and the care with which every detail has
attended to. we feel sure that the work will merit their ap-

Athens deserves only the best and that is what we have en-

'eavored to give in this volume. The most experienced men have

heen employed in every department of the work and the utmost

care has been expended in securing the information that goes to

make up this volume. What is herein said 'iray be relied upon. A

directory is worthless unless it gives exact information and exact

information is what we have endeavored to print.

In addition to the names of people living in the city and the

information concerning them, we have presented in this issue of the

directory considerable information on a number of subjects that will

be of interest not only to the readers of the directory in this city

but also to those abroad who will scan its pages.

Athens is a wonde' f\i\ little city, one of the best in the world

and one that is now showing a most remarkable development along

overy line of public activity. The salient features of the pro-

gress of the city and the many advantages offered here to home-

seekers, manufacturers and business men have been set forth in as

j.ttractive a manner as possible, so that the directory itself may

breathe the very spirit of progress that marks Athens as a city

that is to be known far and wide in the years to come.

We desire to thank those who have taken advantage of the

advertising space in this book. A large number of copies will bft

sent abroad and will do the city and the advertisers much good.

This city has a large number of most progressive business men and

many of thea have set forth the attractions of their lines in these

pages. They have helped make this issue of the directory a suc-

cess and in that way have not only reaped a satisfactory income

as a business investment but have aided in the upbuilding of their


The growth of Athens is quite manifest from the figures that

we give KS to the population of the city. There are in this book

?.543 names. Nearly all directory publishers, in order to arrive at

:i correct estimate cf the population, multiply the number of names

by 2 1-2, to allow for the names of wives and children that are not

counted, but we will be thoroughly conservative and >irultiply by

only two. That will give Athens a population of 19,086. That shows

an increase since 1900 of nearly one hundred per cent.

We thank the public for the courteous manner in which the

necessary information has been supplied us and present this direc-

tory with the belief that it will measure up to the needs of the

city in every way.

.. *"*. **: *. **.*

A TllEXS \\as founded in June 1801. when the Committee of Senatus Academicus selected the site of the University of Ceorgia. The oldest building now standing in the city is the "( >ld College." which was located by the committee.
The village grew uu around the University, upon land bought by Governor John Milledgc- and donated to the State. In December 1815 the Legislature of Georgia granted a charter to the village and officially named it Athens.
The several changes from village to town, from town to city were made in the organic law as the necessity arose.
The anti-bellum history of Athens is chiefly of an educational and social nature.
It would be invidious to call the names of any of the distinguished men who in the early days gave lustre to their home and State.
It is not the purpose of this sketch to give a history of the University.
Suffice it to say that the character of the citizens of earlv Athens has impressed itself indelibly upon the business thought rind method of her people, to the exclusion of visionary schemes and to the production of substantial and steady growth and prosperity.
Among the business institutions of earlv Athens which

doervt muition arc the Southern Mutual Insurance Company The Aihcn> Manufacturing Company. The Athens i ; oundr\ and Machine \\orlo. The Athens Gas Company and The State Hank. All of these enjoyed periods of great prosperity and are today ( with exception of the bank) nourishing and substantial concerns. The State Hank disappeared \\ith the war het\\een the States. And among the first of Aihen> institutions to begin the repair of the wreck wrought by the conflict was the National I'.ank of Athens, which continues today to be one of the soundest financial concerns in the co-miry.
The first threat impetu> given to business after the war \vas by the building of the Xortheastern Railroad. To the men who carried thi> enterprise to success, Athens owes more than to any of her sons.
.Mono \\ith the railroad came cotton compresses. Immediate!) the cotton trade of Athens made an upward bound. ]; rom that time is dated the beginning of those conditions \\hieh today make Athens one of the largest inland cotton markets in the world
( )ne sign of growth from village to town life was the introduction and use of ice. to be followed in due time by ice plants.
Another was the use of coal, which, before that time, sold at prohibitive prices here. The railroad development thus begun has brought the Central, the Seaboard Air-Line, the Gainesville Midland. Concomitantly the Georgia Railroad built its line into Athens, and the other roads have found it necessary to continually enlarge their terminal facilities.
\\ith the establishment of the public schools of the city there was an influx of people, so that from the opening day our excellently conducted schools have been taxed to their capacity, and the establishment has demanded and received repeated enlargements.
Meanwhile the Bank of the University, the Athens Savings F>ank. and later the Georgia National Rank, and the Citizens' T'ank successively opened their doors to meet the demands of growing business.
The municipality was at the same time expanding from a small affair with a few officials to the full proportions of a city government. The fire department, one of the best in the

world, was formed out of the old volunteer fire-fighters. The police force grew from a single marshal with a stick and a 1.intern to a well directed and properly organize*! department.
The water demand having outgrown springs, wells and cisterns brought the water works, at first a private enterprise. This proving inadequate the city established her own plant, supplied from the river, with complete system of settling basins, filters, electrically driven pumps, mains, pipes and hydrants sufficient for public and private needs.
Along with the water supply came the sewer system, to vhich too high praise cannot be given.
The streets have received intelligent and careful attention. The varied character of the topugraphv necessitates the use ot different kinds of paving. So the streets of Athens are examples of the several approved methods of street improvements. \Ye have llelgian block, vitrified brick, creosote block, and macadam. The brick side walks are rapidly giving way io granolithic pavement, which adds greatly to comfort and appearance.
The L'Towing' needs of Athens demanded a I'.oard of Health. The recent enlargement of the powers of the I'oard c'lid its excellent personnel gives promise of its efficiency.
The Max or and Council have realized with sound judgment and progressive spirit the steady and rapid growth of ih.e city government and have met the conditions with signal .-..bility.
The introduction of street cars, operated at first by hay I.tuners, soon made this method of transportation a nccessitv.
The development of the water powers followed, giving Athens and electric street car system, furnishing street lights ] luminntif n to business and private house's, and furnishing j ower to numbers of small manufacturing industries as well as to the large factories.
The installation of the telephone brought business methods to the latest modem efficiency, and connected Athens with the business world.
Tlu> \Yestern-l nion Telegraph Company, which had long (Vre the harness, now .found a competitor in the Postal Tele: -:M>II aii'l Cable Companv.
The Federal ("lovernment recognized the importance of the

situation and gave the street delivery of mails, to be followed by the rural delivery from the Athens office.
( )f the great number of small industries which have developed in the last quarter century, it is impossible to speak in the limits of this sketch. Of the larger enterprises none excel the Empire State Chemical and Fertilizer Company, the Southern Manufacturing Company, the Athens Compress Company, the Southern Refining Co. the Southern Cotton Oil Company, the Moss Manufacturing Company, the Lyndon Manufacturing Company, the Standard Manufacturing Company.
The three last mentioned are dealers in lumber and manufacturers of builders' supplies. That three such concerns Nourish in Athens is a striking proof of her rapid growth in building.
Speaking generally of the mercantile business of Athens, the growth has been steady and rapid. Xumbers of retail dealers in every line, several department stores occupy elegant establishments, and attest the prosperity of the city. The wholesale business of the city has grown to such proportions that Athens' traveling salesmen meet and successfully compete with rivals in four states.
Within the last fifteen years the older part of the business section of Athens has been practically rebuilt, new and handsome business houses have extended far beyond the former limits, while it is perhaps no exaggeration to say that the private residences built in that time have added at least fifty per cent to the value of that class of property.
Disclaiming any intention to make distinction, we cannot 1'i't feel pride in mentioning our handsome City Hall, the Fedelal Court building, the Georgian Hotel, the Southern Mutual office building, and the Colonial Theatre.
To no single agency does Athens owe more than to her enlightened press. The papers daily and weekly have always !>een found the leaders in all movements for the upbuilding of the city, and ever on the side of right and fair dealing. The press of Athens today is ably represented by the two leading papers, the Daily Rainier, and the Courier, a weekly publication.
The educational institutions of Athens were the reason of its existence. While we are not now concerned with their

expansion in their special lines, it would be an omission not to mention their physical improvement. The University of recent > ears has added the Academic lUiilding, Science Hall, Peabody Library. Candler Hall. Dormitory, Denmark Dining Hall, and (Georgia College of Agriculture, to her plant and equipment.
The State Normal School has grown from a single building, the ( )ld Rock College, to a group of large and handsome structures, the Winnie Davis Memorial, the Dormitory, the Auditorium, the Practice school, the Dining Hall.
The Lucy Cobb Institute has added a large building for lecture rooms and dormitory, and made extensive improvements and additions to the old buildings.
Tn conclusion we cannot refrain from expressing gratificai'on in contemplating our commercial prosperity, and while recognizing that the building owes its substantial elegance to the wisdom, the character, the integrity of the founders of the I'-ng ago. we express the hope that the future of our beloved citv mav be no less clean than great.
There is probably no manufacturing concern in Athens that Is better known or more favorably thought of than the Empire State Chemical Co.. of which Mr. E. R. Hodgson. Sr.. is president. The plant of the company is considered a model of its kind. It is located about half a mile beyond the lin:its of the City of Athens on the Georgia Railroad and consists of several buildings which are used for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, acid phosphate, complete ammoniated fertilizers, etc. The chief power used in this manufacturing concern is electricity though steam power is also used to some extent as an auxiliary. The plant has its own fire protection system which is so constructed as to give these works the 'owest insurance rate obtainable on fertilizer plants.
The works were designed by the X. P. Pratt Laboratory, engineers and chemists, of Atlanta. Ga.. and the famous Pratt process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid is used. The construction of the works was done by the engineering department of the Pratt Laboratory, and the Southeastern Tariff Association, which is made up of most of the fire insurance companies operated in Georgia, was so pleased with the character of the construction of this factory that it has published a pamphlet to all other fertilizer factories in the South and numerous copies of same have been for-

warded to England, Germany and other countries where sulphuric acid works are operated. This is an evidence of the fact that one v)f Athens' best known institutions is constructed ;ilong model lines.
The products of these works are sold to perhaps ten thousand farmers by the merchants who do business in north and middle Georgia. The brands of fertilizers best known which are shipped from these works are as follows:
Red Star Special, Ge.ii! of Athens. Tap Root Guano, Big Crop Guano, all grades of Acid Phosphate and Potash mixtures, Nitrate of Soda. Muriate of Potash and other fertilizer materials.
The officers of the company are Mr. E. R. Hodgson. President, Mr. E. R. Hodgson, .Jr., Vice-President, and Mr. Harry Hodgson, Secretary and Tieasurer. These gentlemen have been engaged in the fertilizer business in this city for fourteen years and their busli ess covers a large proportion of the towns of Georgia north of Ma con.
THE ATHENS MATTRESS AND SPRING BED CO. One of the little giants in the manufacturing world of Athens .ind destined to come one of the leaders of the entire state and section is the Athens Mattress and Spring Bed Co i pany. This splendid industry, which lias alreadv becon e one of the most progres five industries of Athens, was organized in October I'.iOT, being i ow but a little more than a. year old. It has a capital of $25,000 I'.nd the privilege in its charter of increasing that sum to a much larger amount as the business may develop. For tlie purposes of the mut tress factory the company has a building with more than fourteen thousand square feet of floor space, aii'l ihe building set apart for the spring bed :i anufaetorv contains over four thousand square feet ef floor space. The very best equipment, was installed at the beginning and as addition" are made only the very best goes into the plant. This is ; lie of the reasons of the great s :ccess of the company from the start. Another reascn for this success is the employment of only the best and most -xne: ienced heln. The company t> s ploys about twenty-five hands and these hands are experienced in the work in which thpy are engaged. This company manufactures mattresses and spring beds of both iigh and medium grrdes. The output of the plant has had a ready ; ale from the start and there are row five sales ven constantly on Ihe road selling this factory's goods. Five states are covered in this work. viz.. Georgia. Alabama. Florida. South Carolina and North Carolina. Hon. Nat. I). Arnold, of Oglethorpe county, is president of the company. He is a man of wide experience in business affairs and bas also held important positions in public: life in his county. Mr. A. H. O'Farrell. a well known broker of this city, is the < fficiem vice-presirlent. while Mr. (). H. Arnold, of this city, is secretary and treasurer. The most active work of the company is

;n the hands of Mr. O. H. Arnold, who has sho\vn a run arkalde ability and energy in handling the affairs of the company from the ;ery beginning. Mr. Arnold has given to this company the closest attention and has conducted its affairs with signal ability and success.
is one of the greatest factors in the development of Athens. It repre sents an investment of more than a hall' million dollars and th j.olicy of its ,11 anagement is that of progress.
This company came into existence in ]s!4 an.l for the past titteen years has achieved an unquestioned success in every way. Starting in a modes! way. it has grown and developed until it is now one of the giants of th- street railway world of the South.
G'radual extensions of the car line have been made until th-> length of the line has now reached six and a half miles, and other .'dditions are now contemplated, with every porbahility of their I-eing made at no distant date.
In addition to the street railway service, this company operates both the arc lighting and incmdesrant lighting plants of the city. The s?rviC" given in these plants is thoroughly satisfactory at all r'nes.
The equipment cf the street railway system i s ample, convenient, comfortable and attractive. This is constantly added to a^ 'emar.dcd In the increase in the population of the cit\.
The motive power with which the company operates the street ravs and "lights, as well ss a number of n aiiufat lories, is secured at the two plants on .Mi ".die river ard the supple i ental steam plant in t'lis city.
The officers of the company are: President. .1. Y. Carithers; Vice-President. \V. S. Holman: See-. r.nd Tr?as.. \V. T. Bryan: General Manager. ('. D. Flanigen.
n.joys a foremost position among the manufacturing establish i ents of its kind in the state. It is capitalized at $125.000 ard employs more than fifty men at its large plant on Oeonee street. Its buildings are all new and its n achinery of the latest make. Everything is so arranged as to give to the plant a maximum efficiency.
Located on the Central of Georgia tracks it is in close touch with the best railroad facilities and its large and increasing business is handled with the greatest ease.
This company does a general cotton oil business and handle? all cotton se-'d products. It also refines crude oil in large quantities.
Recently the company has added a large warehouse to its equipment and an extensive fertilizer mixing plant.
In addition to enjoying a large trade all over this state and sec'ion, the company also does a large exporting business.

.Mr. A. .M. Cotbs is president of this company. Mr. G. R. Brightwell ir- vice-president. Mr. Charles B. Griffith is secretary and Mr. ! . S. Dobbs. is treasurer. These men are among the foremost business men of the community and under their direction the affairs of the company are most successfully managed.
: : one of the most useful and most successful corporations in the (ity. This can pany has a large plant and one that is being added 10 all the while as the demands of business increase. It has a capacity of twenty-five thousand brick per day, and never finds the least trouble in disposing of its product.
The Martin system, the latest improved drying systeir, is used :-y this company with much satisfaction and splendid results. The latest improved brick kilns, the Boss system, for burning common 'arick are in use there .
The Georgia Brick Company has handled quite a number of large contracts both in Athens and elsewhere. The company is prepared to handle satisfactorily large contracts and to give prompt tnd efficient attention to the business. The officers of the company ;tre as follows:
President, C. B. Griffith; Vice-President, .T. H. T. McPherson; Secretary, E. R. Kinnebrew; Treasurer, R. R. Jones; Manager, C. T. Hussey.
The Southern Manufacturing Company, with the single exception of the New Holland and Gainesville .n ill, has the largest cotton mill in this section of Georgia and with the constant increase ; n its capacity it will in a few years be one of the largest mills in ihe state.
This enterprise is only six years old, but it is already a giant in the industrial world of Georgia.
Mr. A. H. Hodgson. one of the foremost business men of the city, is president of the company and Mr. Billups Phinizy, a well Known Athens financier, is vice-president. Mr. W. T. Bryan, than v.boin Athens has no more able or more successful manufacturer, is the efficient treasurer and Mr. Charles H. Newton, a prominent insurance miMi. is secretary.
Mr. John F. Tibbetts, one of t'he owners of the mill, is the manager of the manufacturing department.
All of the above are directors in the company and in addition Mr. .1. Y. Carithers. president of the Athens Electric Railway Co., is a director.
In 1903 this mill had 1680 spindles and 60 looms; it now has 21.D20 spindles and T5S4 looms. These figures tell the story of the progress of this magnificent company.
It has grown until the plant and the operatives' houses taken together constitute a small sized city in themselves. The build-

ings are well constructed, they are thoroughly equipped with the best fire protection, the operatives' houses are neat and attractive, the machinery in the mills is the very latest and most up-to-date.
For the product of the nills there is a steady demand and 'he mills keep running without cessation. The plant of this company is in every way a inodel and is a credit to the city.
The Athens Foundry and Machine Works is one of the oldest and most substantial of the industries of the city. It was established years before the war between the States and has been in opetation with much success for more than hall a century.
Its plant is well located, easy of access and admirably equipped with the very best machinery. A large number of expert mechanics are employed in the various branches of the business and the guaranty of perfect satisfaction goes with every piece of work i^one there.
This con pan y enjoys a large and satisfactory patronage from people scattered all over this section of the state, and the reputation i' has for work of the highest degree of excellence is well known and richly merited. The patronage of the company in recent years has shown a decided increase and it was never in better condition. It is a splendid agent for the upbuilding of the city.
Judge John R. White, president of the National Bank of Athens, manager of the Georgia factory, owner of the Whitehall mill and interested in a number of the leading industries of the city and section, is president of this company.
Mr. Thomas Bailey, who has been intin ately connected with the company since the latter fifties and who for the greater part of ihat time has managed the affairs of the company, is now its vice-president.
The general n anager of the company is Mr. E. H. Odom, who i-ame to Athens recently from Griffin. Mr. Odom is a man of ' plendid ability as a manager and under his management the company is rapidly advancing.
Alt-. Fred S. Morion is the efficient bookkeeper.
Th? carriage and wagon factory of Klein & Martin is one of i he b^st known and most successful manufactories in this city. Messrs. .1. H. Klein and Horace E. Martin, the owners and managers if this splendi 1 plant, rank among the most successful men in the community.
For a number of years this manufactory was located on Oconee street, but a short while since the old plant was sold and a lar^e, corrmodious new plant was erected on the tracks of the Athens Belt Line and Central of Georgia Railway. Into the new building was put the very best in the way of machinery and other equipment and there is no plant of its kind in the state that excels the Klein & Martin plant.

Tli name "Klein & .Marlin" on a. wagon is the stani]) of superiority an.l the reputation of this famous wagon is known not only in I his stat:j but in other states as well. This firm has built up a ;/reat reputation for building (Jypsy wagons. The firm sells these wagons all over the United States.
In addition to the manufacture of carriages, buggies, wagons Mid the like the fir.r also conducts a splendid and most efficient repair department.
Among the most successful manufactories of the state is the Mullison Braided Cord Company, whose plant is located four miles from the city of Athens on McXutt's creek. This plant occupies :he site of the old Pioneer Paper .Mill, which was one of the flrsi 1 aper .1 ills in the South. Under the ownership and management of .Mr. L. F. Kdwards, this plant has been brought to the highest stand; rd of perfection and efficiency. During the past few years a number of splendid improvements have hern made and several large adcitions made both to the floor space and the machinery of the j.lant.
The vrry latest machinery is in use there and it is driven by water and electricity. Everything connected with the Mallison nr.ill is up-to-date and thoroughly efficient. This has been the keynote .!' its success under the management of Mr. Edwards.
The Mallison Braided Cord Company turns out a proluct thai is eagerly sought for all over the union. The orders for this pro.iuct come from all states in the 1'nion. This plant gives employment to 100 hands and runs on full time all the while.
The success of this company is due to the ability and untiring energy of its owner and manager. Mr. Edwards is possessed of a : are genius for manufacturing and in addition to the Mallison tnills < wns a l;"'ge and prosperous cotton mill at Crawford, Ga., known ; ; s the Edwards Mill.
In the Lyndtr.n Manufacturing Co. Athens possesses a most. I'xcellent nt -.prise and one that does much towards the upbuilding of the city. A progressive city like Athens, a city that is doing ;i building husines 1- of a half million dollars per annul' and fre"uen;ly nure than that, of necessity must have an up-to-date sash, .'nrr a^d blird factory and general lumber company. This is what he city of Athens has in the Lyndon Manufacturing Co.
T!?e plant of this company is located near the Seaboard Air Li;;:- ard Southein depots, has an ample equipment of the very best n achinery. is opeiated by the most expert workmen, and carries in stock ;>t all times ih" largest and best supply of lumber :ind other 'uiilding mat;-'rials.
Mr. Thc)::u's YV. Baxter is the able and efficient owner and man-

;;gev of this business. .Mr. Baxter holds the positions of presiden! ;-nd general manager ot the company, while .Mr. G. .M. Caskey is Miperintendent and Mr. S. R. McUuffie secretary and treasurer.
THE ATHENS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. whose plant is locale,i on tli Oconee river in this city, is one of llie oldest cotton mill corporations in Georgia or the South: and at the sa:i e time it is one of the most prosperous.
Mr. Thomas P. Vincent, one of the leading citizens of Athens, is president of this company. Mr. Vincent has held this position for several years and has brought to the discharge of his duties as .-uch a splendid ability and energy that has brought success to the company.
Mr. .John I). Moss, one of the most prominent cotton men of the city, is secretary of the company.
The boa id of directors consists of Messrs. T. P. Vimeiit. John I). Moss. .Jack F. Jackson and R. L. Moss, Sr.. all of them n en of unquestioned business ability.
The plant of the company is in every way ui>-1o-date, the old machinery having been replaced recently by new and up-to-date Machinery. The company manufactures single and ply yarns and the bulk of the product of the mill is disposed of in Eastern markets. The con. pa n.v has a capital stock of $100,000 and the mill has 1 1.000 spindles.
The R. L. Moss Manufacturing Co. founded by R. L. Moss ^r.. some fifteen years ago and now managed by his oldest son, R. L. Moss, Jr., is an enterprise of which our city >n:ay justly be proud. The finest buildings in our city are examples of their skill, and up-to-date facilities equipped with the most modern machinery i-nd with a capacity to furnish double the quantity of our city's requirements. They n;ake a specialty of promptly filling your orders, i,n economic consideration in this day of hustle. This firm has regular customers in Louisville, Ky., Florida and even Pittsburg, Pa., points. They invite comparison of their products with the oldest factories in the north and north-west. Their handsome work may be seen side by side in the new Southern Mutual Insurance building and the new hotel (Georgian) and speaks for itself. Their payroll for labor ran for 1908 about $25,000. This is an item to be appreciated by our home merchants and all interested in the city's upbuilding.
The plant of the Southern Cotton Oil Company in this city was one of the pioneers in Georgia in its line of business.
And its history has been one of splendid achievement and unquestioned success, especially under its present managment. Within recent years its buildings have been ore than double in floor

space and the equipment of the plant has been brought up to the most perfect stardard of excellence.
The Southern Cotton Oil Company through its Athens -ncill is \n position to offer to the farmers the very best and most advanlageous prices for cotton seed and to turn out for the trade the very best cotton seed products.
Manager John B. Wier is an experienced man in his line of \vork and has made a most efficient officer of the company at this point.
This manufacturing plant has long been one of the best industries in Athens and its worth to the city is being demonstrated every day.
THE OCONEE BRICK COMPANY. managed by Mr. Edward S. Upson, is one of the prosperous and progressive industries of the city. Its plant has been in operation lor several years and in that time it has filled a large number of important contracts in this city and elsewhere. The quality of ! rick manufactured by this company is the very best and its equipment is such as to .rive thorough satisfaction in the filling of large contracts speedily and effectively. The clay used in the manufacture of the brick is the very best and the quality of workmanship in the n annfacturing process is beyond criticism. Mr. Upson is an active and energetic citizen, possessed of splendid business ability and success is crowning his efforts in t!he upbuilding of the business of the Oconee Brick Co.
The city of Athens takes high rank in the business and industrial world. Its annual business amounts to more than fifty million i'oll3rs. It is the second largest inland cotton point in the state find the sixth largest in the world, the annual cotton receipts going reyond OUP hundred and ten thousand bales. It has five railroads 2.n3 its freight rates are the very best. It is the best distributing point in Georgia.
It is the home of several large cotton mills, oil mills, foundries, l-nittin? mills, carriage factories and the like. It offers exceptional advantages to those who 3ie seeking locations for industrial plants. Its banking facilities are ample to handle the large and increasing hm'ness of the c'ty ard as extra money is needed the banks spread nut and meet the demands.
This oity offers to prospectiv? home-seekers every advantage, in climate, health, educational facilities, public utilities, business activities, industrial prosre?s. Athens occupies a leading station among th? great cities of the South.
There is not an industrial plant in the city that is not in thrivinir co^'Mtion. The city is amply able to take care of many other industrial plants. In fact the eyes of the industrial world are upon this city and its future in this line of progress is magnificent.


Mayor--\V. F. Dorsey. Maycr Pro Tern--C. M. Snelling.
First Ward--B. F. Wood, R. T. Wright Second Ward--\V. P. Vonderau, H. R. Palmer. Third Ward--C. B. Griffeth, C. M. Snelling. Fourth Wan!--H. J. Rowe, E. H. Youngkin. Clerk and Treasurer--W. L. Wood. City Engineer--J. W. Barnett. City Attorney--H. S. West. City Marshal--L. E. Brooks. Supt. Street Force--A. J. Watson. Assessors--Cohb Lampkin, chair man, J. R. Crane, W. C. Weatherford. City Physicians--M. F. Matthews, J. P. Proctor. Sanitary Inspector--J. H. Booth. Assistant, J. A. Harbin.
City Water Works.
Supt.--.Jar.. 'Barrow. Clerk--H. F. Kirk. Engineer--W. McKinnon. Asst. Engineer--B. M. Betts. Pumivng Station on Southern Rail road :!-4 n iles from City Hall, wate* filtered through Warren gravity filters. Pun-page 1,000,000 gallons a day.
Standing Committees (1909.)
Finance--Snelling, Griffith, Rowe. Streets--Griffith, Vonderau, Snell ing. Police--Rowe, Snelling. Griffith. Water Works--Woods, y^right. Von derau. Public Schools--Palmer, Youngkin, Woods. Lights--Vonderau, Rowe Wright. Fire Department--Youngkin, Woods, Palmer.

Public Property--Wright, Palmer, Youngkin.
Petitions and Communications-- Youngkin, Palmer, Woods.
Health--Snelling. Woods, Wright. Sewers--Woods, Rowe, Vonderau. Railroads--Vonderau, Youngkin, Rowe. Printing--Palmer, Vonderau, Youngkin. Markets--Griffith, Wright, Palmer. Ordinances--Wright. Griffith. Snelling. Fire Alarm--Rowe. Snelling. Grif fith. Parks and Trees--Vonderau, Woods Youngkin. New Enterprises and City Develop ment--Rowe, Griffith, Snelling.
Police Department.
Chief--J. S. McKie. Ciptains--H. N. Thomas, G. C. Ernerick. Policen en--J. F. Locklin, R. J. Felton. Henry Hill, W. F. Brittaln, R. A. Burpee. L. C. Estes, M. T. Green, C. W. Heard, A. J. Lester, J. P. McCall, T. H. Morris. W. D. Neln s. J. T. Pot ter, F. Seagraves. J. F. Short, R. H. Wier. Supernumeraries--J. O. Bridges, J. T. Eberhardt, W. C. Wier. Detectives--Captain, R. A. Saye, Private, C. E. Seagraves.
Fire Department.
279 N. Jackson St. Chief--Geo. W. McDorman. Asst. Chiefs--W. J. Potts, D. D. Xewsome. Firemen--Jim Allgood, A. England, J. P. Hall, K. Hill, Joe Lewis, Win. Lewis, W. P. Montgomery. H. Peeler, A. D. Richards, L. Smith, John Ste phens. D. A. Watson. W. Wood.



12--Corner Broad and Poplar. 13--Central R. R. depot. 14--Corner Oconee and Peters. 15--Corner River and Thomas. 16--Corner Broad and Foundry. 17--Corner Oconee and Williams. is--Athens Compress Co. W-- Oconee and Elberton. 21--Corner Lnmpkin and Cedar. 22-- Corner Clayton and Thomas. 23--Corner College and Hoyt. 24 --Corner Baldw'n and Jackson. 25--Seaboard R. R. depot. 26--Cornei- Broad and Jackson. 31--Corner Baxter and Milledge. IY2--Corner Broad and Pope. 33--Corner Baxter and Pope.

34- Corner Lumpkin and Claytoii. 35- Lumpkin street, near Baldwin.
Corner Milledge and Waddell.
:!7 Hancock and Church. 41 Corner Lumpkin and Strong. 42-- Corner Barber and Boulevard. 43 Pulaski at R. R. crossing. 44-- Corner Hancock and Pulaski. 45---Corner Prince and Cobb. 46--Corner Milledge and Meigs. 47--Athens Ice & Coal Co. Plant. 4N--Corner Prince and Franklin. - () --Hiawassee and Xantahala. 412 -Corner Hill and Rillups. 414 -Norn al School. 444 -Athens Compress Co.. Chase St.


Board of Education.
President--.T. D. Mell. Vice-President--John E. Talmadge, Jr. Treasurer--A. L. Hull. Secretary--C. D. Flanigen.
1st Ward--W. B. Jackson, R. K. Reaves.
2nd Ward-- Chas. Stern, G. H. Pal mer.
3rd Ward--A. L. Hull, J. D. Mell. 4th Ward--J. E. Talmadge, Jr., M. G. Michael. City at Large--D. C. Barrow, C. D. Flanigen. Ex-Officio--W. F. Dorsey, Mayor of the City. -
Session 1908-09.
Superintendent--G. G. Bond. Assistant Superintendent--E. B. Mell.

College Avenue School.
4th Grade--Miss C. E. Barrow, As sistant Principal.
4th Grade--Miss E. Palmer. 5th Grade--Mrs. S. C. Baxter. 6th Grade--Miss L. Towns. 7th Grade--Miss L. Witcher.
High School Department. Miss P. Hilsman, Latin and Greek; Assigned to 8th GYade. Miss E. Caldwell, English; Assigned to 9th Grade. Miss M. Turnbull, Science; Assigned to 10th Grade. E. B. Mell, Mathematics; Assigned to llth Grade.
Baxter Street School.
1st Grade--Miss C. Patman, Princi pal.
2nd Grade--Miss B. Fain. 3rd Grade--Miss R. Maddox. 4th Grade--Miss R. Jones. 5th Grade--Miss L. Kelly. 6th Grade--Miss E. Barrett. 7th Grade--Miss L. Middlemas.


Meigs Street School. 1st Grade--Mrs. F. K. Freeman, Principal. 2nd Grade--Miss E. Bird. 3rd G?rade--Miss L. Harrison. 4th Grade--Miss M. Barwick.
Oconee Street School. 1st Grade--Miss A. Patman, Princi pal. 1st Grade--Miss M. Kennard. 2nd Grade--Miss L. McDorman. 3rd Grade--Miss C. Thornton. Extra Grade--Miss M. Lampkin.
Childs Street School. 5th Grade--Miss N. C. Michael. 6th Grade--Miss M. L. Wier, Acting Principal.
Nantahala Avenue School. 1st Grade--Miss L. Munday, Princi pal. 2nd Grade--Miss R. Harbin. 3rd Grade--Miss N. McDorman. 4th Grade--Miss R. Barrett.
East Athens Night School. (Oak Street.)
5th and 6th Grades--Miss L. Lane, Principal.
3rd and 4th Grades--Miss G. Woods. 1st and 2nd Grades--Miss I. Cooper.
West Athens Night School. (Cor. Chase and Nantahala.) 1st, 2nd and 3rd Grades--Miss M. Carlton, Principal.

3rd and 4th Grades--Mrs. M. I. Por ter.
5th and 6th Grades--Miss M. Pope. E. Athens Kindergarten, Miss M. Bonney, Principal. \V. Athens Kindergarten, Miss T. Bryan. Principal. Director of Music: C. S. Stanage.
West Athens School. (Broad Street.)
1st Grade--Mrs. M. I. Heard. 2nd Grade--Miss R. Shepard. 3rd Grade--Miss J. White. 4th and 5th Grades--Miss S. Car ter. 5th Grade--Miss Buena Derricotte. 6th Grade--Miss L. Greene. 7th and 8th Grades--Miss A. Mack. 9th and 10th Grades--S. F. HarrU, Principal. Mrs. Stella Reid, Assistant to th Principal. Cooking and Sewing Teacher, to be supplied.
East Athens School. (Water Oak Street.) 1st Grade--Mrs. M. W. Reid, Princi pal. 2nd G*rade--Mrs. Minnie Davis. 3rd Grade--Miss Mary E. Edwards. 4th and 5th Grades--Miss S. W. Thompson.


University of Georgia Faculty. David Crenshaw Barrow, C. and M. E.. Chancellor. Alfred Akerman, A. B., M. F., Pro fessor of Forestry; Samuel Caldwell Benedict, M. D., Dean of the College' of Pharmacy and Professor of Materia Medica; Homer Van Valkenburgh Black, A. B., Ph. D., Adjunct Professor of Chemistr-y; Willis Henry Bocock, A. M., Milledge Professor of Ancient

Languages; Robert Preston Brooks,

B. A. (Oxon.), Adjunct Professor of

Georgia History and Sociology; Dun-

can Burnet, Librarian; John Pendle-

ton Campbell. A. B., Ph. D., Professor

of Biology; Andrew J. Cobb, A. M., B.

L.. Professor of Law; Howell Cobb,

A.' M., B. L., Professor of Law;

Uriah Harrold Davenport, B. S., Ad


Professor of Electrical

Engineering; ' Robert J. H. De-


Loach. Professor Cotton Industry; Ma sor of Secondary Education; Charles

rion Derrelle DuBose, A. B., A. M., Morton Strahan, C. and M. E., Profes

Instructor in English Language and sor of Civil Engineering; Andrew Mc-

Teutonic Philology; John Richard Nair Soule, B. S. A., President of the

Pain, B. S., Professor of Experimenta> State College of Agriculture and the

Agronomy; Tomlinson Fort, A. B., In Mechanic Arts, and Dean of the Col

structor in Mathematics; Ernest Lee lege of Agriculture; Henry Clay-

Griggs (Graduate V. M. I.), Adjunct White, Ph. D., D. C. L.. LL. D.. Pro

Professor of Civil Engineering and fessor of Chemistry and Terrell Pro

Drawing; Leroy C. Hart, Instructor in fessor of Agricultural Chemistry;

Farm Mechanics; William Davis Hoop Richard Cumming Wilson. Ph. G., In

er, A. M., Professor of Latin; Milton structor in Theoretical and Practical

Preston Jarnagin, B. S.. Professor of Pharmacy; Thomas Jackson Woofter,

Animal Husbandry; James Mohley A. M., Ph. D., Professor of Philosophy

Kirrcbrough, Jr.. 1st Lieutenant 27th ard Education, and Superintendent of

IT. S. Infantry, Commandant of Cadets the Summer School.

Joseph Lustrat, Bach, es Lett., Pro

Assistants and Other Officers.

fessor of Romance Languages; John Sarah Adeline Frierson, Assistant

Hanson Thomas McPherson, A. B., Librarian; Mary Minot Hill, Secretary

Ph. D., Professor of History and Poli to the Chancellor; Augustus Long-

tical Science, and Lecturer in Roman street Hull. A. M., Registrar; Secre

Law; T. Hubbard McHatton, Professor tary of Board of Trustees, Treasurer

of Horticulture; Robert Ligon Mc- Ellen Jones, Mailing Clerk to the Col

Whorter, A. B.. A. M., Instructor in lege of Agriculture; Ethel Reese, Sec

Latin and Greek; John Dagg Mell, retary to President Soule; Phares O.

A. B.. B. L., Lecturer on Parliamentary Vanatter, Superintendent of Experi

Law; John Morris, A. M., Professor of mental Plats.

English Language and Teutonic Philo logy; Sylvanus Morris, A. M., B. L., Dean of the Law Department and Pro fessor of Law; Robert Emory Park, Jr. A. M.. Litt. D., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature; L. L. Hendren. Ph. D., Professor o fPhysics and Astronomy; William Oscar Payne, A. B., A. M., Adjunct Professor of His tory and Political Sccience; John Moore Reade. B. S. A., Professor of Botany; Sanford Meddick Salyer, A. B., Instructor in Rhetoric and English Literature; 'Steadman Vincent Sanford, A. B., Junior Professor of Rhet oric and English Literature, and Physi

Board of Trustees. President-- Hugh J. Rowe. Secretary and Treasurer--George A. Mell, Athens, Ga. Members ex-officio--Governor Hok Smith, Atlanta; State School Commisficner, Jere M. Pound, Atlanta; Chan cellor University of G'eorgia, David C. Farrow, Athens. Members-at-large--Col. W. J. Mor ton. Athens; J. M. Hogan, Agnes. Members City of Athens--T. J. Shackelford, H. J. Rowe.

cal Director; Charles Mercer Snelling, Members Representing Congressional

A. M., Dean of Franklin College, and


Professor of Mathematics; Roswell Powell Stephens, A. B., Ph. D., Adjunct Professor of Mathematics; Joseph Spencer Stewart, A. B., A. M., Profes

First--Joseph W. Smith, Reidsville. Second--S. B. Brown, Albany. Third--J. M. Collum, Americus. Fourth--A. A. Carson, Columbus.

Fifth--R. J. Gminn, Atlanta. Sixth Dr. .1. C. Beauchamp, Wil-
liam?on. Seventh-- N. A. Morris, Marietta. Eighth R. E. Davison, Woodville. Ninth--L. M. Brand, Lawrenceville. Tenth-- Lawton B. Evans, Augusta. Eleventh--Charles Lane, Helena. Field Agent of the University of
Georgia (and branch institutions) -- Joseph S. Stewart, Athens. Ga.
Standing Committees. Salaries-- Bond. Davison, Carson. Beauchamp, Rowe. Teachers and Course of Study--Collum, Evans, Lane, Hogan, Rowe. Finance- -Davis, Tate, Carson, Rowe. Guinn. Grounds and Buildings--Davison. Sirith, Morton, Morris, Rowe. Prudential Committee--Pound, Morton, Bond, Barrow, Rowe. The President of the School is a consulting member of all standing committees.
Faculty and Officers. D. C. Barrow, Chancellor University of Georgia, Chancellor ex-officio; Eu gene C. Branson, A. M., President, As sistant Department of Mathematics; Euler B. Smith, A. B., A. M.. Dean Chair of English; Miss Chloe Loyd, Assistant Department of English; Da vid L. Earnest, A. M., Chair of Ele mentary Science; Miss Chloe Alien, Assistant Department Elementary Science; Miss Emily Harrison, Mrs. J. J. Strickland, substitute Chair of Literature; Fred J. Orr, B. E., Director Department of Manual Art?; Miss Annie Linton, Assistant Department of Manual Arts; F. A. Merrill, Chair of G'eography and Na ture Study; T. E. Hollingsworth, A. B., Chair of Mathematics; Miss Ida A. Young, Chair of Latin; Miss Helen Louise Sprout, Chair of Greek and German, Joseph Lustrat, Chair of French: Miss Roberta Hodgson, Miss

Jessie Redd. Assistant Chair of His tory and Civics; Alexander Rhodes, Dormitory Manager, Chair of Elemen tary Agriculture: Miss H. H. Meiga. Substitute Chair of Domestic Arts and Sciences; Miss Fannie Sale,* Assis tant Department of Domestic Sciences; Miss E. Gertrude Ford. Miss Char lotte Patterson, Substitute. Departuent of Physical Culture; Charles S. Stanage, Director of Music Depart ment: Miss Jewell Jones. Assistant in Music Department; Celestia S. Parrish. Ph. B.. Director of Practice School. Chair of Psychology and Peda gogy; Miss Alice Prichard. Assistant in Department of Pedagogy; Miss Lollie M. Smith, Principal of Practict School: Miss Annie Cook, Teacher in Practice School; Miss Mary Creswell, Teacher in Practice School; Miss Ma mie Mitchell, Teacher in Practice School, Miss Carlotta Alexander, Tea cher in Practice School: Miss Bessie Miller. Teacher in Practice School; Mrs. Annie E. Miller, Librarian; Mrs. M. F. Kirkpatrick, Housekeeper; Miss Lucy S. Wright, Trained Nurse; Miss Nellie Colbert, Matron Gilmer Hall; Miss Chloe Alien, Matron Brad well Hall, Miss Omie Lane, Matron Win nie Davis Hall; Miss Emcrie C. Jones, Registrar; B. L. Jordan, Night Watch man.
Lucy Cobb Institute. Milledge Ave. Cor. Reese.
Board of Trustees:--A. L. Hull, President; Billups Phinizy, Andrew I. Cobb, Joseph M. Hodgson, John A. Hunnicutt.
Faculty:-- Miss Gerdine. Miss Brum by. Principals.
Mir.s C. Sosnowski, History and As tronomy: Miss Jessie Germain Hew : tt, B. A., English; Miss Ida M. Walz, A. B., A. M., Literature and German; M. Joseph Lustrat, Bach, es Lettres., French and Spanish; Miss Claudia G. Fink, A. B., Mathematics and Latin;


Miss Rosa B. Snyder. S. B., Natural Science and Psychology; Miss Eliza beth G. Eager, Latin and Physical Cullure; Miss Marion Bloomfield, Primarj Department; Miss Mable Mott, Piano, Organ. Theory and Harmony; Mass Mary R. Fort son, Piano; Miss Sally Cobb Hull, Piano; Miss Lucy L. Desna, Voice; Miss Corrine Russell, Voice; Mrs. John Morris, Violin; Miss Jennie Smith, Art; Miss Carolyn Cobb, Ora tory; Miss Marianne Frierson, Chape ron; Miss Philo Sturges, Domestic De partment; Miss E. T. Waller, Resident Nurse.
Athens Business School, 151% Clayton. Principal. Mrs. M. L. Reed.

Athens Business College, 465 V4 e Broad. Principal, J. D. Severns.
Orr's School, 296 w Dougherty. Principal, S. P. Orr.
Moss High School Miss Annie Moss Principal, 450 Prince ave.
Colored Private Schools and Colleges.
Heard University, Reese nr Pope, President. J. T. Heard.
Jereul Academy, Baxter nr Pop?;. Principal. J. H. Brown.
Knox Institute, Pope cor Reesc. Principal, Lewis S. Clark.
Rosa Smith Normal School, Cherry st. Principal, Anne Smith Derrlcotte. cotte.


Y. W. C. A.--Thomas cor. Washing ton.
Y. M. C. A.--Lumpkin cor. Clayton. First( Methodist Church--Lmmpkin cor. Hancock ave., Rev. M. L. Troutman, pastor. Oconee Street Methodist Church'-- Oconee cor. Poplar, Rev. A. J. Sears, pastor. Young Harris Memorial--Nan tanal a ave., cor. Chase, Rev. F. S. Hudson, pastor. Stone's Chapel--Lumpkin, nr Bax ter. Services every Sunday evening. First Baptist Church--College ave., cor. Washington, Rev. M. A. Jenkens, pastor. East Athens Baptist Church--Broad cor. Poplar, Rev. H. C. Compton, pas tor. West End Baptist Church--Boule vard cor. Hiawassee ave., Rev. J. P. Cooper, pastor. First Presbyterian Church--Hancock ave.. nr Lumpkin, Rev. E. L. Hill, pas tor.

Hoyt Presbyterian Chapel--Madison ave.. nr city limits. Sunday School every Sunday 3:30 p. m.
Lane's Presbyterian Chapel--Oconee cor. Carr, Rev. E. L. Hill, pastor.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church-- Prince ave., nr Hill. Rev. Troy Beatty, rector.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church--Oco nee nr river. (No pastor 1909.)
B-Nar Israel Congregation--Han cock ave., cor. Jackson. To be sup plied 1909.
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church --Corner Pulaski and Prince Ave., Rev. Edward J. McVeigh, pastor. Mass every first and third Sundays. Sunday school every Sunday 10:30 a. m.
Christian Church--Pulaski corner Dou.uherty. To be supplied 1909.
Lumpkin Heights Chapel-- (Unde nominational) 1145 s Lumpkin, W. A. E. Church. Supt. Sunday School.
Colored Churches. Ebenezer Baptist Church--Corner Broad and Newton, -Rev. J. H. Horton, pastor.


First Baptist Church--Corner Pope and Reese. Rev. J. F. Johnson, pas tor.
Friendship Baptist Church--Arch street, Rev. Jefferson Henry, pastor.
Hill's Chapel (Baptist)--Corner Har ris and Broad, Rev. G. W. Carter, paslor.
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church-- Brooklyn. Rev. Sloan Brown, pastor.
Newton Baptist Church--Savannah ave.. Rev. J. T. Dorsey, pastor.
Primitive Baptist Chuch--Corner Reese and Chase, Rev. W. Barneti, pastor.
Ebenezer Baptist Church, No. 2-- Derby st.. Rev. Ike Stevens. pastor.
Methodist Episcopal Church--Flint st.. Rev. Hudson, pastor.

Episcopal Church--Corner Hancock ave. and Pcpe St., Rev. S. M. Pitt, vicar.
Bethel A. M. E. Church--Cor. Broad and Billups. Rev. W. B. Lawrence, pastor.
Pierce's Chapel, (A. M. E. Church-- Foundry st.. Rev. \V. . Lawrence, pas tor.
St. John's A. M. E. Church--Nr At lanta ave. Supplied.
St. Mark's A. M. E. Church--Arch st.. Rev. E. S. Nichols. pastor.
Union Temple Zion A. M. E. Chuch -River <t.. Rev. M. D. Smith, pastor.
C. M. E. Church--Pearl St.. Rev. B. H. .Jones, pastor.
Congregational Church--Cor. Pope and Meigs. Rev. C. S. Haynes. pastor.


Mt. Vernon Lodge, F. and A. M.-- Mount Vernon Lodge, No. 22, F. and A. M.. meets on regular communica tion every second Thursday night in fach month at Masonic Temple. All Master Masons are cordially .invited to attend.
W. A. CAPPS. W. M. .1. R. CRANE. Sec'v.
St. Elmo Lodge. K. of P.--St. Elmo Lod'-'e, Xo. 40, Knights of Pythias greets every Mondav night at S o'clock
t its Castle Hall in the Max Joseph building, corner Clayton and Wall p'uets. Phone 202, 3 rings. Visiting Kni ;hts cordially invited to attend.
M. J. ABXEY. C. C. T. H. NICKERSOX, K. of R. and S.
Ksystone Chapter, R. A. M.--Key'f'tcne Chapter, Xo. 1, Royal Arch Ma sons meets every third Tuesday night at S o'clock at Masonic Temple. All qualified companions invited to attend.
J. G. TRUSSELL, H. P. G. E. STONE, Secy.

Athens. E. P. O. E., No. 790.--Meets every Wednesday night at S: 30 o'clock :>t lodge quarters, corner Broad and T.umjikin streets.
M. G. MICHAEL. E. R. OKO. H. PALMER. Secretary.
Glenn Lodqe, No. 75.--I. O. O. F.-- Meets every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at Lodge roon: in Carlton building, on .lackron street. All Odd Fellows in soo'I standing invited to attend.
M. J. ABNEY, N. O. A. B. HARPER, Secretary.
G:o. B. Davis Camp, No. 292. W. O. W. -- Meets every Wednesday night at Lodge rooms in Carlton building on Jackson street. All visiting Sovereigns ?ro cordiallv invited to attend.
GEO. R. DAVIS. Com. Com'd. .1. C. CARTLEDGE. Clerk.
Athena Rebekah Lodge, No. 34.--!. O. O. F.--Meets every Thursday night at S;:jo o'clock, at the Lodge rooms in lie C-M-lton building on Jackson street.


All nu-inli. r in good standing invite.I to attend.
Golcsn Fule Lodge, No. 211, K. of H. Mtels every second Wednesday n'tiht rt Carither's Hall, No. 125 1-2 Cl; \ ion street.
.1. A. GARE'BOLD. Dictator. KOT.T. FI/.TRNOY, SPC.
Occree Council. Royal Arcanum.-- Meet:' .-very second and fourth We:lrc.sdn night at Mo. 350 1-2 Broad st.
Williams Lodje. No. 15, I. O. O. F.-- Airets every Monday night at Odd Fel lows Hall, corner Jackson and Clayinn streets at s o'cclock.
Oliver Encarrpment, No. 34, I. O. O. F.--Meets ai I. O. O. F. Hall, corner Clavton and Jackson streets every Fridav ni"ht
H. M. WILLIAMSOX. C. P. J. A. MKALOR. Rer. Scribe.
Oconee Burial Association--Meets on call of PresM^rr.
Piedmont "r e nt Knights of the Mac cabees of the World--M<-r-r.s second ami fourth Tues'ay r>:^hts at 350 1-2 f road stree*.
T. P. VINT'ENT. Com. JOHN I). MOSS. Ser'y.
Godfrey DeBouillon Con-mandery, No. 14.--Meets every first and third Friii;!\ ni.Thts at Masonic Temple, corner Cl iyt::n and Wall streets.
B. F. HARDEMAN. E. C. J. F. HART.. Res.
Classic City Lodge. No. 315, Order United Corrmercial Travellers of America--Meets first and second Sat-

: rday's in Odd Fellows Hall, corner Clayton and Jackson streets.
ED D. WEIR, S. C. A. J. CARTER, Sec. Treas.
Athens Council, No. 54, Junior Or der United American Mechanics-- Mf'ts every Tuesday night in DuPree Hall, corner Broad and Thomas sts.
J. G. COUSAR, J. P. C. C. A. LAMBERT. Sec'y.
Athens Manufacturing Co.'s Burial Association --Meets in office of Ath ens Manufacturing Co. first Sunday night in each month.
J. T. JORDAN, Pres. It. K. STMMERS. Sec'y.
Gcspel Pilgrim Society-- E. L. John son, President, Ed. Freeman, Sec'y.
Mistletoe Lodge, No. 142, K. of P.-- R. H. Jefferson, C. C.. A. S. Brown, K. ( f R. and S.
Rising Star Lodge, No. 203, K. of P. -Altx Mapp. C. C.. L. Hunt, K. of R. ::nd .S.
Empire Lodge, No. 233, K. of P.-- James Mack, C. C.. L. Chapman, K. of R. and S.
Lincoln Lodge, No. 62. A. F. A. M.-- W. P. Hopson. W. M.. A. L. Holsey, Sec'y.
Classic City Lodge, No. 283, K. of P. -S. Hertor. C. f'., J. W. Horton. K. of R. and S. H. H. of Ruth, No. 2293--Mrs. Lizzie fU-rtlett. M. N. G.. Mrs. C. Brydie, W. K. Court of Calanthe, No. 336.--Mrs. M. L. Jefferson. W. C.. Mrs. S. O. Peek. R. D. Mt. Zion Lodge. Good Samaritans, No. 19.--Jan es Mack, W. C.. L. Chap man. F. C. Good Samaritan Lodge, No. 28-- Win. Hunter. W. ('., Caleb Jones, S. Ancient Knights--Jmv Scott. W. C.. Caleb Jones. S.

NMse Men of the East--Lucius Cole, \Y. C.. Mrs. K-mma Nesbit, Vice.
Classic City Lodge, I. O. O. F.-- R. H. Jefferson. N. G.. \V. P. Hopson. V. <:.
King of Georgia Samaritans, No. 29 --S. Tiller. VV. C., S. S. Scott, F. S.
Past Officers Council, No. 11.--.Jno. tfcoit. \V. C.. \V. H. Hill. F. C.

Court of Calanthe, No. 284.--L. Hunt. \V. C.. Mrs. Hattie Sheffield, R. of I).
S. W. Stark Court of Calanthe, No. 339.--Mrs. Susie Plummer, \V. C., Mrs. A. Henderson, Sec'y.
Mt. Carmel Lodge Good Samaritans, No. 17.--M. (',. Gilham. \V. C.. L. Hunt, F. S.


White Hall ... ... ... ... 5 miles Siilney ... ... ... ... ... ..8 miles VVatkinsville ... ... ... ... 10 miles B' ... ... ... ... ... 14 miles ... ... ... .. .. 17 miles Apalachee ... ... ... ... ..24 miles Madison ... ... ... ... ... 33 miles Wairngs ..... ... ... ... ..39 miles Godfrey ..... ... ... ... ... 44 miles Shady Dale ... ... ... ... 51 males Machen ... ... ... ... ... 52 miles Monticello ..... ... ... . . 60 miles Minnetta ... ... ... ... ... 63 miles AdKateville ..... ... ... ... 68 miles Hillsboro ... ... ... ... ... 72 mile? Ronnrl Oak ..... ... ... ... 78 miles Wayside ..... ... . . ... ... 81 miles Cradley ... ... ... ... -.84 miles Grays ... ... ... ... ... .88 miles Morton ... ... ... ... 30 miles V MI B"ren ... ..... ... - -97 miles Maccn ... ..... ..... 105 miles MMledgeville ... ... ... ...92 miles Meriwether ... ... ... - - .83 miles Dennis ... ..... ... ..... 79 miles Meilo ... ... ..... -74 miles Katonton ... ... ... -70 miles
Willards ... ... ... ... - . -61 miles Athon ... ... ... ... ... -.57 miles AikfMiton ... ... ... ... 56 miles Kelly ... ...... ... . -.56 miles Farrars ... ... ... ... ... 57 miles Broughton ... ... ... ... 61 miles Newborn ... ... ... ... ...63 miles Mwnsfield ... ... ..... ... 66 miles Havston ... ... ... ... - - -68 miles

North. Hull ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 miles Colbert ... ... .... .. ....11 miles (""onier .. ... ... ... ... ..17 miles Berkley ... ... ... ... ...22 miles Oslesby ... ... ... ... ... 27 miles Elberton ... ... ... ... ... 34 miles Middleton ... .. .. .. ... .. 40 miles Heardn out . ... ... ... ...45 miles Calhoun Falls, S. C.. .. .. 51 miles Watts. S. C. ... ... ... ... . .58 miles Abbeville, S. C. . . . ... ... . . .65 miles Salak. S. C. . .. ... . . ... . ..78 miles Greenwood. C. S. ... ... ...81 miles Cross Hill. S. C. ... ... .... .95 miles Mountville. S. C. .... ... ... 99 miles (Tnton. S. C. . . . ... ... ...109 miles Whitmire. S. C. ... ... ... 125 miles Carlisle. S. C. .... ... ... . .173 miles Pride. S. C. ... ... ... ...140 miles Carlisle. S. C. ... ..... ...137 .nriles Edsemoor. S. C. ... ... ... l:iS miles Cntuwba. S. C. . . . ... ..... 165 miles
South. Bogart . ... ... ... ... . .9 miles Statham ..... ... ... ... 13 miles Winder ... ... ... ... . . 21 miles Auburn .. .. .. ... ... ..28 miles Dacnla ... ... ... ... ... 22 miles Lawreneeville ... ... .....3S miles Gloster ... ... ... ... ... 44 miles Lilburn ... ... ... ... . . 49 miles Tucker . . ... ... . . ... 55 miles Montreal ... ... ... ... ... 57 miles Howell's ..... ... ... ... 69 miles Atlanta ... ... ... ... . . 73 miles


\V5nterville ... ... ... ... 8 miles Dunlap ... ... ... ... ... 10 miles Arnoldsville ... ... ... ... 14 miles Crawford .. .. .... .. .. 18 miles Mulchings ... ... ... ... 22 miles Stephens ... ... ... ... 24 miles Maxeys ..... ... ... ... ... 27 miles Bairdstown .... ... ... ... 33 miles Woodville ..... ... ... ... 35 miles Union Point . ... ... ... 40 miles Crawfordville ... ... ... ... 52 miles Barnett ... ... ... ... ... 58 miles Washington .... ... ... ...84 miles Norwood ..... ... ... ... 66 miles Camak ... .. ... ... ... 69 miles \Varrenton . ... .. ... ... 73 miles Thorrson ... ... ... ... ... 79 miles Harlem .... ... ... ... ... 91 miles Sparta . . ... ..... ... . 93 miles Orovetown .. ... ... ... 101 miles Belair ... ... ... ... ... 106 miles Augusta ... ..... ... ... 116 miles Oreensboro ... ... ... ... 47 miles Buckhead ... ... ... ... ... 60 miles Madison ... ... ... ... . . 67 miles Rutledge .... . . . . ... ... 76 miles Sorial Circle ... ... ... ... 83 miles Covington . ... ... ... ... 94 miles Conyers ... ... ... ... ..104 miles
< thonia .... ... . . ... ... 110 miles Stone Mountain .. ... ... 119 miles Ohtrkston ..... ... ... ... 124 mile* neratur ... ... ... ... ... 129 miles

Oconee Heights .. ... ... 4 miles Attica ... ... ... ... ... 8 miles Clarksboro ... ... ... ... 10 mile* Red Stone ... ... ... .. 11 miles Guest .... ... ... ... ... 16 miles Jefferson ... ... ... ... ... 19 miles Penclergrass .. ... ... ... 26 miles Talmo .... ... ... ... . 29 miles Belmont ... ... ... ... ...32 miles Hoschton ... ... . . .... 40 miles Mulbery ..... ... ... ... 45 miles Winder ..... ... ... ... ..49 miles Hethlehem ..... ... ... ..54 miles Campion ..... ... ... ... 58 miles Walker Park ... ... ... 61 miles Mon roe ..... ... ... ... ..64 miles Klondyke ..... ... ... ... 34 miles Candler ..... ... ... ... 35 miles (lainesville ...... ... ..... 42 miles
renter ... ... ..... ... . . 7 miles Xioholson ... ... ... ... 12 miles Commerce ... ... ... ... 19 miles Wilson's Church . . ... ... 21 miles Maysville ... ... . . . . . . 26 miles C.illsville ... ... ... ... ... 38 miles l,ula ... ... ..... ... ... 39 miles T--CCOP. .... ... ... ..... 71 miles v *b.'te Sulphur ... ... ... 40 miles Cornelia ... ... ... ... ... 57 miles Ml. Airy ..... ... ... ... 64 miles


The Athens Directory Co.


agt--agent. asst--assistant^ atty--attorney. ave--avenue hds--boards mis--rooms

elk--clerk stengr--stenographer. wkr--worker . nr--near. r--rear, c--colored.

lab--laborer, ; e--east,
\ n-- north ! w--west.
s--south. res--residence.

An asterisk before the name of each n:arried man denotes the heads of families, and will enable you to quickly address advertising matter to each HOME without wasting postage on several members of the same family, by prefixing "Mrs." to each name preceded by asterisk you are sure of reaching (at their residence addresses) all of "the advertiser's best friends"--the uood wovmn.



Aaron, D M. grocer 383 Ga. Depot, res same. Aaron, Edith Miss. enip. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res. 163 Thibbetts Ave. * Aaron. Emmet, (Rusia). em p. So. Mfg. Co.. res 270 Chattanooga av. "Aaion. G. C. (Georgia), emp. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res. 27:; Chattanooga av. Aaron, Hassie Miss. emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res.. 16:] Thibbetts Ave. Aaron, Jan-es. emp. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res.. 163 Thibbetts Ave. Aaron, Onnie Miss. opr. Athens Mfg. Co.. bds. 160 Mitchell Aaron. Susie Miss, res. 394 Oak. * Aaron Tom (T) emp. Sou. Mfg. Co. res.. 163 Thibbetts Ave. Aaron. Walter, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res. 394 Oak. * Aaron, \V. R. (Nancy) painter, res. 353 Ga. Depot. Abney. Geo. M.. res. 198 Mallory Ave. Abney, Howard, res. 246 W. Hancock Ave. Abney, Louise Miss. res. 246 \V. Hancock Ave. Abney, M. J., insurance agt. off. 516 So. Mut. Ins. Bldg.. res 246
Hancock Ave. *Abney. Oscar \V, (lima) Arnold and Abney, res. 138 W. Dougherty. * Abney, Win. I. (Fannie M.), res 19S Mallory Ave. *Anleman. Phillips. (Rosa) credit outfitter. 260 N. Jackson, res.
268 1-2 same. Abraham, S Mrs. res. 267 \V~. Dougherty.


Absolutely Reliable-Eyes fitted with Spectacles
-Sou - Mutual Building.



* Adams. A K, Mrs. res. 275 Grace. *Adan s. Alice. Mrs. res. 275 Hill. Artai s. Alvin. marble cutter Bell Bros. res. 731 Pulaski. Adams. Bertha Miss. rer. 731 Pulaski. .' dams. Eunice Miss. res. 532 Barber. Adams, Elix i, c. laundress, res. 1isr \V. Hancock Ave. Adams. -Eva. c. r^s. 247 Pope. /dams. Fannie, c. res. 1ixf> W. Hancock Ave. Adams. Fressi'-. Miss res. 5:12 Barber. Ada i s. H I), student I", of Ga.. bds. 436 Hill. Adams. James, c res. 11XP. \V. Hancock Ave. Adam:*. Jane. c. cook, res. 672 N. Lumpkin. * Adams. .1 ('. Mrs. res. 731 Pulaski. * Adams. J K (Mandy Loin carpenter, res S26 Oconee. Adams. .F'\vf-l Miss res 532 Barber. 'A-'.ams. .) I, (Clara) dray-a an, res 532 Barber. * Adams, .Ino. B. I Kula ) elk P. O. res 145 State .'-dams. Lafayette, student I", of Ga.. bds 263 E. Hancock Ave. * Adams. L. Sr.. (Lillat c, lab., res. 300 River. Adams. .May Loii. c laundress, les 11X6 \V. Hancock Ave. Adams, Manic c res 12:5 Cane. ' Adams. M C (Blanche) collector Dixie Ix)an Co., res 224 Water. Adams. Minerva c laundress, res 1146 W. Broad. *Adr!i.'is. X. CJ. (Lillian), ciiculation mgr. Athens Banner, res. 390 \V.
H an cock Ave. Adams. Sam c. lab. les 1 H6 \V.'iJroad. "Adams. S H (Mary .lane) elk .1. H. Huggins and Son., res 980 S.
Lumpkin. Adams. S L, Mrs. bdg house 120 \V. Hancock Ave. *Aflams. T A Mrs. res 376 Oconee. .'.ili'ms. Van. em p. Sou. Mfg. Co. .bds S65 Boulevard. Ada.:! s. Vinnie c. res 247 Pope. Adams. \Villie. Miss res 120 Hancock Ave. A,lams. William, enip Power Plant Athens Elec. Ry., bds 120 W.
Hancock Ave. *Adams. William. i.Janie). c, lab. res 11N6 \V. Hancock Ave. Adams. Win. H.. c. res. 11X6 \V. Hancock. * Adkins. R C (Sallie), b!,i^ c( nirrictor ret 629 Cobb. Aikrn. ,J. c. minister, bds r 660 Cobb. "Aiken. Jose]di (Mattie) c, wood yard', res 252 Bridge. Aikens. .1 V. flagman Ga Ry.. bds 192 Foundry.
Kverything Ciood to Kat


Spring Cleaning

That it is very essential to have your mattresses thoroughly renovated (luring the period, (ierm infested Mattresses are not

conducive to tfood health. Phone 157 for prices.



*Akerman. Alfred (Adeline*. Prof. Forestry I* of G'a. res 799 o. Lumpkin.
Akers, Arthur, c enip Athens Compress, bds r 709 N. Thomas. Akers, Lena, r launr'.ress, res 170 Lyndon Ave. Akres, Eddie c. enip Patman's Market res 170 Lyndon Ave. Aldean Annex Hotel, 368 1-2 E. Washington .
Alexander, Joe (Johanna) tailor, Michael Bros, res 165 Pulaski. Alexander, Sol, trav. salesman, res 165 Pulaski. Alexander. Moses, n usician, res. 165 Pulaski. Alexander. Helen Miss, res 165 Pulaski. Alexander. Albert, res 165 Pulaski. Alexander, Carris. c. chambermaid, res r 247 Pulaski. :! Alexander, G A. Mrs. res 724 Cobb. Alexander, Mary. c. servant 19S Oconee. res. r, 287 Oconee. : Alexander. .1 M (Edith) emp. Prewitte, House Furnishing Co. res
IS!) \v. Dtwgherty. . lexander. Lizzie, c, laundress, res 132 Billups. Alexander, .lesse. c. plasterer, res 1348 W. Broad. Alexander, Fannie, c, cook. .1. W. Barn II. res. 525 Reese. Alexander, Leona c. cook, Mrs. F. L. Taylor. res 525 Reese. Alexander. Mattie. c laundress, res 187 Valley. Alien, Ruby Miss. enip. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res. 179 Miles. Alien, John Jr., ; ! p Sou. Mr'g Co. res 179 Miles. '"Alien John (Lilla) e:np Sou. Mfg. Co. res 177 Miles. Alien. Willie. c res 285 Rock Spring. .Mien. Fred c. lab. res S. Grove. Alien. Mary Lou c. farmer, res Madison Ave. E. .-.lien. Moses, c. servant, res near 385 Madison Ave. All-ill. Annie B. c. laundress, res. 1060 Reese. Alien. Geo'. gia. p. teacher, res. 160 Rock Spring, /.lien. David c. lab. res 160 Rock Spring.
All n. Hern <L;:dy) c. laborer, res 285 Rock Spring. Alien. T A. Jr. Dr. dentist off. 184 1-2 Moss Bldg. Clayton, bds 509
College ave. Alien. H K. student I" of Ga. bds 695 Prince Ave. Alien. Joe. c. drayman, bds 525 Reese. Alien, L >'.. student I* of Ga. bds 255 \V. Washington. *Allen. P G (Eliza) enip. Sou. Mfg .Co. res 224 Hiawassee Ave.

Alien, Jetta. c. cook, res 186 Cherry. Alien. John c. lab. res 186 Chery.


7;itl 54v HROAI> STRKKT i>ii, )m?s . ABROAD STRKKT
hS5 101 COI.I.KC.K AVK.



Pure Drinks a Specialty



156 College Ave.

Phone 345

Athens, Ga.



Alien, Lilly, c, res 186 Cherry. "Alien, .1 M (Virginia) elk Green Hotel, res 590 Barber. Alien, Edith, Miss, ,n:usic teacher, res 590 Barber. Alien, Virginia. Miss res 590 Barber. Alien, Carie c, laundress res 272 S. Thomas. Alien, Jno. T., elk Athens Hardware Co. res 663 N. Jackson. Alien, Fannie, e. attendant C. of Ga. depot, res. 230 S. Thomas. Alien, Johnnie. c. brakeman C. of G'a. Ry. res. 230 S. Thomas. Alien, George, e, fireman C. of Ga. Ry. 230 S. Thomas. Alien, Ike. c, brakeman C. of Ga. Ry. res. 230 S. Thomas.' Alien. F. C.. student U. of Ga., bds. 435 Hill. All-n L E. student V. of Ga. bds 435 Hill. -Alien. Luther (Sallie) c. emp. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res. 724 Cha&e. Alien. Chas., c., driver Pete Petropol, res. 724 Chase. Alien, Daniel Webster, c, res 724 Chase. .Mien. Hattie. Madam, boarding house, 270 Water. ^ Allgood. .1 W (Martha) emp. Climax Hosiery Mill res 901 E. Broad. " Allgood. Lizzie, Mrs. res 357 Oak. All good, Luey Miss, res 901 E. Broad. Allgood. Frank, res 2X7 Madison Ave. *Allgood. A. L. (Alice) horse dealer, res 287 Madison Ave. Allgood, Annie Mrs, res 245 Madison Ave. .Mlgood. Ruby Miss, elk McClure's res 245 Madison Ave. "Allgood C H (Evie) farmer, res. 245 Madison Ave. 'Allgood. .1. R. (Maude) mail contractor, 228 Xewton. .\llgcod. Louise, Miss res 228 Newton. Allgood. Ethel Miss res 228 Newton. Alston, Blanche Miss, student L. C. 1. tds L. C. I. Dormitory. American Cafe. W. R. Huff, prop. 122 S. Jackson. A i erioan Lanrl Co., real estate, room 411 Sou. Mut. Ins. Bldg.
\morons. Emm? Kate Miss, student. L. C. I. bds L. C. T. Dormitory. ^nchors. Kittie Le Q Miss, res 48o S. Jackson. Anchors. .1. D. messenger Western Union Tel. Co. res 485 S. Jackson \ Anchors. Joe B., Jr.. plumber Dornblatt Plumb. Co. res 485 S. Jack-
son. * Anchors, Joe B. (Leola) emp. Augusta, Ga. res 485 S. Jackson. Anderson. Fannie Neal, Miss res 749 Prince Ave. Andersnn. T. Garner, real estate, Jno. T. Anderson, res 749 Prince

If yon are looking for the one soft drink whichis known as the world's
Favorite, we have it. You can't tret it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. Set- that it is on true-Town of every Iwttle.



Lift-, Accident, Health, Disability, Fidelity, Residence, Burglar}-, Etc.

Phone 7J, Suite 515-516 Southern Mutual Building.



*Anderson, John T. (Annie Lee) real estate agt., 225 College Are. res 749 Prince Ave.
^Anderson, Wm. Mrs. res 724 Cobb. * Anderson, William (Mamie) c, barber, res 137 Crawford Are. Anderson, Minnie c. res 137 Crawford Ave. Anderson, H H, cement worker, bds 663 S. Jackson. Anderson, Edward, student U. of Ga. bds 124 E. Hancock Ave. Anderson. Wm. student F. of Ga. bds 124 E. Hancock Ave. * Anderson, E. C. (Lula) emp. Bludwine Bot. Works, res 579 Pulaaki. Anderson, Clifford, student U. of Ga. bds 327 Hil.l Ynderson, Marvln, res 579 Pulaski. Anderson. W. S. carpenter, bds 124 Hall. Anderson. Chas. bds 245 1-2 N. Thomas. Anderson, P. L. student U. of Ga. bds 695 Prince Ave. Anderson, Mattie Lou Miss, emp Sou. Mfg Co. res 163 New. Anderson, Moss, emp Sou. Mfg Co. res 163 New.
* Anderson,. R. .1. (Huldy), convict guard, res 286 Poplar.
Anderson, H. C. gen. 'ffigr. Bludwine Co. bds 749 Cobb.
Anderson, Lona Mrs., res 163 New. * Anderson, .1. P. (Fannie C.) grocer 684 Pulaski, res 687 same. Anderson, Olivia c, res 225 Vine. Anderson, Lula c, res 225 Vine. Anderson, Celia c, res 225 Vine. Anderson, Mabel c, res 225 Vine. * Anderson, Robert (Maggie) c, painter Klein & Martin, res 225 Vine. *Anderson. Geo., (Jessie), c, lather, res 395 Poplar. Anderson and Johnson, c, barbers 637 E. Broad. Anderson, Mary c, cook res 287 Oconee. Anderson, Sallie c, res 126 Fifth. 'Anderson, D. G. (Julia) .1. R. Crane & Co., bds 468 N. Miltedg*
Ave. Anderson, J. W.. c, painter, res 1189 W. 'Broad. Anderson, Buddie. c, res 1189 W. Broad. Anderson, Sallie, c, res 132? W. Hancock Ave. Anderson, Wm. c, lab. res 259 Finley Anderson Percy, student U. of Ga. room 24 Candler Hall. Andrews, Willie, c, bds 147 Green. Andrew, Thad O. res 750 Boulevard. Andrew. Fannie Lou Miss res 750 Boulevard.

We fill your orders TO THE LETTER ami deliver PROMPTLY

I' <


. .

. .


' 'A Word to the Wise is Sufficient. '"

H. D, IhARBIIT, GROGER 12S N. \\cTM street


Carefully Compounded by Registered Pharmacists




Andrew, E. W., student Athens 'Business College, res 750 Boulevard. * Andrew. W. H. (Mattie), grocer, 984 Chase res 267 Franklin. Andrew. Jas. V. student Athens Business College res 750 Boulevard. * Andrews, T. .1. (Sarah L.), Bishop & Andrews, res 750 Boulevard. Andrews, Mary Miss, elk Michael Bros, res 368 Oak. *Andrews, L. G. (Armanda), watchman C. of Ga. depot, res 368 Oak. Anthony, Ruby Miss elk Michael Bros., res 434 E. Dougherty. "Anthony, C. H. (Susie) minister, res 434 E. Dougherty. Anthony, Louis, res 198 Oconee. Anthony, Thos. B. Jr., res 198 Oconee. * Anthony (ohn H. painter, res 198 Oconee. "Anthony. T. B. (Sarah) bdg. house 198 Oconee, res 198 Oconee. 'Anthony, L. J. (Maggie) barber, res 128 First. Anthony, Lena Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson, res 434 E. Dougherty. *Anthony, Mary Ann, Mrs. res 125 Inadale. Anthony, J. W. emp University Fanir, res E. Carlton. Anthony, R. A. Mrs. res E. Carlton. Anthony, Susie Miss, res E. Carlton. Anthony, Hamp c, lab. Sou Ref. Co, res 190Berry. * Anthony, James, (Mattie), c, lab. Athens Oil Mill, res 190 Berry. *"Apperson, C. B. (Atlanta) carpenter, res 847 College Ave. Appleby, Geo.. student U. of Ga., res 375 S. Lumpkin. Appleby, Mac. cashier Arnold Gro. Co. bds 512 N. Jackson. Appling, Sweet c, bds 1536 W. Board. Appling, Joseph, res 465 E. Dougherty. Appling, Homer, res 465 E. Dougherty. * Appling, W. S. (Celestia) elk Wingfield Cash Gro. Co. res 465 B.
Dougherty. Armour Packing Co. O. W. Davidson, agent, 143 Spring. Armstrong. Maggie, Mrs. res 370 Church. Armstrong, Henry c. brickarason res 246 Vine. 'Armstrong, Jim (Sallie), faundress, res 189 Warsaw. 'Arnold. M. M. (Laura) Arnold and Abn<ey, res 224 W. Hancock
Ave. 'Arnold, John L., (Alice), painting contractor and dealer, 282 Clay-
ton, res 586 Franklin. Arnold, Augusta Miss, student L. C. I., res 248 Prince Ave. Arnold. Fred c, emp Sou. Mutual bldg, res r 190 Green. Arnold & Abney, grocers, 223 W. Hancock.



"Th6 WOrld'S B8St" See the New Model No. 10 Visible Writing.










.' rnol.i. Clarence B. student Gordon Institute, res 586 Franklin. Arnold, G. C. student U. of Ga., bds 535 Prince Ave. Arnold Grocery Co., wholesale grocers, cor. Hoyt and X. Thomas. ' Arnold. O. H., Jr., (Annie) Arnold Gro. Co. res 925 S. Milledge
Ave. Arnold, Jennie Miss, res 925 S. Milledge Ave. *Arnold. J. W., (Hester), emp. Griffith & Welch, res 780 W. Hancock.
cock Ave. Arnold, Harriet Miss, res 396 Ga. Depot St. * Arnold, J. C. (Mary) carpenter, res 182 Arch. Arnold, Mattie Rosa Miss, res 182 Arch. Arnold, Carrie, c, laundress, res 258 Lyndon Ave. Arnold, Judith, c, laundress, res 195 Billups. .^rnold .Titty, c, res 195 Billups. Arnold, Susan, c, cook, res 195 Billups. Arnold, Olera Miss, res 845 Baxter. * Arnold, Ed J. (Clemmie) grocer, 825 Baxter, res 845 Baxter, xrnold, Eva Miss, teacher Athens Business College, res 845 Baxter.
Arnold, No-el, res 845 Baxter. Arnold, Alline Miss, res 845 Baxter. *'Arnold.Stout (Manrie) c, lab. res 495 G?a. Depot St. Arnold, Estella, c, res 495 Ga. Depot St. Arnold, Zack, c, lab. res r 425 Arch. Arnold,, c, res 524 Vine. Arthur. Mina Miss, elk J. B. Toomer, res 625 N. Lumpkin. Arthur Preston, printer. Banner Job Office, res 625 N. Lumpkin. Arthur, N1. S., elk Warren J. Smith & "Bro., res 625 N. Lumpkin. * Arthur. W. D. (Ma'tie) carpenter, res 625 N. Lumpkin. Arthur, Mary Miss, res 150 S. Milledge Ave. Arthur. W. D., elk S. Bernstein, res 625 N. Luorpkin. *Argo, W. D. (Nancy H.) res 197 Miles. Argo, Rinda Miss, res 197 Miles. Argo, Docia Miss, res 197 Miles. Argo, W. J.. res 197 Miles. *Argo, H. A., (Lois) trav. salesman Standard Oil Co., res 340 Harris. Arrington, H. N., student U. of Ga. res 287 Pulaski. Asbury, C. A. Miss, res 297 Barber. *Ash, Lula Mrs., res 244 Barber. Ash, Mildred Miss, res 244 Barber.

Furnace Repairing of all kinds promptly done by

Allie Richards

Phone 111

- -

4651-2 Clayton St.



61f) Southern Mutual Building

Athens. Georgia



! Ash, W. C. (Eula) Miller & Co.. res 1226 Prince Ave. Ash. Louise Miss, res 1226 Prince Ave. Ashley. Anna Miss, student L. C. I. bds L. C. I. Dormitory. Ashley. Lura Miss, student L. C. I. hds L. C. I. Dormitory. Ashley. Kate Miss, student L. C. I. bds L. C. I. Dormitory. Athenaeum Hotel. (European plan) V .Petropol prop., 175 1-2 E.
Clayton. Athenaeum Hotel Annex, 289 1-2 X. Lumpkin. Athens Banner. Hugh J. Rowe. prop.. 175 X. Lumpkin. Athens Business School. Mrs. M. L. Reed Prin.. 151 1-2 E. Clayton. Athens Business College. 465 E. Broad. Athens Bottling Works, bottlers beverages. :>15 S. .Jackson. Athens Coal ami Coke Co. 205 S. Thomas, W. P. Vonderau, Mgr. Athens Coal and Brokerage Co. Henry Heard. Mgr. 252 Foundry. Athens Compress Co. E. Broad nr Ga. R. R., also S. A. L. Ry at
Fair Ground, S. F. Foster. Supt. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works, L. C. Brown, Mgr, 198 W. Han-
cock Ave. Athens- Candy Factory, C. W. Parr, Mgr. 196 W. Washington. Athens Cigar Store, Max Jacob prop. 224 E. Clayton. Athens Cycle Co.. Bicycles and Sewing Machines, T. P. Griffith and
A. A. Jordan. Mgrs.. 264 X. Lumpkin. Athens Engineering Co.. Electric contractors; 475 E. Clayton. Athens Elec. Ry. Co, J. Y. Carithers. Pres., C. D. Flanigan, G-en.
Mgr. office 217 E. Hancock Ave. Athens Empire Laundry. C. D. Heidler, prop, and mgr., 199 N. Lump-
kin Athens Fire Department Xo. 1, G. W. McDonman. chief, 274 N. Jack-
son. Athens Fire Department Xo. 2. cor. Prince and Hill. Athens Fruit Co.. A. Costa Mgr. wholesale fruits and produce, 121
E. Clayton. Athens Foundry and Machine Workks. 234-252 Foundry, E. H. Odom
Gen. Mgr. Athens G'arage. The. A. Costa. Jr., Mgr. 245 N. Thomas. Atnena Gas Co.. L. X. Young Mgr.. office 285 N. Thomas, works
Hickory street. Athens Hardware Co.. W. B. Jackson. Mgr. 48CE. Broad.

Plan -^ rv Rooms - Clean Sanilary' Beds, Prompt and Polite Attention. One block from Post Office,
half block from Georgian Hotel, -lialf block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN;, Prop.

368 !4 Washington St.



Sanitary, Linen Saving, Conscientious



Cor. Clayton and Lumpkin Sis. Phone 217



When a country becomes civilized it demand*;

typewriters. When it becomes posted on comparaw

tive values it demands


The Smith Premier
The fact that The Smith Premier Typewriter iiused in every civilized country on the globe is not so important as the further fact that the demand increases year after year.
The reputation of The Smith Premier is worldwide. World-wide use has made it so.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co.,
166 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga.

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils. Varnishes. Glass. I'uttv and
Artist Materials Contract for House and Sitfn I' and Paper Hanjuinjf.

Telephone 115. Cor. Clayton and Jackson Sts.



Athens Ice and Coal Co.. cor Cleveland and Seminole aves. M. L. Manne. Mgr.
Athens Jewelry Co., 561 E. Broad. Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co.. office and works corner Hoyt and
Thomas. O. H. Arnold. Jr.. gen. mgr. Athens Marble Co. 147 Hoyt. Athens Mfg. Co. cor. Mitohell and William s. T. P. Vincent Pres.
and gen. mgr. Athens M'iiltigraph Co.. stenographic and typewriting work, roon
512 Sou. Mut. Ins. Bldg. Athens Oil Mill, branch of Southern Cotton Oil Co. J. B. Wier. Mgr.
Pulaski St and S. A. L. Ry. Athens Mutual Ins. Co., Fire Ins., Dixon & Smith, mgrs., room
30(! Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Athens Parlor Market. Young Bros. Props.. 101 E. Clayton. Athens Savings Bank, Myer Stern, Pres., 283 E Broad. Athens Steam Eye Works, Miles Johnson, c, prop.. 352 W. Broad. Athens Terminal Co., E. Broad and Foundry . Athens Transfer and Livery Co. 558 E. Clayton. "Atkins, Bud. (Ella), c, emp. Ga. Ry. depot., res 728 Hull. *Atkins, E., (Maggie), c, plasterer, res 1529 W. 'Broad. Atkinson, 1. S., printer. Banner Job Office, bds 359 Hoyt. *Atkinson, T. H., (Susie), prop. 'Banner Job Office, res 359 Hoyt. Atkinson, Miiiam Miss, student L. C. I.I bds L. C. I. dormitory-. Atkinson, Burrell, student U. of Ga. bds 125 Bearing. * Atkisson, Geo. B., (Carrie), ics 388 S. Lumpkin. Atkisson, Eva Miss, elk P. O., res 398 S. Lumpkin. Atkisson, Geo. Ellis, printer. Banner Office, res 398 S. Lumpkin. Atkisson, Annie Miss, res 398 S. Lumpkin. A. T. O. Chapter House, 535 Prince Ave. Attaway Lindsay, res 497 E. Hancock Ave. Attaway, Leonard, res 497 E. Hancock Ave. Attaway, Alice Miss, elk Michael's, res 497 E. Hancock Ave. *Attaway, J. W., (Minnie), carpenter, res 497 E. Hancock Ave. *Aughtman, G. W., (M. J.), emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 187 Chattahoo-
chee Ave. Aughtman, Alice Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 187 Chattahoochee. Aughtman, James, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 187 Chattahoochee Ave. Aughtman, May Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 187 Chattahoochee

Notes Bought and Discounted at Reasonable Rates

fL~r^e~o^~r.g*i-a^ TLo^*a~n* C (^^o^. 106BSelhlaPckhloenfoesrd29B9u.6i0ld0ing


Office Phone 109 Residence 719

Office Cor. Clayton and College Avenue



Aughtman. Lillie Miss. emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 187 Chattaihooche*. August, Hattie, c, cook, res 462 Barber. 'August, Mariah. c. res 462 Barber. August, Patrovia, c. res. 462 Barber. * Austin. Dinnie. (Johanna). c. plasterer, res 130 Cohen. Austin. Abel. c. res 130 Cohen. Austin. Dave, c, res 130 Cohen. Austin, Mary. c. laundress, res 246 Pope. Austin. Wm.. c, res 246 Pope. Austin. Daisy Bell. c. cook, res 152 Hoyt. Autree. Clyde, student I*, of Ga. bds 357 Pulaski. Avery. Albert, c. Ins. agt.. res 150 Hendricks Ave. Aycock, Pannie. c. housekeeper for A. Hensy, res 1S6 Elwood Ave. Aycocks. Vira. c. laundress, res 148 Elbert. Avers, .1. H.. elk G. P. Holbrooks. bds 374 Oconee. Avers, Estella, c. res 734 Chase. Ayers. Thos. \Yatson. c. res 734 Chase.


'Hacon, Mary, c. laundress, res 554 E. Strong. Bacon, Beatrice, c, res 160 Berry. Bacon. Eddie, (Sr.sie), c. brickinason. res 160 Berry. "3acon. Ed D.. Billiards & Pool Room, 146 E. Clayton, bds 361 N.
Thomas. Badger. George. (Martha), c, brickmason, res W. end Dearihg. Bagley. G. W.. student U. of Ga., bds 382 Dougherty. *Bailey, S. W., (Lou), dray line, res 1020 Water. Bailey, Jno. E., res 1020 Water. Bailey. Emma Lou. res 1020 Water. Bailey. Clair. student TT . of Ga., 375 S. Lunapkin. *Bailey, C. F., (Florrie). grocer and meat market, 198 Elbert. res
same. Bailey, Minta Mrs., res 565 Nantahala, ave. *Bailey. Fred, (Minnie), machinist Athens Foundry, res 147 Poplar. Bailey, J. S., tinner, res 270 Baxter. Bailey, Audrey, res 270 Baxter. Bailey, Mary Miss, res 270 Baxter. Bailey, John, res 270 Baxter.

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.

Phone 707


The Only Daily in Northeast Ga.


Editor and Proprietor


Bailey, G. A., elk Bailey Supply Co., res 240 Hull.

*Bailey, Thos.. (S. .J.), V. Pres. Athens Fdry. & Mch. Wks., res 240


Bailey, Marion Miss, res 255 Washington.

Baiiey, H. G.. student U. of Ga.. bus 285 W. Washington.

*Bailey, L. E.. (Jessie I. manufacturer. Washington st., ree 178


Bailey, Addio Miss, res ITS Childs.

Bailey, Mattic Lou Miss, res 178 Childs.

Bailey, Julia Miss, res 178 Childs.

Bailey, Katherine Mrs., res 828 N. Lumpkin.

Bailey, Lizzie Miss, res nr. 828 X. Lumpkin.

*Bailey, R. E., (Emma), engineer Moss Mfg Co., res 816 N. Lumpkin.

Bailey, Matlie Lee Miss. emp. Crissler's Photo gallery, Tes 816 N.


Bailey, Sallie Miss, elk McGregor Co., res 816 N. Lumpkin.

Bailey, Susan, e, laundress, res Forest ave.

Bailey, R. \V.. (Anna), carpenter, res 297 Bloomfield.

Bailey, Edward, emp. Fairyland Theatre, res 297 Bloounfleld.

Bailey, Ernest, res 297 Bloomfield.

Bailey, Julius, res 297 'Bloomfield.

*Bailey, J. W.. (Lucy), painter, res 198 Baldwin.

Bailey, Armanda Mrs., res 190 Baldwin.

Bailey, Curtis, elk Abe Joel, res 198 Elbert.


*Bailey, D. W. and Jno. S.. plumbers, 384 E. Washington.

Bailey Supply Co.. 465 E. Clayton.

Bailey, Clarence, c, res Forest av.

Baker, Grover, tinner Al Richards, res 175 Mulberry.

*Baker, John (Patience), c, lab. res 1422 W. Broad.

Baker, Caroline Mrs., res 280 Peters.

Baker, Mary Miss, res 280 Peters.

Baker, Thos., (Sarah), emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 175 Mulberry-

Baker, Ernest, elk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 175 Mulberry.

B-aker, Helene Miss, res 175 Mulberry.

Baker, Sonny, c. lab. So. Ref. Co. bds 187 Third.

*Baker, J. W., (Annie), butcher, res 550 Nantahala av.

Baker, Georgia, c, laundress, res 157 Church.

Baker, Ida, c, laundress, res 389 Meigs.

*Baker, J. D., (Elizabeth), chauffeur Simon Michael, res 543 S.


Covering Sickness, Accident. Quarantine, Surgeons Fees, Hospital Charges, Etc. Telephone 71.



Phone 280 -

148-156 Broad St.

- Athens, Ga.



'"aker. Anna Laura Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Baker, H. A., dry goods, 1K9 X. Thomas, res 170 1-2 N. Thomas. Baker. Eugene, student U. of Ga., bds 246 W. Hancock av. Baldwin. Lula. c. servant, res r Cloverhurst Milledge av. Baldwin. Pearl, c, nurse, res 734 Chase. Baldwin. Amanda. c. cook, res 1159 W. Broad. Baldwin, Alina, c, cook, res 234 Chase. Baldwin, Mary Miss, stenog. Cobb & Erwin, bds 311 N. Thomas. Ball, Fred J., (Amy Olive), photographer, 164% E Clayton, res
151 1-2 W. Broad. Ball. F. W.. student U. of Ga.. rn: 10 Candler Hall. Banner Job Office, T. H. Atkinson. prop., 149 N. Lumpkin. Bancroft. Lily. Miss, rei; 297 Peabody. Bancroft. Daisy Miss, dressmaker, res 392 Pope. Bancroft. Emily Miss, res 392 Pope. *Bancroft. Matilda, Miss, student S. X. S.. res 392 Pope. Bancroft, Ed, bk'kpr \\ebb & Crawford. res 392 Pope. Bancroft, Edward, student Richmond, Va., res 392 Pope. Bancroft, Irene Miss, res 392 Pope. Banes, Laura, c. cook, res Madison ave. Banes. Sam, c, lab., res Madison ave. Banes Emanuel, c, res Madison ave. Bankers Health and Life Insurance Co.. R. W. B. Thompson mgr ,
260 1-2 X. Jackkson. Banks, Xancy, c, cook, res 147 Chase. *Banks, Jno., (Lou), c. emp. S. A. E. Chapter house, res 150 Mortou. Bankston, Willie, mes. West. Union Tel. Co., res 465 S. Jackkson. Barber, Edn3, c, bds 250 Pope. liarner, Robt., painter, bds 192 Foundry. Barber, H. B.. grocer, 340 Madison, ave., res same. Barber, S. M., res 340 Madison ave. *Bardge, Richard, (Rebecca), c, emp. So. Ref. Co., res nr. 260 8-
Thoiras. Rarfleld, Annie Laura, c. res S35 Prine ave. Barner, Frank, c. em]:. So. Mfg. Co./fes 190 Stevens. Barnes, Margaret, c, servant, res r 651 S. Milledge ave. Barnes, Eva, c, servant, res r 651 S. Milledge ave. Barnes, Alice, c, laundress, res r 725 E. Broad. Barnes, Wm.. (Susie), c, emp. Ga. Brick Co., res 108 John. Barnett, E. L. (Willie), ?mp. So. Mfg. Co., res 172 Bryan. Barnett, George, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 172 Bryan.

Wingfield Cash Grocery Store

457-465 Broad Street

Phone 156 Athens, Ga.

J JJ Toomer Sewing Machine Office

459 Clay toton vSt. P.O. Bx. 262


Largest Dealer in Georgia. Pianos Pianos from
and Organs. All Makes. 32 years Organs from in the Business. Cheapest in Ga. Sewing Machines

$140 to J400
35 to $90 $17 to $55

_______ ATHENS. GA.. DIRECTORY 1909.


Barn-ett, A. T.. trav. salesman C. A. Rowland, bds 189 E. Dougherty.
Barnes. Lucius, c, brickmason, res nr 160 Grove., Sallie. c, res nr 160 Grove. Barnett. Mattie, c. emp. So. Mfg. Co. res 175 Macon ave. *Barnett, Ben. (Lula), lab. res r 568 Pulaski. Barnett, Claude, (Daisy), c, drayman, res 141 Warsaw. *Barnett, B. F., (Mattie, c, carp., res 130 Lyndon ave. Barnett, Clinton, c, res 384 Barber. Barnett, Willie. c, emp. J. NT. Booth, res 384 Barber. *Barnett, Robt.. (Sarah), c, emp. J. N. Booth, res 384 Barber. Barnett, Hunter Miss, res 165 S. Milledge ave. Barnett, India F. Miss, student L. C. I., res 165 S. Milledge arc. *Barnett, J. W., (India), city engineer, offlc,e city hall, res 165 8.
Millerlge ave. iBarnett, Porthenia, c. servant C. B. Griffith, res r 654 S. Milledge Barnett, Pat, c, lab., bds 166 Finley. Barnett, Lonnie. res 175 Macon, ave. Barnett Tennie Miss, bds 327 Oconee. Barnett, Ann, c, nurse, res 273 Chase. Barnett, Nettie, c, laundress, res 198 Rock Spring. Barnett. Will, c, lab., res 198 Rock Spring. Barnett, I^wellen, c, res 198 Rock Spring. Barnhart. Gray, salesman, bds 846 College ave. *Bartlett, Wesley, (Lizzie), c, plasterer, res 197 Newton. Bartlett, Paul, student U. of Ga., bds 360 S. Lumpkin. *Bantley, Jno., (Emma), retired soldier U. S. army, res 155 Vtae. Barton. Tom. student U. of Ga.. bds 648 N. Lwrpkin. "Barrett, Ruby Miss, res 335 Madison ave. Barrett. Ruth Miss, res 335 Madison ave. *Barrett, W. J., (Alelia). farmer, res 335 Madison ave. Barrett, Mary Agnes Miss, res 335 Madison ave. Barrett. Clifford, res 335 Madison ave. Barrett. Herbert, res 574 Pulaski. Barrett. Louie, res 574 Pulaski. *Barrett, W. J.. (Evie). marble cutter. Athens Marble Co.. res 574
Pulaski. Barrett, DuPree. res 775 Prince ave. Barrett, Leonard, res 775 Prince ave. Barrett, Darline Miss, res 775 Prince ave.

and Baggage Transfer NICE VEHICLES

Phone 541





Barrett. Ruby Miss, res 775 Prince ave. Barrett, May Miss, res 775 Prince ave. Barrett, Eula Miss, res 775 Prince ave. *Barrett, T. H.. (Isadora), brick merchant, res 775 Prince ave. t Barrier. C. T., (Ellen), agt. Sou. R. R., res 154 State. Harrow, Rosctla. c. res 134 Hendirck ave. Barrow, Jane L., c, res 134 Hendrick ave. Barrow, .las., Supt. Water Works, off. city hall, res 343 E. Hancock. Barrow, Jno., res 663 S Jackson. Barrow. Henrietta, Mrs., res 66:5 S. Jackson. Barrow. Wm. Thomas, res 663 S. Jackson. Barrow, Clara, Miss, teacher pub school, res campus. Barrow. Eleanor Miss, res caar. pus. Barrow, D. P., student U. of Ga., res campus. *Barrow, David C., (Prances), Chancellor IT. of Ga.. res campus. Barrow. P. C., student U. of Ga., Inls S50 Prince. Barrow. Cohen, e, lab., res 165 Valley. *Barrow, "{. H. (Henry), surveyor, res 24S Springdale. *Barry, Prpd. (Panny). painter, res 774 X. Jackson. Barry, Eugene. Jr., res 1693 S. Lumpkin. Barry. Eugene, carperter. res 1693 S. Lumpkin. Barth, Emily, c, cook, res 179 Little. *Bartholdi. W.. ( Linderman). elk M. & L. Morris, res 153 W. Han-
cock. Barwick. Clara Miss, music tear-her. res 723 W. Hancock ave. Barwick. Mary teacher. Meigs st. school, res 723 W. Hancock. Barwick, Emma Mrs., res 723 W. Hancock ave. Barwick. Howell C.. collector. So. Bell Tel. Co.. res 723 W. Han-
cock. Barwick. \Vm. S.. bkkpr. Ei win & Co.. res 723 \V. Hancock ave. Basner. Emma Miss, res 1127 Oconee. Basiler, Louisa Miss, res 1127 Oconee. Bassett. Vada. c. res 147 Peabody. *Basset, Sam, (Josie). c, emp. J. F. Rhodes whse.. res 147 Peabodf. BasseiigaU'. Jas.. (Lillie). c, carpenter, res 563 W. Broad. *Bassenger. W. S., (Margaret), res campus, Prof. Strahan. Bassenger. E. G., Miss, res campus. Prof Strahan. Bates, Chas.. res 102 Bryan. Bates, Gertrude Miss, res 162 Bryan. * Bates. Walter. (Rebecca), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 162 Bryan.
When in need of Sanitary Plumbing
CALL ON D. W. & J. S. BAILEY 376 Wash'on St.

Cor. Broad and Thomas Sts.

1'lioiu- 1~8 39

Batiste. Delia, c. res 462 River. 'Batiste. Prince, (Grace), c, well digger, res :50 Hull. 'Batiste. Fannie May. c. laundress, res :!50 Hull. Batiste. Prirce, Jr.. c. res 350 Hull. BatiHte. Wiley, c. if- :150 Hull. Batiste. Sarah, c. res :j"0 Hull. Batiste. Hairy, c. res 3"0 Hull. Batiste, Rosa, c, chair.berniaid. res r 271 VV. Hancock. B.itey. John, fireman G. M. R. R. hds 127 Elizabeth. *Baucer. Cicero. (Kate), emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 247 Williams. Hantih. Frank, pianist. Elite theatre, res 227 Bloon field. Bai'gh. Hubert, elk .'. P. Fe.irs & Son. res 227 Bloomfield. Baugh. Chas. E.. bkk'.r. .!. P. Fears & Son. res 227 Bloomfield. Mfc'ti.uh. J. D.. (Savannah), elk J. P. Fears & Son. res 227 Bloom-
field. **Bjiugli. J. A.. (Callie). blacksmith, B. R. Piekerell. res :59:^ Pope. *Biugh, Curtis. (Lucy), c. waiter res 115 Newton. *Bau.ah. \V. C.. (Ma;'gie). emp. But. Works. Bludwine Co. V*K 25)5
Oconee. Baughn. Marion. A. Miss, res 425 Church. Baughn. Hubert, res 425 Church. Bautrbn. J. F. Mrs. res 425 Church. *Baughcum, X. C., (Sallie). enip. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 524 Oconee. Baughcun . Ruby Miss, res 14;'4 E. Broad. Baughcum, Emma Mrs., res 1434 E. Broad. *'itauni. Louis, (Daisy), plumber, res 056 X. Lutupkin. Baxter. Sar:>h Mrs, teacher. Public School, res 660 Reese. *Baxter, T. W.. (Susjin B.), (ires. Lyndon Mfg. Co.. res 165 Spring-
dale. Baynes. Eugene. sti;ilent 1'. of (la., bds 925 S. Milledge ave. Ba///ell. Hamilton, c, dray i an. Wad dell. nr. Rock Spring. Ba//ell. Laura, r. larndress. res Waddell. nr Rock Spring. Beach, Betsy, c, laundress, res 159 Trail Creek. Beach, Pearl, c. laundress, res 159 Trail Creek. *Beal. Marcellus. (Anna*, c. butcher, res 149 Xewton. Bearzatti, Pietro, marble setter, bds 575 N Jackson. ''Peccham. W. D.. (Mary L.. trav. salesman, res 540 Prince ave. Beat den. Laura Mrs., res C.56 X. Lumpkiu. Beasley.'A. T.. night watchman. Arnold Gro. Co., bds 174 Hickory. Healtie Fairy Mrs., res 249 Waddell.

The Busiest, Brightest and Equipped Drug Store in the South

225 Clavloii Strict







Has exclusiue right to tench tin- Famous Byrne Systems of Practical
Bookkeeping and Simplified Shorthand. Typewriting (touch method.) Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for Catalogue. Uept A.



Peattie. Emma Miss. opr. Sou. Bell Tel. Co., res 249 Waddell. Beattie. Martha Miss. opr. Sou. Bell Tel. Co.. res 249 Waddell. Beattie. Minnie Miss, res 249 Wraddell. "Realty. Troy. (Frpdericka), rector En:anuel Episcopal church, res
498 Prince ave. Brntiy. Fredericka Miss, res 498 Prince ave. *Realty. Troy. Jr.. res 498 Prince ave. Peatty. Mahew. les 498 Prince ave. Beaver. Elizabeth Miss, bds 280 Baxter. *Becfcer. .1. H.. (Carrie), res 160 Baxter. Beenian. Henry, rtudent U. of Ga., res 834 Prince ave. Beggs. .1. M.. student U. of Ga., rm Demosthenian hall. Beall. O. P.. student V. of Qa.. rm 11 New College. *Belsam. .1. T.. (Carrie), c, minister, res 178 Savannah, ave. Belsam. . Ullie May, c, res 178 Savannah ave. Belsam Louis .1. c, res 178 Savannah ave. Itclser, Dana, student 1 T . of Ga.. bds 749 Prince ave. *Bell. Judge. (Hattie), c. en p Webb & Crawford, ren 165 Rock
Spring. Hell. Hazel, c. res l(io Rock Spring. Bell. Luther, c. emp. Webb & Crawford, res 165 Rock Spring. Bell. Albert, c. driver Havis cab line, res 169 Newton . Bell, May. res 47?, Oak. *Bell, Chas.. (Eliza), emp. So. Ret. Co.. res 487 Odd. Bell. Hattie. c. chambermaid, res 487 Odd. Bell. Nellie, c. res 487 Odd. Bell. Edw.. c, res 487 Odd. Hell, B. C.. c. res 487 Odd. Bell. Clifford, hackman, res 820 E. Broad. Hell, Thos.. hackman. 820 E. Broad. Bell. Sarah, c. res 198 Green. *Bell. C. M., (Mar\ i. hackman. res 820 E.'Broad. *Bell. .1. \V.. (Vada). eirp Climax H. Mill, res 374 Oconee. Bell. Jno. Henry, c. concrete worker, res 1130 W. Hancock ave. Bell. Susi-. c. laundress, res Savannah ave. Bell. .Ino. Henry, c. res Savannah ave.. "Bell. Geo.. (Maude), c. lab. res 152 Hoyt. *Bell. Henry. (Lula), c. drayman, res r 564 S. Lunipkin. Bell. Robt.. c, lab. res 165 Rock Spring. *Bell, Jno. H. (Cielie). c. emp. So. Ref. Co., res 126 Crawford ave.

137 N. Lumpkin St.

,i. R. CRANK &co.

268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.



Bell, Grady, c. emp. So. Ref. Co., res 126 Crawford ave.

Bell. Ora. c, ernp. Moss Mfg. Co., res 126 Crawford ave.

*Bell. Jno., (Ida), c, emp. Moss Mfg. Co., res 944 College ave.

*Rell, Austin, c, res 944 College ave.

Rell, Cora, c. laundress, res 944 College ave.

Bell, Nellie, c, res 944 College ave.

Bell, Jno., Jr., c. res 944 College ave.

Bell, Andrew, c, res 944 College ave.

Bell. Hattie, C. Miss, res 464 College ave.

" Bell, Henry. (Mary), c, en: p. Oconee cemetery, res 198 Green.

*Bell. M. '8.. (Florence), Bell Bros. Marble Wks.., res 746 Pulaski.

*Bell, F. G., (Minnie), c-mp. Bell Bros. Marble Wks., res 746 Pn-


Bell Bros. Marble Works, 845 N. Lumpkiti.

Benedict, Anna Coates Miss, res .'527 S. Milledge. ave.

Benedict. S. C.. Dr., (Annie B.). physician, off. 228 1-2 Clayton,

ree 127 E. Broad.

Benedict, Nancy Miss, res 127 E. Broad.

Benedict, Julia Miss, res 127 E. Broad.

Benedict, Harriet Miss, res 327 S. Milledge ave.

Benedict, Ravaud, res 127 E Broad.

tJenn. Win. c, res 652 Hull.

3ennett. U. .1., student V. of Ga., res :'>75 S. Lumpkin.

Rennett. Luth?r. res 150 Herring.

Pennett, Mary. c. cook, res 131 Lyndon row.

Hennett, Norene, res 150 Herring.

Hennett. Leila Miss, res 150 Herring.

Bennett. Vera Miss, res 150 Herring.

Bennctt. Maggie Miss, ros 150 Herring.

B?nnett. W. T.. student U. of Ga., res 375 S. Lumpkin.

Uerson, Luther, emp. Dornblatt Plumbing Co., res 275 Bloomfield.

Be'-son. Anivi Bell. Miss, res 275 Bloomfield.

*Bens=on. J. W., (Alice), wood wkr. Klein & Martin, res 275 Bloom-




Penson. >.pllif Miss, res 275 Bloomfield.

Benton. Dillard. student Athens Bus. College, bds. 715 N. Jackson.

" Benton. C. G'.. (1-.. C.), carp. 225 Grace.

'rtenton. T. H.. grocer. 207 Grace, res 225 Grace.

Bentley. Thomas, c. res Waddell, nr Rock Spring.

*Bentley. Rabun. (Annie), c. lab. res Waddell nr Rock Spring.


The Insurance that protects the income for just about what you spend for tobacco ami soft drinks, or even less.

You ran not ^jet much rest when your mind is uncertain whether you are sleeping on a germ infesteil Mattress. Have your

Mattresses renovated at the

Phone 157



*Bergren, R. E.. (Zella). painter, bds 636 N. Jackson.

Bergren, Tom. painter, bds 663 X. Jackkson.

*Bernhard, H. N.. (Bettie). c, preacher, res r 165 Waddell.

*Bernard. H. R.. Rev., (Mary E.). auditor Baptist Miss. Board, res

165 Waddell.

Bernard. Lee M.. elk. \Vebb & Crawford. res 165 Waddell.

Bernard, Annie H. Miss, teacher, res 165 Waddell.

Bernard, Hugh M., collector Erwin & Co., res 165 Waddell.

Pernstein. J. S.. dry goods and furniture, 417. 432 and 440 E. Broad.

res 233 W. Hancock ave.

Bernstein, Hannah Miss, res 233 W. Hancack ave.

Bernstein. Moses, elk .1. S. Bernstein, res 2:53 W. Hancock ave.

Bernstein. Gertrude Miss, res 233 W. Hancock ave.

Bernstein, .lake, elk J. S. Bernstein, res 23:', W. Hancock ave.

Bernstein, Pearl Miss, res 2T3 W. Hancock.

Berry. Linda, c. laundress, res 441 River.

Berry, Seleta. c. res 883 Reese.

Berryman. Scott, student U. of Ga.. bds 325 W. Broad.

Bessie Mell Industrial Hone. :',11 X. Thomas. Miss M. Rutherford,


:-Metis. L. X'., (Daisy I, dentist, off. 125 1-2 E. Clayton. res 970 S.


:'Belts. W. Frank. (Seine). Live stock dealer, res 549 College ave.

"Uetts, W. P.. Dr., (Elizabeth), dentist. rs 198 Cedar.

*Betts. Parks T.. (Leila.), bkkpr I. T. Kilpatriek. bds 198 Cedar.

Betts. Bird, bds 198 Cedar.

*Betts. ':?. M.. (Minnie Lee), asst. ong. Water Works, res 876 Col-

lege I've.

'-Belts, Burke. (Valley i. mgr. Viva Bottling Co., res 170 Field.

"Bpusse. D. D., (Minnie), butcher, res 950 S. Lumpkin.

*Beusse. .1. H.. (Jessie), trav. salesman, res 195 Henderson ave.

"Beusse. Henry. (Lenat. elk Dorsey & Funkenstein, res 140 Baxte-'.

*BfMisse. Carlton G.. (Florina). shipping elk S. A. L. Ry., res 215

W. Washington.

M-usse. Henrv. Mrs., res 225 Hill.

Bickers. J. P.. hook agt.. bdf 282 E. Hancock ave.

Bickers. Carl., carp. 419 Boulevard.

Bickeistiif. R. H.. (Lola), trav. salemman R. .1. Reynolds Tob. Co.,

bds 1 is.") Prince ave.

;!'Biggs, Henry. (Hattie). c. lab. res 143 Strickland.

R. T. DuBose


City Property a Specialty

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES
We put them on ALLEN H. TALMAGE 240-252 N. Lumpkin
__________ATHENS, GA., DIRECTORY 1909. _____43
rfigby, G. E.. emp. A. ri. Talniage, res 343 Finley. *Bigby, G. E.. (Etta), blacksmith R. B. Pickerel!, bds 363 E. Hancock *Billups, B. .!., (Mary), c, lab. res 247 Chase. Billups, Ella, c. res 247 Chase. Billups, Pauline, c. res 247 Chase . Billups, Minnie, c, res 247 Chase. Billups. Burrell. c, restaurant, 369 Chase. *Billups. Burrell. (hula), c. restaurant 3:57 Hull, res 367 Chase. *Rillups. Sarah, c. laundress, res 620 W. Broad. *Billups. Simon. (Beatrice), c, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co. res 670 W. Broad. Billups. Mary Jane,,c. laundress, res 670 W. Broad. Billups. Sallie. c. laundress, res 670 W. Broad. Billups, Hannah, c. res 670 W. Broad. Billups. Ira. c, res 670 W. Broad. Billups, Bessie, c, res 1226 \V. Broad. Billups, Adeline, c, laundress, res 1086 \V. Broad. T.illups. Angeline, c, laundress, res 1086 W. Broad. Billups. Eddie, r, cook, res 1226 W. Broad. Billups, Hannah, c. cook, res 623 Hull. Billups. Geo. c. carpenter, res 623 Hull. Billups, Sallie, o. nurse, res 623 Hull. *Billups. Steve. (Delia), c, emp. Sou. Ret'. Co. res 193 Lyndon row. Bingham R. H.. emp. Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co.. bds 709
X. Thomas. *Birehmore Fred G., (Xela). elk Chas. Stern Co.. res 17* \V. Dough-
erty. Birchn ore. C. C.. secy. H. McWhorter. res 17S \V. Hancock ave. Birchmore. Thos. \V. elk Hamilton McWhorter. res 17S \V. Hanooek. *Bird. Jno.. (Lula). res 125 Meigs. Bird, Eula Miss, teacher, Meigs st. school, res 125 Meigs. TUrd. Lucy Miss res 125 Meigs. Bird. Sallie Miss, student S. X. S. res 125 Meigs. Bird. Margaret Miss, res 125 Meigs. *Bird. Richard. (Josephine), c, bottler, Athens Coca Cola Bottling
\Vks.. res 708 W. Broad. Bird. Ola, c, cook, res 673 Pulaski. Bird. Ovid, bkkpr. Nat. Bank of Athens, res 125 Meigs. Bird, Eugene, c. lab. res 660 W. Broad. Bird, Leroy, c. res 660 \V. Broad.
New England Mutual Life Insurance Co,
America's oldest and best Company. Chartered in 1835.
Martin J. Abney, District Manager, So. Mutual Bldg.

Deadwyler Wood & Coal Go.
Best Grades of Wood and Coal

Office ami Yanl 973 College Ave

Prompt Delivt-ry I'hone 495



*Bird. Sol, (Lizzie), c, carpenter, res 660 W. Broad. Ii!rd. Alice, c, res 253 Reese. *Blshnp, Walter H., (Eleanor), automobile garage, 133 W. Claytoa.
res; 285 S. Milledge ave. **?Mshop. Oscar, (Samantha). res :)25 Madison ave. ~: F"op. .;. H. (Woodie). Bishop & Andrews, res 364 N. Thomas. Eishr p & Andrews, grccers. cor. Thomas and Clayton. *Bisho,-, H. ('., (Mabel), elk King Hodgson Co., res 237 Church. *Bishop, D. \V.. (L:iura). supt. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 170 Park ave. Bishop. .1. Fred, agt. Atlanta Journal, bds 137 Nacoochee ave. Bishop, Maude Miss, student S. N. S., res 170 Park ave. Bishop, Mae Miss, student S. N. S., res 170 Park ave. Bishop, Lucy Miss, res 365 S. Jackson. Bishop. L.. res 277 Barrett. Bishop, Edna Miss, res 277 Barrett. Bishop, Vannie Miss, res 277 Barrett. " Bishop, W. H., (Katel, farmer, Carr's Hill E. Athens. *Bishop, Daniel, (Susan), pupil pub. school, Carr's Hill E. Athene. "Bishop, E. E. (Maggie), dairy, Carr's Hill E. Athens.. *Bisson, J. H., (Ida), supl. Oconee cemetery, res 297 Cemetery. Bisson, Emma, student, res 297 Cemetery. Bisson. Burk. granite cutter. Classic City Granite Works, bds 663
S. Jackson. "Bivins. Anderson. (Woodie), cotton buyer Story Bros., res 712 N.
Jacks:on. '-Black. Homer V.. (Madge), asst. Prof. Chemistry U. of Ga.. res 640
Reese. Blackburn, T. M. Mrs., res 282 Elizabeth. *Blackston<\ N. W.. (May), e>mp. IT. S. Govt. res 164 Hickory. Blaekstone, J. W. Jr.. emp J. F. Rhodes, res 2S2 Elizabeth. Blackstono. Inez. C. Miss, res 282 Elizabeth. *Blackstom-. .1. W.. (Envir.a). emp. Standard Oil Co., res 282 Eliz-
abeth. Blar-kmon. T. C. Mrs., res 190 Baldwin. Blackwell. Ida. c, emp. Empire Laundry, res 540 Water. Black well. W. B.. elk E. Buchwald's. bds 165 Strong. Blair. Annie May. res 357 Cconee. Bhilork. Mary Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Blalock, W. F.. student V of Ga.. bds 387 S. Milledge ave. *Blakely, Louis. (Amelia), c. cook, res 170 Berry.
Have your Mattress renovated at the ATHENS MATTRESS FACTORY

Cor. Hovt and Thomas Sts. Phone 157

Athens. Georgia

Money Saved is Money Made

Wingfield Cash Grocery Co., Athens, Ga.



Blakely. Burnett. c, rs 170 Berry. rjl.inrhard. Burny, res 590 S. Lumpkin. Bhinchard. Lillian Miss, res 590 S. Lumpkin. '"Blanchard, Geo.. (Mary). Jeweller, R. Bramlt. res 590 S. Luu pkin. *Blarcharcl. J. A., (Lizzie), emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 250 Williams. Blanton. G. G., student U. of Ga.. rm 26 New College. 'rUanton, L. G., student U of G'a. rm 26 New College. Blassin.i?ame. Gurtha, c. res 236 Bridge. *Blassingame, Asa, (Alice), c, lab. res 236 Bridge. Hlitch, J. student U. of Ga., bds 370 S. Lumpkin. Blount, Susie Lu, c, res 168 Peabody. niount, Christine, c, res 168 Peabody. *Blount, Robt., (Bedie). o. servant Mrs. Ann Phinizy, res 168 Pea-
body. Rlount. Annie Bell, c, res 620 Church. *Blount, Carrie, c, laundress, res f20 Church. ''Blount, Green, (Lizzie), c, lab. Lyndon Mfg Co., res 620 Church. Blount, Lizzie Mrs., emp So. Mfg. Co., res 148 Hiawassee ave. Bloodshaw, Pink, c, laundress, res 146 Cherry. Bloodshaw, Louise, c, res 873 W. '3road. Bloodshaw, Lula, c. cook M. G. Michael, res 873 W. Broad. *Blcomfield, J. C., (Lillian E.), physician, off. 254 1-2 E. Clayton,
res 260 N. Milledge. Bloomfield, R. K., Mrs., res 150 Barber. Bloomfield. Marion Miss, res 150 Barber. Bludwine Bottling Works, 227 Oconee. Blum, S.. cotton buyer. Swift bldg. bds 724 W. Hancock ave. *Bobo. \V. A., (Nancy), carpenter, res 348 Oak. Boccck, .1. '3., law student Hamilton McWThorter. bds 585 Prince ave. Bocock, Mattie Miss, res 598 S. Milledge ave. Bocock. Jack, student U. of Ga.. res 598 S. Milledge ave. *Bocock. Willie H.. (Bessie), Prof. Greek U. of G'a., res 598 S.
Milledge Avt. 'Boifeuillet, G. H., (Lula), Builders Sup. Co., res 265 Barber. Boifeuillet, Cecil A. Miss, res 265 Barber. Boifeuillet. Jenet Miss, res 265 Barber. Boifeuillet, Donald, res 265 Barber. *Boley, Sol J., (Minnie), dry goods, 409 E Broad, res 120 W
Dougherty. "Boley, Sidney, (Minnie), dry goods, 424 E. Broad, res 356 Pulaski.
We move Household Goods. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661
THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.


WHY IS THIS PRACTICAL? Because we know our Business


____Clayton St.



Bolton. Ervin, (Ella), c, driver .1. S. Keese, res 340 Lyndon ave. Bolton. Geo. T.. (Alice), elk E. I. Smith Shoe Co., res 333 E. Dougb-
*Bond, G. G.. (Claude), supt. pub. sch., off. city hall, res 198 Dearing. Bond. Frances Miss, res 198 Dearing. *Bond. Geo., (Freda), supt. porter service, The Georgian Hotel, re
same. Bond, Glenn. res 198 Dearing. *Bond, Farrow, res 198 Dearing. Bondurant & Co. hardware. 361 E. Clayton. 'Bondurant, E.. (Bertie), Bondurant & Co.. 361 Clayton, res 72i
Cobb. Bone, Dorcas Miss, res 267 Harris. Pone, M. C. Mrs, res 170 Barber. Booker, Benj., (Tina), c, emp. Webb & Crawford, res S. Thomas. Booker, Eveline, res 227 Plum. Hooker, Mary Willie. c, res. 229 Plum. Hooker, Robt , c, emp. Ga. Brick Co., res 229 Plum. Bookhammer Hairdressing Parlors, 260 1-2 N. Jackson. Boone, Willie, res 245 Nacoochee ave. *Boone. S. P., (Mattie), carp., res 726 Pulaski. *Boone, T. A. (Janie), publisher, res 245 Nacoochee, ave. *Booth, C. D., (Addie). Booth Bros., res 345 Madison ave. Booth, Joe H., hkkpr. E. H. Dorsey, bds 361 N. Thomas. "Booth Bros., grocers, corner River and Water, *Booth, W. H.. (Alma), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res nr Cheatham'e store
bey city limits. Booth, Beatrice, Miss, res 176 N. Milledge ave. Booth, Thomas M.. emp. Dixie Loan Co., bds 382 E. Dougherty. * Booth, George M., (Belle), dray line, 455 Meigs, res same. Booth, Ida Belle Miss, student L. C. I., res 455 Meigs. Booth, G. Arthur, bkkpr McGVegor Co., res 455 Meigs. "Booth, W. R., (Rosa), grocer, 205 Thomas, res 226 W. Dougherty. Booth, Rubie Miss, student L. C. I., res 226 W. Dougherty. Booth Ida Belle Miss student S. N. S., res 226 W. Dougherty. Booth. Cora Mrs., prop City Restaurant. 163 N. Jackson res W.
Hancock ave. Booth, Foster & Co.. grocers and lunch stand, 881 College ave. *Booth, J. H., (Sallie), sanitary inspector, off. city hall, res 267
Madison ave.


MARTIN J. ABNEY, District Manager.
Phone 71. Suite 515-516 Southern Mutual Building


Gives you the option of a monthly payment plan or the yearly plan. .....
You can pay the yearly quarterly. See K. T. Hale, 164 % Clayton St.



**Booth. W. F. (Mattie). Booth, Foster & Co.. res 845 Barrett.

Booth. Jno. L., res 297 Boulevard.

Booth, Rosa, Lee. res 297 Boulevard.

Booth. Lillian, Miss, res 297 Boulevard.


Booth. Pauline Miss, res 297 Boulevard.

"Booth. Jno. N., (Rosa Lee), stockdealer. 205 S. Thomas, res 297


Horn, M. A. Sanitarium. Miss F. S. Foster, supt., 869 Hill.

Borders. Marjorie Miss, res 540 Oconee.

Borders, Pearl Miss, res 540 Oconee.

Boston Bakery. T. Y. Harris, prop., S96 College.

Bostwick, Henry, student 1T . of Ga.. bds 464 College ave.

3ostwick. Hugh, student t r of Ga.. bds 297 Hull.

*Bostwick. Alex.. (Lou). c. emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res nr Cheatham'?

store, bey. city limits.

SoKtwick. Mary, c, TPS 1524 \V. Broad.

'Bostwick, George. (Eliza), c. mortar maker. res 1524 W. Broad.

r?aswell. Mandy, c, laundress, res 4:59 River.

*Bowden T. H.. (Lula). enip. Athens 'Bottling Wrks, res 595 Pu-


Bowden Lee, res 595 Pulaski.

*Bowden. W. IX, (Mary), ice cream dealer, 301 E. Washington

res 336 Strong.

*Bowden, C. C., (Josie). n~gr. Athens Bot. Wrks., res 309 S. Jackson.

Bowden. Robt. I., trav. salesman Athens Bot. Wks., res 309 S. Jack-


Bowden. Thos, emp. Athens Bot. Wks, res 309 S. Jackson.

Bowden, W-m. F., photographer. Buchanan's studio, res 309 S. Jack-


Bowens, Delia, c, res 258 Arch.

*Bowens. Amos. (Hassie). c. driver Dozier L. Co., res nr 160 Grove.

Bowens, Hannah, c, res 250 Cleveland ave.

Bowls, Judge, (Valley), c. emp. Athens Elec. Ry., res r E. S. Cheat-

ham's store.

Poyce, Martha, c, laundress, res 524 Strong.

Boyd Ely, res 968 College ave.

fioyd. Emma Lou. c, res 127 Augusta ave.

Boyd, Rirmie, c, laundress, res 1536 W. Broad.

*Boyd, John. (Lucy), c, section hand S. A. L., res 127 Augusta ar.

Boyd, Lucy, c, res 437 Pope.

Anything from a Book T Visiting Card



raerset resYuoltuancatnonfoat *nreigt hsutsc'hgrtxexsll
, yinK on Corn Cobs or an emptv


Cotton Mattress. Buy a "Maid

Perfect Rest Of Body.

of Athens Mattress" and insure

______perfect rest of body._______



Boyd, Lydia c. res 437 Pope. Boyd. Rachel, c. res 437 Pope. Boyd, Theln a Miss, res 153 Second. *Boyd. \V. H., (Rosa), c, shoemaker 437 Pope, res same. *Boyd, Wm., (Eliza), car insector S. A. L., res 968 College Ave. Boylston. DuBose. res 165 Springdale. Hradberry, Alfred, res 551 S. Jackson. *Bradberry, A., (Mary), plumber, res 156 Herring. Bradberry, Edna Miss, res 551 S. Jackson. Brad berry, Lee, rep 286 Boulevard. Bradberrv. Lula Miss. Misses Bradberry, res 286 Boulevard. *Bradberry, Ira A.. (Ida), bkkpr Builder's Sup. Co., res 551 S. Jack-
son. **Bradberry, I. V., (Blanche), shoemaker, res Beuna Vista. *"Bradberry, J. E., (Sallie), farmer, res 286 Boulevard. 'Rradberry, Misse?.. milliners and ladies' outfitters, 240 College ave. *Bradberry, R. E., (Sallie), trav. salesman, res 286 Boulevard. Bradberry, Ruth Miss, res 286 Boulevard. *Bradley, A. W.. (N'eely), plumber, Dornblatt Plumb. Co., res 150
Elwood ave. Bradley, Alice, c, laurdress. res 478 River. Bradley Clara Mir.s, trained nurse St. Mary's Hospital, res same. Bradley, Ezzie Miss, res 140 First. * Bradley. F. L., (Mary), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 123 Bryan. Bradley, G'oldie Miss, res 140 First. Bradley, Helena, c, res 220 Pearl. *Bradley, J. W., (Susie), hackman, res 140 First. Bradley, Lena, c, res 220 Pearl. Bradley, Lizzie Miss, res 140 First. Pradley, Robert, res 140 First. *Bradley, W. M., (Fannie), hackman, res 134 Vine. ^Bradley, Wm.. (Fannie), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 152 Bryan. *Bradley. Wm., (Susie), c, lab., res 873 W. Broad. Bramlet, Bulah Miss, res 480 Nacoochee ave. *Brairlet, F. L., (Mandy). res 994 S. Lumpkin. *Bramlet, H. T., (Leila), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 480 Nacoochee av. Bramlet. Joe, res 994 Lumpkin. Bramlet. Percy, res 994 Lumpkin. Brarch. Navy, brickmason, bds 164 Foundry. Branch, Tom, c, enr.p. So. Ref. Co., bds 126 Newton.





v M o A BLD-Q





Artistic Job Printing

[ILDREN are taught to tell nothing but

the truth. This is acknowleged to be

good ethics for the adult; but to good

business methods, truth-telling is an absolute

[7 necessity. There is but one way to insure

f truth-telling throughout business transactions

and that is to make your goods so thoroughly

good that there shall be no temptation to any

one who handles them to tell anything but

the truth concerning them.



I; Banner Job Printing Office

T. H. ATKINSON, Proprietor.





The Glarke County Courier
Devoted to the interest of Athens, Clarke County, the fanning interests, the material development and the moral welfare of our people. A paper that "hues to the line, letting the chips fall where they may." Of this paper the Greensboro Herald-Journal says:
"The Clarke County Courier is a splendidly edited weekly paper. In our opinion Editor Gardner hits the bull's eye ac often, if not oftener. than any editor in Georgia who publishes a weekly newspaper."
Subscription Price One Dollar per Year. Advertising Rates on Application.
Done On Short Notice and at the Lowest Prices.




Oldest Company in America. Chartered


in 1835, under Massachusetts Laws.

Suite 5J5-5I6 Southern Mutual Building. Phone 71.



*Brand, Chas. H., (May), Judge superior court Western circuit, off. Sou Mut Ins. Bldg., res 645 S. Milledge ave.
Brand, Caroline Miss, res 645 S. Milledge ave. 'Brand, H. H., (Carrilea), agt. Ga. R. R., res 175 Grady ave. Brand, Julia Miss, res 645 S. Milledge ave. Brand, Luelle Miss, res 645 S. Milledge ave. Brandt, Chas. W., jeweller R. Braudt, res 294' Dearin.g *Brandt. Rudolph (Vessie R.), jeweller 223 E Clayton, res 294
Bearing. Brandt, Rudolph, Jr., res 294 Bearing. Brandon, Bavid. student U. of Ga., bds 285 W. Washington. Brandon, Susie Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. *'Brantly. J. R. (Bora), cotton buyer, Swift Bldg, res 246 W. Dough-
erty. Brantley, Margaret Miss, res 246 W. Bougherty. Brantley, Randolph, res 246 W. Bougherty. Brannen, Clifford, student U. of G'a., bds 370 S. Lumpkin. Branson, E. C., president State Normal School, res same. *Braswell, W<ir. (Resilla).'lab. res 995 Oconee. Bray, Blanche Miss, res 361 N. Thomas. Bray, M. F. Mrs, boarding house, res 361 X. Thomas. *Bray, T. E. (Mandy), farmer, 445 Barrett. *Bray, W. T. (Jessie , watchman Moss Mfg. Co., res 180 Cleveland. *Breedlove, Wm. M. (Myrtle), bkkpr. Ginner's Mart. Ins Co., res 251
Franklin. Brewer, Etta, Miss, err.p. McGregor Press, res 749 N. Thomas. *Brewer, Horace, conductor, Athens Elec. R. R., res 749 N. Thomas. 'Brewer, J. H. (Margaret A.), carpenter, res 749 N. Tho-rras. Brewer Margie Misr, emp. McGregor press, res 749 N. Thomas. Brewer, Leila, c, cook, res 830 Water. Brewer, Matilda, c, laundress, res 293 Finley. Brewer, Velia, c, lab. res 830 Water. Bridges, Alexander, elk Bavison-Nicholson Co., bds 305 S. Jackson. Bridges, Annie Pearl Misr., res 148 Mulberry. Bridges, Chas. C., elk J. O. Bridges, res 148 Mulberry. Bridges, Claude, C., machst. Athens Foundry, res 148 Mulberry. Bridges. Bave W., res 148 Mulberry. Bridges, Hallie Mi?s, emp. Climax Mill, res 345 Peters. *Bridges, Jesse M., res 148 Mulberry. Bridges, J. F., res 148 Mulberry.


For all Kinds of Repair Work


Phone 111

- .. - - -

.'; .465)4 Clayton St.

Robert Toombs DuBose, Agent

Southern Mutual Insurance Co.

Phone 450-Qffice________Company's Building 616



Bridges. .1. O. (Emma J.), grocer 1040 E. Broad, res 148 Mulberry. Bridges, M. A. Mrs., res 345 Peters. Bridges. Maggie, c. bds 760 Chase. Bridges. Mary Mrs., mattress iivaker, res 479 Strong. Bridges, Myrtie. emp. Climax Mill, res 345 Peters. Bridges. Ruby Miss, emp. Climax Mill, res 345 Peters. Briggs. Alice Keene Miss, res 425 M. Milledge ave. 'Briggs. Win. P. (Annie S.). bkkpr. So. Mfg Co., res 425 X. Milledge. Briggs, Wm. Prescott. Jr.. res 425 X Milledge ave. Hrightwell. Eva Miss, res 245 W. Washington. Brightwell, Guy. bkkpr. Sou. Ref. Co., bds 165 Reese. Brightwell. J. W., res 245 W. Washington. Brightwell. Lena Miss, res 245 W. Washington. *Brigham. A. A. (Eva), painter, Klien & Martin, res 169 E. Dough-
erty. 'tiugg, P. T. (Manda), o. book agt., res 468 River. Briscoe. Henry, Briscoe & Son, res 380 S. Liwrpkin. Briscoe, Maggie Miss, res 380 S. Lumpkin. *Briscoe. M. P. (Ella), Briscoe & Son, res 380 S. Lumpkin. Briscoe & Son, gun and locksmiths, 121 1-2 E. Clayton. *Brittain, Edw. (Sarah), c, lab. Hardeman & Phinizy, res 130 Berry. *Brittain. George (Janie), c, carpenter res 1158 W. Broad. Brittain, Lucious (Sallie), c. emp. S. A. L. Ry., res 390 Billups. 'rffittain, Lake, c, farmer, 344 Rock Springs. Brittain, Ora, c, res 390 Billups. 'Rrittan Eliza Mrs, res 498 Oak. Brittan. Pearl Miss, res 498 Oak. *Brittan, W. J. (Katie), policeman, res 498 Oak. Britson. Ixmis, student U. of Ga., bds 198 Bearing. *Broach, G. A. (Ethaline), elk Boston bakery, res 277 Barrett. *Broach. Mercer (Bertha), trav. salesman Michael Bros., res 340 S.
Lumpkin. Brock, P., student U. of Ga., bds 375 S. Lumpkin. Brock, Sam. student U. of Ga., bds 398 S. Lumpkin. Brockton, Thos., building contractor, bds 282 E. Hancock ave. *Brooks, A. (Sarah), elk. B. GToldwasser, res 553 Pulaski. *Brooks, A. (Effie), res 648 Xantahala ave. *Brooks, A. J., emp So. Mfg. Co., res 690 Xantahala ave. Brooks, Blanche, c, cook 'Bon Air res 185 Billups. *Brooks, B. (Addle), horse dealer, res 336 Hoyt.
HTT T ^^ mr*f\** Work that is "home made is best beA J.OlIieTMIIld.Ut cause into home made products ente
only those materials which have proven'themselves best suited to their purpose. Our harness and shoes have those virtues which make home products worthy of them. MARTIN BROTHERS.

A Dream of Luxury and Ease

Is the result of a nights' rest on a "Maid of Athens" Mattress .._.._.

Sold by all Dealers here



Brooks, C. C.. student U. of Ga., bds 695 Prince ave. *Brooks D. (Louisa), emp. city, res 288 Newton. Brooks, Joe Henry, res 1S5 Bill'ups. *Brooks, L. E. (Sallie), city marshal, off. city hall, res 373 E. DougU-
erty. Brooks, Lizzie, c. laundress, res 293 Cleveland ave. Brooks, Lucy, c. laundress, res nr 365 Vine. Brooks, Lucy, c, laundress, res 185 Billups. 'Brooks W. L. (Fannie), elk E. Buchwald, res 595 'Barber. Brooks, Roy. res 373 E. Dougherty. *Brooks, R. P. (Josephine*, instructor history V. of Ga.. res 650
Reese. *Brooks. Sol. (Harriet), c, emp. Arnold & Abney, res 345 Lyndon. Brooks, Susie, c, nurse Bon Air res 185 Billups. Brooks, "W. P.. cashier Ga. Nat. Bank, res Jefferson, Road, hey city
limits. Broome. Annie May Miss, res 240 Nacoochee ave. Broome, Florence Miss, res 240 Nacoochee ave. *Broome, J. D. (Mamie), bldg contractor, es 240 Nacoochee ave. Broome, Mable Miss, res 240 Nacoochee ave. *Broome, S. M. (Zephie), motorman Athens Elec. Ry., res Satula
ave. bey. city limits. Broughton. Eula. c. res 440 Finley. ''Broughton. Mose (Lula), c, emp. Wingfield Cash Gro. Co., res r
420 Boulevard. *Broughton. Elijah (Lula), c, glazier, res 440 Finley. Broughton. Mamie, c, nurse, res 440 Finley. Broughton, Otis, c, res 440 Finley. Branham, Anna, c, laundress, res 515 W. Broad. *Brown, A. C. (Annie), emp. Ind Life & Health Ins Co., Hodgson-
Shackelford bldg. ,res 577 Pulaski. Brown, A. J., elk Wingfield Cash Grocery, bds 575 N. Jackson. *Brown, Albert L. (Ellen), c, res 328 Augusta ave. Brown, Albert \V., c, restaurant cor. Pope and Hancock, res 760
Chase. * Brown, Arthur (Annie), Ins. agt. cor. Pope and Hancock, res 760
Chase. Brown, Andrew, emp Ilion Cafe, bds 337 Hoyt. Brown, Annie Laurie, c, res 328 Augusta ave.

iBy Buying Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
' Cloth Brushes, Nail Brushes, etc., from


225 Clayton St.

For Tin Roofing, Guttering and Sheet Metal Work

D. W. & J. S. BAILEY

All kinds of repairing done

________________________ _____ 376 Washington St.

52________ATHENS, GA., DIRECTORY 1909.

Brown. Annie May, c, res 595 Arch.
*Brown, A. S. (Mamie), c, barber, R. S. Harris, res 987 Reese. Brown, 'nen, carp, bds 419 Boulevard. Brown, Billy, c, emp. Davis Pool Room, res 240 S. Thomas. Brown's Cafe, A. W. Brown, c, prop. 270 Pope. *Brown, Callie (Ollie), c, hostler, res 240 S. Thomas. Brown, Carrie E., c, res 427 Baxter. *Brown, Chas. (Winnie), c, cook Green hotel, res 488 Strong. Brown, Chas. Henry, c, res 427 Baxter. Brown, C. L., emp. D. L. Peacock's dairy, res 292 Nellie B. ave. *Brown, Colunrbus (Susie), c, lab. University farm, res 187 Field. *Brown, Dave (Liza), c, lab., 870 Reese. Brown, E. M., student U. of Ga., res 287 Pulaski. 'Brown, Emma, c, laundress, res 573 W. Hancock ave. Brown Fanny, c, laundress, res 562 W. Broad. i!rown, Flora May, c. res 115 Newton. Brown, Florence, c, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 137 Odd. Brown, Geo., c, lab. res 595 Arch. *Brown, Geo. (May Liza), c, lab. S. A. L. R. R., res 288 Bridge. Brown, Hattie, c, nurse, res 132 Cleveland ave. *Brown Henson, (Sallie), c. plasterer, res 115 Newton. Brown Herrman, c, res 427 Baxter. *Brown, Howard (Julia), c, emp. University farm, res E. Carlton. Brown, Ida, c, teacher, res 573 W. Hancock ave. Brown, Irene, c, teacher, res 328 Augusta ave. *Brown, Jamer. (Lady), c, janitor Hodgson-Shackelford bldg., res
452 W. "Broad. *Brown, J. H. (Bettie L.), c, prin. Jeruel Academy, res 427 Baxter. *Erown. .Tno. (Evaline), c, drayman, res 167 Crawford ave. Brown, Jno, Jr., c, emp. Sou. Ref. Co. res 167 Crawford ave. 'Brown. Jno. (Mary L.) c, drayman, Arnold Gro. Co., res 150 Harris. Brown, John, c, bell boy Green Hotel, res 488 Strong. Brown. Johnnie. c, res 132 Cleveland ave. Brown, Joseph E., Jr., student U. of Ga., bds 125 S. Milledge are. 'Brown, J. T. (Julia), res 370 S. Lumpkin. Brown, L. A. Miss, res 293 Hoyt. Brown, Langdon, c, res 562 W. Broad. *Brown, L. C. (Mattie), mgr. Athens Coca Cola "Bottling Co., res
143 Grady ave. Brown, Lizzie, c, laundress, res 595 Arch.

Wingfield Cash Grocery Company

All kinds FEED STUFF

Dealers in .. 457-465 Broad Street . Phone J56 Athens, Ga.

The Continental Casualty CO. has enabled t many a man, ^^B when sick or hurt to still

meet his obligations. Fire and Life Insurance premiums paid

many a time from the indemnity fund which the Continental had

paid'. Then see

E. T. HALE, District Manager.



Brown, Lizzie, c, laundress, res 273 Compress. Brown, Lloyd, student U. of Oa., bds 296 W. Broad. Brown lx)is, c, teacher, res 562 W. Broad. Brown, Lucinda, c, res 452 W. Broad. Brown, Sue, c, laundress, res 285 Bridge. Brown, Luellen. c. janitor Agric. school, res 240 S. Thomas. Brown, Mary. c. laundress, res 750 Chase. Brown. Mat. c. res 167 Crawford ave. Drown Minnie, c. laundress, res 285 'Bridge. Brown, Mintal. c, laundress, res 265 Washington. Brown Monroe. c, driver Dorsey & Funkenstein, res 595 Arch. Brown Nannie, c, domestic, res 467 Hoyt. Brown, Olivia, c, chan bermaid, res 240 S. Thomas. Brown, Perry McKinley. c. res 427 Baxter. Brown Pink. c. res S70 Reese. *Brown, Reese, (Ella), c, emp. Moss Mfg. Co., res 132 Cleveland ave. Brown, Robt.. c, emp. Jno. L. Arnohi. res 573 W. Hancock ave. Brown, Rosa, c, laundress, res 285 Bridge. Brown Sanford, c, lab., res 191 Lyndon row. Brown, Savannah Miss elk Athenaeum Hotel, res 175 Pulaski. 'fli-own. Savannah, c, res 132 Cleveland ave.
Brown, Tomniie. c, res 167 Crawford ave. Brown, Vina. c, res 562 W. Broad. 'Prown, Virgia Roosevelt, c, res 427 Baxter. Brown, Virginia H. c. res 427 Baxter. *Brown. \V. B. (Mary), emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res r 26 Cleveland ave. Brown, N. (Susie*, c. grocer. 135:1 W. Hancock ave. res same. Brown. Willie, c. res 132 Cleveland ave. Brown Willie, c. emp. \V. L. Hancock Coal Co., res 167 Crawford. Brown, Winnie, c. laundress, res 193 Rock Spring. Brown. Wn\. c. restaurant 725 Broad, res 760 Chase. Brown Win., c. res 595 Arch. 'Brown, Zack. c. porter W. .1. Smith & Bro, res 137 Odd. Browne. Marjorie Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Browner. Henrietta, c, cook, res r 327 S. Milledge ave. *Browner. King (Essie), c. lab., res 288 Bridge. Browner, Sallie. c. laundress, res 126 Newton. "Browning, M. I:. (Alwilda). elk \Vebb & Crawford Co.. res 297 W.
Broad. Bruce. Elizabeth Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory.
u>-. Cal1 on the Athens Coal & Coke Co.

1 v. I $ 1 v A X 1 >T

Absolutely Reliable-Eyes
fitted with Spectacles
>s- Mutual Building.



Brumby. Annie Miss, principal L. C. I., res Lucy Cobb Institute. * Brumby. Course (Mary), c, res 177 Valley. Brumby. Henry, c. res opp. 190 Field. *Brumb\. .1. \V. ( HarahHla). res 34P, E. Hancock ave. Brumby, Miiry H. Miss, res :'.4:5 E. Hancock ave. Hryan. Morris, res 94X Prince ave. *Bryan. \V. T. (Harriett), gen. nigr. So. Mfg. Co.. res 94N Prince. Bryan, Virginia Miss, res 94K Prince. *P,ryant. A. M. f Fannie), barber. So. Mut. bldg.. res 252 Ga. Depot st. Bryant. '.{.. res 252 Georgia Depot st. *Bryant. I). H. (Cora), carpenter, res b'W N. Jackson. Bryant. Howard, n-s 252 Georgia Depot st. Bryant, Jasper, res 540 Xantahala ave. * Bryant, .1. B.. (Xorma), printer McGregor Press, ves 195 Her-
ring. *Bryant. .1. C. (I,i//,ie). emp. Klii'ii & Martin, res 1 :?2 Willow. Bn ant's Ladies' Hair Dressing Parlors. Miss Haiti*1 Bynl in charge4.
r, 10 and fill So. Mut. Ins. bldg. Bryant. Mattie Miss, seamstress, 151 1-2N. Lumpkin. Bryant's Barber Shop. Young Davis, mgr., 115 College ave. Bryce. Virginia Madam, bdg. house. 15?, Second. I'rydje. FMwsiri!. c. Ins. :igt.. res 22:! Finley. :>''?rydi''. Eugene. (Cameliai. c. barber res 22:> Finley. Brydi.--. Mattie.c . res 223 Finley. Bryson. .]. \\'.. mechanic. Lyndon Mfg C).'. res 465 Barrett. Bryson. T. .1.. Mrs.. r-s 165 Barrett. Biieban;iii. C.. student I", of Ga.. 1 ds 265 College ave. *Il;chanan. -I. S. (Cora. photographer. 279 1-2 E. Broad, res 69S
Pnlaski. Biichwald. Caspei-. c\\< E. Bncbwald. res 465 College ave. *Bnfh\v:'H. Epbriam. (Mary), dry goods. 401 E. Broad, res 465
Collfg five.
Biichwald. Lewis, elk res. 1S!* K. Dougherty. *Bucbwald. Moses i Rachel), dry goods. 441 E. Broad, res. 6:',5 Col-
l"Lre live. Biichwald. Victor, elk E. '.'iuchwald. i-es 465 College ave. "Buchner. (). F. (ld;i). grocer. 1127 Oconee, res same. Puck. Etb< ] Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Bugtr. Albert, c. butler R. K. Reaves, res r 312 X. Tho-iras. *Buggs, Seabouin (Julia), c. lab., res 190 Lyndon ave. Builders Supply Co.. G. H. Boifeuillet, mgr.. 190 E. Clay ton. ' "Bullock. B. G. (Xellif). carpenter, res 146 Herring.

GEORGE H. WILLIAMSON .^TMF$rm*l^ ( .... TI'-TO-DATK C.ROCKR Ivvt-rvthiug Ciofxl to I{at



That it is very essential to have your mattresses thoroughly renovated during the period. (Verm infested Mattresses are not

conducive to j^ood health. Phone 157 for prices.


*Bulloek, Comer (Matilda), onip. Son. Mfg. Co.. res 149 Thibhetts. Hulloch, Evaline. c. re? 146 Cherry. *Bullock, Green (Lizzie), r. lab., res 264 Bridge. *Bulloch, .1. B. (Pink), grocer, res 79s Oconee. 'I'.ullock, Linnie. Miss. enip. Son. Mfg. Co.. res 141) Thibhette ave. Bullock, M. A. Mrs., res 149 Thihbetts ave. I.-;illock. Maude, res 146 Herring. Bulloeh, Pearl, r, res 146 Cherry. Bulloch, Quitty. c. re? 146 Cherry. *Bulloeh, R. H. (Callie). oik Hea.l & McMahan. res 62s Boulevard. Bullock. Richard, res 146 Herring. *Bulloch, R. Z. (Bessie), carpenter, res :',24 Bloomfielii. *Bulloch, Sam (Callie). c. famer. res 146 Cherry. Bulloch, Samuel, c. emp. Dornblatt Plumbing Co., res 146 Cherry. Bnnn, E. M., student Aihens 'business College, bds 6S's Pulaski. IJunn. M. A.. emp. Lyndon Mfg. Co.. l)ds 6Ss Pulaski. Punkley. Lula. c. laundress, res 270 Arch. Hnnkley, Magdalrne. c. res 270 Arch. Hunkley. Marie, c. cook North end Trail cvek. Munkley. Robt., driver Da vis' cab line, res 16!) Xevvion. lUmkley.Mary, c. res North end Trail creek. *Bunkley, Mat (Martha), c. lab. res North end Trail creek. Bunkley, Seymour, c. emp. city, res 270 Arch. Buroh. Alice Miss, st.enogr. Kpps-Wilkins Co.. res 4."4 E. Dousherty *Buich. Arihur i Louie), elk G. H. Hulme & Co.. res isO Grady ave. Purch. Bud. c. e i p. G. M. R. R. depot, res E. Elbert. Purch, G?o.. emp. Davis' pool room, res 2:'>4 Baldwin. *Bnreh. Ho:ner (Sarah), c. blacksmith Klien & Martin, res 15^
Church. Bureh. .lames fi.. res 4.r>4 K. DouuheiMv. Burch. James, cotton buyer. King. Hcdj^ou Co.. res 2:54 Baldwin. Purch. .1. B.. painter, res :>'0 Oak. *Burch. .1. L. (Mary), trav. salesman. King. Hodgson Co.. res 2:U
Baldwin. *Burch. .Iro. (Clyde*, trev. salesman \Vebb & Crnwford. res :5:56 E.
Strong. Burch. Joe. en p. Jno. Carlton. res 2:'4 Baldwin. "Burch. L. H. (Laura), agent, res 454 E. Dougherty. Purch. Mandy. c, emp. Empire Laundry r E. Elbert. 'Purch. Mattie, c. laundress, rep 14S Hoyt.


,.,,,,,,,, ^ ^ \l*\\
n>5 \>A C< )I.!.K<',K AV1-



Pure Drinks a Specialty



156 College Ave.

Phone 345

Athens. Ga.



Hurch, Percy, c, res 148 Hoyt. Burch, Ruby Miss, res 234 Baldwin. Rurch. Rufus. elk Ga. R. R., res 454 E. Dougherty. Bnrch, Sarah, c, restaurant 142 Hoyt, res 148 Hoyt. Burch. S. C. Mrs, res 360 Oak. Bnrch, T. S.. c. res 148 Hoyt. Burch, Thos. c. lab., res E. Elbert. Burch. Willie. res 234 Baldwin. Budget. Mollie. c. teacher, res 1254 W. Broad. Budget. Soloman. c. gardener, res 1254 W. 'Broad. Burkhalter. Stella, c. chambermaid. Mrs Mary Camak, res r 319
Meigs. **r)iirks. Homer (Mary*, c, blacksmith Klein & Martin, res 488 E.
Strong. Burns. Alena. c, res 158 Warsaw. Purns, Hattie. c, cook, res 158 Warsaw, 'turns, .Inc.. c. janitor. L. X. Belts, res 158 Warsaw. Hurnside, Edward, res 130 Sou. Ry. Burnside, Jaymie, res 130 Sou. Ry. *"Burnside, T. E. (Rosa), cabinet maker, res 130 Sou. Ry. Burnet, Duncan, librarian U. of Ga., bds 575 Harris. Burnett. Carrie, c. servant, res r 634 Prince ave. Burnette. Anne Miss, res 436 Hill. Burnette, Frances Miss, res 436 Hill. Burnette, W. B. Mrs., boarding house 436 Hill. Burnett. Wylie B., clerk S. A. 1,. R. R., res 436 Hill. Burney, I. H.. c. dentist, 144 1-2 E. Clayton, bds 1082 Reese Tturley, lizzie, c, nurse res r 775 Boulevard. Burpee. Claude, res 457 River. Burpee, Mary Mrs., res 458 E. Clayton. Fiurpee, May Miss, pupil pub. school, res 457 River. *Burpee. R. A. (Lulal, policeman, res 457 River. Burpee. Robert, res 457 River. Burton, Alberta Miss, res 240 Barrett. *Burton, A. V. (Eliza), sewing mch. agt., res 240 Barrett. Burton. Daisy Miss, milliner, Davison-Nicholson & Co., res 240
Barrett. *Burton. D. G. (Estell). driver Klein& Martin, res 135 Pine. Burrell. W. .T., res 151 Miles.

II are looking for the one soft k whichis known as the world's
irite. we have it. Yon can't tret it ni y where else, this is the mark of
ilist notion. See that it is on the rnwn 'if every Itottle.



Life, Accident, Health, Disability, Fidelity, Resilience, Burglary, Ktc.
Phone 71, Suite 5J5-5J6 Southern Mutual Building.



burroughs, M. Mrs., emp. So. Mfg. Co., bds 172 'Bryan.

Burroughs, Nellie Miss, emp So. Mfg Co.. bds 172 Bryan.

Bush, Clarence, c, res 760 W. Broad.

Buh, Lula, c, cook, res 760 W. Broad.

Bush, M. Miss, res 126 N. Milledge ave.

Buah, Minnie, c, student bds 346 Pope.

Bush, Mary, c, servant, res r 192 Foundry.

Bush, Sol, c, res 760 W. Broad.

Bush, William, bds 361 N. Thorras.

Bush, W. T., Jefferson Standard Life Tns. Co., Sou. Mut. IBS.

bldg., bds 240 W Clayton.

*Busby, I. I. (Minnie), brickmason, res 12;> Wilkerson.

Bussey, J. H.. emp. Costa's cafe, res 249 Bloomfield.

*Bussey, R. N. (Fannie), trav. optician, res 249 Bloomfield.

Butler, Dora, c, cook, res 174 Valley.

Butler, Isiah, c, lab., res r 297 Boulevard.

Butler James, c. lab., res 396 Ga. Depot st.

Butler. Jennie Mrs., res 529 Baxter.

Butler, J. F., carp, res 1476 E. Broad.

Butler, J. M.. emp. Foster Booth & Co., bds 569 Pulaski.

'Butler, Julia, c. cook, res 247 W. Hancock ave.

"Butler, J. W. (Carolyn), trav. salesman Chattanooga Plow Co.. res

124X Prince ave.

Butler, Lewis (Ear ma), lab., res :}96 Ga. Depot st.

*Butler, Lizzie, c, laundress, res 224 W. Washington.

Butler, Mary Frances Miss, res 663 Pulaski.

Butler, M. S., emp. Athens Banner, res 663 Pulaski.

Butler. Roberta Miss, -es 1248 Prince ave.

Butler. S. A. Mrs., res 663 PuiasKi.

Butler, T. R. Mrs. mch opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 287 Cemetery

Butler. Warren B.. emp. Athens Oil Mill, res 224 \V. Washington.

!S Butt, L. F. (Clara), cotton buyer. King Hodgson bldg.. res 247 S.

Milledge ave.


'Buttrill. M. L. Mrs., res 569 Pulaski.

Ruttrill Tinnie L. Miss, res 569 Pulaski.

Butolph. Lyman. student U of Ga.. bds 525 S. Milledge.

Byrd, Emory, c. res 128 Lyndon row.

*Byrd, Jno. (Hattie), carp, res 149 Wilkerson.

Byrd, Joe (Mattie), butcher, res 135 Second.

Byrd, Mural Miss, hair dresser A. M. Bryanfs Ladies' Parlor,

res 149 Wilkerson.

Byrd, Matilda, c. res 128 Lyndon row.

*Byrd. Randy (Rosa), c. emp. Coca Cola Co.. res 128 Lyndon row.

We fill your orders TO THK LETTER and deliver PROMPTLY \Vordtothe \VisfisSulficient"

Presrrintinns Carefully compounded by

1 ICSII1|J11U11S

Registered Pharmacists






*Cade. Jim (Hattiei, c, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res l.~90 \V Boad Cain, E. M., Mrs.. Cain House, 282 E Hancock Ave. Cald-well, Alena Miss, res 799 Boulevard. Caldwell, Elizabeh Miss, teacher public school, bds 327 Hill. Caldwell, Emmet, res 799 Boulevard. "Caldwell, .1. E., (Georgia), tinner, res 799 Boulevard. Caldwell, Mary Miss, res 799 Boulevard. Calhoun, I). T., student, U. of G., mis 2.~> Candler Hall. Call, Georgia, c, res ISO Herring. Callahan, Maggie, (-, laundress, res \~>~1 Willow. Callaway. Bradley, student IT. of G., bds 12.~> S Milledge ave. Callaway, Cleveland, c, lab. Ga. Brick Co., res 893 Water. Callaway. Edna Miss, res 348 Church. Callaway, Elnora, c. laundress, res 1223 Ocone*. Callaway, .Janie, c, ros 271 W Hancock Ave. Callaway, Jennie May Miss, res 348 Church. *Callaway. Knox. (Callie). c. lab., res 6!4 X. Lumpkin. *Callaway. Marshall S., (Mary), merchant, res 348 Church. Callaway. May, c. res r 271 W Hancock Ave. Callaway. Magnolia. <, res 1223 Oconee. Callaway. Marshall H., res 348 Church. Callaway. Nora, c, laundress, res 270 Pearl. Callaway. Regan, res 34<x Church. *Calla\vay. Riley (Susie), c, emp. E. P. Fears Stable, res 3T>4
W Broad. *Callaway, Webster (Mariah), merchant, res 348 Church. *Callaway. R. W. (Adah), clerk Davison-Xicholson Co., res 234
W Hancock Ave. Camak. Mary Mrs., res :',19 Meigs. Camak. Louis, real estate agt.. -ffice 1-">1 l/ E Clayton, res 319
Meigs. Camak. James W.. atty., office 1 "> 1 V^ E. Clayton. res 319 Meis""Cambridge, Jerry (Elizabeth), c, emp. Empire Chem. Co., res
32-". El her t. "Cambu;. Claude. (Laura), emp Athens Mfg. Co.. res 19)3
*Cameron, Oscar, (Dolly), c, emp city, res nr X Madison Ave.
THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER COMPANY "The World's Best" St'e tlle New Mo<lel y- 1(> visil)k~






- -





Cameron, Sam Henry, c, res nr X Madison Ave. Camp, Wiliam, c, res 360 Pope. Campbell, Xora, r, laundress, res 294 Lyndon Ave. Campbell, Omie, c, laundress, res 294 Lyndon Ave. Campbell, Mary, , laundress, res 294 Lyndon Ave. Campbell, Delia, c, laundress, res 294 Lyndon Ave. Campbell, Luke, c, lab, res 294 Lyndon Ave. *Campbell, Henry (Hattie), c. lab. res 220 Atlanta Ave. Campbell, Katie, o. teacher, res 74S Hull. Campbell, Janie, o, res 748 Hull. Campbell, Lillian Miss, res 127 Grace. Campbell, Anne Miss, res 127 Grace. *Campbell, C. D., (Lnella), real estate and insurance, offi. 22>> 1.
E Clayton. res 126 Dearing. Campbell, Hoi:e, student T. of G., bds 259 Finley. Campbell, Allene. c, bds 239 Finley. Campbell, Chas., c. janitor F. of G., res 74S Hull. *Cam])bell. John, (Mantha). c, lab. res ISO Lyndon Ave. Campbell, Mary Mrs., res 42N X Milledge Ave. Campbel. Georgia, c, res 1353 W Hancoc-k Ave. Campbell, H., c, res 1353 VV Hancock Ave. Campbell. Margaret Miss, res 197 S Milledge Ave. *Campbell. J. P.. (Mary H.. Prof. Biology T. of Ga.. res 197
S Milledge Ave Campbell, Barney, trav salesman, bds 164 Foundry. Camp'bell, Eddie, trav salesman, bds 164 Foundry. Campbell, Maude, c, res 235 Vine. Campbell, Edward, c. lab, res 235 Vine. Campbell, Benj. o. plasterer, res 235 Vine. Campbell, .1. D., carp, res 127 Grace. *Camphers, R J., (Susie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 199 Miles. *Cane, Earl. (Eugenie). c, lab. res 424 First. Cane, Delia, c. res 424 First. Canning. Martha Miss, res 270 Hill. Canning, Lizzie Miss, res 270 Hill. Canning, G. T.. physician, offi. Sou Mut. Bldg. res 124 Boulevard. Canning. W. R.. (Patterson & Co.) res 124 Boulevard. Canning. L. P.. druggist. 2S2 E Clayton. rms 145U E Clayton. Cape, M. E. Miss, res 246 W Hancock Ave. *Capps, W. A.. (Grace), jeweler C. A. Scndder. res 181 Barber.

Furnace Repairing of all kinds promptly done by

Allie Richards

Phone 111

- -

4651-2 Clayton St.



616 Southern Mutual Building

Athens, Georgia



*Carden, M., (Mary), emp Sou Mfg. Co., res 134 Bryan. "Carey, Dillard, (Zela), c, meat vender, res 1140 W Hancock Ave. *Carey, Lucius, (Fanny), c, lab, res 385 Arch. Cargo, Eliza, c. cook, res 169 W Washington. Carithers, Mary Miss, student L. C. I., res 490 Hill. *Carithers, .1. Y.. (Eula W.), Pres. Athens Elec. Ry. Co., res 490
Hill. *Carkhers. L. T., (Frances), carp., res 197 Childa. Carithers. Fanny M. Mrs., nurse, res 510 Foundry. *Carithers, J. C., (Allie). res 455 E Dougherty. Carithers, Lucy Miss, res 175 Peters. Carithers, Elizabeth Miss, res 524 Meigs. CarHhers, Herschel, bkkpr. Sou. Mut. Ins. Co., res 524 Meigs. * Carithers, \V. G. (Letitia), res 524 Meigs. Carl, Sam, c, emp Sou. Ref. Co., res r 194 Prince Ave. Carlton, Annie Miss, res 750 S Milledge. Carlton, Anna, c, laundress, res 165 Rock Spring. Carlton, Guy, emp Athens Compress, res 575 Waddell. Carlton, Henry H., asst. County Clerk, res 575 Waddell. Carlton. H. H. Mrs., res 575 Waddell. Carlton, .]. H., livery stable 348 S Jackson, res bey. city limit. Carlton, .1. N.. (Annie), cotton weigher, offi. cor Broad and
Oconee, res bey. city limit. Carlton, Marion Miss, teacher, res 575 Waddell. * Carl ton, W. A., (Susie), physician, offi. Hodgson-Shackelford
Bldg.. res 7T>0 S Milledge Ave. Carlton. William, student Barnesville, Ga., res 750 S Milledge. Carr. Anthony, c, bds 179 Strong. *Carrier, Bruce. (Elsie), insurance agt., res 724 Cobb. Carrington Roy, res 542 Pulaski. Carrington, Robt, res 542 Pulaski. *Carrington, W. D., (lla), carp, res 542 Pulaski. Carrington. Bulah, c, bds 480 Billups. *Carruth. D. A., (Lavonia), carp, res 438 River. Carruth, Adam, res 438 River. Carson. Myrtle Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 173 New. Carson, Kelly, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 173 New. ('arson. Fama Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 173 New. Carson, Alfred, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 173 New. *Carson, Henry, (Laura), emp. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 173 New.

fT nrODPan Plan Airv Rooms. Clean Sanitary Beds, Prompt and i^uivy F^.. * mu ronte Attention. One block from Post Office,
half block from ("Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, Prop.

368,'i Washington St.


Phone 661



Carter, E. V., student U. of G., bds 435 Hill. "Carter, A. J., (Blanche), mdse broker Sou. Mut. Bldg.. res 172
Grady Ave. *Carter, H. T., (Lucy), flagman C. of Ga. Ry., res 574 Strong. "Carter, Kern, (Mary), c, bootblack A. M. Bryant, res 733 Bearing. Carter, Alice, c, bds 1185 W Hancock Ave. *Carter, William, (Evaline), c, pool room S Thomas, res 835
Prince Ave.
*Carter, M. L., (Gaines), c, bootblack A. M. Bryant, res 175 Miller.
Carter, Willie, c, lab, bds 467 Hoyt. *Carter, G. W., (Bessie B.), c, pastor Hill's Chapel, res 297
Rock Spring. * Carter, Will, (Alice), c, lab city, res 187 Valley. * Carter, Tom, (Dora), c, lab, res 345 Lyndon Ave. Carter, Susie, c, teacher Knox Institute, bds 220 Harris. Carter, Mary Miss, res 147 Mulberry. Carter, Charles, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 147 Mulberry. Carter, Mary Miss, emp Climax Hosiery Mill, res 1227 E Broad. Carter, Sophia, c. laundress, res 180 Rock Spring. * Carter, W. L., (Mattie), c, grocer 700 W Broad, res 1146 same Cartey, Margie Miss, bds 749 Boulevard. Cartey, G., electrician, bds 749 Boulevard. Cartey, A. M., elk P. O., bds 749 Boulevard. *Cartledge, J. C., (Edna), R.F.D. carrier, bds 1543 S Lumpkin. *Casey, Henry, (Beatrice), c, coachman E. H. Dorsey, res 340
Lyndon Ave. *Cash, Y. F., (Ameda), elk Cobb Lampkin, res 825 College Ave. Cash Grocery, 1487 E Broad, M. S. Milner, prop. Caskey, Clarence W., carp, res 277 Boulevard. Caskey. J. W., carp, res 277 Boulevard. *Caskey, Marion, (Valley), emp R. L. Moss Mfg. Co., res 628
Boulevard. Caskey, G M., (Valley), supt. Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 277 Boule-
vard. Casio, Scott, c, lab, res 1257 W Hancock Ave Casio, Edie, c, res 1257 W Hancock Ave. Casio, Mary, c, cook, res 1257 Hancock Ave. Cason, Emma, c, laundress, res 176 Willow. Cassel, Susan, c, servant A. L. Hull, res 225 S Milledge Ave. Cassel, Fanny, c, cook A. L. Hull, res r 225 S Milledge Ave.

Silverplated ware, Knives, Forks, Spoons and Housefurnishing goods.
The Muggins China House Broad St.

Athens Coal $ Coke Co.


Phone 195.



Cathie, Mack, c, res 345 Cleveland Ave.. Cease, I. C. Dr., emp L. P. Canning, res 169 E Dougherty. Central of Georgia Ry. Commercial Office, H. R. McLean, agt,
184 College Ave. Central of Georgia Ry. Pass, and Frt. Depot, Mitchell St., D. A.
Xolan, Agt *Center, A. M., (Linda), grocer cor Chase and Boulevard, res
724 Boulevard. Center, Walter, res 724 Boulevard. Center, Rufus, res 724 Boulevard. Century Club The. social club. 713-721 Sou. Mut. Ins. Bldg. *Chamberlain, S. J,, (Ida), cotton broker 126^ Oconee, res 448
N Milledge Ave. Chambers. Fanny Mr.. res 146 Peters. Champion, Jno. B., student U. of G., bds Prof. Stewart, campus. Champion, Jno. Henry, c, bridge gang Ga. Ry., res 498 Fourth. Champion, Whit, c, emp Sou. Ref. Co., res 143 Augusta Ave. Champion, Eldora, c, res 146 Augusta Ave. Champion, Sallie, c, laundress, res 161 Valley. Chancey, Thomas, res 386 Hiawassee Ave. *Chanrey, John, (Julia), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 386 Hiawassee
Ave. Chandler, Eva Miss, elk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 484 E Dough-
erty. * Chandler, B. M., (Mary), blacksmih, res 484 E Dougherty. "Chandler, C. T., (Mamie), elk Sol J. Boley, res 383 Hoyt. Chandler, Cornelia Miss, res Madison Ave. X. Chandler, Mattie, c, laundress, res r 298 Lyndon Ave. *Chandler, C. B., (Mamie), farmer, res 640 Cobb. *Chandler, Ralph A., (Lena), elk Mutual Ind. Assn., res 660
Cobb. Chandler, Mary A. Miss, res 660 Cobb. *Chandler, J. C., (Carrie), emp Ga. Nat. Bank, res 297 Barber. Chandler, Clarence, student U. of G., bds 590 S Lumpkn. Chandler & Pledger, blacksmiths, 250 W Clayton. Chandler, C. C., loan office, 125^ Clayton, res Center, Ga. Chandler, Charles, student U. of G., res 375 S Lumpkin. Chandler, Mattie, c, laundress, res r 298 Lyndon Ave. Chandler, Callie, c, res r 298 Lyndon Ave. Chandler, Annie, c, res r 298 Lyndon Ave.
W, L, Hancock Coal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.

Office and Yard, CdUge Aveaue, Seaboard Railroad. '

Phone 707

.J. R. CRANK & <X>.

268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.



Chapman, John, c, farmer, res 157 Crawford Ave. Chapman, Linton, c, cook Mrs. Mell, res 140 Chase. Chapman, L. C., c, butler G. A. Mell, res 140 Chase. *Chappel, T. M., (Emma), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 146 Miles. *Chastain. .1. E., (Jane), res 26 Cleveland Ave. "Cheatham, E. S., (Jessie), grocer, Prince Ave, bey city limit,
res 148 Park Ave. * Cheney, Joseph, (Alice), c, coachman J. X. Webb, res 249 Finley. Cheney, P. M., student U. of G., rms 22 Candler Hall, campus. Cheney, Frances Miss, res 490 N Milledge Ave. Cheney, Nellie Miss, res 490 N Milledge Ave. Cherry, Daisy Miss, elk Michael Bros., bds 125 W Strong. *Chesley, Roscoe, (Mary), trav salesman, res 524 Meigs. Chester, Carson, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 173 New. Chi Psi Chapter House, 834 Prince Ave. Chi Phi Chapter House, 287 Pulaski. Childers, Asbury, oarp, bds 742 Oconee. Childers, Selena, res 125 Strong. Childers, Ila May Miss, Chief opr. So. Bell. Tel. Co., res 125
Strong. Childers, Kate Miss, clerk Michael Bros., res 125 Strong. Childers, Annie May Miss, res 125 Strong. Childers, Mattie Mrs., boarding house. Boulevard, bey city limit. Childers. Wiley, tinner. 354 Washington, res 125 Strong. Childs, R. R.. student U. of Ga., rms 25 Candler Hall. *Childs, Walter, (Florence), farmer, res 248 Prince Ave. *Chipley, J. W., (Afice), cotton buyer Swift Bldg., res 724 W
Hancock Ave. Christopher, Charlotte, c. laundress, res 340 River. *Christian, E., (Callie). res 325 Hiawassee Ave. Christian, Nola Miss, stenog. Bondurant Hwd. Co., bds 311 N
Thomas. "Christian, Robt. A., (Vara), livery stable 368 Washington,
res 612 N Jackson. Christian, Aleck, c, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res Madison Ave E. *Chum, Austin, (Carrie), emp Empire Chem. Co., res 1694 E
Broad. *Church, W. A. E., (Sarah), grocer, 1115 3 Lumpkin, res 120
Green. Church, S. L.. & Co,, grocers, 1115 S Lumpkin. Church, Hattie, c, res r 715 N Jackson.
Deadwyler Wood & Coal Co.
Best Grades of Wood and Coal

Office and Yard 973 College Ave

Prompt Delivery Phone 495

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Materials Contract for House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging.

Telephone 115. Cor. Clayton and Jackson Sts,



City Hall, College Ave., bet Hancock Ave. and Washington.

Citizens Pressing Club, Jno. Heard, prop., Prince Ave., bey city


Citizens Bank & Trust Co., W. H. Shelton, Pres., 197 E Clayton.

*Clark, Lewis, (Martha), emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 154 Bryan.

Clark, L., c. domestic W. T Bryan, res r 948 Prince Ave.

Clark, R. L., c, teacher Knox Institute, bds 553 W Hancock Ave.

*Clark, L. S., (Rosa), c, Prin. Knox Institute, res 553 W Han-

cock Ave.

"dark, Milton, (Leila), c, carp, res 247 Lyndon Ave.

Clark, Hattie, c, laundress, res 850 N Broad.

Clark, Harriet, c, laundress, res 850 N Broad.

Clark, Herrman, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 440 Hiawassee Ave.

Clark, Watson, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 440 Hiawassee Ave.

Clark, Maud Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 440 Hiawassee Ave.

Clark, Eddie E., emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 440 Hiawassee Ave.

Clark, J. C. Mrs., res 440 Hiawassee Ave.

Clark, Frank Jr., student U. of G., bds 535 Prince Ave.

Clark, Ella Mrs, res 568 Harris.

Clark, Rosa, c, res r 126 Milledge Ave.

Clark, Nellie, c, cook Y. W. C. A., res 1735 E Broad.

Clark, Annie May, c, cook, res 1392 E Broad.

Clark, Carlton, c, waiter, res 1392 E Broad.

*Clark, Tom, (Annie), c. janitor State Agric. College, res 1392

E Broad.

Clarke County Courier, The, J. E. Gardner, editor and prop.,

151 E Broad.

Clarke, Mamie, c, laundress, res 195 Sapelo.

Clarke County Court House, Prince Ave. bet. Finley and Pope.

Clarke, L. A., stenog. Dozier Lumber Co., res 180 Barrow.

*Clarke, Jas., (Mary), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 184 Bryan.

Clarke, Cora Miss, res 184 Bryan.

Clarke, Maggie, o, cook Billups Phinizy, res r 324 S Milledge Ave.

Classic City Granite Works, 298 Cemetery.

*Clayton, Andrew, (Baby), c, bottler Bludwine Bottling Co., res

125 Pope.

*Clayton, R., (Lizzie), c, emp Empire Chem. Co., res 185 Elbert.

*Clayton, J., (Essie), c, res 708 W Broad.

Clayton, Lizzie, c, laundress, res 180 Field.

Clayton, Ethel, c, res 108 Field.



J B Xoomer Sewing Machine Office

459ClaytotonSt. P.O. Bx. 262


Largest Dealer in Georgia. Pianos Pianos from' and Organs. All Makes. 32 years Organs from
in the Business. Cheapest in Ga. Sewing Machines

' $140 to $400 $35 to $90
$17 to $55

The Only Daily in Northeast Ga.


Editor and Proprietor



Clayton, Nellie, c, res 180 Field. Clayton, Lonnie, c, cook, res 180 Field. Clayton, Dora, c, res 190 Green. *"Clements, Clifford, (Ida), c, enrp Dorsey & Funkenstein, res
303 Foundry. *Clements, Harry, (Lula), c, drayman, res 367 Athens Ave. *Clements, Mat, (Minty), c, janitor U. of G., res 395 Cleveland
Ave. Clements, Julia, c, res 395 Cleveland Ave. Clements, Mat Jr., c, res 395 Cleveland Ave. Clements, Victor, c, res 395 Cleveland Ave. Clements, Hubbard, c, res 395 Cleveland Ave. "Clements, John, (Emma), carp, res 165 Strong. Clements, Albert, c, res 394 Fourth. Clements, Nathan, c, emp Athens Foundry & Machine Wks.,
res 394 Fourth. Clements, Alfred, c, res 197 Fourth. Clements, Ike, c, res 197 Fourth. Clements, Eliza, c, res 157 Trail Creek. Cleveland, Ella, c, res 1478 Oeonee. Cleveland, Emerson, c, res 1478 Oeonee. Cleveland, Early, c, 1478 Oeonee. "Cleveland, John H., (Cordelia), plasterer, res Waddell near
Rook Spring. Cleveland, Mary Lou, c, Waddell, near Rock Spring. Clifton, Geo. L., Trav. frt. agt. N. C. & St. L. Ry., res 390
S Lumpkin. Clifton, Y. B. Mrs., res 390 3 Lumpkin. *Clifton, A. V., (Kate), photo studio 128 Ms College Ave., res 150
Virginia Ave. Climax Hosiery Mill. Oeonee St., near Oconee river. Cline, Pauline Madani, bdng. house, 150 Water. Cloftfelter, Emma Miss, clerk Miss Rosa VonderLieth. res 836
N Lumpkin. *Coble, W. A., (Lucy), carp, res 984 Water. Cobb. Howell B., bds. 436 Hill. Cobb, Lamar Mrs., res The Heights, bey city limit. Cobb. William, c. lab. res 280 Compress. Cobb, John, student U. of G., rms 25 Candler Hall. Cobb, Ed X.. architect offi. So. Mut. Ins. Bldg., res The Heights. *Cobb, Howell. (Mary), Judge City Court, res 660 Reese.


Inforinaton cheerfully furnished, covering any point desired. Let him show you the fissures. Everything confidential. No charge.

Suite 515 516 Southern Mutual Building.

Telephone 71.



Phone '80 -

148- 156 Broad St.

- Athens, Ga.



Cobb. Caroline Miss, teacher oratory L. C. I., res 660 Reese. Cobb, .). B. I.,., elk. The Georgian Hotel, res same. Cobb, Carlisle, student U. of G., res 660 Reese. *Cobi), Robert, (Caroline), c, carp, res 190 Rock Spring. Cobb. Sarah T. Miss, res 428 N Milledge Ave. Cobb, Stark C. Miss, res 428 X Milledge Ave. Cobb. Andrew .1., atty Cobb & Erwin offi. Sou. Mut. Ins. Bldg.,
res 428 X Milledge Ave. Cobb, Howell, res 428 X Milledge Ave. *Cobb, F. H., (Sarah), carp, res 808 N Lumpkin. *Cobb, Julius, (Mattie), c, lab, res 1227 W Hancock Ave. Cobb & Erwin. (Andrew .1. Cobb, Howell C. Erwin). attys., office
206 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. *Cochran. James, (Leola). watchman Sou. Mfg. Co., res 148
Miles. Cochran, Perry, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 148 Miles. Coc.hran. Lucy Miss, res 148 Miles. *Cochran. William, (E. M.), elk Wingfield Cash Grocery Co., res
190 Wynburn Place. *Cochran. A. P.. (Minnie), farmer, res 690 W Hancock Ave. Cochran, Annie Xeal Miss, res 690 W Hancock Ave. Cocke, I. P., student U. of G., bds Prince Ave. Cocroft, Xell Miss, res 274 X Thomas. *Cody. A. J., (C.A.), brickmason, res 339 Miles. Cody, Annie Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 139 Miles. Cody, Henry, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 139 Miles. Cody, Lillie Miss, res 139 Miles. *Cody, Lucius, (Charlott), c, janitor L. C. I., res 180 Lyndon Ave. *Cody, John, (Annie), c, res 234 Pope. *Coe, Frank M., (Maggie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 865 Boulevard. *Cofer, Ephriham, (Adeline), c, lab, res 540 Finley. Cofer. VVillis, c, res 520 Finley. "Gofer, Tom. (Xeely), c, driver Eppes Wilkins Co., res 130
Green. Cofer, Lillie, c, laundress, res 258 Lyndon Ave. * Coffee, J. A., (Cora), emp Moss Mfg. Co., res 150 Standard
Oil Road. Coffee, Lutrell Miss, res 150 Standard Oil Road. Coffee, Myrtle Miss, res 150 Standard Oil Road. Coggins, J. C., res 864 Madison Ave. *Coggins, W. G., Dr., (Viola), res 864 Madison Ave. *Cohen, E. B., (Julia), trav. salesman, res 1248 Prince Ave.




Lipscomb & Co. INS^RAENCE

Office Phone 109 Residence 719

Office Cor. Clayton and College Avenue



Cohen, Susie Miss, res 451 College Ave. *Cohen, Aaron, (Sarah), Chas. Stern Co.. res 451 College Ave. Cohen, Edward, res 451 College Ave. Coker. Eliza, c, la-undress, res 422 Finley. Coker, Emma, r. res 422 Finley. Colbert, Daisy Miss, res 568 Harris. Colbert, Gertrude, c. res r 547 Boulevard. Colbert, E. C. Mrs., res 535 Pulaski. Colbert, Rachel, c, res nr 923 Water. Colbert, Roddy, c. laundress, res 923 Water. Colbert. Ella, c, laundress, res 923 Water. Colbert, Lula. c, laundress, res 923 Water. Cole. Happy, c, domestic, res 672 X Lumpkin. Cole. Bishop, (Carrie), c, hack driver, res 443 Oak. Cole, Henry, c, emu Athens Oil Mill, res 672 N Lumpkin. *Cole, William A.. (Lillie), foreman Athens Mat. & Spring Bed
Co.. res 1X9 Elizabeth. Cole, Margaret, c, res 565 W Hancock Ave. Cole, Wm., c. res 565 W Hancock Ave. Cole, Rosa, c. laundress, res 565 W Hancock Ave. *Oole, Tom, (Leila), c. driver Arnold Groc. Co., res 565 W Han-
cock Ave. Cole, Julia, c, cook, res 565 W Hancock Ave. Cole, Lizzie, c, laundress, res S63 W Broad. Cole, Lucius. (Savannah), emp Arnold Gro. Co.. res Chase St. Cole, Emanuel. c, carp, bds 250 Pope. *Cole, Robert, (Nona), transfer stable, 343 Hull, res same. *Cole. William, (Sarah), c, butler, res 1063 Reese. *Cole. D. B., (Nanny), c, cook, res 1042 Reese. Cole, Minnie, c. res 1042 Reese. Cole, Louvenia, c. res 1042 Reese. Cole, Bertie, c, res 1042 Reese. ? Cole, Nomore, c, res 197 Billups. Cole. Edward, c, res 197 Billups. Cole. Henry, c, res 197 Billups. *Cole, John, (Camilla), c, emp E. P. Fears, res 197 Billup* Cole, Hansel, c, janitor, res 186 John. Cole, Mamie, c, res 186 John. *Cole, Billy. (Mary), c, farmer, res 186 John. *Coleman, W. F., (Bessie), emp Moss Mfg. Co., res 998 Watei. Coleman, Annie Mrs., res 367 Strong.
Notes Bought and Discounted at Reasonable Rates

Georgia Loan Co.

106 Shackleford Building Bell Phones 299-600

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.

Phone 707


ATHENS, GA., DIRECTORY 1909.__________

*Coleman, Oliver, (Mary), meat market, 259 N Thomas, res 469 N Jackson.
Coleman, Roy, res 469 X Jackson. Coleman, Julia, c, res 285 Arch. Coleman, Louis, c, res 285 Arch. *Coleman, Richard, (Littie), c, janitor Athens Elec. Ry. Bldg.,
res 285 Arch. Coleman, Annie B., c. dressmaker, res 1495 E Broad. Collen, Marcella, c, cook, res 158 W Dougherty. *Colley, Alvin, (Pearl), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 325 Hiawaseee
Ave. Colonial Theatre. The, Washington near Jackson. Colonial Pressing Club, The, 260^ N Jackson. Colquitt, Fannie, c, res 498 Athens Ave. *Colquitt, G., (Kizzie), c, emp Athens Oil Mill, res 498 Athena
Ave. Colquitt, John, c, lab, res 340 Newton. Colquitt, Collins, c. res 340 Newton. *Colquitt, R. C., (Jennie), c, tailor 340 Newton, res same. *Colquitt, Luther, (Annie), c, emp Ga. Brick Co., res 1337 W
Hancock Ave. Colquitt, Mamie, c, res 238 Vine. Columbia Fire Ins. Co., Geo. T. Hodgson, Gen. Mgr., Sou. Mut.
Ins. Bids. *Colley, G. F., (Etta), carp, res 180 Narrow. *Colley, Ed, (Lula), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 690 Nantahala Ave. Colley, Sarah Miss, res 670 Nantahala Ave. Colley, George, res 670 Nantahala Ave. *Colley, G. W., (Nancy E.), emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 159 Doboy. *Colley, Charles, (Susie), em Sou. Mfg. Co., res 670 Nantahala
Ave. "Colley, M. E. Mrs., res 670 Nantahala Ave. Collier, H. C., bookkpr Dorsey & Funkenstein, bds 382 E Dougto-
erty. Collins, Addie, c, res 180 Rock Spring. *Collins, Andrew, (Julia), c, lab, res 1795 E Broad. Collins, Jeffie, c, teamster, res 587 W Hancock Ave. *Collins, Isaac, (Lizzie), c, lab, res 572 W Hancock ave. Collins, Lona. c, bds 239 Finley.
*Collins, Richard, (Susie), c, janitor, res 543 W Broad.

Smith Premier Typewriter Cimjany
S10eevitshieblNeewwrM itiondgel No /| n* |o/ p rcOaj,crnhitrr<e^e aSitt.,


Leading Dealers in


Cor. Broad and Thomas Sts.

Phone 1?S



Collins, J. M., contractor, bds 215 W Washington. Collins, Dora, c, laundress, res 349 Meigs. Collins, Jennie Lou, c, laundress, res 827 S Lumpkin. "Collins, George, (Effie), grocer, 773 College Ave., res 770 same Collins. Effie Mrs., boarding house, 770 College Ave, res same. Colilns, Ben, c, lab Ga. Ry., res 228 Bridge. Collins, Mandy, c, nurse, res 228 Bridge. Collins, Wm.. t, emp Ga. Brick Co., res 2S9 Bridge. Collins. W. T., elk Davison-Nicholson Co.. bds 1X6 VV Hanooex
Ave. Collins, Jim. c. lab Ga. Brick Co., res 2S9 Bridge. Collins, L,ula, c, cook, res 289 Bridge. *Collins, R. A., (Henrietta), grocer 1095 W Hancock Ave.. res
same. Collins, Ola. c, nurse, res Vine, near Dublin. *Collin, Hiram, (Jane), c, res Vine, near Dublin. *Collins, Nick. (Lillie), c, lab, res 1658 E Broad. Collins, Starling, c, res 1775 E Broad. Collins, Tildy, c, res 1775 E Broad. Collins. Estella, c, res 1775 E Broad. Collins, Julia Mrs., res 724 W Hancock ave. Collins, Ola, c, cook, res r 357 Pulaski. Collins, Nellie, c, cook, res 1795 E Broad. Collins, Jessie, c, emp Ga. Ry. Depot, res 1795 E Broad. Collins, Willie, c, drayman, res 1795 E Broad. "Corner, A. F. Jr., (Mamie), elk E. H. Dorsey. res 160 Barber. Comer, Martha Miss, res 270 Barber. "Comer, Thos. F.. (Pauline*, elk King Hodgson Co., res 27o
Barber. Comer, Annie Miss, res E Hampton Ave. Comer, Ida Miss, res N Madison Ave. "Comer, Henry. (Minnie), elk King Hodgson Co.. res N Madison
Ave. *Compton, H. C.. (Frances), pastor E Athens Bap. Ch.. res 825
College Ave. Cone. Maria Miss, res 196^ \V Washington. Cone. Myra Miss, dressmaker, res 196 * W Washington. Coney, E. F.. student U. of G.. bds 275 Baxter. Conlon, Daniel J., elk Michael Bros., res 101 Vz E Clayton. Conneratt. Spencer, student U. of G., bds 290 W Clayton. Continental Casualty Co.. Everett T. Hale. mgr.. 154*4 E Clayton.
Rose's and Myrrh Tooth Wash



225 Clayton St.

ALhens Business College VISITORS WELCOME
Has exclusiue rijjht to teach the Famous Hyrne Systems of Practical bookkeeping and Simplified Shorthand. Typewriting (touch method. ) Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for Catalogue. Dept A.



Converse, W. L., student U. of G., bds 387 S Milledge Ave. *Conway, Alfred T., (Bessie), asst. cashier Ga. Nat. Bank, Brooks,
Con way & Co., res 161 Springdale. *Conway, H. C., (Ma/ttie M.), mgr. So. Bell Tel. Co., res 565
Prince Ave. Conway, L. D., mail carrier, res Yonah Ave., hey. city limit. Conway, Chas., tel. opr. S. A. L. Ry. depot, hds 818 College Ave. Conway, W. B. Dr., (.lulia), physician, offi. ISo 1^ College Ave.,
res 420 Xantahala Ave. Conway. Harriett G., c, teacher Knox Institute, bds 220 Harris. *Cook, Geo., (Emma), c, fireman, Agric. College, res 883 S Lump-
kin. Cook, Fannie, c, eook, res r 223 W Hancock Ave. *Cook, H. L., (Ellen), bkkpr Abe Joel, res 275 Baxter. Cook, Tom, emp So. Bell Tel. Co., bds 120 W Hancock Ave. Cook. W. B., student T T . of G., rms 24 New College. Cook. Audrey Miss, res 275 Baxter. *Cook, D. .1., (Martha B.), constable, res 275 Baxter. *Cook. A. H., (Mary), grocer, 387 W Broad, res :583 W Broad. Cook, Clara Miss, res 383 W Broad. Cook, Jessie Miss, res 383 W Broad. Cook, Maud Miss, res 383 W Broad. Cook, Walter, convict guard, res 383 W Broad. Cook, Bessie, c. laundress, res 821 College Ave. *Cook. Tom, (Mary), c, carp, res 821 College Ave. Cook, Fanny, c, cook, res nr 230 S Thomas. Cook, Will F., em]) W. H. Bishop garage, res 69:5 Boulevard. Cook. Emma Miss, stengr E. K. Lumpkin. res 693 Boulevard. Cook, Laura Miss, elk Davison-Nieholson Co., res 693 Boulevard. *Cook. J. G., (Lindy), ret merchant, res 693 Boulevard. Cook. Minnie, c. res 298 Lyndon Ave. Cook, Susie Miss, res 693 Boulevard. Cook, Weaver, elk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 693 Boulevard. Cook, Viola, c. res 821 College Ave. Cook. Alice, c, cook, res 142 Cohen. Cook, Harriett, c, laundress, res 142 Cohen. Cook, Irbie, res 152 Virginia Ave. *Cook, J. E., (Maud), trav salesman, res 152 Virginia Ave. Cook, Lula Mrs., em Sou. Mfg. Co., res 698 Nantahala Ave. Cook, Olivia Miss, res 693 Boulevard.

If yon are looking for the one soft drink whichisknown a* the world'*
l ;avorite, we have it. You can't tret it anywhere else, this is the mark of
distinction. See that it is on the rrown of every Iwttle.



Real Estate, Fire Insurance

268 Clayton Street

Athens, Georgia



*Cook, J. O., (Mattie), res 150 Herring. " Cook, E. A., (Amy), emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 21.") Williams. Cooksey, R. W., student U. of G., res 289 Pulaski. *Cooley, E. H., (Lettie), court steng X Eas-tn Circuit, res 2S2
E Hancock Ave. Cooley, Roselle Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. *Cooley, Fred, (Mattie). c. emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 1390 \V Broad. Cooney, W. H., trav salesman, bds 164 Foundry. Cooper, Mary Mrs., res 789 Btulevard. Cooper, Jno. T., lumber and lime. E Broad, cor Ga. Ry., res 7S9
Boulevard. *Cooper, L. E., (M), barber Cooper & Pbillips, res 246 \V Han-
cock Ave. Cooper, Randall, bds 527 S Jackson. Cooper, P. F. Mrs., res 327 Peabody. Cooper, P. W., student IT. of G., rms 29 New College. *Cooper, W. M., (Emma), emp Klein & Martin, res'327 Peabody. Cooper, Susie Miss, res 730 Pulaski. Coper, Bell Miss, res 730 Pulaski. *Cooper, W. R., (Sarah Lou), meat market 223 E Broad, res
730 Pulaski. *"Cooper, C. H., (Lillian), carp, res 327 Oak. *Cooper, .las. P., Rev.. (Leila), pastor W End Bap. Church, res
160 Park Ave. Cooper, Ina Miss, teacher E Athens High School, res 387 Oak. *Cooper, L. W., (Ida Bell), emp Griffeth Implement Co., res 140
El wood Ave. Cooper, Guy. res 120 Elwood Ave. Cooper, Roy. res 120 Elwood Ave. Cooper, Harvey, res 120 Elwood Ave. "Cooper. H. K.. (Ella), carp, res 120 Elwood Ave. Cooper, Leila, c, res r 750 S Milledge Ave. Cooper, Mary, c. cook, res r 360 S Lumpkin. * Cooper. J. W.. (Lizzie), driver So. Ex. Co., res 733 Pulaski. Cooper, Lillian Miss, res 733 Pulaski. Cooper & Phillips, barbers, 186 E Clayton. Copeland. C. D.. section hand C. of Ga. Ry.. bds 198 Oconee. Corbett, Patrick H., supt. Pepsi Cola Bottling Works, bds 565
College Ave. Corbin, Henry, mechanic, bds 148 Vine. Corker, P. L., student V. of G., rsm 17 New College.
FOR UK;ii <;KAI>I<:
i!>.-. Cal1 on the Athens Coal & Coke Co.

You can not get much rest when your mind is uncertain whether you are sleeping on a germ infested Mattress. Have your

Mattresses renovated at the

Phone 157




Cosby, Jennie, c, laundress, res 285 Cleveland Ave. Cosby, Pearl, c, laundress, res 179 W Washington. *Costa, M., (Theresa). Athens Fruit Co., res 121% E Clay ton. Costa's Cafe, Joseph Costa, prop., Cigars, Confections and Soda
Waiter, 230 College Ave. Costa, M. J., mgr. Costa's Cafe, res 341 Boulevard. Costa, Elenora Miss, res 341 Boulevard. Costa, Charlie, res 341 Boultvard. Costa, Frank, res 341 Boulevard. Coata, Antonio, emp Costa's Cafe, res 341 Boulevard. Costa, James, res 341 Boulevard. Costa, Leonard, em Athens Fruit Co., res 341 Boulevard. Costa. M. F., trav. salesman Athens Fruit Co., res 341 Boulevard. Costa, Nina Miss, student L. C. I., res 341 Boulevard. *Costa. Joseph. (Grace), prop. Cos-ta's Cafe, res 341 Boulevard. *Costa, Antonio. Sr., (Rosa), Athens Fruit Co., res 285 Barber. Costa, A. Jr., Mgr. The Athens Garage, res 245 N Thomas. Cottin, E. T., c, teacher, res 623 N Milledge Ave. Couch, Fred, peddler, res 147 Chattanooga Ave. Couch, Guy, res 530 Nantahala Ave. Couch, Onie Miss, res 530 Nantahala Ave. Couch. Pearlie Miss, res 530 Nantahala A\ p. *Couch, J. P., (Emma), foreman Sou. Mfg. Co., res 530 Nanta-
hala Ave. Couch, Mary Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 194 Bryan. Couch, J. C.. (Martha), res 194 Bryan. Couch, Martha Miss, res 180 EJwood Ave. Couche, V., grocer, Prince Ave., bey city limit, res bey city limit. Coulter. Minnie Mrs., emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 635 Nantahala Ave. Courtney, \Vm., c, bds 525 Reese. Courtney, Josephine, c, laundress, res 343 Newton. Cousar Furniture Co., 128 College Ave. *Cousar. J. G., (Elizabeth), mgr Cousar Furniture Co., res 144
State. Cousar. T. A., collector Cousar Furniture Co.. bds 144 State. Covington, L. H., student IT. of G., rms 9 New College. Covington, Mary, c, laundress, res S Bailey. *Covington, Clarence. (Tinsy), c. lab, res 145 Strickland. Cowden. John, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 420 Hiawassee Ave. Cowden. Effie Miss, res 420 Hiawassee Ave. Cowden. James, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 420 Hiawassee Ave.



145 E. Clayton, St.

Telephone 147

Dead(wyler Wood & Coal Co.


Office and Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



Cowden, Sam, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 420 Hiawassee Ave. Cowart, May Miss, student Athens Business College, bds 390
S Lumpkin. Cox, Susie, c. laundress, res r 140 Dublin. *Cox, Lee, (Jimmie), c, emp Empire Chem. Co., res 335 Arch. *Cox, Claude, (Mary Lou), emp Talmadge Bros. & Co., res 229
Henderson Ave. *Cox, C. D., (Tina), auditor Athens Elec. Ry. Co., res 379 Church. Cox, Lucile Miss, res 379 Church. Cox, E. C., conductor Sou. Ry., bds 824 College Ave. Cox, J. M., Jr., emp Athens Engineering Co., res 963 Baxter. *Cox, J. M., (Tina), auditor Athens Elec. Ry. Co., res 379 Church.
Baxter. Cox, Margaret E., Miss, res 963 Baxter. Cox, Miram Miss, res 963 Baxter. *Cox, John, (Katie), c, emp Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 327
Atlanta Ave. Cox, James, c, res 327 Atlanta Ave. Ccx, A. C., (Annie), conductor Sou. Ry., res 824 College Ave. Cox, Arthur, res 824 College Ave. Cox, E. D., asst. bookpr Athens Banner, res 627 College Ave. *Cox. Dick, (Molly), c, lab, res r 224 W Hancock Ave. Co/cart, Pannielu Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Cozart, Elizabeth Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. *Craig, G. M. (Katherine). agt Oconee Oil Refng. Co., office Sou.
Mut. Ins. Bldg., bds 436 Hill. Crane, J R. & Co., real estate, 268 E Clayton. *Crane, J. R.. (Daisy). J. R.- Crane & Co., res 788 Prince Ave. Crane, Ross, res 788 Prince Ave. *Crane, B. A., (Blanche), cotton broker, offi 116*4 X Thomas
res 1147 Prince Ave. Crane, G. S. & Co., mfrs. concrete blocks and tiles, wks cor Mul-
berry and E Broad, offi.ce 268 E Clayton. *Crane. Geo. S., (Hattie), G. S. Crane & Co., res 774 Prince Ave. Crane, Fanny Mrs., res 774 Prince Ave. *Crane, Win. M., (Irmine), res 626 Cobb. Crane, Rufus S, emp W. C. Orr, res 774 Prince Ave. *Crane, T. K., (Stella), fruit dealer, res 1S7 Grace. * rane, Tom, (Lula), c, lab, res 350 Pope. Crane, Pearl, c, res 350 Pope. *Crawford. Elmer J., (Annie), elk Superior Court, offi. court




i iiuoomu



FHOIM E [see

V M G A B1_D'<3

Everything in China, Glass, Tin and Enamelware at the

(China faanat BROAD STREIET



house, res cor. Cobb & Franklin. Crawford, Ellen A. Mrs., res 560 Hill. Crawford, Annie Miss, res 560 Hill. Crawford. Emma, c, cook, TT. H. Davenport, res 137 Xacoochee
Ave. Crawford, Charles, c, res 166 Finley. Crawford. Jane. c. laundress, res nr 453 Oak. Crawford, Mary, c. laundress, res nr N Madison Ave. *Crawford, J. M., (Vinnie), farmer, res 137 Berlin. Cawford, Marcelline Miss, res 137 Berlin. Crawford. Alberta, res 137 Berlin. *Crawford, Mack, (Rosa), c, painter, res 489 Strong. *Crawford, G. \V., (Dora), carp, res 347 Madison Ave. Crawford. J. Grady, emp Wm. Steadman Swift Bldg., res 347
Madison Ave. Crawford. 1,. P., farmer, bds 347 Madison Ave. *Crawford, T. R., (Mattie), farmer, res 845 Madison Ave. Crawford, J. R.. res X Madison Ave. Crawford, Ike, c, emp city, res ISO Htndrick Ave. *Creamer, J. H.. (Wilhelmina) , stage carp Colonial Theater,
res 664 Barber. Creighton. S. Mrs., res 267 Harris. Creighton, Mattie Miss, res 267 Harris. Creighton, Ida Miss, res 267 Harris. Creighton, Bell, c, laundress, res 23S Cleveland Ave. Creighton, Iris, c, resc 238 Cleveland Ave. * Creekmore, J. M.. (Mary), foreman Sou. Mfg. Co., res 580 Nan-
tahala Ave. "Crenshaw. Chas.. (Maria), c, farmer, res 187 Third. Crida, Effie Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 127 Miles. Crida, Carl, emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 127 Miles. Crida, Rosa Belle Miss, res 127 Miles. Crida, Charles, res 127 Miles. *rider. John, (Mary), emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 148 Miles. Criddell, Annie, c, laundress, res 386 W Broad. Criddell, Freda, pupil Knox Institute, res 386 W Broad. *Crisler. J. L.. (Dora), photo studio 251*4 E Broad, res 180
Wynburn Place. Crisler, Vera Miss, res 180 Wynburn Place. Crisler, Gladys Miss, res 180 Wynburn Place. Crisler. Emory, c. plasterer, res 160 Valley.

VIGOR PNFRftY , flUUfl) LIILnUI Perfect Rest Of Body.

art- resultant of a nights' #ool
rest. You cannot -et such rest on Corn Col)S or an empty
Cotton Mattress. Buy a "Maid of Athens Mattress' 'ami insure perfect rest of body.

We move Household (roods. All kinds of hauling The Rest Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661
THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.
ATHENS, GA., DIRECTORY 1909. _______75
Croft, Laura, c. res 327 Rook Spring. Croft, Robert, c, painter, res 327 Rock Spring. Crogman, Wm., c, driver C. A. Rowland, res 542 W Broad. *Cross, J. B., (Lessie), contractor, res 1075 S Lumpkin. Cross, Aslee Miss, res 107."i S Lumpkin. Cross, A., emp J. H. Huggins & Son. res 1075 S Lumpkin. *Crowe, L. H., <Ix>ttie)., physician, office 251 * E Broad, res 296
W Broad. Crowe, Sallie Miss, res 527 S Jackson. Crowe, Grady, messenger Postal Tel. Co.. res 527 S Jackson. *Crowe, B. P., (Nellie), farmer, res 527 S Jackson. Crowder, G. S., bkkpr E. P. Fears, bds 240 W Clayton. *Crymes, C. F., (Lutitia). sup>t. Sou. Ref. Co., res 291 Oconee. Crystal Theatre, The. motion pictures, Hutcheson & Cooper,
props., 1*7 N Lumpkin. Culbertson, Annie, c. nurse, res 224 Lyndon Ave. Culp, Henry, painter, res 1432 E Broad. *Culp, B. F., (Salena) agt. Univ. of Ga. property, res 597 Baxter. Culver, Kate Miss, dressmaker, res 42:5 E Dougherty. Culver, Addie Miss, dressmaker, res 423 E Dougherty. *Culver, G. W., (Ammie), wood dealer, yard nr 161 Willow, res
161 Willow. *Cumbus. G. W.. (Ambrosia), Dixie Loan Co., res nr 355 Madi-
son Ave. Cumbus, Effie Mis, bkkpr R. Brandt, res nr 335 Madison A\e. Cumbus, Mary Miss, res nr 335 Madison Ave. Cummings, D. R., student U. of G., rms 20 New College. *Cunningham. J. F., (Pink), res 290 Tabernacle. Cunningham, Susie Miss, emp Climax Hosiery Mill, res 290 Taber-
nacle. *Cunningham, Frank, (Mattie), carp, res 295 Ga. Depot. Cunningham, Wylie, res 295 Ga. Depot. Cunningham, Howard, res 295 Ga. Depot. Curley, Ella, c, bds 760 Chase. *Center, F. L.. (Bessie), bkkpr Armour Pkng Co.. res S45 Oconee.
Dailey, D. C. Mrs., groceries, ,S05 College Ave. Dailey, D. C., (Annie), elk J. S. Bernstein, res S09 College Ave. Dallas, Priscilla. c. res 148 Trail Creek.
Anythingfroma Book T Visiting Card

When in need of Sanitary Plumbing
CALL ON D. W. & J. S. BAILEY 376 Wash'on St.



Dallas, Walter, c, emp Ga. Brick Co., res 148 Trail Creek. Dallas, Eliza, c, laundress, res 148 Trail Creek. Dabbs, M. M. Mrs., boarding house, 382 E Dougherty. Dallas, Rinder, student U. of Ga., bds 298 Hull. Dammons, Amanda. cook, W. F. Dorsey, res 153 Morton Ave. *Dammons, S. M.. (Ovie), emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 283 Polar. Dammons, Emory, emp Athens Mfg. Co., bds 457 Baldwin. Dammons, Cora, c, cook, res 271 Hancock Ave. Dancy, Wm. D.. student U. of G., bds 525 Milledge Ave. Daniel, Alex, c, res 179 \Vashington. Daniel, Bessie Miss, res 198 Pope. Daniel, Celine Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Daniel, Clara Bell Miss, res 180 Barrow. Daniel. Dewey. res 716 Pulaski. Daniels. Ella, c. res 125 Pope. Daniel, E. A. (Hilda), carpenter, res 124 Baldwin. Daniel, Emmie Miss, res 360 Lumpkin. Paniel. Garnet, emp. Hodgson Cotton Co., res 360 Lumpkin. Daniel, Geo., (Lilly), lab. res ISO Elwood ave. Daniel, Jake, c, servant Billups Phinizy, res r 324 Milledge ave. Daniel, Jno. Henry, >n oving picture opr., res 716 Pulaski. Daniel. .Tas. B., vaudeville actor, res 716 Pulaski. *Daniel. J. H. (Sarah), res 716 Pulaski. '"Danir-1. .1. (;'. (Emma), emp. Lanier Shoe Co.. res 360 Lumpkin. *Daniel. Lon (Mary), c. emp. Sou. Ref. Co.. res 248 Augusta ave. Daniel. Lucy. c. chambermaid res 150 Newton. Daniel Lieih Mrs. res 716 Pulaski. Daniel, Lucius, c. lab, res 138 Doboy. Daniel, Matida. c. res 190 Stevens. Daniel. Marion Miss, res :560 Lumpkin.
Daniel. Nellie Miss, stenogr. C. A. Rowland & Co.. res 1242 Lum.p-
kin. Daniel. Tennie. Mrs., seamstress, res 763 E. Broad.
Daniel, Viola May Miss, res 716 Pulaski.
*Daniel, \Vm.. (Lizzie), c. lab, res 138 Doboy. Daniels. Stovall. c. res 124 Peabody.
Daniels. C. B.. trav. salesman, bds Athenaeum hotel.
Daniels, Cornelia Mrs., elk Michael's, res 1424 E. Broad.
Daniels, Chas.. elk Michael '3ros., res 385 Finley.
Daniels, D. \V.. (Emma), carp., res 1385 Oconee. Daniels. Eugene (Frances), c. emp. Klein & Martin, res 127 John.


156 Collide Ave.

Phone 345

Athens. Ga.


Absolutely Reliable-Eyes fitted with Spectacles
Sou. Mutual Building.


Daniels, Emira Mrs., grocer, nr 1385 Oconee, res 1385 Oconee.

Daniels, Jno. (Lizzie), c, lab. city, res 124 Peabody.

Danietls, Jno. H., c, res 124 Peabody.

Daniels. Mattie Lou, res 1385 Oconee.

* Daniels, 3., (Cora), prop. O. K. barber shop, 173 Jackson, res
382 Finley.

Daniels, Walter, res 385 Finley.

Daniels, H. Mrs., res -1242 Lumpkin.

Daurour, George, student U. of Ga., bds 436 Hill.

Dargan, Milton, student U. of G., bds 525 Milledge ave.

*Darwin, Jno. A. (Edna), gen. mgr. Mutual Life Industrial Assn., of

Ga., off. Sou. Mut. bldg, res 295 Hill.

Darwin, Lallage Miss, student L. C. I., res 295 Hill.

*Dawes, J. B., (Fannie), clerk S. A. L. Terminal, res 876 College


*Dawson, Ed, (Zodie), mach. op., res 432 River.

Dawson, Jesse, c, lab., res 146 Cherry.

Davenport, Annie, cook, res r 982 Prince.

Davenport, Harison (Woody), c, lab., res e 350 Madison ave.

Davenport, Henry, res- 224 Baldwin.

Davenport, J. W. Mrs., res 224 Baldwin.

*Davenport, Jake, (Mollie), c, emp Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 170


Pavenport, Josephine, c. laundress, res 170 Stevens.

Davenport, Margery Miss, stenogr. DuPree Hunnicutt, bds 296


*Davenport, Mattie, c, cock, res 164 Willow.

Da.venport, J. R., student U. of Go... rm 30 Candler hall.

Davenport, Tom, bds 865 Boulevard.

* Davenport, Wm., (Rena), c, lab, res r 360 Hancock ave.

* Davenport. W. H. (Sallie F.), Prof. Elec. Engineering U of Ga..


res 1123 Prince ave.

Daves, Ethel Miss, res 124 Willow.

*Daves, J. W. (Evie), emp. Athene Mfg. Co., res 184 Williams.

Daves. Lizzie Miss, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 184 Williams.

Daves, Maggie Miss, res 184 Mitchell.

Daves,, res 124 Willow.

Daves, Ruth Miss, res 124 Willow.

*Daves, Claud (Nellie), lineman Electric Ry. Co., res 124 Willow.

Daves, Kathleen Miss, res 398 Dearing.

You have faith in your own products

Our products are home made. Honest material and workmanship are the virtues combined in construction of our harness and leather sjoods.


Clayton St.

R. T. DuBose


City Property a ^Specialty



Daves, Dorothy Miss, res 398 Dearing. *Davie. .las. (Ella), c. coachman, R. L. Moss. Sr., res r 748 Cobb. Davis. Annie Miss stenogr. Max Michael & Thos. F. Green, bds 311
X. Thomas. Davis, Archie, c, lab, res 439 River. D-nis. Adah Miss, res fi4S Nantahala ave. Davis. Benj. 13.. emp. Maxi-ir Novelty Co., res 290 Clayton. Davis. B. D.. student I" of G'a., bds 535 Prince ave. Pavis. Caroline Miss, res 531 N. Thomas. *Davis, Cobb R. (.Julia, elk Webb & Crawford, res 590 Barber. Davis, Chas. c. laundrynian. res 195 Prince ave. Davis, Clifford, c. res 237 'Bridge.
Davis, Clela Miss, res 223 Hiawassee ave. Davis, E. A., Mrs., res Denmark Hall, campus. Davis. Emma. r. laundress, res 1>0 Lint on row. Davis Emii a. c, res 169 Newton. T)avis. Ethel Miss, re? '30 First. * Davis, Elias, (Pomzana), c, switchman C. of Ga. R. R., res 439
River. Davis. Ella, c, res 169 Newton. *Davis. Fred L. (Mattie), emp. Wingfield Cash Grocery, res 420
Boulevard. Davis. Frd. Jr.. res 420 Boulevard. Davis. Frances, res 531 N. Thomas. Davis. Fred. c. butler .T. A. Pitner. res r 298 Barber. Davis. F. E., student r. of Ga., bds 834 Prince ave. Davis. Frances D. Miss, res 398 Dearing. Tavis. G. O.. bkkpr Michael Bros., bds 464 College ave. Davis. Geo. B., Jr., res 290 Clayton. 'Davis. Geo. B.. (Sarah), agt. Standard Oil Co.. res 290 Clayton. Davis, George, emp. Athens Mfg Co., res 524 Oconee. *Davis. Henry (Carrie), c. emp. Athens Fruit Co., res 852 Reese. Davis, Harry .!., elk G'a. Depot, res 290 Clayton. r.avis, Irene Miss, res 152 Arch. Davis, John, res 531 N. Thomas. *Davis, .T. K. (Bell), bricfcirason, res 243 Bloomfield. *Davis, .T. (Annie), clothing, 144 E. Clayton, res 330 Barber. *Davis, J. W. (Minnie), c. mail carrier, res 178 Strong. Davis. .Tno.. c. emp. Athens Compress, res r 140 Baxter. Davis, John, c, res 142 Fairview.
Ll AlmULU Lead. Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Maierials
Contract for House and Sign Painting snd Paper Hanging. Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton and Jackson Sts.

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES
We put them on ALLEN H. TALMAGE _240-252_N1 Lumpkin

_________ ATHENS, GA., DIRECTORY 1909.


Davis, Jane Miss, emp. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 524 Oconee. !>avis. James, c. res 237 'Bridge. *Davis, J. J (Alice), driver, res 198 Peters. *Davis, J. R. (Maxie). grocer 223 Hiawassee ave, res same. Davis. James, c. emp. skating rink, res 269 Newton. ~i;avis. .1. t: (1). K.), c. en-p. A. H. O'Farrell, res 169 Newton.
Davis, James, c, cafe, 512 W Broad. *Davis Louis (Mary), c, meat market 52S River, res 126 Fifth. Davis, Lillian, c. res 237 Bridge. Davis, Minnie, c. teacher, res 237 Billups. Davis, Mary. c. cook, res r 77S Hill. Davis, Mertis. c. res 29:5 Reese. I'avis, Mary A., c, res 273 Reese. Javis, Mijnon Miss, res 585 Prince ave. Davis, Nellie Miss elk Abe Joel's, res 152 Arch . Davis, Oscar (Clara), emp. R. E. Halcombe, res 528 Pulaski. Oavis. P. M., student U. of Ga., rni 2 Cannier Hall, * Davis, P. M., (Annie), barber Bryant's shop, res 152 Arch. Davis. Pink Miss. emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 524 Oconee. Davis, Queeny, c, laundress res r 140 Baxter. Davis. R. M., flagn an Sou. Ry.. bds 809 College ave. *Davis, R. Ot. (Bertie Lou). emp. Elec. Rwy.. res 137 Park are. Davis, Rebecca Miss, res 592 Oconee. Davis. Rebecca, c res 179 Strong. Davis, Tom, c. lab., res 179 Strong. *Davis, Thos. (Nancy), c. Minister, res 142 Fairview. Davis Thos. Jr., c, res 142 Fairview. ''Davis. W. P. (Mattie). elk So. Express Co.. res 531 N. Thomas. Davis, \Vm. C.. bkkpr Arnold Gro. Co., res The Heights bey. city
limits. Davis, Walter, c. tailor Head & McMahan res 273 Reese. *Davis. W. H. (Luella). pool and billiards. 164 E. Clayton. res 585
Prince ave. *Davis, Wm. (Jennie), c. plasterer, res 237 Bridge. *Davis, Wm. (Julia), c. painter res 329 Lyndon ave. *Davis Will (Effie), c, erc.p. Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 140 Harris. Davis. Walter, res 223 Hiawassee. Davis, William, c. res 475 Reese. ^Davison. Alex H. (Ida), Davison-Nicholson Co.. res 740 Prince are.

Athens Coal $ Coke Co

Phone 195.

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims

No compromise, no delavs, no technicalities.

Ynil tot thp MnnPV


IUU 001 IIIC IflUIIGJi Phone 7i, Southern Mutual Building.



Davison, Albert, Davison-Nicholson Co., shoe dept., res 740 Prince. Davison. Alex, Jr., res 740 Prince ave. Uavison. Frsd, res 240 Clayton. "Davison, J. H. (Lora), trav. salesman Epps-Wilkins Co., res 240
Clayton. Davison-Nicholson Co., shoes, 259 Clayton.
Davison-Nicholson Co., dry goods, 283 E. Clayton. *Davison, Oscar (Eliza), agt. Armour Pkn'g Co. Swift bldg., res
145 Graoy ave. Davison, Miss, res 740 Prince ave.
*Deadwyler, A. L., (Pearl), agt. Jefferson Stand. Life Ins. Co., office 413 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg., res 1238 Prince ave.
Deadwyler, G. E., (May), convict inspector, res 1238 Prince ave. Deadwyler, G. E., Jr., Deadwyler & Smith, res 1226 Prince ave. Deadwyler, Grover, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 128 Bryan. Deadwyler, Joe. student U. of G'a., bds 363 E. Hancock ave. *Deadwyler, Jno. H. (Sallie), c, emp. city, res 117 Rock Springs. Teadwyler, John, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 128 Bryan. * Deadwyler, J. W. (Eirily), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 128 Bryan. Deadwyler, Letta Miss, emp. So. Mfg. Co.,, res 128 'Bryan.
Deadwyler, Lula Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 128 Brayan. Deadwyler, Mattie, c, res 600 W Broad. Deauwykr. Myrst emp. Climax Hosiery Mill, res 414 Foundry. Deadwyler. Paul (Maude), Athens Transfer & Livery Co., res 123S
Prince. Peadwyler & Smith, cotton brokers, 447 1-2 E. Clayton. Deadwyler & Smith, cotton buyer?, 617 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. "Deadwyler, Sam (Carrie), c, lab., res 115 Rock Springs. Headwyler Wood and Coal Co., R. J. Hartley, mgr., 973 College av\ Dean Anna, c, cook, res r 540 Prince ave. Dean, Berta, c. laundress, res 320 Water. Dean. Colcnel (Georgia), c. emp. Moss"Mfg. Co. res 198 Flint. *Dean, Chas. (, c, driver Talmadge Bros., res 183 Billups.
*Dean, C. C., (Haughtie), prop. Aldean annex, res 368% E Washington.
Dean, Edward, c, res 183 Billups. Dean. F. J. Mrs., res 126 Miles. L'ean, Freddie, res 357 Oconee. Tean., c. laundress, res Madison ave nr n.


Portable and Stationary
Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors, Pumps and Fittings, Wood Saws, Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, Belting, Gasoline Engines, Mill Supplies and Repairs.
Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works and Supply Store,


If you met with sickness or accident what about the income?
THE CONTINENTAL CASUALTY CO., of Chicago, protects you in the time of need. ,


$1.00 per mouth and upward. $7.00 per year and upward on the yearly contracts. Indemnities $200 to $10,000.
What about the standing of The Cpntinental? 25 years unprecedented growth and success. 25 years widest experience by experts in this line enables The Continental to set the pace in policy writing. Many otihers attempt to copy them. The Continental is able and gives you the best and latest policy consistent with sound business principles, The Continental Casualty Company is the strongest old line company doing a strictly sick and accident insurance. Over 390,000 death and indemnity claims paid, aggregating
$8,500,000.00. LETS TALK ABOUT FT.
EVERETT T. HALE, District Manager/

154 1-2 Clayton St.

Athens, Georgia

. ' .'>' -'

.-"'' - . " ". ' 'V -'"'.<'* "' j^-*.. - ' .>" Vv ' ;


-.->. ,.*o
o Oo

oo o

We believe a Merchant's Stock is simply his estimate of the character of the people he sells..'."-.<"k'..'-v''.-'.!.."..',.".'. .-../.-^^-. :*


Now if we offer you a poor class of goods, do not be deceived, that is our

opinion of you.y,- . . f :,-,> -., >;; : ^

We want it known that we have just


that much faith in mankind to believe

that anything less than the best will

not do.

,- ^
- vv . , '___. - ./. ;

.- A

\ ^


. .

. .. 'I.'*?,

We sell exclusively FINE CLOTH

ING and FURNISHINGS for Men and





Covering Sickness, Accident, Quarantine, Surgeons Fees, Hospital Charges, Etc. Telephone 71.



Dean, Grover, printer E. D. Stone's printery, res 1446 E Broad. Dean, Henry, c, lab, res Madison ave. Dean, Henry, c, farm lab., res 386 W. Broad. Dean, John emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 126 Miles. Dean, Jennie, res 320 Water. *Dean, Joel, (Jennie), res 1446 E Broad. *"Dean, Jno. (Rebecca), c, emp. city, res r 645 Boulevard. Dean, Julia Miss, res 1446 E Broad. Dean, Lizzie, c, chambermaid res 320 Water. Dean, Noah (Mattie Lou), c, emp. Sou. Ref. Co., res r 715 X. Jack-
son. Dean, Nona, c, res 386 W. Broad. Dean, O. Miss, emp. So. Mfgl Co., 126 Miles. Dean, Ruby Miss, res 1446 Broad. Dean, Sarah, c, laundress, res 386 W. Broad. Dean, Vader Miss, res 1446 'Broad. *Dean, W. T. (Nellie) printer Athens Banner, res 357 Oconee. Dean, W. D., secy. Colu-.Tibia Fire Ins. Co., bds Green hotel. Dearden, Homer, student U. of G., bds 198 Dearing. Dearden Virgil, student IT. of G'a., bds 198 Dearing. Dearden, W. E., student IT. of Ga., bds 198 Dearing. * Dearing, A. P. (Edith). Fleming-Dearing Hdw. Co., res 338 Milledg\ Dearing, E. E. Mrs., res 338 Milledge ave. Dearing, Katie Miss, res 338 Milledge ave. Tearing, Eugenie Miss, res 255 Washington. *DeLoach, R. J. H. (Bessie), prof. State College of Agri., res 243
Deems, Lizzie, c, laundress, res 439 River.
Deems, Magnonia c. laundress, res 439 River. Deep Rock Ginger Ale Co. syrup mfgrs. off. 516 So. Mut Ins bldg..
DeLoach, Eugene, student \\ of Ga., rm 17 Candler Hall.
De More, Jennie Miss. rer. 590 Barber. De More, Mattie Miss dressmkr., res 590 Barber.
Denard, J. M., (Mary), jeweler 561 E Broad, res 164 Foundry. Dennard Maggie Mis?. e-T.p. Climax Knitting Mill, res 128 Pine.
Denny, F. L., res 886 College ave. Denny. J. L., emp Boston Bakery, res 886 Colleve ave. Denny, W. C., Red and Black Pressing Club, bds S86 College ave.
Dennis. Ann, c. res 194 Cherry. *Dennis, Mike, (Mealor), c, lab, res W Waddell.


For all Kinds of Repair Work IN THE TINNING LINE

Phone 111


465 > Clayton St.

Robert Toombs DuBose, Agent

Southern Mutual Insurance Co.

Phone 450-Office

Company's Building 616



Denson Alma Miss, res 775 Barber. Henson. J. H. (Ellen), farmer, res 775 Barber.
Denson, Morris, res 775 Barber. Oenson, May Miss, res 775 Barber. Derrick G. L.. student U. of Ga., rm 8 New College. Derricolt. Andrew, c. res 157 Warsaw. Derricott, Annie ,c, cook, res 148 Strong. Derricott, Buena Vista, c, teacher, res 554 Hancock ave. Derricott, Clarence, c, emp Star Bakery, res 554 Hancock ave. Derricott. Decker, c. res 923 Water. Derricott, Elsie, c. lab., 46 Hoyt. Derricott, Ella c. res 250 Cleveland ave. Derricott. Fanny, c. res 825 Hancock ave. Derricott, Hodgson. c . emp. Ga. Brick Co. res 250 Cleveland ave. *Derricotte. Henry, (Savannah), c. carp., res 213 Chase. *Derricott, 1. T.. (Laura), c, shoe shop, 124 E Clayton, res 554
Hancock ave. Derricott, I. T. Jr., shoemaker, res 554 H.mcock ave. Derricott. Jno. (Lizzie), c, emp. Ga. 'Brick Co. res 375 First. Derricott. Jas. H, c. emp. J. P. Anderson, res 250 Cleveland ave. Derricott. Juliet, c, res 554 Hancock ave. Derricott, Joseph, F.. c. res 554 Hancock ave.
Derricott. Lizzie, c, res 46 Hoyt. Derricott, Mathew, c, lab, res 46 Hull. Derricott. Marie, res 375 First. Derricott. Minna, c. res 923 Water. Derricott. Mariah, laundress, res 148 Strong. Derricott, Moses, c, lab., res 46 Hoyt. *Cerricotte. Neb (Mollie), c. eirp. C. X. Hodgson, res 344 Rock
Springs. Derricott. Ora, c.. res 923 Water. Derricott. Pattie, teacher, res 647 Hull. Derricott. Randall, c. carp., res 647 Hull. Derricott. Sherman, Jr.. c. res 923 Water. Derricott, Sam. c. res 923 Water. Derricott, Sherman, (Janie), c, lab Ga. Brick Co., res 923 Water. Derricott. Sylvia, c. chambermaid, res 46 Hoyt. *Derricott. Thos. (Ann), c. janitor Chi Psi Chap House, res 193
Cherry. Derricott, Willie, c, teacher, res 825 Hancock ave.

Wingfield Cash Grocery BLUE RIBBON and


A Dream of Luxury and Ease

Is the result of a nights' rest on a *'Maid of Athens" Mattress ._._...

Sold by all Dealers here



Derricott, Warren (Annie), c, hackman, res 157 Warsaw.

Derricott, Win. Henry, c, plasterer, res 46 Hoyt. Desha, Lucy Miss, teacherr, Voice L. C. I., res 220 Milledge ave. DesVerney, F. L.. c, teacher Knox Institute, bds cor. Strong and



*Devaney, Sair.uel (Susie), engr. Ga. Ry., res 672 Barber.

DeVoe, Frank Mrs., res 444 Meigs.

Dick, S. K., student U of G'a., res 287 Pulaski.

Dillard, Alfred, res 316 Oconee.

Dillard, Barham, res 770 Barber.

nillard, Bookter, res 770 Barber.

Dillard, Ruth, res 316 Oconee.

Dilliard. San uel. Jr., res S60 Chase.

*Dillard, S. H. (Martha), physician, off. Tuck Bldg., Clayton. res

860 Chase.

Dillard, Benj., (Camilla), c, minister, res 694 Vine.

Dillard, Carrie, c, res 694 Vine.

Dillard, Henry, res 860 Chase.

Dillard, Henry, c, res 694 Vine.

Dillard, Joseph, res 770 Barber.

* Dillard. .T. D (Mattie), emp. C. A. Rowland, res 770 Barber.

"Dillard, J. W. (Julia 1*, carp., res 316 Oconee.

Oillard, John, res 316 Oconee.

Dillard. Marshall, emp. C. A. Rowland, res 770 Barber.

Dillard. Martha, c. res r 479 River.

Dillard, Oscar, c. farmer, res 479 River.

Dillad, Ossie May. c, laundress, res 694 Vine.

Dillard. Susie, c, res 694 Vine.

Dillard, Walter, c, res 694 Vine.

Dillard. Waddie, c. emp. Empire Chem. \Vks.. res 694 Vine.

*Dixon, Anthony (Alice), c, lab., res 346 Reese.

*Dixon, R. B. (Lucy). Athens Mut. Ins Co., res 421 Dearing.

*Dixon, Conway (Mamie), c. emp. Frank Bowden, res r 568 Strong.

Dixie Loan Co.. M. F. McKinney, mgr., 251 E. "Broad.

Dohbs. Annie Mrs., trained nurse, bds 471 X. Jackson.

Dobbs. Adeline Miss, res 194 Prince ave.

*Dobbs, A. M. (Henrietta), pres. Sou. Ref. Co., res 194 Prince ave.

Dobbs, B. S., emp. Sou Ref Co., res 194 Prince ave

Dobbs, Clara Miss, bds 471 N. Jackson.

Dobbs. Frank, student IT . of Ga., bds 590 Luir.pkin.


By Buying Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Nail Brushes, etc., from


225 Clayton St.

For Tin Roofing, Guttering and Sheet Metal Work See

D. W. & J. S. BAILEY

Al] ki < ls <>f repairing done 376 Washington St.



Dohbs, Josephine Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Pobbs. Lois Miss, stenogr. Talmadge Bros. & Co., bds 471 N. Jack-
son. Dobbs. Masrine Miss, res 194 Prince ave. *Dobbs. O. R. (Marion), sup. Indust. Life & Health Ins. Co., res 595
N. Milledge ave. Dobbs, VV. A., res 194 Prince ave Dobbins, Edward S. (Sarah), Ins. agt., res 323 N. Jackson. Dobbins, Martha Miss, res 323 N Jackson. Dobbins, VV*. J. Mrs., res 447 E. Hancock ave, Dobbins, Sarah E. Miss, res 323 N. Jackson. Dobbins, VV. C.. emp. Dald Pkng Co., Swift bldg., res 765 Jackson, *Donnelly. W. .).. (Katherine), elk the Georgian hotel, res same. Dornblatt Plumbing Co., 254 Washington. Dornblatt. J. (Sophia), plumber, res 259 Hancock ave. Dorsey, Annie B. Miss, student L. C. I., res 235 Hill. Dorsey, Birhop, c. butler, res r 380 Milledge ave. Dorsey, Blanche, c, laundress, res r 287 Pulaski. * Dorsey, E. H. (Laura), gents furnishings, 255 E. Clayton, res 648
S Milledge ave.
Dorsey, Edward, res 648 S Milledge ave. Dorsey, Eliza, c, nurse, res 340 Rock Springs. 'Dorsey. Ed (Daisy), c, emp. Sol. J. Boley, res 375 Cleveland av>. Dorsey and Funkenstein, furniture, 414 E. Clayton. Dorsey, Ida May Miss, res 549 College ave. Dorsey, Ida M. Miss, student L. C. I., res 235 Hill. *Dorsey, J. H. (Allea). Tax Recvr. Clark Co.. res 549 College avr. Dorsey, Louise Miss, res 648 Milledge ave. Dorsey. Lizzie, c, cook, res 340 Rock Springs. Torsey, lx>n. c, res 340 Rock Springs. *Dorsey, VV. F. (Cassie), Mayor city of Athens; Dorsey & Fun-
kenstein. Clayton, res 235 Hill. Poolittle, Henry, elk Johnson Shoe Co., res 140 Field. Doolittle. W. H. Mrs., res 140 Field. I toot son. Lillian Miss, res 275 Grace. Dootson, Roy, res 368 Oconee. Dootson, VV7 . R. (Ella), engineer Lym'.on Mfg. Co., res 275 Grace. Dootson, W-m. (Mary), supt. Athens Mat. & S. B. Co., res 368 Oconee. * Lottery, E. L. (Marv). res 380 Peters. *Dottery, I. J. B., (Lula), painter, res 529 Baxter.
Smith Premier Typewriter Conipany "THE WORLD'S BEST."
vloSeevitshieblNeewwrMitiondgel No I( 11110/ P^oecaircnhttrroe*e a^tt., AAttllaannttaa,

The Continental Casualty CO. has enabled many a man, I^BHHHHHHHHHI^HI^H^riHHIB when sick or hurt to still

meet his obligations. Fire and Life Insurance premiums paid

many a time from the indemnity fund which the Continental had

paid'. Then see

E. T. HALE, District Manager.



Douglas, Geo. A., blacksmith, res 362 E. Dougherty. Dougherty. James (Magnolia), c, lab. G. M. R. R., res 177 Bridge. Downer, Henrietta Miss, res 247 Hancock ave. Downer, H. G., bkkpr. Athens Oil Mill, res 247 Hancock ave. *Downer, M. E. Mrs., boarding house, res 247 Hancock ave. Downer. Mattie L. Miss, res 247 Hancock ave. *Dozier, A. W., (Emily), Dozier Lumber Co., res 326 Hill. Dossier & Co., Lumber dealers, 245 S Jackson. Dozier. J. H., Dozier Lumb. Co.. res 760 Mei.^s. Dozier. L. G., res 760 Meigs. Dozier, May Miss, res 760 Meigs. Dozier, O. A., American Land Co., res 760 Meigs. Dozier, Rosalie Mips, res 760 Meigs. Dozier, Rene Miss, res 760 Meigs. *Dozier, T. H., Capt. (Mary H.), county school off. 412 So.
Mut Ins. bldg, res 760 Meigs. Dozier. Thos. H., Jr., nigr. American Land Co., Sou Mut. Ins. bldg.,
res 3X6 Hill. Drake, Arthur, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res S. Hiawassee ave. Drake. Bird, c, lab., res 137 Billnns. Drake, Cornelius, c, supt. Pilgrim Health and Life Ins. Co., res 853
Prince ave. Drake. Ellen Mrs., res S. Hiwassee ave. Drake. Franklin, c, res 853 Prince ave. Drake. Janie Miss. emp. Athens Mfs:. Co.. res nr cor. Baldwin and
Williams. 'Drake. J. (Lilly). eap. So. Mfg. Co.. res 172 Bryan. Drake. Laura E.. c. res 853 Prince ave.
*Drake. Marion. (Op'helia). emp Athens Mfg. Co., res nr co-r. Baldwin and Williams.
Drake. Ruby, c, res 853 Prince Drake. Susie, c. domestic, res 137 Billups. Drake. Sallie. c. laundress, res 137 Billups. Drane. Lydia. c. cook, res 889 Hill. Drinkard Chas. c, lab., res r 230 Boulevard. Driver. Haynes, emp. Climax Mill, res 220 Peters. Driver, Hattie Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 220 Peters. Driver, Nancy Mrs., res 220 Peters. Drury. Frank. Dr.. pharmacist, H. R. Palmer & Sons, bds 265 Col-
lege ave.


I - *



Tluit it is very essential to have your mattresses thoroughly renovated during the period. Germ infested Mattresses are not

conducive to good health. Phone 157 for prices

Lift-, Accident, Health. Disability, Fidelity, Residence. Burglary, Etc.
Phone 7J, Suite 5J5-5J6 Southern Mutual ^Building*



DuBose. Boiling S., res 445 X. Milledge ave.
*DuBose, C. S. (Angus la), cotton buyer, res 634 Prince ave. DuBose, Jeannie Miss, res 445 N Milledge ave. DuBose, L. D. Mrs., res 634 Prince ave. DirBose, Louise Miss, res 634 Prince ave. DuBose. Mattie Wilson Miss, res 445 X. Milledge ave. DuBose, Marion D., asst. prof. Ger-n an V. of Ga., res 634 Prince ave. * DuBose. R. T. (Jeannie). real estate and Ins., 616 So. Mut. bldg.,
res 445 X. Milledge ave. *DuBose, Wellborn (Fannie), cotton buyer, res 634 Prince ave. * Dudley. A. G. (Vallie). supt. Climax H. Mill, res 387 Oconee.
Dudley, Elizabeth Mrs., res 127 Miles. Dudley. Ethel Miss. emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res 127 Miles. ' Dudley, .1. T., (Jane P.), furniture 2f>4 E Clayton, res 175
Boulevard. Dudley. Julia Mrs., res 127 Miles.
Dudley, Reesie Miss. emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res 127 Miles. *Duggin, Irving (Rosa), c, emp. city., res r 197 Dearing. Dugger, RodiTie, plasterer, bds 775 N. Jackson. Duke. .1. D.. Mrs., res 255 Washington. I.Mike. Meta Misr., res 255 Washington. "Dnnn. L. L. (Lenoa), trav salesman Singer Sewing Mch. Co., res
137 Doboy. Dunn. Laura M.. c. cook, res 664 X. Lumpkin. Dunn. Reid, emp Huff's restaurant, res 137 Doboy. Dunn. Robt.. res 137 Doboy. Dunn, Susan Mrs., res 137 Doboy. Punean. Ernest, c, laundryiran Chinese laundry, res 472 River. 'Duncan. .1. C. (Ola), bkkpr Citizens Bank, res 863 Chase. Duncan. Janie, c. laundress, res 472 River. DunPan. Lillian Miss, res 193 Cleveland ave. "Duncan, Win. B. (Ottie). foreman Moss Mfg. Co., res 193 Cleve-
land ave. Dunlap. Claud, res 135 Sapelo. Dunlap. .1. W. (Sallie). carp., res 135 Sapelo. TMmnaway. Artie. res r 26 Cleveland ave. *Dunnaway. A. L. (Bessie), furniture dealer, 249 X. Thomas, res
4G5 Chase. ": I)unnaway. B., (Xora), furniture, 249 Thomas, res r 26 Cleve-
land ave. Dunnaway, Clarence, res r 26 Cleveland ave.

If you are looking for the one soft drink whichis known as tlie world's Favorite, we have it. You can't Ret it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle.
------- ----


Lipscomb & Co.


Office Phone 109 Residence 719

Office Cor. Clayton and College Avenue


*Dunnaway, J. W., (Mary), res 435 Chase. " Dunnaway, AI. L. (Nora), furniture dealer, Thomas, res r 26 Cleve-
land ave. L-unnaway, Norcessa Mrs., res 1S6 Peters. Dunson, Edith Miss, student L. C. I. bds L. C. I. dormitory. Dunscn, .1. F.. meat narket. 49:1 Prince ave. *Dunston, J. F. (Minnie R. >. meat market 492 Prince ave. res :16S
Springdale. Dunston. Laurie Aliss, res 36S Sprindale. ri nnston, Rrby Aliss, res 3fiS S])ringdale. Punslon. Rov, rts :J68 S'pringdale. Dunr.ton, YV. L. (Lillian), collector Michaels, res 55:] Pnlaski. Dunston, Young, res 553 Pulaski. PuPree, Daisy, c, laundress, res 247 Vine. DuPree, David, c, emp. Athens Compress, res 247 Vine. DuPree, D. H., physician, off. So. Alut bids., res 156 Grady ave. DuPree, I. R., retired physician, res 156 Grady ave. DuPree, Jossie, c,laundress, res 247 Vine. *Durant. A. C., (Hattiel, brickmason, res 9S5 Baxter. Durham, C. B. Miss, res 540 Prince ave. Durham, Abbie, c, res 140 Doboy. Durham, Anna, c, laundress, res 140 Doboy. Durham, Ebb (Hattie), c. emp. Athens Compress, res 150 Warsaw. Durham, Elan, c, res 111 Rock Spring. Dyer, Frances, c, laundress, res 165 Valley. Durham, Fannie, c, emp. Expire Steam Laundry, res 515 Broad. Durham, Henry, res 160 Paris. Durham. John, c, plasterer, bds 160 Valley. Durham. Lucy, c, cook, res :575 Cleveland ave. Durham, Lula. c, laundress, res 185 Aliller. Durham, Mable, c, res 661 E Broad. Durham, Mur.lell. c, res LSo Aliller. Durham. Alable Aliss, res 160 Paris. Durham. Sallie. c, res 661 E. Broad. Durham. Trudie. c, res 140 Doboy. * Durham, Tunnie, (Leanna). c, lab. res 140 Doboy. Durham. Willie, c. lab, res 140 Doboy. Durham. Warnie. c. res 140 Doboy. Dyer. Lizzie, c, nurse, res 161 Valley. Dyer. Phillips. c. lab., res 165 Valley. Dyer. EG. c. res 169 Valley.

FOR IIKill C;i*Al>K
1MIONK ,. Call on the Athens Coal & Coke Co.


Real Estate

and Renting

156 College Ave.

Phone 345

Athens, Ga.




Kades. Annie, c, res 1060 Reese. Eager. Elizabeth Miss, teacher Bible, Latin and Physical Culture
L. C. I., res 220 N Milledge ave. Earl. Maggie, c. res 140 Hendriek ave. Earl, Bubber, c. res 140 Hendriek ave. Eaton. Jo>hn, fireman Georgian Hotel, res 167 Elizabeth. *Eaton, Benj. F., (Mandy), carp, res 167 Elizabeth. Eaton. Park, emp Bradley's stables, res 167 Elizabeth. * Eaton ton. Chas, (Annie), carp, res 520 Foundry. 'Eberhart. Andrew. (Hattie), emp So. Mfg. Co., -es 131 Cane. Eberhart. Arthur, c, emp Max Flatau, res 827 S Lumpkin. Eberhart. Augustus, c, res 827 S Lumpkin. Eberhart. Bessie, c, res 635 Hull. Eberhart. Daisy Miss, clerk Sol J. Boley, res 342 E Hancock ave. Eberhart. Edgar Lee, res 135 Poplar. Eberhart. Fairy Miss, res 342 E Hancock ave. Eberhart. Frances, c, res 827 S Lumpkin. *Eberhart. Green, (Sallie), c, res 137 Xacoochee ave. Eberhart. Harry, c. drayman, res 635 Hull. Eberhart. Jno.. watchman Hardeman & Phinizy, res 342 E Han-
cock ave. *Eberliart. J. \V. Sr.. (Mary), res 565 College ave. Eberhart. Jno.. c, barber, res nr 180 Berry. * Eberhart, J. \V., Jr.. (Bessie), trav. salesman Michael Bros.,
res 186 Grace. Eberhart. Jose. c. res 827 S Lumpkin. *Eberhart. John, (Maud), c, emp C. X. Hodgson, res r Cathedral
Pines. Eberhart. Lilly Mrs., emp Climax Hosiery Mill, bds 150 Cemetery. Eberhart. Louis, (Hasty), c, drayman, res 635 Hull. Eberhart. Luther, c, emp Max Flatau, res 827 S Lumpkin. Eherhart. Lucy. c. laundress, res 827 S Lumpkin. Eberhart, l^aura, c, chambermaid, res 620 Hancock. Eberhart. Louis, c, res 635 Hull. Eberhart. Mattie. , student, res 620 Hancock ave. Eberhart. Mary, c, res 620 Hancock ave. Eberhart, Ollie, c, res 140 Baxter. Eberhart. Partine. c. res 321 Athens ave. Eberhart. Pearl Miss, clerk Michael Bros., res 400 Foundry.


. 3.* I.K( )A I) STK KKT nil Coi.l.Kr.K AVK.


: :

Pure Drinks a Specialty

: :

Refrigerators Ice Boxes

^S^ *'3p*

Water Coolers Cream Freezers

Huggins China House BROAD ST.



'Eberhart, Robt., (Jessie), c, lab. res W Waddell. Eberhart, Sylvia, c, cook, res 140 Baxter. *Eberhart, Thos., (Nancy), emp city, res 342 E Hancock ave. Eberhart, Theonian. c, res r 137 Nacoochee ave. *Eberhart, Tom, (Carrie), c, whitewashes res 611 Plum. * Eberhart, Tom. (Josephine), c, emp Chem. Co., res 620 Hancock *Eberhart, W. P., (Mary Onie), clerk L. Morris, res 135 Poplar. Eberhart. VVm. S.. clerk Talmage Hdw. Co., res Prince ave., bey.
city limit. * Eberhart, W. T.. (Viola), carp, res 795 Baxter. *Eberhart. William. (Tiller), c. drayman, res 620 Hancock ave. * Eberhart, O. P.. (Sallie). clerk Sol J. Boley, res 295 Oconee. Echols, Calvin, c, lab, res 126 Newton. Echols. Cora, c, res 248 Aroh. Echols, Earl, c, res 248 Arch. Echols. Edmund, c, lab, res 248 Arch. Echols, Felix, c, res 1536 W Broad. Echols. Fannie, c. cook, res r 194 Prince ave. Echol.s, George, lab. res 248 Arch. *Echols, Hiram, (Sarah), emp Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 220 John. Echols, Ida, c, cook, res 248 Arch. *Echols, Jno., (Julia), c, lab. res r 115 E Hancock ave. Echols, Mary, c, laundress, res 1163 W Broad. Echols, Mildred, c. res 177 Bridge. *Kfhola, Scott, (Alice), c. grocer, 1528 W Broad, res same. Echols, Silas, c, lab, res 1163 W Broad. Echols. Silas, c. em Athens Oil Mill, res 224 W Washington. Echols, Squire, c. lab, res 24S Arch. Echols, W. B., c, teacher, res 1H53 W Broad. Ector, Carrie, c, res 293 Finley. Edgar. Cora Miss, emp J. H. Huggins & Son. res 534 Pulaski. Edgar. Ella Mrs., dressmaker, res 534 Pulaski. Edgar, Nora Miss, clerk Eating's Racket Store, res 534 Pulaski. Edge. E. S. Mrs., res 420 Foundry. Edels-tein. Usher, student V. of G.. bds 154 W Hancock ave. *Edmond. David. (Mandy). emp So. Mfg. Co., res 151 Miles. Edmond. Fleetie, c. res 758 Hull. Edmonds. Leola Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 151 Miles. Edmonds, Mary Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 151 Miles. Edwards. Arto. c, emp Bryant's Barber Shop, res 250 China. Edwards, Adeline, c, res 270 Fourth.

"TIlB WOrld'S BBSt" See tne New Mlel No. Id Visible Writing.




W, L, Hancock Coal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.

Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.



Phone 707

* Edwards. Cicero. (Lizzie), c, plasterer, res 250 China. Edwards. Elizabeth, c, laundress, res :>70 River. *Edwards. U.. (Norah), c, emp Dr. Holliday, res 157 Franklin. Edwards. Fred. c. Switchman (la. R. R.. res 270 Fourth. 'Edwards, Harrison. (Habtie), janitor court house, res 349 Meigs. * Edwards. James. (Mary), c. emp Talmadge Bros., res 260
Cleveland ave. * Ed wards. Jerry, (Martha), c, lab, res 661 Broad. *Edwards. J. D.. (Elizabeth), res 174 State. Edwards. J. T.. c, res 250 China. *Edwards. K. E.. (Ruby), emp Cobb Lampkin, res 340 Harris. *Edwards. Jerry. (Martha), c. lab, res 661 E Broad. Edwards. Katie, c. res 260 Cleveland. Edwards. Lillian Miss, stenogr. J. J. Strickland, bds 784 Prince Edwards. Lillie May, c, res 370 River. Edwards. Lizzie Mrs., res 354 Oak. * Ed wards. L. Frank. (Jennie). Pres. Mallison Braided Cord Co. ;
res 440 S Milledge ave. Edwards. Mary, c. laundress, res 273 Compress. Edwards. Mamie Lee, c, res 370 River. Edwards. Mary Ella, c. school teacher, res 250 China. Edwards, Thadie. c. res 370 River. Edwards. Walter, clerk Bondurant & Co., bds 546 College ave. Edwards, Wm., c. res 349 Meigs. Efferson. Daisy, c. student Knox Institute, bds 465 Reese. Eidam, Lenora Mre., res 185 ave. Eidani. Annie, res 1S5 Nacoochee. Eidam, Allvert. emp So. Mfg. Co., res 185 Nacoochee ave. Eidam, Earnest, emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 185 Nacoochee ave. Eidani. Irene, emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 185 Nacoochee ave. Eidam, Minnie Miss, res 1S5 Nacoochee ave. Eidani, Robert, emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 180 Nacoochee ave. Eidani, Willie, enip So. Mfg. Co., res 185 Nacoochee ave. *Eidson. B. S., (Cynthia), miller Talmadge Bros. & Co.. res
975 Baxter. Eidson. Ben. printer Athens Banner, res 975 Baxiter. Eidson, Henry, emp the Athens Garage, res 975 Baxter. Eidson, Mary Louise Miss, res 975 Baxter. Elder. Adel, c. laundress, res 345 Arch. Elder. Arbena, c, res 130 Cherry.


and Baggage Transfer NICE VEHICLES

Phone 541







Elder, Aline, c, farmer, res 130 Cherry. Elder, Annie Belle Miss, res 1064 S Lumpkin. Elder, Annie Miss, res 392 E Dougherty. Elder, Dilih Miss, res 911 E Broad. Elder, Emmie Miss, student, bds 311 N Thomas. Elder, Flora Miss, trained nurse, St. Mary's Hospital, res 1064
S Lumpkin. Elder, Gwendolyn, c, res 130 Cherry. * Elder, G. P., (Sarah), ins. solicitor, res 1064 S Lumpkin. Elder, Grace Miss, cashier Elite Theatre, res 392 E Dougherty. Elder, Harry, clerk E. H. Dorsey, res 1064 S Lumpkin. * Elder, Jordan, (Fannie), c, lab, res 375 Vine. Elder, Jane, c, laundress, res 326 Arch. Elder, Julia, c, cook, res 326 Arch. *Elder, John, (Lena), c, driver Athens C'oal & Brokerage Co.. res
225 Arch. Elder, James, res 34.", Arch. *Elder, Jim, (Lucy), c, emp Griffeth & Welch, res 345 Arch. *Elder. Jordan, (Fannie), c, emp Miller & Co., res 430 Peters. Elder, Josephine, c, cook, res 116% N Thomas. *Elder, J. I., (Lizzie), c, grocer 1293 \V Broad, res 133 Church. *Elder, J. H., (Fannie), physician. 233 V2 E Broad, res 392 E
Dougherty. Elder, Louisa, c, res 130 Cherry. Elder, Leon, c, lab, res 130 Cherry. Elder. Lula, c, bds 552 W Broad. Elder, Leslie, res 392 E Dougherty. Elder, Lillie Maude Miss, res 1064 X Lumpkin. Elder. Mintie, c, res 326 Arch. Elder, Mattie, c, res 345 Arch. Elder, Mabtie, c. res 345 Arch. Elder. Mamie, c. domestic Prof. Newton, res 130 Cherry. Elder. M. Mrs., res 297 \V Broad. Elder. Mamie Lou Miss, operator Telephone Ex.. res 392 E
Dougherty. Elder, Perry, res 345 Arch. Elder, Pearlie Miss, stenogr. G. C. Thomas, res 392 E Dougherty. Elder, Phyllis. c, res 159 Newton. Elder. Rosa, c, cook, res 326 Arch. *Elder. Seymour, (Laura), c. farmer, res 430 Peters.

UP-TO-DATE OROCKR Everything Gootl to Eat



616 Southern Mutual Building

Athens, Georgia



*Elder, Thos. L., (Hattie), clerk E. H. Dorsey, res 336 N Thomas.
Eley, Ethel, c, cook, res r 175 Pulaski. Eley, Harden, res 182 Wray. *Eley. J. J., (Menla). trav. salesman G. H. Hulme & Co., res
182 Wray. Eley, Menla Miss, res 182 Wray. Elite Theatre, motion picture, E. P. Stone, prop., 154 E Clayton. Elks Club. G. H. Palmer, secy, 115 E Broad. * Elliott. D. M.. (Lilly), yard foreman C. of Ga. R. R.. res 2X9
Cemetery. Elliott, Fairy Miss, res 840 College ave. * Elliott. .Inc.. ( Aggie, clerk Abe Joel, res 815 College ave. * Elliott, J. L., (Georgia), trav. salesman, res 247 Prince. Elliott, Sallie Mrs., res 164 Foundry. *Elliott. W. H., (Jessie), mgr. Rochester Clothing Co., res 840
College ave. Ellis, Adeline, c, res 278 Fourth. Ellis, Alberta, c, nurse, res 542 W Broad. Ellis. Georgia, c, laundress, res 280 Compress. Ellis, Mattie Miss, dressmaker, bds 235 Hull. Ellis. Mattie. c, laundress, res 475 Hoyt. *Ellison. C. E.. (Lucy), cashier So. Ex. Co., res 198 Mallory ave. Ellis, Fred, c, emp Ga. Ry.. res 278 Fourth. Ellis. Jim, c, lab, res 27S Fourth. *Ellison. A.. (Virginia), emp S. A. L. Ry., res 806 College ave. Ellington. \V. M.. painter, bds 575 X Jackson. *Emanuel. Jesse, (Evaline), c, emp C. H. Brand, res r 1055
Prince ave. *Elrod. Will. (Minnie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., bds 657 Nantahala
ave. *Elrod. W. R.. (Lottie), emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 164 Bryan. Emerick. Elizabeth Mrs., res 141 Wilkerson. Emerick. Divona Miss, res 120 Willow. * Emerick, Geo.. (Ola), policeman, res 941 E Broad. * Emerick. J. M., (Annie), merchant, nr 449 E Broad, res 124
Willow. Emerick. Lyman, res 120 Willow. Emory. Mary, c. cook J. A. Pitner, res 298 Barber. Empire State Chemical Co., office cor Broad and Oconee.

Plan -^irv Rooms. Clean Sanitary Heds, Prompt and i ii* i>0ii te Attention. One block from I'ost Office, half block from Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, 1'rop.

36S '4 Washington St.


Phone 661



'England, Arthur, (Lilly), fireman city fire dept., res 141 Hickory England, Edw., driver, res 121 Hickory. England, Lizzie, c, cook, res 182 Hoyt. England, Martha Miss, res 141 Hickory. Engle, Frances, student U. of G., bds 327 Hill. 'English, Win., (Eva May), c, section hand C. of G. Ry., res 567
Fourth. Eppes, Alena, c, laundress, res 170 Lyndon ave. Eppes, B. T., electric contractor and locksmith, 120 E Washing-
ton, res 1020 W Hancock ave. *Eppes, Wm., (Ada), Eppes-Wilkins Co.. res 125 Henderson ave. Eppes, Randolph, res 125 Henderson ave. Eppes, Katherine Miss, res 125 Henderson ave. Eppes, Irene Miss, res 125 Henderson ave. Eppes, Evelyn Miss, res 125 Henderson ave. Eppes, Beverly, res 125 Henderson ave. Eppes, Jefferson, res 125 Henderson ave. Eppes, Carl, emp. B. T. Eppes, res 1020 W Hancock ave. * Eppes, Emory T., (May), contractor, res 615 Pulaski. Eppes, Fred, farmer, res 297 Peabody. Eppes, Francis, (Mary), bkkpr. Story Bros., res 297 Peabody. Eppes, Henry, emp Michael Bros., res 646 Boulevard. * Eppes, .1. M., (Genie), contractor, res 646 Boulevard. Eppes, Jno. W., res 297 Peabody. Bppes, Lourime Miss, res 1020 W Hancock ave. Eppes, Roy, res 1020 W Hancock ave. Eppes, Ru>th Miss, res 1020 W Hancock ave. Eppes. Ruby Miss, res 646 Boulevard. * Eppes, T. J., (Evie), farmer, res 1020 W Hancock ave. * Eppes, T. L., (Lilly), clerk Moss Mfg. Co., res 615 Pulaski. Eppes, W. E., bkkpr. Ga. Nat. Bank, res 297 Peabody. Epps, Abbie, c, res 493 W Broad. Epps, Calotta, res 287 Oconee. Epps, Kaitherine Mrs., res 230 Boulevard. Epps, Mary, c, laundress, res 493 W Broad. Epps, Thos. S., bds 120 Willow. Eppes-Wilkins Co., wholesale grocers, 597 E Broad. *Epps, W. H.. (Lucy), painter, res 287 Oconee. Epting, H. O. & Co., Racket Store, 345 E Broad. *Epting, Harry O., (Lenora), Epting Racket Store, res 317

Silverplated ware, Knives, Forks, Spoons and Housefurnishing goods.
The Muggins China House Broad st,

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Materials Contrart for House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging.
Telephone 115. Cor. Clayton and Jackson Sts.



Epting. Gladys, res 748 N Jackson. *Epting, J. H., (May), clerk E. Buckwald. res 748 N Jackson. Epting. Norbert, res 748 N Jackson. * Ernest, D. L., (Vivian), Prof. Elementary Science S. X. 3., res
782 Cobb. Ervin. Gracie, c. res 140 Lyndon Row. *Brvin. Wni., (Caroline), c, enip in S. C., res 140 Lyndon Row. Erwin. Andrew, Erwin & Co.. res 524 Hill. Erwin & Co.. real estate, 156 College ave. Erwin, Howell C., atty Cobb & Erwin, res 524 Hill. Erwin, Jnlien. res 524 Hill. Erwin, Katherine Miss, res 524 Hill. Erwin, Louise Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. T. dormitory. Erwin, Mary Miss, res 524 Hill. Erwin, Mary Ann Mrs., res 524 Hill. Erwin, William, student. U. of G.. res 524 Hill. Escoe. Chas., enip Fears' Stable, res 342 E Hancock ave. Escoe. Edward, res 342 E Hancock ave. Escoe, Eva, res 342 E Hancock ave. Escoe, Geo.. emp Fears' Stable, res 342 E Hancock ave. Escoe. Joe. blacksmith, cor S Jackson and Fulton, res 342 E
Hancock ave. Escoe, Mattie Bell Miss, res 342 E Hancock ave. *Escoe. Robt. L.. (L.), butcher, res 342 E Hancock ave. *Escoe. W. Y., (Ola), liveryman E. Fulton, res 564 Lumpkin. Esrtes. B. E., student V. of G., bds Prof. Stewart, campus. Estes, Chas. T., student V. of G.. bds 749 Prince ave. *Estes. Ed. (Ruby), convict guard, res 423 E Dougherty. Estes, L. C., policeman, bds Aldean Annex. Estes, Webb, c, res r 750 Milledge ave. *Ethridge. Chas., (Ella), emp Klein & Martin, res 141 Wilkerson. Etzel, Ethel, res 142 W Clayton. Etzel. Cassie Mrs., res 142 W Clayton. *Evans. Dennis, (Ella), c. emp Arnold Gro. Co.. res 483 W Broad. Evan, Georgia Mrs., res 367 Strong. *Evans. Green. (Cassie). lab, res 130 Valley. Evans. Ida. c, res 425 Cleveland ave. * Evans. Jno. C.. (Ina), emp Moss Mfg. Co., res 199 Cleveland
ave. Evans, Mamie Ixm Miss, clerk Louis Morris, res 367 Strong. Evans. Mable Miss. bdg. house, res 390 Water.
J. B. Toomer Sewing Machine Office

459 Claytoton St. P.O. Bx. 262


Largest Dealer in Georgia. Pianos Pianos from and Organs. All Makes. 32 years Organs from in the Business. Cheapest in Ga. .Sewing Machines

$ 140 to $400 $35 to $90 $17 to $55



I IM8CI f=/\NC I

268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.

Evans, Susan Mrs., res 495 Baxter. Evans, Sarah Mrs., res 870 Boulevard. *Evans, Tom, (Eliza), emp city, res 135 Valley. *Evans, W. A., (Lula), gas fitter, Athens Gas Co., res 367 Strong. Everhart, Jim, c, lab, bds 292 Fourth. Everson, Pink, c, concrete worker. re 150 Warsaw.

Fain, Bertie Miss, teacher Oconee St. school, bds 196 Henderson ave.
F'ain, Frances R. Miss, res 167 Grady ave. Fain, Jno. R., Prof. Agronomy State College of Agr.. res 167
Grady ave. Fain, L. D., student I", of G., rms 19 Candler Hall. Fain, Sallie B. Mrs., res 167 Grady ave. Fairyland Theatre, vaudeville, 142 College ave. *Fambro, A. A., (Emma), farmer, res 157 Grove. Fambro, Grady, res 157 Grove. Fambro. Joseph, clerk G. H. Williamson, res 157 Grove. Fanvbro. Susie Miss, res 157 Grove. Fambrough, A. L. Mrs., res 337 Strong. Fambrough, Earl, clerk Eppes-Wilkins Co.. res 337 Strong. Fambrough, Louisa Miss, res 337 Strong. Fambrough, Lucile Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Fanigan, Amber, res 193 Park ave. Farbstein, Abraham, clerk M. Farbstein. res 475 E Dougherty. Farbstein, Hannah Miss, clerk M. Farbstein* res 475 E Dougherty. Farbstein, Hinda Miss, res 475 E Dougherty. *Farbstein, M., (Fannie), merchant 12:' X Jackson, res 475 E
Dougherty. Farbstein, Sarah Miss, res 475 E Dougherty. Farcus, Leonard, student U. of G.. bds 298 \V Hancock ave. Fargason, J. H., sec. and treas. Mutual Life and Industrial Assn.
of Ga., bds 282 E Hancock ave. Fargo, Elsie Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. *Farmer, B.. (Julia), night janitor So. Mutual Bldg., res 187
Grace. Farquis, L., student U. of G., bds 247 W Hancock ave.
Have Your Vehicles Rubber-Tired with
ALLEN H. TALMAGE, 240-252 N. Lumpkin

If you are looking for the one soft drink

which is known as the world's Favorite,

we have it. You can't get it anywhere



else, this is the mark of distinction. See

that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.



Farrabee, Roxie Miss, res 296 Boulevard. Farrell, Tom, c, lab, res 258 Lyndon ave. Farrell, Julia, c, laundress, res 258 Lyndon ave. Faulkner, Tom, carpenter, bds 527 S Jackson. Favors, Annie, c, cook, res 139 Third. Favors, Adah, c. res 1082 W Broad. Favors, Ethel, c, cook, res r 327 Ooonee. Favors, Ellouse, c, res 126 Stephens. Favors, Georgia, c, cook, res 258 Lyndon ave. * Favors, Henry, (Hattle), c, emp Athens Gas. Co., res 126
Stephens. Favors, Irene, c, res 126 Stephens. Favors, Lilly, c, res 1082 W Broad. Favors, Mattie, c, cook, res 139 Third. Favors, Mack, c, butcher, Coleman's Market, res 139 Third. * Favors, Sam, (Nancy), c, emp city, res 139 Third. * Favors, Sanders, (Ethel), c, lab, res r 175 Piilaski. * Favors, Thos., (Susie), c, lab, res 168 Odd. * Favors, Tom, (Cynthia), c, emp city, res 1082 W Broad. * Favors, Walter, (Mary), lab Athens Compress, res 150 Berry. Fox, Mary Ann, c, laundress, res 1267 W Hancock ave. * Fears, A. C., (Emma), grocer J. P. Fears & Son, res 609 Lump-
kin. Fears, E. P., livery and sales stables, 139 Clayton, res 162 W
Clayton. Felker, F. B., student U. of G., res 287 Pulaski. Fears, Jennie W. Miss, res 162 -Clayton. Fears, J.' P. & Son, grocers, 151 E Clayton. * Fears, J. P., (Elizabeth), grocer J. P. Fears & Son, res 649
N Lumpkin. Fears, Lizzie G. Miss, res 162 W Clayton. Fellows, Annie G. Miss, res 173 Barrow. Fellows, Chas., electrician Athens Eng. Co., res 173 Barrow. * Fellows, C. S., (Sallie), clerk J. H. Huggins & Son, res 173
Barrow. Fellows, Ella Miss, res 173 Barrow. Fellows, Eugene, emp Webb & Crawford, res 173 Barrow. Fellows, Paul, res 173 Barrow. *Felton, R. J.. (M. J.), policeman, res 686 Barber. Fender, Annie Lee Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I, dormitory. Ferguson, Ruel, res 312 E Dougherty.
Deadwyler Wood & Coal Co.

Best Grades of Wood and Coal

Office and Yard 973 College Ave

Prompt Delivery Phone 495


The Only Daily in Northeast Ga.


Editor and Proprietor



*Perguson, Willie, (Dailie), carp, res 312 E Dougherty. Ferrow, Cora, c, laundress, res 498 Fourth. Few, George, carp, res 1375 W Hancock ave. Few, Mattie, c, cook, res 433 Reese. *Few, Wm., (Lizzie), farmer, res 1375 XV Hancok ave. *Fields, (Sarah Jane), c, lab, res 1435 Oconee. Fields, Bessie, c, res 1435 Oconee. Fields, Fred, c, lab, res 1435 Oconee. Fields, Jerry, c, farmer, res 1435 Oconee. Fields, Lula Miss, res 192 Foundry. Fields, Lilly, c, laundress, nr Madison ave. *Fields, R. O., (Clara), carp, res 688 Pulaski. *Fields, Richard, (Emma), c, blacksmith, res 127 Odd. Fields. T. J., blacksmith Athens Foundry, res 192 Foundry. Fielder, Tom. student T. of G., bds 370 Lumpkin. *Filligin, Chas (Fanny), carp, bds 575 N Jackson. Fink, Claudie G. Miss, teacher Math, and Latin L. C. I., res 220
X Miledge ave. * Finch, Wm., (Dora), c, lab, res 174 Willow. Finch, W. Roy, trav. salesman Empire State Chem. Co., res 296
Boulevard. Finley, Jeff, c, lab, res 424 Finley. Finley, Willie, c, lab, res 424 Finley. Fisher, Geo., c, emp E. S. Lyndon, res 327 Atlanta ave. Fisher, S. B., student U. of G., bds 226 W Dougherty. *Fitzpatrick, A. J., (Emma), hackman, res 1323 E Broad. *Fitzpatrick, H. R., (Hassie), grocer, cor Poplar and Arch, res
190 Poplar. *Fitzpatrick, Howell, (Mattie), emp Rucker's gin, res 132 Arch. Fitzpatrick, J. T., grocer, 697 Barber, res same. Fitzpatrick. Milton, student U. of G., bds 285 W Washington. Fitzpatrick, Maggie Miss, res 420 River. Fitzpatrick, Mary Miss, res 420 River. *Fitzpatrick, Silas, (Addie), hackman and grocer, res 420 River. *Fitzpatrick, Van, (Mary), emp So. Mfg. Co., res 138 Miles. Flatau, Augusta Mrs., res 140 W Hancock ave. Flatau, Arthur, Pres. Georgia Loan Co., res 140 W Hancock ave. Flatau. Max, near beer saloon 168 W Washington, res 140 W
Hancock ave. Flatow, Lucien B., Mgr. Maxim Novelty Co., bds 247 Pulaski. Flanigen, Barrington. res 424 Prince ave. Flanigen, Claud, res 424 Prince ave.

MARTEN J. ABNEY, District Manager.
Phone 71. Suite 515-516 Southern Mutual Building



Phone 280 -

148-156 Broad St.

- Athens, Ga.



Flanigen, C. D.. (Mary Ann), Gen. Mgr. Electric Ry., res 424 Prince ave.
Flanigen, Douglas, res 424 Prince ave. Flanigen, Jane Miss, res 424 Prince ave. Flanigen, Monteith, res 424 Prince ave. Flanigan, Henry, res 193 Park ave. Flanigan, W. H., (Cora), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 193 Park ave. Fleeman, A. G., (Clarisa), fireman Ins. Bldg., res 985 Oconee. Fleeman, Bertha Miss, clerk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 985
Oconee. Fleeman. Croner I,., emp Sou. Ref. Co., res 340 Lumpkin. Fleeman, J. M., grocer, 153 Cleveland ave, res 120 same. Fleeman, Maude Miss, clerk Davison-Nioholson Co., res 340
S Lumpkin. Fleeman. Nannette Miss, milliner Abe Joel, res 340 S Lumpkin. Fleeman, N. L. Mrs., res 340 S Lumpkin. Fleeman, Ruby Miss, res 985 Oconee. Fleeman. Ruby Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Fleming, Alien Jr., res 298 S Lumpkin. Fleming, Alien, (Sallie), cotton buyer, res 298 S Lum,pkin. Fleming, Bessie, c, cook, res 475 Hoyt. Fleming, Burt, res 397 Boulevard. Fleming, Curtis, res 397 Boulevard. Fleming, Dearing Hardware Co., Hardware. 351 E Clayton. 'Fleming, Elbert, (Rebecca), c, lab, res 634 Hull. Fleming. Isabel! Miss, res 39S S Milledge ave. Fleming, Julien, res 298 S Lumpkin. Fleming, Jas., res 397 Boulevard. Fleming, .1. H. Mrs., res 398 S Milledge ave. Fleming, Lizzie, c, nurse, res r 237 Church. Fleming, Lois Miss, res 298 S Lumpkin.
Fleming, Lucy Miss, res 398 S Milledge ave. Fleming, T. B., (Cora), farmer, res 395 Boulevard. Fleming, Wm., (Mary), postmaster, res 165 Reese. Fletcher, Nannie Miss, student S. N. S., res 725 Cobb. Floyd. E. L., student V. of G., res 264 ^ N Lumpkin. Floyd. Ella, c, cook, res r'230 Boulevard. Floyd, Kate Miss, student S. N. S., bds 158 W Dougherty. Flournoy, Adah, res 148 Hickory. Flournoy, E. L.. (Annie), watchman Lyndon Mfg. Co.. res 148

ol Athens, 6eo.gia


Lipscomb & Go.
Office Phone 109 Residence 719

INSURANCE Office Cor. Clayton and College Avenue



*Flournoy, Fred, (Annie), elevator boy Ins. Bldg., res 1023 Oconee.
*Flournoy, L. L., (Nellie), painter, res 1437 E Broad. *Flournoy, Robt., (Martha), watchman So. depot, res 174 Hickory. *Foile, W. A., (Ida), builders' foreman, bds 830 College ave. Fontaine, Nathalie Miss, res 224 S Milledge ave. Forbes, T., student U. of G., res 550 Cobb. *Forbes, Walter T., (Willie S.), Secy Y. M. C. A., res 550 Cobb. *Ford, Aaron, (Willie), c, lab Empire Chem. Wks., res 1596 E
Broad. *Ford, Aleck, (Henrietta), emp So. .Mfg. Co., res 485 Nacoochee
ave. *Ford, Anderson, (Ophelia), c. emp Hardeman & Phinizy, res
140 Church. Ford, B. B. & Co., cotton buyers, 126% Oconee. Ford, David, c, res nr 648 Vine. Ford, E. L., student U. of G., bds 428 S Lumpkin. Ford, Genie Miss, res 485 Nacoochee ave. Ford, Ida, c, res nr 648 Vine. *Ford, Miles. (Adelaide), c, emp G. H. Hulme & Co., res 812
Reese. *Ford, Moses, (Rebecca), c, drayman, res nr 648 Vine. Ford, Moses Jr., blacksmith Geo. Douglas, res nr 648 Vine. Ford, Wm., emp Athens Mfg. Co., bds 457 Baldwin. Forehand, W. C., law student U. of G.. bds 282 E Hancock ave. Fordham, M. A. Mrs., res 185 Mulberry. Fordham, Sadie I. Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 185 Mulberry. *Fort, J. P., (Lula), fruit grower, res 290 S Milledge ave. Fort, John, student U. of G., res 290 S Milledge ave. Fort, Martha Miss, res 290 S Milledge ave. Fort, Susan Miss, res 290 S Milledge ave. Fort, Tomlinson, instructor Math. U. of G.. res 290 S Milledge
ave. Fort, Wm.. student U. of G., res 290 S Milledge ave. Forrester, Mary Frances Miss, res 130 First * Forrester, T. M.. (Mary), janitor post office, res 130 First. Fortson, Mary Miss, teacher piano L. C. I., res 220 N Milledge
ave. Foster, Annie A. Miss, res 198 Bloomfield. Foster, Alfred, c, lab, 525 Reese. Foster, Bertha Lee. c. emp So. Ref. Co., res 143 Augusta ave.
Notes Bought and Discounted at Reasonable Rates

Georgia Loan Co.
ARTHUR FLATAr. President

106 Shackk-ford Building Bell Phones 299-600

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard R\ .



I'hoiie 707

Foster. Bertha Miss, res 569 Pulaski. *Foster. Bedford, (Lula), c, brickmason, res 1682 E Broad. * Foster, Clias, (Eliza), c, carpenter, res r 271 W Hancock ave. Foster. Ethlynde Miss, res 569 Pulaski. Foster, Eldora. c. res 143 Augusta ave. Foster, Hattie. c, laundress, res 526 Reese. Foster, Helen Miss, res 198 Bloomfleld. * Foster, Jno.. (Etta), emp So. Ref. Co., res 143 Augusta ave. *Foster. ,T. V.. (Anna I.. atty. and .Justice of the Peace, office
109 Hodgson-Shackelford bldg., res 198 Bloonifield. Foster, Joel, c, emp So. Ref. Co.. res 143 Augusta ave. * Foster, Jno., (Etta), c, emp Sou. Ref. Co., res 143 Augusta ave. Foster, Joel, c, emp. Sou. Ref. Co.. res 143 Augusta ave. Foster, J. H., student U. of G., res 264% N Lumpkin. Foster, Loucile Miss, res 198 Bloomfleld. Foster, Lienion, c, emp So. Ref. Co., res 143 Augusta ave. * Foster. S. Floyd, (Mary), supt. Athens Compress, res 794 W
Hancock ave. Foster. Sam, Colonial Pressing Club, res 569 Pulaski. Foster. \V. J., (Edna), Booth, Foster & Co., res 569 Pulaski. Foster, VV. L., c, emp Sou. Ref. Co., res 143 Augusta ave. Foster, W. H., meat market, 881 College ave., res 569 Pulaski. Foss. Ed, (Maude), c, emp Empire Chem. Co., res 137 Fairview. Fouche, Wesley, res 148 Vine. Fowler, Bishop, c, lab Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 180 Second. Fowler, Corrinne, r. nurse, res 180 Second. *Fowler, Joe J., (Olivia), electrician Athens Electric Ry., res
1545 S Lumpkin. Fowler, L. Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 189 Miles. * Fowler. Shedrick. (Emma), c, lab Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 180
Second. * Fowler, Wm., (Xora), grocer, Prince ave., bey. city limit, res
Mitchell Bridge road. Fowler, Wm., c, lab So. Ref. Co., bds 187 Third. Fox, Ralph, res 458 E Clayton. *Fox, Wm. Frederick, (Leila), granite cutter, Classic City Gran-
ite Works, res 458 E Clayton. Franklin, Irene, c, teacher, res 550 Reese. *Franklin. Jno.. (Annie*, c, emp H. Baker, res 550 Reese. Franklin, Nellie, c, student Knox Institute, res 550 Reese.

Smith Premier Typewriter Company
1vS0eevithsieblNeewwrMitiondgel No \| 1j 1i 0/ pre^a^c^nhttrr*e^e MQt., qAutlaannttaa,

Cor. Broad and Thomas Sis.

I'lione 1~S 101

Franklin, O. W., student U. of G.. rm 23 New College. Frazier, Young Harris, student. V. of G., bds 198 Bearing. Fredwell. G. T. Mrs., clerk Michael Bros., res 986 Water. French. Dinah, c, res 148 Willow. Freeman, Arto, c, lab, res 567 Fourth. Freeman, Chas., c. res 1387 W Broad. *Freeman. E. M., (Julia), c, emp Moss Mfg. Co.. res 14s Pearl. Freeman, Emma, c, res 179 Little. Freeman, Ethel Miss, stenogr. Dr. McKinney, bds 789 Pulaski. Freeman. Fannie, c, res 567 Fourth. *Freeman, Fred K., (Mary), pecan nursery, res 1225 S Milledge
ave. *Freeman, Jno., (Marion), c, emp Athens Compress Co.. res 236
Fourth. Freeman, Maria Miss, res 763 Prince ave. Freeman, Myrtis Miss, bds 789 Pulaski. * Freeman, R. L., (Georgia), miller Talmadge Bros. & Co.. res
243 Cleveland ave. Freeman. Savanna'h, c. res 170 Berry. Freeman, Tom, c, lab Miller & Co., res 170 Berry. *Freeman, Thomas, (Emily), o, emp Century Club, res 1387 W
Broad. Freeman, Wallace, c, lab, res 567 Fourth. Freeman, W. Fletcher. farmer, bds 789 Pulaski. Frierson. Mary Ann Miss, chaperone L. C. T.. res Lucy Cobb Ins. Frierson, Sarah A. Miss, asst. librarian I*, of G., res 260 X
Milledge ave. *Frierson, Woody. (Nolie), hackman, res 448 River. *Fulcher. .las. A., (Molly R. ), See. and Trees. Orr Drug Co.,
res 186 Barber. Fulcher, Nina R. Miss, res 1S6 Barber. *Fuller. Andrew. (Cassie). c. fireman L. C. I., res 1*7 Lyndon
Row. *Fuller. Henry. (Nancy), blacksmith Klein & Martin, res 545
Poplar. Fuller. Idis. c, res 187 Lyndon Row. Fuller, Jas. C., grocer, 523 Prince, res same. Fuller, Johnnie. res 545 Poplar. Fuller, Lizzie, emp Athens Mfg. Co.. res 345 Poplar. Fuller, Russell, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 545 Poplar. * Fuller. W. H.. (Elizabeth), res 523 Prince ave.

Rose's and Myrrh Tooth Wash




225 Clayton St.

The Oconee Brick Co, Situated on SOU. R. R. Phones - 547-762




*Fullilove. H. M., (Juliet), physician St. Mary's Hospital, office 210 Sou. Mut. Ins. Bldg., res 3SO N Milledge ave.
Fullilove. Marie Miss, res 495 Waddell. Fullilove. Mamie Miss, bds 471 X Jackson. Funkenstein, Ira, res 179 Dougherty. Funkenstein, Joe, res 179 Dougherty. * Funkenstein, Louis, (Flora). Johnson Shoe Co., res 298 W
Hancock ave. *Funkenstein. P.. (Rosa), Furniture. Dorsey & Funkenstein,
res 186 Hancock ave. * Funkenstein, Sam. (Rachael ) . clerk Michael's, res 179 Dough-
erty. Furr, Harry, c. emp Costa's Cafe, res 137 Franklin ave. Furr, Isabella, c, res 137 Franklin. Furr, Lilly, c. nurse Prof. Park, res 137 Franklin. *Furr, William. (Lula), janitor campus, res 137 Franklin ave. *Furcron, \V. E., (Maggie), carp, res 985 Baxter. Furlow. Marguerite Miss, res 560 X Jackson. Furlow. Edith M.iss, res 560 X Jackson.

*Gaines. Jas.. (Annie B.), c. emp S. A. I,. Ry., res 2X1 Savannah ave.
Gaines. Mattie Miss, clerk Davison-Nicholson Co.. res 623 S Lumpkin.
Gaines, M. F. Mrs., res 623 S Lumpkin. Gains, Georgia, c, laundress, res 465 Reese. *Gains, Harrison, (Bessie), emp So. depot, res r 568 Pulaski. Gainesville Midland Ry. Coml. office. T. .1. Syfan, com. agt.. 708
So. Mut. Ins Bldg Gainesville Midland Ry. freight depot same as Athens Terminal
Co. Gainesville Midland Ry. Pass, depot same S. A. L. Ry. *Gaissert. L. J., (Elise), asst. agt. Ga. depot, bds 784 Prince ave. *Gale, Jack, (Lena), c, res 180 Rock Spring. *Gale. Wesley, (Jacqualine), c, emp Head & McMahan, res 180
Rock Spring. Gales, Jessie, c, seamstress, res 270 Chase.

If yon art- look inn for the one soft drink whichis known as the world's Favorite, we have it. You can't net it an v where else, this is the mark of
distinction. See that it is on the
crown of every lx>ttle.



Real Estate, Fire Insurance

268 Clayton Street____________Athens, Georgia



*Gallagher, F. B., (Nanny), trav. optician, res 174 Hickory. Gallagher. H. M. Mrs., res 763 College ave. Gallagher, Hattie M. Miss, clerk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 763
College ave. Gallagher, J. T., mail carrier, res 763 College ave. Gallaway, H. H., student r. of G., bds 850 Prince ave. *Galloway. J. W., (Ella), pharmacist Orr Drug Co.. res 5:)6 N'
Jackson. *Gamble, Jno. B., (Mable H.), atty. office Sou. Mut. Ins. Bldg.,
res 395 Church.
Gann, Allie, Yes 446 E Clayton
Gann, Arthur, res 446 E Clayton. *Gann, G. A., (Sallie), res cor Broad and Peters. Gann, Malinda Mrs, res 420 Foundry. *Gann, Will G., (Florie), painter, res 446 E Clayton. Gannt, Bulah, c. laundress, res nr 646 Fifth. *Gantt, Mark W., (Nellie), optician, res 198 Barrow. *Gardner, J. E., (Mamie), editor Clarke County Courier, res 195
Baxter. Gardner. Nellie Miss, res 195 Baxter. 'Gardner, S. A., (Selina), collector Cousar Furniture Co., res
330 Barber. Garebold, Bessie Miss, res 559 Pulaski. Garebold. Ellen Miss, res 559 Pulaski. Garebold, Horace L., bkkpr. Talmadge Hardware Co.. res 559
Pulaski. *Garebold, J. A., (Mary), upholster. 197 Washington, res 559
Pulaski. Garebold. Jessie Miss, res 559 Pulaski. Garebold, W. J., bkkpr Alien Talmadge, res 559 Pulaski. Garfield, Carrie, c, res 1195 W Hancock ave. Garfield. Eudora. c, res 1195 W Hancock ave. Garfield. Floyd, c. blacksmith, res 1195 W Hancock ave. Garfield. Irene, c. res 1195 W Hancock ave. *Garfield. Tom. (Carrie), c. blacksmith. 1S7 Washington, res
1195 W Hancock ave. Garfield, W. H.. c. blacksmith. 153 Clayton. Garfield, Willie, c, emp E. P. Fears Stable, res 1195 W Hancock
ave. Garnet, Ellen, c, res 340 Rock Spring.

Athens Coal Coke Co.
Phone 195.

You ran not #et much rest when your rtiintl is uncertain whether you are sleeping on a germ infested Mattress. Have your

Mattresses renovated at the

Phone 157




*Garmter, Robt. (Lucindy), c, enip Athens Ice & Coal Co., res
32S Atlanta ave. Garrison, Birdie Miss, enip Sou. Mfg. Co., res 277 Hiawassee ave. 'Garrison. C. A., (Emma), emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 277 Hiawassee
ave. Garrison, Harmell, res 277 Hiawassee ave. *Garrison, .las., (Mattie), brickmason, res 372 S Thomas. *Garrison, J. C., (Roxian), emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 237 Oak. Garrison, Paul, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 277 Hiawassee ave. Gary, Bertha Miss, res 775 Barber. Gary, George, farmer, res 775 Barber. Gary, H. C.. c, teacher, bds 537 W Hancock ave. Gary. .1. C.. farmer, res 775 Barber. Garrow's Candy Kitchen, Henry Julin, mgr., 143 College ave. Garvin, Robert, emp BaMey Supply Co., res 882 Chase. Gaston, Grady, student U. of G., bds 298 Barber. Gatham, Dimble, c, lab, bds 354 Pope. *Gear. Nathan. (Susan), c, gardener, res Madison ave. Geater. Wm. Henry, c, emp Ga. Brick Co., res 393 Augusta ave. Gee, Lou Mrs., res 138 Miles. Gentry, Allene Miss, bds 565 Prince ave. *Gentry, G. X., (Delia), machinist Athens Foundry, res 836 X
Lumpkin. George. Calvin, student V. of G.. bds 290 W Clayton. George. Maria, c. res 584 Strong. Georgia Ferro Concrete Co., A. J. Gury, mgr., 620 So. Mut.
Ins. Bldg. Georgia Junk & Coal Co., 320 Foundry St., J. M. Weatherly, agt. Georgia Loan Co.. private bankers. A. Flatau, mgr., 106 Hodg-
son-Shackelford Bldg. Georgia National Bank, J. J. Wilkins, Pres., cor. College ave. and
Clayton, So. Mut. Ins. Bldg. Georgia Railroad Pass, and Frt. Depot, H. H. Brand, agt.. Broad,
Cor. Ga. Ry. Georgia Stone Co., The, monuments, W. R. Mathis, mgr., 125V&
Clayton. Georgian Hotel, The, cor Washington and Jackson. Gerard. Jack, c, res 223 Lyndon ave. *Gerard, John, (Annie), c, brickmason, res 223 Lyndon ave. Gerdine. Corinne Miss, student S. N. S., res 347 Hill. Gerdine. John, res 124 E Hancock ave.



145 E. Clayton, St.

Telephone 147

Dead<wyler Wood & Coal Co.


Office and Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. I'hoiu- 495.



Gerdine, Linton, student U. of G., res 124 E Hancock ave.


Gerdine, Marion Miss, res 1 24 E Hancock ave.

Gerdine, Mary E. Miss, res 124 E Hancock ave.

Gerdine, Sarah H. Miss, res 124 E Hancock ave.

Gerdine, Susan G. Mrs., res 124 E Hancock ave.

Gerdine, Susie Miss, principal L. C. I., res Lucy Cobb Institute.

Gerrard, Wm., student U. of G.. res 287 Pulaski.

*Geter, Dink, (Ida), c, res nr 135 First.


Geter, Esitell. c, res nr 135 First.


Geter, Mattie, c, nurse, res nr 135 First.

Gholston, Emma, c, laundress, res 330 Macon ave.

*Gholston, .1. T., (B. C.), emp Epps Wilkins Co., res 290 Barber.

Gholston, Lillian, c, res 987 Reese.

Gholston, Mollie Miss, res 290 Barber.

Gholston, Sarah, c, laundress, res 330 Macon ave.

*Gibbs, Chas.. (, r, emp Athens Oil Mill, res 664 Hull.

Gibbs, Mary Miss, bds 270 Water.

Gibson, Johanna Miss, opr. So. Bell Tel. Co.. res 224 Baxter.

*Gibson, O. C. Mrs., res 224 Baxter.

Gibson, Thos. B., res 224 Baxter.

Gibson, W. M., student. U. of G.. bds 464 College ave.

Gilbert, Bessie, c, laundress, res 144 Willow.

Gilbert, Ella, c. student, bds 223 Finley.

Gilbert. Eugenie, c, student, bds 223 Finley.

Gilbert, Georgia, c. teacher, bds 223 Finley.

Gilbert, Pearl Miss, clerk Michael's, res 357 Oconee.

Gilbert, Robt., c. student, bds 223 Finley.

* Giles, G. W., (Perile), emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 175 Peters.

Giles, J. K., student U. of G.. rm 26 Candler Hall.

* Giles, Mary Mrs., res 369 Finley.

Giles, Sarah Miss, res 126 Poplar.

Gillam. Clifford, c. carp, res 274 Arch.

Gillam, Ella, c, res 274 Arch.

Gillam. Eula. c. res 274 Arch.

Gillam, Lizzie, c, emp Abe Joel's, res 327 Vine.

^Gilam. Moses. (Eliza), brickmason. res 327 Vine.

Gillam. Odis. carp, res 274 Arch.

Gillam, Pearline. c, cook, res 327 Vine.

Gillam. Sam. c, res 274 Arch.

*Gillam, Wm., (Nancy), c, lab, res 274 Arch.

Gilleland, C. E. Mrs., clerk Michael Bros., res 393 S Jackson.



PRiiiEuSuSm INGu



V M O A Ql_O'<3

Everything in China, Glass, Tin and Enamelware at the--

3|iujgins (Ehina




Gilleland, J. W.. clerk E. D. Sledge, res Mitchell bridge road, bey. city limit.
Gilleland. Minerva Mrs., res 393 S Jackson. * Gillette. Felix. (Margaret), c. lab. res 269 Newton. Gill-ham. Delia, c, res 347 Augusta ave. Gillliam, Howard, c. emp Hardeman & Phinizy, res 347 Augusta
Gillham. Mark. c. lab. res 347 Augusta ave. Gillham, Mary, c. laundress, res 347 Augusta ave. Gillham. Susie, c. res 347 Augusta ave. Gilloland. Jane Mrs., res 726 Pulaski. Gilmore, Fannie Mrs., res 712 N Jackson. Ginn, Amy Elizabeth Mrs., res 625 N Lumpkin. Ginn, C. M., student U. of G., bds 178 W. Dougherty. *Ginn, James Thos., (Anna), clerk Geo. H. Hulme, res 165 State. Ginn, Mary Miss, res Water St. Ginn. Vesta Miss, res 625 N Lumpkin. Ginners' Mutual Ins. Co.. Fire Ins., home office. M. M. Stephenson,
secy., 618 So. Mut. Ins. Bldg. Girvin. Lizzie, c, res 882 Reese. Girvin. Rosa. c. res 1270 N Broad. *Glass. Benj., (Hannah), emp E. P. Fears, res 215 Chase. 'Glazier. Ed.. (Gertrude), clerk Abe Joel, res 2f>7 Dougherty. Gleason. Rosa Miss, res 392 Peters. Glenn. Alien, student U. of G.. bds 226 Dougherty. Glenn. Easter, c, cook Geo. T. Hodgson, res 334 Prince ave. Glenn. Enla May Miss, trained nurse St. Mary's Hospital, res same *Glenn. Holmes, (Lizzie), c, lab. res 460 Fourth. Glenn. Janie. c. laundress, res 1223 E Oconee. *Glenn. Jas. M., (Hattie), c. carp, res 515 Reese. Glenn. .T. W. Mrs., res 296 Dougherty. Glenn. Martha Miss, res 350 Madison. Glenn. Mary M. Miss, res 350 Madison ave. Glenn, Paul L.. res 350 Madison ave. *Glenn. W. J.. (Telithacum), grocer, nr 350 Madison ave., res
same. Glaston. Henry, c. lab. res 524 Arch. Gober. \V. M.. student F. of G., rms 375 S Lumpkin. Godfrey, Grace, res 375 Peters. Godfrey. Harry, res 375 Peters. Godfrey. Louis, office boy Ford & Co.. res 375 Peters.

VlftflR FNFRRY ) TIUUIl) LIILI1UI Perfect Rest Of Body.

are resultant of a nights' good rt'st Vou cannot ^et such rest ]vv MM on Cotton Mattress. Buy a "Maid
(>f Athens Mattress" and insure jH.-rfi-1't rest of l>olv.

We move Household Goods. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



* Godfrey, W. D., (Mattie L.), carp, res 375 Peters. *Goldwasser, Benj., (Esther), dry goods, 195 E Clayton. res 373
VV Hancock ave. Goodrum. Adah Mrs., res 368 Oconee. G-oldstein, Clara Mrs., res 164 E Strong. *Good, Chas., (Sallie), c, stonemason, res 183 John. Good, Chas. Jr., c, emp Klein & Martin, res 183 John. *Goodson, Robt., (Clara), emp So. Mfg. Co., res 148 Hiawassee. Goolsby, Birdie, c, res 248 Arch. *Goolsby, Ed, (Cindy), c, emp Empire Chem. Co., res 248 Arch. *Goolsby, Flem, (F'annie), c, driver Webh & Crawford, res 175
Pearl. *Goolsby, Ike, (Lucy), c, lab So. Ref. Co., res 160 Willow. Goolsby, John, c, grocer, next 248 Arch. *Goolsby, James, (Carrie), c, lab University farm, res opp. 190
Field. *Goolby, Levi, (Fannie), c, lab Ga. Brick Co., res 127 John. *Goolsby, Lucius, (Frances), c. lab Ga. Brick Co., res 887 Water. Goolsby, Lucy, c, restaurant 142 X Jackson, res 160 Willow. * Goolsby, Mary Willis, c, laundress, res 887 Wa>ter. Goolsby, Madeline, c. laundress, res 248 Vine. Goolsby, Sylvia, c, waitress, res 160 Willow. *Gooseby, C. D., (Fanny), c, minister, res 670 Hull. Gooseby, Jessie, c, res 670 Hull. Gooseby, Lizzie, c, res 670 Hull. Gooseby, Mattie, c, res 670 Hull. Gooseby, Mollie, c. res 670 Hull. *Core. T. H.. (Helen). Mgr. West. I'nion Tel. Co.. res 724 Cobb. *Gordon, Boyd, (Sweet), c, drayman, res 1536 N Broad. *Gordon, Hugh H. Jr., (Nannette). Empire State Chem. Co.. res
101 Prince ave. * Gordon, Jas. A.. (Anna), res 240 Cherry. Gordon, Lucy Miss, dressmaker, res 396 Boulevard. *Gordon. Walter. (Nancy), c, emp Athens Electric Ry.. res r 5fi8
Pulaski. Gorey, Engene, c, laundress, res 465 Reese. Gorey, Lou Mrs., peddler, res 140 Ware. Gordy, Jack, c, lab, res 114 Rock Spring. "'Gordy. John. (Margaret), <:. driver Frank Tpson. res r 137
Xacoochee ave. Gordy. Mattie, c, res 114 Rock Spring.

Anything from a ftoo k TO Visiting Card

When in need of Sanitary Plumbing
CALL_ON_D. W. & J. S. BAILEY 376 Wash'on St.



Goss. Agnes Miss, res 277 Hancock ave. *Goss. I. H. Dr.. (Virginia), physician, office 227 College ave.,
res 277 \V Hancock ave.
Goss. Leila Miss, res 277 Hancock ave.
Goss. Lizzie Miss, res 270 China. *Goss. Matt-hew. (Jane), farmer, res 230 Branch. Goss. Rosa -Miss, res 270 China. *Gottheimer, H. Mrs., res 267 Dougherty. Grady. Sarah, c, student, bds 346 Pope. *Graham. C. D.. (Bertha), clerk .1. S. Bernstein, res 366 Strong. Graham. Howard, clerk Athens Cigar Store, res 366 Strong. Graham. Jerry, c, lab. res 840 Water. *Grayham, Jefferson, (Maude), emp Athens Mattress & Spring
Bed Co.. bds 709 X Thomas. *Graham. H.. (Birdie), emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 174 Bryan. Graham, Rosa, c, res 223 Church. Graham. S. A. Mrs., res 366 Strong. Graham, Willie May Miss, slenogr. Ga. \Man Co., res 366 Strong. *Graham, Wm.. (Minnie), drayman, res 542 W Broad. Grant. Daisy, c, res l.">0 Warsaw. Grant. Dora. c. laundress, res 187 Valley. *Grant. J.. (Evvie), emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 129 Bryan. Grant, John, c. lab, res 149 Warsaw. Grant. Katherine Miss, res 64.5 Boulevard. Grant, Moena. c, res 1S7 Valley. Grant. Ruben. c, farmer, res 150 Warsaw. Granton. Mollie Miss, res 1375 Oconee. Granton, P., student I", of G.. bds 398 Milledge ave. Gravely. C. W., operator Western Union, bds 223 Xantahala ave. Gray. Buster, c, domestic F. G. BircJimore, res 17S W ancock ave. Gray. Harold, c. res 270 Billups. *Gray. L., (Maning), c, brickmason, res 270 Billups. Gray, Lula. c, laundress, res 369 Meigs. Gray. Mary Jane, c, res 369 Meigs. *Gray, W. S.. (Sylvester), bldg. contractor, res 419 Boulevard. *Greason. Dick, (Prise-ilia). c, drayman, res 320 Cleveland ave. Greason, Joe. c. cook, bds 130 Valley. Gregory, Chas., c. emp Cota Cola Bot. Co., res 195 Green. Gregory. Ellen, c. laundress, res 195 Green. Gregory, Lena, c, res 420 Finley. *Gregory. Mac.. (Mary), c, emp Athens Compress, res 420 Finley.


156 College Ave.

Phone 345

Athens. Gn.

R. 15 RAX [ )T

Absolutely Reliable-Eyes
fitted with Spectacles
Sovi - Mutual Building.



Gregory, Preston, c, res 420 Pinley. Gregory, Shepard, c. emp in Chattanooga, res 420 Finley. Gregory, Willie, c. lab, res 420 Finley. Greir, Arthur, cotton buyer, bds 130 Grady ave. *Green, A., (Sarah), night watchman Athens Ice & Coal Co.,
res 280 Derby. Green, Alice, c, laundress, res 253 Compress. Green, Andrew, res 1397 Hancock ave. Green, Augustus, c, res 634 Foundry. Green. Charles, emp Athens Mfg. Co., bds 457 Baldwin. *Green, C. W., (lizzie), res 460 Meigs. Green, Ellen, c, res 634 Foundry. Green, Geneva Miss, student L. C. 1., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Green, H. T.. clerk Hotel Green, 115 Lumpkin. *Green, .T. M., (J. M.), prop. Green Hotel, 115 Tjiimpkin. Green, Lila, c, nurse, res 25:! Compress. Green, Louise, c. teacher, res 872 Broad. Green, Lucy, c, laundress, res 823 College ave. Green, Lula. c, laundress, res 197 Billups. *Green, M. T.. (Grace), policeman, res 164 State. Green, Sallie, c, laundress, res 157 Crawford ave. Green. Silemma, c. laundress, res 634 Foundry. Green, Stella, c, cook, res 140 Hendrick ave. Green. Sydney, c, carpenter, res 872 Broad. Green. Whattie, res 153 Park ave. Green ,Willie. c, lab, res 872 Broad. Green, Wm., res 1397 Hancock ave. Green, Wm., c. res 197 Billups. Green, Ulysee, res 1397 Hancock ave. *Green, Thos. F.. (Hope L.). atty, office Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg.,
res 1143 Prince ave. *Greenhill. G. L., (Marie), ins. agt.. office 160V2 Jackson, res
268 River. Greenway*. Hattie Mrs., res 153 Park ave. Greenwood, Milton, c. hackman. bds 340 River. Gresham, Adeline, c, laundress, res 148 Willow. Gresham, Alex, c, waiter Green Hotel, res 478 Strong. *Gresham, Clem, (Ella), c, well digger, res Water bet. Third
and Odd. *Gresham, Dave. (Minerva), c. res 259 Newton. Gresham, Dora, c, laundress, res 375 Cleveland ave. Gresham, Ellen, c, res Water bet. Third and Odd.

You have faith in your own products

Our products are home made. Honest material and workmanship are the virtues combined in construction of our harness and leather ijoods.


Clavton St.

R. T. DuBose


City Property a Specialty



Gresham. Geo. \V.. c. physician, office 317 Pope, res 1043 Reese. *Greshani. Henry, (Mary), c, lab, res 623 Vine. Gresham. Julia, c. char woman Mut. Ins. bldg., res 478 Strong. *Gresham. Logan. (May), c, restaurant 120 E Clayton. res 1043
Reese. Gresham. Mattie B.. c, res 1043 Reese. Gresham, Nega. c. cook, res 1043 Reese. Gresham, O. M., student U. of G., bds 535 Prince ave. Gresham, Parnell, c, res 623 Vine. Gresham, Seymore, c, lab, res 623 Vine. Gresham. Viola, c, res 623 Vine. Gribben, Patrick Henry, student U. of G., bds 398 Mil ledge ave. Grier, Bertha Miss, trained nurse St. Mary's Hospital, res same. Grier, Candy, c. res r 240 Hull. Grier, Hannah, c. rook Thos. Bailey, res r 240 Hull. Grier, J. A. Mrs., bds 305 S Jackson. Grier, Sallie, c, res 147 Franklin ave. Griffeth. A. E.. Secy. So. Mutual Ins. Co., res 187 Milledge ave. Griffeth. A. V. Mrs., res 793 W Hancock ave. *Griffeth, C. B.. (Francis I.), Griffeth & Welch, cotton factors,
res 654 Milledge ave. Griffeth. Cornelia, c. cook, res r 554 Hancock ave. Griffeth, Francis E., Griffeth Imp. Co., res 253 E Dougherty. Griffeth. Fred. c. res 136 Trail Creek. *Griffeth. F. P.. (Myra). prop. Athens Cycle Co., res 1020 Lump-
kin. Griffeth, G. E. Mrs., res 253 E Dougherty. Griffeth, George, drayman, res 297 Oak. Griffeth. Guy. res 897 Prince ave. Griffeth, Gwendolyn Miss, res 654 Milledge ave. Griffeth Implement Co., vehicles and harness. 45C and 464 E
Broad. *Griffeth. J. D., (Addie), emp Athens Mfg. Co.. res 280 Williams. *Griffeth, J. D.. (Elizabeth), res 248 River. Griffeth, Jesse Miss, opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 457 Baldwin. *Griffeth. J. H.. (Lillian B.). Miller & Co., res 897 Prince ave. Griffeth, J. J., emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 297 Oak. Griffeth, Jno. H.. Griffeth Im. Co., res 253 E Dougherty. Griffeth. Julia Miss, res 324 Ga. Depot St. Griffeth. Jurell Miss, res 324 Ga. Depot St. *Griffeth. L. C.. (Nanny), opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 457 Baldwin.
JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils. Varnishes, (/lass. Putty ami Artist Maierials Contract for House ami Siyn Painting ami Paper
Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton ami Jackson Sts.

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES We put them on
ALLEN H. TALMAGE 240-252 N. Lumpkin



Griffeth, Lloyd, res 654 Milledge ave. GriffetJi, Loucile Miss, res 897 Prince ave. Griffeth, lively Miss, opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 457 Baldwin. Griffeth, Lucy Miss, res 793 Hancock ave. Griffeth, Lula Miss, res 253 E Dougherty. Griffeth, Lydia Miss, res 654 Milledge ave. Griffeth, Mary Ann, c, res 136 Trail Creek. Griffeth, Molly Bell Miss, opr. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 457 Baldwin. Griffeth, Newt, brickmason, res 324 Ga. Depot St. Griffeth, Pearl Miss, res 297 Oak. Griffeth. Peman, res 324 Ga. Depot St. Griffeth, Roy, student U. of G., rm 29 Candler Hall. Griffeth, Robt., res 187 Milledge ave. 'Griffeth, Walter, (Annie Lee), c, lab res 193 Little. Griffeth, Walton, student U. of G., res 187 Milledge ave. Griffith & Welch, cotton factors, 163 Clayton. 'Griffeth. Wm. G., (Blanche), Griffeth Imp. Co., res 253 E
Dougherty. *Griffeth, Zack, (Ida), c, lab. res 136 Trail Creek. *Griggs, E. L., (E. L.) , Prof. Drawing U. of Ga., res 264 Dearing. Grimes, Mary, c, laundress, res r 634 Prince ave. Grissom, Harrison, c, emp Orr Drug Co., res r 390 Lumpkiii. Grissom, Sallie, c, cook, res r 390 Lumpkin. Grizzard, Eliza Mrs., res 270 Baxter. Guess, G. W. Mrs., clerk Michael Bros., res 297 Baxter. *Guest, F. .!., (Nealie), conductor Athens Elec. Ry., res Boulevard,
bey. city limit. *Gunnels. Wylie, (Hattie), emp Klein & Martins, res 395 Ga.
Depot St. Gunter, Fannie Mrs., res 256 Ga. Depot St. Gunter. Lillian Miss, emp Athens Mfg. Co.. res 785 Oconee. Gunter, M. A. Mrs., res 197 Mitchell. *Gury. A. .!., (Bertie), migr. Ga. Ferro Concrete Co.. res 196
W Hancock ave. Gurvin, Rosa, c. res 1270 W Broad. Gwin, C. P., (Isadore), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 1045 Prince ave. Gwin, Thos. J.. clerk Sou. Mfg. Co., res 1045 Prince ave. *Gynn. W. .1., (Corlesta), emp Empire Chem. Wks., res 140 Arch.

If you arc looking for the one softilrink which is known as the world's Favorite,
we have it. You can't ijet it anywhere else, this is the ma-k of distinction. See
that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims

No compromise, no delays, no technicalities.

Ynn Cot tho Mnnov


IUU UCI IIIC mUMCJi phone 7J, Southern Mutual Building.



Hackett, Mittie W. Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 146 Bryan. "Hackelt, Thomas, (Elizabeth), emp So. Mfg. Co., res 146 Bryan. Hackney, Janie, c, res r 1135 Prince ave. Hadaway, C. J., harness maker, res 349 Finley. Hadaway. Conrad, res 349 Finley. Hadaway, Lillian Miss, res 349 Finley. Hadaway, Milton, marble cutter Bell Bros., res 349 Finley. Haddock, Agnes Miss, res 545 Pulaski. Haddock, Annie Miss, res 545 Pulaski. *Haddock, Isaac, (Sarah), res 545 Pulaski. Haddock, Lelia Miss, res 545 Pulaski. Haddock, Marguerite Miss, res 545 Pulaski. Haddock. Nancy Miss, res 545 Pulaski. *Haddock, Win., (Sarah E.). grocer 130 Lyndon ave., res 297
Prince ave. "Hailey, Frank M., (Ethel), V-Pres. Bailey Sup. Co., res 148
Dougherty. Hairston. R. P., emp S. Bluhm, Swift bldg., bds 724 Hancock ave. Hale, Brantley, emp Athens Oil Mill, res 198 Waddell. Hale, Burney, emp Athens Oil Mill, res 198 Waddell. *Hale, E. G., (Dona), mgr. The Harawa, res 140 Barrow. *Hale, E. H., (Annie), retired physician, res 150 Barrow. Hale. Elizabeth Miss, trained nurse St. Mary's Hospital, res 360
Milledge ave. Hale. Everett, agt. Continental Casualty Co., office 154% E Clay-
ton, bds 775 N Jackson. Hale, Florence M-iss, cashier Harawa Cafe, res 150 Barrow. Hale, Fredonia Miss, res 150 Barrow. Hale, Gussie Miss, dressmaker, res 447 E Hancock ave. Hale, Goss, emp Athens Banner, res 120 Barrow. Hale. Inez Miss, res 198 Waddell. Hale, Lucy Miss, res 150 Barrow. Hale, Mary Miss, teacher, res 150 Barrow. Hale, R. L. Mrs., trained nurse, res 120 Barrow. Hale, Robert, emp Athenaeum Hotel, res 120 Barrow. *Hale, Sam, (Ella), c, carpenter, res 137 Dearing. *Hale, W. H., (Elizabeth), res 198 Waddell. Hales, Clinton, c, lab, U. of Ga. farm, res r 1234 Lumpkin.


Portable and Stationary
Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors, Pumps and Fittings, Wood Saws, Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys,-Belting, Gasoline Engines, Mill Supplies and Repairs.
Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works and Supply Store,



228 1-2 Clayten Street

OffflcPlM>M 177

RMidrace Pk*M 591


0 i "If a man can write a better book, preach a
8 j better sermon or make a better mouse trap I than his neighbor, though he build his house O } in the woods, the world will make a beaten I path to his door." Emerson.
O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

8 This is best exemplified by the work we produce. If you are particular about the monumental O

Jj work that you are going to buy, see us and rest as- J!

0 sured that we will fill your order with delightful 0

oO satisfaction.


0 Monuments of Marble and Granite. a Iron Fence For Cemeteries
and Lawns.

The Georgia Stone Co.

125 1-2 East CUyton Street


Phone 466.

Box 187. Q


Covering Sickness, Accident, Quarantine, Surgeons Fees, Hospital Charges, Etc. Telephone 71.



Hales, Dubois, c, emp S. L. Church & Co., res r 1234 Lumpkin. Hales, Jas., res r 1234 Lumpkin. Hales, Leila, c, laundress, res r 1234 Lumpkin. Hales, Lou Willie, c, laundress, res r 1234 Lumpkin. Hales, Stonewall, c, lab, res r 1234 Lumpkin. Hall, Cleo Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 378 Oak. Hall, Ed P., student U. of Ga., bds 150 Barber. *Hall, James, (Mabel), c, emp G. M. Booth, res 390 Augusta ave. Hall, Jessie Mrs., emp Climax Mill, res 378 Oak. *Hall, Jno., (Carrie), c, lab, res 640 Broad. Hall, Julia, c, laundress, res r 296 Broad. Hall, Loucinda, c, laundress, res ISO Rock Spring. Hall, Loutitia, c, laundress, rf-s r 126 Milledge ave. *Hall, Wm., (L. G.), c, plasterer, 696 Hoyt. *Ham, Aleck, (Lavonia), c, emp Empire Chem. Wks., res 335
Vine. Hamilton, Anna Miss, res 224 S Milledge ave. Hamilton, Early, res 240 Baldwin. Hamilton, Emma, c, cook, res r 725 Cobb. *Hamilton, Fred, (Maude), carpenter) res Peiters. Hamilton, Guy, res Peters. Hamilton, Howell, res 240 Baldwin. Hamilton, Ina May Miss, clerk Michael Bros., res 285 Bloomfield. ""Hamilton, J. T., (Louisa), res 495 Baxter. *Hamtilton, M., (Verna), paimter, res 240 Baldwin. Hamilton, Mary Miss, res 224 S Milledge ave. amilton, Robt., c, res r 925 S Milledge ave. Hamilton, Samuel, c, porter Hotel Green, bds 558 W Broad. 'Hamilton, W. J., (Teanna), painter, res 285 Bloomfield. " Hamilton, W. T., (Sallie), physician, office 154% E Clayton,
res Peters. Ham mack, L. D., carpenter, res 324 Bloomfield. *Hammack, L. E., (Maggie), carpenter, res 324 Bloomfield. Hammett, Andrew, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 217 Chattanooga ave. Hamimett, Lucy Mrs., res 217 Chattanooga ave. Hammett, Mary Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 217 Chattanooga ave. Hammett, Murphy, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 217 Chattanooga ave. Hammett, Nettie Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 217 Chattanooga
ave. Hammond, Asa, res 175 Elwood ave. Hammond, E. G., (Minnie), carp, res r 156 Herring.


For all Kinds of Repair Work IN THE TINNING LINE

Phone 111


465 ^ Clavton St.

Robert Toombs DuBose, Agent

Southern Mutual Insurance Co.

Phone 450-Office

Company's Building 616



*Hamniond. Frank, (Carrie), barber Cooper's shop, res 175 Elwood a\e.
Hammond, Gus, barber, Bryant's shop, res 175 Elwood ave. Hammond. Johnnie, c, res 293 Macon ave. Hammond. Laura Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 175 Elwood ave. Hammond, Leila, c, res 293 Macon ave. Hammond. Mattie Miss, bds 327 Oconee. Hammond. Odessa, c. res 293 Macon ave. * Hammond. P. W., (Georgia), carp, res 175 Elwood ave. Hammond, Quilla Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 175 Elwood ave. " Hammond, Sam. (lx>ra), c, lab, res 293 Macon ave. " Hammondtree. Wm.. (Sarah), res 1624 E Broad. Hampkin, Tom, c, lab, res 165 Valley. Hampton, Belle Miss, res 180 Winburn Place. Hampton. Mollie Mrs., res 180 Winburn Place. Hampton, R. I. Mrs., res E Hampton ave. Hampton, Sibyl Miss, res 180 Winburn Plaice. * Hansford, J. G., (Olive), carpenter, res 2.70 Baldwin. Hansford, Wootson, carpenter, res 270 Baldwin. *Hancock, A. C., (Lula), trav. salesman Arnold Gro. Co., res
512 N Jackson. * Hancock, R. J., (Hattie), trav. salesman Webb & Crawford, res
558 Meigs. Hancock, Sarah S. Mrs., res 558 Meigs. Hancock. W. 1-., Coal Co., W. L. Hancock, mgr., College ave.,
nr. S. A. 1,. R. R. Hancock, W. L., mgr. W. L. Hancock Coal Co., res 558 Meigs. *Haney, Wm., (Dorchie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 217 Chatta-
nooga ave. Hanford, Edna Mrs., res 151 Miles. Hannah, Jessie Miss, milliner Abe Joel's, bds 196% Washington. * Hansford. M. C., (Lula), car]), res nr 265 Peters. Hansan, Eugenic Miss, res 120 Hancock ave. Happ, Willie, student U. of G., bds 154 Hancock ave. Harawa Cafe, The, E. G. Hale, prop., 171 College ave. Harber, T. A., student U. of G., res 375 S Lumpkin. Harbin, Audeley, res 545 Prince ave. Harbin, Fred, clerk J. A. Harbin, res 545 Prince ave. *Harbin, J. A.. (Mattie), grocer 553 Prince ave, res 545 same. Harbin. Mary Lou Miss, res 220 Xan-tahala ave. Harbin. May Miss, student Wellesley College, res 545 Prince ave.
Wingfield Cash Grocery Company*01-1* A-.KNTS FOR


A Dream of Luxury and Ease

Is the result of a nights' rest on a "Maid of Athens" Mattress . . . . .

Sold by all Dealers here



* Harbin, O. C., (Mary), steam roller opr. city, res 220 Xantahala ave.
Harbin, Ruby Miss, teacher public school, res .~>45 Prince ave. Harbin, Troy, res 545 Prince ave. *Hardeman, B. Frank, (Annie). Hardemau & Phinizy, res 436
Dearing. Hardeman, Chas., c, res 183 Lyndon Row. Hardeman, Julia, c, nurse, res 644 Hull. Hardeman. Mary Hannah, c, res 386 Odd. Hardman & Phinizy. cotton factors, office 5S4V& Broad, cor.
Oconee. *Hardeman, Tom, (Annie), c, lab, res 386 Odd. *Hardenvan, Walter. (Mary), c, barber, 163 E Broad, res 183
Lyndon Row.
Harden, Chas., c, res 247 Pope. Harden, Clara Miss, music teacher, res 234 Hancock ave. Harden, Edgar, c, lab, res 247 Pope. "Harden, John, (Tommie), c, lab, res nr. 646 Fifth. Harden, Lou Jane.'c. laundress, res 187 Flint. Harden, May, c, cook, res 247 Pope. Harden, Mary, c, laundress, res 247 Pope. Hardiman. Emma Miss, stenogr. S. A. L. Ry., bds Y. \V. G
A. boarding home. Hardiman, Goden Miss, emip Climax Mills, res 923 Oconee. Hardiman. Laura Mrs., emp Climax Mills, res 923 Oconee. Hardiman, Otto, plumber D. H. Bailey, res 923 Oconee. Hardisty. Y. R., student U. of G., res 264% X Lumpkin. Harden. Ann, c, res 748 Hull. Hardman, Eugene, c, res 623 Hull. Hardman, Fred, em V. S. post office, bds 464 College ave. Hardman. Mary. c. cook, res 623 Hull. Hardy, Cindy Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 151 Miles. *Hargrove, A. G., (Lily), fireman Ga. R. R., res 164 E Strong. *Harkins. O. H., (Nancy B.), emp Bell Bros. Marble Wks, res
886 College ave. Harlowe, Kate Miss, milliner Michael Bros., res 393 E Dougherty. *Harper, A. B. (Fannie), bkkpr. Dornblatt Plum. Co.. res 186
Foundry. Harper, Augusta, c, laundress, res 153 Valley. Harper, Albert, bkkpr. Epps-Wilkins Co., res 186 Foundry. Harper, Chas., c, res nr 453 Oak.

iBy Buying Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes,
Cloth Brushes, Nail Brushes, etc., from


225 Clayton St

For Tin Roofing, Guttering and Sheet Metal Work See

D. W. & J. S. BAILEY

All kinds of repairing done 376 Washington St.



*Harper, C. E., (Anna Bell), clerk G. M. R. R., res 435 E Dough. erty.
Harper, Duey, res 186 Foundry. Harper, Daisy Miss, cashier Michael Bros., res 465 Jackson. Harper, Dolph, fireman C. of Ga. Ry., res 465 Jackson. Harper, Fred, c, emp Athens Compress, res 168 Pope. Harper, Henry, c. farm lab. res nr 453 Oak. *Harper, H. B.. (Emma), physician, res 763 Prince ave. Harper. Jas., res 763 Prince ave. *Harper, Jake, (Mattie), c, emp Athens Compress, res 168 Pope. Harper, Lillian E., res 935 Oconee. Harper, Mamie, c, laundress, res nr 453 Oak. Harper, Martha, c. res 523 Elbert. Harper, Mary, c, res 523 Elbert. Harper, May Miss, res 763 Prince ave. Harper, Ruth Miss, stenogr. Jno. A. Darwin, bds 364 N Thomas. Harper, Roy. res 186 Foundry. Harper, Ruth Miss, stenogr. Sou. Mut. Ins. Co., bds 411,N Thomas Harper, Sarah Mrs., res 465 Jackson. *Harper, Tony, (Mamie), c, lab city, res 345 Cleveland ave. "Harper, Upson, (Susie), engineer So. Mut. Ins. Bldg., res 935
Oconee. Harris, Addie, c, laundress, res r 295 Oconee. Harris, Amanda, c. nurse, res r 540 Prince ave. "Harris, Anderson, (Lucy), c, emp Jos. M. Hodgson, res W Wad-
dell. Harris, Annie, c, res W Waddell. *Harris. B. Yancey, (Daisy), bkkpr. Athens Savings Bank, re
1185 Prince ave. Harris, Carrie, c. emp skating rink, res 157 Church. Harris, Cecil Lee, res 360 Lyndon ave. Harris, Clyde, c, res 120 Valley. Harris, Coley, Jr.. c, res 1263 W Broad. * Harris, Coley, (Carrie), c, glacier, res 1263 W Broad. Harris. Cornelia, c. res 132 Pope. *Harris. D., (Lula). c, emp Young's Stables, res 195 Fifth. * Harris. Davis. (Lizzie), c. lab. res 163 Valley. Harris. Earnest, res 656 Lumpkin. Harris. Elias, c, res 148 Rock Spring. Harris, Ellen, c, laundress, res 668 Hull. Harris, Fredrika, c, res 446 Reese.
Smith Premier Typewriter Company
1S0eevitshieblNeewwrMition.lgel No /( 1i TMi s rp/cjaifc*nhttrr*e*c a<*tt., /A\utlaannttaa,

The Continental Casualty Co. has enabled many a man.


^ ^ ^ ^ iHHH when sick or hurt to still

meet his obligations. Fire ami Life Insurance premiums paid inanv a time from the indemnity fund which the Continental had
paid'. Then see____E. T. HALE, District Manager.



Harris, Hattie, c, cook Prof. Strahan, res rear of C. M. Stahan, campus.
Harris, Hattie May, c, res 446 Reese. Harris, Henrietta, c, nurse, res 1249 W Broad. Harris, Hugh, res 1185 Prince ave. Harris. Haskin, c, emp W. R. Cooper's Market, res 163 Valley. Harris, Inez, c, res 493 Third. *"Harris, .1. K., (Annie B.), trav. salesman, res 196 X Milledge
ave. *Harris, J. S., (Dora), ins. agt., res 656 X Lumpkin. * Harris. J. W., (Wortie), bkkpr. Geo. H. Hulme, res 297 Frank-
lin. *Harris, James, (Evie), c, lab, res 120 Valley. Harris, James Gray, c, emp Dr. T. E. Jago, res 623 X Milledge
ave. Harris, Jane, c, res 180 Stephens. *"Harris, Jim, (Mary), c, drayman Carlton's Stable, res 140
Valley. Harris, Jim, c, brickmason, bds 160 Valley. *"Harris, Joseph, (Mary), c, emp city, res 140 Pearl. Harris, Julia, c, laundress, res 197 Bridge. Harris, Lee, c, lab, res 190 Hendricks ave. Harris, Lizzie, c, cook, res 298 Lyndon ave. Harris, Luther L., c, res 483 Broad. Harris, Mamie, c, res 623 X Milledge ave. Harris, Margaret, c, laundress, res 197 Bridge. Harris, Martha Miss, dressmaker, res 230 Derby. Harris, Millie, c. laundress, res 226 Flint. Harris, Nancy Mrs., res 185 Poplar. Harris, Nancy, c, cook, res 94S Reese. Harris, Clauda, c, res 157 Church. Harris, Ophelia, c, laundress, res 129 Rutherford. Harris, Oscar, c, res 163 Valley. Harris, Rhoderick B.. c, res 446 Reese. * Harris, Richard. (Addie), c, lab. res 14S Rock Spring. *Harris, R. L., (Sylvia), c, emp Lyndon Mfg. Co.. res 493 Thirl. Harris, Robt., c, emp city res 226 Flint. Harris. Robt. Jr., c, em,p city, res 226 Flint. *"Harris, R. S., (Lucy Bird), engineer S. A. L. Ry., res 8so Col-
lege ave. ""Harris, R. S.. (Thenie B.), c. barber shop 1S4 E Clayton. res
623 N Milledge ave.


Spring Cleaning

That it is very essential to have your mattresses thoroughly renovated during the period. Germ infested Mattresses are not

conducive to sjfood health. Phone 157 for prices

MARTIN ,J. ABNEY, INSURANCE Life. Accident. Health, Disability, Fidelity, Residence, Hur^lary, Ktc. Phone 71, Suite 5J5-5J6 Southern Mutual Building.



Harris, Ruth Miss, bds 390 Water. Harris. S. F.. c, Prin. Athens High and Industrial School. re<?
1249 \V Broad. Harris. Sallie. c. laundress, res 190 Hendrick ave. Harris. Sam. c, res 197 Bridge. Harris. Sammie. res 230 Derby. Harris. Samuel, r. emp Lyndon Mfg. Co.. res 493 Third. * Harris, Swoards. (Sarah), c. drayman, res 39S Elbert. * Harris. T. C., (Leona), clerk ]ost office, res 170 Baxter. * Harris, T. Y.. (Jessie), prop Boston Bakery, res S67 College ave. * Harris. Tom. (Julia), c. lab. res r 137 Nacoochee ave. * Harris. Tom. (Marian), blacksmith, res 160 Macon ave. Harris. Tommie, c. res 148 Rock Spring. Harris. I'lyses, c. res 148 Rock Spring. Harris. Vivian, student I*, of G.. bds 255 Washington. *Harris. \V., (Leila), cotton buyer, res 149 Dougherty. * Harris. \V. H.. (Janie B.), c. physician, office 1 4 4 l/2 E Clayton,
res 446 Reese. Harris. \Vm.. emp Max Joseph, res 157 Church. Harris. \Vm. Henry, c, res 195 Fifth. * Harris, \Vm. M., ( M. A.), c, emj) city, res 34G Pope. Harris. Willie. c. lab, res W Waddell. *Harris, Willis, (Emma), c, emp city, res 120 Valley. Harris. Yancey. c. res 120 Valley. *Harrison. E. L.. (Latimer), carpenter, res 749 Boulevard. Harrison. .1. M., carpenter, bds 749 Boulevard. Harrison, Ix>ucile Miss, teacher, bds 690 Hancock ave. Harrison. Thos.. c, blacksmith, res 115 Newton. Harrison. Virginia Mrs., res :!90 Hancock ave. *Hart. Jas. F.. (Eva), bkkpr. Hardeman & Phinizy, res 29S Hull. *Hart. L. C., (Margaret). Prof. Farm Mechanics State College
of Agricul.. res 149 Waddell. Hart, Mary C. Mrs., grocer, 520 Water, res same. Hartley. Guy, res 126 Inadale. Hartley. Lena Miss, res 126 Inadale. *Hartley, R. .!.. (Annie), mgr. Deadwyler Wood & Coal Co.. res
126 Tnadale. * Hartley. W. E.. (Elizabeth), trav. salesman G. H. Huime & Co.,
res 1195 S Lumpkin. Harven. Bell. c. laundress, res 447 Odd. Harvey, Alice, c, res 108 John. *Harvey, C. S., (M^iry), emp city, res 320 Vine.

If you are looking for the one soft <lriuk whichis known a.s the world's
Favorite, we have it. You can't jjet it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the Town of every Iwttle.


Lipscomb & Co. ,NSU^ANCE

Office Phone 109

Office Cor. Clayton

Residence 719 _______ and College Avenue


11 !

Harvey, Jesse, c, res 320 Vine.

Harvey, Jessie, c, res 160 Strong.

Harvey, Mahanna, c. res 320 Vine. Harvey. Sam. carpenter, bds 192 Foundry. Harvey, VV'ni.. c. enip (la. Brick Co., res los .John.

*Haselton. D. P., (Zena), Music House. 1X5 College ave.. res 420 Milledge ave.
Haselton, Frederick R.. res 420 Milledge ave.

Haselton, Miriam, res 420 Milledge ave. *Hattaway, Paul. (Irene), clerk E. I. Smith Shoe Co.. res 145


Hattaway. Adolphus. c, emii Sou. Mfg. Co., res 385 Cleveland ave.

Hattaway. Mary Miss, bds 471 X Jackson.

Hatch. Hamilton, student. I", of G. bds 26-", College.

Hatcher, Cliff, student F. of G.. rm 11 Candler Hall.

Hatcher. Sam. student. 1 T . of G., bds 398 Milledge ave.

Hatcher. W. H., pharmacist McEvoy's Drug Store, bds 150 Bar-



Haudrup. Lottie, Miss, clerk Oconee Gro. Co.. res 33.~> Oconee.

Haudrup, X. W. Mrs., res 33;~> Oconee.

Haudrup, Gussie Miss, clerk Abe Joel's, res 335 Oconee.

Haudrup, .1. H.. Oconee Gro. Co., res 335 Oconee.

*Haughey, A. G., (Effle), jeweler R. Brandt, res 6S5 College ave.

Haughey, Kenneth. L., musician, res 685 College ave.

*Haughey, R. E., (Bessie), director IT. of Ga. Cadet Band, music

house and piano tuner. 185 College ave., res 747 same.

Hawkins, Harry, student I", of G.. bds 59S Milledge ave.

Hawkes. J. S.. clerk Joe \Volf. bds 353 E Dougherty.

Hawks, Obediah, clerk Bernstein's, bds :>53 Broad.

* Hawkes. L. S.. (Lillian), clerk M. & L. Morris, res 353 E


Hawks, Minnie Miss, res Si 2 X Lumpkin.

* Hawks, Sherman. (Lizzie), stock dealer, res SI 2 X Lumpkiu.

*Hawkins. Albert. (Rebecca), c, mail carrier, res 64S Hull.

* Hawkins. Able. (Millie), c, lab. res 395 Arch.

Hawkins, Beulah, c. res 883 S Lumpkin.

Hawkins, Carrie, c. res r Cloverhurst. Milledge ave.

Hawkins. Clifford, *c. res 143 Pearl. *Hawkins, David, (Lizzie), c, plasterer, res 924 Oconee.

* Hawkins, Frank, (Daisy), c, lab. res 258 Chase. *Hawkins. Fred, (Mary), c. brickmason. res 143 Pearl. Hawkins. Guy. c. res 395 Arch.

FOU iiicui C;HA.I>I-:


i!).-,. Cal1 on tne Athens Coal & Coke Co.


Real Estate

and Renting

156 College Ave.

Phone 345

Athens, (ia.



Hawkins, Gus, (Priscilla), c, emp Morris Lumber Co., res 258


Hawkins, Harry, student U. of G., hds 598 S Milledge ave.

Hawkins, Harry, res 924 Oconee.

*'Hawkins, H., (Mattie), c, drayman, res 883 S Lump kin.

*Hawkins, John, (Leila), c, cook, res r Cloverhurst, Milledge ave.

Hawkins. Jessie, c, cook, res. 648 Hull.

Hawkins, Julia, c, cook, res 148 Ohase.

*Hawkins, Jerry, (Adah), c, farmer, res 994 Oconee.

Hawkins. Lurene, c, res 924 Oconee.

Hawkins. Marie, c, res 190 Strong.

Hawkius. Magnolia, c, res 190 Strong.

* Hawkins, Perry, (Katie), lab, res 143 Pearl.

Hawkins, Peter, c, plasterer, res 924 Oconee.

Hawkins. Rosa, c, res 883 Lumpkin.


Hawkins, Robt., c, res 143 Pearl.

Hawkins. Susie, c, cook, res 39."> Arch.

* Hawkins, Ulysses, (Martha), c. barber, Palace Barber Shop, res

190 Strong.

* Hawkins. Walsh, (Mamie), c, emp Standard Lumber Co., res

170 Dublin.

Hawkins. Wm.. c, res 258 Arch.

Hawkins. Win. Henry, c, res 145 Pearl.

Haygood. Doris Miss, res 376 Dearing.

*Hayrose. Thos.. (Vanna), emp So. Mfg. Co., res 189 Males.

Haygood. Truman, res 376 Dearing.

Haygood. M. E. Miss, res 376 Dearing.

Haygood, W. B., res 376 Dearing.

Hays. Bell Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 243 Ga. Depot St.

Hays, Betsy, c, res 242 Bridge.

Hays. Clelar Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 243 Depot St.

*Hays. Gilbert, (Sallie), c, lab, res 1082 Reese.

Hays, J. E. Mrs., res 243 Ga. Depot St.

Hays. John, c, well digger, res 270 Pearl.

Haves, Chas. L., conductor S. A. L. Ry., res 736 X Jackson.

Haves, G. C., student U. of G., bds 325 Broad.

Hayes, James, c. janitor public school, res 1249 X Broad.

Hayes, L. E. Mrs., res 736 X Jackson.

Hayes, Mary, c, res 1249 W Broad.

Hayes, Paul, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 183 New.

Hayes, Savilla Mrs., emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 183 New.


,, |lo|les m, .W ., IIROAI, STKKKT
6X5 1U1 C(>U,KC.K AYH.


: :

Pure Drinks a Specialty


Refrigerators Ice Boxes

ygg^ ^V8"

Water Coolers Cream Freezers

Huggins China House J*ROAD s]r



Hayes, Willie, tel. opr. S. A. L. depot, bds 419 Boulevard. *Hayes, W. W., (Annie), printer, McGregor Press, res 184 Childs. *Haynes, C. S., (Florence), c, physician, res 537 Hancock ave. Haynes, Jasper, emp Ga. depot, bds 265 College ave. Haynes, Martin, c, res 537 Hancock ave. "Haynes, .1. W., (Mollie), grocer and meats, .">47 River, res 426
River. Head, Annie, c, cook Mrs. .1. S. King, res 783 Dearing. Head, Henry, coal dealer, bds 575 Jackson. *Head. H. V., (Leila), Head & McMahan. res 757 W Hancock
ave. Head. Jesse O., emp C. of Ga. Ry., res 459 ^ Clayton. *Head, Jo-hn B., (Sallie), bkkpr. J. B. Toomer, res 459^ E
Clayton. Head, L. Dearing, laundryman. res 459^ E Clayton. Head, Leila Miss, res 464 E Dough erty. Head. Luc-'le Miss, res 464 E Dougherty. Head & McMahan, gent's furnishings. 301 E Clayton. *Head, W. B., (Sallie J.), insurance agt., res 464 E Dougtoerty. Heard. Alonzo, c, res 499 River. Heard, Agnes, c, res cor Reese and Pope. "Heard, C. W., (Berta), policeman, res 585 Barber. Heard, Emma, c, res 140 Cherry. Heard, Gwendolyn, c, res 140 Cherry. Heard, Henry, mgr. Athens Coal & Brokerage Co.. bds 274 N
Thomas. * Heard. Hill, (Sallie), c. lab, res 185 Rock Spring. Heard. Hubert, res 585 Barber. *Heard, John, (Carrie), c, pressing club, Prince ave., res 140
Cherry. Heard, Jno. Henry, c, res 685 Vine. Heard, Luther, c, res 185 Valley. Heard. Mary, c, cook, res 185 Valley. Heard. Mattie, c, teacher, res 1537 W Broad. Heard. Sarah, c, cook, res 3S4 Barber. Heard, Squire, c, res 1537 \V Broad. Heard. Thos. Mrs., c, Prin. Thos. Heard Univ., res cor Reese
and Pope. *Heard. Win.. (Mattie), c, blacksmith, res 475 Reese. Heath. H. P.. student U. of G.. bds 535 Prince ave. Hedges. Anna Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory.

"TIlB WOrld'S BBSt" Set- the New Mo.lel No. 10 Visibk- Writing.




W, L, Hancock Goal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.

Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.

Phone 707



4 He<! or. Captain Marquis. (Piety L. ). c. truck farmer, res 293 Finley.
Hector. Do-.', c, carenter. res r E. S. Cheatham's store. * Hector. Jim. (Agnes), c. lab. res 157 Valley. Hector, Jno., c. farmer, res 293 Finley. Hector. Louise. < . res r E. S. Cheatham's store. "Hector. Noah, (Cora), c. emp Electric Ry.. res 360 Lyndon ave. Hector, Rachael. c. res 230 Rock Spring. *Hector. S.. (Nona), c. shoe shop. 333 Hull. Hector. Squive. . lab. res 230 Rock Spring. Hector. Thos. H.. c, res 157 Valley. * Heidler. Clare D.. (Grace). Gen. Mgr. Empire Laundry. re?>
157 Childs. Heidler. C. O.. Phys. Director Y. M. C. A., res 157 Childs. Heidler. H. S.. Pres. Empire Laundry, res 157 Childs. *Henderson. D.. (Minta). emp Moss Mfg. Co., res 126 Grace. Henderson. Emory, res 126 Grace. Henderson. Eunice Miss, res 126 Grace. Henderson. Evie. < . cook, res r 247 Pulaski. Henderson. Leila, c, res cor Elbert and Arch. Henderson. Pope. c. lab. res cor. Elbert and Arch. Henderson, Ruby Miss, res 1 26 Grace. :: Hendeison. Wm.. (Mary), c. emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 190 Lyndon
ave. Hendren. L. L.. Prof. Physics and Astronomy I*, of G., lids
29S Hull. Henley. Annie Miss, res S46 College ave. Henley. Claude, emp Bondurant. Hdw. Co., res 846 College ave. Henley. Frances L. Miss, student L. C. I., res 540 Prince ave. Henley. Grady. emp Chancellor Barrow, res 846 College ave. Henley. Hira Crawford Miss, student L. C. I., res 540 Prince ave. Henley. Kate Mrs., boarding house 846 College ave. Henley. Madge Miss, emp McClure's. res S46 College ave. Hensey. Albert, corpenter. res 186 Elwood ave. Henry. Edwin, c. emp F. J. Baugh. res 140 Billups. Hensey. Eula Miss, res 186 Elwood ave. Hensey. Jack, emp Climax Mill, res 186 Elwood ave. *"Henry. Robt., (Anna), c, carp, res 140 Billups. Hemphill. Alonzo. c. emp city, res r 198 Mallory ave. Hemphill. S. A. Mrs., res 297 Prince ave.


and Baggage Transfer


Phone 541


COR coij,i-:<;>. AVK. .s: CI.AVTON ST.




Hernphill, Susie, c, cook, res 1X0 Berry. Hemphill, Mary, c. laundress, res 237 Billups. Herring, Cletha, emp Empire Laundry. I-PS 14<! MiicheJl. *Herring, Elisha. (Margaret), lab Athens .Mfg. Co.. res 146
Mitrhell. ::: Herring, Emory L., (Ida), emp Athens Ire & Coal Co.. res !!."
Poplar. *Herring. G. W., (Susan E. i. emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res I!M N'aroo-
chee ave. Herring, J. X. Mrs., res nr 1227 E Broad. *Herring, John, (Mary F. ). emp Geo. Hulme & Co.. res 1 4>
Green. Herring. John, driver Empire Laundry, res 146 Mito'.iell. Herring, J. R., emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 490 Xacoorhee ave. Herring, Ixmtitiai Miss, emj) I)avison-Ni< holson Co., res INO
Barrow. Herring, Mary Miss, emp Climax Mill, res nr \~221 E Broad. Herring, M. B., res 46.1 N'aeoochee ave. Herrington, S. M. Mrs., res 290 N Milledge ave. Herndon. T. A., student. V. of G.. bds 69.") Prince ave. Hester, Mary Jane, c, laundress, res 16T> \Vaddell. Hester. Olive Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormiiory. *Hewitt, Henry.- (Ida), c, carpenter, res 17.~> Miller. Hewitt, Jessie G. Miss, teacher English L. C. L.. res 1*20 X
Milledge ave. Hey ward. Bark, student I*, of G., bds 69.~> Prince ave. * Hicks, Chas., (Mary), c. cook, res 169 Finley. Hicks, Julia, c. res 169 Finley. *Hicks, Eldon, (Lula), c. emp Sou. Ref. Co.. res ISO Stephens. * Hicks, F. W.. (Cora May), supt. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res .">s." Xan-
tahala ave. Hicks, Lula B., c, res ISO Stephens. Hicks, Robt., c. coachman C. H. Phinizy. res r 397 Milledge ave. Hickman, Mandy, c. housekeeper, res 267 John. Higginbotham. Howard, res 725 Pulaski. *Higginbotham, T. M., (Lucy), carp, res 72.") Pulaski. Hight. Gordon, student U. of G.. bds 370 S Lumpkin. High-tower, Cora, c, laundress, res 330 Hull. Hightower, .Inc.. student 1T . of G.. bds 370 S Lumpkin. Hill. Annie, c, res 1525 \V Broad.



M4 ciaytoii St Atlit-n. < '.a.

rr-TO-l)ATE GROCER Kverything Goo<l to Eat




616 Southern Mutual Ruildinjj

Athens, Georgia



Hill, Audely. res 345 Hiawassee ave. Hill. A. W. Miss, trained nurse L. C. I., res Lucy Cobb Institute. Hill, .\lthea. c, res 223 Billups. Hill, Bryant. emp Athens Mfg. Co.. res 175 Mitchell. Hill. Cliff, c, lab. res 883 Water. Hill. Claud, clerk, res 170 Baldwin. *Hill, Dave. (Ellen), c, res 140 Second. "Hill, Dave, (Laura), c. emp city, res 1247 W Hancock ave. "Hill. Dearing W., (Julia E.), res 346 Hoy>t. *Hill. Dennis. (Pauline), c. lab, res 123 Rutherford. Hill. Dennis .I/., c. res 123 Rutherford. Hill. Dock Oliver, c, msgr. H. R. Palmer & Sons, res 523 Strong. *Hill. E. L., (Annie G.), pastor First Presbyterian church, res
185 Hull. Hill, Eleline. c. res 240 Macon ave. Hill. Eliza, c. res 123 Rutherford. Hill. Emma, c, res 19.ri Peters. Hill. Extra Ordinary, c. res 198 State. Hill. Fletoher, c, lab. res 1435 Oconee. *Hill, Frank. (Minnie), c, lab, res 737 E Broad. Hill. Franklin, c, res 140 Second. Hill. Fred, c, lab, res nr 1543 S Lumpkin. Hill. Fred, c. emp King-Hodgson Co.. res 123 Rutherford. *Hill, George, (Sarah), c. barber, res 195 Rock Spring. Hill. George. (Emma), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 345 Hiawassee
ave. Hill. Gladys, c. res 223 Billups. *Hill. Harrison. (Susie), c. farmer, res 165 Paris. Hill. Hattie, c, res 140 Xewton. *ill. Henry. (Judith), policeman, res 443 River. *Hill Henry, (Julia), c, emp Athens Compress, res 1597 E Broad. Hill. Henry, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 128 Miles. Hill. James, c, res 1525 W Broad. Hill. James, c. emp Athens Oil Mill, res 149 Warsaw. Hill. Jane. c. laundress, res 1658 E Broad. Hill. Janie. c. res 1525 W Broad. Hill. Jessie Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 345 Hiawassee ave. Hill, Jewel 1. res 170 Baldwin. *Hill. J. G.. (Rosa), barber Bryant's shop, res 170 Baldwin. *Hill, John, (Mary), c, lab, res 1525 W Broad.

Pi liaann -^i rv Rooms. Clean (S)anneitbalrovckRferdosi), , Pj,r(o) mpt and
half Mock from Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, Prop.


368 '/+ Washington St.


Phone 661



Hill, John H., c, cook A. S. Parker, res 193 Prince ave. Hill, Josie, c, res 123 Rutherford. Hill. Kendrick, (Leila), emp Athens Mfg. Co.. res 286 Poplar. Hill, Kin. fireman city fire dept., bds 160 Mitchell. Hill, Lena, c, cook Cobb Lampkin, res in rear 158 \V Dougherty. Hill, Katie May, c, laundress, res nr 1543 S bumpkin. Hill. Marion, c. res 223 Billups. Hill, Mary Miss, Secy. Chancellor Barrow, res 126 Hendersou
ave. Hill, Mary, c, res 883 Water. Hill, Mary, c, res 123 Rutherford. Hill, Matilda, c, cook, res 149 Warsaw. Hill, Mattie I>ee Miss, res 170 Baldwin. Hill, Mattie, c, res 223 Billups. Hill, Melvin, (Rosa Bell), c, porter E. I. Smith Shoe Co., res
1270 W Broad. " Hill, Moss, (Delia), c, emp So. Cotton Oil Co., res 178 Hoyt. *Hill, Oscar, (Emma), c. mail carrier, res 167 Finley. Hill, Parna Miss, res 126 Henderson ave. Hill. Rhinie, c, cook, res r 192 Foundry. Hill, Robert, c, msgr. H. R. Palmer & Sons, res 523 Strong. Hill, Robert, c, res 123 Rutherford. Hill. Rodger, res 126 Henderson ave. Hill, Rosa, c, res 123 Rutherford. Hill. Sallie May, c, res 149 Warsaw. Hill. Sarah, c, laundress, res 150 Lyndon ave. Hill, Savannah, c. cook, res 149 Warsaw. Hill, 3. F.. paper carrier, bds 198 Oconee. *Hill, Squire, (Althea), c, decorator Michael Bros., res 223
Billups. Hill. Susan Miss, res 286 Poplar. Hill, T. B.. carp, bds 856 X Lumpkin. *Hill. Thomas, (Callie). c, drayman, res 233 Pope. Hill, Walter B. Mrs., res 126 Henderson ave. Hill, Walter B.. student U. of G.. res 126 Henderson ave. Hill, Whit. (Sarah), c, emp Griffeth & Welch, res 140 Newton. *Hill. Willis. (Fannie), c. res 523 Strong. *Hill. Willis, (Bell), c. hostler Carlton's Stables, res Madison
ave.. nr N. *Hill. \Vm., (Mamie), emp Athens Compress, res 497 Third. Hill. \Vm. Henry, c, res 1525 W Broad.

Silverplated ware, Knives, Forks, Spoons and Housefurnishing goods.
The Muggins China House Broad St.

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead. Oils, Varnishes. Glass. Putty and Artist Materials Contract for House ami Sign Painting and Taper Hanging.
Telephone 115. Cor. Clayton and Jackson Sts,



Hill. Wm., c, res 1658 E Broad. Hill, Wm., c, lab So. Ref. Co., res r 192 Foundry. *Hill. W. M., (Mat/tie), emp So. Mfg. Co., res 128 Miles. Hill. Wm. C.. (Phillis), c, section hand S. A. L. Ry.. res 198
State. *Hill. W. T.. (Ida), emp Athens Mfg. Co.. res 175 Mitchell. "Hilliard. Chas. M.. (Essie), chemist Son. Ref. Co.. res 227
Finley. * Milliard. N.. iMollie), collector .1. B. Toomer, res 597 S Lump-
kin. Hilliard. Ophelia Mrs., res 597 S Lumpkin. Hilliard, Pink. ])ainter, res 597 S Lumpkin. Hilley, T. V.. undertaker Dorsey & Fnnkenstein. bds 464 Col-
lege ave. *Hilley. w. W., (Leila), barber A. M. Bryant. res 199 Dougherty. Hillman. .Inlia. c, cook, res r 220 Prince ave. * Hillsman. E. J. Mrs., res 247 Dougherty. Hillsman, Marguerite, c, res 348 Fourth. Hilsman. Mary O. Miss, clerk Michael Bros., res 247 W Dougherty. Hillsman, Pattie Miss, teacher, res 247 Dongherty. Hillsman. Preston, c, lab, res ;I48 Fourth. "Hinsley, Rufus, (Pearl), emp So. Oil Mill, res 896 S Lumupkin. Hillsman, Sallie, c, res 348 Fourth. 'Hillsman. Si, (Ida), c, lab, emp city, res 348 Fourth. *Hinton, F. B.. (Mittie). Bludwine Bottling Co., res 1135 Prince
ave. *Hinton. Hugh P., (Armontine). real estate, office Sou. Mut.
Ins. bldg.. res 1150 S Milledge ave. Hinton. Lallette Miss, res 1135 Prince ave. Hinton. O. R. & Co.. mdse. brokers, cor. Oconee and Foundry. *Hinton, O. R.. (Mary L.OU), mdse broker. Swift bldg., res 745
S Milledge ave. Hipkins. H. Billups. res 465 E Dongherty. Hipkins, L. C. Mrs., res 465 E Dougherty. Hipkins. Lizzie Orr Miss, cashier Manhattan Cafe, res 465 E
Dougherty. Hiram. David, c. res 350 Barber. Hiram, Jack, res nr 1543 S Lumpkin. * Hiram. L. C., (Ida), c. dental laboratory 1441/6 E Clayton, res
350 Barber.

Sewing Machine Office

459 Claytoton St. P.O. Hx. lk>


Largest Dealer in Georgia. Pianos Pianos from and < >rgans. All Makes. 32 years Organs from in the Business. Cheapest in Ga. Sewing Machines

J140 to f400 35 to J90 17 to f 55

.1. R. CRANK &. C< >.

268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.



Hiram, Leila May, c, res 133 Pope. Hiram. Mahalley, c, laundress, res 770 \V Broad. Hiram, Maud, c, laundress, res 770 Broad. "Hiram, Rubeii. (Stella), c, emp E. G. \Vhitehead. res nr 1543
S Lumpkin. *-Hiram, William, (Mary), c, emp Griffeth & Welch, res 133
Pope. Hiram, Harriet, c. lab, res 164 Herring. *Hiram, Sam, (Mollie), c. emp city, res 487 Meigs. Hiram, Simmie, c, emp King-Hodgson Co., res 150 Newton. Hitchcock, Willie, c, res 387 First. Hixon, Cornelia, c, laundress, res 1257 W Hancock. Hodgefield, Sallie, c, laundress, res 180 Rock Spring. *Hodges, Ernest, (Katie), dynamo tender Athens Ele*-. Ry.
power house, res 137 Xacoochee ave. *Hodge, Guy, (Nona), c, switchman C. of Ga. R. R.. res 1X3 John. *Hodges, Lucius, (Ella), c, res ISO Little. Hodges, Pearl Mi's., res 390 Lumpkin. *Hodgson. A. H., (Sallie), Pres. Sou. Mfg. Co., office King-
Hodgson Co., res 787 Cobb. Hodgson, Annie Miss, res 125 X Milledge. Hodgson, Asbury Jr., res 787 Cobb. *Hodgson, Chas. X., (Irene), mdse broker. So. Mut. Ins. bldg.,
res Cathedral Pines. Hodgson, Clifford W., res 125 Milledge ave. Hodgson Cotton Co., office cor. Broad and Oconee. Hodgson, Dorothy Miss, student L. C. I., res 1001 Prince ave. Hodgson, Edith F. Miss, res 125 X Milledge ave. *Hodgson. E. R. Sr., (Mary V. ). Pres. Emp. State Chem. Co.,
res 1001 Prince ave. *Hodgson, E. R. Jr., (Mary), Vice-Pres. Empire State Chem.
Co., res 150 Milledge ave. Hodgson, Florence Miss, res 334 Prince ave. Hodgson, Frank B., emp King-Hodgson Co., res 787 Cobb. *Hodgson, Geo. T.. (Florence), mgr. Columbia Fire Ins. Co.,
res 334 Prince ave. Hodgson, Geo. T. Jr., res 334 Prince ave. * Hodgson, Harry, (Marie), treas. Empire State Chem. Co., res
126 Milledge ave. Hodgson, Henry, emp King-Hodgson Co., res 787 Cobb.

Have Your Vehicles Rubber-Tired with
ALLEN H. TALMAGE, 240-252 N. Lumpkin

If Xou are looking for the one soft drink wn ich is known as the world's Favorite, we have it. You can't get it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.



Hodgson, Hugh L., res 125 X Miilledge ave. *Hodgson, Joseph M., (Isabella), King-Hodgson Co., res 125
X Milledge ave. Hodgson. Kate E. Miss, res 125 X Milledge ave. Hodgson. Lill Miss, res 787 Cobb. Hodgson, Maria Mrs., res 435 E Dougherty. Hodgson, Marion Miss, res 334 Prince ave. Hodgson, May Miss, res 1001 Prince ave. Hodgson, Morton ., student U. of G.. res 1001 Prince ave. Hodgson, Xell Miss, student L. C. I., res 1001 Prince ave. Hodgson. Roberta Miss, teacher S. X. S., res 125 X Milledge ave. Hogson. Robt. Mrs., res 125 X Milledge ave. Hodgson. R. R.. res 125 Milledge ave. Hodgson, Ruth Miss, student L. C. I., res 334 Prince ave. Hodgson. Walter B.. emp Empire State Chem. Co., res 1001
Prince ave. Hoff, Celie Miss, res 635 College ave. Hoff. Sarah Miss, res 635 College ave. Hogg, .Tas., plasterer, bds 775 X Jackson. Hoke, Eugene, cotton buyer, res 173 Hancock ave. *Hoke. J. Z., (Kate). Gen. Agt. S. A. L. R. R., res 173 W Han-
cock ave. Hoke. chief clerk Athens Terminal Station, res 173 W
Hancock ave. olbrook, G. P., grocer 376 Oconee. res 374 Oconee. 11 Holbrook. Honry, (Lucy), c, plumber, res r 182 Wray. Holbrook. Julia, c, res 385 Rock Spring. *Holbrook. Mat, (Hannah), c. emp Bailey Supply-Co.. res 771
Bearing. Holbrook. M. J.. c, grocer 563 W Broad. *Holbrook. Stephen, < Loucella I. c, emp Michael Bros., res 1347
W Broad. Holbrook. Evaline. c. res S3."> Prince ave. "Holbrooks. M. J.. (Carrie I. c. clerk post office, res 522 Broad. Holbrooks. R.. c. janitor Sou. Mut. Ins. Co., res 188 Strong. *Holbrooks. Wm.. (Mamie), c. plumber, res 1369 W Borad. Holcomb. Mary, c. emp Empire Laundry, res 688 X Lumpkin. *Holcombe. R. E., (Mittie E.). upholster and cabinet maker,
cor. Xewton and Prince, res same. Holder, Frank, c. res 187 Flint. Holder. Jane, c, laundress, res 187 Flint.
Deadwvler Wood & Coal Go.
Best Grades of Wood and Coal

Office.- and Yard 973 College Ave

Prompt Delivery Phone 495

Athens Business College


Has exclusiue right to teach the Famous Byrne Systems of Practical Bookkeeping and Simplified Shorthand. Typewriting (touch method.) Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for Catalogue. Dept A.



Holder, Julius, c, lab. So. Ref. Co., res 187 PJint.

Holder, Silemma, laundress, res 185 Second.

Halies, Bart, res 177 Miles.

Halies, Ernest, res 177 Miles.

Halies, Jessie, res 177 Miles.

Halies, Ixniis, res 177 Miles.

* Halies. R. H.. (Mandy), emp So. Mfg. Co., res 177 Miles.

*Holland, A. L., (Effie), machinist Sou. Mfg. Co.. res '384

Nacooc*hee ave.

Holland, George, (Mary), c, brickmason, res 170 Rock Spring.

Holland, Henry, c, emp Athens Elec. Ry., res 173 Pearl.

Holley, Nathaniel, student U. of G.. bds 436 Hill.

*Holliday, A. C., (Cora), physician, office 101 Ms E Clayton, res

357 Hill.

Holliday, Alien, res 357 Hill.

Holliday, Annie May Miss, res 357 Hill.


Holliday, Kate Miss, res 357 Hill.

Holliday, Norene Miss, student L. C. I., res 357 Hill.

Holliday, Paul, student Stanton, Va., res 357 Hill.

*Holliman, E. F., (Mary), emp King-Hodgson Co., res 740 W

Hancock ave.

Holliman, Ruby E. Miss, res 740 W Hancock ave.

Holliman. Willie F., emp Inman, Akers & Tnman, res 740 W

Hancock ave.

Hollingsworth, Bernice Miss, res 290 Seminole ave.

*Hollingsworth, G. F., (Missouri), carp, res 290 Seminole ave.

* Hollingsworth, T. T., (Carolina), mgr. Denmark Hall, campus.

res same.

Hollins, Mattie, c, servant, res 193 Finley.

Holmes, Alice Miss, res 147 Tibbetts.

Holiness, B. F., emp Lyndon Mfg. Co.. res 147 Tibbetts.

* Holmes, E. J., (Laura), grocer, cor Broad and Foundry, res

910 E Broad.

Holmes. F. F., res 147 Tibbetts.

Holmes, H. M., carpenter, res 147 Tibbetts.

Holmes. L. W.. collector Dr. Matthews, res 147 Tibbetts.

Holmes, May, c. cook, res r 298 Prince ave.

Holmes, W. B.. student U. of G., res 435 Hill.

Holmes. W. R.. student U. of G., res 435 Hill.

Holmes. /. H., grocer 395 Water, res same.

Holoman, Julia, c, res 163 Harris.


MARTIN J. ABNEY, District Manager.
Phone 71. Suite 515-516 Southern Mutual Building



Phone 280 -

148-156 Broad St.

- Athens, Ga.



Holoman, Matilda, c, servant Dr. Proctor, res 163 Harris. Holman. Wm. S.. res The Heights, Mitchell bridge road, phone
52-2. *Holsey. Albon, (Martha), c, upholster, res 360 Barber. *Holsey. Albon L. Jr., (Basilene), c, mail carrier, res 863 Prince
ave. Holsey, Annie Laurie, c, res 360 Barber. Holsey, Augustus, c. waiter Green Hotel, res 360 Barber. Holsey. Crosby, c, res 360 Barber. Holsey, Mamie E., c, res 360 Barber. *Holson, Ben, (Hattie), c, drayman, res 160 Harris. Holt, Henry, butler Frank Upson, res 137 Nacoochee ave. Holt. Julia, c, laundress, res 170 Lyndon ave. *Holt, Spencer. (Mary), c, gardener, res 600 W Broad. Holt, Susie, c, laundress, res r 137 Nacoochee ave. Homes Friend Ins. Co., A. A. McDuffie, rngr., 154% E Clayton. Hong Sing, Chinese Laundry, 132 N Jackson, res same. Hood. Tom, (Ellis). machinist Athens Foundry & Machine Wks.,
res 665 N Jackson. Hook, Wm., barber, bds 327 Oconee. Hooper, Florence L. Miss, res 525 S Milledge ave. *Hooper, W. D.. (Florence), Prof. Latin II. of Ga., res 525
S Milledge ave. *Hopson, Wm. P., (Bessie), c. shoemaker, below 146 E Claytou,
res 140 Billups. Horn, D. A., student U. of G., rm 10 Candler Hall. Hornbuckle, Tom, painter, bds 245 ^ X Thomas. Horton. Alphonso, c. res 1337 W Hancock ave. *Horton, Henry C., (Sarah), c, emp city, res 239 Finley. * Horton, J. H., (Leila), c, pastor Ebenezer Baptist church, res
259 Finley. Horton. Jno.. c. janitor city hall, res 441 River. * Horton, John, (Mattie), c, coachman Billups Phinizy, res 1124
W Broad. Horton. Maria, c, laundress, res 1337 W Hancock ave. Horton, Sarah Ix>u, c, res 259 Finley. Horton, Susie, c, music teacher, res 270 Chase. Horton, Wm. Henry, c, shoe maker, res 1337 W Hancock ave. Hosey, Effie Miss, res 145 Herring. Hosey, Hallie B. Miss, res 145 Herring. *Hosey, S .L., (Susie), mechanic Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 475 Bar-

of Athens, feorgia


Lipscomb & Co. INS$*AENCE

Office Phone 109


Residence 719

Office Cor. Clayton and College Avenue



*Hosey, W. D., (L. M.), res 145 Herring. Hotel Green, J. M. Green, prop., 115 N Lumpkin. * Houston, Albert, (Cordelia), c, emp Sou. depot, res 398 Cleve-
land ave. Houston, Florence, c. res 398 Cleveland ave. *Houston, Fred, (Ella), c, emp Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 348 Cleve-
land ave. Houston, Laura, c, res 760 Chase. Houston, Xora, c, nurse, res 398 Cleveland ave. Houston, Sylvester, c, res 398 Cleveland ave. Houston, Wayman, c, res 398 Elbert. Houze, F. H., student IT. of G., bds 590 W Lumpkin. Howard, Beatrice, c, laundress, res 335 Vine. Howard, Betsy, e, laundress, res r 568 Pulaski. Howard, Claude, emp Klein & Margin, res 1187 S Lumpkin. Howard, Cleveland, c, driver Deadwyler Wood & Coal Co., res
190 Bern". Howard, Clyburn, c, emp Moss Mfg. Co., res 131 Cane. Howard, D. A., student U. of G., res 375 S Lumpkin. Howard, Daisy, c, res 324 Arch. Howard, Daniel, (Elmira), c, lab, res 235 Bailey. Howard, Ellis, res 1187 S Lumpkin. * Howard, E. W., (Ethel), c, teacher, res E Grove. Howard, Fannie, c, res 324 Arch. *"Howard, Geo.. (Ella), c, lab, res 567 Fourth. *"Howard, Grant, (Eveline), c, driver Talmadge Bros., res 236
Bridge. Howard, Guy, cotton buyer R. L. Moss & Co., bds 390 3 Lumpkin. Howard, Harvey, emp Moss Mfg. Co., res 1187 S Lumpkin. Howard, Hermatite, c, res 335 Vine. Howard, Hezekiah, c, emp Carlton's Stable, res 335 Vine. Howard, Homer, emp Bowden's Bot. Wks., res 1187 S Lumpkin. Howard, Ida, c, laundress, res 29 Hickory. Howard, Jane, c. laundress, res 160 Baxter. Howard, John, c, porter, res 190 Berry. Howard, Jno. Henry, c, res 317 Hull. *Howard. June, (Hattie May), c, emp Athens Elec. Ry., res 170
Rock Spring. Howard, Leila, c, cook, res 29 Hickory. Howard, Lillian, c. res 190 Berry. Howard, Lois Miss, res 245 Nacoochee ave.
Notes Bought and Discounted at Reasonable Rates

Georgia Loan Co.

106 Shackleford Building Bell Phones 299-600

W. L. Hancock Goal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.



Phone 707

Howard. lx>uis, c, res 753 Bearing.

Howard. Mary. c, cook, res 180 Berry.

Howard, Mattie Sue, c, res 753 Bearing.

Howard, Mittie, c, laundress, res 335 Vine.

Howard, Myra Miss, res 1187 S bumpkin.

Howard. Nehemiah, c, res 335 Vine.

Howard, Pansy Miss, res 1187 S Lumpkin.

*Howard, Robt., (Annie), c, emp Wingfleld Cash Gro. Co., re

317 Hull.

Howard, Robt., atty.. office 101% E Clayton, mis 101% Mat-

thew bldg.

Howard, Robt., c, emp Athens Compress Co., res 324 Arch.

Howard, Susie, c, laundress, res 753 Bearing.

Howard, Tom, (Camilla), c, porter 3. A. L. depot, res 190 Berry.

Howard, Washington, c, emu At/hens Compress, res 324 Arch.

Howard, Weyman, emp Clarke County Courier, res 245 Nacoo-

chee ave.

Howard, \Villie Mary, c. chambermaid, res 235 Bailey.

Howard. Willie. c, emp Athens Convpress, res 324 Arch.

Howard, Z. T., (Sallie), farmer 1187 S Lumpkin.

*Howell, E. M., (Ruby), bkkpr. R. L. Moss & Co., Clayton St.,

res 265 Barber.

Howell. Eliza Miss, res 398 Milledge ave.

Hubert. May Miss, emp Climax Hosiery Mill, res 196 Cemetery.

*Hubert, Max M., (Rosina), harness maker, res 168 Grady ave.

Hubert. Otta, emp Griffeth Imp. Co., bds 196 Cemetery.

Hubert, Sebastian, (Mattie), driver Bozier Lumber Co., res 453


Hubert. Walter, clerk Michael Bros., res 196 Cemetery.

Hudgin, A. B. Mrs., res 348 Sprinddale.

Hudgin. Janie Miss, res 348 Springdale.

Hudgin. T. B.. bkkpr. Talmadge Bros., 348 Springdale.

Hudgins, W., cotton weigher, rms over 548 cor. Broad and


* Hudson, Chas.. (Maggie), c, restaurant eor. Broad and Foundry,

res 387 Odd.

*Hudson. Freeman, (Willie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 465 Nacoo-

cihee ave.

*Hudson. F. S.. (May), pastor Young Harris Memorial church,


res 735 Boulevard.

Smith Premier Typewriter Company
1S0eevitsiniblNeewwrM itiondgel No /( AiiIsD p reacnLtfrr|eae~ aC*t., qAutlaannttaa,


Leading Dealers in



Cor. Broad and Thomas Sts.

Phone 178 i




Hudson, Henry, res 735 Boulevard. *Howell, J. M., (Hallie), cas/hier Webb & Crawford Co.. res 256
Hill. * Howell, Volian, (Mamie), c, cook Denmark Hall, res 170 Lyndon
Row. *Hubbard, Chas., (Bettie), c, emp Sou. Ry., res Forest, ave. Hubbard, Eliza, c, laundress, res r 290 Barber. Hubbard, Howard, res 724 Oconee. Hubbard. M. H., (Georgia), lab, res 724 Oconee. Hubbard, Rufus, res 724 Oconee. Hubbard, Wootty, emj) Lyric Theatre, res 724 Oconee. Hubert, Carrie Miss, emp Climax Hosiery Mill, res 196 Cemetery. Hubert, Eunice M. Miss, res 425 Church. Hubert, Francis Mrs., res 196 Cemetery. *Hubert, H., (Marie), cashier So. Ex. Co., res 347 Pope. Hubert, Henry O., c, res 453 Oak. Hubert, J. P., (Sarah J.), res 425 Church. Hudson, John, (Clara), c, barber, res 227 Flint. Hudson, Katherine Miss, res 735 Boulevard. Hudson, Loucella, c, res 195 Billups. Hudson, Louise Miss, bds 270 Water. Hudson & Lowrance, dentists, room 408 So. Mut. Ins. bldg. Hudson, Minerva, c, nurse, res r 997 Milledge ave. Hudson, Paul L., res 735 Boulevard. Hudson, Tobe, c, shoe and barber shop, 550 River. Huen, Laura Mrs., res 674 X Thomas. Huen, S. T.. grocer 674 N Thomas, res same. Huff, A. D. Mrs., res 190 Narrow. Huff, Chas. R.. res S93 Boulevard. *Huff, C. B., (Ovie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 893, Boulevard. Huff, Cordelia, c, cook James White, res r 570 Prince ave. Huff, Craig. emp American Cafe, res 160 Narrow. *Huff, Edmund. (Mary), c, cook, res 574 Strong. Huff. Easter, c. laundress, res r Cloverhurst, Milledge ave. Huff, Ethel, res 160 Narrow. Huff. Flossie Miss, res 280 Baxter. Huff. Floy Miss, res 280 Baxter. *Huff. G. W., (Nancy A.), res 540 Oconee. *Huff. G. W., (Elizabeth), res 160 Narrow. *Huff. Howard. (Cora), clerk George Collins Store, res 145

Rose's and Myrrh Tooth Wash



225 Clayton St.

The Oconee Brick Go, Situated on SOU. R. R. Phones - 547-762 FINE: CLAV GOOD BRICK



Huff. Hal, c, emp .T. B. Toomer, res r 564 College ave. Huff, Julia, c, laundress, res 1189 W Broad. *Huff, .1. A.. (Alice), medicine vender, res 280 Baxter. *Huff. .ludson, (Goldie), emp Huff's restaurant, Jackson St., res
895 Oconee. Huff. Jacob, c, grocer 375 Cleveland ave. *Huff. Jacob. (Sarah), c, emp Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 345 Cleve-
land ave. Huff. Lucy. c. res 387 Odd. Hufl. Myrtle Miss, cashier Fairyland Theatre, res 280 Baxter. Huff. Nellie Miss, res 280 Baxter. Huff, Pinkie, c, laundress, bds 250 Pope. Huff. T. B.. carpenter, res S93 Boulevard. *Huff. \V. D.. (lua). clerk Mut. Life Industrial Assn., res 889
Hill. Huff. Wm. H., res 893 Boulevard. Huff. Ziinipt, emp Crystal Theatre, res 280 Baxter. Huggins, Bertha Miss, res 297 Barber. Huggins, Fearrie Miss, res 137 Summey. Huggins, Fannie Miss, res 137 Summey. *Huggins, H. T., (Mary), J. H. Hugging & Son, res 297 Barber. *Huggins, J. H., (Mollie). truck farmer, res 137 Summey. Huggins. .1. H. & Son, crokery and glassware, 3.">0 E Broad. Huggins. Katie Miss, res 137 Summey. *Huggins. P. L., (Addie K.). bkkpr. J. H. Huggins & Son, re
229 Barber. Hughes. Alma Miss, bkkpr Maxim Novelty Co.. res 953 Oconee. Hughes, Allie Miss, student Athens Business College, bds 575
N Jackson. *Hughes. Henry M.. (Sallie), siipt. Athens Elec. Ry., res 775
Boulevard. Hughes. Mary Mrs., res 953 Oconee. * Hughes, O. H., (Ida), emp Athens Garage, res 953 Oconee. Hughes. Sam T., student Athens Bus. College., bds 327 Oconee. Hughes. Sarah Miss, res 775 Boulevard. *Hull, A. L.. (Callie). trasurer I', of Ga.. res 225 S Milledge ave. Hull, Callie Miss, res 225 Milledge ave. Hull. Harry. Standard Lumber Co., res 225 Milledge ave. Hull, J. H. Mrs., res 337 Hill.

If \on are looking for the one soft drink which is known as the world's Favorite, we have it. Yon can't net it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every Ixjttle.
--- ---



Real Estate, Fire Insurance

268 Clay ton Street

Athens, Georgia



Hull, Joseph L.. attorney, Hodgson-Shackelford bide;., res 225 S Milledge ave.
Hull, Leila May Miss, res 327 Hill. Hull, Sallie Miss, teacher L. C. I., res 225 S Miltedge ave. Hull, W. D., student U. of G., res 327 Hill. "Hulley, Joe, (I,izzie), c, lab. Sou. Oil Mill, res 439 River. *Hulme, Geo. H., (Willie), wholesale grocer, cor. Thomas and
Oconee, res 533 S Milledge ave. Hulme, Garland, res 530 S Milledge ave. Hulme, Harold. Geo. H. Hulme. res 530 S Milledge ave. Hulsey, Calvin, res 885 College ave. Hulsey, Cora, res 885 College ave. Hulsey, Delia Miss, emp Athens Mattress and Spring Bed Co.,
res 885 College ave. Hulsey, Hester Miss, res 885 College ave. * Hulsey, J. H., (Florence), section foreman S. A. L. Ry., res
885 College ave. Hulsey, Ossie Miss, res 885 College ave. Hulsey, Willie, res 885 College ave. Humphrey, Celia. c. laundress, res 348 Ga. Depot St. Humphrey, Frank, c, lab, res 348 Ga. Depot St. Humphrey, Mattie, c, laundress, res 348 Ga. Depot St. Humphrey, W. B., c, res 348 Ga. Depot St.. Hunnicutt, Dupree, atty., office 465 E Broad, res 325 X Milledge
ave. Hunnicutt, Ella Miss, res 325 X Milledge ave. * Hunnicutt, J. A.. Dr., (Mary L,.), res 325 X Milledge ave. Hunnicutt. Jno. A. Jr.. Dr., res 325 X Milledge ave. Hunnicutt. Martha Miss, res 325 X Milledge ave. Hunnicutt, Mary Miss, res 325 X Milledge ave. Hunnicutt. Xellie G. Miss, res 325 X Milledge ave. Hunnicutt, Sarah Miss, res 325 X Milledge ave. Hunt, Cornelia, c, laundress, res 235 Arch. Hunt, Ella. c. cook. City Restaurant, res 370 River. *Hunt. Houston. (Savannah), c, emp Ga. R. R. depot, res 14:12
Oconee. Hunt, Lavonia. c, res nr 365 Vine. *Hunt, Luellen. (Mamie), c. driver King-Hodgson Co.. res nr
365 Vine. Hunt, Sallie Lou, c. res nr 365 Vine.
Athens Coal Coke Co.

Phone 195.

You can not jjet much rest when yonr mind is uncertain whethe you are sleeping on a germ infested Mattress. Have you

Mattresses renovated at the

Phone 157




Hunt. Sarah, c, laundress, res 330 Vine. Hunt, W. H. Mrs., bds 789 Pulaski. Hunter, Adeline, c, laundress, res 189 Warsaw. Hunter, Albert, c, res 193 Bailey. Hunter, Alfred, c. lab, res r 296 Dougherty. Hunter. Allene Miss, milliner, res 560 X Jackson. Hunter. Carrie, c. res 193 Bailey. Hunter. Cobb. enip Boston Bakery, res 844 S Lumpkin. Hunter. Cora Miss, res 297 \V Broad. Hunter. E. ,T. Mrs., res 297 W Broad. *Hunter. Ed.. (Annie), c, emp G. H. Hulme, res 548 Finley. Hunter, Elizabeth Miss, cashier Michael Bros., res 844 S Lump-
kin. Hunter. Frances Miss, res 560 X Jackson. Hunter. Fred. c. res 193 Bailey. Hunter. Hugh. c. concrete worker, res 1130 W Hancock ave. Hunter. J. C. Mrs., res 297 W Broad. "Hunter. J. R.. (Marguerite), mechanic, res 560 X Jackson. Hunter. .1. R. Jr.. electrician Athens Eng. Co., res 560 X Jackson. Hunt. John. c. lab, res 227 Vine. Hunter, Julia, c, res 193 Bailey. Hunter. Lizzie Mrs., res 844 S Lumpkin. Hunter. Lottie, c, laundress, res 1390 W Broad. Hunter. Lottie May. c, laundress, res 1368 W Broad. Hunter. Martha, c. cook. 258 Arch. Hunter. Mattie. c. cook J. J. Wilkins. res 369 Meigs. * Hunter. S. H.. (Mary), c. R. F. D. mail carrier, res 193 Bailey. *Hunter. William. (Manassa), c. plasterer, res 1368 W Broad. Hunter. Wm., c. res 193 Bailey. *Hurt. Robt.. (Frances), c, lab, res 181 Lyndon Row. Hussey. Anna Miss, res 557 Meigs. * Hussey. C. T.. (Carrie), mgr. Ga. Brick Co., res 557 Meigs. Hussey. Clara Mae Miss, res 557 Meigs. Hussey. Lenoiee, res 557 Meigs. Hutcheson. W. J., student Athens Bus. College, bds 124 Hall. Hutcheson. Minnie, c. cook, res r 185 Hull. Hutchins. Alice Miss, res 238 Church. Hutchins. Edna Mise, res 238 Church. Hiitohins. H. C., student U. of G.. res 287 Pulaski. *Hutchins. J. C.. (Laura W.), bkkpr. Talmadge Bros. & Co., res
1 7S Bearing.



145 E. Clayton, St.

Telephone 147

Deadwyler Wood & Coal Co.


Office and Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



Hutchins, J. C. Jr., res 178 Dearing.

*Hutchins, J. L., (Mary), clerk Athens Hardware Co., res 238


Hutching, Laura Cobb Miss, res 178 Dearing.

Hutchins, Lydia S. Misg, res 178 Dearing.

Hutohins, William R., civil engr., res 178 Dearing.

Hutcheson. Amanda Miss, res 236 W Dougherty.

Hutcheson, Robert, res 236 W Dougherty.

Hutcheson, Reuben, res 236 W Dougherty.

* Hutcheson, S. O., (Itasca), bkkpr. Griffeth & Welch, res 236

W Dougherty.

Hutcheson, Wesley, cotton weigher Griffeth & Welch, res 236

W Dougherty.

Hutcheson, O'Neal, emp Chas. Stern Co.. res 236 W Dougherty.

Hutchinson, Annie H., c, res 1545 E Broad.

Hutchinson, Ann, c, laundress, res 256 Bridge.

*Hutchinson, Geo., (Hanna), c, lab, res 111 Rock Spring.

j J

*Hutchinson, James, (Susie), c, lab, res 1545 E Broad.

Hutchinson, Mattie L., c, res 1545 E Broad.

Hutchinson, R. O., student U. of G., rm 26 Candler Hall.

Hutley, Annie, c, res 430 Cleveland ave.

*Hutley, Barnes, (Martha), c, lab, res 430 Cleveland ave.

Hutley, Dora, c. cook, res 430 Cleveland ave.

Hutley, Fred, c, res 430 Cleveland ave.

Hutley, Geo., c, emp J. H. Carlton. res 430 Cleveland ave.

*Hutson, Chas.. (Emma), c. restaurant 625 E Broad, res 1162

W Broad.

Hutson, Effie, c. laundress, res 1162 W Broad.

Hutson, Sylvania, c, res 1162 W Broad.

Huttoe. Macon, emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. bds 224 Hiawassee ave.

Ilion Cafe. The. P. Petropol. prop., fruits, tobacco, etc.. 100 College, ave.
Iiul. Life and Health Ins. Co., agency, off. 204 Hodgson-Shackelford bl.-g.
. J. \V. (LenaI. Climax Hosiery Mill, res 171 Grady ave. '. Ruth. Miss, res 171 Grady ave.







Everything in China, Glass, Tin and Enamelware at the--

?!iuauuui (Elttua




Inman. Akers & Inman, cotton dealers, Swift bldg., cor. Broad & Foundry. .J. M. Rogers agt.
'.rby. Boll Miss, res 170 H-all. *Irby, .las. (Myrtle), carpenter, res 170 Hall, hoy. Katie Miss, res 170 Hall.
Isaacs. Daniel (Rosa), enip. \VhiU> Pressing; Club, res 665 N. Jackson.
Ison. A. S.. transfer elk So. Ex. Co.. res 330 Childs. "Ison. VV. H. (Sallie). agt. So. Ex. Co.. res 173 Childs. Issarow. S.. peddler, bds 247 Hancock ave. Mverson. Robt. (Fanny), farmer, res Bradberry st., bey city limits. Ivey, Ben (Victoria), c, lab. Ga. Brick Co.. res 289 Bridge. Ivey. Emn a Miss, res 530 Pulaski. ivey. .Inlia Miss, res 530 Pulaski. <Iv>y, \V. A. (Christina), millinery, res 189 E. Dougherty. T vy. \V. A., Mrs., millinery. 129 College ave. 'Ivey. Z. W. (Victoria), guard convict camj), res 630 Pulaski. Iverson. Robt. Jr. (Susie), lineman So. Bell Tel. Co., res Bradberry
st. bey city limits.

*.Jackson. A. T.. (Annie), c. supt. Union Mut Ins Co., off. 144 1-2 E. Clayton. res 1052 Reese.
.lackscn. Ace. c, e;np. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 385 Cleveland ave. J?ckson. Aiieline. c. cook res L'24 Church. *Jackson Andrew (Sallie). c, Jab. res r 1234 Lumpkin. Jackson. Annie, c. <iomestic, res r 327 S. Milledge ave. Jackson. Berta Mrs. res 233 Peters. .lackson. Betsy, c. ccck. reg 229 Finley. Jackson. Blanche, c laundress res 383 Arch. Jackson Bobbie, c, res 141 Lyndon ave. Jackson & Bullock, srocers, 812 Oconee. lackson Burnett. c. res 23 Cleveland ave. Jackson. Christina, c, ren 1052 Reese. Jackson. Clarence, elk Athens Hardware Co., res 663 N. Jackson. "Jackson. David (Lula). c. janitor campus, res 137 Pearl. '-Jackson, Dock (Adeline), c. einp. Moss Mfg. Co., res 823 College.

VIGOR EMPRftY , tlUUn, LnLnUI ^"^^~ ~"~ 1 " ^"^1" Perfect Rest Of Body.

are resultant of a nights' jfood rest. You cannot ^et such rest i vi,1R on corn Cobs or an empty Cotton Mattress. Buy a "Maid
of Athens Mattress 1 'ami insure perfect rest of body.

We move Household Goods. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



Jackson, Darthula, c, res 367 First. *Jackson, Ed (Hester), c, enip. E. P. Fears, res 124 Crawford ave. :;: .Iackson, Ed (Mary), c. lab. res 173 Billups. *James, Ed (Laura), c, hrickmason. res 150 Strong. .'ackson Edna, c, res 1227 W. 'Broad. Mackson. Eli (Ella), c. res. 728 Little. Jackson, Emir a. c, laundress, res 141 Lyndon row. *Jackson. Ernest (Hattie), switchman S. A. L., res 229 Plum. Jackson. Ethel Miss, res 233 Peters. *Jackson, Eugene (Margie), trav. salesman, Bondurant & Co.. hds
Hotel Green. Jackson, Eva Miss, res 234 Hancock ave. *Jackson, F. H. (Georgia), trav. salesman. Geo. H. Hulme. res 424
Lumpkin. Jackson Farris, c. res 26 Cleveland ave. Jackson, Florina, c, res 244 Washington. Jackson, Frances Miss, res 195 Hill. * Jackson, Francis (Bessie), emp. Athens Ice and Coal Co., res 284
Nantahala ave. Jackson, Fred C.. student T of Ga., res 412 X. Thomas. * Jackson. G. O. (Blanche), motorman, Yonah ave. bey city limits. Jackson, Granville, c, porter Bryant's barber shop res 728 Little. Jackson, G'ussip. c, cook res r 197 Bearing. Jackson. H. M., butcher 585 Broad, bds 164 Foundry. Jackson, Hannah, c, cook, res 244 Washington. Jackson, Henry, contractor, res 195 Hill. *Jackson. Henry (Lucy), c, janitor Baxter St. School, res 465 Rees*1. *Jackson. Hugh .1. (Ethel), trav. salesman Athens Hdw. Co., res 386
Hill. Jackson. Ida, c, res 167 Savannah ave. Jackson, Ida. c, res 542 W. Broad. Jackson. .1. F.. capitalist, off. 101 1-2 Clayton, res 651 Milledge. Jackson, .las. (Nellie), c. lab. res 223 Strong. Jackson. James, c, bootblack, res 728 Little. * Jackson. James (Sallie). lab., res 512 Fourth. * Jackson, .lames (Helen), c, coachman Mrs. Quillian. res 325 Lyndon .Jackson, Jarrel. c, janitor Ins. Bldg. res 232 Arch. Jackson. Jesse Miss. ?tengr. C. N. Hodgson. res 195 Hill. Jackson, Jin , c. porter Abe Joel, res r 130 W. Hancock ave.

Anything from a Book T Visiting Card

When in need of Sanitary Plumbing
CALL ON D. W. & J. S. BAILEY 376 Wash'on St.



"Jackson .Tno. (Josiei. c. emp. Moss Mfg. Co., res 823 College ave. Jackson. John Hanry. c, res 141 Lyndon row. Jackson Joseph A., shooting galery, 585 E. "Broad. .Jackson. Joseph C.. bkkpr Athens Ice and Coal Co., res 412 X.
Thomas. .li'Ckson. Julia Mrs., res 412 X. Thomas. Jack :rn, Junius. c, emp. Ga. Brick Co., res 229 Plum. Jackson. Kittie Mrs., res 820 Lumpkin. Jackson & Katter, in eat market. 585 E. Broad. Jackson. I^eo. res 728 Little. Jackson. Lilly Miss, re? 233 Peters. Jackson. Lizzie, c cook res 149 Warsaw. Jackkson. Lonnie S.. c, emp. Empire Chem. Wks.. res 72S Little. Jackson, Lucy, c res 232 Arch. Jackson Lucy c, laundress? res 526 Reese. .:nckson. Lula. c, cook, res 131 Lyndon row. Jackson. Li:la. c. cook, res 131 Lyndon row. Jackson. Lydia, c, cook, res 270 S. Thomas. Jackson. M. J. Mrs., res 195 Hill. Jackson Mamie, c. laundress, res 328 Angusta ave. Jackson. Marie, c. res 135 Valley. Jackson Maiiah c nurse E. J. Bondurant, res r 327 Hill. Jackpon. Martha, c, dressmaker, res 385 Rock Spring. Jackson. Mary, c cook res 1537 W. Broad. Jackson. Mary Jane, c, res 141 Lyndon row. Jackson. Mary Lou. c. cook, res r 198 Mallory ave. Tackson. Mattie. c. seamstress, res 244 Washington, .'ackson. Minnie May. c. res 270 S. Thoiras. Jackson, Xettie, c. cook, res 169 Washington. Jackson. Paul. emp. J. X. Chipley. res 195 Hill. Jackson. Peter, c. emp. skating rink, res 157 Church. Jackson. R. (Ann ; e). eni]). Martin Bros., bus 342 Oak. Jackson, Rube. c. jailor Clark Co. jail, res r 195 Hill. Jaokson, Ruben W.. res 412 X. Thomas. Jackson. Ruth Mi?s. res 651 Milledge ave. Jackson. Ruth Miss, student L. C. I., res 412 X. Thomas. Jackson. Sadie Miss, res 2'^3 Peters. Jiicks-on. Sanford. c, res 442 Cleveland ave. .'ackson. Sidney, emp. Bondurant & Co.. bds 663 X. Jackson.


156 College Ave.

Phone 345

Athens, Ga.


Absolutely Reliable-Eyes
fitted with Spectacles
Sou. Mutual Building.



Jackson, Stephen (Ida), c. emp. Athens Compress, res 367 First. Jackson, Susie, c, laundress, res cor. Blooirfield and Hall. Jackson, Sweet, c, res 1227 W. Broad. Jackson, Thos. grocer. 812 Oconee, bds 798 Oconee. Jackson, Tom, res 233 Peters. Jackson, Tom (Sweety), c, emp. Talmadge Bros. & Co. corn mill,
res 26 Cleveland ave. Jackson, TOJT (Maria), c, emp. Univ. farm, res 141 Lyndon row Jackson, Toirmie, c, res 26 Cleveland ave. Jackson, Viola, c, res 141 Linton row. Jackson, Virgil, c, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 385 Cleveland ave. Jackson, Walter, county sheriff, res 495 Hill. "Jackson, W. B., (Naomi). Athens Hdw. Co., res 412 N. Thomas. Mackson, W. P. (Isabella), bkkpr Oconee Oil Ref. Co., Sou. Mut.
bldg., res 324 Boulevard. Jackson, William, c, emp. Athens Oil Mill, res 823 College ave. Macobs, Max (Sarah), Athens Cigar Store, res 179 Dougherty. Jacques, Constance Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. *Jago, T. E., iDr (Eunice), veterinary 431 N. Thomas, res 411 X. .James, Charles, Chinese laundry 174 E. Clayton, res same. James, Chas. (Mattie), emp. Climax Mill, res 140 Elwood ave. James, Dwelly, c, bds 187 Valley. James, Fannie, c, res r 660 Cobb. James, George, eTp Climax Mill, res 223 Ga. Depot st. James, J. B., tinner. Al Richards, res Ga. Depot st. James, Jesse, c, res 187 Valley. James, Katherine, c, laundress res 187 Valley. James, Leila Miss, emp. Climax Mill, res r 223 Ga. Depot st. lames, Lonnie, c, shoe shop. 394 W. Broad. Jarres. Lossie, c, emp. J. T. Dudley, res r 271 Hancock ave. James, S. A. Mrs., res 223 Ga. Depot st. James, Wm.. res 223 Ga. Depot st. Mameson, Robt. (Goldie). c, janitor Ga. Nat. Bank, res 193 Finley. Mamepon, Sholes (Ella), c. driver D: T. H. tfoss. res 193 Finley. Jankower, Ruby Miss, res 163 W. Hancock ave. *Jankower, Morris (Hattie). insurance a?t, res 163 W. Hancock. *Jarnagin. M. P. (Dorothy), prof. Animal Husbandry State School
of Agriculture, res 421 Cearing. Jan-ell, J. W.. emp. So. Bell Tel. Co., bds 186 N'. Hancock ave.

You have faith in your own products

Our products are home made. Honest material and workmanship are the virtues combined in construction of our harness and leather snoods.


Clayton St.

R. T. DuBose


City Property a Specialty



Jairell. Lilly, c. nurse, res 267 Atlanta ave. * Jarrell. S. (Susie), c, emp. S. A. L. Ry., res 267 Atlanta ave. Jarrett, Foster, res 980 Water. .larrett, Hattie M.. res 980 Water. Jarrett. .T. H. (Willie). mechanic res 980 Water. Joans. Edward (Laura Kate), c, emp. Dorsey & Funkenstein, res
249 China. Jefferson. Celia 'B.. c. teacher Knox Institute, bds 220 Harris. Jefferson, Ellen, c. res 130 X. Harris. Jefferson. Geneva, c, res 130 Harris. Jefferson. Jno., c. res 195 Lyndon row. *-Jefferson, R. H. (Mary L.). c, tailor 123 1-2 X. Jackson, res 130
X. Harris. . efferson. Robt.. c. res 130 X. Harris. .Tefferson Standard Life Ins. Co.. Deadwyler and Bush State agents,
room 41 :> Sou. Mut. Ins bldg. * Jenkins. Arthur (Cora), c, lab., bds 167 Warsaw. .Tonkins, Chas. T.. c. emp. Eppes-Wilkins Co., res 145 Rock Spring. * .Tonkins, Dallis (Sylvia), c, Itab.. res 145 Rock Spring. Jenkins, Delia, c, res 515 Broad. * Jenkins, John (Ora), c, fireman, S. X. S., res 160 Miller. Jenkins. Mary, laundress, res 235 Arch. ,!enkins. Mary, c, chambermaid, res 573 Hancock ave. Jonkins. Millard A., Rev., pastor First Baptist church, res 224 W.
Hancock. *Jenkins. Tom (Annie), c. em:p. city, res 515 Broad. Jenkins. Wm. L.. c. porter Athenaeum Hotel, res 145 Rock Spring. Jonkins. Walter, c, emp. J. H. Handrup, res 515 Broad. Jennings. Benj. c. lab. res 468 Odd. Jenningp. Emma. c. laundress 479 River. Jennings. Fleming, c. farm lab. res 468 Odd. .Tennings. Inez Miss, err p. Athens Hdw. Co.. bds 189 E. Dougherty. Jf-nnings, Sallie. Mrs., seamstress, r^s. 419 Boulevard. Jennings. Roy, elk E. I. Smith Shoe Co., bds 189 E. Dougherty. Jennings. W. T., student V. of Ga., rm 15 Candler hall. *Jernigan. A. (Hattie). c. emp. Dornblatt Plumbing Co., res 147
Franklin ave. Mernigen. Geo. (Ibbie). c, butler M. J. Peeples, res r 327 Hill. *Jesse. John (Willie B.). c, lab., res 298 Lyndon ave. Jester. Ernest, H., res 748 Cobb.
JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead. Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Maierials Contract for House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging. Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton and Jackson Sts.

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES
We put them on ALLEN H. TALMAGE 240-252 N. Lumpkin



Mester, J. Carlton, (Nannie May), bkkpe Athens Savings Bank, res

736 Cobb.

Jester, Kate Miss, res 748 Cobb.

*.Jester, W. A. (Alice), ret. merchant, res 748 Cobb.

Jester, Walter L., ras 718 Cobb.

*Jewell, Harvey (Carrie), c, drayman, res 288 Fourth.

*Jewell, J. (Savannah), c, lab. res 150 Baxter.

Jewell, Matilda, c. laundress, res 341 Atlanta ave.

*Joel, Abe (Anna), dry goods :512 E. Broad, res 130 W. Hancock.

Joel, Bernard, elk Abe Joel's, res 130 W. Hancock ave.

Joel. Chas.. res 130 W. Hancock ave.

Joel, Hannah Miss, res 130 VV. Hancock ave.

Joel. Jacob, elk Abe Joel, res 130 \V. Hancock ave.

*.Toel, Jake (Esther), salesman, bds 247 Pulaski.

.Toerg. Anna Miss, res 4SO Meigs.

Joerg. Gertrude Miss, res 480 Meigs.

Joerg, Teresa Miss, res 480 Meigs.

Johns, A. K., Mrs., res 136 Bryan.

Johns, E. Mh-s, em p Sou. Mfg. Co., res 136 Bryan.

Johns, Hazel Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 136 Bryan.

Johns, Holt, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 136 'Bryan.

Johns, Leo, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., re si36 Bryan.

Johns. Ralph, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 136 Bryan.

Johnson. A. S., elk Chas. Stern Co., bds 185 W. Hancock ave.

johnson. Alfred (Lucy), c. meat cutter Cooper & Brown, res 442


*"Johnson. Alex. A. (Lfnai. Printer. McGregor Co., Bradberry, bey

city limits.

Johnson. Alex, c, emp. Williamson's stable, res 195 Sapelo.

; .

'Johnson. Alex (Georgia), c. emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res r E. S. Cheat-

ham's store.


*.Johnson, Alex (Lillian). T^aw student U. of Ga.. res 128 First.

| f

Johnson. Anianda. c, laundress res 596 W. Broad.


Johnson. Amelia, c. laundress, res 862 Reese.


Johnson. Annie E.. res 296 Oconee.


Johnson. Annie B.. c. res 185 Miller.

: i

Johnson. Annie Bell. c. res 1440 W. Broad.

Johnson, Artelia. c. res 737 E. Broad.

* Johnson, Ben (Ambrosia), c, lab., res 155 Paris.

If vou art- looking for the one soft drink

which is known as the world's Favorite,

we have it. You can't ijet it anywhere

^ __

else, this is the mark of distinction. Set-

that it is on" the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims

You Get the Money. MAR J- ABNEY' No compromise, no delays, no technicalities. MARTIN J. ABP Phone 71, Southern Mutual Building.



Johnson, Bertha, c, res 148 Warsaw. Johnson. Bessie Miss, opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 280 Williams. Johnson, Bulah. c, cook T. W. Baxter, res r 165 Springdale. Johnson. Carrie, c. laundress, res 438 First. Johnson. Carrie, c. res 298 Augusta ave. Johnson, Carrie Lou, c, res 349 Rock Spring. Johnson, Chas., c, res 1440 W. 'Broad. Johnson, Chas. c, emp. Sou. Ref. Co., res 126 Newton. Johnson, Clara c, cook, res 582 Finley. Johnson, Clarissa, c, res 115 Pulaski. Johnson, Claud, c. res 437 Athens ave. Johnson, Dedrick, c, res 1473 Oconee. Johnson, Dock, c, butler A. H. O'Farrell, res 495 Rock Springs. Johnson, Dora. c. res 298 Augusta ave. Johnson, Dozier (Laura), c, res 148 Warsaw. Johnson, Durell, c, res 270 Atlanta ave. Johneon, Ed, c, lab. res r 271 Hancock ave. * Johnson, Ed (Cornelia), c, janitor Nantahala School, res 360
Pope. Johnson, Ed (Einah), c, emp. C. A. Scudder, res 145 Warsaw. Johnson, Edgar, student U. of Ga., bds 648 N. Luirrpkin. Johnson, Elijah (Pinkie), c, emp. Dr. Peacock's Poultry farm 292
Nellie B., res same. Johnson, Eliza, c, res 1140 Hancock ave. Johnson, Elizabeth, c, cook, res 433 Reese. Johnson, Elizabeth, c, res 785 Lumpkin. * Johnson. Elonzo (Frances), c, emp. Coco Cola Bot. Wks., res 1128
.Hancock ave. Johnson, Elsie, c, cook, res 143 Morton ave. Johnson, Emanuel. c, janitor S. N. S., res 137 Billups. Johnscn, Emanuel, c, res 1592 Oconee. Johnson, Ernest, c, emp. Athens Corr press, res 580 Arch. Johnson, Estelle Miss, res 180 Barber. Johnson, Ethel, c, laundress, res 660 Broad. Johnson, Eugene, c, emp. Wingfield's Cash Grocery, res nr 260 S.
Thomas. Johnson. Fannie, c. nurse E. L. Hill, res r 185 Hull. T 'ohr?cn, Fayette (Charlotte), c, drayman, res 645 Hull, fohnson, , Fielding (Chaddie), emp Athens Compress, res E. El-


If You Would Get the Trade of Oglethorpe County You Need Have to Advertise in
?>;. .'. s*'}-.;r.,>ir^'; /
:"; '^'-~~- '-^:^:
*:-.' ''-*>'&.:
Eight Thousand Possible Patrons of Athens Merchants
ts Readers Swear by It.

A Magazine of Literature ^;M ;^/'^ and Domestic Science


v t

Established 1887

Price $1.00 Per Year


The only Magazine that has ever enjoyed a record of 21 year's successful publication in this great section of wonderful natural resources and marvelous progress.

Is a large, beautifully illustrated monthly which carries with it the charm of life in its happiest phases. Always abounding in good reading matter, new features have been added until they include almost every Literary and Home interest. Any one of its many departments is worth far more than the price for all. Loved by young and old, praised by press and people. It should be in your home.

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.

Phone 707 145

Johnson, Florence, c. laundress, res 147 Chase. Johnson, Floyd, c, res C49 Rock Spring. Johnson. Frances, c, res 185 Miller. Johnson, Fred, res ISO Barber. .'ohnson. Fred, c, emp. Ga. Brick Co., res 438 First. Johnson, G. C. Mrs., res 890 College ave. Johnson, G. C., elk McEvoys Drug store, bds 150 Barrow. Johnson, G. C.. cotton buyer, I. T. Kilpatrick, res 595 Hill. Johnson, George, Mrs., res 595 Hill. Johnson, George (Lula), c, res 1592 Oconee. Johnson, Georgia, c, res 148 Warsaw. Johnson, Goodloe, c, res 1592 Oconee. Johnson, Grant, c, plasterer, res 270 Atlanta ave. "Johnson, Gus, (I,ou). c, res 123 Lyndon row. Johnson, Gus (Emui.a), c, driver E. L. Johnson, res 473 Oak. Johnson, H. X.. emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 595 Hill. Johnson, Hammond, student U. of Ga., bds 198 Dearing. " Johnson. Harry (Maggie), c, lab., res 336 Atlanta ave. Johnson, Harry, c, res r 973 Prince ave. lohnson, Hattie. c. res 121 Hickory. Johnson, Hattie. c, res 115 Pulaski. "Johnson, Henry (Mary), c, emp. S. A. L. Ry., res 437 Athens ave. " Johnson, Henry (Bessie), c, plasterer, res 1524 W. Broad. Johnson, Henry, c, brickrnason, res 147 Pea body. .Johnson, Henry, c, emp. Athens Ice Coal Co., res 330 Augusta ave. Johnson, Henry, c, res 1473 Oconee. 'Johnson, Herbert (Mary A.), c. Barber, E. Broad, res 624 Church. Johnson. Horace, c. emp. Thos. Bailey, res r 240 Hull. Johnson, Howard, e-.rp. S. A. L. Terminal, res 890 College ave. *Johnson, Jas. (Ethel), c, porter. Wingfield 'Bros. & Co.. res 160
Lyndon ave. * Johnson, Jas. (Mattie). c. cook Denmark hall, res 425 First. Johnson, Jas. c. res 523 Broad. "Johnson, Jeff (Caroline), c, lab. res 1146 Hancock ave. * Johnson, Jeff (Anna), c, brickmason, res 298 Augusta ave. Johnson, Jeff. Jr., c, res 298 Augusta ave. *Johnson, Jesse (Hattie), c, emp. Univ. farm, res 424 Finley. Johnson, Jesse, shoe shop 185 Washington, res W. end Dearing. Johnson, Jimniie. c. res 523 'Elbert.

If you are looking for the one soft drink whichisknown as the world's
Favorite, we have it. Yon can't net it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the c-rowti of every IxHtle.



Leadin,.-Dealers in

Cor. Hroad and Thomas Sts.

Phone 178



Johnson, John (Xancy). c, plasterer, res 390 Carr. Mohnson. Jno. (Jessie), c. emp. Athenaeum Hotel, res r 590 Mil-
lidge ave. .Johnson. Joseph, c. porter Warren J. Smith & Bro., res r 287 Oconei-. Johnson, J. P. grocer 132:) Oconee, res same. Johnson. Julius, c, butler, Mrs. Marks, res 1473 Oconee. Johnson. Julius, c. 'Driver, Mrs. P. Marks, res r 247 Pulaski. Johnson, Katherine Miss, res 189 Barber. Johnson, Katie Lou. res 783 Dearinjr. Johnson. Laura M. Miss, res 296 Oconee. Johnson. Laura, c. laundress, res r 973 Prince ave. Johnson, Lawrence, c. lab. 495 Rock Springs. * Johnson. L. B. (Genie), trav. salesman, res 574 Strong. * Johnson. Lee (Georgia), c, emp. city, res 270 Atlanta ave. Mohnson. Lewis (Jane), c, driver L. Caniak, res 523 Broad. Johnson. Lizzie, c, nurse, res 380 Augusta ave. .'ohnson. Lizzie, c. laundress, res 317 Hull. Johnson, Lizzie, c. laundress, res 121 Hickory. Johnson, Ixmnie (Callie). carp., res 1264 E. Broad. Johnson. Loucile. c, res r 185 Hull. Johnson. Louise, c. res r 973 Prince ave. Johnson. Lula Jane, c, res 737 E. Broad. Johnson, Lula. c, res 783 Bearing. Johnson, Maggie Miss, res 425 Xacoochee ave. Johnson. Maggie, c. res r 125 Reese. Johnson. Mamie, c. laundress, res 735 Lumpkin. Johnson. Mamie, c. res 1473 Oconee. Johnson Marie Miss student L. C. I., bris L. C. I. dormitory. Johnson. Mary Mrs., res 296 Oconee. "ohnson. Mary D. Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory.
'^hn?on. Mary Sue Miss, res 574 Strong. :ohnson. Mary Eddie, c. res 473 Oak. ohnson. Mary Lou. c. laundress, res 709 X. Thomas. "ohnson. Mattie. c. res 14& Warsaw. Johnson. Mattie. c. cook, res r 997 Milledge ave. ." ohnson, Mattie. c. res 349 Rock Spring. Johnson. Mattie Lou. c. res 270 Atlanta ave. Johnson. May Sue Miss, res 425 Dougherty. "Johnson. Miles, c. prop. Athens Steam Dye Wks., ret> 115 Pulaski.

Athens Business College VISITORS WELCOME
Has exclusiue ri^ht to teach tin- Famous I'.ynu- Systems of Practical Bookkeeping and Simplified Shorthand. Typewriting (touch method.) Satisfaction jfuarantceil. Write for Catalogue. I U-pt A.

COOK WITH GAS It lessens the domestic cares and adds to the happiness of every home. Phone 54.


. 14

*'Johnson. Mitchell (Flora), c. em p. S. A. L. Ry., res r 295 Cleveland ave.
* Johnson. M. L. (Bessie I. emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 42-". Nacoochee. Johnson. Nancy, c, laundress, res 66s Hull. Johnson, Nellie Miss, res S90 College ave. * Johnson. Nelson (Annie), c. carpenter, res 1440 W. Broad. Joh'nson. Nettie, c. laundress, res W. end Dearing. Johnson, Pate, elk 1323 Oconee. res same. Johnson, Parks, student U. of Ga.. bds 834 Prince. .: ohnson. Percy, c, res ITS Hoyt. Johnson. Pearl Miss, res 890 College ave Johnson, Pink Miss, res 122:5 Oconee. Johnson. Pryor, res 1323 Oconee. "Johnson, P. S. (Amye), broker Swift bldg., res 127 Hancock ave. Johnson. Oda, c, laundress, res 29S Augusta ave. Johnson. Olla, c. cook mis 446 Reese. Johnson. Quida, c, res 425 First. * (ohnson, O. H.. (Bess), Physician, eye, ear, throat, and nose. off.
614 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg., bds 490 N. Milledge ave. Johnson, Ralph, en p. Aldean hotel, res same. * Johnson, Robert 'Jessie), c, emp. S. N. S., res 783 Dearing. "Johnson, Robt. (Laura), c. tenant est. H. McWhorter, res same. * Johnson. Robt. (Mary), c. farmer, res 1473 Oconee. Johnson, Robt., c. butler C. A. Ver Nooy. res r 997 S. Milledge ave. Johnson, Rosa Ann, c. cook, res 580 Arch. Johnson, Rosa, c. res 424 Finley. Johnson. Robert Henry, c. res 783 Dearing. Johnson, Reese, c. en p. Ga. Brick Co., res 43s First. Johnson, Reviere, Miss, res 180 Barber. Johnson. Rhoddy. c. cook, res 737 E. 'Broad. Jackson, Richard, c, drayman, res 1537 \V. Broad. Johnson. R. L.. Mrs., res 425 Meigs. Johnson. R. H.. student I', of Ga.. rm 25 New College. Johnson, Sallie. c. tenant est H. McWhorter, res same, .'ohnson. Sam (Delia), c. emp. Empire Chem. Co.. res 396 Arch. Johnson. San, c. res 1473 Oconee. Johnson Shoe Co.. Louis Funkenstein. mgr.. 433 E. Broad. Johnson. Sarah, c. laundress, res r 147 Chase. Johnson. Shelva B. (Clara), c. driver Dozier Lumber Yard, res 473


268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.

"Thfi WorM'S BfiSt" Sfc'e tlie Ne" Mo'lel No - 1() visih* e Writing.






.Johnson. Sophia, c, res 620 Broad.


Johnson. Susie, c, res 145 Warsaw.

Johnson, Susie Ellen, c, res 681 Lumpkin.

Johnson, Susan, c, laundress, res cor. Cleveland ave and College.

Johnson. S. (Levie). c. res r 750 Milledge ave.

Johnson, Thead, c, lab. 14S Warsaw.

Johnson, Thelnia, c, res 758 Hull.

Johnson, Thomas, c. emp. city, res 270 Atlanta ave.

Johnson. Thos.. c. res 236 Bridge.

Tohnson, Vick. c. emp. Empire Stean:: Laaindry. res, r 125 Reesf.

*Johnson. W. C. (Elberna). farmer, res 180 Barber.

* Job n son. W. K. (Adah), lineman West. Union Tel. Co., res 383


Johnson. W. H. (Molliet. cerpenter, bds 575 N. Jackson.

* Johnson. W. D. (Alice), c. minister A. M. E. ch., res 681 Lump-


.'olinson. Walter E.. elk Michael Bros., res 296 Oconee.

"Johnson. Walter (Hannah), c. tenant est. H. McWhorter, res same.

'Johnson. Will (Bessie), c, pressing club, res Plum.

* Johnson. W.n . (Rebecca), c, plasterer, 337 Reese.

*.Tohnson. Wm. (Mary), c. lab. Dornblatt Plumb. Co., res 276


Johnson, Wm. Henry, c. emp. S. A. L. Ry. res 438 First.

Johnson, Wm. c. res 1473 Oconee.

Johnson, Wm. c. res 270 Atlanta ave.

Johnson. Wm. c. res 178 Hoyt.

Johnson. Wm. c. res 148 Warsaw.

Johnson. Willie, c, res 785 Lunrpkin.

Johnson. Willie. c, res Plum.

Johnson, Willie May. c. res 148 Warsaw.

* Johnson. York (Laura), c. emp. Chancellor Barrow, res 495 Rock


Jo.!ner. G. W. (Pearl), plumter Athens Gas Co., res 467 E. Hancock.

*Joiner, Harry (Fanny) mchist Athens Foundry, res 1475 E. Broad.

Jonas. A. O. Mrs. res 9S6 Water.

Jonas. Thomas A. (Sarah), res 163 Jonas ave.

.Tones, Annie L.. c. prin. Thos. Heard Univ., res cor Reese and Pope.

.Tones. Annie, c. teacher Thos. Heard Univ., res 187 Poplar.

Jones, Alene O. Miss, res 547 Boulevard.

I I'-T()-1 )ATE GROCER Everything Good to Kat

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils, Varnishes. Glass, 1'uttv and Artist Maierials Contract for House and Si^n Painting and Paper Han.irinj?.
Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton and Jackson Sts.



Jones, Andrew, c. res 160 Harris. .Jones. Andrew, c, servant E. R. Hodgson, Jr.. res r 150 Milledge. '"Jones. B. C. (Gussie), trav. salesman Epps-YVilkins Co., res 415
E. Dongherty. Jones. Bess'e. c, res 168 Pearl. "Jones, 'i'en (Jane), o. emp. Talmadge Bros. & Co.. corn ir.ill, res
2:'.s Cleveland ave. Jones. Bnlah. c. ehip. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 250 Cleveland ave. ? Jones, Calib. c. enip. Chas. Stern Co., res 170 Paris. * Jones. Charles (Ada), c. piessing club. Hoyt . res 140 Macon ave. Jones. Chris, emp. Manhattan Cafe., hds 245 1-2 X. Thomas. *Jones, Cicero Ibiicindj). c. lab., res 542 \V. Broad. Jones, Cora, c. res 160 Lyndon row. ./ones, Cornelia, c, laundress, res 168 Pearl. lones. Caisy Lou, nurse, res 1125 W. Broad. Jones, K(\. (Mary Loin, c. brickmason. res 234 Pope. * Jones. K<\. (Mattie). c. eni)). Athens Ter.n inal Co.. res ofto Augus-
ta Jones, Edgar, res 784 Prince. Jones. Effie. c. laundress, res 175 Macon ave. Jones, E. E. Mrs., res 784 Prince ave. Jones, Elbert (lizzie), c. res 259 Chase. Jones. Ellen Miss, stengr. State Col. of Agri.. bds ^.G N.. Thomas. .Tones. Emma Sue Mi?s. stengr Michael Bros., bds 311 X. Thomas. Jones. Ethel, c. res 384 Springdale. Jones, Ethel, c, laundress, res 375 Cleveland ave. Jones. Eugene, c. lab. res 215 Pope. Jones. Fannie Miss, teacher Athens Bus. Col., bds 33(5 X'. Thomas. Jr>nes. Frank, c. res 384 Springdale. Jones. Fred, res 784 Prince ave. Jones, Fred. c. lab., res 140 Church. Jon?s. Goldie. c. laundress, res 165 Waddell. Jones. Golie. c. laundress, res 137 Peabody. *Jones. H. C. (Mattie), emp. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 465 Xacoochee avi. Jones. Hatt'e, c, ecrp. L. C. I., res 1457 W. Broad. Jones. Henry, c, butler. Chas. Stern, res 168 Pearl. Jones. Isaac, c, res 187 Poplar. *Jones. J. (Beulahl. enip. Sou. Mfg. Co.. resc 172 Bryan. "Jones, James. (Annie), c, emp Red and Black Pressing club, res

Athens Coal Coke Co
Phone 195.

Dead<wyler Wood & Coal Co.


Office ami Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



1S5 .'ones. Jennie. Mrs., res fiOft Lumpkin. :r Jones. .Ino. (Viniet. c. emp. Armour Pkg. Co., res 1125 YV. Broad. Jones. John. e. .Iriver G. H. \Yilliamson, bds 542 \V. Broad. Jones. Julius, e. res 234 Pope. .Tones. Katie, c. res 2:!4 Pope. *.lones. Leroy (Patience), o. lab. (la. 'Brick Co.. res 170 Trail Creek. Jones. Lillian Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. 1. dormitory. .)om s. Lou.. c. cook, res 160 Lyndon row. .Jones. Louisa, e. i es IfiN Pearl. Tones. Louisa, e. dress laker, res 14H Newton. Jones. Maggie, c. laundress. res .".41 Atlanta ave. ,?ones. Martiaiet. c. dressmaker, rms 446 Reese. Jones. Mary. o. laundress, les 250 Tabernacle. Jones. Mary Kiln. c. res 2:14 Pope. Jones. Mary. c. res KM Lumpkin. Jones. Mamie, r. res 1S7 Poplar. .Ion; s. Mamie, c. laundress, res 641 Broad. .'ones. Mar.chie. c. res 167 Peris. Jones. Matlie. e. res IfiO Harris. .Tones. Mollie. c. res 16N Pearl. .Tones. Nancy, c. laundress, res 124 Water Oak. **.Tones. Nick (Hannah Bell), c. emp. Sou. Mfg Co... res 127 Frank-
lin ave. Jones. Oberta Miss, res 547 'Boulevard. Jones. Oscar, c. emp. Athens Electric Co.. bds 11 So Hancock ave. Jones. Owen. c. res 250 Tabernacle. Jones. Parker, fan er. res 7S4 Prince ave. .*ones. Pherase. c. servant E. R. Hodgson. Jr., res r 150 Milledgo Jones Pressing Club. c. Chas. Jones, prop., 248 Hoyt. Jones. Rachel, c. res 167 Paris. Jones. R. R. (Alice), treas. Ga. Brick Co.. res 547 Boulevard, .loner.. Richard, c. lab., res 140 Church. Jones. Robt., A.. (Emna). ry. mail elk. res 653 N. Milledge ave. *.Tones. Robert (May), c. emp. Alexander Rhodes, res 167 Paris. Jones. Robt. P.. res 547 Boulevard. .'ones. Robert L. (Effie). c. brickkmason, res 1185 Hancock ave. Jones, Ruth Miss, teacher public School, res 784 Prince ave. Jones. Selena. c. res :)90 Augusta ave. Jones. Shuyler. c. carp, res 384 Springdale.

l1fVT.UTT 1 D ivll?lrCa

t*S 101 COI.I.RC.K ATK



Pure Drinks a Specialty


Lipscomb & Co. INS AENCE

Office Phone 109 Residence 719

Office Cor. Clayton and College Avenue



* Jones, Silas (Phyllis). c. car]), res ::*4 Springdale. Jones. Si.toy, r. res :;si Springdale. Jones. Susan, c. la.mdress, res :'.T5 Clevehin.l ave. Jones, Sylvester, c-. l:il>.. res 140 Church. Jones. Tom. c. tailor, bds 12<i Newton. *Jon s. \V. A. ( Lowt-nia). c. wash hoard nit'o:'.. res 1x7 Poplar. .'ones. \Viley Ed. res 547 Boulevard. Jones. \Vin. c. res S40 Reese. "Jonrs. \V. 1.. iSallie). !rav. salesman. K. E. Edwards, res i>25 S
nir.iipkin. 'ones. \V. S. (Nellie), harher. A. M. Bryant. res 190 Dougherty. Ionian. A. A., mchnst Athens Cyc-le Co.. lids 575 N. Jackson. Jordan, Carrie Lee .Miss, res 290 Williams. ''Jordan, .Ernest (Rosi^i. P. eni]. \V. C. Ash. res r \'2'2('> Prince. Jordan. Freddie, c. res nr 11 MO Milledge ave. Jordan. CtPorge < Pearl i. carp., res 415 Foundry. Jordan. Inez Miss. inch. opr. Athens Mt'i?. Co.. res 290 Williams. Jordan. J. T. (Hester). Supt. Athens Mt's. Co.. res 290 Williams. Jordan. .1. H. (Sarah), res 120 Herring. Jordan, J. enip. C. of (la. Ry.. hds (\fi'.\ S. Jackson. Jordan. Lee. plumber, hds. 29S Baldwin. Jordan. Lewis, res <>SX Milledge ave. Jordan. Lula, c, res 75S Hull. Jordan. Mary Lou. c. cook T. J. Scott, res nr 1190 Milledge ave. Jordan. Martha, c. laundress, res 439 River. Jordan. Nellie May Miss :rch. opr. Athens Mt',t. Co.. re s 290 Wil-
liams. ".Jordan. W. C. (Charlotti. real estate, off Sou. Mm. Ins bids, res
fiSN S. Milledge ave. Jordan. Wm. < Palis ).c. grocer. :I2s Flint, res same . Joseph. Max. wholesale notions, 1:56 Wall, bds 247 Pulaski. Joseph, Mary. c. res 143 Morton ave. Jnlin. Esther Miss. enip. Garrows Candy Kitchen, res 153 Vine. Julin. Henry, enip. Garrows Candy Kitchen, res 15:5 Vine. Jnlin. P. A. Mrs., res 153 Vine.

You have faith in your own products

Our products are home made. Honest material and workmanship are the virtues combined in construction of our harness and leather ijoods.


Clayton St.

W. L Hancock Coal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.

Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.



Phone 707


Kappa Alpha House, s/>u Prince ave. Kay. Artimr. student I", of Ga.. Ixls 130 G'rady ave. Kaphn. P :nl no Miss, trained nurse, bds 749 Prince ave. Kappa Sigma Fraternity Club rooms, 613 Sou. .Mut. Ins bhlg. Keese, .]. S., grocer 497 Piince, Ixls 22:5 N.antahala avo. Keese. Mollie. c. chambermaid, res S40 Water. Keith. .1. M. (Hattie). mail elk. Sou. Ry.. res 42S S. Luiupkin. Kiin. Lonnie. c. emi) Betts stable, res 157 Churcn. *Kelley. A. K. iLula). painting contractor, res 444 Meigs. *Kelley. (,eo. (Maryt. c. em]). Sou. Ret'. Co., res 1594 \V. Broad. Kelly. O. .1.. painter, bds. 444 Meigs. Kelly. W. C.. c. teacher Knox Tnst.. l:ds Billups. Kellx. .]. H.. registry elk P. O. , res Lexington road, bey. city liniiits. Kelly. .Ino. B., elk Talmadge 'Bros & Co., res Lexington road, bey
city limits. Kelly. Lizzie Miss, teacher Baxter St. School, res Lexington road
bey city limits. Kelly. \V. 1).. supt. County (arm. res Lexington road, bey city limits. Kelly. X. M. Mrs., res 168 E Eougherty. i-Tellv Rosa. eii)]>. Sou. Mf?. Co., res 168 E. Dougherty. Kelly, Georgia Miss, elk Davison-Xicholson Co., bds 311 X. Thomas. Kelly. J. H.. student V. of Ga.. res 2x7 Pulaski. . *Kelly. J. M. < Pearl t. carp, res 804 X. Lumpkin. Kellog. H. B. student V. of Ga.. bds 290 Clayton. * Kellogg. F. E. (Allenei. bkkpr Athens Ice & Coal Co.. res 130
Barrow. : Kelliuu. .John (Susie. hackman. res 237 Oak. *Kellnm. .1. A. (S. C.. hackman. res 237 Oak. *Ke]]um. J. D. (Temjiie), carp, res S85 Oconee. Kellum. Ora Miss, milliner, res 165 Strong. Kellum. Thos. J.. emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 237 Oak. Kellum. \Vm. Ernest, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 237 Oak. Kellum. \V. E.. emp. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 237 Oak. *Kellum. Willis (Armanda). mechanic, res 165 Strong. Kemlall. Chas. plasterer, bds 575 X. Jackson.
If you :ire looking for the- one soft drink vvbic'li is known ;is the world's Favorite, we have it. You can't get it anvwhere else, this is the iiiM'-k of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.






Kendall. J. .1., student T'. of Ga., bds 695 Prince ave. Keni.i er. Barn fit. student I", of Ga., hds 229 Barber. Kent. Joseph, c, basket maker, res 435 Filbert. Kendrick. Allie, c, res 386 Ga. Depot. St. Kendrick, J. B.. c. res 386 Ga. Cepot St. Kendrick. Emma. c. res 3X6, Ga. Depot St. Kendrick, G. M., c, driver Sou. Ex. Co., res 3N6 Ga. Depot St. Kendrick. Hawkins, c, res 3S6 G'a. Depot St. Kendrick. Mamie, c. res 386 Ga. Depot St. Kendric.k S. D.. c, driver Sou. Ex. Co.. res 368 Ga. Depot St. Kennard, Mary Miss, res 435 E. Dougherty. Keenen, Geo. B.. tailor Morse & Keenen. res 219 Waddell. Kennedy. P. M. ( Klizabeth). emp. J. B. Toomer, res 569 Pulaski. Kenney. Clifford, c. res r 506 Franklin. *Kenny, D. M., Mrs. res 787 Baxter. Kenney. K. F. Mrs., res 744 Barber. Kenney, E. Elizabeth Miss, stngr. R. T. CuBose. res 270 Hill. Kenney, Essie Miss, res 787 Baxter. Kenyon, F. J. (Lucy), barber, res 17:5 Wilkerson. Kenney, Frances E. Miss, res 744 Barber. Kenney, Harry, elk McClnre's lOc store, res 297 Barber. Kenney, Jas. M., carp. 744 Barber. Kenney. Martha Miss, res 270 Hill. Kenney. Mima Miss, res 124 Stare. Kenney, Walter, emp. Athens Eng. Co., res 297 Be.xter. Kenney. \V. H.. Mrs., res 297 Baxter. Kerress. Chas., elk llion Cafe, bds 337 Hoyt. Kettle, Arthur, elk llion Cafe, res 1S4 State. Kettle. Charles, res 127 Mitchell. Kettle. Fred (Minnie), lab. Athens Mfqr. Co.. res 127 Mitchell. Kettle. Julia Miss, elk Michael Bros., res 184 State. Kettle. Tethe. res 184 State. Kidd. Frony. Madam. Boardinsrhouse 866 Water. Kidd, Frank, student V. of Ga.. bds 263 E. Hancock ave. Kidd, Marguerite Miss, teacher Kindergarten Xantahala ave. res
748 Prince. 'Kidd. R. Z. (Gussie), trav. salesman, res 784 Prince ave. Kidd. Volly Miss, bds 866 Water. Kile. J. I. (Julia), lineman. Sou. Hell Tel. Co.. res r'.H'.i Finley.






You ran not get much rest when your mini! is uncertain whethe you are sleeping on a ijerm infested Mattress. Have vou

Mattresses renovated at the

Phone 157



Kil-. .Ion ell. ITS 369 Finley. Kilgore. Evie. Miss. v<>s s50 College ave. Kilgore. E'la Miss, res N30 College ave. Kolaore. Henry. < nip. Sou. Ml'.i. Co.. res S5o College ave. *Kilgor. . .John (Ida>. niachanic Moss Mfg. Co.. res S50 College ave. Kiliio; e. \Villie. j-. : s.~>0 College ave. Killan. Lnla Mav. c. res 141 Cane. "Killan. \V.i . iMattiet. c. brickinason. res 141 Cane Kilpatrick. 1. T. (Eva), cotton broker. 433 1-2 E. Broad, res 365 Hill. Kinihall. Ed. c. lab. res 125 Newton. 'Kimball. Hemy (Sopia). c. emp. \V:n. Fl mining, res r 165 Reese. *Kimhrough. .1. M. (Elizabeth), eominaiidant I*, of (\. cadets, bds
Georgian hotel. Kindal. Mary. c. res r 125 Reese. :: Kiiiii. A. L. (l.nla). iMiip. \V. H. Davis Pool Room, res 1140 Prince. King. .1. Alien, student V. of Ga... bds 4(>4 College ave. King. Honnie. enip. Climax Mill, res 1G5 Elwood ave. King. Battey. stu.enl I", of Ga.. bds :>25 Lnmpkin. King. Cornolia. c. res 170 Paris. King. Carr. student r. of Ga., rm :'>! Candler hall. Kinir. Edwaid. student T'. of Ga.. bds 525 Milledge ave. *King. F"red (.Janie). c. lab. res 170 Paris. King. Fred H. c. porter Johnson Shoe Co.. res 170 Paris. King. Georgia Miss, emp. Climax Mill, res 165 Elweod ave. King-Hodpson Co.. grocers, cor Broad and Oconee. King. Ida. c. laundress, res :5M7 Flint. King. .las. S. Mrs., res 749 Cobh. King. Lula. c. laundress, res 1S3 Billups. King. Mary Lou. c. res 170 Paris. King. Roberta, c. res 147 Franklin ave. King. Richard, c. res 337 Flint. *King. S. F. (Lydia). dispenser Harawa cafe, res 736 N. .Jackson. *King. T. N. (Mary), carp., res 165 Elwood ave. King. Veia M. Miss, res 165 Elwood ave. King. Wm. Thos.. c, res 170 Paris. *Kinnebrew. E. C. (Ossie), Attorney, U. S. Commissioner, off.
264 1-2 Lumpkin, bds 380 S. Lumpkin. Kinney. Annie, c, laundress, res 1223 Hancock ave. Kinney, Clarence, c. res 1223 VV. Hancock ave. Kinney. Decker, c, res 1223 \V. Hancock ave.
Notes Bought and Discounted at Reasonable Rates

Georgia Loan Go.
ARTHUR FLATAl", President

1()6 Shacklefonl Building Bell Phones 299-600

We move Household CVoods. All kinds of hauling The Hest Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. _____A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



*Kinney, Jack ( c, well digger, res 1223 XX'. Hancock ave.

Kinney, Lena. c. laundress, res 1223 XX*. Hancock ave.

Kinney, Mabel, c. r<>s 1 JL'3 XX'. Hancock ave.

Kinney, Sarah, c, cook, p-s 1223 XX'. Hancock ave.

Kinney, Sanders, c. emp. Parlor market, res 122:'. XX" Hancock ave.

"Kiiiyon, XX'. .1. ( Xlie< I, m.iil carrier. r<'s i's7 Oconee.

Kirk. Albert, res 19:1 Park ave.

Kirk. Cornelia, c. house cleaner, res 1125 \\'. Broad.

:> Kirk. Emory S.. ii'earh. |'umber, DornblaM '.. res 7:". (>'>ne< .

Kirk. Hallie. res 19:: Park ave.

v: Kirk. H. P. (Maggie), collector Athens XX'ater XX'ks.. res 1095


"Kirk. J. C. (Milady), elk J. R. Davis. res 1x5 Park ave.

'Kirk. Thos. C., (Lena), plumber. Dornblatt, res 126 Cemetery.

*Kirk. XX'. H. (Carrie), en p. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 193 Park ave.

K'rkpatrick, Antoinette. Miss, student L.C.I.. b-N LC.I ciorini'nrv

Kirkpatrick. PMith Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. Dormitory.

Kirkpatrick. Mattie Lou Miss, res 69:'. S. Lumpkin.

Kirkpatrick. R. E. (Salina). painter, res 69:5 S. Lumpkin.


K.I.tie, VX'm., em,). ''I'r.'av 'ii!l. res-- .~>S5 Ocop< <. r>,);- i'"ters.


Klien & Martin. Vehicle Mfrs.. Mitchell, nr C. Of Ga. R. R.


Klien. J. H.. Klien & Martin. Vehicle irfrs. rms 264 1-2 X. Lumpkin.

bds 2S2 E. Hancock ave.


*Klower, John (Mettle), stonemason, res 2 is River.

Knight, Arthur, student 1*. of Ga... bds 360 XX'. Hancock ave.


Knight .). J.. emp. Athens Mattress & Spring B"d Co.. bds 709


X. Thomas.


Knight. Jane Miss, res 115 Mitchell.


Knox.. Fannie, c, cook, res 224 XVashington.


Knox, Gordon, student I", of Ga., bds 464 College ave.

Koke. Frank, elk Abe Joel, bds 565 College ave.

Kollock, J. T.. student U. of Ga.. bds 130 Grady ave.

Kutres Cafe. X. Kutres prop. 101 College ave.

Kutres. Chas.. emp. Ilion Cafe, bds 337 Hoyt.

Kutres, X., fruits. 549 E. Broad.

*Kutres. Nicholas (Myrtle), fruit dealer, cor. Broad and College

ave, ret- 539 Pnlaski.

Kutres. Sam. res 212 Foundry.

Smith Premier Typewriter Company
S10eevtihsieblNeew Model No ( 111101 pr^eaa^chnttrr^e*e* aSLtt., AAttllaannttaa,

Many of the names herein listed use GAS for


not we desire to serve you too.




Kytle. C. H., res 424 hancook ave. Kytle. Katherine Miss, res 124 Hancock ave. Xytle. Ixiuise Miss, res 424 Hancock ave. Kytle. \V. H. (M. P.). emp. Athens Hdw. Co.. res 424 Hancock ave.

La Boone. L.. student I*, of G'a.. res 264 1-2 X. Lumpkin. Labon. Dola. c, cook, res r 147 Chace. Lacy. Geo.. student Athens'Business College, res 1123 Prince ave. Lacy. Helen, Miss, res 1123 Prince ave. Lacy. Louise Miss, res 1123 Prince ave. Lackey, Ed. K.. (Lovie). pro]). Lester Sleeping house, res 24.">Vk
X. Thomas. La", bert. Annie Mrs., res 196 X. Milledge ave. Lambert. Ainiee. Miss. res 196 X. Milledge ave. Lambert. Annie, res 774 N. Jackson. Lambert. Charlie, res 774 X. Jackson. *l^ambert. Chas. A.. (Josie), Undertaker J. S. Bernstein, res 774
X. Jackson. Lambert. .1. Henry, trav. salesman, res 196 X. Milledge ave. Lambert, G.. e:i p. Ga. Xat. Bank, res 196 X. Milledge ave. Lambert. Julia. Miss, res 196 X. Milledge ave. Lambert, Kenneth, res 196 X. Milledge ave. Lambert. Mary lx>u Miss, res 196 X. Milledge ave. Lampkin. Annie Miss, teacher, les 648 X. Lumpkin. *Lan!pkin. Cobb. (Keturah). furniture 2SS X. Lumpkin, res 158 \V.
Dousfherty. Lampkin. Carrie Miss, teacher, res 648 N. Lumpkin. Lampkin. Eustace, res Io8 W. Dougherty. Lampkin. Frank H.. trav. salesman. Atlanta Paper Co., res 648 X.
Lurr pkin. Lampkin. Ma; ion Miss. teacher public school, res 648 X. Lumpkin. Lampkin. Sue Mrs. lids 135 Waddell. I.ampkin. W. \V.. Mrs. res 648 X. Lumpkin. *Landon. A. (Annie i. merchant, res '>'., Pulaski. Landium. Elizabeth Miss, res 244 Xantahala ave. Landruni. Floy K. Miss, stenogr. McGregor Co., res 397 Barber. Landriin . Gertrude, c. res ITS Warsaw.



Phone ^S() -

14S-156 Broad .St.

- Athens, Ga.

^ ToOIllCr Sewing Machine Office

459 Claytoton St. P.O. Bx. 262


Largest Dealer in Georgia. Piatu>s and Organs. All Makes. 32 years in the Business. Cheapest in Ga.

Pianos from Organs from Sewing Machines

5140 to f-k>0 535 to f90 $17 to J55



"Landrum, J. (Mary H). road master S. A. L. Ry., res 244 Xantahala ave.
Landnim, Lizzie, c, laundress, res 178 Warsaw. I.andrnm. Mal (Ala), c. farm lab. res Vine nr. Dublin. I-andrum. Marvin, yard master S. A. L. Ry., res 244 Xantahala ave. Landrum, Otha, c. plasterer, res 178 Warsaw. Lane, Daryl, c. res nr 230 S. Thoiras. Lane, Jas. (Martha), c, lab. res 185 Derby. Lane. Louise Miss, prin. E. Athens Xight School, res 378 Oak. Lane. Mary, c, laundress, res nr 230 S. Thomas. Lane, Mattie. c, res 1S5 Derby. Lane, Mattie, c, laundress, res 248 Vine. Lane, Murphy, c, emp. Ga. Brick Co., res 250 Cleveland ave. Lane, Willis, c, emp. Klein & Martin, res 335 Arch. Lane. Wylie, c. emp. Miller & Co., res 185 Derby. Lane, Howard, c. janitor Insu. bldg., res 185 Derby. Lang, Alia May Miss, dressmaker, bds 824 Boulevard. Lang, Mary Miss dressmaker, bds 824 Boulevard. Langston, Cleo, conductor Athens Elec. Ry., bds 169 E. Dougherty. I.angston, H. S.. student U. of Ga., rm 23 Candler Hall. Langston, Louise, c, cook, res 115 Rock Springs. Langston, Ben]"., c, emp. city, res 11 ."> Rock Springs. Langston, Lula, c, cook, res 115 Rock Springs. Langston, Robt., c, res 115 Rock Springs. La.igston, Wes. c, res 115 Rock Springs. Lanham, Roy, student U. of Ga., bds Prof. Lustrat. campus. Lanham, H-pnderson. student U. of Ga.. bds Prof. Lustrat. campus. * Lanier, Bessie Mrs., res 140 Barber. Lanier, Fleetwood Miss, res 140 Barber. Lanier Footwear Co., shoes, H. M. Mallory mgr., 229 E. Broad. Lanier, Marie Miss, res 140 Barber. Lanier. Ruby Miss, res 140 Barber. Lanier. Wilson, res 140 Barber. Lankford, Camilla Miss, mch. opr. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 435 Wil-
liams. Latimer. Laura, c, res r 1045 Prince ave. Lavender, Berryl, res X. College ave, at city limit. Lavender, Lena, res N. College ave at city limit.


TTiironean Plan AiT Rooms, Clean Sanitary Beds, Prompt and


Polite Attention. One block from Post Office,

half block from Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, Prop.

368^ Washington St.


WHY IS THIS PRACTICAL? Because we know our Business


Clayton St.



'Lavender, \V. R. (Alice). Fanner, res X. College ave., at city limit.
Lawh?ad. Dixie Mis-, res 347 Pope . 1 Lawhead. \V. '13.. (Margaret), optician, res 347 Pope. Lawrence. Carrie, c. Matron Ga. Depot, res 129 Willow. Lawrence. Eugenie Miss, res 687 S. Milledge ave. Lawrence. H. B. (Mattie). real estate and insurance, off. Sou. Mut.
bldg. res 273 Mallory ave. Lawrence. Murray (.lulia). c, emp. E. (1. Whitehead, res 123
Franklin. * Lawrence. R. B. (Eugene D.). res 6S7 S. Milledge ave. Lawrenc?. Robert, res 6S7 S. Milledge ave. 'Lawrence. W. A. (L. M., c, minister, res 590 Hull. Lay. Mary. c. laundress, res 190 Hendrick. Laymen's Missionary Movement. C. A. Rowland, clim'n. room
Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Leards. Chas., res 174 Bryan. Leards. .lulia Miss, res 174 Bryan. :5 Leartfs. Luther (Louise), en p. Sou Mfir. Co., res 174 Bryan. Leards. Mena Miss, res 174 Bryan. Leards. Norah. Miss, res 174 Bryan. Leards. Sesscross. res 174 Bryan. ->eCraw. Daisy Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Lee. Albert, c. emp. G. H. Williamson, res 370 Pope. Lee. Charles, c. res 652 Hull. '% Lee. Ed (Ella), c. shoe maker 193 Prince ave, res 652 Hull. Lee. Henry (Cordelia >. c. drayman, res 370 Pope. Lee. Henry. L.. c. res. 370 Pope. ] ee. Kate. c. res 652 Hull. Lee, Mary Miss. emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 197 Oak. Lee. Mattie, c, res 652 Hull. Lee. Moses (Delia I. c. emp. Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 189 Lyndon row. *Lee. Phillips (Francis), c. sexton First Baptist church, -res 552
\V. Broad., Rosa. c. res 652 Hull. i..^e. Sarah, c. laundress ves 129 Rutherford. Lee. Silla. c. domestic, res r 748 Cobb. Lee. Thon as, res 370 Pope. Lee. Willie. c, res 370 Pope. L'Engle. FrancisP.. student V. of Ga.. bds 296 Hill.

n.-. Cal1 on the Athens Coal & Coke Co.

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims

No compromise, no delays, no technicalities.

Ynil PiPt thP MnnPV


IUU U6I 1116 mUllCj, Phone 71, Southern Mutual Buiiding.



' Lefton. S. T. (Georgia), c, plasterer, res 290 Macon ave. Lemar. Bplin Miss, student L. C. I.. bds L. C. I. dormitory. Le Meille. A. G. (Inez), jeweller and watchmaker. 251 K. Broad,
res :J72 K. Dougherty. Lenimond, Emmie Miss, opr. Tel. ex.. res 757 Pulaski. *L*emn ond, R. H. (Emma), engineer So. R. R.. res 757 Pulaski. Lenimond, Robt, opr.. Tel. Ex., res 757 Pulaski. Lenimond, Julia May Miss, res 757 Pulaski. Lenimond, Lula Miss, res 757 Pulaski. Lepeer, Carrie Miss, res 145 Strong. Lepeer, Dave, res 145 Strong. Lepeer, Johnnie, Miss, res 145 Strong. 'Lepeer, Leo. (Henrietta), butcher, res 145 Strong. Lesslie, A. Y., student U. of Ga., rm 15 Candler hall. Leslie, Jennie Miss, res 684 S. Lumpkin. Lester, J. D., emp. Athens Hdw. Co., res 145 Vine. Lester, E. H. Mrs., res 145 Vine. *Lester, Albert (Madeline), policeman, res 25<i Naeooohee ave. Lester, Eunice Miss, res nr 1227 E. Broad. Lester. Leon. brickmason, res 250 Nacoochee ave. Lester. Robt. (Florrie), farmer, res 1425 Oconee. Lester. R. M.. emp. Ga. R. R. depot, bds 1S6 \V. Hancock ave. Lester Sleeping House, E. E. Lackey, prop., 245 1-2 N. Thomas. * Lester, T. E. (Elizabeth), emp. Athens Hdw. Co.. res nr 1227
E. Broad. Lester, \V. H . moulder Athens Foundry, hds 192 Foundry. Le Sueur. Sarah Mrs., res 125 E. Strong. Lewis. An os, c, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 425 Cleveland ave. Lewis. Amos. Jr.. c. res 425 Cleveland ave. Lewis, Eddie Bell Miss, res 742 Oconee. Lewis. Fred, res 742 Oconee. Lewis. Mattie Miss, res 151 Miles. !,ewis Miles, law student Hamilton MeNVhorter. bds 585 Prince ave. Lewis, S.. tapestry and floor coverings, bds S09 College ave. Lewis, Thos. S., student I*, of Ga.. bds 74! Prince ave. ! ewis, \V. E.. student t*. of Ga.. bds :'.9S Milledge ave. "Lewis. \V. M. (Annie P.). fireman city fire dept., res 742 Oconee. Lewis. Fannie M., c, school teacher, res W. Broad. Lewis, Isaac, c. painter, res W. Broad.
We fill your orders TO TIIK LETTER and deliver PROMPTLY
".-/ } I'ord to fht- \Vise is Suficient."

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES
We put them on ALLEN R TALMAGE jffj52IN. Lumpkin



Levy. Mot- M. (Sadye), trav. salesman, res 186 W. Hancock ave. v L:j vy. Ed.ear (Raehael). cotton buyer, R. L. Moss & Co., res 258
Hancock ave. Levy Ruth Miss, res 25S Hancock ave. ],evy. Krwin. res 25S Hancock ave. Liles. Flora, c. laundress, res lit 7 Billups. 'Lingle. .1. C. (Lula>. enip. Moss. Mfg. Co., res 837 College ave. 'Lingey, Ben (Hattie), emu. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 648 Nantahala ave. Lingley, Grace Miss, res 648 Nantahala ave. Link. Ahe. elk M. Link, res 235 Washington. Link. Henj.. res 23a Washington. Link. Man-.iel. elk M. Link, res 2:*5 Washington. "Link. Moses (Sophie), dry goods. 425 E. Broad, res 235 W. Wash-
ington. * Lilly, Fred (lola). brickmason. res cor. Milledge ave. and Lumpkin. "Lilly. Robert (Virginia), brickn ason,. res 224 Grace. Lilly lola. Miss, dessmaker, Michael Bros., res 224 Grace. Lilly. Robt. Jr.. brickmason, 224 Grace. Lilly. Ethel Miss, res 224 Grace. "'Lindsay, John (Minnie), enip. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 398 Hiawassee. Lindsay, Addie Miss, res 39S Hiawassee ave. Liirton. Ann> Miss, res 46S N. Milledge ave. l.inton, Loucile Miss, res 1143 Prince ave. Linton. H. H.. tax collector Clarke County, off. Court house, res
468 N. Milledge. l.inton. Mary Miss, res 124 E. Hancock ave. Linton. Lucy Miss, res 468 N. Milledge ave. Liparey, Nina Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 183 New. '; Liparey. W. L. (Cora), emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 183 New. Lipscomh. M. A., Mrs., res 285 S. Milledge ave. i.ipscomb. Francis A., Lipscomb & Co., res 285 S. Milledge ave. Little, Georgia, c. laundress, res r 287 Pulaski. "Livingston, R. (Laura), c, :i a'l carrier, res 540 W. Hancock ave. Livingston. Emaline. c. res 540 W. Hancock ave. Lloyd, L. L. (Maude t, cotton weigher, I. T. Kilpatrick, res 737 N.
Jackson. Lorkhart. Clara Miss, res 81S X. College ave. *Lockhart, Claude (Carrie), restaurant keeper, bds 818 N. College. Lockhart. Lula Miss, res 818 X. College ave.

A GAS RANGE is a coal range with a COLLEGE EDUCATION. It does twice the amount of work in less than half the time. We sell them. The GAS CO.

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.



Phone 707 161

Lock hart. M. .!.. Mrs, Hotel keeper, res 818 X. College ave. lyjcklin, Bertha Miss, res 190 Baxter. ivocklin, Curtis. res 190 '3axter. Locklin, Elbert. emp. Griffeth Imp. Co., res 1 !H) Baxter. "Locklin. .1. F. (Vallie). policeman, res 69ft College ave. * Locklin, L. H. (Mollie E.), trav. salesman Griffith Imp. Co., res
190 Baxter. Locklin, Nannie Miss, res 190 Baxter. Logan, Brandy, c, plasterer bds 565 Hancock ave. !x>gan, W. F., c, lab., res 547 Boulevard. Logan, Welton, c, res 234 Pope. Logan, Chas. c, baker, res 234 Pope. *Ix)gan, Williel Mamie), c, brickmason, res 173 Augusta ave. Long, C. P. (Annie), trav. salesiran, res 411 N. Thomas. Ix>n2, Emma Miss, res 357 Millsdge ave. Long, Fannie May. Miss, res 749 Cobb. Ix>ng, Malcolm, bds. 297 Hull. Long, Oc-tavia, Mrs., res. 280 Baldwin. Long. Washington, Mrs., bds 297 Hull. Louenhurtz, Carl, student U. of G'a., bds 247 Hancock ave. *Louis, Gus (Virginia), c, emp. city, res 160 Valley. Louis. Louise, c. res 160 Valley. Louis, Judson, emp. Williamson's ?tables, res 160 Valley. Lovern, Eddie, res 540 Nantahala ave. Lovern. Ezzell Miss, res 540 Nantahala ave. * Lovern, Frank (Eugene), eirp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 540 Nantahala. Lovern, Gertrude Miss, res 540 Nantahala ave. Lovern, Jno. T., res 540 Nantahala ave. l.overn. Katherine Mrs., res 540 Nantahala ave. Lovern. \Vm. Henry, res 540 Nantahala ave. Lovin. Monroe (Harriet), city scavenger, res 144 Peters. Lovingood. Lula. c, grocer, 1223 Hancock ave. res 1327 same. Lowe, Abiaham, c, lab., res r 680 Bearing. *Lowe, Clarence (Lizzie), c, waiter Green Hotel, res 130 Newton. Lowe. Clifford, bkkpr.. Davison-Nicholson, res 549 N. Jackson.
Lowe, E. D., Miss, res 155 Grady ave. Ixjwe, E. C., Miss, res 155 Grady av*. Lowe. Elijah (Milly). c. emp. Moss Mfg. Co.. res 194 Macon ave. Lowe, Eva Mis?, res 914 College ave.

If you art- looking for the on* soft

driuk whichis known as the world's

Favorite, we have it. You can t et

it anywhere else, this is the mark of

distinction. See that it is on the

crown of every bottle.

-ru_^_::_ ::-----

. .-



Leading-Dealers in


Cor. Broad and Thomas Sts.

Phone 178



*Ixnve, .lack (Maddie). emp. S. A. L. depot, res 914 College ave. *Lowe. Large iFlernniie). e. lab. res nr 15:54 S. Lumpkin. lx>we. Mary. c. res 1249 \V. Broad. lx)we. Overton. student V. of Ga.. bds :!27 Hill. Lowe. S. .1.. Mrs., res 549 X. Jackson. ^l-owe. William (Mary), o. butler, res 2*0 Savannah ave. Lowe. Walter, c. res 2NO Savannah ave. Lowe. Willie. res 549 N. Jackson. Lowen'herz. Carl, student I*, of Ga., bds 298 W. Hancock ave. Lowrance. H. A.. Dr.. dentist. Hudson& l^owrance. res 594 Hill. Ixjwry, Jake, student V. of Ga.. bds S:U Prince ave. Ixiwery. M. R. Mrs., res 923 Oconee. Lowery. Otto, plumber, res 92:5 Oconee. Lucas. Addie. c. domestic, res 16* Willow. Lucas. Bessie, c. res 273 Lyndon ave. Lucas. Clarence, c. res 273 Lyndon ave. Lucas. Fred Mrs., res 24S Springdale. Lucas. Fannie Miss, res 750 Milledge ave. Lucas. G. E. Mrs., res 524 Prince ave. Lucas. .1. E., student I', of Ga., res 521 S. Lumpkin. Lucas. Mamie Miss, res 750 Milledge av*e. Lucas. Wm. (Delia), c. butler .Ino. Anderson. res. 273 Lyndon ave. Lucas. W. M.. student U. of Ga.. res 521 S. Lumpkin. Lumkin. Bessie Miss, res 19S Pope . Lunik'n, Eldred Miss, student S. N. S.. res 198 Pope. Lumkin, Eldred Mrs., res 198 Pope. Lumkin. F., student V. of Ga.. res 198 Pope. Lumkin, Isabel!/ Miss, student S. N. S., res 198 Pope. Lumpkin. Anna May, c, res 133 Hoyt.
Lumpkin. Callie Miss, res 973 Prince ave. Lumpkin, Chas.. c, lab., res 185 Rock Spring. Lumpkin, Cay, c, lab., res 1083 S. Lumpkin. Lumpkin. Chas. (Mary), c, emp city, res 1185 Hancock ave. Pumpkin, Eugene, c, res 133 Hoyt. 'Lumpkin. Floyd (Rena). c, lab. res 323 Cleveland ave. Lumpkin. Fannie, c, res 215 Chase. Lumpkin. Gus. c. emp. Griffith & Welch, res 163 Valley. T.umpkin. Gerdine, res 973 Prince ave.

Athens Business College miTORS KELc,K
Has exclusiue right to teach the Famous Byrne Systems of Practical Bookkeeping and Simplified Shorthand. Typewriting (touch method.) Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for Catalogue. Dept A.

COOK WITH GAS It lessens the domestic cares and adds to the happiness of every home. Phone 54.



* Lumpkin, E. K., (Mamie), atr., office Hod gson-Shackel ford bids?., res 97:' Prince ave.
Lumpkin, Edward, res 973 Prince ave.
Lumpkin, Ed.' (Hattie). c. lab., res opp. 54S Church. i.umpkin, Haves, c, enip. C. of Ga., res 163 Valley.
Lumpkin, Henry, c, res 133 Hoyt. *Lumpkin, H. 'H. (L-ila), c, lab., res 1083 S. Lumpkin. Lumpkin. Ida, c, laundress, res r"80 Hancock ave. Lumpkin. .Joseph H.. res 973 Prince ave. Lumpkin, John, o. emp. Weatherly Ice Co., res 133 Hoyt. * Lumpkin. .John M. (Emily), c. lab., res 10S3 S. Lumpkin. Lumpkin, Joseph, c. emp G. H. Williamson, res 1:267 Hancock ave. Lumpkin. Jas. M., Dr.. res 264 1-2 X. Lumpkin. Lumpkin. \Vm., (Laura), c. res 463 Oak. Lumpkin, Lilly, c. laundress, res 759 X. Lumpkin. Lumpkin, Lilly, c. laundress, res 759 Lumpkin. Lumpkin. Lithouia. c, res 11*5 Hancock ave. Lumpkin. Mamie Miss, res 973 Prince ave. Lumpkin, Mamie Miss, res 463 Oak. Lumpkin, Mattie Miss, res 160 Macon ave. Lumpkin, Maggie, c, res r 126 Milledge ave. Lumpkin. Maggie c, nurse res 215 Chase. "" Lumpkin. Mack (Lulat. c. drayman, res 394 Rock Springs. Lumpkin, Mollie. c. laundress, res 133 Hoyr. Lumpkin, Xathan. ( Xancy I . c, res 164 Willow. Lumpkin. Rosa, c. res 133 Hoyt. Lumpkin, Rosa, c, res 215 Chase. Lumpkin, Willie. c, emp. Griffith & Welch res 163 Valley. v Luntsford. A. .1. (Minnie), carpenter, res S47 College ave. Lustrat, Eleanor Miss, res campus. Prof. Lustrat. *Lustrat, Joseph, (Eleanor). Prof. Roman Languages r. of Ga.,
res campus. Lustrat, Marie Miss, res campus Prof. Lustrat. Lustrat. Rene Miss, student L. C. I., res campus Prof. Lustrat. Luster, Henrietta, c. res 1760 W. Broad. *Luster, Louis, (Julia), c, emp. .T. P. Fears & Son, res 7SO Dear-
ing. Luster, Minnie, c. nurse J. Dornblatt. res 1760 W. Broad. * Luster. Silas (Anna), c, emp Talmadge Bros., res 322 Rock Springs. *Luster, Spencer (Mary), c, emp. city pest house, res 1760 W. Broad.
J. R. CR AXE & CO.
268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.

"The World's BBS!" See the New Model No- 1() visible






Lyle. Anna Miss, elk Postoffiee, res 228 Henderson ave. Lyle, Ida. e. domestic. W. F. Dorsey. res r. r>96 Prince. Lyles. May. c. enip. S. N. S., res 1457 W. Broad. Lyles. Bud. c emp. Michael Bros, res 1457 W. Broad. l.yles. Eugene (Mattie), c. plasterer, res 201 Plum. Lyles. Gibb, c, butcher, res 627 Hull. Lyles. Ben. c, candy maker, res 627 Hull. l.yles. W. H.. grocer. 660 Hull. Lyndon. A. .1.. Mrs, res 840 \V. Hancock ave. Lyndon. K. S., Dr., retired manufacturer, res 293 Hoyt. Lyndon, Elizabeth, res 293 Hoyt. Lyndon. June Miss, res 840 W. Hancock ave. Lyndon. Mary D. Miss, social editor Athens Banner, res 840 W.
Hancock ave. Lyndon. Mfg.. Co.. T. YV. Baxter, Pres., and gen. mgr., G. M. Caskey,
Supt, S. R. McDuffie, secy, and treas., S. A. L. Ry. and Pulaski. Lyndon, Mozelle. res 293 Hoyt. Lyndon. Oscar. Dr., physician, res 293 Hoyt. Lyons, Arthur (Mamie Leo), c, baker Boston Bakery, res 486 River. Lyons, C. H. S.. c. teacher Jeurel Academy, bds 493 W. 'Broad. Lynn. Robt. c. brickn ason, bds 160 Valley. Lvric Theatre, vaudeville. 123 E. Clayton.


McAllister. Chas. Mrs., res 135 Prince ave. McCall. Isaiiell. re? 158 E. Dopgherty. *McCall. J. P. (Lula). policeman, res 158 E. Dougherty. McCambiede, Benj. (Laura). S, emp. Empire Chem. Wks., res
E. Elbert. McCartey. O. .1.. painter, res 459 1-2 E. Clayton. McCarty. .1. T.. farmer, bds 190 Narrow. McClellan. Jno. T. (Martha J.), brickmason, res 175 Pine. McClellan. Jno., student U. of Ga.. bds 445 N. Milledge ave. \IcClesky. Jeff, student V. of Ga., bds 255 Washington . *McClurd. J. B. (Celesta), gen forerran Sou. Ry., res 237 Barrett. McClure. Ed M.. student V. of Ga., rm 24 Candbr Hall.
UP-TO-DATE GROCER Everything Goo<l to Kat

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead. Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Materials Contract for House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging.
Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton and Jackson Sts.



McClure, Glover, motorman Athens Electric Rwy., res 153 Park

McClure's lOc store, 279 E. Clavton.

'McClusky, Ed. (Cynithia). c. carpenter, res 220 Harris.

;,fcConib. Betsy, c, res 13:; Church.

*McCombs X. .1. (Laura), c, preseding eld r A. M. E. church, res

129 Xewton.

"McCombs, Xolson (Hannah), c, res 216 Chase.


McCombs, Rena, c, nurse, res 815 Reese.

*McCombs, Cicero (Rena), c, gardener, res 815 Reese.

*Mc.Co:i nions. Albert (Matt'e), c. lab., res 164 Augusta ave.

McConimons, Henry, c, train porter Ga. R. R., res 196 Bridge.

McCommons, Margie, c, laundress, res 1!)6 Bridge.

McConimons, Gertrude, c, res 164 Augusta ave .

' McConnell, .1. C., (Adah), farmer, res 264 Xantahala ave.

*'"McConnell, A. X. (Lillie), bkkpr. E. Buchwald, res 349 Hoyt.

McCoy, Henry (Annie), c, emp. city res 151 Harris.

McCoy, Genie, c, laundress, res :J89 Meigs.

McCoy, En ory, c. res 38.9 Meigs.

McCoy, Estelle, c, nurse, res 151 Harris.

.McCoy. Matilda, c. cookW. M., Smith, res 151 Harris.

McCoy. Lucy, c, res 151 Harris.

*"McCrary. Robt. H (Janie). V. Pres. Citizens Bank, res 178 W.


.VIcCrary, M., student U. of Ga., res 435 Hill.

McCray, Laura, c, cake baker, 863 Prince ave, res 853 same.

McCrea, Ella, c, laundress, res 150 Xewton.

McCree, Mamie, c, laundress, res 187 Flint.

McCree, Vanderbilt, c, emp. Bondurant & Co., res 150 Xewton.

McCree, E. ( Xettie), c, emp. city, res r 198 Green.

*McCulloch, X. M. (Lillian), mdse. broker, off. 601 Sou. Mut.

Ins. bldg.. res 575 Harris.

MoCulloch. Lucy, c, laundress, res 190 Paris.

McCune. Alfred, c. student Knox. Institute, res 149 Xewton.

McCune. R. L. (Xellie). painter, res 135 Mulberry.

McCune. John, plumber D. W. Bailey, res 145 Mulberry.

McCune. Dan J. (Gertrude), 'hackman, res 145 Mulberry.

McCune. Gracie Miss, res 145 Mulberry.

McCune, Knox. c. student Knox Inst, res 149 Xewton.

McCun?, Henry, res 530 Oconee.

Athens Coal Coke Co.
Phone 195.

Deadwyler Wood & Coal Co.


Office and Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



I.IcCune. Andy C3elle), emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 530 Oconee. McCune, Jin mie. res 530 Oconee. McCune, Minnie, res 530 Oconee. *MeCurdy, J. M. (Emma W. ), emp. W. H. Da vis' pool room, res
1 : {") Prince ave. McCurley. Louis, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., bds 149 Thibbetts ave. McCimy. N. A., salesman Prewitte House Furnishing Co., bds 573
X. Jackson. McDonald. Daisy. Miss, student L. C. I., res 772 Cobb. * MePonald. Jno. K. (Pauline). Xat. Bank examiner, res 772 Cobb. McDonald. J. K.. Jr.. student I", of G'a., res 772 Cobb. McDonaM. \V. H.. blacksmith shop, 17S Washington. McDonald. A. R., student I", of Ua., res 2S7 Pulaski. ''McDorn an. Geo. \V. (Mattie). chief fire dept., res 1X5 Mallory ave. MeDorman. Leola Miss, res 636 N. Jackson. McDorman. Xell Miss, res 636 X. Jackson. *McDorman. Robt. E. (Elizabeth), mchst. Agri. school, res 636 N.
Jackson. McDorman, Fay Miss, res 1S5 Mallory ave. McDorman. Geo. A., res 220 Nantahala. ave. "Tc.rougald. Daniel, student U. of Ga., bds 436 Dearing. "McDr.ffie. A. A. (Julia), mgr. Home's Friend Ins. Co., res 271
Hancock ave. McDuffie. C. Reese, bkkpr Lyndon Mfg. Co.. res 271 Hancock ave. McDuffie. Jeff L.. emp. Home'e Friend Ins. Co., res 271 Hancock McElhanan. J. W. (Minnie E.). elk Michael Bros., res 7SO Hancock. I!cElhanan. Stewart. student U. of Ga.. res 521 Lumpkin.
McElhannon, M. W. Mrs., res 357 Hill. McElreath. Laura Miss, stenogr. Chas. Stern Co.. res 224 Baldwin. McElreath. Frank, painter, res 224 Baldwin. Mr-Etyre. Fred. emp. Athens Elec. Ry.. res 738 Boulevard. McElreath. Lois Miss, res 224 Baldwin. McElreath. L. M.. Mrs., res 224 Baldwin. *McEvoy. E. C. (Julia), druggist 495 Prince ave, res 794 same. McEvoy. Louise Miss, res 794 Prince ave. *MeElroy. P. (Minnie), emp. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 133 Chattahoocheti McElroy. Geo.. (Hanna). grading contractor, res Satula ave., bey
city limits. McFadden. G'o. H.. Bros., agts. 126 1-2 Oconee. McFarland. Chas. (Lucy), c, lab., res 3S5 First.


1'hones .*itf .v J-.ROAD STRKHT 6S5 lol COI.I.KC.K ATK.


: :

Pure Drinks a Specialty

: :

Lipscomb & Co. INS AENCE

Office Phone 109 Residence 719

Office Cor. Clayton ___ and College Avenue



McGarrity. C. I?., student I*, of G'a., rni 13 Candler hall. ''McGee, Louis. (Julia), c. baker Star Bakery, res 464 Reese. v MeGee, .1. 'H. (Maggie), farmer, res 130 Field. Me.Gee, .1. A., student T*. of Ga., res 130 Flied. McGeo Onie Miss, res 1:50 Field. McGee, Enie Miss, res 130 Field. McGee, Essie Miss, res 130 Field. McGee. Mamie Miss, res 130 Field. McGee. Leo, res 130 Field. *McGinty, .1. M. (Bertha), hrick,n ason. res 212 Grace. MeG'inty H. C. Mrs., res 2X7 Henderson ave. Mcuregor Co.. The. hooks, stationery and joh printing. 321 E. Clay-
ton. ""McGregor, D. \V. (Joanna). The McGregor Co-., res 243 Dearing. McGregor, Jessie, Miss, res 243 Hearing. McGruder. Green (Rora), c. emp. concrete wks., res S. Grove. McGruder. Elon/o (Maggie), c. emp. concrete wks., res nr S. end
(I rove. McGuire. M. F., Mrs., res 50!) Meigs. McGirre. C. H.. student V. of Ga.. res 569 Meigs. McGuire, F. H.. student V. of Ga.. 569 Meigs. McGuire, R. F.. S. X. S.. res 569 Meigs. McGuire. Lillian, Miss, r< s 569 Meigs. Mcllatton. T. H.. prof. Horticulture State College of Agri.. bds
3X6 Hill. Melutosh. Lizzie, c, res 1495 E. Broad. Mclntosh. Susan, c, res 170 Paris. .\Iclntyr-. M. F. Mr?., re? 167 Tibhetts. Mcfntyre, .1. \V.. collector Cobb Lampkin. res 1.67 Tibhetts. McTntyre. Rosa Lee res 107 Tibbetts. Mclntyre. Nellie Miss, res 167 Tibbetts. MoKenzie. Enimett. studfnt I', cf Ga.. bd? 435 Hill. McKay. Clandie Miss, bds 390 Water. McKey. .1. n.. stu.'ent U. of Ga.. bds 112 The Plaza. McKie, John S., chief of police, off. city hall, r^s 253 Cobb. McKie. Mamie Miss, res 253 Cobb. McKie. Annie Miss. r?s 253 Cobb. McKie. Ruth. Miss, res 253 Cobb. McKinley, Anthony, c. farm lab., res nr E. Grove.

You have faith in your own products

Our products are home made. Honest material and workmanship arc the virtues combined in construction of our harness and leather tjoods.


Clayton St.

W, L, Hancock Coal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.

Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.

Phone 707



:; McKinlex. Arthur (Grace), c. carp., res 1SS Lyndon row. VcKlnley. Annie May. c. res 1SS Lyndon row. McKinley. Rulah, c. res 1SS Lyndon row. MeKinley. ("has. c. coachman. \V. B. Meacham. 1SS Lyndon ave. McKinl:-y. Clara, res nr E. Grove.
MrKinley. Frank (Rlanlyt. c. farm lab.. Vincent Matthews, res nr E. Grove.
McKinley. Hal. c. far.i lab., ITS nr E. Grove. AUKinley. .Ice. c, res 1SS Lyndon ave. McKinney. .1. C. (Victoria*, physician, off. Hodgson-Shackelford
hl.ig.. res 2S7 Broad. McKinney. Loretta Miss, res 2S7 Broad. MoK'nrey. M. F., mgr. nixie Lean Co... bds 382 Dougherty. McKinney. Edna Miss, res 2S7 Broad. McKinnon. Grace Miss, res 35:5 Oak. McKinnon. Willie.. res 353 Oak. MrKinzie. \Vm.. lab., bds ISO Berry. McKinnon. .Ino. (Alice), supt. Athens Foundry, res 35:', Oak. "McKinnon. W.. (Emily), eng. water works, res 357 Oak. McKinnon. Walter, moulder Athens Foundry, res 3.17 Oak. McLain. Florence Mrs., res 2SO Baldwin. McLane, A. J., clerk Orr Drug Co., bds 274 N Thomas. Mcl^ean. Henry R., (Heard S.). com. agt. C. of Ga., Ry.. 184
College ave., bds 390 Milledge ave. McLemore. C. H.. student I*, of G., rm 25 Candler Hall. "McLeroy. C. L.. fCellat. bkkpr. Klein & Martin, res 423 E
Dougherty. *McLocklin. Julius. (Susan), c, lab, res 149 Pope. McLocklin. .Tuliift Jr.. c, lab, res 149 Pope. McLocklin. Ella, c. chambermaid Jas. White, res 149 Pope. McLocklin. Nora. c. cook, res 149 Pope. MclxH-klin. Alice, c. res 149 Pope. McLocklin. Clara, c. res 149 Pope. McLoc-klin. Jack. c. res 149 Pope. McLindon. Julia, c. cook, res r 840 College ave. *McMahan. J. J. C.. (Georgia), ret. merchant, res 115 E Han-
cock ave. McMahan, Robt., res 115 E Hancock ave. McMahan. Helen Miss, res 115 E Hancock ave.

T^^*7^ ^ -vou Jirt looking for the one soft drink

^T^f/s4 which is known as the world's Favorite,

fjfjg* we have it. You can't ^c-t it anywhere


, ^/Uw44r else, this is the mark of distinction. See

that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.







McMahan, Florence Miss, res 164 State.
*McMahan, T. A. C.. (Janet). Head <fe McMahan, res 1140 Prince ave.
McMillan. R. X., student V. of Ga., bds 11.") E Hancock ave. McMillan, Raymond, student I", of Ga., res 435 Hill. McXair, \V. G., clerk Athenaeum Hotel, res same. McNeely, Georgia Miss, res 427 Rook Spring. *McXeely ..Tames, (Susie), contractor, res 427 Rock Spring. McXeely, Henry, res 427 Rock Spring. McXiellis, Patrick, trav. optician, bds 3.r3 \V Broad. *McXeil, D. H., (Julia), dentist. Ins. bldg.. res 775 Cobh. McMamard. .Tno. T., plasterer, bds 549 Jackson. McPherson, John H., Prof. History and Political Science I*, of
Ga., res 625 S. Milledge ave. *Mf.Pherson. Wm., (Annie), carpenter, bds 124 Hall. McQueen. Sam, (Emma), c, barber 14.S Wall St., res 656 X Hull McQueen, Mahala, res 656 X Hull. McQueen. Sam Jr., c, student Knox Institute, res 656 X Hull. McQueen, Lula. c, res 656 X Hull. McQueen. Julia, c. res 656 X Hull. McQueen, Bell, c. res 656 X Hull. McQueen, Jas., (Daisy), c, bell boy Georgian Hotel, res 654 N
Hull. McQueen. Xettie. c. chambermaid, res 658 X Hull. McRay. Leighton. student V. of G.. bds 255 Washington. McRee. Jennie, c, res 1226 Hancock ave. McRee, Lindsay, c. res 1226 Hancock ave. McRee. Wm. Henry, res 1226 Hancock ave. * McWhorter, Hamilton, (Sallie). atty. and asst. Gen. Counsel
So. R. R., office 501-505 So. Mut. Ins. bldg., res Cloverhurst. Milledge ave. McWhorter. Hamilton Jr.. student U. of G., res Cloverhurst, Milledge ave. McWhorter, Marcus, student U. of G., res Cloverhurst, Milledge ave. McWhorter. Howard, student V. of G.. res Cloverhurst. Milledge ave. McWhorter. Robt., student U. of G.. res Cloveflhurst. Milledge ave. McWhorter. Sallie Miss, res Cloverhurst, Milledge ave.
v M c A Bi_D'<3

You can not get much rest when your mind is uncertain whethe you are sleeping on a gerui infested Mattress. Have you

Mattresses renovated at the

Phone 157




Me\Vhorter, Camilla Miss, res Cloverhurst, Milledge ave. McWhorter. Mary E. Miss, res 135 Hull. MrWhorter. Hessee. student I*, of G.. rm 12 New College. McWhorter, R. P.. student V. of G., res 521 S Lumpkin. McWhorter. R. L.. asst. Prof. Latin and Greek r. of G., bd!
5So Prince ave. McWhorter. Ralph, c. farm lab, res S Grove. MeWttiorter. .Tunius, c. farm lab, res S Grove. McWhorter. Lilly, c, res S Grove. Mc\\"horter. Archie, c. res S Grove. McWhorter. Eliza, c, laundress, res S Grove. * MoWhorter, Lonnie. (Hattie), c, section hand C. of Ga. R. R..
res 437 Third. *McWhortor, George. (Mamie), c. drayman, res 324 Rock Spring.


Maoeda. Amelia Miss, res 4SO Meigs. Mack. Anna. c. teacher public school, res S53 Reese. *Mack. Eugene, (Onie). c. lab, res 125 Green. Mack. Fannie Laura, c, res 853 Reese. *Mack. .lohn G.. (Maria), c, emp Deep Rock Bottling Wks., rea
33.") Lyndon ave. *Mack. John R.. (Charlotte), c, clerk post office, res S53 Reese. Mack. James, c, lab, res 147 Green. *Mack. John. (Fannie), c, carp, res ISO Green. Mack, James, c. res 147 Green. Mack. Lucile. c, res 853 Reese. Mack. Mattie, c. res S53 Reese. Mack. Richard H.. c, res S53 Reese. Madden. E. H., steward The Georgian Hotel, res same. Maddox. A. K.. student V. of G.. rm 20 New College. * Maddox. .1. B., (O. L.), carp, res 258 Springdale. Maddox. Rosa Miss, teacher, res 258 Springdale. Madison. Martha, < . laundress, res in rear 877 College ave. 'Madison. Wm.. (Mattie), c, emp Athens Ice Coal Co., res r
11.". E Hancock. Madison. Sam. c, res in rear 877 College ave. Maddrey, Alice Mrs., res 625 N Lumpkin. Maguire. Agnes Miss, res 729 Pulaski.
Notes Bought and Discounted at Reasonable Rates

Georgia Loan Go.
ARTIlfR 1 LATAT, President

106 Shackk-fonl Building Bell Phones 299-600

We move Household Goods. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



Maguire, Cora F. Miss, emip Cressler's Studio, res 729 Pulaski. Maguire, Elizabeth Miss, res 729 Pulaski. Maguire. Thos. J., res 729 Pulaski. *Maguire, W. A., (Margaret), carp, res 729 Pulaski. *Mahoney, D. A.. (Elizabeth), mchst. So. Ref. Co.. res 195 Mul-
berry. Malhoney, Mary Ellis Miss, emp Climax Mills, res 195 Mulberry. Mahoney, M. J., ship, clerk Ga. R. R.. bds 192 Foundry. Mahoney, Pearl Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 195 Mulberry. Makison, W. B., section hand G. M. R. R., bds 192 Foundry. Malcolm. Carrie, c. cook Sol J. Boley, res 155 Valley. Malcolm, Henrietta, c, laundress, res 155 Valley. Malcolm, Mary Bell, c, res 155 Valley. Malcolm, Viola, c, cook J. C. McKinney, res 155 Valley. * Mallory, Henry, (Marie), c, drayman, res 327 Athens ave *Mallory, H. M., (Laura), m>gr. l^anier Footwear Co., res 24 fl
Barber. Mallory, Nell Miss, res 360 Hancock ave. *Mallory, W. A., (B. R.), real estate office 22S! E Clayton, res 3(10
Hancock ave. Mallory. Wm. R., res 360 Hancock ave. Mallory, Cleveland, c, bell boy, Georgian Hotol, res 227 Athens.
Malone, Annie, c, res 525 Hancock ave. Malone, Henry, c. pressing club, res 427 Odd. Malone, Vinnie. c. laundress, res 427 Odd. Mallison Braided Cord Co.. office 124 S Lumpkin. Mangleburg. Bell Miss, res 297 Mallory ave. Manglehurg. Frank, clerk G. H. Williamson, res 29S Mallory ave. Mangleburg. Grover, clerk Athens Electric Ry. Co.. res 29S Mal-
lory ave. Mangleburg, Lizzie Miss, res 297 Mallory ave. Mangleburg, M. E. Mrs., res 297 Mallory ave. Mangleburg. Stanyorne, res 298 Mallory ave. Manhattan Cafe. The. (Geo. Papas & Co.. props.). 114 College
ave. Manhattan Hat Co., F. Phillips, pres., wholesale hats. 211
X Thomas. Mann. Alline. c, res r 443 Third. *Mann, F. P.. (Julia). Deputy Game Warden Clarke County,
res 520 Pulaski.

Smith Premier Typewriter Company
N" 1 116 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.

Many of the names herein listed use GAS for


not we desire to serve you too.




Mann. Harry, c, res r 443 Third.

*\1ann. John. (Lula). c. fireman Sou Ry., res 98 Augusta ave.

Mann. Morgan, c. car inspector S. R. R., res r 443 Third.

Mann. \V. A., student V. of G.. bds 464 College ave.

Mann\ M. L.. mgr. Athens Ice & Coal Co., res The Georgian


Ma;ip. Fannie, c. laundress, res 360 Lyndon ave.

*Mapj>. James H.. (Jennie Lina). Malison Braided Cord Co.,

res 534 Meigs.

Mapp. Julius, c. carpenter, res \V Broad.

*Mapp, Ix^renza. (Annie), c. emp Dorsey & Funkenstein, res

132 Billu])S.

Mapyun. Arthur S.. plumber, bds 297 Grace.

Mappin. G. W.. plumber, bds 297 Grace.

Mappin. Frank, painter, bds 297 Grace.

Mappin. Fred .1.. painter, bds 297 Grace.

* Mappin. Jhn. (Annie E.). organizer W. O. W., res 297 Grace.

Marbnt. H. D.. grocer 125 Lumpkin. res 663 Pulaski.

Marbut. Irene, res 857 College ave.

Marbut. Lizzie Miss, res 857 College ave.

Marbut. Robt. S., res 663 Pulaski.

Marbut. W. P.. clerk H. D. Marbut, res 857 College ave.

*Marshall, Clarence. (Lucy), c. porter Georgian Hotel, res 158



Marshall. John, c, emp Athens Compress, res X Plum.

Marshall. Xancy. c. res X Plum.

Marks. Bertie Miss, res 247 Pulaski.

Marks, Poliena Mrs., res 247 Pulaski.

Marks. Ruth Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory.

Marshburn. ,T. H., student U. of G., res Cam.pus.

Martin. Anthony, c. emp city, res 267 John.

Martin. Annett Miss, res 385 S Jackson.

Martin. B.. res 122 Bryan.

Martin, Ben. res 225 X Milledge Ave.

Martin Bros., harness mfrs. and slhoe shop. 455 E Clayton.

Martin. Cleo Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 122 Bryan.

Martin. Clara, emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 122 Bryan.

Martin, Chas., student I", of G., bds 255 Washington.

Martin. Calender Mrs., res nr 26S River.

*Martin. Dink. (Sallie), Martin Bros., Clayton St., res 860 Col-

lege ave.



Phone 280 -

14X-156 Broad St.

- Athens, Ga.

J. B. ToOtner Sewing Machine Office

459 Claytoton St. P.O. Bx. Ibl


Largest Dealer in Georgia. Pianos and Organs. All Makes. 32 years in the Business. Cheapest in Ga.

Pianos from Organs from Sewing Machines

5140 to J4(>0 J35 to $90 $17 to $55



Martin Escott, res 225 Milledge ave. Martin, Edmund, res 385 S Jackson. *Martin, George, (Xancy), lab, res 122 Bryan. *Martin, G. S., (Alice), res 225 X Milledge. Martin, Gertrude, res 853 College ave. Martin, Gerald, res 853 College ave. Martin, Grace Miss, res 385 S Jackson. Martin, Hosie. emp Athens Mfg. Co.. res 197 Oak. *Martin, H. E., (Lula), Klein & Martin, res 385 S Jackson. *Martin, J. W., (Estelle), painter, res 223 Ga. Depot St. * Martin, J. M., (Edna), em,p Kutre's Cafe, res 866 College ave. * Martin, J. F., (Ida), emp Lyndon Mfg. Co.. res nr 268 River. * Martin, J. D., (Sarah), conductor So. Ry.. res 853 College ave. Martin, Louise Miss, res 225 X Milledge ave. Martin, Lottie B., res 853 College ave. Martin, Lillie Miss, res 187 Thibbetts ave. Martin, Lizzie, c, laundress, res r 190 Green. Martin, Lena, c, cook, res r 190 Green. Martin, Louis, res 225 X Milledge ave. Martin, Ommer, emp Athens Mfg. Co.. res 123 Oak. Martin, Pierce, res 225 X Milledge ave. Martin, Rena, c, cook, res r 190 Green. Martin. R. R., student U. of G., rm 7 Xew College. Martin, Ruby Miss, res nr 268 River. Martin. Ralph, emp Davison-Xicholson Co., res nr 268 River. Martin, Sallie Mrs., res 860 College. Martin, S. T., res 866 College ave. Martin, Sallie, c, bds 480 Billups. Martin, S. E. Mrs., res 225 X Milledge. *Martin, Vines, (Azzielee), Martin Bros.. Clayton St.. res 860
College ave. Martin. Willie, c, domestic, res 168 Willow. 'Martin, Wm., (Addie). c, lab Ga. Brick Co., res 883 Water. *Martin, Wm., (Pearylee), emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 197 Oak. Martin, Willie, student U. of G., res 225 N Milledge ave. Mason, Andrew Jackson, c, res 198 Lumpkin. Mason, Emily Miss, res 19S Lumpkin. * Mason, G. W., (Gussie), cotton buyer Hardeman & Phinizy,
res 198 Lumpkin.

Plan -'^r-v Kooms, Clean Sanitary Beds, Prompt and Polite Attention. One block from Post Office,
half block from Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, Prop. .'.::' ':.''

368 >+ Washington St.


WHY IS THIS PRACTICAL? Because we know our Business


Clayton St.



Mason, Harry, emp Hardeman & Phinizy, res 198 Lumpkin. Mason, Irene, c, res 150 Valley. Mason. J. H.. dentist, office 259% E Clayton, bds 245 Washing-
ton. Mason. Katie Miss, res 198 Lumpkin. Mason. Regina Miss, res 198 Lumpkin. Mason. Wm., shipping clerk S. R. R., res 198 Lumpkin. *Massey, Alfred. (Rosa L.). c, emp kitchen S. N. S., res 1325
W Broad. Massey, Clara M. Miss, dress maker, bds 361 N Thomas. *Mathers, Henry, (Lizzie), c, farm lab, res 120 Sapelo. *Massey. J. H.. (Mary E.), emp Bhidwine Co., res 866 College
ave. *Massey, Seaborn. (May), clerk S. Boley's, res 712 N Jackson. Matherson, Tom, student I", of G., bds 263 E Hancock ave. Malhews. A. E.. clerk Sidney Boley, bds 715 X Jackson. Matthews. Anna L. Miss, res 651 S Milledge ave. Mathews, Aubrey, student U. of G., rm 29 Candler Hall. Matthews, Eliza, c. laundress, res 723 Bearing. Matthews, Eddie May, c. res 723 Bearing. Matthews. Effie Madam, res 260 Water. Matthews. Ellie Miss, res 260 Water. Matthews, Henry, c, res 723 Bearing. Matthews, Idalia, c, res 1423 W Broad. *Matthews, Joseph, (Stella), emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 592
Oconee. Matthews, Janie, c, em,p S. X. S., res 1423 W Broad. M"atthews, Jesse. c, lab, res 723 Bearing. Matthews. Lucy V. Mrs., res 651 S. Milledge ave. Matthews, Mayme Miss, res 331 X Thomas. Matthews, Myrtle Miss, res 372 E Hancock ave. *Mathews. Mitehell. (Blanche), shipping clerk So. R. R., res 552
Pulaski. Matthews. M. P., grocer 303 N Thomas, res same. Matthews, Meigs. trav. salesman Arnold Grocery Co., res 651 S
Milledge ave. *Matthews, M. F. Br., (Mamie), physician 220^ E Clayton, res
331 X Thomas. Matthews, Xina Mrs., res Bradberry St., bey. city limit. Matthews. Ollie Mrs., res 260 Water. Matthews, O'Xeal, painter, res 260 Water.
IHO>B u>3. Cal1 on the Athens Coal & Coke Co.

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims

No compromise, no delavs, no technicalities.

Ynii Rot tho Mnnov


IUU UGI INC mUllCJi phone 71, Southern Mutual Building.



Matthews, Tommie L., res 14S Pearl. Mathews, V. F., res 112 The Plaza. *Matthews, Vincent, (Susan), grocer and wood yard 12S5 Oconee,
res 160 Grove. Mathews, \V. H., watchman Ga. Ry. depot, res 112 The Plaza. *Matthews, Wm., (Eugene), res 372 E Hancock. *M'atftiis, Walter R., (Lucy Leah), mgr. Georgia Stone Co., res
3S7 Hill. Mathis, Marion Rylander Miss, res 387 Hill. *Mattox, Joe, (Fannie), c, emp Empire Chem. Wks., res opp,
1690 E Broad. *Mattox, T. B., (Mary), c, minister, res 253 Reese. Maughon, Minnie Miss, student Athens Business College, bds 1S9
Dougherty. Maulden, Chas., brickmason, bds 709 N Thomas. *Mayfleld, Ben, (Martha), c, emp Hardeman & Phinizy, res 341
Athens ave. Mayfleld, Fannie, c, emip Athens Mfg. Co., res 292 Fourth. Mayfield, Ida, c, laundress, res r 150 Baxter. Mayfield. L. C. Mrs., res 538 Pulaski. *Mayfield, Tobe, (Georgia), c, driver Ga. Junk & Coal Co., res
172 Willow. Mayher, Fred, stone cutter, bds 245^ N Thomas. Maynds, Oscar, (Annie), emp So. Mfg. Co., res 746 Chase. Mayne, Carrie, c, cook, res r 724 Prince ave. Mayne, Carswell, res 195 Finlpv. *Mayne, Geo. S., (Rosa), trav. salesman Bell Bros., res 195
Finley. Merriwether, Marion, c, laundress, res 272 S Thomas. *Merriwether, Wm., c, emp campus U. of G., res 272 S Thomas. Maxey, Inez, res 270 Baldwin. Maxim Novelty Co., L. B. Flatau & Max Joseph, props., 133%
Clayton. Maxwell, Cliff, emp So. Mfg. Co., bds Boulevard, bey city limit. Maxwell, Fred, c, farm lab, res N of Oak, nr Ga. R. R. Maxwell, Maggie, c, cook, res r 295 Oconee. Maxwell, Minerva, c, laundress, res X of Oak, nr Ga. R. R. Maxwell, Nellie, c, res 150 L,yndon ave. *Maxwell, Sam, (Mary), c, res 150 Lyndon ave.

We fill your orders TO THE LETTER and deliver PROMPTLY "A Word to the Wise is Sufficient."

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES We put them on
ALLEN H. TALMAGE 240-252 N. Lumpkin
176__________ATHENS, GA., DIRECTORY 1909.
*Mazyck, Ed, (Fannie), c, plasterer, res 140 Newton. Mazyck, Robert, c, emp So. Ref. Co., res 140 Newton. Mazyck, Walter, c, blacksmith, res 140 Newton. Meade, Fannie Mrs., boarding house, 481 Oak. Meads, Cihas., emp So. Mfg. Co., res 897 Boulevard. Meads, Calvin, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 897 Boulevard. Meads, Jessie Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 897 Boulevard. Meads, Nellie Miss, res 897 Boulevard. Meads, T. C., (Alice), grocer 897 Boulevard, res same. Meadow Crest Dairy, T. C. Crawford, prop., Madison ave., north. Meadow, Wm., student U. of G., bds 327 Hill. Mealor, Eddie, moulder, res 1324 E Broad. Mealor, Goldie Miss, res 1324 E Broad. * Mealor, Gus. (Pearl), carp, res 354 Oak. Mealor, Henry Jr., plumber Dornblatt Plum. Co., res 1324 E
Broad. *Mealor, J. Henry, (Annie), moulder Athens Foundry, res 1324
E Broad. Mealor, John, res 1324 E Broad. Mealor, J. A., carp, res 184 Childs. Mealor, Ruby Miss, res 1324 E Broad. Mealor, W. R.. clerk Aldean Annex, bds 368 */& Washington. Mealor, Wm., moulder Athens Foundry, res 1324 E Broad. Medlin, Josephine, c, res 257 Tabernacle. * Medley, Joseph, (Mary), c, grocer cor. Strickland and Water,
res 137 Strickland. *Mell, Chas. I., (Mary B.), ins. agt., res 595 S Milledge ave. Mell, Chas. I. Jr., res 595 S Milledge ave. Mell, Ellen Miss, res 257 Hill. *Mell. E. B.. (Bell W.), Prin. Athens Public School, res 150
Henderson ave. *Mell, G. A., (Daisy), cashier Athens Savings Bank, res 398
Dearing. *Mell, Jno. D. Rev., (Helen), Prof. Parliamentary Law U. of G.,
res 480 S Milledge ave. Mell, James, res 480 S Milledge ave. Mell, Patrick H. Mrs., res 480 S Milledge ave. Mell, Patrick Hughes, res 595 S Milledge ave. Mell, T. S., attorney, office Athens Savings Bank, res 257 Hill. Mell, Sarah Miss, res 595 S Milledge ave.
A GAS RANGE is a coal range with a COLLEGE
EDUCATION. It does twice the amount of work in
less than half the time. We sell them. Thei GAS CO.

The Athens Hardware Company

>^Jobbers Of >^

472-480 Broad Street ATHENS, GEORGIA

Phone 44

For More Than Forty Years
We have been continuosly manufacturing these celebrated brands of flour; made from the choicest Soft Red Winter Wheat, grown in the pocket of Indiana.
"Magnificent" "Faerie Queene" "Bonanza"
"Free Coinage"
CORBIN MILLING CO., New Harmony, Ind.



Established in 1832.

$5.00 Per Annum

Only Daily Newspaper in Northeast Georgia I

H, J, ROWE, Editer and Proprietor,

165-175 N. Lumpkin St.

'Phone 75.

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

PROMPT DELIVERY AND FULL WEHQHT Offici- and Yard Collect- Avi-., Seaboard Rv.

I'hone 707 17

Melair, Pete, blacksmith, bds 175 Pulaski. Mells, Jno.. (Sallie), c, emp Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 28 1
Savannah ave. Merritt, F. A., Prof. S. X. S., res Mitchell bridge road. Merritt, H. C., (Sallie), c, farmer, res 236 Pearl. Merritt, Tracy, c, emp So. Oil Mill, res 236 Pearl. Merriweather, Fred H., c, res 115 Pulaski. Merriweather, Geo., (Annie), c, presser, res 120 Peabody. Merriweather, Hattie May, c, res 120 Peabody. Merriweatiher, Weyman, res 167 Warrsaw. Merry, M. H., (Berta), mgr. Dold Pkng. Co., Swift bids., res
765 N Jackson. Messer, Dennis, res 347 Peabody. Messer, J. H., plasterer, res 347 Peabody. Messer, Jno. (Georgia), plasterer, res 347 Peabody. Metropolitan 1,. Ins. Co., Win. Head, asst. supt., 259*/ E Clay-
ton. Meyer, Clyde Miss, trained nurse M. A. Born Sanitarium, res
same. Michael Bros. Co., wholesale and retail dry .noods. 320 and 350
E Clayton. Michael, Bessie Miss, clerk E. Buchwalds, bds 1 20 Willow. Michael. Bert, student U. of G., res 598 Prince. Michael, Ernest, trav. salesman Michael Bros., res 598 Prin<-e. Michael, David, res 596 Prince ave. Michael, Helen Mist;, res 596 Prince ave. Michael, Jerome, student U. of G., res 59C Prince ave. Michael, Max, attorney, office So. Mut. Ins. bldg., res 598 Prince
ave. Michael, M. G., (Emma), Michael Bros., dry goods, res 596
Prince ave. Michael, Morris, (Florine), clerk Michael Bros., res The Geor-
gian Hotel. Michael. Nell Miss, teacher Child's St. School, bds 336 Hill. Michael, Roy, res 596 Prince ave. Michael, Simon, (Annie), Michael Bros., res 598 Prince ave. Middlebrooks, Annie, res r 229 Henderson ave. Middlebrooks, Isaac, (Isabelle), c, emp. Prof. Strahan, res 1147
W Broad. Middlebrooks, Jno., (Mattie), blacksmith, res r 290 Barber.

If you are looking for the one soft
drink whichis known as the world's Favorite, we have it. You can't net it anywhere else, this is the mark of
distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle.


Iron Fencing for Cemeteries and Lawns.


Phone 466.

125 1-2 E. Clayton



Middlebrooks, J. R., student U. of G., rm 11 Candler Hall. Midd'lebrooks, Ruth Miss, res 195 Henderson ave. Middlebrooks, Sallie, c, nurse, res r 290 Barber. Middlebrooks, Tom, res 195 Henderson ave. 'Middlebrooks, T. E., (Linnette), farmer, res 229 Headerson ave. Middlemas, Lillian Miss, teacher Baxter St. School, bds 327 Hill. Miles, Eva, c, res 152 Hoyt. * Miles, James, (Lizzie), c, lab, res 152 Hoyt. Miles, Lucile, c, res 152 Hoyt. Miller, Minnie Miss, res 295 Hiawassee ave. *Miller, Thomas, (Lucy), c, grocer 599 Hancock ave., res 1324
W Broad. Miller & Co., cotton factors, 130 Oconee. *M511er, David F., (Decie), cotton factor Miller & Co., res 513
X Jackson. Miller, E. T., student U. of G., bds 285 W Washington. Miller, Frank, res 513 N Jackson. *Miller, Geo., (Hattie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 295 Hiawassee
ave. Miller, H. A., student V. of G., res 521 S Lumpkin. Miller, Katie Bell, res 513 N Jackson. Miller, Laura, c, laundress, res 354 W Broad. Miller, Loufelia, mch. opr. Athens Mfg. Co., bds 160 Mitdhell. Miller, Lewie Miss, emp J. N. Webb, 524 Prince ave. Miller, O. S., situdent U. of G., rm 31 Candler Hall. Miller, T. I., student U. of G., res 521 S Lumpkin. Miller. Walter, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 295 Hiawassee ave. Milligan, James, emp Athens Mfg. Co., bds 457 Baldwin. *Milliner, Robt., (Caroline), c, lab Athens Compress, res 253
Bridge. Mills, Emma, c, cook, res r 380 Milledge ave. Mills, Eddie, c, lab, res 190 Rock Spring. Mills, E. A., student U. of G., rm 13 Candler Hall. Mills, George, emp Athens Mfg. Co., bds 155 Mitchell. Mills, Lou, c, nurse, res 190 Rock Spring. Milner, Roberta, c, teacher Jeruel Academy, res 424 Reese. *Milner, Buford, (Ellen), c, farm lab, res 145 Trail Creek. Milner, Bennie, c, lab, res 145 Trail Creek. Milner, Joseph, c, res 145 Trail Creek. Milner, Jet, c, farm lab, res 145 Trail Creek.

Athens Business College VISITORS WELCOME
Has exclusiue right to teach the Famous Hyrne .Systems of Practical Bookkeeping and Simplified Shorthand. Typewriting (touch method. ) .Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for Catalogue. Dept. A.

COOK WITH GAS---It lessens the domestic cares and adds to the happiness of every home. Phone 54.



*Milner, M. 3., (Elvira), c, emp Emp. Cfoem. Wks., res 148$
E Broad. Milner, Nancy, c, res 14a Trail Creek. Milner, Sam, c, emp Miller & Co., res 424 Reese. Milner, M. S., cash grocer, 1487 E Broad. *Milstead, A. H., (Charlotte), dist. mgr. North Western Mut.
Life Ins. o., res 125 Dearing. Minder, Joseph, (Lola), tailor 170 E Washington, res same. Mines, William H., clerk Michael Bros., bds 390 Lumpkin. Minnifleld, Henry, c, janitor Elks Club, res 660 Hancock ave. Minnifield, Ella, c, laundress, res 644 Hull. *Mitcham, Homer, (Berta), carp, res 148 Vine. Mitchell. Augusta C. Miss, res 473 W Hancock ave. Mitchell. Ben, c, emp T. .T. Scott, res r 1190 Mitchell. *Mitchell, C. A. Rev., (Elmira), superanuated Methodist minister,
res 473 W Hancock ave. Mitchell, Dock, clerk W. H. Andrews, res 957 Baxter. Mitchell, Etta G. Miss, res 473 W Hancock ave. Mitchell, Ebenezer L., prop. Woman's Work, res 473 W Han-
cock ave. Mitchell, E. V. Mrs., res 723 Boulevard. *Mitchell, Frank, (May), emp So. R. R., bds S46 College ave. Mitchell, Fannie Miss, res 724 Hancock ave. *Mitchell, Henry B., (Hattie G. ), farmer, res Madison ave., bey.
city limit. Mitchell, H. Gilbert, farmer, res Madison ave., bey city limit. Mitchell, Jessie N. Mrs., res 840 Hancock ave. *Mitchell. .1. W., (Clara), carp, ree 957 Baxter. Mitdhell. Leila, c, chambermaid, res r 271 Hancock ave. Mitchell. Lilly, c. laundress, 127 Rutherford. Mitchell, Letcher, res 840 Hancock ave. Mitchell, Minnie, c, bds 480 Billups. Mitchell, Moses, bds 327 Oconee. *Mitchell, Ransom, (Cora), c, emp Oconee Cemetery, res 550
Carr. Mitchell, Thos. L., bkkpr. So. Mut. Ins. Co., res 473 W Hancock
cock. Mize, Bessie Miss, res 340 Boulevard. Mize, Clifford Miss, res 340 Boulevard. *Mize, M. C., (Sarah E.), butcher, res 340 Boulevard. Mize, Nannie Miss, housekeeper R. K. Reaves, 364 N Thomas.

268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.

"Thfi WDrld'S BfiSt" Sce the New Model No. 10 Visible Writing.






Mize, Ruby Miss, res 340 Boulevard. Mize. T. N.. student U. of G., res 375 S Lumpkin. Moe, Astrid Miss, maid H. Hodgson, res 126 Milledge ave. Mobley. Julia Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. *Mobley, James, (Hlla), emp So. Mfg. Co., res 129 Miles. Mobley, Luella Miss, primary dept. L. C. T., res L. Lucy Cobb
Institute. Mobley. Pearl Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 12!) Miles. Moise. Warren, student U. of G., bds 525 Milledge ave. Mon, Mattie, c, cook J. R. Brantley, res 223 Strong. Monroe. James, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., bds 657Nantahala ave. Monteith, Mary \V. Mrs., res 181 Barber. *Montgomery, C. J., (Jennie), painter, res 815 S Lumpkin. Montgomery, Jas.. student U. of G., bds Prof. Lustrat, campus. * Montgomery, Jake. (Adah), c, emp G. M. R. R., res r 198 Mal-
lory ave. *Montgomery. P., (Martha), city fireman, res 815 S Lumpkin. Monohan. J. F., peddler, bds 198 Oconee. Moody. Lula. c, cook, res 570 Fourth. *Moody. Tom. (Holly) .c. farmer, res 570 Fourth. Moody, Thos., c. emp S. A. L. coal chute, res 570 Fourth. *Moon. B. J.. (Cordelia), c. agt. Atlanta Mutual Ins. Assn., office
1072 W Broad, res 109- W Broad. *Moon. Ben, (Willie), c. lab, res 346 Reese. Moon. Barrett. c. plasterer, res 1092 W Broad.
Moon. Bennie, concrete worker, res 1092 W Broad. Moon. Bena Mrs., dressmaker, res 538 Pulaski. Moon, Cola Miss, housekeeper, 376 Oconee. Moon, Ernest, c, emp Sou. depot, res 346 Reese. *Moon, Fred, (Cora), emp W. L. Hancock Coal Co., res 546
Pulaski. Moon, Gertrude, c, cook, res 1092 W Broad. Moon, Isabell, c, res 1092 W Broad. *Moon, J. P., (Mae), clerk shoe dept. Davison-Nicholson Co.,
res 562 Pulaski. *Moon, Jim, (Mary), c, trucker So. depot, res 140 Warsaw. *Moon, L., (Ida), c, carpenter, res Forrest ave. Moon, Leslie, c, res Forrest ave. Moon, Marie, c, cook, res 1092 W Broad. Moon, Margaret Mrs., res 552 Pulaski.

UP-TO-DATE GR< CER Everything Good tr Eat

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils, Varnishes, CGlaass.s, Putty and Artist Maierials Contract for House and Si.ijn Painting and Paper
Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton and Jackson Sts.



Moon. M. E. Mrs., res 795 Baxter. Moon, Robt., painter Jno. Arnold, res 552 Pulaski. "'Moon, Willie. (Eliza), barber Broad St., res 337 Reese. *Moone. Turk, (Fannie), c, carpenter, res \V \Vaddell. Moore. Boyd. res 245 Nacoochee ave. Moore, Benj.. cashier Athens Terminal Co.. bds 1 24 State. Moore, Cassie, c. res 198 Cleveland ave. Moore, Clarence, c-., res 191 Lyndon Row. Moore, Daisy, c, laundress, res 224 Church. Moore, Essie. (. carpenter, res 224 Church. Moore, Edward, bds 245 Jackson. * Moore, Edward, (Hulda), c, carpenter, res \V Waddell. Moore, Edward Jr., c, emp Three Friends Barber Shop, res W
Waddell. Moore, Fred. c. lab, res S20 Reese. * Moore. Gus. (Winnie), c. emp Hardeman & Phinizy. res 198
Cleveland ave. *Moore, G. \V.. (Mary), c. hackman, res 3<i7 Odd. Moore, Hetty, c, laundress, res 191 Lyndon Row. Moore, Hattie R. Miss, res 546 College ave. * Moore. Henry (Georgian), c. res 224 Church. *Moore, Henry. (Lula), c, lab Ga. depot, res 427 River. *Moore, J. A.. (Kilty), emp Smit.honia Ga.. res 546 College ave. * Moore, J. T., (Jennie), brickmason, res 245 Xacoochee ave. *Moore, J. X.. (Mary), emp Klein & .Martin, res 146 Xacoochee
ave. Moore, Laura, c. laundress, res 393 Augusta ave. Wloore. Lelius. (Genie), emp So. Ref. Co.. res r .'Us Pulaski Moore, Lula. c. cook, res r 143 Grady ave. * Moore. Melvin. (Lilly), emp D. P. Haselton, res 243 Barrett. Moore. Meda. c. res 393 Augusta av-. Moore, Maude Miss, stenog., res 147 Nacoochee ave. Moore, Marguerite D. Miss, res 156 Grady ave. Moore. Mary Miss, res 259 Finley. *Moore, P. A.. (Bessie), emp Standard Lumber Co.. res 349 Hoyt. Moore. Pansy Miss. opr. So. Bell Tel. Co., res 137 Xacoochee ave. Moore, Raymond, res 245 Xacoochee ave. Moore. Robt.. emp Athens Mat. & Spring Bed Co.. bds 709 N
Thomas. Moore, R. T.. cashier Georgian Hotel, res same.

Athens Coal Coke Co
Phone 195.

Dead<wyler Wood & Coal Co


Office and Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



Moore. Roland, emp Postal Tel. Co., res 349 Hoyt. *Moore, Sanford A., (Louisa), conductor C. of Ga. Ry., res 323
Jackson. *Moore, T. C., (May), engr. Sou. Ry., res 259 Finley. *Moore. Walter, (Emma), c, emp Mrs. J. S. King, res r 749 Cobb.
Moore, Walter, emp Ga. Ry. depot, res 349 Hoyt.
Moore, Wm. H., c, res 393 Augusta ave. Moore, Wallace, emp H. R. Palmer & Sons, res 147 Nacoochee
ave. Morcelli. Cesare, marble cutter ,bds 575 Jackson. *Morgan. F. E. D., (Cora), clerk B. Dunaway, res 257 Madison
ave. Morgan. Ruby Miss, student T*. of G.. res 245 Barber. Morn, Barrett, c, plasterer, res 1196 Hancock ave. Morn, Bertha, c, laundress, res 1196 Hancock ave. Morris, Bertie, res 438 River. Morris, C. J. Mrs., res 184 Childs. Morris. Etiher Mrs., res 163 Hancock ave. *Morris, Edmund, c, wood cutter, res r 287 Oconee. Morris, Gussie Mrs., res 154 Hancock ave. Morris. Hedges, res 438 River. *Morris, Jno., (Jessie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 830 Boulevard. *Morris, Jobn, (Gretchen), Prof. German U. of Ga., res 145 Mell. Morris. Rev. J. V. M., (Mattie), minister, res 1375 Oconee. *Morris. Louis, (Pauline), dry goods. 378 E Broad, res 154 W
Hancock ave. * Morris. Lee, (Pauline). M. & L. Morris, res 153 Hancock ave. Morris. Louise Miss, res 698 S Milledge ave. Morris. Lillie Miss, res 154 Hancock ave. *Morris. Mendel. (Sarah M.), M. & L. Morris, res 153 W Han-
cock ave. Morris, M. & L.. furniture. 346 E Broad. Morris. M. & L., dry goods and gents' furnishings, 311 E Broad. Morris, Mabel, c, cook 164 Augusta ave. Morris. Mary Miss, res 458 Bearing. Morris. M. X. Mrs., res 698 Milledge ave. Morris, Paul, res 438 River. Morris. Rosina Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. *Morris, Sylvanus. (Annie), Dean V. of Ga. Law dept., res 458
Dearing. Morris. Sela. r. cook Jno. B. Gamble, re.s 145 Pope.


IM...IKS .7 " M..?^ IK.KKOoAADi) SSTTKKIK-:IK-TT --1 lul Coi.I.F.r.K AVK.


: :

Pure Drinks a Specialty

: :

Lipscomb & Co. INSJgfNCE

Office Phone 109 Residence 719

Office Cor. Clayton and College Avenue



Morris, Tillman, c, res 145 Pope. Morris, T. H., policeman, res 438 River. *Morris, W. H., (Sallie), farmer, res 877 College ave. Morrison, Molly, c, laundress, res 370 River. Morrison, Bessie, domestic C. X. Hodgson, res r Cathedral Pines. Morrow, T. G.. student U. of G., rm 35 Candler Hall. Morse & Keenen, merchant tailors, 224 ^ E Clayton. Morse, Fred, tailor, Morse & Keenan, res 219 Waddell. Morse, Fred Jr., res 219 Waddell. Morse, Julia, c, res 1052 Reese. Morse, Virgin!?,, c, teacher, res 1052 Reese. *Morton, Andrew, (Laura), c, lab, res 190 Field. Morton, Birdie Miss, res 856 X Lumpkin. Morton, Clara c, domestic L. C. I., res 784 Chase. Morton, E. H. Miss, res 856 X Lumpkin. Morton, Evaline, c, res 1348 W Broad. *Morton, Elve, (Lena), c, lab city, res 159 Valley. Morton, Emma, c, res 7.S4 Chase. * Morton, Frank, (Eliza), carp, res 856 X Lumpkin . Morton, Frank, c, res 784 Chase. Morton, G. M., (Mary), grocer cor. Boulevard and Chase, res
137 Xacooohee ave. * Morton, Henry, (Xellie), c, lab, res 215 Pope. Morton, John, emp Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co.. bds 709
X Thomas. *Morton. Jno. White, (Mary Lou)*, manufacturer, res 886' 3
Milledge ave. Morton. J. Audrey, collector National Bank of Athens, res 198
Hull. Morton, .label A., emp Shirley Plumbing Co.. res s.">6 N Lumpkin. Morton, Lizzie, c, cook res nr 1543 S Lumpkin. Mortou. Leroy. c. res 784 Chase. *Morton. M. B., (Liila), c, bldg. contractor, office 144 M> E Clay-
ton, res 823 Prince ave. Morton, Margaret Miss, res JSN6 S Milledge ave. *Morron. McLendon. (Susie), c, grocer 24.1 Atlanta ave., res 245
Atlanta ave. Morton. Mary, c, res 215 Pope. Morton, Maud. c. res 823 Prince ave. Morton. Monroe. c. res 823 Prince ave.

You have faith in your own products

Our products arc home made. Honest material and workmanship are the virtues combined in construction of our harness and leather snoods.


Clayton St.

W, L Hancock Coal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.
Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.



Phone 707

Morton. Nancy, c, laundress, res nr 1543 S Lumpkin.

Morton. Paul, res S56 X Lumpkin.

Morton, Rebecca, c, laundress, 479 River.

Morton, Susie, c. seamstress, res 7X4 Chase.

Morton. Sophia, c. res 215 Pope.

Morton. Susan, c. res 215 Pope.

* Morton. W. .].. ( Rosina. res 19S Hull.

Morton. Wm.. c. laundryman. res 195 Prince ave.

Morton. .las. White, res Creek rd. phone 427-5.

*Morton, Wm. Henry, (Cornelia), res Big Creek rd. phone 427-4.

Morton. Wm. Henry, c. res 190 Field.

Moseman. Dorris Miss, res S30 College ave.

Moseman. Mark, clerk Orr Drug Co., bds S30 College ave.

Moseman. Callie Mrs., boarding house. S30 College ave.

*Moses, .1. P.. (Annie I, carp S. A. L. Ry. Crew, res 697 Pulaski.

Moss, R. L. & Co., cotton brokers. 361 Vfe Clayton.

Moss. R. L. Mfg. Co.. sash, door and blind factory. R. L. Moss,

Jr.. mgr.. Sou. Ry. and Cleveland ave.

*Moss. R. L. Jr.. (Lula S), Moss Mfg. Co.. res 626 Hill.

*Moss. R. L. Sr.. (Elizabeth L.). R. L. Moss & Co .,res 74S Cobb.

Moss. R. L. 3rd. res 325 Pulaski.


.Moss. Sarah .Mrs. res 74S Cobh.

*Moss. S. .!. (Tomnie L.). bkkpr. R. L. Moss & Co.. res 250 Barber.

Moss. Marx V.. Miss, res :',25 Pulaski.

.Moss. Lilh B. Miss, res 74* Cobb.

*Moss. Jno. 1). (Byr<! Lee), cotton merchant R. L. Moss & Co.. res

::25 Pulaski.

Moss. Jno. Kill, res :!2f> Pulaski.

.Moss. Judith E. Miss, res 325 Pulaski.

Moss. Julia P.. Miss. ies 74*; Cobb.

.Moss. Elizabeth Miss, res 626 Hill.

Moss, Gary. c. laundress t'.so X. Lumpkin.

Aloss. Amy Miss. prin. Moss High School 450 Prince ave.

Mott. Mable Miss, teacher piano L. C. I., res 220 N. Milledge.

.Vlotts. Sandy, enip. Son. Mfg. Co... bds 149 Thibbetts ave.

Motts. Millisan. emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., bds 149 Thibbells ave.

Muckle, Callie. c, cook, res r 270 Barbel'.

Aluckle. Ed. c. res r 270 Barber.

;: Mucker. Chas. (Sallie). c. emp. Moss Mfg. Co., res 540 Water.

JT'^^ffJ If > ou arc' looking for the one soft drink ^ *\f/^0 xvbii-h is known as the \vorM' 1'avoritr, ^^tlmMMt xvi- have it. You can't iii.a it anywlu-re S+/w44r else, this is tin- nta-k of .liNtiiiftion. See it i> on tin crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.






I s.'

*Mucker, Jno. (Lena), c, lab.. Empire Cheir. Wks.. res 450 Carr. *AIullinnix, \V. J.( Bobbie), emp. Martin Bros., res 1S76 College. Mullins, W. H., student {'. of Ga.. rm 22 Candler hall. Mullinnix, J. A., emp. Martin Bros, res S47 College ave. Mullins. Will, c, emp. Athens Ice & Coal Co.. res 270 Arch. Munday. Lula .\rss. teacher ]>uhlic school, res 225 Hill. Mundy. W. I,., driver Athens Bot. Wks.. bds HOI E. Broad. " Murden, A. H. (Dora), c. undertaker 120 M> E. Clayton. res 8S:>
Reese. Murden, .lake S., c. les SS:} Reese. Murden. Selena. c. res XX:} Reese. Murden,- Ruth, c, res ss:1, Reese. Murray, Arldie Mrs., res 149 Miles. Murray, J. R.. student I", of Ga.. bds 44.". X. Milledge ave. Murray, Blanche Miss, res 149 Miles. ^Murray, .1. ('. (Rachaell. c, grocer, 4!S Fourth, res same. Murray, Alice Mrs. res 22H Waddell. Murray. Ruth Miss, res 220 Waddell. Murray, Sadie Miss, toll elk. Sou. Bell Tel. Co.. res 22 Waddell. Murray, Vincent, elk Arnold Gro. Co.. res i^t. Waddell. Murray, Frank, res 226 Waddell. *Mus-e, Chas. (Lettie). shoe maker Mart/n Bros., res :',r>!t Baxter. Mut. Life and Ind. Assn. of Ga.. home off.. life ins. John A. Darwin
Mgr.. :;i::-:;!s Sou. Mut. Ins bldg. Myer. Harrold. student I", of Ga.. bls 2'.0 Broad. Mye:s. Frank .1. (Sopliie). clothier Chas. Stern, res 439 College ave. *Myers, Henry iGordyi. pluu.her. res 71M X. Jackson. Myers. Joe. res 4:;;t College ave. Mygatt, Annie E. Mrs., res 12fiO Prince ave. Mygatt. Geo. F. iLavenia). trav. salesman. Talmadge Bros & Co..
res 12C.O Prince ave. "Mygatt. Joseph C. (Elizabeth), elk Talma.Ige Bros. & Co.. res 1200
Pr'lice ;ive.
*Xallie. Thos. (Zorat. carp, bds 24> River. Xapier, Jas.. student I", of Ga.. bds iiis Lumpkin. *Nnsh. E. A. (Texas), teacher, res Mitchell bridge road. Xeal. Mamie, c. bds Sfi3 W. '^road. Xeal. Ruby Miss, res 2S5 Mallory ave. Ntal. Salina. c. bds SG:', W. Broad.



Pi RiikEuSuSImNGu



PM O IM E rti8t3

Y M C A Bl_O'<3

You can not get much rest when your mind is uncertain wliethe you are sleeping on a germ infested Mattress. Have you

Mattresses renovated at the

Phone 157




*Xeal. \V. X. (Allia). niotorman Electric Ry., res 285 Mallory ave. *Xeeley, James (.Tosie), c, lab., res 135 Cohen. Xeely, Lneinda, c. res 555 Strong. *Xeely. Peter (Fannie), c, carp, res 267 Fourth. *Xeln s. Alfred (Ida. c. blacksmith Klein & Martin, res 265 Arch. 'Xelms. .1. A. (Fannie), blacksmith Athens Foundry, res 195 Derby. Xelms. Palmer, res 274 Arch. * Xelms. YV. D. (Mary), policeman, res 225 Derby. *Xelson. E. C.. (India), emp. Webb & Crawford, res 224 Barrow. Xelson. Elijah, c. fireman, bds 160 Valley. ^Nelson. Fannie, c. res 280 Savannah ave. Xelson. Maria, c, nurse, res nr 646 Fifth. Xesbit. Carrie, c. res 646 F'fth. Xesbit. Clara, c. sick nurse, res nr 685 Vine. Xesbit, Dinah, c. teacher, res 646 Fifth. Xesbit, Eugene, c. lab., res 94S Reese. *Xesbit, Henry, (Callie), c, enr,p. King-Hodgson Co., res 368 Arch. *Nesbit, Helen, c, nurse, res 220 Pearl. Xeshit. Julia, c/res 724 X. Lumpkin. *Xesbit. .1. M. (Emma), c, emp. city res 948 Reese. Xesbit. Jno. H.. c. iab., res 948 Reese. Xes'Mt. King. c. brakeman. Ga. R. R.. res 646 Fifth. Xesbit, Mike (Ida*, c. carp., res 646 Fifth. Xesbit. Martha, c, res 646 Fifth. Xesbit. Moses, c. res 646 F'fth. Xesbit. Margaret, c. nurse, res 187 Pearl. Nesbit, Mack. c. res 948 Reese. Xesbit. Robt.. c. res 724 X. Lumpkin.
Xesbit. Sarah, c. res 646 Fifth. Xesbit. Thaniel. c. fireman Athens Compress, res 724 X. Lumpkin. Xesbit. Walter, c. res 724 X. Lumpkin. Xevitt. M. E. Mrs., res 424 Prince ave . Xevins. Collier Miss. Hairdresser, Bookhammer's bds, .",11 X.
Thomas *Ne\vborn, A. J. (Ettii). boarding house, res 575 X. Jackson. Newborn. Alice Miss elk McClure's 1 Oc store, res 575 X. Jackson. Xewborn. Bessie Miss, elk McClure's lOc store, res 575 N. Jackson. Xewborn. Lillian Miss, res 575 N. Jackson. New Market. The. Cooper & Brown, 233 E. Broad.

Notes Bought and Discounted at Reasonable Rates

Georgia Loan Co.
ARTH1R 1-LATAT\ President

1(6 Shai-kk-ford Hell Phones 299-60U

We move Household Goods. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. ___ A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



*Newsom, D. D. (Ella), asst. chief fire dept., res 359 Oak. Nowell. Cora Mrs., emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 182 Bryan. * Newson:, Amaziah (Sallie), c, lab., res r 506 Franklin. Newsome, Belk, c, res 1085 S. Lumpkin. Newsome, Claude, c. bell 'boy Athenaeum Hotel, r?s 1085 S. Lump-
kin. Xewson, E. T.. student V. of Ga.. bds 695 Prince ave. Xewsom, Ethel Mis?., res :*>59 Oak. Newson, Meta Edna Miss. emp. Mill, res 1227 E. Broad. Newson, X. W., Mrs., res 1227 E. Broad. *Xewson. Sanford (Amanda). c. carp., res 412 VV. Broad. Xewsome, Sallie Maude, c, res 1085 S. Lumpkin. *Xewsome, Sidney (Maggie), c. emp. Athens Hdw. Co. over 1078
S. Lumpkin. *X*ewso i o. Wm.. (Xancy). c. grocer, 1087 S. Lumpkin., res 10S5
S. Lumnkin. Newsome, W. M. & Bros., r, grocers, 1087 S. Lumpkin. Newton, Chas. H., fire Ins. agt. Electric Ry. bldg, res S92 Prince. Newton, Ernest (Savannah), c, emp. Deadwyler Wood & Coal Co.,
res 350 Lyndon ave. Xewton, Henry, res 892 Prince ave. Newton, Janet Miss, student S. X. S., res 892 Prince . Newton, Marion Miss, student L. C. I., res 892 Prince ave. Newton, Pansy Miss, stengr. State Xormal School, bds 189 E.
Dougherty. New Undertaking Co.. 120 1-2 E. Clay ton. Xewton, Virginia Miss, student S. X. S.. res S92 Princa ave. Newton, Wm.. c. res 350 Lyndon ave. Nichols, T. .1. (Genevive), bldg contractor, off. 619 So. Mtit.
Ins. Bldg. Nichols, A. B.. c. pressing club, 700 Broad. Nichols, Annie, res 26 Cleveland ave. X'chols. Clarence, elk. W. H. Davis pool room, res 186 Washington. Nichols. D 1 C.. blacksmith 479 River. Xichols, Eddie, res 26 Cleveland ave. Nichols, G'uy. emp. Maxim Novelty Co.. res 26 Cleveland ave. *Xichols. .1. X. (Susie), emp. Lyndon Mfg. So., res 26 Cleveland. Xichols. M. A. Mrs., res 186 Washington.

Smith Premier Typewriter Company
S10eevitsiniblNeewwrMitiondgel No II 1ll1b P^^eaa^chntTtfrepe <zi*t., AAttlldannttiai,

Many of the names herein listed use GAS for


not we desire to serve you too.




Niehols, Maud Mrs., grocer, 600 N. Thomas, res Hickory. Xiehols. Romelia Mrs., emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 14S Hiawassee ave. ''Niohols. \V. P. (Callie). watchman L. C. I., res 135 Park ave. Nicholson. Alfred, emp. C. X. Hodgson. res 277 Henderson ave. Nicholson. Honer Mrs., res 277 Henderson ave. Nicholson. Homer, student 1T . of Ga.. res 277 Henderson ave. Nicholson. .John, res 277 Henderson ave. Nicholson. Josephine Miss, ins 277 Henderson ave. Nicholson Marion Miss, res 277 Henderson ave. Nicholson. Martha Miss, res 277 Henderson ave. !"Nicholson, M. G. (Lucy), dry sroods, D;i\ ison-Nicholson Co., res
150 Waddell. Nicholson, Mlrtie Lee Miss, student L. C. 1.. hds L. C. I. dormitory. Nickerson. Emma, c, res 170 Hearing . Nickerson. Irene N. Miss, res 779 Hill. *Nickerson. R. (Maria). Athens Hdw. Co.. res 224 N. Thomas. Nickerson, Samuel H.. res 779 Hill. >: N ckerson. T. H. (Elizabeth). Athens Hd\v. Co.. res 779 Hill. Nickerson, T. H.. Jr., res 779 Hill. 'Nickerson. Thomas (Hattif). c. emp. .]. A. Darwin, res r 237
Church. Nickerson. Willie (Mattie). lah., res 164 Herring. Nix. Annie Mips, res 163 Elwood ave. " Nix. C. C. (1.. C.I. carii. res 16:] Elwocd ave. ! Nix. C'. R. (Willie i. en ]. Sou. Ex. Co.. res fi4s N Lumpkin. Nix. H. A., student V. of Ga.. res 375 S. Lumpkin. Nix. Margie Miss, re-s 15:'. Elwood ave. N x. Nettie Miss, res 153 Elwood ave. Nixon. David, c. drayman, res 962 Oconee. Nixon. Tora. c. res 962 Oconee. X'ixoii. E\ ie Elizabeth Miss, elk Miss Bi adherry's. res 417 E. Han-
<ock ?.ve. Nixon. .Tohnnie. c. cm p. Ga. R. R. depot res 962 Oconee. ? ixon. John (Jane), c. emp. Ga. R. R. depot res 962 Oconee. N : xon. Rhoi'a Mrs., dressmaker, res 447 E. Hancock ave. Nixon. R. I., student I", of Ga.. rm S New college. Nixon. Sallie'.:elU Miss, student Athens B. Col., res 447 E. Hancock. :\ol)V. Arn. c. res r 56S Pulaski. *.\nlan. D. A. (Lizziei. agt. C. of (Ja. Ity.. res 247 Franklin.



1'h-me JSO -

14s-156 Broad St.

- Athens, C,a.

Machine Office

459 Claytoton St. P.O. Bx. 262


Largest Dealer in Georgia. Pianos Pianos from

5140 to JUiHi

ami Organs. All Makes. 32 years Organs from

J35 to J9o

in the Business. Cheapest in Ga. Sewing Machines

#17 to J55



Nolan. Lizzie May Miss, res 247 Franklin. Nolan, Virgil, res 247 Franklin. 'Xoland, Jesr.e (Adeline), c. emu. Michael Bros., res W. Waddell. *No1and, J. S. (Mattie Roberta), jeweller. 248 X. Thomas, res 125
E. Strong. Noble. Lizzie, c, laundress, res 156 Willow. Noland, Mattie. Miss, res 547 Boulevard. Noland, Sadie Mir.s. teacher, res 125 E. Strong. Xorthcutt, Jno. R.. student r. of Ga.. bds 125 Milledge ave. Xorth Georgia Candy Co.. E. H. Balton, prop.. Prince ave., bey. city
lin its. Xorman, Annie, c, res 5:;7 Fourth. Norman, Cornelia, c, res 297 Lyndon ave. Xorman, Charles (Clara), c, lab., res 297 Lyndon ave. Norman, Eliza, c, res 5:57 Fourth. Norman, Jno.. c. lab., city Gov., res 537 Fourth. Xorman Mary, c, res 537 Fourth. Norman, Mattie, c. res 537 Fourth. Xorman. Sarah, c, ret-. 5:57 Fourth. *Xorris, .1. T. (Dora), em p. campus I', of Ga., res ~>77 Pulaski. *Xorris, S. H. (Emma), trav. salesman, res 412 E. Dougherty. * Xorris. Wm. (Mamie), c. lab., res 3X9 Meigs. Xorthern, Wm., student r. of Ga., bds 29S Hull. Northwestern Mut. Life Ins. Co.. A. H. Milstead. Mgr., room 208
Sou. Mut. Ins. bide;. Xott. Edwin, student U. of Ga.. bds 327 Hill. Xorton & Bishop, grocers, 697 Boulevard. Norton, Pauline Miss, res 137 Nacoochee ave. Xunnally, Mat. Ida, c, emp. Meigs St. school, res 145 Pope.
O. *O'Callahan, M. P. (Florence H.), Manager The Georgian Hotel,
res same. Oconee Grocery Co.. 320 Oconee. Oconee Cemetery, J. H. Bisson. supt., 297 Cemetery. *Odom, E. H. (Lillian E.), mgr. Athens Foundry and Machine Wks.,
res 392 E. Dougherty. Odom, Delmar Miss, res 392 E. Dougherty.

plan A 'r.v Koonis, Clean Sanitary Beds, Prompt and f Mil pol-. te Attention One block from Post office, half block from Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, Prop.

368# Washington St.


WHY IS THIS PRACTICAL? Because we know our Business


Clayton St.



*O'Farrell, A. H. (Kate C), mdse. broker, 424 1-2 E. Broad, res 687 S. Milledge ave.
O'Farrell, AureLia Miss, student L. C. I., res 687 S. Milledge ave. O'Farrell. W. D.. n erchant Arnold Gro. Co., res 116 1-2 N. Thomas. O'Farrell, C. J., trav. salesman Athens Mattress Co., rms 269 1-2
E. Clayton. 'O'Farrell. Edward (Ruth), shipping elk Arnold Gro. Co., res 186
Grady ave. O'Farrell, James Mrs. elk. Davison-Nicholson Co., res 397 Barber. O'Farrell, Frank, res 397 Barber. O'Farrell, Joseph, res 397 Barber. O'Farrell. Jno. C., student Riverside Military Academy, res 687
S. Milledge ave. O'Farrell. Kathleen Miss, res 687 S. Milledge ave. O'Farrell, Sara Miss, student L. C. I., res 687 S. Milledge ave. O'Farrell. J. C., res 116 1-2 N. Thomas. O'Farrell. Marion C., trav. salesman Arnold Grocery Co., rms 259 1-2
E. Clayton. Oglesby, L. Miss, student L,. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Oglesby, Louis (Nellie), lab. Sou. Ref. Co., res 137 Odd O'Kelley, J. W., trav. sales-n an W. C. Orr, bds 320 Lumpkin. O. K. Barber shop. S. Daniels, prop., 173 Jackson. O. K. Pressing Club. M. T. Perdue, prop., 291 Baxter. Oldham. Lester, motorman Athens Elec. Ry., bds 153 Park ave. Oglesby, Evaline. c. res 238 Vine. Olive, Lizzie, c. cook, res 120 Newton. Olive Minnie, c. laundress, res 120 Newton. Oliver. Emily J. Mrs, bds 513 N. Jackson. Oliver. F. A. Mrs., res 223 Xantahala ave. *Oliver. Geo. (Mary), emp. Empire Ohem. Co., res cor. Peters an4
Arch. Olive. Harriett, c. laundress, res 120 Newton. Oliver, Luke (Emma), c. emp. King-Hodgson Co., res 685 Vine. Oliver. Luke, c, emp. King-Hodgson Co., res 523 Elbert. Oliver. Lilly Miss, res 190 "Winburn place. Oliver, May Miss, student, bds 311 N. Thomas. Oliver. Mark. c. emp. Empire Chem. Co., Wks., res 523 Elbert. Oliver, Manila, c, laundress res 523 Elbert. Oliver, Pearlie, c, laundress, res 523 Elbert. Oliver, T. P. res 223 Nantahala ave.

'HONK it*-. Cal1 on the Athens Coal & Coke Co.

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims

Xo compromise, no rlelavs, no technicalities.

Ynn Got tho Mnnou
IUU 001 INC mUllCTi

PPhfco-- ne 771Mlt A<Sw;R~tT.hrtIe,N-- ro j.TMuAor.t.Bof.a.N,liERY..,;



*Oliver, Tom (Maggie), c, laborer, res 944 College ave.

Orange, Johanna. c. res 183 Lyndon row.

Orr. B. Towns, res 296 Dongherty.

Or, Craig, res 394 Hill.


Orr, Drug Co.. 199 Clayton.

Orr, J. M., cotton buyer, off. 584 1-2 Broad.

Orr, Julia Miss, res 394 Hill.

Orr, Margery E. Miss, res 296 Dougherty.

Orr, R. C. (Florida C >, Orr Drug Co., res 397 Hill.

Orr, S. P.. prin. Orr School, res 296 Dougherty.

'Orr, W. C. (Env.ra). cotton and fertiliser, Talmadge Bros. Co.,

res 132 G'rady ave.

Osborne. Geo., st.udent U. of Ga.. bds 298 Hull.

"Osborne. Ike (Susie), concrete worker, res 160 Strickland.

Osborne, John, c, enip. Empire Chem. Wks., res 424 Elbert.

Ocborne, Jas. (Mattiei, c, enip. Empire Chem. Co., res 227 Vine.

Osborne, Matilda, c, res 42S Elbert.

Osborne. Thos. (Ida), c, enip. Empire Chem. Wks.. res 424 Elbert.

Osborne, Wm., c, enip. Empire Chem. Wks., res 424 Elbert.

O&borne, Willie. c. lab. E. of Madison ave.

Osby. Ed (Emmat, c. lab. 340 First.

Osby, Minnie Lee, c, laundress, res cor Peters and Arch.

Osby, Robert, c. driver .Ino. Save, res 236 Vine.

*Ostrom, H. C. (Matsie C.) secy. Layrr.en's Missionary Movement,

bds 46S X. Milledge ave.

Owen. S. X. Miss, res 424 Prince ave.

Owens. Alien, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 132 Bryan.

Owens. Andrew, c lab. res 154 Billups.

Owens Alphonso, c. res 228 Cleveland ave.

Owens, C. C., student U. of Ga.. rm 1 6 New College.

Owens, Emily, c, res 190 Rock Springs.

Owens, Fannie, c, res 154 Billups.

Owens. DeWitte, c, res 190 Rock Springs.

*Owens, Henry , ~.outicia>. c. janitor Emanuel Episcopal ch.,

res 360 Pope.

Owens. Isabella, c, laundress, 228 Cleveland ave.

Owen, Juanita Miss. emp. A. V. Clifton studio, bds 390 Lumpkiu.

Owens, Janie. c. laundress, res 154 Billups.

"Owens, Jno. S. (Mary J.), c, minister, res 190 Rock Springs.

We fill your orders TO THE LETTER and deliver PROMPTLY

"^ Word to the Wise is Sufficient:'


125 ^Uimkin Street.

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with
We put them on ALLEN H. TALMAGE 240-252 N^Lumpkin



Owens. Jas.. c. lab., res 140 Church. Owens. Louise, c, res r Cloverhurst Milledge ave. Owens. >.icie. c, laundress, res 180 Cherry. Owens. Pearl, c. cook, res 228 Cleveland ave. *Owem. Robt.. (Fannie), c. cook, S. N'. S., res 1227 W. Broad. Owens. Susif, c. laundress res 228 Cleveland ave. Owens. William (May), c. lab., res 634 Hull.

Pace, .7no. M, c, farmer, res Madison ave. E. Paille. Chas. (Rose), jeweller, R. Brandt, res 203 Finley. Pain, .las., cotton buyer. R. L. Moss & Co.. bds 390 Lurapkiu. *Palni-r. Arthur (Mamie), H. R. Palmer & Sons, bds 490 N.
Milledge ave. Palmer, Eunice. Miss, teacher pub. schools, res 263 E. Hancock. Palmer, Ernest, emp. Johnson Shoe Co., res 1423 Hancock ave. *Palmer, Geo. (Barbara), sec'y B. P. O. E., res 263 E. Hancock. Palmer. H. R. & Sons, Druggists, 225 E. Clay ton. *Palmer. H. R. (Lizzie), druggist, res. 283 E. Hancock ave. * Palmer. John. (Eliza), c. emp. So. Ref. Co.. res 1423 W. Han-
cock ave. Palmer, Kate Miss, clerk. R. Brandt, res 311 N. Thomas. Palmer. .1. D., student U. of Ga., bds 834 Prince ave. Palmer. Lloyd, druggist. H. R. Palmer & Sons, res 283 E. Han-
cock ave. Palmer, Mary L.. c, domestic W. H. Davis, res 1423 Hancock. Palmer, Marcellas. c, emp. So. Ref. Co., res 1423 Hancock ave. Palmer, Paul E., student U. of Ga., bds 850 Prince. Palmer T. Mrs., matron Y. W. C. A., res 311 N. Thomas. Palace Barber Shop. U. S. A. Hawkins, c, prop., below 144 B.
Clayton. *Palmisano, G.(Mary) Athens Fruit Co., res 285 Barber. Papas. Thos. emp. Manhattan cafe, bds 145% N- Thomas. Parke, R. E. (Mary Bell), Prof. English, U. of Ga., res 145 Parks, Bud, c, res r 198 Dougherty. Parks, Cora, c, res 238 Bridge. Parks, Dolphus. c, emp. Wescom Hudgin, res 248 Bridge. Parks, Edward D., res 145 Dearing.
A GAS RANGE is a coal range with a COLLEGE
EDUCATION. It does twice the amount of work in
less than half the time. We sell them. The GAS CO.

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.

Phone 707 193

Parks, Early, em p. Athens Mfg. Co., res 396 Oconee. Parks, Eva Miss, spooler, Athens Mfg. Co., res 396 Oconee. Parks, Jas. F., res 145 Dearing. Parks, Jerry, res 396 Oconee. Parks, LeRoy, res 194 Cherry. Parks, Marion, c, laundress, res 194 Cherry. Parks, Maud Miss, spinner. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 396 Oconee. Parks, Nettie Miss, spinner, Athens Mfg Co., res. 396 Oconee. Parks, Rivoe, c, lab., res 194 Cherry.
Dearing. Parks, Susie Miss, res 396 Oconee. Parks, Tom, c. .ab. res 248 Bridge. Parks, Wash (Fannie), moulder Athens Foundry, bds 396
Oconee. Parks, Wm. (Lula), hackman, res 396 Oconee. Parks, West, (Mamie), c, lab. res 248 Bridge. Parks, Grant, c, pressing club, nr 337 Reese. Parker, Annie, Miss, emp. Banner Jo b Office, res 828 Lumpkin. Parker, A. S. (Florence L. ), asst. cashier Nat'1 Bank of Athens,
res 1075 Prince ave. Parker, Columbus, machinist Athens Foundry, bds 1075 Lump-
kin. Parker, Ethel .1. Miss, elk Abe Joel, res 828 X. Lumpkin *Parker, J. L. (May), agt. Singer Sew. Mch. Co.. res 167 Childs. *Parker, J. T. (Sarah A.), concrete worker, res 828 N. Lump-
kin. Parker, Lemnia, c, student Knox Inst., bds 465 Reese. Parker, Lawrence, res 1075 Prince ave. Parker, Lyde Miss, mch opr Athens Mfg Co.. res 247 Williams. Parker, Margaret Miss, mch opr, Athens Mfg. Co., res 247 Wil
liams. Parker, M. J. Mrs., res 123 Wilkerson. *Parker. Shepard (Adah), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 273 Chatta
nooga ave. Parnell Clifford, res 390 Hancock ave. * Parnell, E. P. (Mary), carpenter, res 390 Hancock ave. Parnell, Holland, emp. Paul Deadwyler, res 390 Hancock ave. Parnell, Harvey, res 390 Hancock ave. Parnell, Victor (Ida), Metropolitan Ins. Co., res 1462 Broad. *Parnell, Wallace (Clara), carp., res 1443 Broad.

If you are looking for the one soft drink whichis known as the world's Favorite, we have it. You can't net it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle.
--- ----- -_--:--__^_------------


Iron Fencing for Cemeteries and Lawns.


Phone 466.

125 1-2 E. Clayton



Parr, Adah Miss, elk. Sol. J. Holey, res 967 Baxter. *Parr, A. N. (Lillie), painter, res 967 Baxter. Parr, B. H. (Mazie), painter, res. 327 Baxter. Parr, Cora Bell, res 165 Baxter. *Parr, C. W. (Mary J.), candy mftr, res 162 Clayton. Parr, C. W. Jr., (Maggie), painter, res nr 1689 S. Lumpkin. Parr, C. A. Mrs., res 186 Washington. Parr, Evie Miss, res 165 Baxter. Parr, Ed., painter, res 165 Baxter. Parr, Ernest, painter, res. 165 Baxter. Parr, Eunice Miss, opr. Sou. Bell Tel. Co., res 327 Baxter. Parr, F. H., plumber, res 1689 S. Lumpkin. Parr, Gussie Miss, res 165 Baxter. *Parr, G. D. (Ophelia), grocer. 1687 S. Lumpkin, res 1689 S.
Lumpkin. Parr, G. W., painter, res 1689 S. Lumpkin. Parr, Henry, res 186 Washington. Parr, Harry, plumber, res 967 Baxter. Parr Henry, student U. of Ga., res 186 Washington. Parr, Maude Miss, elk. Sol J. Boley, res 967 Baxter. Parr, Macie Miss. elk. Michael Bros., res 165 Baxter. *Parr, V. J. (Mary), painter, res, 755 Baxter. Parr, Viola Miss, res 1689 S. Lumpkin. *Parr. M. H. (Emma V.), painter, res 165 Baxter. Parris, Roy. cashier Sou. Ry., bds. 770 college ave. r'arrish, Celestia S. Miss, Prof. Psychology and Pedagogy S. N. S.
res. Mitchell Bridge road. Parrish, Joseph, student I", of Ga., res. Mitchell Bridge road. Parrot.t. Dewitte, c, emp. Ga. Brick Co., res 380 Augusta ave. Parrot, Dock (Maggie), c, lab., res 320 Macon ave. Parrot, Henry (Lizzie), c, lab., res 320 Macon ave. Parrott, Susie, c, res. 380 Augusta ave. *Partee, D. J. (E. J.), beer saloon 561 E. Broad, res 176 Grace. Partee, Ida Miss, res 160 Baxter. Partee, Katherine Miss, 176 Grace. Paschal, Ida. c, laundress, res 346 Reese. Paschal, Matilda ,c, cook, res 475 Hoyt. Paschal. Rossia, e, laundress res 283 Savannah ave. *Paschal. Sandy (Emma), c, emp. M. & L. Morris, res 346


See him.

Promptness our specialty.

COOK WITH GAS It lessens the domestic care* and adds to the happiness of every home. Phone 54.



*Pass, W. M. (Gussie), c, bridge builder, res 467 Atlanta are. Patat, Adah Miss, res 838 Oconee. *Patat, A. A. (Josie), barber, res 8..2 Oconee. * Patat, E. S. (Eula), butcher, res 123 Hoyt. Patat, Elizabeth Mrs., res 789 N. Thomas. *Patat, F. S. (Lula). awning maker, 838 Oconee. res same. Patat, Harry, res 838 Oconee. * Patat, J. A. (Emma), blacksmith. Bailey's shop, res 601 N.
Thomas. *Patat, J. W. (Tinny), emp. Williamson's stable, res 789 N.
Thomas. Patat, Lodie Miss, res 23 Summey. Patat, Leila Miss, bkkpr Climax Mill, res 8:)8 Oconee. Patat, Minnie, res 601 N. Thomas. Patat, Nina Miss, res 83X Oconee. Patat, Ora. res 838 Oconee. Patat, Prince, res 23 Summey. l-atat, P. L., janitor city hall, res 781) X. Thomas. *Patat T. P. (Sarah), blacksmith Klein & Martin, res 23 Sura-
mey. Patten, Decy Mrs., dressmaker, res 479 Strong. *Patten. W. M. (Sarah F.), farmer, res 353 E. Dougherty. Patillo, Dacasta, student U. of Ga.. rms. 11 Candler hall. Patton, Camilla, res 524 Oconee. Patman, Annie Miss, teacher pub. school, res 12r X. Milledge. Patman, Clyde Miss, res 126 Milledge. Patman, Everette Miss, res 950 S. Lumpkin. Patman, J. H. (Annie), meat market, 133 N. Jackson, res 950
S. Lumpkin. Patman, Louis, res o'JU S. Lumpkin. Patrick, Bertha Mrs. emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 140 Hiawassee ave. Patrick, Emory, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 140 Hiawassee. Patrick, John, track foreman G. M. R. R., bds. 192 Foundry. Patrick, Joseph K.. Red & Black Pressing Club, bds 886 College. Patterson. Andrew J., tinner, D. W. Bailey, res 150 Cemetery. Patterson, Arthur, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 657 Nantahala ave. Patterson & Co.. dry goods, 447 E. Clayton. Patterson, Esther Miss, res 124 Boulevard. Patterson, I. H. Miss., bding house, 305 S. Jackson, res same. Patterson Jesse C. (Lila P), inspector So. Wn'g & Insp. Bureau,
res 194 State.
268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.

"Tllfi WDrld'S BfiSt" 8ee the New Model No. 10 Visible Writing.






Patterson, J. L. (Lula), Patterson & Co., res 124 Boulevard. *Patterson, M. M. Mrs., boarding house, 657 Nantahala ave.. res
same. Patterson, Russell, res 124 Boulevard. Patterson. Sine, res 150 Cemetery. Paul. Freddie, c. porter Lanier Shoe Co., res 286 Fourth. *Paul, Howard (Bunnie), carp. 1425 Oconee. Paul, J. M. (Callie), emp. Bludwine Co., res 272 Grove. Paul, Marvin, res 272 Grove. Paul, W. M. (Mary), c. waiter Green Hotel, res 286 Fourth. Paul, Willie E., c, waiter Green Hotel, res 286 Fourth. Paul, Wm., driver Bludwine Co., res 272 Grove. *Pavesich, Paul (Elizabeth), artist, studio 645 Boulevard, res
same. Pavesich, Francis, student U. of Ga., res 645 Boulevard. Pavesich, Marie Miss, student L. C. I., res 645 Boulevard. Payne, W. A., elk. McGregor Co., res. 806 College ave. Payne, Bessie Miss, res 806 College ave. Payne, Cornelia Miss, elk McGregor Co., res 806 College ave. Payne, C. L.. traveling salesman, res. 806 College ave. Payne, J. F. (Lydia), watchman campus U. of Ga., res 806
College ave. Payne. Jno. (P. D. ), trav. salesman, res 666 Pulaski. Payne. Mary, c, laundress, res 558 W. Broad. Payne, Thos.. meat market, 1292 W. Broad. Payne, John, emp. So. Mfg. Co., bds. 897 Boulevard. Payne, J. M., student U. of Ga., res 375 S. Lumpkin. Payne, Lanier, c. emp. Davis' poolroom, res 138 Doboy. Payne, M. (Willie), emp. Prewitte House Furnishing Co., res
298 Baldwin. Payne, Bell, c, laundress, res 580 Finley. Payne, Henry, c, res 957 Reese. Payne, Harry, c, lab. res 257 Rovk Springs. Payne, H. M., c, grocer, 942 Reese. Payne, Minnie, c, res 957 Reese. Payne, Henrq, c, res 957 Reese. Payne, Andrew, c, res 957 Reese. * Payne, H. M. (Pattie), c, grocer 957 Reese, res same. Payne, Emmie Miss, res 149 Miles. Payne, Florence Miss, res 149 Miles.

UP-TO-DATE GPrCER Everything Good tr. Eat

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Maierials Contract for House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging.

Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton and Jackson Sts.




Payne, Monena Miss, res 149 Miles. Payne, J. A. (M. F.), drayman, res 149 Miles. Payne, Garnet, res 136 Miles. Payne, Lee, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 136 Miles. Payne, R. M., emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 136 Miles. Payne. W. O., Asst. Prof. History & Civics U. of da.. l>ds. 585
Prince ave. Peacock, Howell, student U. of Ga.. bds 525 Milledge ave. Peacock, Idolene Miss, student L. C. L, bds. L. C. I. dormitory. *Peacock, D. L. Dr. (Ida), Peacock & Ware, res nr 293 Hoyt. Peacock & Ware, dentists, room 212 So. Mut. Ins. Hldg. Peakor, Chas., student U. of Ga., bds. Prof. Lustrat, campus. Pearce, Emory (Effie), emp. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 120 Mitchell. Pearce, Pearl Miss, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 120 Mitchell. Pearce, Etta, Mrs., emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., 247 Chattanooga ave. Pearce, Ollie Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res. 247 Chattanooga ave. *Pearce, Joe (Emma), c, lab. res 680 Broad. Pearce, M. A., prop. White Pressing Club, mis 260 * X. Jackson. Pearce, May Bell, c, res 650 Broad. Pearce, Annie, c, res 650 Broad. Pearce, Lula, c, laundress, res 650 Broad. Pearce, Henry, c, brickmason, res 650 Broad. Pearce, Fannie, c, res 650 Broad. Pearce, Ann, c, res 650 Hancock ave. Pearson, Jno. J., res 840 E. Broad. 'Pearson, R. S. (Julia), yd. foreman Ga. R. R., res 840 E. Broad. Pearson, W. D., machinist., bds. 282 Hancock ave. Peebles, Mary A. Miss, res 560 Hill. *Peek, Ed (Lizzie), c, butler. M. G. Michael, res 380 Billups. Peek, Wm., c, lab. res 250 Pope. Peek. Sallie, c, laundress, res 250 Pope. *Peek. Wm. fAlleyne), trav. salesman Floming 1- Dearing. res
627 College ave. Peek, Annie, c. res 223 Lyndon ave. Peeler. Herrman res 135 Peters. Peeler, Olney, res 135 Peters. Peeler, J. A. (L. L.) , cattle dealer, res 135 Peters. Peeler, Robt., sexton E. Athens Bap. Ch. n>s 126 Poplar. Peeler, S. J. Mrs., res 126 Poplar.

Athens Coal Coke Co

Deadfwyler Wood & Coal Co

Office ami Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



*Peeler, H. H. d.uia May), fireman station No. 2. res 426 Meigs.
Peeler, Clevis, carp, res 425 Meigs. Peeler. Odis lineman Tele. Co., res 425 Meigs. Peeler, Helle Miss, res 425 Meigs. Peeler, Clarence, res 425 Meigs. Peeler, Harry, res 425 Meigs. Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., P. H. Corbett supt, 548 E. Clayton. *Peeples, W. J. (Ida), Fire Ins. off. 209 Hodgson-Shackelford
Bldg.. res 390 X. Milledge ave. Perdue. .1. P. (Claudia), trav. salesman Talmadge Bros. & Co.,
res 471 X. Jackson. Perdue, Wilmot. res 291 Baxter. Perdue, M. T. (Ida), O. K. Pressing Club, 291 Baxter, res same. *Perkins, .Ino. (Valley), c, tailor 197* W. Washington, res 248
same. Perkins, .1. B., c, tailor 197V& Washington. Pendergrass. Arthur (Montine), emp. So. Ex. Co., res 528
Pulaski. Perkins, Mary A. Mrs., res 779 Hill. Persley E. Miss, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 126 Miles. Persons. Raiford, student U. of Ga., bds. 265 College ave. Perry, E. A., grocer. 524 X. Thomas, res 414 Foundry. Perry, Margaret, c, laundress res 439 River. Perry, Ina Miss, res 414 Foundry. Perry, Eula Miss, res 414 Foundry. * Perry. B. D. ( M. L.), elk So. Ex. Co. res 880 College ave. Perry, Louna, c, res 427 Baxter. Perryman, Sissie May Mrs., dressmaker Mrs. Booth's Dougher-
ty St., bds. 223 Xanthala ave. Pettis. Lilla ic> res. 865 Water. Tettis. Lilla, c. res 865 Wa T *-r. Pettis. Willie, c, res 865 Water. Pettis, Emma, c, laundress, res 865 Water. Petropol & Co.. beer saloon, 110 Thomas, cor. Broad. Petropol. Jno.. fru'.t dealer, cor Thomas and Broad, res Jackson. * Petropol, Victor (Dessie). prop. Athenaeum Hotel, res 193 Mallory
ave.. pool room, fruits and beer, 18 } E. Clayton.


Quick service a specialty.

Day Phone 303 Night Phone 320-2





D AnnUI rnllllZ.1









*Phillips, G. T. (Irma), agt. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 159 1-2 Clayton, res X. of S. X. S., bey city limits.
* Phi Hips. A. L. (Flora), elk. Davison-Xicholson Co., res 565 College. *Phillips, E. H. (Ethel), ri hree Friends barber shop, res 189
Dougherty. Phillips, Felix, Manhattan Hat Co.. Than-as. res 598 Prince ave. Phillips, Jerdine Miss, res 400 Lumpkin. Phillips, Jessie M., Mrs., res 490 Lumpkn. Philips, Hester Miss, bds 866 Water. Phillips, Mary, c. laundress, res 161 Valley. Phillips, Bell Miss, bds 866 Water. Phillips, John, c, fanner res 128 Odd. Phillips, Lucy, c. laundress, res 128 Odd. Phillips, Marshal, c. carp., res 237 Arch. Phinizy, Anne S., Mrs., res 250 S. Milledge ave. Phinizy, Annie Miss, res 324 S. Milledge ave. *Phinizy, Barrett (Martha G.), fire insurance, off. Hodgson-Shackel-
ford bldg., res 250 S. Milledge ave. *Phinizy, Billups (Nellie S.), pres. Sou. Mut. Ins. Co., res 324 S.
Milledge ave. Phinizy, Boiling Miss, res 324 S. Milledge ave . Phinizy, C. H. (Xellie W right). Hardeman & Phinizy. res 397
S. Milledge ave. Phinizy, Dora, c, cook, res nr ISO Berry. Phinizy, Martha Miss, res 324 S. Milledge ave. Phinizy, Xellie Miss, res 324 S. M,illedge ave. Picard, E.. Cigar mfr.. 145 1-2 Clayton. Pickerell. Benjamin R. (Sallie A.), blacksmith. 362 E. Hancock ave,
res 155 State. Pickerell, Gertrude, re- 155 State. Pierce, Dorsey. elk Sol. .1. Boley, res 32> G'rove. * Pierce, Joseph (Anna), res 6SO Broad. Pierce, Lucile Miss, res 529 Meigs. Pierce. Lucy Miss, res- 32S Grove. Pierce. X. J. Mrs., res 32S Grove. Pierce, Pauline Miss, res 529 Me: gs. *Pierce. W. L. (Zula). presiding elder Athens district M. E. church
South, res 529 Meigs.

Cor. Broad ami Thomas Sts.

I'hone 17S


W. L. Hancock Coal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.
Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.



Phone 707

Pilgrrm, Callie Miss, enip. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 123 Oak. Pilgrim, Dock, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 123 Oak. Pilgrim, Lester. emp. Atnens Mfg. Co.. res 123 Oak. Pilgrim, Pearl. Miss. emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 123 Oak. "ilgrim. Wm. (Alice), e-np. Athens Mfg. Co., res 123 Oak.
' Pinkard. Amos (Diana), c. pressing club, 195 Prince ave, res 264
Billups. Pitner, Annie Miss, res 298 Barber. " Pitner, C. L. (I^llian), elk C. of Ga. depot, res 336 Hill. Pitner. Fred, oik S. A. L,. depot, res 336 Hill. *Pitner. .1. A. (Cora R.). elk King-Hodgson Co., res 298 Barber. Pitner, Marie Miss, res 336 Hill. **Pitner. Walter C. (India), V. Pres. Webb & Crawford, res 724
Prince ave. *Pittard. I. H. (Mamie), farmer, res 365 S. Jackson. Pittard, \V. F.. elk Ga. R. R., bds 364 X. Thomas. *Pittard, Frank (Lilly), c, plasterer, res 177 Warsaw. Pittman. Alice Mrs., res 127 Grace. Pittman. .1. E., res 383 Hoyt. Pittiran. .1. H.. Mrs., broading house, 245 S. Jackson. Pittman, John. carp., bds 192 Foundry. Pittman. Willie B., c. laundress, res 129 Willow. *Pittman. Wm. (Maggie). Wilson's auction house, res 457 E. Han-
cock ave. *Pitts. S. M. (Alice), c. minister, res 579 Reese. Pledger. Adolphus F.. foreman Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 920 E. Broad. * Pledger. E. A. (Mary), emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 690 Nantahala ave. Pledger. Ivy Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 598 Nantahala ave * Pledger. .1. S. (Lulat, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 598 Nantahala ave. ''Pledger. M. K. (Mary), grocer 1031 E. Broad, res 920 E. Broad. Pledger, Mattie Miss, res 598 Nantahala ave. Pledger. Man ic Miss, res 598 Nantahala ave. Pledger. Mary L. Miss, res 920 E. Broad. Pledger. Ora, emp. Athens Eng. Co.. res 130 Nacoochee ave. Pledger. Ruby Miss, res o98 Nantahala ave. i'le'ffer. L. O.. student T. of Ga., rm 15 New College . Plummer. Annie May. c. res 680 Dearing. Plummer. Bessie, c. res S70 Chase. ,

If vou are looking for tin- OIK- soft drink

which is known as the world's Favorite,

we have it. You can't jjet it anywhere


^ _ _ _ __

else, this is the mark of distinction. See

that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.







Plummer, George, c, cook State res 680 Bearing. Plummer, Henry, c, res 870 Chase. Plummer, Robert (Lizzie), c, emp. Bpps-Wilkins Co., res 870 Chas^. Plunmer, Robert, Jr., c, res 870 Chase.
Tlummer, Jim (Sus-ie), c, lab. city, res 1086 W. Broad.
* Plummer, Sol. (Ann), janitor State Normal, res 680 Dearing. *Poke, Albert (Ida), c, lab., res 259 Newton. Polain, Maria, c, cook R. K. Reaves, res r. :'>12 X. Thomas. "Pollard, H. C. (Harriett), gunsmith, res 434 Foundry. Pollard. Jno. T., painter, res 434 Foundry. * Pollard, J. S. (Hattie), painter, res 434 Foundry. Poole, Caroline, c, laundress, res 124 Hendrick ave. Pope, Alex., emp. Manhattan Cafe, bds 245 1-2 N. Thomas. Pope, Bailey, emp. State Chem. Co., res 448 Georgia depot st. Pope. Blakey, c, emp. Empire State Chem. Co., res 448 Ga. DepotPope, Cadesmon. res 197 Dearing. Pope, Clinton, res 184 State. Pop, Cora, c, laundress, res 158 Church. Pope, Cora, c, res 448 Ga. Depot st. Pope. Eddie, c, res 1638 E. Broad. Pope, Eddie, c, e>rrp. Empire State Chem. Co., res 448 Ga. Depot st. Pope, Ella, c, res nr 479 River. Pope, Gladys, res 184 Stale. Pope, Henry, bkkpr. Hardeman & Phinizy. res 198 Dearing. *Pope. Henry (Carrie), c. lab.. Ga. Brick Co., bds 143 Third. Pope. J. E. Mrs. res 197 Dearing. *Pope, J. P. (Katie), grocer 154 N. Thomas, res 184 State. Pope. John, c. emp. Empire State Chem. Co.. res 448 Ga. Depot st.
*Pope, Johnson (Mary), c. emp. Jno. Carlton. res 163S E. Broad.
Pope. Jossie, c. res E. end Grove. Pope. Lizz : e. c. res E. end Grove.
Pope, Lizzie, c. res nr 479 River. Pope. Mariah. c, laundress, res r 140 Dublin. Pope. Mattie, c. laundress, res nr 479 River.
Pope. Miriam Miss, teacher res 197 Dearing.
Pope. Pete. emp. Manhattan Cafe., bds 245 1-2 X. Thoiras.
Pope. Pierce (Meidis). c. farmer, res E. end Grove.
Pope. Pierce. Jr.. c. emp. Ga. R. R. depot, res E. end G*rove.

Also Furnace work. J. E. CALDWELL

Li^iinpssccoommho & Cv^oo. INSURANCE

Office Phone 109

Office Cor. Clayton

Residence 719___________and College Avenue



Pope, Simon. (Ida), c. emp. Athens Gas Co., res 524 Vine. Po-pe, Thos.. c. ea p. Empire Chem. Wks.. res E. end Grove. ope. Walter, res 197 Dear'ng. Pope. \V. B.. bkkpr. Ga. Xat. Bank, res 197 Dearing. Pope. Wm., c. emp. Ga. R. R. depot, res E end Grove *Pope, Wm. (Laicinda). c, laborer, C. of Ga. R. R., nr 479 River. *Poplin, Adam I. (Blanche), barber. Bryant's shop, res 165 State. Porter, Alma, res 115 Mitchell. *Porter. B. F. (Americus), c, minister, res 130 Cleveland ave. Porter, Dee. ear p. Athens Mfg. Co., res 115 Mitchell. Porter. Ed C., cotton buyer, bds 436 Hill. Porter, Iris Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. *Porter, Edgar (Ella), c, coachman Prof. Mranson. res 34'J Rock
Springs. Porter. .1. H.. student V. of Ga.. bds 535 Prince ave. Porter. Knti<- P. M'ss res 824 Milledge ave. Porter. Mary, c, cook, res 253 Bridge. Porter, Minnie Miss. mch. opr. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 115 Mitchell. Porter. Robert L,.. rms 123 1-2 Jackson. Porter. Stella Miss, mch. opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 115 Mitchell. Porter, Vera Miss, teacher, res Mitchell bridge road. * Porter. Walter (Susie), c, bell boy the Georgian hotel, res 554
Strong. 'Porter. Walter R. (Mary Gertrude), mgr. McClures lOc store, res
411 N. Thomas. Porterfield. Clara Miss, res 1S2 Bryan. Porterfield. Eliza Mrs., res 182 Bryan. Porterfield. Martha Miss, res 190 Baldwin. Porterfield. Tabitha E. Miss, res 190 Baldwin. Poss. Addie Lou Miss, res 539 Pulaski. Poss. Albert. Tressenger "\V. Union Tel. Co., res 280 Baldwin. Poss, Cleve, elk Orr Drug Co., bds 246 Hancock ave. POPS, Claria Mrs., grocer. 297 Cleveland ave. Poss, F. M. Mrs., res 280 Baldwin. Poss. Gussie. c. laundress, 186 Cherry. *Poss, Henry (Rora). hackman. res 550 Nantahala ave. Poss. H. A. (Ava). elk Kutres. res 539 Pulaski. Poss. James, c. emp. E. P. Fears & Son. res 186 Cherry. POPS. J. H.. elk Kutres, Broad st.. res 539 Pulaski.

BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN by the use of
Iron Settees, Vases and Trellis Work. We sell them. Phone 466. The GEORGIA STONE CO. - - 125 1-2 E. Clayton

We move Household Goods. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



Postal Telegraph Co., I. *B. Smith, agt. 220 E. Clayton. Potts, Adie Mrs., boarding house, 142 W. Clayton. Potts, Alfred, c, janitor, new college U. of Ga., bds 346 Pope. 4 Potts, E. C. (Ottie), bkkpr. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 742 Boulevard. Potts, John & Son, painting contractors cor. Meigs and Prince ave. *Potts, John (Amanda), John Potts & Sons painters, res 552 Pu-
laski. Potts, Lou, c, servant E. R. Hodgson, Jr.. res r 150 Milledge ave. Potts, W. .1.. grocer, cor. Chase and Boulevard. *Potts, W. J. (Minn'e). asst. chief fire dept., res 72:> Boulevard. Potts, Roy, John Potts & Sons, painters, res 552 Pulaski. Potter, Eliza Mrs., res 540 Nantahala ave. Potter. Ethel Miss, emp. Climax Mill, res 585 Oconee cor. Peters. Potter, Frank, elk Michael Bios., bds 272 Hancock ave. Potter, George, en p. Climax Mill, res 585 Oconee and Peters. Potter, Jno. T. (Elizabeth), policeman, res 585 cor Oconee and
Peters. Potter, Jno. T. Jr., elev. boy Ins bldg, res 585 cor. Oconee and
Peters. Potter, Mattie Miss, res 540 Nantahala ave. Potter, Tommie. emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 540 Xantahala ave. Potter, Willie, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 540 Nantahala ave. Pottle, Hattie Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormiaory. Pottinger. Will, student IT. of Ga., bds 297 Hull. Poullian. H. C., Ins agt. Sou. Mut. bldg. res fi45 Boulevard. Powder Magazine, College ave., nr. riv.v. *Powell, Albert (Louticia), c, res IbO Hendrick ave. Powell, Alexander, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 149 Mitchell. Powell, Bessie Miss, trained nurse, bds 155 Grady ave. * Powell, C. G.. (Charity), carp, res nr 146 Peters. Powell, C. H., c, student, bds 197 Newton. Powell. Edna Miss, res :>:$"> Hoyt. Powell, Eliza Miss, res 149 Mitchell Powell, Florence Miss, res 223 Boulevard. Powell, Francis Miss, res 223 Boulevard. Powell. Grady. emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 149 Mitchell. Powell, Isaac Miss, res 223 Moulevard. Powell. Jas (Maudie). en p. Athens Mfg. Co., res 165 Mulberry.

Smith Premier Typewriter Company
"THE WORLD'S BEST." S10eevitshieblNeeWw rMitiondgel No iI i i /. prcpdflcrihntrrpefe oSti., rAvtulaaniitiaa,

Many of the names herein listed use GAS for


not we desire to serve you too.

Tfie GAS CO.



Powell, Jno. R., student U. of Ga., bds 301 E. Washington. Powell, barren, c, lab., res 159 Valley. Powell, Lizie May, c, res Madison ave. Powell, Ixmnie (Levie), c, emp. city of Athens, res Forrest ave. Powell. Louise Miss, teacher, res 223 Boulevard. Powell. Mack, c, bell boy Georgian Hotel, res 159 Valley. * Powell, T. W. (Frances), grocer 340 Barber, res 223 BoulevarJ. Powell. T. C.. student U. of G'a., rm 9 New College. Powell. Wm. Henry, c, res 185 Derby. * Power, C. W. (Margaret), trav. salesman, Athens Mat. and
Spring Bed Co., res 33? Hoyt. Power. Edna Miss, res 337 Hoyt. Power. Frankie Miss, stengr, L. Deadwyler, res 337 Hoyt. Power. Frank C. elk L. P. Canning, res 393 Jackson. Power, Marie Miss, res 337 Hoyt. *Power. \Vm. W. (Susie), carp., res 664 N. Jackson. Powers. Henry, c, restaurant nr 549 E. Broad. Powers, Wm. (Lucy), c, lab., res 140 Cohen. Pradas, A. C., student U. o f Ga., bds 428 Lumpfcin. Prater, Ann Mrs., res 297 Prince ave. Prater. Delia. Miss, dressmaker, res 170 Xantahala ave. Prater. Frar.k L., linen an Athens Elec. Ry. Co., res 170 Nantahala. 1''rater. Ina Miss, teacher, res 170 Xantahala ave. Prater. John J. conductor Athens Ele. Ry. Co... res 170 Nantahala. Prater. Rosa Lee Miss, res 170 Nantahala ave. Prater. S. V., Mrs., res 170 Nantahala ave. 'Prather. B. C. (Goldiei. trav. selesman E. T. Coal Co., res 400
Foundry. Prather, Claudie Miss, emp. Athens Mfg. Co.. 220 Williams . Prat her. Cleo Miss, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 220 Williams. 'Prather, Enoch (Annie), emp. Soup. Mfg. Co., res 425 Nacoochee. 'Prather. H. D. (Bell), emp. Parr's Candy Factory, res 575 Pulaski. Prather. Jane. c. re? 269 Newton. Prather. Lucy. Miss, res 220 Williams. *Prather. Oliver (Dora), barber, Bryant's shop, bds 220 Williams. *Pnitt. C. H. (Pattie). secy. Laymen's Missionary Movement, res
126 Dearing. Presnell, L'zzie Mrs., res Boulevard, bey city limits. Presnell, Grover, emp. E. C. McEvoy. res Boulevard, bey city limits.

Handles everything in the Tin line. . .....


Prompt service extended to all customers.



__________ATHENS, GA., DIRECTORY 1909.


Prewitte House Furnishing Co., D. R. Prewitte, mgr., 164 1-2 E. Clayton.
Prewitt, Hannah, c, laundress, res 672 N. Lumpkin. *Prew.;tte, D. R. (Georgia L.), Mgr. Prewitte House Furnishing
Co., res 365 Strong. Price Annie, c, nurse, res 193 Lyndon row. Price, E. S. (Annie), atty. off. 259 1-2 E. Clayton, res 225 Madison. Price, Keff S., res 353 W. Broad. Price, Lawyer (Hattie), c. emp. Sou. Ref. Co., res 193 Lyndon row. Price, Lee. res 353 Broad. Price, M. S., grocer, 136 Foundry. Price, Mattie, c, res North Cleveland ave. Price, Phyllis, c, laundress, res 137 Peabody. Price, Renzy, c, res 193 Lyndon row. *Price, W. O. (Minnie), Planters restaurant, 162 N. Thomas, res
353 W. Broad. Prickett, H. G., student 'U. of G., rm 25 Candler Hall. Prickett, R., student U. of G., bds 590 Lumpkin. Pridgeon, R. K., Emp City Hall, bds Pulaski st.
Prince, Adah, res 145 Poplar. Prince, Basaline Miss, res The Villa, 220 Milledge ave. * Prince, E. A., (Margaret), night watdhman Athens Compress,
res 145 Poplar. Prince, Sallie Miss, res 145 Poplar.
octor, Carroll, engineer Athens Electric Ry., res 948 Prince ave. 'Proctor, J. P., (Grace), physician, office 510 Sou. Mut. Ins.
bldg., and St. Mary's Hospital, res 196 N Miledge ave. * Proctor, W. J., (Lizzie), grocer, 258 Springdale, res same. *Pryor, Deamus, (Janie), c, lab, res 452 W Broad. Pruitt, Henrietta A. Mrs., res 295 Henderson ave. Pullian, Eva Miss, student Athens Business College, bds 575 N
Jackson. Pullian, Mary, res 160 Hendrick ave. *Purcell, E. F., (Mamie), barber Georgian Hotel, res 1123 Oconee *Pugh, P. W., (Sallie), emp Climax Hosiery Mill, res 911 E Broad. Purifry, Alberta, c, laundress, res 397 Athens ave. *Purifry, Lucius, (Lula), c. janitor U. of G.. res 397 Athens

European Plan Airv Knis> Clean Sanitary Beds, Prompt and Polite Attention. One block from Post Office,
half block from Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, Prop.

36 U Washington St.


WHY IS THIS PRACTICAL? Because we know our Business


Clayton St.



"Quarterman, Jacob, (Salena), c, plasterer, res 487 Athens ave. *Quil]ian. A. C., (Jane), dentist 254*6 E Clayton, res 323 E
Hancock ave. Quillian, F. L. Mrs., res 450 Prince ave. Quillian, Kate Miss, res 323 E Hancock ave. Quillian, Lena Miss, res 450 Prince ave. Quillian, Madeline Miss, res 323 E Hancock ave. Quinn, Amanda, c, restaurant cor. Churdh and Broad, res 187
Billups. Quinn, Emaline, c. cook, res 634 Prince ave. Quinn, Lucy, c, agt. Pilgrim Ins. Co., res 187
*Raines, Eugene, (Adela), c, emp University dairy, res 169 Green.
Raines, Meldon, c, lab I'niversity dairy, res 187 Field. *Raiford, Fisher, (Minnie), gas fitter Athens Gas Co., res 382
Dougherty. Ramey. Ada, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 125 Bryan. Ramey. Essie, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 125 Bryan. Ramey, Lilley Mrs., res 125 Bryan. Ramey, George, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 125 Bryan. Ramey. Ina May Miss, res 920 E Broad. Ramsey, Mable Mrs., inch. opr. So. Mfg. Co., res 920 E Broad. Randolph, Elmore Miss, clerk Davison-Xicholson Co., res 148S
E Broad. Randolph, Florrine Miss, res 1483 E Broad. Randolph, Mary Miss, emp Lyric Theatre, res 1483 E Broad. 'Randolph. P. C.. (Nellie), tinner D. W. Bailey, res 342 E
Hancock ave. *Randolpfh, T. K., (Alice), res 1483 E Broad. Ransom. Emily Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. * Ransom, Isaac. (Annie), c, emp So. Ref. Co., res 224 Lyndon
ave. Rast. L. E.. student U. of G.. rm 7 New College. Rawson, Clarence, res 447 Hoyt.
PHONE ID.-. Cal1 on the Athens Coal & Coke Co.

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims

No compromise, no delavs, no technicalities.

Ynn fiat tho Mnnov


IUU OBI 1116 mUllCJ, Phone 71, Southern Mutual Buiiding.



Rawson, Eddie, res 447 Hoyt. *Rawson, F. S., (Anna), carpenter, res 447 Hoyt. * Rawson, Jule, (Lessie), carpenter, res 148 Hickory. Rawson, Mary Miss, stenogr. E. K. Lampkin, res 447 Hoyt. Ray, Alice, c, res 322 E Dougherty. *Ray, Anderson, (Lydia), c, farmer, res nr 1020 Water. Ray, Bertha, c, res nr 1020 Water. Ray, Bud. c, res nr 1020 Water. Ray, Elsie, c, res 322 E Dougherty. Ray, George, c, res 483 Third. *Ray, Grant, (Nettie), c, emp city, res 483 Third. Ray, Hallie, c, res 167 Green. *Ray, Jessie, (Marvin), c, emp Eppes-Wilkins Co., res 167 Green. *Ray, J. G., (Edna), painter, res 164 E Strong. *Ray, John, (Lizzie), coachman Judge McWhorter, res 294
Springdale. Ray, Leila, c, res 167 Green. Ray, Mary, laundress, res nr 1020 Water. Ray, Maud, c, chambermaid, res 136 Fifth. Ray, R. C., student r. of G., rm 30 Candler Hall. Ray, W., porter R. Brandt's. res 322 E Dougherty. *Ray, Walter, (Lizzie), c, emp Talmadge Bros. & Co., res 224
Cleveland ave. Ray, Welborn, c, driver S. \V. Bailey, res nr 1020 Water. Ray, Willie, c, driver, res 167 Green. Ray, Winnie, c, emp city, res 483 Third. Raymond, Florence Miss, stenogr. Hamilton McWhorter, res 749
Cobb. Reaves, Anna Miss, res 312 N Thomas. *Reaves, Jno., (Sallie), c, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 370 Fourth. * Reaves, R. K., (Mary P.), retired merchant, office 116 H
Thomas, res 312 N Thomas. Reaves, R. K. Jr., miner, res 312 N Thomas. Reddick, J. F., student V. of G., res 521 S Lumpkin. Redfearn, D. ., student U. of G., rm Demosthenian Hall. Red & Black Pressing Club. Patrick & Denny, props., 184% E
Clayton. Reed, Albion Willian. res 197 Boulevard. Reed, Ethel Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Reed, Eunice C. Miss, res 197 Boulevard.
We fill your orders TO THE LETTER and deliver PROMPTLY
"A Word to the Wise is Sufficient"

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES We put them on
ALLEN H. TALMAGE 240-252 N. Lumpkin



Reed, Hattie, e. laundress, res r 287 Oconee. Reed, Ida, c, cook, res 180 Willow.
*Reed, Jeff, (Mamie), emp Empire Clhem. Wks., res 1623 E Broad.
Reed, Lillie B.. e, res 349 Rock Spring.
Reed, M. L. Mrs., Principal Athens Bus. School, bds 189 E Dougherty.
Reed, Parthenia, res 1623 E Broad. *Reed, Thos. W., (Eunice), journalist Athens Banner, res 197
Boulevard. *Reed, Thos. Sr., (Carrie), c, barber, res 229 Bridge. * Reese, Alfred, (Carrie), c, lab, res 640 W Broad. Reese, Caroline E. Mrs., res 271 W Hancock ave. Reese, Carrie Miss, res 271 W Hancock ave. Reese, Ethel Miss, stenogr. A. M. Soule, bds 195 Henderson ave. * Reese, Garfield, (Rebecca), e, lab, res r 124 Boulevard. * Reese, J. S., (Erne), messenger So. Ex. Co., res 894 Oconee. Reid, Beulah, c, teacher, res 243 Bridge. Reid. Etta, c, res 243 Bridge. *Reid, Geo., (Mary), c, lab, res 525 W Hancock ave. *Reid, J. L., (Alice), clerk C. of Ga. Ry., bds 282 E Hancock ave. Reid, Jas., student U. of G., bds 285 W Washington. *Reid, L. W., (L-aura), c, barber 181 N Thomas, res 243 Bridge.
Reid, Lorenza, c, lab, res 243 Bridge.
Reid, Louise, c, res 243 Bridge.
Reid, Ruth, c. res 243 Bridge. *Reid, Thos.. (Stella), c, res cor. Reese and Billups.
Reid, Ruth, c, laundress, res 240 Rock Spring. *Reid, Wm., (Cora), brickmason, res 1397 W Hancock ave. Renson, Ralph, student U. of G., bds 130 E Hancock ave. *Reville, D. .!.. (Anna), grocer 124 N Tftiomas, bds 765 N Jackson. Reynolds, Annie, c, res 184 Cherry. Reynolds, Clyde, c, res 184 Cherry. Reynolds, E. K. Miss, res 185 Childs. Reynolds, H. T., student U. of G., bds 125 S Milledge ave. Reynolds, Kate, c, res 184 Cherry. Reynolds, Libby Miss, res 185 Childs.
*Reynolds, Sam, (Mattie), c, emp Moss Mfg. Co., res 184 Cherry. *Reynolds, Thos., (Adah), emp So. Mfg. Co., 135 Bryan. Reynolds, W. P., upholster, res 185 Childs. Rhoads, Henry, c, driver Vincent Maittihews, res 532 Branch.

A GAS RANGE is a coal range wijth a COLLEGE EDUCATION. It does twice the amount of work in less than half the time. We sell them. The GAS CO.




Artistic Job Printing

HILDREN are taught to tell nothing but the truth. This is acknowleged to be good ethics for the adult; but to good
business methods, truth-telling is an absolute necessity. There is but one way to insure truth-telling throughout business transactions and that is to make your goods so thoroughly good that there shall be no temptation to any one who handles them to tell anything but the truth concerning them.
Banner Job Printing Office
T. H. ATKINSON, Proprietor.





133 W. Clayton Street

Guns, Locks, Bicycles, Automobiles.

If it is a difficult piece of repairing send it to me.


133 W. Clayton Street


When You Need

Gem of Athens, Red Star, Big Crop, Tap Root Guano

Empire State Chemical Company,
E. R. HODGSON, President

W. L. Hancock Goal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.

Phone 707 209

Rhoads, Josephine, c, laundress, res 532 Branch.

Rhoads, Paul, c, lab Emp. Chem. Wks., res 532 Branch.

Rhoads, Silas, c, res 532 Branch.

Rhodes, Alexander, (Alena), Prof. Elementary Agric. S. N. S.,

res 749 Cobb.

Rlhodes, A. S., (Ella E.), Bailey Supply Co., res 112 The Plaza.

Rhodes, Annie B. Miss, res 112 The Plaza.

Rhodes, A. R. t res 112 The Plaza.

Rhodes, Ed., J. F. Rhodes & Co., res 186 Boulevard.

Rhodes, Gladys Miss, res 186 Boulevard.

Rhodes, Harry, res 186 Boulevard.

Rhodes, Henry, clerk Athens Mut. Fire Ins. Co., res 243 E


Rhodes & Co., J. F., mds. brokers, Swift bldg., cor. Broad and


Rhodes, J. Frank, (Anna R.), J. F. Rhodes & Co., res 186


Rhodes, Jno., (Lillian), bkkpr. Bondurant & Co., res 243 E


Rhodes, Julia, c, cook, 224 Lyndon ave.

Rhodes, Julian, c, laundress, res 224 Lyndon ave.

Rhodes, L., c, lab, res 1387 W Broad.

Rhodes, Mattie Miss, res 243 E Dougherty.

Rhodes, Melba Miss, res 186 Boulevard.

Rihodes, Rachel, c, cook, res r 156 Boulevard.

Rhodes, S., steam fitter, bds 247 Hancock ave.

Rhodes, W. A., time keeper Sou. Ref. Co., res 112 The Plaza.

Rhodes, Warehouse Co., Swift bldg., cor Broad and Foundry-

Rhodes, W. E., student U. of G., res 287 Pulaski.

Rice, Bessie Miss, res 238 Madison ave.

Rice, Cassie Miss, res 238 Madison ave.


Rice, Charles, elevator hoy So. Mut. Ins. bldg., res 238 Madison


Rice, G. E., student U. of G., rm 15 New College.

Rice, J. M., blacksmith, res 238 Madison ave.

Richards, Allie, (Lola), tinner 459 Vfe E Clayton, res 728 Oconee.

Richards, A. H., (Lucy), fireman city, res 557 Peters.

Richards, C. B., (Bessie), painter, res 782 Oconee.

Ridhard, Chas., c, res Plum.

Richards, Daisy Miss, res 782 Oconee.

If you are looking for the one soft drink whichis known as the world's Favorite, we have it. You can't get it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle.


Iron Fencing for Cemeteries and Lawns.


Phone 466.

125 1-2 E. Clayton



Richards, Emaline Mrs., res 185 Poplar. 'Richards, Fred, (Callie), painter, res 439 Strong. Richards. Hallie Miss, res 782 Oconee. Richards. Henry O., machinist, res 120 First. * Richards, J. H., (Lula). brickmason, res 120 First. Richards, Julia Miss, clerk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 439 Strong. Richards, Pearly Miss, res 557 Peters. Richards. Raymond, res 728 Oconee. Ritfhards, Rosa Miss, clerk Michael Bros., res 439 Strong. Richards, Roy, painter, res 557 Peters. Richards, Ruby Miss, res 557 Peters. Richards, Sallie, c. laundress, res S Bailey. Richards, Tom S., emp city water wks. dept., res 185 Poplar. Richards, Walter, emp Davison-Nicholson Co., res 557 Peters. Richardson, C. H., student Athens Bus. College, bds 327 Oconee. Richardson, D., student U. of G., bds 435 Hill. Richardson, Emaline, c, laundress, res 197 Billups. *Richardson. Floyd, (Pattie), o, barber R. S. Harris, res 620
Broad. Richardson, Grady, c, emp Escoe's Stable, res 181 Valley. Richardson, Isaac, c. lab, res 620 Broad. Richardson. Mattie. c, res 181 Valley. Richardson. Rosa May. c, res 181 Valley. Riddell, Herrman, student U. of G., bds 398 Milledge ave. Ridley, Julia Mrs., dressmaker, res 343 Finley. Ridley. Whit, c, emp So. Ref. Co.. bds 187 Valley. Riley, May. c. laundress, res 170 Trail Creek. Riley, Richard, c. farm lab, res 170 Trail Creek. Riley, R. Estes, c, res 170 Trail Creek. Rivers, Bessie Miss, bkkpr. Johnson Shoe Co., res 226 Madison
ave. *Rivers, F. T., (Olivia), emp Athens Foundry, res 226 Madison
ave. Rivers, Maude Miss, res 226 Madison ave. Rivers, Olivia Mrs., grocer, 226 Madison ave., res same. Roach, Easter, c, nurse, res 160 Willow. Roach, Hattie, c, laundress, res 160 Willow. Roberson, C. G. Mrs., res 957 Baxter. Roberson. Lillian Miss, res 957 Baxter. * Roberts. Alex, (Mattie), foreman So. Mfg. Co., res 179 Park



See him.

Promptness our specialty.

COOK WITH GAS--It lessens the domestic care* and adds to the happiness of every home. Phone 54.



Roberts, Annie, c, teacher, res 237 Fourtih. *Robert, A. R., (Arrabell) ,c, pastor St. Mary's Baptist church,
res 350 Lyndon ave. Robert, Berta, c, laundress, res 327 Rock Spring. Roberts, B. E., student U. of G., rm 24 New College. Roberts, E. H., bkkpr., bds 327 Oconee. Roberts, Ella Miss, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 195 Mitchell. * Roberts, G, (Frances), emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 195 Mitchell. Roberts, Grady, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 195 Mitchell. Roberts. John, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 195 Mitohell. Roberts, Jno. N., trav. salesman McGregor Co., res 1434 E Broad. Roberts, Lizzie, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 195 Mitchell. Roberts, Lorena, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 195 Mitchell. Roberts, Lucinda, c, laundress, res 185 Macon ave. Roberts. O. M., Athens Eng. Co.. bds 357 Milledge ave. Roberts, Sallie Miss, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 195 Mitchell. Roberts, S. .1. Mrs., res 1434 E Broad. Roberts. Tom, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 195 Mitchell. * Roberts, W. B., (Anna), c, emp Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 237
Fourth. Roberts, W. K., driver McGregor Co., res 1434 E Broad. Robertson, Alvin, olerk M. Buchwald, res 659 N Thomas. Robertson, Aubie, railway mail c-lerk C. of Ga. R. R., res 659
N Thomas. Robertson, B. T., clerk Davison-Xicholson Co.. bds 246 Hancock
ave. Robertson, Carolina, c, laundress, res 397 Augusta ave. Robertson. Ed. student U. of G., bds 198 Bearing. Robertson. Elsie, c. student Knox Institute, bds 465 Reese. Robertson, Gladys Miss, res 659 N Thomas. Robertson, Geo., (Daisy), c, concrete worker, res 150 Warsaw. *Robertson, J., (Mary A.), c, waiter, res 188 Strong. Robertson, Leila, c, emp Athens Emipire Laundry, res 563 Broad. Robertson. I^eo, c. emp Lyndon Mfg. Co., res 397 Augusta ave. Robertson, Martha, c, res Madison ave., E. *Robertson, S. P., (Nancy), res 659 N Thomas. Robertson, Thos., c, res 397 Augusta ave. Robertson. W. V. Dr., physician, office 208 Hodgson-Shackelford
bldg., bds. 186 W Hancock ave. *Robertson, W. L.. (Josie), stone cutter, Bell Bros., res 164
268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.

"Thfi World'S BBSt" See the New Model No. 10 Visible Writing.






*Robertson, Wm., (Katie), c, res 862 Reese. *Robertson, Will, (Lena), c, lab, res 180 Rock Spring. Robertson, Wm. Jr., c, res 180 Rock Spring. Robertson, Willie, c, laundress, res 582 Finley. Robertson, Willie May, c, laundress, res 327 Rock Spring. Robinson, Annie, c, cook, res r 1323 S Lumpkin. Robinson, C. R., c, emp Davison-Nidholson Co., res 1060 Reese. Robinson, Georgia, c, laundress, res 420 River. Robinson, Idelia, c, res r 1323 S Lumpkin. Robinson, Jas., c, bds 180 Second. *Robinson, John, (Mary), c, drayman, res 1267 Hancock ave. *Robinson, Kiddo, (Martha), c, butler, res 160 Willow. Robinson, Lizzie, c, res r 1323 S Lumpkin. Robinson, Lucy, c, cook, res r 923 Water. Robinson, Silas, c, blacksmith, res 215 Pulaski. Robson, L. S., student U. of G., bds 450 Prince ave. Rochester Clothing Co., Henry Elliott, mgr., 351 E Broad. Roemer, O. P., student U. of G., rms 2 Candler Hall. Rogers, Harvey S., student U. of G., res 697 Milledge ave. Rogers, Dwight L., student U. of G., bds 226 Dougherty. Rogers, Ella, c, res 133 Hoyt. Rogers, J. J., student U. of G., bds 695 Prince ave. *Rogers, J. M., (Cassie L.), agt. Inmas, Akers & Inman, res 620
Meigs. *Rogers, J. M. Rev., (Florence), res 980 Baxter. Rogers, J. W., res 620 Meigs. Rogers, Levy, student U. of G., bds 226 E Dougherty. *Rogers, L. J., (Ethel), cotton buyer Inman, Akers & Inman, res
343 E Dougherty. Rogers, Mary, res 980 Baxter. Rogers, Mattie Miss, res 343 E Dougherty. Rogers, Paul, res 980 Baxter. Rogers, Pearl, res 726 Pulaski. Rogers, Robt. A. Mrs., res 697 S Milledge ave. Rogers, Robt. A. Jr., student U. of G., res 697 3 Milledge ave. Rogers, Rosa Miss, student L. C. I., res 697 S Milledge ave. Rogers, Rutih, res 980 Baxter. *Rohern, D. W., (Sarah), res 697 Barber. Rose, B. O. W. Mrs., res 327 Oconee. Rose, Nannie V. Miss, res 327 Oconee.

. W WIlTl-/lI-*Tl-A fVMlVS1O3I^VITN M4 A1t4h7ens. G.
UP-TO-DATE GPrCER Everything Good tr Eat

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Maierials Contract for House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging.
Telephone 115. Cor. .Clayton and Jackson Sts.



*Ross, Andrew, (Mary F. ), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 385 Hiawassee
ave. *Ross, A. T., (Hattie), painter, res 287 Oconee. Ross, Georgia, c, res 1596 E Broad. *Ross, H. W., (Addie Lee), contractor, res 798 Baxter. Ross, Henry, c, sexton Gospel Pilgrim cemetery, res 145 Trail
Creek. Ross, J. H., student U. of G., rm 23 New College. Ross, Mary E. Miss, res 798 Baxter. Ross, Mela, c, laundress, res 515 Broad. Ross, Nellie Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 385 Hiawassee ave. Ross, Osborn, (Lula), c, lab Ga. Brick Co., res 157 Trail Creek. *Ross, Tom, (Lula), foreman Sou. Mfg. Co., res 590 Nantahala
ave. Rossette, Crockett, c, res r 740 Prince ave. Rossee, P. C.. student U. of G., rm 27 Candler Hall. *Rowe, Hugh J., (Adah), editor and prop. Athens Banner. rea
595 Prince ave. Rowe. Marguerite Miss, res 595 Prince ave. *Rowland, A. S., (Gussie B.), emp Eppes-Wilkins, res 756 W
Hancock ave. Rowland, Alice Miss, res 146 Bearing. Rowland, Chas. H., res 146 Dearing. 'Rowland. C. A., (Erne H.), wholesale grain and produce, res
146 Dearing. Rowland, Elline Miss, res 756 W Hancock ave. Rowland, Katherine Miss, res 146 Dearing. Row>land, Leila, c. res 735 Lumpkin. *Rowland. Wm., (Mary), c. lab, res 280 Savannah ave. Rowland, Wm.. (Malissa), c. emp S. A. L. Ry., res 735 Lumpkin. Rowland, W.. (Lora). c, emp Builders' Supply Co.. res 464 Reese. *Rowser, Daniel. (Annie), c. emp J. H. Carlton. res 145 Valley. Rowser, Minnie, c, res 145 Valley. Rover. D. D.. salesman, bds 846 College ave. Rubenstein, Beryle, res 526 Pulaski. Rubenstein. Douglas, res 526 Pulaski. Rubenstein. Percy, res 526 Pulaski. Rubenstein. 1. A., (Ruby), res 526 Pulaski.

Athens Coal *& Coke Co.
Phone 195.

Dead<wyler Wood & Coal Co

Office ami Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



*Ruby, A. I., (Emma E.), asst. pastor First Baptist church, res 1095 Prince ave.
Rucker, Bulah, c. student, bds 239 Finley. Rucker, E. T., c( lab So. Ref. Co., bds 737 E Broad. Rucker, J. H., cotton ginner, res 325 Dearing. Rucker, Mary Ann Mrs., teacher L. C. I., res 660 Reese. Rucker, Sidney, c, emp Athens Ice & Coal Co., res r 143 Grady
ave. Russell. Corinne Miss, teacher Voice L. C. I., res 220 Milledge. Russell, H. B., student U. of G., rm 17 New College. Russell, Julius, printer Athens Banner, bds 575 N Jackson. Ruff, Laura Bell, c, laundress, res 170 Rock Spring. Rutherford. Mildred L. Miss, res The Villa, 220 Milledge ave. Ryder. Chas., student, res 739 Boulevard. *Ryder. C. A.. (I.ucy). dentist, office 259% E Clayton, res 739
Boulevard. Ryder, .lanette Miss, res 739 Boulevard. Ryder. Lucy Miss, res 739 Boulevard. Ryder, Victor, res 739 Boulevard. Ryder. Walter, res 739 Boulevard. *Rylee. E. I,., (Mamie), ins. agt.. 444 Meigs. Rylee, H. M.. student U. of G.. bds 320 Lumpkin.

S. A. E. Chapter House. 3*7 S Milledge ave. *Sasland. Wm., (Parthenia), c. emp E. P. Fears, res 456 River. Sages. Minnie, c. res 239 Finley. Sailor, Mary Mrs., res 198 Elbert. *Sailors. H. P.. (A. M.). machinist Sou. Mfg. Co., res 167 Chat-
tanooga ave. Sailors. Jeppie, res S95 Oconee. *Sailors. Jno., (Rebecca), c, lab, res 650 N Hancock ave. Sailors, Mamie Mrs., res 895 Oconee. Sailors, Robert, res 167 Chattanooga ave. Sailors, Rosa, c, res 650 N Hancock ave. Saint Mary's Hospital, (Drs. H. M. Fullilove and .1. P. Proctor),
30 X Milledge ave.


Quick service a specialty.

Day Phone 303 Night Phone 320-2



Tin and Tinners' Supplies.




Salyer, 3. N., asst. Prof. English U. of Ga., res campus. Samuel, Anna, c, laundress, res 223 Lyndon ave. Samuel, Bessie, res 148 Trail Creek. Samuel, Cindy, c, cook, res 767 Lumpkin. Samuel, Eddie, c, res 148 Trail Creek. *Samuel Flynn, (Marie), c, brickmason, res 148 Trail Creek. Sanders, Carl'E., student U. of G., bds 226 W Dougherty. Sanders, Emma Lou, c, res 195 Lyndon Row. "Sanders, J. L., (S. A.), em-p Morgan Smith, res 340 Barber. Sanders, Josie Miss, clerk J. Davis, res 340 Barber. Sanders, Lula, c, laundress, res 195 Lyndon Row. Sanford, Annie D. Miss, res 576 Harris. Sanford, C. T., res Sat ula ave., bey. city limit. Sanford. Davenport, res 576 Harris. Sanford. Evaline Miss, res Satula ave., bey. city limit . Sanford, Frances Miss, res 576 Harris. Sanford, G. R., res Satula ave., bey. city limit. Sanford, X. W. Mrs., res Satula ave., bey. city limit. Sanford, Shelton P., res 125 S Milledge ave. *Sanford, S. V., (Grace), Adj. Prof. English r. of Ga.. res 125
S Milledge ave. Sanford, V. T.. insurance agt.. Sou. Mut. bldg.. res 576 Harris. Sanders, Arthur, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 124 Bryan. Sanders, C. Miss, res 124 Bryan. Sanders, Ohas., emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 124 Bryan. * Sanders, W. H., (Nobie), res 124 Bryan. *Sapp, Ed., (Katie), c. mail carrier, res 540 Hancok ave. *Saulter, Paul, (Julia), emp Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 1S2 Hoyx. Saxon. R. B., student U. of Ga.. rm 25 New College. Saxton, Frank, emp Athens Mfg. Co., bds 457 Baldwin. ": Saxton, O. A., (Cora >. clerk Rochester Clothing Co.. res 346
Strong. Saye, Addie Miss, stenogr. State Chem. Co., res 270 Cobb. Saye, Annie Miss, clerk Sol J. Boley, res 723 Baxter. Saye, Clela Mibs, emp Climax Mill, res 373 Oak. Saye, Chester Miss, emp Climax Mill, bds 14S Poplar. Saye. Ellie Miss, res 723 Baxter. *Saye, J. A., (Julia), bldg. contractor, res 723 Baxter. *Saye, J. E., (Mollie), emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 142 Hiawassee avj. Save, Jesse Miss, res 373 Oak.


Leading Dealers in


Cor. Broail and Thomas Sts.

I'hone ITS

W. L, Hancock Coal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.

Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.

Phone 707



*3aye, J. T., (Bessie), carp., res 148 Poplar. Saye, Lillie Miss, res 723 Baxter. Saye, Massie B. Miss, emp Hodgson Cotton Co., res 270 Cobb. *Saye, M. B., (Lizzie), carp., res 373 Oak. Saye. Nina Miss, res 723 Baxter. Saye, Nora Miss, res 270 Cobb. *Saye, R. A., (Leila), chief detective city, res 270* Cobb. *Saye. R. E., (Rosa), bldg. contractor, res 244 Nacoochee ave. Saye, Robt., emp S. A. L. Ry., res 270 Cobb. Saye, Roscoe, res 270 Cobb. Saye, Rowland, res 270 Cobb. Saye, Ray, res 1452 E Broad. Saye, Ruby Miss, res 1452 E Broad. *Saye, W. M., (Lizzie), Baptist minister, res 1452 E Broad. Sayer. E. I., carp., bds 223 Nantahala ave. Scarborough, A. F., carpenter, bds 530 Nantahala ave. * Scarborough, B., (Irene), emp Sou. Bell Tel. Co., res 775 Prince
ave. Scarborough, Mittie Mrs., dressmaker, res 233 S Thomas. Scarborough, S. A., carp., bds 198 Oconee. * Scarborough. S. I., (Daisy), clerk Sol Boley, res 114 Grace. Scarborough, Sam, bds 530 Nantahala ave. Scarborough, Viola Miss, res 233 S Thomas. Sciple, George, student U. of G., bds 436 Hill. *Scoggins. Ben, (Mattie), opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 250 Williams. Scoggins, Mandy Miss, res 250 Williams. 'Scoggins. J. M.. (Mary E.), carp., res 250 Strickland. Scoggins, Ollie Bell Miss, res 250 Strickland. Scoggins. P. V. Mrs., res 250 Strickland. *Scott, A., (Harriet), c, lab, res 190 Simonds. Scott, Anthony, c, res 330 Macon ave. Scott, E. F. Miss, res 1190 S Milledge ave. Scott, Ella, c. laundress, res 182 Hoyt. Scott, Ethel, c, teacher, res 157 Fifth. Scott, Fannie, c, cook, res 240 Savannah ave. Scott, George E., Talmadge Hdw. Co.. res 1190 S Milledge ave. Scott, Harriet, c, laundress, res 1457 W Broad. Scott, Hattie, c, res 1457 W Broad. Scott, Howard E., Talmadge Hdw. Co., res 1190 S Milledge ave. Scott, Iris, o, lab, res 424 First.

If you are looking for the one soft drink which is known as the world's Favorite, we have it. You can't tret it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.







* Scott, J. T., (Josephine), carpenter, res 143 Jones ave. *Scott, Jno., (Jane), c, carpenter, res 157 Fifth. * Scott, John, (Lula), c, porter E. H. Dorsey, res 160 Lyndon ave. Scott, John, student U. of G., res 387 Milledge ave. Scott, Johnnie, c, lab, res 240 Savannah ave. Scott, Lamar E., Talmage Hdw. Co., res 1190 S Milledge ave. Scott, Louise, c, res 160 Lyndon ave. Scott, Maggie Miss, teacher, res 1190 S Milledge ave. Scott, MozeHe Miss, res 1190 S Milledge ave. Scott, Pallie, c, bell boy The Georgian Hotel. Scott, Philip, c, lab, res 240 Savannah ave. Scott, R. B., student U. of G., bds 387 S Milledge ave. Scott, Sam, c, res 190 Simonds. *Scott, Sam, (Anna), c. grocer 670 Fifth, res same. *Scott, T. J., (Montiez), farmer, res 1190 S Milledge ave. Scott, T. J. Jr.. student U. of G., res 1190 S Milledge ave. * Scott, \V. R., (Moena), enip So Mfg. Co., res 199 Miles. Scroggins, Laura, c, res 185 Miller. *Scruggs, Hardy. (Viola), c, lab S. A. L. R. R., res 160 Second. Scruggs, Dora, c, res 160 Second. Scudder, Alexander, res 490 Milledge ave. *Scudder, C. A., (Nina), jeweler E Clayton, res 490 S Milledge
ave. Scud-der. Mozelle Miss, res 490 S Milledge ave. Scudder, Nina Miss, res 490 Milledge ave. Scudder. Susan Miss, res 490 S Milledge ave. "Scurry, Mack, (Addie), c, bridge gang S. A. L. Ry., res Madi-
son ave. Seaboard Air Line Ry. commercial office. J. C. Hoke, com. agt.,
228 E Clayton. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Pass. Depot, Hinton Whyte. agt.. cor.
College ave and Ware. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Frt. Depot, same as Athens Terminal Co. S. E. Acetylene Co., inc., J. B. Colt Co., State Distributors, Acety-
lene Gas Apparatus, T. C. Hart, agt.. 711 So Mut. Tns. bldg. Seagraves. Andy, fireman Empire Chem. Wks., res 824 Oconee. Seagraves, Annie, emp Climax Hosiery Mill, res 824 Oconee. "Seagraves. C. E., (Alton), policeman, res 134 First. Seagraves, Cleila Miss, res 265 Peters.

Also Furnace work. J. CALDWELL

Lipscomb & Co. INS AENCE

Office Phone 109

Office Cor. Clayton

Residence 719_________ and College Avenue

21 S


Seagraves, Edward, farmer, res 265 Peters. Seagraves, Fred, policeman, res 265 Peters. *Seagraves. H. C.. (Pink), night watchman So. Oil Mill, res 265
Peters. *Seagraves. H. L.. "(Julia.), emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 324 Oak. Seamster. Francis, c, res r 886 Milledge ave. Seamster. Marion, c, servant, res r 886 Milledge ave. Seamster. Nellie, c. res 886 Milledge ave. Seamster. Thos.. c, lab, res r 886 Milledge ave. Sears. A. .1. Rev., minister Oconee St. M. E. church, res 397 Pop-
lar. Sears, M. J. Mrs., res 397 Poplar. Sears, Richard, c, driver Athens Gas Co., res 236 Vine. Sears. Savannah, c. laundress, res 114 Rock Spring. Sears. Susie, c. res 11 4 Rock Spring. Security Mut. Life Ins. Co.. V. T. Santord. a.ut.. ."> 1 4 So. Mut.
Ins. bldg. Sefers. Carrie, c, laundress, res 648 Vine. Sefers, Jodie, c, emp S. A. L. depot, res 648 Vine. Sefers, Samuel, c, emp C. of Ga. depot, res 648 Vine. Sellers. Dessie Miss, Secy. Y. W. C. A., bds 311 N Thomas. *Sentell, W. E., (Ida), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 348 Hiawassee ave. Sentell. Willie, res 348 Hiawassee ave. Seymore. B. R.. emp Harawa Cafe, bds 245 W Washington. Seymore. H. P.. res 324 Grove. Seymore. J. P.. res 324 Grove. *Seymore, W. S.. (Fannie), driver Bludwine Co.. res 324 Grove. Sewell. Dillard. bkkpr. C. A. Rowland & Co., bds 445 N Milledge
ave. Shackelford & Shackelford, attorneys, 105 Hodgson-Shackelford
bldg. Shackelford, Artie. c, res 140 Lyndon ave. Shackelford. C. W., res 982 Prince ave. Shackelford. F. C., Shackelford & Shackelford, res 982 Prince
ave. Shatkelford. H. T. Mrs., res 327 Oak. Shackelford, \V. H.. emp Deadwyler Stable, res 327 Oak. *Shackelford. J.. (Lizzie), c, drayman, res 140 Lyndon ave. Shackelford. T. J.. Shackelford & Shackelford, res 982 Prince ave. *Shakepeare, Hampton. (Emma), c, hostler Carlton's stable, res
342 E Hancock ave.

BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN by the use of
Iron Settees, Vases and Trellis Work. We sell them. Phone 466. The GEORGIA STONE CO. - - 125 1-2 E. Clayton

We move Household Goods. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Towii. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



Shakespeare. Lula, c, cook, res 179 Washington. Shanks, Walter, c, emp Athens water wks., res 293 Macon ave. Shapiro. Sam, peddler, bds 247 X Hancock ave. Sharp, Adeline, c, laundress, res 524 Strong. Sharp, Jerietta, c, laundress, 524 Strong. Sharp, I^eila. c, cook, res r 325 Pulaski. Sharp, Mamie, c, res r 325 Pulaski. Sharp, Mary Miss, res S25 College ave. Shaw & Aaron, barbers, nr 223 Hiawassee ave. Shaw, Annie, c, res 42X First. Shaw, Berder. e, laundress, res 320 Augusta ave. *Shaw, Burrel, (Ida), emp city, res 734 Chase. *Shaw, Burrell. (Louvenia), c. lab Miller & Co.. res 212 Bridge. *Shaw, Chas., (Dicy), c, brick mason, res 42S First. Shaw, Florence, c. res 19") Rock Spring. Shaw, Geo. Mrs., res 774 Prince ave. Shaw, Hettie, c, laundress, res 355 First. Shaw, Jane, c, laundress, res 180 Berry. *Shaw, L. P., (Minnie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 450 Xacoochee
ave. Shaw, Lizzie, c, laundress, res 195 Rock Spring. Shaw. Mildred, res 195 Rock Spring. 'Shaw, Nellie Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co., bds 235 Hiawassee ave. Shaw, Sam, res 1345 Oconee. Shaw. Sam, lab, res 299 China. Shaw, Sarah, c. laundress, res 320 Augusta ave. *Shaw, West, (Susie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 147 Chattahoochee
ave. *Shaw, Wm. Henry. (Charlotte), c:. brickmason. res 126 John. Shaw, Wm., c, emp J. P. Fears & Son. res 195 Rock Spring. Sheats, Angoline, c, cook, res 167 Sapelo. Sheats, Charles, c, res 170 Rock Spring. Sheats, John. c. lab, res 167 Sapelo. Sheats, Laura, laundress, res 170 Rock Spring. *Sheats. Robt.. (.Tosie). c. emp Athens Gas Co.. res r 137 Nacoo-
chee ave. Sheats, Sadie, c, res 170 Rock Spring. Sheats. Frances, c, res 126 Rock Spring. Sheats, Governor, c, res 126 Rock Spring. Sheats. Cordelia, c. res 126 Rock Spring.

Smith Premier Typewriter Company
S10eevtihsieblNeewwrMitiondgel No Ii 1111D ^PcMacrnhtTrrec a<*tt., AAttllaannttaa,

Many of the names herein listed use GAS for


not we desire to serve you too.




Sbeats, Maud, c, res 126 Rock Spring. Sheats, Queen E., c, res 126 Rock Spring. Sh^ats, Willie May, c, res 126 Rock Spring. 'Sheats. Will. (Kitty), c, restaurant W Broad, res 126 Rock
Spring. Sheats, Weldon, emp Athens Elec. Ry., bds 130 Henderson ave. Shed, Dora Miss, res 298 Ga. Depot St. Shed, Frank, res 298 Ga. Depot St. *Shed, J. O.. (Sallie), re? 298 Ga. Depot St. Sheffield. Hattie. c, laundress. 146 Second. Sheffield. Isaline, c, res 146 Second. Shelnut, Cassie Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 395 Hiawassee ave. *Shelnut. Clarence, (Daasy), emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 395 Hiawes-
see ave. Shelnut, Elizabeth Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 395 Hiawassee
ave. *Shelnut, Jno. M.. (Rose), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 395 Hiawassee
ave. Shelnut, Maggie Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 395 Hiawassee ave. Shell, Amelia, c, res 1369 W Broad. Shelly, W. R., student U. of G., res 375 S Lumpkin. *Shelton, H. L.. (Nellie), clerk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 749
Cobb. *Shelton, W. ., (Georgia). Pres. Citizens Bank, res 833 College
ave. Shenault, Annie, c. nurse, res 348 Reese. *Shenault, Sidney. (Carrie), c. lab, res 348 Reese. Shenault, Susie, c, cook, res 348 Reese. Shepherd, J. F., Lafe and Accident Insurance, office Hodgson-
Shackelford bldg., res same. Shepherd. Rowena. c. res r 748 Cobb. Shepherd. W. M., trav. salesman Michael Bros., bds 280 Baxter. *Shepiherd. Chas.. (Lula), c, emp Klein & Martin, res 526 Reese. Shepherd. Rowena, c. domestic R. L. Moss, ST., res r 748 Cobb. Shepherd, Matilda, c, domestic R. L. Moss, Sr., res r 748 Cobb. Shepherd. Amanda. c. chambermaid, res 396 Arch. Shepperd, Elsie Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Shepperd. Henry, c, res 396 Ardh. *Shepperd, Robt., (Julia), c, emp Empire Chem Co., res 396 Arch.

Handles everything in the Tin line. ......


Prompt service extended to all customers.





*3henault, Hogan, (Josie) ,c, emp G. H. Hulme, res 125 Franklin.
Sherman, L/eonard, plasterer, bds 775 Jackson. Shewell, Helene Miss, res 448 Milledge ave. Shirley, Millie Mrs., bds 298 Baldwin. *Shockley, Frank, (Nancy), c, emp Gainesville Midland Ry.,
res 178 Savannah ave. * Short, A. B., (Curtis), carpenter, res 237 Tabernacle. Short, Bertha Miss, stenogr. Rowland & Co., bds 361 N Thomas. Short, Ermine Miss, res 124 Elbert. Short, Eunice Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 237 Tabernacle. Short, Hal, clerk Vicent Matthews, res 250 Tabernacle. Short, Ida Miss, attendant Dr. McNiel's office, bds 481 Oak. *Short, J. F., (Katie), policeman, res 124 Elbert. Short, Mamie Miss, emp Climax Mill, bds 481 Oak. Short, Ruby Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 237 Tabernacle. *Shorter, Geo., (Loucinda), c, well digger, res 346 Reese. Shorter, Geo. Jr.. c, emp campus U. of G., res 346 Reese. Shorter, Nancy, c, laundress, res 346 Reese. *S'hupe, Chas., (Ellen), clerk Abe Joel, res 296 Oconee. Shy, Hinton, res 724 S Lum>pkin. *Shy, W. H., (Eliza), grocer cor. Lumpkin and Baxter, res 724
S Lumpkin.
Sibley, Erwin, student V. of G., bds Prof. Stewart, campus.
*Sigel, I., (Zetta), tailor 193 College ave.. res 330 Barber.
Sig-ma Nu Chapter House, 695 Prince ave. Silver, H. Sprague, clerk Warren J. Smith & Bro., bds 735 Prince
ave. Silvert, Marion, student U. of G., bds 259 Hancock ave. *3ilvey. Fred, (Ida), carpenter, res cor Milledge ave and Lump-
kin. Simmons, Addie Miss, res 287 Cemetery. Simmons, Eddie Mrs., emp So. Mfg. Co., res 182 Bryan. 'Simmons, H. R.. (Mtattie), supt. Athens Oil Mill, res 189 Grady
ave. *Simmon6, Jack, (Daisy), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 425 Nacoochee
ave. Simmons, Sophelia, c, res 467 Atlanta ave. *Simmons, W. T., (Mattie), emp Athens Mfg. o., res 186 Mitchell.

Plan ^'rv Rnis Clean Sanitary Beds, Prompt and Polite Attention. One block from Post Office,
half block from Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, Prop.

368# Washington St.


WHY IS THIS PRACTICAL? Because we know our Business


Clayton St.



Simonton. Win., student U. of G., bds 398 Lumpkin. *Simpkiins, Walter, (Lula), c, carpenter, res 143 Peabody. *Simpson. I^ee, (Bertha), c, lab, res 170 Lyndon Row. Sims, Amy, c, laundress, nr Madison ave. Sims, Anna, c, laundress, res 193 Sapelo. *Sims. B. H.. (Lula). boarding house, res 363 E Hancock ave. Sims. Courtney, c. carp., res 1125 W Broad. Sims, Daniel, carpenter, res 372 E Hancock ave. Sims, Ellen, c, res 238 Vine. *Sims, K. W., (S. J.), watchman Athens Compress, res 666
Pulaski. *Sims, H. B., (Lula May), c. res 1690 E Broad. Sims. Inez Miss, res 363 E Hancock ave. Sims. Janie, c, res 238 Vine. *Sims, John, (Rosa), c. lab Emp. Chem. Co., res 250 Tabernacle. *Sims. Jno., (Minnie), c, lab Ga. Brick Co., res 499 River. *Sims, J. B.. (Lilla), res 515 S Jackson. Sims, Mary, c, domestic, res 1125 W Broad. Sims, Mary, c, cook, res r 224 X Thomas. Sims, Olive, c. chambermaid, res r 247 Pulaski. Sims. Robt., c. res 1263 W Broad. Sims, Robert, c, res 499 River. *9ims. Russell,"(Callie), c. res 238 Vine. Sims. Selma Miss, res 363 E Hancock ave.
Sims. Susie Miss, res 515 S Jackson. Sims. Susan, c. laundress, res 1 263 \V Broad. *3ims. T. C., (Minnie), fireman S. A. L. Ry., res E Broad, nr
River. Sims, Thos.. c. em<p Empire Chem. Co.. res 23S Vine. Sims. Tinnie. c. laundress, res 335 Lyndon ave.
"Sims, Wm. W., (Mary E.), res 372 E Hancock ave. *Sims. Wm.. (Lola), c, lab, res 422 Finley. Sing. Hong, Chinese laundry, res 122 N Jackson. Singer Sewing Mch. Co., L. L. Parker, mgr., 147 College ave. Singleton. Alice, c. laundress, res 144 Willow. Singleton. G. G.. student V. of G.. rm 1 3 Candler Hall. *Sisk. B. O.. (Mary), emp Athens Foundry, res 180 Poplar. Sitner, H. H.. window dresser Miahael Bros., bds 464 College ave. *Sizer, R. W., (Clara Lou). cashier University Savings Bank,
res 228 Henderson ave. Sizer, Wm. S., res 228 Henderson ave.
IDS. CaH on the Athens Coal & Coke Co.

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims

No compromise, no delays, no technicalities.

Ynn (tat the Mnnpv


IUU 001 INC mUllCJi Phone 71, Southern Mutual Boiiding.



Sizer, Jas. L., res 228 Henderson ave. Skelton. J. Goss, cook American Cafe, bds 127 Elizabeth. *Skelton, James H.. (Mary I.), watchman S. A. L. depot, res 127
Elizabeth. Slack, Searcy, student U. of G., bds 298 Hull. Slater, L,. D. Mrs., res 520 Pulaski. Slaughter, E. Miss, trained nurse St. Mary's Hospital, res 360
N Milledge ave. Slaughter, Joe, c, driver So. Ex. Co., bds 265 Washington. Slaughter, N. G. Dr., dentist, room 312 So. Mut. Ins. bldg., res
Prince ave.. bey. city limit. Slaughter, Paul, elerk Michael Bros., bds 149 Cobb. *Slaughter, W. M., (WillieK dentist 220% E Clayton St., res
296 Hill. Slaughter. Jessie Miss, res 558 Pulaski. Slayter, L. D. Mrs., res 558 Pulaski. Slayton, Emory, c, emp So. R. R. depot, res 152 Hoyt. Slayton, Jas., student U. of G., bds 125 Dearing. *Sledge, E. D.. (Mary N.), implements and vehicles, 132-138
N Thomas, res 243 E Hancock ave. Sloman, S., Chas. Stern Co., res 193 E Hancock ave. Slusky, Mose, student U. of G.. bds 130 Hancock ave. Small, Pearl, c. chambermaid, res XP>5 Water. Small, Corbin, c. student U. of G., bds 525 Milledge ave. Smith, Annie Miiss. milliner, res 460 Meigs. *Smith, A. Y., (Nettie), trav. salesman Webb & Crawford, res
130 Nacoochee ave. Smith, Alien, conductor Sou. Ry., bds 809 College ave. Smith, Alvie Jewell Miss, stenogr. Arnold Gro. Co., res 175 State. Smith, A. G., (Minnie), carpenter, res 280 Baxter. Smith, Augusta Ann, c, cook, res r 925 Milledge ave. Smith, Ann, c, cook, res 380 Billups. Smith, Agnes, c, res r 420 Nantahala ave. Smith, Addie, c, chambermaid, res 840 Water. *Smith, Albert, (Ldzzie), c. butler L. C. I., res 932 College ave. Smith, Agnes, c. res 195 Lyndon Row. Smith, Alex. c, paper carrier, res r 568 Pulaski. Smith, Ann, c, cook O. H. Arnold, res 127 Rutherford. Smith, Buddie, res 423 E Dougherty. *Smitih, B. S., (Janie). hackman, res 197 Wilkereon.
We fill your orders TO THE LETTER and deliver PROMPTLY
"A Word to the Wise is Sufficient."



Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES We put them on
ALLEN H. TALMAGE 240-252 N. Lumpkin



Smith, Billups, res 775 N Jackson.

Smith, Bessie Miss, milliner Misses Bradbury, res 423 E Dough -


*Smith, Bedney, (Janie), c, lab, res 1160 Hancock ave.

*Smith, Burrel, (Charlott), c, emp city, res 1482 Oconee.

Smith Contsruction Co., building contractors, 156 College ave.

Smith, Clarence, res 175 State.

*Smith, C. K., (Lessie), trav. salesman, res 612 N Jackson.

*Smith,, C. C., (Marguerite), machinist Athens Foundry and

Machine Wks., res 747 College ave.

Smith, Carrie Miss, milliner, res 175 Cleveland ave.

Smith, C. A., printer, McGregor Press, bds 534 Pulaski.

Smith, Carrie, c, res 1160 W. Hancock ave.

Smith, Clarence, c, lab., res r. 1055 Prince ave.

Smith, Charlotte, c, laundress, res 1482 Oconee.

*Smith, Coloniel (Ella), c, janitor LeConte Hall, res 138 E.


*Smith, D. P. (Julia A.), blacksmith, res 175 Cleveland ave.

Smith, Douglas, emp. Athens Mfg. Co., bds. 155 Mitchell.

Smith, Dorothy Miss, res 159 W. Dougherty.

Smith Delia Miss, opr. Climax Hosiery Mill, res 415 Foundry.

Smith, Dawgon, res 798 Prince ave.

Smith, D. C., c, teacher Knox Inst., bds. 220 Harris.

Smith, Dora, c, cook, res 224 Washington.

Smith, Ed., c, emp. L. C. I., res 294 Billups.

Smith, Eddie, R., c, res 775 N. Jackson.

Smith, Emma Miss, res 775 N. Jackson.

*Smith, Emerson (Beulah), barber, Jackson St., res r. 150


Smith, Elizabeth Miss, res 620 Reese.

*Smith, E. I. (Sarah), mgr. Athens Mutual Ins. Co., res 620


Smith, E. I. Shoe Co., 258 Clayton.

Smith, Edward, res 620 Reese.

Smith, Emeline, c, cook, res 173 Pearl.

Smith, Ethel, c, cook, res 170 Finley.

Smith, Ella, c, res 424 Reese.

V ':'

Smith, Emma, c, cook, res r. 1055 Prince ave.

Smith, Ella, c, restaurant, cor. Atlanta & Savannah ave.

Smith, Ed, c, res 194 Tibbetts.

Smith, F. W., grocer, 1098 W. Broad, res same.

A GAS RANGE is a coal range with a COLLEGE EDUCATION. It does twice the amount of work in less than half the time. We sell them. The GAS CO.

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

PROMPT DELIVERY AND FULL VS/EIQHT Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.

Phone 707 225

Smith, Fanny, c, emp. Empire Laundry, res 224 Church. Smith, Frances, c, res 1682 E. Broad. *Smith Frank (Evvie), meat market, res 775 N. Jackson. Smith, Frank, c, emp. V. D. L. restaurant, res 247 Billups. Smith, Florence Miss, elk Flatau's, res 398 Oak. Smith, Fannie May Miss, res 197 Wilkerson. Smith, Fleming, c, emp. C. F. Bailey, res 1482 Oconee. Smith, Fannie, c, res 660 W. Hancock ave. *Smith, Flournoy (Plum), c, emp. Sou. Ref. Co., res 380 Augusta Smith, Fannie, c, res Plum. Smith, Gussie Mrs., dressmaker, res 1434 E. Broad. Smith, G. W., emp. Davis' poolroom, res 245% Thomas. Smith, George (Junia), c, lab., res 234 Chase. *Smith, Geo. (Kate), collector Dr. M. F. Matthews, res 423
Dougherty. Smith, Garland Miss, res 620 Reese. *Smith, Gilbert (Lizzie), c, res 134 Hendrick ave. Smith, Green, c, emp. Agr. School, res 195 Lyndon Row. Smith, Gussie, c, cook, res N. Milledge ave. Smith, Hattie, c. domestic, res 168 Willow. *Smith, Henry (Mary), grocer, 315 Baxter, res 196% Washing-
ton. Smith, Henry, c, painter, res 770 W. Broad. *Smith, H. B. (Cecelia), collector, res 367 Madison ave. Smith, H. H., elk. Fleming-Dearing Hdw. Co., res 197 Wray. Smith, Hattie Miss, res 775 N. Jackson *Smith, H. M. (Fannie), c, grocer, 121 Rock Spring, res same. Smith, Henrietta Miss, res 298 Prince ave. Smith, Howell, res 175 State. Smith, Hubert, emp. Moss Mfg. Co., res 175 Cleveland ave. *Smith, Homer (Mary), c, plasterer, res 140 Vailey. *Smith, Herschel (Emma), c, lab. res 287 Atlanta ave. Smith, Georgia, c, res 420 Athens ave. Smith, Hattie, c, nurse, res 169 Washington. *Smith, Herrman (Louisa), pawnbroker, 1MO Foundry, res 951
E. Broad. Smith, lone, Miss, res 1050 Lumpkin. Smith, Inez, c, res 167 Berlin. Smith, Itasca, c, res 194 Tibbetts. Smith, Isham (Martha), c, emp. city, res 602 Fourth.

If you are looking for the otic soft drink whichis known as the world's
Favorite, we have it. You can't net it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle.




Iron Fencing for Cemeteries and Lawns.


Phone 466.

125 1-2 E. Clayton



*Smith, I. B. (Lula), agt. Postal Tel. Co., res 170 Barber.

Smith, James, emp. Empire Chem. wks., res 1682 E. Broad.

Smith, James, c, res 285 Vine.

Smith, Jennie Miss, teacher Lucy Cobb Inst., res 285 .Washington.

*Smith, J. L. (Julia), mail carrier, res 325 Broad.

*Smith, Jno T. (Mittie). cond. Electric Rwy.. res Satula ave.

beyond city limits.

Smith, J. W., elk. Joe Wolf, bds. 195 Mulberry.

*Smith, J. A. (Roxie), section hand S. A. L. K. R., res 290

Seminole ave.

*'Smith, Jno. (Lizzie), c, drayman, res 223 Church.

Smith, Jno. (Loraj, c, emp. Moss Mfg. Co., res 251 Macon ave.

Smith John, c, lab. Ga. Brick Co., bds 187 Third.

Smith, Josephine, c, cook, res 2297 Boulevard.

Smith, Jabe (Lula), c, emp. So. Cot. Oil Co., res 194 Tibbetts.

Smith, Jule, c, emp. Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 169 Washington.

Smith, Julius, c, res 475 Reese.

Smith & Kenyon, barbers, 157 N. Thomas.

Smith, Laura Miss, res 1050 Lumpkin.

Smith, Leila, c, res 602 Fourth.

Smith, Lena, emp Athens Mfg. Co., bds. 123 Oak.

Smith, Lenora Miss, res 197 Wilkerson.

*Smith. L. C. (Hattie), Smith Construction Co., res 159 W.


Smith, Luther, student S. X. S., res 415 Foundry.


Smith, Lilly Miss, res 396 Boulevard.

Smith, Lloyd, fireman, fire dept. res 152 Arch.

Smith. i.,ou Miss, res 423 E. Dougherty

Smith, Leila, c, cook, res 170 Finley.

Smith, Lutitia, c, laundress, res 395 Arch.

*Smith, Lonnie (Mary), c, tenant est. H. McWhorter, res same.

Smith, Levy, c, cook, res r. 390 Lumpkin.

Smith, Lizzie, c, laundress, res 169 Washington.


Smith, Lula, c, res 602 Fourth.


Smith, Lion, res 235 Broad.

Smith, Lula, c, cook, res 169 W. Washington .

Smith, Malcolm, ., newspaper agt., res 684 College ave.

Smith, Magnolia, c, res 285 Vine.

Smith, Mattie Miss, bds. 248M> Thomas. .


Smith, Marion, res 150 Grady ave.



See him.

'- " - - Promptness our specialty.

COOK WITH GAS It lessens the domestic care* and adds to the happiness of every home. Phone 54.



Smith, Marie Miss, res 135 Prince ave. Smith, Maude Miss, res 135 Prince ave. Smith, Mattie W. Miss, res 798 Prince ave. Smith, Mary Lee, c, res 125 Rock Spring, bmith, May Miss, res 620 Reese. Smith, Maymie Miss, res 775 N. Jackson. Smith, Mary Lou, c, res 28 Vine. *Smith, M. J. (Josephine), shoe shop, Oconee st ,.res 625 Lump-
kin. Smith, Morgan, wood yard, S. A. L. Rwy and Pulaski st. *Smith, Mike (Charlott), c, emp. Miller & Co., res 330 Water. Smith, Minnie, c, res r. 420 Nantahala. *Smith, John (Adah), c, emp. Terminal depot, res r. 420 Nan-
tahala ave. Smith, Mary E. Mrs. c, laundress, res 183 Valley. Smith, Mary, c, laundress, res 170 Finley. Smith, Malinda, c, res 170 Finley. Smith, Mary Lou, c, student, bds. 437 Pope. Smith, Mazelle, c, serv. res 173 Pearl. Smith, Marcella, c, res 660 Hancock, ave. Smith, Maude, c, cook, res 251 Macon ave. Smith, Marie, c, res 194 Tibbetts. Smith, Mattie, c, laundress, res 169 Washington. Smith, Mattie Miss, res 245 J N. Thomas. Smith, Nell Miss, res 175 Cleveland ave. Smith, Newton A. (Norma), carp., res 140 Wilkerson. Smith, Nellie, c, teacher, res 660 Hancock ave. Smith, Nellie, c, laundress, res 660 Hancock ave. Smith. Nancy, res 195 Lyndon row. Smith, Ossie Mrs., res 398 Oak. *Smith, O. T. (Ruth), elk. Arnold & Abney, res 173 Barrow. Smith, Ozella Miss, bkkpr G. H. Williamson, res 1050 Lumpkin. Smith, P. J. (Marie), student U. of Ga. Law School, res 165 Pine. Smith, Paul, emp. B. F. Ford & Co., res 150 Grady ave. *Smith, Paul (Essie), Warren J. Smith & Bro., res 735 Prince. * Smith, Paul M. (Leila), asst. postmaster, res 556 Meigs. Smith, Pinkie Miss, res 660 Hancock ave. Smith, Paula, c, laundress, res 1160 Hancock ave. Smith, Ruisey, c, res 145 Strickland. Smith, R. M. Mrs. res 180 Poplar. Smith, Robt, c, res'602 Fourth.
268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.

MThfi WQrld'S BfiSt" See the New Model No. 10 Visible Writing.






*Smith, Robt. (Candy), c, coachman, res 1290 Prince ave. Smith, Robert, c, pressing club, 394 W. Broad. Smith, Robt, c, lab. res 660 Hancock ave. Smith, Rosa Miss, res 620 Reese. Smith, R. R. (Laura H.), civil engr., res 684 College ave. Smith. Ruedelle Miss, student Athens Bus. College, res 575 N.
Jackson. Smith, S. M. (Martha), c, ernp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 167 Berlin. Smith, Sallie, c, laundress, res 195 Lyndon row. Smith, Sam (Alma), c, carp. res. 285 Vine. Smith Sam, c, res Ib7 Berlin. Smith, Sarah Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Smith, Shade (Mary), c, lab. 280 Bridge. Smith, Scott, c, lab. 660 Hancock ave. Smith, Sherman (Jennie), c, lab. res 321 Athens ave. Smith, S. O. (Willie), elk Fleming-Bearing Hdw. Co., res 197
Wray. Smith, Squire, c, res 195 Lyndon row. Smith, Sumner J., student U. of Ga., bds. 365 Jackson. Smith, Susie, c, laundress, res. 380 Billups. Smith, Susie, c, laundress, res 235 Arch. Smith, Susie Miss, res 325 Broad.. Smith. S. G., elk 130 Foundry, res 951 Broad. Smith. S. S. Dr. (Lula), physician, off. So. Mut. bldg, res 135
Prince ave. Smith, Sylvia, c, laundress, res 249 Billups. Smith, Talfourd (Ellen), bkkpr, res 1050 S Lunij kin. *Smith, Talfourd, Jr., res 1050 Lumpkin. *Smith, T. A. (Pauline), Deadwyler & Smith, cotton brokers,
res 396 Boulevard. Smith, Thomas, res 175 Cleveland ave. Smith, Vera Miss, res 197 Wray. Smith, Warren J. & Bro., druggists, 481 E. Broad. *Smith. Warren J. (Ida), Warren J. Smith & Bro., res 150
Grady ave. Smith, W. E. (Susie), watchman, Athens Oil Mill, res. 197
Wray. Smith, Wm., c, res 167 Berlin. *Smith, Wm. (Goldie) c, emp. Petropol Cafe, res Waddell nr
Rock Spring.

GEORGE H. WILLIAMSON 144 <*%&-&-...
UP-TO-DATE GBTCER Everything Good tr, Eat

JOHN L ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Materials Contract for House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging.
Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton and Jackson Sts.



*Smith, Wm. (Maggie), c, emp. Athens Foundry, res 148 Trail Creek.
*Smith, Wm. (Winnie), c, emp. S. A. L. Rwy., res 150 Hendrick. Smith, Wm. Guy, printer, Athens Manner, res 175 State. Smith, Wm. H. (Ellen), undertaker. Dorse v & Funkenstri:i, res
175 State. Smith, Willie Miss, res 325 Hroad. *Smith, W J. (Sarah), carp, res 415 Foundry. *Smith, Wolver M. (Catherine), attorney. 259% E. Clayton, res
176 Milledge. Smith, Y. B., student U. of Ga.. res 435 Hill. Snead, Mary C. Mrs., res 312 X. Thomas. Snelliug, Ada Miss emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 127 Hryan. *Snelling, Chas. M. (Matilda), Dean I", of Ga.. res 198 Hull. Snelling, Chas., Jr., res 198 Hull. Snelling, Fannie. Miss, res 700 Pulaski. Snelling, G. T., res 700 Pulaski. Snelling, Janie Miss, res 700 Pulaski. *Snelling. .1. W. (Callie), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 127 Hryan. Snelling, Paul, res 700 Pulaski. Snelling, Pinckney, res 198 Hull. Snelling, Pope, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 127 Hryan. Snelling, Wm.. res 198 Hull. *Snellson, Anthony (Laura), c, lab. Emp. StaV> Chem. C'.. res
252 Compress. Snow, Jno. H., c, emp. G. M. R. R.. res r 198 Mallory ave. Snyder, Rosa H. Miss, teacher Xat. Science and Psychology, L. C.
I., res 220 N. Milledge. Solomon, Ike, student U. of Ga., bds 154 Hancock ave. Solomon, Joe, student U. of Ga., bds 154 Hancock ave. Sorrell, Evalyn Miss, res 220 Prince ave. *Sorrell, R. P. (May), physician, off. Hodgson-Shackelford bldg
res. 220 Prince ave. Sorrell Willie Miss, res 220 Prince ave. Sorrells Susie Miss, res 854 Madison ave. *Sosebee, Chas. (Icie), emp. So. Mfg. Co., :vs 132 Hryan. Sosebee, Mary Miss, emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res 132 Bryan. "Sosebee, Job (Ann), emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res 395 Hiawassee ave. Sosnowski. Callie Miss, teacher history L. C. L. res Lucy Cobb

Athens Coal Coke Co.

Dead<wyler Wood & Coal Co

Office an<l Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



*Soule, Andrew M. (Lilly P.), pres, State College of Agri., res 824 Milledge ave.
Soule, Edward P., res 824 Milledge ave. Southern Cotton Oil Co., Jno B. Wier, Mgr, S. A. L. and Pulaski. Southern Express Co., off. 289 W. Lumpkin, W. H. Ison, agt. Southern Mfg. Co., general office, A. H. Hodgson, pres., 217 E.
Hancock ave. Southern Mutual Insurance Co., fire insurance. Home office.
Billups Phinizy, pres., cor College ave and Clayton. Southern Railway, commercial office, .1. W. Webb, comm'l at,
706 Sou. Mut. Ins. b.dg. Southern Railway, pass & ireight depot, C. T. Barrier, agt, cor
Hull & Hoyt. Southern Refining Co., Oconee, nr C. of Ga. Rwy. *Sparks, H. B. (Clara J.), mechanical enginr. W. H. Bishop's
Garage, res 198 Mallory ave. *Sparks, L. (Katie), bkkpr Sou. Ref. Co., res 320 S. Lumpkin. Sparks, Linton, res 320 S. Lumpkin. *Spaulding, C. C. (Callie), brickmason, bds 164 Foundry. Spaulding, Hugh, student U. of Ga., bds 125 S. Milledge ave. Spaulding, Lucius, c, lab. res 186 John. Speed, George, c, section hand S. A. L., res 123 Crawford. Speer, E. W. Mrs., res 265 College ave. Speer, Laura Miss, res 265 College ave. *Spencer, R. J. (Mollie), emp. So. Ex. Co., res 432 Billups. Spillers, G. C., student U. of Ga., rm 13 Candler Hall. Spink, Wm. E., agency, architect (E. N. Cobb, Mgr.) rm 301
Sou. Mut. Bldg. Spinks, Anna Miss, res 896 College ave. *Spinks, B. S. (Susie), carp, bds 137 Summey. Spinks, Eddie, ics 767 Pulaski. Spinks, G. Mrs. res 896 College ave. Spinks, Harlie, carp, res 896 College ave. Spinks, Homer, carp. 767 Pulaski. Spinks, Jack, res 767 Pulaski. *Spinks. J. G. (Mattie), carp, res 767 Pulaski. Spratlin, Emma, c, cook, res 467 Hoyt. Spratlin. Mamie c, res 467 Hoyt. Spratling, Sallie, c, laundress, res 467 Hoyt. Spratlin, Willie May, c, cook, res 467 Hoyt.

Quick service a specialty.
JNO. L. ADAMS, Prop.

J. E. CALDWELL DEALER N Tin and Tinners' Supplies.




Spraulding, E. H., student U. of Ga., bds 834 Prince ave. Spraulding, Jack (Amanda), c, farmer, res cor Elbert & Arch. Spraulding, Jerry, e, emp. Athens compress, res 357 Arch. Spraulding, Sue, c, laundress, res 557 Arch. Spraulding, Wm., c, res cor Elbert & Arch. Spring, Chas, c, lab. res. 690 Hull. Spring, Eliza, c, laundress, res 690 Hull. Spring, Francis, c, laundress, res 690 Hull. Spring, Mary, c, laundress, res 690 Hull. Sprout, Nellie Miss, teacher S. N. S., res 225 Hill. Stafford, Fannie, c, domestic, S. N. S., res 160 Paris. Stafford, Katherine, c, res 160 Paris. *Stanage, C. S. (Mary P.), music teacher, res 174 Grady ave. Stancil. W. O., emp. E. D. Macon poolroom, ods 245% N.
Thomas. Standard Lumber Co., Chase and S. A. L. Rwy. Standard Oil Co., Geo. B. Davis, agt., Sou. Rwy. slanders Eddie, c, res 247 Hull. Slanders, Richard, c, res 247 Hull. *Standers, Will (Sarah), c, emp. So. Ref. Co.. res 217 H'ill. *Standford, Wm. (Adeline), c, buller, res r 287 Ocoru*\ Stanley, Thos. P. (Margaret), civil engineer, 220% E. Clayton,
res 198 Hull. Stanley, Sallie Miss, res 892 Prince. Stanley, Chas, c, res 256 Bridge. Stanton, Daniel (Addie), c, gardener, res 224 Rock Spring. Stanton, Mary, c, res 224 Rock Spring. Star Bakery, Arnold & Abney, props., 223 \V. Hancock ave. Starr, D. S., student U. of Ga., rm 16 New College. Starr, S. H., student U. of Ga., rui i4 New College. Statch, Bena, c, laundress, res 166 Finley. Statch, Emma, c, seamstress, res 166 Finley. Statch, Julia c, laundress, res 166 Finley. State College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, Andrew M.
Soule, pres., east end Cedar. Statham, Lucius, c, driver \Vebb & Crawford. bus 340 River. Stark, Ella, c, res 340 Rock Spring. *Stark, Wm. (Lula). c. servant, res r 634 Prince. *Starks, C. W. (Bertha), tra\. salesman, res :578 E. Dougherty. St. Clair, Annie Mrs., dressmaker, res 26 Willow.

Cor. Broad aiuT Thomas Sts.

IMione 178

W, L Hancock Goal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.

Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.

Phone 707



St. Clair, Mary Miss, res 26 Willow. Steed, Phillip, elk Davison-Xicholson Co., bds 549 N. Jackson. "Steedman, A. H. (Matilda R.), trav. salesman, res 130 Grady. Steedman, Bancroft, res 130 Grady ave. Steedman, Cornelia Miss, teacher primary dept. L. C. I., res 130
Grady ave. Steedman ,Wm. B. mdse. broker. Swift bldg., res 130 Grady ave. Steel, Lettie, c, cook, res 140 Lyndon row. Steel, W. H., student U. of Ga., bds 150 Barber. Steele, A'Lama Miss, res 585 Prince ave. Stenchcom, Odamus D, elk Davison-Nicholson Co., bds 830
College ave. Stephenson, G. F. (Adah), bkkpr Nat. Bank of Athens, r'.s
375 Franklin. *Stephenson M. M. (Daisy), dinners' Mut. Ins. Co., res 183
Grady ave. Stephens, Anderson, c, res 1348 W. Broad. 'Stephens, Chas, (Ida), c, coachman C. A. Scudder, res 193
Rock Spring. Stephens, Clara Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 635 Nantahala ave. Stephens. Birdie, c, laundress, res 337 Flint. Stephens, Blaurrie Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 635 Nantahala. *Stephens. Dave, (Frances ), farmer, res 290 Baxter. Stephens, Dolly May, c, res 1348 W. Broad. Stephens. Eddie, c, emp. W. .1. Smith & Bro.. bds 187 Third. "Stephens. E. (Essie May), c, lab. res 770 Dearing. Stephens, Floyd. emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 237 Hiawassee ave. Stephen, Frank, c, lab. res Oconee. *Stephens, Joe (Matilda), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 635 Nantahala. ^Stephens, Joe (Leila), emp. Empire Chem. Co., res cor Peters
and Arch. Stephens Isabel!, c, res 193 Rock Spring. Stephen?. R. P.. adjunct professor mathematics, V. of Ga., bds
298 Hull. Stephens. R. L., student, I*, of Ga., bds 115 E. Hancock ave. Stephens, Rufus, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 635 Nantahala ave. Stephens, Samuel (Etta), c, plasterer, res 228 Rock Spring. *Stephens, Sam (Patience), c, butler, Mrs. W. B. Hill, res 1348
W. Broad. * Stephens, T. J. (Evy), carp, res 408 River.

If vou are looking for the one soft drink

which is known as the world's Favorite,

we have it. You can't jjet it anywhere


else, this is the mark of distinction. See

that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.


- -



Stephens, Walter, c, plasterer, res 1348 W. Broad.
'Stephens, W. H. (Hettie), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 235 Hiawassee.
Stern, Chas. & Co., gents' furnishings, 233 E. Ciayton. *Stern, Chas (Rosa), Chas. Stern Co., res 193 E. Hancock avc. Stern, J., merchant, res 193 E. Hancock ave. *Stern, Myer ( Rachael) , pres. Athens Savings Bank, res 125
Reese. Stevens, Alice, c, res 345 Pope. Stevens, Bertha Miss, res 290 Barber. Stevens, C. Miss, res 565 Nantahala ave. Stevens, Clyde, c, barber, R. S. Harris, res 345 Pope. Stevens, Cornelia, c, res 840 Reese. Stevens. Edna, c, res 345 Pope. Stevens, Fannie Miss, res 565 Nantahala ave. *Stevens, Geo. (Julia), c, brickmason, res 680 X. Lumpkin. Stevens, Hassie Miss, res 565 Nantahala ave.
Stevens, Hoyt, c, emp. Petropol's cafe, res 345 Pope.
Stevens, Ike (Cornelia), c, barber, R. S. Harris, res 345 Pope.
Stevens, J. L. Miss, teacher, res 763 Prince ave. Stevens, .Ino., fireman city No. 2, res 278 Newton. Stevens, Joe A., student U. of Ga., bds. 196 Henderson ave.
Stevens, Lucy Miss, res 565 Nantahala ave.
Stevens, Marie Miss, res 565 Nantahala ave.
Stevens, May, c, res 345 Pope.
Stevens, M. J. Mrs., res 237 Hiawassee.
*Stevens, Nat. (Josie), c, emp. city, res 168 Pope.
Stevens, R. E., emp. So. Mfg. Co., bds 235 Hiawassee ave.
Stevens, Valley, c, res 840 Reese. Stevens, W. H. (Emma), emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res 565 Nantahala.
Stevens, Wm. (Clement), c, plasterer, res 840 Reese.
Stewart, Alice Miss, res campus.
Stewart, Hattie, c, seamstress, res 229 Finley.
*Stewart, H. B. (Nellie), emp. Parr's Candy Kitchen, res nr 1227 W. Broad.
*Stewart, Jos. S. (Selma), Prof. Secondary Education. U. of Ga., res campus.
Stewart. Joseph, Jr., res campus. Stewart, Rebecca, Miss, res campus. Stewart, V. M., C. of Ga. com'l office, bds Athenaeum Hotel. Stewart. Wm., Athens Multigraph Co., bds 445 N. Milledge ave.
Also Furnace work. J. E. CALDWELL

Lipscomb & Go. INS$*AENCE

Office Phone 109

Office Cor. Clayton

Residence 719___________and College Avenue



Stokley, Dessie. c, res 138 Billups. *Stokley, George (Lizzie), cook, res 138 Billups. Stokley, J. B., emp. G. M. Rwy, off. So. Mut. bldg, res 180 Barrow. btokeley, Kate, c, res 138 Billups. Stokes, Euret, c, res r Cleveland ave. Stokes, Sarah Miss, stenog. R. L. Moss Co., bds 311 N. Thomas. Stokes, Tildy, c, laundress, S. Bailey. Stokes. Win. P., P. res r Cleveland ave. Stokes, Wni. (Katie), c, emp. city, res r Cleveland ave. Stone, C. H., student I', of Ga., res 68") S. Lumpkin. *Stone, Clem. (Lenora), mail carrier, res 920 S. Lumpkin. Stone, E. D. Press, job printers, 137 X. Lumpkin. Stone, Ellison B., emp. Elite Theatre, res 724 S. Lumpkin. *Stone, E. P. (Linnie), res 727 S. Lumpkin. *Stone, Geo. E. (Florence), printer, E. I). Stone Press, res 930
S. Lumpkin. *Stone. J. H. (Jennie), printer, 137 Lumpkin, res 685 S. Lump-
kin. Stone, J. W., elk postoffice, res 685 S. Lumpkin. Stone, M. Mrs. res 623 S. Lumpkin. Stone, M. A., carp, res 1020 Water. Stone, Margaret Miss, res 930 S. Lumpkin. Stono, Martha, c, laundress, res 217 Compress. Stone, Mary Miss, res 724 S. Lumpkin. Stone, Ruben, res 724 S. Lumpkin. Story, D. G., cotton weigher, 165 N. Thomas, bds 274 N. Thomas. Story, S. F., cotton buyer, 165 X. Thomas, bds 274 X. Thomas. Stout, Sarah, c, res 259 Finley. *Stovall, A. J. (Bell), c, minister, res 275 Rock Spring. Stovall, Elizabeth, c, res 275 Rock Spring. *Stovall. Felix (Julia), c, emp. Empire Chem. Co., res 1735 E.
Broad. Stovall, G. S., student, U. of Ga., bds 226 Dougherty. Stovall, Harry, brick, off. Sou. Mut. bldg., res 234 S. Milledg'e. Stovall, Irene Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Stovall, Maggie, c, res 275 Rock Spring. Stovall, Mattie, c, res. 1658 E. Broad. . *Stovall, W. (Annie), c, emp. Athens compress, res 1453 Han-
cock ave. *S(rahan. C. M. (Margaret), Prof. Civil Eng. U. of Ga., res

BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN by the use of
Iron Settees, Vases and Trellis Work. We sell them. Phone 466. The GEORGIA STONE CO. - - 125 1-2 E. Clayton

We move Household Goods. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



Strickland, Annie B., c, res 297 Lyndon ave. Strickland, Bert, c, lab. res 139 E. Broad. Strickland, Dicie Mrs. res 836 N. Lumpkin. Strickland, Dick, c, lab. res 475 First. Strickland, Ed (Susie), c, porter, res cor Hancock & Pope. Strickland Ed, c, res 645 Hull. Strickland, Eveline, c, cook, res 233 Pope. Strickland, Gussie, c, res. 475 First. Strickland, Henry (Sarah), c, emp. city, res 1S5 Peters. Strickland, .las. E.. c, res 297 Lyndon ave. *Strickland, Jno. .1. (Ellie), atty. Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg., res 489
X. Milledge ave. Strickland, Jno. J., Jr., res 489 X. Milledge ave. Strickland, Johnnie, o, res 475 First. *Strickland, J. H. (Hattie), emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res 192 Bryan. Strickland, Lizzie, c, res 185 Peters. Strickland, Susie, c, laundress, res 297 Lyndon ave. Strickland, \V., student, Athens Bus. Col., bds 192 Foundry. Strickland, Willie, c, res 475 First. Stummer, Sarah Miss, res 425 Arch. Stringfellow, M. G., student U. of Ga., bds 555 Prince ave. Strocklin, Ed, c, res 645 Hull. Strickland, Russell, c, res 645 Hull. Strong, Chas., c, res 524 Strong. Strong, Delia, c, chambermaid, res r 530 Milledge ave. Strong, Gussie, c, res r 360 Hancock ave. Strong, Nellie, c, domestic, L. F. Edwards, res r 440 Milledge. Strother, Pauline Miss, dressmaker, Mrs. Gray's, Boulevard, bds
223 Nantahala ave. Stroud, Harriett, c, laundress, res 634 Foundry. Stroud, Luther, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 132 Bryan. Stroud, Sarah, c, janitress, So. Mut. Ins. Co., res 115 Pulaski. Stroud, Gus. barber, Sam McQueen's shop, res Foundry. Students' Supply Store, Redfearn & Beggs, props., campus. *Studivat, Wm. (Hanie), emp. So. Ref. Co., res 123 Pearl. Sturges, Philo Miss housekeeper L. C. I., res Lucy Cobb Institute. Suber, Edwin, stone worker, Athens Marble Co., res 539 S.
Jackson. *Suber, G. W. (Hattie), cabinet maker, J. T. Dudley, res 539 S.

Smith Premier Typewriter Company
S10eevtihsieblNeewwrMitiondgel No I(, 1j 1|D/ pf^PaJicrihitirrPePe a<*it., rAvtlildanmtaa,

Many of the names herein listed use GAS for


not we desire to serve you too.




Suddeth, Frank. L.. elk Jno. L. Arnold, res 134 Elbert. Suddeth. LeRoy N. students U. of Ga., bds 464 College ave. Suddeth. Mary Mrs. res 134 Elbert. Suddeth. D. D. Mrs., res 340 Houlevard. *Sulivan. Alvin (Bell), night supt. So. Oil Mill, res 579 Pulaski. Sullivan, Benj.. student U. of Ga., bds 285 Washington. Summer?.. Bulah Miss, res 128 Pine. Summers. E. F. (Isabell), hackman, res 226 Water. Summers. Felman, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., bds 163 New. Summers, Fred, res 226 Water. 'Summers. H. T. (Elizabeth), engineer Athens Mfg. Co., res 128
Pine. Summers. Lena Miss, emp. Climax Hosiery Mill, res 128 Pine. Summers, Lois Miss, res 285 Cemetery. *Summers, R. K. (Eliza), yard foreman Athens Mfg. Co., res
285 Cemetery. Summers, Sam. student I*, of Ga., bds 259 Hancock ave. Summers. \Vm., liveryman, Chirstian's stables, bds 192 Foundry. Summers. Zenie Miss. emp. So. Mfg. Co.. bds 163 New. Sutton. Haila, c, res 162 Hoyt. Swan. H. H.. emp. Standard Lum. Co., res 153 Barrow. Swan. Bell Miss, res 153 Barrow. Swan. H. L.. emp. Standard Lum. Co., res 153 Barrow. Sweat, A. L. (Frances), emp. Davison-Nicholson Co., bds 568
Harris. 'Swenney Charlie, c, res 185 Rock Spring. *Swenny, Jim (Mary) c. janitor Denmark Hall, res 185 Rock
Spring. Swenny John. c. res 185 Rock Spring. Syfan, T. .1.. Sr.. comm'l agt and supt, Gainesville Midland Rwy.
off. Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg.. bds. 124 State. Syfan. T. J.. Jr.. elk Sou. Rwy depot, bds 770 College ave.

*Talmage. A. H. (Maude), vehicles and harness, 240-252 N. Lumpkiu. res 495 Waddell. . Alien H. Jr., res 495 Waddell.
Handles everything in the Tin line. . .....

Prompt service extended to all customers.
JNO. L. ADAMS, Prop.



Talmage, Frances Miss, res 495 Waddell. Talmage Hardware Co., 131 E. Clayton. Talmage, Zene Miss, res 495 Waddell. Talmadge Bros. & Co., wholesale grocers, 155 E. Clayton. Talmadge Bros & Co., corn mill, Sou. Rwy. "Talmadge, C. A. (Justine), Talmadge Bros. & Co.. res 1237
Prince ave. *Talmadge, Clovis G. (Lucy), Talmadge Bros & Co., res 1275
Prince ave. *Talmadge ,.T E. Jr., (Olivia), Talmadge Bros & Co., res 298
Prince ave. *Talmadge, John E., ST., (Elizabeth), Talmadge Bros & Co.,
res 1253 Prince ave. "Talmadge, Julius Y. (May), Talmadge Bros. & Co., res 1295
Prince ave. *Tally, J. J. (Orlia), emp. Roller Cover Co.. res 335 Peters. Tate, D. M., painter, bds 190 Narrow. Tate, Mattie, c, laundress, res r 290 Barber. *Tate, J. H. (Lula), trav. salesman, res 196 N. Milledge ave. *Tate, J. W. (Oley), emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., res 297 Chattanooga. Tate, J. T., bds 198 Mallory ave. Taylor, Cora, c, laundress, res 540 Water. Taylor, E. L. (Irrovia), elk Weatherly & Son, res 1015 S.
Lumpkin. Taylor, Everett P., electrical contractor, 198 College ave, res
1015 S. Lumpkin. Taylor, Ed (Ellnora), c, lab. res 1699 E. Broad. Taylor Edgar, res 362 E. Dougherty. Taylor, Eugene, res 360 E. Hancock ave. *Taylor, Frances Long Mrs. res 357 S. Milledge ave. *Taylor, Fred (Rebecca), c, emp. Orr Drug Co., res 649 Hull. Taylor, Ike, c, emp. Sou. Ref. Co., res S. Savannan ave. Taylor, Julia c, student, bds 437 Pope. Taylor, Kathleen Miss, res 455 E. Dougherty. Taylor, Lee, c, emp. Athens Compress, res 190 Dublin. Taylor, Louise, res 362 E. Dougherty. *Taylor, Orrie (Sallie), c, farm lab. res 190 Dublin. Tate, Phillis, c, res 463 Oak. Taylor, Susie Miss, elk Michaels, res 1015 S. Lumpkin.

Plan /^ r-v Koonis, Clean Sanilary Beds, Prompt and Polite Attention. One block from Post Office,
half block from Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, Prop.

368X Washington St.


WHY IS THIS PRACTICAL? Because we know our Business


Clayton St.



*Taylor, T. H. (Mildred), grocer, 150 Ware, res 169 E. Dough-


*Taylor, Wm. R (Frances E.), car insp. C. of Ga. Rwy, res 362

E. Dougherty.

Taylor, Wesley, c, emp. Jno. Carlton, res 183 Green.

Taylor. Walter, c, emp. Athens Compress, res 190 Dublin.

"Taylor, West (Annie), c, lab. res 183 Green.

Teasley, Bertha, c, res 673 Pulaski.

Teasley, Comer, c, res 473 Third.

Teasley, Essie, c, res 473 Third.

Teasley, Janie, c, res 473 Third.

Teasley, Lee, c, farm lab. res 473 Third.

Teasley, Nancy, c, res 473 Third.

Teasley, Walter, c, farm lab. res 473 Third.

Teat, Addie Mrs., emp. Athens Mfg. Co., bds 196 Cemetery-

*Teat, Charles (Lutitia), emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 155 Mitchell.

*Teat, Dave (Mollie), painter, res 22.~> Ga. Depot st.

Teat, Effie Miss, emp. Climax Hosiery Mill, res 225 Ga. Depot st.

*Teat, Wm. (Lou), emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 225 Ga. Depot st.

*Tell, Alfred (Lizzie, c, emp. Swift bldg, res 280 First.

Telephone Exchange, H. C. Conway, mgr., 185% College.

Temple, Janie, c, laundress, res. 114 Rock Spring.

Terrell, Lucy, c, grocer, 500 Foundry, res 500 Foundry.

*Terrell, Sam (Lucy), c, lab. S. A. L., res 555 Strong.

Terry, Chas., ins. agt., bds 363 E. Hancock ave.

Thomas, Alfred, c, lab. res 46 Hoyt.


Thomas, Alice, c. cook, res r 247 Pulaski.

*Thomas. B. (Lizzie), emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res 277 Hlawassee ave.

Thomas, Bertha Miss, res 824 Boulevard.

Thomas, Bertha, c, laundress, res 131 Cane.

Thomas, Buddie (Mollie), c, lab. res 427 First.

Thomas, Callie Miss, emp. Sou. Mfg. Co., bds 235 Hiawassee.

Thomas, Carrie, c, res 650 River.

*Thomas, Chas. (Deliah), c, lab. res 175 Second.

Thomas, Charles, c, emp. Ga. Brick Co., res 240 Macon ave.

Thomas, Claud, c, emp. Dave Bailey's, res 1587 Oconee.

Thomas, Cordelia, c, laundress, res 523 Strong.

"Thomas, D. A. N. (Sallie P.), physician, off. 164% E. Clayton,

res. 112o Prince ave.

Thomas, Dora, c, laundress, res 887 Water.

*Thomas, Eugene (Laura), tailor, res 1248 W. Broad.

1'no.NE ii>5. Cal1 on the Athens Coal & Coke Co,

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims You Get the Money. MAR J ABNEY> No compromise, no delavs, no technicalities.
Phone 7J, Southern Mutual Building.



Thomas, Eugene, c, emp. city of Athens, res 440 Foundry. Thomas, Engene, c, lab. res 175 Second. Thomas, Eula Miss, res S24 Boulevard. Thomas, Flo. Miss, res 1125 Prince ave. Thomas, Florida, res 370 Pope. Thomas, Frank, res 1125 Prince ave. *Thomas G. (Susie) c, brickmason, res. 1543 W. Broad. *Thomas, G. W. (Mary), upholsterer, over 1057 S. Lumpkin. *Thomas, Geo. C. (Hannah), atty. off. Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg., res
135 Hull. *Thomas, Geo. (Laurie), c, lab. res 248 Pope. Thomas, Georgia Miss, res 140 Ware. Thomas, George 1\ Mrs., res 394 Prince ave. Thomas, Georgia, c, cook S. V. San ford, res 132 Pope. Thomas, Grace Miss, res 1125 Prince ave. Thomas, Gus, c, res 835 Reese. Thomas, Guy, c, res 1248 W. Broad. Thomas, Hannah, c, laundress, res 224 Cleveland ave. "Thomas, H. E. (Ethel), carp, res 835 Boulevard. *Thomas, H. N. (Henrietta), policeman, res 824 Boulevard. Thomas. H. Vr., b'.icksmith, bds 562 W. Broad. Thomas, Henrietta, c, laundress, res 887 Water *Thomas, Henry iMollie), farmer, res Boulevard, bey city limit. Thomas, Henry, c. janitor U. of Ga., res 514 Foundry. Thomas, Henry, c, driver Talmage Hdw. Co., res 592 Vine. Thomas, Isaac, c, emp. Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 240 Macon. Thomas Jsabelle .V'iss. res 394 Prince ave. Tboii;:;:.. ls::il i.'U.ttie), c r emp. Empire Clicm 3-.. r-v. 17")
Dublin. "Thomas, James (Ida Bell), c, drayman, res 236 Pearl. Thomas, James, c, res 238 Flint. Thomas, Jack (Lena), c, lab. University farm, res r agr. bldg. Thomas, Geraline, c, res 835 Reese. Thomas, Jerry, upholster, res 1057 S. Lumpkin. Thomas, Jno., res 1125 Prince ave. *Thomas, John, c, lab. bds 340 River. Thomas, John (Sena), c. lab. res 247 Lyndou ave. Thomas, J. H.. res 534 Pulaski. Thomas, J. L., engr. C. of Ga., Rwy, bds 245 S. Jackson. *Thomas, J. W. (Ethel), elk Arnold & Abney, res 568 Pulaski.
We fill your orders TO THE LETTER and deliver PROMPTLY
"A Word to the Wise is

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES We put them on
ALLEN H. TALMAGE 240-252 N. Lumpkin



*ThomaB. .1. W. (Rosa), c, emp. So. Cot. Oil Co., res 159 N. Lumpkin.
Thomas, Katie, c. res 1248 W. Broad. Thomas, Katherine, c. nurse, res 195 Fifth. Thomas, Lawrence (Nora), c, barber, res 462 River. Thomas, Lemmie. c, res 224 Cleveland ave. Thomas, Lilly, res 17"> Second. Thomas, Lily, c, laundress, res 189 Sapelo. Thomas, Lizzie, c, cook, res 759 N. Lumpkin. Thomas, Louisa, c, laundress, res 537 Reese. Thomas, Luellen, c, laundress, res 170 Stevens. Thomas. Lyndon (Bessie C.), mchst. So. Ref. Co., res 194 State. Thomas, M. E. Mrs. res 534 Pulaski. Thomas. Marcinda, c, cook, res r 287 Pulaski. Thomas. Marguerite Miss, res 394 Prince ave. Thomas. Mary, c. laundress, res 224 Cleveland ave. Thomas, Mary Ann, c, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 240 Macon ave. Thomas, Mary A., c, res 224 Cleveland ave. Thomas, Mary L. Miss, res 1057 S. Lumpkin. Thomas, Mary M. Miss, res 135 Hull. "Thomas, Mat. (Mary Ann), c. lab. res 1130 Hancock ave. Thomas. Mattie. c, res 594 Vine. Thomas, May Miss, res 1125 Prince ave. *Thomas, Mike (Anna), peddler, res 140 Ware. Thomas, Minnie, c, laundress, res 3^9 Lyndon ave. Thomas, Minnie Miss, res 394 Prince ave. Thomas, Ned (Sarah), c, Emp. Athens Compress, res 161 Lyndon
row. Thomas Pearl, c, res 240 Macon ave. Thomas Palace, c, laundress, res 238 Flint. *Thomas, R. E. (Mary) trav. salesman, res 270 Hill. *Thomas. R. I. (Mary) trav. salesman, res 270 Hill. Thomas, Richard, c, res 594 Vine. Thomas, Robert, emp. Parr's Candy Factory, res 1057 S. Lump-
kin. Thomas, Rosa, c, res 650 River. Thomas, Rosina Miss, res 394 Prince ave. Thomas, Ruby Miss, res 824 Boulevard. Thomas, S. C., Jure., res 1057 S. Lumpkin. Thomas. Sallie, c, dressmaker, res 835 Reese. Thomas, Sarah, c, res 594 Vine.

A GAS RANGE is a coal range with a COLLEGE EDUCATION. It does twice the amount of work in less than half the time. We sell them. The GAS CO.

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.

Phone 707 241

Thomas, Tillman, plumber, res 824 Boulevard. *Thomas, Tom (Hattie), c, emp. Ga. Rwy., res 46 Hoyt. *Thomas, Tom (Camilla), c, gardener, res 650 River. Thomas, Walter, c, emp. Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 240 Macon. *Thomas, Watt (Rosa), c, emp. Athens Oil Mill, res 759 N.
Lumpkin. *Thomas, West (Edith), c, lab. res r 1543 W. Broad. Thomas, Wm. M. emp. Bailey Supply Co., res 135 Hull. Thomas, William, c, tailor, res 537 Reese. *Thomas, Wm. (Emma), c, carp, res 594 Vine. Thomas, Wm. c, res 462 River. *Thomas, Wm. (Hattie), c, emp. Athens Ice & Coal Co., res
167 Savannah ave. Thomas, Wm. Henry, c, lab. res 224 Cleveland ave. Thomas, Zach (Mollie), c, emp. city of Athens, res 440 Foundry. Thomas, George, res 715 Jackson.
*Thomas, Yancey, (Lizzie), c. brickmason, res Flint St. Thompson, Delena, c, emp. St. Mary's Hospital, res 480 Billups. Thomson, Adella Miss, res 325 Ga. Depot st. Thompson, A. .1. Mrs. res 325 Ga. Depot st. Thompson, Amanda Miss, res 738 Boulevard. Thompson, Annie, c, student Atlanta Univ., res 139 Billups. *Thompson, B. B. S. (Blanch), c, baker, Star Bakery, res 139
Billups. Thompson, Clara Miss, res 738 Boulevard. *Thompson, E. B. (Carrie), boarding house 274 N. Thomas. *Thompson, Ed (Rosa), Linotype opr. Athens Banner, res 843
College ave. Thompson, Edgar B., Jr., res 274 N. Thomas. Thompson, Fleming, student U. of Ga., bds 255 W. Washington. Thompson, Guy, student U. of Ga., bds 255 W. Washington. Thompson, Howard, res 274 N. Thomas. Thompson, Hubbard, c. res 480 Billups. Thompson, Ida Mrs., res 715 N. Jackson. Thompson, Joel, emp. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 325 Ga. Depot st. Thompson, Luther D., emp. Athens Mfg. Co., res 325 Ga. Depot. Thompson, M. B. Mrs., boarding house, res 325 Hull. *Thompson, Q. Mrs. res 738 Boulevard. Thompson, R. W., news dealer, Georgian hotel, res same. Thompson, Ree Miss, res 274 N. Thomas.

If you are looking for the one soft driuk. whichisknown as the world'* Favorite, we have it. You can't get it anywhere else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle.
: ' - - '- : -- ~" "'


Iron Fencing for Cemeteries and Lawns.


Phone 466.

125 1-2 E. Clayton



Thomson, Robt. c, emp. J. P. Proctor, res 480 Billups. Thomson, Sarah, c, teacher, res 148 Strong. "Thompson. Wm. (Annie), o, farmer, res 480 Hillups. Thompson, Willie, c, res 197 Newton. Thornton, Annie Love Miss, attendant Dr. Fullilove's office, bds
557 Meigs. Thornton, A. C. Mrs. res 490 S. Lumpkin. Thornton, A. C., Jr., res 490 S. Lumpkin. Thornton Bros., cafe, soda water & tobacco, 274 E. Clayton. Thornton, Burdett F., c, laundress, res 1189 W. Broad. Thornton, Cordelia Miss, teacher pub. sch. bds 471 N. Jackson. Thornton, Ellen, c. res 291 Athens ave. Thornton, Eva May Miss, res 227 Dougherty. Thornton, Eva, c, res 291 Athens ave. *Thornton, F. C. (Eva May), elk Geo. H. Hulme, res 237
Dougherty. *Thornton. Goo. ( Lottie i , McGregor Co.. res 237 Dorougherty. Thornton, Green, c, emp. J. B. Gamble, res 1189 W. Broad. "Thornton, Henry (Carrie), c, fireman S. A. L. Rwy, res 150
Dublin. Thornton, Henry, c, res 291 Athens ave. "Thornton, H. H. (Sallie), em]>. Moss Mfg. Co., res 186 Cleveland
ave. Thornton. Hugh, c, res 291 Athens ave. Thornton, Ida c. res 291 Athens ave. "Thornton. J. B. (Nora), Thornton Bros cafe, res 490 S. Lump-
kin. Thornton. Lucile. c, res 221 Athens ave. Thornton. May Mrs. res 815 S. Lumpkin. Thornton. K. R. (Ella G.), Thornton Bros, cafe, res 490 S.
Lumpkin. Thornton. W. C.. elk Ga. Rwy.. bds 364 N. Thomas. Thornton J. T. (Carrie), stock dealer, res E. Athens. Thrasher. Gertrude, c, res 269 Chase. "Thrasher, Jas. (Laura), c, lab. res 269 Chase. Thrasher. James, Jr., c, res 269 Chase. Thrasher. John, c, res 269 Chase. Thrasher, Mary, c, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res Forest ave. Thrasher. Julia May, c, laundress, res Forest ave.
Thrasher, Pink (Annie, c, res 648 Hull.



See him.

Promptness our specialty.

COOK WITH GAS It lessens the domestic care and adds to the happiness of every home. Phone 54.



Thrasher, Rosina, c, res 391 Augusta ave. Threlkeld, Inez Miss, res 192 Arch. 'Threlkeld, .1. D. (Obelia), carp., res 192 Arch. Threlkeld, Viola Miss, res 192 Arch. Thnrmond, Addie Hell Miss. emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res 698 Nanta-
hala ave. Thurmond, Annie Mrs. emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 698 Nantahala ave. Thurmond, Carrie Miss, res 329 Bearing. Thurmond, Clarence, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 698 Nantahala ave. Thurmond, .Ino. student U. of Ga., bds 435 Hill. Thurston, Myra Miss, bds 153 Second. *Tibbetts. John F. (Alice), mgr. So. Mfg. Co., res 760 Cobb. Tibbetts, Ralph, res 760 Cobb. Tibbetts, Roy, res 760 Cobb. Tibbetts, Ruth Miss, res 760 Cobb. Tidwell, Loucinda Mrs., res 183 New. Tilton, Russell, carp, res 1095 Hancock ave. Tiller, David, c, res i30 Fifth. "Tiller, Frank (Hannah), c, coachman, res .".40 Reese. Tiller, Moses, c, res 130 Fifth. Tiller, Sallie, c, res 540 Reese. Tiller, Sam, c, res 130 Fifth. *Tiller, Stephen (Clara), c, tinner, res 130 Fifth. "Tiller, W. C. (Maud), grocer. 788 Baxter, res same. Tiller, W. M. (Ella), c, restaurant, 524 River, res 130 Fifth. *Tillman, Robt. (Emma), c, lab. res r 109 N. Thomas. Tilley. T. C., student U. of Ga., rm 12 Candler Hall. Timmons. Hen, c, plasterer, bds 160 Valley. Titshaw. Scott, student U. of Ga., res 375 S. Lumpkiu. Todd, D. F., lab. res 185 Peters. Todd, J. P., lab. res 185 Peters. Todd, Roy, res 185 Peters. *Todd, T. B. F. (M. L. ), teacher, 185 Peters. Tolbert, Annie, c, res 758 Hull. Tolbert, Lucindy, Miss, res 530 Oconee. Tolmas, Olif, student U. of Ga., bds campus. *Tony, M. T. (Dora), polisher, Athens Marble Co., res Boule-
vard, beyond city limits. *Toomer, J. B. (Annie), sewing mch. and music house, 459 E.
Clayton, res 564 College ave. Toomer, Ruth Miss, res 564 College ave.
268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.

"Thfi WOrld'S BBSt" SeC the New Model No. 10 Visible Writing.






Towns, Alice Mrs., res 186 Grady ave. Towns, Harry, bkkpr Empire State Chem. Co., res 186 Grady ave. Towns, Hugh, emp. Athens Electric Rwy., bds 546 College ave. Towns, Lena Miss, teacher pub. sch., res 186 Grady ave. Trafford, I. B., student U. of Ga., rm 19 Candler Hall. Trailer, P., student U. of Ga., bds 298 W. Hancock ave. Tribble, N. O., student U. of Ga., bds 255 Washington. *Tribble, Sam J. (Minnie), atty. off. 157% College ave, res 419
S. Milledge ave. Tribble, Ruth Miss, res 419 S. Milledge. Tribble, Lamar, res 419 S. Milledge ave. Tripp, Annie, c, nurse, res 143 Third. Tripp, Genie, c, res 143 Third. Trout, F. E., res 340 Boulevard. Trout, W. L., carpenter, bds 245 Jackson. Troutman, H. B., student U. of Ga., res 325 N. Lumpkin. Troutman, Grace Miss, res 325 Lumpkin. *Troutman, M. L. (Bessie), pastor First M. E. Church, res 325
N. Lumpkin. Troutman, R. B., student U. of Ga., res 325 Lumpkin. Tuck, Bennett, bkkpr Athens Savings Bank, res 195 State. Tuck, Emma L. Miss, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 870 Boulevard. Tuck, Eugene, c, glazier, Moss Mfg. Co., bds 975 Reese. Tuck, Harrold, elk Epting's Racket store, res 698 College ave. Tuck Hattie Miss, dressmaker, res 698 College. *Tuck, H. C. Mrs. res 490 Milledge. Tuck, H. C., atty. 603 So. Mut. Ins. bldg. Tuck, J. W. & Co., lumber dealers, 447% Clayton. Tuck, Janie, res 195 State. Tuck, Mary Miss, 337 Strong. Tuck, Mattie Lou Miss, res 195 State. Tuck, Munice Miss, dressmaker, res 698 College ave. Tuck R. M., student U. of Ga., rm 23 Candler Hall. Tuck, Sarah V. Miss, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 870 Boulevard. Tuck, T. R., carpenter, res 698 College ave. Tuck, W. B. & Co., grocers., cor Peters & Broad. *Tuck, W. B. (Ruby), W. B. Tuck & Co., res cor Broad & Peters. Tuck, Wilburn J. (Hattie), elk Eppes-Wilkins Co., res 195 State. *Tucker, G. A. (Eva), blacksmith, L. Bailey's shop, res 837
College ave.

UP-TO-DATE GPCCER Everything Good tr Eat

JOHN L, ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Maierials Contract for House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging.
Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton and Jackson Sts.



Tucker, Jefferson, c, lab. res 395 Hull. Tucker, Lula, c, res 395 Hull. Turnbull, Mary E. Miss, teacher pub. sch., bds 24:} E. Hancock Turman, Ellen, c, nurse, res r 634 Prince. Turner, A. G. Mrs., res 125 N. Milledge. Turner, Chas. emp. Bailey Film Service, Birmingham. Ala., bds
464 College ave. Turner, Clarence (Emma), c, emp. Empire Chem. Co., res 175
Douglass. Turner. Ed., elk Johnson Shoe Co., bds 124 State. Turner, E. D., emp. Armour Pckg. Co., bds. 246 Hancock ave. *Turner, E. V. (Lila), carp, res 940 College ave. Turner, H. G., agt. Bailey Film Service, Birmingham, Ala., bds
464 College ave. Turner, Joe, elk Guarantee Shoe Co., bds 124 State. Turner, Joe, c, emp. Moss Mfg. Co., res T87 Pearl. Turner, Mollie Miss, res 609 Lumpkin. Turner, Rebecca Mrs., res 1423 E. Broad. Turner, R. J., bkkpr Michael Bros., bds 124 State. Turner, Ruth Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Turner, W. W. Mrs., res 378 Oak. Turpin, Wm., bds 226 Dougherty. Tupper, E. D., student U. of Ga., bds 387 Milledge ave. Tyler, L. Ouida, voice culture, Y. M .C. A., bds 130 Barrow. Tyler, Susie Miss, student Athens Bus. Col., bds 575 Jackson. Tyler, Tom, c, res 258 Arch. Tyler, Wanda Miss, student L. C. I., bds 140 Barrow.

U. S. Post Office. W. Fleming, P. M.. P. S. Smith, asst. P. M., cor College ave & Washington.
II. S. Internal Revenue office. T. P. Trammoll Deputy Marshal, P. O. building.
*Umbach, F. G. (Lena), blacksmith, res 286 W. Broad. "Underwood, C. E. (Mamiet, woodwkr. Klein & Martin, res 394
Pope. Underwood, Eva Miss, res 394 Pope. Underwood, Wilburn, student U. of Ga., bds 398 Lumpkin.
Athens Coal Coke Co.

Dead<wyler Wood & Coal Co

Office ami Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



University Savings Bank, Jno. J. Wilkins, pres., 279 E. Broad. *Upshaw. .1. B. (Elizabeth), cotton buyer, res 375 Boulevard. *Upshaw, M. W. (Martha), cotton buyer, Inman, Akers & In-
man. res 375 Boulevard. *l*pson, Benj. (Hattie), c, lab. res 198 Rock Spring. *Upson. Edward (Octavial. t'pson & Smith. Oconee Brick Co.,
res 357% Milledge ave. Vpson, Emily Miss, res 1022 Prince ave. I'pson, Esther Miss, res 1022 Prince ave. Vpson. Frank L., atty. and referee in bankruptcy, on. 185V4
College ave., res 1022 Prince ave. *Upson. Stephen (Matilda), res 1022 Prince ave. I'pson. Serena Miss, res 1022 Prince ave. Tpson, Stephen C. (Louise), atty. and solicitor city court, off.
185Vfe College ave., res Prince ave., cor Nacoochee ave. I'pson, Nancy, c, res 349 Rock Spring.
. psou. Wyatt (Minnie), c. carp, res r 223 Nantahala ave. Tssery, S. W. (Nellie), bkkpr, Inman, Akers & Inman, res 155
Grady ave.


Vaden. Sam. collector, bds 846 College ave. Vain. Joe (Lora). c, brickmason, res 281 Macon ave. *Vanatter, P. O. (Hattie), supt. field demonstration. State Col-
lege of Agri., res 1227 S. Lumpkin. Yanberg, .lesse, c. coachman, M. A. Born, res r 869 Hill. *Vance. J. C. (Mary), elk Davison-Nicholson, res 798 Prince. Yance, Wm. L.. cond. Elec. Rwy., bds 153 Park ave. Yandiver. R. L. (Effiei. drayman, res Satula ave, bey. city limit. Yan Straaten. Gertrude Miss, res 357 Pulaski. Yan Straaten. Herbert, res 357 Pulaski. *Yan Straaten, J. (Minnie), market, Y. M. C. A. bldg., res 357
Pulaski. Yan Wyke, O.. student I", of Ga., bds 370 S. Lumpkin. Varella. G. E.. student V. of Ga., bds 464 College ave. *Varnell. Thos. (Mahala). c, blacksmith, res 815 Reese. Varnell, Wm., c, collector, Louis Cam ik. res 293 Reese. Varner, Iverson, W., emp. Security Mut. Ins. Co., So. Mut. bldg,
bds 818 College ave.


Quick service a specialty.

Day Phone 303 Night Phone 320-2


J. E. CALDWELL DEALER N Tin and Tinners' Supplies.




Varner, Fulton E., Mallison Braided Cord Co., res 440 S. Milledge ave.
Vaughn, Boyd, emp. J. B. Vaughn, Ins bldg., bds 575 X. Jackson. Vaughn, Jesse, salesman Prewitte House Furnishing Co., bds
575 X. Jackson. Vaughn, Emory Mrs. res 230 Branch. Vaugh, John (Seletha), brickmason, res 435 Williams. * Vaughn, J. B. (Eulah), music publisher, off. So. Mutual bldg.,
bds 274 Thomas. *Vaughan, Henry (Anna), o, plasterer, res 760 Dearing. Veal, Chas., student I*, of Ga.. bds 178 W. Dougherty. V. D. L. Restaurant and Cafe, V. Petropol, prop., 165-175 E.
Clayton. Verney. Flinda, c. teacher, bds 171* Strong.
Ver Nooy, C. A., res 997 S. Milledge ave. Vess, Mary Miss, res 124 State. Vess, Daniel, res 124 State. Vess, San ford, res 124 State. Vess, George, res 124 State. *Vess, A. W. (Xina), elk Michael Bros., res 124 State. " Vincent, Andrew (May), c, emp. Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 170
Church. Vincent, Cora, c. emp. City Restaurant, res :',89 Meigs. Vincent, Delia, c, laundress, res 389 Meigs. Vincent, Gordon, res. 159 Miles. Vincent, James (Ida), plumber, res 125 Pine. Vincent, J. W. L., res 159 Miles. Vincent, John T. (Mollie), emp. So. Mfg. Co.. res 159 Miles. Vincent, Louise Miss, res 778 Hill. Vincent, Otesy, res 778 Hill. Vincent, Peter, c, student Knok Ins.. bds l!7 Xewton. Vincent. Pleasant Miss. res. 778 Hill. * Vincent, Thos. P. (Stella), pres. Athens Mfg. Co.. res 778 Hill. Virgil, Emma, c, cook. J. X. Webb. res 2524 Prince ave. Virgil, Mary, c, res 2524 Prince ave. Viva Beverage Co.. cor Oconee and Foundry. Vonderau, Genevieve, Miss, res 129 E. Dougherty. Vonderau, L. J. Mrs., res 129 E. Dougherty. Vonderau. Malcolm B.. res 129 E. Dougherty.


Ua.linu Dealers in


Cor. Broad and Thomas Sts.

IMione ITS

W, L Hancock Coal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.

Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.

Phone 707



Vonderau, W. P., Athens Coal & Coke Co., res 129 E. Dougherty. *Von derLieth, C. A. (.Tanie). elk S. A. L. Rwy., res 665 N.
bumpkin. Von der bieth. Carl R., emp. C. A. Rowland, hds 464 College ave. Von der Lieth Elizabeth ss, res 665 N. bumpkin. Von der bieth, Hattie bea Miss, bds 464 College ave. Von der bieth, Mildred Miss, res 665 N. bumpkin. Von der bieth, Rosa A. Miss, art embroidery materials and fancy
goods, 170 College ave, res 190 Grady ave. Von Sprechen, Frank, student U. of Ga., bds 559 Cobb. Von Hasseln, Ed., student U. of Ga., bds 145 Strong. Vos. .Tno., bkkpr Athens Gas Co., bds 465 College ave.

Wade. Golden, c, res 385 Cleveland ave. *Wade, J. R. (Sarah), drayman, res 435 Hoyt. Wade, John, c, emp. Max Flatau, bds 152 Hoyt. Wade. Naze, c, lab. res 385 Cleveland ave. Wade, Nellie, c, laundress, 385 Cleveland ave. *Wade, Orange (Hattie), c, lab. res 479 River. Wade, Phil, student U. of Ga., bds 298 Barber. Wade, R. M., emp. Athens Mut: bife Ins. Co., bds 361 N. Thomas. Wadley, E. D., student U. of Ga., bds 38 i Mi..eage ave. "Wages. A. J. (Susie), carp, res 179 Mitchell. Wages. Bailey, res 135 Waddell. * Wages. Chas. C. (Mabel), musician, res 120 Barrow. Wages. Elzie .!., res 1<9 Mitche,.. Wages. Emmie Miss, res 135 Waddell. Wages. Harry b., mgr \\ages Music ^o., res 135 vaddell. Wages, uenry J., res < - Mitchell. Wages. .1. C. (Sallie), cond. Ga. Rwy. res 135 Waddell. Wages Music Co.. J. C. Wages, prop., 157 College ave. Wages. Rebecca Mrs., res 135 Waddell. Wages, Sallie May Miss, bkkpr Wages Music Co., res 135 Waddell. *Waff, H. .1. (Henrietta). Bondurant Hdw. Co., res 575 Harris. Wagnon. Nettie Miss, res \4-t Hall. Wagnon, W. A., bldg. contractor, res 144 Hall. ''Wagner, ueo. (Minerva), c, plasterer, res 167 Warsaw.
Y^^^H^ M .vou are looking for the one soft drink ^f^f/^4 which is known as the world's Favorite, ^fjfjf/f we have it. You can't jjet it anywhere SUt^fr else, this is the mark of distinction. See that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works.



- -





Wagner, Geo., Jr., c, res 167 Warsaw. Wagner, Lila, c, res 475 First. Wagner, Wesley, c, plasterer, res 167 Warsaw. Wagnon, Elsie Miss, res 144 Hall. Walden, Frankie Miss, stenog. H. McWhorter, bds 411 X. Thomas Waldroup, Clara Miss, res 123 Chattahoochee ave. Waldroup, Frances Miss) erap. So. Mfg. Co., res 123 Chattahoo-
chee ave. Waldroup, Geo., res 123 Chattahoochee ave. *Waldroup, Henry (Ann), fireman. So. Mfg. Co., res 123 Chat-
tahoochee. Waldroup, .las., emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 123 Chattahoochee ave. Waldroup, Willie, emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 123 Chattahoochee ave. *Waldroup, W. L. (Hattie), emp. So. Mfg. Co., res 136 Miles. Walker, Adeline, c, res r 190 Green. *Walker, Ben (Mary), c, emp. Talmadge Bros & Co., res 1126
Hancock ave. * Walker, Ben (Rosa), c, emp. city, res 163 Harris. Walker, Blanche Mrs., res 41.5 Foundry. Walker, C. N. Dr., osteopath, off. So. Mut. Ins. bldg., res 390
N. Mil ledge ave. Walker, Chas, c, emp. Dave Bailey, res 1432 Oconee. Walker, Ellen, c. laundress, res 1133 W. Broad. Walker, Flanigan. c, student Jeruel acad. bds 26"> Washington. Walker, Ford., emp. So. Rwy., bds 74'.) Prince ave. Walker, Horace, c, res 143 Peabody. *Walker. Joe (Mary), emp. Fear's stable, res 661 E. Broad. * Walker, John (Maria), c, enip. Arnold Grocery Co., res 174
Billups. Walker, .1. N., student U. of Ga., bds 387 Milledge ave. Walker, Louise, c, cook res 1063 Reese. Walker, Lorena, c, res 328 Lyndon ave. Walker, Levi, einp. city, res 460 Vine. Walker, Mamie, c, res 328 Lyndon ave. Walker, Mandy, c, cook, res 1159 W. Broad. Walker. Ned, c, emp. So. Oil Co., res 482 Cleveland. Walker, Pauline, c, res !!)."> Sapelo.
Walker. Sarah, Miss, inch. opr. Athens Mfg. Co., bds 220 Wil-
liams. Walker. T. A., exp. messenger, So. Exp. Co.. bds 1 1 ."> E. Hancock.

Also Furnace work. J. E. CALDWELL

Lipscomb & Co. 1NS AENCE

Office Phone 109

Office Cor. Clayton

Residence 719___________and College Avenue



Walker. Viola, c. res 482 Cleveland ave. Walker, Watt, c, emp. Moss Mfg. Co.. res 482 Cleveland. Walker. Wm. R.. physician, bds 361 X. Thomas.
*Walker. Wm. (Annie), c, emp. Boston Bakery, res 328 Lyndon Walker. William, c, drayman, res 124 Hendrick ave. Wales, Bessie, c, teacher, res 29") Cleveland ave. Wales. Caroline, c, res 320 Barber. Wales, Carrie, c. laundress, res 320 barber. Wales, Cassie, c. laundress. 224 Peters. Wales, Georgia, c. chambermaid, res 2!r> Cleveland ave. * Wales. Harry (Laura), c, lab. res 153 Morton ave. Wales. Mattie, c. laundress, res 224 Peters. Wales. Nora, c, res 252 Bridge. Wales, Priscilla, c, laundress, ress 252 Bridge. Wales, Robt.. c, res 252 Bridge. Wales, Susie, c, res 252 Bridge. Wall, .). A. .1., painter, bds 444 Meigs. Wallace, Chloe Miss, opr, So. Bell Tel. Co., res 147 Nacoochee. Wallace, Green, res 432 Billups. *Wallace, Noble (Bertha), c, emp. So. Mfg. Co., nr Cheatham's
store, beyond city limits. Wallace, Susan Miss, res 146 Peters. Wallace, Vernie Miss, res 432 Billups. *Wallace. W. .1. (Rosa), bldg. contractor, res 432 Billups. Wallar, Gus (Sylvia), c. well digger, res 286 Pearl. Wallar. Louie, c, res 286 Pearl. Wallar. Lucy May, c, res 286 Pearl * Waller, Louis (Prince Ella), c, painter, res 268 Pearl. Walters. Chas. (Callie), c, res 526 Fourth. Walters, Grant. 370 Madison ave. *WalterE. W. D. (Viola), vendor, res 370 Madison ave. Walton, Berta, c. res 143 Hoyt. Walton, Bessie, c, res 143 Hoyt. Walton, Ed., c, lab. Athens Com. Co., res nr 479 River. Walton. Charlott, c. cook, res 475 Hoyt. Walton, Georgia, c, res 143 Hoyt. Walton. .lames, c. res 143 Hoyt. Walton, John, c, emp. Weatherly's stable, res 143 Hoyt. Walton, Lavonia. c, res 143 Hoyt. Walton, Lula. c. laundress, res 143 Hoyt.

BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN by the use of
Iron Settees, Vases and Trellis Work. We sell them. Phone 466. The GEORGIA STONE CO. - - 125 1-2 E. Clayton

We move Household Cknxls. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. _____A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



Walton, Mary, c, cook, res 143 Hoyt. *Walton, N. H. (Leila May, fireman power house, Athens Elec.
Rwy., res Boulevard, beyond city limits. Walton, Sallie, c, res 143 Hoyt. Walz, Ida M. Miss, teacher literature and German L. C. 1., res
220 N. Milledge. *Ward, Monroe (Annie), c, lab. res 290 Vine. Wardlaw, Janie Mrs. res 357 Strong. *Wardlaw, L. C. (Nona), elk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 357
Strong. *Wardlaw. W. H. (Blanche), elk M. & L. .Morris, res 169 E.
Dougherty. *Ware, Arthur (Annie May), c, res 258 Arch. Ware Lizzie, c. nurse O. R. Hinton, res 745 Milledge ave. Ware, Samuel .1. Dr., Peacock & Ware, bds 445 X. Milledge ave. * Warren, Alex (Ella), c, gardener, res 893 Water. Warren, Annie, c, res <Sli:', Water. Warren, Bertie May, c, res 145 Valley. *Warren, Harrison, (Lula), c. emp city, res 365 Vine. * Warren, Joseph, (Julia), c, emp Young's Stable, res 504 Foun-
dry. *Warren, Lawson, (Katie), c, emp J. H. Carlton, res 145 Valley. Warren. Mary. c. laundress, res S93 Water. Warren, M. A., student Athens Business College, bds 575 N
Jackson. Warren, Robert, c. res 893 Water. Washburn, H. K. Mrs., res 290 Hull. Washburn, R. A., clerk Talmadge Hdw. Co.. res 290 Hull. Washburn. Willie Ann Miss, res 290 Hull. Warwick. Jessie, emp W. R. Cooper Meat Market, bds 746
Pulaski. Warwick, May Miss, opr. So. Bell Tel. Co., bds 746 Pulaski. * Washington. Eugene. (Ollie). c, lab. res 340 First. Washington, James, c, res 340 First. Washington. Julia, c. res 240 Nacoochee ave. "^Waters, A.. (Emma), c, fireman So. R. R., res 123 Fifth. * Waters, D. R., (M. F.), emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 424 Nacoochee
ave. Waters, David S., res 424 Nacoochee ave. Waters, E. L.. emp Sou. Mfg. Co.. res 424 Nacoochee ave.

Smith Premier Typewriter Company "THE WORLD'S BEST."
S10eevtihsieblNeewwrMitiondgel No \i -1t-1tfDr PrepaacrhnttrrPePe aStt., /Avtnlaannttaa,

Many of the names herein listed use GAS for


not we desire to serve you too.




* Waters, Jno. S., (Lula), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 624 Nantahala ave.
Waters, L. T., student U. of Ga., rm 17 Candler Hall. Waters, Lollie Bell Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 424 Nacoochee
ave. * Waters. W. G., (Maude), osteopathic physician 609 So. Mut.
Ins. bldg., res 145 Grady ave. Watkins, Charity Mrs., emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 1447 Broad. *Watkins, George, (Mamie), fireman Climax Mill, res 395 Ga.
Depot St. *Watkins, John, (Margaret), carpenter, res 1424 E Broad. Watkins. Lizzie Miss, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 1447 E Broad. Watkins, Lizzie, c, res 7S3 Dearing. Watkins. M. G.. well digger, res 1447 E Broad. Watkins. Mahala Miss, emp Banner Job office, res J424 E Broad. Watkins. Mandy Miss, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 1447 E Broad. Watkins, Margaret Miss, res 398 Milledge ave. Watkins. Sarah O. Miss, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 1447 E Broad. Watkins, Speed, c, butler L. F .Edwards, res r 440 Milledge ave. Watkins, Thos., c. lab. res 148 Cherry. Watkins. Willie, res 1424' E Broad. Watkins, Wm., elevator opr. Sou. Munt. Ins. bldg., res 390 Han-
cock ave. Watson. Aco, c. lab, bds 180 Berry. * Watson. A. J., (Fannie), supt. city works, res 915 Chase. * Watson. A. .1.. (Georgia), carp., res 1353 Oconee. Watson, Denta Miss, stenogr. Electric Ry., res 247 Barber. Watson, D. D., fireman city, res 247 Barber. Watson, Dorris Miss, res 247 Barber. Watson, Ellis. c. emp So. Ref. Co., bds 542 W Broad. *Watson, E. P., (Linda), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 850 Boulevard. Watson. F. C. Mrs., res 142 Bryan. Watson, Florine Miss, res 1353 Oconee. *Watson, Geo.. (Sallie), c, emp Athens Ice & Coal Co., res 328
Atlanta ave. Watson. Henry G., carp., res 1353 Oconee. Watson, Howard, res 1353 Oconee. Watson. Hugh, student ('. of Ga., bds 360 Lumpkin. Watson. J. H., res 142 Bryan.

Handles everything in the Tin line. . .....


Prompt service extended to all customers.





* Watson, J. W., (Georgia), building contractor, res 247 Barber.

Watson, Mary Miss, res 142 Bryan.

Watson, Nellie Miss, res 915 Chase.

Watson, N. E. Mrs., res 1476 E Broad.

Watson, Theresa Miss, res 915 Ghase.

Watson, W. E., res 142 Bryan.

Weathers, H. L., City Transfer Co., bds 120 W Hancock ave.

Weatherford, Helen Miss, res 247 Prince ave.

Weatherford, Hurdee, res 247 Prince ave.

Weatherford, Louise Miss, res 247 Prince ave.

Weatherford, Montine Miss, res 247 Prince ave.

Weatherford, Ocodell, res 247 Prince ave.

Weatherford, Onee Miss, res 247 Prince ave.

*Weatherford, W. C., (Effie), retired merchant, res 247 Prince


Weatherly, Addie Miss, res 198 E Dougherty.

Weatherly, B. H., Weatherly & Son, res 393 E Dougherty.

*Weatherly, C. N., (Jennie), Weatherly Grocery Co., res 198 W


Weatherly, Chas. Jr., res 198 W Dougherty.

Weatherly & Co., sales stable, Broad St., nr Lumpkin.

Weatherly, Earl, res 198 Barber.

Weatherly, Eugene, res 198 Barber.

Weatherly Grocery Co., grocers, 115 E Clayton.

Weatherly, Guy, clerk Weatherly Grocery Co., res 198 W Dough-


* Weatherly, H. A., (Dora). Georgia Junk & Coal Co., res 298


*Weatherl, H. C., (Lovey), Georgia Junk & Coal Co., res 624 N



Weatherly, Jas., res 198 Barber.

* Weatherly, J. M., (Mary), Georgia Junk & Coal Co., res 474

E Dougherty.

Weatherly, Linnah, res 198 W Dougherty.

Weatherly, Lois, res 298 Baldwin.

Weatherly, Mildred, res 298 Baldwin.

Weatherly, Rupert, clerk J. P. Fears & Son, res 198 W Dougherty

Weatfterly, Ruth Miss, res 198 Barber.

Weatherly & Son, grocers, 201 N Thomas.

Plan Airv Kooms, Clean Sanitary Beds, Prompt.and * mn Polite Attention. One block from Post Office, half block from Georgian Hotel, half block from Opera House.

C. C. DEAN, 1'rop.

368'4 Washington St.


WHY IS THIS PRACTICAL? Because we know our Business


Clayton St.



''Weatherly, W. A., (Lula), Weatherly Groc. Co., res 198 Barber. * Weatherly, \V. H., (Alice), Weatherly & Son. res 393 E Dough-
erty. *Weames. .Tno.. (Minnie), e, carpenter, res 1387 W Broad. Weaver, Elizabeth Miss, res 127 Sapelo. * Weaver. Fred. (Mattie), carpenter, res 127 Sapelo. Weaver, Thos.. peddler, bds 198 Oconee. Webb, Amanda. c. laundress, res 348 Cleveland ave. Webb, Annie Mass, res 524 Prince ave. Webb & Crawford Co., wholesale grocers, 382 E Broad. Webb, Coy. < . res 489 Strong. Webb, Fred, c. emp Ga. Brick Co., res 348 Cleveland ave. *Webb, H. W.. (Ella), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 187 Ohattahoo-
chee ave. Webb, Janie May Miss, res 524 Prince. *Webb, Jeff, (Minnie), c. lab So. Ref. Co., 489 Strong. *Webb. J. X.. (Antyonette P.), Webb & Crawford Co., res 524
Prince ave. Webb, J. X. Jr., res 524 Prince ave. *Webb, Joe, (Minnie), c, butler L. C. I., res 175 Miller. *Webb, .Tno. W.. (Annie B.), com. agt. So. R. R., res 589 Meigs. *Webb. J. Q., (Alice), motorman Athens Elec Ry., res Satula
ave, bey. city limit. Webb. Xeitie P. Miss, res 524 Prince ave. *Webb. O. H., (Evie). conductor Electric Ry., res Satula ave.,
beyond city limit. Webb. Rollie, c. emp Ga. Brick Co., res 348 Cleveland ave. *Webb. Roy, (Esther), motorman Athens Elec. Ry., res Satula
ave.. beyond city limit. Webb, Sara Miss, res 589 Meigs. Webb, Win. G., res 589 Meigs. Weeks. J. C.. student U. of G., res S75 S Laimpkin. Weems. Jas.. c. res 694 Water. Weems. Katie, c. res 694 Water. * Weems. Wilson. (Hattie), well digger, res 694 Water. Weil, Richard B.. bkkpr. Wingfield Bros. & Co., bds 690 Han-
cock ave. * Welch. John, (Emma), emp So. Mfg. Co., res 187 Miles. Weloh, John W.. Griffeth & Welth, res 394 S Milledge ave. Weldh, Lena Miss, stenogr. Hamilton McWhorter, bds Y. W. C.
A. home.
I>HO.NK ion. Cal1 on the Athens Coal & Coke Co.

Health Insurance That Pays Your Claims

No compromise, no delavs, no technicalities.

Ynii Got tho Mnnov


IUU OCI 1116 mUllGJi Phone 71, Southern Mutual Building.



Welch, Lizzie, c, laundress, res 1468 Oconee.

* Welch, Ruben, (Laura), c, lab, res 1468 Oconee.

Welch, Servilia, c. laundress, res 1468 Oconee.

Welch, W. P. Mrs., res :}94 S Milledge ave.

Welcher, Fred, student U. of Ga.. bds 226 Dougherty.

Weldon, C. A., student U. of Ga., bds 297 Hull.

Wells, Augustus, student U. of Ga., bds 298 Barber.

Wells, Laura, c, laundress, 1270 W Broad.

Wells, Rosa Mrs., res 1275 Prince ave.


Wells, Ruth Miss, res 1275 Prince ave.

West, Andrew L., student U. of Ga., res 387 Hill.

West, Frances Miss, res 3'87 Hill. ^

West, Henry H., res 387 Hill.

*West, Henry 3., (Marion), atty. at law and city atty., office 125 Vi

E Clayton, res 387 Hill.

West, Lula Miss, stenogr. R. L. Moss Co.. bds 311 X Thomas.

Westbrooks, Carrie, c, cook, res 1053 Reese.

Westmoreland, Ellen Miss, res 973 Prince ave.

Westmoreland, Elvena Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dor-


Western Union Telegraph Co.. T. H. Gore. mgr.. 232 E Clayton.

Wheelers, C. A. Mrs., res 123% N Jaekson.

Wlheelers, C. H. Mrs., res 123% N Jackson.

Wheelers, Cora Miss, seamstress, res 123% X Jackson.

Wheelers. Eugene Miss, seamstress Michael Bros., res 123% N


*Wheeles, L. M.. (Lena), carpenter, res 877 College ave.

Whelchel, Clarence, clerk C. A. Scudder, res 175 Nacoochee ave.

Whelchel. Effle Miss, student S. N. S., res 175 Nacoochee ave.

Whelohel. Ella Miss, teacher, res 175 Nacoochee ave.

Whelchel. Margaret Mrs., res 175 Nacoochee ave.

Whitch. Frank, c, lab, res 398 Elbert.

White. Alrella, c, res 153 Valley.

White, Anderson, c, Emp. Chem. Wks., res 1695 E Broad.

White, Catherine, c. res 827 S Lumpkin.

*White. Chas.. (Susie), c. res 123 Cane.

*White. Ed.. (Millie, clerk Athens Hardware Co., res 663 N


*Whiite, E. D., (Bessie Dora), clerk post office, res 297 Hull.

White, Ellen, c, res 390 Augusta ave.

We fill your orders TO THE LETTER and deliver PROMPTLY

"A Word to the Wise is Sufficient."


125 N Lumpkin Street

Have your Vehicles rubber tired with KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES We put them on
ALLEN H. TALMAGE 240-252 N. Lumpkin



White. Elizabeth, c, res 1247 Hancock ave. *White, Frank, (Rebecca), c, emp Emp. Chem. Co., res 137
Fairview. White. George, emp Athens Compress, res 1695 E Broad. White. Gussie, c, res Madison ave., nr N. *WIhite. Harry C., (Ella), Prof. Chemistry U. of Ga., res 327
Mil ledge ave. White, Hulda, c, laundress, res 246 Pope. *White, James, (Julia), Pres. National Bank of Athens, res
570 Prince ave. White, Julia, c, teacher, res 123 Madison ave. White, Lillian, c, res 1695^ Broad. White, Lottie Mrs., res 345 Hiawassee ave. White. Magnolia, c, laundress, res 827 S Lumpkin. WTiite, M. B.. student U. of Ga., rm 27 Candler Hall. * White, Ned. (Mary), c, lab, res 286 First. White, Ophelia, c, res 123 Madison ave. White, Paul, c, bell 'boy The Georgian Hotel, res E Athens. White, Percy, c, res 286 Ftirst. White Pressing Club, M. A. Pearce, prop., 201 N Lumpkin. * White, R. T., (Alma), c, retired minister, res 123 Madison ave. White, Robert, c. brickmason, res 123 Madison ave. White, Sarah, c, servant A. L. Hull, res r 225 Milledge ave. White, Thomas W., c, res 1695 E Broad. White, William, c, bell boy The Georgian Hotel, res 123 Madison
ave. Whitehead, Ed., c, carp., res 596 W Broad. * Whitehead, E. E. Mrs., boarding house, res 272 W Hancock ave. * Whitehead. E. G., (Susie), farmer, res 1234 3 Lumpkin. Whitehead. Estelle Miss, cashier Harawa Cafe, res 272 ,W Han-
cock ave. Whitehead, Franklin, res 272 W Hancock ave. Whitehead. Fred J., clerk McGregor Co., bds 282 E Hancock ave. Whitehead. Jewell Miss, res 272 W Hancock ave. * Whitehead, J. W., (Ossie), emp Klein & Martin, res 921 E
Broad. Whitehead, Mamie Miss, res 272 W Hancock ave. Whdtehead, R. P., res 1450 S Lumpkin. Whitehead, Ruby Miss, student L. C. I., res 1450 S Lumpkin. Whitehead, S. K. Mrs., res 693 S Lumpkin.

A GAS RANGE is a coal range with a COLLEGE EDUCATION. It does twice the amount of work in less than half the time. We sell them. The GAS CO.

W. L. Hancock Coal Company

Office and Yard College Ave., Seaboard Ry.

Phone 707 257

Whitehead, Willie Lou Miss, res 1450 S Lumpkin. *Whitehead, W. J., (Lucy), res 1450 S Lumpkin. Whitehead, W. T., res 1234 Lumpkin. *Whitelhead, Z. M., (Cora), farmer, Bradberry, bey. city limit. Whitfield, Corinne, c, nurse, res 962 Reese. Whitfield, Ella, c, laundress, res 962 Reese. Whitfield, Florence, c, laundress, res 962 Reese. Whitfield, Jim, c. lab, res 962 Reese. Whitfield, Rebecca, c, cook, res 962 Reese. Whitfield, Richard, c, res 962 Reese. *Whitfield, Win., (Mittie), c, blacksmith, res 495 Reese. Whitley, Paul, emp Atihens Mat. & Spring Bed Co., bds 709 N
Thomas. *Whitner, Ben, (Mattie), brickmason, res 447 Reese. Whot, Joe, Chinese laundry, res 174 E Clayton. *Whittaker, J. F., (Emma), compositor Woman's Work, res 775
Pulaski. *Whitworth, W. C., (Clara V.), building contractor, res 228
Barber. Whitworth, Leila May Miss, res 228 Barber. *Whyte, Hinton, (Sallie). agt. S. A. L. Ry., bds 2X2 E Hancock
ave. *Wier, A. W., (Nannie), emp C. N. Hodgson, res 170 Grady ave. Wier, Alex, res 629 Hill. Wier, Annie R. Miss, casihier Athenaeum Cafe, res 175 Pulaski. *Wier, C. Y., (Annie Laurie), trav. salesman Webb & Crawford,
res 755 Baxter. Wier, Ed. D., trav. salesman Webb & Crawford Co., res 149 Cobb. Wier, Emmett L., clerk Michael Bros., res 149 Cobb. Weir, Daisy, c, res 147 Lyndon Row. *Wier, Henry, (Minerva), emp Athens Elec. Ry. Co.. res r E. S.
Cheatham's store. *\Vier, Hoyt, (Marjorie), hackman, res 175 Pulaski. Wier, Joel A., Athens Eng. Co., bds 357 Milledge ave. *Wier, Jno., (Ella), c, driver Sou. Mfg. Co., res 147 Lyndon Row. *Wier, John B., (Julia), mgr. Sou. Cotton Oil Co.. res 629 Hill. Wier, Jno. B. Jr., student U. of Ga., res 629 Hill. *Wier, J. B., (Sallie). grocer. Prince ave.. res Prince ave.. bey.
ci|#' limit. Wier, Jno. N., trav. salesman, res 149 Cobb.

If you are looking for the one soft

driuk whichisknown as the world'*

Favorite, we have it. You can't ct

it anywhere else, this is the mark of

distinction. See that it is on the

crown of erery bottle.

- -- - -



Iron Fencing for Cemeteries and Lawns.


Phone 466.

125 1-2 E. Clayton



Wier, J. W. Mrs., res 149 Cobb. Wier, Lithcoe, res 629 Hill. Wier, Mary Lou Miss, res 149 Cobb. Wier, Reese, emp Wingfield Cash Grocery, res 135 Park ave. *Wier, Robt., (Mattie), policeman, res 135 Park ave. Wier, Van Noy, res 629 Hill. *Wier, W. C., (Sarah J.), policeman, res 227 Dougherty. Wigley, Effie Miss, mob. opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 197 Mitchell. Wigley, Ella Miss, res 197 Mitchell. * Wigley,' vJ.V-> (Annie), res 197 Mitchell. Wigley, Onie Miss, res 197 Mitchell. * Wigley, Robt., (Maggie), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 297 Chatta-
nooga ave. *Wilbanks, Jno., (Minnie), printer McGregor Co., res 664 N
Jackson. *Wilbanks, O. A., (Inez), carpenter, res 863 Chase. Wiley, Ida, c, cook, res 148 Cherry. Wiley, Mary, c, res 148 Cherry. Wiley, Minnie, c, res 148 Cherry. Wiley, Tilda, c, laundress, res 148 Cherry. Wilhite, Jesse, clerk Michael Bros., bds 272 Hancock ave. Wilkes, Qhas., baker The Georgian Hotel. Wilkes, Marion, student U. of Ga., bds 298 Barber. Wilkins, Daisy, c, res 190 Miller.
Wilkins, E. I,., clerk Ga. Nat. Bank, res 679 Hill.
Wilkins, Estella, c, res 190 Miller. *Wilkins, J. J., (Jessie H.), Pres. Ga. Nat. Bank, res 694 Hill. Wilkins, J. J. Jr., res 694 Hill. *Wilkins, John, (Josephine), c, lab, res 190 Miller. Wilkins, John Henry, c, res 770 Bearing. Wilkins, Josephine Miss, res 649 Hill. Wilkins, Mary Miss, res 679 Hill. Wilkins, Maggie, laundress, res 770 Dearing. Wilkins, S. B., Pres. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Wks., res 679
Hill. Wdlkerson, Robt., c, vendor, res 239 Plum. Wilkerson, Gallic Miss, seamstress, res E Broad. Wilkinson, Bertie Miss, res 728 Cobb. Wilkinson, Candler, res 728 Cobb. Wilkinson, Ruby, c, res 387 First.



See him.

Promptness our specialty.

COOK WITH GAS It lessens the domestic care* and adds to the happiness of every home. Phone 54.



Wilkinson, W. E., c, porter Booth Bros., res 387 First. *Wilkinson, W. R., (Georgia), teacher, res 728 Cobh.
Wilkinson, Willie Miss, res 728 Cobb. *Willis, Dorsey, (Susie), c, emp. G. H. Hulme, res 375 Rock
Spring. Willis, Linton, c, emp Booth & McLeroy, res 375 Rock Spring. Willis, Susie, c, res 375 Rock Spring. *Wdlliams, Acie, (Millie), c, grocer 767 N Lumpkin, res same. Williams, Alex, c, emp J. H. Carl ton, res 185 Miller. *Williams, Alfred, (Hattie), c, plumber, res 1383 Hancock ave. Williams, Annie Lou Miss, clerk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 240
Baxter. Williams, Arabel, res 709 N Thomas. *Williams, Asa, (Mllly), c, res 788 Hoyt. Williams, A. T.. student U. of Ga., bds 850 Prince ave. *Williams, Ben B., (Tilda), c, trucker Webb & Crawford, re
260 S Thomas. Williams, Billy, o, res 185 Miller. Williams, Blanche, c, student Knox Institute, bds 465 Reese. Williams, Brooks, res 240 Baxter. * Williams, Chas., (Nancy), c, lab So. Ref. Co., res 164 Willow. Williams, Clara Mrs., res 357 Oak. Williams, Clifford, clerk J. P. Fears & Son, res 186 W Hancock
ave. *Williams. C. W., (Ida C.). motorman Athens Elec. Ry., res
Boulevard, bey. city limit. *Williams, Dilmas, (Mary), c, emp Cobb Lampkin, res 330 Macon
ave. Williams, Early, emp Grifteth Implement Co., res 1465 E Broad. Williams, Echols. emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 187 Thibbetts ave. *Williams, Ed., (Ruby), c, coachman, res 150 Morton ave. *Williams, Ed., (Josie), c, lab Ga. Brick Co., res 850 Water. Williams, Edgar, res 1465 E Broad. Williams, E. J. Mrs., res 624 Nantahala ave. Williams, Eliza, c, dressmaker, res 504 Foundry. Williams, Emma Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 1465 E Broad. Williams, Ennis, c, lab, res 185 Miller. Williams, Eula Miss, clerk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 709 N
Thomas. Williams, Fannde, c, cook, res r 137 Berlin. Williams, Fannie, c, laundress, res 185 Miller.
268 Clayton St. Athens, Ga.

"THfi WQHd'S BfiSt" See t116 New Model No. 10 Visible Writing.






Williams, F. H., clerk J. S. King & Co., res 186 W Hancock ave. 'Williams, Geo., (Susie), c, res 190 Parris. Williams, Harry, c, lab, res 1053 Reese. Williams, Hasty, c, res S Grove. Williams, Hattie Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 1465 E Broad. Williams, Hattie, c, cook, res 187 Flint. Williams, Harriet, c, laundress, res 260 S Thomas. Williams, Helena Miss, res 180 Barrow. Williams, Henry, emp Maxim Novelty Co.. res 240 Baxter. Williams, Henry, c, res 834 Reese. * Williams, Henry, (Emma), c, bridge gang S. A. L. Ry., res W
end Bearing. Williams, Henry, c, butler M. Stern, bds 558 W Broad. *Williams, Henry, (Carrie), c, cook Mrs. J. R. Cain, res 487
Athens ave. Williams, Henry, c, res 260 S Thomas. Williams, Ida, c, res 238 Cleveland ave. Williams, Ike, c, res 126 Grove. Williams, Inez Miss, emp Climax Mill, res 1465 E Broad. Williams, Jake, c, lab, res 1053 Reese. Williams, James, c, driver C. M. Bell, res r 820 E Broad. Williams, Janie, c, res 185 Miller. Williams, Jno. T., res Madison ave., north. Williams, John, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 624 Nantahala ave. 'Williams, Jno., (Martha), c, laborer, res 475 Hoyt. Williams, John H., c, res 126 Grove. Williams, J. H., printer Athens Banner, res 198 BaldwU. * Williams, J. J., (Etta), emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 187 Thibbetts ave *Williams, J. J., (Eddie), liveryman, res 186 W Hancock ave. *Williams, J. M., (Bessie), emp Athens Foundry, res 1465 E-
Broad. *Williams, J. R., (May), printer, res 150 Baxter. *Williams, J. R., (Dora), watchman Sou. Ref. Co., res 709 N
Thomas. Williams, Julia, c, res 834 Reese. Williams, Julia, c, res 185 Miller. Williams, Julia, c, laundress, res 197 Bridge. Williams, Julia, c, res 273 Lyndon ave. *Williams, L. T., (Louise), c, tile setter, res 190 Green. *Williams, Lee, (Nina), Sou. Mfg. Co., res 875 Boulevard.

UP-TO-DATE GR< X CER Everything fiorxl tr Eat

JOHN L ARNOLD PAINTS and WALL PAPER Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty and Artist Maierials Contract for House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging.
Telephone 115. Cor. Clavton and Jackson Sts.



Williams, Leila, c, res 156 Willow. Williams, Lizzie, c, res 193 Finley. Wdlliams, Lucy Miss, res 187 Thibbetts avee Williams, L. H., student U. of Ga., bds 273 Mallory ave. Williams, LutJher, res 187 Thibbetts ave. Williams. Lady, c, res 260 S Thomas. Williams, M. J. Mrs., res 198 Baldwin. Williams, Martha Mrs., res 1095 Hancock ave. Williams, Mary W. Mrs., res 1673 S Lumpkin. Williams, Mary Miss, res 240 Baxter. Williams, Mattie, c, laundress, res 330 Macon ave. Williams, Minnie May, c, res 260 S Thomas. Williams, Middie, c, cook, res r 135 Prince ave. Williams, Minerva, c, emp Miss M. Rutherford, res 840 Reese. Williams, Missie, c, cook, res 224 Washington. Williams, Mollie Miss, emp Sou. Mfg. Co., res 187 Thibbetts ave. Williams, Odie Miss, student Athens Bus. College, bds 247 Han-
cock ave. Williams, Oscar, c, lab, res 330 Macon ave. Williams, Ola, c, res 185 Miller. Williams, Pearl Miss, clerk Michael Bros., res 180 Barrow. *Williams, R. E., (Lucy), cotton weigher, res 780 Boulevard. Williams, Robt., emp So. Mfg. Co., res 624 Nantahala ave. * Williams, Roling, (Garnetta), c, emp Athens Transfer & Livery
Co., res 181 Valley. Williams, Rosa Mrs., res 785 Boulevard. Williams, Rosa Miss, mch. opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 287 Cemeter/ Williams, Ruth Miss, clerk Michael Bros., res 180 Barrow. Williams, S. C. Mrs., res 148 Hiawassee ave. Williams, S. H. Mrs., res 224 Milledge ave. Williams, Taccoa Miss, student Athens Bus. College, bds 247
Hancock ave. Williams, Thos.. c, res 834 Reese. Williams, T. R. Mrs., res 180 Barrow. Williams, Victoria Miss, emp Athens Mfg. Co., res 592 Oconee. Williams, W. A., ins. agt.. Continental Casualty Co., 154 * Clay-
ton, bds 663 S Jackson. *Williams, W. A., (Mildred), gardener, res nr 327 Oak. * Williams, Wm., (Mary), c, emp Empire Chem. Co., res 253

Athens Coal Coke Co
Phone 195.

Dead<wyler Wood & Coal Co

Office and Yard 973 College Avenue. Prompt Delivery. Phone 495.



*Williams, Wm., (Emma), c, drayman, res 126 Grove. Williams, Willie, c, teacher, res 280 3 Thomas. Williams, W. L., res 198 Baldwin. * Williams, W. J., (Sallie), carpenter, res 240 Baxter. * Williams, W. T., (Leona), plumber Dornblatt Plum. Co., res
1294 E Broad. Williamson, Cornelia Miss, res 545 Nantahala ave. Williamson, Florida Miss, res 165 Nacoochee ave. Williamson, G. H., grocer 145 E Clayton, res 748 Cobb. Williamson, Helen Miss, res 545 Xantahala ave. *Williamson, H. M., (Maude), baker Star Bakery, i^es 165
Nacoochee ave. Williamson, Holley, res 775 Barber. *Williamson, John X., (Kate), livery stable 148 W Washington,
res 545 Nantahala ave. Williamson, J. T., c, minister, bds 147 Green. Williamson, Roy, res 775 Barber. Williamson, Ruth Miss, res 545 Nantahala ave. WillJamson, Theo.. c, undertaker, res 883 Reese. *\Villaamson, W. B., (Mamie), emp Athens Transfer & Livery
Co., res 775 Barber. Williford, Carrie Miss, res 259 Finley. Williford, J. B. Mrs., res 327 Oak. Williford, J. S. Mrs., res 259 Finley. Willis, Ernest, c, res 115 Newton. Willis, Hal. c. emp city, res 115 Newton. Willis, Lula, c, res 115 Newton. Willis, Mary, c. res 193 Little. Willoughby, E. M. Miss, clerk Louis Morris, bds 235 Hull. 'Willoughby, Emory, (Julia), c, lab, res 298 Water. Willoughby. Maggie Miss, bds 235 Hull. Willoughby, Rebecca, c, res 430 Peters. Willingiham, B., student T'. of Ga., bds 435 Hill. Willingham, Emmie Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. T. dormitory. Willingham, J. I., student U. of Ga., bds 850 Prince ave. ^Willingham, John, (Nancy), c, lab, res 336 Atlanta ave. Willingham, Leila, c, laundress, res 369 Meigs. Willingham, Sandy, c, lab, res 147 Chase. * Wilson, A. O., (Peggie), machine agt., res 558 Pulaski. Wilson's Auction & Commission House. r73 E Broad.


Quick service a specialty.

DNaigyhPt hPohnoene303320--2


Tin and Tinners' Supplies.



Wilson, Bessie, c, bds 480 Billups.

Wilson, Cora Miss, student, bds 311 X Thomas.

Wilson, Cornelius, c, emp So. Oil Mill, bds 673 Pulaski.

Wilson, Dottie Miss, bds 390 Water.

Wilson, E. L. Miss, bds 648 Milledge ave.

Wilson, Frances Miss, res 296 Broad.

* Wilson, F. S., (Estelle), clerk Davison-Xioholson Co., res 343

E Dougherty.

Wilson, G. T., res 878 Oconee.

Wilson, Gladys Mass, res 175 Boulevard.

Wilson, Helen Miss, res 620 Barber.

* Wilson, James, (Adeline), c, emp Athens Elec. Ry., res 127

Augusta ave.

* Wilson, J. P., (Mary), Wilson Auction House, res 620 Barber.

Wilson, Joseph, emp Talmadge Bros., res 370 Church.

*Wilson, Joseph, (Evvie), c, fireman Athens Ice & Coal Co., res

147 Savannah ave.

*Wilson, L. L., (Minnie), carpenter, res 324 Bloomfield.

Wilson, L. A. Mrs., res 370 Church.

Wilson, I^ethe, c, nurse, res r 780 Boulevard.

Wilson, Lethe, c, laundress, res r 319 Meigs.

Wilson, Lizzie, c, laundress, res r 319 Meigs.

Wilson, Maggie Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory.

Wilson, Mary Mrs., res 359 Baxter.

Wilson, Melvin, res 370 Church.

*Wilson, Pop, (Fanny), c. emp Robt. Cole, res 596 W Broad.

Wilson, Robbie, emp Talmadge Bros., res 370 Church.

Wilson. Robt. C., Prof. Pharmacy U. of Ga., bds H4S Milledge ave.

Wilson, Roy E., res 878 Oconee.

*Wilson, R. L., (Tessie). upholster Garebold's shop, res 990


* Wilson, R. S.. t Vera ) . brick mason, res 87S Oconee.

Wilson, Wm., c, res 127 Augusta ave.

* Wills. J. E., (Josie). emn Athens Mfg. Co., res 237 Oak.

Wills, Jas. F.. mgr. E. I. Smith Shoe Co.. res 101 ^ E Clayton.

Wills, Mary E. Mrs., res 237 Oak.


Wills, Mattie Miss, emp Athens Mfg Co.. res 237 Oak.


Wills, Wrm., painter, bds 245^ X Thomas.

Wimberly, Harriett Mrs., dressmaker, res 510 Foundry.

Winburn, Wm.. student V. of Ga., bds 327 Hill.

. ,

Cor. Broad and Thomas Sts.

fPhone ITS

W, L, Hancock Goal Company

Prompt Delivery and Good Weight.

Office and Yard, College Avenue, Seaboard Railroad.

Phone 707



*Windford, Jno.. (Hattie), emp Emp. Ohem. Wks., res 1668 E
Broad. Windford, Jno. Jr., emp Emp. Chem. Wits., res 1668 E Broad. Winfrey, Aleck, c, umbrella repairer, 193 Prince ave., res same. Winfrey, Elonza, c, res 640 Broad. * Winfrey, Joe, (Susie), c, emp E. P. Fears, res 1128 Hancock ave. * Winfrey, Julius, (Fannie May), c, emp W. A. Jester, res 1133
W Broad. Winfrey, Leila, c, prop, restaurant, res 350 River. Winfrey, Marian, c, res 640 Broad. Winfrey, Paul, bds 340 Newton. Winfrey. Ressie, c, res 148 Chase. *Winfrey, Robt., (Lula). c, emp Empire Chem. Wks., res 140
Dublin. Winfrey, Susie, c, res 148 Chase. "Winfrey, Tobe, (Sarah), cook, res 228 Rock Spring. * Winfrey, Walter, (Cornelia), c, butler John Welch, res 780
Dearing. * Winfrey, Wesley. < Josie ) , c, gardener, res 168 Pope. Wingate, J. W.. student Athens Business College, res 180 Barrow. Wingate, Rosier, emp Bludwine Co., res 180 Barrow. * Wingfield, A. S.. (Adah), Wingfleld Cash Grocery Co., res 195
Barrow. Wingfield Bros. & Co., clothiers, 254 E Clayton. Wingfield, Callie, c, teacher, res 684 Foundry. Wingfield Cash Grocery Co., 457 E Broad. Wingfield. Chandler, res 195 Barrow. Wingfield. Edith Miss, res 195 Barrow. *Wingfield, Geo. T., (Annie), clerk Wingfield Bros. & Co., res
395 Barber.
Wingfield. Maggie, c. res 125 Pope. Wingfield. Middleton B., res 15C Boulevard. * Wingfield, R. S., (Mattie M.), Wingfield's Cash Grocery, res
1323 S Lumpkin. *Wdngfield, Sam B. Sr., (Elizabeth), county ordinary, res 395
Barber. * Wingfield, S. B. Jr., (Annie), Wingfield Bros. & Co., res 144
Grady ave. Wingfield, Walter, c, bell boy The Georgian Hotel, res 684 Foun-

YflN ^ -vou are lkiiitf for the one soft drink

^^ /^ which is known as the world's Favorite,

^^flmmmt we have it. You can't f>et it anywhere


S^w^&r else, this is the mark of distinction. See

that it is on the crown of every bottle. Athens Coca Cola Bottling Works,








*Wingfield, Wm. C., (Emma), Wingfield Cash Groc. Co., res 156 Boulevard.
Wingfield, Wm. C. Jr., res 156 Boulevard. Wingfield, Wm. D., c, res 125 Pope. * Wingfield, Wm., ( Ellen), c, cook, res 64 Foundry. Winn, Andrew, c, lab Athens Mfg. Co., bds 292 Fourth. Winn, C. S., meat market, nr 223 Hiawassee ave. Winn, Emma Mrs., res 342 Oak. Winn, Eva Miss, res 187 Tibbetts. *Winn, H. H., (Margie), painter, res 187 Tibbetts. Wrinn, Henry L.. painter, res 342 Oak. Winn, Sadie L. Miss, res 342 Oak. *Winn, Webb, (Deliah), lab, res E of Madison ave. Winston, A. P., foreman University farm, res Agricultural College
farm. Winter, M. J., carpenter, bds 798 Oconee. Wisdom, Louis E., student U. of Ga., bds 3S7 Milledge ave. *Wise, Wm., (Hattie), c, lab, res 536 Fourth. Witcher, Lois Miss, teacher public school, res 196 Henderson ave Witcher, Norma G. Mrs., res 196 Henderson ave. Witeher, W. T. Mrs., res 196 Henderson ave. *Wolf, Joe, (Lily), dry goods, 449 E Broad, res 653 College avo. Wood, A. R.. plumber D. W. Bailey, res 347 Baldwin. Wrood, Annie May Miss, res 230 Boulevard. *VVood, Bud. (Josephine), carp., res 160 Mitchell. Wood, Clarenee. men. opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 160 Mitchell. Wood. E. M., yard master C. of Ga. Ry.. bds 309 S Jackson. *Wood, E. W., (Lizzie), fireman city, res 824 Oconee. Wood, Evie Miss, men. opr. Athens Mfg. Co., res 160 Mitchell. Wood, Henry, res 347 Baldwin. Wood. Jesse, steam fitter, res 347 Baldwin. Wood, M., lab, res 160 Mitchell. Wood, Malissa Mrs., emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 142 Bryaii. Wood, Norman, res 824 Oconee. *Wood, R. F.. (Ella T.). constable Clarke county, res 347 Bald-
win. Wood, S. E.. Head & McMahan. bds 464 College ave.
Wood, Sheruian, res 347 Baldwin. Wood, Wm. E., painter, res 347 Baldwin.

Also Furnace work. J. E. CALDWELL

Lipscomb & Co. INS ANCE

Office Phone 109

Office Cor. Clayton

Residence 719__________and College Avenue



* Wood, W. L., (Celestia L.), city treasurer, office Oity Hall, res 230 Boulevard.
Woods, Alvon, clerk Talmadge Bros. & Co., res 385 Madison ave. *Woods, B. F., (Annde J.), emp Hard man & Phinizy, res 355
Madison ave. Woods, Elizabeth Miss, res 385 Madison ave. Woods. Ellice M.iss, res 385 Madison ave. Woods, Gussie Miss, teacher E Athens night school, res 378 Oak. * Woods, J. W., (Emma), farmer, res 385 Madison ave. Woods, Mary Miss, res 385 Madison ave. Woods, Ralph, student U. of Ga., bds 435 Hill. Woods, Robt., bkkpr. King-Hodgson Co., res 385 Madison ave. Woods. Sidney Miss, res 385 Madison ave. *Woods, Sonny, (Carrie), c. emp J. M. Rogers, res r 598 Prince
ave. Woodcock. Jno. B.. student V. of Ga.. bds 301 Washington. Woodall, Alonzo, c. res 350 First. Woodall, Amanda, c, laundress, res 350 First. Woodall, Annett, c, laundress, res 350 First. Woodall, Delia, c. res 130 Valley. Woodall, Emma Mrs., res 150 Waddell. Woodall, Xach, c, res 393 Augusta ave. Woodside, J. J. J.r, student U. of Ga., bds 535 Prince ave. Woody. Arthur, c, res 146 Pope. Woody, Carrie L., c, res 146 Pope. * Woody. James, (Emma), c, butler Dr. Hunnicutt, res 146 Pope. Woody, James A., c, res 146 Pope. *Woofter. T. J., (Callie G.), Prof. Psychology and Education U.
of Ga.. res 347 Hill. Woofter. T. Jack Jr., student U. of Ga., res 347 Hill. Wortham. John, emp Athens Mfg. Co., bds 280 Williams. Wortham. Minnie Miss, emp Athens Mfg. Co., bds 280 Williams. Wooten. Ben, res 185 Baxter. Wooten, Gertrude Miss, res 185 Baxter. *Wooten, Thos. B., (Ophelia), book store 278 E Clayton, res
185 Baxter. Wray, Carrie E.. c, res 357 Lyndon ave. Wray, Lucile A., c, res 357 Lyndon ave. *Wray, Seymore, (Lucy), c, cook S. N. 8., res 357 Lyndon ave. Wray, John Jr., c, res 294 Springdale. Wrig-ht, Grady, emji So. Mfg. Co., res 223 Chattanooga ave.

BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN by the use of
Iron Settees, Vases and Trellis Work. We sell them. Phone 466. The GEORGIA STONE CO. - - 125 1-2 E. Clayton

We move Household Goods. All kinds of hauling The Best Livery Teams in Town. Phone 661

THE ATHENS TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. _____A. P. Deadwyler, Mgr. Athens, Ga.



* Wright, Hal, (Maude), printer Clarke County Courier, res 170 Poplar.
Wright, Louie Miss, res 170 Poplar. Wright, Mamie Miss, emp So. Mfg. Co.. res 223 Chattanooga ave. Wright, M. C., student U. of Ga., bds 120 Grady ave. Wright. Nettie Miss, clerk Michael Bros., res 170 Poplar. Wright, Oscar, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 223 Chattanooga ave. *Wright. R. T., (Minnie), liveryman, res 358 Ooonee. Wright, S. A. Mrs., res 223 Chattanooga ave. *Wright, S. G., (Zora), emp Moss Mfg. Co., res 792 Oconee. Wright, W. B. Mrs., res 170 Poplar. Wright, Annie, c, laundress, res 442 Cleveland ave. Wright, Dawson, emp So. Mfg. Co., res 223 Chattanooga ave. Wright, Graham, student U. of Ga., bds 3S7 Milledge ave. Wright, Isaac, c, res 442 Cleveland ave. Wright, James, student I", of Ga., bds 265 College ave. Wright, James, c, res 360 Cleveland ave. Wright, J. W., (Addie), c, grocer 360 Cleveland ave.. res same. Wright, John, c, res 179 Washington. Wright, Mamie, c, res 360 Cleveland ave. Wright, Rosa Lee, o, res 360 Cleveland ave. Wright, Sarah, c, cook, res 442 Cleveland ave. Wright, Tate, student U. of Ga., bds 398 Milledge ave. Wright, W. W., student U. of Ga., bds 360 Hancock ave. * Wright, William, (Nettie), c, lab. res 442 Cleveland ave. Wyms, Amanda, c, res 948 Reese. Wynne, M. F., student U. of Ga.. bds 695 Prince ave. Wyres, Eliza, c, laundress, res 320 First. Wright, William, c, res 360 Cleveland ave.

Yancey. Ixmrine. c, res 275 Arch. Yancey, Henry, c, emp city, res W Broad, nr city limit. Yancey, Nettie, c, res 275 Arch. Yarbrough, B. A. Mrs., grocer 1226 \V Hancock ave.. res 125
Inadale. Yarbrough, Bell Miss, clerk J. S. Bernstein, res 631 N Thomas.
Smith Premier Typewriter Company
S10eevithsieblNeewwrMitiondgel No 1i 1111D/. P^<eaaacrnhttrrPefe a^ti - AAttllaannttaa,

Many of the names herein listed use GAS for


not we desire to serve you too.


268_____ ATHENS, GA., DIRECTORY--1909.

Yarhrough. C., grocer, Prince ave., bey. city limit. Yarbrough, Jno., res 125 Inadale. Yarbrough, T. V. Mrs., res 631 N Thomas. * Yarbrough, W. H., (Hattie), meat market cor. Prince ave. and
Hill, res 124 Hall. Yates, L., student U. of Ga., bds 120 Grady ave. Yaw, Lillian Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Yearwood. Alice Miss, res 798 Boulevard. Yearwood, Ben Ellis, res 798 Boulevard. *Yearwood, C. H., (Melite), blacksmith, res 798 Boulevard. Yearwood, Ewell, carpenter, res 798 Boulevard. Yearwood, Monia Miss, clerk Davison-Nicholson Co., res 798
Boulevard. Yerby, Bell, c. cook, res 932 College ave. Yerby, Homer, (Lula), c, lab, res 447 Third. Yerby, Vienna, c, nurse, res 932 College ave. Yerby, Daisy, c, cook, res r 590 Lumpkin. Young Men's Christian Assn., W. T. Forbes, gen. sec., 215% N
Lumpkin. Young Women's Christian Assn. rest rooms, Miss Dessie Sellers,
sec. 184% E Clayton. Young Women's Christian Assn. Boarding Home, 311 N Thomas. Young, Anna May, c, teacher, res 750 Bearing. Young, Chas., c, res 285 Cleveland ave. Young, C. M., (Inez), clerk Athens Terminal Co., res 715 N
Jackson. * Young, C. T., (Hortense), livery stable, 392 E Washington,
Justice of the Peace, office 388 E Washington, res 715 N Jackson. Young. Geo. T.. Athens Parlor Market, res 228 Gherry. Young, Hattie, c, laundress, res 354 Pope. Young. Jennie Miss, student L. C. I., bds L. C. I. dormitory. Young, Jennie, c, teacher, res 770 Dearing. *Young, Jas., (Addie), c, lab, res 270 China. * Young, Jerry J., (Susan), printer, office Foun-dry St., res 447 Rock Spring. Young, I^aura, c, laundress, res 127 Phinizy. Young, Leola, res 354 Pope. * Young. L. N., (Florence), mgr. Athens Gas Co., res 721 Milledge ave.

Handles everything in the Tin line. . .....

Prompt service extended to all customers.

JNO. L. ADAMS, Prop.



Young, Luther, c, lab, res 127 Phinizy. Young, Maggie Lee Miss, res 228 Cherry. Young, May Bell, c, res 354 Pope. Young, M. E. Mrs., res 228 Cherry. Young, Moses, c, carpenter, bds 750 Chase. Young, Roy G., res 228 Cherry. Young, Wiley T., At/hens Parlor Market, res 228 Cherry. *Young, William, (Annie), c, plasterer, res 127 Phinizy. Young, William, c, res 127 Phinizy. Young, Willie, c, laundress, res 285 Cleveland ave. Youngblood, Bell Miss, res 140 Park ave. *Youngblood, Calvin, (Maude), carpenter, res 140 Park ave. Youngblood, Willie, emp Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co.,
res 140 Park ave. *Younkin, E. H., (Leona), Webb & Crawford, res 386 Hill.

Flower Vases, Settees, Fountains and Hitching Posts. ^Ve sell them at reasonable prices.
Phone 466. The GEORGIA STONE CO. 125 1-2 E. Clayton


Cobb, Edwin N., Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Spink, Wm. E., E. N. Cobb, agt.,
Sou. Mut. bldg.
Pavesich, Paul, studio 645 Boulevard.
ATTORNEYS. Brand, C. H. (judge), off. Sou. Mut.
Ins. bldg. Camak. James W., off. 151% E.
Clayton. Cobb, Howell, judge city court, off.
court house. Cobb & Erwiii, (Andrew J. Cobb
and Howell C. Erwinl, off. 206 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg., phone 86. Foster, J. V., atty. and justice of peace, off. 109, phone 767, Hodgson-Shackelford bldg., res 198 Bloomfield. Gamble. Jno. II., atty. at law and county atty.. off. 201-202-203 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg, phone 255, res 395 Church, phone 255-2, also office of Clarke County Commissioners. Green, Thos. F-, off. Sou. Mut. bldg. phone 510; res 1143 Prince ave. phone 510-2. Howard, Robt., off. 101% E. Clayton. Hull, Joseph L., off. Hodgson-Shackelford bldg.

Hunnicutt, Deupree, off. 465 Broad. Lumpkin, E. K., off. Hodgson-Shack-
elford bldg. McWhorter, Hamilton off. Sou. Mut.
Ins. bldg. Mell, T. S., off. 283% E. Broad. Price, E. S.. off. 259% E. Clayton. Shackelford & Shackelford, 105
Hodgson-Shackelford bldg. Michael, Max, off. 417 Sou. Mut.
Ins. bldg., phone 484, res 598 Prince ave, phone 101. Smith, Wolver M., off. 259% E.
Strickland, Jno. J. off. 604-605 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg., phone 122, res 489 N. Milledge ave., phone 108.
Thomas, Geo. C., off. 406 Sou. Mut. ins. bldg., phone 385, res 136 Hull, phone 348.
Tribble, Sam'1 J., off. 157% College ave.
Tuck, Henry C., off. 603 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg.
I'pson, Frank L. atty. at law and referee in bankruptcy, off. 185% College ave, phone 377, res 1022 Prince ave, phone 37.
I'pson, Stephen C., atty. at law and solicitor city court, off. 185% College ave, phone 377, 'res Prince ave., cor Nacoochee ave. phone 55.
West, Henry S., atty. at law and city attorney, off. 125% E. Clayton, phone 466, res 387 Hill, phone 487.



AUCTIONEERS. Wilson's Auction & Commission
House, 573 E. Broad.
AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. Athens Garage, A. Costa, prop, 245
N. Thomas. Bishop, Walter H., 133 W. Clayton. Eppes, B. T., 120 E. Washington.
AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING. Athens Garage, 245 i\. Thomas. Eppes, B. T., 120 E. Washington. Sparks, H. B., 133 W. Clayton,
phone 351.

Georgia National Bank, cor College ave and Clayton.
National BanK of Athens, 287 E. Broad.
University Savings Bank, 279 E. Broad.
BICYCLES. Athens Cycle Co., T. P. Griffeth &
A. A. Jordon, 264 N. Lumpkin.
BICYCLE REPAIRING. Athens Cycle Co., 264 N. Lumpkin. Eppes, B. T., 120 E. Washington. Sparks, H. B.,. 133 W. Clayton
phone 351.

Boston Bakery, 896 College ave. Star Bakery, Arnold & Abney props,
223 W. Hancock ave.

BILLIARDS AND POOL ROOMS. Bacon, Ed. D., 146 E. Clayton. Carter, William, c, 217 S. Thomas. Davis, W. H., 164 E. Clayton. Petropol, Victor, 187 E. Clayton.

Anderson & Johnson, c, 638 E. Broad.
Bryant, A. M., basement Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg.
Cooper & Phillips, 186 E. Clayton, also 115 College ave.
Hardeman, Walter, c, 163 E. Br'd. Harris, R. S., c, 184 E. Clayton,
(white patrons). Hudson, Tob.. c, 550 River, (white
patrons). McQueeu, Sam'1, c, (white patrons),
148 Wall. O. K. Barber Shop, 173 N. Jackson. Palace Barber Shop, c, below 144
E. Clayton. Reid, L. W., c, 181 N. Thomas. Shaw & Aaron, nr 223 Hiawassee. Smith & Kenyon, 157 N. Thomas. Georgian Hotel, cor Washington &
Athens Savings Bank, Myer Stern, pres., 283 E. Broad.
Citizens Bank & Trust Co., 197 E. Clayton.

BLACKSMITHS. Bailey, Louis, E. Washington, nr
Georgian Hotel. Chandler & Pledger, 250 W. Clay-
ton. Escoe, Joseph, cor S. Jackson &
Fulton. Garfield, Tom, c, 187 W. Washing-
ton. Garfield, Wm., c, Fears' stable, W.
Clayton. Harris Thos., c, Oconee st. East
Athens. Klein & Martin, Mitchell nr C. of
Ga. depot. Nichols T. J., River st. nr bridge. Pickrell, Benj. R., 362 E. Hancock,
BOARDING HOUSES. Adams, S. L. Mrs., 120 W. Hancock. Anthony, T. B., 198 Oconee. Bray, M. F. Mrs., 361 N. Thomas. Burnette, W. B., Mrs., 436 Hill. Cain, Luna M. Mrs., 282 E. Han-
cock ave. Childers, Mattie Mrs., Boulevard,
beyond city limits.


Clifton, Y. B. Mrs., 390 S. Lumpkin. Collins. Eflfie Mrs., 770 College ave. Dabbs, M. M. Mrs. 382 E. Dougherty Downer, M. E. Mrs., 247 W. Han-
cock ave. Henley, Kate Mrs., 846 College ave. Lockhart, M. .1. Mrs., 818 College
ave. Patterson, I. H. Mrs. 305 S. Jack-
son. Patterson, M. M. Mrs. 657 Xanta-
hala ave. Pittman, J. H. Mrs., 245 S. Jackson. Potts, Addie Mrs., 142 W. Clayton. Sims, B. H., 363 E. Hancock ave. Thompson, M. B., Mrs., 235 Hull. Whitehead, E. E. Mrs. 272 Han-

O'Farrell, A. H., 424 % E. Broad, phone 214.
Rhodes, J. F. & Co., Swift bldg, phone 150.
Steedman, William, Swift bldg.
BUILDERS' SUPPLIES. Builders Supply Co., 190 E. Clay-
ton, phone 530.
Athens Business School, Mrs. M. L. Reed, prin, 151% E. Clayton.
Athens Business College, 465 E. Broad.

McGregor Co., 321 E. Clayton. Wootten, Thos. B., 278 E. Clayton.
Athens Coca-Cola Bottling Co., L. C. Brown, mgr., 198 W. Hancock ave.
Athens Bottling Wks, 315 S. Jackson.
Bludwine Bottling Co., 227 Oconee. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Wks, 548 E.
Clayton. Viva Beverage Co.. cor Oconee and
Barrett. T. H., 775 Prince ave. Stovall, Harvey. Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg.
BROKERS, MERCHANDISE. Carter, A. J., off. Sou Mut. Ins bldg. Hinton, O. R. & Co., Swift bldg. Hodgson, (has. N., Sou. Mut Ins.
bldg, phone 60. Johnson, P. S., Swift bldg. Jones. Hayden C., Sou. Mut. Ins.
bldg. McCulloiif?h. N. .M.. ;<M Sou. Mut.
Ins. bldg.

Athens Candy Factory, C. W. Parr, mgr. 196 W. Washington.
Garrow's Candy Kitchen, Henry Julin, mgr. 143 College ave.
CARRIAGE BUILDERS. Klein & Martin, Mitchell, nr. C. of
Ga. Rwy. Pickrell, Benj. R., 362 E. Hancock
CIGARS & TOBACCO. Athens Cigar Store, Max Jacob,pro-
prietor, 224 E. Clayton. Canning, L. P., 282 E. Clayton. Costa's Cafe, 230 College ave. Davis, W. H., 164 E. Clayton. Harawa Cafe, 171 College ave. llion Cafe, 1OO College ave. McEvoy, E. C.. 495 Prince ave. Orr Drug Co., College ave., cor.
Clayton. Palmer, H. R. & Sons, 225 E. Clay-
ton. Smith, Warren J. & Bro., distribu-
tors Owl Cigars, cor. Broad and Thomas. Thompson, R. W., Georgian Hotel. Thorton Bros. Cafe, 274 E. Clayton. V. D. L. Cafe, 165 E. Clayton.


CIGARS MANUFACTURERS. Picard, E. 145% E. Clayton.
Barnett, J. W. office city hall Phone 398.
Cobb, E. N. office Sou. Mut. Bldg. Barrow, B. H., 248 Spririgdale. Smith, Royal R., off. 684 College
ave. Stanley. T. P., off. 202% E. Clay-
Ableman, Philip, 260 N. Jackson. Baker, H. A. 189 N. Thomas. Boley, Sol J. 149 E. Broad. Boley, Sidney, 424 E. Broad. Buchwald, E. 401 E. Broad. Davis, J. 144 E. Clayton. Dorsey, E. H., 255 E. Clayton. Farbstein, M. 123 N. Jackson. Goldwasser, Henj. 195 E. Clayton. Head & McMahan, Clayton corner
Jackson. Joel, Abe, 312 E. Broad. Patterson & Co., 447 E. Clayton. Rochester Clothing Co., 351 East
Broad. Stern, Chas. & Co. 233 E. Clayton. Wingfleld Bros & Co., 254 E. Clay-
ton. Wolf, Joe, 449 E. Broad.
Athens Coal & Coke Co., W. P. Vonderau, mgr., 205 S. Thomas.
Athens Ice & Coal Co., M. L. Manne mgr, Cleveland ave, cor Seminole.
Athens Coal & Brokerage Co., Henry Heard mgr, 252 Foundry.
Deadwyler Wood & Coal Co., 973 College ave.
Georgia Junk & Coal Co., J. M. Weatherly agt, 320 Foundry.
Hancock, W. L., Coal Co., College ave, nr S. A. L. Rwy.

COKE DEALERS. Athens Gas Co., cor Washington &
Thomas. Athens Coal & Coke Co., W. P. Von-
derau mgr, 205 S. Thomas.
Crane, G. S. & Co., off. 268 E. Clayton, wks cor Mulberry and E. Broad.
CONCRETE WORKERS. Georgia Ferro Concrete Co., off.
Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Osborne, Ike, c, 160 Strickland. Parker, J. T., 828 N. Lumpkin. Robertson, Geo., c, 150 Warsaw .
CON FECTION ERS ( Dealers). Costa's Cafe, 230 College ave. Garrow's Candy Kitchen, 143 Col-
lege ave. Harawa Cafe, 171 College ave. llion Cafe, 100 College ave. Thornton Bros. Cafe, 274 E. Clay-
ton. V. D. L. Cafe, 165 E. Clayton.
CONTRACTORS, BUILDING. Adkins, R. C., res 629 Cobb. Brockton, Thos., bds 282 E. Han-
cock ave. Broome, J. D., 240 Nacoochee ave. Collins, J. M.. 215 W. Washington. Cross. J. B., 1075 S. Lumpkin. Eppes, Emory T., 615 Pulaski. Gray, W. S., 419 Boulevard. Jackson, Henry, 195 Hill. Morton, M. B., c, off. 144% E.
Clayton. Xit-hols, T. J., off. 619 Sou. Mut.
Ins. bldg, phone 586. Ross, H. W., 798 Baxter. Saye, J. A., 723 rsaxter. Save, R. E., 244 Nacoochee ave. Smith Construction Co., 156 Col-
lege ave. Watson, J. W., 247 Barber. Wallace, W. J., 432 Billups. 'Vhitworth, W. C., 228 Barber.



Bluhm, Sydney, 126% Oconee. Brantley. .1. R., Swift bldg. Butt, L. F., King- Hodgson bldg. Chamberlain, S. J., (broker), 126%
Oconeo. Chipley, J. \\\, Swift bldg. Crane, B. A., (broker), 116% N.
Thomas. Deadwyler & Smith, 617 Sou. Mut.
Ins. bldg. Ford, B. B. & Co., 126% Oconee. Griffith & Welch (factors), 163 W.
Clayton. Hardeman & Phinizy, (factors)
King-Hodgson bldg. Hodgson Cotton Co. (factors), cor
Broad & Oconee. Kilpatrick, I. T., 433% E. Broad. In man, Akers & Inman. (brokers),
Swift bldg., J. M. Rogers agt. Miller & Co. (factors), 130 Oconee. Moss, R. L. & Co., 361% E. Clayton. Orr, J. M., 584 M, E. Broad. Orr, W. C., 155 E. Clayton. Story, S. F., 165 N. Thomas.
Griffith & Welch, 163 W. Clayton. Hardeman & Phinizy, King-Hodgson
bldg. Hodgson Cotton Co. cor Broad &
Oconee. Miller & Co., (factors), 130 Oconee. Story Bros, 165 N. Thomas.
Cousar Furniture Co., 128 College ave.
Dudley, J. T. 264 E. Clayton. Huggins, J. H. & Son, 350 E. Broad. McClure's lOc Store, 275 E. Clayton.
Alien, T. A., Jr., off. 184% Moss bldg., Clayton st., phone 83.
Belts, L. N., 125% E. Clayton. Burney, J. H., c, 144% E. Clayton. Hudson & Lowrance, 408 Sou. Mut.
Ins. bldg.

McNeil, D. H., Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Mason, J. H., 295% E. Clayton. Peacock & Ware, 212 Sou. Mut. Ins.
bldg. Quillian, A. C., 254% E. Clayton. Ryder, C. A., 295% E. Clayton. Slaughter, N. G., 312 Sou. Mut. Ins.
bldg. Slaughter, W. M., 220% E. Clayton.
DRUGGISTS & PHARMACISTS. Canning, L. P., 282 E. Clayton st.,
phone 642. McEvoy, E. C., 495 Prince ave. Orr Drug Co., i99 E. Clayton, cor
College ave. Palmer. H. R. & Sons, 225 E. Clay-
Smith, Warren .1. & Rro., 481 E. Broad, phone 178.
DRY G(X)DS. Baker, H. A., 189 N. Thomas. Bernstein, J. S., 417 E. Broad. Boley, Sol. J., 409 E. tfroad. Boley, Sidney, 424 E. Broad. Buchwald, E., 401 E. Broad. Davis, J., 144 E. Clayton. Davison-Nicholson Co., 283 E. Clay-
ton. Farbstein, M., 123 N. Jackson. Goldwasser, Benj., 195 E. Clayton. Joel, Abe, 312 E. Broad. Link, Moses, 425 E. Broad. Michael Bros, Clayton, cor Wall. Morris, Louis, 378 E. Broad. Morris, M. & L., 311 E. Broad. Patterson & Co., 447 E. Clayton. Wolf Joe, 448 E. Broad.
ELECTRIC LIGHT. Power and Railway Companies. Athens Electric Rwy. Co., J. Y. Carithers, pres., C. D. Flanigen, gen'l mgr., off. 217 E. Hancock ave.
Athens Engineering Co. 475 E. Clayton.



Eppes, B. T., 120 E. Washington. Taylor, Everett P., 198 College ave.
FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS. Athens Foundry & Mch. Wks, E. H.
Odom, gen'l mgr., 234-252 Foundry.
Athens Fruit Co. (wholesale and retail), 121 E. Clayton.
Fort, Jno. P., (grower), 290 S. Milledge ave.
Bernstein, J. S., 432 E. Broad. Cousar Furniture Co., 128 College
ave. Dorsey & Funkenstein, 414 E.
Clayton. Dudley, J. T., 264 E. Clayton. Dunaway, B., 249 X. Thomas. Lampkin, Cobb, Lumpkin, st., cor
Washington. Morris. M. & L., 332-334 E. Broad.
Athens Garage. A. Costa, Jr.. prop.
245 X. Thomas. Bishop. W. H., 133 W. Clayton. Eppes. B. T., 120 L. Washington.
Ableman, Philip, 260 X. Jackson. Baker, H. A., 189 N. Thomas. Boley, Sol J., 409 E. Broad. Boley, Sidney, 424 E. Broad. Buchwald, E., 401 E. Broad. Davis, J., 144 E. Clayton. Dorsey, E. H., 255 E. Clayton. Head & McMahan, 301 E. Clayton. Joel, Abe, 312 E. Broad. Morris, M. & L., 311 E. Broad. Rochester Clothing Co., 351 E.
Broad. Stern, Chas. & Co.. 233 E. Clayton. Wingfield Bros & Co., 254 E. Clay-

Aaron, D. M., 383 Ga. Depot. Anderson, J. R., 684 Pulaski. Andrew, W. H., 984 Chase. Andrew, T. J., E. Clayton st., cor
Thomas. Arnold & Abney, 223 W. Hancock. Arnold, Ed. J., 845 Baxter. Bailey, C. F., 198 Elbert. Barber, H. B., 340 Madison ave. Benton, T. H., 207 Grace. Booth Bros., cor River & Water. Booth, Foster & Co., 881 College
ave. Booth, W. R., 205 N. Thomas. Brooks & Center, 523 Prince ave. Brown. \V., c, 1353 W. Hancock are. Buchner, O. F., 1127 Oconee. Center, A. M., Chase, cor Boulevard. Cheatham, E. S., Prince ave, beyond
city limits. Church, S. L. & Co., 1115 S. Lump-
kin. Collins, George 773 College ave. Collins, R. A., 1095 W. Hancock. Cook, A. H., 387 W. Broad. Couche, F.. Prince ave, beyond city
limits. Echols, Scott, c, 1538 W. Broad. Elder, J. I., c. 12a3 W. Broad. Fears, J. P. & Son, 153 E. Clayton. Fleeman, J. M., 153 Cleveland ave. Glenn, W. J., nr 350 Madison ave. Goolsby. John, c, next 248 Arch. Haddock, Wm., 130 Lyndon ave. Hart, Mary C. Mrs. 520 Water. Holbrook, G. P., 376 Oconee. Holbrook, M. J. c, 563 W. Broad. Holmes, E. J., cor Broad & Foundry. Holms, Z. H., 395 Water. Huen, S. T., 674 N. Thomas. Jordan, Wm. c, 328 Flint. Keese, J. S., 497 Prince ave. Marbut, Henry D.. 125 Lumpkin. Matthews, Vincent, 1285 Oconee. Matthews, M. P., 303 N. Thorn;.*
groceries and country product', phone 323. Oconee Grocery Co., 420 Oconee. Parr, G. D., 1687 S. Lumpkin. Payne, H. M., c, 942 Reese.



Pledger M. M., 1031 E. Hroad. Pope, J. P., 154 X. Thomas. Potts, W. J., Chase, cor Boulevard. Powell, T. \V., 340 Barber. Proctor, W. J., 258 Springdale. Scott, Sam, c, 670 Fifth. Shy, W. H., cor Lumpkin & Baxter. Smith. F. W.. 1098 W. Broad. Smith, Henry, 315 Baxter. Taylor, T. H., 150 Ware. Tiller, W. C.. 788 Baxter. Tuck, W. B. & Co. cor Peters & E.
Broad. Weatherly Grocery Co., 115 E. Clay-
ton. Weatherly & Son, 201 X. Thomas. Wier, J. B., Prince ave., beyond city
limits. Williams, Acie, c, 767 X. Lumpkin. Williamson, G. H., 145 E. Clayton. Wingfield Cash Grocery Co., 457 E.
Broad. Yarborough, B. A. Mrs., 1226 W.
Hancock ave. Yarborough, C., Prince ave, beyond
city limits.
Arnold Grocery Co., cor Hoyt & X. Thomas.
Eppes-Wilkins Co., 597 E. Broad. Hulme, Geo. H., cor Thomas & Oco-
nee. King-Hodgson Co., Broad, cor Oco-
nee. /almadge Bros & Co., 155 E. Clay-
ton. Webb & Crawford Co., 382 E. Bro'd. Wingfield Cash Grocery Co., 457 E.
Briscoe & Son, 121% E. Clayton. Eppes, B. T., 120 E. Washington. Sparks, H. B. 133 W. Clayton, phone
HA IK DRESSING. MANICURING & CHIROPODY. Bookhammer's Hair Dressing Parlors, 260% X. Jackson.

Bryant's Ladies Hair Dressing Parlors, 610-611 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg.
HARDWARE. Athens Hardware Co., W. B. Jack-
son mgr., 480 E. Broad. Bailey Supply Co., 465 E. Clayton. Bondurant & Co., 361 E. Clayton. Fleming-Dearing Hdw. Co., 351 B.
Clayton. Talmage Hardware Co., 131 E.
HARNESS DEALERS. Griffeth Implement Co., 456-464 E.
Broad. Martin Bros, 455 E. Clayton. Sledge, E. D., 132-138 X. Thomas. Talmage, A. H., 240-252 N. LumpFleming-Dearing Hdw. Co., 351 E.
HATS WHOLESALE. Manhattan Hat Co., 211 X. Thomas.
HOSPITALS & SANITARIUMS. St. Mary's Hospital, Drs. H. M. Full-
ilove and J. P. Procter), 360 N. Milledge ave. Born, M. A., Sanitarium, 869 Hill.
HOTELS. Athenaeum Hotel, (European plan)
V. Petropol prop, 175% E. Clayton, phone 705. Aldean Annex, 368% E. Washington. Georgian Hotel, Washington, cor Jackson. Green Hotel, 115 X. Lumpkin.
ICE CREAM DEALERS. Bowden, W. D., 301 E. Washington. Canning, L. P., E. Clayton. Costa's Cafe, 230 College ave. King, A. L., 164 E. Clayton. Harawa, The, 171 College ave. llion Cafe, 100 College ave. ..icLane, A. J., cor College ave and



Thornton Bros. Cafe, 274 E. Clayton.
V. D. L. Cafe. 165 E. Clayton.
Life and Accident.
Abney M. J., 516 So. Mut. Ins. bldg. Avery, Albert, c, 150 Hendricks
ave. Brown, Arthur, c. cor Pope and
Hancock ave. Carrier, Bruce, 724 Cobb. Dobbins, Edward S., 323 N. Jack-
son. Drake, C., c, cor Hancock & Pope. Elder, G. P., 1064 S. Lumpkin. Harris, .1. S., 656 N. Lumpkin. Hepd, W. B., 464 E. Dougherty. Jackson, A. T.. c, 144% E. Clayton. Jankower, Morris, 163 W. Hancock
ave. Poullain, H. C., So. Mut. Ins. bldg. Hale, E. T., off. 164% ri. Clayton. Rylie, E. L., 444 Meigs. Sanford, V. T., Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Shepherd, J. F., Hodgson-Shackel-
ford bldg. Terry, Chas. 363 E. Hancock ave. Williams, \V. A., 154% E. Clayton.

Athens Mutual Insurance Co., Dixon & Smith agts, 306 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg, phone 279.
Columbia Fire Imurance Co., Geo. T. Hodgson mgr., off. Sou. Mut. bldg.
Ginners' Mutual Insurance Co., M. M. Stephenson secy., 618 So. Mut. Ins. bldg.
Southern Mutual Insurance Co., Home offices, Billups Phinizy, pres.. So. Mut. Ins. bldg.
Brooks, Con way & Co., ( W. P. Brooks, A. T. Conway, M. M. Stephenson), fire insurance, 419420, So. Mut. Ins. bldg.
C. D. Campbell, 228% E. Clayton. DuBose, Robt. Toombs, 616 Sou.
Mut. Ins. bldg. Erwin & Co., 156 College ave. Jester, Carlton, 287 E. Broad. Phinizy, Barrett, Hodgson-Shackel-
ford bldg. Lipscomb & Co., 183% College ave. Mell, C. I., 595 S. Milledge.

INSURANCE < 'OMPAXIES Life. Bankers' Health & Life Ins. Co..
260% X. Jackson. Home's Friend, The, 154% E.
Clayton. Industrial Life and Health Ins. Co.,
204 Hodgson-Shackelford bldg. Jefferson Standard Life Ins. Co.,
413 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 159% E.
Clayton. Mutual Life & Ind. Ass'n. of Ga.,
Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Northwestern Mutual Life; So. Mut.
Ins. bldg. Security Mutual Life, So. Mut. Ins.
bldg. Pilgrim Health & Industrial Ins.
Co., c, off. cor Hancock & Pope. Union Mutual Ins. Co., c, off. 144%
E. Clayton.

IROX FEXV1XG & RAILINGS. Georgia Stone Co., W. R. Mathis,
mgr., 125% E. Clayton, phone 466.
JEWELERS. Athens Jewelry Co.. 561 E. Broad. Brandt, Rudolph. 223 E. Clayton. Dennard, J. M.. 561 E. Broad. Nolan, J. S., 247 X. Thomas. Scudder C. A., 216 E. Clayton.
JUXK DEALERS. Georgia Junk & Coal Co., 320 Foun-
LAUNDRIES, STEAM. Athens Empire Laundry, C. D. Heid-
ler, prop., 179 X. Lumpkin.



LAAVN FURNITURE. (Jeorgia Stone Co., W. R. Mathis,
mgr., 125^ E. Clayton, phone 466.
LIMK AND CEMEXT. Cooper. Jno. T., E. Broad, cor Ga.
Rwy. Dozier Lumber Co., 245 S. Jackson. Muggins, J. H. & Son, 350 E. Broad.
LIVE STCXTi DEALERS. Allgood, A. L.. 287 Madison ave. Betts. W. FranK, 549 College ave. Booth. Jno. X., 205 S. Thomas. Brooks, B. I., 336 Hoyt. Hawks, Sherman, 812 X. Lumpkin. Peeler, J. A., (cattle), 135 Peters. Weatherly & Co., Broad, nr Lump-
kin. Escoe, W. Y., E. Fulton.
LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES. Athens Transfer & Livery Co., 558
E. Clayton. Carlton, J. H., 348 S. Jackson. Cole, Robt. c, 343 Hull. Christian, Robt. A., 368 E. Wash-
ington. Escoe, W. Y., E. Fulton. Fears, E. P., 193 W. Clayton. Allgood, Frank, 148 W. Washing-
ton. Young. C. T., 292 E. Washington.

Eppes, B. T., 120 E. Washington. Sparks, H. B., . 133 W. Clayton,
phone 351.
LUMBER DEALERS. Cooper, Jno. T., E. Broad, cor Ga.
Rwy. Dozier Lumber Co., 245 S. Jackson. Lyndon Mfg. Co., Pulaski, nr S.A.L.
Rwy. Moss, R. L. Mfg. Co., Cleveland ave.
nr Sou. Rwy.
MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS. Athens Mattress & Spring Bed Co.,
off. & wks. Hoyt, cor N. Thomas. Bridges, Mary, Mrs. 479 E. Strong.
MKAT MARKETS. Athens Parlor Market, Young Bros.
mgrs., 101 E. Clayton. Bailey, C. F., 198 Elbert. Coleman, Oliver, 259 N. Thomas,
phone 65. Cooper, W. R., 223 E. Broad. Davis, Louis, c, 528 River. Dunston, J. F., 492 Prince ave. Foster, W. H., 881 College ave. Jackson & Katler, 585 E. Broad. Mize, M. C., cor Hull & Washing-
ton. Patman, J. H., 133 N. Jackson. Payne, Thos., 1292 W. Broad. Van Straaten, J., Y. M. C. A. bldg. "\Vinn, C. S., nr 223 Hiawassee ave.

IX)AN AGENTS. (See also bankers). Chandler. C. C., off. 125% E. Clayton. Clarke County Bldg. & Loan Co., off. 283% E. Broad. Dixie Loan Co., 251 E. Broad. Georgia Loan Co., Arthur Flatau, mgr.. 106 Hodgson-Shackelford bldg.
LOCKSMITHS. Briscoe & Son, 121% E. Clayton.

MILLINERS. Bradberry, Misses, 240 College ave. Davison-Nicholson Co., 283 E.
Clayton. Jvey, W. A., Mrs.. 129 College ave. Michael Bros., Clayton, cor Wall. Pioneer Millinery Co., c, 562 W.
MONUMENTS. Athens Marble Co., 147 Hoyt. Bell uros., 845 N. Lumpkin. Classic City Granite Wks., 298 Cem-



Georgia Stone Co., W. R. Mathis, mgr, 125^ E. Clayton, phone 466.
MUSIC DEALERS. Haselton, D. P., 185 College ave. Haughey, R. E., 185 College ave. Toomer, J. B., 459 E. Clayton. Wages Music Co., 157 College ave.

.Johnson, O. H., off. 614 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg.
Lawhead, W. B., 347 Pope. Scudder, C. A., 216 E. Clayton.
OIL COMPANIES. Gulf Refining Co., off. College ave.
nr S. A. L. depot. Standard Oil Co., off. Pulaski st.

NOTIONS & SMALL WARES. Boley, Sol. J., E. Broad. Davison-Nicholson Co., 183 E. Clay-
ton. Opting, H. O. & Co., racket store,
345 E. Broad. Joseph, Max (wholesale), 136 Wall. Michael Bros, Clayton, cor Wall. McClure's 1 Oc Store, 275 E. oiay-
ton. Von der Lieth, Rosa, Miss, 170 Col-
lege ave.
N URSES TRA INE I ). Dobbs, Annie Mrs., bds 471 N. Jack-
son. Elder, Flora Miss, res 1064 S.
Lumpkin. Glenn, Eula May Miss, St. Mary's
Hospital. Grier, Bertha Miss, St. Mary's Hos-
pital. Hale, Elizabeth Miss, St. Mary's
Hospital. Hale, R. L. Mrs., 120 Barrow. Hill, A. W. Miss, Lucy Cobb Ins. Kophn, Pauline Miss, 749 Prince. Powell, Bessie Miss, 155 Grady ave. Slaughter, E. Miss, 360 X. Milledge. Baldwin, Pearl, c, res 734 Chase.
NOVELTY COMPANY. Maxim Novelty Mfg. Co., 133
W. Clayton.
Brandt. Rudolph, 223 E. Clayton. Gallagher, F. B., 174 Hickory. Gantt, Mark W., 198 Barrow.

OSTEOPATHS. Walker, C. N., graduate American
school of Osteopathy, "under Dr. A. T. Still." off. 612 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. phone 563., res 390 N. Milledge ave., phone 209. Waters, W. G., off. 609 Sou. Mut. Ins bldg.
PAINTERS & PAINT DEALERS. Arnold, Jno. L.. (contractor and
dealer, 282 E. Clayton. Builders Supply Co., (dealers) 190
E. Clayton, phone 530. Kelley, A. E., 444 Meigs. Parr, M. H., Baxter. Potts, Jno. & Son, Meigs, cor Prince
PAWN IJROKERS. Smith, Herman, 130 Foundrv.
PHOTOGRAPHERS. Ball, Fred'k J. studio 164Vs> E.
Clayton. Buchanan, J. S.. studio 279^ E.
Broad. Clifton, A. V., studio. 128Vi> College
ave. Crisler, J. L., studio 251 * E.
PHYSICIANS. Benedict, S. C.. off. 228% E. Clay-
ton. Bloomfield. J. C., off. 2.14 M> E. Clay-
ton. Born, M. A., off. So. Mut. bldg. Canning. G. T., off. Sou. Mut. Ins.



Carlton, \V. A., off. Hodgson-Shackelford bldg.
Conway. \V. B., off. 18.~>% College ave.
Crowe, L. H., off. 251% K. Broad. Billard. S. H., off. Tuck bldg., E.
Clayton. DuPree, Dan'1 H.. off. Sou. Mut. Ins.
bldg. Elder, .1. H., off. 233% E. Broad. Fullilove, H. M., off. 210 Sou. Mut.
Ins. bldg. Goss, I. H., off. 227 College ave. Gresham, Geo. W., c, off. 317 Pope. Hamilton, W. T., off. 154% E. Clay-
ton. Harper. H. B., 763 Prince ave. Harris. W. H.. c, off. 144% E. Clay-
ton. Haynes, C. S., c, off. 537 W. Han-
cock ave. Holliday, A. C., off. 101% E. Clay-
ton. Johnson, O. H., (specialist), off. 614
Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. McKinney, .1. C., off. Hodgson-Shack-
elford bldg. Matthews, M. F., off. 220% E. Clay-
ton. Procter. .1. P., off. f>10 Sou. Mut. Ins.
bldg. Robertson, W. V., off. 208 Hodgson-
Shackelford bldg. Smith, S. S., off. Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Sorrell. R. P.. off. Shackelford-
Hodgson bldg. Thomas, D. A. X., off. 164% E.
Clayton. Thompson, B. B. S., c, off. and res.
Billups. Walker, C. X. (Osteopath), off. Sou.
Mut. Ins. bldg. Waters, W. G., (Osteopath), off.
Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg.
PLUMBERS. Bailey, D. W. & Jno. S.. 384 E.
Washington. Bondurant & Co.. 361 E. Clayton. Dornblatt Plumbing Co., 254 W.
Washington. Holbrook, Wm., c, 181 X. Thomas.

PRESSING CLUBS. Athens Steam Dye Wks, Miles John-
son, c, prop., 352 W. Broad. Colonial Pressing Club, 260% N.
Jackson. Franklin, R. F., c, 163 t,. Broad. Jones, Chas, c, Hoyt, nr College ave. Parks, Grant, c, nr 337 Reese. Pinkard, Amos, c, 195 Prince ave. Red & Black Pressing Club 184%
E. Clayton. Smith, Robert, c, 394 W. Broad. White Pressing Club, 201 N. Lump-
PRINTERS HOOK & JOB. Banner Job Office, T. H. Atkinson,
prop., 149 W. Lumpkin. Clarke County Courier, .1. E. Gard-
ner, prop., 151 E. Broad. McGregor Co., 264 E. Claytou. Stone, E. D., Press, 137 X. Lumpkin. Young, J. J., 320 Foundry.
PRIVATE BANKERS. Dixie Loan Co., 2lb E. Broad. Georgia Loan Co., Arthur Flatau,
mgr., 106 Hodgson-Shackelford
PRODUCE. Athens Fruit Company (wholesale),
121 E. Clayton. C. A. Rowland (wnolesale), Ware,
cor Sou. Rwy.
RAILROAD COMPANIES. Central of Ga. Rwy., comm'l office,
184 College ave., pass & freight depot, Thomas, cor Mitchell. Gainesville Midland Rwy, comm'l off. Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg., pass depot same S. A. L., Rwy., frt. depot same Athens Terminal Co. Georgia Railroad, pass and frt depot E. Broad cor Ga. Rwy. Seaboard Air Line Rwy., comm'l off. 228 E. Clayton, pass, depot College ave. cor Ware., frt. depot same Athens Terminal Co.



Southern Railway, comm'l off. 706 Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg., phone 81, J. W. Webb, comm'l agt., pass oc frt. depot cor Hull & Hoyt.
American Land Co., 411 Sou. Mut. Ins bldg.
Anderson, Jno. T., 225 College ave. Caniak, Louis, 151% E. Clayton. Campbell, C. D., 228% E. Claytom Crane, J. R. & Co., 268 E. Clayton. UuBose, Robt. Toombs, 616 Sou.
Mut. Ins. bldg. Erwin & Co., 156 College ave. Hinton, Hugh P., Sou. Mut. Ins.
bldg. Jordan, W. C., Sou. Mut. Ins. bldg. Mallory, W. A., 228 E. Clayton.

Toomer, J. B., 459 E. Clayton. Wages Music Co., 157 College ave.
Boyd, Wm. H., 437 N. Pope. Derricotte, I. T. & Son., 124 E.
Clayton. Hector, Sherman, c, Hull. Hopson. Wm. P.. c. below 146 E.
Clayton. Horton, Wm. Henry, c, 1337 W.
Hancock ave. Horton, J. W., 163 E. Broad. Hudson, Tob, c, 550 River. James, Lonnie ,c, 394 W. Broad. Johnson. Jesse, c, 185 W. Washing-
ton. Lee, Ed, c. Prince ave. Martin Bros., 455 E. Clayton.

American Cafe, 122 S. Jackson. Billups, Hurrell, c, 337 Hull. Brown, Albert, c, cor Pope & Han-
cock ave. Brown, Wm., c, 725 E. Broad. Burch, Sarah, c, 142 Hoyt. City Restaurant, 163 X. Jackson. Goolsby, Lucy, c, 142 N. Jackson. Hudson, Chas., c, cor Broad & Fin-
ley. Hutson, Charlie, c, 625 E. Broad. Manhattan Cafe, College ave. Planters Restaurant, 162 N. Thomas. Quinn, Amanda, c, cor Church and
Broad. Sheats, Will, c, W. Broad. bniith, Ella, c, cor Atlanta & Savan-
nah ave. Tiller, W. M., c, 524 River. V. D. L. Restaurant, 175 E. Clayton.
Athens Cycle Co., T. P. Griffeth and A. A. Jordan, mgrs., 264 N. Lumpkin.
Singer Sewing Machine Co., 147 College ave.

SHOES. Boley. Sol. J., 409 E. Broad. Davison-Nicholson Co., 259 E. Clay-
ton. Johnson Shoe Co., 433 E. Broad. Lanier Footwear Co., 229 E. Broad. Martin Bros. 455 E. Clayton. Smith, E. I. Shoe Co., 258 E. Clay-
ton. Stern, Chas. Co., 233 E. Clayton.
SIGN MAKERS. Arnold, Jno. L., 282 E. Clayton. Trussell, Jesse GM 170% N. Thomas.
electric, metal, glass, wood, cloth, and waterproof paper signs.
STATUARY. Georgia Stone Co., W. R. Mathis,
nigr., 12.">% R. Clayton, phone 466.
STATIONERS. McGregor Co., 321 E. Clayton. Wootten, T. B., 278 K. Clayton.
TAILORS MERCHANT. Athens Tailoring Co., 260% N.



Morse & Keenen, 170% E. Clay ton. Stern. Chas. & Co., 233 E. Clayton.
Colonial Theater, Washington, near Jackson.
Crystal Theater, (motion pictures), 187 N. Lumpkin.
Elite Theater. (motion i>ictures), 154 E. Clayton.
Favorite Theater (motin Pictures), 142 College ave.
TAILORS. Minder, Josepn, E. Washington. Jefferson, R. H. c, 123% N? Jackson.
TIXXERS. Bailey, D. W. & J. S.. 3S4 E. Washing
ton. Childers, Wiley, 354 E. Washington. Caldwell, J. E., 136 Foundry. Richards, Alle, 459% E. Clayton. Tiller. William. <. 524 River.
TOMBSTONES. Athens Marble Co., 147 Hoyt. Bell Bros., 845 S. Lumpkin. Classic City Granite Wks., 298 Cem-
etery. Georgia Stone Co., W. R. Mathis,
mgr., off. 125% E. Clayton, phone 466.
Athens Transfer & Livery Co., 558 E. Clayton. phone 661.

Adams Transfer Co., phone 303. Bailey, S. W., 1020 Water. Bell, C. M., 820 E. Broad. Booth, Geo. M., 455 Meigs. City Transfer Co.. Georgian Hotel. Cole, Robt., c, 343 Hull. Davis Cab Line, r, 169 Newton,
phone 541. Fitzpatrick, A. J., 1323 E. Broad. Fitzpatrick, Silas, 420 River. Frierson, Woodie, 1448 rliver.
Bernstein, J. S., 432 E. Broad. Dorsey & Funkenstein, 41 4 E. Clay-
ton. Murden, A. H., c, 124% E. Clayton.
Garebold, J. A., 197 W. Washington. Holcombe, R. E., cor Newton and
Prince ave. Thomas, G. W., W. Washington.
VEHICLES. Griffeth Implement Co., 456-464 E.
Broad. Sledge, E. D., 132-138 N. Thomas. Talmage, A. H., 240-252 N. Lump-
kin. Klein & Martin, Mitchell, nr C. of
Ga. Rwy.
VETERINARY. Jago, T. E., 431 N. Thomas.

Adams--West from Milledge ave, 4th South of Springdale. Angle--North from Elberton to Arch and East of Dublin. Arch--Southeast from Poplar to city limits, northeast of East
Broad. Athens Ave.--West of Sou. Rwy. to Barber, second north of
Cleveland ave. Atlanta Ave. -- West from Sou. Rwy. to Barber, first, north of
Cleveland ave. Augusta Ave.-- North from 320 Cleveland ave. 3rd East of
Barber. Bacon-- East from College ave to Oconee River, 9th north of
Broad. Bailey--Southwest from 1432 Oconee to city limits. linker. --North from 200 Vine 1st east or Peter. Baldwin--East from S. Lumpkin to Oconee river, south of
Broad. Barber. --North from Prince ave, west of Pulaski. Barrett--Northeast from Oconee river to limits, northwest of
Ninth. Baxter--West from S. Lumpkin to Rock Spring, 4th south of
Broad. Barrow--Pulaski west to Barber. Berlin--Northwest from 4th to Madison ave. Berry-- North from 555 Strong to Bridge. Billups-- North from W Broad, 3rd W. of Milledge ave numbers. Bird--North from Augusta ave. Bloomfield--South from Baxter to S. Lumpkin, 1st east of Mil-
ledge ave. Boulevard--West from Baxter to city limits 1st east of Prince
ave. Branch--North from 225 Elberton, 1st east of Oak numbers. Bridge-- Northeast from 684 Foundry to River. Brittain --Northeast from Scott to Carlton, 1st southeast of
S. Lumpkin. Broud--East and west from Lumpkin to city limits, dividing
line of streets north and south. Brooklyn--Suburb in west end at end of west Broad. Burnett Ave.--East from Fairview ave to Carlton, 2nd north
of Hampton.



Itryan.--West from Chase, 3rd north of Boulevard. <"air West from 1095 Oconee. Carlton--Southeast from S. Lumpkin, east of Green. Castalia--South of Springdale. Cedar--East from S. Lumpkin, 4th south of Baldwin. Cemetery--South from Baldwin, 2nd east of S. Lumpkin. Chase-- North and south from W. Broad, 1st west of Milledge. Chattooga Ave. --West from Chase, 2nd north of Boulevard. Cherokee--West from Barber north of S. A. L. Rwy. Cherry--West from Lyndon ave, north of Prince ave. China--Southwest from E. Oconee. Childs--Prince ave. to Barrow. Church--North and South from W. Broad, 6th west of Lumpkin. Clarke County Square--Cor. Prince ave and Hill., court house. Clayton--East and West from N. Lumpkin, 1st north of Broad. Cleveland Ave. --West from College ave. to Barber, north of
S. A. L. Rwy. Cloverhurst Ave.--West from S. Milledge ave to Carlton ave.,
1st South of Springdale. Cohh--West from Prince ave., 5th north of Broad. Cohen--West from 325 Lyndon ave. College Ave. -- North from E. Broad, 1st east of Clayton. Craw ford Ave.--Southeast from Cleveland ave. Compress--east from Ga. Rwy to River. Hearing--West from S. Finley to Rock Spring, 1st south of
Broad. IKrfcy--North and south from 1495 E Broad, 2nd east of Peters. Ik>boy--South from 198 Baldwin, 1st E of S. Lumpkin. Ifciuuherty -- East and west from north Lumpkin, 4th north of
Dublin--Northeast from E Broad, east of Derby.
Jhjliose Ave.-- North from 143 Grady. Kighth--North from Stonewall ave. 3rd west of River. KIberton --Northeast from E Oconee to Arch. Kleventh -- Northeast from Russell ave, 2nd north of Barrett. Elizabeth--East from S. A. L. Rwy. south of College ave. Klwood Ave. --East from Ga. Rwy. north. Fairview--Southeast from 392 Peters to Dublin, 3rd northeast
of Broad. Fairview Ave. -- Southeast from S. Lumpkin, 3rd S. of Carlton. Field --South from 198 Cedar, to Green, 1st east of Lumpkin. Fifth--East from 694 Water, 1st south of Madison ave. Finley--North and south from west Broad, 4th west of Lumpkin. First--Northeast from Water to Fourth, 6th south of Madison
ave. Flint--North from 146 Third to Fourth, 1st east of Water. Foundry-- North and south from E Broad, 5th east of Lumpkin. Fourth--East from Water, 2nd of Madison ave. Fowler Ave.--Southeast from Lumpkin, 1st south of Carlton. Franklin -- North from Reese to Prince ave, 1st west of Milledge.



Fulton--East from S Jackson to S Thomas, 2nd south of Broad.
Savannah ave. Ga. Depot St.--Southeast from Peters, north of Oconee. Ga. R. R. St.--Northeast from Ga. Depot St. east of Peters. Grace--east from College ave to Oconee river, 10th north of
Broad. Grady Ave.--North from Prince ave to Boulevard, 1st west of
Barber. Green--East from 1087 south Lumpkin, 5th south of Baldwin. Griffith-- North from 3rd to Odd, 3rd ease from Flint. Grove--South from Oconee to Bailey. Hahersham-- West from S .vlilledge ave, 3rd south of Springdale. Hall--East from 297 Bloomfield. Hampton Ave. -- East form ^vlil ledge ave. south of Lumpkin. Hancock Ave.--East and west from N Lumpkin, 3rd north of
Broad. Harper--Southwest from Herring to Branch east of Peter. Harris-- North and south from W Broad, 7th west of Lumpkin. Hendricks Ave.--South from Cleveland ave., 1st west of Sou. Ry. Herring--North from 225 Derby. Hiawassee Ave.--North from Prince, 2nd west of Chase. Hickory--North from E Broad, 6th east of Lumpkin. Hill--West from Prince ave, near junct. of Pope, 4th north of
Broad. Hoyt--East from College ave. to River, 7th north of Broad. Hughes Ave.-- North from Barrett, 1st east of Russell. Hull --North and south from W Broad, 1st west of Lumpkin. Henderson Ave.--West from S Church to S Milledge ave, 3rd
of Broad. Inadale--West from 423 north Billups. Jackson--North and south from E Broad, 2nd east of Lumpkin. Johns--South from 427 Odd to 3rd 2nd east of Flint. Jonas Ave.--West from opp. 345 Barrett. Lenior--West from N Chase to Hiawassee ave, 1st south of
Boulevard. Long Ave.---West from Madison ave., 2nd north from Stonewall
ave. Lumpkin--North and south from Broad, dividing line streets
east and west. Lyndon Row-- East from S Finley to Church, south of Peabody. Macon Ave.--North from 467 Atlanta ave., 4th east of Barber. Madison Ave.-- East Athens, Strickland to city limits. Magazine--East from 393 S Jackson to S Thomas, 3rd south of
Broad. Mealor--Southwest from E Broad to Herring, 1st southeast of
Peter. Meigs--West from Prince ave nr jet of Newton, 3rd north of
Broad. Milledge Ave.--North and south from W Broad, 8th west of
Lumpkin. Miller--North and south from 1390 W Broad, 4th west of Mil-
ledge ave.



Mitchell--Southeast from S Thomas to Williams. Morton Ave.--East from Fairview to White, 1st north of Hamp
ton ave. Mulberry--South from E Broad, 1st west of Poplar. Miles--West from Chase. Xacoochee Ave.--Prince to Chattooga ave, 1st north of Boulevard. Narrow --East from 597 S Lumpkin, 1st south of Baldwin. Nellie B Ave. --East from Vine to City limits. Newton--North from W Broad, 3rd west of Lumpkin. Ninth-- North from Stonewall ave., 4th west of Madison. Oak--East from Poplar, 2nd north of Oconee. Oconee--Southeast from intersection of Broad and Thomas to
city limits. Odd--East from 5 N Water, 3rd south of River. O'Farrell-- North from Hampton ave., 3rd east of Milledge ave. Olivia--West from S Milledge ave., 2nd south of Springdale. Oneta--West from Barber. Park Ave.--North from Prince ave, 3rd west of Chase. Paris--North and south from 1500 W Broad, 5th west of Mil-
ledge ave. Peabody--West from 440 S Finley to Milledge ave, 1st south
of Baxter. Pearl--South from 385 Odd, 1st east of Flint. Peter--Northeast from Oconee, 1st east of Poplar. Pine--South from E Broad, east of Oconee river. Pope--North and South from W Broad, 5th west of Lumpkin. Poplar--Northeast from Oconee to Arch, 1st west of Peter. Pot err--East from S Willow to Oconee river, south of Broad. Pulaski --North from W Broad, 2nd west of LumpKin. Kail Road--Northeast from Fifth. Reese--West from Pulaski, 1st north of Broad. River-- East from College ave to Oconee river. Rock Row--East from First, 1st north of E Broad. Rock Spring-- North and south from W Broad, 3rd west of Mil-
ledge ave. Russell Ave. -- North from Barrett, east of Oconee river. Rutherford-- Northwest from S Lumpkin to Milledge ave, south
east of Bloomfield. Sapelo--East from 799 S Lumpkin, 2nd south of Baldwin. Savannah Ave.--North from 398 Cleveland, 2nd east of Barber. Scott--Southeast from S Lumpkin, 2nd south of Carlton. Second--Southeast from Water 5th south of Madison ave. Seminole Ave.--North from Boulevard, 1st west of Barber. Seventh--North from Stonewall ave., 2nd west of River. Simon --Southwest from 1596 E Broad to Branch, 3rd southeast
of Peter. Sixth--North from Stonewall ave, 1st west of Madison ave. South--East from S Jackson to S Thomas, 1st south of Broad. Spring--South from E Broad to Fulton, 1st east of Jackson. Springdale--West from Bloomfield to city limits, 2nd south of



State--North from 293 Hoyt to S. A. L. Rwy. Stephens--North from Atlanta ave., 1st east of Barber. Stonewall Ave.--West from Madison ave. E. Athens. Strickland--Northeast from 893 Water to Fourth. Strong--East and west from N Lumpkin, 5th north of Broad. Summey--East from 897 S Lumpkin, 3rd south of Baldwin. Tabernacle--Northeast from 498 Oak to Branch. Tenth--Northeast from Russell ave., 1st north of Barrett. Third-- East from Water, 4th south of Madison ave. Thirteenth--East from Russell ave, 4th north of Barrett. Thomas--North and south from E Broad, 4th east of Clayton. Tibbetts--East from 697 Pulaski, west from Pulaski, north of Trail Creek--East from 350, First to city limits. Trilby--East from 995 Oconee. Twelfth--Northeast from Russell ave., 3rd north of Barrett. The Plaza.--Hill to city limits. Valley--South from W Broad, 1st west of S Hull. Vine--Southeast from Peters to Dublin, 2nd northeast of E.
Broad. Waddell--West from S Hull to Rock Spring, 2nd south of Broad. Wall--North from E Broad to E Clayton, 1st east of N Jackson. Ware--East from N Lumpkin to Oconee river, 8th north of
Broad. Warren--North from Vine to Fairview, 2nd east of Peters. Warsaw--West from 681 N Lumpkin to Hull, 6th north of
Broad. Washington--East and west fromN Lumpkin, 2nd north of Broad. Water--North from E Broad to Strickland, east of Oconee river. Water Oak--West from 428 First to Griffith. White--North from Hampton ave., 5th east of Milledge ave. White Ave.--West from S Lumpkin to S Hull, 1st south of
Broad. Wilkerson--South from 1940 E Broad, 8th east of Clayton. Williams--Northeast from Baldwin to Oconee, northwest of
Oconee river. Willow--North and south from 840 E Broad, 7th east of Lump-
kin. Woods Ave.--West from Madison ave., north of Stonewall. Wray--West from S Lumpkin to S Hull, 2nd south of Broad. Wrynburn Place--North from Boulevard to S. A. L. Rwy, 3rd
west of Barber.

Artistic Job Printing
HILDREN are taught to tell nothing but the truth. This is acknowleged to be good ethics for the adult; but to good
business methods, truth-telling is an absolute necessity. There is but one way to insure truth-telling throughout business transactions and that is to make your goods so thoroughly good that there shall be no temptation to any one who handles them to tell anything but the truth concerning them.
Banner Job Printing Office
T. H. ATKINSON, Proprietor.
